Agenda 02/27/2018 Item #16C 502/27/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve and execute the documents necessary to convey an easement and an Underground Distribution Facilities Installation Agreement to Florida Power & Light Company, in the total amount of $27,645.60 for new services at the NE Recycling Drop-off Center. ____________________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE: To obtain power for the NE Recycling Drop -off Center and other future uses at the NE Facilities located on Collier County Water-Sewer District property. CONSIDERATIONS: On December 13, 2016, the Board approved the award of a construction contract to Wright Construction Group in the amount of $7,300,141 under Agenda Item 11D. Within the scope of work, the contractor will install the underground electric conduit serving the future NE Recycling Drop- off Center but Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) requires conveyance of an easement and entry into the Underground Distribution Facilities Installation Agreement and supplemental documents for its installation of the distribution lines within the conduit, the installation of the transformer, and any appurtenant equipment, all attached hereto. Board approval of the required agreements between Collier County and FPL is required for FPL to complete the installations. The easement area measures a total of approximately .45 acres, more or less, and is shown and described on Exhibit “A” to that Underground Easement. The County will not be compensated because the Easement is a requirement for FPL to provide the facilities necessary for the new connection. A location map is attached for reference. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost for recording the Underground Easement document will not exceed $40. The Underground Distribution Facilities installation will be completed at a total cost of $27,645.60. This amount is within the project budget identified for these items, and funds are available in Solid Waste Fund 474 under Project 59009. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for Board approval. -- JAB GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan by the conveyance of this easement. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves the Easement, authorizes the Chair to execute the aforementioned documents, and directs the County Manager or his designee to proceed to follow all appropriate closing procedures and record the documents in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Prepared by: C. Perry Peeples, Property Acquisition Specialist; Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. FPL Easement (PDF) 2. Location Map NRDC (PDF) 3. FPL Installation Agreement1 (PDF) 16.C.5 Packet Pg. 844 02/27/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.5 Doc ID: 4757 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve and execute the documents necessary to convey an easement and an Underground Distribution Facilities Installation Agreement to Florida Power & Light Company, in the total amount of $27,645.60 for new services at the NE Recycling Drop-off Center. Meeting Date: 02/27/2018 Prepared by: Title: Manager - Property Acquisition & Const M – Facilities Management Name: Toni Mott 02/02/2018 5:10 PM Submitted by: Title: Division Director - Facilities Mgmt – Facilities Management Name: Dennis Linguidi 02/02/2018 5:10 PM Approved By: Review: Facilities Management Dennis Linguidi Additional Reviewer Completed 02/02/2018 6:44 PM Public Utilities Operations Support Joseph Bellone Additional Reviewer Completed 02/05/2018 8:01 AM Solid and Hazardous Waste Dilia Camacho Additional Reviewer Completed 02/05/2018 10:11 AM Solid and Hazardous Waste Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 02/05/2018 5:39 PM Solid and Hazardous Waste Dayne Atkinson Additional Reviewer Completed 02/07/2018 5:36 PM Public Utilities Department Heather Bustos Additional Reviewer Completed 02/12/2018 10:05 AM Public Utilities Department Heather Bustos Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 02/12/2018 10:05 AM Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 02/12/2018 1:11 PM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 02/12/2018 2:37 PM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 02/12/2018 4:01 PM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 02/16/2018 4:17 PM County Attorney's Office Scott Teach Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 02/19/2018 12:49 PM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 02/19/2018 1:39 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 02/27/2018 9:00 AM 16.C.5 Packet Pg. 845 UNDERGROUND EASEMENT (BUSTNESS) The undersigned, in considerotion of the poymen't of $1.00 ond other good ond voluoble considerolion, lhe odequocy ond receipl of which is hereby ocknowledged, gront ond give to Florido Power & Light Compony, ils licensees, ogenls, successors, ond ossigns ("FpL"), o non-exclusive eosement forever for the conslruction, operolion ond mointenonce of underground electric ulility focilities {including cobles, conduits, oppurtenont equipmenl ond oppurtenont obove ground equipment) lo be instolled from lime to lime; with the right to reconstrucl, improye, odd to, enlorge, chonge the voltoge, os well os, lhe size of ond remove such focililies or ony of them within on eosement described os follows: See Exhlblt "A" ("Eosemenl Areo") Together wilh the right lo permit FPL to otloch wires to ony focilities hereunder ond loy coble ond conduit within the eosement ond lo operole the some for FPL'S communicolions purposes; lhe right of ingress ond egress to the Eosement Areo ot oll times; lhe right to cleor lhe lond ond keep it cleored of oll trees, undergrowth ond other obstructions within the Eosement Areo; the rjght to lrim ond cul ond keep trimmed ond cut oll deod, weok, leoning or dongerous lrees or limbs oulside of the Eosement Areo which might interfere wilh or foll upon the lines or systems of communicotions or power lronsmission or distribulion; ond further gronts, lo the fullest extent the undersigned hos lhe power lo gront, if of oll, the rights hereinobove gronied on the Eosement Areo heretofore described, over, olong, under ond ocross the roods, streels or highwoys odjoining or through soid Eosement Areo. IN WITNESS WH Work Requesl No. 5618445 Sec. 13, Twp 48S, Rge 27E Porcel t.D.: 00209961005 (Mointoined by Counly Approiser) Attest: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk By Print: Deputy Clerk Approyed os lo form ond legolity Nome: Anno Smilh Brodley Co. Nome: FP&L Co. Address: 1220 51h Ave. N. Noples, Florido 34102 Boord of County Commissioners Collier County, Florido By: EREOF, lhe undersigned hos signed ond seoled lhis instrument on lhis _ doy of 20r8. ANDY SOLIS, Choirmon 3335 Tomiomi Troil Eost. Suile t0l Noples, Florido 341 l2 .yJennif er A. Belpedio, Assistont County Afiomey e, CL Prepored By: @ 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 846 Attachment: FPL Easement (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) t CH INE SH J .JNll t I^"..ND (NO RECORDING FOUND IN PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLTER COUNTY) r00 (NTENDED DTSPLAY sca].E: r -=100 ) POSEO FL & PARCEL No. 00209961005 COLLIER COUNTY (oRB 3J28, PG 2428) LiGHT fPARCEL No. 0020984000J COLL ER COUNTY (oR8 1439, PG 925) PROPOSED NE RECYCLING DROP-OFF CENTERsffi+R=488.01' A=88"26'32' CB=N43"48'12"E C=680.70'B.L=753 R=498.01' A=89'37's3" CB=S44'23'52"W c--702.02' L=779.06' "I E 10. N8934'41"t 5.20' N00'25't9"W 5.05' E ?. 6 t : - P.0.c. NORIHTAST CORNIR OF IRACI .8., WAIERWAYS OF NAPLES, UNIT SEWN (P8 36, PG 72) J PARCEL No. E1216080040 WATERWAYS OF NAPLES HOMEOW.IERS ASSOCTAnON rNC (oRB 3976, PG 605) -$ =oE s -r.lfE'9Al.;t-aNSr.,ee<d :< r-!o (/) \r PARCEL No. 00209961005 COLL ER COUNTY (oR8 J328, PG 2428) LINE TABLE L NE BEARING DISTANCE LT N 00'04'07" w 77.98' L2 LJ N00'25'04"W J87.85' L4 387.85' TRAC] "8" WATERWAYS OF NAPLES UN T SEVEN (PB J6, PG 72) IHEREEY CERTIF/, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEOGE AND BELIEF. THAT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND ATTACHED SKETCH WERE PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IHE APPLICAELE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 5J_17,05, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT,O CHAPTER 472, FLORIDA STATUTES, NOTES: l BEARINGS SHOW! HEREON ARE PROJECTEO ONTO THE FLORIDA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, EAST ZONE AND EASED ON THE EAST LINE OF TRACT "8", PLAT OF WATERWAYS OF NAPLES, WIEREIN SAID EAST LINE BEARS s.00'25'19"E. THIS SKETCH DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION AS TO ZONING OR DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS ON THE SUBJECT PARCEL. PARCEL CoNTATNS 19,716 SoUARE FErr (0.45 ACRES) MoRE 0R LESS. P.0.C. = POINT 0F C0MMENCEMENT P.0.8. = POINT 0F BEGINNING ORB = OFFICIAL RECORDS B00X PB = PLAT BOOK PC = PAGE NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEETS 1 THROUGH 5 OF f,. 2 BARRY E. SYREN (FOR THE FIRM 1.8.642) PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 5365 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 NOT VALID WTHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISEO SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVE/OR AND MAPPER, X P.0 N89" I!I JOHNSQN ENGINEERING JOHNSON ENG NEERING, INC 2350 STANFORO COURT IIAPLES, FLOR DA 541 12 PHoNE: (2f,9) a54-0535 FAx: (239) 3J4-5551 E.A. 1642 &. L.A. 1642 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DATE 12-12-17 IPROJECI NO lro,orroo-,,, FILE NO, 13-48-21 l* SCAt-E 1'=100' EET 10F3 l soo'04'07"E 67.7s' s00'25'04"E DATE SIGNEO: 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 847 Attachment: FPL Easement (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) PARCEL No. 00209961005 COLLIER COUNTY (oR8 5J28, PC 2428) PROPOSED NE RECYCLING OROP_OFF CENTER 17 ",1 ol N '22'41"E 73.63', !uo !oF.Noo7 FLORIO &R=R=264.00' A=10'59'19" CB=S5'04'3s'W C=50.55' L=50.63' o)sF*Nooa LIGHT ANY E 1 A=9" N4" t7 L L5 E a E i a 1 8 8 6 1 a^ az'- !-{6X EP ==n,lP@o'q ll PARCET BOUNDARY (No REcoRorNG FoUND IN PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY) a TCH NES N LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L5 N90'OO'00"W soo'oo'00"E 20.00' 3 4.6 5' EXIflT Avnzt 2-.. ol3- { .NOT VALID WITHoUT SHEETS 1 THROUGH J OF 3 (II.fiENOED DISPLcY SCALE: ]=r00') 9r fi '31' 1 JOHNSQN JOHNSON ENC NEERING, INC 2550 STANFORD COURT NAPLES, FLORIOA 34112 PHoNE: (239) 454-0313 FPx: (259) 35a-3661 E.A. 1642 &. L.B. #642 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION SECTION 13, TO\A/NSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA OAIE 12-12-17 lro,orroo-,,, FILE NO, 13- 4A-27 SCALE 1'=1OO'r EET 20F3 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lfl 44.AO' L6 L7 Ngo'Oo',OO"E f I I ENGINEERING 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 848 Attachment: FPL Easement (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) DESCR PTION A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA A TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 13, TOW\SHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT "B", WATERWAYS OF NAPLES UNIT 7, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, PAGE 72, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THENCE N,OO'25,19,,W, ALONG THE NORTH PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT ''B'', A DISTANCE OF 5.05 FEET; THENCE N.89'34'41"E. DEPARTING SAtD NORTH PROLONGATTON, A DISTANCE OF 5.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. FROM SAID POINT 0F BEGINNING, THENCE N.89'55'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE S.OO'04'07''E., A DISTANCE OF 67.75 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON_TANGENTIAL CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 488.01 FEET (CHORD BEARTNG N.45'48'12"E.) (CHORD 680.70 FEET) (DELTA 88'26'32") FOR A DTSTANCE OF 753.29 FEET TO THE PoINT 0F TANGENCY OF SAID CURVE; THENCE N.00'25'04"w., A DISTANCE 0F J87.85 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE ALONG SA|D CURVE T0 THE RrGHT HAVTNG A RADTUS OF 274.OO FEET (CHORD BEARING N.O4'24',26"E.) (CHORD 46.09 FEET) (DELTA 09'59'01") FOR A DISTANCE OF 46.15 FEET; THENCE N.54'22'+1"w., A DTSTANCE OF 65.59 FEET: THENCE N.76'51'30"W., A DISTANCE OF 116.89 FEET; THENCE 5.8516'14"W., A DISTANCE OF 103.25 FEET; THENCE S.84'50'29"W., A DISTANCE OF 171.25 FEET: THENCE S.00'27'49"w., A DISTANCE OF 134.42 FEET; THENCE N.90'00'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 54.65 FEET; THENCE S.00'00'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE N9O'OO'OO"W., A DISTANCE OF 44.80 FEET; THENCE N00'27'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 16J.56 FEET; THENCE N84'50'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 181.06 FEET; THENCE N.85'16'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 104.18 FEET; THENCE S.76'31'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 120.45 FEET; THENCE 5.54'22'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 73.63 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENTIAL CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE LEF] HAVING A RADTUS OF 264.00 FEET (CHORD BEARTNG S.05'04',35"W.) (CHORD 50.55 FEET) (DELTA 10.59',19") FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.63 FEET; THENCE S.00'25'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 587.85 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADTUS OF 498.01 FEET (CHORD BEARTNG 5.4+',23'52"W.) (CHORD 702.02 FEET) (DELTA 89'57'53") FOR A DISTANCE OF 779.06 FEET; THENCE N.00'04'07"w., A DTSTANCE OF 77.98 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 19,716 SQUARE FEET OR 0.45 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE PROJECTED ONTO THE FLORIDA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, EAST ZONE AND EASED ON THE EAST LINE OF TRACT ''8", PLAT OF WATERWAYS OF NAPLES, WHEREIN SAID EAST LINE BEARS S.OO'25'19"E. E = a -i 6 1 rNoT vALtD wtTHour sHEErs I THRoucH J oF J EXI{HT ,A Ptg. a ..f..-1- ENGINEERING JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC 2350 STANFORD COURT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 PHONE: (2J9) 434-05JJ FAx: (2J9) J34-3661 E.B. {642 k t.B. 11642 JOHNSQN DESCRIPTION SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA OATE 12-t2-17 PROJECT NO, 2014970A-117 FILE NO, 13-44-27 rT;SCALE 16.C.5.a Packet Pg. 849 Attachment: FPL Easement (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) LOCATION MAP - NERDC Fairground s NERDC Future BCIRP and NE Utility Facilities 16.C.5.b Packet Pg. 850 Attachment: Location Map NRDC (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 851 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 852 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 853 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 854 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 855 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 856 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 857 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 858 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 859 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.) 16.C.5.c Packet Pg. 860 Attachment: FPL Installation Agreement1 (4757 : NE Recycling Drop-off Center FPL Esmt.)