Agenda 02/04/1997 R COLLIER COUNTY ~QARD OF COUNTY COMMIS$ION~RS AGENDA Tuesday, February 4, 1997 9:00 a.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPF. AK ON ~ AGENDA IT~M MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS W~ICH ARE NOT ON TRIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING W/TH EXPLA~'ATION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ~fEETING AND WILL BE BEARD UNDER mpUBLIC PETITIONS'. AB%' PERSON WWO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF T~I8 BOARD WILL ~ED A RECORD OF T~E PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY N~ED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF TEE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, W~IC~ RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON W]{IC~ THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINIrrES UNLESS PER.MISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS G~ANTED BY T"HE CH~IRF. AN. ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN 7'HE COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS' OFFICE LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 P.M. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGI~%'CE 3. APPROVAL OF AGf'h~% AND CONSENT AG~A %. aPPROVAL OF M~N~ITE~ Jan::ary 14, 1997 - Regular meeting. 5. ~OCLAMATiCNS A~ SERVICE AWARDS A. proclamations Prcclamatlon proclaiming February 2-8, 1997 as Ve:erans Transpo:ta:~on System Week. To be accepted by Mary Chenery, Chairman of Collier County Veterans Council and Richar~ O'Hartley, Transportation Ccordlnator. B. Service Awards Vinos D, Dcerr - Ochcpee Fire Control - 20 years Mark Burzchi -Rcad and Bridge - i0 years James M. ~ngers - Treatment 951 WTp - lO years C. Presentations Joe! Whittenha!l, Treasurer of Collier County Loan Cc~scr~ium, reporting the progress between the Loan Consort~u~ and the Collier County Extension Service in asslstlng low income families to secure home loan mortgages. 6. APPROVAL OF CLERK'S ~PQRT A. ANALYSIS OF CH3~NGES TO RESERV.-~S FOR CONTINGENCIES February 4,1997 General Fund (001) 2. Community Development Fund (113) 3. Facilities Construction Fund (301) 7. PUBL~ P~TITIONS (Al Doris D. Currie regarding Riviera Golf Estate~ - Req~uest for waiver of per, it fee. 8. ~OU~ MANAGER'S ~EpQRT A. COM~',~¢ITY DE'~ELOPME~'T & Z"NVIROb'PiE.%-~AL SERVIC£~ A Resolution by the Board of County Commissicners of Collier County, Florida, pursuant to Section cf the Collier County Land Development Code affecting Ordinance 89-95 also know~ as Breezewood PUD repealing Resolution 96-516 and re~iring the sukmittal of a PL~ amendment, and providing an effective date. {2 Staff review and recommendation relative to Ordinance 89-07, as amended, also know?, as The Stiies which, according tc the re~aired Pb~ Status Repor~ submitted by the property owner/agent, has not commenced construction as defined in Section ~.7.3.4 cf the Ccilier County Land Development Code, resultin~ in several pcssib!e courses of action for the Board of County Commissioners tc cons!der. Recc~rendatlon to apDrcve £xcavaticn Pe:-~-it 59.591, J~m Weeks Catfish Farm, located in Sec. 26, T47S, R2?E, generally bounded on the north, east, south, and west by land zoned agricu!tural/mchlle hone ~verlay. Rercnnendaticn that the Board of County Ccrnls$icners direct staff cn correctlve measures tc rer.~'.'e ha2ardcus conditions In the lake area knc~T, as Ayala Lake In Sec 4, T47, R29. (Continued from the meeting cf '/21/97) B. PL~LiC WORKS (1) Report cf Transpcrtaticn 2e~artr, ent 2:rertcr's den:al cf request by Pelican Bay Market Plaze for rets'.'al cf medlan controls on Vandertilt Beach Road for the immediate ins' ~' _a..a .... ~ a ,~.c slgnal cn Vanderbllt Beach Road. (Ccntinuel Recc:-nendaticn for FY 9~/97 a!iosatlcn of funds ts ~erfcrn !andsca~e deslgn for US 41 (£ast Ta-~a-i Trail] and esuablish the scope cf wurk and ;has~n~ t~ be Phase "A" {SR 84 to CR 311 and Phase "B" (OR 31 ~c cr 8~4). c. pV~.L;c $~RvlcE__S D. SuPPoRT ~ERVICES E. CC, L~Y PLk~%'AGER {i i:sruss~c:', and AnDrc..'al cf F':'9~ Budget 9. CO~Y ATTOrNeY'S REPORT 10. DOARD QF CCb.'r~-?Y COP2~,i$S~Q.%'ERS 2 February 4,i9~7 A. This ~tem deleted. B. Appointment of member to the Public Vehicle Advisory Commkttee. ll. OT~ER CONSTITUTIONAL A. Seek approval from the Board of County Commissioners to make the necessa~y Budge~ Amendments to satisfy the Ar~trage Rebate due the IRS on the $2,253,476 pooled co-marc:al paper Note A-3-1. PUBLIC COM~F~{T ON GEN'E. RAL TOPICS PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HEARD IKKIDiATELY FOLLOWING STAFF ITEMS 13. BOARD OF ~CNiNG APPEALg Petlt:cn CU-95-20E, Robert L. Duane, AICP, of Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., requesting a one year extension cf Conditional Use "17" cf the "A" Zoning District :~- a driving range ~ -~- ,or property located south cf and abuttin~ U.S. 41. west cf its inters£cticn with Royal Hammock Road in Sec. 20, 751S, R27E, ccnslsting of 17.9 acres. 14. BOAR~ OF COL~Y CO..UlM, IS$iON~RS, ~O,~2M-,~;ICATiON~ 15. STAFF'S CO,~2h'iJTqlCATIONS 16. Ail matters listud under this item are considered to be routine and ~ction will be taken by one motion without separate discussion of each item. If di~cussion is desired by a member of the Board, that item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. A. ~O,-~2~.~ITy DEVELOPMENT ~ EN'VIRONMEN~AL SERVI~E~ (!! Reccmmendaticn to approve the final plat of "Sacuhire Lakes Unit 4A". '' B. PUBLIC WORK~ (i? Recc~-en~atlsn tc approve the purchase cf cna {i~ brush chi~Der replacement in accordance wlth 5ld ~97-2619. 3 February 4,1997 Recor. menda~icn to approve the lease purchase cf one street sweeper replacement in accordance with Bid ~97-2620. (3 {4 This item has been deleted. Recommendation tc appro'~e the purchase of two (2) trhck mounted impact attenuators Model No. TF~ 6190J. Alpha 60 MD System. Award a Work Order under fixed te~n prcfessicna! engineering sea--vices agreement 95-2422 for the design of landscaping and irrigation at Sugden Park. Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners authcrize Staff to construct a stable parking area near the Livestock Pavilion at the County Fairgrounds Complex. C. PUBLIC OERVIC_~_~ Recommendation to enter into an agreement be%ween Collier County and the School Board of Collier County for the purpose of providing school buses to transport Parks and Recreation program participants frc~ Au~us~ 15, 1996 until August 31, 1997. D. SUPPORT SERVICES E. ~OL~Y PL~N'AGER ri', B'Jdu~t Arendment Report Recommendation that the Board of County CcmmissLcners consider amen!ments to two ccntracts between Collier County and the Ccl!ier Tcuris~ Comr. lttee. F. BOAR~. OF CO~Y CO~'~,I$SION~RS G. ~iSCELL~N~OUS CORR~$~Qh~EN~E ( Certificate c~ ~crrect~ NEED ,.~,~ON author~zlng the Cha~rr. an to s;gn Certificate uf Correction =o the tax rolls as presented by the Property Appra:ser's ~.~ce. R£CC~T<END H. OTHER CONSTI~IONAL OFFICERS 17. 4 February 4,1997 AGENDA CHANGES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' M~ETING FEBRUARY 4, 1997 ADD: 5(C) (2) - PRESENTATION BY GENE VACCARO OF THE FLORIDA SPORTS PARK, WITH REFERENCE TO PROVIDING TWO MINUTES OF TV TIME TO PROMOTE COLLIER COUNTY ON TNN DURING LIVE BROADCAST OF THE SWAMP BUGGY RACES (COM2MISSIONER HANCOCK). ADD: ITFAH 8(A)(5) - THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMI~ISSIONERS AUTHORIZE THE PAYMENT OF FUNDS PURSUANT TO THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT ORDINANCE 91-47 (STAFF'S REQUEST). ITEM 8(A) (6) - UPDATE ON THE DENSITY DISCUSSION TIME FFJuMES AS DIRECTED BY THE BCC AT THE MEETING OF JANUARY 28, 1997. {STAFF'S REQUEST). ADD: ITEM 8(C) (1) - RECO~4ENDATION THAT THE BCC AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY TO DIRECT PAY THE IMMOKALEE CHILD CARE CENTER'S UTILITY BILLS TO INCLUDE WATER, SEWER AND ELECTRICAL BILLS, UP TO $11,000 RATHER THAN AS A SINGLE PAYMENT. (STAFF'S REQUEST). ADD: ITEM ~(D) (1) - RECO~4ENDATION TO REJECT BID ~97-2639 FOR THE ADVERTISING OF DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY T?~XES FOR 1996 AND RE-BID THIS ITEM. (STAFF'S REQUEST). ADD: ITEM 8(D) (2) - DISCUSSION OF COUNTY MANAGER RECRUITMENT - REQUEST THIS BE HEARD AS CLOSE TO 9:30 A.M. AS POSSIBLE (STAFF'S REQUEST). ADD: ITEM 10(C) - DISCUSSION OF ENTERPRISE FLORIDA SUPPORT FOR ALLEN SYSTEMS (C~IR/~L~4'S REQUEST). PROCLAMA TION the Veterans Transportation System is an integral part of the Collier County Department of Veteran Services; and WHEREAS, during thc part three years, the volunteers of the Veterans Transportation System have provided in excess of ] l,O00 voluntcer hours: and over ! 70, 000 accident free miles have been driven to trar~sport 2,946 veteram' with medical requirements to the Department of Veterans Affairs facilities located in Bay Pines, Fort Myers, Miami and Tampa; and WHERF. AS, the program has been extremely cost effective with $12.22 being the average cost per clie.nt trar~sported; and DWI'REA S, Board of County Commissioners and th~ volunteer staff for their dedicated devotion and cor~'nued suITport of tl'~ vital program. NOW THEREFORE, be it procLaime, d by the Bo~trd qf County Cotmm'ssioners of Collier CounO: Florida. that extreme gratitude and apj=reciarion is extended to the Veterans Trans!oortation System volunteers for this succ. e~.~rul parmership berv~en the public and private sectors of our commu~iO/. We, the Collier Coun.ty Board of Commia~iormrs, do hereby reaffirm our corr~itment and suI~Rort of'this vital program of "serving tha*e who S~-ve. by designating February 2-8, 1997 ay .. ~ I/ETER~VS TRANSPOR TAITON SYSTEM honoring these citizens Wh? have g'~. n so much to gollie, r County. DONE AND ORDER..ED THIS 4th Day of February, 1997. BO.d~L!D OF'COr..,TCTY COMMISSIONERS COLLtER. C. OU'NT~, FLOR. IDA TIMOTI-~Y' L. HANCOCK. AICP, CH.~d'R/v~ ATTEST: / AGE ND~ .,.~ITEIq D~/IGHT E. BROCK. CLERK the veterans of Collier County are extremely appreciative of'the Collier Count>' FEB 1997 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Februa~ 4,1997 CLERK'S REPORT 6A. Analysis of Changes to Reserves for Contingencies General Fund (001) for FY 96/97 Community Development Fund (113) for 96/97 Facilities Construction Fund (301) for FY 96/97 ANALYSIS OF CHANGES TO FACIUTI£S CONSTRUCTION FUND (301) RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES For He meeting date of February 4, 1997 FY lgg6-97 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES Onginal Budget 10101196 $ 294,400 Current Balance 1524/97 (Reductions) or u'X:reases as explaine3 b,Ho,.v ' EXPLANATION OF REDUCTIONS B.A. ~ (ReducUon)l __Date R e q~u e s__~ ~__ Explanation Increase 11-13-96 Amen~me~t~ amountm~ to less than $10,020 each (No'25) {2,2C Tc:a, re~ucLons FEB- ANALYSIS OF CHANGES TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND (11,1) RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES For the meeting of February 4, 1997 FY 1995~97 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES: Onginal Budget 10101196 Current Balance 1/'24/97 (Reductions) ot increases as explained below 1-22-97 Date Request EXPLANATION OF REDUCTIONS Explanation 1 ! 2 Funds provided by excess carry fonvard / 277,400 762,600 (Reduction)/ Increase 485.200 ANALYSIS OF CHANGES TO GENERAL FUND (001) RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES For b~e meebng date of Febcuary 4. 1DS7 FY 1996-97 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES Ongir~l Budget 10101/93 Current Balance 1/24/97 (ReductJons) or increases as explained below EXPLANATION OF REDUCTIONS B.A. Date Request Explanation 11-27-93 48 To repa,r -*".e bc,",oms of the activity and plur. ge poo~ 12-11-.c~ -64 To pa), U~;~ty expenses for Immokale~ Child Care Center 12-11-96 F~3 To repa..r the Cen'~-al Library Ch~lJer 12-31-S~ 92 Reduce transfer to Road and Br,dge due to add~bonal revenue received fro roadway sweeping and mowing l-lG-g7 110 To execute the Fa r Labor Standards Act se~lement agr~-~ment and releases w~? :ia~t.ffs nc Ion;er employed by EMS bu;;et re ,em, es $ $ 4,675.900 5,9,s5,252_ (Reducaon~ Increase (16,5c,. 00) (11.000 00) (14.475.30) 41.30000 (42.770 00) (31.8C3) FEB - COIJ.IER COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE January 16, 1997 Doris D. Currie 986 Charlemagne Blvd. Naples, Florida 34112 3301 E. TMvIIAMI TR. NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 774-8383 FAX (941) 774.-4010 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY Re' Request for Public Petition - Riviera Golf Estates - Request for a Waiver of Permit Fee Dear Ms Currie: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of Februars' 4, ]997 regarding the above referenced subject. Ycur petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. Therefore, .','our petition to the Board should be to advise them ofyour concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting The meeting will begin at 9700 am in tim Board's Chambers on the Third Floor ofthe Administration Building of the government complex Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. Ifyou require an3,, further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this of'rice. \VND/bp cc County Attorney Community Development Division ICTI0~: _ - IMFO:_ FILE: _ STAFF FILE: BY: __ 986 Charlemagne Naples FL 34112 January 2, 1997 Mr. Nell Dorrill Collier County Manager County Building Naples Florida 34105 Dear Sir: As Chairman of the Social Committee for February 1997 at Riviera Golf Estates, and Co-ordinator of our Mardi Gras Committee, I would like to request a waiver of the County $125.00 Parade Permit fee. ~ We are an over 55 Community and as part of our Mardi Gras celebration we have been planning a parade on Feb. 8th. At present we have 23 units registered, all members cf our community. There will be marchers, decorated vans, cars, trailers, dancers, mopeds, and roller bladers. Our theme is "Fun in the Florida Sun" and there will be ladies and men golfers, beach buffs, shuffleboard groups, bocce ~layers, individual golf carts, etc. Our parade will form on one side of Estelle Drive at noon and the parade wltl start at aFpro:.:imately 1 o'clock. Exit- inc Estelle at Charler. agne Blvd. on the south side of the d~vided road. The}' will proceed about 1 mile to our Club- house (where the ]udgesv.'ill view them) and then go through the back of our property where they will park or disband. Estimated tc take at the most 1 hour. Residents will view the parade from the sidewalk or Clubhouse lawn. There will be t;O outside entrants or any outside publicity. This ~s strictly a resident social event. After the parade we will have an Ice Cream Social in the Clubhouse. As we are not charg~nc any fee for the parade entrants the 5125.00 perm]t fee would really be a hardship for our social Ccrmittee and we would appreciate your consideration of a waiver of this fee. Enclosed is a map of our community indicating the staging area and the line of march. ':'our help w~th this matter cc: Comlssloner John Norris Ralph Hoffman Committee b~embers be areatly apprec~,~~ ~ ~ ! ~'C')'r,~ ~.j I 2'-' _, // / F~: ,; .. · Doris D. Currie Nardi Gras Coordina .r ....... _ ~viera Golf Estates BOULEVARD ~ ~A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUN'T'Y COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE 89-95 ALSO KNOWN AS BREEZEWOOD PUD, REPEALING RESOLUTION 96-516 AND REQUIRING THE SUBMITTAL OF A PUD AMENDMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. OBJECTIVE: The proposed Resolution repeals Resolution 96-516 and requires the submittal of a PUD amendment to the Breezewood PUD before May 19, 1997. CONSIDERATIONS: On November 19, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners reviewed the Breezewood PUD with respect to the Land Development Code sunsetting provisions. The Board considered the options of a two year extension of the PUD or a PUD amendment to bring the PUD into compliance with the Growth Management Plan and the Land Development Code. After consideration, the Board unanimously voted to require the property owner to submit a PUD amendment within six months. At that time, staff had prepared Resolutions reflecting both available options. A staff error resulted in the incorrect Resolution being delivered to the Chairman for his signature. This resolution corrects the staff error. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be no fiscal impact to Collier County as a result of this petition. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This petition will require the property owner to amend the Breezewood PUD in order to bring it into compliance with the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the Resolution repealing Resolution 96-516 and requiring the submittal of an amendment to the Breezewood PUD prior to May 19, 1997. PREPARED BY: FRED RE--4Z:rCHL, PLANNER II CURRENT PLANNING REVIEWED BY: /.¢.S? DATE OB~RT J, MULHERE, AICP, MANAGER DATE CURRENT PLANNING :~ -~.~_ ~ DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP, DIRECTOR DATE PLANNING SERVICES VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, Breeze, wood PUD AGENQAJTEM FEB 0 ~ lgg7 RESOLUTION 96- 51____6 A RESOLb'CION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU];TY, FLORIDA, PURSUAJ~T TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DE~;ELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE 89-95 ALSO KNOWN AS BREEZEWOOD PUD, EXTENDING THE CU]tRENT PUD APPROVAL TO NOVEMBER 19, 1998; AND PROVIDING A2~ EFFECTIVE DATE. WHERY. AS, the Br~ezewood PUD, Ordinance 89-45, adopted on December 19, 1989, is subject to the provisions of Section, of the Land Development Code (LDC), Time Limits for Approved PUD Zoning Districts together with their respective Master Plans; and W~EREAS, the PUD was adopted consistent with and under the provisions of the Collier Conty Growth Management Plan; and h~EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the PUD and has determined to extend the current PUD Zoning for two years, until November 19, 1998; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: The above recitals are adopted herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. I This Resolution shall constitute evidence o~ compliance with the review requirements of Section of the LDC. This approval. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the current PUD approval is hereby extended to Novemer 19, 1998; at the end of which time the owner shall submit to the procedures in LDC Section Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is granted. -1- AGE D Commissioner Mac'Kie offered the foregoing Resolution and roved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner _Hancock , end upon roll call, the vote was: AYES: ~AYS: Commissioner Mac'Kle, Commissioner Hancock, CommisSiOner Constantine, Commissionur Berry and Commissioner Norrl~ · ABSENT ~:D NOT VOTI~4G: A2~STENTION: Done this l.gth day of november , 1996. ATTEST: '. ". DWIGHT E. BROC~',',CLEEK BOARD OF COUNTY CO~34ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTy, FLORIDA y~ C. NO'Is APPROVED. AS TO ,FOP-M Ar;D LEGAL SUFFICiE.~Cy: MARJQ.~IE l~. STUDE:;T ASSISTA,'[T C~U;;T¥ ATTGP,,qE¥ BREEZEWOOD PUD/18775 -2- AGENDA .o. ) FEB 0 3 4 5 6 7 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O 22 23 24 27 29 31 RESOLUTION 97- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COb~;TY COW2~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVEL~DPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE B9-95 A/,SO KNOWN AS BREEZEWOOD PUD, REPF. kLING RESOLUTION 96-516 A~'D REQUIRING THE SUBMITTAL OF A PUD AMENDMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECrIv~ DATE. W~EREAS, the Breezewood PUD, Ordinance 89-45, adopted on Dece~er 19, 1989, is subject to the provisions of Section, of the rand Development Code (LDC), Time Limits for Approved pUD Master Plans; and W~EREJ~S, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the PUD and has determined that the current PUD Zoning is inconsistent with certain provisions of the Gro'wth Management Plan (GMP) and the Land Development Code; and W~.EREAS, a staff error resulted in the approval of Resolution 96-516, which extended the PL~ approval to November 19, 1998; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: 1. Resolution 96-516 is hereby repealed and superceded by Resolution 97-~. 2. The above recitals are adopted herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 3. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of compliance with the review requirements of Section of the LDC. 4. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the property o%rner or agent shall submit an amended Pb~ to the Planning Services Director prior to May 19, 1997 in order to cause said PUD to become consistent with the Collier County G.-2~. - 32 PAGE i AGE/~ JLA ITEM, FFB 0 4 ~997 i ii iii I I IIIIIII II I II I I I I ............... II This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the e'rtension is granted. 7 9 10 1! 12 This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of ., 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COM~ISSIONERS COLLIER CO~TY, FLORIDA '- 13 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLEP.K BY: TIMOTHY L. HA3;COCK, CHAIRMJ%/; 20 APPROVED AS TO FORM A3:D LEGAL SUF?ICIE:~CY: 21 23 MA~RJORiE M. STUDE::T -- 24 ASSISTA/:T COLD;TY ATTOP3:EY 25 BREEZEWOOD PUD(Repeal)/19156 3O PA~£ 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO ORDINANCE 89-07, AS AMENDED, ALSO KNOWN AS THE STILES PUD, WHICH, ACCORDING TO TIlE REQUIRED PUD STATUS REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT, HAS NOT COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION, AS DEFENED IN SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, RESULTING IN SEVERAL POSSIBLE COURSES OF ACTION FOR THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO CONSIDER. OBJECTIVE: Staff is requesting that the Board review staffs findings and recommendations regarding the above referenced PUD. CONSIDERATIONS: This PUD was originally approved on January 24, 1989 Section 2 7.3.4 ofthe Collier County Land Development Code requires that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the fifth anniversary of the Pbq3 approval by the Board of County Commissioners The singular purpose of this report is to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section 27.3.4. For those PUDs approved prior to the effective date of adoption of the Land Development Code, the five year approval period commenced on the adoption date, October 30, 1991 Therefore, the conditions set for'th in Section 2 7.3.4 are applicable as of October 30, 1996 The above referenced PUD has been identified as a project which was approved prior to October 30, 1991 and which has not commenced construction as defined in Section 2.7.34. Staffhas utilized the required PUT) status (monitoring) report, supplemented by field obserYation and review of in-house records to verify the current status of the PUD and as the basis of a recommendation to the Board consistent with the options provided inSeclion273.4(l)&(2) Section 2734 reads as follows: Time limits for approved PUD master plans In the event that a PUD master plan is given approval, and the landowner(s) shall: Fail to obtain approval for improvement plans or a development order for all infrastructure improvements to include utilities, roads and similar improvements required by the approved PUD master plan or other development orders for at least 15 percent of the gross land area ofthe PUD site ever5, five years of the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners; and 2 Fail to receive final local development orders for at least 15 percent ofthe total number ofapproved dwelling units in the PUD, or in the case of PUDs consisting of nonresidential uses, 30 percent of the total approved gross leasable floor area within PUD every six )'ears of'the date ofapproval by the Board of County Commissioners The project developer shall submit to the Planning Services Director a status report on the progress ofdevelopment annually commencing on the fifth anniversary dale ofthe PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The singular purpose of the report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forlh above Should the Planning Services Director delermine that the development has commenced in earnest, then ~he land shall retain its existing PDT) approval and shall not be subject to additional review and consideration ofne:v development standards or use modification Should the Planning Services Director determine that the development has not commenced in earnest, then upon review and consideration of the report provided by the ox...let and an), supplemental information that ma,,' be provided, tile Board of Count.,,' Commissioners shall elect one of the folIov,'ing' To extend the current PUD approval for a maximum period of two )'ears, at the end of~hich time, the owner will again submit to the procedure as defined herein Require the owner to submit an amended PUD in which tile unimproved portions of the original PUD shall be consistent with the Grov,-th .'Vl'anagen~ent Plan Tile existing PUD shall remain in effect unIil sub.,,equent aclion by the Board ofthe submitted amendment of the PUD If the owner fails to submil an amended PUT) within six months of Board action to require such an amended submittal, then the Board may initiate proceedings to rezone tile unimproved portions of the original PUD to an appropriate zoning classification consistent wilh the future land use element ofthe Gro,.v~h Management Plan In tile case of developments of regional impact, time limit restrictions shall be superseded by the phasing plan and/or time limits contained wilhin the application for development approval and approved as pan ora development order in conformance with F S §380 06 FEB 0 1997 ~ynopsis of Approved Land Uses and Development Stratellies: This PUD contains 18.7 acres of land more or less and is located within a designated 'act'vity center" which is further located on the south side of Immokalee Road west of Interstate 75 and the Donovan PUD The uses of land authorized by the pLrD are as follows: A) B) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Motels, hotels, transient lodging facilities Restaurants, (full service only) Business/professional offices, office/storage, banks. Rental care agency. Water management facilities and essential service Any other commercial use similar to the foregoing uses and which the Zoning Director determines to be compatible with the intent of this development. In addition to the above described uses, the following Interchange Commercial Permitted Principal Uses and Structures are permitted and limited to the northern interior four hundred feet (400') ofproperty fronting Immokalee Road A) B) C) Automobile seN'ice stations Restaurants. (fast food and full service) Convenience commercial stores The PUD further regulates the intensity of use as follows Twenty-six (26) units per gross acre of land for hotels, motels or transient lodging facilities Fifteen thousand square feet (15,000) leasable office area per gross acre Seventy five hundred square feet (7,500) leasable area per gross acre for all other listed principal uses A maximun~ of 10.000 square feet of Banking Facilities shall be permitted Density shall be determined according to the fractionalization parcel in accordance with Section 2 ~)4 of this document Direct access to Immokalee Road is prohibited Consistencv with Comprehensive Growth .Management Plan: The subject PUD is designated Urban-Mixed Use - Activity Center on the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. Based on staff review of the approved land uses, the PUD has been determined to be consistent with the FLUE lo the Collier County Growth Management Relative to other applicable consistency relationship the following may be advised Traffic Circulation Element - The PUD is consistent with relevant policies of the TCE, however relative to the Access Management Plan the PUD Master Plan and text should be amended to establish a service drive parallel to lmmokalee Road to facilitate the flow of traffic from the adjacent land to the ,,vest to a planned traffic signalized intersection on the Stiles PUD, which is to align with the entr).'way to Pelican Strand lying north of Immokalee Road. A6EN DA L.T E M.~ .o. 3 FEB 0 & 1997 Potable Water and Sanita~ Sewers Element - The PUD Master Plan provides for an on-site sewage treatment plant. Currently, sanitary sewers and water are available. The PUD should clarify that connection is necessary to the County's sev,'er and water system while the Master Plan should be amended to provide some other use ofthe utility site In all other respects applicable element of the GMP are consistent with element goals, objectives and policies. Consistency with the Collier County Land Development Code: The PUD has been distributed to the appropriate jurisdictional review entities specifically for review of the PUD for consistency with current land development regulations Based on that review, the following consistency relationships have been identified. Transportation: (Traffic impacts, access management, crc ) PUD stipulations do not clearly address the potential need for additional right-of-way when Imrnokatee Road is widened to six lanes, and further provides that right-of-way reservation shall be in the form of an easement and this same ]and may qualify for landscaped improvements. This would not be acceptable under current policies. Relative to the County's Access Management Section 2.638 of the LDC encourages shared access connections to arterial roads The Stiles access is anticipated to be a traffic signalized intersection and therefore provision should be made for a sen'ice drive which will allow traffic from development lying bet,aeen the Stiles PUD and 1-75 to utilize this traffic signalized intersection The current PUD Master Plan and document make no provision for this to come about Landscape: (Buffers/Green Space) The PUD contains development standards for required landscape buffers that are less than currently required by the LDC, while this buffer ma2,' be temporary depending upon the need for additional right-of-way for Immokalee Road and turn lanes to facilitate development of the Stiles PUD A twenty (20) foot wide landscape buffer is required by LDC provisions adjacent lmmokalee Road whereas the Stiles PUD requires a fifteen (15) foot buffer The PUD specifically provides that open space required by Code at the time building permits are sought shall be required This provision guarantees us that LDC mandated open space requirements will be achieved Environmental: (Protected species, green/open spaces) Environmental stipulations in this PUD do not provide assurance that current LDC requirements for native vegetation prese~'ation or other habitat protection can be accomplished. Environmental staff have recommended revision of the environmental stipulations AGENDA_ITEM FEB 0 4. 1997 Engineering/Site Development: (Sewer/water, drainage issues) No inconsistencies were reported however, staff advises that in the event of an amendment certain development commitments should be changed to reflect current code references. PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Setback requirements from lmmokalee Road is fifteen (15) feet. This is considerably less than the setback required by any commercial zoning district. Other setback requirements are dealt with in an unusual manner and depend upon the type ofdevelopment which occurs on adjacent land. Setbacks on interior drives are consistent with historical PUD practice. Building heights are author',zed at three (3) stories. This is typically less than historical practice for activity center PU'D's. Staff Comments: Staffis of the opinion that there is sufficient justification to require the owner to submit an amended PUD. The PUD should be amended to reflect development and Master Plan commitments that are consistent with the County's Access Management plan and in particular provisions for shared access to the arterial road system. The requirement for an amendment will give staff an opportunity to review right-of-way requirements for a six fanning of Immokalee Road and to correct provisions which would take this land as leased land which may substitute for the required landscape buffer Amended provisions should also deal with landscape buffer requirements that are consistent with current requirements Environmental stipulations should be revised to achieve current requirements while the utilities plan should be amended to require connection to County's sewer and water system This will allow the Master Plan to be revised by providing some other use for the utility site. Finally, inasmuch as the PUD is to be amended, references and PUD format should be made consistent with current practice The revised PUD should also contain language that requires submission ora unified architectural plan. Given the extend of changes this amendment should be in the form ora rezoning from PUD to PUD in which the current document is repealed FISCAL IMPACT: A two year extension of this PUD Ordinance will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on a comprehensive review of this PUD document staff, recommends that the Board of County Commissioners direct the owner/entity of the Stiles PUD to submit an amended PUD within the time frame allowed by LDC requirements CHIEF PLANNER DATE REVIEWED BY: i/~'O~ERTJ.MU! ~ /,-'2,~ HERE, AICP DATE ..._.~R~ NT PI_.ANNING,M&NA~Ed~-- DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP DA~ ~NCENI A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNIIY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENIAL SVCS. STILES PUD,' EX SUMMARY/md AGE~D,A .o. ftc! FEB 0 4 1997 RESOLUTION 96- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOAJID OF CO~TY COPiM. ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COb~TY, FLORIDA, PURSUanT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER CO~TY L0kND DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE 89-07 ALSO KNO~4 AS THE STILES PUD, REQUIRING THE SUBMITTAL OF A PUD AMENDMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W~EREAS, the Stiles PUD, Ordinance 89-07, adopted on January 24, 1989, is subject to the provisions of Section, of the Land Development Code (LDC), Time Limits for Approved PUD Master Plans; and W"HEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the PUD and has determined that the current PUD Zoning is inconsistent with certain provisions of the Growth Management Plan and the Land Development Code; and NOw, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: 1. The above recitals are ads,ted herein by reference as if full}' set forth herein. 2. This Resolution shall c:nstitute evidence of compliance with the revie~ requirements of Section of the LDC. 3. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the property owner or agent shall submit an amended PUD to the Planning Services Director prior to June 5, 1997. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is granted. Co~nissioner offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner , and upon roll call, the vote was: -1- AYES: NAYS: ABSENT A3~ NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done this ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLEP~ day of , 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAI F~J APPROVED AS TO FOI~M AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: MARJORIE M. STUDE~ T ASSISTAJ:T COL."~TY ATTORNEY STILES Pt-D/18865 -2- AGE D FEB 0 4 1997 Pg. ~ ? ODDINA~;CE 89- 07 L.LJ h~EREAS, Community Development Division representing ~h~ Board of County Com~mis~ioners, ha~ forested to correct a scriveners errcr for the hereinafter describe~ real proper~y; ~:Cw, THEREFORE 5E IT ORDAINED BY THE ECA~.D CF COU~;TY C~ ..... 5.~,,_~S CF COLLIER CCU~;TY, FLOriDA: $~CT!C~: o~;~: Sec=ich 1, Proper~y Descriptien amd ~wmer~ip, 1.02, Legal Description, of Ordinance 86-58 as amended by Ordinance 88-54 is hereby amended to read a~ follows: -': .--'.~?'ENDED BY ORDINANCE 88-54, THE PUD K2:O'-'N AS :~L~;' DESC~IPTIO.~ TO COP3~CT SCRIVE~:ERS ~OR OF THE HEP~IN DESCRIBED PROPERTY ~CATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF I~O~E ROAD, APPROXImaTELY 1/4 MILE WEST OF 1-75 iN SECTIOn: 30, TO~:SHiP 48 EOUTH, P~;CE 26 EAST;A:~ PRC';IDING AN ~FECTF;~ DATE. I West 1/2 of the northeast 1/4 of th~ ncrtheam~wes% 1/4, Secticn 30, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Flcrida. SECTIC:: TWO: This Ordinance sf, all becor, e effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretarf of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED A~;D DULY ADOPTED by the Board of Ccunty Cc.v.-.,issicners of Ccllier Ccunty, Florida, this ~<~Y'~ da}' ATTEST: BOARD OF COU~:TY CO~ISSIO~;ERS J~MES~.~LES, Clerk COLLIE~ COUNTY, F~RIDA ~APPROVED AS TO~.FOR~ ~D O~lN~¢r ES- 54 AN ORDINAZ{¢£ AMENDING D~D:NA~N¢£ 8~-~8, ~LAT'I~ TO A PUD ~0~ AS THE STILES ~$~O~TI~N, TO~ 18.7 ACRES OF XNT[~C~E CO~[RCI~ USES (~OT[L, ~O~EL, ~fSTA~N~S, ~TC.), TOM ?ROYalTY LOCATED T~E SOUT~ S~D~ OF L~:Ot~ RO~, ~OXIY~IELY ~/~ MILE ~5: OF ~-75; IN S[C~:ON 30, TO%~SEi? 48 SOUTH, ~NCg 26 ~ST; BY ~h~ING SECTION a.O1 TO ELIMINATE CERTAIN ~WGUAGE RELATING TO THE ~q EFFZ~IVE DATE. NOW, THERZFOR3. BE ZT OP.D^I.',?D by the Board of County Ca==isstoners of Collier County, S Z.~f lo;: Sec:io.~ 4.01 J)(l) of Or.41:ance 86-58, of the S:iles ?t~ Pocume:.t, ~s hereby a:ende~ :o delete the fcll:'~ing language: e~ee-ye e~s-~e~-d eee-ef-ep~eve~. This Ordinance shall becc:e effective upon notice that ~t has been re:elved by the Office of the Se:re:ary of State. ~0~-~'~ OF COL~.;TY CC..vM, ISSIO:;ERS CBLLIER COL~.;TY, }-~ORIDA ATTEST: J~ku.Z"S C. GILES, CLE.'~K ~ ' ~PROVE'D A~ TO FO?~ ~ LEC~ SUFFiCiENCY: "" ~.'~¢~. ~.' CU'iL~ A.RNOLD LEg GLASS, PLA.~.'NED U~IT DI~?'FLOPMENT DOCUMENT STIL~S P~ED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (P.U.D.) Section 30, Township ~8 So~th, Range 26 Collier Ccun~y, Florida PP--~PA.%ED BY: MILLER, £A-~.-CN, $OLL & PEEK, INC. EKGINEEP-5, PLA3,.~EF~ & L~k.h'D SURVEYOR~ 1383 Airpcr% Road Nor=h Naples, Florida 33942 " DATE ISSUED February, 1986 DATE REVISED Auaust 26, 1986 DATE kPPROVED BY BCC Auau~t 26~ 1986 OPJ) I NA=NCE NUMBER 88-54 SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION IV Lis% of Exhibits Statement of Compliance Prc~erty Description and Ownership Project Development Permit:ed Uses and Standards General ~cmmltmen%$ PAGE ii iii 1-1 3-1 4-1 EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT EXB!SIT LIST OF EXHIBITS P.U.D. Master Plan & Aerial Photograph (WM2S&P File No. RZ-133, Sheet 1 of 2) Soils & Vegetation Map .(h~BS&P File No. RZ-133, Shee= 2 of 2) Boundary & Topographic Survey (~$&P File No. 4L-389) STATEMENT OF COMPLIA~;CE The development of approximately 18.7 acres of land in Section 30, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, will be in compliance with the planning goals and objectives of Collier County as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan for the following reasons: The subject property is located wholly within the inter- change ccrmercial node as identified and described in the Comprehensive Plan. 2) The subjec: property has the necessary r~ting ~oin:s to determine the availability of adequate community' facilities and service~. 3) The permitted uses to be included within the project are primarily intended to serve the travelling public using the interstate system, and reflect the highest and best use of tk!$ property. The regulations and standards for development of' commercial uses on this property shall be governed by this P.U.D. ordinance,, as required by the Comprehensive Plan. 5) The project development is planned to incorporate natural systems for water zanagement and/or landscaping in accordance with their natural functions. iii SECTION 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND 1.Ol i~:TRC~JCTIOI;-~D GEHE~LAL L$CATION It is the intent of Stiles Corpora%ion (hereinafter called applicant or developer} to establish a Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) on approximately 18.7 acres of pro~er%y located in the southwest cuad'rant of the interchange be==een In=erstate 75 and I~mokal~e Road (CR ~46], approximate!y%.5 miles east of Airport Road (CR31}. It is the purpose of this documen% to establish the standards and guidelines the future development of this prcper=y. 1.02 LEGAL DESCRi~TIC~: West 1/2 of the ~:or%keas% 1/4 of tke ~;cr%heast 1/4, Section 30, Township 48 Sou~h, Range 26 Eas~, Collier County, Florida. ' 1.03 O~ERSHIP The subject property ~s currently under the ownership and unified con%rol of Terry W. Stiles, Trus=ee, 6400 North Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309. 1-1 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 SECTION II PROJECT D£VELOPSIENT PURPOSE ,..: .:,.......' ....: The purpose of this Section is to generally describe the plan of the development ~nd delineate the general conCitior, s that wUl eppl'..' to the project. GENERAL PLAN OF DEVELO?'.IE:;T The project is a plm~nned interc~e.'.ge commercial center includin~ a rr,.i .rt.'ire cf intercha.n~e :::.eh:ed ccrnmerc!,_l facilities, a:~d 'water management related elements. The i).U.D. Mc. step Pl~q, Exhibit "A" is attached. COMPLIA~:C-C :':ITH APPLICm'-.~LE ORD:.WA~CES The prolect !s intended to be !r, substmltial c=.-..?.'.~ance with the Co,~n, ty deve~-'pment codes i.~ effect at the time permits ~'~d/c,r p~s ate requested, except as noted herein. D£V~LO?M--:TT AND FRAC?~OY^LIZATIO;~ O? T?.ACTS A. When t.~.e developer sells ~:~ entire Tract or a building porte1, (fraction of a %'r~-c:~ to a subsequent owner, or proposes development ~{' such property himself, the developer shall proMCe to the Zonin~ Director for approval prior to the cieve!opment of the tract by the developer or prior to the sz!e to a subsequent owner of such property, a bou.qdary drawing sho'a'im~ the trsct a.nd the builc':-ng parcel therein (when applicable) and thesq'~re footage e.ssi~r..edto the property. The drawing shall also show the location end size of access to those fractional parts that do not abut a pubi!: street. An updated M~ster Plan showing the fractiona.I parcel also shzil be submitted. El. In the event a~qy tract cr bu~ldin~ parcel is sold by any subsequent owner, as ider. tified in Section ~.c.q..~,. in fractionaI part~ to other parties for de%.e~.opment, the subseq'.'ent owners sh~l! provide to the ZoninJ~ Director for ap?rovaL, prior to development of the tract by the developer cr prior to the sale to a subr, eAuent owner of a fractional part, a bo,.mCary dra','in~ sho'.vJng his orig'ir.a.lly p~cha~ed tract or buildJn~ pa~'cel end the fracticr, al parts therein ~.qd the square footage ~ssi~ned to each of the fracticr, a] parts. The cL-a'^'ing shall also ,ho'~ the location a. nd size access to those fractior.~ parts that do not abut a public street. An updated Master Pie.n showing the fractional pa:c01 also shall be submitted. C. The developer or any tract must submit a Conceptual Site Plan for the entire tract in accordance with Section of this document prior to Fir.~ Site Development Plan submittal for amy portion of that tract. The de'.'e!oper may choose not to submit a Conceptual Site Plan for the entire tract if a Final Site Plan is submitted and approved for the entire tract. 2-1 The deve:oper of an.v tract or building parce! must submit, prior to cr mt the sa~e time of application for n buiJding permit, a detailed site deve!c:ment plan for his tract or parcel in conlormance frith the Z~r. ir.z Ordin~tce requirements for site development plan approval. This p:an sh~l ~.,. )n compliance '.':ith an)' approved Conceptual Site P~a~ e.s :,'et'. ms all crit,.:!a within this document. In eva:'.~tin~ the fractionalization plaJ~s, t~e Zoning Directcr's dec!s:cn for a~.::~veJ, or denial sh~! be b~ed on eorn;)Iiance with the criteria etd the de'.'e!opment intent ~s set forth in this document, ¢onfcr..'nance with allowa'::e ~'mount of builc~ing square footage and the access:.:i~it:: of the frzctionai parts to public or private road.rays, coPPer. ,.rems, or othe: means of in~es~ amd egress. It' mpc.':'.',~. ~ or deniz! is .'.ct issued with!n t'~,'entv. (20) work';r.: sub.'r..~s~i:.n shaJl be co.'qs(~ered automatical'..' approved. 2.05 LAND L'S -~S Table I is a schedule ct' tLe intended land ~e types, with appro~mmte acreages instated. The eu-r~.'~e~ent of these land ~e types)s shown on the P.U.D. M~:~r PI~. C~n~es ~d variatiorJ in desi~ and acreages s~l be permitted at the ~[n~ des)~ to accommodate to~aphy, veEetat~on ~d other s~te ~n~t[ons. The specific lo,rich ~d size of ~ndi~6du~ trac~ ~d the assi~nent of specific ~ thereto sh~l be submitted to the Ad~)~strat:r for approv~ M described )n Sent)on 2.04 of t~s document. TABLE I LAND ~SE SUMMARY APPRO:~?,IATE AREA DESCRIPTION (ACRES) P m- ceJ~ 1-3 '~.?~- Parcels 4-6 Lake/Water Mane~e.m ant Utility S~te .T~ A c cess/B~ f ers/:,) ~ c. ,1.5~ Tot~ Site Are~: 18.Tt 2-2 / /~.06 R£SERVATIC~; OF NATUPAL VEGETATION ~D TP£E R£MO';AL - -/ ~=r,ng, trading, earthwork, and site drainage work shall be perforr, ed In accordance with the applicable Collier County Deve!o~ment Codes; and ~tandards and corm. ltmen%s forth in this 2.07 EA$£H£~;TS ~9R UTILITIES Easements ~hall be' provided for water management areas, utilities and other purposes as may be needed. Said ments and improvements shall be in ccmpliance with the Collier Cc~nty Subdivision Regula%ionz. All necea~ar? e~semen~s, dedica:icns, or other instruments shall ~e qranted %0 insure the continued opera%ich and maintenance of all service utili:ie~ in compliance applicable regulations in effect a: %he time a~prova!$ are requested. 2.08 EXCEPTIONS ?O THE SURDIVISiON'R£GULAT!C~:~ 1. Article XI, Section 10, monuments, valves. 2. Article XI, Section 21, Utility casings (prior to c6n struc~icn. ~. Article XI, Section 17k, reverse curve, subjec~ to County Engineer's approval. 2-3 -' I PERMITTED USES AND STANDARDs 3.01. ~ The purpose of this Section is uses and development to set fcr:h the per? Project standards for ' de'.'e!cPment of 3.02. P~P-MITT£D U,c~S ,,,_ · NO building or Structure or Part thereof altered or USed, or land or water used, , s-a.1 be ere for Other than the following: in ~hcIe or in A) Interchange Commerc' S~ruc:ures Permittedzal Permitted 2rlnci~al Uses throughout 18.7 acre Parcel. 1) ~e:e!s, hotels, transient lodging 2) Restaurants, (full service only) facilities 3) BuSiness/professional offices, office/Storage, banks. 4) Rental 5) - Car agency. Water'management facilities and essential 6) Any other commercial use similar to the foregoi: uses and which the Zoning Director determines be compatible With the inteOt of this devel, B) In addition to the above described uses, the Interchange Com-~ercial Pa'mi'ted Structures are Permi - ~,,-erscr four h..~. _t.ed and lim;.- no.?al USes · ~ p-operty front A) Automobile service stations . B) RestaUrants, (fast food and full service) C) Convenience " · CDE%~ELOPM£NT STAh. DA.:~'~ercial stOres 3.03 ~E . A) Minimum Site Area: Type A use~: 1 acre Minimum Site Area: Type B uses: J/2 acre R) ~inimum Si~e Width: One hundred (10b) feet at the front building setback line. 'as measurt C) Minimum Yard Requirements: 1) Exterior 8Oundar Exterior boundary _ bu~ldin setback of' 30 feet s · g, Park~n a 3-1 "~ setback are~ 2) 3) shall be kept in ~tiv~ ~at'~ra! v~Get&tlcn"gxi~'tln'g" on the site. A berm averaging four (4) feet shall be provided in areas generally void in Vegetation Additional native vegetation shall planted if necessary to obtain the opacity required by the zoning ordinance for a buffer.' The buffer shall meet the opacity requirement by the end twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the parcel. Buffering shall be phased to coincide w:th development. These Standards will not be required if the prc~ert? to the west and/or south is ~c~ed to a similar com.mercia! use, in which case a landscaped te~ (10') fcot bu!!din9 and ~arking setback shall be required. If the property to the west and/or south is zoned to a non-residential, non-ccm~mercial use, the above buffering requirements shall not apply and a landscaped fifteen (15) foot building and parking setback shall be required. A landscaped ten (10') fo~t building and parking setback from the eastern pro~ect boundary shall be maintained. A landscaped fifteen (15') f~ot buildinG and parking setback frcm the northern project boundary shall be maintained. ' Limited water management facilities (i.e., swales) may be located in this setback area: however, every attempt shall be ~ade to limit the amount of tree clearing· The landscape plan for the ;buffer shall be incorporated into the landscape 'plan to be approved by the Natural Resources HanaGement Department and ?lanning/2onlng Department prior to issuance of building permits. Between Princioa! Structures A distance equal to one-half the sum o~ the of t~o adjacent buildings shall be provided. Fr~ct]onalizat(on Parcel~ A mln~mum fifteen foot (15') building setback shall be maintained fro~ all fractiona!ization boundaries as ~escribed in Section ~.04 of this document. · o · 4) Interior Access Drive '- A minimum fifteen foot [15'] building setback shall be provided along the interior access.~rive as '"" :"'. ...... shown, on the'P.U.D. Master Plan, Exhibit 5] Gasoline dispensing operations shall be' subject to the setback recuirements of the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the ~ime permits are requested. D) Maximum Eeight: Three (3] stories throuchout 'the project. E) Minimum Floor Area of Principal Structure: One thousand (I,000] square feet per building on the ground floor. Exceptions :o this requirenent for special pur- pose buildings ma'/ ~e granted by the Zoning Director. F} Maximum Density - T~enty-six (26) units per gross acre of land for ho:els, motels or transient lodging facilities. Fifteen thousand square feet (15,000) leasable office area per gross acre. Seventy five hundred square feet (7500) leaseable area per gross acre for all other listed principal uses. A maximum of 10,000 square feet of Banking Facilities shall be 'permitted. Density shall be determined according to the fractionalization parcel in accordance with Section 2.04 of this document. G) Unless otherwise indicate~ in this 'document, minimum standards for signs, parking, lighting, and landscaping shall be in conformance with applicable Collier County regulations in effect at the time permits are sought. H) Although parcels 1,·2, and 3 do not h~ve. access from ' Im~okalee Road, 'the site should, if possible, be designed in such a way so that the rear of the site/building (i.e., loading,.solid w~ste 'receptacles, etc.) is not oriented toward Im.=okalee Road. ' 3-3 GENERAL CO :,l ~ITMENT$ 4.01 PURPOSE The purpose of t~s Section is to set forth the ~ener~l commitments a~eed to by the project developer. A) WATER ,;IANAGE?.IENT En~neer~or re'~ew. Noconstruct~onper~iMsh~lbe~sue~ u~ess ~nd ~ntil apprc'.'~ c~ the proposed construction in ac:cr~nce whh t~e suS~itte~ Glens :s ~anted bY the County En~neer. 2) ~n ~xeavatio~ Per,it ~ill be required ~or the prc~se~ l~e in accordance '.rich Collier County Ord:r, mqce No. S-tS, ~ zmenCed bg Ordnance ~o. 83-3, ~nd as may be amended in the fut~-e. B. UT~I~ 1) Potable water me~ be pro~ded bY either · eentr~ s)~tem comqected to the Co. er County Water 5~tem, or by on-site w~s ~qd treatment [e:iliti~, shoed the County s~tem be ~available at the time o[ development. 2) AU ~eas of the project shal~ be served by a eentr~ w:tewater collection s~tem ~qd by a wastewatet treatment plant. The plant s~mll be e~anded t~ meet the project dem~ ~qd s~] be phase~ out at such time ~ · County system becomes avaQable. 2) The development sh~l be tn compli:qee with ep~Iicsb:e Cowry ]8~ ~d or~qces gover~n~ utility ~rovisior~ ~nd [ac~ities. 4) T~ephone, ~wer set,ce sh~l be ~ade available to the site. The ~t~t~es stip~t)ons per their ~e=o dated May T, 1986, are attached hereto ~d ~ncor~rated here~n by re[erence. 6) The on-s~te w~ter ~str~button s)~te~ to serve thls project m~t be connected to the District's 12 ~nch water ~n on t~e south s~de o~ I~ok~ee Road ~qd.e~ended east'.v~-d to the ~st slue of the project's entr~ce roadway consistent ~th the ~n sizing req~re~en~ s~eci~ied tn the County's Water ~last er Plan. T) ~ead end ~PJ s~l be eliminated whenever possible by looping the (ntern~ pipeline network. Stu~ for fut~-e s~te~ ~nterconnection with adjacent properties sh~[ ~ pro~iUed to t~e east, west ~qd south property )(nas oI the project, at ]ocatiorJ to ~ mutua!ly a~eed to bY t~e Uliliti~ Di~sion ~nd the Developer dur~n~ the desi~ ph~e of this project. 4-1 ~) 11) The utility cons:ruction Cc, cumen:~ .fo: the pro/e::'.'. system shaJI be prepared to contain the c;esi~'~ ~nd c=nstruction of the on-site force m~in -~hich wi[! uhimately connect the project to the future centr~ se~vera~e facU!ties of the District in the Immokalee Road ri~ht.$-ot'-way. The :'crc.- main mt:st b.* e~enCed :.rom the on-site pump station to the south ri~hts-o:,-%vay line Immokalee P. oad and capped. It r..,~st be interconnected to the pump station with appropriately located valves to permit for simple redirection or, the project's se:va~e when connection to the Count,s centr.',' sewer :,acilities becomes available. P!~-'.s for ~ses w?jch may be ap;)ropri,.te :,or septic t,_.nk~ shaJl be submitted fcr re'4e'.v a~qd ap~rov~ to the Collier Cou~t? Public He~:.h Unit. P'.e.,t.s for ,uses wt'jc~, require a p,_cka~e sewer treatment p!ant sh~ll be approved by DE.=.. On site water su~pIy systems, if needed, wiU require approval by DER. The District '~[L! require fire hydrants tied to local water mair~s that wClI meet the minimum 750 G.P..~I. :.ire flow standard. 4-1a ' ""''~ ' ' ' ' ' '--: ' "~'" '" ~''"~*" '%" :-~ "~-.~.~'~ "l~.'~.'~ ;' ' '~'' ~f' ' '""' .... ..1 .. =, --.:.; .._,, ....~,.._-.... ......... -:,. .... ~,..,,~ ....~.~... .... ....... ; .... .': L,~,~± ...... ~ --,--~;--';7 '~ ~ ~;~'~-' C} TRA.NSPORTATION 1) The developer shall provide left and right turn lanes' on Immckalee Road at the project entrance. 2) The developer shall make a fair share con:ribu=ion tcwar~ the capital cost of a traffic signal at the project entrance when deemed warranted by the County Engineer. · 3) The developer shall provide arterial le';eI s%ree% lighting at the project entrance. 4) Tie akove required improvements are con$ifered "site re!a~ed" as defined in Ordinance 85-55 azd shall mot be applied as credits toward an'/ impact fees required b':' tha% ordinance. 5) ~a~ed upon the existing four-lame section on CR 846 under 1-75 and in consideration of a f ..... six u,... -lane urban section, :he needed right-of-way is reduced from 50 feet to 25 feet and the right-of-way dona=ion is proposed by easement agreement. Since the right-pf3way donation is essentially to be used for access Improvements under the four-lane condition, the donation should not be subject to a .road impact fee credit. Also, the land upon which the easement is to be located will remain the property of the adjacent property owner in consideration of landscape type improvement. 6) Since drainage under' the future six-lane urban condi%ion will require an additional outfa!l and since the Stiles project incorporates .an overflow cross drain on CR 846 into the canal along the .north side of CR 846, another roadway condition for a' future multi-lane section is to allow road runoff to exist the roadway system via the proposed cross drain. Accordingly, the County requires access to the cross drain for removal of excess roadway runoff in the future multi-lane condition. 7) As currently proposed, the extension of the existing four-lane road section to the west and thru a common median opening fdr Regency Village' and Stiles Develo.=ment is hi~h!~ recommended. Such an extensiom of a four-lane facility will be subject to a fair share road impact fee credit as applicable to the added thru lanes. Also, by extending the four-lane segment thru a common intersection both developers will be assured of a median opening under the four-lane condition. 4-2 D) E) MASTER PLAN (1) A P.U.D. I~la~ter Plm~ l~'SlBSckP File No. RZ-'13$, S~et 1 been pro~ded to assignl~d ~es ~t~Jn theover~l site. In order to facilitate necess~'y modificatio~ ~qU changes, w~Jle preser'4~ the over~l intent of this P.U.D., M described in this Cocument ~.d depicted by the M~ter P[~, ~i phas~ of project Ce'.'e!opment shMl be req~red to obtain administrative approv~ in confcrmztce with the Collier Co~ty Site Development Pi~ Approv~ (2) Site Development PI~ approval, v;hen Cea[red or requesteC by document, s~l] foHo~v the procedure ~ out[ined in t~.e Or~m~ce. PROJECT DEVELOP',IE:¢T The intent of tPJs PUD is to be in compl[mnce with the Ccll[er Comprehensive Plan which stat~ that "Collier County community ~d the l~d ~es s~ro~d[n[ the interchanges shoed reC~ect rms. In many c~es, the fiat ~lim~e of Collier County that vi~torssee is u~n their e~t from the interstate. Therefore, the s~-ro~qC[n~ ~es shoed exempt~y the qu~ity of i~e which Collier County residen~ have come to enjoy and e~ect." To comply with the tnt~t of the Comprehensive Plan, the ~tttioner a~ees to meet the fo~o'~n~ criteria: 1) To ret~n on-site ye[elation ~d to proMde Ian~caping ~ing but nc.t limited to native speci~ as much ~ possible to pr~erve the tnte~ity of the enMronment; 2) To proMde ~ integrated site plmq which proMdes for [r. te~ated devMopment of the p~ce[ ~d i~ relatiorJMps to s~roundng 3) To ~tablish ~ ~chitect~ theme that complies ~th the Appli~ble Collier County Cod~ ~d Stmqd~ds. 4)To proMde intern~ pedestrian access between ~1 parcels ~t~Jn the Cevdopment. 5) To develop the sit~ ~ong Immok~ee Road In such a way as to proMCe the appem-~ce of the front of the propert:; avc[~ng cr effective[}' screen~n: ~ad[ng are~, tr~h receptacles m~C the like. 4-:) F) ENVIRO..,~,,TAL /ff~' I 'sire clearing plan shall he submitued to the Natural Resources Manageme~: Depar:men: Community Oeve!og~ent Division for their revie~ approval prior to any subs:an:iai work on sire. This plan nay be submitted in phases .to cci~clde with the develo=ment schedule. The site clearing plan shall clear'ly depict hcw :he final si:e incorporates retained native vegetation :c the maximum ex=emi =cssible amd hc'w roads, buil~!r.;s, lakes parki~c l~:s and other facilities have orien:ed to accommodate this goal. 2. Native s~ecies shall be utillz~d, where ava~!a~ie, to the maximum ex:an= possible in the si:e land- soaping design. A landsca=ir.~ plan will te sub- mitted to the Natural Reso='rces Hanageme~: D~part- men= and Community Developmen: Division for their review and approval. This plan will depict the i~corFora=ion of native species and their mix with other species, i~ any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vege=a=icn and habitat char,:u=eristics los~ on the site during construction cr due to pas~ activities. 3. All exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, sha!l be removed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and pre- serve areas. Following site development a ~aintenance program shall be imulemented to p~event reinvasion of the site by such e'xotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall be filed w'i[h and ap- · proved by the Natural Resources Management. Department and Commcnity Development Division. 4. If during the course of si~e clearing,:excava=ion, or o~her constructional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator is discovered, all deve!cFmen= a~ ~hat location shall be immedia:ely stopped and the ,Natural ~esources .Hanagement Department notified. Development will be suspended 'for a sufficient length of time to enable the Natural Resources Management Depar[men~ or a designated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Natural Resources Management Department will res=ond ~o any such notifica=ion in a timely and efficient hanmar so as to provide only a minimal interruption to any constructional ac=ivities. t 5. The late should be designed ~[th.~. littoral xone vestern edge,° that allows fo~ vegetation along ~"~ euo~it:ed to a~d. that. the'exc~';at~°n ~es%~n shall ~e · ~atural Resources Hana~e~ent Department ~o~ revxe~ dksapnroval' and a~proval or - nstructed to _~et~Xn A reten'Lon s.yste~ shall ~e ~°' ~_~ead 6. t~._~a~en ~ater ~ater to enter t~e O?~TI s?RCE to meet the 1 C~en s~ace s~all ~e ~rcv~de~ . ccm=erC~a~ ?~me ~er~ts are · - (os a the ~e~u~re~e~t~. e{{ect at requestec' ~ ~o:osed entrance to ~eaenCY Village o~ · Road, is nea · % .... e ~ ._o,.h s~de o~ im~.¢kale~ . · sho~n on the 'S ntrance shoUo~ ? .... o-atiOn master P~an."7~.[les CorP.) snou~.~, main entrance ~(S oro]eC~ ~' _ ..l~cnment dC ~,~ . County Engineer and plann~n~/~ ntkng ~mokalee Road AcceSS to all parcels ~ nc direct d:ive~ay 2. be [ro~ the main road (=o~ each parcel to [~_r.o~alee Road. 1~ meet the minimum pavemen 3 The mai~ :dad sba " -~--,or The require mia · - --- a local street· standard for a be as refiu~e~ ~u~ . .~i~h%.Of_Way may ~) F~RE coNTROL . required and a 1. water main a~d hydrants will_b~ buildings mus- meet current codes. 4-5 ,.:'-~:/~, · . ..-,. ';~,. ~- ,~.,.',. - -.. .... -.~ -. t,-. - .-:.- · ~. ..... MEMCR~NDUM DAT£:~? 7. 1~86 '- FROM:JO~n ~. ~a~a~e~ski, 2, e: Peri:ion R-86-10C, $:i!es Cc.-po:ail:3 ~'e have revteved the above re~e:eaced Peri:itt. a~g have no oSlec:i:n to eke re:cae as reques:e~. Ho';e¥~:, ye relui:e t~,e loll¢'~tr.i s..r...::c~s as a co.~...~n to cur :ecc~e~a:i~n ~or ~) ~'~:e~ i Sec'er ~ -. syste:s rill be ccns:~:c:ed thtcughou: the ~:~Jec: develc;:er.: ~./ de'.'elcper pursuant to all cur:er.: requi~e:e~ts ol Ccllier Ccur.:7 and t~e S:a:e of glor!ga. ~'ate: and sever ~ac...t.es cc~s:~c:e~ .,-~, ~ ..... 3 pla:red rights-or-d'ay or '-~, utility easements required by the Coup:7 shall c:aYeyed ~o the Ccualy [o: o~meTshlp, operaticn and ~Intenance ~ur~oses pursuant to a~p:o~tia:e County Ordinances and resu!a:lo~s tn e~ec: ~:iva~e p~operty and hoc :eRulred by the County to be located ~..1.~y ease:eats shall be o~:ed, operated a~d ~int~ined by the Devel~pe:, his assays o: successors. Upon co:pletlon o[ co.si:ut:ion t~,e rater and se'~e: /still:les ,-~, the pro~ect, the ~acilltles ~111 be req:i:e:e~:s la e~ec: a: the tire consider!tn plans are ap~:cved. The a~eve tasks :us: be cc:}!e:ed to the satlsfac:icn o~ the 9l'~Isioa prior to plat!:8 any u:ili:y ~acilitles, County o~med p;iva:e!y ~ed, into semite. · UFe= ¢~:pleticn o~ the ~ater sec'er ~acili:ies aid prior to the issuance o~ Cer:i:icat~s o[ ~eyed to the County, vhen refulred by :he Utilities Olvislcn, pursuant to Ccu:ty Ordinances l~d Relula:icts tn effect a: the tire c:nveyaoce requesled. 2) M1 cons:rut:ion plans and technical s~eciflca~ions and propcsed pla:s, i~ applicable, ~ot t~e prcp~sed race: disl:!bu:ion and sevage collect!ca a~d ttans:issi~a ~acili:ies =us: be reviewed and a~proved by the Uti!aries D...s.c~ p~lo: to cc~ence:e~: o~ 3) All cus:c:ers cc~ec:!~ to the ~a:e: ~is:ri~u:ion a~d sec'age cOllecci~n Iacilitles viii be cus:c:ers o~ the County and ~1~ be billed by the County In accotdz:ce vith the County's established rates.. S~oul~ the County ~ot be in a p~siti:~ to pr~vlde v,,cer and/or sever service to the ptoJec:, the 6'acer and/or sec'er custo:ers shall be cusip:ers o[ the !n:e:i: utility es:abllshed to se~e the project until the County's o~l-slte ~ater and/or se~er ~acilittes are avalloble to se?ze the project. May 7, 19~6 " Cica: the sevage [enerated ~:z this prolec:. Shcu!d the Cocn:y s'/s:en :or be t= a poslc!on Co su==ly potable va:er to the prclec: receive t~e proJe=c's vas~e~a:e: ac ~e ~=e develc;=ent cc--e~¢es, ~evelo~er, at his expense, ~%~! ~- ~eveloper, b-nd-ca o= cbc ~evelcper, his assii=s or successors, legally acceptable to the County, prior co the a?7:cval ol co=sir:orlon docu=encs for ~he proposed project, stati=g that: a) The proposed rater supply and on-sire treat=eric Iacilltles and/or on-sire vastevacer trea:=enc and disposal facili:ies, t~ required; are co be co=strutted as parc oE the proposed pro~ect and =usc be regarded as i~:er!.=; they shill be considered ~o Scare and ~ederal standards and are to be o~ed, operated a~d r=ai::a!ned by the Developer, ~!s assigns or successc;s u~:ll such Ci:e as the County's o~-s!:e rater facilities sod/or oll-s:te se~er ~acillcies are available to sea, ice the pro~ecc. .ac.l...es shall subtly services ea!y to those la:~s o~=ed by the Developer a:d approved by the Cou:cy for development. T?,e utility ~acll!t¥{ies) r. ay ~oc be expaofled to 'provide ~acer a~d/or sever set,loc outsidt the develo~:enc bou=dary approved .by the County ~:hout the ~r:Itcen co:sero o~ the Ccu:t¥, b) Upc~ c~a:ec:~on to the Ccu:ty~s o~f-site rater ~ac.l.t.es, and/or se~er Iac ..... es, the Developer, his assigns or successors ~hall aba~dOno dis:an:lo aid re:o~'e fro= the sire the !ncerl= uater .and/or sewage trea::e:: faclllt? and disconti:ue use of the rater supply source, if a}pllcable, i~ a r-a~ner coasls:e:c vlch SCare o~ £1~rida standards. AZ i ~otk related ~th this ac:i~it? shall be perlc:-a_ed at no c:s: to the c) Co,nec:ion to the County's o~£-slce water anti/or se~er ~lll be r. age by the o~ers, their assisns or successors at no cost to the v.t...n gays a~cer such ~acllltles becc=e available. The cost ol con~eccic~ shall include, buc not be ll:Ited to, all engineerin~ design and pre~ara:ion o: coastructlcn docu=ents, per~Itting, tlon or relict!nd or existing sevaie pu:pi:g r:cllitles or con~tructlon o~[-si:e ~ac!liC!es, rater a~d/or sever lines necessary to rake the connec:ic~{s)0 etc. d) At the t~:e Coun v orr si e ' ,fy ..- : va:er and/or sever facol...es are ava!ia~!e for the project to con:eot v~th, the fo.~c .... g va:er a~!/cr sever £ac.l.tles shall be conveyed to the County pursuant co a~prop:Zate 1) All va:er and/or sever laci!itles c:~str~cte! Ln o~ed rights-of-ray or ';::hi: uti!i~? ease:eats required by the ~th the Ccu::y's old-sire'ua:er ~nd/oz sever fac:.~i:ies; or, , 2) All rater and se~er facilities reculred co connect the project to the County's off*site Va:er a~d/or se~er ~acillt:es vhen the cs-sire va:er and/or se~er /ac...:.es are constructed o= private property a:d not required by ~he Ccu~:y to be located vlthln utili:~ ease:eats, lnclutlng but not li=iteJ ~he a) F~!= se~a~e lift station ~:d force rain inter- connecting vith the County sever fa:gilt,es all utility ease:eats necessary; ' ' '' b) Water ~istribut~oo facilities frcn the po:ne of connection vith the County's va:er facilicles to the r. as:er Va:er :eter ser~i~i the project, including all utility ease:eats necessary. e) The :ustc:ers se:-~'ed on an ~nteri: basle by the constant:ed ~y the Developer sba!! ~eco:e cue::=ers ol the County at the tt:e Vhe~ Cou=:¥ oil-site va:er sag/or sever fac ..... es r availaSle to serve the project and such cc==ectlom is r. ade. Prior to c:n=ec:Ica the proJec: ~o the Coun~/'s ofl-Sl:e rater ang/~r Se~er la:ilL:les the Developer, his assigns, or successors shall turn over t~ the ~u~:7 a co:ple:e lis: el the :ustc:ers set/ed by the in:erg: ~:ilittes sys:e= and shall co: cc:Fete "-~ the Ccu::y for the sea*ice e~ th:se ~e Dove!:per shall also provige the Coup:y vi:h a ~e:ai:e! in~e=:c~ the faci!i::es set:ed vi:h:~ the pr:Jet: at! the e~:::7 '~' ~ ~"-:-' respc=si~le for the va:er and/or sever service ~ill:=g ~cr the f) All ccns~ructlon plans aid technical S~e:ifica:ic~s rela:e~ con:et:ions to the County's off-sire rater a~/:r se~er [a:i:::ies will be sub:fi:ed to the Utilities D.v_s.c~ for review a=d a;;--va' --*~- code:ce=es: cf cons:rut:ica. -' - Pa!e l i) T,~,e Developer, his ass.li:s cr successors ogres co pay all sys:e= develo~:en-, char~es a: :ko ti"e :hat lui!d!,-,g Pe.":!:s are rec. ulred. pursua~.t to apprc~rlate Cou=:y O:dlna~,ces a:d let,.,la:icns ia el.eec: the :i:e o£ Per-_i: relues:. ~'.,Is relulre:en: shall be ".~e kao'-.'a to all prospective buyers of pr=per:'-es for ~-'h!ch ~u..d...~ pe."'=!:s .. be re~-u!red ;:!or co :he star~' of ~u..d_:t.consc:-;c-.ion. ~.., lease to t:,e Developer .~or o~eratlo= a=d ~'.e ~'i:er d-st...ut.on ar.d/or se'.'aBe c~oI!ec:Ion and t.-a.-.s:'.sslon £¢r the su: o£ $:0.00 set year, ~'hen such sys:e: is not co=.-.ec:e:' to o-~:'-s!:e vi:er ar. fl/o.- se'-'er .,c ..... es our. ed a.'.d c;erated ~-7 the ?e.~s o.~ :he lease shall be ~ete.----Ined u~on c::~!e:Ion of :he propcsed u ..... y c¢r,s:ruc:i:.~ and prior to acrS'ia:ion of the ~'ater ires:re-_: and d.s .... u~_cn and/or the se'.'aie collection. trans:Issi~n and trea::e.~: £aci'-i:les. T~.e Lease, if resulted, shall re:ai.n i: ef.~ec: un:Il the Co:.~ty can provide voter ir.d/or se'-'er se.~:Ice thrcugh its of.~-si:e fac ..... es or un:Il such tire thai bulk rate aid/or sever se.'-~Ice altec:er, rs are net:slated ~Ith the in:erS: utility sys:e= serving the proJec:. ~-) Da:a resulted urger Ccu.~:y C:dir. ance No. E~-ll2 s,~.¢'~ir.l the avail- abili:y o,· sevage se.~:ice, =us: be sub. ri:red ar.d a~$.'~ved ~y the C..1.:.es D...s.c. prior co a~prcval o.~ the cor. s:ruc:Ion dccu:e.=.ts for tko pr~e.-:. Sub=ri: a cc;? o.~ the a;~:oved DER per-=irs .~cr the se.~aKe toilet:it.=. a.-.d :ra.-.s:i'.s'-:r. syste"c ar.~- t.~.e vas:e'.'a:er trea::er.: to be ''''- u,.,..e~, u~cn re:ei~: :~ere:.~. C) I~ a: .---: r.= c:-s'.:e ~z:er su;;ly, trea::e.~: ~n.~ £aci!i:y is "'~'° ~ r' t~e proposed ~ro~ec:, it :us: be properly ii:ed to su;~:y - r ' a.~d pea'~ ~ay dc:estia de:.ar.d, i='a_~ditlc: to fire fl:'-' dc-~.-.d a: a rare a~yr:vel by the ay~rc~r!ate Fire Con:roi Dis:tic: se.~;Ici.-.$ :.~.e pra~e:: area. D) Const.-~c:!c= and c-.mers.~.iF of the · t r and sever facilities, Includlr. g a.~y proposed · e a.~d/or se~'a~e treat:ent facilities, or.: ri= va:er si. all be i.~ cc:~'-lar, ce '-'i:h all g ...... es D.~.s.:,~ Sca.-.dar.~s, Policies, Ord?,a.-.ces, Pro:rices. era. i.~ el.eec: at the tire const:'uc:!cn ap}royal is req:esce.~. E) Detailed hydraulic deslga re~cr:s Ccverlng the va:er d.s .... utloa and sec'age collection and :rans:!sslcn sysce:s to serve the pro, eec ~u~: be sub:ir:ed vith the construc:i¢.n docu:ents ~or the pro~ect. ~he repor:s shall list all design assu:$:io,~s, de:and rates and other pert!ne.~t to the sys:e', ur,~er consideration. ^GENp& IT[M, To: Ann HcKi= the De';e!c;er must present -~', · ' ye .... c~t.c~, pursuant to Chapter ~7, Tlcrid~ Statutes. ~hat the F!oTIda ?ubllc ie~'lae Co=Isslon has ~ran:ed ter~i:o- rlal ri~h:s :o the Devel~per to p~¢vide sever amd/or rater service to the G) ~a ~ke Count7 has tke ''~,- i ,': - e~ .... y ~o prcvlde sewage ~reat=~mt and,.~.' alspcs'al sad racer eu;~17 seP;Ices,, ~he. Developer,. his assigns or' ~-.1 be res;¢nsi~!e to c:~:ect to th~se ; ~'' , ~e established by ~he Co~::./, "'~ :he -ac.._t.es a: s poln:, to ~ .... Developer Ieee:lng all tests for ~he conne¢:i:n work to be perfc~-':_ed. reference to this me=ora=du=, by dace, and specify the Pete:loner's acceptance of the stipule:acme cones!ned herein. A revised copy of the PL~ docu=en: and draft Ordinance for the re:oning ~pprovel must be sub=erred to ~he U:'-Z!:~es Div~s!cn for revle~ s~d s~provs! prior ~o the ?erOsion being considered by ~he ~oard of County Co~Issioners. ---,~ :nt/sh ~ cc: Alz~ D. Re>~o!dsV/' l, Dc:aid Pi=~cr:h. Asbeil. Halns. Doyle and PicM~nrth. as c~mer or authcri:e~ agent for Pe:Ixion PDA-~S-3C. agree to the stiyula:ions requested by the Collier Ccunty Plan:tag Cc'-~Issicu tn their public heari:g cn May I9, .ac ..... es constr~ctlnn shall conic.--'- to A~n McKi:. .'?.e cz-site ~ater ~:~:ri%u:ion system to sem/e this proJec: :us: he ccn~e:ted tn :be ~Is:rlc:'s ~2 inch ~ater ~ain cn the snuck s~e of L.~-:kaiee F~a~ and extenfe~ eas:~ar~ to the cas: si~e of the ?roJec:'s co:fa:ce roadway consistent u~th =kc :aln Si:lng re~ulre:e::s s~ecifle~ in the County's Water Y2s:er Plan. c. Dea~ end cains shall be ell=Inated whe~ever possible by lonping the icier:a! pipeline network. Stubs for future sys:e: lnterconnectinn with a~Jacent properties shall be provide~ to the east, ves~ and south property lines of the project, at locations to be mutually a~reed to by the Utilities Division and the Developer duri:g the design phase of chis prnjec~. The utili:y ccnst=-untlnn 2non:eats for the project's aeuerage sys:e~ shall be prepare~ to contain the ~eslgu and cc:s:~octi¢: o~ the c~-slte force =a!n ~hlch will ultlr~tely cc::ect the project to the future central sewerage facilities of the Dis::~_ct i: the I---okalee ~oad rights-of-way. The ~crce cain must he exte~de~ fro: the on-site pump statlcn to the south rights-of-way lice of I-'-"okalee £ca~ and cap,ed. Xt :use be in:ercnn:ec:e~ to the pu~p statlo: with appropriately inca:ed valves to per-it for simple redirection of the proJec:'s sewage vhe: cc::ecticn to the Ccun:y's central sewer faci!i:les becc:es available. Plans for uses which :ay be appropriate for septic tanks shall be sunni:ted far review an~ a;?rcval to the Collier County Public gee!th Unit. Plans for uses which re~uire a package seuer trca:=en: plan: shall be a;proved ~y DER. g. C= site ,,aCer supply systecs, if needed, will require a?prnval by D.E.R. Tie D.s~..c. v41~ require f~re hydrants tied to local water cains that ~iil ceet the clni=~= 750 G.P.H. fire flow standard. s~:e ~ia~ &~rcvzl a:~ s~:a ~eveloT:e=c ~a~ a77rcval. OF s L~,.L I.~ C .... ~SS,.,O.. E,:C~',',T,~--ZS: DAY PDA-~S-3C AErct:tnc Sheet EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.591 - WEEKS CATFISH FAP, NI - LOCATED I'N SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, GENERALLY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, AND WEST BY LAND ZONED AGPJCUL~OBILE HOME OVERLAY. OBJECTIVE: To issue a commercial excavation permit to allow the offsite removal of excess fill incidental to the development of this site as an aquaculture operation, in accordance with County Ordinance No. 92-73, Division 3.5 and Section CONSIDERATIONS: The subject property is a ten (10) acre tract zoned AfMHO approximately 660 fi. south of CR 846, (Immokalee Road) on Corkscrew Lane, which is the southward extension of Sanctuary Road, the entrance to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. The commercial permit will allow offsite removal of approximately 86,000 c.y. of material of the 94,500 c.y that will be generated by excavating the three (3) each 1.67 acre by 20 ft. deep fish farm ponds. FISCAL I31PACT: Commercial Excavation Permit Review Fee Permit Fee Road Impact Fee TOTAL STAFF COM'MENTS: $850.00 341.50 9.181.73 10.373.23 This item contains two distinct issues - construction and operation of a catfish farm, and incidental to that construction, removal of the excess fill generated during the excavation. The catfish farm is a permitted use (aquaculture) allowed under Section of the L.D.C. A G E: I~.~y~l T~4~ NO. ~ FEB 0 4 1997 Topics of concern at staff level for this aquaculture operation are: 1. Proximity of the Audubon Sanctuary at Corkscrew Swamp 2. Possible nitrate contamination of the ground water table 3. Commercial traffic on the unimproved entrance driveway. 1. The petitioner has agreed not to interfere in any manner with birds feeding at the ponds once the ponds are excavated. 2. The petitioner contends that the introduction of nitrates will not exceed that generated by fertilizers or by a cattle or pig farm. 3. The petitioner informs us that commercial traffic on the driveway will be rare because of the infrequency of the crop harvest. Topics of concern at staff level for the commercial excavation are: 1. The lack of littoral zone plantings (sideslopes) 2. The overall depth of 20 fl. from original ground 3. The effect of 5375 truckloads (16 c.y.) of material on the unimproved entrance driveway. The petitioner contends that littoral zones are meant to encourage fish breeding and bird feeding and are, in this case unnecessary. Staff agrees that we want to discourage potential conflicts between fish eating birds and the property owner. The petitioner contends that the lake depth is required to protect the catfish during spells of cold weather. Staff thinks the depth will discourage vegetative growth which is the catfish's intended food source. The petitioner has stated his intention to do the excavation of the ponds over the span of up to 18 months. That would amount to 14 trucks/day, 5 days/wk, for 77 weeks. The driveway is a private road and not subject to County standards. Any improvements to the road will need County review. As an accessory use to the catfish farm, staff has no objection to offsite disposal of the fill generated by the digging of the lakes which will become the aquaculture operation. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the issuance of Excavation Permit No. 59.591 for the project known as "Jim Weeks (' v,4th the following stipulations: Commercial nt f~h Farm" FEB 0 4 1997 To restrict and discourage the possible proliferation of small "commercial" excavations in the guise of aquaculture, but to encourage the growth of small aquaculture agribusiness enterprise, staff' suggests that the BCC consider the "accessory" status of the offsite fill hauling and put placement limits on the ultimate disposition of the fill on future excavations of this type. A copy of South Florida Water Management district Permit or Early Work Permit (with staff report) Florida Department of Environmental Protection Permit or Army Corps of Engineer Permit, whichever is applicable, is required prior to excavation permit issuance 3. Ail provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 92-73, except those dealing with littoral zones Division 3.5, shall be adhered to. 4. No dewatering shall be allowed for the excavation activities. 5. No blasting will be permitted. 6. Off-site removal of material shall be subject to "Standard Conditions" imposed by the Transportation Services Division in document dated 5/24/88 (attached). 7. No Excavation Permit shall be issued until the road impact fees have been paid. 8. The maximum depth of the excavation shall not exceed twenty feet (20 fl.) below the natural ground elevation. The Agricultural Clearing Permit will be issued only after South Florida Water Management District and U.S. Army Co:ps of Engineers permit or letters of exemption have been obtained 10. Prior to removing excavated material, petitioner will improve the exit from CR- 846 on to Corkscrew Lane as per Ordinance 93-64. ENVIRONMENTAL: 1. No requests for incidental take permits or permits to dispose of state or federally listed bird species shall be applied for by the petitioner. 2. Petitioner shall not use loud noises or barrier structures of any kind to harass or intimidate feeding birds. HO. · FEB 0 1997 I PREPARED BY: STAN CHR. ZkNOWSKI, P.E. SENIOR ENGIlqEEI(" DATE REVIEWED BY: I~,OB~RT J. MULHERE, AICP CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER WAYNE ARNOLD, AICP PLANNING SERVICES DIRECTOR fcc. VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR CON~'NITY DEV. AND EN'~qRON~I'ENTAL SVCS. DATE ~AT£ SC/gdh'f: 1. I 0.9?.~imW¢tk.s 4 FEB 0 4 1997 Pi. 4"- MIN-UTES OF THE ENVTRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD DATE: January 8, 1997 TIME: 9:00 A.M PLACE: 3rd Floor Boardroom, Administration Building, Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida EAB STAFF PRESENT Foley X Hermanson X Hinchcliff X Lamoureux ~X Saadeh Absent Straton X Wilkison X Chrzanowski _~X Lenberger X Ashton X MINUTES BY: Stephen Lenberger, Environmental Specialist 11 CALLED TO ORDER AT: 903 a.m ADJOURNED AT: 10:05 a.m. PRESIDING: David S. Wilkison, Chairman ADDENDA TO THE AGENDA: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion made by Mr. Hermanson, seconded by Mr Foley and carried 6/0, to approve minutes of December 6, 1996 with correction made from Blair A. Foley as Chairman to David S. Wilkison as Chairman. ITEM: Consent/Administrative Approval Agenda PETITION NO: Commercial Excavation Permit "No. Ex. 59.591" Motion made by Ms. Straton Seconded by/',,'Ir. Foley and carried 6/0, to place Commercial Excavation Permit No. 59.591 under regular agenda for discussion. FEB 0 4 1997 Environmental Advisory Board Minutes .......................................... January 8, 1997 Page 2 ITEM: Regular Agenda PETITION NO: Commercial Excavation Permit "No. Ex. 59.591" FILED BY/FOR: Jim Weeks REQUESTING: The petitioner plans to dig 3 each 1.67 acre lakes for a total acreage of 5 acres of lake on a I0 acre parcel. The lakes will be excavated to a depth of 18 ft. 0 in. (maximum allowable for commercial excavation is 20 ft. 0 in.) to allow some degree of cold protection during dry season Iow water levels. REPRESENTED BY: Jim Weeks MOTION: Made by Mr. Hermanson, seconded by Mr. Hinchcliff and carried 511, to approve Commercial Excavation Permit No. 59.591 with the following stipulations: The agricultural clearing permit will be issued only after South Florida Water Management District (SFWMZ)) and U.S. Arm)' Corps of Engineers (ACOE) permits or letters of exemption have been obtained. 2. Ifthe operation is to be used as a fish farm then no requests for incidental take permits or permits to dispose of state or federally listed bird species shall be applied for by the petitioner. COMMENTS: For a complete record ofthe proceedings reader is directed to the tape recording of this meeting, located in the Office ofthe Clerk to the Board, 5th Floor, Building "F", Collier County, Government Complex. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair. Environmental Advisory Board gdh c:l 8E.-LBM,nules David S. Wilkison, Chairman FEB 0 4 1997 Pi. ~ · EXCAVATION PER~.IT APPLICATIONS I~VOLVING Orr-SITE REMOVAL OF F~ATERIAL The intent of these "Standard Conditions" are to provide excavation permit applicants a summary o: conditions ~hich may affect their projects and ~'hich should be taken into consideration during all stages of pro]eot development: Haul routes between an excavation site and an arterial road shall be private with property owner(s) approval or be a public collector road built to standards applicable to handle the resulting truck traffic. Where residential areas front collector roads, appropriate turn lanes, buffer and bikepath shall be required as minimal site improvements and if recommended for approval, shall be so with the condition that the Transportation Services Administration reserves the right to suspend or prohibit off-site removal of excavated material should such removal create a hazardous road condition or subs~antia!!y deteriorate a road condition~ such action by the ?ranspcr~a%ion Services Administration shall be subject to " appeal t, efore the Board of Count?' Commissioners. Maul rouzes uti!izinc public roads shall be subject to road mazn%enance and road repair or an appropriate fair share by the perrz%tee !n accordance ~ith Excavation Ordinance No. 92-72 and R~gnz-of-%zay Ordinance No. ~2-~!. C':~-sit=rer. c*.'al of exca,.'azed r. ateriai shall be subject .to Ord'nance ~;z. c~-22.~ (Road -7msec%. Ordinance). A traffic and rca/ ~r.~.{c5 an&!ysis s. __ be r, ade by the County to determine ~..e e.fazzs %ha% cf£-si%e remcvai cf e>:cavatec material ~i!! ha'ca cn %r.e road s','s~em ~'ithin %he excavation project's zone of ir, f!uance, if a:Drooriate roe/ ~r .... t fees in accordance Crd'nan~a ~c. ~2-22 sma!! be paid prior to the issuance of an i=,e irar,_~ra, rta::_c.-.. _¢~-.,.{c=¢ .......... ~d-:nis-ra-ion_ ~ ~ reserves the richt %c es%atl'~h er. ercencv ~'ezch% !f~.its on public road~'ays -- . o~-_. :er, ova~ o~ excavated matemia~; the ~rccefure for es:a~!ishment of :'eich: limits shall be the presen:a:~on cf a~ app!ica~!e resolution before the Board of Ccc:,%v Cerr, issicners. Should ~'eigh~ limits be inssituted, the r, errittee shall be respcr, sible %o ir.o!ement measure to assure .... ca_ ngs , the permit's DroDert'.' ~-fcrr, %c ~ne epp.tcat]e ~'eich% restriction. ?ne £:<ca'.'a:icn ?erfcrmance Guarantee shall apply to excavation operations and also the r, aintenance/repair of p~blic roads in accordance ;'ith current ordinances and applicable permit One of T~o FEB 0 4 997 Pg' 7 Uased o:, soil boring in[ormation par Ordinance ,,b. 92-75, n blast,ha permit may be appropriate. Should a blasting permit appl[catzo~ be submitted and should residential areas exist ~'itt, ir, one mile of the excavation site. the County reserves the ri~ht to'deny a b]asting permit based on concerns for off-site xmpoct5 from blasting at an e×cavation site. Should a blasting permit be considered and approved, the minimum conditions of approval in addition to conditions per Ordinance ~4o. 92-73 are as f¢llo~:s: ;,. Structure inventory/monitoring and applicable proper~y au'nar release as required by the Oevelopment Services D~recLor. Se:urity band applicable to private property damage acceptable %c the Count),. Car,~rol of size/depth/number of charges per blast by %r:e Deve!oD.-,e.-,~ Services Director. T~e riga% cf the Count}, to suspend and/ct revoke Dia5%imc perri% authority should be determined that ties%ina ac:i'.'ities are area%in? unacceptable off-site cc-!i%icr;~ eL%nar in term~ of private property damage arz,'cr re~a%e~ ph}'sicai effects cf blasting :.z ~.::a.az:c-. ~-=--~.. sna Z! be issued u..zii~ receipt of a r~les~ fray %~.~ :rans~cr~a~l~n Servlces Adr, inistration a~iizsa~a zz pr_par~ r. lc~c.sc~cn, c= cff-si~=~- impacts, r. aeCl,z cf ail]iaaa, la D-c','isicns cf Ordinance No. 82-91, C. rdi3.{r:a :,2. =~-~ and C'rdinance ~;o. ~2-73. .--.-'-fer-:.-..:~ %.: 2at%er :f .:.-:-'. isel ' : Page '/'.'o of FEB 0 4 1997 pg._ FEB 0 4 1997 p~,, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECT STAFF ON COILRECTIVE 1VIEASURES TO REMOVE, HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS IN THE LAKE AREA KNOWN AS AYALA LAKE IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners direct staff on corrective measures to remove hazardous conditions in the lake area known as Ayala Lake in Section 4, Township 47 South, P, ange 29 East. CONSIDERATIONS: On January 21, 1997, Agenda Item 8A.(6) was presented before the Board of County Commissioners regarding the proposed filling of a lake area known as ^yala Lake. There exists in Section 4, Township 47, Range 29, a lake-pit area which is not a part of the County's drainage system or any other stormwater management program. For years, this area has been a dumping ground for litter, abandoned property, and bodies (as documented by the attached letter from the Collier County Sheriff's Department). This lake-pit area is also a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other conditions which negatively impact the safety and health of the area. The Collier County Code enforcement department has identified this lake area as a hazardous condition. One of the owners of the lake area, Mx. Jesus Ayala, is in prison serving a ten (10) year sentence on a drug conviction There are approximately nine other property owners whose property includes a portion of the lake area. Staffhas identified the following options to correct the health and safety issues created by the condition of the lake area~ a) b) c) d) fill lake - This option requires local, state and federal permitting It is first necessary to establish the environmental status of the property. Based upon current known conditions, the Pollution Control Department recommends completing a sanitary survey and soil boring and soil sampling of the lake area. The estimated cost is 5;65,000.00. clear lake - The County may cite the property owners for a violation under the weed ordinance, and if the property owners do not remedy the situation, the County may enter the property, remove the litter and debris, and lien the property owners for the costs. This option does not remove the safety hazard, which is the lake itself. fence lake - The County may desire to fence the lake in whole or in part depending on the property owners' participation. The property owners may agree to fund all or part of the cost or perform some of the construction work. If the County were required to perform all the work, the cost to the County would be approximately $5,400.00. At a minimum, if the County participates, the Count)' would be required to obtain rights-of-entry from all property owners and enter into an agreement with the property owners regarding the maintenance of the fence once it is installed. Staff could also contact local not-for-profit organizations to determine if any entities are willing to construct or fund the cost of installing a fenc contact state agencies such as H.R S. and/or the State Bureau of Waste Manageme at aaa Cleanup - Under this option, ifa sanitary nuisance pursuant to Section 386.01, et. seq.[zEE] 0 Exccuth,¢ Summary Ayah Page 2 Florida Statutes or environmental contamination were found, the appropriate State agency would commence corrective action and the property owners would be liened for the cost of' any remedial action· Corrective action may or may not involve the filling of the lake area. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact will vary depending on which option is selected by the Board. If County funds are needed Fund 301 Reserves should be used. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners direct staff' on corrective measures to remove hazardous conditions in the lake area known as Ayala L&e in Section 4, T47, Range29, and if required approve all necessary budget amendmentS, s}, Linda P. Sullivan, Director Code~nforcement Depa~/ment "Q'~ncent ~ Cautero, Administrator t' Community Development and Environmental Services e~. 'l'ffa.'Execmive Summary A G E N D~ .I~T fu~,l,, \ No. ~ FEB 0 4 1997 FEB 0,1 1997 Collier County G(~,t. Complex Bldg. - J 3301 Tamiami Trail East. Naples. FL 339,52 Telephone (AC 941} 774-4434 Octobc:r 4, 1996 Cod~ Fnf~t - Collier County 106 Souga Iai Str~.t ;rr~nOlCal~, Florida :34142 Per om' recent coav~tioa, I am submStthm~ this lettm' a~ tm ei~ to ~e~te a ~bl~ ~ ~ ~o a h~ h~-~. It ~ ~me a ~p~ ~o~d to ~hi~ ~m ~h to ~ge~. N~ ~~ ~m ~ s~bl~ ~ ~ ~nd from ~e ~ of~e ~;"S ho~e. I ~ ~e so~ side of~ this wo~d ~ ~ a ~t ~ep ~ ~e ~t d~om I would greatly appr~ia~ anythins that ~uld b~ a~ompli~hed with this pmi:crty, preferably, fillins it in. If the SherifY's Of]Sce can be of any assLgaa~, please conta~ me at tt~ lmmokalee Substation. Very truly yours Lt. It, cry l~.pp -//262 FEB 0 ~ lgg7 Collier County Govt. Complex Bldg. - J 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 33952 Telephone (AC 941) 774-4434 24, 1997 Code Fn~t. Co. et County 106 South 1st Street !rnn3c'&.te:~ Flc~d~ 34 ] 42 Per our ~en on Ja~xy 24, 1997, this is to confirm to you thai the C~llier Cotmty SherifP~ Offic~ dooa not hav~ ax~y ongoing ~gatiorm at ~ ~ om~eznin~ Late Aya]a on Lt. Roy Kipl~- #262' 2 ~ ~-~ FEB 0 A 1997 Pg. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTM]~/T~ ~MORANDUM Gary Harrison, Code Enforcement Investigator William D. Lorenz Jr~.,~P.E., Director Natural Resources Department October 23, 1996 Ayala Lake Filling Please note that we have determined that the County will have to file an Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Nationwide 26 Permit and send formal notice of the permit application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The permit application should describe the history of the problem, the owners permission (Right of Entry) and how and what types of material is to be used as fill. We will also provide the water quality analyses that were taken in 1987. We would expect it to take a'=inimum of 30 days for the ACOE to issue a permit with a more li~ely time frame of 60 to 90 days. John Boldt has indicated that the~lake is not pa~t of the County's drainage system or any o.her stormwate/~ management system, indicating we should have not drainagegproblems with filling the lake. We do recom~nend that no iron or steel (except concrete reinforcement materials) be used as fill because of high iron concentrations in the water (1987 lab data). We also recommend that the County have formal controls on the fill brought into the site. I can have my staff complete the application and obtain the permits for you after the BCC approves the project. I recommend that your Executive S~-~ary should have the following in its Recommendation Section: "Authorize staff to apply for the necessary federal, state, and local permits to fill the lake with clean fill as defined by FAC 62-701-200(11)." No. ~ FEB 0 4 19S7 Note in the Fiscal Impact Section that the cost of permit applications and possible water quality sampling will be less than $800. Please let me know if you need any more information. Give me or Mac Hatcher a call at 732-2505 if you have any questions. cc: Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator -. Community Development and Environmental Services Linda Sullivan, Code Enforcement Director Deborah Pack-Preston, Comprehensive Planning Special Projects File WDL:jaa/10005 · ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 'I't IAT TI II.! B().,\IU) ¢)1:£'1 )t INI'Y C()M,IIS5I(IN I.iIL"4 .,\l ri'! I(1RIZI! TI Iii I'AYMI.;NI' ()F Fl iNDS PURSUANT 'Fo TI IF. NI qS:\NCI:. AI~A'I'EMt.~NT ()RDINAN('F. 91-47 OB.IECTIVE: Obtain Board of County Commissioners approval to pay for nuisance abatement previously performed under Collier County Ordinance 91-47 DESCRIPTION: Pursuant to Collier County Ordinance 91-47. the Code Enforcement department receives and processes complaints pertaining to weeds, litter and exotics removal. IJpon identil3'ing violative properties. Code Enforcement notilics property oxvners of thc nuisance and requests abatement of same. If the violation still exists upon recheck of tile property. Code l:.nlbrcement solicits quotes from licensed contractors to perfom~ the work. In accordance with the 91-47 ordinance, the entire cost of abatement is eventually paid by tile property owner, either by direct payment or placement ora lien against the property. In Janua~' of 1995. Code Enforcement directed Pelican Laxx'n Set'dee to perfi~m~ the folloxving services on property held in trust by Sun Bank for Al Gallman: removal of prohibited exotics and litter. ]'he nuisances xvere abated and Pelican laxvn Sen'ice submitted an invoice for $48.000. Recently. Collier County received payment of $48.000 from the trustees of the Gallman estate. ahhough no lien xvas filed. Thc County Attorney's Office has directed Code Enfi)rccment to pay Pelican Lawn Service Isee attached memo). However. payment has not been made to Pelican Lawn Sen'ice because payment exceeds the County formal competitive bid limit. The Clerk of Courts Finance I)cpanrncnt has requested that Ibc Board of ('ountx' Commissioners authorize payment. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no net impact. Revenue to cover expenses has been obtained and deposited by the Clerk of Courts Finance Department. To ensure no negative impact on the Code Enlbrccmcnt's nuisance abalcmcnt budget, a budget amendment should be executed to increase reve~ue commensurate with expenditure. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENI)ATION: That tile Board of County Commissioners authorize payment of $48.000 to Pelican Lawn Set\ice for work previously performed under Collier County Ordinance 91-47 and any necessary budget amendments. APPROVED BY: Date: .o. FEB 0 4 1997 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: January I0, 1997 Linda Sullivan, Code Enforcement Director Thomas C. Palmer, Assistant County Attorney Pelican Lawn Service Exotic Removal Contract (Case//41010-28) This memorandum is in reply to your Memorandum, dated December 30, 1996, copy attached. I enclose a memo, dated January 7, 1997, from Robert Byrne, General Operation's Manager, Clerk of Courts/Finance, which states that the Collier County Finance Department will not issue a check to pay S48,000 to the contractor who performed the lot clearing services on behalf of the County, Pelican Lawn Service, Inc., until that payment is approved by the Board of County Commissioners. In my opinion Board approval is not required before the Finance Department can issue a check in this matter, because the subject "Bid and Contract Specifications" document was executed on January 24, 1995 and was controlled by County Ordinance No. 91-47, which as of January 24, 1995, exempted this case from the County normal bidding procedures. Moreover, the County has received a Trustee's check in the full amount of $48,000 from the property owners of the lots that were cleared, therefore, the County already has the exact amount of money it needs to pay the contractor. It appears that the most that should be required by the Finance Department is "approval" of the payment by the "Supervisor" in accordance with the controlling rules that were in effect on January 24, 1995. Please refer to the attached memo from Steve Carnell, dated January I0, 1997, and to the last paragraph in the summary of the "Nuisance Abatement Proc 11/13/91. .o. FEB 0 4 1997 1 The Contractor, Pelican Lawn Service, Inc., has been waiting for this payment for almost two years. Please do what must be done so that a check in the amount of $48,000 can be issued as soon as possible to the "Sparkman & Quinn Trust Account". If the Finance Department continues to insist that no check can be issued without approval from the Board of County Commissioners, please place this item on the Board's "Consent Agenda" with an appropriate "Executive Summary." TCP/mrb Enclosures: Memo from R. Byme, dated 1-7-96. Memo from Steve Camell, dated 1-10-97. cc: David C. Weigel, County Attorney h:~Icp'.,.r~: rr~sgT,,pclicanlawnsrvc -sullivan MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Tom Palmer Counly Attorney's Office Robert W. Byrne, CMA ~:;) General Operations Manager, Clerk of Courts/Finance January 7, 1997 Pelican Lawn Services Payment The a~tached paperwork (including check) is being re:urned to you because according to County purchasing policy sections V and XX, purchases in excess o~' the formal competitive threshold ($15,000) require BCC approval. As you are requesting payment Of $48,000, BCC approval is required. Please resubmit after 8CC approval is obtained. Thank you for your cooperation in this ma~er. AG £N I:)~, JT~; M ,, FEB 0 1997 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: January 10, 1997 Linda Sullivan, Code Enforcement Director Thomas C. Palmer, Assistant County Attorney Pelican Lawn Service Exotic Removal Contract (Case//41010-28) This memorandum is in reply to your Memorandum, dated December 30, 1996, copy attached. I enclose a memo, dated January 7, 1997, fi.om Robert Byrne, .General Operation's Manager, Clerk of Courts/Finance, which states that the Collier County Finance Department will not issue a check to pay $48,000 to the contractor who performed the lot clearing services on behalf of the County, Pelican Lawn Service, Inc., until that payment is approved by the Board of County Commissioners. In my opinion Board approval is not required before the Finance Department can issue a check in this matter, because the subject "Bid and Contract Specifications" document was executed on January 24, 1995 and was controlled by County Ordinance No. 91-47, which as of January 24, 1995, exempted this case fi.om the County normal bidding procedures. Moreover, the County has received a Trustee's check in the full amount of $48,000 fi.om the property owners of the lots that were cleared, therefore, the County already has the exact amount of money it needs to pay the contractor. attached memo fi.om Steve Carnell, paragraph in the summary of the 11/13/91. It appears that the most that should be required by the Finance Department is "approval" of the payment by the "Supervisor" in accordance with the controlling rules that were in effect on January 24, 1995. Please refer to the dated January 10, 1997, and to the last "Nuisance Abatement Proc~'''''~'' a~t~a NO. ~ FEB 0 4 1997 The Contractor, Pelican Lawn Service, Inc., has been waiting for this payment for almost two years. Please do what must be done so that a check in the amount of $48,000 can be issued as soon as possible to the "Sparkman & Quinn Trust Account". If the Finance Department continues to insist that no check can be issued without approval from the Board of County Commissioners, please place this item on the Board's "Consent Agenda" with an appropriate "Executive Summary." TCP/rnrb Enclosures: Memo from R. Byme, dated 1-7-96. Memo from Steve Camell, dated 1-10-97. cc' David C. Weigel, County Attorney h :~.c~' j'~-~ mo $ O 7~,p¢ li c a.nl: v.'ns rv c -s u I h v z,n 2 AG ENiD&IT F~ '~ FEB 0 A 1997 p~. ~ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Tom Palmer County Attorney's Office Robert W. Byrne, CMA General Operations Manager, Clerk of Courts/Finance January 7, 1997 Pelican Lawn Services Paymen[ The attached paperwork (including check) is being returned to you because according to County purchasing policy secIions V and XX. purchases in excess ol the formal competitive threshold ($15.000) require BCC approval. As you are requesting payment ol S48.000. BCC approval is required. Please resubmit aher BCC approval is obtained. Thank you for yourcooperalion in this ma;ter. AGENI~ JT~M ,. FEB 0 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION FOR FY 96/97 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS TO PERFORM LANDSCAPE DESIGN FOR US. 41 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL AND ESTABLISH THE SCOPE OF WORK AND PHASING TO BE PHASE "A" (S.R. 84 TO C.R. 31) AND PHASE "B" (C.R. 31 TO C.R. 864). D_~.gJF, J~,ZL~: To gain the Board of County Commissioners' authorization to allocate funds during FY 96/97 in lieu of the Public Petitioner's request for FY 97/98 funding for providing the landscape design services for U.S. 41 East Tamiami Trail, and establish the Scope of Work and Phasing to be Phase "A" and Phase "B". CONSIDERATIONS: On January 7, 1997, BCC Agenda Item 7(A), the Board recognized a Public Petition for the continued landscape improvements on U.S. 41 continuing Eastward from the intersection of Davis Boulevard to Rattlesnake Hammock Road. As a result of that day's discussion, direction was given to staff to provide for funding of the landscape design for the East Tamiami Trail during FY 97/98. Fudher to that direction, Transportation Staff contacted the F.D.O.T. and was advised that the roadway construction for Phase "A" (S.R. 84 to C.R. 31)will commence in June, 1997. With the construction commencement date being only five (5) months away and the amount of time involved in planning/coordination, design, F.D.O.T. grant, permitting requirements and in addition to the need to coordinate landscape elements within the roadway construction plans, such as sleeving for electrical and water services, the possible use of decorative paving in lieu of the typical concrete separators, accent or decorative lighting and soil amendments for planting, there exists an immediate need for the landscape design professional to interact and begin coordination with the F.D.O.T. officials. In review of the anticipated professional fees for the landscape and irrigation design and grant application, the Board has approved past design fees (4/2/96, Agenda Item 8(B)(1), such as for Davis Boulevard's Two Phase Project (Phase 1 - U.S. 41 to Airport Road, a 1.2 mile segment; and Phase 2 - Airport Road to County Barn Road, a 2.2 mile segment) in the amount of $32,000.00. Since the Scope of Work and Phasing for Phases "A" and "B" (Phase "A" - S.R. 84 to C.R. 31, a 1.2 mile segment; and Phase "B"- C.R. 31 to C.R. 864, a 1.7 mile segment) are similar to the above Davis Boulevard work, Staff anticipates professional fees being in the similar range of approximately $32,000.00. _ -~ ..... ~ Executive Summary Landscape Design East US 41 January 23, 1997 FISCAL IMPACT: The design service fees for both Phase "A" and Phase "B" are estimated to be $32,000.00, requiring monies for the design services to be from Fund 301 Reserves. Due to the premature nature of the project and F.D.O.T grant possibilities actual construction costs and other related expenditures are uncertain at this time. However, based on the figure used by Collier County and as listed in the recently adopted Collier County Streetscape Master Plan of $175,000.00 per mile for landscape development and $50,000.00 per mile for yeady landscape maintenance, the following construction cost and maintenance estimates are presented: Phase "A" - 1.2 Roadway Miles Phase "B" - 1.7 Roadway Miles (Construction) $210,000.00 $297,000.00 (Maintenance via M.S.T.D. Fund 102) $60,000.00 $85,000.00 Upon final determination of the costs for landscape improvements, various funding sources, such as from Funds 3o], ool, !11, 1ol, Io2 or a special M.S.T.U., would be presented for the Board's consideration during FY 97/98. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners immediately authorize allocation of funds and approve all budget amendments to support the requested professional design services in an amount not to exceed $32,000.00, establish the Scope of Work and Phasing to be Phase "A" (S.R. 84 to C.R. 31) and Phase "B" (C.R. 31 to C.R. 864) and solicit for professional landscape design services per the County Purchasing Policy. PREPARED BY: Val Prince, Engineer Il Transportation Landscape Services REVIEWED By: /~../,'---------' ~ David F. Bobanick, Interim Director Transportation Department / ) REVIEWED BY: ~Raymond W. Mi]]er, t'.. Interim Public Works, Administrator DB/VP/Attachment(s) DATE: DATE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TItAT TIIE BOARD OF COI,LIER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTtlORIZE TIlE COUNTY TO DIRECT PAY TIlE IMMOKALEE CIIILD CARE CENTER'S UTII,ITY BII,LS TO INCLUDE WATER, SEWER, AND ELECTRICAL BILLS, UP TO $11,000 RATIIER TIIAN AS A SINGLE PAY?,IENT OBJECTIVE: 'Fo clariS' the process for payment of the bills and provide support for the not-for-profit Immol:alee Child Care Center, and in tt;,'~, the community of Immokalee. CONSII)ERATIONS: The Board authorized the continued payment of utility expenses for the hnmokalee Child Care Center in their new facility for a period of three years. Over that period of time the payments would be decreased by 50% each year until the Center were financially able to pay for their full utility costs in year four. The item was understood to be approved as a one time single payment of 5;11,000, which equaled the estimated annual utility expenses. Unfortunately when processed, the payment could not be paid in the single payment manner by thc County's Finance Department as it would not meet certain pre-audit requirements. In order to make the payments, the County needs to pa)' based on actual invoices received by the Center. This has been done in the past by having the County direct pay these costs. GROWTil MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: Funds were already transferred by budget amendment from general fund reset'es to cover this cost up to $11,000. No additional funds would be needed in this fiscal year to change the process for making payment. RECOMMENDATION THAT TilE BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, authorize the direct payment of the Immokalee Child Care Center utility expenses or payment to the Center for any utility expenses already paid since opening the facility, up to 5;11,000 for th,.- first twelve month period of the Center's operation, 55,500 for the second twelve month period and 5;2,750 for the third twelve month period, rather than providing one time single payments. Prepared by.----~'~,F~'_~-?.~.~ Thomas W. Olliff, P~_~ic Services Administrator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO REJECT BID/497-2639 FOR 'DIE ADVERTISING OF DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR 1996 AND RE-BID THIS ITEM. OBJECTIVE: To obtain advertising services pertaining to the referenced properties pursuant to state law and the County's purchasing policy. CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Chapter 197, F.S., counties are required each year to advertised the list of real estate and tangible personal properties for which annual tax payments have not been collected prior to final resolution of the unpaid debt. The list of delinquent real estate properties is to be advertised at least three times prior to tile sale of tax certificates. The list of delinquent tangible personal properties must be advertised at least once prior to the issuance of warrants. Section 197, F.S. calls for tile Board of County Commissioners to select the newspaper for advertising the r~ferenced lists of delinquent properties. In the event that the Board does not select the newspaper, the Tax Collector makes the selection. In an effort to generate competition among local newspapers, invitations for bids were sent to five area publications. On January 29, the bid opening was held at which time only one bid was received, that being from the Naples Daily News. Subsequent to receipt of the bids, staff determined that none of the bidders received tile bid invitation that was placed in the regular mail. The sole bidder for the work, received the documents by fax at their request. Hence, the Board is left with the following options: 1) Award the bid to the sole bidder without the benefit ofcompetition; or 2) Reject the bid received and give all bidders an opportunity to tender an offer. Under Section 12.D-13.036 of the Florida Administrative Code, selection of the newspaper for the advertisement of delinquent taxes must occur in the~- [ month of' February. In the interests of generating more competition, staff would recommend re-soliciting the work. However, in order to meet the requirements of the administrative code, it would appear necessary for the Board to waive the formal bid process and direct staffto re-solicit the work on a more expedited schedule. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of the advertising (a total of four insertions) under the proposed bid otter would be $200,000, though this figure is subject to variation depending on the number of properties listed. Upon selection of the newspaper, the Tax Collector's office is responsible for placing and paying for the advertising. The cost of the advertising is ultimately recovered from the buyers of tax certificates or the or/ginal property owner. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners reject the bid received under Invitation 97-2639 for the advertising of delinquent property taxes, waive the formal bid process and authorize staff to re-solicit the work in an expeditious manner sufficient to enable the Board to select the newspaper in the month of February. SUBMITTED BY: Steve ~arnell,~ Purchasing/General Serv/ces Director EVIEWED BY: Leo Ochs, Jr. //Z ' Support Service~'Administrator FEB - ~ 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DISCUSSION A/TD APPROVAL OF FY 98 ~UDGET POLICY QBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners discuss and approve policies to be used in developing the Collier County government budget for fiscal year 1998. ~ON$IDERATIQN$: In order for staff to begin preparation of the FY 98 Collier County Government budget, direction is needed from the Board of County Commissioners on a number of policy issues and budget assumptions. Attached to this Executive Summary is a listing of pertinent policy issues that will affect preparation of the FY 98 budget. The purpose of today's discussion is for the Board to reach consensus on the policies and assumptions upon which the budget will be based. Also included is a 3 year analysis of ad valorem tax supported funds. The purpose of this analysis was to focus on longer term financial conditions within ad valorem tax supported funds and for the Board to understand the longer term financial implications of funding decisions made in FY 98. Finally, the Board needs to establish workshop dates in June. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: The adopted budget policies will serve as the framework for the development of all spending and ad valorem taxation issues for fiscal year 1998. Based on the expense and revenue assumptions utilized in the tax analyses, including "mandated" expanded service requests, the following percentage increases over the rollback rate would be required in FY 98: Fund General Fund MSTD General Fund Pollution Control Fund Percentage Over Rollback Rate 2.2%* 3.9% 4.9% *3.0% assuming $500,000 in non-mandated expanded services. RECO .M~ATION: That the Board of County Commissioners discuss and adopt budget policies and assumptions as detailed in the attachment to this Executive Su.mmary. PREPARED BY: t~ DATE: ~ Michael Smykowski, OMB Director REVIEWED BY: W. Neil Dorrill, County Manager DATE: I AG£NDA)T£3',4 *' FEB - 1997 FY 98 Budget Policy Constitutional Officer Budget Submissions As per Florida Statutes, the SherLff, the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Supervisor of Elections, and the Prop~y Appraiser submit tentative budgets for their respective offices on June !. However, in chapter 129.03(2) of the Florida Statutes, there is a provision by which the Board of Count).' Commissioners may, by resolution, require the tentative budgets for the Sheriff, Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the Supen'isor of Elec'tions to be submitted by May I. The BCC adopted Resolution 96-123 watch required the Sheriff, Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the Supervisor of Elections to submit their FY 97 tentative budgets by May l $, ! 996, and by May 1 of each year commencing in 1997 and thereafter. As such, the FY 98 budget ~bmitlal dead/the for these Constitutional Officers will be Ma)' 1, 1997. (2apital Improvement Proeram (CIP) The purpose of the Capita] Improvement Program (CIP) is to provide roads, parks, uti.liD' LrLfrastructure. government buildings, major equipment, capital maintenance and renovatio~ to existing facilities. The Capital Improvement Program includes the growth-necessitated projects scheduled for a five year period in the Capital Improvement Element of the Groxvth Management Plan, as well as non-CIE capital in~rovements not included in the Growth Management Plan. CI'P Dex'elopment On an annual basis, the Count3.' shall prepare and adopt a fix'e.year Capital Improvement Element (CIE) consistent with the requirements of thc Gro~vth Managen~ent Plan Thc annual budget will include sufficient appropriations to fxmd capital projects identified in the first .,,'ear of the CIE. Ad Valorem Capital Funding In 1~' 86. a separate county-wide millage lex').' for capital outlay was established. In 1%' 88, this capital lax lex'v was increased to 1000 mill, which generated approximately $8.5 million in thai year. This lax lex'y remained at I mill through 1%' 91 and in that )'ear generated approximately $12.8 million. However, to reduce ad valorem taxes in FY 92, the BCC made a polio,.' decision to reduce the capital lex').' to .6580 mills. Since 1%' 91, the available General Fund rex'enue allocated for capital projects and interim debt sen'ice has been reduced (see following chart and graph) to the $5,505,700 level approved in FY 97. (Interim debt sen'ice is the payment of principal and interest on the outstanding Commercial Paper program proceeds used to finance the acquisition of the 800 MHz radio system). Due to the impact of construction inflation and total requested projects t2,.'pically exceeding available revenues, staffrecommends, at a minimum, a 4% annual increase in the pool of General Fund dollars allocated to capital projects. This would increase the available pool of funds in 1%' 98 Io $5,725.900. Assuming a 4% increase in the final county-wide property value of $ I, ever2,.' $100,000 increase in the capitol funding pool is equivalent to a .0053 millage increase (.53 per $100,000 of taxable value). AGENDA ITEM No. g er0) FEB - 1997 Pg. 2.. The following charl a~d graph provide a history of the tax dollars allocated lo capital projects and the associated millage rate by fiscal )'~r. Capital Dollars/Millage HistoO' (FY 91 - FY 00) Fiscal Allocated Millage Year Tax Dollars F_.quival eh! FY 91 12,799,200 1.0000 FY 92 9,481,500 0.6580 FY 93 8,005,800 0.5474 F'Y 94 7,596,500 0.4952 FY 95 8,109,100 0.5068 FY 96 7,038,700 0.4157 FY 97 5,505,700 0.3040 FY 98 5,725,900 0.3040 FY 99 5,955,000 0.3040 FY O0 6,193,200 0.3040 General Fund CapRal Millage History FY 91 - FY 00 0.9- 0.8. 0.7. 0.$. 0.4. 0.3. 0.2- 0.1. 91 92 9:3 94 45 44 47 44 $4 O0 Fiscal Year CIP Policies Capital projects attributable to growth will be funded, to the extent possible, by impact fees. In accordance with the adopted road funding plan, all gas tax revenue will be allocaled Io road construction, aside from ',.hal required Io meel debt sen'ice obligalions. Capital projects identified in the 5 Year CIE ,,,,'itl be given pfiofiD' for funding. A five-year plan for waler and wastewater CIE projects ~'ill be developed upon completion of master plan studies. A five-year plan for non-CIE capital projects funded by General Fund ad valorem taxes wil updated to include projects in F~' 02. FY 98 non-CIE capital projects in the approved five' 'also beAGENDA ITE~M carplh"1o~,rill g c-~_, ) FEB - 1997 Pg.. be given priority for funding. Any new non-CIE capital project requests ~I1 be evaluated and approved on a case-by-ca.se b~is. Annual operating expenses associated with capitol projecu will be identified by the respective departments during the budge~ process. Unlike operating budgets which are administered at the appropriation unit lex'el, capital project budgets will continue to be administered on a total projec~ budget basis. The minimum threshold for projects budgeted in capital funds is $25,000. Law Enforcement ,Impact Fee At various points in time, Board discussions have focused on the implementation of a Law Enforcement Impact Fee. Prex%usly, the Board made a polio' decision not to implement a Law Enforcement Impact Fee. This issue resurfaced following the defeat of the Jail Complex sales tax referendum. In addition to the eventual need to expand the Jail Complex, the non-CIE plan referred to above includes a number of substation expansions in the five year planning window from FY 97 through FY 01. Furthermore, the three year tax anaiysis of the General Fund includes 5816,000 in capital outlay associaled with the addition of road patrol deputies broken down by fiscal year as follows: F~' 98 - $480,000; FY 99 - $72.000; FY 00 - $264,000. The source oft.his information is a manpower analysis performed by Sheriff's Office staff, The General Fund tax analysis assumes that the projected $816,000 in capital outlay will be funded by ad valorem taxes These capital purchases and the substation expansions would be eligible impact fee expenditures. As such, staff is seeking policy direction from the BCC regarding the implementation of a Law Enforcement lmpac~ Fee. Self-Insurance Collier Counts.' is self-insured for the following programs: Worker's Compensation. Properly/Casualty, and Health Insurance EyeD' two lo three 5'ears, the Count5' solicits quotations from private insurance providers in order to ensure that self-insurance remains the most cost-effective insurance option for the County. During thc summer of FY 96 the County soliciled quotations for the Health Insurance program through a joint project with the CiD' of Naples and the Collier County School Board Io determine if serf-insurance remains thc most cost-effective insurance option. In conjunction with the City and the School Board, a new program was implemented JanuaD.' I, 1997. Quotations for the Property/Casualn.' and Worker's Compensation programs will be solicited during FY 97 with any recommended changes becoming effective during FY 98. An actuarial study of each of the self-insurance programs will be conducted on an annual basis. Program funding will be based on a confidence level of 75%. Debt Sera'ice Thc following policy regarding thc issuance of debt was adopled in the Growth Managem~ Count3' will not exceed a maximum ratio of total general government debt sen'ice to bond nl P!:'~: Ce!lier hie rex.~;DA ITEM r4o._...c c FEB - 1997 Pg.. ~ from current sources of ] 3% Whereas Florida Statutes place no limitation on the application of revenues to debt sen'ice by local taxing authorities, prudent fLscal management diclates a se'f-imposed lex'el of restraint. Current bondable rex, enues are ad valorem taxes and st,ale-shared revenues, specifically gas t,xxcs and the half-cent sales tax. The enterprise funds operale und~ revenue bonding ratios se~ by the financial markets and are, therefore, excluded from this debt policy. As mentioned previously, there i~ S$,725,900 recommended for capital projects supported by a General Fund transfer in FY 98, as the Courts' beliex'es in funding the bulk of capital irrg~rovements on a cash or "pay as you go" basis. However, not all capital projects may be funded on a cash basis. This is recognized in the Growth Management Plan policy regarding general obligation debt: Certain large scale projects of significant coun?widc impact and cos~ would, if funded by current ad valorem ta.xcs in the year of construction, result in an unacceptable millage rate. These projec%s may be proposed for general obligation bonding Thc electorate ma)' be asked through referendum to approve the borrowing of funds for the projecu and the lex'}., of ad valorem taxes to pay the resulting debt sm'ice. Thc defeat of a referendum on any or all of the projects ,.rill rcsult in a lo~'ering of the Lex'el of Service Standard for related facilities Any capital projects Financed by borroxving money shall limit the repayment period to thc useful life of thc asset. Interim Financing Collier Counn.' ma.,,' also borrow funds on an interim basis to fund capita! projects. In instances ,,~'hcrc interim financing is recommended, a repayment source shall be identified and thc financing source which has to Io~ est total cost shall be employed Depcndi.ng on market conditions, bond rcfundings/rcfinancings ma) be recon'u'nended by thc Finance CommJnec The net present value sa,.'ings generated by a proposed refinancing shall be a minimum of 5% As a general rule. savings generated by refinancing shall be utilized to reduce future debt service payments At a minimum, a 5% reserve for contingencies shall bc appropriated in all funds, with the exception of thc Constitutional Officer funds Reserves for thc Constitutional Officer funds shall be appropriated within the Count} General Fund A reserve for cash flow may be established with a maximum (per Florida Statutes) of 10% of total fund appropriations Funds earmarked for future .,.'car capital projects shall be budgeted in a separate Reserx'c for Capital Outlay accounl. _Attritinn Funds with l 0 or more budgeted positions that have gencraled sal.'~.' savings ,.,,itl utilizc a 4% attrition factor in developing the FY 98 budget Exceptions would include EMS (1%), Ochopee Fire. and the Tax Collector AGENDA IT,EM No. FEB - 1997 pg. ..5-"- pfivati~ation_ As a matter of policy, the Board has kistorically as&ed slaff to analyze the co~-effectiveness of prb,'atizing certain services versms providing them v,'i~ Count)' employees. Collier Count)' s-taft will continue to evaluate thc mosl co~-effeetb,'c method of providing Count)' services in eases where contracted se~,4ces or other forms of p~.atization ma), be ~'ailable. Contract Agency Funding The Board of Count)' Commissioners will not fund any non-mandated social sm'ice agencies. Bu~l£et Presentation Format The 1~' 98 budget process wiLl again utilize the consolidated the program budget and line item budget processes implemented last year. The consolidated budget process will provide both program summar)' information, along with actual FY 98 cos~ data and millage rotes. Budget presentations will be in a summary format, at the fund level. Discussion will focus on major increases in both budgeted revenues and expenditures at the fund lex'el. If further detail is required, sun'ana~' information will be available at both divisional (General Fund) and departmental lex. els. Funds where the Board has limited policy-making roles such as debt sen-ice, single purpose taxing districts with millage rates based on ordinance limitations and proposed e~enditure level5 recommended by advisor)' bodies, and expendable trusl funds will again be aggregated and presented at a macro lex'el. Program summary information will be contained on each departmental budget book page. This provides the allocation of resources on a programmatic basis, along with the actual departmental financial budget information. The Base Level of Sen'ice is de~med as the absolute minimum service lex'el mandated by federal or state law or judicial order, necessary to protect the health and sa.feE,.' of CoLlier Count)' residents; or necessar)' to maintain capital asset value. Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Thc polic).' of charging enterprise and special rex'enue funds for support sm'ices provided by General Fund departments is recommended again in FY 98. The basis of these charges is a detailed indirect cost allocation plan updated annually by the Office of Management and Budget. Enterprise Fund Payment in Lieu of Taxes The Solid Waste Fund and the Collier Counv,.' Water-Sewer District will contribute a payment is lieu of taxes to the General Fund equal to the prior year General Fund millage rate multiplied by the prior year value of property, plant, and equipment. Interim Government Service Fee Based on prex'ious BCC policy d~e~on to include the interim government service fee on the tax bill, the FY 98 budget includes $ !,360,000 in estimated rex'enue (bas~ on the consultant's report) from this source. AGENDA IT~.M No.. ..... (,J FEB - 1997 C ~.rr~'or~' ar~l All revenues which are reasonably e~eaed lo be unexpended and unencumbered al the end of the fiscal year ~ill be appropriated as caro'for~'ard revenue in the following )'ear. The Genc-ral Fund, MS'IT) General Fund, and the Pollution Control Fund are all s'trpported principally by ad valorem ~x revenue. Howe'ver, rn~jor distributions of ad valorem ~x rcx'enues are not available until mid-November and early December. As a result, adequate cash must be available until the ad valorem proceeds are dis~'buled. Collier Counls.' inlends lo mange its cash in such a fasl'fion lo prevenl or minimize any borrowing lo meet working capital needs. In the cvcnt thal sufficient cash is not available lo meet General Fund operating needs, staff ~ill make arrangements lo borrow against pooled cash. In stalTs view, this providcs a betlcr allernative than increasing ad valorem taxes lo increase cash flow reserves lo avoid short-lerm borrowing for a t~'o week period in both November and December. Financial Management/Financial Budget Dt~'elopment To improve financial planning and to understand the long.term impact of funding decisions, thc County will prepare annually a three ),ear projection of Geneva.I Fund. MS'ID General Fund, and Pollution Control revenues and expenditures. The purpose of the analysis is to focus on the mid lerm financial conditions within the ad valorem tax st~pponed funds and for thc BCC and staff to understand the financial implications of funding decisions that will be made in FY 9g. AGENDA ITEM No. FEB - 1997 t:'g._ "7 Three Year Budget Projections Ad Valorem Tax Funds (FY 98- FY 00) The foLIo~Sng report is a 3 >'ear budget projection for the following ad valorem tax supported funds: General Fund (001), MSTD General Fund (111), and the Pollution Control Fund (114). This is the third consecutive )'ear lids analysis was undertaken. Millage Rates Based on the assumptions utilized in this anah'sis the following increases over the rollback millage rate would be required in FY 98. Fund % Increase over Rollback General Fund 2.2%. MSTD General Fund 3.9% Pollution Control Fund 4.9% % Increase over Rollback* 3.0% · Assumes $500.000 annually in non-mandated expanded sm'ices. Revenue Assumptions, Allocations, and Policies Ad Valorem Taxes Ad valorem taxes arc based on the folloxving assumptions: a. forecast revenue ,.,,'ill be estirrmted al 96.5% o£actual taxes levied due Io earl)' payment discounts, non-paymenls, and successful appeals of assessed value to the Property Appraisal Adjustment Boa.rd The increase in taxable value added Io the tax roll attributable to new consmaction is estimalcd at 4% for FY 98. Historical increases in new construction for thc past three 5'ears were as fo/lows: FY 97 - 4.4%, FY 96 - 4.2%, FY 95 - 2.6%, and FY 94 - 3.4% O The Constitutional Amendment v, hich limits increases in assessed value to 3 Vo for homeslead properties may have significant impacts on indMdual properties and may redistribute tax burdens to non-homeslead properties, but the overall tax picture is addressed in calculating rollback mx dollars. Intergovernmental Revenues Relevant revenue allocations and assumptions include: a) State sales tax re~'enue will support debt sox'icc (refunding sales tax bonds). Road and Bridge b) operations, and thc General Fund, and is assumed to Increase 7% armually. State revenue sharing will support debt sen'ice (Guaranteed Entiflemem bonds) with the balance supporting thc General Fund. A 2.0% growth rate is assumed from this revenm Temal~ENDA IT.E~ sourc~O. _~ r_ ', ~) FEB - ~ 1997 Gas taxes will be used to support debt serwice and the Roads Com-tr~cfion C[P. In FY 97 the BCC deferred the final transition of gas taxes from road maintenance to road cot/roue/ion. As identified below, the FY 98 budget assumes that gas ~xes will be devoted exclusively to road eort.~a'uction, after debt service requirements are meL Revenue Source Old Local Option Gas Tax (6 cents) Count)' Gas Tax ('/th cent) Voted Gas Tax (9th cent) New Local Option Gas Tax Constitutional Gas Taxes FY 98 Proposed Use Roads CIP Roads C~ Debt Service, Roads CIP Roads C[P Roads CIP Other Revenues Beach parking revenues assume a 3% annual growth rate. Constitutional Officer tumbacks budgeted in keeping with historical levels. The interim government services fee is estimated to generate $1,360,000 annually. Expense Assumptions It is important to note that this analysis excludes any millage impact of a potential Jail expansion and therefore, no associated operating impacts of a Jail expansion during the period from FY 98 - FY 00. All sen'ices provided currently will be funded in FY 98. The following inflationaD' increases were utilized in thc three )'car budgctary analysis:). A 3% incrcasc in budgeted opcrating exTcnses/capilal outlay was also assumed. A 5% resen'e for contingent' in all funds was assumed. A 4% attrition rale ;,,'as assumed in the Count5.' Manager's Agent' and the Sheriff's Office. In the General Fund. the proposed resen'c for cash flow is $1,5¢)0.000 In the MSTD General Fund, thc proposed resen'e for cash rmv is $250.0(10. The pool of funds availoble for capital projects funding/interim debt sen'ice is assumed to be $5.725,900 in the General Fund in FY 98 and will be increased 4% armually thereafter. In addition to inflation,an' costs of existing scm'ices, the analysis also included program mandates (operating costs associated with completed capital projects), and additional Sheriff's Deputies based on a manpower analysis developed by the SherifFs Office. Salarw Administration A 3.0% general wage adjustment (all Agencies) is recommended by Human Resources in FY 98. In addition, continuation of the 1% pool for merit bonuses in the Count)' Manager's Agency is again recommended AGENDA ITEM. No. g FEB - il 1997 Pg. ~ G~ncra! Fund Summa~' - FT 95 The foUowing major factors impa~ FY 98 ad valorem ,nxes in the General Fund. Expenses; · Expanded Sep,'ices: SherLff- $1,722,400; Count)' Manager - $191,500. · increase in subsidy lo Road and Bridge - $1,437,700 · increase in EMS subsidy - $915,600 · Additional sales tax required for debt sen'ice - $159.900. .~evenue~: · Pro~ccted increase in av~ablc carr).~'orwarct revenue - $1,22~,796. · Increases in pro~ ceded and budgeted tumback revenue - $670,000. Expanded Ser~'ices A breakdown of the FY 98 expanded services identified above is as follow Sheriff: * Twenty (20) additional Road Patrol Deputies - * Three additional Road Patrol Deputies - $170,400. Count).' Manager: * Annualized cost of Sugden Park phase-in - $129,400. · Technical support/maintenance contract for Human Resources module - $53.600. · Operating impact of Marco Island Librar)' expansion - $8.500. Individual analyses of the Road and Bridge Fund (Attachment B), Sales Tax Rcfunding Debt Sen'icc Fund (Anachmcnt C). Guaranteed Entitlement Bonds Debt Sen'ice Fund (Attachment D). and the EMS Fund (Attachment E) were undertaken to determine the relative impact on the General Fund by fiscal )'ear. Road and Bridge Fund Road and Bridge has a large impact on the General Fund due to the previous policy dccision to transition gas taxes from road maintenance to road construction Road maintenance operations will be increasingly subsidized b)' sales tax revenue that was previously available for use in thc General Fund. Due to available carr).-forward revenue in Road and Bridge. only a $2.697,900 subsidy was required in FY 96. In FY 97 the Board made a policy decision to defer the final transition of gas taxes from road maintenance to road consu'uction. However, as budgeled carDt'or~vard revenue decreased, coupled with approved FY 97 expanded sen'ices, the General Fund subsidy increased in Er' 97 by almost $2.3 million. In Er' 98. 100% of available gas tax will be allocated to road construction. As such. thc required General fund subsidy increases by an additional $1,4 million. The required subsidies, due to decreases in fund balance, inflationary costs, and expanded operational maintenance costs, increase in furore years as follows: Subsidy Dollar Increase % Chan~e FY 96 - $2,697.900 n/a n/a FY 97. $4.984.300 $2.286,400 84.7% FY 98 - $6.422.000 $1.437,7(10 28,8% FY 99 - $7,481.100 $1.262.900 16.5% FY 00 - $7,804,100 $323,000 4.3% AGENDA IT. EM No. F E B - 1997 Fund EMS is another fund that impacts significantly on the General Fund. In FY 96 the EMS rate structure was changed to increase ambulance fees to the m~ximum allowed by Medicare, which is $302. Ad valorcm s-upporl of th/s fund amounted to $3,470,800 in FY 96. In addition to inflationary cost increases, va'o additional EMS units are proposed in FY 98 Two additional units are proposed in FY 99 and one additional unit is proposed in FY 00. Increased revenue is generated by the additional units. Ambulance fee re~'enue and the General Fund subsidy by fiscal year are as follows: Fiscal Year Fee Revenue Subsidy % Inc in Subsidy FY 94 $2.400,000 $1,929.700 n/a FY 95 $2.200,000 $3,284.400 70.2% FY 96 $2,426,100 $3.470,800 5.7% FY 9'7 $3.450.000 $3.901,700 12.4% FY 98 $3,598.400 $4,817,300 23.5% FY 99 $3,946.800 $5.239.300 8.8% FY 0o $4.121,000 $5,694.900 8.7% Sales Tax Refunding Bond Debt Sen'ice Due to savings generated by refunding the sales tax bond issue, annual debt service payments in fund (2 ! 5) were reduced in both 15' 95 and FY 96. As a result, the sales tax required for debt sen'ice for that 2 year period w'as reduced and w'as therefore available for use in the General Fund and in Road and Bridge operations. In 15' 97 debt senice payments increased substantially, thereby requiring more sales tax revenoe, In 15' 98 there is only a $159,000 increase in sales tax required to fund debt sox'ice. As such. thc bulk of growth in projected sales tax revenue is available for use in the General Fund and. indirectly. Road and Bridge operations.. The budgewd sales tax required for debt sen'icc annually is as follmvs: Fiscal Ye,'u' Debt Subsidv Dollar Increase %Increase 1~' 96 $2,359.500 Wa Wa 15' 97 $3,129.500 $770,000 32.6% F~' 98 $3.289,400 $159,90o &l°,i, 15' 99 $3.341,400 $52,000 1.65; 15' 00 $3,480.3o0 $138,900 4.2% AGENDA ITEM No. ge(.; FEB - 4 1997 // The following graph illustrates the allocation of sales tax revenue among the sales tax debt sen'ice fund, the Road and Bridge ftmd, and the net available for General Fund operations (net of ttansfm- to Road and Bridge) from FY 95 lttrough 1~' 00. Sales Tax Allocation FY 95 - FY 00 14000. 12000. 10000. I000- $000. 4000, 2000. 0 FiscalYear 13Net Gen'l. Fund IDebt DR & B I Guaranteed Entitlement Debt Sen'icc Thcrc arc onl~ minor fluctuations in dcbt scn'icc requircmcnts in Ibc Guaranteed Entitlement Debt Sen'ice Fund (204) As a result, the amoun! of rcvenuc sharing available in thc General Fund is rclativcly stablc. Cam'fon'¥ ard Revenue Thc follov,'ing chart reflects budgeted and projceted can3'fom'ard revenue in the General Fund from Fi' 95 to FY 00. Dollar CF as a % of Gen'l. Gencral Fund Carn'fonvard Inc./Dec. Fund Appropriations FY 95 - $14,373,500 fda 14.4% FY 96 - $12,902,600 ($1,470,900) 12.8% FY 97 - $10,671.300 ($2.231,300) 9.8% Fi' 98 - $11.900,096 $1.228,796 10.29'o FY 99 - $9,032.729 ($2.867,367) 7.4% FY 00- $9,4(15,826 $373,097 7.4% This analysis identifies a major reduction in available can3'fonvard revenue This is a remit of budgeting an operating shortfall in 1%' 97, i.e.., net operating rcx'enues (lotal revenues minus carrvfon%'ard) exceeded net operating expenses (total expenses minus rosen'cs) by $4,962,100. This was done'in an effort to rcducc surplus carryfonvard revenue generated in prior fiscal )'ears and to avoid any further increase in thc millage rote required in FY 97. Howex-er, duc to approximatelv $13.';' million in forecast carrvfon%'ard r.e,.enu~,GENDA ITEM ($3.O million above budget) anticipated receipt of 100°~o of state shared revenues in 1~' 97, adc tt:onalNo ~ ~.) · FEE - tt 1997 /2... turnback based on historical lex'els, along with forexast lex'el of e~enditures, actual carD'forward rex'enue avaqable in FY 98 actually increases $1.2 million. In FY' 98. a budgeted operating shortfall of $6.4 million exLsts, which v,'ould reduce available rex'enue carr2,.'~g forward into FY 99. Based on forecast FY 98 revenues and ex~enses, rex'cnue carD'ing forward inlo F'Y 99 is reduced by approximalely $2.9 million to $9,032.729. Based on forecast activity in FY 99. carD'forward rex'enue stabilizea and aclually increases to approximately $9.4 million in FY 00. As carryforward decreases as a percenuage of total General Fund expenses, it becomes increasingly difficult to meet cash flow needs during the first few months of operation~, prior to the rcccipl of ad valorem ~x proceeds. As a resuh, slaff will be prepared lo borrow short-term against pooled cash 1o meet operating needs. Efforts lo increase fund balance need to be undertaken An5' proposed reductions Io General Fund resen'es during a fiscal .,,'ear should be approved with extreme caution. Constitutional Officer Turnbacks During the pcriod from FY 94 through FY 96, actual tumback rex'cnue from the Con~itutional Officers has exceeded the forecast lex'el by a range from $1.416,748 to $1,617.852. The variance between the actual turnback and the budgeted turnback revenue is even grcaler. (See Atlachment F). The graph below illustrates these variances Based on historical evidence, and in an effort to provide thc most accurate picture of thc projected ad valorem requirements. Constitutional Officer tumbacks forecast in this analysis are based on an average of historical lex'els This provides additional revenue of $6'7o.(100 in FY 98. There is no projected tumback revenue from the Sheriff as a 4% attrition lex'el x~ as factored into the Shefifl-s expense budget. Constitutional Officer Turnbacks FY 91 - FY 96 5000, 4500, 4000, 3500, 3000. 2500 2000' 15oo, 1000. $00- 0. Fiscal Year {rlBudget 1Forecast rlActual ] AGENDA I T F...M No. FEB - 4 1997 13 Tax Implications - General Fund {001} In samma.D', the implications for future .,,'ear tax increases over the rollback rale required to fund the budgcl developed in this analysis (Attactunenl A) are as follows: ~ Tax Dollars ~ Tax Dollars Fiscal Year ,Above Abovc Above Above Rollback Rollback Rollback* p. ollback FY 98 2.2% $1,471,116 3.0% $2,023,478 FY 99 6.5% $4,686,894 7.1% $5,159,630 FY 00 0.9°/; $681.373 1.5% $1,167,684 *Assumes $500.000 in non-mandated expanded ser,.-ices annually. As a point of refercnce, the following graph plots the historical percentage Increases above/below the rollback rate in the General Fund, and also plots the percentage increases above the rollback ;'ale from FY 98 through FY 00. based on the assumptions in this model, 14 12, 10, -2¸ 88 General Fund Millage History % Above/Below Rollback Fiscal Year AGENDA ITEM FEB - 1997 pg._ /'~/ A~encv Comparison of C~ner~! Fund FY 97 Adopted Budgct, FY 98 Proposed Budg~ ~nd Budget Increases by Source FY 97 I~' 98 Dollar Percent Adopted proposed Increase Increase Sheriff 44,621,700 47,682,751 3,061,051 CounD' Manager 23,531,800 24,620,121 1,088,321 Transfers - Other 9,906,100 12,276,808 2,370,708 Transfers - Capital 5,505,700 5,725,928 220,228 Reserves 5,709,200 5,528, ! 30 ( ! 81,070) Clerk of Courts 4,633,000 4,815.441 182,441 Tax Collector 4,573,400 5,024.874 451,474 Courts/Related 3,147,900 3,289,556 ! 41,656 Property Appraiser 2,406.500 2,525.553 119.053 BCC/Coun~' Attorney 2,560,900 2,663,467 102,567 Supervisor of Elections 1,444.000 1.544,672 100,672 State Att./Pub. Def 466,000 479,980 13,980 Airport Operations 215.600 194.040 (21.560) Total Ex]~enscs $108.721,800 $116.371322 $7,649.522 6.9% 4.6% 23.9% 4.0% {3.2%) 3.9% 9.9% 4.3% 4,9% 4.0% 7.0% 3.0% (10.0%) 7.00% Proportions of $7.85 Million General Fund Budget Increase - FY 98 cnty. Mgr. Other 14% 12% Transfer$~ 34% Sheriff 4O% AGENDA ITEM No. FEB - 1997 pg._ /-> FY 99 The required increase in ad valorem taxes over the rollback tale in FY 99 is 6.$% (7.1% assuming an additional 5500,000 in non-rnandaled expanded services). In addition Io annual inflationa~,.' cos~ increases, thc following mandates w~rc included in the F'Y 98 budget analysis: *Four (4) additional Bailiffs - 5227,200 *Three (3) additional Road Patrol Deputies - $232,800 As discussed pre~iously, in FY 99 there are also increases in transfers to support Road and Bridge and EMS operations. These transfers increase by 51,059,100 and $422,000, respectively. In addition, available cato'forward revenue in 1~' 99 decreases by $2,860,951. However, sales tax revcnue available Io support General Fund operations increases 51,240,300. FY00 The required increase in ad valorem taxes over the rollback tale in FY 00 is .9% (!.5% assuming an additional $500,U00 in non-mandaled expanded services. In addition Io the inflationar).' costs of ¢.-dsting services, the following mandates were included in the FY 00 budgel anal)'sis: *Eleven (1 I) addilional Road Patrol Depulies - $853.600. *T~o (2) additional Bailiffs - 5113.600. Transfers to Road and Bridge and EMS increase by 5323,000 and $455.600. respeclively. However. cmTyforward revenue stabilizes and actually increases by $369.162 and sales lax available lo support General Fund operations increases $1,243.900. AGENDA ITEJYl No. FEB - 1997 The tax increases required in this model are based on the specific rm'enue and expenses ~ssumptions outlined in each scenario. The proposed expanded ser%'ices in the Count' Man,~eds Agmo' m'e associated with new facilities coming on-line. There ma.,,' be some latitude in the Constitutional OiTlcers' expanded service requests. For example, thc Sheri. tTs Office mandates are based on their annual manpower analysis. This armlysis is performed annually, but, in the past, the Sheri. ff ~ no~ rcquesled the full manpower needs identified in the analysis. Budget projections for the Super~-isor of Elections and the Clerk of Courls may also have some latitude. A 7% annual increase in the transfer required from the Ge'ncral Fund was utilized for the Supc'rvisor of Elections.. Thc Clerk of Courts utilized a 4% annual increase in the Iransfer required from the General Fund. Hox'.'ex'm'. these transfer estimates were for planning purposes only and are nol based on ac~al budgcl smbmittals. Implications The Board of Count).' Commissioners ~'as a stated policy of operating a fiscally sound and stable Count3.' government. As a result of the Board decisions during the FY' 97 budgel process (millage increase, specific program reductions, and a reduction in capital projects funding) the General Fund is in a much more stable fiscal condition. Prior to the FY 97 millage rate increase, the Count3.' last had a General Fund tax increase in FY 92. In part. that was attainable duc to a large fund balance, major reductions in the capital millage, and the implementation of alternative revenue sources such as enlerprise fund payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) and beach parking fees. How ever. this analysis reflects a need for tax increases in the pc~od from FY 98 through FY 00. assuming the inflation rales applied in this analysis and the expanded services outlined. h is important to fund fixed costs with a sustainable long-term revenue source. Givcn thc magnitude of thc potential tax increase required in FY 99, consideration should be given Io smoothing that tax increase over three 3'cars, rather than absorbing the brunt of the increase all at once. For example, a one-time $500.000 increase in the General Fund cash flow reserve in F'Y 98 would have the following impact on the 3 .,,'ear increase over thc rollback rate: Scenario I Scenario Il Scenario II! Fiscal Year % Above Rollback* % Above Rollback** % Above Rollback*** FY 98 2.2% 3.0% 3.8% FY 99 6.5% "/.1% 5.6% FY O0 0.9% 1.5% 2.2% *Assumes no non-mandated expanded sen'ices. **Assumes $500.000 annually in non-mandated expanded sen'ices. ***Assumes $500,000 in non-mandated expanded serx'ices and one-time $500,000 cash ilo',,,' reserve increase. As indicated prex'iously, there will undoubtedly be some flexibility in the mandates proposed. The ex'lent of thc flexibility is unk-nown at this time. Obviously, the proposed inflationaD.' adjust.merits can also be reduced. AGENDA No._ (,J FEB - zi 1997 /7 Pg, MSTD General Fund (111) In this analysis, the following expense assumptions wcrc utilLzed: 96% of budg~ed appropriations for opc~fing dJxisions and 100% of budgcled tr'anxfcrs. A 3% gro~l.h in cable television franchise fcc rc~'enucs is assumed in addition, a 15.8% increase in occupational license fees was assumed. This was based on the BCC direction during the FY' 9'/budgel workshops to increase occupational license fees Io fund an expansion of the economic developmen! program. Due to the tin'ting of occupational license fees. a fcc increase could not be implemented in FY 9'7. Thc implicatio~ for fulure year tax increases over the rollback rate (percentages and dollars) required !o fund the MSTD General Fund (I 11) budge! developed in this analysis (attachment G) are as follows: Fiscal Year Percentage Dollars FY 98 3.9% $298,132 FY 99 5.6% $461,830 FY O0 (o. 3 )% ($29.052) Relativcly moderalc tax increases would be required from FY 98 - FY 99. A slight lax decrease is projected in FY 00. The narrative belov, provides an explanation of thc major facaors impacting this fund during these fiscal 3'ears FY 98 A tax increase of 3.9% over the rollback rate is necessar3.' Io fund the budgcl in FY 98. This is due to the inflafionao.' adjustments, as ~ ell as a $107.470 increase in budgeled contingcnc3.' resen'es. Contingency resen'es were artificially Iow in 1%' 97 due. in part. Io the expansion of the economic development program being funded from resen'es, as it was too line to implemcnl an increase in the occupational license fees in FY 97 There are no mandated expansions in the FY 98 budget. In addition, there was a $796.926 decrease in budgeted caro.'fonvard revenue However. this was partially offset by a $641.000 decrease in budgeted one-time water management capital projects. FY 99 In FY 99, the increase in ad valorem taxes over thc rollback rate is 5.6% and is primarily attributable lo a $456.436 decrease in cans'fom'ard revenue. There are no mandates required in the 1%' 99 budgel and there are only infladon,"wy impacts of c.',dsfing sen'ices FY O0 In FY 00. projeaed ad valorem taxes are .3% belov,' the rollback rate. This is a result of stabilizing the carryfonvard rex'enue, i.e., FY 99 cans-fom'ard revenue is approx4_mately equal to FY 00 budgeted carDl'onvard AGENDA ITEM FEi - 1997 ppllution Control Fund 014) There are no mandates required during the period from FY 98 - FY 00. Thc only expense increases arc inflationary costs of exist, tag senices. The forecasts assume 95% of budgeted operating costs and 100% of budgeted t:ran~fcr~ will be ex:pended annualh' The Pollution Control Department has received annual funding to administer petroleum site clean-up actix'itics. However. this funding is based on a per site administrative allotment with clean-up activities ocam-ing over multiple .,,'ears. Also, the number of new sites requiring clean.up h~ decreased significantly each >'ear. As a result, no offsetting revenue from this source is budgeted in FY 98 - FY 00. A contract administration resen'e a'as established for administrative reimbursements received from thc state to offset future 5'ear cons of administering clean.up activities. This reserve decreases to reflect costs of Mmini stration. The implications for future .,,'ear tax increases over the rollback rate required to fund thc budget do'eloped in this analysis (Attachment H) arc as follmx s: % Increase $ Increasc Fund over Rollback over Rollback F3' 98 4.9% $39.292 FY 99 8.1% $73,323 F'Y ou 34% $31,218 Thc Pollution Control Deparunent was crotcd by voter rcfcrcndum ;,vith a millage cap of. I mills. In 97. thc adopted millage ralc of 0489 is onh 48 g% of thc m,'tximum possible tax levy In FY 98 a tax increase of 4 9% over the rollback rate is required to fund the budgel as developed This is a result of inflation;u3 cost increases In FY 99 a tax increase of 8. I% over thc rollback rate is required to fund thc budget as developed This is a result of inflation;u-x cost increases and a $99.350 reduction in available c,'myfomard revenue A portion of the carr3'fomvard reduc'fion is offset b.x a $41 .o00 reduction in the contract administration reserve. In lZY 0o a tax increase of 3.4% over the rollback rotc is required to fund the budget as dm'eloped. This is a result of inflationar,' cost increases ,and ,q slight reduction in budgeted operating revenues. The carD'fom ard decrease of $37,81 l is almost offset in its enfirct.~ by a corresponding reduction in the contract administration reserve. It is important to note thai while this analysis reflects the need for tax increases, the actual tax dollars invoh'ed are relatively small This department also uses temporary employees cx'~cnsivclv and through monitoring thc number of hours v, orked can offsel revenue shortfalls or the need for minor tax increases. AGENDA ITEM No. FEB - 1997 o o~ooooo~o.~o'~ A,S, LNDA ITEM r~o...? £(,) F~B - ~ 1997 ,o o o~o~§ o o oo ~ooooooo o ooo o 4~ o 04o0000 o o~o o ~ AGENDA ITEM No. ,~' ~: (,~ FEB - z~ 1997 Pg.i, "~-'/ .... AGENDA ITEM NO. '? f !_'~, FEB - 4 1997 pg. 2- ~ o o AG£NDA ITEM No.'; ~ ,' FEB -~f997 AGE~DA ITEM No..~ ~ ,?, FEB - z~ 1997 pg..~--- ~ o o o o oooooeooooooo AGENDA ITEM No.., ~ ~ O) FEB - ~ 1997 Pg._ Z> A~achmen{ B ^ppropHatlon Uni~ Personal Scr,'iccs Operating Expenses Capital Oud~y Transfers Rcsc~c-~cfit Bonuses A~Htion ~eservcs To~l AppropHntlons G~s T~xes Mobile Home Licenses Car~' Fo~'ard Sales Tax. Trans (001 ) Transfers MSTD MSTU Reimbursements Revenue Rcse~'c To~l Revenues Road & Bridge Fund (I01) F~scal 't'ear 1998 Budge! FY 97 FY 97 FY' 98 FY 98 Adopted Forec.~t CurTcnt Expanded Bud.~el Exp~.ev Scrvic~ Service 4,695.700 4,507,900 4,909.100 0 2.180,600 2,048,800 2.246,000 113.500 439.000 439.000 439,000 0 o o o 45.000 0 49.100 0 (187,800) 0 (196.400) 0 534,500 0 379.700 5.700 7.707.000 6.995.700 7,826.500 119.200 2.263.700 2.263,700 0 0 113.000 108.100 108,100 0 32,600 42.90O 69,700 0 349.20O 780,100 1.268.000 0 4.984.300 4.984.300 6.302,800 119.200 74.600 74.600 76.800 0 I 0,000 I0.000 10.000 0 (120.400) 0 (8.900) 0 7.707.000 8.263.700 7.826.500 I ] 9.200 FY 98 Total Budget Budget Chan~c 4,909, I O0 4.5% 2,359.500 8.2% 439,000 0.0% 0 N/A 49,100 9.1% (196.400) 4.6% 385.400 -279% 7,94 S.700 3. I% 0 -100 0% 108.100 -43% 69.700 113.8% 1.268.000 263 I% 6,422.000 28 8% 76,800 .~.9% I0,000 0.0% (8.900) -92.6% 7.945.700 3.1% ApproF, rlatmn FY 98 Adop~ed Budcel Road & Bridge Fund (!01) Fiscal Year 1999 BudRet FY 98 FY 99 Forccast Cut'tent Exp'~ev Sersqce FY 99 FY 99 Expanded Total Budge~ Scr~lcc Buduct Chan~¢ Personal Ser',iccs 4.9c;9.10( 4,712,700 5.056,400 0 5.056.400 3 0°. Opcrahn.e Expenses 2.? 59,50() 2.216.900 2.430,300 113,500 2.543.800 Capital Ouda', 439.000 439,000 439.000 0 439,000 00% Tran,I'cr,, O O O 0 0 N 'A Rc~erve-,Mcnl Bonuses 49. 100 0 50.600 0 50.600 3. I Ant mort (196,400) 0 (202,300) 0 (202.300) 3.0* · Reser'x es 385.400 0 396,300 5.700 402,000 4 Total Appropriations 7.945.700 7,368,600 8.170.300 119.200 8.289..~00 Gas Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 N"A Mobile Home Licenses 108,100 108,100 108.100 0 lOg.lO0 0 0% [nterest.'Misc 69,700 69.700 32.200 0 32,200 -53 8% Cam, For',~ ard 1.268.000 1,268,000 586,000 0 586.000 .538% Sa{es Tax. Trans (001) 6,422.000 6.422.000 7.361.900 119.200 7.481.100 165% Transfers MSTD MSTU 76,800 76,800 79.100 0 79.100 3.0% Rc~ mhurscm ents I 0.000 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 0~ Re~.enue Resc~'e (8.900) 0 (7.000) 0 (7.000) -213% Tot.al Revenues 7.954.600 8.170.300 119.200 ~.2~9.500 4 AGENDA ITEM F E B - 1997 ~ t'~chment B Road & Bridge Fund (101) I~scal ~'ear 2000 Budget FY 99 FY 99 FY 00 FY O0 FY O0 % Adopted Forecast Current Expa.nded Total Budgc~ ., Ap}.ropriation Unit Budget Exp,'Rev $cr,,ice Service BudFct Chan~e Pcrsonal Services 5.056,400 4,8.~4,100 5.208,100 0 5,2.08,100 3.0% Operating: Expenses 2.543,800 2.390,100 2,620,100 113,500 2,733,600 7.5% Capital Outlay 439,000 439,000 439,000 0 439,000 0.0% Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Rcscrvc-Mcnl Bonuses 50,600 0 52,100 0 52,100 3.0;° Arum6 on ' (202,300) 0 (208,300) 0 (208,300) 3.0% Reserves 402,000 0 413,400 5,700 419, 100 4.3% Total ApproprintJons 8,289,500 7,683,200 11,524,400 119,200 8,643,600 4.3% Gas Tn.xes 0 0 0 0 0 NZA Mobile Horn c Liccn scs 108, 100 108, 100 108. 100 0 108, 100 0.0% [ntcresttMisc 32300 32,200 33,700 0 33,700 4.7'/, Car'Q.' For~.ard 585,000 586,000 613,300 0 613,300 4 3% Sales Tax.. Trans (001) 7,481,100 7,481.100 7,684,900 119.200 7,804,100 4.3;, Transfers MSTD'MSTU 79,100 79,100 111,500 0 111,500 41 0% Reimbursements I0,000 10.000 10,000 0 10,000 00% Revenue Reserve (7.000) 0 (7,100) 0 (7,100) I 4% Total Revenues 8,289,500 8,296,500 8,524.400 119,200 8,643,600 43%, AGENDA ITEM--"~ No.. f(,) FEB - zt 1997 "] Attachment C Sales Tax Debt Service Fund (215) Fiscal Year 1998 Budget Appropriation Unit Debt Service Cash Flor.' Reserve Debt Serxice Rescn'e Total Appropriations FY 97 FY 97 Adopted Forccasl Budget Ex'p/Rev 2,351,500 2,351,500 2,389,800 0 3,630,100 0 8,371,400 2,351,500 FY 98 FY 98 Current Expanded Sen'ice Sen'ice 3,386.800 0 2.635,100 0 3,630,100 0 9,652,000 0 Sales Tax Miscellaneous Revenue CarD.' Fom'ard Bond Proceeds Revenue Reserve Total Revenues 3,129,500 3.129,500 3,289,400 200,000 200,000 200,000 5,208,400 5,359,100 6,337,100 0 0 0 (166,500) 0 (174,500) 8,371,400 8,688,600 9,652.000 Appropriation Unit Sales Tax Debt Sen'ice Fund (215) Fiscal Year 1999 Budget FY 98 FY 98 FY 99 Adopted Forecast Current Budget Ex-p,'Rcv Service FY 99 Expanded Semice FY 98 % Total Budget Budget Change . 3,386,800 44.0% 2,635,100 10.3% 3,630,100 0.0% 9,652,000 15.3% 3,289,400 5.1% 200,000 0.0% 6,337,100 21.7% 0 N/A (174,500) 4.8% 9,652,000 15.3% FY 99 % Total Budget Budget Change Debl Scrx'icc C~h Flo~ Rcscn'c Dcbl Sen'icc Resen'e Total Appropriations Revenues: Sales Tax Miscellaneous Revenue Can3.' Fom'ard Bond Proceeds Revenue Reserve Total Revenues 3,386.800 3,386.800 3,595,000 2,635.10(') 0 2,668.00o 3,630.100 0 3.628.500 9,652,000 3.386.800 9,891.500 3,289,400 3.289,400 3.341,400 200,000 200,000 200,000 6,337,100 6,337,100 6,527,200 0 0 0 (174,500) 0 (177,100) 9,652,000 9,826,500 9,891,500 0 3,595.0O0 6.1% 0 2.668,00{} 12% 0 3.628.500 00% 0 9,891,500 2.5% 0 3,341,400 1.6% 0 200,000 0.0% 0 6,527,200 3.0% 0 0 N/A 0 (177,100) 1.5% 0 9,891,500 2.5% AGENDA ITEM No. FEB - 1997 Attachment C Appropriation Unit Debt Sen'icc Cash Flor,' Reserve Debt Service Re~erve Total Appropriations Revenues: Sales Tax Miscellaneous Revenue Can3.' Fonvard Bond Proceeds Revenue Reserve Total Revenues Sales Tax Debt Sen'ice Fund (215) Fiscal Year 2000 Budget FY 99 Adopted Budget 3,595,000 3,595,000 3,588,200 2,668,000 0 2,753,200 3,628,500 0 3,628,500 9,8911500 3,595,000 9,969,900 3,341.400 3,341,400 3,480,300 200,000 200,000 200,000 6,527,200 6,527,200 6,473,600 0 0 0 (177.100) 0 (184,000) 9.891.500 I0,068,600 9,969,900 FY 99 FY O0 Foreeasl Current Exp/Rex, Senice FY O0 F"t' 00 Expanded Total Budget Senice Budget Chan$c 0 3,588,200 -0.2% 0 2,753,200 3.2% 0 3,628,500 0.0% 0 9,969,900 0.8% 0 3,480,300 4.2% 0 200,000 0.0% 0 6,473,600 -0.8% 0 0 N/A 0 (184,000) 3.9% 0 9,969,900 0.8% AGEND~ITEM ~ tqo._~ c,<, ) FEB - ~ 1997 Pg._ 2~ Attachment D Revenue SharingDeb! Service Fund (204) Fiscal Year 1998 Budget Appropriation Uni! FY 97 FY 97 FY 98 Adopted Forecast Current Budgel Exp/Rev Sen'ice FY 98 FY 98 % Expanded Total Budget Sen'ice Budgct Changc Debt Sen'ice Cash Flow Resen'e Debt Sets'ice R~en'e ToM Appropriations 268,300 268,300 378,300 341,300 0 345,000 0 0 0 609,600 268.300 723,300 0 378.300 41.0% 0 345.000 1.1% 0 0 N/A 0 723.300 18.7% 327,300 327.300 360,300 17,000 17,000 20,000 282,600 286,000 362,000 0 0 0 (17,300) 0 (19,000) 609,600 630.300 723,300 0 360,300 10.1% 0 20,000 17.6% 0 362,0(}0 28.1% 0 0 N/A 0 (19.000) 9,8% 0 723.300 18.7% Revenue SharingDeb! Scm'ice Fund (204) Fiscal Ye, ar 1999 Budge! Appropriation Unit F3' 98 FY 98 FY 99 1:5' 99 Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Budget Exp,'Rcv Sen'ice Sen'ice FY 99 % Total Budgel Budget Change Debt Scm'ice 378,3(10 378.300 375.500 (I 375.50(I -0.7% C~h Flox~ Rcscn'c 345.000 0 348.500 0 341.1,500 1.0% Debt Sen'icc Rcscn'c 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Total Appropriations 723,300 378.300 724,000 0 724,000 0.1% Rex enuc Sharing Miscellaneous Revenue CarD.' Fonv~d Bond Proceeds Revenue Resen'e Total Revenues 360,300 360.300 359,000 0 359,00(I -0.4% 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 0.0% 362,000 362,000 364,000 0 364.000 0.6% 0 0 0 0 0 N/A (I 9,000) 0 (I 9,000) 0 (I 9,000) 0.0% 723,300 742,300 724.000 0 724.00O 0.1% AGENDA ITEM Ho. <~.t,~ FEB - 4 1997 At~achmcn~ D Revenue SharingDebt Sen'ice Fund (204) Fiscal Year 2000 Budgcl Appropriation Unit FY 99 FY 99 FY 00 Adopted Forecast Current Budget Exp/Rev Service Debt Sen, ice Cash Flow Resen'e Debt Service Rescn'e Total Appropriations 375,500 375,500 372,300 348,500 0 356,800 0 0 0 724,000 375,500 729,100 FY O0 Expanded Sen'ice FY O0 % Total Budget Bud$ct Chan~c 372,300 43.9% 356,800 2.4% 0 N/A 0 729,100 0.7% Rc-x'enues~ Revenue Sba. ring 359.000 359,000 360,000 0 360,000 0.3% Miscellaneous Revenue 20.000 20.000 20,600 0 20,600 3.0% Carry Fonvard 364,000 364.000 367,500 0 367,500 1.0% Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Revenue Rc$cn'c (19,000) 0 (19.000) 0 (19.000) 00% Tolrd Revenues 724,000 743.000 729,100 0 729.100 0.7% AGENDA ITEM No. q f(~ ~ FEB - ~ 1997 A~hm~n! £ AppropriaLion Unit Emergency Medical Sera'ices Fund (490) i~'98 Budget FY 96/97 FY 96~97 FY 97/98 FY 97/98 FY 97/98 % Adopted Forccasl Cuncnt Expanded ToW Budget Budget Exp/Rev Service Service Budget Change Persona] Services 5,861,300 5,861.300 6,125,100 597,800 6.722,900 14.7% Operating Expenses 1,311,800 1.354,500 1.395,100 8,4.000 1.479.100 12.8% Capita~ Ouday 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Resets'es 342,100 0 376,000 0 376,000 9.9% TotaJ Appropriations 7,515,200 7,215,800 7,896,200 681,800 8,578,000 14.1% Ambulance Fees 3.250,000 3,250,000 3.250,000 348.400 3,598.400 10 7% Prior 'f~a~' Resenue 200,000 0 0 0 0 -100.0% Trans Gcn'l Fund 3,901,700 4,211,400 4,466,500 350,800 4,817,300 23.5% [nterest'%{isc. 28.000 28,000 28.000 0 28.000 0.0% Carp)' Fo~ ard 309,400 42,000 315,600 0 315,600 2.0% Revenue Rcser',e (173,900) 0 (163.900) (17,400) (181,300) 4.3% Total Revenue 7,515,200 7,531,400 7,896,200 681,$00 8,578,000 14.1% Appropriation Unit Emergency Medical Services Fund (490) Ft' 99 Budgel FY 97'98 FY 97.'98 FY 98 99 FY 98 99 FY 9g '99 Adop;cd Forecast Current Expanded Total Bud~eet Budget Exp~Re~ Sera'icc Service Budget Change Personal Services 6.722.900 6,722.900 6,924,600 615.700 7,540.300 12.2% Operatin8 Expenses 1,4'/9,100 1,479.100 1,523.500 86.500 1.610.000 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Rcser','es 376,000 0 422,400 0 422,400 12.3% Total Appropriations Ambulance Fees Prior Ye.a~ Revenue Trans. Gen'l Fund [nterest~{isc. Can')' For*'ard Revenue Reserve Tot~Rcvenue 8,578.000 8.202,000 8,870,500 702,200 9,572,700 I 1.6% 3.598.400 3,598,400 3,598,400 348,400 3,946,800 9.7% 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 4.817,300 4,817,300 4,868,100 371,200 5,239,300 8.8% 28,000 28,000 28,000 0 28,000 0.0% 315,600 315,600 557,300 0 557,300 766% (181,300) 0 (181,300) (17,400) (198,700) 9.6% 8.578.000 8,759,300 8,R70,500 702,200 9,572,700 11.6% AGENDAITEM No. ? FEB - B97 3:2- Attachment Appropriation tlnit Emergency Medical Services Fund (490) FY 00 Budget FY 98/99 FY 98199 FY 99~00 FY 99/00 FY 99~00 % Adopted Fore~a~t Current E~anded Total Budget Budget Exp/Rev Service S erx"ice Budget Change Personal Services 7,540,300 7,540,300 7,766,500 317,100 8,083,600 7.2% Operating Expenses 1,6t0,000 1,610,000 1,658,300 44,500 1,702,800 5.8% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Reserves 422,400 0 471,200 0 471,200 11.6% Total Appropriations 9.572,700 9,150,300 9,896,000 361,600 I0.257,600 Revenues Ambulance Fees Prior Year Revenue Trans. Gen'l Fund IntcrestrMisc. CarD.' Fonvard Revenue Reserve Total Revenue 3,946,800 3,946,800 3,946,800 174,200 0 0 0 0 5.239,300 5,239,300 5,498,800 196,100 28,000 28,000 28,000 0 557,300 557,300 621,100 0 (198,700) 0 (198,700) (8,700) 4.121,000 0 5,694,900 28,000 621,100 (207,400) 9,572,700 9,771,400 9,896,000 361,600 10.257.600 7.2% 4.4% N/A 8.7% 0.0% 11.4% 4.4% 7.2% AGENDA ITEM No. o ooooo o oo~oo§8 o 0o8888 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 ~ ~0 ~ ~00 0 0~ 0 00000~ 0 00000~ 0 0000 ~~,~ ~ ~oo~ ~ ~ o~oo ~ 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 00000 ~_. -~. ~. AGENDAITEM No..~ ~ ~) FEB - ~ 1997 AGENDA ITEM FEB-4 ?7 !. AGENDAITEM No. FEB - 4 1997 I'AGENDA I'fEM No.~ ~r~ i.. FEB - ~1 ~9971 p~._ AGENDA ITEM No. FEB - ~ 1997 AGENDA ITEM No. ~ ~ i' ~ I I FEB - 4 1997-- AGENDA ITEM No.. ~ ~(,,~ FEB - ~ 1997 pg._ Z Z ~ -~o888~ o ~ ooo~ AGENDA ITEM No., ~ ~. (,~ FEB - ~ 1997 pg., Z..~/ 000~~ ? . worm AGENDA ITEM ~o.~ FEB - ~ 1997 pg, Z Zo 0 AGENDA ITEM No. FEB - ~ 1997 P~..~./~ 0 ~000~ AGENDA ITEM No. ~....~ ('~'~ FEB - ~ 1997 Pg..,,, q~ OBJECTIVE: To appoint I member to serve the remainder ora vacant term, expiring on September 2, 2000, on the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: The Public Vehicle Advisory Committee had 1 term expire on September 2, 1996. Three members must be holders of Certificates to Operate a motor vehicle for l'fire company in Collier County and two members who are in no way affiliated or associated with the vehicle for hire business. TMs 5 member committee reviews and approves; applications for a Certificate to Operate, taxicab color schemes pursuant to ordinance, and reviews and make recommendations to the Public Vehicle Board (BCC) regarding issues related to the motor vehicle for hire business and regarding alleged violations of Ordlnance 91-93. Terms are 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. The term for William F. Steen, representing the non-affiliated category, expired on September 2, 1996. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following interested citizen: APPLICA~NT DISTRICT ELECTOR Anthony P. Tesauro (non-affiliated) 2 yes COMMITTEE RECOMMEN'DATION: Anthony P. Tesauro FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recomrnendation for appointment and appoint Anthony P. Tesauro as a member of the Public Vehicle Advisory Board, and direct the County attorney to prepare a resolution confu-raing the appointment. Prepared By: Sue Filson Date: February 4, 1997 AGENOA No. FEB 1997 Memorandum To: From: DATE: RE: Sue Filson, Administration Assistant Bo~'d ofCoun .ty Commissioners Maria Cruz. Code Enforcement Specialist Code Enforcement Dep~nent January 21. 1997 Public Vehicle Advisory Committee Candidate The comminee reviewed Anthony P. Tesauro's request to serve on the Public Vehicle for Hire Committee and has recommended this candidate, Mr. Tesauro's appointment will fill one of the non-affiliated positions, as required per Ordinance No. 95-66. Please advise if ~ur~er assis~nce is needed. Thank you. No._..,z.&4-~.,,~'-- FEB 0 ~ 1997 Public Vehicle Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Ap~Fd Exp. Da~e Term ~118/95 09/02797 2 Years Tessie P. Kasenga ( - .' ,,~ 555 Park Shore Drive, ~,-4 [2 649-4465 Naples, FL 34103 District: 4 Category: Non-Affiliated ._...-2~,; ;'Y'~, ~,. ,,.~ William F. Steen .j - 515 Lake Louise Circle, #102 "~66-8722 Naples. FL. 34110 District: 2 Category: Non-Affiliated 10/20/92 09/02/96 Patdcia M. Baisley 2725 70th Street, S.W. Naples, FL 34105 District: 2 Category: Affiliated 26243~2 06/08/93 09/02/96 649-O,468 10/8/96 09/02/00 Bryan L. S. Pease 1373 Wildwood Lakes Blvd. Naples, FL 34104 District: 3 Category: Affiliated 26~-s~s~ 06104196 09102/96 614496 09102/00 Scott W. McGaughey 5130 Crayton Place, S. Naples, FL 34103 District: 4 Category: Affiliated 643-7575 02/04/92 09/02/93 649-7965 9/14/93 09/02/97 Thomas W. Lu~rin 42 Mentor Drive Naples, FL 34110 District: 5 Category: AlternateYAffiliated 5984300 06104196 09/02/96 614196 09/02/00 4 Years 3 Yem-s 4 Yem-s Months 4 Years 5 Years 4 Years Months 4 Years 1996 FEB 1997 Public Vehicle Advisory Committee Work Phone Appt'd F, xp, Date Term Name Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term This 5 member and 1 alternate member was created by Ord. No. 86-4. re-established by Ord. 91- 93, amended by Ord. 93-15 and Ord. 95-65 to review and approve applications for a Certificate to Operate, taxicab color schemes pursuant to ordinance, and review and make recommendations to the Public Vehicle Board (BCC) regarding issues related to the motor vehicle for hire business and regarding alleged violations of Ord. 91-93. Membershil3 consists of 3 members who must be holders of Certificates to Operate a motor vehicle for hire company in Collier Count, and 2 members who are in no way affiliated or associated wit~ any holder of a cer'dficate. Terms are 4 years. Staff: Mada Cruz, Code Enforcement Specialist: 643-8455 Wet~nt~d~. , Octot~r 09, 1996 t'~ge 2 of 2 AGENDA NO o.__~.~ FEB 04 1997 Pg, MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: November 25, 1996 Vinell Hills, Elections Office RE: Voter Registration - Advisor)' Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county s ad ~sory cormmnees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. PUBLIC VEHICLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMISSION DISTRICT Anthony P. Tesauro 160 Turtle Lake Court Building 3, #311 Naples, FL 34105 y£,s' Thank you for your help· AGENDA ITE~ .o. FEB 1997 Pg.. ,~ MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: November 25, 1996 Maria Cruz, Code Erfforeement Slx~ia.li~ Sue Filson, Admiaistmtive Assi~ant Board of County Commissioners Public Vehicle Advisory Committee As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your r~view as follows: Anthony P. Tesauro 160 Turtle Lake Court Building 3, #311 Naples, FL 34105 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation of the advisory committee for appointment and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board% consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any que~ons, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Armc]:Lments AGEND,,A~TE~ FEB 0 1997 Pg P.O. Box 2657 Plaza Bldg. 2900 14th St. No. Ste. 37 Naples, FL ~-2657 NAPLES SAFE DRIVING ACADE1VirY' Learn To Drive / Improve Your Driving Skills RECEIVED NO 1 9 1996 6oar~ of Cc, un~:.y Coe~fsst'one ANTHONY P. TESAUFIO Owner / Certified Instructor 941-262-0040 .'?' 9 6" EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SEEK APPROVAL FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO MAKE THE NECESSARY BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO SATISFY THE ARBITRAGE REBATE DUE THE IRS ON THE $2,253,470 POOLED COMMERCIAL PAPER NOTES A-3-1. OBJECTIVE: TO maintain compliance with Federal Regulations regarding arbitrage by satisfying the final arbitrage payment for the aforementioned commercial paper note. CONSIDERATIONS: Last year the Board affirmed the Clerk of the Circuit Court as the party responsible for ensuring compliance with all bond convenants. As part of that responsibility, the Clerk engages the services of the accounting firm Arthur Anderson, LLP, to perform the mandated annual calculations. The payment that we are seeking to satisfy today is related to the $2,253,470 Pooled Commercial Paper Notes, a debt of the Airport Authority. These notes were satisfied in December, therefore, this is the final payment related to this issue. The amount due is $54,392.43. As part of our arbitrage program a liability account was established for a portion of these funds that were identified in the prior year's calculation. FISCAL IMPACT: The total amount due is $54,392.43, with $49,401.17 maintained in a liability account of the Airport Authority. The remainder, $4,991.26 is needed from the Airport Authority reserves, fund 496. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Office of Management and Budget to make the necessary budget amendments to satisfy the arbitrage rebates. Prepared BY:~. ~. ~_/~/ Date: James L. Mitchell', Director of Finance' Reviewed By: Date: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of the Court ~£NDAITEM No. !': ~ FEB - lgg7 Arbitrage Rebat ,.and . Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate C Undsr Sections 14~(g}(3) and 148ff) and Sections I03(c)($)(D) and I0~.(i)(4} of the Internal Revenue Code Of 19S4 Reporting Authority Collier County, Florida I ~O~ ~ast Taniazi T~ail 7 N~4 Of Collier County, Florida Revenue Note Drau ~A-3-1 59-6000558 G1994-5 12/~/~+ CUSIP numOe~ NA Arbitrage Rebate a Chec~ box if t.his Part applies [] 19 '° Check the ~pr~na~e box n 6 rt'c,m~ [] 12 n-c~,::'.s ["] 18 mc~L~.s C~ 24 rno~t~s If 'c~er.' give the number of rtx~s since date cf b~sue ID A,,'aJta~e const,-ucJon pr~_-.~c?_s r~ $ Uns~rtt~ S If ~ ete:::e: to terminate the e~ection to ;ay penz,':y in [,eu cf ~":~rtr~e reCate. ~e,-.x one cf the fcilc~4ng (see i~'.~CJcc, s): ID A [] B [] D~e etec~on ~ P~a:ty in r~eu cf reCate O s ~ u;cn tecrJn~cn O $ Total CI I $ 22 Pe~a~y fc~ failure to ;ay ~n ~ (zr,.ac.~ s:,r. er're~t) ..................................................... O[ $ [ j '"' 'i '---':: '"' Part IV Elections bythe Issuer (see insb"uctions) 4'- ';'~""-"',:: ;. ); V.'., ,,w, A. Elec'Jor,.s made under the Igg2 23 Did you '~ec:. in'7 (see instruc~c~s) ....... ?"" '... , ! , , , ,...~ ..................... v .~ ,...:'..;~,L-..:. ~;?.,- ~.t.c,.E ................ 24 Did y~ maXe am bond ~ etec'Jon? ................................. Jr,~.r'Jl-:/.:l-.~c,;~- ...... _ ...................... 25 Did you ~ to ~ a trans~oned v;J':a:.le ~ is. sue as a ~ yield ~ssue? ....................................... 26 Did y~u e~ec: to :;e~ a var.,~e yieU ~ond ~.:~ ~s ncr a terser bond as a ?:xed y~eid bond roger ~t ~e: to a lb:ed ,"~e? ..... 27 Did you ~ to continue b'e~ng an issue ~ a v'a,"~e yeld issue ~er a~ the I:~nds in the issue c~nve?.ed t~ a F:xed r~e?... 2~ Did y~u etec:: to recom~ute the yield on am :;'az'ts?done: f':xed ye~id issue? ............................................ B. EJectJons made under the 1993 regulations 29 Did y~d iden:n'y a hedge? ............................................................................... 30 Did y~u ~ to use an ac:ua] fac~ ar.a~s~s? ................................................................ 31 Did you ~ to"ex.~ude e~"nings on a re, one, h/r~uire: reserve c~ reOtacement fund fr~m the clefini'don of pons trued:don pr~s? ........... _ ..................................................................... 32 Did you ak, c: to treat the different ~u~c:~es of a muR~purpose issue ~ se0ar'~a Lssues fo~ ~ur'"~ses of the 2-year e~...e~tion?. 33 Did you etect to b'eat each ~ ~ a poc~,,d 19nanc.~ng issue as a safaree b. sue f~ purposes cf a;pyng the spending e:rz::eg~on7 ..94 Did yoJ a~ply ce.r:ain provisions of se:'jon 1.14.8-1 l(b) before the effective data? .................................... 35 Did you apply ~,~'t~in ~rc:~4sk:~ns c~ se~xm 1.148-I 1T~ befo'e the effec~ve date? Please Sign Here i Yes No ~o I X 3~ I X ,321 IX ~sl IX behef, ~ey 3re b'"ue, ~orreC'. am~ ~--~mDlete. For PaDer'wor~ Reduction Act Notice, see page 2. CaL NO 11~45Y EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION CU-9$-20E, ROBERT L. DUANE, AICP, OF HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC., REPRESENTING BOYNE USA SOUTH, INC., REQUESTING A ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE '17' OF THE 'A' ZONING DISTRICT FOR A DRIVING RANGE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF AND ABUTTING US 41, WEST OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH ROYAL HAMMOCK ROAD IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 17.9 ACRES. _OBJECTIVE: The petitioner is requesting a one year extension of a conditional use for a golf driving range. CONS DERATIONS: Petition CU-95-20 was approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals on January 9, 1996 to allow the use of a golf driving range on property located on Tamiami Trail East near the intersection with Royal Hammock Road. Site Development Plan 96-168 was approved on December 17, 1996 for the driving range, however the developer was not certain that construction would commence prior to the expiration of the Conditional Use, therefore this petition was submitted. F_ISCAL IMPACT: There will be no fiscal impact to Collier County as a result of this petition. .GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This petition has no impact on applicable elements of the Growth Management Plan. _RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve the request for a one year extension of CU-95-20. AG£ _ND.A No. FEB 0 4 1997 PREPARED BY: , PLANNER II CURR-E~T PLANNING REVIEWED BY: DATE ROB~'RT J. MULHERE, AICP, MANAGER CURRENT PLANNING DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP, DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DATE /-/6~ P? DATE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; PETITION CU-95-20E AGENDA FEB 0 4. 1997 HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS PIOtNNER$ SUqVE¥ORS November 22, 1996 Preset'ring and e,'..-,ancing Florida's qualily of l#e .~nce tM Mr. Fred Reischl Collier Count).. Planning Services Current Planning Department 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples. FL 34104 CU'95-20 E SUBJECT: Boyne South USA HMA File No. 95.77 Dear Mr. Reischl: Please be advised pursuant to your letter, dated October 7th, pertaining to the expiration of Conditional Use CJ./-95-20 that my client, Boyne USA South, Inc.. would like to request an extension for one additional year so as to permit ample time to construct the Golf Driving Range. Enclosed is a check for 5200.00 to process the request. ' Currently. HMA is completing the civil engineering drav,'ings and we anticipate submitting our applications for Site Development Plan approval in December and anticipate obtaining approvals in January or there about. Construction is anticipated to be underway early next year. Thank you for 3'our consideration in this matter. Veo' truly )'ours. HOLE, MONTES .&X,'D ASSOCIATES, INC. ~'--'~.,-e..-~,~ ~..~_..-z,_._e_ Robert L. Duane. A.I.C.P. Planning Director RL D/dj CC: Jul)' Adarmes Am)' Prange W ,1995,95077\RI..D ~R{,i 122 DOC RESOLUTION 97- RELATING TO PETITION NO. CU-95-20 FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE OF PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA a 7 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, ~ 8 Florida Statutes, has conferred on all Counties in Florida the power 9 to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business · 2 10 regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and q 11 W~dEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land = 12 Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes - 13 comprehensive zoning regulations for the zoning of particular ° 14 divisions of the County, among which is the granting and extending : 15 the time period of Conditional Uses; and ~ 16 WHEREAS, on January 9, 1996, the Board of Zoning Appeals enacted ; 17 Resolution No. 96-16, which granted a conditional use pursuant to q 18 Ordinance No. 91-102, for a driving range, on the below described ~ 19 property; and 20 k~EREAS, Subsection of the Land Development Code provides 21 that the Board of Zoning Appeals may extend the one (1} year time , 22 period for a conditional usa which has not been commenced; . 23 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of 24 Collier County, Florida that: - 25 The written request of Robert L. Duane of Home, Montes & ~ 26 Associates, Inc., representing Boy*ne USA South, Inc. for the first of ~ 27 three (3) permitted one (1) year extensions, in interest of the - 28 following described property: . 29 Tract A, Royal Palm Golf Estates, Unit One, as recorded in Plat - 30 Book 12, Page 14, of the Public Records of Collier County, · 31 Florida. 32 NO. ~ I 8 10 12 13 = 15 16 17 18 is hereby approved pursuant to Subsection of the Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102), and the expiration date for Resolution No. 96-16, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", and all conditions applicable thereto, is extended hereby for one year until January 9, 1998. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is granted. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of , 1997. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN 2O ' 21 22 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 24 .. 25 MARJORIE M. STUDENT ' 26 27 qO ASSISTA/~T COUNTY ATTORNEY CU-95-20 EXTENSION RESOLUTION/18946 32 33 34 RESOLUTION 96- 16 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DRIVING RANGE CONDITIONAL USE IN THE A ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 27 F. AST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, ths Legislaturs of the Stats of Florida In Chaptsr 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has confsrrsd on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant theroto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, the Collie: County ~lanning Commission, being the duly appointed and constituted planning ~oard ~or the area hereby affected, has held a publio hearing after notice as in said regulations ~a~e and provided, and has considered the advisability of Conditional Use "17" o~ Section in on "A" Zone £or a driving range on the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact (Exhibit "A") that satisfactory provision and arrangement have besn made concerning all applicabls matters rsguired by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection of tbs Land Devslopment Code for tbs Collier County Planning Commission; and T WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and tbs Board having considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida that: Ths pstition filsd by Robsrt L. Duans of Hals, Montes & Associates, Inc., representing Boyne USA'Sou~h, Inc. ~lth respect to the property hereinafter described as: AGE D · . -1 .... FEB 0 1997 EXHIBIT "A" -*~ ....... . .-...,~_- .;,~..: - - .=. ~. ~'t ~ '] Tract A, Royal Palm Golf Estates, Unit One, as re6orded in Plat Book 12, Page 14, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. be and the same ts hereby approved for Conditional Use "17" of Section of the "A" zoning district for · driving range in accordance with the Conceptual Haster Plan (Exhibit #B") and subject to the following conditions: 1) Prior to approval of any additional development orders, the developer shall fully demonstrate that the offslte conveyance system has the capacity to accept the design discharge and that the project has legal authorization to connect to the conveyance. The petitioner shall submit copies of any necessary state or federal permits prior to Final Site Development Plan approval. ]) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the petitioner shall provide a fire hydrant within 250 feet of the pro shop. 4) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the petitioner shall provide a safety net along the U.S. 41 right-of-way if required by the Florida Department of Transportation. 5) Prior to Site Development Plan approval, access and egress for traffic on to Royal Pain Boulevard from the driving range shall be designed to prevent conflicls ~!th through traffic. 6) Prior to issuance of a Cer=if£cate of Occupancy, arterial level street lighting is required. 7) Pursuant to Section of the Land Develop=ant Code, if, during the course of site clearing, excavation or other construction activity an historic or archaeological artifact is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect =he discovery shall be immediately stopped and the Collier County Compliance Services Department contac=ed. I 8) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, a 25 foot Type "B" Buffer shall be placed between the tees and the single family lots. 9) Hours of operation shall be limited to daylight hours. -2- ACi£~A IT.E¥ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. ' Commissioner Hancock offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Co==issioner Hatthevs and upon roll call, the vote vas: AYES: Commissioner Hancock, Commissioner ~a~thevs, Commisstone~ Cons=an~ine CommissLone¢ ~ac'K~e,. and Commissioner Norris NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done this ?~'4 day of DWIGHT E'.' ~R'.O~ERX APPROVED AS TO .FOnN AND L~GAL SOFFICIEN, CY ~J~IE M. STUDENT AS S ISTA}~T"CO~TY ATTORNEY CU-95-20 RE~OLUTION/15805 BOARD O/ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNT~.~' ELORIDA ...-' JOHN C. NO~XS, CHAI~ -3- FEB 0 4 1997 FINDZN~ OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANtlZNG CO.~/tISSZON A CONDITIONAL USE P~ZTION FOR P~ITION NO. CU-9~-20 The following facts are found: 1. Section of the Land Devlopment Code authorized the conditional usa. 2. Oranting the conditional use will not ad%ersely affect the public interest and ~111 not adversely affect other · property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management B. Ingress and egress to property and propose6 structures tharaon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adeguate ingress/& egress Yas /'. No c. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise,, glare, economic or odor effects: / No affect or Affect mi:igated by Affect cannoc be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent proper=les and other property in the district: Compatible use within distric: Yes / , t~o Based on the above findings, this conditional use show!d, with stipulations, (copy attached) recommended for approval 5%.~,~ · ~n_/~/ ~_~'~ CHAIRMAN: DATE: FINDING OF FACT CHAIRMA/~/md/2/8/89 EXHIBIT "A" Z EXECUTIVE 8U~Y RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF "SAPPHIRE LAKES UNIT 0~J~qTIVE: TO approve the final plat of "Sapphire Lakes Unit 4A", a subdivision of lands located in Section 33, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. CONSIDERATION: Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Sapphire Lakes Unit 4A". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to construct the improvements for this project prior to recording of the plat or to furnish the required amount of approved security for recording purposes at a later date. This procedure would be in conformance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Sapphire Lakes Unit 4A" be approved with the stipulation that the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until the approved security is received to guarantee completion of the required improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is none. The project cost is $137,883.18 to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer - $70,302.00 b) Drainage, Paving & Grading - $67,581.18 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $3,031.94 Fees are based on a construction estimat $137,883.18 and were paid in May, 1996, January, 1997. FEB 0 4. 1997 Executive Summary Sapphire Lakes Unit 4A Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $4./ac) -$ 477.00 b) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) - $ 351.53 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const, est.)- $ 287.22 c) Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $1,054.53 Drainage, Paving & Grading (1.275% const, est- $ 861.66 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. This project is within the Green Heron Development of Regional Impact. BE¢OMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Sapphire Lakes Unit 4A" with the following stipulations: That the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received for the incompleted improvements and that construction shall be completed within 35 months of the date of this approval. 2) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 3) That no building permits be issued until the final plat is recorded. FEB 0 4. 1997 Executive Summary Sapphire Lakes Unit 4A Page 3 PREPARED BY: ,J(%.,.'~ It .~ ) ,n~ .%, ~, .~- '~-~,.,, John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review R~I~ED BY: Thom~ E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager .~~ Planning Services Director ~lhceht A. Cautero, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JRH: ew Date Date p,. /i lION LOCATION MAP CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO RECORDING OF PLAT THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO RECORDING OF PLAT AGREEMENT entered into this 4th day of September, 1996, between ARI JOEL DEVELOPMENT COR.POPOkTION, a Florida Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board". A. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery ofthis Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board ora certain plat ora subdivision to be knows as: SAPPltlRE I~AKES; UNIT 4-A B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code allows the Developer to construct the improvements required by said subdivision regulations prior to recording the final plat. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: Roadway, drainage, water and sewer inprovements within 36 months from the date of approval of said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith agrees to construct said improvements prior to recording said subdivision plat and the Board of County Commissioners shall not approve the plat for recording until said improvements have been completed. 3. Upon completion of said improvements, the Developer shall tender its subdivision performance security in the amount of $13,788.66, which represents ten percent (10%) of the total contract cost to complete construction. Upon receipt of said subdivision performance security by the Development Services Director, the Developer may request the Board of County Commissioners to approve the subdivision plat for recording and grant preliminary approval of said plat. FEB 0 1997 ~-- -- . , ~ ~ ,11111 n Illin I IIIIII IIII I IIII I '1 II ~ -II 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of'substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing ofhis refusal to approve the improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they arc ia fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements ofthi.~ Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimmn period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Set'vices Director. Alter the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance ~lh the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the ten percent (10%) subdivision performance security. Tht: Developer's responsibiiity for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for the County. 7. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed and maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt of acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board contingent costs, ,together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill any of the provisions of this Agreement. 8. All of'the terms, co':enxnts ~'nd conditions herein c~,~tained are and,-ohah' be binding upon the Developer and {he respective successors and assigns of the Developer. NO. ~ FEB 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives this 4th day of September, 1996. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PPd~SENCE OF: f ~~d or Typed Name ~. Printed or Typed Name / APl JOEL DEVEL./0PMENT COP~ A Florida Corp_~ion ,~ P~isident ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COM]vIISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: David C. Weigel Collier County Attorney docu mcnts,'u pphir~m~ in O B. wps .FEB 0 A 1997 P~o 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE REPLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH BID #97-2619. OF ONE (1) BRUSH CHIPPER ~: To award the equipment purchase in accordance with Bid #97-2619 to FCR Heavy Machinery Sales in the net amount of $14,350.00. CONSIDERATIONS: Invitations to bid were sent out on December 20, 1996 and opened by the County Purchasing Department on January 15, 1997. There were four (4) bidders. A summary of the attached bid tabulations is as follows: VENDOR TOTAL BID FCR Heavy Machinery Sales $14,350.00 Altec Industries $14,550.00 Southeast Waste Systems $15,930.00 Ditch Witch Trencher $20,902.41 Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends the bid submitted by FCR Heavy Machinery Sales as meeting or exceeding specifications. The brush chipper being replaced is scheduled for County auction. EJ~d. JJ~[~,~,~: The funds for the brush chipper are budgeted in Fund 101-163628-764990 and are available in the amount of $14,350.00. Purchase of this equipment was approved under Agenda Item 1664 on November 12, 1996. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: Heavy Machinery Sales for the purchase of one (1) brush chipper. PREPARED B DATE: Larry ~enr~, I~oad & Bri~ Supe~ntendent Da~,id"F~'Bobanick Inte~.~Transpodation Director REVIEWED BY: ~ Z.z~,, ~,, ~]J) '~0/I J'¥'C DATE: Step/J3)en Y-. Car~,,~ll, Purcha~g Director Raymd~d W. Miller. P.E. Interim Public Works Administrator That the Board of County Commissioners award Bid #97-2619 to FCR /./,07 LHImldO12397/ES Brush Chipper.doc FEB n 1937 TABULATION FOR BID #97-2619 "B~sh Chipper" :OPENIWG DATE: Jan. 15, 1997 POSTING DATE: Dec. 20, 1996 INVITATIONS SENT TO: 76 Vendors Page 1 of I VENDORNAME L.2,734~ 1.5.nda.&~z~.( I ~;+ch I · I I IZt'r/aC/, .................................. ~...,~vz ......... : ......... .T.q,~.~..~.e ....... :?..0..~..~' .... Unit Price for One (1) 'Brush Chipper Unit Price $/-~/~/...~5). oo i 'Manufacturer and Model Number Name and Address of Service Facility //~,o ~'."~',~ ~/. Manufactured Printed Specifications Attached? Sample of Warranty-Guarantee Attached? Standard Equipment List Attached? Delivery Time in Calendar Days ARO Payment Terms: Addenda Acknowledged: '/YES , NO ~"~S ~NO % day~ ,,/~% ~ day~ Net ~2 day~ Net ~ day~ Zr..4,v a / f z2~,,a, ~ t ~,qo tx/..,-/:,t.,.s 3v/off ~---'VES ~NO~--'~s __NO __---q~s ~NO ,~S ___~'0 _.% d~.s z/S'-gOc~s / __% __days % days Net 53z3 days Net ~ days yES ,,--'fro v~s ,--fo WITNESS: "No Bids" received from: FEB 0 ~ 1~7 PC,. ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE LEASE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) STREET SWEEPER REPLACEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH BID #97-2620. DJ~ZED~JY~; To award the equipment lease purchase in accordance with Bid #97- 2620 to M.D. Moody & Sons for one (1) street sweeper in the net amount of $117.363.25. CONSIDERATION: Invitations to bid were sent out on December 20, 1996, and opened by the County Purchasing Department on January 15, 1997. There was one bidder. A summary of the attached bid tabulation is as follows (Attachment #1): Vendor Name Total Price Over 5yrs. Lease/Purchase M.D. Moody & Sons $117,363.25 appl,.£cable F¥96-97 $23,766.00 Staff has reviewed the bid and recommends the bid submitted by M.D. Moody & Sons as meeting or exceeding specifications. The street sweeper being replaced is scheduled for County auction. FISCAL IMPACT: The funds for the street sweeper lease purchase are budgeted for in Fund 101-163628-764150 and are available in the amount of $ 23,766.00 Lease Purchase of this equipment was approved under Agenda Item 16(B)(4) on November 12, 1996 (Attachment #2). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION; That the Board of County Commissioners award Bid #97-2620 to M.D. Moody & Sons for the lease,purchase o~f one (1) street sweeper. c'"ga'rry Her~ '~ ~/~' Road & Bridge Superintendent D~id F. Bobanick In~Transpodation Director Ste~en~. Car~e, - ~urchasin~ Director RaymSnd W. ~iller~ P. E. Interim Public Works Administralor LH/trn,'012397/ES SWEEPER FEB 0 h 1S97 PC,. E tABULATION FOP, BID #97-2620 POSTING DATE: Dec. 20, 1996 INVITATIONS SENT TO: 73 Vendors treetSweeper" PENING DATE: Jan. 15, 1997 Page I of 1 I~Lt., ~). ~ I I I .~_.~../l ~ ............................................... Unit Price for 4 Wheel. Type Single Engine Pickup Street Sweeper/High Li~t Dump Manufacturer and Model Number Delivery T~ne in Calendar Days ARO q'ame and Address of ;ervice Facility IManufactured Printed Specifications Attached? Prompt Payment Terms: Addenda Acknowledged: ~'~YES .__~0 o/~ ' days Net '~ ,,. days ~'~s __.~o $ YES ___NO ,,YES NO % ,,.days __% __.days Net days Net days YES ...._NO ,,,YES NO _YES ..__NO % days Net , days ,Y~S _.__~o WITNESS: ~L. G{ntry, Purchasing "No Bids" received fi.om: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST THAT TI~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE AN EQUIPMENT PURCHASE PLAN FOR THE ROAD A.N'D BRIDGE SECTION OF THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPAKTMEN'r FOR FISCAL YEAR. 1996-97. OBJECTTV'E: To obtain Board of County Commissioners approval of an equipment purchase plan for the Road and Bridge Section within the approved Fund 101-163628 budget for FY 96-97, involving an amended equ{pment'list and a combination of Direct Purchase and Lease Purchase of equipment as specified. CONSIDERATIONS: The Fleet Manager and the Road and Bridge Superintendent have identified several units of major Road Maintenance Equipment that need to be replaced during the current Fiscal Year. This was based on an evaluation of age, usage, downtime, repair costs and operating costs. Also, a second Jet Vac unit and a Fork-liFt were identified for purchase and approved in the FY 1996-97 Expanded Service Budget. Because the estimated purchase price of this equipment was quite high (51,885,000) when compared to previous budget years allocations for Capital Equipment Purchases, staff investigated and determined that a Lease Purchase program for selected units of equipment would best meet the needs of the equipment replacement program. These units are identified in Exhibit 1, which is the same list of units as indicated on page 1-51 ofthe budget transmittal package (Exhibit 2) except that, on further analysis, three (3) dump trucks have been deferred and a small specialized backhoe is recommended for working in narrow drainage easements between houses along with specific minor equipment necessary for safety and/or operating productivity. Several units of equipment are available for purchase under the State of Florida contract and staff has investigated and recommends that selected units indicated in Exlu'bit 1 be purchased under the State of Florida Contract (total of up to 20+). The County Purchasing Policy, Article XIII, Section C, specifies that Board approval is required for purchases over $25,000 from the State of Florida Contract. FISCAL TMPACT: All purchases will be from within the currently budgeted Fund 101- 623628 Capitol Outlay Account ($411,000). Future budgets will be impacted by the debt that is owed as a result of the Annual Lease Payments. Estimated future m-mual payments to pay down the Lease over the next four budget years is $370,900. Equipment that is replaced will be placed in a future county auction which will provide Executive Summa.ry' ~:,.. Equipment PurchaS; '. Page 2 '...- .. :: . .. ,;".:fi:= .,,. '; ~/,': <..; ~EQUIPMENT GROUP..'"':..,._."'.,. ' '" ':' " ' ;~ '~ ' '.A-- .~.',:'~ :' Heavy Equipmeni'i~e l~rcMse · · ... 'c,,,,,,~,,,. Contract '. .... ·. "-: · Heav~; Equipment i.d.S'; PurcMse - '.'" Competitiv.e Bid ' Heavy Equipment Direct Pt~r'cMse State Contract ,.. :.~.. EST'~I. ATED ~ 96-9'/COST~'): ,, :i'.'~,:.'V:.'}'Y 97-98 COST ;.,: ".i::, ;'i;-'.':; ' '?-..'./::.: · ::-' '.<, :'., ..... ::., -- $156,700 ..,. ).':' ..,. :;.-.-~.:" $246,700(a) , 522,000 '$29,700 530,500 $385,400 s2s', oo HeaD' Equipment Direct Puichase Competitiye Bid · '- :Minor Equipment Dire:ct Purchase State Contract ".: Minor Equipment. Direct Purchase Competitive Bid/Quote · Totals ' . . Contingency (a) Considers leas(/"'-'obligation of $ 208,700 pu.rchaze of 2 additiona~ uni/s in FY 97-98. 515,000 -.. ~504,700 for FY 9637 purchase plus the lease GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NIA (b) Considers lea~e obligation' of 5161,900 for FY' 9~97 put:chase 'plus the lease purchase' · · - of additional units in FY' 97-{8. .:.: .'-.. ' ' . ... L '"~ ·" -'.. - ..: .;'t ~.; .... ':.. . " ' : '' '-. .. "~."' · C Executive Summary Equipment Purchase Page 3 ~R_ECOMMENDATION:'.That the Board of 'County Commissioners approve the equipment list per Exhibit #1, approve the lease purchase of selected major road r~. '.~!,e,n..~..ce eqU. lp .ment as indicted..above and on Exlu'bit "I", ,authorize staff to purchase the i:lesi~nated units froth.the State of'Florida c~tr~-~t'~nd to'purchase'the remainder ot' the::lls~ed eq{~ipment through currently approved purchasing procedures involving cor~pe{itive bidding oX written quotations as dLrected by the County Purchasing Director. · ..;... David F. Bobargck, Transportation Engineer ReViewed By: . . L..mTy He ~n~y, Road &/Bridge Superintendent · .'. G.F. Archibald, P.E.,'-Transpor~ation Director ..,.. . .., - , /.~"~ ~ Steve Cam~ll, Purchasing Director Date: T. E. Conrecode, P.E., Public Works Administrator DF'B:im: 102996 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE PLAN FY1996-97 TYPE LEASE PURCHASE RECOMMENDED PURCHASE PLAN EXHIBIT 1 J LIFE J PRESENTI£sn~'~ATEDj J J PURCHASEJ PURChaSE J 5 YEAR JAr~t~UALJ 314 YR J FROM STATE l r~EARSq VALUE I ~TE ! COST ! COST' ! PRICE I CONTACT BACKHO~LOADER [ROOM EXCAVATOR-BADGE;q EXCAVATOR-BADGER FORK LIFT GRADER-bARGE GRADER.bARGE iGRADER-bARGE JET-VAC .ORDER-FRONT END TRACTOR MOWER TRACTOR TRACTOR MOWER T~ACTOR MOWER TRUCK-DUM=-SCY TRUCK-DUM;-SCY TRuCK-D'JM;-5;Y T R',J C K- S '., M :-C R E'v",' $135,000j 5 59% $181,5901 5 59% $181,590 5 59% $45000 5 59% 6 ! 8 I 8 10 $13,215i $9 9111 J YES $31.8551 $23 7651 $31.c-~81 j YES $42624 $42 624 $31.g,581 $105831 $7.922l YES YES $9718Cl 55-c% $228~11 $~7.10~1 YES 5-07.1801 559% $228111 $17.10~i YES 8 J J $18,778J $14 064l 7 $335151 5 5-°% $7,8571 $5 9001 ..~ $22,8~11 $171~,51 YES $97,180J 5 ~o $148 8~21 5 59% $34.94-0! $2~ 2121 $80 0001 5..~': $33 5151 55~ J 57~571 $59331 533 5151 5 $33 5151 5 537,0001 5 59% $7 6571 55 .c'DoI 586651 56 514I 5370031 5 ~,e 527~'" ~5~% YES YE5 YE5 YE5 TRUCK. DUM,=-CRE'¢; CAB 6 $37 00.31 5 5..2% $8 6~.5i 55 TR JCK-C',..',?,P-CREW CA~ 6 537 OOOl 5 5.c% 55 ~._=.~i 55 5141 TRUCK-DU,J=-CREW CAP.. 6 537 00Ol 5 5-:% 58 6~:-I ~.£ 5~4i SMALL EA&K~,;DE 6 53g 0C~J 5 5~% TOTALR~COMMENDEDLEA5~ PURCHASe= k37085~ S2781~4 OUTRIGHT PURCHASE ~M,~cr Ecu*=ment ~n: ~l~ ~01 ~e lease ~, C:.__ -'--£'.U~-TO=,E ,'.'.OEh..E ATTENUATORS I 10 .~12 25:~ YES BRUSH CHIPPER I 8 522 00Ol 522 RIDING MOWER j ~ .~"~ :ngj.. .~'~ 9~DI YES ~,Z.NG MO'.','E~ I 5 ~5 B~I 55 ~C,;' YES LANDSCAPE MOWER I 4 L~.SER LEVEL J 10 AIR SAW I 5 s75o[ $1 5001 TARGET SAW j 5 $20001 TARGET SAW 5 TARGET SAW $1,C001 PLATE COMPACTOR 5 Sl,340[ PLATE COMPACTOR 51.340t PLATE COMPACTOR $1,340 ARROW BOARD $6000 j ARROW BOARD J 10 I 56.OOOI 4' TRASH PUMP j 6 I $2.0001 E" ELECTRIC TRASH PUMP 6 t $7.500t $1 $I 0031 Sl .0COl $~ .0001 $1.0001 S1.3401 J $1.340t I Sl.34~, i j $6 0OOI YES YE5 SELF LEVELING LEVEL t 115C~ I $750 SELF LEVELING LEVEL $750 GAS POWERED TAMPER $1,500J STORAGE TRAILER j 6 J $5.0001 TOTAL RECOMMENDED OUTRIGHT PURCHASE $7501 $7501 $50001 $107.2.20 TOTAL PRESENT VALUE = $1,686,692 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF 'TWO (2) TRUCK MOUNTED IMPACT ATTENUATORS MODEL TMA 6190J, ALPHA 60 MD SYSTEM. QJ~bZ,F=C_T_LV_E; To obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners to purchase two (2) Truck Mounted Impact Attenuators, Model TMA 6190J, Alpha 60 MD System from Gulf Industries, Inc. in the amount of $23,366.00 in accordance with the County Purchasing Manual, Article V, Section "C" Single Source Purchasing. CONSIDERATION: The County Road Depadment has determined that Truck Mounted Impact Attenuators are necessary for work crews and traveling public protection, while crews are working on multi-lane arterial roadways. We had originally planned to purchase the attenuators from the State Contract but since have found this equipment is not available on that contract. Inquires were then made concerning the vendor availability of the attenuators by the County Purchasing Department and the County Road Department. After research Gulf Industries, Inc. is the sole source for the TMA 6190J, Alpha 60 MD System. Attached is the quotation (Attachment #1). Vendor Name Gulf Industries, Inc. Total Price $23,366.00 FISCAL IMPACT: The funds for the equipment purchases are budgeted for in Fund 101-163628- 764990 and available in the amount of $23,366.00. Purchase of this equipment was approved under Agenda Item 16(B)(4) on November 12, 1996 (Attachment #2). q;ROW'rH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of two (2) Truck Mounted Impact Attenuators, Model TMA 6190J, Alpha 60 MD System, from Gulf Industries, Inc. for $23,366.00 in accordance with Article V, Section "C" of the Purchasing Policy Manual. La'rry HenE~/ _ . ~ad &~d~ S~nd~n_t_z¢, ~__ lnteri~ ,Transportation Directo Step~n Y. Carnell, Purcha~g Director / · Raymond W. Miller, P.E. Interim Public Works Administrator LH/trr,J012397/ES ALPHA60.doc. DATE: , ,...,-.--.~. ~ F E iJ 0 1:.37 ,3an-15-97 11:58A GULF INDUSTRIES FISHER 318 256 6313 GULF INDUSTRIES, INC. P.O. Box 10 · GULF SYSTEMS · FISHER, LOUISIANA 71420 · · GULF MANUFACTUI~ING ' · GULF SAFETY QUOTATION PHONE (318) 256-6313 FAX # [318) 250-3324 To COLLIER COUNTY ROAD DEPT. 2901 COUNTY BARN ROAD Yo,,r Inq,,,~, JANU. ARY Dc.~in~.on NAPLES · %'r by.-- DESTWAY 15, 1~97__ C,ty. - _N__Ap~$ 51~le. FLORIDA Aucnt;o,---- MARK VURCI4TN ....... (~UANTITY 2 UNIT EACH DESCRIPTION TMA 6190J, ALPHA 60MD SYSTEM W/90 DEGREE TILT & JACKS ON BACKUP Ir.O.8_.D.~-~T~A~.I'~N ._ T~r.n..30 D~Y$ Pit,mm4. ~nt~z ms O~Jr otC~cr tl~i~, ou% icccp(&ncc your quot& liQn. IUNIT ~RIC[ $~,~3 ~MOUNT $23,356.00 GULF INDUSTRIES INC. Nov-Z0-96 10:33A GULF INDUSTRIES FZSHER 318 256 6313 P.04 mph) ion. tkJht rlumlnum construe- Data.hell· Nose helps T'IYLA ,urvlve nuisance hits at spetds up to 8 km/h (.5 r~lmh). Cartridge vibration tested through :7 mil- l;on c},'clcs, vedfT;ng long-term r~ll&blllt7 on back o[ movln9 t~cks. :" '"" .ThC AJp{~ ~ ~D" tR{t'ts uni~m~k'Imtt~ 96 (~ mph) ~ p~tt~'liuli I,~ hil:h Hx~l mad. · with ~k v~id~l ~ ~qdy 31~t1 r, raduatly ..-:: . ~y. ~ ' Pn0o~ D.~ T~e ~pl~ ~ MD fc~urt~ ~ h~tlt~'ight alu- I~ ~ut~h~ ~t~.. a ;~kl~L(L' I~RIU~I ~a~- t~, *l,d an C~7.~1~1~K m~t ~t~n~nt ~3l¢ l~tt ~]Lft~lflt111% wither I~%~ [0t tt3~it. ~o,rdan.hk~' fjl3lltX'f [u ~fvty d~%t'klalc tilt' ,vlud~. vvhmcla m'ixhlng Imm U211 Itl 4.~ fl~) ~ tt3vclhu; al ~x uI, ~rinR lutt~t tml~ct% im~dwl~ q'11i~ lin) a;~ hitting d)~%'lly into thy AII~ (~ lo .5~ midi) m Ilaut It,v 13dla~h~'~l ~' can w,tltst~-I .m~n~ pass~.~l 24 hour rain tc:L ve~lng it d~s not re~n wat~ and lateral dH~ not d~grade. Optional Y0. (Icqj roe h?deaullc tilt and jack p~ckages. Offers 60 mph Protection Every Second Counts 'l'h~ patented Dura.~hctl mhcantly cxtcndm~ Ibc life .f thc TMA If hit at Iow spas (including centered impa~t, by a full-size car at 5 mphL thc ~[k~ws thc ~A to r~.n~ah~ in ~rvi~g wilhout any repair. Thc ta~r~ shalx' ol ta ~t. Dura~h~II no~ al~) minimiz~ c~rncr nul~mcc damage. Whgn more ~vcre imp.t~ts ~cur. the Durashell nose ~asily rcpl~ c~. ~tsc of rcp,~ir i~ .dso an im~r- lant ben,.fit ~f thc AIp~ 6{] MD'~ two- pkwg m~ular cartridge. In the TMA dan~c ~rom a partial impact m~a~R thc purchase o~ an gntire new car- tridge. Now only the damaged n~odule has to ~ rcpiac~. In I~ tl~n one hour. two workos can ri.plate a damag~t module, putti,g the TMA back on thc road quickly. If a vehicle weighing 4,5~ pounds crash(~ dmx'tly into LInc A1pI~ 6fl MD system, the car- ltidgc module ncar¢~t tht' truck can ~,~ survivcan impact of  '~'.s 20-35 mph, dc~.nding ~.,[ ;~, .." ' on thc in, pat, .;3~ .. conditions. .. ~- ~;:: ,..'~ ~ '~ ..... · 'l ' .~' " I... ""~-' ~,, In ad~fion ~o thu ~a~ridge, the unique ~tmt system plays a key ro~ in the additiun,~ ~x~ p~t~lion p~vid~l by the Alpha ~ MD. Its dcmign provide~ the addition- al p~t~ion without sinai/icon,fy lengthening thc MD' if .~peeding motorists don't think fast, they won't have thc reaction time needed to save your crew and equipment. That'.,, why il pays for you to think fast and utillzc thc Alpha 60 MD ''~ for your 'rMA protection. Ordering Information £roduct Model Nt,nbcr Alpha 60 ML1 with fixed 0' pu~itlon includes the following: A'"il~a 2tgi! MD' Cartridge Fixcd btrut Assembly l~t~'~ m,I, A~.q'mbly ,,id 5,pl~" t Ir n:.u' L;ndertide As~emL, ly Cartnd~;~t Jack. Steel Whccl TMA 6000 3523750-(XI1U TM A¢,~klLC 35232'}tM~000 25U3311-0000 Alpha 60 MD with 90' ltydraulic Till Package includes Ihe fullowlng: Alpha 2(~Jl MD Cartridge: .Strul Assembly 9U' l lvdra,hc Tilt Assembly. g.~k.p Undrrtidc Asscmbly Cnrtndge J.~ck. 5tcx'l ¥¥h~I TMA 6090 35237.~M1000 TMAb0901 .f. ~ 35232'gl-UO00 2503311 -fR]Otl Energy Alno~p~on Systems. Inc. One East Wacker 0nye Chicago. IL 60601.207B Fax 1312} 467.1356 Optiunal Jack, Swivel, for Backup ('l'ltm rt'qttircd IYr it.it) 2724Z30-1YJU0 Alpha 60 MD Specifications l,'nglh: 142.5 in. (3.62 m) 1 lright: --2~ i'~'. E?;t n"'~)- Width: 93 in. (Z.3(~ m) wd~,~t: ..... Road Clearance: 12 in. {.30 m'-')'" Distributed by: Western Division P.O. Box 10 risher. LA 71426-0010 (318) 256-6313 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE AN EQUIPMENT PURCHASE PLAN FOR THE P, OAD AND BRIDGE SECTION OF THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPAP,~ FOP. FISCAL YEAR. 1996-97. OB,T'ECTIVE: To obtain Board of County Commissloners approval of an equipment purchase plan for the Road and Bridge Section within the approved Fund 101-163628 budget for FY 96-97, involving an amended equipment'list and a combination of Direct Purchase and Lease Purchase of equipment as specified. CONSIDERATIONS: The Fleet Manager and the Road and Bridge Superintendent have identified several units of major Road Maintenance Equipment that need to be replaced durin~ the current Fiscal Year. This was based on an evaluation of age, usage, downtime, repai~' costs and operating costs. Also, a second Jet Vac unit and a Fork-lL~ were identified for purchase and approved in the FY 1996-97 Expanded Service Budget. Because the estimated purchase price of this equipment was quite high (!;1,885,000) when compared to previous budget years allocations for Capital Equipment Purchases, staff investigated and determined that a Lease Purchase program for selected units of equip~ent would best meet the needs of the equipment replacement program. These units are identified in Exhibit 1, which is the same list ofunits as indicated on page I-$1 of the budget transmittal package (Exhibit 2) except that, on further analysis, three (3) dump trucks have been deferred and a small specialized backhoe is recommended for working in narrow drainage easements between houses along with specific minor equipment necessary for safety, and/or operating productivity. Several units of equipment are available for purchase under the State of Florida contract and staff has investigated and recommends that selected units indicated in Ex. hibit 1 be purchased under the State of Florida Contract (total of up to 204-). The County Purchasing Policy, Article XIII, Section C, specifies that Board approval is required for purchases over $25,000 from the State of Florida Contract. FISCAL I'M'PACT: All purchases will be from within the currently budgeted Fund 101- 623628 Capitol Outlay Account ($411,000). Future budgets will be impacted by the debt that is owed as a result of the Annual Lease Payments. Estimated future annual payments to pay down the Lease over the next four budget years is $370,900. Ecuipment that is replaced will be placed in a future county auction which will provide r County. A summary of'expenditures per Exhibit 1 is as follows: (- xecutive Sum ar~ ,.,.... . Equipment PurchaseL .~..: · Page 2 :-.;-.:. .: .... : :.. .., ...:..:.:?.? · .,.'..~.-:.. ...., ..... ,. ,?..,., :.,. ;. '...: [EQUIPMENT GROUP .' ".' :-:;,. ;' Heavy Equipment Lea.se Pm-d~e · ': .~ .- .'State Contract" ..:.?..2. · HeaV~ Equipment Lease Purcl~e " e'ti Bid ' '": Comp rive. ~ ' Heavy Equipment Direct Purchase State Contract Heavy Equipment Direct Pm:cha~e s121is.'o0 $25,000 $22,000 . ..," -i'. i... $243,000Co) ;" Competitive Bid '~'. ,-. 'Minor Equipment Direct Purchase ., $'2~,70~0 '.' :'.,..!~'i i. " . ........... , .. ......... : . '::,.'.:':,~; ".'! J.':: '.':.~".' '.'"'.'; ' State Contract .. ':: (a) Considers lea~'.'obligation.of S 208,700 for F~,~.. 96-97 Minor Equlpmen/. Direct Purchase · Competitive Bid/Quote ... Totals " ' ~ontingency s3o,$oo" ' ." .. ... 5385,400 -. sis', oo " $15,000 5504,700 .. purchase plus the lea~e : GROV,'Tlt MANAGEMENT IMPACT,: N/A :. . . · purchase of 2 additional units in FY'97:.98. .. ' ." . . .. ..... .: · , :. '.: '.:.. · .: . ..... ,...... .. · , .. "; (b) Considers lea{~ obligation' of $i61,906 for FY .9~97 puic..h,~. 'pl.us the lease purch~e' ' .... . ': :' ' .i.. ~ ". ' '.'. , ": ;. 7 :' ."." ': :' ::!.'"":;"- Executive Sum'ma~ Equipment P.urchase Page 3 · :' p, ECOMM~NDATION:'That the Board of 'County Corn~ssioners approve, the equipment list per Exhibit #1, approve ',he lease purchase of selected major road main!e,..r~..ce equ. lpment .as'.hadicated, .absve and on ExI~'b~t "1", authorize staff to pur. Chase ' th'e' fl~si~nated uti.its fi'on~ the State of Florida e,~tr~t'~d to"purcha~e 'retn~in~ler of · ~.i... the"listed equipment t~ough currently approved purchasing procedures involving con'~pe{itive bidd · ....:. David F. Bo.banick, Transportation Engineer ~.. . . -. - Reviewed By: Reviewed By: Date: G. F. Archibald, P.E.,'.Transportation Director Steve carn'~ll, Purchasing Director · T.E. Conrecode, P.E., Public Works Administrator .. DFB:im:I02996 EQUIPMENT PURCHASE PLAN FY1996-97 RECOMMENDED PURCHASE PLAN EXHIBIT 1 TYPE LEASE PURCHASE [ACKHOE./LOADER ~ROOM EXCAVATOR-BADGER EXCAVATOR-BADGER ILIFE IPRESENTI C,'EAR S')I VALUE i I IA~,~UALI 3,4YR I COST I COST' ! I PURCHASE PURCHASEIFROMSTATE PRICE ! CONTRACT, FORKLIFT GRADER-LARGE GRADER-LARGE GRADER-LARGE JET-VAC LOADER-FRONT END 10 $97.1801 5 ·ao $148 8~21 5 59% $8':) 0031 5 59% TRACTOR L:OWER 533.5151 5 59% TRACTOR MOWER 7 $33 5151 5 cc° TRACTOR MOWE~ 7 533 5151 5 59% T:~ACTOR MOWER S.33 5151 5 TRU'2K-DUMP-SCY 6 537,03'-! TRUCK-DUMP-SCY 6 537.0001 T;, L;CK-DLJM=.SCv 5 537 0,%,I CAB 537 C,;.:: 5 TRLJCK-DUMP-CREV; CAB 6, 537 COOl 5 5.-2% 'TRJCK-C',.,'M~-CR EW CAB 6, 5.37 O301 5 ~.c.% 'TRuCK.DUM=.CREW CAB 6 'SMALL EACKHOE $31,6.n51 $23 765 $,42,62'4~ .$31 $42 62,41 $31.g681 TOTAL Rc:COMMEr,;DED LEASE PURCHASE OUTRIGHT PURCHASE (Mr-or E:u~=me":1 $13.215I $9911J YES $10 5631 .$7,9221 $228111 $17,1C)81 $22 8111 $171081 $22 5;11 $17 1C51 $349~9t $2~.212t $18.7781 $14 08,41 $7.867t $5.9'D01 $7 8571 55 91)31 $7.E1671 $5 $7 ~67l 55 $5 685i ~6 ~141 I 5~.6~51 S55~41 } 58 ~51 $~ 5141 I $8 6~i 55 5141 I $8 ~55~ 55 514l I $~ 6~51 55 514~ I 5 59% $7.042l 55 28~1 5370.55~ $278.14,4 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES I YES I YE5 ~E'-~fi'-F.'~ u ¢, ';' O r-, S 10 ~ 5:2 2.:2' I I ' [',2 52CI YES iBRUSH CHIPPER 8 I .~22 O(~D} I I I 5220001 RIDING MOWER 5 I $5,~::)~1 I I I 55 911)01 YES IRIDING MO'/,/E-~ 5 t 55 .c:,c I I } I $5 92.3! YES ~OVVER LANDSCAPE MOWER 4 I 57501 .ANDSCAPE MOWER 4 I $7.501 LASER LEVEL 10 I 5200O1 AIR SAW TARGET SAW TARGET SAW TARGET SAW SAND BLAST ASS'Y PLATE COMPACTOR PLATE COMPACTOR PLATE COMPACTOR ARROW BOARD ARROW BOARD 4' TRASH PUMP 6' ELECTRIC TRASH PUMP SELF LEVELING LEVEL SELF LEVELING LEVEL ;as POWERED TAMPER STORAGE TRAILER ¢o t s~.3~o I 'mo I $6.0001 6 I $2.CXiiDI 6 I s7,5ool 115~ $7501 s75oI Si .5C01 6 I $5.OCOl TOTAL RECOMMENDED OUTRIGHT PURCHASE = $1,3401 $1.3~01 Sl.3.401 'rES YES S2.0001 $7501 $7501 $1.500 55.000 $107.220 TOTAL PRESENT VALUE = $1,686,692 delivery of equipment L,,. { L'~ ' '"l EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD A WORK ORDER UNDER FIXED TERM PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT 95-2422 FOR THE DESIGN OF LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION AT SUGDEN PARK. OBJECTIVE: Award Work Order WMBP FT96-14 (copy attached) and approve a Purchase Order to Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. for the design of landscaping and irrigation at Sugden Park. CONSIDERATIONS: The next phase in the development of Sugden Park requires landscaping and irrigation. Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. is recommended for this work because of their active participation in recently surveying the site, their "on staff" expertise in landscaping, and because they are on the pre-qualified annual County contract list. This is the last contract that requires BCC approval in order to complete construction bid specifications. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of :$46,400.00 are available for this Work Order in: Fund: 306- Cost Center: 116360 Object Code: 631400 Project: 80081 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Management Plan. Consistent with the County Growth RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Work Order WM~P FT96-14 and a Purchase Order under Agreement 95-2422 to Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. for the design of landscaping and irrigation at Sugden Park and that the Board authorize/the Chairman t.o execute Work Order WMBP FT96-14. PREPARED BY: Date: C~orge H,/P~l(er, Sr. Project Manager ,7 Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED BY: ~ ~,'-~x'~L Date: ,.~.~ Thoma~'W~lliff, Ad-~rator Public Services Executive Summary Page 2 Adolf'o A. qonzalez, Pv,~E., I~rector Office of Cap~ta' "- "' 1Prpjeets Management Raym6nd W. Miller, P.E., Interim Administrator Public Works Division pag'exsumsugdenpk.01 WORK ORDER # WMBP FT96-14 Agreement for Fixed Term Professional Engineering Services · Dated September 26, 1995 (Contract #95-2422) This Work Order is for professional engineering services for work known as proiect; Sugden Regional ParkLand~¢ape Architecture Service:s, HvdrographicSurvev, Structural Pier and Dock De$iRr~ The work is specified in the proposal dated January 23, 1997 which is attached hereto and made a part of this Work Order. In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement referenced above, Work Order #WMBP FT96-14 is assigned to Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek. Inc. Scope of Work: Task 1 - Landscape Architectural Services I,I - Preliminary Design 1.2 - Final Design and Construction Documents 1.3 - Bidding Assistance 1.4 - Construction Services Task 2 - Hydrographic Survey Task 3 - 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Structural Pier and Deck Design Seryices - Preliminary Design '", - Final Design and Construction Documen'ts - Bidding - Construction Services Schedule of Work' Complete work within 60 days from receipt of the Notice to Proceed authorizing start of work. Compensation: In accordance wilh Article Five of the Agreement. the County will compensate the Firm in accordance with the negotiated lump sum indicated in the schedule below (if a task is time and material, so indicate and use the established hourly rate(s) as enumerated in Schedule "A" of the Agreement). Task I 1.1 9,300.00 Lump Sum 1.2 17,300.00 Lump Sum 1.3 1,400.00 Lump Sum 1.4 3,500.00 Lump Sum Task 2 2,000.00 Lump Sum Task 3 3.1 2,300.00 3.2 3,600.00 3.3 1,000.00 3.4 6,000.00 TOTAL FEE $46,400.00 Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum }-'_:3 0 13 ,7 Work Order WMBP FT96-14 Page 2 Schedule "A" of the Agree~nt. /] PREPARED BY: Project Manager Adol fo'A.L~o nzalez, ector Office of (~apital ProjEcts Management ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk By: By: Deputy Clerk Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: Any change within monetary authority of this Work Order made subsequent to final department approval will be considered an additional service and charged according to BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Collier County, Florida Timolhy L. Hancock. AICP, Chairman Assistant County Attorney Date: ATTEST: (Corporate Secretary) By: e and Title /(or) witnesse, (2)  Signature Print Name GP/sc/WOGP.056 · Wilson, bliller, Barlon and peek, Inc. Contractor By: Signature Signature PLANNERS, ENVIRONMENTAl. CONSULTANTS, ENGINEERS, ?'L';.",'EYOP, S, IoANDqCAPE ARCHITECTS, CONSTRUCTION I'~,.4.^.NAGERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROPOSAL TO: FROM: George H. Parker Senior Project Manager Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management OCPM Building 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 33962 Alan D. Reynolds, AI~t~ Senior Vice President Laura Redondo Ryan Project Manager DATE: SUBJECT: January 23, 1997 ' Professional Services Proposal for Sugdcn Park, aka Lakc Avalon Locatcd within Section 13, Township 50 South, Range 25 East. 1.1. The Project is generally described as a 119.2 + acres County Park located west of U.S. 41 and north of Thomassan Drive in Section 13, Township 50 South, Range 25 East. 1.2. Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management (OCPM) requests Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. (Wilson Miller) to submit a proposal to render landscape architecture and structural pier/dock design services for the Project. 1.2.1. The specific areas to be addressed in the landscape architecture design include the following: perimeter buffers, entrance, beach dune, pathway outside the perimeter fence, and internal areas such as parking lot's, picnic areas, etc. 1-00 ?0-000-00~I.J~A .\'. q.I,'. F.,,I M3,',, N.,~,(..,ta /h.~,/,-m.,. ' Mr. Parker Page 2 1.2.2. The structure design includes 3 tee docks and 1 pier with a boardwalk parallel to the shoreline. The pier is anticipated to have a future addition of a prefabricated pavilion. Details for the pavilion support structure and connection of this addition will be provided by others in the future. 1.3. Other subconsultants required for the project for legal or other technical support as may be needed will be provided by, and contract directly vdth, the Client. The Client will serve as Project Manager and coordinate the work of the other entities involved with the Project. 2. ASSUMPTIONS 2.1. The Client '.','ill furnish an approved SDP indicating the location of proposed improvements. Only the Phase I portion of work is included within this proposal, as defined b7 the Client's SDP. 2.2. Site design, engineering and grading ..,.'ill be provided by others. 2.3. Elevations and grading of the'docks and piers will be coordinated with site plans provided by the Client. 2.4. Architectural, electrical, environmental, water management services, permitting, and other related design services ,,,,'ill be provided separately by the Client. 2.5.. The docks/piers.will.not have water or electrical service.. 2.6. Site information regarding areas of selective clearing, remaining vegetation and significant individual trees that may have an influence on the landscape design will be provided by the Client. 2.7. This proposal is based on a one-time design process, document preparation and submittal. Revisions caused by significant changes to the final site plan ',,,'ill be considered additional services. The project will be designed and issued as one bid package, utilizing bid alternates to provide Client budget flexibility. 2.9. The infrastructure for the Phase I portion of the project '.,,'ill be in place prior to construction of the docks and landscape and irrigation. 1-0070-O00-O00-1..~A rzJO:l L'..7 }~ Mr. Parker Page 3 3. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY CLIENT 3.1. Client ,,,,'ill provide a final site plan in AutoCad Release 12 format and complete site design and site development plans. Locations, lengths and `,,,'idths of docks/pier will be taken from these drawings unless directed othenvise by client prior to design. 3.2. Client will provide background information, soil borings and geotechnical reports for design of pile supported piers and any specific design criteria and input from the Parks and Recreation Department and various interest groups. 3.3. Client ,.,,'ill act as the primary project coordinator and manager. Client ,,,,'ill assemble the "front end" of the specification manual, as well as the various technical sections provided by selected professionals. 3.4. Client will provide locations for railings or ramps as ',,,'ell as coordinate grades and elevations of the docks. SCOPE OF SERVICES The professional sen'ices to be provided by Wilson Miller include, and are limited to, those described in Exhibit A, SCOPE OF SERVICES. The fees for SCOPE OF SERVICES are defined in Exhibit B, FEES. ACCEPTANCE AND AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED 6. I. Period for Acceptanc~ This Proposal/Agreement is open for acceptance by Client for a period of sixty days from the date of this proposal, after which it will be withdrawn by Wilson Miller and may be subject to renegotiation. I -O0?O-O00-O00-LPSA PROJECT: EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF SERVICES Sugden Park. aka Lake Avalon DATE: Collier County. Florida IT£M DESCRIPTION 1. Landscape Archilecture Sen'ices The landscape architecture services include planting, irrigation, signage and site furnishings design as listed below. 1.1 Preliminary Design Meet with Client and design team members to gather project information and design input. Prepare preliminary landscape design alternatives and illustrative sketches for the following areas: · Perimeter buffers · Project entrance · Beach Dune · External pathway · Internal park areas Prepare schematic distribution, zoning and irrigation flow demand calculations. Prepare preliminary well and pump calculations and schematic location. Prepare preliminary signage design altematives and illustrative s. ketches for the main entry sign and directional signage within the park. Provide preliminary opinion of probable construction cost, based on preliminary design. Review with Client and incorporate Client's comments and input regarding design and budgetary constraints. Coordinate integration of design elements with other members of&sign leam. I f-'..::! :2 I EXHIBIT A Exhibit A, Scope of Services Sugden Park, aka Lake Avalon Page 2 Refine the landscape and irrigation design based on Client's comments, and review a second time with Client and design team members. Upon approval of final design, proceed with construction documents. Client is to provide the outline of bid structure, so the plan set may be prepared accordingly. Prepare planting plans, which will indicate location, size and species of trees, palms, shrubs and ground covers. Plans will include planting details. Prepare irrigation plans, which will include pump station and distribution system as well as sprinkler head locations, interconnect piping, valves and controllers. Plans will include irrigation details. The irrigation source is to be drawn from the lake. Electrical service to the pump to be designed by others. Prepare construction details and location plan for entry signage and directional signs within the park. Prepare a location plan and ~ichedule for site furnishings based on selections and details furnished by Client. Technical specs for site furnishings are to be prepared by others. Provide bid forms and technical specifications, to be compiled into the project manual by Client. Prepare opinion of probable construction cost, based on final plans. Bidding Assistance 1.4 Provide bidding assistance, attend pre-bid conference and review qualifications of bidders and bids for improvements designed by Wilson Miller. Client'shall be responsible for issuing bid documents and final selection of contractor(s). Construction Ser¥ices I-O070,-O~X)-O~-LP~A Perform periodic site visits to observe the contractor's progress and general compliance with the plans and specifications. The fee reflects the site visit schedule outlined below; any site visits beyond this schedule that are.deemed necessary by the Client will be performed as additional services. I /''--; 1 .... 7 EXHIBIT A Exhibit A, Scope of Services Sugden Park, aka Lake Avalon Page 3 The site visit schedule is based on a construction time frame of no more than 90 days for landscape and irrigation improvements, with ali improvements being constructed in a single phase. · Coordinate with site work (2) · Irrigation mainline & underground piping (2) · Large plant material location flagging (2) · Shrub material layout, planting progress, irrigation (3) pump station and head layout · Substantial completion and final walk-through (2) · Review pay requests and completed quantities and process change orders. Review shop drawings and submittals for conformance with the Wilson Miller design concept called for in the technical specifications and plan. If requested by Client, landscape architect will preview and tag trees with selected contractor at nursery supplier(s). These trips are not included in the fed shown, and will be performed on an as-requested basis for an additional fee. 1.5 Additional Meetings Attend meetings as requested by Client with various interest groups such as the Parks & Recreation staff, the volunteer design group and neighborhood associations. Such meetings may be held to solicit input and to present design solutions, at the discretion of the Client. 2. Hydrographic Survey Collect water level and topographic data on lake bottom elevations at the locations of the four proposed docks. Plot data in an Autocad format for transfer to design team. 3. Struc{ural Pier & Dock Design Services 3.1 Preliminary_ Design 0l,'2])97 - W-O0?O000! Kit3 I-O0?O-O00-O00-LPSA Meet with Client to review uses, configurations and any special design considerations for the proposed docks/pier~Tu?~$~.:). 0 _..,.._,_F-'XHIBIT A Exhibit A, Scope of Services Sugden Park, aka Lake Avalon Page 4 Conduct alternative product reseamh to provided generalized cost comparisons for the three possible docking materials. These materials include pressure treated southern pine (PT), recycled plastic and Pau Lope hard wood. Pile supports for the docks/piers will be PT with PT pile caps. The stringer and decking material may vary with the proposed alternates. Present and discuss the alternative costs and design configurations with client. Based on selected alternative, proceed with final design and construction plans. 3.2 Final Design and Construction Doeument~ Based on the selected material type, prepare final design of docks and pier. The final design will provide typical cross sections of the various elements, connection details, construction notes and specifications. Prepare an Engineers Opinion of Probable Construction Cost based on the final design along with itemized bid item schedule for use by Client in preparing bidding and contract documents. Meet with Client and other subconsultants, one time, for final design coordination. 3.3 Bidding Assistance · Refer to section 1.3 for Scope of Services. 3.4 Construclion Services Perform site visits to observe the contractor's progress and general compliance with the plans and specifications as defined below: Be present during all pile driving activities to observe driving co. nditions and record blow counts if requested by client The extent of site visits for this activity is dependent on contractor progress and can not be determined at this time. The fee for this item is based on a maximum of 40 hours of field time by an engineer tech II. 01/'2.1~? · W-OO'/00001 KItS I ..~70-000-000.LPSA Observe substructure construction one time du[ing construction to com ,i= wi, ,h= . ~,. i EXHIBIT A Exhibit A, Scope of Services Sugden Park, aka Lake Avalon Page 5 · Observe installation of decking one time during construction. · Perform substantial completion and final walk-through. · Review one set of shop drawings at the beginning of the project and one change order during construction if requested by owner. Rdmbursable Expenses Expenses for blueprints, reproduction services, overnight express delivery service and long distance telephone calls shall be reimbursable to the Engineer. The fee estimate includes one set &original mylars to be provided to the Client. Excluded Services The professional sen'ices that Wilson Miller will provide under this Proposal/Agreement include, and are limited to, those described above in Section 4.0, SCOPE OF SERVICES. All other services are specifically excluded. be required or desired for the Project: ', 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Listed below are excluded services which may Materials testing. Geotechnical services. Hydrogeological services. Hazardous waste assessments. Review &abstract &title. Subdivision plans. Construction stake out. Boundary survey. Plat preparation. I ..oo'1 o-ooo-oo~ LPSA EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B - FEES PROJECT: Sugden Park. aka Lake Avalon Collier County. Florida DAT£:~ PARAGRAPH SERVICE FEE FIXED FEE OR TYPE ESTIMATED AMOUNT I Landscape Architeciural Sen'ices I.I Preliminary Design FF $9,300.00 1.2 Final Design 8: Construction Documents FF $17,300.00 1.3 Bidding Assistance FF $1,400.00 1.4 Construction Services FF $3,500.00 1.5 Additional Meetings ., TME As requested 2 Hydrographic Sun'ey FF $2,000.00 3.0 Structural Pier & Deck Design Sen'ices 3.1 Preliminary Design FF $2,300.00 3.2 Final Design & Construction Documents FF $3,600.00 3.3 Bidding FF $I,000.00 3.4 Construction Services FF $6,000.00 TOTAL $46,400.00 o,=~;, w-oo?oooo~ ~ EXHIDIT B I -~70-O00-O00.LPSA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZE STAFF TO CONSTRUCT A STABLE PARKING AREA NEAR THE LIVESTOCK PAVILION AT THE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS COMPLEX. O_B_J.EG_ILV_E: To obtain Board approval and direction for the County Road Department to construct a limerock parking area near the Livestock Pavilion at the County Fairgrounds. CONSIDERATIONS: '[he parking area at the Livestock Pavilion at the County Fairgrounds is unstable and tends to rut during wet weather. A solution is for the County Road Department to place a compacted layer of approximately six inches (6") of limerock over the existing ground. Limerock will be obtained from the Annual Contract at $2.25 per cubic yard (C.Y.), FOB Source. Estimated quantity is 2,000 C.Y. of limerock at $2.25 per C.Y. or a total cost of $5,000.00. Personnel from the County Road Department will place and compact the limerock utilizing County equipment. Funds for the purchase of limerock will come from Fund 101 Reserves: From To Amount 101-919010 Reserves 101-163620-653110 $5,000.00 Labor and equipment costs are to be funded from current budgeted Fund 101 Personal Services and Operating monies. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: construct a limerock oarkino area near the Livestock approve [~ie neces~ary~udg.ei; a~nenament[s~ · ti, / ~ David F. Bobanick Interim Transportation Director That the Board of County Commissioners authorize and direct staff to Pavilion at the County Fairgrounds Complex, and Rayr~d'nd W. Miller, P.E. Interim Public Works Administrator DATE: / / ~-'-2 ! ~ 7 DFB/mkJ0127/ES Fairgrounds Pkg.doc F'E8 0 1S37 .EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE SCHOOL BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING SCHOOL BUSES TO TRANSPORT PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS FROM AUGUST 15, 1996 UNTIL AUGUST 31, 1997. Objective: To obtain approval of the Board of County Commissioners to enter into a one year Agreement with the Collier County School Board to utilize buses to transport participants of Parks and Recreation programs and camps. Considerations: For the past ten (10) years Collier County has entered into similar agreements with the Collier County School Board. The Parks and Recreation Department has researched the availability of buses from private bus companies. The attached Agreement provides for use of school buses (with or without drivers supplied by the School Board) by the Parks and Recreation Department to transport recreational program participants to any recreational area to facilitate recreational programs. Examples are visits to educational sites, roller skating, swimming, beaches, bowling, and movies. To acquire use of a bus and a bus driver, the County will pay the School Board a per hour rate of $17.12, timed from and back to their transportation barn. Additionally, a rate of $1.27 per mile is charged. This is option A of the submitted contract. Option B is to utilize buses using our bus drivers. We do not have certified bus drivers on staff, so option/~ is staff's recommendation. Under Section © (7) of the Agreement and pursuant to Section 234.211(2) (b), the County has provided a Certificate of Proof of Required Liability Insurance to the School Board in the amount of $100,000. If executed by the County, the Agreement will be in effect retroactively from August 15, 1996 through and including August 31, 1997. Fiscal Impact: $45,000 has been budgeted to support this Agreement. Monies are budgeted in accounts 001-156341, 130-157710 and 111-156343. It is anticipated that the $45,000 will be reimbursed approximately 75% ($33,750) by recreational program participant fees. Growth Management: None FEB 0 ~ 1997 Pg. I _ Executive Summary Agreement Between Collier County and The School Board Of Collier County Page 2 Recommendation: That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chairman to execute the attached agreement on behalf of Collier County utilizing School Board busses for Parks and Recreation programs as addressed within the Executive Summary after review by the County Attorney's office. Prepared by Reviewed by Steve Peffers, Recreation Supervisor  d Recreation Reviewed by Date Murdo Smith, Recreation Manager Department of Parks and Recreation 'Skil~C"amp, Acting Director Department of Parks and Recreation Reviewed by Thomas W. Olliff, Adh~h~'~trator Division of Public Services Date -Agenda I.te~ - 1 FEB 0 lqq7 pg. TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT FOR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this _ day of , 1996 by and between the DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (School Board), and COLLIER COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION by and through the Board of Count3' Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, (Agency). WHEREAS, Chapter 234 of the Florida Statutes authorizes local school districts to enter into agreements with organizations for the use of school buses belonging to the school district, and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to utilize the school buses of the school district, and WIIEREAS, Section 234.21 l(l)(a), Fla. Stat., provides that each school district may enter into agreements with the governing body of a county or municipality in the school district or any state agency for the use of school buses of the school district for transportation of the elderly, transportation disadvantaged or for any county, municipal or state purpose. WItEREAS, this Agreement contemplates two (2) use options available to the Organization. Option A is for the provision of buses with drivers and Option B is for provision of buses only. Reimbursement to the School Board shall be based upon the Option selected by the Agency as determined by this Agreement. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED: 1. Option A - Bus and Driver: (1) The School Board shall provide buses with drivers in accordance with the terms provided herein. Agenda Ho., Hr( FEB n pg. ~ (2) For each vehicle and driver, the Organization shall reimburse the School Board for the use of the vehicle at the rate ot'$17.12 per hour and $1.27 per mile and a tee (labor rate as needed) for cleaning and maintenance. 2. Option B - Bus Only: (I) Organization agrees to pay to the School Board $1.27 per operated mile for each bus. Operated mile is defined as every mile for each bus. Operated miles is further defined as every mile the vehicle is operated in support ofthe Organization's Program, whether with passengers or not, and to include necessary trips to and from a School Board Transportation Department. Mileage will be recorded and billed by the School Board. Such bus will be returned to the Transportation Department of the School Board at the end of each operating day. The Organization will be assessed a cleaning fee (at a labor rate as needed) for each bus checked back in which is not cleaned. (2) Such bus will only be operated by employees of the Organization who are licensed and approved as school bus drivers by the Department of Transportation of the School Board. 3. The Agency agrees that all requests for use of buses and drivers will be made at least two weeks prior to the date requested. availability. 4. All service is contingent upon buses and/or drivers The Agency agrees that in the event of a cancellation the School Board will be given 24 hours advance notice. In the e,'ent the notice of cancellation is not issued to the School Board with 24 hours a fee of $ 25.00 will be due and payable to the School Board. 2 5. Payment for services rendered or due shall be assessed by the School Board by the 10th of each month and paid by the Agency by the 30th ofeach month. 6. The Agency shall indemnify and hold harmless the School Board from any and all liability of the School Board by virtue of these use of the school's vehicles. 7. The Agency, pursuant to Section 234.21 l(2)(b), Fla. Stat., shall for purposes of liability for negligence be covered by Section 768.28, Fla. Stat. 8. The Agency agrees that there shall be no fee charged to passengers on the bus. 9. Effective January 1, 1995, each agency entering into a Transportation Agreement with Collier County Public Schools under Option B shall comply fully with the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. The Act requires persons who are operators of commercial motor vehicles, including school bus drivers, and who are subject to the requirements of a Commercial Driver License (CDL), be tested for drugs and alcohol in compliance with the Act. The Agency may utilize the school district's approved testing lab and the Agency shall pay the costs for each person tested by the laboratory. 10. The use of vehicles by the Organization shall at all times be subject to rules adopted by the School Board. 11. This Agreement shall commence on the date first above written and remain in effect through August 31, 1997. 12. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the parties and may not be amended except by written instrument signed by all parties hereto. 13. All the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties and their legal representatives, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. Signed in the Presence of' DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY ~Robert E. 4(-f~n& /-'/' Superintendent x,,,d~borah P.~Cook, Chairman COLLIER COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Print Name: Print Name: BY: Name: Title: BY' Name: Title: C ~CL~G MT ~'T'KANST'OR~C]~IL 196 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: Approved as to form and l~sufficie~c~: Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: T~MOTHY J. 'HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS BCC AGENDA OF 2/4/97 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BUDGET AMENDMENT 97-121 System Support Capital Outlay ($5,500) Operating Expenses ~,500 Total 0 ]~xplanation; For purchase of licenses to continue with office automation. Funds were budgeted in Capital Outlay, but will be expended from Operating Expenses. CDBG Grants Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Total Explanation: URBAN IMPROVEMENT GRANTS (121) BUDGET AMENDMENT 9%125 ($27,500) ~?,~oo Department of Community Affairs requires that grant expenditures be budgeted to the Grant Activity Level. Funds budgeted in Improvement General Account will be reallocated to Sewer Facilities, Flood and Drain, Street Improvements, and Sewer Hookups. Public Works Division Operating Expenses Reserves Total Explanation: ROAD ASSESSMENTS (341) BUDGET AMENDMENT 97-14S Sl,O00 ( 1.0001 Funds are needed to pay for legal advertisements associated with Road Assessment District Collection actions. AGENDA ITEM No. ~b ~. O~ FEB - q 1997 Pg..,,, I Human Re$ource~ Admin~ Operating Expenses Personal Services Total Explanation: COUNTYWIDE FACILITIES CAPITAL BUDGET AMENDMENT 97-144 ($3O,OOO) ~0,000 To move funds within the existing approved budget appropriation to hire a temporary employee to administer and implement the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) project. FEB - ~ 1997 1:'8. '~- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO TWO CONTRACTS BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE COLLIER COUNTY TOURISM COMMITTEE OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners approve amendments to the Category B contract between Collier County and the Collier County Tourism Committee CONSIDERATION: On Sanuary 14, 1997 the Board of County Commissioners approved amendments to Category B contracts with the Naples Area Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Marco Island Chamber of Commerce to reflect that they are payment contracts rather than reimbursement contracts. There continues to be some final payments due on earlier contracts from 1993 and 1994 with the Collier County Tourism Committee and an amendment is needed to reflect a similar change. Additionally the time period needs to be extended to allow for the final payments. Both of these amendments will require a waiver of the existing guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: No change GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the identified changes and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the amended contract. Prepared by: Date: ' 2¢ ~q7 lean Gansel, Budget Analyst Reviewed by: Date: Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney Reviewed by: Date: Michael Smykowski, OMB Drector