Agenda 01/27/2015 Item #11A 1/27/2015 11 .A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize the County Manager, or his designee, and the County Attorney to advertise for future consideration an ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances, which is the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, providing for the incorporation by reference of three impact fee studies; amending the Road Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule One of Appendix A, the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule Two of Appendix A, and the Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule Four of Appendix A; providing for updates to definitions for compliance with the update studies and methodology; providing that impact fees are assessed using the rates in effect (1)when the building permit application is submitted, or(2) at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion for the development,whichever is less; correcting a date used for terms of deferrals; amending provisions related to the imposition of Water and Wastewater Impact Fees to comply with the study and methodology updates; and providing for an effective date of February 17, 2015 for all rate categories that are decreasing and a delayed effective date of May 11, 2015 for all rate categories that are increasing, in accordance with the 90-day notice requirements set forth in Section 163.31801(3)(d),Florida Statutes. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners (Board) authorizes the County Manager, or his designee, and the County Attorney to advertise for future consideration an ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances, which is the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, to provide for the adoption and incorporation of three impact fee studies and associated impact fee rates, amend pertinent sections of the ordinance for consistency with the studies or make required edits and provide for an effective date of February 17, 2015 for all rate categories that are decreasing and a delayed effective date of May 11, 2015 for all rate categories that are increasing, in accordance with the 90-day notice requirements set forth in Section 163.31801(3)(d),Florida Statutes. CONSIDERATIONS: The following are the pertinent dates that established the current Road, Correctional Facilities, Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rates: • May 12, 2009, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2009-24, amending Schedule Four of Appendix A of Chapter 74 of the Code, and establishing the County's then current Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rates in two phases. • February 22, 2011, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2011-05, thereby amending Schedule One of Appendix A of Chapter 74 of the Code, and establishing the County's then current Road Impact Fee rates. • February 22, 2011 the Board also adopted Resolution 2011-41, thereby amending Schedule Two of Appendix A of Chapter 74 of the Code, and establishing the County's current Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rates. Packet Page-87- 1/27/2015 11.A. • December 13, 2011, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2011-44 through which Road Impact Fees and Correctional Facilities Impact Fees were indexed in accordance with the prescribed methodology, thereby establishing the rates that are currently in effect. The requirement for the update of impact fees "at least every three years" is set forth by Section 74-502 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances (Code). In keeping with the formal update requirement, the County retained Tindale-Oliver and Associates, Inc. (TOA) to complete the Road and Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Update Studies and Public resources Management Group, Inc. (PRMG) to complete the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study The attached reports describe the technical and legal framework and the methodology used to update each of the impact fees. Additionally, the update studies have been reviewed by the County's outside legal counsel,Nabors, Giblin&Nickerson,P.A. The following is a brief overview of the major study components. Road: • Demand • Cost • Credit • Calculated Fee Schedule Changes in major components include decreases in vehicle miles travelled, carrying cost, which was removed, based on no immediate plans for borrowing, and cost components related to Right of Way, Mitigation and Urban Overpasses. Areas of increase include cost components related to Design, Construction and CEI. Specifically, the construction costs being utilized for the study represent a blend of local and Statewide costs, for a total of$2.7 million per lane mile. Actual (Collier County) construction costs, based on recent bids, range from $4.2 million to $4.5 million per lane mile. The blended cost is being utilized in this study, as advised by outside counsel and TOA. Should this pricing trend continue, incorporation of higher construction cost numbers is an option for a subsequent update study. As detailed in the study, it is important to note, that the average trip length used in the study for the single-family land use (5.88 miles) is extremely conservative. This trip length continues to be utilized based on the direction of the Board. Recent studies suggest that the average trip length may be closer to 7.28 miles. More specifically, by geographic area, average trip lengths range from 6.82 miles in the urban area to 11.75 miles in the eastern part of the County. Increases in trip length have a direct correlation to increased rates. On May 28, 2013, at the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, an item was presented related to impact fees which was prepared in accordance with direction provided by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners on February 12, 2013, Item 10K, and March 12, 2013, Item 10E. Additional information was also presented at a workshop of the Board of County Commissioners on June 4, 2013. Packet Page-88- 1/27/2015 11 .A. Arising from the regular agenda item and the workshop, the Board provided direction on several items for future consideration and action which included the following to be addressed in this update study: • Provide additional land use categories for small businesses. This future change will create additional sub-categories, by square footage,for some of the most commonly used land use categories (General Office and Retail). This type of concept was used previously for the creation of the "Small Medical Office" category. Upon review of this issue, the two areas were identified where this concept would be most beneficial and data supported the creation of additional categories. These are the General Office and Retail categories. These land use categories are used for a range of businesses and are two of the most frequently used classifications on the fee schedules. While these land uses are already broken down into sub-categories by square footage, the first range is 50,000 square feet or less. TOA has performed analysis in order to further break down the categories to reflect rates for smaller businesses in these two categories, and as a result has provided rates that achieve significant savings for small businesses as follows: New Category: Reduction from current rate Office 6,000 square feet or less -13% Retail 6,000 square feet or less -51% Retail 6,001 —25,000 square feet -8% Staff has identified one additional item that warrants further study. With respect to Road Impact Fees, Fast Food Restaurant remains one of the highest rates on the fee schedule, which often generates questions and complaints about the fees. One consideration may be to look at different configurations for fast food restaurants (i.e. free standing or as an interior outparcel in a shopping center) and determine if there is a relationship to travel characteristics and demand. Staff is recommending that additional time be spent collecting and reviewing information related to this issue, and if changes in policies, rates, etc. are warranted, that such information be presented to the Board, at a future date, for consideration and direction. Staff has been working with representatives from McDonalds on similar issues and is continuing to seek opportunities to partner for solutions. Overall impact — The proposed Road Impact Fee rate schedule provides increases in all categories, except for a few where updates to demand components reduced the fee (ALF, RV Park, Car Wash, Golf Course) and reductions due to new or expanded land use categories (Bundled Golf) or Board directed changes (additional categories for small offices and retail). Additionally, changes are proposed to the tiers used for the assessment of impact fees for single- family homes to ensure equity amongst the fee payers, by updating travel characteristics and housing survey data for such dwellings. The result is a change in the number of tiers, from 3 to 2 and a corresponding change in the square footage ranges, which are proposed as: Less than 4,000 square feet and 4,000 square feet or larger. The benefit to this change is that most incremental impact fee assessments, generally caused by customers increasing the size of their homes by small additions or enclosing garages, porches, etc. will be eliminated with this change. Packet Page-89- 1/27/2015 11.A. However, the homes that currently fall within the smallest category will experience a larger than average increase. Permit issued under this category over the past fiscal year (FY 2014) totaled 47 out of 1893, or 0.024%. An average of increases and decreases, yields an overall increase of 21%. Revenue projections are based on actual and historical permitting activity as well as indentified trends in types of building permit applications/land uses and are detailed in the Fiscal Impact Section below. Development Services Advisory Committee (DSAC) Recommendation: On January 7, 2015 the DSAC voted unanimously to accept the "Transportation Impact Fee Update Study" report as presented. Correctional Facilities: • Inventory • Population • Level of Service • Cost • Credit • Calculated Fee Schedule Changes in major components include a decrease in total inventory due to the removal of the sprung units in Immokalee, decrease in land value since the last update and utilization of land value that is representative of areas where land for future jails sites would likely be purchased (Eastern Collier/Immokalee) which provides a conservative value, decreases in construction costs and increases in equipment values, which accounts for additional equipment purchases since the last update. Overall Impact - The Correctional Facilities Impact Fee is one of the smaller impact fees (by magnitude of fee) of the twelve impact fees assessed and collected in Collier County. The overall impact of this update is a rate schedule that is mixed with minor increases and decreases, except for categories with updates to demand components beyond those already calculated through the study process, typically related to new or additional localized data or studies or changes to other data sets utilized (Nursing Home, Car Wash, Service Station), new or expanded land use categories (Bundled Golf, Warehouse, Convenience Store w/gas) or Board directed changes (additional categories for small offices and retail). An average of all increases and decreases yields an overall decrease of 6% Even though many of the significant changes are in land uses that are used less commonly, an average of the commonly used categories still generates a decrease of approximately 5-7%. Revenue projections for the proposed fee schedule updates are based on actual and historical permitting activity as well as indentified trends in types of building permit applications/land uses, and are detailed in the Fiscal Impact Section below. Packet Page-90- 1/27/2015 11 .A. DSAC Recommendation: On January 7, 2015 the DSAC voted unanimously to accept the "Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Update Study" report as presented, however, the DSAC recommended that only the rate decreases be implemented. Water and Wastewater: • Asset inventory • Level of Service • Capital Projects - Growth • Remaining available capacity This update was managed by a new staff team from Public Utilities and the Office of Management and Budget (Impact Fee Administration) with a specific set of guidelines provided by the County Manager and Public Utilities Administrator, and input from the development community on projects to be included as growth capital improvements as well as a review of the existing asset inventory to ensure a level of confidence in all data being used to develop the impact fees. While conservative, this approach was approved by outside counsel and has also been peer reviewed by two outside firms with expertise in engineering and impact fee studies. The Water Impact Fee is proposed to decrease by 18.9% and the Wastewater Impact Fee is proposed to decrease by 21.9%. These decreases are the result of a number of factors, including the information described above, a slight decrease in the Level of Service, based on the most recent 2014 Master Planning exercise, and a limited number of growth-related capital projects in the next ten years. Based on the current and projected growth, staff will continue to monitor the need for additional capital projects, related to growth and will report back to the Board with changes that would warrant an update study sooner than the required 3-year timeframe. Additional Scope: As previously identified in Board-approved items, findings from recent alternative studies indicated that a review of the water/sewer impact fee methodology for the assessment of impact fees for commercial uses was warranted. Building on the methodology review completed in 2011, staff worked with Tetra Tech to establish the merits of a meter based impact fee methodology, including benchmarking with other utilities furnished by the county's rate consultant, PRMG. PRMG also conducted a peer review of the findings and has provided comments and recommendations related to implementation of this change. The change to meter size will be beneficial to commercial fees payers, as in most cases the impact fees assessment is lower (as proven in numerous alternative studies) and the process for calculating the impact fee is less complex , therefore allowing customers to accurately estimate fees. To the benefit of the County, this methodology streamlines the administrative process both internally and externally and more accurately addresses the demand and capacity requirements of commercial users. Overall Impact: The reduction in impact fee rates is proposed at 18.9% for Water and 21.9% for Wastewater (per ERC). Additionally, there is a revenue loss component to the change to meter size. As stated above, in most cases, the result of moving to a meter-size methodology for commercial uses is a lower fee assessment. This change is estimated at a decrease of approximately 8% based on prior year activity ($900,000). However, this approach provides a Packet Page-91- 1/27/2015 11 .A. more fair and balanced system, which is also likely to reduce the number of alternative study/fee assessment challenges. Revenue projections for the proposed fee schedule updates are based on actual and historical permitting activity as well as indentified trends in types of building permit applications/land uses, and are detailed in the Fiscal Impact Section below. DSAC Recommendation: On January 7, 2015 the DSAC voted unanimously to approve the "Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study" report and associated rate schedule as well as the recommended change to a meter-based methodology for commercial development as presented. Cumulative Effect of Impact Fee Increases and Decreases: The fees assessed for an average- size (2,000 square foot) single-family home located within the Collier County Water-Sewer District will be decreased overall by approximately 0.24%, effectively making the results of the combined changes neutral. However, a single-family home located outside of the Collier County Water-Sewer District will be assessed the increase in the Road Impact Fee, but will not have the offset of a decreased Water and Sewer Impact Fee. The same scenario applies to the commercial categories, however, the many of the commercial land uses also will receive the benefit of reductions due to the change in methodology related to the use of meter size. For example, the impact fees for a 10,000 square foot Retail building, on County Water and Sewer will be reduced by 11.8% as a result of the cumulative effect of the fee changes. Included as part of this Executive Summary package is a comparison of common land uses and the resulting individual and cumulative changes. Also included as part of the proposed amendment are administrative items as follows: 1. Updated definitions for consistency with update studies, removal of obsolete language and minor corrections/edits. 2. Inclusion of provision that impact fees are assessed using the rates in effect (1) when the building permit application is submitted, or (2) at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion for the development, whichever is less. This change ensures that applicants receive the benefit of rate reductions and eliminates the need to create a special program or work-around for permits in process. 3. Corrects a date used for terms of deferrals for consistency with the rest of the Chapter 4. Amends provisions related to the imposition of Water and Wastewater Impact Fees to comply with the study and methodology updates. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenue projections related to the individual impact fees depend heavily on the permitting trends during the corresponding time period. Changes in permitting activity will directly affect these impact fee revenue streams. The fiscal impacts of the proposed changes by category are as follows: Packet Page-92- 1/27/2015 11 .A. Road - In FY 2014, impact fee collections (with refunds factored in) totaled approximately $10 million. Assuming that permitting activity and type remains consistent or similar to prior year, the revenue increase related to this change is estimated at approximately $2 million. Additionally, the total increase in revenue may not be fully realized in the first year following the increase as permitting activity within the 90-day notice period has historically increased prior to the effective date of an increase in fees, and all permits that are currently "in process" via a complete building permit application are not subject to imposition of an increased rate. Correctional Facilities - In FY 2014, impact fee collections (with refunds factored in) totaled approximately $1 million. Assuming that permitting activity and type remains consistent or similar to prior year, revenue loss related to this change is estimated at approximately $66,000 over a one year period following the decrease. Water and Wastewater - In FY 2014, impact fee collections (with refunds factored in) totaled approximately $5.58 million for Water and $5.46 million for Wastewater. Assuming that permitting activity and type remains consistent or similar to prior year, revenue loss related to this change is estimated at approximately $1.05 million for Water and $1.2 million for Wastewater. Additionally, as stated above, the estimated revenue loss from the change to a meter-size methodology is approximately $900,000. The cumulative revenue loss is estimated at approximately $3-3.15 million over a one year period following the decrease. Downward adjustments to impact fees directly impact the specified Fund's ability to pay debt service payments. However, new development cannot be charged in excess of the cost attributable to the demand being created. In the case of Water and Wastewater Impact Fees, shortfalls in impact fee collections my require user fees to supplement impact fee revenue, relative to debt service obligations, similar to the general fund loans utilized to pay growth- related debt for other impact fee program areas. The statutory minimum 90-day notice is not required for impact fee reductions. Therefore, the proposed Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rates, and the proposed Road and Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rates (Phase 1), constituting a rate decrease will go into effect 2015, after the formal adoption hearing. The Road and Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rates (Phase2), constituting rate increases will become effective, after adoption and the required 90-day notice, on May 11, 2015. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Objective 2 of the Capital Improvement Element (CIE) of the Collier County Growth Management Plan (GMP) states: "Future development will bear a proportionate cost of facility improvements necessitated by growth." The proposed changes maintain the fairness and equity of the impact fee provisions while providing programmatic improvements and overall benefit to the residents and businesses of Collier County. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK Packet Page-93- 1/27/2015 11 .A. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners authorizes the County Manager, or his designee, and the County Attorney to advertise for future consideration an ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances, which is the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, providing for the incorporation by reference of three impact fee studies; amending the Road Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule One of Appendix A, the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule Two of Appendix A, and the Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule Four of Appendix A; providing for updates to definitions for compliance with the update studies and methodology; providing that impact fees are assessed using the rates in effect (1) when the building permit application is submitted, or (2) at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion for the development, whichever is less; correcting a date used for terms of deferrals; amending provisions related to the imposition of Water and Wastewater Impact Fees to comply with the study and methodology updates; and providing for an effective date of February 17, 2015 for all rate categories that are decreasing and a delayed effective date of May 11, 2015 for all rate categories that are increasing, in accordance with the 90-day notice requirements set forth in Section 163.31801(3)(d), Florida Statutes. PREPARED BY: Amy Patterson, Office of Management and Budget and Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management- GMD Attachments: 1)Proposed Ordinance Amendment 2)Land Use Comparisons 3) "Road Impact Fee Update Study"—due to the size of the document,which is 6MB, and 97 pages long, it is accessible at: http://www.colliergov.net/ftp/AgendaJan2715/GrowthMgmt/Collier County TIF Update FINAL 1-13-14.pdf 4)"Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Update Study"—due to the size of the document,which is 1MB, and 40 pages long, it is accessible at: http://www.colliergov.net/ftp/AgendaJan2715/GrowthMgmt/Collier County Jail IF Update F INAL 1-13-15.pdf 5)"Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study—due to the size of the document, which is 801 KB and 36 pages long, it is accessible at: http://www.colliergov.net/ftp/AgendaJan2715/GrowthMgmt/Signed CCWSD Impact Fee Study R eport 01 14 2015.pdf Packet Page-94- 1/27/2015 11 .A. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 11.11.A. Item Summary: Recommendation to authorize the County Manager, or his designee, and the County Attorney to advertise for future consideration an ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances, which is the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, providing for the incorporation by reference of three impact fee studies; amending the Road Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule One of Appendix A,the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule Two of Appendix A, and the Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rate schedule, which is Schedule Four of Appendix A; providing for updates to definitions for compliance with the update studies and methodology; providing that impact fees are assessed using the rates in effect(1) when the building permit application is submitted, or (2) at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion for the development, whichever is less; correcting a date used for terms of deferrals; amending provisions related to the imposition of Water and Wastewater Impact Fees to comply with the study and methodology updates; and providing for an effective date of February 17, 2015 for all rate categories that are decreasing and a delayed effective date of May 11, 2015 for all rate categories that are increasing, in accordance with the 90-day notice requirements set forth in Section 163.31801(3)(d), Florida Statutes. (Amy Patterson, Impact Fee and EDC Manager) Meeting Date: 1/27/2015 Prepared By Name: PattersonAmy Title: Manager-Impact Fees&EDC, Business Management&Budget Office 1/14/2015 9:58:25 AM Approved By Name: UsherSusan Title: Management/Budget Analyst, Senior, Office of Management&Budget Date: 1/20/2015 3:59:37 PM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 1/21/2015 3:40:54 PM Packet Page-95- 1/27/2015 11.A. Name: OchsLeo Title: County Manager,County Managers Office Date: 1/21/2015 3:53:36 PM Packet Page-96- 1/27/2015 11.A. ORDINANCE NO. 2015- AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 74 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES, THAT ORDINANCE BEING THE COLLIER COUNTY CONSOLIDATED IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE,NO.2001-13,AS AMENDED, PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION, BY REFERENCE, OF THE IMPACT FEE STUDY ENTITLED "COLLIER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE UPDATE STUDY," THE IMPACT FEE STUDY ENTITLED "WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE STUDY FOR COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT" AND THE IMPACT FEE STUDY ENTITLED "COLLIER COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEE UPDATE STUDY"; AMENDING THE ROAD IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE,WHICH IS SCHEDULE ONE OF APPENDIX A, AS SET FORTH IN THE IMPACT FEE UPDATE STUDY; AMENDING THE WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE, WHICH IS SCHEDULE TWO OF APPENDIX A, AS SET FORTH IN THE IMPACT FEE UPDATE STUDY; AMENDING THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE, WHICH IS SCHEDULE FOUR OF APPENDIX A, AS SET FORTH IN THE IMPACT FEE STUDY; UPDATING THE GENERAL DEFINITIONS SECTION; PROVIDING THAT IMPACT FEES ARE ASSESSED USING THE RATES IN EFFECT (1) WHEN THE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IS SUBMITTED, OR(2)AT THE TIME OF THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, WHICHEVER IS LESS; PROVIDING FOR A CORRECTION IN THE DATE USED FOR TERMS OF DEFERRALS; PROVIDING FOR UPDATES TO THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER IMPACT FEE AND/OR SEWER IMPACT FEE SECTION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STUDY AND PRESCRIBED METHODOLOGY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 17, 2015 FOR ALL FEE DECREASES, AND A DELAYED EFFECTIVE DATE OF MAY 11, 2015 FOR ALL FEE INCREASES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 90-DAY NOTICE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN SECTION 163.31801(3)(d),FLORIDA STATUTES. WHEREAS, Collier County has used impact fees as a funding source for growth-related capital improvements for transportation since 1985; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2001, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) adopted Ordinance No. 2001-13, the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, repealing and superseding all of the County's then existing impact fee regulations, and consolidating all of the County's impact fee regulations into that one Ordinance, codified in Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances(the"Code"); and Underlined text is added:£tatek-thrauch text is deleted Packet Page-97- 1/27/2015 11.A. WHEREAS, on May 12, 2009, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2009-24, thereby amending Schedule Four of Appendix A of Chapter 74 of the Code, and establishing the County's then current Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rates; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2011, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2011-05, thereby amending Schedule One of Appendix A of Chapter 74 of the Code, and establishing the County's then current Road Impact Fee rates; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2011 the Board also adopted Resolution 2011-41, thereby amending Schedule Two of Appendix A of Chapter 74 of the Code, and establishing the County's current Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rates; and WHEREAS, on December 13, 2011, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2011-44 through which Road Impact Fees and Correctional Facilities Impact Fees were indexed in accordance with the prescribed methodology,thereby establishing the rates that are currently in effect; and WHEREAS, as Section 74-502 of the Code states that impact fee studies should be reviewed at least every three years, the County retained Tindale-Oliver and Associates, Incorporated (TOA) and Public Resources Management Group, Inc. (PRMG) ( collectively the "Consultants"), to review the existing Road, Correctional Facilities, Water and Wastewater Impact Fees and recommend changes to the fees where appropriate;and WHEREAS, TOA has prepared impact fee studies entitled the "Collier County Transportation Impact Fee Update Study," dated January 13, 2015 and the "Collier County Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Update Study,"dated January 13,2015; and WHEREAS, PRMG has prepared an impact fee study entitled the "Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study for Collier County Water-Sewer District," dated September 15, 2014;and WHEREAS, Collier County uses impact fees to supplement the funding of necessary capital improvements required to provide public facilities to serve new population and related development that is necessitated by growth in Collier County; and WHEREAS, the studies recommend changes to the Road Impact Fee rate schedule, as set forth in Schedule One of Appendix "A," changes to the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rate schedule, as set forth in Schedule Two of Appendix "A," and changes to the Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rate schedule, as set forth in Schedule Four of Appendix "A"of Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances; and Underlined text is added;£tftrek--thfough text is deleted Page 2 of 24 Packet Page -98- 1/27/2015 11.A. WHEREAS, the studies also recommend establishing the proposed impact fee rates in order to equitably distribute the costs of acquiring and constructing public facilities based upon a rational nexus relating costs incurred by fee payers to infrastructure impacts created by commercial and residential land uses; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance also updates the general definitions provided for in Section 74-108 of Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances for consistency with the updated studies and rate schedules; provides that impact fees are assessed using the rates in effect(1) when the building permit application is submitted, or(2) at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion for the development, whichever is less, corrects a date used for terms of deferrals and amends provisions related to the imposition of Water and Wastewater Impact Fees to comply with the study and methodology updates;and WHEREAS, the Consultants have reviewed and updated the fee calculation methodologies that will be imposed in an equitable and non-discriminatory manner;and WHEREAS, Section 163.31801, Florida Statutes, which is the Florida Impact Fee Act, requires the most recent and localized data be used in impact fee calculations and these studies comply with that requirement; and WHEREAS, the study methodologies have been reviewed and approved by Collier County's outside legal counsel,Nabors, Giblin and Nickerson, P.A.; and WHEREAS, staff has thoroughly reviewed the calculations and findings, concurs with the recommended changes to the Road, Correctional Facilities and Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rate schedules, and recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt this Ordinance to implement the recommended changes in accordance with the notice requirements of Section 163.31801(3)(d),Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA,that: SECTION ONE. Article I, General, Section 74-106, Adoption of impact fee studies, of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 74-106. Adoption of impact fee studies. Underlined text is added;Struck ough text is deleted Page 3 of 24 Packet Page-99- 1/27/2015 11.A. (1) Transportation facilities: "Collier County Transportation Impact Fee Update Study," prepared by Tindale-Oliver and Associates, Incorporated (February 19, . - 3, 2009) as amended by the "Collier County Transportation Impact Fee Cost and Credit Update Study" (September 8, 2010) and the "Transportation Impact Fee Calculations for Select Land Uses" (March 23, 2011 January 13,2015); (2) . , - _ .- •• Water Master Plan Update" prepared-by Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. (2005), dated April 10, 2006; "The 2001 Facilities Plan Update" prepared by Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. (1997), as amended; The "2005 Water Master Plan Update" prepared by Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc., (dated April 10, 2006); The Water and wastewater facilities: "Collier County Water and the Wastewater Impact Fee Study for Collier County Water-Sewer District (dated June 6, 2006 September 15,2014)prepared by Public Resources Management Group, Inc."; (7) Correctional facilities: "Collier County Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Update Study," prepared by Tindale-Oliver & Associates, Inc. (April 21, 2009 January 13,2015); SECTION TWO. Article I, General, Section 74-108, General definitions, of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 74-108. General definitions. When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Terms contained in article III or the rate schedules supersede these general definitions to the extent of any conflict(s). *** Underlined text is added;Stfge ough text is deleted Page 4 of 24 Packet Page-100- 1/27/2015 11.A. Bundled Golf shall mean golf courses built as part of a residential development where the membership to and use of the golf course is open only to the residents. Guests can use the golf course only when playing with a member, who is a resident. Impact fee rate shall mean the formula or calculation that when applied to the respective development determines the applicable impact fee that results because of the impacts deemed by this chapter to be applicable to the respective public facility caused by particular development. Impact fees are assessed using the rates in effect a)when the building permit application is submitted, or (2) at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion for the development,whichever is less. other than single family, detached residences, including apartments, townhouses, *** Public utilities administrator shall mean the individual appointed by the board or the county manager to supervise the administration, operations and/or acquisitions of the county's regional sewer system and/or regional water system, the former Goodland Water System, the Collier County Water-Sewer District, and/or any other similar utility system owned by the county and which now or in the future assesses any utility impact fee. *** Regional sewer systems shall mean the wastewater or sewer utility system directly connected to treatment facilities operated by the Collier County Water-Sewer District, or Underlined text is added;Struck-Ow-otter text is deleted Page 5 of 24 Packet Page-101- 1/27/2015 11.A. the county, or both. For the purposes of this chapter the term sewer and wastewater are interchangeable and have the same meaning. *** Restaurant (quality low-turnover) shall mean a land use consisting of eating establishments of high quality and with turnover rates usually of at least one hour or longer. Generally, quality restaurants do not serve breakfast; some do not serve lunch; all serve dinner. Often the restaurants in this land use are not a chain and reservations are required. SECTION THREE. Article II,Impact Fees, Section 74-201, Imposition of impact fees, of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 74-201. Imposition of impact fees. *** (f) Fund reimbursement. Every county approved deferral of a water or sewer impact fee requires complete reimbursement and deposit of the entire amount deferred into the applicable water or sewer trust fund(s) within 30 days of the deferral or waiver agreement being signed on behalf of the county, except for deferrals of less than seven ten years for multi-family affordable housing rental units. However, deferrals of 4ess than seven ten years for multi-family affordable housing rental units must not adversely impact the cash flow or liquidity of the water and/or sewer impact fee trust fund accounts and thereby frustrate or interfere with the then planned or then ongoing growth-necessitated capital improvements and additions to such water and/or sewer systems. Such an adverse impact may be determined by the public utilities division administrator whenever either of the two trust fund's individual reserve balances is in jeopardy of approaching (or actually has reached) less than a total of$600,000.00 of unappropriated and unencumbered funds. If the public utilities division administrator determines that the unappropriated and unencumbered funds in either of these accounts is then in jeopardy of approaching a level of less than $600,000.00, then the total number of such multi-family affordable housing rental units that may be approved in any such fiscal year (including the fiscal year when the public utilities division Underlined text is added; text is deleted Page 6 of 24 Packet Page-102- 1/27/2015 11 .A. administrator makes such a "funds in jeopardy" determination) for deferrals (i.e., for less than seven ten years) shall not exceed 225 units. This unit number limitation will continue so long as a determination of "jeopardy" exists, except that any of the 225 units not approved by an agreement in any fiscal year where funds are in "jeopardy" may be accumulated and rolled-over from one fiscal year to the next fiscal year until such time as the "jeopardy" determination ends. The number of multi-family rental deferrals granted in a fiscal year where funds are in "jeopardy" may exceed 225 units, but only if an alternate funding source for the deferral is secured. SECTION FOUR. Article III, Special requirements for specific types of impact fees, Section 74-303, Special requirements for water impact fee and/or sewer impact fee, of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 74-303. Special requirements for water impact fee and/or sewer impact fee. (c) Limitation on Applicability. Notwithstanding the general applicability provisions set forth in this chapter, water and sewer impact fees shall be limited as follows: (1) The imposition of water and sewer impact fees shall include only development on lands within the county water sewer district. The imposition and collection of water and sewer impact fees on geographic areas within the county water sewer district shall not take place until such time when connection to the regional water and/or sewer system is made. Lands required to connect or request connection to the regional water and/or sewer system, or which otherwise create a growth necessitated demand upon the regional water and/or sewer system shall be subject to the imposition of impact fees in accordance with this chapter. The following areas are provided exclusion from water and/or sewer impact fees since they are not served by the existing treatment capabilities of the regional water and/or regional sewer system: a. Those areas lying within the boundaries of the former Goodland Water District. Exclusion of those areas within the boundaries of the former Goodland Water District recognizes that this area is not Underlined text is added;Std through text is deleted Page 7 of 24 Packet Page-103- 1/27/2015 11 .A. presently planned to be served by the treatment capabilities of the regional water and/or regional sewer systems. b. Those areas lying within the Macro Shores, Unit 1, Sections 26 and 27, Township 52 South, Range 26 East, and recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 34 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Exclusion of the Marco Shores, Unit 1, recognizes that this area is not presently planned to be served by treatment capabilities of the regional water and/or regional sewer systems. c. Those areas lying within the Key Marco Community Development District. Exclusion of the Key Marco Community Development District recognizes that this area is outside the county water-sewer-district—not planned to be served by treatment capabilities of the regional water and/or regional sewer systems. (d) Payment. (3) Subject to availability of funds,the county may enter into agreements to extend payment (offer installment payments) of water and/or sewer systems impact fees and associated costs over a period not to exceed seven years with owners of then existing buildings, structures or applicable improvements which are mandated to connect to the regional water and/or regional sewer systems. Prior to the county entering into any agreements to extend payments, and from time-to-time thereafter, the board shall identify a specific source of funds to be used relative to providing extended payment and the cost of such funds, including all expenses and costs incidental to obtaining or providing same, including interest at the interest rate that the board or the public utilities administrator will employ in offering extended payment with interest, and a reasonable estimation of the administrative costs of expenses associated with administering the extended payment alternative to the respective land(s). Underlined i ed texts added,Stfttek-tlifeugli text is deleted Page 8 of 24 Packet Page-104- 1/27/2015 11.A. ... -1 • impact fee value assigned by Appendix A, Schedule Two, -• - - ... square footage but having five or more toilets, shall be • - , • Y. . _- - .. ..• The Public Utilities Administrator or authorized designees shall ealeuletiees Underlined text is added;Sigh text is deleted Page 9 of 24 Packet Page-105- 1/27/2015 11 .A. SECTION FIVE. CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law,the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions. SECTION SIX. INCLUSION IN CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or re- lettered and internal cross-references amended throughout to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance"may be changed to"section,""article,"or any other appropriate word. SECTION SEVEN. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be considered adopted upon the date written below; however, the effective date of the Phase 1 Road Impact Fee rate Schedule, the Phase 1 Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rate schedule, and the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee rate schedule (decreases) shall become effective February 17, 2015, subject to filing with the Florida Department of State, and the Phase 2 Road Impact Fee rate schedule and the Phase 2 Correctional Facilities Impact Fee rate schedule shall be delayed to May 11, 2015. Underlined text is added;StRielE4linatt4 text is deleted Page 10 of 24 Packet Page-106- 1/27/2015 1 1 .A. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County,Florida this day of , 2015. ATTEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Dwight E. Brock, Clerk OF COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA By: By: , Deputy Clerk TIM NANCE, Chairman Approved as to form and legality: Jeffrey A.Klatzkow, County Attorney Underlined text is added;S trough text is deleted Pace I I of 24 Packet Page-107- 1/27/2015 11.A. APPENDIX A -SCHEDULE ONE ROAD IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE Phase 1-Effective Deccmbcr 2" 201 February 17,2015 Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Residential Assisted Living Facility(ALF) $849.82 $759.00 Per Dwelling Unit Condo/Townhouse(1-2 Stories) $4,255.70 Per Dwelling Unit High-Rise Condominium(3+Stories) $3,087.89 Per Dwelling Unit Mobile Home $2,394.71 Per Dwelling Unit Multi-Family(Apartments)1-10 Stories $4,313.86 Per Dwelling Unit Multi-Family(Apartments)>10 Stories $2,741.77 Per Dwelling Unit Retirement Community $2,125.50 Per Dwelling Unit Single Family Detached House Less than 1,500 sq.ft. $4,230.38 Per Dwelling Unit 1,500 to 2,499 sq.ft. $5,752.75 Per Dwelling Unit 2,500 sq.ft.or larger $6,504.09 Per Dwelling Unit Non-Residential Auto Sales-Luxury $8,323.81 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Auto Sales-New/Used $13,555.03 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Bank/Savings:Drive-In $21,953.89 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Bank/Savings:Walk-In $21,558.99 $20,774.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Business Park $7,801.34 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Car Wash-Automatic $21,257.89 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Car Wash-Self-Service $19,722.38 $9,799.00 Per Service Bay Church $317.98 Per Seat College/University(Private) <7,501 Students $1,325.39 Per Student >7,500 Students $1,000.84 Per Student Convenience Store (24 hours) $52,648.06 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Underlined text is added;Seek-treugh text is deleted Page 12 of 24 Packet Page-108- 1/27/2015 11 .A. Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Non-Residential(Cont'd) Convenience Store w/Gas Pumps 4 or less Fuel Positions $20,198.89 Per Fuel Position 5-6 Fuel Positions $16,375.60 Per Fuel Position 7-8 Fuel Positions $13,964.00 Per Fuel Position 9-10 Fuel Positions $11,879.77 Per Fuel Position 11-12 Fuel Positions $10,795.44 Per Fuel Position 13 or more Fuel Positions $9,822.73 Per Fuel Position Dance Studios/Gymnastics $6,295.85 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Day Care $802.92 Per Student Furniture Store $2,053.28 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Gasoline/Service Station $4,376.70 Per Fuel Position General Light Industrial $4,332.62 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Golf Course $128,222.33 $193.492.00 Per 18 Holes Golf Course-Bundled $58.054.00 Per 18 Holes Home Improvement Store $5,486.36 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Hospital $9,394.07 $9,322.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Hotel $3,672.27 $3,544.00 Per Room Hotel-All Suites $2,204.30 Per Room Manufacturing $2,394.71 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Marina $1,967.92 Per Berth(Dry/Wet) Mine/Commercial Excavation $5.62 Per 1,000 cubic yards Mini-Warehouse $882.65 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Motel $2,347.81 Per Room Movie Theater $25,202.18 Per Screen Nursing Home $692.24 Per Bed Office 6.000 sq.ft.or less $8.114.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 6.001-50,000 sq.ft.of-less $9,290.89 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 50,001-100,000 sq.ft. $7,919.53 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 100,001-200,000 sq.ft. $6,758.29 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 200,001-400,000 sq.ft. $5,761.19 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office Greater than 400,000 sq.ft. $5,249.04 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office-Medical Greater than 10,000 sq.ft. $22,301.88 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office-Medical 10,000 sq.ft.or less $14,780.06 Per 1,000 sq.ft. • Underlined text is added; text is deleted Page 13 of 24 Packet Page-109- 1/27/2015 11.A. Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Non-Residential(Cont'd) Pharmacy/Drug Store $7,678.46 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Quick Lube $7,920.47 Per Servuce Bay Restaurant-Drive-In $74,793.30 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Restaurant-High Turnover $1,346.03 Per Seat Restaurant-Quality Low Turnover $847.95 Per Seat Retail 6,000 sq,ft.or less $5,370.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 6.001-25,000 sq.ft. $10,064.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 25.001-50,000 Sq.Ft.er-Less $10,838.59 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 50,001-100,000 Sq.Ft. $10,980.22 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 100,001-150,000 Sq.Ft. $10,246.71 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 150,001-200,000 Sq.Ft. $9,816.17 Per 1,000 sq.ft Retail 200,001-400,000 Sq.Ft. $9,294.64 Per 1,000 sq.ft Retail 400,001-600,000 Sq.Ft. $9,282.44 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 600,001-1,000,000 Sq.Ft. $10,074.12 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail >1,000,000 Sq.Ft. $10,595.64 Per 1,000 sq.ft Retail-Specialty $14,752.86 Per 1,000 sq.ft RV Park $1,278.1 $1,156.00 Per Site School-Elementary(Private) $584.37 Per Student School-Middle(Private) $816.06 Per Student School-High School(Private) $862.96 Per Student Supermarket $14,507.10 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Tire Store $6,056.66 Per Service Bay Warehouse $2,206.17 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Underlined text is added;Suaek-through text is deleted Page 14 of 24 Packet Page-110- 1/27/2015 11 .A. APPENDIX A -SCHEDULE ONE ROAD IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE Phase 4 2-Effective-February-PI-2015 May 11,2015 Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Residential Assisted Living Facility(ALF) $759.00 Per Dwelling Unit Condo/Townhouse(1-2 Stories) $1,255.70 $4,567.00 Per Dwelling Unit High-Rise Condominium(3+Stories) $370.87+89 $3,309.00 Per Dwelling Unit Mobile Home $2,391.71 $2.966.00 Per Dwelling Unit Multi-Family(Apartments) 1-10 Stories $4,313.86 $5,224.00 Per Dwelling Unit Multi-Family(Apartments)>10 Stories $2,711.77 $3,329.00 Per Dwelling Unit Retirement Community $2,125.50 $2,628.00 Per Dwelling Unit Single Family Detached House Less than 1,500 sq.ft.4,000 sq.ft. $1,230.38 $7,017.00 Per Dwelling Unit 1,500 to 2,499 sq.ft $5,752.75 n Dwon:ng Unit 2,500 sq.ft.or largof 4,000 sq.ft.or larger $6,504:89 $8,445.00 Per Dwelling Unit Non-Residential Auto Sales-Luxury $4,� "8I $10.319.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Auto Sales-New/Used $13,555.03 $15,910.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Bank/Savings:Drive-In $21,953.89 $27,300.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Bank/Savings:Walk-In $20,774.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Business Park $7,801.31 $9,416.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Car Wash-Automatic $21,257.89 $31,482.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Car Wash-Self-Service $9,799.00 Per Service Bay Church $-3-1-7,98 $328.00 Per Seat College/University(Private) <7,501 Students $1,325.39 $1,648.00 Per Student >7,500 Students $l,09044 $1,236.00 Per Student Convenience Store (24 hours) $52,648.06 $65,709.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Underlined text is added;Stfusk-threugh text is deleted Page 15 of 24 Packet Page-111- 1/27/2015 11.A. Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Non-Residential(Cont'd) Convenience Store w/Gas Pumps 4 or less Fuel Positions $20,198.89 $24.428.00 Per Fuel Position 5-6 Fuel Positions $16,375.60 $19,809.00 Per Fuel Position 7-8 Fuel Positions S-1--3i964-40 $16,896.00 Per Fuel Position 9-10 Fuel Positions $11,879.77 $14,379.00 Per Fuel Position 11- 12 Fuel Positions $10,795.44 $13,054.00 Per Fuel Position 13 or more Fuel Positions $9,822.73 $11,891.00 Per Fuel Position Dance Studios/Gymnastics X3..85 $7,733.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Day Care $802,92 $967.00 Per Student Furniture Store $2,053.28 $2,551.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Gasoline/Service Station $4,376.70 $5,121.00 Per Fuel Position General Light Industrial $4332.62 $5,373.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Golf Course $193,492.00 Per 18 Holes Golf Course-Bundled $58,054.00 Per 18 Holes Home Improvement Store $5,186.36 $7,054.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Hospital $9,322.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Hotel $3,544.00 Per Room Hotel-All Suites X94-30 $2,734.00 Per Room Manufacturing $2,391.71 $2,943.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Marina $1,967.92 $2,444.00 Per Berth(Dry/Wet) Mine/Commercial Excavation $32 $8.00 Per 1,000 cubic yards Mini-Warehouse $885 $942.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Motel $2,347.81 $2,909.00 Per Room Movie Theater $25,202.18 $31,363.00 Per Screen Nursing Home $692.24 $972.00 Per Bed Office 6,000 sq.ft.or less $8,114.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft, Office 6,001-50,000 100,000 sq.ft. $9,290.89 $9.661.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 50,001 100,000 sq.ft. $7,919.53 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 100,001-200,000 sq.ft. $6,758.29 $8,191.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft Office 200,001-400,000 sq.ft. $5,761.19 $6.923.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office Greater than 400,000 sq.ft. $5,24 $6,283.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office-Medical Greater than 10,000 sq.ft. $22,301.88 $26,689.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft Office-Medical 10,000 sq.ft.or less $14,780.06 $18,328.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Underlined text is added;Stvek-trough text is deleted Page 16 of 24 Packet Page-112- 1/27/2015 11.A. Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Non-Residential(Cont'd) Pharmacy/Drug Store $7,678.16 $9,582.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Quick Lube $7,920.17 $10,083.00 Per Servuce Bay Restaurant-Fast Food w/Drive-In $71,793.30 $91,028.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Restaurant-High Turnover $1,316.03 $1,657.00 • Per Seat Restaurant-Low Turnover $817.95 $1,065.00 Per Seat Retail 6,000 sq.ft.or less $5,370.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 6,001-25,000 sq.ft. $10,064.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 25,001-50,000 Sq.Ft. $19$38.59 $13,496.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 50,001-100,000 Sq.Ft. $1 ,mro 0 9880.22 $14,540.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 100,001-150,000 Sq.Ft. $10,216.71 $13,531.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 150,001-200,000 Sq.Ft. $9,816.17 $12.955.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 200,001-400,000 Sq.Ft. $9,291.61 $12,244.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 400,001-600,000 Sq.Ft. $9,282.11 $12,068.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 600,001-1,000,000 Sq.Ft. $10,074.12 $12,586.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail >1,000,000 Sq.Ft. $10,595.64 $12,818.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail-Specialty $11,752.86 $18,131.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. RV Park $1,156.00 Per Site School-Elementary(Private) $581.37 $687.00 Per Student School-Middle(Private) $816446 $969.00 Per Student School-High School(Private) $86196 $1,023.00 Per Student Supermarket $11,507.10 $18,064.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Tire Store •$6,036.66 $7,709.00 Per Service Bay Warehouse $2,206.17 $2,737.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. li Underlined text is added;Struck ough text is deleted Page 17 of 24 Packet Page-113- 1/27/2015 11.A. APPENDIX-4 . . . . . . _ - Jwt rro e �"� i 4h'' y.,,,w'' ` &u"x, "t:'S+=G s. t�c+<S' rte.$ '• 'n r`w' w .-•:•-•,../•.,,--.:',.3414f.,, '�Lr` a i`' ,, �� "'';'• Lin. 0: a', Y �>� rt r g ,s, t..,. `� .,u.t 'tv t ", * 3 m R n Lett �4-0,''; * ' ir' zr' ' w 'iti ,#`, cx i"�� rr� .,a '4,,5>7.x- � r :w7 � .t x�e^c0 r� ,7 T ���,s' � � "�„ �,s•. fi`. «• d !'v , r �Fx u- u 4 to- -i il a*V l:t>4r e''��:r' -r. � ; "a Nk�>!«,:M`Mi,ar�, ,' i a�'t+�; ,T' 1, S i r.�'� �` y"� ,�� 3�� . e, L icp, ''� �'€ as t'�"' tR xl't'aa. u. a ;r a5, t -'t "- 'c x-�s,r•. 7=' 4 '::t >v`i >- ;"-', '11EL"t�"`TMa..+r„'74*:�' s r. r ,ci 7 'e ''- . z''''''ST. ? er s'1 .L ^r.. ,a 'L s.^-a P?'y+'v.f =n k 1 . fi *' g'' +r 'S rJ"{'ti. , a $3 a �atir n ria, }'z n .u"c' �, K° r s** $ .,*s. „c y 5Y 4 '7 ,' -xs"w ,,, i � �.� c9��„•s€�� 1 � s ,� o � '�."89'�'7�"�'�� �'k,'� � s'�Y / �'`�^s�t'S`..� A vrS. .;rr S ao t s ?,- 1- 'r 3�' yy .a�£,,�, n �_ 5 rw,i. .5r 0 1, ti. *, .' ` f 4 B & .R -`SS� y�'Yijf7 .3 K i'--; ny y • l n� . - �, t ''�•' v 2..,.'t'1,74'.1,-:4-0*:: ::sn ''• M:Z . :Vg,,,,.: ,:;;:.. a�Fy Iw. ° °'x` ai "' i"''� ro �, x'.° r w• 'paz.: 7" st.VA r 3r.4,Ytty;.2 7+"4- '7,'v .. -° tl' ,',1-,`"?'''''''W.'''''';?L^ ate. '-'* z } � c - § E .asax as t ,K t,,� 4,.t. .,.v` �,�� ,a�'�.r...s„aa.Q. eb,i415- nc .+.�. ..r ,. . +�:<�:av- ;t-.i� ... .� ,„:, r,�.r�r':a� , . �u'�. rr�.. -, , "= � 4 n 3/4" $3,616.49 $3,722.30 e T. 6 .sue ,+P7Trv�� 8 6 "$t� � fli+`i ..- m r� #� ADF/350 ; �` "� ®a �.w i ( ►ia-val�+e ERC VALUE x $3 722.30 v ,, : `7�` ,I' ' `� PER $3,616.40 ; ,3, F ���, , , (rimed 4t ' ' _ �Vy t , E9Re ERC VALUE x µ ,,.. -3 igk t , -, 4 r4ti to the $3;646444 $3,722.30 ' ' ' , 1c ,�' nearest !w!`-, � "" 1` tenth) d e c . ,yam `c „AA $ 1 L,v x b �',Af "aL , f .. a i V6 e E 3 + ', 0 Y t41- F A N�in, i; o' , i 'V - ' nc 'a ' }1 ,.+ai t 5.'.1.44.,r 4� z s f r # z" x r.441Ia r 9.. '4 s ,, d F t Al kAsa .e Rw z ": .•:r,= ` . '+ yy as*t '' '''''' {.a S , a -@ t � � e q r t r: . T # `` �y §� ' - t 7 e✓ i a tr4 i * �. .: fi£- g h ��' S� fi � d 1: :',,.-14 �" ,° „'x".'-r w V , v t' , , :'-� * a >1! '' w r .t 'S 4 g i A t• x 8 :i,a. a 7s ''. M : o. , . „-:',.. ,-_,a,,,,,,-7,," ' 4 - t �' 9 � t+:� M _ r t ,y n $,Yqa E wk-'w 7=* "'` a n.. 0. 6740 i „r v f ',.;44","°,‘,"". '' tia? d:' T 5 } }�,».1' i t 3 ' nn i� (t r � Y ?` ti::J c y 44 et . ' '- illt z t F' _ $1,228A4 $1,191.38 Per Unit dnti Unit T 7541Red `"^ , w� °®� 867 Per Unit $2,425.11 $2,493.95 �� a ..-r-,, ,rat,- 4 Per Unit $3,616.40 $3,72239 a+ ' 1 ass { a `. >h , -" t ' ADF/35 0 $3,722.30,w : a: � m ' ERC VALUE x, "� -, .! $3,616.40- $ ERC VALUE x. z to Nye t a p x (+�value& : tenth) ..:' �`y S �,..1 $4 7 9) 4 F ■ 11t7P . _ . _- �_• _ _ _ _ SOP.— ERC- - — - -' - - - •- -- - Underline text added; text is deleted. Page 18 of 24 Packet Page -11.4- 1/27/2015 11.A. ERG W R IMPACT �, „'`5 tNI 1i,: 4; YY7�" , rf i MIN MAX MIN MAX 3 9 4 $3,415.00 $3,515,00 4 44 2.5 3,757.00 8,538.00 3,867.00 8778841G 41/2 24 8 8,879.00 17,075.00 0 17,575 8 54 8 17,417.00 27,320.00 17,927.00 26,120.00 8 84 649. 27,662.00 187,181.00 28,472.00 192,974 4 .55 128.9 187,825.00 440,194.00 193,325.00 453,094.00 6 129 357.9 140,535.00 1,222,229.00 453,435.00 1,258,019.00 8 3-58 608 1,222,570.00 2,049,000.00 1,258,370.00 2,109.00 Underline text added;Str °gig^text is deleted. Page 19 of 24 Packet Page-115- 1/27/2015 11.A. APPENDIX A SCHEDULE TWO-EFFECTIVE February 17, 2015 WATER & WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE ERC=Equivalent Residential Connection ADF=Average Daily Flow RESIDENTIAL.=.INDMII1IAtttY..'METE E _ vrriC Space�SQ FT� ERC Fac or 3 $eslS$YJ b A d A7paC r x /171 aCt eF ZEI ..5 a`.`�.. <.n 1•,:,t c w .s- _. ::` . .. 'r...., •:>:T+;`FR v,.".8�.. ,',"'j-±7,k«,..'�w L'I..sr v ,. ..a:., n Fi. ..'•.»e.s t^.:S..rrs", 0 TO 4,999 1 Per ERC $2,600 $2.515 3/4" (AND NO MORE THAN 4 TOILETS) (fixed at 1 ERC) 5.000 OR MORE Varies(minimum Per ER ERC value x$2,600 Varies(Reference /OR MORE THAN 4 TOILETS) value of 11 (based on ADF (minimum value $2.515 Meter Size Note) FOrrn I $2,600) Meter size determined by the total fixture value connected to the meter and applying applicable provision etersizefllfor 4 in the current edition of the Florida Plumbing Code. Reference the Meter Sizing Form, ERC iN�tlf AD7twrtula When ADF is in Gallons Per Minute(GPM]then use the formula)(ADF-301/301+1 MULTI.FAMIL "MASTER METERED � s; 3 h ° ' 4 Wa> • �mliac. teHieter Lrvi»4 Space fSQ FT) Basrs of Fee ERC Factor lmaaL @e 0 TO 750 Per Unit 00 33 $860 #83Q 751 TO 1.500 Per Unit 0 67 $1140 $1.685 1.501 OR MORE per Unit to $2.600 $2,515 Meter.Srze Note Meter size determined by the total fixture value connected to the meter and applying applicable provision in the current edition of the Florida Plumbing Code. Reference the Meter Sizing Form. i NON.RESIDENTxiAL" ' � 1f ,ti,- `� �r Impact fees are determined by meter size. Water and/or wastewater impact fees for alterations. All Non-Residential expansions.or replacements are imposed only if the meter size is increased as a result of the alteration, expansion,or replacement. Factor 7 1Nater trii. ct`F a� '„„” ''Wastewater`)m% ctFee.. 3/4 inch 1.00 $2,600 525:15 1 inch 1.67 $4,340 (4.200 1-1/2 inch 3.33 $8,660 $8,375 2 inch 5.33 $13,860 513.405 3 inch 15.00 $39,000 $37,725 4 inch 33.33 $86,660 -83,825 6 inch 66.67 J173,340 $167,675 8 inch 116.67 $303,340 $293,425 •Meter Siie Note Meter size determined by the total fixture value connected to the meter and applying applicable provision in the current edition of the Florida Plumbing Code. Reference the Meter Sizing Form. ERC Factors by Meter Size for Non-Residential Customers Rated Capacity ESC Meter Size (gallons per minute) Factor(21 3/4” 30 1.00 1" 50 1.67 1-1/2" 100 3.33 2" i2 5.33 3" 450 15.00 4" 1000 33.33 6" 2 000 66.67 8" 33500 116.67 (11 Based on the rated capacities per technical specifications of meters used by the county, 121 Reflects rated hydraulic capacity of meter divided by 30 cations per minute lased on the rated capachy of smallest meter size. Underlined■^vr s tn.i ^^L" ^h r•vt is deleted Packet Page-116- 1/27/2015 11 .A. APPENDIX A-SCHEDULE FOUR CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES(JAIL)IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE Phase 1-Effective February 17,2015 Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Residential Assisted Living Facility $209.03 Per Dwelling Unit Condo/Townhouse(1-2 Stories) $245.32 Per Dwelling Unit High-Rise Condominium(3+Stories) $245.32 Per Dwelling Unit Mobile Home/RV tie-down $372.18 Per Dwelling Unit/Site Multi-Family $252.37 $216.61 Per Dwelling Unit Multi-Family-More than 10 Stories $216.61 Per Dwelling Unit Single Family Less than 1,500 sq.ft. $443.23 Per Dwelling Unit 1,500 to 2,499 sq.ft. $488.30 Per Dwelling Unit 2,500 sq.ft.or larger $535.89 Per Dwelling Unit Non-Residential Auto Sales(Luxury) $268.81 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Auto Sales(New/Used) $135.91 $383.64 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Bank/Savings:Drive-In $69447 $595.03 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Bank/Savings:Walk-In $653.15 $581.99 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Business Park $252.37 $250.54 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Car Wash-Self-Service $155.50 Per Service Bay Car Wash-Automated $410,42 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Church $145.30 Per 1,000 sq.ft. College/University(Private) <7,501 $25.49 Per Student >7,500 $17.84 Per Student Convenience Store (24 hours) $1,394.43 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Te �bsitio Convenience Store w/Gas Pumps $-1�48Fr.2A 4 or less Fuel Positions $1,135.26 Per Fuel Position 5-6 Fuel Positions $965.63 Per Fuel Position 7-8 Fuel Positions $858.62 Per Fuel Position 9-10 Fuel Positions $767.28 Per Fuel Position 11-12 Fuel Positions $717.70 Per Fuel Position 13 or more Fuel Positions $675.94 Per Fuel Position Dance Studio/Gyms $579.38 Per 1.000 sq.ft. Day Care $12.75 Per Student Furniture Store $61.17 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Gasoline/Service Station $504.75 $498.47 Per Fuel Position Underlined text is added;StRaek-threugh text is deleted Page 21 of 24 Packet Page-117- 1/27/2015 11 .A. Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Non-Residential(Cont'd) Golf Course $4,955.70 Per 18 Holes Golf Course-Bundled $1,521.51 Per 18 Holes Home Improvement Store $453.76 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Hospital $420,62 $357.54 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Hotel $201.39 Per Room Industrial-General Light $175.90 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Ito Solos $282..96 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Manufacturing $130.49 Per 1,000 sq.ft, Marina $48.43 Per Berth Mini-Warehouse $4-7,84 $15.66 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Motel $191.19 Per Room Movie Theater $1,524.44 Per Screen Nursing Home $183.54 Per Bed Office 6,000 50;880 sq.ft.or less $361.98 $260.98 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 6.001 58;884--100,000 sq.ft. $328.85 $310.57 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 100,001-200,000 sq.ft. $288A4 $263.59 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 200,001-400,000 sq.ft. $239.63 $221.83 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office Greater than 400,000 sq.ft. $203.91 $200.95 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office-Medical greater than 10.000 so.Ft. $435-46 $433.23 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office-Medical 10.000 sq.ft.or less $297.52 Per 1,000 se.ft. Pharmacy/Drug Store $492.00 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Quick Lube $295.71 Per Service Bay RV Park $137.65 $130.49 Per Site Restaurant-Fast Food w/Drive-In $2,296.85 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Restaurant-High Turnover $68.82 Per seat Restaurant-Quality Low Turnover $56.08 Per seat Retail 50,000 Sq.Ft.or Less $624.55 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 50,001-100,000 Sq.Ft. $670,44 $642.01 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 100,001-150,000 Sq.Ft. $596.51 $587.21 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 150,001-200,000 Sq.Ft. $726.52 $717.70 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 200,001-400,000 Sq.Ft. $637-38 $610.69 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 400,001-600,000 Sq.Ft. $658.85 $636.79 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 600,001-1,000,000 Sq.Ft. $650.05 $631.57 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail >1,000,000 Sq.Ft. $532.78 $545.45 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail-Specialty $430.82 Per 1,000 sq.ft. School-Elementary(Private) $15.29 Per Student School-Middle(Private) $17.84 Per Student School-High School(Private) $20.39 Per Student Supermarket $522.59 Per 1,000 sq,ft. Tire Store $341.59 Per Service Bay Warehouse 73.07 Per 1.000 sq.ft. Underlined text is added;Struck through text is deleted Page 22 of 24 Packet Page-118- 1/27/2015 11 .A. APPENDIX A-SCHEDULE FOUR CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES(JAIL)IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE Phase 2-Effective ` ary 17 20`May 11,2015 Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Residential Assisted Living Facility $299:83 $219.22 Per Dwelling Unit Condo/Townhouse(1-2 Stories) $245.32 Per Dwelling Unit High-Rise Condominium(3+Stories) $245.32 Per Dwelling Unit Mobile Home/RV tie-down $372.1$ $375,81 Per Dwelling Unit/Site Multi-Family $216.61 Per Dwelling Unit Multi-Family-More than 10 Stories $216.61 Per Dwelling Unit Retirement Community $229.66 per Dwelling Unit Single Family Less than 4400 4,000 sq.ft. $113.23 $472.37 Per Dwelling Unit 1,500 to 2,199 sq.ft. S48840 Per-Dwelling-Unit -2500 4,000 sq.ft.or larger $33549 $540.23 Per Dwelling Unit Non-Residential Auto Sales(Luxury) $268.81 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Auto Sales(New/Used) $383.64 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Bank/Savings:Drive-In $595.03 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Bank/Savings:Walk-In $581.99 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Business Park $250.54 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Car Wash-Self-Service $43339 $227.05 Per Service Bay Car Wash-Automated $41842 $459.32 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Church $1.4$39 $7.83 Per 1,000 sq.ft.seat College/University(Private) <7,501 $25.19 $26.10 Per Student >7,500 $17.84 $18.27 Per Student Convenience Store (24 hours) $1,391.13 $1,427.56 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Convenience Store w/Gas Pumps $4748640 n Fuel r°"°°" 4 or less Fuel Positions $1,135.26 Per Fuel Position 5-6 Fuel Positions $965.63 Per Fuel Position 7-8 Fuel Positions $858.62 Per Fuel Position 9-10 Fuel Positions $767.28 Per Fuel Position 11-12 Fuel Positions $717.70 Per Fuel Position 13 or more Fuel Positions $675.94 Per Fuel Position Dance Studio/Gyms $579.38 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Day Care $42 773 $13.05 Per Student Furniture Store $61.17 $62.64 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Gasoline/Service Station $498.47 Per Fuel Position Underlined text is added;Struck through text is deleted Page 23 or 24 Packet Page-119- 1/27/2015 11 .A. Impact Fee Land Use Category Rate Non-Residential(Cont'd) Golf Course $1,955.70 $5,073.45 Per 18 Holes Golf Course-Bundled $1,521.51 Per 18 Holes Home Improvement Store $43346 $472.37 Per 1,000 sq.It Hospital $357.54 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Hotel $201.39 $208.78 Per Room Industrial-General Light $175.99 $180.08 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Manufacturing $130.49 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Marina $48.13 $49.59 Per Berth I Mini-Warehouse $15.66 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Motel $191.19 $198.34 Per Room Movie Theater $1,521.14 $1.560.66 Per Screen Nursing Home $I83 44 $234.88 Per Bed Office 6,000 sq.ft.or less $260.98 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 6,001-100,000 sq.ft. $310.57 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 100,001-200,000 sq.ft. $263.59 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office 200,001-400,000 sq.ft. $221.83 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office Greater than 400,000 sq.ft. $200.95 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office-Medical greater than 10,000 sq.ft. $433.23 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Office-Medical 10,000 sq.ft.or less $297.52 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Pharmacy/Drug Store 5492.00 $511.52 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Quick Lube $295.71 $302.74 Per Service Bay RV Park $130.49 Per Site Restaurant-Fast Food w/Drive-In $2,296.85 $2,322.72 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Restaurant-High Turnover $68:822 $70.46 Per seat Restaurant-Low Turnover $36:08 $57.42 Per seat Retail 30;000 6.000 Sq.Ft.or Less $621.55 $639.40 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 6,001-25,000 Sq.Ft. $639.40 Per 1.000 sq.ft. Retail 25,001-50,000 $639.40 Per 1.000 sq.ft. Retail 50,001-100,000 Sq.Ft. $642.01 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 100,001-150,000 Sq.Ft. $587.21 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 150,001-200,000 Sq.Ft. $717.70 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 200,001-400,000 Sq.Ft. $610.69 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 400,001-600,000 Sq.Ft. $636.79 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail 600,001-1,000,000 Sq.Ft. $631.57 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail >1,000,000 Sq.Ft. $545.45 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Retail-Specialty $4341%2 $441.06 Per 1,000 sq.ft. School-Elementary(Private) 815.29 $15.66 Per Student School-Middle(Private) $17.81 $18.27 Per Student School-High School(Private) $20.39 $20.88 Per Student Supermarket $522.59 $535.01 Per 1,000 sq.ft. Tire Store $341.59 $349.71 Per Service Bay Warehouse 73,07 Per 1,000 sq,ft. Underlined text is added; text is deleted Page 24 of 24 Packet Page-120- 1/27/2015 11 .A. W 0 0 01 m G N N o. o. z ' ,� co^ — Z ^ co (O P N 'N A N et W u. 7 7 7 7 LL 0 s t ¢ ¢ ¢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1O LL < < < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O CO J.... Cl) y (aD cp.M N CND CO 0 N A ,__41. O O M 0 /A cc; 69690 W 0 w w re 0 re a O < ¢ ¢ ¢ o O o o 0 o o z z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 6a;miocic et: cc; r: z co m et O N 0) 01 C9 W 1I) (O N N CO N N M ' Q. 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