Agenda 06/24/1997 R COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA June 24, 1997 9:00 A.M. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHI~NG TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA n'EM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAK/NG. R~QUESTS TO ADDRE.~ THE BOARD ON SUB$E~ WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMFITED 1~ W'RFf'ING W~TH EX~PLANATION TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AT LEA.ST 1.3 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HF..ARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETn'IONS". ANY PERSON WHO DECI/)ES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NE~-D A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAI?qING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBA'FI~ RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVEDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REG~TERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WI/.L BE L[MtTED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRANTED BY THE C~. ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING [MPAFRED ARE AVAILABLE 12q THE COUNTY COMMLSSIONERS' OFF1CE. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 P.M. 2. 3. 4. INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. June 3, 1997 - Re~l~r meeting. B. June 4, 1997 - Special meeting. PROCLAMATIONS AND SERVICE AWARDS A. PROCLA,MATIONS 1 June 24,1997 1) Proclam~ pruclslmial Jun~ 22-~.~, 1~? u Agrt~ltur~i Pr~l~na V~lsanteer Apprt~aii~s Wed~ ia C~lller C~nty. B. SERVIC~ AWARDS C. PRKSENTATIONS APPROVAL OF CL£R.K'S R~PORT A. ANALYSTS OF CHA.~GES TO RESERVES FOR CONTIi~GENCff.-S. I) General F~snd (00]) I;'Y %/97. Communit3, Development Fund (113) FY %/9?. 3) F~cillt~s Co~s~ructlon l;'und (~01) FY 9~7. PUBLIC PETITIONS COUNTY AD.M'L-¥tSTRATOR'S REPORT A. COMiVFUhTI-Y DEVELOPMENT & ENV~ONMENTAL SERVICES 1) l~___n~nm~ndation to approve Commercial Excavation Permit No. 59.605 - Capit~i Flo~es Co~nnn,ercJ~l Excavation, located in ~ 4, T4gS, I~]K 0.,ors 10g ~nd 110, Uui~ 45, C~den Gate Esut~). B. PUBLIC WORKS 1) R~-vk.w Hearing for AJtcrnative Water and W~te'~vater System Impact Fee Calculation for Chancellor Park. 2) l~)orl to the Board of County Commluioncrs on the Solid Waste Standard Container Pilot Pro, ram tod r~que~ for ~lirtction r~rdint the S~iid Waste Co41eclioa Fra~chig AZr~ements. (Continued from 3/'25/97) ~) Appr~,l ~ Fundinz Options for preparation of the Coocept~a.I i~sip~tr~uope Pltn Component of the Adopted Mar~o hi,nd M~ter Pith. 4) Approve a Co,~s~n,~ction Chan~e Order with l~tler Roadk ~ for florin ~er ~i~ wo~ for the ~l~n~e Hamm~k ~ad F~r ~nln~ P~, Bid N~ 9~ I. C. PUBLIC SERVICES I) Rt~co~mendation that the Board of Connty Co~nmiuioners apprmte the Pario Captttl Planning Repot1 and the "Creation of Nci~b~rhood Patio" I~i~cy, a~d dir~-t staff to develop a contrnct for a new updated study of the Parlo' Impact Fees. 2) R~commendation to the Board of County Commissioners that staff hat no additi4~tl information or recommendations in re~rd to the beach parking iuteriocal agreement issue with the City of Naples since the item was continued June 24, 199'/ 10. I!. from thc May 20. I~)? B~ard o¢ County CommLu~oncrs' ~u~ (~a~ f~ 0~0~7 D. S~PORT SKR~C~ 1) ~ndat~ that tbe ~nrd ~ C~nt~ C~mi~ ~r n~ptln~ t~ a~d ~ut~ updatln~ t~ Collar C~n~ ~lan~ COUN~ AD~IST~TOR 1) ~.~ ~ d I~ Co~..l F~ilit~ lmp.~ F~ F~ibilil~ Smd~ p~p~d b~ Hen~, Y~*~ & Comp~n~. 2) ~ ~ ~en~ for 2" qua~er for ~ Y~r 1~7. COUN~ A~O~Y'S ~PORT ~a~ c~sl~t~ and di~tlon ~garding p~menl of pmfmlon~ ~cs for impl~Mfl~ ~ lnte~m ~vemmental ~ BO~ OF COUN~ COMM~SIONE~ Re~lut~oop~singA~yCo~sofEn~n~Kn~ronment~pactS~dy' ~o~hord at 1:~ p.m.) B. Di~u~on ~g3rding thc comme~ial loading d~k (Commissioner H~c~k). O~ER CONSTI~TION~ OFFICE~ PUBLIC COMMENT ON GENERAL TOPICS PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE ttEARD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING STAI"T ITEMS 12. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS - BCC A. COM]>iLEHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS B. 7..0 N I~TG AMENDMENTS 1) Petition PUD-97-7, Thom~ F.. K.illcn r~presenting the Prok, eny Corporation, rtquc~ing a rezone from "I" Industrial to "PUD" Planned Unit Development to be known a~ the Progeny Commerce Center PUD containing all those industrial uses allowed in the industrial district and certain commercial uses that qualify a~ transitional uses between industrial and non-industrial for properly located on the north side of Radio Road, 3 June 24, 1997 Co wes~ 04' Indu~r~al i~)ulevard in ~ 36, T49S, R.25E, con$i~ing of 9.27 ~cr~, mo~=K or I¢%t OTHER 1) Pclltkm AV 97-002 to vaczte a potion of Tracts M-! and M-2 and all of Tr~-t M-3 ~inl~ p~vatc ~adways u ~h~n ~ the ~at of C~stai ~ke Te~ at Ea~Ic C~k, u ~or~cd ~n Plal ~k 16, P~ ~3~, of thc ~blic R~ord~ of Coillcr C~nty, ~o~ (Companion item to thc Plzt of C~zl ~kc Terraces at Ea~Ic C~k ~plaL) 2) P~JtM SNR-9%S, gu~ll M. ~a of W~ward, Pires & ~mbardo, p.~, ~ntlnl Gulf Bay 1~, ln~, ~qu~int a ~r~ name change f~ ~p~nship Drive to ~ub Center ~l~ard which ~t is ~ ia t~ MaKo S~ Unit ~ ~lf C~ PUD ~bdi~sion, ~tcd ia ~t~s 14 ~d 15, T~IS, ~6E. 3) P~it~ SHR-9%2, Ru~ll ~. ~a ~ W~ward, Pares & ~mbardo, p.~, ~ntJnt Gulf Bay 1~, ln~, Kqu~ing a ~rcet name chan~e f~ T~amcnt ~l~ard to ~d~lcr't C~k Pa~way, which strut ~alcd in the ~a~o Shores Unit ~ ~lf C~ PUD Subd~slon, I(~ated in ~t~n 14, T~IS, 4) P~it~ SHg-97q, ~11 ~. ~a of W~ward, Pires & ~mbardo, p.~, ~p~ntint Gulf Bay 1~, In~, ~qu~in~ a fl~t name chan~c f~m Ma~o~ Club D~vc to Championship D~vc ~ated within thc ~a~o Sho~ Unit ~ ~lf C~ PUD Subdi~slon in ~tions 14 and 15, TSIS, ~6~ ~ommcadalion lo adopt a R~lutlon confimln[ thc PrcJimlnlg ~mcnl Roll u the Final Roll ~d Jdopt t~ s~c u thc Vl~m ~ssment Roll for thc pu~K o[ utJlizin[ the ~ni[o~ ~clh~ ~ C~tion pu~ant to ~lion [97.~32, ~odda Statute, within thc ~3pl~ PJ~ A~ Dr~n3~t ]mpmvcmcuts ~a~icip~] ~cc ~ncfit 6) ~q~ for ~ard lo adopt thc accompanyin~ Rc~lution ~ducing the ~lzto~' ~sment f~ from f~r ,nd on.half ~rcent to 1hr~ ~ g~ ~venues ~tive ~to~r I, 1~7 for nonexempt p~vately owned water ~ w~atcr s~cms mbj~t lo ~ ~latloa, aulho~in~ thc Coll~r C~nty Water ~d W~ewaler Authority to adjust water and w~slcwater rat~ accordln~y. ~ommendation to the ~ard of C~nly Commisstone~ to consider an applka~n for a cable f~achi~ mbmi~ed by ~o ~l~d Cable, ln~ (Continued from 6/17~ ~flB ~EH SCHEDULED TO BE HEA~ AT 10:~ ~.) BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS A. ADVERTISED PUBLIC ttEARINGS 1) Petition A-97-2, Richard Jaklitch requesting an appeal of thc Collier Coonty Planning Commission's approval of Petition BD-97-11 on May June 24, 1997 14. 1S. 2) 4) 19~?, for property located at l~ot 8, Block F, Lit'lie Hickory Shor~s, Unit 3 Petitiou CU-9'/-10, Robert Duane representing S,e..acrc~ School toque, sting Ceedi~on·l U~ "4' of Ih~ Est·res Zoning District for a Ebon4 ·ddltlon for pr~:~rt}, ~ocated al 7100 Davis Boulevard in Sec. $, TSOS, R26£, consisting of approximately 9.8 acre_s. petition V-97-3, Chzr~es Holland rcquestlng · 16.4 foot vat, trice frown the r~qulr~d ~0 foot rear setback Io 13.6 feet for property located at 2721 Vtn Boron Avenue, further described a.s Lots 3g=40, Crtlgs Subdivision, in Sec. 14, TSOS, P,~$F..- Petition V.97--4, Gall J. and Lind· J. Hafner ar~ r~questing tn sifter-the- fact variance of 29 feet from thc required rear setback of'/$ fe~t to 46 feet for permitted storage shed converted into a ~ house without a building permit for · property located al 1181 25n' Street S.W. in Golden Gate Es'tn Ic.~. B. OTHER BOARD OF COUNTY COMbtiSSIONERS' CO,MMUNICATIONS STAFF'S COM,MUN ICATIONS 16. CONSENT AGENDA - All matters listed under this item ar~ considered to be routine and · etlon will be t~cen by one motion without separate discussion of czch item. Iff discussion is deslrcd b? a member of the Board, that item(s) will be r~movcd form the Consent A~.enda and considered scparat:l.v. Bo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1) Recommendation to approve for r~:ording the finaJ plat of "Pelican Lake R.V. Re. sort, Unit Two". 2) Recommendation In approve for recording the final plat of =Crystal L~e Terraces at Ea?,le Creek Repine" (Companion to Agenda llem 12C.(1) 3) Recommcndalion to approve for recording thc final plat of Southwest Professional Health Park. 4) Recommendation to approve for recording the final plat of "The Lady". PUBLIC V,'O RK~ 1) Recommendation to approve the purchase of the Meli Property to meet South Flor'ida ~,Vater Management District Mitigation Requirements. 2) Recommendation to ·pprove mid*year adjustments to Water Management Cl]a Budget (Fund .325). Sunc 24.1997 3) 4) Pe41<r~-ap Resolullos~ to the Board for postlnI of ~l~s prohibiting ~t~n ~ t~c~ and other com~i~ ~k~ ha~nl a rnttd Ioad- ca~in~ cap~it~ in czcc~s of one ton f~ ~b m~cm~nt~ on Pelican ~d~t ~l~ard. Approve Chanl:e Order Ho. i (Final) to Contract Ho` 97-2628, Marco L~iand Beach RenourlshmenL s) Award Contract Io construct the Reclaimed Water Transmission Main frm~ Quail Creek to the Hotnh County Rc~ioaal ~,Vater Treatment Plant, Pl~.e I~, Bid No. 97-26'14. Approve a Change Order with Salesman Coas~raclJon, Lac. for additionaJ cons~r'm:tion serv~cc~ for S.R. 29 Canal Creulng lmpr'~'ements, Bid No` 9~2.320. 9) Approve Work Order for Profe:uionai £n~ine~rlng Str~c~ ~lalcd lo Ibc C~nty R~lalmed Water Sy~em Back-P~ ~aining Valve~ R~ommcndation to award Bid Ho. 97-2655 for ~quid Sludge and Cake R~iduai Dis~zl. Apple Word Order wMBaP ~ 97-7 with Wil~n, Miller, Ba~on and P~ In~ for [n~a~Hng ~c~ ~latcd Io Ibc ~i~ion of Waler and W~aler Facilili~ in U.S. 41 Recommcndation to enter into ne~oliations with R&L, Lndustrics for Plulic Farm Mulch Rec.vcling at the Immokalee Landfill. Approve and ezecute a Professional Serrtces Agreement with Hole, Montes and Associatcs~ Inc. for the A~rporl-Pulling Road Bridge Project al Junction lmmokalce Road ~ No. 97-2636). ~2) Approve parlial constructio~ bids for Pathway and Landscape bapro~'ements a~ong Vanderbill Dri~ between Vandcrbilt Beach Ro.ad and ] I Ia Avenue- C. PUBLIC SERVICES I) Recommendation that the Board of Collier County Commissioner~ accept d~'~ations in the amount of $12,000 from Collier County ~:rowers lO bt used to pa)' the ~lar'y of the CommerciaJ Vetetable A~ent. 2) Recommendation that the Board of Collier County Commissioners ~tborL~ the I~lac~d wo~ o~r and ~d~ ~ndmenl to enab~ the c~ti~ ~ the skate~ard f~ility at the E~ Naples Community Pa~ D. SUI~PORT SERVICES !) Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve an Agreement for the Provision of Telecommunication Services and Facilities between Collier Cm~nt~, and Sprint-Florida, Incorporated and approve a budl:et amendment for expenses related to the operation of same. June 24. 1997 17. 2) Fo 3) Report to the Board of County Commissiom:rl c~cer~in~ tl~ sz~e and tr'znKer of items assailed with t~ C~nt7 ~hs A~t~ ~ Ju~ T. I~T. To [zin Board approval for Ibc Chilman to si~ ~ nppl~at~n for ~al ~ Collier C~nty'~ Radio Amnl~r Ci~l ~~y ~e ~C~) Amal~r ~dio ~cen~ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR l) 2) l~dz;et Amendmcnt Report. Req~..~ authorization for the County Adminls~rnto¢ to approve consent and en~ri~ncy a~nda items durin~ the Board's recess. Approve minor llne item fl, visions to the amended 1997 A~,rttmcnt be-t~een Collier C~nty and the Hapi~ A~ Acc~at~as As~iation, I~ for Calc~o~ B. T~st Development ~und~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER.S MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE I) ~ali~aetion of Lien_: NEED MOTION nulhorixln~ the Chairman to si~n Satirfaclion of Lien for Services.of the Public Defender for Case No~.: 91- 1069-TM, 91-2197-TM, 91-2114-TMC, 90-672-TM, 90-6251-TM, 90-5496- T~U90-S313--TM, 8'/- 1942.Tbl C/S?-1962-TM, S~)-1S2 l-TM, 9'0-1799-TM, 89-4978-TM/90-1799-TM, 9G- 1798--TM, 90-185-IT, 94-1975-- CFA, 92-671-MMA, 92-671-MMA, 91-4105.-TM/92-1419-MMA, 96-8-158- MMA. 2) MISCELLANEOUS ITEM~ TQ FILE FOR RECQRD WITH A~TIQ-.~- OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS COUNTY ATTORNEY 1) 2) Recommendation to the Board to accept negotiated ~ttllemen! and approve payment in Ihe lawsuit of Ha~rry Fmnlgan, et al., ~. Collier County and IO authorize thc chair-man 1o execute all necessary settlement documents. ADJOURN Recommendation that the Board approve and authorize the Chairman lo execute a Contlnuin~ Retention A~reemcnt for servicea o~ an "ts-needed" basis with the law firm of Alien, Norton & Blue, P.A., to meet County Purchasing: Policy contract update requlr~ments. Rtcommendation that the Board approve and authorize a Budget Amendment to cover the costs of updates lo thc Collier County Code of La~s and Ordinances and Land Development Code through the end of the toni racl p~ riod. June 24, 1997 AGENDA CHANGES BOA RD OF COUNTY COMMI,.KSIONEl~' ME.~.TiNG JUN~ 24, 1997 ADD: ITEM ~AX2) -Recom~ion to approve for recording the final plat of"Naples Heritage Golf& Country Club Phase Two-B". (Staff's request). ADD: ITEM $(A)(3) -Reco~tion to approve for recording, the final plat of Fiddler's Creek Phase I B, Unit Two. (Staff's request). ADD: ITEM S(AX4) -Reco~ation to approve for recording, the final plat of"Pelican Marah Unit Seventeen". (Staff's request). ADD: ITEM I~AXS) -R~tion to approve for recording, the final plat of"Pelicam Strand replat - IA". (StaWs requesQ. ADD: ITEM ~B)(5) -Request Board approval of a Developer Contribution Agreement with Commercial Development Company for a land donation for a segment of the future east-west ~egrnent of Livingston Road in North Naples. (Staff's request). CONTINUE: ITEM 13{AX4) (NO DATE) - Petition V-97-4, Gaii J. and Linda J. Hafner requesting an after-the-fact variance for permitted ~torage shed converted into a guest hou:,e without a building permit. (Petitioner's request) NOTE: Item 12 (C X7) ia Scheduled to be heard at 10:00 a.m. -(Rec. omm~tion to the BCC to consider an application for a cak)le franchi~ ~ubmitted by Marco Island Cable, Inc.) Item 10(A) is scheduled to be heard at 1:00 p.m. - (Resolution opposing the Army Corps of' Engineera Environmental Impact Study.) I~R OCLAMA TION WHE~, Extension Agricultural Program Volunteers are an integral part of Collier County Government; and Collier County Agricultural prograrns offer opportunities for growers and producers who wish to volunteer in a variety of different ways. such ax defining educational program directions; and during the past 5 years. Agricultural Program Volunteers have donated in excess orS. 000 hours to the Cooperative Extension Service and the Community; and Agricultural Program Volunteers ~'ulTport such worthwhile efforts ax the Collier County Agricultural Tour, the Farm-City Barbecue, and the Collier County Agricultural Fair; and WI~EREAS, without Agricultural Cou~.ty residents quality of service to Collier reduced. NO W THEREFORE. be it County. . of Coilier A COUNTY g~ve Program Government. DONE AND COf~. ~, AICP, CHAIILMAN - AGENDA XT£14 No. ~",& JUN 2 1997 6A. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA For the meeting date of June 24, 1997 CLERK'S REPORT Analysis of Changes to Reserves for Contingencies 1. General Fund (001) FY 96/97 2. Community Development Fund (113) FY 96/97 3. Facilities Construction Fund (301) FY 96/97 I IIII- ........ l JUN 2 ~1 lg97 ANALYSI~ OF CHANOES TO OENEWJd. FUND (001) P. ESEI~VE FC~ CONTINOENCIE8 Fo~ me rn44~ dali of June 24.19t7 FY 1 .t4-e? IlJl[l~ FOR CONTINGENCIES: C.,un"ent Balance 8/18~97 (~} or Ino'~Na aa explak'4d 11-27-~6 12-11-9~ 12-11-~ 12-31-9~ 1-16-97 1-22-97 EX~LANATK:)N OF REDUCTIONS Explanation 48 To rage,' I/~ bottom of ~ acl~y and plunge pool. 64 To pay U~ expe~'~se$ for Immokatee Child C~re Cen~er To re13err ~,e Cent~l L~brary Chil~r 92 R~ ~n~fer ~ ~ad a~ B~e d~ ~ ~ r~wed fm ~a~y ~ and ~. 110 To e~le ~ Fa~ La~r S~rds ~ lefl~nt a~ re~s ~h p~ant~s ~ ~er e~y~ W EMS. 119 To r~e ~ lazard a~ r~u~ r~ut~d 4.675,900 __ 5,378,019 (16,50<).00) (11 .(XX3.00) (14,475 00) (42.770.00} 1,364,6OO.00 1-31-97 143 To i:m:)ceed w~h Tax Deed Appl~at~on$ for delinquent taxes fo~ 19,~4 ~ax ce~t~.ates. (35,500.00) 2-11-97 163 To fund gain sharing awards as approved by BCC 12.17-9~ (80,956.00) 2-28-97 3-17-g7 187 To fund emergency repairs to the lmr'r, okalee Jail, Na~e$ Jail ar~3 I:)<..ldir~g K ~ce machine. 202 TO pay the coil of h,nn~ a r'~ew County Administrator. (12.5OO.00) (15.5OO.00) 6-5-97 5-7-07 248 Iml:~-Ovement$ and new fumttura loc the Golden Gate Library. 252 To I:~'oviOe funds for mandated Med~cade colts. (53,OOOOO) (435,000.00) 6.15,'97 290 Reducbon in expenses and recognLze contributions from WCI for purchase of rand in Wiggins Bay Basin 47,600.00 Amendments amounting to less than $10.000 eac.~. (No.: 29, 17, ~. 89, 51,161, 162,) J U N 2 1997 S (38.18o) S .... ANALY$1~ OF CHANOE$ TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND (113) RE, IERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES: Or~g~al Budge~ 10/01~96 Current BaLance 6/16'97 (Reductions) or ifil:teases as exi;~aine<l Date 1-22-97 B.A. Requelt ,, 112 ~30-g7 285 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES For ff~e mee~ng date of June 24, 1997 FY 1996.47 EXPLANAT]ON OF REDUCTIONS Explanation Fun~s pn:~v~ed ~ excess carry fo~rard Funds needed to continue rr,crof~lrmng buildir~ permit files to make room for addffx3nal record stooge $ 277.400 749~. (~educUo~y $ 485.2O0,0O (13.000.00) Total Reductions JUN 2 1997 ANALYILt Of: CI'U~OE$ TO FACIUTIE$ CONSTRUCTION FUND (301) RE. SERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES: O~a~ Bucket 10/01~G C.,un'ent Balance 6/16/97 (Reduc~ons) o¢ ~'~creases as exi::~air~d Date 2-11-97 Request___ 2-24-97 3,-.5-97 ~2~g7 RESEI~VE FOR CONTINGENCIES For ~ meetin~ data of Ju~e 24, 1997 FY' 1996-97 EXPLANATION OF REDUCTIONS Explanation 148 ACK~ CarT'y focw'ard is needed for oc~o~ng foe 1997 Fus~d$ r",ot needed for L~gntJr~g Retrofits. returned F~ ~ 1o ~er t~ ~st ~ ~(ess~nal ~~ for ~st 41 281 F~s n~ed to u~de ~C system. Se~. S~ge. and re~ ~ ~thr~ms at Im~kal~ A~uatic $ 294.400 4~s,~13 (32,00O0O) (28.420,00) A,,-r~t~.dments 3mounbr~g to less than $10.000 each (No 2,5,210) (12.201.00) Total reducl~n$ J[{~ [ k'~ ]T[lq No. ~ .-~ '2., JUN 2 lgg7 RECC~NDATION TO APPROVE ~RCIAL EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.605 '~CAPITAL HC~4EB ~RCIAL EXCAVATION", LOCATED IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 48 8CKITM, RANGE 28 EAST (LOTS 109 & 110, UNIT 45, GOLDEN GATES ESTATES), COLLIER CO{3NTY, FLORIDA. OBJECTIVE: To approve Commercial Excavation Permit No. 59.605 "Capital Homes Commercial Excavation" in accordance with County Ordinance No. 92-73, Division 3.5. CONS IDERAT ION.S: Project Plan Review bas completed the review of the excavation permit appl icatlon ~or Capital Homes Conunercia 1 Excavation. Staff comments are inc]ud~.d as Attachment No. 2. FISCAL I~4PACT: The County has received an application review fee of $850.00 The County will realize revenues as follows: Permit Fee: *Road Impact Fee (approx.) (*to be calculated later) $358 $9,000 The security amount will be $25,000 GROWTH ~M~NT IMPACT: None R~C~NDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Commercial Excavation Permit No. 59.605, with a maximum 5 year duration, and further direct staff to prepare amendments to the Land Development Code which will establish specific standards and conditions for commercial excavations within the Esta~ es ~/1//1~ district. ~G £ ~/AIT 'JUN 2 4 i997 PS- ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 'Commercial Excavation Page 2 Permit No. 59.605" PREPARED BY: ~t Chrzano~ski Project Plar~Review Date Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Services Manager Donald W. Arnold, AICf Planning Services Dep_artment Director Via, cent A. Cautero, Administrator Con~munity Development and Environmental Date Date Date Services SC/pd/h:EAB Executive Summaries/Excavation Permit Ho. 59.605 ~TAYF COMMENT5 BACKGROUND: Collier County haz four ways to perrmt excavations within County limits, generally de~Tibo:l az follows: 1. Permit exemFtions allow for lakes larger than V, acre and less than I acre, on any size parcel. 2 Private permits allow for lakes less than 2 acres. 3 Development permits allow lakes of any size where no offsitc hauling is involved, and, 4. Commercial permits allow lakes of any size and are the only type of permit that allows lakes deeper than 12 feet and allows for offsite hauling of fill. At present, commercial excavation (or earth mining) is not a permitted, accessory, or conditional use in the estates district. Estates property owners are permitxed to dig la.kcs, but all excavated material must remain on site RECENT I~STORY_ There is one "commercial' excavation in Golden Gate Estales - the Al McCall excavation - Permit # 59.564, approved by the Board of County Commissioners on March 5n 1996, which allows for a 2 acre lake on a 5 acre parcel. The entire 30,000 (.Z) C Y. of excavated rr~terial ~ removed from the site by Jolly Excavating There were no complaints from nearby property owners during the operation, which appears to be nearing complaion. The Engineering Inspections Department estimates they encounter 4 to 5 cases of illegal excavation, or spoil bank removal per year Most of these operations are found by chance because of the large area of Golden Gate estates and the small number of inspectors. We assume many illegal operations are not caught. There are approximately 90 units (se, ctions +/-) of Golden Gate Estates north ofi-75. These urfits contain, on an average, somewhere around 125 each 5 acre tracts. That's 250 legal 2 I/2 acre parcels. ,JUN 2, 4 ~997 It takes 500 to $00 C.Y. of fill to do a typical sized Golden Gate Estates house pad, and a 5 acre circular lake at 15 feet deep yields approximately 100,000 C.Y. of fill. (Depending c)n elevation of rock), so a 5 acre lake car do, on average, about 150 house pads. Not all Estates lots have subsoil conditions conducive to house pad fill excavation. Capital Homes claims they build, on average, a house per week, so a 5 acre excav~:tion would sati!;fiy their demand for 3 years. Their proposed excavation site is % miles east of the existing McCall excavation on the same block. Jolly Excavating intends going from the McCall excavation to the Capital Homes site, maintaining a continuity of operation. CONCLUSIONS' By allowing small developers to do 5 acre lakes on 10 acre Estates parcels, leaving enough land for two houses on each 10 acres, staff'fi:els we could accomplish the following: 2. 3. 4. Reduce the demand for illegal fill by making legal fill easier to obtain. An increase in supply might bring down fill prices, with a resultant drop in home prices. More widespread fill sources would cut down truck mileage and resullant wear and tear on County roads. Reduce the practice of' clearing and digging holes at the rear of' Estates lots, using the fill for house pads, and burying the cleared material (vegetation) in the hole. Staff. thinks it might be helpful to create a new class of' excavation - Estates Residential Commercial - with strict size guidelines. (10 ac. Min. Lot Size and not more than 50% of'the land occupied by the finished lake). The petitioners will also be responsible for obtaining necessary permits from the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the South Florida Water Management District prior to the start of any excavation. Copies of the permits to be l'maded to Collier County at a preconstruction conference. SC/pcl/h:EAB Executive Summaries/Excavation Permit No. 59.605 (St,nfl'Comments) -2- 1 / IMAY CAPITAL HOMI COMMERCIAL EXCA VI '97 IlDo" ~ 'S ,,~. T/°~UN £-~ 1997 :)LLY. ~.X_.CA_~OR I 1997 E~ECUT IVE SUMMARY 'RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "NAPLES HERITAGE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB PHASE TWO-B" OBJECT ..I%rE: To approve for recording the final plat of "Naples Heritage Golf & Country Club Phase Two-B ,, a subdivision of lands located in Section 9, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. CONSIDERATIOn, Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Naples heritage Golf & Country Club Phase Two-B". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The security in the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required improvements is being covered by Construction and Maintenance Agreement for Community Development Districts. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Naples Heritage Golf & Country Club Phase Two-B" be approved for reccrding. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is none. The project cost is $45,463.92 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $50,013.92 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $16,453.86(all of Phase Two) Fees are based on a construction estimate of $853,766.37 (for all of Phase Two) and were paid in October, 1996. Executive Summary Naples Heritage Golf & Country Club Phase Two-B Page 2 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. RECOMMENDATION, That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "Naples Heritage Golf & Country Club Phase Two-B" with the following stipulations: Accept the Construction and Maintenance Agreement for Community Development Districts as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of Heritage Golf & Country Club Phase two-B "Naples Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received prtliminary acceptance. PREPARED BY: ~ ~ John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: Thomas ~. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager _ nald .~.--Arnold - - ~ ~ '_~ Pla~ni./g Services Direc~gr Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Co~.~,unity Development & Env'~.ronmental Services Date Date Co~,L'unity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JRH/ew 'J, UN g 1997 CONSTRUCTION AND )~INTENANCE AGRE~ FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT:3 THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS (this "Agreement") is entered into this day of , 19 ]Dy and among NAPLES HERITAaE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, an independent special district and body politic of the State of Florida (the "District.}, U.S. HOME CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the Developer.) and the BOARD OF COUNTY COM~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (the "Board"). RECITALS~ A. Simultaneously herewith, the Developer has applied for Board approval of that certain plat of the subdivision to be known as Naples Heritage Golf & Country Club, Phase Two-B (the "Plat"). B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code (the "Code") requires the District and the Developer to provide certain guarantees to the Board in connection with the construction of the improvements required by the Plat. C. The District and the Developer desire to provide the required guarantees to the Board hereby. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the District, the Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: OPERATIVE PROVISIONS: 1. Required Improvements. The District will cause to be constructed: Those certain roadways, drainage and water management facilities and water and sewer utility facilities shown on the construction plans for Naples Heritage, Phase Two-B, except those improvements within the golf course (collectively, the "Required Improvements.). Subject to Paragraph 3 hereof, the Requited .~.~~tsI will be constructed within thirty-six (36) months from tle,~%h~Tthe! Board approves the Plat. t 2. Security for Required Improvements. A construction fund (the "Construction Fund") has been established by resolution of the District adopted on December 9, 1996 (the "Bond Resolution") from which the cost of construction of the Required Improvements shall be paid. The Construction Fund shall be held in the custody of a bond trustee (the "Trustee,,). Proceeds of bonds authorized to be issued by the District pursuant to the Bond Resolution shall be deposited, at a minimum, in the Construction Fund as follows: $45,463.92 for costs of the Required Improvements (the "Construction Amount") and $4,550.00 representing ten percent (10%) of the Construction Amount (the "Reserve An~unt.). The Reserve Amount shall be retained as a reserve in the Construction Fund pursuant to Paragraph 5 hereof. In addition to the foregoing, proceeds of the Bonds shall be deposited with the Trustee to be held as capitalized interest which shall be sufficient to pay interest on the Bonds during the seventeen (17) month period following the issuance thereof. In addition, proceeds of the Bonds shall be deposited with the Trustee in the Debt Service Reserve Account established by the Bond Resolution in an amount sufficient to pay approximately twelve (12) months of debt service on the Bonds. There shall be sufficient monies in the construction fund to construct the required improvements and all other improvements authorized by the Bond Resolution, as well as to fund the Reserve Amount. 3. Construction of Required Improvements. (a) Annexed hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A is a Construction Schedule relating to the Required Improvements (the "Construction Schedule.). The District shall commence construction of the Required Improvements within sixty (60) days following writt~ n~--c~ approval to the District from the Devel pme es I JUN 1997 Department and the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds (the "Commencement Period"). The District will pursue construction of the Required Improvements to substantial completion within twelve (12) months following the end of the Commencement Period (the "Construction Period"). (b) In the event the District fails to: (i) commence construction of the Required Improvements within the Commencement Period; or (ii) substantially complete construction of the Required Improvement~ prior to the expiration of the Construction Period, upon written notice to Developer by the Board, Developer shall immediately become responsible for the construction of the Required Improvements. The obligation to construct the Required Improvements within the Construction Period shall be a joint obligation of both the District and the Developer. 4. Developmen~ Services Direc~or, s Prellminary Approval of Required Improvements. The Development Services Director shall not consider the Required Improvements complete until a statement of completion by the District' s or Developer, s consulting engineers, together with the final project records related thereto, have been furnished for review and approval to the Development Services Director of Collier County, Florida (the "Director,) for compliance with the Code. Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of completion from the District, the Director shall either (a) notify the District or Developer, in writing, of its preliminary approval of the Rec~ired Improvements; or (b) notify the District or Developer, in writing, of his refusal to preliminarily approve the Required Improvements there~,---~'--- , lth those conditions that the District or Developer must fulfill in order to 'JUN 1997 : obtain the Development Services Director's Preliminary Approval of the Required Improvements. In no event shall the Board refuse Preliminary Approval of the Required Improvements if they are con~3tructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 5. Maintenance and Reserve Amount. The District or Developer, as the case may be, shall maintain all Required Improvements for a minimum of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the District or Developer and upon submission of a written request for inspection, the Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the Required Improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Code shall recommend approval to the Board. The District or Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the Required Improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for the County. Sums equal to the Reserve Amount shall be maintained by the Trustee on deposit in the Construction Fund until the final approval of the Required Improvements. The Board shall reflect its acknowledgment of such finding by notifying the District, in writing, of its final approval of the Required Improvements. Upon receipt of notice of such final approval, the District shall no longer be required under this Agreement to maintain the Rese~¢e Amount on deposit in the Construction Fund. In the event that during the inspection the Director finds that all or some portion of the Required Improvements are not in compliance with the Code, the Director shall promptly specify, in writing, to the Di~]trict those deficiencies that must be corrected in order to bring the Required Improvements into compliance with the Code. The District shall apply the Reserve Amount to payment of the cost of correcting such deficiencies. In the event the District fails to pursue such corrective~act~D~ -4- UUN g 1997' Developer shall bring the Required Improvements into compliance with the Code. Upon correction of the specified deficiencies and written notice thereof, the Director shall again inspect the Required Improvements and, if found to be in compliance with the Code, shall submit such findings to the Board for its final approval thereof. 6. Plat Recordation. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is a "Construction and Maintenance Agreement of Subdivision Improvements- within the meaning of, and meeting the requirements established by, Division 3.2.9 of the Code. The parties acknowledge and agree that following the Board's approval of the Plat: (a) The Developer shall not be entitled to record the Plat until the Board receives: (2) Written notice from the Trustee that sums at least equal to the Construction Amount and Reserve Amount are on deposit in the Construction Fund (the "Trustee Notice',); Written notice from District and the Trustee that: (a) The project for which bond proceeds have been received by District includes the Required Improvements; (b) Such Bond proceeds are sufficient to finance the Required Improvements as well as all other improvements to be financed by the Bonds (collectively "the Project") and to fund the Reserve Amount. The Trustee's representation that funds are sufficient to finance the Project for which Bond proceeds have been received as well as to fund is based upon the Dis (b) estimation of construction costs which is attached hereto and incorporated herein; and (c) The project cannot be amended or changed without the consent of the Board (the "Project Notice"); (3) A representation and warranty from the District that all governmental permits to enable the District to commence construction of the Required Improvements have been obtained ("Permit Warranty"); and Upon receipt by [of] the Board of the Trustee Notice, Project Notice and the Permit Warranty, Developer shall be entitled to record the Plat without further condition, other than payment of any related recording fees established by applicable law and the execution of the Plat by all required parties. 7. Liability. The County shall have no liability whatsoever to the bond holders. Neither the enforcement of the terms of this Agreement by the County nor the failure to enforce such terms shall create any liability whatsoever to the bond holders, the District, or the Developer. Any disclosure document prepared by the District or Developer in the offering of such Bonds shall provide a statement as described above relating to the lack of liability of the County. 8. Miscellaneous. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are, and shall be, binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the District, Developer and Board. By Execution below, the Trustee shall evidence its acknowledgment of and assent to the matters addressed herein. Any notice, demand, request or -6- JUN 2 ,t 1997 j I instrument authorized or required to be given or made hereby shall be deemed to have been given or made when sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the appropriate party at their address set forth below: To the District: To the Developer: To the Board: With a Copy to: To the Trustee: Gary L. Moyer, District Manager 10300 N.W. llth Manor Coral Springs, Florida 33071 Peter R. Comeau U.S. Home Corporation 8670 Davis Boulevard Naples, Florida 34104 c/o County Manager Collier County Government Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Collier County Attorney Collier County Government Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 First Union National Bank of Florida Attn: Ms. Vivian Cerecedo 200 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 33131 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District, the Developer and the Board have caused this Agreement to representatives as of this SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN TH~ PRESENCE OF: District Secretary be executed -7- by their duly authorized day of J~'i I , 1997. DISTRICT: NAPLES H~AG~ COMMUNI~f Peter R. Comeau, Chairman Peter R. Comeau, Vice President Land Development Divi~ion 'JUN ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD: BOARD OF COUNTY CC~MI,~ ~ IONER~ COLLIER COU~rY, FLORIDA By: Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman Approved as to form and Legal Sufficiency. David C. Weigel Collier County Attorney Acknowledged and assented to: FIP~T UNION NATIONAL BANK OF FLORIDA as Trustee under the within-mentioned Bond Resolution .' "- Its: -8- 'JUN 2 ~. 19cj7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FI}IAL PLAT OF FIDDLER'S CREEK PHASE lB, UNIT TWO TO approve for recording the final plat of Fiddler's Creek Phase lB, Unit Two. CQN$IDERATION~: The Board of County Commissioners on July 16, 1996 approved the final plat of Fiddler's Creek Phase lB, with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provided to ensure completion of the required subdivision improvements. The developer has decided to phase the recording the of the Unit lB plats. The fiscal impact to the County is project cost is $4,126,428.80, (all of Phase lB) the developer. none. The to be borne by The security amount, equal to 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total ccst of the project, is $280,000.00. The developer has provided a Letter of Credit as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $76,780.84 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $4,126,428.80 and were paid in April 1996, and are reflected in the Executive Summa~t of July 16, 1996. 'JUN Executive Summary Fiddler's Creek Phase lB, Unit Two Page 2 MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECO~ATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Fiddler's Creek Phase lB, Unit Two", with the following stipulations: 1) Accept the Letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision improvements. 2) Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Fiddler's Creek Phase lB, Unit Two". 3) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 4) That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. 5) approved by the County Attorney's Office. PREPARED BY: Subject to the Construction & Maintenance Agreement being John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review Date REVIEWED BY: Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager Donald W. Arnold D~>Ting S~es<~_ __ Vfncent A. Cautero, Administ:rator Community Development & Environmental Services Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JR]{: ew Date Date Date 'JUN 1997 .RCO 15 j$ RA~SI H~u~OCK ROAD SOUTH LES ~ 5 4 RO YAL -11 ~2 AGE~,I CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS AGREEMENT entered into this ~ day of , 1997 between 951 Land Holdings Joint Venture hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida hereinafter referred to as "The Board". REC~A.LS Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board ora certain plat ora subdivision to be known "Fiddler's Creek Phase lB, Unit Two" Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construction of the required impro~'ements. NOW, THEREFORE, in :onsideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: Developer will cause to, be constructed site improvements including water, sewer, roadway, drainage, and street lighting with.in 36 months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof), in the amount of $280,000, which amount represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction plus 100% of the estimated cost to complete the required improvements at the date oftkis Agreement. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier County, may call .upon the subdivision performance security to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the developer in refusal to approve the improvements, therewith .specifying those conditi~ Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the ir ~viting of hi~ tprovementaT -~ JUN 2 ,t 1997 However, in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board; the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for the County. Six (6) months after the execution of this Agreement and once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work complete. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of' the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed and maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt of acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of construction, the final cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to carry out all of the provisions of the Agreement. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. ,. UN g 4. 1997' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representative this ~ day of~, 1997. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the pr~ence of: ted or Typed Name) ~ted otTyped Name) 951 Land Holdings Joint Venture, a Florida General Partnership By: GulfBay 100, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership Gulf Bay~lO0 Inc., a F By: AubreY J/Ferrao,] not individually ! ration President and Attest: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk Board of County Commissioners o f Collier County, Florida Deputy Clerk By: Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: David C. Weigel CoUier County Attorney JUN II 4 1997 ORIGINAt_ ~J E~T 52~cl I'EL~7(: 42'1~? (1(~'K,ed THE TOKAI BANK, LTD. NEW YORK BRANCH I~,O. IRREVOCABLE STAND-BY LETTER OF CREDIT No. CLG(92)0256 DATE OF ISSUE: June 18, 1997 PLACE OF EXPIRY: At issuer's counters DATE OF EXPIRY: This credit shall be valid until June 17, 1998 and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive one-year periods on the anniversary of its issue unless at least sixty (60) days prior to any anniversary date, the issuer notifies the Beneficiary, in writing by registered mail, that the issued elects not to so renew ~is credit. APPLICANT: Tomen America Inc. on behalf of 951 Land Holdings Joint Venture (hereinafter "Applicant"), of 4001 Tamlami Trail North, Suite 350, Naples, FL 34103. BENEFICIARY: The Board of County Commissionen, Collier County, Florida (hereinafter "Beneficiary"), c/o Office of the County Attorney, Collier County Courthouse Complex, Naples, Florida. AMOUNT: $280,000.00 (U.S.) up to an aggregate thereof. CREDIT AVAILABLE WIT~: Issuer BY: payment against documents herein and Beneficiary's drafts at sight drawn on the Issuer. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: AVAILABLE BY BENEFICIARY'S DRAFT(S) AT SIGHT DRAWN ON THE ISSUER AND ACCOMPANIED BY BENEFICIARY'S STATEMENT THAT: 951 LAND HOLDINGS JOINT VENTURE has failed to construct and/or maintain the improvements associated with that cerlnin plat ora suN:livision known as Fiddler's Creek, lB. Unit Two, or a final inspection satisfactory to Collier County has not been performed prior to lhe date of expiry, and satisfactory alternative performance security has not been provided to an formally accepted by the Beneficiary. Page I of 2 JUH 4 1997 ,ORIGINAL THE TOKAI BANK, LTD. NEW YORK BRANCH CONTINUATION OF CREDIT NO. CLG(92)0256 iR R E"VOCABL[ LF_TT IFf OF' DRAFT(S) DRAWN UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT MUST BE MARKED: Drawn under Credit No. CLG(92)0256, dated June 18, 1997. The original Letter of Credit and all amendments, if any, must be presented for proper endorsement. ' This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of the Issuer's undertaking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement ret'erred to herein or in which this Letter of Credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein be reference any document, instrument or agreement. Issuer hereby engage with Beneficiary that draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Credit will be duly honored by Issued if presented within the validity of the Credit. This Credit is subject to the Uniform Customers and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 revision) International Chamber of tJommerce Publication No. 500. The Tokai Bank, Limited -Vi'eTo-r $ii~tri Senior Vice President & Assistant General Manager Page 2 of 2 1997 EXECU~..IVE SUMMARY 'REC~{M]~EDATION TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "PELICAN MAP. HII UNIT SEVENTEEN" OBJZ(,.'~!v~ .. To approve for recording the final plat of "Pelican Marsh Unit Seventeen", a subdivision of lands located in Section 35, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. CONS ~])~TI ON ~ Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the final plat of "Pelican Marsh Unit Seventeen". This document is in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. Ail fees have been paid. There are no subdivision related improvements associated with this plat. Engineering Review Sectibn recommends that the final plat of 'Pelican Marsh Unit Seventeen" be approved for recording. FXSCA% I~%~: The fiscal impact to the County is none. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $450.00 Plat Review Fees g~O~[ MA~NA~EME~ IM]~ACT: The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. RECOM~,]~ATION, That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "Pelican Marsh Unit Seventeen" with the following stipulations: 1. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "Peli Unit Seventeen." .JUN Z 4 Execut ire Summary Pelican Marsh Unit Seventeen Page 2 P~,]PARED B'.:. John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review Date REVIEWED BY: T~"~nVa8-E. Kuck, P.E.- .,,iJ~ing Review Manager Donald W. Arnold Planning Services Director Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JPdq: ew Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Date Dat~ Date ,4 L~ CO R ~5 E PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN IN WEST NORTH NAimL6S" U EXECUTIVE SUMMARY R~COM]~ENDATION TO APPROVE FOR RECORDIN(~ THE FINAL PLAT OF "PELICAN ST%~%/~D REPLAT - lA" To approve for recording the final plat of "Pelican Strand Replat - lA", a subdivision of lands located in Sections 18 & 19 , To~ship 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. ~_Q15S IDERATION. Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the cortstruction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Pelican Strand Replat - iA". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. Ali. fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvement~l. The security in the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required i~,rovements is being covered by construction and maintenance a9reement and an Irrevocable Letter of Credit. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. A resolution authorizing the acceptance of these re-platted lands is attached. This would be in conformance with Florida State Statute No. 177.101(2). Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Pelican Strand Replat - iA" be approved for recording and that a copy of the replatting resolution be forwarded to the Clerk of Courts. The fiscal impact to the County is none. The project cost is $1,203,407.25 (estimated) to borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water b) Sewer c) Drainage d) Paving, Grading - $122,833.00 - $285,846.00 - $493,609.00 - $301,119.25 The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $1,323,747.98 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Sez Revenue generated by this project Total: $22,661.51 : 'JUN 4 1997 Executive Summary Pelican Marsh Replat iA Page 2 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $1,203,407.25 and were paid in January & May, 1997. The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee - $2,567.00 b) c) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water and Sewer (.50% const, est.) Drainage, Paving, and Grading (.50% const, est.) Construction Inspection Fee Water and Sewer (1.5% const, est.) Drainage, Paving, and Grading (1.0% const, est.) - $2,043.40 - $3,973.64 - $6,130.19 $7,947.28 GRQ)~I'H MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None, this project is within the limits of the original limits of the regency Village Development of Regional Impact. p~E~Q~ATION, That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "Pelican Strand Replat - lA" with the following stipulations: 1. Accept the Irrevocable letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "Pelican Strand Replat - iA." Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. Authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court to make proper notation of this action upon the previous plat. ',JUN Z 199 Executive Summary Pelican Strand Replat - iA Page 3 6. That the plat not be recorded until the original Letter of Credit is reviewed and approved by Engineering review and the County Attorney's Office. PREP~D BY: JoVan R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review RA~IEWED BY: Thomas~.-Kuck, P.E. ' ' Engineering Review Manager Donald W. Arnold P~an~ing Services Director ~inc~nt A. Cautero, Administrator Co~unity Development & Environmental Services Co~nunity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Date Date Date Date UUN 2 PLANNED UNIT R 26 E ; T DEVELOPMLN Z( ,TH NA 12 LES lO 15 11 4 -¢ ~7 0 28 ~AN ,S 2,' COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREE1V[ENT FOR SUBDIVISION 13VIPROVEMZNTS TI~S CONSTRUCTION AND MAIbU'ENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENTS entered into tiffs day of 19 ~ between Pelican Strand Ltd., a Florida Limited Partner.ship hereinafter referred to as "Developer," and the Bogd of County Commissioners of Collier County, Ylorida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board". A. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, apptied for the approval by the Board ora certain plat ora subdivision to be known as Pelican Strand Replat-lA. B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements requi~d by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the constmctioo of the requh'ed improvements. NOW TH]~REFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth. Develol:)er and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: Developer will cau..~e to be constructed the Required Improvements within 12 months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, said infraslamcrure (water, sewer, drainage and roadway) improvements hereinafter referred to as the Required Improvements. Developer herewith tenders it~ subdi~%ion performance security (attached hereto as Exl:fibit "A" and by reference made a part of hereof) in the amount of $1,323,747.98 which represents 10% of the total contract cost of completed construction plus 100% of the estimated costa to complete the Required Improvements at the date oft]ds Agreement. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier Count)', may call upon the subdivision performance security to insure ~atisfactory completion of'the required improvements. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furaished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Developmemt Code. 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either:, a) noti.5.,.' the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of 1997 the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and subrnitled for approval in accordance v, ith the requirements oft.his Agreement. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director io inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to still be in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the sub<livision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for rnaintellance of the required improve~nents shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. Six (6) months after the execution of this Agreement and once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may r~quest the Development Services Dir~or to reduce the doLlar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work complete, Each request for a reduction in the dollar ~rnotmt of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substa~ti~ completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessazy for review by the Development Services Dkector. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. In the event the Developer shall fall or neglect to fulfill its obligations under th~s Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdi,~ision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Boazd shall have the right to construct ~nd m~tain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and accep~ce of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subclivision performance secuhty, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Boa.rd, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any ds.~ages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may susta~ on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this ^~eement. 9. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. ]1',1 WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have ca.ed this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives ti'ds __ day of ,19 ~ SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Witness (P~nt name) ! Witness (Print name) Pelican Strand Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership By: Pelican Strand Development Corporati~~ By:. / '~ Robe, fi'Paul Hardy, ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COIYNTY, FLOR.IDA Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Timothy J. Hancock, Chairman Assistant County Attorney UUN ,~ 4 1997 330i Tamiami Ttail. E. · Pelicai~ Bay Fmancial.Ceh~.r. · · .:8.8'8.9 Pelican .Bay Boutivard.$ui~.101 Naples, FL 34208 !JUN 2 4 1997 EXECU'ITVE SUMMARY REVIEW HEAR.I'NG FOR ALTERNATIVE WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FOR CHANCELLOR PARK Q][~,~ECTIVE: In accordance with Ordinance No. 90-86, as amended, and Ordinance No. 90-87, as amended, to have the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, conduct an alternate impact fee review hearing for the CareMatrix Corp. Chancellor Park assisted care living facility. CONSIDERATIONS: CareMatrix Corporation is proposing to construct an assisted care living facility to be called Chancellor Park. This facility will be located within the Southwest Professional Health Park on Immokalee Road, southeast of the North Collier Hospital. On May 5, 1997, CareMatrix Corporation requested an Alternative Water and Wastewater System Impact Fee calculation and review hearing. The calculation proposed an alternative water and wastewatcr system impact fee based on a study of similar institutional facilities. The proposed facility is to consist of 148 units (156 beds) with a mixture of assisted living units and independent living units. The facility will also contain a central kitchen and two dining rooms. The units will range from 380 sq. ft. to 895 sq. fl. The Collier County Water-Sewer District currently requires a water impact fee of $900 and a wastewater impact fee of $1,340 for an Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). According to Ordinance 90-86 and 90-87, an EDU means a building or a portion of a building designed for or whose primary purpose is for residential occupancy, and which consists of one or more rooms which are arranged designed or used as living quarters for one or more persons. As v, xinen, Ordinances 9046 and 90-87 require each unit in an assisted care living facility to be assessed a water impact fee of $900 per unit and a wastewater impact fee of $1,340 per unit. The total fee under this approach would be $331,520. I~:~ltcr'm~tivc ~ml~ct fecs\cxccunvc surnnu~ - alt imp fec.do~ Executive Summa,ry CareMatrix Alternative Impact Fees Page 2 Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., representing CareMatrix, has researched the demand characteristics of assisted living facilities. The research included four facilities connected to the Collier County Water-Sewer District system. The research supports a per unit usage below the Collier County Water-Sewer average single family home usage of 350 GPD. CareMatrix Corporation has several facilities throughout Florida and has provided data reflecting that the usage of assisted living facilities range fi.om I00 gallons/bed/day to 115 gallons/bed/day. Based on this data, CareMatrix is requesting a pro rated impact fee based on 100 gallons/bed/day versus the CCWSD average single family home usage of 350 GPD. This would result in a per bed fee 29% of the standard per EDU impact fee. The Cam. Matrix proposed fee would be $257.14 for water and $382.86 for wastewater. The total fee under this approach would be $99,840. Staff has reviewed the proposed alternative water system and wastewater system impact fee calculation. Staffhas review~ historical usage patterns of similar facilities, as well as the standards contained in Florida Administrative Code l 0D-6 which provides standard flow characteristics for various institutional users including nursing/congregate living facilities. Based on these reviews and the study submitted by CareMatrix, and Wilson, Miller, Barton, and Peek, Inc., staff has concluded that an average pcr day usage of 115 gallons/bed/day is a reasonable level of expected usage by adult congregate/nursing home facilities. CareMatrix requested that 100-110 gallons/bed/day be the basis for the alternative impact fee. Staff's position is that 115 gallons/bed/day would be a reasonable basis for an alternative impact fee for the Chancellor Park facility. This is consistent with Florida Administrative Code l 0D-6 standards as well as being consistent with anticipated peak usage based on similar facilities connected to the CCWSD. This approach would result in a per bed fee 33% of the standard per EDU impact fee. If the Board were to consider granting aa alternative fee then staff would recommend basing the fee on a usage level of no less than 115 gal/bed/day which results in a per bed fee of $295.71 for water and $382.86 for wastewater. The total fee under this approach would be $I 14,816. g:~ltcrnaovc impact fccs~xccu~vc summary - alt imp fec.ck~¢ / Executive Summary CarcMatrix Alternative Impact Fees Page 3 o If the Board conaiders granting the alternative fee then staff would recommend that a two year full occupancy monitoring period be established wherein actual consumption for the Chancellor Park facility will be reviewed. If actual per month usage during the monitoring period is found to exceed the per bed basis established for the alternative fee calculation, then the County will have the fight to recalculate the fee and assess the owner/developer for the difference. 10. According to the Engineer of Record, this project will have a separate irrigation meter for irrigation purposes. The irrigation meter impact fee will be based on meter size in accordance with Ordinance 90-86 as amended. FISCAL IMPACT: Ordinance No. 90-86, as amended, provides for a water impact fee of $900 per EDU. Ordinance No. 90-87, as amended, provides for a wastewater impact fee of $1,340 per EDU generating $331,520.00. If the Board accepts the proposed alternative approach and staff's recommended minimum pe'r bed usage level of 115 per bed, the water impact fee would be $295.71 per bed, and the wastewater impact fee would be $440.29 per bed, $I 14,816.00 would be generated. The alternative impact fees represent a reduced revenue stream for water and wastewater improvements. Since the reduced fee also represents a reasonable estimate of the per unit impacts of Chancellor Park, the reduced revenue is offset by reduced need for added water and wastewater capacity. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Water System and Wastewater Impact Fees are the designated source of funding to support growth driven expansion of the County's Water and Wastewater Systems, respectively. The basis for the water and wastewater impact fees is a planned level of capital expansion designed to maintain the County's level of service standards. The capacity reserved for each EDU drives the service standard and thus the need for facility expansion. Accordingly, there are no growth impacts as long as reduced revenue is off-set by reduced capital expansion needs. 'o,m'tmint, i:m'-o~eration'~lter'r~nve tml~ct fee'~execuOve ~. ,t/! imp fee.doc Executive Summary CamMatrix Alternative Impact Fees Page 4 RE~OMMENDATIO~q: The Public Works Administrator recommends that the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water- Sewer District consider the proposed alternative impact fee calculation for Chancellor Park and, if the Board grants an alternative water and wastewater impact fee, rtaffwould recommend basing the fee on a usage level of no less than 115 gal/bed/day. The total fee under this approach would be $114,816. Additionally, slaffrecommends the implementation of a two year monitoring period under the conditions described in consideration paragraph 9 above. cin~ly M..,~{rb, Pubic W;rk~ Senior Engineeh~gfTec~mician - ~"'Ed~'ard N~. Finn, Public Works Operations Director ' APPROVED BY: ~ ~,.,,u.x.~....Aq~,.~, Ed llsckner, p.E,, Public Works Admirfistrator 6111197 Chancellor Park/Caml~atrlx Alternative Utility Impact Fee Analyall Deecrtptlon Water Sewer Impact Fee Impact Fee Fee per EDU (current) $ 900.00 $ 1,340.00 Chmncellor Park No. Units 148 No. Beds 156 Impact Fee Ordinance (EDU Basla) Per EDU demand (gpd) 350 % of EDU 100% Por Unit Fee $ 900.00 Per Bed Fee n/a Total Fee $ 133,200.00 148 156 350 100% 1,340.00 n/a 198,320.00 Total Fee 331,520.00 Care Matrix Proposed Alternative Based on 100 gal/bed/day Per unit demand (gpd) 100 100 % of EDU 29% 29% Per Unit Fee n/a n/a Per Bed Fee $ 257.14 S 382.86 Total Fee $ 40,114.29 $ 59,725.71 $ 99,840.00 Based on Staff'l Minimum r~commsndsd Uaage of 115 gal/bed/day Per bed demand (gpd) 115 115 % of EDU 33% 33% Per Unit Fee n/a n/a Per Bed Fee $ 295.71 $ 440.29 Tolal Fee $ 46,131.43 S 68,684.57 $114,816.00 ChancellorPkSS.xlsSheet 1 6. 1997 8: S4Am CAREMAT~ I × ~o. 37;' p. 2xD March 31, 1~97' Mr. F. xi Finn Pnblic Works Division Colll~ County 33.01 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112-4961 lb,: Napl~ A.rai~ed Liviug Facility De~r Mr. Finn: A, you know, CareMatrix Corporation plans to build a facility on Lu:unokaI~ Road n~tr the hospital in Naples. The purpose of this letter is to share our experience with water and sewer impact fee calculation from other locatio~. A common problem which we encounter is thai many local governmenu and utilities do uot kuow quite how to classify our buildings from a water and sewer standpoint because their are not hotels or nursing homes and do not use nearly as much water as a normal residential dwelling unit. Our use is rcslden£ial in nature, but shares some commercial or institutional building characteristics. Our building on Irnmokalee Road will consist of 148 units with a mixture of asslcted livfl~g units and independent living units. The assisted living units range in ~ize from 380 sq. ft. for studios to through 89.5 sq. fl. for two-bedroom units. The independent living units range in size from 400 sq. ft. to '755 sq. ft. Thc building has a central kitchen and two dining rooms (See attached floor plan.) Nearly all of our units (140 out of 148) are one bedroom and all have one bathroom. The assisted living units have a kitchene{te consisting of a small sink, a microwave, argl · rmall refrigerator. I~ependent living units have a more normal kitchen. In both came:;, however, our experience has been that mo~t resident~ preter to ta~ most of their meal~ in the central dining room, and iu fact the rent for the assisted uni~ includes three meals a day in the central dining room. We are developing our facilities throughout Florida (as well as in other states) so we have accumulat~ some experience with water/sewer use rates. In Martin County, for example, the County ended up accepting a rate of 105 gallons/bed/day, Palm Beach Couucy used 14,000 gallons per day for the entire project, which works out to 94,5 . '.,., '.is.-. t M~y 5, 1997 Mr. ~ F~xnandez Counl'~ Max~er Collier Co.u~ Man~'s Office Administmfio~ Bldg No. 2 3301 East Tluniami Trail Nat)l~s, Flofi~ 34112 Sub. j~x:t: Chancellor Park aI Sotnhwcst Profcssior~l Health Park Ahernate Impact F~ Calculations D~r Mr, Fcma.,xicz: TI~ subjcct projcct is ~n ~ssistcd li~ f~ili~ ~ ~ i~ ~ S~w~ Pro~.si~ ~ P~ ~ ~,~1~ ~ ~ of~ No~ Col~ H~pi~. ~ proj~ ~i ~i~ of 148 ~ (156 ~), ml~ ~ s~ ~ 380 mfm 895 sr. ~ proj~ ~ ~ mb~ rec~y m ~llier C~ for ~ ~ · ~r si~ ~~ P~. We ~ficipate appro~ for ~ sim ~m~ by ~ ~ of May. ~ ~fi~ ~ ~1~ a~li~ for buil~g ~m~ on FH~y, May 2, ~ ~tici~ approv~ of~ buil~ ~t by J~ 15, 1997. Collier Co~ ~velopm~t Se~ ~ cl~sifi~ ~s proj~ ~ a ~i~ u~. H~er, fl~ ~le ~tcr ~ ~' ~r ~ for ~s proj~ ~c I~s ~ ~ of a r~i~ d~ll~ ~t. ~:xcfo~, pu~u~t to Or~ No. 90-86 (~c Collicr Co~W ~ Wa~r S~ ~ F~ Or~) S~i~ 2.~J., pl~ ~i~r ~s a fo~ r~uc~ for ~ ~p~ f~ ~k~ ~ p~g us ~ ~ ~ a~lablc ~d of C~ C~ssionc~' ~. A~h~ ~ a 1~ ~ Mr. ~d F~ (Collicr C~W Public Wor~ Di~sion) ~ Mr. l~ Norquc~ (C~cM~ ~ecl~r of ~:~ proj~t) ~ch ~scus~ ~ ~a~ ~pa~ f~ ~culafio~. Sii,cercly, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON 8: PEEK, INC. La,,ra Rcdondo Ryan, P.E. Proj~ Manager Jim Norqucst, CarcM~trix, w/cnclosurcs David Wcigcl, Collier County Attorney, w/cnclosurcs Edward Finn, Collier County Public Works, w/enclosures L.__! 8: S~AM CAR£MAT;~ I X ! · HO. 3T~ P. 3/3 Mr. Ed Finn March ] 1, ! 39? Page Two f~tllo~/un, it/day. Brevtrd County uses 105 gallon,/bed/day. Bonita Springs is in the process of c~g~g ~e~ ra~ sch~ulc to create a new catego~- Institutional - which w~ ~ve ~ usc rate of 115 g~lons~/day, In the c.~se of Bonita Springs. we hired Wilson Miller Barton and Peek to research average daily water and sewer flows for several existing Assisted Living Facilities in the I2e/Collier County are,,. A copy of their report is attached. You will note ti'mt these use rates ranged from 4"/.4 gallons/unit/day to g5,3 gallons/unit/day. As I am sure you know, the Florida Adminis~ative Code (F,A.C.), Rule 10D-6, Table 1, eatablish~ rates for ail kinds of facilities. Table 1 establishes a rate of 100 gallor~Jbect/day, plus 5 gallons/meal/day, for Adult Congregate Living Facilities. This is probably the basis for so many utilities' use of rates of 105 or 115 gallons/bed/day for our facilities. Based upon the above data, we would suggest that you establish a rate of 100 - 110 gal.Ions/bcd/day for our Immok. alee Road facility. This number would be conservative tn Light of the other actual flows which Wilson Miller found in their survey, and would be tn line with what other Florida utilities have used. Ph:~e feel free to call me if you need further information. Sincerely, ~ Project Ma.uager JKN/apd E~cl. cc: Bernie Plante bce: Laura Ryan, Wilson ,~.ill~r ~TRIX MI'-M ORAND UM DAT~: ~ 19, 1997 · IraJXCT: Bonito Sprk~ U',~lkie~ Aid to New Connm~on fee~ Thc q~prov~l by ~he Bonhz $prin~ U~ Bo~.rd mu~'t now be spprov~d by the r.~ C°unt7 Board of County Commissioners before k c~n be ~nplemented. The s~trprov~ by Lee County take approxtrna~ly ~ weeks. Th~ ANC fees for Cart2~trix must be paid at the ~ t~ project his b~n subrn~t for a Lee Cc~nty Letter of Substa.,uitl C~mpllar~, It' th~ Board of County Comrniuior~rs Ets not approved the reduced fees a~ this time, ~ original fees w,,]l have to be ptid, and a rcimd t'or the dif~t~ucc bew/e~ thc old fees and the new fees will bc paid upon approval of Lee County. Cart. Marc has paid one AHC fcc for both water and sewer, and these fe~s v~'ll be crc~fited in the total amou~ to bc pa~d, Should you have thy queslio~ regarding this information, please contact me. Tract D-2 at Bonita ]Bay Bonita Springs UtRities Impact Fee research Ibe~ea.rch wu performed to determine the average daily waI~ Md sewer ilows fi~r tho proposed 14il trait facility localed wlth~ tract D-2 al Boait~ Bay, cort~i~Ln& of both L'xdependent end u.~sted li~ units. From · lis~ of 10 competitorL 4 fiu:12ities with ~ claasi:flc·:ion~ to the proposed facility ~tete selected to determi:xe ~ b~e potential average flow values for Lmpa~t dct~ttminstion. The criteria used wu s~ze of the fsciJky, with reg~d to sss'Ls:~.d ~ well as ia~:pendent living, end the mamber of s'tot4.es per fiscility. T2'alng the street ad;:Iress a Section, To~vnship, ~nd lLmge were determined for each fscLlity. This in turn helped loc. ate the water anti se~rer utility companies servicing each of the £ou~ facilities selected. Collier County U'tilitiea pro¥ided us with the flow values for each fia:ility during 1995. Facility number one Is the ,Aristocrat of N&plcs loc&ted a.: 10949 l~m--nn Street ~pproximately miles from Bonita Bry. This fiz:ility e. on~is-Ls of35 aasis'tcd llvLug uaaiL~ a. ad &0 ~ldlled units. During 1995, this fia:ility used 2,996,000 gallona, rraki,ng the average ciaddy flow g~.llo~ per unit pea' day. i:scility two is Renaissance Health Care located ~ 900 Imperi~ CoLt' Course Drive ~proximately :lu'ee miles fi'om Bonita Bay, comslstlng o~'3~5 usisted living ~ ~0 skilled nursing IivLng unite. DurLng the year o£ ~99& the water u.sage was gallons, reralting in a.n average d,ily flow of' 84.2 galJons per unit pet clay. The third fara.'Iity was ~iln~ House located at 101 Cypre:~ Way ~Eut Lu N'aples approxL, na. tely six robes froc~ Bonita S~y. There gte 74 L~Si~ed living u~ts at ellis ~:flity with a total w~ter usage for 1995 ~,28,4,000 gallon.% resulting i~ a.n average dali)' flow of 47.4 gallons per unit per defy, The final facility selected was C~terburv House_at the Vinva~Is located at 707 V'meygrds Boulevard, Naples approximately nine roi.lea from Bonita Bay. This facLlity cor~ixts o£&~ uniLs, ~I1 ofwhich ~e assisted living. The w~ter usage re,salted in 57.3 gallons per unit per day during the year of' 1995, making the total usage 1,354,000 gadlor~. Wl~en estimating the water usage ofthe new I48 unit facility, a sage estimgte for zvgrage daily flow b~ed on FAC l 0D..~ Standea'ds for On.s'ite Treatment and Disposal Systems for in.sl:itution~l adult congregate'living with flu'ce meals a day is 115 gallons per unit per day. This vadue is lea'get than the v~lues for fll of'the actual average d~ly flow fi.om the rese~ched facilitles, making this a sa.t'e tstiar.~te when determining the projected water usage values for the new facility. The following spreadsheets show the amount or'water usage per month during 199~ for each facility. mmmmmmmmmmmmm mm · m ~d:~iSTOC'I:I. AT OF NAPL, EB WATER AND 8EVVER U,~AGE DATA - 19e~ 3~ UNII':.S AL + a0 SKILLED NURSING Collie County ,, ~At. LONs COMBINED ...... Januar~ 297~000 P~'J'ABLE & IRRIGATION WATER USAGE VAI UES Fel~'ua~_~. 2.1 .~r000 TOTAL 1 3~6 DAYS-" al SS GALLONS PER DAY _~ayl 220~0(x3 TOTAL / 96 UNITS= 312Da GALLONS PER UNiT PER 2~0~0cX3 - a5.3 GALLONS PER UNIT P~.R D-'~-~' June 233,000 J_uly .. 21 orooo . , August 271,000 septmm~m 223,000 October 24~,000 ~Novmrnl~ir 327,000 ,Oecem~;r 2e3,000 L TOTAL 2,91~.000 RENAIS.~i;~NCE HEALTH CARE WATER AND SEWER USAGE DATA- 36 UNIT[~AL + aO SKILLED NURSING CoIlier Cnunt7 GALLONS POTABLE IRRIG. ' ' January 172,000 1 ~=et~ruar,/ -~ ~2,o~o as,Goo [. March lS4,0~0 73~0~0 I,,, "- ' April ~a,000 1~7~000 Ma~ _ 283,000 232~000 .-, J,u,ne 298,000 258,000 - JUl), 254,000 92~000 August 264,000 317,000 - October $O~s000 298,000 .... :__NO_veto be r 298,000 185~000 December ,133,000 138,000 POTABLE. WATER USAGE VALUES TOTAl./366 DAYS= $079 G,KLLONS PER DAY i ' TOTA~ ~ ~S UN~TS- 30~OZ G^Lt. ONS PE~ UNiT P~R ~ I - .,~.2 GALLONS P~R UNiT PE, DAY [ I Page I Tr~c~ t! Bon~ti Bray !¢ANT~R.,BURy HOU~,E AT THE VINYARDS A R AND SEW~.R USAGE. DATA. 1996 eS UNITS AL. & A[~. .... _ GALLONS · COMi~iNEDI .... J';nul~' 74~0~ POT~ & IRRIGATION W~R USAGE V~E~ Fa~ar7. s0~0 TOT~ / 3~6 DAY~ 3727 ~LLONS PER DAY A~! 10~000 TOT~ / 85 UNITS- M.~ 1 ~ ! ~o - 57.3 GABON6 PER UNIT P~ DAy Ju~ 147,~0 - A~ 125.000 ...... ' Se~em~ 121 .~0 O~o~r 124.000 November 137~000 ~ber 125,000 TOTAL 1 ~3~4~00~ .... ~UMMER HOUSE WA~E ~D SEWER U~GE DATA - 74 UN~S AL Collier Count), - GALLONS COMBINED Janua~' g0,O~ POTTLE & IRRIGATION WAT~ U~GE V~UES Febma~ 111 ,oo0 TOTAL / 366 DAYS- 35Oa G~ONS PER DAY ~.rch 3e~ooo J j - Apdl 114,~0 TOTAL / 74 UNIT~= 17351 GA~ONS PER UNIT PER May ag,000 = 47.4 G~LO~ PER UNIT PER DAY June 119~000 -' July 112,~0 Se~embn 105,0~ '" - O~o~r 105,000 Page 2 ~XZCUTIV~ SUMMASY REPORT TO TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON TIlE SOLID WASTE STANDARD CONTAINER PILOT PROGRAM AND REQUEST FOR DIRECTION REGARDING TI~ SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEM2ENTS. I I ~ To report to the Board of CounD' Commi~ioncrs on the solid b'aXtC standard container pilot program and rc~iucsl for direction regarding the solid wa.gte collection franckise agreements. CON$1~DERATION: On Match 25, 1997 staff ~ubmitted an executive gummao' (item 8BI) regarding the w-axle collection franchise agreements. At that time staff was direcled to reporl back lo the Board concermng a standard container pilot program being conducted by Waxte Management, Inc. (WM1). The pilol prograsn involved the i.ttue of standardized container carts to r~,veral neighborhoods The containers are sen'iced b2,.' a collection truck fined with a mechanical arm designed to pick up and erupt) the standard containers. The containers were delivered to the neighborhoods in mid March. A surve?' was nu~iled to 1242 households that participated in the pilot program. The response to the s'ur~'o.' was excellent A total of 652 household~ (53%) filled out the sm'vO' sheets and returned th.:m in the serf addressed s't:~rnped envelopes included with the survey. Tbro different sun'es sheets were used in the survey. One set of surve'y questions was prepared for households that chose to participale in the pilo~ prograrn Another se~ of surve)' questions was prepared for hottseholdz that chose not to pamcipate in tbe pilo~ program. 4'/2 homscholds that participated in the program responded to the ~.u',,'ey. 90*/, of those households approved the program i.f it could be offered at no extra cost. Only 12% of households would approve the program if there were some addition&l cost. 89% found the carl eazy to use a,nd 86% thought tha! the carls helped to keep the neighborhood nearer on collection days. The size of the 90 gallon container ~ m the pilot progr-asrt was satisfactory to :50% of those returning the su~'~'. 19.1% preferred a 65 gallon size end 18.6% b'Ould Opt for a 35 gallon size The sum'e)' also asked for a color preference from respondents. A total of 68 sup,'~..'s included a color preference. The color green was the clem' winner bith 38 of the 68 responses. 180 responses b'ere received from households thai chose not to participate in the pilot program. '/3% of those rcspondents said the)' would have parucipated ff a more suitable size of container would have been pro~'ided. When ~ked if the,.' would consider participating in this t31~e of service in the future '/0% said the)' would consider it. Only 40% agreed that the container helped the appearance of the neighborhood on collection day. 65% said the)' b'Ould approve cart ~rvice if there bas no additional cost. Only 3% were willing to pay an additional amount for can ~ervice. Green vas the color winner again with 13 of 19 prefemng that color. ff both tory% groups are combined, a total of 483 of the 652 household& or '/4%, re~:~onded th,at the). would approve of the cart ~n'ice it' there bas no additional cost. Overall the program was well received. The pilot program generated very feb' negative phone calls. The Board's direction to maffat their March 25.1997 meeting bas tO: i) Bring the franchise issue back for discussion on June 24, 199'/. 2) Keep residential and commercial components together in the bid process. 3~ Receive the results of the pilot program to determine whether to include such sen'ice in the hid - -',5,;. .' '" $~ff also seeks direction oo lwo issues. Fh',st, the list full audit of the franchisees was conducted in 1993, r~pordng on 1992 activity Sub~xluent to that audit the Clerk of Coun~ has been conducting limited audiL~ tO verify accurate payments of fTa~ChiSe feel. Fun~ were budgeted ~ dae curr~nt fis¢~ )'ear for a full audit in anticipation of the franchise collection service evaltation process. Staff seeks direction regarding the matler of the audit. · %cond, Thc Revenue Service~ ~cnt has recommended that all multi-family unitts in tl~: Count)' be addeA to thc Manaatory program. These approximately 65,000 units are currency served under the franchises aa commercial accounts billed ~' the francMsees. A potential co~t $avings for these ~mits has been identified m a trar~ifion from commercial billing to annual a.tse,t~ments on a per unit basis. The addition of these units to the current roll of 54,000 +/-mandatoD' traits would of course impacl the .w. ope of services in the bid~:Ling pnxz. ss. Background information from the Revenue Services Department is provided here aa attachment one. Staff r~uer,~; direction aa to wh~,.her the Board wishes to cormider incorporating tiffs change into the bid gpecifications. FISCAL IM~PA{~TF: Estimated cosl of franckisee audits is $70.000. Line item 473-173413-632300. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPfiCT; N/A RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Counb' Commissione~ give staff' direction regarding the standard container pilot program and the solid waxte collection franchise agreements. PREPARED aY: ~ e/~ -/~ -/ ~/' REVIEWEDB _ . _ . . Date DWR:dr ATTACHMENT NO. 1 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA SOLID WASTE MANDATORY PROGRAM OVERVIEW MARCH 25, 1997 The solid waste mandatory program in Collier County began with the adoption of Ordinance 90-30 and the award of two hauler (franchisee) contracts for the unincorporated area of the County. Ordinance 90-30 has had four (4) minor modifications since inception and one major modification. The major modification provided for residential customers billed by the County (single family up to and including four-plexes) to be billed as a non-ad valorem special assessment on the annual tax bill. Growth patterns as well as collection and disposal practices have changed, considerably, over time. In the past few years, staff has ident;'fied several concepts built into the initial ordinance that are no longer valid considering the dynamics of growth. The attached report discusses on a summary level certain concepts that are subject to review and possible change if the Board provides direction to staff to retool the mandatory ordinance. They are: · Eliminate the commercial residential billing category. All residential units would be billed on the tax roll. · Consider billing of guest houses. ,, Consider a tiered rate structure based on generation rates. BACKGROUND There are two classes of residential collection and disposal under the existing ordinance and hauler contracts..They are franchise residential and comrr,.~rcial residential. Basically, the distinction between the two classes is the number of residential units in a building. Four (4) units and down are classified as franchise residential. Collection and disposal cc3ts are collected by the County. The County pays the hauler for collection costs and disposal is a pass-through (no charge at the landfill). Five (5) units and up in a building are classir'~ as commercial residential. Collection and disposal costs are collected by the hauler. The hauler pays the County monthly based on scalehouse tonnage for commercial residential disposal costs. Theoretically, four units per structure and down to single family residents should receive curbside service, Five units and up should receive dumpster service. However, the subdivision regulations do not require or enforce this distinction. Hundreds of property associations have come into existence in the past few years. They contract with the hauler for the commercial residential classification service. The properties managed by the associations include a mixture of both classes (franchise residential and commercial residential). There are approximately 55,000 residential units in the franchise residential classification, There are approximately 60 to 65,000 units in the commercial residential classification. Growth patterns and solid waste service dynamics have evolved over time. The solid waste mandatory ordinance and franchise contracts have remained static. Some of the more significant issues concerning billing, guest houses, and pass- through disposal are discussed in the next few pages. JAY:pc -2- Present Ordinance Billing Structure B_iliinq Pararneter~ (as defined in the ordinance) County bills all 4-plexes and below regardless of type of service (curbside pick-up vs dumpster). Franchisee bills all 5-plexes and above regardless of type of service (see above). Inherit ~roblem.~ with current bi!!inc~ structure Current system is no longer suitable for contemporary subdivision development and property management associations. · 4-plex * Duplex 'Tri-plex 6-plex 9-plex County bills County bills County bills Franchisee Franchisee Bills Bills Dum $ er Service Franchisee bills associations (which includes duplexes, tri-plexes and 4-plexes) for dumpster service, however County bills the structures marked with asterisks. Customer often are charged twice and the association must credit those units thai fall within the County billing structure. Curbs. ldo Service County bills asterisked properties at current rate ($107.30/yr.) and each property receives two (2) trash pick-ups, 1 recycling pick-up and 1 yard waste pick-up on a weekly basis. -3- Franchisee bills the remaining propedies at $8.94/month ($107.30/yr.) and each property receives two (2) trash pick-ups weekly. Franchisee also bills $.92/week ($11.04/yr.) for recycling and the property does not receive yard waste pick-ups. t RESEARCHING WHO TO BILL UNDER CURRENT SYSTEM Staff must determine how many units are in each building, what type of service (curbside or dumpster) and if the Franchisee or County is going to bill thE; unit. To research the above situation the following must be done: a) Site development plans must be reviewed; b) Visits to the property must be made; and c) Staff must determine who is the head of the association or who property manager. the The above steps are very time consuming. In 1996 the BCC approved the purchase of a software system (The Mainline Corporation) that is capable of billing units by using the Property Appraiser's classifications of building structures. The system is easy to use and capable of making what used to be mostly manual, all electronic. However, under the current ordinance this software system cannot function to its complete abilities. Staff is constantly adding or deleting properties in order to follow the ordinance. Staff cannot determine from the software system what is the correct billing scenario. They must actually visit the site. This software can be utilized to its full ability if the county bills all units on the non-ad valorem podion of the tax bill. Staff performs the above research in order not to bill a customer twice (once by franchisee and once by county) and to insure all units are bilJed. Staff completed 9000 changes to the roll this year in order to comply with the ordinance and to ensure customers were billed correctly. This could be eliminated with a change in the ordinance. Guest Houses: Under the current ordinance guest houses are exempt from solid waste assessments. In 1996 after the new billing system for solid waste was installed, staff inspected many properties with guest houses. During conversation with the occupants of these units, staff found most were occupied all year round. Staff feels these units should be assessed for solid waste service because they are generating waste and not assessed for either collection or disposal. However, the waste is still going into the landfill. -4- PASS THROUGH DISPOSAL AT THE LANDFILLS PROBLEM: In many areas, the waste of franchise residential customers is picked up with commercial residential service trucks. HOW: Happens when franchise residential customers are serviced by a dumpster (not curt)side) and are in the area of commercial residential dumpster service. WHY: The hauler felt it was more economical to use one truck to service, the area, than to send two trucks. VVhen a truck comes to the scale the franchise residential waste is scaled into the commercial waste category and the hauler is billed for it at the end of each month. The hauler still fells it is more economical to pay the disposal cost on, what would normally be a pass-through under the category franchise residential, than to send two trucks to the same area. OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY PROBLEM: The waste of commercial residential customers is picked up with franchise residential trucks. HOW: When a commercial residential customer is receiving curbside service and is in the area of curbside franchise residential customers. WHY: Same as above. When a truck comes to the scale the commercial residential waste is scaled in the franchise residential category and is a pass-through. The money for this category comes from the mandatory garbage assessment. However, because the customer is considered commercial and billed by the franchisee, no payment is received for this waste by the County. In a nutshell, some commercial residential waste is collected and disposed of in the franchise residential category and is a pass-through; and some franchise residential waste is collected and disposed of in the commercial waste category and is billed to the franchisee. Staff estimates the cost of this process to the County and bills the hauler for this estimated cost. The question is how many units are there on both sides? The hauler has been supplying this number on a monthly basis. Recently, County staff began researching who the hauler is billing and what services they are billing. Staff has identified numerous discrepancies. -5- The hauler feels it is losing money on this process. County staff feels the County is losing money. There is no definitive method to calculate how often and where this occurs. This problem can be solved in one of two ways: 1) Enforce the use of two trucks, one for franchise residential and one for commercial residential, or 2) The County bills all units and all residential disposal is a pass-through. -6- COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DISPOSAL RATES When the current ordinance and contracts were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, the disposal rates for commercial residential dumpster service were calculated with 100% of the waste stream being hauled to the landfill. Since that time multi-family recycling has been implemented. Approximately 30% of the waste stream is now recycled. The disposal rates have never been adjusted to reflect the waste stream reduction. Staff visited Lee County, who recent;y re-bid their contracts, and obtained a copy of their waste stream study. The study was prepared by Malcolm Pimie. Waste collection for single family homes to 4-plexes equaled 1.02 tons/unit/year. For structures above a 4-plex and trailers the generation rate equals .8/tons/uniVyear. Staff is recommending Collier County utilize the study from Lee County or seek their own study to establish a realistic and equitable rate structure. Attached is an analysis of the potential savings residential customers. Fifty-three (53) samples associations were used in developing the data base. to five (5) units and up of existing multi-family The analysis compares the existing rates to a rate based on the generation rate identified in the Malcolm Pirnie study for Lee County. Although the Malcolm Pirnie study identified only a generation rate for disposal it follows that both cost of collection and disposal are less for structures that are 5- plexes and up. The comparison assumes a 78% reduction in both collection and disposal rates. Savings to customers would be greater if the rates were also reduced for a horticultural factor. -7- 0 0 CD C:D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 U') 0 ~"~ CD 0 CD 0 ~0 ..J _ Z EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL OF FUNDING OPTIONS FOR CONCEPTUAL DESIGNISTREETSCAPE PLAN ADOPTED MARCO ISLAND MASTER PLAN. PREPARATION OF ITIE COMPONENT OF THE ~ Obtain Board approval of funding options to support the cost (S150,000) of preparing the Conceptual Design/Streetscape Plan for the Marco Island community. CONSIDERATIONS; On November 12, 1996 [under Agenda Item No. 12 (A) I], the Board adopted the Marco Island Master Plan with minor amendments, and directed malt' to finalize recommendations in the future on funding options for preparation of the Conceptual Design/Streetscape Plan (hereinafter "Conceptual Plan"). The estimated cost for OCPM Staff to prepare the Conceptual Plan, as previously reported to the Board, is $150,000 but is not presently budgeted. In consideration that Objective V.3 of the Marco Island Master Plan states that "24 miles of roads identified on the Marco Island Facility Map will be modified to correct existing deficiencies .... ", staff recommends that the Board obligate the County to accept a proportional cost responsibility of the total $150,000 Conceptual Plan expenditure. The listing below summarizes elements of the Conceptual Plan along with recommended areas of cost responsibility by Collier County for public facilities. (;oncep!ual Plan Element, Recommended Cost Resr, onsibilitv 1. Storm drainage system 2. Median placement and width 3. Median landscaping 4. Pedestrian crossings 5. Right and left turn lanes 6. Street trees and street landscaping 7. Sanitary Sewer and reclaimed water lines 8. Street lighting (architectural) 9. Streetscape furnishings, etc. 10. Signals and intersections Collier County Collier County Marco Island Collier County Collier County Marco Island '"Collier County Marco Island Marco Island Collier County * See Fiscal Impact Section There will be a much higher dedicated cost of preparing the Conceptual Plan for transportation, drainage and utility elements than for the landscape and streetscape elements simply due to differing manpower requirements. Staff recommends that the Board approve a proportionate fair share cost responsibility of 65% by Collier Count5' (or $97,500) and 35% (or $52,500) by the Marco Island community. / Executive Summary Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT; The Board is requested to consider/approve the following fmading sources to support the estimated $150,000 project cost. Road Construction District 1, Fund 102: $97,500 MSTD General Fund 111: $52,500 ....... or alternatively the Board may direct that Marco Island's fair cost responsibility of $52,500, or the to~2.1 amount of $150,000, be secured through the creation of a new/special MSTU. It is noted that since the Conceptual Plan involves and is limited to a preliminary assessment of private and/or public utilities within/along transportation corridors fi.om a roa,'tway design and construction perspective, no support funding is being requested from the utility owners such as the Collier County Water-Sewer District. B.r, da ~re mtly GB~.OWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Marco Island Ma$ter Plan is a separate element of the Growth Management Plan, and includes a separate Marco Island Future Land Use Map and a Future Traffic Circulation Map. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve use of Road Construction District 1 Fund 102 for Collier County's cost obligation of $97,500 for the Marco Island Conceptual Plan, and direct staff to use either MSTD General Fund 111 for the remaining cost of $52,500 or to process creation of a new/special MSTU for der/ving the necessary rev~.~ ~pprov~ the necessary budget ~ts. · Vl,qffi~ir A. Ry~:iw, PIE., P/I~_P~ j g O ffi ,c~¢,,o f Capital J?[~a~gement REVIEWED BY' ~/ -~~/'"~ ~')'~ ~ Date: i7']}~ ' Adolfo A. Gg/.nzalez, P.E.,,3Dir~e~or / Ed I1 schner, ~Admir~i strator Public Works Division pi~ffe'{ xs urn$ rrc¢ t'rt~reorrmst c'rpl EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER WITH BETTER ROADS, INC. FOR STORM SEW'ER REMEDIAL WORK FOR THE RATTLESNA.K~ tlAMMOCK ROAD FOUR LANING PROJECT, BID NO. 95.. 2441 ~: Board approval of change order authority lo expedite corrective act:ions to known and potential storm sewer pipe failures. CONSIDERATIONS: Recent inspections of on-going construction activities for s'torm sewer pipe systems have revealed some pipe failures. Staffand the project consul~nt are presently concluding an assessment of: (1) the extent of failuces which require pipe replacement and/or repair; (2) probable reasons for failures and repairs; (3) probabl,.- multi-party cost responsibilities; (4) the construction means and methods employed; (5) the original design engineering and material specifications; and (6) final costs of necessary remedial work. There are approximately 15-18 cross drain locations under evaluation, approximating a maximum pipe replacement and/or repair length of 1,350 lineal feet, with pipe sizes varying between 15 inch and 30 inch equivalent round pip{:. At the junction of County Bean Road, approximately 90 feet of 54 inch equivalent rotmd pipe will need to be replaced. Probable construction cost estimates for pipe repair/replacement work vary between the range ors185,000 to $285,000. Time is of the essence in undertaking several critical/known pipe replacements in view of public safety and schedule impacts. I~{SCAL IMPACT: Board approval of storm sewer remedial work shall result in change order No. 6 for the project. The maximum anticipated expenditure of $285,000 is available from Fund 313(gasoline tax),! 63673, project 65021(Rattlesnake Hammock Road) and Fund 338 (Road impact fee District 6), 163650, project 65021 (Rattlesna.ke Hammock Road Four Laning). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This CIE Project No. 017 is consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. I~ECQMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: (1) Approve construction change order No. 6 in the maximum expenditure amount of $285,000 for Rattlesnake Hammock Road storm sewer remedial work; (2)Authorize and direct the OCPM director to prepare and execute change order No. 6 v;ith Better Roads, In .;~' ....., --,.,.-, -- Executive Summary Page 2 June 17, 1997 (3) Direct staffto conclude its technical and cost responsibility assessments and to present a follow-up report ofthe findings and recommen&,tion to the Board; and, (4) Authorize staff to issue a Work Directive Order(s) to Ben(:r Roads, Inc. for critical storm sewer remedial work in the ~t .l~ablic _s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s~fety or cost nelotiatiorus so warrant. Vladimir A. Ryziw, P.E., PMP, Proj'-'~-cltff~ager H Date/ Office o ~,~apital P,roi .,~. ts Management Adolfo A. 60 zatez, P.E., Director' Date Office of Capi/~P~,, s Management Ed ~lsc~m e~', ~ dm~ni strat or Date: Public Works Division David F. Bobanick, Interim Director, Transportation Services Richard J. Hellriegel, P.E., Sr. Proj. Mngr., OCPM ExsumkRatllesnakePipes.doc Date Submioxl 6/1 g/97 Requested Agenda ~ 6/24/97 Agcnda Rcm # item Title: Rtqucst Board approval ofa D~:vcloper Contribution A~t with CorraTm'cial Devcloprncnt Company fo~ a l-,xl donation for a ~gment of thc futm~ eagt-west segment of Livingxton Road in North Naple~ (ADD-ON) ~ of DocumentJ Attached: !. Exccutivc ,';urmrary (required) 3. Sketch of Subject Land Donation 5. 2. Location Map 4. Proposed Developer Contn'bution Agrt~ment JUN 2 1 97 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL OF A DEVELOPER CONTRIBUI'ION AGREEMENT WITH COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY FOR A LAND DONATION FOR A SEGMENT OF THE FUTURE EAST-WEST SEGMENT OF LIVINGSTON ROAD IN NORTH NAPLES OBJECTIVE: To gain Board approval of a Developer Contribution Agreement between Commercial Development Company and Collier County for a parcel of land for roadway right-of-way for the future east- west segment of Livingston Road lying immediately east of CR g87 (Old 41 Road) and immediately north of Landmark Estates Subdivision. CONSIDERATIONS: Commercial Development Company (the "Developer") is the owner of about 42 acres located as shown on the attached location map (Attachment No. I). The Developer is presently in the process of obtaining approvals for the development of this land into an industrial park. The site has been zoned and a Preliminary Subdivision Plat has been received by the County for review. The Livingston Road project in North Naples will include a roadway beginning at US 41 (SR 45) and running easterly to the vicinity of 1-75. The Developer has indicated a willingness to donate a strip of land along his southern boundary (Attachment No. 2) in exchange for road impact fee credits. Ordinance 92-22, as amended, the Collier County Road Impact Fee Ordinance, provides for such road impact fee credits as a way of perm itting the County to assemble necessary right-of-way parcels without the necessity of paying immediate funds "out-of-pocket". FISCAL IMPACT; The attached Agreement (Attachment No. 3) provides for a road impact fee credit in the mnount of $717,970.00 (about $4.16 per SF for 172,498 SF). In the proposed Agreement, Item 10 addresses the I)eveloper's ability to assign all or part of the road impact fee credit either to other projects of the Developer within the same Road Impact Fee District or to another developer within the same district. This provision is somewhat different from the standard agreement provision the County has incorporated into other Developer Contribution Agreements. Recently, the County Attorney's Office has requested that the standard agreement provision constrain the Developer to assign credits only to other projects under his direct control. GROW"TH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Livingston Road project is shown as pan of the County's long- range arterial roadway network. Approval of this proposed Agreement would be consistent with the Goals. Objectives and Policies of the Growth Management Plan. F'ECOMMENDATIONS,,,.,.-....-..-.., .-..-: That the Board approve the attached~veloper Contribution Agreement; authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement ~.~hal~' of~B~thorize Staff to process the appropriate I~'REPARED BY: - ~/U~~,.~- . ~ DATE: ~4 REVII"WED BY: ~~.~~~-~'~'~~ DATE: ~/t~. ~*'/~'~~ ' DATE' D~vid F. Bobanick, Interim Transportatiol1' Services Director REVIEWED BY: Ed Ilschncr, Public Works Administmator DATE: At~cachments: No.1 - Location Map No.2 - Sketch of Subject Land Donation No.3 - Proposed Developer Contribution Agreement 0 /Jo. ~ )J~. Z // / DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPER CONTRIZB~ON AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered into th. is ~ day of , 1997 by and between COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "County") whose mailing address is Administration Building, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 34112, and COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, its successors and assigns (hereinafter referred to as "Developer") whose mailing address 5150 North Tamiami Trail, Suite 301, Naples, Florida 34104. RECITALS: WHEREAS, Developer is the sole record title holder of the real property (the "Property") located in the unincorporated area of Collier County, Florida, presently zoned for industrial uses, said Property being de:scribed in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, Developer represents that no obligation or undertaking hereunder is barred or prohibited by any contractual agreement with any other person or entity; and WHEREAS, County is desirous of making improvements and expansions to Livingston Road right- of-way along the Property's southern boundary, for which the County has requested that additional right- of-way be dedicated by the Developer, said dedication of a portion of the Property being more completely described and depicted in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Contribution"); and W~ '-IEREAS, County Road Impact Fee Ordinance No. 92-22, as amended, requires that the value of the Contribution shall be based upon an appraisal of market value of the Contribution; and WHEREAS, the County and Developer have caused the market value of the Contribution to be appraised; and /Jo. 3 WHEREAS, Developer will be submitting petitions to the County for Subdivision Master Plan and Pla! approval for the Property; and WHEREAS, both pm-ties to this Agreement acknowledge that the Road Impact Fee Credits established under this Agreement shall run with the Property, shall be assignable to any other property or any other developer of a land development project in the Cot,nty's Road Impact Fee District One, and shall be reduced by the amount of the Road Impact Fee due for each building permit issued thereon, until all such Credit has been exhausted; and WHEREAS, both parties to this Agreement acknowledge Road Impact Fee Credits shall be a credit only against Road Impact Fees, and that such Credits shall not offset, diminish or reduce any other charges, fees or other impact fees for which Developer is responsible in connection with the development of the Property; and WHEREAS, such proposed plan is in conformity with contemplated improvements and additions to the transportation network; and WHEREAS, such proposed plan, viewed in conjunction with other existing or proposed plans, will not adversely impact the cash flow or liquidity of any Road Impact Fee Trust Account in such a way as to frustrate or interfere with other planned or ongoing growth necessitated capital improvements and additions lo the transportation network; and WHEREAS, such proposed plan, viewed in conjunction with other existing or proposed plans, will not create a detrimental imbalance between the arterial and collector roadways; and WHEREAS, the proposed plan is consistent with the public interest; and WHEREAS, both parties to this Agreement acknowledge that the failure of this Agreement to address any permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve either party, or their successors, of 2 the necessity of complying with any law, ordinance, rule or regulation governing said permitting requirements, conditions, terms or restrictions; and WHEREAS, both parties to this Agreement acknowledge that the burdens and benefits of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the successors in interest to the parties to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, both parties to this Agreement acknowledge that this Agreement is not to be construed as a development agreement under the Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act. WlTNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and respective undertakings of the parties hereinafter set forth and the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($I0.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby mutually acknowledged, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: The above recitals are true and correct and are herewith incorporated as a part of this Agreement. 2. The Developer has the right to convey the Contribution, and at closing there will be no other person or entity who has any right in the aforesaid Contribution. The Developer knows of no defects in title of the Contribution and has identified any lienholders having any lien or encumbrance affecting the Contribution. The Developer will be authorized to convey title to the Contribution. Developer agrees to convey the Contribution and County agrees that any right-of-way drainage shall be placed within the Contribution. 3. The Developer has provided a title certificate reflecting the record title holder of the Property and identified any lienholders having any lien or encumbrance affecting the Contribution. .............. - .......... --'-- 1 ........... I I ........... I ¢. The Developer shall not encumber or convey any portion of the Contribution or any fights therein, nor enter into any agreements granting any person or entity any rights with respect to the Contribution or any part thereof, without first obtaining the written consent of the County to such conveyance, encumbrance or agreement. 5. The Developer shall convey to the County via Warranty Deed and free of all liens and encumbrances, the Contribution, more particularly described in Exhibit "B". Developer shall also provide County with an attorney's oppinion. County shall be responsible for all recording costs. This Agreement shall be effective on the date it is executed by said Developer and the County. 7. Upon recording of deed, the County hereby agrees to grant to Developer Road Impact Fee Credits pursuant to Collier County Ordinance 92-22, as amended, for the fair market value of the Contributi:on acreage described herein and in the amount set forth in Paragraph 8 hereof. 8. Upon recording of deed, the Developer shall be entitled to a Road Impact Fee Credit in the amount of Seven Hundred Seventeen Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy and no/100 Dollars ($717,970.00); however, the obligation of Developer to perform under this Agreement is expressly contingent upon and subject to the County's approval of a Subdivision Master Plan and Plat mutually acceptable to the Developer and to the County for the Property. Failure of this contingency of County approvals shall discharge and release Developer of any obligation or liability under this Agreement. 9. Upon recording of the deed, until the balance of the Road Impact Fee Credit has been reduced to :~ero (0), or until seven years after the date of recording of the Conveyance instruxnent from the Developer, the County shall apply portions of the Road Impact Fee Credit toward the Road Impact Fees which the Developer is required to pay for each building permit which is applied for on the 14. Developer shall be entitled to maintain one separat,.' construction access point at a location determined by Developer and approved by the County along Livingston Road. Said access point shall be closed upon the earlier of availability of an alternate access point or internal subdivision roadway, or two (2) years from the date of recording of the Deed for the Contribution. 15. Developer acknowledges that the donations or contributions contemplated under the agreement shall be construed and characterized as work done and property rights acquired by a highway or road agency for the improvement of a road within the boundaries of a right-of-way. 16. County shall record this Agreement in the Public: Records of Collier County, Horida, within fourteen (14) days of its execution by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. 17. Either party to this Agreement may file an action for injunctive relief in the: Cimuit Court of Collier County, Florida, to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, said remedy being cumulative with any and all other remedies available to the parties for enforcement of the Agreement. 18. This Agreement may be amended or canceled only by the mutual consent of the parties to the Agreement or by their successors in interest. 1.9. This written Agreement, including all exhibits attached hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and there are no prior to contemporaneous written or oral agreements, understandings, promises, warranties or covenants not contained herein. 2.0. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all such counterparts together shall constitute but one Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County and the Developer have caused this Developer Contribution Agreemt:nt to be signed on the day and year first written above. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THt; PRESENCE OF: ~.o { -7. ~d/Se,~,- Prin~l or Typed Name Printed or Typed Name ./ Printed or Typed Name President, Executive Deve].opment Corp., a general partner Title STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER (Affix Seal) The foregoing Developer Contribution Agree!l~ent was acknowledged before me this ...0re 5/fi day of ~Y~ t~ , 1997, by Pill~In ~,,'~//,=,, asa~ ~atr~c4'on b~l~;of~'dmmercml Development Company. lfte~ is personally l~nown to Signa~ri of Notary h[blic.. Printed Name of Notary Publ~ NOTARY PUBLIC ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Deputy Clerk Approvexl as to form and legal suflicienc~ .... tteidi F. Ashton A~t County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Timothy L. Hancock Chairmm~ 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECO/~¥1ENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE THE PARKS CAPITAL PLANNING REPORT AND THE "CREATION OF NEIGHBORIIOOD PARKS" POLICY, AND DIRECT STAFF TO DEVELOP A CONTRACT FOR A NEW UPDA'IED STUDY OF THE PARKS' IMPACT FEES. Objective: That the Board of County Commissioners approve thc Collier County Parks Capital Planning Report and the "Creation of Neighborhood Parks" policy, and direct staff to develop a contract for a new updated study of the parks' impact fees. Considerltion: Regional parks will allow the county to meet its Growth Management Plan (GMP) and help red~ce the park operation budget as supported by the Parks Capital Plan. The Parks Capital Plan proposes the park development strategy for two 200 acre regional parks and the park development strategy for funding oppormr, d6es, proposed locations, operational savings and revenue generation. These regional i~a.,'ks will offer a mixture of both passive and active recreational opportunities by the ye~r 2020. According to thc "Recreation and Open Space Element" of lhe Collier County Grow',.h Management Plan, section IV of the Suppor! document, adopted October, 1997, neighborhood parks stuall be provided primarily by "xhe private sector and the City of Naples with the County's focus on larger pa.rk types." "The Creation of Neighborhood Parks" policy addresses a concept in which the local community will fund their own neighborhood park. Such opportunities include private sector donations, civic association fund raisers and the creation of a Municipal Service Taxing District with the Board of County Commissioners e~s the governing board. Crea',ing such districts would allow the County to focus general funds towards the development of regional parks. Included with the policy is a study of a proposed park site in Golden Gate showing the costs and impact of a neighborhood park on the community. In addition the study illustrates the impact on a community with an existing neighborhood park. 'l"ae Impact Fees For Parks and Recreational Facilities for Collier County, Florida 1~?1 U_txlate study conducted] by Henderson, Young & Company addressed the need of impact fees to construct o~mmtmity parks within the County's Comprehensive Plan. With the current growth management plan's focus of park construction moving from community parks towards regional parks a new impact study is necessary to adjust impact fee assessments. It is recommended that the County Commission direct staffto develop a contract for a new updated study of the parks' impact fees. Fiscal Impact: The impact fee study will cost an estimated $25,000.00. Funds are available in Impact Fee Reserves Fund 345 (Regional Parks). Growth Management: None Recomm,:ndation: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Collier CounW Parks Capital Planning Report and the "Creation of Neighborhood Parks" policy, and direct staff to deve.ln~n a contract for I Agend~ new upda'ted study of the parks' impact fees. I #o I [ JUN Z L_Pg· ~'ohr]~unnuck, Op~t~ons Coordinator Department of Parks and Recreation Approved by: ~a~la Rams~y;fDirecto/r/ Departmenl of' Parks and Recreation Reviewed and Approved by: ~-~__-c~. ~1 _ Thomas W. Olliff, Adr~i~strator Division of Public Services Date: Date: Date: O- \o - cc-/ COLLIER COUNTY PARKS CAPITAL PLANNING REPORT Prepared Slay 14, 1997 By: Collier Count)' Parks and Recreation Depa~u.ent 3300 Santa Barbara Boulevard Naples, Florida 34116 (941) 353-0404 and Jeff Moore Landscape .~'chitecture 2017 River Reach Drive Naples, Florida 34104 (941) 643-3696 COLrNTY PARK HISTORY In 1982 Collier County began its Parks Department in earnest with the passage of a bond issue to develop five area community parks. Since that time, the County adopted a Grow'th Management Plan (GMP) that included both Recreation and Open Space and Capital Improvement Elements, and separate impact fees for Community and Regional Parks. With these tools, the County has made great strides in providing parks and recreational activities to keep pace with county gro~'th and public demand. The park system whose new construction is fully funded by impact fees now includes neighborhood parks such as Aaron Lutz Park in Golden Gate City, community parks such as Frank Mackle Park on Marco Island and regional or beach parks such as Barefoot Beach Preserve in the northern end of the County. Each of these types of parks serves the community in different ways. As indicated above the County park system has three different park categories to meet the differing needs throughout the county. There are typically four different park types which are defined as follows: Neighborhood parM: A park generally less than five (5) acres in size, with a service area of the residents in that immediate vicinity. A neighborhood park is within walking or biking distance of the persons that it serves and usually includes playground 'ir~ment, basketball courts, benches and picnic tables. Cornrour~i~ Parks; A park of approximately thirty (30) acres in size with a service area that encompassing a three (3) mile radius and is considered a 'drive to" park. The purpose of a community park is to provide organized recreational activities for the community. The park may include basketball and tennis courts, softball, little league, and baseball fields, football/soccer fields, playground equipment, picnic areas, roller hockey rinks, and community centers. District Park: A park of approximately 50 to 100 acres in size with a service area that encompasses a 25 mile radius. This park type is generally active in nature designed with multiple ball fields, multiple courts, and large picnic areas. This venue is designed to be able to handle not only the day to day league activities of a community, but to provide for both local and larger invitational type tournaments. Regional park: A park of roughly 200 acres or more. A regional park is intended to provide recreational services to an area of 25 miles. The primary purpose of a regional park as originally contemplated within the GMP was to provide an opportunity for passive recreation. A regional park would contain walking trails, open space, lakes or streams, picnicking areas, environmental preserves, and possibly garden areas. A beach park was also considered to be a regional park as it provided passive recreation, and due to limited resource would naturally draw from all of the non-coastal areas of the County. J ,JUN Z e ' 997 SHORTFALLS OF THE EXISTING COUNTY PARK SYSTEM. A park "system" is just that, it is a system of parks that are not only well dispersed throughout a community but consists of different types of parks that meet the variety of different recreational needs of a community. The current park facility inventory is good in terms of its geographic coverage, but is limited to a very specific type of recreation need and does not provide the variety of park types necessary to be called a true system. The system is lacking in the following types of parks. 1. REGIONAL PAKKS/PAS$IVE RECREATION: According to the Collier County Demographic and Economic Profile (published January 1996), 44% of the County's population is over 45 years of age. The renalting demand for passive recreation is both large, and largely unmet, as the current park inventory provides very little in the way of passive recreation opportunities. What little green space is available within the existing community parks is under a great deal of pressure to be paved into new courts or developed into some other type of active amenity. An estimated 5% or twelve (12) acres of the community park system that was remaining passive green space is either in the process of or will within a year be converted to active recreation areas. Pressure will continue to turn ever)' available square foot of park owned land into '~oped and "usable" space. Although the regional park originally conceived and required under the plan wax one that would have matched the definition provided above, there has been no concerted effort to actual purchase land or develop any such park. This lack of activity stems from two causes; a GMP amendment, and an underestimated need for beach park and parking improvements in the original plan. A. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT: The GMP provides for a level of service (LOS) standard of 2.9412 acres of regional park land per 1,000 persons living in the County. Since adoption of the plan, that adopted LOS has created a need for 624 acres of regional park land to meet the current population (657 acres in FY 1998). To avoid having a general fund obligation to purchase 486 acres which was the "deficit" amount of acreage upon plan adoption and an ongoing obligation of approximately 30 acres of new land annually, the County amended the plan by adding all of the beach property and state park lands in the County to its regional park inventory (see Attachment A) . This automatically infused the County's regional park inventory with 1649 acres of land, immediately resulting in a surplus of 1572 acres in regional park land, satisfying the level of service requirement for roughly 50 years. Agendo. It~ No. ,~¢~-~ / Parks and Recreation. Regional Park Acres 'PARK ACRES PARK ACRES PARK ACRES SURPLUS FISCAL YEAR REQUIRED PLANNED AVAILABLE DEFICIENCY IN CIP 89-90 486 438' 438 -48 90-91 515.8 1649'* 2087 1571.6 91-92 545.1 0 2087 1542.3 92-93 574.5 0 2087 1512.9 93-94 603.9 0 2087 1,$83.5 94-95 633.1 0 2087 1,1.54.3 95-96"* 563 120'"* 2207.3 1 (~,4.3 96-97 592.7 2207.3 1614.6 97-98 623.9 22.703 1583.4 98-99 656.8 2207.3 1550.5 99-00 691.4 2207.3 1515.9 00-01 718.9 2207.3 1488.4 2001-2002 738.6 22073 1,4.68.7 2002-2003 758.8 2207.3 1,4-48.5 z003-2004 779.6 2207.3 1427.7 2004-2005 800.9 2207.3 14 06.4 2005-2006 821.5 2207.3 1385.8 Beach Parks Added State Parks Added Population projection revision from University of Flodda - Bureau of Business and Economic Research Sugden Regional Park While this plan satisfied requirements on paper, it did not provide the regional park that the Sub-Committee for Recreation and Open Space, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the Citizen's Advisory Committee, the Planning Commission and the County Commission had originally indicated was a desired amenity for this community. B. BEACH PARKING: The original GMP under estimated the demand, need and cost for additional beach parking and beach park improvements. In fact, beach parking spaces were not even included in types of facilities that should be considered in developing the initial level of service standards. However because of the amendment to the plan described above and the resulting removal of a requirement fo: a true 4 NO.~ JUN 2 ~ 1997 Pg. region.] park, funds were made available to put toward beach park improvements. The high cost of acquiring new beach front property demanded that attention be focused on maximizing the existing properties that were already County owned. As a result, over the last five years, the Count9, has added 314 beach parking spaces, (an increase of 28 %), and spent $1,569,000 on beach park or parking construction. With an annual regional park revenue stream of S500,000 to $700,000 annually there was little revenue available even should a regional park have been considered. 2. TOURNAMENT FACILFITES AND ADDITIONAL FIELDS, Collier Coun~,'s Parks Department currently either organizes or provides field and court facilities for 43 different sporting leagues (see attachment B). With the exception of tennis, Collier County's facilities do not allot- for any extensive tournament play, wkich forces all local teams to go outside of the County for most any tournament or post season play. This also prevents local parents and followers from being able to attend and participate in these events without traveling out of town. r %uth Soccer, fields are used on Saturdays from 8 am through 5 pm with games schtduled on the hour on all of the 4 fields at the Vineyards. During that season, there are approximately 109 teams between youth and adult leagues that are using County fields. In order to accommodate the practices needed for these teams, every field in every County park is scheduled between 3 pm and 9 pm every day, and teams are also using the facilities at East Naples Middle School, Pine Ridge Middle School and Oak Ridge Middle School. This same type of situation is encountered with adult softball, little league, and women's tennis. The Department is regularly in the position of receiving requests from groups of people interested in starting new leagues which cannot be accommodated within the County's sTstem because fields or courts are just not available. .3. ,~.N UN-MET DEMAND FOR NEIGH'BORHOOD PAR.KS: While the GMP and subsequent Commission decisions have supported a policy that would not have the County building or maintaining new neighborhood parks, there is clearly a public demand for this type of 'walk to" park. Requests have been received in only the last two years from residents or neighborhoods in Golden Gate, Marco Island, Naples Manor, Golden Gate Estates, East Naples, Vanderbilt Beach, North Naples and Copeland for neighborhood parks. Further, because the County is bisected by major arterial roadways, the community parks are accessible to very few pedestrians or bicyclists. Veteran's, Golden Gate, and Vineyards in particular are accessible to veu' small populations without driving. JUN Z ,! 199/ ............... Ilmll I ........ ! PROPOSED PARK DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 1. REGIONAL PAR.K: The current park plan is driven by the GMP and as far as maintaining a level of service for the population, the plan has worked. The impact fees have allowed the County to provide new facilities for the population, but is the plan providing the right facilities for Collier County today? In order to be as efficient as possible with the funds available, a single park may be used to meet the demand for not only the originally desired regional park, but for more athletic fields and a tournament type facility as well. By combining these three demands onto a single location, the County will be able to reduce the operating costs associated with either a proliferation of community park~ or ~eparate district and regional facilities. A report prepared by the Parks Department entitled Mission (prepared 12/12/96, attachment C) indicates that 2 regional parks when compared to the same number of community parks that would be required to meet the same LOS would cost $1,000,000 less per year to operate. In addition, a single park that would be designed to combine a large passive area along r: !e tournament type athletic fields would allot' the public greater flexibility in being ..: ;o participate in any number of different D'pe activities at a one location. When looking at possible property purchases, State grant funding is much more readily available for the purchase of areas that would be used for passive recreation, and preser-,'e or green space, significantly reducing the initial purchase price. In addition, a property that is 40% - 50% undevelopable by normal construction standards due to environmental constraints, would be expected to have a lower average price per acre than other prime property that is $$% - 90% developable. Property that is considered as undevelopable in the construction industry is often desired property for p.nsive recreation opportunities. Finally, in addition to meeting several recreational demands, larger multipurpose regional parks can provide communities with additional tourism dollars and opportunities. Communities with sports complexes generate an estimated revenue of $25,,300 to $$0,000 per sports event in tourism dollars (see Attachment DI and D2 ). 2, N~EIGI-iBORHOOD PARKS. The policy of not providing neighborhood parks, while reducing operating co,ts, is not satisfying a large segment of the recreation customer. The current ~tem simply denies the opportunity to have future neighborhood parks or causes the County to acquiesce as in the case of the Naples Manor Tot Lot dedicated to the children who were killed in the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing. Rather than continue with such a system, it is proposed that neighborhood parks should be looked at as a higher level of sen'ice, or a park amenity that is beyond the base level of service provided by the County. A standardized method for creating Age~d~ JUN neighborhood park MSTDs may be developed that would provide communities that desired to have a tach a park with a simplified instruction packet, and County assistance to enable the construction of such parks. The County would provide the construction, the on going maintenance, and a standardized schedule of equipment replacement. The benefiting neighborhood in return would pay through an MSTU for the costs of these services in addition to their normal property tax. This has worked well for the Golden Gate community that desired a specialized community center and which since constructed has been successfully operated and fully supported by the benefiting residents for 22 years. As an example of this on a neighborhood park scale, a look at the proposed property that is currently being considered for a neighborhood park in Golden Gate make~ for a typical candidate. The property is five (5) acres in size and has a taxable value of $77,9~. Using the definition of neighborhood parks the benefiting area is approximately one and one half square miles with a taxable value of $ 79,617,988. The estimated cost to construct the park is $463,~, with annual maintenance exlx~ of $34,400. Assuming as with most MSTDs that the initial construction fmading is t-orrowed, a term of no longer than the anticipated life of the equipment is mggested . .wenty )'ears. Given current interest rates, the annual debt service, maintenance costs and an annual reserve for future equipment replacements, the annual corn would be $71,600. This would require a millage rate of approximately .9 of one rm~I1. A proposed policy that reflects this method for allowing, and f~ci~ fmmre neighborhood parks is shown see attachment In addition to providing for an established funding mechanism for parks, an ability to fund a multipurpose regional park would recraire rev/~m to existing County park impact fee ordinances. The current ordinanc-e~ are m-ucruxed that two thirds of the funding (approximately $1.6M annually) is received and dedicated to community park construction and one third (approximately annually) for regional parks. Most counties with park impact fees in HoNda have a single park impact fee that allows the flexibility to meet the needs of the park system wherever the County Commission determines them to be. In order to revise the existing ordinances, an impact fee study would be required that would develop a revised level of service and the factual basis that would allow the County to adopt a single impact fee. An estimate of this study has been obtained and would be expected to cost $25,000. According to the current ordinances, impact fees can be used to pay for such a study. Any such plan or fee revision would be expected to include some consideration of beach paring which was conspicuously absent from the original plan. In order to obtain property for a regional park in a location that would best serve the public, waiting to accumulate the funds would not be recommended even under a . 7 JUN ~ q 1991 revised impact fee. Borrowing against future impact fees is an acceptable practice and is what has been done historically and out of necessity to fund library expansions in the face of exploding public demand. A second option would be to fund the regional park through a bond issue similar to the one adopted for the original community park construction. The County's budget policy requires that the County not exceed a maximum ratio of total general government debt service to bondable revenues from current sources of 13%. The current ratio of debt service to bondable revenues from current sources 6.8%. The current parks general obligation bond has $5,936,100 outstanding. The bond ~'as recently refinanced and last year's debt service payments of :$918,485 have been reduced to a budgeted figure of $867,400 in this fiscal year. Using a bond ~ would require a public vote. Putting the issue to the voter is also a good way to gauge the public interest and desire for such a park. Lastly, grants should certainly be included in any thinking about a park project of this rype and size. Preservation 2C;',a0 funds and Flo,,-ida Recreation Developmental ' -sistance Program (FRDAP) funds can be applied for the initial property purchase. 'i ere are very' few if any grant fun& available to assist with the construction portion of any park such as this. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The County has done well in meeting the recreational needs of this growing community. However, it is suggested that to continue to apply funding and effort into additional community parks, may be akin to building more and better buggy whips. The County has cost data that proves that it is efficient, with the county's parks tax dollars, having the lowest maintenance cost per acre of any County in the South Florida area with a developed park systems. However, the current plan for building new facilities may not be as effective as it could be. A continued proliferation of community parks will not meet the complete recreation needs of the community, will cost more than other options in the long run to maintain, does not address the communities need for additional beach parking and does not provide the type of park system originally desired by the citizens who developed the parks system development plan. It is recommended that the County Commission direct staff to develop a new citizen's committee of interested residents, to begin to develop a revised and updated parks level of sec'ice, contract for a neb' update study of the parks impact fees, develop location options for a multipurpose regional park, and return with proposed plan amendments and funding options for County Commission consideration. J U N Z 4, 1997 Attachment A SU~vI~L-kRY OF PARKS AND RECREATION REGIONAL PARKS INVENTORY 9/30/96 (~OLLIER COUNTY ACRES TigertaiI Clam Pass Vanderbilt North Gutfshore Barefoot Beach Preserve Barefoot Beach Access State Beach at Barefoot 951 Boat Ramp Parking Caxambas Bayview South Marco Beach Access Cocohatchee River Park Lake Trafforc' Collier-S~:..:.:'" - State Park Delnor Wiggins State Park Sugden Regional Park TOTAL 31.6 35.0 5.0 .4 186.0 5.0 156.0 .5 4.2 4.2 1.0 6.2 3.2 1,483.0 166.0 120.0 2,207.3 1997 Attachment B LEAGUES USING CObh'IY FACILITIES Teams Flag Football 26 Youth Basketball 16 Naples Youth Soccer- Fall 10 Naples Youth Soccer- Spring 10 Men's Fall Softball 42 lVlen's Church Softball 8 Marco Mini Marathon 25 Roy Hobbs Baseball 2 - aool Days 8 Co-ed Softball 29 Punt Pass Kick I 0 Rugby 2 GG Nat'l Lit'tlc League 48 GG American L. League 32 Gulf Coast Lictle League 18 Babe Ruth League Fall 8 AAU Baseball 6 Naples Roller Hockey 72 CC~3.TA League 20 Naples L League Fall 8 Immokalee Senior League 3 Adult Soccer League 12 Youth Soccer League I0 Volley Bail 8 Cheerleading 14 Optimist Soccer - Fall 72 Optimist Soccer - Spring 24 Collier Youth Football 8 Men's Spring Softball 42 Senior Games 7 Naples Baseball League 2 Broad Affair 2 35 & Over Softball 8 Gulf Coast Adult Soccer 16 Hoop Shoot I 0 Golf 2 GG Nat'l L. League Fall I0 GG American Fall LLeague 12 Babe Ruth League 24 Girls Softball 4 Sunset Optimist T Bail 16 Naples R. Hockey Fall League 72 Naples Little League 47 lmmokalee Little League 19 Pop Warner League 8 Men's Softball League 6 Youth Basketball League 4 10 Attachment C MISSION 2020 The following is a cost comparison for m~,~r,:en~.nce associated with the community, parks versus the regional park concept, lvlainte.~a~'~c-- figures are baaed on a 100 acre parcel. Communiv:' Par'ks: Five parks needed at 35 acres per park. Based on acrua! historical data per commtt.,~i~' park: Personal - l Crew Leader 21,272 3 Maintenance Worker II g! 17,501 52,503 Benefits = 73,775 x 46% 33.9::6 . I07,711 · 'ating - lights, maintenance, supplies, e:c. 105.000 212,711 Capital 500,000 < communiD' parks x 212,'711 = S1,063,555 + $500,000 = 51,563,555 Regional Park: P.~rsonal- I Crew Leader 7 .~laincenance \Vorker II ~ 17.50i Bene'.5:s = 143,779 x 46% 21.2:2 122,507 66.138 209,917 Operating - lighm maintenance, supplies 200.000 409,917 Capital I00,000 One regional park = $509,917 11 Attachment D I ~por!$ Event~ Reverue Generation Coors Light Open Cup Soccer Tournament 2 day event (12 teams / 140 players) held July 1993 at Winged Deer Park, Johnson, Tennessee generated total estimated revenue of $25,000.* (Rollover economic impact of $43,500) e Lighting Soccer Tournament 2 day event (43 teams / 516 players) held August 1994 at Volunteer Park, Spalding County, Georgia generated total estimated revenue of $63,000.* (RoIlover economic impact of $108,990.) 3. e;.a.=ored Swim Meet 2 day event (300 swimmers) held 1989 at Winged Deer Park, Johnson City., Tennessee generated estimated revenue of $80,000.* (Rollover economic impact of $138,400.) 4. Softball Tournament 3 day event (24 teams / 360 players) held 1996 at Mill Creek Regional Park, Statesboro- Bulloch County, Georgia generated total estimated revenue of $43,627.* (Rollover economic impact of $75,474.) 5. Softball Tournament 3 day event (21 teams / 314 players) held 1996 at Mill Creek regional Park, Statesboro- Bulloch County, Georgia generated total estimated revenue of $39,494.* (Rollover economic impact of $68,332.) * Includes lodging, meals, gas, entertainment and registration fees 12 I~o.~ JUN 2 zt 1997 Pg. Attachment D2 ~~~7- -1 I III I III ...... Attachment E COLLIER COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION POLICIES A.ND PROCEDURES MANUAL EFFEC'HVE DATE: SUBJECT: CREATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS PAGE CATEGORY: NUMBER: POE, If" Neil!hborhood Parks created after January 1, 1997, shall be provided primarily by "the private sector and the Cit').' of Naples with the County's focus on larger park t)'pes," as written on page six (6) in the "Recreation and Open Space Element" of the Collier ¢ounv,' Orowth Manaeement Plan. Section IV of the Support document, adopted October, 1997. Municipal Sen'ice Taxing Districts, civic association fundraising or private sector donations ma.,,' be utilized to construct the neighborhood park. An ordinance creating a Municipal Service Taxing District must be created to fully operate and maintain such park, with the Board of County Commissioners as the governing Board. Parties interested in building a neighborhood park must: a) use the follovdng definition of a neighborhood park in order to propose location, size, and service areas of the park: The neighborhood park is less than 5 acres in size with a service area for the residents in that immediate vicinity. The park is within wal'king or biking distance of the homes and usually includes playground equipment, basketball courts, benches and picnic taNes; b) recommend boundaries of the Municipal Service Taxing District according to the local level ofcommunit)' support for the park; c) solicit support either by local homeowners' associations, or local civic associations by receiving a majority aff'm'native vote of the organization; d) present their proposal to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for recommendation; e) present their proposal to Board of County Commissioners; f) If successful, follow steps to create the respective Municipal Sen'ice Taxing District. Park financing and construction would occur following the budgeting of funds. 14 COLLIER COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SUPPLEMENT Puepared May 20, 195'7 By: Dcl~'-ent ofCoRier Cotmty Parks snd Rec~estlon ~ S~u~ Barbara Bo~ ~i)~ COLLIER COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL EFFECTIVE DATE: SUBJECT: CREATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS PAGE CATEGORY: NUMBER: Neighborhood ' '-'3 created after January 1, 1997, shall be provided primarily by "the private sector and the City ofNapi '.: '~,. 'a the County's focus on larger park types," as written on page six (6) in the "Recreation and Open Space Element" of the Collier County Orowlh Moa~agement Pla~n, Section IV of the Support document, adopted October, 1997. Municipal Sen, ice Taxing Districts, civic association fundraising or private sector donations may be utilized to construct the neighborhood park. An ordinance creating a Municipal Service Taxing District must be created to fully operate and mainlain such park, with the Board of County Commissioners as the governing Board. Parties interested in building a neighborhood park must: a) use the following definition of a neighborhood park in order to propose location, size, and service areas of the park: The neighborhood park is less than 5 acres in size with a service area for the residents in that immediate vicinity. The park is within walking or biking distance of the homes and usually includes playground equipment, basketball courts, benches and picnic tables; b) recommend boundaries of the Municipal Service Taxing District according to the local level of community support for the park; c) solicit support either by local homeowners' associations, or local civic associations by receiving a majority affirmativ,~ vote of 1he organization; d) present their proposal to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for recommendation; e) present their proposal to Board of County Commissioners; 0 If successful, follow steps to create the respective Municipal Service Taxing District. Park ~nancing and construction would occur following the budgeting of funds. COLLIER COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Municipal Service Taxing Districts lo Support Neighborhood Parks 1997 This supplement is a gui&linc for a parry interested in building and maintaining a neighborhood park in their community utilizing local Municipal Service Tax District ad valorem tax dollars. Sections I - III define a neighborhood park, offer figures for construction and maintenance costs, and the necessary procedures to achieve a park in thc party's desired loc~tion. For thc party's convenience, Section IV is a study comparing construction, operating expenses, and MSTU millage rates to support two different neighborhood parks on a proposed 4.55 acre neighborhood park site, Tract 179, in Golden Gate. Thc first park is an active park with similar features as Aaron Lutz Park. Thc second park is an example of a passive park. SECTION I. - NEIGHBORHOOD PARK DEFINITION A par),' ..-' than five (5) acres in size with a service area for the residents in that immediate vicinity. A neighborhood park is within walking or biking distance of the homes and usually includes playground equipment, basketball courts, benches and picnic tables. SECTION H. - BUILDING AND MAINTAINING A PARK COST OF ~ONS .TRUCllON Cost of constmcl ion is based on the size of the park and the recreational opportunities included in thc park. Land alues ar~ usually detennined by the property values of the community surrounding it. Included below is a table of verage costs for additional recreational opportunities in a neighborhood park. These figures were compiled from actual purchases of these items over the last several years. ~asketball ~2ourt $ 30,000.00 add lights $ 20,000.00 P!ayground. 5; 50- 100,000.00 add lights $ 20,000.00 In'igation $ 6,000.00 / acre ~ $ 10,000.00 / acre Site Lightin'g $ 2,500.00 / pole I~.'sign Fees $ 5-30,000.00 Walking Path $ 7.00 / linear ft. Pa~king Lo~ $ 1,000.00 / spot Bnll Field ,.(iimilar to A. Lutz) $ 30,000.00 add lights $ 100,000.00 Btdl Field (similar to GGCP) $ 370,000.00 ~ic LandsCaping $ 20,000.00 Tennis Courts $ 50,0'00.00 with lights JUN 2 q 1997 OPERATIONAL COST,~ Operational costs are the fees needed to maintain the park on an annual basis. These costs are effected by the size of the park and the recreational opportunities included within the park. Costs include park staff maintenance hours, grounds mainlenance materials, electricity, water, an equipment replacement reserve, annual debt service, inflation, interest and reserves. Park staff maintenance hours are calculated according to the logged number of hours it takes staff to clean and maintain the park times an average hourly salary of $10.00 / hour. Grounds maintenance materials include fertilizer, weed killer, additional sod, fill etc. for the park. The equipment replacement reserve is calculated according to its life expectancy. For example, a S50,000 playground will be replaced after ten years. Due to an average inflation rate of three percent (3%) annually, the same playground will cost $ 67,200 in ten years. Therefore, $6,720 should be set aside each year for the replacement of the playground. Lights and other fixed assets in the park are not considered in the equipment replacement reserve. The annual debt service is the amount needed to pay back the borrowed money used to construct the park. For example, the cost to construct an Aaron Lutz type park on a five acre parcel within Golden Gate City was $ 463,000 and the anticipated loan was twenty years at a five percent (5%) rate. The per year cost to pay back the loan is $37,200 annually. The County calculates reserves for contingencies, i.e. emergencies, at five percent of the operaling budget. FUNDING Initial construction costs for neighborhood parks may be funded by either private donations, civic association fund raisers or Municipal Service Taxing Districts which may support borrowed financing. Any financing should be limited to the ~nticipated life of the equipment or twenty years. Operalional costs of the park would be funded by a neighborhood park MSTU. The County would provide the construction, the ongoing maintenance and a standardized schedule of equipment replacement from this funding source. SECTION III. - CREATING AND IMPLEMENTI2~G THE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK PLAN PLANNrNO THE PARK- OUTLINE I. Create a bast: level of community support. 2. Select the location of the park following the neighborhood park definition. 3. Select the intended use of the park: passive or active. 4. Determine the estimated construction costs and operating maintenance according to the above guidelines. (Staffwill assist with questions.) 5. Create MSTU boundaries according to: a. the accessibility of the community to the park per the neighborhood park definition; b. the cost to construct and maintain the park; c. the amount of taxable values in the community; d. the estimated millage rate per resident; ~ApPROVAL 0F THE PARK PLAN After the plan has been created, support must be recognized by either the local homeowner's association or local civic associations through a majority affirmative vote of the organization. Minutes from the meeting must be submitted to staff accordingly. The proposal must then be presented before the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board which meets on the fourth Wednesday at 2:00 PM monthly. Arrangements may be made two weeks in advance through the Parks and Recreation Administrative office. The proposal must then be presented to the Board of County Commissioners which meet on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM. Arrangements may be made two weeks in advance through the Parks and Recreation Administrative Office. Upon approval, ,, Municipal Service Taxing District will be created. Park financing and construction will occur following the budgeting of such funds. r'""Agen dit Jtem 4 JUN t q ~_ Pg. SECTION IV - PARK COMPARISON O Aaron Lutz Type Park Passive Park Land $100,000.00 $100,000.00 F,~_,;..' _,,,,,'z,~ _' ~.~:. ~."., ~7:.-' B ~'l;,~5'~fl-Cb u~_m .~ ~~,'~$T5-0~"0-0-~'~ ~ [~,~'~l~.":;'~.:: ....... N / A- l~igation $ ] 8,000.00 (2 acres develo~d) $ 12,000.00 r ~.-.~ ~.. :.~ ~-~ ~- ~,~'~a~.~.~ ~'~ ~~~-~?'~7~O~'OT~ ~~d~9~d~~' "$ 20,000.00' Site Lighting $ 25,000.00 $ 2,500.00 Play Equipment $100,000.00 $ 50,000.00 ~alk Path ~ 20,000.00 ~ 10,000.00 TO i'AL S463,000.00 S 20~,500.00 Operational Cost * Based on Aaron Lu~ Park Figures Maintenance Supplies: * $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 · $ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 Water; Resurfime Basketball $ 1,000.00 N/A Cou~ (L.E.=I0 y~.): Reserves: $ 1,600.00 $ 900.00 Loan at 20 Years(5%): $ 37,200.00 $16,400.00 TOTAL $ 71,600.00 $ 35,100.00 (Each color on map, sec enclosure, is an added area ofthc MSTU district. Exhibit E includes the entire map.) , Village Typ~ Park'-.' .' ":. .... ,i - Annual Bill.=.; (Taxable values provided by the Office of Capital Projects, May 1997)_ 1- -Agendp.lkem 5 [ JUn 2/ q 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THAT STAFF HAS NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR RECOMMENDATIONS IN REGARDS TO THE BEACH PARKING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ISSUE WITH THE CITY OF'NAPLES SINCE THE ITEM WAS CONTINUED FROM THE MAY 20, 1997 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S MEETING. Objective: -.~ convey to the Board of County Commissioners that staffhas been unable to gather additional information o- .~ ommendations in regards to the beach parking interlocal agreement issue with the City of Naples since the item was continued from the May 20, 1997 Board of County Commissioner's meeting. Consideration: Staff requested to City staff that we be informed ofall beach parking issue workshops so that a representative be present during the discussions; however, no contact has been made. In addition, staff requested to be informed of all beach parking issue agenda items to be presented at upcoming City Council meetings so that staff representatives may be present. No contact has been made. Since no new information has been gathered, staff cannot make any recommendations at this time. Fiscal Impact: None ~Growth Management: None Recommendation: To convey to the Board of County Commissioners that staff has been unable to gather additional information or recommendations in regards to the beach parking interlocal agreement issue with the City of Naples since the item was continued from the May 20, 1997 Board of County Commissioner's meeting. Prepared by: (~.., ~./-/~.~z~ .~ Date: J~hn Dum~uck, Operations Coordinator Department of Parks and Recreation Reviewed and Approved by :~[~'~ /,~,~.~ mrna ~sey, ~rector Dep~ment of P~ ~d ~reation and ApprovedReviewed by:- Tho;n w.-Y6 ff, Division of Public Service~' Date: RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY CONSIDER ADOPTING THE ATTACHED RESOLUTION COLLIER COUNTY AMBULANCE SERVICE USER FEES COMMISSIONERS UPDATING THE OBJECTIVE!: To have the Board of County Commissioners review empirical data concerning ambulance fees and charges and, if appropriate, adopt a resolution updating ambulance service user fees. CONSIDER~.TIONS: On September 13, 1994 the Board of County Commissioners approved an ordinance and resolution to establish a new ami: ;'~nce billing process. This process allowed staff to accept patient insurance p "...= ~ts including Medicare/Medicaid assignments prior to direct billing the patient for aay allowable unpaid balance due. The initial rate established in 1994 was a single charge of $250 for a transpod. On June 25, 1996, the Board amended the 1994 ordinance and adopted a new billing resolution. These changes were approved to optimize and maximize the allowable revenues from Medicare and other sources. The rate approved by the Board was $302 for an ambulance transpod. Medicare increases its allowable amount every January based on charges billed for an ambulance transport for the twelve month period ending the previous June 30. Attached as Exhibit I is the fee screen (allowable fees) Medicare provided to Collier County' for the twelve month period beginning January 1, 1997. Attached as Exhibit 2 is a listing of the counties Medicare uses to develop Collier County allowable rates. Attached as Exhibit 3 is a schedule of definitions (charge categories) used by Medicare to determine the allowable rates for Collier County. Attached as Exhibit 4 is a Medicare provided worksheet used by Medicare to determine the allowable rates for Collier County. Attached as Exhibit 5 is a projection of revenues for Collier County based on four different sets of assumptions. They are (assuming 14,500 billable runs): · Continue the existing rate of $302 · $302 plus $5/mile (average 7 miles) · Existing rate increased by 2.8% to $310 · $310 plus $5/mile (average 7 miles) $3,202,600 $3,549,700 $3,284,700 $3,631,7OO U ,H. JUH 2 il 1997 Medicare has pre-approved a mileage allowable rate for Collier County of $4.11 per mile. See Exhibits 1 and 4. At the present time, Collier County's rate resolution does not provide a mileage charge. The attached rate resolution includes a charge of $5.00 per mile for each ambulance transport. Attached as Exhibit 6 (2 pages) is the results of a recent survey taken by Escambia County. Every county respondent except Collier County has a mileage charge and most have an oxygen charge. '['he addition of a $5.00 per mile charge for each billable transport will generate a net positive cash flow to the County of $337,000 over a twelve monti~ period. FISCAL IMPACT: Board approval of the attached resolutionuouZd ambulance fee revenue of $3,631,700 ~ oa ]4,5oo billable tra'm~x~ts. Ar 15,200 transports, ~ reflected h~ the FY 98 budget, tine a~bulance fee rewr~e generated ~,~uld be $3,787,000. There is no additional operating cost to the Board to implement the new fees. GROWTH I~IANAGEMENT IMPACT: NA RECOMMENDATION: The Board review the facts and, if appropriate, adopt the attached re~.;olution. Jdh~, A. Yonk~sky~Director Re"ve~ue Services Depadment Reviewed by: ~._~.__.c.~. Leo Ochs, Jr., Adm, in~strator Support Services I~sion Approved by: Robert F. Fernandez County Administrator Date: 7 Date: (~ /l Y./'~'~ Date: H ~ t~lN N . ? E)~IBIT I If Z661, ~ ~ N rip 8 8~ 8 r- g: 0 C) FTI ~ z ~ c z ~ Z 8° mz m c) 1-11 ~ o~ D~~o ~ g ~g ~ oo o m~O m ~ > 0 m > EXI-IIB i'~ 3 JUN 2 ~ 1997 EX}{IBIT '~. (Page 1 of 2) 1997 EXHIBIT 6 (Page 2 of 2) JU~ 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I? 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 34 37 RESOLUTION NO. 97 - RESOLIJTION APPROVING USER FEES FOR COLLIER COUNTY AMBULANCE SERVICES PURSUANT TO COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 96 - 36; ADOPTING BILLING AND COLLECTION PROCEDURE; PROVIDING ADJUSTMENTS AND WAIVERS; AND APPROVING HARDSHIP CASES AND PAYMENT PLANS WHEREAS, Collier County Emergency Me¢ical Services (hereinafter sometimes referred to as 'EMS') provides ambulance services to the residents and visitors of Collier County; and WHEREAS. the Collier County EMS operating budget is funded exclusively through ad valorem taxes and user fees; and WHEREAS. Collier County staff analysis of the cost for ambulance services require:; an adjustment to the user fees to properly identify current costs of services to the residents and visitors of Collier County; and WHEREAS. Collier Counly Ordinance !]6 - 35 provides that Ihe user fees for ambulance services may be established by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter sometimes referred to as 'the Board'). NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMIVlISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE: EMS USER FEES USER F[~E A. EMS AMBULANCE TRANSPORT BASE RATE B. EMS AMBULANCE TRANSPORT PER MILE C. SPECIAL EVENTS: - TWO (2) MEDICS/ONE VEHICLE - ONE (1) MEDICfl,~O VEHICLE D. COPIES OF DOCUMENTS/PER PAGE (EXCLUDING GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES) INTEREST ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS CHARGF.. 310 5 (PER HOUR) $ 75 (PER HOUR) $ 40 $ 1 1% .o. ,'~1) ! JUN 2 997 pg. (/0 I SECTION TWO: BILLING AND COLLECTION PROCEDURE 2 The following shall be the minimum guidelines for billing and collection 3 procedures for ambulance service fees and charges: 4 A. Initial fees and charges for ambulance service(s) shall be assessed eilher 5 prior to or following the service provision, as services dynamics reasonably permit. 6 Unpaid fees and charges, sub:.ecluent to time of service, shall b~ reflected in an 7 accounts receivable subsidiary ledger system to be maintained by the Revenue 8 Services Department. 9 B. An initial bill for ambulance services shall be processed in the following 10 manner within thirty (30) days after service is provided. 1! 1. The Co,~nty will send an initial bill to the service recipient's or 12 responsible party's insurance carrier provided that appropriate 13 insurance information i$ made available to the Revenue Services 14 Department. The Revenue Services Department will accept M~dicare 15 assignment, as a padicipating provider, and will wait no less than 45 16 days for payment if Medicare or other insurance carrier is billed. If 17 the claim is denied, a bill will be sent to the service recipient or 18 responsible party. 19 2. The County will also send a bill to Medicaid and accept assignment if 20 appropriate insurance information is made available to the Revenue 21 Services Department by the service recipient or responsible party. 22 The Revenue Services Department will wait no less than 60 days for 23 payment if Medicaid is billed. If the claim is denied, a bill will sent to 24 the service recipient or responsible party. 25 3. In the event the service recipient or responsible party does not have 26 or does not provide proof of insurance coverage, the bill for 27 ambulance service(s) shall be sent directly Io the service recipient or 28 responsible party for payment. The Revenue Services Department 29 will wait no less than 30 days for payment. 30 The following will occur if payment has not been received within 31 above set guidelines: 32 a. A past due notice will be sent in accordance with the above 33 provisions (45 days after billing third party or Medicare, 60 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 13 14 17 18 19 2O 2~ 23 24 26 27 28 31 32 days after billing Medicaid and 30 days after billing responsible parly or service recipienl). 13. Thirty (30) days) after the ~irst past due notice is sent, a second past due nolice will be sent. C. After a ten (10) day grace period, the account wil~ be sent to the County's conlracted collection agency. C. Interest will be assessed at 1% per month on all accounts that are either sent to the County's contracted collection agency or set up for a payment plan (excluding hardships that adhere to County policy). D. A reasonable and customary payment plan will be made available for all service recipients or responsible panics. Should the service recipient or responsible party at any time fail to meet Ihe terms and conditions of the paymcnt plan, the unpaid balance shall be administered in accordance wilh Section B.3 above. E. VV1~en ambulance service bill(s), at any stage in this billing and collection procedure, are returned because the Poslal Service cannot effectuate delivery, the Revenue Services Department shall make a reasonable effort to ascertain the correct mailing address. If reasonable efforts to asc:erlain a correct address fail, the account(s) may be considered for olher collection alternatives. F. Nothing contained in this section shall preclude reasonable lelephone or other appropriate contact for billing and collection purposes, in accordance with all applicable laws. G. Throughout Ihe fiscal ye~ar, the Revenue Services Department shall review all p,'~sl due accounls and report lo the Board of County Commissioners on an annual basis, of all past due accoun;s which are believed to be uncorlectible. The Board shall, after reviewing these past due account,s and after finding Ihat diligent efforts at collection h;we proven unsuccessful, remove these past due accounts from active ~lccounts receivable in accordance with generally accepted acoounting procedures and pursuant to law by Resolution. ! SECTION THREE: ADJUSTMENT OF EMS USER FEES 2 The following shall be minimum guidehnes for adjustments ambulance service 3 fees. Other adjustments are authorized by the Board of County Commissioners in 4 accc,rdance with criteria established by the enat)ling Ordinance. 5 A. Medicare and Medicaid Adiustm(;n[s 6 Conlractual adjustments under Medicare assignment will be made in accordance with 7 appl cable rules and regulations 8 B. Victim's Compensation Contractyal Adiustments ? Cor~tractual adjustments will be made in accordance with applicable rules and I0 regulations II SECTION FOUR: WAIVER OF EMS USER FEE 12 Pursuant to Ordinance No. 96 - 36. and from the effective date of this 13 Resolution, user fecs for EMS ambulance stand-by services for the following community 14 spec:iai events shall be waived as the Board finds that a valid public purpose is hereby 15 esta~31ished in recognition or their charitable contributions to the Community: (1) Collier 16 Cour~ty Fair; (2) Everglades Seafood Festival; (3) Senior PGA; and (4) Nuveen I? Maslers. Fees for other community special events may be waived in accordance with 18 criteria established by the enabling Ordinance. 19 SECTION FIVE: HARDSHIP CASES AND PAYMENT PLANS 20 The Board recognizes that certain service recipients may need to be identified 21 and processed as hardship cases. Payment plans will be established pursuanl to the 22 minimum guidelines set forth in this Resolution. 23 A. Hardship cases will be established in accordance with the State's Financial 24 hardship guidelines, as used by HRS-Collier County. 25 B. Payment plans for hardship cases will be set up on a monthly basis, with e 26 mini.mum payment of $10.00 per month. Hardship cases, placed on a payment plan will 27 not accrue interest or be placed into collecfic,n. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a 28 service recipient has a payment plan and does not make the scheduled payments for a 2<~ peri¢)d Ion,'er than two (2) months, the account will be turned over to the Cotmty's 30 contracted collection agency and ~n~3rest will begin to accrue. 31 SECTION SIX: SUPERSESSION OF RESOLUTION 96-303 32 This Resolution shall supersede Resolution No. 96-303 ~,o. ?~/__) ! JUN 2 1997 t SECTION SEVEN: ADOPTION AND EFFECTIVE DATE 2 This Resolution shali become effective on July 1, 1997 3 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Approved as to form and legal ;ufficiency: 4 Collier County. Florida, this day of 5 AT-rEST: 6 DW1GHT E. BROCK, CLERK 7 8 BY: 9 10 12 ~5 1 ~[~- County Allorney 18 .1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BOARD REVIEW OF THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEE FEASIBILITY SYUDY PREPARED BY HENDERSON, YOUNG, & COMPANY 0I:IIECTIVE: Board review of the Correctional Facilities impact fee feasibility study prepared by Henderson, Young & Company. In addition, the Board must make a policy decision whether to authorize the: preparation of a full scale, legally defensible correctional facilities impact fee rate study. CONSIDERATIONS: On March 18, 1997 the Board of County Commissioners authorized a contract with Henderson, Young, & Company to prepare a Correctional Facilities impact fee feasibility stud),, at a cost, including travel expenses, not to exceed $11,750. The purpose of the feasibility study was to determine what portion of correctional facilities expansion (i.e., .jail, operational facilities, and work release center) would be eligible to be funded by impact fees. The outcome of the analysis gives the County the information with which to m~..ke a determination regarding the feasibility of pursuing this revenue source to assist in offsetting the <sts associated with new growth mad the resulting demand for additional co:rectional facilities. The consultant will present his findings and recommendations on the feasibility of implementing such an impact fee, including initial estimated ranges of fee levels and revenues. Atlached is a copy of the Correctional Facilities impact fee feasibility study prepared by Henderson, Young, & Company. Preliminary estimated revenue to be generated from a correctional facilities impact fee in Collier County is slightly less than $1,000,000 annual ly. Assuming Board direction to proceed, the next step in this process involves the preparation of a full scale, legally defensible correctional facilities impact fee rate study. This rate study will resolve specific issues that are not included in the scope of the feasibility study, including credits for other revenue sources also used by the County to pay for the capital facilities required by growth, and the ,allocation of costs (based on dem~md) to land use types. The estimated ,ost of performing this correctional facilities impact fee rate study, including travel expenses, is $46,250. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None,. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of performing this correctional facilities impact fi.~ rate study, including travel expenses, is $40,250. The recommended funding source is Gener~d Fund (001) reserves. 'Ihe County Attorney's Ottice will be responsible for contract administration and will authorize the pa.~ ments. AGENDA rrEM RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: l) review the Correctional Facilities impact fee feasibility study prepared by Henderson, Young, & Company; 2) make a policy decision regarding whether to authorize the preparation of a full scale, legally defensible CoiTectional facilities impact fee rate', study. .Assuming the Board is interested in pumuing this impact fee further, the Board is also requested to: 3) ;authorize the Consultant to proceed with the preparation of a full scale, legally defensible corrections impact fee rate study, and 4) approve the a",sociated budget amendments. Mich~l S~ykowski, OMB Director . Approved By: /lll/ ~(L l/'])f''7 ~ /-'0/~ Rol:,er~ ~:. Fernandez, County Admm~sI~t~)r ' Dale: ~ - / 7. c<v ? June 17, 1997 June 17, 1997 AGENDA ITI~M J U N 2 19 )7 Pg., ~. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS · Collier County is interested in defermining the feasibility al charging new development an impact fee for correctional facilities. · This Feasibility Analysis examines faclual, legal, and economic issues that determine wheJher or not it is practical to charge impact fees for correctiona', facilities in Collier County. TYPES OF CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES. COUNTY JArL (NAPLES JAIL CENTER) · Collier County has a jail designed for full range securily (minimum - maximum} for males and females, adults and juveniles. The original design was 301 beds, but double- bunking has increased the functional capacity to 582. IMMOKALEF JAIL (STOCKADE) · Collier County has a minimum- and medium-security facility in Immokalee designed for males and females, adults and juveniles. Its maximum capacity is 172 inmates. JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER The State of Florida is constructing a juvenile detention center at the Collier County complex designed to house up to 80 juveniles (male and female). ASSESSMENT CENTER · Collier County is planning to construct an assessment center. Henderson, Young & Company AGENDA ITEM JUN 2 June 17,-'1997 Feo$/b///ty Ano/y~/$ * Impoc! Fees for Correch'onol Foci#l/es · Co/l/er County, FIo~Cdo WORK RESI'ITUTION CENTER Collier County is considering construction of a Work Opportunity and Restitution Center (WORC) to provide night- time and weekend incarceration of 110 inmates who would spend their day-time hours at a place of employment. The facility is also referred to as a Work Release Facility or Work Restitution Center. NEXUS OF BENEFITS/ROUGH PROPOP, TIONALITY THE FAIR SHARE RULE(S) · Florida case law requires a dual rational nexus of benefits between impact fees and new development. · U.S. Supreme Court (Doic,n v. 17,¢aro~ requires that exactions be roughly proportional to the impacts of new development. METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING NEXUS AND ROUGH PROPORTIONALITY · The nexus is quantified by lhe number of incarcerations per unil of development. Example: Average Daily Inmate Population (ADP) per Square Foot of Retail, ADP per square foot of Office, etc. · The presumption is that any type of development creates an impact on the correctional facilities proportional to its size, using rates of incarceration that are unique to ils type of land use. · Impact fees are based on inmates/square foot of development multiplied times the square feet of new development. Separate ratios of inmates/square foot are calculated for different types of land use (i.e., retail, office, industrial, etc.). · The impact fees are charged to all types of development (i.e., homes, aparlments, commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.), and the fees will be proportional to the amount of incarcerations that are attributable to each type of land use. NEED FOR CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES TO SERVE NEW DEVELOPMENT BASIS FOR DETERMINING NEEDS · Level of service standards are applied to existing a Hende~on, Young & Company 2 AGENDA ITEM Id f~lc.re .~. tcr., 1 Jun q[ 1991 pg._ Feasibility.Analysis * Impact Fees for Correc liono/ Facilities * Collier Counly, Flodd,:7 development to forecast the total need for correctional facilities. The total need is compared to the existing inventory to determine the deficiency (need for additional facilities) or surplus (reserve capacity of existing facilities to serve development in addition to that which was included in the original forecast). Forecasts can provide general guidance, but need to be reviewed and updated regularly because of the frequent and significant changes in factors that influence inmate population. In the early 1990s, changes occurred that decreased inmate populalion: · Use of summons in lieu of arrest (reduced pre- adjudication inmate population) · Use of in-home electronic surveillance (ankle bracelet) in lieu of post-adjudication incarceration · Initiation of new pre-trial diversion programs · Initiation of weekend incarceration for some Iow-risk individuals who had gainful employment during the week The following are recent changes that have occurred that increased inmate population: · 85% Rule: inmates must serve 85% of sentence. County jail population ha'.; risen because fewer plea bargains for sentences to State prisons. · Zero-tolerance for' domestic violence: someone goes to jail for every domestic violence call received by the Sheriff. STUDY IN PROGRESS The County has engaged lhe V Group of Florida to update the Integrative Corrections Strategic Development Plan. The results of that study are anticipated by mid-August. The resulls of the new report will influence the outcome of any rate studies for ?npact fees for con'ectional facilities. COUNTY JAIL AND IMMOKALEE STOCKADE · According to the Sheriff's Office (Memo from Capt. dated April 15, 1997, the ADP at the County Jail an, Henderson, young & Company AGENDA ITEM No., ~, ~- ~,,, ~ Jun~JJ, lJ~ i~9111/1991 Pg._ .~ Fe.o$ibi/i/y Analysis * Impocl ?ee$ for Correclionol £ocililie$ · Collier Counly, Floddo Immokalee Stockade is projected to be 765 by lhe year 2000. The combined capacity of both facilities is 754. The Immokalee Stockade is over 35 years old. The County is undedaking design work fora project to refurbish the Stockade. Initial estimates for a facility of the same capacily as the existing facility range from $1.4 million to $2.0 million. WORK RESTITUTION CENTER The Work Opportunity and Restitution Center (WORC) would provide allernatives for 2 classes of individuals: (1) a small (30- 50) group of inmates in the County Jail who meet the criteria to be assigned to WORC (lhus freeing those beds in the Coun'~y Jail, and (2) individuals who are currently not sentenced to County Jail because the nature of their offense does not warrant such detention, but who should be assigned to WORC as a more appropriate disposition of their case (than the current alternatives of parole, probation or other non- incarceration dispositions). CAPITAL COST OF CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES COUNTY JAIL The County Jail was completed in 1985 at a cost of $21,000,000. This cost included Building F and the lop story of Building J. The breakdown of the cost between the tail and the olher law enforcement space was not available. The cost per bed of the original design was $69,767. The cosl per bed of the current double-bunked facility is $36,082. These costs are overstated by the extent to which a portion of the total cost was expended for law enforcemenl improvemenls other than the jail. IMMOKALEE JAIL The Immokalee Jail was built in 1961. The cost is not known. The cost per bed of the 1961 facility cannot be calculated because the cost of the facility is not known. 'the cost per bed of refurbishing the Immokalee Jail would range from $8,140 to $11,628 per bed. JUVENILE r')ETENTION CENTER Hende~on, Young & Company AGENDAITEM No.,~ ~( / ) Feasibility Analy~b · Impact Fees for Correctional Facilities · Collier County. Florida · The juvenile detention center is estimated to cost $2,500,000. , The cost per bed is $31,250. ASSESSMEHT CENTER · The assessment center is [orecast to cost $138,000. ~,'VORK RESTITUTION CENTER The Work Restitution Cenler is estimated to cost $ 2,800,000. The cost per bed is $ 25,455. ,AVAILABILITY OF OTHER REVENUES COUNTY JAIL · The County Jail, completed in 1985, was paid for by a bond issue. · In November 1996, voters did not approve a 1/2¢ sales tax for expansion of the County Jail and other improvements to the Law Enforcement and County Office Complex. IMMOKALEE JAIL Design costs of the Immokalee Jail are funded, but construction casts of refurbishment does not have a financing plan at this lima. JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER The juvenile detention center will be paid for by the State of Florida. ASSESSMENT CENTER The assessment center will be paid for by a grant from the State of Florida. WORK RESI'ITUTION CENTER The Work Restitution Center does not have a financing plan at this time. ESTIMATE OF: POTENTIAL IMPACT FEE F:OR CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES ASSUMPTIONS Henderson, Young & Company AGENDA ITEM No._~--'-:...,? ~ / ) June, J~ll.l~,~ Bg? '7 ?ea$ibi/i/y Anoly~i$ · Irnpoc! £ee$ for Correcfionol £oc~7ilie$ · Collier Counly, Roffo'o COUNTY JAiL Assume the impact fee is based on Method 1. Assume impact fees for the County Jail (reimbiJrsement) and the Work Restitution Center. Assume no impact fees for the Juvenile Detenlion Center or lhe Assessment Center (beccluse of full funding by State grants). Assume no impact fees for Immokalee Jail because the refurbishment protect would not add capacity, but merely extend the useful life of the existing facilily. If additional capacity were added, it 'would be eligible for an in ;h, acl fee. County Jail cost per bed is $ 36,082. (Although lhis amount may be overstaled, as indicated above, it is consistent with the nalional average for such facilities, and would be typical of cosls associated with expansion after the year 2000.) · The ratio of County Jail ADP to the population is 0.0026 · Adjust ratio by 6% for peak factor, plus 7% (of base andpeak) for management factor (i.e., separation of ages, genders, and level of custody): 0.0026 + 13.42% = 0.00295 · The cost of 1he County Jail per cap/la is $ 36,082 x 0.00295 = $106. · TheimpactfeefortheCc)untyJailperdwell/ngun/lis$106x2.5 persons per dwelling unit = $265. V/aRK J~ES¥1TUTION CENTER · Work Restitution Center cost per bed is $ 25,455 · The ratio of Work Restitution Cenler beds 1o the population is 110 + 280,000 (permanent population in 10 years): 0.000393 · Adjust ratio by 6% for peak factor, plus 7% (of base andpeak) for management factor (i.e., separation of ages, genders, and level of custody): 0.000393 + 13.42% - 0.000446 · The cost of the Work Restitution Center per cap/lo is $ 25,455 x 0.000446 - $11. · The impact fee for the Work Reslitulion Center per dwe///n,,~ un/l i~ $11 x 2.5 persons per dwelling unit -- $27.50 CAVEAT: Henderson, Young & Company These estimates do not include any "credits" for pa'~ ?eo$ibilffy Ano/~/$ · Irnpoct ?ee$ for Correc//ono/ £oc/?/Iie$ ·Co//ier County, other revenue by new development that is subject to the impact fee. ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM POTENTIAL IMPACT FEE FORECAST OF RESIDENTIAL GROWTH · Population forecast in ten years = 289,349 · Current population = 206,680 · Growth: 289,349 - 206,680: 82,669 · Dwelling units: 82,669 population + 2.5 persons/dwelling unit = 33,068 ESTIMATE OF IMPACT FEE REVENUE County Jail $265 impact fee per dwelling unit x 33,068 units = $ 8,763,020 in ten years ($876,302 per year). The County Jail portion of the impact fee could be charged under either of two circumstances: 1. As a reimbursement fee to pay for the facility that has already been constructed. If debt service payments remain on the jail, the impact fee payments could be used to pay off the portion of the debt that is attributable to new development. 2. Upon reaching furl capacity of the existing facility, the County could begin to charge the County Jail portion of the impact fee to pay for expanding the facility to meet the needs of growth. Work Restitution Center $27.5 impact fee per dwelJing unit x 33,068 units = $ 909,370 in ten years ($90,937 per year). Combined Total $292.50 impact fee per dwelling unit x 33,068 units = $ 9,67::;',392 in ten years ($967,239 per year). RELATIONSHIP TO IMPACT FEE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ISSUE Henderson, Young & Company AGENDA ITEM no._ _ JUN 2 ~ 1997 June 17, 1.9~7 Feo$ibi/[ty Analysis * /mpc;ct Fees for Correcliono/ Focilil?es * Collier County, Flon;~o RESPONSE The question has arisen whether the impact fees for law enforcement and corrections could be charged as a combined amount, and the County could expend them on either law enforcement, or corrections, according to the County's priorities. Impact fees are "earned" by the County because of impacts of new development on specific types of public facilities, h'npact fees for law enforcement relate only to impacts on the Sheriff's law enforcement activities, and do not relate to impacts on correctional facilities (and vice versa). The fees for each musl be accounted for and expended separately. Note: it is permissible to collect all county impact fees in single check from each applicant, but the County must allocate the proper podion of the check to separate ledgers or other accounts for each type of impact fee. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF IMPACT FEES FOR CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES ADVANTAGES Requires development that impacts the need for correctional facilities to pay for a portion of the cost of their impacts. Relieves existing residents, businesses, and taxpayers from paying for the cost of con'ectional facilities that are needed for new growth. Provides additional revenue to pay for lhe cost of expensive correctional facilities. DISADVAN'rAGES Increases the cost of Iow-cost housing, potentially disqualifying a buyer who could afford the house without the impact fee, but who cannot afford the house with the additional cost. CONCLUSIC)N COUNTY JAIL Henderson, Young & Company The County Jail could be included in impact fees ~s a AGENDAITEM No..~' Ffi ~ pg.., Feos/b//ity'Ano/y~i~ · Impact Fees for Correch'onol Foci/ih'es · Collier Count'/, Florfo'o "reimbursement fee" to pay the County back for the capacity it built in anlicipaJion of need. This is analogous to system development charges for water and sewer systems where the system is built in anticipation of future growth, and each new user pays a fee corresponding to its podion of the cost of the system. The County Jail could be omitted from impact fees for correctional facilities on the basis that the facility has been paid for by other sources of revenue. The County Jail could be omitted from the initial impact fees for correctional facilities, but expansions to the County Jail could be added to the impact fees at a later date (when lhe existing "unused" capacity is filled in the year 2000, and new space is needed to keep up with growth in inmate population). IMMOKALEE JAIL The Immokalee Jail should not be included as a "reimbursement impact fee" for correctional facilities because ifs costs are fully retired, and it has relatively liltle useful life remaining. If the refurbishment of the Immokalee Jail retains the existing capacity (172 inmates), the facility would still not be appropriate for impact fees. Additional capacity, if added, would be eligible for an impact fee. JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER The juvenile detention center should not be included as a "reimbursement impact fee" for correctional facilities because the only source of revenue to be reimbursed would be the grant from lhe State (which does not have fo be repaid). ASSESSMENT CENTER The assessment center should not be included as a "reimbursement impacl fee" for correctional facilities because the only source of revenue to be reimbursed would be the grant from the State (which does not have to be repaid). VVORK J~ESTITUTION CENTER ,, The Work Restitution Center could be included in an impact lee for correctional facilities. It appears that the Work Restitution Center is conside Hende~on, Young & Company une ~i,,1jiJ~99Z~ 1997 Feo$ibilily Analysis · Irnpocl Fees for Correctional Fac/l/lies · Call/er County, Rotido type of facility, rather than a reliever facility for the County Jail. As a new type of facility, it will serve existing development as well as new development, therefore the pod/on of its costs that are atlributable to existing development must be paid by revenues other than impact fees, and the pod/on that is attributable to new development can be charged to impact fees. RECOMMENDATION Proceed with preparation of a rate study for impac! fees for the Work Opportunity and ResJitution Center. Proceed wilh preparation of a rate study for impact fees for the County Jail. Upon completion, the County Commissioners will determine whether to impose the fee immediately (as a reimbursement fee to hell:) defray remaining debt service) or to impose the fee beginning in the year 2000 (when new capacily will be needed. He.nde~on. Young & Company 10 AGENDA I)'EM No.=.~ Juq.l~J~. ~(~71997 pg._. £XECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT ON RE'FEI~KIES FOR THE SECOND QUARTER OF FISCAJ, YEAR 1997 OBJECTIVE~ To present to the Board of County Commissioners a report on actual revenues as compared to budgeted revenues for intergovernmental, enterprise fund, impact fee, and beach parking fee revenue sources. CONSIDERATIO)IS~ Included as an attachment to this Executive Summary is a listing of actual intergovernmental revenues, major enterprise fund revenues, impact fees collections, and beach parking revenue from October 1, 1996 through March 31, 1997 which is the end of the second quarter of Fiscal Year 1997. Within the intergovernmental revenues category, there are positive variances projected in the half cent sales tax, the five cent local option gas tax, and the voted gas t~x, based on actual FY 96 receipts exceeding projections. There is a large surplus projected in tourist development tax revenue, as year-to-date collections have been much stronger than anticipated. There is a large shortfall projected in landfill tipping fees. The FY 97 budget was based, in large part, on FY 96 projected landfill tipping fee revenue. However, actual FY 96 revenues were significantly less than projected. Overall, year to date tonnage processed at the landfill sites is 4.9% below the level for the same reporting period in FY 96. This is attributable to a decrease in coMstruction/demolition debris processed, as there is a private contractor performing this service in the Pine Ridge Industrial Park. However, there will be a corresponding reduction in the associated processing and disposal fees associated with construction/demolition. There are slight negative variances in ambulance fees, beach parking fees, and in Airport Authority operating revenues. However, state law :requires that the County only appropriate 95% of available revenues and current FY 97 projections are within this 5% limit. Impact fee revenues are a volatile :revenue source and are difficult to project as revenues are based, in part, on the timing of building permit issuance and the type of development to occur. In addition, there have also been some large permits issued for commercial projects. The current projections are very conservative, and there are no shortfalls forecast in any of the impact fee categories. JUN 2 1997 An updated report will be presented to the Board of County Con~uLssioners upon receipt of third quarter actual revenues for all cate~jories. GRO~.[~ MA/~AGE~NT IMPACT: None FISC~L I)~ACT:: There are no recommendations for budget adjustments at this time. OMB will continue to monitor these revenues and will include any :recommendations for budget adjustments in thE: third quarI=er revenu.e report. REC(~MENDATIO~IS~ That the Board of County Commissioners review and discuss the attached informatien. s Ltt.d by: OMB Director Approved by: DATE: Michael Smykowski, KoDert F. Fernandez, Cou tn~ Administrator AG£/~),A ITEM. JUN 2 ~ ~997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Board consideration and direction regarding procuramen~ of 9rofeslional services for implementation o~ Interim Governmental Services Feel. O~JECTIVE, Inform Board of status of interim governmental services fee project; obtain Board direction for next course of action, including consideration of retaining the law firm of Cobb, Cole & Bell for legal services in drafting the appropriate ordinance and legal instruments to establish the fee, court validation, and appeals, if necessary. CONSIDERATIONSz County staff, specifically, the County Attorney Office and Department of Revenue, have worked with Consultant, Tischler and Associates, and its retained law firm to develop the Collier County Interim Governmental Services Fees Report into a special assessment program imposing fees to new development not being taxed for post-development services after Certificate of Occupancy issuance. The recent opinions of the Florida Supreme Court in the cases of Lake County v. Water Oak Management Corporation, (~t al. and State of Florida, etc. v. Sarasota County, Florida, etc. (issued May 1997) have indicated to staff that the County's i~plementation of interim governmental service fees will be facilitated by re-evaluating whether such fees should be collected through issuance of the County's Certificate of Occupancy for new development or as a special assessment appearing on the property tax bill to owners of record receiving such bill. A review of the need for expertise in crafting a legally sufficient, defensible interim governmental services fee vis-A- vi~ the recent Florida Supreme Court opinions has led staff to recommend retaining the law firm of Cobb, Cole & Bell to the process on the County's behalf. The firm, and specifically, Mr. Alan Watts, Esquire, have a long history and impressive record of involvement i.% local government tax, impact fee and special as~essment projects with significant experience and success AGENDA ITEM No. 9J,~% J'J Z 997 within the Judicial system, including the Florida Supreme Court. See correspondence attached. FISCAL IMPACT, Implementation of interim governmental services fees on a full year basis could gather between $1.4 - 1.7 million in revenues for services provided. Potentially, $32,500 in legal fees and ex~enses for services, explained as follows: 1) 3) drafting/revising ordinance $10,000 - $15,000 in legal fees and expenses, ostensibly including adoption proceeding(s) before the BCC; $7,500 - $10,000 for the validation lawsuit in Circuit Court; validation appeal to the Florida Supreme Court at about $7,500. Mr. Watts is offering a reduced government rate at $140/hour, ado]~ting the same expense limitations as state employees when travel is required. Funds are ,available in the unincorporated area general fund bud~tet, account number 111-138317-634999-00000. ~RO~rHMANA~EHENT IMPACT~ Not applicable. RECOHM~NDATION, The Board approve retaining Mr. Alan C. Watts of the law firm Cobb, Cole & Bell to draft an interim government services fee ordinance and serve as lead counsel in the appropriate or necessary court validation or defense proceeding for such fee ordinance. That the County Attorney draft the appropriate retention agreement for Mr. Watts providing for the fees and e~)enses listed above, with the Chairman authorized to execute same on behalf of County. Approved by: David C. Weigel County Attorney AGENDA I~EM No. COLLIER COUNTY DAVID C. WEIGEL COLLIER CC)UN'PC ATI'ORNEY 3301 Tamlami Trail East Naples. Fiodda 34112-4902 Telephone: (941) 774-8400 FAX: (941) 774-0225 .. VIA FAX and US MAIL May 29, 1997 Heidi F. Ashton Romiro Ma~,ohch Shidey Jean McEachern Thomas C. Palmer Michael W. Pettit Lawrence S. Pivacek Morjode M. $1udent Mr. Charles Allen Watts Cobb, Cole & Bell 150 N&gno],ia Avenue Daytona Beach, Florida 32115 Re: Collier County Interim Government Services Fees Ordinance and Judicial Validation Process Dear Mr. Watts: Thank you for speaking with Mr. John Yonkosky, Director, Collier County Department of Revenue and me earlier today. Pursuant to our telephone converlla/ion we have requested that you, on behalf of your firm, consider: (1] assist~ng Collier County with the drafting of a "defensible" interim govern~nt services fee ordinance; and (2} act as lead counsel in the preparation and presentation of a validation proceeding in the circuit court and any appeals thereof. We would look forward to your response concerning these Collier County =asks including your "government rate" for your firm's services. We would anticipate taking these mat'=ers to our Board for discussion, direction and authorization on either the June 10 or June 17 regular Board meeting dates, as we discussed. Again, it was nice meeting with you telephonically and discussing so~ of the salient issues. Thank you for your consideration in this regard. Sincerely, David C. Weigel County Attorney cc: Timothy h..Hancock, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners John Yonkosky, Director, Department of Revenue AGENDA ITEM No. J U N 2 i97 LAW OFFIcr~ COBB COLE 8 BELL OFFICI lOX 2491 D,~~ F~R~* 32115-2491 'rELECOmF. R (gO,4) 236-7003 131 eL ~ ~ C~'A'~CW A~EI'R~..?J 157. I June 2, 1997 Writer's Telephone: 255-1811 Ext. 293 Writer's Internet: cwatt(~ccb.com David C. Wcigel, Esquire County Attorney Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 32115 Re: Interim government services fee Dear Mr. Weigel: I am honored to respond to your letter of May 29, and your interest: in our services with respect to the proposed interim government services fee. Although my normal rate for services is $175 per hour, I have both a preference for and an understanding of the special requirements of government legal service. Accordingly, I offer a government rate of $140 per hour. It is also my practice to utilize the expense limitations for state employees when travel is required. I consider that all files compiled by us during government representation are public record, subject only to thc limitation authorized in Chapter 119 for litigation strategy while litigation is ongoing. You have proposed two tasks: thc first is the drafting of an interim government services fee ordinance which takes into account the li~e of decisions on special assessments handed down by the Supreme Court over the past several years. The second task is a validation of that ordinance through Circuit Court procc'edings and then presumably before thc Supreme Court. With respect to the first task, we discussed some of my thoughts during our telephone conversation, and I have the benefit of the Tischler report which Mr. YonkoskT kindly forwarded to me. I believe that there is a division in the current Supreme Court on the subject of "special assessments", which see. ms to flow from a failure of the cases to distinguish between service charges and special assessments. _ AGENDA ITEM No. JUN COBB COLE 8 BELL Davi~d C. Weigel, Esquire Page: 2 June 2, 1997 57.! "Special assessments" in the classical sense are imposed as a means for government to recapture from private property some of the windfall in value which is conferred on a few select properties, as distinguished from the commurdty as a whole, when public improvements are made. Service charges are based not so much on value conferred to the property, as upon burden or cost imposed on the government. They are inherently within the power of local government, so long as they meet the rationality and proportionality standards laid down in the Nollan and Dollan decisions, respectively. These same stamtards have often been addressed in state law as the "dual rational nexus' test for impact fees and development exactions. The confusion in the courts has arisen when local governments (often at judicial or legislative invitation) have characterized what are actually service fees, as special assessments. This has caused a minority bloc of the Supreme Court to point out that such assessments cannot be used to get around the constitutional millage caps and homestead exemptions for ad valorem taxation. The arguments persist even though the "assessments" are Characterized as non-ad valorem under the applicable statutes. A clear restatement of these pr/nc[pies is long overdue, and I have high confidence that a well-written ordinance can provide the courts with a vehicle for doing so. Although it is always a difficult task to gauge the quantity of labor that may be required in drafting and revising such an ordinance, my best "front-end" es'timate is that it would not exceed $10,000 to $15,000 in legal fees and expenses. Obviously if things get seriously off-track, we would both know it, and have an opportunity to tell the Board of County Commissioners before the budget gets busted. With respect to a validation suit, one of the advantages of being a draftsman of an ordinance is that it gives an oppommity to prepare the necessary record for the litigation. Some duplication is thereby avoided. Again, I cannot gauge the likely resistance of the State Attorney or any intervenors, but assuming a moderate and good-faith effort by the State to play "devil's advocate' against the ordinance, I would give a "front-end" estimate of $7500 to $10,000 for the validation suit in circuit co.m. Asstaning that the State or intervenors then pursue an appeal directly to the Supreme Court, my most recent validation appeal there came in at about $7500 in legal fees. AC~Ei~IDA ITEM 2 COBB COLE ~ BELL David C. Weigel, Esquire Page 3 June 2, 1997 I trust that this will give you enough information to hold a preliminary discussion with the Board about proceeding. Since I have not done any work for Collier County for at least a decade, I have taken the liberty of enclosing a brief resume showing my qualifications, and a list of some of the cases which I have had the honor of handling involving local government issues. Kindly advise if you need further information. CAW:cm Cordially, C. Allen Watts t2WA~L"WAXLETI~.2~ I $ ?. I AGENDA ITEM ~o. q(FC~ J U ~ Z ~, ~997 C. ALLEN WA'ITS Summary of Significant Appellate Cases Involving Local Government Snyder v. Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, 627 So.2d 469 (Fla. 1993). Mr. Watts was successful as counsel 1o 1000 Friends of Florida, amicus curiae, in this Florida Supr.:me Court decision increasing judicial scrutiny of local zoning decisions. City of Dun-~din v. Contractors and Builders Association, 329 So. 2d 314 (Fla. 1976). Mr. Watts was counsel to the City d'trough six years of litigation, including petition for review in the United States Supreme Court, in which the legality of impact fees was first established in Florida. City of Ormond Beach v. Volusia County, 535 So. 2d 302 (Fla. 5th D. C. A. 1988). Mr. Watts was counsel to the County in successfully asserting the right of counties to impose countywide impact fees over municipal objections, where countywide services are being funded. City of New Smyrna Beach v. County of Volusia, 518 So.2d 1379 (Fla. 5th D. C. A. 1988). Mr. Watts successfully defended County charter amendments against a constitutional challenge that municipal powers had been usurped. City of Daytona Beach Shores v. State, 483 So. 2d 405 (Fla. 1985). Mr. Watts as counsel for amicus curiae successfully defended the right of beachfront cities to impose user charges for beac'h services, ~gainst the Department of Natural Resources' contention that such fees violate the public's fight to beach access. Vol~'sia County v. State, 417 So. 2d 968 (Fla. 1982). Mr. Watts assisted the State in a landmark decision establishing the limits of use of non-ad valorem revenues to support bonds in the absence of a referendum. City of New Smyrna Beach v. Fish, 384 So. 2d 1272 (Fla. 1980). Entering the case after the City had lost in the Court of Appeals, Mr. Watts reestablished in the Supreme Court the right of the City to e.stablish standby or minimum service charges for utility services to part-time residents in beachfront condominiums. Association of Condominiums Inc. v. Dept. of Revenue, 431 So. 2d 748 (Fla. 5th D. C. A. 1982;). Mr. Watts successfully challenged the Department's proposed rules for sale:g tax on tram;ient rentals of condominiums. In r,,. Apportionmei't Law, 414 So. 2d 1040 (Fla. 1982). In behalf of disenfranchised electors in House District 29, Mr. Watts assisted in the establishment of limits on the contiguity and compactness of legislative districts. AGE:HDA ITEM No. -q ( JU l 2 q Bent v. Ballantyne, 368 So. 2d 351 (Fla. 1979). In behalf of a city commissioner subject to a recall petition, Mr. Watts established that just cause for removal must be shown in such a petition. MurlJhy v. City of F!.agler Beach, 846 F. 2d 1306 (1 lth Cir. 1988); Stephens v. School Board ofSarasota Cosmty, 338 So. 2d 890 (Fla. 2d D. C. A. 1976); School Board of Flagler County v. Hauser, 293 So. 2d 681 (Fla. 1974); Powell v. Board of Trustees of Daytona Beach Comr,~unity College, 279 So. 2d 321 (Fla. 1st D. C. A. 1973); Stansberr)' v. City ~,fLai~e Helen, 425 So. 2d 1157 (Fla. 5th D. C. A. 1982). In these and other cases Mr. Wtttts has successfully handled numerous matters involving personnel decisions and alleged civil rights violations by local governments. Z 1.9.97 C. ALLEN WATTS Statement of Background, Training, and Experience in Matters Concerning Local Government Law, Environmental and Land Use Regulation A private attorney who has concentrated on, administrative law and local government matters for nearly twenty years, Mr. Watts represents private clients and also serves as a consultant to local governments throughout Florida. A native of Winter Haven, Mr. Watts was graduated from Stetson University in 1967 and its College of Law in 1971. He graduated first in his law class, served as editor-in-chief of the Stetson law review, and earned numerous competitive scholastic honors. During a two-year sabbatical from private practice, he served as a member of the founding law school faculI:y at Campbell University, teaching courses in property rights, constitutional law and legislation. Except during this sabbatical, Nh'. Watts has practiced in Volusia County since 1972. He i:; a partner in the Daytona Beach offices of Cobb Cole & Bell, where he chairs the Administrative, Environmental and Land Use Law Department. This department handles problems of local governments and private developers in administrative law, land use and regulatory matters. Mr. Watts is a member of the Administrative Law, Local Government, emd the Environmental and Land Use sections of the Florida Bar and has lectured at numerous seminars for these sections. He is a contributing author to "Florida Environmental and Land Use Law", published by the Florida Bar, and has authored articles in the Florida Bar Journal and the Stetson Law Review. A member of the North Carolina Bar as well as the Florida Bar, he has practiced actively in the state courts as well as in the United States Supreme Court, the Courts of .Appeal for the Fifth and Eleventh Circuits, and Federal District Courts in Florida. Mr. Watts has served as cocounsel to Daytona Beach Community College, counsel to the Volusia County School Board, the first city attorney for the new cities of DeBary and Deltona, city attorney for DeLand, counsel to the charter commissions of Brevard, Flagler, St. Johns and Volusia Counties Though he has wide experience in the service of local governments and development interests in the courtroom and in administrative forums, Mr. Watts is also deeply involved in the chaffing of creative legislative solutions to the problems of growth management, land use regulation, and equiteble financing techniques. He maintains a strong private practice in zoning and le~nd use law, working primarily with planned developments and developments of regional impact. Serving ~ special counsel to cities and counties throughout Florida he has assi:;ted in AG£ND,l~ ITEM No. J"" Z p~. q forming consensus solutions for problems as varied as wetland and habitat conservation, solid waste management and financing, transportation funding, and utility financing. Mr. Watts is actively involved with his family and community. He and his wife ha'ce six children and a growing number of grandchildren. They are active members of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, which he has served as a vestryman and Senior Warden. He is a board member of 1000 Friends of Florida, a board member of the Stetson University College of Arts and ~,;ciences, a Imard member of the Volusia County Business Development Corporation, and serves on the Appellate Court Rules Committee of the Florida Bar. Mr. Watt:~ brings with him to any assignment the collective resources of Cobb Cole & Bell, with more than forty lawyers serving principal offices in Daytona Beach, Tallahassee, Orla~do and Tampa Bay. AGENDA JIJH ig97 CAVA'~2~ M."%b(l SC%22:519~. I -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION PUD-97-7, THOMAS E. KILLEN REPRESENTING THE PROGENY CORPORATION, REQUESTING A REZONE FROM 'T' INDUSTRIAL TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO BE KNOWN AS THE PROGENY COMMERCE CEN'IER PUD CONT, M'NING ALI.. THOSE INDUSTRIAL USES ALLOWED IN THE IHDUS~ DISTRICT AND CERTAIN COMMERCIAL USES THAT QUALIFY AS TRANSITIONAL USES BETWEEN INDUE;TRIAL AND NON-INDUSTRIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON TItE NORTH SIDE OF RADIO ROAD, WEST OF INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD IN SECTION 36, TO'WNSHIP 4!) SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 9.27 ACRES MORE OR LESS. OBJEC~FIVE: This petition seeks to have certain property herein described rezoned from its current zoning classification of Indu:~tHal to Planned Unit Development "PUD" district. CONS][DERATIONS: By rczoning the subject property from "I" Industrial to "PUD" Planned Unit Development the petitioner seeks to expand the uses authorized by its current zoning classification to include certain commercial land use,.; that the petitioner believes is consistent with provisions of the Future Land Use Element. The land which is the subject of this petition is partially developed with mini-self storage warehouses. The proposed PUD will authorize all of the uses now authorized by its current Industrial zoning plus hvo major SIC Groups. The property is designated Industrial on the Future Land Use Map to the FLLrE to the GMP. In the description of Industrial the language of the FLUE advises that the boundarie~ of urban industrial distrieu; may deal with land uses that are more compatible with non-industrial uses by ~ecifically characterizing the bozmdaries as transitional. While not specific, by inference this would have to mean light industrial or a heavy conm~ercial type of land use, such as those found in the C-5 zoning classification. To some extent there would appear to be some degree of subjectivity that could be applied to determine those commercial uses that may be considered "transitional". Staff would opine that coramercial uses should be limited in this context because to do otherwise would be tantaxnount to establishing activity ¢~enters within industrial areas along their perimeter bound,~rie~. The petitioners response to t, his conea~ is to request two (2) eonmaereial groups of use~ that fall into the ~tegnry of Home iFurniture, furnishings and Equipment Stores (groups 5712-5736) (i.e.. C4) ~xl Building Materi~ls, Hsrdware most closely aligned with the required "transitional" concept. In the final analysis the Board of County Commissioners will make this finding. That decision will be consistent with made. JVH 2 4 1991 1 A review of the petition for consistency with the applicable elements of thc GMP supports a finding of consistency. Given the GMP Cla.;sification of industrial on the subject property, a compatibility analysis with Rural Estates zoning in part lying opposite the property, is not germane. There are no issues of timing relative to the appropr/ateness of a rezoning action, given its urban location and full complement of urban infrastructure. The decision rests upon whether or not approximately nine (i.e. 9.27) acres of land now zoned Industrial should be modified through the technique ora PUD rezoning action to allow in addition to industrial uses two groups of uses only allowed in commercial zoning districts. The PUD structures development standards that are the same as those required by the Indu.,;trial zoning district. In all other respects the PUD references the requirements of the LDC relative to landscaping, parking, signage and architectural requirements relative to commercial land uses. The Collier County Planning Commission heard this petition on June 5, 1997 and by a unanimous vote recommended its approval to the Board of county Commissioners. No person communicated or addre:;sed the CCPC with any level of objection. FISC3~L IMPACT: This amendment by and of itself will have no fiscal impact on the County. However, if this amendment achieve,,; its objective, the land will be developed. The mere fact that new development has been approved will result in a future fiscal impact on County public facilities. The County collects impact fees prior to the issuance of building permits to help off-set the impact of each new development on public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund projects in the Capital Improvement Element needed to maintain adopted levels of service for public facilities. ]in the event that impact fee collections are inadequate to maintain adopted levels of sev¢ice, the County must provide supplemented funds fi.om other revenue sources in order to build needed facilities. GRO'~rrH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: A petition deemed consistent with the GiMP or otherwise structured to mitigate required Levels of Service or LDC requirements can have no impact on the integrity of the GMP or LDC. Development permitted by the approval of this petition will be subject to a concurrency r~Mew under the provisions of Division 3.15 of the Collier County Land Development Code, Adequate Public Facilities, at the earliest or next to occur of either Final SDP approval, Final Pl-'tt approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this development. HISI~ORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staff's ~nalysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological prol~bility as referenced on the official Collier County Probability 1~ lap. l~,.~~nt Hi~torical/Archacologicafl Survey and Asse~__~ent is required. 1997 PLA~tl~TNG COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That l?¢ti~ion PUD-97-7 Progeny Commerce Centc-r being a petition to authori~ industrial and certain commercial land usm deemed to be consistent with thc GMP's, Future Land Usc Element be approved as de, ch'bed by the d.ntfl Ordinance of Adoption and Exlfibits thereto (the PUD Document). R~'-N~J.,D F. NINO, AICP DATE Clli~F PLANNER REVIEWED BY: CUR~LENT PLANNING MANAG ~Ex.R - -~ . .~ '~ '. , DON/LL--~w. AR~['OLO, AICP ~. ~i~LNG SERVICF~-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR VINCENT A. C~UTERO~ ADMINISTRATOR DATE DATE DATE COM]HUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. PUD-97-7 EX SUMM3~Y/md 3 AGENDA ITF. M 7-L MEMORANDUM TO: FROI~I: DATE: RE: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DMSION APIL[L 30, 1997 PETITION NO: PUD-97-7 PROGENY COMMERCE CENTER 'I' TO "PUD" OWNER/AGENT: Agent: Thomas E. Killen 2009 Trade Center Way Naples, Florida 34109 Owner: Progeny Corporation 3527 Radio Road Naples, Florida 34104 (James J. Jentgen, President) This p~tion seek.,; to have c~rtain property herein described rezoned from its current st;ltus of Indu~rial to 'PUD' Planned Unit Development. QEOGRAPHIC ]'~OCATION: The propo'ty is l¢~,~ted or, the north side of Rzdio Road just west of Industrial Boulevaxd (se~ illustration next page) and contains 9.2 acres more or less. ~?URPOSEfl)ESC.~IIpTION OF PROJECr: By reamning the subject property from "I" Industrial to "PUD" Planned Unit Development the petitioner seeks to expand the uses authorized by its current zoning c. lassifi~ion to include ~ comra~rcial land use~ that the petitioner believes is consistent with provisions of the Future Lmxl Use ~URROUNDING ~NI) USE AND ZONrNG; F. xi:~ng. The site is currently developed ~ mini-sto~ war~house f~_ci!itie~ and i~ ~ is used f~ outdoor storage of recreational ~ bo~t. and is z~ned 'I' Industri~- ~:.£~J 'JUN 2 t 1991 [! JUN g Pl. Surrounding: North - East- South - W~t - To the north the land is &.vtkaped with land uses and is zom~ "I* ~ To the east the land h ~ with ixlustriai land uses and the Forestry Diviakm of tlae Induslri~k To the south lies 1~S~o Ro~ ~e industrial use ~ Lggt~ C. xamiamy. 'I~ land is zom:d 'E" E.g~ ami PUD ~ .~R__J}WTH M.ANAGEMENT PLAN (~QN$ISTENCY: The property is designated Industrial on the Future Land Use Map to the FLUE to the GMP. Ia the de~ziption of ]:ndustrial the language of the FLUE advises that th~ botm~-i~ of m"b,~n i~ dixie,s should deal with land uses that axe more compatible with non-ind~ uses I~ ~ c. hmzcterizing the boundaxies as transitional. While not specific, by inference this would have tO mean ligkt industrial or a heavy commercial type of land use, such ~ those fouml ia the C-5 zoning classification. To some extent there would appear to be some degree of ~:~cfivity that could be applied to determine those commercial uses that may be considered 'tramifio~'. St~ff would opine that commercial uses should be limited ia this context because to do otherw~ would Ig tantamount to establishing a~vity centers within industrial axe. as along their pesinmer bcamdaries. The petifioner~ response to this concern is to request two (2) commercial groups ofuses that fail into the category of Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores (groups 5712-5736) (i.e. C4) av.d Building Ma'lerials, Hardware and Garden Supply (groups 5211-5261) (i.e. C-5). Th~ latter in stilt's opinion is mo:a closely aligned with the required 'transitional' concept. In the final a~ysis the Boaxd of County Commissioneva will make this finding. That decision will be consistent with the FLLIE when it is rn~:le. Other element:~ for which a consistency statement is required is as follows: ~d]fffi¢ Circuh~ - The project trips will not exceed 5% of the LOS "C" design volume within the projects radius of development influence (RI)I). In addition, the site generated trips will not create a concarreney problem within the project's RDI because the project trips don't lower the c. ap~ity below any road's adopted LOS "D" standard. Nc, funded road improvements are scheduled within the project's RDI. No improvements are required to meet c, ono.'u'rem3, requirements. The propos~xl re. zone will not create or excessively increase traffic congestion on the axterial roaA sy~Rem at buiJld-out and complies with Policies 1.3, 1.4, 5.1, 5.2, 7.2 and 7.3 of the ·bove ~ p~ojeet if approved would be consistent with the traflS¢ element. ~o. 2 JUN 2 4 1997 OPM Space Element - W~ile the PUD does not specific~lly address the required open space requirements of thirty (30) percent, nevertheless the PUD document provides that where the PUD fails to ~tdress specific development standards then those in the LDC apply. The requirement for open spa~e will be achieved as a function of Site Development Plan approval requirements. Other Applicable Elem~nt~ - The subject property is served by the County's sewer system and city water system. The project will be designed according to LDC requirements for storm water rnamgement. During the site development plan approval process the project will be ro~uired to be consistent with all relevant provisions of the LDC. HISTQRI¢/AP. CTIA EOLO GICAL IMPAC~F; Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Histocical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. EVALUATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL~ TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE: The subject petition has been reviewed by the appropriate staff responsible for oversight related to the above referencezl areas of critical concern. This primarily includes a review by the Community Development environmental and engineering staff, and the Transportation Department's staff. This petition wa.5 administratively reviewed on behalf of the EAB and staff recommended approval subject to conditions which have been incorporated into the PUD document. ANAI. NSI$: Staff completed a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition and the criteria on which a favorable deterr~L'mion must be based. This evaluation is intended to provide an objective, comprehensive o,~rview of the impact of the proposed land use change, be they positive or negative, culmirutting in a s~aff recommendation based on that comprehensive overview. The listed criteria are specifically noted in Section and of the Land Development Code thus requiring staff evaluaxion ~nd comrnem, atx:l shall be used as the basis for a recommendation of approval or denial by the Pl~aning Coamaission to the Board of County Commissioners. Each of the potential impacts or considerations id(ratified during the staff review are listed under each of the criteria note~d, and are categorized as either pro or con. whidz'ver the case may be. Staff review of each of the criterion is followed by a sununary conclusion culminating in a determination of compliance, non-compliance, or compliance ~ ~tig~ion. These evil.om sre completed as separate documents and are attached to the s:~f report. Appropriate evalu~on nf petitions for rezoning should establish a factual basis for supportive action by appointed ~ elected decision makers. The evaluation by professional staff should typically include ;m ~lysis of the petition's relationship to the community's future use plan, and whether or not a rezoning ~ction would be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management related ,elements. Other evsluation consideration should include an assessment of ad~q~ 'JUN PII. transl:.ortation ixtfi'astructure, other infrastructure, and compatibility with Mjacent land uses, a consideration usually dealt with as a facet of analyzing the relationship of the rezoning action to the long range plan fbr future land uses. Relati~n~hi? to Future and Exi$fimz L~nd Uses - A discussion of this relationship, as it applies specifically to Collier County's legal basis for land use planning, refers to the relationship of the proposed zoning action to the Future Land Use Element of the Collier County Growth Idanagement Plan. By virtue of its FLUE relationship the land may be rezoned for the purpose of expanding uses to include some commercial uses. The site is surrounded on three sides by non-residential uses. The issue presented by this petition is not one of compatibility but rather one of the importance of' using land in a manner consistent with the County's Future Land Use Plan. The Future Lm~d Use Plan represents a statement to the effect that development of land by a use contrary to the plan undermines the m.~rket assumptions that went into determining how much land is needed for the v,~aious major functions of industrial versus commercial. For this reason we believe the FLUE specifically cited that while the boundaries of urban industrial areas ought to be developed in more transitional types of land uses, nevertheless, these transitional uses should not include development of a purely retail nature, such l~s a conventional type of shopping center. The commercial uses requested as part of this PUD, while retail in nature, function more like many industrial enterprises in terms of the way the land is used (i.e. storage areas and outdoor uses of land). In the final analysis staff' is of the opinion that the Board of Commissioners must decide whether or not the uses are transitional. It is important to note that the PUD is ,,;elective in the sense that it only adds two groups of uses not found in the Industrial District and to that extent is far superior to any e~rlier applications for this property that requested the entire spectrum c, fcommercial land uses (i.e. C-1 thru C-$). Given the GlVIP Classification of industrial on the subject property, a compatibility analysis with Rural Estates zoning in part lying opposite the property, is not germane. There are no issues of timing relative to the appreciativeness of rezoning, given its urban location and full complement of urban infrastructure. The decision rests upon whether or not approximately nine (i.e. 9.27) acres of land now zoned Industrial be modified through the technique of a PUD rezoning action to allow in addition to the industrial uses now allowed two groups of uses only allowed in commercial zoning districts. Traffiq - Site generated trips will not exceed the Significance Test (5% of the Level of Service design capacity) on Radio Road within the projects radius of development influence CKDI). In addition, the sit~: generated trips will not lower the level of service below the adopted LOS standard for any road segment within the projmct's RDI. The Traffic Ckculation Element (TCE) lists Radio Road as a 4 lane arterial road. The current traffic count for this sqgnent is 19,054 AADT which results in LOS 'C'. This project meets the County's concurrency requirement and is consistent with the standards referenced in Policy 1.3, 5.1, and 5.2 of the TCE. 4 The a,c, cess point is from Radio Road. In view of the clear sight distance along this segment, the acces:s should operate w~th an acceptable level of safety. In addition, the access point is subject to all required County permits and the Access Management Plan. The final access geometry and design of the tr~:ic circulation system will be reviewed at the time of Site Development Plan (SDP) and/or Preliminary Subdivision Plat (PSP) review. BaseA on stall's review, the conceptual traffic circulation systetn is deemed consistent with Policy '/.2 and '/.3 of the TCE. The Traffic Accident Repor~ for 1995 shows the intersection of'Radio Road and the project as having a low traffic accident rate (under 10 per ye~). Certain tra~c stipulations included in the PUD provide greater specificity as to me. dian relationships and r,<luired impirovements to facilitate turning movement. L/tility ln£rastrucllLr~ - Both a public sanitary sewer and municipal water supplies are av:,ilable to the property and will be extended as a consequence of future required development approvals. All development must comply with surface water management requirements invoked at the time of subdividing as thc ca.se will be for development of this land. MASTER PLAN AND PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Master Plan - Ac:knowledges Land Development Code requirements relative to landscap(.' buffers and water management. PUD Development Standards - Development standards are similar to those required in conventional industrially zoned districts. Substitution To Subdivision Standards - None requested. ,~TAFF RECOMiMENDATION: That the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) recommend approval of Petition PUD-97-7 being a petition to rezone certain land from "I" Industrial to "PUD" Planned Unit Development as descril~cl by the draft Ordinance for Adoption and Exhibits thereto (i.e. the PUD Document and CHIEF PLANNER. REVIEWED BY: kO~ERT I. MUL~, AICP CURRENT PLAI~FNING MANAGER DATE AGENDA JY£M OLIN 2 4 1997 l'f.. q f DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP PLANNING SERVICES DEP6~TMENT DIRECTOR VINCEb~ A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR COlVfiVfUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. Petition Number PUD-97-7 StaffKeport for June 5, 1997 CCPC meeting. NOTF.: This P~tition ha~ been advertised for the June 24, 1997 BCC meeting. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: MICItAEL A. DAVIS, CHAIRMAN PUD-97-7 STAFF Rt,iPORT/pd JUN 2,1 1997' DONALD W. AI~:2qOLD, AICP v~('~q~r ATCAtrr~o, Amvm, aST~TO~, COMMUNrrY DEV. ~ ~O~~ SVCS. DATE P~tion Number PUD-97-7 Staff;R. eport for June 5, 1997 CCPC m~ting. NOTE: This Petition h~ b~n advertised for the June 24, 1997 BCC'm~ting. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: MICItAEL A. DAVIS, CHAIKMAN PI.R~9'7-7 STAF~ EEI:K:)RT/pd 6 JLIN 2 4 1997 ,.,.. 1(5_ FINDINGS FOR PUD PUD-97-7 Section of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Planning Commission to make a finding as to the PUD Master Plan's compliance with the following cril:m'ia: o The suiitability of the area for the type and pattern of development proposed in relation to physical characterbtics of the land, sun'ounding areas, traffic an~d access, drainage, sewer, water, and other utilities. Findine'i. Jurisdictional reviews by County staff' support the maimer and pattern of development proposed for the subject property. Development conditions contained in the PUD document give assurance that all infrastructure will be developed and be consistent with County regulations. Any inadequacies which require supplementing the PUD document will be recommended to the Board of County Commissioners as conditions of approval by staff. Recommended mitigation measures will assure compliance v, ith Level of Service relationships as prescribed by the Growth Management Plan. Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contract; or other instruments, or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they m:ty relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense. FindineL Documents submitted with the application provide evidence, of unified control. The PUD document makes appropriate provisions for continuing operation and maintenance of common areas. Confort~ity of the proposed Planned Unit Development with the goals, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan. ~The subject petition has been found consistent with the goals, objectives and policies ofthe Growth Manasement Pla~ A more detailed description of this conformity is addressed in the StaffRepon. The inte~maJ and external compatibility of proposed uses, which conditions may include ~restrictlons on location of improvements, restrictions on design, and .buffering and screening requirements. JUN 2 4 1997 i Ps. _.~_.__ ~i. The PUD Master Plan has been designed to optimize internal l~d use relationships through the use of various forms of open space separation (i.e. buffers and puking lot landscaping). External relationships are automatically regulated by the Land Development Code to assure harmonious relationships between projects. The adequacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the developmenL Required open space will be set aside at the time of SDP approvals. The timing or sequence of development for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilitie.% both public and private. Fin dint[Timing or sequence of development in light of concurrency requirements is not a significant problem. (Additional response for projects that may require phasing or special mitigatic,n because of degraded LOS conditions). The abi4ity of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. ~ndint~. Not applicable. Confor~aity with PUD regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations, ~ndin. gl PUD regulations are similar to the Industrial Zoning District. FINDINGS FOR PUD-97-7/pd 2 'JUN 4 1997 I REZONE FINDINGS FOR PETITION PUD-97-7 Sc~tion of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the re. port and re,:ommendatiot~ of the Planning Commission to the Board of County Commissioners shall show that the Planning Commission has studied end considered the proposed change in relation to the following, where applicable: Whether the proposed change will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies and Future Land Use map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan. .Pro/Con:. Evaluation not applicable. ~ummarv Findints: The petition will be consistent with goals, objectives, and policies and Future Land Use Map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan. 2. The existing land use pattern; Pro/Con:, Evaluation not applicable. Existing: The site is currently developed with mini-storage warehouse £acilities and in part is used for outdoor storage of recreational vehicles and boas and is zoned "I" Industrial. Surrounding: North - To the north the land is developed with industrial land u~.~s and is zoned "I" Industrial. F.~st - To the east the land is developed with industrial land uses and the Forestry Division of the State Agricultural Depm'tment and is zoned "I" Industrial. South-To the south lies tL~dio Road while further south the land is developed with residences and ~n industrial uses Naples Lumber Company. The land is zoned "E" Estates and PUD flndustrial). West - To the west the lind is developed with mini-wm'ehouse structures md is zoned "I" Industrial. The possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts; Pro/Con; Evaluation not applicable. JUN 2 4:1997 Summa~ Fin~,in~s: An action to rezone the land to the PUD zoning district for Industrial and Transitional Commercial Uses would not demonstrably change development patterrul and therefore would not create an isolated district. Availability o[' adequate infrastructure, and adjacent urban development, support the timing relationship and justify a rezort'~ng action. Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. ~ummary Findings: The district boundaries are logically drawn, inasmuch as they come about by virtue of their consistency with the FLUE to the GMP. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed amendment necessary. Pro/Con_/ Evaluation not applicable. Summq.~ Fin~lin~s: The proposed zoning change as modified is appropriate based on the exi!,~ing conditions of the property and because its relationship to the FLUE (Future Land Use Element of the GMP) is a positive one. Wheth,er the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood; Pro: In terms its visual impact on Radio Road a major arterial road transitional commek, cial uses of the type authorized by the PUD could make a substantial improvement over th,e existing condition by virtue of the application of c,:rrent landscaping standazds and the potential for office like structures. None. ~;ummllry Findinzs: The proposed change will not influence living conditions in the neighborhood inasmuch as the residential area lies south of Radio Road. Wheth~r tire proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create ltype~' of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak volumes or projected types of vehicular traffic, including activity during constru~ction phases of the development, or othenvise affect publi AGE I £ . ',JUN 21 1997 ,,,._/4-- 8, 10. ~ iii) Approval of th~s petition is deemed consistent with all related policies of the Tra~c Circulation Element to the GMP. Pro; {:ii) Radio Road a four lane divided highway is capable of handling substantially more traffic. Con~ None. ~;ummqry ¥indints: Evaluation of this project took into ac, count the requirement for consistency with Policy 5.1 of the Traffic Element of the GMP and was found consistent, a statement advising that this project when developed will not excessively incre~se traffic conga:ion. Additionally certain tra~c management system improvements are required as a condition of approval (i.e. turn lanes, traffic signals, dedications, etc.). In the final analysis; ali projects are subject to the Concurrency Management system. Whether the proposed change will create a drainage problem; Pro; A. positive drainage outfall must be provided concurrent with development. Con: Urban intensification potentially can heighten the occasion for area-wide flooding under the most sever rainfall event. Summ~try Fin. din~s: Every project approved in Collier County involving the utilization of land for some land use activity is scrutinized and required to mitigate all sub-surface drainag,-, generated by developmental activities as a condition of approval. Th. is project was reviewed for drainage relationships and design and construction plans are required to meet County standards as a condition of approval. In the event area wide deficiencies develop, which deficiencies would be further exacerbated by developing vacant land, the County is required to react through its Concurrency Management system. Wheth4:r the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas; pro/Co:a: Evaluation not applicable. Summ,~ All projects in Collier County are subject to the development standards that are unique to the zoning district in which it is located. These development standards and others apply generally and equally to all zoning districts (i.e. open space require~aent~ corridor management provisions, etc.) were designed to ensure that light penetration and circulation of air does not adversely affect adjacent areas. I ,JUN ~ 4.. 1997' 3 11. 12. 13. Pro: Typically urban intensification increases the value of contiguous underutilized land. Business office development with attendant landscaping improvements may stimulate renewal of adjacent property. Con: None. SummRrv Findings: This is a subjective determination based upon anticipated results which may be internal or external to the subject property that can affect property values. Propen.y valuation is affected by a host of factors including zoning, however zoning by itself may or may not affect values, since value determination by law is driven by market value. The mere fact that a property is given a new zoning designation may or may not affect value. Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findings: The basic premise underlying all of the development standards in the zoning division of the Land Development Code is that their sound application when combined with the administrative site development plan approval proce:;s, gives reasonable assurance that a change in zoning will not result in a deterrence to improvement or development of'adjacent property. Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasting with the public welfare; Pro/Con_;. Evaluation not applicable. ~pmm,ry FinOinzs; The proposed development complies with the Growth ma~,agement Plan, a public policy statement supporting Zoning actions when they are consistent with said Comprehensive Plan. In light of this fact the proposed change does not constitute a grant of'special privilege. Consistency with the FLUE is further determined to be a public welfare :relationship because actions consistent with plans are in the public interest. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be 'used in accordance with existing zoning; Pro/Co[L;. Evaluation not applicable. '~s JUN P, 1997 P~. __/_~ 14. 15. 16. 17. SummRrv Findinzs: The subiect property can be developed in accordance with the existing zoning, however to do so would deny this petitioner of the oppo~'tunity to maximize the development potential of' the site as made possible by its consistency relationsh¥ with the FLUE. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the County; Pro/Cc,n: Evaluation not applicable. Summ:~rv Findings; Thc proposed development complies with the Growth Management Plan, a policy statement which has evaluated the scale, density and intensity of land uses deemed to be acceptable for this site. Whether is it impossible to find other adequate sites in the County for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use. Pro/Con; Evaluation not applicable. Summll~ Fi..n. dins~s: There are many sites which are zoned to accommc,date the propos~:d development. This is not the determining factor when evaluitting the appropriateness of a re. zoning decision. The determinants of zoning are consi= with ali elements of the GM, P, compatibility, adequacy of infrastructure and to some ¢,ctent the timing of the action and all of the above criteria. The physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification. Pro/Co n_t Evaluation not applicable. Summ,s,rv Findints; Physical alteration is a product of developing vacant land which cannot be avoided. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilil:ies and services', contistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth Manage:mere Plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequa,te Public Facilities Ordinance, as amended. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. 5 LIUN" ,, 4 1997 ~um~p. ary Findini~s: Staff' reviews for adequaca, o£ public services and levels of' service dctcn~lned that required in.Crastructure meets with GMP established relationships. NOTE: .Q]g[P as used herein means the Collier County Growth Management Plan. FLUE me.~u~s the Future Land Use Element of thc GM:P. KF. ZONE FINDINGS PUD-97-T/pd COLLIER COUNTY APPLICATION FOR PUD REZONE PETITION NO. COORDINATING PI2%NNER: Ron Nino DATE RECEIVED: APPLICAT NAME (AGENT): Thomas E. Killen PHONE:(941) 591-31.30 APPLICANT ADDRESS: 2009 Trade Center Way Naplest Florida 34109 PROPERTY OWNER(PETITIONER) NAME AND ADDRESS*: Progeny Corporation 3527 Radio Road Naples, Florida 34104 PHONE:(941) 643-3530 DETAILED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONOF SUBJECT PROPERTY: SECTION: 36 TOWNSHIP: 49 S RANGE: 25 E E 1/2, SW 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4 and W 1/2, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4 of Section 36, Township 49S, Range 25 E, less the South 50 feet thereof, Collier County, Florida PROPERTY I.D. t: 00273730000 SIZE OF PROPERTY: 663 FT.X 610 FT. ACRES: 9.27 GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Airport Pulling Rd.& Radio Rd. ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE ZONING N S 7JD E W EXISTING ZONING: Industrial (I) LAND USE Naples Production Park Radio Square Division cf Forestry Public Storage/Mini-Warehouses PROPOSED LARD USE OR P, ANGE OF USES : Industrial (I) and Business Park "BP" zoning districts. -1- JUN ]997 AFFIPA~T I, ~ ~ being duly Iworn, depose .nd say that I am the'o)~ner of the property described herein ~nd which is the subject matter of the proposed heisting; that all the answers to the questions in thil applic~tion, and all sketches, data and other supplementary mater. attached to and made part of this application, are honest =nd true to the best of I¥ knowledge and belief. I under- stand this application must be completed and accurate b, fore a hearing ¢.n be advertised. St=re of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Agreement Sheet was acknowledge before me this ~7 day of~l~W~ , 199~ b¥_5~-~~$ ~[~&~/ , who il personally known to me or )~ho hal' ~roduced -' :~ iden~.~a- tion ~d who did {did take ~ oath. . (sfgn~tUr p~~-- NOTARY P~BLIO Commission ~ My Commission Expires AGEI~ nA.I'[EM SfdNATURE OF AGENT State of Florida County of Collier The foregoinq Agr.eement Sheet was acknowledged before me this I~ day o5 /~¢~1 , zg~_3by --~-~,//.~. , who _pe'rsonally known' ~o-~re-or who has produced _ l~f~fi'~-~t'i'dh--a'r,d-Qho did (di~x~t) take an oath. gnaturelf Notar~ Public) NOTARY PUBLIC Commission # My Commission Expires: is as -2- AGENDA ITEM. JUN Z 4:1997 DOES PROPERTY OWNER OWN CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY TO THE SUBJECT PROPF/{TY? IF SO, GIVE COMPL~.TE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF INTIRE CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY: NO HAS A PUBLIC HEARING FOR A REZONE BEEN HELD ON THIS PROPF~TY WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? IF YES, PLEASE WRITE THE REZONE APPLICATION NO. IS THIS PROPER:FY CURRENTLY VACANT? YES X NO. IF THE ANSWER IS NO PLEASE DESCRIBE THE CURRENT LAND USE AND ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES. Jim's Stow Away Storage and Mini-wharehouses and open storage with RV's, cars, and boats etc. SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER OR AGENT March 17, 1997 DATE X , If petitioner is a corporation other than a public corporation, so indcate and name officers and major stockholders. * If petitioner is a land trust, so indicate and name name beneficiaries. * If petitioner is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, so indicate and name principals. * If p~atitioner is a lesee, attach copy of lease, and indicate actual ow]3er$ if not indicated on the 'lease. * If petitioner is a contract purchaser, attach copy of contract, and indicate actual owners name and address. -2- JUN 3 1997 Utility Provisions for Conditional Uses and Rezones 1. NAME: PROGENY CORPORATION 2. ADDRESS: 3527 Radio Road Naplesr Florida 34104 PHONE: (941) 643-3530 3. LEGkL DESCRIPTION: E 1/2, SW 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4, and WlI/2, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4 of Section 36, Township 49 S, Range 25 E, less the South 50 feet thereof, Collier County, Florida. 4. TYPE OF SEWEGE DISPOSAL TO BE PROVIDED (Check applicable system): A. COUNTY SYSTEM EXISTING B. CITY SYSTEM C. FRINCHISED SYSTEM NAME: D. PACKAGE TREATMENT PLANT CAPACITY (GPD) E. SEPTIC SYSTEM 5. TYPE OF WATER SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED (check applicable system): ae B. C. D. COUNTY SYSTEM CITY SYSTEM EXISTING FRINCHISED SYSTEM PRIVATE SYSTEM NAME: 6. TOTAL POPULATION TO BE SERVED: 7. PF2LK AND AVERAGE DAILY DEMANDES: 1. WATER-PEA/( 2. SEWER-PEAK AVERAGE DAILY AVERAGE DAILY 8. IF PROPOSING TO CONNECT TO COLLIER COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM, DATE SERVICE EXPECTED TO BE REQUIRED: 9. Provide a brief and concise narrative and schematic drawing of the sewage treatment process to' be used as well as a specific statement regarding the I~ethod of affluent and sludge disposal. If percolation ponds are to be used, then percolation data of soil involved shall be provided from tests prepared by a professional engineer. -1- JUN 3 4 1997' P,. _ ENGINEERING DIVISIOI Apdl 14, 1997 ;Mr. Tom Killen, Agent ,2009 Trade Center Way Naples, Flodda 34109 RE: 3527 Radio Road Dear Mr. Killlen, This letter attests that the subject property is wit/',[n'the City of Naples Water Service arena and is served with water:under Aco3u~ #13927~50~. If you have any que~ons,'please ~"not.' .l~ita~. to call meat 434-.4752. Permit Coordinator ' AG£~DA JUI,i 2 4= 1997 10. A statement, in writing, signed by the owner should be provided agreeing to de.ed to the County Utilities the water distribution and sewage collection facilities within the project area upon completion of the construction of these facilities in accordance with applicable County ordinances. This statement should also include agreement that applicable system development charges and connection fees will be paid to the County Utilities Division prior to the issuance of building permits by the County Community Development Division. The statement should also contain agreement to dedicate appropriate Utility Easements for serving the water and sewer systems. APPROVER: COMM~ITS: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DENIED: UTILITIES ADMINISTRATOR -2- JUN .£ 4 1991 ORDINANCE NO. 97- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102 THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 9536S; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "I" INDUSTRIAL TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN? KNOWN AS PROGENY COMMERCE CENTER FOR INDUSTRIAL USES, LOCATED TWO BLOCKS EAST OF AIRPORT PULLING ROAD ON THE NORTH SIDE OF RADIO ROAD, IN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 9.27 ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Thomas ~. Killen, representing Progeny Corporation, petitioned the Board of County Com~issioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Co~nissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Section 36, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "I" Industrial to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the Progeny Commerce Center PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 9536S, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. JUN 2 4 1997 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this __ day of , 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY MARJOF~[E M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY -2- JUN 2 ~ 1997 THE PROGANY COMMERCE CENTER A PLANNED UNIT ~I~ELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND SUPPORTING MASTER PLAN GOVERNING THE PROGANY COMMERCE CENTER A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. PREPARED FOR: PROGANY CORPORATION 3527 RADIO ROAD NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 PREPARED DY: THOMAS E. KILLEN ARCHITECT & PLANNER NAPLES, FLORIDA 34109 DATE.REVISED BY CCP~ DATE APPROVED BY BCC ORDINANCE NUMBER AMENDMENT AND REPEAL Exhibit "A" No./.~ JUN 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONg?ENT PAGE i LIST OF EXHIBITS ii ~TATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE iti SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & DESCRIPTION thru 2 SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT thru 2 SECTION III COMMERCIAL AREAS PLAN thru 2 SECTION IV DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS thru 4 dUN 2 ~ 1997 LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT "A" PUD Master Plan STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The development of an approximate 9.27 acre tract of property in Collier County, as a Planned Unit Development to be known as The Progeny Commerce Center and will be in compliance with the planning goals and objectives of Collier County as set forth in the Growth Management Plan. In particular The Urban District of the Collier County Future Land Use Element pp. LV-1-39. Commercial Project The property is designated Industrial on the Future Land Use Map to the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. The Future Land Element provides for transitional uses at the perimeter of industrially designated areas which may include appropriate types of commercial uses.The introduction of some commercial uses of the type herein propoued is therefor consistent with the transitional use theme for perimeter uses at the boundary of Industrially Designated Areas. The subject tract is located two blocks east of Airport- Pulling Road on Radio Road. This strategic location allows the site ~uperior access for the placement of commercial activities. The property shall be in compliance with all applicable County regulations including the Growth Management Plan. The p::oject will be served by a complete range of services and utilities as approved by the County· The project is compatible with adjacent land uses through the Collier County Future Land Use Element. All final local development orders for this project are subject to the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. iii SL'C~ION PROPERTY O~NERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION 1.1 ~URPOSE The purpose of this Section i~ to set forth the location &nd owners~hip of the property, &nd to describe the existing conditions of the property proposed to be developed under the project name of Progeny Commerce Center. 1.2 LEGAL ~SCRII~T!ON The subject property being 9.27 acres, is described as: Section 36, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, E 1/2, SM 1/4, SE 1,/40 SW 1/4, and W 1/2, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4, les~ the South 70 feet thereof, Collier County, Florida. 1.3 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The subject property is currently under the ownership of Prog.~n{ Corporation, 3527 Radio Road, Naples, Florida 34104 ~.4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AREA Ao The project site is located in Section 36, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, 3527 Radio Road, Naples, Flor/da ~4104 The zoning classification cf the subject property prior ac) the date of this approved PUD Document was Industrial [I). 1-1 1.5 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The project is comprised primarily of existing Warm, house Facilities and open storage. The project is prez~ently serviced by Collier County Utilities for sanitary sew,,r and the C~ty of Naples Utilities for water. Elevat:ions within the projec': site range from 6.8 to 10.0 feet above mean lea level. Most of the area, however, falls within the 8.3 to 9.3 feet of elevation category. The existing site has been filled. The amount of caprock is minimal. All of the site is in Flood Zone X according to Firm Map 0394-D. The =oil type on the site is primarily Immokale® fine .mend. Sozl characteristics were derived from Soil Survey of Collimr County, Florida, issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Soil Conservation Service) in March 1954. 1.6 SHORT TITLE Thi.~ Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Progeny Com~.er¢:e Center Development Ordinance". 1-2 JUN ,3 4 1997 2.1 2.2 SL~I'I ON PROJECT DEV£LOPMENT REQUIREMENTS PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to deline&te and generally describe the project plan of development, relationships to applicable County ordinances, the respective land uses of the tracts included in the project, as well as other project relationships. GENERAL Regulations for development of The Progeny Co~mmerce Center shall be in accordance with the contents of this .~ocument, PUD-Planned Unit Development District and other applicable sections and parts of the Collier '~ounty Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan in effect at the time of building permit applic,~tion. Where these regulations fail to provide developmental :~tandards, then the provisions of the most similar district xn the County Land Development Code shall ~ppl¥. Bo Unless otherwise noted, the definitions of all terms ~re the same as the definitions set forth in Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time building permit application. Co All conditions imposed and all graphic material presented depicting restrictions for the d,mvelopment of The Progeny Commerce Center shall become part of the regulations which govern the manner in which the PUD l~ite may be developed. Do Unless modified, waived or excepted by this PUD, the provisions of other sections of the land development code where applicable rmmaxn in full force and .ffect with respect to the development of the land which comprises this PUD. Development permitted by the approval of this peri=ion will be subject to a concurrency review under the ~rovisions of Division 3.~5 Adequate Public Facilities ~t the earliest or next to occur of either final SDP ~pproval, final plat approval, or building permit issutnce applicable to this development. JUN 4 1997 2.3 D~$.C~RIFTION OF pROJeCT pLAN AND pRQPQ~ED LAND OS~__ A. The ~roject Master Plan, including ~ayou~ of m~rootB and u~e of land, i~ illustratea graphically by Exhibit "A", PUD M~ter Development Plan. Separate ~ractm may be e~tablimhed at a subsequent time frame ~ep~nding upon the sequence of ~evelopment aecisions. B. In addition to the vmrioum area and specific items shown in Exhibit "A", such easements ms nec~smarY (utility, private, semi-public, etc. ) shall be established within or along the variou~ Tracts a~ may be necessary. 2-2 JUN 4 997 SECTION I I I LAND USE PLAN 3.1 3.2 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to identify the type of land uses and development standards that will be applied to development areas so designated on Exhibit "A". USES PERMITTED No building or structure or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or part, for other then the following: PERMITTED USES 2 o o Any use of land authorized as a permitted use in the "I" Industrial and "BP" Business Park Zoning District pursuant to the Sections, 2.2.16-1/2.2.1 of the Land Developmerit Cod, by reference is hereby made a part of this PUD. Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores per Section of the Land Development Code. Building Material, Hardware and Garden Supply per S~ction 2.2.15-1/ of the Land Development Code. 3.3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Dimensional Standards A. ~£NIMUM LOT AREA%. B. ~INIMUM LOT WIDTH: Ten thousand (10,000) square feet. Seventy-five feet (]5'). M~INIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS: ti) From Radio Road - Fifty (50) feet. (ii} From Perimeter Boundary- Twenty-five (25) feet. (:~ii) From Internal Driveways - Ten (10) feet.__ JU i 2 4 1997 (iv) (v) Between Duildi,p~{' (side yards). Unified pla~,-' ~/2 the sum of the height of walls from one another but not less than fifteen (~5) feet. On Individual Fee Owned bots~ ' Ten (10) feet. ~here this standards Standard of apply. M__~AXIMUM HEIGHT:, PUD does not provide specific Section Dimensional the Land Development Code s;hall Fi{fy feet (50'). ~NIMUM FLOOR thousand (1,000) ground floor. AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTg~ESl One square feet for each building on the OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING R~iNTS--~'- off-street parking and Off-street loading requirements per Division 2.3 of the Land Development Code shall be required. Individual Tracts may have separate and exclusive accesswaYs and parking areas or may, in any combination of Tracts, share accessways and parkxng lots, so that any two or more of the Tracts can function together as a single shopping center. Any such shared accesswaYs or shared parking facilities shall be formally recognized by publicly recorded easements. ~bNDSCAPING: As required in Division 2.4 of the Land D~,velopment Code. M_~ERCHANDISE STORAGE AND DISPLAY: Unless specifically permitted for a use, outside ~torage or display of merchandise is p~ohibited. ~IGNS: As required in Division 2.5 of the LDC. ~]{~HITECTURAL STANDARDS:. 2~8 Architectural and S~an.~ards shall apply to S~ctxon 3.2. The provisions of Division Site Design Guidelines and those uses authorized under 3-2 1997 BECTION DEV~J~OPMENT COMM I TMENTS PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the development commitments for the development of the project. 4.2 4.3 G~NERAL All facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with Final Site Development Plans, Final Subdivision Plans and all applicable State and local laws, codes and regulations applicable to this PUD. Except where specAf.cally noted or stated otherwise, the standards and specifications of Division 3.2. of the Land Development Code shall alpply to this project even if the land within the PUD is net to be platted. The developer, his successor and assigns shall be responsible for the commitn, entz~ outlined in this document. The developer, his successor or assignee shall agree to follow %he Master Plan and the regulations of the PUD as adop~e,~, and any other conditions or modifications es may be agreed to in the rezoning of the property. In addition, any successors in title or assignees of the developer are bound by the commitments within this document. PUD MASTER PLAN Ao Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan illustrates the proposed dovelopment and is conceptual in nature. Proposed tract, lot or land use boundaries or special land use boundaries shall not be construed to be final and may be varied at any subsequent approval phase as may be required at the time of final platting or site d~.velopment plan application. Subject to the provisions o' Section of the Land Development (lode amendments may be made from time to time. Be Ail necessary easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to insure the continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities and all common areas in the project. 4.4 ~IGNS All signs shall be in accordance with Division 2.5. Land Development Code of the 4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ~tND$CAPING ENVIRONMENTAL An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maint,~nance (exotic-free) plan for the site shall be submitt,ad to Current Planning Environmental Review Staff for revit~w and appro%,al prior to final site plan~construction plan appro~,al. LANDSC, APING All landscaping for parking areas shall be in accordance with the Division 2.4. of the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of building ~,ermit application, except as otherwise herein provided. 4.6 ENGINEERING ao The Developer is required to satisfy the requirements of all County ordinances or codes in effect prior to or concurrent with any subsequent development order r,elating to this site. This includes, but is not limited to, Preliminary Subdivision Plats, Site D~velopment Plans, and any other application that will r,,sult in the issuance of a final or final local d,~velopment order. Bo Platting is required in accordance with Collier County Subdivision Regulations, if any lots, tracts, or parcels are to be sold. Access to each parcel o£ land created as a result of platting shall be limited to the internal street ~ystem. Work within the Collier County right-of-way shall meet the requirements uf the Collier County Rights-of-Way Ordinance No. 93-64. fe Design and construction of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with the appropriate of the Collier County Land Development Code,. I JUN241997 4.7 UTILITIES The development of this PUD Master Plan shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions: A. The sewage collection and transmission system to metre this project is to be designed, constructed, conveyed and/or owned and maintained in accordance with Collier County Ordinance 88-76, as amended, and all other applicable State, Federal and County rules, regulations and policies. Sanitary sewer facilities constructed within platted public rights-of-way shall be conveyed to the Collier County Water/Sewer District for ownership, operl, tion and maintenance. Sanitary sewer facilities constructed in private easements and/or private platted rights:-of- w,~y shall be owned, operated and maintained by the d,veloper, his assigns or successors. B. Upon completion of construction of the sanitary sewer facilities within the project, the facilities shall be tested to insure they meet Collier County minimum r~qu~rements at which time they will be conveyed to Collier County and/or remain under private owners;hip, prior to being placed into service. C. The developer, his assigns or successors agree to pay a~l system development charges at the time building Furmits are required, pursuant to appropriate County C. rdinances and Regulations in effect at the time of permit request. This requirement shall be made known to all prospective buyers of properties for which building ~ermits will be required prior to the start of building construction. D. Water service will be provided to the site by the City of Naples. 4.8 TRANSPORTATIO~ Arterial level street lighting shall be provided at all project access points when an internal ro:dway is established which interconnects with Radio Road. 4-3 JUN 4 997 I There is an existing e&stbound direction median opening located at the existing driveway entrance near the eastern end of the property. In addition, there is a full median opening located at the western property access. In the event this property is redeveloped from mini-storage and outside storage, the provisions of Ordinance 93-64 will require that westbound right turn lanes be installed. Compensating right-of-way shall be required as a consequence of the installation of this turn lane at the time of Final site development plan approval and pursuant to the provisions of Section of the Land Development Code. In the avant the applicant doe~ not comply with the requirements of Resolution 92-422, the Collier County Access Management Policy, the existing mad,an openings and median turn lanes shall be subject to removal. P~ior to any re-development of the property, a positive drainage outfall shall be identified. 4-4 1997 I I I I I I I I I I _, I 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION AV 97-002 TO VACATE A PORTION OF TRACTS M-1 AND M-2 AND ALL OF TRACT M-3 BEING PRIVATE ROADWAYS AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF CRYSTAL LAKE TERRACES AT EAGLE CREEK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 16, PAGES 30-31, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. (COMPANION ITEM TO THE PLAT OF CRYSTAL LAKE TERRACES AT EAGLE CREEK REPLAT.) ~: To adopt the Resolution for the vacation to allow roadway realignment on the replat of the subdivision. CONSIDERATIONS: A petition has been received by the Transportation Department from John Maloney, Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., as agent for owner, Eagle Creek Properties, Inc., requesting vacation of a portion of Tracts M-1 and M-2 and all of Tract M-3 as shown on the attached maps. The petitioner has found it necessary to vacate the Tracts to relocate the private roadway. The easements contained in the aforementioned Tracts were dedicated on the plat and include Collier County Utility Easements, drainage easements and the right of ingress/egress. The roadway platted as Tract M-3 is a private road with maintenance responsibilities being assigned to Eagle Creek Condominium Number 5 Neighborhood Association. The petitioner wishes to relocate the roadway for future development and allow the Eagle Creek residents access to the commercial site via the proposed companion item replat entitled Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creel( Replat. All replacement utility, drainage, and ingress/egress easements are dedicated on the replat. Letters of No Objection have been received from all pertinent utility companies and authorized user agencies. The Transportation Services Department has reviewed the petition and has no objec[ion. Zoning is PUD. E].~.C.~: Not applicable. .GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Resolution for Petition AV 97-002 to vacate the above-described portion of the plat, authorize the execution of the Resolution for the vacation of same by its Chairman, and direct the Clerk lo advertise the adoption of the Resolution within 30 days and record a certified copy of the Resolution, proof of publication of the notice of public hearing and proof of publication of the notice of adoption in the Public Records. and make the appropriate marginal notes on the plat. Russell D. Muller Engineer,Jo .... ,, _...---. REVIEWED BY: ,, /~'//--~~.~.*-_ .~- ' David ~. l~oba~c"~ REVIEWED BY: I~ f - Ed Ilschner Public Works Administrator RDM/tm/042297/ES AV 97-002.doc RESOLUTION NO. 97-~ RESOLUTION FOR PETITION AV 97.002 TO VACATE A PORTION OF TRACTS M.1 AND M-2 AND ALL OF TRACT M-3 BEING PRIVATE ROADWAYS AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF CRYSTAL LAKE TERRACES AT EAGLE CREEK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 16, PAGES 30-31, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 6 7 8 9 10 WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 177.101, 336.09 and 336.10, Florida 11 Statutes, John Maloney, Wilson, Miller, Badon & Peek, Inc,. as agent for owner, 12 Eagle Creek Properties, Inc., does hereby request the vacation of · ix)dion of 13 Tracts M-1 and M-2 and all of Tract M-3 as shown on the plat of Crystal Lake 14 Ten'aces at Eagle Creek, as recorded in Plat Book 16, Pages 30-31, of the 15 Public Records of Collier County, Flodda; and 16 WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public headng to consider 17 vacating a portion of said plat as more fully described below, and notice of said 18 public headng to vacate was given as required by law; and 19 WHEREAS, the granting of the vacation will not adversely affect the 20 ownership or dght of convenient access of other property owners. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 22 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, that the following be and 23 is hereby vacated: 24 See Exhibit "A" atlached to and incorporated herein BE IT FURTHER RE. SOLVED, that the Clerk is directed to advertise the adoption of this Resolution once in a paper of general circulation in the County within 30 days following its adoption. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Clerk is hereby directed to record n cerlified copy of this Resolulion, the proof of publication of the notice o! public hearing, and the proof of publication of the notice of adoption of this Resolution in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida and to make proper notations of this vacation on said plat. This resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 same. DATED: A3-TEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Approve( as to form and leg,,al/~ufficiency!t Assistant County Atlorne¥ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: TIMOTHY L HANCOCK, Chairman RI'~M'tm/O42297 'Rel, o AVg?.O02 C~fstal Lake -2' ? WILSON, MILLER, BARTON & PEEK, INC. Dcscnpuon of all of Tract M.3. and p.,at of'l'racts M. I and M-:. accordmc to the pint of Cr)'st~J Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek zs recorded in Plat Book 16. p:~les 30 through Pubhc Records of Colher Count}. Florid:', (Pomon to be Vacated) AJI of Tract M-3 and pm of Tracts M-I :md M.2, according to the plat of Cr')'st,xl L~ke Ten'aces at EaGle Creek u recorded m Plal Book 16. pages 30 th,rough 31, Pubhc Records of Colhcr County. Florida and bemi more p~-fic~la.,ly described u follows Beg~.ruxing at the northwest comer of sa.id Tract M-2. thcn:e gong ~hc boundar'y ofs"d plat m the follo~'mg ~'o (2) described courses' 1) South 54°20'32" 1:asr 26000 feet, 2) South 89"20'32" East 47.39 feet. then:e leaving said bounda~.' South 54°20'32'' East lOlL1 $9 feet to the cast line of said Tract M-I, thcn:e along said east linc South 02*29'06" West 76 45 feet. thenze leaving sa. id ezst fmc Ne~h ~0*.~?'54" West .19 .1] Feet. then:e South 59°02'06" kVest I S 19 Feet. then:e North 4Se30'54" \Vest 30 ?0 feet. fl~enze Non.h 56'31'30" West -"93 19 feet. thcn:e northv..cstetly 95 99 feet aJong O',e :~'c ora c~rcul~' cur.¢ conca'.e sou.~'o..esteHy ha'.'~g ~ rachus o1'403 00 feet ff~ough :, cenrr:fl ~.~le of 13°35'51.. and being subtended by a chord v,~eh be:us Non.h 63'20 55" West 95 7'7 feet, then(:e North 70°10'21" West 179 45 feet. to a poml of cu.p.'at~.u'e and the e~terly bound.u3' of Tr,,ct M-3. thence along thc bounda,'T ofs~d Tract M-3 m the following five (5) described courses I) southwesterly 88 18 feet aJong the a.'c of a circul.~' c~"x'c conc,ve no~twesterly ha','~rg a radms or 5900 feet through a central angle of 85*38'0? and being suNcn~4ed by a chord which bears South 26°15'33" kVcst 80.20 feet to a pome of reverse curvatuse, 2) southweslerly 16.75 feet along the arc ofn circuJ~ cun,'e concave southeasterly havin8 a radius of I? 00 feet 'J'~'ough a cenlral angle of 56"27'08" and being subtended by:~ chord v, hich be~'s South 40°S I'01' West 1608 feet, 3) South 12~37'27'' Wes[ 17 66 feel. 4) southerly 41 41 feel along the arc ora orculw curve concave v, esterb haxang a fa&us of 103 O0 feet ~ough a central ~gle of 2YO2'ul" and being sub:ended by a chetd v,h,ch bears South 24°01~'27'' West .41 13 feet, 5) $oath 3?39'25" West 50 I I feet to the south line ofs'-d plat. theno: along s~d plat bound..'u3' Noel M~20'32" West .~99 06 feet. theno: continue along sa~d plat bound.~.' Non..h 0t'%1'55" East 3'70 6.~ feet to the Pome of Beginning. Subject to e~.sements and resmcnons of record Containing 6 21 ncres more or less Bearings are based on the southerly hne of sa. id Tract M-2 being Noah 54'20'32" West W'[LSON, hflI LER. BARTON gu PEEK, LNC. Regislered Engineers and L~d Surx¢.vots /, 2',-; 77 Rcf 2J-80 FEB 2 I sg? ATTAC}{MENT D PETITION TO VACATE. ^VANDON. DISCONTIh'UE. OR CLOSE Date Received: Petitioner:* 'EaRle Creek Properties, Inc. Address: al EaRle Creek Dr. Telephone: 775-2227 City/State:_Naples~ FL Zip Code: 34113 Agent: ~ohn Maloney~ Wilson~ Miller~ Barton & Peek~ Inc. Address: 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Telephone: 4941} 649J'~040 City/State: ~aples~ FL Zip Code: 34105 Location: Section 3 Township 51 h~gal Description: Part of Tracts M-l, M-2 and M-3 Range 26 Subdivision: Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek Plat Book 16 Page(s) 30-31 Reason for Request; To relocate roadwa}, for future development and allow Ea~.le Creek residents access to commercial site. Current Zoning: PUD Does this affect density?__ I Hereby Authorize Agent Above to Represent Me for this Petition: Ye s x No Si~ure of ~iotner Date PrLn:ed Title No Please see "Policy and Procedure of Vacation and Annulment" for the list of supportive materials which must accompany this petition, and deliver or mail to: Transportation Services Di4ision Collier County Government Complex Naples, Fla. 33962 Telephone: (941) 774-8494 *(1) (2) (3) (~) (5) RDM/kc/O$2095/739 If applicant is a land trust, so indicate and name beneficiaries. If applicant is corporation other than a public corporation, so indicate and name officers and major stockholders. If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, so indicate and name proincipals. If applicant is an owner, indicate exactly as recorded, and list all other owners, if any. If applican~ is a lessee, attach a copy of lease, and indicate actual o~ers if not indicated on the lease. [--- i DEDICATION STATE OF FLORIDA] ) SS.~ COUNT7 OF COLLIER) PLAT BOOK 16 PAGE 30 SHEET 1 OF 2 KNOW~ ~L ~EN BY THESE PRESENTS. THAT EAGLE CREEK PROPERTIES, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION. THE OWNER DF THE LANDS DESCRIBED HERE1N. HAS CAUSED THIS PLAT ENTITLED 'CRYSTAL LAKE TERRACES AT EAGLE CREEK' TO BE MADE AND HEREBY DEDICATES THE FOLLO~IN$: I. TO COLLIER COUNT¥~ A NONEXCLUSIVE DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER ALL THOSE AREAS DESIGNATED ON THE PLAT AS DRAINAGE EASEMENTS (D.E.), ALL WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE. (~..DI~'~:) TO COLLER COL~ITY WATER-~EW~R D~TRI~T UPON ~~ ~ ~ I~S F~D ~ ~ ~T. :~. TO COLLIER COUNT~ A NONEXCLUSIYE R~HT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THOSE AREAS DESIGNATED ON THE PLAT AS C.U.E. FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPAIRING. ~A]NTA~NING AND REPLACING THE ~ATER ~CLI~IES PROVIDED THAT BY ACCEPTING TH~S PLAT FOR F~LING. COLLIER COUNTY t, SSUNES THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIR AND RESTORATION OF THE SURFACE OVER ]HOSE AREAS DESIGNATED AS C.U.E.. ~HICH FRO~ T]~E TO T~E D~STURBED BY COLLIER COUNTY, OR ITS AGENTS ENTERING ON SA~D EASEMENT ~,REAS FOR THE PURPOSES DESCRIBED HEREIN. 4. TO FLORIDA PO~ER AND LIGHT COMPANY. UNITED TELEPHONE CO,PANT AND CABLE TELEViSiON FRANCHISE CO~PANT~ A NON-EXCLUSIVE UTILITY EASEmENt. (U.E.), AS NOTED OR INDICATED ON THE PLAT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION. INSTALLATION, ~A]NTENANCE AND OPERATION OF ELECTRIC. TELEPHONE AND CABLE TELEVISION FACILITIES. PROVIDED THAT B~ USING SUCH UTILITY EASEMENTS OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY. TELEVISION FRANCHISE COMPANY. INDIV~DUALL~ AGREES TO ASSUHE RESPONSIBiLiTY FOR REPAIR AND RESTORAT10N OF THE SURFACE AREA OVER THE UTILITY EASEMENT ~H~CH FRO~ TIHE TO TI~E HA~ BE DISTURBED B~ SA~D UTiLiTY CO~PAN~ES. FOR THE PURPOSE DESCRIBED HEREIN. NO CONSTRUCTION. iNSTALLATION. ~AINTENANCE OR OPERATION OF CABLE TELEVISION FACILITIES S:dALL INTERFERE WITH THE ELECTRIC OR TELEPHONE FACILITIES AND SERVICES. ~N THE EVENT A CABLE iELEV]SION CO~PAN~ DAMAGES THE FACILe;lES OF ANOTHER PUBLIC UTILITY. IT SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SAID DAMAGE. 5. TO EAGLE CREEK CONDO~]N~UH NUMBER 5 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC~AT'[ON. ~NC.. A FLORIDA CORPORATION NOT FOR PROF]T~ A NONEXCLUSIVE R~GHT OF INGRESS AI~D EGRESS OVER THE CO~ON AREAS SHO~N ON THE PLA~ INCLUDING TRACT 'H-3'. AND OVER ALL THOSE AREAS DESlCNATED ON THE PLAT AS DRAiNAgE EASE~ENtS (D.E.). PROVIDED THAT SAID EAGLE CREEK CONDO~IN~UH NUHBER 5 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION. INC.. A FLORIDA CORPORATION, SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ~A~NTENANCE. REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF SUCH CO~ON AREAS LOCATED THEREIN. IN ~TNESS ~HEREOF, THE ABOVE-NAHED EAGLE CREEK PROPERTIES. INC., A FL. OR,DA CORPORATION, THE OWNER OF THE LANDS EESCRIBED HERE~N. HAS CAUSED ~HESE PRESENTS TO BE SIGNED AND ~TTESTED TO BY THE PERSON NA~ED BELO~ AND THE SEAL TO BE AFFIXED HERETO ON THIS DA~ OF . ~989 A.D. ~TNESSES E~GLE CREEK PROPERTIES, - A FLORIDA CORPORATION ..................... CORF ORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~ ~...:'" . COUNTT OF COLLIER) AUTHORIZED tN THE STATE A D COUN~ AFORESAID TO T E AC NO LED~E- ~ENTS PERSONALLY APPEARED HAROLD A. ROAN. JR.. ~0 HEAND DY KNOWN TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF EAGLE CREEK PROPERTIES. INC.. A FLORIDA CORPORATION, NAHED AS DEDICATOR ON THE FOREGOING PLATi A~ ~_ 'i THAT HE ACKNOWLEDGED EXECUTING THE SAME VOLUNTARILY UNDER AUTHORIT..Y,../:3U&;~ "' VESTED IN HIM BY SAID CORPORATION. ~'-27-1997 12;.~Eii::~ Fl::i~ ~ I:' ~ 9al ~ 237.~ P. 2 cxgle creek May 27, 1997 COM~fUNITY A~i)CIATION, INC. John P. Maloney, P.S.M. Wttmn, Miller, l~srton & Peek 3200 l~tiley Lan~, Suite 200 Napl~s, FL 34 I0~a8507 Proposed Vacation of all of Tract M-3 ~nd Pa~ of Tract M- 1 ~nd M-2, Accord~ to th~ Flat of Cry~tal L~e Terraces a: EaSe C~ P~t B~k 16, Pages 30-31, ~d ~ ~on 3 To~p $1 ~, ~ 26 ~sL ~ Cotm~, Flo~da Eagle Creek Community Association, Inc., ecl Eagle C.r~k of Naples C,~domlniu~ Association, Inc., has no objection with the propc~ed vacation of the above refer~n~d FOnion of the pht for Cry~,~l I~ke Tezrac~ at F~gle Creek (aka Eagle Creek of Naples C. or',do~inlum No. 5). Additionally, we lutve r~icwed the proposed replat, File No. ~1330, ~ May 8, 1997, ~d f~d no ~je~on ~ t~e ~d ~e~s e~men~ P~iden~ ~e C~ek of Naples C~do~ ~on, ~c. ~r, Fagle Cr~,~. Cornrnunlty As.r, ociidon, Inc. Ftesidg~t. Eagle Cte:k Co~'~uz'dty Association, Inc. _ II I COLLIER COUN~FY GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES. FL 33942 (941) 645-8400 ..'% CERTIFIED BLL'E CHIP COMMUNITY April 4, 1997 Mr. John Maloney, P.S.M. Wilson, Miller, B;~wton & Peek, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane Naples. FL. 34105 RI:: CD'stal Lake Ten'aces at Eagle Creek Dear John: Please be advised that this office has reviewed you petition to vacate a portion of right-of-way and replat in Cr).'stal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek. and we have No Objection to the vacation and replat. If I can be of an)' further asistance to you in this regard, please let me know. Sinclair.~:~.J~ i~ John R. Houldswonh Senior Engineer cc: Russ Muller, Transportation Services CO.MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT i a~. ~ ~APLES. FL 33942 .~. CERTIFIED BLL'r CHIP PLANNING SERVICES April 18, 1997 Mr. John P. Maloney, P.S.M. Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34105 Re: Petition to vacate a portion of plat for Eagle Creek Dear Mr. Maloney: This letter is in response to your request for a staff determination of no objection to a proposed vacation of a portion of the plat fox' Crystal Lake Terraces. This includes the vacation of certain drainage easements, Collier County utility easements, and private right-of-way easements as referenced in your April 16, 1997 letter. Please note that this review is from a planning standpoint only. From the information provided, it appears that the proposed vacation is consistent with the Eagle Creek PUD Master Plan and will not adversely impact traffic circulation. As a result, the Current Planning Staff has no objection to the above referenced vacation proposal. Researched and Prepared By: Reviewed By: Ray Principal Planner RVB/rb/VACATiCN LETTER Robert Mulhere, ~ICP Current Planning Manager Enclosure cc: Donald W. Arnold Robert J. Mu~.here David F. Bobanick Russell Muller Norma Boone File LNMENg: .-- -v ~OK.KS DIVISION February 20, 1997 Mr. John P. Maloney, P.S.M. Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34105-8507 Re' Petition to Vat. ale and replal that pnrtion nfn plat for Crystal Lake Terrace at Eagle Creek; 33Ol E. TA.Xli,a.M! TRA.IL NAPLES. FL 34112 ¢941~'32-25-5 FAX {941~ 732.2520 ..~ ,. I:R"rlFI£D BLL'£, HIP r ~ LMML'NFF~ Dear Mr. Maloney: This office has reviewed your request to vacate and replat that portion ora plat for Crystal Lake Terrace at Eagle Creek. The Collier County Water-Sewer District has existing v,'ater facilities within the area requesting to be vacated. However, it is our understanding that the existing water main will be relocated within a proposed Collier Count.,,' Utility Easement (CUT-) as shown on the proposed plat for Crystal Lake Terrace at Eagle Creek. The Collier County Water-Sewer District have no objection to the relocation of the water line. providing replacement Collier Count5.' Utility. Easements (CUT.). and the relocated water main are approved by Collier Count3' Communits' Development Sen'ices. and accepted by the Board of Count.',' Commissioners. Should you ha~ e any further questions, please feel fie,.' to contact me. Sincerely, Cindy M. Erk;/ Public Works Senior Engineering Technician CCl Edv,'ard N. Finn, Public Works Operations Director Raymond W. Miller, Interim Public Works Administrator Michael Ne',vman. Water Director Russ Muller, Transportation Sen'ices April 16, 1997 Mr. lohn Boldt. Collier County Stom~water Management 3301 E. Tsmi~u'ni Trail, Bldg. H, 3rd Floor Naples, FL 34112 Petiticn to vacate and replat for portion of plat for Crysud Lake Terrace at Eagle Creek, Plat Book 16, pages 30-31, located in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County Dear Mr. Boldt: Eagle Creek Properties, Inc. intends to petition the Board of County Commissioners or' Collier County, Florida to vacate a pon-ion of the plat for Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek located in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, includ~g the vacation o£ certain drainage easements, Collier County utility easements, private fight-of-way easements, and utility easements ',herein. A sketch of the property showing the easements is aaached. Ii'the Petidon is granted, Eagle Creek l~-operties, Inc. will provide replacement easements on its property consistent wkh the enclosed replat fox' the roadway realignment which is the remon for the vacation proceedings. This is to request a letter of approv~ pertaining the proposed roadway relocation. I have enclosed two copies of the proposed re-plat for your review. We would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience allowing them to then be processed by the Board of County Commissioners. ~./.~ ~/~ S~cerely, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON & PEEK, INC. EHCS. CC~ N.~I ~LIER ~~~ 7 TO: JOHN MALONEY FROM: JEFF PAGE, EMS COMMANDER 3301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL BUILDING H NAPLES, FL 34112 (94~) 774-8459 FAX (941) 775-4454 DATE: 3/12/97 REFRENCF: PETITION Dear John, Please except this letter of approval from the Emergency Services Departraeat for your proposed roadway relocation in Eagle Creek. If we can be of any further sen'ices, pl,:ase let me know. ~ 3 I¢2-7 Respectfully, l riff : ort u.ier Collier County Govt. Complex Bldg. - J 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112 Telephone (AC 941) 774-4434 May 16,1997 Mr..loire P. Maloney, P.S.M Wilson, Miller', Barton & Peek, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34105-8507 Petition to Vacate and Replat for Portion of Plat for Crystal Lake Terrace at Eagle Creek, P. B. 16, Pages 30-3 l, Section 3-51 S-26E, Collier County Dear Mr. Maloney: Staffhas reviewed your request for a letter of"No Objection" for the above described project. The vacation and replat is as described in your letter of April 16, 1997, listed above, involving the relocation of a cul-de-sac. The Sheriff's Office reviews these requests to determine if the granting of the vacation will have any foreseeable negative effect on our ability to provide law enforcement services to the ar,~. These services include emergency response, patrol, and traffic enforcement. So long as the vacation, either now or in the future, does not impinge on our ability to deliver these services, the Collier County Sheriff's Office has "No Objection" to the granting of your request. If the agency can be of any further service, please advise. DH:jab cc: Vacation File c :\vepv,~60~1tr9%maloney. Ii ' Sincerely, n'Fldhter,' Sheriff lief County, FL WE SUPPORT WE SPONSOR THE FLORIDA SHERIFFS YOUTH RANCHES C O L L I E R C O U N T Y J R D E P U T Y L E ~, G U,,E._/ l. ~-C_ ~' . ., .. ;.._,7 COLLIER COUNTY E XPLORE R POSt · 6414 Floflda Power & Light CemlJa~y.4105 15(k Avemm S,. W.. ~ FL ~ March 11, 1997 Mr. John Maloney Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, Fl. 34105 BE:Crystal Lake Terrace at Eagle Creel: vacation and replat. Dear Mr. Maloney, This is to confirm that Florida Power & Light Co. has no objection to the vacation of a portion of the plat for Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek, located in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County Fl. This is contingent on the FP&L easement for a power pole and anchor as recorded in O.R. Book 985, pages 49-52 not being vacated. If I may be of any further help in this matter, please ccntact me at our Golden Gate office (941-353-6040). Sincerely, G. J. Gratt on Construction Service Designer-FPL an FPt. Group company March 11, 1997 1997 RoHdl Pow.r & Light Compiny.41~ 1SOl A~ue S. W~ r~le.~ K ~ ,..,~,R '.'.~. :: ~ r...L.._d..-! ..... .,,~ Mr. John Maloney Wilson, Miller, Barton * Peek, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane Suite 200 Naples, Fl. 34105 RE: Replat of Crystal Lake Terrace at Eagle Creek To Whom It May Concern: FPL Company has reviewed the proposed plat for the above mentioned project and has found the proposed platted easements to be satisfactory. It is understood that FPL Company my require additional electric easements within the boundaries of this project to complete the installation of our facilities. Should you have any question, please contact me at (941) 353-6040 or 4105 SW 15 AVE, Naples, FL 33999. Sincerely, G.J.Gratton Construction Services gjg:gJg in FPL Group comp'ny Box 24 ,"~. Na~les, Flor%dj ~4106-24-- March 10, 1997 Mr. John P. Maloney Wilson, Miller Barton & Peek, Inc. Wilson Professional Center, Suite 200 3200 Bailey Lane Naples, FL 34105-8507 RE: Petition to Vacate and Replat for Portion of Plat for Crystal Lake Terrace, at Eagle Creek, Plat Book 16, Pages 30-31, SEC 3, TWP 51S, RNG 26E, Collier County Dear Mr. Maloney: This lett:er is in response to your request dated January 28, 1997, concerning the petition to vacate and replat a portion of the plat for Crystal Lake Terrace at Eagle Creek. Sprint- Florida, Inc. has no objection to the replat as stated in your letter. I understand that replacement of the utility easements will be dedicated to cover the proposed telephone plant when service is requested. If you have any questions, please contact me at 941-263-6274. Sincerely, Joyce F. Goddard Network Engineer I - E&C JFG:tu cc: Chron File Continental Cabl,evision P.O. Box 413018 · 301 Tower Rd. Naples, FL 34101-3018 Phone: (941) 793-9600 · Fax: (941) 793-1317 February 11, 1997 John P. Maloney, P.S.M. Wilson, Mille;, Barton & Peek, Inc. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, FL :N105-8507 Re: Proposed Vacation of all of Tract M-3 and Part of Tracts M-1 and M-2, According to the Plat o[ Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek, Plat Book 16, Pages 30-31, Located in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida Dear Mr. Maloney: Continental Cablevision of Southwest Florida has no objection with the proposed vacation of the above referenced portion of the plat for Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek. Additionally, I have reviewed the proposed replat and found no objection with the utility easements being provided for the installation of our facilities. Sincerely, / ,/ . Nestor M. Martin Director of Engineering and Construction NMM/~dr LLIE~: COU~;,T¥ [ PUD C'~ D ~v' S DEED /$, ;oO/ Z~o. oD o THIS I?]DE!-,'TURE, made^the ~' day of November, 1987, ~et~een I.~AX~A[4 PROPERTM, INC. [successor by merger to I.~.AXXAI4 pRO?E.:,TI~S, IblC., a Ne'w 'fork corpora%ion, formerly known as T;-;iN FAIR HOLDINGS, INC.), a Deled'are corporation, party of the first part, having an office c,'o MCO Holdings, Inc. 10880 Wilshire Bculevard, Los Angeles, California 9002& and EAGLE CREEK ?F, OPERTiES, INC., a Florida corporation, party of the second part, having an office at 1 Eagle Creek Drive, Naples, Florida 33962. W I TNES SET~ That the party of the first Dart, for and in con:si- dera~ion of the sum of Ten Dollars, i~ hand paid by the p;~rty of the seco:nd part, and other gccd and valuable consideration, does hereby grant and release to the party of the second part, the successors and assignm of %he party of the seccnd part forever, all %!~at certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the build- in~s and improvements thereon erected, situa~- lying and being in Collier Coun%y, Florida, and being bounded and described as set forth in E>:H!BIT A annexed here:o and made a part hereof· TOGk-THER with al! right, title ~nd interes:, if any, of :he party of the first part'in and to any stree~$ and roads abut- ting the. above described premises ~o %he center tines =hereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the par~y of r. he first part in and to the premises herein ~;ranted. · ' LESS ~ EXCEPTI~IG from the above described prem.ises (i) ~he parcels of land, with the buildings and improvements ~hereon erected, bounded and described as set forth in EXHIBIT B anne;ced hereto and made a par= hereof, and (ii) the condominium units and the common elements appurtenant thereto described a~ set forl:h in EKHIBIT C annexed hereto and made a par~ hereof. Parcels A, B and C described in EXHIBIT A intended to be the same premise= conve~ed to t_he party of t_he firs= ~ar'~ by City National Bank of Miami, a United States Banking Corporation, as Trustee under the provisions of a ce?rain Trust Agreemen~ da~ed the 19th day of October, 1981, known as Trust Number 01-5006193, by deed (the "Trustee Deed") dated April 24, 1984 and recorded in O.R. Book 1079, at page 73 in the Public Records of Collier County, Fl¢.rida on April 25, 198&: and Parcel D described in '% OR BO0 `1 PA[ E $? 0 £×KIBIT R intended to be part o£ t.he sane premises conueyed to ~he pzr~y of ~he firs~ p~r~ by Capico, a Florida General ner~hip, by daed da%ed October 23, 1985 and recorded in O.R. 1162 m% p~qe 12~5 in %he ?ub~ic Records of Collier County, F~orld~ cn Oc%cber 31, 19S5. '~,'D TO HOLD the premise5 herein qranted TO HAVE n.. p~r%y of ~ke ~econd par~, [~ successors and a~si~ns forever. TKIS DEED ~S MADE WITHOUT ~Ep~SENTATION O~ WArPlANe. EXPRESS OA ~MPLIED', OF A~ KIND. IN %~ITNESS ?~E~OF, the p~rty of the first p~rt has duly executed this deed ~ %he day mhd year firs~ ~ri~en above. In the ~resence of: ~ pROPErTIES, INC. By: ) 'cS-: The foregoing instrument was ac-knouledged before me this /Q~s;Je~+ of [.,zxx~ .r~perties, Inc., a Delaware ~orpora~:ion, on ~ehaLf of ~e co~oration. .. .' This instrument was prepared by: M. Frances Buchinsky, Esq. Kramer, Levin, )lessen, Kamin & Frankel 919 Third Avenue Ne'; York, New York 10022 NOTARY F Qumll.qe.d in Ro:kl::nd Count'fA,s' · ..: ..: ..'. -2- · -. P/ gE '£O DEED, DATED^NOV'~:v:BER 1987, ::r~:r.%~ l ES 1 I','C ~s Grantor, from I.~ A~L%]'% ......... - :-' ~=S, I1~C as Grant~ ~o EAGLE C~ESK r~O.m~T.- -, (includinq pages A-1%hrouqh PARCEL ~ All that part of Section 3 and all that part of Section 4, .Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the West 1/4 corner of Section 3, To'wnship 51 South, Range 26. East, Co!!ier County, Florida: thence along the %~est line of said Section 3, North 1"-00'-56" East 1071.77 feet to the POI}IT OF 5EG!NNING of the parcel herein described; thence South 54"-20'-32" East 1790.00 feet to the %4est Right- of-Way line of Counn¥ Road ~51 (Isle of Capri Road); thence along said Riqh~-of-Way line South 2"-29 -06" West !S69.91 feet; thence along -Jne Sou~h line of the Norr-h 501.49 South 1/2 of the Sou%h 1/2 of said Section 3, North 89"-24'- O0" Wes= 1407.37 fee= to ~he Wes= line of ~aid Section %hence along ~he said Wes~ line South 0"-27'-44" %~est 921.06 feet ~o the Sou%beast corner of Section 4; thence along the South line of said Section 4, No:th 89"-17'- 32" West 1782.72 feet to the East Right-of-%4ay line of Barefoot Williams Road; thence along said East Right-of-WaY lin~ North 9"-03'-29" West 4147.92 feet; ~hence along {he Nor~-h line of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 4, North 89"-19'-08" East 2485.59 feet to ~Lhe West line of said Section 3; thence along said West line South 1"-00'-56" %lest 230.00 fee= =o %he POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel herein described. o .o Commencing ~ the ~-;es~ !/4 cor.-.;r of ~¢ction ~. Tounship S! ~hence ~ong ~P.~ Wes~ Line of ~id ~ec~ion ~, North 1~- O'-5G" E~s~. 1071.77 fee~ %o :t.e PO~h~ O~ ~EGZMNI~'iG of ~he D~rcel herein d~sc:ribed: Thence continuing ~lcng the Wast line of szi~ ~ec:ion ~, North 1°-0`-56" E~s~ 2~0 feet ~o ~he Sou-~es~ co.er of the Nor-~es~ 1/G of ~e Nor~h~es~ 1/G of Section 3; ~hence continuing n!cng ~he West line of s~i~ Section 3, Nor~ 1"-1''55" En~t 620.77 feet; ~hence North G9°-~3''55" Eas~ 25.01 feet: ~7%enc~ South 1"-1'-55" Wes% 868.55 feet; %~hence North 54"-20'-32" West 30.30 feet to the pOi}~T OF BEG ! ~ I }~G. PARCEL C The East 25 feet of the South !/2 of %he Southeast 1/4 of ~e Northeast 1/4 of %he Nor~heas~ 1/4 of Section 4, Township'S1 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, less the North 30 feet for right-of-'~aY- PARCEL D Com,~encing at the ~.;est 1/4 corner of Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida; thence along the West line of r_he South~est 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 3, Mor~ Q!"O0'56" East 1071.77 feet; thence 54"20'32" East ~0.~-8 feet to --he POINT OF ~EGINNING of the parcel herein described; thence North 01"01'55" East 370.~5 feet; .thence South 54"20'32" East 260.00 feet; thence South 89"20'32" East 150.00 feet: thence South 54"20'32" East 4~0.O0 fe~t; thence South Eg."20'32" East lO0.O0 feet; thence South 5~"20'32" East 41~.96 feet; ~hence Sou~h 02"29'06" West 271.35 feet; thence South 87~30'5G" East 310.00 feat to .a point on the West :right-of- way line of the Isle of Capri Road (State ~oad 951) which lies South 02-~29'06" %{est 885.66 feet from the int~rsection of s~id West right-of-uaY line with the Southwesterly right-of-waY line of szid Ta.,~iami Trzil; thence along said West right-of-waY line, South 02~29'06'' West 467.00 feet: thence North 54"20'31" West .% A-2 1759.62 £ee% to Kh~POINT OF ~EGII,IN~NG of the parcel herein described; being a park of Khe NorKh~es~ 1/9 of SecKion 3, To~n~hlp 5! $ou~h0 Range 26 East. Collier County, Florida. .% A-3 .' UK MUUK AS O~ ~, 198'/ TO DEED, D.L.'~ED,.~,~OV''-I'IEER ' ,..A~_~...4 p.KOPE.KT!ES, INC as Grantor from" .... ~ ' ' ' to EAGLE' CREEK pROPErTIES, Il.lC., a~ Gran~ee {inc!udin9 pages B-1%o B-49) LESS A~ID EXCE?T!NG from the premises described in EXHIBIT A to this Deed the fo~!owing described parcels of lmnd, with the buildings ~nd improvements thereon erected (e:{clusive of any drainage or other easements subject Jo %~hich the parcels conveyed): l) All ~hat part of the "GOLF COURSE EAST" parcel of the "EAGLE CREEl< COUNTRY CLUB" Trac~ Maps as recorded in Plat Book pages 1 - 5, inclusive, Collier County Public' Records, Collier County, Florid~ being described as Commencing at ~he Sou%hezst Corner of Section 4, Township 51 South, Range 26 Ezst, Collier County, Florida: thence along the Eas~ line of said Section ~, North 0e-27'- ~4" Eas~ 280.03 feet to the POI~ OF ~EGINNING of the ~ Treatment Site herein'described; ~hence Nor~h.89"-32'-16" %~est 124.O0 fee~; thence North '44"-32'-16" West 55.15 feet; thence North 0~-27'-~4" Eas~ i91.O3 feet; thence North 2~"-04'-44" E~st 119.81 feet: thence ~!orth 0"-27'-44" East 75.00 feet; thence South 89"-32'-16" E~s: 55.00 feet to a po!n: on the East line of said Section 4; thence ~long %he East line of said Section 4, Scu~h 0"-27'-44" West 525.00 feet to ~he POINT OF being a pa?t of'~he Southeast 1/4 of Sec:ion 4, Township 5.1 South, R~nge 26 East, Collier County, Florida, and being a part of the "GOLF COURSE EAST" pmrcel as sh¢%~ on the Tract Map of "EAGLE CREEK CO~{T. RY CLUB" as recorded in ~!at ~ook 14, pages 1 - 5 inclusive, Public R~cords of Collier County, Floridi,. .% B-1 UNIT OWNER 0301 AUSTIN, ROBERT ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: EAGLE CREEK CONOOMINIUM 15 ASSOCIATIOH Unit Owner Master List Address & Phones ADDRESS OPUS LEARNING, INC. 2563 ROBIN DRIVE MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, CAN LSK 2G2 ROBERT AUSTIN OPUS LEARHING INC. 770 WATERFORD DRIVE, APT. 1301 NAPLES, FL 33962 PHONE 416-822-7~&7 N203 8ELOEN, WILLARO & DOOIE ALTERNATE BILL-TO-AOORESS: 9t$ OUONOAGA STREET LEWISTON, NY 14092 WILLARD BELDEN 780 WATERFORD DRIVE, APl. 1203 NAPLES, rL 33gt2 716-754-1216 732-6298 '.i04 BRENNA~ GERALD ALTERNATE 0202 CLARK. LESTER 770 WATERFORD ORiVE 1304 NAPLES, FL 34113 GERALO BRENNAN 770 WATERFORD DRIVE, APT. 13C4 NAPLES, FL 34113 7435 VETURA $.E, BARBARA CLARK AL'Eo~'E BILL-TO-ACDPE!S: GRANO RAPIOS, NI $954~ LESTER CLARK 770 WATERFORD ORIVE, APT. 1202 NAPLES, FL 34113 0104 P201 COOK, RICHARD ANO CAROL ALTERHATE B[LL-TO-AOORESS: 4745 TURFWAY TRAIL HARBOR SPRINGS, ~! 49740 RICHARD COOK 770 WATERFORD DRIVE, APT. 1104 NAPLES, FL 34113 616-526-B9~2 775-7604 DELANO, CAPT. VICTOR ALTERNATE BILL-TO-AOORESS: 5610 WISCONSi'. ~VENUE 11409 CHEVY CHASE, HO 20815 VICTOR DELANO 760 WATERFORD ORIVE 1201 NAPLES, FL 34%13 ECP EAGLE CREEK PROPERTIES, 1 EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34113 EAGLE CREEK CONOO~INIUM 15 A$SOCIATIOM Unit Owner ~iSttT List Address & Phones UNJl OWNER Pi03 ECP1233, ALTERNATE 8ILL-lO-ADDRESS: ADDRESS ONE EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34H3 ECP 760 WAIERFORD DRIVE 1103 NAPLES, FL 33962 P~ON[ P202 ECPI236, ALTERNATE 8ILL-lO-ADDRESS: ONE EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34113 ECP 760 WATERFORD ORIVE 1202 NAPLES, FL 34113 P203 ECPt237, ALTERNAIE BiLL-lO-ADDRESS: ONE EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34113 )OSEPH IANUZZO 760 WATERFORD DRIVE 1203 NAPLES, FL 34113 P302 ECPI2&O, ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS ONE EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES. FL 34113 ECP 760 WATERFORD DRIVE 1240 NAPLES, FL 34113 P303 ECPI241, ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS ONE EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34113 [CP 760 WATERFORO DRIVE 1303 NAPLES, FL 3,113 0203 FLYNN, W. PAUL 85 HAIN STREEI 203-934-2321 ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: WEST HAVEN, CT 06516 W. PAUL FLYNN 770 WATERFORD ORIVE, APl. 1203 NAPLES, FL 33962 793-4060 N103 GLEASON, ROBERT I NAUREEN ALTERNATE BILL-TO-AODRESS: 780 WAIERFORD DRIVE 1103 NAPLES, FL 34113 ROBERT GLEASON 780 WATERFORD DRIVE, APT. 1103 NAPLES, FL 3,113 732-1291 UNIT OWNER 0101 NIRT, DAVID & LYMN ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: M302 KLIEWE, SCOll EAGLE CREEK COMDONIHIUM IS ASSOCIATION Unit Owner Master List Address & Phones ADDRESS $34 CEDAR LAME BATESVILLE, IN 47006 PNONE B12-931-250B 732-6244 DAVID HIRT 770 WATERFORO DRIVE, APT. 1101 NAPLES, FL 34113 200 N. BARFIELO DRIVE H-201-529-3757 ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: HARCO, FL 3(145 SCOTT & ROBERT KLIEQE 780 WATERFORO ORIVE, APT. 1302 NAPLES, FL 34113 03O3 KR1Z. WILLIS & CAROLY~ )LTER~ATE BI;L-TO-AODAESS: 770 WATERFORO DRIVE t303 NAPLES, FL 34113 WILLIS P. KRIZ 770 WATERFORO ORIvE. APT. MAPLES, FL 732'1982 0302 LOFIUE, SHARON K. ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: 7410 SHADOWBROOK CT. GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49546 SHARON K. LOFTUS 770 WATERFO~O DRIVE, APT. 1302 NAPLES, FL 34113 100 LAKESNORE ROAD E., SIE 11007 793-4303 416-B49-I6Bb 0201 MARTIN. NAROLD AuTERNATE EILL-TO-AODRESS: N304 Mc FADDEN, PATRICK & CAIHERINE OAKViLLE,ONTARIO CANADA, HAROLD MARTIN 770 WATERFORD DRIVE, APT. 1201 MAPLES, FL 34113 i3BO PAXTON PLACE 732-1486 2i5-566-5235 ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: N202 MORIN, HERMAN & BONNIE MEDIA, PA 190b3 PATRICK Mc FADDEN 780 WAIERFORD DRIVE, APT. I]04 NAPLES, FL 33962 311 FAYETIE DRIVE 77S-1547 315-637-6097 ALTERNATE 8ILL-TO-AOO~ESS: FAYETTEVILLE, NY 13066 HERMAN MORIN 7BO WATERFORD DRIVE, APT. NAPLES, FL 34113 732-1923 UNIl OWMER P301 MOSELEY, WILLIAM $ ~AT ALTERNATE BILL-lO-ADDRESS: EAGLE CREEK CONOONINIUM IS A$$OCIAIlON Unit Owner Master List Address i Phones ADDRESS P. O. BOX 17~ EBONY, VA 23845 WILL1AM NOSELEY 750 WATERFORO ORIVE 1301 NAPLES, FL 34113 949 N. $1AlE ROAD 25 219-722-~C'B! PlO1 OLDHAR, RAR3ORIE ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: N204 PITNER, 30SEP" & GA)NELLE LOGANSPORT, IN 46947 HAR3ORIE OLDHAN 760 WATERFORD DRIVE 1101 NAPLES, FL 34113 P. O, BOX 230 &lS-684-5434 ALTERNAIE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: SHELBYVILLE, TN 37160 ]OSEPH gIlNE~ 780 WATERFORD DRIVE 1204 NAPLES, FL 3¢113 732-1238 PlC2 PROPERTIES, EAGLE CREEK ECP1232 ONE EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34113 P204 PROPERTIES, EAGLE CR:{EK ALTERNATE BiLL-TO-ASDRESS: [CPI23B ONE EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34113 ECP ONE EAGLE CREEK DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34113 N201 ROTH, LEO F. & PURITA ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADCRESS: 780 WATERFORD DRIVE APT 1201 NAPLES, FL 34113 LEO ROIH 780 WATERFORD ORIVE 1201 NAPLES, FL 34113 [ULENUEG 22 793-2920 011-49-4131-B7070 0103 SCHOLZE, DR. ALWIN ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADO~ESS: 21337 LUENEBURG GERMANY, DR. ALWIN SCHOL1E 770 WATERFORD DRIVE, APT, 1103 NAPLES, FL 33962 774-7340 u) : OWNER ALTERHA~E BILL-TO-AODRESS: 0204 SHORT, HARRY AND BEITY EAGLE CREEK CONDOHINIUN 15 ASSOCIAIION Unit Owner HasLer List Address & Phones ADDRESS 1BO WAIERFORO DRIVE 1101 NAPLES, FL 34113 SHIRLEY SHAUGHNESSY 780 WATERFORD DRIVE, APT. I10! NAPLES, FL 34113 2727 HAVERFORD ROAD PHONE 775-4227 ALlERNAlE BILL-TO-ADORESS: ARDHORE, PA 19003 HARRY SHORT 770 WATERFORO DRIVE, APT. NAPLES, FL 33962 732-0290 780 ~ATERFORD DR. I10( NAPLES, FL 34113 780 WAIERF~iD ~RIVE, NA~LES, FL 34113 793-4249 SIENna. ~A~¥IN & ]ACOVELINE ALiERNAIE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: N303 SILVERBERG, ABE & ~THLEEN 129~1 CHOCI~Q ROAD P~LOS HEiGHIS, IL 60403 HARVIH SIENSA 76~ W~TERFORD OR. 1304 NAPLES. FL 34113 101 SOUTH TIHBERTOP DRIVE 713-367-3143 ALTERNATE BILL-TO-ADDRESS: THE WOOOLAHOS, TX A~E SILVERBERG 773B0 793oS7t2 780 WATERFORO DRIVE, APT. 1303 NAPLES, FL 33962 1911 ~ANZAHIIA DRIVE S10'339'072q N102 SUTTER, ROSA E. ALTERNATE BILL-TO'ADDRESS: PlO~ WEISSBERGER, GARY AND AHHA ~AE OAKLANO, CA 94611-1133 ROSA E. SUllER 780 WATERFORD DRIVE, APT. 3102 NAPLES, FL 33962 CRANE'S LANDING 717-69~-28,15 ALTERNATE BILL-TO-AODRESS: 63 COUNTRY ROAD SHAVERTOWN, PA 1B70B GARY WEISSBERGER 760 WATERFORO ORIVE 1104 NAPLES, FL 33962 4)7-0927 UN[! OWNER 0102 WINKELNANN, ROLF ALTERNATE BELL-TO-ADDRESS: EAGLE CREEK CONDONINIUM IS ASSOCIATION Unit Owner Master LEst Address & Phones AOORESS AN BULLERBERG 4 29664 WALSROOE GERNANY, ROLF WINK[LMANH 770 WATERFORO ORIV[, APT. 1102 NAPLES, FL 33962 PHONE 793-4321 N30] WOZNIAK, EUGENE ]. ALTERNATE BILL-TO-AOORESS: 6801 SOUTH WESTERN AVENUE DARIEN, iL 60561 MR. EUGENE 3. WOZNIAK 780 WATERFORD ORIVE, APT. q ~ NAPLES, FL .396, 708-325'3%78 793-0378 1996 COLLIER SCOU.NT EA,~NE D COUNTY NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON-~.~ 4% ~IN 'NOV 3% IN DEC 2% I~l 2^~ 1% · ' 477 .~9'2 LOR2M ASS~SSI1E~iT VAN FEE 1'.0% IN AGLE 0000~30355001122 0000049732 S'!t RE'V~S£ $1D£ FOR ~R~ IN~RIRABON * ,. " ~ 2D ~ ~'E.~ 'fi:: . ~0,~.,. "/ ~ ) o. '~ R , ~v'. L. (:~'r.,,~ '" ':',:'~L 2~r. ~o, ,',r T,:? 'f-,,. ~.~,:~.~ ~ZS ~ FOR T~ COndOR'S OF~CE USE ONLY ....4820 '3 8,01 ;WAn~MGT. " "','15j~'SS1~h~I NAPLES FL 3~962-00~0; ,~ , . . - .Y ~. ~.LT.'N "0000.0'2~605008006 0001238501 ~00000000 00000 " Official Receipt - Collier County Board of County CDPR1103 - Official Receipt Commissioners Trans Number t Date [ Post Date 4011 12/21/97 4:05:33 PM 2/24/97 Payment Slip Nbr MS 6532 Payor: EAGLE CREEK Fee Information Fee Code Description ! GL Account Amour~t Waived 12PLRV ~ PLAT REVIEW FEE .11313890032242000000 , $450.00 .11313890032910000000 ~ $1000.00 .12PVAC PETITION TO VACATE Total I $1450.00 Payments [ Payment Co(~e Acc~-un~JCheck Number i~ $450.00Amount 'CHECK ;5670 ! $1000.00 CHECK ~ 5672 Memo: Crystal Lake Ten'aces @ Eagle Creek Replat C~2560 Total Cash { $0.00 Total Non-Cash t $1450.00 Total Paid ! $1450.00 Cashier/location: FROLOFF_E / 1 Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows 95/NT PETITION SNR-97-5, RUSSELL M. LAZEGA, OF WOODWARD, PIRES & LOMBARDO, P.A., REPRESENTING GULF BAY I00, INC., REQUESTING A STREET NAME CHANGE FROM CHAMPIONSHIP DRIVE, TO CLUB CENTER BOULEVARD, WHICH STREET IS LOCATED IN TH]E MARCO SHORES UNIT 30 GOLF COURSE PUD SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN SECTION 14 AND 15, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~ The petitioner request that the street known as Championship Drive, be renamed to Club Center Boulevard. DE T N: The recreational facilities and clubhouse for both the Marriott Golf Course and the Fiddler's Creek Development are planned along what is now Championship Drive. Both the petitioner and the City National Bank, as Trustee of the property comprising the Marriott Clubhouse and Golf Course maintain that the name Club Center Boulevard will better identify the road as the access road to the club center for the community and golf course. ~: There is no fiscal impact to Collier County since this road is not maintain by the County. The Developer will be responsible to provide the appropriate street signs at his/her expenses. W A T: None RE~?QMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Petition SNR-97-5 to change Championship Drive to Club Center Boulevard. ,JUN 2 4 i997 Pi. .L SUBMITTED BY:~ Date:.~-/-~" ~ 2 Robert Salva~'~-'~ Customer SerVice Agent Supervisor REVIEWED BY:~. Date: Ed Perico, Building Director / APPROVED BY: ate: Vincent A."Cautero, Administrator Communi~ Development & Environmental Services ,JUN ~, ,t '1997 DIVISION OF COM~TJNITY DEVELOPMENT STREET REOUEST DATE: TYPE OF REQUEST: Mar~h 10, 1~7 Proposed Street Name: Street Name Change: Address: LOCATION: Subdivision: Unrecorded Plat: Acreage - Section: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Club Center Bo~l~var~ Championship Drip,9 See Legal Pe~crip~n MarcQ Sh~rg~ Unit 30 Golf Court9 14 Township: 51S See Attached Range: _ 26E REASON (if applicable): ~dd~er's Creek PUD TO promote consistency within the PETITIONER: Gulf B~y 100, Inc. TELEPHONE: 434-2030 ~ ADDRESS: 4001Tamiami Trail North, Suite 350, Naples, Florida 34101 COMMENTS: RECOMMENDATIONS: .' ~.~:.~,. / . li¢'¢"/"-'. /e--. -J , !- .. ~'i ' -- · L':-".,, I ...... '-.':-.- .......... !! ,: ' ~ /' / t,,,::i .~ .......... !:~? !~ I I~ , ... :.. .':'1'~': ~ ' , .... I! ~: ~ - ~ "-.! :'~' ! ,.Ii ' I, " I I1' :~.~.; ~,., ,.,, I,,; - I /., I l~.~. ............ , ,_~ ! ~' ~ ~9::L,, 1~1 /'~- '~-~, .--' ,'/// V~ '~ ~ = ' - .., .,: I I .K,-'Y"'--.----~_ ~ ,,¢ :',~ ~=: iii :i~ ~ / "x'. f ....... ~ 7 /~I : _.~...,.,.-,-, .---~-.------ ...... : 'il h' ~ I ~ f ~ /~- '-'-- :~ ? ~ .-''x I.. ~~,,_I//I ~ ~, i~ .... ' .... -' ......... , ,'% I ~- ~'.~,~'-:~' 4- ~'f' /' ;' ~ i .~,~ ~ ,, ,,.,, ,.- ~-~ x., ~//}~./~'-.~ x \ '~ :~.-, , ·,. .... ':":" ' % ' 'i;,, i~I '~ 1~'~, ' - · ..'.. ~,l.'.u,', .~ v; '11 ' / \',.\ t.";I . r~ !! .... ¥ !',,-. '-_. /- ,, ,;, · ·-i:i !- / " ,' 'J:,l. -._...,.. ~. ~ ..... . ........ '" i , , lI~Ii:,,][: I::,, , ,{I,;1::{ !! , I I }:llll'l;'l:i{ ::':| ,'Ifil 1,~ ' ' ~ {Lq .' ' ' .' ' '.! I' 'j- {IhJ"i~.J:-!l'.~ )djj|Hllit:'li]' {~ t' li',J'll|jl{!jJJ h:: ljll: ,|: ,.h,,Ji.~l,l!,tl :ttt,Uht':~;:,l ~".,, i,,lhi'hhi- ::' ,,::, h' .~-i,l'.il Ilk::?.:; :ii,i; ' ,,i ',' i , ,', ' ..~'~ ,,,illZtl,hL !ti{,;ii '""~i!i¢:lil lj!~iij J~l',.{l' '' "':"" '"' .... "'" t;¢.l;! : ,!jDt. hjtiill,. ..... .i, "l'l'"'~':lt,~'j ~ J' ', j iJl.i { ] ph-~i:,'qj{i~l' j:; 'u., "J{l,ill- i.j',! Il 1 |'ili ":'tJ~-tlhi'""l i": l J ..,,(it":;j tH' h i i;, ,, ,,,:..-.sti,hlii ;.ii ,l! "'""'" '}" ~I '"'" "':'" :JjJit:' ' ! ' I , , ,. i i]{,J Jhi,;ttl' ',q ,' ,J-,i, 10 RESOLUTION NO. 97- RESOLUTION RENAMING CHAMPIONSHIP DRIVE TO 'CLUB CENTER BOULEVARD", WHICH STREET IS LOCATED IN THE MARCO SHORES UNIT 30 GC PUD SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN SECTIONS 14 AND 15, TOWNSHIP S1 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. the Board of County Commissioners is authorized pursuant to authority of Chapter 336.05, Florida Statutes, to na~e or rename streets and roads, except for certain state roads; and WHERES~S, the Board of County Commissioners has been requested to confirm the renaming of Ch~ionship Drive to Club Center Boulevard. This street is located in Sections 14 and 15, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, Marco Shores Unic 30 GC PUD, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Sook 17, Pages 98- 103, cf the Official Records of Collier County, Florida; WHEREAS, there appears to be no street in Collier County with this name or any similar sounding name; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for identification purposes to confirm the name of this street, NOW THER~FORE, B£ IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CO~Y C~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER C~TY, ~O~DA: The name of this street is hereby changed from Ch~pionship Drive tc Ci~ Center Boulevard and is confi~ed as such. BE IT ~JRT~ER RESOLED that this Resolution be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and noted u~n the ~aps of the street and toning atlases of Collier County, and notations ~ade on the referenced Plat. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and ~Jority vote. 32 Done thls 34 ATTEST: 3& 37 DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLE~K 4o 41 A-PPROVED ;%S TO FOP, M ~ND LEGAL 4~ SUFFICIENCY: 4S ~JORIE M. STUDENT 4~ ASSIST~T CO~TY ATTO~EY day of , 1997. BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CKAIRMAR JUN 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION SNR-97-2, RUSSELL M. LAZEGA, OF WOODWARD, PIRES & LOMBARDO, P.A., REPRESENTING GULF BAY I00, 1NC., REQUESTING A STREET NAME CHANGE FROM TOURNAMENT BOULEVARD TO FIDDLER'S CREEK PARKWAY, WHICH STREET IS LOCATED IN TH~ MARCO SHORES UNIT 30 GOLF COURSE F'UD SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR.IDA. O.~ The petitioner request that the street known as Tournament Boulevard be renamed to Fiddler's Creek Parkway. CONSIDERATION: The master plan for Fiddler's Creek PUD contemplates that the main roadway into the Fiddler's Creek PUD will tie into what is now Tournament Boulevard to form one contiguous main artery through the development. Petitioner requests the name change to promote consistency within the Fiddler's Creek PUD and to give the Fiddler's Creek De;'elopment a main access roadway with its distinctive name. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to Collier County since this road is not maintain by the Count),. The Developer will be responsible to provide the appropriate street signs at his/her expenses. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Petition SNR-97-2 to change Tournament Boulevard to Fiddler's Creek Parkway. Robert Salva~c~ ,-c..-- Customer S~rv/~gent Supervisor Ecl Perico, Building Director Vincent A. Caulero. Administrator Communit? De,,'elopment & Environmental Ser~'ices JLIN £ 4 ~997 RESOLUTION NO. 97- RESOLUTION RENAMING TOURNAMENT BOULEVAPd3 TO 'FIDDLER'S CREEK PARKWAY', WHICH STP. EET IS IX)CATED IN MARCO SHORES UNIT 30 GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, ~LORIDA. % 7 8 9 11 WHEREA~, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized 12 pursuant to authority of Chapter 336.05, Florida Statutes, to name or 13 rename streets and roads, except for certain state roads; and 14 WH£REAS, the Board of County Commissioners has been requested to 15 confirm the renaming of Tournament Boulevard to Fiddler's Creek 16 Parkway. Th;s street is located in Section 14, To~n%ship 51 South, 17 Range 26 East, Coil!er Ccun%y, Florida, Marco Shores Unit 30 Golf lB Course Subdivision, according to the plat thereof, recorded In Plat 19 Book 17, Page 99, of the Official Records of Collier County, Florida; ;0 WHEP~AS, there appears to be no street in Collier County with 2! th~$ name or any similar sounding name; and 22 WHEREAS, it is necessary for identification purposes to confirm 23 the name of this street, 24 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COU~Y 25 CO~.iS£IONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: 26 The name of this street is hereby changed from Tournament 27 Boulevard to Fiddler's Creek Parkway and is confirmed as such. ;8 BE IT FJRTHER RESOL%~D that this Resolution be recorded in the 29 Public Records cf Collier County, Florida, and noted upon the maps of 30 the street and zoning atlases of Collier County, and notations made 32 cn the referenced Plat. 32 This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. 33 Done this day of , 1997. 34 35 ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 36 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 3a BY: 39 TIMOTHY L. H~COCK, CHAI~AN 4O 41 4.2 43 44 45 46 47 DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK APPRO;"ED AS TO FOR~. AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: MJugJO?IE M. STUUENT ASSISTA/~T COUNTY ATTORNEY JUN 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION SNR-97-4, RUSSELL M. LAZEGA, OF WOODWARD, PIRES & LOMB~, P.A., REPRESENTING GULF BAY 100, INC., REQLrESTING A STREET NAME CHANGE FROM MARRIOTT CLUB DRIVE TO CHAMPIONSHIP DRIVE, LOCATED WITHIN THE MARCO SHOP. ES UNIT 30 GOLF COURSE PUD SUBDIVISION, IN SECTION 14 AND 15, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~ The petitioner request that the street known as Marriot Club Drive, be renamed to Championship Drive. ~RATIO~: Marriott Club Drive has to_present served only as an access road to the Marriott Golf Course. With the development of the Fiddler's Creek PUD, Marriott Club Drive will also serve as the North entry point into the Fiddler's Creek Development. Both the petitioner and the City National Bank, as Trustee of the property comprising the Marriott Clubhouse and Golf Course maintain that the name Championship Drive would provide a more neutral name that is consistent with and promotes the area's image as a golf course community. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to Collier County since this road is not maintain by the County. The Developer will be responsible to provide the appropriate street signs at his/her expenses. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPAL'T: None RECOMM.ENDATIO~N: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Petition SNR-97-4 to change Marriot Club Drive, to Championship Drive. Robert Salvaggio (-/-~' ~-~ - Ed Perico, Building Director APPROVED BY: Date: .~-/.S'-, P Date: ~i,~? Vincent A. Cautero, Administrator Communi~. Development & Environmental Services AGENDA "rEM No. ~ JUN 2 4 1997 DATE: TYPE OF REQUEST: DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOpMEnT ~TREET REQUEST M0rch 10, 1997 Proposed Street N~me: Street Name Change: Address: LOCATION: Subdivision: Unrecorded Plat: Acreage - Section: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~hampionship Drive Marriot c~ub Drive See Leq~l Description Marco Shores Unit $0 Golf Course 14 Township: .. SIS See Attached Range: 26E REASON (if applicable): TQ P'~mote consistency within ~he Fiddler's Creek PUD PETITIONER: Gulf Bay 100, Inc. TELEPHONE: 434_2030 ADDRESS: 4001Tamiami Trail North, Suite 350, Naples, Florida 3410; COMMENTS: RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 2 3 4 S & S 10 11 12 13 14 17 lS 19 2O 21 31 37 39 4O 41 42 43 47 P.~SOLUTION NO. 97- RESOLUTION RENAMING V~P. RIOTT CLUB DRIVE TO 'CMAMPIONSHIP DRIVE", WHICH STREET IS LOCATED IN THE MARCO SHORES UNIT 30 GC PUD SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN SECTIONS 14 AND 15, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 ~T, COLLIER C~Y, WH~PJ_AS, the Board of County Ccsm/ssioners is author£zed pursuant to authority of Chapter 336.05, Florida Statutes, to name or rename streets and roads, except for certain state goads; and WH~, the Board of County Comm/ssioners has been requested to confirm the renaming of Marriott Club Drive to Championship Drive. This street is located in Sections 24 and 15, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, Marco Shores Unit 30 GC PUD, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 17, Pages 98- 103, of the Official Records of Collier County, Florida; HHER~J~5, there appears to be no street in Collier County with this name or any similar sounding name; and WHEPJ. AS, it is necessary for identification purposes to confirm the name of this street, NO~ THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLV~D BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~'~..ISSiONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: The name of this street is hereby changed from Marriott Club Drive to Championship Drive and is confirmed as such. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and noted upon the maps of the street and zoning atlases of Collier County, and notations made on the referenced Plat. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of , 1997. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY CDH~ISSION]iRS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~d~JO~ E M: STUDENT .... ASSISTANT COUNTY ~TTORI~EY BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, C~AIRKAR JUN 2 4 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL AS THE FINAL ROLL AND ADOPT THE SAME AS THE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE PURPOSES OF UTILIZING THE UNIFORM ML:'THOD OF COLLECTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 197..M32, FLORIDA STATUTES, W1THIN ~ NAPLES PARK AREA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS MUN1Ci~AL SERVICE BENEFIT UNIT. ~ That the Board of Collier County Commissionen adopt a Resolution con£u'ming the preliminary assessment roll as the final assessment roll and adopt said roll as the non-ad valorem assessment roll for the pu~ of milling the uniform method of coUection pursuant to Section 197.3632, Florida Stan,nes, wi',hin the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Municipal Service Benefil Unit. CONSIDERATIONS: On July 18, 1995 the Board adopted Ordinance No. 95-44. amending Ordinance No. 86-37, providing the procedure for the lev)' and collection of the special assessments within the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvement Municipal .Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. On July 16, 1996 the Board adopted Resolution No. 96.311 creating the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing and Benef'n Unit and providing for the costs of the slonnwa~er drainage improvements to be paid from special assessments to be levied against bene£~ed properties within the project. Also, on July 16, 1996 the Board adopted Resolution No. 96-312 initiating a program for the purpose of providing slormwater drainage improvements within the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. On September 3, 1996 the Board held a public hearing on the ten~ative assessments and adopted Resolution No. 96-402 approving the plans, specifications, estimated coals and tentalive assessment roll for the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. The Board on May 20. 1997 adopted Resolution No. 97-248 setting the date, time and olace for the public hearing on the preliminary assessment roll (non-ad valor~n assessment roll) to utilize the uniform me',hod of collection pursuant lo Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. All propert~ owners have been notified by fu~ class mail of the amount of the assessment and the scheduled public hea~ing to be held June 24, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. and said public hea~ing has been legally advertised. The project was completed on lime at $213,891 under budgct. Financing costs will be £malized upon selection of the borrowing/loan provider and determination of the number of prepayments made within the 30 day prepayment period. (~: \ORDINA~CE NAPLES PARK. doc ~: The total projec~ cos~ is S3,656,661, the County's portion is $582,2~. 10. The assessment district's portion is 3,074.39~.90 which is levied against the benefited properties w~in the Naples Park Area Drainage L-nprovcmen~ Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit UniL The County's portion was fmxled Dom the Stormwa~c-r Management C~kal Fund (325). Property owners h~ve two paym~m ahernativcs. The f~t alt~tive is m ~y ~e ~11 ~t of ~e ~t w~ 30 ~ of~e ~i~ of~e R~luti~ a~ov~g ~e F~al A~t Roll ~d avoid I~ t~ ~t~t ~ ~1 ~ll~i~ co~. ~e o~ al~ative is to ~y ~ ~sm~t ov~ ~e~ (15) yc~, ~rou~ ~ ~ual n~-~ val~ ~ssm~t ~ ~e ~ bill. lf~ ov~ t~e ~e ~le~ed, ~e c~ will ~clude ~t~ (no~ to exceed 8'/,) ~d coll~i~ c~. ~ ah~,.~iv~ ~e ~flec~ed wiih~ ~c l~tivc ~smcnl roll (non-ad valmem ~ssmcnt roll) ~d nmi~ ~at have ~en ~t to pro~' o~e~. GROWTH I~tAN^GEMENT 17VtPAC'}'] None. RECOM~F. NDATIQH: The Public Works Adminismator recommends that thc Board o['County Commissioners al the conclusion of the public hearing adopt the attached Resolmion which will: a) Adopt the preliminary assessment roll as the final assessment roll (non-ad valorem assessment roll) for the Naples Park Area Drainage improvement Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit b) Provide for the recording of the Resolution and final assessment roll in the Official Records of Collier Count],... Florida. as contained ~n Section Six of'the Resolution. c) d) Set thc repayment i:~'-riod of' l 5 years at an interest rate not to exceed 8% Per annum on the unpaid principal or 1% above the long term financing, whichever is less. Authorize thc Collier County I~partment of Revenue staff to immediately issue the bills to thc propers' owners so payments can bc received within the 30 day period which will expire on July 2~,. 1997. PREPAP..ED BY: , . . IL~ x- ,. Ann Marie Saylor, Administr,~ive Assistant II Edward N. Finn. P~'blic Works Operations Director ' REVIEWED BY: Joh~ ~. Boldt, k"E., P.S.M., Director Stormwater Management Department APPROVED B Y',~~ Ed llschner~"Public Works Administrator G: \ORDINA~ICE NAPLES PARK. doc I~=SOLUTION NO. A RESOLU"~ON APPROVENG TI-[E P~L~Y ~S~S~ ROLL ~ ~ F~ ~S~S~ ROLL ~ ~G ~ S~ ~ ~ NON-~ V~O~ ~S~S~ ROLL FOR P~ES OF ~G ~ ~O~ ~OD OF COLLE~ON P~U~ TO SE~ON 197.3632, ~A STA~, ~ ~ N~L~ P~ .~ D~AGE ~RO~S ~~ S~ B~ ~. %~, ~c ~ ofCo~ C~i~ ~ July ig, I~S ~ CoI~ Co~ ~c No. 95~, ~g ~ No. g~37, by ~G~g ~ ~ f~ ~ I~ ~ll~6on of~c ~i~ ~m~ ~ ~e N~I~ P~ ~ ~agc ~v~t M~cipd ~~, ~e Bo~ ofCo~ Co~ssi~ on July 16, 1~ ~t~ R~I~ No. ~311 ~g ~ N~I~ P~k ~ ~e ~v~m~ M~cip~ S~ Brecht U~l ~ for ~c ~ of~e sto~wat~ ~gc ~v~m~ to ~ pdd ~m ~i~ ~~, ~e Bo~ of Co~ Co~ssion~ on July 16, 1~ ~t~ R~I~ No. ~312 ~a~g a pm~ for ~c p~ orpm4~ ~o~w~ ~ge ~mv~ N~]~ P~ ~ ~gc ~pmv~m~ M~cip~ S~cc B~e~ U~t; ~d ~~, on S~t~ 3, I~ ~e Bo~d of Co~ Co~ssion~ ~ld a public ~ ~ tm~ivc ~m~ ~d ~ R~lufion No. ~2 ~m~g ~e pI~ ~ifi~Oo~, ~ ~ ~ tm~Ovc ~s~mt roll for ~c N~I~ P~ ~ ~agc ~v~m~ M~cipd S~ce Bmc~t U~t; ~ %~. ~e ~o~wl~ ~age ~pmv~m~ ~vc ~ co~ct~ m ~cor~c · e pl~ ~d ~i6ca~o~; ~d ~~. Colli~ Co~ ~e No. 8~37, ~ ~md~, ~d S~on 197.3632, FIo~ S~, r~ a public h~g to ~ held to ~opt ~c prc~' ~mt mil (non-~ v~or~ ~m~) ag~t ~c b~c~t~ pm~ ~d for ~e p~ ofu~l~g ~c ~fo~ mc~ ~l]~g ~c ~n-~ v~or~ ~s~; ~d ~~, ~c Bo~ ofCo~ Co~ission~ on May 20, I~7 ~opt~ R~lu~on No. 97.248 ~mg ~e ~e, t~e ~d pl~e for ~e public he~g on ~e ~cl~ As~smm~ Roll to ~ ~e non-~ valor~ ~ses~ ~11 to u~il=c ~c ~o~ mc~ of collation p~i lo S~tion 197.3632, Flo~ S~tcs: ~d ~AS, dl pmp~ o~ on ~e prel~ ~sessm~t roll (non-~ val~ ~scs~mt roll) ~'~e mail~ by ~t cl~s m~l nodcc of~c public he~g ~d ~d public w~ duly ~v~ised ~d real,fy held on }~e 24. 1997 at 9:~ AM. in ~c Bo~d Commiuionen Chambcn, Collier County Government Centcr, 3301 Ea~ Tamiami Trail, Naple~, Florida 3a I ! 2. NOW, 'i'KEKEFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED BY ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COM3{ISSIONEI~ OF COLLIER ¢OI. YNTY, .v'LORE)A, that: ~ The Board, having me~ to r~:eive and comidcr the w~n~n objcc~iom of the ~'usx'rt~ ow~-s and other mtc-rc~ pcrso~ ai~-ating b~fore the Boa~l u to the ~riet~ md ~lvisahili~ of cca~.rming azxl ado~ing the N~lcs Parle Area Drzi~e Imi~uvcmcms Munidpal S~vicc Bc~cfi~ Umt l:~clh'ninz~ Asa~amcm Roll (no~*~ v~lom'~ assessment roil), as to thc amoums con. su'ucti~ of ~ s-tormwazc~ ch'zinase ~provc, me'nts wiu~in the N~]c~ Park ~ l. mvrovcm~z Mumcipa] ScT~ce Be~c~t umt, ~ u to ~ ~ua~o~ of such qx:ciaI ~ge ~v~ ~i~g of~e ~1~o~ of ~o~wat~ pi~ m ~ ~c~ of 91~/92~ Av~ue No~ ~ 8~ S~ ~i~g ~e cuIv~ ~ V~d~iIt ~ve, ~ ~ ~v~ o~ ~i~I~ ~e~t~ ~ ~ d~i~at~ o~ ~e ~cI~ ~t Roll (~*~ f~to~ ~ ~e ~r~ge ~o~t for ~h Iot or p~cI ofpr~ or ~ ~t for co~do~ m p~o~ to ~e ~e~ ~eiv~ ~m ~e co~c~o~ of~e p~j~t ~ ~e s~o~wa~ ~o~ b~d~ such ~r~ ~ o~ ~e oval ~o~was~ ~ge ~st~. ~e ~ ~t to ~co~ h~em. vzZor~ ~s~sm~l roll). ~s ~e Co~'s ~Hio~ is a to~l ~o~ nol lo exce~ $5,907,~6.13. b~ed o~ sto~wzter ~o~ faclo~ ~d ~e ~reage ~o~t ~or c~h lot o~ p~ccl unit for cca~tom~ums in diroct proportion to the benefits r~ccived from the consu'ucfion of thc projeci and thc stormwaicr nmoff burde~ such properties impose on the overall slormw~,tct dr~e syslc~, if thc total as~es.smcnt for each lot or parcel is not paid within thirty (30)days fzom the dale of anoption of thc Prcl~ Asscssmmt Roll (non-an vaiot:m aasessmmt roll), but paid in annual ins~Irnmts as a non-an v~Iorem a.t, scs. smmt on the property t~x bill over · i:~ried of fifteen (I $) yc~'s with an intcrtst fac of one percent (1%) above the long-term fuancing or not to exceed eight pcrcmt (8.0%) 'l'be unit mcasun'mcat for thc spa:iai assessment ~xi the individual amount of the special assessment for each IoL parr. el or condornimum trait are show~ on tbe Prclizmr..ary Asscsszncat Roll (non-an va.torc,-n assessment roll) attached hcrtio and incorl:x:n'~ed hcrtin as Exhibit "A". Thc Board hcrd~y con/u'ms the q:,cciai asscssmcats (noo-an valorem assessmcnu) for each property ax[ thc unit mcasurt-rncn! for each pr~crty as shown on thc anncbed Exigbit "A" as the ~nai ~ mil (non-an v~lorom assessznent roll). ,SIIIlg, LT..~I,, Such assc-ssments arc hcrtby found and determined to be it-vied in direct proportion to thc special and positive bc~c§ts to thc properties listed in thc prtLiminary asscssmcm roll (non-an valorem assessment roll), which is attached hcrtto as Ex.,kibit "^" and arc Iocaled within the Naples Park A. rca Drainage Improvcments MunicipaJ Service Bencflt Unit which is described as follows and geographically dc'picled on Exhibit "B" attached hereto aad incorporated herein: All those certain lands lying within portions of Soctions 28 taxi 3:t, Township 48 SouLh. Range 25 ~ Collier Count),, Florida. and being further described as follows, all of; Unit No. 1, Naples Park as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 106 and; Subdivision of Block I, Unit No. I, Nap]es Park. as recorded in Pla Book 4. Page $ and; Replat of Blocks 4 & 5, Unit No. i, Naples Park, as rtcorded in Plat Book 4, Page 6 and; Unit No. 2, NapJes Pazk as recorded in Hal Book 2, Page 107 and; Unit No. 3, Naples Pazk as recorded tn Plat Book 3, Page 5 and; Umt No. 4, Naples Park as rocorded in Plat Book 3, Page 7 and; Unit No. 5, Naples Park as r~corded tn Plat Book 3, Page 14 and; Uni! No. 6, Naples Park as r~eorded in Pla! Book 3, Page 15 and; Coventry Squar~ as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 65-66; together with all those certain lands lying ~,'lthin Range 2~ ~ being bounded on the; North by the South right-of-~,,'ay line Avenue; South by the North right-of-way line of Vanderbill Beach Road; Ea~ by the West right-of-way line of U.S. 41, N. Ta.miami Trail; West by the East right-of-way line o f Vmde'rbilt Drive; ,~ Upon adoption of I~is Rc~olut~on any ataessrnen[ may ~ p~d u ~e Co~ ~t of R~ue, 28~ No~ Ho~ ~ve, N~I~ Ho~ ~ ~ (30) ~. ~, ~1 ~m~ s~l ~ ~ll~t~ p~ to S~6o~ 197.3632 ~d 197.3635. Florida S~mt~, ~ ~y ~r ~t~ ~g ~ ~ll~tion of~ch ~m~ on ~e ~e bill v~o~ ~ w~ch s~ ~ biH~ ~ ~e M v~o~ ~ ~t ~me pay~le on Nov~ 1 ~7 ~ deduct on ~1 I. i ~8, ~ ~h ~ for a ~ of fi~ (15) y~. F~I~ to pay ~e ~i~ ~ (~ v~ ~l) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~11 ~ a ~i~c ~ ~ ~ld ~ ~e ~ w~ch ~y ~ll ~ a I~ of 6tle to ~ ~. ~ ~e ~i~ ~~ ~l ~ ~ md ~l~ivc ~ ~ ~h lot or ~cl ~id~ ~ w~v~ ~d iffy obj~fion s~l ~ ~e ~ ~ or ~l not ~ ~ p~t~ ~s pm~ ~s s~l ~ ~ m a ~ of~m~t j~cfion m ~ ~ef~ ~ (20) ~ ~om ~c Mop6on offs R~]u~on. ~te of~6on offs Re~lu6on of~e ~e na~e ~d m ~e ~e ~t ~ ~e ~ for ~ ~ f~I~g due ~ ~e ~e y~ or y~ ~ wMch ~ch ~t f~ls due, ~ ~y ~t ~t p~d wh~ due s~l ~ ~ll~t~ p~t to ~t~ 197, ~ofi~ S~t~, ~ ~e m~ ~ p~ ~cs ~ ~ll~t~. ~ ~e CI~ is h~eby ~t~ to ~o~ ~s R~lu6on ~ ~l E~bi~ a~h~ h~o · e O~ci~ R~ ofCol~ Co~, ~ ~s R~lu6on sh~l ~omc eff~6ve ~ely ~n i~ p~ge. ~ ~ majo~ vote. A~T: BO~ OF CO~ CO~SSIO~ D~TGHT E. BR~ CLE~ COLLAR CO~. ~O~A Approve~ u to form and legal su~ciency: County AHorney BY: TB4OTHY L HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN NAPLES PARK DR^INAGE PROJECT AREA I$1T~ AVI~ ~ __/It NOT~: .......... 64DICA'?~S BOI~DARY O? PROJECT AREA. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST FOR BOARD TO ADOPT THE ACCOMPANYING RESOLUTION REDUCING THE REGULATORY ASSESSMENT FEE FROM FOUR AND ONE- HALF PERCENT TO THREE PERCENT OF GROSS REVENI/ES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1~7 FOR NONEXEMPT PRIVATELY OWNED WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS SUBJECT TO LOCAL REGULA~ON, AUTHO~ZING THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND WASTEWATER AUTHO~TY TO ADJUST WATER AND WASTEWATER RATES ACCORDINGLY. OBJECTIVE: To reduce the existing regulatory assessment fee of private water and wastewater utilities under local regulation from 4 ¼ percent to 3 percent, effective October l, 1997. CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County resumed jurisdiction over privately owned water and wastewater systems on February 27, 1996. The County has since collected regulatory assessment fees from the seven (7) utilities under local jurisdiction at the rate of~, ~A percent of gross revenues, the same rate charged by the Florida Public Service Commission upon the date of the County's acquisition of jurisdiction. On October 1, 1996, the Office of Utility Regulation recorded reserves or a trust fund balance o£approximately $400,000. Were the 4 'A percent regulatory fee to remain in place for FY 98, a reserve orS1.1 Million would result at FY 98 end. Staffconsiders such a projected balance to be excessive under the current circumstances. Although the Office of Utility Regulation has existed for only 12 months, Staffis confident in forecasting of future revenues. Staff proposes the reduction of the regulatory fee from ~. V: percent to 3 percent, effective October I, 1998. The 1 V2 percent reduction will decrease revenues during FY 98 by approximately $220,000 for the year, and the reduced rate is expected to yield a reserve or trust fund balance between $700,000 and $800,000 by the end of FY 98. Staff recommends that the reserve be maintained in this range. Reduction of the fee to 3 percent will slow the accumulation of the regulatory fee reserve required to fund unanticipated regulatory costs. Typical unanticipated, non-recurring expenses may include protracted litigation, lobbying efforts to protect utility customer interests, controversial territorial expansion requests, rate case appeals, expert witnesses fees required in the rate review process, and other contingencies, which may include health, safety, and welfare issues regarding the operation of privately ova ~ utilities and their repair should the Authority or the Board be appointed by the Circuit Courltl~l~lOA receiver ofutilities abandoned or in financial distress. ~'.". JUN 2 Upon attaining the recommended reserve ($700,000 to $800,000) at the end of FY 98, staff expects to recommend a further reduction in the r~gulatory fee to match the FY 99 revenue with the FY 99 projected expenditures. It is expected that the regulatory fee in FY 99 may be reduced to approximately 2 percent to maintain the static reserve of $700,000-4-. Upon Bo~d approval of the requested regulatory fee reduction, the Office of Utility Regulation will take those actions required for the Authority to direct all seven regulated utiliti" s to implement a pass-through reduction of water and/or wastewater rates, effective October 1, 1997. FISCAL IMPACT: Reduction of the regulatory assessment fee bom 4.5% to 3.0% v-ill decrease annual revenues to the Utility Fee Trust Fund by approximately $220,000. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt the accompanying Resolution to reduce the regulatory assessment fee fi.om 4 '/2 percent to 3 percent and thereby authorize the Collier County Water ar d.a~,'astewater Authority to adjust water and/or wastewater rates of regulated utilities ~ Zopna7 ~ ;'~leu" W~-l]~c¢, M~nager, Office of Utility Regulation REVIEWED BY: [ ~I)[3,~ t~. (")t~x/~''~'-' DATE:~ ~'/~/ '~ 7 Thomas C. Palmer,/[s'sistant County Attorney APPROVED BY: DATE: Michael A. McNees, Assistant Count)' Manager JUN 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 I1 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 42 43 44 45 RESOLUTION NO. 9% A RESOLUTION OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-12 (E), COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 96-6, ESTABLISHING THE REGULATORY ASSESSMENT FEE OF THREE (3) PERCENT OF GROSS REVENUES FOR NONEXEMPT PRIVATE WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITIES UNDER LOCAL J'URISDIC-'TION, AUTHORIZING THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND WASTEWATER AUTHORITY TO ADJUST WATER AND/OR WASTEWATER RATES OF SAID UTILITIES, AS APPROPRIATE, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 96-I04 excluded Collier County from the provisions of Chapter 367, Flor~da Slatules, thereby assuming certain subject matter jurisdiction over non-exempt water and wastewater utilities operating in unincorporated areas of Collier County; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No 96-6 established the Collier County Water and Wastewater Authority (AUTHORITY) and specific powers and duties; and WHEREAS, Section 1-12 (E), Ordinance No. 96-6 provides for the Board of County Commissioners (BOARD) to determine the amount ofthe regulatory assessment fee from time to time after public hearing thereon, but not to become effective earlier than sixty (60) days after adoption of each such implementing Resolution; and WHEREAS, on June 24. 1997. the BOARD held a duly advertised public hearing to consider the record and testimony regarding the adjustment of the regulatory assessment fee; and WHEREAS, staff has recommended a reduction of the regulatory assessment fee from four and one-half(4 % ) percent to three (3) percent, effective October 1, 1997; and WHEREAS, the AUTHORITY is authorized to adjust water and wastewater rate tariffs of nonexempt private water and wastewater utilities under its jurisdiction to reflect each change in regulatory assessment fees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida that: The regulatory assessment fee is hereby established at three (3) percent ofgross revenues for nonexempt private water and wastewater utilities under the County's jurisdiction. The three (3) percent regulatory assessment fee shall become effective on October 1. 1997. 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 9 10 1! 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Thc Collier County Water and Wastewater Authority shall adjust the water and was~ewater tariffs of ali utilities under its jurisdiction to reflect this reduction in the regulatory assessment fee. 4. The rate adjustments reflecting the pro-rata rate reduction in the respective utility's regulatory assessment fee shall be effective October 1, 1997. This Resolution adopted this ~ secona and majority vote favoring same. day of ___, 1997 after motion, ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA by: Deputy Clerk by:. Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Assistant County Attorney AGENDA,FI*EI~ *~ , , . JUN 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR A CABLE FRANCHISE SUBMITTED BY MARCO ISLAND CABLE, INC. OBJECTIVE: To consider a Cable Franchise Application which has been submitted by M~co Island C~le, ~c. CONSIDERATION: An Application for a Cable Franchise was submitted by Marco Island Cable, Inc., on March 18, 1996. After initial review, staff felt that additional documentation and information must be supplied to the County before the Application could go forward. On April 28, 1997, a completed application was delivered to the Office of Franchise Administration. On May 2, the Office of Franchise Administration submitted to the Board of County Commissioners a copy of the completed Application, along with its recommendation regarding request for a Cable Franchise submitted by Marco Island Cable, Inc. Although the Office did not give a totally unqualified endorsement to the Application, the County Manager's Office, through its Office of Franchise Administration, nevertheless recommends that a Cable Franchise be awaaded Marco Island Cable, Inc. Subsequently, pursuant to Ordinance No. 88-90 as amended, the Board approved on May 6, 1997, a recommendation by staff to publish a notice of consideration of a Cable Television Franchise in the Naples Daily News. That notice announced that the Board of County Commissioners would hold a public hearing on the matter on June 17, 1997 at 1:00 PM. In accord with Ordinance No. 88-90 as amended, the notice also stated that any written reports, studies or materials to be considered by the Board at the Public Hearing had to be submitted by 5:00 P.M., on May 26, 1997. No written reports, studies or msterials were received. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None HSCAL IMPACT: The County will continue to receive Franchise Fecs--a five (5) percent of"Gross Revenues" as specified in the Agreement and in Ordinance No. 88-90, RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation is in three p~s: A. That the Board approve the Cable Franchise Application after making the following findings of fact in accordance with Sec ion r~.6 {a} of Colliet' Con ~ty Ordinance No. 88-90, as amended. P','A' GENOA.. ~.~e.~7;ITEM / FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. That the record does not indicate any significant negative economic impact on the surrounding properties in the franchise area. Moreover, the expected economic benefits obtained by having a second cable operator serve the franchise area appear to outweigh any negative impact that may result fi'om construction and maintenance of the physical 2. Competition arising from granting a second fi'anchisc has the potential to result in lower rates, improved programming choice, and betler customer service. 3. That adequate public rights-of-way exist for the proposed system. (See Attached) 4. The proposed system should not unreasonably interfere or impede existing or future uses of the public rights-of-way. $. There is no indication that there will be significant dimaption to existing users of the public rights-of-way other than the normal disruption caused by construction of the system. 6. The projections provided by Marco Island, Inc. and the secured capital indicate that the applicant has the financial ability to perform and to make necessary investment to erect, operate and maintain the cable system. 7. Marco Island Cable, Inc., has been operating a system for the past three years. Such service has been acceptable regarding customer service. The proposed Franchise Agreement includes provisions to ensure that satisfactory service will be provided. 8. The location and type of permanent facilities proposed to be constructed by Marco Island Cable, Inc., conforms to the legal requirements of County Ordinance No. 88-90, as amended; and the proposed Franchise Agreement provides significant mechanisms for ensuring that the system will perform satisfactorily. 9. The technical quality and completeness of the proposed plan for operation of the cable system are ensured by the substantial economic incentive to provide a system that delivers acceptable quality of service to its subscribers. The past three yeaxz have provided substantial evidence of this incentive. Moreover, the presence of competition from Media One further enhances the practical necessity of the applicant providing a quality of service. AGENDA ITEM,,. ,,. JUN 2 1997 I0. From all evidence there is nothing to indicate tha the applicant doe~ not have the legal character, financial, techrfical and other qualifieatiom n~ to eomm~ch own and operme the propo~xl cable ~em. l 1, It is desirable to promote competition in the Cable Television indttitry to promote a diversity of information and provision ofh/gh quality cable tclevi~/on service~ at the lowest economic price provided such does not resul! in unreawnable di~uption of pr/rate and public property by multiple cable operations. B. That the Board approve the Cable Franchise Application as submitted with the following changes: The Franchise area be larger than the area proposed by Marco Island Cable, Inc., and that the added territory be exclusively or primarily single family homes. The proposed enlarged area is depicted on proposed Exhibit "A" of the Franchise Agreement. 2. The term of the Franchise be seven (7) years, terminating in June, 2004. C. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Franchise Agreement, after final approval of the Agreement by the County Anomey, subject to possible minor, non-substantive clarifications. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: ~ean Merritt, Manager Office of Franchise Administration Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney Michael A. McNees Interim County Manager DATE: TO: FROM: June 4, 1997 Jean Merritt, Manager Franchise AdmiaxiaXration David F. Bobanick ~ /bff /' ' Interim Transportation DLrector Utility Accommodation - Collier County Rights-of-way in the Marco Island Area In response to your request this date, subject as above, StaJ'f has reviewed the proposed location of cable line installations and confirms adequate right-of-way for such installation, subject to permitting, in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 93-64. If we may be of further atnistance in the above matter, please contact this office at 774-8494. mk/s:Genl Cot Fr~hi~e Ofc Info.doc cc: Ed Ilscl'mer Edward J. Kant, P.E. JUN 2 1997 f 1 2 3 6 9 I0 11 12 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 35 36 3'7 38 39 40 41 State of Florida - Collier County MARCO ISLAND CABLE, INC., CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE DATE: June 17, 1997 This Cable Television Franchise, issued by and between the Collier County, a Florida non- charter county, and Marco Island Cable, Inc., a Florida Corporation, hereinafter Grantee. WHEREAS, the County of Collier, hereinafter referred to as "County" or "Grantor", desires to assure the widespread availability of Cable Services within the County to promote commerce and otherwise further the public interest; VgHEREAS, the County is the owner of certain street rights-of-way; WHEREAS, the County has, following reasonable notice, and after consideration, analysis and deliberation conducted full public proceedings, during which proceedings the technical ability, financial condition, legal qualification and general character of Grantee were determined acceptable to receive a renewal of its fi'anchise; WHEREAS, the County has also considered and analyzed the plata of Grantee for the construction and operation of its Cable System and found the same to be adequate and feasible in view ofthe needs and requirements of the area lo be served by the reapective Cable Sy~em; WHEREAS, the County has determined that it is in the best interest of and consistent with the public convenience and necessity of its residents to grant a franchise to Grantee to operate a Cable System within the specified franchise area within Collier County and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and, 'WHEREAS; Grantee desires to construct and operate a Cable System consisting of fiber optic, coaxial and multi-pair cables along portions of the County's right-of-way. Section 1. Findings Pursuant to the procedures in the Cable Act, Section 166.046, F.S., and Chapter 30 § 28(0(I) of the Collier County Code, the Grantor has held a public hearing where the following issues related to granting a cable television franchise to Grantee were considered: (i) the economic impact upon private property within the County; (ii) the public need for such franchise; (iii) the capacity of public rights-of-way to accommodate the cane system; (iv) the present and future use of the bGENDA ITE/~ '~ I public rights-of-way to be used by the cable system; (v) the potential disruption to existing users 2 of the public rights-of-way to be used by the cable system and the resultant inconvenience which may occur to the public; (vi) the financial ability of the franchise applicant to perform; (vii) the 4 experience of the applicant in the erection, operation and maintenance ora CATV system, (viii) technical quality and completeness of the proposed plan for operation of the cable system, (ix) the legal, character, financial, technical and other qualifications necessary to construct, own and ? operate a cable television system, and (x) other societal interests as are generally considered in cable television franchising. The Grantor has determined to grant a cable television franchise to Marco Island Cable, Incorporated on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. I0 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 I$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 3g 39 41 42 43 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Section 2. Definitions For the purposes of this Franchise, the following terms, phrases, words, and abbreviations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural include the singular, and words in a particular gender shall include each of the other gender. The words "shall" and "must" are always mandatory and not merely directory. 2.1 "Access" shall mean the availability of the cable system for use by various agencies, institutions, organizations, groups and individuals in the community, including the County and its designees of the cable system to acquire, create and distribute programming not under the Grantee's editorial control, including: 2.1.1 "Public Access" shall mean access where organizations, groups, or individual members of the general public, on a non-discriminatory basis, are the primary or designated programmers or users having editorial control over their programming; 2.1.2 "Educational Access" shall mean access where schools are the primary or designated programmers or users having editorial control over their programming; 2,1.3 "Governmental Access" shall mean access wher~ goverr, mental institutions or their designees are the primary or designated programmers or users having editorial control over their programming; and 2.1.4 "PEG Access" shall mean public access, educational acc~s, and governmental access, collectively. 2.2 "Affiliate," when used in relation to any person, shall me. an another per~n who owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with, such person. AGENDA JUN 2 P~I o..-.~,.._ I 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 "Basic Cable Service" or "Basic Sen'ice" shall mean any service tier which includes the retransmission of local television broadcast signals and access channels. This definition shall be deemed to change consistent with any changes in the definition of this term by the Federal Communications Commission. "Cable Operator" shall mean any person or group of persons: a) who provides Cable Service over a Cable System and directi), or through one or more affiliates owns a significant interest in such Cable System, or h) who otherwise controls or is responsible for, through any arrangement, the management and operation of such a Cable System under a Franchise with Collier County. "Cable Service" shall mean: a) the one-way transmission to Subscribers of (a) video programming, or (b) other programming services, and, b) subscriber interaction, if any, which is required for the selection or use of such video programming or other programming services. "Cable System" shall mean a facility, consisting of a se! of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception, and control equipment that is designed to provide Cable Service and which includes video programming and other lawful communications services and which is provided to multiple subscribers within a community, but such term does not include: a) a facility that serves only to retransmit the television signals of one (I) or more television broadcast stations; b) a facility that serves subscribers without using any public right-of-way; c) a facility ofcommon carrier which is subject, in whole or in part, to the provisions of 47 U.S.C. §201-226, except that such facility shall be considered a cable system (other than for purposes of 47 USC §541(c) to the extent such facility is used in the transmission of video programming directly to Subscribers; and d) any facilities of an electric utility used solely for operating its electric utility system. "Channel" shall mean a 6 MHz band of analog fi'equencies, or future encoding AOENDA ITEI~' ~ JUtl 2 pg. lg 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 3O 32 -33 -34 36 37 4O 41 42 4.3 1 2 4 5 6 2.8 7 8 9 2.9 l0 I1 12 2. I0 14 I$ 16 2.11 17 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 standard, in the electromagnetic spectrum (or any other means o£transmission, including but not limited to optical fibers, which is capable of'carrying the equivalent signal or signals), and includes uses of all or any portion ofsuch band of fi'equencies for digital video/television signals. "County" shall mean the Collier County, Florida, or the area within the present county limits or as such limits may be changed. "County Commission" shall mean the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. "Customer Service Standards" shall mean those standards adopted by the FCC and the County (to the extent not inconsistent with those of the FCC), which govern the manner in which Grantee interacts with the public and its customers. "FCC" shall mean the Federal Communications Commission or any successor agency. "Franchise" shall mean an initial authorization, or renewal thereof, (including a renewal of an authorization which has been granted subject to 47 U.S.C.§ 546 ), issued by the County, whether such authorization is designated as a Franchise, permit, license, resolution, contract, certificate, agreement, or otherwise, which authorizes the construction or operation of a Cable System but neither supersedes nor takes the place of any license, license fee or permit authorization which might otherwise be required for the privilege of transacting business within the County. "Franchise Fee" shall mean an annual fee of five percent (5%) of Grantee's Gross Revenues paid for the use and occupation of the County's Hghts-of-way and for other purposes. "Grantee" or "Franchisee" or "Company" shall mcan the person, firm, or corporation to whom a Franchise, as herein above defined, is granted by the County and any lawful successor, transferee or assignee of said person, firm, or corporation. "Gross Revenues" shall mean all revenue encumbered at the time of sale (billing) by the Grantee, arising from or attributable to the sale of cable television video or audio program services, video text services and video games provided by Grantee within the County or derived from its operation within the County. a) Such revenue includes, but not limited to fees charged to subscribers for:. 1) any video and/or audio program service; 2) installation, disconnection, reconnection or service maintenance agreements; and 3) equipment rental. I 2 4 $ 6 ? 9 10 Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 39 42 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 b) Revenues derived from: i) leased spectrum, 2) advertising sold by either the Grantee or its agent, 3) signal carriage (e.g. home shopping services; marketing, launch and retransmission) agreements. The sum of the aforementioned shall be the basis for calculating the Franchise Fee imposed pursuant to Section 6 herein. Excluded are revenues related to: 1) refunds; 2) bad debt; 3) equipment deposits (e.g. customer terminal devices); 4) any sales, excise or other tax collected by Grantee on behalf of any governmental unit; 5) reimbursements for expenses (e.g., returned check fees, and copy expenses); or 6) items excluded by local, state or federal law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the revenues received by the Grantee for the provision of data transmission, point to point telecommunications, telephone or telephony services, franchise fees or other fight of way use fee shall be included in the gross revenue basis only to the extent permitted now or hereafter by law. "Initial Service Area" shall mean that geographical area bounded by Marco Island within the unincorporated limits of the County as of the date of acceptance of this Franchise. "Interactive on-Demand Services" shall mean a service providing video prograrnming to subscribers on an on-demand basis, but does not include services providing video programming pre-scheduled by the programming provider, "Institutional Network or I-Net"shall mean a communication network for the provision of video services, voice transmissions and data transmissions which is generally available only to subscribers who are not residential subscribers; "Other Communications Service" shall mean information audio, video, data, telephony, I. nternei access, text service, electronic communication (e-mail), or any other lawful service that Cable Operator makes available for purchase by Subscribers; "Person" shall mean an individual, partnership, association, limited liability company, joint stock company, trust, corporation, or governmental entity, "Public, Educational or Governmental Access (PEG) Use or Programming" and other similar formulations of these terms shall mean non-commercial and/or not-for-profit u.~ by education, government and public (community) television providers ofchannels on the cable system to convey information to the public. 2.22 "Public Buildings" shall mean public supported K-12 school's, Federal Slate, County, County and Town government owned or leased buildings. AGENDA ITEM/ ~, JUN 2 ~ 1997 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 36 37 .39 40 41 42 43 I 2.23 2 3 4 $ ? 2.24 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 Section 3.1 "Public, Educational, or Governmental Access Facilities" shall mean: a) channel capacity designated for public, educational, or governmental use; and, b) facilities and equipment for the use of such channel capacity. "Public Way" or "Rights-Of-Way" shall include the surface, the air space above thc surface, and the area below the surface of any public street, avenues, highway, lane, path, alley, sidewalk, boulevard, drive, bridge, tunnel, park, parkways, squares, viaducts, waterways, greenways, utility easements, and other public property now or hereafter held by the County or the State which shall entitle the County and the Grantee to the use thereof for the purpose of installing and maintaining the Grantee's Cable System. No reference herein, or in any franchise, to the "public way" shall be deemed to be a representation or guarantee by the County that its title to any property is sufficient to permit its use for such purpose, and the Grantee shall, by its use of such terms, be deemed to gain only such rights to use property in the County as the County may have the undisputed fight and power to give or as granted by Federal or State law. "Reasonable Notification" shall mean 14 business days for all non financial related matters and thirty (30) business days for financial matters. "Residential Subscriber" shall mean a subscriber who receives service in an individual dwelling unit or multiple unit dwelling, where the service is not to be used in connection with a business, trade or profession. "Subscriber" shall mean any person or entity lawfully receiving any portion of the Cable Sc't'vice ora Grantee pursuant to this Franchise. "Service Tier" shall mean a category of Cable Service or Other Communications services provided by a Cable Operator and for which a separate rate is charged by the Cable Operator;, 3. Franchise Territory and Initial Service Area The cable tel~vision franchise granted under this Section shall be limited to the geographic area ofthc County to be sc~'ved by the fxanchisc Grantee, and the specific public ways necessary to serve such areas. Thc cable television Grantee shall not exclude from its services any high-cost (per customer) area, any rural location, or any person based on that person's income AGENDA ITEM,. J~IN 2 ~ 1~]7 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 4O 41 42 43 3.2 Thc Grantee's Initial Service Area is part of'Marco Island, Florida. Attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein, is the Grantee's application to serve Marco Island's government, commercial, business and residential properties on part o£ Marco Island. Section 4. Nature and Terms of Grant 4.1 County does hereby convey to the Grantee a site specific franchise to construct and operate a Cable System, using owned and/or leased facilities, which may be located in the County rights-of-way. 4.2 Notwithstzndinig Grantee may, in its sole discretion, elect to I~ fiber optic, coaxial and multi-pair cable and other cable communication facilities or program services from other County franchised providers of Cable Service to support the operation of its Cable System. 4.3 The fi'anchise granted herein shall run for a term of seven (7) years commencing upon acceptance by grantee. 4.4 Public Rights-of-Way use conditions. 4.4.1 All facilities shall be constructed, installed and located in accordance with the following terms and conditions: 4.4.2 The County, at its sole discretion, may require, at not cost to the County, the Grantee to locate and identify its cable television facilities within the public rights-of-way. 4.4.3 The County reserves the right, upon reasonable notice, to require the Grantee at its expense to protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate or remove fi'om thc County's s'tn~ any property oft.he Grantee by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, stn~ construction, real or planned excavation, change or establishment of street grade, installation or planned installation of sewers, drains, water pipes, power and/or communication lines, tracts, or othez types of structure or improvements by governmental agencies or any other slmctures proposed for public improvement Reasonable notice for this provision meam at least ninety (90) days, exert in the case of emergencies where no slgcific notice lx'riod shall be requirM. The County shall endeavor to notify and seek comment fi'om the Grantee with respect to minimizing disruption to the Cable System, where public works projects may affect the Grantee's cable system. AGF. t,E)A ITEM Utl 2 Igg? I 2 3 4 $ 6 7 9 Io I1 12 13 ~4 I$ 16 17 t9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 3o 31 32 33 34 3~ 36 37 39 4O 41 42 43 4.4.4 4.4..5 4.4.6 4.4.7 4.4.8 4.4.9 4.4.10 Cable Television facilities shall be installed within an existing underground duct or conduit whenever available excess capacity then exists within such utility facility at a reasonable rate to Franchise. Franchisee shall install its telecommunications facilities on pole attachments to existing utility poles only, and then only if surplus pole space is then available to that franchisee. Whenever any existing electric utility, cable facility or telecommunications facility is located underground within a public way of the County, a franchisee with permission to occupy the same public way must locate its cable television facilities underground at no cost to the County. Whenever a public way exists to accommedatc thc Grantee's system, the Grantee shall not locate its facilities off.thc public right of way and shall make every cfi.orr to locate its telecommunications facilities within thc public way before seeking private easements within thc County. Thc Grantee, at no cost to thc County of thc State, shall relocate its facilities and appliances which arc in conflict with County projects to upgrade or construct roadways. Thc Grantee shall locate, place and construct its telecommunications facilities so az not to unreasonably interfere with thc construction, location and maintenance ofscwer and / or water mains, lines, or connections. Thc Grantee shall take appropriate preventative measures to pmtec! existing facilities within thc public Rights-of-Way. Grantee shall restore and replace landscaped areas, pavement, pedestrian lighting, sidewalks, curbs, gutters or other facilities damaged by the Grantee and or its contractors with like material to their former condition at the Grantee's expense, and shall thereafter, bom time to time., but no longer than one (1) year bom the completion ofthejob, re. adjust, fill and finish the .same az may bc necessary due to settling of the earth associated with the Grantee's disruption of the public way. Whenever installing new cable system facilities shall exhaust thc capacity of existing ducts, conduits, manholes and other facilities within_ a public street or utility casement to rcazonably accommodate future telecommunications carri~ or facilities, the Grantee shall at that time provide additional ducts, conduiLg manholes and other facilities for nondiscriminatory access to future carriers. Franchisee is entitled to receive reasonable compensation for usc of such facilities by other users. AGEI'JDA ITEM/' JUN 2 ~ IgS7 I 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 4.5 4.~ 4.7 4.8 4.4.11 The Grantee shall adhere to all Federal, State and local laws, rules and regulations regarding the location, construction, and maintenance of its cable system facilities within thc public rights-of-way. All fi'anchisces are required to obtain construction permits for cable system facilities installed in Rights-of-Way. The Grantee shall, subject to commercial practicability, make its cable television services available to any customer within its service area who shall request such service, without discrimination as to the terms, conditions, rates or charges for grantee's services; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall prohibit a franchisee from making reasonable classifications among differently situated customer groups. Each franchisee shall make its cable television services available to the County at its most favorable rate for similarly situated users, unless otherwise expressly provided. For the pta'pose of and to the extent required to accomplish transporting I-Net and PEG access channels, the Grantee shall interconnect its cable system with other systems in nearby areas, upon the directive of the County's Franchise Administrator. To fulfill this obligation, the Grantee shall familiarize itself with all technical requirements needed to cause such interconnection. 4.8.1 [nterconnection is technically feasible. 4.8.2 Grantee and the other party agree upon reasonable interconnection arrangements, including an allocation of the costs of interconnection between Grantee and such other party that is reasonable in light of the relative benefits and burdens to each party and its customers; including consideration of support (capital and operational) provided for PEG access purposes, including equipment in use for PEG access at the time ofinterconnection. 4.8.3 Interconnection of the systems may be accomplished by direct hard cable connection, microwave link, satellite, or other appropriate means. 4.8.4 Upon receiving a directive fi'om the County's Franchise Administrator to interconnect, the Grantee shall immediately initiate negotiations with the other affected system(s) in order that all costs may be shared equitably among the Grantees for both construction and operation of the interconnection link. Such intereonnecfion shall be made within the time limits aa established by the County's Franchise Administrator. 4.8.5 The Grantee may be accorded reasonable extensions of the time to interconnect, or the County may rescind its order to interconnect upon petition by one or more I 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 lO 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 29 30 31 33 35 39 40 41 42 4.9 4.10 franchised cable operators to the County. The County shall grant the request if it finds that the Grantees had negotiated in good faith and had failed to obtain approval from the other affected Grantees, or the cost of interconnection would necessarily cause an unreasonable or unacceptable increase in subscriber rates. 4.8.6 The Grantee shall cooperate with any intercormection corporation, regional interconnection authority or local, State and/or Federal regulatory agency established for the purpose of regulating, financing, or otherwise providing for the intercormection of cable systems beyond the boundaries of the County. A new franchise application shall be required shall be required by the Grantee to amend this Grant should the Grantee desire to extend its service area or to locate its cable television facilities in public ways of the County which are not expressly included in this Grant. If ordered by the County to locate or relocate its cable system facilities in public ways not included in a previously granted franchise, the County shall grant a franchise amendment without further application to facilitate such ordered changes. Section 5. Customer Service Standards County has determined that it is in the best interest of its residents and consistent with the public convenience and necessity to adopt Customer Service Standards for the provision of cable services by the Grantee. The Grantee shall operate its Cable System in a manner consistent with the County's Consumer Protection Provislons, Collier County Code, Chapter 30 § 55, to the extent that such provisions are not inconsistent with those of the FCC. Section 6. Compensation, Auditing and Other Payments 6.1 Grantee shall pay the County throughout the term of this Franchise, as compensation, an annual Franchise Fee of five percent (5%) of'he Grantee's Gross Revenues. 6.2 All such payments of Franchise Fees shall be payable monthly in accordance with Chapter 30-280c)(2) for the preceding month. Franchise Fee payments shall be accompanied by a report itemizing and setting forth the revenues/receipts and showing the calculation of the payment due for the preceding period. 6.3 The payment of the Franchise Fee by the Grantee is for the dght to construct and operate its Cable System, as defined herein, within the County' public fight-of- way and is in lieu of a right of way use or encroachment fee. AGENDA ITEM/ JUN 2 ~ ~? P~ · ~,.~~ 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 to !1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 6.4 The County, on an annual basis, shall be furnished a statement within ninety (90) days of the close of the calendar year, certified by an official of the franchisee responsible for the Cable System's financial statements, reflecting the total amounts of Gross Revenues as defined herein, and all payments, and computations for the previous calendar year. Upon ten (10) days prior wriuen notice, the County shall have the right to conduct an independent audit of Grantee's records. If, after resolving any dispute arising from such audit, Grantee has made a Franchise Fee underpayment of three percent (3%) or more, the Grantee shall assume all reasonable costs of such audit. In other events, the County shall bear ali costs and fees, associated with any such audit. 6.5 All Grantee's books and records concerning its Gross Revenues and its calculation of payments to the County, shall be available for inspection by an appropriate officer of the County, or its designee, at reasonable times to determine the amount of compensation due to the County from Grantee under this Franchise. Such records shall be kept so as to accurately show the same. Grantee shall prepare and make available to the County at times reasonably requested by the County and in the form prescribed by the County after consultation with the Grantee, such reports with respect to its Cable System and the Gross Revenues derived therefrom, as the County may deem reasonably necessary or appropriate. 6.6 In the event Grantee makes an under payment or in the event Grantee fails to make any payment on or before the date it is due, Grantee shall pay interest at a rate of one percent (1%) per month on any such under payment and/or late payment. Interest shall not accrue, with respect to under payments, until such time that the Grantee is notified about any alleged underpayment by the County. 6.7 Consistent with federal requirements, the Grantee shall file no less frequently than annually any tariffs, amendments, or modifications affecting the sale of its services and subscriber terminal equipment and shall provide written notification to the County within thirty (30) days of any proposed changes. The Grantee shall also provide to the County copies of all filings, reports and petitions to local, state, or federal regulatory agencies. 6.8 The Grantee, at its option, may discharge its obligation to provide an Institutional Network and/or related sex'vices for the County by providing an annual grant, to be paid upon Acceptance of Franchise (Section 36 herein) and each axmivm~ of the fxanchis¢ grant, in the amount of dollars to reimburse the reasonable costs incurred by the Grantor for the services and expenses associated with the provision ofvoi~, video and data services by third parties (including, but not limit to, telecommunication equipment, recurring line charges and independent consultants) by Grantor or for any other lawful pu.rpos¢ to public buildings within the Grantee's initial service area. Farthermore, the J ? ? 9 10 I! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o 31 32 35 36 37 3~ 41 42 Section 7. parties agree that any cost to the Grantee associated with providing these fund~ under this Franchise, including without limitatiort, the mounts set forth herein are not part of thc Franchise fee, and fall within one or more of the exceptions to 47 USC § 542. Franchise - Not Exclusive This Franchise shall be non exclusive. The County re.serve~ the right to grant franchises to other persons at any time or construct, operate and repair a cable system itself or to contract with any other person for the use of the County streets or properly for the operation of other cable systems. Section 8. 8.1 8.2 Section 9. 9.1 9.2 No-Waiver The failure of the County, upon one or more occasions, to exercise a right or to require compliance or performance under this Franchise or any other applicable law shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of such fight or a waiver of compliance or performance, unless such fight has been specifically waived in writing. Waiver of a breach of this Franchise or any section of Chapter 30 of thc Collier County Code shall not be a waiver of any other t'-eaeh. Neither thc grant of this Franchise nor any provision herein shall constitt...: a waiver or bar to thc exercise of any governmental fight or power of the County. Regulation The County Commission shall be vested with the power and authority to reasonably regulate the exercise of the privilegea permitted by this Franchise in thc public intere, t. Any failure by thc County to promptly enforce compliance with this Franchise in accordance with federal, state and local laws and ordinances shall not relieve Grantee of its obligation to comply with any provision of this Franchise. The Grantee's rights, without limitation upon thc County's regulatory authority, pursuant to thc Commtmieafions Act of 1934, as amended or any other subsequent federal or state law, shall not be abrogated or otherwise limited. AGENDA ITEM/ pg. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 !o II 12 13 14 15 17 I$ 19 9.3 9.4 Section 10. 10.1 Following reasonable notice, the County rcscrvcs the right to inspect the installation and maintenance of the Cable System. The Grantee shall comply with all federal, state and local regulations, applicable to its Cable System, such as the National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safcty Code, Fiber Optic Cable Installation Specifications, 1987 (Tel~communication Industry Committee), traffic safety/lane closure rules and construction requirements promulgated by the County. Cable System Design and Construction Thc Cable System shall generally conform to thc hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) system design and channel capacity specifications scl forth on Exhibit B hcrcto. At a minimum, the Grantee shall construct a hybrid fiber coax 0-IFC) 550 MHz star bus cable tclcvision network. Thc Grantee is permitted to modify its &sign and implementation plan, pursuant to thc conditions provided herein, lo accommodate technological innovations and refinements which enhance system rcliability and capacity. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 10.2 I0.3 10.4 Analog and digital television [audio/video] services, if offered, shall be transported on the Grantee's fiber backbone to fiber nodes for redistribution to commercial and residential subscribers via coaxial cable. Thc cable television network shall satisfy all FCC standards for Cable Systems. Construction Schedule 10.4.1 The initial service area includes a portion of North Collier Boulevard. Construction and the provision of cable service in this area shall be completed and be fully operational no later than January 1, 1998. 10.4.2 A secondary service area includes thc following streets, Saturn Court, Greenbrier Street, Dandelion Court, Wintergreen Court, and Manor Terrace. Construction and the provision of cable service in this area shall be completed and be fully operational no later than lanuary I, 1999. 10.4.3 Thc definition of subsequent servicc areas, which shall rcsulting in a full build out of Marco Island, where thc dwelling density is greater than 20 homes per mile, ;ihall be negotiated on each anniversary of the franchise grant and shall be subject to: a) the fi'anchise modification provisions of Section 33.4 herein; JUN 2q ~g'7 '1 1 2 4 $ 6 7 9 10 Section 11. 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 11.1 11.2 Section 12. 12.1 .b) Chapter 30 § 42(aX2) and § 42(e) of the Collier County Code; and c) the availability of the Grantee to demonstrate the financial capacity to undertake and successfully complete each successive phase. 10.4.4 The County, may at its discretion, grant reasonable extensions of time to complete the projects. Initial and Continuing Tests The Grantee shall perform all tests necessary to demonstrate compliance with the requirements 47 CFR 76 subpart K. All tests shall be conducted in accordance with the FCC's rules. All construction maps, shall be provided to the County no less than ten (I0) days prior to the commencement date of the upgrade. "As built" maps shall be provided no more than thirty (30) days following the conclusion of construction for each grid. Such maps should designate the location of Grantee's facilities in a mutually acceptable form. Public Education and Government Access Provisions The Grantee shall set aside two (2) channels of its transmission capacity for public interest PEG access channels on the residential distn'bution system. 12.1.1 The franchisee agrees to pay the County a one time donation of dollars for the purchase of television production equipment to be used at the sole discretion of thc County. The County agrees to provide necessary personnel at its expense to produce programming through the use of such facilities. 12.1.2 Thc Grantor shall provide the Grantee at least ninety (90) days prior notice of the required activation of new PEG access channels. 12.1.3 PEG sccess signal transportation on the Grantee's cable system or interconnection facilities shall be provided without chazge to the Grantor from the point of origination, upstream to the Grantee's interconnecting hub sit~ for downstream distribution on the cable system to subscn'bers. 12.1.4 In the event an activated PEG access channel becomes dark and is not utilized for more than twelve (12) continuing months, the Grantee, upon one-hundred eighty (I 80) days written notice to thc Grantor, shall have the I 2 4 6 ? 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 right to reclaim the channel. The Grantor or its access provider, shall have the right to acquire the channel in accordance with the provisions of the Four Year Review. 12.1.5 The government access channel, or another channel made available by the Grantee to the Grantor for this purpose, may be used to provide "in- service" or staff development training by either the County, Grantor or the public schools. The Grantor may direct the Grantee to encode this channel so that it is only available to facilities or individuals authorized by the Grantor. 12.2 Requirements Regarding Rules and Procedures for Use of PEG Access Channels. 12.3 Section 13. 13.1 13.2 12.2.1 The Grantor shall be responsible for establishing and enforcing rules for use of the PEG access channels. 12.2.2 The Grantee may not exercise any editorial control over thc content of programming on the designated PEG access channels. Thc parties agree that any cost to the Grantee associated with providing access services, facilities, and equipment under this Franchise, including without limitation, the amounts set forth herein are not part of the Franchise fee, and fall within one or more of the exceptions to 47 USC § 542. Institutional Network Provisions At the request of the Grantor, the Grantee shall designate, no less than thre~ months prior to the commencement of upgrade construction, two fibers of the installed capacity on its cable system within the County, exclusive of PEG channels, as an Institutional Network (I-Net). In the absence of fiber, the Grantee shall designate twelve (12) MHz of the capacity on its cable system as an institutional network. The dark fibers and the twelve (12) MHz capacity on the coaxial cable portion of its cable system shall be available to the Grantor and designated public agencies for voice, video and data transmission purposes pursuant to terms and conditions described herein. The Grantor shall designate the locations, attached as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein, to be served by the Institutional Network. The Institutional Network shall be reserved for exclusive use by the Grantor and designated public agencies. Thc Grantor may, at its sole discretion, either:, a) purchase or b) lease at the marginal cost any portion of such designated I-Net capacity, excluding PEG channel signal carriage. AGENDA ITEM' JUN 2 1991 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 13.2.1 Upon reasonable notice, the Grantee shall extend, without cost to the County, the I-Net to any public building located within Grantee's cable system service ar~ and located two hundred feet (200 ') or less from the Cable System. 13.2.2 Grantee shall cooperate with the Grantor aM its agents in designing and selecting components necessary to implement its applications and, if requested, shall furnish terminal equipment at Grantee's cost, provided that the Grantee is reimbursed for this expense by the Grantor. 13.2.3 If in the future the Grantor desires to have the I-Net extended beyond that which is anticipated herein, Grantee agrees to charge the Grantor on a time and materials basis (including overhead costs) for the construction of such additional I-Net facilities. 13.2.4 If such I-Net designated capacity remains unused, the Grantee may use such capacity by presenting the Grantor a fight of first refusal. The Grantee shall give the Grantor ninety (90) days written notice of its intent to exercise any fight of first refusal that the Grantee may present to the Grantor under this Section. 13.2.5 The parties acknowledge that the agreement regarding usage of the I-Net is subject to all local, state, and federal law. The Grantor or public agency agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs directly related to the material under the Grantor's or public agency user's exclusive control carried on the I- Net, including but not limited to, copyright infringement, libel, slander, defamation, patent, trademark, or invasion of privacy claims. 13.2.6 The parties agree that the I-Net contributions of the Grantee to the County do not represent an in-kind payment by Grantee, or a Franchise Fee of any kind. Section 14. Assignment This franchise may be assigned or a transfer of control effectuated only with the prior consent of the County, subject to'thc provisions of the Collier County Code Chapter 30 § 42(m), the rules ofthe FCC and the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. 16 JUN 2 i / I 2 3 4 6 7 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 lg 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 37 39 4O 41 42 43 Section 15. Remedies 15.1 In addition to any other rights set out elsewhere in this Franchise, and subject herein, the County reserves the right to declare a forfeiture of this Franchise, and ali of Grantee's rights arising hereunder, in the event that: 15.1.1 The Grantee is found to have violated any material provision of this FranchSse; or 15.1.2 The Grantee is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have practiced any fraud or deceit upon the County. 15.2 The County shall give Grantee thirty (30) days written notice of its intent to exercise its fights under this Section, stating the reasons for such action. If Grantee cures the problem within the thirty (30) days notice period, or ifthe Grantee initiates substantial effort, to remedy the stated problem, and the efforts continue in good faith, then County shall not have the right to declare a forfeiture of the Franchise. If Grantee fails to cure the stated violation within the thirty (30) days notice period, or if the Grantee does not undertake efforts satisfactory to the County, to remedy the stated violation, then the County, upon reasonable notice, may impose any or all of the remedies available herein. Section 16. Expiration and Renewal Renewal of this Franchise shall be governed by applicable State and Federal Law. Section 17. Confidential Information Grantee may identify information, such as trade secrets, submitted to the County as o:nffsdenfi~ Grantee shall prominently mark any information for which it claims confidentiality with the word "Confidential" in letters at least one-half ('fi) inch in height, prior to submitting such information to the County. The County shall make a good faith effort t~ protect ~ confidential information, subject to the County's obligations under local, state and federal disclosure laws. Section 18. Forum for Litigation Any litigation between thc County and Grantee arising under or regarding this F~ ~han occur, if in the state courts, in the Collier County Superior or Dis'trict Court having~ thereof, or if in the federal courts, in the United States District Court for the Southern Disu'k:t of Florida. 17 AGENDA ITEM/' ) JUN 2 1, 7 ! 2 4 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 Section 19. Notice Any notice provided for under this Franchise shall be sufficient if in writing and delivered personally to the following addressee or depositeg in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows, or to such other address as the receiving party hereafter shall specify in writing: If to the County: County Manager Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Fl 34112 With a copy ~o: Franchise Administrator Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, F1 34112 If to the Grantee: President Marco Island Cable, Inc. PO Box 344 Marco Island, FL 34145 Section 20. severabillty If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or other portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, declared invalid, in whole or in pa~t, by any court, agency, commission, legislative body, or other authority of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent portion. Such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof, which other portions shall confine, in full force and effect. Section 21. Non-Discrimination The Grantee shall not discriminate in any manner on the basis of age, race, sex, handicap, color, creed, national origin, or religion. Section 22. Non-Divestiture This Franchise shall not divest the County of any fight or interest in the public rights-of-way. AGENDA ITEJ~~ ~"~. ~ ' JUN' 2 1981) I Section 23. 2 3 23.1 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lg 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 23.2 23.3 23.4 Letter of Credit Within sixty (60) days following the award of the Franchise or thirty (30) days prior to construction, lhe Grantee shall deposit with the County a letter of credit from a financial institution, approved by the County's Finance Director, in the amount often-thousand dollars ($I0,000). The form and content of the letter shall be approved by the County Attorney. The letter of credit shall be used to insure the faithful performance of the Grantee of all provisions of the Franchise, and compliance with all orders, permits and directions of any agency, commission, board, department, division or office of the County exercising jurisdiction over the Grantee's acts or defaults, and payment by the Grantee of any penalties, claims, liens, liquidated damages, fees due the County. If the Grantee fails to pay to the County any compensation, not in dispute, due the County within the time fixed herein; or fails, after ten (10) days notice to pay to the County any penalties, claims, liens, liquidated damages, fees due the County, such failure by the Grantee can be remedied by demand on the letter of credit. The County may immediately request payment of the amount due from the letter of credit. Upon such request for payment, the County shall notify the Grantee of the amount and date thereof. The letter of credit shall be maintained at ten thousand ($I0,000) during the entire term of the Franchise unless modified in accordance with the procedures provided for in Section 34.4 (Franchise Modification) of this Agreement. In the event that amounts are withdrawn pursuant to this Section, the Grantee, shall take any required action to restore the letter of credit said total amount often-thousand dollars ($10,000) within ten (10) business days of notification by the County of its withdrawal against the letter of credit. The rights reserved to the County with respect to the letter ofcredit are in addition to all other rights of the County, whether reserved by the Francb. ise, or authorized by law, and no action, proceeding or exercise ora fight with respect to such a letter shall affect any other right the County may have. 23.5 The letter oferedit shall contain the following endorsement: "It is hereby understood and agreed that this letter of credit shall not be canceled by the surety nor the intention not to renew be stated by the surety until thirty (30) days after receipt by the County, by registered mail, ora written notice of such an intention to cancel or not to renew." AGENDA ITF. J~'~ JUN 2 ~ ~97' ! 2 4 ? ~0 I1 12 13 14 17 15 t9 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'/ 28 29 3o 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 23.6 The Grantee shall renew the letter of credit not less than thirty (30) days prior to its expiration and provide a copy of the renewal to the County. Failure to comply with this provision shall entitle the County to draw down the letter of credit in its entirety. Section 24. Remedies - Liquidated Damages 24.1 Because the Grantee's failure to comply with provisions of this Franchise will result in injury to the County, and because it will be difficult to estimate the extent of such injury, the County and the Grantee hereby agree to the following liquidated damages, which represent both parlies' best estimate of the damages resulting fi.om the specified injury. Damages shall be subject to the amounts prescribed by the Collier County Code, Chapter 30 § 51. 24.2 The County shall stay or waive the imposition of any penalties set forth herein upon a finding that any failure or delay is the result of an act of God or due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Grantee. Section 25. Remedies - Cumulative All remedies provided under this franchise agreement or Chapter 30 of the Collier County Code shall be cumulative, unless otherwise expressly stated. The exercise of one remedy shall not foreclose use of another, nor shall it relieve the Grantee of its obligations to comply with the Franchise. Remedies may be used singly or in combination; in addition, the County may exercise any fights it has under applicable law. Section 26. Books and Records - Inspection The County may inspect the books, records, maps, plans, and other documents, including financial documents, in the control or possession of the Grantee, affiliates, or any person that constitutes aa operator of the Crrantee's Cable System: (I) to enforce the County's rights or assess compliance with the Franchise and applicable law; (2) in the exercise of any lawful regulatory power, or (3) as may be convenient in connection with any proceeding the County may or must conduct under applicable law with respect to Grantee's Cable System. The material may be duplicated at a County facility unless the County agrees to inspection and copying at .some other place. Material that the County requires Grantee to produce under tiffs Section shall be produced upon reasonable notice, no later than 30 days after the request for production. Requests for extensions of time to respond shall not be unreasonably denied. Grantee may request that the County treat records containing trade secrets or proprietary information as confidential under the Florida Public Records law. To the extent authorized by the Public Records law and other applicable state and federal law, the County shall maintain the confidentiality of information designated "proprietary" by the Grantee. Should the County AGENDA ITEM. \ JUN 2 receive a request to review Grantee's records or books under the Florida Public Records Law, it will promptly not[Sy Grantee and provide an opportunity for Grantee to raise an objection, demonstrate why the requested informal[on is proprieta~'y and, i£necessary, seek a court order to protect its proprietary information. 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 13 14 15 16 I'/ 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'/ 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Section 27. Books and Records- Reporf~ and Responses to Questions 27.1 Grantee shall provide the following reports to Grantor: 27.1.1 A quarterly Franchise Fee report listing revenues received, by category, in a form attached as Exhibit C; 27.1.2 Within ninety (90) days after the close of the Grantee's fiscal year, the Grantee shall submit a written annual report including a financial statement, including a statement of income, balance sheet, and a statement of sources and applications of funds which shall be certified by an official of Grantee. 27.1.3 Grantee shall file with the County any notice of deficiency, forfeiture, or other document issued by any state or federal agency which has instituted any investigation or civil or criminal proceeding naming the cable system, the Grantee, or any operator of the cable system, to the extent the same may affect or bear on the operations of the Grantee's cable system. 27.1.4 The Grantee shall file with the County any request for protection under Bank~ptcy laws, or any judgment related to a declaration of bankruptcy by the Grantee, any affiliate which controls or manages the Grantee, or any operator of the cable system. Section 28. Books and Records - Maintenance 28.1 In addition to reports required by this Franchise, the Grantee shall maintain records ofthe following: 28.1.1 FCC proofofperformance; and 28.1.2 Monthly records demonstrating compliance with applicable Cuslomer Service Standards. Section 29. Inspection of Plant Thc County may inspect the Grantee's Cable System during construction, and anytime thereafter upon reasonable to the Grantee. If, based on subscriber complaints or its own investigation, the County believes that the cable system may not be operating in compliance with the fi'anchise 21 ~,-~. JUN 2 1997/ 6 7 9 10 I1 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 2g 29 30 32 41 42 agreement or applicable Federal rules, it may require Grantee to perform tests, prepare a report and present to the County the results of those tests. The Grantee shall rq~ort each deficiency and take prompt action to remedy it. Section 30. Insurance 30.1 Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of the Franchise, Grantee shall provide proof of the required insurance. The Grantee shall maintain this insurance throughout the franchise term. Insurance shall include, in amounts not less than those provided by Chapter 30 § 36 of the Collier County Code. 30.2 The insurance coverage obtained by this franchise in compliance within this Section shall be approved by the County's risk management office, and copies of such insurance policies (or certificate of insurance) shall be filed with the County. Section 31. Emergency Alert The Grantee shall install and maintain an emergency alert system [EAS] pursuant to FCC's rules and the Florida Emergency Alert System Plan. The County or County's Public Safety Communication Center shall be provided with access to the system so that it can communicate emergency messages and alerts to residents consistent with the Florida Emergency Alert System Plan. If the Grantee's cable system is exempt from the federal provisions, then the emergency alert system shall conform to the requirements set by Chapter 30 § 41(d) of the Collier County Code. Section 32. Service to Public Buildings Grantee shall, upon request, provide service to public buildings located within one hundred fifty feet (1507 of Grant~'s existing distribution system; provided, however, that if adequate underground conduit is provided by the requesting public agency, Grante~ shall, upon request, provide sowice to public buildings within two hundred fifty feet (250) of Grantee's distribution system. All charges for installation and provision ofCable Servic.~ and Other Communications Services to such public building~ shall be at Grantee's current rate. To the extent any services are provided without charge to any Public Building neither the County nor any other person may resell such services. Section 33. Four Year Review: Performance Monitoring 33.1 During the yeah which commence on thc tom'th anniversa~ or any multiple thereafter, o£ thc effective date of thc Franchi~e~ thc County may commence a review of Grantee's pa'formance under the Franchise. As pail of this r~ew, the County may consider: 1 2 3 4 6 ? $ 9 i0 Il 12 14 15 I6 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 2g 29 3O ]2 41 42 33.2 33.3 a) whether the Grantee has complied with its obligations under the Franchise and applicable law; b) whether customer service standards, technical standards, or bond or security fund requirements are adequate or excessive; and, c) other issues as may be raised by the Grantee, the County, or the public. The County shall conduct public hearings to provide the Grantee and the public the opportunity to comment on the Grantee's performance and other issues considered as part of thc four-year review. Any revisions to the Franchise Agreement which either the County or the Grantee wishes to make as a result of these reviews shall be proposed under the procedures established herein. 33.4 Periodic Evaluation, Review and Modification. 33.4.1 The County and Grantee acknowledge and agree that the field of cable television is a relatively new and rapidly changing one which may see many regulatory, technical, financial, marketing and legal changes during the term of this Franchise. Therefore, in order to provide for the maximum degree offlexibilit.' in this fi'anchise, and to help achieve a continued, advanced and modem Cable System, the following evaluation and review provisions will apply:. a) The County may, upon thirty (30) days notice, request evaluation and review sessions at any time during the term of this Agreement and Grantee shall cooperate in such review and evaluation; provided, however, there shall no! be more than one (1) evaluation and review session during any calendar year. b) Topics which may be discussed at any evaluation and review session include, but are not limited to, rates, channel capacity, the System performance, programming PEG access, municipal uses ofcable, Subscriber complaints, judicial rulings, FCC rulings and any other topics the County or Grantee may deem relevant. c) During an evaluation and review session, Grantee shall cooperate fully with the Coun .ty and sttall provide without cost such reasonable information and documents as the County may requem to perform the evaluation and review. d) If at any time during thc evaluation and review thc County reasonably believes there is evidence of inadequate technical performance of the Cable System, the County may require Grantee, at Grantee's expense, to AGENDA ITEId \ JUN 2 i 1991 ' ! 2 $ 6 ? 9 I0 ti 12 16 19 2O 2! 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 3O 31 32 36 4O 41 42 tests and analyses directed toward such suspected technical inadequacies. In making such request, the County shall describe and identify as specifically as possible the nature of the problem and the type of test the County believes to be appropriate. Grantee shall cooperate fully with the County in performing such tests and shall report to the County the results of the tests, which shall include at least: (i) a description of the problem i-' the System performance which precipitated the special tests; (ii) the System component tested; (iii) the equipment used and procedures employed in testing; (iv) the method, if any, by which the System performance problem was resolved; and (v) any other information pertinent to said tests and analyses. e) As a result of an evaluation and review session, the County or Grantee may determine that a change to the System or in the terms of the Franchise may be appropriate. In that event, either the County or Grantee may propose modifications to the System or the Franchise. Grantee and the County shall, in good faith, review the terms of the proposed change or any proposed amendment to this Franchise and seek to reach agreement on such change or amendment. 33.4.2 The County and Grantee shall act in good faith during such negotiations and shall be obligated to agree to the reasonable requests of the other party changes in the System or amendment to the Franchise when the change or amendment is not inconsistent with the other terms of the Franchise, or with applicable law or regulations, and the change or amendment is technically feasible, economically reasonable and will not result in a material alteration of the rights and duties of the parties under the Franchise. Section 34. Conflict with Cable Regulatory Ordinance The provisions of the Regulatory Ordinance, Chapter 30 of the Collier County Code, are hereby incorporated herein by reference as if set out in full, and form part of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Franchise and the provisions of the Regulatory Ordinance, the terms of this Franchise shall prevail, except where conflict arises from lawful exercise of the County's police power. Section 35. Reservation of Rights Grantor and Grantee reserve all rights that they may possess under the law urdess expressly waived herein. Section 36. Acceptance of Franchise Within thirty (30) calendar days followh~g the grant of this Franchise, the Grantee shall file with 24 AGENOA ITEM' ... ia. pg. 1 2 4 $ 6 -/ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Section 39. Effective Date This A~ecment shall become effective at 8:00 A.M. on the ~ day of.~ _,1997. EXECUTED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER, FLORIDA, THIS__DAY OF ...__~1997. ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk By: Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Timothy C. Hancock, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Thomas C. PaL,'ncr Assistant County Attorney MARCO ISLAND CABLE, INC. By, William Gaston, President AGENDA ITEM/ ,',... ~7) JUN 2 Exhibit A Grzntee's Service Area Cable Television Application AC~ENDA ~ ~ ~.~. _~o,~c.~) JU~I 2 ~ ~$T I 2 4 6 7 9 I0 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2o 21 22 23 Exhibit B Government, Education and Public Agencies Scheduled for Subscriber and Institutional Network II-Net] Connections and Services The County has directed all cable television providers to provide sufficient I-Net capacity to suppor~ data communication li.~s between and among various local government facilities it passes is included as well. The communication links provided by an I-Net are sought to replace existing facilities [:.g., dedicated lines leased from the telephone company, microwave links] and to establish new data communication pathways to government offices as yet unserved by the County's intranet WAN. It is expected that the I-Net shall be used to implement new services the County has previously contemplated but unable to fulfill. These include, internal telephone service within the organization, long distance by-pass service, providing aa inexpensive way to reach the County's long distance carriers, high-speed data transmission and networking bev, veen remote sites [e.g. parks, recreation, sanitation, water treatment fire stations & training center], video conferences between remote public safety and citizen information sites, traffic information, video arraignment, and traffic surveillance video from key intersections. Ma~co hlaml County Offices Location #1 Location #2 P~k #1 P.u'k #2 P a."k #3 S~eet Address Street Address Pa~k ~4 Fire Smion Locations Su'm Address Fire Stations #1 F~ St~ ~2 Police D~.padn~nt Street Addn:ss Substafon #1 Public Utilities IX~ S1teet A~ltess JUN 2 ~ L~t7 I 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Water Trcat~'T~t P~ml Waste Water Treatmem Flare Public Winks Strce~ Address Slzcet Maintenance Sanitation Y~rd Wa.s~c Ccnl~ Education Facilities S~ A~lrc~ County Schools [I~c-K ~ 12] various County School [ofl$ces] various Yet; Yes Y~ Media One currently provides subscriber cable television services to a number of these locations. The County has the necessity to a) preserve the existing connections provided by Media One. b) migrate existing data telephone or microwave connections to the I-Network, and c) add new sites to the I-Network as time, funds, project priorities and service requh'ements dictate. The County shall work closely with Marco Island Cable's engineers to prepare a transition and deployment plan to provide an orderly transition and deployment of I-Net services to the aforementioned sites. The site locations are not inclusive, new sites may be added while others are decommissioned. I-Net communication facilities may be up or down~aded to parallel changing requirements. The aforementioned list, at best, represents a long term [ten years] service deployment scheme. Some locations serve more than one County department, consequently, it may be possible to use a single I-Net connection to serve the office complex. AGENDA ITEM ! 2 4 7 9 lo 1! 12 13 14 17 19 20 2! 22 23 24 26 27 2~ 29 30 31 Exhibit C Monthly Franchise Fee Reporling Schedule Cable Operator Adch'ess Contact Person Title Accounting Department Phone Subscriber Detail 1.I Basic I Average Subscription Units 1.2 Basic Service Rate 1.3 CPST Average Sub. Units 1.4 CPST II Rate 1.$ Premium Service Average Units 1.6 Premium Service Rate 1.7 Disney Service Average Units 1.8 Disney Service Rate 1.9 Installation Average Completions 1.10 Installation Average Rate I.I 1 Complimentary Accounts 1.12 Penetration Statistics 2.1 Total Home~ Passed 2.2 Basic I Penetration Units 2.3 CPST Penetration Units 2.4 Premium Service Penetration %-age 2.5 Disney Service Penetration '/',-age 2.6 Churn: Average %-age Date / / ! 2 4 $ 6 7 9 1o 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 36 39 41 42 Gross Revenue Detail Itemization Code 3.0 Cable Television 3.1 Basic I 3.2 CPST 3.3 Premium 3.4 Showtim¢ 3.5 HBO 3.6 Dimey 3.? Thc Movie Charmcl[ 3.5 Pay Per View 3.6 FM Radio 3.7 Converter Rental 3.8 Remote Control 3.9 Cable Guide 3.10 Launch Fee, 3.11 Program Carriage 3.12 4.0 MO Servic~ 4.1 Basic I 4.2 CPST II 4.3 Premium 4.4 Showlime 4.5 I-mO 4.6 Disney 4.7 The Movie Chann¢ll 4.5 Pay P~r View 4.6 FM Radio 4.'/ Converter Rental 4.8 R~mot¢ Conl~ol 4.9 Cable Guide 4.10 Launch Fe~s 4.11 Program Carriage 4.12 JUN 2 1997 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 I0 11 12 14 15 17 ig 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 2~ 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 the County its written acceptance of the Franchise, logether with certificates of insurance and letter of credit i~truments required herein. The Grantee shall state that it agrees to be bound by and to comply with all requirements pursuant to lhe provisions oft}tis Franchise. Such acceptance and agreement shall be acknowledged by the Grantee before a notary public, and shall in form and content be approved by the County Attorney. Section 37. Grant This Franchise is granted by the County to Marco Island Cable, Inc., pursuant and subject to the conditions and requirements provided by the Chapter 30 of thc Collier County Code and applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and conditions. This Franchise bestows upon Grantee the authority to construct, maintain and operate a Cable System, utilizing thc Public P, ights-Of-Way, to offer Cable Services and Other Communications Services within the County. Section 38. SpecialConditions The following conditions, different from the County Standard Agreement, are also part of this agreement: 2~ 1 2 3 5.0 Service Chm'ge 4 5.1 Ins~llafion 5 5.2 A/B Switch Sales 6 5.3 Up/Down Grades 7 5.4 L~te Payment Fees 8 5.5 Ch~ck Return Fees 9 5.6 !0 6.0 Commercial I1 6.1 Bulk (MDU) 12 6.2 Contl'act ~3 6.3 ~,s 6.4 16 7.0 Advertising 17 7.1 Commercial Insertion 7.2 Barter Agreements 19 7.3 Home/Auto Sellers 2O ?.4 21 22 2~ 26 27 211 29 41 42 8.0 Shopping Charmcls 8.1 HSN ~.2 QV¢ 8.3 8.4 9.0 Video Production 9.1 9.2 I JUN 2 ~ '1S97 ' ~ ,36_ J 1 2 4 $ 6 ? I0 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I0.0 Leased/Rentals I0. I L-A Channel 10.2 Facilities 10.3 10.4 I0.5 Cod~ Revenue_Source I 1.0 Miscellaneous 11.2 Reimbursement for Cable Damage 11.3 Equipment Sales 11.4 Launch Incentives 11.5 11.6 SUBTOTAL FRANCHISE FEE ~5% TOTAL AJ}E A JUN2~I~9? / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETIT1ON A-97-2, RICHARD JAKUTCH, REQUESTING AN APPEAL OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF PETITION BD-97- 11 ON MAY 15, 1997, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT LOT 8, BLOCK F, LITTLE HICKORY SHORES UNIT 3 REPLAT, COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~ The appeRant wishes to appeal a decision of the Collier County Planning Commission approving Petition BD-97-11, heard at the CCPC's May 15, 1997 regular meeting. The appellant states that he Is 'dissatisfied with the preparation and handling of this matter at the staff level and the final decision made by the Collier County Planning Commission'. CONSIDERATIONS: On May 15, 1997 the Collier County Planning Commission heard and approved a boat dock extension petition (BD-97-11) applied for by Charles A. Franse, representing Lola Grassl. The resulting resolution (CCPC Resolution No. 97- 18) approved a 35 foot extension, to allow a total protrusion into Little Hickory Bay of 55 feet. The Collier County Land Development Code allows boat docks to protrude 20 feet into a waterway 100 feet o~ greater in width. This 20 foot protrusion Includes the boat to be moored at the dock. Any greater protrusion must be approved by the Collier County Planning Commission, whict~ takes into consideration the factors required by Section of the Land Development Code (LDC). At the Planning Commission public headng for Petition BD-97-11, the appellant spoke in opposition to the length and location of the dock. The Planning Commission voted 5 to 2 (Commissioners Nelson and Wrage in opposition) to permit ~ dock extension as requested. A copy of the Planning Commission Staff Report, the minutes of ~ May 15, 1997 meeting, and documents presented by the appellant at the CCPC meeting am Included with this Executive Summary. No new Information has been supplied to staff by the appellanL J~..C~,..[~.~.[ There is no fiscal Impact to Collier County. GROW'tH MANAGEMENT IMPACT' M , rr t JUN 2 4 1997 · P~,- --..L_._ ~ Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals uphold the Planning Commission's approval of BD-97-11. PREPARED BY: FI~D I~[ISCHL, PLANNER II CUR~ PLANNING DATE REVIEWED BY: ROBERT J. MULHERE, AICP, MANAGER CURRENT PLANNING NALD W. ARNOLD, A~C'PFD~CTO'i~: PLANNING SERVICES DATE VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES executive summary A-97-2 ^G£,.PS,FF,,~-, JUN 2 ,~ 1997 Pg. '~ 21 MAY 1997 Community D~'elopmem a~l Em'ironmenml Services 2800 North Hom:~hoe Driv~ Napk~,. FL 33942 Dear Mr. Caulero. As per m7 plane com~r~ation with Mr. ~ J. Mulhere on 21 May 97, I am s~"nding you this fomml I~1~ to advise ~ th,u I wish :o appeal the dec'ition made by ~ Collier County PLtn~ing Commi~on Petition No. BD-97.1 I. Charles A. Fr'anse. r~:~'~en~ng Lola Gr'a~ requesting a 35 foo~ boat dock m~"nsion to allow for a 55 fo~ boat dock and boat li~ for the i~erl)' located at 295 3M. Steer West, fm't~r de~'rit~ a~ Lo~ 8, Block F. Little Hickory Shor~ Unit 3 Replat. The Planning Commi~on hearing on this matter was held on 15 M~. 97. I am dissatisfied ssith the ix'q~r~tion and handling of this matter at the staff le~l and the final decision mac~ by the Collar Comity Plznning Comn'~sion. ! tm enclosing a check in the amomn of $250.00 payable to the Comity B~ard of Commission~ as d~r~'~d by l~r. Mulh~m for this appeal. If YOU hav~ any quesgons wtth r~p~s to eQs mauer or if lunar information is required to secure this appeal please contact me at the following: RJchardW. Jaklitch 293 3~. SC Bo~ Sp~ngr~ FL 34134 Phone: 703-779.4730 (V'u'ginia) Fax: 703-779-4802 (V'u'ginia) Any ad, ice or as~stance that you might be able to offer in this martin- would grr. afly be appreciated. 'l'h,m'~ng yo~ in adva~., P,.icb,~'d Jaldhch MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: OW~IER/AGENT: Owner. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES APRIL 21, 1997 BD-97-11 Lola Grassi 295 3'* Street Bonita Springs, FL 34134 Agent: Charles A. Franse 295 3'~ Street Bonita Springs, FL 34134 The petJtioner requests approval of a 35 foot boat dock extension to allow for a dock which would protrude 55 ~eet into the waterway. The subject property is located at 295 3'~ Street, legally described as Lot 8, Block F, Little Hickory Shores Unit 3 ReplaL The purpose of the project is to allow the construction of a 55 foot dock facility. Section 2.6.21 ofltm Collier County Land Development Code states that on waterways 100 feet oe greater in width, boat dock facilities shall not protrude more than 20 feet unless a boat dock extension has been approved by the Collier County Planning Commission. JUN 2 4 1997 'dr- AII SUBJECT LOT / ND ' F_.x~sting: Single family house; zoned RSF-4 Surrounding: North: Single family house & dock; zoned RSF-4; and 3~ Street ROW East: Single family house & dock; zoned RSF-4 ,South: Uttle Hickory Bay West: Little Hickory Bay ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The environmental staff of Current Planning has reviewed this petition and has no objection to the granting of this request, subject to the stipulations incorporated into the attached Resolution. ,~GE~,~)~T~ ¥~ 2 JUN 2 4 1997 PI- "~ Staff has reviewed this petition in accordance with Section 2.6.21 of the Collier County Land Development Code and finds the following: a. n b o r ! n wa rfron The petitioner requests a single dock as depicted below. There are approximately 180 linear feet of water frontage. JUN 2 4 1997 ,,,. b I lc I ona I The petitioner states that the water depth where the boat is to be moored ranges from -3.5 feet to -3.8 feet. The proposed dock projects into Little Hickory Bay. c. Nature an<t soeed of water current~: The pefiUorer describes the waterway as having very lirde currenL d. Land contour of property on which dock I$ to be located: The petitioner describes the land contour as a gradual slope into a shallow bay. e. Effect boat dock will have on safe~ of usem of navlaable channel: The petitioner states that the navigable channel is approximately 500 feet away. The effect the location lenathlorotru$1on and deslon the dock faculties will have cn adlacent oro~ertle~: JUN 2 ~ 1997 4 The subject lot Is located at the end of a peninsula. This should have little, if any effect on adjacent properties. Lot 7, to the north has been approved for a 55 foot dock (BD-96-15). Lot 9, to the east, has a 32 foot dock (BD-92-1). g. I t vl w d acen a r Since the subject lot is located at the end of a peninsula, there will be little visual impact on the neighboring properties and minimal visual Impact on the properties across the bay. view to south view to southwest view to west b. h a w r as C ' The water in the vicinity is very shallow. The petitioner states that, at Iow tide, there is no water at the seawall. 1. T I v I a · The petitioner intends to moor a 20 foot pontoon boat. I · hi r vi I I f No seagrasses were observed in the vidnity of the proposed extension. A natural population of benthic organisms is assumed to exist in the vicinity and will be disturbed by the construction; however, no major long-term environmental damage is foreseen as a result of the proposed dock extension. JUN 2 4~ 1997 Plo OO ~mendation;. Based upon the above findings, staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission approve Petition BD-97-11 subject to the stipulations in the Resolution. PREPARED BY: Date REVIEWED BY: I~ol:~rt-J. Mulhem, AICP, Manager Date Donald W. A~oid, ;~ICP, Director Date Vincent ~ ~,autero, Administrator Date Community Development and Environmental Services Petition Number:. BD-O7-11 Staff Report for the May 15, 1997 CCPC meeting. COLLIER COUNTY PLAN~i~COMMISSION: Micha~ A. Davis, Chaim~ AGE:t/DA ,JUN :Z A 1997 p~. PETITION NO.B D' 9 7 1 1-- DATE PETITION RECEIVED <.': PROJECT PLANNER /~r~-~-2~ ~/b-C_w~_ (ABOVE TO BE FILLED IN BY STAFF) · PETITIONER'S NAME PETITIONER'S ADDRESS ~_~ ~__~ ~- '~ TELEPHONE._~_~7_-__~.~ I -~ AGENT'S NAME AGENT' S ADDRESS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: LOT(S) ~ BLOCK(S)___~ON,n- SUBDIVVCVnu (If the legal description is lengthy, i.e. a metes and bounds description, please attach a separate.page providing that legal description) CURRENT ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY CURRENT LAND USE ON ~UBJECT PROPERTY ADJACENT ZONING & LAND USE List any additional BOAT DOCK FACILITIES in closm Proximity to the subject property and the TOTAL PROTRUSION into the waterway of each. 'JUN 2 ~ 199~ · ...~ ~ ~-~ ~.~;~,=~.~ ~.~-~ ~, :,-~., ~..~ ...... ~ ...... . · .. .. EXISTING W~.at is the width of the waterbody or waterway? ~*_~_~o~' · Explain ~ully what you are requesting via this petition. What will be constructed? ~ ; o ~ ~ uDEi~ The below listed criteria, pursuant to Section 2.6.21 of the Collier County Land Development Code, shall be used as a guide by staff in determining its recommendation to the Collier County Planning Commission and by the Collier County Planning Commission in its decision to approve or deny a particular Boat Dock Extension request. Please provide any information you wish in response to items (a-i) listed below. Attach additional pages if necessary. e) Number of boat houses or docks to be located on subject property in relation to the length of waterfront property available for the location of the dock facilities. (If multiple slips are intended, indicate the total number.) ! b) Water depth where boat dock facility is to be located and distance to the location of navigable channel. (Indicate water de~th at mean low tide.) . -- c) The nature and speed of water currents in the navigable channel. (NOTE: All salt water bodies, natural'or man made, are tidal in nature. This question refers to the nature and speed of water currents in the navigable channel; are they swift, are they fairly constant, often changing, etc?) JUN 2 4 -1997 -2- .. d) The land contour (bottom profile) of the property on ~hich. the dock facility is to be located. (Does it slope gradually toward the channel; are there high and low spots; does it ..slope gradually then dro9 off steeply; etc.?) e) Th~ effect the dock facility will have on the safety of the users of the navigable channels and adJacen= wate~ays. l The location, length/protrusion and design of dock facilities on...adJ ac~nt properties. DI~rt ..--.~.___, adjacent t_~_th~ubJect property,s ~ (N,S,E0 p oper~y line ~~lOt~have a boat dock f~ty. Location, prot~si~ign of boat dock. " ~ (N,S~W) property line~ have a boa= doc-~ facil~ity. Location, protrusion and design of Boa~ The impact the ext~nuton will have upon th, view of th~ wate~ay by adjacent waterfront property o~ers. . , ~ . ~ ~ . ~ g) h) The distance to adequate water depth. (three feet at mean low waters) as compared to the requested extension distance. The size of the vessel(s) intended to be moored ~t the dock facility. ~~.v ~- SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER OR AGENT · JUN 2 4. 1997 ' i L · '.'.. '' ..~ .'::../ ,,;x' ..: .... · 40},.. .'~ / · j,:: .',.- ! JUN ~.,t 1997,- . . .. o?~,~.: ~. , . .. ..." .. .-- _~- ~ ~~ : ................. ~ I ~ : , ~ ........ .:.. .~'5~, ~1~/ //~ ~~ · .... j: .. . .... ~,.. ~. I i I * I . I - I I I I ! i '1 i I i ; I i i.i i. ' f I, __~ou~ ~A9~% being first duly ~worn', depose and say ~ha~ I am the owner of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, and all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand this application must be completed and accurate before~hearing can be advertised. I further permit ~?_~_~$ ~. ~m~:_~_ to act as my (AGENT'S NAME) representative in any matters regarding this Petition. State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing was acknowledged'before me this .~_ day of ~'/~%~.~ , 1996 by L~ &A ~. ~/'~r~ ',, who Is personally identification and who · - (S~gnatur~NotaryPub---U~) SEAL ~ ~ Name of Notary ~) NOT~Y PUBLIC Serial/Co~ission My Co~ission E~ire~ -5- State of Florida County of Collier ~h_e.foreg. oing was acknowledged before me this ~q_O% day of k~, 1996 by ~-~q~_~=~ P~&~St~, who---t~-personally now. identification and ~ho did (di~ Name of Notary ~b----~) NOTARY PUBLIC Serial/Commission # My Commission Expires: VARIANCE APPLICATION/5/14/91/md/7806 THE FOLLOWING 5 PAGES WERE PLACED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE MAY 15, 1997 CCPC MEETING BY MR. RICHARD JAKLITCH. JUN 2, & 1997 · '~'~te ~.s a bound_a~/ s~o7 of the £ollo~; Lot ~, ~lock P, ~eplat o£ Unit~ 3, r'~ttl$ Htc]:o~-~ Shorea as ~ocorded in Plat Book 6, Pa~e 2 · #caLf of the pvblic records of Collier .]"* ,..~,~' CcuntT, Florida,' T~I-~"ff;Y ia located in ~ood ~ne ~. ~ q.2. per ~ity P~el No. ~20067 0179 D, 61310~. '. -7 " m 'JUN 2, 4 1997 UN 2 ~ 1997 May 15, 1997 Petition BD-97-10. I'd ask all those present to speak on this petition today to please stand and raise your right hand so you can be sworn by the court reporter. (The speakers were duly sworn.) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Thank you. Mr. Gochenaur? MR. GOCHENAUR: Morning, gentlemen. For the record, Ross Gochenaur, Planning Services. Petitioner is requesting a 42-foot extension to allow for a 62-foot boat dock and lift facility which would accommodate one 25-foot pleasure craft. The property is located at Lely Barefoot Beach and contains about 90 feet of water frontage. The waterway, Little Hickory Bay, is very broad at this point, at least 400 feet. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: 400 feet? MR. GOCKENAUR: Yes, sir. That's the closest land from the proposed site. The extension is needed to cross a 20-foot conservation easement, consisting largely of mangroves, and also to reach adequate water depth. The conservation easement also abuts the southern property line, and the lot to the north of the property is vacant. ..The protrusion has been measured from the most restrictive point, which is the traverse line, as opposed to the property line of the mean high water line, and the apparent extension is not going to be as great as it appears. If it were measured from the mean high water line, it would only be a 35-foot extension. We have received no objections to this project and staff recommends approval. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Any questions of staff? Anyone else from the public that would like to speak on this Close the public hearing. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: I would move that we approve BD-97-10. COMMISSIONER YORK: Second. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Motion by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. York. Discussion? Ail those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: That carries unanimously. Petition BD-97-11. Mr. Reischl? Once again, I'd ask all those present who are going to testify on this petition to stand, raise your right hand so that you may be sworn. (Ail speakers were duly sworn.) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Thank you. Mr. Reischl? HR. REISCHL: Fred Reischl, Planning Services. This is a request, at the opposite end of the county, for a 55-foot dock facility in Little Hickory Bay. The subject lot is located at the end of 3rd Street, which is the end of a peninsula out into the waters of Little Hickory Bay. The land across the waterway is the conservation area for the Lely Barefoot Beach PUD. I AG£~ru Page 9 ~' ~ JUN g 4 PI-~.~ May 15, 1997 And I inserted some photographs into the staff report which unfortunately came out better on the printer than they did from the commercial printer, but I think you can see on there the expanse of the waterway, i took the photos from the location where the dock is proposed, approximately 30, 32 feet from the north property line. The dock is proposed to extend 55 feet. It's an L-shaped dock and it more than meets the side yard setback. At the time I was at the site visit, the petitioner told me that the tide was approximately medium tide, and the water, as far as I could see out, was very shallow. And staff recommends approval. COM~4ISSIONER THOMAS: Any letters been received? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Any questions of Mr. Reischl? MR. REISCHL: I did receive one phone call. The gentleman did not object or support; asked numerous questions, and said he may be here. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Thomas? COMMISSIONER THOMAS: This is really a question for Ron Nino. I really like the way this was presented, okay. Can this software be made.available or the equipment be made available to all the planners? MR. NINO: I'm sure it is. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: I agree with Mr. Thomas. It's a very nice presentation, Mr. Reischl. MR. REISCHL: We'll try to get the printer to get better quality pictures, because on the printer off the com~uter they came out perfect. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Those pictures are always very helpful, because, as you know, it's impossible for us sometimes to do site visits e~ez%~here. Any other questions? COMMISSIONER THOMAS: I think there's a little slight misrepresentation on the size of that boat though, at any rate. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Nelson? COMMISSION~ NELSON: Mr. Reischl, getting back to my comment on the first petition we looked at. In this case, adequate water depth is noted can be reached at about 36 feet, and yet this is quite an additional extension beyond that, of 55 feet. Can you address that for a minute or so? I agree that there is no real problem with navigation or views, but why are we out so much farther than we really a~ear to need to MR. REISCHL: The 36 feet shows 36 inches of water and it does go out beyond that by a few feet. I don't have an answer, besides the fact that the bay is at times shallower than -- at certain points, the bay is shallower than would allow the dock to be closer to the seawall. COMMISSIONER OATES: Mr. Chaiz-man, I've done a lot of dumb things in my life, but I've never owned a boat. But this is a pontoon boat. I thought they can literally get in right here. COMMISSIONER YORK: In a puddle. NO. ~ Page 10 May 15, 1997 COMMISSIONER OATES.. In a puddle, yes. MR. REISCHL: That's how I interpret it, too. I don't know if perhaps Mr. Franse could answer that in a little more detail. MR. FRANSE.- Yes. I'm Andy Franse. I'm the agent for the owner of the property. And the reason that we were trying to get a little more depth there than 36 inches is because we have some friends who live across the bay who have a very large boat that is not a pontoon boat, and he requires more depth. And he'll be coming to visit us, hopefully. CHAIRMAN DAVIS.- The previous petition, I think the object was what, three and a half feet? MR. GOCHENAUR: Yes. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: But if you look at it, they're talking about a boat lift -- you got a boat lift on this also, don't we? MR. FRANSE: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: At the point where we' re talking about he' s only getting 46 inches of water. COM~ISSIONER OATES: For a pontoon boat, you don't need any water, do you? I mean really, literally. COMMISSIONER THOMAS.. With a pontoon boat, you can probably get by w'ihh about 2 foot of water, with the outdrive down, okay. But if you bring any other boat in there that draws 3 feet of water you need this depth. ' CHAIRMAN DAVIS: By the same token, it would seem to me that if you're talking about doing a boat dock extension on real property, that you would have some generic water depth that you'd strive for. It's like if I'm going to add a garage onto my house and I have a Volkswagen, I'm going to build a standard size garage; I'm not going to-build it just for the Volkswagen. COMMISSIONER THOMAS.- Thank you. CHAIRMAN DAVIS.- So that's why I say, going back to the previous petition, three and a half feet -- I'm not a boater. I'm smart, like Mr. Oates. COMMISSIONER YORK.. Me, too. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: What is that generic depth that would serve the property well in the future? COMMISSIONER THOMAS: The typical pleasure boat draws about three feet of water. If it's an outboard, you got another half a foot further for the outdrive. That's the typical situation you're dealing with. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: So it strikes me that the petition is pretty much on target. HR. REISCHL: And in the proposed LDC changes, that criteria is removed. The water depth criteria is removed in favor of other criteria. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Right. Mr. Nelson? CO~{ISSIONER NELSON: I'brought it up just so that we could try ~o be consistent. In the first petition, the water depth was reached at 28 feet and we gave them another 10 feet to allow for the boat dock, and some additional, and that would move this one from 36 to 46 Page 11 ',JUN 2 1997 .. May 15, 1997 feet, rather than 60. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: 55? Yes, 55. COM~ISSIONER NELSON: So still we are giving this petition, if we approve it, has got another 10 feet beyond that. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Reischl, what impact does the conservation easement have on this distance? MR. REISCHL: There's no effect. That's a thousand feet away, auproximately. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Quarter mile, Ray? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Anything else, sir? MR. FRANSE: No, I have nothing else. I'll be glad to answer any questions. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Any questions of the petitioner's agent? COMMISSIONER NELSON: I have one. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Nelson? COMMISSIONER NELSON: Could the boat across the way actually dock there if you were to receive an approval on 46 feet versus 55, or would that preclude the visit? MR. FRANSE: I'm not sure. The bay is so shallow, that it actually drops one inch per foot, it seems, until you get to about 42 inches depth and then it levels off. And then it actually comes back up ~nto the point that at low tide, there are many places in the bay that are only about two feet deeD. And you can't even get a boat across at low tide. COMMISSIONER NELSON: So that would be true then at either 46 or 55? MR. FRANSE: It's possible. I don't know. He has about a 27-foot boat with an outboard, and he requires about 42 inches of depth,' I think. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Any other questions of the petitioner? Yes, sir. Please come forward. I know that you were sworn. If you could state your name for the record. MR. JACKLICH: My name's Dick Jacklich. I'd like to stick this up on the wall. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Please do, on the bulletin board over there. MR. JACKLICH: This is a PUD drawing of this area that you folks have been talking about. This is the point that is now under discussion. Here is the Grassi house, and I'm the next door resident on the west side. We have -- COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Use the microphone, sir. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: There's a microphone right behind you. You might have to turn it on, sir. MR. JACKLICH: This is -- my neme's Dick Jacklich. I'm a resident on the west side of Grassi. Mr. Butesh is on the right, or the east side. This is the area of Hickory Bay that we're talking about here right now. This drawing is not the world's -- well, it's not a drawing, it's actually a photograph. But if you get up close, you can, in fact, see a lot of the shallow water that we talk about in here. I've been a resident of Vanderbilt Beach in this area here since Page JUN 2 19aJ/ May 15, 1997 1972. I've owned my lot since 1987, I believe, and I boat through here continuously. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Can I ask you a quick question? I hate to interrupt you, but you just showed me something that might change my mind on how I feel about this petition. Let me ask you a question, Mr. Nelson. See right there, there's a channel that goes right around that edge. COMMISSIONER NELSON: I agree. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: How wide is that channel? Because we might be intruding out into that channel too far, because the rest of that area doesn't look that navigable to me. MR. REISCHL: The petitioner stated there was approximately 500 feet from his seawall to the navigable channel. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: To the channel or across the channel? MR. REISCHL: To the channel. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: What's the scale in that area? COMMISSIONER NELSON: We don't know which channel, though, Fred. See, there's two or three of them you c~n see that go across. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: I'm talking about this channel here, that comes right past the end of that house. COMMISSIONER NELSON: That's right. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: That's not 500 feet. MR. JACKLICH: If I could comment for you. Recently, within the last several months, markers have been placed in here. There is a marker down here, there is one right in this area here, right here, and just recently one was put right over here, approximately 200 feet from a tangent point to the Grassi property. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Plus, you need to go to the right of that marker'coming in. MR. JACKLICH: You have to come over this way. However, if you get close up here, you'll see some darker areas in here. This property right here and this point on south is manmade property. This was all dredged 30 years ago. And there is a channelway in here, but it's not -- it's a manmade channelway; it's not natural. If you come out over here, the waters do shallow out dramatically. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: You just confused me. That channel marker that you say is on the east side of that bay -- COMMISSIONER NELSON: Right here. MR. JACKLICH: Right in this area. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: That forces you to travel -- MR. JACKLICH: The water flows naturally from Bonita -- COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Is that an odd or even numbered marker? MR. JACKLICH: I wish I could tell you the number. I don't know. It was just recently put up. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Is it a square one or a triangular one? MR. JACKLICH: Square. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Okay. COMMISSIONER NELSON: What color? Red? il3 ~o. ~ ~age [ 'JU~ 2, 4. 1997 May 15, 1997 COMMISSIONER THOMAS: See, what he told me, you got to come in to the left of that when you're coming in that channel. COMMISSIONER NELSON: Yes. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: The channel marker is sitting about there, but you got to come this side of it. MR. JACKLICH: Well, the flow of traffic comes from Wiggins Pass down through here. This is one of the worst areas right through here; it's many times two foot and less. As you come down here, the water naturally flows north and south exiting up at the Bonita Lovers Key and down at Wiggins Pass. These areas off to the left in Lely, off over here, this is all mangrove, very shallow back in here. Water flows do not go in here. They rise up and down as the tide changes, but there is no current flow over in here at all. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: What I'm saying to the rest of the commissioners, if this is a red marker sitting here, which would be a square marker, you are supposed to stay to the, keep that red to the right of you when you're coming back in. So that means that they force the people this way, as opposed to this way in this channel. So I was concerned about the way we use the particular channel, but 'that's not a question. COMMISSIONER YORK: I thought it was red right return. COMMISSIONER NELSON: It is. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: That's what I just said. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Would you like to go ahead and finish? COPfiqISSIONER OATES: One of the reasons I never bought a boat. MR. JACKLICH: I had a couple comments. I wanted to kind of give you an overview before I made my comments with regard to the petition. -There are a lot of people that use back in here. This is a condo complex with dockage; there is a public community boat ramp right in here that is used by all of these people in the Little Hickory Shores area. These are boat lots right in here. They are not wide enough to put houses on, but people have boats there. So there is quite a bit of traffic. We have one man right at this location here who owns a 40 to 50-foot Scarab with twin 250 motors. He comes out through here at a pretty good rate of speed. I mentioned the natural waterways to you. We just recently got the markers up here reducing speed. I think within the last month or month and a half She Marine Patrol had a major accident. One of their guys plowed into a private marina that was Just approved down here not long ago, put h{m-elf in the hospital, and t. hat caused a lot of markers to be put up almost {~ediately. As I mentioned, the marker here out in the channel, the closest one to Grassi is about 300 feet away. I have a few proble~ with the facts on the application and what I think the planner, Mr. Reischl, did with regards to this application. I'd like to -- (Hands document to Mr. Nelson) That's a plot of the Grassi property. I've got some photographs Page 1, May 15, 1997 behind it and another couple of drawings, one that I think Mr. Reisch! has over there. With regards to the Planning Commission's regulation of the code on these matters, Mr. Grassi's property has 195 foot of seawall basically facing south. And if you'll notice on the drawing there, the layout of the property, his home, his pool and that, is directly oriented south. So he gets the long view of the bay there. That 195 feet, if you reduced it by 15 feet on each side for setbacks, would still leave him 165 foot of useable space to choose to locate a dock. At the planned location, which is 30 feet down, which now is recommended at 30 feet down from my property line, the water is shallow there, and he would require going out a little ways. At the planned location, the water depth at the seawall during an average low tide is almost zero. However, actual water depth measured at various points along the seawall at a distance of 25 feet out, was an average of three feet, and will get deeper significantly as you go out. That is not because of natural -- that is because that property has been, that's marmuade over there, and it was dredged, just like Port Royal. There is a high amount of boating traffic experienced in this area.' Some of that traffic can easily get within a hundred feet of the seawall due to the water depths. People who boat in this area know that that water is basically pretty deep going right around that point out there. You can use all of the waterway in there if you basically go slow, have a small craft and, you know, use caution. Mr. Thomas, with regards to a three-foot draft on boats, I don't think there's a boat that can operate in here with a three-foot draft. That's a large boat. Pontoon boats normally take about 18 inches of d_~-af-~'in the water. Currents, with regards to item number three on the regulation, the currents are constant and do change with the tides going north and south. They vary approximately 18 inches, as noted. When the commercial -- or the private marina was being built right next to Bonita Beach Road over there, I was over there, I looked at the working drawings there. They had hired someone like Rocky Scofield, Turrell & Associates, to measure the depths over there, and they had one and a half foot to plus 1.2, I think, on the high side, for water depth change. So about 18 inches coming and going. Primary current movement is up and down through the bay. Large amounts of silt and sand are a by-product of the fact that the water does move this way as it curves out like this. Over the years, eddies or whatever have caused a lot of sand to be deposited, and you can even see it right here, if you look at this very closely. It's for that reason that I think he might be requesting to go out as far as he is. The land contour end bottom profile with regards to item number four in the regulations, gradually drops off to a~roximately three to f~ur feet at a distance of 20 to 25 feet from the seawall. The slope then increases and the depths get greater, up to about 10, maybe 13 feet, out to a distance of approximately 50 to 100 feet. And then Page 15 May 15, 1997 they rise back up again because you're back now into natural area, which was not dredged. This can be somewhat verified, too, by looking at the titles and the abstracts on the properties on this particular street. The center of the natural channelway, we were just talking about that, Mr. Thomas. That's about 300 feet to the west of the point of the property there. However, large numbers of traffic do enter and exit the back bay area in there, around the other side of Third Street, including a few others that I mentioned, including that guy with the 50-foot boat. With regards to item six in the regulations, Lot 7, which is mine, has a boat dock being built at the present time. The dock that I came in here for required an extension. I was concerned about the sand and the silt and that which has built up on the west side there, and was unsure how to deal with it, because as I go toward the Grassi property, it became wo=se and worse. So I located my boat at -- or my dock at the extreme end of the other side of my property. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: It's on the north end of your property? MR. JACKLICH: Yes. And I hired Rocky Scofield to do the work and check the depths and everything for me, so that we were -- 'COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Out from your house, that channel, that dredged channel that sits, almost abuts your shore, how far is that out? MR. JACKLICH: It gets deep. We started to get deep water at about 30 feet and then we went out from there to locate the dock itself for the lift system. But we had to go out, I think it was 31 to 35 feet before we could get adequate depth right there. MR. REISCHL.. There's a diagram of Mr. Jacklich's dock, attachment four in the application packet, if you want a reference point. CHAIP.HAN DAVIS: So what's your recommendation to us? MR. JACKLICH: I would ask you to look at my dock. We've reduced it in size. It's not anything like it now looks. It was proposed at 55, it's 38 foot, and we moved it in three foot from the original requested protrusion. Just cutting right to the chase, I'm not here to stop Mr. Grassi from building his dock. I would like to see him have it. However, I would like to propose a couple of changes. One, that the dock be located no closer down the property line from Lot 7 than 80 feet. That's in about another 45 feet from where he's now presently asking to locate it. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Can I see the package back? MR. JACKLICH: I'd also ask that the dock protrusion into the bay be limited to an overall distance of 31 feet. This would allow for the eight-foot walkway he has shown in his diagram out there where his pontoon boat would be located. And if that was -- the end of that portion of the dock was located at 20 foot, we'd find three-foot water there. Another 11 feet, as he's shown on his drawing, for his pontoon boat, that's how I came to 31 foot overall. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: You were approved for 55 feet, sir? Page 1{ ,o. ~ JUN ~ ~ 1997 p~. ~.~ May 15, 1997 MR. JACKLICH: Yes. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: And you actually built it at 30? MR. JACKLICH: No. We scaled the size of the dock down from 55 to 38, and the protrusion out which was granted at 55, we brought that in to about 52. We just couldn't back it in any further and still maintain the three foot at 35 foot out. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Nelson, did you have a question? COMMISSIONER NELSON: Yes, I did. Partly it's been clarified already. I wanted to find out whether your objection was to the length of the dock or its location, and whether if, in fact, does it bother your view at 55? MR. JACKLICH: Yes, it would. The petitioner states that it wouldn't, but I think at 30 foot down from the property line, you can see in the photographs there that anything that sticks out that kind of distance, you can't miss it. And I think one of the very first photographs was taken right at the property line looking south. And if you can imagine 55 feet going out from there, that's a long ways. I guess my reason is not only for view on my concern, but as I mentioned, he's got about 165 feet of still useable seawall space, much of which provides better water depth. The point that I mentfoned 80 foot down from my property line, after walking out there with a pole at low tide and sticking it in the water, I found a spot right there which I thought was as deep, it went down a little bit, then as you continued around, it went back up to three foot. But at 80 foot down from the property line and 20 foot out, he gets three foot, 25 foot out, he gets four foot depth of water. I'm saying why would you want to go to 55 feet when you can achieve what you're looking for at much less a distance, and at the same time, that lo=ation does not impair his visibility down to the south. His house is laid out in a V-shape, and I extended some lines on the plot drawing there to show you that it wouldn't extend any to bother his view. COMMISSIONER NELSON: It would certainly bother it -- it would have more impact on his view moving it over to 80 feet than he has now, though. I mean that's clearly why he put it where he did. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: Based on this photograph, he can probably move it to about 50 or 60 foot, and -- MR. JACKLICH: That's a plot drawing right there. Those are bedrooms. COMMISSIONER THOMAS: I'm looking at the photograph. MR. JACKLICH: Yes. The location on that plot drawing that you have, right there, those are bedrooms on the east side of this sort of Y-shaped house. This is not the primary living area. That red drawing that I put there would cause the boat dock drawn to scale to not even impact the main living area. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Mr. York? COMMISSIONER YORK: If I understand you, Mr. Jacklich, you would like the petitioner to move the dock further away from your property toward, more toward the center? MR. JACKLICH: Right. I'd like to see him bring it down. Page L7 JUN 1997 May 15, 1997 COM}{ISSIONER YORK: Let me ask you a question. How far is your dock from your neighbor's? MR. JACKLICH: I am located, at the northernmost point of my property, 15 foot from the setback, 15 and a half, 16 foot. But that was a function of the water depth. If I came up toward Grassi's property, I would have required an even greater extension than the one that I asked for. We went to the place that provided us -- CO~ISSIONER YORK: Thank you. MR. JACKLICH: -- the best depth that we had. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Thank you. Any other questions? Thank you, sir. Mr. Franse, did you -- did you want to respond? MR. FRANSE: Yes, please. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Please come to the microphone and restate your name for the record, please. Mr. REISCKL: While Mr. Franse is coming up, I just want to point out that Mr. Jacklich's dock, as Mr. York pointed out, is 15 feet from his neighbor and does have two boat lifts. So, I didn't present this petition last year at the hearing, but I'm. sure that view was taken into consideration at that time, also. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Thank you, Mr. Reischl. Mr. Franse. MR. FRANSE: My name is Andy Franse. I represent Mrs. Grassi, Mrs. Grassi-Franse, the owner of the property. And the reason for the location of the dock in this particular diagram is because we have a pathway already going exactly to the dock, and we have storage and electricity and water already there in that area. So what we wanted to do is just continue the pathway right out o~t6 %he dock. And we measured it, and it came out 32 feet from the property line, and that was well beyond the 15 feet requirement. So that's the purpose of the location. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Any questions? Mr. Nelson? CO~ISSIONER NELSON: Yes. Even though you have a pathway, you mean you have a pathway from the house running -- MR. FRANSE: We have a pathway from the storage areas. COMMISSIONER NELSON: Yes. So even though it moves directly toward that ex/sting location -- MR. FRANSE: Exactly. COMMISSI~ NELSON: -- it would a~ear that after it got there, it could make a right angle turn and go -- if in fact, if you moved it, would it cause you a problem to move it some n,,m~er of feet to the left of where it's planned? MR. FRANSE: Wouldn't cause any problem, no, except just be the inconvenience of making a turn, ~king two turns. We thought aesthetically, it would look better to just continue the pathway that is already existing there. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Any other questions? Okay, thank you. One very brief statement. If you could restate your name for the record. MR. JACKLICH: Dick Jacklich again, neighbor to the west. As you Page 1 JUN lgg7 May 15, 1997 can see again from the photograph there, that step is just a couple of pieces of PT6 2 by 12. It doesn't take but three seconds to lift it The property is tiered up and the location for the electrical and storage that's being mentioned here, there's adequate walkway that would bring you right around to the point that I was asking about for the 80 foot down location. It's not really a major issue of going around plants, materials or anything like that. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Thank you. A~yone else to speak on this petition today? Close the public hearing. COM~ISSIONERYORK: I would -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. York. COMMISSIONER YORK: Mr. Chairman, I would move we approve BD-97-11 as recommended by staff. CO~ISSIONE~ PEDONE: Second. Mr. THOMAS: I second that. CHAIR~L~N DAVIS: Motion to approve by Mr. York, seconded by Mr. Pedone. Any discussion? COMMISSIONER NELSON: Yes. I guess I'd like to see a compromise if, in fact, an~bod~ else agrees. It would seem to me that if we compromised and moved the dock 50 feet from the property instead of 30 feet, and brought it from 55 feet to 46 feet, both property owners would be served to a great extent and maybe both would be happy. Maybe both would be unhauuy; that's also a risk. But I would like to see a compromise of some sort. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Is there any -- COMMISSIONER WRAGE: I would tend to agree wi~hMr. Nelson, although the length of the ~ock I really didn't have as big a problem as-maybe moving it away from the lot line, as discussed by the neighbor. I'm sure if I was in his situation, I do see, you know, we talk about view. But if it's my boat, I want to look out and look at my boac. But I'm not as smart as Mr. Oates. I owned one, but I did sell it. But I agree with a compromise. I will not support it as presented. CHAIR~L~N DAVIS: Okay. Well, let's go ahead and vote on the issue then. All those in favor signifyby saying aye. O~l~os~d? COMMISSIONER NELSON: Aye. CONHISSIONWRAGE: Aye. CHAIRM~N DAVIS: So ~hat passes five to ~wo, wi~hMessrs. Nelson and Wrage in ~he minority. Petition NUA-97-1. HR. NINO: Ron Nino for ~he record, presenting Petition NUA-97-1. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Nino, if I could. HR. NINO: Yes. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Anyway, ~hie is -- Mrs. AshCon, this would be judicial in nature, Chis petition? MS. ASHTON: Quasi-judicial. Yes. Page 9 JUN ~ ~ 1~7 P~.~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION NO. CU-97-I0, ROBERT DUANE REPRESENTING SEACREST SCHOOL, REQ~G CONDITIONAL USE "4" OF THE F. STATES ZONING DISTRICT FOR A SCHOOL ADDITION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7100 DAVIS BOULEVARD, IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP $0 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 9. 8 ACRES. This petition seeks to obtain a conditional use to allow for the expansion of an existing private school CONSIDERATIONS: The applicant is requesting a conditional use to allow for the expansion of the existing school facility to be completed in two phase. The first phase includes the addition of three (3) new classrooms, a r~ource center, 65 parking ~acez, and administration building. The second phase is proposed for a D, mnasium and z~4 parking ~aces. The petitioner states that the proposed expansion is not intended to dram·tic~lly increase the number of students enrolled in the ~chool but to enhance and improve the campus. Present enrollment is 280 students and is expected to increa~ to 360 students by the year 2000. The existing school was approved under PU-84-15 and ha~ been in continuous operation at this The petitioner also pn.pos~ to relocate Unity Way, a private road fi-om thc central portions of the property to the eastern edge of the property as noted on the conceptual site plan for the addition. The relocation of the wad will improve safety by allowing the proposed addition~ and related structures to all be on the same side of thc road. While the plans to relocate Unity Way do not require · public petition to vacate, thc utility easements scrvinE thc property will be vacated st a subsequent date. In addition, adjacent property owners that have an interest in the roadway have been contacted and no objections have been ra/sed. Access to the subject site is provided from Davis Boul~ard and is opposite the Berkshir~ Lakes PUD. The Ixaffic impact review indicates that the propos~ use will gena-ate I10 trips prr wvekday which will not exceed the significance test standard (5 IX~'cent of the l~vel of scrvic~ "C' design volume) on Davis Boulevard (SR 34) fronting thc project In addition, thc site gcmrged trips will not lower the level of servic~ below tbe adopted LOS "D' ~ for SR-84. Tbercforc, this petition/s com/ste~ with Policy 5.1 ~xl 5.2 of the Traffic Circulstion Element (TCB). The TCE also cl~sifies this segment of SR-g4 as · 4 ha~ ma-hi road fronting tbe project. The cuzr~at tr~ic count for this ggment i~ 17,$23 AADT which results in LOS "B' operation. It d~ould be noted that the t~-gment of SR-M west of County Barn Road is currently being improved to 4 lane facility, ther~for~ this petition is c. onsi~ent with the Policy 1.4 of the TCE. The ~n-munding hnd ur, es inolud¢ thc following: Thc ~ ~w~ north~a%., _ .~_~~ / and i'~ z~ned PUD (Fsllin$ W~ters). The property to the south i~ developed with ~ church while thc lands to the west is zoned EstaIes. All cot~tional usc petitions rcquirc ~t findin~ on thc part of the Collicr County Planning Commiasion (CCPC) based on the provisions of Section 2.'/.4. A prcponderance of the findings support an action to spprove the subject petition. The conditional use findings ar~ formatted to givc both reasons for or spins~ s decision to ulilize the properly for a medical snd health service facility. Said findin~ ar~ included in this executive summary submission together with the staff retx)rt which is approved by CC'PC. A summary of the major Pro/Cons from the Finding r~port is as follows: Thc proposed use is consistent with thc Growth Management Plan. The existing ingress/egress should operate adequately and with an acceptable level of safety. This petition repr~,ents comlmfible land us~ conditions. Inta~sifying the traffic condition on this segment of Davis Boulevard may at times give rise to inconveniencing neighborhood residents adjacent to the school. Temporary noise and glare may result to neighboring properti~ during the construction phase. Thc projcct is required to ~ the buffer by 10 fe~ Thc Collier County Planning Commission reviewed ~ petition on lunc 5, 1997 et their public hearing ~xl voted to r~commend approval of this petition by a 6 to 0 vote, subject to thc stipulations in the Resolution- This petition by snd of itself will have no fuml ~ on the Counly. However, if this smeadm~ ~chi~v~ it~ obj~iv~ tho had will be developed. The mere f~ th~ new developmeni has been fees prior to thc ism~ce of building permit~ to help off-~t the impact of e~c.h m.w development on regaled to mdnt~in sdopted levels of service for public facilities. In the event thst impact fcc colleciio~s sre in~dequs~ to maintain sdopted levels of m-vice, the C. oamy mu~t provid~ supplemental fumts from other r~venue sou~zes in order to build regaled f~.-ilities. non-residential uses such as essential services, churches and school facilities. In addition, the existing school was approved at this location in 1984. Since the proposed school addition is a conditional use in the Estates district, the proposed school addition is consistent with the GMP. The conditional use petition does nothing to change these relationships or otherwise impact consistency relationships with the GMP. This petition has been found consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staffs analysis indicates that thc petition.s property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on thc official Collier County Probability M~p. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. Pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code,, if, during the course of site clearing, excavation or other construction activity an historic or archaeological m'tifact is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect the discovery shall be immediately stopped and the Collier County Code Enforcement Department contacted. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Collier County Planning Commission recommends approval of Petition CU-97-10, for Conditional Use "4" of the Estates zoning district for property described in the attached Resolution of Adoption and Exhibits thereto which includes the conditions of approval and a Conceptual Master Plan. PREPARED BY RAY t0ELLOWS PRINCIPLE PLANNER REVIEWED BY: 'ROgERT J. MULHERE, AICP .CUI~RN~A~N/G MAN~.GER ,, DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP a. ¢ trr o, anmmsa . o DATE COMMUNITY DEV. A.ND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. EX SUMM.M~YfRV'B/rb JUN 2 ~ 1997 ~_~ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: COLLIER, COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MAY 12, 1997 PETITION NO: CU-97-10, SEACREST SCHOOL OWNER/AGENT: Agent: Robert Duane Hole, Montes & Associates 715 Tenth Street Sou'.la Naples, Florida 34102 Seacrest School 7100 Davis Boulevard Naples, Florida 34104 To obtain conditional use "4' of the "E" existing school facility. Estates zoning district to allow for thc expansion of an The subject property is located on the south side of Davis Boulevard (SR-84) in Section 8, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. (See illustration on the following page) The objective of this conditional use petition is to allow for the expansion of the existing school facility to be completed in two phases. The first phase includes the ~ldition of ~ (3) new classrooms, a resotwee center, 65 parking spaces, and administration building. The second phase is proposed for a g~nnnasium and 44 parking spaces. The petitioner states that the proposed expansion is not intended to dramatically increase the number of students enrolled in the school but to enhance and improve the campus. Prezent enrollment is 280 students ~md is expected to increase Io 360 students by the year 2000. The existing church was approved under PU-84-15 ~d has been in continuous operation at this location. property to the eastern edge of the property as noted on me conceptual .n. te pmn ~or relocation of the ro~d will improve safety by allowing the proposed ~Idiuons ~ relat~ 1 -'JUN 2 1997 all be on the same side of the road. While the plans to relocate Unity Way do not require a public petition to vacate, the utility ca,merits serving the property will be vacated at a subsequent date. In addition, adjacent property owners that have an intcre~ in the roadway have been contacted and no objections have been raised. Exi~ing Conditions: Sun-ounding: Thc site is currently developed with a school and is zoned Estates. North - Davis Boulevard and residential; Zoned: Countryside PUD. East Developed residential; Zoned: Falling Waters PUD. South - Developed Unity Church of Naples; Zoned: Estates. West- Undeveloped; Zoned: Estates. This petition has been reviewed by the appropriate staff for compliance with the applicable elements of the Growth Management Plan, as noted below: F_~ The subject property is designated Urban Residential on the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Cn'owth Management Plan (GMP). This designation is intended to allow a base density of 4 units per acre. The district also permits non-residential uses such as churches, schools, essential services and medical related uses. In addition, the existing school was approved at this location in 1984. Since the proposed school addition is a conditional use in the Estates district, the proposed school addition is consistent with the GMP. The Collier County Land Development Code introduced the requirement for approved conditional uses to obtain additional conditional use al~roval for purposes of expansion. In all other respects we find the proposed expansion consistent with applicable elements of the GMP. Trnffic Clrcnlntlon Element: The traffic impact review indicates that the proposed use will generate 110 trips per weekday which will not exceed the significance test standard (5 percent of the level of service "C" design volume) on Davis Bovl~ (5R-84) fronting the project. In addition, the site generated trips will not lower the level of service below thc adored LOS '13" standard for SR-84. Therefore, this petition is cort~istent with Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Traffic Circulation Element (TCE). Staff ha~ concluded that no level of service standards will be adversely affected Appropriate mitigation _n~___~tres and stipulations will assure that the County's intere: The TCE also cla~'ifies this f, egment of SR-84 a~ a 4 lane an~-rial road fronting the project. The current uaffic count for this segment is 17,823 AADT which results in LOS "B" operation. It should be noted that this segn'~:nt is not projected to be deficient at the build-out of the project. In addition, the segment of SR-84 west of Coonty Barn Road is currently being improved to 4 Lme%, therefore, this petition is consistent with thc Policy 1.4 of thc TCE. Oeht. r Ap_nli,~hU, ~ Staff review indicates that this petition has been designed to account for the ~ relati~tships dictated by the GMP. Mitigation measures and stipulations have been developed (where appropriate) to ensure consistency with the GMP during the permitting process. Development p~,,iued by the approval of ~ petition will be subject to a con~ review under the provisions of Section 3.15 of the Collier County Land Development Code, Adequate Public Facilities, at the earliest or the next to occu~ of either £mal SDP approval, final plat approval, or building permit applicable to this development. Therefore, this ixoposed PUD amendment is con~istent with the goals and policies of the GMP. Consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of other applicable elements of the GMP and level of service relationships are to be achieved by stipulations and/or development commitments made a part of the approval of this development order. Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. The subject petition has been reviewed by the appropriate staff responsible for oversight related to the above referenced areas of critical concern. This primarily includes a review by the Community Development environmental and engineering staff, and the Transportation Services Division staff. The Transportation Division staff has recommended that the applicant be responsible for road impact fees for the differential in the number of students. In addition, all conservation areas shall be recorded as conservation tracts or easements dedicated to an approved entity or to Collier County. The Community Development Services environmental staff approved this petition and did not require review by the Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) The Current Planning Staff has coordinated a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition based on the criteria contained in Section 2.7.4 of the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). This evaluation is intended to provide an objective, comprehensive overview of the impacts of the proposed land use change, be they positive or negative, culminating in a staff recommendation based on that comprehensive overview. The below listed criteria are specifically noted in Section 2.7.4 of the Land Development Code thus requiting staff evaluation and comment. This criteria shall be used as the basis for recommendation of approval or denial by the Planning Commission to the Board of County Commissioners. Each of the potential or considerations identified during the staff review are listed under each of the criterion noted below, and are categorized as either "pro" or "con" as the case may be, in the professional opinion of staff. Staff review of each of the criterion is followed by a summary conclusion culminating in a determination of compliance, non. compliance, or compliance with mitigation. a. Consistency with this code and Growth Management Plan. Pro.' Thc subject site is designated Urban Mixed Use in the FLUE of the GMP. This district permits non-residential uses such as essential services and school related uses. In addition, since thc proposed school addition is a conditional use in the Estates district, the proposed petition is consistent with the GMP. Con.' None. JUN 2 4 1991 be ~ · This petition is consistent with the FLUE on thc Collier County GMP. The proposed use is authorized in the Urban Mixed Use designated areas and is permitted in thc Estates district as a conditional usc. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to auto, motive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. Pm'. The project's existing ingress and egress from Davis Boulevard will not be changed. There is an existing eastbound fight turn lane on SR-$4. Due to the Iow traffic volumes and clear site distance from Davis Boulevard, the existing access road should continue to operate adequately. In addition, the relocation of Unity Way to the edge of the property minimizes the need for students to cross the road. Con: Intensifying the traffic condition at the intersection of Davis Boulevard Falling Waters Boulevard may at times give rise to inconveniencing neighborhood residents to the north and east. -- · Staff has reviewed the conceptual master plan submitted with this conditional use request, and is of the opinion that due to the relatively low traffic volumes generated by the addition, the project's entrance should operate adequately and with an acceptable level of safety. The effect the conditional use would have on neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects; Pm'. It is unlikely that glare or odor will be produced by the proposed addition· In addition the proposed 10 foot landscaping buffer will provide additional screening. In addition, the proposed structures are 40 feet or more from the property line with Falling Waters instead of the required 30 feet. Con.' Temporary noise and odor may result to neighboring properties during construction of the proposed building addition. · ' ' · The orientation of the proposed building additions are such that it is buffered from adjacent multi-f~nily residential property by an existing berm with plantings. This will be augmented by a 10 foot buffer on the edge of the property. In staffs opinion, the proposed addition will have limited negative effects on neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district. Pm.' Thc proposed use of thc property is no different than thc existing sch subject property. It is also less intensive than the commercial uses at the ir Santa Barbara Boulevard to thc easL. 4 'JUN 2 4= 1997 PS. ~ · ' · The compatibility of the proposed school addition is not a significant issue due to the existing school use and the church uses to the south. Staff' r~:onun~nds that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) r~,omm~d approval of Petition CU-97-10 for conditional use (4) of the Estates zoning distrk~ as oth~'wise condition~xi in the R~solution of Adoption. PREPARI~ BY: PRINCIPAL PLANNER. KEVIEWED BY: 'R(~BERT J. MULHERE, AICP ~ PLANNING MANAGER DONALD W~. A.I~NOLD, AICP /~TRATOR COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. P,.-tition Number CU-97-10 Staffl~pon for June 5, 1997 CCPC me,ting. NOTE: This Pmition has be~n advenisexl for the June 24, 1997 BCC me~aing COLLIER, COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: MICHAEL A. DAVIS, CHAmMAN STAFF I~:PORT~fl~ 1997 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DMSION PLANNING SERVICES Name o£Applicani(s): ~ Date Applkan~'s Mailing Ad&ess: City:. ~a,ni __ S~e: ~ Zip: 33134 AppI~canCs Telephor~ Number:. I~ ~he Applkant the owner ofu~e subject property? ~ a) Ifapplicant is a land ~ so indicate and name beneficiaries below. It' applicant is a corporago~ other Ihan a public corporatlork so indicate and name o~cers and rnabx stockholders below. m c) If applicant is a parmership, lirnhed partner~hip or o~er business endty, so indicaIe and name principals below. __ ~ If ~tic~t is an owner, inclicaIe exa~ as recorded, snd list all other owner% if'any. If applicara is a lessee, attar, h co~y of lease, and indicaie actual owners if not inclicaIed o~ u~e lease. __X_ 0 If' spplicant is a coeu'ac~ purchaser, attach copy of contract, and indicaIe actual o~uer(s) name sr~d ~kiress below. (Ifspa~e is inadequa~ anach o~ separate page.) ~ NamsofAg~t Agenfs ~g Addm~ ' ' Agmfs Telephone Numbs. ~ ,JUN g t 1997 DETAILED LEGAL DESCRIIxlION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE APPLICATION Of space is ~'mdequate, ~ on sepmmte page. If request ~nvolves change to more ~han o~e zoning dis~c~ include separate iega~ descdpgon for property involved in each ~stdct. If property is odd-shaped, sub~t copies of sur~, (1" ~o 400' s~e). ~ APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING THE CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. IF QUESTIONS ARISE CONCERNING THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, AN ENGIlqEERM Ct~,'II~CATION SHALL BE REQUIRED. SECTION: ~ TOWNSHIP: ~ RANGE: ~ o $iz~ of Property: vaz~ fi. x v-az~ fr. Acres: Address or location of subjec~ property:.: ' - Exis~g Land L~evafio~: ~ Coun~ Flood Cdteda Elev~fion: ZoneX b. If Petitioner has opfio~ to buy, indicate dale of option: __ and date option ~*nninates:. c. Contract Pm'chaser. An~c~pmed date ofacquisitior~ ' ' Does propemy owner own contiguous property ~o 1he subject property? If so, g~ve complete legal descdp~cm ofenlire contiguous property. (Ifs'pace is L'~dequate, attach on separate page). · 9. This applkafim is htendecl to cove. (Check which type ofpetitio~ you are requesting): for:. B. Ccx~tic, ml Use: I and 16 ot~ A. Rural Am-icultural earfl'm~n~g and enm.,o care fadlifies, care unks. and nmsin~ homes. JUN 2 4 1997 10. why application should be approved. (Attach ~ditional sheets if necessary.): 11. proposed use prohibited by deed restrictions? If yes, provide copy ofthe deed restrictions. Yes ~ No 12. Is t~s ~..quest a result ofav~ol~on? No If so, to v~m was the no6ce served? 13. ~ a public he.rig been held On t~s property wi~n the last yeaz? No If so, in ~ name? I4. Are there existing structures on the property? Yes TYPE: CBS ~ FRAME .__, MOBIL~ HOM]? ~ OTHER * used as o.l~ce 1, ~ being fu'st duly sworn, depose and say that I am lhe Contra:t Purchaser of the property descn'bed herein md which is the subject matter ofthe proposed hearing;, that ~fll the answers to the quesgons in ibis application, and all sketches, data, ~nd other supplementary mailer attached to and made a part of l~s appLical~on. ~e honest ~.d lzue to l~e best of my knowledge and belie£ I understand ~ applkat~m must be complete and accutec before a hearing can be ~vertLsed. I further permit the undersigned to act as my ding I~ Petition. Sigrm'ur~ of Contr~ ~ STUART MARCUS AS TRUSTEE, OR. ASSIGNI~ BRUCE F.. TYSON, ASLA STAT~ OF FLORIDA COUICrY OF COLLIER d,.Vno did (did not) -o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o . ($i~atum ofNom~, l'ubli,) jUN g 4 1997 / : PI- ~ AFFIDAVIT I, IoAnn M. Smallwood, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the General Partner of Smallwood Nurseries Land Trust, the owner of the property described herein and that Stewart Marcus as Trustee, or Assignee, is the Contract Purchaser of'the subject property. I permit Stewart Marcus as Trustee, or Assignee, and their agent Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. to make application for Conditional Use of the property. SMALLWOOD NURSERIES LAND TRUST STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregohg Application was acknowledged bet'ore me th~s ~ day of'_~2;t~.~__.~ 1996, by ~ who is~own to ~ or who has~r'oduced ~ as identification and who did (did not) take ~ oath. 2 1997 1 2 6 ? $ 12 13 l& 17 22 23 32 RESOLUTION 97-__ A RESOLUTION PRCVIDING FOR THE ESTABLIShmENT OF A SCHOOL CONDITIONAL USE '4~ IN THE 'E" ESTATES ZONING DISTRICT PUI~UART TO SECTION OF T~E COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WI~REAS, the Legislature of ihs State of Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florid&, and Chapter 125, Florid, Statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public~ and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which ia the granting of Conditional Uses~ and WHE~EA~, the Collier County Planning Commission, being the duly appointed and constituted planning board for the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has considered the advisability of Conditional Use '4' of Section in an 'E' Estates zone for a school on the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact (Exhibit 'A') that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection of the Land Development Code for the Collie: County Planning Commission; and ~HEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to he heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board having considered all matters presented. NO~, THEREFORE BE XT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEAL~ of Collier County, Florida that: -1- JUN A 1997 I The petition filed by Robert Duane, A.I.C.P., of Hole, Montes 2 Associates, Inc., representing Seacrest School with respect to the 3 property hereinafter described as: Exhibit 'B' which is attached hereto and incorporated by 6 reference herein be and the same is hereby approved for Conditional Use '4# of Section s of the ~E' Estates zoning district for a school in accordance ! with the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit 'C') and subject to the 10 following conditions: II 12 a. The Planning & Technical Services Manager may approve 13 minor changes in the location, siting, or height of 14 buildings, structures, and improvements authorized IJ the conditional use. Expansion of the uses 16 identified and approved within this conditional use 17 application, or major changes to the site plan ]~ submitted as part of this application, shall require 19 the submittal of a new conditional use application, ~ and shall comply with all applicable County 3! ordinances in effect at the time of submittal, 22 including Division 3.3, Site Development Plam Review 23 and approval, of the Collier County Land Development 24 code (Ordinance No. 91-103). 26 b. Permits or letters of exe:ption from the U.S. ~rmy 27 Corps of Engineers CACO£) and the South Florida Water 2; Hanagement District (S~MD) shall be presented prior 29 to final site development plan approval. 3! c. ~11 conservation areas shall be recorded as )2 conservation/preservation tracts or easements 3) dedicated to an approved entity or to Collier County 3~ with no responsibility for maintenance and subject to 3S the uses and limitations similar to or as per Florida ~ Statues Section ~04.06. $7 ); d. Buffers shall be provided around wetlands, extending 35 at least fifteen (15} fee: landward from the edge of ~ wetland preserves in all places and averaging twenty- 4~ five (25) from the landward edge of wetlands. Where 42 natural buffers are not possible, structural buffers 43 shall be provided in accordance with the State of , Florida Environmental Resource Permit Rules and be 4J subject to review and approval by Current Planning 4~ Environ~ental Staff. 4l e. ~.~ exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and ~9 maintenance (exotic free) plan for the site, with ~ emphasis on the conservation/preservation areas, ~1 shall be submitted to Current Planning environmental ~2 staff for review and approval prior to final site j) plan/construction plan approval. SS f. Petitioner shall provide a fire sprinkler system in ~ accordance with Subsection 1141:3-5.1 NFPA. ~ g. Indicate location of fire hydrants. Fire hydrants S~ shall be provided on site so that no -2- JUN g A 1997 ' structure is ~ore than 300 fast from a hydrant. NFPA 1141:3-7.3 IT FUrTHeR I~SOLVED that this Rasolution be recorded in the ~inutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after ~o~ion, second and~a~oritY vote. Done this __~_.~___day of , 199~. $ ! Ii 12 13 BOAP~ OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER ¢OqJNTY, FLORIDA 14 IS ATTEST: 16 DWIGHT E. BROCK, I? Is 20 ~ SUFFICIENCY: 21 ~ ~SSiST~I~I' CO~TI¥ ATTORNEY 26 -3- 'JUN 2 A 1997 P~. ~ FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR CU-97-10 The following facts are found: 1. Section of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use. Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingres~ & egress Yes t/No C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, 9co, omit or odor effects: ~w/ No affect or Affect mitigated by -- Affect canno------~ be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use wit_hi~wdistrict Yes ~_~___No Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) ~) be recommended~ approval ____~____. · f/FINDING OF FACT CHAIRMAR/CU-97-10 EXHIBIT "A" JUN 2 A 1991 · Pg. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION V-97-3, CHARLES HOLLAND RBQU~TI]qG A 16.4 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED 30 FOOT REAR SETBACK TO 13.6 FEET FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2721 VAN BUREN AVENUE, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS LOTS 35-40, CRAIGS SUBDMSION, IN SF, CTION 14, TOWNSHIP $0 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST COLLIER COLTNTY, FLORIDA. .-- This p~tition ~ka a 16.4 foot varianc~ from thc r~quir~ 30 foot r~ar yard acthack to 13.6 fe~.t to allow for an addition to an exi.~ing garage ~orage ~rea and dwelling for c, onv~on into a duplex for CONSIDERATIONS: The pttrpose of this pedtion/~ to ~ r~licf from thc required rear y~d ~tb~.k d/mension of thirty (30) fe~-t to 13.6 fe~i, to allow for a proposed 585 squar~ foot addition and ~ bre~:r~-way to the existing dctach~ garage and dwelling. Thc ~xisting dct~aed garage was built in 1978 with Btfildin$ Permit #1593. The rear scthack for an accessory structure (garage) allows for a 10 foot rear setback while the side scthack is the same as thc principal stmcn~ which was 7_~ feet. As a result, thc dctach~ garage complied with all the RM-lA setbacks required at that time. S~ently, thc zoning district was chnnged to RMF-6. It should bc noted that · portion of the existing detached garage was converted into · second dwelling without · building permit by the previous prope~ owner, la addition, this detached rcsidcncc/apartment has been in use for several years. To correct this problcrn, the curr~t owner wishea to improve this non-conforming dwclling by making certain improvements mad additiona that will allow thc atructu~ to mcct thc minimum floor ar~ ~ents by attaching thc de,fac, bed garag~~ mad propoaed addition to thc ~d~ting aingl~-famlly dw¢!ling for u$~ ~ · duplex. Thc propoa~ addititm will not imaza~ tl~ {axax~lma¢~ from th~ exigln~ ~aa~ute into thc r~r $¢tback. Furtlm'mo~ tl~ aafl}je~t lot m~-ta the minimum lot ar~ r~luirem~nt of 7,260 squar~ lost per dw¢llk~ trait for · duplex. $it~ tl~ pwpeaiy has bom for~cl~ on by Deed In Lien of For~c~ on 3/21/9'/, the petitioner is now applying for thc above r~f=zax~ vatianc~ to corr~ thc Thc Planning Commission heard this petition on Jtmc 5, 1997 and tmanimously re~ammended by · vote of 6 to 0 that th~ Board of Zoning Appcala approvc thc 16.4 foot variance from thc r~luir~ 30 foot rr'ar r~tback to 13'6 fe~Ct' N° Perwn c°mmtmicated any °PP°sition to this Pctiti° ~'~~~' l JUN 2 4 ~T : FISCAL IMPACT: Hone. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Thc proposed variance is consistent with thc applicable provisions of thc Growth Management Plan. p~G COMMISSION I~COMM~NI)ATION: Th~ Collicr County Planning Commission (CC'PC) forward Pctition V-97-3 to tho Board of Zoning ^pl~l~ (BZA) with e rccommcndation of approval. PREPARED BY ~Y~LLOWS PRINCIPAL PLANNER REVIEWED BY: ROBERT J. MULI~RK, AICP, MANAGER VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADbtlNISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. V.g'/-3/EX SUMMARY/RVB/~ m JUN g 4 1997 AGENDA ITEH 7-J TO: FROM: DATE: RE: OWNER/AGENT: Owner/Agent: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DMSION MAY 12, 1997 PETITION NO: V-97-3, Charles Holland l~r. Charle~ Holland 3178 Lakeview Drive Naples, Florida 34112 This petition seeks a 16.4 foot variance from the required 30 foot rear yard setback to 13.6 feet to allow for an addition to an existing garage storage area and dwelling for conversion into a duplex for property zoned RM~F-6. The property fi-onts upon thc north side of Vanburen Avenue and is further described as Lots 38- 40, Craigs Subdivision, in Section 14, Township 50 South, Range 25 East. (See illustration following page). pURPOSE/DESCRIPTION FOR VARIANCE: The purpose of this petition is to ~ek r~llef from the r~ rear yard ~-tback dimenzion of thirty (30) feet to 13.6 fe~ to allow for a I~ 58.~ squar~ foot addition and ~,zreened breezeway to the existing detached garage and dwelling. Tho existing detached gal'age was built in 1978 with Building Prau~it #1593. The rear ~ack for ma acc, e~oty ~ructum (garage) ~llow~ for · 10 foot ~ ~k while thc side setback is thc samc as thc princlp~l sm~ which was 7.5 feet. A~ a rcsult, thc detached gemg¢ complied with ~ll thc RM-IA setb~s rcquircd ~t th~ of thc cfsti~ dcuchai ~ w~s ~ into ~ scared dv,-cllin~ without for scvcr~l ycsr~. To corrcct ~ problem, thc currcnt owner wishes to ~ this non- conforming dwclling by nuking ccrt~n improv~ taxi additions that will ellow thc struc'tu~ to mcct thc minimum floor m t~quirc:ncnts by ~tecbing thc dctached gar~e,'Zl~rUncnt propo~d addition to thc ~xi~dng ~nglo-family dwclling for u~ u · d_~ Furthenn°~ thc ~ubject '°t m°~ th~ '"irJmum ':t m~ ~eat °f 7~ m !~. _~I. -' ' ..... ' .... · l' Fi~.LD N O0'O~'l&' W 157.71' PLAT SOUTi4 157.67' . · ~. '. . - ~ ~ ~ ' . dwelling unit for s duplex. Sinc~ the property has b~en foreclosed on by Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure on 3/21/97, the petitioner is now applying for the above referenced variance to correct the problem and to comply with the zoning ordinance. Existing: Single Family dwelling & garage. The property is zoned RMF-6. Surrounding: North- An existing 4-pl~ apartment; Zoned RMF-6. East - Existing single family; Zoned RMF-~. West - Existing single family; Zoned KMF-6. South- Vanburen Avenue; Zoned RMF-6. The requested variance does not have any impact on this property's consistency with the County's Growth Management Plan. Approval of this variance request will have no effect on infrastructure, transportation or the Section 2.7.5 cf the Land Development Code ~ives the authority to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) to ~rant variances. The Planning Commission is advisory to the BZA and utilizes the provisions of Subsection "'~" (a) through (h) which sr~ general ~idelines to be used to assist the Conunission in making a determination. Responses to items in this Subsection are as follows: a. Are there special conditions and clrcumstance~' existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, or building Involved? yes, the previous owner constructed a 6' x 16' addition to the garage without a building pcrmlt for usc ss an apartment. Conversion into s dwelling unit rcqulres a 30 foot rear yard scthack for a principal structure. The current owner was not aware of the setback problem u~til the property was cited on October 1996 for the addition. Since the required rear setback for an accessory structure is 10 feet, the existing 13.6 foot r~ar setback is still conforming ss an accessory structure. However, the previous owner converted the garage to an apartment without a building b. Are there special conditions and circumstances which are not the result from the action of the applicant such ss pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request? yes, there arc pre.existlng conditions such ss the existing Prego/ a previous property owner. The conversion from an accessory structure to a principal structure increased the setback from 10 feet to 30 feet. Therefore, it would be difficult to relocate the detached structure. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this Land Development Code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant? Yes in the sense that the previous owner constructed a 6' x 16' addition to conver~ a portion of the garage into an apartment. The current owner did not create the encroachment. The variance is necessary to make the needed improvements that will allow for the conversion of the existing garage/apartment into a duplex with the quality and value allowed in the R.MI:-6 zoning district. It is a hardship because the application of the setback requirement for accessory structures allows for a 10 foot setback while conversion to a residential use requires a 30 foot rear yard setback. As a result the structure would have to be moved or demolished. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety and welfare? Yes, the petitioner is only seeking thc minimum amount to allow the conversion of the existing garage/aparlment into a duplex and to comply with the requirements of the Land Development Code. ee Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district? Yes, the ~ranting of the requested variance will allow the petitioner to convert an existing non-conforming structure into a duplex with a reduced rear yard setback, however, all variances effectively do this. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the general Intent and purpose of this Land Development Code, and not be Injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public xvelfare? It is staff's opinion that the granting of this variance will not be in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Land Development Code. However, it is unlikely that any determent to the public welfar~ would result from its approval since the existing garage is currently permitted at this location. The granting of this variance will not be injurious to the neighborhood. Are there natural conditions or physically Induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf courses, etc.? No, there is adequate room to build a conforming structure, however, th has been existing since 1978 and does not adversely impact the cireul air of the adjacent land owners. The proposed nddition will also improve the appearance of the existing structure. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? The granting of the requested variance will not affect or change the requirements of thc Growth Managc-ment Plan. That the Collier County Planning Commission (CC'PC) recommend approval of Petition V-97-3 being a petition seeking a variance to the minimum rear setback r~quir~ment 30 feet to 13.5 feet for prol..¢rty described in the R~,oJution of Adoption. PREPARED BY: PRINC~AL PLANNER REVIEWED BY: ~AICP, MANAGER ~ PLANNING~F,~rrION___ ,~, COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIP. ONMENTAL SVCS. DATE Pc%ition Numlx:r V-97-3 StattReport for June 5, 1997 CCPC meeting. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: NflCHAEL A. DAVIS, CHAIRMAN V.97-~l/STAFF REI~RT/RVB/r~ 4 1997 (VARIANCE FROM SETBACK{S] REQUIRED FOR A PARTICULAR ZONING DISTRICT) (ABOVE TO BE PETITIONER' S NAME PETITIONER' S ADDRESS Naples, F1 3&112 Charles liolland 3178 Lakeview Dr. TELEPHONE 775-1676 AGENT'S ADDRESS TELEPHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: LOT(s~8-39-&BOLOCKis)------- Craigs l& 50S 25£ SUBDIVISION SECTION----------TWP;~ndTGE'---------' (If legal description is lengthy, i.e. description, attach additional page) CURRENT ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY _,_____ Single family home with garage EXISTING LAND USE ON SUBJECT PROPERTY ADJACENT ZONING & LAND USE N S ZONIN______~G LAND USE 4-ilex apartments Vanburen Ave. ~MF6 E l~F6 Single family W HINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBJECT PROPERTY FRONT: 35 CORNER LOT:~ (CIRCLE ONE) [~" NATERFRON LOT:~_____~S (CIRCLE ONE) SIDE: ' Single family! owned by Molland Provide a detailed explanation of the request including what structures are existing and what is proposed; the amount of encroachment proposed using numbers, i.e. reduce front setback from 25' to 18'; when property owner purchased property; when existing principal structure was built (include building permit number if possible); why encroachment is necessary; how existing encroachment came to be; etc. The exi i for several years. This garage was built in 1978 with a 13'-6" rear sec back, now the o~ner elects to convert the ~arage into a residental dwelling by atttachtng the garage to the house by the construction of an addition on the west ~tde of the garage, making ica duplex. The present o~ner purchased the property in 1992, then sold it in 1995 on a Contracl for Deed. During the t/me the new o~'ner had posession of the property he built an addition 6'X16" on the west side of the garage without · building permit. The property was cited in October 1996 for the violation of ch~ addition. Now the property has been foreclosed on by DEED IN LIEU ~F FORECLOSEI~E 3-21-1997. The present o~mer wishes co clear this problem by building the requested addition to the garage buc in order co do so must have a variance co meec present ZOninG. Please note that staff and the Collier County Planning Commission shall be guided in their recommendation to the Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be guided in its determination to approve or deny a variance petition by the below listed criteria (1-6). (Please address this criteria using additional pages if necessary.) 1. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved. 2 AG[ JUN 2 4 1997 · the proper~y which is the subject o~ ' the variance request. The 6'X16" addition vas built without o~ners consent, vhich was done =-ichout control of the prusent owner. ~is has caused the total problem ~hlch now exists. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this zoning ~ode work unnecessary and undue hardship or create practical difficulties on the applicant. This problem has already created a hardship for the presen= o~mer because of the actions of the previous purchaser of the property vhom acted consent of the present o~ner or vithout acquiring proper building permits. Nov through the necessity of foreclosure, the present ~ner must pay for the addition as requested in order to meet County Code. ~lll the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety or welfare. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. NO, ocher properties in the same area have duplexes and apartments on even single lots, such as directly =o the south of ~his property vhere four (~) units are on one (1) lo~ and to the north vhere one (1) house has four (&) one (1) bed room apartments. Yes, this is vithi~ the same present land use as surroundin$ properties. 3 JUN 2, 4 1997 . .._: Will granting the variance be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this zoning code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. YES, this will be in harmony with other pro~erties as ~ust stated in the previous s~atemen=, Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. NONE Will granting the variance be consistent with the growth management plan. YES NO. ~ JUN 2 ~ 1997 · ~. /4' I 7, Charles Hollana being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the owner of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, and all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand this application must be completed and accurate, before a ~e~ring can be advertised. Z further permit , _. ~ u ~ ~ ~ to act as my representative in any ma~ters regarding this Pe~tion. State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Agreement Shee= was acknowledged before me th~s , who is personally known =o ~ or who has procuced ~m~ as identificatioq and who did (did not) take an oath. ,,-:s A. B~.ws'r NOTARY PUBLIC ~o=m. ,0. ~ 4921~9 Commission # ¥. C')~..,,~. Ex;. S~pl. 3. go~dthru~ha~lns. A~. My Co~ission Expires: SIGNATURE OF AG~NT State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Agreement Sheet was acknowledged b6fore me th3s day of , 1996 by __, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did. not) take an oath. (Signature of Notary Public) VARIANCE APPLICATION/md .NOTARY PUBLIC Commission I My Commission Expires: JUN i~ 4. 1997 R~SOLUTION NO. 97-__ RELATING TO PETITION HUMBER V-97-3, FOb A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREIFAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. the Leg£slature of the State of Florida in Chapter 10 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the I1 power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business 11 regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHERruAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land 14 D~velopment Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes is regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of 14 the County, among which is the granting of variances; and 17 W~REAS, the Board of Zoning~peals, being the duly elected 11 constituted Board of the area hereby affected, has held a public 19 hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and 2o has considered the advisability of I 16.4-foot variance from the 21 required 30 foot rear yard setback to 13.6 feet as sho~n on the 22 attached plot plan, Exhibit "A', in an ILHF-6 zone for the property 21 hereinafter described, and has fo=nd as a matter of fact that 24 satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning 2s all applicable matters required by said regulations and in 2& accordance with Section 2.7.5 of the Zoning Regulations of said 27 Land Development Code for the unincorporated area of Collier 2l County; and ~fliEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to 30 be heard by this Board in public meeting assembled, and the Board 31 having considered all matters presented; NON THEREFOR~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONZNGAPPEALS of ~3 Collier County, Florida, that: 34 2S the 14 The Petition V-97-3 filed by Charles Holland, with respect to property hereinafter described as: Lots 38-40, Cra/ge Subdivision, as rec®rded in Plat Book 4, Page 27, of the PGblic Records of Collier County, Florida. -I- ~JUN 2 4 1997 2 4 S · '10 11 22 14 15 20 22 23 be alzd the same hereby is approved for a 16.4-foot variance fron the reqvired 30 foot rear yard aetbac~ to 13.6 fee~ as sho~n on ~he attached plot plan, Exhibit 'A', of the I~HF-S zoning district wherein said property is located, subject to the following conditions: This varisnce is for the encroachment depicted. ).ny other encroachnen~ shall raqulre a new variance. BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Nm~ber V-97-3 be recorded in the linutes of this Board. This ~esolution adopted after ~otion, second and mJority vo=e. Done this day of , 1997. ATTEST: Di/IGHT E. BROCK, CL£~i< BOARD OF ZONING APP=--=£S COLLI£~ COUNTY, FLORIDA TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAII~12~ APPROVED A~ TO FORM }.ND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 29 ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORKEY -2- / ,°: FIELD K O0'091&' W 137.71' 1 PLAT SOUTr~ 157,~7' F~ELD S 00'05"3a' E 137.67' iii Exhibit PETmON NO. V-97-4. GAlL J. AND LINDA J. HAFNER ARE REQUESTING AN AFTER-THE-FACT VARIANCE OF 29 FEET FROM THE REQUIRED REAR SETBACK OF 75 FEET TO 46 FEET FOR A PERMITTED STORAGE SHED CONVERTED INTO A GUEST HOUSE WITHOUT A BUILDING PERMIT FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1181 25TM STREET S.W. IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES. The petitioner is requesting the above described variance in order to remove the existing setback violation. In 1992, the petitioner requested and obtained a permit to build a shed in the rear portion of their lot. The plans provided by the applicant for the shed showed a 30 foot rear setback (the Collier County LDC requires a 10 foot rear setback for accessory structures such as storage sheds). During the construction the applicant decided to convert the shed into a guest house (the LDC requires a 75 foot rear setback for the main residences and guest houses). The applicant did not amend the building permit to reflect the change of plans and did not obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for the structure. Furthermore, the applicant Installed electricity, plumbing and a septic tank with no permits or inspections. The applicant alleges some wrong doing on the part of staff. His letter to this effect, is attached to this staff report and made a part of the same. The Collier County Planning Commission reviewed this petition on June 5, 1997 and by a vote of 6-0 recommended denial. None. Staff's analysis Indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. · ' !JUN :[t 1997 1 That the Board of Zoning Appeals deny V.97-4. PREPARED BY: CHAHRAM BADAM'rCHIAN, Ph.D., AICP SENIOR PLANNER DATE ~ ~, ~"~LHERE, AiCP, MANAGER CURRENT PLANNING SECTION DATE DONALD W. ARNOLD. AICP, DIRECTOR P~//~ING SERVICES/ * ~TRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GAIL & LINDA HAFNEK I 181 25TH ST SW NAPLES, FL 34117 941-455-4233 IN DECEMBEK 1992, DICK CLARK, BILL SMITH AND BOB MONACHEK CALLED ME INTO COMMUNITY SERVICES IN REGARD TO AN ONGOING INVESTIGATION AT THE ENCLAVE ON GULFSHOKE BLVD. I WAS ~ SUPERINTENDENT ON ONE OF THE JOBS THERE. I WAS TOLD THAT THE CONTRACTOE~ HAD PULLED A SINGLE PEP, MIT AND WERE DOING WORK ON SEVERAL FLOORS. I WAS TOLD THAT THEY KNEW ABOUT THE BUILDING I WAS CONVERTING INTO A GUEST HOUSE. DICK CLARK TOLD ME THAT THEY WEREN'T AFTER THE LITTLE GUYS LIKE ME, THEY WERE · ,I~I'ER THE BIG DEVELOPERS. HE SAID THAT Il: I WOULD GIVE THEM THE BLUEPRINTS OF SOME OF THE CONTRACTORS THEY WOULD "GRANDFATHEK" MY GUEST HOUSE. A FEW WEEKS LATER I WAS NOTIFIED THAT EVEKYTI-IING WAS TAKEN CAKE OF, AND AS YOU CAN SEE THEY VERIFIED THIS BY REFLECTING IT ON MY TAX BILL DATED 1-3-93. IN OCTOBER 1996, I WAS IN PROCESS OF SELLING MY HOME AND DURING THIS PROCESS DISCOVERED EVERYTHINO WAS NOT "TAKEN CARE OF." WE HAVE BEEN ATTE2VIFriNG TO RECTIFY THIS SITUATION SINCE OCTOBER LAST YEAR. FIRST I WAS TOLD THE COUNTY WOULD WORK WITH ME AND THIS SHOULD TAKE LrFrLE TIME AND APPROXIMATELY $144. NOW FM PAYING $850. PLUS GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT AND ALL OF THIS ORIGINATED WITH A COUNTY ERROR REGARDING SETBACKS AND AN EX- EMPLOYEE OF THE COUNTY HAVING BEEN DISHONEST WITH ME, TI-[E COUNTY AND COLrN'R.ESS OTI/ERS. CAN YOU PLEASE FIND A WAY TO ~ US THROUGH THIS DILEMMA? THANK YOU. 1991 GAIL & LINDA HAFNER 1181 2$TH ST SW NAPLES, FL 341 ! 7 941-455-4233 IN DECEMBER 1992, DICK CLARK, BILL SMITH AND BOB MONACttER CALLED ME INTO COMMUNITY SERVICES IN REGARD TO AN ONGOING INVESTIGATION AT THE ENCLAVE ON GULFSHORE BLVD. I WAS THE SUPERINTENDENT ON ONE OF THE JOBS THERE. I WAS TOLD THAT THE CONTRACTORS HAD PULLED A SINGLE PERMIT AND WERE DOING WORK ON SEVERAL FLOORS. I WAS TOLD THAT THEY KNEW ABOUT THE BUILDING I WAS CONVERTING INTO A GUEST HOUSE. DICK CLARK TOLD ME THAT THEY WEREN~ AFl'ER THE LITTLE GUYS LIKE ME, THEY WERE ~CTER THE BIG DEVELOPERS. HE SAID THAT IF I WOULD GIVE THEM THE BLUEPRINTS OF SOME OF THE CONTRACTORS THEY WOULD 'GRANDFATHER' MY GUEST HOUSE. A FEW WEEKS LATER I WAS NOTIFIED THAT EVERYTHING WAS TAKEN CARE OF, AND AS YOU CAN SEE THEY VERIFIED THIS BY REFLECTING IT ON MY TAX BILL DATED i-3-93. IN OCTOBER 1996, I WAS IN PROCESS OF SELLING MY HOME AND DURING THIS PROCESS DISCOVERED EVERYTHING WAS NOT 'TAKEN CARE OF." WE HAVE BEEN ATI'EMPTING TO RECTIFY THIS SITUATION SINCE OCTOBER LAST YEAR. FIRST I WAS TOLD THE COUNTY WOULD WORK WITH ME AND THIS SHOULD TAKE LITTLE TIME AND APPROXIMATELY $144. NOW I'M PAYING $850. PLUS GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT AND ALL OF THIS ORIGINATED WI'IH A COUNTY ERROR REGARDING SETBACKS AND AN EX- EMPLOYEE OF TI-HE COUNTY HAVING BEEN DISHONEST WITH ME, THE COUNTY AND COUNTLESS OTHERS. CAN YOU PLEASE FIND A WAY TO HELP US THROUGH THIS DILEMMA? THANK YOU. PI. o,~ ~ AGENDA ITEM 7-K MEMORANDUM TO= COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM= COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION DATE= May 2, 1997 PETITION V 97-4 A~ENT/APPLICART= Owner: Gall J. & Linda J. Hafner 1181 25'" Street S.W. Naples, FL. 34117 The petitioner is requesting after-the-fact variances of 29 feet from the required rear setback of 75 feet to 46 feet for a storage shed converted into a guest house without a building permit. The subject property is located a: 1181 25'~ St. S.W. in the Golden Gate Estates and is further described as South 180 feet of Tract 105, Golden Gate Estates Unit 15, Collier County, Florida. In 1992, t2e petitioner requested and obtained a permit to build a shed in the rear portion of their lot. The plans provided by the applicant for the shed showed a 46 foot rear setback (the Collier County LDC requires a 10 foot rear setback for accessory structures such as storage sheds). During the construction the applicant decided to convert the shed into a guest house (the LDC requires a 75 foot rear setback for the main residences and guest houses). The applicant did not amend the building permit to reflect the change of plans and did not obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for the structure. Furthermore, the applicant installed electricity and plumbing and a septic tank with no permits or inspections. The applicant alleges some wrong doing on the part of staff. His letter to this effect, is attached to this staff report and made a part of the same. -1- !JUN 2 ,~ 1997 e,. Existing -Single family residence, zoned Estates Surrounding: North -Vacant, zoned Estates East -Vacant, zoned Estates South -single family residence, zoned Estates West -single family residence, zoned Estates Staff's analysis indicates that the petitione-"s property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. Approval of this variance request will infrastructure, transportation or environment. have no effect on Section 2.7.5 of the Land Development Code grants the authority to the Board of Zoning Appeals to grant variances. The Planning Commission is advisory to the BZA and utilizes the provisions of Subsection 4) (a) through (h) which are general guidelines to be used to assist the Commission ~n making a determination. Responses to items (a) through (h) of Subsection 11.1 4) are as follow: Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved? No, there are no .circumstances or conditions peculiar to this site. The lot is 180 feet wide and 660 feet deep. Surrounding properties are similar or smaller in size that the subject lot. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as prs-existin~ conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request? UUN g 4 1997 -2- No, the applicant obtained a permit to build a storage shed and built a residence. By this action, the applicant also avoided paying the impact fees. c. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this Land Development Code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant? No, the guest house can easily be converted into a storage shed, as was originally permitted. d. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety and welfare? No, there is no need for a variance to make possible the reasonable use of the land. However, this variance, if granted, will be the minimum variance removing the rear setback violation. e. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the sams zoning district? Yes, this variance will allow the petitioner to have a rear setback which is less than the required setbacks for the district. f. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Land Development Code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare? No, granting of this variance will reduce the amount of the required rear yard which will not be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the LDC. However, approval of this request will not be detrimental to the public welfare. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, gol~ courses, etc.? Yes, the area is heavily vegetated, which provides a natural buffer and reduces the visual impact of the guest house. h. Will granting the Variance be consistent with Management Plan. -3- 'JUN 2 Approval of this variance will not affect or change the requirements of the Growth Management Plan. STAFF RECC~NDATION: Staff recommends that the CCPC forward Petition V 97-4 to the BZA with a recommendation for denial. pREpARED BY: CHAJ4RAM BAD;tMTCHI;tN, Ph.D. , AICP SENIOR PLANER DATE REVIEWED BY: R~1BERT J. MULHERE, AICP, MANAGER CURRENT PLANNING SECTION DATE DATE DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP, DIRECTOR P LAN~NG S.ERVICES . N 3" '-,"'~:'- I STRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Petition Number: V-97-4 Staff report for June 5, 1997 CCPC meeting. This Petition has tentatively been scheduled for June 24, BZA Public Hearing. 1997 Collier County Plan}~u~ Commission: -4- rJUN 2 t 1997' RESOI,UTI~I NO. 97-~ RELATING TO PETITION NUHBER v-gT-40 FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINA~rTER DESCRIBED Ill COLLIER COUNT~, FLORIDA. WHERF..JLS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conEerred on ail counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as ate necessary for the protection of t~e public; and WH:R~S, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ogdinance ~o. 91-102) which establishes :e~ula~Lons for ~he toning o~ par~icular ~eo~raphLc dLv~sions o[ ~he ~oun~y, a~ong whLch is :he ~ron~n~ o~ va~ances; KHEREAS, ~he ~oard o~ Zo~n~ Appeals, b~:~ ~he elected co~s~:~u~ed Boa~d o~ ~e ~re~ he~y ~{e:~ed, h~s he~d a p~bl~c hearLn~ after no~ce as ~n s~Ld regulations ~ode and p~ovLded, and has considered ~he a~vLsa~ll~y o~ a 2~-~oo~ variance fr~ the required ~5 foot rear setbac~ to 46 feet as sho~n on the attached plot plan, Exhibit 'A', i~ an zone for the property hereinafter d~scrlbed, ;md has folmd as a mattct of fact that sati~{;~:tory [~r-vl~io. ;...I .~rr..,}..m,.~t been made concerning all applic;~blc, m;~tLc, r:~ rcqulrud reguiations and tn accords.ce ~ith Section 2.'~.5 of Lbo Zoning ReguIat~ons of said Land ~velopment Code {or Lhe unincorporated ares of Collier County; and WHERe, all interested parties have been g-lven opportunity to be hear~ by th~s Board ~n public meeting asse~led, and the Board ha~ng considered all matters presented; N~ THEREFORE BE XT RESOlVeD BY TIlE DOARD OF ZONING APP~ of Collier County. florida, that: The Petition v-gT-4 {Jlcd by Gall d. ami I.i~tl?~ T. ~th respect to the pro~rty hereinafter described -1- rJUN 2 4 1997 t ,,1 3 s & ? ti ~3 14 Is 1'I 1! 2o 23 24 2s 3~ The South 180 feet of Tract ~05, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 15, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 75 & 15, of the Public Records of col,;er County florida. be and the same hereby is approved for a 29-foot variance from the required 15 foo =ear setback to 46 feet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the "E' Estates zoning district wherein said property is located. BE IT ]~SOLV~D that this Reso~ution relating to Petition Number V-91-4 be recorded in the ~inutea of this Board. This Resolution adopted after ~otion, second and majority vote. ~ne this day o~ , 1997. ATTEST: D~IGHT E. BROCk, CLER~ 9OARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUt~TY, F~ORIDA T!.~.OTHY L. H;~NCOCKo APPROVED F~S TO FO~L¼ At;3 LEGAL SUFFICIEI:CY: HJ~JORIE H. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY -2- ;JUN 2 ~[. 1997 JUN 2, 4~ 1997 · P~. /'/ VARIANCE PETITION (VARIANCE FROM SETBACK(S) REQUIRED FOR A PARTICULAR ZONING DISTRI~T~),.~ ,.-..~.~.. -_ PETITION NO ~ · DATE PETITION RECEIVED PROJECT PLANNER (ABOV~E TO BE FILLED IN BY ST~FF) PETITIONER'S ADD.SS //// ~5--~ Jr /'~',4-~ ~ ~ ~ ~'k ' . _~ 9'II? AGENT'S ADD.SS ~,~ / TELEPHONE TELEPHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: LOT(S) BLOCK(S) SUBDIVISION~)~'~'~ECTION ~/)- ~WP.p~2~O RANGS (If legal description is lengthy, i.e. metes & bounds description, attach additional page)~373 CUR~NT ZONING OF S~JECT PROPERTY EXISTING ~ USE ON S~CT PROPERTY " ADJACENT ZONING & LAND USE ZONING N ...~,-_-¢~'~,, ,~,~ -~ S E LAND USE MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBJECT PROPERTY FRONT: CORNER LOT:~YES (CIRCLE ONE) SIDE: WATERFRON LOT:.N~?YES (CIRCLE ONE) NATURE OF PETITION Provide a detailed explanation of the request including what structures are existing and what is proposed; the amount of encroachment proposed using numbers, i.e. reduce front setback from 25' to 18'; when property owner purchased property; when existing principal structure was built (include building permit number if possible); why encroachment is necessary; how existing encroachment came to be; etc. '-'';('; ' /'~' ~'('/,'~ C' ' ~ -- ; ,; - %,Z:r..~o '; . /&, '~.. .. _ .. .- . .. .. - . / , ~. - Please note that staff and the Collier County Planning Commission shall be guided in their r'~commendation to the Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be guided in its determination to approve or deny a variance petition by the below listed criteria (1-6). (Please address this criteria using additional pages if necessary.) 1. Are there special conditions and circu~stances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved. · : ..... ...i .':'- .,.,-"? .',".'-.:,':...'..-..'.. ,. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this zoning code work unnecessary and undue hardship or create practical difficulties on the applicant. e Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety or welfare. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. =" 'JUN . ..- .~ .3 2 ~ 1997 ......~,._.:**.~;.~..,;,;~-:,.,,....*..,...,-**,,.....';,.,.*. .... ~ ..... p, /~ · :.;f~.,2~.~&?'.~:,:?-:.,~:~:-:.~.'.=::,,~.;:..-"~.=-~.'~ .... :.. -. . ... ~ --'-7:---' -- w Will granting the variance be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this zoning code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. ' Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. Will granting the variance be consistent with the growth management plan· . .0. ~ 'JUN 2 ~ 1997 AFFIDAVIT I, ~ being first duly ~worn, depose and say that I am the owner of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, and all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand this application must be completed and accurate before a.hearing can be advertised I further permit /~ .~ .... '~ .... / ........ to act a~ my representative in any matters regarding this Petition. State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing AgFeem~nt Sheet was acknowle_dge.d b~for~ ~e th. is , who is pe~so~ to m~ or ~ -- a~did not} take an oath.-~------ NOTARY PUm.'C - STATE OF DU~NA J. CHILDS COMMISSION # CC,601842 EXPIRF..8 12.10-2f,00 BONDED ~ A~ ~44&.NOTARYI State of Florida County of Collier NOTARY PUBLIC Commission #-~~c:~ My Commission E~pires: ~L-10-2~'~O SIGNATURE OF AGENT The foregoing Agreement Sheet was acknowledged before me this day of , 1996 by · who is personally known to me or who has produced -- as identification and who did (did not) take an oath.~ (Signature of Notary Public) VAR/ANCE APPLICATION/m~ NOTARY PUBLIC Commission ~ My Commission Ex~ 5 'JUN 2 ~. 1997 GAR. & LINDA HAFNER 1181 2$TH ST SW NAPLES, FL 24117 941-455-4233 IN DECEMBER 1992, DICK CLARK, Brt.l. SMHTI AND BOB MONACHER CALI.~'T~ ME INTO COMMUNITY SERVICES IN REGARD TO AN ONGOING 12qVESTIGATION AT T/~ ENCLAVE ON GULFSHORE BLVD. I WAS THE SUPERINTENDENT ON ONE OF THE JOBS THERE. I WAS TOLD THAT THE CONTRACTORS HAD PULLED A SINGLE PERMIT AND WERE DOING WORK ON SEVERAL FLOORS. I WAS TOLD THAT THEY KNEW ABOUT THE BUILDING I WAS CONVERTING ]~vro A GUEST HOUSE. DICK CLARK TOLD ME THAT THEY WERE2q'r AFTER THE LITTLE GUYS LIKE ME, TI-IEY WERE AF'rER THE BIG DEVELOPERS. HE SAID THAT IF I WOULD GIVE THEM THE BLUEPRINTS OF SOME OF THE CONTRACTORS THEY WOULD "GRANDFATHER" MY GUEST HOUSE. A FEW WI='FX.S LATER I WAS NO~ THAT EVERYT/-I]~G WAS TAKEN CARE OF, AND AS YOU CAN SEE THEY VERIFIED THIS BY REFLECTING IT ON MY TAX BILL DATED I-3-93. IN OCTOBER 199~, I WAS IN PROCESS OF SI~I_!_IN(] MY HOME AND DURING THIS PROCESS DISCOVERED EVERYTHING WAS NOT "TAKEN CARE OF." WE HAVE BEEN A'ITEMPTING TO RECTIFY THIS SITUATION SINCE OCTOBER LAST YEAR. FIRST I WAS TOLD THE COUNTY WOULD WORK WITH ME AND THIS SHOULD TAKE LITTLE TIME AND APPROXIMATELY $144. NOW I'M PAYING $850. PLUS GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT AND ALL OF THIS ORIGINATED WITH A COUNTY ERROR REGARDING SETBA~ AND AN EX- EMPLOYEE OF THE COUNTY HAVING BEEN DISHONEST WITH ME, THE COUNTY AND COUNTLESS OTHERS. CAN YOU PLEASE FIND A WAY TO ~-P US THR. OUGH THIS DILEMMA? THANK YOU. 373&7200002 le ~JUN 2 4 lC~7 REC0~MENDATION TO APPROV~ FOR P, ECORDIN~ THE FINAL PLAT OF 'PELICAN LAK~ R.V. RESORT, UNIT TWO' TO approve for recording the final plat of ,Pelican Lake R.V. Resort, Unit Two', a subdivision of lands located in Section 15, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Flcrida. ~S Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of .Pelican Lake R.V. Resort, Unit Two'. These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The security in the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required improvements is being covered by construction, maintenance and escrow agreement. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Pelican Lake R.V. resort, Unit Two" be approved for recording. The fiscal impact to the County is none. The project cost is $468,290.50 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer b) Drainage, Paving, Grading - $246,309.00 - $221,981.50 The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $515,119.55 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $9,238.05 Fees are based on a construction esti~ $468,290.50 and were paid in March, 1997. 'JUN 3 & 1997 Executive Summary Pelican Lake R.V. Resort, Unit Two Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $4./ac)- $ 538.60 b) c) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) - $1,231.55 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const, est.)- $ 943.00 Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $3,694.64 Drainage, Paving, Grading (1.275% const, est.)- $2,830.26 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "Pelican Lake R.V. Resort, Unit Two" with the following stipulations: 1. Accept the construction, maintenance and escrow agreement as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. 2. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "Pelican Lake R.V. resort, Unit Two." Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction, maintenance and escrow agreement. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. Executive Summary Pelican Lake R.V. Resort, Unit Two Page 3 PREPARED BY: ~Senior Engineer Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: Engineering Review Manager Community Development & Environmental Services Co~m~nity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JRH/ew 'q-q 7 Date Date Date Date 1997' ~UTH 'APLES RO 1 NO. !JUN 2 1997 CONSTRUCTION, ~AINTENANCE A~.ND ESCROW AGP..F. EMIENT FOR. SUBDIVISION IM~PROYEME~ THIS AUI~ht~LENT mr.~ed/nto Mis ~ ~y of ~, 1~, by P~ICAN ~or~Oon ~o~ m do ~ ~ ~ Su~ of ~ofi~, who~e ~ ~ do D~vid N. to as '~v=lu~r'), ~ ~E ~0~ OF COU~ C051~IONE~ OF CO~ER (herei~ rd~ ~ a '~e Bo~d') ~ ~T NA~ON~ ~ OF MAR~ND. approv~ by ae Bo~ of a cer~ plat of a ~divsion w ~ ~o~ a P~N LM~ R.V. ~ORT UN~ ~0. B. ~e ~i~slnn ~11 ~lude ce~ ~mv~ea~ which ~ te~ by Co~ie: JUN 2 4 1997 ,,,. November 2~, I.e~ler h~s entered ~to ~ c~mt~ctio~, lo~= 3~eemcn~ 1996 (t. ha 'Com~-~ion Lo~.n") to ~md thc co~t of ~. I~cquir~d lr-.prove~rlen~. Developer ~ ~ Board have ~ck~owledge~ that ~e to g~t~an~ee I~tsuanl to ~ Ag~eem~t ~ $51~, 119. ~ ~ ~ Derelict's en~'s est~ of ~e co~U ~s~ f~ ~e R~ ~:ov~cn~. fo~ows: 1. ~vclop~ ~l c~e uh= wa~r, se,v~, roads, drawee ~d l~e facgit[es, iu~ivision plat. 2. Develo~r he:thy au~or~es Le2der to hold S5 ~ 5, ~ 19.5 5 ~om ae Come.ion ~n, ~ escrow, p~mt to ae te~ cf ~ A~eeme~t. ~mtimte a ~w ag~t ~e Co~s~ion ~m ~d, but ~at d~bws~, whe~er ~rsu~t ~ ~s A~ee~:t or a pro. sion of ~c Co~on Lo~. ~1 of ~c D~ve~op~ Se~s D~o~ who sb~l ~ove ~e relic of ~e ~ds on depsit not more ~ once a m~ ~o ~e Devel~, ~ ~n~ due for work. -2- percen~ge c, cr~le~ of the work rau!Oplied by ~e ~~ ~k~ ~ ~ ~ (I0~ me xeleme orany r~ of ~cw~ ~uds e~ ~ ~'er~ ~ S~a,s29-°5~ . ~m ~fiod of one (1) yc~ p~t m Pmgaph' 1~ of ~ ~ H~. event ~at ~el~ s~ ~ ~ co~ wi~ ~e r~~ ~ A~ ~ ~e ~nder, ~ of ~e ~ of ~= d~d, pro~d~ ~ u~a ~ of m~ b~ to ~e C~=~, ~ C~ w~ ~ve ex~ ~d ~1~'~ w ~ ~ ~ ~e f~ m~ ~ a s~ent to ~ si~ by ~ ~vel~ S~i~ Dk~or m ~e eW~ ~v=l~r for m~c ~ aix7 (~) ~Is ~er writt~ wOrld,Ion of~h faHcre ~e ~/. or i~s ~thod~ed ,ten~, ~1 ~lete ~e work c~ for m~ of ~e a~ve-m~fion~ co~a~ ~ ~ compl=te such ~on of s=b work :s ~e ~ iu sclc ~aon a~ ~=m ~ ~ ~= public ~=z w ~e e=e= of ~e ~ ~ held ~ es~ow; (c) ~e ~.~row ~s ~l~ do~ by ~e ~] ~ ~ ~ed for ~m~ction of ~e Developer ~o ~ o~ ~d ex~e ~e a~ve-~iio~ d~el~t work: (d) ~ Co~ ~ prom~y r~ ~o ~e ~= m)' po~on of ~e ~ dra~ down ~ not e~d~ ~ ~l~iou of ~e s~d d=/elop~nt work. · 5. W~ ~c: ~ ~e ~ ~ ~e C~' ~~ w~ ~o~ a~ in ~ paid -3- Cou=ty =~ Dcvclope~: of thc Lcc_.ger fo= ri~ ftmds disb=r~xi in scc~rd.~nc~, wi',h th~ lea:er of ~tnhori.zazion from the Cotmry. 6. . Tile R:quir~ Improvcmen~ ~tl not be considered complete u~il a satemcnt of substantial completion by Developer's. en~k~eer along wi~ t. he_fma,l project records have be:a · the Collier Ccu~' Sutxiiv;.sion 7. T~ De'vclupu~-m .gcrvic~ Dlre'~or shall, wit/ga sixty (60) days of receipt of the staement of substamial completion, either: ~) ~otif'y the Developer ia wridag et' hi~ pre 'lim~an/ itp. royal of the improve; o~ b) ~odf'y the Developer ia 'wring of his re~'.sal to approve the kq:~provemen~, therewir, h specif~ those -caglkicas which the Developer mull ,'klfil[ ia order obu~ia the Diret'~r of:he Req~red Impr~'~zc::is. How~'cr, in ~ .,:rcm ~ ',he ,Se.wic:s Direc~r ~ ~imi~-! ~:~-o;'al oi~ in~proveme:t! if the)' are ia fact 8. Slr. mflxl tlg fur. ds held in es,.,"-ow be ia.ml~.cie,,_t to' complete '.be kl~rovezne:~s, I:he Boa."d. IRer dilly cr~t,~'klering the publk: imer~t, may l~ ks option thc Required lmpro, cmcn~ ami rg~-n mm.,, ired all legal remedl~*s against Lhe Developer. 9. Nothing in this Agr:emeat $ ~hal! make the Le~der liable for a.~' .~mds o~.-r th~n ihose placed in deposit by t-he IX'v~l~ ia a¢~rdance ~ the foregoing provision; imt the Lemler does not rclea.~ any monies ~o rig Devel(mer or to :my othc person exert smed ia thi~ Escrow Agrt. m:e~. 10. Tlg Dev~ioper shsll ~ all Requi.r~ Impzovemeats for one year preli~ approval by thc Development Servic. e~ ~or. After lhe one }.ear maiatenance -4- period by 0:¢ Dcvclol~ and upon submission of a upon thc respective successors ~ a~sil;m0f ~he Dev~.!0pu. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~c Boarl znd thc D:vclopcr havc.cau!ed ru'rJs Agreement .~. execut~ by their duly amhori=ed represen.~d':e$ ~ __ day of ,199",. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELI%rERED IN TEE pRESENCE OF: Prirrt~l N~me. PELIC.-MN ~ LIlv~ PARTN ~'ER.qHIP. by ha C,,:n~al Partu~, PELICA. M La, KE. INC., ~ M~-ytand Coq~ora~n a,.t~ofiz~ to NORMAN W. WILDER. Pr, esiden~. ~JUN 2 4, 1997 DWIGHT E. BROCI~ CLERK Deputy Cl,nk NATIONAL BANK OF MAR'{I_~ND ~ l'¢m~.-..~~'~,' .. BOARD OF COUNTY COM~IlSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNT~, I LORIDA, By: A~2roved ~ Co form ~ lcgal suffic~.ency: -6- · l~.s)'01, 1997 11:40 Summ~r~ 0~7~)~$-~-£~ Wilson, Miller, Barton & peek Opinion of Probable · PELICAN LAKE R.V. RESORT · UNIT TWO page: I sang.fy Collection System Po~abl¢ Water Drainage Paving Lighting Total Contract Contingencies' 10% Total Construction S162~89.00 :$$4,~20.00 $55,436.00 S15,000.00 $468,290.50 S46,829.05 q Mayol, 1997 11:40 Sanitary Collection System 0237-005-00-E2 cch t' ' 419 420 421 422 423 424 442 443 444 445 447 2091 984 417 411 . 946 435 453 8" PVC gravity mare (0'-6' cut) 8" PVC gravity mare (6'-S'cut). · · 8' PVC'gravity mare (8'-10' cut) 8" IrVC gravity mare (1o'-12' cut) 8' PVC gravity mare 02'-!4' cut) 8" PVC gravity mare (14'-16' cut) Manhole 4' diameter (0'-~' cut) Manhole 4' diameter (6'-S' cut) Manhole 4' diameter (8'-10' cut) Manhole 4' diameter (10'-12' cut) Manhole 4' diameter 04'-16 cut) Drop manhole outside connection Cormect to existing msahole & modify as necessary 6" Sanitary sewer cleanout Doul~le sanitary sewer service Television inspection 4" P~C for~emain (C-9CO, GL- I CO) Pump station (complete) 6' diameter Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek Opinion of Probable Cost PELICAN LAKE R.V. RESORT UNIT TWO Page: Estimated · a i 't ~ nit-P'ce A unt 1,007.00 988.00 LF · 714.00 LF ~ "'."-~i4'.00 $14,098.00 .SI8.00 $'21.00 $17,784.00 $14,994.00 117.00 ' $27.00' $3,159.00 48.00 LF S31.00 S !,488.00 175.00 LF S36.00 . S6,300.00 4.00 EA S !,200.00 S4,S00.00 4.00 EA S 1,400.00 $5,600.00 3.00 EA S 1,700.00 EA S2,100.00 S5,100.00 S2,100.00 !.00 EA S2,500.00 S2,500.00 S500.00 SI,100.00 · S125.00 - ~.oo .. Ls'"=.': "~',sOo.oo ''!,463.00.:..' LF :'_;.2~... ' $7.b0 SI,000.00 Sl,100.00 $5,625.00 $18,900.00 S2,500.00 $10,241.00 2 .MayO1, 1997 !1:40 Sanitary Collection System 023 7-00 ~-00-E2 ~ .~::- - ... Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek Opinion of Probable Cost... PELICAN LAKE ILV. RESORT UNIT 'Iq,VO Estimated ~' ~ it- 'c Total Sanitary Collection System: Page: 3 Amour S162,289.00 AC-r* 'JU May 01,.1997 11:40 Potable Water 0237-005-00-E2 Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek Opinion of Protrable Cost ,'. ' PELICAN I, AICE ILV. RF. SORT . b~lT TWO $35 . rPVCwaterm~in (C-900, Class 150) o 344 $" P~/C water main (C-900, Cla~s 200) 469 Fire hydrant 470 Dead end fire hydrant & bacterial sample point 477 8' Gate valve with box 2095' S' Temporary blow off 1035 Water service-double 2072 3" PVC blank utility casing Estimated ..... t t '- 'c ~ 2,$94..O0 LF: S12.00 .1~.o0..'. LF Si4.50 6.O0. EA SLgoo.oo 2.00 EA S2,0O0.00 6.oo £^ ... seo0.o0 't.oo ~ . S l,OOO.OO 44.O0 EA S570.00 737.O0 LF S3.00 Total Potable Water: Page: S34,728.00 S2,001.00 1,400.00 S4,000.00 s~.6oo.oo' S 1,000.00 S25,080.O0 S2~ 11.O0 S84,020.00 o o ~JUN 2 4 1997 /4-- .' 'Ma'yOLl~9? i~:40 Drainage · 271 15" RCP.. . "' '.~335" i- 15" Concrete head'W~l! Wilson, Miiler, Barton & Peek · ' '" Oplnlo~ of Probable Co~ · .PELICAN LAY~ R.V. RESORT UNIT TWO 1,452.00 LF $18.00 ~2.oo r=A sLsoo.o0 $.00 EA ' SI,000.00. Total Drainage: Page: $26,136.00 $6,300.00 $18,000.00 $$,000.00 SS5,436.00 ~JUN ~, 4 1997 May'Of, 1997 11:40 paving 0237-00S-00-E2 $89 594 :2316 632 649 676 691 697 698 Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek Opinion of Probable Cost pELICAN LAICE ILV. KESORT .... UNIT TWO :.. Estimated .. .. ..... ' t' it nit- ' e Road end barricade 12" Stabilized subgrade. 6" Ltm~';)ck base (compacted &: primed) I 1/'2" Asphaltic concrete (TYPe S-m) Valley gutter inlet (top only) 24" Valley gu~ter. 4" Concrete sidewalk 24" Solid stripe Reflective pavement marker Stop sign Speed limit sign .... 3.00. EA -. '--' 8~847.00 . SY' : .'8:847.00 S'~ . .12.00. -EA ~s61oo' '"~F. · 901.00 SY 24.00 LF 8.00 EA 2.00 EA .00 EA 'SSO0.00 · ' S2.10 . ". $4.20 $3.40 S800.00 -. $4.50' s16.oo S3.00 SS.00 S120.00 $120.00 Total Paving: Page: 6 S1,$00.00 S26,?18.30 : S37,157.40 S30,07.9.80 S9,600.00 S28,602.00 . ~ S14,416.00 $72.00 $40.00 S240.00 SI20.00 S148,54S. S0. ','. IV[ay01, 1997 11:40 Lighting 0237-005-00-E2 Wlhon, Miller, Barton & Peek Opinion of Probable Cost PELICAN LAKE R.V. RESORT UNIT TWO 6' Lamp stand~rO with globe Page: 7 E~tlmated t' ' '- ' e rn unt 90.00 EA $200.00 $18,000.00 Total Lighting: SIS,000.00 JUN ~ 4 1997 RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE FOR RECORDIN(] THE FINAL PLAT OF "CRYSTAL LAK~ TERRACES AT EAGLE CREEK REPLAT" To approve for recording the final plat of "Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek Replat", a subdivision of lands located in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the final plat of "Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek". This document is in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. There are no subdivision related improvements associated with this plat. This replat is in conformance with Florida State Statute No. 177.101(2) Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek be approved for recording. FISCAL The fiscal impact to the County is none. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $450.00 Plat Review Fees The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. That the Board of County Co~nissioners approve the Final Plat of "Crystal Lake Turraces at Eagle Creek Replat" with the following stipulations: 1. Authorize the recording of the Final Terraces at eagle Creek Replat." Plat of "Crys EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Crystal Lake Terraces at Eagle Creek Replat Page Two 2. Authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court to make proper notation of this action upon the previous plat. PP.E~ARED BY John R. Houldsworth, Sehior Engineer Engineering Review Date ~IEWED BY: ~omas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Ma~er ~ld W. ~oI~ -- Pla~ing Se~ices Director Vincenff ~ ~a ~ro, ~lmt. nistrator Cou,aunity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. Co,,.,unity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JR}{: ew Date Date Date gO 'AB FAI~ RCO SOUTH PLES ~ 2 JUN RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE FOR RECORDINg THE FINAL PLAT OF ~~ST PROFESSION]kL HEALTH PARK To ex, prove for recording the final plat of Southwest Professional Health Park. The Board of County Con~nissioners on February 25, 1997 approved the final plat of Southwest Professional Health Park with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provided to ensure completion of the required subdivision improvements. The fiscal impact to the County is none. project cost is $278,087.00, to be borne by the developer. The The security amount, equal to 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total cost of the project, is $136,851.60. The developer has provided a Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $5,560.81 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $278,087.00 and were paid in December, 1996 and are reflected in the Executive Summary of February 25, 1997. UUN g ~ 1997 Executive Summary Southwest Professional Health Park Page 2 None That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Southwest Professional Health Park", with the following stipulations: 1) Accept the Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision improvements. 2) Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Southwest Professional Health Park". 3) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement. 4) That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. PREPARED BY: ~neer Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: Engineering Review Manager Di~/- Planning Services ~ ltrator Community Development & Environmental Services Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION J]~H:ew ¢-//-?7 Date Date 1997' ITE ".:' ' :,: -': 'L';. o CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND F~CROW AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IbtPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT ~ter~d into this ~ day of -, 1997, by Southwest Professiooal Health Park Land Trust (hereinat~r "Developer'), THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (hereinafter 'The Board"), and Fifth Third Bank (hereinafter "Escrow Agent'). A. D~loper has, simultaneously wifl~ tl~ delivery of this Al~reemcnt, applied for the approval by thc Board ora certain plat ora subdivision to be known ss: SOUTHWEST PROFESSIONAL HEALTH PARK B. The subdivision ~11 include certain improw'n~nts ~t~ich ar~ required by Collier County ordinances, ss s~ forth in a site construction cost estimate (~Estimate') prepared by l~lcAnly Enl~ineering and Design, Inc., a copy of xxtich is attached hcr~o and incorporated herein ss Exhibit !. For purpov~ of lkis Agreement, the "Required Improvements" am limited to those described in the Estimate. C. Seciions ~sd of the Collier County Subdivision Code Division of the Land D~'~lopment Code requires the Dev~loper to provid~ appropriat~ guarantees for the constmciion and maintenance oftl~ Required Improvements. D. D~t~loper has deposited $136,$21.60 ~vith ~ Escrow Agent to fund the cost of completion of th~ Required lmprov~nents. E. Developer and the Board hav~ aclo~owledged that thc amount D~,~loper is required lo guarantee pursuant to this Agreement is S136,851.60 s~! this ~.mount represents 10% of thc Dcv~loper's engineer's estimate oftl~ construction costs for tl~ R~luired lmprov~nents, plus 100% of the Developer's engineer's estimate of the construction costs for th~ incomplete R~luired Improvements. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of th~ foregoin~ pr~mises ~xl mulual covenants ber~inafier s~ forth, lk-v~l~, lh~ Board and Escrow A~'nt do ben:by cos~rant and agree as follows: ~sill c~usc ~ s~ter, s~'~r, roads, dmina~ and the linc facilities, thc 1. Dcvclol~' l~quircd lmp~ to be cos~stmcted pursuant to specifications the: hevc becn approved I~ thc Ik-v~lopment Services Disvcmr within 36 months from the date of approval of said subdivision plat. Page 1 of 4 JUN 2, 4. 1997 2. The escrowed funds shall bc released to the Developer only upon ~virten approval o£thc Development Services Dircctor who shall approve the release of thc funds on deposit not more than once a month to thc Developer, in amounts due for work done to date based on the percentage completion ot the work multiplied by the respective work cosCs less ten percent (10%); and further, that upon completion of the ~rk, the Development Services Director shall approve the release of any remainder or' escrms~d funds ~xccpt to the ex'tent of $27,808.'/0 which shall remain in escrow as a Dcvtlopcr guarant), of maintenance of the Required Improvements for a minimum period of one (I))v. ar pursuant to Paragraph I0 of the Agreement. Hm~'vcr, in the event that Developer shall fail to comply with thc requirements of this Agreement, then thc Escrow Agent agrees to pay to the County immediately upon demand the balance of the funds held in escrow by the Escrow Agent, as of' the date of the demand, provided that upon pa)?nent of such balance to the County, the county will have executed and delivered to thc Escrmv Agent in exchange for such funds a statement to bc signed by the Development Services Director to thc effect that: (a) Developer for more than sLxty (60) days after ~vitten notification or' such failure has failed to comply ~th thc requirements of this agreement; Co) the County, or its authorized agent, will complete the work called for under the terms of the ~bove-mentioned contract or will complete such portion of ~rk as the Count)., in its sole discretion shall deem necessary in the public interest to the exxent otthe funds then held in escrow; ~2 (c) the cscrow funds dra~a down by the County shall be used for construction or the Required Improvements, enginecring, legal and contingent costs and expenses, and to offset an)' ,damage, cithcr direct or consequential, which the County may sustain on acco~znt of the failure of the Dcx~lopcr to can3, out :nd cxecutc the abo~g-mentioned dcvclopme,it s~rk; and, (d) thc Count5, ~:~11 promptly ru-pay to thc Escrow Agent ,'my portion of thc funds dragon a~d not expended in completion of'thc said development work. 3. Written notice to thc Escrow Agent l'.y thc County spcci .~ng what amounts arc to bc paid to thc Developer shall constitute authorization by thc County to thc Escrow Agent for release of thc specified funds to thc Dcvclopcr. Payment by thc Escrow Agent to thc Developer of thc amounts specified in the letter of' authorization by thc County to thc Escrow Agent shall constitute a release by thc Count3. and Developer of thc Escrmv Agent for thc funds disbursed in accordance with thc letter of authorization from thc County. 4. Thc Required Improvements shall not bc considered complete until a statement ot substantial completion by D~vclopcr's engineer along ~th the final project records have been furnished to bc reviewed m~d approved by thc D~'~Iopment Services Dircctor ."or compliance x~ith th: Collier Court .ty Subdivision Regulations. 5. Thc Development Scrviccs Director shall, within sLxty (60) days of receipt of thc statement of substantial completion, either:, a)notify thc Developer in writing of his preliminary appro.val of thc improvements; orb)notifytlg Developer in writing of his refusal to approve the Page 2 of 4 'dUN g 4 1997 P~. ~ improvements, ther~.ith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of tl~ Required Improvements. Ho~-ver, in no event shall the Development Services Director r~fuse preliminary approval of the improvements it' they are in fact constructed and submitted t'or approval in accordance with the requirements ot. this Agr~ment. 6. Should the funds held in escrcnv be insuf~cient to complete the Required Impro' em~nts, thc Board, after duly considering the public interest, may at its option complete the Required Improvements and resort to any and all legal r~medies against the Developer. ?. Nothing in this Agr~-ment shall make the Escrow Agent liable for any funds other than those placed in deposit by the Developer in accordance ~.ith the t.oregoing provision; provided, Otat the Escrow Agent docs not release any mone~ to the Developer or to any other person ncc'pt as stated in this Escrow Agreement. 8. The Developer shall maintain all Required lmprovo'nents for one )'ear after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one )~ar maintenance period by the Develo~r and upon submission of a ~Titten request for inspection, the Development Sen'ices Director shall inspect thc R~luired Improvements ::nd, it. found to be still in compliance with the Code as reflccted by final approval by the Board, the Escrow Agent's rcsponsibility to the Board under this Agrc¢mcnt is terminated. Thc Developer's responsibility for maintenance of thc Required Improvements shall continue unl~s or until the Board acc~ts maintenance r~..sponsibility for and by the County. 9. Ail ot. the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and Escrow Agent, the respective successors and assigns ot' the Developer and Escrow ^gent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board, t~ Developer, and the Escrow Agent have c=used this Agreement to be executed by their dul)' ~uthorizcd rc~rcsentati~s this day ~ 1997. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: ~ Printed Name Witness DEVELOPER Southwest Professional H~alth Park Land Trust By:. Pag~ 3 of 4 'dUN 1997 Witncss to Edw~r:l Gucst~ ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERI< Dcput)' Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ounty Attorney Fifth Third Bank Escrow Agent By:. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: c~n~ofBce\winw~x~l~hp~'~lx'm~l.do~ Page 4 of 4 .~JI.I!4 2 ~ 1997 EXHIBIT 1 Quantity Estimate Summary Southwest Professional Health Park Summary November 20, 1996 Sewer Collection Water Distribution Drainage Paving Landscaping Clearing. Seed. and Mulch Total S S $ $ S $ $ 80.902.50 31.210.00 25,32g.00 112,803.50 6,110.00 21.732.00 278,087.00 1997 Southwest Professional Health Park Sewer Collection November 20, 1996 Item Quanflt Unit Price Total Manhole (0 - 6) $ Each $ 950.00 $ 2,850.00 Manhole (6 - 8) 1 Each $ 1,150.00 $ 1,150.00 Manhole (8- 10) 1 Each $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 4 Cleanout Assemblywl 3M Marker 6 Each $ 65.00 $ 510.00 5 6' PVC Sewer Lateral 170 L.F. $ 6.50 $ 1,105.00 6 8' PVC Sewer (0- 6) 300 L.F. $ 9.50 $ 2,850.00 7 8' PVC Sewer (6- 8) 517 L.F. $ 12.50 $ 6,462.50 8 8' PVC Sewer (8 - 10) :300 L.F. $ 16.00 $ 4.800.00 g 6' PVC Force Main C1.100 690 L.F. $ 7.50 $ 5,175.00 10 6' Bends 3 Each $ 150.00 $ 450.00 11 Pump Station I Each $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 12 F.M. Hot Tap (24'3<6') 1 Each $ 2,500.00 $ 2.500.00 13 Air Release Valve I Each $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 14 6' Drop Conflict (4-45° MJ Bends) 1 Each $ 550.00 $ 550.00 Total ~ $ 80,902.50 .rJUN 2 4 1 t97 Southwest Professional Health Park Water Distribution November 20, 1996 1 10' PVC Water Main CL150 2 10' PVC Water Main CL200 3 10' Gate Valve 4 10'x10'x10' Tee 5 10' Cross 6 6' PVC Conduits (wi Magnetic Markers) 7 Fire Hydrant (Complele Assembly) 8 Permanent BacteriaISample Point 9 10' BlowoffAssemblyw/G.V. 10 Hot Tap (12"x10') 11 10' Cap 1,300 LF $ 13.50 $ 17,550.00 150 LF $ 15.50 $ 2,325.00 4 Each $ 625.00 $ 2,500.00 1 Each $ 275.00 $ 275.00 1 Each $ 300.00 $ 300.00 50 L.F. $ 4.50 $ 225.00 3 Each $ 1500.00 $ 4,500.00 1 Each $ 635.00 $ 635.00 1 Each $ 1250.00 $ 1,250.00 I Each $ 1500.00 $ 1,500.00 1 Each ' $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Total ~ $ 31,210.00 Southwest Professional Health Park Orainage November 20, 1996 Total Item Quantity Unit Price . ~^ ^n 32 L.F. $ 15.00 $ 4S0.00 '"~'"'~" RCP 40 L.F. $ 18.00 $ 720.00 18' RCP 24' RCP Curb Inlets(Poured in Place Tops) Headwalls 24" Mitered Ends 24' Swale D-D (see detail) Water Control Structure $07 L.F. $ 22.00 $ 6,754.00 4 Each $ 875.00 $ $,500.00 2 Each $ 1,250.00 $ 2,500.00 2 Each $ $75.00 325 L.F. $ 25.00 1 Each $ 2,500.00 Total ~ 750.00 8,125.00 2,500.00 25,329.00 !JUtl 2 ~, 1997 ._ Southwest Professional Health Park Paving November 20, 1996 · Total Quantit Unit Price Item S.Y. $ 2.10 $ 13,020.00 1 12' Stabilized Subgrade LSR40 6,200 2 6' LImerock LBR100 4,200 S.Y. $ 4.00 $ 16,800.00 3 1.75' Asphalt (S - 1) 4 2' Valley Gutter 5 Type 'F' Curbing 6 4' Sidewalk 7 Traffic Signs 8 Street Name Signs 9 Striping 10 Hydrant Markers 11 Construct Berm P-P (see detail} 12 Fill (RJW & U.E.) 13 Street Ughts 4,200 S.Y. S 3.25 2,100 L.F. $ 4.50 425 LF. $ 10.50 1,300 L.F. $ 7.00 2 Each $ 110.00 1 Each $ 85.00 1,200 L.F. $ 0.30 3 Each $ 12.00 3.200 LF. $ 10.00 4200 C.Y. $ 2.10 4 Each $1,200.00 Total 15,650.00 9,450.00 4,462.50 9,100.00 220.00 85.00 360.00 36.00 32,000.00 8.820.00 4.800.00 112,803.S0 'JUN g 4 1997 · P~. ~ Southwest Professional Health Part< Clearing, Seed & Mulch November 20, 1996 Total Item Quantity Unit Price 1 Clearing 6.60 Acres $ 2,150.00 $ 14,190.00 2 Sod Strip (1' Along CuCb/Gutter) 270 S.Y. $ 1.80 $ 486.00 3 Sod (40' Wide Swale) 1,500 S.Y. $ 1.80 $ 2,700.00 4 Seed & Mulch 2.00 Acres $ 2,178.00 $ 4,356.00 Rights-of-Way Total ~ $ 21,732.00 Landscaping November 20, 1996 Quantity Unit Price Tot_a[_ .. Item 22 EA. $ 175.00 $ 3,850.00 1 Mahogany Tree 113 EA. $ 10.00 $ 1,130.00 2 Cocoptum Shrub Z height minimum (3 Gallon) 113 EA. $ 10.00 $ 3 Fakahatchee Grass (3 Gallon) Total ~ $ 1,130.00 6,110.00 .rJUN 2 4. 1997 RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "THE LAD~" To approve for recording the final plat of .The Lady", a subdivision of lands located in Section 12, Township 49 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida. Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the final plat of "The Lady". This document is in compliance with the County Land Develolm~ent Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. There are no subdivision related improvements associated with this plat. Engineering Review Section recon~ends that the final plat of "The Lady" be approved for recording. The fiscal impact to the County is none. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $440.00 Plat Review Fees The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "The Lady" with the following stipulations: i Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "The Lady .-" AG£~ JUN 1997 Zxecutive Su~mar~ Page 2 PREPARED BY: th, Senxor Engineering Review Engineering Review Manager Dona d Planning services Director ConmmLnitY Dev..and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Date Date Date lOTH AVENUE N.E. 8TH AVENUE N.E. ..:6TH. A...VENUE N.E. -' "2ND.:AvENuE S.E. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF TIlE MELI PROPERTY TO RECOMMENDATION TO DISTRICT MITIGATION MEET SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS- OBJEX: Rcco .m~_ .~.d.~i.on..to~_~_P~r_o_v and provide for all previous owned by John Meli and Ecltttl Me~i, xor m~ gu.,. r authorities given to staff in the Executive Summary dated and approved April 1, 1997. Agenda Item 16 0~) (2). CONSrDERATION: On April 1, 1997, the Board of County Cornmissioner~ approved a Real Estate Purchase Option Agreement ("Option Agreement") to purchase the Meli Property in order to satisfy a permit requirement for the Naple~ Landfill from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The Option Agreement indicated a purcha~ price of $200,000. The 90-day Option Agreement expires June 29, 1997. Since the time the Option Agreement w~ pre-~,*nted to the Board of County Commissioners, sta.ff has received an appcalsal report as prepared by Stewart, Stephan and Bowen, Inc. indicating an opinion of value in the amount of $165,000. John Meli and Edith Meli, owner~ of the subject property are only willing to sell the 66.3 acre property to Collier County for $200,000. They have owned the property for a period of thirty-two (32) year~ and have paid property taxe~ in exce~ of $70,000. For the past fou~een (14) years, the subject property has had an average as,~.~sed value of $307,000 according to Property Appraiser records. If the County elects not to exercise the Option and ~xtuire the property through eminent domain, the County may incur additional expenses up to $32,630 as estimated by the County Attorney's Office. This amount reflects cost~ if the matter is settled prior to trial. If this matter ~hould not settle and is set for jury trial, then, at a minimum, costs for the trial alone would be an additional $40,000 to $80,000, depending on the length of the trial. The selling price of $200,000.00 is reason~le given the legal expenses associated with eminent domain proceedings. An environmental assessment ha~ been performed on the subject property with no fuglings of any environmental concerns. The ~t has been reviewed and the Florida Dep~tment of Environmental Protection has determined that the Mell property is accept~le to the State. This purchase compares favorably with the 83 acre parcel previously approved by the SFWIvfD as · mitil~tion candidate with · budget of $360,000.00. Negotiations for that parcel were not succes____fful. Due to the fact that the Ivieli property is 16.7 acres less than the original parcel, the SFWMD requLred exotic plant removal in the amount of $22,372.00. With this additional cost added to the purchase price of $200,000.00, the Mc, Ii property purchase would be $137,628.00 less than the previous parcel. 1997 FISCAL IMPACT: Total land cost for the Meli site is $200,000.00 Other costs include: Title policy $ 1,075.00 ~ Environmental site assessment and review $ 5,271.00 Appraisal $ 1,600.00 Enhancement/restoration $ 22,372.00 Recording fees $ 11.00 Approximate Total Cost $230,329.00 Funds are currently available in Solid Waste Fund 470-173414-649110-59508. ~ G~WTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1) approve the purchase of the Meli Property for $200,000; 2) approve the above expenditures; 3) authorize staff'to obtain the Chairman's execution of the written notice as provided for in the Option Agreement; 4) authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement for Sale and Purchase; ~horize the Chairman to execute any document necessary to clear title; 6) accept the Warranty Deed granted by John and Edith Meli; and 7) authorize staffto proceed with proper closing and recording procedures for the Meli Property. D~id~/~ Russell, Direct Solid Waste Management Department REVIEWED Ed Ilschner, lSublic Works Administmto JUN 2 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE MID-YEAR ADJUSTMENTS TO WATER MANAGEMENT CIP BUDGET (FUND 325) ~ To obtain approval of proposed mid-year adjustments to Fund 325 to reflect revised estimates of revenues and expenses for current Fiscal Year 96197. CONSIDERATIONS: During the preparation of the FY 97/98 Budget, mid-year forecasts of the current budget were evaluated and adjustments made to recognize recent changes in revenues and forecasted expenses based on the first 5 months experience. The most significant changes involve: 1) Reduce the anticipated revenues for the Gordon River Extension Basin Study from the Big Cypress Basin (- $152,000) and City of Naples (-$76,000) due to a delay in implementing the computer modeling phase of the project. Expenditures in FY 97 will also be reduced for engineering fees and related cost by $456,000 due to shift of this activity from FY 97 to FY 98. 2) Reduce the carry forward from prior year by $47,200 based on end of year audit. 3) Inclusion of $4,000 in new expenses to initiate the construction of the Heritage Green Extension Ditch north from the Islandwalk project located in the Harvey Basin. 4) Reduction in the anticipated expense in implementing the design work for the Lely Area Stormwater Project by $108,100 due to the Board's previous action to only authorize Phase I of the project which includes construction of the spreader waterways on the lower end of the outfalls and the downstream water level control structure on the Lely Main. Also, to simplify the accounting of funds on the overall Lely Area Stormwater Project, funds previously designated for the Lely Branch have been consolidated into the Lely Main budget. 5) Inclusion of $15,000 in new expenses to initiate the planning phase of the Lely/St. Andrews Blvd. Berm/Swale Project. This pwject is proposed for construction during FY 98 to solve a severe flooding situation that occurs during the rainy season around homes whose backyards back up to a large wetland located along the east side of St. Andrews Blvd. JL~t-i 2 zt :2.°.7 6) Executive Summary "Mid-year Fund 325" Page 2 Inclusion of $24,000 in new expenses to initiate the planning phase of the Avalon School Drainage Ditch Project. This project is proposed for construction during FY 98 to solve a long standing flooding problem that occurs annually for the homes in the older subdivisions cast of Bayshore Drive and south of Thomasson Drive. 7) S) 9) lO) ll) Increase of $253,800 in funds available for the consU'uction of the Imperial West/Landmark Est./FPL Ditch Enclosure Project. This project had been delayed for several years because of a land rights problem on the south end of the project that was only recently resolved. $202,800 this expense is the result of consolidating the Landmark portion of the project into the Imperial West project to simplify the contracting phase of the projects. Inclusion of $37,000 in new expenses to initiate the planning phase of the Wiggins Pass Road Flowway Improvement Project. This project is proposed for construction during FY 9g in order to provide an adequate stormwater outlet for several new projects in the Wiggins Bay Basin including the Tarpon Cove Project being constructed by the WCI Corp. Increase in the funds allocated for the construction of the Manatee School Ditch Relocation project in the amount of $13,000 due to the need to include a culvert replacement as part of the project. Increase the funds allocated for the construction phase of the SR-29 Culvert Replacement Project by $21,000 including an increase in OCPM Construction Management Fees and additional easement acquisition expenses. Inclusion of $50,000 in new expenses to initiate a Conceptual Stormwater Master Plan for the East Naples Redevelopment Area bounded on the north by Davis Blvd. on the east by Airport Road and on the southwest by US- 41. Staff proposes to issue a Work Order to Camp, Dresser and McKee under the County's Annual Contract procedures to perform this Master Plan Study. There are significant flooding/drainage issues in this area that must !:~ r~solved before any major redevelopment of this area can be initiated. The Study will propose several alternative solutions to the areas stormwater problems as well as recommendations for various unique and innovative funding scenarios. 12) The net result of deferring portions of several projects to FY 98 while at the same time initiating the planning phase for several new projects decreases the planned capital expenditures in Fund 325 by $104,200. This will increase the fund Reserves For Capital Outlay by that amount for use _ later in the FY or carried forward into FY 98. [ 2 1997 Executive Summary "Mid-Year/Fund 325" Page 3 1~ Total mid-year adjustments in budget result in a increase of expenditures and reserves of $523,700 offset by a reduction in expenditures of $811,900 which results in a net decrease of $ 288,200 to Fund 325. None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the mid-year adjustments to Water Managemeat Capital Improvement F~md 325, and authorize staff to process the appropriate budget amendment to implement the proposed adjustments. PREPARED BY: RENEWED BY: Doc: EX-13 Stormwater Management ~r Ed llschner, Public Works Administrator Dat~ Date JUN 2 41 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOLLOW-UP RESOLUTION TO THE BOARD FOR POSTING OF SIGNS PROHIBITING OPERATION OF TRUCKS AND OTHER COMMERCIAL VEHICLES HAVING A RATED LOAD-CARRYING CAPACITY IN EXCESS OF ONE TON FROM THROUGH MOVEMENTS ON PELICAN RIDGE BOULEVARD, ~.,.C~13~: To obtain Board approval of a follow-up resolution for the posting of signs prohibiting operation of trucks and other commercial vehicles having a rated load-carrying capacity in excess of one (1) ton from through movements on Pelican Ridge Boulevard. CONSIDERATIONS: On May 6, 1997, the Board considered Consent Agenda Item 16(B)(13). The Board approved the Stipulated Final Judgment for Vanderbilt Beach Road Right-of-way Parcel No. 117A, directed staff to deposit $6,666.00 into the Court Registry within 30 days of the date of the Stipulated Final Judgment, and directed staff to submit a follow-up resolution for m~¢k weight limit signs along Pelican Ridge Boulevard. The attached represents the follow-up resolution to meet "Special Condition No. 2", required the posting of"No Trucks Over One Ton" signs on Pelican Ridge Boulevard. Further, upon approval, a copy of the follow-up resolution will be forwarded to the Collier County Sheriff empowering his staffto enforce this prohibition per County Ordinance No. 83-35. FISCAL IMPACT: Two signs will bc required at $60 each for a total of $120.00. Monies arc available in Fund 101-163630-653710. GROWTH MANAGEMENT iMPACT: None BECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the follow-up resolution for the posting of signs prohibiting operation of trucks and other commercial vehicles having a rated load-carrying capacity in excess of one (1) ton from through movements on Pelican Ridge Boulevard. PREPARED BY: Marqufl~ I~ S~nfior Secretary ~fion D~tor ~ Hsc~, ~blic Wo~ A~s~tor miff061097/g:Ag lira P¢I Rdg T~k Trf¢.do~ DATE: PG._ J ! RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 A RESOLUTION PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF TRUCKS 4 AND OTHER COMMERCIAL VEHICLES HAVING A RATED 5 LOAD-CARRYING CAPACITY IN EXCESS OF ONE (1) TON 6 FROM THROUGH MOVEMENTS ON PELICAN RIDGE 7 BOULEVARD. 9 WHEREAS, Chapter 316. Florida Statutes, permits the Board of County Commissioners 10 (BCC) to prohibit or regulate any class or kind of traffic found to be incompatible with the norrnal I I and safe movement oftraffic on roads and streets under its jurisdiction; and 12 WHEREAS, a "Special Condition No. 2" was approved by the BCC on May 6, 1997, Agenda t3 Item 16(B){13), indicating that · "No Trucks Over One Ton" restriclion would be administered 14 through a follow-up resolution to Ihe BCC; and ! $ WHEREAS, this stipulation was agreed upon by Pelican Ridge of Naples Association, Inc., 16 through Court Ordered Stipulated Final Judgment dated April 16, 1997; accordingly, the Collier 17 County Transportation Department recommends that such through truck traffic be prohibited. 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 19 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the BCC does hereby prohibit the 20 operation of trucks and other commen:ial vehicles having a rated Ioad-can3dng capacity in excess of 21 one (1) ton from through movements on Pelican Ridge Boulevard, and does hereby direct the Collier 22 County Transportation Department to et:ct signs giving notice thereof. 23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that · copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Collier 24 County Sheriff for proper enforcement of this prohibition under Collier County Ordinance No. 25 83-35. 26 This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O ,il 42 DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCI~ Clerk Approved as to form and legal msfficlency: bavid C. Welgef" ~ Collier County Attorney Imm Pel R~ T~ Ts~: ,a-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, Chairman E M A APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 (FINAL) TO CONTRACT NO. 97-2628, MARCO ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT. OBJECTIVIi;; To obtain approval of Change Order No. 1 (final) to enable close, out of Contract No. 97-2628. CONSIDERATIONS; On March 1 I, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners awarded Contract No. 97-2628 to Lake Michigan Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $397,000.00 for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project. Due to differing site · conditions encountered during construction, adjustment of quantities and additional work was necessary to satisfactorily complete the project. These additional items of work and associated costs are as follows: ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1. Quantity adjustments to reflect actual volume of material dredged and placed on the beach. 14,365 c. y. ~ $6.00/c.y. $86,190.00 Replacement of broken timber pile found at time of extraction/relocation of existing channel marker. $1000.00 It is therefore requested that the contract amount be adjusted to account for this additional work. Change Order No. 1 (final) has been prepared for this purpose resulting in the following contract figures: Original Contract Amount Sum of Previous Changes This Change Order (Add) New Contract Amount $397,000.00 °0- $ 87,190.00 $484,190.00 FISCAL IMPACT: d: Cost Ce~lter:. Project No. $87,190.00; to be obligated in the budget for FY 96/97. (195) Tourist Development - 60% (110406) Beach Renourishment & Pass Maintenance - Category A (80218) Marco Island Beach Maintenance Approval of a budget amendment is necessary whereby funds in the amount of $ 47,490.00 will be transfen'ed from the reserves of Fund 195 to Account No. 195-110406-763100-80218 to provide sufficient funds for this obligation. J O fl 2 i 1997 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None Executive Summary Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 2. Approve the necessary budget amendment; and 3. Authorize the OCPM Director to execute the change order. Harry E. Huber, Project Manager Iff Office. of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED BY: ~~A~~5 ~ Ad°I fo P. r Office of Capital Projects Management Approve Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 97-2628 in thc amount of $87,190.00 Ed Ilsehner, Administrator Public Works Division Date: o/-/o, c)-~ Date: Date: /~ r Beach RenourishmenlJMaintenance Committee Marco Island Beach Renourishment Advisory Committee Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. Lake Michigan Contractors, Inc. JUN 2 ti 1 97 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT THE RECLAIMED WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN FROM QUAIL CREEK TO THE NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT, PHASE II, BID NO. 9%2674. ~ That the Board of County Commissioners, as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, award a contract to construct the Reclaimed Water Transmission Main from Quail Creek to the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant, Phase II. CONSIDERATION: On June 4, 1997, eleven bids were received as follows: Mitchell & Stark Construction Company, Inc. Stevens and Lay'ton Metro Equipment Service, Inc. Douglas N. Higgin$, Inc. Cross Country Pipe & Rail, Inc. Armadillo Underground Laser Engineering Sovereign Construction Group, Inc. Kamphuis Construction K.immins Contracting Corp. Haskins, Inc. S 1,132,915.51 S 1,164,715.05 $1,182,555.50 S 1,267,426.25 S 1,297,703.20 S 1,298,949.00 S 1,300,000.00 S 1,333,530.00 S !,386,165.00 S 1,451.942.00 S 1,477.956.50 The Engineer's Estimate for the project was S 1.367 million. Mitchell & Stark Construction Company, Inc. was the lowest, responsive bidder. Mitchell & Stark Construction Company, Inc. has a satisfactory performance record on previous projects involving similar ~vork. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for construction of this project in the amount of $1,132,915.51 .... available from Fund 413-263611-74008: Reclaimed Water Main, Quail Creek to NCRWTP '(Sewer Impact Fee Fund). GRQW'I'H MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The project will ~,,o~'ide a means by which reclaimed water generated by the North Count)' Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility can, in an emergency, be pumped into the injection wells at the North County. Regional Water Treatment Plant. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier Count)' Water-Sewer District, award and authorize Executive Summary Award Bid No. 97.2674 Page 2 the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Mitchell & Stark Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $1,132,915.51 for Bid No. 97-2674, Reclaimed Water Transmission Main from Quail Creek to the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant, Phase Il. Ronald F. Dillard, P.E., Project Manager Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED BY: ~ '~J ' Steve Camell, Director Purchasing Departs, ent REVIEWED BY: / .-'9~"-,', 1~ : ,'--- Adolfo A. Gonzalez, p.£.,,Direc~r Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED DATE: _ DATE: Ed Ilsckner. Admimstrato / ' Public Works Division RFD:rfd cc: Tim Clemons, Wa.stewater Director J~Jli 2 ~ 1597 .E EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE A CHANGE ORDER WITH SALTSMAN CONSTRUCTION INC. FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR S.IL 29 CANAL CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS ~ BID NO. 9S-2320. ~ To obtain Board approval of a change order for additional construction services for S.R. 29 Canal Crossing Improvements. ~ On March 11, 1997, the Board awarded a construction contract to Saltsman Construction, Inc. for the construction of canal crossing improvements along S.R. 29 under Fund 11 I-172951-31701. Additional work was required of the Contractor for increased quantifies in sand cement rip-rap, stone material, asphalt, embankment, floating turbidity barriers, class Il concrete and aluminized steel rib pipe. These additional services are normal adjustments encountered in this type of work and are outlined in the attached Change Order No. 2. Change Order No. I for the amount of $9,178.50 was administratively executed by staff. The total change order cost of S25,265.62 includes S5940 for 90' of 72" aluminized pipe that will be installed next dry season. The Contractor purchased the pipe at a much lower unit price than the County would normally pay for a single structure. The property owner on the lower end of the project has committed to pay the $5940 when the County replaces the crossing next dry .season. The attached estimated quantities and costs itemize the work to be performed. Funds in the amount of $ 6,5 12.9 0 are available in Fund 111-172951-31701, d for the SR-29 Culvert Upgrades. The balance of $18,753.oo can be taken fi'om x.~ Fund111, Reserves for Contingencies. None. P~c&~2~II.Q2~ That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approve the attached Change Order No. 2 in the additional amount of $ 25,265.62 and authorize the OCPM Director to execute the Change Order, and 2. Authorize staffto process an appropriate budget amendment to transfer funds from Fund 111 reserves to cov~.~ ~'~°f this Ch~ PREPARED BY: ~'"-' '--/ "~"7 .,'" ;; M~/~.E., PMP, Project Manager Micah K. Office o£ C~al Projects Management REVIEWED BY: (~ ~L~~'- Joh~H. Boldt, P.E., P.S.M., Director Sro ,at e t epartment C lez, .:O ctor Offic.~/f Capit~l~roj~ts Management REVIEWED BY: ~ Ed Ilschner Public Works Administrator Attachment: Change Order No. 2 DATE: DATE: ~'//~/~ 7 DATE: CHANGE ORDER To: S&l~mm Construction Inc. P.O Box 310 Naples, Florida 34106 FROM: Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management 3301 East Tsmiam/Trail Building "D" Naples, Florida 34112 Project name: $.R. 29 Canal Crossing Improvements Construction Agreement date: March 11, 1997 Change order No. 2 Project No: 31 701 Bid No: 95-2320 Date: June 9, 1997 Change order description: Tkis change order is for additional work itert~ requested of the Conlxactor. See aruched estimated quantities for this Change Order No. 2 Original Agreement Amount ............................................................... ' $ 229,067.00 Sum ofprevious Change Orders Amount ........................................ - $ 9,178.50 This Change Order No. 2 Amoun: [ add ] ....................................... ,- $ 25,265.62 Revised Agreement Amount. .................................................. -$ 265,$11.12 Original Contract Time ia calendar days ...................................... ' 90 Adjusted number of calendar days due to previous change orders .......... " 0 This Change Order adjusted time is ................................................ " 0 days Revised Contract Time ht calendar days. .............................. ' 90 Original Notice to Proceed date: ...................................... March 31, 1997 Completion date based on original contract time ........... June 28, 1997 Revised completion date due to change order(s) ............... June 28, 1997 Your acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in said Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated ia this acceptance. The adjustment to the this Agreement shall constitute a full and t'mal settlement of any and ail claims arising out of or related to change set forth herein including clai.rns for impact and delay costs. Prepared by:,/~ '~~'~ "~ Date:_~__/ * · - ( ~hn ~: Saltsma~-President /\ X~al~man Construction, InC. ~ Approved by: Adolfo A. Gonzalez, P.E., Director Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management lof2 Date: I / ri'EM OUN'~ITI'Y CH,q~:;E UMT i:~S~qPTION LIMT TOTAL CHANGE ? ! aS.gq} t0 12 20.24 14 S 10 12 68.24 14 121o00 8 71.28 10 4.30 13 14 12:.00 10 370 12 31 87 8 5 54 qO 7.50 ~2 ~4 60 14 132 O0 18 5 50 .25.00 .17.16 -IO.(X) $'TTUJ~. f BRN..OO. S01 O0 SY ~E~CK STAB. BASE r $~S.00 ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~. SIS.~ S74.~ M.~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 57 STYE $12.~ ~42.~ ~ SE~ ~ ~. S7 STONE S12.~ MII.M ~.~ STR~. I BRN~S01~ LF ~ ~N~EO S~EL ~IB PIPE S1~.~ ~.~ ~1,716 ~ LF ~OA~ ~B~ ~R~RS S12 ~ S1,~ ~ ~ ~ S~. f BR~0170 LF S~D CE~ RiP~ S1~ S2.150 ~ ~ ~ TN SE~GT BED~ ~. S7 STONE $12 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~OATING ~RB~ ~RIERS $12.~ SI,2~ ~ ~ ~ STRUT. I BRN~02~ ~ S~ CEMENT RIP.~ S172.~ ~36 ~ ~ ~ TN SELECT BEDDING ~. 57 STONE $12.~ ~2.~ ~ ~ SY ~[ S.1 ~P~TIC CONC SlS ~ S1.E~ ~ ~ ~ CY S~D CE~NT R~P-~ $172 ~ SI ~ ~ ~ ~ TN SELECT BEDD~G NO 57 STONE S12.~ S176 =6 ~ ~ LF FLOAT. TURBIT~ ~RIERS S12~ $I.~ ~ ~ ~ 1 gO.O0 STRUCT. I BRC.OG~SOdS0 LF 72' ALUM STEEL RIB PiPE S66.00 S5.94000 SO00 S28.287 42 ~3.021 AMOUNT THIS Ct'[ANGE ORDER ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT SUM OF PRrVlOUS CHANGE ORDERS NVK~UNT THIS CHANGE ORDER REVISED CONTRACT AJVIOUNT S28.288 62 S221.067.0o $g.178 SO S25~65 82 S283.51112 CHANGE ORDER TO: $al~an Construction Inc. P.O Box 310 Naples, Florida 34106 FROM: Collier Couaty Office of C.a~ilal i~ojec~ Managem~mt 3301 East Tanxiami Trail Bm3ding "D' Naples, Florida 34112 Project name: s.g. 29 Canal Crossing Improvements Construction Agreement date: March 11, 1997 Change order No. 2 Project No: 31 701 Bid No: 95-2320 Date: June 9, 1997 Change order description: This change order is for additional work iter~ requested of the Corm-actor. See anached estimated quantities for tlas Change OTder No. 2 Original Agreement Amount ............................................................... -, $ 229,067.00 Sum ofprevious Change Orders Amount ........................................ "$ 9,178.$0 This Change Order No. 2 Amount [ add ] ....................................... ,- $ 25,265.62 Revised ~4greement ~4mount. .................................................. .,$ 265,$11.12 Original Contract Time in calendar days ...................................... ,- 90 Adjusted number of calendar days due to previous change orders .......... " 0 This Change Order adjusted time is ................................................ ,~ 0 days Revised Contract Time in calendar days. .............................. = 90 Original Notice to Proceed date: ...................................... March 31, 1997 Completion date based on original contract time ........... June 28, 1997 Revised completion date due to change order(s) ............... June 28, 1997 Your accepts, ncc of ~is change order shall constitute a modification to out Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contaiaed in said Agreement incLicated above, as fully as if ~e same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment to the this Agreement shah constitute a full and f'mal settlement of any and all claims arising out of or related to change set forth herein including claims for impact and delay costs. Prepared b Y~' q'~~~~~~~Micah Massa Date: Collier Cz :.-' Offa~_-~ff Capital Projec~ Management /-,~. Accepted,by:~ Date:..~___/~...~! g} 7 Approved by: Date: / / Adolfo A. Got~T. alez., P.E., Director Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management lof2 DATE. II MAY 1997 PROJECT NO. 1~ 1.172~51~117~1 rTEM ~JANTrT~ (:~q~GE ~ ~S~ ? .2S.m s~ L~ERCX~ ST~. mE r s~. 10 7~ ~ S -~7~S LF ~~D S~EL R~ ~ 8 7128 ~ ~0 4~ ~ ~ C~ 14 122 ~ ~ ~ lO ~2 ~ LF ~ ~ 12 -78 ~ TN SE~ ~ ~ S7 ST~ lo 3 7o cY ~D C~ ~2 31 87 TN SE~CT ~ ~ S? STYE STR~. I ~S0120 8 5 ~ cY g 11o~ sY lo 7 so cY S~D CE~ 12 14 69 TN SELE~ BE~ ~ S7 STYE 14 132 ~ LF FLOAT TURB~ ~RIERS 18 S S0 CY CmS. CONC rx STRUCT. · BRC..00.SO4SQ I 90 C~ LF 72' ,i4.UM STEEL RIB PIPE AMOUNT THIS CHANGE ORDER ORIGINAL CONT/~CT AMOUNT S[,~4 OF PREV1OUS CHANGE ORDERS AMOUNT TI.tiS CHANGE ORDER REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $28~87 42 CS3.027 I(~ S2S.,2SS ~2 S229.M700 S9.~78 SO S25,265 62 S26'3.S11.~2 CHANGE ORDER TO: P.O Box 310 Napl~ Flo6da 341O6 FROM: Colli~ County Office of Capilal Pmjecu Management 3301 East Tamiami Trail Building Naple~ Florida 34112 Project nm'ne: S.I~ 29 Canal Crossing Improvements ConzWuction Agro.-mcnt date: March 11, 1997 Change order No. 2 Project No: 31 701 Bid No: 95-2320 Date: June 9, 1997 Chanle order destn4ption: ~ Change order ia for additional work itema reque~d ofthe Contractor. See anached estimated quantities for this Change Order No. 2 Original Agreement Amount ............................................................... = S 229,067.00 Sum of previous Change Order~ Amount ........................................ = $ 9,178.50 This Change Order No. 2 Amount [ add ] ....................................... = $ 25,265.62 Revised Agreement Amount. .................................................. ,,$ 265,$11.12 Original Contract Tu'n~ m calendar days ...................................... ' 90 Adjusted number of calendar days due to previous change order~ .......... " 0 This Change Order adjured th-ne is ................................................ "' 0 days Revised Contract Time in calendar day~ .............................. = 90 Original Notice to Proceed date: ...................................... March 31, 1997 Completion date ba~ed on original contract time ........... June 28, 1997 Revised complm'~on date due to change order(s) ............... June 28, 1997 Your acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification Io our Agreement and will be performed ~ubjcc~ Io all thc same terms and conditions as contained in said Agr~nnont indicated above, as fully as ff the same w~re rt'peatcd m this accel~ance. The adju.~n'nem to the this A~'eernent shall constitute a full and f'mal senlemem of any and all clain~ arising out of or r~lated to change ~ forth hereto including clain~ for impact and delay co~t~. Prepared ect Manager Colli~ County ' [anag~nem (~ W. Salmnan, Pr~ident MSaltsman Construction, Inc. Date:.=~/ q I ~ 7 Approved by: Adolfo A. Gonzalez, P.E., Director Collier County Office of Capital Projects Manag~nem lof2 Date: DATE: 16 MAY 1997 PROJECT NAME S.R. 29 ~ CROSSING ~MENTS CONTRACTO~ SALTSMAN CONST. ~ PROJECT NO. 11 t,1729~1-~11701 ITEM QUANTITY CHANGE UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL Ct'lANCE NO. ADD SUBTRACT PRICE Pt, US MINUS SHEET 2 OF 3 STR~P3T. ? .2S.00 SY LIdEROCK ST~O. WE r $IS.~ ~.~ m~.~) ~0 7.~ ~ S~D ~ R~P.~ S~,~ S1~.~ ~.~ 12 2024 ~ SE~ ~ ~ 57 STYE S12.~ S242.M ~.~ S~ ~ ~0110 ~0 7,~ ~ ~ ~ R~ S~ ~.~ S1~.~ ~.~ 12 M.24 ~ SE~CT ~ ~ S7 ST~ S12.~ ~18.M ~.~ 14 121 ~ LF ~ T~ ~RS S12.~ S1,~2.~ ~.~ S~. 10 4 ~ CY S~ CE~ R~ S~.~ S~.~ ~.~ 13 14 122 ~ LF 10 12 ~ LF ~ ~ RI~ $1~ $2.1~ ~ ~.~ 12 -16.~ TN SELECT ~ ~. 57 $T~ $12 ~ ~.~ ~.~ 8 6 ~ ~ ~~ S~2 ~ S~.~ ~.~ 10 370 12 31 87 TN SELE~ K~ ~ 57 STYE S12.~ ~2.~ ~.~ S~T. I ~S0120 8 S ~ S 110~ SY 10 7 ~ CY 12 1469 14 132 ~ LF FLOAT. T~ 16 5~ CY C~S ~ C~ rxl~ STRUCT I BRC,,,(X),S0450 1 90 00 LF 72' ALUM STEEL RIB PIPE S28,287 42 C~3,CZ21 AMOUNT THIS CHANGE CRDER CRIGINAL CONTRACT NVIOUNT SUM OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS AMOUNT THIS CHAN~E ORDER REUSED CONTRACT AMOUNT S2S.265.S2 $229,~? 00 S9,17~.50 S2S,265.~2 S263,511.12 APPROVE WORK ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED TO THE COUNTY RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM BACK-PRESSURE SUSTAINING VALVES. ~ That thc Board of County Commissioncrs, as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve Work Order No. HMA-FT97-1 to Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. for Engineering Services related to the Reclaimed Water System Back-Pressure Sustaining Valves. .~ Several potential customers for reclaimed water from small sites have expressed interest in connecting to the system if adequate pressures can be provided and maintained. This would eliminate a user's need to provide on-site slorage and booster pumps in order to use the system. This Work Order will provide for Engineering Services for design and during construction of pressure sustaining valves for the existing reclaimed water distribution systems. These valves will maintain sufficient consistent system pressures to allow connection by these small users. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this project in the amount of $ 23,000.00 are available from Fund ,,,,\,;~x:.~'M 14-26361 i-74020: Reclaimed Water System Back-Pressure Sustaining Valves (County Sewer Capital Projects Fund). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The project will make reclaimed water readily available to a larger number of users. ]RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners, as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve Work Order No. HMA-FT97-1 to Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. for Engineering Services related to the Reclaimed Water System Back-Pressure Sustaining Valves. Ronald F. Dillard, P.E., Project Manager Offio~of Car. ~;/P~ecls Managemen, Adolfo A.-Got0,alez, P.E., l~irect~ Office fCa' jec3s Management Ed I I sclme ,~A-dministrator Public Works Division cc: Tim Clcrnons, Wastcwater Director WORK ORDER # IIMA-FT97-1 Agreement for Fixed Term Professional Engineering Services Dated September 26, 199S (Contract #9S-2422) Th~s Work Order is for professional engtneermg services for work known as ~ Reclaimed Water System Back Pressure Sustaining Valves, Phases Ill and IV. ~ Improvements will allow small users 1o use reclaimed water at useful pressure without on.site storage or pump The work ts specified tfl the proposal dated ~, which iS attached hereto and made a part of this Work Order. In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement referenced above, Work Order ~ ~ is assigned to ~le ~ontes & Assoc*ates. Inc~ ~ Phase II1: Prepare Plans and Spcctfscaltons and asstst wllJ~ Didding. Phase IV: Cofltrac1 AdmJnJstrat~on, ~nspect~ons, Close-out, and Startup ~ Complete design wor~ and prov:de prehnunary plans and specifications by August I. 199~. Provide f,n~l plans and speciftcatsons suitable for b~dding by September ~, 1997. ~ In accordance with Article ~ve of the Agrcemenl. the County will CO~pCflSatC lhe Firm :n accordance ~r t I JJ the iS lime ~nd mater:al, so red,cate and usc Ibc estabhshcd hotltly rate~s) ~s enumerated tn Schedule "A" of Ibc AgtecmcnlZ Phase I~I S Iq.~0~ ~ (lump sum) Phase I%' ~ (l~tne and m~lcr:als) T~TAL FE~ %OT TO ~C~D An~ Clla~c w~tlun monetary 3udmr ty of Ih~s WorL Order made subsequenl to department approval wall be considered Schc~u:c "A" of the Run,~ld Y t)d~d. I' 12 . UCPM I'rujc~ Ma~a~cr ~at~ REVIEWED DY /Date Adollo A ~,,n:aic:. ['~. ATTEST [IOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Dwight E ~rock. Clerk Colhe~ Cnunly. Florida '1 nrotk'.' L Ilancuck. A.i C ?. Dc?ur) Clerk Chairman A?~'ro',c2 as ro form and ATTEST (Corporate Secr~aryl / ~y: · ,. ~ Type Name and ro~) v, irnc:ses (2) Signature S~gnat.re S~g~at~e HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS ~'L.ANNERS SuRVE¥OaS March 11, 1997 P~s~n~ng and ~nl"~n ' .orkf~;S qu~fily o! file si~e ] AR 13 1997 O~C~',.'". ' PROJECTS '~'' Mr. Ron Dillard, P.E. Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management 3301 E Tamiami Trail, Bldg D Naples FL 34112 RE: Nar. l'. =nd South Cn,.mty R e~'.!aimed \\'a~er...cx'¢tem. HMA File No. 96.69 Dear Rom H.XL-k is plowed to submit this proposal to prepare plans and specifications, assist with bid!into assist with contract administration and inspertion, and assist with startup of the modifi~-d system for the Counv:"s reclaimed water distribution system. This will allow ;,oten:!al small users to be able to use reclaimed water from the existing pipelines at use.a,:l pressure. The plans and specifications will follow the recommendations contained in our report submi;te5 on flanua:5.' 27, 1997. We propose to perform the above professional se:vices under our current continuing agreement as an extension to the Phase I and Phase II work completed under Work Order H.%£A.-FT96-5 with a budget for each phase as follows: Phase III Prepare Pl".zs & Specifications. Assistance with Bidding S 10,500.00 Lump Su-n Phase IV Contract Administration. Inspections, Close. out, Stanup S12,500.00 Time & Materials Please feel flee to give me a call to discuss this proposal. I ,,,,-ill be happy to schedule a meeting with you and Tim Clemons to fi.u'ther discuss how Collier County wishes to pursue design of improvements to the North County Reclaimed Water Pumping Station which are outlined in our report. We can begin work on this project immediately following notice to proceed. W ',1996',96069.RE D'..RDT031 I.DOC Mr. Ron Dillard, P.E. ' Collie' Count~ Office of Capitol Projects Management HMA File No. 96.69 November ?, 1996 Page 2 Thank you very much for the opportunity for HMA to assist Collier County with further reclaimed water system upgrades. Very truly yours, HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ronald E. Ben$on. Jr., Ph.D., P.E. \:k.~ President. Dire:for of Enviromm~ntal Engin,e:ing R. EB 'nsl CCi Karl Boy."r. P.E. Tim Clemons W,'..1996~95069',REB'RD?0311.DOC RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD B~ 997-2655 FOR LIQUID SLUDGE AND CAKE ~SIDU~ DISPOSAL. ~ That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County water-Sewer District of Collier County, Florida, award Bid #97-2655 for Liquid Sludge and Cake Residual Disposal at the County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities. 1) Invitations to bid were sent to 30 prospective vendors. Bids were recieved from five (5) vendors and were opened on April 9, 1997. 2) The purpose of this bid is to provide Liquid Sludge and Cake Residual disposal for the efficient operation of the County's Wastewater Treatment Facilities. 3) After reviewing the Bid Tabulation sheet, staff is recommending Bid #97-2655 be awarded to Karle Enviro from - Organic Recycling for the Liquid Sludge disposal the Pelican Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. J & J Baker Enterprises is being recommended for the entire cake residual disposal from the North and South County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities. In the event that the County's residual's stabilization facility fails, staff received pricing for stabilizing residuals. Given that this will only be used in an emergency situation, staff recommends that J & J Baker Enterprises by awarded this aspect of the bid also in order to ensure continuity. ~ The fiscal impact for the duration of this year, (4 months) is estimated to be $50,000. Funds are available in fund 408-233312 and 408-233313. On an annual basis the Fiscal Impact is estimated to be $150,000 of which funds have been budgeted for in 408-233312 and 408-233313. 9ROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT ~ None ~ECOM~ATION~ The Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District award Bid #97-2~55 for Liquid Sludge and Cake Residual Disposal to Karle Enviro-Organic Recycling for the Liquid Sludge Disposal from the Pelican Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility and J&J Baker Enterprises for the Cake Residual Disposal from the North and South County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities. PREPARED BY: Dennis B~rn~r~, C~ief Operator NCRWWTF REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: Timothy Lj Clemons, Wastewater Director Stepher~ Y. Ca'nell, Purchasing Director Ed Ilshner, Public Works Admln~strator Consent Agenda 6/24/97 1997 :OR BID ~'/-26~ ll, rVlT~ ~ :1'~: 3O Vendors "Uquid S~ ~d ~ ~id~ D~ ~c l of 1 'i 9 !~7 .................. ........................... f~k~ ~ ~1~'~ ~,~ ~'~' ~'~'"~ I~((~ '~ ~ -~ I~ d~ : '~ ~.~.. ...................... ',of P~Ii~ Bay W~ NCWW'rF lon. i Fnce · - ~ ~ ~'I'~ R~ov'Id of Pelic~ Bay Wsstmv~zr "B" s~biliz~d liquid residuals: per !,000 pllons fo~ ti~posal s~ an u.~ site Total Price S S"lC)' ~ Of Nor'.h County Wa.s'~ Tr~alment unmbilized r~sidusls: per ysrd to ,n q~roved sx~bilizat'ion f~:ili~ Total Price $ s~ s I"'/.co_ s la,,~.o ¥' s ~:Y,, oc s JS. ~o s_ La..co_ Removal of North County. Wsste r~siduah: per yard Total Price of Norg', County. W~e Treatment stabilized "B" r~siduals: per yard to ~n ~PProved ~jG '~}4 q;ri~Imr~ use site Total Pri~ S TABULATION FOR BID f~97-2655 POSTING DATE: March 11, 1997 =Liquid Slu~l~e and Cake R~'sidual Disposal" INVITATIONS SENT TO: 30 Vendors OPENI~IG DATE: April 9, 1997 Page I of 1 .............................. ................ l~mo~ of P¢lim mmabili~d liquid r~idu~h: i~r 1,00~ ~11o~ for di.~ul at $ NCWW'rF Total Price $ ~ $ Re'mov~l of Pelican Bay W~.ewa~-r "B" st~lltz~ liquid r~siduals: per 1,000 ~llons for disposal at an aq:~:~roved a.l;ricuhur'~ use site Total Price S S Removal of North County Waste water Tr~amnent unstabiliz~d r~siduals: per yard to an approved s'ta~ilLza.,ion facility. Total Price $ $ $ Remowl of North County. Waste water Tr~trnent stabilized "AA" r~siduals: per yazd Total Price $ $ S Removal of Noah County Waste water Treatment stabilized r~siduals: per yard to an approved / a~culture use site Total Price S __.~-~" S S S Removal of South County Waste water Tr~amem unst~bilized r~sidu~h: per yard to an approved mbiliz~fion facility Total Price s s s Stabilize un.tta~iliz~d r~siduals fi'om the North & South County Was'tewater Trea~nent Facilities: per yard at a permitted~K-]I~ xmbilization facility Tot~l Price .. _ S S Copies of licenses/permits attached.'? ~/'Yes .._._No Yes _.__~o ....__Yes .__..?o .___Yes __._~o Prompt Pa.v~ent Terms % Days ~% ~Days % Days % Days Terms Net 30 _Days Net 30 Da~ Net 30 Day~ Net 30 Days ida Received if Applicable? ~ No Bid~ Received From: American Compliance Technologies. Inc.: Aztec Development Co.; Owaxonna Equii~nem Co.; Howco Environmental Services: and CBI Environmental Services. APPROVE NORK ORDER NMBGP FT 97-7 WITH WILSON, MILLER, BARTON AND PEEK, INC. FOR ENOINEERINQ SERVICES RELATED TO THE RELOCATION OF NATE~ AND WA~TEWATER FACILITIES IN U.S.41. ~~ To request that the Board of County Commissioners, as the Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve a Work Order with Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek, Inc. for engineering services related to the relocation of water and wastewater facilities that are in conflict with FDOT proposed drainage structures in U.S. 41 between Immokalee Road and Old U.S. 41. CONSIDERATIONS, Florida Department of Transportation has submitted widening plans of U.S. 41 from Immokalee Road to Old U.S. 41 which show several conflicts between Collier County existing facilities and the proposed FDOT drainage facilities. In accordance with the attached letter from FDOT the timing for this design has become critical. Statutes provide that FDOT facilities have precedence over Collier County facilities and, therefore, Collier County facilities must be moved. Staff has negotiated the project scope and total lump sum design compensation of $24,000.00 as provided in the attached Professional Services Agreement. This Agreement has been approved by the County Attorney's office as to form and legal sufficiency. FISCAL IMPA%~ The cost of this project is to be divided equally between Water and Wastewater. $12,000 each for a total of $24,000 to be allocated as follows: ...--~- 412-273511-70047 Relocate 20"/12" WM US 41 North ~ 414-263611-73048 Relocation WM & FM US 41 North OROWTH MANAQEMENT IMP~Q~T: None. RECOMM~NDATIONSz That the Board of County Commissioners, as the Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District of Collier County, Florida approve the Work Order WMB&P FT 97-7 with Wilson, Miller, barton & Peek, Inc. PI~P~R~D BY ~ ~ : Tom Satt~field/ ~.E~, Project Manager Office/~f Cagital Projects Management REVIEWED BY~~DATE:~ Public Works Administrator cc: Tim Clemons, Wastewater Director Michael Newman, Water Director Karl Boyer, P.E., Senior Project Manager, OCPM WORK ORDER W.M.B.& P. FT 97-7 Agreement for Professional Englneerlng Services Dated September 26, 1995 (Contract ft9,5-2422) This Work Order is for Professional Engineering Services for work known as: Project: U.S. 41 North, Utility Relocation The work is specified in the proposal dated May 23, 1997 which is attached and made a part of this Work Order in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Contract referenced above. Work order # W.M.B.& P. FT 97-7 is assigned to Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek, Inc. Scope of work ' All plans and specifications necessary to design the relocation of utility lines, both sewer and water, that are in conflict with the proposed widening of U.S. 41 from Immokalee Road to Old U.S. 41. Schedule of Work · Complete within 120 days from receipt of Notice To Proceed letter authorizing start of work. Compensation ' The County will compensate the Consultant for the services performed on this Work Order in accordance with the negotiated lump sum fee as provided in the schedule below. Design Report Preliminary Report Final Design Total S6,000.00 $8,000.00 $24,000.00 Any change made subsequent to final department approval will be considered an additional service and charged according to Schedule A of the Agreement. Prepared b.y~-/ · · ? ' T--'~'~~ld, P. ~E'., Project Manager Date Off' ;e' of Capital Projects Management Reviewed b~r Off' fo api~tal Project~'Management Date A'T'I'EST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BOARD of COUNTY COMMISIONERS Collier County, Florida By:. Deputy Clerk By:_ Timothy L. Hancock, A.I.C.P,, Chairman Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency Assistant County Attorney ACCEPTED BY. Fermin Diaz, P.E.~'~res. Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek, Inc. Date Date " ATTEST: (Corporate Secretary) By: Gary L. Danca, Secretary/Treasurer By:. Typed Name and Title Sigr'ra'ture (or) ~itnesses (2) Signature Nary ~.eedyk (Print Name) (2) Signature Paul Bernier (Print Name) PLANNEES, F. NVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, ENGINEERS, SL'RV£YOR~. LANDSCAPE AECHITECTS, CONSTRUCTION ~'I.a,N.AGERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROPOSAL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mr. Tom Satterfield, P.E. Project Manager Off~ce of Capital Projects Management 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Bldg. D Senior Vice President Ma.,,' 23, 1997 Professional Services Proposal for FDOT Utili~' Permitting & FDOT Joint Project Agreement to Relocate Water & Sewer Facilities vdthin U.S. 41 with the Proposed U.S. 41 Widening From Immokalee Rd. (CRg64) to U.S. 41 (CR887) a.l. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A.I.1. Prepare plans, specifications, FDOT UtiliD' Accommodation permit and FDOT Joint Project Agreement forms to relocate water and sewer facilities within U.S. 41 that are in conflict v.'ith the proposed U.S. 41 v;idening from Immokalee Road (CR864) to U.S. 41 (CR887). Thc proposed project will consist of a Design Report, Preliminary Design and Final Design. A.2.1. Consult with OWNER's Representative (Collier Coun:7 Office of Capital Projects Management) to clarify and define OWNER's requirements for the PROJECT and review available data. 0~,~897. t,V.~X~0014.}~J15 .'; .',, .,.,,.:..- ;..,.,, .,,.... ..... ,.,.,..:.: .: Mr. Tom Satzcrfield, P.E. Page 2 A.2.2. Advise OWNER as to the necessity of OWNER obtaining from CONSULTANT, additional services described in Article Two of this Proposal, such as, but not limited to probings, subsurface explorations, :,pecial permits (FDEP, COE, and SFW~D), survey easements or other similar investigations. A.2.3. Prepare a Design Report containing schematic layouts, sketches and conceptual design criteria with appropriate exhibits to indicate clearly the considerations involved (including applicable requirements of governmen~ authorities having jurisdiction over the project), and any alternative designs available to OWNER and setting forth CONSULTANT's findings and recommendations. The Design Report also shall contain CONSULTANT's professional evaluation of OWNER's Project budget. Said evaluation shail contain CONSULTANT's initial professional opinion ~f probable cost for the Project, including construction costs, contingencies, and allowances for charges of professionals and consultants. A.2.4. Furnish five (5) copies of the Design Report, schedule and conduct a meeting with OWNER to present the Design Report for OWNER's review and approval. A.3.1. A.3.2. Prepare preliminary Contract Documents, including designs, drawings, special conditions, general conditions, supplemental conditions, specifications, Agreement forms, necessary for construction of the Project. Keep OWNER informed as to the status of the project design through monthly meetings "as required". A.3.3. Upon completion and submission to OWNF. I~ of the preliminary design for Project, provide to OWNER five (5) copies of preliminary Contract Documents and CONSULTANT's professional preliminao' opinions of probable total Project and constructions costs for review and approval by OWNER. The improvements for which services are to be rendered under this Agreement shall include the Project as described in the description in paragraph A. I. 1. of this Schedule A. OS,~l,97 · W-60060014.lOtS I-~-O03-060-EPSA Mt. Tom Satterfi¢ld, P.E. Page 3 A.4.1. Provide OWNER with proposed final construction drawings and detailed opinion of probable consmaction costs in writing for OWNER's review, prior to completion of the final Contract Documents, so that any changes that may be necessary in accordance with Project's budgetary schedule can be made prior to bid. A.4.2. Upon OWNER's approval of detailed opinion of probable Project and consu'uction costs, provide to OWNER, for its review and approval, five (5) copies of final Contract Documents. A.5. CONSTRUCTION BID AND CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES A.5.1. The County does not deem it necessary at this lime to contract with the Consultant to provide professional construction management or field representation services during the construction bid and construction phases for the Project. If so desired by the County, the parties shall enter into separate fee negotiations for Additional Services. IV~. Tom Sane~eld, P.E. Pa~e 4 EXHIBIT B BASIS OF COMPENSATION/SCHEDULE B.I. BASIS OF COMPENSATION B.I.I. As consideration for providing Basic Services as set forth herein in Pans A.2, A.3, A.4 of Schedule A, OWNER agrees to pay, and CONSULTANT agrees to accept, the lump sum fee as follows: (A.2) Design Report $ 6,000 (A.3) Preliminary Design $ 8,000 (A.4) ~ ~ Total: $24,000 B. 1.2. Payment For Basic Services under Parts A.2, A.3, A.4 of Schedule A shall be paidon a lump sum basis in accordance with set milesIones as follows: (a) the A.2 milestone shall be the submittal to OWNER of the Design Report and CONSULTANT's initial professional opinions of probable total Project and construction costs. (b) the A.3 milestone shall be the submittal to OWNER of the preliminary Contract Documents and CONSULTANT's preliminary opinions of probable total Project and construction costs. (c) the A.4 milestone shall be the submittal to the OXl, q',IER of the final Contract Documents after OWNER's approval of detailed opinions of probable total Project and construction costs. B.2 SCHEDULE B.2.1 Project shall be completed within 120 days of written notice to proceed provided by Owner, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by Owner and Engineer. Mr. Torn Satterfield, P.E. Page ~ B.2.2. A more derailed conceptual schedule follows. Design Report County Review/Resolution Preliminary Design County Review/Resolution Final Design Total Time 30 days 15 days 30 days 15 days 120 days EXECUTIVE S~Y RECOMMENDATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITIi R&L INDUSTRIES FOR PLASTIC FARM MULCH RECYCLING AT THE IMMOKALEE LANDFILL. ~1~.~[~: To establish a contraa for the recycling of plastic farm mulch stockpiled at the Immokalee Landfill. ~).~.F~al~11~: On May 20, 1997 the Board of County Commissioners approved the resolicitation of RFP 97-2649 for the recycling of plastic farm mulch at the Immoklaee Landfill (Item 16BI)~ RFP 97-2682 was issued on May 20, 1997 with a deadline of June 11, 1997. A single response to RFP 97-2682 was received. The proposer has offered to remove the plastic from the landfill site at no charge to the County with the County providing adequate space for baling and staging the plastic for shipment. The previous RFP 97-2649 requested responses to three options to either recycle, dispose in the lined cell or bury the plastic in place. A single proposal offered to bury the material in place at a cost of $353,875.00. ~: Proposer has offered to remove the plastic from the landfill at no charge to the County. Any cost impacts identified in developing a contract with the proposer will be reported to the Board of County Commissioners when the contract is brought back to the Board for approval. J~e_C.~a~~l.Q~: That the Board of County Commissioners direct staff'to negotiate a contract with R&L Industries and bring that contract back to the Board for final approval. PREPAI D BY: - 7 7 Da,4d W. Russell, Director, Solid Waste Management Date Department REVIEWED BY: Stephen Y. Carueli, Director, Purchasing Department Date REVIEWED Date PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION APPROVE AND EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEblENT WITH HOLE, MONTES, AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE AIRPORT- PULLING ROAD BRIDGE PRO,i'ECT AT JUNCTION IMMOKALEE ROAD ~ Board approval of negotiated design fees with Hole, Montes, and Associates, Inc. as the number one ranked consultant for the Airport-Pulling Road bridge installation at junction Immokalee Road. · As authorized by the Board on December 17, 1996 [under Agenda Item 16 ('B) 2] and by the County Manager on December 19, 1996, a consultant selection process was initiated for the design and permitting of a new bridge s'u'ucture at the Airport-Pulling Road/Immokalee Road intersection. A Legal Notice was published in the Naples Daily News on January 19, 1997 and again on February 2, 1997. Professional qualification proposals were submitted by ten consulting firms on the closing date of February 14, 1997. The consultant selection committee members (consisting of Gwen Butler of the Purchasing Deparmaent; Edward Kant, P.E., of the Transportation Department; and Richard Heiiriegel, P.E., and Vladimir Ryziw, P.E. of the Office of Capital Projects Management) rendered a final short-list of the three most qualified firms on March 13, 1997. The firm of Hole, Montes, and Associates, Inc. is ranked as the number one most qualified consultant. A list of the ten responding firms is provided below in alphabetical order, along with identification of the top three rankings. · Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, Inc. · ConsuI-Tech Engineering, Inc. · Cumbey and Fair, Inc. · DSA Group, Inc. · H.J. Ross Assoc., Inc. (I) Hole, Montes, & Assoc., Inc. Kissinger Campo and Assoc., Inc. (3) Pitman-Hanenstein & Assoc., Inc. URS Griener. h':c. (2) Wilson, Mille,', Barton & Peek, Inc. (1) Indicates No. One ranked firm (2) Indicates No. Two ranked firm (3) Indicates No. Three ranked firm Staff has concluded fee negotiations with Hole, Montes, and Associates, Inc. for bridge design and permitting services. As set forth in the attached Professional Sen'ices Agreement, consulting fees have been negotiated for Basic Services, Special Services, and Additional Services. A summary of the scope of services and negotiated fees is provided below. JuN 2 ~ 1997 Executive Summary Page 2 (!) Roadway and Bridge Plans (2) Utility Designs (County facilities) (3) Signal and Highway Lighting (4) Signing and Pavement Marking Plans (5) Bidding and Contract Documents Sub-Total (1) Public Involvement Program (2) Surveying Services (3) Geotechnical Services (4) Environmental Inventory (5) Traffic Design Analysis (6) Utility Relocation (7) Utility "As-Builting" (County Facilities) (8) Operational and Environmental Permits Sub-Total $88,672.00 $5,420.00 $16,611.00 $8,316.00 $13.079.09 $132,098.00 $8,989.00 $10,480.00 $4,374.00 $2,872.00 S25,279.00 $2,376.00 S5,982.00 $06,350.00 (I) Airport-Pulling Road Alignment Design (2) Traffic Signal Design, Piper Boulevard (3) Constructibility Review (4) Advisory Sm'ices during bidding (5) CEI Services Sub-Total S5,440.00 $7,573.00 S6,646.00 $6,316.00 Costtobenegotiaed The maximum contract amount of $224,423.00, wl-dch includes the contingency of Additional Services, is recommended for approval by the Board. Service items shall be compensated on a lump sum and cost not to exceed method of payment as contained in the Professional Services Agreement. .t~.~ The proposed maximum contract fee of $224, 423.00 will involve a udget amendment. Executive Summary Page 3 ' · Fund 313 ( Gu taxes) Project No. 66067 (Airport-Pulling Road Bridge) will be utilized. $255,000 is cun'ently budgeted for roadway work and is broken down as follows: Engineering - $100,000; Surveying - $50,000; Appr',ti.~als - $20,000; Licenses and Permits - $5,000; and Land. $80,000. A budget tmendment is needed to transfer $113,943 fi'om r~,serves for engineering services for a total of $224,423 for roadway work. ~ The proposed new bridge installation at the inter~ection of Airpon-Pulling Road and Immokalee Road is included in the FY 96-97 Capital Improvement Program. ~ That the Board of County Commissioners approve the negotiated fee with Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. for the Airport-Pulling Road bridge project in the maximum amount of $224,423.00, approve the necessary budget amendment, and direct it~ ~ .-"hairnjan to execute the at,ached Professional Services PREPAREDAgreement. ~ B Date: ~ Office .of Capital.Pf~s Management DB : ~?Date: Adolfo A. Gonzalez, P.E., Director -' REVIEWED Offt~-g'°4'.~, ./.,~P,j~ °J~ M an agem ent Public Works Division cc: Rich Hellriegel, P.E., Senior Project Manager paStss'x sumps~atqx~l~id~ 1997 Airport-PullAng Zoad lrAdge ~unction X~aokalee ~oad (Collier ¢oun~ro~ect~o. PROF£SSIONA~ SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT ts made and entered into this day of __, 19~, by and between the Board of County Commissioners for Collier County, Florida, · political subdivision of the State of Florida [and as Ex-Officio The Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District] (hereinafter referred to es the 'OWNER') and Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc., a Florida corporation, authorized to do business tn the State of Florida, whose business address is 715 Tenth Street South, Naples, Florida 34102 (hereinafter referred to as the 'CONSULTA/TT-). WI TNESS ETH: W~..ER£AS, the OWNER desires to obtain professional civil engineering and related services of the CONSULTANT concerning certain design services for the Airport-Pulling Road bridge at junction Immokalee Road (hereinafter referred to as the 'Project-), said services being more fully described in Schedule A, 'Scope of Services", which ts attached hereto and incorporated herein; and '"~EREAS, the CONSULTANT has submitted a '.'~pmsa] for provision of those se~-'-.~; and WHERF. J~S] the CONSULTANT represents that it has expertise in the ty~e of professional services that will be required for the Project. JUN 2 q 1597 NOW, T~T~FOR£, in consideration of the mutual covsnants and provisions contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE ONE CONSULTANT,S R~SPONSIBILITY 1.1. CONSULTANT shall provide to OWNER professional civil engineering and related services in all phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies. 1.2. The Basic Services to be performed by CONSULTANT hereunder are set forth in the Scope of Services described in detail in Schedule A. The total compensation to be paid CONSULTANT by the OWNER for all Basic Services is set forth in Article Five and Schedule B, "Schedule of Fees For Basic and Special Services" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 1.3. The CONSULTANT agrees to obtain and maintain throughout the period of this Agreement all such licenses as are required to do business in the State of Florida and in Collier County. Flcrida, including, but not limited to. all licenses required by the respective state boards and other governmental agencies responsible for regulating and licensing the professional services to be provided and performed by the CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement. 1.4 The CONSULTANT agrees that, when the services to be .provided hereunder relate to a professional service which, under Florida Statures, requires a l~cenae, certificate o: authorization.or JUN 2 997 other form of legal entitlement to practice such services, only qualified personnel to provide such services. it shall employ and/or retain 1.5. CONSULTANT agrees to employ and designate, in writing, within five (5) calendar days after receiving its Notice to Proceed, a qualified licensed professional to serve as the CONSULTANT's project manager (hereinafter referred to as the -Project Manager"). The Project Manager shall be authorized and responsible to act on behalf of the CONSULTANT with respect to directing, coordinating and administering all aspects of the services to be provided and performed under this Agreement. Within five (5) calendar days from the Notice to Proceed issued by the OWNER to the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall deliver to the OWNER a written statement, executed by the proper officers of the CONSULTANT, acknowledging that the Project Manager shall have full authority to bind and obligate the 10NSULTANT on all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement. The CONSULTANT agrees that the Project Manager shall devote whatever time is rec~%~ired to satisfactorily manage the services to be provided and performed by t~e CONSULTANT hereunder. The person selected by the CONSULTANT to serve as the Project Manager shall be subject to the prior approval and acceptance of the OWNER. 1.6. CONSULTANT agrees, within fourteen (14) calendar day~ of receipt of a written request from the OWNER, to promptly remove and replace the Project Manager, or any other personnel employed , II tt IIIIIIII IIIII III I I -- I III II or retained by the CONSULTANT, or any subconsultants or subcontractors or any personnel of ~ny such subconsultants or subcontractors engaged by the CONSULTANT to provide and perform services or work pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement, whom the OWNER shall request in writing to be removed, which request may be made by the OWNER with or without cause. 1.7. The CONSULTANT has represented to the OWNER that it has e~ertise in the type of professional services that will be required for the Project. The CONSULTANT agrees that all services to be provided by CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall be subjeqt to the OWNER's review and approval and shall be in accordance with the generally accepted standards of professional practice in the State of Florida, as well as in accordance with all published laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations and requirements of any governmental agencies which regulate or have Jurisdiction over the Project or the services to be provided and performed by CONSULTANT hereunder. In the event of any conflicts in these requirements, the CONSULTANT shall notify the OWNER of such conflict and utilize its best professional Judgment to advise OWNER regarding resolution of the conflict. 1.8. CONSULTAN~' agrees not Co divulge, furnish or make available to any third person, firm or organization, without OWHXR's prior wrl=ten consent, or unless ~nc~den= ~o the ~roper performance of the CONSULTANT's obligations hereunder, or ~n the course o~ JUN 2 1997 ludicial or legislative proceedings where such information has been properly subpoenaed, thy non-public information concerning the services to be rendered by CONSULTANT hereunder, and CONSULTANT shall require all of its e~loyees, agents, subconsultanta and subcontractors to comply with the provisions of this paragraph. 1.9. CONSULTANT agrees to certify all estimates of construction costs and ~roJect cow~letion dates prepared by the CONSULTANT. Said certifications shall be in a form approved by the OWNER. 1.10. Evaluations of the OWNER'S Project budget, preliminary estimates of construction cost and detailed estimates of construction cost prepared by the CONSULTANT represent the CONSULTANT'S best Judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry. The CONSULTANT cannot and does not guarantee that bids or negotiated prices will not vary from any estimate of construction cost or evaluation prepared or agreed to by the CONSULTANT. Notwithstanding anything above to the contrary, CONSULTANT shall revise and modify Construction Documents and assist in the rebidding of the Work a: no additional cost to OWNER, if all responsive and responsible bids exceed the estimates of construction costs prepared by CONSULTANT. 1.11. CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by contractors or the safety precautions and programs incident to the work of contractors. JUN 2 997 ARTICLE TWO ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF CONSULTANT If authorized in writing by OWNER, CONSULTANT shall furnish or obtain from others Additional Services of the types listed in Article Two herein. These services will be ..paid for by OWNER as indicated in Article Five and Schedule B. The following services, if not otherwise specified in Schedule A as part of Basic Services, shall be Additional Ser~ces~ 2.1. Preparation of applications and supporting documents (except those already to be furnished under this Agreement) for private or governmental grants, loans, bond issues or advances in connection with the Project. 2.2. Services resulting from significant changes in the general scope, extent or character of the Project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, OWNER's schedule or character of construction; and revising previously accepted studies, reports, design documents or Contract Documents when such revisions are required by changes in laws0 rules, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders enacted subsequent to and not reasonably anticipated prior to the preparation of such studies, reports or documents, or are due to any other causes beyond CONSULTAnT's control. Assistance in connection with bid protests, rebidding or renegotiatin9 contracts for tion, materials, equipment or services, except as otherwise provided for herein, 2.9. Providing any ty~e of property surveys, aerial photography or related engineering services needed for the transfer of interests in real property and field surveys for .design purposes and engineering surveys and staking to enable contractors to proceed with their work and providing other special field surveys. 2.10. Preparation of operating, maintenance and staffing manuals, except as otherwise provided for herein. 2.11. Preparing to serve or serving as a CONSULTANT or witness for OWNER in any litigation, or other legal or administrative proceeding, Involving the Project (except for assistance in consultations which are included as part of the Basic Services to be ~rovided herein). 2.12..Additional services rendered by CONSULTANT in connection with the Project, not otherwise provided for in this Agreement or not customarily furnished in accordance with generally accepted civil engineering and related practice. ARTTCI,E THREE O~FER° S RESPONS~BII, ZTIES 3.1. The Owner shall designate in writing a project coordinator to act as OWNER's representative with respect to the se=vices to be rendered under this Agreement (hereinafter referred to aa the 'Project Coordinator'). The Project Coordinator shall .have authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define OWNER's policies and decisions with respect to CONSULTANT's services for the Project. However, the Project Coordinator ts not authorized to issue any verbal or written orders or ~nstructions to the CONSULTANT that would have the effect, or be ~nterpreted to have the effect, of modifying or changing in any way whatever: (a) The scope of services to be provided and performed by the CONSULTANT hereunder; (b) The time the CONSULTANT is obligated to commence and complete all such services; or (c) The amount of compensation the O~;ER is obligated or committed to pay the CONSULTANT. 3.2. .-he Projecc Coordinator shall: (a} Review and make appropriate reco~vnendations on all requests submitted by the CONSULTANT for payment for services and work provided and performed in accordance with this Agreement; b) Provide all criteria and infonnat£on requested by CONSULTANT as to requirements for the Pro~ect, including design ob~ect£ves and constraints, space, capacity and perfoL~nance requirements, f~ex~b~l~ and expandab~, and any budgetary li~a~ions~ (c) Upon re.es= from CONSULTS, assis= CONSULT~T by placing *= CONSULT~T's disposal all available info~ion in ~he ~ER'S possession pe==inen~ ~o ~he ProJec=, including existing drawings, specifica~ions, shop drawings, p=oduc= ii=eraSure, previous reports and any o=her da~a =ela=lve =o design or cons=ruc~ion of =he ProJec~ (d) ~range for access ~o and ~ke all provisions for CONSULT~ =o eh=er ProJec= sire ~o perfo~ ~he services =o be provided by CONSULT~ under =his Agreemen=~ and (e) Provide no=ice ~o CONSULT~T of any deficiencies or defec=s discovered by O~ER wi=h respec~ =o ~he se~ices =o be rendered by CONSULT~ hereunder. 3. CONSULT~T acknowledges =ha= access ~o =he ProJec= Si=e, ~o be arranged by O~ER CONSULT~T, may be provided during =~es =ha= are no~ =he noel business hours of CONSULTANT. 3.4. OWNER shall be responsible for the acquisition of all easements, property sites, rights-of-way, or other property rights required for the Project and for the costs thereof, including the cos=s of any required land survey~ in connection with such acquisition. 10 JUli 2 1997 ARTICLE FOUR TIME 4.1. Services to be rendered by CONSULTANT shall be commenced subsequent to the execution of this Agreement upon written Notice to Proceed from OWNER for all or any designated portion of the Project and shall be performed and completed in accordance with the Project 'Schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof as Schedule C. Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of this Agreement. 4.2. Should CONSULTANT be obstructed or delayed in the prosecution or completion of its services as a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the control of CONSULTANT, and not due to its own fault or neglect, including but not restricted to acts of God or of public enem~, acts of government or of the OWNER, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine regulations, strikes or lock-outs, then CONSULTANT shall notify OWNER in writing within five (5) working days after commencement of such delay, stating the cause or causes thereof, or be deemed to have waived any right which CONSULTART may have had to requesc a cime extension. 4.3. No interruption, Interference, inefficiency, suspension or delay in the commencement or progress of CONSULTANT's services from any cause whatsoever, including those for waich OWNER may be responsible in whole or in par=, shall relieve CONSULTANT of its duty =o perform or give rise to any right to damages or additional compensation from OWNER. CONSULTANT's sole remedy agains~ OWNER 11 JuN 2 1997. will be the right to seek an extension o! time to its schedule. This paragraph shall expressly apply to claims for early com~letion, as well as cla£ms based on late completion. Provided, however, if through no fault or neglect of the CONSULT~d~T, the .. services to be provided hereunder have not been completed within twenty-four (24) months after the start date contained in Schedule C herein, the CONSUlTANT's compensation maybe equitably adjusted, with respect to those services that have not yet been performed, to reflect the incremental increase in costs experienced by CONSULTANT after expiration of said twenty-four (24) month period. 4.4 Should the CONSULTANT fail to commence, provide, perform or complete any of the services to be provided hereunder in a timely and reasonable manner, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to the O~T~R hereunder, the OhWER at its sole discretion and option may withhold any and all palanents due and owing to the CONSULTANT until such time as the CONSUI~TANT resumes performance of its obligations hereunder in su:h a manner so as to reasonably establish to the O~NER's satisfaction that the CONSULTANT's performance is or will shortly be back on schedule. ARTICLE FIVE CONPENSATION S.1. Compensation and the manner of payment of such compensation by the Oh~ER for services rendered hereunder by CONSULTAI~T shall be as prescribed in Schedule B, entitled 'Schedule of Fees for Basic and Special Service.n, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. ~he maximum total compensation unto CONSULTANT under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of $224,423.00, exclusive of Construction Engineering and Inspection Services. 12 JUN 2 'i997 ~RTI CLE SIX OW~RSHIP OF DOCL~S 6.1. Upon co~ple=ion or =ermina=ion of ~his Agreemen=, all records, documents, tracings, plans, specifications, ~aps, evalua~ions, reports, co,~uter assisted design or drafting disks and other technical data, other than working papers, prepared or developed by .CONSULTANT under this Agreement shall be delivered to and become the property of OWNER. CONSULT~NT, a= its o~ e~ense, ~y retain copies for ~$s files and inte~al use. O~R agrees ~o inde~ify and hold ha~less CONS~T~ wi=h respec= ~o any claim, loss or daMge, ~ncludin9 at=orneys fees incurred by CONS~T~ due =o 2he O~R's use of said records, documen=s, =racings, plans, specifica=ions, maps, evalua=~ons, re~r=s, compu=er disks and o=her ~ec~cal da=a on some other projec= unless such use ~s au=hot,zed by CONSULT~/4T · 6.2. Wi=h respec= =o and in consideration for the inde~nification provided by OW~R in paragraph 6.1. above, CONSULTA~FT agrees to pay to O~TER $10.00, the sufficien~ and receipt of which is acknowledged through the signing of this Agreement. ARTICLE SL~ MAINTENARCE OF RECORDS 7.1. CONSULTANT will keep &dequate records and supporting documentation which concern or reflec= its services hereunder. The records and documentation will be retained by CONSULTART for a minimum of five (5) years from the date .of termination of this Agreement or the elate the Project is co,~leted, whichever is 13 JUN 2 1S97 later. OWNER, or any duly authorized agents or representatives of OWNER, shall have the right to audit, inspect and copy all such records and documentation as often as they deem · necessar~ during the period of this Agreement and during the five (5) year period noted above; provided, however, such activity shall be conducted only during normal business hours. ARTICLE EIGHT INDEMNIFICATION ~.1. The CONSULTANT tn consideration of $10.00, the sufficiency and receipt of which ia acknowledged through the signing of this Agreement shall protect, defend, Indemnify and hold OWNER and its officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, professional fees, including attorney fees and all costs of g n and Judgments arising out of any willful misconduct or negligent act,or error or omission of the CONSULTART, its Subconsultants, Subcontractors, agents or employees, arising out of or incidental to the performance of this Agreement or work performed thereunder. The consideration exchanged and the provisions of this paragraph shall also pertain to any claims brought against the OWNER Its officers, employees or agents b~ any employee of the named CONSULTANT, or any Subconsultant or Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The CON~ULTANT,S obligation under this paragraph aha11 not be lib/ted in any way by the agreed upon contract price as shown in this Agreement or the CONSULTANT'S limit of, or lack of, sufficient insurance protection. 14 8.2. CONSULTANT acknowledges that the general conditions of any construction contract shall include language, satisfactory to the OWNER's attorney, in which the contractor agrees to hold harmless and to defend OWNER, its agents and en~loyees from all su£ts and &ctions, including attorney's fees, and all costs of litigation and Judgments of any name and description arising out of or incidental to the performance of the construction .contrac= or work performed thereunder. ARTICLE NINE INSURANCE 9.1. CONSULTANT shall obtain and carry, aC all times during its performance under the Contract Documents, insurance of the types and in the amounts set forth in SCHEDULE D to this Agreement. ARTICLE TEN SERVICES BY CONSULTANT'S OWN STAFF 10.1. The services to be performed hereunder shall be performed by CONSULTANT's own staff, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the OWNER. The employment of, contrac= with, c= use of the services of any other person or firm by CONSULTART, as independent consultant or othe~wise, shall be subject to the prior written approval of the OWNER. No provision of this Agreement shall, however, be construed as constituting an agreement between the OWNER a~d any such other person or firm. Nor shall anything contained herein be deemed to give any such party or any third party any claim or right of action against the OWNER beyond such as may otherwise exis~ without regard to this Agreement. 15 ARTICLE ELEVEI~ WAIVER OF CLAIMS 11.1. CONSULTANT's acceptance of final payment shall constitute a full waiver of any and all claims, except for insurance company subrogation claims, by it against OWNER arising out of this Agreement or otherwise related to the Project, except those previously made in .writing and identified by CONSULTANT as unsettled at the time of the final payment. Neither the acceptance of CONSULTANT's services nor payment by OWNER shall be deemed to be a waiver of any of OWNER's rights against CONSULTANT. ARTICLE TWELVE TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 12.1. CONSULTANT shall be considered in material default of this Agreement and such default will be considered cause for OWNER to terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, as further set forth in this section, for any of the following reasons~ (a) failure begin work under the Agreement within the times specified under the Notice(s) to Proceed, or (b) failure to properly and timely perform the services to be provided hereunder or as directed by OWNER, or (c) the bankruptcy or insolvency or a general assignment for the benefit of creditors by CONSULTANT or by any of CONSULTANT's principals, officers or directors, or (d) failure to obey laws, ordinances, regulations or other codes of conduct, or (e) failure to perform or abide by the terms or spirit of this Agreement, or (f) for any other Just cause. The OWNER may so terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, by giving the CONSULTANT seven (7) calendar days written notice. 12.2. If, after notice of termination of this Agreement as provided for in paragraph 12.1 above, it is determined for any reason that CONSULTANT was not in default, or that its default was excusable, or that OWNER otherwise was not entitled to the remedy against CONSULTANT provided for in paragraph 12.1, then the notice of termination given pursuant to paragraph 12.1 shall be deemed to be the notice of termination provided for in .'paragraph 12.3 below and CONSULTANT's remedies against OWNER shall be the same as and limited to those afforded CONSULTANT under paragraph 12.3 below. 12.3. OWNER shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, in whole or in par~, without cause upon seven (7) calendar days written notice to CONSULTANT. In the event of such term/nation for convenience, CONSULTANT's recovery against OWNER shall be limited to tha: portion of the fee earned through the date of termination, together with any retainage withheld and any costs reasonably incurred by CONSULTANT that are directly attributable to the termination, but CONSULTANT shall not be entitled to any other or further recovery against OWNER, including, but not limited to, anticipated fees or profits on work not required to be performed. 12.4. Upon termination, the CONSULTANT shall deliver to the OWh~R all original papers, records, documents, drawings, models, and other material set forth and described in this 17 12.s. The Omar shall have the power to suspend ·11 or any portions of the se=v'-'=es to be )rovided by CONSULTANT hereunder upon giving CON~ULTANT two (2) calendar days pre. or written notice of such suspension. If ·11 or any portion of the se=vices to be rendered hereunder are so suspended, the CONSULTANT's sole ·nd exclusive remedy shall be to seek an extension of time to its schedule in accordance with the procedures set forth in .Article Four herein. ARTICLE THIRTEEN TRUTH IN NEGOTIATION REPRESENTATIONS 13.1. C~NSULTANT warrants that CONSULTANT has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working soleiy for CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this Agreement ·nd tha~ CONSULTANT has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, cor~oration, individual or firm, other than · bona fide employee working solely for CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, gift or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. 13.2. In accordance with provisions of Section 287.055, (S) (a),Florfda Statutes, the CONSULTANT agrees to execute the required Truth-In-Negotiation Certificate, attached hereto and incorl~orated herein as Schedule E, stating that wage rates and other factual =nit costs supporting the compensation are accurate, complete and current at the time of the Ag=cement. The CONSULTANT agrees that the original Agreement price and any additions thereto shall be adjusted to exclude any significant sums by which the OWNER determines the Agreement price was increased due to inaccurate, 18 t t ttt I'S! - IIIIII I I incomplete, or non-current wage rates and other factual unit costs. All such adjustments shall be made within one (1) year following the end of this Agreement. ARTICLE FOURTEEN CONFLICT OF INTEREST -14.1. CONSULTANT represents that it presently has no interest and shall acquire no interest, either direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner with the performance of services required hereunder. CONSULTANT further represents that no persons having any such in=crest shall be en~loyed to perform those services. ARTICLE FIFTEEN MODIFICATION 15.1. No modification or change in this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties unless in writing and executed By the party or parties intended to be bound by it. ARTICLE SIXTEEN NOTICES AND ADDRESS OF RECORD 16.1. All notices required or made pursuant to this Agreement to he given by =he CONSULTANT to the OWNER shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand or by Un£ted States Postal Service Department, first class mail service, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the following OWNER's address of record: Board of County Commissioners, Collier County Florida. c/o Office of Capital Projects Management 3301 Tamiam~ Trail East Naples, Fl. 34112 Attention= Vladimir A. Ryziw, P.E., PMP, Project Manager 19 JUN 2 IS97 ,=. ,,21 16.2. All notices required or made pursuant to this Agreement to be given by the OWNER to CONSULTANT shall be made in writing and shall be deliv~red by hand or by the United States Postal Service Department, first class mat1 service, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the following CONSULTANT's address of record: Hole Montes and Associates, Inc. 6ROR-F Presidential Court, Fort Myers, Florid& 33919 Attention~ Walter F. Gilcher, P.E., Project Manager or Robert L. Murray, P.E., Senior Vice President 16.3. Either party may change its address of record by written notice to the other party given in accordance with requirements of this Article. ARTICLE SEVENTEEN MISCELI~EOUS 17.1. CONSULTANT, in representing OWNER, shall promote the best interest of OWNER and assume towards OWNER a duty of the highest trust, confidence, and fair dealing. 17.2. No modification, waiver, suspension or termination of the Agreement or of any terms. thereof shall impair the rights or liabilities of either party. 17.3. This Agreement is not assignable, in whole or in part, by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of OWRER. 17.4. Waiver by either party of a breach of any provisio~ of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be · waiver of any other breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement. 2O JUN 2 1697 17.5. The headings of the Articles, Schedules, Farts and Attachments as contained in this ~r~e~ent are for the purpose of convenience only and shall not be deemed to expand, limi= or change the provisions in such Articles, Schedules, Parts and Attachments. 17.~. This ~reement, initially consisting of ~? continuously numbered pages including the · referenced Schedules and Attachments hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the par~les hereto and shall supersede, replace and nullify any and all prior agreements or understandings, written or oral, relating to the matter set forth herein, and any such prior agreements or understanding shall have no force or effect whatever on this · gree~ent. ~,RTI CItE EIGHTEEN Ia.1. Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Florida, and by the laws, z-ules and regulations of the United States when providin9 services funded by the United States 9overnment. ~ny suit or action brought by either party to this Agreement against the other party relating to or arising out of ~hls Agreement must be brought in the appropriate Florida state court in Collier County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p&rties hereto have executed this Professional Se~ices ~mmn= on the day and year first written above. ATTESTs BOARD OF COUN~ COMMISSIONERS FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA .[AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT] Clerk= Dwight £. Brock DaCes By: Timothy ~. Hancock, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency$ County Attorney (CORPORATE SEAL) JUN 2 % .1997 SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2, 1997 The CONSULTANT shall provide and perform the following professional services which shall constitute the GENERAL SCOPE of the BASIC SERVICES and SPECIAL SERVICES under the convenants, terms and provisions of this PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall conduct surveys, develop design alternatives, prepare an environmental impact summary, develop traffic data, prepare final plans and specifications, cost estimates, bid documents, contract documents, all government permit applications, coordinate all utility system adjustments, design utility relocations for COUNTY owned facilities (water, sewer, effluent) and provide construction phase services for roadway and bridge, in accordance with permits which may be required from the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida~ Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, the United States Envircnmental Protection Agency, the South Florida Water Management District, Big Cypress Basin and Collier County Department of Community Development. The scope of the project generally includes, but is not necessarily limited to design and construction of a bridge or bridges extending Airport-Pulling Road dorth to Piper Boulevard, design and reconstruction of approximately 1,000 feet of Piper Boulevard to accommodate the horizontal and vertical alignment of the bridge(s) and approaches, a re%aining wall along the north side and/or south side of reconstructed Piper Boulevard, design and constructiqn of new or modified turning lanes on Immokalee Road, design and construction of improvements to the Immokalee Road/Airport-Pulling Road/Piper Boulevard intersections including relocation of County owned utilities, signalization, street lighting and signing and pavement markings. Section 2. Pursuant to hereinabove, the C~nezal Scope of the Basic the CONSULTANT shall perform and Special Se~ all sez'vices~ SCHEDULE'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2.1997 cessary to complete t~e following tasks and provide the following items ich are enumerated to correspond to the tasks and items set forth in SCHEDULE "B" (Attachment "A"). 1.00 Public Involvement Program 2.00 Surveying Se=vices 3.00 Geotechnical Services 4.00 Environmental Inventory 5.00 Traffic Design Analysis 6.00 Roadway and [,ridge Plans 7.00 Utility Relocation Plans 8.00 Right-of-Way Plans (not used) 9.00 Signalization and Street Lighting Plans 10.00 Signing and Pavement Marking Plans ll.000perational and Environmental Permits 12.00 Final Bidding and Contract Documents 13.00 Additional Services 14.00 Advisory Services During Bidding 15.00 Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) Services The .CONSULTANT shall undertake a Public Involvement program which shall include the following: Task 1.01 Assist the COUNTY in developing and maintaining a mailing list of elected and appointed officials in the local area, community members in the project area, permit and review agencies, property owners, and other interested parties. Task 1.02 The CONSULTANT shall: a) Prepare exhibits, attend and participate in a preliminary Public Informati~n Meeting conducted by the COUNTY and CONSULTANT at or before the 30% submittal. b) Prepare presentation boards with alignment depicted thereon for use as visual aids during the meeting. c) Prepare written narrative suitable for preliminary and final Public Information 24 SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2.1997 for general information. The narrative shall address the following topics at a minimum. i) Description of the Proposed Project. ii) Traffic circulation and patterns. iii) Pedestrian traffic. iv) Emergency vehicle access. v) Public safety. Task 1.03 Evaluate and consider identified concerns or challenges to the project alignment or concept as a result of the Public Information Meeting and revise the above exhibits accordingly as approved by the COUNTY. Assemble the Task 1.02 work product into a booklet. Participate in a Board of County Commissioners Meeting to accept study and findings. Task 1.04 Attend a final Public Information Meeting conducted by the COUNTY and CONSULTANT at the submittal stage. Prepare agenda depicting the final design of project information, evaluate public concerns or suggestions approved by the COUNTY. completion of the and presentation boards the project. Provide and consider identified and revise plans, as The CONSULTANT shall perform land surveying services for the engineering design of the subject project under the direction of a professional land surveyor and mapper registered in the State of Florida with said surveying services meeting the minimum technical standards for land surveying in the State of Florida pursuant to Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code. Said surveying services may utilize electronic data collection with field data being recorded electronically. include the establishment of a survey baseline points tied to existing right-o[-way or section equipment Survey se~~ lines; est~ SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2.1997 ire benchmarks at linear intervals no greater than 1000.00 feet referenced the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (N.G.V.D.) of 1929; the location of above ground visible improvements and surface indicators of underground utilities existing within the defined project limits and roadway and canal cross sections. The limits of the project are defined as follows: .The general east/west project limits, based on centerline stationing of Immokalee Road as previously established by plans prepared by Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. entitled "Plans For Improvements to C.R.846 Immokalee Road, Collier County Project No. 66042", dated July 13, 1992 are from Station 122+00 to Station 145+00 from the southerly r/w line of Immokalee Road to the northerly r/w line of Piper Boulevard. The north/south project limits, based on centerline stationing along Airport-Pulling Road as previous established by plans prepared by Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. entitled "Plans For Improvements to C.R.846 Immokalee Road, Collier County Project No. 66042", dated July 13, 1992 are from Station 18+00 to Station 32+00 from easterly r/w of the Airport Road to the westerly r/w line of Airport Road. The CONSULTANT shall furnish soils investigation and analysis necessary for the design and preparation of construction plans for this project. A report shall be prepared with recommendations, and pertinent soils data, including the water table level encountered during the advancement of borings, and shall be submitted to the COUNTY for its record. Task 3-01 ~ ' a) Two Standard Penetration Test borings to a depth of 80 feet will be obtained within the alignment of the bridge. b) etc. Laboratory testing, sufficient to enable a Geotechnical Engineer registered in the State of Florida, to analyze subsurface soil conditions and make design recommendations,-shall be performed. Such tests may include, but shall not be limited to, r~ size analysis, Atterberg limits, 26 Task 3.02 SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2, 1997 Prepare a report summarizing the findings and provide recommendations for the bridge foundation design, retaining wall foundation design and roadway pavement design (soil support value). The CONSULTANT shall furnish a report summarizing the impact of the project on Hydrology, Vegetation, Wildlife, Soils, and Wetlands. The report shall contain the following: Task 4.01 Task 4.02 a) A diagram depicting the hydrology of the area. b) A description of the potential impact to ground and surface water resulting from the project. a) A listing of vegetation found within the project limits. Task 4.03 b) An aerial map of the vegetation associations. a) An inventory of wildlife found within the project limits. Task 4,04 Fu~ Task 4.05 a) An aerial map or drawing of the soils within the project limits identified by Soil Series and Field Mapping Unit Name established by the United States Department of Agriculture"s Soil Conservation Service. 2? a) SCHEDULE'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2,1997 An aerial map or drawing of wetland areas within and adjacent to the project limits. Jurisdictional limits of permitting agencies such as, but not necessarily limited to, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the South Florida Water Management District and United States Army Corp. of Engineers shall be shown. b) A description of the impact on wetlands by the project and mitigation requirements to offset .adverse impacts. The CONSULTANT shall obtain and develop the traffic data needed to design the project for year 2020 from data available from the COUNTY [existing lane volumes - most current Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)], proposed Zoning and Land Development Orders on file with the COUNTY and from the Collier County Metropolitan Planning Organization) augmented by a review of the Land Use and Zoning information along the Corridor within the traffic [mits which data is known or developed during the performance of this Task traffic information from ADA/DRI's filed along the Corridor, and supplemented by hourly machine counts over a 24-hour period and/or 8-hour manual counts at intersections as required. Task 5.01 Existing current traffic count data, including turning movement measurements, will be assembled, as available, and supplemented to the extent necessary by new machine counts and turning movement counts. Task 5.02 The Naples Area Transportation model will be utilized, along with the latest growth projections ~y TAZ, to project future road system loadings in the vicinity of this project. Design hour volumes will be developed for the intersections to be designed, reflecting a.m. and p.m. peak conditions and considerations for 6 through ~ .-..~ / JUN2~ 1997 28 / ~' "~ Task 5.03 SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2. 1997 Capacity and system analyses will be performed to identify the geometric and signal system design criteria for optimum operations during the life of the project, based on a design year of 2020. · ' Task 5.04 ~ A report on the traffic design analyses will be prepared and submitted. The CONSULTANT shall furnish design services necessary to perform project design and prepare roadway and bridge construction plans and specifications in accordance with the highway design and plans preparation standards in effect on the date of this Agreement. The basic standards, criteria and guidelines are set forth in the Florida Department of Transportation Roadway Plans Preparation Manual, Drainage Manual and other design guidelines. Plans shall be accurate, legible and complete in design. A bridge development report (BDR) shall be prepared which shall analyze and make recommendations for a bridge typical section, bridge hydraulics, bridge foundation type, bridge corrosion environment and bridge type. The recommendations in the BDR shall be a result of clear, concise, and logical conclusions based on equitable treatment of alternatives, documented by calculations and drawings. The BDR will be submitted prior to the 30% submittal. Roadway plans shall be prepared to include: Plotting of survey data; establishment of profile grades; preparation of key map, an aerial photo based drainage map, bridge hydraulics sheet, plan-profile sheets (including geometric calculations), typical section sheets, summary of quantities (including computation booklet), retaining wall plans, maintenance of traffic plans, cross-section sheets (including earth~Drk computations) and other detail sheets necessary to convey khe intent of the design for the Scope of Services outlined herein. 29 SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2.1997 oThe CONSULTANT shall submit design notes and computations to document the design conclusions reached during the development of the final construction plans. The design notes and computations shall be recorded in 8-1/2,, X 11', computation sheets, fully titled, numbered, dated, sealed , and signed by the Professional Engineer in responsible charge . Computer output forms and other oversized sheets shall be folded or otherwise reduced to 8-1/2,, .' X 11" size. The data shall be bound for submittal to the COUNTY. One copy of the appropriate design notes and computations shall be submitted to the COUNTY at each plan review stage. When the plans are submitted for final review, the design notes and computations, corrected for any COUNTY comments, shall be resubmitted. At the project completion, a final set of the design notes and computations shall be submitted with the record set of plans and tracings. The design notes and calculations shall include, but are not limited to, the following data: Design criteria used for this project. 2. Bridge Development Report. 3. · Geometric design calculations for horizontal alignment that is not included in the quantity computation bcoklet. 4. Vertical geometry calculations. Drainage computations. Earthwork calculations not included in the quantity computation booklet. Documentation of decisions reached resulting from meetings, telephone conversations or site visits. ' Calculations of quantities for all items set forth in the Bid Form. Each drawing of each submittal shall be signed by the appropriate Professional Engineer for the type of work depicted on ~ A~.~wtngs. ! ,0 / appropriate Department Chapter 30. SCHEDULE 'A' design professional in accordance of Transportation,s Roadway Plan HMA. 97.09 June 2,1997 with the Florida Preparation Manual, Each submittal called for herein shall be delivered with a transmittal letter signed by the CONSULTANT,s Project Manager stating that the submittal package is complete. In the interests of maintaining a design schedule which will result in a bid advertisement for construction of the project being issued on or before October 3, 1997, the CONSULTANT may proceed with efforts for the next submittal during the County's review period. The CONSULTANT shall conduct project plan reviews with the COUNTY, as a minimum, at the Grades and Geometrics (30%), and Basic/Detail Plan (90%) stages. Each review shall be a verbal presentation supplemented with appropriate plans, displays or other visual aids. Plan development at the respective submittal stages shall conform to the following: Task 6.01 Grade~ and Geom~tr~c.~ The CONSULTANT shall submit to the COUNTY four (4) sets of blueline prints for roadway and bridge review purposes. The plans shall depict existing topographical features, existing right-of-way and existing or proposed easement lines and shall contain the following: a) Plan and Profile Sheets (!,, . 20'). b) Existing project cross-section sheets. c) d) Drainage maps depicting existing existing drainage structures, and patterns (1" - 400'). Proposed typical section or sections. drainage areas, existing flow e) Proposed preliminary road, bridge and intersection geometry. f) g) Proposed preliminary vertical alignment. Proposed preliminary median openings and a driveway/access problems. SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2, 1997 h) Plan showing type, size, typical section, elevation and location of proposed bridge/culvert structure. The CONSULTANT shall submit an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE opinion of probable cost of constructing the project. Task 6.02 ~ax~~D~~~ The CONSULTANT shall submit four (4) sets of blueline prints to the COUNTY for road and bridge review. The plans shall be complete construction plans, including a plan for maintenance of traffic, construction phasing and utility designs and adjustments with the exception that the quantity computation booklet and summary of quantities of all items required for the construction of project and made a part of the final contract documents (Task 12.00) will not be included. Reports and calculations required to document design decisions reached during the development of plans shall be submitted along with the plans. The submittal shall include all drainage calculations, storm water attenuation/detention requirements, storm sewer tabulation sheets, and a BUDGET ESTIMATE of the cost of constructing the project. All potential or documented utility conflicts shall be identified and the CONSULTANT shall notify affected utilities in accordance with Task 7.00, Utility Relocation Plans. The bid documents shall be reviewed by the COUNTY for compliance with the COUNTY's procurement policies and practices, insurance requirements and other regulations or requirements. The subm/ttal shall reflect development of: a. Storm Drainage System. b. Drainage Structures and Drainage Outfalls. c. Roadway Plan and Profile. d. Roadway Cross Sections. SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2, 1997 e. Retaining Wall Plans. f. Utility Relocation Plans (pcwer, telephone, ATV). g. County Utility Relocation Plans (water, sewer, reuse). h. Signalization and Street Lighting Plans. i. Signing and Pavement Marking Plans j. Bridge Foundation Plans. k. Bridge Substructure. 1. Bridge Superstructure. m. Bridge Approach Slabs. n. Maintenance of Traffic Plan. o. Construction Phasing Plan. o. Contract Documents. q. Reports and calculations required to document design decisions reached during development of plans. r. Applications for all Environmental and Oi:erational Permits required by various permit agencies complete with required sketches, drawings and descriptions. Permit Applications are to be submitted at the approximate 60% stage of completion. TA.~W '7.(30 - []'T'TT,TTY R~.T,C~ATTON PTJ~g The requirements of the various utility owners shall be recognized during design and will be coordinated by the CONSULTANT. The'CONSULTANT shall provide to the COUNTY such.representation and technical assistance as may be necessary for coordination and/or negotiation with utility owners or ~ other public agencies affected by the project. Utility adJ~~ SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2.1997 =~ility locations and proposed utility locations when adjustment is ired. The required utility adjustments will be designed by each u~tility owner or separate owner prepared plans and utility relocation information will be provided by the affected utilities (power, electrical, telephone, cablevision, etc.) on prints of roadway and bridge plans provided to the utility by the CONSULTANT concurrent with the basic and detail and final plan submittals. The CONSULTANT shall design utility relocations for COUNTY owned water, sewer and reuse facilities. The contract schedule (Exhibit "C") is based upon receipt of the relocation design from the private utilities within 30 calendar days (or a time span negotiated) from submission of the roadway and bridge Basic and Detail and Final Plans to the utilities for their use in showing their proposed adjustments. Copies of all correspondence to or from all utilities shall be supplied by the CONSULTANT to the COUNTY. Work under this task shall include the following: Task 7.01 Upon completion of the Grades and Geometrics (30%) plans, the CONSULTANT will transmit two sets to the utility companies requesting their submittal of a marked-up plan of their existing facilities, either by as-builts or field location, along with their comments and proposed relocations relative to the proposed project. Task 7.02 ' ' The CONSULTANT shall, by certified, return receipt requested mail, send Basic and Detail and Final Roadway Plans to each utility for their review requesting them to return plans showing additions or corrections to existing facilities and their proposed relocations where, adjustments are necessary. Task 7.03 Upon receipt of plans reviewed and signed off by the utilities within 30 calendar days (or a project-specific time frame agreed upon by the County and the CONSULTANT) after written' request is made, any additions and/or corrections will be made to the roadway and bridge plans. Utility adjustments provided by the utilities will be shown in the CONSULTANT's Detail and Final Plans ...... ~ ~ I IIIIII SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2.1997 If no response is received by the CONSULTANT in an agreed upon time limit after submission to the utilities, the CONSULTANT shall so notify the COUNTY. The COUNTY shall then, by certified, return receipt requested mail notify said utilities that the future costs of relocation, delays or redesign necessitated by their failure to respond shall be borne solely by them. Copies of such letters shall be given to the CONSULTANT. The 90% and 100% plans will show the existing and proposed location of the utilities which is provided to the CONSULTANT by the utility company. Task 7.04 County The CONSULTANT shall provide engineering and permitting services for the design of the relocations of COUNTY owned facilities (water, sewer and reuse lines) which are necessitated by the proposed roadway and bridge and appurtenant facilities. Upon identification of potential conflicts with COUNTY owned utilities and prior to the 90% submittal, the CONSULTANT shall engage the services of a firm specializing in locating underground utilities by the use of non-destructive methods to locate the conflicting utilities in three dimensions. A maximum of 20 utility conflict locations will be field investigated and the vertical and horizontal location of the utility determined at each location. Based on this information, miror adjustments in the roadway/bridge plan will be made or the CONSULTANT will provide a design to adjust the location of the utility line to eliminate the conflict. TA~ R.00 - RTG~T-OF-WAY PY~Ggg NOT USED A signal plan for the intersection of Airport Road and In~nokalee R~ad will be prepared to reflect the addition of a northerly leg to the ~ntersection. This signal modification will be based on the existing signal system or replacement thereof, with record drawings of the existing san(~N~-T~/~--T~ be provided by the County, if available. A signal pl SCHEDULE 'A' HUA. gT.0g June 2,1gg7 intersection of Airport Road and Piper Boulevard may be prepared as an titional Service, subject to written authorization and approval by the COUNTY. (See Task 13.02). The signal plan will be prepared to meet COUNTY requirements. The plans will include quantities and details as appropriate. Highway and Structure lighting plans for the bridge and two intersections will be prepared, including quantities and details to meet County .requirements. Task 9.01 The CONSULTANT shall submit to the COUNTY four (4) sets of blueline prints of the preliminary plans for review. Plans will include: a) Plan sheet showing poles, signal heads, controllers, loop locations, luminaries and appurtenances. b) Copies of intersection design volumes, recommended signal phasing, timing, illumination intensity and capacity analysis. c) Signalization and street lighting plans. These plans will be initially submitted with the Basic and Detail Plans (90%) under Task 6.02. The CONSULTANT shall furnish design services a~d prepare construction plans for traffic signs and pavement markings for the entire project. Final plans shal~ be submitted with the final roadway and bridge plans and prepared in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation Roadway and Traffic Design Standards and COUNTY standards. CONSULTANT aha11 prepare operational and environmental permit ications, data and drawings required for submittal by the COUNTY to local, state and federal agencies having permit jurisdiction ir,~!~,d3~ h,,~ ! / o~ t SCHEDULE'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2.1997 Environmental Protection, Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the South Florida Water Management District and the Big Cypress Basin Board. Drainage design shall include stormwater treatment and attenuation required to comply with rules of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the South Florida Water Management District. The prerequisite stormwater permit applications shall be prepared in accordance with the ~pplicable provisions of Chapter 17-25, RE~TION OF STORMWATER DISCHARGE, FLORiDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, and the applicable provisions of Chapters 40E- 4 and 40E-40 of the South Florida Water Management District. The CO~.~TY shall review the permit applications and shall have a representative at all conferences and meetings between the CONSULTANT and the permitting agency and shall be copied on all correspondence between the CONSULTANT and the permitting agencies. The Coordination and permitting process shall be as follows: Task 11.01 Permitting agencies shall be notified of the proposed project prior to submittal of Grades and Gecmetrics (30%) design. A meeting will be held wick representatives of each agency to review the proposed project to obtain their comments and areas of concern which shall be included in the Grades and Geometrics plans review with the COUNTY. Task 11.02 Permit application forms including required design information and data shall be completed by the CONSULTANT thirty (30) calendar days after the 30% submittal, and submitted to t~e COUNTY for its approval and appropriate signature. The CONSULTANT shall then submit the Permit Application to the appropriate agencies after COUNTY approval. All permit application and review fees will be paid directly to the permitting CONSULTANT shall advise the agency by the COUNTY. The ~hel COUNTY well in advance of the applicati~n~. | SCHEDULE'A' amount of the permit fee .submission. so as not HMA. 97.09 June 2,1997 to delay the Task 11.03 The CONSULTANT shall respond to agency review comments, revise applications and Basic Plans, and submit additional material required to support the proposed design if required, and coordinate with the COUNTY and permitting agencies to obtain approval of the permits. Such response shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days subsequent to the agency requests. Requirements of permitting agencies shall be incorporated into final contract documents including storm water treatment and attenuation as may be required. TAg~ ]2.00 - FINAl, BIDDING AND CONTRACT DOCITMFTgTS Once the 90% roadway and bridge plans and signalization, street lighting and signing and pavement marking plans or other plans have been approved by COUNTY, two final sets of draft bidding plans and contract documents be prepared and submitted to the COUNTY for final review. Upon final approval by the COUNTY, 100% bidding plans and contract documents will be prepared. The 100% bidding plans and contract documents shall be completed no later than October 3, 1997. This task will include the following: Task 12.01 Final roadway and bridge plans, a quantity computation booklet and summary of quantities, and an OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST. Task 12.02 Task 12.03 Final signalization, lighting, signing and marking plans, or other plans, su~nmary of quantities and an OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST. Special provisions and other appropriate contract documents for incorporating Florida Department of Transportation specifications, U.S. Ax,,,y Corps. Of Engineers, Department of Environmental Protection and South Florida Water Management District and other permitting agency requirements in the bid documents. Task 12.04 100% complete bidding plans and contract document~ ready for b£d including all forms, genera] c~~ I 38 JU. 2 ~ Task 12.05 SCHEDULE 'A' · all approved permits and other material required and provided by the County. HMA. 97.09 June 2, 1997 Provide COUNTY with one complete reproducible set of bidding plans (mylar) and contract documents (camera ready), two sets of signed and sealed plans (prints) and computer floppy disks of each CAD generated plan sheet in Autocad, Release 12. If a construction contract is let, COUNTY will print and issue bidding documents. The COUNTY and the CONSULTANT have identified the following additional services which may be required as part of the design phase of this proJec:. The CONSULTANT shall not proceed with an Additional Service without written notice from the COUNTY. If other Additional Services not listed herein are required as determined by the COUNTY and/or the CONSULTANT, a separate scope and fee for each Additional Service shall be negotiated. Task 13.01 - ' The CONSULTANT shall design the realignment of Airport- Pulling Road, south of the identified project limits, and incorporate the design in the Roadway Plans, if necessary, in order to provide the proper aligr~ment cf the proposed Airport-Pulling Road Bridge with tke existing 4-lane or ultimate 6-lanes of Airport-Pulling Road. Task 13.02 - ' ' . The CONSULTANT shall design a traffic signal plan for the intersection of Airport-Pulling Road and Piper Boulevard if it is determined by the COUNTY and the CONSULTANT that a signalized intersection at this location is necessary for' traffic operations and safety. This signal design, if authorized by the COUNTY, may not be part of the const ruc~vn,~u[~nc~ j Jr. 2 I SCHEDULE'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2. 1997 for this project, but may be construCted at a later date. Task 13.03 - Con~t~lcta~]{t? ~view The CONSULTANT shall engage the services of representatives from one bridge contractor and one roadway contractor for the purposes of providing3 a constructability review of the contract documents. The contractors' representatives shall have documented experience in bridge and roadway construc~i~n in southwest Florida. The constructability r~view shall include review of plans and specifications, identification of construction related issues, ~eetin=js with the COUNTY and CONSULTANT, a~d x~ti~ns which address the mitigation of identified construc=ion related issues. After approval of construction plans and bidding documents by the COb7T~Y, the CONSULTANT shall perform the following services: Task 14.01 Attend and participate with the COUNTY in scheduling and presenting a Pre-Bid Conference. Task 14.02 Respond to Bidders' inquiries through the COUNTY and prepare addenda for issuance by the COUNTY. Task %4.03 Evaluate the bids received by the COUNTY and provide written recommendations to the COUNTY for award of a construction contract. Task 14.04 Provide the COUNTY with a Unit 'Price Bid Tabulation for all responsive and responsible bidders. 2 1997 SCHEDULE 'A' HMA. 97.09 June 2, 1997 SC~-~:'~J~b FEE MAY; BE NE~0T~.'TE'D' BY TH[ COUNTY 'AND THE C~$ULTANT AT THE COM'.P.~L. EiqON OF THE DESIGN PHASE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT ~)~ CON§TRUC~ON. CONSULTANT SHALL PREPARE THE SCOPE OF SF_RWCES FOR THIS TASK,; IF IT IS THE CQ.U...N~"....S INTENT TO HAVE THE CONS.UL!...A..NT.. PERFORM CONSTRUCTION PHASE .'ENGIN__E..E_R. iN. G S ERV. IC.E.S. 41 SCHEDULE B BASIS ~F COMPENSATION B.1.1. As consideration for providing Basic Services as set forth herein in task numbers 6,7B, 9, 10, and 12 of Schedule A and Schedule B, OWNER agrees to pay, and CONSULTANT agrees to accept, the lump sum fees as shown on Attachment A to this Schedule B. B.1.2. Payment for lump sum Basic Services under task numbers 6, 7B, 9, 10 and 12 shall be issued by OWNER on the basis of percentage of individual task completion, utilizing CONSULTANT'S submission of monthly progress payment estimates/invoices with such documentation accounting for personnel types, man-hour expenses, and hourly pay rates for each respective task upon which services are provided. If required and so requested by OWNER, CONSULTANT shall provide support information in the form of products, deliverables, plans, designs, computations, correspondence and the like, to evidence that services have been provided to OWNER for which payment is being requested on a monthly basis. OWNER reserves the right to withhold compensatien cn portions of payments for services or designs not in accordance with the intent and terms and conditions of this Agreement. B.1.3. As consideration for providing Special Services as set forth herein in task numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7A, 7C, and 11 of Schedule A and Schedule B, OWNER agrees to pay, and CONSULTANT agrees to accept, the lump sum and cost not-to-exceed fees as shown on Attachment A to this Schedule B. Payment for the foregoing Special Services shall be issued by OWNER in accord with the provisions contained in Article B.1.2. for Basic Services, with 6he exception that cost not-to-exceed I Ju 2 lS97 tasks and fees thereto shall be paid by OWNER on the basis of actual hours for various personnel and costs incurred by CONSULTANT as so reviewed an4 expended approved b~ OWNER. B.1.4 B.I.S B.1.6 OWNER shall compensate CONSULTA~ for accepted and approved services under this Agreement on the basis of an eight (8) hour work day and a forty (40) hour work week. Time and one half payments for overtime hours are not permissible. Additional Services as outlined in Attachment C, Schedule B, shall not con~ence by CONSULTANT until OWNER'S Project Manager issues a written authorization. Additional Services may or may no= be authorized by OWNER. Payment for authorized Additional Services as so accepted and approved by OWNER shall be issued in accord with the payment provisions contained heretofore for Basic Services and Special Services. Reimbursable costs shall mean the actual expenditures made by the CONSULTANT whll4 providing Basic Services, Special Services, or Additional Services, in the interest of the Project. Reimbursable costs may include= (a) expenses for transportation and subsistence incidental to out-of-County (c) travel required by CONSULTANT and directed by OWNER, other than visits Co the Project Site to permitting agencies or OWNER's office; expenses for preparation, reproduction, ~hotographic production techniques, postage and handling of drawings, specifications, bidding documents and similar Project-related items; when authorized in advance by OWNER, except as specifically otherwise provided herein, the expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular · rates; and (d) expenses for renderings, ~dels and mock-ups requested by OWNER. By way of example and not limitation, reie~ursable costs shall specigically not include e×penditures, (except as otherwise authorized by O~R) such as: (a) expenses for local transportation and local subsistences (b) overhead, including field office facilities~ (c) overtime not authorized by O~ER~ or (d) expenses for copies, reproductions, l>OStage, handling, express deliver]f, and long distance co~nications. B.1.7 B.1.8 Payments will be ~ade for services rendered and approved no ~ore than on a monthly basis, within thirty (30) days of submittal of an approvable invoice. The number of the purchase order by which authority the services have been made, shall appear on all invoices. All invoices shall be reasonably substantiated, shall identify the services rendered and must be submitted in triplicate in a form and manner required by O~R. CONSULT~d~T shall meet with ObeYER'S staff prior to the first invoice to discuss invoicing procedures, formats, etc. CONSULTANT acknowledges that Attachment A - (Schedule of Fees for Basic and Special Services), Attachment B - (Consultant's Employee Hourly Rate Schedule), and Attachment C - (Consultant's Estimate of Additional Services), each attached to this Schedule B are incorporated herein and, will be the basis for OWNER'S budgeting, authorizing and monitoring of expenditures under this Agreement. END OF SCHEDULE B 44 JuN 2 1S97 SCHEDULE B ATTACHMENT A SCHF. DULE OF FEES FOR BASIC AND SPECIAL SERVICES 6/02/97 TASK NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 TASK DESCRIPTION Public Involvement Program Surveying Services Geotechnical Services E.'~vironmental invento~J Traffic Design Analysis Roadway and Bridge Plans Utility Relocation Plans A. Power, Telephone & CATV B. County Water, Sewer & Reuse C. Level 'A' Utility Location (County Facilities) Right-of-Way Plans (Not Used) Signalization & Street Lighting Plans Signing & Pavement Marking Plans Operational & Environmental Permits Final Bidding & Contract Documents TOTAL TASK FEE AMOUNT TASK FEE AMOUNT $ 8,989.00 10,480.00 4,374.00 2,872.00 25,279.00 88,672.00 METHOD OF TYPE OF COMPENSATION SERVICE (1) (2) N.T.E. S L.S. S L.S. S L.S. S L.S. S L.S. B 2,376.00 L.S. S 5,420.00 L.S. B 5,982.00 N.T.E. S -O- - S 16,611.00 LS. B 8,316.00 L.S. B 5,998.00 N.T.E. S 13,079.00 LS. B $198,448.00 (1) METHOD OF COMPENSATION L.S. - Lump Sum N.T.E. - Not to Exceed (Time + Reimbursable Cost) (2) TYPE OF SE .RVICE B Basic Services S . Special Services 45 6/02/'97 SCHEDULE 'B' ATTACHMENT 'B' HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consultant's Employee Hourly Rate Schedule ENGINEER V (Principal) ENGINEER V ENGINEER IV ENGINEER I!1 ENGINEER II ENGINEER I ENGINEER TECH IV ENGINEER TECH III ENGINEER TECH II ENGINEER TECH I CONTRACTOR ADMINISTRATOR (Principal) CONTRACTOR ADMINISTRATOR (P.E.) CONTRACTOR ADMINISTRATOR CONSTRUCTION FIELD REPRESENTATIVE ill CONSTRUCTION FIELD REPRESENTATIVE II CONSTRUCTION FIELD REPRESENTATIVE I PLANNER IV PLANNER III PLANNER II pLANNER I SU RVEYO R V SURVEYOR IV SURVEYOR III SURVEY TECH IV SURVEY TECH Iil SURVEY TECH II SURVEY TECH I 2 MAN SURVEY CREW 3 MAN SURVEY CREW TECHNICIAN III (CLERICAL) TECHNICIAN II (CLERICAL) TECHNICIAN I (CLERICAL) SU BCONS~LTANTS/SUBCONTRACTORS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES MILEAGE CONCRETE MONUMENTS PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENTS (*)Not To Exceed County Rate/Cost Permissible $125.00 per hour $110.00 per hour $ 93.00 per hour $ 75.00 per hour $ 65.00 per hour $ 55.00 per hour $ 60.00 per hour $ 55.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ 40.00 per hour $ 95.00 per hour $ 75.00 per hour $ 55.00 per hour $ 55.00 per hour $ 45.00 per hour $ 35.00 per hour $ 95.00 per hour $ 70.00 per hour $ 60.00 per hour $ 45.00 per hour $ 85.00 per hour $ 65.00 per hour $ 55.00 per hour $ 55.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ 45.00 per hour $ 40.00 per hour $ 80.00 per hour $ 95.00 per hour $ 38.00 per hour $ 30.00 per hour $ 25.00 per hour Cost + 10% Cost + 10% $ .30 per m~e(*) $. 10.00 each $ 10.00 each 6/02J97 SCHEDULE 'B' ATTACHMENT 'B' ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consultant's Employee Hourly Rate Schedule ~ataEvaluatio~n Anal sis Desl nlns ction FieldMonltorin e~) SENIOR CONSULTANT PRINCIPAL ENGINEER SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER/STAFF ENGINEER SENIOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN CONSTRUCTION MONITORING AND FIELD TESTING SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF RECORD TECHNICIAN/INSPECTOR IV TECHNICIAN/INSPECTOR III TECHNICIAN II TECHNICIAN I $140.00 per hour $115.00 per hour $ 96.00 per hour $ 77.50 per hour $ 66.00 per hour $ 43.50 per hour $ 86.00 per hour $ 43.50 per hour $ 37.00 per hour $ 30.00 per hour $ 26.50 per hour LABORATORY TESTING (Visual Classification And Sample Handling and Special Laboratory Tests - Leaching Studles~ Slurry Consolidation? etc.) LABORATORY TECHNICIAN IV LABORATORY TECHNICIAN III LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Ii LABORATORY TECHNICIAN I $ 43.50 per hour $ 37.00 per hour $ 30.00 per hour $ 26.50 per hour SUPPORT PERSONNEL CADD ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SENIOR TECHNICAL DRAFTSPERSON TECHNICAL DRAFTSPERSON TECHNICAL, SECRETARY REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES MILEAGE(Automobile) MILEAGE(Truck) (*)Not To Exceed County Rate/Cost Permissible 47 $ 50.00 per hour $ 36.00 per hour $ 32.50 per hour $ 32.50 per hour Cost + 10% $ .35 per mile(*) $ .45 per rra'le(*) JUN 2 IS97 6/02/97 SCHEDULE 'B' ATTACHMENT 'B' JENKINS & CHARLAND INCORPORATED. Consultant's Employee Hourly Rate Schedule SENIOR PRINCIPAL - REGISTERED ENGINEER PRINCIPAL - REGISTERED ENGINEER SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER - REGISTERED ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER - PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER - REGISTERED ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER/ASSOCIATE ENGINEER, E.I. SENIOR CADD DESIGNER CAD DESIGNER CERTIFIED BUILDING INSPECTOR INSPECTOR CLERICAL $150.00 per hour $120,00 per hour $ 90.00 per hour $ 80.00 per hour $ 75.00 per hour $ 75.00 per hour $ 55.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ 45.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ 40.00 per hour $ 35.00 per hour MILEAGE REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES $ .35 per mile(*) Cost + 10% (*)Not To Exceed County Rate/Cost Permissible 48 6102/97 SCHEDULE 'B' ATTACHMENT 'B' KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consultant's Employee Hourly Rate Schedule PRINCIPAL ENGINEER PRINCIPAL PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLANNER DESIGNER/SENIOR TECH SUPPORT STAFF MILEAGE REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES $150.00 per hour $ 90.00 per hour $ 80.00 per hour $ 65.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ .30 per mile(*) Cost + 10% (*)Not To Exceed County Rate/Cost Permissible 49 SCHEDULE 'B' ATTACHMENT 'B' KEVIN L. ERWlN CONSULTING ECOLOGIST, INC. Consultant's Employee Hourly Rate Schedule PRINCIPAL ECOLOGIST ECOLOGIST III ECOLOGIST II ECOLOGIST I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT III LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT II LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT I CAD TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN III TECHNICIAN I! TECHNICIAN I $100.00 per hour $ 80.00 per hour $ 65.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ 70.00 per hour $ 65.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ 50.00 per hour $ 40.00 per hour $ 25.00 per hour MILEAGE REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES $ .45 per mile(*) Cost + 10% (*)Not To Exceed County Rate/Cost Permissible W:~INI~?00~FEES..4.dcx: 6/02/97 SCHEDULE B ATTACHMENT C CONSULTANT'S ESTIMATE OF ADDmONAL SERVICES TASK TASK DESCRIPTION TASK FEE AMOUNT METHOD OF COMPENSATION 13 ADDITIONAL SERVICES A. Airport-Pulling Road (C.R.31)Nignment B. Traffic Signal at Piper Boulevard C. Constructability Review 5,440.00 7,573.00 6,646.00 N.T.E. N.T.E N.T.E. 14 15 Advisory Services During Bidding CEI Services (To Be Determined) TOTAL TASK FEE AMOUNT 6,316.00 $ 25,975.00 N.T.E. To Be Determined (1) METHOD OF COMPENSATION L.S. - Lump Sum N.T.E. - Not to Exceed (Time + Reimbursable Cost) 51 ®'~0 INSURANCE COVERAGE (1) The amounts and types of insurance coverage aha11 conform to the following · minimum requirements with the use of Insurance Services Office (ISO) forms and endorsements or their equivalents. (2) The insurance required by this Agreement eh&ll be written for not less than the limits specified herein or required by law, whichever is greater. (3) Coverages shall be maintained without interruption from the date of co~mencezent of the work until the date of completion and acceptance of the Project by the Owner or as specified in this Agreement, whichever is longer. ~ (4) Certificates of insurance (3 copies) acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner within ten (10) calendar days after Notice of Award is received by Contractor~Consultant~ Professional. Such certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under thc policies will not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the Owner. 53 JUN2 1997. ($) All insurance coveragea of the Contractor/Con- sultant/Profesaional shall be primary to any insurance or self insurance program carried by the Owner applicable to this Project. (6) The acceptance by Owner of any Certificate of Insurance does not constitute approval or agreement by the Owner that the insurance requirements have been satisfied cr that the insurance policy shown on the Certificate of Insurance is in compliance with the · ' requirements of this Agreement. (7) Contractor/Consultant/Professional shall require each of its subcontractors to procure and maintain, until the completion of the subcontractor's work, insurance of the ty~es and to the limits specified in this Section unless such insurance requirements for the subcontractor are expressly waived in writing by the Owner. (8) Should at any time the Contractor/Consultant/Pro- ~ssional not maintain the insurance coverages required herein, the Owner may terminate the Agreement or at its sole discretion shall be authorized to purchase such coverages and charge the Contractor for such coverages purchased. The Owner shall be under no ohligattcn to purchase such insurance, nor shall it be responsible for the coverages purchased or the insurance company or companies used. The decision of the Owner to purchase such insurance coverages shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of any of its rights under the Contract Documents. 54 (9) If =he initial, or any subsequently issued Certificate of Insurance expires prior to =he completion of tho Work or termination of =he Agreement, the Contractor/Consultant/ Professional shall furnish to the County, in triplicate, renewal or replacement ~ Certificate(s) of Insurance not la=er than thirty (30} calendar days prior to the date of their expiration. F&llure of the Con=factor to provide the County with such renewal certificaCe(s) sh&11 be considered Justification for the County to terminate the Agreemen=. WORKERB~ COMPENSATION A1TD EI~PLOY~RB, LI~BILI~-~ Required by this Agreement? (check one) ~ Yes ___ No {1} Workers, Compensation and Employers, Liability Insurance shall be maintained by the Con=rac=or/Consul=ant/ Professional during the term of this Agreement for all employees engaged in =he work under this Agreement in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The amounts of such insurance sba1! no= be less =has= a. Worker,s Compensation - Florida Statutory Requirements b. Employers' Liability (check one) __4 $100,000 Each Accident $500,000 Dlseale AggregaCe $100,000 Disease Each Employee $1,000,000 Each Accident $1,000,000 Disease Aggregate $1,OO0,000 Disease Each Employee (2) The insurance company shall waive its Rights of Subrc~Jation against the Owner ant the policy shall be so endorsed. (3) United States Longshoreman's and Harborworker's Acc coverage shall be maintained where applic&ble Co the completion of the work. (check one) __Applicable __4___4Noc Applicable (4) Maritime Coverage (Jones AcC) shall be maintained where applicable to the comple~ton of the work. (check one) __Applicable Not Applicable 56 JUN 2 IS97 COMME~.CZAL GEI'~RAL Z, IA~ZZ, ZTY Required by this Agreement? (check one) 4 Yes No (1) Commercial General Liability Insurance shall be maintained by the Contractor/Consultant/Professional. Coverage will include, but not be limited to, Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Personal Injury, Contractual Liability for this Agreement, Independent Contractors, Broad Form Property Damage including Completed Operations and Products and Completed Operations Coverage. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be caintained for a period of not less than five (5) years following the completion and acceptance by the Owner of the work under this Agreement. Limits of Liability shall not be less than the following: (check one) General Aggregate Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Personal and Advertising Injury Each Occurrence Fire Damage $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $ SO,O00 General Aggregate Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Personal and Advertising Injury Each Occurrence Fire Dan~ge $S00,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $ 50,000 57 JUN 2 ISS7 C~neral Aggregate Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Personal and ~-~ertlslng Injury Each Occurrence Fire Damage $10000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $ 50,000 (2) The General Aggregate Limit shall apply separately to this Project and the policy shall be endorsed using the following endorsement wording. 'This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following= Commercial General Liability Coverage Part. The General Aggregate Limit under LIMITS OF INSURANCE applies separately to each of your projects away from premises owned by or rented to you.' (3) If the General Liability insurance required herein is issued or renewed on a 'claims made' basis, as opposed to =he 'occurrence' form, the retroactive date for coverage ,hall he no la=er than the commencement date of the Project and shall provide that in the event of cancellation or non-renewal the Extended Reporting Period (Discovery Period) for claims shall be no less than three (3) years. (4) The Owner shall be named as an Additional Insured and the policy shall be endorsed that such coverage shall be primary to any similar coverage carried by the Owner. 58 CS) Coverage shall be included for explosion, claims. collapse or underground property damage (6) Watercraft Liability coverage shall be carried at the limits shown above if applicable to the completion of the work under this Agreement. (check one) __Applicable Applicable (7) Aircraft Liability coverage shall be carried at limits of $2,000,000 each occurrence if applicable to the completion of the work under this Agreement. (check one) __Applicable Applicable PROPERTY INSURANCE - BUILDERS RISK (1) Property Insurance - Builders Risk coverage shall be carried by the Owner if applicable. (check one) __Applicable Not Applicable (2) The Owner shall purchase and maintain in a company or co~anies lawfully )rized to do business in the State of Florida and in Collier County, property insurance in the amount of the initial Contract Sum as well as subsequent modifications thereto for the entire Work at the site on a replacement cost basis without voluntary deductibles. Such property insurance shall be maintained, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents or otherwise agreed in writing by all persons and entities who are beneficiaries of such .'insurance, until final payment has been ~ade or until no person or entity other than the Owner has an insurable interest in the property required to be covered, whichever is earlier. This insurance shall include interests of the Owner, the Contractor, Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors and Material Suppliers in the Work. Property insurance shall be on an all-risk policy form and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage including, without duplication of coverage, theft, wind and hail, vandalism, malicious mischief, collapse, falsework, temporary buildings and debris removal including demolition occasioned by enforcement of any applicable legal requirements, and, at the Owner's option, shall cover reasonable cc,.-rpensation for Professional's services and expenses required as a result of such insared loss. At the Owner's option, flood insurance will also be purchased. 6O JUN 2 (4) The property insurance provided by the Owner rec~ires minimum deductibles and the Contractor shall pay costs not covered by the deductibles. The responsibility of the Contractor for any deductible associated with the all-risk polic~ described above shall be limited to a maximum of $1,000 for each occurrence unless higher deductibles are identified in E~chibit C of the Contract Documents. The responsibility of the Contractor for any deductible associated with the flood insurance identified herein, if purchased by the Owner, aha11 be limited to a ~mximum of $1,000 for each occurrence unless higher deductibles are identified in Exhibit C of the Contract D~cuments. ($) This property insurance shall cover portions of the Work stored off the site after written approval of the Owner at the value established in the approval, and also portions of the Work in transit. (6) ~oiler and Machinery Insurance. The Owner shall have the option of purchasing and maintaining boiler and machinery insurance required by the Contract Documents or b~ law, which shall specifically cover such insured objects during installation and until final acceptance by the Owner. If purchased this insurance shall include interests of the Owner, Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcontrators in ~he Work. { JUt1 2~ 1S~7 (7} Waivers of Subrogation. The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against (1) each other and any of their subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, and (2) the Professional, Professional's consultants0 for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by property insurance obtained pursuant to this or other property insuraDce applicable to the Work, except such rights as they have to proceeds of such insurance held by the Owner as ffduciary. The polfcies shall provide · waivers of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise. (8) A loss insured under Owner's property insurance shall be adjusted by the Owner as fiduciary and made payable to the Owner as fiduciary for the insureds, as their interests may appear. (9) If Builders Risk coverage is applicable the Contractor shall be responsible for the following maximum deductibles per occurrence per paragraph (3) above.'(check one) __All Risk Policy - $10000 maximum deductible All Risk Policy - Maximum deductible of $ ----- Flood Policy - $1,000 maximum deductible Flood Policy - Maximum deductible of $. 62 I JUN 2 zi 1S97 AUTOMOBILZ LIABIr. ITY IN~It~NC~ Required by this Agreement? (check one} ~ Yes No (1) Automobile Liability Insurance shall be maintained by =he Contractor/Consultant/Professional for the ownership, maintenance or use of any owned, non-owned or hired vehicle with limits of no= less =han~ (check one) _/._4 Bodily Injury & Property Damage - $ $00,000 Bodily Injury & Property Damage - $1,000,000 The Owner shall be named as an Additional Insured under =he policy. UMBRZLLA LIABILITY (1) Umbrella Liability may be maintained as part of the liabili=y insurance ol =he Contrac=or/Consultant/Professional and, ti so, such policy shall be excess of the Employers' Liability, Co~ercial General Liability and Automobile Liability coverages required herein and shall include all coverages on a 'following form' basis. J U N 2 % 1~.~7 (2} The policy shall contain wording to the effect that, ~haustion of any underlying limit due to the payment of claims, 'drop down' to apply as primary insurance. in the event of the the Umbrella policy will {3) The General Aggregate limit, if applicable, shall apply separately to this pro~ect and the policy shall be so endorsed. PROFESSIONAL ~ZX~,ZLZT~ ZNSUP,.MCC~ Required by this Agreement? (check one) ._/__4 Yes No (1) Professional Liability Insurance shall be maintained by the Consultant/Professional to insure its legal liability for claims arising out of the performance of professional services under this Agreement. Such insurance shall have limits )f not less than: (CHECK ONE) $ 500,000 each claim and in the aggregate 4 $1,000,000 each claim and in the aggregate $2,000,000 each claim and in the aggregate each claim and in the aggregate (2) ~ny deductible applicable to any claim shall be the sole responsibility of the ¢onmultant/Profeasional and shall not be 9rester than $$0,000 each claim. (3) The Consultant/Professional shall continue thim coverage for this Project for a period of not ~ess than five (5) years following completion and acceptance of the Project b~ ~heO~ner. END OF SCHEDULE D. SCHEDULE TRUTH IH~EGOTIATION CERTIFICATE In compliance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act, Section Florida Statutes, Hole, Hontes and Associates, Inc. hereb7 certifies that w&ges, rates other factual unit costs supporting the co~pensation for the civil engineering and related services of the CONSU~'AHT to be provided under the Professional SerVices Agreement, conce~nin9 the Airport Pulling Road bridge at Junction Imokalee Ro&d are accurate, complete and current as of the time of contracting. Consultant: Hole, Montes, and Associates, Inc. Robert L. Murra Sr. Vice President Hole, Montes, and ssociates, Inc. DATE: JUN 2 CaR LO HO ~ - 1 ~~~r~P~~ IN FORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER T1.4E COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A Tz'avoZe=. P=op G Ca.ualf:y/Aet~ COMPANY · ~]:~.c~ Sf:af:al In,ur&nco Co. COMPANY COMPANY O FCC3: MUf:U&I 3:naur&~cn Ccm~-ny os~ ~ Is..rO.~,'.~n: T~T T~E '%0. o, .qs~.c~ usTEo K,ow ~v~ ~m ~ssue: TO T.E .~s~r~ N~0 A~°v~ r~, ~ ~ouc~ ~,.,oo · ClIqTFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OPt MAY P~RTAIN. THE INSUKANCE AFFOPtDED BY TrlE POtK~S DESCRIBED HEPtEIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL 1~4E TERMS. .~USC~S ~D CO.DmO"S OF SUC~ ~uaEs. UMTS S.O~ MAY ~ BErn PtEDUC~ BY ~Am O~dS. T~ M mSU~NC~ COMMERCt,M. MNEA,M. UAIKJTY OWNF, A'S & COKT/tACTOR'S I~OT Z$602351370497 CICZ14480810 ~M:B867872902 ol/ol/~? DATE IM~ Ol/Ol/~8 LIMITS PROOUCTS- COldP~)~ AG~ [ 00! pI~SONAL & AO~ inJURY J 00£ ~--~ ~ ~. ~.,~ I S,001 Ol/01/~8 COMII~D W K)C)~Y ~ IIOO~Y IN,JUMY /mO~J~TY DAMAGE At;TO OO~Y - LA OTl4rR Tt4AN dd.rr00N~Y: P.~O4 ~CCtOeqT 01/01/J8 ,1,000,000 II .2,00__~0. 000 ~ 2._~_. 0 0,0 0 0 11003001 11003001 JLEX113988730 Ol/Ol/~7, Ol/Ol/97: Ol/Ol/S?! Ol/Ol/. 0X/01/98~a. D6L, CU-/.Aem'tOYU 500, 500,000 S00,000 01/01/98 Par Cla~,,, 2,000,000 Agg~eg&f:e 2,000,000 BoLTd o£ CounL~ ComB/asian·rs for (SZZBS~m) 3301 B. Tamt&ILL TraL1 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY Insured Name: Policy Number:. Agency Name: HOLE MONTES & ASSOCIATES INC 001-WC97A-11003 108, Smith-Lasher Insurance WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our ~ht against the person or organization named in the Schedule. This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under · written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us. This agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the Schedule. SCHEDULE CERTIFICATE HOLDER: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 3301 E TAMIAMI T~3 NAPLES FL 962 JOB SITE: AIRPORT-PULLING RD BRIDGE PROJECT NAPLES FL This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the data issued unless ~herwise noted. Issued b~. Endorsement Numbec. O00000S Effectt~m Date: 5/01/97 FCCI Hutu&l~ Insurance Company 24570 Date Issued: 5/15/97 WC O0 03 13 Copyttg~ 1983 Nationat Council on Gompens~Jofl Insurance 67-1 Jur 2 1997 APPROVE PARTIAL CONSTRUCTION BIDS FOR PATHWAY AND LANDSCAPE iMPROVEMENTS ALONG VA.NDERBILT DRIVE BETWEEN VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD AND 111~ AVENUE. ~ Board approval to proceed with funded portions of pathway and landscape construction for Vandffoilt Drive. ~ On January 7, 1997 [Agenda Itern No. 16 (B) 10], the Board authorized pathway and landscape improvements for Vanderbilt Drive, with funding approvals as follows: 1. Pathway 2. Asphaltic Resurfacing 3. Drainage/Earthwork 4. Landscape and Irrigation Improvements ($48,451.00) (535.200.00) ($68,000.00) ($177,250.00) Sub-Total = $331,901.00 5. Project contingency/reserve = $33,190.10 Total = (*includes $110,000 plant donation value) On June 13, 1997, five (5) construction firms submitted bid quotes for pathway and landscape improvements (exclusive of asphaltic resurfacing which is planned under existing annual contracts). All bids received exceed the current budget for both the pathway and landscape components. In consideration that existing site conditions on the west side of Vanderbilt Drive are disruptive, time is of the essence in commencing with designated permanent improvements. Additionally, the scheduled construction completion of late August 1997 (to coincide with school opening) may be impacted due to bids exceeding budgeted amounts. In order to maintain commitments to the benefiting communities in a timely manner, staff recommends immediate contracting with Better Roads, Inc. as the low bidder for pathway improvements ($215,683.00), and with Smallwood Landscaping, Inc. for partial irrigation work (not to exceed $30,000.00 of the low bid of $288,017.00 for combined landscape and irrigation work scope). · The combined iow bids by Better Roads, lac. ($215,683.00) and wood Landscaping, Inc. ($288,017.00) total the amount of $503,700.00. Cost ~ ...... ~- ..... ,^,~ ,,~ reduce the bid proposal amounts. The negotiations shall ensue w~m oot.n ,..~-,:.~*,-,,~'-~, ~ ~o~ ~ ...a e'en 000 O0 shall bo ~X,,~ ~i~n~e~t~;~t~al contract aumonzauons o,:~,,.oo~.,.~, ,,..,.-,-,-,. · Executive Summary Page 2 supported by available funds (approved by the Board on January 7, 1997) under Fund 313, gasoline tax, in the amount of $226,343.00 and under Fund 414, wastewater capital projects, in the amount of $19,340.00 (Vanderbilt Drive Pathway and Landscape Improvements). ~ Not applicable. ~ That the Board of County Commissioners: (1) Authorize purchase order contracts with Belier Roads, Inc. and Smallwood Landscaping, Inc. for pathway work and partial irrigation work not to exceed the amounts of $215,683.00 and $30,000.00, respectively; (2) Direct staff to conduct negotiations with the foregoing two low bidders for work scope and cost reductions as deemed appropriate to minimize budget impacts; (3) Direct staff to present follow up recommendations and additional funding requirements subsequent to contractor negotiations; and (4) Approve use of $38,200 for pathway/land~ in lieu ~ asphaltic resurfacing. _ Date: PREPARED BY: _~nn.-~,~R-yziv.q P.E.~ PMP, go~M~ger II Office ~Capi~al Projec~Man~mem ~ ~VIEWED BY: ;' "' Dale:~dolfo A. Go~,~E., Dkeclg~ ~ · '~/~/~~.~ ~ "~' "~ ~:~'.' Date: Ed ll~er, A~s~ator Public Works Division BY: Stephen ~. Came~, D' Purchasing Depa~ent cc: David Bobanick, Interim Transportation Dixector 12~ch Hellriegel, P.E., Senior Project Manager, Office of Capital Projects Management pag/exsumvbrpathway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECO~ATION THAT TITK. BOARD OF COLLW-R COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ACCEPT DONATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,000 FROM COLU~R COUNTY GROWERS TO BE USED TO PAY TI~ SALARY OF TI~ COMMERCIAL VEG~rABLK AGENT. OBa-E~: To accept donations to be used to pay the commercial vegetable ~8ent's salary. CONSIDERATION: The Agriculture Department luts expended $12,000 from October through March to retain the services ofthe Conunercial Vegetable Agent. HSCAL IMPACT: The donation of $12,000 will offset the county's S12,000 in expenses. Increase Genera]. Fund revenue (001-157110-366900) and expense (001-157110- 512100) $12,000. RECOMMENDATION TRAT TH£ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS accept the $12,000 donation from Collier County growers to pay the expense of the Commercial Vegetable Asent. D~.~. Blantan;',.C.,ou~y Extension Director Reviewed and Approved by: Thomas W. 01~ff, ~ubl']~rvices Administrator Date: 6/9/97 TA~#TR T I I A.P.14. Date. ~To B~ Yes 001 (FUND #0.) FU~ T~TLE o,te pr.~re~: 6/10/97 Artsci. Executive S~rm~ry If prevlou~ty approved, BCC Agenda Date: / / item No.. XP NS T TA Agri culture 157110 Cost Center Tttl. e Cost Center NO. Project Title Project No. Expenditure 512100 Regular Salaries ]ncrease Current Revised $12,000 S268,900 $280,900 TOTAL S12,00~) Cost Center Title Cost Center NO. Expenditure Object Code Ex,creature Titt~ Project Title Increase Current ~ecrease) Project No. Eevised TOTAL 0 Agriculture Cost Center TitLe ~[vl~u~ I~UOG~T DETAIL 157110 Cost Center NO. Project Tit~e Revenue Object C~e 366900 Project No. Re, ised BudGet -0- ,o.~ ! JUN Z 4 1997 To be used to pay. the commercial ye Y' t,~ERE ARE Ft. fl~O$ AV From donations made from Collier Coun%y growers to be ~ ' . AGENCY' I,~ANAGER :~ CLERK OF BOARD I~PUT BY:_ I.A. NO.:_ 6/10/97 ~ ~ 7-',. ? J JUl~ 2 ~ 1997 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZE THE ATTACHED WORK ORtnER AND BUDGET AMENDMENT TO ENABLE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SKATEBOARD FACILITY AT THE EAST NAPLES COMMUNITY PARK .___ OBJECTFv'E: To execute the necessary documents that will enable the construction of the skateboard facility at the East Naples Community Park to begin. CONSIDERATIONS: The attached work order is with Surety Construction, Inc., one of the pre-qualified contractors from the County's annual construction bids. The skateboard park project, designed by Johnson Engineering, was quoted amongst all of the County's approved contractors with Surety Construction submitting the lowest quote. The project is scheduled to take ninety (90) days to complete, and will include site work, a slab upon which skateboarding structures will be located, drainage improvements, and lighting A concession for the operation has already been bid and a contract negotiated for this site as well. The operation will include skateboard sales, and repairs, clothing and snack sales, entrance fees, daily inspection of the ramps, required safety equipment rental, and supervision of the site to include proper authorizations and accounting fo: required waiver forms. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the contract is $199,400. While funds for this project were budgeted and are available within the community park impact fee fund (368). The engineers estimate of the total project cost were underestimated by $27,000. As a result a budget amendment will be required to complete the total project A budget amendment has been prepared and is attached also using community park impact fees. Funds for the budget amendment are available within the community park impact fee reserves. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The full value of the improvements associated with this project will be counted toward the County's inventory of park facilities. RECOMMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, authorize the attached work orde~ with Surety Construction, Inc., and budget amendment for $27,000 allowing the construction of the skateboard park facility at the East Naples CommunityPark.,subject to review and approval by the County Attorney of work Prepared by: Tho-m~-s W. Olliff, P~c Services Administrator This Work Order is for leoeral contractinl services, subject ta the terms and coed,trues o1' the (:attract raf'aralcod above, loc Work buowtu os Project East Nuples Skits Perk FAcility The work is specified in the proposal DAted June I). 1997 ~rrom Surety Constructiou Compuoy stud as shown on ;ohnloo Enltneerinl drewinls, Project No 25:201, pelfs I to I. (approved *liStubatlitiul chlnle) dated Mly 22. 1997, which ufo uttlched hereto And mlde i part al' this Work Osder. Itu accordance with Tcrms sod Conditions at' the Alreemcnt rcl'erenced ibovc. WorL Order IISC.2S is Assitned to Surety Construction CompAny, Tlsk i. To furnish labor, mAtcrill and equipment to construct a skate pisI~ flcility itu accordance ttu Johnson £n$inearinl drlwinje dated Mey 22. 1997. less landscepinS and inclodinl folodltlou details, dated Iv(ny 19, 1997. sheets S.I and S.2 technical specs by Johnson Enjinecrinj dated February :2'1, 1997, and memorandum by Johnson Enlinctrinl dated May 27. 1997 ~c,~d.L~..O~Y~ Complete concrete slab. ready Ia use b) Aulust lo 1997. Skate Park Facility to be completed wilhin 90 dlyS ifler 'Notice To Proceed" · / ~ Iff AccordAnce with llem No. 3 of the Ajreemenl. the County will compensate the Pirm In accord(ncc with the nqot:stcd lump sum Imount provided zn the schcdvle below. T~s~ ~ ~ ~ump Sum TOTA~ FGE SI99,44~ Lump Sum An~ ch~nle mide subsequenl to (Jolt dcpIrtmcnt ipprOVll will be considered ~n IddltlOfll~ service Iud chir~ed ~ccordlni to Iff executed Chlnl( O~dcr. ~s enumerated tn ~xhlbtt ~ o~ thc Alreemcnt PREPARED ~Y: ~ ~f~ ~as ~~t Enl~nccr~ REVIEWED BY: ~ ~ ACCEPTED ~Y ATTEST (Corporslc Secrclir)) ~y Silntlure T)pe Name & 'J'ltle ATTEST: O*~,ilht e. Brech. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMkIISSIO% ~ P ~ COLLIER COUNTY FLORtDA Deputy Clerk Temolh) L Hancock.. AICP, Chairmen Dole: Approved os to Form And LcSAI Sufl'iciency TPC.Ih WOeLH-'21 BUDGET AMENDMEN~I' REQUEST ~ I ~'-... .................... I JE~ .................. I~,~, ~.~ .....  y ~ ~N~ N~ 368 ~ ~~ach Execmive Summ~ EXPENSE BUDGET DET~L ~enditure ~enditure Increase Current ~vised Object Code Title 'Decrease) et et 993000 Reserves 000.00) $1,'/64,293,00 TOTAL IProject No. ~~ture Increase Cur_rent TOTAL Revised Budget ~ ~ Re~ ised Revenue ~c*~. ....... I (Decrease) Budget Object Code =~.~.~"~~~ ~ ~ ------=----'---' ~ TOTAL Why are funds needed? Funds are needed because 1he engineering firm underestimated the cos~ of the East Naples Skate Park proiect. Bid5 were received at a higher cost than expected. Where are funds available? Funds are available in Fund 368, Resets'es for Capital Outla.x'. REVIEW PROCESS DATE Cost Center Director: Division Administr --~ get Department: Agency Manager: Finance Department: Clerk of Board Admm.. B.A. No.: EXECUTIVE S~RY RECOlVfMENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE AN AGREEMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AND FACILITIES BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND. SPRINT-FLORIDA, INCORPORATED AND APPROVE A BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR EXPENSES RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF SAME. ~a~: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve an Agreement for the Provision of Telecommunication Services and Facilities between Collier County ~ Sprint- Floricht, Incorpor~ated and approve a Budget Amendment for expenses related to the operation of sa~me. ~,~1]~,~: On October 25, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners approved a contract with Ericsson, Inc. for the design and construction of an 800 MHz trunked radio system. The primary outstanding contractual issue between Collier County (County) and Ericsson, Inc. is compliance with the County's radio system coverage specification for the southeast corner of Collier County. In August 1996, after system performance testing, Ericsson agreed to provide at no cost to the County an additional radio tower site to meet this specification. Following an extensive review and technical analysis of the limited sites in this area, Ericsson and the County have identified an existing radio tower site owned by Sprint-Florida as the most appropriate location. This site is located in Monroe County just south of the Collier County boundary line on State Road 94 at Jim Dill Loop, Pinecrest, Florida. The benefit of occupying communications towers owned by others is a significant cost-savings in the County's purchase of land and costs associated with the construction and maintenance of tbe tower itself. In addition, most of the land in this area is federally owned and environmentally sensitive making construction ora new tower site very difficult and time-consuming. The Lease term shall be for three (3) years commencing on May 1, 1997 with one (1) automatic renewal of three (3) years. Collier County has the right to terminate this Agreement by providing the required written notice pursuant to the applicable Article in the Agreement. Monthly rent payments, which provide interior equipment space in a Sprint.owned building, electric service and antenna mounting space on the tower, total $607.10. Collier County shall be responsible for the telephone costs which include a standard phone line and a TI circuit to link this site to the 800 MHz system The Lease Agreement req~Jires that Sprint personnel supervise any County employee, agent or contractor visiting the site for th~ performance of certain installation and maintenance procedures. This requirement is standard in all Sprint leases and provides for security and noninterference of any equipment owned by Sprint or other tenants at the site. During regular business hours, Sprint will invoice Collier County Thirty-Three Dollars ($33.00) for the first half hour or any fraction thereof and Twenty-Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($22.50) for each half hour or any fraction thereof following the first half hour. If Collier County should need to visit the subject site after regular business hours, overtime and premium time (time outside of scheduled work day), the aforementioned rates will increase to approximately Nine (9) percent and Thirty-Five (35) per:.,-nt respectively from the regular time rate. JUN 2 1997 The Office of the Coumy Attorney, Radio Communications Manager and Risk Management Department have reviewed the attached Agreement. ^ Budget Amendment has been prepared and attached for approval allocating funds for the costs associated with the operations at this location. ~,AL_II~,.A-G~: Operational expenses of the 800 MHz radio system are derived from Fund 188. the traffic ticket fund. Annual expenses for this site are as follows: Tower Rent - 188-140480-644600 $ 7,285.20 Telephone Direct Line - 188-140480-641400 $ 3,051.60 ($1,$$5 one time install costs) Misc. Services 188-140480-649990 $ 3,000.00 ~~t~~~: None ~: That the Board of County Commissioners approve an Agreement for the Provision of Telecommunication Ser,'ices and Facilities between Collier Count' and Sprint-Florida. Incorporated and Budget Amendment for same and authorize its Chairman to execute the documents. BY: ' . _ DATE:...{ · q' '~ -) PREPARED ~pecialist, Real Property Management Dept. -John Dais', R ' Manager. Information Technology Dept.  ' -. ~ ,. DATE: REVIEWED BY: ' " - - Leo E. Ochs, .Ir.. Administrator, Support Services Division SPRINT-FLORIDA, INCORPORATED AND COLLIER COUNTY AGREEMENT FOR THE PROVlSlON OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AND FACILITIES ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS This Article, effective as of the 1st day of May 1997, between Sprint-Florida, Incorporated (herein refen'ed to as 'Spdnt' or 'Company'), and Collier County (herein referred to as 'Collier County" or 'Customer"), sets forth the terms, conditions and compensation for the provision of certain telecommunication services as hereafter described. In consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the parties agree as follows: SECTION I SCOPE This Agreement covers certain services provided by Sprint to Collier County. The services subject to this Agreement and the terms and conditions pursuant to which they will be supplied by Sprint to Collier County are defined in this and the vadous other articles of this Agreement. Those other articles and their application to Article 1 may be modified from time to time. The Articles in effect are identified in Exhibit 1 to Article 1. Where any article to this Agreement specifically defines terms, conditions or standards different from those identified in Article 1, such terms, conditions or standards shall control. This Agreement specifies the terms, conditions and compensation under which Spdnt will provide services to Collier County. It also specifies the terms that govern the protection of proprietary information provided by either party pursuant to this Agreement. SECTION II METHODS AND PRACTICES Sprint agrees to provide the services described in this Agreement in a manner that equals or exceeds the accepted industry performance standards for network quality, planning, maintenance, and testing in effect dudng the term of this Agreement, unless the parties otherwise agree. Whenever an article specifically defines performance standards, such standards shall govern the services provided pursuant to that article and shall supersede those identified in Article 1. JUN 2 . Ar~£cle 1 Co11£*= Coun=¥ SECTION III DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1. ~ means services used in the origination or termination of interexchange telecommunications. 2. ,5.g.r~.q..~..~ means Article 1 - General Provisions and all other articles (including exhibits and attachments) that are in effect at a given time. 3. ~ means an on-site visit for the purpose of reviewing the records and procedures of a party to this Agreement relative to the provisioning of a service. 4. ~ means written notification from one of the parties that billing rendered or revenue remitted is in error (based on evidence provided by that party and verifiable by the other party). A claim may affect the revenues or expenses of either party. 5. ~ means an estimate of the principal dollar amount of the claim (excluding any penalty charges). 6. ~ means a unique identifier assigned by the party initiating the claim for the purpose of identifying and tracking a claim. Audit/Review findings that constitute a claim shall be assigned a claim number. 7. ~ means the amount of money due from Collier County to Sprint or from Sprint to Collier County for services provided under this Agreement. 8. ~ means when the parties reach agreement on the terms of settlement for a claim. 9. ~ means the comprehensive list of data elements, reports, systems, bills, etc. to be examined during an on-site review. 10. ~ means an unresolved claim requiring formal, written escalation for resolution. 11. xchan or ocal xchan e means a geographic area within which a telephone company may provide telephone exchange service as defined in Section 3(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153(0. 12. Information means information designated proprietary by a party pursuant to Section IV of Article 1. 13.1n....~q.uj~ means a verbal or written communication between the parties to initiate the investigation or clarification of certain items or procedures. Co ~.]..Lexr co~nt.¥ 14. ~ means within the exchange. 15. In A T I m ni 'n means telecommunications within a LATA. 16.~:~ means between exchanges and may, depending upon applicable tariffs, include extended area services and toll services. 17. m ni i n means telecommunication services offered between LATAs. 18.~ means the review of a single issue or a specific topic relating to the provisioning of a service. 19. LATA <~r Local Ac.x;ess and TramfpQrt Area mean a geographic area encompassing one or more local exchange areas within which a Bell Operating Company or its successor may provide telecommunications services, plus associated independent telephone company exchanges. LATA also means a geographic area encompassing one or more local exchange areas within which an independent telephone company or companies, not associated with a Bell Operating Company LATA, provide telecommunications services and which for the purpose of exchange access service are treated as a single access service area. 20. ~ means the interest that may be added to amounts owing resulting from settlement of claims or disputes or as a result of payment not being rendered by the payment due date. 21. Non-~ means the party that has contracted for a service under this Agreement. 22. ~ means a wdtten notice so designated, which identifies the dispute and initiates formal escalation consistent with the procedures and requirements set forth herein. 23. ~ means the party owning and providing a particular service under this Agreement. 24. ~ means Spdnt or Collier County, or both, as the context shall require. 25. ~ means the party submitting a bill to the other party. 26. Pa~ means the party to which a bill is submitted by the other party 27. ~ .means the location(s) within a LATA at which an interexchange cartier obtains access serwce. 28.~ means a claim that has been resolved as a result of concurrence and receipt/verification of the settlement amount or by withdrawal of the claim by the originator. 29. ~ means the party against which a claim is made. Ar~:lcle 1 Collier County 30. tern of Ilier oun means the interexchange switching, recording, operator service and transmission facilities owned by Collier County or leased by Collier County from others that route, switch, assist and transport Collier County' s traffic (excluding facilities leased 13y Collier County to others). 31.~ means the interexchange switching, recording, operator service and transmission facilities owned by Spdnt or leased by Spdnt from others that route, sW~tch, assist and transport Spdnt's traffic (excluding facilities leased by Spdnt to others). 32, ~ means the transmission, emission or reception of information, signals or messages between or among points specified by the user. SECTION IV PROTECTION OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Any information including, but not necessarily limited to, specifications, drawings, sketches, models, samples, data, computer programs and other software or documentation of one party that is furnished or available or otherwise disclosed to the other party pursuant to this Agreement ("Proprietary Information') shall be deemed the property of the disclosing party. Any information intended to be covered by the provisions of this Section must be specifically designated in writing or appropriately marked designating its proprietary status. Proprietary information shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: Ao Proprietary information shall be returned to the disclosing party upon request. Unless proprietary information was previously known to the receiving party free of any obligation to keep it confidential or has been or is subsequently made public by an act not attributable to the receiving party, or is explicitly agreed to in writing not to be regarded as confidential, it: (a) shall be held in confidence by the receiving party and its employees, contractors and agents; (b) shall be disclosed only to those employees, contractors, agents, or affiliates who have a need for it in connection with this Agreement and shall be used only for such purposes; and (c) may be used for other purposes only upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon in writing by Collier County and Spdnt. If information marked proprietary and given to the receiving party was previously known to the receiving party and if the receiving party had no obligation to keep such information confidential, the receiving party shall immediately notify the disclosing party of such pdor knowledge. Neither party shall disclose, disseminate or release any propnetary information to anyone who is not an employee, contractor, agent or affiliate having a need for it in connection with this Agreement unless otherwise agreed upon in writing pdor to any such disclosure. dissemination or release. The receiving party shall require any person not its employee or affiliate to whom it discloses proprietary information to sign an agreement to protect that proprietary information to the same extent the receiving party is obliged to protect that proprietary information under this Section. Such an agreement shall be signed pdor to disclosing any proprietary information to the person not an employee or affiliate of the receiving party. B. Neither par~y shall be held liable for any errors or omissions in any proprietary information or for any loss or damage ansing out of the other party's use of any such proprietary ~£cle 1 Collie~ Count~ information. Nothing in this Agreement shall require or prohibit the payment of an appropriate fee by one party to the other party for the use of any proprietary information covered by this Agreement. Co Each party agrees to give notice to the other party of any demands to disclose or provide proprietary information under lawful process prior to disclosing or furnishing such proprietary information and agrees to cooperate in seeking reasonable protective arrangements requested by the other party. In addition, any party may disclose or provide information of the other party requested by a government agency having jurisdiction over the party; provided that the party makes all reasonable efforts to obtain protective arrangements satisfactory to the party owning the proprietary information; and provided further that the party owning the proprietary information may not unreasonably withhold approval of the protective arrangements. No dghts whatsoever are granted, by license or otherwise, by this Agreement with respect to proprietary information except as needed for the purposes of this Agreement or as authorized by the disclosing party in writing. In the event either party discloses, disseminates or releases any proprietary information received from the other party outside the' terms of this Agreement, the other party may refuse to provide any further proprietary information and may demand prompt return of all proprietary information previously provided to such party; such refusal to provide any further proprietary information shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement. These provisions are in addition to any other remedies the party may have. Interconnection standards that either party has a legal obligation (independent of this Agreement) to provide to the other party shall not be considered proprietary information for purposes of this Agreement. The provisions of this Section shall remain in effect for one (1) year after termination of this Agreement unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties. SECTION V RESTORATION OF SERVICE IN THE EVENT OF OUTAGES Restoration of service resulting from service outages due to equipment failures, human error, fire, natural disaster, acts of God, or similar occurrences shall be provided as follows: Restoration pdority shall be afforded to those network elements and services affecting national security or emergency preparedness capabilities and those affecting public safety, health and welfare as those elements and services are identified by the appropriate government agencies. All other service shall be restored as expeditiously as practical. SECTION VI LIABILITY FOR OUTAGE The liability of Spdnt in connection with the services provided to Collier County under this Agreement shall be limited to a credit for outage time unless the outage is the .re.s~ul! o.f_.gross 5 negligence or willful misconduct by Spdnt, their employees, agents, or contractors. Such credit shall be limited to an amount equal to that portion of the charges owing under this Agreement from Collier County to Spdnt and attributable to the services provided by Sprint for the duration of the outage and shall be based on a proportionate reduction of such charges. Any claim or demand for credit as a result of any such outage shall be waived unless presented in writing within one (1) year after the date of the outage. SECTION Vll EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION This Agreement provides for the exchange of certain information by the parties and the provision of services and facilities hereunder and administration of this Agreement. Also. each party to this Agreement shall provide to the other party data in sufficient detail to meet the other party's needs in support of jurisdictional separations, access/service planning and interLATA/ intraLATA network planning requirements. Any request for data should include an explanation of intended use. Where any such information is not otherwise required to be provided under this Agreement and is not otherwise developed by any party, such party may condition furnishing such information upon the other party's agreement to pay the reasonable expenses of developing such information. Upon written request, each party shall provide information reasonably necessary to enable the other party to estimate charges under this Agreement for the following twelve (12) months; however, unless otherwise agreed, such information need not be furnished more frequently than semiannually. In the event that any data or information exchanged or provided pursuant to or in contemplation of this Agreement, that is an estimate or forecast or is based on an estimate or forecast, tums out to be inaccurate, neither party shall have any liability to the other party or any other person in the absence of willful misconduct. In addition, the party providing any estimate or forecast shall not be bound by such estimates, forecasts and information with respect to future terms and dghts under this Agreement. SECTION VIII PRESERVATION OF RIGHTS OF THE OWNER Neither the provision of any services by Spdnt to Collier County under this Agreement nor the payment by Collier County for such services shall create or vest in Collier County any easement. ownership, or property dghts of any nature in any facilities used to provide service under this Agreement. SECTION IX INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS Each party agrees that it shall perform its obligations hereunder as an independent contractor and not as the agent, employee or servant of the other party, Each party has and hereby retains the dght to exercise full control of and supervision over its own performance of the obligations under this Agreement. JuN 2, ,j 7 Coll£er County SECTION X FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be held liable for any delay or failure in performance of any part of th,s Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence, such as acts of God. acts of civil or military authority, government regulations, embargoes, epidemics, war, terrorist acts, dots, insurrections, fires, explosions, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, floods, strikes, power blackouts, volcanic action, lightning, other major environmental distu~ances. unusually severe weather conditions, inability to secure products or services of other persons or transportation facilities, destruction of or damage to facilities (i.e. cable cuts), or acts or omissions of transportation common carders, SECTION Xl COMPLIANCE WITH EMPLOYMENT LAWS All obligations under this Agreement shall be performed in compliance with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national odgin, age or handicap. Where required by law, certificates of compliance shall be provided. Each party shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, and all other applicable federal, state and local laws governing employment. SECTION Xll BILLING ARRANGEMENTS Accounts of compensation for services provided under this Agreement shall be as specified in the articles. Applicable taxes shall be in addition to the compensation amounts. The following billing arrangements apply for all compensation due under this Agreement unless otherwise specified in the articles. Bills or statements will be rendered monthly for all services and facilities provided. Bills will be payable thirty (30) calendar days from the bill date (as printed on the bill), subject to the holiday treatment described below. Bills are to be issued by Spdnt such that Collier County's receipt is twenty (20) calendar days pdor to the required payment date to allow adequate time for processing. Bills not issued within this time frame will not be subject to the late payment penalty discussed below for the number of days the bill was late. The Payor will use its best efforts to pay the bill by the due date and is responsible for proving that the bill was received late should the Payor request that the late payment penalty be waived. In assessing late payment penalties, it is the responsibility of the Payee to prove that the bill was rendered and transmitted so as to provide reasonable assurance that the bill would be received by the payor twenty (20) calendar days or more in advance of the payment date. Payment must result in immediately available funds on or before the required payment date unless the required payment date is on a weekend or holiday observed by the remitting or receiving bank. In such cases, payment in immediately available funds will be due as follows: Ar=lcle 1 Collier Coun~:¥ (a) If such payment date falls on a Sunday or holiday which is observed on a Monday, the payment date shall be the first non-holiday following such Sunday or holiday; (b) If such payment date falls on a Saturday or on a holiday that is observed on Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday or Fdday, the payment date shall be the last non-holiday preceding such Saturday or holiday. Unless agreed to otherwise, any payment of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more must be transmitted by electronic funds transfer. Each bill must be accompanied by a reference number having up to ten (10) characters with each payment accompanied by the reference number(s) for the bill(s) for which the payment is received. Any payment received after the required payment date, any payment received in funds that are not immediately available as specified above, or any portion of the amount due that is not received by the required payment date, will be subject to a late payment charge, except as provided below. It is the responsibility of Spdnt to prove that Collier County failed to make payment on or before the required date. The late payment charge shall be the portion of the amount due either received or currently outstanding after the payment date multiplied by a late factor. The late factor shall be 0.000493 per day, compounded daily for the number of calendar days from the required payment date to and including the date of payment in immediately available funds or the highest interest rate (in decimal value) which may be levied by law for commercial transactions in the state in which the service is provided, whichever is lowest. Spnnt will include billing for late payment charges in the succeeding bill for the related services or facilities. Except as specified otherwise, any late payment by electronic funds transfer resulting from bank error will not be subject to the late payment charge if the payor vedfies that it was not at fault. The discrepancy will be resolved by the banks involved. It is the responsibility of the payor to notify the banks involved and coordinate resolution of the discrepancy. Repeated errors by the sending party's bank will result in reimposition of late payment charges to the sending party. If either party disputes any portion of a bill or statement amount, that party shall notify the other party in wdting of the nature and basis of the dispute according to the claims and dispute resolution procedures outlined in this Agreement. The parties shall use their best efforts to resolve the dispute prior to the required payment date. If the dispute is not resolved by the required payment date, the payor shall, not withstanding the continued existence of the dispute, pay the bill or statement amount in accordance with settlement terms specified above, but payor shall reserve its claim against the other party for reimbursement after the dispute. If the claim, in whole or in part, ultimately is resolved in favor of the payor, it shall be entitled to a refund from the other par~y. The amount of the refund shall be an amount~ 8 Ar~£cle 1 Co11£~= Coun=y sustained claim amount plus interest calculated from the date the payor pays the bill to the date the money is refunded for claims found in favor of the payor that are filed within six (6) months of the payment date. For claims filed after six (6) months from the payment date, interest will be paid from the claim date to the date the money is refunded to the payor. This pedod shall include the payment date of the refund. Payment must result in immediately available funds on the payment date of the refund. The total amount of the refund shall be paid no later than thirty (30) calendar days after written notice is given to both parties that the claim has been sustained. If Collier County fails to pay any amount due within thirty (30) calendar days of the due date, Spdnt reserves the dght to discontinue the provisions of the service to Collier County at any calendar days written notice by Certified U.S. Mail to the person designated in Section XXIII of this Article. In the case of such discontinuance, all applicable charges including termination charges shall become due. If Sprint does not discontinue the provision of the services involved on the date specified in the thirty (30) calendar days notice and Collier County's noncompliance continues. nothing contained herein shall preclude Sprint's nght to discontinue the provision of the services to Collier County without further notice. SECTION XlII DEPOSIT Prior to, or at any time after the provision of a service to Collier County, Spdnt may require Collier County to make a deposit to be held as a guarantee of the payment of rates and charges. Such deposit may not exceed the actual or estimated rates and charges for the service for a two (2) month period plus the amount of any termination charges attributable to the service. The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relieves Collier County from complying with regulations as to payment of bills. When Collier County has been provided notice that a deposit is required pdor to the provisioning of a service or facility, such deposit amount shall be paid in full pdor to Spdnt's activation of the service or facility, In the event where a service or facility is currently operational and Spdnt determines a deposit is required, Sprint will provide notice to Collier County of a deposit request, identifying the amount of deposit being requested and the reason for such action by Spdnt. In this instance, Spdnt's request for a deposit will be based solely on Collier County's record of performance relative to the contractual obligations of the applicable service provided by Sprint. Collier County will be required to remit the deposit in full within thirty (30) calendar days of Spdnt's deposit request and snail be subject to all other requirements and actions regarding payments to Spdnt. When the provision of the service to Collier County is terminated, the amount of the deposit will be credited to Collier County's account and any credit balance that may remain will be refunded. Collier County will receive interest in accordance with the rules of the regulatory agencies in the state where the service or facility is provided. SECTION XIV CLAIMS PROCEDURES When questions arise relative to payment for services provided, both parties agree to use the procedures described below to resolve such questions in a timely and efficient manner:. Inaui~. Routine communications between the parties concerning potential errors are considered inquiries not claims. Inquiries are resolved in normal practice through telephone calls, rourine business meetings or written communications. The purpose of any inquiry is to acquire additional information. Both parties agree to provide in a timely manner this necessary assistance in the investigation and resolution of inquiries. An inquiry may address but is not necessarily limited to the following: (a) Usage volumes and missing data (b) Identification of potential billing errors (c) Unexplained checks or bulk adjustments (d) Additional investigation required to substantiate a claim or back billing (e) Discrepancies between revenue and access volumes If an investigation results in acknowledgment of an error by both parties, the error will be rectified. Where the resolution requires an exchange of moneys, the inquiry, if resolved at the inquiry stage, will be documented or the originator of the inquiry will file a claim for the purpose of documenting the activity taken to resolve the discrepancy and identify the dollar amount involved. Procedures established below for the processing of a claim will take effect in these instances. Bo ri in ti n f I im. In the event that an issue cannot be resolved via an inquiry and verifiable evidence is available to support a claim, either party may submit an issue as a claim to the other party. All claims will originate from and be provided to the designated representative of each party. All claims will be submitted in writing with both an appropriate tracking number identified on the face of the written notice and adequate documentation provided as may be reasonably required by either party to investigate, substantiate and facilitate resolution of the claim. If either party believes that claims are being originated that are based on questionable cdteda, that party may request the establishment of a joint Spdnt/Collier County forum to discuss the process or data quality concerns at issue. C. Ackn~. Within ten (10) business days, the respondent will verbally acknowledge receipt of a claim. If the respondent cannot respond by the expected claim response date (as identified in the claim and established at thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issuance of the claim), it will so inform the originator at the time of acknowledgment and both parties will mutually agree to a later response date. D...Claim Response. response date. response will include the following: The parties agree to actively pursue a response to the claim by the claim In the event that the claim is concurred in by the respondent, the claim ~o co~2£e~ count~ (a) Claim number (b) Concurred Date (c) Concurred Amounts of Adjustment (d) Calendarlzed Pedod for Adjustment (e) Expected Adjustment Date (f) Penalty charge requirements (where applicable) (g) Method of Payment (e.g.) - Bill (detail of adjustment) o Check - Wire Transfer - PARS E. ~. A claim will remain open until all issues are resolved or a portion is withdrawn by the claimant or concurred in by the parties through further negotiation or is resolved through the dispute escalation procedures. Claims are for the principal dollar amount only. Penalty charges in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and any applicable tariffs may apply to a claim. Claims are resolved when the originator vedfies payment and sends a copy of the claim to the respondent marked "Resolved." The originator of a claim will make every effort to verify payment of a concurred claim amount within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the payment. F. ~. If the respondent finds that a claim is not meritorious, the respondent will deny the claim by notice in writing to the originator. The originator may choose to withdraw the claim and so notify the respondent in writing within thirty (30) calendar days. If the originator chooses to pursue the claim, both parties may meet to negotiate or pursue resolution of the claim through the dispute escalation procedures. SECTION XV DISPUTE ESCALATION PROCEDURES Claims that are not resolved may be escalated by either party. These procedures are to be followed in an attempt to resolve disputes expeditiously and fairly without the need to resort to formal adjudicatory measures. ~. Either party may invoke the dispute escalation procedures by initiating director level or higher wdtten correspondence to the designated representative of the other party. Notices of dispute shall be clearly marked as such and shall contain all information necessary to pursue resolution of the dispute. ~. The party to which the notice of dispute is directed shall respond in writing no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the notice of dispute. Such response shall state the party's position in detail. 11 Ar=icle 1 Collier coun=y C. Dis ute Resolution. If the designated representatives of the parties cannot reach agreement on resolution of the dispute within thirty (30) business days of the issuance of the response to the notice of dispute, either party may elect immediate referral to the respective company's executive management. D. Mediation. If negotiations between the companies' executive management do not result in resolution of the dispute within twenty (20) business days of the date of referral, then pdor to filing any judicial action and within fourteen (14) days from the expiration of the executive management review, either party may demand non-binding mediation by issuing a notice of mediation to the designated representative of the other party. Both parties agree to pursue a mediated resolution of the dispute in good faith, The notice of mediation shall be clearly marked as such and contain the information necessary to pursue resolution of the dispute. The originator of the notice of mediation shall arrange to have the notice delivered within twenty-four (24) hours of issuance. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, the designated representatives of the parties shall agree upon an independent mediator within five (5) business days. Said mediator shall be an individual who, unless the parties otherwise mutually agree, has never been employed, directly or indirectly, by either of the parties or their affiliates. If the parties cannot agree upon a mediator, then within the same five (5) business day pedod each shall appoint an independent representative, one who has never been employed, directly or indirectly, by e~ther of the parties or their affiliates; and these two independent representatives, within five (5) business days of their appointment, shall appoint the mediator. The mediator shall set the time for a meeting to be held w~th the designated representative of each party. The designated representatives shall be empowered to resolve the dispute on behalf of the parties and may be accompanied by an attorney. A meeting shall take place within thirty (30) days of the date of the appointment of the mediator and shall be held in a location agreed to by the parties and the mediator. The mediator shall control the procedural aspects of the mediation, including the time and place of each session, the agenda for each session, whether a session shall be a separate meeting between the mediator and a party or a joint meeting with both parties and the projected date for the conclusion of the mediation process. At any time following the initial joint meeting, either party may withdraw from the mediation by written notice to the mediator and the other party, The mediator shall attempt to mediate the dispute and bdng the parties to a resolution of the issue. Failing this, the mediator at the conclusion of the mediation process, shall provide to the parties within ten (10) days his/her opinion of the appropriate resolution of the dispute. This opinion is not binding on either party and may not be used by either party in any future proceeding. The mediation process shall be treated as a compromise negotiation for purposes of the federal rules of evidence and state rules of evidence. The mediator shall be disqualified as a witness, consultant or expert in any pending or future action relating to the subject matter of the mediation, including those between persons not parties to the mediation. Within five (5) business days of receipt of the mediator's opinion, each party's designated representative shall meet one (1) final time to resolve the dispute. If they are unable to do so, both parties are free to pursue available legal remedies. 12 Collier County The entire mediation process is confidential. The parties and the mediator shaft not disc]ose to third parties (1) information disclosed by either party during the mediation process or (2) information regarding the mediation process itself, including any settlement terms. If any party subject to the terms and conditions of this mediation provision fails or refuses to appear at and participate in a mediation meeting after due notice, the mediator may hear and determine the controversy upon evidence produced by the appearing party. The mediation costs shall be borne equally by each party, except that each party shall bear the cost of presenting its case at mediation. The mediator's compensation rate will be determined at or before appointment. At the time of the mediator's appointment, the mediator shall be required to execute an agreement in the form mutually acceptable to the parties, which agreement will set forth, among other things, the mediator's duties, obligations and compensation. E. Pamn on R luti n of i ut . Where resolution of a dispute requires the exchange of moneys, payment of the disputed amount will be made pursuant to the negotiated settlement. Payment will include applicable penalty charges. F. ~:ourse of Business. Unless other~se agreed ~ writing, the parties shall continue to provide service, honor all other commitments under th~s Agreement, and continue to make payments in accordance with this Agreement during the course of dispute resolution pursuant to the provisions of this Section. SECTION XVl ATTORNEY'S FEES In the event either party to this Agreement is required to take action to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs for any appeals thereof, as well as any collection costs incurred. SECTION XVll COMPLIANCE MONITORING Collier County shall have the dght to visit any service provision location annually upon reasonable notice to Spdnt to ensure that the terms of the Agreement are being met. Visitation rights shall include the nght to inspect the facilities of the other party and, upon thirty (30) calendar days written notice, to review wo~sheets, performance or service plan data, and documents used in the preparation of bills for services provided to Collier County. Visitation rights will not be afforded Collier County in those instances where audit or review activities Vail provide adequate assurance that the terms of the Agreement are being met or where a visit to the premise by Collier County would compromise Spdnt's ability to protect the proprietary information of other customers of Spdnt. Expenses incurred by Spdnt for facilitating this monitoring function may be assessed to Collier County, as identified in the individual articles to this Agreement. Ar=£cl~ 1 Co}.l£er County SECTION XVIII REVIEW PROCEDURES The following procedures establish the parameters agreed to by both parties for the conduct of an audit of the telecommunications services identified in Exhibit 1 of this Article. Audit dghts and the services to which they apply are further defined in the other articles to this Agreement. In an effort to minimize the number of on-premise visits, the parties agree to the combination of subjects for an individual review (for example, billing and collection and revenues). A. Review Pedo n Fre uenc . Unless agreed otherwise in any additional articles under this Article 1, neither party may conduct more than one (1) on-site audit/review per calendar year in each of the party's operating entities. Pedods available for review shall include any pedod not previously reviewed by the parties and not exceeding twenty-four (24) months pdor to the scheduled review. Unless mutually agreed by the parties, the on-site review will not exceed two (2} consecutive weeks in duration. Subsequent reviews will not occur until such time as the reviewer's previous review is closed, unless mutually agreed by the parties. B. ~f Review and Res onse. At least forty-five (45) calendar days prior to any review, the party requesting the review will provide the other party with written notification outlining the following: (a) General subject matter to be reviewed (eg billing and collection, revenues) (b) Proposed period to be reviewed (c) Proposed review start and end date (d) Review personnel (inclusive of names and titles) (e) Data request outlining the areas to be reviewed (f) Information and resources required to perform the review (g) Location The party to be reviewed will respond in wnting to the requesting party's notification within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt to confirm the schedule and identify the host review te~m personnel. C. ~in or onference all. The parties agree to conduct a pre-review meeting or conference call pdor to the on-site review to discuss procedural details and to clarify the data request and information requirements. The request for a pre-review meeting or conference call will usually be included in the review requester's notification letter or in the party to De reviewed's response. D. Post onement of the Review Date. If the party to be reviewed elects to postpone the commencement date, it will so advise the requesting party in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the notice. The party to be reviewed will state the reason for the postponement and propose a new commencement date. Post-Audit/Review Meetin . At the completion of the on-site portion of the review, the party requesting the review wil conduct a post-audit/review meeting. The purpose will be to disclose any findings from the review and identify any open issues. J JUN 2 F. Fin IA i vi Finin s R . Forty.five (45) calendar days after the conclusion of the review, the reviewing party shall provide a formal report of the audit/review findings. The final report shall contain all relevant findings from the review, including any findings that might result in the submission of a claim. The final report shall specify any correction action desired and identify any applicable revenue impacts. The final report shall be the reviewing party's final response. G. R n Fin I rt. The reviewed party shall respond within forty-five (45) calendar days after receipt of the audiVreview final report. The response shall detail any corrective action taken and, where applicable, respond to identified revenue impacts and identify the method of compensation to the reviewing party. Revi f R s lution tatement. The reviewing party will forward a review resolution statement to the reviewed party within forty.five (45) calendar days after receipt of the response to final report. The review resolution statement shall attest to the receipt and completeness of the response to final report and formally declare closure of the review. ~. If a party disagrees with all or part of the findings from the review, it may submit a claim to the other party. Claims will be handled in accordance with the claims procedures identified in this Agreement or applicable articles to this Agreement. SECTION XlX TERMINATION This Agreement will continue in effect until all articles under this Agreement are terminated. Each article, except this Article 1, contains its own termination provision and may be terminated separately. This entire Agreement, including all articles, may be terminated by either party by giving written notice to the other party equal to the longest notice of termination pedod specified in the articles in effect. SECTION XX ASSIGNMENT Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, the assignment of any dght. obligation or duty. in whole or in part, or of any other interest under this Agreement without the written consent of the other party shall be void. A party may assign its dghts, obligations, duties. or interests under this Agreement to its respective affiliates without the consent of the other party. If any affiliate of either party shall succeed to that portion of the business of such party that is responsible for or entitled to any dghts, obligations, duties or other interests under this Agreement, such affiliate may succeed to those dghts, obligations, duties and interests of such party under this Agreement. In the event of any succession under this Section, the successor shall expressly undertake in writing to the other party the performance and liability for those obligations, duties and interests as to which it is succeeding as a party to this Agreement; and the party shall thereafter be relieved of such obligations, duties and interests except for matters adsing out of events occumng pdor to the date of such undertaking. 15 Ar=lcle 1 Collier Coun=y SECTION XXl NO RIGHTS TO THIRD PARTY This Agreement shall not be deemed to provide third parties with any remedy, claim, dght of action, or other dght. SECTION XXll INDEMNIFICATION The indemnification provisions of this Section shall apply to all matters adsing under this Agreement. To the extent not prohibited by law, each party shall indemnify the other and hold it harmless against any loss, cost, claim, injury, or liability relating to or adsing out of negligence or willful misconduct by the indemnifying party or its agents or contractors in connection with the indemnifying party's performance under this Agreement; provided, however, that any indemnity for any loss, cost, claim, injury or liability adsing out of or relating to errors or omissions in the provision of communication facilities or services under this Agreement shall be limited to a credit allowance as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The indemnifying party agrees to defend any suit brought against the other party for any such loss, cost, claim, injury or liability. The indemnified party agrees to notify the other party promptly, in writing, of any claims, lawsuits or demands for which the other party is responsible under this Section and to cooperate in every reasonable way to facilitate defense or settlement of claims. The indemnifying party shall not be liable under this Section for settlement by the indemnified party of any claim, lawsuit or demand if the indemnifying party has not approved the settlement in advance unless the indemnifying party has had the defense of the claim, lawsuit or demand tendered to it in writing and has failed to assume such defense. No claims under this Section, or claims with respect to charges under this Agreement or adjustments of such charges, or any other claims with respect to this Agreement may be made more than two (2) years after the date of the event that gave dse to the claim; provided, however, that claims for indemnity under this Section may be made within two (2) years of the accrual of the cause of action for indemnity. SECTION XXlII NOTICE Except as otherwise provided under this Agreement or in the attachments or exhibits hereto, all notices, demands, or requests shall be deemed to have been duly given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested; sent via telex: cable; electronic mail or facsimile and addressed as follows: 16 Co~,~.£~ Co~.~ For Collier County: Mr. Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman Board Of County Commissioners Collier County 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Flodda 34112 For Spdnt: Director-Carder Marketing Sprint-Florida, Incorporated P. O. Box 165000 Altamonte Spdngs, Flodda 32716-5000 or to such other address as either party may specify by written notice to the other. SECTION XXIV GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Flodda. SECTION XXV SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, unenforceable or void, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect. SECTION XXVI AMENDMENTS; WAIVERS The vadous articles of this Agreement, including exhibits and schedules attached thereto and incorporated by reference, constitute the entire Agreement between the parties and superse~a all pdor oral and written agreements, representations, undertakings or proposals with respect to the subject matter hereof. In addition, no course of dealing or failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of such provision or any other dghts under this Agreement. If a party fails to enforce any provision of this Agreement, it is still the responsibility of both parties to continue to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. The parties may amend or modify any part of this Agreement only by a written document signed by the parties to be charged. Such action shall not constitute a modification or change of any other part of this Agreement unless explicitly stated in such Agreement. SECTION XXVll TITLES AND HEADINGS Titles, headings and table of contents of articles and sections of this Agreement have been inserted for convenience of reference only. They shall not define, modify or restrict the meaning or interpretation of the terms or provisions of this Agreement. County SECTION XXVIII INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Except as expressly provided herein, nothing contained in this Article shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel, or otherwise any license or right under any patent, trade name or copyright of either party. SECTION XXlX PUBLICITY Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, neither party shall publish or use the other party's name, language, pictures or symbols from which the other party's name may be reasonably inferred or implied in any advertising, promotion or any other publicity matter relating directly or indirectly to this Agreement. SECTION XXX COMPLIANCE Where required, Spdnt and Collier County shall ensure compliance with all necessary rules, licenses and approvals that may be in effect in the local, state and interstate jurisdictions, that are required in the provisioning and performance of services and facilities covered under this Agreement. Collier County and Spdnt agree that other such rules could be developed. Both parties will implement the necessary controls to assure that the other party is held harmless from any claims or violations of such rules, licenses and approvals outside of its responsibility and shall indemnify that party for attorney's fees and all costs directly related to violations of such rules, licenses and approvals. SECTION XXXI EXECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same document. 18 Az~c £cle 1 Collier County The parties have executed this Article 1 through their authorized rl~ o~ N crate se~ forth below their signatures. The articles in effect as denoted in the Index of A~tic~es ~ the entire Agreement between the parties. Any other existing ~ Provisio,~ Agreements in effect between the parties applicable to the subject matter of this Article I - ~ Provisions Agreement and covering the period subsequent to the effective date of ~ A.'licle 1, shall be of no force or effect for the time period beginning with the effective date of this Article 1, except that Collier County shall remain obligated to pay Sprint for any services rerxtered under these other General Provision Agreements while they are in effect. WITNESS: SPRINT-FLORIDA, INCORPORATED Title: Director-Carder Marketing $V$ Date: WITNESS: COLLIER COUNTY By: Mr. Timothy L. Hancock, Title: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Date: 19 Ar=lcle 1 Collier County EXHIBIT 1 TO ARTICLE 1 In(;;l~x of Article~, Article Number 1 3 14 Descfir)tion General Provisions Floor Space Tower Attachment 20 Collier county AGREEMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AND FACILITIES ARTICLE 3 LAND/BUILDING SPACE SPRINT-FLORIDA, INCORPORATED AND COLLIER COUNTY This Article, effective as of the 1st day of May, 1997, between Sprint-Florida, Incorporated, 'Sprint,' and Collier County, 'Collier County', both organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, sets forth the terms, conditions and compensation for the provision of land/building/rack space as hereinafter described. In consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the parties agree as shown below: SECTION I SCOPE The specific premises, the terms of occupancy and the rates are specified in the attached schedule(s). A separate schedule shall be executed for each leased unit of land/building space. SECTION II LEASED PREMISES Collier County leases and Spdnt lets the premises, each of which is called the "leased premises," for the term specified in the schedule(s). Included with the leased premises is the nght to use common areas relating to the particular leased premises. SECTION III LAND/BUILDING SPACE MEASUREMENTS Leased land/building space shall be measured in net square feet, which comprises space intended for occupancy by Collier County. SECTION IV PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Spnnt snail keep the leased premises free and clear of all encumbrances, restrictions or limitations on its use within Spdnt's control that prevent or interfere with Collier County's use in accordance with this Article. If Collier County shall obey and perform all of the covenants of this Article regarding the leased premises, Spdnt shall provide Collier County with the quiet, peaceful and uninterrupted use of the leased premises for the specified duration of each attached schedule. JUN 2 1997 I .._.. I co~£e~ county Collier County shall not permit the leased premises to be occupied for any business or purpose that is unlawful or unduly hazardous. Whether or not any activity is unduly hazardous shall be a decision within the sole discretion of Spdnt. which discretion shall be reasonably exercised. Spdnt represents that it is not aware of any releases of Hazardous Substances (as defined below) on the Property. Spdnt will indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless Collier County from and against all claims, suits, actions, causes of action, assessments, losses, penalties. costs, including dean-up costs, damages and expenses, including, without limitation. reasonable affomeys' fees, sustained or incurred by Collier County pursuant to any federal. state, or local laws, implementing regulations, common law or otherwise, relating to the release by Sprint or its agents, employees or cont,'actors of any hazardous substances, hazardous chemicals, hazardous materials, toxic substances and/or contamination of any type whatsoever (collectively, 'Hazardous Substances') in, upon or beneath the Property. Collier County will not bdng to, transport across or dispose of any Hazardous Substances on the Property without Spdnt's pdor written approval, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld, except Collier County may keep on the Property substances used in backup power units (such as batteries and diesel generators) commonly used in the wireless communications industry. Collier County's use of any approved substances constituting Hazardous Substances must comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations governing such use. Collier County will indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless Spdnt from and against all claims, suits, actions, causes of action, assessments, losses, penalties, costs, including clean- up costs, damages and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees. sustained or incurred by Spdnt pursuant to any federal, state, or local laws, implementing regulations, common law or otherwise, dealing with matters relating to hazardous substances released by Collier County or its agents, employees, or contractors in, upon or beneath the Property. Collier County's employees shall at all times while on Spdnt property, facilities, equipment sitJs or right-of-ways (hereafter referred to as property) comply with all Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and all federal, state and local environmental standards, rules, regulations and orders issued by Federal and State regulatory agencies. Before any environmental hazards (defined as any substance the presence, use, transport, abandonment or disposal of which (I) requires investigation, remediation, compensation, fine or pbnalty under any applicable law (including without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Superfund Amendment and Reauthodzation Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act and provisions with similar purposes in applicable foreign, state and local jurisdictions) or (ii) poses dsks to human health, safety or the environment including, without limitation, indoor, outdoor or orbital space environments, and is regulated under any applicable law), hazardous chemical as defined by OSHA or hazardous material as defined by the US Department of Transportation's (DOT) is used, applied or stored on Spdnt property, Collier County shall provide to Sprint a Matedal Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous chemical, substance or matenal, Collier County shall also provide to Spdnt the ~xt£cle 3 quantity and/or amount of all hazardous chemicals, substance or materials temporarily or permanently stored on Sprint property. Collier County shall provide spill response supplies and procedures to handle any release. Spdnt maintains the dght to refuse the use and/or storage of any hazardous chemical, substance or material on Spdnt property. If a Diesel Tank is placed on Sprint's property by Collier County, the Tank must be doublewalled. Collier County must provide procedures for managing the Diesel Storage Tank to ensure integrity of tank is maintained and leaks can be identified and repaired in a timely manner. Collier County must provide the Diesel Tank spill response procedures. Collier County must provide an emergency point of contact phone number which can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in case of a release. All flammable chemicals and combustible materials must be removed from Spdnt property at the end of each tour of duty or must be stored in a metal cabinet specifically designed and marked for flammables. All personal injuries, vehicle accidents, spills of hazardous chemicals or hazardous materials or property damage occurring on Spdnt property must be reported to Spdnt immediately. Injuries. accidents, spills and property damage may be reported to the local Spdnt supervisor. Collier County employees while on Spdnt property shall comply with all Sprint safety policies, procedures and practices concerning employee personal safety as identified by the regional safety and environmental point of contact. Collier County employees while on Spdnt property shall not use, possess, or sell illegal drugs, alcohol, firearms or knives with a three inch or longer blade. In addition, Collier County employees shall not use prescription drugs which may impair the employee's ability to work safely. Collier County employees while on any enclosed Sprint property are prohibited from using any tobacco products, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, chewing tobacco, etc. If the leased premises or a portion thereof sufficient to make the leased premises substantially unusable shall be taken by eminent domain, the attached schedule relating to those premises shall terminate as of the date of such taking with respect to said premises. Spdnt and Collier County shall thereupon be released from any further liability hereunder with respect to the premises taken. Ar=£cl~ 3 Co11£*r Coun=y If a part of the leased premises is so taken, leaving a portion thereof unusable, rent shall abate in proportion to the part taken, Collier County shall have the right to participate in the condemnation award only to the extent the award is for the value of trade fixtures. improvements and alterations to the leased premises substantially unusable if such appropriation or taking results in Collier County's inability to use the facilities in the manner and for the purposes for which they have been used or are permitted to be used under this Article or the related schedule(s), Spdnt shall give written notice to Collier County immediately upon receiving notice of appropriation or taking. In the event Collier County remains in possession of any leased premises after the expiration of either the term granted herein or any renewal pedod, such possession shall be considered a month-to-month tenancy dudng which time Collier County's obligations under this Article and the related schedule shall continue as if this Article and the related schedule were in full force and effect. Whe~ a separate schedule is for building space, the performance standards shown below shall also apply. When the space consists of unsecured rack space, the standards specific to Spnnt are the only ones that apply. Spdnt shall keep and maintain the building containing the leased premises in good, safe and proper condition throughout the term of this Article or any renewal thereof and repair the premises when necessar~ in accordance with Sprint's standards Collier County may decorate and shall maintain, including janitorial service, and repair the interior, nonstructural portions of the leased premises. Collier County shall surrender the leased premises at the termination date set forth in the schedule(s) attached hereto pertaining to the particular premises. Collier County shall return the premises in as good condition as received, excepting normal wear and tear. Whenever Collier County proposes to make any alterations, additions or improvements to any leased premises, it shall first furnish Spdnt plans and specifications in such detail as Spdnt may reasonably request describing all such work. Such plans and specifications shall comply with the requirements as Sprint may from time to time reasonably prescribe. In no event shall any alterations, additions or improvements to the leased premises be commenced without Spdnt's pdor written approval of the plans and specifications. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withhef~t. All such alterations, additions and improvements shall be performed at Collier Countys expense and in a workmanlike manner in compliance with all governmental requirements and the terms of this agreement. Work shall be performed at such times and in such manner as to cause a minimum of interference with other construction in progress and with Spdnt's transaction of business. Article 3 Collier County Collier County shall compensate Sprint for all leasehold improvements made to the premises specifically requested or necessitated by Collier County's use of the facilities. The method of calculation of such compensation shall be agreed upon pdor to any improvements being made. Collier County, at its own expense, may contest any tax or special assessments regarding the leased premises in any manner permitted by law, in its name and whenever necessan~ and with Spdnt's permission, In Spdnt's name. Sprint shall cooperate with and execute any documents or pleadings reasonably required for such purposes; provided, however, that the same shall be without cost, liability or expense to Spdnt. At the request of either Collier County or Sprint, the parties agree to execute in recordable form a memorandum of this Article that may contain any information described by either party with respect to this Article covedng the leased premises. SECTION V USE OF PREMISES Any leased premise shall be used for connecting Collier County's telecommunications equipment directly to Spdnt's telecommunications network and for no other purposes without the written permission of Spdnt, which will not be unreasonably withheld. The individual schedules attached hereto may contain further restrictions on the use of the particular premises covered by that schedule. SECTION VI TERM OF ARTICLE The initial term of each schedule is separately specified therein. The term of this Article shall extend until the expiration of the initial term set forth in the attached schedules, plus all renewal pedods determined in accordance with Section VII. This Article shall terminate when the last schedule attached to the Article terminates. SECTION VII RENEWAL PERIODS The renewal terms for each schedule are separately specified therein. 3 county SECTION VIII COMPENSATION AND BILLING Collier County shall pay Spdnt the amounts specified in the attached schedule(s) as compensation for the se~ices provided pursuant to this Article. Spdnt shall provide Collier County with a monthly bill. Any special or one-time charges shall be separately itemized. Monthly bills shall be rendered and payment of billed amounts under this Article shall be in accordance with Article I, Section XII. The parties have executed this Article 3 through their authorized representatives on the dates set fortl~ below their signatures. WITNESS: SPRINT-FLORIDA, INCORPORATED Title: Director-Cartier Marketing Date: L/~'--~ .~ WITNESS: COLLIER COUNTY By: Mr. Timothy L. Hancock Title Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Date: Ar~£cl~ 3 Coll£lr Coun~:y Schedule I SCHEDULE 1 TO ARTICLE 3 PROVISION OF UNSECURED SPACE Building name and address: Sprint-Florida, Incorporated Pinecrest Tower St. Road 94 at Jim Dill Loop Pinecrest, FL A diagram of the leased premises, which consists of six (6) square feet, is shown in Exhibit A. CONTRACT PRICE Rental for the leased premises shall be thirty-seven dollars and fourteen cents ($37.14) per month for the term of the lease. Collier County shall pay additional amounts to cover all sales tax and other taxes to which the leased property is subject as a result of this lease except taxes based on Spdnt's income. All rents shall be abated for any pedods dudng which said guaranteed uses are not provided by Spdnt. CONTRACT TERMS The initial term of this Schedule shall be for three (3) years commencing on or about May 1st, 1997. Sprint shall use its best efforts to have the contracted space available for use on May 1st, 1997, but Spdnt assumes no liability for failure to do so. No payment shall be due under this Schedule until the contracted facility is available for use. In the event Spdnt wishes to sell the leased premises, requires the leased premises for its own use, or determines that this lease contract is no longer in Sprint's best business interest, this Schedule shall be terminable with ninety (90) days advance written notice to Collier County. If termination is due to actions of Collier County, all remaining rent for the life of the lease shall be due and payable upon demand by Spdnt. RENEWAL PERIODS This Schedule will automatically renew unless one (1) of the parties elects not to renew. Automatic renewals will be for the same pedod as the initial term on the same terms and conditions, other than price. If either party elects not to renew, it shall notify the other party in writing of its election no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the initial term or renewal pedod. ADDITIONAL TERMS Any equipment used on site shall meet standard network requirements so as not to adversely affect Spdnt's equipment and facilities. Equipment, including installation and grounding methods, will be subject to inspection by Spdnt. Should the matedal and/or workmanship fail to meet recognized industry standards, Collier County shall remedy a~arities within thirty (30) days. Ar~:lcle 3 Collier County Schedule 1 Spdnt will extend its central grounding system to Collier County's fadlity on the leased premises to which Collier County must connect under the supervision and direction of Spdnt. Collier County shall pay Sprint all reasonable costs for this extension, Spdnt will provide fire detection service by means of its existing fire detection system. Spdnt shall not be liable to Collier County or its customers for damages or losses resulting from the failure of any of the aforesaid facilities to operate unless the failure was caused by Spdnt's sole gross negligence or willful misconduct. In no event shall Spdnt be responsible for indirect or consequential damages. All improvements made to the leased premises are the property of Sprint and shall remain Spdnt's property upon the termination of this Schedule. Spdnt grants limited access subject to reasonable prior notification and check-in procedures and/or purpose verification as specified by Spdnt for the purpose of installation, repair and inspection of said equipment. Access for installation, repair and inspection will be given to Collier County's designated employees, agents and independent contractors. Spdnt shall not be responsible for actions of persons provided hereunder. Access will not be unreasonably withheld. For routine work, forty-eight (48) hours shall be reasonable pdor notice. Sprint shall supervise all activities of Collier County or persons working for Collier County while on Spdnt's premises and agrees to pay Spdnt for one (1) employee for such supervision at the rates shown below: Basic Tim~heduled workin hoG...b..o_v..rs_) First half hour or fraction thereof Each additional half hour or fraction thereof $33.00 22.50 ~utside of normally..s_.cheduled work~ First half hour or fraction thereof Each additional half hour or fraction thereof $34.75 24.40 Premium Time ~f scheduled work day.). First half hour or fraction thereof Each additional half hour or fraction thereof $44.80 29.70 Spdnt shall not be responsible for actions of persons provided access hereunder. In all events, Spdnt's own requirements for access to and work on Spdnt's property shall take precedence over Collier County's requirements. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings located on Sprint's property. Collier County agrees that its employees and agents shall not smoke while on Spdnt property. 6/97 Article 3 Schedule Collier County Collier County agrees to assume full liability for damages or injury to persons or property resulting from its use or occupancy of the leased premises. Collier County shall hold Spdnt harmless from: (i) any claim or action adsing from Collier County's use or occupancy of the leased premises; and (ii) any claim or action relating in any way to the leased premises while Collier County is occupying or using the leased premises. Collier County shall maintain during the time this Schedule is in effect public liability and property damage insurance in the minimum amounts shown below:. Public Liability Property Damage Automobile Coverage Umbrella Coverage Worker's Compensation Insurance $500,000 as to any one occurrence $500,000 as to any one occurrence $500,000 as to any one person $500,000 as to any one occurrence $500,000 property damage - each occurrence $1,000,000 Flodda Statuton/Minimums Collier County shall have each insurance carrier furnish Spdnt with certificates confirming the above insurance coverage with Spdnt named as an additional insured. The certificate shall provide that coverage will not be terminated without fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Sprint. Collier County's failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph shall be a default for which Spdnt may immediately terminate this Schedule. Any signage Collier County wishes to place on the premises shall be approved by Spdnt in writing before placed on the premises. Collier County wilt provide the rack that will occupy this space. Sprint shall provide one 15 amperage, 100 volt AC power circuit for Collier County's use. In situations where Collier County requires higher amperage AC power, Spdnt will work cooperatively with Collier County to ensure that specific power requirements are met. Should Collier County require additional electdc capacity, such capacity will be supplied by Spdnt. Collier County will pay Spdnt an additional fee in an amount to be agreed upon by both Sprint and Collier County at the time of the request. Spdnt reserves the right to monitor Collier County's use of electricity to determine if the electricity provided is sufficient to support Collier County's rack space. If Sprint determines that the electricity provided is insufficient to support Collier County's rack space, Sprint may require the installation of additional electrical circuits to provide Collier County with additional electricity. Collier County shall reimburse Spdnt for any expenses incurred in making such additional electrical circuits available to Collier County. 7 ScheduLe If the terms of this Schedule I to Article 3 are in conflict with the terms of Articles I or 3. the terms of this Schedule 1 to Article 3 shall prevail over the terms of Articles 1 or 3. The parties have executed this Schedule I to Article 3 through their authorized representatives on the dates set forth below their signatures. WITNESS: SPRINT-FLORIDA, INCORPORATED Tittle: Director - Cartier Marketing Date: ~~ WITNESS: COLLIER COUNTY By: Mt. Timothy L. Hancock Title: Chairman. Board of County Commissioners Date: ExhLb].t A ?vl~','(VAol S 4,]'0 24'-0' ' 25' -4' ' 17' -8' ' ¥?y ~-~£c~ ~4 Co~£e~ SPRINT-FLORIDA, INCORPORATED AND COLLIER COUNTY AGREEMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERV1CES AND FACILITIES ARTICLE 14 - TOWERS This Article, effective as of the 1st day of May, 1997, between Sprint-Florida, Incorporated, "Sprint," and Collier County, "Collier County," both organized and existing under the laws of the State of Flodda. The parties agree as follows: SECT1ON I SCOPE This Article specifies the dghts and obligations of the parties where Collier County occupies the towers of Spdnt. Towers are structures of varying heights and designs that are used to support antenna of vadous designs as well as passive reflectors for transmitting and receiving microwave radio and mobile radio signals. SECTION II DEFINITIONS A. Attachments - devices mounted on a tower, which may include, but are not limited to. an antenna, reflector, waveguide, and ice shield with associated mounting hardware. B. Make-Ready Work - all work including, but not limited to, the rearrangement of existing facilities and the addition of strength or height to the tower to accommodate Collier County's communication facilities. SECTION III TERM, PRICE, AND OTHER SPECIFIC CONDITIONS A description of each tower and attachment subject to this Article, together with a statement of the monthly charges for and the term of each attachment, is contained in each schedule to this Article. The term of this Article shall extend until the expiration of the initial term set forth in the schedules, plus all renewal periods. This Article shall terminate when the last schedule attached to the Article terminates. SECTION IV ADDITION OR REMOVAL OF ATTACHMENTS A minimum of sixty (60) days shall be required to process an application for making an attachment to or removing an attachment from a tower. 6/91 Article 14 Collier County SECTION V MAKE-READY WORK AND ENGINEERING WORK When a request for attachment to a tower is submitted by Collier County, engineering work may be required to determine the existing height and strength of the tower to assure that the structure can accommodate Collier County's communications facilities. Collier County shall be charged for the reasonable cost of such engineering work. A field inspection that requires the visual inspection of the existing tower may be performed by Spdnt or Collier County. The engineering work, which includes the processing of Collier County's request, the preparation of the make-ready work orders, the coordination of work requirements, and the random field verification of construction activity, shall be performed by Spdnt. When Spdnt intends to perform any portion of the field inspection, Spdnt shall advise Collier County, in advance and in writing, of the estimated charges that apply and receive written authorization from Collier County before undertaking such inspection. When Collier County performs the field inspection (at the direction of Sprint), the field inspection results shall be furnished to Spdnt in a format specified by Spdnt and according to standards of accuracy and completeness satisfactory to Spdnt. In view of Spdnt's common carder obligations to maintain safe, adequate service, Spdnt shall retain the dght to perform its own field inspection if, in the sole judgment of Spdnt, the data furnished by Collier County does not comply with the performance standards as prescribed by Sprint. Collier County shall be charged the reasonable expense incurred by Sprint to perform its own field inspection. In the event Spdnt determines that a tower to which Collier County desires to attach is inadequate and requires reinforcement or rearrangement of the existing facilities thereon to accommodate Collier County's communications facilities, Sprint shall advise Collier County in writing of the estimated make-ready charges that shall apply. Such charges shall include all of the costs of reinforcement or rearrangements. Collier Count%, shall have sixty (60) days from the receipt of estimated charges to indicate its written authorization for completion of the required make-ready work and agreement to pay the actual costs of such work. Make.ready work shall be performed by Sprint following receipt of the required written authorization and agreement from Collier County. Collier County shall, on a monthly basis, pay Spdnt for all make-ready work completed in accordance with the provisions of this Article, and Collier County shall make arrangements directly with the owners of other facilities attached to such towers regarding reimbursement for any expense incurred by them in transferdng or rearranging their facilities to make such attachment accommodations available. Collier County shall not be entitled to any moneys paid to Spdnt for the facilities on a tower by reason of the use by Sprint, governmental entity, or other authorized user of any additional capacity resulting from such replacement or rearrangement. Ar1: £cle 3.4 Co].%~r Count:y Should Sprint or a governmental entity having tower accommodation rights for its own service requirements need to attach additional facilities to any tower to which Collier County is attached, Collier County shall rearrange its facilities as determined by Sprint so they may be accommodated. The cost of such rearrangement shall be at the sole expense of the party requesting the rearrangemenL If Collier County does not rearrange its communications facilities within ninety (90) days after the receipt of written notice from Spdnt requesting such rearrangement, Spdnt may perform or have performed such rearrangement without liability on the part of Sprint. All make-ready work, engineering work, and attachment work performed by Sprint for the sole benefit of Collier County shall be paid for by Collier County and included in Collier County's monthly bill. SECTION VI RESTRICTIONS ON COLLIER COUNTY'S RIGHTS No use, however extended, of towers or payment of any costs or charges required under this Article shall create or vest in Collier County any easements or any ownership or property rights of any nature in such towers. This Article shall not constitute an assignment of any of Spdnt's dghts to use the public or pdvate property at locations of such towers. Spdnt's right to locate and maintain its towers and to operate its facilities in conjunction therewith in such a manner as will best enable it to fulfill its service requirements is in no manner limited by this Article. SECTION VII LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Collier County shall be responsible for obtaining from the appropriate authority any required authorization to construct, operate, and/or maintain its communications facilities on public and/or pdvate property before it attaches its communications facilities to any of Spdnt's towers located on such public and/or pdvate property. Collier County shall assume the responsibility for assuring all radio interference studies have been made. Collier County will obtain Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval as required. No dght to attach under this Article shall extend to any tower where the attachment of Collier County's communications facilities would result in a forfeiture of dghts of Sprint or joint users to occupy the property on which the tower is located. If the existence of Collier County's communications facilities on a tower would cause a forfeiture of the right of Sprint to occupy such property, Collier County agrees to remove its communications facilities forthwith upon receipt of written notification from Spdnt. If said communications facilities are not so removed, Sprint may perform and/or have performed such removal after the expiration of one hundred eighty (180) days from the receipt of said written notification without liability on the part of Spdnt. In such case, Collier County agrees to pay Spdnt the cost thereof and reimbursement for all losses and damages that may result. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this section shall be conditioned upon Spdnt's providing alternative, suitable facilities from then- existing facilities, if such facilities are available. If existing alternative suitable facilities are not available, Sprint shall not be required to construct new facilities to accommodate Collier County. Article 14 Collier County SECTION VIII PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL OF COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES Towers shall be maintained in a safe and serviceable condition by Sprint. Collier County and Spdnt have the responsibility to maintain their respective attachments in a manner that will not endanger or harm the public, the structure, or the attachments of others. Spdnt shall not be responsible for any damage caused to Collier County's equipment by "Force Majeure Conditions" contained in Article 1, Section X. Collier County shall, at its own expense, furnish and place the necessary hardware to attach its antenna to the tower structure and, where appropriate, ice shields under its antenna. All construction will be performed by a person whose qualifications are acceptable to Spdnt. Spdnt retains the dght to supervise any and all construction on its premises, and Collier County agrees to pay Spdnt's current rate for one (1) employee supervising the construction. The type, design, and method of attachment of Collier County's hardware shall be approved by Spdnt. Specifications and drawings must be submitted to Spdnt by Collier County no less than sixty (60) days before construction begins. Final approval of hardware and attachment design must be approved by Spdnt before the attachment to the tower can be made. Collier County shall notify Sprint in writing at least thirty (30) days before adding to, relocating. replacing, or otherwise modifying its facilities attached to a tower where additional space or holding capacity may be required on either a temporary or permanent basis. Collier County's communications facilities shall be placed and maintained in accordance with the requirements, specifications, and standards of Spdnt, the National Electrical Code (NEC), and the National E~ectdcal Safety Code (NESC), all of which are incorporated by reference in this agreement, including the rules and regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and any governing authority having jurisdiction over the subject matter. Where a difference in specifications may exist, the most stringent shall apply. If any part of Collier County's communications facilities is not placed and maintained in accordance with the preceding paragraphs and Collier County has not corrected the violation within sixty (60) days from receipt of written notice thereof from Spdnt, Spdnt may at its option correct said condition. Spdnt shall attempt to notify Collier County in writing pdor to performing such work whenever practicable. However, when such conditions pose an immediate threat to the safety of Spdnt's employees or the public, interfere with the performance of Sprfnt's service obligations, or pose an immediate threat to the physical integrity of Spdnt's facilities, Spdnt may perform such work and/or take such action that it deems necessary without first giving written notice to Collier County. As soon as practicable hereafter, Sprint shall advise Collier County in writing of the work performed or the action taken and shall endeavor to arrange for reaccommodation of Collier County's facilities so affected. Collier County shall be responsible for paying Spdnt for all work and reaccommodation performed by Spdnt under this paragraph. Collier County's liability for payment of any costs under this section shall be limited to those costs reasonable under the circumstances. Ar~.£cle 14 Collier County Spdnt grants limited access subject to reasonable pdor notification and check-in procedures and/or purpose verification as specified by Spdnt for the purpose of maintaining, inspecting and otherwise working on said equipment. Access to the tower on which Collier County's antennae and feed line are mounted will be given only to, and all work thereon will be performed only by a person who, within the sole discretion of Spdnt, is fully qualified for this purpose. Access will not be unreasonably withheld. In the event of termination of this Article, Collier County shall remove its communications facilities from Spdnt's towers within one (1) month from the date of termination; provided. however, that Collier County shall be liable for and pay all costs and charges pursuant to terms of this Article to Spdnt until Collier County's communications facilities are actually removed from Spdnt's towers. If Collier County does not remove its communications facilities from Spdnt's towers within the applicable time periods specified in this Article, Spdnt shall have the right to remove them at the expense of Collier County and without any liability on the part of Sprint to Collier County. SECTION IX INSPECTION OF COLLIER COUNTY'S COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION Sprint reserves the dght to make reasonable, pedodic construction inspections of any part of Collier County's communications facilities attached to Spdnt's tower. Collier County shall be charged for the reasonable cost of such inspections. If Spdnt's post construction inspection reveals that any part of Collier County's communications facilities is not constructed in accordance with the standards specified, Spdnt shall advise Collier County in writing of the items requinng correction and Collier County shall have a maximum of thirty (30) days in which to make such corrections. The making of pedodic inspections or the failure to do so shall not operate to impose upon Spdnt any liability of any kind whatsoever nor relieve Collier County of any responsibility, obligations, or liability under this Article. SECTION X RESTORATION OF SERVICES In the event a tower is damaged and needs to be repaired, it will be the responsibility of Spnnt to coordinate the restoration activities with Collier County. Every reasonable effort shall be made by Collier County and Spdnt to protect each other's attachments dudng restoration. Restoration of all service shall be accomplished as expeditiously as practicable taking into consideration safety and design considerations. ~-~£c~e ~4 Col~£e~ Coun~ SECTION Xl TERM OF AGREEMENT This initial term of each schedule is separately specified therein. The term of this Article shall extend until the expiration of the initial term sat forth in all schedules, plus all renewal pedods (determined in accordance with Section XII). This Article shall terminate when the last schedule attached to this Article terminates. SECTION Xll RENEWAL PERIODS The renewal terms for each schedule are separately specified therein. SECTION Xlll COMPENSATION AND BILLING Collier County shall pay Spdnt the amounts specified in the attached schedules as compensation for the services provided pursuant to this Article. Spdnt shall provide Collier County with a monthly bill. Any special or one-time charges shall be separately itemized. Monthly bills shall be rendered and payment of billed amounts under this Article shall be in accordance with Article 1, Section Xll. The parties have executed this Article 14 through their authorized representatives on the dates set forth below their signatures. WITNESS: ~C. 7~ '! SPRINT-FLORIDA, INCORPORATED c- :.,- By: Brooks B. Albery (~/ Title: Director. Carder Marketing Date: F'-'/'-~ ~' "~ WITNESS: COLLIER COUNTY By: Mr. Timothy L. Hancock Title: Chairman, Board of County Date:Commissioners Article 14 Collier County SCHEDULE 1 TO ARTICLE 14 TOWERS This Schedule I to Article 14 is effective as of May 1, 1997. CONTRACT PERIOD The initial term of this schedule shall be for three (3) years commencing on May 1, 1997, and terminating on May 1, 2000. In the event Spdnt wishes to sell or remove the Pinecrest tower, the lease shall be terminable with two hundred seventy (270) days advance written notice to Collier County. If termination is due to actions of Collier County, all remaining rent for the life of the lease shall be due and payable upon demand by Spdnt. RENEWAL PERIODS This schedule will automatically renew unless one of the parties elects not to renew. Automatic renewals will be for the same time pedod as the initial term on the same terms and conditions. other than pdce. If either party elects not to renew, it shall notify the other party in writing of its election no less than ninety (90) days pdor to the expiration of the initial term or renewal pedod. IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT Collier County will permanently mark/tag all equipment placed on Spdnt's tower for identification purposes and annual inspection to ensure proper maintenance. TOWER ATTACHMENT DESCRIPTION Tower space at the 300 foot level for 2 antenna(e) operating at 806-860 MHz (based on a 12 foot whip antenna). LOCATION: ~ Monroe ~ State County Exchange ,~5 45 44N 80 56 10W Latitude Longitude OTHER NOTES Proof of FAA clearance (FAA Form 7460-1) must be provided to Sprint before the antenna(e) is mounted to the tower. Tower analysis and post construction inspection?will be at Collier County's expen~ Article 14 Collier County CONTRACT PRICE The monthly contracted price is: First Attachment $ 300 Second Attachment $ 270 Total 570 The parties have executed this Schedule I through their authorized representatives on the dates set forth below their signatures. VVITNESS: SPRINT. FLORIDA, INCORPORATED Title: Director- Carder Marketing Date: ~ WITNESS: COLLIER COUNTY By: Mr. Timothy L. Hancock Title: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Date: BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST FUND TITLE 800 iV[Hz IRCP FUND NO. 188 Date prepared: 6/6/97 Attach Executive Summary BCC Agenda date 6/24/97 ItemNo. 160 (2) if previously approved. EXPENSE BUDGET DETAIL 800 MHz IRCP Cost Center Title Expenditure Object Code 641400 644600 649990 Expenditure Title Tele Direct Line Rent -Equip Misc Services Increase (Decrease) $ 2,700 S 3,000 $ 3,000 Current Budget S 3,500 S58,000 Revised Budget S 6,200 S61,000 TOTAL $8,700 ICost Center Title ~er No. ]~Project Title Expenditure Expencliture Increase Current Object Code Title (Decrease) Budget Revised Budget TOTAL RESERVES Cost Center Title REVENUE BU~ 919010 Cost Center No. Revenue Object Code 993000 Revenue Title b~serve for ~ )utlay Increase (Decrease) (S8,'/00) TOTAL Current S430,900 Revised Budget S 422,200 EXPLANATION Why are funds needed? Ericsson Inc. ,Collier Coun~"s vendor for the 800 M]-l.z system is providing an additional radio to~ver site to improve coverage in the southeast portion of the county.. This budget amendment covers reoccuring costs associated with operation of the site not site acquisition and development costs which are the responsibility of the vendor. Where are funds available? Fund 188 reserx'es REVIEW PROCESS Cost Center Director~~~ Division Administrat, Budget Department: Agency Manager: Finance Department: Clerk of Board Admin.: Input by: B.A. No.: DATE ] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING THE SALE AND TRANSFER OF ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE COUNTY SURPLUS AUCTION OF JUNE 7, 1997. ~ To present the results of the recent County property auction to the Board of County Commissioners for ratification. ~ On May 27, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to conduct an auction of specified County-owned asserts for the purpose of disposing of these items and generating revenues for the county Prior to the auction, several County agencies requested transfer of the assets approved for disposition. Accordingly, these items were turned over to the requesting agencies. Attached is the list of items approved for disposition that have been transferred to County departments. There were twelve terminals donated to the Naples Freenet per the authorization ofthe Board of County Commissioners on May 27, 1997. The June 7, 1997 auction generated $310,173.50 in actual gross revenues and $285,359.62 in net revenues. The breakdown of gross and net revenues between the Board of County Commissioners, Sheriff's Office and Property Appraiser is as follows: AGENCY Board of County Commissioners Collier County Sheriff Property Appraiser GROSS REVENUE NET REVENUE $287,621.00 $264,611.32 $ 15,502.50 $ 14.262.30 $ 7,050.00 $ 6,486.00 The auction was conducted on behalf of the County by First Coast Auction & Realty,/nc. Altogether, more than $$03,000.00 in auction sales have been generated in the current fiscal year. Accordingly, the expense and revenue budgets need to be increased by $12,000.00 to pay the auctioneer's commission for the 3une 7* event. In order to eliminate any opportunity for delay in receiving the sale proceeds, the auctioneer is required to turn over the gross proceeds from the sale to the County on the day of the event. One fleet vehicle, asset # 900007 was sold to a bidder who walked away from the purchase. Attempts through the auctioneer and the Sheriff's Department to find the buyer were unsuccessful. Fleet Management is now in possession of this vehicle and will place it in the next surplus auction. Executive Summary June 24, 1997 Page 2 ~ Net revenues have been allocated as follows: DEPARTMENT I~D NET PROC£EDS Road & Bridge I01 $204,494.84 Public Works 408 $ 1,798.60 Airport Authority 495 $ 41.40 Dept. of Revenue 510 $ 4.60 Fleet Management 521 $ !,791.24 Fleet Management 522 $ 49,496.00 OCPM 589 $ 222.18 General Fund 001 $ 6,762.46 Total $264,611.32 None ~ That the Board of County accept and ratify the revenues for the County Auction held on June 7, 1997 pursuant lo the itemized sales ITpon attached herein, disu'ibute the funds to the proper agencies and approve the attached budget ammendment. PREPARED BY: ~ Claire Oss, Purchasing Technician Purchasing Department Ste~ Oamell, CSM, Director Purchasing,/General Services Dept. REVIEWED BY:~ Support Services Division FIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY, INC P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE. FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 Al. sale~ ~:; '3:; Item Description Tax Price page 1 Qty Total 522 522 522 tls 1 £~0 2 336 3 301 4 33i 5 ,~iS 6 91 CHEV CAVALIER y 1G13C4G4MJ184117 69162 WHITE 1156 90 CHEV CORSICA y 1G1LT54T9LY192684 57328 WHITE 1148 91 CHEV CAVALIER Y 1G1JC54G9MJ171886 91931 WHITE 1150 91 CHEVY CAVALIER y 91 CHEV CORISCA y 90 CHEVY CAVALIER y 91 CHEV K 1\2 TON TRUCK Y ]GCK'429MZ156622 114377 WHITE 1157 89 CHEV 3',4 TOt; TRUCK y IGCFC2425KE210752 55427 WHITE 92 CH£'.' 1\2 TON TRUCK y 1GCDC14ZOPE166121 106823 WHITE 9! CHE'.' 3',,4 TON IRUCK y !GCFK24Z7ME145232 073401 WHITE 1155 89 CHEV COR!SCA y 1G1LT54WXKE226867 058966 WHITE 1143 S~ CHEV 3\,4 TON TRUCK Y iGCFC~4Z2KE210613 054217 WHITE ?~ Gl.lC ONE TON UTILITY y ~? CHE'.' CORSICA y ..... %54wgKE218274 083848 WHITE 1145 89 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE y 1G2HM54CXKW243254 079031 WHITE 1140 1992 CHEV CORSICA y IGILS'5342NYI66506 040280 WHITE 1233 1590 CHEV CORSICA y iG]LT'S.lTSLE185612 035119 WHITE 1232 1G.':~:"gZOMB16034 081106 WHITE 2,300.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,600.00 2,850.00 1,950 00 5,000.00 4,800.00 5,400.00 5,050.00 1,900.00 4,550.00 1,950.00 1,900.00 2,900.00 3,950.00 3,100.00 5,300.00 JUN 2 1997 ".,,'. - lO- i~;".- FIRST COAST AUCTION ic.] ,3.~C 37 REALTY& INC F' O BOX ,878 JACKSONVILLE. FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 Description Tax 90 CHEV CAVALIER 1G13C14G2iJ224449 53697 WHITE 1146 90 CHEV CORSICA y 1G1LT54T9LY192667 056653 WHITE 1149 87 FORD F-700 DUMP y 1FDNFTOHVA30335 EXEMPT WHITE 1124 87 FORD F-700 DUMP y 1FDNFTOH5HVA30334 EXEMPT WHITE 1123 87 FORD F-700 DUMP y 1FDNFTOH1HVA30332 EXEMPT WHITE S? FORD F-700 DUI.!P y !FD::FTOHXKVA40672 078455 WHITE 112£ Si' FORD FT00 DUMP y :;5 FLAT BEE CbC DUMP y I~2~;F?CHMK'.'A40669 084611 WHITE 11-o. S~.l. ~ . 2 iC':: TRUCK W~DUMP Y lGD36D1AOGV540135 EXEMPT WHITE 1132 St FLAT BED C\C DUMP y lF2!;FTOHSKVA40668 145856 WHITE 1120 Se; F~RD F-700 DUMP y lYDNF'0HSKVA40671 137776 ?:HITE ~" r''Y ~,.C DUMP y ...... BED "' KS-' z.:~ ..... LOADER y 7~ FZ, RD 5600 TRACTOR y J2H:;__ DEERE 40lB TRACTOR y . , ~r.., DEERE ~01B TRACTOR Y 1115 77 3OHN DEERE 40lB TRACTOR Y 111~ 79 Y:TqD 6600 TRACTOR y 1113 Price Qty page 2 Total *** Not sold *** 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,800.00 4,200.00 5,200.O0 5,200.00 7,000.00 6,900.00 7,600.00 4,100.00 6,450.00 1 6,000.00 I 8,800.00 1 2,150.00 i 4,000.00 1 7,600.00 1 2,900.00 1 2,800.00 i 4,200.00 I 4,200.00 FIRST COAST AUCTION Ail sales SN BN Item & REALTY, INC P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 Description Tax Price page 3 Qty Total 1,~1 ]25 39 lOl 595 42 ',.' 654 43 1~: ~;., -;4 86 FORD 5900 TRACTOR y 1119 FORD TRACTOR y 87 FORD 6610 TRACTOR y 1120 88 VERMEER CHIPPER y 1106 S4 3CB 1550 BACKHOE y 1i13 86 3CB 1400B B\H W\WAIN ROY Y ATTACHMENT 1114 84 BADGER 460 HYDROSCOPIC y EXCAVATOR ilC'S S£ BADGER 444 HYDROSCOPIC y EXCA'.'ATOR ! !'1.7 $, GALLON T5000C MOTOR Y tJF'A °' r ~ · ~_:.~ 00-09190 1109 c~ F'AT-ALLiS FG-95 MOTOR Y I--'.'; 1" Ii10 $~ FIAI-ALLIS FG-75 MOTOR Y GRADER 43500278 438278 1111 ES DRESSER 5145 LOADER y 1122 -g' EINYRE ASPHALT y 2iSTRIBUICR CHEkt:.KEE 21' EQUIPMENT y IRAI LER -..~0,'.,.~ TRAILER y 1226 2'!i"-F. 3KEE 21 ' EQL'IPi-IENT y 'RA] I.ER !225 S8 AIHEY M-$ MOBIL SWEEPER y !112 86 CHEV PICK UP y 1GCDR14ZSHSl14656 EXEMPT BROWN 809S 86 CHEV PICK UP y 2GC1E14H3Gl182488 WHITE EXEMPT ~6.5S 4,900.00 4,700.00 6,500.00 4,500.00 11,000.00 9,500.00 6,250.00 11,250.00 9,000.00 12,500.00 25,000.00 20,500.00 800.00 700.00 35O.OO 300.00 4,300.00 1,300.00 2,600.00 I JUN 2 F!RS~ COAS~ AUCTION & REALTY, INC ~' O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 All sale.' S~: ~:: Item Description Tax Price page 4 Qty Total 5 691 .-;7 682 203 204 205 20~', :.?7 25.] 2££ :.53 2O5 84 FORD STATIONWAGON y 1FABP4033EG234238 EXEMPT YELLOW 954S 89 OLDS CIERA y 2G3AJ51W4K2419441 110063 WHITE 298S 92 FORD CROWN VIC y 2FACP72W2NX200895 104221 WHITE 257S 90 CHE'.' CAPRICE y l~-BLB--'ILA135080 113976 GOLD 1038S 91 FORD CROUH ".'lC y ]2FACP72GOMXl-?124 89901 WHITE 89 FORD CROWN VIC y 2FABP72F1KX155262 114610 BLUE 9~ CHE'.' CAPRICE y lc'~' :'72LA134455 103009 WHITE & ' t_sat y BOX CF AU]O PARTS y I RA::S 3ACK y BUMPER JACE y P£F. RECOVERY SYS y UTiLiTY TRAILER y ~ ::CR CPU i 2 KEYBOARDS y , PACE II MODEMS y FUJITSU NETWORK y 5 :']ISC CPU g 4 KEYBOARDS y - MiSC MONITOR & TE~4INAL y ~ PRINTERS y 3 EISC BOXES COPMPUTER y PRESSURE CLEANER y 1175 RSBi" NEEDEATER y R:. h:" :':EE~EATER y ;' ~::i ," ~ ' ; ' ' - .~.-,.-~Lk y A " RECC".'ER REC~IMER y 11: ' 8EAR A kC RECOVERY STATION llV3 Y 1 450.00 1 2,500.00 1 1,800.00 I 1,300.00 i 1,300.00 I 900.00 1 1,800.00 1 100.00 i 10.00 I 125.00 1 275.00 1 450.00 1 300.00 i 7.50 ¢ 1 5.00 1 30.00 I 150.00 i 30.00 i 65.00 i 5.00 1 425.00 1 10.00 1 15.00 50.00 200.00 175.00 FIRST COAST AUCTION & REALTY. INC F C BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE. FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 iI sales .£N BN Item Description Tax Price 5: I ¢.72 551 594 9~u 553 910 624 . 306 STUHL CHAINSAW y 1182 307 JOHN DEERE BLOWER y 1179 308 ROSEMAN 3 GANG REEL MOWER Y 1220 309 2 BOXES PVC PARTS y 1095 310 FORD BELL HOUSING y 1186 311 FORD F-700 TRANSMISSION y 1185 312A FIRE HYDRANTS y 312B FIRE HYDRANTS y ~" F/RE HYDRANTS y 312E FIRE HYDRANTS y 312F FIRE HYDRANTS y 312G FIRE HYDRANTS y 312C FIRE HYDRANTS y ~12,7 Fl~f HY DRANIS y .... ~ F/~E HY2RANiS y ]1"~' FZRE HYDRA:;IS y 312 3ACOBSON GOLF CART y ~" ' 3~C.B.E,, MOILER y 123] ;! ' SIORAG5 TANK-P~STIC y 1086 212 HOMELITE PUMP y 1!83 ~]~' HO>'.ELITE PUMP y '2 "'~ ~'~ EDGER y ~' . ~<C'LA~E EDGER y ~ :~ & ~:Y~R'ncCOPIC BUCKETS y 322 BUCKE/ y 32.; BUCKEi y · 3[~5 BUCKET y ~2<, BL'CKEI' y page 5 Qty Total 200.00 35,00 25.00 70.00 2.50 2.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 125.00 850.00 550.00 225.00 30.00 150.00 175.00 110.00 90.00 125.00 425.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 FIRST COAST AUCTION All sales .'.' ~' 5 91C 24 Df0 24 :,- . 6.; 2i, 2.. Item 329 330 331 332 333 & REALTY, INC P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904}777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 Description Tax 85 BUSH HOG y 1133 93 LAND PRIDE y 1135 JACOBSEN MOWER y 1230 TORO 3 GANG REEL MOWER y 1229 PORTABLE STAIR y 1177 JOHN DEERE 626 AMT CART y 1227 JOHN DEERE 626 AMT CART y 1228 CL'SH:.~A:' AEREATOR ATIACHMENT y ]222 YC'RK RAKE y DIXIE CHOPPER MOWER y 2 STACKING CHAIRS y CMA I k~J y df ;':i. ODEN CHAIRS y 10~,~ 21 SMALL STACKING CHAIRS y 1079 ]1 F~.LF.I.,~ CHAIRS y !0-2 ~<C'99E~; CHAIR W/AR~.I y ~':~'.-~: ,', 'ARM Y CA t ]O05~.'.P CAD TABLE y F'L5 CABINET y 1006 D~..Ai<E~ FILE CABINET y i '. l'.; F'~"'ANGULA~ TABLE y ~C'I;EFAX 340 FAX MACHINE y r.... ~;~ L l'2f, Z Y P'~.,,,r .... IC ~SER PRINTER y 1159 Qty page 6 Total 25O.O0 600.00 1,250.00 250.00 70.00 575.00 775.00 50.00 150.00 300.00 0.500 0.500 55.00 55.00 30.00 20.00~ 20.00 2.50 2.50 30.00 2.50 2.50 5.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 FIRST COAST AUCTION [~:; Item 950 4~5 & REALTY. INC P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE. FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 Description Tax Price Qty page 7 Total i 40.0O 666 666 ¢65 416 417 418 419 420 421 4£ .: PANASONIC LASER PRINTER y 1160 EPSON PRINTER y 1009 EPSON PRINTER y 1010 DOT MATRIX PRINTER y 1023 HP DESKJET 500 y 1219 1RoECIA:;GL' LAR TABLE y 76 LA70 PRINTER y 1062 DO/ ,',~iRI., PRINTER y ! 02 ] DiGI ]AL LA75 PRINTER y :;2 ~l :'AL LAT5 PRI::TER y ! D/.:!TAL LA75 PRIHTER y D/GiT'AL LA75 PRINTER y 1C97 ,..'=./AL LA75 PRINTER y "~']AL LA?5 PRINTER y i05'6 PRI:;TER y L ?. l':;D TABLE y · ~"c LEI ::G TABLE y D£C SERVER 550 102S Y D~. MATRIv PRINTER y W ,KKTBOARD G:.ARF GUARD COVER y :':1 fTC OFFICE y · .'~."_':.'.:'.~' :APE DRIVE y iC:t'.~ i RBASE PROGRAMS y 1!05 FOLD'" 107!-..G TABLE y ..:C,RO.,I~. TELEPHONF y ;C':PL]FIER SYSTE;.: i 2.50 1 2.50 i 15.00 I 20.00 i 5.00 i 10.00 I 2.00 I 1.00 i 1.00 i 1.00 I 1.00 i 1.00 i 1.00 i 2.00 i 12.50 I 15.00 1 5.00 1 2.50 1.25 1.25 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 Pi' / ,,. I F!RS'r COAST AUCTION ~ REALTY, XNC P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE. FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 tT~: BI' Item Description MOUSE SYSTEMS 659 659 9¢2 5'50 570 95O ~? rb' o 441 442 443 444 445 446 44'7 44S .:~ · ; t, 3 4-2.5 4 .:. 462 463 .; Tax Price Y 1201 VICTOR 1250 CALCULATOR Y 1082 TOSHIBA ADDING MACHINE Y 1191 MINUTE MAN 250 Y 1027 2 BATTERY BACK UPS Y 1170 BITALINK TRANSIAN IV Y 1043 EUGENEX COMPUTER CPU Y 1066. DELL INTEL COMPUTER CPU Y 19~4 PRI.,IER STAND Y 1037 ,'-'~ ...... F'C F' l .-': ,t~ I.. ~7 ~. ~..,I: ,. TE~ Y POkIABLE ~O,..PUTER Y 1025 DIGITAL RAI!'IBOI'; 100 Y COMPUTER i ]04 I::::C'.'AT1VF- COMPUTER CPU Y 1065 3S6 COMPUTER SYSTEM Y 11~1 r~T,:r,.~lC COMPUTER CPU Y :~ PC !.!INI TOWER COMPUTER Y 1202 386 PC MINI TOWER COMPUTER Y 35,Z PC I4ID TOWER COMPUTER Y 1204 3~.6SX COMPUTER SYSTEM Y C'ASI{ REGISTERS Y F.9 L~£ I NG TABLE Y FOLDING TABLE Y BLACK BOX FIBER Y 1029 KEY BOARDS Y I!"' CO::Pt'TER Y Qty page 8 Total 5.00 7.50 7.50 17.50 10.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 5.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 15.00 17.50 2.50 2.50 12.50 FIRS? COAST AUCTION & REALTY~ INC P O BOX 7878 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32238 (904)772-0110 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 !ter Description Tax Price 465 COMPUTER & HARD DRIVE Y 1196 91f 261 917 955 9i0 523 466 467 468 469 470 473 Qty DEC REPEATERS FOLDING TABLE VAX STATION 1051 VAX STATIONS DEC SERVERS DEC SERVER FOLDING TABLE 7 KEYBOARDS 1172 4 KEYBOARDS 106,9 C~DEX MODEM 1 ~:54 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COPIER %:',TABLE 5LC'IA~:GULAR TABLE 1079 D£kL UklRA SCAN MONITOR 10~.~ '.'7226-C2 TERMINAL C'IX CTLCN MONITOR ]165 1019 ~ ~<YS5 MONITORS 116~ CPl IERMINAL 1208 V1320-C2 TERMINAL !055 SAMSUNG MONICROME MONITOR 1205 CRT TERMINAL 1210 page 9 Total 60.00 4.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 7.50 30.00 2.50 25.00 35.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 50.00 7.50 7.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 25.00 2.50 5.00 FIRST 9:0 COAST AUCTION R£~LTY~ O BOX 7878 JAC~SO~¥~LLE~ FL 32~8 (904)77R-0~0 Fax: (904)777-8783 COLLIER COUNTY SURPLUS 6-7-97 Item Description Tax Price ~:~ 49(. FOLDING TABLE y 1073 ~5 497 FOLDING TABLE y 955 498 FOLDING TABLE y 644 499 8 DIGITAL MONITORS y 1192 598 500 DOUBLE KEYBOARD ORGAN y 1103 Qty page 10 ~ Total 1 10.00 i 10.00 i 5.00 I 10.00 i 200.00 Items: 221 Amount: 310,173.50 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST [ if previously approved. Attach Executive Smmnary Item No. EXPENSE BUDGET DETAIL Expenditure Object Code 634999 Expenditure Title (Decrease) 12,000 TOTAL Current Budget 35,000 Budget 47,000 Expenditure Object Code Expenditure Title Increase Decrease) TOTAL Current Revised Budget Budget I JUH2~ m?l I',., /~ I I~VE~ BUDGET DET~L SURPLU S~01-121730-----~ PROPERTY ~ Cost Center No. [ Cost Center Title ~ ~ Revenue Object Code Revenue Title Increase (Decrease) '364410 12,000__.~ TOTAL Current 36,000 Revised 48,000 EXPLANATION . Why are funds needed? TO PAY AUCTION COMMISSION FOR 6/7/97 SALE Where are funds available? SURPLUS FIXED ASSETS REVIEW PROCESS Cost Center Director: _ . . Budget Department: Agency' Manager: Finance Department: Clerk of Board Admin.: Input by: B.A. No.: INTER-DEPARTMI:NTAL TRANSFER ITEM 1008 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1020 1057 1074 1088 1089 1090 1091 i093 102 163 176 189 190 194 195 198 1207 1209 12Il ITEM DESCRIPTION ASSET # Cad Table VT420-C2 Terminal (amber) VT420-C2 Terminal (amber) VT320-C2 Terminal VT420-C2 Terminal (amber) VT320-C2 Terminal =~91412 VT420-C2 Terminal (amber) VT320-C2 Terminal 881158 VT340 C2 Terminal (color) VT320-C2 Terminal 88282 Round Table metal legs 3 'A' dia 2 Fischer Gas burner 3 Matheson propane gas re[ulator Hot Plate Pipettor/dilutor PC Industries 386 SX Tower Digital printer with storage cabinet Micronics Mpact 386 Notebook Portable Stair Arm Hewlett Packard Deskjet 540 to hold vl terminals In/Out Board (2) Executive Chairs CRT Terminal 862074 FROM TO GGCC MIS Freenet MIS Freenet MIS Freenet MIS Freenet MIS Freenet Freenet MIS MIS Freenet MIS Freenet MIS Freenet GGCC Animal Water Lab Pollut Water Lab Pollut Water Lab Pollut Water Lab Poilut Water Dist Animal Stormwater Animal OCPM Budget Budget MIS Animal Animal MIS MIS Purch Anirn/SW Freenet CRT Terminal 821092 MIS Freenet CRT Term inal MIS Freenet i~EQUEST FOR APPROVAL FOR THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN APPLICATION FOR RACES (AMATEL~ RADIO) LICENSE RENEWAL ~ To gain Board approvg for it~e Chairman to si~n an applicalion for renewal of Collier County's Radio AmaIeur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Amazeur Radio License ~ The Federal Cornmunicarions Comrrussion issues licenses 1o local jurisdictions for aperarion in the R.,~io Ama'cur Civil Emergency Service under Pan 9'/of the Comngss~on's Rules and Regularions Under those rules. the trustee of the ration is the "civil defense offcial responsible for the coordinagon of gl civil defense smliviries in the area concerned, and who has been designated ~. the official responsible for the g~vnema] enri~ qency served by that civil defense or~anizarion to be the RACES sianon license cuslo&a~" The license issued for a ten year term in 1987 wns issued to Emergency Mana~emem Director Ken Pmeau That license is due Io expxre on October 30. 1997. but may be renewed m ar~' rime dunng the gx rnan~ prior to expuranon The Federal Communicanons Cornrrussion applicallon form 610-B also requires cemficanon (by signature) of the apphcan~'s chub:bt)' b) "the o~cual responsible for the govemmen! ennry served by the civil defense organizalxm It must not be the same as the applicant's" The renewal applicanon form has been prepared and s:gned by Ken Pineau, Emergency Mar~emem l~recl'or. as the apphcant It requires the s.gnamre of the ChlUrrnan of the Board of Counly Commissioners 1o cerdfy his ehg~bdiry as the "c:x~l defense offoal responsibl~ for the coordmanon of' all c~l defense acnvities m the area concerned" Colher Count)' us served ~' an acuve RACES organizat~on of volunteer amaleur rndio operators This license prox~des a cbsnnguishing call s,~n for Collier Count. RACES opera-nons during exercises, drills, and acing emergency operanons None · % % None % \ '~ Tha~ the Board of Count)' Comm~ss,oners approve filing of the applicerion for renewal of Colher Coumy's RACES license, and authorize the ChaJrrnan ~o sign d~at applicanon as req'"red under FCC ruJes md regulat~ns, 97, DATE / .. I ./G '-~ DATE. , '.; / Federal Convn~nlaltloal Commlssloa ~70 F~irfi~ld I&old 111PA 1712B-7241 7 oc (717) ~7t1212 H APPLICATION FOR AN AMATEUR CLUB, OR MILITARY RE TION STATION LICENSE 4, CI,,N~'I,~r MAJL~I6 ~SI: (N~ md Sveel, C~, S~, ZI) Code) 3301 East Tamlami Trail, Naples, Flodda 34112 L A."~UCA'n0N tS r.~ IC:~Kk ~4Jc TRUSTL:E'S PR1MARY STATION CALl. SIGI~ 7. NAX~ OF CLUI, RACES OI~M~IIZA~ C~R MILITARY I~-C,I~A~ ENTrrY: None Collier ¢oun~r~gem~nt AN ~CC GAA~ OF TYIS ~G~EST BE AN Ac'rlDN TI~? MAY m'~ A SJQNIFIC&NT INV/ICX~MB~'TAL EFFECT? 0. API"LIC,IU~ CLASSrFICATION: CI'llrrlPICATION ~ ~d m ~ r~lo ~i~ Hc~se f~ mis ~J~ ~ ~ ~. WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FOW~ ~ Pt.,N~LII(ASL! IY IqNi ,4UI:)/OII 114~RIIO/14INT IJI ~ ~ 11. SECTION 1001), AND/ON REVOCATION OF ANY STATION LICENSE O~ CC)NITIIJCTION PllldlT IUI COOL, TTTLE 47. ~iC~ION 3121AX1~, ANO/OR FC~FTITUKE lUS (:~:)O~, Tm.l 47. MC'T1C)N lOlL .. I0. SIGNATURe: 0~u~t n~t ~r,N v~m ft~ 2) (T, de ~ a,.,Uy)r~l, 10 Wprovd DATE SIGi~I:X; WILLFUL FALl! ITATIMINTI MADE C)N THtS FORM Af~ PIJNISHAILE BY N ANDy'ON IllllC)liNT I)1 COO1, TITLI 11. IECTION I001L AND/OR REYOCATION OF &NY STATION LIC~Nli 0~ GGI4TIIJCTI()N ~ I./I C00F., TITLE 47, SECT'ION 112(&)(1]l. AND/OR IrOMi]TU~ l. JS CODi. TTTLE 47, SECTIC)N L),e t/,le form to WPtY ~I0. fl~ ~ACES s~on F~ ~ ~f~ ~ ~ d h FCr~ ~ ~w~ t~ ~ mom 322-1117 ~ ~1~ 337-121~ ~e ye ~ee ~N of ~ h ~pli~ f~ entity ~ency s~ed by 3, The ~plic,n~ for I milJWy recrelU~ i~toh lice~e ~t be ~ ~lOn ~ e~p of I ~ ~ I ~ ~1~ ~r~lded fM ~e re~re~MnM rlC~lzliOfl Itltion Il lo.ed to be r~o If the cons~uction of ~d =Ct~c, to the FO~ 610B 97.13~ of ~ C~;~s ~. (47 ~ S~ gT. t3~ I~SPONSIILE OFFICIAL ~'~rIFICATION FOR ~ 10 T~ I~l fM ~ =~ off IteM ~t be ~t of ~ offl¢~ of ~l c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~fenle org~l~l~ h ~t not ~ ~ ~e M ~ ~I~L ~ ~e fM ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ th~ Of the offlciM In ~gl of ~ ~ SId~ ~ pre~ ~e ~ ~ r~ ~ · ~ ~ The i~nMu~e f~' t~e ClU~ e?.l~O~ muir be ~ of h ~ ~-~ R~~ ~ · ~ ~ f~ ~ RACES l~lon ~pllcmt ~l be ht of ~ cl~l ~f~l of~ ~h f~ h ~ of d ~ ~f~ be t~l of ~e person Ih c~gt of I It~lOn ~[~ f~ ~e rKtlI~ ~l Of ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ If ~e hel~lt of yO~ Intenn~ will exceed'80.S8 mltMi '(200 fe~ W I~1~ of ~ ~ ms~ ~ ~ intel lite md ~ dr~lft ImWn6 Yea {ref~ to FCC flvlel, Slctl~ ~7.1~ M ~ ~ ~ fw M ~8 Dts~bon C~ d ~00) 418-3678 F~ NOTI(~ TO I~IOIVIDUAJJ IqEO~l~O BY I)RIYA/~Y AGT M 1174~ .._.._..__ .__.... · ! NOT So ITA?OON OPlh?tOU RACINE JUN 2 ~1_ 1997 I APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS BCC AGENDA OF 6/24/97 Capital Outlay (US 41 Outfall Swales) Total 1981 Water Mnnagement C[P(325) Budget Amendment 97-2'/8 (S19,000) To lower water main and force main on upper end of US 41 Ouffall Swa~e No. !. Road Constru~ion Gas Tax (313) Budget Amendment Operating Expense $375 Reserves (~ Total Funds are needed to pay an exi~tin.~ bill for mediation services on the Radio Rd. I~-oject. AGENDA ITEM JUN 2 pg.____ ~ To authorize the County Administrator to approve consent and emergency al~enda items during the Board's recess scheduled for July I to July 21, 1997. ~ During past years, the Board has authorized the County Administrator to approve items of a routine nature and any emergency items that may arise during the Board's recess. Plats cannot be approved by the Administrator and must be approved by the Chairman. This process is initiated in order to expedite these requests. An accounting of the items which have been approved by the Administrator during this time will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners upon their return from recess and will at that time, become part of the official records. That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the County dministrator to approve consent and emergency items during their absence. Barbara Pedone, Executive Secretary to the County Administrator Robert F. Fernandez, AGEN I JUg 2 1997 EXECUT/VE SUMMARY APPROVE MINOR LINE ITEM REVISIONS TO THE AMENDED 1997 AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE NAPLES AREA ACCOMODATIONS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR CATEGORY B, TOURIST DEVELOPMENT FUNDS OBJECTIVE: To approve minor line item revisions to the amended 1997 agreement between Collier County and the Naples Area Accommodations Association, Inc. for Category B, Tourist Development funds. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners approved amending the 1997 agreement between Collier County and the Naples Area Accommodations Association at the May 13, 1997 meeting. The amendment requested transferring funds from existing Naples Area Chamber of Commerce contracts. However, on further examination the actual contracting party was the Naples Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. The amended contract reflects the change in contracting agency. Since that time the NAAA has requested increasing the insurance line item by $3,097 and reducing travel agent relations expenses by $3,097 due to increased insurance premiums. The revised insurance budget will be $7,097 and the travel agent relations expenses will be $34,252.77. The Tourist Development Council has not reviewed this line item change but will be informed of the revision at the July 21, 1997 Tourist Development Council meeting. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds have been appropriated for this agreement in the Tourist Development Advertising and Promotion budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve requested revisions to the 1997 agreement between Collier County and the NAAA and authorize the Chairman to sign. Prepared By: ' j...'~-<,,,' N.- '- - - ~ ., Jean Gansel, Budg,-' and Management Analyst Date: Reviewed By: Heidi Ashton, Asst. County Attorney Date: Reviewed By:... Michael Smykowski, OMB Director Date:.. AGENDA ITEM JUN 2 JI 1997 pg,, I FIRST AMENDMENT TO TOURISM GRANT PROGRAM ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of _, 1997, by and between Naples Area Accommodations Association, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "GRANTEE" and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY." RECITALS WHEREAS, the GRANTEE and the COUNTY entered into a Tourism Grant Program Advertising and Promotion Agreement dated January 7, 1997 (the "Accommodations Agreement") in the amount of $489,058.00; and WHEREAS, the Naples Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. d/b/a Naples Area Tourism and Convention Bureau (the "Tourism Bureau") and the County entered into an Amended and Restated Tourism Grant Program Advertising and Promotion Agreement dated January 14, 1997 (the "First Tourism Agreement") in the amount of $900,000.00; and WHEREAS, the Tourism Bureau has requested that the sum of $172,006.85 be transferred from the budget of the First Tourism Agreement to the Accommodations Agreement. WHEREAS, the Tourism Bureau and the County entered into an Amended and Restated Tourism Grant Program Advertising and Promotion Agreement dated January 14, 1997 (the "Second Tourism Agreement") in the amount of $595,552.00; and WHEREAS, the Tourism Bureau has requested that the sum of $124,515.57 be transferred from the budget of the Second Tourism Agreement to the Accommodations Agreement; and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE has requested additional funds in the amount of $29,975.64; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY agrees to the requested changes. WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE MUTUAL COVENANTS OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS F JUN 2 199"/ 1. Section three ofthe Accommodations Agreement shall be amended as follows: The maximum payment under this Agreement shall be $$15,$$$.79. 2. Exhibit "A" to the Accommodations Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the new Exhibit "A" attached to this amendment. 3. Except as set forth herein, all of the terms and provisions of the Accommodations Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTEE and COUNTY have each respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date and year first above written. DATED: DV, qGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLOPJDA By:. TI2vIOTHY L. HANCOCK, Chairman WITNESSES: GRANTEE (1). Pnnted 'T)'l~d Name Naples Area Accommodations Association, Inc. (2), By:. pnmed ~T~.'ped Name PnmedtTyped Name Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney (corporate seal) f :/¢~,./1997 TDC Atrreernent~'ls Amend to Tourism Grant Program Advt'nisml &Promotton 2 AGENDAIT~M JUN 1997 ' EXHIBIT "A" 1997 TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET PROMOTION AND MARKETING Advertising includes media placement International publications Domestic publications $94,354.01 D Public Relations Professional Services includes strategic planning, facilitating marketing plans, designing promotional materials and programs, and media liaison services 102,000.00 Production includes graphic design and layout services, slide reproductions, text translations and photography Brochures inchtdes the reprinting of destination guides and other collateral 50,803.72 121~68.98 Media Relations Expenses includes photocopies, mileage, news release postage and press excursion expenses 69,842.12 Travel Agent Relations Expenses includes communications, mileage, postage and on-site familiarization expenses 34,252.77 Trade Show Expenses inchtdes booth registration, supplies and per diem expenses 35,000.00 Collaborative Efforts w/Marco Island & The Everglades Convention & Visitor Bureau includes familiarization trips, trade shows and joint advertising 48,000.00 Market Research includes collecting and assembling occupano' and visitor data Z Clipping Sen, ice 57,529.35 II,400.9 AGENDA ITEM JUN 2 1997 pg. , i 1997 TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET PROMOTION AND MARKETING (continued) 0 0 Media Accounting Insurance 172,006.88 12,000.00 7,097.00 TOTAL AC~NDA~ JUN 2 ~ 1997 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMZSSIONERS lVlISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE JUNE 24, 1997 L~ifttglipXp. f.J~: NEED MOTION authorizing the Chairman to sign Satisfaction of ien for Services of the Public Defender for Case Nos.: 91-1069-TM, 91-2197-TM, 91- 2114-TMC, 90-672-TM, 90-625 I-TM, 90-5496-TM/90-5313-TM, 87-1942-TMC/87- 1962-TM, 89-1821 -TM, 89- ! 82 I-TM, 90-1799-TM, 89-4978-TM/90-1799-TM, 90- 1798-TM. 90-185-IT, 94-1975-CFA, 92-671-MMA, 92-671-MMA, 91-4108-TM/92. 1419-MMA, 96-8458-MMA. Port of the Islands Community Improvement District - notice of meeting June 19, 1997. - Heritage Greens Community Development District - Proposed Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 199g. Co Key Marco Community Development District. Proposed Operating Budget Fiscal Year 1998. ' A. Black Affairs Advisory Board. March I0, 1997. Referred to BCC. Bo Letter to Dwight Brock. Clerk of Courts from Bryan Williams, District Environmental Manager, Florida DOT, reference US 41 from CR 887 in Collier Cry to San Carlos Blvd. in Lee Cry - Public Information Meeting. State Project Nos. 03010-1575. 12010-1566, Work Program Item Nos. 1114187. 1114700, Federal Aid Project Nos. ACXL-301-1 (16), XA-301-2(49) Collier, Lee Counties. Letter to Dwight Brock fi'om Tara A. Norman, CCLA, CMC, City Clerk, City of Naples, reference Ordinance #97-7934 enacted on April 16, 1997, annexing a 3.27 acre parcel within the Wilderness PD, immediately east of the city limits. AGENDA ZiZ~E H No. /t_, _ JUN 2 1997 Pg. I RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD TO ACCEPT NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT AND APPROVE PAYIVtENT IN THE LAWSUIT OF HARRY FINNIGAN, ET AL., VS. COLLIER COUNTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY SETTLEMENT DOCUMENTS. That the Board of County Commissioners authorize payment to homeowners Harry and Carolyn Finnigan (hereinafter, "homeowners") in thc sum of $13,$00.00 in full satisfaction of all costs and damages alleged or that could have been alleged in the lawsui! styled Harry J. Finnigan and Carol),. Fi..iga. v. Collier Count)', Circuit Court Case No. 96-1814-CA-01-TB. CONSIDERATIONS: On October 31, 1995 the homeowners filed a Notice of Claim with the Florida Department of Insurance, as required by Florida law. In their Notice of Claim, the homeowners allege that the seawall on their property was damaged due to the negligent installation and/or maintenance of a stormwater drainage pipe and that the negligence complained of caused damage to the seawall to the extent that it failed and had to be replaced at a cost of $24,450.00. On January 2, 1996, the County denied the homeowners' claim and thereafter on September 9, 1996 the homeowners filed a lawsuit in this matter in the Circuit Court, in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida. In thc lawsuit, the homeowners have also alleged that the failed seawall cost them the opportunity to sell their house and that this loss substantially increased their alleged damages. Negotiations relative lo this matter have ensued between the legal representative of the homeowners, the Collier County Attorney's Office and the Collier County Risk Management Department. At this point in time the homeowners have agreed to resolve their lawsuit for the sum of $13,500.00. It is the recommendation of the County Attorneys Office, with the concurrence of Risk Management, that this offer of settlement be accepted. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the settlernent of this lawsuit in its entirety would be $13,$00.00. Payment of this settlement would be obtained from the County's Property & Casualty Fund (Fund #516-121650). AG/No,~ ,TEM GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NOlle. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioner~ accept the negotiated settlement of this lawsuit, authorizing the payment of $13,500.00 to the aforementioned homeowner~ and authorize the Chairman to execute any documents approved by the County Attorney to achieve resolution of this mauer. Prep?ed by: Lawrence S. Pivacek Assistant County Al~omey Date Reviewed by: ..~. // ./~.z.: .. ' t Michael W. Pettit Assistant County Attorney Date Reviewed by: Risk Management Department Date Reviewed by: County ^ttomey h :lit~closed',FinmpnkE x sum 2 AGENDA ITEM OBJ~CTIVEz That the Board approve a continuing retention agreement for outside legal services on an 'as needed' basis, such updated agreement to meet purchasing requirements. CONSIDERATIONSs Attached for the Board's approval is a Continuing Retention Agreement with the law firm of Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A., ('Allen, Norton'} which is a law firm used by the County in the past on an as-needed basis to provide specialized legal services. The contract does not address any specific project or assignment but rather sets forth the criteria under which payment will be made when services are requested. Although this firm has a wide array of legal expertise, the County generally requests services on an as-needed basis in the area of Labor Law and employment matters. The rates charged by the law firm vary, as with any law firm, depending upon the attorney working on the matter and the other resources that are necessary to provide the County with the services it requests. Although this firm has increased its rates slightly over the prior agreement, the firm had agreed that the increased rates would not be charged to the County under past agreement renewals and would only be effective when it was necessary to revise the contract. Slightly increased rates are therefore reflected in the attached agreement. The agreement also provides for reimbursement of actual out-of-pocket expenses to make clear that lodging and traveling expenses are to be paid in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, which is the section applicable to travel by County personnel. FISCAL IMPACT~ The approval and execution of the attached continuing retention agreement has no fiscal impact in and of AGENDA ITEM itself but there will be a fiscal impact in accordance with the terms and conditions of such contracts, upon the County's request for legal services. Such fiscal impact will be determ/ned on an hourly, basis at the rate of the attorney working on the request or project and will include appropriate reimbursable expenses including travel and per diem expenses in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes. ~OWT~]iAHA~ I]~ACTe None ~CO]O[ENDATIO~ That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the attached continuing retention agreement with the law firm of Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. for specialized legal services requested on an as-needed basis. Approved by: County Attorney Date DCW/d4~f:¢xec summ ~ AIk'~. Nono. Continuinl R~,n~on Al~eme"nt This Continuing Retention Agreement is ~ade between the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida (the 'County"), and the law firm of Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A., of Coral Gables, Florida ('Allen, Norton'). Whereas, Allen, Norton has special expertise and resources in a wide range of legal matters, with particular expertise in labor and employment related matters; and Whereas, the County from time to time has a requirement and need for legal services which are particularly within the expertise of Allen, Norton; Now, Therefore, it is agreed as follows: Allen, Norton agrees to render legal services to the County for work which may be assigned to Allen, Norton from time to time through the County Attorney's Office. For all previously assigned, continuing and subsequently assigned work performed by Allen, Norton, the County agrees to pay Allen, Norton for services rendered, with fees based on the normal hourly rates Allen, Norton, customarily charges to its similar clients for similar services. At present, such rates are as follows for the indicated Allen, Norton partners currently providing the principal legal services to the County in certain matters: James M. Blue $160.00 per hour Rates charged by other members of the firm are not to exceed $160.00 per hour. Lesser hourly rates are applicable for legal services Co the County rendered by Allen, Norton associates and legal assistants. Invoices to the County for legal services rendered shall be Page I of 3 and shall set forth the attorney or paralegal, subject of the charge, the time applicable to the charge and the rate per hour. I The County agrees to reimburse Allen, Norton for all out-of- pocket expenses/production costs directly related to assigned work, including the retention and utilization of sub-consultants. The use of a multiplier for these ex~enses/production costs will not be allowed. Typical reimburseable expenses include travel, lodging, meals and travel expenses when traveling on the Cou/lty's behalf, identiffable communication costs, identifiable reproductions costs, and special computer expenses not applicable to general overhead. The County will reimburse per diem and travel expenses in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, entitled Per Diem and Travel Expenses of Public Officers. Employees and Authorized Persons. as amended. This requirement currently includes, but is not limited =o, expenses such as automobile travel expenses reimbursement at $.29 per ~ mile and meal expenses reimbursements at the following rates: Breakfast $ 3.00 Lunch - $ 6.00 Dinner - $12.00 Allen, Norton shall have professional liability insurance. Coverage shall have minimum limits of $3,000,000 Per Occurrence, Combined Single Limits. If any liability insurance obtained by Allen, Norton to comply with the insurance requirements contained herein is issued on a 'claims made' form as opposed to an 'occurrencet form, the retroactive date for coverage shall be no later than the commencement date of the assigned work to which this Agreement applies, and such insurance shall provide, in the event of ~ AG£NDArF£M. ~L cancellation or non-renewal, that the discovery period for i:~sur~~~ ~ Page 2 of 3 ~ claims (tail coverage) shall not be less than three years following the completion of the assigned work and acceptance by the County. This agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts. In Witness Whereof, the County and Allen, Norton have caused this Continuing Retention Agreement to be executed on the date stated below. DATE: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency David C. County Attorney DATE: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Timothy L. Hancock. Chairman A~LEN, NORTON & BLUE, P.A. STATE OF FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /~ day Allen, N~rton & Blue, P.A., a Florida Professional Association, on b~,half of the professional association. He is~ersonally known to me or produced as identification. Signature of Notary Public Name of Notary Public typed, pri£ My Commission Expires: Page 3 of 3 T.q97 ~ecA OZ g~ ~l-~g Jt. ICOIflf~IFDATiON THAT THR BOAItD APPROVE AND A~I.."HORIZE A BUDGET AMIND~ TO COVIR T'KR COSTS OF UPDATES TO COLLIER COUITI'Y CODE OF LAMB ~ OY. DI]~,~C~B ~ DEVelOPMeNT CODE T~ltOU~ ~ ~ OF TKE COIT~-~CT PERIOD. OBJ~CTIVEI That the Board approve and authorize a budget amendment in the amount of $14,500.00 to cover the existing and future costs of updates to the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances and Land Development Code through the end of the contract period. CONSIDERATIONSs On September 22, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners entered into a Professional Services Agreement with Municipal Code Corporation to "codify the County's material in accord with the terms and conditions of the County's Request for Proposal #92-1313." During the budget process for the fiscal year 1991-1992, the Board allocated $75,000 for the preparation and updates to the Code of Laws and Ordinances and Land Development Code. The original Purchase Order had remained open and the money carried forward each year to cover the appropriate expenses. At the beginning of the current fiscal year, the original Purchase Order was closed and the funds were no longer available for use to pay incoming invoices. This Agreement states that it "shall be in full force and effect for a period of three (3) years from the date of shipment of the completed Code to the County and shall be automatically renewed from year to year .... · The completed Code books were shipped to the County in November, 1994. Therefore, the Agreement is in full force and effect until November, 1997. At the time the Purchase Order was closed, there was · balance of $4,319.33 remaining. Currently there are two invoices outstanding totaling $8,458.83. During the previous three years, approximately $3,800.00 in revenue was received fro~ other agencies to assist in covering the costs of the updates. A ~otal of $14,500.00 is being requested to cover the existing and future costs for the updates through November, 1997. FISCAL II(PACT, Funds are available in General Fund (001) Reserve for Contingency. GHOIr2H]O~][E~T IMPACTs None ~C010~DATIONs That the Board approve and authorize a budget amendment in the amount of $14,500.00 to cover the exfstfng and future costs of updates to the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances and Land Development Code through the end of the contract period. Approved by: County Attorney AGENDA ITEM BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST lFor BudS¢',,~'inanc¢ Use Only AP.H. Date ....................... FUND TITLE General Fund FUND NO. 001 Date prepared: Attach Executive Summary BCC Agenda date Item No. if previously approved. EXPENSE BUDGET DETAIL ~enter Title J LCost Center No. ~Project Title ~Project No. Expenditure Expenditure Increase Current Revised Object Code Title (Decrease) Budget Budget 991000 Reserve for (1.4~00) 6,399,299 6,384,799 Contngencles TOTAL (14,500 Count3' Attorney Cost Center Title Expenditure Object Code 654110 010510 Cost Center No. Muncipal Code Project Title 00050 Project No. Expenditure Title Books, Publications & Subscriptions (Decrease) 14,500 ] ~udget 1[14,500 TOTAL 14,500 Cost Center Title REVENUE BUDGET DETAIL Revenue Object Code Revenue Title IncreAse (Decrease) Culrent Budget Revised Budget TOTAL EXPLANATION Why are funds needed? To cover the existing the existing and future costs of updates to the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances and Land Development Code through the end of the contract period. Where are funds available? General Fund Reserves for Contingencies. REVIEW PROCESS Cost Center Director: Division Administrator: Budget Department: AgencyManager: Finance Department: DATE Clerk of Board Admin.: Input by: B.A. No.: ~