Agenda 01/09/2018 Item #16J 101/09/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve an agreement authorizing the Collier County Supervisor of Elections to accept federal election activities funds with a 15% matching contribution and to authorize the Board of Collier County Commissioner’s Chair to sign the Certificate Regarding Matching Funds and Certificate of Equipment for Casting and Counting Ballots. OBJECTIVE: To obtain authorization to accept funds from the Department of State, Division of Elections, for additional federal election activities beyond the Supervisor of Elections’ current programs, for the Board to have its Chair sign the Certificate Regarding Matching Funds and Certificate of Equipment for Casting and County Ballots (see Attachment “D” and “F,” respectively, to Memorandum of Agreement), and to authorize any necessary budget amendments to receive and expend those funds, as well as any interest earned. CONSIDERATIONS: The 2017 Legislature appropriated $2,000,000 specifically for federal election activities. Those funds are being distributed to the State’s Supervisors of Elections based on the number of active registered voters as of the 2016 General Election, as certified by the Department of State. Collier County’s share of those funds is $31,195.30, (see Attachment “C” to MOA). In order to receive the $31,195.30, the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners must certify that the county will provide a 15% ($4,679.29) matching contribution. This matching contribution was included in the Supervisor of Elections 2017/2018 budget. In addition, per the Certificate of Equipment for Casting and Counting Ballots (see Attachment “F” to MOA), the Florida Department of State requires that each county certify that prior to the receipt and use of FY17/18 HAVA funds that said county h as purchased and made available sufficient equipment for casting and counting ballots to meet the needs of the county electors for the next regularly scheduled General Election. FISCAL IMPACT: The County will incur a fiscal impact of $4,679.29, which constitutes the required matching contribution necessary for the Collier County Supervisor of Elections to receive the $31,195.30 from the Division of Elections. Anticipated interest is also being budgeted in the amount of $100. The funds received will be appropriated in the Supervisor of Elections budget with definitive project tracking. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for Board approval. -SRT GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Collier County Board of County Commissioners authorizes the Collier County Supervisor of Elections to approve an agreement providing for the receipt of federal election activities funds with a 15% matching contribution from the County, to authorize any necessary budget amendments to receive and expend those funds, as well as any interest earned, and that the Board’s Chair sign the Certificate Regarding Matching Funds and Certificate of Equipment for Casting and County Ballots. Submitted by: Jennifer J. Edwards, Supervisor of Elections ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Federal Election Administrative Activities (PDF) 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 944 01/09/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.J.1 Doc ID: 4406 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve an agreement authorizing the Collier County Supervisor of Elections to accept federal election activities funds with a 15% matching contribution and to authorize the Board of Collier County Commissioner’s Chair to sign the Certificate Regarding Matching Funds and Certificate of Equipment for Casting and Counting Ballots. Meeting Date: 01/09/2018 Prepared by: Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: MaryJo Brock 12/19/2017 10:17 AM Submitted by: Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: Leo E. Ochs 12/19/2017 10:17 AM Approved By: Review: County Attorney's Office Scott Teach Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 12/19/2017 2:32 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 12/20/2017 9:33 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 12/26/2017 9:51 AM Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 12/27/2017 9:28 AM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 01/01/2018 10:45 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 01/09/2018 9:00 AM 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 945 REcEtpr ANo Usr or HAVA Futos FoR FEDERAL EucnoN ADMtNtsf,RATtoN AcflvmEs This aSreement is between the State of Florida, Department of State, Dlvlslon of Electlons ("Department"), R,A. Gray Eulldlng, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 and The Honorable ,Jennif er aI. Edwardg , Supervlsor of Electlons ("Supervisor"), on behalF of Collier County, 3750 Enterprise Ave This agreement ls effective as of the date fully executed by the parties. l. GovERNtNG LAw Funds provided under this agreement are made avallable by the Department as a pass-through entlty. The U.S. Elections Asslstance Commlssion orlglnally awarded these funds ln flscal year 2003-2004, pursuant to sectlon 251 of the Help America vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) and the cataloE of Federal Domestlc Assistance (CFDA) 90.401 ("Help America Vote Act Requlrement! Payments") to improve the admlnlstratlon of federal elections. Through spectfic appropriation 3098 of the 2017-2OL8 General Appropriations Act (see Section 6, Chapter 2017-70, laws ot Florlda) the Department is authorlzed to disburse up to 52,000,000 from the FedeBl Grants Trust Fund (HAVA Account # 261011) to the county supervisors of elections for the fiscal year 20L7- 2018 ("FY 2077.2018 funds"). Because the State of Florlda on AuSust 28,2006, certtfted thal Subchapter lll requirements of HAVA have been met, the funds can be used to carry out othet activitles to lmprove the admlnlstratlon of federal electlons, pursuant to sectlon 251(bX2) ol HAVA, Speciflc Approprlatlon 3098 provlso language authorlrlng the use of funds ls attached hereto as Attachment A. ScoPE oF UsE ANo REsritcroNs Scope of Work, The Supervlsorshall only use the FY 2017-2018funds for programsto improve the admlnlstratlon of federal elections, in one or more of the followlng categories: . Voter Educotlon . Poll Worker Troinlng . Standardizlng Election Results Reportlng . Other Federol Electlon Admlnlstrotlon Actlvltles, os opproved ln odvonce by the Deportment of Stdte. Dellverable. Payment 1, Dellverable/Iask 1: . Payment will be an advance payment in a fixed amount up to the amount identifled for the Supervlso/s county ln Attachment C. The advance flxed amount wlll be the amount requested by the Supervisor ln the Federal Election Activltles Plan submltted to and approved by the Department prlor to the payment belng made, Any expendltures from the advance payment must be made pursuant to the budget set out in the Federal Election Actlvities Plan to accompllsh the program or actlvity described ln detail therein. MOA#2017‐2018‐0001‐ -L- 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 946 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Any amendments to the plan must be approved by the Department, and no expendltures or obllgations may be incurred regardlng an amendment until approved by the Department. c. tength of Agrecm€nt. This agreement shall begln on the date the supervlsor and the Department siSn the agreement and contlnue untll all grant funds dlstrlbuted pursuant tc this a8reement have been expended or the supervisor chooses to revert remalnlnp dlstrlbuted HAVA funds includinS accrued lnterest (but excludlng county match) to th€ Department. The award date for the funds wlll be the day the funds are transferred to th€ Supervlsor, D. Mlnlmum Performance Admlnlstratlon Standar&. ln order to recelve grant funds under thls agreement, the Supervisor shall include as part of the requlred detalled Federal Electlor Administration Actlvities Plan (DS-DE 126) referenced ln secgon lll.A., performance measure! and goals including mllestones for how the funds wlll be used. Addltlonall% the Supervisor shall report on how those goals and measures were achieved or are outstandlng uslng th( annual expenditure report ((DS-DE 128, rev. 1/1G) requlred under Section V.B,1 E. lnterest bearlnt accounvpubllc deposltory and accountlng. The supervisor must establlsh and maintaln the FY 2017-2018 funds ln an interest bearing account in a "quallfied publk depository'' as defined by section 280.02, Florlda Statutes, and otherwlse must comply wltf the appllcable requlrements of chapter 280. The supervlsor must segregate federal funds anc requlred county matchlng dollars ln a separate account established to hold only such funds. Funds in thls account must be used only for the purposes identlfied ln the Federal Elecflon Adminlstratlon Actlvlties Plan. Funds shall remaln in the account to be used for the purpose! ldentified in the Federal Electlon Admlnlstration Actlvities Plan for subsequent years or untl such funds are expended or returned to the department. Please note that separate publlc depository requlrements apply under chapter 290, Florlda Statutes, but are outslde the scope of enforcement of this agreement, The Supervisor will be requlred to execute and retaln ln the offlclal records a Publlc Deoosit ldentification and Acknowledsment Form (DFS-J1-1295) and to submlt a public Deoosltor Annual Report to the Chief Flnancial Officer {DFSJ1-1009} to the public Deposlts program, Florida Department of Flnanclal Servlces. Refer to The Deoartment of Flnancial Services Collateral Manaqement for Governmental Units oaqe for more lnformatlon, or contact the program Adminlstrator at 850-413-3360. The supervlsor shall maintaln separate accounting records for each of the fundlng sources identifled under its plan submitted pursuant to this agreement. F. R$trlctlons. Funds must be used only for programs to lmprove federal electlon administratlon actlvitles, pursuant to sectlon 251 of HAVA. as detalled in the Superviso/s Federal Electlon Administratlon Activities Plan, as approved by the Department. lf any of MOA l1 2017‐2018-0001‐ ‐2‐ 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 947 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) these funds are used for any other purpose, the cost must be pro-rated for the portlon of the expendlture that ls allocable to improvement of federal election activities. Funds may not be used to support state or federal lobbying actlvlties but thls does not affect the rlght, or that of any other organlzatlon to petition Congress, or any other level ol 6overnment, through the use of other resources. I ll. D|SBURSEMENT The Department shall dlstribute to each ellglble county supervisor of electlons upon request up to an amount equal to the fundlng level per voter multlplied by the number of actlve registerec votersasof book closing in the county for the 2016 General Electlon (r2,g67,7Bl.rhe supervlsor shall receive grant funds in an amount not to exceed the sum specifled for supervlsor,s county ir Attachment c, and the actual amount disbursed wlll be the amount requested by the supervlsor in the Federal Election Administratlon Activities plan and approved by the Department. A' Submlsslons' Prlor to the Department dlsburslnt Fy 2017-2019 funds to the supervisor under this agreement, the Supervlsor must submit to the Department the following for approval: I' A completed Federal Election Administration ActlviUes plan utilizlng Form DS-DE 126 (Attachment B) as a template and lncorporating by reference a separate, detallec descrlption of each program that wlll be lmplemented for every category checked or Form DS-DE 126, and a timellne and budget for each program. Each descriptlon shal lnclude program goals and performance measures for those goals. The supervlsor shal also lndlcate on Form DS-DE 126, for each catetory checked, all sources of fundlng that apply, l.e. include the source of funds (federal, county matchlng funds, other count) funds, and interest earned for each federal electlon admlnistration actlvlty set forth ln th€ plan). Where applicable, the Supervlsor shall provtde SAMpt ES of all publtcatlons, lncluding voter education prlnted documents, and transcrlpts of audio and videc recordlngs or cllps to be used ln any program, 2. A written certlfication from the county Soverning body (e.g, Board of County commlssloners) (Ds-DE 127, Revtsed 8/16) that lt will provlde ln addition motchtng lundt in an omount equol to flfteen percent (1s%) ol the amount to be rccetved from the stote. This form is attached hereto as Attachment D. lf the county governing body falls tc approprlate the matchlng funds, the supervisor must return or repay to the Department the portion of the funds for which the matchlng funds would have applled. 3. A completed ED Form GCAS-009 (6/88), entttled ,Certflcatton Regadtng Debarment, suspenslon, lnellglblllty, ond voluntory Excluston Lower Tler covered rransoctlons,, anc attached hereto as Attachment E. lExecutlve oid,er r2s4g, Debarment and suspenslon, 45 cFR 1183.35, prohlblts the dlsbursement of federal funds to the intended reclpient or such funds or to any sub-reciplent thereunder unless such reclplent and each sub. reclpient, if any, certify that they are not excluded or disquallfled from receivlng federa funds by any federal department or agency.I .\MOA#2017-2018‐0001‐ -3- 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 948 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) 4. A completed "Certificate of Equlpment for Castlng and Counflng Ballots. (DS-DE 13S, Effectlve 8/16), attached hereto as Attachm€nt F. Thls is requlred lf the request, ln parr or in full, is to use HAVA funds for the purpose of purchaslng emerglng or enhancing software and hardware technology. lV. ElectronlcPayments The supervisor may choose to use electronlc funds transfer (EFT) to recelve grant payments, All supervlsors wlshing to receive their award through electronlc funds transfer must submit a Direct Deposlt Authorlzatlon form to the Florlda Department of Flnanclal services. lf EFT has already been set up for your organization, you do not need to submlt another authorization form unless you have changed bank accounts. To download thls form vlsit V. MoNFoRtNG, AuDtrs, AND REFoRTS The adminlstration and use of funds are subject to monitoring, audlts, and reports as follows: A. Monltorlng. ln additlon to reviews of audits conducted ln accordance wlth oMB clrcular A-133, subpart B, a! revlsed, and section 215.97, F.s., monitorlng procedures may include, but are not llmlted to, on. slte vislts by Department staff, llmlted scope audits as deflned by oMB clrcular A-133, subpart B. as revised, and/or other procedures (see Attachment G). By enterlng lnto this agreement, th€ Recipient agrees to comply and cooperate wlth any monltoring procedures/processes the Department deems appropriate, The Department shall closely monltor the Supervlsors' annual expendlture reports to ensure thal the supervlsors expend HAVA funds in accordance wlth the approved Federal Electior Adminisuatlon Actlvltles Plan, appllcable law, and thls agreement, and will requlre relmbursement for all expendltures not approved or otherwlse authorlzed, Also, the Department shall ensure that supervlsors report the expendltures made with HAVA funds separately fron expendltures made wlth county funds. For oddltlonol guldonce to state dnd federol monltorlng and audlttng requlrements, refer to: htto://electlon,dos.stote,fl.us/hovo/lndex,shtmt and htto://www,eac.aov, B. Flnanclal reports. The Supervisor shall submlt the followlng wrltten financlal reports to the Department: 1. Exoenditure reoort. The Supervisor shall submlt an annual report (DS-DE t2g, Revised 1/16) by December 31 of every year until the funds are expended or returned to the Department, as descrlbed ln sectlon ll.D. of thls agreement. http://www.mvf lorldacfo.com/Dtvision/AA/Fo tools and lnformation that allow you to check on payments. MOA#2017‐2018‐0001- ‐4‐C16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 949 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) . lf expenses are made at any tlme from the date of initial receipt of the Fy 2017-201g Federal Electlon Actlvltles grant funds through September 30 of the year received, the first report is due on December 31 of that year. . Thereafter, an expendlture report ls only due on December 31 of every year in which expenditures were made and/or funds remain to cover the precedlng October 1st throuSh September 30th perlod untll all funds are fully expended. The Supervisor shall lndicate on the report lf the funds are fully expended durlng the expenditure period belng reported. The report must lnclude the detalled lnformatlon required in sectlon ll. D ("Minimum Performance Adminlstratlon Standards,,), e.8., an explanation of how grant funds were spent on each program ldentifled in the approved Federal Electlon Administration Activitles Plan, goals, timellne and mllestones met or outstandlng, and performance measures. Addltionally, the Supervlsor must lnclude documentatlon (such as appropriation statement, commlttee meetlng mlnutes approvlng appropriation, or account statement) that shows that the county governing body appropriated matchlng funds as certlfled ln Sectlon lll, A. 2. ,,Disbursements." The county's fallure to appropriate the matchlng funds or reverslon of those funds back to the county for any reason must be reported to the Department. Each financlal report shall lnclude complete documentatlon detalling expendltures made, lncludlng bllllng or itemized receipts, invoices, paid bllls, payroll records and employee time sheets or semi-ennual certiflcatlons, to account for the expenditures identlfied ln Attachment B, The voter education publications must provide voter educatlon concerning votlng procedures, votlng rlghts or voting technology. lf deemed necessary after revlew of a flnancial report, the Supervlsor may be required to provide any requested supplemental documentatlon. For products, documentatlon may include a copy of or the actual product or publicatlon and an lndlcatlon of how many indivldual items were produced or prlnted. For services, documentatlon may lnclude a copy of or the actual newspaper artlcle, audio recordlng, or vldeo cllp and/or template or transcrlpt thereof, and an lndlcation of how many tlmes lt was published, alred, or accessed, or a copy of the traphlcs template and content layout for a speclal created webpage. Documentatlon must account for all expendltures made from grant funds awarded under thls agreement. 2. Remainlng balance reoort, The Supervlsor shall report annually to the Oepartment any unspent funds remainlng on June 30 of each fiscal year, The Department will provide the report form (OS-DE 129, Revlsed /16). The Supervlsor shall submit the annual report no later than July 31 of every year untll such HAVA funds are fully expended or returned. C. Reporting Requirements MOA#2017‐2018‐0001‐ ‐5‐∈ 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 950 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Coples of financial reportlng packages as described in section .320(c), 2 CFR 5200.328 (as revised) for audits conducted by or on behalf of the Recipient pursuant to Attachment G of this agreement, shall be submltted as required to: Ocpotuncnt oJ Stote Dlvltloa oI Elcctlons R.A. Groy Euldlng, Stc 316 50O S, Ercnough St. Tollohottec, FL 323994250 Dcpoftment ol Stqt OIlk. of lnsp.ctq kaarcl R.A, Gtoy aldg,, R,7,..1r4.A 50O 5. Eraotgh Sn.et follohastcc, FL i239!14250 Audltor G.n.rcl's Olficc Fcdctol Audla Room 40r, P.ppet BAg. Cho nohouse tt, Wesa Modlso.t St. Euteou ol thc Cansus follohostcc, FL 1201Eost lgr St, ,239-1150 lelleBontllle, lN 17132 Othet Federul ogencles dnd poss-thtough entltles ln accotdonce wlth Sectlons .320 (e) ond (l), 2 CFR 2 5200.328 (os revlsed). Any reports, management letter, or other lnformatlon requlred to be submltted to the Department pursuant to thls agreement shall be submitted timely and ln accordance with 2 CFR $200.328, the Florlda Statutes, and Chapter 10.550 (local governmental entltles) of the Rules of the Auditor General, whlchever is applicable (htto://www.mvflorida.com/audren/oaqes/locahovt.htm). The correspondence accompanyinS the flnancial reportlng package forwarded to the Department must lnclude the date the Reclpient received the reportlng package, Vl. Rrcono Rrrrnor The Supervisor shall keep and malntaln accurate and detalled records (e.9., involces, recelpts, and other documentation) sufflclent to identlfy how and whether expenditures were used for authorlzed purposes, ln accordance with Attachment A, to support flnancial reportin& and tc conduct audlts as may be requlred or requested. These records must be retalned for flve flsca years after the last report that all funds have been fully expended or funds are returned by thc county, or three years after the date an audlt report ls lssued, whlchever ls earller (See GS-01 General Records Retention Schedule). The Supervlsor shall allow the Department or lts designee. CFO, or Auditor General access to such records, lncludlng the audlt worklng papers upon request Fallure to provlde adequatc documcntatlon sh.ll r$ult ln a r,equest to return thG funds to th€ Department. Vll. INcoRPoRAT€oDocuMENTs Thls agreement lncorporates by reference the followlng documents:. Attachment A: General Approprlations Act Provlso Language . Attschment B: Federal Electlon Admlnlstratlon Actlvities Plan (Form DS-DE 126, rev. 8l20L6l . Attachment C: Federal Election Admlnlstratlon Actlvities - Funds Allocation per County/County Matchlng Funds Attachment O: Certificate ReBardlng Matchlng Funds (Form DS-DE L27, rev. 8/2of6l. Attachment E: Certlflcation Regarding Debarment, Suspenslon, lnellglbillty and Voluntary Excluslon Lower Tier Covered Transactlons (ED federal form GCS-O0g, v. 5/88) Attachment F: Certlficate of Equipment for Castlng and Countlng Ballots (Form DS-DE 145, rev. 8/2016) Attachment G: SinSle Audlt Act Requirements, Exhlbit I and Compliance Requlrements for Agreements and Exhlblt 2 CFO Memorandum No. 03 MOA#2017‐2018-0001‐ ‐6‐Q16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 951 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) VIII. ErunnErvoFTHEAeResMINr All terms and condltlons of thls agreement are fully set forth ln thls document and attachments incorporated by reference and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florlda regardless of any confllct of laws provislons. !n any proceedlng or actlon brought under thls section, the parties agree that proper venue wlll be in Leon County, Florlda. The Department shall not be liable for attorney fees, interest, late charges or servlce fees, or costs of collectlon related to this agreement. lN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their undersigned offlclals as duly authorlzed. FL Department of State/Division of Elections (prlnt name/tltle) County F Witness: Date:Date: By: Witness: ‐7‐① (prlnt name/title) MOA#2017‐2018‐0001‐ 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 952 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATTACHMENT D of MOA 2017‐2018‐0001 Certificate Regardlng Matchlng Funds Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the Board of County Commissioners will provide a specific county match fund in FY 2017-18 in an amount equat to or greater than 15% of the amount of the Federal Election Activities grant that the county Supervisor of Elections receives from the state, which for Cotlier County ls $4 ,679 .29 I understand that if the Board fails to appropriate the additlonal matching funds, atl funds received from the state for this grant during the 2017-2018 state fiscal year wilt be required to be returned to the Department of State. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Date Apprwcd as to form and legality ATTEST Scott R. Teach, Dcputy CountyAttorneyDttGHT E.BROCtt CL=RK BY: DS‐DE 127 Revised 5/2017 ,〆 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 953 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATTACHMENT C to MOA Z0t7-2018.0001 FLORIOA DEPARTMCNT OF STATE.DIVISION OF EIICTIONS county Allocatlon of Help ans665 yo1" Act Funds - Federal Electlon Admlnl3tratlon Actlvl es N 20t7-201E Ceneral E:ection Actlve Retlstered Voters Federal Electlon Actlvltles Funds FY 20,7・ 2018 FEA・ 32M Revised 8/2016 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 954 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Aπ ACHMEN「Cto MOA 2017‐2018・ 00Юl FLOR:DA DEPARTMEN「OF STATE‐D:ViS,ON OF ELECriONS Countv A∥ocat:on of He:p Amer:ca Vote Act Funds‐Federai E:eCt:on Administration Activltles FY 2017‐2018 Formula for Allocation: Based on FY 2OL7-2018 appropriatlon for Federal Electlon Admlnistration Activities divided by the total number of reglstered voters ln the state as of bookcloslng for the 2015 General Election. FY 2017-2018 Approprlatlon‐Federa!Electlon Administration Activities Total Number of active registered voters in the state‐2016 Genera:[lectlon Funding level per indlvidualvoter Attachmentc―FEAFundsperCountyFY2017‐18.x!sx FY 2017-2018 FEA‐S2M County 2016 Ceneral E:ectlon Actlve Reg:stered Voters Amount Federal Electlon Actlvltles Funds Per CounW Amount - L5% Match By County Funds Orange 776,488 5 120,687.24 S 18′103.09 Osceola 196′326 5 3Q514.37 S 4′577.16 Palm Beach 901′642 S 140,139.56 S 21′020。93 Pasco 336′040 S 52,229.71 5 7′834.46 Pinellas 648′791 S 100,839。67 S 15′125。95 Polk 407′653 S 63,360.30 S 9,504.05 Putnam 47.423 S 7′370.82 S l,105.62 St. Johns 177′203 5 27′542.14 4,131.32 St.Lucie 194,368 30,210.04 4′531.51 Santa Rosa 130,840 20,336.08 S 3′050.41 Sarasota 301′926 S 46,927.47 S 7,039。12 Seminole 291′964 5 45′379。10 S 6′806.87 Sumter 92′153 5 14,323.07 2,148.46 Suwannee 26′422 S 4,106.69 616.00 Taylor 12′303 S l,912.22 S 286.83 Union 7′256 S l,127.78 S 169。17 Volusia 363,438 S 56′488。10 S 4,473.2L VVaku∥a20′045 S 3,115.54 S 467.33 Walton 46′645 S 7,249.89 S l′087.48 Washington 15,172 5 2,358.14 S 353,72 S2′000,000 12,867,773 50.1554 Revised 8r201 6 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 955 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Aπ ACHMENT Ato MOA#2017‐2018‐0001 3098 SPECIALCATEGORIES GRANTS AND A|DS - FEDERAL ELECTTON ACTIV|TIES (HErp AMERTCA VOTE ACT) FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . S2,OOO,OOO Funds in Specific Appropriation 3098 shall be distributed to county supervisors of elections to be used for election administration activities such as voter education; poll worker training; standardizing elections results reporting; or other federal election administrative activities as approved by the Department of State. County supervisors of elections will receive funds only after providing the Department of State a detailed description of the programs that will be implemented. Funds distributed to county supervisors of elections require a certification from the county that matching funds will be provided in an amount equal to fifteen percent of the amount to be received from the state. Also, before a county supervisor of elections receives funds for any software or hardware technology, including, but not limited to any emerging technology that enhances or facilitates the delivery of absentee ballots, the casting and counting of valid votes, voting system audits or recount processes, and the certification of accurate and complete official election results, the software or technology must first be certified or approved, whichever is applicable by the Department of State. Additionally, before the Supervisor can receive funds for emerging or enhancing technology, the county supervisor of elections and the chairperson of the county governing body must certify that the county has purchased and made available sufficient equipment for casting and counting ballots to meet the needs of the county electors including reducing the wait time at the polls during the early voting period and on election day for the next retularly scheduled general electlon. To be eligible, a county must segregate federal funds and required county matching dollars in a separate account established to hold only such funds. Funds in this account must be used only for the activities for which the funds were received. Funds shall remain in the account to be used for the same purposes for subsequent years or until such funds are expended. Supervisors of elections shall report to the Department of State any unspent funds remaining on June 30 of each fiscal year. 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 956 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) We′ ATTACHMENT F of MOA 2017‐2018‐000■ Certlflcate of Equlpment for castlng and Countlng Ballots Jennifer ,J. Edwards Supervlsor of Elections and Chairperson of Board of County Commlssloners, of Colller County, Florlda, do hereby certlfy that prlor to the receipt and use of fiscal year 2017-2018 HAVA funds for the purchase of State-approved or certlfled (whlchever ls applicable) emerSlng or enhanclng software or hardware technology as allowable per Attachment A, the county has purchased and made avallable sufficient equlpment for castinS and countlng ballots to meet the needs of the county electors for the next regularly scheduled Seneral election. lf the Florlda oepartment of state determlnes that there ls lnsufflclent equlpment for castlng and counting ballots for the next regularly scheduled general election as hereln certifled, we shall return the HAVA funds that were used to purchase other emerglnS or enhanclng software and hardware technology to the state. Chalrman, Eoard of County Commlssloners 1多 ・IЧ .lη Date DS‐DE 135 Revlsed 5ノ 17 Date Aπ EST D∥G「E.BROCL CLEM Approvcd as to form ad legality S∞"R hLDutyOmけ AmmIO ヽ|日Y: 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 957 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATrACHMENT Eto MOA 2017‐2018‐0001 CERⅥF:CAT:ON REGARDiNG DEBARMENI SuSPENS10N′:NEL:GIBluW AND VOШ ∥TARY EXCLuS:ON LOWttR T:ER COVERED TRANSACT:ONS This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension,45 CFR 1183.35, Participants'rcsponsibilities. The regulations were published as Part Vll of thc May 26, 1988 Federal Register (pages 19160-192ll). Copies of the regulations may be obtaincd by contacting the person to which this proposal is submitted. (BEFORE COMPLETING CERTIFICATION, READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) (l) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals are presently debaned, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any fedcral depafinent or agency. (2) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certi$ to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. ED Form CCS‐0∞,●●816.J.1.a Packet Pg. 958 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) 4. 6. 7. INSTRUCNONS FOR CEBTIFIGATION l. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out below. 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entcred into. If it is later determined that the prrcspcctive lower tier participant knowingly rendered an eroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the federal government, the departnent or agency with which this transaction originated may pursu€ availablc remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospcctivc lower tier participant lcarns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspendedr" "ineligibler" "lower tier covered hansaction," "participant," "person," "primary covered transactionr" "principalr" "proposalr" and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, have the meanings s€( out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposcd covercd transaction be entercd into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covcred Eansaotion with a penton who is debaned, suspended, declarcd ineligible, or voluntari.ly excluded li'om participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this tansaction originated. The prospective lower tier participant further agr€es by submitting this proposal that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, tneligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transactions," without modification, in all lower tier covered Eansactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospec'tive participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspcndcd, ineligiblc, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the ccrtification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and ftequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, chcck the Nonprocurement List (Telephone Number). Nothing contained in the foregoing shallbe construed to rcquire establishment of a system of records in order to rcnder in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally posscssed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered Eansaction with a pe6on who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntary excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the federal government, the departnent or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. ED Form CCS‐鑽 te38 9。 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 959 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Page I of6 員三PR俺 Division of Elections Federal Election Activities - Grant Application Voter Education Antlclpeted 'i of Fund! Total: {00 . Appllc.nl Nrmr: Coll€t County Supcrvhor o, Elcdlons. FEIOt 5}2&2792. Phons numb.r: 239.252.8683. Prlnclp.l Addr€.!: Rov. Or MLK B60n., 3760 Enta]p]bo Ayo. Napb. 34104. M.lllng Addn r.: R€v. DrMLK Bldon.,3760 Ent.rpdrc Aro. Napl€!,34104 . wcbrlt : htlp://h,nw.colliervotc8.corn. org.nlt.uon Typr: Countycov€mment. oag.nlzrllon Crlrgory: GovernmontsupsMso'olEbdlons. Coun9: Colllor Semple Ballois Fedsrar HAVA Funds countyuMaidrrnc Cunent Fodoral Elodlon AclivlllosFun& M M Prior Y6ar Fedorel El€ctlon Activillos Ro[ ovor Funds tr n Prlor Y6ar Votor Educatlon Roll ov6r Funds tr tr Antlcipatod % of Fun& To B€ spant 85 Votor lnformatlon Cardg County Malchh9 FundB 団 □ □ Olh€r County Fund8 lnlor€8t Com Molching Fund●lnler€st Othor Coutt Fundo :nto700t 団 日 回 口 Cunent F€dsr8l Eleclion Actlvklos Funds Prior Year Fsdoral Elodlon Acttuili€s Roll Ov€r Funds Pdor Yoar Votor Educstlon Roll Over Fund8 Anllclpatod % o, Fundr To Be Spent Publlcatlons Fedora:HAVA Fund● 日 □ ロ5 Fodoral HAVA FundB 日 https ://dosgrants.com/GrantApplication/PrintPreview?gid=3837 Other County Funds 12/14/2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 960 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Pagc 2 of6 Cunont Fodersl Electlon Activitics Furds Prlor Yoar Fedoral Eledlon Aclivitios Roll Oy6r Funds Prlo( Y6ar Vol€r Education Roll Ov6r Funds Antldpat€d % of Funds To Be Sp€nt System Demonltretlons Cunsnt Fodsral Elocllon AclivillBs Funds Prlor Yoar Fcdcrel Elodlon Actlv es Roll Ovor Funds Prior Yesr Voter Educsuon Roll Ovsr Funds Anticipstod % ot Funds To Br Sp6nt Voter Guldes Cunont Fcdorsl Elodion Aclivlti€s FundE Priot Yssr Federal Electlon Acdvlllos Roll Ovsr Fund8 Prlor Y6ar Vot'I Educalion Roll Over Funds Antlclpat6d % ot Funds To Bs Sp€nt Vot r Educatlon Porfomanco Gorlg Fo●印●lHAVA Fund● □ □ □0Feder●:HAVA Fund● 団 Cotlnly Malchh9 Fund3 □ □ □ Cour y M.kfihg Fund! E! Othor cOumy Fund8 □ Othsr Counly Funds g 図 ln10re8t □ □ □ lntere●t図 □ □ l Samplo B●llot3-produc.Bample b8∥●18 in the Engtth and sPanilh langooOo●that嘲 ∥prOvldO lhe COn1081e a VOter wi∥●oo when lhoy vole ln perl●n ollhordumO EoHy vOtlng or on El●ction Day 2 Volerinfo c●rd8-Produce Voter!nfOrmatlon cards lo 8661●t volm ln undOrstanding th●Ir votor‐8ped例0 1nformatlon 3uCh el tholr pa∥y afn!lallon and thelr日 oc:bn Doy pr●●nd 3 PublicaoOn3-PrOduce var10u8 publlcauon3 8dVOru●ing tho 2018 Elecaon cソ de and the lhroo waソ ●lo vote in 2018 4 Volor Culde3-ProducO vOter Ou:dogin the Eng10h and Spanleh bnguage8 WhlCh provldes dolalled infomauon aboutiho 2018 Eledlon Cydo induding―bul nOl∥mllod 10:voler ro91stauon dead;in03,00"ソ voting dates and urle8,and Elocuon Dey infomatlon Performance Mearuruc '1. Samplc B.lbl! - Moalurlng !ucc.r. uolld b6 bsscd m e dccrlaac h votcrt dlrputing lho raccs on thcir bsllot whon thcy votr rt lhe poll!, rctultng ln thcm voong a pmvfubn l bdlol. https ://dos grants. com/CrantApplicationPrintpreview?gid=3 g3Z 12/14/2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 961 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Pagc 3 of6 Votor lnb Cards - Mcasurlng !ucca!! would bo based on € docroalo h votors dlsputlng th€lr infomation ai iho pollr and/or a dccrorac ln sholvlng up at ola wrong prodnd on Elcclbn Oay roquting thsm lo vol6 I provl8lonel bellot. Puulcatlons - Meesudrlc ruccrsr wouH br bslsd on en lnclcalo ln volsr partlclpatlon, provlng th6ro waE suffldsrt alvarcnoss of ih€ upcoflrhg ols{ons. Vol6r Ouidrr - Mraluing succcls rvould bo balad on a dGcGaso In votus lhowing rJp at tho wrong pr€ckrcl oo Elcdion Ory or not rlgtrtdno ln 0nlc fo. !n dcc on ruquldrlg thom to r,oic 8 Fovlslon.l ballot. Tlmellne January - DocombBr 2018 Budget 1. 351,2s0.00 2. S'12,000.00 3. t25,000.0o 5. $3,500.00 Poll Worker Training 1oo.oo Tralnlng Salerler Currsnt Fod€ral Eloc{ion Activitlcs Funds Prior Ysar Fodorsl Elaclion Actlvilos Roll Ov6r Funds Prior Ysar Poll Workor TralnlnO Roll Ovor Funds Anlhhslod % ot Funds To Ba Spent Tralnlng Materlale Curront Fsdaral Elecilon Actlvlll€8 Funds Prior Y6ar F6der6l Eloadon Activlties Roll Ovor Furdo Prlor Y6ar Poll Wbrkor Trainlng Roll Ov€r Fund8 Anllclpat€d % ot Funds To B€ Spenl Poll Workor Tralnlng Performanc€ Goal! Foderal HAVA FundB C°unty)1:力 h9 01her County Fund6 □ □ □ Fodoral HAVA Fund! counlyl'rtchlng olharcounty FundslunoE ssg :ntere31 □ inlereot 日 https ://dosgrants.com/GrantApplication/PrintPrcvievr'?gid=3837 12/14/2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 962 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Pagc 4 of6 1. El€dlon Worku Tr8hlng Matrdals - Pmduc. Eloctlon Wbrt.r TdnhC Meterlab prot lding lnformatlon that ls covor€d fudng ln porson iEldng whldt wouu lcn c ss a llbllncc br wolkart lo emwcr qusstlon! or rcsolvr lslu.t lhet m.y s]tt ln tho frdd. Porformrnce Mealuret 1. Eledlon Wbltar Trahlng Matsdslr - McasudnC luccor. wdrld bc bas.d on 8 docrrso ln calls forn Ehdion Wbrtor8 !o our Call Ccntsr askino tor lnbrmstlon thry c{l fnd In lhci. troinlr0 matorisl!. Tlmollno January - Novomber 2018 Budgot s15,000.00 Standardizing Election Results Reporting l00.oo St nd.rdlzlng Eloctlon R.tultr Ropo lng Fodorat }lAvA Funds counlyjtl'tdllns ohor counly Funds lntorosl cursnt F.d6''l ElodbnAdrvitolFundrtrtrtrtr Prlor YEar F€d6ral Eloctlon Ac-tivitist Rollovor Funds tr tr tr Antidpatcd % ofFundETo Bc o Spcnt Standardlzlng Electlon Resultr Rcpodng Porfomanco Goals Performanco e'rurc3 Tlmollno Budg.t Administration Activities r@.@ ltlove Act Faderel HAVA Fun6 coutltyuMdllne Oth.r Counly Fundr lnb..!t Cunfit F6d.r8l Ebcdo{r Actlviucr Fulas D tr tr tr Pdor Yrsr Fadcal Elcdlon Ac vltb! RoN o{rcr Funds tr tr tr Antldpatad % of Fund! To Bsspent o Tochnology Fcd.(.l HAVA Funds *'y#* oth.r county Futtd! lnor.rl https ://dosgrants.com/GrontApplication/PrintPrcview?gid=3837 12/14/2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 963 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Currsnt Federal Election Actlvltles Funde tr ilil,I.j.ll.fi',jl:i?;fl:" tr Antlcipated % ol Funds To Be O Spont Standardlzlng Etectlon Results Reportlng Performance Goals Performance Meagures Tlmellne Budget Pagc 5 of6 trtr tr Attachments Add Attachments* Download the Memorandum of Agroement, then upload lt below' File Slze Vleur 17.18 FEAMOA.pdf 913 [KB] Vlewltle Download the Provlslo Language document Download the Funds Per County document Download and complete the Certlflcate of Matchlng Funds document, then upload lt below Download and comptete the Debarment and Suspenslon document, then upload lt below r File Size Vieur 17.18 FEAAttachment E.pdt 234 [KBl Meutffle https : //dos grants.com/GrantAppl ication/?rintPrevierr'?gid=3 8 3 7 12/14/2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 964 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Page 6 of6 Download and complete tho Certlflcate o, Equlpment docum.nt, thon uplord lt bolow Download the Slngl€ Audlt Act Requlrcmentr documont Upload Voter Educatlon Samples Voler Education Srmple lnformatlon Upload Pollworker Tralnlng Documontatlon Pollworkor Tralnlng Documontellon Review and Submit Revlow rnd Submlt Ol horcby ccr$ry thal I am authorizGd lo luunlt thlr sppllc8tbn on baha ol Colllcr Cornty SupcMlor of El€G-tlon! End Fat all hformation indicslcd is tru6 8nd rcolrsto. I acknowladgp t|gt rty dcltonb slgnsture b6lotv sha0 htvc thc same legEl efed as rny wrltten slgnatuE. I am alr,gro that maklng a lblso ltat€mcnt of tcpro33ntation to tho oopartm€nt of stal€ consotutos 8 thrd degroo tulorry as pmvldod br h !. 817.166, F.S., punlshsblo as pro/ldod br by ss. rI5.082, 775.083, 8nd 776.084. Slgnaturu (Entor flrlt and lalt namo) htps ://dos grants,com/OrantApptication/?rintPreview? gid=3 8 3 7 12/14/2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 965 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATTACHMENT G to MOA fl2017-2018-0001 Florida Slngle Audit Act Requir€mentE The administration of rcsourccs awadcd by thc Dopartmcnt of Ststc to thc Supcrvisor may bc subjoct to audits ard/or monitoring by thc Departnqlt ofStatg as ddcribcd in ihis 3cstion. MONITORING In addition to rcvicws ofsudits corductcd in accordancc with OMB Circulu A-133 and Scction 215 97, F.S., as rrviscd (sec "AUD!TS" bclow), monitoring proccdurcs may includc, but not bc limitcd to, on-sitc visits by Dcp8nment of Statc stalI, limitod scopc sudits Es dcfincd by OMB Circular A.133, rs rcviscd, and/or othcr proccdurcs. By cntcring into this aSrcancnt, thc Supcfvisot agrccs to comply 8nd cooperatc with any monitoring proccdurcs/proccslG dccrncd appropriatc by thc Dcpsrtrcnr of Strt.." ln thc cvcnt thc Dcpartmcnt of Statc dclcrminG that a limitcd scopc sudit of thc Supcrvisor is sppropriatc, thc Supervisor agrccs to comply with any additionsl instuctioN providcd by thc Dcpanmc of Stlac st8lf to thc Supcrvisor regarding such Eudit. Thc Supcrvisor funhcr agrtcs to comply 8nd clopcrstc with any inspcctions, rcvicws, invcstigations, or sudits dcqncd ncccarlry by lhc Chicf Financial Officrr (CFo) or Auditor Gcncral. AUDITS PART T: FEDERALLY FUNDED This pan is applic€blc if the Supcrvisor is I Ststc or local govcmmcnt or a non-profil orgsnization 8s dcfincd in OMB Circular A-133, as rcviscd.l23ln the evcnt thst thc Supervisor expcnds $300,000 6500,000 for fucal Sean ending {ter Decenber 3 I , 2003,1 or morc in Fcdcral awards in its fiscal ycar, thc Supcrvisor must havc 8 single or program-specific audit conducrcd in accordancc with thc provisions ofOMB Circular A-133, as reviscd. EXHIBIT I to this agrccrncnt indicatG Fcdcral rcsourccs awffded through the Dcpanmcnt of Statc by this 8grccm6rt. In drtcrmininB thr Fcdcral awards expcndcd in its fiscal ycar, the Supcrvisor shrll considcr all sotrrc6 of Fcdcral awards, including Fcdcral rcsources rcccivcd from thc Dcpadmcnt of Statc. Thc determination of unounts of Fcderal gwsrds cxpcndcd should be in acrordancc \rith thc guidclircs cstablishcd by OMB Circular 4-133, as reviscd. An audit of thc Supcrvisor conductcd by Oe Auditor Gcncral in accordancc with thc provisions OMB Circul8r A-133, as rcviscd, will mcd thc rcquircmcnts ofthis psn. ln conncclion with thc audit rcquircmcnts addrcsscd in Pan l, paragraph l, thc Supcrvisor shall fuUill the rcquircmcnls lllativc to auditcc rBponsibilitics as providcd in Subpart C of OMB Circuls A-133, as rcviscd. I fthc Supcrvisor cxpcnds l€ss thsn 3300,000 (5500,000lor liscal years ending Ster December 31, 200r,) in Fcdcral awards in is fiscal year, an audit conduclcd in sccodancc with thc provisions of OMB Circular A-133, 8s rcviscd, is not rcquired. ln thc event thet thc Supcrvisor cxpcnds lcss U8n $300,000 frJ00,000lor frscal yeus ending after December 31, 2003) h Fedenl awards in ils fiscal year and elcas to havc 8n audit conduacd in accordsncl with thc provisions of OMB Circulu A-133, as reviscd, thc coct ofthc rudit must bc psid frorn non-Fcderal resourcc (i.c., dc cost of such an sudit must bc paid fom Supcrvisor rcsourccs obtaincd from othcr thso Fcdcral entilics). PART H:STATE FUNDED DFS―A2‐CL July 2005 Rule 69卜 5006,FAC 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 966 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATTACHMENT G to MOA f2017-2018-0001 This parr is applicable if the Supcrvisor is a non-stale entity as dcfincd by Section 215.97(2), Florida Ststutes. l. ln the event that the Supervisor expends a tc*al amount ofstate financial assistance equal to or in excess of $500,000 in any fiscal ycar of such Supcrvisor (for liscal years cnding September 30' 2004 or thereafter), thc Supen isor must have a Statc single or projcct-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section 215.97, Florida Ststutes; applicable nrlcs of the Department of Financial Services; and Chapten 10.550 (local govcrnmental cntities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. EXHIBIT I to this agrcemcnt indicates stati financial assistancc awardcd through the Dcpartrnent of State by this agroement' ln determining the state financial assistance expcndcd in its fiscal year, the Supervisor shall -considerall sources of state financial assistance, including statc financial sssistance received from the Department of State, other state agencics, and cilhcr non-state entitics. State financial assistance docs not includc Fcderal dircct or pass-through awards and resourccs received by a non'st8te entity for Federal program mrtching requirements. 2. In connection with the audit rcquirements addresscd in Part II, paragraph I, the Supervisor shall ensure that thc audit complics with the requiranents of Section 2t5.97(t), Florida Statutcs. This includcs submission of a finurcial reponing package as defincd by Seaion 215.97(2), Florida Statutes, and Chapten 10.550 (local governmental antities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for'profit organizations), Rulcs of the Auditor General' 3. Ifthe Supervisor expends lcss than 3500,000 in state financial assistsncc in its fiscal ycar (for fiscal yean ending Scptcmber 30, 2004 or thcreaftcr), an audit conductcd in accordancc with the provisions of Seciion 215.97, Florida St8tut6, is not rcquired. In thc cvent that thc Supervisor Lxpends less than $500,000 in state financial assistancc in its fiscal year and clccts to have an audit conduaed in accordance with thc provisions of Seaion 215.97, Florida Statutes, the cost of the audit must be paid from the non-state entity's r€sources (i.c., thc cost of such an audil must bc paid from the Supervisor's resourc€s obtaincd from othcr than State entities). The Internet web addresses listed betow will assist rccipiarB in locating documcnts referenced in the text of this agreement and thc intcrpraation of compliancc issucs' State of Florida Dcpartment Financial Servioes (ChicfFinancial Officer) www.fldfs.com/ Ststc of Florida Legislature (St8tutes, I"egislation rclating to the Florida Singlc Audit Act) www.leg.state.fl.us/ PART III: REPORT SUBMISSION l. Copies of reporting packagcs for audits conducted in accordancc with OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and requircd by PART I of this agrcemmt shall bc submined, when required by Section ,320 (d), OMB Circular A-133, as rcviscd, by or on bchalf of the Supervisor dircaly to each of the following: A.■le Department ofState at each ofthe Fol:owing addresses: Depttent ofState Division ofElections R.A.Cray Building,Ste 316 500S.Bronough St. Ta∥ahassce,FL 32399‐0250 DFS‐A2‐CL July 2005 Rule 691・ 5.006,FAC 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 967 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) 25Aπ ACHMENT C to MOAl12017‐2018‐0001 8 ■●Fede口 :Audh Cl口 面nghouse des18nated in oMB Circular A‐:33,“reused cthe number oFcoples required by Sections 320(dXl)and(2),OMBC'Cular A■33,as revised,shollld bc submited to the Fcdera!AudI Cl悧 "nghousc)atthe Foliowing 3ddい ず Fedenl Audi Ci“∥nghouse Bureau orthe census 1201 East 10・ Sm JefFeon宙 ∥●・IN 47132 C Other Federa:agenctes and pass‐through en∥ties in accordance wlh Sections 320(e)and(0, OMB Citcu:ar A■33,"revised in the event thm a copy oF the reporthg package For an audit mquired by PART I oF thヽ agttment and●onducted in acc●man∝with oMB CinШ :ar A‐133,ns“Msed,is not rcquired to bc submited to the Depttment oF State For the reasons pursu3nt to S∝哺on 320(c)(2),OMB Circular A‐133,as revlsed,the Supmisor sha∥submit the requitt w∥ten notincttiOn pursuant to Section 320●x2)and a COpy OFthe Sup―sor's●ud“M schedulc ofexpendtures oF Fcderal awards血 菫 収 tO ench ofhe Fo1lowing Dep田 由ment ofState Divislon oFElections RA G“y Building,Ste 3:6 500 S Bronough St Tall由 assec,FL 323"‐l1250 Copies of rlnm.:ュ l reporting packages rcqllired by PART ll ofthis 38rement sha∥be submittcd by or on behdfoFthe SupeMsormtO e8Ch OFthe Following A ne Depanment of State at each ofthe following addresses: Dep□由nent orstate Division ofE:ections R A Grny Bunding,ste 316 500 S Bronough St Tallah“sec,FL 323"‐0250 B. ■●Audお =Gen‐1's Ofrlce at the following add“ss: Auditor Ccnerol's Ofrlce R∞m401,Pepper Bui:ding H l West Madison St“ Tal13haSSee,Flo∥da 32399‐1450 Any reports,managment letter.●r Other infomation Fequired to be submitted to thc Depmmcnt oF State pursumt to this●8燎 mentsh●1l be submi“ed timely in accordan∝with OMB Cilcular A‐ :33,Fl昴 da Stamtes,and Chaptぃ 10550(:●ca1 8。Vemmental entities)or 10 650(nonprOnt and forp"it oganization3),Rules oFth●Aud“∝Gen劇 ,os app:●ble Supervisors,when submitting rtnancial potting pack●8es to the Depament oF State For audits done in accordm∝w“h OMB Circul"A■33 or Chapta 10.550(local government●l ent“ies)or 10650(nonprOnt and Forpront ottania“ion3)Rules oFthe Auditor CenenL ShOu:d indicate the d“e th“the reponhg p●●kage was dd市 ered to the Su"Msorln∞曖spondenc●8CCOmpan,ng the repoFin3 Pack88e DFS‐A2‐CL July 2005 Rulc 691‐5006,FAC 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 968 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) Aπ ACHMENT Gto MOA#2017‐2018‐0001 PART IV: RECORD RETENTION L The Supervisor shall retain suffcient rccords demonstrating its compliancc with thc terms. of this agrcemtnt for a period of 5 years from thc date the audit rcport is issued, and shall allow the Dipartment of State, or its designee, CFO, or Auditor Gcneral access to such rccords upon request. The Supervisor shall insure that audit working pap€rs art made available to the Department of Staic, or its dcsignee, CFO, or Auditor General upon request for a period of 3 years from the date the audit report ls issued, unless extended in writing by the Department of State. NOTE: Records need ro be retalned for at leasl Jive lnts to comply with record relention requirenvnts related to origirul vouchers prescribed by tlc Department of State, Division ol Library and Inlormalion &mices, Bureau of Archives atd Records Management. DFS‐A2‐CL July 2005 Rule 691‐5,006,FAC 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 969 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATTACHMENT G to MOA #2017-2018'0001 EXHIBIT- I FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED TO THE SUPERVISOR PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMEI{T CONSIST OF THE TOLLOWNG: NOTE: lf the resources qwarded lo thc Superubor rcpresen, more lh<n.one Fedcrol prcgran' provide the sine injornotion shown below for erch Fi&ral progrsn and show totol Federal resources awotded Fedcral Hclp Amcricr votc Ac1--C86log of Fcdcnl Dom6tic Assislanct (CFDA) $ 90 401 Hclp Amcrica Votc Act Rcquircmots PaYmcnts COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLTCABLE TO THE FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO THTS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: CFDA Numbcr 90.4Ol, Hclp Amcrica Votc Ad Rcquircmcnts Paymcdrts Part I of Subtitlc D of Tirlc ll (s€ctions 251-25t) 8rd .Iitlc III ofPublic l,aw 107.252, thc Hclp Amcrica vote Acr of 2002, scctions 301-305, and sccrions 902 snd 906. EAC has dctcrmincd that thc following oflicc of Managcmcnt 8nd Budgd guidclincs apply: cost Principlcs for sbtc, Loc.l, 8|td tndisn Tribal Go"",nr*,., i g Cfn n"rt ZiS; i1niform Aiministrativc Rcquiiaraots for C'nts and Coopcrative Aglecments to S!8te snd Local Govcrnmcnt!, OMB Circul8r A'l l0 (amcndcd 9/30/99)' statc tc3our,cc3 awtrdcd ao thc rcclplcnt punurnl to thb rgrcGmant contlrt oflhc followio3: Not Applicablc. M.lchlnS relourcc! for fcdcrrl prognmr: Not Applicsblc. SubJcct to lccdon 215.97' Florldr Strtul6: Not Applicablc. Complirncc rcquircmcnts rPpllcrbla to ltrtc rcaourcar awtldGd prrrutnt to thlt rgrccE'nt trc rt follorY3: Not Applicable. DFS‐A2‐CL July 2005 Rule 691‐5006.FAC 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 970 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATTACHMENT C to MOA"2017‐2018‐0001 Exhibit - 2 December 3' 2014 cHrEF FINANCTAL Orl'rcER's MEMORANDUM NO.03 (2014 - 2015) SUBJECT: COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR AGREEMENTS This memorandum supersedes the Chief Financial Officer's Memorandum No. 4 (2005- 2006) miotmum requfuements and confirms state agcncies musl follow for proper accountability over itate and fedcral rcsources. \ hile the State is sccountable to the federal government, sub-recipients of federal financial assistance must be ac.countable to the State. Recipients/sub-rccipicnts of state financial assistance must slso b€ acrountable to thc State. Ff,DERAL FI'NDS This memorandum is applicable to discretionrry Erants, which the Strte rec€ives from the federal government. Applicability to f€d€ral entitlement programs or formula based awards should be detqmined on a casc by case basis pursusnt to federal regulations for these programs. State agencies must det€rmine whctha they are passing on federal awards in the form of federal financial assistanc€ to sub-recipients or procuring goods and services from a contrsctor. This determination is critical for the prop€r acaountsbility over federal financial sssistance, which is passed on to sub-recipients. State agencies will use the criteria established in Uniform Administrative Requfucm€nts, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Code of Federal Regulations Title 2, Part 200.330 to make this d€termination. Agencies must rciain documentation to support this determination. In 2005 the Office of Federal Financial Management confirmed to the Department of Financial Services, ifthe State receives an award offederal financial assistance in the form of B grant or coop€rative agreement, any sub-award for the purpose ofthe grant is subj€ct to the rules applicable to the grant, even lfthc sub-eward b oa r lked prlce basis. Agreements (sub-awirds) with sub-iecipicnts of fedaal financial assistance must roquire compliance with the published requirem€nts entitled Uniform Administrative Rcquiremcnts, Cost Principles and-Audit Requiiements for F€deral Awards (also known as the Super Circular), Code of Federal Regulations Title 2, Pan 200 (2 CFR, Psrt 200). This guidance supersedes and consolidates the requirements from the Office of Managcment and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-87, A-l 10, A-122, A-89, A-102 and A-133 and is effective for awards or increments ofawards issued on or after Dcccmbcr 26,2014. The Super Circular also appli€s to sub'rwelds made by Strte ard local gov€rnments to an organization covered by the circular and provides thtt: a. A grant mey be charged only allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during the specified funding period. 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 971 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATTACHMENT 6 to MOA S2017'2018{001 b. Any balance of unobligatcd cash that has been advanced or paid that is not auihorized to be retai;ed for other projects must be refunded to the federal government. c. iny funds paid in excess of the amount to which the recipient is frnally determined to-be entitie4 undet the terms and conditions of the awand' constitutes e debt to the F€deral government' Agreements with vendors must be pr@ured in a manner that ensures a fair and reasonable pr'ice to the Fedoal government and compliance with applicable rules and regulations' including but not Iimited to: a. 2 CF& Part 200 b. Section 287.057, Florida Ststutes (F.S') c. Section 215.917, F.S. d. Section 216.3475, F.S. (l) Non-competitive procurcmcnts and competitive procurements that result in less than 2 responses must be supported by a daailed cost analysis. Cost must be reasonable, necessary and allowable in accordance with state and fedaal laws, rules and regulations. Agencies must nraintain documcntation to evidence the agency's review of individusls cost elemcnts included on the dctailcd budget submined by thc person or antity awardcd funding. STATE N'NDS State agencies must determine whether they are awarding state financial assistance to a recipieit or procuring goods and services ftom a vendor. State agencies will use the Florida Singte nuali Ctrecklist for Non-state Org8nizstions - Recipient/Sub-recipient vs Vendor Det-ermination to makc this determination. Agencics must retain copy of the checklist. Agre€ments with recipiens of state financial assistance, even lf awarded otr s nred prlce basls, must require: a. Compliance with Section 215.97, F.S' b. Compliance with Scction 215.971, F.S. c. Expenditures of state financisl assistancc bc in Gompliancc with laws, rules and rcgulations applicable to cxpcnditurd of Statc funds, including but not limited to, the Refercnce Guidc for State Expenditures Agre€m€nts involving the State Univasity Systern' the Florida.Community College System, diitrict school board-or charter schools using state funds must be procured in a manner that ensures a fair and reasonable price to the statc 8nd complisnce with applicsble rules and regulations, including but not Iimited to: a. Section 216.3475, F.S. ( I ) Non-comp€titive procurcmcnts End compAitive procurements that r€sult in iess than two(2) resPonses must be supported by a detail€d cost analysis' Cost musl be reasonable, nccessary and allowable in accordance with state laws, rul€s and regulstion' Agcncics must rnsintEin documentation to evidence the agency's revieriof individuil cost elements included on the daailed budgct submitted by the person or entity awarded funding. 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 972 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds) ATTACHMENT G to MOA 2017-2018'{n01 b. May be fixed price contract that entitles thc provid€rto rrceive compcnsation of the'fixed contract amount uPon completion ofall deliverables' c. May be lxed rated pcr unit contract that entitles the providff to reccive compensation for each deliverable provided'. .d. May be a cost reimbursablc contsact that €ntitles the prcvid€r to receive compensation for actual allowable costs incurred in performing contrsct deliverables' e. May be a combination ofb, s and d. Agccments with vendors must be procured in a manner that ensures a fair and reasonable prlce io the state and compliance with applicable rules and regulations, including but not limited to:s. Section 287.057, F.S' b. Scction 216.3475, F.S.- iiiNo"-.orpetitive procurcmcnts 8nd comp€titive procurements thsl result in iess than two(2) responses must be supported by a detsiled cost analysis' Costs must be reasonable' necessary and allowable in accordance with state laws' rules and regulations. Agencies must maintain documentation to evidence the agcncy's review-of individual cost clements included on thc detsiled budget submitted by the p€rson or entity awatdcd funding' Please contact the Bureau of Auditing at (850) 413-5512 if you have any questions' 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 973 Attachment: Federal Election Administrative Activities (4406 : SOE Matching Funds)