Agenda 09/09/1997 B COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA September 9, 1997 6:00 P.M. LO~ATION: TH~ H.,M~IOCK OAK CENTER ~ EA.MMOCK OAX DRIVE N,AJILF~, FLORIDA ~I0S NOTICE: ~.LL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGgNDA ITeM MUST ILEGIST~R PRIOR TO SP]E.4JCING. REQUESTS TO ADDILE~ THE BOARD ON SUBJECFS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH F.X~LANATION TO TI~ COUNTY ADM~N'ISTRATOR AT LF. AST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING A~ND WELL BK HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS". A~t' PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF ~ BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS I~RTAI~flNG THERETO, AND TIIEREFORE MAY NtED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM R~CORD OF ~ PROCI~EDINGS IS MADF., WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE AI~F..AL IS TO Bl~ BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WELL BE LEMITED TO FIVE (5) MINU'IT.S UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRAN~D BY 'I'HE CHAIRMAN. 1. lIN'VOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PUBLIC HEARING (A) ~) Presentation of Fiscal Year 199~ Pelican Bay Service~ Division Budget Recommendation that the Board c~' County CommJuiouers sdopt the Resolution approving the Special A.~eument Roll nn,~ k. vyt~g the Special A~4~ament against the henefited proper/ks within the ~ellcan Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit 4. ADJOURN 9]~J~: The Board adopt the Resolution approving the Special Aeaes~r~nt R~ll and levying the Special Assessment against the benefit-d properties within the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. ~O~Si~,TiO~ The attached Resolution prowidem for Board approval of %he ~on-ad valor~ Amse~nt Roll for purisms of utilizing the Unifo~ Meth~ of collection ~ursuant to Section 197.3632, Florida Statutem, within the Pelican Bay Municipal Smrvice Taxing and Benefit Unit for maintunanCe of the water manag~nt system, beautification of recreational facilities and ~dian areas, and maintenance of conservation and preserve aruaS, and es%abkis~n= of capital Reserve Funds for the maintenance of con~ervatiOn or preserve areas, U.S. 41 be~s, mtreet nignage replacementm within th- median areas and landscaping ~provement~ to U.S. 41 entrances, all within the pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. e total assessment identified in the roll is $1,473,500.00 ~~ Th ......... ant system, beautification of recreation for maintenance of the wa~er m..~,- z ....... .4~ *nd preserve areas. facilitimm and ~dian areas and maintenance oz cou,-~ ........ Thi~ e~ates to $195.15 ~r residential unit based on 7,550.57 assessable units. The total assessment identified for the establim~nt of capital Reme~e Funds for the maintenance and restoration of the conservation or preserve area, U.S. 41 be~ improw~ents withkn %he District, street sign replmc~en~ wi%bin the ~dian areaS, landscaping improve~nts and U.S. 41 entrance ~prov~nts within the District identified in the roll is $667,700.00 which e~ate~ %o $88.43 ~r residential unit based on 7,550.57 assessable units. The recording fees for recording the Assessment Roll and Resolution are estimated to ~ approx~a=e!y $3,000 and are available in Fund 109. ~~, The Board adopt the Re~olution approving the Special Assessment Roll and la-tying the Special Assessment against the benefited properties within the Pelican~ Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. yDivision Administrator 9 l0 11 12 13 16 17 lg 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING TIlE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL AS THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AND ADOI~TI~G SAME AS ~E NON-AD VA~M ASS~SMENT ROLL FOR PURPOS~ OF UTIL~G ~E UN~O~ M~OD OF COLLE~ON PU~UANT ~'G SE~ON 19~32, ~A ~A~S, W~IN ~E PELICAN BAY MUNI~AL SER~CE T~ING AND BENEFIT UNIT FOR ~TEN~ Off ~E WATER ~NAGEMENT SYSTEM, B~CA~ON OF ~~ONAL ~ACIL~I~ AND MED~N A~AS, AND MA~NAN~ OF CONSERVATION OR P~SERVE A~A~ AND ~AB~BMENT OF CAP'AL RF~ER~ FUNDS FOR ~K ~.NAH~ OF CONSERVA~ON OR p~KR~ U.S. 41 BE~ ~ET SiGNAG~ ~p~MENTS WlTItlN MEDIAN A~S AHD ~ND~A~ING IFIP~OVKME~S TO U.S. 41 ~~, ALL W~ ~E ~ELICAN BAV MUNIC~AL SER~ TAX~G AND BENE~T UNIT. WHEREAS, th~ p~lic..~n Bay Improvement Di~'ic~ (h~ei~er 'Di~ficl') w~ ~t~ o~1~ ~ to ~ ~o~om of C~pt~ 74~62, ~w~ of ~odd~ ~ ~, ~ w~ v~ ~th ~ ~w~ ~ aut~6~ to I~ ~ ~11~ ~i~l ~s~m~t~ ~ c~rg~ ~gm~ r~ pro~ ~th tt~ Dis~d~; ~ WHE~AS, ~ Boud of C~n~ Co~i~o~r~ of Collier C~nty, FloddL on ]u~ 19, I~ ~ to t~ pd~p~ ~ncfion~ oft~ Pc!i~ Bay Imorov~nt Di~d~ ~rmant to C~pt~ WBE~S, t~ P~i~ Bay Im~o~t Distd~ ~mpl~ ~ion of ~n ~8~nt impr~l ~ ~rd~ ~th l~ P[~ of R~tion of tM P~i~ Bay 30 WBE~ t~ ~fi~'~ Bo~d of Su~mr~ ~opt~ a plan of di~lu6on for ~ 31 t~sfe~ng title ~o aU pro~y o~ ~ t~ Di~d~ to Colli~ C~nty. ~ludin8 32 manag~enl ~em; ~ 33 WHE~S, t~ Board of C~nty Co~o~ ~opt~ Ordin~ No ~11 I ~:in8 34 Peli~ B~y Mu~cip~ S~ T~ng ~ B~fil U~I w~ ~il~ tM I~ of s~i~ ~nts; 35 ~d 36 WHER~ ~ Pr~i~ ~t RoB for ~nt~ of t~ ~ prince ~ ~ ~li~t of ~it~l R~ Fu~ for ~ ~nte~ of ~on or 39 pr~ ~ U.S. 41 ~ atr~t ~g~e r~la~ ~n t~ ~i~n m~ ~d [~ping 40 impro~t$ to U.S. ~l ~t~, ~l ~in ~ P~i~ Bay Mumcip~ S~ce T~ng ~d B~efit 41 UMt ~ ~ fil~ ~th the Cl~k to t~ Bo~d; ~d 42 WHE~S, the Bo~d of C~nty Co~isalonera on July 29, 1~7 adopt~ Rmlution No. 97-302 fi~ng the date, time and place for the ~blic h~fing to approve tM preli~ ~nt roll No ,;-( .t~ ) I ~nd to adopt the no. ad vaJortrn ~a.~.srncn~ roll to util[z~ I~ u~fo~ ~h~ 2 ~o S~un 197.3632, ~ Statute; 3 WHE~AS, ~d ~blic ~fing ~ duly ~v~i~ ~ r~la~y ~ld, ~t ~ F~fion 4 C~.t~, 8962 H~ Oak Drive. Haply, Hofid~ ~ci~s ~[ 6:~ P M on S~t~ 9, I~ 5 NOW, ~E~FORF~ BE ~ RESOLVED BY ~E BOARD OF COUN~ 6 COMMISSIONE~ Off COLLIER COUNTM, F~RIDA, thai: p~o~y o~s s~ ot~ im~ ~r~.ra .p~in~ ~fore tF~ Board 9 ~bili~/ of ~inB ~ ~op~ing t~ P~li~ B,y Munlcip~ S~ T~ng ~ Benefil U~t 12 ri~t. d~ F~ ~ ~ch preli~ ~ssment roll ~d 13 fi~ nomad v,lor~ ~ment roll for I~ pu~ of u~ng the u~fo~ m~h~ of ~ll~ion 14 ~e t~ ~iM ~t for ~nl~ce oF the w~t~ ~g~nt ~stem ~ the 15 ~tificstion of t~ r~tion~ sr~ ~d m~i~ ~s, .~ 16 ~r~ is $1,473,5~ ~ w~ch equates to $195 15 ~r Equivalent Re~id~ti~ U~I b~ on 7.550.57 17 as~bh: units 18 ~e total ~s~ent for the ml~lis~t of Cspitd Re.me Funds for the mlnt~e 19 restoration of the ~nsemation or pre.me ~s. US 41 20 slre~ sign repl~ent ~thin lhe m~i~n ~, I~nd~ping improvmnls ~M US 41 ~tr~ 21 improvements ~thin the District. ufili~n8 ~n ~uiv~lent Residenfi~ U~ b~ m~h~olo~ The 22 to~d ~s~ent for the~ Capit~ Re.me Funds for the ~inte~ 23 improv~ents is ~7,7~.~ w~ch equates to $ g8.43 2a 7,55057 ~s~s~ble u~ts ~e total ~nts ~g~in~ the 25 fo~h in t~ pre~i~ ~s~ssm~t roll (r~n-~ v~lor~ ~l roll) stl~ ~r~o ~ E~bit E~bit 'A' is ~ fin~ ~t roll (~n-~d ~or~ ~t roll) 30 ~ roll (~n-~ v~or~n ~s~l mil), w~ch 31 I~t~ wi~hn t~ Pelion Bay Municipal S~ T~inff 32 follows: 33 34 A tract of land be4ng in portions of Sections 32 tnd 33, Township 48 So~th, R.tnge 35 25 ~; :o8~ ~th ~ions of S~ions 4. S, 8 ~d 9, To~p 49 S~th, 36 ~ngc 2S F~ Colllu County, ~ofidL ~ng o~ ~ t~ ~r~ ~ t~ la~s 37 ~mp~ by ~ Peli~ Bay Improv~nt ~fi~, t~ ~ ~u~ of 38 ~ ~re p~i~lady d~fi~ u follows: SEP- 9 1997 2 6 ? 9 10 I1 12 13 14 16 17 lB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 3O 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 Commencing at the Southct~st cornc'; of said Section 332 thence South 89 dcgrec~ 59 minutes SO ~:conds West ,,long the South linc of S~ion 33 a di~ of 15002 fe~ to m ~i~ on the West right.f-way Dine of U S 41 (State Road 45), ~d ~int ~Fo ~ing t~ Point of Bc~nnln~ t~n~ S~{~rly ~ong t~ Wc~ right.f-way linc or.id U. S. 41 (Stnlt Ro~d 4~) t~ ~ollo~ng ~r~: S~th ~ degass 58 minutes 36 ~s ~I a di~ o[ 2 49 f~; ther~ South ~ de~s S5 mi~tcs 29 ~nds ~asl a di~a~ of 3218 56 f~; then~ S~th ~ de~s S9 minutes 03 ~nds ~st a di~ of 2626.21 f~t; th~ Soulh OI degrees ~ ~nules 18 ~nds ~ m dist~ of 25S5.75 f~ to a point on the North dght-of-~y linc ofPin~ Rotd u r~rd~ in D~. 50. P[g¢ 4~, mmon8 the Public R~rds of md Collier <runty; tht~ dep~q~ng ~d IJS. 41 (Strait Road 45) South 89 dc~c~ ~ ~nutes 45 ~ndl West ~)ong ~id North fi$hl~f-way line I di~ance of 2~2 61 f~; th~ South ~ d~grees 51 m~tes 44 ~nd) ~st ~ dista~ of TO.~ f~ ~o a ~{nl OO lh¢ No~h line of S~gmte Unit I al t~rded in Plat B~k 3, Page R5 ~ng ~id ~bEc Re. rd,; t~ce South 89 de~s 09 minutes 45 ~nd= West ~on8 ~id North li~ of Sta~te Unit 1 and t~ S~th line ofuid S~ 9 a di~ of 24~.67 f~ ~o t~ S~(hwt~ ~ ofuid S¢~ion 9; th~ ~i~e S~th 89 degr~ ~ mlnute~ 45 ~ West a dist~nce of 225 f~ ~re ~ I~ to m ~inl on t~ ~n hi~ w,t~ li~ ~tabllsh~ May 15, 1968; th~ m N~w~ dlr~ion ~ong uid ~ high wmt~ li~ · di~t~ 15716 f~ more ~ ~; t~ d~ing ~d m~n high wmt~ li~ S~th 80 degr~ 29 minut~ 30 ~s ~ ~ ~on8 t~ S~t~fly line of Vand~ilt B~ch Road (State Ro~ 862) u r~rd~ in DB ]5, Page 121 among ~d ~blic R~rd~ a di~mn~ of 7385 f~ more or I~s to ~ ~int on uid Wes1 ~ght-of-~y li~ oFU S 41 (State ~ad 45); t~ S~lh ~ d~ 58 ~nut~ 36 ~ ~ ~ong ~id We~ h~t~f-wmy line ~ dislance of 2574.36 fee~ to the Poim of Beginning SE~IOh' THREE U~n *doption of this Resolution any ~ssmtnt may ~ paid a~ the O~cc of the Clerk ~mhin thJ~y (30) days thereafter, all ms~ssments ~11 be ~ll~ed pur~t to S~ions 1973632 and 197 3635, Florida Statutes, or any ~cccssor statutes muthorian8 lhe ~ll~tion of ~ch M~ssments on the Mae bil) ~s ad valorem taxes, which shall be billed with th~ ad v~orem t~cs thai b~me payable on Novembc~ 1, 1~7 ~nd delinquent on April 1, 1998 ~ION FOU~ The ~ssment ~h~l ~ fin~ ~d ~nclufiv¢ m.s to ~ch lo[ or p~cel ~s~ ~ny obje~ion* mg~n~ the ~akin8 of ~y u~s~ble improvements nol ~ made ~all ~ ~n~dcr~ as w~ved, ~d iffy obj~lion ~l ~ ~de ~d ove~led or shall not ~ ~slain~, the adoption of this rc~lulion mppro~ng thc fi~ ~m~t ~all ~ I~ fi~l adjudi~lion of the isles prc~n~cd unless prope~ steps sh~l ~ lak~ in m court of ~mpcl~t )ufi~ict{on 1o ~ur¢ relief wit~n twenty (20) days from the adoption ofthi~ Re~lution 5E~IO~ F[~. All u~ments s~ll ~nstitule m li~ u~n Ibc pro~my ~ ~s~ from the d~te of co~rmation of t~s Re~lution of the ~e natur~ and to the ~me ~ u t~ lien for ~unty t~xes falling due in the ~me y~ o~ yc~s in which ~ch ~ssm~t f~ls duc. ~d any ma~ssment not paid when due shall ~ ~11~ pur~Jant to Chapter 197, Flohda Statute, in the ~me manner ~ pro.ny t~es ate collected SECTION S~ ~e Clerk is hereby directed to r~rd t~s Re~lution ~ mil E~bits her~o in ~he ~ci.l R~ords of Collier County SE~ION S~. This Resolution sh~ll ~ effective immediately u~n its A¢~N~I .IIZN SEP- 9 1997 ,,...if__ 1 2 ? I0 I? 20 2! 22 This Re,ob.~ion sdo~ed thi~ 9~ day of Septeml:~, 1997, a. fl~' modo~, ~coM ~'1 majo~'y vo(g. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Approved r,s to tbrm ~ Count7 Att ornc'y BOARD Of COU'NTY COMMISSIONE,3.S COLLIER COUNTY, IIX)RI. DA BY: T1MOTHY L. HANCOCK CHAIRMAN SEP- 9 1967 PE I,:! CAN' · N BAY~ FL, A. qf SE'P- 9 1997