Ordinance 2003-67ORDINANCE NO. 03- 67 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 89-05, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY PROVIDING FOR: AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND MAP SERIES, THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN, THE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT, THE IMMOKALEE AREA MASTER PLAN; THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATON ELEMENT, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT, THE TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT, THE CONSERVATION AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT; AND THE ADDITION OF AN ECONOMIC ELEMEMT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Collier County, pursuant to Section 163.3161, et. seq., Florida Statutes, the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, was required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 provides authority for local governments to amend their respective comprehensive plans and outlines certain procedures to amend adopted comprehensive plans pursuant to Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, staff initiated amendments to the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) to add a new policy referencing the two Interlocal Agreements adopted in May 2003 by the Collier County School Board and the Board of County Commissioners; referencing the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Series depicting sites of existing and future school and school support facilities; referencing a map of existing school and school support facilities in the FLUE support document; and, identifying what zoning districts allow or prohibit school and school support facilities; and WHEREAS, staff initiated amendments to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Series to add new maps depicting sites containing existing school and school support facilities, and depicting undeveloped sites for future school and school support facilities. WHEREAS, staff initiated amending the Intergovernmental Coordination Element (ICE) to reflect the two Interlocal Agreements adopted in May 2003 by the Collier County School Board and the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, staff initiated amendments to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan to reference the two Interlocal Agreements adopted in May 2003 by the Collier County School Board and the Board of County Commissioners, and to cross-reference the FLUE and ICE policies and FLUM Series; and WHEREAS, staff initiated text amendments to the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Future Land Use Element and the Recreation and Open Space Element to incorporate the Community Character/Smart Growth principles adopted by the Community Character/Smart Growth Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, staff initiated amendments to the Goals, Objectives and Policies of both the County's Conservation and Coastal Management Element and the Future Land Use Element to incorporate the County Manatee Protection Plan; and WHEREAS, staff initiated the adoption of the Goals, Objectives and Policies of a new Economic Development Element to the Growth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, staff initiated amendments to the Capital Improvement Element (CIE), Transportation Element, and Future Land Use Element (FLUE) to revise Transportation Concurrency Management policies to establish real time checkbook concurrency; to establish two (2) Transportation Concurrency Management Areas (TCMAs), and to adopt a Map of Proposed TCMAs within the Urban Designated Area on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM); to establish a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA), and to' adopt a Map of the proposed TCEA within the Urban Designated Area on the FLUM; and to add policies providing for fairshare developer contributions to the multimodal transportation work program of a TCMA when directly impacting a deficient road segment within the TCMA; and WHEREAS, staff initiated amendments to the Future Land Use Element Airport Noise Area Overlay, and the Future Land Use Map to bring into compliance noise contour changes approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 14, 2000 by Ordinance No. 2000-43; and WHEREAS, Collier County did submit these Growth Management Plan amendments to the Department of Community Affairs for preliminary review on August 11, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs did review the amendments to the Future Land Use Element, the Future Land Use Map and Map Series, the Golden Gate Area Master Plan, the Recreation and Open Space Element, the Immokaiee Area Master Plan, the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, the Capital Improvement Element, the Transportation Element, the Conservation and Coastal Management Element; and the Economic Element to the Growth Management Plan and transmitted its findings in writing to Collier County within the time provided by law; and WHEREAS, Collier County has 60 days from receipt of the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report from the Department of Community Affairs to adopt, adopt with changes or not adopt the proposed amendments to the Growth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County did take action in the manner prescribed by law and did hold public hearings concerning the adoption of the Future Land Use Element, Future Land Use Map and Map Series, amendments to the Growth Management Plan on December 16, 2003; and WHEREAS, Collier County has gathered and considered additional information, data and analysis supporting adoption of these amendments, including the following: the Collier County Staff Report; the documents entitled Collier County Growth Management Plan Amendments, and other documents, testimony and information presented and made a part of the record at the meetings of the Collier County Planning Commission held on December 4, 2003, and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners held on December 16, 2003; and WHEREAS, all applicable substantive and procedural requirements of law have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, [ ~r ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLi? COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE: ADOPTIL,. OF AMENDMENTS TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts these amendments to the Future Land Use Element, Future Land Use Map and Map Series, the Immokalee Area Master Plan, the Golden Gate Area Master Plan Element, the Transportation Element, the Recreation and Open Space Element, the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, the Capital Improvement Element, the Coastal and Conservation Management Element, and the new Economic Element, in accordance with Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. The text and maps of the amendments are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and are incorporated by reference h~rein. SECTION TWO: SEVERABILITY. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION THREE: EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date of these amendments shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administration Commission finding the amendments in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, whichever occurs earlier. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on these amendments may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, these amendments may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a Resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which Resolution shall be sent to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Local Planning, 2555 Shumard Oaks Blvd., 3rd Floor, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this I{o"~day" of ~0..r ,2003. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ' BY: ~ _'~_ ,.. _ ' TOM~'I'-HI~I{IIq~ ~----~ Chairman ~ Approved as to form and legal suffiency: This ordinance filed with the 5_ta_te'~ Offi~e tim and ac kn ow ledge rn e n, tt4~t h at 4X 'JOlD sTU'DElqT - f" cei¥ d Assistant County Attorney o~~~ B y~J..~, Adoption Ordinance CPSP-2003-4, CPSP-2003-5, CPSP-2003-6, CPSP-2003-7, CPSP-2003-8, CPSP-2003-9 Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN ELEMENT IMMOKALEE AREA MASTER PLAN ELEMENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT CPSP-2003-4 #1. FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT New Policy 5.14 Policy 5.14: Public educational plants and ancillary plants: a. Existinq public educational plants and ancillary plants: The sites containin.q existin.q public, educational plants (schools and associated on-site facilities, includin.q sports stadiums, .qymnasiums and recreation areas) and ancillary plants Isupport facilities, includinq administrative offices, transportation facilities, maintenance yards, and bus barns) are depicted on the Future Land Use Map Series. This includes four sites where educational plants have been approved but construction either has not commenced or is not completed More detailed descriptions or depictions of all of the sites containinq these existinq educational plants and ancillary plants are contained in the FLUE Support Document. Expansion of these educational plants and ancillary plants on these existinq sites, as well as expansions to the sites themselves, are subject to the provisions outlined in the two Interlocal A.qreements adopted in accordance with Sections 163.3177(6)(h) and 163.31777, Florida Statutes, on May 15, 2003 by the Collier County School Board and on May 27, 2003 by the Board of County Commissioners, and subiect to the implementinq land development re.qulations to be adopted. Existinq sites for future public educational plants: The Collier County School Board has acquired numerous sites for which educational plants are planned for future development; these sites contain no existinq educational plants. Most of these sites are consistent with Iocational criteria in the FLUE, GGAMP, or lAMP, as applicable, and are allowed within tho existinq zoninq district on the property. These sites are depicted on the Future Land Use Map Series. As consistency is achieved for the remaining sites, via future Growth Manaqement Plan amen ~ments and/or zoninq amendments and/or conditional use ,,oprovals, these sites will be adde(~ to the Future Land Use Map Series. Development of the mapped sites shall bo subiect to the provisions of the two Interlocal Aqreements adopted in accordance with Sections 163.3177(6)(h) and 163.31777, Florida Statutes, on May 15, 2003 by the Collier County Sch._c.'~l Board and on May 27, 2003 by the Board of County CoP missioners, and subject to "h ~. implementin.q land development requlations to be adopi'~(L Existinq site~.~ for future public ancillary plants: The Collier County Schoc{ Board has acquired sites for whict' ancillary plants are planned for future development; these sites contain no .existinq ancillary plants. Most of these sites are consistent with Iocational criteria in the FLUE, GGAMP, or lAMP, as applicable, and are allowed within the existinq zonin,cl district on the property. These sites are depicted on the Future Land Use Map Series. As consistency is achieved for the remaininq sites, via future GMP amendments and/or zonin.q amendments and/or conditional use approvals, these sites will be added to the Future Lend Use Map Words struc!~ tSrcugh are deleted; words underlined are added. so Series. Development of the mapped sites shall be subject to the provisions of the two Interlocal Aqreements adopted in accordance with Sections 163.3177(6)(h) and 163.31777, Florida Statutes, on May 15, 2003 by the Collier County School Board and on May 27, 2003 by the Board of County Commissioners, and subiect to the implementinq land development regulations to be adopted. Future sites for public educational plants and ancillary plants: As additional sites for educational plants and ancillary plants are acquired by the Collier County School Board an,-', deemed to be consistent with the FLUE, GGAMP, or lAMP, as applicable, and allowed by existinq zoning on the site, these sites will be added to the Future Land Use Map Series, as provided for in the two Interlocal Aqreements adopted in accordance with Sections 163.3177(6)(h) and 163.31/'/'z, Florida Statutes, on May 15, 2003 by the Collier County ,School Board and on May 27, 2003 by the Board of County Commissioners. Future development of these sites will be subiect to the provisions of the two Interlocal Agreements, and subject to the implementinq land development regulations to be adopted. Pri~r to site: acquisition, the Collier County School District will provide notification to property owners a~ follows: 1) for sites located within the Urban Desi.qnated Area of the Future Land Uso, Element of the Growth Manaqement Plan, notice~ shall be sent to all owners of property within 500 linear feet of the property lines of the site under consideration for acquisition; 2) fol' sites not located within the Urban Desiqnated Area of the FLUE of the Growth Manaqement Plan, notices shall be sent to all owners of property within 1,000 linear feet of the property lines of the site under consideration for acquisition. At the public hearinq to consider the lan(I acquisition, all public commentary received as a result of these notices will be provided to tho Collier County School Board. Zoninq district provisions for future educational plants: Except to the extent that such would be in conflict with the Rural Frinqe Mixed Use District adopted on June 19, 2002, or the Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay adopted on October 22, 2002, all future educational plants shall be allowed in zoninq districts as follows: (1) Educational plants are prohibited in the Residential Tourist IRT), Golf Course (GC), Conservation (CON), Travel Trailer Recreational Vehicle Campqround (TTRVC). Business Park (BP), and Industrial (I) zoninq districts (2) Educational plants are permitted by riqht in all other zoninq districts. However, for a hiql~ school facility to be located in any residential zoning district, or Estates (E) zoninq district, or residential component of a PUD, a formal compatibility review and determination is required, as set forth in the Interlocal Aqreements adopted in accordance with Sections 163.3177(6)('h} and 163.31 [/¢~1 Florida Statutes, on May 15, 2,903 by the Collier County Schc. ol Board and on May 27, 2003 by the Board of County Cofamissioners Zoning district provisions for future ancillary plants: Except to the extent that such would be in conflict with the Rural Frinqe Mixed Use District adopted on June 10, 2002, or the Rural Landz.S~.ewardsh p Area Overlay adopted on October 22, 2002, all iuture ancillary plants ,shall b;~_allowed in zoninq districts as follows' -- .... (1) Ancili_ary plants are prohibited in the Residential Sinqle Family (RSF-1 throu.qh RSF-6), Mobila Home (MH), Travel Trailer Recreational Vehicle Camp.qm,Jnd (TTRVC), Golf Course (GC), and Conservation (CON) zoning districts. (2) Ancillary plants are permitted by right in the General Commercial (C-4), Heavy Commercial (C-5), and Industrial (I) zoning districts (3) Ancillary plants are permitted by conditior~al use approval in all other zoninq districts. Words samck t5rct:gh are deleted; words underlined are added. 2 #2 FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Future Land Use Map Series List FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES Future Land Use Map Mixed Use & Interchange Activity Centers Properties Consistent by Policy (5.9, 5.10, 5.11) Natural Resources Wetlands Map Wellhead Protection Areas Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay Map Stewardship Overlay Map Rural Lands Study Area Natural Resource Index Maps Existinq Public Educational Plants (Schools) and Ancillary Plants (Support Facilities) Existinq Sites For Future Public Educational Plants and Ancillary Plant~ #3 FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES see two NEW Maps titled: "Existing Public Educational Plants (Schools) and Ancillary Plants (Support Facilities)" and "Existing Sites For Future Public Educational Plants and Ancillary Plants" #4 GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN ELEMENT New Policy 1.1.7 Policy 1.1.7: The sites containinq existin.q public educational plants and ancillary plants, and the undeveloped sites owned by the Collier County School Board for future public educational plants and ancillary plants, within the GGAMP area, are depicted on the Future Land Use Map Series in the countywide FLUE, and referenced in FLUE Policy 5.14 and Interqovernmental Coordination Element Policy 1.2.6. All of these sites are subiect to the two Interlocal Aqreements adopted in accordance with Sections 163.3177(6)(h) and 163.31777, Florida Statutes, on May 15, 2003 by th~; Collier County School Board and on May 27, 2003 by the Board of County Commissioners, an~l subject to the implementinq land development requlations to be adopted. All future educational plants and ancillary plants shall be allowed in zoninq districts as set forth in FLUE Policy 5.14. #5 IMMOKALEE AREA MASTER PLAN ELEMENT New Policy 11.1.7 Polic',~..~ 1.7: The sk~.~ containinq existinq public educational plants and ancillm~.~.ants, and the undeveloped sites owr~ed by the Collier County School Board for future public ed,.~cational plants and ancillary plants, wi;hin the lAMP area, are depicted on the Future Land Use IV.~p Series in the countywide FLUE, and referenced in FLUE, Policy 5.14 and Interqovernmental Coordination Element, Policy 1.2.6. All of these sites are subiect to the two Interlocal Aqreements adopted in accordance with Sections 163.3177(6)(h) and 163.31777, Florida Statutes,' on May 15, 2003 by the Collier County School Board and on May 27, 2003 by the Board of County Commissioners, and subject to th~; implementinq land development re.qulations to be adopted. All future educational plants an~! ancillary plants shall be allowed in zoninq districts as set forth in FLUE, Policy 5.14. Words str'.:c!z through are deleted; words underlined are added. 3 #6 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT Revise Policy 1.2.6 Policy 1.2.6: The County shall continue to coordinate with the Collier County School Board on the site selection for new schcolc public educational plants and ancillary plants and the provision of infrastructure, particularly roads, to support existing and proposed public educational plants and ancillary plants schccl fac!!!tlcc in accordance with the two Interlocal Agreements adopted in accordance with r-.~,.,.,,,,...., ,~,-.-~, Sections 163.3177(6)(h) and 163.31777, Florida StatuteS, on May 15, 2003 by the Collier County School Board and on May 27, 2003 by the Board of County Commissioners J'.-'Rc 25, !995. CPSP-03-4 exhibit A Adoption per CCPC rec. G, Comp, Comp Plan Amendments, 2003 cycle GMP Am dw/12-5-03.DCA Final/ink/12-12-03 ...... ~' are deleted; words underlined are added. 4 Words ....... through Exhibit A EXISTING SITES FOR FUTURE PUBLIC ED UCA TIONAL PLAN'I'S AND ANCILLARY PLAN'I'S :. ;, ?-:~_i Z 2-_-: ~ - __ ,, HUN fER BLVD .... _....... -':--'"?~t:TM¢:.!ii:: '?;:L~¢~i'- .... // · = EDbCATIONAL AN0/OR . . ,'~%. -,. , -, C, SCALE -"==~"'-' £ ~ X-': ~.~-'-~ 2 .... ¥ X'---,, >",~2C~*.~ ' Exhibit A EXIS~G PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL PLANTS (SCHOOLS) AND ANCILLAR Y PLANTS (SUPPORT FACILITIES) COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC S(~-IOOLS ' · 2 i LEE COUNTY OP INSET: IMMOKALEE INSET: EVERGLADES CITY EVERCLAOES SCALE LEGEND: EXTSTING MIDDLE SCHOOLS ~ OA~,R DSE (~ MANATEE ~ GOLDEN ,,,~7~ mINE RD, CE ,5~ EAS-NAPLES (~ GLLrV,?/¢ LEGEND: EXISTING HIGH SCHOOLS ~ BARRON ZOL~ER ~ ]UL; CCAST ~r~ GOLDEN ~ LELY (~) IMMOKA.EE I LEGEND: OTHER SCHOOL~ ~.~ ¢¢ALKER NOT TJTE OF TECHNOLOGY (~ EVERGLADES SCHOOL LEGEND: FACILITIES ADMIN STRATION CENTER T~ANSPCRTATON -ACILITY (BY ~C~S) IMMOKALEE TRANSPORTATION ¢ICILI'Y BUS BARN (C.R.-8§4-) FORMER ADMIN S-RATION CENTE~ TERRACE CENTER NGRT- LEGEND: EXTSTING ELEMENTARY $CHOOLS Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT CPSP-2003-5 FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Urban - Mixed Use District 7. ~"'"~*"----' kl~...,kk~..k~..4' n..,.,' :- Residential Mixed Use Neighborhood Subdistrict [page 25] ................= .............. =" The purpose of this p:cv!c!cn Subdistrict is to encourage thc dcvc!cpmcn! of Tmd!t!cr, cl &,..;..~.~...~.,~..,~ r~,.,.;.~. /T~,r~ ,.,,.;,~..+.. T.Nn .... +"~';"""" human-scaled, pedestrian-oriented, interconnected residential neighborhood projects that include ~-~ c~t~:~d ...... .~ .~ ,.,, ....... ';:!th a mix of commercial uses~,,,~,._,,,;-"-',.'~;'-g ,...-,,,'"+";~ cfi!cc, .,,..""'~ civic amenities~ and institutional~uses that complement each other. .................. :)"";'~""+;"' ........c~c.", "-"-'+'-'~.. -.~... ..... c+-,;' ................. uccc, The purpose of the commercial component is to provide retail, office and personal service uses to serve the need,.'~ of the subject nei.qhborhood and surroundinq residential nei.qhborhoods where there is no existin!'l nearby opportunity for those commercial needs to be met. Within the commercial component, mixed use residential/commercial is allowed. The commercial component may be located internal to the proiect or alon.q the boundary; if externally located, road frontaqe and access should be restricted so as not to promote strip commercial development. A grid pattern is u. sually the basis for the transportation network and typically includes interconnections for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles. Within one year of the effective date of the requlations establishin.q this Subdistrict, tho Land Development Code shall be amended, as necessary, to implement this Subdistrict Thc ~,f,~l,..~ ~i +l~n n..~;,.-~,.-.+ ~,;+h ~ r'n~v;rY,..rn ,,'~.1: iF: "~,'~','~', /~i ,",,'~.'nm~.,~;..-,I n,'~.'mPd'nri C:~(',',~flr, I,-,~-r,l~ L',l~ll I~,. Projects developin.q pursuant to the requlations qoverninq this Subdistrict shall comply with tha followinR standards and criteria: a. Uses in the commercial component are limited to those allowed in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zoninq districts as contained in the Collier County Land Development Code in effect as of the date of adoption of this Plan amendment (Decel :,ber 16, 2003). b. The boundaries of the commercial component shall be no closer than 1/~ mile radial distance from the boundaries of the nearest site zoned commercial, developed commercial, or desiRnated in the Growth Manaqement P;~n for commercial uses. The commercial component shall be "9/ar(3er than 10 acres in size and shall not exceed 80,000 square feet of Rross leasable floor area. A maximum of one acre of land for colar~!ercial uses is allowed for each five acres of land for .r. esidential uses. No sinole commercial use in the commercial component shall exceed 15,000 square feet o1' Rross leasable floor area, except that a Rrocery store or supermarket shall not excccd 45,000 square feet of Rross leasable floor area The maximum floor area ratio for commercial uses is 0.25 For freestandinq residential uses, acreaqe to be used for calculatin.q d;nsity is exclusive of the commercial component and of any acreaqe component for a use wiih a residential equivalency, Words in single :~',:e '-~rcugh arc deletions, and words in single underline are additions - as Transmitted on 7/29/03. Words in ~z'_'S:z ::r:.'.:z :.'..rz::;l~ are deletions, and words in double underliqe~ are additions - since Transmittal. e.q. ALF-adult livin.q facility. For properties not located in the Urban Residential Frinqe, eli.qibh:.. density shall be as allowed by the FLUE Density Ratin.q System, or as allowed under tho existing residential zoninq district, or as otherwise allowed by FLUE, Policy 5.1. FoLDrooertie.,; located in the Urban Residential Frinqe, eligible density shall be as allowed by that Subdistrict. h. For residential uses located within the commercial component of the project - whether Iocatecl above commercial uses in the same buildin.q, in an attached buildinq, or in a freestandinq buildinq - density is calculated based upon the .qross project acrea.qe. For properties not located in the Urban Residential Frinqe, eliqible density is the base density allowed by th~; Density Ratin.q System, less any reductions. For properties located in the Urban Residential Frinqe, eliqible density shall be as allowed by that Subdistrict. i. The proiect is encouraqed to use a qrid street system, or portion thereof, so as to affor~l maximum opportunity for interconnections with surroundinq properties and t~o provide multiplo route alternatives. j. The commercial component shall be interconnected with the residential component of tho proiect by streets, sidewalks or other pedestrian pathways, and bike lanes, unless precluded by the existence of wetlands or other environmentally sensitive habitats. In such instance, no les:; than one type of interconnection shall be provided k. The proiect shall provide street, pedestrian pathway and bike lane interconnections witl~ adiacent properties, where possible and practicable I. All buildinqs shall be limited to five stories in heiqht, inclusive of under building parking, m. The commercial component of the proiect shall be internally located with no direct access to adiacent external roadways, or the commercial component shall have frontaqe on a roa~'1 classified as an arterial or collector in the Transportation Element n. If the commercial component is not internally located, then its frontaqe shall be no .qreater than twice its depth. ' o. For proiects located along an arterial or collector road, the number and type of access point:: shall be limited, as appropriate, so as to minimize disruption of traffic flow on the adiacenl. arterial or collector roadway. Urban - Commercial District 8. Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict [new] The purpose of this Subdistrict is to encouraqe the development and re-development or commercially zoned properties with a mix of residential and commercial uses. The residential use;; may be located above commercial uses, in an attached building, or in a freestandinq building. Such mixed-use projects are intended to be developed at a humar{-scale, pedestrian-oriented, and interconnected with adjacent projects - whether commercial or residential. Within one year of tho effective date of this Subdistrict, the Land Development Code shall be amended, as necessary, to implement dev-,loping pursuant to the requlation qoverninq this Subdistm2 Projects developin(3 pursuant to the re.qulatons governing this Subdis*rict shall comply with the followinq stan¢!ards and criteria: 1. _T. hfi_.,:, Subdistrict is applicable to the C-1 throu.clh C-3 zoning .d_;;~tricts, and to commercial P!~l_O_s and the commercial component of mixed use PUD? where those commercial us(~s are comparable to those found in the C-1 through (3-3 zo:',in.q districts. 2. (3on~:mercial uses and development standards shall be i~ accordance with the commercial zoninq district on the subject property. 3. Residential density is calculated based upon the .qross commercial proiect acrea.qe. Fo,' property in the Urban Residential Frinqe Subdistrict, density shall be as limited by thai Subdistrict. For property not within the Urban Residential Frinqe Subdistrict but withh-~ the Coastal High HaT,ard Area, density shall be limited to four dwelling units per acre Words in single strike tkrcugh are deletions, and words in single underline are additions - as Transmitted on 7/29/03. Words in :2~'.:'~!z ....:'-~ "- ..... ~ Transmittal. ~ ............ ~.. are deletions, and words in ~ are additions - since For property not within the Urban Residential Frinqe Subdistrict and not within the Coastal Hiqh Hazard Area, density shall be limited to sixteen dwellin.q units per acre_ In the case of residential uses located within a buildinq attached to a commercial buildinq or in the case of a freestandinq residential buildinq, buildin.q square foota.qe and acreaqe devoted to residential uses shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) of thn .qross buildin.q square foota.qe and acreaqe of the proiect. Street, pedestrian pathway and bike lane interconnections with adjacent prbperties, where possible and practicable, are encouraqed Urban - Mixed Use District 14. Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict [new] The purpose of this Subdistrict is to encouraqe the development and re-development of commercially zoned properties with a mix of residential and commercial uses. The residential use~ may be located above commercial uses, in an attached buildinq, or in a freestandinq buildinq. Such mixed-use projects are intended to be developed at a human-scale, pedestrian-oriented, and interconnected with adiacent proiects - whether commercial or residential. This Subdistrict is allowed in the Urban - Mixed Use District subiect to the standards and criteria set forth under the Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict in the Urban - Commercial District. Urban - Commercial District 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict [page 41 - new 5th paragraph] For residential development, if a project is within the boundaries of a Mixed Use Activity Center which is not within the Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict or Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict, up to 16 residential units per gross acre may be permitted. This density may be distributed throughout the project, including any portion located outside of the boundary of the Mixed Use Activity Center. Mixed use developments - whether consistinq of residential units located above commercial uses, in an attached buildinq, or in a freestandinq buildin.q - are allowed. Such mixed-use projects are intended to be developed at a human-scale, pedestrian-oriented, and interconnected with adjacent projects - whether commercial or residential. Street, pedestrian pathway and bike lane interconnections with adiacent properties, where possible and practicable, are encouraqed Density is calculated based upon the .qross project acreaqe within the Activity Center. If such a project is located within the boundaries of a Mixed Use Activity Center which is not within tho Urban Residential Frin.qe Subdistrict and is not within the Coastal Hi.qh Hazard Area, the eli.qible (~znsity is sixteen dwellin.q units per acre. If such a proiect is :ocated within the boundaries of a Mixed Use Activity Center that is not within the Urban Residential Frinqe Subdistrict but is within the Coastal Hiqh Hazard Area, the eliqible density shall be limited to four dwellinq units per acre. If s~'~h a proiect is located within the boundaries of a Mixed Use Activity Center which is within the Ur~:~an Residential Frinqe Subdistrict, eli.qible density shall l.,e as allowed by that Subdistrict. Po!icy 5.1: [page 17] All ~ezonings must be consistent with this Growth Management Plan. Property zoned prior to adoption of the Plan (January 10, 1989) and found to be consistent through the Zoning Re-evaluation Program are consistent with the Growth Management Plan and designated on the Future Land Use Map series as Properties Consistent by Policy. Zoning changes will be permitted to these properties, and to other properties deemed consistent with this Future Land Use Element via Policies 5.9 through 5.12, provided the amount of commercial land use, industrial land use, · Words in single s~-;,kc tSrcug,t,, are deletions, and words in single underline are additions - as Transmitted on 7/29/03. Words in ~7.'--'~'.:. 'sir:2:.: :.'-.rz::gh are deletions, and words in g[R~ are additions - since Transmittal. 3 permitted number of dwelling units, and the overall intensity of development allowed by the new zoning district, except as allowed by Policy 5.11: are not increased. For these properties approved for commercial and residential uses, an increase in the number of dwellinq units may be permitted if accompanied by a reduction in commercial area such that the overall intensity of development allowed by the new zoninq district is not increased. Further, thou.qh an increase in overall intensity may result, for these properties approved for commercial uses, residential units may be added ~.~ provided for in the Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION: Policy 1.1: The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistricts for: A. URBAN- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. MIXED USE DISTRICT Urban Residential Subdistrict Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict Business Park Subdistrict Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict ................ ~ .......... Residential Mixed Use Neiqhborhood Subdistrict Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict Research and Technology Park Subdistrict Buckley Mixed-Use Subdistrict Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict URBAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict Business Park Subdistrict Research and Technology Park Subdistrict Livingston Road/Eatonwood Lane Commercial Infill Subdistrict Livingston Ro~fi Commercial Infill Subdistrict Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict URBAN DESlGNATICN [page 21] Non-residential uses ir:c!dding: 12. Commercial uses su;.~iect to criteria identified in the Urban-Mixed Use District, F'UD Neighborhood Village Ce;~ter Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, -r....~,i......, ~,...~g~.~....~....,,~ ,-~..,.~,.,. o, '~"~"*'~'"t, Residential Mixed Use Neiqhborhood Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill District, and Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, and Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict, and in the Urban Commercial District, Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict, and Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, and Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and Henderson Creek Words in single ~ . ............. oh are deletions, and words in single underline are additions - as Transmitted on 7/29/03. Words in '2'~".:5!': :::r!l:: tSrcu~_h are deletions, and words in double underline are additions - since Transmittal. 4 Mixed Use Subdistrict, and Livingston Road/Eatonwood Lane Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and Livingston Road Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and~Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict, and in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay. FUTURE LAND USE MAP See two attached maps: Future Land Use Map - Existing Future Land Use Map - Proposed: change name of "Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict" to "Residential Mixed Use Neighborhood Subdistdct", and add "Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict" under both the Urban - Mixed Use District and Urban - Commercial District. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT The proposed text amendments to the Recreation and Open Space Element (ROSE) will be added after Policy 1.6.1, beginning on page 4 of the ROSE, and are as follows: [all new, beginning on page 4] GOAL 2: THE COUNTY SHALL DEVELOP A NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SYSTEM TO PROVIDI- USEABLE OPEN SPACE TO ME,-I THE RECREATIONAL NEEDS OF RESIDENT~ WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. Obiective 2.1 By the year 2010, the County Parks and Recreation Department will develop a Neiqhborhood Park Plan to identify qeneral areas where neiqhborhoods miqht request sites for future neiqhborhood parks. Policy 2.1.1 The Parks and Recreation Department will develop a Nei.qhborhood Park Plan and identify those sites or qeneral areas for neighborhood parks on a Nei.qhborhood Park Master Plan. This Plan will be developed by the year 2010 with citizen input to determim, the types of recreational facilities particular communities would like to see within thei, neiahborhoods. Policy 2.1.2 The County shall amend the Land Development Code to include a new definition of useablo open space that will provide for an open space area to be used as a neiqhborhood park fo, t;~._.~, recreational needs of the surroundinq area. policy 2.1.3 N,m,w neiqhborhood parks will be carefully sited and intenho, nally inte.qrated into existin.q 'e.qdential neiqhborhoods, and shall be desiqned accordi%q to the principles of Crime i'%~.vention Throuqh Environmental Desi.qn (CPTED). Nei.qi~.borhood parks may also be co- ;oca[ed with churches, schools, or other recreational facilities Policy 2.1.4 The County shall investi,qate the utilization of tax credits or other incentives for property pwners who wish to dedicate land to the County to meet the recreational needs cl' neiqhborhood parks. Words in sin¢le .... ;~-~ *'~ ...... ~ ~ · ............... ~,, m'e deletions, and words in single underline are additions - as Transmitted on 7/29/03. Words in '2~':.~!':. .... :,.~ ,,- ..... h Transmittal. . ............. ..... are deletions, and words in double underlin¢ are additions - since Policy 2.1.5 The County shall encoura.qe the development of pedestrian pathways and bike lanes from the surroundinq residential communities to park sites. GOAL 3: THE COUNTY SHALL DEVELOP A COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL PARK SYSTEM TO PROVIDE USEABLE OPEN SPACE TO MEET THE RECREATIONAL NEEDS OF RESIDENTS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. Obiective 3.1 By the year 2010, the Parks and Recreation Department will develop a Community and Reqional Park Plan to provide larqer parks and recreational facilities as well as passive open space within a 15 to 20 minute drive of residents within the coastal Urban Desiqnated Area, the Immokalee Urban Desiqnated Area, and Northern Golden Gate Estates (this excludes Conservation desiqnated areas, Aqricultural/Rural desiqnated areas, Southern Golden Gate Estates, and the outlying Urban Desi.qnated Areas of Copeland, Port of the Islands, Plantation Island and Chokoloskee/. This plan will include the identification of future community and reqional park sites (or .qeneral areas), park improvements, cost estimates, and Potential fundinq sources. The principles of Crime Prevention Throuqh Environmental Desiqn (CPTED) will be integrated into the plannin.q and development of the Community and Reqional Park sites_ Policy 3.1.1 The Parks and Recreation Department will acquire land to meet the needs of tho Community and Reqional Park Plan, includinq sufficient land to allow for a portion of theso sites to remain in passive open space. Policy 3.1.2 The Parks and Recreation Department will desiqn and construct the new community and regional parks. Policy 3.1.3 The County shall continue to partner with the Collier County Public Schools to co-locate parks in coniunction with new school sites as they are identified and developed. Policy 3.1.4 The County shall continue to update the parks and ,ecreation impact fees to keep pace with increased land acquisition and development costs fu~' community and reqional parks. Policy 3,1.5 The County shall investiqate the utilization of tax t redits or other incentives for property owners who wish to dedicate land to the Cot~,~J,,, to meet the recreational needs of community and reqional parks. Policy 3.1.6 The County shall encouraqe the development of pedestrian pathways and bike lanes fro~-o the surroundinq residential communities to park sites. Policy 3.1.7 By the year 2010, the Parks and Recreation Department and the Transportation Operations Department will investiqate the utilization of the existinq canal and power line easements to Words in single cfr!kc tSrzugh are deletions, and words in single underline are additions - as Transmitted on 7/29/03. Words in ""'"" ..... :'-~ "- ..... ...................... gl, are deletions, and words in ~ are additions - since Transmittal. create a qreenway system throughout the coastal Urban Designated Area, the Immokaleo Urban Desiqnated Area, and Northern Golden Gate Estates (this excludes Conservatio[, designated areas, Aqricultural/Rural desiqnated areas, Southern Golden Gate Estates, an~t the outlying Urban desiqnated areas of Copeland, Port of the Islands, Plantation Island an~J Chokoloskee). CPSP-03-5 exhibit A Adoption per CCPC rec. G, Comp, Comp Plan Amendments, 2003 cycle GMP Am dw/12-5-03-DCNmk. 12.12.03/fina112-19-03 Words in single 'strike tkrcx:g~ are deletions, and words in single underline are additions - as Transmitted on 7/29/03. Words ' .~^.a., ..... :,.~ ,~. ..... ~. Transmittal. tn .. ......................~.. are deletions, and words in double underlirl¢ are additions - since 7 T62S T53S j $ L'~ ,L s 61, J. t8 6t .l. Exhibit A CONSERVATION AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT CPSP-2003-6 MARINA SITING CRITERIA FOR ALL REMAINING COASTAL AREAS WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY CCME, Policy 7.1.2(2)(h) [page 31] CCME, OBJECTIVE 7.2 [page 32] "Historical data from 1990-1996 shows that the average number of manatee deaths in Collier County due to incidents with watercraft is approximately 3.2 per year per 10,000 boats. Through Policies 7.2.2 through -7,2=4 7.2.3, the County's objective is to minimize the number of manatee deaths due to boat related incidents." CCME, Policy 7.2.1 [page 32] "The County shall apply the marina siting criteria contained in O..,;..,, '7, o /,~/~ C' +~';" , ~,,~. .... ~ ~.,...1~, ,i , ~, elemem~the Collier County's Manatee Protection Plan (NR-SP-93-01)l May 1995 in order to direct increased boat traffic away from sensitive manatee habitats." CCME, Policy 7.2.3 [page 32] "In order to protect manatees, marinas shall be discouraged in designated manatee critical habitat unless other protective measures are provided. (Reference Coastal and Conservation Mana.qement Eiament, Policy of this Element). The County shall maintain the manatee ,a~otection speed zones that were adopted in Collier Count~ Manatee Protection Plan .(.~'R---_SP-93-01 ), May 1995 and make revisions as needed. Th~ County shall continue to work with appropriate State and Federal agencies to identify areas where the use of propell~:r driven boats may be restricted or prohibited, or where speed zones may need to be changed." CCME, OBJECTIVE 10.1 [page 37] "Priorities for shoreline land use shall be given to water dependent uses over water related land uses and shall be based on type of water-dependent use, adjacent land use, and surrounding marine and upland habitat considerations. The Collier County Words underlined are added; words ~ are deleted: Manatee Protection Plan (NR-SP-93-01) May 1995 restricts the location of marinas and' may limit the number of wet slips, the construction of dry storage facilities, and boat ramps, based upon the Plan's marina sitinq criteria." FLUE, URBAN DESIGNATION [page-1-8--1-9 20] "1. URBAN DESIGNATION: Urban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: b. Non-residential uses including: 1. Essential services as defined by the most recent Land Development Code. 2. Parks, open space and recreational uses; 3. Water-dependent and water-related uses (see Conservation and Coastal Management Element, Objective 11.1 10.1 and subsequent policies and the ~""'"*"" ='"*""*~'"" ~"~- Collier County Manatee Protection Plan (NR SP-93-01 ), May 1995 ""'-*-,;,,,-.~ ;,, *~-,- ~ .-,,~ r~ .... , ....., r,,,~,,~. 4. Child care centers; 5 .... 17." FLUE, A. Urban - Mixed Use District [page :19-22] 'q'his District, which represents approximately 116,000 acres, is intended to accommodate a variety of residential and non-residential land uses, including mixed-use developments such as Planned Unit Developments. Certain industrial and commercial uses are also allowed subject to criteria. This may be accomplished by encouraging coordinated mixed-use sites of water-dependent and water-related land uses are permitted within the coastal region of this District. Mixed-use sites of water-dependent and water-related uses and other recreational uses may include water-related parks, marinas (public or private), yacht clubs, and related accessory and recreational uses, such as boat storage, launching facilities, fueling facilities, and restaurants. Any water- dependent and/or water-related land use shall encourage the use of the Planned Unit b~'velopment technique and other innovative approaches to conserve environmentally sensitive features and to assure compatibility with surrounding land uses. Note: Collier County's Land Development Code allows for the construction of private boathouses and d(--cks as an accessory use to permitted uses in the followinq zoninq districts: Rural .,~:ricultural (A), Residential Sinqle Family, (RSF 1-6), Resi~j~',3tial Multiple Family (RMF ?_& 12, 16), Residential Tourist (RT), Villaqe Residential (¥~.), and Mobile Home (MH). Marinas are a permitted use in the Commercial (C-3) and Commercial (C-4) Districts. Ma'inas are permitted as a conditional use in the RT District. I. larinas and boat ramps are permitted as a conditional use in the Community Facility (CF) District. Boat yard.~; and marinas are permitted as a conditional use in the VR District. The Collier County Manatee Protection Plan (NR-SP-93-01) May 1995 restricts the location of marinas and may limit the number of wet slips, the construction of dry stora.qe facilities, and boa[ ramps, based upon the Plan's marina sitinq criteria." CPSP-03-6 exhibit A Adoption per CCPC rec. G, Comp, Comp Plan Amendments, 2003 cycle GMP DCNmk-12-12-03 Words underlined are added; words ctr'.:'ck thrc'--'.~h are deleted: ECONOMIC ELEMENT Exhibit A ECONOMIC ELEMENT CPSP-2003-7 GOAL 1: Collier County will achieve and maintain a diversified and stable economy by providinq a positive business climate that assures maximum employment opportunities while maintaininq a hi,qh quality of life OBJECTIVE 1.1: Collier County will encouraqe the conservation and enhancement of those natural, cultural, and social resources that represent the foundation of the County's existin.q retirement, recreation, and tourist-oriented economy, in order to place the County in a competitive position to enable the retention and expansion of these and other business opportunities. POLICY 1.1.1: Collier County will encouraqe the development of diverso cultural facilities throu.qh public, private, or public/private partnerships that meet the needs of the residents and visitors of the County POLICY 1.1.2: Collier County will support the opportunity for development and establishment of hospitals, nursinq homes and additional medical related facilities in order to promote a continuum of care to enhance the quality of life throu.qhout the County. POLICY 1.1.3: Collier County will cooperate with state entities and other social service providers to encouraqe the establishment of programs and facilities that assist the elderly population of the County POLICY 1.1.4: Collier County will work with the sheriff, fire districts municipalities, and other appropriate entities to provide a stronq public safety program capable of protectinq the citizens of the County and their property POLICY 1.1.5: Collier County will support recvcliml pro(~rams in the Coup;y to protect natural resources, conserve enerqy, prolong the useful life of landfhls, and maintain a positive public imaqe. POLICY 1.1.6: Collier County will support the protection of the environm,,nt that sustains the commercial fishinq and tourist industries by opposina-~,h-~e leasinq of off-sh~re tracts for the purpose of oil exploration and drillin.ql ~'h.'~ County will oppose off-shore oil drillinq in the re.qion south of Latitude £7 deqrees north to ~he state waters north of the Florida Keys and west ',~ Lonqitude 86 deqrees west. POLICY 1.1.7: Collier County will encouraqe the preservation of sensitive natural resources, includin.q beaches, wetlands, estuaries, clean air and water, historic resources, scenic vistas and other unique natural resources. Words underlined are added; words ~'-,~- *~- ..... ~- ............. o.. are deleted, 1 POLICY 1.1.8: Collier County, in response to the current and proiected needs of its residents, will encouraqe a diverse mix of housin.q types, sizes, prices, and rents. ' OBJECTIVE 1.2: Collier County will support proqrams that are desiqned to expand and enhance the tourism industry. POLICY 1.2.1: Collier County will continue to support the area's domestic and international tourism pro.qrams to ensure continuation and expansion of the tourism industry. POLICY 1.2.2: Collier County will continue to support the local tourism industry and work with the community to position the County as a friendly and hospitable visitor destination. POLICY 1.2.3: Collier County will support appropriate entities toward positioninq the County as a major aviation international port of entry. POLICY 1.2.4: Collier County will support the research efforts of appropriate entities to accurately measure the economic impact of tourism and provide information for plannin.q, marketinq and manaqement of tourism for both thn private and public sectors. POLICY 1.2.5: Collier County will support the development of ecotourism in the County. OBJECTIVE 1.3: Collier County will support proqrams which are desiqned to promote and encoura.qe the recruitment of new industry as well as the expansion and retention of existinq industries in order to diversify the County's economic base. POLICY 1.3.1: Collier County will support efforts to formulate an economic development plan to assist local orqanizations in fosterinq the expansion and diversification of the County's economic base. POLICY 1.3.2: Collier County, in support of appropriate entities, will support a coordincted local, reqional, national, and international marketing ere.qram that will idemi;y and attract industrial, commercial, and office space users POLICY 1.3.3: Collier County will support the preparation of an ,-qnual report on the pro.qress of economic development in the County. POLICY 1,3.4: Collier County will support a marketinq pro.qm. ;. ~'o actively pursue and encoura.qe businesses to relocate to the County. POLICY 1.3.5: Collier County will study the economic incentives utilized bV various Florida cities and counties that may also be utilized by Collier County to place it in a competitive position to attract new businesses Words underlined are added; words ~'-.-~- *~- .....~. ............. e,,. are deleted, 2 POLICY 1.3.6: Collier County, in coordination with appropriate entities, will support the expansion of international banking and finance industry to better accommodate the needs of international visitors to the area and that of local firms enqaqed in qlobal markets. POLICY 1.3.7: Collier County will support the location of business and indu~tn! in the Forei.qn Trade Zone located at the Immokalee Airport. POLICY 1.3.8: Collier County, in coordination with appropriate entities, will continue proqrams that encouraqe and assist in the location of new companies that build on the traditional economic base POLICY 1.3.9: Collier County will support the preparation of an annual report on the pro.qress of existing industry expansions and traditional industry starts. POLICY 1.3.10: Collier County will support the protection and promotion of itc existinq water port developments. POLICY 1.3.11: Collier County will actively pursue state and federal fundinq for transportation improvements to the local, regional, state, and national hiqhway system in the County. POLICY 1.3.12: Collier County, in coordination with other appropriate entities, will support the establishment and retention of small businesses throu.qhout tho County. POLICY 1.3.13: Collier County will encoura.qe aqriculture industry programs to maintain or improve its economic viability, provide necessary support and promote Collier County produce. OBJECTIVE 1.4: Collier County will support the economic development qoals. efforts and community involvement of nonprofit orqanizations, civic associations and !ocal .qroups and proqrams. POLICY 1.4.1 Collier County will support the economic development initiatives of reqional nonprofit orqanizations POLICY 1.4.2 Collier County will support the economic development .qoals and efforts of countywide or,qanizations. POLICY 1.4.3 Collier County will suppor', ti~e economic development efforts of localized orqanizations. OBJECTIVE 1.5 Collier County will encoura.qe t,le expansion and development of educational facilities and proqrams that complement economic development and diversification. POLICY 1.5.1: Collier County will continue to coordinate With and assist th,:: Collier County School Board in the orderly and rational expansion o1' educational facilities that enhance economic .qrowth and a desired quality of life. Words underlined are added; words sm~4t-r-ou~ are deleted, 3 POLICY 1.5.2: Collier County will promote the development of programs and facilities at institutions of hiqher learnin.q, includinq business and commerce, health services, technoloqies, and education careers POLICY 1.5.3: Collier County will encouraqe institutions of hiqher learninq to develop cooperative and inteqrated curriculums that enhance and increase th~; productivity of the local work force and attract industries and skilled workers. OBJECTIVE 1.6: Collier County will maintain a system of development requlation,,; that will promote the accomplishment of the qoals, obiectives, and policies of thi,-; Element. POLICY 1.6.1 Collier County will periodically review its land developmenl re.qulations for consistency with the Collier County Growth Manaqement Plan promote the accomplishment of the qoals, obiectives and policies of thi,,; Element. CPSP-03-7 exhibit A Adoption with CCPC recommendation C, Comp, Comp Plan Amendments, 2003 cycle GMP dw/12-5-03 - DCNmk-12-12-03 Words underlined are added; words ~-~- .............. gh are deleted, 4 Exhibit A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTELEMENT/TRANSPORTATION/FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENTS CPSP-2003-8 [CIE - Page 12] Policy 1.5.3: The concurrency requirement of the Transportation Level of Service Standards of this Growth Management Plan will be achieved or maintained if any one of the following standards of the Concurrency Management System is met: ' The necessary facilities and services are in place at the time a final site development plan, final plat or buildinq permit is issued; or The necessary facilities and services are under construction or the contract for such facilities and services has been let at the time a final site development plan, final plat or buildinq permit is issued; or The necessary facilities and services are in the first or second year of the Schedule of Capital Improvements, and the Collier County Annual Bud(let adopted followin,q each AUIR at the time a final site development plan, final plat or buildin,q permit is issued; or The necessary facilities and services are in the first or second year of FDOT 5-Year Work Proqram at the time a final site development plan, final plat or buildinq permit is issued; or The final Focal development order is for a proiect located within a TCEA or TCMA desiqnated pursuant to this Plan and meets the applicable requirements of Policies 5.5 throuqh 5.8 of the Transportation Element The necessary facilities and services are the subiect of a bindin.q commitment with the developer to contribute fair share fundin.q as provided for in Policy 5.9 of the Transportation Element, if applicable, or to construct the needed facilities. Words underlined are added; words ~*---~- ~, ..... ~, ............. ~,, are deleted. 1 [Transportation - Page 14] Policy 5.2: Project traffic that is tees-tl:~-~ 1% or less of the adopted peak hour service volume represents a de minimis impact. Authorization of development with a de minimis impact shall be pur'~uant to Section 163.3180(6), Florida Statutes Policy 5.3 The County ';;il! conducted a Traffic Impact Vesting Affirmation Review c':cr thc next yea~ i.n 2003 to determine for planninq purposes only which developments crc mav be vested for oc.:lcurrency._ No legal determination of vested status for ?r_oiects was made and even tt,od_qh the initial review indicated vestinq, this findinq does f/-,t orovide a leqal presumption that a prelect is vested. All previously approved prelects must qo throuqh a vestinq review pursuant to Subsection of the Land Developr'~ent Code; the °"'""~' "" "~, '"'he" *he"'" dcvclcr_.ments '""' h,., ~., .n, .:.,.~ ,~, ..... :*1 .~.., ,-,.~ ,.-.m,.. *h,., will ~"~ generated by thcce '~ .... ' ..... +.- n...:..., th: ......... ~ .... ,~..., ........... pre';:c:cnc fcr re!xed u~c dc':c!cpmcnt tc ccpt'_'rc ir!pc er p_. ........ .................... m:y~ ~.,~.~.~- ......... r!:king Words underlined are added; words struck through are deleted. 2 Policy 5.4 To optimize the County's transportation analysis, the County shall prepare an analysis of the transportation system within the urban area utilizinq SYNCHRO or other current traffic analysis techniques and tools by January 2004. Policy 5.5 Pursuant to Rule 9J-5.0055(6)(a)3., Florida Administrative Code and the Urban Infill and Urban Redevelopment Strateqy contained in the Future Land Use Element of the Plan, the South U.S. 41 Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) is hereby. desi.qnated. Development located within the South U.S. 41 TCEA (MapTR-4) may bn exempt from transportation concurrency requirements, so Ionq as impacts to thn transportation system are mitiqated usinq the procedures below ..Any proposed development within the concurrency exception area that would reduce the LOS on Florida Intrastate Hiqhway System (FIHS) roadways within the County by more than 5% of the capacity at the adopted LOS standard shall meet the transportation concurrency requirements specified in Capital Improvement Element, Policy 1.5.3. Any proposed development within the concurrency exception area that would reduce the LOS on FIHS roadways within the County by less than 5% of the capacity at the adopted LOS standard and meets the requirements identified below in Policy 5.6 are exempt from the transportation requirements of Capital Improvement Element, Policy 1.5.3. Policy 5.6 Commercial developments within the South U.S. 41 TCEA that choose to obtain an exception from concurrency requirements for transportation will provide certification from the Transportation Planninq Division that at least four of the followinq Transportation Demand Manaqement (TDM) strate.qies will be utilized: a_) Preferential parkin.q for carpools and vanpools that is expected to increase tho averaqe vehicle occupancy for work trips .qenerated by the development. b_) Parking charqe that is expected to increase the avera.qe vehicle occupancy for work trips generated by the development and/or increase transit ridership. c_) Cash subsidy that is expected to increase the averaqe vehicle occupancy for work trips qenerated by the development and/,-r increase transit ridership. d_).Flexible work schedules that are expected ,o reduce peak hour automobile work trips qenerated by the development. e_).Compressed work week that would be expected to reduce vehicle miles of travel and peak hour work trips qenerated by th;' ~levelopment. f_). Telecommutinq that would reduce the vehic e miles of travel and peak hour work trips c~enerated by the development gJTransit subsidy that would reduce auto trips Renerated by the development and increase transit ridership h__) Bicycle and pedestrian facilities that would be expected to redu(Je vehicle miles of travel and automobile work trips qenerated by the development i_). Includinq res dential units as a portion of a commercial project that would reduce vehicle miles of travel. Words underlined are added; words ..... ~- '~, ..... ~- ............. 6., are deleted. 3 Residential developments within the South U.S. 41 TCEA that choose to obtain an exception from concurrency requirements for transportation shall obtain certification that at least three of the followinq Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strateqies will be utilized: ' a) b) c) d) e) Includinq nei.qhborhood commercial uses within a residential proiect. Providinq transit shelters within the development (shall be coordinated with Collier County Transit). Providin.q bicycle and pedestrian facilities with connections to adiacent commercial properties. Includinq affordable housin.q (minimum of 25% of the units) within the development. Vehicular access to adiacent commercial properties with shared commercial and residential parkinq. An applicant seekinq an exception from concurrency requirements for transportation throuqh the certification mentioned above shall submit an application to tho Transportation Division Administrator on forms provided by the Division. Bindin~ commitments to utilize any of the above techniques relied upon to obtain certificatioJ~ shall be required as a condition of development approval. Developments within the South U.S. 41 TCEA that do not obtain certification shall meet all concurrency requirements. Whether or not a concurrency exception is requested, developments will be subiect to a concurrency review for the purpose of reservinq capacity for those trips associated with the development and maintaininq accurate, counts of the remainin.q capacity on the roadway network Policy 5.7 The County shall desiqnate Transportation Concurrency Manaqement Areas (TCMAs) to encouraqe compact urban development where an inte.qrated and connected network of roads are in place that provide multiple, viable alternative travel paths or modes for common trips. Performance within each TCMA shall be measured based on tho percenta.qe of lane miles meetinq the LOS described in Transportation Element, Policies 1.3 and 1.4 of this Element. The followin.q Transportation Concurrency Manaqement Areas are desi.qnated: I Northwest TCMA - This area is bounded by the Collier - Lee County Line on the north side; the west side of the 1-75 ri.qht-of-way on the east side; Pine Ridqe Road on the south side; and, the Gulf of Mexico'o~I the west side (Map TR-5). 2_. East Central TCMA - This area i~: bnunded by Pine Ridqe Road on the north side; Collier Boulevard on the east side; Davis Boulevard on the south side, and; Livin.qston Road (extended) on the west side (Map T;:I.-6). Policy 5.8 Each TCMA shall maintain 85% of its lane miles at or above the LOS standard,-; described in Transportation Element, Policies 1.3 and 1.4 of this Element. If any Traffk; Impact Statement (TIS) for a proposed development indicates that fewer than 85% of tho Jane miles in a TCMA are achievinq the LOS standards indicated above, the proposed .development shall not be permitted where such condition occurs unless modification o[ Words underlined are added; words -*---~- ............. eh are deleted. 4 the development is made sufficient to maintain the LOS standard for the TCMA, or thn facilities required to maintain the TCMA LOS standard are committed utilizin.q thn standards for committed improvements in Policy 1.5.3 of the Capital Improvement Element of the Plan. Policy 5.9 Should the TIS for a proposed development reflect that it will impact either a constrained roadway link and/or a deficient roadway link within a TCMA by more than a de minimi,~ amount (more than 1% of the maximum service volume at the adopted LOS), yet continue to maintain the established percentaqe of lanes miles indicated in. Policy 5.8 of this Element, a proportionate share payment shall be required as follows: Proportionate share payments shall be calculated usinq the formula established in Rule 9J-2.045(2)(h), Florida Administrative Code. The facility cost for a constrained roadway link shall be established using a typical lane mile cost as determined by the Collier County Transportation Administrator of addinq lanes to a similar area/facility type as the constrained facility b_. Proportionate share payments shall be utilized by Collier County to add trip capacity within the impacted TCMA, road se.qment(s) and/or to enhance mass transit or other non-automotive transportation alternatives which adds trip capacity within tho impact fee district or adjoininq impact fee district c. Proportionate share payments under this Policy shall be determined subsequent to a findinq of concurrency for a proposed project within a TCMA and do not influence the concurrency determination process d. No impact will be de minimis if it exceeds the adopted LOS standard of any affected desiqnated hurricane evacuation routes within a TCMA. Hurricane routes in Collier County are shown on Map TR7. Any impact to a hurricane evacuation route within a TCMA shall requ!re a proportionate share payment provided the remaininq LO,o, requirements of the TCMA are maintained. [FLUE - Page 11 12] Policy 2.2: Deficiencies or potential deficiencies that have been determined through the Annual Update and Im'gntory Report on capital public facilities may include the fo',~owing remedial actions' establish an area of significant influence for roads, a TCEA, TCMA, add projects t'., t'~e Capital Improvements Element, enter into a bindinq commitment with a Developer to construct the needed facilitie-q or defer development until ir,':p:'ovements can be made or the level of service is amended to ensure available capacit7 [FLUE - Paqe 13] Policy 2.4 Pursuant to Rule 9J-5.0055(6)(a) 3., Florida Administrative Code and the Urban Infill and Urban Redevelopment Strate.qy contained in this Element, development located within the South U.S. 41 Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) (See Map TR-4) Words underlined are added; words o*---=; ~- ..... ~- ............ ~,.. are deleted. 5 may be exempt from transportation concurrency requirements, so Ion,q as impacts to thc; transportation system are miti,qated usinq the procedures set forth in Policies 5.5 and 5.~ of the Transportation Element. Developments within the South U.S. 41 TCEA that obtain an exception from concurrency requirements for transportation, pursuant to the certification process described i. Transportation Element, Policy 5.6, and that include affordable housinq (as per Sectio~ 2.7.7 of the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended) as part of their plan development shall not be subject to the Traffic Conqestion Density Reduction a,-; contained in the Density Ratin.q System of this Element. Developments within the Northwest and East-Central TCMAs that meet tho requirements of FLUE Policies 6.1 throuqh 6.5, and Transportation Policies 5.7 and 5.8, and that include affordable housin.q (as per Section 2.7.7 of the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended) as part of their plan of development shall not br; subiect to the Traffic Conqestion Density Reduction, as contained in the Density Ratin!) ..System of this Element. Developments within the South U.S. 41 TCEA that do not obtain certification pursuant to .policy 5.6 of the Transportation Element shall meet all concurrency requirements Whether or not a concurrency exception is requested, developments shall be subiect to a concurrency review for the purpose of reservin.q capacity for those trips associate~i with the development and maintaininq accurate counts of the remaininq capacity on thc; roadway network. Policy 2.5 The County shall desi.qnate Transportation Concurrency Manaqement Areas (TCMAs) to encouraqe compact urban development where an inteqrated and connected network o1' .roads is in place that provides multiple, viable alternative travel paths or modes for .common trips. Performance within each TCMA shall be measured based on tho percenta.qe of lane miles meetin.q the LOS described in Policies 1.3 and 1.4 of tho ,Transportation Element. Standards within TCMAs are provided in Policy 5.8 of th~; Transportation Element. New Development within each TCMA shall be consistent witl~ the criteria set forth in Objective 6, and Policies 6.1 throu.qh 6.5 of this~Element. Th~; followinq Transportation Concurrency Manaqement Areas are hereby desiqnated: I Northwest TCMA - This area is bounded by the Collier - Leo County Line on thc; north side; the west side of the 1-75 riqht~of-way on the east side; Pine Ridqe Road oc, t.he south side; and, the Gulf of Mexico on the west side (See Map .T.R-5). 2~ 7r-st Central TCMA - This area is bounded by Pine Ridqe .R_qad on the north side; Collier [,oulevard on the east side; Davis Boulevard on the south ~i.de, and; Livinqston Road (ex.~..ended) on the west side (See Map TR-6). [FLUE - New Objective/Page 19] Obiective 6 Transportation Concurrency Mana.qement Areas (TCMAs) are .qeoqraphically compac~ areas desiqnated in local .qovernment comprehensive plans where intensiw; development exists, or such development is planned. New development within a TCM^ Words underlined are added; words str.'.clc tSrcugh are deleted. 6 shall occur in a manner that will ensure an adequate level of mobility (as defined in Policy 5.8 of the Transportation Element) and further the achievement of the following identified important state planning goals and policies: discouraqinq the proliferation of urban sprawl, protecting natural resources, protectinq historic resources, maximizing the efficient use of existinq public facilities, and promotin.q public transit, bicyclinq, walking and other alternatives to the single occupant automobile. Transportation Concurrency Mana.qement Areas are hereby established in the specific .qeo.qraphic areas described in Policy 2.5 of this Element. Policy 6.1 Collier County's designated Transportation Concurrency Manaqement Areas (TCMAs) shall discouraqe the proliferation of urban sprawl by promoting residential and commercial infill development and by promotinq redevelopment of areas wherein current zonin.q was approved prior to the establishment of this Growth Manaqement Plan .(,January 101 1989). Infill development and redevelopment within the TCMAs shall bn consistent with Obiective 5, and relevant subsequent policies, of this Element. Policy 6.2 In order to be exempt from link specific concurrency, new commercial development or redevelopment within Collier County's designated Transportation Concurrency Manaqement Areas (TCMAs) shall utilize at least two of the following Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies, as may be applicable: a) b) c) d) e) f) ,,h) i) l) Preferential parkinq for carpools and vanpools that is expected to increase the .averaqe vehicle occupancy for work trips generated by the development. Parkinq charqe that is expected to increase the average vehicle occupancy for work trips .qenerated by the development and/or increase transit ridership_ Cash subsidy that is expected to increase the averaqe vehicle occupancy for work trips qenerated by the development and/or increase transit ridership Flexible work schedules that are expected to reduce peak hour automobile work trips generated by the development. Compressed workweek that would be expected to reduce vehicle miles of travel and peak hour work trips generated by the development Telecommutinq that woul~ reduce ..the vehicle miles of travel and peak hour work trips generated by the development Transit subsidy that would reduce auto trips generated by the development and increase transit ridership. Bicycle and Pedestrian facilities that would be expected to reduce vehicle miles of travel and automobile work trip,-:~qenerated by the development. Includinq residential units as a polo'ion of a commercial proiect that would reduce vehicle miles of travel. Providing transit shelters within tht~ development (must be coordinated with Collier County Transit). Policy 6.3 In order to be exempt from link specific concurrency, new residential development o, redevelopment within Collier County's designated Transportation Concurrency Words underlined are added; words o,._..~. ,u .....~ ............. ~,,, are deleted. 7 Mana,qement Areas (TCMAs) shall utilize at least two of the following Transportation Demand Manaqement (TDM) strateqies, as may be applicable' a) Includinq nei,qhborhood commercial uses within a residential proiect bT Providinq transit shelters within the development (must be coordinated with Collier County Transit). c) Providinq bicycle and pedestrian facilities, with connections to adiacent commercial properties. d) Includin.q affordable housinq (minimum of 25% of the units) within the development. e) Vehicular access to adjacent commercial properties. ~ Policy 6.4 All rezoninq within the Transportation Concurrency Manaqement Areas (TCMAs) is encouraqed to be in the form of a Planned Unit Development (PUD). Any development contained in a TCMA, whether Submitted as a PUD or non-PUD rezone shall be required to be consistent with the native vegetation preservation requirements contained within Policy 6.1.1 of the Conservation and Coastal Manaqement Element. Policy 6.5 All new development, infill development or redevelopment within a Transportation Concurrency Manaqement Area is subject to the historical and archaeolo.qical preservation criteria, as contained in Obiective 11.1 and Policies 11.1.1 throuqh 11.1.3 of the Conservation and Coastal Manaqement Element. [FLUE Density Rating System/Page 38] a. Density Bonuses 7. Residential redevelopment or infill development that meets the criteria established in Policies 6.1 throuqh 6.5 of this Element, and which occurs within a desi.qnated Transportation Concurrency Mana.qement Area (TCMA) may add 3 residential units per gross acre. This density bonus shall not be available if the proposed development is located within the Coastal Hiqh Hazard Area. Additionally, in no instance shall the total project density exceed 16 units per qross acre b. Density Reduction Consistency with the following characteristic would subtract density: 1. Traffic Congestion Area If the project were within the Traffic Congestion Area, an area identified as subject to long-range traffic congestion, 1 dwelling unit per gross acre would be subtracted. The Traffic Congestion Boundary is shown on the Future Land Use Map and consists of the western coastal Urban Designated Area seaward of a boundary marked by Airport- Pulling Road (including an extension north to the Lee County boundary), Davis Words underlined are added; words sir'ack thrcugh are deleted. 8 Boulevard, County Barn Road, and Rattlesnake Hammock Road consistent with the Mixed Use Activity Center's residential density band located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Rattlesnake Hammock Road and County Road 951 (including an extension to the east). Properties adjacent to the Traffic Congestion Area shall be considered part of the Traffic Congestion Area if their only access is to a road forming the boundary of the Area; however, if that property also has an access point to a mad not forming the boundary of the Traffic Congestion Area it will not be subject to the density reduction. Furthermore, the density reduction shall not apply to developments located within the South U.S. 41 TCEA (as identified within Transportation Element, Map TR-4, and Transportation Element, Policies 5.5 and 5.6, and FLUE Policy 2.4) that obtain an exception from concurrency requirements for transportation, pui'suant to thn certification process described in Transportation Element Policy 5.6, and that includo' affordable housinq (as per Section 2.7.7 of the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended) as part of the plan of development. This reduction shall likewise not bo applied to developments within the Northwest and _est-Central TCMAs that meet tho requirements of FLUE Policies 6.1 throuqh 6.5, and Transportation Element, Policies 5.7 and 5.8, and that include Affordable Housinq (as per Section 2.7.7 of the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended) as part of the plan of development. CPSP-03-8 exhibit A Adoption per CCPC recommendation G, Corn, Comp Plan Amendments, 2003 cycle GMP DCA/mk/12-~, ?-03 Words underlined are added; words ~+--~- ~u ..... u ............. ~.. are deleted. 9 AIRPORT PULLING RD COUNTY BARN RD 0 z BAYSHORE DR LU >- I-- Z .=J LIVINGSTON RD VANDERBILT DR COLLIER BLVD '"l LOGAN BLVD VINEYARD . ' ~'LIVINGSTON RD, PULLING RD GOODLETTE-FRAI~K RD ,I , ' '. TAMIAMI TRL N COLLIER BLVD ~c-~SANTA BARBARA BLVD AIRPORT PULLING RD GOODLETTE RD N Exhibit A Future Land Use Element CPSP-2003-9 V. OVERLAYS AND SPECIAL FEATURES [Pg. 74] E. Airport Noise Area Overlay [Pg. 104] The Naples Airport Authority developed an airport noise compatibility plan under the guidelines of the Federal Aviation Regulation, Part 150. This plan included identifying noise contours at the 60, 65, 70 and 75 Ldn (day-night average sound level). The Airport Noise Area Overlay shown on the Future Land Use Map reflects the 60 6~ Ldn contour, the least severe impact of these thrcc four noise contours. Residen-'~al and other noise sensitive land uses are considered "normally unacceptable" in areas exposed to levels between 60 8~5 Ldn and 75 Ldn. This Overlay is informational and has no regulatory effect. However, the Land Development Code contains an Airport Overlay District, which regulates development near the Naples Municipal Airport. CPSP-03-9 exhibit A GMP Amenb'nents G, Comp, Comp Plan Amendments DCNmk/12-12-05 Words underlined are added; words struck thrc'.-'Gh are deleted. T468 J 88~ .L J~ 81' J. MeCxc° JJoe& j I P ""' I '"' I Icg& STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 2003-67 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 16th day of December, 2003, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 22nd day of December, 2003. DWIGHT E. BROCK Clerk of Courts and ;Clerk Ex-officio to Board County Commissioners' By: Pat ric i~'" L .~ Deputy Ci~; ~