Ordinance 2003-63 ORDINANCE NO. 2003 -63 i~N ORDINANCE OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMEN~NG CHAPTER 74 OF THE COUNTY'S CODE OF LAW ~AiNrD ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2001-13 (*~THE COLLIER COUNTY CONSOLIDATED IMPACT FEE ORDINANCEs). ESTABLISHING A DEFERRAL PROGRAM FOR THE IMMOKA~ AREA TO REDUCE THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF INCREASED IMPACT FEE RATES BY PROVIDING FOR IMPACT F '-"~'"~ WHEN THE R ...... T~,,,,,,., ....... ESPECTIVE PROPERTY IS SOLD. ~,,~or,- ~l::u OR REFINANCED; PROVIDING FOI~ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA; PROVIDING FOR LIMITATION TO THE GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARIES OF THE IMMOKALEE ' ENTERPRISE ZONE; PROVIDING FOR A SPECIFIED FUNDING MECHANISM; PROVIDING FOR THE PROVISIONS TO SUNSET AFTER THREE YEARS UNLESS OTHERWISE EXTENDED; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, on March 13, 2001, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2001-13, the "Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance," the same being Chapter 74 of the County's Code of Laws and Ordinances, which repealed and superceded, in their entirety, all of the County's previous impact fee regulations; and WHEREAS, impact fee rates continue to increase in Collier County to accommodate growth; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to promote and foster the availability of affordable workforce housing in the Immokalee area; and WHEREAS, the Immokalee Enterprise Zone is also a Rural Federal Empowerment Community and is in need of local incentives to promote economic development and affordable workforce housing; and WHEREAS, programs to offer relief for new development from the increased impact fee rates will contribute significantly to additional, new affordable workforce housing in Immokalee; and WHEREAS, by providing an allocated funding source for the deferral program the County's ability to provide improvements/and or additions to Public Facilities will not be jeopardized. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that OF COUNTY SECTION ONE. County Ordinance follows: A new Article II, Subsection (g) in Section 74-201 of Collier No. 2001-13, as amended, is hereby created to read as Irnrnokalee Enter~ r/se Zone Deferral Area. shall defer the a ment of im act fees f, r all owner-0ccu led dwellin units within the eo ra hic boundaries of the Im'mokalee Enter rise Zone which is United States Census Tracts numbers Page 1 of 7 Underlined text is added; struc~ text is deleted. 112..0.4 112.05 113 and 114 the Immokalee Census Tract. Such rov~ons will automaticall sunset three 3 ears from the effective date of the amendment establishin these revisions unless otherwise officiall extended b the Collier Count Board of .County Commissioners. ~ This deferral re ram will be funded b bud eted and a re dated funds from eneral revenue sub'ect to the availabilit of fundin and from a ortion of the tax increment revenue enerated b ad valorem re err taxes associated to the ualif in develo merit. All re- a merits to satisf liens as well as an a licable intbrest accrued due to default from the re ram shall be aid back to eneral revenue and the Communit Redevelo merit Area Trust Fund as a licable to each ualif in develo ment. develo ment" means an owner-occu led dwellin unit and its associated lot or land. "Sale" includes each and ever voluntar and/or involuntar sale of an art of the fee title to an art of the real re ert that is sub'ect to the res ective deferred Im act Fees as described in the a reement ."Transfer" includes each and ever transfer volunta or involuntar includin transfer b court order or order of an administrative a eric or administrative bed and includin whether the transferee is a overnment or a eric of a overnment exce tin ertl the followin : Transfer of fee title of th.e. re ert from one ori inal tenant b the entireties to the other on mai tenant b the entireties. Transfer of an art of the fee title between~enants or between or amen the ori inal tenants in common. "Refinancin" includes an extension of the a merit term or an increase in the amount financed of an ori inal mort a e s or other financin document that has as securit for the a ment obli etlon an fee title to the real re err that is sub'ect to the deferred Im act Fees. "Ori inar' refers to the arties to the relevant document on the effective date of the a licable Im act Fee deferral a reement. Notwithstandin an hin in this subsection ( of Section 74-201 the Director of the Financial Administration and Housin De artment of Communit Develo merit and Environmental Services Division ma waive the tri erin of the obli ation to a deferred Im act Fees due to a sale a transfer or refinancin if in the 'ud ment of the Director the ~of such a nature as not to ustif that the deferred Im act Fees should become due and a able because of the sale transfer or refinancin . occu led dwellin unit wholl within the Immokalee Enter rise Page 2 of 7 Underlined text is added; slvu, sk4hc~)~h text is deleted. Zone shall file an a lication for deferral with the Count Mana er nor to receivin an Buildin Permit for an such ro osed Develo merit. The a lication for deferral must c°ntain the a. The name and address of the ro err owner' and b. A current and com lete le al descri tion of the site u on which the ualif in develo merit is ro osed to be located. c.. Notarized affidavit affirmin that the maximum sale rice of the ro osed ualif in develo ment will not exbeed 175 000. A licants enterin into a deferral a reement and subse uentl sellin the ualif in develo ment for more than 175 000 ma be sub'ect to the collection rovisions rovided for in Article V Section 74-501 includin delin uenc fees and interest datin back to the effective date of the deferral aRreement d. Proof of ualif in income level which is less than or e ual to one hundred thousand dollars 100 000 annual household income from all sources. e. Pa ment of a non-refundable A lication Filin Fee in the amount of three hundred dollars ($300.00)_ ~'5) If the proposed qualifyinR development meets the requirements for adeferral as listed below the Count Mana er ma enter into an ~m act fee deferral a reement with the Owner. The re uirements to enter into a deferral a.qreement are as follows: a. The ualif in develo ment must be owner-occu led. b. The ualif in develo merit must be the homestead of the owner(s). c. The unit is sold to a bu ers with a total annual household income from all sources of less than or e ual to ~one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). d. The maximum sale rice of the ualif in develo merit .must never exceed $175,000; im act fees ursuant to Section 74-202 of this Article which im act ees would otherwise be due and a able as a rere uisite to the issuance of the Buildin Permit s for that Develo ment but for the deferral a reement. The deferral a reement must contain the .followin.q provisions: a. The name and address of the ro ert owner' and b. The correct le al descri tion of the affected 'ro ert which is the ro ert that will be sUb'ect to lien and be _subject to foreclosure; and Page 3 of 7 Underlined_ text is added; str-uc;k-thr<)ugh text is deleted. c. That such a ment shall be without interest onl if the a reement has not been breached b the non-Count art thereto at an time in the deferral eriod but shall'be sub'ect to interest retroactivel to the effective date of the a reement if the a reement is breached b the non-Count art thereto. and d. That the deferred im act fees shall be due and a able and shall be aid to the Count u on the first occurrence of an of the followin : when an art of the affected real ro err is sold or is transferred dr is refinanced and in an such event the deferred im act fees shall be aid in full to the Count not later then the closin of the sale ornot later then the effective date of the transfer or before the refinancing becomes final; an~l e_. That such im act fees shall automaticall become a lien on the affected ro ert the ro ert described in the le al descri tion noted above and shall be due and a able and ma be foreclosed u on b the Count if and when there is an breach of the a reement b the non-Count art thereto' and f. That the ualif in develo merit must remain owner- occu led and homesteaded and an chane in the status of ~11 constitute a breach m the a reement and im act fees will be considered to be in default and immediatel due and a able includin an a licable interest in accordance with this section and the collection rovisions set forth b Section 74-501 of this That the recorded a reement shall serve as an obli ation to a the deferred im act fees that runs with the affected ro err and that such obli ation shall terminate u on the Count recordin in the ublic records of Collier. Count a release or full satisfaction of the lien and that release or satisfaction will be recorded b the Count u on a merit to the Count in full of all of the deferred irn act fees' and h. That neither the deferred im act fees nor the a reement rovidin for the deferral of Im act fees shall be transferred assi ned credited encumbered or conve ed from the ro ert and that the deferral of im act fees and the Aareement shall run with the land; an~l i, That u on satisfactor com letion of all re uirements of the a reement b the non-Count art thereto the Count Page 4 of 7 UndeHined text is added; struc:,k~.hrcugh text is deleted. shall record all necessar documentation evidencin satisfactor com letion of the a reement and an such lien shall terminate u on the recordin of a release or full satisfaction of lien in the ublic records of Collier Count . Such release shall be recorded u on a merit in full of the impact fees; and '. The a reement shall be bindin u on the ro err Owner's its successors and assi ns' and k. That the a reement shall be recorded in the Official Records of Collier Count and the a reement shall n6t be _effective until it is so recorded. I. That if the non-Count art is in a non-curable default under the a reement or if the default is curable and the curable default is not cured in full within thirt 30 da s after written notice to do so rovided to the Owner b the Count the Board ma brin a civil action to enforce the deferral a reement and that the Board shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs includin attorne's fees and ex enses incurred b the Count in enforcin the a reement lus interest at the then maximum statutor rate for final 'ud ments calculated on a calendar da basis until aid in full. In the event that interest should be in to accrue because the non-Count art breaches the a reement such interest shall accrue retroactivel back to the commencement date of the res ective im act fee deferral contract to the count mana er demonstratin a ualif in sales rice. A t_he sale of each qualifyin.q dwellin,q unit~.. _by Subsection (g)_. subordinated to the owner's first mort a e and/or an overnment funded affordable housin loan such as a SAIL or HOME loan. SECTION TWO. CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County or any other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any Page 5 of 7 Underlined text is added; struck-through text is deleted. phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions. SECTION THREE. INCLUSION IN CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinances may be re-numbered or re-lettered to accomplish such, and the ~ord ordinance may be changed to "section," "article," or any other appropriate word. SECTION FOUR: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance will immediately become effective upon the last date of occurrence of all three of the following events, regardless of the order in which they may occur: 1. the date of filing of this Ordinance with the Secretary of State; 2. the date of adoption of a Resolution by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA): a) recommending the allocation of specified Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds associated to qualifying developments participating in the Immokalee Residential Impact Fee Deferral Program, to be repaid when the home is sold, transferred or re-financed and b) recommending the Board's amendment of the redevelopment plan to authorize use of TIF funds as a funding source for certain Board of County Commissioners' approved programs; and 3. the effective date of ordinances by the Board of County Commissioners adopting appropriate amendments to modify the Collier County Community Redevelopment Plan for Immokalee to allow for the use of TIF funds to implement the Immokalee Residential Impact Fee Deferral Program and expanding the boundaries of the Immokalee Redevelopment Area to include the Immokalee Enterprise Zone in its entirety. Page 6 of 7 Underlined text is added'; slcu, gkdh~h text is deleted. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Collier County, Florida this I~q~ day of_ Commissioners _, 2003. ATT.~ST. ......... ;".;~ ,, DWigHT E,;BROC~;'Clerk ~legal P~trick G. Wh~t~ - Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF CJ~UNTY C/:)MMISSIONERS . 'r~is oro'h~e filed ~ ~ mto~ of'Stete's 'Offic- ond ocknowled~me~ .~ of Page 7 of 7 _Underline~d text is added; sCq:mkqh~ text is deleted. STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE 2003-63 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 18th day of November, 2003, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 20th day of November, 2003. DWIGHT E. BROCKs' Clerk of uur~s, and Ex-officio to County Commi ss %i~rs ~epu~y