Agenda 10/24/2017 Item #16A 110/24/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve for recording the final plat of Sereno Grove, (Application Numbers PL20160001884, PL20170002740 and PL201700002781) approval of the standard form Construction and Maintenance Agreement and approval of the amount of the performance security. (This is a companion toAgenda Item 16.A.2). OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approve for recording the final plat of Sereno Grove, a subdivision of lands located in Section 31, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, following the alternative procedure for approval of subdivision plats pursuant to Resolution 99-199. This procedure allows for the Board to approve the plat and associated construction documents for construction purposes and recording purposes concurrently. CONSIDERATIONS: The Development Review Division of the Growth Management Department has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of Sereno Grove. These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. This project is within the Pelican Marsh PUD, Ord. 95-04, as amended. All fees have been paid. Security in the amount of 10% of the total cost of the required improvements, and 100% of the cost of any remaining improvements, together with a Construction and Maintenance Agreement for Subdivision Improvements, shall be provided and accepted by the County Manager or his designee and the County Attorney’s office prior to the recording of the final plat. This procedure is in conformance with Section 10.02.04 F.2 of the Land Development Code. Staff recommends that the final plat of Sereno Grove be approved for recording. The additional Application Numbers are associated with a revised plat and revised construction plans. NOTE: The Board discussed the item at its regularly scheduled meeting of June 27, 2017, and requested that the developer continue the item and work with the neighboring properties including the Wilshire Lakes Master Association. Subsequently, the developer, neighboring property owners, and the Wilshire Lakes Master Association have come to agreement on the proposed project. FISCAL IMPACT: The project cost is $2,222,128.50 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer $ 892,816.50 b) Drainage, Paving, Grading $1,329,312.00 The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $2,444,341.35. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Growth Management Fund 131 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138327 -- Land Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $67,893.86 Attached is the original cost estimate and a cost estimate associated with a revision. 16.A.1 Packet Pg. 285 10/24/2017 The Fees are based on a construction estimate of $2,222,128.50 and were paid in October 2016, May 2017 and June 2017. The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($1,000.00 + $5./ac) $ 1,230.00 b) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.75% const. est.) $ 6,696.12 c) Drainage, Paving, Grading (.75% const. est.) $ 9,969.84 d) Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (2.25% const. est.) $20,088.37 e) Drainage, Paving, Grading (2.25% const. est.) $29,909.52 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The developer must receive a Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities (COA) prior to the issuance of the construction plan final approval letter and plat recordation, except when the applicant elects to delay obtaining a COA for non-residential developments that are required to obtain approval of a site development plan prior to the issuance of a building permit. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The applicant is requesting approval of the final subdivision plat and construction and maintenance agreement. The Board shall consider the County Manager or designee’s recommendation and shall take evidence and testimony in regard to the final subdivision plat requirements identified in LDC sections 10.02.04 B, 10.02.04 C, and other provisions of the LDC, as well as Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. If the Board denies or places conditions on the final subdivision plat, it shall state reasons for such denial or conditions. This item has been approved as to form and legality, and requires a majority vote for Board approval - SAS RECOMMENDATION: To endorse staff’s recommendation to approve the final plat of Sereno Grove (Application Numbers PL20160001884, PL20170002740 and PL20170002781) for recording with the following stipulations: 1. Approve the amount of $2,444,341.35 as performance security for the required improvements; or such lesser amount based on work completed, and as is approved by the Growth Management Department. 2. Approve the standard form Construction and Maintenance Agreement and direct the County Manager or his designee: a. To withhold Certificates of Occupancy until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. b. To delay recording of the plat until suitable security and an appropriate Construction and Maintenance Agreement is approved and accepted by the County Attorney’s office and the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager or his designee on behalf of the Board pursuant to Section 10.02.04 F.2 of the Land Development Code. Prepared by: John Houldsworth, Senior Site Plans Reviewer, Development Review Division 16.A.1 Packet Pg. 286 10/24/2017 ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Location Map (PDF) 2. Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (PDF) 3. Plat Map (PDF) 4. [Linked] Memorandum of Understanding - Fully Executed (PDF) 16.A.1 Packet Pg. 287 10/24/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.1 Doc ID: 3459 Item Summary: ***This item has been continued from the June 27, 2017 BCC meeting.*** This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve for recording the final plat of Sereno Grove, (Application Numbers PL20160001884, PL20170002740 and PL20170002781) approval of the standard form Construction and Maintenance Agreement and approval of the amount of the performance security. (This is a companion to Agenda Item 16.A.2). Meeting Date: 10/24/2017 Prepared by: Title: Operations Analyst – Growth Management Operations & Regulatory Management Name: Judy Puig 06/30/2017 8:00 AM Submitted by: Title: Project Manager, Principal – Growth Management Department Name: Matthew McLean 06/30/2017 8:00 AM Approved By: Review: Growth Management Development Review Brett Rosenblum Additional Reviewer Completed 07/05/2017 10:17 AM Growth Management Development Review Chris Scott Additional Reviewer Completed 08/04/2017 1:31 PM Growth Management Department Judy Puig Additional Reviewer Completed 08/15/2017 8:44 AM Growth Management Department Matthew McLean Additional Reviewer Completed 10/05/2017 9:37 AM Growth Management Department Judy Puig Additional Reviewer Skipped 08/15/2017 8:39 AM Growth Management Department James French Additional Reviewer Completed 10/05/2017 10:33 AM County Attorney's Office Scott Stone Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 10/11/2017 9:01 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 10/11/2017 9:14 AM Growth Management Department Thaddeus Cohen Additional Reviewer Completed 10/11/2017 10:20 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 10/11/2017 2:06 PM Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 10/12/2017 10:38 AM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 10/15/2017 12:20 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 10/24/2017 9:00 AM 16.A.1 Packet Pg. 288 t5 CULF OF MEXICO r1wgilP 49 4 62JI LOCATION AIAP ,v.,:s, t6 l4 N u =a t1 W6GINS PAff RO. 2J iltth AW. I2 24 ssa< 19 a t 26 =(^(i =-*l 25 JO (r-ts aoIU R E =7a YANOTRSLT RD, J6 SITE, JI tXT. JJ r1fiitfi{tP 48 1 \rz 1^A Rut8 =E -.-2"r-l POAI) \_-=,K I IilN1KAtff ,)I 29 5 7n 16.A.1.a Packet Pg. 289 Attachment: Location Map (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) Q. GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATBS, P.A. CTVIL ENGINEERS .LAND SURVEYORS PLANNERS LAN!]SCAPE ARCI{I1"EC1'S SERENO GROVE At PELICAN MARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES January 10,2017 Water and Wastewater Sub-I'otal: S735,223.00 Earthwork, Paving, Drainagc and Landscaping Sub-Total: $1,017,3g5.00 Off:-Site Tum Lanes Sub-'l'otal: $195,248.00 Subdivision Sub-Total: $1,212,633.00 SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION Phose I A Earthwork $131,135.00 B lqvqe $551,908.00 C Vy'astewater Collection $479,095.00 D Potable Water Distribution $256,128.00 E Stornr Drainage $298,5 t 7.00 F Landscape & Inigation $35,825.00 G Off-Site Tum Lanes at Hntrance $ 149,740.00 l{O{I'-Site U-Tum Lans $45,508.00 TOTAL $1,947,856.A0 tla% ol TOTAL $2,142,641.60 G:\En9|neering\PROJ-ENG\MWCIPME\06DP\03PPL DP\OPC-Dec2016_2nd Submittat\opC for Fees Adiusted_2017.01.10 1 of g 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 290 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN IVIARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 1flAt2017 SCI.IEDIILE ''A'' EARTHWORK & SITB PREP Clearing, grubbing and preparation of the construction site and bringing the site, including roadway rights-of- wayr easements, building sites and open areas to the lines and grades sheiwn on fhe drarvings or as designated by the Engineer in tlre field including chipping and grinding of all materials on the Orvuer's prope(y and then disposal of all residue off the Owner's plope(y, ali as specified, per acre courplete. All work in right-otway is sub.iect to inspection by the owner, City, County DOT and/or IrDOl' contingent on final acceptancc of improvements as shown and specified on the conlract documents. The construction area shall be enclosed with FDEP approved siltation lbncing prior to comrrellcement of work. The unit plice of the erosion control fence shall include rnaintenance ofthe fcnce for thc dulation ofconstruction. ITEM DESCR]PTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRTCE A-l Clearing and Grubbing AC 32.0 s3,000.00 $96,000.00 A-2 Erosi<-rn Control-Silt Ferice LF 8,965 $ r.00 $8,965.00 A-3 Double Row Erosion Control-Silt Fence LF 1,825 $2.00 s3,650.00 A-4 Lake Excavation (Haul, Place & Conrpact) *CY *5i0,00 $0.00 A-5 Sod l-ake Banks (20' Width)SY 5,1 10 $2.00 $ r0,220.00 A-6 Exotic Clearing fronr Preserves AC 2.0s $6,000.00 $ 12,r00.00 TOTAL $t3 I,135.00 'l'his itcnr rvas includctl undcr the llotd lor thc Excavalion Pennil Q. Grady Minor & Associates Gi\Enginssringi\PROJ-ENG\IAAWCIPME\06DP\03PPL DP\OPC-Dec2016_2nd Submittal\OPC lor Fee$ Adjusted_2017"0'1.10 2af9 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 291 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN T\XARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 1fiAt2017 SC1IEDULE ''B'' PAVING Roadway construction complete per the plans and County specifications including stabilized subgrade, stabilized shoulder, iimelock base, tack coat, asphaltic concrete, required testing by an independent laboratory, roadside fill and grading for full rvidth of right-of-way and easements, finish grading, seeding and mulch and/or sod. Q. Grady Minor & Associates G:\ErBineering\PRoJ-ENG\\A WCIPME\06DP\03PPL DP\OPC-Dec2016_2nd Submittal\OPC lor Fees Adjusted_zo17.01.10 ITEI}4 DESCKIPTION UNIT SUANTTTy (lNIT PNICE TOTAL PRICE B-l 12" Stabilized Subgrade SY 18,790 $r.80 $i3.822,00 B-2 6" Limerock Base (Cornpactcd and Prinred)SY t7,495 $8.00 $ I i9,960.00 B-3 3/4" Aphaltic Concrete'l'ype S-I[ (lst t.ift)SY 15,146 $4.50 $68, r57,00 B-4 3/4" Aphaltic Concrcte Type S-lll (2nd Li{l)SY 15,146 $s.50 $83,303.00 B-5 Valley Gutter LF 7,242 $9.00 $65, r 78.00 B-6 'Iype A Curb LT 977 $ r2.00 $ l 1,724.00 B-7 Type D Curb LF 1,534 $ r 0.00 $ I 5,340.r)0 B-8 lypeFCurb&Cutter 321 $r4.00 $4,494.00 B-9 5'Concrete Sidewalk 4" Thick SY 1,973 $25.00 $49,32-5.00 B-10 5.5'Coacrete Sidewalk 4" 'l'hick SY 907 $25.00 $22,5s0.00 B-t I Handicap Curb Rarnps - All Tlpes EA 6 $400.00 $2,400.00 B-12 pgdding (l " Strip Back of Curb)SY l,166 $2.00 $2,332.00 B- l3 16" Concretc l"lcadcr Curb for Pavers I,F 80 $25.00 $2,000.00 B- l4 Pavers tbr Rumble Strips sr'600 $4.00 $2,400.00 B-t5 Pavers for Parking SI:962 $4.00 s3,848.00 B- r6 WheelStops EA .,$25.00 $75.00 Il-t7 Signing & Pavernent Markings LS I $2,000.00 $2,000.00 B- l8 Street Lights - FPI. Provide and Install EA $ r,000.00 $32,000.00 B-19 Concrete Retaining Wall LF 45 s r00.00 s4,500.00 B-20 Set PRM's LS I $3,000.00 $3,000.00 B-21 Set PCP's LS I $3,500.00 $3,500.00 TOTAL $551,908.00 3 of 9 Lt' 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 292 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN IUARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 1t10t2a17 SQHEp_ULU "C" WASTEWATER COLLBCTTON Includes furnishing and handling of all required materials, joint restraint, thrust blocks, connections to other pipelines, all excavation (including rock and over-excavation if necessary), dewatering, bedding nraterial (if necessary), pipeline installation, back hlling (irnporled fill if nccessary), compaction, compaction testing in roadway areas, pressure testing, llushing, clean-up inclutling resoclding areas prcviously sodded, seeding all areas disturbed by construction, providing complete as-built dmwings and other itenrs necessary to cornplete the system and provide the Owneq FDEP and County with a complete working wastewater collection system as shown on the drawings and speci{ied in these contract documents. Cut ranges are rneasured fi'orn profile grade line to invert of the pipe or manhole. Q. Grady Minor & Associates G:\Engineoring\PROJ-ENG\IA WCIPME\06DP\03PpL Dp\OPC-Dec2016_2nd Submittal\OPC lor Fees Adjusled_2o17.01.10 ITEM DESCKIPTION ANTT SUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE c-l 8" Gravity PVC-SDR 26 (0-6'Cut)t"p I,490 $25.00 $37,250:00 c-2 S" Graviry PVC-SDR 26 (6-8',Cut)I-F 842 $45.00 $37,890.00 U-J 8" Gravity PVC-SDR26 (8-10'Cut)l -1.'500 $s2.00 $26,000.00 c-4 8" Cravily PVC-SDR 26 (10-12'Cut)LF 500 s60.00 $30,000.00 c-5 8" Gravity PVC-SDR 26 (>12'Cut)LF 138 $70.t)0 $9,660.00 c-6 Television Inspection LT 3,470 $3.50 sr2,r45.00 c-7 Manhole 4' Diameter (0-6')EA 4 $s,200.00 $20,800.00 c-8 Manhole 4' Diarneter (6-8')EA 8 $5,500.00 s44,000.00 c-9 Manhole 4' Diameter (8- I 0')EA 2 $6,-500.00 s l i,000.00 c-r0 Manhole 4' Diarneter ( l0-12)EA I $7,600.00 s7,600.00 c-ll Manhole 4' Diarneter (> I 2' Cut)EA $8,600.00 $34.400.00 c-12 6" Single Sewer Service UA 8 $500.00 $4,000.00 c-13 6" Double Sewer Service EA 28 $600.00 $ 16,800.00 c-14 4" PVC Force Main (C900, DR I8)LF 155 $ 12.00 $ r,860.00 c-i5 4" PVC Force Main (C900, DR l4)LF 46 s r s.00 $690.00 c-i6 Connect to Existing 6" F'orce Main EA I $3,000.00 $3,000.00 c-I7 Pump Station LS I $180"000.00 $ 180,000.00 TOTAL $479,095.00 4ofO 4 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 293 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN IVIARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 1fiODA17 SCI-{EDUL.U ''I)" POTABI,E WATER DISTRIBUTION Includes fumishing and harrdling of all required materials, joint restraint, thrust blocks, connections to otlrer pipelines, all excavation (including rock and over-excavation if necessary), dewatering, bedding ruaterial (if necessaty), pipeline installation, back filting (imported fill if necessary), compaction, compaction lesting in roadway areas, pressure testing, disinfecting pipelines, flushing, clean-up including resodding areas previously sodded, seeding all ateas distul'bed by construction, ploviding conrplete as-built drawings arrd other items necessary to complete the system and provide the Owner, IDEP and/or l{ealtlr Depa(ment and County with a complete working water distribution systern as shown on the drawings and specified in these contract documeuts. Lineal foot price of the pipe is to include the cost of all rcquircd finings. Q. Grady Minor & Associales G:\Engineoring\PI1OJ-ENG\\^^WCIPME\06DP\03PPL DP\OPC-Dec2016_2nd Submittal\OPC for F(.os Adiusted 2017.01.10 ITEM DESCRIPT'TAN TlNIT SUANTITY UNIT PRICE 7'OTAL PRICE D-l 6" PVC Main (C-900, DR l8)LF 780 $ 18.00 $ r4,040.00 D-2 8" PVC Main (C-900, DR l8)I,F 1,020 $23.00 $23,460.00 10" PVC Main (C-900, DR l8)LT 2,010 $30.00 $60,300.00 D-4 l0" PVC Main (C-900, DR 14)LF 119 $32.00 $5,728.00 D-5 6" Gate Valve with Box EA 3 $ r,200.00 $3,600.00 D-6 8" Gate Valve with Box IIA 4 $ 1,700.00 $6,800.00 D-7 10" Gate Valve with Box BA 7 $2.200.00 $ 15,400.00 D-8 Fire l{ydrant Assembly Cornplelc lrA l4 $3,800.00 $51,200.00 D-9 Single Water Servise EA 26 $7.50.00 s 19,s00.00 D-10 Double Water Service I]A l9 s900.00 s 17, t 00.00 I)-l I Permanent Bacterial Sarnple Point EA I $2,000.00 $2,000.00 D-12 Automatic Flushing Device EA 4 s5,000.00 $20,000.00 D-13 Air Release Assembly EA 2 $6,000.00 $ r 2,000.00 D-14 Cormcct to Existing Mail IA I $3,000.00 $3,000.00 TOTAL $256,128.00 5of9 D-3 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 294 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN MARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST TOR FEES 1t10t2017 SCt-tlrDULE rrElr STORM DRAINAGE, Includes fuinishing and lrandling of all required rnaterials, dewatering, bedding rrratcrial(if necessary), rock removal and disposal off-site (if necessary), installation, backfilling, compaction, cornpaction {esting in road- way Breas, final glading, coordinal.ing with other contractors and utility companies, flushing, clean-up, seedingn sodding of all areas disturbed by construction, repair of any rlamage caused by constructiorr and other itenrs necessary 1o conrplete the systern and provide the Owner, County and/or IIDOT with a conlplele working drainage system as shown on the drawings and specified on these cofltract documents. Pipe measurement is to the center of the struetures. Q. Grady Minor & Associates G:\Engineering\PROJ-ENG\\ AWCIPME\OGDP\03PPL OP\OPC-Dec2016_2nd Submittal\OPc for Fees Adju3ted_2017.01.10 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT'QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAI- PRICE E-t I5'' RCP I,F 849 $30.00 $25,470.00 E-2 I8'' RCP LI:386 $45.00 $ 17,3 70.00 E-3 24'' RCP Ll-1,170 $55.00 $97,:t50.00 E-4 i2" x 18" RCP LT 269 $3s.00 $9,415.00 E-5 19" x 30" RCP I,F'26 $6s.00 $ r,690.00 E-6 Valley Gutter hlet EA 17 $3,500.00 $59,500.00 E-7 Junction Box EA 8 $4. il e.00 $32.95?.00 E-8 Type C llubble-Up EA 3 $2,500.00 s7,500.00 E-9 Conh'ol Strucfurc EN I $5,000.00 $5,000.00 E-10 t5" FES EA 1 $ l,500.00 s3,000.00 E.II I8" FES I $2,000.00 $2,000.00 E-12 24'' FES EA 5 $2,s00.00 $ 12,500.00 E- l3 I{eadwall for 12" x 18"EA 6 $2,000.00 $ 12,000.00 E-14 Retention Ilubble-lJp Sfructure EN 2 $ I,000.00 $2,000.00 E-15 10" HDPE Yard Drain Pipe LT 69 $20.00 $ r,380.00 E-I6 15" HDPE Yard Drain Pipe LF 55 $30.00 $1,650.00 E-17 Rip-Rap SY 112 $45.00 $7,740.00 TOTAL $298,517.00 6 of 9 EA 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 295 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN IVIARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 1t1At2A17 SCIIE,DULE ''I?'' LANDSCAPE ANI} IRRIGATION Provide landscpaing and irrigation according to Code Minimum Requirenrents. Q. Grady Minor & Associates GlEngineering\PROJ-ENG\\ AWCIPME\06DP\03PPL BP\OPC-DeczO1B_2nd Submiltal\OPC for Fees Adiusted_?017.01.10 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE F-l Trees - l0'l{eight EA "16 $2s0.00 $t9,000.00 F-2 Slu"ub.s ltA 880 $ 10.00 $8,800.00 Ir-3 Lilloral Planting EA r,950 $ r.s0 $2,e25.00 F-4 Irigation Estimate SI:34,000 s0.r5 $5,100.00 F-5 $0.00 'l'0't'AL s35,825.00 7of9 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 296 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN MARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 1t10t2a17 spHllDULE "G-" OTF-SITE LEFT & RIGHT TURN I,ANES AT ENTRANCE Roadway construction complete per the plans and County specifications including stabilized subgrade, stabilized shoulder, limerock base, tack coat, asphaltic concrete, required testing by an independent laboratory, roadside fill and grading for full width of right-of-way and easements, finish grading, seeding and ntulch and/or sod. Pipe measurement is to the center of the structures. All work in right-of-way is subject to inspection by the owner, City, County DO I and/or FDOT contingent on lural acceptance of irnproveulents as shown and specified on the contract docun.rents. Q. Grady Minor & Associales G:\Engineering\PRoJ-ENGVIIWCIPME\06DP\03PPL DP\OPC-Oec2016_2nd $ubmittal\OPc for Fees Adiusled_2017.01.10 I7'ErtI DESCRlPT-TON UNTT OUANTITY LlNTT PRTCE TOTII- PRICI! G-t 12" Srabilizcd Subgradc SY L290 $3.00 $3,870.00 0-2 8" l.inrerock Base (Conrpacted and Primed)SY 1,290 $ r 2.00 $ t5,.1tt0.00 G-3 1.5" SP-1 2.5 Slructural Course l st l,i[t SY l,?90 $7.00 $9,030.00 G-4 1.5" SP-12.,5 Structural Course 2nd Lift SY 1,294 s7.00 $9,010.00 c-5 l' SP-9.5 Surl'acc Course SY 1,290 $8.00 $t 0,320.00 ci-6 Typc F Curb l .t;777 $ r5,00 $l r,655.00 c-?4'Concrete Tralfic Separator -'Iype I LI:40 $50.00 $2,000.00 G-8 1.5' Concrctc 'lraffic Separator LI:4t [;20.00 s820.00 c-9 6'Cirncrete Sidervalk 6" Thick SY 62 $35.00 $2, r70.00 a-10 8' Concrele Sidcrvalk 6"'I'hick SY 290 $3s.00 $t0,1s0.00 c-1,Handicap Ourb Ramps - All Types EN 2 $400.00 s800.00 G-t2 I8" ITCP I.l:70 $50.00 $3,500.00 G-13 24" RCP LI:r68 $60.00 $ I 0.0110.00 c-r4 FDOT Type P-5 lnlet EA 2 $5,000.00 s I 0.000.00 G-t5 irDo'l"l'ypc P-4 Inlct lrA I $5,000.00 $s,000.00 c-16 I8" MES I]A I $ 1,800.00 $ r .1100.00 G-17 24- MES I]A $2.000.00 $4,000.00 G-r 8 Rip-Rap Sump tin -t s r,000.00 $3,000.00 c-r9 Remove Concrete Sidervalk - 8' Wide str 2.740 $ r.00 $2.740.00 G-20 Remove'l'ype I Curb & Gutter Lt.'765 s3.00 $2.295,00 G-2r Replace Ilxist 4" PVC DR l8 Fnree Main Pipc \r,ith 4" PVC DIt l4 Pipc At Entrance LF 40 $s0.00 $2,000.00 G-22 Signing & Pavenrenl Markhrgs I,S I s r0.000.00 s r 0,000.00 G-23 Itelocatc [:xisting Streetlight - Conrplcte LS I $ r 0.000.00 $r 0,000.00 Sod and l-andscape Allor.vance I,S I $ r0.000.00 $r 0,000.00 c-25 $0.00 TOTAL $t 49,740.00 8of9 G-24 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 297 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN MARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 1t10t2017 SCHEDULE "H'' OFT.SITE U-TURN LANE Roadway construction cotnplete per the plans and County specifications inclutling stabilized subgrade, stabilized sltoulder, lirnerock base, tack coat, asplraltic concrete, required testing by an independent laboratory, roadside filland grading for full width of right-of-way anrJ easements, finish grading, seecling and mulch aad/or sod. Pipc measurclnent is to the center of the structures. All work in right-of-way is subject to inspection by the ownet', City, County DOT and/or FDOI' contingent on flnal acceptance of inrprovernents as shown and specified on the contract documents. Q. Grady Minor & Associates G:\Engineering\PROJ-ENG\\ AWCIPMEI06DP\03PPL DP\OPC-Dec2O15-_2nd Submittal\OPC for Fees Adjusled.-2017.01.10 ITEM DESCRIP:I'ION ANIT'QUANT'ITY ANIT' PRICE TOTAL PRICE G-r I 2. Stabilized Subgradc SY 577 $3.00 $ 1,73 I .00 c-2 8" Limererck Base (Compacted and Primed)SY 577 $ 12.00 $6,924.00 \J-J I .5. SP- 12.5 Structural Coursc I st Lift SY 577 $7.00 $4,039.00 G-4 1.5" SP-12.5 Structural Course 2nd Lift SY 577 $7.00 s4,039.00 G-5 1" SP-9.5 Sullacc Course SY s77 $8.00 $4,6 t6.00 G-6 Type F Curb I-F JJJ $ r 5.00 $4,995,00 G-7 4'Concrcte Traffic Separator - Type I LF 40 $50.00 $2,000.00 G-8 1.5' Cqlcrete Traffic Separator LF 4l $20.00 s820.00 G-9 Remove Type F Curb & Gutier LF 448 $3.00 $ l,344.00 G-10 !,gn1ng A Pavement Markings I,S I $s,000.00 $-5,000.00 G-ll Sod and l-andscape Allorvance LS I $ 10,000.00 $t0,000.00 G-12 $0.00 TOTAL $45,508.00 9of9 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 298 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) Q. GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. qIVII- ENGINEERS LAND SULVEYORS PLANNERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ICP for SERENO GROVE ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES July 24, 2017 (Schedules C & D) Utilify Sub-Total: $157,593.50 (Schedules B & E) Site Construction Sub-Total: $1I6,679.00 SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION TOTAL B Paving $34,465.00 C Wastewater Collection $130,761.50 D Potable Water Distribution $26,832.00 E Storm Drainage $82,214.00 TOTAL $274,272.50 ngineering\PROJ-ENG\\ AWCIPME\06DP\03PPL DP\OPC-July2017-lCP Submittal\OPC for ICP Fees *2017.07.24 tCP 1 of 5 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 299 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) SERENO GROVE At PELICAN IVIARSH ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 1fiOt2417 SCI-ILDIJLE "8" PAVING Roadway construction complete per lhe plans and County specifications including stabilized subgrade, stabilized shoulder, Iimerock base, tack coat, asphaltic concrete, required testing by an indepondent laboratory, roadside fill and grading for full width of right-of-way and easements, finish grading, seeding and nrulch and/or sod. T'I'EM DESCKTPTION UNIT OUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRlCE B-1 12" Stabilized Subgade SY 1,440 $ 1.80 $2,592.00 B-2 6" Limerock Base (Compacted and Prirned)SY 1,164 $8.00 $9,3 t 2.00 B-3 3/4" Aphaltic Concrete Type S-ll1 (lst Lift)SY 1,164 $4.s0 $5,238.00 R-4 3/4" Aphaltic Concrete Type S-[l (2nd Lift)SY 1,t64 $5.s0 $6,402.00 B-5 Valley Gu$er I-IJ 6t4 $9.00 $5,526.00 B-8 TypeFCurb&Gutter LF t00 $ 14.00 $ r,400.00 B-9 5'Concretc Sidewalk 4" Thick SY 75 $25.00 $ l,87s.00 B-l I Handicap Curb Ramps - Ail Types EA 2 s400.00 $800.00 B-12 Sod ( I ' Strip l3ack of Curb)SY 160 $2.00 $320.00 B-r8 Street Lights - FPL Provide and Install I]A I $r,000.00 $ I ,000.00 TOTAL $34,465.00 Q. Grady Minor & Associates G:\Ensineering\PROJ-ENG\MWCIPME\06DP\03PPL DP\OPC'July2017-lcP SubmittalloPC for lcP Fees -2017 07 24 1cP 2ol5 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 300 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) ICP for SERENO GROVE ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 7124t2017 SC}fEDUI,E ''C'' WASTEWATI,R COLLECTION Includes furnishing and handling of all required materials, joint restraint, thrust blocks, corurections to other pipelines, all excavation (including rock and over-excavation if necessary), dewaterir:g, bedding rnaterial (if necessary), pipeline inslallation, back filling (imporred fill if necessary), compaction, compaction testing in roadway areas, pressure testing, flushing, clean-up including resodding areas previously sodded, seeding all aeas disturbed by constt'uction, providing complete as-built drawings aud othcr items necessary to completc the system and provide the Owner, FDEI'and County with a complete rvorking wastewater collection system as shown on the drawings and specified in these contract documents. Cut ranges are measured from profile grade line to invefi of the pipe or manhole. Q. Grady Minor & Associales G:\Engineering\tpRoJ-ENG\W\WCtpME\06DP\O3PPL DP\OPC-July2017*lcP submittal\oPC for lcP Fees -2017.07 -24 lC? ITEM DESCRIPTION UNTT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE c-l 8" Cravity PVC (0-6) Cut I-F 553 $2-5.00 $ I 3,825.00 c-2 S" Cravity PVC (6',-8') Cut Lr'326 $45.00 $ 14,670.00 c-3 8" Graviry PVC (8'-10') Cut LF 480 $52.00 $24,960.00 c-4 8" Cravity PVC ( l0'-12') Cut LF 100 $60.00 $6,000.00 c-6 Television Inspection LF 1,459 $3.50 $5,106.50 c-7 Manhole (0-6') Cut EA r+$s,200.00 $20,800.00 c-8 Manhole (6'-8') Cut EA )$s,500.00 $ 16,500,00 c-9 Manhole (8'- l0') Cut EA 2 $6,500.00 $ 13,000,00 c-10 Manhole (10'-12') Cut EA i $7,600.00 $7,600.00 c-12 6" Single Sewer Service EA I s500.00 $500.00 c-13 6" Double Sewer Service IrA 7 $600.00 $4,200.00 c-14 4" PVC Force Main (C900, DRlS)t"F 300 sr 2.00 $3,600.00 TOTAL $130,761.50 3of5 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 301 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) ICP for SERENO GROVE ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABTE COST FOR FEES 7t24t2417 SCHEDIJI,I, ''D'' POTABLE WATER DISTITIBUTION Includes furnishing and handling of all required materials, ioint restraint, thrust blocks, connections to other pipelines, all excavation (including rock and over-excavation if neces.sary), dewatering, bedding material (if necessary), pipeline installation, back filling (irnporled fill if necessary), compaction, compaction testing in roadway areas, pressure testing, disinfecting pipelines, llushing, clean*up including lesodding aeas previously sodded, seeding all areas disturbed by construction, providing complete as-built drawings and other items necessary to cornplete the system and provide thc Owncr, FDEP and/or Health l)epartment and County with a complete working water distribution system as shown on the drarvings and specified in these contracl documents. Lineal fool price of the pipe is to include the cost of all required fittings. Q" Grady Minor & Associates GtEngineering\pRoJ-ENG\\ AWCtPME1O6DP\03PPL DP\OPC-Juiy2017-lCP Submittat\OPC for ICP Fees -2017.07 24 ICP ITEM DESCR]PTION UNIT'QUANTtl',Y UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE D-3 10" PVC Main (C-900, DR l8)LF 276 $30.00 $8,280.00 D-4 10" PVC Main (C-900, DR 14)t-F 36 s32.00 $ r, r s2.00 D-6 8" Gate Valve with Box EA I $ I,700.00 $ 1,700.00 D-7 l0" Gate Valve with Box EA 2 $2,200.00 $4,400.00 D-8 Fire Hydrant Assembly EA I $3,800.00 $3,800.00 D,9 Single Water Service HA 4 $7s0.00 $3,000.00 D-10 Double Waler Service IA 5 $900.00 $4,500.00 TOTAL $26,832.00 4of5 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 302 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) ICP for SEREN0 GROVE ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST FOR FEES 7t24t2017 SCHEDULE "E" STOR}T DRAINAGE Includes furnishing and handling of all required materials, dewatering, bedding rnaterial (if necessary), rock removal and disposal ofl-site (if necessary), installation, backfilling, compaction, compaction testing in road- way areas, final grading, coordinating with other contractors and utility companies, flushing, clean-up, seeding, sodding of all areas disturbed by construction, repair of any damage caused by construction and other items necessary to complete the system and ptovidc the Owner, County and/or FDOT with a complete working drainage systenl as shown on the drawings arld specified on these contract documents. Pipe measuretnellt is to the center of the structures. Q. Grady Minor & Associates G:\Engineering\PROJ-ENG\MWCIPME\060P\03PPL DP\OPC-July2017_lCP SubmifiatlopC for lCp Fees 2017,07.24 tCp ITEM DESCRIPTION UNTT QUANTITY UNI'I' PRICE TOTAL PRICE E-l I5" RCP LI:68 s30.00 $2,040.00 E-2 I8'' RCP LT 25 $45.00 $ l, 125.00 E-3 24'' RCP LF 748 $s5.00 $41. r40.00 E-6 Valley Gutter lnlet EA 6 $3,s00.00 $21,000.00 E-7 Junction Box EA I $4,1 19.00 $4,r t9.00 E-8 Type C Bubble Up EA I $2,500.00 $2,500.00 E-12 24" FES EA I $2,s00.00 $2,500.00 E-14 Retention Bubble-Up Structure EA 2 $ 1,000.00 $2,000.00 E-15 IO" HDPE ],F 83 $20.00 $ r,660.00 E-t6 15" HDPI]LT 2l $30.00 $630.00 E-18 'Ihroat Inlet EA I $3,500.00 $3,500.00 TOTAL $82,214.00 5of5 16.A.1.b Packet Pg. 303 Attachment: Opinion of Cost PPL and ICP (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) LEGAL DESCRIPTIONNOTICES H E E T 1 OF 6LOCATION MAPGENERAL NOTESPLAT BOOK PAGEFILE:16-126-PLT-1.DWGTECH:JOB CODE:KEVIN GEORGESONWCIPMEGradyMinorCivil Engineers●Land Surveyors●Planners●Landscape ArchitectsCert. of Auth. EB 0005151Cert. of Auth. LB 0005151Business LC 26000266Q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A.3800 Via Del ReyBonita Springs, Florida 34134 Bonita Springs: 239.947.1144www.GradyMinor.com Fort Myers: 239.690.4380DEDICATIONS AND RESERVATIONSC. DEDICATE TO ALL LICENSED OR FRANCHISED PUBLIC OR PRIVATE UTILITIES:ACKNOWLEDGMENTD. DEDICATE TO COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT :B. DEDICATE TO SERENO GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC.:A. DEDICATE TO COLLIER COUNTY :E. DEDICATE TO COLLIER COUNTY, ITS FRANCHISEES AND THE NORTH COLLIER FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT:COUNTY APPROVALSCOUNTY ENGINEERCOUNTY SURVEYORCOUNTY ATTORNEYCOUNTY COMMISSION APPROVALFILING RECORDSURVEYORS CERTIFICATESERENO GROVESITEF.) DEDICATE TO THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT :’16.A.1.cPacket Pg. 304Attachment: Plat Map (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) S H E E T 2 OF 6PLAT BOOK PAGESERENO GROVEFILE:16-126-PLT-1.DWGTECH:JOB CODE:KEVIN GEORGESONWCIPMEGradyMinorCivil Engineers●Land Surveyors●Planners●Landscape ArchitectsCert. of Auth. EB 0005151Cert. of Auth. LB 0005151Business LC 26000266Q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A.3800 Via Del ReyBonita Springs, Florida 34134 Bonita Springs: 239.947.1144www.GradyMinor.com Fort Myers: 239.690.4380SHEET 3SHEET 6SHEET 5SHEET 4CLEAR LAKE CIRCLENOT A PART OF THIS PLATNOT A PART OF THIS PLAT WILSHIRE LAKES BOULEVARD NOT A PART OF THIS PLAT NOT A PART OF THIS PLAT BLOCK 8 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364TRACT "L-2"TRACT "L-1"TRACT "P-1"TRACT "P-1"TRACT "P-2"TRACT "R"NICHOLAS WAYTRACT "R-1"NICHOLAS WAYTRACT "R-1" MAXWELL COURT LIESL COURT WEST LIESL COURT EAST TRACT "R-1" TRACT "R-1"TRACT"OS-1"TRACT"OS-2"TRACT"OS-4"TRACT"OS-3"TRACT"OS-5"TRACT"OS-4"TRACT "LB-1"TRACT "OS-4"UNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDLIVINGSTON ROADCURVE TABLES 2°09'46" E 667.55'N 89°56'27" W165.10'S 2°09'53" E 333.78'N 89°56'39" W 495.26'S 2°10'14" E 333.90'N 89°57'44" W165.19'S 2°10'03" E30.02'S 89°57'44" E135.17'S 2°10'14" E 273.71'N 89°57'36" W135.18'S 2°10'03" E60.04'S 89°57'36" E135.18'S 2°10'14" E 273.71'N 89°57'27" W135.20'S 2°10'03" E30.02'N 89°57'27" W 495.67'N 2°09'30" W 667.45'S 89°57'44" E165.20'N 2°13'33" W30.02'N 89°57'44" W165.19'N 2°12'20" W 414.28'N 89°56'27" W23.58'C1S 42°29'52" W39.33'C2N 62°29'11" W221.68'C3C4N 26°49'32" W56.12'C5N 2°12'17" W56.38'S 89°56'27" E33.93'C6C7C8S 62°29'11" E221.68'C9N 42°29'52" E39.33'C10S 89°56'27" E21.60'N 2°12'20" W143.61'S 89°56'27" E164.98'N 2°13'33" W30.02'N 89°56'27" W164.97'N 2°12'20" W 667.63'S 89°56'17" E 1322.06'TRACT"OS-6"POBTRACT"OS-4"16.A.1.cPacket Pg. 305Attachment: Plat Map (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) 57546453565558464748495051525960616263S H E E T 3 OF 6PLAT BOOK PAGESERENO GROVEFILE:16-126-PLT-1.DWGTECH:JOB CODE:KEVIN GEORGESONWCIPMEGradyMinorCivil Engineers●Land Surveyors●Planners●Landscape ArchitectsCert. of Auth. EB 0005151Cert. of Auth. LB 0005151Business LC 26000266Q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A.3800 Via Del ReyBonita Springs, Florida 34134 Bonita Springs: 239.947.1144www.GradyMinor.com Fort Myers: 239.690.4380CLEAR LAKE CIRCLENOT A PART OF THIS PLATUNPLATTEDNOT A PART OF THIS PLATWILSHIRE LAKES BOULEVARD NOT A PART OF THIS PLATTRACT "L-2"LIESL COURT WEST LIESL COURT EAST TRACT "R-1" TRACT "R-1"TRACT "OS-5"TRACT OS-4"TRACT "OS-4"TRACT "LB-1"TRACT "P-2"MATCH LINE SHEET 4MATCH LINE SHEET 4S 2°09'46" E 667.55'N 89°56'27" W164.97'N 2°12'20" W 667.63'S 89°56'17" E 1322.06'N 2°13'33" W30.02'POBCURVE TABLETRACT "P-2"TRACT "R-1"TRACT OS-4"NOT A PART OF THIS PLATDETAIL ACURVE TABLEMATCH LINESHEET 416.A.1.cPacket Pg. 306Attachment: Plat Map (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) 4610111234567814153738414294039131243444534333536S H E E T 4 OF 6PLAT BOOK PAGESERENO GROVEFILE:16-126-PLT-1.DWGTECH:JOB CODE:KEVIN GEORGESONWCIPMEGradyMinorCivil Engineers●Land Surveyors●Planners●Landscape ArchitectsCert. of Auth. EB 0005151Cert. of Auth. LB 0005151Business LC 26000266Q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A.3800 Via Del ReyBonita Springs, Florida 34134 Bonita Springs: 239.947.1144www.GradyMinor.com Fort Myers: 239.690.4380UNPLATTEDNOT A PART OF THIS PLATTRACT "OS-4"NOT A PART OF THIS PLAT BLOCK 8 UNPLATTEDTRACT "OS-1"TRACT "OS-2"TRACT "L-1"MATCH LINESHEET 6MATCH LINE SHEET 3MATCH LINESHEET 3MATCH LINE SHEET 5MATCH LINE SHEET 5MAXWELL COURTTRACT "R-1"NICHOLAS WAYTRACT "R-1"TRACT "OS-3"NOT A PART OF THIS PLATN 89°56'27" W 165.10'S 2°09'53" E 333.78'N 89°56'39" W 495.26'N 2°12'20" W 414.28' (OA)N 2°12'20" W S 89°56'27" EN 2°13'33" W30.02'CURVE TABLECURVE TABLE164.98'143.61' WILSHIRE LAKES BOULEVARD NOT A PART OF THIS PLATCURVE TABLELIESL COURT WESTLIESL COURT EASTTRACT "R-1"LINE TABLECURVE TABLETRACT"OS-5"16.A.1.cPacket Pg. 307Attachment: Plat Map (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) 141516171819202122232425262728293031323433S H E E T 5 OF 6PLAT BOOK PAGESERENO GROVEFILE:16-126-PLT-1.DWGTECH:JOB CODE:KEVIN GEORGESONWCIPMEGradyMinorCivil Engineers●Land Surveyors●Planners●Landscape ArchitectsCert. of Auth. EB 0005151Cert. of Auth. LB 0005151Business LC 26000266Q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A.3800 Via Del ReyBonita Springs, Florida 34134 Bonita Springs: 239.947.1144www.GradyMinor.com Fort Myers: 239.690.4380MATCH LINE SHEET 4MATCH LINESHEET 4 NOT A PART OF THIS PLATUNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDNOT A PART OF THIS PLATNOT A PART OF THIS PLATNOT A PART OF THIS PLATNOT A PART OF THIS PLATTRACT "L-1"MAXWELL COURTTRACT "OS-6"TRACT "P-1"TRACT "P-1"TRACT "P-1"S 2°10'14" E 333.90'N 89°57'44" W165.19'S 2°10'03" E30.02'S 89°57'44" E 135.17'S 2°10'14" E 273.71'N 89°57'36" W 135.18'S 2°10'03" E60.04'S 89°57'36" E 135.18'S 2°10'14" E 273.71'N 89°57'27" W 135.20'S 2°10'03" E 30.02'N 89°57'27" W 495.67'N 2°09'30" W 667.45'S 89°57'44" E 165.20'N 2°13'33" W30.02'N 89°57'44" W 165.19'N 2°12'20" W414.28' (OA)TR AC T "R - 1 "CURVE TABLEN 2°13'33" W30.02'S 89°57'44" ES 89°57'44" ETRACT "OS-6"DETAILTRACT "R-1"MAXWELL COURT1817CURVE TABLE16.A.1.cPacket Pg. 308Attachment: Plat Map (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) S H E E T 6 OF 6PLAT BOOK PAGESERENO GROVEFILE:16-126-PLT-1.DWGTECH:JOB CODE:KEVIN GEORGESONWCIPMEGradyMinorCivil Engineers●Land Surveyors●Planners●Landscape ArchitectsCert. of Auth. EB 0005151Cert. of Auth. LB 0005151Business LC 26000266Q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A.3800 Via Del ReyBonita Springs, Florida 34134 Bonita Springs: 239.947.1144www.GradyMinor.com Fort Myers: 239.690.4380MATCH LINESHEET 4UNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDUNPLATTEDLIVINGSTON ROAD NICHOLAS WAYTRACT "R"CURVE TABLEN 89°56'27" W23.58'C1S 42°29'52" W39.33'C2N 62°29'11" W 221.68'C3C4N 26°49'32" W56.12'C5N 2°12'17" W56.38'S 89°56'27" E33.93'C6C7C8S 62°29'11" E 221.68'C9N 42°29'52" E39.33'C10S 89°56'27" E21.60'UNPLATTED CURVE TABLE16.A.1.cPacket Pg. 309Attachment: Plat Map (3459 : Final Plat approval Sereno Grove) MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING '1 L-1'his Memorandum of Understanding ("Memorandum") is dated this ff~ay of , 'tr UJ;::e,,,r , 2017 ("Effective Date") and states the understanding and agreement of WCI COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and its successors and/or assigns ("WCI"), WILSHIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation (the "Association"), JAMES A. ROBERTS AND SHERI ROBERTS and any successor fee simple owner of Lot 1, Block 8 ("Lot 1 Owner") of the Wilshire Lakes, Phase Two Plat recorded in plat book 27, pages 24 through 27 inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida ("Wilshire Plat"), DA YID BANKSTON AND LINDA S. BANKSTON and any successor fee simple owner of Lot 2, Block 8 of the Wilshire Plat ("Lot 2 Owner"), and LAWRENCE M. DOYLE, JESSICA E. DOYLE AND JERRY T. EDWARDS, as tenants in common, and any successor fee simple owner of Lot 3, Block 8 of the Wilshire Plat ("Lot 3 Owner") (WCI, the Association, Lot I Owner, Lot 2 Owner, and Lot 3 Owner are collectively referred to herein as the "Parties"). The Parties desire to amicably resolve their disputes as provided herein. WHEREAS, WCI is the developer of approximately 43.22 acres of real property situated in Collier County, Florida ("WCI Property"), as more particularly depicted on Exhibit "D" of Collier County Ordinance 16-25, as may be amended from time to time ("WCI PUD Ordinance"); WHEREAS, Association is the "Association" under that certain Declaration and General Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Wilshire Lakes, recorded in Official Records Book 1681, Page 902, et seq, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, as amended, which Declaration pertains to that certain real property east of and proximate to the WCI Property and situated in Collier County, Florida ("Wilshire Lakes"); WHEREAS, Lot I Owner, Lot 2 Owner, and Lot 3 Owner (collectively, "Wilshire Lot Owners") reside within the portion of Wilshire Lakes that is immediately adjacent to the WCI Property; WHEREAS, WCI is seeking final approval by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County ("County") for the revised plat of the WCI Property ("WCI Plat"), which shall plat the WCI Property in a manner substantially similar to the WCI Sereno Project Overall Layout attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A" ("Community Layout"), provided that in no event shall the location and/or configuration of Nicholas Way or Liesel Court East be modified therefrom, and in no event shall the prope,ty immediately to the west of Lot I Owner's property be used for any purpose other than a pumping station as shown in the Community Layout; WHEREAS, in connection with its submittal of the WCI Plat, WCI has agreed (i) to provide additional distance between Nicholas Way and the properties owned by the Wilshire Lot Owners, as depicted on the Community Layout attached hereto, (ii) to provide and to install a wall, landscaping and related improvements on the WCI Property as an accommodation to the Wilshire Lot Owners, (iii) to grant the Wilshire Lot Owners a non-exclusive, permanent easement over a portion of the WCI Property to maintain said landscaping and related improvements, (iv) to construct a wall along a pmtion of the eastern side of the WCI Property (more specifically, the portion of the WCI Property abutting the Wilshire Lot Owners' west property lines and the Lot 1 Owner's north prope1ty line) as an accommodation to the Wilshire Lot Owners, and (v) to restrict the development of Lot 45, as depicted on the Community Layout, to a single-story residence; and WHEREAS, the Association has agreed to convey to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County ("Countv") any necessary easement rights and its interest, if any, in the water and sewer Memorandum of Understanding I utility facilities to be connected into its existing water and sewer facilities, which will service the WCI Property, and to execute any documents reasonably required in connection therewith. NOW THEREFORE, the Parties mutually agree as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. By no later than the date the first Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the County for a residential building located on the WCI Property ("WCI Deadline"), WCI agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish and install (i) a six (6) foot opaque wall (as more particularly described in the WCI PUD Ordinance) and consistent with residential developments of similar nature, size and geographic location ("Wall) and (ii) landscaping and related improvements ("Landscaping"), all in conformance with the wall and landscaping cross-section attached hereto, consisting of two (2) pages, each labelled as Exhibit "B", on the WCI Property immediately adjacent to the properties owned by the Wilshire Lot Owners. The Wall shall tie-in to the then-existing chain link fence that runs perpendicular to the Wall, along and between Wilshire Lakes and the WCI Property. WCI shall be solely responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of the Wall in accordance with applicable laws. 3. WCI shall grant to each Wilshire Lot Owner, and its contractors, subcontractors, agents, successors and assigns, a non-exclusive, perpetual easement over a portion of the WCI Property for the maintenance of landscaping located within the easement area, pursuant to an Easement Agreement for Landscape Maintenance in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C". WCI and each of the Wilshire Lot Owners shall execute such Easement Agreement for Landscape Maintenance by no later than the fifteenth (151h) day after the Effective Date of this Memorandum. Within ten (10) days following completion of construction of the Wall and installation of the Landscaping, WCI shall record each Easement Agreement for Landscape Maintenance in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida at its sole cost and expense. 4. WCI agrees to restrict the development of Lot 45 of the WCI Plat to a single-story residence. 5. WCI shall have the right to connect to the Utility Facilities, as defined herein, located in Wilshire Lakes in order to service the WCI Property. ("Utility Facilities" shall mean water mains and sewer mains and shall include all pipes, valves, valve boxes, hydrants, water service stubs, sewer service stubs, cleanouts, meters, and all appliances and fixtures appurtenant thereto.) The Association shall convey to the County (i) a utility easement over a portion of Wilshire Lakes and (ii) its interest, if any, in the Utility Facilities. In connection therewith, the Association shall execute the form utility conveyance documents attached hereto as Exhibit "D-1", "D-2", and "D-3" ("Utility Conveyance Documents"). WCI and the Association agree and acknowledge that the County's approval of the Utility Conveyance Documents is a condition of the County's approval of the WCI Plat. The Association shall execute the Utility Conveyance Documents and shall deliver the original, executed Utility Conveyance Documents to the County by no later than October I, 2017. Prior to recordation of the Utility Conveyance Documents, Wilshire shall obtain the written approval of Branch Banking and Trust Company, a banking corporation, per the form attached hereto as Exhibit "E" ("Bank Approval"). Approval of the WCI Plat and the Utility Conveyance Documents shall be companion items on the County's agenda. Upon the County's approval of the WCI Plat, WCI shall record the Bank Approval and the Utility Conveyance Documents in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida at its sole cost and expense. The Association understands and acknowledges that WCI shall be permitted to connect to the existing Utility Facilities pursuant to the Utility Conveyance Documents. In the event connection to the Utility Facilities proximately causes existing landscaping within Wilshire Lakes to be damaged, WCI shall restore or repair the landscaping to its prior condition. Memorandum of Understanding 2 6. The Association and the Wilshire Lot Owners ("Wilshire Parties") acknowledge that WCI intends, at WCI's sole cost and expense, to seek non-appealable plat approval for the WCI Plat. As consideration for the covenants granted herein, the Wilshire Parties shall fully cooperate with WCI and shall not object to or oppose approval of the WCI Plat by the County, provided that the WCI Plat reflects the terms of this Memorandum. The Wilshire Parties agree that WCI's obligations hereunder are expressly contingent upon receipt of non-appeal approval of the WCI Plat by the County. In the event WCI is unable to obtain approval of the WCI Plat by the County, this Memorandum shall automatically terminate and shall be of no force and effect. 7. WCI may assign any of its rights hereunder, in its sole and absolute discretion, to any person or entity without the consent of the Association and/or the Wilshire Lot Owners, provided such assignee expressly assumes all obligations of WCI under this Memorandum. 8. This Memorandum represents the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties as to the subject matter herein. The Parties have freely and voluntarily executed this Memorandum after they have been apprised of all relevant information and after each has received advice of their respective attorneys. In connection with any litigation arising out of this Memorandum, including any breach, enforcement or interpretation of this Memorandum, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the party or parties involved in such litigation and not prevailing its reasonable costs and attorney fees, paralegal fees and expe11 fees incurred at trial, retrial, on appeal, at hearings and rehearings, and in all administrative, bankruptcy and reorganization proceedings; provided that it is understood that there will be no joint and several liability between or among the Wilshire Parties. In executing this Memorandum, the Parties do not rely on any inducements, promises, or representations other than those set forth in this Memorandum. This Memorandum may be amended at any time by mutual written agreement of the Parties. This Memorandum may be executed simultaneously in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Memorandum shall be construed under the Laws of Florida, and venue for any disputes arising hereunder shall lie exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction in Collier County and in no other venue. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES.] Memorandum of Understanding 3 I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa11ies have caused this . emorandum to be duly executed as of the qay and year first written above. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ( 1) ~er-;:::--Print Name: "k/f'l'<y aL..---" STATE or, f-LORIDJ\ COUNTY Of-~ ) ) SS: ) WCI: ITIES, LLC, a florida By:_~-----------Name: .:::u;:r; Q Me vLLu V-trfl~<d Title: V 1 <t,.te -Pr-esi d.CM.C-t J , Tt{J foregoing instrv;cnt wp. -acknowledged before me this~ day of' Oo""72Jkr, 2017 by 'CiY-t R ™t.t.n/liAf as (!..e...,-,r5, . of WCI COMMlJNITIES, LLC, a florida limited liability company, on bchi!lf of such !~!ability company. S/Hc is personally known to me or has produced as identification. rNOTARIAL SEAL] ~---....._.,, _________ _ , Gall Lucas .v.-,,_";9,,o_ NOTARY PUBLIC '3 r ~STATE OF FLORIDA ":J,--· ,"i' Comm# FF964336 ~ en r1'li Expires 4/27/2020 Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: ____________ _ My Commission Expires: Memorandum of Understanding 4 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ASSOCIATION: WILSHIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation ~~ntQ~ lr:iiwj Q~~~-,@__,,_:-~-a-s-sa=n-d_ra_G_C_orn-·ad _____ _ (.Jm J = l n . o~= Title: President, Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc. printNaJ~A~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF e.klJ& ) ) SS: ) /1 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 'Ji!, day of fu/-oher, 2017 by ~i"SMdrA(,p. liar.ad, as J>r,s1 J &e.,..--1-, of WILSHIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation, on behalf of such corporation. S/He js p~rsonally known lo me or has produced ______ _ as identification. " [NOTARIAL SEAL] ·.··!" "'"" ,,,, KRISTINE K. WISHARD •' v }\;. Notary Plibllc· -State of Florida ·= Commission# ff 909508 ~~ ~i My Comm. Expires Aug 24, 2019 ,,,,;f,,,:.r.\'t,'' Bonded tm,ugh National Notary Assn. ~,'N.~ ~b. 11£1sAa.rcL Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: FF 90950 8 My Commission Expires: Memorandum of Understanding 5 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ame: V ~P-{fS S flfRTU17 2 ,p/~c...J (1) >11.Ctcc'1J=~~ Print Name: AA, CAV':j ... ('.TeP1-1-E,J:S 2 Print. STATEOFFLORJDA ) , ) SS: LOTl OWNER: JAMES A. ROBERTS SHERI ROBERTS COUNTY OF l.e°E:° ) ~~ +~ ·n1e fore oing instrument was acknowledged before me thi~ clay of .S E:::t/'r. , 2017 by JAMES A. ROBERTS. He is Jersonally known to me or has produced IV /!·I-as identification. [NOTARIAL SE ] M. CAlHY STEPHENS MY COMMISSION# FF 974841 EXPIRES: Juno 18, 2020 Bondod 1hN No!ary Pub!IG Ul\dO!WJ!iffl STATE OF FLORJDA COUNTY OF L_e-r;;: IA. CAlHY STEPHENS MYC0MM1SSION#FF974841 EXPIRES: J\JI\O 18, 2020 Bon(j.,d ThN No!nly Pub!lo UndOl'Mllors , 2017 by SHEIU ROBERTS. She is Print or Stamp Name: fl foL , ~i-/'l-/ s; Tl?Pl-fEtv .S Notary Public, State of Florida at Larr/ / Commission No.: ~£ 9'1t/-b"'-f-My Commission Expires: /, / ; el I 5' ( ,;lo .:;;_o Memorandum ofUnderslamling 6 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: l Print Name: 2 Print Name: 1 Print Name: 2 Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF __ _ ) ) SS: ) LOT20WNER: LINDA S. BANKSTON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of ____ _, 2017 by DAVID BANKSTON. He is personally known to me or has produced as identification. [NOTARIAL SEAL] STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF __ _ ) ) SS: ) Print or Stamp Name: -----------Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: ------------My Commission Expires: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_ day of ___ ~ 2017 by LINDA S. BANKSTON. She is personally known to me or has produced as identification. [NOTARIAL SEAL] Print or Stamp Name: -----------Notary Public, State ofFlorida at Large Commission No.: ------------My Commission Expires: Memorandum ofUndcrstanding 7 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: (2) ....... Print Name: j/!I\ '2J.+: 5 lc.u,'a (2)~~ Print Name: W\.o, +t ~(9v t(\ (2) Prin(Name: STA TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OFL.££ (' ; -<.r'.h, , ) ) SS: ) LOT3 OWNER: L The for~t:rnrncnt was acknowledged before me this,1. 9 !ay ~,,ky LA WREN CE M. DOYLE. He is pers~'to me or has produced as identification. [NOTARIAL SEAL] Memorandum of Understanding 8 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF LE:£ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ti~ uday oStp ~1kssICA E. DOYLE. She is ersonally known to me or has produced as identification. [NOT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Ll?"e ) ) SS: ) lo .1 cf The foregoing instmmcnt was acknowledged before me th~9 day ~i{.,;,o 17 by JERRY T. EDWARDS. He is pe.::,~1 to me or has produced as identification. [NOTARIAL SEAL] ~--;::;-::::.~~-~~-~. ··--···' .. \\YP1,/'',, -:0\· ····t'i\ CINDY L ,JONES ~CJi1:) MY COMMISSION f/FF~~585i ··-~it,i"c~·f>·' EXPIRES January 23 2018 -.£?l0398°·0D153 FloridaNotaryService.~orn ---.. u.:.~--.. ~ ... --My Conunission Expires: ~·"'--'-<--~ 23., 2-a1f [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.) Memorandum ofUnderstanding 9 (1 I : EXHIBIT "A" I I ' I I r I · \ TO N'ffiMORANDUM ; I \ \ \, .. ·----11 I OF UNDERSTkNDING ! I ) __ ./ / :' \ \ '·----/ PROPERTY :== .::~~:::f i::C'.\:~>::;;.:::>, ·-.. -_ PR.OPERr(u~.~~JI 17 ---ll \t,--. ·:/ 1'1 -----.,(' \ 18 . / ;,,~:~~~= ~ .. " .• .-· 1( ( / ---.'. ·. . ' --·,:,.;·-·1 ' \ \ ~/ .. -·<-:~\:\ \·--,'· i l \ ) \\ ./ ..,,, \ ·., \~~;\ 'J .. \ ·.\ ... -=-r--· ; \ \ ,· / . \\ '\t···, .. --6. ·,·:=:_;, .:.~:--;_=_1~.~:_t.:.~· :_.._,_,._~...l\, .• , .. ~··,._:,·,,,~_,_=_:-___ :_:_=-_'}1.·· ... · -:~~. -~ -'1~ .. L_·;~,-=3.·_, r .. ·: \\ \ \\ \\ ,,-202, --\ \\···· ·\ _...... ,·. \-\-......... ___ ... g \ ___ .. ----.. -. \'. ... -··./··:-'!-·\ .• · ............... -·-: .. ·· .. ·.,·.,.:.·:·::·:· \:::::':..·::.:,.-·· ______ ;\·.·.·.·.:· .. \t,t'" \:""'' ._~----_ .. I'--,:·.·. \' / \\' I I ! } i '., \. __ ..... )/0-.. \ I \ ___ .... ----*N W E ~ s COMMUNITY LAYOUT 0 150' 300' SCALE: 1 u = 3001 PJI GradyMinor ; " Civil Engineers • I.am! S11rvcyms ~ Pl:11111crs • l.;mtlsc,1pc t\rcilltccls z li/ll'll".6'/',7t/.1·.l/i110/'.t.'OIII EXHIBIT "B" WALL -,~ I I /I I I I I I I I .1-..J I __ I I f:···1·· -n --'-I I I I I ·t -L-~ FF--I I \*\ I I ii I I ) I I I I I ~ I I /) ' I [1E[1]J rr:m:n ----·-·--" I ii " " " " " I " " " " I " " II I I II II I I " I II I II u ·::dj II I II II " II II " II I II I I " I II I II II I II II ,,-u·-r,-.. ,..~,.,..._ .. -...m .... ,,.14' I II \: I II I ...... ,_....,.,,.ua,_..,.,,. ......... _ II " ,···.~~·~-· I I II I " I " II I I " " I I I II II 2 I " I II I I II I " I I I " " I " " I I " " L~=· WILSHIRE LAKES I " I " I " :: RESIDENCES " I I : " " I I u 1: I I I _jJ II 6 " I " "" " " " I " < " " > " +--I I " Ul " ' I I " ..J " \ I " ::, " I I II 0 " I " c:, " ' I " " ·•~\ml•= I I " "' II I I " Ul " -----l °"' tullfQCUC\.>'1> "'-~A) I " ~ , •. ,.., ·'""""·"" •n•. I " < \~~ ... °"""i7'7"A~O,,CW_ ....... 'II& I " ..J I " ''s::.======== """u•I-OOl•oor<l"~._.,.,,., ........ I " "' .. ~r·i-· I " "" I I " 5:--------I I I II I I II "' I II ..J ,":;-----=-====== I I :: ~ ~===~-~-~-~ II 1,' II (: -" I II II " II " I I II I " II II I II I " " II I II n II I " I II I II I II :: " I " I " II II I II I " I " I " " I I " " I II " I -t1 " I " I II :: " I +--" II I ' II " I I I II II I I II I II II II I I " I II I I. I II II I II " I I " I II I ' II " r __ J I II I II : II II I II II I ! I ! ! I i • Gra!ly~linor 0.IE•&J....-1'1 l.,ocl><-Att~n,n, l,adSan~w, pt,, .. .. --, ... , .... .......... .--... IL----' Ill SHEET 1 OF 1 EXHIBIT "B" LANDSCAPING so· R.o.w. SECTION F ~ R.O.W. ]l],, ·~ 17. ~ SECTION G tl.T.S. 75' SECTION G-1 N.T.S. MIN. PERIMETER BERM EL=15.30" E GradyMinor '·'·"""*'a~-::::;:-,:;'; ~---~S:,E:.:R::cE:.:N.::O....::.GR=O-'VE'---, E,,.;u!lpr~.r,.,n.s,Hlll CMIEn;;lno:~rs • L:mdSUl'\t')Of'S Cm.d.-,1"DID>OUU Cn\.ol.\,,..L.aOOOlll1 • ••. ,:n<1, 1/l•~r.r"'" EXHIBIT "C" -BANKSTON THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: FRANCESCA P ASSIDOMO, ESQ. COLEMAN, YOYANOVICI-I & KOESTER, P.A. 4001 TAMIAMI TRAIL NORTH, SUITE 300 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34103 [Space above line reserved for recording office use J EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ~ EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ("Agreement") is made thi _ day of ~017, by and between WCI COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and its successors and/or assigns ("WCI") and DA YID BANKSTON AND LINDA S. BANKSTON, their successors and assigns ("Lot Owner"). WCI and the Lot Owner are herein collectively referred to as the "Parties" and each individually as a "Party", and the term Party shall be deemed to refer to such Party and its respective successors, grantees and assigns. WHEREAS, WCI is the developer of certain real property lying within the Northwest Y4 of Section 31, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, as more particularly described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference ("WCI Propertv"); WHEREAS, Lot Owner is the fee simple title holder to Lot 2, Block 8, Wilshire Lakes, Phase Two, a subdivision according to a plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 24 through 27, inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida ("Lot Owner Property"), which is located within a larger master-planned community known as Wilshire Lakes; WHEREAS, the Parties, Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc. a Florida not for profit corporation, and certain other individuals executed that certain Memorandum of Understanding which contemplated, among other things, the execution and recordation of this Agreement; WHEREAS, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" are the legal description and sketches of a po1tion of the WCI Prope1ty that fronts the Lot Owner Property and is labeled LBE 1 on the sketch ("Easement Area") that have been or that may hereafter be improved by WCI with landscape features, all at WCI's expense, for the purpose of establishing enhanced aesthetics for the Lot Owner; and WHEREAS, the Lot Owner is requesting a nonexclusive easement over the Easement Area for the purposes set forth herein and WCI has agreed to such request, subject to the terms and conditions hereof. EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE I AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100ths Dollars ($10.00), the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby grant, covenant and agree as follows: I. this reference. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and they are incorporated herein by 2. Declaration of Landscape Easement. A perpetual, nonexclusive easement over, under and through the Easement Area is hereby established in favor of the Lot Owner, for the purposes of, from time to time, maintaining certain landscaping and operating certain water utilities to serve such landscaping that has been or will be installed within the Easement Area by WCI. All utilities serving the landscape features within the Easement Area shall be connected to the WCI utility lines and meters and billed to and paid by WCI; provided, however, that additional shut-off valves for the landscape water utilities shall be located within the Easement Area as an additional accommodation to the Lot Owner. The Easement Area shall be used by the Lot Owner for landscaping only, subject to applicable codes or ordinances. 3. Maintenance. a. Landscape Features. Subject to WCI's obligation to provide irrigation, the Lot Owner shall maintain the landscaping previously installed by WCI within the Easement Area, all at the Lot Owner's expense. Notwithstanding the primary maintenance responsibility of the Lot Owner, if, for any reason other than WCI's failure to provide irrigation, the Lot Owner fails or refuses to keep the Easement Area and the landscaping features therein in good condition, then WCI shall have the right (but not the obligation, and only after the expiration of a thirty (30) days' written notice and cure period), to undertake any maintenance or repairs deemed reasonably necessary or advisable by WCI, and in such event, all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by WCI in performing such work shall be immediately reimbursed by the Lot Owner to WCI, by no later than fifteen (15) days after written demand therefore (which demand shal 1 be accompanied by paid invoices or other satisfactory evidence of such expenditures); except that the maximum reimbursable cost is the amount required to meet minimum code requirements. b. Utilities. WCI shall be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and repair of the utilities serving the landscaping within the Easement Area in accordance with applicable laws; provided, however, in no event shall WCI be responsible for the cost or expense of any maintenance item, repair, or replacement of such utilities which is made necessary by the negligent or willful acts or omissions by the Lot Owner or its contractors, subcontractors, agents or assigns, and the Lot Owner shall reimburse WCI upon written demand for such costs and expenses. 4. Mutual Indemnification. The Lot Owner shall ii1demnify, defend, and hold WCI and its board members, members, officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any loss, damage, claim, cause of action or expense any may suffer or incur (including, without limitation, attorneys' and legal assistants' fees) related to or arising out of any gross negligence, willful misconduct, or by reason of any breach of this Agreement by the Lot Owner. Similarly, WCI shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Lot Owner harmless from and against any loss, damage, claim, cause of action or expense they may suffer or incur (including, without limitation, attorneys' and legal assistants' fees) related to or arising out of any gross negligence, willful misconduct, or by reason of any breach of this Agreement by WCI. 5. Run with the Land. The benefits and burdens arising under this Agreement shall run with the Lot Owner Property as well as the WCI Property. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, it is acknowledged and agreed that (i) the Lot Owner shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 2 under this Agreement to the Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation, and (ii) WCI shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any person or entity in its sole and absolute discretion. Any assignment and assumption shall be by recorded instrument executed with the formalities of a deed, and upon the recording of such assignment and assumption, the Lot Owner or WCI, as applicable, shall be automatically released from its obligations hereunder. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a dedication of any area for public use, and all rights and easements herein created are private and do not constitute a grant for public use. 6. No Interference with Easement. At no time shall there be erected or permitted to exist any gate, barrier or other condition within the Easement Area which would have the effect of impairing or hindering the use of the Easement Area for the purposes granted herein. 7. Notices. All notices, demands, requests and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing. All such notices, demands requests and other communications (and copies thereof) shall be deemed to be delivered: (a) if sent by messenger, upon personal delivery to the party to whom the notice is directed; (b) if sent by electronic mail, upon transmission (but only so long as a copy of the notice is also sent by another method provided for in this Section); (c) if sent by overnight courier, with request for next business day delivery, on the next business day after sending; or (d) whether actually received or not, two (2) business days after deposit in a regularly maintained receptacle for the United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: To WCI: To Lot Owner: WCI COMMUNITIES, LLC c/o Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A. Attn: Richard Yovanovich 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103 ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com DA YID BANKSTON AND LINDA S. BANKSTON 8. Attorney's Fees and Costs. In connection with any litigation arising out of this Agreement, or the breach, enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the party not prevailing its reasonable costs and attorney fees, paralegal fees and expert fees incurred at trial, retrial, on appeal, at hearings and rehearings, and in all administrative, bankruptcy and reorganization proceedings. 9. Waiver of Trial by Jury. THE PARTIES HEREBY KNOWINGLY, IRREVOCABLY, VO LUNT ARIL Y AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COUNTERCLAIM BASED ON THIS AGREEMENT OR ARISING OUT OF, UNDER, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 3 DOCUMENT OR INSTRUMENT EXECUTED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, OR ANY COURSE OF CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, STATEMENTS (WHETHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN) OR ACTION OF ANY PARTY HERETO. THIS PROVISION IS A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT FOR THE PARTIES HERETO ENTERING INTO THE SUBJECT AGREEMENT. 10. Miscellaneous. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. The signature of the parties hereto on this Agreement may be executed and notarized on separate pages and when attached to this Agreement shall constitute one complete document. This Agreement shall be construed, governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Any failure to enforce any provision contained in this Agreement shall in no way be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. The invalidity, violation, abandonment or waiver of any one or more of any of the provisions hereof shall not affect or impair the remaining portions of this Agreement. This Agreement cannot be altered, amended or ratified except by written instrument executed by the parties hereto or their respective successors and assign and recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES.] EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Patties have executed is Agreement effective as of the date first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: (1) &~ STATE Of' Fl.OR.TOA COUNTY OF Ut! ) .) SS: ) WCI: UNITIES, LLC, a Florida limited The foregoin721st.rumcnt was acknowledged before me U1i~ l'P'day of Oc;-:@be/" . 2017 bY. ~~ I\. )l.fi JI"'~ as Jt111 .. e-Ye'.-$ , of WCI COMMUNITIES. LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on belrnlf of such limited liabili ' company. S/l·le is pcrsonall~1own to me or has produced as identification. [NOTAIUAL SEAL] /~ -----------Notary Public, State uf f'lorida af Large Commission No.: -------------My Commission Expires: EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 5 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Name: 2 Print Name: -----------I Print Narrie: 2 Print Name: ----------STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ---) ) SS: ) LOT OWNER: LINDA S. BANKSTON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_ day of _____ ~ 2017 by DAVID BANKSTON. He is personally known to me or bas produced as identification. [NOTARIAL SEAL] STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF_. __ ) ) SS: ) Print or Stamp Name: -----------Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: ------------My Commission fal)ires: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_day of ___ __, 2017 by LINDA S. BANKSTON. She is personally known to me or has produced as identification. [NOTARIAL SEAL] Print or Stamp Name: -----------Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: ------------My Commission fal)ires: EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 6 EXHIBIT "A" WCI PROPERTY (16-126-PL T) A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WITHIN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE SAME BEING A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF WILSHIRE LAKES, PHASE 2, PLAT BOOK 27, PAGES 24 THROUGH 27, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN ALONG SAID BOUNDARY FOR THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) SOUTH 02°09'4611 EAST, A DISTANCE OF 667.55 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.10 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 02°09'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 333.78 FEET; 4) THENCE NORTH 89°56'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 495.26 FEET; 5) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 333.90 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE LANDS LESSED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2632, PAGE 1892, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING TEN (10) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) NORTH 89°57'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.19 FEET; 2) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 89°57'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 135.17 FEET; 4) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 273.71 FEET; 5) THENCE NORTH 89°57'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135.18 FEET; 6) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 60.04 FEET; 7) THENCE SOUTH 89°57'36" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 135.18 FEET; 8) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 273.71 FEET; 9) THENCE NORTH 89°57'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135.20 FEET; 10) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°57'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 495.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°09'30" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 667.45 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LANDS LESSED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 970, PAGE 1759, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) SOUTH 89°57'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 165.20 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 02°13'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE NORTH 89°57'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 414.28 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 23.58 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY 144.02 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 173.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47°33 '41", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 66°16'42" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 139.92 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 42°29'52"WEST, A DISTANCE OF 39.33 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE WESTERLY 296.55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 226.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75°00'57", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 80°00'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 275.82 FEET); THENCE NORTH 62°29'11" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 221.68 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE WESTERLY 321.35 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 573.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32°06'18", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 78°32'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 317.17 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 256.06 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 216.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 67°45'58", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 60°42'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 241.40 FEET); THENCE NORTH 26°49'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 56.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAfNTENANCE 7 THE LEFT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 175.82 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 180.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 55°58'00", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 54°48'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 168.92 FEET)TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, NORTH 02°12'17" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 56.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 33.93 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY332.32 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 293.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64°52'26", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 57°30'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 314.85 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 191.78 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 176.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 62°15'19", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 56°11'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 182.48 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE EASTERLY 270.26 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 623.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 24°50'08", {CHORD BEARING SOUTH 74°54'16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 268.15 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 62°29'11" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 221.68 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE EASTERLY 231.09 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 176.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75°00'57", {CHORD BEARING NORTH 80°00'20" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 214.93 FEET); THENCE NORTH 42°29'52" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 39.33 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 185.53 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 223.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47°33'41"', (CHORD BEARING NORTH 66°16'42" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 180.25 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 21.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 143.61 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LANDS LESSED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 970, PAGE 1759, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 164.98 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 02°13'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 164.97 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 667.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED WILSHIRE LAKES, PHASE 2; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY, SOUTH 89°56'17" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1,322.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 45.55 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 8 EXHIBIT "B" EASEMENT AREA LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH (BANKSTON) 0 ~5' 00' lOJ' SCALE: l -= 50' irllS l'U..-, MAT l"' .. ,W! !lttN Ul~U.O Ok ~t'.JC!:C moi.t l~[JICCO 019V.Y :swc rcn ncrHc:>u:r.0:1 r.v.:::rn~ WOT A SURVEY-EXHIBlf -s· m EA::ElrlENT AGREEME.'lolT FOR LANDSCAPE MAJNTENANCE (BAi'Jt{STON) .-; o-r..e:,cJ or nc !Zj<TtlC!:C)tT:.C ~,.., Cf" Str1'CN .JI LEGEND: PCB ~1 <>-~C,,.."tJN: oc DfW,'AGt: ~u: ro rv.r~ PC PGT(S) LE£ lA\'c;sc,,/"£ fNIT:R W!'J!NT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A 10 FOOl 1,0C V,.1/();c,,.F( £1.!11U WO.iJ.1 Lt~"''!; lY mi ,,......,'1"tsr ~Yrot CF S{Crc(, Jt. ~1X:,KI" "4 AN'TI~ ~cc ''" ~ err,: JI'),~ AIRT/Ct.,t.-P.Y C.C'SC'imfTJ AS fOl!OJ'S; B!CJN Al Tr~ t<O/l'Jf/.!:Sf roiiflfR Or 10f 1. e.oc,..· t:. WtS~ L.Nd;":; ~ ::. PC,,tr tr.>Oi< v. N.CL.:: ;:, m~llai !'.J. rt;«Jt na;rcs <>" r:oaJfR C.CJJ.'.r,-. Fic,,c,J,.· r~.r:c Rl.:N A.t.ON;; rJfl •'OT tJ},! Of' S,l/0 ltOCK (J. SOt!Pf D.117il~ {)ST. A OOTA'ICi' OF JOI.CC FITT: T'>i!J,C! sow,, IJT!,(/07" arsr. A (JSR'.'~ Of ,u.,o ,u.r n A l"CrNr O.'l "' ~ n,v a Wl.Sr or .A.'D /W'..\UCL r:, mt 11,rsr u.;c er .:;,·.::i o:.ccx a,. 1>10,..:c :;>\M JJ.C.YC ~ r.vw1n. 1Nr. 1.cm11 orana· 11tt1, J OtS'LV"J; Cf tC I.CO ,err 10 J. F'O!.VT O:t :Hf. Dm1l.?"ft CF T>!£ NORN w:r or rn: ~&F.tr.lON!D tot 2:: me.a: FW'N At.;,•,,;; w, UJ{(. :,U.Cr,'1 tr:ov,· tASr; A CIY:,Au;.c rr ro:,o llCI ;u INC f'OC(:' 0/' tY.C.'INHC. COKTN,-n r.c.ro s,LJ(Rt rm. r.ilr °" tru. NOTES: I. S!-Ai.iNCS ~m ~£al illSW aJ 11C S".Al! RA'/£ COO.'V,i.'A1C S'l':1!11 OTNJUSJ47J Bf n£ ,':lr,c.~ CtOCC11: SV'i'oi"f PJH 11..Ufl::A UST l()(t£. r'4J DI.JUW ,r-.JH :!IVJ ~"'°" A'.? RUCJr ro 1llC ~ i,..-r er ttc:K • u-1tusu;;,: l,tJ{i.<;. PlASC '· /!,t.1 3'»<' ,:. PJ.XS U 11-~-I 11. PUSLJC qrrotos OF cou10 coor.r. nORnt JS &1m S'(lJTW C.l"C'9'SJ" DST. :,, O.U0.'$7).<r: ~~-, ,u-:H:an nc 1:1 c.s. SVffA:r ,-rrr ,..,,a O!t.'\IALS' 11tf7£0F. J. T/'!1$5.CCTCtlN,'Ot(S';Jf'l'tJJflli av~ fl<rraut trr!; s,,.,w/Jttc APO c..·1cn.._ ,;..-;c ~ w ,a ~o::.s:c no~~ 51,;,..,or.R .v.o w.Pff'P t,'O AtCfiOJ.S Di uu:r.c-1rs ro rns Sl<uCJf AND ClSCKJ--DCJI JR[ pr.Jl.lllm) lt11H'"'.JJT n,;: Qhh,:,.2Dlt"#JrTQl'COflSDl(l.)F Tl'it:SIG.\7/ifil'MT'l'. ~ 1------~-----------------------------~-------------------~--~~---1 SKETCH ANO DESCRIPTION __ :]_!1~ JI :., or.,w,,i OY. (JG c..-£O<ED 8Y: DLS [ }Vfl] GraclyMinor O. {ir•tlr Mll~r urnl ,\~~uclctc::.J. 1'.A. :ssua 11:1 Dcl !<t1· S0:11t;1 :i(lrln;:..11. tlorhb 1·11:11 f----,-O.-lA-N_O_S_C_A_PE_BU_FF_E_R_E_A_S_E_M_E_N_T_2 ___ --i f#'.ffl,o 3 JOOCOOC. VICtl'I.~ SC/J.E: 1': 5C' Dl,TE 1'-JLY~H fll.E: 1~1:G-1.tlt: SIEET: 1 rl , CMI Engineers coL"r \ai,1h.1:oocio:a:;1 I.and Survi!yors Cert. vr.,u11. LIIOC0:11:i! Plam1crs Landscape Arcl1itcclS rw-lnc••I.C:?Cl)(.O:!G!l LVlNGlN flnn!I., !.:11rln~: 2:lOn 17.l l•J.t truw t:r.11/1•l//r,11r.rnn, SECTIOI~ 31. TO\VIISHIP 48 SOUTH RANGE 29 EAST COLLIER COUlllY, FLORIDA EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 9 'Jl;l/iEk,. i n!D.A1:t/!"' ~ rRrl'f!n:-.11 ~ EXHIBIT "C" -DOYLE & EDWARDS THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: FRANCESCA PASSIDOMO, ESQ. COLEMAN, YOVANOVICI-1 & KOESTER, P.A. 4001 TAMIAMI TRAIL NORTH, SUITE 300 NAPLES, FLORJDA 34103 [Space above line reserved for recording office use] EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TH~ EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ("Agreement") is made this.SY< day of C0-~'-2017, by and between WCI COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and its successors and/or assigns ("WCI") and LA WREN CE M. DOYLE, JESSICA E. DOYLE AND JERRY T. EDWARDS, as tenants in common, their successors and assigns ("Lot Owner"). WCI and the Lot Owner are herein collectively referred to as the "Parties" and each individually as a "Party", and the term Patty shall be deemed to refer to such Party and its respective successors, grantees and assigns. WHEREAS, WCI is the developer of certain real property lying within the Northwest 1/,i of Section 31, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, as mo~e particularly described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference ("WCI Property"); WHEREAS, Lot Owner is the fee simple title holder to Lot 3, Block 8, Wilshire Lakes, Phase Two, a subdivision according to a plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 24 through 27, inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida ("Lot Owner Propertv"), which is located within a larger master-planned community known as Wilshire Lakes; WHEREAS, the Parties, Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc. a Florida not for profit corporation, and certain other individuals executed that cettain Memorandum of Understanding which contemplated, among other things, the execution and recordation of this Agreement; WHEREAS, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" are the legal description and sketches of a portion of the WCI Property that fronts the Lot Owner Property and is labeled LBE I on the sketch ("Easement Area") that have been or that may hereafter be improved by WCI with landscape features, all at WCI's expense, for the purpose of establishing enhanced aesthetics for the Lot Owner; and WHEREAS, the Lot Owner is requesting a nonexclusive easement over the Easement Area for the purposes set forth herein and WCI has agreed to such request, subject to the terms and conditions hereof. EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE I AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/lOOths Dollars ($10.00), the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby grant, covenant and agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and they are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Declaration of Landscape Easement. A perpetual, nonexclusive easement over, under and through the Easement Area is hereby established in favor of the Lot Owner, for the purposes of, from time to time, maintaining certain landscaping and operating certain water utilities to serve such landscaping that has been or will be installed within the Easement Area by WCI. All utilities serving the landscape features within the Easement Area shall be connected to the WCI utility lines and meters and billed to and paid by WCI; provided, however, that additional shut-off valves for the landscape water utilities shall be located within the Easement Area as an additional accommodation to the Lot Owner. The Easement Area shall be used by the Lot Owner for landscaping only, subject to applicable codes or ordinances. 3. Maintenance. a. Landscape Features. Subject to WCl's obligation to provide irrigation, the Lot Owner shall maintain the landscaping previously installed by WCI within the Easement Area, all at the Lot Owner's expense. Notwithstanding the primary maintenance responsibility of the Lot Owner, if, for any reason other than WCI's failure to provide irrigation, the Lot Owner fails or refuses to keep the Easement Area and the landscaping features therein in good condition, then WCI shall have the right (but not the obligation, and only after the expiration of a thirty (30) days' written notice and cure period), to undertake any maintenance or repairs deemed reasonably necessary or advisable by WCI, and in such event, all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by WCI in performing such work shall be immediately reimbursed by the Lot Owner to WCI, by no later than fifteen (15) days after written demand therefore (which demand shall be accompanied by paid invoices or other satisfactory evidence of such expenditures); except that the maximum reimbursable cost is the amount required to meet minimum code requirements. b. Utilities. WCI shall be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and repair of the utilities serving the landscaping within the Easement Area in accordance with applicable laws; provided, however, in no event shall WCI be responsible for the cost or expense of any maintenance item, repair, or replacement of such utilities which is made necessary by the negligent or willful acts or omissions by the Lot Owner or its contractors, subcontractors, agents or assigns, and the Lot Owner shall reimburse WCI upon written demand for such costs and expenses. 4. Mutual Indemnification. The Lot Owner shall indemnify, defend, and hold WCI and its board members, members, officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any loss, damage, claim, cause of action or expense any may suffer or incur (including, without limitation, attorneys' and legal assistants' fees) related to or arising out of any gross negligence, willful misconduct, or by reason of any breach of this Agreement by the Lot Owner. Similarly, WCI shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Lot Owner harmless from and against any loss, damage, claim, cause of action or expense they may suffer or incur (including, without limitation, attorneys' and legal assistants' fees) related to or arising out of any gross negligence, willful misconduct, or by reason of any breach of this Agreement by WCI. 5. Run with the Land. The benefits and burdens arising under this Agreement shall run with the Lot Owner Property as well as the WCI Property. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, it is acknowledged and agreed that (i) the Lot Owner shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 2 under this Agreement to the Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation, and (ii) WCI shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any person or entity in its sole and absolute discretion. Any assignment and assumption shall be by recorded instrument executed with the formalities of a deed, and upon the recording of such assignment and assumption, the Lot Owner or WCI, as applicable, shall be automatically released from its obligations hereunder. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a dedication of any area for public use, and all rights and easements herein created are private and do not constitute a grant for public use. 6. No Interference with Easement. At no time shall there be erected or permitted to exist any gate, barrier or other condition within the Easement Area which would have the effect of impairing or hindering the use of the Easement Area for the purposes granted herein. 7. Notices. All notices, demands, requests and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing. All such notices, demands requests and other communications (and copies thereof) shall be deemed to be delivered: (a) if sent by messenger, upon personal delivery to the party to whom the notice is directed; (b) if sent by electronic mail, upon transmission (but only so long as a copy of the notice is also sent by another method provided for in this Section); (c) if sent by overnight courier, with request for next business day delivery, on the next business day after sending; or (d) whether actually received or not, two (2) business days after deposit in a regularly maintained receptacle for the United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: To WCI: To Lot Owner: WCI COMMUNITIES, LLC c/o Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A. Attn: Richard Yovanovich 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103 ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com LA WREN CE M. DOYLE, JESSICA E. DOYLE AND JERRY T. EDWARDS 8. Attorney's Fees and Costs. In connection with any litigation arising out of this Agreement, or the breach, enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the party not prevailing its reasonable costs and attorney fees, paralegal fees and expert fees incurred at trial, retrial, on appeal, at hearings and rehearings, and in all administrative, bankruptcy and reorganization proceedings. 9. Waiver of Trial by Jury. THE PARTIES HEREBY KNOWINGLY, IRREVOCABLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COUNTERCLAIM BASED ON THIS AGREEMENT OR ARISING OUT OF, UNDER, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 3 DOCUMENT OR INSTRUMENT EXECUTED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, OR ANY COURSE OF CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, ST A TEMENTS (WHETHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN) OR ACTION OF ANY PARTY HERETO. THIS PROVISION IS A MATER.IAL INDUCEMENT FOR THE PARTIES HERETO ENTERING INTO THE SUBJECT AGREEMENT. IO. Miscellaneous. This Agreement may be executed in several counterpaits, each of which shall be deemed an original. The signature of the parties hereto on this Agreement may be executed and notarized on separate pages and when attached to this Agreement shall constitute one complete document. This Agreement shall be construed, governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Any failure to enforce any provision contained in this Agreement shall in no way be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. The invalidity, violation, abandonment or waiver of any one or more of any of the provisions hereof shall not affect or impair the remaining portions of this Agreement. This Agreement cannot be altered, amended or ratified except by written instrument executed by the parties hereto or their respective successors and assign and recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES] EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed thi · Agreement effective as of the date first above written. Signed, scaled and delivered i 11 the presence of: (1) ~ o;;;_.-STATE OF FLOR.JOA COUNTY OF f.b'# ) ) SS: ) WCI: WCTCO The eregoing ·nstrumcnt was acknowledged be fore me this 3t4.iay or Oc.::z:; be.,/' , 20 I 7 by )A;, I\ ~~LIV /?:k,,J, as 1P. ~-. of'WCJ COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Florida limited liability compm1y, on behalf of such limited liabilidy company. S/1-lc is personally known to me or has produced as identification. fNOTARIAL SEAL] ~~~ Print-irStamp N;mJe"." .... __________ _ Notary Public, State of Florida al Lorge Commissimi No.: -------------My Commission Expires: EASEMENT 1\GREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE M/\INTENANCE 5 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: PtintName: fl'.'.\itk 5/u,f,.. (2) Print Name: (2) Print Name: -~-~A:t~-S~_._..lc. ..... 1,,__,~,' t'.'.l'-+---LOT OWNER: -~ I The for goli.g-ii~ument was acknowledged before me this 2 9 day of Se,, /e/hL)~-J 7 by LAWRENCE M. DOYLE. He is ~o me or has produced as identifi6ation. [NOTARIAL SEAL] Print or Stamp Name: '="=-~"'----'"'--f!'----r':.+"---'-==--' Notary Public, State o Commission No.: -+--,__~~~~~~+---My Commission Expires: /Jd-rU<I EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 6 , _ _. JJ/-v,,'., ommission No.: EF ~-5.._,_ ___ _ b ··at:~ ): ) lv1Y COMMISSION #FFOBSUSl ~ tary Public, tate off ·1da at Large ··-:::ta7,~i(./ EXPIRES January 23, 2018 My Commission Expires: (407) ~3 ···-FloridaNotaryscrvice.com ~ ~ a_.../'1-<.-L ~ ~ ~ ~ tJ ," .g The foregoing instrnment was acknowledged before me thi~ day of s_; LJUo k by JEim.Y T. EDWARDS. He is p~~ me or has produced . as idcntificatl'6n. [NOTARIAL SEAL] Print or Stan ame: Notary Public, State of rida at Large Commission No.: F,C CJ tt'b?S"/ My Commission Expires: 8,t_ ,,_,_,_ 7 ,Cl '< [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.] EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 7 -;;2.0 J,f EXHIBIT "A" WCI PROPERTY ( 16-126-PL T) A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WITHIN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE SAME BEING A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF WILSHIRE LAKES, PHASE 2, PLAT BOOK 27, PAGES 24 THROUGH 27, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN ALONG SAID BOUNDARY FOR THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) SOUTH 02°09'46" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 667.55 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.10 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 02°09'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 333.78 FEET; 4) THENCE NORTH 89°56'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 495.26 FEET; 5) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 333.90 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE LANDS LESSED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2632, PAGE 1892, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING TEN (10) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) NORTH 89°57'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.19 FEET; 2) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 89°57'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 135.17 FEET; 4) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 273.71 FEET; 5) THENCE NORTH 89°57'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135.18 FEET; 6) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 60.04 FEET; 7) THENCE SOUTH 89°57'36" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 135.18 FEET; 8) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 273.71 FEET; 9) THENCE NORTH 89°57'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135.20 FEET; 10) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°57'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 495.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°09'30" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 667.45 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LANDS LESSED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 970, PAGE 1759, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) SOUTH 89°57'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 165.20 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 02°13'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE NORTH 89°57'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 414.28 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 23.58 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY 144.02 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 173.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47°33'41", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 66°16'42" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 139.92 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 42°29'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 39.33 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE WESTERLY 296.55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 226.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75°00'57", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 80°00'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 275.82 FEET); THENCE NORTH 62°29'11" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 221.68 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE WESTERLY 321.35 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 573.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32°06'18", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 78°32'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 317.17 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 256.06 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 216.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 67°45'58", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 60°42'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 241.40 FEET); THENCE NORTH 26°49'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 56.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 175.82 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 180.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 55°58'00", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 54°48'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 8 168.92 FEET)TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, NORTH 02°12'17" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 56.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 33.93 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY332.32 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 293.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64°52'26", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 57°30'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 314.85 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 191.78 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 176.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 62°15'19", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 56°11'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 182.48 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE EASTERLY 270.26 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 623.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 24°50'08", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 74°54'16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 268.15 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 62°29'11" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 221.68 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE EASTERLY 231.09 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 176.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75°00'57", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 80°00'20" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 214.93 FEET); THENCE NORTH 42°29'52" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 39.33 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 185.53 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 223.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47°33'41", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 66°16'42" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 180.25 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 21.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 143.61 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LANDS LESS ED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 970, PAGE 1759, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 164.98 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 02°13'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 164.97 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 667.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED WILSHIRE LAKES, PHASE 2; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY, SOUTH 89°56'17" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1,322.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 45.55 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 9 EXHIBIT "B" EASEMENT AREA LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH (DOYLE & EDWARDS) O 25· 50' SCALE: !" 'NOT A SURVEr 100· 50' EXHIBrr ·s· TO EASEMENTAGREEr.AENT FOR l.ANOSCAPi:: MAINTEUANCE (DOYLE t..ND EDWARDS) LEGEND: ~i£CJ.",'.\':tl'; « Ot\4't~~ !A51::W":/,7 Pf' P(.ArfillXIIII' PC PA":t:{sJ Lf£ U..1UJSCJPC B'IJF1£R DSDIEUT PROPERlY DESCRIPTION A /0 f001 ·~ U,','!)~ tvlfl"lt ~.1 ll'IIG f;J n,c 11(;/lf/-Jrt::r e,e,:.,in,m CF XCr'OH .JI, ~1.•r -'fl :;.c;Jr;J. AA'o:t::t; ::~ U.<.:, (l,'7.V:. U$£ i:>,1,,'n.!'tL,(!lY C.£!CPsgJ p; l'OLL04'S: 11.!.~ ~I hr:: r,'Wfrttr!:,T CO.v.·U: Of l,jT J, ~.Ow\' IJ, ir'LS,'t'./1! ~ I'-«!£ :. PV.T Ox,.,t 77. lllCts :t• l~I 27, PV81X i£!.OICS rT calk'1? CCUtir'f. fl.Oit!:A.· 1H!);X ff!JI N..Dr,'C 111! Ir'!!' f.,'/<C t)F SliD 0.0CJ( ff, SOOD/ 02'Cli'5.J" .vtS1'. A 0STAw:i OF ,r:i.µ· rra ~, Wtmi e,"!d'.!9" osr. ~ CJS'/A'Jcr at 10.t1, rm 1::, ~ f'Cih1" 0n A UN:: n-,.r jJ ...-ar er N-l) FA!i-'IL.1:L 1:, rur i.c.r u:c er s.-t'O 91.c« !'.· 'lllP.'CC :tr.1" J.I.WG SJ.!D P~llt l./'I!. m,.n, c;-.:;)'5J" 11'(!71. .I MrJ..•,t:l GF I 12.!,5 rn;T TO A ro.vr (;;I lll! car,o;·t or T><T t:CfUH Lb'o'i rp-lri. #Jl)HfllffFKJt,'fJJ WI ,l' D,tM£ /Tu." ,Alf,>,'lf; S4:? w,·r. 'IOITl·i IJT,!Q'r}/' cur, A .A'j:,0.",CC C, 10~0 rtcr 1() fltC NUJT,:,r~;,mJ,,;. ca'lt,4NJ!,'G 1,121 s::v:-.Rc ,rrr, JtOill: 01 Lrs:t NOTES: 1. Cl!:/.!I!CS !}i(;.t'/1 h'tP[CN !l.lSlD (N 11£ s;,i.,r PW£ C0,1R);J~T£ SY;;TUJ C:T.QU.;Jk-P fit' ~ NmC,'lJ.I. C£Cai1': Sl.l't'..0-F:IN flatr".A OST ."'(;:IC, 11$l G!,1:.A,1 ir.rlf 19~ ~~J.O,r ANJ R!JTP 10 DI( IIIT1 t:.o.f ~ A.CCI<: IJ (J:' M!S>IR( l"-KrS. P~L 2. it.AT 30CX n p~ 1, 11-~.,,u n. i'tl3l.lC RCCOFOS a, crx,n COi/N,'Y, nOR'DI AS BIJ.•,--; $(1)1)/ "2"(tjjl"JJ"£A.St. ,. o~,; SH')',t,'I 1~(;01 Aft: I.V tl.S SUP~f rC(T N:0 O(;,JJ.J,l..!.S ~1!3U:GF, .>. ,,.1$ ~·acti J.HD L~·• n l.'Z 1;v:) wncur r,r, s::;.~;: ,1.J'() cncw:.. ~ re.it. c, J IICCNSCO 11.~ StR,'f'Yal ,JJ,() J.11,PP[fl_ /'fO A!JDr.lC.'I'; ()I Oil£7Y.J11S 10 iHJS sKCT<.H ;..,n OlSCRIFnc.•1 ffeE Poomro w;r«)Jr rur &nt!~u warrGt df6!:Nr er 1;.c j}cJQt,'J f'A"flY. "' ~ 0 N I I------~------------------------------,--------------------,---,,-,---; SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION _J_ / ,,/ 7-b Of;I\Wl'IOY ,:.JO CfiECKED B'f: CLS JOO CODC: \'.'Cll'~'C SCALE: 1·:a ~t.' O.:.TE: 3.lJl.f7.>H flLE. 1~WHDC Sl"EET: 1 d 1 [ JfJtJ] G raclyMinor Civil Engi11tie1~ r.C"(Lor.,u111.1:ooc,os1i:.1 I.nod S11n.'c~or~ Ccrt.ol.\ullt.LUOC<.15151 Pl.1nncrs n ... 1111r1~11rl111..:· 'J:tOiu; 11.JJ w11u-f:r:11!1•,lllt1fll'r"rHn O. Gr.1111 Minor ,,r~l ,\:i,oclt.t~.1. l',i\. Jaoo r111 nc1 !i1,'"f 1101111..1 S1111n;:i..1-1011t1J 3·1134 l,:11ulscapc i\rc.hi1cr.1s 6utln(>WI.C:?U)(l0:?GG f.'fY.'t \lwN· ?10hllO--l1RO 1--------------------1 ,M3diio-'! 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER EASEMENT J o LYING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTM. 11/'u'ICE 2S E/1ST COLLIER COUllTY, FLORIDA. Rl!:;,,~i r1 tj,,~f ~ r.Nr1-:!IR71 ~ EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 10 EXHIBIT "C" -ROBERTS THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: FRANCESCA PASSIDOMO, ESQ. COLEMAN, YOVANOVICH & KOESTER, P.A. 4001 TAMIAMI TRAIL NORTH, SUITE 300 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34 I 03 [Space above line reserved for recording office use J EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TH~ EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ("Agreement") is made this~ day of ~017, by and between WCI COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and its successors and/or assigns ("WCI") and JAMES A. ROBERTS AND SHERI ROBERTS, their successors and assigns ("Lot Owner"). WCI and the Lot Owner are herein collectively referred to as the "Parties" and each individually as a "Party", and the term Party shall be deemed to refer to such Party and its respective successors, grantees and assigns. WHEREAS, WCI is the developer of certain real property lying within the Northwest Y-t of Section 31, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, as more pai1icularly described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference ("WCI Property"); WHEREAS, Lot Owner is the fee simple title holder to Lot 1, Block 8, Wilshire Lakes, Phase Two, a subdivision according to a plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 24 through 27, inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida ("Lot Owner Property"), which is located within a larger master-planned community known as Wilshire Lakes; WHEREAS, the Parties, Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc. a Florida not for profit corporation, and certain other individuals executed that ce11ain Memorandum of Understanding which contemplated, among other things, the execution and recordation of this Agreement; WHEREAS, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" are the legal description and sketches of a portion of the WCI Prope11y that fronts the Lot Owner Property and is labeled LBE 1 on the sketch ("Easement Area") that have been or that may hereafter be improved by WCI with landscape features, all at WCI's expense, for the purpose of establishing enhanced aesthetics for the Lot Owner; and WHEREAS, the Lot Owner is requesting a nonexclusive easement over the Easement Area for the purposes set forth herein and WCI has agreed to such request, subject to the terms and conditions hereof. EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE I AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/I OOths Dollars ($10.00), the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby grant, covenant and agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and they are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Declaration of Landscape Easement. A perpetual, nonexclusive easement over, under and through the Easement Area is hereby established in favor of the Lot Owner, for the purposes of, from time to time, maintaining certain landscaping and operating certain water utilities to serve such landscaping that has been or will be installed within the Easement Area by WCI. All utilities serving the landscape features within the Easement Area shall be connected to the WCI utility lines and meters and billed to and paid by WCI; provided, however, that additional shut-off valves for the landscape water utilities shall be located within the Easement Area as an additional accommodation to the Lot Owner. The Easement Area shall be used by the Lot Owner for landscaping only, subject to applicable codes or ordinances. 3. Maintenance. a. Landscape Features. Subject to WCI's obligation to provide irrigation, the Lot Owner shall maintain the landscaping previously installed by WCI within the Easement Area, all at the Lot Owner's expense. Notwithstanding the primary maintenance responsibility of the Lot Owner, if, for any reason other than WCI's failure to provide irrigation, the Lot Owner fails or refuses to keep the Easement Area and the landscaping features therein in good condition, then WCI shall have the right (but not the obligation, and only after the expiration of a thirty (30) days' written notice and cure period), to undertake any maintenance or repairs deemed reasonably necessary or advisable by WCI, and in such event, all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by WCI in performing such work shall be immediately reimbursed by the Lot Owner to WCI, by no later than fifteen (15) days after written demand therefore (which demand shall be accompanied by paid invoices or other satisfactory evidence of such expenditures); except that the maximum reimbursable cost is the amount required to meet minimum code requirements. b. Utilities. WCI shall be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and repair of the utilities serving the landscaping within the Easement Area in accordance with applicable laws; provided, however, in no event shall WCI be responsible for the cost or expense of any maintenance item, repair, or replacement of such utilities which is made necessary by the negligent or willful acts or omissions by the Lot Owner or its contractors, subcontractors, agents or assigns, and the Lot Owner shall reimburse WCI upon written demand for such costs and expenses. 4. Mutual Indemnification. The Lot Owner shall indemnify, defend, and hold WCI and its board members, members, officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any loss, damage, claim, cause of action or expense any may suffer or incur (including, without limitation, attorneys' and legal assistants' fees) related to or arising out of any gross negligence, willful misconduct, or by reason of any breach of this Agreement by the Lot Owner. Similarly, WCI shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Lot Owner harmless from and against any loss, damage, claim, cause of action or expense they may suffer or incur (including, without limitation, attorneys' and legal assistants' fees) related to or arising out of any gross negligence, willful misconduct, or by reason of any breach of this Agreement by WCI. 5. Run with the Land. The benefits and burdens arising under this Agreement shall run with the Lot Owner Prope1ty as well as the WCI Property. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, it is acknowledged and agreed that (i) the Lot Owner shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 2 under this Agreement to the Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation, and (ii) WCI shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any person or entity in its sole and absolute discretion. Any assignment and assumption shall be by recorded instrument executed with the formalities of a deed, and upon the recording of such assignment and assumption, the Lot Owner or WCI, as applicable, shall be automatically released from its obligations hereunder. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a dedication of any area for public use, and all rights and easements herein created are private and do not constitute a grant for public use. 6. No Interference with Easement. At no time shall there be erected or permitted to exist any gate, barrier or other condition within the Easement Area which would have the effect of impairing or hindering the use of the Easement Area for the purposes granted herein. 7. Notices. All notices, demands, requests and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing. All such notices, demands requests and other communications (and copies thereof) shall be deemed to be delivered: (a) if sent by messenger, upon personal delivery to the party to whom the notice is directed; (b) if sent by electronic mail, upon transmission (but only so long as a copy of the notice is also sent by another method provided for in this Section); ( c) if sent by overnight courier, with request for next business day delivery, on the next business day after sending; or (d) whether actually received or not, two (2) business days after deposit in a regularly maintained receptacle for the United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: To WCI: To Lot Owner: WCI COMMUNITIES, LLC c/o Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A. Attn: Richard Yovanovich 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103 ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com JAMES A. ROBERTS AND SHERI ROBERTS 9760 Wilshire Lakes Boulevard Naples, Florida 34102 Roberts.sheri@att.net 8. Attorney's Fees and Costs. In connection with any litigation arising out of this Agreement, or the breach, enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the party not prevailing its reasonable costs and attorney fees, paralegal fees and expert fees incurred at trial, retrial, on appeal, at hearings and rehearings, and in all administrative, bankruptcy and reorganization proceedings. 9. Waiver of Trial by Jury. THE PARTIES HEREBY KNOWINGLY, IRREVOCABLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COUNTERCLAIM BASED ON THIS AGREEMENT OR ARISING OUT OF, UNDER, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY DOCUMENT OR INSTRUMENT EXECUTED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, OR ANY COURSE OF CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, STATEMENTS (WHETHER VERBAL OR EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 3 WRITTEN) OR ACTION OF ANY PARTY HERETO. THIS PROVISION IS A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT FOR THE PARTIES HERETO ENTERING INTO THE SUBJECT AGREEMENT. 10. Miscellaneous. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. The signature of the parties hereto on this Agreement may be executed and notarized on separate pages and when attached to this Agreement shall constitute one complete document. This Agreement shall be construed, governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Any failure to enforce any provision contained in this Agreement shall in no way be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. The invalidity, violation, abandonment or waiver of any one or more of any of the provisions hereof shall not affect or impair the remaining portions of this Agreement. This Agreement cannot be altered, amended or ratified except by written instrument executed by the parties hereto or their respective successors and assign and recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES] EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed is Agreement effective as of the date first above written. Signed, scaled and delivered in the ph:isence of: Print Name· STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Ut! ) :) SS: ) WCI: WCI CO ~UNITIES, LLC, a florida limited liability co1 ~ my By: ______ ~-------Name: :-t::>~ V-t' o.,)Uc /U.J.,,. r ~ Title: Vie.. e ·· fl/Cc$ ick.¢ The foregoincr "nstrument was acknowledged before me thisa~ day or&b!J.e.r: , 2017 by ~r:J»f!..AJ..11ira,...v{, as Yi (Y!, -S. . of WCI COMMUNITIES, LLC, a Flo1'ida limited liability company, on bchalfofsuch limite<l liabili{y company. S/Hc is personally knm1-11 to me or has produced as identific.ation. -. [NOTARIAL ~EALJ My Commission Expires: EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR L/\NDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 5 of Florida at Large Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ?r?lt1i0{2i (2) {11' (!,ca,,!;,~~ Print Name: Mc A--T7+v/ S78/'t-/-G7-/.s J {1)~3~ Prin Nam~$?· PcR1f1p,f . ( ST ATE OF FLORJDA COUNTY OF L ££ ) ) SS: ) LOT OWNER: pL~~~ JAMES A. ROBERTS SHERI ROBERTS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this!8'~ay of Se:pr. personally kno\Vn to me r has produced A)/ A--as identification. 2017 by JAivlES A. ROBERTS. He is [NOTARIAL E ' ST A TE Of FLORIDA COUNTY OF L~ ) ) SS: ) Print or Stamp Name~ M , C?A-77-t:vl • $T£P;f E7JS Notary Public, State of florid a at Large7 Commission No.: _£:f: q 7 t./ 8'.4 I My Commission Expires: & / / g,/ ;J-o ~D 2017 by SHERI ROBERTS. She is )11 . Car~4;:g/~k,/ Print or Stump Name: M • C!.,tJ-11-f'tJ S:ll; f1-h°Jv=S Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: Pc 97 f f?lf I My Commission Expires: 4, / / I l!' :)-od-0 EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAJNTENANCE 6 EXHIBIT "A" WCI PROPERTY (16-126-PLT) A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WITHIN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE SAME BEING A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF WILSHIRE LAKES, PHASE 2, PLAT BOOK 27, PAGES 24 THROUGH 27, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN ALONG SAID BOUNDARY FOR THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) SOUTH 02°09'46" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 667.55 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.10 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 02°09'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 333.78 FEET; 4) THENCE NORTH 89°56'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 495.26 FEET; 5) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 333.90 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE LANDS LESSED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2632, PAGE 1892, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING TEN (10) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) NORTH 89°57'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.19 FEET; 2) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 89°57'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 135.17 FEET; 4) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 273.71 FEET; 5) THENCE NORTH 89°57'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135.18 FEET; 6) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 60.04 FEET; 7) THENCE SOUTH 89°57'36" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 135.18 FEET; 8) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 273.71 FEET; 9) THENCE NORTH 89°57'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135.20 FEET; 10) THENCE SOUTH 02°10'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°57'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 495.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°09'30" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 667.45 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LANDS LESSED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 970, PAGE 1759, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) SOUTH 89°57'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 165.20 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 02°13'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE NORTH 89°57'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 165.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 414.28 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 23.58 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY 144.02 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 173.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47°33'41", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 66°16'42" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 139.92 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 42°29'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 39.33 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE WESTERLY 296.55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 226.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75°00'57", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 80°00'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 275.82 FEET); THENCE NORTH 62°29'11" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 221.68 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE WESTERLY 321.35 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 573.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32°06'18", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 78°32'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 317.17 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 256.06 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 216.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 67°45'58", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 60°42'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 241.40 FEET); THENCE NORTH 26°49'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 56.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 175.82 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 7 180.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 55°58'00", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 54°48'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 168.92 FEET)TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, NORTH 02°12'17" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 56.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 33.93 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY332.32 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 293.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64°52'26", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 57°30'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 314.85 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 191.78 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 176.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 62°15'19", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 56°11'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 182.48 FEET) TO A POINT ON A REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE EASTERLY 270.26 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 623.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 24°50'08", (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 74°54'16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 268.15 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 62°29'11" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 221.68 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE EASTERLY 231.09 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 176.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75°00'57", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 80°00'20" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 214.93 FEET); THENCE NORTH 42°29'52" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 39.33 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 185.53 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 223.50 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47°33'41", (CHORD BEARING NORTH 66°16'42" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 180.25 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 21.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 143.61 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LANDS LESSED OUT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 970, PAGE 1759, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG SAID LANDS FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) THENCE SOUTH 89°56'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 164.98 FEET; 2) THENCE NORTH 02°13'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 30.02 FEET; 3) THENCE NORTH 89°56'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 164.97 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°12'20" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 667.63 FEET TO A POINT ON THE BOUNDARY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED WILSHIRE LAKES, PHASE 2; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY, SOUTH 89°56'17" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1,322.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 45.55 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 8 s ' "'-I EXHIBIT "B" EASEMENT AREA LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH (ROBERTS) EXHIBIT "B" TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE f,WNTENANCE (ROBERTS) 2s· so· SCALE: I" •·JCTJ1€J.li(TM sriurt!t:l,:7'r-< 11•!ust,-:n1J1 100· 50' LEGEND: ~an;;,.,~-ro.:; CC C/RA?.A;;c C..SCMCNf PB PVJ~ I': r,,,,;.,_"(s) WCLM~"'C(l(J(Tr...R(,l!;O,l!Nr ~ .?'~ IJ1:t.7Y WCJlatr CJ( C'tlt,\','7Y 1/itf,"I" r,ucwur PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 11 ,o rt)l)T n:,: L'-\0"",!:A;"t; {Ji)('ff,: tx;£UCNr ,r.-.e ~ n.c ,.Cfmf'~.sT O<JIR1!R er SICtl(N "'· jt',o'r.h.,' I! SOOTH. ,W.'r;t; 1S &IS1, en,:; &IO"!" /Wl/;ruw.'t.'t' Ci:SO,':ii(D AS roir:wr...· er.cc, 1..1 me 1i?/lJlr11tsT CLJRNCR er tm ,. ~«x t. ~~ U\lfO" PH:UC ). l'V.I a:x:,c-II, PAC!S :• n,.-:r.;VCH :i1. F-tJmJ: l?.CC!tDS C, CC'.LOI COONTr. 11.~ n,,o.TI ~"' >.:~ me llO'T Utr or SA'D £II.Gia( e. S()UTH a:n>J'SJ' rur . .1 ~-1:,'C!" a· 11'-llf rccT; '/)JCNCC SOf.Jfll !J7'~w· 11'.SI, A vm.~c Of" 10.00 rrcr ro ,1. ro:'llr e1; A u....r 111,1.1 r.; "'n1 u A.:;ti FA".A!Ul TO Pi! 1+{'5'1 l~ 0/" $.I;;;) !Q,oc;.,( 8; ~ IWN ~()/'~ ~'!1 f1JP.)LJD. w.!; /<')IIP.I a;rc,•s.,· ll!ST. .I C5U,VCC er l.!Ut r;rr: iltOr.C. SW1/I 6j"!l)'11" WT. A. 0St4\CC er 11!.'1 trtr flJA l'OM Cf/ DfC 11.tll ir.£ OF 1rx; •c:;· OI-' !A'O l'l,l.t, 1110.-:.C PCV ,IJC.VC ~o t:'lt. ~::;v,H ere,·~ LIST. ,. o.•s1,1,•,rx or 10.01' nr. 10 " l"O,.'VT 0,1 r~ ~ v~ or ~? tor I; MNCC R'.W JJ./j,'C, SI.!! !.(.~ ~:,! tT56"2r .<IO"T. , M'J..'r.£ or ,es ,o ITt:T 10 wr P!J.>'11 er l.llr.'-"'1>'!'.:. c:,,r.,'t.:,w; 2.9:11 X,c.w.'?!" (?,_ lr~ a, ens. NOTES: 1. M,l,R'J'Y.,S ~l(),l'I rl£!lU;lt ~ GIi t,'( S"aA'C ""'1,'(: ~T SJ'Srtll CS';Af1U51.CJJ 81' th!" f,1<1~ ~ Sl:R,'£'r f1JH n.GPOI W1 J'Jfif. !5" e,.&,W ll'i",1 lin'O ~'IU{N1 A..'(:I MITY 10 IHI: 41'.sr LJIS ::F !Ua " a,; •~ W!'5. FWM Z. Pv4I BOOK /7, FK£S 14 ~ ~1. P'.'!JUC H~ OF C\U.!Jf CCU/Tr. llCl.".OI JS ClOiC Sfi/:lt arr":J'.SJ" (AP.. 1. (»JO,'s,.J.•.-<; SrlCltfl rJtJJ!()N A"'f JH V.S. SVMT ,rcr A';() ; I a: C(L,"UILST.'/01£i)f'. J. l'1'ff ~ 4.WJ ccz.-,,:w lS N'.JI 1-ALJO -.inu:ur 11.r ~ =~ :..~ ~ f~~ ~,,_ Jtf?g,3; ~lOH~ ~ S1tITDf 1.•~ ccx:,::g>IJ()N Ill£ l'O,'VifU.i) Arr.>a/T THE D1'P.fSSl'O ~ CC.'t'SO/r CF tH{ SJt;.\."t,'r: IWIIY. ~ Jl::'l&.-"'Y: P.!',tSro 1n;c GCSCi">PrxJ'I< 11-10-11. ~ ._·N_O_T_A_s_u_R_v_c_Y~· ---'~""~""~· "~"""~·~""'~""-"-"'-"""'-"-"-"'-'-'"'-' ,_=_·:r;:r_··ro-J.~·---'--"-· ----------~------------------~-,~~--,·· f-------S_K_ET_C_H_A_t_lD_D_E_SC_RI_P_TI_O_N ____ --; S.L-!//J.7~ g OR.w,,1 CY rJG CHECKED OY, CtS J09COD£: 'l\'CPi."E SOJ.E; ,.. 3CI' n,,.tE: 3JUlY2)17 fl!.£: 1!1-1.t,..UIE £aie[T: 1 cf I [~] GradyMinor CJ.l:r:1d)',\Unor :ind,lliocl;l\c!-, l'.A. lllOO\fa Drl Rcr rVJnl1aSp1ln.~-.. norhJ,l J.JIJ.i 10' LANOSCAPE BUFFER EASEMENT 1 D-i,T ~ ~ ~f CMI Eu~lnccrs Cc1t.vf,\ulb,lll1JOOSl:il l~111tl Surveyol"$ Ctn.01A~t11. l.ll 000:;1:;1 Plmmcrs l!nnll:io;.nrh,~· 2'.111fl.17.114-I u•ww.1:raJ1·,Jt11111r.,·,1m l.nmlst:npc Arcllltct:ls LYING IN SECTION 31. T01JVNSHIP 48 sount. RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 9 Xf-tDf!.Ll::zi:!n:~l'.111 ~ F(A?!~n;.v 6 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: FRANCESCA PASSIDOMO, ESQ. COLEMAN, YOVANOVICH & KOESTER, P.A. 4001 TAMIAMI TRAIL NORTH, SUITE JOO NAPLES, FLORIDA 34103 EXHIBJT "D-1" [Space above line reserved for recording onice use] QUIT CLAlM DEED AND BILL OF SALE THIS INDENTURE made this L clay of {~tal0e v-, 2017, between WILSHIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOClA TION, lNC., a Florida not for profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS THE EX-OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter refe1Ted to as "Grantee"). W I T N E S S E T I-1: That said Gran tor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever, all sewer, potable water, wastewater, non-potable water irrigation, and potable irrigation water utility facilities ancl/or system(s) or porlion(s) thereof lying in, on, over and under the following described land, for operation, relocation, installation, repair and/or maintenance of said facilities, system(s) or portion(s) thereof, AS-IS, WHERE-IS all situate and Lying and being in Collier County, Florida, to wit: See Exhibit "A-1" and "Exhibit A-2" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. For the purposes of this conveyance, the utility facilities, system(s) and/or portion(s) thereof conveyed herein shall not be deemed to convey any of the lands described in either exhibit. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as context allows. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee and its assigns, together with the right to enter upon said land, excavate, relocate and/or take or introduce materials for the purpose of constructing, relocating, operating, repairing and/or otherwise maintaining utility systems thereon. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as the context requires. Quit Claim Deed and Bill of Sale I lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these preseuts to be executed the date and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY orf,~tit, ) ) SS: ) GRANTOR: WILSHIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation Th>:tioregoing instmmcnl was acknowledged before me this 1../-/( day of C}:Jt Q(!J\_, 2017 byCa~~,e d,/J\.tc:ML , as 4-\(>_s (ck..::t , of Wt LS HIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCIATION, !NC., a l'lorida not for profit corporation. on behalf of such corporation. S/He is personally known lo me or has produced as identification. [NOTARIAL SEAL] -Pri)1t or Stamp Name: ,_11 ,· ll'tl!.. lU1 !: arc{ Notary Public, Slate of Florida Commission No.: FF 9() 9,'.50 8 My Commission Expires: ,,~:.lW~:i!I,, KRISTINE K. WISHARD ~·m"",o:. N ! ~ to\: Diary Publlc -State of Florida ~~ '1 Commission# FF 909508 · \{~°"' ~" My Comm. Expires Aug 24, 2019 ,,,,,, .. \, ' Bonded t~ Nalooal Notary Assn. Quit Claim Deed and Bill of Sale 2 at Large POC 0 s· 10· 20· SCALE: l" = 10' mis PU,!l J.i.AY HAVE errn ::.:.u..RG::O OR RE.DIJC::0 FROU JNTEHOE:O O:SPLAY SCALE: fOR REPROOUCTIOn RrASO:Js LEGEND: P()C POB C£ PB "' cu< u, POI.NT OF CO~U!:NCDl!flf POI.VT OF B!Gtm,·.,•1G DfW,'~[;AS[).l[flT PU,r DOCK P.4.GC(S) cou.otrr um1rt t:ASCJJ[NT UT:UlY fAS!UOlr EXHIBIT "A-1" WILSHIR'£ LAKES BOULEVARD 1t1tSH~f l.,IJ<CS. Pli.lS!: 2 PB 17, PG z~-17 r,'Ei crmrscl orm: N,'I ) DF S[C7IO.'I JI NOTES: rRACT "R• (C.u.C.) I. eo.rmcs SHO,~,, H$£0.'I 8J.S[fJ OJJ TH[ STATE: Pt,1},'£ CO".AW.','(Art: S'ISTCU t:STl,/J!JSH!J) l1'I' mE l!A00.'11.J.. GCf)!)fJ1C SUfhn' FM nO.'l:().A fAST ZON~ 19s.J D'.Tlhl K71H 1990 /.!J.JUSTJIOIT ,',ND RUCR 10 IU! ltt.:sT U.'o'! or TRACT ·t.5• Of" lC'LSJIM U.Xf:S. PUASt: 2. PLAT £JOOI': 21. P,tt;ts 24 ntROUCH 21. Pt/SVC RI:CORDS OF COUJ[R couurr. n~ Af BCL·,-; SO!ITH 02"09'"8" &ST. 2. OIJ1£1IS.<0,','S S},OJ,'N U[R[O,I ,l,R£ /.'I U.S. SUR','f'f ITU AND DCOUALS TH!R(OF. J. TUIS S!<GCH ANO D!SCR!Pf1C.'( IS U51I. IWJIJ lltrHOUF TU£ SCNA.TUR£ AVD ~'CL'o\.Q IWSED S&U. or A UC(NS£0 flDfl.[j_.t,, su.~.OOR NID UA.PP£R. 110 A!)f;if'IO.'IS OR OQ.!11GflS TO nt:z SX£7CJI N/0 D£5CRfPTIO:.' A'T£ PCFi.U{TTu) :tmlO!IT rn£" fXPRfSS!JJ ',f'RfrTCJI COl,'S!l.7 a,-mr s:c:::.•,'G P/Jln: -------· ---------· -.. ---:----PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ~innr !A.!D0.1 1 i1 15 fOOI 11:r laJTf OSOO.T VU WfW 00' ts• CF lt'-9« VdS frkSt 1. 1W liXJ< 1!, F1IClS 14 i1RXOI 11, P.JLC P-m:z fT a:uDt av.,r, ll.!1m\ {C,; JQ£ llt@nW!Y cc;..~ .<S" Rl.1«') ct:MOCC Al 1iC t.ocilllfS aRDl o--t:.\'.1 ~ (f U.9£ LMS Rit!C' ~ fW 8::0( 11. AIGZ:S 1' MQ,Df 7f. nw; ,il[tlR:?; rT OlJDl trlJ,Tf. ~-ilOlZ RJI IH'C DC JIOT UC Cf" SW i;,(1 i::::s: !Ar.H Cl't1t#!J DST, ,t (X5!1.VI tr !d lj m:r ro nc PO:<.T CT m.w; u Ii£ IY,-m rr lJ.'/J H."!:li """"" 11-DCC :um U#S'U' D5t A (GJ.'a (T :l!J rca .0 A ,a:.; (II r,c ,.r:sr F:tH-<f->H uc <F ~ LN.5 B'.UI\:'@ r-....c::r ii'? er s,.o 1W; noa ,'!.I( /JbC 5'° FD(l-U•'r.\"', !XUH CZ/0''5" ~ A OSA'.c:r U mv ftII; ;,ca !Dl'iH urJ'14' -m A as:.1,cc ~ ,w fU1 n, 1, ro.·.r "' nc 1,tO''D.lXIll]) W'.51 UC (F ma ~ N}IL f!.I( .N.iJC SW k!S1 tr£ IOiIJI C[0}'46" 11CST, A Offl'.a « 1!00 !!IT ro ;;.c Pa: r:r !B:.:.·:a i ::, 'NOT A SURVEY' --~-----------------------------------~----------------------~-~~----i"' -2L~-b.x ~ ORt.'l,'UO'i': KJG CHECKEOB't': OLS J09CODE! V,'CJ?ME SCALE: , •• 10' DATE: JJULV2017 FILE: 16-126-U!: SHEET: ' o1 1 [If:{]] GradylVlinor Ci\lil Engineers r."rt, nr Auth-EO 000}151 Land Surveyors Cc.rt or Aulh. J.U 0005151 Planners Honll:t ~nrhl!?S: 2:m.!147.11·14 111111w. r.r.1f/1•lff11r>r. rnm O. Gr:1dy :,iunor :md Associates. l'.A. 3800 \'la llcl Rey Bo111t:1 S1irlni:s. Florld:i :1413·1 Landscape J\rchlt.ecls Uu.;ln<'.SS l,C 2f.000'.?6fi SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION 15' UTILITY EASEMENT 1 LYING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA -e1,LL,~L f ~LSA..",f[!. 'lltP.5Jl:, n IXll,'5£ 6161 ~ fCI/ mr WII 6 POC -=a;;;;.;:--*--~c=:s--0 s· ,o· 20· SCALE: l" = 10' 1H1S Fl.All MAY HAVE: S:'.EN ENLARGED OR REDUCED FROM lNlENDED DISPLAY SC/,LE FOR REPP.CDUCIION RCASONS 'NOT A SURVEY-LEGEND: POC POU l)£ FU PO cm: UC PCt:ff or ca•1Ma,-co.1:Jrr ro:ur or B!:.Cs'N!,'.'11e tJRA.WAG[ CASDJ!Jff ~r!Y.)()1< r;,,C!(S) COUNTY UTU.ITY £1&-UOlr Un11T'r' !ASCAJOIT EXHIBIT "A-2" 1/.'ILSHIRE LAKES BOULEVARD nit.SUR£ we:. px;.S[ 2 PD 27. PC z,-z7 1.'!:.i OF mrsr I o.r me :."/f i CF SE.CrlCJ.'J JI NOTES: T?.ACT ·1r (C.U.!.) 1. 60R£\JCS SHO'M! H£R£0N B,1.S._rrJ O,'J TH£ STATE: PUJI[ COOn(){NA re srsm., E'STl.!JUSl1CD 8'( mt r:ATIONAJ.. CCOG...~ SV,MY fOR nOP.i!JA £.A.ST ZONC, 19SJ lJATU.U r.m, 1590 Nl.lUS1J.f!1ll ANO FiUfR TO TH£ l~UT U,'lf OF rPACT ts• Gt W:£.S)l. .. ,9£ U.1('£:S'. PIUS£ 7, Pt.AT 80CK 27, P.tC£S 2, n/ROUCH 27. PU!J'JC RECGROS or COWER COUflfY, naRJQ( AS enw; SOUTH 01'09'46• OST. 2. /Jd.t[J:$10NS SHO'IIU H!Ji£0.•J J..t.! t•I U.S. SUR\fl' Fr£1 J..•:o D£CJU1.!S nt!RCOF. J. 11f,S 5KacH A.NO DCSCRJPilO.'I IS b.'a! 'l,IJ.10 t',mlOCIT" rur SfCI.ATURt ,4.'10 GR/ClNAL RAJS£0 S&<L 0~ A UC(NS[D fl.OR!()A SUR".O'Oli ANO l.v.?P[R. NO A00n10i'1S Cl1 oarno.vs 10 ntts Sl<CTCH /.NO DCSCl?-:Pll'JN !,.r/!: PffW/rrtD •,mHOur TH[ D'PR£SSC0 't1RfTTDI Cl).'JS[NT or me SfC.•;;.'I(; PAAN. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION tm.JiftJSJ,CIT 7 A 15 m;T a.tr tr.1.GY ~ Ln'.C r.111 ~ ,:S' (T J!t.9P.: W!S Ril$£ Z RN BXK lJ. f.lQ5 1' JHD..Qi 1J. PM ~ U ~ CW.ii'. ~ u:;r, MX .%"T.tW.V' tcrRfl!) IS FllOC ((Jl.(JO."AI li£fl7iIHl(Sfo:1N?.CFC:.'O\:S" «~tk.DRftS[.~ IW /JXY. 21, f'!aS 1' JHa.QI 21. ltILC Ft!rJr& CT CtulR aJ./11Y. nt/YJ,\· ;J(JC( PJ,' 1m,; 0£. MZ7 lH (T SID Px:t ;:s: !OJi11 £Wl'4$" W. ,< IJS1),'II fr 1tU 1' mt 10 uC PO::T (E trr:.'.v; tr ti£ n,,.;m_ (i' U'.O JG!JN """"7l wcr fr,;;;( v.lJYr t:.67. ..c (1$),'tr er tl.!A rrrr ~ A ro:.t 01 nc rs, Fr)lf-<f-MI' LIC CF Xt9R" wn a:uI.JffJ ~ "it) (F 9,!J FW: noa &UJ llJIC SllJ P.<N-(T-'1.(1, 91.IH C7Ja"V/ CtST. ). CIS'.J.:tI CF 1!!'.lJ fTI1; 1oa 9lliH u<11"Sl" ll!S1. A am·a rr 11,!;d rm ro ..c raa a, nc J/TYDCi:tJBJ rc!iT lH. tY T!Xl ts, t-DlE l'JI .AliJC !l.!J 'llST' Ul; IOl'i':I tZ!(ff-15· am A aswa.· !T ,s.a, flI1 ro ff lfN rr ££:;:::u;. «r,':),N!& 1!i.1 SJ.Yr-llrr. ~ Of U:Z.. ~ u a a. ~ "' ::> ORA\'.'ND'I: KJG ---~-----------------------------------,------------------------.---,--,----!U) -2J,1-Jz CH~CKEOBY: OLS JOBCOOE! WOPME SCALE: 1"a 1D' DATE: 3JULY2017 FILE: 16-120-UE SHEEn I of l [jf]il) GradyMinor Cil'II Engineers Ce:rL ,ir Aulh. EO 000:;151 Lancl Su1~·cyo1'S CcrL n.r Aulb. 1,0 00051~1 Planners Honlln Snrln!!s: 2:rn.!147.11•1-I www.1;r,1r/rMJ11nr. r.nm Q. Gr:1d)' ).llnor and t\S.4iocla1cs. P •. .\. :rnoo Vl:1 Del Rey Uonlt:i Sprln~s. Florld:1 :MI :J.I Landscape Archilcc1s Uuil;:iei..!! 1.C 2G0002&G f."()rl .\l\'t''.~: 2:HUi!IO.-t:mo SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION 15' UTILITY EASEMENT 2 LYING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH. RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA EXHIBIT "D-2" PREPARED BY: FRANCESCA PASSIDOMO, ESQ. COLEMAN, YOVANOVICH & KOESTER, P.A. 4001 TAMIAMI TRAIL NORTH, SUITE 300 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34103 DEED OF UTILITY EASEMENT THE UTILITY EASEMENT(S) (CUEs), are granted and conveyed this d.!i_day of U;.to/02./ , 2017, by WILSHIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCIATION, fNC., a Florida not for profit corporation as Grantor, to the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY, AND AS THE EX-OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, GRANTEE. WITNESS ETH: That the Grantor for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by Grantee, receipt of which by is hereby acknowledged by Grantor, hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement, license, right and privilege to enter upon and to install, relocate, repair and/or otherwise maintain utility system(s) and utility facilities, and/or portion(s) thereof: in, on, over and under the following described lands located in Collier County, Florida, to wit: See attached Exhibit "A-1" and Exhibit "A-2" which is incorporated herein by reference. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee, its successors and/or assigns, together with the right and privilege to enter upon said land to excavate, relocate and/or take and/or introduce materials for the purpose of constructing, operating, relocating, repairing and/or otherwise maintaining the subject utility facilities and/or system(s) or portion(s) thereof, in, on, over and/or under the easement area. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as the context allows. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE.] Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: STATjoOFFLORIDA ) rJ! ) SS: COUNTY OFC/l/)/t_(k,-1;& ) ASSOCIATION: WILSHIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation 'Jihe-§oregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thist-/Aday of fbf-;;t»-t, 2017 by {!_/!,L<:;SU,_; a'-i:'.:...CLc.l , as j;j}L/!4/ &_QAY:' , of WILSHIRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation, on behalf or such corporation. S/He is personally known lo me or has proclucecl as identification. [NOTARIAL SEAL] KRISTINE K. WISHARD Notary Public -State of Florida ,. ·: Commission # FF 909508 . ,,,, #"l My Comm. Expires Aug 24, 2019 1 ', t"o \.o ,, ~ '•,,,f,r,.,,, Bonded through National Notary Assn. :Y-.~ Print br Stamp Name: _ _.''-'-'-r"',s-'-'-'-=---'""~=+~~--Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: FF 90 CJ 5 d 8 My Commission Expires: Deed ofUtility Easement 2 POC -==·>--*--"C::::S--1 0 5' 10· 20· SCALE: 1" = 10° ll11S PV~J VAY HNIE SEEN ENL:.RG:::O Or? R:'.D:JCEO F'RO!I. INTEHDEO C:SPV,Y SCAt.£ roR REPROOVCflOn REASOiiS 'NOT A SURVEY-LEGEND: POC POJJtr or C0JJf.l0ICDJ!1,7 PO!J POJNr or /J£GIN ...... 'IG CC DP.4'1w;£ &.StuCtn PO Pt.AT 000K PG P,t.CC(S) CU£ COUNrr unuTY f:ASCU[Nr U! UTiUTY 0.SCV!IIT EXHIBIT "A-1" WILSHIRE LAKES BOULEVARD IHLS,i:R[ LJ.KLS, Ptiil.Sf 2 P!J 21. PC z,-n ,r-i or 111! sc J er rm: 1:.'I ; OF S!COO,'I JI NOTES: r,w:r i?" (C.tJ.[.) ,. 8£).Rj}JCS SHOMJ H[R.£0.'I 8,tS£f) ON r~r STAT'[ PWl[ COO.~l);,'IATC SIST!JJ ~TIJ!:.JSH!D et rHE l:AOO'II.J. CrcJ!JUIC SU/?'.'l:'t' FC,R naR:OA DST ZON[. l!J!!J DA1lJJJ 1~7m 1!190 ADJVSn.ta,r A','D RU'ER 10 1xt 11n-r w:r or IJ;.A.CT ·e5· or 11:L.SU!i?C u.xts. FliASr 2, PU.r OOOt< 27. PJ.C.CS ~" nlRCUCH 27. Pf.181.JC R~COROS or CCW!R COU!liY, nORtJ:J). AS 0(1!.':i scum 02"09'<1tr I:.ASr. 2. OIUINS.'!J,\'S SIY.J>lN H!:R!CN .AR[ 1/J US. SUIN!Y FrrT .AJID o!aWJ..S m!Mor. ,l. THIS SKGCII 1./ID D£SC1l1N10!1 tS ll!JI V;.JJD mrno:.n rur SZ.'lArtlRf AND (M'i'C,'.•.!At, RHS£() 500 OF .,t LJC[}IS((} fl.Cl.,;,.1)..\ STJR'ICYDR A.flD U.,.V,PCR. l.'0 A:Jamo:G GR DCZ.rr.o,•:s ro m:s SXUCH A'.'0 D!:sCR'.~110.'I M£' POiVfrTi:0 l1TfHOVT rH£ D(PR£SSCD HRffftll CONsan OF me !X.NJ.'.'C PARn: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION VDJT)'fAVJD,i I A rs fVJI IIC( u:urt ~1 £-:,& IVJ)l'J ~ t:s~ er 11:.9«" VIB nit!:£ Z. P.JI trXX 21. F'KXS 1, i>ro.0/ 17. P.JU ~ CT OlJ.£R at111Y, fl.fl:»\ /BC~ f'll((QLll'J' rISJSIJ ~ RIHJ(} «MOCE Al TtC u;y;;;41a{ U.FUJI r,-"'a t'f" er ~~ Ult:S m..s: 7. 1W 8XJ< 7l. r,a:s H i>ll).J')I 17. tuu: m:r:F!JS er axJ.O? (DJ,'TI, /i.!JliDt ilOa HJI ,W-.t; JJC ~ UC Cf" s-·.:, ~ b: !Df.H C?a:i'f.5' (ISi, ,t astA•a (I'" :.us FrC1 TD nc ~ (T £,W; a !JC ff.tm. (I u:D IEH:,N ll!l1<!Zll f}-C{'I .. ~ Q't11'' ru1; ,t OSJ..'(I er ll!J rm r, A IC'J VI rl( '11:St RO~-U-W IN rT )l.l_?-6!" W3 81.U'~ (Z:"...C '/i'7 <T ~ IU{· 'MJl'.I FU,' MC Sl,Q FDfT-U·M!, S,.J'iH Clt(/f$ £CS7; A QSJ:IZ (T 15.aJ IT!T; lHUI Sl.nl u1,·u· ~ A (Xj,J,,•C( fF 11.55 l1Ii ,0 A Y.!'J (JI 11C l.'WJ,,fNIUD i!S1 UC er li'.cT ts:· t}f)lI £/( /lac 5UJ 11:D'T tr£ tU'tH arnn~· n:sr. A (1Si;.'II er :.1tv m:; 10 iC PaJ <r tR:::1;. I "' i ::, ;2: 0 z ffi i 6 a a._ ~ ~ 2 /;; 6' ::, --~-----------------------------------~-----------------------,,-----,----.----l"' _iL;-lb1--i OR/,\"fll DY: KJG CHECKED BY: OLS JOO CODE: WCIF1'E SCALE: r• 10-DATE; JJUt.V2017 FILE: 1~120-UE SHEET: t cl 1 [J&l} GradyMinor Civil Engineers "-"-rt.. tir ,\ulh, EO 00051SI l,and Surveyors Cert. or Auth. LI\ 0,)05151 l'lanncrs ltonlln Snrh1os: 2:m.!1-17. I 1 ·14 www. r,·r,11/1•,lfl11nr. (·nm O. Grad.}' ~I/nor :111d 1\1-oclntcs. P.A. 3800 \'la llcl Re)' Uoult.a Sprln:;s. Florida ~HI ~M Landsca11c Archllccls nu:;lncss 1.c lf.0002GO r:Mr ~1\·l'rs: 2~m.nnn .. 1:1no SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION 15' UTILITY EASEMENT 1 LYING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA c,: -~~~;+.suf n,~;£"/:}/' i ' -==--~ I I 0 5' 10· 20· SCALE: 1" = 10' THIS Pt..AN MAY HAVE S::Erl ENLARG::O OR R::OUCEO ;ROM INTENU~O DISPLAY SCALE FOR RE:PROOUCTIO~: RE:ASONS LEGEND: POC POO Ol PB r.,; CU£ ut: rot.'fr or cav.vCJ,'CO.t£Jn ro:m or e.t:.C.'N.'NK; DRA.'IIA.t;C 0.S[JJ[IIT PW 6aOI/ F'A~(S) COUNTY urtLITY CAS£A1DiT UT1U1Y tASD,!(JIT EXHIBIT "A-2" Wit.SHIR£ LAKES BOULEVARD M!SH,ri'C UJ<ES. PH.AS[ 2 PO 27. PG Z•-27 Nt::iDFnl~!ClG!"nl! r:.f i OF S[COON JI NOTES: rRACT "R" (C.U.[.) I. SDR/.1~ SHO:~~· HiR[OJJ BASCD OIi mr STAr[ PUJ/£ COOROIJU.TC SYSTD.I CSTNJUSH£D 8Y 11i!: l,'AOO.'IPJ. C!iJOGrC su.rr.rr FOR nOR'.tJ,4 CAST Z0.'1£. 19SJ DATVJ.J l',ml 19!10 _,,DJIJS11.t[lf1 ANO ff(f'CR TO T1fC 111:ST UIIC or m4r:T -c,;· Gr W.!Sl<'i£ UXCS. PIV.SL 1, PL,AT BOOK 27, PAC!S 24 11/ROUCU 2r. Pl/8J.JC P.£CGR~S OF CO!.Ll!R CO'J,'{r(. FI.OR:DA 1'S e!J.•/G SOifTli 02"0:1'4&" OST. 2. e,.·ur,zs;o.•,•s SH&,m H!RlOII ,l.t;( Ill Us. S!RVFY Frrl J,,t:!J O!:clw.t.S TH!R!OF. :J. 1HtS SXUCH A.'10 D!SCRtruOll tS l1'Jr YA.UD l',ffl/OC/T rm: SICl~TUR! ANO ORJCL~ IWS.."'D SW OF .,c. U:f/lS!O flCRJ!JI. SUK',t"t'OR A.'JO t..'.APPf:R. r:o AlXJffJO.'IS Cl? ()[t(r.t)NS TO n«s Si<ET'CH I.J,1) OCSCR!P110,'I /.Rf: Pffil.lmrD '.\1/kOUT me (YPRfSS[O ltRfT!t)I Cf).'IS[IIT OF n,r S."Cl.':.','C PA.':UY. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION tnvrr"""'11T1 A IS 1W ll2" v:u;y 09:JIN" 1.m: r,m T:i',..'7 't:S' er 'lfl!}~ wtS MSC .? RJJ lQX ll. P.aS" 24 TIRJ.DI 11. Ra& llto'W (F cw.G mr,r,; ~[£tl';l#r/Mli':n(l.!%.Y(6'!ffl))Sm.J/.JIS: all.fJl:C ,: I>£ IOifHlfST O?.Q er r-.c t::f" or 11:tSR" Vf!S ftt«' 7. M 8XX V. f'A7S 11 D«J.OI 11. ftBC ,a:ut;5 CT a:uvt CW,1Y. 1111»,,· WC£ M' A!DC nc l!l1 UC r:T .9.D Ba t:5: !D.mf Cl'(JJ''.W (/Sf. A. fJS'.J.'CC er IQ.l tl nn 10 DC ,o.v, er tm:.".C o-!Jl ~ rr !.A'D ,om = lHJlX rlXH !~·o'Sr ru,; A /l:!""..\'.IX" rr ~ fTU rr, A pJ,•,T fJI M '61 1¥.HF-V-f.AY UC CT )ll.9t-I th!S ~:, (ll'J.a if) !T S4:1 RAT; ROa JUI IU1C St.D P.!N-<T•'tn, 9:WI cnt:45' rut A. !JS.J.'lI (I" 15.a, fITT; ,oa !1lGH u~'f'Sl" l£S1, A as:;,·a u rl:.6 rm r, .c. ,rxn fJI nc J/'fP.JO.,""J)(D t!S1 t.t'£ (f ;FXJ ~ 1>£M! /UI 11.0& g.o 161" ut: IIFJH C?an5· am A oswa r:r 150, ,m rn ff RN or ~:,a. aX:J..VC t.53 s»~ f:IT. MN~ USS. I "' ~ "' :, ;:, 0 z w i i 'NOT A SURVEY-:, 1-------,-------------------------------------.----------------------.----:--r---iC/) ORA\\':'l BV: KJG CHECKED SY: OLS JOB COO£ \\~.IE SCALE: 1"• 10' OATE: l .JUL V 2017 FILE! 16-12G-UE SHEET: 1 of I [ j&J] Gradyl\/Iinor Civil Engineers C:crLo!Aulh.F.BO(J(l:il51 I.Jan<! 11rvcyors CctLnf1\uU1. LU0005151 l'la1111crs nonltn S 1rh1 '-"= 2]fl.fl4i .11 ·1·1 www. t;r,1rJ1•.JJ/nnr. cnm O. Gr:11ly ~ll11or nud Associates. 1>.:\. :moo \11:i nc1 J.:ey Uonlla Sprlns-5. 1:iorlda 3•11:J·I l.mulsca11c i\rchilccls 8USL'ldS LC 2G0002GG SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION 15' UTILITY EASEMENT 2 LYING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA .::z(z.!17 ~ firr '-/t;fr;-3 "' 'JM~~;,~f. i n~~!;,' ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER EXHIBIT "D-3" OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared ei.ssl<E Gn rA cL , who to me is well !mown, and having been duly sworn and under oath, deposes and states: 1. My name is Us:s 1e. (]!I\ rn ol . I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years, am sui Juris, and have personal knowledge of the facts asserted herein, except as I have otherwise noted. 2. I am the Wes,r:l n J of WlLS.HlRE LAKES MASTER ASSOCJATION, [NC., a Florida not for profit corporation ("Owner"), the owner of that certain real property located within Collier County, Florida, and described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property"). To my knowledge, the Owner has no legal or equitable interest in the potable water, wastewater, non-potable water irrigation, and potable irrigation water utility facilities and/or system(s) or portion(s) thereof ("Utility Facilities") that may exist under, over, across or through the Property. 3. l have no knowledge of any persons, firms, and corporations, including the general contractor, all laborers, subcontractors and sub-subcontractors, material men and suppliers who have furnished services, labor or materials according to plans and specifications, or extra items, used in the construction, installation and/or repair of the Utility Facilities. 4. No claims have been made to the Owner, nor is any suit now pending on behalf of any contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, supplier, laborer or material-men, and rio chattel mortgages or conditional bills of sale have been given or are now outstanding as to the subject utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof placed upon or installed in or on the aforesaid premises. 5. Title to the Property is subject to those easements, restrictions and other matters affecting the Property ("Title Exceptions") listed on the Title Search Report by First American Title Insurance Company with an FATlC File Number of 1062-38 I 1459/SLG with an Effective Date of July 11, 2017 at 8:00 Al\11. The Title Exceptions are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as as Exhibit "B". 6. As and on behalf of the Owner, does for valuable consideration hereby agree and guarantee, to hold the Board of County Conunissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the governing body of Collier County and as the Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District harmless against any lien, claim or suit by any general contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, supplier, mechanic, material-man, or laborer, and against chattel mortgages, security interests or repair of the subject Property by or on behalf of Owner. Affiant is used as singular or plural, as the context requires. Specifically excluded from the guarantee and hold harmless agreement above is i) that certain Non-Taxable Agreement Not To Encumber or Transfer Real Properly by and between the Secured Party and Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc., a non-for profit Florida corporation recorded in Official Records Book 5 I 43, Page 2 l 87, et seq., Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and ii) those matters effecting the Property disclosed on the Title Search Report referenced in paragraph 5 above. Owner's Affidavit I FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. DATED this 1.../-11, day of [}_/c/.'JQ."2017. SUBSCRIOED AND SWORN to before me this _'-f_t_-l, __ day of {}Jc/,::;e(,?.o 17, bt._c~1t'-auLc..._d._ , who is personally ~-as OR who produced identification. Type of identification produced: Notary Public My Commission Expires: Owner's Affidavit 2 EXHIBIT "A" Ul}.i.1.ry f.A59.9.1l ! A ,s roor mi'€ UT:!..rrt £A...~7.€Nr Lr.:i\t: i~!iH1\' tlt}t~'r l~U o·· ~h!.5?.\)',r. fA\lS Pff.41;1 2. Fl.Ar B'.!t''K 21. l>l,tS N li.lW>..¥.iil 21, P.i/}/../'.: tr{(.Y)rM (F CO/lt'i? (;,"'I.Ni'(. .'lO',}(V.• l~~\'i\J .~M<[ ;:}4,?HC.tt,{fi'-f (£SO'i:ff{) 1W ,'i:'.'UGl~'X· Ct~1ttfi\tX ,{r r,.~~ i',iV@!,f[ST C()Pl,.';R (F lFtil;r ·,:r· l_~~ ~~'.':f1\W l.,\~""S F'H·l';C 2i PMT ff):)t, 27, {·J./E 24 lr$J:lt"Yi' ,?l, ;:uss...<c RECCSDS CF OJJ.L~ CcX~\\T.~ Rfff;{]:4; rhf.NC[ P:,".;.1t,' ~O\~J rn..;: Jif:;T /.(, .. \..-Of 9/D RA'.'.:'.i ·t:::: S'.:lffi,' C.7iJ~'46" W.i, A .~7.·Vf:E Of =cl.!S FHT 70 .1.'i-£ Ft-VNt r.p· &_···c,:/,."-~\~ er TJ£ .'?l'lf'd c,r U,W l.~.'rEW Dr.-S::Rif!ED; TJ&,":E N'J.'o'U 8?'49·1-r' [;tS.~ A C~5'l/.,\Q' (.\•" •12.5$ Ffl..7 ro /1 f"C~l.'T ,C,h' 'lh'.:: }h~T F/Clff-Oi'--1';'.Y L(I~-c:1·--11~:;r,\ff um f!.,'./_.t[/,1.f';,_~ (m-icr :I') CF y\/) i'W: "ii-~'"l•ff r;;i:~l tlet,"'J ~~ iiXJ 1'l-L8-~t6D; Sc"X.JIN O:tt0',f6v fJ.ST, A l)~)riV,~'[ a· 1 !\ C(J IIU; w.:r s,:,1,·;1 1;:;,·49'g' lffS{ A rx,-r,,,1,rf c.r ,,2,55 rrrr m A r(li.irr c,~-JI-if ,s.r.r,S.fl,fUiil.~,'[Jj· ,'i!:S:t L\\'[ o;: t.',>\~Y 't&'; Ii lN .. 7..' l'"ti.l.1 ,1LC1\V.] .$1\? Hf.ST !)',f. N,~i{f},' <)2'0)'46"' ~l ,t. i.."\1St/.1\\.'""E l\r ,lb.Cl] fl.Lr .ro Jl.f .l-ti'WT or £,[/)'.l ... "«,'.t, AND ilr:i . .'Tr' U1S£l\.r;'1T 2 A 15 fiXJT 1~~€ lirlJ'..ITr' f/-S.~fJ/T Lt~\t7 Jt![~\V TRACT "C5& c,c K~L%T tA~:r,:5 (f!,t;c l. PW 8XK 27. f}IR-S U lh'iCfJ~i 2i; Fi.!filJC i?£C0,"£,5 if W/1.k'T! C'ZwT.( H.CfiJ'Gl. b"f.~r"'J ,t,o.·~ f"l-,~.r,rt~ . .11-l"/ &S'.:1-:Ci.1.J AS" l CU.CMS:· (.(}l,~,[.I.~."( .~r 71.{ ,','.W!lli+t.'Sr 0:-'ill'cR iv· 1/W{ 'i~~,·· (.\'" 11/i.~,.'il;r lh\1.S Pii\5~' Z FIN fl,Y)i( 21, 0\$f.S N TH,'?'.);.17H 21, Pi.lflfX .~fC()T'l)S /Y" CCi..l/t."R a~NTY, fl.(.,\iJO\· .~.f~.Cf R'lll llO.\(; mf »fST l1Wf C.\' $,WJ Tfi'A':1 '"CJ: Sf)l!N O'lC,~1.16"'' &W~ A DiSTl·NC£ (F' tO.I !4 FFFF "f() Th\.-Pt'.,\\q or FF,(}.1.~':,l; {Y' W. P,\~(fi c\r fJV~i Hr.W.N fJESQi:ffJJ; '!Hr."l\r:E 1,r;,w 87'49'57' &t5T. A r,.•Yi.w .. ,: or 12.~ rrrr ro ,1 .com lW i'Ht.· i~r hl'[,t,•T-l'f'-~'i-!:Y UNE OF H.1lS'.\,1,~· UX!:.S l-C!.{.H~' (i,'i.!l't 'ir) Of S~•lJ 1-Llf." TJ-£N .. "E ,CX.,Y,' A~(}','; 9JD ,'i1.~'T-(F-J~·{( SOUTH 0710'46"' W,: A aSf!.NCE .')f l:i.CO FEIT/ 1Hf.li'I SCIJrH b'T49'57' ~£>,~ A IY:ifN,'CE Cf-1255 FHJ W A f'C~'YT ON ll£ AFCfi[ltl£J{[j(1Ef) ti£5T lN.:E .':,_C' rot:r (5'; "{}8\\."£ 81.ll t!L':i;."] 5'\\_';I ~ w~: /IJ..C;fh' 02'~',!(} ~iBT. A D.'Sfr!J\\_'1: OF 15.CO FEIT TO H Fr,\•ir Of BEf~,\\\.X'~~7. Owner's Affidavit 3 EXHIBIT "B" TITLE EXCEPTIONS 1. Chain of Title and/ or Conveyances: Type of Instrument: O.R. Book Quitclaim Deed 3834 2. Unsatisfied Encumbrances: Type of Instrument: O.R. Book: Agreement Not to Encumber 5143 3. Easements, Restrictions, and Other Matters affecting the lands described herein: 2126 2187 a. Easements, restrictions, reservations and other matters shown on the plat of WILSHIRE LAKES, PHASE TWO, as recorded in Plat Book 27, Page(s) 24 through 27, but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604(c). b. Rights of Barron Collier, Jr., and Barbara M. Collier, his wife; and Miles Collier and Isabel U. Collier, his wife, and all persons claiming by, through or under same, by virtue of the reservation of the oil, gas and/or minerals lying within the lands described in Schedule A, contained in Deed recorded October 5, 1953, in Deed Book 30, Page 91; as affected by Oil, Gas and Mineral Deed recorded in Book 160, Page 11, as supplemented by instrument recorded in Book 177, Page 305; Oil, Gas and Mineral Deed recorded in Book 884, Page 1555, as corrected by instrument recorded in Book 949, Page 367; Oil, Gas and Minerals Deed recorded in Book 1413, Page 945; Oil, Gas and Minerals Deed recorded in Book 1413, Page 1078; Oil, Gas and Minerals Deed recorded in Book 1482, Page 798; Oil, Gas and Mineral Deed recorded in Book 4393, Page 2345; Affidavit recorded in Book 4415, Page 2629; Corrective Affidavit recorded in Book 4419, Page 1279; and Notice of Interest in Land Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 704.05 and Florida Statutes Chapter Owner's Affidavit 4 712, recorded in Book 4586, Page 412. The right of entry as to such reservations has not been released, therefore, the affirmative coverage against damage to improvements as a result of the future exercise of the right to use the surface of the land for extraction of minerals contained in the ALTA 9.3-06 or ALTA 9-06 Endorsement, as to a Loan Policy, or the ALTA 9.1, ALTA 9.2-06 or ALTA 9.5-06 Endorsement, as to any Owner's Policy attached hereto or incorporated herein by reference is hereby deleted from such Endorsement. c. Rights of Brace Corporation and all persons claiming by, through or under same, by virtue of the reservation of the oil, gas and/or minerals lying within the lands described in Schedule A, contained in Deed recorded in Deed Book 34, Page 269; as affected by Deed recorded in Book 51, Page 82; Oil, Gas and Mineral Deed recorded in Book 160, Page 39, as supplemented by instrument recorded in Book 177, Page 312; Oil, Gas and Mineral Deed recorded in Book 884, Page 1555, as corrected by instrument recorded in Book 949, Page 367; Oil, Gas and Minerals Deed recorded in Book 1413, Page 945; Oil, Gas and Minerals Deed recorded in Book 1413, Page 1078; Oil, Gas and Minerals Deed recorded in Book 1482, Page 798; Oil, Gas and Mineral Deed recorded in Book 4393, Page 2345; Affidavit recorded in Book 4415, Page 2629; Corrective Affidavit recorded in Book 4419, Page 1279; and Notice of Interest in Land Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 704.05 and Florida Statutes Chapter 712, recorded in Book 4586, Page 412. The right of entry as to such reservations has not been released, therefore, the affirmative coverage against damage to improvements as a result of the future exercise of the right to use the surface of the land for extraction of minerals contained in an ALTA.9.3-06 or ALTA 9-06 Endorsement, as to a Loan Policy, or ALTA 9.1, ALTA 9.2-06 or ALTA 9.5-06 Endorsement, as to any Owner's Policy attached hereto or incorporated herein by reference is hereby deleted from such Endorsement. d. Ordinance No. 75-20 recorded May 19, 1975, in Book 619, Pages 1177, regulating the installation of any water distribution and waste water collection systems within a public right of way easement. e. Ordinance No. 75-21 recorded May 19, 1975, in Book 619, Page 1182, protecting certain trees within Collier County. f. Ordinance No. 75-24 recorded May 19, 1975, in Book 619, Page 1191, regarding the creation, construction, alteration, etc. of building locations, etc., as amended by Ordinance No. 75-74 recorded December 24, 1975, in Book 638, Page 21. g. Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Establishing the Immokalee Area Planning District and the Coastal Area Planning District recorded in Book 649, Page 1239. Owner's Affidavit 5 h. Orange Blossom Drive Force Main Contribution Agreement recorded in Book 1572, Page 840; i. Airport Road South of Orange Blossom Drive Force Main Contribution Agreement recorded in Book 1572, Page 902. j. Terms, conditions, covenants, limitations, easements, reservations and other matters contained in the Declaration of Covenants for Wilshire Lakes, recorded in Book 1681, Page 902; as amended by instruments recorded in Book 1696, Page 2159; Book 1713, Page 1414; Book 2002, Page 482; Book 2133, Page 1992; and Book 2249, Page 646, and as subsequently amended or modified, but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604(c). · k. Vineyards-Wilshire Lakes Utility Facilities Reimbursement Agreement recorded in Book 1742, Page 980. I. Polling Place Agreement recorded in Book 1806, Page 253. m. Easement granted to Florida Cablevision Management Corporation recorded in Book 1811, Page 891. n. Wilshire Lakes Easement Agreement recorded in Book 3834, Page 2129. o. Ordinance No. 2005-54 creating and establishing Solid Waste Municipal Service Benefit Unit, Service District No. 1, and providing for assessments in connection therewith, as disclosed by and as affected by Resolution No. 2010-168 recorded in Book 4610, Page 2307; Resolution No. 2011-150 recorded in Book 4721, Page 1527; Resolution No. 2013-183 recorded in Book 4965, Page 1660; Resolution No. 2014-175 recorded in Book 5077, Page 1388; Resolution No. 2015-174 recorded in Book 5194, Page 2196; and Resolution No. 2016-182 recorded in Book 5314, Page 776. p. Grant of Easement to Comcast of Arkansas/Florida/Louisiana/Minnesota/Mississippi/Tennessee, Inc., recorded in Book 4904, Page 3655. q. Collier County Ordinance No. 90-87 establishing a Regional Sewer System and providing for impact fees. Owner's Affidavit 6 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: FRANCESCA PASS!DOMO, ESQ. COLEMAN, YOV ANOV!CH & KOESTER. P.A. 4001 TAM!AMJ TRAJL NORTH, SUITE 300 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34 J 03 EXHIBIT"E" [Space above line reserved for recording office use] UTILITY FACILITIES AND/OR UTILITIES EASEMENT(S) SUBORDINATION THIS SUBORDJNATION is dated this;;q day ot:}a)i , 2017 by: . I Branch Banking and Trust Company, a banking corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank"), in favor of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS THE EX-OFFICIO GOVERNJNG BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DJSTRlCT, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter referred to as "Countv"). Bank as used herein includes singular or plural, as the context allows. WHEREAS, the Utility Facilities and Utility Easements being conveyed to the County are located over, on and/or under the underlying real property described and depicted on Exhibit "A-1" and Exhibit "A-2", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference ("Property"); WHEREAS, the Property is encumbered by that ceriain Non-Taxable Agreement Not To Encumber or Transfer Real Property by and between the Secured Party and Wilshire Lakes Master Association, Inc., a non-for profit Florida corporation recorded in Official Records Book 5143, Page 2187, et seq., Public Records of Collier County. Florida ("Agreement"); WHEREAS, the Agreement grants to the Bank a right to approve and consent to any action that may cause a lien or encumbrance on the Property; and WHEREAS, a prerequisite to the conveyance of the Utility Facilities and/or related Utility Easements, if any, being conveyed to the Count}' requires that this Bank must subordinate only its Security Interests in (i) the Encumbered Utility Facilities being conveyed to the County and (ii) each related Utility Easement(s), if any, being conveyed to the County; and the Secured Party is hereby complying with said request for these subordination(s). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Bank, the Bank hereby subordinates its security interests in the Encumbered Utility Facilities being conveyed to Collier County, and/or to each Utility Easement(s), if any, being conveyed to the County, which encumbered Utility Facilities are located over, on and/under the Property. Except as expressly subordinated herein, the Secured Interests of the Bank remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS \Vlill~EOF, . . to be executed h. Subordmatton the Bank has caused t is fi . bove written. the date and year irst a Y1jJfESSEJJ' IJ dvw:_ I ij 1/#0 ,, , ·ouherr(-2r-A,~o~u // ---.--, f), _, ), STATE OF :f/(;:/c4,. COUNTY OF p, Yldta f. BANK: . ~d Trust Company Branch Bankmg aJ ion // // , banking CO'Jl · f.t~~ By: . ~---(; 'Ck'a (/c;l~,-:h I . '<.)/.Jp7, 7. , / -r ame: · 1 /, 1 Yr..1,ao,1 /' if; l/1/ -C -,PV/1 Jc I 01 ,,1 2017, l S:-:/1 -r-6.!'JA \.. , . 10' dav of · c,/' · ,· 0 and Trust, d befo,e me th,s 4 r of Sraneh """""". I has The Jo,egojng ins"/'"''"" was ",k::~ IJt~~ /d U, T ~II:~~ (,K {,csonally known to, me~o~![ ' r, { · · C11}(A(t-'t f f the company. · v ~~ f,/y 0 ,, " f\.;v-..._ by -cli.>Y11 la . . fm and on behal o "identifieatwn. /}f / '.) I/ ~ a banking empmat,on, / /?'( ~ 0 ' pmdueed Notacy Publie Name P1inted: Commission No.:_ . Comm1ss10n . · Expires. (NoTARY~s=E=A=L=) u=:~~~~~~ I &"liilEFl MICHELE D. CH :Illa '-~.\ "'=E':~-n Mycomm.~ C ~ -==-->--*--"c::s--I s· ;o· 20· SCALE: 1" = 10' TrllS PtlJ·l 1.V..Y HAVE SEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED FROll. INTENDE.D OiSPLAY SC/,LE roR REPRODV-CilON RE.ASONS 'NOT A SURVEY' LEGEND: FOC FOB ct PO "" CL'£ UE POJN; or COl.fJJ£t1CDJ!tn POINr OF 8£Gill,\",'I(; OW,~ o.s[U[NT Pt.AT OOOK PAC({S) couurr UT11.J1Y CASDJ!llf UTiUTY t:AS[UE:JIT NOTES: EXHIBIT "A-1" WILSHIRE LAKES BCULeVARD )Hl.Srli?E' UJ<[S. Pli.l.Sf' ' PO 27, PC 24 -17 r;v,cr 'i?" (~U.l./ I. 8£ARJ.','CS SJIOMJ H[JEO.'I BJ.S[D ON TJli. STATE PUJIE COO!W/,'IATC SYST[ll CSTNJ!JSHED BY TH£ NA00.'l)J. cco:;cnc su,.,-,.ry rM FlaR:~ £Mr ZOIJf, T!'iSJ 04ru1.1 •,mH J!JM ADJUSTJJmr -'J.'!J Rt:ft:Ji to mt wO"r u::r. or :RAcr ·cs· or ',',il.SJl!RE' !M£S. PHASL 2, PU.T !JOCK 27. P,lf;fS :24 ntROUCJI 27, Pueuc RfCOllDS r;r C(XLJ!R COUNTY, n.~ r\S {![Ill(; SOUTH 02"09',15• £AST. 2. DIJ.1£JJSf0;','S SUO,t'N H£Rt:0N ARC IN U..S. SUR'l[Y ,rrr ,<ND DCCLJMLS nf[R[OF. .l. Tfl!S S.'<CTCH AND O!:sCR!PT10N IS llf1I. V,IJJD >>1rHOOT nf[ SJ(i..'lAiUR£ AND OiifG!'VJ. RNS!D 5ru. OF A UCQIS£D flDJUJ.J, ~ ma I.WPCR. no A!JCITJC.'15 o" oarnc,•JS ro TllfS sxc;cu u:o or:sc;nmo.,,,1 AR£ PF:RJ,/f11uJ MTHOUT rur [XPRtssro ltR(TT[}I CO.'l5£m or TH! SJ(;,\'JNC PARn: --------PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ~{A'DE]:it ,4 15 fTXJI 11te IAVlY ~1 tm; wrm re ts· fF ~ ~ts m.sc 1. ff.Al 8XX 1!, F.IClS ;, 1JRUH 11, P.B.C ntM25 (F axJO a:t.t.n; I~ l£1G JU!" P!lirWk"tf tn:1iSD ..tS" F:UOO ctN.lJIX Al rte ICliiH.6l CtRIJl CF lii'a tr ff 11:9~ wn" fltf.T 1, ,w a:rx 11. f)f(ll H t;KJ.I.){ 11. na.c .lftlrm' er axu, CUJ,'rf. nmot :wa IUI lll>J; nc "°1 lJE er $~!) r-:e ·c:s: [D/{H azu;·~· AA A asD,•a rr !.!1~ m:r m T!E ~ er wa.•:c er M: r.ea er U.'D ,~· = wa :am u,ru· rut A as-,na er 11.!S rm N A ro.,;r en nc NJT J;:(H0.(P1,.J.,Y LI£ (T ~~ WE a::uAf?1 ~ ii'J (f SAD PJ.i; ;;.()(:£ ,::I'/ AfJC SIJ) f»fl-U-W. !ZJAH ('2'1(/tS' rut A OS!7.'a" U' ua, m:T; ;;occ !D.lilf u,,,·u· •!R A as:,,.,·cr er 11.SS llII ;o A ro,.r u, nc lfv!JO,':D(J) J£Sr lU CT 17.0 ~ 1:lNI 8.Jt R.DC SW ~ VE. .~f f!Z(l}'4-s· 11!51. A CJSJl,•a. cr t!tu nrr ,r; ii£ PrrJ C'f tro::::c. co.w~,; :se 521',-l" w. J.OTOl l!SS. "' N / ,o 2 /;; 6' ::, --------------------------------------~---------------------~--~~----1V> _:ilx,7-~1----i OR/,WUDY: KJG CllECKEOBY: OLS JOO CODE: WCl?UE SCA1.E! 1•i:10' DATE; 3JULY2017 FILE: 15-126-0E SHEET: I cl I [ jJ4J. J GradyMinor Civil Engineers Cf.n, OrAu1h. EB OOOJl51 Land Surveyors Ccrl. or ,\uth. LU 0,'.)05151 Planners Bnnlln Srirlll!!.S: ·,:m.!M7.11·1-I 111111w. r:r,?1/1·111/nnr. rnm i). Grady .\llnor ;md .-\ssoclalcs. t'J\. 3800 \'l.1 Del R4:\' Bonita Sprh1~s. Flurld3 3-11:1:1 Landscape Archllccls uustnt..ss LC :!r,000200 ,~nrt ~h·rr-s: 2:m.n9n .. 1:1no SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION 15' UTILITY EASEMENT 1 LYING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA 0: ·-r-i/,u~i ~ L !'.4!.•;':1:1:f PSJJ :;, n,Wr,~ ,.Jf/1 t -==---*--~C::S""'""'!;: o 5· ;o· 20· SCALE: 1" = 10' THIS FLAN MAY t-'.A~ BEEN ENt.ARG~O OR REDUCED FROM l HE'ND£0 DISPLAY SC11L£ FOP. REPRODUCTION REASONS LEGEND: P0C PO,\'ff Of" CO.V.'.1£NC[.).t(J,7 POlJ ro:m or OCCIWl'J,'C CC ORA'!~(;[ &SDJDfT PO Pl.Ar SOOK PC l'AC!(S) roe ccumY uru.1rr OS£JJD,'T U!: unuTY !ASDJ[JIT EXHIBIT "A-2" WILSHIRE LAKES BOULEVARD l'IJ!Slt.PC WE3. Plf.lS[ 2 PB 27, PG Z4-27 1-1-:i ormrsrl crmr r.w I OF SlCOOH JJ NOTES: r?.ACT "'ff" (C.U.[,) ,. BWi.'.!CS s110:1~J HfRE.ON BJSED o.•, TH£ s11.rr: PUJJF: CO()R{)INATt: sm£\l E'ST~SHt:D Ut nl~ f~ATIO,VA.!. GfX,CatC SU/MY TOR rtGR.DA EAST ZONE:. J9SJ 041UJ.I t'.!TU 1990 /.DJUSTU!JII AV!> Rff[R 10 rµ[ 1,rsr U.'IC OF TJ,A(;T •e5• or W'.t.SH,R[ L,U<E:S, PHASL 2, PLAT OOOK 27, PAC[S 24 nlROl/CH 27. PU8UC RrCOROS or COUl:11 CO'J,Vrr. na~ AS eou;; S()IJTH oro,·.1s· o.sr. 2. DitJ!f,"SOl(S SHCT1t1i H!MO.'I Afi[ IN U.S. SUff'/0' Fe:£1 A'1D O!CJW.!..S Nl!R!Or. J. nr,s Sl<f;TCH A!i!J 0£:sCR@UOtl IS U'QL ~'AUO tfflfDUT THC SIG!~TURt /.NO ORfCJ/1.AL RAIS...'D S~ (Y A UCCJ,'S£0 fl.OR1J/. SUR\rt'OR l..'10 1.W>PCR. t.'0 ADCIT'IONS OF? OlL[T:ONS TO n«s SJ<CTCH /.J.'0 D!SCRfPTl'jU il,R[ P!JiJJITTt:D -1m,-our nr£ D'PR£SS!D 'ai?!TT[II C0.'IS£/lr OF nt[ Sr(;J.';::c P),l{rY. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION l/i1Jif 09),C.1 7 A JS fOOl J!l" ~r.v.r 0$JIJ:r l)'lt; Cltl "° 't:S° <T "1!J~ WIS P.-VSC .?. FW B»< ZI. P.<U" 14 'RMJ.Di 17. 1UlC fr.W1:5 CF C1JJl1l ca.r,n; ~ l!1J;~~m,w»J(l5t)lll)A~ a:u.oa N nc rQi!HiCS! o:P.lJf u tll(1 t:s-r:r '4.9F-wn m« z fW 8XX V. FAZ 14 rJfC.J}f 11. FUl£ P.1IroS CT auLR a:tl',TI: ll!P.DI,: iHJaPJlll0&D£t,lST!J'CC,SU1r,;cr "t:S:!U.mlCI!'C7</o'MA. l$1,'a' Cl" 1tU r, 11IT to 1i£ ro•.1 CF rm.•x V Ci( Al.m. (F WD I/R.11 =tll iJOII IO?'iH 8.t}°!r [,61, A fX!tJ.•C( er li,X !TU liJ A /'al a, nc a:::51 fDil-U-«K.Y I.IC fT JQS't-I' W!S a:x.JJ,t:, ~ "ii'] <T 9.!I ,'W; TIO/I tut x.at: s:o F.OV-1¥4H, :ri.iH c:n,;,r rut A tJS'.;.•.rr " r5ID rm: ffJCt SJJ'TH 8Nnr' 107, A rmt.•a (F tl.!A f1I1 ~ A Ftn'1 C'I/ 1?£ k'T:P.JENXUD 1GI lU r.F fF.A.7 t:s: liOlI RJI A.CIC W 'M:sT U£. JOn,t (!!'(9'45· 1m. A (&l.,•a !T 1500 rm ro 1iC KN r, m:;.-~,;. CD,7.,."'\."C 13' S'2J'r-/!Ii. 1,a;r O? tm ~ ..; ::, J, N I "' i ::, <11 / 0 z w ~ i z t3 a a. i ::, --~-----------------------------------.,-----------------------,r----,-,---1"' ~/-k/o i "NOT A SURVEY' ORA~'r.lBY: KJG CtECXEOBV: DLS JOIJCODE: WOFME SCALE; , •• 10' 01\TE: 3JULY2017 FILE: 16-IZ04.JE SHEET: 1 of 1 [Jl]11) GradyivHnor Civil Engineers CtrL flf Aull1. ED 000;:i I~ I l,cmcl Surveyors CtrL n! :\ulh. tn 00051~1 l'la1111crs Hnnlln S11rl11m;:• 2'.l!l.!1-fi.11-l·I www. r; r,1dl',tll11nr. r.nm o. 1;r:1tly ~llnor :'11111 t\SSOCl:'llCS, P .:\. 3000 \ll:1 Del Rey Uonlla Springs. f'Jorlda 3413·1 Landscape ,lrchitcc1s UuSl"le:!A l,G 2G0002Gt Fnrt 11\'o•rs: 2:HUi!I0 .. 1:utn SKETCH ANO DESCRIPTION 15' UTILITY EASEMENT 2 LYING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH. RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA a: ~~if fl;:(1ff l{t' i