Backup Documents 06/13/2003 CRACOMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR M TING JUNE t 3, 2003 NapLes Daily Ne~s NapLes/ FL 34102 Affidevit of PubLication NapLes DaiLy News BOARD OF COUNTY COHNLSSIONERS CHER! LEFARA PO BOX 611016 NAPLES FL 34101-]016 REFERENCE: 001230 200213 58671522 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEE State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared B. Lamb, who on oath says that she serve; as Assistant Corporate Secretary of the NapLes Daily News, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, FLorida: that the attached copy of advertising was pubLiahed in said newspaper on dates Listed. Affiant further says that the said NapLes DaiLy News is a newspaper published at NapLes/ in said CoLLier County/ FLorida/ and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said CoLLier County, FLorida, each day and has been entered an second class mail matter at the post office in NapLes/ in said CoLLier County/ FLorida/ for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person/ fire or corporation any discount/ rebate/ commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for pubLiction in the said newspaper. PUBLISHED ON: 06/08 AD SPACE: 115.000 INCH FILED ON: 06/09/03 .......... +. Signature of Affiant .r .~ 20~ S~orn to and Subscribed before ae this /~, dey o~ PersonaLLy known by me ..... NOTICE OF PUBLIC MF,~I1NG COMMUNITY COUNTY, FLORIDA Julle ~3, 2003 8:30 ~m, NotiCe Is hereby giver that the Collier Count~ Board of County co.m missioners acting a~:tm community Re¢lavetop W. Harmon Turner ~uild Ing'(BulldlnQ F) at th~ Coqller County Oovern ment com. prex, aa0 East Tam~eml Trail Naples, FlO.rlda~ to con: duct the' ousmess OT Collier County at the above stated time and date. oOples of t.h.e agenda r .~aid meet~ .nc will be mace available to the ~ress and may he ob- tained at the Communi- cations and Customer Relations Office, located on the Rret Floor of the W. I~zmon Tum~ ~ulld- lng. All Ihterested partlee ~re Invltod to at,nd, t~ register to ~ and to submit thelr..gbJeCtlons, If any, In wrmng, to the B.c,.rd prior to the s~e. cmal meeting. All regis, tared public will he limited to ave (5: mlnut, es unless permls. aion TOt addltlonai time Is granted by the Chair. m~n. Any person who. decid- es to appeal a neclaion of the Board will need a record of .th.s preceed. InNS ~ertmnmg thereto, and therefore, may need to ensure that a verba- tim record of the ore- record Inc~u;les the tea. timony and evidence upon which the appeal IS to be based. Collier. County Or. dl. that MI lobbyists snail, before engadlng In lobbying -lo-fly, ties. nclud~n~: -bUt n~ell~c to, add~ssl_ng . . of County commll~mn. ers), register with th{ Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Re- If ~ou are a .l~rson w .It:h a d sablllty wac neeos any accommodation in order to pa~rflclpate In this .l~o.ce~l. lng, you are entltleo, at no cost to you, ~ the pm. vlaion of certain assistance, Please contact the C¢ Ilar County Facillth ManaRement. Depar meat locateo at East Tamlaml Trsi Naples, FlOrida, 3411 (239) 774-a3803 asai~b listening device. ~ hearing I.mpalreu available in the Commissioners' Office, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA ITem Harming, Chairman DWIGHT E, BROCK CLERK By:/s/Maureen Kenyon Deputy Clerk June 8 No. 17523~ COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA June 13, 2003 8:30 a.m. Tom Henning, Chairman, District 3 Donna Fiala, Vice-Chair, District 1 Frank Halas, Commissioner, District 2 Fred W. Coyle, Commissioner, District 4 Jim Coletta, Commissioner, District 5 NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY MANAGER PRIOR TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 99-22 REQUIRES THAT ALL LOBBYISTS SHALL, BEFORE ENGAGING IN ANY LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS), REGISTER WITH THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AT THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS". ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD 1NCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL RECEIVE UP TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS THE TIME IS ADJUSTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY WHO NEEDS ANY ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING, YOU ARE ENTITLED, AT NO COST TO YOU, TO THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE COLLIER COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 3301 EAST 1 June 13, 2003 TAMIAMI TRAIL, NAPLES, FLORIDA, 34112, (239) 774-8380; ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADOPTION OF AGENDA Adopted - 5/0 e BRIEF ADDRESS (5 MINUTES) FROM THE BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD CHAIRMAN - BILL NEAL. Presented e BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA ITEMS TO APPROVE THE ADDITION OF TWO AT LARGE MEMBERS TO THE BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD AND ALL NECESSARY BY-LAWS AMENDMENTS. CRA Resolution 2003-217 - Adopted 5/0 and staff directed to meet with counsel regarding the legalities of one or two CRA Boards allowed and to bring back on future agenda Be TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE THE SITE IMPROVEMENT GRANT AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND GRANT APPLICANTS WITHIN THE BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Planning Services Recommendation - Approved 5/0 TO APPROVE THE CREATION OF AN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR POSITION TO MANAGE THE BUSINESS OF THE BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Continued to September 12, 2003 CRA Meeting - 5/0 5. ADJOURN 2 June 13, 2003 June 2, 2003 Attn: Georgia Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: NOTICE OF 6/13/03 CRA MEETING Dear Georgia: Please advertise the above referenced notice on Sunday, June 8, 2003, and kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate, together with charges involved, to this office. Thank you. Sincerely, Teri Michaels, Deputy Clerk P.O./Account # 200213 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA June 13, 2003 8:30 a.m. Notice is hereby given that the Collier County Board of County Commissioners acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency will meet in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building F) at the Collier County Government Complex, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, to conduct the business of Collier County at the above stated time and date. Copies of the agenda for said meeting will be made available to the press and may be obtained at the Communications and Customer Relations Office, located on the First Floor of the W. Harmon Turner Building. All interested parties are invited to attend, to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the Board prior to the special meeting. All registered public speakers will be limited to five (5) minutes unless permission for additional time is granted by the Chairman. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto, and therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners), register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, 34112, (239) 774-8380; assisted listening devices for the hearing impaired are available in the County Commissioners' Office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Tom Henning, Chairman DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: Is/Maureen Kenyon Deputy Clerk Teri Michaels To: Subject: legals@naplesnews.com ATTN: GEORGIA notice of 6/13/03 CRA mt9 BCC as CRA ~IOTICE-6-13-03.do( BCC as CRA Notice-6-13-03.doc thcmk$! Teri Michaels From: Sent: To: Subject: postmaster@clerk, collier.fl, us Monday, June 02, 2003 12:16 PM Teri Michaels Delivery Status Notification (Relay) A-1-I'25356.txt A'I-I'N: GEORGIA This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Your message has been successfully relayed to the following recipients, but the requested delivery status notifications may not be generated by the destination. legals~naplesnews.com Teri Michaels From: Sent: To: Subject: System Administrator [postmaster@naplesnews.com] Monday, June 02, 2003 12:13 PM Teri Michaels Delivered: ATTN: GEORGIA ATFN: GEORGIA <<ATTN: GEORGIA>> Your message To: legals@naplesnews.com Subject: ATTN: GEOP, GZA Sent: Mon, 2 ,Tun 2003 12:15:47-0400 was delivered to the following recipient(s): legals on Mon, 2 ,Tun 2003 12:12:34 -0400 L~ 0 0 V V A A o v v NAPLES DAILY NEWS Published Daily Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned they serve as the authority, personally appeared B. Lamb, who on oath says that they serve as the Assistant Corporate Secretary of the Naples Daily, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida; that the attached copy of the advertising, being a PUBLIC NOTICE in the matter of PUBLIC NOTICE was published in said newspaper 1 time in the issue on June 8, 2003 Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily News is a newspaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in ~he said newspaper. / ( Signature of affiant) Swum to and subscribed before me This 9th day of June, 2003 (Signature of notary public) lSUSAN D. FLORA My Cornm E. xp. 12/10/04 No. CC 983546 [ I Per~a~ly K~m ! J Ot~er I.D. June 13, ~003 8'~0 &m. Notice le hereby given] that the Collier CountYl Boerd of County Com-I mi.loners Ktlr~ as community Rede~lop-I on ~ ~lrd fio~ W. ~ T~ ~lld-I lng (~lldlnu F) at th~ Collier Cou~y Govern.I ~ent Complex, 330:.1 t~st T~miaml Trail, ~ples, FIo~ldh to con ouct the business Collier County 8t the ·bove stated, time ~n~ dl~. [oOples of t~.e ~enda r ~lld m~n~ will be m~oe ~v~ll~ble to the p~ess ~nd m~y be obq ~ned ~t the Communl-I cltlons ind Customerl Minions Offi~, I~Medl on ~e Rm ~oor of ~el W. ~ T~er Build- In~ All Interested Pirtles ~ Inv~ ~ ~, tol ~1~ ~ ~ ~d tol SUbmit .~lr oble~lons,I If ~, In ~ltl~ to thel Bo~ prior to me spe-I cl~l m~tln~. All regls-i tered ~ublic speakers will be I~R~ to five (5) ainu[as unleu permis- sion tot ~ddltlon~l time Is granted by the Chair. man, Any Person who decld. eS to a~peaJ a decision of the Boaru will ne~d record of the proceed. Ings pertaining thereto and therefore, ma~ neeC to eMure that a verba. tim record of the pro-! ceedl.ngs s .m~de, Whlchl record Incluoes the te$-~ tlmony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based, Col.ller County Ordi- nance No.~-2 22 reqy. lres that all Iobl~ylsts shall, .before. eng&glnu In a.ny io.bb¥1ng acAIvltlas tl- nclualng, but not Ilmtted of County Commlaslon. ers), reglster with the Clerk to the Board ~t the Board Minutes and Re- cords Department. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation In order to participate in this proceL~dlng, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the pro. vision of certain assistance, Please contact the Col. Ilar County Facilities Management. Depart- ment locatea at 3301 East Tamlaml Trail, Naples, FlOrida, 34112, (239) 774.83S0; assisted Ilstonlng devices for the hearing I.mpalred are available in the County CommlHIoners' Office. BOARD OF COUNT' COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA Tom Harming, Chairman DWIGHT E. BROCK CLERK BY:/s/Maureen Kenyon ~ Clerk June 8 No. 175231 CRA RESOLUTION NO. 2003- ~ 1 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING AMENDED BYLAWS FOR THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY REVISING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD TO ALLOW TWO ADDITIONAL AT-LARGE MEMBERS WHO RESIDE OR ENGAGE IN BUSINESS WITHIN THE BAYSHORE/ GATEWAY TRIANGLE LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT AREA; AND BY MAKING GENERAL REVISIONS TO THE TEXT FOR PURPOSES OF CLARIFICATION AND EASE OF ADMINISTRATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEKEAS, on March 27, 2001, the Board of County Commissioners, convened as the Collier County Community Kedevelopment Agency (CKA), and adopted CPA Kesolution No. 2001-98, establishing Bylaws for the Community Kedevelopment Agency and Local Redevelopment Advisory Boards; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the Community Redevelopment Agency Local Redevelopment Advisory Boards of Collier County, Florida provide that the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board shall consist of business owners or citizens who reside or own property within, or are engaged in business in the specified local redevelopment area; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency desires to revise the membership of the Local Redevelopment Advisory Board to allow two additional at-large members who reside or engage in business, or both, in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area for a total of nine (9) members; and WHEREAS, for purposes of clarification and ease of administration, County staff is recommending approval of general revisions to the Bylaws of the Community Redevelopment Agency Local Redevelopment Advisory Boards of Collier County, Florida. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, that: 1. The revised and amended Bylaws of the Community Redevelopment Agency Local Redevelopment Advisory Boards of Collier County, Florida, attached and incorporated by reference, are hereby approved and re-adopted as revised and amended. Page 1 of 2 2. Nothing in Resolution No. 2001-98 is repealed or replaced by this resolution, except to the extent of the amendments made by the attached Bylaws. 3. The attached Bylaws are effective upon adoption of this Resolution. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: 6,-t3'0 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk .... u . :z Deputy Clerk F~D W. CO~E, Chaitm ...... ApproVed as to form and legal sufficieficy: THE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Assistant County Attorney 2 BYLAWS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOCAL REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ARTICLE 1. NAME AND PURPOSE SECTION 1. Name: The local advisory board, one per each community redevelopment area, shall be known as "[the name of the community redevelopment area in which the local planning board sits] Local Redevelopment Advisory Board." SECTION 2. Redevelopment Area: The area of operation of an advisory board consists of that certain geographical area identified in CRA Resolution No. 2000-01 by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and Resolution No. 2000-181 by the BCC, which is referred to therein as the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area and the Bayshore/Gateway Community Redevelopment Area. Additional local redevelopment areas may be designated by separate resolutions of the Community Redevelopment Agency of Collier County ("CRA") and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners ("BCC") after all appropriate findings have been made and a redevelopment plan for those areas adopted by the CRA and BCC, all in accordance with Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (the "Act"). SECTION3. Purpose: Each advisory board is intended to be the primary source of community input to the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (the "CRA") and to the CRA staff. Each advisory board will consider and make recommendations to the CRA staff and the CRA concerning the Redevelopment Plan, amendments to the Redevelopment Plan, the redevelopment area work program and its implementation and any redevelopment projects proposed for the area of operation of the advisory board. The advisory board functions are advisory only and are to assist with the public input in the local redevelopment planning process. More specifically, the purpose and duties of each advisory board shall be as follows: (a) review the applicable local redevelopment area's redevelopment plan and when necessary recommend to the CRA any changes to the plan; (b) make recommendations to the CRA on plan implementation, including developing an annual work program, setting project priorities, and developing incentives to further the redevelopment efforts and carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of the Act in the local redevelopment area; (c) receive input from members of the public interested in redevelopment of the local redevelopment area and to report such information to the CRA; and (d) review and comment on any/redevelopment projects proposed in the advisory board's local redevelopment area. Page 1 of 7 ARTICLE H. ADVISORY BOARD SECTION 1. Function: Each advisory board is established to carry out those purposes that are outlined in Article I, Section 3 hereof. SECTION 2. Authority; Standing Rules: The advisory board shall be subject to the direct supervision of the CRA. The CRA staff shall assist each advisory board and shall serve as the liaison to the CRA. Each advisory board may prepare and adopt standing rules specific to that advisory board's redevelopment area. Preparation, adoption and amendment of any such standing rules shall be at the discretion of the advisory board and must be consistent with these Bylaws, CRA Resolution No. 2000-01 and BCC Resolution No. 2000-181 which adopted the Redevelopment Plan, BCC Resolution No. 2000-83 which declared the BCC to be the CRA and authorized the creation of the advisory boards, the adopted Redevelopment Plan and the Act. Proposed standing rules or amendments to such rules shall be submitted by the advisory board to the CRA for a determination of consistency with all of the above. Any proposed rules or amendments to the rules will be effective upon that determination. SECTION 3. Number of Members: The advisory board shall have an appropriate number of members to insure adequate representation of all aspects of the community within its redevelopment area. This number may vary from redevelopment area to redevelopment area. This number may be increased or decreased from time to time as recommended by the applicable advisory board and approved by the CRA for the applicable redevelopment area. In no circumstances will the number of advisory board members be less than five. SECTION 4. Appointment and Qualifications: The CRA shall appoint the advisory board members subject to the provisions of this section and Article II, Section 5 herein for the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle redevelopment area, and Article II, Section 6 herein for the Immokalee redevelopment area. All appointments are subject to approval by the CRA. Consideration should be given to appointing members that have experience in the following professions: finance, banking, architecture, engineering, education, law enforcement, social work, real estate sales and development; planning or design and building construction. Except as otherwise provided for, each member of an advisory board shall engage in business in the redevelopment area for that advisory board, below. For purposes of these bylaws, individuals who "engage in business" means individual owning real property or a business, practicing a profession or performing a service for compensation or serving as an officer or director of a corporation or other business entity so engaged. Any group, committee or board existing at the time of adoption of these Bylaws may present its membership for appointment as long as consideration is given to balancing the advisory board with representatives from the above-recommended professions. Page 2 of 7 SECTION 5. The Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board Consideration should be given to appointing members of the advisory board for Bayshore/Gateway Triangle redevelopment area as follows: the (a) One (1) Bayshore resident; (b) One (1) Gateway Triangle resident; (c) One (1) Bayshore business owner; (d) One (1) Tamiami Trail (US41) business owner; (e) One (1) Davis Boulevard (SR84) business owner; (f) One (1) Bayshore MSTU representative; (g) Three (3) at large representatives who resides or engages in business, or both, in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area; for a total of nine (9) members. SECTION 6: Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board: In order to assure a comprehensive approach in the Immokalee community, the Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency as created by the BCC pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 95-22, as amended, shall be the Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board. The Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board shall adhere to the provisions of these bylaws, except as otherwise provided by Ordinance No. 95-22, as amended. SECTION 7. Application Procedures: Applicants must be residents and electors of Collier County;. Residents interested in applying to serve on an advisory board shall submit a letter requesting such appointment and containing a brief resume to the CRA. Guidelines for appointing the members to the advisory board will be consistent with those procedures outlined in BCC Resolution No. 94-136. SECTION 8. Terms: Except for the Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board, advisory board members shall serve two (2) year terms, with no more than two reappointments unless permitted by unanimous vote of the CRA. For purposes of staggering reappointments, three (3) of the initial members will have one (1) year terms as follows: Bayshore/Gateway Local Redevelopment Advisory Board- the Bayshore resident, the Gateway Triangle resident and the at large representatives will each serve only a one (1) year term for the first year of the advisory board, with two (2) year terms from then on. The terms for the Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board will be consistent with the terms set forth in Collier County Ordinance No. 95-22, as amended. SECTION 9. Vacancies: Vacancies occurring on any advisory board shall be publicized, but need not be advertised, in a publication of general circulation within the County; and vacancy notices are to he posted in the County libraries, the Collier County Courthouse and on the internet. Appointments to fill vacancies on the advisory board shall be filled by the CRA. The term of an advisory board member appointed to fill a vacancy expires at the time the term of the original member would have expired. Page 3 of 7 SECTION 10. Attendance, Removal and Resignation: It is the intent and strong desire of the CRA that there be full attendance of advisory board members at all meetings of the advisory board, recognizing, however, that it may be necessary for board members to be absent from a meeting due to unusual or emergency circumstances. The following requirements are established: Any advisory board member who is absent for more than two-thirds of the advisory board's meetings in a given fiscal year shall be deemed to have tendered his or her resignation from the advisory board. The CRA shall, as soon as practicable after such resignation, declare the position vacant and shall promptly fill the position. The affected advisory board member shall not serve at any meeting after his or her position is declared vacant by the CRA. In the event that any advisory board member is absent from two consecutive advisory board meetings without a satisfactory excuse acceptable to the advisory board, the advisory board chairman shall state such fact at the next regularly scheduled advisory board meeting and shall thereafter notify the CRA, in writing, of the advisory board member's failure to attend without satisfactory excuse. The CRA shall review the notification at a CRA meeting and shall declare the advisory board member's position to be vacant if the CRA concurs that the advisory board member was absent from two consecutive advisory board meetings without a satisfactory excuse and shall promptly fill that position pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 herein. For purposes of this Section, attendance means presence at the meeting no later than fifteen minutes after the meeting is called to order as verified by the Secretary on the attendance record. A member may resign at any time by delivering notice thereof to the advisory board and the CRA Chairman. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered to the CRA unless the notice specifies a later effective date and the CRA board accepts the future effective date, the pending vacancy may be filled before the effective date provided that the successor does not take office until the effective date. SECTION 11. Financial Disclosures: Advisory board members shall comply with the applicable financial disclosure requirements of laws of the State of Florida. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS SECTION 1. Officers: The officers of the each advisory board shall be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and a Secretary. SECTION 2. Role of Chairman: The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and hearings of the advisory board and shall have the duties normally conferred by parliamentary usage on such office. The Chairman shall call special meetings, serve as the advisory board liaison to the CRA, and shall perform such other duties as are customary for the Chairman. Page 4 of 7 SECTION 3. Role of Vice Chairman: The Vice Chairman shall act for the Chairman in the Chairman's absence. The Vice Chairman shall also perform such duties as are delegated by the Chairman. SECTION 4. Role of Secretary: It is the duty of the secretary to (a) keep the minutes of the proceedings of meetings of the advisory board, (b) provide all notices in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws or as required by law, (c) post or cause to be posted all meeting notices as required and notify members, (d) maintain custody of the advisory board records, and (e) in general perform all duties from time to time as may be prescribed by the advisory board Chairman or the advisory board. SECTION 5. Officer Absences: In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the quorum present shall select a Chairman for the meeting. SECTION 6. Election of Officers: Officers shall be elected annually at the first regular meeting of the year. Election requires nomination from the floor and an affirmative vote by a majority of the advisory board members present and voting, provided a quorum is present at such meeting. The Secretary shall be an individual assigned from County staff, but shall have no vote. Officers shall be seated immediately upon their election. SECTION 7. Terms of Office: Each officer duly elected by the advisory board shall serve a term of one year until the next annual appointment or election (or as otherwise determined by the standing rules of the advisory board). All officers shall hold office until their successors have been elected or until their earlier resignation, removal from office or death. No person may simultaneously hold more than one office on an advisory board to the CRA. SECTION 8. Officer Vacancies: If a vacancy exists in any office, the advisory board shall elect a new officer by the affirmative vote of a majority of the advisory board members present and voting at a meeting of the advisory board to fill the incomplete term of the vacated office. SECTION 9. Removal or Resignation: The advisory board may remove an officer at any time with or without cause by the affirmative vote of a majority of the advisory board members present and voting at a duly constituted meeting of the advisory board. An officer may resign at any time by delivering notice thereof to the advisory board. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered to the advisory board~ unless the notice specifies a later effective date and the advisory board accepts the future effective date the pending vacancy may be filled before the effective date provided that the successor does not take office until the effective date. ARTICLE IV. SUBCOMMITTEES SECTION1. Creation: The advisory board may create, from time to time, such subcommittees as shall be necessary or desirable to carry out the functions, purposes, and objectives of the advisory board. Subcommittees shall be subordinate to the advisory board, shall be assigned a specific purpose and objective, and shall be given a date certain to complete Page 5 of 7 its tasks, at which time the subcommittee shall be dissolved, unless said date is extended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the advisory board members present and voting at a duly constituted meeting of the advisory board. SECTION2. Members: The members of such subcommittee shall be elected by the advisory board for such term and shall have qualifications as the advisory board may desire. SECTION 3. Removal: The advisory board may remove any subcommittee member with or without cause by the affirmative vote of a majority of advisory board members present and voting at any meeting of the advisory board. SECTION 4. Rules and Procedures: The subcommittees shall be subject to the same parliamentary procedures as the advisory board and Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS SECTION 1. Meetings: Regular meetings of the advisory board shall be held on such day, time and place as may be determined by the advisory board, and at a minimum once a month. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss and to then prepare recommendations and advice to the CRA on matters brought before the advisory board. SECTION 2. Quorum and Voting: At all regular or special meetings of an advisory board, a majority of the membership of the advisory board shall constitute a quorum. Voting shall be by voice unless a member of the advisory board requests a roll call. The roll shall be in alphabetical order with the first name called rotating with each motion upon which the vote is called. The Chairman shall always vote last. A record of the roll call shall be kept as part of the minutes. SECTION 3. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the Chairman at anytime provided adequate notice is given pursuant to Article V, Section 4 hereof. The Chairman may also call a special meeting when requested to do so in writing by a majority of the members of the advisory board or by a CRA staff member. The notice of such a meeting shall specify the purpose of such a meeting and no other business may be considered except by unanimous consent of the advisory board. All members of the advisory board shall be notified in advance of such special meetings by the Secretary. SECTION 4. Notice and Publication: The Secretary shall give notice and keep record of such notice of its meetings and the meetings of the subcommittees including the date, time, and location of each regular and special meeting. Notice shall be posted in the county courthouse and other appropriate locations as recommended by the advisory board and to the County Public Information Department for further distribution. SECTION 5. Open Meetings: All meetings of the advisory board or its subcommittees shall be open to the public and governed by the provisions of Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law. Page 6 of 7 SECTION 6. Minutes: The minutes of all meetings shall be promptly recorded, and such records shall be open to public inspection, in accordance with applicable law. SECTION 7. Location: Meetings of an advisory board, or any of its subcommittees, shall be held in a location accessible to the public. SECTION 8. Meeting Agenda: The agenda for each meeting of an advisory board, or any of its subcommittees, shall be outlined by the Chairman and submitted to the Secretary for preparation. Any advisory board member, in the case of an advisory board or a subcommittee member in the case of a subcommittee, may place an item on the agenda by submitting it to the Chairman for forwarding to the Secretary prior to the deadline for publishing the notice of such meeting. SECTION 9. Order of Business: The order of business at regular meetings shall be: (a) Roll Call (b) Adoption of the Agenda (c) Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting (d) Communications (e) Old Business (f) New Business (g) Citizen Comments (h) Adjournment SECTION 10. To provide for the orderly and efficient conduct of its meetings, each advisory board shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order. ARTICLE VI. CONFLICT The provisions of these bylaws shall apply to the Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board except as otherwise provided by Collier County Ordinance No. 95-22, as amended. It is the intent of the CRA that Collier County Ordinance No. 2001-55 shall not apply to the advisory boards. ARTICLE VII. AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended at any duly constituted meeting of the CRA of an affirmative vote by a majority of the CRA members present and voting after the proposed amendment has been listed on the agenda and submitted to the CRA for review and discussion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY CRA RESOLUTION NUMBER 2003- JUNE 13, 2003. EFFECTIVE Page 7 of 7 GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CRA AND OWNER FOR SITE IMPROVEMENT FOR BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA THIS AGREEMENT ENTERED this l_~ day of x_~'Or,.~ , 2003 by and between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (hereinafter referred to as "CRA") and ,~lne¢¢l~ fiqof'Y_.,t,aoce3 (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Owner"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in Collier County Ordinance No. 2002-38, the Board of County Commissioners delegated authority to the CRA to award and administer CRA grants including contracts with owners for CRA grants; and WHEREAS, Owner has applied for a site improvement grant in the amount of qlO00 dollars; and WHEREAS, the CRA has determined that Owner meets the eligibility requirements and was approved for a grant award in the amount of 'ttOOO dollars on xow'~r, ve_ \ ~ ,2003 ("CRA Approval"), which is i-['7 % of the costs to construct the site improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. Owner acknowledges to the CRA that Owner has received a copy of the Collier County Community Site Improvement Grant Program (hereinafter referred to as "Grant Program"), that Owner has read the Grant Program, and that Owner has had ample opportunity to discuss the Grant Program with Owner's counsel or advisor. Owner further acknowledges to the CRA that Owner understands and agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions of the Grant Program. Owner agrees to the terms and conditions of the Grant Program, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. 2. Owner is the record owner of property described as ~100 3. Owner has agreed to make certain improvements to the property pursuant to the grant application submitted to the CRA dated ~¢t~bx 2tg ~_ot>~, (the "Site Improvements") 4. Owner agrees to complete the construction of the Site Improvements within one (1) year of CRA Approval. Owner also agrees to fund at least 50% of the costs of the Site Improvements. 5. CRA has approved a grant to Owner in the amount of t4~ 0~ 0 to be administered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement based on an estimated cost of ~' 5~0 If the actual costs are less than the estimated costs to construct the Site Improvements, the grant amount shall be reduced to equal the percent of the Site Improvement costs approved for funding by the CRA. 6. Unless prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no Owner, or any immediate relative of Owner, shall serve as a contractor or subcontractor for the construction of the Site Improvements and no Owner, or any immediate relative of Owner, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the Site Improvements. An immediate relative of Owner shall include mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle and cousin or family member by marriage to include mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. 7. Owner agrees to obtain all necessary permits and submit any required plans to the County's Community Development and Environmental Services Division. Upon completion of the work, Owner shall submit to the CRA staff a project summary report, two (2) 8 x 10 after photos, a list of materials and construction techniques used, a list of architects and/or contractors, and any other information specific to the project or requested by the CRA staff. The CRA, through its staff, shall confirm that the Site Improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the application approved by the CRA. 8. Within forty-five (45) days after confirmation that the Site Improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the approved application, Owner shall be issued a check in the amount of the grant. However, if Owner fails to make the improvements pursuant to the terms of the approved application, or if the project is not completed within one (1) year of CRA approval, or if Owner fails to fund at least 50% of the cost of the Site Improvements, the grant shall be deemed revoked and Owner shall be entitled to no funding. of Florida. This Agreement shall be governed and construed pursuant to the laws of the State 10. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and their representatives and agents, and incorporates all prior understandings, whether oral or written. No change, modification or amendment, or any representation, promise or condition, or any waiver, to this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of the party to be charged. 11. This Agreement is personal to Owner, and may not be assigned or transferred by Owner or to Owner's respective heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns without the prior written consent of the CRA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year first written above. (1) ~ltn~s's Sighat~e (2) v~ime~s Primed~Typed Name Primed/Typed Name COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FRED W. COYLE, Chairlr Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Patrick G. White Assistant County. Attorney GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CRA AND OWNER FOR SITE IMPROVEMENT FOR BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA THIS AGREEMENT ENTERED this l.~' day of .._~'ut-,a_, 2003 by and between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (hereinafter referred to as "CRA") and 12obe.(4- ~. ~ Ic.~ (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Owner"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in Collier County Ordinance No. 2002-38, the Board of County Commissioners delegated authority to the CRA to award and administer CRA grants including contracts with owners for CRA grants; and WHEREAS, Owner has applied for a site improvement grant in the amount of~/'~ dollars; and WHEREAS, the CRA has determined that Owner meets the eligibility requirements and was approved for a grant award in the amount of ~q/O0O dollars on x~Orxt... ~ ~ ,2003 ("CRA Approval"), which is ~[0_% of the costs to construct the site improvements, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. Owner acknowledges to the CRA that Owner has received a copy of the Collier County Community Site Improvement Grant Program (hereinafter referred to as "Grant Program"), that Owner has read the Grant Program, and that Owner has had ample opportunity to discuss the Grant Program with Owner's counsel or advisor. Owner further acknowledges to the CRA that Owner understands and agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions of the Grant Program. Owner agrees to the terms and conditions of the Grant Program, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. 2. Owner is the record owner of property described as 3. Owner has agreed to make certain improvements to the property pursuant to the grant application submitted to the CRA dated .Fe.~foa/xt ~;: ,7..o0~, (the "Site Improvements") 4. Owner agrees to complete the construction of the Site Improvements within one (1) year of CRA Approval. Owner also agrees to fund at least 50% of the costs of the Site Improvements. 5. CRA has approved a grant to Owner in the amount of ~fl'[lO00 to be administered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement based on an estimated cost of ~ 10~000 If the actual costs are less than the estimated costs to construct the Site Improvements, the grant amount shall be reduced to equal the percent of the Site Improvement costs approved for funding by the CRA. 6. Unless prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no Owner, or any immediate relative of Owner, shall serve as a contractor or subcontractor for the construction of the Site Improvements and no Owner, or any immediate relative of Owner, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the Site Improvements. An immediate relative of Owner shall include mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle and cousin or family member by marriage to include mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. 7. Owner agrees to obtain all necessary permits and submit any required plans to the County's Community Development and Environmental Services Division. Upon completion of the work, Owner shall submit to the CRA staff a project summary report, two (2) 8 x 10 after photos, a list of materials and construction techniques used, a list of architects and/or contractors, and any other information specific to the project or requested by the CRA staff. The CRA, through its staff, shall confirm that the Site Improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the application approved by the CRA. 8. Within forty-five (45) days after confirmation that the Site Improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the approved application, Owner shall be issued a check in the amount of the grant. However, if Owner fails to make the improvements pursuant to the terms of the approved application, or if the project is not completed within one (1) year of CRA approval, or if Owner fails to fund at least 50% of the cost of the Site Improvements, the grant shall be deemed revoked and Owner shall be entitled to no funding. of Florida. This Agreement shall be governed and construed pursuant to the laws of the State 10. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and their representatives and agents, and incorporates all prior understandings, whether oral or written. No change, modification or amendment, or any representation, promise or condition, or any waiver, to this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of the party to be charged. 11. This Agreement is personal to Owner, and may not be assigned or transferred by Owner or to Owner's respective heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns without the prior written consent of the CRA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year first written above. Printecl~yped Name Primed/Typed Name OWNER: By: Primed/Typed Name Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Patrick ~. White Assistant County Attorney