Agenda 02/03/1998 R COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA February 3, 19/)8 .9:00 a.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISIfING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER P'R.IOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PR/0/~ TO THE PRESENTATION OF TItE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBmTTED IN WRITING W~TH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY A~MINIS'nU, TOR AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF TIlE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS". ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE, l~LAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBA'fIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIblONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PEI:SMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME I$ GRANTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR TttE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OI-'FICE. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 P.M. 1. INVOCATION - Pastor Robert Jacobs - Messiah Lutheran Church 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. January 12, 1998 - Regular meeting,. 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND SERVICE AWARDS A. PROCLAMATIONS 1) Proclamation proclaiming the week of February 8-14, 1998 a~ Vo~atlonal Education Week. To be accepted by David Baldaia, Kd.D, Director of Career, T~hnlcal & Continuing Education for Collier County Public School~- ' B. SERVICE AWARDS February 3.1998 1) Tom McDonough - Wastewater Collections - 10 years 2) Bob Angcline - Road & Bridge - 5 )'ears C. PILESENTATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF CLERK'S REPORT A. ANALYSIS OF' CHANGES TO RESERVES FOR CONTINGENCIES. 7. PUBLIC PETITIONS A. Victor A. Vald~$ regarding lhe use of a trailer in Immokalee. B. Jill Burzynski, Chairman of the Legal Aid Society Committee regarding a proposal for the creation of a Legal Aid Society. C. Matt Cro~vdcr regarding thc Capri Fire District and the East Naples Flee Department. 8. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT A. CO,M.MUNITY DEVEI.OPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1) Community Dcvclopmenl and Environmental Sec'ices Division staff report on commercial vehicle and commercial equipment sections of the Land Development O Code. (Continued from thc meeting of 1/20/98) 2) Interlocal Agreement between Collier County and the City of Marco Island for the County Planning Sen'ices Department staff to provide planning $ervlee$ to the Marco Island Planning Board and Marco City Council. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1) Adopt a Resolution authorizing the aequ|$ition by gift, purchase, or ¢ondemnat|on of fee simple title interests and/or perpetual, non-exclusive, road right-of-way, sidewall;, utility, drainage, maintenance and lemporary ¢onstruetlon Interests by easement for the cons(cuction of the four-laning improvements for Livingston Road between. Golden Gate Parkway (C.R. 886) and Radio Road, CIE No. 0$J; and repealing Resolution No. 97-359. 2) Adopt a Resoluticn authorizing the acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation of temporary construction easements for the eonstructlon of raw water wells required to complete lhe Nor-th Collier Regional Water Treatment Plant £xpanslon Pm{ecL C. PUBLIC SERVICES D. SUPPORT SERVICES E. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR F. AIRPORT AUTHORITY O 9. COUNTY ATTOR.NEY'S REPORT 10. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS February 3, 1998 O At~pointment of member to the Collier County Planning Commission. B. Apl)ointn~ent of member to the lmmokalce Enterprise Zone Development Agency. C. Appointment of Commissioner lo sen'c on County Government Productivity Committee. 11. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS PUBLIC COMMENI ON GENF. RAL TOPICS P_..UBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING STAFF ITEMS 12. AD'~rERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS - BCC A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS B. ZONING AMENDMENTS I) Community Deveioi)men! and Environmental Sen'ices Division requesting an amendment to the Ford ~lotor Company Vehicle £valuatlon Center PUl), Ordinance No. 84-8, for the purpose of authorizing non-passenger vehicle testing, specifically referencing a communication tower ns a permitted use and eliminating specific road improvement stipulations. C. OTHER O 13. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS A. ADVERTISED PUBLIC tfEARINGS B. o'rll£R 14. STAFF'S COMMUNICATIONS 15. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COMMUNICATIONS 16. CONSENT AGENDA - All matters listed under this item are considered to be routine and action will be taken by one motion without separate discussion of eaCh item. If discussion is desired by a member of the Board, ti:at item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1) Approval of an access easement to Golden Gate Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc., a Florida Non-Profit Corporation, to utilize the County owned Max Hesse, .!r. Community Park entrance road to provide for a common driveway to sera'e the house of worship. B. PUBLIC WORKS ID 1) This item has been deleted. February 3, 1998 2) Approve a Coopcratlvc Agreement with the South Florida Water Management District for thc rcmov:fl and rcl)laccmcnt of bridges on the Cocohatchce Canal. O 3) Rccommcndatlon to award Bid #97-2762 for Pump and Motor Repair. 4) Approve the I)urchase of Tract 6, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates for Roadway Project (;0061, Livingston Road. (CIE No. 5.1) 5) Con~idcr a Count)' Arterial Roadway Landscape Improvement Funding ParlncrshiI) with the Golden Gate Beautification MSTU for CR 951. 6) Approve Amendment No. One to Work Order I~MA-FTgG-7 with l:lole Montes & Associates, Inc., for the Manatee Road I.S-MGD Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project. C. PUBLIC SERVICES 1) Authorization ~o negotiate an extension of the current concession agreement with thc Registry Resort of Hal)les, Inc. 2) Recommendation to authorize the Chair to sign electronic subserlpt[on agreement to enable Library to subscribe to "Books In Print". 3) Grant or c;tsement to Florida Power & Light Company upon real property o~ ned by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. D. SUPPORT SERVICES O 1) Approval of Purchase of Dehumidification Equipment for the Remaining Four Floors of the Adminis{r:ttlon Building and the Immokalce Courthouse. 2) Selection of the Ncwspal~cr for tl~e Advertising of Delinquent Real Estate and Person:ti Property Taxes. E. COUNTY A D.M 1NISTIL.~TO R I) Line item transfer request from Gulf Bay Marine Management Inc. for Tarpon Fishing Tournament, Tourist Development Funds, Special Event~. 2) Budget amendment report. F. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS G. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO FILE FOR RE~ORD WITH A(~I'IQN AS DIRECTED FI.OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS COUNTY ATTORNEY 1) Recommendation to approve a la:gal Sen'ices Agreement wlth Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P. A. by and through Michael W. ?ettit M legal counsel to represent the County on matters relating to the cases as identified in the Legal Sen'ices Agreement. February 3. 1998 2) ~¢comm~ndatlort to ~¢c~pt settlement p~opos~ in Cou~ case of Kitchens v. Collier Count, Cm N~ 9~852-CA~I. J. AI~ORT AUTHO~TY 17. ~JOU~ ~QU~$ CONCEDING CtlANGES TQ,,THE BQARD'S A~KNDA TO THE COUNTY ADMINIST~TOR'S OFFICE AT F~oruary 3.1~8 AGENDA CHANGES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING FEBR UAR Y $, 1998 ADD: ITEM 16(A)(2) - LABELLE LONGHORN BOOSTER CLUB CARNIVAL PERMIT (COMMISSIONER BERRY). MOVE: ITEM 1603)(5) 'FO 803)(3) - CONSIDER A COUNTY ARTERIAL ROADWAY LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT FUNDING PARTNERSHIP WITH THE GOLDEN GATE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU FOR CR 951 (STAFF'S REQUEST). MOVE: ITEM 16(D)(2) TO 8(D)(1) - SELECTION OF THE NEWSPAPER FOR THE ADVERTISING OF DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY 'FAXES. (COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE). NOTE: CORRECT RECORD TO READ APPROVAL OF JANUARY 13TM MINUTES. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Febn~ary 8-I4, I998 has been designated Vocational Education Week by the American Vocational Association; and WtfEREAS, profound economic and technological changes in our society are being rapidly reflected in the structure and nature of work, causing a gradual shift in the job market toward more technically trained employees who are equipped with good reading, writing, math, problem solving, and critical thinking skill; and WHEREAS, many of the fastest-growing occupations in Florida for the year 2005 will be in fields requiring vocational or occupational training leading to a certificate; and WTfERF~S, Collier County is making efforts to diversify its economic base beyond a.griculture and tourism and to help the es,:ablishment of technology-related companies that offer high-paid employment; and I. tfftERE. AS, Collier County Public Schools provide vocational technical programs in high schools and the Walker Institute of Technology that train students in basic and technical skills that prepare them to meet ;new demands of buMness and WHEREAS, the ever-increasing cooperative efforts of vocation educators, business and industry stimulate the growth and vitality of our local economy and that of the entire nation by preparing workers fo'r thc o~cupcr~'ort~ forecasted to experience the largest and fastest gro~,th in the next decade.":'.~ '.: .:.. '~,. ..... ~'0 W TtlEREFORE, be it proclaimed, by the B.oar d of Coumy Comm~sioners of Collier Couru'y, Florida, that the week of February 8-!4, 1998 be designated as CATIbNA EDuCATiON'~EK Duringth¢ week(.:We'u.r, ge a~(.'c!.rizena ~ reflect the O~tanding programs and services'bY vocatiohal e 'dyc&°rs in the county and ~7'~ role that vocational education.flays in educating the local work for~.(~her urge business and industry t~O.c~,nt~ ~f_e~r.'ppor~ng th~s~.e.x,.,c,:!le..~.~.'~~ techmcal programs tn order to enh2n~t~lual .work slcilZ~'cmd b~,~lne~troductrvtty. DONE AND ORD E'RED TttI$ ..~ Day Of .F.~. b:,r!.ua~ ,. BO~IRD OF COUNTY CO~IONER~ COLLIER COUNTE, FLORIDA ER Y, FEB 0 3 1998 DWFGI'-IT E. BROCIC CLERK i, COLLAR COUMI OFFICE 3301 E. TAMIAMI TR. NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 774-8383 FAX (941) 774-4010 January 14, 1908 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY Mr. Victor A. Vald6s P. O. Box 10503 5349 ttolland Street Naples} Florida 34101 Re: P, equcst for Public Petition - Trailer in Immokalee Dear Mr. Valdtis: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of' Commissioners at tim meeting of February 3, 1998 regarding the above referenced subject. Your petition to tt~e Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them ofyour concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting. The meeting ,,,,,ill begin at 9:00 am. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the Administration Building (Building "F") of the government complex. Please arrange to be present at ,,his meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. If you require any furlher information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, ob~en F. Fernande County Administrator COUt~ !, . · ·:" V ctor JL Valdds o,. _ ACTI:.-~ _- Minorities Rights Advocated ..... 5349 HOLLAND ST. ~ P.O.BOX 10503 4, Naples. FI. 34101 Phone 1-800-338-0184 code 11 ~ Pg. # 264-4717 e Email PfiginaUno@aol. STAFF 6T: 1 Count), Administralor Naples FI, 34101 REF: Public Petition. Trailer in hnrnokalee's Area Dear Mr. [:ernandcz On the past months we work very hard to :~3' to fix problems in the case of Mrs. Benita Garibav's trailer, but every thing was unsuccessful. The County is tL'ying of&spoil the use of'a trailer that fbr years has been in the place before the Collier Counv,, Land Development Code ,,,,'as enacted in October, 1991 and amended October, 14 1992. In our opinion this is a case ofdeprivation of the "Private property", i request to be heard in Public Petition. Sincerely. Victor A. Vald6s Minorities Rights Advocate. CC:: Mrs. Benita Garibay. Attney: Ramiro Mafialich. Reverend: Dario Zurita. Las Nac/ones News. ":'..--.7-¢~d- FEB 3 ~.,~ Pg.~ COLLIER COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE 3301 E. TAMIAMI TR. NAPLES, FL 34112 JanuaW 16, 1998 (941)774-8383 FAX (941) 774-4010 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY Ms. Jill Burzynsk{ Chairman, legal Aid Society Committee of the Collier County Bar Association 1124 Goodlette Road Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Request for Public Petition - Proposal for Creation o£a Legal Aid Society Dear Ms. Burzynski: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of February 3, 1998 regarding the above referenced subject. Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at INs meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them ofyour conce, rn and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Chambe. rs on the Third Floor of'the Administration BuiLding (Building "F') of the government complex. Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. Ifyou require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Ve~ly~you rs, Robert ~ County Administrator RFF/bp ! Mr. Robert Fernandez County Administrator Collier County Government Complex 3301 Tarniami Trail East Naples, I':1 34l 12 Dear Mr. Fernandez: Bar Association and ! also the chairperson of the Bar's I am a director of the Collier County am committee for the establishment of a Legal Aid Society in Collier County. This is to respectfully request that the Bar's proposal for creation of a Legal Aid Society be placed on the public petition portion of the Board of Count:,' Commissioners Agenda. The Collier County Bar Association is in the process ofesw, blishing a Legal Aid Office to address the legal needs of the indigent population in the County. Currently, the Bar Association places pro-bono cases with attorneys who volunteer their services. Unfortunately, the need for the services has grown to such a point that ti~ese volunteer efforts are no longer sufficient. The Bar Association has increased their dues by 50% in order to partially fund a Legal Aid Office. Application has been made for the grants from various organizations including the Florida Bar. The Bar also is in the process of planning a fund-raiser with a nationally known speaker. The specific request to be presented by the Collier County Bar Association to the Board of County Commissioners is for the creation, by ordinance, ora service charge in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00) per each civil case filed in the Circuit Court to establish the legal aid program in Collier County. Said services charge is authorized by Section 28.241(I), Florida Statutes. A copy of said Statute is attached for your information and review. Mr. Robert Fernandez January 13, 1998 Page Two Thank you for your attention to this letter. Please contact me with the date and time at which the Board of County Commissioners can consider this proposal. Sincerely, Jill Burzynski Chairman, Legal Aid Society Committee of the Collier County Bar Association JB:ka cc: Leonard Reina, Esquire President, Collier County Bar Association Board of' Directors of the Collier County Bar Association 28.241. Filing char~es for trial and :ll)l)eilate I),'oc~.'etliugs .I tistorical Notes -References -Notes of Decisions ( ~ ) The party il'~stitt~th~ aIW civil action, suh, or proceeding in the circuit court shall pay Io the clerk of that ~oum a sec'icc'charge of $40 in all cases in xvhich there arc not more than five det~ndants and an additional service charge of $2 for each del~ndant in excess of five. An additional sca'ice charge o1'S10 shall be paid by the party seeking each severance ~hat is granled. An additional service charse of $35 shall be paid to d~e clerk for all proceedings of garnishment, attachment, replevin, and distress. An additional sewice charge of Sg shall be paid to the clerk each civil action filed, $7 of such charge 1o be retained by Iht clerk to Ihe Slale Treasurer for deposit into the General Revenue Fund unallocated. An additional charge ofS2.50 shall be paid to the clerk for each cMl action brought in circuit or courtly court, to be deposited into the Court Education Trust Fund; ~he moneys collected shall be lo,yarded by thc clerk Io the Supreme Court monthly for deposit in the fund. Se~ce charges in excess ofthose herein fixed may be imposed bv tl~e governing authority of the county by ordinance or by special or local law; and such exce~s shall be expended as provided by such ordinance or any special or local law, now or hereafter in t~rce, to pro,de and maintain facilities, including a law libra~, for ~l~e use of the courts o~he count)' wherein the service charges are collecled, lo provide and mainlain equipment; or for a legal aid program in such county, in addition, the count)' is authorized lo impose, b)' ordinance or by special or local law, a fee ofup Io S10 for each civil action filed, for the establishment, maintenance, or supplementation ora public guardian pursuant to ss. 7.~4 701-74-1 70S, inclusive. Poslal charges incurred by ~t~e clerk or,he circui~ cou~ in making se~'ice by certified or registered mail on defendants or other parties shall be paid by ~l~e party at whose instance sen'ice is made Tha~ pan of the within fixed or allowable service charges ~hich is not by local or special law applied to the special purposes shall constitute lhe lotal se~'ice chargefof the c'.erk of such court for all sen, ices performed b)' him or her in civil actions, suits, or proceedings The sum of all se~'ice charges and fees permitted under ~l~is subsection may not exceed S200 (2) The clerk of the circuh court of any count)' in the state who operates his or her office from fees and service charges collected, as opposed to budgeted allocations from county general revenue, shall be paid by the county as sewice charges for all sen'ices to be performed by him or her in any criminal or juvenile action or proceeding in such court, in lieu ofall other service charges heretofore charged, except as hereinafter provided, the sum of $40 for each defendant or juvenile l to,,vever, in cases invoMng capital punishment lhe charge shall be $50. it', any courtly ,,,.'here a lax,.' crea~es a lax,.' librar'y fund or other special fund, ~his charge may be increased for that purpose by a special or local la',,.' or an ordinance. The sum ofall service charges and fees permilted under this subseclion may not exceed $200. (3) Upon the institution of any appellate proceeding fi'om any inferior court to the circuit court of any such county or from the circuit court to an appellate court ofthe state, the clerk shall charge and collect from the party or parties instituting such appellate proceedings a sec'ice charge of $75 for filing a notice of appeal from an inferior court and $50 for filing a n._otice ofappeal to a higher court. ,,... FFB 3 ???3 ~,-,) A sc,'vic¢ charge or a fee may not be imposed upon a part), for rcsponding by pleading, motion, or other paper to a cMl or criminal action, suit, proceeding, or appeal in a circuit court. (5) Tim fees prescribed in this section do not include tim service charges required by law For thc clerk as provided in s. 2g.24 or by other sections ot'the Florida Statutes. Service charges authorized by this section may not be added to any cMl penalty imposed by chapter 316 or chapter 318. C RO 1 CREDrF(S) 1997 Electronic Update CR.01 Amended by Laws 1989, c. 89-290, § 6, eft. July 5, 1989; Laws 1990, c. 90-181, § l, ell: July 1, 1990; Laws 1990, c. 90-271, § 69, eft. Oct. 1, 1990; Laws 1991, c. 91-152, § 3, eft. July 1, 1991; 12:vs 1995, c. 95-147, § 162, eft. July 10, 1995; Laws 1996, c. 96-209, § 3, eft. Oct. l, 1996~ Laws 1996, c. 96-350, {i 1, eft: Oct. 1, 1996; Laws 1996, c. 96-354, § 14, eft. July I, 1996. <For additional credits, if any, see ttistorical Note field.> liiS"I'ORICAL NOTES It IS'TORICAL AND STATUTORY NOTES 1997 Electronic Update Section 4 of Laws 1990, c. 90- i 8 l, approved June 25, 1990, provides: "This act shall take effect July 1, 1990 * * * and shall apply only to civil actions filed on or after that date." Laws 1991, c. 91-152, § 7, efl~ July 1, 1991. provides that the law "apply only to actions, suits or proceedings filed on or after the effective date". 1988 Main Volume Derivation: Laws 988, c. 88-176,§2. t,aws 987, c. 87-231 § I. Laws 987, c. 87-145 §4. · ' Laws 986, c. 86-220 § 122. Laws 983, c. 83-217 § 10. -,.-~,___ Laws 982, c. 82-205 §2. Laws 982, c. 82-168 §2. .. Laws 977, c. 77-284 § 3. Fl:.S Laws 977, c. 77-174 § I. Laws 975, c. 75-124, § 4. Pgo~~ Laws 974, c. 74-154,§ I. _ .... Copyright (c) West Group 1997. No claim to ~iginal U.S. COLLIER C()UN I ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE 3301 E. TAMIAM[ TR. NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 774-8383 January 16, 1998 FAX (941) 774-4010 Matt Crowder A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY 156 Capri Boulevard Naples, Florida 34113-8651 Re: Request for Public Petition ~ Capri Fire District - East Naples Fire Department Dear Mr. Crowder: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of February 3, 1998 regarding the above referenced subject. Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the Administration Building (Building "F') of the government complex. Please arrange to be present 'at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, County Administrator RFF/bp cc: County Attorney Support Services Division t.~6 CAP~I BO~.:I..--.V.-x.~D ."4 .\ P I E FACSIMILE TRANSMITTALSHE~T Bob Fcm2nd~z ~i~. C~cr Ca,er C~ nry A~'usu~tor .lzn~' 16. 1998 7~4-4010 2 fist Public Perifon, Feb 3 mcedr, g. Board of C. lru~is.¢{oncrs _ ~ FO~ REVIEW ~ PLL',AS~ t.O~.:MEN7 ~PLEAR~ RF. PI.Y ~ FL~.~E K~Ch'CL~ )NFI~'qATT()N (',()PV ON] .V. O~GIN;~ ~S BEEN S~N~ VIA FTR~'I FEB 3 I MATT CROWDER &UTO'dATION $i'ECIALIST Fnd~y, J2nu~r? 1~, 1098 .M~. t':.cbct: Fe:nandcz Collier Counb' Board 3301 T~n~ Tt~ East N~plcs, Fl<reda 34 ~ 12 F~x: 941-774-40t0 I wo~d ~kc m m~kc z request mbc ~'.l~wtd t~ sp~ at ~e F~btu~y ~, 199~ m~tmg of thc 1: ha~ c~,mc to my attcn~m d~t prc~n~W ptocce~gs ~tc under way wl~ch co~d the opetamms x~n ~e Isles of Capn Fire District to be taken over bx' ~n~ Ea~t Naples Fife Department I would ~ke to approach the Board and request thal ~hey pass motion to delay any decision on the IOC/East Naples issue foe at lea~t ~0 days, d~t fc,~ox~Zmg reasons: 1 - Co~c~ Cc, u~:t',: is currendy conducing an ~npa..t ~tudy to dctcm4:~c thc needs anti Iht cost of ~e co,.'e~ge. T~s study co~d have a dkect and si~ficant ~pact on o~ levds and s~affmg n~ds xd~n ~ Isles of Capri Fac Dimmer. F~c Advisory (:om~ttee. We feel ~at ~ese members nccd nme ~o study and d~es~ aE of thc b~fotmauon and ~sto~' s,~rouo~:g ~s issue befr,tc having to approve on it 3 - The pennon asUng the Comqq' Com~ss~oners to tcmpora~dy suspcnd flus process. which was presented to you m December, had more fl:an 3~ s~amres on it. That represents a s~aficant por2on of :he populaUon of the Isles who =q~h to ~ee ~ deciiion postponed. 4 - The newly formed Ciq' of bi,co Island i~ m the process of for~g a pl~ for the= coverage. Th'c ~utcomc of th~s process could si~ificandy impact o~ covenge ]eveb and s:affing needs ~in the Isles of Capri F~e Dilmct. I beheve ~e outcome of the~ issues could ~=act any decision on ~e Ez~r Nap!e~ provosfl, and I ~55h to request &.at ~e decision be for~m~y pop,ned 'an~ ~e~e od:et issu~ are resolved. 1 can be reached a: ~e address and phone n~bet Sh~cerelx; Man Crowd~ 156 CAPRI BOULEVARD ' N..\PI.E?,. Fl. ' 541 Il.itC, gl I'HONI-: & kAX: 941-642-7511 · F..MAIL: matt~cotpusopt~~ .... ~ i FEB 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELPOMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION STAFF REPORT ON COMMERCIAL VEHICLE AND COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT SECTIONS OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. OBJECTIVE: To review and discuss Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, pursuant to Board direction given in October 30, 1996, which contains criteria on commercial vehicle and commercial equipment. CONSIDERATIONS: Amendments were adopted to the commercial vehicle and commercial equipment sections of the LDC approximately a year ago to regulate the parking and/or storage of commercial vehicles and equipment in residential areas. This issue resulted frozn difficulty with previous enforcement policy. After nmch community input, the ordinance was amended to allow the parking and storage of commercial vehicles and/or equipment in residentially zoned areas with certain stipulations. These stipulations are that commercial vehicles must meet a certain size and weight requirement, and commercial equipment is limited to one unit of small equipment (i.e. pipe or ladder). Other~vise, commercial vehicles/equipment must be stored within a carport or garage or scree---d from view of neighbors and the street. The number of complaints from the public regarding the enforcement of the ordinance as amended has been diminutive. Apparently, the amendment has sen, ed the purpose of clarifying what constitutes illegally parked/stored commercial vehicles and;or equipment. For information purposes, ~he number of cases regarding commercial vehicles/equipment has risen from approximately 350 to 650 annually since the amendment. It is expected that this number of initial cases will increase due to Code Enforcement's initiation of regular revolving nightly patrols in non-deed restricted neighborhoods. We expect the number of repeat violations, however, to decrease as a result of our newly authorized citation procedure. FEB 0 3 1993 FISCAL IMPACT: None GR_OWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that no further amendments to the Land Development Code regarding commercial vehicles and/or equipment be processed at this time. PREPARED BY: ~,_~m'~/,~ ~../_~,.,~.~ Date: Linda P. Sullivan  d~nforcement D~ctor -~- Date: ~-a~-~7 ~VIEWED BY: Vincent A. Cauter~~ Administrator, Community Development & Environmental Se~ices Division FEB 0 :l 19,q8 ZONING § unloading, and/or cleaning prior to or after a trip. For the purpose of this section the rear yard for a comer [lot] shall be considered to be that portion of the lot opposite the street with the least frontage. For through lot~ the rear yard shall be considered to be that portion of the lot lying between the rear elevation (by design) of the residence and the street. The following exceptions may be granted by the site development review director: 1. Such recreational equipment may be parked upon the premises of the resident for a period not exceeding seven days for the purpose of loading, unloading, repairing and/or cleaning prior to or a~r a trip. The permit for such period shall be affixed to the vehicle in a conspicuous place on the street side thereof. No more than two consecutive permits may be issued and the ma~mum number of permits issued during one calendar year shall be restricted to four. 2. Nonresident: Such car, trailer, bus or motor home, when used for tr~msportation of visitors to this county to visit friends or members of the visitor's family residing in this county, may be parked upon the premises of the visited family for a period not exceeding seven days. This does not allow for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes. No more than two : consecutive permits may be issued and the maodmum number of permits issued during one calendar year shall be restricted to four. Parking of commercial vehicles or commercial equipment in residential areas. It shall be unlawful to park a commercial vehicle or commercial equipment on any lot in a residential zoning district unless one of the following conditions exists: (1) The vehicle and/or equipment is engaged in a construction or service operation on the site where it is parked. The vehicle or equipment must be removed as soon as the construction or service activity has been completed. (2) The vehicle and/or equipment is parked in a garage or fully enclosed structure or carport which is structurally or vegetatively screened and carrot be seen from adjacent properties or the street serving the lot. (3) The vehicle is parked i~ the rear of the mai~ structure and is enclosed witk~n a vegetative screer~ug which conceals the vehicle from the view of neighbors. (4) Automobiles; passenger ~pe vans; and pickup truck~ having a rated load capacity of one ton or less - all of which do not exceed 7.§ feet in height, nor 7.0 feet in width, nor 25 feet in length shall be exempted from this section unless otherwise prohibited by a special parking overlay district. (5) Exempted from this section i~ small commercial equipment such ~ ladder~ and pipes which-cannot be contained in the vehicle. Said equipment shall be limited to one ladder or one unit efpipe which does not exceed 12 inches in diameter per commercial vehicle. Said equipment shall be secured atop the v, hicle nnd ~h~ll rm~ o-,+?,1_ _~~~,,,./T-~ ..... .~ ,t_, .. . height or width of the ve?d :le. ~.~ Supp. No. S LDC2 ~.77FlrB 0 3 1998 JA 2xt 98 _ . "5,.,_. _ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MARCO ISLAND FOR THE COUNTY PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT STAFF TO PROVIDE PLANNING SERVICES TO THE MARCO ISLAND PLANNING BOARD AND MARCO CITY COUNCIL. OBJECTIVE: To obtain Board approval of the proposed Intedocal Agreement with the City of Marco Island to allow County Planning Services Department staff to provide planning services relative to land use petitions for a period of ninety (90) days to the Marco Island Planning Board and the Marco Island City Council for disposition. CONSIDERATIONS: On December 12, 1997, Vincent Cautero, AICP, Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator, Wayne Arnold, AICP, Planning Services Director, and Bob Mulhere, AICP, Current Planning Manager, made a presentation to the Marco Island Planning Board and Marco Island City Council at a joint meeting to discuss disposition of ten outstanding land use petitions on Marco Island. The Planning Services Department processed and reviewed these petitions which consisted of five boat dock applications, one conditional use application, one off-site parking application, one rezone application, one temporary use application, and one variance application. An Agreement was approved by the Marco City Council for County staff to provide these planning services on January 5, 1998, and by the Board of County Commissioners on Januanj 6, 1998. This Agreement provided a rate of $30 per hour for staff time and mileage reimbursement at S.29 per mile. Staff received a request on January 13, 1998, from the City Attorney for Marco Island (the firm of RoetTel and Andress) to provide additional planning services for a ninety (90) day period based on the same terms and conditions. Staff is equipped t3 provide these services since implementation of land use regulations on Marco Island was included in the Community Development and Environmental Services budget for Fiscal Year 1998-99. FISCAL IMPACT: Collier County assesses fees for review of land use and zoning petitions. The fees collected for all petitions will be deposited in the Community Development Fund 113. Invoices will be submitted to the City of Marco Island for staff time and mileage reimbursement for services provided; said funds to be de~3osited in Community Development Fund 113. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The proposed Agreement is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the proposed Intedocal Agreement between Co,lier County and t.~he C.~ of M%co Islan~ PREPARED BY:~'~-- DATE: //"""~-¢ "' ~"o~ '~nc~.n! A. Cau~ero, AICP, Administrator Cornrnun~ ~nt and Environmental Ser~ Division FEB 0 3 1998 TItiS INTERLOCAL AG~ is emmmd iz~ this da), of l,-,,__,r~,, 1998, 5y and betwe, sa ~ CITY OF MARCO ISLAND, FLOR.IDA, hsre~ c&tl~ mxl ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER~ OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereof ca/led ~e "Coum3,". Tim Cil'y and 1t~ Co!m~ are r~ez'red WItEREAS, ~e City w~ reca~y inc. arpor~l pm-sram ~o c~ e~b~ ~: of ~ ~od~ ~g~la~e on Au~ 28, 1997; ~d ~~, S~ 163.01~), ~o~ Smm~, p~m ~ ~ mos~ e~cicm ~e of ~ek pow~ by ~mb~g ~ m co~a~ ~ ~ o~ ~o ~~, S~ion 112.24, ~o~ Smmms, ~~es ~ov~ ~~ of public ~loy~; FEB 0 ~ ~8 ~AS, LI~ Ciq, ~ provides that ~ Collie~ Co~ty land Develolm~m Code in effect on A. ugust 28, 1997, _~h~ll be the land develop~nt regulations within the CRY bou~d~es; ~ ~REAS, th~ City has reqtmst~d ~ ~e County provi~ assisuace to the CRY by furn~hlna Coum'y staff membe~:s for purposes of reviewing, anai!/zi~, advertisin$ fo~: Marco Isl~:~d Plan~_ina Board meetings and presenting land us~ pelitions to the Marco Illand Boa'd an4Yor tim City Council for tim City of Marco Isl~id. NOW, TH~ItRTeORE, in consideration of tim mutual c. ovemnm ~d h~ein, tim psi'ties l:u:r~by a~ as follows; 1. 'r~ coum-y will provid~ th~ .~ of County Planning Services litaff ("Coun.t'y St.a~) m tt~ City r.o review, analyze, advertiie and present land use pe~:ions submixed to the County which pcrr. ain to ~ City of Marco Island, to the Mar~.o IsMnd Plnnniug Board ~mdYor ~ City Council of the City of Marco Island, as appmpria~. The Coum'y ~:bnll pcri'orm all s~ff run, cms customarily perf'o~ by Counzy Staff in t~ review, ~,nnlysis, presenlation ami public nntif'~ation for Mamo Isl~t~d P!:~n!nE Boa_u:[ n:~elings of land usc pctkions. CotmIy Staff shall remnin e'xrploy~*~s of t.M Cotlllly at all Nm. es d.l.u'kl§ L~ effective ~ of t. his 2. TERM OF AGR_P-~_M]ENT. This Agreement shall be effective as of February 1995, a~ t~t-minate on May 5, lggs, or upon the final deposilion of all pendini land use lx:titions by ~ City, iacluding any appeals, whicI~ver is lair. 3. C~SATION. C~_ty sh,~l be paid thirty dollars ~30.00) per hour for the actual _s~_ff time invoh'ed in prese~i~g land use petitions t~ the ~ Island Plannin~ Board and/or ~ City Cotmcil for tl~ City of Marco Island, as appropri~ta. Coumy Staff travel time ~I! zlnl; be compensated. However, the City shall pay for mi.~alle for Ccrunry Staffs travel from.the Collier Coum'y Gavernmenl Complex to tim City of Malv. o Island st the rate of2g c4m~ per mile in sa:ordan~ with Clmpt~r t 12, Florida Stamps. Said pa~ from the CRy ~n t.M County shall be mad~ to the Board of Cotmt'y Comrnlsst~. Th~ paym~n~ by t]~ City shall be governed by Chapter 218, Florid~ Stat, utes (The l~lorida Prompt Paymcnl Act). TM CollllIy shnll invoice the CRy for all of the payments referenr4d above. 2 4. ~. Th~ CouatT's liabi~ty coverages will c~ m ~ ~ Co~ ~ ~ Cou~ S~ f~ ~ a~e~ ~bj~t m ~ ~cl~io~. ~ Ci~ ~ p~e i~ o~ ~~ ~v~c for ~ ~ r~at~ to Co~ $~s ~ on ~h~f of ~e Ci~ of ~ ~1~. ~, i~ ~ge~ ~ e~l~ ~m ~ ~ ~ ~o~, ~~ out of or ~i~ to ~ ~O~ of th{~ ~~ w~ $e~ ~ ~ brou~t ag~ ~ Coun~ by ~ ~ploy~ of ~ Ciw. ~y ~~~r m ~o~ ~y or ~y e~loyed by ~ of ~. o~r ~ by Cou~ ~m pm~d~ by ~ l~w ~ not by ~ Ci~'s 1~: of, or ~ of, ~i:m ~c~ pm~on. ~ ~fion sh.n ~: ~ply to ~ c~ ~ ~m ~ sole ~g~ ~ ~o~ or ~ ~d ~n ~: of ~ Co~, Co~ S~, or ~ o~er ~ploy~ or ~ge~ of ~ C~. 6. ~~A~ON. ~ ~t ~y b~ ~~ by ~ p~ by ~~ fo~ eight (~) ~s adv~ ~n ~fi~ to ~ o~ p~. No~ce Ciw of ~ ~1~, ~280 S~ ~o ~ M~ Isl~, ~1~ 34145 Notice to ~ Counw shall be provid~ to: Barbara B, Berry, Board of Coun~ Commissioners 3301 East Tsmi~i Trail Naples, Florida 341i2 This A~e~mam ~:~! also wr~in:t~ in a~cordan~ with the provisio~ s~ forth in paragraph 2 r~lianti~ the t~m of this 7, RF~ORDING. This Agreeman~ shall be r~d~d in the Offiaial Records of Collier County, Florida. THE ~ITY OF M. ARCO ISLAND, BOARD OF COUNTY CO~LMI$SIO~ FLORIDA OF COLLIER ~OUHTY By:_ By:~ Harry ~. Cowin, Council Ch~nan Bafoam B. Berry, Chatmnan Attest: Patricia L. ~-scy, Dwight E. Brock, Interim AssLs-tant City Clerk: Clerk of Approved as m form az[d legal sufficiency Approved a~ to form ~ut lcgd ~afficienc7 for the City of Ma~o Island, Florida: for Collier_ County: KeanevA B. Cuyler, Esq. Ramiro Mafialieh, ~..~q. City Attorney Chief Asststam Commj Attorney 1 FEB 0 3 1998 Permit PERMIT FOR CARNIVAL EXHIBITION STATE OF FLORIDA : COUNTY OF COLLIER: WHERF. AS, LaBelle LoDghorn Booster Club, has made application to the Board of County ConLmissioners of Collier County, Florida, for a permit to conduct a carnival or exhibition; and WHEREAS, LaBelle Longhorn Booster Club, has presented to the Board sufficient evidence that all criteria for the issuance of a permit to conduct a carnival or exhibition as set forth in Chapter 10, Article II, Amusements and Entertainments, of the Collier County Code have been satisfied and that such carnival or exhibition will be conducted according to lawful requirements and conditions; and WHERE3{S, said LaBelle Longhorn Booster Club, has requested a waiver of the Surety Bond, Carnival Fee and Occupational License; and NOW, THEREFORE, THIS PERMIT IS HEREBY GRANTED TO LaBelle Longhorn Booster Club to conduct a carnival or exhibition on February 9 thrcugh 15, 1998, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the petitioner's application and all related documents, attached hereto and incorporated herein for the following described property: (See attached Exhibit "A") WITNESS my hand as Chairman of said Board and Seal of said Count,/, attested by the Clerk of Courts in and for said County this day of , 1998. ATTEST: BO;%RD OF COUNTY CO~{MISSiONERS: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: BARBAP, A B. BERRY, Chairman Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: Marjorie M. Student ~~ Assistant County Attorney FEB 0 Lots 1-24, Block "B", Immokalee S/D, Plat Book 1, Page 60. as recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida FEB 0 3 ~998 ~===~.~u~= Copy: (2) County Manager CARNIVAL OPERATION P~TITIO:~ PROP~Ty O~, S N~E: NAT~E OF P~ITION: THE PO~WING INFO~TION IS IN~ED IN ~IS P~ITION. (FOR ~~A- TION,. SEE R~SE SIDE. ) 3 .a. 3.e.1) ...... 3.e.4)_ _ 3.e.7)_ 3.b. 3.e.2) 3.e.5). _ 3 .c. 3.e.3) 3.e.6)_ 3.e.9). 3. d ._ _ Co~ents: SIGNATURE OF PE-~'ITIONRR DATE REVIEWED by Board of County Commissioners: Approved: Disapproved: Conditions of Approval: SIGNATURE OF COUNTY MANAGER FEB 0 3 1998 ~ BOOTH ~OTIFICATION FOp.~. F~R TEM1)ORA~y L'VENTS Name of booth: · Florida A~inis~ra~ive Code, C~gter 10D-13 re~ires all fo~ to come f~om an approved source. All food storage, · ~repara~ion and utensil cleaning for ~is even= shall not ~e done in priva=e homes. ~-cation of advanced food Prepara2ion:~ How will food be tran~port~~on~ ~e=hod of keeping food ,hot and/or cold at event site: Method of cooking food at.the location: Food mu~t be protected ~rom dust, insects, flies coughs, sneezes. How will y~u provide this prot~ction~ ' type Of structure: ~/2 ~ ' - .... Describe Adeql/ate facilities and supplies shall be provided for employee handWa~u provide this? For Information and Assistance contact: ~ _ ~nvi£onmental Health & Engineering Dept- (813) 643- gFEB 0 3 1998 TO: Collier County Commissioner Board Members FROM: La~elle Longhorn% Booster Club SUBJECT: Permission to hold a fL~nd raiser. We, the LaBelle Longhorn Booster board members would like to have your permission to a fund raiser, this being a carnival in the Immokalee area. Our organization is affiliated with the Pop Warner Football youth groups, we are a none profit organization and rely on donations and fund raisers, to pay for the expenses that Pop Warner groups accrue. The Immokalee Pop Warner was approached to see if they would like to do a fund raiser like this, before we approached this fund raiser in their territory. We hope that you will give us your permission as we are in grea~ debt, to pay for equipment. This is one fund raiser that we have held in the LaBelle area, which proved to be one of our best fund raisers. We would also like to ask that the application fee, occupational license fee and surety bond be waived. We have made arrangements with Collier County Sheriffs office for security (Jeff Cox), Holland Disposal for Portalets (Krista), Immokalee disposal for dumpsters (Linda), and Immokalee Fire Dept. (Mr. Rodgers). We have go~ten permission from Mr. ~aston, who owns the said property (%51190120001, Lots 4-24, Blk B, on i Str and Corner of Main St., zone ~ C-4,) to rent this property for this event. I did ask him for a copy of his warranty deed to give to the to your board, however he did say, he did not have it, it was with the bank & he would have to get an attorney to do so. However, Mr. Gaston did state that he did not have to provide this information to Sam Galloway Car dealer, tha~ just used his lot, all that he provide was the legal description that I have listed in the above. I did ask him for his subdivision number, he sta~ed all the information he had on his tax paper, is what's listed above. We, hope ~.hat without this deed, that you will give us your permission to hold this fund raiser. The LaBelle Longhorn Booster Club ~~ FEB 0 3 1998 100 39~cl WE~t~ 333381:1-1 WOEi~ '~:~i 86, 0C NUF FIRE CONTROL DISTRICt MAllei' ~OAD IMIIO~ ~ORIDA ~ J.C. NUTLEY 01-30-98 LaBelle I~nqhorn Boo~ter club P.O. Box 2335 LaBelle Fl. 33975 Dear Kelly, The Inuaokalee Fire Control Dist. wail provide fare protection for the carnival to be held at N. ls~ St. s_nd E. Main St. on February 13,14 & I5, 1998. Please let me know the times so we can sohedule an inspection prior to your opening. Leo F.~ Fire Inspector ltOI. J.,AND ' S POR'~'ABI,,,R 'l'OZI, lg/~, .TI,IC. P.O. BOIl 3032 8055 NAI.,I*",BU DRI'*V'B I~r~n*_.'r.R, Fl,, 33975 ( 941 ) 675-'7555 January 30, 1998 LaBelle Longhorn Booster Club P.O. Box 2335 LaBelle, FL 33975 We agree to provide the LaBelle Longhorn Booster Club with 4 single portable toilets for the carnival in Immokalee for the dates of February 13, 14, 15, and possibly the 16th. The cost of these units will be $75.00 each. This fee covers the cost of rental, servicing, travel, and any repairs that may need to be completed to the unit after the toilet has been returned to us. ~olland'$ Portable To/lets, Inc. FEB 0 1998 Sh~unee ~4is$~on, KS &K, 201-2~4~' : _~p~I~.A~ORDIN~~GE 913-132-4400 · . Steve LlSkU O0~OEg OPE~O~S): {I) ~ F~R ~ ~~ ~~ S~~ 0~~ ~ ~MI~EE; ~) T,E O~ER ~ LEVEE OF FEB 0 :) 1998 As the sponsor of this event you are responsible to notify all food vendors of the temporary food service requirements. Failure to comply may subject the booths to be closed for public health reasons. Do you understand this completely? Yes No I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief all of the statements contained herein and on any attachment~ are true, correct, complete, and made in good faith. I underst~x%d that these re~21ation$ include food intended for service to the 9ublic regardless of whether there is a charge for the food. I agree to assume responsibility for this event and certify that said business will be conducted in compliance with the Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 10D-13. Date: Signature of sponsor's agent FEB 0 3 1998 Person in charge of food .ervice ~_~ L{ ~ ko I Number of food and beverage booths /~ Estimated number of attenders expected at the event at one time?__ Number of toilets to be provided: Portable: Male ( ~ ) Female (~ Permanent: Male ( ) Female ( Method of toilet waste disposal: Describe method of liquid kitchen waste disposal: Describe containers and method of solid waste disposal (garbage): Number of solid waste disposal containers provided: __~_.. Describe facilitie~ and method of hand washing: Describe facilities and ~ethod of utensil wa~hinq, rinsinq and sanitizing: Source of potable water: _~J For information and assistance contact: Environmental Health & Engineering Department (813) 643-8499. Excerpt from Ordinance No. 75-11 Filed Secretary of State 3/6/75 3. Application and Fee for Permit. A minimum of tw=nty (20) days before occupying the carnival or exhibition site, an application for a permit shall be submitted to the County Manager in four (4) copies accompanied by: a. A surety bond i~ the penal sum of $2,500, issued by a company authorized to issue such bonds in Florida, conditioned upon the operator complying with each provision of this ordinance and subject to forfeiture under'the terms provided in Paragraph 8 hereinbelow. b. Evidence of current public liability insurance coverage, issued by a company authorized to do buminess in Florida, in the minimum amount of $100,000 for any one person and $300,000 for any one incident. c. A non-refundable fee of $200. d. A current occupational license issued by the Collier County Tax Collector, and e. Including the following information: 1) The name and headquarters address(es) of the carnival or exhibition company(les) with a direct or indirect financial interest; name(s) and address(es) of any sponsoring organization(s), and the name and local address of the applicant representing the carnival or exhibition company(ies); 2) A description of the every activity to be conducted such as but not limited to, menageries; circus and ~ide-show perform- ances; amusement, merry-go-round and other ride activities; food and drink dispensing facilities; booths for conduct of games of skill or chance not prohibited by State law to be open to the public for an admission or participation fee and number of persons to operate the activities; 3) Name, identification and social security number of each person accountable for the operation of each activity; 4) A description and sketch of the site showing the location of each activity proposed, the location and number of sanitary facilities; parking facilities, and provision for lighting and public water; 5) Application for Food Establishment operating Permit from the County Health Department a~ required by ordinance 74-45. 6) The plan for refuse, garbage, debris, and .sewage disposal during and after operation of the circus or exhibition. - 7) Provisions for traffic control, fire safety and security precautions; 8) The date and time each activity is to be conducted and concluded; 9) Written approval from the owner of the property authorizing the use of this premises for such carnival activity. 10) Legal description of property to be utilized. FEB 0 3 1998 )D-13.0292 Temporary Food Service Events ~S county public he~cn un~: r, oC l~ ch~ . {1) Sto~aqe oC time a~ ~0~4~1on of cn~ cven:. N~tcaC~on .Cor~ An d~c~C concoct (b) Tn. ~ocal H~S county oublic [J) ~e ~torzc~ facili%y health unit &hail ke?? 4 cecocd o( equ~ wLCh ~equate dr~ notifiCeCionJ received ~oE Oro~=e~ cem~C~Cy c~e mccu~taC~on of ~ac.~ durin~ non--~CeACiallv hazagd~Ua focU o: dc)~k, th~ b~me shall ~ p~oC~C~ Crom ~he entrant, of ~e ~pC clean a~ the {4l ~1 ~o~ ~ctve~.aC Ce~cacy {12~ risc ~onsc~ucc~om - .' accocdancc ~ich 9:ovl=~ons of section lOO- shall be o~ duta~Ic ~ceriat Di:c o~ ~cave! · .' ~3.024 Qf this ChaOtec. ~u~loocl~ can ~ u~ vne~ qcad~ co draia LAW BNFORCEMENT.SPECIAL DETAIL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this ~ day of ~j,~__1~, 19C~/by and between [he Co[tier County Sheriffs Office, ~,C~.N HU. NTE~,, $.H. ERIF~F of~ollte_r Co_u.nty, Napt~.s, Ftodds, hereinafter referred to as '0C$O and /..,..c~,J,.,,~..J/~ l.f~o~&/~v'~ _~'/t/'~,_ ___, Ftodda, hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR", both of whom shall be referred to as the 'PARTIE~'. WITNE$$ETH: ,WH_~ERF..~S. th.~e CONTRACTOR dashes to obtain special Law Enforcement Sewices at:_ /C'l~ ,' ,q'~'~C~ / ~ ~['"~.,O/V~°)/,~ ! ~''f'' I~! .... for the purpose of ~'~ient.ffy-event, kf any) .... ~.~,",'.-t ~Jo.,f ...... in Collier Oounty. Flora, and; WHEREAS. the CC, SO has agreed to render to the CONTRACTOR professional law enforcement service, and the CONTRACTOR is desirous of contracting for such services upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR is desirous of providing Law Enforcement Services through a contractual relationship with CCGO; and WHEREAS. the Sheriff hereby agrees to provide such security and inw enf~cement as provided herein; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sums hereinafter set forth and for other good eno valuable considerations, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged. it is hereby ecjreed as follows: 1. For the purpose above, the Sheriff shall provide to the Contractor _ (~ of) certified Deputies at the place capt~ned abo..va, ,b,~,Jween the hours of ~ O,"~ and Ii _~On3_ . on ~ /3"7Y'/J .~ [dale[s)]. A sche~ule of specific-a~gn-rnents for Deputies .assigned under this__. agreement i~ attached hereto and marked "Exhibit A." ~ ¢ ~ d~,~ ~'~-~c 2. Sucfl law enforcement l~epu~es shall i~rform normaiZlaw enforcement dui[es to provide for the he. atth and security of persons in the area of the above-captioned event or location(s). 3. At all times pertinent to this contract, the law enforcement Deputies sha~l be assk:jned by and remain under the control of the Office of the Sheriff of Collier Co~Jnty, OOn Hunter, Shedff. Ownership and maintenance of equipment used in Special OetaUs are the responsibility of the Collier County Sheriff's Off'~e and equipment assigned t9 s Deputy for use in the regular performance of duties shall be ur, ed dudn9 this ~pecial Det~il. All equipment remain~ the responsibility of the &~Ngned Oepu~ and ownership remains with the Collier County Sheriff's Ofr~:e. FEB 0 3 199( the Office of the Shenfl of Collier Counly the actual cost to the Agency of the Deputy's lime and one-half hourly rate (overtime), two (2) hour minimum, incJud;ng all applicable Agency expenses such as FICA and worker's compensatio~ c~verage commensurate with the current pay plan schedule. The e~timated minimum total, based on now available information, is $_.~).qc:' - '~o,_~ z~_J~subject to final accounting. The estimated maximum tot~,l. based on now available infon'nation, is $ , subject to fln~l accounting. If the contract requires vehicle pat, roi, the Agency shall be paid $ o ~..cf per patrol mile, per vehicle. The balance remaining, if any. shall be invoiced to the Contractor upon a final time and mileage accounting being completed by the SherifFs Office, and shall be paid by the Contractor within five (5) days of receipt of the invoice. FilqANCIAL ARP~NGEMF~NT_S; ~ _Fuil Paymenl in Advance 50% Deposit Required - No Deposit Required/Total Due Upon Billing 5. The Contrador hereby agrees to indemnify the Sheriff against any and all claims against the Sheriff or the Off'me of the Sheriff of Collier County, arising out of the use of the certified law enforcement Deputies, from whatever source or cause, excepting only the negligence of the Sheriff or his Deputies. 6. The partfies agree that the services provided for herein are not a guarantee of the health and safety of the patrons attending the al:x3ve- captioned event, but R is the provision of regular law enforcement se~ices commonly supplied by the Offk:e of the Sheriff to the citizens of Co,her County according tO policies established by the Shedff. 7. The parties agree that in the event of an off-site emergency requiring the services elsewhere of the law enforcement Deputies provided herein, that the Sheriff may be required to remove the Deputies to meet any such emergency, without penalty 4J'~erefore, and such removal shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement. 8, Law enforcement Deputies provided according to the terms hereof shall be paid according to the regular payroll procedures of the Office of the Sheriff, and no funds shall be transferred from the Contractor to any law enforcement Deputy, but such funds shatl be paid directly to the Office o~ the Shedff of Collier County. FEB 0 3 1998 2 "" .. /7 .... 800'391dd W~t~ 3'l-138~d'l WO~ S;~ r't 81~, 0C N~ ......... IL ................. J.ll! FRI, JflN-30-98 9'06RH LT PRT I'fJLLEN SSB 7939178 P. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the PARTIES hereto execrate this instrument on their behalf, at the dates set forth below: COLLIER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE DON HUNTER Date Sheriff of Collier County Approved as to l'orm and tegal sufficiency subject to execution by the PARTIES: CONTRACTOR ~igned Name Date )~/E L L; '~on ce.- ~v¢ rc~. Typed Name Street Address / City State Telephone Number w/< ~'-/.I ~q'5-o5'z/5 x3 3 FEB 0 3 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY GIFT, PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF FEE SIMPLE TITLE INTERESTS AND/OR PERPETUAL, NON- EXCLUSIVE, ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, SIDEWALK, UTILITY, DRAINAGE, MAINTENANCE AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION INTERESTS BY EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOUR-LANING IMPROVEMENTS FOR LIVINGSTON ROAD IIETWEEN GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY (C.R. 886) AND RADIO ROAD, CIE NO. 053; AND I~EPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 9%359. OBJECTIVE: To adopt a Resolution to acquire by girl, purchase or condemnation of fee simple title interests and/or perpetual, non-exclusive, road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage, maintenance and temporary construction interests by easement required to complete the six-laning roadway improvements lbr Livingston Road between Golden Gate Parkway (C.R. 886) and Radio Road, CIE No. 053, (hereinafter referred to as "the Project"). CONSIDERATION: On October 28, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 14'o. 97-55 therein establishing the 1997 (Seventh Annual) Capital Improvement Element of the Grov,'th Management Plan. The Transportation Element of the County's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in Resolution No. 97-62 for CIE # 53. On October 8, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 96-457 authorizing the County Staff to acquire by girl or purchase certain easements and fee simple title to the property and ;property interests required and necessary for the four-laning roadway improvements of Livingston Road 'between Golden Gate Parkway and Radio Road. On September 16, 1997, the Board adopted Resolution No. 97-359 authorizing the County staff to acquire by girl, purchase or condemnation certain easements and fee simple title to the property and property interests required and necessary for the four-laning roadway improvements of Livingston Road between Golden Gate Parkway and Radio Road. Staff has reviewed alternative locations, environmental factors, cost variables, safety and welfare considerations as they relate to the construction of the Project and the Board finds that the most feasible location for the additional road fight-of-way for the construction of the Project is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" of the attached Resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: The right-of-way acquisition cost estimate has just recently been updated to reflect actual appraised values and all of the most recent design changes. Total acquisition costs are estimated at $1,932,000 and include all land, improvements, severance damage pay. outs, and outside legal counsel assistance for condemnation proceedings as well as all overhead costs and expenses which may be incurred through condemnation and final judgment for those non-exclusive, perpetual easements referenced in Exhibit "A", required to complete the four-laning roadway improvements for the Project. Funds in the amount of $1,932,000 are available in: Fund: 333 - Road Impact Fee (District #2) .~~ Cost Center: 163650 - Road Impact Construction ~ ,,~ ~t"~a ]~---~] ' Project: 60061 - Livingston Road Proje,:t Conderrmalion Resolution For Livingston Road between Radio Road and G. G. Parkway Page No. 2 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This Capital Improvement Project No. 53 is consistent with the Transportation Sub-Element and the Capital Improvement Element of the Growlh Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: (1) Adopt the attached Resomtion authorizing the acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation the fee simple title interests and/er the perpetual, non-exclusive road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage, maintenance and temporars' construction interests by easement required to complete the four-laning roadway improvements for Livingston Road between Golden Gate Parkway and Radio Road; (2) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Resolution. Wiima Iverson, Senior Specialist Real Property Management Dep,qrtment Robert C. Wiley -~.E., Project Manager II1 Office of Capital Projects Management ~VIEWED BY: ~ DATE: Adoifo A. P.E~'Dire~ Office of Capital Projects Management ~VIEWED B~ DATE Ed llschner, Administrator ~ ~~ Public Works Division I RESOLL'TIO,~ .~O. 98- 2 .~ RESOLL'TiO~' .~L'THORIZfXG THE ACQL'ISITIO.% OF LA.%'D BY GIFT. 3 PL'RCH.~SE OR CO~'DE~I.~'.-~TIOX OF FEE Si~IPLE TITLE ~TERESTS ,&~ OR 4 PERPETL'AL. XOX.EXCL~SIVE. ROAD RIGHT-OF.WAY. SIDE~'ALK. SLOPE. 5 LTILITY. D~IX,~GE. S~I%TEX.&~CE A~ TE~IPO~Y CONSTRL'CTIO~ 6 I%'TERESTS BY EASE~IE~T FOR ~{E CO~'STRL'CTIO~ OF ~E FOL~.L.L%~G 7 RO.~WAY [S1PROVES~E~TS FOR LIV~GSTO~' RO~ PRO]E~ BET~E~ 8 ~LDEX GATE P.~WAY (C.R. 886) ~ ~10 RO.~ {C.R. 856). CIE NO. 9 .L~ ~PE.~L~G RESOLLTIO~ 9T-359. 10 ~E~AS, ~he Board of Count' Commissione~, on ~to~ 28. I~7. adop~ ~d~n~nce I I ~'o. 97-55 therein ~s~ablishing ~e 1~7 (Sc¥cnth ~ual) Capital Impto~cnl EI~ of the 12 Gro~h ~l~a~emcnt PI~ in ord. zo ~ablish p~o~ti~s for ~he d~i~ acquisition a~ constmct~on 13 of th~ ~mous capital impro¥cmtn~ proj~s. ~e Transportation Elem~t of the Counb's ]4 Compr¢h¢nsiYe PI~ ~ ~ adopt~ in ~din~ce ~o. 97-62; ~ 15 ~E~AS, the four-I~ing improYem~nts to Li¥in~slon Road ~'~n ~ld~ Gate 16 P~L~a? ~d Radio Road is one of~ capital impro¥~meni p~j~ls r~uir~ u~et ~e 17 Tr~s~nation Element of ~e Co~b"s Compr~htnsiYe PI~; md 18 ~E~AS. ~c Bo~d of Co~b. Commission.s, on ~1o~ 8. I ~6, adopt~ R~lut~on 19 ~'o. 96~5? autho~zins ~ Count)' S~aff Io acquire by gift or putch~e certain e~m~ts. ~ or 20 simple title to ~e propcny ~d pro~' imerests required ~d nec~' for the four-l~ing m~ 21 impro~ ~m¢nts of Li¥in~s~on Road ~ ~n Golden Gale P~'ay ~d Radio Ro~: ~ 22 ~L~E~AS, ~he I~a~ion for const~clion of the pr,~s~ impm~ts h~ ~ fix~ by 23 s~'~y ~d is coll~cH¥cly r~r~ b)' the Itgal de~fiplions comprising Exhibit "A' 24 hcrc~o ~d inco~r~t~d 25 WHE~AS. after constriction oflhe a~'ailabilily of allemate mut~. ~ I~ations. the 26 comp~a~i¥c costs of proj¢c~ al~e~i¥~. ¥~ous impacts u~n the en¥im~t, long 27 pl~ing options, and public ~f~, considc~lions, the Bo~d d~ir~ to ex~ci~ i~ ~1 ~o 28 condemn pro~.y for public pu~. 29 ~'OW, THE~FORE. BE IT ~SOLVED BY THE BO~ CF 30 COSt~IISSIO~'ERS OF COLLIER COL%~, FLO~DA, that it ~ ~ de~e~i~ by the ~o~ I [ha~ mh¢ construction o£th¢ fou,r-laning roadway improvcTnc~ts for Livingston Road bc~.ctn 2 Golden Gate Pa. rk'v,'ay and R~io Road. (hereinafter referred to u 'thc Project") is necessary and mn 3 thc public's best intcr~t in order to prolect thc hedth, sa fc,':..' and welfare of thc citizens of C'oll]er 4 County. S A.N.'D IT IS FL'RTHER R.ESOLVED that construction of thc Projecl is part of the County's 6 long rzngc planning effort, and is included in thc Transportation Element of the Counp/s ? Comprehensive Plan for Gro~.'th .~t~agemmt, u ~proved by the Florida De'par~nen! of 8 Community Afl,la. 9 AND IT IS FURTi. LER RESOLVED thai the County Staff' has reviewed alternative I0 locations for the project, v~ous impacts [o the cnviromnenL public safety md welfare 11 considerations associated with the design and construction ofthe Project, and the costs associated 12 ,~-ith mhe design, property rights acquisition, and construction ofthe Project; and thc Board finds that 1 ] after consideration of these issues, the most feasible location for construction ofthe proposed 1.1 improvements is collectively represented by thc legal dcscrip~ons comprising Exhibi! "A* attached I S hereto and incorporamed herein. 16 AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLV[D that in order to construct the Project as designecL it is I ? nccess,'uS' for the Board to acquire the v~ous red property interests described in Exhibit 'A' to wit: 1 g fee simple tille', perpetual, non-exclusive road rig.hi-of-way, sidewalk, slope, utility, drdnage. 19 maintenance and tcmpor-,~ry consu'uc~ion interests by easemenL 20 A~'D IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that all property, whether encumbered by easemeat or 21 acquired in fee simple, shall be put to public purposes. 22 AND IT IS F'L,'RTHER RESOLVED that ~e County sutTis hereby authorized to 23 immediately acquir~ by gift. purchase or condernnation in accordance ~'ith the provisions of 24 Chapters 73. '74 a~l ! 27. Florid, Statutes, the ahove-referrnced real propcr~y interesu more 25 pa~icul~.ly described in Exhibit 'A' atUched hereto and incorporated herein. 26 AJ'CD IT IS FURTH'ER RESOLVED that no mobile homes are located o~ ~ prope~.. 27 sought to be ac, qub'ed and therefore it will not be necessary to remove any mobile homes ~zom thc 28 property to be acquired. 29 This Resolution rq~als and sulx"rsedcs Resolution No. 97-3S9 in its cmirety. Page 2 I FEB 0 3 19. 8 This Resolution adop~ on Ibis . day of .1998, after motion, second and majo~t¥ ~'o~e. BO.~ OF CO~TY CO~flSSIO~RS OF COLLIER CO~. FLORA A~EST: D~GI IT E. BR~, CLE~ BY: BarbnraB. Berr~, C~~ Appro~'ed ~ ~o fo~ ~ legal su~cicncy: . f Heidi F. ~i~l Coun~ FEEl Q 3 l~l~a ~ EXHIBIT ~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 P.OJECT .o. PROJECT PARCEL NO. . ~ O ~ . TAX PARCEL NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION [NoT A SURVEY) " road right-of-way, sideualk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement CO,XL\LENCING AT TIlE SOUTttWEST COIL'~ER OF LOT I. OF THE PLAT THeReOF, COLLLER COL,~TY PRODUCTION PARI~ PIIASE I-A, AS ILECORDED IN PLAT DOOl~ 13 PAGES 55 AND 56 OF TILE PUBLIC ILECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR.IDA SAID POhX,q' OF CONL\LENCE,XlENT ALSO BEING TI IE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RADIO ROAD (C,IL-~$~) AND THE EAST PdGHT OF \VAY LINE OF COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGP. EES 10 I~IINUTES 28 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID EAST PJGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONI,\tERCIAL BOULEVARD. A DISTANCE OF 1 $.O0 FEET TO TI IE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE : CONTINUING NORTtl ALONG SAID LINE. A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 45 DEGI~EES 1') MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 70. l0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH ~') DEGI~EES I I ,MINUTES lo SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5~.00 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID DE$CIUBED TILACT CONTAINING 0,029 ACP. E (I.250 SQUAP~ FEET), I~IOI~.E OR. LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS TILE EAST RIGtlT O[" WAY LINE OF CO,~I,'~IEP. ClAL BOULEVARD BEING NORTH O~ D£GI~EES 1~ ,XlINUTE$ :~1~ SECONDS EAST. PARCEL -, I'.': ' "." ::' ~ ~.. ;;', . .. ., .: ....... , .,,. .,' ,.~; , :, "' ii .-, ., ,.,' ',;'.7/. ', · ... ,.. ;;.",~ --Z~ ~ ~.2--- ..:.: / ////../;,."' ".. .'. :' ~:' ::! OY._/-"'"~/'~'~'./t'''1~..:,.''''~ ' ;= 'DATS' /~, ' '~ GEI~RK;E R. RiCHT~OND *,:::..:.'- ,;', j · '. .. :'.. '~i PROFESSIONAL LAND SURV~f'OR'.~2406 FEB 0 31998'" ' · '" " .'.. i OFFIC£ OF CAPITA/. PROJECTS,:.* ..... ~ . -,, COLBER COUN~ GOVl[RN~Ehrr COUPI..~ ~ "'~' · 3301 E TAMIAMI IRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34 ]9 PG. " · ' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 341 '12 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION · ! I LOT 2 I N,Bg'~ 5'38"E, 249,5B' ' [ 30' ~ EASEMENT , , 30' DRAINAGE j'~ I \ ., /--16' SIDEWALK & I ': 50.00'-~ 14.0'i' PARCFL 601 ~10.00' P.O.C. o -. (S.W. COR. LOT 1) · ' PARCEL NO. 101 GENERAL NOTES :' 1) P.O.C. indicates Point oF Commencement · 2) P.13.B, Indicates Point oF Beginning '" 3) Sec, Indlca'tes Section i ' 4) T~p, Indicates Township ; .. ,. '. 5) Rge. Indicates Range , : .. ,.' ........ ., 6) R/W indicates Right-oF-way ii'. ~ "'ii 7) Att distances are In Feet and decimals thereof ',, ' . 8) 3asIs oF Bearing Is the North Right oF Way · 9) Not valid unless signed ~nd seated with the embossed i.'i',:,.: · ' seat oF the professional Land surveyor . '- - L,H,R. SCALE H'inlT] r OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (,941) 774-8192 PROJECT PARCEL. NO. ~-~O I TAX PARCEL NO, 271~300&0007 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope and maintenance easement ., CO.',L".LENCING AT TItlE SOUTI-LEAST CORNEff, OF LOT 1 OF TIlE PLAT Ti-~REOF. COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK PHASE I-A. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13 PAGES 55 AND 56 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA; , · THENCE NOIqTH q DEGREES 1 ) MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LO. 1, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST ALONG A LINE LYING .. 20 FEET NORTH, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO.SAID SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT I. A DISTANCE OF 169.42 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGiLEES 19 MINUTES ~ 11 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 14.01 FEET; TllENCE NORTII 89 DEGREES 11 MINUTES J0 SECONDS EAST ALONG A LINE LYING 30 FEET NORTIt, AS ,NLEASUKED O PERPENDICULAR TO. SAID SOUTtt LINE OF LOT I. A DISTANCE OF 179.42 FEET; · THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGILEES 13 MINUTES 05 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF I0.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCIUBED TILa, CT CONTAINING 0.040 ACRE (1744 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEAJUNGS IS TIlE EAST LINE OF LOT I BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST. PARCEL 501 FEB 9 OF~CE OF ~ PR~E~ff' ' .'- : ' CO~IER COU~ CO~RNUEm..COUP~ 3301 U TAMIAMI T~dL ' N~LES, 'FLORIDA 3~ 1~/~_ ¢ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION j 3L~O, j LOT 2 'J .~.~ ~/UTILITY EASEMENT , ~1 ~ I ~ s.,s'~'~"~. , ~ , .- , ~ ~1/ ~.c~. ~o,~ I ' ~: ~ X / / ~ ' ~.~,:/ / I ~o.oo'  ~.oo. 1~o.o¢, ' , / / I~ ~15' PRE~OUSLY DEDICATED ~5.00' ~ CR-858 GENERAL NDTES PARCEL NO. 101 '.. ~) P,D,C, Indicates Point o¢ Commencement " '" ~) P,D,B. indic~tes Point o¢ ~eglnnin9 ' ". ',. . :. 3) Sec, Indicates Section :. 4) Twp, Indicates Township ... · ' 5) Rge. Indicates R~nge ,i · . 6) R/W indicates Right-or-.~y J '..'" '.' ..' 1~. " ~. :.'. 8) ~osls o¢ ~e~in9 Is the North Right or ~y . Une oF Rodlo Ro~d beln9 S,89'1U10'~. , · I;: .... ,. 9) Not v~Ud un~ess stgned ~nd se~ted ~ith the e~bossed ' , .., se~L or the p~oCesslon~t IQnd suCveyo¢ · .. , THIS IS ONLY A SKgCH FEB 319-'---98 :. ~.~. ~,, j ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~.: '""' , "~ NaT TO SCALE 11-~4-97 PR-50~ SHE~ 2~ n~, I EXHIBIT I '$ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 3411 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT PARCEL NO. T~ P~CEL NO. 2711nnaoon7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT' A SURV~ s~dewalk an~ maintenance easemen~ CO%L~NC[NG AT TI~ SOUTI~AST CO~'EI( OF LOT t OF TIlE PLAT TI~OF, COLLtE~ CO~' P~ODU~[ON P~ HIASE ~-A AS RECOILED IN PLAT B~K PAGES ~J ~ J6 OF T~ ~UBLIC ~CO~S OF COLLISR CO~' ,FLO~DA; ~NCE NO~TH 0 DEG~ES I ~ MIN~ES OJ SECONDS EAST ~ONG TI~ EAST OF SA~ LOT t, A DIST~CE OF 15.00 FEET TO THE ~INT OF BEGINNING; ~NCE 5OUCH 89 D~G~ES I 1 MINUTES I0 SECONDS WEST ~ONG A LI~E LYING 15 FEET NO~, AS N~ASU~D PE~NDICUL~ TO, Tt~ SO~I LINE OF ... LOT I. A D~ST~CE OF tG4.4t FEET; TraNCE NO~TH 45 DEGAS 19 t ~ SECO%DS WEST, A DIST~CE OF ?.0~ FEET; TI~NCE NO~TH S9 DEG~ES I I ~U~ES ~0 SECONDS EAST ~ONG A LINE LYING 20 FEET NO~TtI,AS N~ASU~D  PE~END~CUL~ TO, SA~ SO~H LINE OF LOT I, A DISTANCE OF 169.~2 FE~T; ~CE SOUTH O0 DEGI~ES I3 MINUTES O~ SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.~ FEET TO T~ POI~ OF BEGINNING. SAID DESCIUB~D TI~ CONTAtNING AC~ (834 S~U~ FEET), MO~ O~ LESS. BASIS OF BEINGS IS T~ EAST LINE OF LOT t BEING ~O~Ttl ~ DEG~ES 13 Mt~S O~ S~CO~DS EAST. P~CEL 601 ' . --... : Oy:~~ ' ' OEORGE R: RICHMOND '¢' '"' ~,',3" : ' OFFICE OF ~ll~ PR~[~S ~: · ' ;' ' COLLIER COUN~ GO~NM[~ COMP~ '.*. . , ~ ~01 E T~I T~L ~. FLORI~,~41 EXHIBIT ' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION I LOT 2 'J \ \ /--16' SIDEWALK & !Ii '~~~¥i~UTILITY EASEMENTJ .o ~ /PARCEL 101 ~N'89'll'lq"E' I ' / '79'42)PARCEL 50, '~ ' ' 5o.oo'~ I~ ~4.o~' ' ~ / ~7.m' / ,// I 6m./,o. oo ' ,s.oo' j o.o / -/ i .. ~15' PRE~OUSLY DEDICATED~ . ~ S.8g'I 1'10"W. 214.40' ~ --~ CR_858 ~ _ . - PARCEL NO. 101 .:..... GENERAL NOTES : i) P,O,C, Indicetes Point or Comnencenent " ~) P,a.B, Indicates Point o¢ ~eginnln9 3) Sec, Indlcgtes Section 4) Twp, Jndic~tes Township .?" 5) Rge, Indicates R~nge 6) R/~ Indlc~tes Right-or-wey . : 7) AJ( d[st~nces ~e In Feet ~nd declm~Js ~' .. 8) Bosls oF 9e~ring is the No~th Righ~ oF Une oF R~dio Ro~d belno 9) No~ v~LId un~ess slgne~ Qnd seQled wl~h the , se~[ oF the p~oFesslon~t I~nd su~veyom '. THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH , . NDT TO ~ L,H,R. SCALE 11-14-97 PR-G01 SHE~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJEC.7$ O 3,~0~ EAST TAtJIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962 (813) 77,1 -8192 PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO._ I TAX PARCEL NO. SKETCH OF LEGAL DF.SCRIPTION (NOT A .SURVEY~ ' road ri9ht_of_way' sidewalk, utility, drainage and maintenance easem, LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 102A A portion of Tract "A", of the plat thereo~', BRIARWOOD PLAZA, as recorded in Pi,il Book 17, Pages 24 and 25 of thc Public Records of Collier County, Florida and bein8 more panicuhrly described as £ollows; . BEGIN at the $outhwes~ Corner of said Tract "A", said POINT OF BEGINNING lying al thc point of intersection of the North Right of W~y line of Radio Road (CR 856) and the East Right of Line of Livingston Road (CR 881); thence run along said East Right of Way line of Livingston Road N 00' 16' ~7" E 60.07 feel; the leaving said East Right of Line S 49° 20' 41" E $8.78 feet to a point lying Twenty(20')Feet North, as measured perpendicular to. said North Right of Way line of Radio Road; thenCe parallel whh sa,id North Right of Way line N 87° 46' 06" E 376.99 feet; thence S 74" 43' 24" E 66.49 lc'et to said North Right of;Vay line of Radio Road; thence alon8 said North Right Line S 87° 46' 06" %V 486.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 9978 square feet more or less Basis o£Bca6ngs is the West line ofaforesaid Tract "A" being N 00° 16' .57" E. Sheet 1 o.r2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~ ~ BRIARWOOD PLAZA ~ ~ ~ PB 17/ PG 24 ~- ~ ~ RADIO ROAD · ' ' .'~.'.;i : GENERAL NOTES '..: ]) P.O.C. indicates Point o? Commencement 3) Sec. indic~tes Section . :.'.:~.':.t::~ 4) Twp. Indicates Township .. 5) Rge. indicates R~nge :. ~. 7) Att distances ~re In Feet ond decim~ts thereof being N.OO*I6'57'E. ,. . 9) Not vetid un~ess signed and sealed ~ith the embossed :"' THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH NOT TD · . SCALE 09-]6-96 LRgRiO6A SHE[ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS $301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL. NAPLES, FLORIDA 34.112 (941) 774-~192 PROJECT NO. (~)~ ! PROJECT PARCEL NO. (~(:~.-03" TAX PARCEL NO, 24755002504 LEGAL DESCR!PTIOH (NOT A SURVEY) slope, utility and maintenance easement A PORTION OF TRACT 'A" OF TtIF PLAT THEP, EOF,BrLIARWOOD PLAZA. AS .' RECOIU)ED IN PLAT BOOK 17, I"AGES 24 AND 25 O1:' "1'1LE PUBLIC ILECOILDS OF COLLLER COUNTY, FLORJDA AND BEING ,",IOILE PAJLTICULAIU.,Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMIs~ENCING AT TI-LE SOUTHWEST COILNER OF SAID TRACT "A" SAID POINT OF COM!',~NCE MENT ALSO LYING AT THE POINT OF I,'V'I'ERSECTION OF' THE NORTH RJGHT OF WAY LINE OF RADIO ROAD (C R.856) AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD (C.R. 881), THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 16 MINUTES O 5? SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF \VAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 60.07 FEET TO THE POINFT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1~9.91 FEET; THI~NCE LEAVING SAID EAST RIGItT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; T~fl~NCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 5? SECONDS \VEST ALONG A LINE LYING 10 FEET EAST, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LlNE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD DISTANCE OF 1~5S.41 FEET; TI~ENCE NORTH 49 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 13,13 FEET TO TH~ · ' POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING O. 1'~ ACRE (S,542 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS TILE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD ~ BEING NORTH O0 DEGREES, 16 MINUTES, 57 SECONDS EAST. PARCEL '~2OT · P.OrESS,O~ LA.D SURVL~O. ~2~0~ FEB 0 ~1998 OFFICE: OF CAPITAL PROJECTS..t :.. - COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ~, I"~ ;..... '" 3301 E TAMIAMI 3RAIL . NAPLES, FLORIDA .3 ciO2 -OT' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION MARKET o BRIARWOOD PLAZA ~ PB 17/ PG 24 - ao2 TRACT A A RAOIO RoAD ; · ": '" ii.':.' .., · ..; .. GENERAL NDTES :. ;3) P.D.]~, Indlc:~tes Point oF Beginning · · ..-'. '"' :3) Sec, Imdlc~tes Section · .-. ."· '~; 4) Twp. Indicates Township · ' .- 5) Rge, Indlc~'tes R~nge "--. .. " ' 6) R/~W Indicates Right-oF-way · .... " 7) At[ dlst(xnces ~re In Feet and de¢lm(z[s thereof "' '..' B) ]3~zsls oF t~earlngs Is the ~/est line oF Tract 'A' " " · . being N.00'lG'57'E, I 9) Not valid un[ess signed c~nd seoted with the embossed . . ' seQt oF the proFesslon(xt (~nd surveyor · ' . NDT TD L L,H.R, SCALE_ t[-12-97 902DT OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. ~:~ O0 ~, PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO, :~71 LEGAL DESGRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement ¢' COMMENCING AT THE SOUTI lEAST CORN"ER OF SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 49 RANGE 25 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 16 MINqJ'I"ES 57 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EAST LINq~ OF SAID SECTION 36, A .... DISTANCE OF 66.15 FEET TO TIIE POINT OF BEGINNING SAID POINT OF . BEGIN,~ING ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST COP~ER OF TRACT "A" OF THE PLAT : THEREOF COLLIER COL.rI%"T%' PRODUCTION PARK PHASE 3-A AS RECORDED IN PLAT ' BOOK :22 PAGES 59 & 60 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR]DA . A.ND THE EASY RJGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; THENCE NORTH gl DEGREES 10 MINUTES 54 SECONDS %%,"EST, A DISTANCE OF 50,53 FEET TOTHE POINq' OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH, O HANqNG A RADIUS OF 14~76.73 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0 DEGREES 04 MII~Trl'ES 38 SECONDS, AND A CIIORD OF 20.04 FEET BEARING SOUTH SS DEGREES 33 MINUTES 09 SECONDS %%qgST; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 20.04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44 DEGP. EES 43 MINUTES 56 SECONDS EAST. A DISTA.NCE OF 71.40 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 16 I%IINLrTES 57 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 534.0S FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES IS MINUTES 37 , .... SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOU"IH 0 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 57 SECONT)S %.VEST ALONG AFORESAID EAST RIGHt. OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON RO; ') A DISTA~NCE OF 592.3[) FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 0.301 ACRE (13,130 SQUARE FEET), MORE: OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 36 BEING SOUTH 00 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 57 SECONDS WEST. PARCEL 103 j, 105 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941 ) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION " COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK ~ PHASE l-B, PB 15, PAGES 7 & 8 LOT LOT LOT · 25 26 27 ~ o Curve number ! ............... 20.00' : I~adius = 14,876.73' COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK /~ = 00'04'38' ~HASE 3-A, PB 22, PAGES 59 & 60 line of ArC = 20,04' Section 3C Chord = ;_;30,04' > TRACT A ~ O O z c4 z O Z N,44'43'56"E.~ / -J PARCEL 103 " RADIO ROAD"'(R/W VARIES) P.O.]~, :' '- " GENERAL NOTES .:..~. [..;:: .. l) P.D.C. indicates Point oF Commencement -- ~ ~_~__,J_~.J__TWP~, 49S ;" .... ' 2) P.B.B. indicates Point oF 3eginning 1 J~ TWP, 50-~-- '' '' '"'"' " 3) Sec. indicates Section '- .... 7) Att distances are in Feet and decimals thereof '. · :.,..-, ,; 8) 9asis oF bearings is the East tine oF Section :36 being S.00'16'57'W. 9) Not valid unless signed and seated with the embossed -- ,~1~, i " "" :. .-...:..: ' THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH .. '8 B 1, OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJ£CTS ,5501 FAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 54.112 (941) 77,1.-8192 · ' PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO.., 7~J, TAX PARCEL NO._ LEGAL DE$(;:RIPT!ON (NOT A SURV~) '. '.~emporary construction easement CONViNCiNG A%~ SO~I~AST CORNER OF SE~[ON 36 TO.SHIP 49 ~NGE 2~ EAST. COLLIER CO~. ~ORIDA; ~NCE NOR~ O DEGAS M~S ~7 SECO~S EAST ALONG ~ EAST LI~ OF SAID SE~ION 36 A DISTANCE OF 47~.24 ~ET; ~IENCE NOR~{ ~9 DEGREES 4~ MI~S O~ SECO~S : ~ST, A DISTANCE OF 20,00 ~ET TO THE EAST RIG~ OF WAY L~ OF LI%~GSTON ROAD A~ TI~ ~I~ OF DEGI~qNG', ~NCE CO~NG NOR~ 0 DEGREES 16 MI~S 57 SECO~S EAST, A DISTANCE OF 5~.~ ~; ~NC~ LEA~G SAID EAST RIGI~ OF WAY LI~ NOR~I g9 DEGREES 4~ N~ SECO~S %~ST, A DIST~CE OF 3o.~ FEET; ~NCE SO~{ 46 DEGRE~ 13 : .... M~S ~ S SECO~S %~ST, A DISTANCE OF 21.57 ~ET; ~ENCE SO~ O DEGREES 16 MI~S ~7 SECO~S WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2~.Ofl ~; ~NCE '  SOU~{ 45 DEGREES 39 M]~ES 24 SECONDS EA~, A DI~AN~ OF 21.57 ~NCE SO~H 89 DEGREES 43 M[~S ~3 SECONDS EAST, A OI~CE OF 30.00 ~ET TO ~E ~ OF BEGI~NG; SAID DESC~BED ~ CO~A~G fi.d55 ACRE (2.4fl7 SQUARE ~E~. MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS ~E EAST LINE OF SAID SE~ION 36 BErG NORTH 00 DEGREES 16 MIN~S 57 SECONDS EAST. PARCEL 70~ ~ '~'. .... .. : .. ¢. ;~,. . BY: ~...~ /~..~ C~)~CE H: RICHMOND COLUEE COUN~ GO~RNME~ COMP~''.;'¢ j 3301 E T~I~I T~L ~, ~ORIOA OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK PHASE l-B, PB 15, PACES 7 & 8 LOT LOT LOT 25 26 27 COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK PHASE 3-A, PB 22, PACES 59 & 60 N, 89'43' ' 15'37'E. 30.00' 20.00' S.46'13'1, llne of 21.87' Section PARCEL '703 S.00'16'57"t 28.00' P.n.]3. O S.45'39'24"E. 21.57' ~ S.89'45'03"1 ~ O 30.00' S.89'43'03'E. ? Z TRACT A 20.00' 'r4 .u3 o o Z PARCEL I03A RADIO ROAD (R/W VARIES) ;~ . .:. . GENERAL NOTES ' : ]) P.D,C. indicates Point DP Commencement ~ ~ . 49~S :. 2) P.O.;9. indicates Point oF Beginning ! TWP-~. 5OS ~ .. .... 3) Sec. indicates Section .. ' . .' 4) Twp, Indicates Township ~-P ri C 5) Rge. indicates Range ...,'..:~ "' 6) R/W Indicates Right-ol~_way ,, . ..~ '"' :: ..... .,. 7) Att distances are in Feet and decimals thereof ' '' .', 8) ]~asis oF bearings is the East line :"" ..- ' Section 38 being S.00']6'57'W. .'::., 9) Not vatid unless signed and sealed with the embossed ,. " seat of" the professional land surveyor- THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH NEIT Tn .. . : SCALE 01-I6-97 PR-703 L SHEET OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. ~--~~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURV~ road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement BEGIN AT T~ ~OAT~AST CO~OA OF LOT 21. OF T}~ PLAT TI[EI~OF. COLLIER COU~ PRODUCTION P~ PHASE ID, AS i~CO~ED IN PLAT B~K 15. PAGES 7 ~ ~ OF THE PUBLIC ~COI~S OF COLLIER COUNt'. FLO~DA. ~IN~ OF BEGINNING BEING TI~ POINT OF INTERSE~ION OF T~ WEST ~GHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON RO~ AND T~ SOUTIt ~GHT OF WAY LINE OF M~T AVENUE; T~NCE SOUTtt 0 DEG~ES 16 MINUTES 57 SECONDS WEST ~ONG SAID WEST ~GHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON RO~, A DISTANCE OF 186.39 FEET; THENCE SOU~ S9 DEG~ES 15 M[N~ES ]? SECONDS WEST, A DIST~CE OF 1o.o0 FEET; T~NCE NORTII 0 DEG~ES 16 MIN~ES 57 SECONDS EAST ~ONG A LINE LYING TEN (10') FEEl WEST, AS N~ASUI~ PE~ENDICUL~ TO. SAID WEST ~G~rr OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF FEET; ~NCE NORTII 4~ DEG~ES 32 MIN~ES 07 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF ~2.~0 FEET TO SAID SO~I 1 IUGI IT OF WAY LINE OF M~ AVENUE; THENCE NORTH ~') DEGI~ES 2o MIN~'ES ~1 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID SOEII ~GIIT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 49.2~ FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING; SA~ DESC~ED T~ CONTAINING 0059 AC~ (2.551 SQU~ FEET). MO~ OR LESS. BASIS OF BEINGS IS TI~ WEST ~GIIT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON RO~ BEING SOUTH ~ DEG~ES 16 MINUTES 57 SECONDS '.VEST. P~CEL I~OT OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (,941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION .. MARKET AVENUE 60' R/W P.O.B. 173.87' N.48'32'O7"W. ~ '~N.89'20'33'E. 52,20' COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK ~r I 49.29, [ [ /-East line of PHASE l-B, PB 15, PAGES & 8 LOT 27 ~.89~ 5'37'W. TRACT A 10.00' COLUER COUNTY PROOUC~ON PARK PHASE 5-A, PB 22, PAGES 59 ~ 60 GENERAL NOTES 1) P,O.C. Indicates Point oF Commencement '.' 2) P,O.B. Indicates Point oF Beginning ~ 3) Sec, Indicates Section · . 4) Twp. Indicates Township :.'' 5) Roe-Indicates Range .' .. 6) R/W Indicates Right-oF-way ' '" :' 7) Att distances are In Feet and declmats thereof .~ " B) ~asls oF becxrlngs Is the ~dest R/~/ Une oF · ' Livingston Ro~d being S.00'1G'57'~," ' v~Ud untess signed rand seated with the embossed [ ~. ' 9) Not se~t oF the proFe$slon~t tmnd surveyor ~ , ~'~' THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH~~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 105 A portion of Lot 28 ofthe Plat thereof Collier County Production Park Phase I-B recorded in Plat Book 15, Pages 7 and 8 of the Public Records of Collier County, and being more particularly described as Follows; BEGIN at thc Southeast Corner of said Lot 28, said Point of Beginning lying on the point oflntersection of the West Right of Way line of Livingston Road and the North Right of \Vay line at Market Avenue, thence along said North Right of Way line of Market Avenue S 89° 20' 33" W 50.00 feet', thence leaving said North Right of Way line lq 3g 21" E 64.S4;thcncc N O0° 16' 57" E 70.00 feet;thence lq 89' 20' .33" 15 10.0 feet to said West Right oflWay line of Livingston Road; thence along mid west Right of' \\'ay line S O0° 16' 57" W 120.00 fcct to thc POINT OF' BEGINNING. Containing 2200 square feet more or less. Basis of Bearings is d~e west Right of\Vay line of Livingston Road being $ 00° 16' 57" \V. Sheet I of 2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS " : 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 :"" "' (941) 774-8192 · SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION I c~ N.sg'20'33'E. 200.00' ./10.00' o ~ ? I LOT 2a 0 o [ N.38'34'21"E. ~.. 0 0 ~; 64.54' ~o Z S. aO'20'33'w. ~74.S0' Curve number 1 MARKET A~NUE ' ; ~ = 89'02'52' Arc = 35.06' ~ PARCEL NO. 105 " " . . GENERAL NOTES l) P,O,C. indlc~tes Point o? Commencement 2) P.O.B. indicates Point o~ ~eginnln9 ',. 3) Sec, indicates Section 4) Twp. Indlc~tes Township : ~.~.; t 5) Rge. Indicates Range 7) At[ distances ore in Feet ond decimals thereof '~.'.'.'." :":" B) Dasis oF Bearing Is the West Right oF Way ~""' 9) Not valid unless signed and seated with the embossed i ..l'., se~[ oF the professional land surveyor ~.' THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH .. I SCALE 09-t7-96 LR-]05 SHE~; : OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS : 3301 -EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 " "' PROJECT NO. ~00~ I : ' PROJ£CT PARCEL NO, 9(;:)2, '~. TAX PARCEL NO,. ?4'755005004 ~. - :' LEGAL DESCRIPTION {NOT A SURVEY) . i. "i · .: ~lope, utility and maintenance easement I~EGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Tract "A" of tile plat thereoP, BRIARWOOD PLAZA, as reco'rded in Plat · '" Book 17, Pages 24 and 25 of the Pul'dic Records of Collier County, Florida and being more panict,larly described as follows; CONfMENCE at the Southwest Corner ofsaid Tract "A", said POINT or Commencement lying at Ibc point oflnlersecdon PI'the North Righ! PI'Way llne of'Radio Road (CR 856) and the East Right of Way line of Livingston Road (CR 881); thence along said cast Right of%'ay line N O0° 16' 57" E 858.49 feet to thePOrNTOF BEGrN'NING; thcnce continue N O0° 16' $7" E 51.47 £eet;thenceleavingsaldEasl Right or',Vay line S 89° 43' 03" E 10.00 feet; thence S 00° 16' 57" W $1.47 feet; thence N 89° 43' 03" 'tV 10.00 feet Io thePOINTOFBEGrNNTNG. Containing 515 square feet more or less· .-...~ Basis of Bearings is lh~: ~,Vest line ofaforesaid Tract "A"beirig N 00° 16' 5'7" Ii:. Sheet 1 of 2 p I ~'hoh'Jgldc*oip.~ ~ 3 · · . .~..' ~n,,;:.,. . ' · .' ":" ::- ¢'?.- .o.'J'" ~ .... · . RICHMOND P,O~rSS,Ou,,t. L~D sum.,~,o, ,~,.,,?.c!.:. FEB 3 1996 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CO'MPLE3(:','~'~"' · PG.,.,..._.. · .. 3301 E TAMU~MI "[RAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 3~396~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION · · . I :' I ~1o.0~° 51.47' ~ ~ s. 4 B~ 7'~"w. .~. ~ ~ . 53. B2' ~ ~1 10.00' ~ o TRACT A ~ / / ~8.7~' ~ ~ ~74'43'24'~ , / / . ~ / 60.07'~ '/'1 ~ S,B7'46'~'W, 4~.11" ~ ~ P.O.B. S[C~ C~N[R / GENERAL NOTES ]) P.O.C. Imdicotes Point oF ~) P.O.~. Indicates Point oF Beginning 3) Sec, indicates Section . 4) T~-p. ]ndlcotes Township 5) Rge, indlcotes Ronge 6) R/~ indicotes Right-oF-w~y 7) Att dist~nces ~re In Feet ~md decimals thereof ' B) ~osis oF ~e~rlngs Is the ~?st line oF Troct -A' · being N.00']6'37'E, _ ~" · 9) Not votld un,ess signed ond seoted with the embossed ..t ~m se~t oF the proFesslonot tond surveyor TH~S ms ONLY X SK~CH FEB 0 3.1gg8" ' SCALE 09-]6-96 LRBR]OGA SHE~: ~. 2 .. ',~ ' ..~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 .: (941) 774-8192 i :'. .!: SKETCH OF-DESCRIPTION Project I 60061 · .! : N.gg'20'33'E. 200.00' e LOT 31 Folio I 27155001908 o ~ -- -I0' ~ gj_o ~OT 30 o d ~ ~r --[ ~ 0 Folio I 27155001801 . ~ ~ ~' PARCEL 107 O~ ~ LOT 29 ~ aa '- D o ~ Follo ~ 27155001704 0 S.89'20'33"W. 200.00' ~e East ten (10') feet of Lots 2g and 30 and the East ten (10') feet of the 5outh twenty (20') fe~t of Lot ~1, of the Plat thereof, 'Collier ~nty .' ~ro~uction ~ork ~ho~e 1-fl, o~ recorded in ~l~t Bo¢k 15, 7 ond 8 of the ~ublic Record~ o~ Collier CountT, Containing 2,~ square feet more or less. Basis of Bearings is the West R~ght of Woy of L~v[ngs[on Road beln0 N.OO*16'57'E. ..~';.~....... ~.;' :. · .. . .. m~'~//~ ,'~3 '. .... · PROFESSIO~ ~D SU~OR ~2406 ",:..'~ '.' OFFICE OF ~IT~ PR~E~ -' · co~u~ cou.~ c~..u~m cou~'" .FEB 0 3 199~ 3301 E TAMI~I TRAI~, ~[[S, ~ORIDA 3391 NDT TD ~2' SCALE 09-~8-9G LR-107 SHE~ ~- i · OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .341 12 · .. '' (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION / : Project I 600§! Folio # 2715,5001908 ' ~ 0 m ~ ~ b ~m~' Z PARCEL ~08 Z ~ o LOT 3~~1 ~ 0 OD o ~ S,89'20'33"W. 200,00' % O . ~ 10' ,. The Eost ten (10') feet of the North 80' feet of Lot 31 of the Plot thereof Collier County Production Pork Phose 1-B. os recorded in PIct Book 15, " Poges 7 ond 8 of the Public Records of Collier County, Rorido. Contoining ~ squore feet more or less. Bosis of Beorings is the West 'Right of Woy of Livingston Rood being N.OO'lC'57'E.~ .. NOT Tn SHE~ ~ 1 ~.'., SCALE 09-18-96 LR-808 · ,, : OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ' : 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 ' '.':: : ,.,.:"~ SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION · .' .I PARCEL NO. 909~ '" FOLIO NO. 271 55002004 slope, utility & maintenance easement . . ~o. oo ...... The Eost ten (10') feet of Lot 32 of the Plot thereof Collier County Production Pork Phose 1-8, os recorded in Plot Book 15. "' Poges 7 ond 8 o1' [he Public Records ol' Collier County, Florido. Contoin;ng 1000 squore fee[ more or less. 8osis of 8eorings is the West '' Right of Woy of L;v;nGston Rood being N,00'16'57"[. ' ' '~.~::~ e,t., ~' ... ' · ~o~,%'~ ~-~0. ~,0~ ":' '., o~,c~ o~ ~,,,, ~o,~c,~ __. I ,.-~/~:'. ~..._ COLLIER COUN~ GO~RNMENT COMPLEX SCALE 09-]~-96 LE-609 SHE 1 1 . .' } , : .~ O?FIC£ OF CAPI:TAI', PROJ£C?'$ 3.301 EAST TAMIAM1 TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 · (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION J slope, utility & maintenance PRO3EC~ NO. 60061 easement PARCEL NO. 91 3 EXCHANCE AVENUE Curve number 8 S.89'18'34"W. 175.41' Arc = 35,06' ~ LOT 37 folio #27155002509 ~ o LOI 36 folio ~2715500240:~ O o LOT ,34 folio #27155002~08 ~_ LOI 33 ~l' f°lt° #2?155002101 ' The East ten (10') feet of Lots 33 through 37, inclusive of the Plot thereof, Collier County Production Pork Phase 1-B, os recorded in Plot Book 15, Peges 7 end 8 alr the Public ~,ecords of Collier County. Florida. Containing 5200 square feet more or less. Basis of Bearings is the West .. Right of Way of Livingston Rood being N.00'15'42'£. NDT TD ... .......... SCALE 0~-~8-%, LR-8t3 SHE~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 .. · ,. (941) 774-8192 · PROJECT NO, ~O~l ,' " .. ~. PROJECT PARCEL NO. /22 TAX PARCEL NO. 0___ _~_0007 LEGAL DESQRIPTIQN (NQT A SURVEY) : road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 122 .... COMMENCE at the East Quarter Comer of Section 36, Township 49 South, Range 26 : . . East Collier County, Florida, said POINT OF COMMENCEMENT being the Point of i . · . Intersection ofthe West Right of Way line of Livingston Road and the South Right of Way line of Enterpdse Avenue; thence run along said West Right of Way line S 00° 16' .' ' 57" W 60.00 feet to the POFNT OF BEGINNING of the parcel ofland hereinafter ..:. described; Ihence N 45* 10' 49" W 84.17 t'eet to the South Right of Way line of Enterprise Avenue; thence N 89* 21' 25" E 34,60 to Point ofCurvature o£aeurv¢ to the right having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of 90' 5.5' 12", a arc distance of 39.67 feet and a chord which bears S 45° 10' 49" E to it point oftangency; and the West Right of Way line of LMngston Road; thence S 00° 16' 57" %%' 34.60 f~l to ' the POINT OF BEGINNING. :. Containing 1661 square feet more or less. ' Basis of Bearings is the West Right of XVay line of Livingston Road being '. S00° 16' 57" W.' Sheet I of 2 '... OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS "', 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 : SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION :... ENTERPRISE AVENUE, 34'60'1 , /,El,C, :, PARCEL 122 ... . Curve numbe~ 1 ' Rodius = 25,00', : Arc = 39,67' T°ngent = E5'40' PARCEL 122 I ' 5.89'19'49"W, GENERAL NOTES 3) P.D.C. indicates Point oF Commencement ~) P,O.B. i~dicates Point oF Beginnin9 ~ 3) Sec, indicates Section 4) Twp, I~di¢~tes Townsh{p 5) Rge. indicates Range 6) R/~ indicates Right-of-way : 7) Att dlst~nces ~re in ~eet ~nd decimals thereo¢ 8) 9~sis o~ Bearings ts the Vest Right tine oF Livingston Ro~d being S.00']6'57'~, 9) Not v~tid untess signed ~nd sealed with the embossed : seQ[ o~ the p~oFession~[ (Qnd su~veyo~ e : OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ..94112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. ~ O0 ~ I · . .... PROJECT PARCEL NO. ~-- ,. ,., TAX PARCEL riO. SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) ~.,' " ..,,...-,- .-'~' · ... drainage, utility I maintenance easement j ' f . · LEGAL DESCRIPTION } "',. Parcel 822 COMMENCE at ~e East Quarter Comer of Section 36, Tm~'nship 49 South, Range 25 ~ East Collier County, Florida, said POINT OF COMMENCEMENT being the POINT OF I i" .. ,.~ .... INTERSECTION of the West Right of Way line of Livingston Road and the South Right }' ' · :: 1%. · . .. . .. of Way line of Enterprise Avenue; thence run along said West Right of Way line N 89' ~ 21' 25" W 60.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING ofthe parcel of land hereinafter "''~ described; thence continueN 89° 21' 25" W 347.72 feet; thence S 0· 16, 57" W :.. · i 15.00feet; thence S 89* 21' 25"E 363.06 feet; thenceN45" 10' 49"W 21.52 ::. : feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. .. . Containing 5331 square feet more or less. · ' Basis of Bearings is the West right of Way line of Livingston Road l~ing S 00° 16' 57" W. Sheet i of 2 . ."----.-- 57..., .... :, C~CE R. RICHMONiT'"'-'...':.-"-": ~...':.:.'.' I PROFESSIONAL LAND SUF~EYOR ~2406'7. OFF, CE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS.."..:2: ;" #0.._... cou,ER couurr oOV~R.Utm'cou~.~'x. a3o~E ,AU,AU, 'mA,t ,APRES.. ..n'O"'O^. ~,,,: .mrl:'~__ . 3 1998- ~,..,.. ~r: t...tc~t~ I.:sore ,..-~,,e ntt .o.: ' "': !'"'SH )tt- ' · '-"<". EET x' : ,' ..... .' ~.- OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS SSO~ EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA ,34112 (9,11) 77,1-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION , 60' R/W . ENTERPRISE AVENUE P.O.B..-~ //~1 ,.0.C. ,' o ~ · . Parcel 922 GENERAL NOTES 1) P.O.C. indicates Point oF Commencement ~) P.O.B. indicates Point oF Be9innin0 3) Sec. indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township · 5) Rge. lndicates ~ange 6) R/~ indicates Eight-oF-way ' 7) All dist~nces one in Feet o~d decimals thereof 8) Basis oF ~eacings is the West Right oF Way ~ine oF Livingston Road 9) Not va~id un~ess sio~ed nnd fiP~lPd with the e~bossed sea~ oF the p~oFessional [and ~t.~veyo~ THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH NOT TO SCALE 05-12-97 L~-8~A SHE~ 0 " OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS · 5.301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 ~ (941) 774-8192 , · PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. ~'~, TAX PARCEL NO. ' .,. . SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A .', :. slope, utility & maintenance easement · .: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 922 · ' : COSt,\~NCE a! the East Quarter Comer of Section36, T°wnsh~p 49 South, Range25 i' .- East Collier County, Florida, said POINT OF CO~L\IENCEM~C_NT be~g the POINT OF INTERSECTION of the West Right of Way line of Livingston Road and the South Right of Way line of Enterprise Avenue; thence mn along sa~d West RiBht of Way llne S 16' 57" W 60.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING o£the parcel of land hereinatter de$cr/bed; thence continue S O0° 16' 57" W 445.95 feet; thenc~ S 89* 19' 49" W 10.00 feet; thence N O0° 16' 57" E 455.95 feet; thence $ 45" 10' 49" E 14.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 4510 square feet more or less. Basis of Bearings is the \Vest right o£Way line of Livingston Road b~ing SOO° 16' 57" W. Sheet i ot'2 8 B 1 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS · 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 i' (941) 774-8192 .. ',. : ....- SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION 60' R/W "' .. ENTERPRISE AVENUE, , 34.6o'--~ , PARCEL 122 I ~ ~ ~z 0 ~Z · I o Parcel 922 S.89'19'49"W. ~ 10.00' O[N[~AL NOT[~ I) P.D,C, 'indicates Poi~t oF Connen~ement '. 2) P,O,~, ~ndicotes Point oF Beginning 3) Sec, in~icotes Section . · 4) Twp, Indicates Township 5) Rge. indicates Range 6) R/~ indicates Right-o¢-w~y 7) Att distances ore in Feet and decimals thereof 8) Basis oF Bearings is the %/est Right oF . tine oF Livingston Road being S.00'16'57'~, 9) Not vaUd unless signed and seated with the embossed seat oF the proFessiona~ land surveyo~ .. --- THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH ~.__ NOT TO 881 OI PROJECT NO. ~ OO ~ ~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. ~ FOLIO NO. ?. 4 "/~;-/c; d'7 4 c, ~ SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, utility & maintenance easement The West Ten (10) feet Tract "P," Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. SUBJECT ~ - ~ '-' Ex~stJn9 15 foot Preserve Easement '1 TP~CT P '~:~f Preserve Area 'd : Exis6ng 15fcct Buffer Ease~' GI~RGE R. RICHMOND P.L.S. 2406 ..3~01 E. TAM]AMI TRAIL " N,~PLES, FLOR[DA 34112 " FEB 0 3 ISS I 8 B 1- 1 PROJECT NO. ~00~ I PROJECT PARCEL NO. ~ FOLIO NO. 2~75750~508 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, utility & maintenance easement The West Ten (10) feet Tract "D-l," Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorde~ in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. ~, :", Existing 3o' : T~CT 0-1 (Part) · '-" . ' ---..'.'" .' GE~KGE P,. RICHMOND P.LS. 2406 3301. E TAMIAMI TRAIL '~ "-'- .... :~ NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ,. ~i" ":.':"~ .-.-..:::-' c, :.-,' .'.. '. <..-'"':'. ' ...... """"... · .',..;; .... · ,. .-:..' ,... '-,...':;..-. '....~ ,' · · ' ' "' : · "':' ' '" SKETCH NOT TO SCALE FEB 0 3 1998 8'B 1 PROJECT NO. ~00~ ! PROJECt PARCEL NO. ~ FOLIO NO. 2~.767_u!0! 65 . SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) _ slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 55, Block B,Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as reco~'ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. ,..~: i' Buffer Ea.~men, / SUBJECT :"": 15' / 8 B.[ PROJECT NO. I PROJECT PARCEL NO..5'!~ FOLIO NO. ?4'7~;?~n~4q SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope.. & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 54, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. [~] LOT NO. 54 N .'-:.. ..' ;.GEORGE R_ ~ ~O~ P.L.S. 2406 ""'"' ;'" - · 3301E. T~A~~ :" .' ~.% ". /r~' -' .,.... ...~, .z ,, :' ' '"":':"":'5'/'2;'~<~ ~:;~/" S~CH NOT TO ::... ,. ~,,-..:.~,~ ?;.,:...-. ...,~,,.:.. · ..., '..jf ~....,.,~:..: .. PROJECT NO. 60061 PROJECT PARCEL NO. 512 FOLIO NO. 247675'10123 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) PERPETUAL SLOPE & MAINTENANCE EASEMENT The West Fifteen (15) f~t Lot 53, Block B. Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records o[ Collier County, Florida. SUBJECT ,.I//'.,'. 15 feet ~ B Date: . G~rge R. Richmond, PLS 240E - Colder County Gove~ent Co~lex 3301 E Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 341~2 SKETCH hOT TO SCALE PROJECT NO. ~) ~ ( PROJECT PARCEL NO. 514 FOLIO NO. 2~7_,37509901 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 42, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recor'ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. SUBJECT ' 15 ,,, · ' -, . . . '23301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL .5.- -'- : N~LES, FLORIDA 34112 · .~ ..-..:.-.-5 ... ',.' ; '- ,:,:,. .'. '. ' '; ""' ..... SKETCH NOT TO SCALE FEB 0 3 1998 PROJECT NO._ ~")~! PROJECT PARCEI.~ NO. _515 ' FOLIO NO.--24-~50988 8 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI~I (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 41, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as reco}ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. · '"'".' ...... ' . .-' .. SKET6H NOT T0 SCALE -- PROJECT NO. ~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. GI~ FOLIO NO. 24'76'/509862 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) si. ope & ma:rLnt.enance easement. The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 40, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recot~Jed in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. ii~ Existing 30 foot J~' '4 Buffer Easement 15' LOT NO. 40 SUBJECT '.:.. " :?.' "_'.'. .:: ' iiii..~~..~.~ ...~ ........... ~^~... ¢~, N · ' ":--. :.'"- 'G~.gGE K MC~O~ P.LS. :.~/.. .':' : 3~0rE. TA~~ · ,., ~.':~:.-",7~":~" '%.-:. · :.~..,--..-.' .,' ., .~.f -..~. ~ ': ,: - .. "' S~CH ~T T0 ~ ~. ~3 PROJECT NO. ~'-~:0~ [ PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. __,Z4_7.~? 5_n 9 5 2,o SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet tot 23, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as reco~:ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. ~ , E~istJng 30 foo{  Buffer Easement SUBJECT t~,~ 15' '- .... _'..'.' "C. C NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ", .".. '.' :' k:,," " SKETCH NOT TO SCALE ,e. FEB O 3 1998 ~. :}'d ._ PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, utility & maintenance easement The East Ten (10) feet of Lot 38, Collier County Production Park Phase I-B, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 15, Pages 7 and 8, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. LOT 38 SUBJECT (10') Exchange Avenue "~ · ~.-"~ )::..:.:.£-." GE~...GE I% R/CHA4OND P.L.S. 2406 .-'- .......· -':3301 E. TAIV[I~~ · ~' ::' 'i-."-' NAPLES FLORIDA34112 -'.".C .-1:'-~,'" A'--' -.-: . ,~ : -.'-'.';' . .. .. :. <,.o ,,.',.~ "' /' "'"' ":~: '° "" "' " '" ........ ';';- ': -- SKIn'-ICH NOI TO PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. 5!9 . FOLIO NO. 247~7509503 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 22, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as reco'~ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. -------7 . ../.:,....:...._.. .... ,/,~ N · ' )5..'~.' '-,'.'7.': G,~.GE R. mCHMOND P.L.S. 2406 · '.: :' _~-. '~::;.:~ ...3f6~ ii. 'r~ · · : .... '._.'' ?,.p ...j. " -'.,' ,o. FElt PROJECT NO. I PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement /he West Fifteen (15) feet lot 21, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as reco~-ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. ~: , Ex~stjng 30 foot *,' Buffer Easement " LOT NO. 21 SUBJECT "' 15' \, ;: z.' ':-'}- GF~_.RGE R. RICHMOND P.L.S. 2406 :z .' ri ' ..~'..'~ 5'301 ~'TAMIAI~fl TRAIL ....~_.~,:...' ' ~. ':z ' ,~)r.~n/~s,. F~o~ur>^ ~2 · ".',..' '..,'c>> '..,'..~ - ,. ., ....,.~?..: :~., . "! '-. ::.;::.7.'"'_~7::,~;f:'.'... SKETCH NOT TO SCALE F~~~ I FEB 03,998 I PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO.- 747F;7 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 20, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as reco~:ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. 8,Jffer Easement LOT NO. 20 SUBJECT ~ 15' · ,::.':.. :.~:_, . '.:'. :, . ::.;. .. c, .:'> ...,,~,.' · ....... SKETCH NOT TO SCALE · PROJECT NO.---~~___~___~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. 5Z~ FOLIO NO. -~4-~-6-~-5~,9 ~. ~. 8 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) fe..et Lot 19, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, acconJing to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. \; ~ Existing 30 foot ~ Buffer Easement \, \' ,~: LOT NO. 19 \, \o SUBJECT ~*~ ' 15' \, \, · -'.'-'*'" ... t,'/ .'7 · · ...,,,.. , .,.. , ....-- ,,.., .: '~'- .>,"~7 '~. ~ '.. '." :;?. ?,.?..~.;-. '-'. ',~B ...... DATE... '~ !.:-'~.'-;,,,,.';'~ .': '", ~.GtSORGE R,. R/CH~OND P.L S. 2406 ~:--,'~A~ ' ..~.'-3~o.! ~-. TAM]AM] · '.:.,:;?' :.~.; .:3~. i%~.4- 'N,~LFS, FLORIDA 34112 SKETCH NOT TO SCALE i ,,.. o,-,,:, _ I FEB 0 3 1998 8 B 1 PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEl.. NO. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NO T A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 18, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. C Exis:;ng 30 fool ~] ~ Buffer Eisement \, x, LOT NO. 18 SUBJECT x" 15' \. ,¢ 2- ' .. . - .-':'-~'.~..*' -'r .............................. DATE. ':' ~:...::'~'.." i..GF_~RGE R. RICHMOND P.L.S. 2406 :"t!?.'}i'~. '.": '-;,:j>; .N.^~L.ES, FLOR[DA 34112 -<'/S' '' ' ....,~ ..C,~- . ..  .-. " SKETCH NOT TO SCALE 'FEB 0 3 lgg8 PROJECT NO. ~)~ [ '., PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & ma:'Ln~.enance easement. The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 17, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as reco'~ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. Buffer Ease,rent LOT NO. 17 SUBJECT -- 15' · -" '-..'.' 33_0.l E~.TAJv[IAM] TRA.E, "- '"': NAPI~E~,' FLORIDA 34112 .. .' -- .... " " SKETCH NOT TO SCALE d FED 0 3 1998 PROJECT NO. !¢t04945 / PROJECT PARCEL NO. 5,~ ,.. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & malnt;enance easement. The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 16, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. LOT NO. 16 SUBJECT ~ 15' '"x ~..,.-,-,....,-'. -.. :... · ".':-&-'.: ~'.'- '50-~6~O~ ~C~m40~ P.L.S. 2406 '. ::;.:.~¥: ~i?:',".~.'3301 E;_TA~A. MI TRAIL · ;'-.j.i ;'~'?'.¥,..~" IqAPLE~,-"irLO1LIDA 34112 -. -;' 7~.." ' ."'J"--'-'.-~: ' '. ',,'.'., ' .' ,'.' .-L'/' :,,.' .?,7 ~,' ,- ',' 'v' C', "- - · ;: -.-,".-.*-,..- ,,... it' ..' ' ' '" ' ' '"" '" '~ '''~' '"" ' O 'ii.~'i..'..' "': ~." '.3 SKETCH NOT TO SCALE B 0 3 1998 ! PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEl.. NO. FOLIO NO. 2476:[509':167 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 15, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. ' i 8u,'fer Eas.~men! LOT NO. 15 SUBJECT ~ i 15' ".'. ::. :.:'.":'i.. . .~[1~ .RICHMOND P L S. 2406 -... c: ":3301 E=:TAN~AMI TRAIL · -.:'- '.. NAPLES,' FI~ORIDA 34112 ' '" ".".. 3, ,4: .'"' ." '.".. ,"'.:2" .. · ~ :~ . ".. ~ . .~.'° '.',: SI~TCH NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NO. '~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 14, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recor_ded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the panic records of Collier County, Florida.  Existi~ 30 fool ~'~ Buffer Easement t LOT NO. 14 SUBJECT ~ ' 15' .': Ge6,~ge R.. R_icl'ur, ond, PLS 2 :... Co].lJ.e~ County. Government Complex .. "-" : · ': : ". :~"" SKETCH NOT TO SCALE - 8 B 1 " '" i OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 :. ' ~ (941) 774-8192 -: .... ~ : "-!.':.'.' ·: .' PROJ'~CT PARCEL. NO. [ ~'~ : ~ .'~ : ~ TAX PARCEL NO., 7';~t:qnnnAn"t ~ · .,.:./.,... .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SVFS/EY) " :' road right=of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance eaIement LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 129 BEGIN at the Northeast comer of Lot 55 ofthe Plat thereof Collier County Production Park Phase 3-A as recorded in Plat Book 22, Pages $9 and 60 ofthe Public Records of Collier County, Florida, said POINT OF BEGI'NN'ING also lying on the West Right of Way line of Livingston Road; thence along said West Right of Way line S 00° 03' IS" E 175.27 feet to a Point of Curvature ora curve to the right having a radius of 25.00 I . feet, a central angle or 89° 23' 45", an arc distance of 39.01 feet and a chord which bears S 44" 38' 38" W to its point oftangcncy, said point lying on the North Right of · Way line of Enterprise Avenue; thence S 89° 20' 30" W 24.94 feet; thence leaving .? said northPJght ofWayline N 38° 05' 19" £ 64.24 feet;thence N 00° 03' 15" W · :' . -.. 149.91 feet; thence N 89° 20' 30" E 10.00 feet to the P, OINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2863 square feet more or less. .. Basis of Beating is tile West Right of Way line of Livingston Road being S 00° 03' 15" E. : . OAT,E: o°/A· ~ ' 'i99 · ~. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS . . · ..; .... : '. ? COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX · ., B B 1 . · "" l~::. ..: ..... . ~, . :. · , .':[~ :'i"..'" ': . ' .' .t,:~['.:".. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS :... .......... 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 ': .. · .'.:': .'i..'i" .. ': (941) 774-8192 . "' '~',' %' :' i; ' '; ' .~ '~:',.,~:' .. ':. ['9 . '::':: ...... ""':' ' ' ' ' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION '""'i :.: .,, ' ... '.:-:. i::. PARCEL 129 ",.. .,.:: ·. ·. ..:.... ...:~ Curve number 1 ·//"." '".. ".! ~dl~s = ~.00' /-P.r'I.B. '., :' ' : ,~ = 89'23'45' N.Bg'20'3,0"Ir. 145.00' "': Ar'(: = 39.01' I I · o %. .,~ .... '' ~ o~ ~0 : '.', ~ ,.or " ~ "- ~.38'05'199r.~ 64.24'1 "~~_ .~'.. . '..' ' 95.32' · -.. { 120.0§' ' 24.94' .. ENTERPRISE AVENUE ... :... 60' R/W '" GENEI~AL NDTE$ 1) P.F1.C. indica'ces Point o? Commencement 2) F.O.B. indicates Point. o? Beginninc3 3) Sec. Indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) I~§e. indico~ce.~ I~oncje 6) R/'~I Indica'tes 7) At[ dis~conces ore t~ Fee~ o~d deci~ol~ 8) ~osis oF Beo~i~gs Is *he ~est H~e oF LivinGston Rood ~einO S.00'03'15'~. 9) Not valid un~ess sig~ed and seo[ed seal oF the p~oFesslonol [ond su~veyo~ THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH oe-~e-e6 L~-~29 SHEET 2 / PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. 24767_C, 0932~; SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope &matntenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 13, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida.  ' "~"' -"' SKETCH NOT TO SCALE I F'.EB I, 3,998 I PROJECT NO, --~.~../.__,~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. ~~11 FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope & maintenance easement The West Fifteen (15) feet Lot 12, Block B, Briarwood Unit One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages 40 - 42, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. SUBJECT ,~~ :'.~".;'.' :'.....::' i~ '! :'.i. '.' '-. 'GE~RGEI:L RICHMOND P.L.$. 2406 · -g......' e3301 E.-TAM1AMI TRAIL '"~"'" ~I~L~S,'FLORmA SKETCH NOT TO SCALE OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3,301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO, ~O0~l } .'~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. I~JZA -- , ..i LEGAL DESCR!PTIO~ (~QT road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenence easemer~t COMA4ENCING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 36 TOWNSI.{IP 49 SOUTH RANGE 2:5 EAST; TI-FENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 MIN1JTF~ II SECONDS WEST ALONG TH~ EAST LI'N~ OF SAID SECTION 36, A DISTANCE OF 260.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONT1N'UING NORTH ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 2.400o FEET; THENCE SOUTH :~9 DEGREES .~7 MINUTES 4:) SECONDS \VEST. A DISTANCE OF 10.0o FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 18 SECON~DS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 24O. I I FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 20 MINLrl'ES :~$ SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 F~ET TOTI'~ POI'N'T OF BEGF~T41NG, SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CO.X~AINING 2,40l SQUARE FEET (0.055 ACRE), MORE OR LESS BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 36 BEING NORTH O0 DEGREES 02 MfNLrl~S 18 SECONDS %~ST. PARCEL 132A LAND SURVEYOR 12406 omcr or ..m£cTs FEB 0 1 911 f COLU[R COUNT~ GI~[RNM£~T COMPIJ~ 3301 E TAMLMal TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA . : OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 '"'. .! (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION East Line of Sec, 36, Twp, 49S, ** PROGRESS AVENUE 60' R/W Rge. 25E 50.00'-~ 525.98' ~ ~,~ ~ o , .~'~ ~ E. ~:~;/ 5.00' 0 O 15 00' P , ; I I J' , 10.00, -- ~, , PARCEL 132A .., GENERAL NOTES P D C ]) P.B,C. indicates Point o¢ Comnen¢ement ' ' ' ~) ~.0.~, indicates Point o¢ ~eginnin9 3) Sec. indlc~tes Section 4) Twp, Indicates Township ' ' 5) Rge. Ind;c~tes 6) E/W indicates Eight-o¢-wey ,, 7) At{ distances ore in Feet end decimals thereof B) ~sis oF bearings is the E~st Une o~ staid Section 3G being N00'02']B'~ 9) Not v~JJd unJess signed Qnd seQled with the e~bossed seo[ o¢ the proPessionQ[ Jond surveyo~ '-- ' THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH NOT TD : ~. _. SCALE ~]-06-96 PR-Z3EA SHE~ 2 OF~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ,3501 EAST TAMIAIvll TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 i ';' (941) 774-8192 : PROJECT NO. ~ OO~ / i · PROJECT PARCEL NO. LEGAL DESORIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) ' ..~ road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of Sec6on :36, .Township 49 South Rmnse 28 East Collier County, Florida; thence North 0 Degrees 02 Minutes 18 Seconds We~t along the East line of Section 36 and the West Right-of-Way line of Livingston Road, a distance or 1241.96 feet to The Point of Beginning', thence continuing North alon8 ~aid line, a distance of' 75.00 feet to the South Right-of-Way line of'Progress Avenue; thence South 89 degrees 21 minutes 18 seconds West along ~aid South Right-of-Way line a ' distance of'75.00 feet; thence leaving said South Right-or-Way line South 45 degrees 20 minutes 32 seconds East, a distance of 108.$0 feet to the Point o£Beginning; ~aid described tract containing 0065 Acre (:,SI.?. square £eet), more or less. Basis of Bearings is the East line of said Section 36 being North O0 degrees 02 minutes seconds West Tract 132B · X,. ~.' ..'' :2' .; ' ~ · -' .- t...' o ' ,cE c , AL P.OJEc'rs FEB 0 ' COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 3301 E TA~IAMI TRNL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,33 62P6,_: OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 '-:.. ..... SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~Eost Line of . / Sec..36, Twp. 4CS, . ° PROGRESS AVENUE 60' R/W F [ Rge. 25E 50.00'-~., ~, '-x '1" L N.89'21'15"E. 75.00 PARCEL 832B ._. ,., .~ ~-P.D,B. <C o ' , ~ ~PARCEL 132C[ ~ ,- ° 0 15.00' ac PARCEL 832AJ/ I PARC£L i 10.00'/ GENERAL NOTES R.O.C, ]) P.O.C. indicntes Point o? Commencement East Ouarter Corner 2) P.D.B. indicates Point of Beginning of Sec. 36, Twp. 49S., 3) Sec. indicc~tes Section Rge. 25E. 4) Twp. Indic(~es Township 5) Rge, indicates Range 6) R/W indicates Right-of-way 7) Att distances are in feet ond decimals thereof B) Bcxsis of bearings is the East Line of said Section 36 being N.00'0;:>']B°~,/. 9) Not vatid unless signed and seated wi'th the embossed seal of 'the pr'ofession~l I<~nct sur've¥or' ThiS IS ONLY a SKETCH I~. NOT T D SCALE ]1-06-96 PR-I32B SHEET 2 O~ 2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 'fRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 3301 EAST TAMIAMI (941) 774-8192 PROJ£CT NO., ~,00~ PROJECT PARCEL NO.__ TAX PARCEL NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) . j~...~.l~.,, drainage & maintenance easement ;,'. : COI%~,~ENCING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 36 TO%VNSHIP 49 SOUTH RANGE 25 EAST; THENCE NOR'i'tt 0 DEGREES 02 M/NUTES 15 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION36 AND T}IE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVTNGSTON ROAD A DISTANCE OF Il 16.96 FEET TO THE POINT OF INTER~ECTION OF THE WEST fliGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD AND THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PROGRESS AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 8~ DEGREES 21 MJNUTES 15 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAiD WEST flIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PROGRESS AVENUE A DISTANCE OF ?5.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE · CONTINUING '~VEST ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 516.00 FEET; THENCE · SOUTH 00 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 15,00 FEET; TheNCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 21 b, flNUTES 15 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 531.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGREES 20 ~NUTES 32 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 21.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 7852 SQU;d~,E FEET (0.180 ACRE), MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEAfliNGS IS TIlE EAST LINE OF SAIL) SECTION 36 BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 02 ,MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST. PARCEL 832 PROFESSIONAL ~D SU~OR ~2406 'm .. OFFICE Or~IT~ PR~ECTS m r'.l m8 '. COLLIER COUNW GO~RNME~ COMPLEX I '~'"1" ~' '.' 5301 E TAM~) T~L ~LES, FLORIDA ~4112~ ~.,~ ,.,, OF CAPITAL PROJECTS OFFICE ;. .3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 .!' / SKETCH Of DESCRIPTION I ' '. ,. ~East Line ofi ~"" ~ Sec. ,36, Twp. 49S, "" : ' R W~'''] Rge. 25E , PROGRESS AVENUE 60 / Ii, s.~4'44 28"w.~ . ~ , P ~ B~ . ~m.~'~5 . ~ 61.33' ~ L S.89'2115"W. ' ' ' ~~ 21.01 ~ 531.00' N.89'21'lS"E. ~ , ~ PARCEL 132B I < ~ ~ , 0 '' I O ~ ~ PARCEl.. 852A-~ ~ I Z ~0'00'~ ~ I O PARCEL 132A1~, ~ ~ ~ 10'00'/ I GENERAL NOTES 1) P.D.C. Indicates Poin~ o~ Co~nencemen~ 3) Sec. Indlc~es 4) Twp. Indico~es Township ~ "' 5) Roe. Indicates R~nge 6) R/~ Indicates Right-of-way 7> ~lt dis~nces ope In ~ee~ ~nd decImots Section 36 being N,00'0~'18'~, 9) No~ voHd unless signed ~nd seoled wl~h ~he embossed TH~S ~S ONLY A SK~CH HOT TD 07.2~97 PR-83~ S~ 2 OF 2 L.H.R. SCALE .... OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS , 3501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ' : (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. ~O~ ! ! .' ' PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO, OO?~¢nnn_ne . .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, utility & maintenance easement "t · . ..:"".:: COMIvIENCING AT THE EAST QUARTER COENE~ OF SECTION 3,6 TOWNSHTP 49 SOUTH RANGE :25 EAST; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES IS SECONDS .. WEST ALONG SAID EASTLINrE OF SECTION 36 A DISTANCE OF 500,0l FEET TO : TI-EE PO[N'T OF BEGI'NN[NG; THENCE CON'T1NUING NORTH ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 741.95 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGREES 20 MINI. rTES 32 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 14.07 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES iS SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF '/.Sl .114 FEET; THENCE NORTH 99 DEGREES 57 MINIJTES 43 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF lO O0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCR[DED TRACT Co?~rAINrNG 7,469 SQUARE FEET ACRE), MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 36 BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINIj'TES Ill SECON~DS PARCELCi,32 GEO~E R. RICHMOND ' ' PROFESSIONAL I.AND SURVEYOR ~2406 COLLIER COU~ G~RNME~ COMPL~ 3301 [ T~MI T~L ~LES, FLORIDA OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION 1 ~~[ Eost Line of Sec. 36, Twp. 495, .x..,. PROGRESS AVENUE 60' R/w Rge. 25 06'~) 5,00' , ~ PARCEL 132B / O 15 00' PARCEL ~5~ Z PARCEL 132Al/ ~ ~ _ 10'00'~ ~p GENERAL NOTES .0.C. ~) P.0.6. indlc~tes Point o? 2) P.B.B. indlcotes Poin~ o? 3) Sec. indico~es Section 4) T~p. ]ndlcotes 5) Rre. indicates ~onBe 6) R/~ indicates Right-oF-way B) Basis oF bea¢ings is the East line oF s6id Section 36 being N.OO'O2']8'W. seat oF the professional land surveyor THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH FEB O NOT TB SHE~ 2 ~; .... 2CALE H-06-96 pE-B3~A ',.. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS O ,3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO, ~ O PROJECT PAECEL NO. T~ P~CEL NO, ~;SCRIPTION (NOT A SURV~} 733A&~ temporary const~uctlon easement 833 d~a~nage & maintenance easement CO~NC~G AT ~ EAST QU~A COANEA OF SE~ON 31 ~S~ 49 ~GE 26 EAST ; ~NCE SO~ Sg DEG~ES J2 M~S 40 SECO~S E~T, A D~ST~CE OF 100.~ ~ET TO ~E EAST ~GHT OF WAY LI~ OF LI~G~N RO~; ~NCE NOR~ 0 DEGREES 02 MIN~ES 18 SECO~S ~ST ALONG EAST ~G~ OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 2~J 4~ ~ET TO ~E ~1~ OF BEGgiNG; ~ENCE CONfINiNG NORTH ALONG SAID L[~, A DISTANCE OF 4S.25 ~ET', ~NCE LEA~NG SAID EAST ~GI[T OF WAY LI~ NOR~ g9 DEG~ES ~7 MI~TES 43 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 12.10 ~; ~NCE NOR~ ~3 DEG~ES 46 MI~S 03 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF ~.20 ~NCE NOR~ ~4 DEG~ES 20 ~S ~ SECONDS EAST, A DIST~CE OF 1~6.~9 FEET TO ~ NORTH~S~Y LINE OF ~ L~ AS SHO~ ON ~ PLAT OF B~W~D UNIT ON~ AS RECORDED IN PLAT B~K lg PAGES *0~2 OF THE P~LIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUP, FLORIDA; THENCE SO~ ~4 DEG~ES ~6 MINUTES ~6 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID NOR~iWES~Y LINE DIST~CE OF 31 52 FEET; TIIENCE LEAVING SAID NOR~S~Y LI~ SOb~ ~4 DEG~ES 20 MIN~S 00 SECO~S ~ST, A DISTANCE OF IJ4.g4 ~ET; ~NCE SO~H 43 DEGREES 46 MI~ES 03 SECONDS WEST, A DI~ANCE OF EG.6~ ~T; THENCE SOUTH 36 DEGREES 3S M1N~ES 42 SECONDS ~, A DISTANCE OF 3~.~ I FEET TO ~E PO[~ OF BEGI~ING; SAID DESC~BED ~ COZENING 0 134 AC~ (~,814 SQU~ FEET), MO~ OR LESS. TOGE~R WI~t A ~N (10')F~T WIDE EASEME~ ~OSE SO~ L~ ~S ~ NOR~ L~ OF ~ ~O~ DESC~ED PARCEL,~AR~ ~B3A) ~ A ~N F~T ~DE EASE~N~ ~OSE NOR~ L~ AB~S ~E SO~ L~ OF ~ ~O~ DESC~ED P~CEL,(PARCEL 733B). BASIS OF BEINGS IS T~ EAST ~GHT OF WAY LINE OF LI~NG~ON RO~ BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 02 MIN~ES 18 SECO~S ~ST, PARCEL g33 . orcss,o. . ' FEB 1998 .. EcTs COLLIER COUN~ G~RNME~ COMP~ m [~ ' -' m OFFIC£ OF CAPI2'AL PI~OJ£CT~ .. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION .. TEMPORARY, .. CONSTRUCTION / . I EASEMENT / 'P~rcel v'- N.43'4 G'O3"E. / ~ __~,,~ ~2.~o' k ~o~,~ / ~ %~~~ ~ . ~"W. EASEMENT ' ,' ~P,O.C, E~st Ouorter Corner Sec. 51, Twp. 49 S., Rge. 26 E. GENERAL NOTES ~) P.~.~. i~di~tes Point nC ~e01nnlno 3) Sec, inclica~es Sec'Lion ~) Twp. Indicates Town~hip "~ S) R~e. indicates Ronoe ~) R/~ indic~¢es RighL-or-wny Livingston ~ood being N.OO'O~'IO'V. 9) No~ volid untess signed and sealed wi~h ~he embossed se~l o~ the P~O~esslon~l l~nd su~veyo~ THIS IS ONLY A SI<~CH FEB OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 "~, (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO, ~OO~ ! PROJECT PARCEL NO. 0}~,e''o'r. ?,~lc.-o'r TAX PARCEL NO., LEGAL DESCRIPTION (_NOT A SURVEY) #833B drainage & maintenance easement #7336&?33D - temporary construction easement A PERPETUAL DRAINAGE. UTILITY & MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING MOR~ : PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; !. ·: , ;. COMMEHCING AT THE ~I~ST QUARTER CORNOR OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHLP 49 i ' '. SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLOPJDA; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 52 hLINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF i00.00 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 · MJI~S 15 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1391.44 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO TRE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING EAST ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 3')0.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE O SOUTH 89 DEGREES ~7 MINUTES 43 SECONDS ',VEST, A DISTANCE OF FEET; TI-LENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 02 MI,XUTES 18 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF · ,~ 2000 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 0.1'~9 ACRE (?,$00 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. (PARCEL 8B3D - BT) TOG ETRER WITH A TEN (lO') FOOT TEMPOILARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT WIIOSE SOUTH LINE ABUTS THE NORTH LINE OF TILE ABOVE DESCRIBED EASEMENT (733D - BT) A~D A TEN (10') rOOT TE. MPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT WHOSE NORTH LINE ABUTS THE SOUTH LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED EASEMENT(?3~C - BT) BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINUTES iS SECONDS WEST. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 ~ST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SK~CH OF DESCRIPTION S.89'37'35'W. /PARCEL 933A-aT ~TEMPORARY C~ST.  / ~o.oo' // ~o.oo' / ~ ~ J ~TEMPORARY CONST. EASEMENT West Quarter Corner Sec. 31, Twp. 49S, R~e. 26E P.D.c.~ ~ EAST R/W LINE 100. GENERAL NOTES I) P.D.C. Indicates Point oF Commencement ~) P.D.~. Indicates Point oF Beolnnln9 3) Sec. Indlc~tes Section 4) Twp. indicates Township 5) Roe, Indicates Range G) R/~ Indicates Rlght-oF-~oy 7) Ali distances ~re In Feet ~nd decl~Js thereof B) ~Qsls oF bearings Is the [~st R/V line oF Livingston Rang being N.00'02'~B'~. 9) Not v~tid unless signed ~nd sealed ~lth the se~[ o¢ the p~oFession~L [~nd surveyor THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH L.H~. NaT TB SCALE 1~-~5-~7 pR-B33B SHE~ 2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ,.3,.301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112. ,.' .'. · (941) 774-8192 !' ""' :' · ,, !.:. · / ' PROJECT NO. ' ~ .... PROJECT PARCEL NO. q~'e~'.l"~tf-e~lF-~r TAX PARCEL NO. 00295880909 ~. , ..-;.; ~..', I · LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY') I,.. "' slope, utility & maintenance #g33B temporar! construction easement t733E & 733F A PER.PETUAL U-~LLITY AND MAINTENANCE EASENtENT MOrLE P~RTICUL~M~LY DESCPJ9£D AS FOLLOWS; CONtN[ENCING AT TH~ WEST QUARTER CORJ~ER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHU~ 49 SOUTH, PJ~NGE 2G EAST, COLLIFR COUNTY, FLO~JDA; THENCE SOb'TH ~) DEGREES t' 52 NQNUTES 40 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF I0O.00 FEET TO THE EAST : : ' RJGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; TIU~NC£ NORTH 0 DEGREES 0~ '" M~NUTES 1S SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID EAST RJGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1284,44 FEET; THENCE NOETH B9 DEGP~ES 57 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST, A · DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ~ :: EAST ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET', THENCE NORTH 0 ·:. O DEGREES 02 MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE ' ; · SOUTH g9 DEGREES ~? NUNUTES 43 SECONDS \VEST, A DISTANCE OF 1~0.00 · FEET; TI-LENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES III SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 0.060 ACKE (2,600 SQUARE FEET), MOKE OR LESS· (9~3B. o'r) TOGETHER WITH A TEN (10') FOOT TE,'qPOILARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT WHOSE NORTH LINE Al]UTS THE SOUTI 1 LINE OF TIlE ABOVE DESCRIDEI~ EASEMENT (1]]E -OT) " AND A TEN (10') FOOT TENtPOILARY CONSTRUCTION EASEM. ENT WHOSE SOUTH LINE ABUTS THE NORTH LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCKIBED EASEMENT(?33F - OT) .BASIS OF BEARINGS 1S THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINUTES lS SECONDS WEST. , om¢ FEB ( 3.' 1998 COLLI£r~ COUN~f GOV~.RNMENT COMPLEX 550~ £ TAJ~U~ ZRNL NAPLES. FLORIDA 5411 I~'~-~-. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5S01 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~ . .~ .. "' 100,00' 933-A-01' , '" PARCEL  I .:'.'... · -- /-N.Sg'57'43"E.  2o.oo'.--~ / ~30.o0' PARCEL 7335'-0T (itiMP. CONST. E~IT.) ~ ;~ ~2-~ ~ S.00'02'18"E. z o \ \ 20.00' ~ '~- \ "-s. Bg'5T43'W. t z .o: PARCEL 733E-OT (TEMP. CONST. ESUT.) _J .,-- .o 0 N.O0'02'l 8"W.-~ · 1058.44' . West Ouorter Corner[ " Sec. 31, Twp. 49S, Rge. 265 ,. P'aC' ~, ~- EAST R/W LINE -i- '~'~ S.89'52'40"E. 100.00' GENERAL N[]TES 1) P.D.C, indicates Point oF Comnencement 8) P,D.B, Indicates Point oF Beginning 3) Sec, Indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rge. indicates Range 6) R/W Indicates Right-oF-way 7) Att distances ore In Feet and declmaJS thereof 8) Basis oF bearings Is the East R/W [Ine oF Livingston Road being N.OO'OP'IB'W. seat oF the professional land surveyor THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH FEB 0 3 1958 NOT TO Il -;~5-97 PR-933B SHEET L,M.R, SeAl. [ , OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .3501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. /~0<~)~ PROJECT PARCEL .O.. ~3A" TAX PARCEL NO.. 00295'880909 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, utility and maintenance easement CO,V~LENCJNG AT TFLE WEST QUARTER CORNOR OF SECI'ION 31, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLLER COUNTY. FLORJDA; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 52 IVtlN!JTES 40 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF IOU.O0 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD, TIIENCE NORTIt 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID EAST ILIGItT OF WAY LINE. A DISTANCE OF 2.66. lB FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: TIIENCE CONTINUING NORTI! ALONG SAID LINE. A DISTANCE OF 2379,9G FEE]' TO TIlE NORTH LINE OF AFORESAID SECTION 31; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF SECTION 31 NORTH 89 DEGREES 3'7 M/NUTES 35 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 34 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 33.62 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES lB SECONDS EAST, ALONG A LINE LYING TEN (103 FEET EAST. AS MEASURED PEEPENDICULAR TO, SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 2350 02 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 43 SECONDS \VEST, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCR/DED TRACT CONTAINING 0.552 ACRE (24,025 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE EAST RIGIIT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINUTES IS SECONDS WEST, PARCEL 933~T ~>~OFESSI6'NAL LAND SURVEYOR '1~2401~TM orr~CE OF ~ofl'AL P~OJ£CTS COLUEr~ COUNTY GOV~RNU£~T COUPI. EX J ~. J"~ J c733A- ,~r 0£?IC£ O? CA?ITAL PROtraCTS 5301 ~ST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 · . , S 89'37'35"WJ ~. ~S 26'27'34"W 100.00' ~ ~ 33,62' :  933AOT ~ ~ ] < ~'a'~'~l ~, West Quarter Corner Sec. 51, Twp. 49S, Rge. 26E P.D,C, EAST R/W LINE i ... ~S 89'52'40"E 1 00.00' GENERAL NOTES · 1) P,D,C, Indicates Point o¢ Commencement ~) P.DB, indicates Point o¢ Beginnin9 3) Sec. Indicates Section 4) T~p. Indicate~ Township 5) R~e. Ind;cate~ Ranoe 6) R/W Indicates Right-oF-way 7) A[~ distances a~e In ~eet and decimals the~eo¢ 8) Ba~ls o¢ bea~lngs Is the East ~/~ line o¢ Livingston RoaD beln9 N.OO'O~'IS'W. 9) Not valid untess signed ~nd sealed with the embossed se~ oF the proFessianot ~and surveyo¢ THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH 'FFR 3 1998 NOT TO 1~_8i_97 LR-933OT SHE~ 2 OR~2 L.M,R, , ~ ~ , .~__ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 ':' PROJECT NO, PROJECT P~CEL NO. /~ " T~ P~CEL NO. OO27aa8oool , ' ,, .~' ~ ,' · . LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURV~ ~ "': ~ road rt~hc-o~-uay, sidewalk, uti[try, dratnaSe & maintenance .T~ COMMENCING AT ~ ~]~ OF I~RSE~ION OF ~E CE~ OF . · PR~SS A~ ~ ~ EAST LI~ OF SE~ION 36 To,sHIP 49 S~ ~NGE 25 E~T; ~NCE N~ O DEGREES 02 ~S I~ SE~ ~ ~ . '. t ,..'. ~ONG ~ EAST LI~ OF SAID SE~ION 36 A D~ST~CE OF 30,~ ~ ~ ~]~ OF BEGI~NG; ~ENCE CO~]~NG NO~ ALONG S~D L~ D1ST~CE OF ~40.29 ~; ~ENCE SO~ 89 DEGREES 37~ 01 SECO~ : ~ST, A DIST~CE OF !0.~ FE~; ~NCE SO~ 0 DEG~ES 02 M~S SECO~S EAST, A DIST~CE OF 44.62 ~ET; ~NCE SO~ l I DEGRE~ 47 . [ · ' ; " ~S 19 SECO~S ~ST, A DISTANCE OF 48.79 ~; ~N~ S~ 0 '" .~- DEG~ES 02 Mr~S lg SECO~S EAST, A DIST~CE OF 393.17 ~; ~N~  SO~ 44 DEG~ES 42 MI~S 44 SECONDS ~$T, A DI~ ~ 7S. 12 ~; ~NCE NOR~ 89 DEG~ES 21 MIN~S 18 SECONDS E~T ~ONO ~ NOR~ . ~G~ OF WAY LI~ OF SA~ ~RESS A~ A DI~ ~ ?~.~ ~ ~ ~ OF BEG~NG; SAID DESCRIBED ~ CO~NG I 1,631 S~ :.~ ;. ~ET (0,267 AC~), MORE OR ~SS. : BASIS OF BE~INGS IS ~E EAST LI~E OF SAID SE~ION 36 BEING ' NOR~ Il DEGREES ~2 MIN~S IR SECONDS ~ST. PARCEL 13~ :' ' ' ~ . · ~OFESSION~ ~D SU~OR ~2406' I ~e' ~ ~ 1~8 · OFFICE OF CAPITAL PR~ECTS I ' ~ ~ ~ ' COLLIER COU~ GO~RNME~ COMPL~ J ~. ~ ' ~ '. 3301 E T~IAMI T~L N.~, ~ORI~ 3~8~" ~;~ 8 B ' ----- f~5 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION lo. oo' S.00'02'18"E. 44.62' --~ East Line of ~%' Sec. ,36. Twp. 49S. ., Rge. 25E .'& :.;.. S.11'47'19"W.%. / ' ' .. 48.79' . '.' .... '~ ~l~ ~ " ~ :- 0 0 Z ~ o o S. 44'42'44"W. -~ / Z .,. / Ts.aa' N.89'21'18"E, · P.B.B. PROGRESS AVENUE GENERAL NOTES '* 1) P.D.C. Indicates Point of Commencement 2) P.D.}~. indicates Point oF Beginning 3) Sec. indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township ,' ' 5) Rge. indicates Range ~ .'; 6) R/W Indicates Right-oF-way ' 7) Att distances or'e in Feet and decimals thereof 8) Basis oF bearings is the East tine oF said .. Section 36 being N.II'02'IS'W. .. 9) Not votid un(ess signed and sealed with the enbossed seat 06' the pr'oFessiono[ land sur'veyor, THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH OFFIC£ OF CAPITAL PROJ£CT$ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ... (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO / . PR0 ECT PA.C£L .0 .... _. .: TAX PARCEL NO. nn~?~.~.~pnn~ . · LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, utiltt7 & maintenance easement COM]~ENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE CENTEAL~NE OF PROGAESS AVENIJE A~D THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH ·" · RANGE 25 EAST; THENCE SOUTH l~9 DEGREES 21 MINUTES IS SECONDS WEST .. ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID PROGRESS AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH o DEGREES 02 MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 74.91 . · FEET TO TH~ POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH ALONG SAID : LINE. A DISTANCE OF 4o4.29 FEET; THENCE NORTH { I DEGREES 47 MINLrTES 19 ; . SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 48.79 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 , : ". · M~N'UTES 18 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 4.1.52 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 : . DEGREES 37 MINUTES O I SECOND EAST. A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE : .. SOUTH 0 DEGAEES 02 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 44.~2 FEET; .... THENCE SOUTH I I DEGREES 47 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 48,79 F~£T: THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES ~2 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 39.1.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 44 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 14,2o FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCPJBED TP, AC'T CONTAINING 4.915 SQUARE FEET (0. I 13 ACR~.), MOP, E OR ;'~' LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS Tile CENTERLINE OF PROGRESS AVENUE BEING 5OU'TH 89 DEGrLEES 21 MINUI'ES 18 SECONDS WEST. ;..":¥,.: .,. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ,3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION S.89'37'01" . I L ' -- . ~ 10.00' ~ N. 89'37'01 "E. 10.00' I East Line of 43.52'-~ Sec. 36, Twp. 49S, Rge. 25E /I--s.o0', 48.74° 44.62' ' S.11'47'19"W. 48.79' ' PARCEL 955 I ' : o O 14.20' o O '~,, Z .-J P.O.]3. I PROORESS AVENUE 60' R./w I ~p.D.C. ; GENERAL NOTES 1) P.O,C, ind/cc~tes Po;hr o? Cor~r~ence~ent 2) P.O.B, Indicates Point oF ]~egi~ning ,3) Sec. indicates Section 4) Twp, ]~dic~tes Township 5) Rge. Indicates Range 6) R/~ indico~es Right-of_~y 8) ~s/s oF beo~l~s is ~he Ce~terIine o¢ Progress Avenue being 2.B9'~]'18"~. 9) NOt votid unless si~ned ond seated with the enbossed se~[ oF ~he P~oFession:[ [~d suPveyop 8 B 1 · OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS . '.: ~. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAI-~I-ES, FLORIDA 34112 : ,':.. (941) 774-8192 ::~..:{. PROJECT NO, , ~.~ 00~ f PROJECT PARCEL NO. 13~ TAX PARCEL NO.-- nn??~ ?*nnnn SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, draineBe & maintenance eamement ... CO.~M:ENCTNG AT THE NORTHEAST COI~J~ER OF SECTION 36 TOWNSH~ 49 SOU l'H RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, SAID POINT BEING ~ I:q31NT CIE BEGTN'N'ING; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 02 ~,fl'NUT'ES I! SECONDS EAST ALONG , ' '-' ' ' THE EAST LTNE OF SAID SECTION 36 A DISTANCE OF 730.00 FEET; THENCE ' . ".:~ SOUTH 89 DEGREES 37 MTNU'TE$ 01 SECOND W'EST. A DISTANCE OF I0.00 FEET; '~'.' THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES I~ SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF ' ?05. ].~ FEET; Th'ENCE NORTH 31 DEGREES 14 MINLrTES 46 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 28.95 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SEC'TION 36; 'T3-IENCE NORTI! ':;?' '. 89 DEGREES 37 MThrUTES OI SECOND EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 2.~.00 FEET TO THE POrNT OF BEGIN'NrNG; SA.ID DESCR/BED TRACT CON'TAI'N]~G O. 172 ACRE (7,486 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. ....;.~. · -. BAALS OF BEAJ:UNGS IS T'HE EAST LINE OF SAID SEC'TION 36 . ~E~rNG SOUTHO0 DEGREES02 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST. , . ;.;. PARCEL 13~ · PROFESS ONAL LAND ' SURVEYOR ~2406 · OFF,CE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS I COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX J I"P~, J, -J .__~ " 8 B ], OFF;CE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 ~ .'"' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION N.B9'37'O1"E. ~/ N.89'37 35 E, 9,65' .'1 19.30'-/' / ~. I Twp. 49S Rge. 26E t- . ,., Twp. 49S ~ Rge. 25E ~jI O Q- O o PARCEL 136 GENERAL NOTES l) P,DC, tndicotes Poi~t oF Commencement '~." ~) P.O.~. Indicotes Point o¢ ~e9innin 3) Sec. lndicotes Section 4) Twp, Indicates Township 5) Rge. I~dicates Range ... 6) R/W indicates Right-DC-Way ' 8) ~asis oF De~rlngs Is the West ~ight oF W~y Une oF Livingston Road being S,O0'O~']B'E. 9) Not v~tid un[ess signed and se~Le~ with the enbossed se~ oF the proFesslonat land surveyor " 05-~3-~7 PR-J36 . . .... · 8 B 1 .,:. ;' · . OF£IC£ OF CAPITAL PROJ£CT$ ' 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 " '::::":' (941) 774-8192 ": .... "';: · .., .a'.,~o .·~ PROJ£CT NO., -"~'~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. T~O( PARCEL NO. nn~71~&flnt30 · SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION {NOT A SURVEY) t:emporar7 construction lltlllalllt COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 36 TO~N~I~P 49 SOUTH RAN~ 2.~ EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES Il ' ' SECON'DS EAST ALONG THE EAST LI'NE OF SECTION 36 A DISTANCE OF 620.00 FELr.'T; :. . .~ : THENCE SoLPr'H 89 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 01 SECONDS WE.,~r, k OlSTANC~ OF 10,iX) ~ ;, ,: .' TO THE POi'NT OF BEGIN'NTNG; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINtFrl~S 18 SECONDS WF. ST ALONG A LINE LYING I 0 FEET WEST. AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, ~ EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 3G A DISTANCE OF 595,15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 31 DEGREES 14 , MrN'UTES 46 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF ll).30 FEET: THENCE SO4JTH 0 DEGREES 02 L.. MIN'L,q'ES 18 SECONDS EAST LYING 20 FEET WEST, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, ,., THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 36 A DISTANCE OF 611,72 FEET; TI.~NCE NORTH 8g  DEGREES 37 MIN'LFTES 01 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO ~ POINT OF ' ' ', .': .?-'~" BEGIN'N'ING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CO~'~r'TAINING 0.138 ACRE (6034 SQUARE FEETL MORE ' OR LESS. "'.'. BASIS OF BEAR.]'NGS IS THE EAST LFN'E OF SAID SECTION 36 BEING SOUTH 00 DEGREEe. 02 ' ':' MINUTES ]8 SECO,NFDS EAST. PARCEL 736 .: · " o,TE. '"' ~ ~.u_y,~. R. R~CHMO~D .... '- .____~., ": li~FESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ~240'6 r'--' ~.~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PEOJECTS .; ' ~ I~..~., COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ~ ,' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,:34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION t " N.sg'37'Ol"E. '~. / N,89'37 35"E. ~ Twp. 49S Rge. 26E I o O© " Twp. 49S ~ ~ ., ~ Z~ ~ 0 SEC. 36 ~ . . PARCEL ] 36 ~ ¢ ~ P.B.D. , ' 10.00' GENERAL NDTES l) P.D.C. indicates Point oF 2) P.B.~. indlc~les Point o¢ ~eginning 3) Sec. indicates Section 4) Twp, Indicates Township 5) Rge. indicates 6) R/~ indicates Right-oF-way 8) Basis oF Bearings is the West Right oF Way Une oF Livingston Road ~elng S.00'0E98'E, 9) Not valid unless ¢igned and sealed with the embossed THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH ,., FEB 3 1998. NOT TO SCALE 05-12-97 PR-736 SHE~ 8 B 1 : OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .. .3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 .... PROJECT PARCEL NO.. [~7 ~;"; TAX PARCEL NO.--~n~Aln~nnnq .' fee simple title BEGIN AT THE POINT OF FNTERSECq~ON OF THE SOUTH RJGHT OF WAY LINE OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AND T'}fE EAST LiNE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TO%~rNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST COLLIER COUNTY,FLORJDA; TH~NCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 25, A DISTANCE OF 21.11.46 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25; THENCE SOUT~ 89 DEGREES :]7 MINUTES Oi SECOND W~ST, A DISTANCE OF 10.OO FEET: THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 MIN!JTES 18 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE ' ' OF A 160 FOOT CANAL EASEMENT; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH ALONG SAID LtNE, A DISTANCE OF 20.05 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 45 : SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 5.56 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 22 : ' MTN'UTES 13 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 96.61 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO T'r[E WEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 6905.46 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6 DEGREES 44 MTNU~S 44 SECONDS: " THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 812.99 FEET TO ~ POINT , .. OF CLrRVATLm~ OF A OF 6905.46 FEET, REVERSE CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE EAST, tIAVIN(3 A RADI13~ A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6 DEGREES 44 MTNlfI~S 44 SECONDS, ,:~ A,ND A CHORD OF 812.52 FEET BEARING NORTH 3 DEGREES 44 MINLrTES 35 : ' SECONDS WEST; T'RENCE NORTH ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 132.43 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGREES 16 MINUTES O0 SECONDS W'EST, A :' DISTANCE OF 84.49 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 30 M/NLrrE~ 18 SECONDS '; ~'. WEST, A D/STANCE OF 700.71 FEET; SECONDS THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 29 M/NLtTE$ 42 : ':~" :" WEST' A DISTANCE OF 40 0O FEET TO TI.~ SOUT].i R.iGHT OF WAY L/},~ : ...' .-_ · : OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAy; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 30 MINtrrES 18 SECONDS "' "" '"~' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 859.44 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAJD DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINiNG 140,313 SQUARE FEET (3.22 ACRES), MORE: OR BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE EAST LIFT. OF SAID SECTION 25 BEING .~)UTH 00 DEi3R. E~ 22 :.. · '; b,fl'NUTES J3 SECONDS EAST. · ' :' .' ~cJje~.; ~ RICHMOND _ i i~RrOFESSIONAL LAND SURVLr,f~£ 12406 OFFICE: OF CAPITAL PROJECTS COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ,3301 E TAMIAMI TRAJL NAP[_F$, FLORIDA 8 B 1 " 1~7 ' .' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962 ,.,'"" ' (813) 774-8192 SKETCH OF' DESCRIPTION ,., ~ /--- P.O.]~. N.OO~g'42'W, 84.4g' 40.00' 132.43' R~dlws - 6905.46' Z~ · 06'44'44' Chord Br9. N.03'44'35%/, Curve numbe~' ~ C--2 Rndlus ,, 6905.46' A · 06'44'44' ArC = 812.99' Chord · 81-2.5E.' C ~ .' N.00'22'13'w.--~ I 1) P.O.C. Indlca'tes Poin'~ oF Commencement 2) P.D,B, Indtca'tes Poin't oF' ]]eglnnlng 3) Sec. indicates Section-.-- 4) Twp, Indica.tes Township Incest 5) Rge. Indica'tes Range I0.00' See.. 2~. T~,. 4g 6) R/V Indicc~'tes Righ.t-oF-way 7) Ail diste, nces are in Feet and dec;nnts ther-eol.' 8) :~asis oF Bearings is 'the East line or s~icl SeCtiOn 25 being 9) Nc.t vcdid untess slgned and sealecl .i.th the embossed ~eal oF 'the professional I~nd surYey'o~ THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH FEB 0 a 1998 NOT TO SHEET PROJECT NO. (~ O~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. 002712z, 0000 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, utility & maintenance easement The East Ten (10) feet of the South 110 feet of the North 730 feet of the East 510 feet of the Northeast One Quarter (1/4) of Section 36, Township 49 South, Range.25 East, Collier County, Florida. NE Corner Section 36 I Proposed 10' Right-of-Way I I I 110' ~ ~ FPL Easemenl - :'" .'.-.'~ - PROPOSED SLOPE & UTILITY EASEMENT "-*~~ 10' Gee~ge R.. Richmond; PI"S 5406 I 110' Cailler. Count~'.'Government Complex 3301. E T~r~.amJ. 'T~:'ail' Naples ,. FL.'f3..4.2~2 I SKETCH NOT TO SCALE 8 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT PARCEL NO. 9~7 TAX PARCEL NO. _LEGAL DESCR PTION (NOT A SURVEY} slope, utility & maintenance easement COM~fENCING AT THE POi~"T OF INTERSECTION OF'THE EAST LINE OF SECT4ON 25 TOW~,'SHIP 49 SO~,'l'H FLANGE ~5 EAST A,'~D THE SOUTH RIG}IT OF WAY I-INE OF GOLDEN GATE PAP,~WAY THENCE SOb-Tit () DEGREES ~2 ),{INUTES ]3 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF SECTIOA' .~$ A DISTANCE OF 232.63 FEEl'; THENCE SOUTII ,~,) DEGREES .17 MINUTES 47 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 99.~0 FEET TO T)EE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD A~D THE ... POI,¥T OF BECI,N~ING; SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINIVING OF A NON-TANGENT CUR~*E, CO,NCAVE TO THE EAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 690~.46 FEET, A L~ ANGLE Git 6 DEGREES 44 MII~IJ'FES 44 SECO,'4DS. AND A CHOAD OF B12.~2 FEET BEARING SOL"TH 3 DEGREES 44 N)INUTES 35 SECONDS EAST; THENCE SOUTH AI.ONO SA]D CUR\~E AND SAID WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DIST,auNCE OF 8]~.~) FEET TO THE PO[!',rT OF CLFRVAI-b3LE OF A I~E\~RSE CUll\~., CONCAVE TO THE WEST, HAV1NG A P, ADIUS OF 6')05.46 FEET, A CE,X,q'AAL ANGLE OF 6 DEGREES 44 NI1N1./TI~S 44 SECOhFDS, AKq3 A CtlORD OF ,i 12..~] FEET DEARING SOUTH 3 DEGREES 44 MI:WlJ'I-ES 35 SECONDS EAST; TIIENCE SOUTH ,\LONG SAID CURVE. A DISTAI~CE OF ~) 2.90 FEET; ltFE,~CE SOUTH () DEGREES 22 .~II~'b'TES 13 SECONDS EAST. A DISTAXCE OF %.61 FEET, THENCE NOIIT]I A') DFGREES J5 )vilt~UTES 4~ SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF .~.$6 FEET. TtlENCE SOLr]'I( 0 DEGREES I)~ MINqJTES l$ SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF lu ~)5 FEET, TIIENCE LEAVING SAiD WEST PJGHT OF WAY LINI~ SOUTH 89 DEGREES 37 t~tI.N'L'TES 3~ SECONDS WEST, A DISTAl/CE OF 19.3] FEET; THENCE NORTH (l DEGREES 22 .~!INL.'TES 13 SECON~)S WEST, A DISTAIn'CE OF 49. I2 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4 DEGREES 07 MhNIJTES 04 SECONrDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 124.76 FEET TO TKE POIN'I' OF CURVATUAE OF A .. NON-TA~GE,WT CLPAVE. CCA'CAVE TO THE ~I~ST, HAVING A PAD/US OF 68~0.46 FEET, A CF,NTH.Al. AI~'GLE OF 6 DEGP~EES 16 I~.ilNqJTES ;~) SECONDS, AND A CHORD : ' OF 75~ % FEET BEARING N'ORTH .t DEGREES .~,~ ,~II~qjTES 47 SECONDS WEST; : THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTA,NCE OF ?$4..14 FEET TO THE POIN'I' OF CL~QtVATURE OF A RE¥~RSE CURVE. CONCAVE TOTHE EAST, HAVING A R-A~IUS ..:' ' OF ¢,9~().46 FEET. A CENTRAL AHGLE OF (, DEGREES 44 MINIJTES 44 SECONDS, AND k CHORD OF 814.2X FEET BEARING h'ORTH~ DEGREES 44 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST; THENCE N'ORI'H ALONG SAIb CURVE, A DISTANCE OF IH4.?$ ' FEET; THENCE NORTH () DEGREES 2~ MIAnJTES 13 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF . ]4748 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 4) DEGREES 16 hlIN~rTES iX) SECONDS EAST, A · DISTANCE OF 2 ).25 FEET TO THE AFORES AID ~','EST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ' ' LIVI,'~GSTON AOAD; THENCE SOUTH n DEGREES ~2 M)NUTES 13 SECONDS ' -' EASTAI. ONG SAID WEST RIGHT OF WAY LIKE A DISTANCE OF 132.43 FEET TO TI.IF ".'....) PO~'T OF BEGINC~ING, SAID DESCRIBED I~ACT CONTAINING 0.671 ACRE SQUARE FEET), ~tORE OR LESS, BASIS OF BEARJNGS IS THE EAST LI,'¢E OF AFORESAID SECTION ~$ BEING SOUT)( GO DEGREES 22 MINUTES 1.1 SECONDS EAST. C TAL PP, OJECTS ' ),). co u , cou :zEB O 3 1t91) 3301 E TAMIA~ TRAIt. NAPLES. FLORIDA 881 :. '.'. ?37 .' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TA!,HAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 3.3962 (813) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~ /- P.D.C. / . N.eg'~o"r£. esg.4,~' /4 t s.,,.~o.,~-w. ?~.,' ~ 0'~' N.~9'42'W. ~.15,21.~~ 40.~' ~ : N.~2'13'W. Curve ~u~ber I PARC[L~~ ~' R~dius · 6905.46' q37 .: ......, ChocG B~Q. N.O~*44'35'W, Chord - 812.52' Curve number 3 ............... R~dlus - 692046' W ~ '. Arc - B14.75' Ch~rd = B[4,~8' Curve nu~e? 4 C-I ~ = 06'16'21' C-4~ ArC = 754.34' Chord - 753,9~' Chopd ~p~. N.O3'58'47'V, N.04~7'04'[.~ , 124.76' ~ "'" ' N,00~2'I3'W.~ ~ :'; 20.05'~ . N.OO'22't 5'W.~ GENERAL NOTES o' CANAL 1) P.D,C. indicates Poi~ oF ~ommencemen~ ~) P.D.~. Indico~es Point o? Beginning 3) Sec. indicates Section ~t~l C~ 4) Twp. [~d~c~e~ Tow~ship ~c. 7) Att distances ore in ?ee~ a~d deci~ots thereo? 8) ~asis oF Dea~ings is ~he East [i~e oF soid Section ~5 being S.00'22'i3'E. .. sea[ oF ~he pco?ess:c~o[ [amd surveyor THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH 1~-]7-~6 PR-837 SCALE U ~ .L OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (94 ) 774-8 92 PROJECT PARCEL NO. I~ .... " TAX PARCEL NO._ 3nloon,.nnnn - .L LF,GAL DF_$CRIPT1ON (NOT A 3URVEY~ ..' roaci r~.sht-o£-~'ay, sfde~aZk, utlZitY, drainase & aaintenance ea=e=ent '.,. BEGIN AT THE SOU'TH\VEST CORNER OF TRACT l. OF TIlE PLAT I'ICEREOF. C4DLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO, 2') AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK, '7, PAGE 57 OF THE Pb'BLlC R,ECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA.; TIIENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES :22 ,~$1.N"dTES 1.3 SECONDS A~.ST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT I A DISTANCE OF .511.2o FEET, TIIENCE NORTII x9 DEGREES ~2 ,~I1NLFTES .12 SECONDS EAST .. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT I A DISTANCE OF 99.36 FEET TO TI.{~ POINT OF CURVATI..~E OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE. CONCAVE TO TTIE; ~,q~ST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 7684.44 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1 DEGREE 45 MINUTES I$ SECONqDS. AJqD A CHORD OF 23.~.36 FEET BEARING SOLrTH 0 DEGREES ~4 MINUTES ' 5~ SECONDS EAST; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF FEET, TI-FENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 02 NflNUTES 18 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 116 0~ FEET; THENCE NORTH ~9 DEGREES 37 NIINUTES :35 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF In.00 FEET, TIIENCE SOUTI{ 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES I~ SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT I A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH $9 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 35 SECONDS W~ST, A DISTANCE OF 1 lO Go FEET TO T}rE POIN"T OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TT(ACT CONTAIN]NG ' ' · 54.004 SQUARE F~EET (1.24n ACRES). NiORE OR LESS BASIS OF BEARINGS I'S THE WEST LI.N~ OF TRACT 1 BEING ' NORTH 00 DEGREES ~2 MINUTES 13 SECONDS \VEST. 'PARCEL 13~ · I::'64:)FES$1ONAL LAND $URV['YOR ~24D6 COLLIER COUNT~ GOVERNMENT 330~ r TAMIAMI TRAJL NAPLES, FLORIDA 8 B 1  OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS [~.' ':. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 i'.. '" (941) 774-8192 :., " ' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION J . .. ..., N.sg'32'36"E. ' '" -' 99.36, 1 : I.' ~ '~ ,.d /-N.Sg'37'35"E. D b - / lO. OO' 0 / I Curve nunber ! u~- Radius = 7684.44' m Arc = 235.37' ":' < ~ b'-~ Chord = 235.36' ~ ~ 05 Chord Brg. S.00'54°56°E. ~ S.89'32'3:2"W., .. ': p,[.3.3. -~'/'~~ 'llO'O0' ] Southwest ':": ~ Corner Tract 1 . <; ... GENERAL NDTES 1) P.fl.C. indicates Point of' Comm. e,'~cement ~) P.D.tL indicates Point OF ]3egin~;ng 3) Sec, Indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rge. indicaJ:es Range ."'""' 6) R/W indicates Rfght-of'-way 7) Att distances ar'e in f'eet and decimats i:her-eof' 8) ]3asis of' ]tearings is Zhe West tine of' Teac-t ! beln9 9) Not vatid unless signed and seated with 'the embossed seal oF the professional I.o~d surveyor _ , ": FEB 0 ~1 1998 ' NOT TD SCALE 10-15-96 PR-138 SHEET 2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST I'AMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 "ROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO.., TAX PARCEL NO. nRlnnn/.nnqN LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, drainage, utility & maintenance easement :' ¢O.MMEN¢ING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT ! OF THE PLAT I'HEREOF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 29 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK ? PAGE ~7 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLOEJDA; THENCE NORTH S9 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF ~).36 FEET TO THE .. POINT OF BEGIN'NING. THENCE CONTINUING EAST ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE ' ' OF 25 Gl FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURV~ CONCAVE TO THE WEST. HAVING A RADIUS OF 7709.44 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 13 SECONDS. AND A CHORD OF ]26.09 FEET BEARING SOUTH I DEGREE 19 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID .. CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 126 o9 FEET; TIIENCE SOUTH 5 DEGREES 07 MINU"TE~ 5.1 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 177.72 FEET[ 'THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 24 MIb,'UTES ,SI SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 411 24 FEET; THENCE SOUTH $9 :' .. DEGREES 37 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 42.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 02 MINUTES lg SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 116.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE 1'O THE WES"T. HA~,qNG A RADIUS OF 76){4 44 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF ! DEGREE 45 MINUTES lg SECONDS: THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID CURVE. A DISTANCE OF 23.~ 37 FEET TO TI IE POINT OF DEGINN'ING. SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 0 249 ACRE(I .844 SQUARE FEET). MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARJN'GS IS TIlE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 1 BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST. PARCEL 838 . OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TA,MIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 - ''· (941) 774-8192 .. .o SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION / I-- E P.0,B, N.Bg'32'32"E / P,D,C, 5.0f Northwest I i ..' 0 ~0 . Ol~ / 42.00' I ~ Curve numbe~ ~_ od Arc = a35.37' -- Cho~d = E35.36' I ~~ Chord BrO. S.00'54'56'E. [ .. ~ = 00.56,13, : Aec = la6.09' 1~ ' GENERAL NDTES , 1) P.~.C. indicates Poi~t o¢ 3) Sec. i~dicotes Sec%ion 4) T,p. Indicates 5) Rge. ind;ca~es Range 6) R/W ~ndicales Right-oF-way 7) Alt distances are in Feet and decimals thereo? .,.... B) ~sls o? Bearings is the ~est line o? Tract ] · being 9) Not valid unless s:gned and sec~ed with the embossed 5eo[ o~ the proFessiono[ ~o~5 surveyor NBT TD ' I SC t,L ~ 12--13--95 PR-B38 SHE~ 8 B 1' OF?ICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ,.3501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 :. PROJEC~ NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. [ ~ , ,,,. '~ '" TAX PARCEL NO. 381001'20001 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURV~) , road rtght-of-~ay, sidewalk, utility, drainage & aatntenance ea~eaent ~ ... GA~ ESTA~S ~ NO 29. AS ~CO~ED ~ PLAT B~ ?, PA~ ~7, ~ ~ P~LIC ~CO~S OF COLLAR CO~. ~O~A; ~NCE ~ 0 DEG~ ~S 13 SECONDS ~ST ~ONG ~ WEST k~ OF SMD ~ 2 A gi~ . . OF 150 ~ ~ET; ~NCE NOR~ 89 DEG~ES 32 M~S 32 SECO~S ~ NOR~ L~ OF S~D T~ 2 A DIST~CE OF 94.13 ~ TO ~E ~ ~ C~VA~RE OF A NON-TANGE~ CURVE. CONCAVE TO ~tE ~ST. HAVING A ~IUS OF 7684.44 ~, A CE~L ANGLE OF 1 DEGREE O7 MIN~S ~ SE~NDS, ~ A CHORD OF 1~0.0~ ~ BEARING SO~ 2 DEGREES 21 M~ ~ SECONDS EAST; ~NCE SO~ ALONG SAID C~. A DIST~ ~ IS0.08 ~; ~NCE SO~ 89 DEG~ES 32 M~S 32 SECO~S ~ ALONG ~ SO~ L~ OF SAID ~ 2 A DIe,CE OF 99.36 ~ TO ~ ~1~ OF BEG~G, S~D DES~BED ~ CO~G 14,~52 SQU~ ~ (0.334 AC~), MO~ OR LESS. BASIS OF BEAR~GS IS ~tE ~ST LIN~ OF SAID T~ 2 BEING NOR~ ~ DEGREES 22 MI~ES I~ SECONDS ~ST. ' " PARCEL 139 UtOtEm. ~mCHMOND - 6 ' ' ' PROFESSION~ ~ND SU~OR ~24u , CCLLIER COUNW GO~RNMENT COMPL~ 3~al [ TAMiAMI TRAIL N~L[S, ~ORIOA 33 :' 8 B 1 · OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS :.... ..... :' 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 [:' '""'J (941) 774-8192 . .?'. SKgg'CH OF DESCRIPTION , ~-- : · ~ ~ 94'17' 0 0 o gg ~ c-~ o Curve number ] Z ~-- R~dius = 76B4.44' O [ ~ = 01'07'09' ~ A~c = ]50.08' o P,D.3. Chord = 130.08' ~ / Chord BrO. S.O~*~I'pg'E. GENERAL NOTES l) P.D,C. indico~es Poin~ o? Co~ence~en~ : 2) P.O.B. indicotes Point o~ 3) Sec, indicotes Section 4) 7wp. Indicates To~'nship 5) Rge, indicates 6) R/W indicates Right-o?-woy 7) AIL distances ore in feet ond decimals ~hereoF 8) Dosis oF 9~o?ing$ ts ~he VeS~ tJ~e being N,OO'22'iS'W, g) No~ vcLid untess signed Grid seole~ wi~h ~he embossed seo[ oF ~he p~oFessiono[ [ond surveyor THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH ~.__ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (,941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. ~~/ PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO. ~In~l?nnnl LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NQT A SURVEY) slope, dra[nase, utility & maintenance easement CO~NC~G AT ~ SO--ST CO~N~R OF ~ 2 OF ~ ~AT ~OF ~LDEN GA~ ESTA~S ~IT NO. 2g AS ~CO~ED ~ ~T ?,PAGE ~? OF ~ P~L1C ~CO~S OF COLLIER CO~, ~ORIDA; ~NCE NOR~ 89 DEGREES 32 MIN~S 32 SECONDS EAST ALONG ~ SO~ LI~ ~ 2 A DIST~CE OF 9').B6 FEET TO THE ~1~ OF BEGINNING; S~D ~ BErG ~ ~EGIN~NG OF A NON-TANGEN~ CL~, CONCA~ ~ ~ ~, HA~G A RADIUS OF ~6~4 44 ~ET, A GENIAL ~NGLE OF i DEG~E 07 M~ES 09 SECO~S, ~N~ A CHORD OF l J0.08 FEET BEARING NOR~ 2 DEG~ 21 h~S 09 SECO~S A~ST; ~ENCE NOR~ ~ONG S~ C~ A DIST~ OF ]~0.0~ ~ET; ~NCE NOR~ 89 DEGREES 32 M]~S 32 SECO~S EA~ ~ONG A L~ L~G 150 ~ NOR~, AS N~AS~D ~R~OI~ TO,~ SO~ L~ OF S~ ~ 2 A D1ST~CE OF 40.04 FEET TO ~ ~I~ OF CL~VA~ OF A NON-T~NGE~ C~, CONCA~ TO ~ ~, HA~O A OF 7724.44 ~ET, A CEN~L ANGLE OF 0 DEG~ES 16 MIN~S 43 SECO~S, ~ A CHO~ OF 37.55 ~ET BERING SO~ 2 DEG~ES 45 ~S 37 SECONDS EAST; '~NCE SO~l ALONG SAID CUR~, A DISTANCE OF 37.55 ~; ~NCE SO~ 2 DEGREES 29 MIN~S 19 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF ] ] 2.56 ~ET; ~E~CE SOL~H 8~ DEGREES 32 MIN~S 32 SECONDS ~ST ~ONG ~ SO~ LINE OF ~ 2 A DISTANCE OF 40.57 ~ET TO ~ ~1~ OF BEG~G; SAID DESCRIBED ~ CON~'A1N;NG 6.0l~ SQU~ ~ (0. AC~), MO~ OR LESS. BASIS OF BERGS IS ~ SO~ LIN~ OF ~ 2 BEING NOR~ g9 DRG~ES 32 X~S 32 SECONDS %~ST. : PARCEL '..~ .;.' .: .. · .... P,~OF~SSIONAL LAND SUEVEYOR ~240B '.- CAP,TAL .ROJEC S "FEB 0 ) 1998 CCLUER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 330'; E IAMIAMI TRNL NAPLES, FLORIDA 33 i · OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS " 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 (941) 774-8192 i" ':: .:~ SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~: · · I I. I -_ l~J 94.17' "\~n.O4' :~ · . 0 ~ C-2 Curve nunber ] 0 ' ~ ~ , R~dius = 76~4.44' :'.. ~ ' n Aec = 150.08' ~ -- : ~ Chord = ]50.OB' o - = .: ~ C-1 ~ ~ Curve nu~be~ E ~ z ~ ~ ~ R~dius = 7724.44' ~ m ~ ~ = 00'16'43' ~ '~ Ape = 37.55' > 6' I I ~,fl.B. , ~ .. GENERAL NOTES ".. ~) P.D.C. indic~es Point o? Commencement , 2) P.D.B. indic~,es Point o¢ ~eg~nnin9 ..:" 3) Sec. indicates Seclion . 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rge. Indicates R~nge .'. > 6) R/W indicates Right-oF-way 7) AH dis~nces ~pe in ~ee~ end decimals *hepeo~ 8) B~sis oF Beepings is lhe South ~ine o~ T~ec~ ~ being N.Bg'3~'3~'E. 9> No~ voLId unless signed ond secled wl~h ~he e~bossed ~e~t oF the proCession~ t~¢  - ~ I .,'- ~4 ~: C~6~D'"~: . ~: ~1~: rt.[ ~.: ..... NOT TO 3 I ' .. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .3301 EAST TAIvtlAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 . (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO- (~ ~:t:~ PROJECT PARCEL NO IQ '' TAX PARCEL NO. _LEGAL DESCRIPTION {~NQT A SURVEY} road risht-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance BEGfN AT THE NORTHWEST COi~J~ OF TRACT 2 OF THE PLAT THEREOF, ~ GATE ESTATES, UNIT NO. 29 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK ?, PAGE 57 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLL~'R COUNTY. FLORIDA; THENCE NOETH {9 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 2 A DISTANCE OF 84.07 FEET TO THE PoFhrI' OF CURVAT1jp. E OF A NON-TANGENT .. CLAVE, CONCAVE TO THE WEST, HAVING A P, ADIU$ OF 76~4.44 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF I DEGREE 20 MINUTES 19 SECONDS. AND A CHORD OF 1~O.27 FEET BEARING SOUTH 3 DEGREES .15 MINUTES 0.1 SECONDS EAST; THENCE SOUTH ALONG ;' . SAID CURVE. A DISTANCE OF 180.27 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 32 ' MINAJTES 32 SECONDS V,"EST ALONG A LINE LYING 19) FEET NORTH. AS MEASURED ' · . PERPENDICULAA TO. THE SOUTH Lr~zE OF TRACT 2 A DISTANCE OF 94. {? FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 22 M]NUTES 13 SECONDS g~ST ALONG THE WEST LINE ".. OF SMD TRACT 2 A DISTANCE OF ISO.O0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; . ~ - SAiD DESCPJI3ED TRACT CONTAINING 16.105 SQUARE FEET (0.370 ACRE), MORE '; OR LESS. :., BASIS OF BEARINGS IS T}-rE WEST LINE OF SA.ID TRACT 2 BEING NORTH' O0 DEGREES 22 ~.flNUTES 13 SECONDS WEST, PARCEL 140 i ' ,:. / ..... '....\.,..". ~... ." · _L;~GE Ar. RICHMOND -- : . - - I~"O~'£SSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 2406 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS t /~--11~1[1~ , : . t OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS · 3301 EAST TAM,AMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 (941) 774-8192 :. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION t ' i t. "~ ~ ~ ~ C-1 ~ Radius = 7684.44' 0 ~ < < ~ = 0I'~0'39' ~ ~ ~ ArC = 180.E7' I 0 ~ Chord = 180.E7' ~ Chord 9~g. S,03'35'03'E, · .~, Z S.89'32'32"W, ' L 1) P.D.C. indicates Point oF. Comnence~en~ ~) P.D.~. indicates Point 3) Sec. indic~es ~ection 4) T,.p. ]ndic~tes Township .. 5) Rge. indicates R~nge 6) R/V indic~tes Right-o~-,e 7) Att distances ~e in Feet ~nd deci~ls thereo~ · ~ 9) No~ v~lid un(ess signed ~nd seoled wilh ~he embossed '~' see( oF ~he p~oFessionol I~d sucveyo~ .. ~ THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH , ' NOT TD 8 S 1 ... OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO ...... PROJECT PARCEL NO._ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~NOT A SURVEY) slope, dra~nase, uttlJt) ~ maintenance ~EN Ok~ ESTA~S b~ NO. 2g AS ~CO~ED ~ PLAT ~ ? PAGE )? ~ P~LIC ~CO~S OF COLLIER CO~, ~O~A; ~NC~ NO~ ~9 32 N~S 32 SECO~S EAST ALONG ~ig N'ORTII LI~ OF SAID ~ 2 A DISTANCE OF 84 07 ~ TO ~E ~I~ OF BEGI~ING; ~ENCE EAST ~ONG SAID LINE. A DISTANCE OF 40.09 ~ TO ~ IE ~1~ ~ C~LVA~ OF A NON-TANGE~ CUR~, CONCAX~ TO ~E ~T, NA~NG A OF 7724.44 ~ET, k CE~ ~GLE OF I DEGREE 20 M~S 14 ~X~ A CHO~ OF 180.27 ~Z~ BEARING SO~ 3 DEGREES 34 MI~S O~ . , SECONDS EAST; ~NCE 50~ ALO~IG SAID C~, A DISTAN~ ~ l~0.lt ~ '. ~ET; ~NCE SO~ 89 DEG~ES 32 M~S 3~ SECO~S ~ ~ONG A L~ '*"" L~G i80 ~ET SO~, AS ~AS~D PE~E~I~AT TO, ~ ~ NOR~ OF S~D ~ 2 A DISTanCE OF 40.~ ~ET TO ~ ~T ~ C~VA~ OF j ' A NON-T~GE~ C~, CONCA~ TO ~ %~ST, HA~G A ~S OF ~ET, A CE~ ~GLE OF I DEG~E 20 MI~ES 39 SECO~S, ~ A CNO~ OF 18027 ~ET BE~ING NOR~ 3 DEGREES 3S ~ll~S O3 SECO~S ~; ~NCE NOR~ ALONG SAID CURVE. A D~STANCE OF 180.~? ~ TO ~E ~ OF BEGging; S~D DESC~BED T~ CONTAINING 7,211 SQUA~ ~ET (0.166 AC~), MO~ OR LESS. BASIS OF BEAR~GS IS l'~ NOR~ LIS~ OF SA~D ~ BEING NOR~ 8g DEGREES 32 MI~S 32 SECOndS EAST, PARCEL ~40 . P~OFESS~ONAL ~ND SU~OR ~2408 ... ' CO:UER COUNW ~O~RN~E~ CO~LEX OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TA.MIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941,) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION J :' j/ N.sg'32'3.2"E. i j 84.07' /' 40.09' :: I ,: / p.n.B._/ , Curve number I . %D Rodlus = 7G84.44' o A = 01'.~0'39. o ·~d Z o~ C-2 ArC = 180.E7' ~-. ~- .~ ~ c~ Chord = 180.E7' '.. Ch '~ "' _~ ~- Chord ]~rg. 2.03'35'03°E. 03 ¢~ n- C-1 o < < ¢¢ n. Curve number ~ : 0 O Z Radius = 7724.44' fL ApE = ~80.27' .' w ChOrd = ]80,~7' Q Cho¢d BpO. 2.03'34'05'E. ~ ~ s.gg'32'gS"W. Z GENERAL NOTES ~) P.O.C. imdic~tes Point oR Commencement 3) Sec, indicates Section .. 4) T.p, Indicates Township 5) Rge, indicates R~nge 6) R/~ Indicates Right-oP-.ay . 7) Alt distonces ore in Feet and decim~ts thereo¢ 8) B~sls oF Beepings Is the Nocth line oF Tp~c~ ~ .. being N.89'3~'3~'E. 9) Not v~[id un[ess signed ~nd seoted with ~he e~bossed " se~[ oF the ppoFession~l lond supveyop THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH ".~'-- ~ - ~;," NOT TS SCALE ~0"~e-S6 PR-sm0 SHE~ ~ ~ :~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 i '..~ .... (941) 774-8192 , .'." ,. PROJECT NO. ~e:~O~./ . ' ... PROJECT P CEt. ,0. " T~ PA"CEL NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURV~} "<' road right-of-way, slde~alk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement '.:.' BEO~ AT ~ SO~ST CO~ OF ~ 3 OF ~ PLAT ~, ~ ' GA~ ESTA~S ~ NO. ~9 AS ~CO~ED IN PLAT ~ ?. PAGE )?. ~ ~ ' P~LIC ~CO~S OF COLLIE CO~, ~ORIDA; ~N~ NOE~ 0 DEG~E$ 22 MI~S I 3 SECO~S ~ST ~NG ~ ~ST LI~ OF S~D ~ 3 A DI~ .: OF 16S.~ ~ET; ~NCE NOR~ 19 DEG~ES 32 M~S BI SECO~S ~ ', ~ONG ~I~ L~NG ]6S ~ET NOR~, AS ~AS~D ~E~I~ ~, ~ SO~ L~ ~ SAID ~ 3 A DISTANCE OF 71,07 ~ TO ~ ~[~ OF · C~VA~ OF A NON-TANGE~ C~, ~NCA~ TO ~E ~, HAlO A ~S OF 76S4.44 ~ET, A ~N~ ANGLE OF l DEG~E 14 MI~S 02 SE~S, . ~ A CHORD OF 1~.49 ~ET BEARING SOL~I 4 DEGREES ~2 ~S 24 ' SECOL'DS EAST; ~ENCE SO~ ALONG S~D CUR%~, A DIST~CE OF ~ET; ~NCE SO~ S9 DEG~ES 32 M~S 32 SECO~S ~ST ~ONG ~ SO~ L~ OF S~D ~ ] A DIST~CE OF 84.07 ~ET TO ~ ~i~ OF BEG~G; S~D DESCriED ~ CON~NG 12,S48 SQU~ ~ AC~). MO~ OR LESS. BASIS OF BERGS IS ~ ~ST L~ OF ~ 3 BEING NOR~ ~ DEG~ES 22 MI~S 13 SECONDS ~ST. :" PARCEL 14 ] ~'. I~,I~'F:I'~S;(~NAL LAND SURVEYOR 12406 '. i OFFICE OF' CAPITAL PROJECTS ''' ' '' ' ' co'_L:E, cou.w COV R. Er CO..L£X .FEB 0 1998 3301 E TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLFS, FLORIDA 3, 162 :, OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS i "'":' 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ~ .. (941) 774-8192 .. ' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION .' , 0 · ~ . ~ C-1 ~ Curve nu~be~ l 0 o ~ < Radius = 7~84.44, ~ ArC = ~65.49' 0 Chord = 165.49' S.89"32"32"W. GENERAL NDTES .. 1) P.D.C. indicates Poin~ o¢ Ca~nence~ent 8) P.O.B. indicates Poin~ oF Beginnin9 3) Sec. indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rge, indicates Range G) ~/~ i~dicates Right-oF-way 7) Ali distances ~re in Feet ~nd deciaals thereof 8) ~asls o¢ ~earings is the ~'est llne oF Tract 3 9) Not valid un[ess signed and sealed with the e~bossed ., sea[ oF the p¢oFessJonal t~nd surveyo¢ THIS IS ONLY A SK~OH ~~ SCALE 10-J5-96 PR-141 SHEE ~DF 2 lO!,_ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS !. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 , ..... PROJECT PARCEL NO. ~"1 TAX PARCEL NO, ~tnn~nnnn~ -.. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY} slope, drainage, utility & maintenance eaaeaent ,. CONfN~NCE AT SOUTHWEST COP.NEE OF TT~ACT 3 OF ~ PLAT ~OF, GOLDEN GA~ ESTA~S b~lT NO. 2¢,AS ~ECORD~ ~ ~AT B~ ?,PAGE 57 OF ~ PL~LIC ~CO~S OF COLLIER CO~, ~ORIDA; ~NCE DEG~ES 32 MIN~5 32 SECO~S EAST ~ONG 3 A DISTANCE OF 84.07 ~ET TO ~ ~IN~ OF BEGI~G; S~D ~I~ BEINO ~ BEGGING OF A NON'-TANGE~ CUR~, CONCA~ TO ~E ~ST, HA~NO A ~IUS OF 76R4 44 FEET A CE~L ANGLE OF I DEGREE 14 MI~S 02 SECO~S, ~ A CHORD OF 165.49 ~ET BEA~NO NOR~ 4 DEG~ES 24 SECONDS ~ST; ~NCE NORTH ALONG S.~ C~, A DIST~CE OF ~ET; ~NCE NOE~I 89 DEGREES 32 MI~S 32 SECO~S EAST ~ONO A L~ L~NG 16~ ~ET NORTH, AS MEAS~D PE~E~IC~ TO, S~D ~CT 3 A DIST~CE OF 40.15 ~ET TO ~ ~ OF ~VA~ OF A NON-T~GE~ C~, CONCA~ TO ~ ~ST, ~G A ~IUS OF ?724.44 ~ET, A CE~ ~GLE OF I DEG~E I ] M1N~S 39 SECO~S, ~ A ~O~ OF 165.49 ~ET BEING SO~ 4 DEGreES 51 h~S Ol SE~ E~T; ~NCE SO~ ~ONG S,~ C~, A D~STANCE OF 165.49 ~; ~NCE SO~ .... 89 DEG~ES 32 M~S 32 SECONDS WEST ALONG ~E SO~ L~ ~ S~D ..... ~ 3 A DISTANCE OF 40~9 ~ETTO ~ ~OF DESCRIBED ~ CON~ING 6,62fl SQUA~ ~ET (0.152 AC~), LESS. BASIS OF BERGS IS ~ SO~ L~ OF SA~ ~3 BErG ' NOR~ 89 DEG~ES 32 ~flN~S ~2 ~ECONDS EAST. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS '~'i ::"? ' COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX · - 8 B I : ", OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ,''' : 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 .: . (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ::' - :. t " g : " ~ N.80'32'32~ Ld 71 Curve number ] : .''t 0 . 0 ~ Q- ; Rodlus = 7684.44' .':. O A. = 01'14'02' Cr Arc = 165.49' I EL Chord = 165,49' .. ~-~ Chord Brg. S,04'52'24'F. ." 0 ~ -- m ~ Curve number e  ~ C-I ~ < C-2 Radius = 7724.44' 0 ~ ~ < ~~ Arc = 1~5,49' ~ . ~ z ~ Chord = 165,49' ~ Chord ~rg. S,04'5J'0~'~, Z ~ ' S gO'32'32'W. ~ , · .~ ,*~:,,,~ ~ GENERAL NOTES : 1) P.O.C. indlc~ies Point oF Commencement 2) P.O.B in~icates Point of ~eg;nning 3) Sec. indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rge, indicates Range G) R/~ indicates Right-o¢-~ay 7) A~L distances ~re in ?eet ~nd decin~{s ~hereo? 8) 9osis oF Beorings IS the South iine oF Troct 3 ~ein9 N.Bg'32'32'E. 9) Not v~lid un[ess signed and se~ed ~lth the enbossed s6~ o? the ppoFesslon~l l~pd surveyor . THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH NBT TD i 10-~e-96 PP-~41 SHE~ OF' C,4P] 'AI, 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 ' ?....... PROJECT NO, ~ O~:)~ I : " TAX PARCEL NO. '~_~lnn!60003 '.'..:., LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) . :, '": road right-of-way, sidewalk utility, dratnase & maintenance eaaement · ;'., BEGfN AT THE NOR'rifWEST CORN"ER OF TRACT 3 OF GATE ESTATES ~ NO. 29 AS RECORDED ]'N PLAT BOOK ?. PAGE 27. OFTH~ F'U13LIC RECORDS OF COLLFER COUN'~, FI.ORIDA; 'rHENCE ~ l~ DEGREE~ 32 M]%'LTIT. S 32 SECONDS EAST ALONG T}~ NORTH ti"NE OF SAID ~ ] A DISTANCE OF 55.14 FEET TO THE POI'NT OF CL,~VATURE OF A CURVE. CONCAVE TO THE EAST. HAVI'NG A ILADrdS ANGLE OF0 DEGREES 50 $flNLrTES 59 SECON~ ANOA L'~ O1:' .~7. I,~ FE:~T BEARn,~ SOL,TH S DEGREES 52 MINLrrES 2~ SECOt~'DS EAST; ~ SOUT/.I ALONG · ~JD CURVE. A D~ST,k,',,~-"E OF 27 I'~ FEET TO THE PO~T OF CURVA~ OF A C~'TRAL ANGLE OF o DEGREES 4S ~fl,~'b'TES ~4 SECO~I~S, A.~ A ~ OF lO~ 55 FEET ~EAR/~G SOb'TH 5 DEGREES .~3 l,,,,f~'~ 4:2 SOL"TH ALONG SA/D CUR~,T=. A DISTA=WCE OF 101 55 FEET, DEGREES 32 kflNU'IT.S 32 SECONDS ~T. ST ALONG ALINE LYTNG 165 SOUTH. AS OF 71 07 FEET, ~CE .'~3RTH 0 DEGREES 22 MINbTES 13 SE~ 9¢EST ALONG THE ~T. ST LL~'E OF SA/D TRACT 3 A DISTANCE OF 165.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGD~,'I~G, SA.rD DESCRJ~ED TRACT CON'TAINTNG 10,421 SQUARE FEET (0.239 ACRE), MORE OR LESS B^-S1S OF eEAR~GS IS ,?rE ~:ST LI,%'E OF S^tO TRACT 3 BEfNG . NORTH 00 DEGREES 22 MINq.JqT=S 13 SECONDS '~"EST. ' PARCEL 142 ,. · .,,X" ' PROFESSIONAL LAND SU~C'~ 12406 '1 OFFICE OF C~'AL PR~ECTS - ! COLLIER COU~ GO~RNME~ CG.PL~ "1 FEB 01319 6 1 8 B ! t4z , ... i ' ·: · .: , OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ..... 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 ~ . · .' SKETCH OF- DESCRIPTION : .":. ,'., 0 I /.-P,O.B. E ..,~, //N.sg'32'32"E. .:'.: ,.. 55.14' Curve number I " il ' R~dtus = 3855,88' " '' C-1 ~ = 00'50'59' .. A~c = 57.19' ' ' . Chord = 57.19' .,, " ~ ~' ,~ Chord Br9, 3.05'52'~9'E. ~,. CD ¼ ~ ~ ".,.'..', W - ,r o Curve number 2 ' ':' -.., 'o -- < ?." oo~; ' I~ r-"..i:,: ~ '.' Radius = 7684,44' ,', 0 z ~ ~'< A = 00'48'33' ',.~ rr' o_ Arc = 108,55' ' :'." Q_ Chord = 108.55' '.: ".:' . ~-~ Chord ]Br0. S.05'53'42'1r. ' '' " ~"h :"' : ': ';' <( J :,"' 0 t 71'07' '~' .: ' S.89'32'32"W. Z I--- 0 · --J ~.]. '" l_~ I '.': GENERAL NOTES ~) P.0.C. indicc~tes Point o¢ Co~mencemen~ .. P) P.O.]3. indicotes Point o¢ ]3eginni~ 3) Sec. indicates Section ....... ;"-. 4) T~p, Indicotes Township 5) Rge, indicates Range 6) R/~' Indicotes Right-o¢-w~y 7) Att distances ore in ?ee~ ~o' decim~ts ~he~eo¢ B) B~sis oF Beorings is ~he West line o¢ Troc~ 3 being N,OO'2~'I3'W, :, S) No~ vo[id un[ess signed ~md seoted ~1~ ~he embossed THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH fro, 3 C~C~[D ~. ~: ~I{: r~ ~.: NaT TD SHEg ; ~.2 8 B 1' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS : 3501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 , · .'. PROJECT NO.,, ~ ~)~_~ TAX PARCEL NO.- ~nJ~nnna i' '' ':.":!, J.EGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY_) slope, drainage, utility & maintenance oaaement CONg~ENCE AT T}IE NORTH~FEST CORNER OF TP. ACT 3 OF T}{E PLAT THEREOF. . . GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 29 AS RECOTLDED TN PLAT BOOK ?,PAGE ,. · 57 OF THE PUBLIC RECOADS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA,, THENCE NORTH S9 ' '  E~ASES n Xm~JTSS n SECONDS E~ST ^LONG T~S NORTH LnV~ OF SAID TRACT D~STANCE OF ~5.~ FE~T TO ~ POn~ OF SEGn~TNG~ ~ENCE CONTINqJTNG EAST ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 40.15 FEET TO TI{E POTNT . OF CURVAT1J~ OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE EAST, HAVING A P. ADPJS OF 3815.~8 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF0 DEGREES 47 MTNUTES $I .. SECONDS, AND A CHORD OF 53. II FEET BEARING SOUTH 5 DEGREES ~4 MINXJTES ]~ SECONDS EAST; THENCE sou-m ALONG SArD CURVE. ^ DISTANCE OF ~.~ FEET TO TH~ ~On~T OF CU~V^TU~E OF ^ ~VERSE CURVE. CONCAVE TO T~m ·. WEST, ~^V~C ^ ~DIUS OF ?~.~ FEET, A CE~rmAL ~GLE OF 0 DEGREES S0 ' MIN'LFFES 05 SECONDS, AN"D A CHORD OF 112.64 FEET BEARING SOUTH $ DEGREES . n ~T~S 55 SECO,~DS E^ST; THENCE SOUTH ALO,~G SAID CURV~, A DISTANCE . OF I I2.~4 FEET', THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 32 MINUTES ~2 SECONDS WEST ALONG A L~q~ LY~O 165 FEET.AS ~IE^SbqXED PERPENDICULAR TO. THE NORTH LYN~E OF SAID TTLACT 3 A DISTANCE OF 40,15 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON.TANGENT CUR~q--, CONCAVE TO THE %~ST, HAVING A RADFJS ' OF 76S4.44 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0 DEGREES 4~ MINUTES 34 SECONDS, A~]) A CHORD OF I0&55 FEET BEARING NOR]ql ~ DEGREES 5~ MINUTES 42 -. SECONDS WEST; THENCE NORT]I ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 10~.55 FEET TO ~rE POnVT OF CUAVATURE OF A ~VERSE CUrVE, CONCAVE TO Tim E~ST. . HAVING A P. ADFJS OF 3855.S.~ FEET, A CENTRAL A~NGLE OF 0 DEGREES 50 ' ~,~'UTSS ~ SECONDS. A~D A CHO~D O~ ~?.~ FEET BE~rUNG NORTH S DEGREES . 52 Mq,X2OTES 29 SECONq}S WEST; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE · OF 5119 FEET TO THE POENT OF BEGINNTNG~ SAID DESCRIBED TRACT .... CON-TA~-N] NG 6,630 SQUARE FEET ¢0.152 ACRE). MOP. E OR LESS. , · BASIS OF BEARrNGS IS THE NORTH LE~'E OF SA~D TRACT 3 BErNG NORTH 89 DEGP, EES 32 .%I~q3TES 32 SECONDS EAST. PARCEL $42 '~ '" ~ '¢ 2.'. ~' · ' Or 1CE OF CAPI?AL PROJECTS COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX "' 330; [ 7~41AMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ~3 B B 1 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS : ,.. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ; ," '.~ (941) 774-8192 ,: : : DESCRIPTION ' ' ': " SKETCH OF ' ... /P.O.c. ~ .. /x N.Bg'32'32"E. ~F '~.~:': ~'..;..): '.'.' " 55.14.' /~ 40.1,5' ': ·// Curve number 1 '"' ~:':.'^" -1 -3 A : 00'50'59" .'", Arc = 57,19' Chord = 57,19' ,. m Chord Brg. S,05'Se'P9'£. m, o Curve number 2 ' 0 Radius = 7684,44' ;..~ , "-\ .:,.. ~_ Chord = 108.55' .. '.' ~-~ Chord BrO. S.05'53'4E'Ir. -' ' <~ Curve number 3 ':" ' O i 71.07' ~ 40.15' ~ RGdius = 3els.ce' :' '" n,' '- S.89'32'32"W. A = 00'47'51 .... Z I Arc = 53.11' OF_I.o Chord = 53.11' CA o Chord Brg, S.05'54'11'£. .~ _ ,~ Curve number 4 --i ~ R~dius = 77P4.44' '. "": A = 00'50'08' Arc = 112.64' I Chord = '!2.64' L __ . Chord ]~rg, S.05'52'55'£. GENERAL NFITES 1) P.D.C. indicate~ Point oF Comnencenen% 2) P.O.B, indlc~tes Point oF Beglnnlr~g D) Sec. indicates eect;o~ 5~ Rge. ~cate$ ~nge 8) Basis o¢ ~e~rimgs is the North tine oF Tract 3 being N,Bg'32'22'[. 9) Not valid unless signed ond seated ~ith the embossed seal oF ~he professional lond surveyor THIS IS 0NL~ A SK~CH ~'~ ,, NDT TO 10-ie-96 PR-84~ SHEE ~F 2 SCALE OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34.112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO.. t'~ [ : , PROJEct' PARCEL .0._, /4"~ ~. .. TAX PARCEL NO.-~_a]nn~z, lnn,~_ :: .. ~SCRIPTION (NOT A SURV~ ..... road r~sh[-o[-uay, stdeuajk, uttl'ity, drainage & mat~tenance easement BEGIN AT THE SOU'THWEST CORJ~ER OF TRACT 4 OF TIlE PLAT THER. EOF. GOLDEN " GATE ESTATES.UNIT NO. 29, AS R. ECORDED IN PLAT BOOK ? PAGE 57 O~ TH~ "".-: PUBLIC RE, CORDS OF COLLLE,q. COUNTY. FLOPJDA TliENCE NORTH 19 DEGREES 32 . MINUTES 32 SECONDS EASTAL, ONG A LINE LYING ll~u FEET SOUTH. AS MEASURED PERPENDICTULARTO. TILE NORTtt LINE OF SAID TRACT 4 A DISTANCE OF 44.7,~ ' ... FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE ' EAST. HAVING A RADIUS OF 3S55.8~ FEET. A CEN~ ANGLE OF2 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 03 SECONDS, AND A CHORD OF 15U.34 FEET BEAR,lNG sOLrT'H 4 DEGRF~:$ ,. 19 MINUTES IS SECONDS EAST; THENCE $OUTll AJ. ONG SA.ID CURVE. A DISTANCE OF 150,35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH ~9 DEGREES 32 MINUTES ]2 SECONDS WEST .. ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 4 A DISTANCE OF 55.14 FEET TO THE POIN'r OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 7,4 ltl SQUARE FEET (0.17u ACRE), MORE OR LESS · BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE WEST LINE OF TRACT 4 BEING · · NORTH UO DEGREES 21 MINUTES 1.1 SECONDS WEST. PAJ~CEL 14.1 OF' CAPITAL PROJECTS COLLIER COI. INI'Y GOVERNMENT COMPL['X 5,301 E TAM~.AMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 881  OFFIC.~ OF CAPITAL P. ROJ'.~'CTS 3501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 .' ..'. !. I SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION t I.. '. I N.8~'32'32"E · n~ i~ ~ :... Z 20' ~ : '; 0 < .:' I-- r~- o . - CD ~, "' Cur. ve nu~loer. 1 Z < ~-?~.c~/ tq~ '!... -' ~ ~ ~c-~ , ,~: 0~u,'03' : . Z ~-z'?'l Chord Bt'9. S.04'19'58'£. " . ".'.": ~ , · South~es~ / '" Corner Tract I / S.89'32'.~2" .W. : . GENERAL NOTES ~) P.O.C. indicate~ Point of' ~) P.D.B. Indicates Point of' Beginning '. 3) Sec. Indicates Section 4) Twp. Indlc~tes To~nshlp .'., 5) Rge. indicates Ronoe 6) R/W indicates Right-of'-way 8) Dasis oF ~e~rlngs Is ~he West tine 9) Not v~lid untess signed and ~ea~ed with the enbossed ., seat oF the p¢oFessionot rand suFveyo¢ SCALE 10-15-96 PR-143 " OFFIC£ OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34,112 (941) 774-8192 : '" PROJECT NO.. ~ O0 ~ I PROJ£CT PARCEL NO._ ~4~ · ,.. TAX PARCEL NO._.~3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A S_U..~ ,, .... :~" slope, drainage, utility & maintenance easement CO.~viENOE AT TH~ SOUTHWEST CO~.NER OF TRACT 4 OF ~HE PLAT " THEKEOF, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO 2~.AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOO~ , 17, PAGES 90-91, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA; ~.:.. THJENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST ALONG A LINE LYING : ' - 150 FEET NORTH, AS MEASUP-,ED PERPENDICULAR TO. TIlE SOUTH LINE OF SAID : ':, TRACT 4 A DISTANCE OF 55.14 FEET TO TI lE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGEN"T CURVE, CONCAVE TOTHE EAST, HAVING A IL4.DIUS OF 3855.88 FEET, A CENq-KAL ANGLE OF 2 DEGREES 14 ~NUTES 03 SECONDS, AND A CHOP. D OF 130.34 FEET BEARING NORTH 4 DEGREES 19 b,L~NUTES 5g SECONDS ~N~ST; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID CURVE. A DISTANCE OF 150.33 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 4003 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO TILE EAST. HAVING A RADIUS OF 3813.88 FF. ET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2 DEGI~EES 15 ~IINUTES 28 SECONDS. AND A CHORD OF 1~O.35 FEET ' BEARJNG SOUTH 4 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 24 SECONDS EAST; T3lENCE SOUTH ALONG · SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 150.36 FEET, TIIENCE SOUTI! 8~ DEGREES .12 MINUTES 32 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 4 A DISTANCE OF 40.15 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: SAID DESCP, JBED TRACT CONTAINING 6,014 SQUAI~E FEET. (o. 1311 ACRE), ,MOKE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 4 BEING NORTH 89 DEGREES 32 MINUTES ~2 SECONDS EAST PARCEL 843 " : :__ DATE: OFFICE OF ~IT~ PR~E~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL Pt OJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 -. (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION J ' II ~ '.:. · ~ I N.gg'32'32"E. .. 0 ~:' Curve number 1 ' I '* Radius = 3855.88' : ~, ' Z ~- · 30' [ o /x = 02.14,03° 0 <: Arc = 150.35' ' '~' (73~ Chord = 150.34' .. 0 ~ [ Chord Brg, S.04'19'58"E. / Curve number 2 :. , .,, ~ J Chord = 150.35" ; ':' ' F2 Chord Corner Tract I , " S.89'52'~2"W. GENERAL NOTES 1) P.O.C, indicates Point oF Con.~encenent ~) P.DB. indic~te~ Point oF Beginning 3) Sec. indlc~tes Section 4) T~p. ]ndic~te~ Township 5) Rge. indicates Range 6) R/~ indicctes Ri~ht-oF-~cy 7) AH distances ore in ?ee~ and decln~ts *hereof 8) B~sis oF Beorlngs is the NOp~h line oF Tract 4 being N.89'32'32'E. ~) No~ votid u~tes~ signed and secled with ~he embossed 5e~[ o? ~he pro~ession~l [~nd surveyor ~ THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH "'~~ ' , 8 B 1 OFt~ICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,.54112 '" (941) 774-8192 i PROJECT NO,_ PROJECT PARCEL NO.. I,~4 o TAX PARCEL NO, q~1OO2_6000~ .,.' ~RtPTION ('_ NC)~ ~.. road right-Gl-way, sidewalk, ut:i.l':Lty, dra:i.n,,se & mm:l, nten&nce BEGIN AT TI-El NORTHWEST CORNER OF TI"UkCT 4 OF THE PLAT TIIEKEOF. G~)LDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 29, AS RE. CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 57, OF PUBLIC I:~COR.DS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLOE.IDA; THENCE NORTH I1~ DEGREES 32 ',' MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTIt LINE OF S/,JD TRACT 4 A · . .. DISTANCE OF 4u.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT ' CURVE. CONCAVE TO THE EAST. ttAVING A RADIUS OF 3BSJ.lffi FEET. A CENTRAL '. ANGLE OF :2 DEGP,~ES 40 MINUTES 33 SECONDS, AND A CHORD OF lS0.0~ FEET "... BEA,'~J NG SOUTH I DEGREE 52 MJNUTES 40 SECONDS EAST; THENCE SOUTH ALONG . · ' SAID CURVE. A DISTANCE OF 180.07 FEET; THENCE SOUTH S9 DEGREES 32 MI NLr]"ES 32 SECONDS W'EST ALONG A LINE LYING 1 SO FEET SOUTH, ~ ,N'LEASUP, Eg~ PEP, PENDICULAA TO, THE NORTH LINE OF SAJD TRACT 4 A DISTANCE OF FEET; T}LENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 22 M/NLrTES 13 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 4 A DISTANCE OF I~U.OU FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGII'~ING; SAID DESCI:U.BED TRACT CONTAINING 7,502 SQUARE FEET (O. 172 ACAE), MORE OR LESS BASIS OF BEAR.1NGS IS THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 4 DEING NORTH bX) DEGKEES 22 MINU'I'ES 13 SECONDS WEST. PARCFL 1-14 · ' % ,:,":,, ... , ' t:." ' ~~' ;?_ '; ,.." · · . ~* ,..,,'.. ~ ~":.,..' OFFICE OF C~IT~ PR~ECTS COLLIER COUN~ GO~RNME~ COMP~ 3301 E T~I T~L ~. ~OR~ 3396~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ', . ,/ N.89'3732"E~ ~ 40'01' ~ :' ' . ~ ~ Curve number 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ = 02'40,33, '. ~ < ~ Arc = 180,07' ~ o ~ o Chord = O ~ Chord Brg. S,01'52'40'~. ; :"'' .'- S.~'32'32"W. GENERAL NOTES t) P.O.C. indlco~es Point of Conme~cemen~ ~) P.D.9. indicates Point oF ~eginnin9 2) Sec. Indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rge. indic~tes Range ' ..'" 6) R/W i~dic~tes Right-oF-way i 7) Att distances ~re in Fee~ ~md decimals ~hereoF B) B~sis oF ~e~rings Is the West Une o¢ T~cct 4 being N.OO'22']3'W. 9) Not valid unless signed and sea,ed with the embossed .; .. ~CAL~ 8 B 1 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO, TAX P~CEL NO. ~R!PTION (NOT A SURV~} ..., slope, dra~nase,uttiit7 & maintenance COMMENCE AT THE '. THEREOF GOLDEN NORTHWEST COILN'ER OF 'IR.ACT 4 OF THE PLAT , GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 29,AS RECORDED IN' PLAT ]3OOK ·" 17,]:'AGES 90.91 OF THE Pb"BLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COL~, FLORIDA; TTt'ENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 32 MINLKr'Es 32 SECONq:)S EAST ALONG TH~ NORTH ,~. ' LI'NrE OF' SAID TRACT 4 A DISTANCE OF 40.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING EAST ALONG SAID LIN'E, A DISTANCE OF 4000 . FEET TO THE POI,¥T OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE. .... EAST, HA~.TNG A RADIUS OF 381~,.g8 FEET, A CENTI'LA.L ANGLE OF2 DEGREES 42 , ' .' ·., /',{TN'UTEs 14 SECONDS, AND A CHORD OF I g0.0C, FEET BEAPJNG SOUTH I DEGREE , ° ...,' $3 ~,~NLrTES 33 SECONDS EAST; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE . OF 180.07 FEET; THENCE SOUTH S9 DEGREES 32 M'I3FLrTES .12 SECONDS WEST "...' ALONG A L~iE LYTNG lSD FEET SOUTH,AS MEASURED PER,PEh'DICULAR TO, THE NORTH LiNE OF SAID TRACT 4 A DISTANCE OF 40.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF . CUAVATLrR.E OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CON'CAV:E TO THE EAST, HAVING A RADrU.q .... · · . OF 3S.~J.SS FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2 DEGREES 40 MINL1TES .1:t SECONDS, '. ' ...::~ A.',;D A CHORD OF 180.06 FEET BEAR,ING NORTH [ DEGR/ZE $2 MTN1JI"ES 40 .-' '. SECONDS WEST; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF ]110.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TR.ACT CONTAINING 7,203 · ' SQUARE FEET (0 IA5 ACRE), MORE OR LESS BASIS OF BEARd'"NOS IS T}.IE NORTH LP,,'E OF NORTH 89 DEGREES :3,1. MTNU'TES S,MD TRACT 4 BEING ,.. 32 SECONDS EAST. PARCEL 844 i: ' ":' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS : . 3301 EAST TA,MIAM~ TRA~L NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (94i) 774-8192 "' '}': "; '"'. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION '. ~ N.gg'32'32"E. ~P.O.B. Curve number I : " Radius = 3855.88' C-1 - m = 0E'40'33' ' ~ ~- Arc · 180,07' Ld ~., u Curve number 2 ' ' 0 < < Radius = 3815.88' * .... '. IX. ~- ~- "' 0 A = 0~'42'14· "., '., rY Arc = 180.07' Q_ Chord = 180,06 ..... '-~ Chord BrO. S.01'53'33'E. : 0 44.75' 44.05' ' · ' 0 :'': ~ 'o 0 :' "':' """ Z I- GENERAL NDTES .."' '"' 1) P.O.C. indicates Point oF Cor, mencement '~' ' 2) P.D.B. indicates Point o¢ J~eginning : .. 3) Sec, indicates Section ' ' ' 4) T~p, Indicates Township " .- 5) Rge. indicates Range .. ;~:" 6) R/W indicates Right-oF-way : :.. 7) Att disto, nces are In Feet ~nd decimals thereof' ' 8) Basis oF Bearings is the North Line oF Tract 4 being N.Bg'32'32'E. 9) Not vaUd un(ess signed and sealed with the embossed ''.'". semi o¢ the proPessionat land surveyor · .:  jj THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH ' . ~ I ':': ;' SCALE 10-18-96 PR-844 SHEET . OFFICE OF CAPITAL Pi~OJECT$ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 · (,941) 774-gl 92 PROJECT NO, ~ O~) ~, I ,, PR~[~ P~CEL NO, T~ P~CEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURV~ lee simple title CO~NCE AT ~ CE~I~ I~EASE~ION OF ~DEN GA~ P~WAY ~ ~ EAST LI~ OF SE~ION 25,TO,SHIP 49 S~. ~GE 2S EAST. C~R~ COb~, ~O~DA; ~ENCE NOR~ 0 DEGREES 22 MI~S 13 SE~S ~. A DISTANCE OF 44 l.SO ~ET TO ~E EAST QUAR~R CO~R OF S~D SE~ON 2~; ~NCE SOb~ S9 DEGREES 4o MI~ES 53 SECO~S ~ST, A DIST~CE OF "' 1o~.~) FEET TO ~ ~ST RIG~ OF WAY L~E OF LI~GSTON RO~ ~ ~ ~1~ OF BEGINNING; ~ENCE SO~ 0 DEGREES 22 MIN~S 13 SECONDS EA~, · A DISTANCE OF 392.13 FEET TO ~E ~IN~ OF [~RSE~ON ~ ~E ~ST ~G~ OF WAY LINE OF LI~qNGSTON ROAD ~ ~ NORTH ~G~ OF WAY LI~ , '. OF GOLDEN GA~ P~WAY; ~NCE ~ONG SAID NOR~ ~O~ OF WAY L~ SO~H 89 DEG~ES 30 MIN~S 18 SECONDS 'A~ST, A DISTAN~ ~ ~27.~ '- . ;~'. ~ET; ~NCE LEA~NG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LI~ N~ 0 DEG~ES 29 ~S 42 SECONDS %~ST, A DIST~CE OF 40.~ ~ET; ~ENCE NOR~ S9 DEG~ES 30 MI~S 18 SECO~S EAST, A DIST~CE OF 767.~ ~; ~N~ , NOR~ 47 DEG~ES 55 Mi~S 35 SECO~S EAST, A DISTANCE ~ ~.27 ~; .,'~' ~NCE NOR~ 0 DEG~ES 22 MI~S !~ SECONDS ~ST, A DI~CE ~ 312.17 ~ET; ~ENCE NOR~{ 0 DEG~ES 16 MIN~S OI SECOND ~, A :' DISTANCE OF ~g4.63 ~; ~ENCE NOR~ R9 DEG~ES 27 M[~S 24 SECO~S ' ' " EAST. A DISTANCE OF'I S.l~) ~ TO THE WEST RIGI~ OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; ~ENCE ~ONG SAID WEST RIG~ OF WAY LI~ S~ 0 ,'..' DEG~ES 16 MI~S Ol SECOND EAST. A DIST~CE OF 584.69 ~TO~ :.."' ,':' ~ OF BEG~ING; SA~ DESCRIBED ~ CO~N~G 48,034 SQU~ ~ : ;:~.: ' (l.103 AC~S), MO~ OR LESS. '",." BASIS OF BEINGS IS ~ NOR~ KIG~ OF WAY L~ OF ~ GA~ . .. P~WAY BEING SOL~ 89 DEG~ES 30 MINL~S ]~ SECONDS ~ST. ., su . o.,cE FEB 0 3 ~Ol E ~ ~L a,.~S, ~OmD* ~..:,//~ , ,, ~, r II 14G ' OF£ICE OF CAPITAL PROJL~CTS ",,..: 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 :~':,. (941) 774-8192 ':,~ SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION .:.~....,.,,. , ,. ,~.~ t .. ~ ~ ;. ..'L ~ ~ ~ ~~. .. ~ / / ~' , .. ~ · ~ ~ . ~ ~ [ "'. ~ o ~1 ~t ~ o~ ~ ' ' ~o.~r X~, ~ ''' _ ~ j P~L 146 ~ .:.. b GOLDEN GA~ PARKWAY ,-, . ~p~c. . . ' GENERAL NOTES '.~. 1) P.O.C. indicates Point 0¢ Commencement .- ..-,' 2) P.0. B, Indicates Point o¢ Beginning " 3) Sec. imdica~es Section · 4) Twp. IndicaCe~ Township ~) Rge. indicates Range 6) R/W indicates Right-oF-way 7) ALI distences GEe in Feet and decimals thereof or Golden Gate Parkwgy being S.69'30'38'W. seal oF the pro?essionot Imnd surveyct, '. THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH ~ .. ~ ~; C~C~ ~:, ~. ~- ¢~ ~,: '~' SCALE 10-14-96 PR-146 SHEE 2 - ri7 8 B 1' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJ'ECT.D 5301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 ~..'. (941) 774-8192 PROJECT .O. EooG/ . 7 PROJECT PARCEL NO. T~LX PARCEL NO. ~,P, l nn~nnn? ~ . LEGAL DESCRIPTION (_NOT A SURV['¥) road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement · CO~NCING AT ~E ~1~ ~ i~RSE~ION OF ~E CE~]~ ~ ~EN . GA~ PA~WAY ~D ~E EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE ~ LIVINO~N RO~,S~D .: ~)~ OF COMN~NCEMEN~ ~SO BEING ~E SO~ E~ER ~ ~ T)~ PLAT THE~OF GOLDEN GA~ ESTATES UNIT NO. 2g AS ~ED IN ~T B~K ~ PAGE 57 OF ~E PUBLIC RECO~S OF CO~IER C~. ~DA; . T~NCE N~ o DEGREES ~ MIN~ES I~ SECONDS ~. A DIe. CE ~ ~.~ ~ET TO ~E ~1~ OF BEGINNING; ~IENCE CO~NUING ~R~ ~NO S~D LINE ~ND THE EAST ~GHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON RO~, A DIe. CE 39l. l ] FEET; THENCE P, OR~ 0 DEGREES 16 M IN~ES O I SE~ND ~, A ' · DIST~CE OF 23~ S~) ~ET; ~ENCE LEAVING SAID E~ RIGHT ~ WAY LI~ .' . NORTH S9 DEG~ES 30 MI~S 1~ SECONDS EAST, A DIST~CE ~ 20.~ ~; ' .. ~NCE SO~H 0 DEG~ES 16 MIN~S 01 SECOND E~, A DIST~ OF 23S,~6 ~; THENCE SO~ 0 DEG~ 22 MIN~S 13 SECO~S E~, A Di~ 321.14 FE~; ~ENCE SO~ 45 DEC.ES 25 MI~S Sa SECO~S ~T, A : . ~ ..~ .. DISTANCE OF 63,57 ~; ~N~ NOR~ S9 DEG~ES 30 MI~S I~ SE~S ~ ~: EA~, A DIST~CE ~ 295,3~ ~; ~ENCE SO~ 0 DEG~ES 2V M~ 42 ~".' ' "' ;:' ' SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 25.~ FE~ TO ~E N~ ~G~ ~ WAY OF GOLDEN GA~ PARKWAY; THENCE SO~H ~9 DEG~ES 30 MI~ I~ SECO~S .' · ~'. %~ST ~O~G SAID NORTH RIGIIT OF WAY LINE. k DISTANCE OF 3~.43 ~ ~ ' ' · ' :~. T~ ~1~ OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIDED T~ CO~AINING 0.50~ AC~ ' ' (22.123 SQU~E ~ET). MORE ~ LESS ': B~IS OF BEINGS IS ~E NOR~ ~G~ OF WAY LINE OF ~DEN GA~ .. ' ' ., ' P~WAY BEING SOUTH g9 DEG~ES 30 MI~S Ig SECONDS PARCEL 14~ '"' ~OFESS1ONAL ~ND SU~R ~2406 : '1 147 ~ .... OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS '" 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES,' FLORIDA ,.34112 (941) 774-8192 : 'u") :~; u'J ~r PARCEL 147 c~ I / TRACT 7 ~ '~' O z ~ ~i~ · CD  N.89'30'18"E. 295.38' .'. -'¢, P.O,:B,~ ~ .... J~ } GOLDEN GATE PARKW,z.Y · '.' GENERA[. NDTES I) P.O.C. Jndicotes Point oF' Connencenent ., .' 2) P.D.B. indicates Point oF ~eginnimg ..., ~. 3) Sec. Indicates Section .... 4) Twp. Indic(~tes Township ;.]:~ .'..' 5) Roe. indicates Range '. ' :'.-,1:?' 6) R/~/ indlc~tes Right-oF-way ...',?;" 7) All distant:es (xre in teet (~nd de¢i~Qts ~her'eo¢ ' 8) Bcsis o¢' bec~rings Is the North ~/~/ line o¢ Gotden O6te Par-kway being S.89'30'IB'~/. 9) Not v~tld untess signed ~nd seated with the enbossed "' ' - · I TEllS IS ONLY A SKETCH FEB 03'1!18 · o NOT TO SCALE' ]0-3]-96 PR-147 SHEET ,,,1'~_-_ - /II 8 B 1 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 :' ': PROJECT PARCEL NO. 847 ,' * TAX PARCEL NO. · LEGAL DESCRIPTION ('NOT A SURVEY') slope, dra£nase, ut:l. Iit. y & maintenance eamement '. COhO, fENCING AT ~ POIN'T OF INTERSECTION OF THE CENTEI~,LINE OF CK3LDEN GATE PM~.WAY AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LIN~ OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; T'i.~N'C'E NORTH 0 DEGREES 2:2 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST PJGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID LIVINGSTON ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 12(I.O4 FEET; THENCE LEA~vqNG SAID EAST RJGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH S,) DEGREES .17 MINUTES 47 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 2().(x) FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; .. TI~ENCE NORTH o DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 32 I. 14 FEET, T~ENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 01 SECOND WEST, A ': DISTAl'CE OF 23g.g6 FEET; THENCE NORTII S9 DEGREES .10 MINt.rrES 1S SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 40.(Xl FEET; TIIENCE SOUTII 0 DEGREES 16 MINUTES OI SECOND EAST. A DISTANCE OF 23S.Sl FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGP. EES 22 MIN'U'TES 13 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF :]61.1') FEET; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 5~ SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF ~6.$1 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 0.53.1 ACRE (23,200 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS· BASIS OF BEARJNGS IS THE EAST RiGI-Fr WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD . I BEING NORTIt () DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST, o. PARCEL PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYCR 1~24~6'' , ". ' .1~.~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS COLUER COUhrrY GOVERNMENT CODIPLE:X FEB 0 3 T E 47 D OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION I ..' 359.06' ~ 20' 40' ~-O ~ ~1 ~ PARCEL 847 ~ TRACT 7 '. ~ ~ i ~ ~ · . 20.00' X ~,~ ~ ~ " 1~ ~ ~ 1' . ,. ~ ~ 360.54' ~ ' '"' P,O,C,% ~ GOt. DEN GATE PARKWAY GENERAL NBTES 1) P.O.C. Indicates Point o¢ Commencement '.: ~) P.O.B. indicates Point o~ ~eginnln9 3) Sec. indicGtes Section ... 4) T~p. ]ndicotes To~nshtp 5) Pge. indicates R~nge 6) R/V ir~dlcotes Right-oF-,~y 7) Alt distances ~e in Peet ond d,~Cln~ts thereo¢ ; 8) B~sis o¢ bearings is the E~st R/~ tine o¢ ~ ~~- :' Livingston Roo¢ being N.00"88H3'~¢.~ ~ ...' 9) Not voli¢ untess signed one sealed with the enbossed · ~ se~t o¢ the profession,t ton~ sueveyorTHiS IS ONLY A SK~CH - '. PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION '(NOT A SURVEY) road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainase & maintenance easement The North twenty-five (25)feet. of the South seventy-five (75)feet of the West 150 feet of Tract 8, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Flodda, being a portion of the property described in that certain warranty deed recorded in Official Records Book 790, Page 1916, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. TRACT 8 UNIT 29 : SUBJECT , ... 'Sidewalk Easement ; G~e~ge~' R,,: Ri..ch. mond, "PL~- 2406 I_Go~_en Gate Pa~wa), (50' ~/~ Collier, TCount. y...-TGovez'nmenl; Complex SKETCH NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NO. 60061 PARCEL NO. 149 Fo].J.o No. 38].00320005 LIVINGSTON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY fee simple title Tract 6, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, in Plat Book 7, Page 57. PROJECT NO. ~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. '~nn~xooo,~ · SKETCH & LEGAl.. DESCRIPTION (NOTA SURVEY) road risht-o£-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement The North twenty-five (25) feet of the South seventy-five (75) feet of the West 150 feet of the East 180 feet of Tract 8, 'Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, . Flodda, being a portion of the property described in that certain warranty deed recorded in Official Records Book 790, Page 1914, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. ?0-" S~.t~: SW (30' ~,,'.'~ TP, ACT 8 U:,'rT 29 : .,. ~. SUBJECT , NapIeS.~.Ei ;i,34~2 SKETCH NOT TO SCALE ' i"' .'i OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .~'...: "i 330'1 EAST TAIvtlAbil TRAIl NAPLE'S, FLORID^ 34112 ,. ' '-:'...--..';~ .'- (94'1) 77'4-8'192 ..:% . :~!..~'~ · :(.,. · .,,.:,.: :., .... '::.: i '. :.':.':i PROJECT NO. ~'~ ,. ;. .. .., PROJECT PARCEL NO ..... ! TAX PARCEL NO. .~. ' '":' LEGAL DESCR!PT1ON ('NOT A SURVE'Y'~ · , · : . . . . ;..,;...( , : · '.:' ':: .'.';.:: road riLht-o[-waT, sidewalk, utility drainage & maintenance easement :'2i". ' '..;!i ' ' , COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST COKNER O? T,q. ACT 25 OF THE FLAT THEREOF. GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 29.AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7.PAGF. 57 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLO?dDA ,THENCE NOR]'H $9 DEGREES 30  MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.0o ?EET; TIIENCE SOUTH 0 ' · DEGREES 29 MINUTES 42 SECONDS EAST, .:, DISTANCE OF 5o.o0 F,~ET TO THE .. POINT OF BEGh~ING; THENCE NORTH B,) DEGREES ?O MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE SOL~I'H '3 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 42 ':' SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 30 ~ · · ; MJN"UTES 18 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 125 (',: FEET; THENCE SOUTH DEGREES 50 MINUTES 4:) SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 32.02 FEET: THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 29 MINb'TES 42 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET · ' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 3,250 SQUARE FEET (0.075 ACRE), MORE OR LESS BASIS OF BEA~dNGS.IS 'DIE NORTH LINE OF SA:~ TP~CT 25 BEING NORTH 89 DEGREES 30 MINUTES Ig SECONDS EAST PARCEL 151 GF..~RGE R. RICHI, IOND DATE: . O[~'CE CF C~PlTAL PRO,'~CTS FEB 0 3 19S8 · .~ -~..: : 151 .. ,,..~ .... ...~-i OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS,[.~ .-'.:.~,,"-'.'. ,. :':;1.... 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 '. ' .....: .... ~' :;'; '" i ' ': ...... " .... .',..; (941) 774-8192 "'"!. ':' :' ~I'. :,..-. :.. ,.:~,~;~:] /_North Line j ; ': · :?~..:...~ .... P,D.C~x13o.oo' 'SKETCH OF DESCRIPTIONI /. TrocL25A t I .. .'.-' -':.~.'.'; GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY . · ': ' ' .:i.:".;:: :";" I/P.n,s. =' ..... ' '.~':'/~ ~ ' ... . .. :'' '¥~!"'; ' N.89"30'18"E. 150.00' ! · · "":'' .. ~ PARCEL 151 I150.00' ~'... · ,. ,.- ,~ / S.89'30'18"W. 125.00' J I' '. · / S.00'29'42"E.--j ; . : .~''~ 20.00' S.50'50'43"W. ! ,32.,.52' I ;':. '!:'j. I :'7.'..' Eos Line · , Tract 25 ... .. , L.d ~,,, i-- ,~- .... TRACT 2_5 West Line/' Tract 25 GENERAL_ NOTES 1) P.O.C, incJic(~tes Point oF Commencer',en~c :. ~.) P.O,]3, Indicates Point o? ]]eginn~r~9 3> Sec, indicates Section 4) Twp, ]ndical:es Township 5) Rge. indicates Range ~ 6) R/W indicates Right-oF-way 7) At[ dis'tances ar'e ir~ ¢ee~ o,~ci de¢i:-~,',s thereo¢ 8) ]~asis o? ]~ear'ings is ~he Ncr~h (;ne oF Tract being N.Bg'30'IS'E. 9) Not valid untess signed and sea[ed ~,ith the e~',bcssed seat OF the proFessionat land surveyo~ '.-,' THiS ',S ONLY /~. SKETCH I~. ~ J -- 19g~ . i 2B z , ~ s..~, r .., PROJECT NO. ~d)~ / PROJECT PARCEL NO. /~ FOLIO NO. -~o,n.,~ .,n,,~,~ SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement The South twenty (20) feet of the North seventy (70) feet of the East 150 feet of Tract 25, Golden Gat~ Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. Exist;ng 50 f~t platt.~.~ ~ht-o~'-way SUB:--CT (20') E~Sr :5:)' C-' TF.: .~t 25 G~:~, ~.-,, = E?ATES Uh'iT NO. 29 8 B 1' PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. 38~O0~O_n_no SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) road risht-of-wa¥, sidewalk, utilitT, drainase & maintenance easement The West twenty (20) feet of the South One Half (1/2) of Tract 9, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to th~ plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the pubiic records of Collier County, Florida. T~CT 9 G~.D.,~ G~TE ESTATES ' ~ 20', m SUBJECT 30' R,W · '.. ~ (7o,. s~.) ~ ., . ~; : ' "" ';C '" '~ ' ' · .-. · tD.~: ~S,~OP~A34112 . o ). Jl PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL-NO. ~ FOLIO NO. 38100520009 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, drainage, utility & maintenance easement The East forty (40) feet of the West sixty (60) feet of the South One Half (1/2) of Tract 9, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Flodda. TP;CT '~, COLDEr; GATE ESTATES ' 40' --Tl~ SUBJECT 30' PJW 20' J I~ j (7o~. st) , ,' .: ~ ,,- G~RGE R. RICH/vlOND P.L.S. 2406 pROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement The West twenty (20) feet of the North One Half (1/2) of Tract 9, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. 20' ~ '~ SUbJ'-CT :x,-;: TRACT $, GOL~.E;¢ ':-ATE EST-' .'£S , : UN:T N.~ 29 ' : 30' R/W I (70TM St) -----+, Exi~t!ng 30 fool drainage - i~ i easement (l:y ptat) : ' N '< ~ ~ ::. ,,'NAPLES, ~O~A 34112 ~C~ ~0~ ~0 FEll · 130 8 B PROJECT NO. ~,~ ! PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, drainage, utility & maintenance easement The East forty (40) feet of the West sixty (60) feet of the North One Half (1/2) of Tract 9, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. 20' ~ ~ " I ~.x,i'] TRICT 9, GOLC,.'-:~ u~,. ,' .S .A, :S , Oh':T NC F.~ , , : , (70~" St.) ~;, -- ... "~ Ex!sting 30 [oct dr3inage ~ 4 , ease,men( (b)' (3~.O. RG~ R. KICI-IMOND P.LS. 2 ~ .. ,,, ' '. ' 330.1 'E.' T.~IAMI TRAIL " '' :-'"' ,.'i" .~ SKETCH NOT TO ,eXT, ALE PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO...~ FOLIO NO. 3_~!O07200_n3 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement The West twenty (20) feet of the South One Half (1/2) of Tract 10, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded tn Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. I . : Exis~n~ 30 fool d,'a[nag~. : ; s~ SUBJECT ~' ~ . '~ ~0' St) :,: ",~ ,':~". 7. C[ ....... DA~. '~ '. 5 ~. ~'~g'' ,)f'ffo~ ~.' r~~ ~ :.':' '~.< '9 ~-'. '.~LES, ~O~A 34112 '. '.. ':.:. ~ .~.?.~- '.,5,¢,...,'~' , ', ..3'~:,r'~ ,': S~TCH NOT TO ~ FEB 0 3 PROJECT NO. ~d)d)~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOLIO NO. 38!00720003 SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NO T A SURVEY) slope, drainage, utility & maintenance easement The East forty (40) feet of the West sixty (60) feet of the South One Half (1/2) of Tract 10, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Flodda. Existing 30 ' - ""' '.' ,'GL:fORGER-~R/CFZMOND P,L.S, 2406 SKETCH NOT TO SCALE FEB 0 3 Ig~8 ! 0 'D NO. PROJECT PAR~ I) PROJECT FOLIO NO. ?~i_0068000~: SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) rcad right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement The West twenty (20)feet of the North One Half (1/2)of Tract 10, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. J " · ",:. SUBJECT (2;") l~': T,r~A CT i.", G~.DEN GAT--' ESTATES t:; T N.3. ,":J : Ease~..,.': {by ~t) : · .. ~ ......... D^~.g:7. 2. : GL:'ORC, E ti. RJCH2v~OND P.L.S. 2406 '%' · .3301 E.:TAB~AN~ TRAIL · SKETCH NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. FOUO NO. SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, drainage, utility & maint.enance easement The East forty (40) feet of the West sixty (60) feet of the North One Half (1/2) of Tract 10, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. 20' * ~'''''~ ~ -~,'~,,~,t~---- SUBJECT (40') TP~CT 10, G~DE~, GAT~ ESTATES UK~ NO. 2~ ea~meat (by pbt} : '~' :.'~-'U.:. ~RGE K ~C~O~ P.L.S. 24~ '~: .: ..... .. . ::.~:..,.'. ..... . "c '., . ~CH ~T T0 ~ O [3 J, "' O,. , ; ,'"' .'j,"' · ' · PROJECT NO. ~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. ~ FOLIO NO. 38]oo76non~ SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTiOlU (NO T A SURVEY) road risht-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage & maintenance easement The West twenty (20) feet of the South One Half (1/2) of Tract 11, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to th~ plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. UNIT NO. 29 , SUBJECT (20') 30' R,W (70T" SL) : S~CH NOT TO SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) slope, drainage, utilit7 & maintenance easement The East forty (40) feet of the West sixty (60) feet of the South One Half (1/2) of Tract 11, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 29, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, of the public records of Collier County, Florida. Ex!..',,~n~ 33 foot dra'na~e I ~ SUBJECT (4o') ~' ~'~ ~ -- 20' ~ -- ' 'lq':,, ;- ~.}:~; 5'.. ' '.-~.,.~'., .~ ~.;';., , ,. .,.. ;~:. II II FEB 0 3 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARy ADOPT A RESOLIfFION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY GIFT, PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEI~flr. NT8 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAW WATER WELLS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE NORTH COLLIER REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT. ~ To adopt a Resolution from the Board of County Commissionera as the Governing Body of Collier County and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, hereinafter referred to as "the Board", to acquire by gift, purchase or condemnation temporary construction easements to complete the construction of water wells for the North Collier Regio~ml Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project, hereinafter referred to as "the Project". CONSIDERATION: On January 9, 1996, the Board adopted Resolution No. 96-13, Resolution No. CWS-96-1 authorizing the acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation of non-exclusive, perpetual utility easements and temporary construction easements for the construction of a water pipeline and water wells required for the North Collier Regional Water Treatment Plant Expansion Projecl. On June 17, 1996, all necessary Utility and Temporary Construction Easements were for this project through the condemnation process. The construction of this project has been delayed due to irregularities in the original bids received the first time the project was bid. TMs necess/tated re- bidding the project to obtain a bonafide award. To complete the construct/on o£this project, it is now necessary to extend the Temporary Construction Easements from March 31, 1998 to March 3 i, 1999. Staff has reviewed alternative locations, environmental factors, cost variables, safety and welfare considerations as they relate to the construction of the Project and the Board finds that the most feas/ble locations for the temporary construct/on easements for the construct/on of the Project"are be/nE more particularly described in Exhibit 'A" of the attached Resolution. FISCAL I[MPACT: It is estimated that approximately $9,800 will be the total fiscal impazt for the acquisition and condemnation expenses for the easements as described in Exhibit "A" required to complete the North Coliier Regional Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project. Funds in the amount of $9,800 (FY 98) are available in: Fund: 411 - Water Capital Projects Cost Center: 273511 - Water Capital Outlay Project: 70859 North Colli, Water T_reaLm,mt Plant GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: As a Capital Improvement Element project, the recommendation is consistent with the Collier County Water-Sewer District's Long Range Plan and CIE 859. P,.ECOMMENDATION: That thc Board: (1) Adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation thc temporary construction casem~ts re4uired to complete the North Collier Regional Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project; and (2) Authorize the Chairman to execute thc attached Resolution. Wilma Iverson, Senior Specialist Real Property Management Department Peter Schalt, PMP, Project Manager OlliO of Capital P~rojeets Management REVIEWED By:/~~ JJ~"--"---' DA ~ard Flnn,~L(rt~rim Water Director/Operation Director " - ' Ed II~chner, Administrator Pnbltc Works Division  ! RESOLLrI'ION NO. 98-, ; . t 2 RESOLUTION NO. CWS-98- : .... ' ....: 3 A RESOLLrTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY GI1;'T, PURCHASE OR · '"" ' ': ~' 4 CONDEMNATION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS FOR THE "::'.' ' .i-'~ 5 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER WELL SITES REQUIRED FOR THE COLLIER ~..' ' ' .~-' .: 6 COI.rN'rY W^TER.$£WER DISTRIC'F$ NORTH C~I.J. JI~ REGIONAL WATI~ · '.' ..:i.. 7 TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT. ~': .i . ..:~.. :. !8 WHERE,, on ^pril 1 I, 1995, the Boml of County Commi~ion~r~ u the O~v~min8 ~ of .. ii. :i:i,il.i! 0 Collier County &nd u Ex-Officio the Gov~'ning Boml of the Colli~ Co~ty W,t~.$ew~ Diarist of .' ."~ ' ~' 10 Collier County, Florida (lhe 'Board"), authorized ~taffto proceed with the expansion plato; and the ~ :: ../ . :...:..~ .11 Board ~ntered into an ~ngineering contract with M~.q~lf and Eddy, Inc., to provide the pmf~ion~l :: ..... , · · 1~ r~rvic,~ related to ~n eight million gallon 1~ day (8-MGD) ~pan~ion and ~,ociat~d improv~n~t~ to -. . ' i I~ the North Collie' Regional W~ter Tr~tm~t Plant; and .i i.' 14 WHE~^S, the impmv~nent~ ~-~ consistent CIE 859 and CIE 865, North Colli~ Re85o~l  :' 15 Water Treatment Plant £xpan~ion Proj~t to meet the incm~ing demand~ in the no~th ~ ~ of 16 the County; and 17 W'rlERE^S, the Board of County Commi~$ioner~, on Sanu,ry 9, 1996, ,,dopt~d R~olution No. ,' 18 96-13, Re~olution No. CWS-96-I ~uthori?ing the County St~ff to ~xluir~ by ~ifl, pumh~e or ............. }...i 19 condernnation certain ea~em~nt~ requir~ md nc~ary for the eon~'uetion ofw,,t~r pii~line .... 20 water well ~ite~ for the North Collier Regional Water Tr~alm,nl Plant Exp~raion Proj,el; ~ad " 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R.~$OLVED BY THE BOAJt.D OF COUN'r~ COMMI$o · 22 SIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLOR.ID& AS ~ GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER 23 COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF TI-IE COLLIER COUN'~ 24 WATER-SEW'fiR DIS'I'~CT, th~ fl ha~ ~ ~-rm~ !~ ~h~ Board ~ fl~ ~ 25 w~ ~'e~ f<~ I~. 1L~/r~ Co~t'ief 9r/a,let T~atmem Flswt Expat~ion Project (herelna~er referred to as 26 the "Project") is necessary and in the Public% best inter~s! in order to protect the health, safety · 27 welfare of the citizens of Collier County. 28 AND 1~ IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board h~ r~,i~w~l thc StatTm~l~i~  29 air,native location, ~vironm~ntal factor% ~o~t vari-bl~, ~af~-~j ~1 welfare consideration ~, .. .:. 30 r~late to the eon~tmction ofthe ?roj~t ar~ finds that the mo~ f~ible Ioc~fion for ~h~ c~rt~in I lcmporazy cons~ction caam'n~nts are described in Exhibit "A", attached her,:to and incorlxn-ated : 2 herein. 3 AND IT 1S FURTHER RESOLVED that the construction and maintenance ofthe utility :" 4 impmv~nents for the w,,ter well facilities ar~ compotibl¢ with the long range plarmimg 8oals arai $ objectives ofth¢ Collier County Water-Sewer District. ' 6 AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that to implem~t said constraction ofth¢ Project it is ~.' 7 ~:,propri~te and necesm-y for the Board to acquire a certain temporary construction easement~ · · 8 described in the attached Exhibit "A". attached hereto amd incorporated heroin, which are necessary for g the construction of the water wells for the North Collier Regional Water Treatment Plant F,x~armion 11 AND IT IS FLTR.~R RESOLVED that the County staff i~ hereby authorized to immediately 12 acquire by gift, purchase or condemnation in accordance with the provisions of Chaptera 73, 74 and 13 127. Florida Statutes, the certain temporary construction easements being more particularly described 14 in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein. IS AND IT IS FURTHER. RESOLVED that no mobile homes ar~ located on tile property sought 16 to be acquired and therefore it will not be necessary to remove any mobile homes from the property to 17 be acquired. 18 This Resolution adopted on this day of ,1998, after motion, 19 second and majority vote. 20 ATTEST: 21 DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 22 BOARD OF COLTNTY COM]VH$$IONE]~ OF 23 COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR/DA, AS TRE 24 GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER cOLrNTY 25 AND AS EX-OFFICIO TRE GOVERNTNG 26 BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER. 27 SEWER DISTRICT 29 By: 30 9ARBARA B. BERRY. CHA/RMAlfl 31 32 Approved as to form and 33 legal sufficiency: 35 36 37 DES~IP~ ~ ~P~Y C~S~UC~ EA~UENT C~S~UC~ EAS~YENT 0~. ~R AND A PR~O~D ~P~ARY ALL ~AT PART ~ SEC~ON 35, TO~iP ~ S~, RAN~ 26 EAST, C~UER C~N~, FLORIO~ B~NG M~E P~~RLY OES~IBED AS F~O~' C~MENONG AT ~E N~I~ST C~N~ ~ ~ACT ~2~ ~T 3, G~EN ESTerS, PMT B~ 4, PA~ 77, ~ N ~'44'~' E A OISTAN~ ~ BEGNNIHG ~ ~E EA~T H~ B~G DES~IB~: ~EN~ S 8g~6'~' E A DIST~ ~ !~ ~T; ~EN~ N ~'44'~' E A DfST~ ~'35.~ ~ET; ~EN~ N ~9~6'~ W A DISTAN~ ~ 35.~ ~ ~EN~ S 00'44'~' W A DIST~ ~ l~ FEET: ~EN~ S 8g~6'~' E A DISTAN~ ~ 20.00 ~T; ~ENCE S 00'44'~' W A DIST~ ~ 20.~ ~ET TO ~E P~NT ~ BE~NNING OF ~E ~~T HEREIN CONTAIN~ O. Ig_OF ~N ACRE ~ LAND UORE ~ LESS; SUB~CT~ E~ ~O RES~IC~S ~ REC~D.... GUY P. ADAM: ' P.L.5. 4590. T48S R26E ,~ ~MP~ARY ~-~_ - '~ 2o. 0o ~  OJ S 89~6'00'E ~ PO.~. P.O.C. NOR ~$ T C~NER ~ ~ACT 128 113 128 NOT A SURVEY for: Iproject: N.C.R.W.T.P. COiL;ER COUNTY, FLORIDA WELL EXPANSION title: SKETCH & DESCRIPTION 0~' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASE)dENT t ulua% date: ' .... , ltl fat THE F~L~O~I.I~C DESCRIBED PROPZRTY IS 'I'O BE PROJ~C~ I~CIINTp a PR~O~D ~P~ARY C~S~UC~ EA~ENT 0~. ~R AND A~S A~ ~AT P~T ~ ~C~ ~8, TO.SHIP 48 S~, RAN~ 26 EAST. C~ER C~N~, ~;O~ B~NG ~E P~~RLY OES~IB~ AS F~O~ C~M~ONG AT ~E N~ST ~NER ~ ~ACT ~7, UNIT 6, ~ ~ ESTA~S, P~T B~K 4, PA~ 93, ~ N ~'44'~' E A ~$TAN~ ~ BE~NNfNG ~ ~E ~~T H~N B~NG ~EN~ N 89q6'~* W A ~ST~ ~ 3~ ~T; ~EN~ S 89~6'~' E A DIST~ ~ 20.~ ~T: ~EN~ S ~'44'~' W A DIST~ ~ 20.~ ~ET TO ~E P~HT ~ B;~ING ~ ~E EA~ENT H~EIN CONT~N~NGiO. OI9 ~ AN A~E ~ L~O U~E ~ LESS: '* .SUB'CT T~ ~~A~, ~O RES~IC~S ~ RECTO. GUY P. ~D~MS ~ P.L.S. 4390 SEC~ON 36 T48S ~2~ EASEMENT ~or- -- ~ N S ag~6'OO'E .0.¢. ~OR~ST C~NER ~ ~CT ~7 16 17 NOT A SURVEY /or: j · . COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA pro/ecl. N.C.R.W.T.P. I WEI. I EXPAN~ON title: SKETCH &~ DESCRIPTION OF ~MPOR~Y CONS~WON O~.$CR~PTION OF TEMPC~qARY CONSTRUCTION ~~.~IB~L Eh'- 703 ' ALt. THAT PART ~ SE¢110N ,.16, TOWN.~t'P 4a SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COUJ£R mr.. ~ s ,~'~' ~, ~,sr~c~ ~ ~,.~ ~r ro ~ ~T ~ L .." ~EL R. AL V~EZ ~ P.L~ 535~ ~ I SECnO~ 36 ~ ....... ~ T~as 50. O0 I IR ~ I I 51 I a9'I & 'oo 'E ~ P.O.~. , P.O.C. NOR~ST C~NER ~ ~CT 49 48 49 NOT A SURVEY for: pro.~ct N.C.R.W.T.P. COLLIER COUNT'r'. FLORJOA ~ EXPAN~ON ~CH & DES~IP~ ~ ~MP~ARY C~S~UC~ EA~ENT mmmm~ do[e: ~mmm~-D(O~ AU~ST 2~ ~99~ mmnmmm~ RUNDAGE~ · ~ ~RO~OS~O ~'~R~ CO~SmUCnON ~s~c~r o~. u~ ~ ~oss ~ m~r ~nr ~ s~cn~ ~. ro~ ~ s~. R~ 2~ c~sr. c~n c~. ~;~ e~ u~ P~n~r O~s~e~D ~ r~o~ C~M~QNG AT ~E N~ST C~N~ ~ ~ACT 81, UMT ~, ~ ~ ESTA~5, P~T g~ 4, PA~ 93,'~EN~ N ~'44'~' E A ~ST~ ~ ~0.~ ~ET: ~.S 89~6'~* E A ~ST~ ~ ~0.~ ~T'~ ~ ~NT ~ ; BE~NMNG ~ ~E EA~T ~ ~G D~IB~: ~EN~ S ~'44'~* W A DISTAN~ ~ ~5.~ ~T: ~CE S 89~6'00' E A DIST~ ~ 20.~ . ~EN~ S ~'44'~* W A DIST~ ~ 20.~ ~T TO ~E P~NT ~ BEGINNING ~ ~E EA~MENT H~N C~TAININQ O. O~g OF~ A~E ~ ~ND UORE ~ LESS: SEC~ON 36 TaBS R2~E ~ N eg~e'oo'w ~ T~P~ARY ~ js. 9~ / c~smucn~ ~ ~.00 I I~ ~i I ,? ~ ~ s e~8'oo'E ' '"". /NOR m~ST C~NER 8O 81 HOT A SUt V£Y CO(.UER COUNTY, F'LOR~DA Ipr°ject: N.C.R.W.T.P. ~tltle: SKETCH ~ DES~P~ OF ~PORARY CONS~UC~ EA~T · ...~CNOM date: ~mmmmq~ "',, il ~ ~i I l0 : I I I i Il .... - _ - C~N~. ~D~ BEING Y~E p~~LY D~IBED AS ESTA~S, P~T B~ 4, PA~ g3, ~EN~ H ~'44'~' E A ~ST~ ~ 60.~ 8E~ING ~ ~E EA~U~T HERE~ ~EN~ N 89~6'~' · A ~STAH~ ~ 35.~ ~ET: ~EN~ S ~'44'~' W A DIST~ ~ 15.~ ~ET; ~EN~ S ~'44'~' W A DIST~ ~ 20.~ ~ET TO ~E P~T ~ BEING ~ ~E EA~EHT ~DH C~T~iNWf 0.0~9 ~ AH ACRE ~ L~D MORE ~ LESS: . .. SUB~C~~A~~ENTS AND ~r P F~ '~ P.L.S. ,390 SECn~ R26E . . P.O.C. N~$T C~NER NOT A SURVEY loc CO(Z/ER COUNTY, FLORIDA Ipr°jeer: N.C.R.W.T.P. WELL EXPANSION SKETCH 6~ D£SCRIPTION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IIItillk, RUNDAG£,~ ee~ A ...... A PR~OSED ~UP~Y C~S~UC~ EASeMeNT O~R. UNDER AND ACROSS A~ ~AT PART ~ ~C~ 31. TO~IP 48 ~. R~ 27 E~T. C~I[R C~N~. ~IDA. BEING U~E p~~LY DES~IBED AS F~LO~ C~U~N~G AT ~E ESTA~S. ~AT B~ 4. PAGE g~: ~EN~ H 87~7'40' E A ~ST~ ~ ~0.~ ~ET TO ~E PONT ~ BE~NNING ~ENCE N 02~2'20' W A ~STAN~ ~ 35.~ ~ET: ~ENCE S 87~7'40' W A ~STAN~ ~ ~.~ ~ET: ~ENCE S 02~2'20' E A OfSTAN~ ~ ~.~ ~ET: ~EHCE H 87~7'40' E A DISTAN~ ~ 20.~ ~ET: ~ENCE S 02~2'20' E A DISTAN~ ~ ~E E~UEHT HEREIN DES~IBED: C~TA~N~ O. OI9 ~ AH A~E ~ LAND M~E ~ LESS: SU~CT,~ E,S~TTS ,~O RES~,C~S ~ ~EC~D. ' T~8S R2~ . . ~ ~P~ARY S 87~7'~0 w / . .- .... ~ NOR~ST C~NER NOT A SURVEY COLLIER COUNTY, FLC~IDA Ipro]ect.: N.C.R.W.T.P. V~LL EXPANSION tree: SKETCH & DESCRIPT?ON OF ~MPORARY CONS~UC~ON EASEME~ I..=~CNou '""- - mama ~ L ~ ~ I~ FR3="~]~ :tS TO l~g ,N~ i,~;u~-~: ~ I~N<22. NO.: ~0~ ~ x ~ ~~ ~ ~: ~2~94~103 DES~P~ ~ ~P~Y C~S~UC~ EASEMENT A P~OPOSED ~P~Y C~S~UC~ EAS~ENT O~R. UNDER AND A~ ~Xr PART ~ ~CfiON 31, TO~S~P 48 $~, R~ 27 ~ASr, C~tER C~N~, ~ID~ BDNG M~E p~~LY DES~IgED AS COMMEN~NG AT ~E N~ST C~N~ OF ~ACT 4g. ~T 7, ~DEN EST~ ~T g~ 4,.PA~ gS: ~ N 87~7'40' E A DIST~ ~T TO ~E P~NT ~ BE~NNING ~ ~ ~~T H~ B~NG DE~IBED; ~EN~ N 02~2'20' W A DIST~ ~ ~0.~ ~EN~ S 02~2'20' E A ~ST~ ~ 15.~ ~T; ~EN~ 5 02~2'20' E A DtST~ ~ 45.~ ~ET Td'~ P~NT ~ BEGNNING OF ~E E~ENT H~EIN DES~IB~; CONT~HING 0.~ ~ AN A~E ~ LAND.M~E' ~R LESS; sue~cr rD Exs~m ~o ~Esm~cn~s ~ ~c~o. NOT A SURVEY_ t,,~,~,'.'~O: ~' ~.~'°,~/ for: C~ER COUNt, ~IDA ~pro~ct: N.C.R.W.T.P. ~LL do~e: f~~OU AUGUST 22. 1995 Immmm~ 1" m ~0' I a e: RUNDAGB~ IlllllL , ~u U u ALL THAT PART Of' ,SECTION 31. TOV(NSHIP 48 SOUTH. RANGE 27 EAST. COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. BEING MORE PAR~CULARLY D~$CRIBED AS FOCLOW~ CC~Mc"'NONG AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER Of' TRACT 81. UNIT 7. GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, PLAT BOOK 4, PAG£ 95; ??.IEHCE FI 87'07'40' £ A DfSTANCE (Y' I0.00 FT. ET TO THE POfNT Of' BEGINNING Of" THE £AS~),I£NT HEREIN BEING D~.$CRIBED; THENCE CONTINUE H 87'07'40' E A DISTANGE OF' I5.00 FEET; THENCE FI 02~J2'20' W A DISTANCE OF 3~.00 FEET: THENCE S 87'07'40' W A DISTANCE OF' 35.00 FEET; THENCE S 02~J2'20' E A DISTANCE OF' 15.00 FEET: THENCE H 87'07'40' E A DISTANCE Of' 20.00 FEET: THENCE $ 02'52'20' E A DISTANCE OF' 20.00 FEET TO THE POfNT OF BEGINNING OF THE EASEUENT HEREIFl DESCRIBED: COFlTAIN,~C*~ O. 019 OF' AN ACRE OF LAND MORE OR LESS: GuY P.· ,:90 SECTION $! T, es R27E , o /- TEMPORARY S 67'07 40 W/ CONSTRUCTION 'o c,i' - ' ua ~1.. ,,01 z N 87'O?'40'E P O,C ' · " I NORIq4WEST CORNER NOT A SURVEY for: COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA lproject: N.C,R.W.T.P. )~LL E~PAN~ON uue: SKETCH & DESCRIPTION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EAS,,EMEN ..... m"'ll i~.,,:~ARB£R & scoB: ,.....,r-, ' - F.~9 0 Pmrint,~nit ,inltneer~ I~linner~. & lin4 ,ur'~y;r~ p[~ jecj);.J,~ o¢ad:5165, AS ~ ~~ ~Cff ~:~,Z/~ ~ PA,qCZZ, leO. ~: ~21 DES~Pfi~ ~ ~P~ARY C~5~UC~ON EA~NT A PR~OSED ~P~ARY C~S~UC~ EASEMENT O~R. UNDER AND ALL ~AT PART ~ ~C~ 31, TO~IP 48 ~. RAN~ 27 ~A~T, C~N~, ~D~ BEING ~E P~~LY DE~igED ~ ~0~ C~ONG AT ~E N~ST C~N~ ~ ~ACT II~, ~IT 7, ~ ESTA~S. P~T B~ 4. PA~ 95: ~EN~ H 87~40' E A ~STAH~ ~ ~0.~ ~ET TO ~E PONT ~ BE~ING ~ ~E EA~ENT H~EIH BEING ~EN~ C~nNUE N ~7~7"40' E A ~STAN~ ~ ~5.~ ~ENCE N 02~2'20' W X DISTANCE ~ 35.~ FEET: ~ENCE S 87~7'40' W A ~STAN~ ~ 35.~ ~ET: ~EN~ S 02~2'20' E A ~ST~ ~ 15.~ ~ET: ~ENCE H 87~7'40' E X ~ST~ ~ 20.~ ~ET: ~ENCE S 02~2'20' E A ~ST~ ~ 20.~ ~ET TO ~E P~NT ~ BEANING ~ ~E EA~UENT HEREIN DES~IBED: C~TAININ~ p.C 9 ~ AN A~E ~ LAND M~E ~ LESS: SUB,CT ~ ~TS AND RES~IC~S ~ REC~D. CU~ P. ~S ~ P.L.$. 4390 SECnO~ 3~ T485 R27E /- TEMPORARY 5. ---- ~. EASEI~ENT ?~ [-----' I - ~ 2~0o~ I~ . ~ ~1 I~~ P.O.C. ' OF mACT NOT A SURVEY for: CO(.LJEFI COUNTY, FLORIDA project,: N.C.R. W. T.P. uUe:SKETCH &: DESCRIPTION OF' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ~111111 ir"~ll iiii1 CONSIDERATIONS: This 9 member committee assists in the formulation and review of the Comprehensive Land Usc Plan, Land Development Code, and amendment~ to both, and then submits their recommendations to the Board for final decision. Members are required to file a Form l, Statement of Financial Interest each year with the Supervisor of Election. Terms are 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. Mr. Rich Nelson, representing Commission District I resigned his position on Decemb,~-.r 11, 1997. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following 3 interested citizens: A .M_ A ,rr D!S aiCX Karen Urbanik 1 yes Karin E. English 4 yes $ohn Griee (current member of PARAB) 1 yes NOTE: Ms. English is a resident of Commlssion District 4 and, therefore, not qualified for appointment. _COMMITTEE RECOMBSgNDATION: NO RECO~ATION ,FISCAL IM~A~I': NONE : GROWTH MANAGI3.,MENT IMPAq: NONE I~!~CO~~DATION: That the Board of County Commi~ion~ consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint 1 member to fulfill the remainder of the vacant term expiring on October l, 1999, and direct the County Attorney t6 prepare a resolution confirming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Azsiztant Board of County Commissioners Agenda Date: FEBRUARY 3, 1998 AG~.NDA FEB 0 3 '1998 TO~ Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners FROM~ Bob Mulhere, AICP Current Planning Manager DAT~ January 16, 1998 RE: Applications To Fill the Vacant CCPC Seat (District 1). On January 15, 1998 the Collier County Planning Commission discussed this issue and requested that the applications be forwarded to the BCC without a CCPC recommendation. This is consistent with the CCPC's actions over the past several years. As you know, staff is precluded from m akin] any reco~T~endation. cc: Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Dev. & Env. Sel-vices Division David Weigel, County Attorney Wayne Arnold, AICP, Director Planing Services Department : Marjorie Student, Assistant County Attorney FEB O3 Collier County Planning Commission ~c~l P~o~e 4 Y~ 51~4 ~b~ DHve ~11~8 9~7 10/01/01 N~les, FL 341 C~g~: Commission D~c~ Do.d}. Yo~ ~S~ 03/01~ 1~1~ 2Y~ 154 ~ble~ L~e 2~2-~01 10/I~ 1~01~ 4 Y~ N~les. FL 34105 C~: Co~io~ D~ ~c~l ~les, FL 3~10g C~~ Co~ssio~ D~c~ ~7-3171 O~ W~e 11023 L~et Line N~les, FL 34142 C~g~ Co~ssion Dis~ R~I1 A. ~ddy SS~ ~7 I0/01/01 4 Y~ 13213 C.~ ~o~ee, FL 34143 D~: 5 635 P~ C~l~ ~ ~2-71~ N~I~ FL 341 ~~ 4 ~1~ ~D~I 1~1~ 4 Y~ ~~~ 4Y~ 6120 18~Av~, S.W. ~2~la 1~1~S 1~1~ N~les~ ~ 34116 ~x: 3 This 9 member committee was created by ~ of Chapter 67.124~, ~ of FL O~ 09/03~5 the BCC adopted Res. No. 85-190, ~g intent to co~ider att o~linance cofl~olidating functions of Coastal Area Planning Commissi~ and Immokalee Aria Plam~ng Commission into CCPC. On 09/24/85, Ord. No..~5-51 created l~e CCPC, which ~ll ~ by LDC Ord. 91-102. This committee assist~ in I~ fore. etlon and mvlew of the ~ Land Use Plan, Land Development Code, and amendmenl~ to boltt, and the~ lubmttl their recommendations to the Board for final decision. Members are required to file a Form 1 SLi~ement of Financial Interest each year with the Supervisor of Elections. Teffrm are 4 yllm. Staff: Bol~ Mulhers, Currant P~nning I~'~:. ~03-~300 FEB 03 1998 ' ~iEMORANDUM 'l , DATE: January 12, 1998 TO: Vincll Hills, Elections Offic~ .~ FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Ass Board of County Commissioners RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointm~ts The Board of County Commissioners will soon co~id~r the followin~ individuals for appointment to one ofthe county's adviSOry commitlees. Plea.~ let m~ know iftho~ listed below am registered voters in Collier County. AlSO, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSION DISTRICT Karen Urbanik 1558 Heights Court b~ / Marco Island, FL 34145 Karin E. English ~ 4 3823 Tamiarni Trail East #421 'e~ Naples, FL 34112 John Grice ...., / / 326 Charlemagne Boulevard, 1-204 ~ Naples, FL 34112 Thank you for your help. AGEI~ FE6 O3 f9 38 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 12, 1998 TO: Wayne Arnold, Planning Services D/rectn~r FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assisumt"~./l ' Board of County Comm~.~ioner~ ~ - Collier County Plann/ng Come.ion As you know, we currently have 1 vacancy on the above-referenced advisory commltt~. A pxess release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for con~,.'deration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Karen Urbanik 1558 Heights Court Marco Island, FL 34145 Karin E. English 3823 Tamiami Trail East $/421 Naples, FL 34112 John Grice 326 Charlemagne Boulevard, 1-204 Naples, FL 34112 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation for appo/ntrnent of thc advisory committee within the 4I day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board;$ consideration. Please categorize the appUcants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention To this mailer. SF Attachments AGENO~,~E~ FEB 03 Pgo ~ '/' 1558 Heights Ct. Marco Island, FL 34145 Janua~/8o 1998 Dear Ms. Filson: Enclosed is my resume for consideration as an appointed member of the Collier County Planning Adviso~ Board The experience I gained during the year I spent as a member of the Citizens' Committee on the Evaluation and Appraisal Report for the Collier County Growth Management Plan has prepared me to undertake this serious endeavor. Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, Karen Urbanik No. /' FEB 0 3 1998 Pg. Karen Urbanik 1558 Heights Ct. Marco Island, FL 34145 D.O.B 9-24-47 Marital Status: Married Children: 4 Residency: Permanent Resident of Marco Island Fairleigh Dickinson University Rutherford, NJ BA cum laude Education 1969 Emo~loyment History: 1969-1978 Tear. Jler 8th Grade Jersey City Public Schools Jersey City, NJ ~t Appointed, 1969 1978-Present Co-Owner and Vice-President Commercial Crystal Laboratories, Inc ( Manufacturer of High Technology ) 4406 Arno)Id Ave. Naples, FL 34104 1994-Present Co-Owner and President Cn/stal Tours, Inc ( Travel Business } 4406 Arnold Ave. Naples, FL 34104 No AGENI:)'4)~'I TEJ~ .~ FEB O 3 '1998 PO.. ? Karen Urbanik 1558 Heights Ct Marco Island, FL 34145 PaS[ and Present Community Affiliations: Chairwoman, Facilities Search Committee for the City of Marco Island District 1 Representative for the Evaluation and Appraisal Report for the Collier County Growth Management Plan Bosrd Meml0er, Marco Island Fair Water Defense Committee Chairman, Marco Island Vision Planning Committee. Sub-Committee on Education President. ~4arco Island American Assocla~ of UnNerslty Women Chairman, AAUW Adult Scholarship Committee Chairman, School Advisory Council, Collier County Public Sctx)ols Member, IVtarco Island Taxpayers' Association Member, Marco Island Civic Association Member, Marco Island Residents' Beach Association Member, Tax Action Group of Collier County Member, Women's Republican Club of Naples Partner, Collier County Education Foundation Member, :~an Marco Catholic Church El _e~t~ ~1 Office Held: Republican Committee Woman, Precinct 893 AGENDa, .J~TF.,/~ FEB 0 3 Pg t, ;January 1998 Mrs. Jue Filson Co,ia* County BY FACSIMILE 3'0: Board of County Commissioners (941) 774-3602 3301 Tamiami Trail East HARD COPY HAND DELIVERED Naples, Florida 34112 RE: Advisory Board Vacancy Planning Commission Dear Mrs. Filson: it is my undersbanding there are several seats available for the Collier County Planning Commission. This letter serves as my formal request for consideration to serve as a member of the Collier County Planning Commission. As a member of the Black Al;airs Advisory Board (BAAB), my bio are on file with your office, however., I can provide you with an additional copy, if necessary as part of my application for the Planning Commission. Please call me at (941) 643-~ if an additional copy of my bio is needed, and to confirm receipt of this request and application for consideration of the Collier County Planning Commission. Sincerely, Kadn E. English 3823 Tamiami 'Frail East ~421 Naples, Florida 34112 RECEIVED ( - 7 Karm E. Enghsh ':X2'~ Tamiami Tn~il East Suit~ 431 ~; ~ 3 .;f ':0U~: ~.' .~: SS ~apl~. Flon~l 14 J 12 (941 I -PR()t:'lr'~$ ION A L EXPERIEN~£ Pn:scm I',,'w ncr Pink h.'cp gtudios~ Crcation. dm'clopmcnt, production ol'arts and entertainment prqlc,,:ts including, audio, film. fcic,, ision, th~.-,~trc and video projc'cts. 1')9'~-Prcscn[ .~lanagJng ~lrl, ncr BnckRm.,ct Entertainment .:;ro~p. Enicrt-',inmcn[ I~blic rcladons, markctin~, busincss development and rnanagcmcnt and coniract ncgoliations sports, music, arts induslric~. Iclc'vision ~ndic~tion. 19~Xl- [ }9., Prcsidcnt NEE Propcmcs or lnc.. NEE Propcrtn.'s or 'Virginm, [~c. .~lcc[iu consul[in~, do, clopmcnL munup, crncnL morkcting and owncrsh~p focusing on Ibc broadcast industq... 19,'L',I- I '),X] Vicc PrcsidcnL/P'anncr .~rvume .Mnnagemcnt Corpora{ions Sports and Entcr'taJnmcn! mad, c-~jng and nc~oliations. KEE Public Rcladons. ~,la~cd~.3 &: .~,h:d/a Political. non-prol'iL sport, cnlcrtainmcnt rncc[ia rnnanagcmcnt..MeclJa crca{ion, production, placcmcn[. Cc[cbniy pcrsonal scr,,iccs. $1~zrkic Sluc[io Producdorte, cs Cr~'qlivc consuRalion zo municipalid~, political can~da~cs, a~'cniscrs, corporations. Radio. ~ele',ision and palm ck.",cloprncnL production. I o77.1'~.~ Founcicr-E.~cu[z~c Director, C~ ncr .~,[oJaCuizurai Television Councils~For K. ids Onhc ,")rganizc. man~gc Congrcssional,'communilv lobby chiJdrcn's tck?,~sion programs. Radio. ~ci~ i'r~n production ~.'ndicalion chddn:n ~ programmin~ wORK Tcnqx~ra~/ Kcll.,, T,.-mporary Vanou~ cusa:~n~ and ',~flni ni~tna,,c ,itt,, io,'s and duties. 'M ! - I ,/1¢6 Facull. y/Ptol'cssor Columbia £.xccutl~c a~L,t~mistrati~c dutic~ L'olI~c h:%cl instruction. ~.udent coun,.chn~ and ,.k.-,clopmcnt. ~n~tructlon I'ocu.~.'d on all '~2- I '~ I n~ rucLor Ray Voguc School or Dcsign Tuught communications skills to Fashion. mcrchandisi,l~ studcnts. ')77-Prcscnt Fr~hmcc Writcr/C riticTColu mnisL;Edilor Rcscarch. ~,ritc urticlcs For various publications. 9?6-197~ Frcclancc Wri[cr/Advertising Consultant Wri[¢. supcr,.'isc retail -'1nd nc~ produc~ media cnmlrdigns. 1~)75- i')76 Cop?,.v ritcr/Produccr N~cdham. Harper & Stcc~DDB Nccct~m Worldwictc! Crcatc. writc, producc radio, tclcvision and print c~mlmilFts. 197~. 1')7(~ Flight Attcnc~nt .~mcrimn .~,irlincs Responsible For i~ss~nBcr com£ort 972.197.~ Kindcrl~rtcn Tc~chcr Assismn[ Albuqucrquc Public .Schools . Rcspons~blc t'or y, rowth, in.~mction, clm~loprncnt oFchilCtrCn. :'16R- I ')71! Ad~cnisi ng Assistant Rhodes D, cpartmcnt Store ..Msist v, ith in.house advertising camFaigns, la.,,out, design. placement. ')66- i')6,g Wn~cr Model Cities Nev, s Rcporter:cclitor Ibr community bas,:d m:x~$papcr. CO~I ~,!~jNITY/I~OARO £XPER!£NCE LJnitu~ F~ll .&~iatmfl Illinois Bull Tcl~ho~ A~.i~ B~rd Hum~on R~ Unil~ ChriN~uns Turner Br~ln~ Sy~ms Galway Foun~tion Nuuonal Black M~ia C~lition Chi~go A~ Co,ration Action For Chdd~n's Tci~sion go Cha~cr U ~n Lca~uc~hi~go ChaFcr Litcra~ Volunt~m of Amcrim. Inc. Chimg~National A~iation for Bluck J~r~li~ MuhiCultural Tcl~ision Council Citizens Committ~ on thc Collicr County Black A~aim .&~im~ OTHER £D L;CATION/TR.-~IN 1.'~(~ [,;7~ Grantsrnanship Foundation : Grant propo~l r~sourch, writing and fundraisin$. ~'ARF,,ER AND PERSONAL GOA_b To li~,c c~ch ~tay in Spirit and Tru[h through opportunilics pro~,idcd for the betterment o1' humankind using natural and Ic:mcd mlcnts, .flrJlls and cxpericnccs. REFER. E,%'CF~' ,4 ~"AIL4BL£ ON ,RE(~£'ES'T AGE KARIN E. ENGLISH BIOGRAPHY Born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Kaxin Z. English was educated at the University of New Mexico, DePaul University, Columbia College and Northeastern Illinois University with academic concentrations in Journalism, mass and broadcast communications. She has been an active writer and poet since her early years in elementary, Junior high, and high school, where she served as a member of both newspaper and yearbook staffs. During her sophomore year in high school, Karin became an advertising assistant where she received her start in the advertising business. Three years later, she became a teaching assistant in the Albuquerque Public Schools system where she taught kindergarten for one year. From teaching and the University of New Mexico, she joined American Airlines as a flight attendant which afforded her the opportunity to move to Chicago and to continue to pursue her career as a journalist and freelance writer. Karin was active in a journalistic capacity in the Chicago area as a writer including the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Ebony Jr.! This included recognition as a guest columnist and as both a theatre and media critic for community based newspapers. She has also ghost written and researched for many other national publications. Her creative energies have allowed Karin to author n%unerous articles on children, Blacks, and media related topics leading to the writing of a more personal collection of poems, "Roses, Thorns & Other Passing Thoughts" which was entered in the 1980 Yale Series for Younger Poets. Selected pieces of this collection were incorporated into an anthology of poems by women for theatrical presentation in community theaters throughout the midwest. In the interest of continuing her advertising and related writing activities, Karin joined the Needham, Harper & Steers family(now DDB Needham Worldwide), as an advertising copywriter and producer where she worked on national accounts and advertising campaigns including General Mills and McDonald's. Her advertising experience led her into the world of broadcast television as a consu~ner researcher and investigator for WMAQ-NBC and WBBM-CBS television stations in Chicago. During the winter of 1978-1979, Karin co-founded Multi-Cultural Television Council as an advocacy organization working to change television for children by lobbying for the addition of more positive role models. Her voice became recognized on both local and national legislative levels which elevated he~ FEB .0 3 forefront of the broadcast and communications industry. As a result of this leadership, Kar£n served as Vice-Chairperson of the National Black Media Coalition, as Chairwoman of Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) National Advisory Board, Illinois Bell Telephone Company Consumer Advisory Board, Chicago Contact for Action for Children's Television, and the Board of Directors of the Chicago Access Corporation where she served in several officer positions including First Vice Chair, Secretary and as an original incorporator of the corporation. Duties for the latter services came as a result of the mayoral appointment of former Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne. Karin's involvement with the City of Chicago, and other municipalities and their cable consultants and elected officials in planning, designing and developing cable television ordinances and systems. She also worked at DePaul School of Law, reviewing and conducting law exams, and has researched and, written briefs, motions, and litigated civil cases. Through her alliances developed in the political arena, Kaxin began working with politicians as a media consultant focusing her attention on image development and media relations for election and re-election campaigns. These activities encompassed local and national media events involving the political structure including "Hands Across America" Her experiencing in writing and producing commercial campaigns provided her with the background to write and produce political campaigns as well as promotional and public relations projects for individuals, community organizations and corporations. Each of her client relationships provided Karin with other avenues for pursuing her areas of interest in the communications industry. She has worked with The Miles Square Health Plan developing fund-raising sales and image material, Illinois Bell Telephone in developing materials for use of its 9-1-1 system by municipalities, Illinois State Lottery, Wendy's and Sonderling Broadcasting on promotional activities involving the Chicago Bears, McDonald's Corporation, Volvo Celebrity Tennis Tournament, Bacardi, Martini & Rossi, Anheuser Busch, the National Basketball Players Association and others with public relations and marketing assistance and management. As an educator, Karin was a faculty member at Columbia College for five years teaching theory and production classes in the Broadcasting Department. Additionally, she has been an honored speaker and guest on numerous talk shows, conferences and community forums focusing on media and social issues, media ownership and development of vehicles for new entries into the media arena. ' AGEN~ IT~ No. /~/ !J FEB 03 m98 On the business front, Karin has been the sole owner of KEE Public Relations Marketing and Media Management, Only, For Kids and Sparkle Studio Productions, and a partner in a full service sports and entertainment management corporation, Servante Management Corporation, serving athletes, entertainers and politicians. These services were extended to corporations entering the broadcast ownership arena by tapping into the background and expertise of Karin related to ownership, financing and programming. She has served as a Specialized Consultant to several Minority Business Development Agencies under the Department of Commerce focusing on broadcast and media acquisitions, business planning, financial projections, budgeting, programming and management strategies. A graduate of the Grantsmanship Foundation, Karin has placed her emphasis on religious entities, new businesses, and future marketing projects for companies including Hill & Knowlton Public Relations, FraserSmith Ethnic Marketing, Richard Dent and Ron Rivera of the Chicago Bears, recording greats Jeffrey Osbourne and Edwin Hawkins and the Nashville based Gospel Music Association. The production companies owned and operated by Karin have produced programs designed for children for radio and television distribution, which specialized in corporate communications productions and political campaigns. KEE Public Relations, Marketing & Media Management has provided an array of creative and business services to clients on all levels, and KEE Properties, Inc. of which she is the majority shareholder and sole director, currently owns and operates two Indiana based television broadcast properties, and is engaged in the production and distribution of broadcast program product. KEE Properties, Inc. has recently produced "Rising Star Gospel Showcase" a talent search competition which combines the entertainment value of celebrity artists with the competition of amateurs in a televised competition designed specifically for Christian artists. It will begin its syndication and distribution of progra~ning product in 1993. BackStreet Entertainment Group (BEG) was c~eated to provide full media services encompassing all of her prior activities and benefit Christians and Christian organizations. The company provides management, marketing, business planning and development, syndication and distribution services for various media projects, as well as total marketing and management services for non-media related business concerns. AG£'~D~ No /i ] F£8 0 3 BackStreet Entertainment Group is also involved with consulting businesses in the new and emerging con~unications technologies, and creating avenues for marketing approximately twenty Historically Black Colleges and Universities primarily in the sports arena. The company has negotiated the first long term broadcast/cable carriage for multiple c{~nference and games carried in Black college sports history. An avid reader and runner, both of which began in her life when she was a child, she is the Virginia Games State champion in 1500 meters (40-and over) for two years. She now resides in Florida where she is working on several books including a sports expose, and two entitled, "Cross Cultural Spirituality" and "Gra~a's Hands", respectively, two television programs for future production, a big screen movie, and the acquisition of more media properties including another television station and developing a satellite programming network. The single parent of a twenty-two year old son, Kevyn, who is also a business owner of KAD Enterprises, a telecommunications concern and who has been active in the entertainment field as a musician, actor, disc jockey as well as an athlete in track and field and football. Karin is a recent grandmother of a grandson, Breydon. AG. ENI~A~,.~ ZT.~ FEB 0 3 1998 RELATED EXPEI ENCE TEACHING 1981-1986 College instructor and full time faculty member teaching classes in radio and television production, theory, social and cultural issues on the media and advising and counseling students on broadcast or media careers. ADVERTISING 1988-1989 Contracted Midwest production manager for New York based advertising agencies Saatchi & Saatchi and FraserSmith producing Fashion Fantasy and Doo Whoppers media and promotional cam~aigns including radio and print promotions. 1978-1979 Independent contractor producing print and test market media campaigns for Sara Lee and their specialty items for introductLon to the full marketplace. 1976-1978 Copywriter with DDB Needh~n Worldwide Advertising writing on the following accounts: McDonald's, General Mills (Betty Crocker) Morton's Salt, Wrigley's, V-8, Metamucil and U.S. Gypsym. 1968-1970 Advertising assistant with Rhodes Department Store in Albuquerque, New Mexico working on layout and design, retail collateral materials and in-store promotions. PRINT MEDIA 1980-1990 Creating/writing public relations, media and advertising materials, speeches, press releases. Developing business plans for individuals,non-profit organizations, and corporations. Freelance columnist/writer for numerous local and national publications including Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Daily Defender, Ebony Jr!, Westside Journal,and other community based publications. Writing Samples Available Upon Request AGE NpA~.~Z T,E,~M FEB 0 3 1998 RADIO 1993-Present Producer/Host Christian music progran on WODC-88.5 FM radio. Feature message music and new artists 1983-1988 Executive Producer/Producer for numerous promotional and programming projects including, "Tips For Teens"( a series of vignettes specifically designed for radio), "On The LAne" (a sports-talk show introduced to the Chicago and general marketplace), "Inspiration with Jorog Tho-Biaz" (an inspirational public affairs program focusing on contemporary religious issues) and "Kids Jam" working with Chicago public radio on national dis%ribution. Created and produced Illinois Martin Luther King Holiday Council radio program "Joy Inside My Tears", featuring Lerone Bennett as the narrator and celebrity/clergy who had personal relationships with Dr. King. Created and produced health care campaigns and public affairs promotional radio and video projects for state agency. Created and produced political campaigns for various political candidates. Created and produced public service announcements for Chicago NAACP-Southside Branch and Chicago Urban League. Handled on/off-air production for Christian radio station WYLL-FM Chicago and WODC-EM Virginia Beach. Developed promotional and audience marketing concepts for introducing and making stations mainstays in the market. On air talent with message music and inspirational jazz. · Tapes and References Available Upon Request AGE N~l~,.~ T,~ No. / //. FEB 0 3 P~; ._./_.~ TELEVISION 1994-Present Executive and Field Producer/Consultant for NCA3% College athletics with an emphasis on football ~orking with NCAA Conferences and major network sports organizations including ABC,CBS and FOX. 1978-Presen~ Executive Producer/Producer for "Rising Star Gospel Showcase", a weekly talent competition for Christian artists in all forms of Christian creativity primarily focusing on music. Executive Producer/Co-Producer of "Pizzazz" (a n%agazine show for kids), "For Kids Only" (a magazine/talk show for kids named after my production company For Kids Only), "Myth In A Minute" (a series of contemporary fairy tale vignettes designed for young children), and "Tips for Teens", (a series of radio vignettes providing information on topical subjects for teens). Production/Funding Consultant to various Christian music groups and organizations for television production and syndication, music videos, and initial general television production/distribution issues including the Gospel Music Association, and the Broadcast Minister's Alliance. Created local origination cable channel for a group of twenty-two ministers and their respective ~nistries. Producer/Producer for "On The Line" sports talk show Executive introduced to the television and radio marketplace. Community Liaison for the syndication and clearance of ESSA funded programs wcrking with the Far West Laboratory to put children's television shows independently produced on con~nercial television. Assisted with the initial clearance and syndication of the "Essence" television show. Production Assistant/Intern for consumer news units with NBC-WMAQ and CBS-WBBM both in Chicago producing daily and weekly cons%uner news pieces. Production Assistant for Dave Bell & Associates working on "Speak Up ~nerica"(variety show with Ervin "Magic" Johnson and Sarah Purcell, and "Scared Straight" (an inside look at the worst maximum security penitentiary in the country). Tapes and References Available Upon Request. FEB 03 1998 .T~t7 6, 199~ FEB 03 1998 ~: To co~ ~e ap~ent of 1 m~ to n 4 y~ ~ e~g on Ap~ 3, 2002, ~p~sen~g 1~ law e~o~t on ~e ~o~ En~ ~ne ~velopm~t Ag~cy. ~~ONS: ~s 13 m~ commi~ ~ ~ on ~h 28, I~5, by ~~ce 95-22 to ~du~ ~v~te ~ve~t ~ d~~ ~ m ~ ~no~c op~fies md ~le ~ono~c develo~t for d~i~ ~. To ~t Co~ Zone desi~fion ~ Ke~lufion No. 95-248, ~ppmv~ ~h 2~, 1~5. ~ ~ of~e fo~ application for ~ Ent~se ~ne, ~e State ~d ~ a ~mmi~ ~~g ofa ~ ~ ~ci~ or ~s~ce entices, b~esses o~g ~!n ~e no~~ ~ ~iden~ H~ ~ ~e notated ~ nonprofit co~~-~ o~i~nfio~ o~g ~thln ~e notated ~e~ loc~ p~vate ~d~ co~c~, 1~ ~e ~o~ent ~ency, ~d I~ law e~o~ement agency. A lin of ~e cu~ent mem~p is ~cluded ~ ~e b~p. A memomd~n w~ r~c~ived from Ms. Helene C~el~e, E~no~c ~velopment M~, ~, advis~g ~at Lt. Roy ~pp, ~res~n~g l~w ~o~em~t ~ ~si~. ~e EZDA h~. submiued a resme for S~. Eo~ ~I, Jr., ~p~sen~g I~ law ~o~t for co~a~cn of ap~in~nt. FISC~ ~A~: GRO~ ~AGE~ ~A~: NO~ ~CO~~A~ON: ~t ~e Bo~ ofCo~ Com~ssion~ ~id~ ~e ~co~en~fion to co~ ~e ap~ent of SL Ro~ ~1, Jr., ~d ~t ~e Co~ A~omey to pr,p~ a ~lufion co~g ~e ~~. Prepared ~: Sue Fil~ A~~five ~is~t Bo~ of Co~ Comm~ion~ Agenda Date: FEBRU~Y 3, 1998 FEB 03 TO: Sue Filsort. Admiai~-~tive Assistant ....... ~..,.., -. Board of County Commissioners FROM: Helene Caseltme~t~ Economic Develbpment Msmager, Housin8 & Urban Improvement DATE: January 21, 1998 RE: Lmrnokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency (EZDA) The State has enacted a pro.am, thc Hori,~ Entc-rprise Zone Prc~rnm, to induce private inve~m~ent into distre~ed areas to create economic opportunities and sustainable economic development for designated areas. To permit Collier County to pa~icipate in this ~ogram, the Board of County Commissioners nominated the [mmokalee commtmity to be considered by the Florida Dcpan'rnent of Commerce for Enterprise Zone desil~nation in Resolution No. 95-248, which was approved March 28, 19~$. As par~ of the formal application for an Enterprise Zone, the Suite required that a comminee consistin$ of a broad base of citizens be esmbli~ed. This Board has representation from the Chamber of' Commerce, financinl or insurance entities, businesses operating within the nominated ar~a, residents living within the nominated area, nonprofit community-based organizations operating within the nominated area, local private industry council, local code enforcement agency, smd local law enforcement agency. The Committee was crea~exi thro~)Eh Ordinance 95-22 as the lmmo~ee Enterprise Zone Developmen! Agency (EZDA). In additio~ the County Commi.wion appointed members to the EZDA !under Resolution 95-249. One member has since resigned ~rom the EZDA. Therefore, we are recommending the foliow/ng person for Board approve to fill this vacancy: I. Sgt. Robert Asbel, Jr., to complete the remainin/; term of Lt. Roy Kipp, who~.,e term was set to expire on April 3, 199g. This position must be fiJled w/th a local law enforcemem °i~cer and Sgt. Asbel meets this mqu/remeat. 2. Upon Sgt. Asbel's approval for Board membership, we would also like to request th~ his !erin be exxended to April 3, 2002, another fora' years to assure cont/nuity on the EZDA Board_ Ple. ase prepare an Executive Summary for the Board's consideration of the recommendations and .... let me know if any further/nformarion or assistance is needed to initiate the process. Thaz~k you for your help. Attachment: Resume of Robert Asbel cc: ~ Mihalic, Director, Housing and Urban Improvement VLncen! A Cautm'o, AICP, Adm/nistrator, Community Development Fred Thomas. EZDA Cksirman N FEB 03 ha:luaty 21, 1998 '1'O:. BOA.RD Ol= COUNTY CO~SIO~ F~.O~ SC}T. ROBERT AXB~ .ILL, ~.E: ~ APPLICATION' FEB 0 3 1998 Pg-~.._~ Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Name I~'orlt Pkone Al~pt'd ~ Date ?erin Home Pl~one ~t 2ndF. rpDate 2nd Term Gary Harrison 6~3-8~q 09/93/96 04/04/99 3 Years 2800 NoT~'h Horseshoe Drivc Naples, FL 34112 District: Cattgory: Local Code Eaforcement Carol Losa deLara 058-1313 09/03/96 04/04/99 3 Years 506 1st Su:~et, South Immokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Chamber of Commerce President IR~i~ Kipp / 8~-2878 04/04/95 04/04/98 3Y~ars South Is~ Street 85'7.~168 Immokalee, ;FL 34142 D/.wr/ct: 5 Category: Local Law Eaforc~nent James L. Penczykowski 04/01/97 04/04/99 2 Years 1108 Monroe Street 6~7-2999 Lmmokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Non Profit Organization Joseph Lozano 657-2742 04/04/95 04/04/99 4 Years 403 North 15th Sweet Immokale¢, FL 34 ! 42 District: 5 Category: Non Profit Orgaaization Alan W. Neuman ~-8020 0g/05/97 04/04/99 2 Y~rs 1653 South Fountainhead Road Ft. Myers, FL 33919 District: 5 Category: Private Ind~-y Council David E. Li~sey ~ Og/26/W 04/04/01 4 Y~,~ 1020 Sani~ion Road Immckalee, FL 34142 D/so/ct: 5 CaUgory: Resident No. FEB 03 1998 Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Nar~e Hon~ Pbon~ ~t 2~~ 2~ T~ 806 N. t 5~ S~t ~o~, FL 34142 D~: 5 1065 5~ Avenue No~ ~7~2 N~les, FL 34102 701 Immo~ee ~o~, FL 34142 C~ego~: B~e~ ~o~ee, FL 34142 Catego~: No~ ~ofit ~g~on 147~ ~mo~ee Ro~ ~o~ee, FL 3~120 D~' ~ C~go~: non-vo~g ex~cio m~ D~: 5 ~o~: Non ~fit I FEB 0 3..~1998. Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Name' Home Phone DateRe-appt 2~uff_.rpDate 2~1 Term This 13 member ~mm~ee was created on Alii 4, 1995, by Ord. No. 95-22 to induce investment into distressed areas to create economic opportun~as and sustainable economic development for designated ames. Initial membem were appointed by Resolution No, 95-249. To permit Collier County to participate in this program, the Board of County Commissioners nominated the Immokalee Community to be considered by the FL DepL of Commerce for Enbmrprise Zone designation in Reso. No. 95-248, approved March 28, 1995. As part of the formal app for mn EZ, the State required It,at a committee consisting of a broad base of citizens be establisl~ed. The committee has representation from the Chamber of Commerce, financial or insurance eh'dries, businesses operating within the nominated ama, rasidenta, nonprofit community-based organizations, local private industry council, local code enforcement agency, and local law enforcement agency. Amended by Ord. No. 97-81 Terrrm am 4 years. FI, ,Y1'A T: 2~.00 t - ;Z~.O 1 ~a. ff: Gti~J Mihalic, HUI Director. 403-2330 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DMSION REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY VERICLE EVALUATION CENTER PUD, ORDINANCE NO. 84..8, FOR THE PURPOSE OF AUTItORIZING NON-PASSENGER VEHICLE TESTING, SPECIFICALLY REFERENCING A COMMUNICATION TOWER AS A PERMITTED USE, AND ELFMINATING SPECIFIC ROAD IMPROVEMENT STIPULATIONS. OBJECTIVE: To amend the Ford Vehicle Evaluation Center PUD in order to permit broader vehicle type testing, eliminate now completed road improvement stipulations, and specifically reference that a communication tower is a permitted land use within the PUD. CONSIDERATIONS: The 530 acre project site is located approximately 12 miles east of S.R. 951, immediately east ofthe Golden Gate Estates and north ofi-75 (Alligator Alley). In 1983, Collier County authorized a Future Land Use Map amendment and PUD zoning, which permitted Ford Motor Company to develop this special purpose vehicle evaluation center. The site is currently developed with an oval handling course, 2 mile straightaxvay, and a variety of buildings utilized for office, maintenance, and storage. Non-Passenger Vehicle Testing: The current PUD document contains as a general provision that test units shall only be passenger vehicles and light duty trucks. As part of Ford Motor Company's need to remain competitive in the world-wide automotive market, the Company has evaluated all vehicle evaluation centers to determine immediate and long term needs for each facility. Due to new Federal requirements for road noise standards for non-passenger:vehicles, Ford must now conduct testing on its production heavy trucks as well. One of the primary uses of this facility since I984 has been to test production units for sound and ride characteristics. Additionally, Ford Motor Company has expressed the need to conduct aerodynamic testing and chasis tuning of high performance test units. This testing will assist Ford in designing an enhanced road handling system, which may be incorporated into future generation passenger vehicles. Ford has conurtitted that this testing can be conducted within the parameters of the Collier County Noise Ordinance, which establishes a maximum acceptable decibel level of 65 dBA for daytime hours (M-Sat) and 60 dBA after I 0:00 p.m. and on Sundays. FEB 0 3 1998 Communication Tower: The existing PUD also contains reference to antennas as one of thc permitted uses on the site. Staff believes that this is merely an antiquated reference to what we now know as a communication tower. Initially, staff hoped to clarify a tower as a permitted use and add current development standards into the PUD document. As staff and Ford Motor Company worked through the amendment process, it became apparent that both the Collier County SheriWs Office and Collier County EMS were in need of communication facilities in this region of the County. The system in use by these County agencies require tower heights greater than that currently permissible under Land Development Code standards. The property owner has indicated that a tower height of 500 feet is necessary for use as a shared facility. Industrial properties are currently authorized to construct towers up to 185 feet in height and agricultural properties may construct towers up to 280 feet in height. A 500 foot tower, while above the typical permitted height, is not an unreasonable height in remote areas of the County. Towers ranging to 1,000 feet have been constructed in Immokalee and the Collier Station areas. This 500 foot tower if permitted will require permitting by the FAA for airplane identification. goad Improvements: The 1984 PUD document contains two road improvement provisions relating to 34~ Avenue S.E. and DeSoto Boulevard. These requirements specified that the property owner was required to resurface DeSoto Boulevard between Alligator Alley and 34o' Avenue S.E., and construct a base course and asphalt surface on 34" Avenue between DeSoto Boulevard and the Ford Evaluation Center entrance. Both of these requirements have now been completed and staff is of the opinion that it is no longer necessary to retain this language in the PUD. CCP¢ Public Hearine: At the January 15, 1998 Collier County Planning Commission hearing, four persons spoke in opposition to this proposed amendment. Concerns expressed included invalid property owner notification, concern over impacts to Florida panther and black bear, and concern over increased noise associated with the vehicle test center if non-passenger vehicles are permitted. Two letters of opposition were received by staff prior to the public hearing and entered into the record. Additional written statements were entered into the record at the CCPC meeting and are also included as supporting information in the agenda packet. With respect to the issue raised concerning proper notification of property owners, one property owner indicated that he owned property immediately adjacent to 'the evaluation center but was not indicated as owning this property on County records. Staff has re- researched the TRW-REDI tax roll information which is utilized by the Count,' r,-,~ ~h,,,,, . purposes. Staff's research does not indicate any improprieties in this insta~ ce. 8~~.~) indicated during the CC'PC heating that tax roll information is not always eun mt and in FEB 0 3 1998 fact may not r~flect to date ownership due to mor~ recent ownership changes and recording time lags. The issues raised relating to endangerment of the Florida panther and black bear were issues raised during the initial hearing for this project in 1983. Expressed concerns were noise impacts on breeding habits of the ~imals and the greater potential for animal/car conflicts. No documented evidence of any diminution of breeding or sightings related to the existing evaluation center were offered. It is staff's opinion that environmental impacts will not result from the proposed amendment. A r~pr~entative from the property owner and Collier County Economic Development Council (EDC) spoke in support of the proposed amendment. The property owner's representative indicated that Ford only intends to bring a very limited number of high performance md/or heavy truck type vehicles to the site for testing. The EDC representative supported the amendment as part of the County's on-going commitment to Ford to assist them in modifying the PUD to remain competitive in the automotive industry. After deliberation, the Collier County Planning Commission voted 6-1 to recommend approval of' the subject PUD amendment. The single dissenting vote was cast over concern for adherence to noise standards due to the remoteness of the site and the time necessary for staff to respond to any complaint. FISCAL IMPACT: This amendment has no direct fiscal impact to Collier County. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The proposed amendment is consistent with all provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: The Collier County Planning Commission recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the subject ordinance amending Ordinance 84-8. Prepared By: DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP, DIRECTOR DATE" PLANNrNG SERVICES DEPARTMZNT Reviewed By: Xf~NCENT A. CAIJrT-ERO, AICP, ADMINISTRATOR DATE ~,~~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DF ISION FEB 0 3 1998 AGENDA ITEM 7-D TO: COLLIER COUN~ PLANNING COMM/SSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DMSION DATE: DECEMBER 17, 1997 RE: PETITION NO.: PUD 83-17 (1), FORD MOTOR COMPANY VEHICLE EVALUATION CENTER OWNER/AGENT: Owner: Collier Enterprises 3003 Tamiami Trail North, # 400 Naples, F1 34103 Agent: Collier County Board of Commissioners 3301 East Tan'~iami Trail Naples, FI 34112 ~~~g~L~: This petition seeks to amend the Ford Vehicle Evaluation Center PUD for the purpose of permit~g testing of all motor vehicle types, to specifically reference communication tower as a permitted use within the PUD, and to el/minate specific road improvement stipulations which have been completed. ~_HIC LOCAT/Oi~ This project is located approximately 12 miles east of C.R. 951, just east of Golden Gate Estates, and immediately north of 1-75 (Alligator Alley) in Sections 22, 27 and 34, Range 28 East, Township 49 South, Collier County, Florida (see attached location map) I~C.]~ION OF PROJECT~ The 530 acm site has be~a utilized since 1984 as a vehicle evaluation site for Ford Motor Company. The site is comprised of an oval handling course, 2 mile ~raightaway and a variety of buildings utiliz~ for office, maintenance, and vehicle parking and storage. The PUD currently permits testing of only passenger vehicles and light duty trucks. FEB 0 3 1998 ,*.lie FEB 0 3 Ford Motor Company has expressed the need for broader vehicle type testing in order to remain competitive in the automotive industry, hence the need to expand testing operations to include high performance automobiles and heavy duty tracks. Additionally, new Federal legislation requires that road noise testing occur for off road vehicles, which necessitates testing for heavy duty trucks. The proposed vehicle testing will occur in accordance with the Collier County Noise Ordinance. Staff has also attcznpted to clarify that a communication tower is a permitted land use within this PUD. Thc existing document currently references antennas and other compatible land uses; however, staff suggests that the initiation of this amendment process warrants the clarification of this land use type. Access to the site is via DeSoto Boulevard and 34* Avenue S.E. The current PUD contains provisions for the rcsurfacing of DeSoto Boulevard and construction of a base course of asphalt to County specifications on 34* Avenue S.E. The proposed amendment eliminates these project conditions as they have been completed to the satisfaction of Collier County staff by the property owner. The proposed text amendments do not necessitate any modifications to the approved PUD master plan. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Existing: The existing $30 acre site is improved with test track and related administrative and maintenance buildings. Surrounding: North: To the north of the project site is inactive agriculturally zoned land, which also has a mobile home overlay (A/MHO). South: To the south of the project lies Alligator Alley ~ght..o f-Way. East: To the east of the project is undisturbed lands, zoned agriculture with the mobile home overlay (AYMHO). West: To the west ofthe project is the Golden Gate Estates subdivision. Properties are generally undeveloped, although there are ~ ~',-'~, ~-~t-~, on which single-family horoes hav~.~~.~ developed; zoned Estates (E). FEB 0 1998 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSISTENCY: This proposed text amendment to the Ford Motor Company Vehicle Evaluation Center PUD results in no consistency issues related to the Growth Management Plan. The original zoning was established via a Growth Management Plan amendment in 1983 and is now recognized as consistent with the current Growth Management Plan as a rural indu,.trial PUD. This amendment will result in no LOS impacts to the surrounding road network. Access to thc.' site will remain from 34~' Avenue S.E. via DeSoto Boulevard. As discussed in the project description section of this report, the PUD stipulations related to road paving along DeSoto Boulevard and 34* Avenue S.E. have previously been completed by the project developer; therefore staffrecommends the deletion of these conditions. HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Not applicable. EVALUATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL. TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE: The proposed amendments have n° beating on the jurisdictional responsibilities of the 1~ respective County departments charged with revie~v authority. Staff of ~.he Transportation Services Department staff have determined that the amendment has no significant transportation impacts. .ANAL. YS,I. S: The proposed ordinance is intended to amend Ordinance 84-8 by 1) specifying That a commtmication tower is a p~mfitted land use, 2) broadening vehicle testing to include all motor/zed vehicle types, with daylight hour restrictions on high performance ve]ficles, and 3) eliminating the completed transportation stipulation. The proposed PUD amendments should have no impact on nearby property owners. The property owner has committed that all testing will be conducted in full compliance with all County ordinances, and that noise attenuation devices will be installed to minimize any impacts to neighboring property owners. Staff should also point out that Ford Motor Company has expressed the necessi~t to expand vehicle testing units in order to meet Federal guidelines and to assist in the development and design of safer passenger vehicles. The proposed amendm; ........ consistent with previous commitments made to Ford Motor Company that ~; ~,*f~~ FEB 03 998 would essist Ford Motor Company by modifying the PUD document to i~sure that the Company's changing needs could be accommodated at the Collier County facility. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Thai Ordinance Number 84-8 be emended to rcflect the p~mism'bility of expanded typ~ of vehicle testing tmlts, clarifying thai e communication tower is a permitted use in thc PUD aIid eliminating the former transportation stipulations which have be~m completed by the proper~y owner, as specifically described in the arae~ding ordinance. Prepared by: DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP DATE PLANNEqG SERVICES DIRECTOR Reviewed by: ? 9INCE~ A. CAUTERO, AICP, ~ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION FEB 0 ~ 1998 COLLIER .... ~ .~:.. .. ~. ~: This letter is written as 'Tee Simple Owner" of the property cu/rently occupied by the ... · ' Ford Florida Evaluation Center, authorizing Collier County to serve as agent to amend -. ':" "-..':' Ordimncc #84-8. As .y. ou' will recall the former cotm.ty' manager established the County's : ' ':' :,rolc in this fashion to dlustrate local government's support for the Ford Motor Company. ' '" "; Ford's role as a cor~muni{y lead_.e~ has been recognized by the manager and Board by - :"~:'.*' their participation and support of Ford'S various projects~ '"' .... · ': ' "~' ~:" '~' The amendment (see attached Exhibit "A") is intended to, ~odify Section V, Subsection " - " $.9 "G~n~tal lh-ovisions", Paragraph E of the Ordinance, which describes the units to b~ tested ~s p~ger vehicles and light trucks. In order for the Ford Motor Company to r~nain coml:~itive in the rm~ it has become necessary to expand their ability to test agditional vehicles. Rules established by the Federal Highway Administration rextuir~ -' extensive road noise testing .,to b~ conducted on all vehic, les to d~ine noise limits. ~.. -. Ther, c ~ no',,; mtat include !nrge w::ks. ,~, .., . . -"-'. :'.' .-.:.. ": "'-.":'~"':. '"- >. ....".".: ..'"-.'..' '" ':;!..V'. '"" · ". i i. ;,rd Motor .coml;i y,.,ia ana c 'i, · -"of its racing vehicles. These tests ;0~ill assist Ford in designin~ ~nd dgveloping a safer and ":": .,.jmor* r~sponsive handli~ sysi,m for racing vehicles. Th,s, chara~ristics will · ~. :...!.~z e~'nmally b, inco~x~rit~ into l~,agcr vehicles to improve tlmir handling safety. " ... ':' .... During the t~dng of mci-n-~, vehicles, sound reducing control devices will b~ installed to ' - : II~inlrn{7.g nois~. .'.'.~ ..,: '";' : ' -'q '.' ' "~ ":' ', ......... ,' -'v - :..'~ ..I ' _ .% ' :'...' . · °:- · ' -' '"' All the a~ve testmg as d,~'nbexi ~vill be cond. ucmt Within c,"xistins Colli~ County 6rdil~lces. . .. , ..... ~.,,.'.: , .::t: .,,;'~ -,.'.~: .. .... ..,.., ..r.. , ......,... · . . -.~.. ..... ,.. · ' --' "".-'.g;-::'~;.!' '~ ' '-'-;" '.;; ",. ' '" '."i, , ' o, . ............. .'.:':L .... ' ~. "." ' -- · .' .: .. -.. . .. ~.~ .~, .-,...;- . ,.. ...... . ...... ?:~...-~,I~,.,..':,.~ ....... !:~:,:.:., ....... · "- '. ' 7,|" , ........ . .-~-:-~,-.' ,.,~.~i.. .... . ,..~ . ..;.a... '," ,. ~ · ..... ". . ..,._~ ..-' .... t." . / ...... .o.,.I... . ~.~..-.~ ;.:~.,.. .:..;f;. :. :$..' -'~.--oe~. 'c' ' ~ ' '. · "· .. -;-.'*¢....-- ~ · . .' . o.. _ - · ' .*. ..'." .' .' . .- .- : ' . .. ' ...~:..I '*°- · ' ' '' r "lr'~ - ..... ,..,.. -,.-... ; ......... ! .-,~ ............ ,. -, . '-. · I ....... .....' ........ ' ....... ' ....... ' .... """' ....... t ....... "":'~" ',"' ' '~':.-,'".. ' " ' '". ' .' -- ::-',.'FEB ~ 1998 · " ; '.'.. {.- . , .'.-~t~..' . ,.. .... -.. :e'; ./ ..:,-:. '.: ' - .1: ~.....,.. ... . . , , .,~. . . . . . .... · . ; . . . ·,...~ . ,.~ . . .,.. .- · .. . ..... . ...... ~,t~. -. . .- :~' ~-..z:": ,~ ..'-'~' . [ .' .".~..~,_':~..,'.. · 'r · ~'"~ .....'' ~ .... ......~ ~.,~p~. .,~ ?- · &, . .o~.~1.: .'a .. · -- ~ ; 'IP' 'o ~. '"o .o ..~ ~.; '- · .' '".'~- · · · ; : - ".-- i. --. "* r , ~..~ ....... ~ ~- ~,~- .. ~ · · .,.. · . . L"~..:' .. ,., · -- . . · .-...r, .. ..., ~ · ... . ... .~ ,,.,.,.R~:,I~. ;~,. .~ ~ t. · I .... ..~ , ~ . · ~:'-'-' -~*." ' . . .at-~-,' ,'~,- · .-I'c .,,..-.-. -. [, ............. -' : ~ e ..... :* _,,. ,, ,~.~. o;i....:.. .~S . ~.~ . -~ - .-,~ ...~,,;-....2.,.,,.~,~..-~ .~ .,. .;.-. ': ..Z '-,-- ~,,, ~.~ .~:','~-. -.~. ~ -~, :, .:.q 4:1 .:.a-~,: ..... t:.~~.:. ~.~."-~,,,~;. ,,,.~.~,~ ..,._,~..'~,~ .:,~1~.-,,,, ~.. ~:~ -~-'~, .... '-'a Mr. ¥inccat Caum~ S~mber 25, 1997 P~¢ 2 ~t you for yo~ ~~oa ~ ~ ~. S~d you ~ve ~y q~o~ I ~ ~ cc: lcffr,:y M. Birr, Collier Enmi~scs ~ Sear, Ford Florida Evaluation Center Ray Hacker, Ford Motor Company EXtH~fT "A" Ordinance. # 84-8 Subsection S.9 - "General Provision~' E. Testing units shall be motor vehiclea, FEB 0 3 1998 APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR PUD AMENDMENT/DO AMENDMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEF~ DIVISION PLANNING SERVICES 1. Name of Applicant(s) Collier County Board of Commissioners Applicant's Telephone N~er: Res.: Bus.: q~-~~ Is th~ applicant the o~er.Rf thru s~Ject prope~y? Yes~ No .... (a) If agplicant is a land t~st, so indicate and name b~neficiaries below. (b) If applicant is corporation other ~an a public corgoration, so indicate and name officers and major ~tockholders below. (c) If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, so indicate and name principals below. (d) If applicant is an o~er, indicate exactly as recorded, and list all other o~ers, if any. (e) If applicant is a lessee, attach copy of lease, and indicate actual o~ers if not indicated on the lease. (f) If applicant is a contract purchaser, attach copy of contract, and indicate actual o~er(s) name and address below. (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page.) 2. Name of Agent ..... Donald W. Arnold Firm co]]~,r ~n,,n~y ____ Agents Mailing Address 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive city Naples, State FL Zip ~]~4 Telephone Number: Res.: Bus.: =,~ - FEB 0 3 1998 3. PUD ORDINANCE NAME AND NUMBER: Ford Motor Co. Vehicle Evaluation Cenl '. DETAILED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE ~PPLICATION (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page. If ~ request involves change to more than one zoning district, include separate legal description for property involved in each district. If property is odd-shaped, submit five (5) copies of survey (1" to 400' scale). THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING THE CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. IF QUESTIONS ARISE CONCERNING THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, AN ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION SHALL BE REQUIRED. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE SEE ATTACHED LEGA~ 5. Address or location of subject property 6. Does property owner own contiguous property to the subject property? If so, give complete legal description of entire contiguous property. (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page). 7. TYPE OF AMENDMENT: ~_~__A. PUD Document Language Amendment B. PUD Master Plan Amendment C. Development Order Language Amendment $. DOES AMENDMENT COMPLY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Yes No If no, explain: 9. HAS A PUBLIC HEARING BEEN HELD ON THIS PROPERTY WITHIN THE LAST YEAR? IF SO, IN WHOSE NAME? PETITION $: DATE: FEB 0 3 1998 D 10. HAS ANY PORTION OF THE PUD BEEN SOLD AND/OR_ DEVELOPED? ARE ANY CHANGES PROPOSED FOR THE AREA DEVELOPED? SOLD AND/OR Yes. No. IF YES, DESCRIBE: (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEE~SSARY)' We, being first duly sworn, depose an~-say that we are the owners of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application and all sketches, data, and , othe~ supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We understand this application must be completed and accurate before a hearing can be advertised. We further permit the undersigned to act as our representative in any matters regarding this Petition. NOTE: SIGNATURES OF ALL OWNERS ARE MANDATORY. SIGNATURE OF OWNER SIGNATURE OF OWNER ~IGNATURE OF AGENT State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Application was acknowledged before me this - day of -. -- , 199 by _ who is personally known to me or who ~s produced ' take an oath. as identification and who did (did not) (Signature of Notary Public) -- NOTARY PUBLIC Commission ~ My Commissio~ Expires: PUD\DO APPLICATION/md/4128 3 FEB 0 3 1998 PROPIRTY Oq,/NERSfflP Al'lO LEGAL I)I~JIIIITi011 ].l pROPERTY The subject property Is currently ~der the ~ershle of Hales :. ~lller, T~iaml Trill, Naples, Florida. LEGAL D[SCRIPTIOtl The subject ~roaerty Is described Collier County. Florida, bel~ ~rf particularly descried ~ngl 28 East. Collier County, KIorJda: t~nce il~ the wsc lIN of said Section )k, Horth 1'-07'-3~' EaSt, 2~.QI feet to the ~rth right- or,ay 1Inn of S. R. No. 8k (Alligator Alley) ~ the KI~ OF to the parcel herel~ descri~d; BEGINNING of the parcel herein des~rl~d: the.~ce continue along t~ wsC II~ of said Sccti~ ~rth 1''07'-3~' East, ~86.&2 feet to l~ s~t~st corner of Se~llon 27, T~ship &~ ~lh, ~e 28 Coil;er County, FIoridl; ~rth 1'-07'-30" East, la&3.)8 feetl thence Horth I1'-1~'-0~' ~eSt, &18~.S& feet: thence North 78'-~7''e~* East, ~.OO feet; thence South I!'-I)'-0~' EaSt. 8~&S.OO feet: -* the~ce Nort~ 78'-k7'-0~' Eest, I~.OO finK: ' thence S~th 78'-~7''~' Ve~t, S~.eO thence S~th Ile-13'-~' [alt, 1~.~ feet to th~ theece along said north righ~f~ line, North 89'-07'-~7' ~est. l17,~& feet to la i~le t~nce continue al~g Said ~rth right~(~ay Collier County, Florida: subject to eale~nts and restrlcli~s of r~rd~ Pale 3-I POIATJ:~ A3tZA OT COL~.: .'~ C~'rT, lq,0RXO& uT AJ~NO TH~ ZO~ A~.AS ~ JiliOZl 4~-21 BT ClU.'qG~XG TRZ ZC]HXNG CLn.ISXFXCAT~Cl OF 13F[ D~C~ZIED ~ PP, OP£~T'Y lr'~oH A-I ~ 'PUl)" lnk,Mi~3) P~PEXTY LOCATE~ HOXTH OF ALLZGAZGI ALL~Y AND EAST OF GOLD~ CAT~ ~STATF~; AND I~OVZD23~ Al g~EXEAS. Collier ~nce~pr~e.. ,,er~cLoued the Boird or Coun~.e~oflere co ch.~e ch. Zo~.~l Cl...~fl~C~ of the here~n . desccLbed r,el p~opercT; N~, ~FOXE BE IT ~:~ b7 the Boird of ComLss~oners o~ CoX~ler Ccunt2., FXorXdl: ~Z~IO~ O~E~ ~4 2onLn~ C~&IiL~Lctc.. the h~rc~u ~escrLbed reaZ proptrc~ ]oclcEd Ln SEccXon 22, 27 ~. 4, TMshLp &gS., bnie 28E0 ~lXfer CouncT, F~orLda LI chiflied rrm A-I to ~" F~ned Unl~ Onelo~nc ~u IccoTdinct v~th ~he PUD doc~eflc s~cfched hereto as ~Lblt vh/ch ~s lnco~oreced here(n .fid by.refertuct Mde p.rc breof. O~Lc~A1 Zon~nS ACl]i ~p N~er, ~er &9-28. 18 delcr~bed In Or~Lnlnce 82-2, ~. hereby o~nded iccor~fn~lT. : ;~ ~ -- 01fi,,' FEB 0 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLiaM J. W~EACAN, Clerk of Courts In and for the ~entieth Judicial Circuit. Collier County. Florida. do hereby certify that ~he foregoing is a tru~ and correct original of: ORDINANCE NO. which waa adopted b? the Board of Count7 Coa~Lsaio~era during" Regular Seeelon the 17th day of January, I98&. WITNESS my hand and the officLal aea! of the Board County Co~ia~ionere of Collier County, Flor$~L~ ~hie 17~h ~ay of January. 1~4. ' Clerk of Courta. · County CountaAlone~s ~. '. Thia ordinance filed with the me~retat-~ of Stat~ a Office the 23rd daM of January, 1984 end acknowledgement of that filing received thio 26th day of JanuarT. O1R,,': 46 FEB 0 3 PLAN#CO UNIT DKVELOPHENT FOR FOR0 MOTOR COI~PANY VEHICLE: [YALUATI0?! C[IJTER PREPARED BY: C~C DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 3003 ltORTH TAHIA~I TRAIL ~APLE$. fLORIDA 339&o D~te ApprOved by C~C: ~ Odte ~pr~ed by ICC : 6 C~tf Ordl~ce ~. : ~A-8 AGI I~. FEB 0 TAIL£ OF CONT~:IIT$ SECT I0t¢ I STAT I:i"l£tlT OF SECTIOtl I I STATE~[NT OF INTENT I-! PROPERTY OVt~ERS~IP ~ L~GAL OESCRIPTIO~ ~-I SECTIOII IV GE~I[RAL 0EVELOP~[~4T R[GU~ATI~S ~-I GENERAL 0~V[LOP~[NT CO~IT~ENT$ ....:.., ~r~ lq ,SECTION STAT[~£~T OF COJ~LIAIICE The purpose of this Section Is to express the int~t of CflC Os~eloq~k~Z 27, 4nd ]~, Of T~sh;~ 4g South, Riflge 28 [lite Colllsr C~ty, Flori~. ~ The d~ve~o~ent of this Property I~ ~ Pll~td ~It D~el~nt rill ~ 'set forth Ih the C~rehenslve PIIn. The tptcill use d.~elWt facility ~1s a Vehicle [vllultlon Center vii1 be consistent vlth t~ gr~h ~licies and I~fld develo~flt regullt~ofls of t~ C~reh~slve ~18fl L~ Use [leant mild other 4~llcible dosumefltl for She fo11~i~ r~l~l~ I) The ~ro~osed ficllltles viii be dell~d te~ mltlbl, vlth I~d 2) The ~ro]ect develo~nc ~II1 include tde~te su~rt flcilitle~ and ~,~11 not increase d~and, adversely I fleet, or ethically bur~n existing users of public service su~ort ficEl~tles or systms. ]) The project development viii assist iff the diversif;~ti~ of the Eov~ty's econ~;c base and in ~et;ng e~loy~nt needs o~ the ~resent res;dents. k) The ~ro]ect develop~flt ~11 place high ~siS ~ .;n/~l Ilttrlt~ ~hon other potenttdl uses. Such ms agriculture. S) The pro,act development, being a uni~e spec;Ii aur~se facility, rill &) Th= pro, act develoa~ent. ~ith aparopriate landscari~ a~ natural h.~fers. ~ill no: ~dversely impact cOntlg~S aro~rtles. 7) Alt tmarove~nt$ ~;11 be in c~llance v~ch all ~pl~clbTe C~nty. Sca:e. nnd Federal 14~s and ordinances governing prairies and facilities fnr pr.' .: develop~nt. Page I-I 0IR,,-.... 49 FEB 0 3 Lc Pg. SECTIOft I I STATI[K£1rT OF IKTl~trr Thc purpose oF this s~cClon ls to ex~rts$ th~ intcn: oF C~ OeY~iOlmN~t Vehicle [val~aC;on Center for Ford ~cor C~any. As I ~rt o~ Ford ~tor C~lny's on-going vehicle develo~nt ~nd cus:~r eviluarl~ tesCln9 Florldo since 1~52 and ~he NiXIes iran sine. the nld I~'s. this ficlilc? shill ~e used to su~ort and Grovlde t,~e c.~lblllty to c~cC ~ verlety procedures Co o~tlmlze vchlcle funcclon. The nll~ti~ end determinlcl~ shall 'ocus on ride choricc~rlStlcs, vehicle drlv~lllty. I~und) colic end deceleration, rldl nad handling, ec~ end perforate, nad general pr~uct acceptance procedures. This Flclllty vlll Ilso ~r. ldl ~Ineers .ith ficlllty to servicl, rep4i( and &djust 4M c~nge c~Kts i~ vehicles being evaluated. evlluatlon ~roce~ures, the principal project facilleies I~il. In general. consls~ of on-site roi~ays (2.1 mile s~raighc~y, a I.I mile ~ndll~ ~rse. n 2.5 mile Ova1 roi~iy, and sup~rt aM rlde ~alu~tlm r~ds). ~ild~ngs house maintenance ins~ecclon, offices, lire nM v~icle Se~lce equlWnc supplies, end c~u(er tqui~nl. T~ kslc su~r~ services to the ~rojecc shell, Iff general, consist of: · fueling station vith Storage Conks, kecer yells for fire pro~ection ~nd Pvblic su~ly, secured Glrk~ sicurlcy g*ce/fencEng ~nd 4n Innuncll~or lyS~m for police ~hd ~tre ~rotec[;~ through dedicated ~hofl4 system. The purpose of this d~cu~nt 1~ to set (~rth the c~;t;ons oF d~elo~t ~;th o~her information required ;n accordance ~;th the F~ Ordinanct, This project Shall establish an integrated I~use by c~;.l~g the ~r;nci~i ject fa¢illt~es and basic Su~gort services with extensl~ unaltered spice ~reas. atyDlcal of ~n industrial P~ge 2- I -0< ,50 FEB 0 3 1998 ~ECTION III PKOP£RTy OVN£RSHIP ~ L[G~J. O[SCP, IPTIOI 3.1 PROPERTY DVN[RSHIP The subject PrOperty is currently under the mmership of MiZes C. Coil;~r, Islbel Collier Reid, Barton G. Collier, II, 8~ IHIiI U. Tl~llml Trill. HIplIs, Fl~rlda. ].2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The Subject proper~y is described Is: AII t~lC parc of Sections 22, 27 lnd ]~, T~ship ~ ~h, Collier County, Klorid4, bei~ ~re ~3rtlcullrly descr{~d ~nc[ng It the Sout~est'corner of S~tl~ ]~, T~sh~p ~ ~ch. ~ange 28 ~ast, Collier County, Kiorldi: thence ll~ the ~s~ ~;~ of slid Se~Jo~ ~, No~:h 1'-07'-~' ElSe, 200.01 feet (o the north righ~- of-~ly llne of S. R. No. 8~ (Alligator Alley} a~ ~he P01HT OK ~o the p=rcel here~n described; BEGINNING of ~he garcel herein described: thence continue &long the ~s~ I~ of said S~c~i~ ~orth 1"07'-30" East, ~8S.&2 fee~ ~o ~ corner of Section 27, T~lhl~ ~ ~th, ~e 28 Coil;er County, Ftoridg; ' ihence i!o~9 ~he ~st side of slid Sec~;~ 27, North I*'07'-30" East, I~&].~S fe~t; thence North I1'-13'-00" Vest, ~&S~.&~ feet; thence Norih 78e-~7,.~* [4S~, ~00.00 fee(; thence South I1'-I]'-00', Eat:, 8~&S.O0 feel; thence North 78'-~7'-00" ElSe, IO~.00 feet; ~hence South I1'-I)'-O~' [itt, 2~.00 feet; ~hence Sou~h 78*-~7'-]~'VeSt, I~.CO feet; thence Sou~h I1'-I)'-O~, East, I~.00 fee~ to the north right-of-ray line of S. K. ~. 8~ (AIlig~tor Alley): ~hence along said north r~ght-Qf.~y line, Nor(h 8~e-O7'-3~,, Veil, ~7.2& fe~t ~O Ih Ingle thence COntinue along said north rlgh~f~ay line, North 8S'-02'-09" Ves~, 2652.7~ feel to the Point oF B~ginning of th&'~rcel ~rein being a part of Sections 22, 27, a~ 3~, T~ship ~ ~th, Colller County, Florida; subject ro ease~ncs and res[rictl~s of r~ord: containing ~30.37 acres of le~d ~re or lel~. PoNe 3- I -. 51 FEB 0 3 1998 ~SECT ION IV GEHERA[ DEV£LOPJ~£J~I' REGUt. ATIONS The purpose of :his section Is to set forth the relvlitloes for develop)atone of the property Identified on the K/stet Plan. It Is the int~t of the project I~nlor to develop I single purpose, sp,lll use, V~lcle [vel~tl~ ~.2 PROJECT PLAN Th~ Pr,jet[ shill consist Of end bi limited to ~ IIM u~S here~n descried. Tha project plan, Including roi~ay k.~ pERH~~S~S AN0 STRUCTURE% ~ bui)d~ngs or s~ruccures, or plr~ t~r~f, S~ll ~ erKr~, altered or used, or land or racer used. in ~le or th ~rt. for ot~r t~ the roi I~;~: 1. PermlCttd Pr;ncipll U~es Ihd StrKtures: A. Research, evaluation, 4nd test;n~ activities related to c~ponents and vehicles, and S~rt lyltW. A~;n;stratlve offices and sup~rtlve se~ice fK;lit~es. C. Aut~tlva and equt~ht ttor~e yards, ~t~r i~orage yards. Pr~ided such outd~r yard J~ll ~ ~t cl~r t~h t~ty-ft.ve (25) feet to any public street a~ t~t ~ Yard S~ll be c~letely enclosed, excea~ for ~cessa~ i~ress and ~ress. O. Fuel storage and related Facilities. F. Repairs for au~tive vehicles, c~nts, ~rtS, and aCCess,riel, and st,rage buildings. · Any other use ~lch Is c~atJble ;e'~ture vlih the forgoing uses ~ich the Z~ing Director detemi~S to h c~tible. 2. Perm;tted AtteSt,Fy Usas and S~ructure~: A. ~Y accessory u~e~ a~d structures ~rch ire IKl~tal to I~d cust~rll Page ,.52 FEB 0 3 lCJ98 B. 94o reside~tlal Ira¢llltles shall IN ~ar~itted ~c~t for ho~si~ of d~ca on ~hQ praises. C. ViSit minag~nt ~d ~-site utility aM ~i~ fKlllCl.s. to edge of Day,tnt to oval tritk sMII KINIHUH FLOOR AREA Or PRIflCIPAL STR~[S One Thousand (I,00O) s~uare fe~ except thet ~ular ~its, guard ~use, trailers, and the like shall have no A.6 ~XIHUH HEIGHT OF BUI~O1HGS g STR~[~ FiFty (S0) Feet 4~ve Finished g~ade, except;~.~ ~.7 HINIHUH OrR-STREET PARKING A~D Or~-S~[~ L~ING RE~UIREH[~S As required by the ~onin9 ordinance Ih efF~t'at ~I~ of ippZlcat[~ For ' buiidlng DermiC. ,co( O1R,,:? 33 FEB 0 3 FJ98 SECTION V GENE/~L DEVELOI~'T CW~IT~:XTS 5. I PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to se~. forth the the ~roJ~ct. S.2 PUO ~ST~R DEVE~OPHEHT A. T~e PUD Hisser Plan Is an Itlus~ra~l~ p~ojecc needs. ~ran~ed to insure the c~cin~d ~trati~ D. H;nor d~st~n chonges Shall ~ ~em;tted subject ~o s~lf[ ap~r~al. [. To protect the integrity of the Plaid ~;t of D~el~n~, ~ccess shall be ~r~ided by ~nd limited to the ~ay is sh~ ~ t~t ~scer Plan unless othe~isa de~d appr~ri~te ~ the C~cy. solid v4ste disposal service to pr~i~ for ~1;~ areas Of the ~roject. S-~ INTERNAL ROA~AY CONSTRUCTION All Internal ro~viys within t~ limits Of t~ P~ p~erCy ~a~ s~il be private roa~iys and sholl be mJn~eined ~ t~ ~ers~ therefore, such roa~iys sholl be constructed t~ t~ devel~r's r~uirmnts rather than c~strucced Co County U~'ILITIES AND S£~VICE FACIlITieS k. A potable water supply sh~ll be by s,~ll · Admlnlstritlve Code. Page S- I FEB 0 3 1998 permitted by the Florida ~inistro(i~ C. Alt uses, SC~ctures amd e~t~t used iff this p~Ject ~ermi~o~ed o~d/or r~ved f~ t~ site ~ K~ ~er u~ ~1e~I~ of ~ pJo~fled O. Klre pro~ec~loa thiJl be rrm I ~u~o~/m~ii~f~' dleseJ 7S0 GP~ clpaci~y. ~ource of d~er s~iy s~11 be ~ 8-1~ di~er thr~gh · dedicated o~ne cJico~ system to ~he ipproprii~e I~ ~forc~t igtfl~ i~/or SeCurity service, arid ~ 8-f~t h~gh c~lfl Jlflk f~e sure--lng the projecc site, or h~oher if rt~i~d by th4 opp~rJa~e O~er~flt ~* oreis of the p~o~ecc. The deveto0e shall c~OZy wi~h &11 eppticobte z~i~ regulo~l~s For surrounding the ~lrJ~ter of the pr~irty, the ~elMr s~ll (tt~ of natural v~getatlon within the ~ ~t ~ffer, pr~ided ll~ the ~ttMd flfceJsir~' by the Collier County ~ih9 Director, oddl~I~al Oe~orc~flt of [nv;ror~flcol ~egulatJ~, t~ U.S. A~ ~r~s of Engineers, ~d t~t Collier Couflt~ [flviro~fltalist, ~se 4r~s S~ ~ os jur;sdlcti~al are Illustrittve ~tJ~s ~;ch will ~ conserved practicable as stor~ visit ~flog~flt ~/or ~fl s~c8 4rtls, excepting areas requirifl~ roa~oys- S.8 C~[ARI~t GRAOIMG. EAAT~RK. ~ SITE O~l~E Alt cl(irlng, gr~ding, eart~rk o~ sets droi~ ~rk sh011 ~e perfor~ In iccordlflce ~ith 011 ipplicobZe State o~ I~ot ~s. Th;fining ~: ~f ~der- brush mild shrub init1 be permttttd'M ~t the a~es~ visibillty m~ ~fety requirements c~fl be ~t Ifld mlfltiiMd. Oetil i .~ttr Mnage~nt pllflS tMII be s~itted for revl~ prior'lQ ~ssua~ce of construction OIR,,'.: 55 FEB 0:3 1998 G~H[~ PROVt StOH~ ' ul nt ind &¢tlvlliet tn thll fUO t~11 be C. For emergency supers slrvice, s, In ~-I[[I I~tJ~ i~11 ~ delig~C~d ' for the ~lnd~9 Of I htlicoP~tr. the property ~undlry. E. Test unlit shill bi only passenger v~;(tis Ifld tight t~ks. F. On-sloe vehicular fuels used on-site s~lt be dle~t, g.sotin, or it cernative fuels. G. A:! ~ast~ products lflcludTng pecroIM, tires B~ Mc~fllc~1 parts shaft be carafutlY cotlec~ed i~d periM;cllly r~ed f~ ~hl sJ~e Ifld regutltions. Tt~orlrY storlgl Of ~-S;te vIStKS S~II ~ ~n strict c~pllincl vith govtrfllng I~s a~ rtgullti~l 4~pllcible to the desigfl and conStr~tl~ of the fu.t Alley (SR 8k) lad 3kth AYE, St. and provide i ~e inch asphalt ~lrlflq surface ~r C~fltY sp~ciflcati~s to 3~th Ave. SE fr~ OaSoto Boulevard to the proj~t Ktrl~e. FEB '0 3 1<J98 FEB 0 3 1~.,o8 Lloyd ~t~rgeau 4848 ~0th Ave. &E, Naples, Fla. ;~4117 Jan. IS, 1998 Conunks.~ion District 3 Michael A. Davi~ Chairman 6120 18th Ave. S.W. Naples, Fla. ;34116 Mr. Da,lis: I am writing to you to express my opposition to your petition to ammend current PUD at the Ford Vehicle Evaluation Center. your I am probobly the closest residence to the *test track*. As of now we have little to no complaint to the noise level coming from Ford. If you pursue the rights to test bigger, faster, and louder vehicles we both know that it will take away from the 'quiet* that we moved out here to enjoy. Besides the noise level, please consider the wildlife, and what it will do to property values out here. Thank you for your consideration. geau FEB 0 3 1998 My name is Gena Gundeck and my husband and I live at 4939 26th Avenue S.E., Naples, Florida. home is located on the Eastern boundary of Golden Gate Esta~, sad as you will see [rom the photo, directly west ofthe north end of the Ford Evaluation Center 2.1 mile straight-away and sound pad.. We own approxim,tely 25 contiguous acrc"s on the ~ F~vtates border, seventl of which are adjacent to Collier ~property. I ask that you allow me to finish my statement and I will be glad to address your questions. The first issue ~ncerns IVir. Michael J. Bruet as he is the author of the letter fro~ Collier Enterprises to Mr. Vincent Cautero requesting the emendation to the subjec! PUD. Since Mr. Bru~ is sitting on the Planning Commission now I ask him to recuse himself due to a conflict of interest. I come to advise you of my concerns about the pending change to the present PUD that Ford operates under, but first state that I am not agaimt the Ford EVaJuation'Center and made a decision to build our home knowing the facility was there. The second issue I would like to address is noise. As I just stated w~ w~re aware ofthe facility and the noise that could be heard at that time from FEC w~s accectable to us. Since that time the noise levels have increased, but we have not complained much and have notified the FEC site supervisor, Matt Seare; when noises were very disturbing or annoying, especially between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. To date we have worked things out. For your information, we can hear just about every veEicle as it reaches the turnaround area. After a tour and demonstration of the new "sound pad" testing, Cai1 tell when they are doing such tests. Vehicle noise and motor induction noise carries a long way in om' quiet rural neighborhood. With that being said, I find it curious and disturbing that the County has arbitrarily declared that the impact zone is only 300fi. What data allow them to choose this figure? This request for emendation effects our entire neighborhood. On one occasion a few yeas ago when Ford was illegally testing lady cars out there, we were at the north entrance of.lane's Scenic Drive in the South Blocks and could hear that car easily. Another time they were testing this type of car, a friend in Woodland Estates, which is located nearly five miles west in the agricultural area East of Everglades Blvd. offof28th Avenue S.E., called and said she could hear it like it was coming down her road. People who live on Golden Gate Boulevard between Everglades and DeSoto could also hear it. So you see, the impact area is not as the county has stated and is considering. The remaiaing issues reference documents as stated. The letter from Collier Enterprises to Vincent Cautero indicates that Ford wishes to be allowed to do extensive road noise te~iug of all types of vehicles, including large trucks and racing vehicles. It also indicates there will be sound reducing control devices to be installed to minimize noise, but not to eliminate it If you have ever heard an lady car or a Winston Cup or Busch Series racing car you must know these vehicles ar,- extremely loud. In addition, if~ey are to operate at their ntaximum capacity, they sim ,~ be muffled. There is no way that the sound fi.om'these vehicles and/or heaw tr~cl~- FEB 0 3 1998 be min/mized enough to not spill-over/nm our residential sulxi/vision. The Coil/er letter /;ives no ~ deta/h d~om any methods of sound reduc/~S control devices, nor is there any mention in thc Mcmorandum from Community Development to you, about any such mcthoch. More importantly, there are no da~ provided to lad/cate tha~ I~C will comply with the Noise ~ 54-81 or Provisio~ in Article ri Section 22-21 ofthc Collier County Code. Exhibit "A'" of~he same letter simply indicates that testing un/ts shall be motor vehicles. This gives no ~description of a motor vehicle. An airplane entree has a motor and it is also a vehicle used for transportation. The description given is much too vague. I would like to now direct yom' attention to the Memorandum to you from the Community Development & Environmental Services Division dated December 17, 1997 Paragraph one states that the petitioner seeks to test all motor vehicles and to specifically reference a communication tower as a newly permitted use within thc PUD. First, I did not sec that Collier requested a communication tower in their letter, and second no description of what type oftower, how many end what effect,, if any, it or they may have on our ~ljacent residential community is mentioned. Page two of said Memorandum has a reference, map that, in its present slate, is very deceiving to the public since it docs not even show DeSoto Boulevard on it. Perhaps tMs was on over~ight, nonetheless should be corrected. This map leads the public or but those unfamiliar with the area to believe that nothing is located around this facility, which is not ~ue. Page three paragraph two indicates testing will occur in accordance with the Collier County Noise Ordinance. The location of this facility is at lea, st 45 minutes from downtown Naples. There is only one person on call for the Code Enforcement Department to tes~ for sound violations. Therefore, this statement is meaningless. It sounds good and looks good to the public, but to the residents of this neighborhood, we know that if they decide to run an Indy car, for example, and we feel it violates the Noise Ordinance, our call to the Code Enforcement Dcparment for them to come, set their machine up and witness the noise is fruitless since by the time the techn/can arrives the noise will be long gone. We experience the same problem w/th any violation FEC does flOW. The Surrounding Land Use and Zoning section indicates that to the: ~North is inactive agriculturally zoned land." I would l/Ire to point out that although the land immediately north is agriculturally zoned land currently leased to a hunting club, there are miles and miles of active farmland north ofthat leased area. ~ast is tmdisturbed lands, zoned agriculture. ' Again I would like to point out tt~tt ,,nme of the land immediately east and adjacent to their facility is the Florida Panth~ Na~ FEB 0 3 1998 Wildlife Refuge. The two statements they have ma~ie bes~ misleading to the general public. "West is Golden C~te Es~tes sulxiivision" Properties ~'e g~erally un~veloped~ ~l~ou~ there aze a few tracts on which single f. mily homes have been developed. I would like to inform you tl~ ther~ m~y be only a few ~sidents her~ uow, bm all property ~om.24th Avenue S.E. to 1-75 is priva~ly owned and ~ been so for g~ro~ly 30 years. And the county Las gladly taken those owner's tax dollars every ye~'. Approximately 400 of those same property owners h~ve thought enough of their property and/or investment to give our Neighborhood Watch Crroup authorization tn protect their land from those wishing to break the law. Obviously they would like to protect their investment in hopes for a nice place to live or to retain their property values for resale purposes. Plea.se remember that the current landfill site had only a few single family homes ~round it when that loca6on was chosen. As the wife of a GeneraJ Contractor, I am quite versed on prOperty values and the effect noise impacts and general surroundings have on same. Page four indicates that stipulation related to ro~l paving along DeSoto Boulevard and 34th Avenue S.E. have previously been completed by the project developer. I have re, ad every document in county records I could find on this project from 1983 until now and have yet to see anything other than a requirement of Ford to pave from 34th Avenue S.E. to Alligator Alley. I can assure you this Las not been paved or resurfaced since Ford came to the neighborhood. As far as I can tell, they are not in compliance with their PUD. Miss Marjorie Student on April 1, 1996 in a Collier County Commission meeting stated that "any textural changes to a PUD has to go through the amendment process, and the removal of certain uses would have to go through that process." In my research of old documents on file in the county, I saw concerns expressed back in 1983 from property owners out here about the type of vehicles to be tested .'md the type of fuel to be used and/or stored on site for said vehicles. I have the same concerns now as they did then about extremely volatile fuels on this site that is at best 20 minutes from the nearest fire station. I have seen the FEC fu~ truck and it is not equipped to handle a fu~ or explosion of racing fuels. Remember th~ in 1984 the County Commission agreed with the property owners and only ~liowed testing of passeng~ cats ami light duty trucks. I am a bit confused as to the purpose of the Ford Evaluation Center. The confusion comes after reviewing the documents referenced above. These documents state that representatives from ColLier Enterprises indicated that ~e facility would be used as an evaluation center, not a testing facility and would operate only during dayLight hours and test only offthe assembly line passenger cars and light u'ucks, not prototype vehicles. Even though these representations failed to be specified in the PUD itself, they were ~de ~nd in my opinion Ford has been violating the code of honor they represented through Collier Enterprises for many years now. I feel cert~ that there would not be as much concern with the FEC ffthese representations were adhered to and it ~c ;,,,~-~, .... evaluation center and not a Ford Test Center. '-- FEB 0 3 1998 My next concern deals with the proposed Ordinance No 98-? Page 1 4.3 Permitted Uses and Structures 1.G and The word compatible is being replaced with the word comparable. This causes great concern since a compatible use is not necessarily a comparable use, either in or out of thc context of. the pther six detinemed foregoing uses. Some uses may be comparable and found vamtin$ in compatibility, but would still be allowed because it would be argued that th~ were comparable. Since thc precise wording in thc PUD document is what de,ermines its legal sufficiency and enforceability, definitions of these words become important to the final legal coutcn! of the amended PUD. I see no reason to change the original wording and recommend it be left in its ~esent state. The County Transportation Services Del:~'tment staffhave not considered the amount of additional traffic that would be experienced on DeSoto Boulevard by reason of the testing o£ additional types of motor vehicles. The test vehicle transport trucks, both open and enclosed are quite enormous tractor trailers and are very heavy. I would like to remind them of thc problem we had with DeSoto Boulevard when the flooding came a couple o£years ago. At fruit time the north end of DeSoto Boulevard was no! in thc condition that South DeSoto Blvd. wus and most of the vehicle tm_~c to and from FEC comes from Golden Gate Boulevard to DeSoto. That county refers to the traffic from FEC as "normal" traffic, but "normal' is not defined. The impact from more of thc same will be great. I would like to close by saying once again that I am not against Ford's Evaluation Center. However, I am very protective about the neighborhood in which I live. I fccl that this emendation if implemented, will greatly effect the fair market values of our properties and the ability to sell our homes or land in this area. It will make our property less desirable since no one wants to live next to an Indy car test area and will ruin thc ~anqulllity of our neighborhood as it exists today. I urge you to consider thc needs of property owners and residents of this neighborhood over the desires of a large corporation and recommend no emendation to the PUD. Please don't throw us and our quie! residential neighborhood to the corporate wolves. FEB 0 3 1998 L~.~jFEB 0 3 1998e i Ia, nuvo/15, 199g Chairman, Collier Country Plarming Commission Collie- County Governm~t Complex Naples, Fi CC: Al1 Collier Couz~ Plaztni~g Commission Members I aa~ writ, Lng this letter to express rmj concerns reJacLng to the rextuc.st by Ford Motor Company to amend its PUD ordinaace #84-8. I have the tbllowing concerns thst I thiak should be addre, ss~ bef'or¢ ~y such a. mendm~nt is gnmted: I own property ia ds area along 38~' Ave n~.r Desoto Boulevard sod have been plas~ning to build a home in this are~ sometime in 199g. I selected this a-~ for its prisa/ne be~y and peax:~l, quiet aLmos~h~ru where I could be close to nature. This has bcca my goal for most of'my lift:. I will hsve serious re~,e~vafion3 a~3ut build~ff h~u if'tl~ Ford Company ~ be allowed to test amy tTpc "motor vehicle". Th~ nois~ implic.~oru fi'om this will be tremendous since ! would be livia8 so do~ to thc re.s1; tmclc. I feel th~ the amendments, as put forth, a~e too vaSue and cannot be enforced, tiros, my dre~.m or'my own home where I~ to fie are now in jmpardy. t also feel tl-h~ Collier Coumy La.nd Developm~t Code reg,,!,,_t'_,o~, especi~y sec'don 2.'/.2.5 hsve been not been followed, esp~a~ly sub secr. lo~ 6, 10, 11 ~d 14, which l dir¢~ly a.Eect me and my pla~s to build ia this area. Iarn also rcques~g r.l~at ,Mr. ,'v{ich~l J. Bruet dismiss hims~fi'om ds process; ! feel he is in conflict, since he Ls sctiag ~ aa a~t rut the Ford Motor Company while at the same time b6n8 & member or'the Plsnni.ng Commission. ..... · nomu Maz2z 980 Huron Court, #103 M~rco [~l~n~ FI, 34145 FEB 0 3 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 98- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUIV~ER 84-8, FORD MOTOR COMPANY VEHICLE EVALUATION CENTER PLANNED UNFr DEVELOPMENT, BY PROVIDING FOR SECTION ONE, AMENDMENTS TO SECTION IV, GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; SECTION TWO, AMENDMENTS TO SECTION V, GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS; AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, on Januao, 17, 1984, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance Number 84-8, which established the Ford Motor Company Vehicle Evaluation Center Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, Collier County Conu'nunity Development and Environmental Services Division staff, on behalf of the property owner, Collier Enterprises, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florid,t, to amend Ordin;mcc Number 8,1-8, as set forth be[ow; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Boa.rd o£County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida that: SECTION ONE: AMENDMENT TO SECTION IV GEN~ERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Section IV, General Development Reguhtions, of the Ford Motor Company Vehicle Evaluation Center Planned Unit Development (Ordinance 84-8), is hereby amended to read as follows: 4.3 Permitted Uses znd S~ucrur~ No buildings or structur,zs, or pan thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in wholc or in pan, for other than thc following: I. Permitted Principal Us~s and Su'ucnm:s G..A:'.y c'.'-.:' "-_..: wP'ch :': c:~.:'."_':~: ..'.~ .-.::-;.-: ':.'i:k :kc fcr:gc:.r.g G. Communications tow~', consislent with devclovment st,tndards Section of the Collier County ~ Dcvelovm~nt Code; H. Any other use which is como~-ablc in naturv with thc forcl~oinl wlfich the Phmnin- Services Dir~or daermines to b~ comvatibl¢, 4.6 M~xhnurn He/iht of Buildings & Structures Fifty (SO) feet ~x)v~ finished grote, excep~n~ ~ ' tower, which m&v be oermitled to · rrmximum heieht ofS(X ~ FEB 0 3 1998 SECTION TWO: ANiEI~%)MENT TO SECTION V, GE~q~RAL DEVELOPMENT co~v~. Section V, General Development Commitments of the Ford Motor Company Vekicle Evaluation Ceat~t Plarmed Unit Development, (Or~ce 84-8), is hertby amended to rea~ ~s follows: 8-~* A:':. SE. SI:CTION THRE£: I:FFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall b~come effective upon illin8 with thc Departm~at of State. PASSI:D AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Flor/da, th/s day of , 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY CO,M2',flSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: BY: Dg,qGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Chainman. Approved u to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ~. Student ' Assist.mt County Attorney DWA/md FEB 0 3 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE AN ACCESS EASEMENT TO GOLDEN GATE CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, INC., A FLORIDA NON-PROFIT CORPORATION, TO UTILIZE THE COUNTY OWNED MAX HASSE JR. COMMUNITY PARK ENTRANCE ROAD TO PROVIDE FOR A COMMON DRIVEWAY TO SERVICE THE HOUSE OF WORSHIP. OBJECTIVE: Approve an Access Easement 1o Golden Gate Congregation of Jehovah's W~tnesses. Inc. a Florida Non. Profit Corporation, to utilize the County owned Max Hasse Jr. Community Park entrance road to provide for a common driveway to service the House of Worship. CONSIDERATION: On October 22, 1996, Resolution No. 96-488 was approved by the Board of County Commissioners establishing A House of Worship Conditional Use '1' in the "E' Estates Zcx~ng Distrk:~ pursuant to Section of the Collier County Land Development Code fo~ woperty located in ~ 11, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. Pdor to approving Site Development Plan #97-118, the Planning Sewices Department, Engineering Review Section, is requiring the recording of an Access Easement from Collier County to the Golden Gate Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc. The Access Easement is shown on the attached legal descriplion and sketch. Staff contacted the Parks & Recreation Department, Capital Projects Management Department, Transportation Services Department and Planning Services Department to determine if there were any safety or operational issues that needed to be addressed prior to the approval of the Access Easement. Recommendations were received and have been incorporated into the Access Easement document addressing the aforementioned issues. The County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved the Access Easement. In addition, the County reserves the right to monitor the access to the church, and if, in the sole opinion of the County, a safety or operational problem, or both, becomes evident, then the County may reque~ that the easement be extinguished in exchange for a right-of-way permit for access to either Golden Gate Boulevard or First Avenue S.W., or both. at the church's discretion. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff estimates that the total cost of recording the Access Easement will not exceed $15.00. Funds are available in the General Fund (001) Real Property Management Administration (122310) budget. The recording cost will be reimbursed by the Jehovah's Witnesses Church. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the attached Access Easement to Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Church, authorize the Chairman lo execute the Access Easemenl; and authorize staf. f Io-re.~,ord the Access Easement in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. PREPARE Y:'- ~ 'L' DATE: 1- ~"~ .~' Ton~A. 'Mo~t, Spe~ci~list, R~eal Property Management Department REVIEWED BY: ~ (,~) - DATE:/-'/~ 'TY Ray'Beilo~a, Principal Planner, PS/Current Planning vincent A¥Cau'~ero, AICPa-~ommunity Development & Environmental Services Administrator _ ~.~~ " FEB 0 3 1998 ACCESS EASEMENT THIS ACCESS EASEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19 , by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose mailing address is 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 34112, its successors end assigns, es Grantor to GOLDEN GATE CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, INC., · Florida Non-Profit corporation, whose mailing address is 1962 45th Street SW, Naples, FL 34116, as Grantee. (Wherever used herein the terms "Grantor*' and "Grantee" include all the parties this instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.) WITNESSETH: Grantor, for end in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuabte consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt and s~iciency of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells unto the Grantee, a perpetual, non-exclusive access easement, license, and privilege for access on the following descril>ed lands (the "Easement Area") located in Collier County, Floric~a. wit: See eltached Exhibit "A" which is irx:oq3oreted here~ by reference. Subject to easetnerds, mstActior~, as'x:l reservations of rec..o~d. TO HAVE AND TO ~ I1'~ sm'ne urlo the C.~amee, togetr~e~' ~ ~ ~ to ent~ ~ e..ai.~ge. ~ signsge and I.,xacam~. ~ I:~ Gramee ~ ~ no6ca ~ ~ Access Easeo',e~, r,,h~l ten'r,r'~te ~ fcr ~ ~nprovl~'~l~41s cor~tructed or instilled by Grm'~tee a the Easement ~ a~d Grar~ee are. used fo~ singular or plural, as the context requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date arx:l ~ first above written. DATED: ATTF~T: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR. FDA Deputy Clerk BY: BARBARA B. BERR'~ C'htir'n'~n ~..?~'~.ce Of the Co~ntj FEB 0 3 1998 ' ' (/'- SK H;sETCH OF DESCRIPTION 15 NOT A SURVEY ' EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: A 40' WIDE INGRESS/EGRESS E~SEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: THE WEST 102 FEET OF THE NORTH 205 FEET OF TRACT 96. GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 4, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGES 79-80 (INCLUSIVE) OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: LESS THE WEST ~2 FEET OF THE NORTH 16~ FEET OF .SAD TRACT ~6. THEREOF. CONTUSING 10720 SOUARE FEET. MORE OR LESS. GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD  I00' WIDE ROADWAY EASEMENT s~ dO.O' O~N G~ TE BO~EW~ N~ES. FL~OA WLv~C ~,T IL ~ ' SCALE ~ I NCN . 40 FEET 0 40' 80' I)~IR · FOUNO I/~' IRON ~O0 2~RE~NGS pE~ RECORDED PLAT. ~,~,.-~.~ ,.~' ,.o..o~ .~.... KINQDO~ HALL O~ JEHOVAH'~ O' TRACT 8 I PETITION NO. C-98-2, LaBELLE LONGHORN BOOSTER CLUB REQUESTING A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A CARNIVAL ON FEBRUARY 9-15, 1998 AT N. 1sT STREET AND EAST MAIN STREET, ADJACENT TO FRED'S DRIVE THRU IN IMMOKALEE. OBJECTIVE: LaBelle Longhorn Booster Club is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners approve a permit to conduct a carnival on February 9-I5, 1998, on N. 1't Street and East Main Street in immokalee. C¢;NSIDERATIONS: LaBelle Longhorn Booster Club has met all the requirements of the carnival permit procedures other than those provided for within their request for waiver of the Surety Bond, Carnival Fee and Occupational License· FISCAL IMPACT: The $200.00 permit application fee covers the cost of processing and required inspections. GROWT~ M]~NAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: ?hat the Board of County Commissioners approve the per, it to conduct the circus subject to consideration of waiver for the Sur.~ty Bond, Carnival Eee and Occupational License. PREPARED BY · ~'t~J~HERE, AICP PATE P~ING & TEC~I~ SERVICES ~~R DO~.n W. ~O~, AICP DA~  SERVICES DEP~NT DI~CTOR V~C~ A. ~ERO, ~MINIS~TOR DA~ COMITY DEV. ~ E~IRO~~ ~CS. F/ EX SU--RY/C-98-1 l~h FEB 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR THE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGES ON THE COCOHATCHEE CANAL. OBJECTIVE: To obtain Board approval of a Cooperative Agreement with the South Florida Water Management District (the District) for the removal and replacement of bridge structures at Palm River Boulevard and Lakeland Avenue, including canal excavation and utility relocation. CONSIDERATIONS: On May 28, 1996, the Board approved a staff report and recommendation (Agenda Item 8.B.(2) - Attachment No. I) for the removal and replacement of two structures on the Cocohatchee Canal in conjunction with the District's an on-going project within the Cocohatchee Watershed Basin. This project will undertake improvements to address the need to increase the storage of water, increase water levels in the aquifer and improve flood protection. Two of the many projects within the Cocohatchec Watershed Improvement Plan invoh'e enlarging tile canal cross-section at the Palm River Boulevard Bridge and removal of the canal constraints at tile Lakeland Avenue Bridge. To provide the above canal capacity improvements, tile existing bridges require replacement or relocation. Since, at both locations, the County already bad plans to rebuild the bridges in question, thc SFWMD has suggested that the County perform the canal excavation and bridge replacement with the SFWMD assuming the cost of tile canal excavation and a share of the cost of the bridge replacement. At tile Palm River Boulevard location, the bridge to be replaced xvill be substantially different from tile existing bridge to the extent that sidewalks and an exiting lane will be added. The bridge to be replaced in lieu of tile Lakeland Avenue location will be at the new Livingston Road northerly extension to the east of its present location. Tile Lakeland Bridge has already been removed as a safety measure due to severe undermining as a consequence of last season's wet weather. The replacement bridge has already been built by the developer of the Carlton Lakes project. The County has a Developer Contribution Agreement with Carlton Lakes and, as shown on Attachment No. 2. the District contribution for this bridge will be used to offset a portion of the road impact fee credit for the Carlton Lakes developer. An estimate of costs and allocation of expenses is attached as Attachment No. 2. Also attached (Attachment No. 3) is the proposed Agreement between the County and the District. Tile Agreement includes two exhibits. Exhibit "A' to the Agreement is a "Statement of Work" outlini,lg the responsibilities of each party and tile qualifiers for receipt of payments from the District. The last page of the "Statement of Work" indicates that the County will commit to having the Palm River Bridge replacement in place within thirty-six months of the execution of thc Agreement. Since the Palm River Bridge is not presently i,~cluded within the 5-Year Capital Improvement List for transportation projects, the Board may wish to consider several options in determining whether to approve the Agreement: I. Approve the Agreement as proposed recognizing that limited funding is available from the District. This option gives tile County control over the design and construction of the replacement bridge at Palm River Boulevard. "~A IT[I FEB 0 3 19S8 2. Approve the Agreement subject to the Capital budgeting process and future budget amendments, if necessary, with respect to project funding. 3. Disapprove the Agreement and request the District to excavate the canal and to replace the Palm River Boulevard Bridge. ~: The foregoing bridge projects, if undertaken as outlined in Option I above, will be budgeted in Road Construction - Gas Tax Fund (313-163673) for the Palm River Bridge. Due to the time provisions in the Agreement, these funds will be requested in the FY' 1998-99 Budget Cycle. The total cost is estimated to be $200,000. This cost, as outlined in Attachment No. I, is subject to the availability of funding fi.om the District and the applicable utility capital fund for the required utility relocation. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACt: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the Agreement; authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement; and authorize the reimbursement of a portion of the Carlton Lakes Road Impact Fee from the District's funding as set forth in the Agreement. PREPARED BY:__Kd~m:L~Ka_n!. P.E.. Senior E _ _er --:, DATE: 1/21/98 ~ oba~~rtation Director DATE: VXEW 'D B Da'm: Ed IlscNqer, PuN~ Wor~s Aaministrator ?' At'.achmen~: No. I - Copy of Agenda Item 8(BX2), duted May 18, 1996 No. 2 - Outline of Co~t~ No. 3 - Proposed Agreement between the County and lhe SFWMD FE El 0 3 1990 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON THE REPLACEHENT OF BRIDGES IN THE PALM RIVER- . WILLOUGHBY ACRES AREA. OBJECTIVE: To gain Board approval for staff to finalize a two-party agreement With the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for bridge replacements in the Palm River-Willoughby Acres area, and report on alternative bridge · projects to include the consideration of extending Airport-Pulling Road via a · new b~idge.from Immokalee Road. to..P[Per-B°ulevard.'. ""'" ~ " ' ATIONS' As part of..the Big .~ypress BaSin/SFWMD program of · , . ~ON~_!DER . ,.--- ..... .',,~: ~ rocohktchee'Ri'ver Basin (C.R. 846 area), · · 'water' manageme'n: COnOltlO~S wl~nmn ~-: ~ e ar at both the existing Palm River Boulevard Bridge canal excavation is nec ss ~ ........ ~ -^nditions at the Euclid '- ue Culvert brosslng. ~a,~ ~ and at the Lakeland Aven ........... a~^-ate for overall water Avenue Bridge and the ~ypresL w~Y_~t~og~__~[~.,,'~a1 excavation at each lo ertorm the nece~aa~ ~- . · management functio~)s... .P --., ......... ~ --a/or remlacement/relocat!on- · location, the existing ~ ..... ~__,_. ..... - ~,~$ an -oppoK~unity .for the i ~'County t6:subs'tadti, ally upgrade the Dridu: Bt Palm River · added lanes a6d sidewalks,-one option under .consideration has been the County .... !~erfofmtng'the' work 'in-"lied'of the'SFWMD. By the'Couhty 'performing the design 'and cJnstru'cti~n, a"much improved facility can result in addition to a bridge which will.accommodate utilities. Based on prior Board direction (Agenda of December 15, 1992 and Item 8(Bi(l) of March 22, 1994), Transportation staff has '--negotiated a preliminary agreement with,SFWMD with provisions outlined as · . follows:" ': ' " ~9il'i~r county Req6ireme~lLs: '' 1: Design, permit and construction bridge replacement..at Palm River :' Boulevard to'.i6cludE canal exc~v~tion. i. 2. Provide for utility crossing removal/relocation and accommodate same as part of the Bridge design. 3.Conform to a schedule of construction start in 1997 and completion in 1998. 4.Remove the culvJrt crossing at Lakeland Avenue and excavate the canal. $FWMD Reouirements: 1. Make payment to Collier County in the amount of $350,000. 2. UndertaNe construction of water control structure immediately upstream of the Lakeland Avenue culvert crossing. 3. Assume operation and maintenance of the improved canal sections. FEB 0 3 1998 ~.. .,.9 A summary of issues which are created by the above are outlined as follows: 1. Requirement for Piper Boulevard extension/connection between Palm River. and Willoughby Acres as a condition of the Palm River Boulevard Bridge replacement. 2.Creat alternate bridge access during or prior to construction of the Palm River Bridge via the following: a. Construction of the Palm River Bridge in sequence so as to allow a minimum of one lane of traffic exiting. Palm River at all times (Note: Sequence would add to the cost of the bridge project; reference attached :. information outlines dated January 26, 1996 and February 6, 1996). 'bF"~onst/ulct' new br~'d'ge at the' ex'~ension' of Atrport-Pullihg Road b~tween Immokale6 Road and Piper Boulevard (Note: Funding not currently available for added bridge design, permitting and construction; property owners in the Willoughby Acres area have voiced objections to any extension of Airport-Pulling Road north of Immokalee Road}. FISCAl' IMPAq'T: .Financial impacts .of various options are' outlined above. .... ' ."Subsequent'lagenda qtems and/or Board action would be necessary to implement any action which would result in financial consequences. GROWTH MANAGeMeNT IMPACT: Not 9pplicable. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners direct staff: to: ..(1) Finalize the above-referenced two-parry'agreement with SFWMD and return ~ame to the Board for consideration; and (2).Staff continue to consider public- private agreements for the construction of the Airport-Pulling .Road extension and report same to the Board as appropriate. ..- G. F. Archibald, P.E. TranspoFtation Director REVIEWED BY: ~ DATE: j:/.~/x~ Thomas E. Conrecode, P.E. ~ Public Works Administrator GFA/mk/052096/10422 COLLIER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT PALM RIVER BRIDGE R~PLACEM~NT JANUARY 26, 1996 ~ACKGROUND: As a result of on-going drainage improvements within the Immokalee Road Canal by the Big Cypress Basin and as a result of a need for major canal excavation under the Palm River Bculevard Bridge, the SFWMD/Big Cypress Basin were planning on the removal of the bridge, excavation of the canal and replacement of the bridge. Since there is a need to reconstruct the bridge to an improved standard, it is proposed that Collier .County enter into an agreement with SFWMD to replace the bridge using SFWMD funds and County funds to. obtain a final bridge crossing which includes turn lane, sidewalks, bike lanes, and travel lanes of a greater width. To accomplish the above and ensure adequate access during construction, the following construction sequence and traffic.plan.has been proposed. CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN_: 1. Blast and excavate the canal west of the bridge. 2. Construct southbound right-turn lane, southbound bike lane, and southbound sidewalk (west segment cf bridge). 3. Remove existing bridge. 4. Blast and excavate the canal under and east of the bridge. 5. Construct northbound travel lane along with bike lane and sidewalk. 6. Construct southbound thru/left-turn lane and interconnect all deck sections. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN: 1. Maintain two-way traffic on existing bridge until construc- tion of west bridge segment (Items i and 2 above). 2. Reroute southbound traffic to first phase (west segment) of the replacement bridge; reroute northbound traffic to the bridges located east of the Palm River Boulevard bridge. 3. Reroute southbound traffic to the second phase of the replacement bridge; maintain northbound traffic t? alternate bridge locations, i FE9 0 3 PALM RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PAGE 4. Re-establish two-way traffic on the replaced bridge. C00BDINATION CONDITIONS/NOTES: 1. Time of construction due to above phasing will be extended from 4-6 months to 6-8 months. 2. Bridge construction scheduled t~ maximize off-season construction (May-October).. 3. Design/Permitting scheduled fo~ 1996 with construction in' 1997. 4. Funding subject to two-party agreement b~tween SF%~D and Collier.County. 5. Bridge construction to include retaining wall/turning radius improvement at southeast corner of Cypress Way Bridge. GFA/mk/012996/9955 I':EB 0 3 1998 PALM RIVER - WILLOUGHBY ACRES BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FEBRUARY 6, 1996 SUBJECT: Review of Bridge Replacement Policy and Bridge Replacement Options. pOLICY ISSUES: 1. Driving Force of pending bridge replacements: a. Drainage Improvements of the C.R. 846 Cmnal dictate the need for excavation/rock removal at the Palm River Bridge. b. Critical rock removal under the bridge has instituted a request from SFWMD to remove the bridge/excavate/replace the bridge. c. The County w~uld like to improve the bridge at the time of 'replacement by adding a turn lane, ~idewalks and bikepaths. Accordingly, the County/SFWMD are negotiating m two-pmrty agreement for partial funding of bridge replacement with SFWMD funds but to current County specifications. ~ 2. Short-term Bridge Operating Criteria: a. Maintain a minimum of two bridge, access points at all times. 'b. 'Extend Piper Boulevard to provide connect'~on$ between 'road systems in Palm River and Willoughby Acres. c. MinimiZe downtime of any bridge subject of replacement. 3. Long-term Bridge.Operating Criteria: a. Provide for future capacity of vehicles, bikers, pedestrians, etc. b. Provide for future extension of Airport-Pulling Romd. c. Provide for future road inter-connects between Palm River and Willoughby Acres. REPLACEMENT OPTIONS: Option #1 Short-term Improvements: Replace Palm River Boulevard Bridge Estimated Cost $300,000 -- $400,000 FEB 0 3 Long-termImprovements: ~m) Replace Cypress Way Bridge Estimated Cost $300,000 - $400,000 TOTAL COST $600,000 - $800,000 O~tion ~ Short-term Improvements: Construct Airport-Pulling Road Bridge Extension " Estimated Cost $400,000 - $500,000 Replace Palm River Boulevjrd Bridge Estimated Cost $300,000 - $400,000 Remove Cypress Way Bridge .. Estimated Cost $ 50,000 - $ 75,000 Long-term Improvements: None TOTAL COST $750,000 - $~50,000 GFA/mk/021296/gg48 FEB 0 3 1998 Transportation Services Department Cost Estimate Palm River and Lakeland Avenue Bridges Palm River Bridge Improvements: Canal Excavation $ 50,000 Bridge Replacement $375,000 Utility Relocation 5100,000 Total Project Cost $525,000 Less: Utility Relocation Costs $100,000 Less: District Contribution ~ Net County Project Cost $200,000 Notes: 1. Value of existing structure = - $100,000 2. Utility expenses include Collier County utility relocation costs 3. Canal excavation does not include rock removal costs Lakeland Avenue Bridge Improvements: Canal Excavation/Bridge Removal $ 50,000 Bridge Replacement ~ Total Proiect Cost $400,000 Less: District Contribution ~ Net County Project Cost $27,5,000 Notes: 1. Value of prior structure = '" $50,000 2. Both bridge removal and replacement are complete 3. Net cost to County to be offset by decrease in road impact fee credit contained in existing Developer Contribution Agreement with Carlton Lakes developer. District contribution to be used toward offsetting road impact fee. C-6028 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT B E~VEEN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND COLLIER COUNTY This AGREEMENT is entered into on , 19 , between "the Parties," the South Florida Water Management District ("the DISTRICT"), and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("the COUNTY"). WITN ESS ETH THAT: WHEREAS, the DISTRICT is a public corporation of the State of Florida, created by the Florida Legislature a. nd given those powers and responsibilities enumerated in Chapter 373, Florida Statutes to include entering into contracts with public agencies, private corporations or other persons; and WHEREAS, the DISTRICT has constructed a water control structure and has made other channel improvements on the Cocohatchee Canal as a second phase of the Cocohatchee Watershed Improvement Plan; and WHEREAS, improved canal crossings are needed to adequately convey designed flows; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY is scheduling and designing upgrades and improvements to the affected crossings to meet desired access and traffic circulation requirements; and Whereas, the DISTRICT wishes to assist the COUNTY in the cost of the removal and replacement of the affected crossings so that upon replacement the flow objectives may be met; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY represents that it is qualified and willing to provide the removal and replacement services; and the DISTRICT wishes to enter into an AGREEMENT with the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY warrants and represents that it has no obligation or indebtedness that would impair its ability to fulfill the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT; and FEB 0 3 1998 /o PG. WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the DISTRICT at its June 12, 1997 meeting, has awarded this AGREEMENT to the COUNTY; NOW TH~EREFORE, the DISTRICT and the COUNTY, in consideration of the mutual benefits flowing from each to the other, do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I - STATEMENT OF WORK 1.1 The COUNTY shall, to the reasonable satisfaction of the DISTRICT, fully and timely perform all work items described in the "Statement of Work," attached hereto as Exhibit "A,' and made a part of this AGREEMENT. AI¥1"ICLE 2 - TERM OF THE AGREEM~T 2.1 The period of performance of this AGREEMENT shall commence on the date of this AGREEMENT and continue until the completion of all contractual obligations by the Parties, but in no event later than three (3) years from the execution date of this AGREEblENT. 2.2 The Parties agree that time is of the essence in the performance of each and every obligation under this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE 3 - COMPENSATION/CONSIDERATION 3.1 As consideration for providing the services required by this AGREEMENT, the DISTRICT shall pay the COUNTY an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($350,000.00), as specified in Exhibit "A". Such amount includes travel and other expenses which the COUNTY may or may not incur and therefore no additional consideration shall be authorized. 3.2 The COUNTY assumes sole responsibility for all work performed by the COUNTY pursuant to E:,chibit "A", including but not limited to, the removal of the existing structures and the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the Palm River and Lakeland Avenue Bridges. By providing funding hereunder, the DISTRICT does not make any warranty, guaranty, or any representation whatsoever regarding any of the work performed hereunder, including but not limited to the adequacy or sufficiency of all or any part of work described in Exhibit "A". Contract No. C-6025. Page 2 of 9 FED 0 3 lS.4 ~.,~ I~ ARTICLE 4 - INVOICING AND PAYMENT 4.1 The COUNTY'S invoices shall reference the DISTRICI~ Contract Number C-6028 and shall be sent to the following address: South Florida Water Management District Attn: Division of Procurement and Contract Administration P.O. Box 24680 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 The COUNTY should not submit invoices to any other address at the DISTRICT. 4.2 The COUNTY shall submit the invoices on the completion of Tasks 6, 8, and 9. pursuant to the schedule outlined in Paragraph 5.0 of the Statement of Work, attached as Exhibit "A." Each invoice submitted shall be accompanied by a statement from the COUNTY'S Project Manager verifying that the work for which the invoice is rendered has been completed, in addition to adequate documentation to support actual costs incurred including copies of actual paid invoices. 4.3 The DISTRICT shall pay the full amount of the invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt and acceptance, provided the COUNTY has performed the work according to the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. However, failure by the COUNT's' to follow the foregoing instructions may result in an unavoidable delay of payment by the DISTRICT. A I~YICLE 5 - PROJECT ~L4, NAGEMENT/NOTICE 5.1 The Project Manager for 'he DISTRICT is Robert A. Laura, P.E., at 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Fl 33416, telephone (561) 687-6238. The Project Manager for the COUNTY is the Public Works Administrator or his designee, at Collier County, County Government Center, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL telephone (941) 774-8494. The Parties shall direct all matters arising in connection with the performance of this AGREF_~iENT, other than invoices and notices, to the attention of the Project Managers for attempted resolution or action. The Project Managers shall be responsible for overall coordination and oversight relating to the performance of this AGREEMENT 5.2 All notices, demands, or other communications to the COUNTY under this AGREEMENT shall be in writing and shall be deemed received if sent by certified Contract No. C-6028 - Page 3 of 9 FEB 0 3 mail, return receipt requested./o: Collier County Public Works Division Atm.: Public Works Administrator County Government Center 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL ~-9.6-~ 3't'/'l/z All notices to the DISTRICT under this AGREEMENT shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to: South Florida Water Management District Attn: Division of Procurement and Contract Administration 3301 Gun Club Road P. O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 The COUNTY shall also provide a copy of all notices to the DISTRICTS Project Manager. All notices required by this AGREEMENT shall be considered delivered upon receif~r. Should either party change its address, written notice of such new address shall promptly be sent to the other party. All correspondence to the DISTRICT under this AGREEMENT shall reference the DISTRICI'S Contract Number C-6028. ARTICLE 6 - TEILMINATION/REMEDIES 6. ! If either party fails to fulfill its obligations under this AGREEMENT in a timely and proper manner, the other party shall have the right to terminate this AGREEMENT by giving written notice of any deficiency. The party in default shall then have thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of notice to correct the deficiency. If the defaulting party fails to correct the deficiency within this time, this AGREEMENT shall terminate at the expiration of the thirty (30) day time period. 6.2 The IJISTRICT may terminate this AGREEMENT at any time for convenience upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice to the COUNTY. The performance of work under this AGREEMENT may be terminated by the DISTRICT in accordance with this clause in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever the DISTRICT shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the DISTRICT. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the COUNTY of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of work under the AGREEMENT is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. In the event of termination, the DISTRICT shall compensate the COUNTY for all authorized and Contract No. C-0028 4 of 9 Page FEB 0 3 1998 accepted work performed through the termination date. The DISTRICT shall be relieved of any and all future obligations hereunder, including but not limited to lost profits and consequential damages, under this AGREEMENT. The DISTRICT may withhold all payments to the COUNTY for such work until such time as the DISTRICF determines the exact amount due to the COUNTY. 6.3 If either party initiates legal action, including appeals, to enforce any provision of this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney's fee, based upon the fair market value of the services provided. 6.4 The DISTRICq" anticipates a total project cost of Nine Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($925,000.00) of which the DISTRICT is funding Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($350,000.00), with the balance of matching funds in the amount of Five Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($575,000.00) to be obtained from the COUNTY. In the event such funding becomes unavailable, that shall be good and sufficient cause for the DISTRICT to terminate the AGREEMENT pursuant to Paragraph 6.2, above. AI:CflCLE 7 - RECORDS RETENTION/OS, VNERSHIP 7.1 The COUNTY shall maintain records and the DISTRICT shall have inspection and audit rights as follows: A. Mainlenance of Records: The COUNTY shall maintain all financial and non- financial records and reports directly or indirectly related to the negotiation or performa~qce of this AGREEMENT including supporting documentation for azy service rates, expenses, research or reports. Such records shall be maintained and made available for inspection for a period of five (5) years from completing performance and receiving final payment under this AGREEMENT. B. Examination of Records: The DISTRICT or its designated agent shall have the right to examine in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards all records directly or indirectly related to this AGREEMENT. Such examination may be made only within five (5) years from the date of final payment under this AGREEMENT and upon reasonable notice, time and place. C. Extended Availability of Records for Leeal Dist)utes: In the event that the DISTRICT should become involved in a legal dispute with a third party arising from performance under this AGREEMENT, the COUNTY shall extend the period of maintenance for all records relating to the AGREEMENT until the final disposition of the legal dispute, and all such records shall be made readily available to the DISTRICT. Contract No~ C-6028 - Page 5 of 9 ~~1[ AIx-W[CLE 8 - STANDARDS OF COMPLIANCE 8.1 The COUNTY, its employees, subcontractors or assigns, shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations relating to the performance of this AGREEMENT. The DISTRICT undertakes no duty to ensure such compliance, but will at, erupt to advise the COUNTY, upon request, as to any such laws of which it has present knowledge. 8.2 The DISTRICT actively encourages the participation of Minority-owned and Women- owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE) in the DISTRICTS procurement and contracting activity. The COUNTY shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the NU'WBE firms have the opportunity to compete for and to perform work related to this AGREEMENT. 8.3 The laws of the State of Florida shall govern all aspects of this AGREEMENT. In the event it is necessary for either party to initiate legal action regarding this AGREEMENT, venue shall be in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit for claims under state law and in the Southern District of Florida for any claims which are justiciable in federal court. 8.4 The COUNTY shall allow public access to all project documents and materials in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Should the COUNTY assert any exemptions to the requirements of Chapter 119 and related Statutes, the burden of establishing such exemption, by way of injunctive or other relief as provided by law, shall be upon the COUNTY. 8.5 Pursuant to Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, the COUNTY is prohibited from ',he expenditure of any funds under this AGREEMENT to lobby the Legislature, the judicial branch, or another state agency. ARTICLE 9 - RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARq'[F~ 9.1 The COUNTY is an independent contractor and is not an employee or agent of the DIST~I_ CT. Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall be interpreted to establish an5' relationship other than that of an independent contractor, between the DISTRICT and the COUNTY, its employees, agents,' subcontractors, or assigns, during or after the performance of this AGREEMENT. The COUNTY is free to provide similar services for others. 9.2 The COUNTY shall not assign, delegate, or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations as set forth in this AGREEMENT without the prior written consent of the DISTRICT. Any at'tempted assignment in violation of this provision shall be void. Contract No. C-6028. Page 6 of 9 9.3 It is the intent and understanding of the Parties that this AGREEMENT is solely for the benefit of the COUNTY and the DISTRICT. No person or entity other than the COUNTY or the DISTRICT shall have any rights or privileges under this AGREEMENT in any capacity whatsoever, either as third-party beneficiary or otherwise. ARTICLE 10 - GENERAL PROVISIONS I0. I Notwithstaz'~ding any provisions of this AGREEMENT to the contrary, the Parties shall not be held liable for any failure or delay in the performance of this AGREEMENT that arises from fires, floods, strikes, embargoes, acts of the public enerny, unusually severe weather, outbreak of.,.var, restraint of Government to include processing/receipt of all Federal, State and County Permits, riots, civil commotion, f.orce majeure, act of God, or for any other cause of the same character which is unavoidable through the exercise of' due care and beyond the control of. the Parties. Failure to perform shall be excused during the continuance of' such circumstances, but this AGREEMENT shall otherwise remain in effect. 10.2 A key element of the DISTRICT'S mission is environmental protection and enhancement. In furtherance of this mission: A. The DISTRICF encourages the COUNTY to use recycled paper for all reports, notices ~d correspondence, which are prepared as pan of this AGREEMENT. All reports generated in connection with this AGREEMENT should be printed on both sides of the paper on which it is prepared. The DISTRICT furlher encourages the COUNTY to purchase recycled paper for use in its operations if recycled paper is reasonably cost competitive with virgin paper. "Reasonable cost competitive" me~ns that recycled paper is no more than ten percent (10%) more expensive than the alternative. B. The DISTRICT encourages the COUNTY to preserve and protect the environment and to conserve natural resources by promoting energy, water, and refuse conservation programs. 10.3 In the-event any provisions of this AGREF_31ENT shall conflict, or appear to conflict, the AGREEMENT, including ali exhibits, attachments and all documents specifically incorporated by reference, shall be interpreted as a whole to resolve any inconsistency. 10.4 Failures or waivers to insist on strict performance of any covenant, condition, or provision of this AGREEMENT by the Parties, their successors and assigns shall not be deemed a waiver of any of its rights or remedies, nor shall it relieve the other party from performing any subsequent obligations strictly in accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT No waiver shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the Contract No. C-6028 - Page 7 of 9 FEB 0 3 1998 I party against whom enforcement is sought. Such waiver shall be limited to provisions of this AGREEMENT specifically referred to therein and shall not be deemed a waiver of any other provision. No waiver shall constitute a continuing waiver unless the writing states otherwise. 10.5 Should any term or provision of this AGREEMENT be held, to any extent, invalid or unenforceable, as against any person, entity or circumstance during the term hereof, by force of any statute, law, or ruling of any forum of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any other term or provision of this AGREEMENT, to the extent that the AGREEMENT shall remain operable, enforceable and in full force and effect to the extent permitted by law. 10.6 This AGREEMENT may be amended only with the written approval of the Parties. 0.7 This AGREEMENT states the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties and supersedes any and all written or oral representations, statements, negotiations. or agreements previously existing between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this AGREEMENT The COUNTY recognizes that any representations, statements or negotiations made by DISTRICT staff do not suffice to legally bind the DISTRICT in a contractual relationship unless they have been reduced to writing and signed by an authorized DISTRICT representative. This AGREEMENT shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Parties, their respective assigns, and successors in interest. Contract No. C-6028 - Page 8 of 9 ~ I t FEB 0 3 l S8 IN WITNESS WFLEREOF, the Parties or their duly authorized representatives herebv e×ecute '~" this AGREEMENT on the date first written above. Legal Form Approved SOUTH FLOR[DA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, SFWMD O~ce of Counsel BY ITS GOVERN~G BOARD By' ~..~ Executive ~o BOARD OF COUNTY COF~IlSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY Attest: Dwigh~ E. Brock, Clerk Chairman Approved as to form and lesal sufficiency As;istant Country Attorney Conu=c~ No. C-~2S - P~ge 9 or 9 ~~ EXHIBIT "A" BRIDGE REPLACEMENT STATEMENT OF WORK 1.0 BACKGROUND The South Florida Water Management District (District) has recently constructed a water control structure and other channel improvements on the Cocohatchee Canal in the vicinity of' Willoughby Acres. This project is the second phase of the Coeohatchee Watershed Improvement Plan. The first phase conslsted of constructing a water control structure approximately 400 feet west of Palm River Boulevard and associated canal dredging in the vicinity of that structure. The goals are to increase water storage in the dry season, increase water levels in the aquifer, and to maintain flood protection. An improved canal crossing at Palm River Boulevard and removal of the canal crossing at Lakeland Avenue are needed to meet these objectives and adequately convey the design flows Concurrently, Collier Count'.,' (County) is in the process of scheduling and designing upgrades and improvements to the Palm River Boulevard crossing and the Airport-Pulling Road Extension to meet the desired access and traffic circulation requirements. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of this Agreement is to identify the specific responsibilities of each party in the implementation of removing the Lakeland Avenue Bridge and replacing the Palm River Boulevard Bridge crossings of the Cocohatchee Canal in Naples, Florida. The scope of work is broken down into specific ta..sks to identify the responsibilities of each party. .3.0 WORK BREAK.q)OWN STRUCTURE The specific tasks to be performed by the Parties are set forth below. Task i - Piper Boulevard Extension Prior to bridge removal/replacement, roadway and bridge improvements to Piper Boulevard and Airport-Pulling Road Extension are necessary to assure two bridge crossings being available at all times for residents of Palm River and Willoughby Acres. Piper Boulevard shall be extended approximately 430 feet east of the intersection with Cypress Way East. The County shall be responsible for all funding, land acquisition, design, permitting, construction, and traffic circulation in this task. Task 2 - Cocohatchee Canal Structure #2 and Canal Improvements The District shall design and construct a water control structure and associated canal improvements in the Cocohatchee Canal. The structure will be located near the historic Lakeland Page I of 5, Exhibit 'A", Contract C-602~ FEB 0 3 1998 / J Avenue crossing and dr:,dging will occur between Palm River Boulevard and the proposed structure. This task does not include replacement of Lakeland Avenue and Palm River Boulevard, which are considered separate tasks. The District shall be responsible for funding, land acquisition, permitting, design, and construction in this task. Task 3 - Spoil Disposal Site This task consists of selecting a site for the disposal of spoil obtained by the bridge/roadway removal outlined in Tasks 6 and 7. Any excess materials shall not be deposited within the canal right-of-way, and shall not constrict the canal conveyance. The County shall be responsible for obtaining and funding a suitable disposal site. Task 4 - Permitting This task consists of obtaining the necessary regulatory permits, construction easements and access to complete Tasks 6 and 7, removal of the Lakeland Avenue and Palm Privet Boulevard roadway crossings and associated canal dredging. The County shall be responsible for all funding and other technical aspects of this Task subject to provisions of this Agreement and requirements of Tasks 6, 7, 8 and 9. Task $- New Bridge Design The County shall have the responsibility for all aspects of designing replacement structures for the Lakeland Avenue crossing and the Palm River Boulevard crossing, and will provide 100% ~1~ funding for this task. The County reserves the right to forego the replacement of the Lakeland Avenue crossing and reailocate County funds to a replacement crossing at Livingston Road. All new designs shall meet the hydraulic conditions required to provide the desired levels of flood protection. At Palm River Boulevard, the canal and new conveyance structure shall be able to pass 1,047 cubic feet per second (cfs) with a water surface elevation not higher than 6.5 feet above NGVD. At Lakeland Avenue, the canal and new conveyance structure shall be able to pass 656 cfs with a water surface elevation not higher than 7.5 feet above NGVD. Task 6 - Existing Palm River Boulevard Bridge Removal and Dredging This task involves the removal of the existing Palm River Boulevard Bridge crossing of the Cocohatchee Can-al and the canal dredging required to obtain the desired cross-section. The County shall be responsible for the bridge, bridge removal and dredging. The County shall be responsible for relocating all applicable utility lines at the cost of the applicable utility that crosses the Cocohatchee Canal at this location including, but not limited to, electric lines, telephone, cable TV, water and sewer lines, street lights, and signs. The new canal cross-section shall have a trapezoidal shape, a typical bottom width of 40 feet, 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) side slopes, a bottom elevation of -2.5 feet NGVD, the centerline shall be approximately centered with the right-of-way and/or subject to final permitting by the District. New canal sections shall be dredged extending up to 100 feet upstream and :300 feet downstream of the existing Palm River Page 2 of 5, Exhibit 'A'. Contract Call028 FEB 0 3 19 i8 ~. ,20 _ Boulevard bridge. This task is contingent upon completion of Tasks I through 4 and is to be funded by the County. Should rock be encountered and channel excavation require blasting for rock removal, the cost of such added work shall be subject to a mutually agreed to amendment to the Agreement in the event such work represents an additional cost to the County of more than $10,000.00. The basis for this amendment shall be an increased unit cost per cubic yard determined as set forth in the Florida Department of Transportation Construction Standards. USGS monitoring well C-1004 is located close to the existing Palm River Bridge and shall be preserved, if at all possible, during construction. The County shall coordinate with the USGS for well specifications, and if well replacement is required by the County, the cost shall be negotiated by the Parties and subject to a mutually agreed to amendment to this Agreement. Task 7 - Existing Lakeland Avenue Culvert Crossing Removal This task involves the removal of the existing Lakeland Avenue crossing of the Cocohatchee Canal and associated canal dredging. This crossing consists of five 60-inch corrugated metal pipes including a two-lane road on top. The District will be responsible for construction activities (dredging and excavation) and funding of this task. The District, at their own discretion, may have Big Cypress Basin field crews conduct the work. This task is contingent upon the completionof'I'asks I through 4. The County or appropriate utility shall be responsible for relocating all utility lines crossing the Cocohatchee Canal at this location prior to culvert removal and excavation. Utilities to relocate include, but are not limited to, telephone, cable TV. electric, water, sewer, street lights, and signs. The design cross-section of the canal at the existing Lakeland Avenue crossing location after structure removal shall have an approximate trapezoidal shape with a bottom v,,idth of 40 feet, 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) side slopes, a bottom elevation of 0.0 feet above NGVD, and the centerline shall be approximately 50 feet from either right-of-way and/or subject to final permitting by the District. The new section shall be dredged up to 100 feet upstream and 100 feet downstream of the existing Lakeland Avenue crossing location. After bridge removal, the District shall not be responsible for any transportation routes, traffic access, rerouting traffic or traffic circulation. The County shall be responsible for all access and circulation. Task 8 - Lakeland Avenue Bridge Construction This task consists of all work necessary to construct a new roadway crossing for the Cocohatchee Canal to replace the existing Lakeland Avenue culvert crossing. The County shall be responsible for all design, permitting, land acquisition, construction activities, and other technical aspects of this task. The District will reimburse the County for the cost of a comparable crossing or $125,000.00, whichever is less. A comparable crossing is defined as a two-lane roadway crossing without turn lanes and without pedestrian/bicycle facilities that allows for 656 cfs flow at a water surface elevation not higher than 7.5 feet above NGVD. The County, at its discretion,may build a comparable two-lane roadway crossing or upgrade the crossing to add additional traffic lanes, turn lanes, and pedestrian/bicycle lanes, and build the new crossing at the existing Lakeland Avenue location or at the proposed Livingston Road location. Any new canal crossing/structure shall meet the hydraulic requirements described in Task 5. The District will pay fifty percent Page 3 of 5, Exhibit "A", Contract C-6025 FEB 0 3 19g8 (50%) after the existing crossing and structure are removed and will pay the remaining fifty percent (50%) after the new structure is complete at either the existing location or at the Livingston Road location. The County shall conduct an inspection of the site after Task 7 is complete to determine that removal of the structure is complete. The County shall provide documents for confirmation of construction cost and construction completion of this crossing to the District to verify the amount due to the County. The County shall have all responsibility for access and traffic circutation related to culvert removal or new construction. Task 9 - P,-'dm River Boulevard Bridge Construction This task involves all the work necessary to construct a new roadway crossing on the Cocohatchee Canal to replace file existing Palm River Boulevard Bridge crossing. The County shall be responsible for all design, permitting, land acquisition, bidding, construction activities, and other technical aspects of this task and shall decide on specifications of final bridge design and construction with the final structure exceeding or equaling the specifications and capacity of the existing bridge structure. The new crossing/structure shall satisfy the hydraulic requirements described in Task 5 The District will reimburse the County for the cost of a comparable crossing or $225,000, whichever is less. A comparable crossing is a two-lane roadway crossing, without turn lanes and without pedestrian/bicycle facilities, that allows for 1047 cfs flow at a water surface elevation not higher than 6.5 feet NGVD. The County shall conduct an inspection of the site after Task 6 is complete to determine that removal of the structure is complete. The County shall provide a copy of the lowest responsive and responsible bid for contract award and construction of this crossing to the District as part of the supporting documentation for the invoice to the District. The District shall pay fifty percent (50%) after the existing crossing and structure are removed and the remaining fifty (50%) following completion including bridge removal, canal excavation, and bridge construction. The County shall have all responsibility for access and traffic circulation. The District shall not be responsible for any traffic concerns related to bridge removal or new construction. Ta.sk 10 - Additional Excavation In the event the District desires the County to excavate upstream or downstream of the Palm River Boulevard Bridge beyond the limits defined herein, the County shall undertake to perform such work upon acceptance and approval by the District of proper bids for such work and the execution of an amendment to the Agreement by the Parties. Any additional work performed under such amendment shall be reimbursed by the District under the terms of Article 4, Invoicing and Payment, of the Agreement. 4.0 Project Acceptance For Tasks 6, 8 and 9 the County's Project Manager shall verify in writing that the work for which the invoice is rendered has been completed. The County's Bridge Design Engineer shall provide final certification that the work as described and outlined in this Statement of Work has been Page 4 of 5, Exhibit ' A", Contract C-6025 F£1 0 3 1988 completed in accordance with the County's contract documents and all claims relative to these projects are satisfied. The County shall provide whatever supporting documentation ma)' be deemed necessa~ for the District to verify satisfactory completion, and to support the lump sum payment amounts specified below in Paragraph 5. 5.0 Tasks, Due Dates and Payment~ Task Description Due Date~ Paymenta I Piper Boulevard Extension 3 months 2 Cocohatchee Canal Structure #2 and Canal 3 months Improvements 3 Spoil Disposal Site 36 months 4 Permirting 36 months 5 New Bridge Design 36 months 6 Palm R.iver Boulevard Bridge Removal and 36 months $I 12,500 Dredging 7 Lakeland Avenue Culvert Crossing Removal 3 months g Lakeland Avenue Bridge Construction 3 months $125,000 9 Palm River Boulevard Bridge Construction 36 months $112,500 10 Additional Excavation up to 36 ~, months Total $350,000 Note ' The due date is expressed in months following the execution of this Agreement. Note: The Doltar amounts indicated are "Lump Sum" amounts. Page 5 of 5, Exhibit 'A', Contract Cdi028 FEB O 3 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOM)[ENDATION TO AWARD BID #97-2762 FOR PD~ AND MOTOR REPAIR. ~ That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District award Bid #97-2762 for Pump and Motor Repair Services. CONSIDERATIONS; 1. Several Departments within the County utilize pumps and motors of various sizes and horse power in their daily operations, which require the services of an outside vendor for repairs. 2. Minor pump repairs are performed in the field by the various Departmants. However, the majority of Departments are not equipped or trained to perform major repairs or total rebuilds and therefore, require the services of an outside vendor. 3. Invitations to bid were sent to one hundred and thirty (130) prospective vendors and was posted on November 24, 1997. Bids were opened on December 17, 1997 with three (3) bidders responding. 4. Staff has reviewed the bids and found Horvath Electric Motors to be the lowest bidder. Being the lowest bidder and having performed this type of work for the County in the past, staff recommends the bid be awarded to Horvath Electric Motors. 5. All legal requirements have been met. FISCAL IMPACT L The fiscal impact associated with this item is estimated to be $100,000.00. Funding is available in 408-233312, 408-233313, 408-233352, 408-253211, 408-253212, 001-172930. GROWTH F2%NAGEMENT IMPACT: None. ~ECOHMENDATIO~ That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District award Bid ~97-2762 to the bidder referenced above for Pump And Motor Repair. FEB 0 1998 , David Chronister, Collections Supervisor ~imothy .~Clem°ns, Wastewater Director Ste~phen%J. Carnell, Purchasing Director APPROVED BY: ~~~~.~_.~.-u_ __ ~ ~c~ne, ~ ~c Wor~s ~n~ra~or Consent Agenda FEi:J 0 ~ 1998 ~._ ,,~ ___~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF TRACT 6, UNIT 29, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES FOR ROADWAY PROJECT 60061, LIVINGSTON ROAD. (CIE No. 53) OBJECTIVE: To gain approval for the purchase of a 5.15 acre parcel known as Tract 6, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates, for the purpose of water management as it pertains to the design of Livingston Road. CONSIDERATION: The Board of County Commissioners approved the Livingston Roadway improvement Project (Res. No. 96-457, 10/8/96, Agenda Item 8.B.6) and directed staff to acquire the necessary land interests. In anticipation of this roadway project the Board previously approved (4/11/95, Agenda Item 16.H.5) the purchase of a 5 acre parcel for the purpose of constructing a water retention and treatment pond necessary for this project. Final roadway designs require a larger area for the construction of the storrnwater pond. This vacant parcel is contiguous to the eastern boundary of the previously purchased pond site and is cdtical to the satisfaction of the construction of the roadway project. A location map is attached. An independent appraiser rendered his opinion of the market value of the site, and as of July 30, 1997, stated its worth at $92,450.00 (Ninety Two Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars). Through the property owners' legal counsel, the owners have negotiated a selling price of $130,000.00 (One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars). Given the critical nature of the s~;~cific location, the recent upward trend in market values for this area, and the potential legal costs of an action to condemn, staff recommends the approval of the negotiated sales pdce for the subject parcel of land. The County Attorney staff has reviewed and approved the attached Purchase Agreement for legal sufficiency. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to purchase the subject parcel will be $130,010.50 (One Hundred Thirty Thousand Ten Dollars and Fifty Cents), which includes recording fees. Funds are available in: Fund: 333 Road Impact Fee (District #2) .~.d,. ~ Cost Center: 163650 Construction Project: 60061 Livingston Road Project GROVVTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This Capital Improvement Project No. 53 is consistent with the Transportation Sub-Element and Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan. FEB 0 1998 PurChaSe ~f'Tract {~, unit 29, G.G. Estates for Livingston Road (Project 60061) Page No. 2 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. approve the attached Purchase Agreement and accept the land conveyance therefrom; 2. direct the Chairman to execute the Purchase Agreement on the Board's behalf; and 3. authorize staff to complete the transaction and to record all necessary documents in the Public Records of Collier County. Prepared By: ;'" /---,,,)3 ---,,Y,/2 L~'s Nichols, Real Property Specialist II Date' Real Property Management Department Reviewed By: .,~~'~ ~..z~, /-,23 - Robert C. Wilw~E.,~ Proje~ Manager III Date O~ce of Capital Projects Management Reviewed 9y: Ado~~~. ~~~';'/' '/ Reviewed B~ ¢~~ Ed IIs~r, Administ~tor Public Wo~s Division FEB 0 1998 Project: 60061 (LMngston Rd.) Parcel: 149 (Hotmes/Gomes) PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to es the 'Agreement') is made and entered into this. day of . 19 , by end between MARY JANE GOMES, DR. ROBERT A. HOLMES AND GWENDOLYN HOLMES (hereinafter collectively referred to as the 'Owner') and COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the 'Purchaser'). WHEREAS, the Purchaser requires certain lands described as: AJI of Tract 6, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 57, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Property') for public purposes; WHEREAS, the Owner desires to convey the Property to the Purchaser for the stated purposes, under the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Purchaser has agreed to compensate the Owner for conveyance of the Property to the Purchaser. NOW THEREFORE, in cons;deration of these premises, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and otl~er good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency o' which are hereby mutually acknowledged, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1. Owner shall convey the Property to Purchaser, v~a Warranty Deed, in exchange for the sum of $130,000.00 (One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars) as full payment for the Property interest taken and for all other damages, cJaims, demands, or causes of action in connection with said Property. 2. Purchaser shall pay Owner of the Property by County Warrant. 3. Both Owner arid Purchaser agree that time is of the essence in regard to the dosing and that, therefore, said dosing shall occur within 90 (ninety) days of the execution of this Agreement by Purchaser. At c. Josing, Purchaser shall deliver the County Warrant to Owner and Owner shall deliver a deed to Purchaser in a form acceptable to Purchaser. Owner shall remove, within 45 (forty*five) days after dosing, any and all property, goods end chattels whP..h are located on the Property. Purchaser shah provide a list of items to be removed, if any, at closing. Owner shell Indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless from any costs in connection with the relocation of the identified items. 4, Owner shall pay its pro-rata share of taxes, assessments, or other term expenses of the Property through the day before closing. 5. Owner shall convey a marketsble titl~ free of any liens, encumbrances, exceptions, or qualifications. Marketa~e We shall be determined according to applicable ~e standards adopted by the Flodda bar and in accordance w~ taw. The Owner will, if title is found unmarketable, use diligent effort to correct defect(s) in the title within the time provided therefor Irtcluding the bdnging of necessary suits. Any and all documents to clear title to the Property shall be provided to Purchaser on ~ before the date of closing. lPG. ~ Purchase Agreement 6. Owner represents that the property and all uses of the property have been and presently are in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local environmental laws; that no hazardous substances have been generated, stored, treated or transferred on the property except as specifically disclosed to the County or permitted under environmental laws; that the Owner has no knowledge of any spill or environmental law violation on any property contiguous, to or In the vicinity of the property to be sold to the County; that the Owner has not received notice and otherwise has no knowledge of a) any spill on the property, b) any existing or threatened environmental lien against the property, or c) any lawsuit, proceeding or investigation regarding the generation, storage, treatment or transfer of hazardous substances on the property. This provision shall survive closing and is not deemed satisfied by conveyance of tiUe. 7. Owner hereby agrees that it shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the County against and from, and to reimburse the County with respect to, any and all damages, claims, liabilities, laws, costs, and expenses (including without limitation, reasonable pamlegal and attorney fees and expenses whether in court, out of court, in bankruptcy or administrative proceedings or on appeal), penalties or fines incurred by or asserted against the County by mason or adsing out of the breach of Owner's representation under Section 6. This provision shall survive closing and is not deemed satisfied by conveyance of title. 8. Conveyance of the Property, or any interest in Ihe Property, by the Owner is contingent upon no other provisions, conditions, or premises other than those so stated above and this wdtlen agreement, including all exhibits attached hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and there are no other pdor or contemporaneous wdtten or oral agreements, undertakings, promises, warranties, or covenants not contained herein. 9. Owner is aware and understands that the 'offer" to purchase represented by this Agreement is subject to acceptance and approval by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Flodda. 10, The Purchaser shall pay for all costs of recording the deed. All other costs associated with this transaction including but not limited to transfer, documentary and Intangible taxes, and recording costs for any curative instruments shall be borne and paid by Owner. 11. This Agreement is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Purchase Agreement on the day and year first above written, Dated Project/Acquisition Approved by BCC: Ord, 96457, 10/8/96 (8.B,3) AS TO PURCHASER: Dated: ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Dwight E. Brock, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By:. BY: Deputy Clerk Chain'nan FEB 0 3 1998 Purchase Agreement Page 3 AS TO OWNER: Dated: (Print Name) (Pdnt Na~) (P~nt Na~) (P~nt N~)~ {P~t Na~) (P~ Na~) FEB ('1 ~ 1998 Location Map F'~ ,,~L SUClSTATION SUBJECT PARCEL CT 6, UNIT 29 jl ~ ($CX.D~N GATE CANAL '1 r.p. & L R/W-- r~-NT ,,,.,, ( F£B 0 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CONSIDER A COUNTY ARTERIAL ROADWAY LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT FUNDING PARTNERSHIP WITH THE GOLDEN GATE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU FOR CR 951. O..l~: For the Board of County Commissioners to consider a funding partnership and funds necessary to provide for median landscape, irrigation and maintenance of approximately two (2), one (1) mile segments of CR 951 in accordance with the adopted Golden Gate Community Roadway Beautification Master Plan (GGCRBMP). CONSIDERATIONS: On May 27, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) considered Agenda Item $(B)(I), which recommended that the Commissioners approve the Golden Gate Community Beautification Master Plan, accept the annual maintenance costs for the Golden Gate Parkway, and to enter into a funding partnership for the beautification of the medians on CR 951 and Santa Barbara Boulevard within the boundaries of the MSTU. The BCC approved the Master Plan concept, agreed to take over the annual maintenance co.~ts on the Golden Gate Parkway, and directed that the beautification of medians on CR 951 and Santa Barbara Boulevard be considered in future budget cycles. The Golden Gate MSTU is now requesting a two year funding partnership for CR 951, and has asked staff to take forward a recommendation to the BCC. The recommendation is that the Golden Gate MSTU fund the landscape median improvements on the southern portion of CR 951 (Part "A") at a cost of $213,000 during Fiscal Year 1997-98, and that the County would fund the median landscape improvements on the' northern portion of CR 951 (Part "B") at a cost of $294,000. The County would then assume the annual maintenance costs for both sections, estimated at $132,000 per year. Staff has reviewed the recommendation, and has developed the following tt'a'ee options for the BCC to consider: Option"A" This is the Beautification Advisory Committee's recommendation for the Golden Gate MSTU to fund 100% of the cost of Paxt "A" in this Fiscal Year. This would require that $103,200 be transferred from the MSTU Reserve Fund (136-919010-994500) to the MSTU Operating Fund (136-162590-634999) to support the existing operating fund of $109,800. This would provide a total operating fund of $213,000. The Advisory. Comminee desires to let this project in February, 1998, with construction to be completed in May, 1998. This would require that monies be available for four (4) months of rnaintenance estimated at $22,000. This $22,000 will be funded from MSTD Road District 3 Reserves Fund (104- 919010-991000). Part "B", which is the northern portion of CR 951,. would be considered in the Fiscal Year 1998-99 budget cycle for funding as a part of the Collier County Streetscape Master Plan Fund (313-163673, Project #60013), totaling $294,000. With this Option, Collier County's share of the construction costs would be $40,500 more than the Golden Gate MSTU's share over the two fiscal years. -, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GG Beautification MSTU Funding Page 2 Option "B" This Option considers a 5040 funding match as originally proposed. This will require the transfer of $106,500 from Streetscape Master Plan Reserves Fund (313-919010, Project #60013) in order to construct Pan "A" in this Fiscal Year. The Reserve balance in Fund 313 is currently $1,400,000. The Beautification Dislrict's Portion of $106,500 will be funded from Fund 136-162590-634999 Operating Funds. Maintenance costs for four (4) months, estimated at $22,000, would be funded from MSTD Road District 3 Reserves Fund (104- 919010-991000). Part "B", which is the northern portion of CR 951 would be considered in the Fiscal Year 1998-99 budget cycle for funding as a part of the Collier County Streetscape Master Plan Fund (313-163673, Project #60013) totaling $147,000. Option "C" This Option, which is staff's recommended option, would be the same as Option "A" except that the portion to be considered for funding fi.om Fund 313-163673, Project #60013 would be $253,000 in Fiscal Year 1998-99. ]'he MSTU would contribute $40,500 from it's operating fund (136-162590-634999) in Fiscal Year 1998-99. This option will provide a 50- 50 funding match total for the two (2) year program. FISCAL IMPACTI': Expenditures for this item total $213,000 for Design and Construction of CR 951 Part "A", and will be funded from the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Budget. A total of $I09,800 would be funded from the Golden Gate Beautification MSTU Fund (136-162590-634999), and a total of $103,200 would be funded from Reserves (136-919010-994500) (See Table I on Attachment 2). Funds totaling $253,000 for Design and Construction of CR 951 Part "B" will be recommended for budgeting in Road Construction - Gas Tax Fund (313-163673, Project 60013) for Fiscal Year 1998-99, designated for the implementation of the Collier County Streetseape Master Plan (See Table 2 on Attachment 2). The Golden Gate Beautification MSTU will provide $40,500 from their Fiscal Year 1998-99 Ope~ting Fund (136-162590-634999). The May 27, 1997, Item 8(B)(I), approved the Golden Gate P~u-k'way maintenance expenses to be appropriated from MSTD Road District 3 Fund (104-163646 for the current Fiscal Year. By this action, $125,000 was left unencumbered in Other Contractual Services (136-162590-634999); to date $109,800 of the $125,000 remains unencumbered. Funds totaling $22,000 for the first four (4) months of maintenance required in Fiscal Yem' 1997-98 for CR951 Part "A" will be funded fi.om MSTD Ro~d District 3 Re.~-rve~ Fund (104-919010-991000). Additio/mlly, funds totaling $132,000 required for the continuing annual maintenmnce of CR 951 Part "A" and Part "B" will be budgeted during the Fiscal Yem 1998-99 Budget Cycle. The $132,000 equates to 0.0416 mils in MSTD Road District 3 Fund (104.-163646). GROWTH MANAGe: None FEB 0 3 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GG Beautification MSTU Funding Page 2 RECOMMENDATIOiN: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Option "C", which is the funding by thc Golden Gate MSTU Advisory Committee for the median landscape improvements of the first · one (1) mile segment of CR 951 Part "A" during FY 1997-98; consideration of budgeting $253,500 as the County's share of a funding partnership for the second one (l) mile segment of median landscape improvements on CR 951 Part "B" during Fiscal Year 1998-~ budget cYCle; approve $22,000 for the first four (4) months of maintenance of eR. 951 Part "A" during Fiscal Year 1997-98; authorize staff to budget the $132,000 of required funds for the continuing annual maintenance of these two (2) miles of roadway landscape improvements during the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget Cycle; and approve the necessary budget amendments. Val Prince, Engineer II REVIEWED BY: · : .... " DATE:.. Ed llschner, Public Works Administrator FEB 0 3 1998 GREI BLVD PART GOLDEN "B" GATE .... ~ PART ggA~J~ OLDE GATE · PKW'Y ~C:-~r= ,~ . PALM gLUtS~V'S ~,~e~nf"~ '~ - SPRINGS  [NDLESS m ~ SUMMERMHP PINES E FLOriDA w ~ 4 DOD _ A~ACHMENT 1 0 3 1998 ATTACHMENT Proposal Tables Table 1: C.R. 951 Part "A" / FY 97-98 MSTU (136) County (313) Original Proposal (50/50) $106,500 $106,500 Current Proposal $109,800 (Operating) (100% by MSTU) ~ (Reserves) $213,000 TOTAL $0 ~l~ Table 2: C.R. 951 Part "B" / FY 98-99 MSTU (136) County (313) Original Proposal (50/50) $147,000 $147,000 Current Proposal $40,500 $253,500 FEE! 0 3 1998 PG. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. ONE TO WORK ORDER HMA-FT96-7 WITH HOLE MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR THE MANATEE ROAD 1.5-MGD AQUIFER STORAGE AND RECOVERY PROJECT, 70860. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Body of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve Amendment No. One to the subject work order to provide additional professional engineering services for an operational Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) system at the Manatee Road Tank site. CONSIDERATIONS: On December 10, 1996, item 16 (B)(2), the Board approved Work Order ~hMA-FT96-7, with Hole Montes & Associates, Inc.(HMA), and their subconsultant Missimer International, Inc., to perform professional engineering and hydrogeological services to convert the Manatee Road ASR test well into to an operational 1.5-mgd potable water well. During off peak demand conditions, excess potable water will be pumped into the ASR well, and conversely during peak demand conditions, potable water will be retrieved from the ASR well, and utilized to satisfy potable water needs. The original xvork order included design, permitting, bidding services, startup services, operational support, monitoring of the completed system and final reporting to the permitting agencies. During the 30% design review meeting, the Water Department requested that a new cartridge filtration and disinfection system be incorporated into the design to treat the recovered water prior to introduction into the potable system. This will ensure prevention of potential harmful contamination that could have detrimental effects to the equipment and potentially to the public. As a part of this new system, instrumentation, alarm notifications, controls and telemetry work will have to be designed to ensure a reliable and operational system. Staff has negotiated the proposed scope and compensation in the time and materials, not to exceed total amount of $49,700.00, as provided in the attached HMA proposal dated December 5, 1997 and Amendment No. One to Work Order HMA-FT96-7. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $49,700.00 are available for these services as follows: Fund: (412); Water Capital Projects Cost Center: (27351 I); Combined Water Capital Projects Project: (70860); Manatee Road 1.5-mgd ASR project. Original Work Order $40,000.00 Previous Amendments -0- This Amendment gl 49,700.00 Revised Work Order $89,700.00 FEB M;. ] , , Executive Summary Approve Amendment No. One to Work Order HMA-FT96-7 for Manatee Road ASR Project Page 2 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Body of the Collier County Water-Sewer District: 1. Approve Amendment No. One to Work Order HMA-FT96-7 with HMA. 2. Authorize the Chairman to execute the amendment. Peter Schalt, PMP, Project Manager Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEW'ED BY: ~ '-" x/,..._ DATE: lt.. 7 Adolfo A. Gonzalez., P£., Di~Jx:tor Office of Capital Projects Management DATE: nr terim'(¥ater Dir :tor/Ol ' tions oirector Public Works Division tLEVIEWED F)Y~ DATE: Ed Ilschner, Administrator Public Works Division PS:ps Attachments:Four original Amendments No. One to Work Order HMA-FT96-7 for Chairman's signature. HMA proposal letter dated December. 5, 1997 cc:Karl W. Boyer, P.E., Senior Project Manager File 329.10 ~~ Preserving and enh&ncing Florida's quallh/ ol file since ! 966 HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS July 21, 1997 RECEIVED (Revised December 5, 1997) Mr. Pete Schalt DEC 1 5 1997 Collier County OCPM 01'l'lt, r.u~ 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, Fl 34112 RE: Manatee Road ASR Well - Additional Services Amendment #I to Work Order HMA-FT96-7 HMA File No. 96.98 Dear Pete: Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. was selected in December 1996 to provide engineering and hydrogeological services for the conversion of an existing ASR test well into an operable system for storage and recover' of potable water. The project scope consisted of design of piping between the existing ASR ,.veil, a new pump, and the County's distribution system to allow both injection and recovery of stored potable water at an original Work Order amount of $40.000. Disinfection ,,,,'as to be provided using an existing gas chlorination system. Preliminary plans were prepared per the original scope of the project and delivered to Collier Count.'3' in March 1997. Following review of the plans by the County's Water Department. it was decided tha:: 1. A new liquid chlorine (bleach) disinfection system should be used for improved safety, 2. A new cartridge filtration system should be added to filter the water being recovered from the '.,,'ell for improved water quality, and 3. A ne',,.' instrumentation mad control system'should be provided to monitor the proposed systems which wiii be added to fl~e project. Pursuant to your request, Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal to perform professional engineering consulting tasks for the design, permitting. and construction supervision of additional facilities to be added to this project. The proposed services are for additional facilities, which have been requested by the Water Division, to be added to the scope of the original project following review of the plans prepared for that project. In particular, this involves addition of a new filtration system, new disinfection system, and new instrumentation and control systems. Mike Newman requested that a cartridge filtration system be provided fgr filtration of recovered water prior to placement into the potable water storage tank. This cartridge ?,5 TENTH STREET SOUTH I:,OSI'O~:F,CEBOX,586 NAPLES. ~:LOR,OA 34106 94 ,-262.4617 FAX 94 ,.2~24528 FEB 0 :s 1998 ~otl~er County OCPM RE: Manatee Road ASR Well - Additional Services HMA File No. 96.98 July 21, 1997 (Revised December 5 1997) Page 2 filtration system ,,,.'ill require a larger pump than was originally specified. Chlorination would be through addition of sodium hyprochlofite (bleach) which would be delivered to the site. The proposed disinfection system equipment would need to be housed in a new appropriately protected area, although the chlorine analyzers and other instrumentation could be housed in the old chlorine room. The new chlorine storage area will be open air with roof. The disinfection system will include an ammo_n, ia feed system to allow production of chloramines. Instrumentation s.vstems will include specific conductance of recovered water, line pressure, line flow. totalized flow. main tank level, and valve position of various motor operated control valves. Controls include pump start/stop and open/cio, se or' motorized valves. Automatic sequencers will be provided in the control logic to sequence the ASR system from "standby to recovery" and from "standby to injection" modes of operation and back. Alarm s.x'stems will be set up to enunciate an abnormal condition both locally and remotely at the master telemetD' site. The existing pump station's remote telemetry' unit (RTU) will be modified for the new digital and analog signals. A local control panel with operator override controls will be pro,.'ided. The existing master telemetry unit at the South Regional \'x'ater Treatment Plant will be modified for the ne,.'.' digital and analog signals including a new graphic screen for the proposed well control. The master telemetry' unit at the North Regional Water Treatment Plant will be modified for operation and monitoring of the Manatee Road facility through a change order to tile Redundant Telemetry project. Additional controls will be provided for the proposed chlorine feed system with applicable analyzers, metering pumps, and feed forward flow controls. Monitoring will be provided for chlofin.e residual, chlorine storage tank level. ammonia tank xveight, ammonia ejector vacuum alarm, etc. We propose to perform professional sen'ices for these two new additional added items and appurtenances under our continuing agreement on a time and materials cost basis not to exceed a total ofS49.700. New engineering design is required to implement this Water Department-requested work. Invoices ',`.'ill be submitted monthly based on actual expense of the work completed on each task to date. The attached spreadsheet outlines our estimate of the fees required to perform these services. These additional tasks ,.,,'ill be performed in coordination with those tasks contained in our previous authorization associated with this project. We anticipate including the plans and specifications prepared under this agreement with those prepared under the original agreement to be bid as a.single construction contract. ,, A W:'1996\96098 C01\REIl'?SI99?I20: LTR.DOC FEEl 0 3 1 gSl Pete Schalt Collier County OCPM RE: Manatee Road ASR \Veil - Additional Services HMA File No. 96.98 July 21, 1997 (Revised December 5 1997) Page 3 Please give me a call to discuss th}s proposal following your rev}ew. We look forward to assisting you on this project. We can begin work on these additional tasks immediately following notice to proceed. Very truly )'ours, HOLE, MONTES ~,: ASSOCIATES, I'NC, Ronald E. Benson. Jr.. Ph.D., P.E. .///' Vice President, Director of Environmental Engineering REB/nsl FEB 0 3 1998 W:U 996\9609S',C01 \REB',PS 19971208LTR.DOC ~. i/, Sheetl Phase II ~) Task Description Missimer TLC HMA Total 1 Design and approval $3,000 $10,000 $6,500 $19,500 2 Bid package $300 $1,200 $1,000 $2.500 3 Construction supervision $1,500 $9.000 $5.000 $15.500 4 Start-up $1,200 $2,500 $1.500 , $5.200 5 Operational monitoring $0 $1.500 $1.500 $3.000 6 Final report/Rec Dwg/O&M $0 $2.000 $2.000 $4.000 7 Administration $0 $0 $0 total S6,000 $26.200 $17,500 S.49_..700 Page 1 I FEB 0 3 1998 J ^trccnkent lot Flsed Term Prafesslenel £nglnccring Services ., . This Work Order is For proFcssionml engiflecrin8 services ~or work known as: ~Hc: 1,~-m~d M~n~c A~ui/~r Slurpee 0nd Recovery SYstem Thc work i~ specified in ~he proposal deled ~eeember 5, 19~7. which il allached hereto and mede peri o[thi~ amended Work Order. ~n accordance wilh Ihe Tetm~ and Condilionl o[the A~reemenl referenced above. Work Order IHMA.~T~G.7 is amended per ll~le Mo~I~I a A~soclafes, Inc. Sc~nc of Wor~ Se~ nllnchcd leHcr d~led December 5. Schedule 0f Wor~'; Complclc work wilhin ~ monlhs From r~ccipI of Iht NoHcc ~o Proceed authorizing slnrl oF work. Com~cns,~ion~ In ~ccord~nce wHh Arliclc Five o~ Ihc A~r~mcnl. Ih~ Cou~ly will compens,le Firm in accordance x.i~h lhe ne$olinlcd lime ~nd m~lcrinl, hal Io ~xc,~d Imounls indic,lcd in schedule below: Original Work Amcndmcnl New Work Order Ord~r II Tot,I Task: ~1 Design ~ Approval $ 8.000.00 19.S00.00 27.S00.00 ~2 Bidding Assistance 1.500.00 2.S00.00 4.000.00 a3 Conslruc~son OhscrvaHon 6.000.00 I~.S00.00 21.~00.00 ~4 SlarI-Up Assistance ~.000.00 ~.200.00 8.200.00 IS Opera~ional Moni{orin~ 12.000.00 3.000.00 IS.000.00 a6 Final Reporl 6.000.00 4.000.00 10.000.00 ~7 Contracl Admlnis~r,lion ].S0O 00 ~ Tol~l Time ~ Materials Nol To Exceed S 40.00000 $49.700.00 $89.700.00 Any change wilhin monelary au~horib' o~ Ihis Work Order made ~ubsequenl Io ~nal depettment ~pprov~l will be c~nsldered an additional se~vi~e and chatted aceordin8 Io Schedule ~A~ of ~he Agreemcn~ '" PREPARED Peter Schall. PMP. OCPM Projecl Manager Dale REVIEWED BY: Adolfo A. Oonzalez. P.E. OCPM Dircclor Date ATF~ST: BOARDOF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Dwi~h~ E. Brock. Clerk Collier Counly. Florid, Deputy Clerk Chairman Approved ss ~o Form and Legal Sufficiency: Assistant Counly Attorney Date: Ilole Monlet at Associates. Inc._ ATTEST: (Corporate Secrela ry) I By: ri y~ _..,,.,.,,,. Si6neture . (or) witnesses (2) Sisn.lure ' Sisnntute ' P~inl N~me Print Name £Na~,e,:,s ~'t-,.,NERS SURv~voRs July 21, 1997 (Revised December 5, 1997) RECEIVED Mr. Pete Schalt D[(~ 1 5 1997 Collier County OCPM 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Ol"tit, r. tt, Naples, F1 34112 RE: Manatee Road ASR \Vell - Additional Sen'ices Amendment gl to W,_,rk Order Fh'MA-FT96-7 HMA File No. 96.98 Dear Pete: Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. was selected in December 1996 to provide engineering and hydrogeological services for the conversion of an existing ASR test well into an operable system for storage and recoven- of potable :rater. The project scope consisted of design of piping between the existin,.2, ASR ::'eli. a new pump. and the County's distribution system to allow both injection and recover}' of stored potable water at an original Work Order amount of S40.000. Disinfection was to be provided using an existing gas chlorination system. Preliminary plans ',,,'ere prepared per the original scope of'the project and delivered to Collier Count3.' in *larch 1997. Following revie',',' of the plans bb' the County's Water Department. it :,.','ts decided that: 1. A ne,.,,' liquid chlorine ('bleach) disinfection svstem should be used for improved sa let}', ' 2. A new cartridge filtration system should be added to filter the water heine recovered from the ',,.'ell for improved water quality, and 3. A ne;,,' instrumentation and control system should be provided to monitor the proposed systems which ',:'iii be added ~o ti~c project. Pursuant to your request, Hole, Montes & Associates, lncl is pleased to submit this · . proposal to perform professional engineering consulting tasks for the design, permitting, and construction supervision of ad~litional facilities to be added to this project. The proposed services are for additional facilities, which have been requested by the Water Division, to be added to the scope of the original project following review of the plans prepared for that project. In particular, this involves addition ora new filtration system. new disinfection system, and new instrumentation and control systems. Mike Newman requested that a cartridge; filtration system be provided for filtration of recovered water prior to placement into the potable water storage tank. This cartridge ! Pete Schalt Collier County OCPM RE: Manatee Road ASR Well - Additional Services · HMA File No. 96.98 July 21, 1997 (Revised December 5 1997) Page 2 filtration system ,.,.'ill require a larger pump than was originally specified. Chlorination would be through addition of sodium hyprochlorite (bleach) which would be deli,.'ered to the site. The proposed disinfection system equipment v,'ould need to be housed in a ne,.,.' appropriately protected area, although the chlorine analyzers and other instrumentation could be housed in the old chlorine room. The new chlorine storage area ,,,,'ill be open air with roof. The disinfection syste, m will include an ammo__n..ia feed system to allow production of chloramines. Instrumentation svstems `.,,'ill include specific conductance of recovered water, line pressure, line flow. totalized flo'`v, main tank level, and valve posit, ion of various motor operated control valves. Controls include pump start'stop and open/close of motorized valves. Automatic sequencers ',,.-ill be provided in the control logic to sequence the ASR system from "standby to recover'>"' and from "standby to injection" modes of operation and back. Alarm svstems will be set up to enunciate an abnormal condition both locally and remotely at the master telemetry site. The existing pump station's remote telemetrs' unit (RTU) `.,.'ill be modified for the new digital and analog signals. A local control panel with operator override controls will be provided. The existing master telemetry unit at the South Regional \',.'ater Treatment Plant `.`.'ill be modified for the new digital and analog signals including a new graphic screen for the proposed ,.,,'ell control. The master telemetr'v unit at the North Regional \\'ater Treatment Plant `.',-ill be modified for operation and monitoring of the Nlanatee Road facility th. rough a change order to the Redundant Telemetr-::' project. Additional controls `.,.'ill be provided for the proposed chlorine feed system x,.'ith applicable analyzers, metering pumps, and feed forv,'ard flow controls. Monitoring ,.`.'ill be provided for chlorine residual, chlorine storage tar& level. ammonia tar'dc ',,.'eight, ammonia ejector vacuum alarm, etc. \\'e propose to perform professional sen'ices for these avo ne`.,,' additional added items and appurtenances under our continuing.', agreement on a time and materials cost basis not to exceed a total of $49,700. New engineering design is required to implement this Water Department-requested work. Invoices will be submitted monthly based on actual expense of the work completed on each task ~.o dat'e. The attached spreadsheet outlines our estimate of the fees required to perform these services. These additional tasks ',,.'ill be performed in coordination v.'ith those tasks contained in our previous authorization associated ;vith this project. We anticipate including the plans and specifications prepared under this agreement with those prepared under the original agreement to be bid as a single co.nstruction contract. FEi{ oO 3 1998 RE: Manatee Road ASR Well - Additional Services HMA File No. 96.98 July 21, 1997 (Revised December 5 1997) Page 3 Please give me a call to discuss this proposal following your review. We look forward to assisting you on this project. We can begin work on these additional tasks immediately' following notice to proceed. Very truly )'ours, -' HOLE, l,,,fn.',tTrC..o. ASSOCi~,TE¢ INC. Ronald E. Benson, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. Vice President, Director of Environmental Engineering REB/nsl w:,,9~s,9~s',c0,,,~n'.,.s,.,,=o,,.~',.r, oc FEB 0 3 1998 ~. I0 _ Phase II Description Missimer TLC HMA Total Designand approval $3,000 $10,000 $6,500 S19.500 Bid package . $300 $1,200 $1.000 $2.500 Construction supervision $1.500 $9,000 $5.000 $15.500 Start-up $1.200 $2,500 $1,500 $5,200 Operational monitoring $0 $1,500 $1.500 $3.000 Final report/Rec DwglO&M $0 $2.000 $2,000 $4.000 Administration $0 $0 $0 $0 total $6,000 $26,200 $17.500 $49.700 ~ag~l FEB 0 ~ ~gg~ ~:, /! EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE AN EXTENSION OF THE CURRENT CONCESSION AGREEMENT WITH THE REGISTRY RESORT OF NAPLES, INC. OBJECrlVE: To continue to provide high quality beach park services to the general public at the Counly's Clam Pass Park. CONSIDERATIONS: The County currently has a concession agreement with the Association of Unit Owners of the Registry Resort of N~les, Inc. (AUO) to provide tram, food, beach rental and sundry sales at the Clam Pass Park. The ~gre~ment expires in lune of 1998. The last bid prepared for this concession resulted in only tw~ bidders, one of which was the County. The bid prior to that resulted in only the Registry Hotel bidding. The lack of interest in this contract is largely due to the requirement for the concessionaire to provide tram service that requires :~- eight passenger trams, tram storage and recharge facilities and drivers for which there is no direct offsetting revenue. The County Parks and Purchasing staff' discussed the concession with other vendors that are contracted by the County to provide similar services at other beach parks and none showed any interest in bidding. Rather than proceed through another competitive bid that requires approximately three months, and the hours and cost of the required staff' time, it is recommended that the Board determine that it is in the public's best interest to direct the staff' to negotiate an extension of thc cu:rent agreement (which was contemplated as an option under the original RFP). Should favorable terms be able to be reached, a contract would be brought back to the Board for ratification. It should be noted that the hotel has, since the previous agreement's execution, been sold. The new agreement would be between Collier County and Florida Panthers Holdings, Inc. This new company under its purchase agreement was held (and desired) to continue with the contractual obligatiorus that had been enter,~ into previously by the AUO for this concession. FISCAl, AND GROWI'II ~NAGEMENT IMPAC"I~: There are neither fiscal or growth management impacts associated with the narrow authorization being sought from the Board by this item. Any agreement reached would be brought back to the Commission and the fiscal impacts of any such contract described in flail at that time. RECOMMENDATION THAT THE 'COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, authorize staff' to negotiate an ,greement with Florida Panthers Holdings, Inc. for concession services at the County's Clm'n Pass Park. Prepared by? Th~m~ iV. OIh'ff,~blic Services Administrator Reviewed by: ~.~., Cgh. S~ev~ cam[Il; Pur~asing Director Ii i I FEB 0 3 1.q98 of Minutes BCC Communications Communications enda Requested by: John W. Jones Date: 1/15/98 Reviewed by: Date: Division Head: Date: Manager: Date: ltern Title: RECOMMENDATION TO AUTHORIZE THE CHAIR TO SIGN ELECTRONIC SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT TO ENABLE LIBRARY TO SUBSCRIBE TO BCOKS IN PRINT List of Documents Attached: I. Execu~veSummax~. (required) 2. Subscription Agreement (4 originals) AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL SLIP Date Submitted Requested Agenda Date: elPROPRIATE HEADING (CIRCLE ONE): (4) Approval of minutes, (5) Proclamations & Presentations, (6) Clerk, (7) Publi( litions, (8A) Community Development & Environmental Services, (8B) Public Works, (8C) Public Services, (8D) Suppor Sentices, (8E) County Manager, (9) Attorney, (10) BCC, (11) Other Constitutional Officers, (12) Public Hearings. (13A) BZA Public Hearings, (13B) Conditional Use, (14) BCC Communications, (15) Staff Communications, (16) Consent Agenda Requested By. Date Reviewed By Date Division Head. Date Manager. Date item Title List ol Documents Atlached 1. Executive Summary (required) 3. 5. 4. 3/95-S 13 5. u, 1 V I:: 5 UMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO AUTHORIZE THE CHAIR TO SIGN ELECTRONIC SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT TO ENABLE LIBRARY TO SUBSCRIBE TO BOOKS IN PRINT. OBJECTIVE: Obtain approval of contract with R.R. Bowker to enable Library patrons to use the electronic data base Books In Print through the Library's automation system. CONSIDERATIONS: Many publishers of electronic data bases for libraries require a signed contract detailing acceptable uses of the electronic products. They will not accept a signed pur- chase order instead of the contract. R.R. Bowker requires !he attached contract be signed in order for Collier County Public Library to obtain electronic access to the data base Books In Print. Currently the print version of this product is purchased for Headquarters Library and six branch libraries. Each set currently has 16 volumes, including author, title and subject list- ings and takes approximately 5 feet of shelf space. Electronic access is more current and easier for Library Patrons to use. Once electronic access is established, only one copy of the print ver- sion will be purchased. FISCAL IMPACT: Currently the Library is purchasing seven copies of the print version of hOks in Print, at a cost $500 per set, for a total yearly cost of $3,500, plus shipping. Because of -~ currency required of this reference tool, it must be purchased annually. Cost of the electronic version is $3,850 per ),ear, nearly the same as the print version when shipping costs are included. Funds for this purchase are available in the Library electronic materials budget in Library Impact Fee Fund 355-.156190. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: none RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Chair be authorized to sign the attached sub- script'ion agreement. (4 originals are required by the vendor) l~Iarilyn lV~'atih~s, ,~ssiSt~t Director - - APPROVED BY: ~VIE~D AN~ ~ ~ }~PROVED BY:- ~t._~-~ _ DA~:~ ~°mas W. OHiff, P~ ~ices Ad~is~ator [ *~*.~.~t,, ~ ~O .~ FEB 0 3 1998 --,,,.,,-,, ,-ut lVl ANU SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT ("Agreement") Subscriber. Subscribet*s 'Premises' from which Database may be accessed shall Include the following site(s): Collier County Public Librat7 See Appendix A 'institm'ion _650 Central Avenue _Madlyn Matthes Street Contact _Naples FL 33940-6087 Phone: 941-261-8208 rib/ State Zip Fax: _941-649-1293 Maximum # of simultaneous Authorized Users shall mean no more than: Initial Term shall mean: [~] 5 E3 10 E] 15 E320 L-'] 25 E~ 30 Start date: _October 5, 1997 to E~ Unlimited End date: October 4, 1998 S,~rstem Provider shall mean: Fee shall mean: $..~3,850.00 L_J Ameritech [~3 DRA O CARL Carp E~ Other Database shall mean: S,~stem shall mean: [~3 Books In PrintS) and/or L_J VISTA [] DRANet['"] CARL [] Publishers, Wholesalers & Distributors and/or E~ Other E~ Books Out of Print ~] Other:. The Subscriber hereby declares that it has read and understood the terms and conditlons of this Subscription Agreement and that it will be bound by them. ACCEPTED BY: OF COLLIER ~, rbORZDA R.R. BOWKER ("RRB') By:, A division of Reed Elsevier Inc. Bat'bar& B Be~'[-~, Chairlz,an Neal Gaff ATTEST: Senior Vice President, D~ight B. Brock, Clerk Title: Chief Operating Officer Date: su~:~:lczellcy= I Agend.. ,,t, --~ FEB 0 3 tq.q8 I Ase/etant County Attorr~ey ORDER FORM AND SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT ("Agreement") R.R. BOWKER and COLLIER COUNTY PUBUC UBRARY APPENDIX A Additional Library Sites Main Collier Counly Public Library 650 Central Avenue Naples, FL 33940-6087 Branches Collier North, 788 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., 34108 E. Naples Branch, 8787 E Tamlami Trial, 34113 Estates, 1266 Golden Gate Blvd., 34120 Golden Gate, 4898 Coronado Pkwy, 34116 Immokalee Branch, 417 N. First St., immokalee, 34142 Marco Island Branch, 210 S Healhwood Dr, Macro Island, 34145 Everglades Branch, City Hall, Everglades City, 33929 Agenda FEB O 3.1.q98 1. USER LICENSE. RRB hereby grants to Subscriber artd its cured; (ii) Subscriber files a petition in bankruptcy eitt ' patrons and staff ('Authorized Users'], a non-exclusive, non- voluntarily or involuntarily, is adjudicated, insolvent by any coc transferable right and license for the term of this Agreement to or if a trustee or a receiver of a substantial portion of use the Database via the System, sole{y through Subscriber's property of the Subscriber shall be appointed in any suit I;brary network computer system, either while physically at the proceeding by or against such party, or {iii} Subscriber Sh Premises or remote from the Premises via telecommunications make an assignment for the benefit of creditors or shall seek or Internet linkage; and no other, and not for sale or license to obtain the benefit of any bankruptcy or insolvency act. Furth~ third parties. Subscriber Shall limit access so that no more than RRB shall have the right tO terminate this Agreement upon six the Maximum number of Authorized Users may simultaneously (60) days' prior written notice to Subscriber if RRB discontinu access the Database: and shall limit remote access to the commercial production of the Database. Notwithstanding th Database so that only Authorized Users who have a valid library- this Agreement may be terminated for any of the above stat~ issued security account may search the Databases while remote reasons, or by expiration of the term granted herein. Sub$crib from the Premises. shall not be relieved from its obligation to pay to RRB any all fees or Other amounts due under this Agreement at any tim 2. RESTRICTIONS. Authorized Users shall use the Database pt for any period through the date of such termination, nor solely in Connection with the terms of this Agreement. termination or expiration affect any rights or remedies any par Authorized Users shall not (il copy, download, or otherwise may have resulting from any breach of this Agreement by reproduce the Database in any medium or in any way, in whole other party prior tO such termination. Or in part, except that Authorized Users may print or download I[mlted portions of the Database which are the results of discrete 8. POST '~ERMINATION PROVISIONS. Upon terminatio searches for their personal research Purposes, only,: iii) alter, unless otherwise agreed i.q writing by RRB, within (10) modify, or adapt the Database, including but not limite0 to days Subscriber will destroy any and all machine-readable . decompiling, disassembling, or creating derivative works, human-readable material delivered to Subscriber pursuant to without the prior written approval of RRB, or (iii) sell, license or Agreement and then in Subscriber's possession or und~ otherwise distribute, in any way whatsoever,, to third.parties, Subscriber's control: and-expunge,from-any.-eltf~tronic i.qcludin~ to Subscriber's s~:bsidiaries or affiliates, the Database facility owned by or under the control of Subscriber any da' or any part or parts thereof, contained in or derived from the Database: 'a'~*'certify to RRB writing that Subscriber has complied with the, requirements 3. DISTRIBUTION. RRB represents that it has a d~stribution this Section. license with the System Provider I~e~mit'ting *the distribution ~t~-*~''~'':'''''' .... " " .~' '"* ..... '~-~ ~.:*--,,,~. ~,,,~..~, ...... the Database by means of the System. 9. WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY. RRB represents and warrants that it has the full right, power 4. UPDATING. 'Updates' shall mean any revisions of, additions and authority to enter into this Agreement and grant all right~ to, or deletions from the Database. RRB agre,,s to give notice to and interests as contemplated hereunder: and that the the System Provider within five (5) days Of the execution of this Database, and its use in accordance with the terms herein, Agreement that Subscriber is permitted to receive the Database does not end will not infringe upon, violate or misappropriate and Updates through the System. RRB shall provide System any U.S. [.atent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, or any Provider with monthly Updates which shall be distributed to other proprietary right, contract or other right or interest:of Subscriber through the System. All references in this any third party. Agreement to the Databases shall include all Updates thereto. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, SUBSCRIBER ANt 5. TERM. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for the RRB MAKE NO, AND NEITHER RECEIVES ANY OTHE~ period specified on the first page of ~hisAgreement (the 'Initial WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND THERE AFt] Term'). This Agreement shall automatically renew thereafter for EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED ALL WARRANTIES gl successive one I1) year terms at the fees current as of the MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICUI, A~ renewal date unless either gives to the other written notice of PURPOSE. RRB MAKES NO WARRANTIES 0,~ its intention to cancel or modify the Agreement a', least ninety REPRESENTATION REGARDING THEACCURACY, ADEQUACY (90) days in advance of the expiration of the then current term. OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINEE WITHIN THE DATABASE. 6. PAYMENT. Subscriber agrees to make payment of the Fee specified on the first page of this Agree'merit t0 RRB no later EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO THE COMPUTATiON OFDAMAGE~ than thirty (30) days following delivery to Subscriber of RRB's FOR THE UNAUTHORIZED USE, DISCLOSURE', invoice. RRB reserves the right to suspend distribution of MISAPPROPRIATION ~ INFRINGEMENT OF INTANGIBLE Updates to the Subscriber if payment in full is not received from PROPERTY SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT, PATEI~,rT RIGHT, TRADE Subscriber within forty-five (45) days following delivery of RRB's SECRET OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, NEITHER PAR'T'Y initial invoice to Subscriber. SHALL BE LIABLE 'TO '['HE OTHER FOR INCIDENTAL OR - CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHFJ~ 7. TERMINATION. In addition to termination rights provided SUCH DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE OJ:l VVHETHER SUCH elsewhere herein, RRB may terminate this Agreement by giving DAMAGES ARE DEEMED TO RESULT FROM THE FAILURE written notice to Subscriber in the event that: (il Subscriber INADEQUACY OF ANY EXCLUSIVE OR OTHER REMEDY. commits a material breach of this Agreement and fa~ls to cure Such breach within thirty (30) days after its receipt of written IN THE EVENT THAT ANY PART OF THIS SECTION 9 SHALL notifiCation thereof: notwithstanding the foregoing, RRB BE HELD UNENFORCEABLE OR I~,'~-,-,;.;~,~.~.j~,~.~;/~ L,c,~S reserves the right to s spend S bscr,ber's ac es, to ,he OF AN ^PPL,CABLE URlSDICTIO . Databases during such thirty day period, until stJch breach is THEREOF SHALL NEVERTHEL~,~S~CON-i~I~~,g~ AND ENFORCEABLE AS THOUGH THE OFFENDING PORTIONS 16. SURVIVAL. Notwithstanding termination or expiration of HAD NOT BEEN A PART HEREOF. IN ADDITION, Il= THE this Agreement, the terms of Sections 2, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 LIMITATIONS ON WARRANTY OR LIABILITY THEREUNDER ARE shall sun/lye termination or expiration and remain in full force HELD TO BE UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE LAW OF AN and effect. APPLICABLE JURISDICTION, SUCH LIMITATIONS SHALL, FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION 9, BE ADJUSTED SUCH THAT 17. NOTICE. All notices shall be addressed to such party ti THE LIABILITY OF RRB SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF address or applicable facsimile number set forth on the first THE FEE DESCRIBED ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS page of this Agreement, or such other address as may hereafter AGREEMENT, PAID BY SUBSCRIBER TO RRB. be designated in writing by the addressee to the addressor, and shall be deemed sufficient if sent by United States Registered 10. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. Subscriber acknowledges that the Mail, postage prepaid return receipt requested, or by facsimilt: Database are the product of RRB's extensive gathering and transmissionwithconfirmedanswerbacktotheaddressesasset coordination of information, selection therefrom of information forth on the first page of this Agreement and shall be effe(:tiv~; COnsidered by RRB to be relevant and useful, and original upon receipt arrangement of selected information. Subscriber acknowledges that RRB owns all right, title and interest, including, without 18. APPROVALS. Each party represents that all necessary limitation, the COpyright, in and to the Database and all approvals and consents have been obtained for entry into components thereof. The copyright and title to all property Agreement. interests in Or to the Database are and shall remain in RRB as owner and this Agreement shall not grant tO Subsc¢iber any 19. GOVER~IING LAW. This Agreement shall be governec~ by, right Of ownership therein. Subscriber shall not alter, remove, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of ~Ne~v obscure or obstruct the display of any co~3?right, trademark or Jersey, without reference to principles of choice of laws. Excel~,t other proprietary notice placed upon the Database by RRB. as hereinafter provided, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or breach thereof, shall be 11. INDEMNIFICATION. Eachp~rty shall defend and indemnify resolved by arbitration in. accordance with the C;ommerchll the other, its directors, officers, agents, and employees from Arbitration Rules, then in effect, of the American Arbitration any liability and expense (including. without limitation, Association and judgment upon the award may be entere~d in reasonable attorney's feesl imposed upon the indemnified party any court having jurisdiction thereof. Any arbitration shall be as a result of any claim arising out of the acts or omissions of, held within the City of Newark, New Jersey, unless the parties or breach of any representation Or ~var'rant~,''hereunde'r 'by the agile otherwise in writing'. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each indemnitor under this Agreement and including all costs, party shall be at liberty to apply to any court having jurisdiction expenses and damages incurred or suffered by the indemnified for injunctive, interim or conservatory relief from any threatene~d party in connection therewith, subiect, however, to the limited or continuing breech by the other party of its obligations I,abil,ty prov's'on of Se ct'on 9 hereof; prov,ded that the party t h,, Agreement. ~1~ seeking indemnification shall promptly notify the other Of any such claim, and permit such other party to Control the defense 20. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement is binding upon end or resolution thereof, and the 13arty seeking indemnification shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective permitted fully cooperate with the other in connection therewith, successors, trustees, and assigns. Neither party shall have the right to assign this Agreement without the prior written cor~sent 12. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES. The parties recognize of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld that they are independent contractors and neither is an agent, or delayed. Notwithstanding the foregoing. RRB shall havetlle employee, partner, or joint venturer of the other, right tO assign its rights under this Agreement, in whole or in part, tO ar~ entity controlling, cant/oiled by, or under common 13. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING. This Agreement COnStitutes the Control with Reed Elsevier P.L.C. or to any entity which shall entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and succeed to all or substantially all of the assets, liabilities, and all prior and contemporaneous understandings, writt.n or oral, goodwill of RRB, provided that such Successor entity Shall concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. This assume all the duties and obligations of RRB under this Agreement is intended to supersede the terms and cor~ditions of Agreement. any purchase order, confirmation, invoice or other commercial document relating to the subject matter hereof subsequently 21. FORCE MAJEURE. A delay in or failure of performance of issued by either party to the other. Any amendment or either party shall not constitute a default hereunder nor be the modification of this Agreement must be approved in writing by basis for, nor give rise to, any claim for damages, if and to the a duly authorized representative of each party, extent such delay or.failure, is caused by force maieure, and the period for 13erformance shall be extended accordingly. 14. NO WAIVER. No waiver by either party of any term or Notwithstanding the foregoing, should any extension of the condition of this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, period of performance exceed one hundred eighty {180} days, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed a further or- either party may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to continuing waiver of any such term or condition, or a waiver of the other, and such termination shall not constitute a breach of any other term c; condition of this Agreement. this Agreement. ' 15. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid by any court, arbitrztor, or arbitration panel having FEB 0 3 19 8 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GRANT OF EASEMENT TO FLORIDA POWER & UGHT COMPANY UPON REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA. J;~~: Grant of Easement to Florida Power & Ught Company upon real property owned by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, ~ONSIDERATION: PrimeCo Personal Communications, LP., a Delaware Limited Partnership ('PSC") currently leases County-owned property located at the North County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility for the purpose of installing and operating a one hundred fifty (150) foot above ground monopole communications tower. PSC requires the installation of utility facilities (electrical service) to benefit their leasehold. Due to existing underground piping located on the leasehold, an alternate site had to be selected for the installation of the required utility facilities, it is being proposed that an alternate easement located on County property, Veterans Par~ located East of the leasehold, will provide the needed utility services. In order for Florida Power & Light Company to install the required utility facilities, an Easement ten (10) foot in width, must be conveyed by the owner of the property, Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, to Flodda Power & Ught Company. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida and PSC entered into a ground lease agreement ("Lease Agreement") on August 26, 1997. The Lease Agreement will expire on August 26, 2012, unless otherwise extended as provided for in the Lease Agreement. Staff recommends that upon termination or expiration of the Lease Agreement, should electric services no longer be needed at the leased area, PSC shall be responsible to pay any and all expenses for the removal and/or relocation of all utility facilities placed, installed or required at the leasehold, which would include any improvements in the subject easement area. Florida Power & Light Company estimates the removal cost of the electrical facilities to be approximately $10,000. PSC is agreeable to staff's recommendaUon and has agreed to execute an Amendment to Lease, which would incorporate the easement area into the Leased Area. In addition, a provision has been included in the Easement document whereby Florida Power & Light Company agrees, that upon removal of the subject electrical facilities, to record a Release of Easement in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. .FISCAL IMPACT: None OROW'FH MANAGEMENT: None AC.,r:~ .DA FEB 3 i9 ,o RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approve the Easement to Flodda Power & Light Company to install utility facilities to benefit the PSC leasehold (a sketch of the easement is attached for your review); 2. Authorize staff to prepare an Amendment to Lease between Collier County and PSC which will provide for PSC to be responsible to pay for any and ell expenses for the removal and/or relocation of all utility facilities placed, Installed or required at the leasehold or easement area; and 3. Authod, ze its Chairman to execute the attached Easement to Florida Power & Light Company and execute the Amendment to Lease upon approval of the document by the County Attorney's Office. To'~-A. ~o-'~ Spe~:ia~]~[, Real P~-perty Management De~-artment REVIEWED DY: ~A .DATE:_(-/6 - dministration REVIEWED BY:~ _DATE:~ Public Services Administration '-"' 5312-1 & Work Order No. ~ EASEMENT This In.stntment Prepared By Sec. i2. Twp tlS. l~e Zf £ Ntn~e:. L,,,ie Ri,~,y_ Ptr~.l I.D. # 0016684000'7 Co. Name: (Maintained by County Address: Appriiser) Naples. FL 34116 Form 3722 ($tock~) Rev. 7/94 ...... -,.. "'~'.t,-~a,;y_a,na receipt o! wa,ch is hereby gsmowieose~, grant a~. give to Florida Power & Li{ht Comptuy, its licensees, aio~peenratStionS~'te,,,a~l,,,.,a's..s)~i~?.2_,.~_l.,e__u~e..men, t forever .for .the consu'uctJon, ...... ,- ,.,-~,,,c,u aa ~aer ouna electric mil 0ncludm Wires, les · it'/facilities ~ .... ,,.., g~wt~_ .. po , ~ys, cab!es,, cendu~ts ~graCppunenant enui~mentl ~-, ,~,.,.iir. u ianll urne to urrle, wi ' . ~,-,- . enlarge, chante the volt,~, '-- ~.~, ~_e .?_~ht, to .reconstruct, ~mprove, ned to, ..... . _. -,,-, -, ,,v, La, me stz. eot ~ remove such facilities any ox mere witttm a~ easement 10 feet in width described u follows: or See legal descrtpt:io-~ described cn Exhibit: "A", at:ta~c:l Together with the right to permit any other uerson, firm or corporation to attach wires to any facilities hereunder and la .c?.d..u_j!_.wi.~in .the ease.meat .and to operate t~e same for comrrlunicati ............ ,._ _: ..... . y cable a.nd · .,, ,,~c~; me r,~nt to cJcar thc land s,~d kcc- it c{ .... ., _,. .... ...,.o ~,,,,,.,.,_?,; u:~ rjpt o.I regress ano el{reis to said prcmise~ at trim and cut an~"~ec trim.reed and c t l., ~.ucu u~ a~, trees, unoergrowtn ann omer oostructJons wjthm the · P u all dead, weak, ]eanin or dan . . easement area; ro mtcrferc with or fall u~n the lines or s"srems of .......-' ..... g- gerous trees or I,mb.s out.s,de of the eascmen~ area whic ext.ent the undersi c~as the ,-~w,.- ,~,~ ..... :y~.,,_x,,~,un.,.ca,,o .ns or. power.transmission or oistric, ution: and un, er and across the roads streets r 'o~, .......,~-:-.' .... .~- .....__.u~.uove _g_r_a~. ted on the land heretofore described, over, alo,~g, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on , DSigned, sealed and delivered _]3qarcl_ of County O:xlrnissior~ers in the presence of: O~ Collie_r County, Florida (cbrP°rate's name) By: (Witness' Sipmture) Print Name (Witness) Print Name: Barl~ra B. Berry, Chairman Print Address: 3301 E,, Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 341 '{ 2 (Witness' Siinarure) Attest: Print Name (Witness) Print Name: D~vicjht: E:, Brock, Clerk Print Address: 3301 E. TamtaiTti Trail lpprQv~d ~s to f~rmt legal sufficiency Naples, FL 34112 gTATE OF AND COUNTY OF _. The foregoing insu'umcnt was acknow{edged Xfor¢ me this _day of , 19. , by - , and respective{y ~he _ _ President and Secretary of ~orporation, who are personally known ,o me or have produced ., a _ corporation, on behalf of said ,{Y Couuuission Expires: .as identification, and who did (did no~) take an oath. (Type of {dentificatiou) Print Name / 'g'nd' I't' ~e.' N. ~C.~:<~_ty T_realment F~cility ~ A PA,~CCL Of' LAHD 10.00 ~ WIDE: I, YIN0 IN TH~ LO~: ~W., 24,07 ~ TO n~ n.~. ~ONG ~ UNE P UNE. ,~1 ~_ T~ THE ~ NING ?,~56 ~u~L ~ ~R EXHIBIT "A# PA~ 2 tip 2 PARENT ~ CT II~PROVEt~ENTS NOT LOCATED PARENT TI:IA ¢ T INIPROVEN4ENTS NOT LOCATED ~or' PCS/Primeco j..p. S/le: N. County Treatrnent FacEty J~3(X)i / Collier Cocmty, Florid8 EXHIBIT 'A' ,> SHEET.2 OF 2 MORGAN &: EKLUND, INC. '"' ~'. "~"-, ' EXHIBIT "B" Page I of I oF~a Power_& Light Company and Collier County agree that the right to permit any per=on, t~rm or corporation to attach wires to any facilities hereunder and lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the ~arne for communication purpo~s shall be exercised only upon the express written approval of Collier County. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld by Collier County. By acceptance of the easement herein granted, Florida Power & Light Company agrees upon removal of the subject electrical facilities, to release this easement from the public records. ,A, GE~.DA ITEM :'" FEB 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF DEHUMIDIFICATION EQUIPMENT FOR THE REMAINING FOUR FLOORS OF THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND THE IMMOKALEE COURTHOUSE. OBJECTIVE: To waive the competitive bid process and approve the purchase and installation of dehumidification equipment for the remaining four (4) floors of the Administration Building and the Immokalee Courthouse from the CTSI Corporation for a total amount of $82,522.00 CONSIDERATION,~: In concert with the Board's FY 97-98 approved Capital Projects, proposals were sought from various companies with similar technology in the dehumidification process. The following proposals were received: FIRM PAGE MECHANICAL ~IQHN~0N NC (~TSI Admin. Bid. 53,104 No Bid Combined Quote Immokalee Crt. Hse No Quote ~72,950 Combined Quote TOTAL 82,522 ( Combined, Page and Johnson = 126,050. CTSl is the Iow proposal at 82,522.00) The CTSI Corporation provided the Iow proposal at $82,522.00. Previously, units were purchased from the CTSI Corporation and installed in the first 4 floors of the Administration Building and in the Tax Collector's and Property Appraiser's Buildings. These units reduced the relative humidity, in all cases, from' about 76% to under 50%. The equipment meets all of the County's specifications and expectations. In order to establish proper indoor air quality (moisture control), staff recommends waiving the competitive bid process and purchase the dehumidification equipment from CTSI Corporation who offered the Iow proposal of $82,522.00. The installation would be complete before the high humidity season starts. FISCAL IMPACT: The Board approved $112,000 for the purchase and installation of these units in the FY 97-98 Capital budget, 301-120435-80504. The total amount of $82,522 falls well within the approved budget. GROVVTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. j(. /'.."'7',, Dehumidification EQulo~nt Executive Summary Page 2 RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Board waive the nomml bid process, enter into an agreement with the CTS! Corporation to deeign and install a high efficiency dehumid~cation system for the 5th,6th,7th, and 8th floors of the Administration Building and the Immokalee Courthouse for a total amount of $82,522.00, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement after review by the County Attorney's Office. _~?~ Crognale, C~.w~ruction Manager ~repartment of Facilities Management / REVIEWED BY: , '"~~~ DATE: .... Skip Camp, CFM, Directbr Department of Facilities Management Steve ~. Came~l, Director - -- Purchasing Department Leo E. Ochs, JryA~_miniStrator Support Service?~Division !"''' /~: '':: ~ I FEB 0.3 1998 ' PROPOSALS FOR DEHUMIDIFICATION EQUIPMENT FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE BLD AND IMMOKALEE COURTHOUSE FIRM ~q~ MECHANICAL JOHNSON A/C ~ Admin. Bid. 53,104 No Bid Combined Bid Immokalee Crt. Hse No Bid 72,950 Combined Bid TOTAL 82,522 Combined Page and Johnson = 126,050. CTSI is the Iow proposal at $82,522.00 EXECUTIVE ~;UMMARY SELECTION OF THE NEWSPAPER FOR THE ADVERTISING OF DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES. OBJECTIVE: To obtain advertising services pertaining to the referenced properties pursuant to state law and the County's purchasing policy. CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Chapter 197, F.S., counties are required each year to advertise the list of real estate and tangible personal properties for which annual tax payments have not been collected prior to final resolution of the unpaid debt. The list of delinquent real estate properties is to be advertised at least three times prior to the sale of tax certificates. The list of delinquent tangible personal properties must be advertised at least once prior to the issuance of warrants. Section 197, F.S. calls for the Board of County Commissioners to select the newspaper for advertising the referenced lists of delinquent properties. In the event that the Board does not select the newspaper, the Tax Collector makes the selection. Section 50 F.S. requires that such advertising be placed in a newspaper of general circulation, In formulating this recommendation, staff has reviewed several options that produce varying levels of circulation and cost and also collected comparable data from other counties. The data indicate that use of the Naples Daily News has generally yielded considerably higher circulation and corresponding higher costs. As a result of these findings, Staff met with representatives from the Daily News seeking to reduce the cost of publicizing this information and in response received an offer that includes both substantial general and specific rate reductlons from prior years. Staff concurrently considered seeking bids for this expenditure, but after discussing the matter with the County Attorney's Office and the Tax Collector's Office, it is staff's opinion that advertising in the Naples Daily News remains the most cost-effective and legally compliant means of distributing this information to the public at this time. ,FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of the advertising (a total of four insertions) under the proposed bid offer would be approximately $135,400, which represents an estimated reduction of $58,200 or 30.1% from last year's cost. This figure is subject to variation depending on the number of properties actually listed. Upon selection of the newspaper, the Tax Collector's office is responsible for placing and paying for the advertising. The cost of the advertising is ultimately recovered from the buyers of tax certificates or the original property owner. o ! ~IROVV'FH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners waive the formal competitive bid process and sslect the Naplea Daily News as the newspaper for the advertising of delinquent real eatata and personal property taxes for 1998. Steve. ~amel~, Purchasing/General Services Director REVIEWED BY: "--~' ~ Date: Leo Ochs, Jr. Support Service~Administrator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LINE ITEM TRANSFER REQUEST FROM GULF BAY MARINE MANAGEMENT, INC. FOR TARPON FISHING TOURNAMENT, TOURIST DEVELOPMENT FUNDS, SPECIAL EVENTS OBJECTIVE: To approve a line item transfer request from C. mlfBay Marine Management, Inc. for a Tarpon Fishiog Tournament, Tourist Development funds, Special Events. CONSIDERATIONS: C-uLfBay Marine Management, Inc. hgz requited some line item changes to the $50,000 allocated for the Tarpon Fishing Tournament because of increased donations in both television and print advertising and lack of donations in radio advertising and graphic, artwork and printing. Requested changes: Original Budget Requested Budget Advertising, layout, graphics & artwork $ 1,000 $ 6,500 Radio advertising 9,000 21,000 Print advertising 20,000 15,000 Television advertising 20,000 7,500 The requested line item changes will be reviewed by Tourist Development Council at the January 26, 1998 meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: Transfer request~ do not exceed the original $50,000 allocation in the Tourist Development, Special Events Fund (193 101541). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMlaACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Board of County Commissioners approve line item changes and authorize Chairman to sign contract amendment reflecting the changes. Prepared'by: ~ ~ Date: /~o/9'~ ,, ~an Gansef, Budget Analyst / / ! AGENDA IT[M Reviewed by: /,v/-.~.e~ ~ Date: i" 2 l-~o~ ": j4 &'' / Michael Smykowski, OMB Director / I~g. OULF BAY MARI~ MANAO~ INt2 179,,q, OI. fIII BAY DR. NA/'I.F~ FI, 34105 Tourist Development Council At'tn: Jean Gansel Office of Management & Budget Dear Jean, As per our phone ~nversafion I have enclosed a new budget for the Silver Slam Tarpon Toumwnent. As I told you we have had to realign our budget because of increased donations in both Television and print advertising and the lack of donations in Radio advertising and Graphics, ~rt'work and printing. I have enclosed the following Exh~it B to reflect the changes. It is my understanding that the TDC Board approval is required. Please let me know if I need to appear at the meeting. Sincerely, .' - Capt.~aul F~. ey ~ EXHIBIT"B" BUDGET Advertising layout, graphics, artwork and printing: $ 6,500.00 Radio advertising: $21,000.00 Print advertising: $15,000.00 Television advertising: $ 7,500.00 $50,000.00 AGENDA No._j' G E 1997 TOURISM AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND GULF BAY MARINE MANAGEMENT, INC. REGARDING n TARPON FISHING TOIYRNAMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this of~, 1997, by and between Gulf Bay Marine Management, Inc., a Florida corporation, hereinafter ref~red to as "GRANTEE" and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter tefra'ed to as "COUNTY." WHEREAS, the COUNTY has adopted a Tourist D~velopment Plan (hereinafter referred to as "Plan") funded by proceeds from the Tourist Development Tax; and WHEREAS, the Plan provides that certain of the r~venues generated by the Tourist Development Tax are to be allocated for the promotion and advertising of Collier County nationally and internationally and for the promotion and advertising of activities or events intended to bring tourists to Collier County; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE has applied to the Tourist Development Tax Council and de County to use Tourist Development Tax fiands for a tarpon fishing tournament scheduled for May, 1998 (the "Event"); and WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires to fund the proposed advertising and promotion pursuant to this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BASED UPON THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND PREMISES PROVIDED HEREIN, AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDE1La. TION, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCOPE OF WORK: In accordance with the Budget attached as Exhibit "A," the GRANTEE shall provide advertising and promotion of the Event. The date(s) of the Event may not be changed without an amendment to th.is Agreement as provided in Section 15. 2. P.~F..,~: The amount to paid under this Agreement shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The GRANTEE shall be paid in accordance with fiscal procedures of the County for expenditures incurred for the promotion and advertising expenses as described in Section 2 upon submittal of an invoice and upon verification that the servi :es d~ilJl'e~ invoice are completed or that goods have been received, ~ . :~ ~ GRANTEE shall determine that the goods and services have been pre ~erl~ shall submit invoices to the County Manager or his design¢¢. ~.~e Cou ry M,l~ager or his designee shall determine that the invoice pa)mc'nB arc authorized and the goods or services covered by such invoice have been provided or performed in accordance with such authorization. The linc item budget attached as Exhibit "A" shall constitute authorization of the expenditure described in the invoices provided that such expenditure is made in accordance with this Agreement. Each invoice submitted by GRANTEE shall be itemized in sufficient detail for audit thereof and shall be supported by copies of corresponding vendor invoices and proof of receipt of goods or performance of the services invoiced. GRANTEE shall certify in writing that all subcontractors and vendors have been paid for work and materials from previous payments received prior to receipt of any further payments. The COUNTY shall not pay GRANTEE until the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners pre-audits payment invoices in accordance with the law. GRANTEE ~hall be paid for its actual cost not to exceed the total amount for various line items and up to the maximum amount budgeted pursuant to the Attached "Exhibit A." .The amounts applicable to the various line items of Exitibit "A," subject to the maximum total amount, may be increased or decreased by up to ten percent (10%) at the discretion of GRANTEE. Adjustment in excess of ten percent (10%) of any tine item must be authorized by the County Manager or his designee. 3. ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURES Only eligible expenditures described in Section 2 will be paid by COUNTY. Any expenditures paid by COUNTY which are later deemed to be ineligible expenditures shall be repaid to COl.rl~'Y within 30 days of COUNTY's written request to repay said funds. COUNTY m,?.y request repayment of funds for a period of up to one year after termination of this Agreement or any extension or renewal 4. II~~: GRANTEE is required to submit a Certificate of Insurance naming Collier County, and its Board of County Commissioners and the Tourist Development Council as additionally insured. The certificate must be valid for the duration of this Agreement, and be issued by a company licensed in the State of Florida, and provide General Liability AG£NDA BODILY INIURY LIABILITY $300,000 each claim per person PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY $300,000 each claim per person ,J~ PERSONAL INJURY LIABILITY $300,000 each claim per person 2 WORKER's COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY-Statutory The Certificate of Insurance must be delivered to the County Manager or his designee within ten days of execution of this Agreement by the COUNTY. The GRANTEE shall not commence promotional and advertising activities which are to be funded pursuant to this Agreement unfi'l the Certificate of Insurance has beau received by the COLIN'YY. 5. MONTHLY REPORTS: GRANTEE shall provide to County monthly reports on the duties performed and service provided by GRANTEE, its vendors or subcontractors, pursuant to this Agreement. The report shall identify the amount spent during the preceding 30 days and the duties performed, and the services provided and goods delivered during said p~,riod. GRANTEE shall take reasonable measures to assure the continued satisfactory performaslce of all vendors and subcontractors. 6. CHOICE OF VENDORS AND FAIR_ DI~ALING: GRANTEE may select vendors or subcontractors to provide services as described in Section 2. COUNTY shall not be responsible for paying vendors and shall not be involved in the selection of subcontractors or - vendors. GRANTEE agrees to disclose any relationship between GRANTEE and the subcon- tractors or vendors, including, but not limited to, similar or related employees, agents, officers, directors and/or shareholders. COUNTY may, in its discretion, object to the reasonableness of expenditures and require r~payment if invoices have been paid under this Agreement for unreasonable expenditures. The reasonableness of the expenditures shall be based on industry standards. 7. INDEMNIFICATION: The GRANTEE shall hold harmless and defend cOLrNTY, and its agents and employees, fi.om any and all suits and actions ~cludh~.g attorney's fees and all costs of litigation and judgments of any name and description arising out of or incidental to the performance of this Agreement or work performed thereunder. This provision shall also pertain to any claims brought against the COUNTY by any employee of the named GRANTEE, any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed or authorized to perform work by any of them. The GRANTEE's obligation under this provision shall not be limited in any way by the agreed upon Agreement price as shown in tk GRAN'I~E's limit of, or lack of, sufficient insurance protection. and deemed duly served if mailed by registered or certified mail to thc GRANTEE at thc following address: Paul Harvey, Vice President Gulf Bay Marine Management, Inc. 179 Southbay Drive Naples, Florida 34108 All notices from the GRANTEE to the COUNTY shall be in writing and deemed duly served if mailed by registered or certified mail to the COUNTY to: County Manager Second Floor, Administration Building 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 3,$112 The GRANTEE and the COUNTY may change the above mailing address at any tim. e upon giving the other party written notification pursuant to this Section. 9. ~O PARTN'ERSHIP: Nothing herein contained shall be construed as creating a parmc-rship between the COUNTY and the GRANTEE, or its vendor or subcontractor, or to constitute the GRANTEE, or its vendor or subcontractor, ~s an agent or employee of the 10. ~ER_MI'NATj.Q~: The COUNTY or the G~ may cancel this Agreement with or without cause by giving 30 days advance written notic~ of such termination pursuant to Section 8 and specifying the effective date of termination. If the COUNTY terminates this Agreement, the COUNTY will pay the GRAICrEE for all expenditur~ incurred, or contractual obligations incurred with subcontractors and vendor~, by GRANTE~ up to the effective date of the termination so long as such expenses are eligible. Provided, however, or if GRANTEE fails to hold the event or activity, GRANTEE shall pay to COUNTY all funds expended by COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement, unless the Board of County Commissione~ determines that the completed promotion and advertising of the event or activity wer~ sufficient t~, ')"*'",~'G[~I-D~I-T[~J .. tourist development tax funds, rain ~~ 11. GENERAL ACCOUNTING: GRANTEE is r~quired to mah accurate accounting records and keep tourism funds in a ,epatate checking ac ount]:. All?/~enue related to the Agreement should be recorded, and all expenditures must be incurred within the term of Agreement. 12. AVAILABILITY OF RECORDS: GRANTEE shall maintain record% booim, documents, papers and financial information pertaining to work performed under this Agree- ment. GRANTEE ag-ecs that the COUNTY, or any of its duly authorized representatives, shall, until the expiration of tin'cc (3) ye, ars after final payment under this Agreement, have access to, and the right to examine and photocopy any pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of GRANTEE involving transactions related to this Agreement. 13. pROHIBITION OF ASSIGNMENT: GRANTEE shall not assign, convey, or transfer in whole or in part its interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the COUNTY. 14. TERM: This Agreement shall become effective May 13, 1997 and shall remain effective for one year. The GRANTEE shall request an extension of this term in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of this Agreement, and the COLFNTY may agree by' amendment to this Agrccmcnt to extend the term for an additional one year. Any funds not used GRANTEE during the term of this and extension thereto shall be available for by Agreement any future applicants. 15. EVALUATION OF TOURISM IMPACT: GRANTEE shall monitor and evaluate the event identifying the success of the event, explaining how the success and quality were evaluated, report overall attendance including resident/non-resident attendance and how attendance information was ascertained. GRANTEE shall provide a written report to the County Manager or his designee within sixty (60) days of the date of the cvcnt]. 16. REQUIRED NOTATION: All promotional literature and media advertising must prominently list Collier County as one of the sponsors. 17. AMENDMENTS: This Agreement may only be amended by mutual agreement of the parties and after recommendation by the Tourist Development Council. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTEE and COUNTY have each respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date ATrF~T: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS · ~v~ ~.. ~oc~ c,~co, um~o~r~, ..~ *%; ; .. .?~ ~-'. , ....',' ....% :,'... ".. ~S~S: ~n~ N~ ~n~ N~ ~n~ Ti~ (corporate seal) Approved as to form and legal suflicicncy He{d/l~ ~h{on - Assistant County Attorney AGENDA BUDGET Advertising, layout, graphics & artwork S 1,000 Radio advertising 9,000 Print Advertising 20,000 Television advcrtising ~ Total S50,000 A(~ENDA rr. , - __ ? · · APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS BCC A~enda of 2/3/98 General Fund 001 Budget Amendment 98-116 Parks & Recreation Golden Gate Neighborhood Park 179 Project (80100) $528 gesetwes for Contingency ($528) Total 0 Panda are needed to pay First Title & Abstract thru Real Property Mamgemma for lhe owners title polky for the ~ Gate Neighborhood Park Block 179. BCC approved land purchase in FY 97, but actual title ezpemes were incurred thi~ f'~cal year. Naples & Urban ColHer County Park Impact Fees (36k~ Budget Amendment 98-117 Otl~er Contracted Services $3500 Reserves for Capital Outlay ($3500) Total 0 To cover charges by Building Review and Permitting for the processing of the collection of and disbursement of ,impact fees. Cost estirmte based on previous year actual expenses. Gooclland Water District (441, Budget Amendment 98-118 Office of Capital Pr~ects Mana~emen~ Goodland Water District - Chlorine Enclosures ~49 Reserves for Capital Outlay (~.~9) To~l 0 ~ ,. Funds are required for this final Change Order No. I in the net amount of f~49 due to unfore:~-en piping conflicts. plant betterment and a deduction for a deleted boist. AGF.~DA ITEM_ FEB 3 1998 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FEBRUARY 3, l~)l FOR BOARD ACTIO/q: 1. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO FILE FOR RECORD WITH ACTION AS DIRECT~_.D: A. Airport Authority. minutes of October 13, 1997 and agenda for Decemb~ 15, 1997 and January 12, 1998. Refer~l to BCC. B. The Beach RenourishmenffMaintenance Committee - agenda for January $, 1998. Referred to BCC. C. Black Affairs Advisory Board - minutes of February I0, February 24, May 12, June 9, September 8, October 13, November 10 and November 26, 1997. Referred to BCC. D. Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council - minutes of November 24, 1997 i and agenda for December 17, 1997. Referred to BCC. E. Environmental Advisory Board - minutes of December 3, 1997 and agenda for January 7, 1998. Referred to BCC. F. Golden Gate Beautification Advisory Committee - minutes of November 12, 1997 and agenda for December 9, 1997. Referred to BCC. G. Health Department Advisory Board - minutes of December 1, 1997..Referred to BCC. H. Historical & Archaeological Preservation Board - minutes of December I 1, 1997 and agenda of.lanuary !6, 1998. Referred to BCC. I. Isle of Capri Fire & Rescue Distrie! - minutes of.luly 10, August 7, September 1 l, October 2, November 14, November 21, December 4, and agenda of December 4, 1997. Referred to BCC. J. Landfill & Materials Recovery Facility Citizens Advisory Committee - minutes of November 19, 1997 and agenda of December 1 l, 1997. Referred to BCC. K. Library Advisory Board - minutes of November 24, 1997. Referred to BCC. L. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board - minutes ofNoven ,~,' D for December 17, 1997. Referred to BCC. No FEB 0 3 1998 Pg._ / ) M. Planning Commission - minutes of November 8 dc 15, 1997 and agenda of December 18, 1997 and Sanuary 15, 1998. Referred to BCC. N. Productivity Committee - minutes of November 1~}, 1997. Referred to BCC. 3. ~ A. Letter from Michael A. Welsh, Controller, Guy Carlton's Office, referencing distribution of Current Ad Valorem Tax and Non-Ad Valorem Assessment to BCC after Tax Collector's commissions. Also attached a distribution cap showing year to date totals ofu~xes collected net ofdiscoun! for 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997. Referred to BCC. B. Letter fi.om Terry White, Executive Director of Area Agency on Aging for SW FL, Inc. reporting AAA's administrative monitoring visits with Collier County Services for Seniors on October 28-29 & November 13, 1997. Referred to BCC. FEB 03 1998 RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A LEC, AL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GOODLETTE, COLE~%N & JOHNSON, P. A. BY AND THROUGH MICHAEL W. PETTIT AS LEGAL COUNSEL TO REPRESENT THE COUNTY ON MATTERS RELATIN~ TO THE CASES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE LEC~%L SERVICES AGREEMENT. O~J~CTIV~I That the Board of County Commissioners approve the attached Legal Services Agreement with~oodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P. A. as legal counsel to represent the Board on matters relating to the following cases: A. Kitchens v. Collier County, Case No. 95-4852-CA-01-TB B. Eagle Creek Properties, Inc. v. Collier County, Case No. 93- 0158-CA-01-TB C. Pena V. Collier County, Case No. 94-3944-CA-01-CTC. CONSIDERATIONS~ Michael W. Pettit, an associate of Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P. A., during his employment as an Assistant County Attorney to the County Attorney to the Board was principally involved and responsible to represent the Board's interests including trial and appellate case presentations, negotiations, etc., in certain ~covered" and "non-covered" cases. It has been determined by the County Attorney and the Collier County Risk Management Director in consultation with Wiliis Corroon, the County's insurance administrator that the County's interests are better served if Michael W. Pettit of Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P. A. is approved as the attorney of record on behalf of Collier County on the covered cases listed above and provides professional legal ~ervices in that regard. The County Attorney and the Public Works Administrator have determined that the County's interests are better served if Michael W. Pettit of Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P. A. is approved as attorney of record on behalf of Collier County on the non-covered case listed above and provides professional legal services in that regard. The attached Legal Services Agreement has been prepared and AG£NOA~ approved by Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P. A. ~n~-I~-~ the firm of the County Attorney. The Agreement has also been reviewe~ ando rco 03 Executive Summary Legal Services Agreement Page 2 approved by the Collier County Risk Management Director and the Public Works Administrator. FISCAL IMPACT, Legal services will be at the rate of $105.00 per hour for legal services rendered. Actual costs incurred by Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P. A. including costs of out-of- county travel, mailing, copies, facsimiles, telephone and document transmittal expenses such that are supported by appropriate documentation shall be reimbursed by the Board. Costs for covered cases will be charged to ftmd no. 516-121650. Costs for the non-covered case will paid from fund no. 408-210110. GR0~THMA__~i~_GEHEI~T IHPACTs None. RECO~$MENDATIONs That the Board approve the attached Legal Services Agreement with aoodlette, Coleman & Job~son, P. A. to represent and assist the Board in all matters relating to the identified cases in the Agreement. Prepared by: ~~S~ Date: /--O~-~ David C. Weigel(~ County Attorney 2f~k Walker, ARM ~isk Management Director Approved b~ Ed Ilschner Public Works Administrator h:ew/e~ eum~aziea/Pettit lei)al aervicee a~eeme~t LEGAL SERVIq:ES AGREEMEN'i' THIS LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") made and entered into this ~ day of ,1998, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, (hereinafter referred to as the 'Board' and/or 'County'), and GOODLETTE, COLEMAN & JOHNSON, P.A. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Firm'). W1TNESSETH: WHEREAS, Michael W. Pettit, an associate of the Firm, during his employment as an Assistant County Attorney to the County Attorney to the Board was principally involved and responsible to represent the Board's interests in certain 'covered" and "non-covered" cases~; and WHEREAS, the County Attorney and the Collier County Risk Management Director in consultation with Willis Corroon, the County's insurance administrator, have determined that the County's interests are better served for the Firm by and through Michael W. Pettit to be approved as the attorney of record on behalf of Collier.County on certain covered cases and provide professional legal services in that regard; and WHEREAS, the County Attorney and the Public Works Administrator have determined that the County's interests are better served for the Firm by and through Michael W. Pettit to be approved as attorney of record on behalf of Collier County on certain non-covered cases and provide professional legal services in that regard. 'Covered cases" are cases subject to the County's self-insured insurance program while 'non-covered" cases are cases not subject to the program. F F..I 0 3 '1998 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto', in consideration of the premises and the covenants contained herein, mutually agree as follOWS: ·A. The Firm by and through Michael W. Pettit is hereby retained by the Beard to represent the Board in all the matters relating to any court proceedings, negotiations and settlement of the following cases that are currently pending that have been filed against Collier County: 1. Kitchens v. Collier Co.unty~ Case No. 95..4852-CA-01-TB (Note: This Agreement shall only extend to those services required to defend the County's interests in all post-trial proceedings through the conclusion of all appeals as a result of the trial held November 18-20, 1997. In the event a new trial is ordered following the conclusion of all appeals, the parties may then negotiate an extension or modification of this Agreement but shall be under no obligation to do so). 2. Eagle Creek Proc)erties. Inc. v. Collier Court _ty, Case No. 93-0518-CA- 01-TB. 3. Pena v. Collier County, Case No. 94-3944-CA-01-CTC. B. The Firm shall prepare all legal documents, correspondence, communications, etc. and attend all r~egotiation meetings, settlement conferences, court hearings and trials necessary to bring the above-listed cases to closure. C. The Board hereby agrees to pay the Firm as compensation for legal services rendered at the rate of $105.00 per hour. D. The Board hereby agrees to reimburse the'Firm for actual costs incurred including costs of out-of-county travel, mailing, copies, facsimiles, telephone and 2 document transmittal expenses (e.g., 'Federal Express", etc.) incurred pursuant to this Agreement,' provided that such costs are supported by appropriate documentation submitted to the Risk Management Department and/or the Public Works Administrator and reviewed and approved for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney. The use of a multiplier for these expenses/production costs is not allowed. Per diem and travel expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, entitled Per Diem and Travel Expenses of Public Officers, Employees and Authorized Persons, as amended. This requirement currently includes, but is not limited to, expenses such as automobile travel expenses reimbursement at $0.29 per mile and meal expenses reimbursements at the following rates: Breakfast $3;00 Lunch $6.00 Dinner $12.00 E. A statement or invoice for legal services and direct costs incurred by the Firm shall be billed to the Risk Management Department and/or the Public Works Administrator on a monthly basis. All invoices shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: 1) the proper name of the payee as it appears in the Agreement; 2) the date of the invoice; and 3) the descriptior~ of services and the time period in which billable services were rendered. All payments and the resolution of any disputes regarding such are subject to and shall be processed in accordance with Part VII of Chapter 218, Florida Statutes, otherwise known as 'The Florida Prompt Payment Act". ' AG £Np, A_LIT,EM  3 No...~ l.;P...u O 3 '1998 F. The Firm shall be solely respons~le to parties with whom it shall deal in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and shall not subcontract its responsibilities to ..the Board under this Agreement. The Firm shall carry Lawyer's Professional Liability insurance in an amount not less than $500,000 per occurrence. An insurance certificate evidencing this Lawyer's Professional Liability insurance requirement shall be tendered to the Risk Management Department within fourteen (14) days of the date of this Agreement. Current, valid insurance policy(les) meeting the requirement herein identified shall be maintained by the Firm during the duration of this Agreement. Renewal certificate(s) shall be sent to the County thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date(s) on any such policy(les). There shall be a thirty (30) day notification to the Board in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. G. The Firm shall protect, defend, indemnify, and hold the Board and its officers, emp{oyees, and agents harmless from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, professional fees, including attorneys fees and all costs of litigation and judgments arising out of any willful or intentional misconduct, negligent acts or error or omission of the Firm, its subconsultants, subcontractors, agents or employees, arising out of or incidental to the performance of this Agreement or work performed thereunder, including any claim(s) brought against the County, its officers, employees or agents by any employee of the Firm, any subconsultants, subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The Firm's obligation under this provisic~n shall not be limited in any way by the agreed-upon contract fee specified in this Agreement or the Firm's limit FEB 0 3 '1998 Pe. /~ of, or lack of, sufficient insurance protection. The parties agree that one percent (1%) of the total compensation to the Firm for performance of services authorized by this · Agreement is specific consideration for the Firm's indemnification of the County. H. This Agreement shall be administered on behalf of the County by the Risk Management Department and Public Works Administrator in coordination with the County Attorney. I. The Firm agrees to obtain and pay for all permits and licenses necessary for the conduct of its business and agrees to comply with all laws governing the responsibility of an employer with respect tc ~,ersons employed by the Firm. The Firm shall also be solely responsible for payment of any and all taxes levied on the Firm. In addition, the Firm shall comply with ali rules, regulations and laws of Collier County, the State of Florida, or the U.S. Government now in force or hereafter adopted. . J. Either party may terminate this Agreement for convenience with a minimum of forty-five (45) days written notice to the other party. The parties shall deal with each other in good faith during the forty-five (45) day period after any notice of intent to terminate for convenience has been given. The County reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately, for cause, upon written notice to the Firm. K. Notwithstanding tha Firm's obligation under this Agreement to provide professional legal services to the County for the specific cases identified in Paragraph A of this Agreement, the County acknowledges and agrees that the Firm may take positions adverse to the County on any matters or in any cases that are ur~related to the cases identified in Paragraph A of this Agreement and hereby expressly waives any claim of AGENDA ITEM ,' E B 0 3 1998 conflict of interest in any and all such circumstances. However, under no circumstances shall the Firm represent any person or entity in any personal injury or human resource · (employment) claim, cause of action or litigation against the County for the duration of this Agreement. IT iS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties herein, that the Agreement is subject to annual appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Firm and the Board have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date and year first above written. GOODLETTE, COLEMAN & JOHNSON, WITNES3ES: P.A. (Printed Witness Signature) __ .' (Printed Witness Signature) ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Barbara Berry, Chairman AGENDA ITF..Ivl,, ;' ~.B O 3 1998 Approved as to form and Approvedby:. L"~,~, legal sufficiency: ~efPWalker, ARM Risk Management Director Approvedb~ Ed Ilschner Public Works Administrator f:county.agr AGENDA IT .',.8 0 3 ~._ ct . E~ECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT SETTLEMENT PROPOSAL IN TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT CASE OF KITCHENS v. COLLIER COUNTY, CASE NO. 95- 4852-CA-01. ' OBJEC~VE: For the Board to consider and accept a proposed settlement of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court Case of Kitchens ~'. Collier County, Case No. 9:~-4852-CA-01, and authorize the Chairman to execute the necessary setllcmcnt documents. CONSIDERATION: Paul Kitchens, a former County employee, sued the County in 1995 claiming he was discharged in violation of the Florida Whistle-blower Act, Seclion 112.3187, Fla. Stat. Following a three day trial in November 1997, Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court Judge Ted Brousseau ruled against Mr. Kitchens on kis claims and in favor ofthe County. Since that time, Mr. Kitchens has filed a motion for rehearing and a notice of appeal. He also is now prepared to settle all of his claims against thc County for the sum of $3,000.00. To defend the motion for rehearing and appeal, it will cost the County an estimated $8,000.00 - S10,000. Further, there is a risk that Mr. Kilchcns might prevail on appeal or rehearing, which would require the County retry the case. The necessa~ setliement documents to be executed by Mr. Kitchens would also make clear that all of his claims were being released against the County and there would be no admission of liability by the Count), as a result of the proposed settlement. .. FISCAL IMPACT: If the proposed settlement offer is approved, the County ~vill save approximately $$,000.00 to $7,000.00 in additional costs in defending the pending appeal and the motion for rehearing. In addition, if Mr. Kitchens were to be suecessfial on either the appeal or the motion for reheating, the County could incur another $5,000-$7,000 in costs in defending the ease at the time it is retried v,,ith a risk of losing on retrial and being liable to Mr. Kitchens for back pay and altomey's tees. Accordingly, the $3,000.00 senle~en! e ffer appears to be a reasonable resolution and in the best interests of the County. Funds are available in Fund 516-121630 (Insurance Claims) Property and Casualty Self Insurance Fund. GRO~VI"H MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NoTle. FEB 31998 RECOMD~NDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider and approve the proposed settlement as outlined in thi~ Exccutive Summary and authorize the Chairman to exccute all necessary settlement Prepared by: Michael W. Pettit, Esq. / Date Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P.A. Review~ by: County Attorney , Jet'f Walker, Director Date Risk Management AGENDA ITEM FJ~6 0 3 'E~98