Agenda 02/10/1998 R COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA February 10, 1998 9:00 a.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PR/OR TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY AD~TOR AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS". COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO I:00 P.M. 1. INVOCATION - Father Joseph Spinelli - St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Parish 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. January 15, 1998 - Emergency Meeting. B. January 20, 1998 - Regular Meeting. 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND SERV1CE AWARDS A. PROCLAMATIONS 1) Proclamation proclaiming the week of February 9 - 14, 1998 aa Collier Harvest Week. To be accepted by Bert Paradb and John Raker, Trustees of Collier Harvest. ! February 10, 1998 SERVICE AWARDS I) Carol A. Somers - Library. 10 C. PRESENTATIONS 1) Recommendation to recolnJze Debrlh Pruton, Semior Planner with the Planminl Seryices Depsrtment, Community Development sBd FJvJroamenbl Division ts Employee ortbe Month for Febnmry 1998. 2) Presentation to Collier County Government Employees oa bebalfor the Ua#ed Way of Collier County in appreciation of leadership aad support of the United Way or Collier County Campaign 199'/, 6, APPROVAL OF CLERK'S REPORT A, ANALYSIS OF CHANGF, S TO RESERVES FOR CONTINGENCT~-q- 7, PUBt,IC PETITIONS 8. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT .aL. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVXRONIVfENTAL SERVlC£S tlilt ]) A opt. Resol..o..uthor'-'ol,be.eq..i.. by p.,.=, o. co--.---..o, of Fee Simple Title interests and/or perpetual, non-exclusive, road rl~ht-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainale, maintenance and temporary construction interests by easement for the construction of the four-ianioI Improvements for Immokalee Road (C.R. 846) Project between I-'/5 and C.R. 951 CIE No. C. PUBLIC SERVICES 13. SUPPORT SERVICES ! } Selection of the Newspaper for the Advertislnj of Delinquent Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes (Continued from February 3, 1998). E. COUNTY A13MINISTRATOR F. AIRPORT AUTHORITY 9. COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 10. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A. Appointment of members to the Citizens Advisory Task Force,. B. Appointment of members to the Peltcan Bay MSTBU Advisory Committee. C. Appointment of members to the Collier County Code £nforcement Bonrd. I 1. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS 2 February ! 0, 1998 PUBLIC COMMENT ON GENERAL TOPICS PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE FI'~.ARD IMM]~DIATELY FOLLOVifING STAFF ITEMS 12. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS. nCC COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS B, ZONING AMENDMENTS 1) Petition PUD-97-12, William K Hoover of Hoover Planning Shoppe representing Frank Clesen find Sons, Inc., requesting a rezone front 'E" Estates to "PUD" Planned Unit Development for property located in the northwest quadrant of the Pine Ridge Road (CR 196) and l-TS Interchange Activity Center located on Tract 9Z, GoMen Gate Estates, Unit 35, Sec. 7, T49S, R2~F.., cons/sting of approximately 4.33 acres. C. OTHER 1) Approval of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 97-79 to correct a scrivener's error to the Pelican Marsh PUl) document resulting from a transmittal to the Secretary of State ora document in which certain pages were inadvertently omitted. 13. ~OARD OF ZONING APPEALS A. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1) Petition V-97-14, John Hobart representing First National Bank of Naples requesting a 40 foot dimensional variance from the yard setback requirement of fifty (50) feet for a structure located in a PUD zoning district for property located in Pelican Bay PUD, further described as a portion of Parcel One, Oakrnont Parkway Extension in Sec. 33, T49S, R.25E. 2) Petition SPA-97-1, R. Bruce Anderson, Esq., representing Daniel and Barbara Hoover, owners of the property located at 2452 J & C Boulevard known as Tea's Restaurant, requesting approval to share a total of 27 ofT-site parking spaces located at 6401 Airport Road known as Hadinger Carpets located approximately 260 feet from the applicant's property. B. OTHER 1) Request for extension oftime for which an asphalt and concrete batch plant facility may operate as a conditionally approved use in the "A" Rural Agricuttural Zoning District for property hereinafter described in Collier Count)', Florida. 2) Request for a second extension of Conditional Use CU-96-1 for a church in the RSF-3 Zoning District for property described in Resolution 96=192 adopted on April 9, 1996, pursuant to Section 2.'/.4 (Conditional Use Procedures) of the LDC. 14. S'I'A FF'S COMML'NICATIONS 3 Febr'uaO' I0, 1998 1 ~. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COMMUNICATIONS 16. CONSENT AGENDA - All matters listed under this item are considered to be routine and action will be taken by one motion without separate discussion of each item. If discussion is desired by a member of the Board, that item(a) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. s A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES I) Approval of Excavation Permit No. 59.632 "Creative Homes Excavation" located in Section 1 i, T48S, R2'/E, bounded on the east and west by vacant lots zoned 'Eatates", on the north by 14" Street NE, and on the aouth by a Collier : County canal and easement. 2) Accept a quitclaim deed for Shellabarger Park in reference to a Community Development Block Grant for Infrastructure improvements (97-DB-3K-09-21- 01.N03). 3) Approval for recording the final plat of Ulsland Walk, Phase One". 4) Apprrwal nfs Budget Amendment to appropriate funds to pay for professional seN'ices in the development of the Interim Government Services Fees Ordinance. B. PUBIC WORKS O I) Approve a Cooperative Agreement with the South Florida Water Management District for the maintenance and operation of a replacement bridge at Valewood Drive over the Cocohatchee Canal 2) Execute three (3) Quit Claim Deeds, in order to re-convey previous interests obtained by Pine Air Lakes PUD. 3) Approve Supplemental Agreement with Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. for Immokalee Road Improvements, Project No. 69101; CIE 08. 4) Award a Contract for Profesaional Engineering Services for the South Naples Community Park RFP 9'7-2745 - ProJect #80037. C. PUBLIC SERVICES 1) Requesting direction to prepare an ordinance repealing Ordinance No, 93-2 that established the Public Health Unit Advisory Board. 2) Direct staff to draft an amended ordinance relating to beach and water and vessel control. D. SUPPORT SERVICES 1) Recommendation to Reject Proposals Received Under RFP #9%2760 E. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 4 February 10, 1998 1) Budget ame:zdme,,t report. F. BOARD OF COUNTY COMbilSSION~RS G. M]SCELLAN£OUS CORRESPONDI~NCI~ 1) MISCELLANEOUS {Tt;{H$ TO FILE FOR RECORD WITH ACTION AS H. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OIrFICI~RS L COUNTY ATTORNEY J. AIRPORT AUTHORITY 17. ADJOUR~ INOUIRIES CONCERNING CHANGES TO ~ I~OARD'S AGI~NDA SHOULD BI~ MADI~ TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE AT 774-~383. $ February 10, 1998 AGENDA CHAN~E~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING FEBRUARY 10t 1998, WITHDRAW: ITEM $(BXI) - ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOUR-LANING IMPROVEMENTS FOR IMMOKALEE ROAD BETWEEN 1-75 C.R. 951 CIE No. 08. (STAFF'S REQUEST). CONTINUE: ITEM 16(1})(4) TO 2/17/98 MEETING: AWARD A CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE SOUTH NAPLES COMMUNITY PARK RFP 97-2745 - Project #$0037. (STAFF'S REQUEST) PR OCLAMA ?IO'N WHEREAS, the Board of County Commtrsionert recognizes the goals of Collier Harvest, a chapter of U.S.A. Harvest, in its efforts to,feed the hungry through volunteer efforts and in k~'nd donations from local markets, restaurants, bakeries and caterers; and WHER. EAS, Collier County is fortunate to have numerous individuals and organizations who give generously of thetr time and excess food, at no cost to the hungry of Collier County, to support Collier Harvest; and W'HERF_AS, the Board of County Commissions lends z'upport and encouragement to all Collier County citizens interested in the community effort to eradicate hunger in Collier Countu' and WtlEILEAS, th,: Board of C~. ~rnmgtrlonzrs.~~ the p..ostttve effects of iU ., citizen's participation in Collier Harvest in hunger and promoting ~ommunity , NO W THEREFORE, b~ it £rocla[med bY ~ of Collier '} '~? "*'ff.':, t~, :',' ..',,' '~ ".': County, Florida, that tl~ wee,~ DONE AND O RD ERE, D~T'~2]~ i " · ~ '-' '-' " COr. i.~R COUNT~, FLORIDA ~' '-~ -'" "" : '; ."; ' ';.~: ~ .;'~"" :::o o,e · · '. . . .'.. · ;,.... ,' '..~n,~.. _, -~.. :...,:.'. .... '" , r ' - :' ..... . · t .~'~;. ** · - ~ .. .. :.. ?..-..- . ~a~" ."" .' ~'* ' ::' ".' .- · 4'~, ',a,,,.l~ .... lr.[ ~, - . .~.:~ "'~2 '" .' .... : ' ' · :.~? . .. .-.°: .* . -- · ' ' ~' * /' .c' " ~ [' ' ' , ,:" . -' .' I:~._- .. . ,, ...,.~.-.: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO RECOGNIZE DEBRAH PRESTON, AICP SENIOR PLANNER IN THE PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DMSION AS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY 1998. ~l~]Y,.~ff~: The "Employee of the Month" Program is designed to recogni~ exceptional performance plus urdquely identifiable contributions which produce ~ignificant results for the County. CON$IDERAT~[~_~ Debrah Preston is a dedicated employee who is always ready to volunteer for new projects while continuing to meet deadlines on assigned projects. Debrah's most recent projects include the development o£thc Marco Island lViaster Plan~ the Immokalee Main Street Designation and the Gateway Trianglc/Bayshore redevelopment effortz. Debrah has initiated cost savings for the County by utilizing the Federal Vista (Volunteers in Service To America) program to help staff the Immokalee Main Street program of which she oversees. Through her direction, the Immokr, lee business owners have benefited with the development of several training and organizational sessions. Debrah's recent involvement in the Economic Development Council (EDC) Redevelopment Committee, is an extra effort on her part to further redevelopment efforts in Immokalee and the Gateway/Bayshore redevelopment areas. Debrah has volunteered countless hours to community projects including the Immokalee Paint Your Heart Out, Habitat for Humanity, United Way, American Heart Association Walkathon and organizing efforts for the American Planning Association. Debrah's customer service skills are exceptional. She has earned the respect of her co-workers for her job lcqowledge, skills and willingness to assist at all levels to achieve Departm~ objectives. Without reservations, Debrah Preston was nominated and selected as Employee of the Month for February 1998. ~PACT: "Employee of the Month" selectees receive a $50.00 cash award. Funds for this award are available in the MSTD General Fund, Comprehensive Planning (I 11-138317). A~Et,DA ITEM ".-s-de3-/ FEB Pg. ,,/ .1 RECOMMENDATION: That Debrah Proton b~ r~.o~ as the "Employee of the Month" for February 1998. Louise ~,. ~°s Adminismstive S~ APPROVED BY: ~~ ~ DA~:, 3'z'f! Michelle E. Arnold Assistant to the Coun~ Administrator . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY GIFT, PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF FEE SIMPLE TITLE INTERESTS AND/OR PERPETUAL, NON- EXCLUSI'v~, ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, SIDEWALK, UTILITY, DRAINAGE, ,MAINTENANCE AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCT/ON INTERESTS BY EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOUR-LANING IMPROVEMENTS FOR IMMOKALEE ROAD (C.R. 846) PROJECT BETWEEN 1-75 AND C.R. 951 CIE NO. 08. ~ To adopt a Resolution to acquire by gift, purchase or condemnation of fee simple title interests and'or non-exclusive, perpetual road fight-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage, maintenance and temporary construction interests by easement required to complete the four-laning roadway improvements for Immokalee Road (C.R. 846) between 1-75 and C.R. 951, (hereinafter referred to as "the Project"). CONSIDERATION; On October 28, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 97-55 therein establishing the 1997 (Seventh Annual) Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan. The Transportation Element of the County's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in Ordinance No. 97-62 for CIE No. 08. On September 16, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 97-356 authorizing the County Staff to acquire by gift or purchase certain easements, and fee simple title to the propcrty and property interests required and necessary for the four-laning roadway improvement of Immokalee Road between 1-75 and C.R. 951. Staff has reviewed alternative locations, environmental factors, cost variables, safety and welfare considerations as they relate to the construction of the Project and the Board finds that the most feasible location for the additional road right-of-way for the construction of the Project is being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" of the attached Resolution. c~J F_$fi_~ The fight-of-way acquisition cost estimate has just recently been updated to reflect actual appraised values and all of the most recent design changes. Total acquisition costs are estimated at 51,082,61 a, and includes all land, improvements, and severance damage pay-outs as well as all overhead costs and expenses which may be incurred through condemnation and final judgment expenses for the non-exclusive, perpetual easements referenced in Exhibit "A", required to complete the four-laning roadway improvements for the Project. FEB 1 0 1998 Page 2 - Imrnokalee Road Executive Summary Funds are available FY 98 ir, the amount of $1,082,614 in: Fund 331 - Road Impact Feed (District #1) Cost Center: 163650 - Road Impac! Construction Project: 69101 - Immokalee Road Project GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: A~ a Capital Improvement Element project, the recommendation is consistent with the County's Growth Management Plan for CIE 008. RF.,.COMMENDATION: Tha! the Board of County Commissioners: (1) Adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation the fee simple title interests and/or non-exclusive, perpetual road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage, maimenance and temporary construction interests by easement required to complete the fourolaning roadway improvements for Im~okalee Road Project, between 1-75 and C.R. 951; and (2) Authorize the Chain'nan to execute the attached Resolution. Wilton Iverson, Senior Specialist Real Property Management Department Micah K. ~uoi, Project Manager Offic~,.of Capital .P~'ojects Management REVIEWED BY: / ~" ~~'~/~ ~'/~//..~ Adoifo A. G~zale~ P.E., D~r Office of Ca ~ital Proj~t~ Management APPROVED BY:~ ~lsc~Ed 1 ~r, Administrator Public Works Division FEB I 0 1998 I RESOLUTION NO. 98- 2 A ~SO~ON A~O~ ~ ACQ~$1~ON OF ~ BY G~. 6 CONS~U~ON ~TS BY ~~ FOR ~ CONS~U~ON OF c ... ~--;~,,~.~ ? T~ FO~-~G RO~WAY ~ROV~S FOR ~O~E RO~ 8 (C.R. 846) PROJE~ BE~'~EEN I-?~ ~ C,~ 9tl, ~ NO, 08. 9 ~E~, ~ Bo~d ofCo~ ~i~ on ~lo~ 28, 1~7, ~opt~ ~ '. 10 No. 97.55 ~er~in ~tablis~ng ~e 1997 (S~ ~) C~i~ lmpmv~m~t El~t of~ I l Grow~ M~ag~m~nt Pl~ in ordo lo ~blish pfiofiti~ for ~e d~i~ ~uisition ~d " 12 construction of~ v~o~ capi~l ~pmv~enl pmj~. ~ Tr~mlion El~t of~ . l 3 County's Compr~h~sive PI~ w~ ~opl~ in ~di~ No, 97~2; ~d 14 ~E~AS, ~ fo~-l~g ~prov~ to ~o~1~ ~ ~ I-7~ ~d C.~ 951 is . .'. 15 one of ~e capital improv~enl ~j~ts r~uir~ ~d~ ~ T~mlion El~menl of~ 16 Co~ty'~ Compr~h,n~iv~ PI~; ~ , 17 ~'HE~AS, ~e Bo~d of Co~ty Cotillon,a, on S~m~r 16, 1~7, 18 Rt~olution No. 97-~56 au~ohzing ~ Courtly Staffto ~quir~ by 8iff or pureh~ e~n ..... 19 c~cmcnls ~or fee simple rifle to ~e prop~y ~d pm~ny interes~ rcquired ~d n~ ,' : 20 for thc Co~-I~ing to.way impmv~ ofl~l~ ~ ~lw~n I-7~ ~ C.R. 951; ~ ..~ 21 WH~AS, the I~adon for co~ction of~ pro~ impmv~en~ ~ be~ fix~ by .. ' 22 sure>' md is collectively represemed by ~e ]eg~ de~dpfio~ ~mp~sing E~bil "A" al~h~ 23 hereto ~d in~raled h~ein. · . ~. -K. 24 W~AS, a~ ~id~ation of ~e avml~ilily of~t~e mul~ a~ ]~fio~, ~e 25 comp~alive cosls ofproj~l allemalives, v~o~ imp~ u~ ~ ~vim~ long ~ge 26 piing option, md public uf~y co~id~tio~ ~e Bo~ d~ir~ lo ex~i~ i~ fi~l 27 condeam prop~y forpublic p~s~, · .... :?.~ 2 ~ NOW, ~E~FO~, BE IT ~SOL~D BY ~E BO~ OF CO~ 29 CO~ISSIONE~ OF COLLIER CO~, FLO~ ~ i~ ~ ~m det~ed by ~.~'. order m pmt~t 13 improvements is collectively r~rcscntcd by 14 a~chcd hereto ~d ~co~rat~ h~cin .... 15 ~D IT IS F~THER ~OLVED that in order to ~stmct ~ proj~t m d~i~ it is : 16 ncces~ for the Bo~d to acquire th~ v~ous real pm~y int~ d~fi~ E~bit "A" to "~ · ' 17 wit: fcc simple title intcres~ ~/or ~ual, ~n~cl~iv~ m~ fi~t~f-way, sid~ 19 ~ND IT IS F~THER ~OLVED ~ ali pr~ ~1 ~ put to public p~. 20 ~ IT IS F~THER ~OLV~ 21 i~ediatcly acquire by gi~, purc~c or ~nd~tion ~ ~r~ce wi~ ~c provisio~ of 22 Chapters 73, 74 ~d 127, Fio6da S~tut~ ~g ~ve.~[~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ..j, 24 ~ IT IS F~THER ~SOLVED 25 to bc ~ui~ md ~cfore it will ~t ~ n~ to r~vc my mobile ~mes flora ~c " 27 ~s Resolution adopted on ~s 2'8 second ~d majority vote. . 29 Pa~ 2 I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ;"" ': :;;'": · ... . 2 ATTEST: : ' ...... · : 3 DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By:. /;,~:../~".:~-~.?.:~-, :?,:.'.;. r::?~ 4 BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN .~ .~~ 6 ~ i'; ' '::"':"~'~':"~'; 7 Approvod ~ ~o form md [ :".'.,',:"~'.~w' .': 8 legal ~ufficiency: . · ..: .,.. '~.. 9 .. ,A./~_..-- :...,;...~?~ ~--'..?. ...... :,. 11 Assist,xnt County Attorney " 12 :.. .. ::.. 13 ~" 14 :.'. ' "": ·..~.: :.;. :..: :.-.?.. C, L. ' ' ,.;.... .. ': FEB 1 0 1998 OFFIC£ 0~' CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA (941) 774-8192 ~ . PROJECT NO- R ~ 1 n ~ ',. '* PROJECT PARCEL NO. '": ';" '' '' i TAX PARCEL NO,&1930920(~02 · : SKETCH OF' LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOT A SU ~' '' L£OAL DESCRmT1ON ~A~ 2n OF ~ ~AT ~RE~, ~EN OA~S E~A~, ~ ~. ~ RE~D~ PAR~ 101 '.'.' .. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .'!i',:.;:i.,.: 'i':: '! 3301 EAST TAMIAMI (941)TRAIL 774--8192NAPLES' FLORIDA 34112 .~' ':". ; ..-',-..... PROd£CT NO 69101 ,:. ..... :* ' .... PROdE:CT PARCEL NO, .~,:*,' '*~*:. * '* TAX PARCL'L NO, &19'30920002 .'.* ".:? . SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE'.'O · ' : · temporlr! conotruct&ofl eolement : ..... :: :. ..,: " LEGAL DESCRI~ON ',..'. '-' ' Tt-fE SOUTH FIVE (S') FEET OF THE NORTH FTF~' F~VE ($5') FEET OF TIlE ,~' %rEsT 200 FEET OF THE EAST 250 FEET OF TRACT 20 OF THE PLAT THEREOF, · .. GOLDEN GATE ESTATES AS RECORDED iN PLA'I BOOK ?, PAGE 96, OF THE 'i,'..; .... '. '.. :" PLq3LIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY', FLORIDA. ' CONq'AR',qNG 1000 SOUARE FFET OR 0,02:3 ACRES MORE OR LESS.. i ' .: ":..'.'::'. ~ .. ';:' "*'.'.' ' .. ,1 DATE- · .~~(.;i.:.:..[(. :'.;~ :,j or,cE or e..APrtAL Pr~OJECTS .;,.~'~:...-.?..,~.,;. ~.:::. ; COLU£R COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ;,....;,~.:-,.-.,... ~: ..... ,~01 TAMIAM~...'II~AIt, NAP[,~$, rl,ORIDA 541 FEB '.',';'. .~.' ~'.; ~ " . O*.AW~ I~; c-[e~ro ~'; I f~-.~/: ~)~t£; ~' 8,~. NO.: '~:i/,:: "' ,' SHEET ~ :)F~., "/"'.. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 -.' (941) .:... , : 774-8192 · " .~ PROJECT NO. · --'.-.,~ ....... PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO, &19309f~090& :. . LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE~ ;'i' fee ateple tttle" ':i L~GAL D£SCRTPTION ' ~'...'.'" 'i. .. . ..· T'FrE NORTH THi~TY EIGHT (31,) FEET OF TRE WE$T 22.~ OI lrELITOFTH~ ~ .! :. . .'- . . 30001 ~.~L~r,AND'TH~SOUTHFi~.-jy(52,)FEETOFTi,~NOltTl, lNiN,E-ry · :. (~Y)FEET OF ~ EAST FORTY (40)'I~ET OF ~ wEs'r I',l{N~l ~' (~ ':: ...( ~ OF TRACT 21 OFTH~ PLAT ~OF, OOLDI~q' GATE ESTATES, UNIT 9'/, AS .. · i RECORDED rN PLAT BOOK ?, PAOE ~ OF THE PUBLIC R~CORD$ OF :. ~: ~ ,:' J ~... , ...', . ,'...,; .: .. 3301 E TAM1AMI TRAIL NAPL~. FLORIDA 3414~ '"-- , ,.: .. .. OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS . '.- ; ', .'. ": 3,301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL HAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ~ .~.:":.~. · · :' :' " (941) 774-8192 ~ . PEOJECl' NO 69101 i"~ ; , ' PROJECT PARC~ NO. :~.. ;.-.' ~ . .: ?,~X PARC~ NO. ,~o'~no~,nnn/, ~::~ '<:): ..... : I-[GAL DE$CRI~DON (NOT 'A SU~-'~_ ... .. 25.,,. ~ ..' .. .'.. ',:..'.,.~, . ... stdevalk, dratnal~ ~t~lt~y'. I maintenance easement ".. '{': :":'" .... L£GAL .. .... ': .TL'~ ' /.' ....-;,.. ,_.. ,-::-,: ....:': . TRE soLrTH TWELVE (12~ FEET O1: TI~E NORTH FIFTy (50~ FEET OF THE WEST , . -5;.-'.':. :'. ... ' 185o1FEETOFTH~EAST260.01 ~r4:iOFTRACTI] OFTI~PLAT~, ',"i" ... r-LOPJDA. S~'D DESCRrBED TRACT CONTAfNTNG 0 ~51 ACRE (2220 SQUARE . FEET). N4ORE OR LESS. · · : · ' ' PARCEL 802 ,' ~. .. :..=....: ,. .'~.:. ' ' "-'-. '~" · L': .~i ?=',.:." '.~:;:.i~L':..;~: .:: .:; .: ... i[",~'C; '!;.'' '.ii ~'J :."." .:"]:.:'7:' ', ".' :" .... '.~,'..../':~.:-,' '..;7. :, :}! 1 ~' .,,...... ., : . :.."'...'.;'d '.']-'-:: ,; ~:' . ':'.':i' ~'..'..': ~';...{ ',:. · ..q, .; ~. ,,orr=ss~o.,,. t.~ su,v~. ~o~ FElt . C,9LtlER COUNTY OOVZ"RNMF. NT COMPLEX II~. -.. 5.f01 K TAMIAMI TRAIt. NAPLES. FLORIDA ,,%¢.11. OP ICff OP CAPITAL " ' 3301 ~T TAUI~I T~IL N~, ~ORIDA 34112 .. ~' (041) 774-8192 } .... ~' PR~ P~C~ NO. ~n~ ...." '"~ ' ': T~ P~ ~. ~1931000002 ;'~ -.....: .' .,: ~''""" LEGAL DESCRIP~ON (NOT A SU~ fee. simple title ~.. . . ......[ ..'~; :5':: . .',. ~.-'.:' · ~ - "......,, : · ': .' E. XHXBZ? "A~ , OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS :-.:.,.' 3301 EAST TAMIAIvll TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 -: PROJECT PARCEl. NO. FIn'~ , '~' ' TAX PARCE/. NO,_ /I1931000002 '~;". *"" t_EG^L OE$CRIP'T~ON (NOT ^ SU~ · ~,.'. ,'. sidevelk, drainsSe, utilit? ...... LEG^I. DE$CR]FT1ON ,4,5 p.E CORDE. D rN PI.AT BOOK '/, PAGE 9,6, OF THE I~JB[.IC RECORDS OF '~ COLt. rE~ COUNTY, FI. OIUD^ SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CORTAI~II'NO 0,021 ACRE ' ~ (990 SQUARE FEET), MORE OP. LESS. .- PARCEL SO2A * .' .' ":.' ' :.' omc~ O~ CAPffAI. pRoJic'rs I ' ! COLLIER COtJNTY GOV~NM~ COMPt. EX , :' ' 3301 ~ ?A~41 TRAIL NAPt. ES, IrLORtDA ', OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS . · .' ': TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 ~:'~,, , ~ ~';.. ,..,. i.:. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI (941) 774-8192 .,~,!;.!.. . . ..: PROJ£CT NO, RqlO1 :.. ~ .. PR~E~ P~C~ NO. 103 .? .... '"';.~ T~ P~C~ NO. ~1~O~000~ .- :' ':':"'"'~' :-~ ': SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SU~ fee m~mple t~le : .' '.~ ~OAL ~S~ .. ::: ESTA~S, ~IT 97, AS REC~D~ ~ ~T ~ 7, PA~ ~, ~ ~ ~LIC ~DS · :, ,.; .';~, , '.'.; : .... ~ ' '/ ' '" PAR~ 103 (... ,:,.;.'~....' ~,..~:.~ :.';. '. .:~,.'~ '.r.., ,... . :';.-......~.' . : .z ,.~ '<'..~'~:~. · X.:' ' '' · ~.~ .. . .:. · ~ ".'...2.? .} ' .~ '. '" .V'~ ' ,? ,.~ ~ . ., }:: ~' . '.. ., ~':...~/ ,,.,~ . "..~: ::.% . .... ;; '.. ; .: : ...: ...: .-~.~ ' . ~. %<. '~ .. . ... ..:..~, ' ..;-- · . :..~"..7: ;:{..~.~ .. " ...;..., ...., ; C¢~E R. RICHMOND P~F[SSlON~ ~ND SU~OR ~2406 ~, ' ;': ": " 3301 E TAMIAMI TRAI~ N~PLES~ FLORIDA 341 2 ' '"' .... :: . HE~ . ~ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRNL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 .~.-';) ..'~..? ' .. (941) 774-8192 '~.. 'v * PROJECT NO, 69101 . · ;:, .,.... ~ ';':';*' PROJECT PARCEL NO. 80~1 · · :.--~.: .~,. - ".; ;":*' 'TAX PARCELNO._ ~19310&000/,, ..,.-?.,~,;% : ..~,.: ' SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE'~ , ~..',./: .' .... , ~,.*'~'-~;.'~.' ":'~:i'.~ sidewalk, drainase, utility & mainte~ance easement .4~:.: ~ ', .....:; .. ~':;, ;,....,.. · .... :.;~:.::i~ v ~: ~., '- ,~" LEGAL DESCR/PTION ..., ~ SOU'~ TW~VE (12') FEET OF ~ NORTH FIFTY (~') Pt:cT OF TI~CT 2 2 (~ T1TE THEREOF, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES. U'N1T 97, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS O~ .- .... CCYUWTY, FLO~/~ . :"; ;.:"'.. CONTArNTNG 396a SQUARE FEET OR 0.0~ I ACRES MOLE OR LESS. · ... .. ' .' .... .: .'i PARCEL 103 ~...~ ~.:- ., . '.'_~,.~ .. :. ' . "' i ';~''': ";: : ....'. . ...~... ~ :" ., .:. · ~..:.,.. ; '., · . . . . . ~ ~, . .. ~' ~?'. '!-' ''i:: ~'" '. : .... · . :~ .:...'.. ;.;..' ;'.;:' ,. ..,..: .," :..: ?..'. · ~. .":~'.::~;: · 7. '..: .. ~ ::."~ '. ' ".". ;'. co.u. cou.w J F B :' '"" 330 TAMIAMI TRAIL k'APL~S, ~ORIOA 3411 . ' ·" OFFIC£ CAPITAL PROJ TCT$ ,,, '~ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 3411~2 ': Y," (941) 774-8192 ...... - PROJECT NO- ~c~ nl ,, .: .. PROJECT PARCEL NO. · '.:".:: . TAX PARCEL NO.. ::":.. ... ' ...SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY~ · :..,~ :,.. !."::. , ,~. ,-,:,' ~: ;.~:.:',~,,,,, :~ I,EGAL DESCRII~TION "...: c'L'::. -, ~ :r ' .. :~ .,' ,; ,.: ,~, ,; . .--, T'HE NORTH TI~IR'I'y EIGRT (3R') : .... ,. ;..., ..... ~,ESTATES. 1JI~T 97. FEET OF TRACT ~O OF ~ PLAT THEREOF. GOLDEN OATE ~.-' · AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK ?. PAGE 96. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ..... : . : ....... . COLLFER COUNTY. FLORIDA, ~:~ ·:" ::'."~" i""i;",' -';: . .' .., CON-TATN2NG 12.$40 SQUARE FEET OR 0.21I~ ACR£S MORE OR L~. !.'~' :, . . ,.,~ PARCEL IO4 ,' · ~..,.' ~;','~ ,. · ~. ! . ~' . .' · .i."' · t~. "~, .~' · .~ :. ' ..." $ N ~OR 1~2406 '' OFFICE OF CAP~ PROJECTS ,,. 5301 E TAMIAMI TRAII~ NAPLE7,~ FLORIDA 5411 :.! , DR~WN BY: C~'(CI~[D BY: $C's4'[= DAIE ILl NO.' " · ; 3301 ~ST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 .. ,.;~... · · .'~.';>'";' :' ~ ". T~ P~C~ NO, ~3933280008 " ', ~.~..:'.:~-'. :: .. SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIP~ON (NOT A SU~ ~,.'~.,?>-. ;,'..,? sldevalk, dratnale, 'uCil~7 & {.' :,'..>;..:.;. . .~ ~ .. ~ .' , .~..', ,,;'.,.. ·, ' ~O~ D~]~ " . P~ ~ ~ , · 4' ~*$': :;.." ': .... ~ .* *' .. ',,,'.'..' ~.-.,-x . .~ *' '~ ': ' ~ · . · ,;~ : .: .... ~.. .~:~, . ..*.:. ~ . :* COLLIER COUNW G~RNME~ COMP~ FEB i 1 1998 33Ol [ TAMIAMI TRAIL NAP~ES~ ~0RIDA 3411~ OFPICE CAPITAL PROJECTS ......:.. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 ..~: (941) 774-8192 . · :.." PROJECT NO. 6~lnl ' i.'..' :.-..:; PROJeCT PARCEL NO. lO*~ . ' ~:.~: ,?....:;......TAX PARCEL NO. ~tg;~:~320007 · ... SK~'rCH OF' LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) -.,..~'. , ,;-. ~.,,/.: fee IJ. mp].e t. iCle .' ;- -' .' ; . p-.. ., , ~.;., i';" ' ; - · ': i~'..:!.. "i ] LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' . :. i;. ,? '..,~,,.'-~'~:?'--..i~'. .i i .... ' THE NORTH 'FIURTY EIGHT (38') FEET OF TRACT 5 ! OF THE PLAT THEREOF, : : :. - - ' GOLDEN GA fE ESTATES, UNIT 97, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 96, . . .. '~' ~ OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. .. ..'" · ::. -~,. ,.,,.,. .., ~'...~:-,.... ~'. ' '":: ";; CONTAfNTNG 12, $40 SQUARE FEET OP, 0.288ACR. ES MORE OR LESS. :.. ., · ,,..:. i.. ';. -;..'.~.'... j .... .:. , ~.. ~ ,. ..' . : - : ..,.- ..( . · . . '.~.. ~ ..... z ; ! .. i ', '..; ,' ." '~ '~' ':.'-' ~l-a4~l,~'-'i . .. :.' . ,~, ..::... '?.,' i ;- :..: ... ~:,".-. ?~.- .~ .; · ~. ;',,:...,~. · ', ,~ ,..; ~:;- ...' .'~ '! -: . :.~ ', ;/: .. ' i/. ., · "· · ' DATE: --. '~ '"":: " PEOF'ESSIONAL I. AND S~R llr2406 II0o_ ',"...':!.~-.~ -.'. ·/.! orncc or c~Prt^~ ., ~ ~-.,,';: .,,~.,.. . ..>: =;::~. COLLIER COUNI~f COVKRNMKNT COIdPLEX ='~:'"'!~'::" I SHEET ...,~- · : 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ~ " (941) 774-8192 :' ~.L: .~': ...,. :,~. · .:,,~,......" .. :.' PR~E~ NO- ~o~qi ,'.~ · ~.,¥ :.' ~. -. ,,- .... t~ P~C~ NO. 4]933320007 ,,,,, . ..... SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION _NOT A SU --_' --, " :.:... .-: : ~"... '-":' ' atdevalk, dratnlle, ut~Ztty & maintenance easement ~ .... ?:".-.:? -:...~ ~ ~ ~L~ (]2') ~~ ~ ~ (~') ~ ~ ~I ~ ~T ~RE~, C~DEN GA~ ESTAte, ~ ~, ~ ~ ~LIC RE~DS ~ ~ . . '.' ARE~O.~I A~M~E~ )' ~"~ .'." ~ CO~A~G 3~ ~ ~. i..- ~ .'~.' _. . ~': - .; - . .-  .': ..:.~ PA~ ~ .. ,. ......-, . ,.; L. . ~;' .: ,. -., . ,:~,.' ..'.~..., ':~', ' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .'.:::. : 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 .. -, ~5 · ;V';,: < ;:'." . :'.: ~ ~~ ': COLLIEE C~, ~ID~ : ' ' ~ 'J. CO~AI~G 12, ~40 S~ARE ~ ~ 0.2X~ A~ES M~E ~ L~S. - ,. -.~.-. =....~ · . . :: :. ,;..'...:,..'..'::';. ~ ' . .. Pnorcss~ou~ ~D S~R ~4oe ..~ ..... :'...7 ' · SHE~ x )F~. I ' ~i~.~...'.i OI~FICE OlW CAPITAL PROJECTS '- :.' 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA ,34112 : (941) 774-8192 · ~-.,.:,...." ":"' ~.~: ' .SK~CH OF LEGAL. DESCRI~ON (NOT A SU~ · . .. : .',' ~E~.~GA~E~A~S.~.~~ICRE~~ · .*' · .' ~:.~ . .. ~..~ . , .. ~.: - pROFESSION~ ~D S~R ~2406 ~.~ ' OFFICE OF ~ · "'" 3301 TAMI~I TRA~ NAPL~s,COMPL~oRIDA 34112 FEB I ~ 1998 ....... :., SHE~ - ~. ._. ..:., OFFICE OP CAPITAL PROJECTS ".':.'" 3301 EAST TAblIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 · (941) 774-8192 i ":" :""'~'~ PRO~c'r ~0.. 6~1Ol : ...; ..,...: :.. '/.. , ,'. :::..... :? . .,..- ..; .: PROJECT PARCEL NO. ]07 · ';"'-;' ~" '"': TAX PARCEL NO. /,]~3&g&O000 " · ~. . :.:.,!~ :".::, ;.,,' -., · : "~) ~.').......: .,~-..;~.:~:....':; SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION ('NOT A SURVEY) ~,:.:'.":'i:;::' .'"? fee simple title ~.:.. -.. { .... ',' "'?.~-' .': '.: :5 ' · :/...." ;,.L'=. ': 'i " .[. ' +: .'~,",, . '..,i · · ' '". .~.' :..:' '.':'."! .. . L.' .......-..- .:. ; .....": . ,":. ' · .':,'.':"~".. ': :... :.... ~.~j.' '; ; TI'rE NORTH THTRTY ETGHTOS')FELrl'OFTRACT?I OFTHE Pf. ATTI, IEREOF, ~ i. · .'"'(:",/'. '.,. · ., ' <" ': ~ RECORDS OF COLLIER L~, FLORrDA. ~ . · ;' ,, ','. '"i .' .-: CONTA~G 12. ~I0 ~.[ARE F~'ET OR 0.2~1! AL"~E~ ~ O~ LE~, :: ""' '" ' .. . ,..:.;5-~C.- · .-::' .:? :.; ...i '' ' .. PARC1-=1. 1(~7 ~ .' :.: ~-'.~...:'. '......:..::.' :., ,. ;,'~ ~ ,- · ',,. . ..~ :. '..:~ - f .......... '-." .... · "..:' .'" '.C"~.: ~ :;.i ~, **.. ,.' : :,~.,', .:..'; o - .., . :'.'; . . '1 : -: ,-.:;i.r ..... :'" :: ' i':: :' · :; .~:~'.'--' , . :.. ·' . ~ , RICHMOND '- _P,ROEE,.SS_'_ON_AL LAND SURV~R 12406 I '"- ~:~::"""?: COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ...... I FE ' uP~'~CL OF CAPITAL PROJECTS I ---- ":':":' 3301 ~ TAMIALll TRAIt~ NAPLES. FLORIDA_34112 I '~' I 'O '1998 · OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 : · / .. : ! PROJECT NO, , ' .~ .- ..... ; PROJECT PARCEL NO. 807 :, :. . : .: TAX PARCEL NO. Alg3A960000 . ..:! SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) ...: sidewalk, drainale, utility & m~intenance easement .t ..<~ ... ' "'" .'..' ' .. 'i 'P.'E $OLr','H TWELVE (I2'} FEET OF THE NORTH FIFTY (fO') ~.~:~ ¥ OF TRACT ?! OF THE PLAT :., ..... ... :.. '} .' : THEREOF, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, U'NIT 9'/, OF THE PLI~LIC RECC~DS OF COU. IER : '.. :' · .. ' *..t CONTAINTNG 3960 SQUARE FEET OR 0.091 ACRES MORE OR LE~$. . ....... ~. ~..,..., ~;' ..' : 6.~E ~f~. RICHMOND ' ...... :..,'. ~ COLLIER COUNI~' GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ':"': · 5501 E TAMI^MI ~RAIL NAPLES~ FLORIDA ~4112 :: . OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJ~'CT$ ' .·. :,':' : i:.' ,3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA ,34112 '::':':' '.' i." :: (941) 774-8192 ~, .:.' ,. ~,'~, ~., .:, Pr~oJ£CT NO 6qlol :"" ' " "3:.X"-' "' :~ .... '':. · ~.'.,?.'. ;.'.' . .' .::;~ ~ .., ... ~ ,..,...: ~, .....,.., . ~ '.'.'.' .g.~' .~ .. · ~'. :.i~. '.': ,'~.:'..':....":'.' "~ '"" ' ;:il ~': :'"' '"'" ;.'t GATE. EgTATE$, LWIT r~7, AS RECORDED iN PLAT BOOK ?, PAGE ~6, O~ TH~ PUBLIC '' PffOF£SSIONAL URVEYOR 112406 ~ · .? OFFICE OF CAPITAL Pr~OJECTS ,-.. : · . :...' · .... ------------'~°~ "?"~"^~" ?""' .~. s ~ ~ 1998 O£1 ICP, Ol CAPITAL PROJIFCT$ · "' .3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 ,;,"' ,, ", (9~1) 774-8192 ": "': '"'" PR~E~ NO. 69101 ~" " ' '" ' '": PR~ p~ NO. 808 - .' SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOT A SUR-- ' : ".:~' atdevalk, drainage ,' ;' ~",:-.: ,,. ,..,. , j '..: "."' .::'~.'~., '~.'.:. i "':" ~<:' '''~: ~ ':' :. 5...,.: ........_..~ ~O~~ $.... "': ~' ~ "?"~ ' ". ~ ~E~, ~ QA~ ~A~, ~ ~, ~ ~C RE~ ~ ~ ~'" ' ,'.~ ~, ~ ...~-,'.. ;.:~ ..... · CO~A~G 3~ S~ARE ~ ~ 0.~1 A~ES M~ ~ ~S. -,. .~ ~ COMPLEX : D~a,~,,~ BT: CII[CKEO BT; SC.~L[: r~l£: tK£ NO.: "' ",, .~.., . i."~ O]~J~IC~, O]~ CAPITAL PROJI?CT$ " .... "~" ':'! 3301 EAST TA~IA~I TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 . ''- ' (941) 774-8192 =..... " ',~ .'t ~ '..,~ ~.;, ,; , ..... . v;):.:.,,' :.. ..... ~ T~ PARC~ NO., ~J935~80009 ~:.' ..:..' .:'-' :;, ;..:--.. ..:..., ~ ~ = ,...-*. F..~;' ."::~' ~ . (':..~ : . : , ' '~' ~:~: ,: '"" '"~ '" '::~" SK~CH OF LECAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SU~ .~.''. ~ ;', ; '.';';~ ~,~ ~:~-...,. ; ', ~,, '4, ,' i, - · y,~;]~.~ . . .... ?. ..... i ~: ~ .~. ' .' ;~ . . . ........~: ~ .,:~ ..... · .: :' · ...... ~'.' ~AR~ ~ · ,: ..; ~.. :.~.~,.~ :¥ ~ .. ~.: ,".:,"~:k~?,...,.~ .' . . .....~ i[ .. : ..... . / '....:,.;; ~; ; -:~' P~OFESSlONAL ~ND SUeR J2408 " ~o, ~ ~.,.~, T.~,~ ..PLUS, ~O.,D~ 3~,,2 FEB I0 1998 I .... i '? 'O ~:~ OFFICE' OIP CAPITAL PROJECTS 1. ' 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES,. FLORIDA 34112 ~ . ,,'. (941) 774-8192 : ' ~ ~,'?...: ..'~- , ~FESSIONAL ~D S~R ~2406 · *'. co~u[, cou~ c~,,,~ cou,~ FEB I 0 1998 5501 ~ TAMIAM~.TRN~ NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 SHE~ ~ ;....,,, :?: ,,.,. 3301 EAST TAblI^MI TR^IL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34.112 · :.,,~, ..... ."'.:,.S,t (941 ) 774-8192 ~.. · ~ · .:,.'.' ;;'. r'l~oa£c'r I~o. ~gzol ';':~!~" -'~i,~ '" TAX PARCEL NO,_&lgJ7960007 · .~'i':~i !.':. ~ . SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION ('NOT A SURVE~ "'i' "' · ,. :;...'.;~,./. '.'' .' ;'~,',':,; ~ ;;i · :...:': ,.. :~..-~: ;:~,*,~ ~;;: LEGAL DESCRIPTION .. -~" ~.... .:'.~,:...:.. , GATE ESTATES, U'NTT 9'/, AS RECORDED I~1 Pt,AT BOO~ 7, PAGE ¢6, OF THE PUBLI'C ' ,*' RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~" .~ ~-"/ L'i :..-. *,i -:.. · **'.'.?'!,'::*'.>,:'; COI'$TArNING I 2, 54n S(~JARE FEET OR 0.21U~ ACRES MORE OR LES$. !,. ;: . . · ;.; .:....,...'./: ,, .~ · .. · ,. -..... '.-.', !: ' ·" PITOF£SS~ONAL LAND SURVEYOR ~2408 I~.,.__ x~ · · . co,ut, cou cou. FEB OPPICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ':i 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 '· (941) 774-8192 ~":';:'""' - :,. · ,..? . ..,,.-. . ·~'. ~' '":;.. '~ . .... '. · , ....t~,;' ~' ,.: .- , ~ · . .. -..:".'."..." L '; :', .- .,... :: ..... , ~.:.;.i.:~ . :" .... ' ............... PROJ£CT NO. 69101 -' · -:'.!,'....';;.'.:.:,.;: ~: -' . .':_. L,..'--' ,.! ~';;~' :'!. :';'. .... ·: :'f.:':::,'..i':;.~ :?'~ ;.. r'noJE¢l' PAr{CEL NO. '/~ n ;'!i';.ii' .'.'" ~.'~""'~-;-" :. :; ~ TAX PARCEL NO.. &I~37960007 -' · · · I'::;'~ .:"-' · ' ~'. ....... '~"" "~: SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE~ ~':"': ': !,' ~.',.'.~ ::W!-'.':..': ~.,.~L:,." ' ': ~'h.,*~,,.,,. '.,~';, tem~o~i~ ¢onlt£~¢t~o~ eaIeIent '- " · {'.'<..~.4' ~;~ .;'.";F'; ~" ': . .". ~,~'./~ >.:'~'- ~. . :. .. -;:':, '. ~.',;,./..:; · .:~..-.:.,,~--;:- ..... · .... ,' · 'G ,' 'i,:',;. ":"-..":" "... · .: .... ,~ - ~'.. ;...: · i' i..i.. .~; .... LEGAL DF.~CRIPTION -' ' · ~.., .. :.~.,. .;:;.:, >'.4'i;::' ." ': ' ",, CONT^rNTNO:~,I]33 SQI./AnE FEETOI13.G~ ACRES MOItBORLF~& ..i', '":' ' / ___ 'SS ON^L LAND S~OR ~2408 OFFICr OF CAPITAL PR~ ~,.o~,.,.~',?;' .~ 3301 ~ST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPL[S, FLORIDA 34112 LEGAL DESCRIPTION :NOT A SU--_ - .' . .." a[devalk drainale, uttlit~ ~ aaintenance eaaeaent :" ,~., . , , ,-(~ , .' .. . ,:,:i~,:.:..::,: (941) ?74-8192 · '$"¥~;!.~:.'.'~';:i .!~'.." ..~,'~..'. ~..i ~'..' ,'.~ '7 ;'? -.': '.."::<~ ~ · ~ . . ~,?~' .. ~,~. ~,~.,~ :.,%. ~K~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIP~ON NOT A SU N:~..';$~.~.p ;~ :. ~:: .. , .... ,. · ,,~,, ~N, i~$~.~,. ~...; ."; . '~;.:~.. ~:.,:..:.:;:.:' ~ .' . ~.... . ....... ~:.~..:.. ~ x . ;'...- .,, ..; . ;;';~'." .... ,. .- CO~A~G ~,~ ~QUA~E ~ ~ ~ ~E ~. ~.'..~'L.,~, ~. . .. ' ~ PAR~ 112 .. /.,:.-'. ~-. ,; - ,;.~ ..... .. 2,..,. ~-,~.,'.~-~, (941) 774-8192 ,. ~,, ~'~;,~ ,.,., ~ ,.',. ,. ~ '~ . ,., ,~,;,., ,, X: 'j ,,,?. ,;, '" "': ...... ' ~:~ P~E~ NO. 69101 ,.. ?,:~:"~::'~ SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRI ~'~'~ .:'::'~ :~:.'.::'~::y ,~/~: ~'~ PTION NOT A SU ..~: :..:..'..;..?. ~:, :,,:::~ ,: . ,. T" .' ".':~,;6.~.; . ~:: '.~..~ .;~/. ;'~.<~.,O . , ' ::.... ~..,' . ...... . ..', ~':A :~ ::'~;'.~ ..,. .; .' "? .. ' :. LEGAL DES~I~ON · '%',: . ?,.-:. < · : .~..,:' SOU~I ~L~ (12') FEET OF ~ NOA~.I ~0 ~ O~ ~ 150 0~ ~ ,. .. PLAT ~ ~EOF, GOLDEN GA~ ESTA~S, ~T 07, AS RECORDED IN PLAT ·., ' ~OR~DA. "'" CO~A~G ~ ' SQUAEE ~ 0~.~ A~ES MOEE OR LESS. ':~:; .. , .. :;.' .': ..... ,..,..... . ':-: ~'.',.. .....: -.': · . '::': :~::":?~' SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SUR~ 'x" ~ BY: DATE' : ........ cr,~ncc ~. mc~uoNo '~ J I .._ _ _ · - ~'orI-;.~SiON^L L~D SUn~O~ 12408 FE 1998 ' ' ' .'.. .. COLMER COU~ C~RN~E~ COMPL~ ...... I ~.J I~/ ' · ~{ . T~ PmC[L ~0. nni~nnooo_ .... j'.. TI ~ SO~H FI~EEN (15') OF ~IE NOE~ l 16S ~ OF ~ EAST ~ RANGEYEET OF26TI ~ ~ST 215. I 5 FE~ OF SE~ION 2~, TO~S1nP 4S SO~l, '. ,'.' COLLIEE O~ ~O~IDA, ~-.~., CO~A~G~ SQUARE FEET ORO.~ACRES MORE OR LESS. i ,: .'. ~. ~ · . :..:. ~',i;'. ' ~FESSIONAL ~ND SU~OR ~2406 ~*~ .- 330~ T~IAMI TRAIl NAPL~S~ ~ORIDA 341 2 . ~".'~:"?, ~".",~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROZECTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SUEVEY~ · .'-i'..,.... :; sidevalk,.drainale, utility & laintenance eastetnt "' LEGAL DE$CR.tPT~OH : 'G[E SOUTH TWELVE. ( ! l') ~ET OF THE NORTH I ~ FEET OF THE WEST HA~, I OF 'THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, OF ~ NORTI't'~,VEST q~IARI'E~ OF THE · QUARTER, OF SECT]ON ~S, TOWNSH'~ 4~ SOUTH, RANGE :26 EAST, ~ '"? :" COL,~CT'Y, FLOR[DA. " · i CON'T*,rhrrNG ]~2 SQUARE FEET OF .0~! ACRES MORE ORLESS. ~ .' · , ~ ~T£. m.. ; G~GE R. RICHMOND ' / ' .",'-: PRO~[SSiO.^L t.~NO SUEVEYC~ I~'0~ IFEB 01998 .- : OFFICE OF ~ ~E~ l ," ' .... .. ~I [ T~ ~ ~. ~1~ 34112a ~"':~' ~ ~ 3301 EAST TA~IA~I TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 , ..... -'..,', .~ ~ (:941) 774-8192 ~ .._t.. .. : .,'.":'.: · ;'; "';; P~E~ NO, 69101 ~' :-'~.~.':.;"':.~ P~ P~c~ NO. 116 ~:' ':'" ..'- . ~:.~.'. -' '::;'~ ':-'~.~ SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SU~ "' ' ;..,':~ ".... ~AR~R ~ SE~ 28, ~S~ 48 ~. ~ 26 EA~, ~ ~. I " : ..'.. . .. ; :.: . .,"}~'; CO~A~NG 12, S4~S~AREf~I~OlRRA~E~. ~ : .': ,.:~ ?; '.: ' ' PAR~ 114 .. .. .. ...' ~.: ~ .' "::" . "" · ~l;;~r~[; II. RIEl IMOND OAT[" ;:'. ..... PROFESSIONAL LAND SURV~OR 1~2406 '" OFFICE: OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ... COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 2,301 F. TAMIAMI TRAIt~ NAPLESI FLORIDA 341 ·" ORAw~ B'r: C,~f.C~EO 0Y: SCM, Z: ~1£: El.£ ~-' -- ;. SHEET ..... ~, .... ~,< 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL '::V:. ~'~';.'.~"~:~ NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 :..;.'.': · (941) 774-8192 .'. ~ ,";~: ..:.... . . ~ .. ~.:.. . ..~ ~'% '., ";~: T~ P~CEL NO. 00'395~4000] ~ .. '.',:'"'~" :": ;; SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOT A SU~ · . , j s~dewaIk, drstnaje, uttiJt~ & maintenance eamement · .. ~0~ ~~ CO~A~O 3~2 ~ARE ~ ~ 0.O91 A~ES M~E ~ ~{. PAR~ Ii4 : i ~ . iiCI IMOND - :.--~ Pr~FESSIONA.[. LAND SURVEYOR j~2406 . OFFICE OF ~,~ PR~E~S COLLIER COU~ C~RNM~ CO,~P~ 'j ~ ~301 TAM,,Mf TRA,~ NAPL~$~ ~ORIDA 34112 , .~'i · ' /.. ~ '¢..~ .. ~' ,. :,~. ~ . .~" ·: ...'..'. · .. '., ..' " '~ ..... t OP£ICE OP CAPITAL PROJ~,CT$ ~ .... :..,..: :. ~'i.'.~; 3301 EAST TAMIAbll TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 · :'~ , ,..~.'~ ,. !....-.,~ .',--.,,,., (941) 774-8192 i..5. · <': " ";'"-.',: .,.' · ' ";" L.,' .... · i' ' .',,': ;'.' ,.' :, · ".,]:.'.,~.'... .. :.' '~;. . ~" :"; i' ' ;. , ..-..~; .. ;'..:..~ · !~"..,.-.:p.".:.. ,.:.;;';.~ PROJECT NO, 69~0! ;-';' s:.:.-' ..: ..,~, : .:.~ , ~.~.:.'~' '.':" ".':~';~.~ .' ;'::'J PROJECT PARCEL NO,- 1.15 ~:.,..'~';';.,:: ' T · .:'. ".': ;:..,: ~ - ,~...~ ~'..~ :"' ;'-'"".=~., TAX PN~CEL NO.;,, 00'19S~8000! .' " " '.'- - ;:.,5;'.'-; '" ' ':' LEOAL DESCRIPTION NOT A SU '-- -_- ..... '! SKETCH OF' ~'. ......... · . . . ,- .' . .,:;;..' ... :. ,,,, ".~'..~ t'ee ,"~.-,p].e t:l.l:Ze ~.,.",,'/ i "~' .... ' " ~' ?''' '" ;'"'$~:~,' .' ' ';4 '"" ""~;"!~ ' '..."i " ' ~'., :; :~ · "' OF TH'E NORTI-tEAST QUARTER OF TI-rE NOt~TRWTr,~ Q~JARTER OF THE NO~ '; :.... ,,,?. ,.. · ~, i' .'. · ' .... QUARTER OF SECTION 2~. TOWNSHTP 4J SOl.,q~ EANGE 26 EAST. ~ ~, ;':;?';'~ ..... ,......~.:~.~;. ~ .,... ,, FLORIDA. .. ~,~.~.: ,j. · ~..;;. ~ -, ,, .~ .~, .':.'i>. ':;.':. ;. ;' CONTA~NTNG 12,54S S(~AI~E FEET OW, 0.3~ ACl~ES MOI~ OR LF,.$S. :' ' ~'" , -..:: .;,; - .~ .. ~C... ;-.,.. ~....... · , ' ' l~AlICl~ I 1~ : .... " ;.. i.;. . : ' ! . . ~.' .. ~1 "'; (.;[z~'zG[; Ii, IIlCHblOND _DATE; ".. COLLIER COU.'n' CO, P FEB ( 1998 .','.. ~. (. ' .,. :',. ~ '*,.. ',..:.:::,'::...':.':~ O?FIC£ OF CAPITAL PROJECTS "' ::; 330~ EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 ' (941) 774-8192 ,., '~,- :.. · . 'r.~ ~RCE1. NO. 00~95t. 80001 :.:!..! ..:. .. SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) : "'"'"' :' aidevalk, drainage, utility, & naintenance elleeent · ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOU'Iq! TWELVE (12') FEET OF TFIE NORTH 150 FEET OF TIIE WEST ONE . HALF, OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER., OF TI-rE NOR~ST QUARTER, OF · :. THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHTP 48 SOUTH, RANGE ":· :' ::. 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA.. ... CONTArNTNG 3962 SQUARE FEET OR. 0.091 ACRES MOPE OR. LESS.. , .::.: .... ' ~ PARCEL 815 orr,cc or p.o Ec'rs FEE I 0 1998 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 3301 F_. TAMIAI,¢I TRAII~ NAPLES. FLORI~)A 34112 _ P~,_ ~.,~t, _ .. .:" SHEEr · .,.,., ::,:,t O?FIC£ 01~ CAPITAL PROJI~CT$ · "..~'';.! 3301 ~ST I'AMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, ~ORIDA 34112 ,., · ~.:~ ,, . · . .<.."~.. '~. .' . :: :. ..... , .~.'..:... '.:~:, · .. , .'~ .-.. PR~ ~O, 60101 ',,, ,:~ '. k:.~ ~.. :.. . ' :' : T~ P~C~ HO,, 00105~60008 :':-.'":' ..... ~ .. ~:.~: .;' . . . :' . '~ SN~CH OF L[GAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SU~ :" ~ ..... . ;~.:~. . .. , :'..~: : fee simple title L"'J'~'"; :..'' : -~.,,.:.._:,.'..:: ., :: ..... ., , · ...~ .~.., ..~. .., · ~ -..- ~ .... .'~x~. · · [-....x.:..., ...:....~'.. · -.', ,. ~'*.'~" ::r ~ ' · ,/:,i'.';"'"' '~.'~ t' ;" ' ' ' ! -'.'~': :~?:.,...i~ ,. ...... n..z '; ....... ~ LEG~ DESk--ON - ',; :,...L~,' ..~;.::~'{ ..:?.'.:'" ~,..x., -.. ..~..~:: . . ' ~ SO~t ~{IRTY EIG~ (~8') ~ET OF ~ NOR~ 1J8.0 ~ET OF ~ -, EAST O~ HALF, OF ~ NOR~AST QUAK~ OF ~ NOR~T .,.6 . .., QUAR~ OF ~ NOR~ST QUAKER OF, SE~ON 28, TO~S~ 48 · : ....: . .:;~ SO~, ~NGE 26 EAST, COLLAR CO~, ·: .... ": PARCEL 116 . , _ COLLIER COUNW O~RNU~t COMPL~ FEB 1 Jlt98 ' ' .. 3301 E TAMIAM[,..TRAIL NA~% ~ORIOA 34~{ .' SHE~ · :";. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 .: ~ .,'... *. PROJECT NO, 69101 :*' "' SKETCH OF LEBAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE~ " · .,::'i ',':,[J mtdewalk, drainase utiltiy & ~&tntenance ealeeeltt '* '*' "...~*.,, :r '....'*'*:. · . · * .... ':' :: LEGAL DESCRI~T1ON ' . ; · , T~rE SOUTH I'WEL~ (! 2') FEET OF THE NORTH ! $0 FEET OF TRE EAST ONE ' ttALF, OF TFIE NORTHEAST QUARTER, OF THE NORTHWEST QUAR .TER OF ~: :..!. ::.. THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHTP 48 SOUTH~ RANGE . ,'. .. .. :... ~:..' 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA..: :' . · ' CONTAINYNG 3962 SQUARE FEET OR 0.091 ACRES MORE OR LESS. · " PARCEL 816 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNUENT COMPLEX .... ~ OFF£C£ OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ~ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 :' (941) 774-8192 ~!.'":." -- "."- i~, '.'"~ . .. ~ .. ':~ :.. ,. .: '. ';~ ~" '. '.'.'. ~[~ P~C~ NO. 1 tt [i~:~ . ,.....~.. .'~:~-~. ' .. ~ ~e~ ~0. 00~0~08000~ . [:i.' .: · .;; ." ' .'.'. ..~:~u~ '.~: ':'. SK~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SU~ ' ~ ....' ~ '.,'; :~,:;. ~?~ ~ ~'" . ;~....< . "'.,';':C?.::.: "~ ~;':' ' :""~ · -: '~(:x'~:,.. ::'J : ,~,".7,'":: ~ ".: '.' ','. '~ '; ~ '..; :;X,';'..'..~ . ::. ';::-..:'.~ ..4-) ~ · .,'..'. ..... ',~ '~., lee J~mpZe ~t~1e ', '... .:: .., ~. :,.{ . ~..'~...... .,.... ;,-:~. ~;,,(/,> ...~.: · ~ · · ~. · . · -';': ", ' %~ST O~ HALF, OF ~ NOR~ST QUAR~ OF ~ NOR~ QUARTE~ OF ~ ~ NOR~ A~ST QUAR~R OF SE~ON 28, TO~S~ 4~ .. :..[ ....~, ;. SO~t, ~GE 26 EAST, COLLAR CO~, ~A. ': .... CO~A~G 12, ~4~ SQUARE ~ OR 0.2~J A~ MOTOR.S. ',. ' :' i PAR~ 11 ~ ~2406 ' OFF,C oF FEB il 1998 COLLIF..R COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 3,301 .,.'. '.' OI FIC£ 02' CAPITAL PROJECTS ~ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA ,34112 , :' (941) 774-8192 "-" "' : PROJECT NO, 69101 , '..' .' .... ~ TAX PARCEL NO, 001~5080003 ";" ". .. SKETCH OF' LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE~ "~ :... : ... ::. .':.... . .:.....:..: . !:: stdevalk, drainage, utilti'! & aainten~nce eaeeaent : '.'. ~..~: .; ;.::: :. : :.. ,,. :.~..: . '" ~! LEGAL DESCRIPTION ',:. :~:'..: ~' · : ..:'-.' '. :~:i THE SOUTH 'rWEL~ 02') FEET OF THE NORTH IS0 FEET OF TRE WEST o~rE i ' ' ": ',. HALF, OF THE NORTI-[WEST QUARTER, OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF T1 [E NORT1TW~ST QUARTER OF SECT/ON 28, TOqRrNS~ 48 SOUTH, R.A.NG'~ 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. .'. CONTAINING 3'962 SQUARE FEET OR 0 091 ACRES MOR, J OR L~ll. · " ' PARCEL 817 Pf~OFESSION^L LAND SUeR ~2406 : : OFFICK OF C~IT~ PR~E~S -. ;'[ ' 5~1 E TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, ~ORIDA ~411 '"' ' 'i ' SHE~ ' GE. t311GE 4~'. RICHMOND -,' Pf~0FESSIONN. LAND SURVEYOR ~2406 .' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJ[Cl~ COLLIER COUNTY GOV[:RNM£NT COMPLEX 3301 F. TAMIAMI T~AI~ NAPt~E;,S, ~rl. ORIDA 3,411: ."" SHEET 0F£I £ O? CAPITAL PROJ , T$ t'- ".;: 3.501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 .... ': PROJ£CT NO, 60101 :.: :..':'.. ;' .....::?~.~ PIIOJ£Cl' PARCEl. NO. 81 8 .'.:....i.,~ ~ :.,.. .:'~i::.."-. ..~ TAX PARCEL NO. O01'g&S&O008 :.'". .' "'' ' ' SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) .....,:<..> ;;'...:.:.. aidevalk, drainale, utilit! & m&tntenlnCl eaSellnt . : · ;t"; .;,.:. -';. ~:, . :. ~.. .~ .' , LEGAL DESCR]3~ON ThE SOCr~ TWELVE (12') r~-~- i OF THE NORTH !~ ~-~:i~? OFTHE F..AS'T ONE HAL~, SFCT1ON 2~. TOWNSHm 4~ SOUTH. I~ANa£ 2~ ~AS't', ~31. ¢(:X/NT~, '" CONTATNTNG 39~2 S(~KJ^RE F~ET OR ~.{~1 ACRES MC~-~ OR LF.~. · . PArC'EL · ~'~,',~.' ~-. ': . ¥: v.~.~,., . 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 '. ~,."':'.'~.. ~ (941) 774-8192 · ~. ,, '~,,?~.~ '.. ,~.~ , , ' . :' .~., ;, ! .".' ":. '~;l.,? .:,',': .... : . ;:.. ' · :,~..'.5.'~ ~, ... .'... ~,.:~,..: ,, ,. PRO~C~ NO- 6~101 , '.. ~:...,' *-'..~ ~',~ ~.~ ~ ;, · .,,',~.,;',: .... PROJECT PARCEL NO. 119 .... '~,,~ ;':-:'5~.- TAX PARCEl. NO ..... 001958&0007 ': ' " · ,: :., .v~ ,.,..:; .; ~.-.'..'~','.' ' SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE'Y') ~, ;.:; ;', . .; LEGAL DF.~~ OF THE NORTHEAST Q~UARTEIt, C~ THE NORTII~.AST (~I~ARTEP~ O~ ~ (~J^RTER OF SECTION ;iS. TOW~IRHTP 4g SOUTH, RANGE 2~ F. AS~o COM.IIER CONTACTING I ~, :~45 SQUAEE FEET OR 0.2~ ACRES MORE O~ L.~. · - PARC~'~ 119 i~".: ~! 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 '~ (941) 774-8192 .... · ... ::: :..-.;. '~)' ..... '; '"" ' ', PRO.CT NO. aq1131 ..' ,'...:,,,:,',;r.::. ' . ':;':'::~;.~"i ' · ':'~: PROJE~'~ PAI~CEL NO. a I a : :-,'. r ~ TAX P,~¢EL NO. 001958~,0007 : .,.~:: ;,;: = ,;,. ,. .. ,., .., ""? SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY~ ' '"' ,'; sidevalk, utility, drainale & maintenance easement ..' LEG,AL DE, SCR~ · NORTH'EAST (::~,.JARTER. OF THE NO.TH'EAST Q~JARTEP.. OF ~ 'NOR~ (210.,~J~"T'E~ SECTION ;211, TOW'NSHrP 411 SO~T'H, R. ANu-'~ ;26 EAST, COI~]'L='R ~, . ",' CONTA]'NTNG 3~2 SQUARE 'FEET OP. 0.091 AC~ES MO~E OR L.E,S~. " · · PARCEt. S19 ¥, .."~.~:;~..~.' . o, -- :':':",-'" 0I;'£1C£ O,P CAPITAL PROd~CT~ · -:.,.,:.];,~,.,', 3301 ~ST TAMIAMI TRNL NAPLES. ~ORIDA ~4112 ~;..,~: '.?:x ,.., (941) 774-8192 . : .... .' '""'~ "'~.~ P~ P~ ~0. 1'~0 .? · . :,~.. . · .~ ~.'. ,.. ,, LEGAL DES~ ~AR~R OF SE~ION =~. TO~S~p 4~ ~. EANOE 2, EA~. ~IDA. CO~G 12, ~ S~ARE ~ ~ 0.2~ A~ ~E ~ !~. P~ ~.'.~ '-i OFFICE OF' CAPITAL PROJECTS ,:'/ ." "'. :.: COLLI£~ COUNTY GOV~:RNM£NT COklPLE'X 1998 ' -' '": "'i Dn,~*~ ~'r: C~I:C~,!~D ~'~':l~.mZ[: " .... · I I IsHg~ ~. - ':':'~'"' OF£ICE 01' CAPITAL PROJECTS i: 3301 EAST TAUlAMI TR~JL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 · ........ (941) 774-8192 '"'::. ',:i'(';:."· :'...,,... PROJECT NO. 6glOl ..'. , .... . ' .:: ." :. ' '.': PR~E~ P~C~ NO. ~n "'- ";"' ".'~ T~ P~C~ NO. 001~5120002 ' ,"...'-;:'::.. SK~CH Of LEGAL DESCRI~ION (NOT A SU~ . .'~ ~ S~ ~ ({2') ~~N~ I~ ~~ E~HA~. ~ SE~ION 28, TO~S~ 48 ~, ~N~ ~ E~, ~~, ' .. PAR~L 820 '~"':?" ; O]~PIC£ O? CAPITAL PROZI~CT$ "~:'.: .i 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 "~ ' · (941) 774-8192 ; .... '-'. PROJECT NO.. · ' '"" PROJECT PARCEL NO. · :t TAX PARCEL NO, ,00]:0/,800006 :. :', SKI~CH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION {NOT A SURVE'Y~ "'"" fee siBple LEG,M. DESC1UPT]O~ P~ · ~:..' '" ". :' ,. :. ,..::'},.:'.;:: ::.-:. [ OFFICE OF ~ffAL PROJE~ .,... :.,.. -.. : COLLIER COU~ G~R~E~ CO~P~ I . .......... ;'.: 3301 ~ TAMIAMI TRAI~ NAPLES, ~ORIDA 34112 *'ie* "' O?FIC~' OP CAPITAL PROJ.~CTS .., 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ':': (941) 774-8192 ~ ' '. ' PROdECT NO- 69101 .:'. *": PROdECT PARCEl. NO._ 722 .. TAX PARCEl, NO,_ 00i9~899006 · ,SKETCH OF' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ('NOT A SURVE"~ ;' temporary co'n.tr~ctton e~ement LEGAL DESCRIPTION TI IE SOUTH TEN (I0') FEET OF TI rE, NORTH 160.0 FEET OF THE WEST 360.0 FEET OF THE EAST 1980.89 FEET OF SECTION 28, AND THE SOUTH FIFTY (SO') FEET OF THE NORTH 200.0 FEET OF T~-IE EAST 180.0 FEET OF TIlE WEST 540.0 FEET OF THE EAST 1980.89 FEET OF SECTION 28, ALL IN TOWNSHTP 48 " SOUTH, KANGE 26 EAST, COLLTER, COUNTY, FLORIDA. 'O Co.%rTATNTNG 12,600 SQUARE FEET OR 0.289 ACRES MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 722 .: '..:.~...f;,.. ;....,; · ~,:.'~. · ' ;i · : ': ' ;. ' . Z ': .:, :':. .i:-.: ... '.';~ ..'-A'. , 'i.': . ~ ;';f..' '; ... ,::.. .... .: ..... ~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ...-:'...,:..~.......! co,,,E, cou~ ~,,,~ co,,m< FEn ~,'~.:;.,.. ,... ... ,IL, ,,4 ~.__ :~/* , . . . . ... SHEET ./~,,F ,, ,' : ~ OPPIC£ 01v CAPITAL PROJECTS " .:..: ~"i 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 "i' ~ (941) 774-8192 "' ': '~' - PROJECT NO 69101 :... PROJECT PARCEL NO. m')') TAX PARCEL NoP019&'800OO6 .... -~ ...: .. SKETCH Of LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE~ eidevalk, dratnase, u I iaintenance ': ~GAL ~~ -' :. ~ ~ ~ (12') ~~ N~ I~0~~EA~ I~.~ ~ . ~ NOR~A~ ~AR~R ~ SE~ON 28, ~SHIP 41 ,. :, ". ~ P~ ~2 ': ":'~ ' "'" "'";' L'".' , · "':' ':.: ""'f :'~:'>" ~C H. ~CIIMOND ' ' ;"~' ". ':" ~OFESS~ON~ ~O SU~R ~2406 I -- /,, :: ...., ~.~.. OFFICE OF C~lT~ PR~E~ ~ ::~: ':" ' COLLIER COU~ G~RNME~ ~OMPL~ I '~ -;- ~> ;:;'- :-' 3301 r TAMIAMI TRA~ NAP~[S~ FLORIDA ~411 "',' '..' ~- .' ' SHE 'l 'O" :.i O?lmlC£ 0£ CAPITAL PROJ~,CT$ ':' · .. 5501 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA .34112 :' (941) 774-8192 · ' : . PROJECT NO, 69101 · :.:: PROJECT PARCEL NO, '1'~,', ; ' TAX PARCEL NO, 001~)3920000 '!' . SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY~ }:'~' ................. ;; fee simple title LEGAL DESCRII:VTION .: TH'E 5oLrr'H TH'rRTY EIGHT O8') FEET OF TRE N(~TH 138.~1 FEET OF TRE EAST ON~ HALF, ' OF Tl-m ~,VF..ST ONE HALF, OF THE NOR~ST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOW'NSHTP 48 SoL.rTH, R~NGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUlqTY, FLORIr}A. CONTAINTNG 2~,0RR S(~JARE FEET OR 0.576 AC~F_.~ MORE OR LF_.SS. %. PARCEL 124 OFFICE 01~ CAPITAL PROJ~,CT$ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJ£CT NO. 69101 ''.- PROJECT PARCEL NO. ?~ PARC[L NO.0010~920000 .. :: r,, SKETCH Of LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVE~ ,.~;...' .. ~..: . ~ ~:~ . ":'.". ' '" ~ OA~:~ G~C ql. RICIIMOND ~ ~' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 vsm£ct NO- ~el~l ..: ,~, LEGAL DFSORIPTION (NOT A .- " fee steple title LEGAL DESCRIPTION ii ' , , : ~E SO.rtl TWENTY FIVE (2~3 FEET OF THE ~ORTH 125.0 FEET OF THE WEST r: ONE H ^LF, OF THE E^ ST ONE HALF, OF THE NORTHV~ST QUA~TE~ OF SECTION '... : *. : 27, TO~SHIP 48 SOUTh, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA* SA~D · *" : '**i DESCKIBED TRACT CO~rTA~NING 0.3?9 ACRE (16~0~ SQUARE FEET), MOPE OR : ~ LESS· P.,,~CEL 125 ,"::..*. ~,!~.' :,~ · ~ .: .' · COLUL~ COUNTY GOVERNU£NT COMPLEX · ' .... 3301 £ TAUIAMI TRAIL NAPt, ES, FLORIDA .34112 ; ." OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS '.' 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ': ':. ' (941) 774-8192 ' ~¢r NO ~910 I U.'.. ;.' ~G~ DESCRIPTION (NOT A SU~ ~,.., ...:. . 'j ~.?.. .. : LEGAl. DES~I~ON · : HALF OF ~ EAST O~ HALF OF ' TO~SHIP 48 ~, ~NGE 26 EA~. C~ffiR C~, ~A; SA~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJE:CT NO, 6glO] TAX PARCEL. NO. 00~g3880001 - ":. '.. SK~CH OF, LEGA~ DESCRIPTION ,(NOT A LEG~ DESCR~ON ..: ] 00.0 FEET OF TI [E ~ST 240.0 FEET OF ~ ~ST O~'HALF, OF ~ ~ ONE HALF, OE ~ NOE~ST QUAE~R OF SE~ON 27, TO~S~ 4S ?'. SOU~, ~GE 26 EAST, COLLIE CO~, ~OE~ · . CO~A~G 5 5~ SQUARE ~ET OR 0.126 ACRES MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 72~ ~ ' :. . .~:.. · p~FESSIONAL ~ND SO~O. ~240S .. , ...:: :' COLLIER COU~ G~RNME~ COMPL~ · .- 3301 E TAMIAMI TRAI~ NAplEsm ~ORIDA 3411; OFFICE OF C~ r~!TAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ~. (:941) 774-8192 ;',; ":.:':" t PROJECT NO, 69101 .-..:' ;," ..'. '..' : PROJECT PARCEL NO. 'S25 .... ':.'; .. TAX PARCEL NO, 06193880001 ~" :.:..:,:j..'.. SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SU~ ; :..:'- ! .' · ,'. '~.. '." .'.. sidewalk, drainase, utility I matntenanca easement :'... :.:..:. · 'i "' ::;.~. -~: .. , .-' :: '. . .. LEGAL DE~"RIPTION .:.;..; , ',. :.. !i.:,"~' ' ' ": .... .. ' ": ';' :.' ':i TH~ SOUTH 'r~VELVE (12') FEET OF THE NORTH I.,~o,n ~ oF wEST ONE HALF, OFTHE ' . · · EAST ONE HALF. OF TIlE NORTHWEST (~KIARTI~.9 OF $1~C~ON :27. TOW'N~-EP 41 ,~)~rH, ' ' RANG. E 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR/DA. ,. COI'~ATNI~G 7926 SQUARE FEET C~ O. I1:2 ACRF.~ MOI~ OR ~ ..... .. , . ... , . . . , PARCEI. · : o nc[ or C,v,rrxL P.O:[CTS I F ', ' . 3? 0. E,,TAMIAMI TRAI¢ NAPLES* .FLORIDA 34112 I IsHE:ET ., !~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS "~ ............. ;.; 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 54112 , ~ (941) 774-8192 ?:.' ... PROJECT NO 69101 :" ' *' PROJECT PARCEL NO. 1 ~ "~.' .. TAX PARCE/. NO. 9019/.320007 " "'" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY1 LEGAL DESCRIFTION -:. ",: , ..: TH'~SOU'TH'T~R~OS~,FEETOFTH'ENORTHllSI'e.r.'I"OFTRE£AST ,:. · ,. ;.. ,,.. ~.; OI~E HALF OF THT. EAST OWE HALF OFTRE NORT'rlW-r, ST QUARI i:K OF SECTION :/1. :.:; · ·....,,., ,. ; .: i,i TOWNSHIP 48 SOLFTI-I. R~NOG 26 EAST, COLLIER COUN'TY. F'LORTDA; SA10 . "'*" DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAI'NTNO 0J'79 ACRE (16~05 SQUAR,E FE'E'T~. NIOR, F.. ~ i':',.' ," :~..:: ..?~ ~.-...?,.L? · . ? :.' ',° !: ~.': : .' ~ ~.,..,. :.... . .. ,, i:.-.'i ':~,;' ,. .' .. . ~.,:,.'-'~'. · ..~ · . · ! .. ~..~,: ,; ,: ,~'~'~:.,~ ,'?.?L-' i;.'., ;"~, , .~'- :;' .. ?,:.,.,' *:.. .,.. omcc or C~T~ PRinCes K.~ ~-7" C, Op ! ~rr~ t~r~t lkr1~' COV[RNUI~NT COIdPL['X -- · ': OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .-,..'~ .. 3501 EAST TAUlAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34.112 · : ". .... (g41) 774-8192 . -%1." ! PROJ£CT PARCEL NO. 1 '~,i -- ,~,,; · · TAX PARCEL. HO, 0019&~,20007 :,..,.~4.',., ,...: LEGAL DESCRIPTION {'NOT A SURVEYS' ,. · fee sieple title LEGAL DESCRIPTION .-.- TH'E SOLFFH TH'[RTE'EN (1].~ 1:E:ET OF TH1~ NORTH ! ; HALF OF THE EAST ON'E HALF Oi: TH~ NORTMWI~ST QUARTER OF S£CTION 29, i · : .. .'.' TOWNSH'1P 4 $ SOUTH. RANGE. 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNT~, ]:'uOR]DA; SA~D .. · DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAIN'lNG 0.19'7 ACR~ (SSI] SOUAR~ FI~'"T), NIOR~ O~ " PARCEL 126A , .. i ':'. :. ': p~'I~ESSl6'NAL LAND SURVEYOR 12406 ' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ' r ~ COLUER COUI~T'f GOVERNMENT COUPLEX · ' ~,.,%01 E TAUIAUl TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ,.,, OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS e · ¢ 3,.%01 EAST TAUlAUl TRAIL NAmLES, FLORIDA ,.%4112 :,: . ? (941) 774-8192 ~':.": ' PROJECT NO.~ 691.0~ · PRoj£c'r P~CEL NO. .... i TAX PARCEl. NO. 0019&320007 .... ::'" SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SUR%~'Y~ · ~ :~: r~:.. ~. Ti. CE SOU.1-H ~LVE (12.) FliRT OF TI.i~ NOR-i-H 1 .,4).0 f ,, ;, OF 1-HE EAST ONCE HALF, OF '1~ · · :if.../ ~.... ,~ EAST ONE HALF. OF THE NOP, TI.I%VE~T QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TO~'NSHTP 4! ., , ....:.,,,...'~ CON'TATNTNG?926S(~AREFEETOR0.1S2ACRESMOREORLES~. : -.; .. .... ~ : ... "..: .," .~..'.. ; '~' 'W PROFESSIONAL LAND 1~2406 OFTIC£ OF CAPITAL PROJECTS FEE ~ 0 1998 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ,--.O 3301 F~ TAMIAM~_TRAII, NAPI,[S, FLORIDA 54112 P~* , Pi OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAJL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PRO'CT HO .... 69101 PRO'CT PARC['L NO.--, "'~, TAX P./4~ NO .... ,: . 0019&121208 LECAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY~ : ?. TOWWSNm 41 $(XITH. KANGE 2~ EAST. ~ CO[~rry. FM)PJDA; TH~NC~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ri~ WAY ~ ~ ~ ~ 9il; ~ ~ ] D~G~ 21 ~S 41 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WAY ~ A ~O~E RO~ (C~ ~, ~ ~ ~ DE~ !0 ~ ~ SE~S ~ ~O ~ ~ ~ ~ WAY ~ A O~ ~ 13~.~ L~ X Dl~ ~ t 162.~ ~; ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 41 BASIS ~ ~E~GS IS ~ ~ M~ ~ WAY ~ ~ ~ RO~ 0SI BE~ ~ 01 DEG~ES 21 ~ 41 SE~S ~. P~ 127A OFrtCE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS COLLAR COUHTY ¢OV~RHUEHT COUPt, EX 3501 £ TAMIAMI TRNL NAPLES. FLOR~)A 34112 FEB I O - &o OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ..9301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLI:'S, FLOEIDA 54112 (941) 774-8192 J27A SKETCH OF D£$CRIPTION P,~J~. 127A ..m~'3m, 'P.O.C. N.~ I/4 M Sec. 27. Tiip. 44 S,. GENERAL NOTES 2) P.D.B. Indicates Palm* oF ~eglnmlng 3) Sec. Indict*es Section 4) Twp lmdlco*es Township 5) Rge. Indico~es G) ~/W Indicates 7) All dls~ances o?e ~ ~ee* and dec~ols *he?eoF 8) Dosls oF ~eorlngs Is ~he lmmo~olee Road berg N.01'2B'41'~. g) No~ volld unless sl~ed ~nd seGled el~h ~ e~ossed stol O? ~he PrO?fSSIonGI ~IS IS ONLY A SK~CH LH.R. NOT TO OFFICE Of' CAPI?AL PRO,/ECT$ ~ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA ,.94112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. 69101 PROJECT PARCEL NO. ] 2 7 B TAX PARCEL NO. 00193~0009 D[$¢~IP~ON (NOT A SUEVEY) fee staple ti~ls COLOrfLeCt'NO AT '13.{E SO~'{'I,I~AST CORNER l~ ~~ ~ ~ WAY~ ~ ~RO~ ~l; ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ WAY ~ ~ WAY ~ A DI~ ~ BASIS ~ BE~OS IS ~ ~ ~ BErG ~R~ OI DEGAS 21 ~ 41 P~ 12~ OFFIC OF CAPITAL PROJ ,C $ 3301 EAST TAMIAIdl TRAJL N~LES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 7~74-8192 t27B SK~CH OF DESCRI~ION GENERAL NOTES P~ ]) P.0.~. In.cotes Point o? 2) P,O.B. In.cotes Point o? 3) Sec. IndlcG~eS 4) Tep, ~lcotes Toenshlp 5) Rge, ~cG~es R~nge G) R/~ ~d;cotes 7) AIl dis~o~es ~?e ~ ?eet o~ decibels the?co? 8) Basis o? BfGrlngs tS t~ Vest R/V I~ o? im~okotee RoGd be~ N.0~'28'4['V. g) No~ volld ~(ess signed o~ Seeled wl~h ~he e~ossed seol o? ~ p?o?fsslo~l [a~ survfy~ ~IS IS ONLY A SK~CH z ~O . SHE~ 2 OF 2 'L.~.R. ~ SCALE R-05-97 PR-]27B N ~ FEB OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 ,,, ]27C SKETCH O~ DESCRIPTION 3) Sec. ~dic~e~ Section 4) Twp. ]ndlcotes Towns~p 5) Roe, ~d;c~tes 6) R/W ~dic~tes Right-of-way 7) Ali distonce$ orff ~ ;eel and declflal$ thereo; 8) ~asls o¢ ~eGrlngs Is the VeSt R/V I~ oF ]mflok~lee ~oad being N.01'~8'41'~. D) Not valid unless signed Grid SeGled with tN eflbossed seal oF the p~oFessloflol I THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH L.M.R. ]~-04-97 PR-]E7C SHE~ 2 FEB 1 0 1998 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAM[AMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJ£CT NO, 6 9 1 0 1 PROJ~CT PARCI~ NO. 1 ??C TAX PAR(:~rl- NO. LEGAL DESCRII:~rlON (NOT A SURVEY) S[C'I3ON27. TOV,9~i'{T'P 41 ~ ILA, NGE 2& ~o ~ COUNTY. THENC~ NORTH 19 D£~ 09 MINt,'T~ 31 $F:(:(g4~ rr.~. A DISTANC~ OF 100 01, FELr. T TO Th.Z W.r.~ iUGMT ~ WAy ~ OF ~ RO~ tS !; ~ ', NORTH I D£GR~ 21, M3NI.ZT~ 4! CONTTN1J'~G ,WORTH AJ,.ONG SA3D ~ A DISTA,H(~ OF 711.&2 ~; ~ NORTH $9 D£GR~ 10 lvfl?,/t.r{"E~ ~ $~_CON1:~3 WEs'r ~ A L, TN~ LYI3',K3 FEET SOUTH. AS le~.A~ PLqU'L~,'DICULAR TO, ~ SOUTH ~Gl. rr of' WAY OF ~H'MOKA,L£E ROAD (CR.. 146), A DISTA, NC~ OF l~0,0~ IrEET'~ ~ 4 ~ D£GR~ES ! 9 ~rNtlT?~ 49 SECONDS EAST. A DIS'TAN(~ OF 93. I ! rr.,~ ~ ~ T'H:ENC'E ~ { DEGI~='E 21 Iv[INt.q"F.~ 4! SECONO$ ~ A,LONG A L{3q~ ],.Y~ 60 LINE OF COUNTY ROAD ~JI, A DI~'rAN(~ OF 931.$1 F'E~'r; ~ ~ IK)D,,rT OF BEGINN3]',~]r, ~AID ~ TRACT CON'T~ 1.10~ (41,~43 S4~J/JU~ F'E~T), IvlOt~ OIt I,.,ESS. BASIS OF BEAX./NGS {S ~ WqE. ST IUGHT OF WAY ].ZHE OF COUNTY ROAD BE/I'K3 NORTH 01 DEGP.~'~ 2l Mi'N1JTES 41 SECONDS W-r. ST. PARC:~ 12'7¢ D SURVEYOR 1240S OFIrK;[ Of' ¢AP1TAL PRO~CTS ¢OLLKR ¢OUN1~ G0V~RN~DiT COgPLEX 3,301 £ TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPI.[S, I~ORIC)A 34112 FEB U 19 d OFFICE OF CAPI~'AL PROJECTS 5301 EAST TAJVlIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 54112 (941) 774-8192 PROJ£cr No 69101 PROJECT PA,qC~ hO.. 1~7~ TAX PN:~CEL NO. 0019~,72130~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A .¢;URVEY'I SECTION 2'/. TOWNSRI'P 4l SC)U'T~ ~ 2~ EAST, ~ ~ ~ DE~ ~ ~ 31 ~ I~,~ ~~ ~~ WAY~ ~ RO~ flJ;~ way ~. A DI~ ~ I~.~ ~ ~ M~ ~ os F~z; ~N~ ~ I DE~ ~ ~ 41 ~S ~ ~ A L~ L~O ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~1~ ~G~ ~ WAY L~ ~ ~ ~ ~1, A DI~ 09~ A~(41~ ~ ~,~~. BASIS ~ B~S IS ~ ~ ~ WAY ~ COLLAR COUNTY GOVER~,~£1~t ~n~ r~ / FEB ~ 0 1998 - /~-: ~ O OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJ£CT$ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA $4112 127D SK~OH OF DESORIPTION I GENERAL NOTES P~ 12~ l) P.D,C. Indicates Polm~ or Commencement 2) P,O.B, Indicates POln~ 3) Sec. Indicates Section 4) Twp. ]ndico~es Township 5) Rge. Imdicotes Ronge B) B~sls o? Beepings Is the Vest R/V Ibc o? Jmmokolee Rood berg ~) Not va[id unleSS signed ~nd sealed wl~h ~he embossed se~L o? the P?O?eSSlO~{ I~  THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH L,H.R. T TO - ~ I SCALE IE-05-97 PR-3ETD ".i OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ... " 3301 EAST TAUlAlvU TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 :-: (941) '774-8192 ... PROJECT PARCEL NO. 1 ? 7 I= , : TAX PARC[I. NO, O019&?2100& ,... .:....~,~:...:.;.~ . LEGAL DESCRIPTIOH (NOT A SURVE'~ ,.":'~"... '" ''.'J':' · .3 ',"' ~'. ' ': CO.~ENCTNG AT ~ SOg'Tt~AST CORN~ll OF THE NORTHEAST (~JARTER OF :,:. ~ · :' .:' J SEC'T1ON 27, TOWNSHI'P 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAS'r, COI.,LrER CO1,J1'4'1~, FI..OR'rDA~ . :. ",.:..C~', ; .'.. ' ~ THIENCE NORTH iq") DEGREES (19 MINu'r~s :31 SECONDS W'E. ST, A DISTANC'~ OF · :' ' ' ',.,-:,:- ..'i ·: lOnOR FEETTOTHE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LTN'E OF COUI'ITY ROAD 951 AND ~-~""" '; ..... · r 'THE. POrNT OF BEGrN'NING; THENC~ NORTH I DEGREE 25 MINt,rTF~ 4l S'ECONOS ;! t . '~..... i ,- ": THENCE SOLTTH 88 DEGREES 3 ! MTN~J'r~s 19 SECOI~I:)S %V~ST, A DISTANCE OF : ,,,,,~ .&,- ........ .; 6n.~'~ F~b-T; THENCE SOLrTH I DEGREE 2R teffN~"I'ES 41 SECOI~DS EA~'r ALONO A i... ,:.~'i'~-:' :'. i: '::i?: L~E LYING 60 W~ST, AS N~ASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, $A10 WEST RIGHT OF WAY LIN~ OF COUNTY ROAD 95 I, A DISTANCE OF 10~qJ.4 ! Fb"L:T; ~C1~ SOUTH F.', ;. '. :. -,' kc: i ' [ R9 DEGREES 09 MIN'LrIT. S 31 SECONDS EAST ALONG TH~ soLrrH LINI~ OF "- .: . '... ~.... :.. { AFORESAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 60.05 P~-~t TO i' · ':.' ". · .' ' .: TH~ POI~rT O1~ BEGTN~r1NG; SAID DESCRI13ED TRACT CONTATNTNG !.4S5 ACRES . ,. i (63,397 SQUARE F~ET), MORE OR LESS. " i'i":." ";"':. '~ i BASIS OF BEARINGS IS TH,'E WEST RIG'HT OF WAY LI'N'E OF COUNTY ROAD g51 i "... : BEING ,I'JOP, T'H 0i DEGREES 2iq M1NI..rT'ES 41 SECONI~S WEST. : ..,. ' 1 0 1998 ~,~E R. RICHMOND ' ..... : pArOF£SSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR jl2405 OFfiCE Of' CAPITAL PROJECTS : couu[. COUNTY OVERNU[NT c PU:X '.=':' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ...:~. i' 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLE,~, FLORIDA 34112 .. · ." (9 ) ..,..., . .;.., 41 774-8192 327£ Jr": : >,~,:,"..'' '4 ; · :":' '.:'" :' ?':~:' ::;~-i;':"::' ~ ...... SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~""/': .. ". · :;.:.,:;...,. ,:. ;... ~ , · ;.:....? . ..z;" ~, '.. '.:. ~i. :.~, .'. :'.;.',.: ~ . . ',' . '.],:,~ : . ~: :". · i: t :," -. ' . :'. '~ ~ '.' ~. ~,t' '~ .. :'"'...:~ ,~O~A~ ~0. (C~-a4~) (Ioo' ~:~:':.': ; ' I i. : · .. . . ~...;~ ' ~ .". ~: .. -,.~". ,~ :.'..... .. '.:.:.. :.'.;,. ~ . :-. I~N~, ;;...,~,.. - .,'... -. "' "'"" " PARCel. 12~: "- " i*':. ~'[':-: ? " · .. .: :;.'~ ~'::'.~ ~ ' ... i:.': ~ :':" '"' ~ ~' ' : :'. :':.'4:"':i , PA.Ca. s2~'~ I ~.~ . .' . .'- '.' ,~:' .,: . .'.. ' '.'.. . -::r:; .~ ~ ' . . '.'! s.m'2a'41-£./[] ~ ~-,' .. - .' : 1055.41' .~ , ' ,.. · ' ' ' . ' , N.~gl:~'31'W. - 'ii::. ' "' :': ...... ~' ' ... ' ~:i'~:.,.:.~..,.,., -- ,:;.;.. H.wo~'3~'W. .D,C. i ?:."' · :, ,..:. <., . ', , 100'0~° S.F.. Corner of , "i::':~-::::.',': .-'.: ' N.F- ~/4 of ~ 27. i . ' :.' · Twp. 48 ~., Reg. 2~ £. ?,-':..' ':"' -'"': Ce~ler Cosmty, f'lorl~a . :")i.: '. ':.'?"-~ PA~C~ ~2~: :"':":" '"' "..i OENEEAL N[:]TES ?' : 1) P.r].c. indicates Poln~ o¢ '."'"":'i :.. ...... .1 ~) P.D.B. Indlcote$ Point o~ Beginning .: · ; " ..... f 3) Sec. Indl¢otes Section .... "'-' :. i.'..'i 4) Twp. Indicates Town~hlp · :-i .-.; 5) Rge. Ir, dicotes R~lnge "' :' ' 'i 6) R/~' indlcotes Rlght-o~'-~oy -. . 7) Alt dlstonces Gr'e In +'eet -,nd declmots 'l:hereoF : -~ 19) BosIs oF Be(~r'lngs Is the Wes't R/W line o~' · c)) Not vatid untess signed omd scored wl~ch 't;he embossed '. i seat oF the pcoFessIonot IGnd SU~'veyo~ , - · .. ,'~ : ~ THIS ONLY A SKETCH FEB ! O 1998 . , NOT TE} SHEET 2 L.H.~. SCALE t~-05-97 PR-I~TE -' - ,, OFFICE O? CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 : (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. 69101 : i::'.i.'~' '-- PROJ£CT PARCEL NO. ~28 , .' · i TAX PARCEL NO. o~1q292000] !....,- :...' ',. SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) ,~'. .. ,..'.+.. , f~ee eiIple t:l. tle .,~. ', ." ;:'::f!";' ';'!/:: ,i' ' "": · ;.~. :..,,....,, :', .~ .. : ':' .:,,:.~,:'. ~: , . . . ... , : 1 "'" ..... ;' '; . ' ' ~CTNG AT l"l.r~ NORTIfV~..ST CO~I',~"P. OF' ~l~'Tl'(~'~ 26 ~ 41 :'"." '" / ; R.ANGE 26 EAST. CO~LTERCOU'NTY. Fl..ORH:)AALSOLYINGONT1.fENORT~RJGl,{T · ,; ,; ,~. .: ~'..:, .f ., .., -;.. ,~, .~ O1:' WAY Lr'N'E OF fM'~OKALEE ROAD (C.P,.1146); TH'ENC~ ~ 19 D~,.~ I6 : , .. ,.. · ;~-,~ MtN'UTES I1~ SECONDS EASTALONGSAf~NORTHRIGI4TO~'WAYt,fNEADISTANCE . · -..~..."6 . ....-, OF I~OO~ REET; ~CE ScR.rrI4 I DEGREE 33 MTNt~'ES 36 ~E~ EAST, A '. :" .- : DIS'TANCEOFIOOOI~FEETTOTN'ESOUTFIRIGH"TOFWAYLfN~OF ";;; "' ~ ~i; DX'MOKALEE ROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNTNG; THENCE SOUTH 19 DEGREE~ lit .; ,..,,.;. , .... MTNq. rT'ES 1 ~ SECON, DS EAST ALONG SAfD SOU.T.H Ri~4T OF WAY t.rNE A DISTANCE .. ~ · .... --.,.. ..... OF 122O 60 FEET; TI-fENCE SOUTH ~tS DEGREES 32 M'INtFrES I I ~ECON13S WE~I', A ..... , DISTANCE OF 276.23 FEET; THENCE NORT14 R9 DEGREES 16 M1NUTE~ il S~COND~ '-.' ...... WEST, A DISTANCE OF 733.6a3 FEET; ~CE so~r~ I? DEG'REE.q ;3? ~ l0 '" .,~ ,. : ' S ECON'DS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 22f).73 FEET TO TTI~ EAST RIGI-IT OF WAY LiN'E O? A IOO FOOT CANAL EASEMENT; THENCE NoR'rH I DEGREE 33 MTNUTES 41 · SECONDS WEST ALONG SAfD EAST LIN~ Of T'ITE I00 FOOT CANAl.. EASEMENT A DrSTANCE OF 37.0o FEET TO 33rE POINT OF flEGrN'NTNO; $A11:) DESCRrBED TRACT CON=rAINTNG 0 65~ ACRE (2A,31~4 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR t. ESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LThtE OF ROAD BErNG SOUTH R9 DEGREES 16 MIN3..rI'ES IR SECONDS WI~ST, PARCEL 121~ i pRor£$SiONAL LAND SURVEYOR 12406 i , 330,]_£ TAMIAIdI_TRAItr NAPL, I~S~ FLORIDA 34112 ,, .... ..: ..,,: ,,,-.,J' SHEET .,' ' OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ~.,.~ ,..~.-:....T, 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ~...:- ...;c.;'.:'.- . . (941) 774-8192 128 :":..' '~.. .',.:; ,, ~ , ~?.'- '" SKETCH OF DESCRIPtiON ~:.:i:'::' . .,i ! t '? '" ;..' ~... ~,, ~',~., ,.' %4' , ,,;',.,' , :. . '-...~.~ :.~,",';'/." ,: .'". .. '. ::. T.:'~';;r';~' ~" ~., .,.. ;, ,.~.,' , , ;"....,., · . ,;..,..': ,.. :, !.'-;. ~'. i i'" ':~'"' "¢'"""""""~" · ...., ..... ~; i;~. ': .' /.-N. Ll~e N.[. 1/4, .. ..~ ,; ',: :....; /.~- 2~ .. ii?:;..;.,."i<,,,?,~ t': ':" . ', ;,,~..,~.. ,,. ,-s. eg~',e'T- / . ''. ' ;".{~. ".': ?i ~ ~ .~, s.-~,6 ~='.,M) ' '1,,,'-~°°'°e' -:: i. :! PDB~ ' ' ' / ~,.S.87'37'10'w. , , ~ ee.~e'~e'w..-~ \ ~ :"' .,, 723.6o' , ~ ' ::" "' ' , .'.: i :~ · .... '":..'.i.: '~ , ~ ~ ~ ' · '; ';'. ' i :X ~"' -.'..:' ' ' '"'~ CANAL :' : · ;" ' "~ N. Li~a N.W. 1/4 · ' 5cc. ~6 i $.~g~?'12'~. ' .' i ~}×' ': ' "' .':! .? ! .... · '., :-. ;;.., · ::'.~' ?..' PA~C[L 128 · """ ..'.i.. .. .:'~:.:::.:i:..'.:.:,,.' : :::::,?::.:".. ... ,..-- ;.,..~. ..... GENERAL N~TES 'i ~) P.D,~. Indl¢otes Point o¢ " 3) Sec. indIc~te~ Section " .: 4) Twp. ]~d~co~e~ Township · 5) Rge. indic~te~ 6) R/~ I~di¢~tes ~ight-oF-w~Y 7> A~t distonces ore In Feet ond decimals thereof . 8> ~osls oF Beorlngs Is the North  )mmoMotee Rood being S,Bg'~q~'E. ' 9) Not votid untess signed ond semled with the embossed ' FEB 1 THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH ~ ~/ _ ,T~ I 06-0a-97 PR-128 SHE~ 2 OF 2 ,,i OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS :' - 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 .' ..... ," , PROJECT NO " · : "-'. '~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~NOT A SU~ ' .... .,. ..-, . ,.:.~ temporary conltructton el~emenC - ~NGE 26 EAST, COLL~R CO~, ~OR~A, SAID ~ OF CO~~ ' ~' .' ::.:. ':"': ;. ,'~" .: ~SO L~G ON ~ NOR~ ~G~ OF WAY L~ OF ~O~EE RO~ (C.K ~6) .... : ~OR~ ~G~ OF WAY L~ A DiST~CE OF 246.~ ~; ~ ~ 0 ,. . · % · '. ' .' . ' DEG~ES 43 ~S 42 SECO~S ~, A DISTANCE OF 129.34 ~ '... ' ' ' ~IN~ OF BEGI~G; ~NCE NOR~ I~ DEGAS 37 ~S 10 SE~S . ' : EAST, A DISTANCE OF ~.OB ~; ~ ~ ~9 DEG~ES 16 ~ ' : SECO~S EAST, ~ONG ~ L~G 125 ~ ~. AS ~ ':' PERPE~IC~ TO. SA~ NOR~ ~O~ OF WAY L~ A DI~ OF 723.~ ~ET; ~NCE NOR~ SS DEGREES 32 ~S I I SECO~S EAST, A DI~AN~ ' OF 276 25 ~ET; ~NCE SO~ ] DEGREE 34 M~S 27 SECO~S EA~, A . DISTANCE OF 3g O3 ~ET; ~N~ NOR~ ~9 DEGR~S 16 MI~ I[ SE~S %~ST ALONG A LI~ LYING 138 ~ET SO~, AS ~AS~ED ~R~I~ . · SAID NOR~ RIG~ OF WAY L~ A DISTAN~ OF 426 02 ~; ~ gfl DEGREES 21 M1N~S 31 SECO~S ~ST, A DI~AN~ OF ~.~ ~; ~NCE NOR~ 89 DEG~ES 16 ~S I[ SECO~S ~, ~NG A L~ L~G · 147 ~ET SO~, AS ~AS~D ~I~AR TO SA~ ~R~ ~ OF WAY ~ LI~ A DISTANCE OF ~5 ~ ~; ~NCE NOR~ 0 DEGAS 43 ~S SECO~S EAST, A DISTANCE OF IT~ ~ TO ~ ~ OF BEG~G; DESC~ED ~ CO~A~G 0~2[ A~ (22,~ SQU~ ~, MO~ OR LESS. BASIS OF BEAR~GS IS ~ NOR~ RIG~ · WAY L~ OF ~O~ RO~ (C R ~46) BEING ~ ~9 DEGREES 16 MITRES I~ SECO~S EAST. TRA~ ,..,:.._ ""' :)1998 ~£ClJI,c,£ R. RICH~IOND '. ,. · ..... .-.. PR6F£SSIONAL LAND SURVKYOR.'~'240~:.~ ... orrK:£ o+' c.~u~f~ P~'O~CTS I~. COLUC. COU.~ GOV[n.U£~. ~OU.~'X ;' 5501 E TAMIAMI T~IL N~LES, FLORIDA 5~,112 · :il OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS · TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 ' .' .'~ ..... .... ~-... ! "' ROe. 26 [. ~0.~' 276.25' P~Ct'L 6EN£E Al.- NDTE$, '.' D P.D,C. Indl¢o'tes Poln't o+' Comv~encef'~en'l; ' E~ P,D.B. Indtco"ces Poln't o~c Beginning · 3) Sec, Indicates Sec'l:lon ' : 4) Twp. Indico'tes Township i 5:) Rge, ~ndIccx~:es Eonge 7) At~ 61sl:onces or'e In Cee~c grid declw(~t= lmmokolee Rood being S,Bg'16'IB'E, 9> No'c valid unless slgmed ond seoled wl~h 'che seat o? ~he proCesslonoi tnmd ~u~'veyO? THiS IS ONLY A SKETCH F EXECUTIVE S. I,JMMARY SELECTION OF THE NEWSPAPER FOR THE ADVERTISING OF DELINQUENT REAL ES'I~TE AND PERSONAL PROPER'I~ TAXES. QB,,IECT!VE: To obtain advertising services pertaining to the referenced properties pursuant to state law and the County's purchasing policy. CONSIDERATI~)N,~: Pursuant to Chapter 197, F.S., counties are required each year to advertise the list of real estate and tangible personal properties for which annual tax payments have not been collected prior to final resolution of the unpaid debt. The list of delinquent real estate properties is to be advertised at least three times prior to the sale of tax certificates. The list of delinquent tangible personal properties must be advertised at least once prior to the issuance of warrants. Section 197, F.S. calls for the Board of County Commissioners to select the newspaper for advertising the referenced lists of delinquent properties. In the ever,t that the Board does not select the newspaper, the Tax Collector makes the selection. Section 50 F.S. requires that such advertising be placed in a newspaper of general circulation. In formulating this recommendation, staff has reviewed several options that produce varying levels of circulation and cost and also collected comparable data from other counties. The data indicate that use of the Naples Daily News has generally yielded considerably higher circulation and corresponding higher costs. As a result of these findings, Staff met with representatives from the Daily News seeking to reduce the cost of publicizing this information and in response received an offer that includes both substantial general and specific rate reductions from prior years. Staff concurrently considered seeking bids for this expenditure, but after discussing the matter with the County Attorney's Office and the Tax Collector's Office, it is staff's opinion that advertising in the Naples Daily News remains the most cost-effective and legally compliant means of distributing this information to the public at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost of the advertising (a total of four insertions) under the proposed bid offer would be approximately $135,400, which represents an estimated reduction of $58,200 or 30.1% from last year's cost. This figure is subject to variation depending on the number of properties actually listed. Upon selection of the newspaper, the Tax Collector's office is respon.~,ible for placing and paying for the advertising. The cost of the advertising is ultimately recovered from the buyers of tax certificates or the original property owner. FE IO 998 II "o. " GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners waive the formal competitive bid process and select the Naples Daily News as the newspaper for the advertising of delinquent real estate and personal property taxes for 1998. Steve ~amelf;', Purchasing/General Services Director Leo Ochs, Jr. //~ Support Service~/Administrator APPO F lVEEMBE TO ~V~ORY TASK FOR~' ' ' ~: To appoint 2 mem~ to se~e 2 ye~ te~, e~g on December 31, 1999, on · e Cifizem Adviso~ Trak Force. CONSIDE~TIONS: ~s 5 mem~r co~ee ob~ co~W ~put ~d digcdon on pro~sed ~get ~e~ (the geo~pMc ~ea desisted for re~bilim~on ~ou~ ~d~g ~m ~e Small Ci6es Co~W Development Block G~t Pm~ ~m ~e State of FloH~ Dep~ent of Con~W ~.) ~ey ~ ove~ee ~d approve ~t applicado~; mo~tor ~e pro~ess of ~e ~t a~~tion ~d ev~te ~e ~ completion of~e ~t pro~. Te~s ~e 2 ye~. A list of~e c~ent mem~Mp is ~cluded ~ ~e bac~p. ~e Citizem Adviso~ T~k Force had 3 te~s exp~e on Decemb~ 31, 1997. A pgss ml~e w~ issued ~d res~es were received ~om ~e follo~g 3 ~tere~ed ci~: ~P~IC~NT ~ ~ David Co.ca 5 yes Vanessa Fitz (re-appt.) 4 yes Darlene Koontz 1 yes NOTE: David Correa currently serves on the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board and the Development Services Advisor3' Committee. Ordinance 8641, as amended, states "No person shall serve on more than two County Boards simultaneously. If application is made for service on a third Board, the applicant must resign simultaneously bom one of his or her current Board positions, or the application for the third Board shall be disqualified." COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATI. ON: Due to the fact that 3 terms expired on December 31, 1997, leaving only 2 members, a meeting has not been held and it is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners make the appointments. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH ~ .,.MANAGEM'ENT IMpACT: NONE RECONIM_ENDATIQN: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the applicants and appoint members to serve on the Citizens Advisory Task Force and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution conf'Lrming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant AGEND~,~T~ Board of County Commissioners No.. / (/// Agenda Date: FEBRUARY I0, 1998 FEB 1 0 1998 Citizens Advisory Task Force Work Pkone Ap~'d ~ .Da~e Term Name Home P~one D~~pt 2~D~e Steven H. Bigelow 0~13/96 1~1/97 2 Y~ 1937 Emp~ Co~n Naples, FL 34110 D~a: 2 Catego~: B~ess Le~ V~e~a Fi~ 0~13/96 l~ID7 2 Y~ 2460 14~ S~e~ No~ 26~27~ Naples, FL 34103 D~mkt: 4 Ca~go~: Comm~W At L~ge l~et Te~e~ 0~13/96 l~ID7 2 Y~ ~20 ~ Avenue Sou~ Naples, FL 34102 D~ict: 4 C~ego~: Soci~ Sciences Vi~ D. L~er 01/I0~5 I~I/96 2 Y~ 257 Colon~e C~cle 2S~-9~ ~I~97 I~lD8 2 D~kt: 4 C~ego~: ~ei~ ~er 0~1~/97 1~31/98 2 Y~ 5483 25~ Place, S.W. 35~7992 Naples, FL 34116 D~ict: 3 C~ego~: Co~w At L~ge ~is 5 member ~mmi~ ~s ~at~ on Ju~ 24. 1990. by commu~i~ ino~ and di~on on pm~s~ ~et ama, (~e rahab I ~o~ ~mugh ~nding ~m ~e S~II C~ ~un~ a0o~ve g~nt app~i~ons; ~n~or ~e 0~ of ~e g~t adm~n and ~mple~enof ~e g~nt P~m. T~ ara 2 y~. Staj~.. Greg Mihat~ HUI Director:. 643-8330 Pg d Pl'mnc (941 ) 4.0.,1.2.1.~(! FAX (9.41) 403-2331 HOUSING ANDURBAN IMPROVEMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: January 26, 1998 TO: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners FROM: Greg Mihalic. Director Housing and Urban Improvement SUBJECT: Citizens Advisory Task Force Vacancies There has not bccn a meeting &thc Citizens Advisory Task Force to review the applicants' resumes for the vacancies on this commi~c¢. I suggest tha~ you proceed to the Board for thc appointment of the applicants. 1. Vancssa Fi= - Re-Appointment 2 year tm'ms 2. Darlene Koont-z - Appointment 2 year term Attached is a member analysis for the abov. applicantsl If you have any questions, or require additional information, pl~as~ call me. GM/jcl AGENDA IT~E~M -- FEB 1 0 1998 MEMORANDUM ocr 2 2 DATE: October 20, 1~7 C~ iss lon~ TO: V~ell ~lls, Elec~o~ O~ce FROM: Sue Filso~ A~s~a~ve Assi~, Bo~d of Co~w Co~ssione~ RE: Voter Regisn'ation - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appokntment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me imow if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. CITIZENS ADVISORY TASK FORCE COMMISSION DISTRICT David Correa 11257 Longshore Way West Naples, FL 34119 /4/'//~'~)- Vanessa Fitz ~.~ 2460 14th Street North Naples, Fl. 34103 Darlene Koontz 4625 Chippendale Drive ~'~ / Naples, FL 34112-5258 Thank you for your help. ..... No. ,/Y" ffff-5/. FEB 1 0 1998 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 20, 1997 TO: Oreg Mihalic, HUI Director FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assist~,t,/J Board of County Commissioners, RE: Citizens Advisory Task Force As you know, we currently have 3 vacancies on the above-referenced advisory commi~. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a r,~-ume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: David Correa 11257 Longshore Way West Naples, FL 34119 Vanessa Fitz 2460 14th Street North Naples, FL 34103 Darlene Koontz 4625 Chippendale Drive Naples, FL 34112-5258 Please let me know, in writing, thc recommendation for appointment of the advisory committee within the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for thc Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments AGENDA IT£H .o. /_r;/v FEB 10 1998 Pg. ~ _ David Correa 11257 Longshore Way Wes= Naples, Florida 34119 Sue Filson Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Sue Filson, I am applying for the position of Development Services Advisory Committee or the Citizens Advisory Task Force. Enclosed is my resume. I believe my background in Court Administrative will be an asset to the board. I have previously served on the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board of New York State. Please feel free to contact me for further information. No FEB 10 1998 EDUCATION: New York Institute of Technology Bachelor of Science - Behavioral Science Major - Criminal J'ustice - Sune, 1980 Numerous Courses in Public Administration at J'ohn Say College of Criminal Justice. WORK EXPER~NCE: January, 1990 - Present , New York State Supreme Court, Principal Court Clerk. Former Supervisor F_Ti r-.A Responsible fo, the ca~ow rnana, ernen, and the transfer of cases tl'u'oughout Kings Supreme Court. Plan and coordinate work schedules; 13 ac. 9"/ Mo ,o= p,.,; Evaluate personnel performance; Review statistical reports; Prepare writ'ten memoranda and reports to the Administrative .ludge and Court Administrators; March, 1982- January, 1990 New York State Supreme Court, Associate Court Clerk. I supervised a staff of Senior court Clerks in the following speei~ll-ed courts; Arraigru'nent, Calenchring and Spedal Terms. The position requires a comprehensive knowledge of statutes, rules and administrative orden relating to the fimctional area of assignment, also the ability to make judgments and decisions where no cleat guidelines exist. October, 1981 - Marck, 1982 New York City Criminal Court, Clerk-in-Charge. Assigned to multipart courts supervising a sta~ofPan Clerks and other clerical personnel, reviewing complex motions and orders and supervising the ~.%'urity ~ or' Court Omcers and I'm Captain. ' No. FEEl Pg._ March, 1979- October, 1981 New York State Supreme Court, Associate Court Clerk. Assigned to the Administrative Office supervising Senior Court Clerks, developing and implementing work methods and procedures, also the assignment of staff needs to complete the job requirements. April, 1974 - March, 1979 New York State Supreme Court. Senior Court Clerk as a Trial Term Clerk. Assigned to the Special Extraordinary Term ,on a full-time basis, dealing with specifc cases involving corruption in the Criminal Justice System. The duties and responsibiLities of the Senior Court Clerks the reviewing documents for completeness and appropriate form, and supervising court personnel who are engaged in processing court calendars, documents and motions for proper conformance with the law and court Procedures. I corresponded with Federal agencies regarding aliens who were arrested on numerous charges by the State or City authorities. April, 1972- April, 1974 New York State Supreme Court, Senior Court Officer. As a Peace Officer of New York State I was required to have complete knowledge of the Penal Law and Criminal Procedure Law. I completed a total of eighty hours of classes in the use offirem'ms. January, 1970 - April, 1972 New York City Criminal Court, Uniform Court Officer. Entry into court system. I at'tended the Court Officers Academy. WORK Elected delegate to the Court Clerks Union. ACTIVITY: Former President of the Hispanic Society Court Employees. Former President of the Catholic Court Employees Guild. CO~.~ClTY ACTIYITY: I am active in civic and neighborhood associations. Appointed to the Selective Service Board.Recipient ofthe ten year service award. Participated in high volume voter registration. Board Member of the Juvenile lustice Advisory Board appointed by Governor Mazio Cuomo. Mediator for the Staten Island Dispute Resolution Center. Arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York. NO. F£15 1 0 1958 Pg-_ ~ COLLSER HOUSING ALTERNATIVES. lNG. 6075 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY NAPLES. FL PHONE: 9U.l-~-lO~l October 14, 1997 Sue Filson Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Dear Ms Filson: Please consider this letter as indication of my interest in continuing to serve on the Citizens Advisory Task Force. I have included an updated resume for your file and consideration. may me by phone at 941-455-1031 during the day ifyou need any thing further. You reach Sincerely, , . Vanessa Fitz / /vt' Enclosure cc: Greg Mihalic HUI Director FEB VANESSA FITZ 2460 14th Stre~ NorOz · NapE, Florida 33940 · Tdt~ho~ (Off) 941/4.$5-1031 (R~d.) 9411~61-027~ EXPERIENCE DAVID LAWRENCE CENTER. INC. 6075 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY. NAPLrrS. FL 34116 (941 ) 455-103 1 Supported Holuing . 4/1.5/95 to Pr~ · Responsible for establ!shing housing for special neec~s population · Establishes the neecLs for housing tn Collier County - Oversees Section 811 Grant from beginning to completion Research gl funds available for affordable housing , Responsible for the first 811 Grant In Collier County · Establishing a CHDO in Collier County SUSSEX COMMUNIT1F~ PIN£WATER PLACE. PELICAN LS. NDING. BONITA SPRINGS, FL 33923 ( Salta Manager, New Co,uttucl~. 1993 to 199.$ , Responsible for ~11 change orders · Coordinate all inspections and closings · Property Management , Training of new employees SUNRISE RECOVERY HOUSTON. TEX,'.S Clinician I - 1992 to 1993 All dient intake , DSM III Assessments for court related clients · Facilitator for ~ON JOHN P,. WOOD P,L~TY 3255 N. T,,avltnMI Tg~at., NAI,~, FL Broktr, Board af Direcu,n - 19t;4 to 1992 , , Sales in commercial and residential ' · Rental leases, property management of minimum 60 units · Collection of rents ,. h,~.intenance of - AG£NOA Qu~ WORX.SHOP ~U~D Cr~'n~c~'no~ PP. cx;~ ~o. //0 ~ Ntw Btdford, Nt~ Hampd, ir~ - Aug~ut 6, 1996 · Will be attending FEB 1 0 1998 Pg.~ // ?arniami Trail October 10, 1997 Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 RE: Advisory Board Openings In response to the article in October 9, 1997, Naples Daily News, I would like to considered for a position on one of the following: Citizens Advisory Task Force, Gc'.'crn~,~,-,~ P~od,.,c,;.;,,':,ty Ccmm!.".cc or Development Services Advisory Committeef(..~C~o~ I have enclosed my resume for your review. Please contact me should you need further information. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Dadene Koontz AGENDA ITE~ F£B 1 0 1998 DARLENE KOONTZ 4625 Chippendale Ddve, Naples. Flodda 34112-5258 941/774-0620 d ~-.[..~_Y.J~F.~T HISTORY: 941/774-5081 (fax) 1996 - Owner - Village Falls Executive Services Providing secretarial support to professionals, businesses and individuals in Naples, Flodda. 1993 - 1996 Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, inc. Executive Director. Responsib e for day to day operation of the Habitat for Humanity program in Collier County, Flodda, including overall supervision of two construction sites. Supervision of both paid and volunteer staff. Worked with Board of D rectors in long range planning and land ,acquisition. Service escrow accounts for 100+ homes under mortgage agreements. Prepare all ~ease agreements, deeds and mortgages for properties conveyed. Or~.anize all special events. Public appearances to promote support of Habitat program. Responsible for receipt, recording and deposit of all donations; payment of invoices; maintenance of accounting records to be submitted to bookkeeper, collection of delinquent mortgage a._c~..,unts, including working with attorr~ey in eviction or foreclosure actions, as .ecessary. Compi,e, edit and publish quarterly newsletter and annual report. 1993 Society National Trust Company Trust Associate - Administrative Assistant to Trust Officers. Responsibilities included assisting Trust Cf-ricers in establishing accounts; handling routine administrative problems; representing the Bank in account relationships with customers; new business development; cledcal support to officers; u'acking accounts t'or periodic scheduled review by Trust Administrative Committee. Resigned this position to accept offer as Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, a not for profit organization in which I had been active as a volunteer. 1989. 1993 Fifth Third Tr'ast Company Trust Associate. ~ 1988 - 1989 Stanley S. Phillips, Attorney at Law Legal secretary. 1985-1988 Millonig, Bart and Brunner, LPA Secretary and administrative assistant to managing partner. Responsibilities included administration of employee benefits and supervision of support staff in addition to normal secretarial duties. 1983 - 1985 Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association Trust Administrator 1976 - 1983 Eadey and Thc~mas, At1.~f'ney~ at Law Legal se~etary ~,.D_U C A TION Graduate Monroe High School, West Manchester, Ohio. Business courses. Attended Sinclair Communit7 College, Dayton, Ohio; Edison Community College, Naples; International College of Naples and Flodda Trust School. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Elected two terms City Council, Eaton, Ohio. Former member Miami Valley, Ohio, Regional Plannin Commission. Former President, Women's Republican Club of Preble County, Ohio. Formerhnember, Boar~g of Directors, Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc., and East Naoles Civic Association Served as member and vice chairman of Collier County Parks and Recreal~on Advisory Board. Member of N References on request. NO._._~ ~ FEB 10 1998 RECEIVED OCT 2 0 ~B? ~,o~ra of County Commfssfoners October 16, 1997 Ms. Sue Filson Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-4977 RE: Citizens Advisory Task Force Dear M~. Filson: I am in receipt of your letter dated October 1, 1997 in which you have informed me that my appointment to the Citizens Advisory Task Force expires on December 31, 1997. At this time I do not wish to be considered for another term. I look fom~ard to serving the County in another capacity. ~~. Bigelow 1937 Empress Court Naples, FloNda 34110 AGF. NDA~ LTF..~I, FEB 10 1998 - o. ..... ., . , ~-' ~ ~... .~PPOINTMENTOF'MEMBER(S) TO.TIlE PELICAN~B~Y. MSTBUADVISOR.Y': ~....<,.-..;2 .-. ':i OBtain: To ap~int 5 mem~ to se~e 4 y~ ~m, e~g on J~ 29, 2001, on ~e Pelic~ Bay MS~U Ad~so~ Commi~. CONSIDERATIONS: The Pelican Bay MSTBU Advisory Committee has 5 terms expiring on January 29, 1998. This 15 member Advisory Committee was established by Ordinance 90..11 and amended by Ordinance 91-22. The Division provides landscaping services, including all public road maintenance and park areas, street lighting services, aquatic management services, beach cleaning, and the Clam Bay Restoration Project. It is the Division's responsibility m provide the framework of Ions-term ~ i)lm~fi~S ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ of Pelican Bay while ensuring both the soctal and financial well-boing of the Pelican Bay Community. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. A press release was issued and resumes were received fi'om the following 6 interested citizens: APPLICANT pISTRI~ ELECTOiR David A. Roellig - Resident 2 yes ~l~ Comelia Kriegh - Resident 2 yes James A. Carroll - Resident 2 yes J. Russell Mudge - Resident (P~E-APPT) 2 yes Glen D. Harrell - Commercial (RE-Al)PT) 3 yes Maureen McCarthy - Resident 2 yes COM~,~TTEE RECOMMENDATION: Glenn Harrell - RE_APPT David A. Roellig Russell Mudge - RE-APPT James A. Carroll Maureen McCarthy FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPAq: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint 5 members, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners - ~o. / ,~.~, .~ Agenda Date: FEBRUARY 10, 1998 - - Pg,. / Pelican Bay MSTBU Advisory Committee Name flon~ Phont ~~t 2n~~ 2~ T~ Oeorg~ H. H~on 262~17 03~/96 01~9~8 2 Y~ 81 t Pitc~ Apple L~e 597~95 Naples, ~ 34108 Db~ct: 2 Catego~: ~om~ C. Bm~ 0ID4/95 01~9~ 4 8415 Exc~b~ C~le B-I 59~1~g Napl~, FL 34108 Db~ict: 2 C~ego~: Resider Glen D. ~ 5g~160S ~0~ 01~9~8 4 Y~ Naples, FL ~ ~ ~ ~ C~tgo~: Comm~i~evaIo~ ~ B. V~ley ~93 01~9~ 4 Y~ 8111 Bay Coloay Drive ~ ~an-3nna 1/1~97 01~9/01 4 Y~ Naples, ~ 34108 D~: 2 Catego~: Resider C~I~ Pop~r 597-a2~ 0I~9~1 01~9~ 3 Y~ 475 Se~ate ~ve ~8~ 01.~9~g 4 Y~ Naples, ~ 3a103 D~: 2 C~go~: 5811 Pe~c~ Bay Blv~, ~15 5~7-~ I/1~ 01~9/01 4 Y~ N~I,, ~ 34108 D~ 2 C~o~: R~d~velo~ B~ou W, Yomg 01~9~I 01~9~5 4 Y~ 6760 Pe~c~ Bay Blv~ ~334 5~17~ 1~ 01~9~ 4 Y~ N~I~ ~ 34108 D~ 2 C~o~: R~d~BPOA Pelican Bay MSTBU Advisory Committee · 'ork PAon~ Appt'd i' l¥arfte Homt Phont D~R~pt George H. W~er ~93 01~9~7 4 Y~ 712 Hea~ L~e 566-3~1 1/I~97 01~9/01 4Y~ Naples, FL 34108 D~ct: 2 C~ego~: ~esidea~C~B J. R~e~ Mudge 01~9~I 01~9~ ] Y~ 16 L~ Bns~ Way 597~3 ~ 01~9~8 4Y~ Naples, ~ 34108 Caego~: Kesidea~BPOA 209 MaEson ~ve 59749~ 1~9~ 01~9~ 4 Nap[~, ~ 3~110 D~: 5 Catego~: Non-KesidenEA~omey Co~ P. Obl~y 01~9/91 01~9~5 4 Y~ 802 Sl~hp~e Co~ 591-18~ 1~95 01~9~ 4 Y~ Napl~, ~ 34108 f' D~t: 2 ' C~ego~: R~sident 8191 Lowb~ ~ve Naples, FL 34109 D~ct: 2 C~ego~: Develop~ F~d~ck Flano 800 La~l O~ ~ve, S~te 2 59~g 1~5 01~9~ 4 Y~ N~I~ FL 34108 D~' 2 C~go~: R~id~t 5555 H~a Po~t D~e, ~170 Napl~, ~ 34108 D~: 2 C~o~: R~idm~BPOA ........... f ii~A.G£NOA I~'47~-)x/o[M ' ! - ?g Pelican Bay MSTBU Advisory Committee Work Plton~ ~ppt'd ~ ~::t Term :Va~ Ho~ Phon~ D~R~p: 2~~e Herbert H~son 01/14/97 01~9/01 4Y~ 60Ql PeUc~ Bay Blv~, ~160 59~9~ Naples, ~L 34108 ~is 15 mem~r ~mmiE~ was created ~ 0~. No. ~111 ~nd an~ 9~15 to aid and a~ist ~e Coun~ ~nager and ~ dete~in~ ~e n~ and quanfi~ of e~o~i~ I~ assist and p~e in~ ~ ~e Coun~ Man~ ~d ~e exp~ifious ~ns~r of s~t lighting. ~ter ~nage~t ms~ibilifies and obl~aUons ~m ~e Pelion Bay lmp~nt Staff: Jim Ward, Pelican Bay Services DMsion: 597-1749 MEMORANDUM DATE' December 30, 1997 TO: Vi.nell Hills, Elections Office~-,4'/~', FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assista~, ' ~ Board of County Commissioner~ RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointment~ The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individugl~ for appointment to one of the county's advisory cornmiIt~$. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please lin thc commission district in which each applicant resides. PELICAN .t3AY MSTBU ADVISORY COlvfiM COMMISSION DISTRICT David A. Roellig 7~ 6000 Pelican Bay Blvd., #204 ~ Naples. FL .34108 5964C°meliapelicanK'dcgh Bay Boulevard Naples, FL 34108 /ames A. Carroll 8430 Abbington CLrcle, Unit C-31 Naples, FL 34108 "~ ~ J. Russell Mudge 16 Las Brisas Way ~ ~ Naples, FL 34108 Glen D. Harrell 9589 Cresam Lake Drive, #202 Naples, FL 34109 Maureen McCarthy 6075 Pelican Bay Boulevard Naples, FL 34108 'Ilmnk you for your help. TO: Sue Filson FRO~I: James P. Ward DATE: January 26, 1998 SUB,IECT: Pelican Bay MSTBU Advisory Committee Appointments In accordance with your Memorandum of December 30, 1997 transmitting the resumes that were received to fill the vacancies on the Pelican Bay Advisory Committee, I am herewith submittin,g the recommendations of the present Pelican Bay Advisory Committee for Board consideration: PAP.,RLI_CA,NT CATEGORY AREA OF EXPERTISE Glenn Harrel[ Commercial Reappointment - Member since 1994 General Manager Waterside Shops David A. Roellig Resident Retired Army Corps of Engineers Geologist and Engineer Russell Mud,ge Resident Reappointment - Member since 1991 Retired Accountant Board of Directors Pe~ican Bay Property Owners Assn. James A. Carroll Resident Retired Mechanical Engineer Maureen McCarthy Resident Retired financial services, customer service and quality consultant I have attached to this Memorandum the procedure utilized by the Pelican Bay Services Division to provide recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for the appointment of' these new members. I have also attached a copy of each of the signed recommendations from the current members of the Pelican Bay Services Division Advisory Committee. AGENDA I E~!t~ .o. FEB 10 1998 PG o ~_.___ Memorandum Ms. Sue Filson January 26, 1998 Page 2 In addition to the written communications from the members of' the Advisory Committee, the Committee held an Open-noticed Public Meeting on Monday, January 26, 1998 at 9:00AM to discuss and finalize its recommendation to the Board o~' County Commissioners. That final tabulation is included in the Schedule of Recommendations by the Advisory Board Members. That schedule will indicate to you the t~ee members of the Advisory Committee who were not present at the meeting on .l'anuary 26, 1998, but provided written communications which were entered of Record at the 1/16/98 meeting. In addition, Mr. Hermanson provided recommendations at the meeting with no written backup. Finally, you will note in the backup material that one member of the Advisory Committee, Mr. Werner, changed his written vote as communicated in the backup matefi,,l and which changed recommendation is included in the schedule provided to you. I would appreciate it if the above referenced Memorandum and back up material fi.om the Advisory Committee could be provided to the Board of'County Commissioners in the final recommendation package sent to the Board. I believe all of'the above individuals will provide significant additional experience in their respective fields and will work well with the existing Advisory Committee. Our next Regular Advisory Committee Meeting is scheduled for February 4, 1998. Anything you could do to have this item placed on the February 3, 1998 Commission Agenda for appointments would be greatly appreciated. AGE~ No, FEI ! 0 M£MORAND~ TO: P~lican Bay Advisory Commiuee FROM: lames P. Ward DATE: December 31, 1997 SUBJECT: Advisory Board Membership In order to en.sur~ that the Pelican Bay Ser,'ic~ Division mee~ the rmtutory r~luir~raents r~lalive to the Divi~on's r~-ommen~tion to the Board ~ County CommJr~ioner's for appoinm~nl to the Advisory Commit~, tbe following procedur~ is being t~commended for utilization by the Advisory Commiv,~. ~ procedur~ has been ~-viewed ~nd approved by the County Attorney. PROCEDURE: In order to obtain input from the existing Advimry Commiuee for the aplmintment ot new membcrs, attached to this memorandum ar~ copies of the r~'~rnes receiv~ by the Board ot County Commi.~ioner~. They are as follows: 1. David A. Roellig 2. Cornelia K.reigh 3. James A. Carroll 4. J. P, oa$cll Mudge 5. Glen D. Harrell 6. Maureen McCarthy F ch member is bei s . ked to to the r i sio.'s oink. by 9. l 0S. ot .'ho would lLke to see appoimed to the Advisory Commitlee. Each recommendation r~urned by the Advisory. Member must be sent to the Division's oflic~ either by mail or by fax and r~ccivcd in the Division's oflic¢ on or before the date noted above. The r~-ommcndation must be signed by the Advisory Commiuee Member and will become a part of the Division's Public Records. Upon r,~:cipt of each member's r~zommendatious, ~ will labulale these recommendations from the Advisory Commiuee and the five c~mdidmes receiving the highesl number ~ vo~ from this p~----~ will n~,'e a rr, commcndation by rta/f, which will be fonvarded on to the Boa~ of County Commi~ioners for appointment to the ^d~sory Committee. It is important that each member eusur~ tha! you do no~ talk toeach other relative io the r~o~on$ which you will make ~o stuff. Please feel fr~ ~o w~'ite any comments that you may have on .your r~commendatious for the Advisory Committee. There will be no formal discur~ion by Ihe Advimry Commii~ee ~! ~ Additionally, it is imponan~ to recognize that the County Commir~ion in itl* leglr~,.~'e ~u?~--~ [ms tim ~blllty to either accept or reject any r~commenda~ion~ of thc Pelic~u Bay ,~vic~ Division and th~ tl~ m~-nmrandum alon[ with a copy of the Advisory Committee's signed recommendatious will be forwardad ou to the Bom~ Commissioners and included in the back'up mate~l for their consider'ation. If you ha*ye any qucstions relative to this matter, please feel rrm ~o c~ntac~ me. AGEND, A,,_~I Tx,~4 . P9 · .._._.._~ MEMORANDUM DATE: January 5, 1998 i~ TO: Jtrnes P. Ward, Division Administrator Pelican Bay Services Division FROM: Heidi F. Ashton, Assistant County Altomey RE: Pelican Bay Services Division Advisory Board Members.hip IlLS No. ?EL97121731 In your recent Request for Legal Services ~ubmissiort, you explained that you had advertised in the newspaper a solicitation for five advisory board member~ for the Pelican Bay Service Taxing and Benefit Unit. You stated that you typically receive input from the exi~ing Advisory Committee member~ as to which cand|dates they recommend for appointment. You explained that ex/sting members will receive applications for the candidates, and they' will return a list of five members that they would each like to see appointed to the Advisory Committee. Each recommendation returned by the Advisory Committee member must be ~igned and becomes a part of the public records. Upon receipt of' each member's recommendations, you will tabulate the recommendations, and the five candidates receiving the highest number of recommendations from tiffs process will receive a recommendation by staff which will be forwarded to the Board of' County Comrniss'icners. You asked whether there is a legal problem with th~ procedure. The answer is no. Ordinance No. 90-111 creates the Pelican Bay Service Taxing and B~n~fit Unit and the Advisory Committee. It does not require a recommendation from the existing Advisory Committee for new appointments. Since there is no procedure in the ordinance, sa long sa the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law is complied with, I do not see a problem. F. ach Advisory Commit'tee member must make hi.gher deci~on without disturb'ion with the applicant~ and without discussion among themselves. It is crudal that each member who returns a recommendation sign Ns/her name clearly on the recommendation and return all inf'on~ation that he/she used to determine the five members for recommendation. This documentation will then become part of the public record. As long as the ~bove is follow~l. I beli./¢e that the~ compliance with the Sunshine Law. I have also advised you that staff should advise the Board of County Commissioner~ of this procedure and that a recommendation from the Advisory Committee i~ not requir~ I~ ordinance. Please feel free to call me it'you have any questions. David C. Weigei, County Attorney Collier County Pelican Bay Services Division Schedule of Votes by Advisory Board Members Applicnnts Advisor7 Board Glen David James J. Russ Mnureen Cornelia Members Harrell Roelli~ Carroll Mudge McCarthy Kreigh Thomas Brmvn 1 I I ! 1 Rod.key Craighead ~ I I I 1 Glen Fiarrell ~ I I I I I George Hermanson ~ 1 I I I 1 John Ho)~t .~!~ 1 I 1 I 1 J. Russ Mudge .~ I I 1 I 1 Cora Obley I I 1 I 1 Anthony Pires 1 I I I 1 Charles Popper 1 I I I 1 Alan Varley 1 I I I 1 George Werner I! 1 I I I 1 Sub-Total ~ 12 12 10 10 ? ? The following Advisory Board member~ recommendations were received by writlee communication. Fred Flatlo I I I I 1 Ed Grfffith I I 1 I 1 Herb Hasson Iii I I I I 1 Sub-Total 3 3 .1 3 2 1 Total - All Votes 15 AGENDA I T.E-14 NO PROEEDUR.~: In orc~ to c~czia input i,m= the existi~ Advim~ C~ ~ ~ ~~ 2. ~ ~ ,, ~. ~ D. ~l AGENDA FEB 10 To: From: Imrbzrz ~lllh FEB 1 0 1998 Pg · ~~___~ TO: Pelican Bay Advisory Committee FROM: Sarne~ p. Ward DATE: December 31, 1997 SUBJECT: Advisory Board Membenhip In order to cnsuxe thai thc Pelican Bay Services Division m~-'ts th~ statutory r~tireme~ re. lag~ to th~ Division's recommcnciation to thc Board of County Comm!s_,'i'oner's for appoint to th~ Advisory Committee, tl~ following procedur~ is being recommended for utilization by t~ Advisory Committ~ Tlgs p~ has been reviewed and approved by thc County Atlorney. PROCEDURE: In order to obtain input from thc existing Advisory Committee for th~ appointme~ of members, att:~chcd Io this memorandum are copies of thc resumes r~'eived by the Board of Cotmty Commissioners. Ti~ey are as 2. Cornelia Kreigh ,'l/~ / 6. Mzureen McCarthy Each member is being asked to relura to the Division's office, by ,l'anua~ 9, 1998 a list offiv~ m~ who you would like to sec appointed lo the Advi~D, Committee. Each rt'com,nendation returned by the Advisory Member must be ~nt to the Division's ~ either by mail or by fax and received in the Division's of Hc~ on or bef'or~ th~ ~t~ noted above. The r~umm~atation must be by the Advisory Committee Member and will he. me a ~ of rial Division'l Public U~n receipt of e~ch member's r~commend, ations, ~ will tabul~ tbe~ mcomme~gons ~ ~ Advisory Committee a~d the five can~cla~es receiving tbe highe~ ~uml~' of v~e~ ftum this la'uca~ will ~eeive recommendation by s~ff, wMch will be forwarded on t~ th~ Boa~ of' County Commissioners I'm' al~oinlment the Advi~ry Committee. It is important that each member ensure that :~uu do not talk to ~ ~ ~ m tl~ ~ yoa will maXe to na~. ?lea.~ feel free ~o write any cumments thai y~ male ~ ~ ~ ~ fro' tl~ Advisory Committee. There will be no formal discussion by thc Advi~ry Commi~le~ at · m~ting. Additionally, it is irnponant lo recognize that the County Commi~ion in its' legislas,~ ~ ha~ tl~ al~lity either accep~ or rejec~ any recommendations of the Pelican 15a~ ~e~eice~ Division ~ thai I1~ ~ with a copy of the Advi~ry Committee's 'qg~xl recummendation~ will be fon~xl~ ~m ~ tl~ ~ of Commi~ioners and included in the backup malerial for their considerati~. I/'you have arty qued. ions relative to this mat~-,r, pleas~ fe~l ft~ m cunta~ m~. ' ~0£fil N 0 · ..,/_~1.~ I~OM.: ~ ?. Ward DATF~ ~ 3I. 1~ ~~f~ AGEND No, FEB 10 1998 W/Al ~anuary 9, 1998 James P. Ward c/o Pelican Bay Services Division 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 605 Naplcs, Florida 34108 Dear Jim: Pursuant to your request, below please find my recommendation for the Pelican Bay Advisory Committee. 1. Glen D. Hare'ell 2. Russell Mudge 3. David A. Roellig 4. Maureen D. McCarthy 5. Cornelia F. Kriegh If you have any questions or concerns about the above recommendations. please feel flee to call me. Since ~. Harrell, CSM, CMD General Manager .o. FEB 10 1998 .5415 TAMIAM! TRAIL N., SUITE :320, NAPLES. FLORIDA ,34108 ["~'IONE: (941)598-1605 * FAX: (941)598-1773 I .~,~:~ ~1 HERB HASSON &O0*l PELICAN lAY AJ'T. 14,01 MAPLES. YL 3410l.~ As per you~' r~lue~'x, I am Usting tl~ fivu ~ tlxat [ would Item to mconnn~xl. James. A Carroll Giro D. Han~ Verx Tr~y I John 1iV. H,=y-t Sun Trust Building Suite $18 801 Laurel O,k Drive Naples. FL 33963 0ffics i941) 597.8989 Res (94T} 597-gS65 Fax {941} 591-2179 FEB ! 0 TO: ~rnes P. Wud FROM: $.Ru~sel[ Mudge DATE: Sanuary 5, 1998 SUBJECT: Advisory Boa,'*d Membership My recommendations are: David A. Roellig Cornelia l~reigh .lames A. Can'oll Glen D. Harrell Maureen McCarthy Comments: I submitted my request for consideration when I understood only a few had applied. If it is determined that six qualified applicants submitted requests you may remove my name from consideration, I have greatly enjoyed our long association in working together over the past ten yea~-s with the old (?) PBID Board of Supervisors as well as the Advisory Board. I will always have an interest in providing any help if'needed. AG£NDA,,..,T TEM FEB ! 0 1998 Pg MEMORANDUM TO: Pelican Bay Advisory Committee FROM: lames P. Waxd DATE: December 31, 1997 SUIL~CT: Advisory Board Membership In order to ensure that the Pelican Bay Set~iees Divisioa meets the r~tutoty tequiremeats relative to t~e Divi.~on's recommen~don to the Board of County Commissioner's for appointment to the Advisor7 C, ommi~, the follo~ng procedure is being recommended for utilization by the Advisory Committee. This proc~ure Im been rvviexved and approved by the County Atlomey. PROCEDURE: In order to obtain input from the exisling Advisory Committee for the ai:~ointmem of new members, attached to this memorandum are copies of the r~a'umes received by the Board of Co~ty Comrttissioners. They are as follows: /'~...~ Da,,'id A. Roellig , Cornelia Kreigh .-..~'-'~"J lames A. Carroll ,,_4 ~ I. Russell Mudge ~_~,' Glen D. Harrell 6. Maur~cn McCarthy Each member is being a~ked to return to the Division's ofliee, by January 9, 1998 a list of five members who you would like to see appointed to the Advisory Committee. ' Each recommendation r~rumed by the Advisory Member mu.~t be sent to the Division's afl'lee either by mail or by fax and received in the Division's office on or before the date noted above. The recommendation must be si~;ned by the Advisory Committee Member and will become a pan of the Division's Public Record~ Upon receipt of each member's r~'ommendationa, ~ will tabulate these m:ommendadons from tl~ Advi~ry Committee and the five can~dates receiving the highest number of vote~ from this p~ will receive a recommendation by s~ff, wh. ich will be forwarded on to the Board of County Commi~ioners for appointmeat to the Advi~ry Committee. It is important that each member em'ure that you do not lalk to each otl~t relative to the recommen~tio~ which you will make to rattY. Please feel free to xvr~te any comments that you may have on your recommendatio~ for the Advisory Committee. There will be no £ormal discuasion by the Advisory Commillee at a meeting Adciido~lly, it is important to recognize that the County Commiuion in its' le~s!._tive authority has the ability to either accept or reject any recommendations of the Pelican Bay Servi(::~ Division and that thl) memorandma along with a copy of the Advisory Committee's signed r~'ommendaLiOtti wiU be folxva/ded oil lo the ~ of Conaty Commissioners and included in the backup material for their consideration. l. fyou haw any quest/OhS relat/ve to this matter, please feel fxee to conta~ me. FEB ! 0 1998 TOZ J~es P. Na~d FROM: Anthony P. Pires, Jr. DATE: Ja/~uary 6, 1998 Advisory Board Xambersb/p/Pelioan Bay Services Division HSTU A~visory Board Pursuant to the procedxlre outlined i~ your m~mox~Lr~hxm of Dece~Lber 31, 1997 With regi3:d~ to Ac~v~ory Board M~_baxmh/p, the following are m~ five proposed members who I would recommend to the County Comm/ssion for appointment to the Advisory ~it~ae: 1. David A. Roelli. 2. James A. Carroll 3. J. PoAssel Kudge 4. Glen D. Harrell 5. Kaureen llcCarthy If you have any furl:.he.r ~'uesl:.t.o~s, please do' not ,hesitata to contact me. AGENDA IT,[~ NO ._..?/_~L_ FEB 10 1995 I ' MEMORANDUM TO: Pelican Bay Advisory Committee FROM: James P. Waxd DATE: December 31, 1997 SUIM'ECT: Ach, isory Board Mcm~rship la order to ensure that the Pelican Bay Services Division ~ thc statutory r~quin, mcnts rclativ~ to tl~ Division's recommendation to the Board of County Commissioner's for appointment to the Advisor./ Commi~ th~ following procedure is being recommended for utilization by th~ Advisory Committee..T?is p~ has been reviewed and approved by the Cotmty Atlorney. PROCEDURE: In order to obtain input from the e.xirdng Advisory Committee for tl~ appointme~ of membe~ attached to this memorandum ar~ copies of the resumes received by the Board of County Commissioners. They are as folloxvs: David A. Roe[fig 2. Cornelia K.reigh .lames A. Carroll J'. Russell Mudge Glen D. I-tarrell Maureen McCarthy Each member is being asked to return to the Divisio 8 a list offiv~ members who would like to see appointed to the Advisory Committee. Each recommendation returned by the Advisory Member mu.st be sent to the Division's olHce either by mail or by fax and received in the Division's offico on or before the date noted above. Th~ recommendation must be signed by the Advisory Committee Member and will become a part of the Division's Public Records, Upon receipt of each member's r,~'ommendations, staff will tabulat~ thes~ r~,,-'ommendations from the Advisory Committee and the five candidates receiving the kighest number of votes from this process will mc:eh~ a recommendation by sla.ff, which will be forwarded on to the Board of County Commissioners for appointment to th~ Ach'isory Committee. It is important that each member ensure that you do not talk to each other r~lativ~ to the recommendations which you will make to staff. Please feel free to write any comments that you may haw on your r~.ommendations for the Advisory Committee. There ~¥ill be no formal discussion by the Advisory Committee at a meeting. Additionally, it is important to recognize that the County Commission in its' lcgislativ~ authority has tl~ ability to either accept or reject any recommcndatiorts ofth~ Pelican Bay Services Division and that this memorandum with a copy of the Advisory Committee's signed m:x)rnmendations will be forwarded on to t]~ Board of Comrmssioncrs and included in the back-up material for their considoration. If you have any questions relatixz to th. is matter, please feel free to contact me.. No. FEB ! 0 I998 · V ALAN B. VARLEY, M.D. January 3, 1998 Pelican Bay Services Division In accor~.*,~e with the procedure outlined in yom' 12/31/97 memo, the foilowin~ are my nominations for the five open positions on the P.B. MSTBU Adviso~ Board: t. · David ~. Man~n M~ ,. Sincerely, Alan B. Vtrley, NO. FEB 10 t998 Wemer Financial, Inc. Wealth Aec,~-,ion ........ ~ ~ ~ lVum '~----~~'-~ ~ 61~ December 31, 1997 To: /ames P. Wsrd Pelican Bay Services Division Fr: George Wemer Re: Advisory Board Membership After re~4ewing the applications attached to your memo dated December 31, 1997, my recommendations for appointment to the Advisory Board ~re: Cometia Kreigh David A. Roellig !ames A. Carroll I. Russell Mudge Glen D. Harrell No FEB 1 0 199B (941) 591 - 2149 Secutitia Off~m~! ~ Calum & ~ ~ (941) $91 - 2179 fax ~ BERNON W. YOUNG ' ... 6760 Pelican Bay ~lvd. t334 Naples FIm,~~/o~ P,~one and Fax ("8~) 598-1785 1998 Pg MEMORANDUM DATE: December 30, 1997 TO: James Ward, Pelican Bay Services Di~i~on FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assi .~---~-"~ 1 Board of County Commissioners~' RE: Pelican Bay MSTBU Advisory Committee As you know, we currently have 5 vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: David A. Roellig 6000 Pelican Bay Blvd., #204 Naples, FL 34108 Cornelia Kriegh 5964 Pelican Bay Boulevard Naples, FL 34108 James A. Carroll I 8430 Abbington Circle, Unit C-31 Naples, FL 34108 J. Russell Mudge 16 Las Brisas Way Naples, FL 34108 Glen D. Harrell 9589 Cresant Lake Drive, #202 Naples, FL 34109 Maureen McCarthy 6075 Pelican Bay Boulevard Naples, FL 34108 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendatien for appointment of the advisory committee w/th. in the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consfderation. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, ArtacbanentsSFThank you for your attention to this matter. / ~[:[Bpqt. ~..._~ ~ [1 98 ~ December 26, I997 Ms. Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiani Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Ms. Fi~son: This is in response to the December 8, 1997 memorandum to the Pelican -ga}' Advisory Tommit~ee from Mr. J*mes P. Ward concerning apDoinr_nent to the Con~ittee. i re~esc consideration by the Board of Cowry Co~issioners for an appcintment ts this Cc~itCee. As re,ired, ! ~ a registered voter in Collier County. Dr. Varley has given me a copy of the memorand~ mentioned above and would be honored to encouraged me ~ apply for this apPoin~ent. I perfo~,s fsr ~he serve and contribute to the work this ccm~ittee Pe._~an Bay co~unlty and Collier If any additional info~ation is needed, please call or write me. erely, id A. Roellig 6000 Pelican Bay Blvd. #204 Naples, Florida 34108 594-2210 FEB 1(398 N~r,e: D~;iD A. ROELLiG B!rthpl/yr: Detroit, Michigan, March'lT, 1938 Education: B.S., Geology, Wayne State Unlver$1=y Registration: Professional Geologist, Florida License # 729 Prior Experience: May, 1966 to January, 1981. Detroit District, U.S. Corps of Engineers, responsible for numerous coastal shoreline and navigation studies many of which have been authorized and cons:rutted. Served as Dis~r!c% CZM coordinator and on subcommittees of the international Joint Coramission and the Great Lakes Basin Co~lssion. January, 198i to September, 1990. Division Geologist for the North Central Division, Corps of Engineers, Chicago, Illinois. ProvtJed consul~atlcn and guldance in the fields of engineering geology and coastal engineering to our subordinate district offices. The area ~f responsibility included the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes as well as the Upper Mississippi River Basin. A/so served as the Division Research and Development Coordinator and as a me~ber of the international Joint Commission's Council of Great Lakes Research Managers. September, 1990 to May, 1994. Geologist for the Headquarters, Ccr~s of Engineers, Dlrectorate of Civil Works, Washington D.C. Provided engineering geology consultation to all elements of the Corps of En;ineers. Technical proponent of geology related training courses. Headquarters technical monitor of the Corps' Coastal Geology R&D. Provlded guidance and oversight of civil works program development, and execu[ion for a broad range of water resource and conservation projec%s. May, 1994 to present: Took an early retirement, perfor~led volunteer work and relocated to Florida in mid-1996. Professional Affiliation: Member, A~sociation of Engineering Geologists, 1971 to present. Address: 6000 Pelican Bay Blvd., #204, Naples, Florida 34108 Telephone: (941) 594-2210 AGENDA IT~ .o. FEB 1 0 1996 Cornelia Kriegh 5964 Pelican Bay Boulevard Naples, Florida 34108 December 22, 1997 Board of County Commissioners Attention: Mrs. Sue Filson 3301Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Mrs. Filson, I am interested in being appointed to the Pelican Bay MSTBU Advisory Committee. I have enclosed a resume which is current up to 1992. At that time I moved to Florida, retired, and now a full-time resident of Pelican Bay. I am an officer of the Pelican Bay Women's League and am therefor in touch with the thoughts of our more than 800 members concerning the future of Pelican Bay and Collier County. I believe that I would be a valuable member of this committee. I appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, Cornelia Kriegh CORNELIA F. KRIEGH 42 Mor~on Drive Ramsey, New Jersey 07446 201-327-2488 EDUCATION: B.A. Literature Ramapo College 1983 GPA - 3.8 Dean's List - every year Honors Program - par~lcipant Preparatory School National Cathedral School HISTORY: INLINGUA SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES 1986 - present Assistant Director Total responsibility for day-to-day operations= '-Interview -Screen corporate sponsors, perform liason -Telemarket services and special programs -Organize and host receptions and seminars -Prepare and present proposals -Recruit and monitor over 20 professionals and staff -Develop and improve ~ommunication -Maintain quality service and cost -Implement cost effective operation -Write and place advertising -Research competition -Negotiate terms, compensation and special programs -Schedule students, professionals, receptions and special events -Establish and maintain operation controls -Initiate appropriate services Previous assignments include Public Relations Assistant, Office Manager and Personnel Assistant with Bell Laboratories and Englewood Hospital PERSONAL: Interests include family, co~munications and travel No · FEB Pg -~__ Pg" BOARB OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,. ~--:12118/97 ...:~:. ~ ~--.~.,.~. 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST NAPLES, FL 34112 ATTENTION: MRS SUE FILSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISSTANT DEAR MRS FILSON I would like to apply for membership on the Municipal Service Taxing Benefit Unit (MSTBU) Advisory Committee. I have lived in Pelican Bay for over 12 years, have been a property owner since 1987 and have a real interest in seeing this fine community prosper. I believe my skills and experience can be put to use to help make this happen. Attached is a recent Resume which reviews my background. Thanl:s for giving me consideration. James A. Carroll 8430 Abbington Circle Unit C-31 Naples FL, 34108 RESUME James A Carroll 9/25/97 Residence: 8430 Abbington Circle Unit C31 Naples FI, 34108 Tel 941 $97 9767 Date of Birth: 11/20/21 College: Illinois Institute of Technology Degree: BS in Mechanical Engineering October, 1943 Wife's Name: DeEida Married: October 20, 1943 Children: 3 children 7 Grand Children Military Service: US Navy Engineering Officer 1944/1945 Business Affiliations: Procter & Gamble Co 1945-1982 Manager of Corporate Engineering Division '67to' 82 Retired- 1982 Other Business Affiliations: President - Southwestern Ohio Water Co 75-82 Consultant with Braxton Management Consultants - Boston MA Local and National Civic Activities: CommiXtee Chairman and District Vice Chair, Boy Scouts of America United Way - Many Positions Advisory Committee- Wyoming School Board Riverfront Advisory. Committee Chairman {1977 to 198'/) Ci~' of Cincinnati City of Cincinnati Infrastructure Task Force (1986 to 1988) President Reagan's Grace Commission on Cost Reduction-Washington-1982 Profes.~ioaal Asao~iations: American Society of Mechanical Engineers Engineering Society of Cincinnati Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio Leadership Collier - Masters Program Condominimum Experience: Grosvenor Condominium of Pelican Bay- Board Member- 4 yea~ - President - 3 years Crescent Condomlnimum - 'I'rcasar~r - 6 months Clubs: Birchwood Country Club - Harbor Springs, Michigan Quail Creek Country Club - Naples, FI - Board member 92-96 -President 94-96 Forum Club- Member 1992 - Board Member 1995,1996,1997 FEB RE, CF_.!V'ED O J. Russell Mudge ,. - Nnples FL. 3410~..8;Z16 -~' December 1 g, 1997 Mrs. Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant, Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112..4977 Subject: Pelican Bay MST&BU Advisory Committee Dear Mrs. Filson: I have enjoyed serving on both the Pelican Bay Board of Supervisors of the Pelican Bay Improvement District and the Pelican Bay MST&BU Advisory Committee. I would like to be considered for another term and have enclosed an updated resume. Sincerely, J. Russell Mudge cc: James P.Ward PBSD pbmsmbu.l~' AGENDA~ ,JkTF,~ A G_.~.~~ FEB 1 0 1998 1998 Pg .~ ( RESUME OF APPLICANT FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO PELICAN BAY MST&BU ADVISORY CO~E Name: J. Russell Mudge Naples properw owner since 1971 Ad.ess: 16 Las Brisas Way Full time resident from 1980 Naples, FL. 34108 Pelican Bay resident since 1985 Birth date: 1/5~0 Married: Doro~y (Grant) 1941 deceased 199"/, 3 sons Graduate of Glen Cove High School, Glen Cove, Long Island` New York 1937 BS degree, Hotel Administration, Comell University 1941 Worked surm'ners in hotels while in college Har~'ard Business School, Advanced Management Program 1967 C~_areer: 40 years with General Electric Company - s~"~ed on GE Business Training Program in 1941 - Bridgepor~ CT. 1941-45 Accounting & financial positions - GE Appliance & Merchandise Dept, Bridgeport, CT. 1946-49 Works Accoun~n~, GE Housewares Plant, Allenlown, PA. 1949-53 GE Traveling Auditors Stuff, senior auditor, supervising auditor, Schenec~ty, NY 1953-5g Manager-Finance & Employee Relations, GE Appliance Controls Dept. Morrison IL. 198g-6~ General Manager, GE Appli~ce Motor DepL - Dek~lb IL. & Murfi'eesboro. TN. 1964-66 Manager-GE International Business Development Operation, NYC, NY. Overseas acquisitions & dispositions. 1966-77 GE Vice President - General Manager Afl'ica, Asia~ Far East & Pacific Operations. 1977-80 GE Vice President - Corporate Operating Services, Fairfield, CT. Corporate Purchasing, Transportation, Telecommunications, Information l:Yocessing, Real Estate & Construction Operations. 1977-80 Member-GE Pension Board. 4/1/80 Retired ]~elican Bay Activities: 1985-91 Board member-Las Brisas Neighborhood Association. President 1988-91. 1988-95 Board member Pelican B~y ~openy Owners Associauion. Vice l~'esident 1992-9"/. 1988-91 Pelican Bay Improvement Disu'ict Board of'Supervisors, Treasurer 1990-91. 1991-97 Pelican Bay MST&BU Advisory Comminee. Vice Chairman 1992,93,96 Chah'man 94-95. pbrnstbu.doc WATER IDE RECEIVED December 18, 1997 9EC 13 Mrs. Sue Filson "' Administrative Assistant Board ot' County Commissioners 3302 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 ~: Pelican Bay M~BU Adviso~ Committee Dear Mrs. Filson: Attached you will find an updated resume. Please accept the attachment and this letter as a request for reappointment to the MSTBU Advisory. Committee. It has been my pleasure and honor to serve for the past four years, together with a distinguished and dedicated board serving the residents, as well as, commercial interests of Pelican Bay. My commitment to Pelican Bay and to waterside Shops is long-term, and I feel my insight toward the proper blend of residential, as well as commercial needs, can provide a good balance to the make-up of the board. If you have any questions regarding my request for reappointment, please feel free to call. Sincer,,ely/ 'General Manager ccg/ attachment CC: James P. Ward AG£ NDA~ .[,,TEI~ FEB 10 1998 5415 TANIIAMI TRArL N., SUITE 320, ~APLES. FLORID, _ _ -~,, Clarion Realty_ Services Biography Glen D. Harrell Mr. Harrell is the General Manager of Waterside Shops at Pelican Bay in Naples, Florida which is managed by Clarion Panner's aftiliated management company, Clarion Realty Services. CPS provides property management, leasing and marketing for the 250,000 square foot Waterside Shops at Pelican Bay ~ high-end specialty center. Mr. Harrell has managed Waterside Shops since it's opening in 1992 and joined CPS in 1995. Mr. Harrell has over 17 years of shopping center management experience. Prior Experience: Courtelis Company, Miami, Florida, Project Manager for the development of Waterside Shops. Coordinated the firm's development and leasing of Waterside Shops and on-site coordination of all tenant construction (1992-1995) The J.C. Nichols Company, Kansas City, Missouri; Vice President ,' General Manager Retail Development responsible for the leasing and development of a proposed 1.5 million square foot mixed use center in St. Petersburg, Florida. (1989-1992) A.E. LaPage; Toronto, Canada, General Manager, responsible lbr the property management services of a 250,000 square ibot high-end retail center, Old Hyde Park village, in Tampa, Florida. (1985-1989]) Corporate Property Investors: Assistant Manager and Marketing Director in Florida and New Jersey regional shopping centers for Pembroke Management. (1981-1985) Eat uc a tio n : Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications, University of South Florida, 1975 Affiliations.. International Council of Shopping Centers Certified Shopping Center Manager 1988 Certified Marketing Director 1989 Ae,;~m~I-~M' M -- Licensed Real Estate Broker, State of Florida FEB 1 0 1998 MA~F~ McCARTHY The Dorchester- Apt. ~01 607~ Pelkaa Bay Boulev~'d Neple~ Florida 34108 (941) ~9g.38S? la'~: (9~1) 566.2483 December 17, 1 ~97 Ms. Sue lrd~on Admiais~ve Assimat Cotli~ County Oovermnent By Fax: 774-3602 Dear Sue: I would be interested in ~rving on the MSTBU (Pelican Bay Advisory Committee). I presently ~it on the EPTAB Advisory Board, u you may recall. I en recen~ ~etired fi'om ~ Ion8 career in ~rrior manasement of'financial ~ and r~n my own consulting business for ei~,ht years, specializ~ bi customer service alld qua~. l live in PeLican Bay ~d am very involved i~ my commmgty. My husba, lxl and I Ire full- been here for a~most sevea yeah. :~me residents have I beliewe my active use of Pelican Bay facilities, my si:ton8 business blclqiround, my present service as an Adviso~ Board member, as well M my energy level, would mike me sva. lu~le contributor to the Pelican Bay Advisory Committee I enclose an outd~tecl copy of my resume aAd would welcome ~y questions you or the Board might !uve. Thaz~ you so mu~ for your courtesy. Sincerely, FEB 10 1998 MAUREEN D. McCARTHY ~dYT$ Pdlcan B~y Book. ltd # ~01 (941) $98 35~7 SUMMARY: P.e~lts. oriented ~ecutive with proven track record h'~ retail s~Mce/quality, Mles management, marketing and product development. Outstanding coach who builds strong team to accomplish go~ls, RECENT EMPLOYMENT F.,X.PKRrI~.NCE: April 1994 - Scandia Down ShOl~, Ltd, July 1995 Vice President - Down and Feather Full resporttibility for the down nad f'e~ther business for Mgh-end specialty retail franchJ$or with 25 shops and down and feather as. les in excess of $10MM. l~.espomible for ;.11 product development and product man~ernent, customer ~rvir.~., quality tad competitive studies, Ir~roduced several ta~ique products to the market inc~di~g t~ country's first down ~d feather featherbed, which resulted in a 65% increa.~ in featlm4:~ sa~es. Reduced quality control problems by 95% in · five-month period through a~ve management tad Lracking Conducted sm. lyses throoghout the franchisee network which shovmd that the down tad f'~ business ,.vts the one aspect ofthe business wl~ch worked perfect~. . Reor~ ~xl rationali.z~ product pricing to meet e, ompetition, improv~ market coverage and enh.~ce product differenti&tion. CONSULTING/INTE~ MANAG£M'~NT F-.XPI:RIENCE: 1988 To 1~4 Hired by Hanover Direct, Inc. to evaluate the 25-member fi'anehis~ operation oF t[~ Scandia Down Comply, a rece. m acquisition. In addition to visiting with at~d interviewing to fr~¢hising. During tn e~$ht month period was actively involved in the day-to.day rnanagenm~t o£the fr~cMse lms~ness. Subsequently n~otiated a joint ventur~ licen.~g arranger, sourc~ the venture pn. rtner, dev~oped the structur~ of'the a$reernent ~ worked with the new partner in s~tting up the ~ne~ tad introducing it a.,~d the new licensing format to the former franchisees. At The Dime Savings Bank of New York, directed proje~,'t to improv~ m'vic~quality in back.off:ice support deptrtrnent:. Reporting to EVP, identified trea~ needi~ improvement and developed department-by=department pla.,~ to create a truly ~stomer-first environment. Working with Dep~.~trnent Heads, identified impediments to internal ,.'ustomer service, an~ dirked crc~s- functiort~l team~ in developing solutions and action plans to solve Imsin~sa problems. Identified empowecment as the major developrnentsl need to re-~ctive to a pro-activ~ re~portse to customer need .:2- At Cha~e Manhattnn Bank, r~laced Vice President in chargo ofProduct !~ of Visa nncl M&stcrCsrd Clinic Cmls. Managed product managers responm'ble for incrused ca~ usage, increased purcha~ usage and attrition reduction. Worked with Customer $etvi~ Systena Lad testing. At Citilumk, r~ptar..od a s~ries ofoflicers in various credit product d~ndopng~ m. Ran n~w product m~%, h~troduced produ,-'t enhtacements and c~rdinaled ~ ~ nttio~l e~orts. PKIOR E~NLPLOYM~NT HLSTORY: 1988 Chemica] Bank, New York Vice President and Market Manager Directed all retail bsnlcin8 and community lending ~'tiviti~ in Roe. kl$~ County end lower Wcstchestcr. Responsible ~or 12 branches with ffabiFfl~ balances of S700MJVL, operating budget of S2MM and 130 people. Msnagcd zll mtrketing activities and oversaw ~etmtive derrvery 0oln cemel~ ATM'a ~ Corporate sa. les). Brought Rockland County from last place in ~ale~ (out of Mx regions) to first place in eight weeks. lncr~ uset sales by L50% in six mernths. Re-¢onfigtu'ed organization to increue s~les sta~ by 15-2CP/i without increasing head count. Increased sales per client contact ~om 1.8 to 2.9 in seven mtrd~. Oversaw introduction of ATM technology into Rocidud County, from instillation to loc, si marketing phue. 1987 - 1988 Amerkan Savinp Bank, New York Senior Vice IPrelident - Retail Baaldug and Operatloiu Directed ill retail banking Lad central operatiotu function for S4 billion thrift with 34 branches in six. county metropolitan Irea. Controlled S25MM opetzting budget tad & stsff'in excess of 600 people. Active member of Bank's Senior Mzna8enem Committee. Developed pro-active sa. les culture which inc, reesed crossqell ratio from 1.2 to 2.8. Develop~ Lad implemented ia/es ~ainin8 program rolled out to 400 ~tl~. Started a triage fimction to ensure that wilk-in traffic was landled quickly profitably by the right person. Opened three mortgage c, eaten (the Bank's tim), Lad directed the clevelopmem ora computerized a.l~lic, ation tracking system to etlable the mortgage edle~t to be cormamly in touch with the status of his application. Introduced shopper survey~ to ensure add No Set up sales utc, king program. FE8 1 0 1998 Pg · ~.._~~ 1981. 1987 Citicorp/Citibank. l~.,w York Vice l~uident InternfltionoJ l~rivate Bank 1984-1987 Vice Pre, dent and IXrector of Mark~n8 Support, r~:)orua'ble for product develop,no~, produc: management, market research, advertising, training and clierg protocol. Active member of Senior Management Con,.m~ee. Do,-cloped thc Bank's first overnight deposit ~:count in multi-currencie~ bringing in ~SM~ Ln the first month. Subs~uently 'sold" this ptoducl to otbcr Citicorp entities. Prcscndy offered in ail domestic branches. · Ir~ti,-ted ~nd developed the wholesa~g o£addhiora] producu to other Citicorp entities, resulting in addition~ revenues of $3M~. · DLrcctecl dcvelopment of'major uIes management program which became prototype t~'oughoui other internationaJ banking ccntcrs. New York Banldag Dhdston 1981-1984 Vice President in charge of Madison Avenue/42 Street Branch. $350MIVI business with 65 employees. Succes~uily turned business around to become · leading peffo~ in Upper Manhattan Division. Consistently recognized with bonus ~nd stock options. Established B~k's first Leg~! Center, bringing in 43 new law firm clients in e~ght month~. Set up Exccutive Bankin8 Progra,-n for major Fortune $00 company, resultin8 in $TMM in new liability balances in first three months. In~ca. sed branch's oventll liabLlity b~dLnces by 48% in one ye~. 1973 - 1981 United Jerse7 Ban~, Princetoo, New Jersey ~g~ years ~n v~ocs member bank (The Fir~ National Ba~,k of Princeton) and holding compaq, fy positions. A~ First NationaJ, a.Rer holding lending and account man~cment positions, was promoted to Director of Mazkcting and Public Relations. Sub~quently tra.ns£crred to U,1B Marketing Depa~"Lment M Director of Commurdcations. EDUCATION: B.S. State Univermity of New York (SUNY) University of Colorado, Bank Marketing As~.iafion's Grnduale School of Bank FELx lb 1998 Pg '-4~-~ ,co t. CO COD BO~ - NOR~ '. ; ~ d.'-~.:. ..~ · '..-" · . ~: To ~ppoint 2 mcm~ to s~e 3 ye~ t~m, e~8 on Feb~ 14, 2001, on · ~ Coljicr Co~ Code E~orc~m~nt Bo~d - No~. CONSIDE~T!O~: ~s 7 m~m~r (2 ~t~t~ m~r) ~d is com~s~d of, but ~ot limited to, individ~s rcpr~s~t~g ~ ~cupa~o~ of~c~t~ b~bmm~ engbeer, ~en~ con~c~or, su~on~actor ~d Re~tor ~d ~ co.idled, ~ p~ oo ~e b~is ofex~dence or ~tcr~s~ in ~c ~c~ of ~c codes ~d or~c~s to ~ ~o~ed. Mem~ ~ ~q~d to file a Fo~ 1 S~tcmcnt of Fin~ci~ Interest each y~ ~ ~e S~mr ofEl~o~. T~-~ ~ 3 ~ te~s for C~li~ E~en Dei~ (A~omey) ~d ~c~ H~ M~o~ck ~n~eer) ~ Dyrel Delaney (Realtor) 2 yea Roberta Dusek (Realtor) Clifford Wesley Flegal, Jr. (Alternate-Realtor) 1 yea Mr. Flegal is currently serving as an alternate and would like to be considered for appointment as a regular member. If Mr. Flegal is appointed as a regular member, you will need to appoint 1 additional regular member and I alternate member. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION_: Quasi-Judicial - No recommenctations accepted. All members meet the minimum requi~ments and are eligible for appointment. .FISCAL IMPAC'~: NONE GROWTH MANAGEM~ENT IMPACT_: NONE RECOMME.NDATIO~: That the Board of County Commissione~ consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint members to serve on the Collier Code Enforcement Board - North. and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Adminisu--ative Assistant Board of' County Commissioners ,~G-E-N0~-- Agenda Date: FEBRUARY 10, 1998 No._../~/') FEB 1 0 1998 Pg-. / Collier County Code Enforcement Board - North Work Pkone ~ppt'd Exp. Dat~ :Term Name Home Phone ~a:e~appt 2ndK~pDate ~33 E. ~bm C~le Naples, FL 34103 Cat~: ~~A~~ess Co~t George P. Ponte 0~18/97 0~1~ 3 Ye~ 565 Aura Boulev~ Ap~ 7~1370 Na~les, FL 34113 D~t: I Ca~e~o~: ~e~ed CBS Employee Celi~ Ellen Dei~ C'~5~-41 4~w~ ~18/9S 0~I~98 3 Ye~ 913 8 W~ter View ~ve Naples, FL 34109 D~ict: 3 Category: Anomey $~es D. ~em Sr. ~~ 03/I~93 0~14/96 3 Ye~ 116 Heron Av~ue 79~893 ~96 0~1~99 3 Y~ D~ct: Naples, FL 34108 2 C~ego~: Gene~ Con--mr Cl~ord Wesley Flegfl, Jr. 06/03/97 0~14/~ 3 292 B~ol ~ve Naples, FL 34113 D~mZt: 1 C~ego~: ~~A~efltor M~ya Lcu~ere ~/19/94 0~I~7 3 5780 1~ Avenue, S.W. 35~ ~1~97 0~1~ 3 Naples, FL 34116 D~: 3 C~ego~: B~ F~d Mueg~ 281-1~1 ~I~ ~1~ 3 Y~ 765 W~ow B~ok ~ve, ~15 N~I~, FL 34108 D~: 2 C~o~: R~tor AG£ND.~ ~TE~N FEB 10 1998 ~/ork Phone No~ Ho~ ~hone D~~pt 2n~D~e 2nd ~c~ H~y McC~ek. 725 I0~ Avenue, N. Naples, FL 34108 ,~-~ D~ict: 2 Catego~: Eng~ C~les M. ~~ 03~89 0~1~ I Ye~ 5960 C~re~ Hollow Way 507-~a ~95 0~I~ 3 Y~ Naples, FL 34109 D~Zt: 3 C~ego~: Re~tor This 7 member board was created pursuant to Chapter 162 oflhe FL Stat. by Ordinance 88-89 and ia composed of. but not limited to, individuals mpmsenUng the occupations of architact. businassman, engineer, general contractor, subcontractor and Realtor and am considered, in part, on the basis of experience or interest in fe ames of fie codes and ordinlnce$ to be enforced. Members are required to file a Form I Statement of Financial Interest each year wftll the Supervisor of Elections. Terms are 3 years. This is a Quasi Judicial Board. Two alternate membem were approved by Ord. 96-78 on 12J3/96. Staff: Maria Cruz, Code Enforcement Specialist: 643-8455 04, 1997 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 27, 1995 TO: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners FROM:Maria Cruz. Licensing Compliance Officer ~ Code Enforcement Depaz~nent RE: Candidates for Code Enforcement Board "North" The -~r~ached resumes were reviewed, these individuals meet the Code Enforcement Boa~ Ordinance No. 92-80, general classification requirements. CATEGORY Dyrel Delaney Realtor Roberta Dusek Realtor If you any further assistance, please advise. need Maria -~rtachments FEB 10 1998 Pg", /~ DATE: January21, 1998 -- ". "'~ "'" · ::: tS TO: Vinell Hills, Elections Office t~ ""' ~';' FROM: _Sue Filson, Administrative A.~irtan Board of County Commissioners ~ ' RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board AppoLntments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consicler the following indiv/duals for appointment to one of thc county's advisory committees. Plt'a~se let me know ifthos~ listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. C_Q~E ENFORCEMENT BOARD~_ COMMISSION DISTRICT~ Dyrel Dclaney 427 Heron Avenue Roberta Dusek 1635 Windy Pines Drive / Naples, FL 34112 U(~ Thank you for your help. AGE ND./A~.~ T~M NO FEB 10 pg. ~' MEMORANDUM DATE: January21, 1998 TO: LiMa Sullivan, Code Enforcement ~Direc~ · FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistan~ "1 Board of County Commissioners RE: Code Enforcement Board North and South As you know, we cu_~Tently have 4 vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on ti'ds committee to submit a resume; for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Dyrel Delaney 427 Heron Avenue Naples, FL 34108 Roberta Dusek 1635 Windy Pines Drive Naples, FL 34112 Please let me know, in writing, if the applicants are qualified to serve on the board within the 41 day time-frame, ~d I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments January 4, 1998 Sue Filson Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Dear Mrs. Filson, Re: Position on Committee of Code Enforcement Board (North) Pursuant to your press release dated December 30, 1997, hereby request that I be considered to fill a seat on the subject Committee. I first came to Florida in 1971 as the Senior Real Estate appraiser for the Everglades National Park in a progra~ which purchase wet land for a twenty million ($20,000,000.00) expansion program. In 1975 I moved to Naples and became the Chief Appraiser for the United States National Park Service in the newly designat~d Big Cypress National Preserve. From 1975 until 1980 I was lead instrumental in the acquisition of over one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000.00) in wet lands; a significant portion there of being by the process of Eminent Domain. During that time frame I endured the pressure of unbelievable outcries that the United States Government had become a dictatorship and was stealing private land without the payment of just compensation. Letters in number from United States Congressmen were a daily occurrence. New... some twenty years later the program is viewed on a National and even International lev-1 as one of the greatest endeavors ever to have taken place toward the preservation of our environment. The point being that Naples is still in the throes of growing pains. I want to provide my contribution towards it becoming a world class City in rank with San Francisco, Paris or Venice and not drift into a pattern of sprawling urban blight. The residence of Collier County collectively have decreed they also wish to maintain these high standards. In my estimation such level ca;~ only come if our Codes and Ordinances are steadfastly enforced and the Department of Code Enforcement is giving strong backing; a formula which is painful during the process but yielding in the long run. If I am selected to set on the Board these are the influences which I will bring with me. I request that you respectfully submit this letter and my attached r~sume to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration and action. I am available at any time to provide additional information or answer any questions.  spectfu~ly submitted, enclosures: Oyrel Oelaney r~sume Dvrel DelaneY 427 Heron Ave., Naples, FL, 34108 (941) 594-1783 Naples First Residence: 1975 to 1980 (Interim: Washington, D.C. and other government post) Naples Second Residence: 1991 to present Profession: Real Estate Appraiser/ Writer Education: Bachelors Degree Major: Banking and Finance Experience Pertinent to Collier County: Chief Appraiser, United States National Park Service, mandated to the acquisition of all inholdings within the boundaries of Big Cypress National Preserve. Credentials: Certified as an expert witness in both Federal and State Courts in matters of Eminent Domain. Pertinent to the seat on the subject Board are my working knowledge of such value influencing matters as projected growth, building and zoning codes, land utilization, community standards, and community image. ,oo ,,. ,.-~ ,..,, FEB 10 1998 December 28, 1997 Mrs. Sue Filson Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Dear Ms. Filson, Re: The Collier County Code Enforcement Board Even though I spent a number ofyears living in other areas on the northeast coast of the United States, Florida has always been my home. 1 am a native Floridian. I was born here. I went to school here. I4/herever I have lived it has atways been my philosophy to give back to my community and land development and code enforcement have been my strongest interest. · Real Estate has been myprofessionfor the past seventeen fl 7} yearx. Presently 1 am a broker sales associate with Cameron Real Estate Service& Inc. I have no political connections in Collier County; I'm just a dedicated citizen who has an interest and would very much like the opportunity to serve. $incere ,,~ AGENDA. ITEI~ Roberta (Bobb(e). Dusek,, FEB 10 1998 PROFESSIONAL PROFILE ROBERTA (BOBBLE) DUSEK 941-261-1111 941-774-2428 REAL ESTATE BROKER/P~EGA! . Licensed Real Estate Broker - State of Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker - State of New York Licensed Real Estate Broker - State of Pennsylvania Over seventeen years of experience National Paralegal Certification - graduated "With Distinction" Former Florida and New York school teacher EDUCATION B.S. Degree in Education, Florida State. University; C.W. Post College, L.I., NY(continuing education); Westchester Community College, Westchester, NY(real estate broker's course); Mercy College, Westchester, NY (Paralegal National Certification recognized by the ABA ). PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS & DESIGNATIONS NAR - National Association of Realtors FAR - Florida Association of Realtors NABOR - Naples Area Board of Realtors GRI - Graduate Realtors Institute CRS - Certified Residential Specialist AGEND~.~.~T. EM RS Council - Residential Sales Council No FEI t 0 A NATIVE FLORIT')IAN- P~'~ October 24, 1997 Board of County Commissioners Collier County Collier Government Complex Naples, Florida 34112 Attention: Sue Filson RE: Code Enforcement Board - North I am submitting this request for consideration for a permanent position on the Collier County Code Enforcement Board - North. I am currently serving as an alternate member on this Boaxd. I have not missed a meeting since being appointed as an altemate and believe that it is impommt to serve ones' commtmity. Thank you for your consideration. ~ Regard,i, / / Clifford Wesley Flegal Jr. FEB 10 1998 December 10, 19'9? Ms. Su(; Filson Administrative Assistant Collier County Government Complex 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples,, Florida 34112 Re: Collier County Code Enforcement Board Dear Ms. Filson: I respectfully submit my resignation to the Collier County Code Enforcement Board. Due to an employment chtunge, I am no longer residing in Collier County. I appreciate the opportunity to serve Collier County provided to me by the Board of County Commissioners. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. Richard H. McCormick, P.E. . RHNgkrg mccormi,;k'~ fl 210.let RICHMAN, DEIFIK, LANIER AND ROSS A PROFESSIONAL A$~3CIATION Kenneth W. Richman, Jr. ' Poinciana Professions! ] Celia Etlen Deifik ' 2640 Golden Gaxe Park Suza.nne D. Lanier Suite 206 Donald I4= Ross, Jr, ~ Naples, Florida 3.3942-2 (941) 4.34-77OO , ~ c. run. a,~ ~ Telefax (941) 434-734 a Mast. of Lzw t., October 16, 1997 Ms. Sue Fil~n Administrative Assistant Roard of County Commissioners .J01 Tamlami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Sue: This 1¢'_:¢r is to advise that I will not be able to renew reappointment ofmy seat on the Code Enforcement Board. I have made obligations to other public .~nvice activitie~ which prevent me from sit'~g on the Code Enforcement Board. Tl~nl~ you for your time and attemion. vm, trub your~ RICHMA.N, DEIFI~ LANIER & ROSS, P.A. CED:jcta i^G£,o,~j.~'~_ ' RECEIVED No._/_~./,-.- OCT 2 0 ~ (' FEi 1 0 1998 Bo d of' Count~ ComfsSfoners _ _Pg ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION NO. PUD-97-12, WILLIAM L. HOOVER, OF HOOVER PLANNING SHOPPE REPRESENTING FRANK CLESEN AND SONS INC., REQUESTING A REZO~ FROM "E" ESTATES TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE PINE RIDGE ROAD (CR-896) AND 1-75 INTERCHANGE ACTIVITY CENTER, LOCATED ON TRACT 92, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT 35, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 4.33 ACRES. OBJECTIVE: This petition seeks to rezone the subject property from "E" Estates to "PUD" Planned Unit Development for a commercial and professional office center. The subject property is located within the Urban Designated Interchange Activity Center area of the Future Land Use Map to the FLUE to the GMP. The PUD Document includes a mixture of commercial uses including eating places, banks, hotels/motels, retail, professional and medical offices. Convenience stores and gasoline service stations are prohibited. The PUD Master Plan pro'v/des three land use parcels ',n-site, two for commercial development and one for water management. The purpose for each parcel (A, B & C) is to provide a transition between uses and the residential conm~unity to the north. For example, in Area A (.55 acres) the proposed uses include open space and storm water management. This area was specifically located adjacent to Livingston Woods Lane which abuts the residential neighborhood. Within Area A the petitioner is also constructing an opaque eight (8) foot high architecturally designed masonary wall within the landscape buffer, across the rear yard adjacent to Livingston Woods Lane. In Area B (1.88 acres) uses permitted are limited to hotels/motels, miscellaneous retail, sit-down restaurants, health s~.r'~'ices, banks and professional offices. Building heights are limited to thirty-five (35) feet and required to be setback a minimum of eight-two and V2 feet (82.5) from Livingston Woods Lane. In Area C (1.67 acres) auto supply stores, fast food restaurants and all permirted principal uses in Area B are permitted. As a result, the project transitions from open space in the rear yard adjacent to Livingston Woods Lane to restricted commercial uses, building heights and development regulations adjacent to Pine Ridge Road. These building heights and restricted land uses are also similar to the approved Naples Gateway PUD and the Angileri PUD to the west. The only exception is that the Angileri PUD allows gasoline service stations and convenience stores; the maximum height for hotels/motels is limited to two (2) stories and the remainder of the commercial buildings are limited to thirty (30) feet, and required to be setback ninety (90) feet from Livingston Woods Lane. The Naples Gateway PUD also prohibits gasoline services stations and convenience stores; the maximum height for commercial buildings including hotels/motels is thirty-five (35) feet and the setback from Livingston Woods Lame is fifty feet for one story buildings and ninety feet for two and three story buildings. FEB 1 0 1998 Access to the subject site is provided from an existing east/west sixty (60) foot Hght-of-way casement thru Tract 77 (located adjacent to and west of the subject site) connecting to a north/south sixty (60) foot right-of-way easement intersecting with Pine Ridge Road at the existing median opening at the Sutherland PUD entrance. These right-of-way easements are recorded in the Official Record Book 245, Page 521. The shared access connection to Pine Ridge Road is encouraged and deemed consistent with the County's Interchange Activity Center Access Management Plan. A shared access agreement between the owner(s) of Tract 77 and the subject petitioner is not currently executed, however, the owner(s) of Tract 77 submitted a PUD rezone (Petition No. PUD-97-17 Pine Ridge Comers PUD) presently being reviewed by staff, which provides identical right, of-ways and vehicular interconnects with the subject PUD. The PUD Master Plan provides a private forty (40) foot frontage road through the middle of the site for access to Areas B and C which also functions as an interconnect to property east of the subject site also located within the Interchange Activity Center. This frontage road is identical to the frontage road approved in the Angileri PUD. Access to Livingston Woods Lane is prohibited. The Master Plan also provides internal and perimeter landscape buffers, water management facilities, open space, controlled ingress/egress and water and sewer facilities. The subject property is surrounded on two sides (east and west) by the Interchange Activity Center. These properties are presently undeveloped and zoned Estates. The property to the west (Tract 77) is being reviewed for~. similar commercial center (Petition No. PUD-97-17 Pine Ridge Comers PUD). Property to ,the north, across Livingston Woods Lane, is zoned Estates and is being developed with single fanfily houses on 2.25 acre lots. Property to the south, across Pine Ridge Road is developed with hotel/motels, restaurants, gasoline services stations and convenience stores, also referred to as the Sutherland PUD. The Collier County Planning Commission reviewed this petition on January 15, 1998 at their public heating and recmnmended approval of the subject petition (8 to 0). During the public hearing no one spoke in opposition or in favor of the petition. Additionally, staffhas not received any correspondence objecting to the petition. CONSIDEILa, TIONS' All rezoning actions require a findings on the part of the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) based on the provisions of Section A preponderance of the rezone finding support an action to rezone the subject lands to the "PLrD" zoning district. The rezone findings are formatted to give both reasons for or against a decision to rezone the property. Said findings are included in this Executive Summary submission together with the staffreport which is approved by the CCPC. A summary of the major Pro/Cons fi.om the Rezone Finding report is as follows: 2 PRO CON The project is designed in a manner that is Adjacent residents often perceive commercial compatible with and provides a transition to development az a contributing factor to noise, the surrounding residential neighborhood, pollution, crhxi,'., reduction in property values and increazing traffic. Unified architectural styles and guidelines In the short run construction traffic is have been provided for. necessary for commercial development and may be irritating to local residents. Development standards are consistent with The subject ~ite is adjacent to a residential those standards outlined in Division 2.8 single familyneighborhood. (Architectural and Site Design Guidelines) of the LDC. Access to the site is limited to Pine Ridge Road. generated :ca/tic will not exceed the The site significance test standard (5 percent of the LOS "C" design volume). FISCAL I?4PACT: This petition ~:,y and of itself will have no fiscal impact on the County. However, if this amendment achieves its objective, the land will be developed. The mere fact that new development has been approved ',,,,ill result in a future fiscal impact on County public facilities. The County collects impact fees prior to the issuance of building permits to help off-set the impact of each new development on public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund projects in the Capital Improvement Element needed to maintain adopted levels of sep,'ice for public facilities. In the event that impact fee collections are inadequate to maintain adoptr,a:l levels of service, the County must provide supplemental funds from other revenue sources in order to build needed facilities. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: All of the property is located within the Urban Designated - Interchange Activity Center on the Future Land Use Map to the FLUE to the GIMP. The property is presently zoned for si.:gle family use and is undevelcped. A review of consistency relationships with elements of the GMP is as follows: FEB 1 0 1998 3 Future Land Use Elcmer~t - This petition proposes a change from single family to commercial in order to make it possible to construct a hotel/motel, professional office, medical office, retail shopping plaza and restaurant on-site, The subject site is located within the Urban Designated Area as identified on the Future Land Use Map, within the Pine Ridge Road/Interstate 75 Interchange Activity Center. The function of the Interchange Activity Center provides for a mixture of commercial u.~es for the traveling and passer-by public. In 1983, the subject property was designated as a commercial node as indicated on the Collier County Comprehensive Plan and Map. In 1989, its designation changed to Interchange Activity Center. The designation change in 1989 specifically identified the subject properW within the Pine Ridg~e Road/ Interstate 75 Interchange Activity Center, consequently e~,'marking this property, for commercial use. In staff's opinion, the subject site has been designated as a commercial node for over 14 years, and is deemed consistent with the criteria setforth in the Future Land Use Element and the Growth Management Plan. Traffic (~irculation Element - Staffhas reviewed the applicant's Traffic Impact Statement ('rls) and has the following comment: The ITE Trip Generation Manual indicates that the proposed rezone will generate approximately 2,070 trips on a weekday after trip adjustments. No phasing .schedule has been provided, although, the TIS indicates that build-out should occur in 2000. Based on this data, the site generated traffic will not exceed the significance test standard (5 percent of the LOS "C" design volume) on Pine Rifige Road after trip assignments are made. Furthermore, this petition will not lower the level of service below any adopted LOS "D" standard within the project's radius of development influence (RDI). Therefore, the project is consistent with Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Traffic Cin:ulation Element (TCE). The TCE lists Pine Ridge Road (CR-896) as a 4 lane arterial road fi'onting the project. The current traffic count tV.,r this segment is 38,324 AADT and is operating at LOS "C". It should be noted that this road segment is projected to be deficient by 2000. However, the Capital Improvement Element (CIE) indicates that this segment of CR-896 will be improved to 6 lanes by 2000/2001. Therefore, this petition complies with Policy 1.3 ofthe TCE. HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. Pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code, if, during the course of site clearing, excavation or other construction activity an historic or archaeological artifact is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect the discovery shall be immediately ~topped and the Collier County Code Enforcement Department contacted. FEB 1 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Thc Collier County Planning Commission recommends appwval of Petition PUD-97-12 a I~'fition to rezone the subj~t property from "E" to "PUD". PREP,~RED BY BRYAN MILK D,~TE PRINCIPkL PLANNER RE~,rlEWED BY: ROBERT J. MULHERE, AICP DATE CU~NT PLanNING ~~GER DONALD W. A~OLD, MCP DA~E PLYING SERVICES D~TMENT DI~CTOR VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ~MiNiST~ToR '" COMMUNITY DEV. ~'D E~RONMEN~ SVCS. PUD-97.12 EX SUMMARY/md FEB 1 0 1998 5 TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DMSION DATE: DECEMBER 16, 1997 RE: PETITION NO: PUD-97-12, CLESEN PUD OWNER/AGENT: Agent: William L. Hoover, AICP Hoover Planning Shoppe 5051 Castello Drive $$220 Naples, Florida 34103 Owner: Frank Clesen & Sons/.ne. 316 Florence Avenue ~1[ Evanston, Illinois 60202-3298 REOUESTED ACTION: This petition seeks to have certain land herein described rezoned from its current classification of "F" Estates to "PUD" Planned Unit Development. ' GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The property is located in the northwest quadrant of the Pine Ridge Road (CR-896) and 1-75 Interchange Activity Center, located on Tract 92, Golden Gate Estates Unit 35, Section 7, Townskip 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. (See location map on following page) PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The Clesen PUD encompasses a land area of approximately 4.33 acres, of which three parcels (A, B & C) have been established for various intensities of commercial land use. Area C (approximatelly 1.67 acres) fronts along Pine Ridge Road and is designated for restaurants, offices, drag stores, auto supply stores and all pertained uses in Area B. Area B (approximately 1.88 acres) fronts a forty foot wide private right-of-way (the proposed internal access drive) and is designated for hotels/motel, s, A (approximately .55 acres) fronts Livingston Woods Lane and is designat stormwater management. Gasoline service stations and convenience stores are prohibited within the Clesen PUD. Access to the subject site is provided from an existing east/west sixty ((SO) foot right-of-way easement thru Tract ?? (located adjacent to and west of the subject site) connecting to a north/south sixty (60) foot fight-of-way easement intersecting with Pine Ridge Road at the existing medim opening at the Sutherland PUD entrance. These Hght-of-way easements are recorded in the Official Record Book 24S, Page $21. The shared access connection to Pine Ridge Road is encouraged and consistent with the County's Interchange Activity Center Access Management Plan. A shared access agreement between the owner(s) of Tract ?7 and the subject petitioner is not currently executed, however, the owner(s) of Tract ?? submitted a PUD rezone (Petition No. PUD-9?-I? Pine Ridge Comers PUl)) presently being reviewed by staff, which provides identical right-of-ways and vehicular interconnects with the subject PUD. The PUD Master Plan provides a private forty (40) foot frontage road through the middle of the site for access to Areas B and C which also functions as an interconnect to property east of the subject site also located within the Interchange Activity Center. This frontage road is identical to the frontage road approved in the Angileri PUD. Access to Livingston Woods Lane is prohibited. The Master Plan also provides internal and perimeter landscape buffers, water management facilities, open space, controlled ingress/egress and water and sewer facilities. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Existing: The property is vacant, cleared, infested with exotic vegetation and is zoned Estates. Surrounding: North - To the north is Livingston Woods Lane fight-of- way and property zoned Estates. Presently there are a few single family residence's existing north of and northwest of the subject site on lots consisting of approximately 2.25 acres. The character of this area is being developed as a rural single family subdivision on 2.25 acre Estates lots. East- To the east is undeveloped Estates property located within the Interchange Activity Center. South - To the south is Pine Ridge Road (CR-g96) right- of-way. Further south is the Southerland PUl), also located within the Interchange Activity Center. A majority of the S,utherland PUD is developed2 with hotel's/m, ,tel s,N~FEBp~. ~_t/~1 0 1998.ts'' ^G , ,?~ ~ gasoline service stations and convenience commercial uses. West- To the west is undeveloped Estates property located within the Interchange Activity Cenra'. Further west is the Anglleri PUD and the Naples Gateway PUD, also undeveloped. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSISTENt. All of the property is located within the Urban Designated - Interchange Activity Center on the Futta'e Land Use Map to the FLUE to the GMP. The property is presently zoned for single family use and is undeveloped. A review of consistency relationships with elements of the GMP is as follows: Future Land Use Element - This petition proposes a change fi.om single family to commercial in order to make it possible to construct a hotel/motel, professional office, medical office, retail Shopping tflaza and restaurant on-site. The subject site is located within the Urban Designated Area as identified on the Future Land Use Map, within the Pine Ridge Roadantersme 75 Interchange Activity Center. The function of the Interchange Activity Center provides for a mixture of{~ commercial uses .%r the traveling and passer-by public. In 1983, the subject property was designated as a commercial node as indicated on the Collier County Comprehensive Plan and Map. In 1989, its designation changed to Interchange Activity Center. The designation change in 1989 specifically identified the subject property within the Pine Ridge RovA/ Interstate 75 Interchange Activity Center, consequently earmarking this property for commercial tu~e. In staWs opinion, the subject site has been designated as a commercial node for over 14 years, and is deemed consistent with the criteria setforth in the Future Land Use Element and the Gro~xh Management Plan. Traffic.. Circulation Elem~nt - Staff has reviewed the applicant's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) .,.ad has the following comment: The ITE Trip Generation Manual indicates that the proposed rezone will generate approximately 2,070 trips on a ~veekday after trip adjustments. No phasing schedule has been provided, although, the TIS indicates that build-out .should occur in 2000. Based on this data, the site generated traffic will not exceed the significance test standard (5 percent of the LOS "C" design volume) on Pine Ridge Road after trip assignments are made. Furthermore, this petition will not lower the level of service below any adopted LOS "D" standard within the project'.,;, radius of development influence (RDI). Therefore, the project is consistent with Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Traffic Circulation Element (TCE). The TCE lists Pine Ridge Road (CR-896) as a 4 lane arterial road fronting the project. The current traffic count for this segment is 38,324 AADT and is operating at LOS "C". It should be noted that · this road segment is projected to be deficient by 2000. However, the Capital In ~nt-'~ (CIE) indicates that this segment of CR-896 will be improved to 6 lan~ by 2000/2001. Therefore, this petition complies with Policy 1.3 o£th¢ TCE. Oven S_~acc Element - Thc total open space (1.23 acres) and the open space that each individual development parcel sets aside as a function of complying with setbacks, water management and design features exceeds the thirty (30) percent required by the LDC. Staff is confident that this project as designed is consistent with thc open space element. Other Avplicablc Element(s) - These include utilities and water management. Develol:nnent of the land will proceed on thc bases of connection to the County's sewer and water distribution system. Once these utility lines are completed in accordance with County standards, they will b{: deeded to thc Collier County Water-Sewer District as required by County Ordinance. Water management facilities will be constructed to meet County Ordinances and these will be reviewed and approved as a sanction of obtaining subsequent development order approvals. The above prescribed course of action makes this petition consistent with this element of the GMP. ~C/AI~_CHAEOLOGICAL IMPACTA Staff's analysis i',:dicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefbre, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. Pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code, if, during the course of site clear/ag, excavation or other construction activity an historic or archaeolo$ical artifact is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect the discovery shall be inmaediately stopped and the Collier County Code Enforcement Department contacted. EVALUATION FOR ENV']RONMENTAI__.~ TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTI, J~I,F.d The subject petition has been reviewed by the appropriate staffresponsible for oversight related to the above referenced areas of critical conce,:n. This primarily includes a review by the Community Development environmen:al and engineering staff, and the Transportation Department staff. ANALYSIS: Staff completed a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition and the criteria on which a favorable determination must be based. This evaluation is intended to provide an objective, comprehensive overview of the impact of the proposed land use change, be they )ositive or negative, culminating in a staffrecommendation based on that comprehensive overview. ~e li~ are specifically noted in Section and Section of the Land Dex opment C0iffe/thus 4 FEB 1 0 199B requiring staff evaluation and comment, and shall be used as the basis for a recommendation of approval or denial by the Planning Commission to the Board of County Commissioners. Each of the potential impacts or considerations identified during the staff review are listed under each of the criterion noted and are categorized as either pro or con, whichever the case may be, in the opinion of staff. Staff review of each of the criterion is followed by a summary conclusion culminating in a determination of compliance, non-compliance, or compliance with mitigation. These evaluations are completed as separate documents and are attached to the staff report. Appropriate evaluation of petitions for rezoning should establish a factual basis for ~upportive action by appointed and elected decision makers. The evaluation by professional staff should typic~flly include an analysis of the petition's relationship to the community's future land use plan, and whether or not a rezoning action would be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan in all of its related elements. Other evaluation considerations should include an assessment of adequacy of transportation infrastructure, other infi'astructure, and compatibility with adjacent land uses, a consideration usually dealt with as a facet of analyzing the relationship of the rezonJng action to the long range plan £or future land uses. Notwithstanding the above, staff in reviewing the determinants for adequate findings to support a rezoning action advise as follows: Relationship to Future and Existing Land Uses: - A discussion of this relationship, as it applies specifically to Collier County's legal basis for land use planning, refers to the relationship of lahe proposed zoning ~-ction to the Future Land Use Element of the Collier County Growth Managemtmt Plan. The subject property is located with/n the Urban Designated Interchange Activity Center area of the Future Land Use Map to the FLUE to the GMP. The PUD Document includes a mixture of convenience commercial uses including eating places, banks, hotels/motels, professional and medical offices. Convenience stores and gasoline service stations are prohibited. The PUD Master Plan provides three land use parcels on-site, two for commercial development and one for water management. The purpose for each parcel (A, B & C) is to provide a transition between u~es and the residential community to the north. For example, in Area A (.55 acres) the proposed use~ include open space ,and storm water management. This area was specifically located adjacent to Livingston Woods Lane which abuts the residential neighborhood. Within Area A, the petitioner is also constructing an opaque eight (8) foot high architecturally designed masonary wall within a landscaped buffer across the rear yard adjacent to Livingston Woods Lane. In Area B (1.88 acres) uses pemaitted are limited to hotels/motels, miscellaneous retail, sit-down restaurants, health services, banks and professional offices. Building heights are limited to thirty-five (35) feet mad buildings are required to be setback a minimum of eighty-two and ½ feet (82.5) from Livingston Woods Lane. In Area C (1.67 acres) auto supply stores, fast food restaurants and all permitted principal uses in Area B are permiucd. As a result, the project transitions from open space in the rear yard adjacent to Livingston Woods Lane to restricted commercial uses, building heights and development regulations adjacent to Pine Ridge Road. These building heights and restrict, e~ lat~ uses are also similar to the approved Naples Gateway PUD and the Angileri ~UD l~.a~t} Th~ only exception is that the Angileri PUD allows gasoline ~erviee stations and onvenie~e~""do~'r~; FEB 1 0 1998 maximum height for hotels/motels is limited to two (2) stories; the remainder of the commercial buildings axe limited to thirty (30) feet, and buildings are required to be setback ninety (90) feet fi'om Livingston Woods Lane. The Naples Gateway PUD also prohibits gasoline service stations and convenience stores; the maximum height for commercial buildings including hotels/motels is thirty- five (35) feet and the setback fi.om Livingston Woods Lane is fifty feet for one story buildings and ninety feet for two and three story buildings. Signage, open space, ingress/egress, off-street parking, and other applicable development st~ndm'ds comply with the requixernents of the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). I.a.ndscaping and buffering requirements are also consistent with and typically exceed LDC requirements. With respect to the matter of compatibility, staff is of thc opinion that the subject petition is consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and is therefore compatible with other approved Planned Unit Developments located within the subject Interchange Activity Center. In regard to the residential property to the north, the PUD Master Plan and Document has provided a transition of commercial uses, landscape buffers and open space to buffer any impacts of development. Th,ese development stipulations and controlled access to the site is a commitment to protect the integrity of the adjacent residential community. Traffic: - Staff has reviewed the applicant's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) and has the following comment: The ITE Trip Generation Manual indicates that the proposed rezone will generate approximately 2,070 trips on a weekday after trip adjustments. No phasing schedule has been provided, althoul~h' the TIS indicates that build-out should occur in 2000. Based on this data, the site generated traffic will not exceed the significance test standard (5 percent of the LOS "C" design volume) on Pine Ridge Road after trip assignments axe made. Furthermore, this petition will not lower the level of service below auy adopted LOS "D" standard within the project's radius of development influence (RDI). Therefore, the project is consistent with Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Traffic Circulation Element (TCE). The TCE lists Pine l:Lidge Road (CR-896) as a 4 lane arterial road fronting the project. The cunent traffic count for this segment is 38,324 AADT and is operating at LOS "C". It should be noted Ihat th. is road segment is project to be deficient by 2000. However, the Capital Improvement Element (CIE) indicates that this segment of CR-896 will be improved to 6 lanes by 2000/2001. Thereibre this petition compli~:s with Policy 1.3 of the TCE. Staff has reviewed the layout of the PUD Master Plan fi.om a planning and traffic safety standpoint and finds the following: The proposed access is provided from an existing 60 foot right-of-way fi.om Pine Ridge Road and connecting with the property to the east. Since there is clear sight distance at the proposed entrance, the access should operate adequately subject to any required right-of-way permits. It is staffs opinion that the on-site traffic circulation has been designed in a manner that reduces possible vehicular and pedestrian conflicts. The Master Plan provides a future inter connection with the vacant property to the east which is consistent with Policy 7.2 of the TCE. Please note that the final traffic circulation system design will be reviewed at the time of :rite development plan review or preliminary subdivision plat review (if required). The Traffic Accident Report of 1996 shows the intersection of CR-896 and 1-75 as having a low tr: ,.,~: ---: .... ,of under I0 per year. ~.~~ FEB 1 0 1998 The GMP consistency review states that approval of this petition is consistent with policies of the TCE. Utility ]~nfra~tructur¢ - Both a public sanitary sewer and municipal water supply is available to the property and will be extended as a consequence of future development. All developmen! must comply with surface wa~er management requirements invoked at the time of site developmen! plan approval as the case will be for development of this land. CommUnity Infrastructure and Services - The subject property is readily accessible to a whole range of community infrastructure which is enhanced by its frontage on Pine Ridge Road. Shopping centers, business offices and medical offices of various specialties are all within a short driving distance. Summary - Based on the above analysis the following conclusions can be drawn from the staffrelx~rt: 1. The action to rezone the property from Estates to PUD and the PUD development strategy for commerc!:a! development and related facilities is consistent with the FLUE to the GMP. 2. The proposed commercial uses and development regulations are consistent with that authorized by the Interchange Activity Center Designation of the FLUE. 3. All other pertinent elements of the GMP were reviewed and the methods for achieving consistency are made a part of the PUD regulations or otherwise achieved by the PUD Ma~,~.r Plan. 4. A preponderance of the rezone and PUD findings support a recommendation of approval and compatibility with adjacent land uses. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Collier County Planning Commission recommend approval of Petition PUD-97-12, Clesen PUD pursuant to the Ordinance of Adoption end Exhibits attached thereto. FEB 1 0 1998 7 PREPARED BY' BRYA~MmK PR.INCI~AL PLANNER REVIEWED BY: , AICP DATE DONA.L[~'~ ARNOLD, AICP ~ ' DATE  b~G SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ~" ~ /R -~ - ~ 7 VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AICP, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMM15NITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAJ., SVCS. Petition Number ?UD-97-12 Staff Report for January 15, 1998 CCPC meeting. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: MICHAEL A. DAVIS, CHAIRMAN PUD-97~l 2 STAFF REPORT/md s FEB 1 0 1998 ___.,,g./~ -.._ REZONE FINDINGS PETITION PUD-97-12 Section 2..7.2.5. of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission to the Board of County Commissioners shall show that the Planning Commission has studied and considered the proposed change in relation to the following, where applicable: 1. Whether the proposed change will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies and Future Land Use map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan; _Pro/CQn: Evaluation not applicable. $.umma~ Findings: The subject property is located within the Urban Area and is designated as an Interchange Activity Cen:er. The uses permitted within this district ar~- intended to provide the traveling public with highway commercial uses (hotel/motel, miscellaneous retail, professional offices, personal services and auto services). A revi :w by appropriate staff has indicated that this petition has been designed to account for tht' necessary relationships dictated by the GMP. Where appropriate, stipulations have been generated to ensure consistency with the GMP during the permitting process. Therefore, this petition has been deemed to be consistent with the GMP. 2. The existing land use pattern; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Existing: The property is vacant, cleared, infested with exotic vegetation and is zoned Estates. Surrounding: North- To the north is Livingston Woods Lane right-of.. way and property zoned Estates. Presently there: are a few single family residences existing north of and northwest of the subject site on lots consisting of approximately 2.25 acres. The character of this area is being developed as a rural single family subdivision on 2.25 acre lots. East - To the east is undeveloped Estates property located within the Interchange Activity C~/'~ L£B 1 0 1998 p~. /~' South- To the south is Pine Ridge Road (CR-896) right- of-way. Further south is the Southerland PUD, also located within the Interchange Activity Center. A majority of the Southerland PUD is developed with hotel's/motel's, restaurants, gasoline service stations and convenience West- To the west is undeveloped Estates property located within the Interchange Activity Center. Further wes! is the Angileri PUD and the Naples Gateway PUD, also undeveloped. 3. The possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summary' Findings: The parcel is of a sufficient size that it will not result in an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. The property is contiguous oth~: zoning ,:lassifications within the Interchange Activity Center that essentially permit thc: saf~e uses. 4. Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn la relation to existing ' conditions on the property proposed for change; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summar3' Findings: The district boundaries are logically drawn and they are consistent with the Pine Ridge Road/I-75 Interchange Activity Center. 5. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed amendment necessary; Pro/Con; Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findinf~s: The proposed zoning change is appropriate based on the existing conditions of the subject property and because its relationship to the FLUE (Future Land Use Element of the GMS) is a positive one. 6. Whether the proposed change will adversely Influence living onditlons in thc: neighborhood; FEB 1 0 1998 2 Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. ~ummar-v Findings: The proposed change will not adversely influence livh:g conditions in the neighborhood because the recommended development standards, site specific land use designations, controlled ingress/egress, landscape buffers and other conditions for approval have been promulgated and designed to ensure the least amou:nt of adverse impact on adjacent and nearby developments. Furthermore, the propos¢;d project is in compliance with the GMP and is compatible with existing commercial PUD developments within the Activity Center. 7. Whether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create V,.'pes of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak volumes or projected types of vehicular traffic, including activity during construction phases of the development, or otherwise affect public safety; Pro..__A.' (i) Development of the subject property is consistent with provisions of the Traffic Element of the GMP, therefore traffic intensity should not adversely affect the comfort and safety ofexisting users on adjacent public roads. {,ii) One ingress/egress point is provided onto Pine Ridge Road of which complies with the County's Access Management Plan. (iii) The subject property is located adjacent to the County's arterial road system. Con.'_ (i) As urban intensification increases, there is some loss of comfort and ease: of travel to the motoring public. However, by law this degree of discomfort is regulated by concurrency requirements. (ii) In the short run construction traffic is necessary for commercial development, and this may be irritating to local residents. Summa~.._F~ Evaluation of this project took into account the requirement for consistency with Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Traffic Element of the GMP and was found consistent, a statement advising that this project when developed will not excessively increase traffic congestion. Additionally certain traffic management system improvements are required as a condition of approval (i.e. turn lanes, traffic signals, dedications, etc.). In the final analysis all projects are subject to the Concurrency Management system. 8. Whether the proposed change will create a drainage problem; Pro.__~: Road improvements precipitated by this development and water management improvements to accommodate site development are designed to accommodate the normal drainage requirement. Con.: Urban intensification potentially can heighten the occasion for area-wide flooding under the more severe rainfall event. S. ummar~, Findings: Every project approved in Collier County involving the utilization of land for some land use activity is scrutinized and required to mitigate all sub-surface drainage generated by developmental activities as a condition of approval. This project was reviewed for drainage relationships and design and construction plara~ are required to meet County standards as a condition of approval. In the event area wide deficiencies develop, which deficiencies would be further exacerbated by developing vacant land, the County is required to react through its Concurrency Management system. 9. Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas; ...Pro/Con.' Evaluation not applicable. Summary, Findinas: All projects in Collier County are subject to the development standards that are unique to the zoning district in which it is located. These development standards and others apply generally and equally to all zoning districts (i.e. open space requirement, corridor management provisions, etc.) were designed to ensure that light penetration and circulation of air does not adversely affect adjacent areas. 10. Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent area; Pro: (i) Urban intensification typically increases the value of adjacent vacant or underutilized land. (ii) Development standards, site design, landscape buffers and site specific land uses generally reflect the quality ora project. Con: ) There is no way to guarantee that ~s project will be marketed in a manner comparable to other commercial projects within the existing Interchange Activity Center. Summary Findings: Staff is of the opinion that no adverse affect is contemplated because the property has been designated for commercial use by the 1983 £ Plva~, and a.s amended by the 1989 Growth Management Plan. FEB 1 0 1998 ~a. ,,9.0 11. Whether the proposed change will be. a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findlnes: The b;~ic premise underlying all of the development standards in the zoning division of the Land Development Code is that their sound application when combined with the administrative site development plan approval process, gives reasonable assurance lhat a change in zoning will not result in a deterrence to improvement or development of adjacent property. Also the PUD document has transitioned the intensity of commercial uses to specific parcels identified on the PUD Master Plan. This arrangement coupled with the requirement to build an opaque landscape buffer adjacent to Living,ston Woods Lane should provide reasonable assurance that a change in zoning will not result in a deterrence to improvement or development of adjacent residential property. 12. Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasting with the public welfare; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summan, Findines: The proposed development complies with the Growth Management Plan, a public policy statement supporting zoning actions when they are consistent with said Comprehensive Plan. In light of this fact the proposed change does not constitute a grant of special privilege. Consistency with the GMP is further determined to be a public welfare relationship because actions consistent with plans are in the public interest. 13. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summary' Findings_.' The subject property can continue to be utilized and developed in accordance with the existing zoning. However to do so would deny this petitioner the opportunity to maximize the development potential of the site as made possible by its ccnsistency relationship with the GMP. 14. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the CounW; ,Pro: The project is designed in a manner that is compatible with surrounding approved and improved commercial property in size and scale. The proposed PUD would authorize commercial land uses rather than single family use. Existing neighbors within the Livingston Woods subdivision may feel that the proposed change is out ofscale with the neighborhood. ..Summary, Findings_:: Since the proposed zone change will not generate vehicular trips that will lower the LOS below adopted standards, the project will not adversely impact the neighborhood. The proposed development also complies with the FLUE to the GMP, and intensity of land use is deemed acceptable for this site. Furthermore, a viable interchange commercial district has been determined to be a legitimate need and is not out of scale with the needs ofthe County. 15. Whether is it impossible to find other adequate sites in the County for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use; .Pro/Co,~... Evaluation not applicable. Summary, Findinzs: There are many sites which are zoned to accommodate the proposed development. This is not the determining factor when evaluating the appropriateness of a rezoning decision. The determinants of zoning are consistency with all elements of the GMP, compatibility, adequacy of infrastructure and to some extent the timing of the action and all of the above criteria. 16. ]'he physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration which would be required to make the properS., usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification; Pro__..A The subject property has been historically cleared and filled. Presently exotic vegetation has invaded the site, however environmental impacts are minimal. Cog: Development of the site would create a need for additional fill and site alteration for infi'astructure improvements. Summarx. Findings_.- The extent of site alteration will be determined as a function of' obtaining a Site Development Plan approval to execute the PUD's development strategy. FEB 1 0 1998 6 17. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth Management Plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, as amended; ~ Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findings: A multi-disciplined team responsible for.jurisdictional elements of the GIV[P have reviewed this petition and have found it consistent with the GMP, and where consistency relationships are brought by the development conditions or commitments, that these have been promulgated and made conditions precedent to approval. In any event, this petition shall be subject to adequate public facilities at ~e earliest, or next to occur, of either Final SDP approval, Final Plat approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this development. All related public utilities have been deemed adequate to serve this project. The site generated trips will not lower the level of service below the adopted LOS "D" standard for any road segment within the pro,ject's radius of development influence (RDI). NOTE: GMP as used herein means the Collier County Growth Management Plan. FLUE means the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. REZONE FINDINGS PUD-97-12/md FEB 1 0 1998 '7 ,. FINDINGS FOR PUD PUD-9?-12 Section of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Planning Commission to make a finding as to the PUD Master Plans' compliance with the following criteria: 1. The suitability of the area for the type and patter~ of development proposed in relation to physical characteristics of the land, surrounding areas, traffic and access, drainage, sewer, water, and other utilities. Pro: (i) The subject site has been earmarked for commercial use. The Interchange Activity Center is depicted on the FLUE to the GM]?, providing for convenience commercial, professional office and hotel] motel uses. (ii) Intensifying land development patterns produces economies of scale relative to public utilities, facilities and services, which are currently available in this area. (iii) The proposed ingress/egress point aligns the existing median opening within Pine Ridge Road at the Sutherland PUD. Also a service road is provided on-site to interconnect the adjacent property to the east. Con: Existing residents often perceive intensification in their neighborhood as contributing factors to inconveniencing movements to and from their place of residence, increasing noise and pollution, and reducing property values. Flnding~ Jurisdictional reviews by County staff support the manner and pattern of development proposed for the subject property. Development conditions contained in the PUD document give assurance that all infi'astructure will be developed and consistent with County regulations. Any inadequacies which require supplementing the PUD document will be recommended to the Board of County Commissioners as conditions of approval by staff and CCPC. 2. Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contract, or other instruments, or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. FEB 1 0 1998 Finding: Documents submitted with the application provide evidence of unified control. The PUD document makes appropriate provisions for continuing operation and maintenance of common areas. 3. Conformity of the proposed Planned Unit Development with the goals, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan; pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Finding: The subject petition has been found consistent with the goals, objectives a:nd policies of the Growth Management Plan. The subject property is located within the Urban Designated-Interchange Activity Center on the Future Land Use Map to the FLUE to the GIMP. The subject site is located within the Urban Designated Area as identified on the Future Land Use Map, within the Pine Ridge Road/Interstate-75 Interchange Activity Center. The function of the Interchange Activity Center provides for a mixture of commercial uses for the traveling public and passerbys. In 19~13, the subject property was designated as a commercial node as indicated on the Collier County Comprehensive Plan and Map. In 1989, its designation changed to an Interci',ange Activity Center. The designation change in 1989, specifically identified the subject property within the Activity Center, earmarking this property for commercial use. In staffs opinion, the subject site has been designated as a commercial node for over 13 years and is consistent with the criteria set forth in the Future Land Use Element and with the Grow'th Management Plan. Traffic Circulation Element - The estimated project trips will not exceed 5% of the LOS "C" design volume within the projects radius of development influence (RI)I). Furthermore, the site generated trips will not create a concurrency problem within the RDI because the project trips don't lower the capacity below any road's adopted LOS "D" standard. The proposed PUD rezone will not create or excessively increase traffic congestion on the arterial road system at build-out and complies with Policies 1.3, 1.4, 5.1, 5.2, 7.2 and 7.3 of the TCE. _Open Space Element - The total open space (1.23 acres) and the open space that each individual development project sets aside as a function ofcomplying with setbacks, water management and design features exceeds the thirty (30) percent required by the LDC. Staffis confident that this project as designed is consistent with the open space element. Ot___her Applicable Elements - These include utilities and Development of the land will proceed on the bases of connection to the and water distribution system. gEl 1 0 1998 2 Once these utility lines are completed in accordance with County standards, they will be deeded to the Collier County Water-Sewer District as required by County Ordinances. Water management facilities will be constructed to meet County Ordinances and these wilt be reviewed and approved as a sanction of obtaining subsequent development orde,~ approvals. The above prescribed course of action makes this petition consistent with this element of the GMS. 4. The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses, which conditions ma~, include restrictions on locution of Improvements, restrictions on design, and buffering and screening requirements. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Findine:The PUD Master Plan has been designed to provide a transition of commercial intensity throughout the site through the use of designated areas for development, landscaping, buffering, vehicular interconnects, sidewalks and shared ingres,~egress. O 5. The ad?quacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Findine: The amount of open space (30%) set aside by this project is consistent with the provisions of the Land Development Code. 6. The timing or sequence of development for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilities, both public and private. Pro/Con:. Evaluation not applicable. Findin£: Timing or sequence of development in light of concurrency requirements automatically triggers the mechanism for ensuring that further LOS degradation is not allowed or the LOS deficiency is corrected. 7. The ability of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Finding: Ability, a~ applied in this context, implies supporting intl' ~tru wastewater disposal system, potable water supplies, characteristic: of relative to hazards, and capacity of roads, is supportive of condition ~u,l~tilq~ f~ urban development. This assessment is described at length in the staffrepon. Relative to this petition, development of the subject property is timely, because supporting infrastructure is available and deemed to be adequate. 8. Conformity with PUD regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to Hteral application of such regulations. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Findini~: The development standards to be applied to the types of land uses authorized by the PUD document are consistent with those development criteria established in the Interchange Activity Center as designated by the Future Land Use Element. The development standards are also consistent with existing PUD's within the subject Interchange Activity Center. FI'NDfNGS FOR PUD-97-12/md FEB 1 0 1998 4 ,_ COLLIER COUNTY 'b .~-.._.. APPLICATION FOR PUD REZONE ~ " PETITION NO." " " · COOling^TinG PL t,a, mR: Applicant Name (Agent): William L. Hoover, AIQP, 9fHoover Planning Sho_o~ Address: 5051 Castello Dr. # 220, Naples, FL 34103 Phone: 403-8899 Fax: 403-9009 and Beau Keene, P.E., of Green, Keene, & Erek, Inc. Address: 3806 Exchange Ave.. Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 262-7525 Fax: 262-6231 Property Owner (Petitioner) Name and Address: Frank (~le~;en & Sons, Inc,, Attn, Richard J. Clesen, President, 316 FloTence Ave., Evans!on, IL 60202-329_8 Phone: 847- 869-2257 Detailed Legal Description of Subject Propert3': Section7 Township 49S Range ..2.6E Tract 92, Golden Gate Estates Unit No. 35, according to plat in Plat Book 7, page 85 of the Public Records of Collier Count',,,, Florida. Property. Id,:.utification #: 38456200002 Size of Property: 330 Feet x 571 Feet = 4.33_+ Acres General Location of Subject Property.: On the north side of Pine Ridee Road, 1/4 mile east of the intersection between Pine Ridve Road and Whippoonvill Lane. Adjacent Zoning and Land Use: ZONING LAND USE N - ROW & Estates Livingston Road 8: Vacant S - ROW & Sutherland PUD Pine Ridge Road & Waffle House E - Estates & ROW Vacant & 1-75 Frontage Road. W - Estates Vacant. Existing Zomng: Estates. Proposed Land Use or Range of Uses: PUD with Permitted Uses of v,-pical highway commercial land uses. Does Property Owner own contiguous properW to the subject property: If so, give complete legal description of the entire contiguous property: No. ^ci~ ^ '" FEB 1 0 1998 Has a public hearing for a rezone been held on this property within the past 12 months? If yes, please write the rezone application number. No, Is this property, currently vacant? Yes. If the answer is no please describe the currem land use and all existing structures. c,'-/7-77 Signature of Petitioner Date * If petitioner is a corporation other than a public corporations, so indicate and name officers and major stockholders. * If petitioner is a land trust, so indicate and name beneficiaries. * If petitioner is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, so indicate and name principals. * If petitioner is a leasee, attach copy of lease, and indicate actual owners if no! indicated on the lea2~e, * If petitioner is a contract purchaser, attach copy of contract, and indicate actual owner's name and address. See attached authorization letter and deed. F_. Clesen & Sons, Inc. is an Illinois corporation. Richard J. Clesen is president of this corporation and resides much of the year at 414 Rosemeade Lane, Naples, FL L FEB 1 0 1998 I HOOVER PLANNING SHOPPE Rezonings, PUD's, Site Dev. Plans, Affor. dable Housing, Conditional Uses, Trafflc/Parking~oning Studies and Variances (In Collier & Lee Counties) July 29, 1997 - · . UL 3 O 1 97 Project Planner Bryan Milk F /. ~ 9 ~ Collier County Current Planning 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34014 RE: Description of and Basis for Approval of the Clesen PUD Dear Mr. Milk: The subject property is 4.33 acres in size and is located on the north side of Pine Ridge Road approximately 1000 feet east of the intersection between Pine Ridge Road and Whippoorwill Lane. The property is within the area designated as Interstate Activity Center on the Future Land Use Map. Access would be via easements across the abutting parcel to the west. The Collier County Access Management Plan designates our joint access onto Pine Ridge Road a~ a right- in/fight-out access only. Since the Access Management Plan shows that as the sole access for both propertie:, to the east of the subject property, the petitioner's attorney is in the process of offering an updated 40 foot access easement across the subject property, for both those properties to utilize. The Future Land Use Element states the full array of commercial land uses may be allowed within an Inte:'state Activity Center and we are proposing highway interchange commercial uses and convenience commercial uses. Gas stations and convenience stores with gas pumps are not being requested in the Ciesen PUD. The Future Land Use Element requires that all rezoning petitions within Activity Centers provide an evaluation of the following factors, that are shown in bold (Note: The first two factors have been combined since they overlap significantly. Additionally, per your request, a detailed marketing study is being prepared and will be submitted by Quinby Appraisal & Research, Inc.) The amount, type sad location of e~isting zoned and developed commercial uses within or in close proximity of the Activity Center. Existing patterns of land nsc within or ha close proximity of the Activity Center. At the southeast comer of the intersection between Pine Ridge Road and 1-75 is the Astron Plaza PUD (descriptions are shown on the attached Access Management Plan map). This 7.6 site is · proposed for a 30,000 to 60,000 square feet medical outpatient center by the Cleveland Clinic. The remainder of the southeast quadrant consists of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Church, that is located adjacent to the canal and south of the Asa'on PI.~'-, and Estates property for existing and future single-family homes. The 24 acres adjacent to 1-75 is proposed as a hospital by the Cleveland Cli~c.t.~4~_og t]~)_ co:nmercial tract is the Vineyards' Crossroads Market, which has a Publix withi[~ a I}-7;O00" ,oog Ms. Bryan MiLk July 29, 1997 P~;¢ 2 square foot neighborhood shol:~ping center and on 2 outt)arcels, an AM South combination Mobil/McDonald. To the north and northeast of' these 2 large commerci~ tra~ are typically multi-family condominiums. Approximately 1/2 of the southwest quadrant of' this interchange is currently zoned Agricultural and undeveloped, and the remaining I/'2 is zoned for commercial uses within 3 PUDs. At thc mos~ western section of this southwes~ qu~lrant is the Pine Ridge Cen~-~' We~ and to i~s east is the Pine Ridge Center PUD (9 ~res). Both are ~proved for g~ stations, motels, restaurmts, offices, and convenience commercial uses. In my professior~J opinion, these 2 adjoining PUDs were not very marketable until public sewer became -v~il~le, aborn 7 months ago. The Sutherland PUD (15 acres) has been developed with a Chevron station, restaurant, Shell station, Burger King, Waffle House, and Knights Inn Motel. Additionally, a second motel is now under eonstructiort, located eas~ of the Waffle House. Just to the south of the Activit~ Center are many acres of vac.~nt Agricultural land, the Hospice of Naples, und the Seagate Baptist Church. The northwest quadrant of this interchange has had no commercial development at tl~ time again primaaiiy due to the lack of public sewer availability, until recently. The western 1/3 of the quadrant w/th this Activity Center is composed of the 13-acre Naples Cr~tew~y PUD. southeastern area of this PUD is approved for restaurants, banks, gas statior~, and convenience commercial uses. The remainder is approved for motels, sit-down restaurants, offices, banks, and convenience commercial uses. At the northeast comer of Whippoorwill Lane and Pine Ridge Road is the Angileri PUD, where a Race Trac gas station should be under construction, on the front parcel, in the nex~ few months. The remainder of the Activity Cemer within this quadrant, including the subject property, fronts along Pine Ridge Road which makes all of the parcels logical to be rezoned for commercial land uses. Livingston Woods Lane separates these Activity Center parcels from the Estates Zoning Disu'ict to the north for single-family homes. Market demand and service area for the proposed commercial land uses lo be used as · guide to explore the feasibility of the requested lind uses, Currently, there is a very strong m~ket demand for highway interchange and convenience commercial land uses at this Interstate Activity Center based on the following cla~: 1) This interchange or intersection has more traffic than nearly any other intersection i,-a Collier Cotmty and is located within a very high growth area of the County. 2) The proposed Cleveland Clinic Outpatient Center and Cleveland Clinic Hospital are planned for regional medical uses thai will attract additional motorim to this interchange who will also need our proposed services. 3) Many of the motorists travel/rig Pine Ridge Road adjacent to our site are employed in Naples and reside on Estates' properties located off of Pine Ridge Road east of 1-75, White Boulevard, Golden Gate Boulevard, or C.R. 951 nearby its imersection with Pine Ridge R~ ~,~ Center is basically the only commercial center east of Airport Road for ~_ese ~ :sicle~s while on their commute to and from work. 4) Many motorists traveling 1--75 fi', ,m the E~O~/~to~ desire typical interchange services after traveling across the Everglades, where he~Bm11~a Mr. B .ryan Milk July 29, 1997 Page 3 single stop with facilities for approximately 80 miles, before entering the Greater Naples Area. (Per a past discussion with M?O Office, commercial uses are not intended for ~ funtr~ interchange at Golden Gate Parkway and 1-75.) Adequacy of infrastracture capacity, particuinrly roads. Public water and public sewer are available to the site. Even though the subject site is intended to serve primarily passerby motorists, Pine Ridge Road and 1-75 currently have adequate levels of service. Compatibility of the proposed development with and adequacy of buffering for adjoining properties, Our PUD Master Plan portrays numerous planning strategies that minimize the impacts from our proposed development on neighboring parcels, with standards that typically exceed those of existing approved PUDs in the immediate vicinity. The following planning techniques ~ utilized to ensure that our impacts would be inconsequential to existing and fiatur~ residents in the Estates Di.vrict, located to the north of us across Livingston Woods Lane. 1) A landscaping buffer, with double the landscaped screening required in the Land Development Code (IX)C) and a masora'y wall, was provided along Livingston Woods Lane. 2) The northern 72.5 fe~t of the site was designated only as open space and water management areas. (This is the same percentage of the site devoted to open space and water management areas as the larger Angileri PUD.) 3) A minimum 82.5 foot setback was guaranteed from Livingston Woods Lane. 4) Our more inte~3_sive land uses were located nearest to Pine Ridge Road. Future residences along the nonhero side of Livingston Woods Lane will be a minimum of 217.5 feet from any slxucmres on our property since they are required to have a 75 foot front yard setback, in addition to our 82.5 foot rear yard setback and the 60 foot ROW. By designating this area as an Interstate Activity Center for the full array of commercial uses and by virtue of the County's existing approvals for similar uses at the Naples Gateway PUD and the Angileri PUD, the County has previously made the finding that the proposed commercial uses are compatible with the surrounding area. Natural or man-made constraints. The property is not constrained. Criteria identified in the Zoning Ordinance and other relevant factors. Most of these criteria have already been discussed. However since the land is nearly void of vegetation, and "high and dry", there are no physical characteristics that would make our proposed development unsuitable. Our development will exceed the minimum 3~-,i, requiremer, ts. FEB 1 0 1998 Mr. Bryan Milk July 29, 1997 Page 4 In addition, the applicant shall generally identify development trends within the Activity Center and demonstrate compatibility with existing and proposed development through urban design criteria such as buffering and architectural controls and how the propmed project would limit adverse impacts on the highway network by controlling road access points and coordinating on and off-site movement of traffic with surrounding properties. Generally, the half of this Interstate Activity Center that is located east of 1-75 has been developed primarily for neighborhood commercial and proposed regiorml medical uses 1hat would generate the impetus for motorists to drive a substantial distance out oftheir ~,ay for these services (the Cleveland Clinic Outpatient Center and proposed Cleveland Clinic Hospital), The development trends on the remaining (western) half of the Interstate Activity Center ~re to provide highway interchange commercial uses and neighborhood uses, that axe primarily for passerby motorists. Our project has incorporated similar land uses and site pla~ming strategies as fmmd on the latest approved PUD in this northwest quadrant, the Angileri PUD, except gas stations are not requested as a Permitted Use. Common plmming strategies with the Angileri PUD include: 1) Architecturally, the buildings must have peaked roofs that are finished in tile or metal and all buildings must be primarily finished in light colors except for decorative trim. 2) Architecturally designed low-level lighting is required. 3) The Clesen PUD ~ the northern 12.7% of the site designated as Area A, where only open space and stormwater management areas are permitted. 4) The buffer and wall with/n Area A has also been specified to protect future residences to the north across Livingston Woods Lane. 5) The more intensive land uses, in oar case fast food restaurants, is located in Area C the area fimhest from Livingston Woods Lane. In summars.', the proposed Clesen PUD meets all the requirements of the Growth Management Plan and the La. nd Development Code. All of our requested land uses have been approved by the County in each of the other commercial PUDs approved in the western half of this Activity Center. By the use of commonly accepted planning techniques we have m~ximized compatibility ~th neighboring properties. Additionally, by the use of shaxed cross accesses we are assisting Collier County in executing their Access Management Plan for this interchange. Prepared by; HOOVER PLANNING SHOPPE William L. Hoover, Enclosure ~.o~'=---"'~0 FEB 1 0 1998 NOTARIZED LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION ': '~ ~ RE: PUD Rezoning Petition for Tract 92, Golden Gate Estates Unit 35, Located Northwest of the Pine Ridge Road and Interstate 75 Interchange, Collier County, Flodda To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the Hoover Planning Shoppe, 2223 Trade Center Way, Naples, Flodda 34109, and Green, Keene, and Erek, Inc., 3806 Exchange Avenue, Naples, Flodda 34104 have been engaged by the property owner(s) shown below to act as authorized agents and to request necessary applications during the PUD Rezoning process for the subject project. 'dSroperty Own,~¢ - -"f:)rope rty Owner STATE OF ~?,~ COUNTY OF ~ ~ ,/2~, ,199.~ by ~tC/-~,4/_'b ~ .5'[/,v who is personally known to ~e or has produced .'"~'~_.~,./,.~c. C..Q'~'.  dentification and who did (did not) take an oath. ' Pul~[ic<-'' My Commission Expires: ~-'"~:~' FEB 1 0 1998 i p,. a'./ -_ iJ 97.. - I., ~., , il 33140, ~o ~ ~ i m ~ ....... IKIJ:~J[VtlJC~ O~ all o£ Blc~lon 7, ~mm~bip 49 Sou~h, PJnqe 26 bat, according to ~he Pi&~ ~barlO£, rlcc:~d~ in Pllt Book Paq~ ~5, ~Zlc Recordl of Collier County, Florida, parttc~lLry d48crJJ~d es follmm= of ro~ord and fixes flor ~ha ¥1ar 1996 and · l~ lfo~lo No.: '~14~&~O00O~ ~rantor hereAn hereby ltatel and &ffirna ~hat ~hl real h~ ~ey~ ham never ~ a~ l~tfi~lly 11 not al 2209 ~G: 0983 Si~, sealed, ~ delivered : ~TATE OF ~ore ~, a ~o~ ~lic, ~e forgoing Anl~nC v~  a~l~q~ ~AI ~ ~y of ,~Jty , 1996, by ~ZO ~X~, ~o {~ ii ~.~onally ~ ~o ii or { ) provid~ driver's liM~e al i~Xfl~lon. ~5 '~ ha~ ~ official seal An ~e Co~y ~d S~ate Last af~i~ ~in ~ day of ~uLY , 19.6. "" ~ '" Pr/nt~ ~: ~J4.~ / .. ~ .~ ,~ ~aron Zuccaro, E~K~. NAe~~ ~dd A Zu~o FEB 1 0 LIST OF PROFESSIONALS WOR~_!N~ ON PUD REZONINO Beau Keene, P.E., 240 Aviation Drive, Naples, FL 34104 Phone # 403-9399 Fax # 403-9399 Steve Erek, PLS, Greene, Keene & Erek, Inc., 3806 Exchange Avenue, Naples, FL 34104 Phone ~ 262-7525 Fax # 262-6231 William L. Hoover, ~ICP, Hoover Planning Shoppe, 5051 Castello Drive, Suite 220, Naples, FL 34103 Phone # 403-8899 Fax # 403-9009 Jeep Quinby, Quinby Appraisal & Research, Inc., 3800 Airport Road North, Naples, EL 34105 Phone # 263-9337 Fax # 263-9388 John D. Spear, P.A., 9200 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 204, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Phone # 947-1102 Fax # 947-5055 &GE. NDAJTEM FEB 1 0 199__) ORDINANCE NO. 98- % AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102 THE 5 COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH 6 INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR ~ THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 6 BY AMENDING THE OFFICI;tL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 9 GGE01; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF l0 THE HEREIN DESCRIBED R~2tL PROPERTY FROM ~E~ ll ESTATES TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS 12 CLESEN PUD FOR COMMERCI~tL USES, FOR PROPERTY l~ LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PINE RIDGE ROAD (C.R. ~4 896), WEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF PINE RIDGE ROAD 15 (C.R. 896) AND INTERSTATE 75, TRACT 92, GOLDEN 16 GATE ESTATES UNIT 35, IN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 49 ~? SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, 16 CONSISTING OF 4.33 ACRES MORE OR LESS; AND BY 19 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 2~ WHEREAS, William L. Hoover, AICP, of Hoover Planning Shoppe 22 and Beau Keene, P.E., of Green, Keene & Erek, Inc., representing 23 Frank Clesen & Sons, Inc., petitioned the Board of County 2¢ Co~missioners to change the zoning classification of the herein 25 described real property; 26 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County O 27 Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: 26 SECTION ONE: 2~ The zoning classification of the herein described real 30 property located in Section 7, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, ]~ Collier County, Florida, is changed from "E" Estates to "PUD" 32 Planned Unit Development in accordance with the Clesen PUD ]~ Document, at%ached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by ~ reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number GGE01, as 35 described in Ordinance Nu~er 91-102, the Collier County Land 36 Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. ~? SECTION TWO: ~6 This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the ~9 Department of State. %0 '1- PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County of Collier Coun=y, Florida, ~his ~ ~y of , 1998. BO~D OF CO~Y C~ISSIONE~ CO~IER CO~TY, ~RI~ ATTEST: BY: Chai~n DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Approved as ~o and Legal Sufficiency Assistant County A~torney FEB 1 0 1998 p;._ 3 ? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION REQUESTING APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 97-79 TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR TO THE PELICAN MARSH PUD DOCUMENT RESULTING FROM A TRANSMITYAL TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF A DOCUMENT IN WHICH CERTAIN PAGES WERE INADVERTENTLY OMITTED. OBJECTIVE: To correct the omission of certain pages fi.om the approved Pelican Marsh PUD Document adopted by Ordinance Number 97-79 transmitted to the Secretary of State, CONSIDERATIONS: Ordinance Number 97-79 was adopted by the Collier County Board of Cormnissioners on December 9, copy Secretary to pages - 10 thru $ - 14 as 1997. The transmitted to the of State failed include 8 approved, necessitating this corrective action. FISCAL IMPACT: Nolle. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the scrivener's error corrective ordinance as drafted and made a part of this Executive Summary. FEB 1 0 1998 (.~pREpARED_ BY "~'0NALD F. i~O} ~icP DATE CHIEF PLANER REVIEWED BY: LHERE, AICP DATE CURRENT PLANING MANAGER PLANN NG SERVICE EP~TMENT DI~CTOR ¢f~C~T ~. CAUTtaO, ~MlmST~TOa ~AT~ CO~MUmTY ~V. ~ E~IRONMENT~ SVCS. PELICAN MARSH PUD SCRiVENER'S ERROR EX SUMMARY/md FEB 1 0 1998 2 ORDINANCE NO. 98- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 97-79, FOR THE PELICAN MARSH PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) TO CORRECT A SCRIVKNER'S ERROR RESULTING FROM THE OMISSION OF PAGES NUMBERED 8-10 THROUGH 8-14 FROM EXHIBIT "A" THEREOF, THE PELICAN MARSH PUD DOCUMENT AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 97-79, an ordinance amending the boundaries of the Pelican Marsh Co~umunity PUD district on Dece~er 9, 1997, and WHEREAS, following said action adopting Ordinance No. 97-79, staff was advised that certain pages, namely those nu~ered 8-10 through 8-14 inclusive of the PUD Document attached to said Ordinance as an Exhibit were inadvertently omitted from the copy transmitted to the Department of State a: d that their correction constitutes a scrivener's error. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: SCRIVENER'S ERROR AMENDMENT Ordinance Number 97-9, the Pelican Marsh PUD is hereby amended to add the omitted pages numbered 8-10 through 8-14 to the PUD Document attached thereto, now attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A". SECTION TWO: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of , 1998. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA R. BERRY, Chairman Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: Mar]o~e M. Student Assistant County Attorney i Word. s:~ck through are deleted; words ~rlin~d . 0 1998 '1- of t~ Environmen~ lmpg:t S~'ment (EIS) ~ to Division 3.8, Section 3.8.3 of the Collier County Land Development Code shall be d~ satisfied for · ll futu~ a~tivities which take place within the Pelican biamb ~ PUD bouml~es that requi~ Count5, permits for or Cou~ approval of development or site alteration. This provision is based upon (1) approval of the Pelican Marsh Commu_~i~/ application for Dcvelopmem of Regional Impact and thc Pelican Ma_~h Comn:unity Environn~ntal ~upplement mbmit',.cd in conjxa:gtion with this Application For Public Hearing for PUD l~_e_*one; and (2) the Pelican Marsh Cotnmuniry PUD ElS submitted in conjunction with the Application for Public He.~ng for PUD Rezone which was approved via County ~ t93-27. ~ provision shall apply to the Developer, its p~¢¢ssors, or assigns. B. Pm's~nt to Cotlier County Land Development Co(re Article 3, Division 3.8, Section 3.8.8, the Pelican Marsh PUD EIS cited in provision 8.10.A above shall constitute Collier County's review and approval of all envizonmcntal re~xu'ces and environmental quality i.. contzimd in t~ Pelican M~'sh Communky.,~,~ Application for Development of Regional Impact in so fax ts said specifically pertain to lands contained within the Pelican Ma~ PUD boundaries ts defmed via County Ordin,xnce ~'93-27. C. Provisions 8. I0 A and B above do not relieve the Developer from provicling, or foreclose the County from requesting, information relative to new or changed env~onmen~ conditions on the site relative to species of special status to Collier Coun~ Land Developnx'nt Code Section$.d. and e. D. The Collier Coum'y 'ST' overlay h~ been elin~ted and rep!*_c_-,4_ by Unit Development, however all existing Collier County wellfield and/or groundwater protection zones gl'mil remain in effe:t unless otherwise modifgd by Collier County. E. The Cocotm,,'hee Strand Mitigation Bank is bereby created and incorporated into thb PUD by reference. The Cocohatchee Strand Restoration Plan 0N]~, Inc. Fil~ No. ENV.88) depicts the improvements contemplated m-xler the Cocohatchee S=-znd Restoration Progran'~ nnd itemizes in tabular form the Cocohamhee Strand Mitigation Bm,~k features including mitigation ratios and aval~le credits for impacts to Collier County jurisdictional wetlands. It is understood that Mitigation Bm'tk may be required by regulating agencies. If such changes cause a rzed to modify or revise the Cocolmtcbee Strand Restoration Program tod revisions may be adn~inistratively approved by the CoUier County Development Services staff. F. In accon:tance with Policy 7.3.5 of the Comervatio I and Coastal Element of the Collier Coumy Growth Ma.qagemem Scrub~.,~.SAre~ be relocated To the 'GCO" District and to the Xeric FEB ! 0 1998 ...... S-10 Compensation for lost habitst whose ext~'nt I~s be~m approved by ~ Florida Gaz~ and Fre~ Water Fish Commission 0=GFWFC) shall be tn a~x:ordame ~ FGFWFC policy. G. Collier Coun~ shall defer tll environmental permitttn~ re~ w~tland.s, wedr, nd '.m~pacts, and wetland mitlgntion to South Florida Wa~r Maml~ District. The developer shill coordinate with and copy Collier Cc~tniy on spproved permits. 8.1! SL~BDI'VIS]ON REQUI~9~.NTS AND ST.4~N'DARD DESIGN SUI~'I'rfI.~ONS ?e]i~.n ~a~h Conun~ shah be re~i~l to conform with tbe improvement requizements set forth in CoLlier County ~nd Development Code Article 3, Division 3.2, Section 3.2.8 unless otherwise stated in this PUD. The fol~owtng substitutions to the improvemem standards are approved for lrmal Subdivision Plat A. £idewall~tbike pafl~ ~hall conform with Sub~--.ion 3.2.8.~.I? ~xc~ ~ follo~: 1. Pelican Mamh Boulcva,rd ~ be ¢o~ider~! ~ ~ coll~m:~ ~'~ ~d ~1~11 b~ required to hav~ a ~id~tk or bi.k~ath on e~h ~i~ of d~ 2. All other through ~tr~ shall I~ ¢omid~r~d local ~.~ ~d ~all be requital m hav~ a ~idcWalk or bikepath on on~ ,id¢ of d~ ~'~. 3. All cul-d~-~..~ servin8 mom than £d~ {$0) $in81¢ family 1o~ ~h~ll be r~quimd to hav~ ~ ~id~'atk or bik~th on om ~id¢ of tbe 4. All culqt~-~:$ ~'vtn8 flt~t {~0) or I~'~ $ingl~ f~m!!y Io~ ~ no~ requital to have ~ ~id~walk or bi~q~ada provid,d tl~ followi~ ~o~litio~ a. Th~ right-of-way .~on ~hall includ~ two t*.,~l~ foo~ {12') ~ ~rav¢! lar~. and b. tl~ gro~ density of th~ cul.d~-~a¢ ~hall be !~$ than two (1) Ixr ~¢r~. B. Privat~ ~tr~-~ ~hall conform with th~ rich,-of-way and pa~'n~m widfla r~quircrn~nu of Sub~xion$ cxeq~t ~ follow~: 1. Cul-d~-.~ md local ~m~ I¢.~ than on~ thom,and feet {1,000') in l~gda ar~ r~quir~d to ha¥¢ · minimum for~j f~'~ ¢~0') risla-of-w~y width two ten foot {10') wide Irav¢l la~. mbj~"~ ~ to tl~ c. onditkm~ of FEB 1 0 1998 Pg; ,-~ _ ....._ 2. All otizr cal-de-s~cs ~-~ m:l~ir~ to ~ a mlni~ ~ ~ (~') d~- of-~y ~da ~ ~o ~ f~ (10') ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ m ~ ~idom of ~on 8.11.A.4 of ~ P~. 3. ~ o~r !~ ~ ~ ~ to ~ a ~ ~ ~ (~') right.f-way ~ ~o ~lve f~ (12') ~ ~! ~. 4. ~ sidew~ d~i~ ~m~om ~ d~ ~ ~ 8.11.A.4 ~ ~ P~, ~l~e-~ s~ s~ ~ve z min~ of ~ ~ f~ (12') wi~ ~vel ~. C. ~e-u~ s~l co~o~ wi& ~ ~~ of ~ ~ ~y exc~ a len~ ofo~ ~o~ f~ (1~'). D. T~e~ ~n ~ ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,16.10 exit on ~li~ ~h ~v~ w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ve~-five f~c E. S~t ~des ~y ex~ f~ ~ (4~) ~ S~ p~vid~ ~t appli~ble ~o~ ~~ of T~m~ ~ of U~fo~ M~ 5~ds ~T M~) ~ ~O ~ ~ ~. F. R~ide slo~s wi~ p~va~ s~t figh~f-way ~y ~ ~o~ m a ~ of 3:1 ~ acco~e wi~ ~OT M~S, page ~-3~. 8.12 P~ R~E C~ ~ exist~g P~ ~dge C~ wi~ ~ P~ ~~ w~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ on ~ Pelic~ M~h Co~w M~r ~. ~ desi~ of ~ ~1~ ~ ~o~ra~s features ~ed to ~lly ~tiga~ for ~y ~c~ ~h~ ~ i~ co~ction ~ elation of ~ ex~z~g c~. ~ s~l ~fo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~gat~on credi~ es~blis~ u~r ~ C~o~ S~ ~~ ~. ~a~ze~;~ of ~e P~ ~dge C~I ~ ~s~ ~n~! s~ ~in ~ PMCDD. 8.13 DEDICATIONS All dedicafion.~ of property or facilities for a public, pu~ose, whe~er by e.~emenl or deed, may, at Developer's option, contain a condition limiting the use to raid public i~rpo~. In addition, said dedication, at Developer's o~tion, roay contain · reverter clause in the everu 0~e public purpose u.~ is di.r, comimied ' ' reasonable time period. The 'reasonable time* will be a md tl~ ~tce .t thc ~ of tl~ dedication, it ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ 8.14 P~C~ ~ CO~ S~L ~ ~ Peli~ M~ Co~ ~h~l St~ ~ sho~ on ~ P~ ~ ~ ~bj~t m ~e fo~ow~ s~ ~ ~cfio~: A. Pe~ U~ ~ ~h~l si~ ~l o~y ~ ~rov~ for ~ ~ ~ a ~1 pu~s. B. Bu~d~ Set~ck L~s. S~ of Bu~d~ ~ Bu~d~ Hei~ 1. ~~~,~ckof~ys~ (~1~~,~ ~en~-~ve (2~) f~ on ~ ~m ~ w~ ~ I~ (~0) f~t on ~e ~m ~ sou~m p~ 2. No p~ip~ s~c~ of ~y ~ s~l exc~ ~ (3) ~ ~ ~i~ fo~ m ~ Collier Cou~ ~ ~1~ C~. 1. ~ u~ ~t cov~ by ~, ~ys ~ ~ ~ ~ parent ~e of ~ ~ s~, ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ I~on ~ by ~ ~o~ W~ M~~ ~ of l~p~g s~ll ~ co~le~ at ~ ~ of c~ of ~ evide~ by ~ i~ of a ~iF~ of ~ ~ ~ D. luger ~ ~n (10) f~ ~ ~ by fi~ (~) f~ ~ ~i~. ~ of FEB 1 0 E. Exx~or Lighting 1. All exterior lighting for d~e school buildin~ shall be for purpose of sffety a.ud security only ~ shall us~ installation and control techni~ to co~ain liiht wit~i~ tl~ School Si~ ~ ellmi~t~ or mlnimi?e light spillage inio or ~ adj~em pr~ert~. Tbere shall be no nlghv, imc lighting of athletic or m:rcatiomd playi~ f'~IcLs or courts or playgrounds wiflzin the School $1~. F. Ou~loor Equipmem 1. ALI garbage and u'ash containers, oil tanks, boeded gas tanks, swlmmi%~ pool equipment and housing and sprinkler pu~ and othn' such outdoor equipment must be underground or placed in walled-ia or sight-~, fmc. ed-in areas so that they shall not be tm:lily visible. 2. For su'uctur~s at the maximum building, beight, all vents, stw. lcs, mechanical equipment of any natar~ and type, sad other such ouuloor- equipment located on roof a.r~as shall be sight-~ so tha~ they shall not be readily visible from adjacent properties. 3. All active sports azeas including baseball, soccer, ~, footba.H, eu:., shall be setback twenty-five (25) feet from the easterly and southerly property lines. 8.15 NOTIFICATION OF PROXIMITY TO COUNTY FACU.,rr~ Developer shall include the following Notice in its sales contracts with purchasers within PMC who ~e acquiring an interest in ~ property for rtsidential Imrposes fi'om Develope: located within 500 lineax feet of rig closest lxnxt~la~ of th~ Cou~3t's Wastewa~er Treatment Plant parcel on Go<xUene Road: 'This is to notify you that the property you are acquiring is located within 500 linear feet of the property boundary of Collier W~stewater Treatment Plant. This notification is mad~ at the request of Collier Coumy." The above notification will no longer be required when and if tlg County adOl~ an ordinance or regulation addressing the subject; provi6ed however that Developer shall comply with the requirements of said ordinance or rtgulation, where applicable. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION NO. V-97-14 JOHN HOBART REPRESENTING FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAPLES REQUESTING A 40 FOOT DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE FROM THE YARD SETBACK REQLrlREMENT OF FIFTY (50) FEET FOR A STRUCTURE LOCATED IN A PUD ZONING DISTRICT, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED 1N PELICAN BAY PUD, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF PARCEL ONE, OAKMONT PARKWAY EXTENSION, IN SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. The applicant wishes to construct a covered parking structure over two (2) parking spaces. The subject site is an outparcel which fronts U.S. 41 and is developed with abank building, twenty-three (23) parking spaces and a drive through area on the south side of the building. The parking spaces are located at the northwest comer of the subject site. Each parking space is twelve (12) feet wide and both face in a westerly direction, perpendicular to U.S. 41 to the east. The proposed structure will be designed with four, comer columns constructed of concrete block and covered with material architecturally compatible to the principal structure. The dimensions of the structure as scaled from the site plan indicate that the proposed structure is twenty-eight (28) feet wide by approximately twenty (20) feet deep. The structure will be open on all (4) sides and will be located ten (10) feet from the north and west property line. The roof will be covered with tile which is architecturally with the tile roof of the bank building. compatible C O N S I DJ72,.AILO2~ There are no special conditions and circumstances existing on site. The applicant simply wishes to cover the two (2) parking spaces located in the northwest comer of the site. The PUD document governing the dimensional criteria for development of this site requires structures to be setback at least rift>' (50) feet from any property line. The applicant is imposing his own hardship by trying to construct a cover over two (2) parking spaces, ten (I0) feet from the front and side property lines, on a site which is already fully developed and functioning. The applicant's desire to add an additional structure without meeting the setback requirements does not warrant undue hardship. The adopted Pelican Bay PUD document contains specific setback requirements for buildings located in the Community and Area Commercial land use areas of the PUD. All structures within the areas designated as Community Commercial and Area Commercial are subject to the same setback requirements. To grant the forty (40) foot yard setback variance as requested by the applicant shall confer on the applicant a special privilege which is denied by the zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. Due to the dimensions and location ofthe proposed structure and the layout of the site, it is unlikely the proposed variance request will be detrimental to the public welfare. Additionally, the applicant plans to construct the building in a manner which is architecturally compatible with the principal structure and surrounding commercial development. FEB 1 0 1998 moo _._20:_ --- GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The approval of this variance will not affect or change the requirements of the Growth Management Plan. ~AEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staff's analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is locat~ outside an ar~a of historical and archaeological probability ~ referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. PLANNING COMMISSTON RECOMMENDATION: The CCPC recommends by a vote of 8-1, that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve V-97-14 subj~t to the following stipulation: The proposed structure shall be architecturally compatible with the existing bank building on site. Note: the Plarming Commission's recommendation was based on a site plan originally submitted with the petition which depicted a dome shaped canvas cover, supported by four comer poles. As originally submitted, the proposed structure was not architecturally compatible with the principal structure or surrounding development. PREPARED BY: PRINCIPAL PLANNER REVIEWED BY: ROBERT J. MULHERE, AICP, M~AGER DATE C~NT PLUG SECTION DONALD W. ~OLD, ~CP, DI~CTOR DATE V~CE~ A. CA~ERO, AICP, ~M~S~TOR DATE CO~TY DEVELOPME~ & E~O~E~ SVCS. Petition Number: V-97-14, First National Bank This petition has been tentatively scheduled for January 27, 1998 BZA Public Heating. AGENDA ~ ?-E MEMORANDUM TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DMSION DATE: DECElv[BER 10, 1997 RE: V-97-14 - First National Bank of Napl~ AGENT/OWNER: Agent: Mr. John Hobart, Architect Rte. 1, Box 542-8 Micanopy, FL 32667 Owner: First National Bank of Naples 900 Goodlette Road North Naples, FL 34101 ~REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a forty (40) foot dimensional variance from the required .~tback of fif~ (50) feet to ten (10) feet from the north and west property lines in order to permit a canopy structure to be constructed over two (2) parking spaces. The Pelican Bay PUD document, originally adopted by Ordinance # 77-18, requires structures in commercial areas to be setback fifty (50) feet from any property line. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject site is located on U.S. 41, and can be further described as a portion of Parcel "One", Oakmont Parkway Extension, in Section 33, Township 49 South, Range 25 East The site is part of the Pelican Bay PUD, in the Community Commercial and Area Commeax:ial land use district. ~ESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant wishes to construct a dome-shaped canopy structure over two (2) parking spaces in order to provide protection to those cars parked in the covered spaces. The parking (12)spaces are l°cat ed at the n°rthwest c°mer ° f the sui?e' ei'~' l:'~eh ?°"t'h~i sPa~i~" "'"sis"' a"'feet wide and both face in al'~westerly~' directior, perl~~°[:'ES^°''^' .1 0 "-1998U'S 41 tt th'~'x~J~Jil~N 19~8 ' ! proposed canopy structure will cover both parking spaces. It will be constructed of canvas material and supported by four (4) poles located at the front and rear of the parking spaces. The dimensions of the structure as scaled fi.om the site plan indicate that the proposed structure is twenty-eight (28) feet wide by approximately twenty (20) feet deep. The structure will be approximately 9.5 feet in height. The canopy will be open on all (4) sides mad will be located ten (10) feet from the north and west property line. The site is currently developed with a commercial/professional type of structure which has a 4,500 square foot building foot-pr-mt. The site has twenty-three (23) parking spaces and a drive through area on the south side of the building. The site has approximately 193 feet of fi'ontage on U.S. 41 and is 193 feet deep for a total area of.85 acres. The site is part of the Pelican Bay PUD. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Existing: Bank Branch Building - zoned PUD. Surrounding: North - Existing Plaza Entrance; zoned PUD. South - Retail Commercial, zoned PUD. East - U.S. ,~l/'ramiami Trail fight-of-way. West - Commercial/Retail Shopping Center;, zoned PUD. HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: StaWs analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area ofhistor/cal and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no HistoricalLM'chaeological Survey and Assessment is required. EXAI.,_U. ATION FOR ENWIRONMENTAL, TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE: Approval of this variance request will have no effect on infrastructure, transportation or the environment. Section 2.7.5 of the Land Developme:~t Code grants the authority to the Board of Zoning Appeals ('BZA) to grant variances. The Planning Commission is advisory to the BZA and utilizes the provisions of Subsection 4) (a) through (h) which are general guidelines to be used to assist the Commission in making a determination. Responses to items (a) through (h) of Subsection 11,14 are as follows: a, Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and character/sties of the land, structure, or building involved? No, the site contains a fimcfio~ng bank branch building and twenty-three (23) parking spaces. a c~vas cover, open on four (4) sides and suppo~ ted b~*f~omer osts. The PUD document governing the dimensional criteria for development in the Community and Area Commercial portions of the Pelican Bay PUD requires structures in this area to be setback at least fifty (50) feet from any property line. The applicant cannot construct the desired structure, of the dimensions and in the desired location, without the use ora variance. b. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request? No, there a~-e no special conditions or circumstances related to the property. The applicant is imposing his own hardship by trying to construct a cover over two (2) parking spaces, ten (10) feet fi.om the fi.oat and side property lines, on a site which is already fully developed and functioning. c. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this Land Development Code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant? The literal interpretation of the provisions of the Code will not work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. The applicant's desire to add an additional structure without meeting the setback requirements does not warrant undue hardship. It may be possible for'the applicant to meet the setback requirement without the use ora variance by covering two (2) parking spaces against the west side of the existing bank building (spaces 6 and 7, see ) submitted site plan), without the use of a variance. d. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety and welfare? The apphcant is requesting the mix'drnum variance necessary in order to place an additional structure of the size and in the location that he wants, however, reasonable use of the land is possible and is presently occurring, without the use ora variance. e. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district? Yes, the adopted Pelican Bay PUD document contains specific setback requirements for buildings located in the Conununity and Area Commercial land use areas of the PUD. All structures within the areas designated as Community Commercial and Area Commercial are subject to the same setback requirements. To grant the forty (40) foot yard setback variance as requested by the applicant shall confer on the applicant a special privilege which is denied by the zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. The granting of the requested variance could be disruptive to the integrated an~ " planned development which typifies the Pelican, ~,, ~rr~ ,.,a~f,~ f. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Land Development Code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare? No, reducing the property line setback requir~nent by forty (40) feet will not be in harmony with thc general intent and purpose of the Land Development Code. Due to the dimensions and location of the proposed structure and the layout oft,he site, it is unlikely, other than being visually disruptive, the proposed variance request will be detrimental to the public welfare. If the bank building and the proposed structure were built simultaneously, under cun'ent regulations, both would be required to be architecturally unified through the use of similar types of building materials, design, and style. The proposed structure is described by the applicant as being a dome-shaped canavas roof supported by four (4) poles. The surrounding buildings axe developed with orange baa'ell tile roofs, cream-colored stucco walls with white trim, and decorative iron detail. Under current regulations, the subject structure would likely be £ound arcb_itecturally incompatible with the surrounding development. g. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf courses, etc.? No. There me no natural or physically induced conditions which ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulations. The existing ten (10) foot landscape buffer on the north and west  comers of the site may screen the structure somewhat, but the existing landscaping is not of .) sufficient height or density, to adequately screen the proposed structure from the surrounding properties. h. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? The approval of th/s variance will not affect or change the requirements of the Growth Management Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the CCPC forward Petition V-97-14 to the BZA with a recommendation for denial. Note: Should the CCPC wish to forward this petition to thc BZA with a recommendation for approval, staff recommends the CCPC stipulate their recommendation with the following: Upon construction, the landscape buffers on the north and west property lines shall bc enhanced to provide an opaque screen at least ten (10) fcct in height for a length ofthirty (30) feet along the northern property line m~d forty (40) fcct along thc western property line. 1 0 1598 4 19. ! - PREPARED BY: '~USAN MLrRJLAY . DATE PRINCIPAL PLANNER REVIEWED BY: ' OB~RT J. MULHEKE, AICP DATE CUR.KENT PLANNING SERVICE MANAGER DONALD V~, ARNOLD, AICP I~,~TE PL~ SERVICES DIRECTOR VINCENT A. CAUTERO, A I C1% ADN~NISTRATOR DATE COMHUNITY DEV.&ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. DIVISION Staff Report for the January 8, 1997 CCPC meeting. Tentatively scheduled for thc January 27, 1997 BCC meeting. COLLIER COUNTY PLANND~COMM/SSION: M/CHAEL A. DAVIS, CHAIRPERSON FEB 1 0 1998 VARIANCE PETITION (VARIANCE FROM SETBAdK($) ~'" '' PROJECT P~ER ~ U ~-~ ~; '~ ~ " · (~0~ TO BE FILLED IN BY STAFF) - PETITIONER'S NA/ZE First National Bank of Naples PETITIONER'S ADDRESS 900 Goodlette Road North 941/262-7600 Naples Florida 34101 TELEPHONE AGENT'S A/DDRESS Rte.1, Box 542-8 Micanopy, Florida 32667 TELEPHONE 352/591-2505 A portion of Parcel "One" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: LOT(S) xxx BLOCK(S) xxx according to Oakmont Parkway extension. SUBDIViSiON xxx SECTION 33 TWP. 48 S RANGE 25 E (If legal description is lengthy, i.e. metes & bounds description, attach additional page) CURR~NT ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Business EXISTING LAND USE ON SUBJECT PROPERTY Financial ADJACENT ZONING & LA.ND USE ZONING LAND USE N Business Business S Business Business E Business Business W Business Business MINIM%~.~ YAAD REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBJECT PROPERTY FRONT: 50 feet COP~NER LOT: NO/X~ (CIRCLE ONE) SIDE: 50 feet WATERFRON LOT: NO/~ (CIRCLE ONE) ~FF.m~d~: 50 feet / 3 ~ / AGEI~IT~. ~ JAN 1998 I FEB l0 1998 NATURE OF PETITION Provide a detailed explanation of the request including what structures are existing and what is proposed; the amount of encroachment proposed using numbers, i.e. reduce front setback from 25' to 18'; when property owner purchased property; when existing principal structure was built (include building permit number if possible); why encroachment is necessary; how existing encroachment came to be; etc. The variance request is to provide a canopy for only two (2) parking spaces. There is one (1) building on the property, centrally located and functions as a Branch Bank by the Petitioner. The two spaces are located in the NW corner, 10 feet from the North and West property lines. The spaces are approximately 200 feet to the West of North Tamiami Trail and approximately 200 feet to the South of Ruby Tuesday Restaurant, and seperated by the Shopping Center entrance road. To West they are approximately 300 feet from Shops, with a vacant lot to the South. Along the 10 feet of the NW property line and along side the parking spaces is landscaping of shrubbery and trees. The plant density could be dramatically increased to further restrict the view of these spaces. Please refer to the attached photos. Please note that staff and the Collier County Planning Commission shall be guided in their recom~.endation to the Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be guided in its determination to approve or deny a variance petition by the below listed criteria (1-6). (Please address this criteria using additicnal pages if necessary.) 1. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, cr building involved. The canopy that would be used is of a design with soft canvas, in either earthtone or green in color, on slender bron=e supports. This to blend with the landscaping rather then contrast with it. 2 FEB 1 0 1998 2. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request. - To the best of the Petitioner's knowledge, no special conditions or circumstances result through this uariance. 3. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this zoning code work unnecessary and undue hardship or create practical difficulties on the applicant. A literal interpretation addresses structures and buildings. The canopy we propose is open at all four (4) sides with the canopy top providing for shade. 4. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the .land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety cr welfare. The granting of this variance will be minimum in nature and would provide the Petitioner with some degree of benefit. 5. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. The granting of this variance the Petitioner does not recieve any special privielge since covered spaces are allowed. The exception here is that these spaces are within a setback however they are shielded with landscaping. /~_~, / 6. Will granting the variance be. in harmony with the intent and purpose of this zoning code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. It is the Petitioner's view that the canopy will not be injurous to the business atmosphere that prevails in the area. 7. ~e there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. There are no conditions that ameliorate exisitng conditions. 8. %:i!i granting the variance be consistent with the growth management plan The granting of this variance will not affect the intent of the Growth management Plan. FEB 1 0 1998 V-97-14 September 29, 1997 Mr. Eric E. Sooley, Sr. Facilities Manager' Fir~ National Bank of Naples 900 Goodlette Road North Naples, Florida 34101-3043 Re: First l';ational Bank of Naples; Pelican Bay Facility De~r Mr. Sooley: As a follow up to our meeting of Wednesday, September 24, 1997, the design and architectural committee for the Pelican Bay Commercial District approves of your submittal to include ~vo covered parking stalls on the Bank property at the location presented to us at that meeting. We understand that an approval and permit for the covered parking structuxe will be necessary from Collier County.. As we also discussed if approved by the County, the canopy and structural materials will be of an earth tone color complimentary to the colors ofthe existing building improvements in the commercial area. An.,,' shade of blue is not considered earth tone and is not acceptable to the corPATIi tree, ~ Best of luck in your submittal process. Senior Project Manager ...... t3 / I, Gary L. Tice being first duly sworn, depose and say that I ~m ~he owner of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, and all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand this application must be completed and accurate before a hearing can be advertised. I further permit John ~obart to act as my (AGENT'S NAME) representative in any matters regarding this Petition. State of Florida / County of Collier / The foregoing Agreement Sheet was acknowledged before me this ~ day of October , 1996 by GaT L. Tice XX , who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. ~~l.~ (Signature o~No~ary Public) NOTARY PUBLIC Commission # State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Agreement Sheet was acknowledged before me this ~~- day of October , 1996 by John Hobart XX , who is_~__personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. ~os~: (Signatfire b~ Notary Publi )  ~~ NOT~Y P~LIC ,~~~ Co~ission ~.~~ My Co~iss~on S FEB 1 0 1998 998 1 RESOLUTION NO. 98- ,, 3 RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-97-14, 4 FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER 5 DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA- 6 7 8 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, 9 Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to 10 establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations ~! as are necessary for the protection of the public; and 12 WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land 13 Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes regulations 1~ for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, 15 which is the granting of variances; and 16 WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals, being the duly elected 17 constituted Board of the area hereby affected, has held a public ~8 hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has 19 considered the advisability of a 40-foot variance from the required 50 2o foot front yard setback requirement to 10 feet to pezlnit a canopy to be 21 constructed over two (2) parking spaces as shown on the attached plot 22 plan, Exhibit "A", in a PUD zone for the property hereinafter 23 described, and has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory 2~ provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable 25 matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Section 26 2.7.5 of the Zoning Regulations of said Land Development Code for the 27 unincorporated area of Collier County; and 28 WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be 29 heard by this Board in public meeting assem~oled, and the Board having 3o considered all matters presented; 31 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPF2tLS of 32 Collier County, Florida, that: 33 The Petition V-97-14 filed by John Hobart, Architect, representing 34 First National Bank of Naples, with respect to the property 35 hereinafter described as: 36 37 A portion of Parcel 'One", Oakmont Parkway Extension, as 38 recorded in Plat Book 21, Pages 77-78, of the Public Records 39 of Collier County, Florida. ' AO~NDA~T~ P;. /d , - ' be and the same hereby is approved for a 40-foot variance from the reguired 50 foot front yard setback requirement to 10 feet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the PUD zoning district wherei~ said property is located. BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to petition Number v-97-14 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of ..... , 1998. ~o BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ~1 ATTEST: ~2 DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 1] 5 Cha i rma'~ 16 17 ~8 Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: 19 20 Student 23 Assistant County Attorney 26 27 , FEB 1 0 1998 EXHIBIT A V-97-14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION SPA-97-1, MR. R. BRUCE ANDERSON, ESQ. REPRESENTING DANIEL AND BARBARA HOOVER, OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2452 J & C BOULEVARD KNOWN AS TEO'S RESTAURANT, REQUESTING APPROVAL TO SHARE A TOTAL OF 27 OFF-SITE PARKING SPACES LOCATED AT 6401 AIRPORT ROAD KNOWN AS HADINGER CARPETS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 260 FEET FROM THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. The property owners are requesting this off-site shared parking approval in order to enable the tenant (Joe Dimassimo) to operate an existing restaurant ('l'eo's Restaurant) with 150 seats. ¢,ONSIDER_ATION S: The applicant is requesting this off-site shared parking approval on behalf of the tenant (Joe Dimassimo) who operates Teo's Restaurant. Mr. Dimassimo, in order to obtain a liquor license to serve alcoholic beverages other than beer and wine, increased the number of existing seats at the restaurant to 150 seats. In 1995, he applied for, and obtained Board approval to use a parking lot located adjacent to the restaurant as off- site parking. Subsequently, the owner of the off-site parking property canceled the lease and contracted to sell the parcel. The Board of County Commissioners, on May 27, 1997, voted to nullify the existing off- site parking agreement and directed the applicant to pursue an alternative parking solution. The restaurant requires 27 off-site parking spaces in order to comply with the parking requirements of the LDC. The petitioner is proposing to utilize off-site parking spaces located on Hadinger Carpet store property located at 6401 Airport-Pulling Road. Hadinger property contains 50 parking spaces. Two businesses are located on this parcel, a carpet store and a furniture store. These businesses require 43 parking spaces. These businesses close at 5:00 PM. Teo's Restaurant, in actuality, requires the use of this off-site shared parking predominantly on the week-ends and evenings when the existing businesses are closed. The Collier County Planning Commission reviewed this petition on January 8, 1998 and - . by a vote of 7-0 recommended approval. -- ,..~~ FEB 1 0 199B FISCAL IMPACT; None. GROW~fH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. ~NNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Collier County Planning Commission reviewed this petition on January 8. 1998 and by a vote of 7-0 forwarded petition SPA-97-1 to the BZA with a recommendation for approval PREPARED BY: CHAHRAM BADAMTCHIAN, Ph.D., AICP DATE SENIOR PLANNER REVIEWED BY: ~iNCENT A. CAUTERO, A'C , ADMIN COMMUNI~ DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FEB 1 0 1998 2 AGENDA ITEM ?-A MEMORANDUM TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION DATE: December 1, 1997 RE: PETITION NO: SPA-97-1 OWNER/AGENT: Agent: R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. Young, Van Assenderp & Vamedoe, P.A. 801 Laurel Oak Drive Naples, FL. 34108 Owner: Daniel & Barbara Hoover 2452 J & C Boulevard Naples, FL. 34109 REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting approval to share a total of 27 off-site parking spaces located at 6401 Airport-Pulling Road approximately 260 feet from the applicant's property. This off-site parking is intended to allow for additional seating for Teo's Restaurant, located on the applicant's property. ~E~IC LOCATION: · The subject property is located at 2452 J & C Boulevard and is described as Lots 22 & 23 J & C Industrial.Park in Section !1, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant is requesting this off-site parking approval on behalf of the tenant (Joe Dimassimo) who operates a restaurant on the subject property (Teo's Restaurant). The restaurant owner, in order to obtain a liquor license to serve alcoholic beverages other than beer and wine, increased the number of existing seats at the restaurant to 150 seats. The applicant, in 1995 applied for and obtained approval to use a parking lot located adjacent to the restaurant as off-site parking. Subsequently, the owner of the canceled the lease and has contracted to s ~; off-site parking property has 'F,'"3 1 0 1998 1 The Board of County Commissioners, on May 27, 1997, voted to nullify the existing off- site parking agreement and directed the applicant to pursue an alternative parking solution. This restaurant is in need of 27 parking spaces in order to comply with the parking requirements of the LDC. The petitioner is proposing to utilize off-site parking spaces located on Hadinger Carpet store property located at 6401 Airport-Pulling Road. Hadinger property contains 50 parking spaces. The businesses located on Hadinger property require 43 parking spaces. However, those businesses ( a carpet store and a furniture store) dose at 5:00 PM. Teo's Restaurant will use this off-site parking lot mostly on the week-ends and evenings when the additional parking is required and those 2 stores are closed. ~zU..BJ?,D~ING LAND USE AND ZONING; Existing: - Restaurant, zoned "1" Surrounding: North - Multiple use industrial building, zoned '1" East - Amerigas, zoned "1" South - Automobile dealership, zoned C-4 West - Carini's Auto Sales, zoned "1" ~GROWTH MANAGEMENT pLAN CONSISTENCY: The subject property is designated Industrial on the Future Land Use Map of the . Growth Management Plan. The proposed request for shared parking is consistent with the Industrial Designation of the Future Land Use Element of the growth Management Plan. I R AE G_ICAL IMPACT: Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. Section 2.3.5. of the LDC defines shared parking as: "off-site parking on property that is normally not under the same ownerShip as the structure or use the parking, where parking serves and is credited for land uses on two or more parties, and/or leased parking, where credited space is excess to the parking requirements of the lot in which it is located based on Section 2.3.16." The Board of Zoning Appeals shall base their__ determination of the request for shared parking on the following criteri~ FEB 3, 0 1998 pg:.._ ( a. The proposed shared parking facility including its ingress and egress, is safe and convenient for motorists and pedestrians: All of the proposed shared parking spaces are within 300 feet from the entrance of the subject facility. The parking is existing and functional. Staff is of the opinion that the existing parking lot and ingress and egress are safe and convenient for motorists and pedestrians. b. The proposed parking facility will not adversely Impact the character and quality of the neighborhood nor hinder the proper future development of surrounding properties: The proposed parking facility will not adversely impact the character and quality of the neighborhood, nor hinder the proper future"development of surrounding properties. Both uses and the parking facility.are existing. The petitioner does not propose to further expand the existing parking facility. c. The shared parking plan will have environmental, economic or traffic flow benefits for the community: This shared parking is intended to rectify an existing parking problem. It will provide for more parking spaces to the patrons of Teo's Restaurant. ( d. The shared parking plans will solve parking problems that were not created by the owners or leasees of the subject properties: The shared parking plan will provide adequate number of parking spaces for the restaurant and compensates for the loss of parking spaces due to the revocation of the previous shared parking plan. e. Other more viable parking alternatives are not available for the subject properties: There are no other parking lots available within the required 300 feet to this restaurant. f, The operating hours, types of land uses, and other applicable factors are conducive for shared parking at the present time and are likely to remain constant: The two land uses involved are Teo's Restaurant and Hadinger Carpet. Hadinger Carpet is open daily from 8 AM to 5 PM. Teo's Restaurant is open daily from 8 AM to 11 PM or '12 AM. Teo's Restaurant will need most of it's off-site parking for dinner when the carpet store is closed. ~.~~ FEB 1 0 1998 3 g. Where the shared parking plan shows no land reservation or minimum of the (10) year leased parking agreement, the petitioner has demonstrated that the alternative parking plan is feasible at the present time and should be feasible in the future: The petitioners have provided staff with a ten (10) year leased parking agreement. h. Failure of the shared parking plan and the alternative parking plan or the minimum ten (10) year leased parking agreement would not have serious implications on the public health, safety and welfare: Should the leased parking agreement fail, the restaurant operator would be required to scale back the operation (number of seats) so as to comply with the available on site parking. i. Approval of the petition will not create parking problems for'any neighboring property: Approval of this shared parking petition should not create any parking problems for any neighboring properties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the CCPC forward Petition SPA-97-1 to the BZA with a recommendation for conditional approval subject to the stipulations incorporated into the Resolution of Approval. 4 FEB 1 PREPARED BY: CHAHRAM BADAMTCHIAN, Ph.D., AICP DATE SENIOR PLANNER REVIEWED BY: I~OB~'RT J. MULHERE, AICP, MANAGER DATI~ ' CURRENT PLANNING SECTION DONALD W.-'--"~RNOL'~D,'~ICP, DIRECTO"-~ ~ DATE / ' ERVICES VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AICP, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Petition Number: SPA-97-1 Staff report for January 8, 1998 CCPC meeting. This Petition has tentatively been scheduled for February 10, 1998 BZA Public Hearing. Collier County Planning Commi~-io'r~ MICHAEL A. DAVIS, CHAIRMAN ~ RESOLUTION 97- , 5 RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER SPA-97-1 FOR ~ SHARED PARKING ON PROPERTY HEREINAI'~ER ? DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 10 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, 11 Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to ~2 establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations 1~ as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development 15 Code {Ordinance 91-102) which establishes regulations for the zoning of 16 particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the 17 allowance of shared parking; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals, being the duly elected 19 constituted board of the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing 20 after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has 2~ considered the advisability of shared parking as shown on the attached  22 plot plan, Exhibit "A", in an "I" zone for the property hereinafter 23 described, and has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision 2% and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters - 25 required by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection, 26 Section 2.7.5, and Division 3.3, of the Land Development Code for the 27 unincorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be 29 heard by this Board in public meeting asses%bled, and the Board having 3o considered all matters presented; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPFJkLS of 32 Collier County, Florida, that the petition filed by R. Bruce Anderson, 33 Esquire of Young, van Assenderp & Varnadoe, P.A., representing Daniel 34 and Barbara Hoover with respect to the property hereinafter described 35 as: Exhibit "B" 37 be and the same hereby is approved for a shared parking as shown on the 3s attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the "I" zoning district wherein said , FEB l 0:998 I- BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Nu~er 2 SPA-97-1 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. 3 This Resolution adopted al:er motion, second and majority vote. 4 Done this day of , 1997. $ ~ ATTEST: BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 7 DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 10 ~x TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, Chairman 1] Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: 15 x? Marjd~ie M. Student 18 Assistant County Attorney 20 f/$PA-9~-I ~$OL~I~/ 21 I~ I I' I o 0 '~',.~-("c~(~ III '- ---. ~ .~.~: , __ ,~ ~ ' s. ,' I I ~ o~ ...... i-~ j $0C I ,LK3,~VM JO ~ EXHIBIT "~" AIRPOT-m ~E~ 0 1998 Exhibit "B" t FEB 1 0 1998 ~ESTRICTIVEC~ AND SHAItL~ PARKIN~ A~P~EM~I~T This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 1998, by and between Daniel and Barbara Hoover, owners of the property where Teo's Restaurant is located Thomas F. Hadinger0 the owner of property upon which shared parking facilities will be located ('Property Owner'l; and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (the 'Board"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Petitioners are the agent for Teo's Restaurant, (hereinafter the "Subject Property'), more particularly described as follows: Lots 22 & 23 J&C Industrial Park an unrecorded Subdivision Section 11, Township 49 S., Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; and W~EREAS, Teo's Restaurant requires additional parking spacers because of a planned expansion of seating of the said restaurant which will require an additional 27 parking spaces under the Collier County Land Development Code ('LDC"); and WHEREAS, the LDO pursuant tr' Section 2.3.5, defines two of shared parking, joint and/or leased; and WHEREAS, the Petitioners are requesting leased parking where credited parking space on the lot which is served by said parking exceeds that which is required by Section 2.3.14 of the Land Development Code; and WHE~-=AS, it is not practical to provide all of the required parking in accordance with Section 2.3.14 of the Collier County Land Development Code on the subject property due to the physical constraints of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Petitioner wishes to operate shared parking facilities on land more particularly described as: Lots 26 & 27 J&C Industrial Park an unrecorded Subdivision sectio~l 11, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; and W~EREAS, the proposed shared parking will provide 27 spaces which will meet the required parking for ~he sub'!eot property; an~ WH£AEAS, the ~oard has passed Resolution ~o 98-N~~g tO Petition SPA-97-1, approving the proposed sha~ ~d parking subJec: FEB i 0 1998 to the conditions set forth below. NOW, TH£REFORE, in consideration thereof, the petitioners Daniel and Barbara Hoover and Thomas F. ~adinger0 the owners of the property upon which the shared parking facilities will be located agree: 1. Th~ above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. ; 2. That the proposed shared parking ·re· shall never be encroached upon, used, sold, leased, or conveyed for any purposed except for the use in conjunction with Subject Property and as provided in the "Lease Agreement Shared Parking Lease" attached hereto ·nd incorporated bY reference herein as Exhibit "A". ~ 3. That this Agreement constitutes a restrictive 4. Petitioners shall bear the expense of recording this cf Agreement with the Clerk of the Circuit Cour~ which shall bind the property owner and his heirs, successors assigns. 5. That all of the requirements for · Boar~ of Appeals determination for shared parking ha~e been ~et. Dew 6. This Agreement supersedes and modifies any prior~arking agreement which may have been executed between the Board par~ and the then or current owner of the Subject Pro~er~y. Land 7. This Agreement shall remain in full force and CO~S effect for the ten {10) year term set forth in the Lease attached as Exhibit "A", or unless earlier terminated by facil the Board. 8. Th~s Agreement ~hall be voided by the Bo·rd if other off street parking facilities are provided in accordance with the requirements of Division 2.3, LDC. 9. That upon failure to conform to any of the provisions of which, this Agreement or termination Of the Lease attached as Exhibit "A"0 this Restrictive Covenant and Shared Parking to Peri Agreement shall become void and of no effect and the Petitioner shall be required to conform to all zoning regulations for required parking as contained in the  AG Collier County Land Development CO FEB ! 0 1998 IN WiTNESS WM£REOF the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. ATTEST: BOARD OF ZONIN~APPEAL~ DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIE~t COUP, ~P~  /~e sses: ~ P~TITX .O~ State o~ F~o~i~ County of Collier The foregoing Restrictive Covenant and Parking Agreement was acknowledged before me by Petitioner, Daniel ~oover. SWO~ TO ~ S~S~IBED before me?hi~ ~g day ~~ 1997. Printed, ~ed or'Stamped Name PETITIOn. - State of Florida County of Collier The fore~oin~ Restrictive Covenan~C~nd p~~reeme~ w~ acknowledged before me by Petitionerj. ~~ ' ~+*/~ SWO~ TO ~ S~S~IB~ ~fore zhis S~ ~, 1997. C0~1 ~ 4-: ne s se s;//9 FEB ~' 0 !990 po. /S _ State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Restrictive Covenant and Parking Agreement was acknowledged before me by 7'~- ~& ~ Dl~;~m'9-- , the owner of the land upon which the Shared Parking Fa¢ili~ies are :o be located. SWO~ T0 ~ S~S~IBED before me this ~ay ofD~ , 1997. IL e.~,~ ~~~l Prin=ed, ~ed or S:a~ed 3 Co~imsion Nu~er Approved as to Fo~ and Legal Sufficiency: Mar-j~'i~ M. S~ud~ne Assistant County Attorney to FEB i 0 1998 4 pg. ~"~' EiVED PETITION ~ S P A 9 ~ -1 ~A~s~lgned by Staff) Date SEP 2 9 1997 SDP ~ DP 9 ~-] l"~A~signed by Staff) AGENT'S NAME (IF APPLICABLE)R, Bruce Anderson, Esa.; Youna. van AssenderD and Varnadoe, P,A, AGElqT'S ADDRESS 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 N~Dles. Florida ~4108 T~L~P~O~ {~41)597-2814 For proposed Lma.e Parking provide the following info~a%ion for each petitioner and their property. Petitioner ~1 (N~e) JQe D~massimo Property Address 2452 J & C Boulevard, Naples, Florida 341~9 TELEPHO~ (~4~)591-1557 Legal Description Lots ~2 & 23 J % C Industrial Park, Collier cQun~y. Florida Section 11 To. ship 4)S Range 26E Adjacent Land Use and Zoning ZONING N i R&G plas~erinq S C-4 Naples Dodqe E I Ameriqa~ w I garini Auto Sales Existing Land Use and Zoning: Restaurant. Industrial zoning' Business N~e Teo's Re$~ura~t Hours of Operation 8:00 a,m,.-l%:00 p.m. Sunday-Thursday. 12:00 Friday-SaturdaY Re~ired % of On-Site Parking Spaces 75 Proposed ~ of On-SAte Parking Spaces 48 Proposed" of Off-Site Leased Parking Spaces 27 .:?~,7; % of Total Re~ired Parking FEB 1 0 1998 Petitioner %2 (Name) Thomas F. Hadincer and Hadincer Carpets. Inc~ Property Address ' - ' ~~ 34109 TELEPHONE (941)566-7100 _ Legal Description: the w 1/4 corner along the W line N 1829,95 ft.. E 5072,60 ft..~ the Point of BeginninG, North 173,16 ft., E 241.18 ft.. to the westerly riuh=-of-way, $.R, South 31, along the riGht-of-wav_~ 173.23 ~t.. W 256.10 feet to the Point of BeGinninG. Collie= Countv. Florida. Adjacent Land Use and Zoning ZONINQ ~ N I Napl¢~ Pool S¢trice s I Amer~qa$ E I ~irDort Roa~ "-- w I R&G Plastering Existing Land Use and Zoning: R~ail Floor Covering Sale~ industrial zoninq Business Na~ne Hadinqer Carp~$ Hours of Operation 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Monday-SaturdaY ? Required # of On-Site Parking Spaces 4~ Proposed # of On-Site Parking Spaces 50 Proposed # of Off-Site Leased Parking Spaces -0- (NOt ADDlicabl~ % of Total Required Parking -0- {Not Applicable) Distance between furthest proposed Off-Site Lease~ Parking space and your business (Measured by shortest feasible walking distance) ~9proxim~tely 260-265 feet (exclusive of ri.bt-of-waY) FEB 1 0 1998 Summary of what you are proposing and why: Petitioner seeks an Administrative Determination under Section 2.3.9 of the Land Development Code that because of its location in the J & C Industrial Park and its predominant customer base of owners and employees of other businesses within the J & C Industrial Park, that the applicable minimum parking ratio listed in the Land Development Code should not be applied. One of the land use rationales for permitting restaurants in industrial parks is to serve other businesses in such parks and reduce the need for such business owners and their employees to travel outside the industrial park and impact the surrounding road network. In conjunction therewith, Petitioner also seeks County Commission approval of the Administrative Determination and approval of a Shared Parking Agreement for Leased Parking. In support of both approvals, Petitioner attaches and incorporates by reference herein numerous letters from other businesses in the surrounding area (including adjacent owners), as well as a letter from the Collier County Sheriff's ot'fice, all of which affirm that the existing parking for Teo's Restaurant has been sufficient in the past to avoid any parking problems for any of the neighboring property owners and businesses. Petitioner has entered into a Lease Agreement, a copy of which is attached, with the owners of the Hadinger Carpet Company located at the corner of Airport Pulling Road North and J&C Boulevard. The Lease is for twenty-seven (27') paved parking spaces, with the parking spaces available for us~e after 5:00 P.M. If the County Commission approves the Administrative Determination under Section 2.3.9 that the minimum parking ratios should not be applied to Teo's Restaurant., Petitioner would ask that the Commission also approve the Off-Site Shared Parking Petition without the requirement that the Petitioner be required to provide replacement off-site parking at the expiration of the Lease term or in the event the Lease is canceled or terminated. SHARED PARKING AGREEMENT REVIEW CRITERIA The Board of Zoning Appeals shall base their determination of the requests for shared parking on the following review criteria. Please provide an appropriate response to each of the below listed criteria. (Please use additional sheets if necessary) (a) The proposed shared parking facility, including its ingress and egress, is safe and convenient for motorists and pedestrians; 7he ~adin~r's Carpe~ Darkin~ lot ~as ~n entrance and exit o/t j & .c ~o~__!~ev~r_d as well as on AirPQYt Road ap~ will Drov~e ~or aafe a.Dd conve_~ki~p%, access for motorists a~d pede$tria~l~ across J~...& C BQulevard to reach Teo's ReStaurant, FEB 1 0 1998 (b) The proposed shared parking facility will not adversely impact the character and quality of the neighborhood nor hinder the proper f'uture development of surrounding properties; lhe proposed shared Darkinq facility is an already improved uarkinq lot which has not heretofore adversely impacted ~inq neiqhborhood nor hindered the Proper futu,~ ~evelopment of surroundinq DroDerti~, (c) The shared parking plan will have environmental, economic or traffic flow benefits for the community; The Plan will have economic benefits for the community in tha~ ~ locally-owned business active in community charitab]~ cause~ Tec's Restaurant. will be able ~o remain in busines~ add maintain i%s existinc 150 seats (minimum recruirement fo~ restaurant licuor license) and thereby continue to serve i~ zustomer base within J & C Industrial Park, An environment~ consideration is the fact that instead of new impervious ~reas._existinq paved area will be utilized ~o handle overflow Dark in~ if and when it should ever happen at Teo's Restaurant.. T~here are also traffic flow benefits for ~he community in tha~ the surroundin~ area business owners an~ employees who patronize Teo'$ Restaurant. would otherwise have to us~ Airport RQ~d or o~her public roads to drive to a restauran~ ~r ~_.~ea! ~at ~ey are abl~ ~o obtain Dow wi~hou~ ever !gDvi__~n~ ~ & C Boulevard ~nd J & c Industrial Par~. (d) The shared parking plan will solve parking problems that were not created by the owners or lessees of the subject properties; Thee!an will solve a Parkin~ problem arising from the refusal of the proper~y owner ~O ~h~ west of TeQ's to comply with -4 - t 0 1998 p~ior County approval and aqreement with Teo's to allow use of ~ts property for off-site parking to serve Teo's Restaurant.. (e) Other more viable parking alternatives are not available for the subject properties; Petition.er has explored all other ~arkin~ alternatives and th{~ use of the Hadin~er lot is essentially the only viable parkinq alternative, in addition to an Administrative Detez-minatio~ under Section 2.~.9 of the LaDd Development Code, (f) The operating hours, types of land uses, and other applicable factors are conducive for shared parking at the present time and are likely to remain constant; The shared parking facilities would be available for use after 5:00 P.M. when Hadinger's carpets closes and when mos~ of the o~her businesses in th~ J & C ~ndustrial Park woul¢~ also be closed. After 5:00 P.M, when the customers of Teo'~% Restaurant may be more likely tQ include persons workinq outside J & C Industrial Park, the shared Darkinc fa¢ilitie~f would be available i~ ever needed. (g) Where the shared parking plan shows no land reservation or a minimum ten (10) year leased parking agreement, the petitioner has demonstrated that the alternative parking plan is feasible at the present time, and should be feasible in the future; ~o__t ADp!ica__b!__e_because the lease is for 10 years, (h) Failure of the shared parking plan and the alternative parkin~ plan or the minimum ~en (i0) year leased parking agreement would not have serious implications on the public health, safety and welfare; and !~9 .Lease is for a ~en (10) year period, however, by virtue t__he r____e_quest for ~dmi~Dtrative approval under Section 2.3.9 the Code and ratification of that approval by the Commission~ R__etitioner h~s also demonstrated ~hat the shared parking i~ FEB I 0 not necessary at the present time and should not be necessary in the futurg, (i) Approval of the petition will not create parking problems for any neighboring property. The Darkinq will occur on an already imDroved Darkin~ 19_% which serve~ a retail carpet business which closes at 5:Q_Q P.M. each day, As evidenced by the letters from surrounding proDer~¥ owners there is not nor has there ever been a DarkilLq pro~!em for the 150 Sea~$ a~ T~o'~ Restaurant. I, ,~D~ -/~/'/7)dSS'/'r~/3 being duly sworn, depose and say that I am the~~ of the property described herein, and which is the s~ject of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the ~estions in this application and all sketches, data and other supplementa~ matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and t~e to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand this application must be completed and accurate before a hearing can be advertised. I further pe~it R. B~ce ~derson, Es~ire to act as my representative in any matters regarding this application. ~ J' SIGNA~E OF O~R State of Florida County of Collier The foregoin~ Affidavit was acknowledged before me this /~ day of a;z~, ~J~) , 1997 by .~,~ /~i/))W~//~I~ ' who is personally Rnown to me. 8r %-ho ha~ pre~uced ....... M, !)7, My Commission Expires: SIGNAT~E OF AGE~ State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this .-~/[ day of' ~~,~ __, 1997 by R. Bruce Anderson, who ~ per~naliy known to me. E~.~~ EliZabeth M. Difli~ham i~" ..]% ~~,~~s NOT~Y P~LIC {/ ~9, ~ Commission ~CC422150 ".~. ....... ~~'~~ My Commission E~ires: 1/9/99 FEB I n 1998 o ~'a ~ 7-1 ,,.,~" ~' Collier ~un~ G~. ~mpl~ Bldg. - d ; ~1 Tamiami Trail ~, N~lel, FL ~112 SEP ~ ~ ~] Te~phone (AC ~) ~~ '. Mr. Joe DtMammo TEO's Hot Do~, Inc. 2452 J&C Blvd. Naples, FL 34109 To Whom It May C~c~: F~ the rec~d, ~ ha~ not had c~pla~t, of pav~g ~olaH~ at 2452 J~ B~. E~ on ~ca,i~s wh~ the b~, ha~ ~o~ ~d ~g actMti~, the mana~ ~ made cont~gency plans [~ ~ par~g and ha~ ~c~ legal ~v~g f~ ~ ~. I~ I can a,ist ~h~, pl~se caH. Sincerely, Lt. K.C. Strickland North Naple~ District Commander (941) 597-1607 Gulfshore Supply, Inc. 2090 Elsa St. Naples, F1 34110 (941)566o3330 June 20, 1997 Collier County Commissioners Na~les Flodda RE: Parking at Teo's Restaurant To whom it may concern, Gulfshore Supply, Inc is located on Elsa St. within Pine Ridge Industrial Park. Because of our location, myself, being the owner and the outside sales staffand drivers, all travel past Teo's close to fiVe times daily. have never seen anyone parking on the street, or at any time felt the parking their was causing problems ~ roadway. In fact, not even during their busiest lunches do I think their lot is in fact completely full. The people I see eating there are people working at the IocaJ businesses in the Industrial Park, and travel within group:; in one car at a time. Teo's allows you to fax or phone in your orders which makes lunches really easy. You walk in and your food is ready to go. AgairL, I don't experience any problems with Teo's parking. AGENOA ITEM '~ n~. FEB101998 J America's Propane Company 6-20-97 Teo' s Restaurant 2452 J&C Blvd. Naples, Fl. 34104 Att: Joe Dimassimo Dear Joe, Regarding the parking lot issue for your business, located at 2452 J&C Blvd., Amerigas has been in no way affected by the parking situation and does not have any immediate concern that this present situation should change. It appears as if the current amount of parking spaces is sufficient and to our knowledge the parking lot has never been overfilled. Again, Amerigas has not experienced any interference with our business because of your parking situation and does not see any reason for this to change. If we can be of any further assisstance to you, Please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Jane Gretz District Manager JG; sk FEB 1 0 19(,18 6387 North Airport Road - Naples, FL 34109 [941) 597-210 ALLIED CRANE SERVICE INC. P.O. BOX 758~ · NA,P!~-~ FL 34109 - (941) 597-3445 · F.~,X (941) 597-4413 JUNE 23, 1997 TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: WE HAVE NOT WITNESS~ ANY PARKING PROBI _~ WHATSOEVER AT TEO'S RESTAURANT HF_BJ~ ON J & C BOULEVARD. SINCERELY, FEB 1 0 1998 MACON, INC. 2477 J&C BLVD. NAPLES, FLORIDA 34109 941-513-0808 TO: THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RE: PARKING AT TEO'S RESTAURANT TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN, I HAVE HAD A BUSINESS LOCATED ACROSS THE STREET FROM TEO'S RESTAURANT FOR ALMOST A YEAR. IN THIS YEAR I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE PARKING ON THE STREET AND. DUE TO THE FAST SERVICE THE PARKING LOT HAS NEVER BEEN FULL, THE TURNOVER IS WAY TO QUICK. I HAVE NEVER HAD PROBLEMS PARKYNG OR SEEN ANYONE ELSE HAVE. THANK YOU AND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO CALL ME. FEB 1 0 1998 po. R,q _ R & G PLASTERING, INC. 24 77 J& C BL VD. NAPLES, FLORIDA 34109 (941) 566- 9167 TO: THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RE: PARKJNG A T TEO 'S RESTAURANT TO WHOM IT MA Y CONCERN, WE ARE A NEIGHBORING BUSINESS THAT HAS BEEN LOCATED A CROSS THE STREET FROM TEO 'S RESTAURANT FOR MORE THAN OVER A YEAR. WE FREQUENT THE RESTAURANTA FEW TIMES A WEEK AND DUE TO THE QUICK SERVICE, THE TURNOVER IN THE RESTA ;..;RANT IS SO FAST I HA VE NEVER SEEN THE PARKING LOT FULL AND NEVER HAD PROBLEMS PARKING. AS TO PARKING ON TIlE STREET, I HA VE NEVER SEEN THAT HAPPEN. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND IF YOU HA VE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS ,'~L4 TTER PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL US. /...~H~ AN~YOU, ~"fflCE PRESIDF.~IT) JGflll · FEB 1 0 1998 RECEIVED LEASE AGREEMENT SEP 9 SHARED PARKING LEASE This Lease is made and entered into on this ~ I day of ,_"~'f'~J ]", ~ ,1997, by and between Thomas F. Hadinger and Hadinger Carpets, Inc., or their successors (hereinai~er called "Landlord"), whose address is 6401 Airport-Pulling Road North, Naples, FL 34109, and Teo's Restaurant (hereinafter called "Tenant"), whose address is 2452 J & C Blvd., Naples, FL 34109. The Landlord and Tenant hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows: 1. Property at 6405 Airport-Pulling Road North, Naples, FL 34109, and legal described as Section 11, Township 49, Range 25, commencing at the W 1/4 comer along the W line N 1829.95 f~., E 5072.60 ft., to the Point of Begirming, North 173.16 ft., E 241.18 ft., to the westerly Hght-.of-way, S. R. South 31 along the right-of-way S 173.23 ft., W 236.10 feet to the Point of Beginning, which is the northwest corner of Airport Road arid J & C Boulevard, the add-ess of which is 6401 Airport-Pulling Road. North, Naples, FL 34109. 2. Location and Grant For the rent and upon the agreements contained in this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant rents from Landlord the southwest 27 parking spaces, which front J & C Boulevard at the comer o£Airport Road, Naples, Collier County, Florida and commencing at the most westerly parking space on J & C Boulevax-d proceeding east to Airport Road thence north along and facing Airport Road. 3. Term and Commencemtn.t Term: The initial term ofthis Lease shall be for a period often (10) years and shall commence on the 1st day of September, 1997, (the "Term Commencement Date"), and shall terr lmatg~.a~.._.2~ _,~)y o~ Page 1 of 4 Pages FEB 1 0 1998 August, 2007, (the Termination Date"). This Lease is renewable by Tenant on no less than three (3) months' notice from Termination by Tenant on such terms as are necessary and agreeable. 4. Rent a. Except as otherwise provided herein, Tenant does hereby covenant and agree to pay the Landlord, beginning on the Term Commencement Date and in lawful money of the United States, without demand or deductions, at Landlord's address set forth above, or at such other place or party as landlord may from time to time direct in writing, the following which are collectively referred to hereinafter as "Rent", plus any and all sales tax due thereon uncler Florida law, which provided that sales tax must be paid on all amounts paid by the Tenant to the Landlord hereunder. b. During the Term of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord a Basic Annual Rental ("Rent") of $10.00 per month per parking space, hence $270.00 per month. c. This lease is cancelable by either party on 90 days written notice to the addresses above. 5. Parking Spaces These parking spaces may be used ordy after 5:00 p.m. If required by Collier County, Tenant may erect a sign on the Property identifying the parking spaces for the use of Tenant's guests and invitees. Tenamt agrees to carry liability insurm~ce covering the leased premises in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) naming Landlord as an additional insured. Tenant agrees to cover any and all legal fees and judgments that may be incurred by Landlord as result of any incident or damage occurring as a result of the use of these parking spaces by Tenants that may cause Landlord to be sued or incur legal expenses. Page 2 of 4 Pages FEB I 0 1998 The parties hereto have signed this instrument on the date fa'st written above. Thomas F. Hadinger HADINGER CARPETS, INC. By:~ Thomas F. Hadinger, as Pres TEO'S RESTAURANT, INC.  / Authorized Representative STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF COLLIEI:L The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .~,.../m day of J'~/,, '~, 1997, by Thomas F. Hadinger, who is / personally known to me, or who has produced ' - _ as identificanon, and who did/did not take an oath. Printed Name: ~ Commission No.: STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF COLLIER, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of t,/"l,/1- ~', 1997, by Thomas F. Hadinger, as President of Hadinger Carpets, Inc., a Florida co ~ Page 3 of 4 Pages FEB 1 0 1998 thc corporation. He is ~ personally known to me, or produced as identification, and did/did not take an oath. Commission No.: STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF COLLIER, The fgregoirl, g instrument was ac*knowledged be, fore me this .,~ / day of ~/,. ~ _, 1997, by ~ /~..,~,,/r~ ,ofTeo s Restaurant. (s)H~is ' personally known to me, or ~ produced as identification, and did/did not take an oath. Notary Public Printed Name: ~ Commission No.: Page 4 of 4 Pages FEB 1 0 1998 EXECUTIVE SUIVIMARY REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE TIME FOR WHICH AN ASPHALT AND CONCRETE BATCH PLANT FACILITY MAY OPERATE AS A CONDITIONALLY APPROVED USE IN THE "A" RL.~,AL AGRICULTURAL ZOI'KNG DISTRICT FOR PROPF. JI. TY HER.EINAFr~[ DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FI,ORIDA. OBJECTI~,rE: The conditions of approval of this conditionally authorized use of land for an Asphalt and Concmt,.~ Batch Making Facility required reconsideration after the expiration cfa five (5) year time period. This petition therefore seeks to obtain an extension of the time period to allow continued operation of said facilities. CONSIDERA. TIONS: Resolution 88-31 adopted January 26, 1988 authorized approval of a conditionally permitted use of land, namely an Asphaltic Concrete Batch Plant in the "A" Rural Agriculturally zoned district as then permitted by provisions of Zoning Code (Ordinance No. Said 82-2). provisions provided that approval would expire a~er five (5) years unless reviewed following procedures for obtaining reconsideration and approval of the Board of County Conmfissioners, and further provided that any applicable f** requirements be waived for any application for reconsideration. Resolution 93-138 adopted March 30, 1993 efrectively extended said approval an additional five (5) years. Events which are relevant to any reconsideration for approval should take into account th,~ following. 1. Provisions of the Land Development Code relative to the conditional use of property in th.~ Rural Agricultural district by an Asphaltic Concrete Batch Making Plant have changed. Whereas the former provisions provided for expiration of said conditional use after five (5) years or otherwise provided an opportunity to request an extension, the new provisions do n~t provide any time limit for the operation of an A~haltic and Concrete Batch making plant. The presumption is that the current requirements of the Land Development Code intended to provide opportunities for an Asphaltic and/or Concrete Batch making plant to permanently operate in a Rural Agriculturally zoned district subject to conditions precedent to tach an approval, however, this is not to say that a time limit on a conditional use cannot be imposed. 2. Recently, the County Board of Commissioners approved the extension of earth mining activities on an additional two hundred (200)acres of land contiguous to tiffs, '' ,,~ of this action is to extend the life or time frame for earth mining activities a significant number of years, thereby, providing an immediate source of raw materials for said "batch" making facilities. This consideration is dissimilar to that which authorizes the Board of Zoning Appeals to grant extensions to conditionally approved land uses which have not commenced construction but rather deals with a development order approval stipulation, namely, that the Board of County Commia$ioners reconsider their action to approve the conditionally authorized use of la.nd for an Asphaltic Concrete Batch making plant upon the expiration of five (5) years of its approval or extension thereof. In the opinion of staff the petitioners request that the operation of the Asphaltic and Concrete Batch Plant be tied to the life of aggregate mining and processing has considerable merit, particularly in view of the expanded area of mining activity which provides an expanded area of separation between batch plant operation and land that is not pan of the earth mining land area. No particular objective is .~.*rved by requiring reconsideration of the batch plants at an intermediate stage in the mining and processing of aggregate material, that is not readily apparent today in terms of its potential impact on surrounding land that is not pan of the property for which earth mining is now approved. The concern for compatibility can be reinforced by requiting no sale of land that is now part of the total land area for which earth mining is now permitted until such time as earth mining activities cease and the batch plants removed. FISCAL IMPACT: Nolle. GROWTH MANAGESIENT IMPACT: None. ST.~F RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Zoning Appeals approve the continued operation of an Asphaltic and Concrete Batch Plant as provided in Resolution 93-138, and further that Resolution 93-138 stipulation "g" be deleted and replaced with a Stipulation which would allow the continued operation of an Asphaltic and Concrete Batch Plant for a period of time equal to that of aggregate mining and processing and fitrther that no land that is now part of the conditional uses for earth mining be conveyed for other purposes (other than to a land trust for the perpetual reservation of preserve areas) until earth mining ceases and the Asphaltic and Concrete Batch Plants are removed. FEB 1 0 1998 P, REPARED B~' ' ROl~IAL]~ F. NIN0, AIcp .... DATE CHIEF PLANNER REVIE~ED BY: DONALD W. ^~O~.D, MCP' '"-- ' DATE PLANNING SERVICES~DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ~INCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. EXTENSION OF ASPHALT & CONCRETE PLANT EX SUMMARY/md FEB 1 0 1998 December 1!, 1997 Ron Neno ... · Planing and Zoning "~'~'~ Collier County 2800 N. Horseshoe Dr. Naples, FL 34104 Dear Ron: Our Conditional use "14" of Rural Agricultural Zoning for Portable Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plant is up for 5 year renewal by March of "98". We would like to petition the County Board of Co~nissioners for renewal of this Conditional Use. At this time we would also request that the Conditional Use be extended to the life of the quarry. Over the past 10 years we have operated the concrete and asphalt plants without complaint. Due to adding environmental regulations and the Countys' land use plan we do not see any surrounding developments that will cause complaints of incompatibility. Also a recent 200 acre quarry expansion has increased the buffer area around the plants. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Willow Run Trust Enclosure 1 0 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 93-138 FOR THE PURPOSE OF DELETING THE STIPULATION PLACING A FIVE (5) YF2%R EXPIRATION ON A CONDITIONAL USE FOR AN ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BATCH PLANT UNLESS OTHERWISE EXTENDED BY ACTION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPF. ALS AND SUBSTITUTING THE STIPULATION WITH A REQUIREMENT TO ALLOW THE CONTINUED USE OF ASPHALT AND CONCRETE BATCH PLANT FACILITIES FOR A PERIOD OF TIME EQU~L TO THAT OF THE EARTH MINING ACTIVITIES, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 11, 12, 13 AND 14, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 FAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particular geographic division of the County, among which is the granting of Conditional Uses, and placing conditions thereon; and WHEREAS, pursuant to those authorizations the Board of Zoning Appeals adopte~ Resoluticn 93-138 which approved a conditional use for an Aspha]tlc Concrete Batch Plant in the (A) Rural Agricultural zoning district Subject to the provisions of Stipulation -g,, contained within Stipulation "a" of said Resolution which placed a five (5} year limitation on the operation of said COnditional use unless renewed by action of the Board of Zoning Appeals; and WHEREAS, all interested Parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Boaro in Public meeting assembled, and the Board having considered all matters presented; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida, that: The Petition filed by Joseph D. Bonness III of Better Roads, Inc., representing Joseph D. Bonness III as Trustee for the Willow Run Land Trust, requesting an extension ¢,f time for operating by a period time equal to that of associated earth mining conditional of use approvals be approved subject further to the following conditions: 1. This project remains subject to all of the stipulations associated with Collier County Resolution No. 93-138, Resolution No. 89-7, and Resolution No. 88-31, with the exception that Stipulation "q" is hereby deleted and replaced as follows: a. Stipulation "q": This Conditional Use may remain in effect for as long a period of time as is required by associated earth mining activities including those approved by Resolution 97-393 except that the total land area of all associated earth mining conditional uses shall not be diminished in area by conveyance to another owner/entity other than to a land trust for the perpetual reservation of preserve areas or until such time as the operation of the Asphaltic Concrete Batch Plant ceases and is removed from the subject land. BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of , 1998. ATTEST: BOARD OF ZONING APPF2tLS DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, ~LORIDA BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: Mar j c~ie M. Assistant County Attorney f/£on/~lzolu~on R~SOLUTION 97- 393 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE EST~.BLISHMENT OF EXPANDING THE WILLOW R~N QUARRY ~2%RTHMINING BUSINESS CONDITION~ USE '1' IN THE 'A~ AGRICULTUPJtL ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.2.l.3 OF THE COI, LIF. R COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LO~TED IN SECTIONS 11, 12, 13 & 14, TOWNSHIP 59 SOUTH, P. ARGE 26 F2~T, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHERF2%S, the Legislature of tho State of Florida in Chap=or 67-1246, Lsws of Florida, and Chap=ar 125, £1orida S~&tutea, has conferred on Collilr County =ho power =o establish, coo=din&ti and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for tht protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto hA1 adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includel a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regula~iona for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the Couz~ty, a~onge~ is the granting of Conditional Uses; end WHEREAS, ~he Collier County Planning Commission, being =he duly appointed and constituted planning board for =ho aria hereby affected, has held · public hearing al=ir notice aa in said regulations made and provided, and hal considered =ho edVllablliZy o: Con~i:lonal Use "~~ ex=faction or esrthauLning, and rile=ed processin~ proper=y, of Section in an 'A~ Agricultural zone for expanding :he Willow Run Quarry esr=km/ning business on =he pro~e~y concerning all applicable ~=terl re~irld by said re.lateens and i~ accordance with Subset:lin of thl ~nd ~vllo~n~ C~i fo= the Collier County Planning C~ll~on; and be heard by this Board in a public meeting a~ having considered all ~tt~rm prement~. FEB 1 0 -1- NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS c Colli,er County, Florida that: The petition filed by Bruce E. Tyson, ASLA of Nllson, MAllet, Barton & Peek, Inc., representing Willow Run Trust with respect to the property hereinafter described as: SE ~ of NE ~ 11-50-26 40 + ac. NE ~ of NE ~ 11-50-26 40 ~ ac. SW ~ of NW ~ 12-50-26 40 + ac. NM N of NM N 13-50-26 40 + ac. NE % of NE ~ 14-50-26 40 + ac. Total 200 + ac. be and the same is hereby approved for Conditional Use extraction or earthmtntnq and related processing and production not incidental to the agricultural devalo~aent of :hi properl~y, Of Sec=ion of the "A" zoning district for expanding the Willow Run Quarry earthmining businlss in accordance with the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit "B") and subJlct to the following condittonl= a. The Planming E Technical Services Manager may approve m~nor changes in the location, siting, or height of buildings, strut:urea, and improvements authorized by the conditional use. Expansion of the uses identified and approved within this conditional usa application, or major changes to the site plan sukm~itted as part of this application, shall require the submittal Of a new conditional use application, and shall co=~ly with applicable County ordinances in effect at the ti~a of submittal, including Division 3.3, Site Devalo~nt Plan Review and Approval, of the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102). b. Prior to issuancm of %he Excavation Permit, applicant " shall submit a Geological Report with borings showi.ng depth of confining layer, if such a layer exists. Conclusions in the report will be verified by County Staff. Lak~ depth will be limited to 50' or tO the confining layer, whichever is shallower. c. The Petitioner will obtain the necessary ~ermits from the Army Corps of Engineers, the South Florida Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. d. Prior to issuance of the excavation permit, or by September 1, 1997, whichever comes first, the applicant shall submit a water qualAty monitoring plan fog salinity. The plan shall be in effect un:ti it has ~en decided by County Staff =hac no adverse ~ac=s a~e oc~r=in~. e. The Pail:loner shall re~ain fif~eenp~ exia:ln~ native ve~eta:ion on, f. Environmental permitting shall be in ac¢orc~ance with the State of Florida £nvironmental Resource Penait Rulem and be subject to review and approval b Plannin Env ¥ urrent g ironmental Review Staff. Re,oval o£ exotic vegetation shall not be counted towards mitiqation for impacts to Collier County Jurisdictional wetlands. g. Buffers shall be provided around the wetlands, extending st least fifteen {15) feet landward £rom the edge of wetland press=yes in all places and averaqing twent¥-five(2$) feet from the landward edqe of the wetlands. ~here natural buffers are not possible, structural buffers shall be provided in accordance with the State of Florida Environmental Resource aules and be subject to review and approval bM Planning and £nvl=onmental h. An exotic veqetation removal, monitorin~, and maintenance (exotic free) plan for the site, with emphasis on the s=eas of P=ese~vation, shall be submitted to Cu=rent Planning and Enviromaental S~a£f ~or review and approval prio= to issuance of an A~ricultural Clea=in~ Permit. i. Petitioner shall comply with the guidelines and recom=~end&tions of the ~.S. Fish and #lldlAfe Service (userS} and Florida 6ams and Fresh ~ater Fish Commission (FGF~FC) reqardin~ poten~ial ~acte Protected wildlife species. ~here P~Otect~d species are obsezved on site, a Habitat Hanagement Plan those P=o.tected species shall be submitted to Currant Planning £nvi~onmental Staff for review and approval prior to 'issuance o[ an Agricultural Clearinq Permit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second a~d majority vote. BO,~J~D OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ! ~W~GH~E.. BROC~' ~.. ~:~.' ~Y/ ..... ~ .~ · ~ '- ... ,...~., ~ .,.:, ,., ,~ . · Assistant County Attorney FEB 1 0 1998 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR CU-97-1~ The following facts are found: 1. Section of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use. 2. Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of~ A. Consistency with the ~and Development Code and Grow~:h Management Plan: Yes ~/ No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed s=ructuree thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in cas~ ~/of f~re or catastrophe: Adequate ingress& egress Yes VNo C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economi- pr odor effects: . _ No~ffect or Affect mit/gated by _ Affect cannot be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within district/ Yes ___.._No Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) (should not) be recor~,,,ended for approval F/CU-9?-X~ FINDIN~ OF FACT C~AIPJ4~N/ FEB 1 0 1998 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR CU-97-1~ The following facts are found: 1. Section of the Land Development Code &u=horized the conditional use. 2. Granting 'the conditional use will no= adversely affect: the public interest and will not adversely affect other pr~per~ or uses in the same district or neighborhood be=arise A.Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management_~: Yes No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of catastrophe: Adequate ingress & ~ess Yes ~ NO _ , C. Affecns neighboring properties in relation to nc)ise, glare, ej~onomic or odor effects: ~' No affect or Affect m~=igated by Affect cannot be mitigated ' · D. Compa=ibility with adjacent proper=Sas and other property in the district: Compa=ible use )~ithin Yes ~ No Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, wi~h stipulations, (copy a=~ached) (should.mamA be~r~c~ed f~ approval FINDING OF FACT COLL?E~ COUNTY p~~ C~ISSION FOR A CO~ITIO~ USE P~I~ON FOR . ~- 97 ~e following fac=s are 1. Section of =he ~d Develo~n~ C~e au~riz~ ~he condi=io~l use. 2. Gr~=ing 'the condi~ional use will p~lic i~eres= and will no= a~ersely affe~ o=~r or use~ in the same dis~ric= or neig~r~ ~ca~e of~ A.Consis=en~ wi~h =he L~d Devel~n~ Grow=h M~ageme~l~ Yes ~ No B. Ingress ~d egress a=~C=~ea =her- ..... ~raffic ~ muueacrl~ sa=eCy ~ co~~e, flow and conUrol ~d access ca=as=rophe: , ~e~a=e ingresS& Yes ~ No C: %ffec=s neig~oring glare,~conomic or odor effec=s~ ~ No affec= or ~ Affec= c'~o~ D. Co~atibiltty wi=h adJac Yes No Based on =he ~ve f~nd~ngs, s=ipula=io~, ~copy a==ached) (shoed no=) ~ reco~ed for approval FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION FOR A CONDITION]%L USE PETITION FOR CU-97-1~ The following facts are found: 1. Section of the Land Development Co4e au~horizm~ the conditional uae. 2. Granting the conditional use will not a~vmrsely affect t. he public interest and will not adversely affect other properS: or uses in the same district or neighborhood because A.Consistency with the Land Develol~nent Co~e ~ Growth Manag~:No , B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to uto_motive and pedestrian safety and convmnience,~ raffic flow and control, and access i~ case of catastrophe: Adequate C. Affects ne ig~o~r~i., in relation to noi.., glare,/~~~ or odor effects: ~ ~ No__affect or Affect micigaced by ~"2---'"- AZfect cannot be mi=iga:ed ' · D. Compatibility with adjacent proper:les and other in property =he_~rict: Compat lb .~-us m~"~ t hin district Based on the above findings, this conditio~al use should, stipulations, (copy attached) (should not) be reco~m~ for approval ___~~/~ :__ 9/4/9?_ FEB 1 0 1998 FIKDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR CU-97-1~ The following facts are found: 1. Section of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use. 2. Granting the conditional use will not a~versely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other proper~y or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of~ A.Consistency with the Land Development Code Growth Management Yes No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety an~ convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingress Yes ,, w No .. C. Affects. neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare,.~-~Dnomic or odor effects: ¥ No affect or . Affect mitigated by Affect cannot be mitiga=ed · D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the Compatible u~e~hin district Yes ~,' No Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, w~th stipulations, (copy attached) (s~~~-be re~nded for approval . FINDING OF FACT COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIC~ FOR A CONDiTION]iL USE PETITION CU-97-1~ The following facts are found: 1. Section oE the Land Development Code auChorized the conditional use. 2. Granting '=he conditional use will no= adversely af£ec= public in=crest and will not adversely af~e¢c ocher or uses in the same districC or neighborhood because A. Consistenc~ with the Land DevelopmenC C~e ~ Gro~h Managemen=~oYes · =~c=ures thereon with p~i~ar refer~=e =o traffic flow ~ conc~l, ~ access ~ c~e of cacascrophe: ~e~a=e in~os~ &. ~eea ' Yes ~ No C. ~feccs neig~oring p~pe~iee in ~laCion Co nolae, glare, eco~c or o~r effecca~ ... ~fecc c~o= be D. Co~atibility with adjacent p~e~ims ~ proDe~y in the district: Co~atible ~ ~h~ diaC~cC Yes ~~ Based on ~he ~ove f~n~s, ~s co~=~ ~e ~d, s=ipula=io~,~ (co~ a==a bed) ~ ~- _ z=_. ~ raco~ for RE$OLUTIO~ ~- 1}8 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISBF~2~T OF A PORTABLE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BATCH PLART CONDITIONAL USE IN THE RUl%%L AGRICULTURAL (A) ZONING DISTRICT P~ASUARTTO SUBSECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. W~EREAS, the L~giala'~ure of the State of Florida ~n Chapter ~7-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, baa conferred on Collier County the power to establiah, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the publics and WHERF. AS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of Conditional Usaa; and WHEal-AS, all interested partiea have been given oppor~:unity =o be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board having considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida that: The petition filed by Joseph D. Bonness III of Batter Roads, Inc., representing Joseph D. Bonnmse III as Trustee for the Willow Run Land Trust, with respect to the property hereinafter Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein be and the same is hereby approved for Conditional Use "14" of the Rural Agricultural (A) zoning district for a poz~cable asphaltic concrete batch plant in accordance with the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit "B") and subject to the following conditions: a. This project shall be subject to all of the stipulations associated with Collier County Resolution.~. 9~_?._~.. · Collier County Resolution No. 88-3~ with of Stipulation "q." and Stipula~ion "t." revised to read aa follows: --1~ Stipulation 'q." - This Conditional Use shall expire five (5) years after the effective date of approval of this Conditional Use or upon expiration of the excavation permit or any other required permit, whichever occurs first. The Conditional Uae may be renewed following the same procedure ae outlined in Section 2.7.4 of the Collier County Land Development Code. The fee requirements shall be waived for t. his re-application. Stipulation "t." - The Petitioner shall limit ~.he asphalt batch plant operations to daylight hours only, unless otherwise approved by ~be County Manager or his designee. b. The Current Planning Manager, may approve minor changes in the loc:arian, siting, or height of buildings, structure~ and improvements authorized by conditional use. E~pansion of the uses identified and approved within this conditional use application~ or major changes to the site plan submitted aa par~ of this applicationw shall require ~he submittal of · new conditional use application, and shall comply wi~h all applicable County ordinances in effect at submittal, including Division 3.3, Site Development Plan Review and Approval, of the Collier County Land Development Code, Ordinance c. Ail above ground tanks exceeding a volume of 250 gallons per tank shall be brought into compliance and registered (if required) with the Collier County Pollution Control Department and the Florida Department of Environmental Re~ulation within six (6),months of approval of ~his petition. d. The containment area for ~he above 9Tound tanks shall be upgraded to address conditions specified in Section 4.2.1 of the Groundwater Protection Ordinance COrdinance No. 91-10~) within six (6) months of approval of ~hie pe~i~ion. e. Proof of all appropriate tank registrations (sub~ect to Florida Administrative Code 17-762) and that the diesel fuel storage tank has been brought into compliance with regards to secondary containment (subject to Ordinance ~o. ~1~10~) shall be provided to the Collier County Pollution Control ~epartment within ~0 days of approval of this petition. Road impact fees in the amount of $X?,094.07 shall be assessed for this uae in accordance with Ordinance No. 92-22 and shall be paid ~i~hin thirty (~0) days of approval of this petition. However, if the Petitioner provides evidence of payment of prior road impact fees, the newly computed road impact fees may be reduced by the amount of any such prior payments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the m±nutes of this Board. Commissioner Volpe offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner }~hews and upon roll call, th, vo~a was: AYES: Co~m{ss£oner Volpe. Co-~lsioner MaC,hews, Co=~/ssion~r Norris. Commissioner Constantine snd Commissioner Saunders NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Dona this 30th day of March , 1993. ~OARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA "" "" ' '"' BY: '~TTEST: / ' .LEGA.L SUFFICIENCY: KARJO~E M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY PU-87-22C (ADDITIONAL REVIEW) nb/9958 fmcc,~ 2 - ~1/4 ot ~1/41 sM nl/4 of ~!/4, k~tfl 11, ~lp . ~iit, Co~Z~ec C~nt~, firceZ 4 - S~/4 of ~1/4t end IV1/4 of ~1/41 I~ S11/4 of ~1/4, lectLon II, T~lhJp SO ~uth, ~ge 2i lilt, ~IZIK ' County, r~ocLdl. 120~ iCrel ~lrceZ S - M1/2 o~ ~1/4, h~tLofl gist, Co~ec County, FEB!01998 . FEB 1 0 199B RESOLUTION 9 3-_,.~ RELATING TO PETITION NO. PU-87-22C FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE OF PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COU~Y, FLORIDA WHERe. AS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, hal conferred on all Counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public~ and W~ERF. AS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes comprehensive zoning regulations for the zoning of particular divisions of the County, among which is the granting and ax~snding the time period of Conditional Uses formerly kno~l as Provisional Uses; and WHEREAS, on January 26, 1988, the Board of Zoning Appeals enacted Resolution No. 88-31, which granted a provisional use now known as a conditional usa pursuant to Ordinance No. 82-2, for a portable asphaltic concrete batch plant, on the below described property; and W~EREAS, on January 10, 1989, the Board of Zoning Apl~ale enacted Resolution No. 89-7, which granted a provisional use e×tension now known as conditional use extension pursuant to Ordinance No. 82-2 for the afor.'mentioned provisional use~ and W~EREAS, Stipulation #q.. of Resolution No. 88-31 provided that the provisional use granted shall expire five (5) years after the effective date of approval of the provisional use~ and that the provisional u=~ may be renewed following the same procedure as outlined in S~ction 13.1. of the Zoning Ordimance 82-2~ and, furthermore, =hat the fee requirements will be waived for this re-application; and W~£REAS, Joseph D. Bonness, Jr., of Highway Pavers, Inc., representing the Willow Run Land Trust as Trustee, petitioned the board of Zo~g Appea~s to extend thi~ provisio ~ ,,~g~y~ -- NOW, TMEREFORE B~ IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appe&le of Collier County, Florida that: The written request of Joseph D. Bonness, Jr., of Highway Pavers, Inc., representing the Willow RKn Land Trust as ~'rustee, in interest of the following described property: ZXhibit NAN is hereby approved pursuant to action of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the expiration date for Resolution No. 89-7, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B' and all conditions applicable thereto, is ex~ended hereby for ninety (90) daye until April 5, 1993. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is granted. Commissioner Volpe offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner /fa n~hews . , and upon roll call, the vote was: AYES: Co~tssioner Volpe, Comm4sstoner }~=Khews, Con~ssioner Constantine Comm{s$ioner Saunders NAYS: Co~missioner :~orris ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done this 5th day of January , 1993. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, ,F~LORIDA BURT L. SAUNDERS, CMAIRMAR ATTEST: · .~. DWIGHT E. BROC~ CLERK APPROVED AS TO..'FCRM ARD LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: STUD ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY PU-87-22C EXTENSION RESOLUTION nb/9962 ' ' [ ~ ~l~ . ....'.... %q%lovst _ ..o ..:.._ , ,.13 l,?Stfeotr,tkMee iflg.M l?.. 4~' 14'.B, 12~.00 feetj.Che~e'l 2~lt~ 4i" l, 3~.~ ~heflc, S e~ .~o* ~4-.~, A2~.oo (ee~l thence I 3" Zl' 46e.l, ~,~ * FEB 1 0 15:~8 C~r~enaive zon~g ordt~ c~ s Sea i~ $0 ~o=~y appr~id puzm~ to Io~, X3.2(e], ~ Mo. 82-~, ~ ~a a~lr&~,ion da~e for ~e ~bi~ ue OeO eg ~e A-2 D~m~/ct tA tteFeby ~?-~. / FEB 1 0 199~ ~.~ :. i ~, .... . ~. ?:~ ~~.;~.: ~,._~ . ,.... · -.' :~ ~~1~. '... ..~-~ '.'-¥.' . . ~.~. . . .. ':. , .' ' ~t~E'.. :"..~~ ~.Z~ - · . .. ..:~; .... ::::.:~~:?::l '..'~, ,,~,....~':'-... :. ...... . .' .~ ,..:~.. ,..~,~f. · , .. ,...~.:~,....... · .:. ~ · ' '~ , Z~l~evl~ . -.t -- - g- o' · e~e I 2.L9' 4 · ' '. ..:~. ... th ~2 tm fez th ~z~ bz,~v ~. i b h m i fattest FEB 1 0 1998 FEB 1 0 1998 The ~&f,T.. 2./4 of Lb4* S,oqJ~*Je~dc ~"4 ~ tho ~ 3,/'4 ef Ute ImfJUdd~ 3./4 4estate4 e~timt ~ uHma tb f~ ~ bte~ th ~7 fO~ d~ltSt A valid ~ut7 ~ u~a~ ~t. ~ ~tT, State o~ reder~ ot~w~ ef yhat ~ ~ (JO) feet fer M~ mtmrise m~. e. ~t/~o ~y ~ p~ed ~ ~ btm e( (S) 7eor. after the effeett~e dorm ef a~t~eZ ef MO. FEB 1 0 199B m FEB 1 0 19118 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PELATING TO PETITION NO. CU-96-1, FOR A SECOND EXTENSION OF A CONDITIONAL USE FOR A CHINCH IN THE RSF-3 ZONING DISTRICT FOR PROPF_~TY DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION 96-192 ADOPTED ON APRIL 9, 1996 PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.7.4 (CONDITIONAL USE PROCEDURES) OF THE LDC. OBJECTIVE: This petition seeks to extend the date by which a conditional use was first approved for a church in an RSF-3 zoning district located as illustrated in the aforementioned Resolution. This is the second extension request. The Collier County Land Development Code provides for a maximum of three (3) one year extensions to conditional uses. CONSIDERATIONS: '/'he approved development order Resolution 96-192 remains consistent with all elements of the GMP and in particular the Future Land Use Element which provides for churches as conditional uses in all residential zoning distr/cts. Correspondence fi.om the owners agent advises that members of the church are actively pursuing the steps essential to initiating construction of the church. FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That a second extension be gr=ted to Petition No. CU-96-1 in accordance with the attached Resolution and Exhibits thereto. CHIEF PLANNER REVIEWED BY: I~OBiRT J. MULHER~, AICP DATE CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DONALD W. ARNOLD, AICP DATE PL..A~NG SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR VINCENT A. CAUTERO, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. CU-96-1 EXTENSION EX SUMMARY/md FEB ! 0 1998 2 _ I~.,,~ ": K'., ~/,',K~. LA',,I'~ -".FI .'~RC}tITECT<. CC'N.CTRL'CTIC~N January 14, 1995 '~;- : . .... Mr. Ronald F. Nino, AICP CN~Planner ,. , 2 ~, Collier County Community Development & Environmental '\"~'~ .'~,.~ CE,q~ICES Services Division 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Subject: Petition No. CU-96-1 0Extension), Naples New Haitian ~ of the ~ Dear Mr. Nino: Thank you for the letter reminding us that the conditional use for the mbjec~ [xoperW is ~ its expiration date. We do wish to request an ex'tension of the conditional use. ~ church members are continuing with the process of preparing architectural drawings for ibc new ~ actively fund raising in order to proceed with the construction ofthe church building. A check for the $175.00 processing fee is enclosed. Please let me know when this item is scheduled to be heard by the commissioners and if you foresee any issues which might negatively impact its prospects for approval. Sincerely, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON & PEEK, INC. Thomas R. Peek, P.E., P.S.M. Chairman cc: Rev. Jean Paul Enclosure F, .'/ \VlLSON, NIlLLER, BARTON ~l. P"EK. INC. FEB 1 0 1998 32~ Bailey Lane, State 2~, Naples, Flonda 34105.8507 * Ph 941-~9-4~0 Fx 941-~3. 716 ~"eb Site: ~'.~ il~mtller, com E-mai~: n~l~w~m,l~r.c~ RESOLUTION 98- RELATING TO PETITION NO. CU-96-1 FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIOHAL USE OF PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORI~A WHerEAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all Counties in Florida the Ix~wer to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such businees regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes comprehensive zoning regulations for the zoning of particular divisions of the County, among which is the granting and extending the time period of Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, on April 9, 1996, the Board of Zoning Appeals enacted Resolution No. 96-192, attached hereto and incorporated herein, which granted a conditional use pursuant to Ordinance No. 91-102, for a church, on the below described property; and WHEREAS, on March 25, 1997, the Board of Zoning Appeals enacted Resolution No. 97-190, attached hereto and incorporated herein, which granted a one (1) year extension to the Provisional Use granted in Resolution No. 97-190; WHEREAS, Subsection of the Land Develol~nent Code provid,ts that the Board of Zoning Appeals may extend the one (1) year time period for a conditional use which has not been convinced; NOW, T"HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: The written request of Tom Peek Of Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek, Inc., representing Naples New Haitian Church of the Nazaarene for the second of three (3) permitted one (1) year extensions, in in:crest of the following described property: Lot 99. Naples Grove & Truck Co., Little Farm ~2, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 27, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. FEB ! 0 1998 4- ,, is hereby approved pursuant to Subsection of the Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102), and the expiration date for Resolution No. 96-192, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 'A', and all conditions applicable thereto, is hereby extended for on. additional year until April 9, 1999. BE IT FURTHER RRSOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is granted. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of , 1998. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARRARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~sS~STX~V county f/C~J- ~ -1 FEB 1 0 1998 -2- RESOLUTION 97- 1____~90 RELATING TO PETITION NO. CU-96-1 FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONA~ USE OF PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WHERe, the Legislature of the State of £1orida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all Counties in Florida the ~ower establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business re~ulations as are necessary for the Protection of the public~ and WHERF. A~, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes comprehensiv! zoning regulations for the zoning of Particular divisions of the County, among which is the granting and extending the time period of Condi~ional Uses~ and WHERFJtS, on ~ril 9, 1996, the Board of Zoning ;~Dpeals enacted Resolution No. 96-192, att&chad hereto and incorporated herein, which granted a conditional use pursuant to Ordinance No..91-102, &s amended, for a church, on the below described proper=y~ and WHEREAS, Subsection of the Land Develolamen= Code ])rovides that the Board of Zoning A~peals may extend the one (1) year t~me period for a conditional use which has not been commencedl NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL~]~D, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida ~hat: The written request of Barbara Cawley of WilSon, Miller, Barton and Peek, Inc., representing Naples New ~al~lan Church of the Nazsarene for the first of three (3) permitted one (1) year extensions, in interest of th~ following described property: Lot 99, Naples Grove & Truck Co., Little Farln 92, as recorded in Pla~ Book 1, Page 27, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. is hereby approved pursuant to Subsection of the Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102), and the expiration date for Resolution No. 96-192, attached hereto and incorporated herein aa : FEB 1 0 1998 -1- & Exhibit "A", and all condi=lons applicable thereto, ks hereby ext,nded for one addi=lonal year un=l! ~Dr~l 9, 1998. BE IT FURTHER R~SOLV~D that =his Resolu=~on be recordld ~n =hi minu=es of =his Board and in =he records of the Petition for wh~ch the extension is granted. This Resolution adopted al=er mo=~on, second and majority vote. BO~ OF ZONING APPF~ COLLIER C(~JNTY, FLORIDA .... BY: ATT~$'T: "%. DWIGHT E..BR~K/.CLERK ~JOR~ M. STUDENT ' ~SIST~T CO~TY ATTORnEy f/~-96-1 F'EB 1 0 1998 ? A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A ~HURCH, CONDITIONAL USE 2, IN THE "RSF-3" ZONING DISTRICT ~URSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LARD DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH,, RARGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. W~£REAS, the Legislature of the State o! Florid& An Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, end Chapter 125, Florida St&ruSes, h&e conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and' such business regulations &s ere necessary for the p~otection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto h&e adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which include· · Comprehenat zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning o~ partlcul~ geographic divisions of the County, among which il the granting of Conditional Uses; end WHEREAS, the Collier county Planning Commission, being the dul~ appointed and cons~ituted planning board for the aras hereby affa~e has held a public hearing after notice as in said regulation· a provided, and has considered the advisability of Conditional £ection'2 2.4 3. in an "RSF-3" zone for a church on ~.he property · . hereinafter described, and has found as a ma~ter of fac~ (Exhibl~ ~; that satisfacto~ provision and arrangement have been made co.ce~lr all applicable ma~er~ required by said ragula~ion~ and in accordan~ with Subsec~ion of the Lend Devalopman~ Code for the Collie: County Planning Commission; and WMEREA$, all interested parties have been given opportunity to heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled end the I.o&rd hay considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOA~ OF IONXNG A~PEAX~ · Collier County, Florida ~hat: ~e petition filed by Barbara H. Cawley, ll~, of Wtlio., Hill ~arton & Peek, Inc., repraIen~lmg Nazarene wl~h raspec= to the proper~y hereinaf~er ~ascribe~ Lot $9, Naples Grove & Truck Co., Little Farm ~2, ·s rscor~·d in Plat Book l,,Page 27, of ths Public Records of Collier County, Florida. be and tbs sams ia hereby approved for Conditional Us· 2 of S·ction' 2.2.4.$ Of the "RSF-3" zoning district for s church in ·ccordance wit: --..:~ the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit "B") and subject to th· following '-=" conditions: · ._~ 1. Arterial l&vel street lighting shall be provided at both access points prior to the tssuancs of ·ny __ of Occupancy. ~a~ 2: The church shall be responsible for both northbound southbound turn lines from Bsyshors Drive into the '~.--~ propmrty'~hmn r~qumsted by Collier County~ ~ northbound right ~urn lent may, however, bm -- i ~h~ ne~d for ~h~ ~urn lan~ is present. :~ 3. The southbound left turn lane should be · requirement of ~ the buildout development. If further traffic ·n·lysis · _.. indicates the need for the left turn lane before ..-.~ second phase of development, the second phial should bo dependent upon the turn lane being in place prior t.o the ---:..; issuance of building permits for the second phase. Xf .~. the turn lane is not requited until bulldout, it shall be required to be In place prior to the issuance o~ any ~ cetti~icata o~ Occupancy for the second phase. -~ ~. The applicant shall confirm a positive d~ainage and the adequacy thareof~ for purposes of p~oJec~ ~ buildout. Should the drainage outfall re~l~e capacity  ~ improvements, the benefitin9 parties shall in~r a fair share cost o~ such improvements. S. Environmental pe~itting shall be in accordance with --~ State o~ Florida Environmental Resource Pe~l~ rules and --. be subject to review and approval by ~rrent Pla~ln~ Environmental Review S~aff. Removal of exotics shall ~m no= be required east of Coma=l~u=iom Drive -- required in the wetlands tn accordance wi~ - pe~i~. 6. Environmental permi~inq shall be in accordance ~l~h ~ S~a~e o~ Florida Environmental Resource PeFnl~ Rules and be su~Jec~ ~o review and approval bM Curren~ Planning --~ Environmen~al Review S~a~f. Removal o~ exotic ~ ve~e~a~ion shall be in accordance ~i~h ~ha Collier ~ ~ County Land Davelopmen~ Code. 7. Prior to Final Sits Development Plan approval ~ Petitioner shall submit a management plan p~auan~ ~o '-~" Collier County Land Development Code, Section --- s. All conservation areas shall be recorded on the plat with protective covenants per or similar to Section ~'~ 704.06 of the Florida Statues. Conservation areas shall .~_ be dedicated on the plat to the pro~ect's owner entity for ownership and maintenance responsibilities --. and to Collier County with no responsibility for maintenance, '"; 9. Buffer zones will be placed around wetlahds'in '~" accordance with South Florida Water Management " 10. Prior to fin&l Site Development Plln approval the · '"'~ petitionsr~shall supply a letter from U.S. Flih and ~ Wildlife $~rvicss (USFW$), lndicatinq that the bald . ~ eagle nsst vhich vas locatld to the vest of the property · --=, is no longer being used. :'... Il. The petitioner shall supply an appropriate wildlife ~ habitat management plan as required by f. ha U.S. Fish Wildlife Service (UdFWS) and Florida 6ams and Frllh ~ Water Fish, Commission (FGFWF¢) in relation to the bald eagle nest located to the west of the property, prior to ~ an approval of any final development order. · '~' 12 An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and ~ maintenance (exotic-free) plan for the site, ~lth emphasis on the conservation/preservation areas, shall ~ be submitted to Current Planning Environmental Review ~,~ Staff for review and approval prior to final site plan/co~truction plan approval. The exotic re,oval --~ plan may bs phased as approved by Current Planning ' , Environmental Staff. 13. sit& lighting shall be directed to surface areas to be ~..h'~. ' illuminated in such a manner as not to cause a ql~tra to ~ adjacent property owners. · ~ 14. Security lighting shall be provided on all parking areas · ':"-' and lmmedia~e environs of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in minutes of this Board. r=~ Commissioner Mac'Kie offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Conm=an~ime and upon roll call, the vote wast ~ AYES: Commfasion,r Mac'Kit,. Commiaalonec Co~etan~ine~ Co~ls~lo~er '?.~ Comm£ssionl: Ma~hewa and Commission&~ No~ls · .~ NAYS~ :.-. ABSENT AND NOT VOTINg: ABST~TION: Dona this 9~h day of ....~pril , 1996. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS A~.~OV£~ AS T~ ~C~m~ 3'.':: ~O~E M. STUD~T CU-96-1. R ESOLUTION/l$412 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR PETITION NO. CU-96-1 · The following facts are found: 1. Section of the Land Devlopmant Code authorized the conditional use. 2. Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because ~f: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Yes No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and acces~ in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingress & egress Yes ~___ C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to nois~ glare, economic or odor effects: v~ No affect or Affect mitigated by Affect cannot be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within 9is 'rict .. Yes . / No Based on the above findings, this communal use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) ~_houl_~not) be recommended fdr approval FINDING OF FACT CHAIRMAN/ -- EXHIBIT FEB 1 0 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.632 "CREATIVE HOMES COMMERCIAL EXCAVATION LOCATED IN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, UNIT 59 OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES BOUNDED B~ THE EAST ~ND WEST BY VACANT LOTS ZONES "ESTATES," ON THE NORTH BY 14'" STREET N.E., AND ON THE SOUTH BY A COLLIER COUNTY CANAL AND EASEMENT. OBJECTIVE: To issue an excavation permit to Creative Homes of S.W. Florida for the project known as "Creative Homes Commercial Excavation" in accordance with the County Ordinance No. 92-73, Division 3.5. CONSIDERATIONS: The Petitioner proposes to excavate a 1.8 acre lake on 5 acres in Golden Gate Estates. An estimated 25,500 C.Y. of material will be removed and hauled offsite. The excavation will be conterminous with thc existing canal. The County's water management department has no objections as long as maintenance easements are created. FISCAL IMPACT: The Community Development Fund (113) would receive the following Fee Income: Application Fcc $850.00 Permit Fee 134.00 Road Impact Fee District 6 (338) Golden Gate Estates would receive the following Fee Incon'te: Road Impact Fee 105 I. 18 (A Performance Bond in the amount of $25,000 will also be required.) GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the issuance of Excavation Permit No. 59.632 to Creative Homes of S.W. Florida for the project known as "Creative Homes Commercial Excavation" with the following stipulations: I. The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of 16 feet below existing grade and shall be no shallower than 10 feet below existing grade. 2. Petitioner must create a 20' Easement around the lake bank so that Collier County can continue to maintain the existing canal bank upstream and downstream of the project. 3. Offsite removal of material shall be subject to standard conditions imposed by the Transportation Department (attached). AGENDA ITEM FEB 1 O 1998 4. No blasting will be permitted unless issued ~ separate permit by Colli~ Counl)' En~nE Review Services. If vegetation is to be removed as a result of the exc~wtion, ~ set~ Vegetation P.~moval Permit (pet Collier County La~d Development Code,, Division 9) shall I~ obtained from Collier County Development Scrvic~s D~arlm~t bcfor~ commenciag work. PREP/kl~D BY " ' ' ...:., STAN CHRZANOWSKI. P.E. DATE SENIOR ENGINEER REVIEWED BY: THO~iA~ E-~ KUCK EN~I~E~ ~VIEW ~ DON~D W. ~OLD, MCP DA ~NCE~ A. CAUTERO~ ~fl~ST~TOR COMMUNI~ DEV. ~D E~RON~~ $C F.X SUMMARY/d~n FEB 1 0 B98 2 ~omsinai, N ~. 0 ~ 12~ S~IET NJ. I r ~B 1 1998 COLLIER COUNTY TRANSPORTA~ON SERVICES "STANDARD CONDITIONS" EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATIONS INVOLVING OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF MATERIAL The intent of these "Standard Conditions" are to provide excavation permit applicants a ~ of conditions which may affect their projects and which should be taken into consideration during all stages of project development: 1. Haul routes between an ~cavation site and an arterial mad shall b~ priv~ with ~ owner(s) approval or be a public collector road built to standards applicable to handle the r~sulting u'uck traffic. Wher~ residential areas front collector roads, appropriate turn lanes, buffer and bikepath shall be required as minimal site improvements and ifrecommez~led for approval, shall be so with the condition that the Transpon~on Services Administration r~rvcs thc right to suspend or prohibit off-site removal of excavated material should such r~moval create a lmzardous road condition or substantially deteriorate a road condition; such a:tion by the Transportation Sec'vices Administration shall be subject to appeal be:tore the Board of County Commissioners. 2. Haul routes utilizing public roads shall be subject to road maintenance and road repair appropriate fair share by the permittee in accordance with Excavation Ordinance No. 91- as amended Div. 3.5 and Right-of-Way Ordinance No. 93-64. 3. Off-site r~noval of excavated material shall be subject to Ordinance No. 92-22 (Road Impact Ordinance). A trafEc and road impact analysis shall be made by the County to determine the effects that off-site removal of excavated material will have on the road system within thc excavation project's zone of influence. If appropriate, road impact fees in accordance with Ordinance No. 92-22 shall be paid prior to the issuance of an excavation permit. 4. The Traz~'portation Services Administration reserves the right to establish emergency weight limits on public roadways affected by the off-site removal of excavated material; the procedure for establishmem of weight li~ts shall be the presentation of an applicable re.solution before the Board of County Commissioners. Should weight limits be inititutect, the permit'tee shall be responsible to implement measures to assure thnt all heavy truck loadings leaving the permit's property conform to the applicable weight restriction. 5. The Excavation Performance Guarantee shall apply to excavation operations and also the maintenance/repair of public roads in accordance with current ordinances and applicable permit stipulations. Based on soil boring information per Ordinance No. 91-102 as ~unended, s blssting permit ms_y be appropriate. Should a blasting permit application be submi~ md should residential areas exist within one mile of the excavation site, the County reseiw~ th~ right to deny a blasting permit based on concer~ for off-site impscts from blasting st ~n excsvstion site. Should a blasting p~mit be considered and approved, the minimum conditiom of approval in addition to conditions per Ordinance No. 91-102 as amended ar~ as follows: A. Structure inventory/monitoring and applicable pmper~ owner release a~ tequfl'ed by the Development Services Director. B. Security bond ~pplicable to private pmpeay d~nage acceptable to the County. C. Control of size'depth/number of ctzarges per blast by the Development Servic~ Director. D. The fight of the County to suspend and/or revoke blaring permit authority should it be detcrm~ed that blasting activitie~ are creating unacceptable off-aite conditio~ either in terms of private property damage md/or related physical effects of blasting operations. O 7. No excavation permit shall be issued until receipt of a release fi'om the T~on Services Admh~stration applicable to proper mitigation of off-site impacts, meeting of applicable provisions of Ordinance No. 93-64, Ordinance No. 92-22, and ~ No. 91-102 as eanended. Reference to letter of 5/24/88 Revised 1/13/98 Page Two of Two FEB 1 0 ~9~8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ACCEPT A QUITCLAIM DEED FOR SHELLABARGER PARK IN REFERENCE TO A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS. ~ To have the Board of County Commissioners accept the quitclaim deed granted by Robert and Ervene Shellabarger in reference to Community Development Block Grant for infrastructure improvements to Shellabarger Park in Immokalee (Grant # 97-DB-3 K-09-21-01 -N03). C_ONSIDE1LS~__T!ON; In December, 1995, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution 95-692, to authorize the submission of an application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant under the Neighborhood Revitalization category. Since that time negotiations have taken place between staff, DCA, and Robert and Ervene Shellabarger to facilitate this conveyance. This project will improve the sanitation of the Shellabarger Park by removing the use of septic tanks and replacing them with a more modem disposal system; the project will improve drainage conditions, which presently threaten the health and safety of the residents of Shellabarger Park, by installing an adequate roadway with improved drainage system. This aforementioned conveyance has been reviewed by county staff for legal sufficiency. _FISCAL IMPA~-~: Filing fees of $21.00 for quitclaim deeds are provided by the 97/98 operating budget. Revenue is provided by the Community Development Block Grant. Costs will be assigned to Fund 121-138755-631550-33021. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPA~T: The subject property is located in the Imrnokalee area where an expansion oft:rban services a~e permitted, pursuant to Objective Ili.2 of the Immokalee Area Master Plan. This conveyance is consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. P~ECOMMENDATIQ.~: That the Board of County Commissioners accept the Conveyance from Robert and Ervene Shellabarger and direct county staff to record all necessary documents in the public records of Collier County. FEB 1 0 1998 Executive Summary Acceptance of Quit Claim need Paga 2 SUBMITTED BY:~fa~o~. we,,at, JManager DATE: ./.?~ H~busing & Urban Improvement Hou~iR0& Urban Improvement V~ncen~ A. Cautero, Administrator Community Development 8, Environmental Services Project: Shellabarger MHP Prepared W~hout Examination of Title By: Lois Nichols. Real Property Specialist Real Property Management Department 3301 Tamiami Trail Easl Naples, FL 34112 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAIM DEED executed this \ [z~ day of ~, 19.--CL~ by ROBERT SHELLABARGER and ERVENE L SHELLABARGER, Husband and Wlfe. (hereinafter called the Grantor) to COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision o~ the State of Florida, its sucoesm~'s, and aasigns, whose pos~-of~e address is 3301 Tamtaml Trail East, Naples, Flodda ~4112 (hereinafter called the Grantee). (Wherever used herein the terms 'Grantor' and 'Grantee" include ell the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representativeS, successors, and assigns.} WITNESSETH: That the Grantor. f~r and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim unto the Grantee forever, all the right, title, Interest. claim, and demand which the Grantor has in and to the following described lot, piece of parcel of land situate. lying and being in Collier County, Florida, to wit: See Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and made a pad hereof SuL, iect to easement, re~dctions, and reservations of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging to or in anywise appedeining, and ell the estate, right, title, Interest. lien. equity, and da~m whatsoever of the Grantor, either in law or equi~, to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the Grantee forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the day and year hrsl above written. WITNESSES. WitnesS(Signature) ~ . , Robed She!labarger ~,~ (Print) Witness (S~natum} .~- ~ 2~02 Immok~lee Drive Name: (,_--~,(~( (,. |~,~('~".~ . Immoka~ee. FL 34142 (Pdnt) Name: C'.I'!:?JE:,_~_~_ ('~:,'rt?ell . . ~ ( ,.~ ,.~ . ~ .... 2902 Immokalee Drive Neme'_ %,"~'(,i~(C_. tC~,,~('-tC'C~ Immokalee, FL 34142 (p,int) I~~ ^ckno~edgment Page Follows FEB ! 0 1998 Quil¢la~m Deed Page 2 STATE OF F~C,~ ~'~, COUNt' OF (" rM\~'~ 'C The foregoing Quttdaim Deed was acknowledged before me this ! .[~', day of 1997, by Robert Shellabarger, who is per~onally_know~ to me o~ who has pmd~ &$ ident~calion. ( Notarial Seal ) NoLary 15ub~ ~ ¢'r~nt Name) L~.~'(~ ~'. '['~.~C(C.-% COUNTY OF C ~I'~'P 1997. by Ervene L. Shellabarger, wllo iR personally knov~_ tO me or who has produced as identification. ' ( Notarial Seal ) Nc~ry Public/,3 .... .-.1- .... (Print Name) ~ _"~\(.~.~'_ li~..._~'~,' c,.~,~,,,,,,. ~ ~ My Commission Expires: -';3.- OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ,3.301 EAST TANtlAMI TRAIL NAPLCS, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 7'/4-U192 PI(0Ji'CT NO.. PI{OJECr PN~CEL NO. 3AX PNiCEL NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEVL) ~C]'NG AT T1~ SO--ST COR~:R OF S£CTJON ILKNG~ 29 EAST. CO~ COUNTY, FLOR~A; TI~NC~ NORTH ~~ OF ~0~ D~, A DI~A~ O DEG~ 53 N~S ~ SE~S ~T, A DI~ANCE OF 30.~ ~OR~ ~g~ OF WAY L~ OF ~~E g~ "' ~NC~ CO%~G NOR~ ALONG SA~ ~ A DI~ ~%~S 45 SECO~S ~ST, A DISTANCE OF 5~?5 ~; ~ ~0 '. D[C~ES 49 ~S 10 SECTS ~, A D[STAN~ OF60.~ ~ ~ DEGAS IT k~r~S 45 ~S ~ST, ~; ~ENCE SO~ 0 DEGAS 53 k~ ~ 5ECO~S EAST, A DI~ OF " 220 ~ ~T TO ~ NOR~ ~ ~ WAY L~ ~ AFO~S~ ~O~t~ D~VE'. T~C~ SOL~ 89 DEG~ES ~1 MI~ 4S ~CO~S ~T ~NG S~D ~OR~ ~g~ OF WAY L~ A DI~ANCE OF ~.~ DiS r~CE OF 220 ~ ~; ~ ~R~ 0 DEG~ES SECONDS ~ST, A DI~A~CE OF 610.~ ~; ~ N~ 0 M~'~S ~ SE~S ~, A Df~AN~ ~ 2~.~ DEGASS; 7 ~%~S aS ~S ~T, A DISTANCE ~b~ 0 DEGAS 5~ ~ ~ SE~S EAST, A DIST~ ~ li~.~ ~T TO T~ AF~ESA~ ~ ~G~ OF WAY L~E OF ~NCE SC)L~ 19 DE~$ ~1 ~S 4S SE~S ~, A DI~ 3.~ AC~S 1243.76] ~UARE ~'~. ~ OR ~. B~[S OF BEINGS IS ~ ~INE ~ ~OKA~ D~ ~ ~9 DEGAS 17 ~S IS SE~S OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION / I .MMOKAL[[ DRI~ (60' GENERAL NOTES ]) P.O.C. Indicates Point o¢ Com,,~enceMent 8) P.O.B, ind;c~tes Po;hr or 3) Sec. Ind;c~¢es Section 4~ Twp. [nd;cotes 5) Rge. Ind;c~tes RonOe G) R/~ ind;c~tes RiQht-~-~oy 7) All ~iSt~nCeS Ore in ~t ~nd dec~m~ts ~hereo¢ ]mnoPote¢ Drive being N. og'~T'45'E. THIS IS ONLY A SK~C" '" ~ ~ SHE~ 2 DF 2 J SCALE 06-20-97 SHELLiOi RECORDING FORM ' AGENDA DATE: AGENDA ITEM: ACCEPT QUITCLAIM DEED FOR SHELLABAARGER PARK IN IMMOKALEE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS. THIS 18 A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (97.DB-3k-09-21-01-N03). COLLIER COUNTY AS GRANTEE: PLEASE CALL LOIS NICHOLS AT EXTENSION -8991 FOR DOCUMENTPICK-UP. COMMENTS: DO NOT RECORD THIS DOCUMENT RETURN TO REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT REQUEST TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "ISLAND WALK PHASE ONE" To approve for recording the final plat of "Island Walk Phase One", a subdivision of lands located in Section 33, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. gONSIDERAT~Q~, Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Island Walk Phase One". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The security in the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required improvements is being covered by construction and maintenance agreement and an OIrrevocable Letter of Credit. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Island Walk Phase One" be approved for recording. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $1,929,684.50 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer - $949,708.50 b) Drainage, St. Lts., Paving, Grading, Landscaping & Irriga - $979,976.00 tion The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $2,122,652.95 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $35,910.89 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $1,929,684.50 and were paid in Decemb~, F~,9~0 ~0~ I and January, 1998. L__P..-__1 Executive Summary Island Walk Phase One Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $4./ - $ 920.68 b) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) ' $ 4748.54 Water Re-use (irrigation) ' $ 276.49 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const. - $ 3929.89 c) Construction inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $14245.63 Drainage, - $11789.66 Paving, Grading (1.275% con~t, est.) aROWTHMANAGEMENT IMPACT~ The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. RECOM~DATIQ~ That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of .Island Walk Phase One" with the following stipulations: 1. Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. 2. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of .Island Walk phase One " 3. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. 4. That no Certificates of Occupancy be 9ranted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. Executive Summary Island Walk Phase One Page 3 PREPARED BY: , J~.~ tl~\~,_,.,,, ~%, '-~a'~ John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Date Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Date Engineering Review Manager Donald W. Arnold DaZe  ~.g Services V~ncent A. Cautero, Administrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JRa/ew FEB 1 0 1998 · ...v 17 16 15 14 13 ,'-'."~ ~- PROJECT ~ 22 4 20 21 ~ ~c., ~) LOCATION 25 -. -. (C.R e62) . ~ T48S w~ ~ 4 3 2 1 _~ .. SCALE ~ 9 10 .., 12 ~. ~_ ' ~ 13 18 17 16 15. 14 13 ----'.. LOCATIONMAP ~,._~~.. ) :..'-.' ..... -=~'- FEB 1 0 lg98 ~.. _' ... ~ ..= _ Pg:~..--..--___ CONSTRUCTION AND MAhNTENANCE AGREEMENT OF SUBDIVISION D, IPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENTS entered into this _ .. day of ~ 1998 between Island Walk Development Company hereinafter referred to as "Developer" Nd the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "The Board". 1. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: Island Walk Phase One. 2. Division 3.2 of the Collier Count>' Unified Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer ~-il] cause to be constructed: a potable water system, sanitary sewer systerm drainage, grading, paxing and ~fiscellaneous as outlined in Engineer's Cost Estimate (attached hereto as E 'xhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof) within 12 months front the date of approval of said subdixSsion plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by reference made a pan hereof) in the amount of $2,122,652.95 FEB 1 0 1998 Pg..._ ~ ,. which amount represents 10% of the to'tal contract cost to complete constructi°n plus 100% of the estimate cost to the the date of this complete required improvements at Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier County, after written notice to Developer, may call upon the subdivision performance security to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 5. The Development Serv/ces Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary' approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvements, therewith specif3.Sng those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Development Sen'ices Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain a/l required improvements for a minimum per/od of one year after pre:mary approval by the Development Services Director. After the.one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements, and, if found to be still in compliance w/th Collier Count3' Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall con.qnue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 7. Six (6) months after the execution oft,his Agreement and once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work completed. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial c~mpletion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for reduction in the amount oI' the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance securit3' to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have .he fight to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to pubIic advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdMsion performance security, shall be liable to pa)' and to indenmif).' the Board. upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof. including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with an)' damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Deve!oper to carry out all of the provisions of this Agreement. 9. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer respective successors and assigns of the Developer. FEB 1 0 1998 ._._~e.._ ~ [N V~HTNESS \~,q-IEKEOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this A~reement O to be executed by their duly authorized representatives this day of ,1998. Signed, Sealed and Delivered ISLAND WALK DEVELOPMENT in the presence of: COMPANY Michl~el D. R6sen,.,Vice-President ATTEST: D\~,qGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Barbara BenT, Chairman Approved as to fon'n and legal sufficiency: Collier Co~ty Attorney han'ey\cou-mam.agr FEB 1 0 1998 EXHIBIT "A" ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY I. Sanitary Collection System $786,171.00 II. Reclaimed Water Distribution $55,297.00 Itl. Potable Water $163,537.50 IV. Drainage $265,455.00 V. Paving $506,685.00 VI. Ligh. ting $40,000.00 VII. M isce I la neous $112,539.00 TOTAL $1,929,684.50 10% OF TOTAL $192,968.45 @ 110% Letter of Credit Amount $2,122,652.95 S~mpte\Ex~\ConM.IW O SUN UST P030147 LETTER OF CREDIT___~__._E.R.:20, 1998 ISSUANCE DATE: JAgUAr, APPLICANT: ADVISING BANK: DIVOSTA AND Co~IN_C_:.-.~A~Dco VILLAGE WALK DEVELO~mm~ · INC. 4500 PGA BLVD., NO. 400 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BENEFICIARY: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI SS I ONER~ COLLIER COUN FLORIDA COLLIER COUNTY' CO~/RTHOUSE COMPLEX NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 FOR USD 2,122,652'95 (TWO MILLION ONE HI/NDRED TWENTY TWO THOUSAND SIX HUND~D FIFTY TWO 95/100 U.S. DOLLARS) DATE OF EXPIRATION: JANUARY 20. 1999 PLACE OF EXPIRATION: OUR COUNTERS st -f, ST EXCEED_k ~O~%~A~ O~F=, ':~EDIT AND 5"HE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT: BY THIS L~'il=r~ ,~ BENEFICIARY'S DATED CERTIFICATE PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY VELOPMEN"r COMPANY ISLA.ND WAL_K__D.E. _.. ~,~=~w=MENTS ASSOCIATED WITH IS_LAND oA~LL~ MAII~fA1N 'rn-. x~-~=~,~--~ ISFACTORY TO AND OR INAL INSPECTION SAT F w HASE I, OR A_ _F. .... =~ ow. wv PRIOR TO THE DATE 0 ~ I~R COUNTY HAS NOT ~ ....... ORMED EXPIRY. D_ND SATISFACTORY ALTERNATIVE PERFORMANCE SECURITY HAS NOT BEEN PROVIDED TO AND FORMALLY ACCEPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMR4ISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA." IS A CONDITION OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT THAT IT S_HALL IT - EXTENDED WITHOUT AMENDMENT FOR ONE BE DEEMED AUTOM3%T;CALLY YEAR FROM THE EXPIRATION DATE HEREOF, OR A.NY FUTURE EXPIRl%_TION DATE UNLESS SIXTY (60) DAYS PRIOR TO ANY EXPIRATION DATE WE SEND'NOTICE TO YOU BY REGISTERED MAIL THAT WE ELECT NOT TO CONSIDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT RENEWED FOR A/qY SUCH A/)DITIONAL PERIOD. ALL DRAFTS MUST REFERENCE THE 'NUMBER AND ISSUE DATE OF THIS CREDIT. . . OF CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO THE UNIFORM CUSTOMS THIS LETTE__R EDITS (1993 REVISION), I N T E P~NAT 1UN*u~ LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER P030147 PAGE NO. i SuhlTRUST WE HEREBY AGREE WITH YOU THAT ALL DRAFTS DRAWN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION AND DELIVERY OF THE DOCU~S SPECIFIED ABOVE TO SUNTRUST BANK. SOU~ FLORIDA,_~L__FT-___ LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA, C/O SUNTRUST INTERN~T~O~_A~__$ER~C~6~U', 25 PARK PLACE. 16TH FLOOR,' LETTER OF CREDI~ ATLA/TTA. GEORGIA 30303 ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 07, 1~, EXTENDED DATE. SINCERELY, SUNTRUST BANK, SOUTH FLORIDA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (404)827-6810 PAGE 2 Attama, Georgia 30303 Telex: 542210 BOARD APPROVAL OF A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO PAY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERIM FOR GOVERNMENT SERVICES FEES ORDINANCE OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners approve a budget amendment for Fund 111 (Unincorporated Area-Wide General Fund), wherein Reserves would be reduced and a line item appropriation would be re-established to fund a professional services agreement. CONSIDERATIONS: On June 28, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners approved retaining Mr. Alan C. Watts of the law firm of Cobb, Cole and Bell to draft an Interim Government Services Fee Ordinance and to serve as lead counsel in the validation process of the fee ordinance. The Board approved funding for the development and validation of the Ordinance in the amount of $32,500 from the Unincorporated Area-Wide General fund (Fund 111-138317- 6,34999-000000). These funds were not spent in FY1997. The Board's budget policy and the financial process requires the funds to be reapF, ropriated in FY1998. This budget amendment will reduce reserves and establish the apFropriation in the FY1998 budget. If the fee ordinance is adopted by the Board and if the validation process is successful, the fee is anticipated to generate in excess of $1,000,000 per fiscal year in the future. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the budget amendment will reduce the Reserve for Contingencies in the Unincorporated Area-Wide General Fund by $32,500 and establish a line item appropriation in that fund of $32,500 to pay the professional services contract. The affected budgets are identified below: Unincorporated Area-Wide General Fund - Fund 111 Reduce: Reserves for Contingencies 919010-991000 ($32,500) Increase: Other Contractual Services 138317-634999 $32,500 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the budget amendment to fund the contract previously approved by the Board. Jol'~ A~Y/onkosky, D~ctor ~"~(nce C~ute~o, Administrator Community Development and Environmental Services JAY:pc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH FLOR. IDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF A REPLACEMENT BRIDGE AT VALEWOOD DRIVE OVER THE COCOHATCHEE CANAL OBJECTIVE: To present an Agreement to the Board for the maintenance and operation ora new bridge to be designed and constructed by the South Florida Water Management District (the Dis~ct) al Valewood Drive over the Cocohatchee Canal as pan oran ongoing District canal improvement project. ~:0N$1DERAT!ON~ The District is in the process of'widening and deepening the Cocohatchee Canal to improve both flow characteristics for conveyance and retention/detention characteristics of'he waterway. As part of this ongoing project, the District will be replacing the present structure over the canal at Valewood Drive. This structure is a multiple-barrel pipe culvert. The replacement sU'ucture will be a bridge structure. The new bridge will be either a "Con-Span" type pre-cast concrete su'ucture or a pile supporled simple-span sumcture. In either case, the District has requested that the County assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the final structure after the construction has been completed. The County will benefit fi.om the new structure in that a new District fight-of-way permit will be issued to the County for the operation and maintenance of the structure. 1'his right-of-way permit will allow ~he County to maintain and operate both the bridge structure and the roadway approaches to the bridge without hay/rig to obtain site-specific permission each time some maintenance operation is to be performed. In addition, the new structure is anticipated to have significantly lower maintenance costs than the present St'TUcture. Staffhas reviewed the District's request and finds that the execution of the Agreement will be in the public interest and will permit a safer operating condition at the existing intersection as a consequence of the new bridge geometry. Staff recommends that the Board execute the Agreement. Fi$CAt. IMPACT: No additional funding is sought for the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement. Annual operating and maintenance costs are available in Fund 106, MSTD Road district $. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT; N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: The Board approve the Agreement; authorize the Road and Bridge Section of the Transportation Services Department to operate and maintain the new s~ructure. PREPARED BY: REVIEWEDEd~,r~-d'~ ~.E.~ ~e~..~ DATE" ~~-~ D~x~"d F o ' - 'spo on Services Director Ed llschner,~Publ Works A'ami~-istr~or Attachments: NO. I - PrOpOSed Cooperative Agreement FEB 1 0 1998 ORIGINAL O C.80~8 COOP£1~TIVE AGREEMENT B~N THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND COLLIER COUNTY TI~NSPORTATION SERVICE This AGREEMENT is entered into on ,,, between "the Parties," the South Florida Water Management District, a public corporation of the State of Florida ("the DISTRICT"), and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("the COUNTY''), hyrrNF~S~ THAT: WHEREAS. thc DISTRICT is a public corporation of the State of Florida, cr=ated by the Florida Legislature and given those powers and responsibilities enumerated in Chapt=r 373, Florida Statutes to include entering into contracts with public agencies, private corporations or other persons; and WHEREAS, the DISTRICT is planning and designing a water control structure and channel improvements on the Cocohatchee Canal as a third phase of the Cocohatch~ Watershed Improvement Plan; and WHEREAS, improved canal crossings are needed to meet storage, increase water levels in the aquifer, and improve flood protection objectives; and WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature, Statute section 3'73.0695 (2)(g), authori~s Big Cypress Basin funds to be used for replacement of bridges resulting from Big Cypress Basin Works; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY is responsible for providing safe transportation n==ds to the residents of Collier County, and operates and maintains .the secondary and arterial road access to the major road networks; and WHEREAS, this AGREEMENT identifies specific responsibilities of the Parties in the implementation of replacing the culverts with a larger structure; and WHEREAS the DISTRICT wishes to enter into a AGREEMENT with the COUNTY; and Page 1 of 7, Contract No. C-8028 I ,TT ,CH qF..I, rT NO. ! FEB 1 0 1998 WHEREAS, the COUNTY warrants and represents' that it has no obligation or indebtedness that would impair its ability to fulfil] the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT; and NOW THEREFORE, the DISTRICT and the COUNTY, in consideration of the mutual benefits flowing from each to the other, do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I - STA'IEMENT OF WORK 1.1 The COUNTY shall, to the satisfaction of the DISTRICT, fully and timely perform all work items described in the "Statement of Work," attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and made a part of this AGREEMENT. 1.2 It is the intent and understanding of the Parties that this AGREEMENT is solely for the benefit of the COUNTY and the DISTRICT. No person or entity other than the COUNTY or the DISTRICT shall have any rights or privileges under this AGREEMENT in any capacity whatsoever, either as third-party beneficiary or otherwise. ARTICLE 2 - TERM OF THE AGREEMENT 2.1 The period of performance of this AGREEMENT shall commence on the date of this AGREEMENT and continue for a period of eighteen (18) months. 2.2 The Parties agree that time is of the essence in the performance of each and every obligation under this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE 3 - CONSIDERATION 3.1 The Parties agree that each party shall assume all costs associated with its respective obligations hereunder. ARTICLE 4 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT/NOTICE 4.1 The Project Manager for the DISTRICT is Robert A. Laura, at 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33406, telephone (561) 687-6238. The Project Manager for the COUNTY is Edward J. Kant, at County Government Center, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112, telephone (941) 774-8494. The Parties shall direct all matters arising in connection with the performance of this AGREEMENT, other than invoices and notices, to the attention of the Project Managers for attempted resolution or action. The Project Managers shall be responsible for overall coordination and oversight relating to the performance of this AGREEMENT. Page 2 of 7, Contract No. C-8028 ~ A'Fi'A(.',HI~ENT HO.. / .... PAGE 2.- OF /o 4.2 Ali notices, demands, or other communications to the COUNTY under this AGREEMENT shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to: Collier County Transportation Service County Government Center 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 All notices to the DISTRICT under this AGREEMENT shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to: South Florida Water Management District Attn: Procurement Division 3301 Gun Club Road P. O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 The COUNTY shall also provide a copy of all notices to the DISTRICT'S Project Manager. All notices required by this AGREEMENT shall be considered delivered upon receipt. Should either party change its address, written notice of such new address shall promptly be sent to the other party. All correspondence to the DISTRICT under this AGREEMENT shall reference the DISTRICT'S Contract Number C-8028. ARTICLE 5 - TERMINATION/REMEDIES 5.1 If either par~y fails to fulfill its obligations under this AGREEMENT in a timely and proper manner, the other party shall have the right to terminate this AGREEMENT by giving written notice of any deficiency. The party in default shall then have ten (10) calendar days from receipt of notice to correct the deficiency. If the defaulting party fails to correct the deficiency within this time, this AGREEMENT shall terminate at the expiration of the ten (10) day time period. 5.2 If either pa~y initiates legal action, including appeals, to enforce this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney's fee, based upon the fair market value of the services provided. ARTICLE 6 - RECORDS RETENTION/OWNERSHIP 6.1 The COUNTY shall maintain records and the DISTRICT shall have inspection and audit rights as follows: Page 3 of 7, Contract No. C-8028 ~o.~ AIIACI-IM£hq' HO. / .... FEB I 0 1998 PAGE .,~ OF la A. Maintenance of Records: The COUNTY shall maintain all records and repons directly or indirectly related to the negotiation or performance of this AGREEMENT including supporting documentation research or reports. Such records shall be maintained and made available for inspection for a period of five years from completing performance and receiving final payment under this AGREEMENT. B. Examination of Records; The DISTRICT or its designated agent shall have the right to examine in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards all records directly or indirectly related to this AGREF_JVIENT. Such examination may be made only within five years from the date of this AGREEMENT and upon reasonable notice, time and place. C. Extended Availability of Records for Legal Disputes: In the event that the DISTRICT should become involved in a legal dispute with a third party arising from performance under this AGREEMENT, the COUNTY shall extend the period of maintenance for all records relating to the AGREEMENT until the final disposition of the legal dispute, and all such records shall be made readily available to the DISTRICT. ARTICLE 7 . STANDARDS OF COMPLIANCE 7.1 The COUNTY, its employees, subcontractors or assigns, shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations relating to the performance of this AGREE3IENT. The DLSTRICI' undertakes no duty to ensure such compliance, but will attempt to advise the COUNTY, upon request, as to any such laws of which it has present knowledge. 7.2 The laws of The State of Florida shall govern all aspects of this AGREEMENT. In the event it is necessary for either party to initiate legal action regarding this AGREEMENT, venue shall be in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit for claims under state law and in the Southern District of Florida for any claims which are justiciable in federal court. 7.3 The COUNTY shall allow public access to all project documents and materials in · accordance with the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Should the COUNTY assert any exemptions to the requirements of Chapter 119 and related Statutes, the burden of establishing such exemption, by way of injunctive or other relief as provided by law, shall be upon the COUNTY. 7.4 Subject to Governing Board approval, the DISTRICT will waive application processing fees applicable to the right-of-way occupancy permit consistent with Task 6 of Exhibit "A." The COUNTY shall be responsible for any fees associated with any future permit modifications. Page 4 of 7, Contract No. C-8028 ~~l[ [PAGE ~ 0F /'~ I I 7.5 The COUNTY hereby assures that no person shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, handicap, age, or sex, in any activity under this AGREFM~ENT.The COUNTY shall take all measures necessary to effectuate these assurances. 7.6 In the event a dispute arises which the Project Managers cannot resolve between themselves, the Parties shall have the option to submit to non-binding mediation. The mediator or mediators shall be impartial, shall be selected by the Parties, and the cost of the mediation shall be borne equally by the Parties. The mediation process shall be confidential to the extent permitted by law. ARTICLE 8 - RELATIONSI-DP BETWEEN THE PARTIES g.l The COUNTY is an independent contractor and is not an employee or agent of the DISTRICT. Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall be interpreted to establish any relationship other than that of an independent contractor, between the DISTRICT and the COUNTY, its employees, agents, subcontractors, or assigns, during or after the performance of this AGREEMENT. The COUNTY is free to provide similar services for others. 8.2 The COUNTY shall not assign, delegate, or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations as set fo~h in this AGREEMENT without the prior written consent of the DISTRICT. Any attempted assignment in violation of this provision shall be void. ARTICLE 9 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 9.1 Notwithstanding any provisions of this AGREF3'IENT to the contrary, the Parties shall not be held liable for any failure or delay in the performance of this AGREEMENT that arises from fires, floods, strikes, embargoes, acts of the public enemy, unusually severe weather, outbreak of war, restraint of Government, riots, civil commotion, force majeure, act of God, or for any other cause of the same character which is unavoidable through the exercise of due care and beyond the control of the Parties. Failure to perform shall be excused during the continuance of such circumstances, but this AGREEMENT shall otherwise remain in effect. This provision shall not apply if the "Statement of Work" of this AGREEMENT specifies that performance by COUNTY is specifically required during the occurrence of any of the events herein mentioned. 9.2 In the event any provisions of this AGREF_aMENT shall conflict, or appear to conflict, the AGREEMENT, including all exhibits, attachments and all documents specifically incorporated by reference, shall be interpreted as a whole to resolve any inconsistency. 9.3 Failures or waivers to insist on strict performance of any covenant, condition, or provision of this AGREEMENT by the Parties, their successors and assigns shall not Pa~e 5 of 7, Contract No. C-8028 I ATT ,CHMENT NO. / FEB 1 0 1998 be deemed a waiver of any of its rights or remedies, nor shall it relieve the other party from performing any subsequent obligations strictly in accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT. No waiver shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. Such waiver shall be limited to provisions of this AGREEMENT specifically referred to therein and shall not be deemed a waiver of any other provision. No waiver shall constitute a continuing waiver unless the writing states otherwise. 9.4 Should any term or provision of this AGREEMENT be held, to any extent, invalid or unenforceable, as against any person, entity or circumstance during the term hereof, by force of any statute, law, or ruling of any forum of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any other term or provision of this AGREEMENT, to the extent that the AGREEMENT shall remain operable, enforceable and in full force and effect to the extent permitted by law. 9.5 This AGREEMENT may be amended only with the written approval of the Parties. 9.6 This AGREEMENT states the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties and supersedes any and all written or oral representations, statements, negotiations, or agreements previously existing between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this AGREEMENT. The COUNTY recognizes that any representations, statements or negotiations made by DISTRICT staff do not suffice to legally bind the DISTRICT in a contractual relationship unless they have been reduced to writing and signed by an authorized DISTRICT representative. This AGREEMENT shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Parties, their respective assigns, and successors in interest. Page 6 of 7, Contract No. C-8028 ATT~,CHMENT NO. / ~'~ - FEB 1 0 1998 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties or their duly authorized representatives hereby execute this AGREF.,MENT on the date first written above. LEGAL PORM APPROVED ~.. ~,~,.~.~.~OmC~ OF COUNSF~ SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT /' 7- Deputy Executive I~irector ATTEST: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY DWIGHT E. BRa"K, CLER~ COMMISSIONERS By: Chairman, ~srbara B. ~erry form & l~~ei~nzy ~t ~unty Attorney Page 7 of 7, Contract No. C-8028 [ ITACHI~£NI NO._ / . AGE_ '7 ,, OF_ C-~02~ EXH~IT "A" START OF WORK 1.0 BACKGROUND The South Florida Water Management District (District) is currently undertaking a four-phase water management improvement plan in the Cocohatchee Canal Watershed in the Big Cypress Basin. The Cocohatchee Canal is adjacent to Immokalee Road in Collier County, Florida. The purpose of this improvement plan is to prevent saltwater intrusion, re, duce overdrainage in the watershed, and enhanc~ flood protection. The Cocohatchee Canal drains a watershed of approximately 186 square miles, consisting of mixed development, agriculture, and natural areas. The water resources of the Cocohatchee Canal Basin are unique in that they include the sensitive environmental corridor of the Bird RookeD' Swamp, Corkscrew Marsh, and Corkscrew Sanctuary. Phase I was completed in 1994 and consisted of construction of one water control structure (salinity barrier), and improvements to approximately 2,000 linear feet of can',,l in the western portion of the canal. Phase 2 is ongoing and consists of construction of a second water control structure, and improvements to approximately 6,000 linear feet of canal in between Structure Number I and Structure Number 2. Remaining Phase 2 improvements include replacement of the Palm River Boulevard bridge and one utility crossing. Phase 3 is currently in the design stage and includes construction of a third water control structure and improvements to approximately 5.5 linear miles of canal. Phase 4 is currently in the planning stage and will include improvements to approximately 4.5 linear miles of canal. The scope of work of this Agreement is to identify responsibilities in the replacement of the culverts crossing the Cocohatchee Canal at Valewood Drive (Quail Creek) with a larger bridge crossing the canal as part of the Phase 3 Improvements. The new bridge should meet the .requirements identified in Task 3 of the Scope of Services. This bridge replacement was identified in an HydrologicfHydraulic (H/H), study of the Cocohatchee Canal conducted by the South Florida Water Management District in Fe.bruary, 1997. 2.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to identify the specific responsibilities of each party in the implementation of replacing the culverts with a larger structure. The Scope of Services is divided into specific tasks to identify the responsibilities of each party. Page I of 3, Ex_hibit "A~" Contract No. C-8028 ATTACHMEN'F NO. / PAGE ~ OF /o 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.1 Task 1 - Engineering Design This task consists of the engineering and design work to prepare a set of construction plans and specifications for a new canal crossing. The District shall be responsible for this task subject to provisions of this Agreement and description of the other tasks herein. The new bridge design shall meet the hydraulic conditions required to provide the desired level of flood protection. The canal and new bridge structure shall be able to pass 606 cubic feet per second with a water surface elevation not higher then 11.5 feet NGVD, (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) and energy head losses not more than 0.05 feet. The new bridge shall have two northbound and two southbound traffic lanes with sidewalks on both sides and on-road bike paths on both sides. The new bridge will have a thirty-foot, striped median and will meet County codes and transportation requirements in effect at commencement of this Agreement. No improvements to Immokalee Road in regards to the design and construction of the new bridge is pan of this Agreement with the exception of modifications to the turnout. Any additional improvements to Valewood Drive or Immokalee Road not included in this task will be funded by the County. The District will obtain a County right-of-way permit for any work to be performed within the right-of-way of Immokalee Road (CR 846). 3.2 Task 2 - Environmental Permi~ng This task consists of obtaining environmental regulatory permits, to complete the other tasks herein. The District shall be responsible for all funding and other technical aspects of this task subject to provisions of this Agreement and description of the other tasks herein. 3.3 Task 3 - Land Certification This task consists of obtaining construction access and staging areas to complete the other tasks herein. The District shall be responsible for all funding and other technical aspects of this task subject to provisions of this Agreement and description of the other tasks herein. The District will obtain the real estate instruments needed to construct the new structure. 3.4 Task 4 - Removal of Existing Structures and Excavation This task involves the removal of the existir, g culverts and the canal excavation required to obtain the desired cross-sections. The District shall be responsible for culvert removal and excavation. The District shall coordinate the relocation of any utilities. The new canal cross section shall be excavated 75 feet upstream and downstream of the new bridge faces and transition into the existing canal cross-section. The new cross-section shall have a trapezoidal shape, a bottom width of 35 feet, two horizontal to one ,tertical side slopes (2:1), and a bottom elevation of 6.5 feet NGVD. pa_ye 9 nfa. l:.~hihit "A." Contract No. C-$028 Ip OE : FEB I 0 1998 3.5 Task 5 - Construction of New Bridge This task consists of constructing a new roadway crossing on the Cocohatchee Canal to replace the existing structure according to the plans and specifications developed in Task I. The District shall be responsible for this task. 3.6 Task 6 - District Right of Way Permit The County shall obtain a District right-of-way permit to operate and maintain a canal crossing and encroachment within the District fight-of-way. Within thirty (30) days of the completion of the construction and acceptance by the County, the County shall file an application for a right-of-way permit pursuant to Chapter 373.085, Florida Statutes. The County shall be responsible for the completeness of the application and provide such information as is reasonably necessary to complete the application. The District shall issue to the County a right-of-way occupancy permit within 90 days of receipt of a completed application and the County shall accept the permit and any conditions. Attachment "1" is an example of Special Conditions for another bridge permitted to Collier County located at Livingston Road. Special Conditions are site specific, and cannot be furnished until the application is reviewed. Attachment "l" also contains Limited Conditions that apply to all permits. District staff will recommend that any application processing fees applicable to the right-of-way occupancy permit be waived. However, final determination for such waiver must be made by the District's Governing Board. Regardless of the foregoing, the County shall be responsible for any fees associated with any future permit modifications. 3.7 Task 7 - Operations and Maintenance The County shall be responsible for all operations and maintenance of the canal crossing in accordance with the County's ongoing road and bridge maintenance plans subject to conditions and terms of the right-of-way occupancy permit referenced in Task 6. Page 3 of 3. Exhibit "A," Contract No. C-8028 ATTACHMENT NO. / PAGE /'~ OF ~',~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTE THREE (3) QUITCLAIM DEEDS, IN ORDER TO RECONVEY PREVIOUS INTERESTS OBTAINED BY PINE AIR LAKES PUD ~ That the Board of County Commissioners execute three (3) Quitclaim Deeds to reconvey to three property owners a portion of a temporary drainage easement recorded in Official Records Book 2007, Page 1586, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. The property is situated in Section 11, Towr~ship 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, within the boundaries of the Pine Air Lakes PUD. CONSIDERATION_: Briefly, the Pine Air Lakes PUD was amended to require the owner to convey a temporary drainage easement until such time as approval of the developer's Site Development Plan. A Drainage Easement, recorded in O.R. Book 2007, Page 1568, was conveyed to Collier County as part of the Pine Ridge Industrial Park MSTU Project with the condition that the interest shall terminate when the Board of County Commissioners authorizes the owner to assume the water management system. The Developer of Pine Air Lakes dedicated a temporary drainage easement to Collier County and the Pine Air Lakes Foundation, Inc. on the Plat of Pine Air Lakes Unit One, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 98 through 101, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Said dedication was intended to be replaced by a permanent drainage easement as each portion of the Pine Air Lakes Project was developed. The Lowe's Home Centers' parcel is the first parcel to be developed which is encumbered by the temporary drainage easement. Accordingly, a portion of the temporary drainage easement had been replaced by two permanent drainage easements recorded in O.R. Book 2332, Page 3214, and O.R. Book 2332, Page 3224, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. That portion of the temporary drainage easement which is no longer necessary shall be reconveyod by Collier County to the developer via Quitclaim Deeds. In this case, three Quitc;aim Deeds are necessary because the property encumbered by the temporary drainagc easement is owned by three separate entities. The portion of the temporary drainage easement which is not conveyed to these entities will remain in effect. The same process will be followed for any future development which occurs on the property encumbered by the temporary drainage easement. A portion of the temporary drainage easement shall be reconveyed to the owners by three (3) Quitclaim Deeds. The documents are attached and have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, John Houldsworth, Senior Engineer, Project Review Services, and Harold E. Huber, Project Manager, Office of Capital Projects Management. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff estimates that the total cost for the recordation of the .~three (3) Quitclaim Deeds in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, is $51.60. All costs and expenses will be paid by the developer of Pine Air Lakes PUD. ~_~ANAGEMENT PLAN: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize the Chairman to execute the three (3) Quitclaim Deeds, and authorize Staff to proceed and record all necessary documents in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. xJ~/~'o-u rd a-n ,/~ r' Prop~ rty ~peCialist ~R~al Property Management Department l-l~ro~-d E. Huber, Project Manager Office of Capital Projects Management .. ~dffi°:~ ' C~a°p.~Za? ~ ~ctE; ' M~:rne~°erm o nt APPROVED BY'.~~_ _~~:~~_~'~' _- Date/-..~o-.~' Ed Iischner, Adr~inistrator Public Works Division PROJECT: Pin4 Air Lei<et PARCEL: 002 (Naple~ Plaza) FOLIO: 00240400004 Qun'cLAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAIM DEED executed ~tl day of . 19 .. by COLLIER COUNTY. a political subdlvttton of the State of Florida. whose mailing address is 3301 Tamiemi Trail East. Naples. Florida 34112 (hereinafter calted the Grantor). to NAPLES PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. I Florida Limited Partnemhip. whose mailing addrell il 40 Oak Hollow. Suite 275. Southfield. Michigan 48304 (hereinafter celled the Grantee). (Wherever used herein the term~ "Grantor" and 'Grantee" Include Ill the parties to thl, Instrument and their respective helm. ~ucolelOra end Sleighs.) WITNESSETH: That the Grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid by the said Grantee. the receipt whereof i$ hereby acknowledged, does hereby mmlse, release, and quitclaim unto the laid Grantee forever, all the right, flue. interest, claim and demand which the ,.aid Grantor has in and to the following described lot. piece or parcel of lind Iltuate. lying and being in Collier CountT. Florida. to wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A* attached hereto and made · part hereof. Subject to easementl, restrictions, end reservations of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the' lame together with ell appurtenancel thereunto belonging or in anywise appadaining, and iii the estate, dght. title. interest, lien. equity and claim whatsoever of the laid Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grantor has ceulad thele prelentl to be executed the day and year flint above written. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By:.. , Deputy Clerk ~ !~. ~ . Chairman (OFFICIAL SEAL) P~tp4~d . Legal Description being a par~ of Parcel 2, Pine Air Lakes Unit One, Plat Book 24, pages 98 through I01, Collier County, Florida CPortion o£Temporary Drainage E~ement Recorded in O.R. Book 2007, pages 1586 to 1590 to be vacated) ('Naples PI~.~ Limited Partnership Portion)' Revised December 1, 1997 That part of Parcel 2, according to the plat of Pine Air Lakes Unit One, Plat Book 24, pages 98 through 101, Collier County, Florida being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer o£Parcel 4, according to said plat of Pine Air Lakes Unit One; thence along the north right-of-way line of Naples Boulevard (120 foot right-of-way) according to said plat westerly 309.25 feet along the arc ora circular curve concave to the south having a radius o£ 975.00 through a central angle of' 18'10'24" and being subtended by a chord which bears North 80'19'01" West 307.96 feet; thence leaving the north right-of-way line of said Naples Boulevard along a non-tangential line North 01048'29'' West 188.08 feet; thence Nor'th 01°08'21'' East 661.54 feet to the Point of Beginning of the portion ofthe temporary drainage easement to be vacated; thence along said easement North 79°03'26'' West 49.46 feet; thence leaving said easement North 26*59'25" West 15.05 feet; thence North 01°08'21' East 13.32 feet to a point on said easement; thence along said easement South 79*03'26"East 56.66 feet; thence leaving said easement South 01'08'21" We~t 25.37 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to easements and restrictions of record. Bearings are based on the north line of said Parcel 4 being North 88*51 '39" West. WILSON, MILLER, BARTON & PEEK, INC. P, egistered Engineers and Land Surveyors .' By: ~p ~'Ma one, p 'S~~~~l_ Date · ':¢~ o_~P. Y ' ' 'L~. '.. '" Cemficate of authorization # "Not valid unless embossed with the Professional's seal. Ref,. 2G-472, sheet 13 ~1~ X,,Yv/ll..'<l,~l"d, Mil I.l!l{, I~^I{T~N ~. [~I:I;K. ]Nl:. '2~\: IL~d~.~ L.,,~c. S,~rc 200. l'q.q,l[.,. Fh,r~d.~ 14105.~$07 ° Ph ~)4 I.o'~;.40~0 ~:~ 941.64 1. '". ,l'/,. 1,' ,, ...., ....... ,, ,:,.,, ...... [ FEB ! 0 1998 PROJECT: Pine Air Lakes PARCEL: 002 (Lowe's Home C, onler~) FOLIO: 0024040~004 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAIM DEED executed thil day of , 19 , by COLLIER COUNTY, e political ~ubdMaion of the State of Florida, whose mailing address I$ 3301 Tam[ami Trail East, Naplea, Florida 34112 (hereinafter called the Grantor), to LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC., I North Carolina corporation, whose mailing address ia P.O. Box 1111, N. Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28656 (hereinafter called the Grantee). ('Wherever used herein the terml 'Grantor' and 'Grantee' Include ii1 the parties to this instrument and their respective helm, succalaorl and Ilaignl.) WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the lure of Ten Dollars ($10,00) in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof il hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, .release, and quitclaim unto the said Grantee forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the laid Grantor has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida, to wit: SEE EXHIBIT 'A' attached hereto and made a part hereof, Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservatlonl of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the lame together with iii appurtenlncee thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and ell the estate, fight, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the laid Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor haa caused these presenta to be executed the day and year first above written. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clark BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By:. , Deputy Clerk ~ B. a~'~, Chain~an (OFFICIAL SEAL) EXHIBIT "A" SURVEYORS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS Legal Description being a part of Parcel 2, Pine Air Lakes Unit One, Plat Book 24, pages 98 through 101, Collier County, Florida (Portion of Temporary Drainage Easement recorded in O.R.. Book 2007, pages 1586 to 1590 to be vacated) (Lowe's Home Center, Inc. Portion) That part of Parcel 2, according to the plat of Pine Air Lakes Unit One, Plat Book 24, pages 98 through 101, Collier County, Florida being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of Parcel 4, according to said plat of Pine Air Lakes Unit One; thence ,long the north right-of-way line of Naples Boulevard (120 foot right-of-way) according to said plat westerly 309.25 feet along the acc ora circular curve concave to the south having a radius of 975.00 through a central angle of 18°10'24" and being subtended by a chord which bears North 80°19'01'' West 307.96 feet; thence leaving the north right-of-way line of said Naples Boulevard along a non-tangential line North 01°48'29" West 188.08 feet; thence North 01°08'21" East 661.54 feet to the Point of Begirming of the portion ofthe temporary drainage easement to be vacated; thence continue North 01°08"21" East 25.37 feet to the north line of said easement; thence along the north line of said easement South 79003'26" East 790.54 feet thence leaving said line South 01 °08'20" West 25.37 feet to the south line of said easement; thence along said easement North 79°03'26" West 790.54 feet to the Point of Beginning ALSO INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Parcel 4; thence South 88o51'39" East 72.76 feet to the Point of Begirming of the portion of the temporary drainage easement to be vacated; thence along said easement in the following two (2) described courses: 1) northerly 128.46 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave easterly having a radius of 558.00 feet through a central angle of 13°11'24" and being subtended by a chord which bears North 16032'39'' East 128.17 feet; 2) North 23°08'21'' East 205.94 feet; thence leaving said easement South 01o08'20" West 314.51 feet; thence North 88°51'39" West 111.20 feet to the Point of Beginning; Subject to easements and restrictions of record. Bearings are based on the north line of said Parcel 4 being North 88°51'39" West. WILSON. ~,~ILLER, B^RTO~q & PEEK. INc. 3200 Bade¥ Lan,:. Su,te 200. Naple'~. Flor,da 34105-8507 * Ph 941-649-4~0 I EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 3 WILSON, MILLER, BARTON & PEEK, INC. Registered Engineers and Land Surveyors ' ~,,, ~t val. {~ unl'~'ss'%mbossed with the Professional's s~,,al. '., ,,l~f.' i. 20-472, sheet 12 F.,XHIBIT NA# ~agO 3 Of 3 PROJECT: PIn~ Air Lakes PARCEL: 002 (Airport Road L.P.) FOLIO: 00240400004 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAIM DEED executed thai .... day of , 19 , by COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Fiodda, whose mailing address is 3301 Tamiaml Trail East, Naples, Florida 34112 (hereinafter called the Grantor), to AIRPORT ROAD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Flodda Limited Partnership, whose mailing addresa i~ Poat Office Box 893, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48303 (hereinafter called the Grantee). (Wherever used herein the terms 'Grantor' and 'Grantee' Include iii the parties to this instrument and their respective heirs, successors and alalgrt$.) WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remtse, release, and quitclaim unto the said Grantee forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said Grantor has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida, to wit: SEE EXHIBIT 'A' attached hereto and made a part hereof, Subject to easements, restrictions, and resarvationa of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the said Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused thasa presants to be executed the day and year first above written. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: , Deputy Clerk ~ B. ~rry , Chairman (OFFICIAL SEAL) Prtp~red ~dl Ir. Ashton, Off Ice of (~t) 77~ beLn8 a ~ o£ P&rcel 2, Pi. ne Ah' Lakes Unit One, Plat ~ook 24, pages 98 O'u'ough 101, Colli~ Count, Florida (Portion of Tcmpora.,3, DraLnage Easement recorded in O.R. Book 2007, i~tges 1586 t~ou~ 1590 to be vacated) (Airport Ro~l LLn~ted Pml.ners~p Portion) Revi~d December' I, 1997 Tlmt p~rt of'Parcel 2, according to the plat of Pine Air Lakes Un. it One, Plat Book 24, pages 98 through 101, Collier CountT. Flori~ being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at t~¢ non3~,~s~ corner of Parcel 4, according to u, Jd plat of Pine Air Lakes Unh One; mence Soum 88o51 '39" East 72.76 feet to me Point of Beginning of me portion of the temporary dra. inage easement to be vacated; thence Soum 88°51 '39" Ea. st 111.20 feet; mence North 01°08'20" East :314.51 feet to a point on raid easement: thence along sa.id e.a.~ment in the following four (4) described cours,.s: 1) North 23°05'21" 'East 38.03 feet; 2) northerly 111.05 feet ~long the arc ora circulm' curve concave westerly' lmving a radius o1'542.00 feet th. rough a central angle of ! 1°44'21'' and being subtended by n chord which bears North 17"16'11" East 110.85 feet; 3) North l 1°24'00'' Easl 45.79 feet: 4) North 79°03'26" West 53.99 thence Ica¥ing said cas~mcnt North 01°08'20'' East 25.37 feet to a point on t.,hcncc along mid ca~mcnt in thc following two (2) dc~ribed courts: 1) South 79~03'26'' -East $S.51 feet', 2) North l 1°24'00'' East 123.44 feet to a point on thc westerly boundary ofthc drainage and la, kc maintenance casement as recorded in said plat of Pine Air Lakes Unit One; mcnce ~.Tong said ca.,~mcnt in mc following two (2) dc~r~[",ed South 01°08'21'' V/cst 731.62 feet: 2) Southerly and southeasterly 35.55 feet along the arc ora circular curve concave ~ortheastcrly having a rudius o£ 29.60 fcct through a central angle of 68°49'02'' and b~ing subtended by a chord which bears South 33°]6' 10" East 33.45 £cct to a point on said temporary drainage casement: thc~cc alon~ said cascm¢~I in thc f'oHou,~ng three (3) described courses: 1) NorTh ~g~5l'~9" West 176.15 feet: 2) northwesterly 63.88 feet along thc arc ora circular curve concave northeasterly having a radius of 40.00 feet through a ccnlraJ angle ol'91°30'27'' and being subtended by a chord which bears North 43006'25" West 57.3 ! £eet; 3) Northerly 71. [2 f'¢¢t along the arc ora circular curve concave Io the Soulheast having a radius of 558.00 feel through a central angle of 7°18'09" and being sublended by a chord which be. ars North 06°l'/'$3"East, 71.07 feet to the Point o£ Beginning. Subj~-I to e.a.s:mcnLs and restrictions o1' record. 13eadngs are based on !he north line oft, aid Parcel 4 being North 88°$1'39" West WD..SON, I~,ELLER., BARTON & PEEK, INC. Registered Engineers and Land Surveyors C~;'ca~¢ of aut.horizafion #LB-4k, / Not va]id un]ess emboss,~ ~U% ~¢'~,:ssional'~ ~'XHXBXT #A~ · a9® 2 or 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH HOLE, MONTES AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR IMMOKALEE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 69101; CIE 08 .OBJECTIVE: To receive Board of County Commissioners' approval of Supplemental Agreement (S/A) No. 3 for Immokalee Road four laning improvements. DESCRIPTION: The firm of Hole, Montes an'd Associates, Inc. (HMA) completed contract work under original scope in 1993. Final payment was made to close out the Contract. The project has not been constructed. Staff is prepared to move forward with construction. In order to do so, the construction plans and permits need to be updated to account for changes since the plans were delivered to Collier County. Since HMA is the designer and well familiar with the plans, it is prudent to have them perform the revision to their design. Staffhas prepared this S/A No. 3, to reopen the original contract and have HMA perform a review study necessary for updating the construction plans and permits. The result of the study will determine the scope of plans and permit update and wilt provide the associated costs. Staffwill come back with Supplemental Agreement No. 4 outlining the costs to update the construction plans and permits for the Board's approval. Original Contract Amount: $150,000.00 S/A No. 1 $299,756.53 - Phase II: Plans design and permitting services. S/A No. 2 $ 25,921.62 - Additional permitting and design services. This S/A No. 3 $ 35,900.00 Proposed Contract Amount $511,578.15  --~2 FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $35,900.00 are available in: Fund No. 331 Road Impact District Cost Center No. 163650 Road Impact Construction Project No. 69101 Immokalee Road GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This Capital Improvement Element No. 08 is consistent with the Transportation sub-element of the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: (1) Authorize and approve S/A No. 3. (2) Direct the Board Chairman to execute S/A No. 3. ~PREPARED BY: '~-' ' '~"" "'""Y""'-'-"~'a~a~¢.~ PM~-- Date: /'"2'~""P'~' Project Man~er, OCPM 1~.- I Executive Summary Supple'mental AgTecmcnt with Hole, Montes and Associates KEVIEWED BY' , Date: REVI£WED BY: ~ 7J ?t'~.~ ~/fff- C Date: ~~ David Bobanick Director, Tran,portation Services Stephen Y. C~nell Director, Purchasing Director REVIEWED BY:~ Date: Ed IIsctmer Public Works Administrator Attacba-nent: S/A No. 3 S/A NO. 3 . .. ! SLrPPLEMEFfTAL AGREEMENT TO . CONSLrLTING ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT : ... .. .: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMEHT, made and entered imo this day of , :" · .. 1998, by and between thc Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida, · political subdivision of '; : the State of Florida, hereinafter called the COUI',rlW, and Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. of?IS Tenth .' :' Street, South, Naples, Florida 34102, duly authorized to conduct business in the Stale of'Florida, hergnaft~ ,'..' .. " called the CONSULTANT, : .. WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, the COUNTY and CONSUl. TANT heretol'ore on 21 May 1991 enlered into an Agreern~t !. ...... ...: .. ' whereby the CO~ retained ~he CONSULTANT to furnished certain consulting services in connection with :' · .. ," proposed construction of C.I~. 846 four laning improvem.ents, Phase I&II, (Icl. I-?$ to Jct. C.IL 951), Courtly · ' ' Project No. 69101; and, . .". . · WHEP, EAS, the County desires to modify the terms of said Agreement, and toward thai end it is necessary to: TO REOPEN, REVISE AN'D/OR EXPAND UPON THE SCOPE OF OR.I~INAI., SERVICES OF ' PROFF. CT SPEC~ICALLY REL.,~,TING TO ADDITIONAL PLANS PREPARATION AND TO · "- CONDENSATE THE CONSLrLTANT FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS TO BE INCURRED FOR SAID ADDITIONAL SERVICES. CONSULTANT'S FEE PROPOSAL FOR. ADDITIONAL SERVICES DA~ 30 DECEMBER 199'7 IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND IS HEREBY INCORPOR. A. TED AND MADE A FORMAL PART OF TI-IlS SUPPLEMENTAL NO. 3. NOW THEREFORE, lhe Consulting Engineering Services Agreemen! is hereby am'ended and supplemented O as follows: ~ 1. CONSULTANT and COI..rN'rY agree to reopen Ihe Consulting Engineering Services Agr~*~nent in order for the CONSULTANT to perform the services requesled oflhe CONSULTANT. 2.CONSULTANT ~,hal! perform services for U~e cons~roclion plans r~-'vlsion and ~ in Exhibit "A" anached her~o. 3. Contr',~,-I fee ~djurrmen: and s~av,~ (Sa Supplemera~ Al~eme~ No. 3.1 Original m~i,,,~,,, corm-·el tee ,. $1 $0,000.00 3.2 S/A ,"go. ! - 3.3 .~'A No. 2 - $ 25,921.62 3.,1 This S/A No. 3 n-.a~imum co~n<l fee - $ 35.900.00 Maximum and c,,~',,~,i cooir'ac~ Ibc -~$5 ! 1,57~. 15 4. Corm"~ time adjumnen~: Ir~-'n~e 60 calendar days 5. Contract con~l~ion time to be daermined by Notice to Proc~. ". 6. The rc~s~ and cu,~e,,~ lump sum con,'act amount as ·tared above includes costs for overhead, fringe : henefits, om.of-pockei eq>cnscs, profit margin, and all other direct and indirect costa and expenses. 7. E.xccpt as hereby modified, amended, or changed, all of the terms and conditions ofsald original : Consulting Engineering Services Agrctment shall rcraain in full force and effect. '- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~he par~ies hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day amd year first ;. above v,'ritlc'n. ' ' ~ Pmj~t No. 69101 S/A NO. 3 ,. AS TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: .+. 'k:. " '~,trp~ov~4 ~ to t'onn a l,~'~'~'~t'~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~ ...:.;.. '1'" "~!:::'~::'" ' COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ; ' · · ' O . '.,'ii.': .'..... ,~,.,0, ~.,~,~ : , ":'~-':" ; ~ ,-- . -.t.4 ~~t ~unty AtOmy · .'.t.. '.': .. BY: ~I~ ~, 8~, ~, t... ...... · .. , "'" AS TO ~ CONS~T~: '" ., ;". "'" "; HOLE, MO~S ~ ASS~S, ~C, · :.' ... ' .... . : '"': SIG~D, SEALED, A~ DEL~RED '... ' ~ THE P~S~~ FIRST WI~SS ~E ~E~ SECO~) WlTNESS ~AME ~E~ N~d E. Dewb~rst, Vfc~ Pr~fdent (CORPO~ SEAL) - . STATE OF FLORIDA COb~TY OF LEE " . Before mc, the undersigned authori~,, this day personally appeared Robert L. Murray and Ned £. Dcwhirst, to mc well known and known to me to be Sr. Vice President and Vice President respectively, of the Corporation named in the foregoing Agreement, .and they severally acknowledged to and before me that they '.. executed said Agreement on behalf of and in the name of said Corporation as such officer~; that the seal affixed to said Agreement is the corporate seal of said Corporation and that it was affixed therelo by due and regular Corporale authority; that they are duly authorized by raid Corporation to execute said Agreement and that said ~ Agreement is lhe free act and deed of raid Corporation. I~ ~,qTN'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal this ~/,~.~ day l~otlrv_Public i~nd foffthe County and State afor~id. :.'. ' ¢ My Commission Expir~: ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS December 30, 1997 Mr. Micah K. Massaquoi, P.E. RECBVED Collier County Government Center, Bldg. D Office of Capital Projects Management 3301 East Tamiami Trail DE0 31 1997 N.aples, FL 33962 Urrlt,;r..ur ~r~r~lRL RE: IMMOKALEE ROAD, PHASE II COLLIER COUNTY PROJECT NO. 69101 HMA FILE NO. 89.99 Dear Mr. Massaquoi: In accordance with your request and based on your letter to Robert Murray dated October 24, 1997, our understanding of discussions at our meeting of November 18, 1997, Ed Kant's comment memorandum dated December 19, 1997, and further discussions on December 30, 1997, Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. (HMA) is pleased to submit this revised proposal to Collier County (County) for providing professional engineering services to perform a "mini PD&E" study for updating and revising construction plans for the referenced project. At your request, this proposal eliminates the traffic modeling task (former Task E) which was included in our previous proposals. HMA proposes to provide the following professional engineering services to the Collier County Office of Capital Projects Management: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. Typical Section Based on plans prepared in 1992 by HMA for the four laning of Immokalee Road from 1-75 to C.R. 951, HMA will develop new typical sections which will incorporate curb and gutter, a five or six foot sidewalk and an unmarked four foot bicycle lane along the south side of the widened roadway. Specific issues relating to the new typical sections include: 1. The impact on right of way requirements and the potential need for temporary construction and/or slope easements. 2. The impact on current environmental and surface water ma_--,',,-.,',,,,,.,* ,. permits. ' 6292.F PRESIDENT~AL COURT FOCAT ~.~YERS. FLORIDA 33919 B41-48t.7~?4 FAX J FEEl ! 0 1998 I_".- ...... Mr. Micah K. Massaquoi December 30, 1997 Page 2 3. The impact on the ultimate six laning of the roadway. 4. The impact on roadway drainage facilities. B. Existing Conditions HMA will review the current existing conditions along the roadway for comparison to the conditions that existed along the roadway when the original plans were prepared in order to assess the following: 1. Requirements to update original plans. 2. Additional, relocated or discontinued accesses. 3. Additional or relocated utilities. C. Permits The status of currently approved environmental and surface water management permits will be reviewed for compatibility with the requirements of the updated project. D. Design Hour Volume Projections Historical volume data and recent tuming movement count data will be used to project future road sy,~tem loadings in the vicinity of the project. Turning movement volume counts will be obtained at C.R. 951. Design hour volumes will be developed for the intersections to be designed, reflecting a.m. and p.m. peak conditions. The Naples Area Transportation Study (NATS) model will be utilized, along with the latest growth projections by traffic analysis zone (TAZ). Peak hour turning movement volumes will be adjusted to the 30"' highest hour utilizing FDOT Weekly Adjustment Factors. Existing peak hour turning movement volumes will b.e adjusted to reflect antlcipsted volumes at the time the high school opens. _ Trip generation for the proposed high school will be developed using the rates and equations contained in Trip Generation, 6"' Edition, 1997 for land use 530: High School. Distribution and assignment of high school traffic will be developed based on areawide development patterns. High school traffic will be added to background traffic volumes to develop future total traffic volumes. The main high school driveway will be evaluated dur. ing the p.m. peak hour of the generator. Through volumes on lmmokalee Road during this hour will be developed by either reviewing data collected at the intersection of Immokalee Road and the elementary school driveway or by reviewing hourly volume data provided bythe 1~ County. Mr. M~can I~,. Massaquo~ December 30, 1997 Page 3 E. (Not Used) F. Access Management Plan An access management plan will be prepared based on the design traffic, field reconnaissance, and with reference to the County's policy for access management as documented in Resolution No. 92-442. A summary report will be submitted justifying and specifying the locations and types of median openings and intersections. G, Deliverables Conclusions and recommendations will be provided and presented in a study report regarding the issues presented in items A through F. Included in the study report will be a proposed scope of services and fee to update and revise the current plans for inclusion of new requirements, current existing conditions and current design and construction standards. Five (5) copies of the report will be provided to the County. 2. SUBCONSULTANTS HMA proposes to utilize the firm of Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc. as our traffic consultant to perform the services outlined in Tasks D and F. 3. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED The County will provide or make available, all existing data pertinent to Tasks D and F, including recent traffic count data, the latest growth rate data and NATS model input, the estimated enrollments of the schools within the corridor and the magnitude of short term development projects expected within the corridor. 4. ADDITIONAL SERVICES _ Services not specifically included herein will be performed on a time and material basis in accordance with the rate schedule attached to this proposal. Additional services will be performed only as requested and euthodzed by the County. When such additional services can be identified in advance, HMA will provide an estimated fee and obtain written authorization from the County. 5. SCHEDULE HMA proposes to complete the services described in Section 1 within 60 calendar days of receipt of a written notico to proceed. Mr. Micah K. Massaquoi December 30, 1997 Page 4 6. FEES AND COMPENSATION HMA proposes to complete the services described in Section 1 for a lump sum fee in the amount of $35,900.00. Invoices will be submitted at each month end in an amount proportional to the percentage of actual work completed during the respective billing period. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal and we look forward to working with you on this project. Very truly yours, HOLE, MONTES & AS/~OC. IAT~, I~C. WFG/bc A~achment · cc: R. Murray D. Hadley R. Alderman ~.~ma_frn~wpH 98g\89099\WFG~MKM712301.doc HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consultant's Employee Hourly Rate Schedule Engineer V (Principal) $130.00 Per Hour Engineer V $110.00 Per Hour Engineer IV ' $ 95.00 Per Hour Engineer Ill $ 75.00 Per Hour Engineer II $ 65.00 Per Hour Engineer I ' $ 55.00 Per Hour Engineer Tech V $ 65.00 Per Hour Engmesr Tech IV $ 60.00 Per Hour Engineer Tech III $ 55.00 Per Hour Engineer Tech II $ 50.00 Per Hour Engineer Tech I $ 40.00 Per Hour Contractor Administrator (P.E.) $ 80.00 Per Hour Contractor Administrator $ 60.00 Per Hour Constructio~ Field Representative IV $ 60.00 Per Hour Construction Field Representative III $ 55.00 Per Hour Construction Field Representative II $ 45.00 Per Hour Construction Field Representative I $ 35.00 Per Hour Planner IV $ 95.00 Per Hour Planner I11 ' $ 70.00 Per Hour Planner I1 $ 60.00 Per Hour Planner I $ 45.00 Per Hour Surveyor V $ 90.00 Per Hour Surveyor IV $ 70.00 Per Hour Surveyor III $ 55.00 Per Hour Survey Tech IV $ 55.00 Per Hour Survey Tech Ill $ 50.00 Per Hour Survey Tech II $ 45.00 Per Hour Survey Tech I $ 40.00 Per Hour 2 Man Survey Crew $ 85.00 Per Hour 3 Man Survey Crew · .. $ 98.00 Per Hour Tec, hnician IV (Clerical) $ 45.00 Per Hour Technician III (Clerical) $ 40.00 Per Hour Technician II (Clerical) $ 35.00 Per Hour Technician I (Clerical) $ 30.00 Per Hour Subconsultants/Subcontractors Cost + 15% Reimbursable Expenses Cost + 15% Mileage $ .30 Per Mile Concrete Monuments $ 10.00 Each Permanent Reference Monuments $ 10.00 Each W:\1989~S909CJ~HMAFE E S C HEO.doc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD A CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE SOUTH NAPLES COMMUNITY PARK RFP 97-2745 - PROJECT #80037. .OBJECTIVE: That thc Collier County Board of Commissioners approve the Selection Committee recommendation of the Professional Engineering firm and the subsequent agreement negotiation for the South Naples Community Park. CONSIDERATION: The South Naples Community Park project was approved and prioritized by Board action on April 22, 1997 under Agenda Item 8(C)(2) for a facility to provide baseball, basketball, soccer and other recreational facilities including a tot lot to this arcs of Collier County. The Parks & Recreation Depar. tment Master Plan is to be implemented by the professional engineering firm selected in accordance with the authorization by the County Administrator . The Selection Committee received proposals from eight (8) firms and short listed three firms for interviews: 1. Wilson Miller Barton & Peek, Inc. 2. Hole Montes and Associates, Inc. 3. Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. The Selection Committee interviewed the firms and Wilson Miller Barton & Peek, Inc. was selected for negotiation of an agreement to provide Professional Engineering Services. The Agreement is provided for acceptance by the Board and execution by the Board Chairman. The recommended Agreement is based upon the budget proposal in the April 22, 1997 BCC Agenda Item 8(C)(2) for $2.,736,000. It is recommended that this budget be expanded to provide the soccer field, a pathway connection to Naples Manor, and additional landscaping that results in a project budget of $3,135,110. These project budgets include professional engineering fees that are $185,200 for the base proposal and f;198,100 for the expanded project. 'The engineering fees were negotiated to less than seven percent of the construction estimate. Attached is Table lA, Conceptual Opinion of Probable Costs for the base project, and Tables 2A and Table 3, Conceptual Opinion of Probable Costs for the base plus expanded project. Professional Fees are listed in Table lB, Basic Services, and Table 2B, Additional Services. FISCAL IMPACT: Current funding for this project is broken up between fund (306) Parks User Fees and fund (368) Parks Impact Fees in the amount of $2,735~600. The additional $399,510 that is being re'quested will be transferred by a budget amendment from 368 Reserves into the project as follows: From:Fund (368) Parks Impact Fees Cost Center (919010) Reserves Object Code (993000) Reserve on Capital Outlay To: Fund (368) Parks Impact Fees Cost Center (156416) Dist. 6 South Naples Project (80037) South Naples Park GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The South Naples Community Park project is compatible with the County Comprehensive Plan under the Recreation and Open Space Element. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the selection by the Selection Committee and the Agreement 97-2745 resulting from negotiations with the first ranked firm Wilson Miller Barton & Peek, Inc. That the Board of County Commissioners previously approved Phase One project for the South Naples County Park (April 22, 8(C)2) with a budget of $2,736,000 be to $3,135,000 to provide for additional park facilities and an Access path expanded to Naples Manor. Approve the attaohed necessary budget amendment. PREPARED BY: ~ 2~~ DATE: Thomas A. Donegan, Pr~ect Manager Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED BY: ~. __ _-,- : ~_ DATE: Maria Ramsey, Direc~r Parks and Recreatioff Department Pu~hasingDd~artment Ad~lfo A". G~nzal~, P~, Director  agement REVIEWED BY DATE: / Ed Ilschn~r Public Works Administrator 'Engineering Se~-~ces 5 Points Expertise of Designated Staff Previous Performance on Similar Jobs Office Location and Responsiveness 5 Points ~ility tc'~cmplete on time ~ility to complete within budqet __3 Points TOT~ _SECOND FIRM Selection Committea Member,s Signature RFP %97-2745 'Engineering Services for Implmmentation of Master Plan for South Naples Community Park' Approach 5Points Expertise of Designated Staff Previous Performance on Similar Jobs office Location and ....... Responsiveness 5 Points Ability tc ccmptete on time ,3 Points Ability to complete within budget 3 points TOTAL RANKING FIRST FIRM SECOND FIRM THIRD FIRM SeleCtion Committee Member's Signature ] FEB l~. RFP #97-2745 "Engineering Services for Implementation of Master Plan for South Naples Community Parku Approach Expertise of Designated 5 PoiDt~ Previous Performance on Similar Jobs Office Location and Responsiveness Ability tc complete on time Ability to comple:e within budqet TOTAL RANKING FIRST FIRM Selection ~mitt~~er's Signature RFP 997-2745  "Engineering Services for Im91emen=a~ion of Master Plan for Sou~h Naples Community Park" ~ I I Approach Exger:ise o~ Designated Staff Previous For formance cn Similar J°bs _~ ~o~n~ ~ , Office Location and Respcnsiveness .. 5 Points ~ility tc complete on time ~iliuy to complete 3 Points TOT~ ,., SECOND, ,FIP~M Selecuion Committee Member's Signature RFP #97-2745 "Engineering Services for Implementation of Master Plan for South Naples Community Park" Approach Expe~t~ise of Designated .... Staff Previous Performance on Similar Jobs ~ ~ Office Location an~ Responsiveness ~ 4 ~ility tc c:mp!ete on time ~ P~int S, ,, , ~iii2y to complete within budget ¢ ~ ¢ ~ ~ 3 Points ~ ~ECO~ F:mq~ RFP 997-2745 ,,Engineering Services for implementation of Master Plan for South Naples Community Park" Approach Expertise cf Designated Staff Previou~ Ferformance on Similar Jobs q ¢c~ng~ ...... O~Sce L~car~n and 5 Points ~iiity tc complete on time ~i!i~y to complete within budget 17 ~IRST Fi~ RFP #97-2745 "Engineering Services for Implementation of Master Plan for South Naples) Community Park/ Approach Expertise cf Designated Staff · Previous Performance on Similar Jobs __4 Points Office Loca[ion and Responsiveness ., ~i!ity tc c~r,p!ete on time ~iti~y to complete within budget TOT~ ~ING Selec~ Co~~ee'Me~er's Signature RFP #97-2745 ,,Engineering Services for Implementa~ion of Master Plan for South Community Park" Naples Approach 5 Points Expertise cf Designated Staff Previous .~erformance on Similar Jobs Office Location and Kesponsiveness ~i!i~y tc complete on time ~ility to complete within budQet 3 Points -- TOT~ ~ING FIRST FIRM THIRD FIR~ Select~ommittee Member's Signature , FiB I 0 1998 m. II RFP #97-2745 "Engineering Service~ for Implementation of Master Plan for South Naples Community Park" Approach Expertise of Designated Staff q 3,q 3,s 3 _. 5 Poings Previous Performan'ce cn Similar Jobs 3 3 3, t 3 ~ 4 Points Office Lccasion and Responsiveness ~ili~y ~c complete on time ,3 PoiBrs ~ility to complete within budget ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ . , 3.,Points TOT~ ~ING FIRST FI~ ~ ~ ~ SECO~ FI~ ¢ ~ 3 ~ Sele~ion Committee Meter's ~ Signature RFP 997-2745 "Engineering Services for Implementation of Master Plan for South Naples Community Park" Approach Expertise of Designated Staff Previous Performance on Similar Jobs 4 PoiDts Office Location and Responsiveness 5 Points ~ility to complete on time ~ility to complete within budget 3,,.,.PoiDt s TOT~ ~ING FIRST FIRM SECOND FIRM THIRD FIRM Selection Committee Member's Signature FEB I 0 1998 " .o~ FEB 1 0 1998 Page 34 Schedule B - Attachment A Table lA Conceptual Opinion of Probable Costs Cost (in dollars) Sit~.Related Elements ..... Ea'-'---'~hwork ......... $ 364,000 Drainage $ 156,000 , Pavement' $ 152,000 Turn. Lane/Modifications_t.? Existing Entrance $ 157,000 Potable Water Distribution & Wastewater Collection $ 147,000 Landscaping*' $ 100,000 Irrigation Distribution System $ 197,000 Site Lighting $ 66,000 6' Asphalt Pedestrian Pathway"* $ 25,000 Subtotal Site-Related Elements $1,364,000 FacilitY-Related Elements Lighted Basketball Fields (2) $ 406,000 Lighted.Basketball Court $ 38,000 ~ll Site Amenities and Play Structures $ 115,000 "' Concession with Restrooms S 210,000 Restroom StruCture with Vending Machines $ 38,000 Picnic Area Shelters (2) $ 32,000 Subtotal Facility-Related Elements S 839,000 Subtotal (Site-& FacilitY.Related Elements) $2,203,000 Professional Service Fees $ 185,200 Permit Application Fees $ 10,000 OCPM Fee $ 79,000 Additional ProfeSsional Service Fees Surveying $ 8,700 Geotechnical $ 4,800 Reimbursables $ 2,500 Subtotal $2,493,500 10% Contingency $ 242,420 Total $2,735,920 * Includes minimum sidewalk to service facilities. i~** La~'~dscaping meets only Collier County Code minimum requirements along wit , ~.prl and mulch in open space areas. ~o. *~,.?~"'~ - *'* Total cost for Pedestrian Pathways = $50,000. Costs to be matched by grant. FEB 1 0 1998 PG._ [,~. TABLE 2A Page 35 ADDITIONAL PHASE ONE PARK AMENITIES ~ted Elements_ ' in dollars) Facility-Related Elements -- Lighted Soccer Field -- Soccer Field (Not Lighted) ------ $125,000 $ 65,000 Subtotal Facility-Related Elements $190,000 Subtotal (Site-& Facility-Related Eleme'"~ts) $353,000 Professional Service Fees $ 12,900 Subtotal $365,900 10% Continge~ncy $ 36,590 Total $402,490 Total cost for 8' path to Naples Manor =$50,000. Costs to be matched by grant. Page SCHEDLE B - ATTACHMENT A TABLE 3 O Conceptual Opinion of Probable Costs Cost ;Site.Related Elements .,, Earthwork ,. $ 3'~i,000 ~ Draina~]e .... $ 156,000 Pavement' $ 152,000 Turn Lane/Mc, dification~'to E:~'i'sting Entrance $ 157,000 Potable Water Distribution _~, Wastewater Collection' System $ 147,000 Landscaping" $ 238,000 Irrigation Distribution System "' $ 197,000 L. Site Lighting "' $ 66,000 _ 6'Asphalt Pedes'tdan Pathway*-- $ 25,000 .... 8' Asphalt .Access path to, Naples Manor *"'"' $ 25,000 Subtota! Site-Related Elements $1,524,000 Facility-Related Elements Lighted Baseball Fields (2) $ 408,000 Lighted Basketball Court $ 38,000 Site Amenities and Play Structures $ 115,000 ~. Concession with Restro°ms $ 210,000 = Restroom Structure with Vending Machines $ 38,000 Picnic Area Shelters.. (2) $ 32,000 Lighted'~occer Field $ 125,000 .. Soccer Field (Not Lighted) $ 65,000 Subtotal Facility-Related Eiem,~'ntS $1,029,000 Subtotal (Site-& Facility. Related Elements) $2,553,000 _.. Professional Service Fees $ 198,100 Perm"J't Application Fees $ 10,000 OCPM Fee .. $ 73,000 Additiona'l Professional ServiCe Fees Surveying $ 8,700 Geotechnical $ 4,800 -- Reimbursables $ 2,500 Subtotal $2,850,100 i0% Contingency $ 285,010 Total - . $3,135,110 Landscaping includes entry treatments, shade and character plantings in park use open space areas, and sodding in open space areas. '*.' Total cost for Pedstrian Pathways = $50,000, Costs to be matched by grant. FF'B .... Total cost for 8' path to Naples M, anor = $50,000. Cnsts to be matched by grant. 1'6., SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT A page SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR BASIC SERVICES Table '1 B Professional Service Fees Planning & SCOPE OF SERVICES Civil Architect Landscape Electrical TOTAl Master Plan Refinement $ 5,000 $ 4,700 $ 4,400 $ 500 $ 14,600 ~'reliminary Design $10,600 $ 7,800 $ 7,500 $ 3,700 $ 29,600 Final Design, Construction. · Documents & Permitting $~'7,200 $14,500 $15,200 $11,200 $ 98,100 Bidding Assistance $ 2,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 5,000 Cons.!ruction Phase Services $ 8,000 $ 4,100 $ 2,200 $ 900 $ 15,200 Observation of Construction $12,000 $ 6,000 $ 3,300 $ 1,400 $ 22,700 SUbtotal , $94,800' $38,600 $33,600 $18,200 $185,200 Table 2B Additional Professional Service Fees The following are the additional Professional Service Fees for the design and permitting of one lighted sl field, one soccer field without lights, and 8' asphalt access path to Naples Manor, and additional landscal: The Professional Service Fees only apply if these additional services are performed concurrenlly with the b scope of services in the contract. Planning & SCOPE OF SERVICES Civil Architect Landscape Electrical TOTAL Master Plan Refinement $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Preliminary Design $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Final Design, Construction _Documents & Permitting $ 5,000 $ 0 $1,000 $3,000 $ 9,000 Bidding Assistance $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Construction Ph~e Services $ 800 $ 0 $ 460 $ 300 $1,560 Observation of Construction $ 1,200 $ 0 $ 840 $ 300 $ 2,340 Subtotal $ 7,000 $ 0 $ 2,300 $3,600 $12,900 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUESTING DIRECTION TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE ]LEPF. AI2NG ORDINANCE NO. 93-2 WHICH ESTABLISHED THE PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT ADVISORY BOARD OBJECTIVE: To diminat¢ an advisory board that is no longer necessary. CONSIDERATIONS: The Collier County Public Health Unit (PHU) Advisory Board 'arm created by ordinance in 1993. The Board was created prL-na61y to revie~ the budget and program uea~ being supported by Collier County. Ini6~y there were several contract and budget issues that were I:~ing debated including inden~6cadon o£ the County by the State Department of Health, and a detennlna6on of v. qxlch spedfic program ~reu v'ould be supponed by the County. These issues have since been resolved and thc clinic function of the Health Department contracted out to Collier Health Services, Inc. leaving lirde o£substanc¢ for the advisory corru~rtee to review and report on, on resvlt, the committee beg~ having di£ficulty generating a quorum, and then in fdling vacancies. Recendy the committee derided to go to quarterly meetings. However, with ~ current vacancies, and two member's terms expi~ng, the Chair of the adx~sory committee suggested that a recommendation be made to the County Commission that the corem;tree be extinguished. Ali sit~g members were catled to determine if there would be any strong opposi6on to this recornmenda6on, and none was received. Both o£ thc currcm members whose tetras were up for renewal have indicated that they ~ouJd likely not have rta?p~ The comar6tree served a valuable purpose during its existence, providing assistance to both the Commission and to the staffs o£ the PHU and the County. The members of the committee are to be commended £ot their time and the vaJuable input that v/as provided making thc Department of Public HeaJth a better org'a~za6on. In addi6on to direc6on for a repealing orcLinance, it is also requested that the Cha~rma. n be authoz~zed to execute cer6~cates o£ apprecia6on for the members o£ the Publ~c Health Unit Advisory Board £or their dedicated service. Because the committee was crtated by ordma.nce, ~othcr orc~nance v411 bc required in order to repeal. GRO~X'TIt MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None, as there is no health rdated element o£ the growth manag~,m~nt plan. FISCAL IMPACT: There is a nominaJ cost for the ac6on being requested in the staff time to wzite the ordinance and adver6se For its adop6on. The costs associated with the committee itsel£ ~il be saved in the way o£postage and staff 6me needed to prepare back up rnate6al and attend mee6ngs. These costs are es6mated to be roughly $2,000 atmualiy. RECOMME~ATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM"MISSIONERS~ direct staff to prepart and adver~s¢ an ordinance repealing Orclinance 93-2, and authorize the Chairman to execute cer6~cates oF apprecia6on for thc members o£ the Coll~er Count). Publ;c Health Unit Advisory Boar~ for their much appreciated t/me and effort. Prepared ~ ' by:. s Administrator C-hades Ko~be~, M.~ Collier Count), Public Health Director F£B EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DIRE~ STAFF TO DRAFT AN AMENDED ORDINANCE RELATING TO BEACH AND WATER AND VESSEL CONTROL. OBJECTIVE: To draft more specific ordinance language to address certain beach vendor application situations that were unanticipated when the ordinance was originally written. CONSIDERATIONS: Ordinance 89-I l as amended provides regulations for use and conduct on the beach, vessel regulation, concession operations, equipment rentals and conduct of vendors on the beach and adjoining v, aters. Under the existing ordinance, a beach vendor applicant must haw 'd~e permission of thc beach front property owner (typically a hotel) in order to receive a ix'trait. A rw..ent ca.sc, however, pointed out several we. a3messes hq the ordinance language when a hotel that owned a narrow beach ac.,ccss easement granted permission for a vendor to apply for a permit. permit w'as granted as it technically mci th~ requirements of thc ordinance. In addition, the ordinance does not require that a vendor keep his activities within the boundaries of the sponsoring property owner, which in this case allowed the be. ach vendor to spill over onto property in front of neighboring condominiums. This situation was not contemplated under the original ordinance and is ,~ot consistent wi~ its intent but does meet thc current specific language o£today's law. There axe also questions that are raised regarding the right of be. ach vendors to conduct their busincss on State lands. The State land, due to beach rcnourishmcnt efforts, has grown considerably in size, and thc State's position on commercial activities on the public portion of land has yet to be firmly determined. Finally, thc ordinance needs to be revised to match other park ordinances adopted bi,' the County Commission for enforcement consistency. Ail of these proposals were discussed with th~ Parks and Recreation Advisor)' Board who have recommended that the Count). Commission giv~ its direction in support of these arncndmenLs. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the actions requested other than the stafftimc necessary to xmtc thc amendments and the advertising cost once thc ordinance is brought back for considcra6on. GROWTH MANAGMENT IMPACT: None. Recommendation thst the Board of Collier County Commissioners, direct the Parks and Recreation staff and the County Attorney's Office to draft .amendments to Ordinance 89-11 as provided for above. Prepared by: Jghn Dunnuck. O~ralions Coordinator Date: 2/'2/98 Reviewed and Approved by: Maria Ram~:y, Parks and Recreation Director Date: Reviewed and Approved by:- Thomas W. 'Ol~iff, Pt~/~3.~ces Administrator Date ?d2/9g FEB ORDINANCE NO. 97- ~2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 89-11, AS AM'ENDED, "THE BE'ACH AND WATER SAFETY AND VESSEL CONTROL ORDINANCE" BY AMENDING SECTION SIX, VESSEL REGULATION, TO INCREASE THE AREA OF SPEED RESTRICTION ON JET SKIS FROM 500 FEET OFFSHORE TO 7S0 FEET OFFSHOILE; ALSO AMENDING SECTION SEVEN: REGULATION OF CONCESSION OPERATIONS, EQUIPM[ENT ILENTALS AND VENDORS ON T1TE BEACH AND ADJOINING WATERS, TO ADD ADDITIONAL:REGULATIONS 1ZEGARDING ALL VESSELS PROPELLED BY MOTORS RATED AT TEN HORSEPO",VER OR GREATER; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION INTO THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; PROV'rDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILIT~'; AND PROV'ID/NG AN EFFECT/VE DATE. ~,V1TEILEAS, Collier County Ordinance No. $9-1 I,. as amended, regulates the operation of jet skis within a distance of .500 feet from the Collier County beaches and shoreline bathing areas and specifies requirements for rental of jet skis in those areas; and : '~V'ITER. EAS, recent irresponsible and sometimes dangerous operation of privately owned jet skis and, in some instances, rental j~t skis, 'at a distance orS00 feet from the beaches and shoreline bathing areas have become an unacceptable and recurring nuisance to bathers and landowners in those areas; and, x, VlqrF. la, EAS, it is now apparent that operation of jet skis within 500 feet of the shoreline is too close to the shoreline to abate the nuisance aspects of the irresponsible operation of jet skis; and X, VHEILEAS, there are unacceptable and unavoidable enforcement problems regarding enforcement of ordinance prohibitions against individual operators of private jet skis; and ',VHEREAS, it is necessary to abate the nuisance of irrespon~"n~'~"~"operation of private and rental jet skis in the vicini~, of the Collier County shoreline, that the current restriction line of 500 feet horn the shoreline must be moved seaward to the distance of 750 feet of the shoreline; and '~VFIEREAS, notwithstanding the good faith efforts of most renters of jet skis to eliminate irresponsible operation of rental jet skis by their custo~er$,~i~j,~t.J~,~l ..~ ] necessary to abate the nuisance of irresponsible operation of some rental jet that the current beach vendor perrnittee regulations applicable to Om individual operators of rental jet skis be amended to 'include additional age and safety regulations; and WHEREAS, personal watercrait, by virtue of their size, speed, maneuverability, noise type and level, and their increasing numbers, present special problems affecting other boaters, bathers, and the general public health, safety and welfare, which special problems have been recognized tel:early by the Florida Legislature as evidenced by recent amendments to Chapter 327, Florida Statutes, imposing additional regulations affecting personal watercraft. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOA. RD OF COUNTY COM'SYISSIONEILS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE: AbfENDM'ENTS TO SECTION.SIX OF COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 89-I1, .i,S AMENDED. Section Six of Collier County Ordinance No. 89-1 I, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:' SECTION SIX: VESSEL REGULATION .. A. Operation of vessel in excess of idle speed prohibited. 1. The operation of any vessel, or Sailcrafi, in excess of idle speed, as defined herein, in or on all waters of the Gulf of Mexico within five hundred feet (500 feet) offshore fi.om all sandy beaches and shorefi'ont bathing areas is hereby prohibited. Said prohibition shall be effective and enforceable regardless of whether or not such area is designated by appropriate sign, buoy or other public notice. 2. Jet ski regulation. No person shall operate a jet ski: a. closer than 5OO 750 feet perpendicular fi.om the water's edge except to go to and fi.om the shore or except in a vessel corridor designated under subsection (3) hereof, nor shall proceed to ox from that portion of the Gulf beyond 500 feet at a speed greater than merely necessary to effectively traverse thc breaking water, distances from 500 feet to 750 feet from the shore, st any safe speed under the then existine_ conditions, but not tn exceed 20 miles per hour_, or [ s~,.~,. 2 FEB %Vords underlined are added: wnrd,~ ~b-~h~,~h ~ d~.t,~o~ L__ ~ b. in an unsafe, reckless or careless manner endangering the life, limb, or property of any person. 3. Vessel corridors. The following areas of the Gulf adjacent to the beach closer than -500 ~50 feet from the shore may be designated as being exclusively for vessel use between dawn and dusk daily: a. Those areas of Tigertail, Vanderbilt Beach and Clam Pass County Parks and such other parl~ and areas designated and posted by the County Parks and Recreation Depmhnent as vessel corridors Sr use areas. 4. Beach la.unch of vessels regulated. No person except a law enforcement officer, licensed beach vendor: authorized emergency personnel, or other person actually engaged in a rescue attempt shall traverse the beach with a motorized boat or jet ski ~ or launch such vessel fi-om the beach from an unauthorfzed launching erea. A licensc, d beach vendoC~ location is an authorized launch site for that vendor'.~ equ{pment, Water Siding. No person(s) including the sider(s) (anyone being towed on a line behind a vessel) and the vessel operator(s) shall water ski closer than .500 feet fi-om the edge of the beach .directly on the Gulf. 6. Sailcraft, including sailboats, windsurfboatds, and sailboards. No person shall operate a sailcTaft closer than $00 feet pcrpendicula.r from the water's edge where bathers are present except to go to and from the shore by the most direct means possible in a safe and reasonable manner. 7. Regulated areas. No person shall operate a motorized vessel or sailcratt within an area which has been clearly marked by buoys or some other distinguishing device for bathing, swimming or which has been otherwise restricted by the County, provided that this subsection shall not apply in the case oran emergency or to a patrol or rescue craft. B. Vessel speed not to exceed reasonable speed under existing conditions. Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be construed to authorize or approve the speed of any vessel or sailcrafl in excess of that which is reasonable and proper under the existing conditions or circumstances including, but not limited to, the presence of water skiers, bathers, fishermen, natural hazards or other water tr~ffict ..... ~ord$ .nde~lln~$ ~re ~ddcd; wo~d~ ~l~k-lhp~h Are deleled. 1~ ~, ~ C. Exemptions. The following shall be exempted from the provisions ot Section Six of this Ordinance. 1. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit the operation, racing or exhibition of vessels or sailcraft during a publicly announced, properly authorized, supervised and adequately patrolled regatta, speed trial or exhibition. 2. The opera{ors of Law Enforcement or rescue vessels or vessels operating under emergency conditions shall be e.xempted while conducting official duties or operating under emergency conditions. -. : 3. Commercial fishing vessels are exempted while conducting fish netting operations, provided the operatio.ns n.re conducted in a safe and prudent manner and in accordance with Section Six '(B), Vessel speed not to exceed reasonable speed under existing conditions. Under no cite,instances, however, shall commercial fishing vessels be operated at greater than idle speed within five hundred feet (.500 feel) ofbathers. SECTION "I%VO: AMENDMENTS TO SECTION SEVEN OF COLLIER COUNTY OILDINA.NCE NO. $9-11, tS AMENDED. Section Seven of Collier County Ordinance No. 89-11, as amended, is : hereby amended to read as follows: , SECTION SEVEN: REGULATION OF CONCESSION OPERATIONS) EQUIPMENT RENTALS AND VENDORS ON ~ BEACH AND ADJOINING WATERS The safety and welfare of the persons that reside nearby the County's beach areas and of the public that recreate on the beach and adjoining waters makes necessary and v. ppropriate the following regulations: A. Beach Vendor Permit Requirement. Any person engaged in the rental, leasing, bailment for consideration, or otherwise providing transportation for remuneration, of motorized or wind. driven vessel(s) for use by the public on the beach or adjoining waters of Collier County, including jet skis and sa~lcraft, shall be required to obtain a "Beach Vendor Permit" fi.om the County. A Beach Vendor Permit shall issue and be maintained upon the applicant paying such ,s F£8 1 0 ~8 Words underlined are added; words ~ ~ del~. ~ ~ ~,pplication fee therefor as established by the County' by resoluton and meeting the following requirements: I. The applicant must have an operations office or headquarters located at a land-based location with direct access to the be. ach in the immediate area where the vessels are being provided for public use. 2. The applicant must have and maintain a telephone or marine r~dio at its land-based operations office. 3. The applicant must have a motorized chas~ boat with operational marine radio in good running condition that meets all U.S. Coast Guard sai'e~ requirements kept at vessel rental site during all hours of applicant's rental operations. 4. The applicant must have and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage not less than the amount of $$00,000.00 combined Single Limits. 5. The applicant shall provide a list describing and indicating thc Florida vessel registration number of each motorized vessel applicant shall place in service. Any rhotorized vessel placed in service for public use after a .Beach Vendor's Permit has been issued shall have a Florida vessel registration number affixed thereon. 6. The applicant shall provide proof of having minimally one operational life vest for each occupant space on each of the vessels to be offered for public use under Section Seven of this Ordinance. The applicant is required to obtain a County occupational license for its operations office required under Section Seven of this Ordinance. ['~'o obtain occupational license, the applicant must provide proof of having a current, valid Beach Vendor's Permit~_..] B. Beach Vendor Permittee/Vessel User Regulations/Cie,ut, al 1. OperAtor Age Restrictions Applicable to Operation of All Vessels With 10 Horsepower or Greater. As required by fiLtbseC,.tion 327.395. Florida Statutes_ until October I. 2001_. thc rental to or operation of a motorized vessel cubjeot--le-the -...,,:'.,,.,.. ..,-,s.: .... """ nowered by a motor of horsepower or _creater is prohibited to anyone under 15 1,':::': cf age bom after September 30. 1980. and on or after October I, 2001. a person 21 years of age or younger, unless that person has in his/her possession aboard the vessel nhotot~ranhlc " identification and a boater safety identification' cal'd ittt~,O,,zP2's,_ Words underlined ate added; word! s#-~g~-lh~,~l~h nrc deleted. pursuant to subsection 327.395. Florida Srat,t~._ or ~ such ........ ~. ...... l ~ is at lea~t 16 years of ~ Child': ~ pa~ or a n :d';lt ....... eS~ O~ ~e or ~cr who is either exempt ~m ~c rcqui~en~ of ~bsecfion ~7.395, Flo~da Stamt~. or has n ~lid ~at~ safe~ identi~ca~on card issued pu~ant to that ~ompanie~ that pesos during ope~fion of the vessel and ~?~_me5_all reaponslbili~ for each ope~tion ~la6~n that may occur during that operadon of that vessel. It shall ~ a ~olation of this sec~on for ~y pesos ~o ~n~ 1~, othe~se.'pro~de for money or ~ ~ a motorized vehiclc to ~yone except as pro~dad herein. 2. ~c renter, user, passenger of or on any vessel des~b~d in Sec~on Seven shall have on board ~ operational lira v~st while using or ha~ng such vessel in the water, and it is a violation of this Ordinanc~ for any such person(s) using vessel not to have a life vest on board. 3. Pre. Ride Safew Instructions. Each livery_ must also provide pre-ride boater safety_ instruction and safe _ty i~formation to each person w.ho rents a vessel powered by a motor rated at I0 horsepower or ~catr, r., 4. Display of Rental Jet Ski Speed Limi{ Information. Each rental jet ski must conspicuously display the special speed limit instructions that apply within all the respective distances from the shore. The speed instructions must be easily visible to the operator of the rental jet ski when the operator is in the operating position on the jet ski. 5._ Mufflers on Rental .let Skis. Each rental jet ski must always operate with stock mufflers or with mufflers that are quieter than stock mufflers. 6. Each renter of a jet ski must read and initial that he/she understands the speed and operation restrictions placed upon operation of jet skis by this Section and/or by Chapter 327, 7. Rental .let Ski Identification Markings. Each/ental jet ski mu~t display identi .fyin? letters and/or numbcr~ tha~ identify_ the specific jet ski. Each 'identification number and/or letter, trademark, logo_, and/or company name mu~t be at least four (4] i~hes' in height and must contrast v~th its back.mind color ~n as to be easily visible at a distance of 250 feet by a ne~on with Use nfVessel Cnrr~dors by Rental ]'et ~qki.~. E~ch r~t~l ~et ~ " must us~ n vat,el co~dor whenewr ~ co~dor i~ a~il~hle~' Maximum allowable ~eed in thc co~dor ~thln 500 fcc, of the ~horc is the slowest ~pccd at which the op~tor effectively consol the jet s~i and be able to ~nsv~e th~ brea~ng water: and at all distances from 500 tegt to 750 feet ~m the shore, operate at any safe ~eed. but not to ~en~ (20~ miles per hour, ga~e Ope~on of let gkis. All jet ski~ mu~t be opec,ed reasonable and p~dent manner at ~11 time~_ 'M~n~v~ which ~cluding wea~ng through eon~e~ted ve~el ~ffie. · e'wake of another vessel unreasonably or unneces~a~lv to such vesse] or when ~sibili~ around such ~ssel obs~cted, or the vessel i~ op~ted in a mann~ that ~onal swe~ng at the last moment to avoid eo11~slon. ~s~te reckle~~ted to ves~eI~ · at have one (1) or ~o (2) occupant~, SECTION THREE: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any of'her ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall app!y. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance:is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent .jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a set~arate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not.' affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FOUR: INCLUSION INTO THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a pan of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Flor/da. The sections of the Ordinance may be rcnumbered or relettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or any other appropr/ate word. .. SECTION FIVE: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Conu'nissio~ of Collier County, Florida, this I lth day of l~,bruar? , ' 1997. · ATTEST: :-.." BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS D.~. OH~ ftriOCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA · ".; ','~' .:" i. .,'.. "/'"', '" Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County A:tomey h:~'gi ns ncc,~.97~ t Uk tofl:l.lcp Words undr. rJincd nrc added: ~vords a1~lo~hr..,,.h .~-. d,-l~...d IMM for tnt. mt~ Agefl( NO.. uses any LLrc~t~t or ~! Lu or ~ ~ ~. ~' . i,w~trLl Aver, too ~r,r&~,on un~r ~ ~02 of .... ~~ ~c. I~ ~ ~ ~~ for ~ ~ ~ . B, FI~. I~ ~11 ~ ~~ for ~ ~r~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~h ~ V~bin 1~000 f~C f~ 8~ZO tO ~tlO~ly ~.. for m~ ~ ~ f~sh ~ ~ M~ ~Y ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ a d~ty or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t of ~ AOe~ ~f~r or ~ty ~~ ~ print fio~ ~ to wa~ of ~ ~' ~~ of .~,~ ~ ~ ~f of ~=. FEB 1 ~.~.? Pg ,. ,. ~ ~ ~.- ah~Ll be ~~1 ~r ~ pera~ to thr~ axrf ball, ,~.~_ ~. ~. ~ ~ ~ a ~ ' (1) ~ ~ ~ ~ 150 f~ ~ ~'"" (2) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~LNIy (1) ~ ~ r~t, ~t, ~ ~, or f~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~~t, ~ ~ SOO "~ ~'l ~. ." ~ ~ ~ ~i~s for ~ or pr~ of ~ ~ or c~actir /nCe~ or ~t~on on ~ ~, "~ (2) ~ 1l~ ~ii/GLrtl. K sale or rental of ~ MFC~I, ~ ~ ~ A~~ ~ mt 25 fNt f~ ~ f~t (S00 fNt) off.~ f~ a11 ~ ~ enfor~le r~lese o~ ~e~r or not such area %l bai~ ~ a~roprlato sl~, k~ or " ~r ~lAc ~tAce. m~s Aoer : ' NO., ? m ~~ ~ FE8 1 0 ama FEB 1 0 ~ ~ators o~ ~ ~for~n~ or ~ ~~. u~r ~.c~r~~,. ~ f~ (500 f~) of ~* ~Jo~ ~m of ~ ~, ~=l~ Jet ~s ~ ~-~-~s.b ~ b*~ P~t~ for ~~?,!~< ~s of a~ltc~t'm rental opritto~ "" '"' '~'"' t3 · .. ,. / $ : (4) Th4 a;~:ll~nt ss~tt harm a__~_ matntaLu c~pro~e~Ave for ~c ~ ~r a ~ V~r's ~t ~ t.. ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ v/ohtu ~ p~isL~ of ~s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO REJECT PROPOSALS RECEIVED UNDER RFP #97-2760 OBO'ECTIVE: To obtain Board approval to reject the proposals received in response to RFP #97-2760, "Department of Revenue Integrated Software Sys'tem". CONSIDET~TIQNS: The Board has appropriated funds in the current budget to modernize the existing technology utilized for the collection of utilities billings ,and special assessments. Accordingly, a Request-for- Proposals was developed and notices thereof,~ssued to 78 firms on November 19, 1997 for this purpose. On January 16, 1998, proposals were received from two firms; Dynasty Software Inc. and TreSun respectively. proposals were by Committee. Neither were Both reviewed the Selection deemed to be fully responsive to the published requirements of the RFP. Given the limited response to the solicitation and the lack of responsiveness to the County's requirements as published, staff recommends that the Board reject the proposals received and authorize staffto re-solicit proposals. In the interests of attracting more respondents, the RFP language will be amended to encourage vendors to respond to separate components of the complete package rather than the entire system should they so desire. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: N/A FEB 1 0 1~8 ~P~.. / RECOMMI~NDAT!O~I: That the Board of County Commissioners reject the proposals received under RFP 97-2760 and authorize staffto re-solicit the project. Joh~Y~nkosk~ ~~ ' ReYetnue Services Director W]lii~m Co lek~J~5.~--/ - " Information Technology Director REVIEWED BY:. ~.:' :'. ? ,,/, C4'~..~, ~,'? Date: Steve' Camell, Purchasing/General Services Director REVIEWED BY: ,~'~.~_ Date: ~° °°~,.-/X ' FEB I 0 1998 APPROVAL OF BUDGET A~{ENDM~NTS BCC A~enda of 2/10/98 Museum CIP Fund (.~)14) Budget Amendment 9,~.130 ~useam. Lecture Hall Proi¢ct Lecture Hall Project (00 i(X}) ($10,000) Museu.~ of the Everalad~s. Pro_iect 33770 Museum of the Everglades $10,000 Total 0 Ftu~ds are r~c-ded to enable completion of the Musctun of the Everglades Project (33770). The project budget is currently insufficient because the act'un) archittcturnl expenses are higher th~ the two-),ear old origaMI estimate~. AG" DA E FEB ! 0 1998 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FEBRUARY 10, 199g FOR BOARD ACTION_: 1. MISff. ELLANEOUS ITEMS TO FILE FOR RECORD WITH ACTION AS DIRECTED: 2. Districts: A. Collier Soil & Water Conservation District - minutes and agenda of December 17, 1997. AGENDA Z.,TEH - FEB 10