Agenda 04/21/1998 R COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Tuesday, April 21, 1998 9:00 a.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM ~FUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR [~RIOR TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ri'EM TO BE ADDRESSED. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUB3ECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS". ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE ($) M',NUTES UNLESS PERbilssION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRANTED BY THE CRAIRMAN. ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR TIlE HEARING IbfPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO h00 P.M. 1. INVOCATION - Rev. Charles West, Naples First Church of the Nazarene 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CO,NSENT AGENDA. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. March 31, 1998 - Workshop. B. March 31, 1998 - Special meeting. $. PROCLAXiATIONS AND SERVICE AWARDS A. PROCLAMATIONS 1) Proclamation proclaiming April 22, 1998 as Keep Collier Beautiful Day. To be accepted by Steve Bigelow, Chairman of Keep Collier Beautiful 1 Apd121,1998 2) Prochmat~ou pr~chiming t~ we~k o( April 1%~, ~a~ W~ To ~ Kceptcd by Ba~ara P~ C~nty Admlnl~rator's O~c~ 3) P~lamation p~iaiming the w~k ~ Ap~l 19-~, 1~8 ~ Nation~ ~f~t ~mun~tion W~ To ~ accepted by Dr. Cha~ ~nipl~ Di~tor, Collier C~n~ He~th ~pa~men~ 4) ~l~ati~ p~l~mlnl Sa~ay, May 2, 1~ ~ PMnt Y~F H~ ~t Day. To ~ ~cepted by Bill Bfi~m ~ the Collier C~nty B~ng Pn~ne~hip ~d ~it Wa~ of tbe Collier Buildlng ~du~ ~iat~ S) P~l~ation p~l~mint the wffk of Ap~l 19-2S, 1~8 Enfo~ement Volunt~r W~ To ~ accepted by She~ Don Hunter on ~half of the Ci~li~ Volunt~r P~gr~. P~lamatlon p~l~ming the w~k of Ap~l 19-2~, 1~8 ~ Nation~ C~nty ~ve~ment W~ To ~ accepted by Ro~ Fe~and~ C~nty Admlnl~rator. B. SER~CE AW~S 1) Wesley Hill - Planning ~4ces - 20 yea~ C. P~SENTA~ONS ~PROV~ OF CLE~'S ~PORT AN~YSIS OF CHANGES TO ~SER~S FOR CONT~GENC~S. PUBLIC PETITIONS COUNTY AD~I~IST~TOR'S REPORT CONI~IUNITY DE~LOP~ENT & EN~ON~IENT~ SER~CES 1) J. ~chard Smith, ~pre~nting the ~Jden Gate Estates A~a Cix4c As~iatlon ~questing a waiver of the f~ for a "S~ial Event Di~tional Si~ Pe~iL ~chard P. Mellck, ~p~nting the Naples Conce~ Band, requesting a waiver for a ~i~ Ex'eat Di~t~onal Sign Peril" 3) Paul Tats, ~p~nt~ng the ~a~o bland Cha~er ~tiddle Sch~l, ~questlng a w~ver of the application f~s for a Site ~velopment Pla~ 4) St~ ~ on the ~a~s of the M~e PUD pu~uant to ~tJon ~7.3.4, ~d the f~lu~ of the p~pe~y owner to ~bmit amended PUD ~ard of C~nty CommJsslone~ on Ap~l 23, 1997. B. PUBLIC WO~ C. PUBLIC SER~CES D. S~PORT SER~CES 2 Ap~121,1995 10. 11. g. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR F. AIIU~RT AUTIIORITY COUNTY AI'rORNIY'S REPORT BOARD OF COU~I'Y COMMISSIOh~Ei~3 OTHER rrgMS A. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS PUBLIC COMMENT ON GENERAL TOPICS PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING STAFF ITEMS 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS - BCC A. COMIaREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS B. ZONING AMENDMENTS C. OTHER I) CONTINUED FRQM 4/7/98: Creation of an Impact Fee Ordinance for the hle~ of Capri and the Ochopee Fire Control Districtl. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS A. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS B. OTHER STAFF'S COMMUNICATIONS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT AGENDA - All mattera ii~ted t~nder this item are considered to be routine and a~tion will be taken by o~e motion without ~eparate di~cuuion of each item. H di~cu~ioa i~ de,ired by a member of the Board, that item(s) will be removed from the Couaent Agenda aad considered aeparately. A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1) Request to grant tiaa] acceptance of the roadway, dndnage, water and aewer Imprint'meats for the final plat of "Emba~y Woods Golf and Country Club at Bretone Park Pha~e One". 3 April 21, 1998 K. Fo 2) Request to grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and ~.wer improvements for the final plat of "Embassy Woods Golf and Country Club at Br~toan~ Park Phue Two". 3) Request to grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements for the final plat of "Highlands Habitat". 4) Hire expert wJtnctses in the en~4ronmenttl seJence and enlJnecring fields to support County staffs defense in an Administrative Hearths with the Florida Department of Community AffalrL PUBLIC WORKS I) Recommendation to accept corrective legal document for East Naples Lely Rideaway Self Storage, LTD. 2) Approval to award Agreements for Underground Utility Contracting Servke~ on an as needed basis (RFP 98-2783). 3) Acceptance of two (2) Temporary Construction Easements and one (I) Utility Ea~ment from property owner~ to pro¥1de for Interconnecting the City and County Water Systems in the event of an emergency. 4) Recognize, approve and appropriate a portion of the Golden Gate Beautification M.S.T.U. Fund 136 Carry Forward and Reserves for Land,:ape Management Expenses and transfer existing funds from ,!her Contractual Sen'ices to Improvements General. S) Recommend·tlon to approve · Budget Amendment for Cross Connection Parts. 6) Approve Budget Amendment for the purchase of a Pneumatic Piercing TooL Adopt a Re~olution authorizing the Acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation of, :e simple title interests and/or perpetual, non-eaclusive, road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage, mtlntenance and temporary construction interests by easement for the construction of the four-Inning improvements for Radio Road (C.R. 8~6) Project from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Daxis Boulevard (S.R. 84) CIE No. 16. s) Award Construction Co·tract to Mitchell & Stark Construction Company, Inc. for the Manatee School Ditch Relocation Project, Bid No. 98-2787. PUBLIC SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES 1) Approval of a first amendment to ground lea~e between Collier County and the State of Florida, Department of Juvenile Justice. COUNTY ADMENISTRATOR 1) Budget amendment report. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 4 April 21, 1998 17. G. MISCE~.ANZOU$ CORRESPONDENCE 1) MISCELLAJVEOUS ITEMS TO FILE FOR ~CO~ O~ER CONS~ON~ O~~ 1) App~ ~ I ~d~ ~nd~nt for mp~ ~hn~ 3) ~~t~ m file ~ S~te ~ for ~ ~ Y~r 1~1~7 u ~qui~ by ~da Stam~ L CO~ A~O~Y ~, ~RT A~O~ ~O~ ~O~ ~ONCE~G CHANGES TO ~ BOA~'S AGENDA ~ROULD BE MADt~ TO ~t CQV~ AU~ZST~TOa,s $ April 21, 1998 AGENDA CHANGES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION. ERS' MEETING APRIL 21, 1998_ MOVE: ITEM 16(B}(7) TO $(B~(I) - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GIFT, PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF FEE SIMPLE TITLE INTERESTS AND/OR PERPETUAL, NON-EXCLUSIVE, ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, SIDEWALK, UTILITY, DRAINAGE, MAINTENANCE AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION INTERESTS BY EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOUR-LANING IMPROVEMENTS FOR RADIO ROAD PROJECT FROM SANTA BARBARA BLVD TO DAVIS BLVD., CIE No. 16. (STAFF'S REQUEST). ADD: ITEM $fB}(2) - APPROVE THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S ACTION TO IMPOSE WATER RESTRICTS AND AUTtIORIZE TtIE CONTINUATION OF THE CURRENT RESTRICTIONS. (STAFF'S REQUEST). WITHDRAW: ITEM 16(B~(2~- APPROVAL TO AWARD AGREEMENTS FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONTRACTING SERVICES ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS (RFP 98-2783). (STAFF'S REQUEST). PROCLAMAT[ON WHEREAS, as our community grows there are serious impacts on local transportation networks, services and oltr environment; and WHEREAS, we are increasingly required to become more aware of the vital importance of taking care o four environment, individually and together, by keeping our community clean and healthy; and WHEREAS, the Board of Collier County Commissioners strongly support an organization or program designed to make the public aware of the need to dispose of waste properly, and an organization such as Keep American Beautiful, Inc. can promote cooperation bet~ceen diverse components of our community and direct us in working together to keep Collier County clean and beautiful through a public/private partnership: Keep Collier Beautiful, Inc.' and IVHEREAS, the Board of Collier Cou/Tty Commissioners recognizes the benefits to be derived from an organization such as Keep Collier Beautiful. Inc. to coordinate. plm~ and implement activities to keep Collier County clean and beautiful as our part in keeping America beautiful. NOW THEREFORE, be it proctaimed b)' the Board of County Commissioners of Collier COunty, Florida, that Aprli 22, 1998 be designated ~"the second anniversary of KEEP COLLIER BF-.AUTIFUZ DAY and that COllier Coun~y government"p~edge, s'an active role and participation ": -':' ' "':~""~.. 'i~' ~ ~'.. '~ . . ~. ~' '~r' ',: with the private sector': In an observ~Tce 'of April as Ea~'th Month. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 21st Day of April, 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APR 21 1998 PROCL~4MA TION administrative professionals play a vital role in the smooth functioning of businesses and organizations through effective handling of reports, scheduling. presentations and other administrative duties; and I~'tI£RE. AS, administrative professionals represent the largest segment of the office workforce; and FVI-IER~4S, administrative professionals continue to improve their skills to meet the changing needs of business as we approach the millennium. NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that the week of April 19- 25, 1998 be designated as PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES WEEK and call on businesses and organizations throughout the communio' to recognize these outstanding professionals for their contributions, and to support their continued professional growth DO. YE AND ORDERED THIS 21st Day of April. 1998. ATTEST: DWIGHT E BROCK. CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COM3,1I~IO:VERS COLLIER COUNTY,.F£ORIDA .BARBARA B, BERRY, CHAIRM~MN AGE NJ;I.A .IT£M No.~ _~,'.~.: APR 21 PR OCL,dM,d TION R/HEREA$, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier Count)' supports housing assistance to very low, low and moderate Income families; and ~tERF..4S, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County works cooperatively wtth the City of Naples and area organizations to address community wide concerns; and RfHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County has previously participated in PAINT YOUR HEART OUT events with local businexres, civic associations, youth groups and supports expanding the program to provide assistance to needy, low-income, elderly households throughout Collier County; and tVHEREAS, the Board of Cou~t), Commissioners of Collier Coun.ty supports joining forces with tt~e CiO' of Naples. tt;e Collier County/Banking Partnership, Jtn'ende Court, the Departrncn! of Juvenile Jusn'ce, a variety of trade organt:ations including Collier 2~u. ilding Industry .4ssociation. the LaWn Maintenance Association and rmrncrous civic a'nd nonprofit organ~7:ions to promote PA]3ff YOUR HEART NOW THER. EFO:~E. be'i~"proclaimed by the Board of County co'mm~zioner$ of Collier County, Flo'rtd~ ' #~t. t Satur..~ ~cO, 2, J 99S bt ~algnated as and urge all residents to ~ ~ a~e role In m~ng Collier Co~ ~ ~n more attractive and $pecial place to live by partictpating in voluntee? efforts. AGEN~DA. ZTEPI DONE AND ORDERED I'HIS 21st Day of April, 1998. NO. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI'~IONE COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA APR 2 1 1998 I WHERE~$, WttERE S, WHERE~S, WHERE 4S, PROCL.4MJ TION every child born in Collier Count), deserves the best possible chance for a health), start in life; and the level of vaccine preventable disease has been reduced by more than 99% since the introduction of vaccine. Immunization is one of the most effective ways of protecting against disease. Every dollar spent on immunization saves as much as $29. O0 in.future health care cost; and the Collier Count')., Health Department is committed to increasing public mvareness of the needs to protect children against many contagious diseases that can cause high fever, cough, choking and breathing problems that can leave a child deaf, blind, or paralyzed: and timing is the key for preventing life threatening childhood contagious diseases and by age nra children should have received most of their immunizations; and as a community prioriO' the Collier Count), Health Department is asking this Commission to join together in an effort to ensure that measures to support well child check ups arm immtm, iza~'ons that keep children on the road to good health; and we, as CoUier County residents, have a goal to fully immunize 90% of our children under age l~4,o b)' the )'ear 2002. NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed b), the Board of Counry Commissioners of Collier Count),, Florida, that tt, e u'eek of April 19-25, 1998 be designated as 3',4 TIONAZ INFANT L,~IMUP, TZ4 TION WEEI( DONE AND ORD£REI} THIS 215t Da). of April, 1998. BOARD OF COU3fl'Y CO--lONERS COLLIER COUNTY;, FLORIDA DIfqGHT E BROCK. CLERK BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN APR 2 ! 1998 PRO(~LAMA TION WI'IE~S, the week of .dpril 19-25, 1998 as "National Volunteer Week"; and nOIEREAS, the Sheriff of Collier County has designated this week as "Collier County ~ Enforcement Volunteer Week" in appreciation of the dedicated law enforcement volunteers serving this community; and nqtEREAS, last year over 70 volunteers of the Collier County Sheriff's O.l~ce unselfishly donated approximately 12,100 hours of service on behalf of the Collier County Sheriffs Office; and WtlEREAS, the volunteers of the Collier County Sheriff's Offce perform in an exemplary dedicated and conscientious manner in many capacities and environments; and these volunteer services have sm,ed Collier County taxpayers an estimated $121,000; and WHEREAS, this proclamation recognizes the tremendous contribution and experience our civilian volunteers bring to the Collier County Sheriffs Office and the community. NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Flortda, that the week of Ap.ril t9-25, 1998 be designated as COLLIER COUNTY LAW L~VFORCEMENT VOLUNTEER WEEK in honor of those who give so much of themseh,es to benefit others and to serve the citizens of Collier CoUn.ty. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 21st Da)' of ,4pril, 1998. DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK £ O A RD OF COUNTY coMMIssIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA ~i':": ~.~ B.ARB~ B- B ,ERRY, CI-IAIIUviAN APR 2 ! ¸-0 PROCL,4MA TtON .4merica's earliest immigrants placed great faith in the county form of government, which traces its roots to Englishshire; and county government is truly vital to the nation's citizenry, serving as the most resonant and pure of local government voices; and WHERF & when the federal government was formed, the framers of the constitution gave great weight to the importance of county government and its dual value to both the state and federal government; and county government's primary concern is to assure that county leaders provide information and encouragement to its citizens so that together they can build strong sustainable communities which nurture the economic, environmental and social well-being of all citizens; and the quality of life for all ~4mericans is dependent upon choices that accommodate economic development while preserving vital ~atural environmental systems; crud WHEREAS. natural scenic, cultural and historic resources are important community assets; and ~ the process of arriving at a communi~, vtsion Should be open and inclusive and reflect the diverse population of the community: and WHEREAS. WHEREAS, because communities and their surrounding areas are interdependent, there is a recognized need for collaborative approache~s to problem solving; and safe, healthy', drug pee communities are necessary to ensure a high quality of life for its citizens; and WHEREAS, cornmunity stability and SocR:l well-being go hand In hand; and WHEREAS, community leaders and all citizens should take a step to learn about resources and programs ava#able (ha[ can w?rk tO i~Prove thetr Community's NOW THEREFORE. be tt procla~m~ by the Board of county Commtssioners of Collier County, Florida, that ~4prt119.25, t998 be designated as NATIONAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEEK DONE AND ORDERED THIS 21st Day of ~pril, 1998. BO.4RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEi COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APR 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY J. RICHARD SMITH, REPRESENTING THE GOLDEN GATE ESTATES AREA CMC ASSOCIATION, REQUESTING A WAIVER OF THE FEE FOR A *'SPECIAL EVENT DIRECTIONAL SIGN PERMIT" OBJECTIVE: The Petitioner requests a waiver of the required application fee and deposits for 'Special Event Directional Sign Within Collier County Rights-of-Way' permits. The permits are for the monthly meetings of the Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association. CONSIDERATIONS: The Right-of-Way Ordinance (Ordinance 93-64) identifies the need to display signs in the right-of-way for certain special events. The required application fee for such · permit is $75 plus a refundable deposit ($25 for the first sign, $5 for sach addilJonal sign). The Petitioner states that the Association serves a meaningful public purpose, ascertaining and promoting community concerns, and requests the fee waiver on that basis. FISCAL IMPACT: If the fee waiver is granted, it will be necessary to transfer funds from the General Fund (001) Reserves to the Community Development Fund (113) to defray the review and processing costs of the permit. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: No~e. RECOMMENDATION: Fee waiver applications may only be approved by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. Since fee waivers are requested by · wide vlrk:rb/of individuals and ,i,,,~ organizations, for various reasons, it is necessary for the Board to ev conditions and reasons which undedie the fee waiver applicatiort on a cai basis. Therefore staff can only recommend denial for fee waiver requests. APR 2 I PREPARED BY: F~EI~ REISCHL ~ - - PIeR II CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DATE //~ ..-~.-J--~ ~., ).¢~ · /ROBERT J. MULHERE, AICP - DATE P~NNING SERVICES DIRECTOR _ ~-~ VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AICP DATE COMMUNI~ DEVELOPMEN% & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~MINIS~TOR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/ROW PERMIT FEE WAIVER 2 APR 2 1 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RICHARD P. MEUCK, REPRESENTING THE NAPLES CONCERT BAND, REQUESTING A WAIVER OF THE FEE FOR A 'SPECIAL EVENT DIREC~ ~ PERMrr' OBJECTIVE: 'Soecial Event Directional Sign W'Rhin Colher Co~.nty ...~_~_.,;~.~ ,,m 4m~ i~mit is for a concert in Madde Park, which occurrea o~ ~m[my mmv,, -.-, -,,*--,. CONSIDERATIONS: The Right-of-Way Ordinance (Ordinance 93-64) identifies the need to cr~:)lay signs in the right-of-way for certain special events. The required appr~ation fee for mjch a permit is $75 plus e refundable deposit ($25 for the first sign, ~5 for each additional /ign). The Petitioner states that the Naples Concert Band exists for the purpose of providing, at no cost to the attendees, excellent music to the residents and visitors of Collier County. FISCAL IMPACT: If the fee waiver is granted, it will be necessary to transfer funds from the General Fund (001) Reserves to the Community Development Fund (113) to defray the review and processing costs of the permit. GROW'TH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Fee waiver applications may only be approved by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. Since fee waivers are requested by · wide variety of individuals and organizations, for various reasons, it is necessary for the Board to evaluate the conditions and masons which underlie the fee waiver applicatio ~ on a case by case basis. Therefore, staff can only recommend denial for fee waiver 'equeAt3Ef.'.DA. IT~ .~.'~. _~:.~:.~_). APR 2 1 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: DATE /RC~ALD F. NINO, AICP CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DATE' ~ROEi~RT J. MULHERE, AICP ,,~~ SERVICES DIRECTOR VINCENT ~,.-CAUTERO, AICP DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/I::{OW PERMIT FEE WAIVER APR 2 1 1998 RECEIVED ~o~rd of County Co~isstoner~64 Silverado Drive Naples, Florida 34119 March 18, 1998 Honorable County Commissioner John Norris 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Naples Concert Band Dear Mr. Norris, On Sunday March 29 The Naples Concert Band will perform its eighth and final concert for the season. It will be held at 2:00 P.M. on Marco Island at Maclde Park. Attendance has been extremely small in recent years, and the NCB board of directors discussed whether the folks on Marco Island are actually interested in the concert. Wisdom dictated that the problem was that of the Band's own publicity efforts, or lack thereof. Therefore, we are presently making a concerted effort to do a better job. We have increased our newspaper and radio publicity efforts, spoken to numerous civic organization leaders, prepared and distributed a special 8 x 11 color poster, saught the assistance of the churches, and a number of other things including receiving the blessing of Chairman of the new City of Marco City Council, Harry Cowin. Our reception by community leaders has been exu'emely hospitable, helpful, and encouraging. The purpose of this letter is to seek assistance of you and your colleague county commissioners in regard to a signage permit fee. We have saught a right of way permit. All of the proper documents have been prepared, and have the approval of Ms. Michelle Arnold and Mr. Michael Vignari in regard to code enforcement. We have discussed placement, size, color, wording, and re~noval, so those issues have been resolved. The permit tee is $105, including which we understand is subject to waiver by the County Commissioner~, an~.~ waiver is what I write to request. The Band is a nonprofit organization with Internal Revenue Service C. 501 (c) 3 exemption and exists for the purpose of providing, at no cost to the attendees, excellent music to the residents and visitors of Collier County, perfo~i-g for and encoura~-g elementary and middle school children to further their participation and education in the field of music, and awarding scholarshil~.S to youths interested in pursuing their music talents both during high school and post graduate years. Your assistance in presenting this request to the Board of County Commissioner~ at the March 24 meeting will be most sincerely appreciated. Thanking you in advance for your efforts, I remain with IG~dest regards, Richard P. Melick Band Manager, Naples Cor~cert Band APR g 1 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAUL TATEO, REPRES~~ THE MARCO ISLAND CHARTER MIDDI.E $C:HCX)L, REQUESTING A WAIVER OF ~ APPLICATION FEES FOR A SITE DEVELOPMENT Pt. AN. The Peti~oner requests a waiver of the required application fees Development Plan for the proposed Marco Island Charter Middle School. fora Site CONSIDERATIONS: The application fees for a Site Development Plan are calculated as: S425 SDP base review fee; plus $0.01 per square foot; plus $21 per structure; and also tr~:lude the site clearing fee ($85 for the first acm and $43 for each additional acre) and the right-of- way permit fee ($125). The Petitioner states that the Marco Island Charter Middle School is an educational, not for profit public school. RSCAL IMPACT: tf the fee waiver is granted, it will be necessary to transfer funds from the ~ Fund (001) Reserves to the Community Development Fund (113) to defray the review a~d processing costs of the permit. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Fu waiver applications may only be approved by the Coflier County Board of County C_~. Since fee waivers are requested by a wide variety of ~ and ueGanizatkx~, fc,' various reasons, it Lq necessary fcx' the Board to evaluate the basis. Therefore staff can only recommmid denial for fee waiver reque APE 2 ! '"~' PREPARED BY: FRE~I~ISCHL PLANRER II REVIEWED BY: I~ON,~LD F. NINO, AICP CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DATE ~~R~T ~. MULHERE, AICP PL~ ~G SERVICES DIR~ECTO, VINCENT ~ CAUTERO. AICP DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR EXECUTr~E SUMMARYSDP PERMIT FEE WAIVER 2 Marco Island Charter Middle School POB ~69 1 Front St Interim Office thru 8.15.98 1401 Trinidad St Permanent from 8.16.98 Marco Island F! 34145 941 389 4818 Date: 9 April 98 To: Ron Neno Q} CC Development Set,rices BY FAX 643 6968 Copy: ~ohn Norris, County Commissioner Dave Lesansky, CCPS Emilio Robau, RWA. applicant engineer Fr: Paul Tateo Re: Site Development/']an Waiver of Application Fee & County Venue We had our pre-app meeting yezterday. You asked u~ to provide some evidence of why the Marco Island Charter Middle School should go through site plan review with the County vs the School District. The state statute eoabUng C_.hart~ Sc.h_oo.. Is provld_es for the school to ch0o~ the venue it wants for review, m ne ~tiool District prefers, as do we, that the rote  -view and building permit p~ be handled via the County. A copy of the evant portion of the enabling legislation foUows. Stmultaneously, ~ request that you waive the normal SDP application fees for our educational not for profit pubUc school. Feel free to call Dave Lesansky at 514 2681 (CCPS) is you have questfous for him. Please acknowledge receipt of this fee waiver request, and thank you for your. prompt attention to it.. APR 2 1 1998 EXECU~IV~ SUMIRARY $'I'AFI~ REPOR'f ON THI' STATUS OF THE MOCAKE PUD PURSUANT '[O SZCTION L7.1.4, AND ~ FAILI~.E OF THE PRO?ERTY OWNER TO SUBMIT AMEI~£D PUD AS DIREC'I~D BY THE Bt}ARD O1r COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON APRIL 113, 199'/. CONSIDERATIONS: Following the procedure esta )lishcd at Section of thc LDC the Planning Service~ Director did submit a report to the BCC aad upon review snd consideration of thc report the BCC ditched thai ~n amended PUD consistent wit a the GMP be submitted within six (6) months of [he date st which said deb'hereon occurred. This action was conveyed by Resolution 97-192 which established a date of September 1, 1997 ~or subm ttal of the a~tncnded Mocake PUD. Several montlLs ago a prcapplicaIion meeting was held with staff :~d we were lcd to believe that a new petition wu coming forward for amended PUD. However, thi? has not come to pass and consextuenlly the maner is being broushz to ibc atl~ion of the BCC for re$o' utior~ The LDC spt. cifically provid, { as follows: If owner fails to s,,bmit an amended PUD within six months ofbo~'d action to requu'e su~ aa amc~ded subm .hal, then ',he boaxd may ira~iate proceeding to rezone the ul~toved portions of the ori ~ PUD to ~n appropriate zoning clo. s.sification co~iste, ut with the furore land usc cl~ mcnt of the grow",h manage:neat plan. In consideration of the abovf, stall' seeks auL~o:izalion to initiate a rczoning of the prope~T)' to thc 'A" Rural Agricultttral zoning di~ tnct unless some other ~solution is mzd¢ by thc BCC to extend g~e dale by which development is to ~ e iaiualed. FISCAL IMPACT: Should the Community Dcv:lopmcnt and Envirozunental Services Di',4siou be required to initiate a r~t~ag petition the fiscal mpact to the Couar/will bc approximately $130.00 for public hearing newspaper advertising, plus ;taft rime involved in preparing and mailing property owner notifications and staff time in report pr,..paration. This cost will bc charge to Cor. munity Development nd Euvir~,ua,eutal S~rvicr. s, Pla~ ning $.-rviccs Fund 113, Cost Cent~ 138312. APR 2 1 1998 Pi. I GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The current PUD Development Order is consistent with the FLUE to the GMP. The action to require an amended PUD was essentially based upon a desire to revisit allowable uses at this highway interctumge, and to ~ucture the content of the PUD reflecting cun'ent administrative references. Otherwise an amended PUD consistent with the GMP el~nents will have no impact. HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. STAFF COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That the BCC authorize staff to initiate the process leading to rezoning the Mocake PUD to the "A" Rural Agricultural zoning district. RON~ALD F. NINO, AICP CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DATE REVIEWED BY: ~Om~RT J. MULHERE, AICP DATE P~G SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ~CENT A. CAUTERO, ~MINIST~TOR DATE COMMUNITY DEV. ~D E~RON~E~T~ SVCS. RNIdcn/h:/EX SUMMARYfMa, c~ke PUD APR ~Do - RESOLUTION 97- 195 A RESOLUTION BY THE BO;~D OF COUNTY COM)4ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUA~NT TO SECTION OF-THE COLLIER COUNTY LJtND DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE 92-4 A/~SO KNOWN ;tS MOC3%KE PUD, REQUIRING THE SUB~{ITTAL OF A PUD A2~ENDMENT; ;%ND PROVIDING ~uN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREJ%S, the Mocake PUD, Ordinance 92-4 adopted on January 14 , 1992, is subject t~'the provisions of'Section '2:];3.'~i,' of the Land Development Cod~ iLDC), Time Limits for Approved PUD Master Plans; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissionershas reviewed the PUD and has determined that the current PUD Zoning is consistent with certain pr~visions of the Growth Management Plan (GMP) and the Land Development code~-'a~d- NOW, TMEP£FORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: The above recitals are adopted h~rein b~ reference as if fully set forth herein. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of compliance with the review requirements of Section of the LDC. 3. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the property owner or agent shall submit an amended PUD to the Planning Services Director prior to September 1, 1997 ~n order to cause said PUD to become consiscent with the Collier County LDC. This Resolution shall .become~ effective immediately upon its _. approval ...... ~_.: .l :.:.'.~.~ ...- ~,~-- .. ~ .. R~SOL-VED 'that .{:h'i's Re's-oiution be "" which the extension is granted. '' This Resolution adopt:ed after motion, second and majority vote. Done this'._ /'.s/ day of . , 1997. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~MIS$IONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA T~tMOTHY//L .~I~C(~CK, 'CRAI pdv~ed4 ORDINAI~CE NO. 92- ~ AN ORDINANCE AHENDIN¢ ORdINAnCE NUMBER 91-10R ~E CO~I~ CO~TY D~E~PM~ CODE CO~REH~SIVE ZONING ~INCO~O~TED ~ OF CO~I~ CO~TY, ~RiDA ~D ~DING THE OFFICI~ ZONING AT~S ~P ~BER 8630N BY ~GXHG ZONING C~SSIFI~TION OF ~E H~EIN DESCRIBED P~NED ~IT D~E~PM~ ~O~ AS FOR CO~CI~ USES, FOR PROP~TY ~T~ IN ~E SO~ST 0UAD~ OF 1-75 ~D ~PROXI~TELY 600' ~ST OF ~E I~SE~ION OF 1-75 ~D N~LES-I~O~EE RO~ (CR-846), ~CATED IN SE~ION ~0, TO. SHIP 48 CO~I~ CO~TY, F~RIDA, CONSISTING OF 7.8~ A~S~ ~D ~Y PROVIDING ~ EFFE~IVE DATE. WHEREAS, Robert L. Duane of Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., representing Daniel Monaco, Trustee, petitioned 'chi Board of County Com=issioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real prcperty~ NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Com~issioners of Collier County, Florida: T~e Zoning Classification of the herein described real property located in Section 30, Township 48 South, Range 26 East , Collier County, Florida, is changed from A to 'PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the MOCAKE PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 8630N, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Dsvelop=snt Code, ia hereby amended accordingly. This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. -1- APR 2 1 1998 PASSED AND DGLY ADOPTED by the Board o~ County ¢o~miasioners of Collier County, Florida, this /~f'~'day of ~~4~.- ,, 1992 · / BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: jAKES C. GILES, CLERK · :.APPROVED AS TO FORH AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY MAi~OR/E M. STUDENT ASSISTAI4T COUNTY ATTORNEY PUD-91-3 PUD ORDINANCE nb/$368 -2- ~?R 2 1 199B PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMF~I' for MOCAKE Prepared For: COT_] ~:-R COUNTY PLANNING SERVICES 2~00 North Hot.shoe Driv~ Naplet,, Florida 33942 Prepared By: HOLE, MONTES & ASSOC/ATES, lNG. 715 Tenth Street South Naple~ Florida 33940 (813) 262-4617 HMA File No. 90.110 Date Filed: March. 1991 Date Revi~ed: October. 1991 Date Reviewed By CCPC: November ?. 1991 Date Approved By BCC: January_ 14. 1992 Ordinance # 92-6 APR 2 1 1998 ?~BL~ OF CO~I~ SECTION I STATEMENT OF COMPliANCE ................................. 1 SEC'TION II PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SHORT TITLE .. 2 SECTION III STATEMENT OF I~I-F~T ...................................... SECTION IV GENERAL DEVELOPlvlENT REGULATIONS ....................... 6 SECTION V TRANSPORTATION REOUII~EMENTS ........................... SECTION VI IJ'I'II.ITY REQUIREMENTS .................................... SECHON VII WATER MANAGEMENT STANDARDS ........................... 14 SECTION VIII ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS ............................... SECI'ION IX SUBDIVISION EXCEPTIONS ................................... 17 LIST OF E,XTtlBITS ATI'ACHMENT A - CONCEPTUAL PUD MASTER PLAN A'I'I'ACHMENT B - LEGAL DESCRIPTION SECTION I STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE the foflo~ng rcauons: The project dtwek)pment is planned to incorporate harm"al systen~ e~ and mann:mdc, for water management innco.~ ..... with the~ natla~! functiom and Provisions ~t¢ included in thc pTOjCCt to ~ the nmnbo' of in&tess and e~ess po~t~ C~tO lm _mokz]c~ Roac~ Entrance featu~ts into thc l:rtopot~l development, along with itndscapi~ featm'~ r,c, qba~ ~ open spac~ are ck~g~ed to enJumce the entra~ of t]~ important ~nteway into CoRkr County and Naples. The project ia compau'ble with adjacent land uses flvough the intcrnaJ arran~q:ment of structure~ the placement of land usc buffcrL, Lnd the ~ dcvclopmem sumdarch co~ here/n. 9. Ail improvcmcnu shah bc in compliance with applicable rc~datiom. Al3 ~mal local development orders for tl~ projea arc subject to the Collier County Concurrency Management S~tem u implemented by the Adequate Public FacWtie~ Ordinance. 10. AH references to the Collier County Zoning Ordinn.nce, Sign Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, tmpaa Fee Ordinance, etc., as used herein, shall include and be the same au the adopted Unified l~nd Development Code for CoWer County, Florida. APR 2 1 1998 r-- SECTION I1 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, LEGAL DESCRIFTION, AND SHORT 2.1 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The subject prol~rty is currently owned Daniel R. Monaco, Trustee.. 2.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land located in the North ½ of Se. aion 30, Township 48 South, Rxn~ 26 F. ast~ Collier County, Florida, and is more particularly de.~n~l ia Attn,'hme41~ "Ir'. ~ Ordinance shall bc }mown and cited as "MOC_.AKE Planned U~t DeveSt Ordinatlce". I I I 3.4 SECTION ri{ STA~ OF INTENT It is the Project Developer'l intention to de~elop · mixed use center with the full range of compatible a~d complimentary land uses including teta~ off. e, wboleule, wa~ehou~ and motel use~ It is the purpose of t~s document to provide the required dcvclopmcnt standards for ~ pro, ecL ~RO]~Cr DESCRrPT~O~ Thb projea ~ de~ned for ~nte~e commer~J ~od off]ce m~ ~ ~ forth L. the Future Land U~ FJement of ~ Orowth Managtment p~ A. Regulatiom for development of the MOCAK~ pL.rD shall be in accordance ~th the coutcnts of thL~ document, PU~-Ptanned Unit Oevelopmem Dis~'k~ and ot~er applicable sect~ms and parts of the CoHka' County Zmsin~ Ordinance and Subdivision Regulatiom in effect at the time of bm~d~ permit be~in, then the provaiom of the mc~ st,~,'~r district in the County ~ Ordinance shall apply. B. . Unless o~etwise noted, the ~finitions of all terms shall be the same as the defi,niifom set forlh in Collier County Z, on~lg Otdhl,l~ce in e~ec'2 at the time of building permit application. C. Ail condiffom ~mpmed and aU graphic materia~ presented dep~ r~m for the development of the M~ PLrD ~ become pan of D. If not specL~cally set forth or prov~ed for in th~ ordinance, then pi~'isiom of the ColUer County Zoning OrclLnance 82~ as amended, shah apply. PROJ~CI' PLA~_ 4 A.~q3_LAND USE tlTIT.~$rl'Y A. The project master plan includes fr~e deve{opable tracts that may be either combined or developed separately, areas for water management, road rights- of-way, and cort~rvation. The muter plan is des~ned to be conceptual and changes including the placement of buildings and the water management sT~tern shall be delcnnined at the time of plat or site development plan approval prcr~ded all applicable standards of th~ ordinance and the Collier County Subdivision Regulation~ are met. APR 2 1 1998 3.6 Arty dcvclopeble trac~s w/thin the Planned Unit Development are permitted a .45 F'~oor Area Ratio provided ill paring and landscaping requirements are tn addit~,oTt, motel ~ may aJ.~o be Permitted at a density of twenty-six (26) units per nc~ based upon whatever gn=s land area is relcx:sted to motel use which nm)' also include m-em prov/dcd for wirer management Lnd The anfidpited t/me for bu/ld-ou! of the entire project is ten (10) be left in its natu~ state. The site drlinAgc wal flow through th/a ar~ prvv/ding rcjrr~eraLt/on of wetland characteristics of this arcl, wh/ic storm w~ter storage for this development. tn add/tton to the various Lrems and spec/ftc items shown in Exhtoft easements, ns ncc_e_~ry (ut/l/v/, private, sem/-public, etc.), sh~ be csmblhhed w/thin, or Llong, ~h¢ various Lract~ AMENDM3ENTS TO THIS ORDINANCE Amendments to this Ordinance Ired Mas~er Plan ~ be purluant to Secficm ?-27j of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance, as revised, at the time thc requc~ed. PRO .fECT PLAN APPROVAL R£OUIR£MENTS Pr/or to the recording of thc Record Plat, when required by the Sul:dfvision Regulations Ord/rm~ce, final plans for thc requ/red knprovcmcnt~ ~ rece/v~ the approval of Ail appropriate Coil/ct County govcrnmcntLl agcnc/e~ to compl/ance w/th the PUD Master Plan, thc County Subdivision Regulations mid the platting la~ of the State of Flor/da. Exlu'bit "A", PUD Master Plan, cor~titutes thc requ/red PUD E)cv~lo~ent ])lin. Subsequent to or c~ncurrcnt w/th PUD approval, a SubdMsion Ma~ter Phn ~ be submitted for thc entire area covcrcd by the PUD Master ])lan. All div/flon of property and Ibc development of thc land shall be in compliance with thc Subilivision Regulations. The prov/sions of Section 10.$ of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to site plan approval shall apply to the dcvcioprncnl of all plaited tracts, or parcels of land prior to the issuance of ~, building permit or other development order. 3.7 PROVISION FOR OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF EARTHEN MATERIAl. The excavation of earthen material and its stockpiling in preparation of water management facilities or to otherwise develop w~ter bodies is hereby permitted. If after comJderation of fill activities on tho~e buiidable portJotu of the projec~ ~Ite are such that there is a surplu~ of earthen material, then iu off-site dispotml is lbo hereby pernlJtted subject to thc following conditJom. 3.8 2. Excavation activities shall comply with the definition of · 'Dcve~ Excavation" pursuant to Ordinance No. 88-26 whereby off-site removal not exceed 10% of the total volume excavated up to a maximum of 20,000 cubic yards. A timetable to facilitate ~aid removal shall be submitted to the Mmmger of .Planning Serv~ce~ for approvaL Said timetable shall include the length of time it wt21 take to complete said removal hours of operation and haul routes. In any event, no timetable shall be approved for off.~ite removal in exce~ of ninety day~ from date of approval 3. Ail other provisions of Ordinance 88-26 are applicable. SUNSET AND MONITORING PROVISIONS Mocakc PUD shah be required to abide by any provisions in the Un~cd Lead Development Code pertaining to sunsctting and monitoring a~ scheduled for adoption in thc Fall of 1991. APR g 1 1998 SECTION IV GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 4.1 Thc purpose of thh Sca/on is to delineate and generally dcscn~ the projea plan of development, the respecfiv~ land use~ including Ibc projecl's development criteria. Regutations for development sh~ll be in accordance with the standards act forth in this documcnl. Where specie development zlandards arc nm ~ forti~ applicabh: dev~lopmem standards of fl~e Collier County ~)ning Ordinance, in cffecl at the fim~ of co~.'uction permitting for aaivit/c~ permhtcd t.y these regulations sl~ll apply. 4.3 PERMITTED USES AND STRUCYURES 1. Commercial Uses: l~ses and S~ru~urcs: No budding or structure, or pan thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, ia whole or in pan for any ~r~ct, for other than the follow/ns: 1. ~rlTfi!ted Prin~pal Uses and S~rue~urc~: Antique shops; appliance stores; art studios; an supply shops; automobile pa'ts stores; automobgc sen~oe stations with repairs (in accorda~.e with the standa~ of S~'tion 9.8 of ~he Zo~ng Ordinan~); Bakery shops; bait and ~aclde shops; ban~ and fumndal ir~dtutiom; barber and beauD' shops; bath supply s~ores; bicycle sales and services; blueprint shops; bookbindc~ book stores; business machine services. Co Ca. et and floor covering sales - which may include sim-age and installation; clothing stores; cock',afl knmges (in sccordance with the s~andards of Section 8.11 of Zoning Ordinance); commercial recreation u~e~ - indoor;, commercial schools. Delicatessens; department stores; drug stores; dry cleaning shops; d~ good stor~; and drapery shops. c. Electrical supply stores; equipment rentals including lawn APR 1 1998 L no mowcrs and powcr saws. Florist shops; f:ratcrn~l and social clubs (in aceordance with the stznc~rds of So.ion 8.11 of the Zoni~ Ordinance); funeral homes; furniture stores; furrier shops. Garden supply stores - outside display in side and rr~r yards; gift shops; ~ ~nd mirror sal~ - including storage and ~tion; 8ourme~ shops. Hardware storm; health food stores; homes for thc altr.~ hospitals and hospice. Jewelry Laundries - self service only;, leather goods; legitimate theaters; liquor stores; locksmiths. Maxkets - food; markets - meat; medicad offices clinics; motels and hotels; motion picture theaters;, mm~ stores; minor automobile repair work. New ~r dealenhips - outside display permitted; ~ stores; night dubs (in accordance with the standards of Section 8.11 of thc Zoning Ordinance). Office - general: office supply stores. Paint and wallpaper stores; I~t shops; pet supply shops; photographic equipment stores; priminG publishing ~ mimeograph services shops; priva~ clubs (in accorchance with the standards of Section 8.11); profest&mal olryze~___. Research and design labs; r~uram~ - indmiin8 drbe-in or fur food rr. stauzanu; (in aaxndance w/th lhe standards of Section 8.11 of the Zoning Ordinance). Shoe repair; shoe stores; shopping centers; souvenir stores; stationery stores; supermarkets. Tailor shops; tile ~ales-cerarnic tile; tobacco shops; toy shops; tropical f'ah stores. Variety stores; vehicle rental - automobiles only; 7 APR 1 1998 4.4 veterinarian office~ and clinic~ - not ouuid¢ kcnnch. Watch arm p~ion i~mcnt rc~ sho~ W~ho~in~ wholes and ~m~ble ~ ~ ~ ~miu~ on aB ~ ~pt T~ 1. ~ o~cr ~er~ ~ or ~f~ ~ ~ or ~ ~ de~ to ~ ~b~ m ~ ~pa~le ~th ~e forego~g ~ 2. ~cce$$orv Uses: Accessory uses ~nd su'uc~ures ~om~ in ~ ~te~s including child c~te tenters, ~r ~ recreational f~cilities, maintermnce ~ ~*w~ treatment plant facil/tie~ and other e~s~nti~ scrvic~ m defined in the C~llier County Zon/ng ~ DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. I~Z~]_i~ ' Ten thousand (10,000) squ~rc feet. 2. Minimum Lot Width - Tract 1 - 75 feet Tracu 2-5 - 100 feet 'Minimum Setbacks From Trac~ Boundary or Street Right-of-WaY B. Front Yard - Twenty-five (23) feet ~ - Twenty-five (25) feet ~ - Ten (10) feet Fifty (so) feet Mini.l~.gm Off-Street Parkin_~ anO Off-Street Loading Re0uiremem$ - As requirr, d by the Collier County Zoning Ordinance. Distance Between Structures On the Same Tr~c~ * One-half of thc sum of the building heights but shall be a minimum of Ten (10) feet. Minimum Floor Area of Struc~urc~ - One thousand (1,000) square feet per building on the ground floor. APR 2 1 1998 10. A. A 25' land~cape buffer shall be located along the southern property boundary to buffer this commercial development from the adjoining land uses. B. Tbe required 5' wide perimeter Itodsr, aping along the internal roadway system shall be located ouuidc the road ri/hi-of-way. C. All other landscaping shah be supplied as required by the Collier County Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of th~ siu: development plan. ~lnximum Number of Mote! Uniis - Twenty-six (26) units per acr~ ~ · minimum floor area of four hundred (400) square fcei a.nd · maximum floor area of five hundred tod ~ (550) ~uarc fcct for each morel unit. ~ - All $ignagc shah be subject to thc Collier County Sign Ordinance, as amended. APR 2 1 1998 5.1 SECTION V TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMEN'~ The purpose of tl~ section is to set forth the general tra~portation commitments for ~e projec~ 1. Access to Immokalee Road shall be via the existin~ frontage road. The de,~loper shall provide a fair share contn'bution ~oward Ihe capital cost of a traffic signal, including interconnect at any future point of access which may serve this project by way of a i=rontage road when deemed wan-anted by the Counvy. The signal will be owned, operated and maintained by CoRier o The developer shall provide left and right turn lanes and arterial k'~l slreet lighting on lmmokalee Road at the project access. The cost of these improwments shall be shared with other developers who will benefit ~ thelxl. The road impact fee shall be as set forth in Ordinance g5-$5, as amended as)d shall be paid at the time building permits are issued unle~ otheredse ~1~ approved by the Board of County Commissioners. 5. Access improvements shall not be subjecl to impact fee credits -nd shall be · in place before any certificates of occupancy arc issued. All tra~c control dev~c~ used shall con.form with the ]~anual on Uniform Traffic Control Devkcs ~ requb'ed by Chapter 316.0747 D'logO Stalutes. 10 SECTION VI UTIIATY AND ENGINEERING REQUIREMEKI~ 6.1 The purpose of tl~ scaion is to set forth thc uu~itics &nd engineering rcqu~mcno which must be accommo~ted by the project DcvcloDcr. 1. Wa~cr di~tn'butior~ s~wnse col!'-~:tion a~d ~ion ~d re~fi~. ~ ~ome~ ~8 to ~c ~er dh~bugon ~d W ~e ~un~ ~ a~r~ ~ ~ ~s ~b~h~ ut~F ~b~h~ ~o ~ the proj~ ~ thc ~unF*s off-sJ~ ~r hc~s ~e a~ble ~o ~ ~e pwj~ 3. It h ~gd~t~ ~t ~e ~ U~g~ D~ion ~ ,~ble ~ to meet ~e co~p~e de~d ~or re~ ~g~ gene~ ~ ~ pwj~ Should ~e ~un~ ~t~ier ~ ~e ~e d~lopment ~en~ the ~r, ~e ~l ~I ~d o~e ~te~ ~ter supp~ a~ on~ ~ an~or ~le~ on.itc s~gc ~tmcnt ~ ad.rate to ~cct ~ rcqu~cmcno of ~c ap~op~tc ~~ ~ent rarities to ~ ut~e~ ~c a~ccment m~t ~ the ~ur,~, prior to t~e appr~l of ~ns~aion d~mcno and ~ ir~ confo~ancc ~th thc r~oircmcn~ of ~IHcr ~unW No. 8~76. ~ amended. 4. If ~ interim on-~ile water s~pply, treatment snd tra~m~ion utiJ~d to se~c the project, it m~t ~ pro~r~ s~d lo supply a~ge day domestic demand, in addition to fire fl~ demand at thc appropriate Fire Control Dis~ct sc~ng thc proje~ area. ]1 APR 2 1 1998 8. Prior to approval o1' construction documents by the County, the Developer must present verification pursuant to Chapter 367, Florida Statutes, that the Florida Public Service Commission ha~ ~anted territorial rights to the Developer to provide sewer anci/or water ~ervice to the projec~ until thc County can provide thee services through its water and sewer facilities. The utility construction documenu for the project's sewerage ~tem shall be prepared to contain the doign and construction of the on-site force ~ which will ultimately connect the project to the future central sewerage facilities of the District in the [:nmokalce Road rights-of-way. The force maia must be exlended from the main on-site pump station to the wesl righu-of. way line of lmmokalee Road and capped. It must be interconnectext to the pump station with appropriately located valves to permit for simple redirection of the project's sewage when connection to the County's central sewer faciJities becomes available. The on-site water distribution ~7stem to serve the project mu~t be connected to the DLstrict's 12 or 16 inch water m~in on the south side of ImmokaJee Roact, ex'tended eastward to the east boundary Line of the project coasistent with the main sizing requtremenu speci~ed in the County's Water Master Plan. The coordination for the location and sizing of the ma~ e~temion ~ be processed through the County Ut~ity Division. E)m'ing desiS:n of these faciIidt, s, the following featur~ shall be incorporated into the dJstn'butioa system: D~ad end mares be eliminated by looping the intcrna] pipeEae l~J network. 'b. Stubs for future system interconnecdon with adjacent properties shall be provided to the west, and the south property lin~ of the project, at locations to be mutually as;reed to by the County and the Dtwek:q~r during the design phase of the project. Prior to or at the time of submission of construction plains and final plat for the project, the potable water supply from the Collier County Water-Sewer Distric~ to serve ~his project shall be ins~licd adjacent to the property and be in serv~cc. 12 APR 2 ! 1998 Design and com~ of all impmvzments shall be subject to ~ompliance with the appropriate provisiom of the Collar Coumy Subdivision Regula~ Work within Collier Couaty or priva~ rights, of~ shall r~luirements of Collk:r County right-of-way Ordinance g2-91. cocles in effect prior to or czrncurr~nt with ~ay ~ub~m ~ ~ relating to rigs site, including but not u,~ed to Subdivision Master Plans, Site Development Plans and any other application that wal result tn the issuaa~ of a final or final local development order. Construction plans shall identify ia detail the swale ia the scc~s road belsmea the site and the Immokalee Road ~ The capacity of th~ nmd swak~ shall be nnalyzed. N capacity is not ndequa~e, improvements w~l be tin,ired Io make it functional. Landscaping shall not be placed within the water management areas unless specifi~lly nppr~ved by Project Review Servic~ · In accordance with the Rules of the South Florida Water Manageme~xt District (SFWMD), Chapters 40E4 and 40E-40, rigs project shal~ be designed for a storm event of 3-day duration and 25.yeu return fr~uency. 8. An F..v. cavation Permit will be required for the proposed we-treatment areas in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 88-26 and SFWMD rules. Detailed paving, gzading, and site drainage plans be submitted to Project Review Services for review. No construction permits hall be issued unle.~s and until approval of the proposed construe'don in accordance with the submitted plmu is granted by Project Rcview Services. 10, Design and construction of aH improvements shall be subject to compliance with the appropriate provisioos of the Collier County Subdivision Regulations. Il. A copy of SFWM,r' ~'c. rmit or Early Work Permit is required prior to construction plan approval. 13 APR g I 1998 SECTION Vll WATER MANAGEMENT STANDARDS 7.1 The p~pose of ~i~ ~-~on i~ to ~ct for~ ~c water m~na~mcnt co~rrr~¢n~ for the projec~ A copy of SFWMD Permit or Early Work Permit is required prior comtruction plan approval. A Florida Depar~ncnt of Transportation and South Fiorkla Wat~' Management Distric~ pern~ appr~ to outfall into the ~tchee Canal shall be submitted before construction pla.as approvaL 3o Detailed water management pla.ns and supporting calculations signed and sealed by a professional engineer shall be provided prior to pr~!in~i~ry Siu~ Development Plan approval. 14 SECTION VIII ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS 8.1 Thc purpose of thh section is to outline thc environmental requir~menu of thc projec~ developer. The petitioncr shall provide on-site w~-~tnd enhanc~mer~ and wetland mJd~ndon due to thc impacts of thc development o~ Tract I. Bo Mid~ndon for impacts to Collier County jurisdic~nal wetlands thail ~omply with thc rados and requirement~ of Appendix 7 of thc South Flori~ Water lvianagcmcnt Dk~ic~ Pr~er~ are. u and any approved mitigation areas shall be Rnal sffe plan approval tnd indicated on the fuutl plat as separate u'a~s and shah be dedicated in confonl~'lc~ with tl~ Florida Statutes. Do The water management sy~em shaJl be controlled at the lichen mark cl~za0on or other biok)gic~] illdJ~to~s) of the ~u. lja~ ~ No deo'e, tr~ to thc preserve area~ s~aIi occur. No impacts to CoRie. r County juri~ctiontl wetlan~ sl~l occ~ uztle~ mitigation for the propos~ impacts 'is deemed adequate by Project Review Serv~ nnd ali mit~atioo is comp]ete~t prior to acceptance of the plat. l~itigntion plans mu~ be ~ sad approved as pan of the linal comtmc~n plans. An exotic removal mortaring a~nd maimenanc~ (~odc-~ee) plan for the ~e shall be submitted to the Environmental Staff of Project Review Setvice~ for review and approval prior to ~ site plan approval Preserve area Setback - At least fifteen (15) feet landward from the edge of the pr~.serve in all places and an average nventy, frvc (25) feet from the landward edge of the Preserve. Th~se setbacks may be adjusted based on the following considerations: Should the South Florida Water Management District. during it's permit review process, require a natural vegetative buffer be creeled between thc lots and any jurisdictional wetland Preserve and/or Conservation tract, the buffer shall not be located within the boundaries of the lot(s), h shall be created as a separate platted tract 15 APR 2 1 1998 or ~ · buffer easement over an expanded limit of the Preserve tract~ which would ~ d~i~tcd ~ Prc~rai~gc ~a~ ~ i~ude ~ buffer ~thin thc P~ ~ ~ the buffer b ~t~ ~ a ~te tra~ ~t ~ s~l ~ dcdi~ted on t~ p~t to the pm~'s homc~c~ ~tion or like cnti~ for ~e~p ~ ~inte~ r~m~itics and ~ ~c~, to ~cr ~un~ ~th ~ ~~ for mai·tenant. ~1 Pr~ buffer e~cmcn~ or buffer ~ s~ll ~ ~tcd in ~o~an~ ~t~ the pre·ions of ~ion 7~.~ ~oHda Statutes. If SFWMD rclicvcs thc County cf tnaintcnance and cnforcemcnt rcspons~llifics thc buffcr may be located on lots end thc following sdpu¼tion will apply in place of the foregoing stipulation. If (a) the SF'vVIviD jurisdictional wetlands arc utilized as part of the project's water management system, and (b) the South Florida Water Management District requires a natural upland buffer adjacent to wetlands, thc buffer shall be included in the comarvation tract or o[herwise protected in accordance with applicable orditmaces or regulations. If the buffer is located within a separate tract, that tract shall be dedicated on the plat to the project's homeowners a.tsoctation or other similar entity of ownership, maintenance and enfo~t respor~ibilitics with adequate r,a.fei~u-ds to cnsu~ that those responsib~fics run with the land. If the buffer is located on lots of development tracu~ adequate r~feguards shall be estabtkbed to provide for enforcement of cleating/alteration restrictions, with adequate ra. feguar~ to ensure that tho~ rcspons~ilJties run w~h the land, that arc acceptable to thc South Florida Water Management Distri~ and Collier County. ]~ I F-' i'-'- SECTION IX SUBDIVISION EXCEPTIONS 9.1 The purpc~e of thi~ ~ec~ion i~ to list approved subdivision exceptions. Subdivision Regulations, Article X, Section 19 - Slreet Name Markers ~nd Traffic Control Devices: Waive the rcquirements for street name marker~ l~ving to meet the M.U.T.CD., but traffic control devices shall meet the U.S.D.O.T.F.I-L WA.M.U.T. CD. Article XI, Section 17.F and G of the Subdivision Regulations. Street Rig, hi. of. Way Width: Waived to a minimum $0 foot width. Subjec~ to design beiag done in accordance to the typical section to collector streets cont, sincd ia Ihe Couni!t Standards. However, all required buffering shall be ]O~Itxl ~ o[ the right-of.way. Article XL Section 17.I of the Subdivision Regulations - Curb Radii: W~ived to a minimum of 30 feel radius inlemalIy and a minimum of 40 feet radius externally. Article XI, Section 21 of the Subdivision Regulations - Utility Ca,sin~ W~cl subject to all utilities being insulted prior to consmactioa of the road-a~y pavement and base. · Article XI, Section 10 of the Subdivision Regulations. Monuments: W~ved subject lo monuments installed in accordance with Florida Adminis~tive Code Rule 21-I'~-6. 6. Article X, Section 16 of the Subdivision Regulations. Sid~v'~!b: Wa 17 1998 I % 90.110 '~ROP~R'rY DE.,SCRIPTION A P,~CEL O~ I. AND LOCATED IN ~E NORTH~ I/4 OF ~E NORTH~T I/4 OF ~ON ~, TO~IP 48 SOUTH, R~GE ~ ~, COLLIER COUP, FLO~D~ .~ING MO~ PARTICU~RLY D~SCRI~ ~ FOLL~ ~MMEN~ AT .THE NOR~H~T CORNER ~ ~ION ~, TOW~IP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; COLLIER COU~Y, FLOP.~D~ ~ RUN N. ~* I~l~ W. AL~G ~ ~R~ UNE ~ ~ID SECTION 20, FOR A D~ OF ~.~0 ~ TO ~ RO~ ~D ~E ~!~ ~ ~GINNING OF THE PAR~L ~D HE~IN ~~ NOR~ ~/4 ~E NOR~E~T ~/4 OF ~D ~CTION ~ FOR A D~AN~ OF ~ M~O AT RIG~ ANG~ TO, THE ~ LI~ ~ ~ E~T 1/2 ~ THE ~ I/2 ~ ~E NORT~ IZ4 ~ THE NOR~E~ 1/4 ~ ~ID ~CTION ~, ~OR A DI~ ~ 11~7 FE~ TO THE SO~H LINE ~ ~ 1-75 ACC~ RO~ T~N~ RUN N. ~'~'23" E. ALONG SAID SOUTH LI~ ~ ~ 1-75 A~E~ ROAD FOR A DI~AN~ ~ ~ FE~ TO THE ~1~ OF ~GINNING. PROPERTY AREA: 7.8205 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. APR 2 1 1998 i f-- f-- k APR ~ 1 1998 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER I, JAMES C. GX~ES, Clerk cf Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida° do hereby certify that the foregoing isa true copy of: Ordinance No. 92-4 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the ltth day of 3anuary, 1992, during Regular Session. WITNESS ay hand and the off,cia! seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, F~orida, this 2let day of January, 1992. JAMES C. G~LES Clerk of Courts and Cler~v" .. £x-offic~o to Board of -. County Commissioners Deputy Clerk APR 2 I 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S ACTION TO IMPOSE WATER RESTRICTIONS AND AUTHORIZE THE CONTINUATION OF THE CURRENT RESTRICTIONS. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners, the governing Board of Collier County and Ex-Officio, the Governing Board of the County Water-Sewer District approve the County Administrator's action to impose water restrictions and authorize the continuation of the restrictions until ill, ed in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 97-48. CONSIDERATIONS: I. As a result of thc lack of rainfall thc County's water s.vstcm is experiencing extremely high demand on the System at this time. 2. Staffhas determined that the majority of this usage can be attributed to irrigation. o o Staff has attempted to off-set the initial increases by reductions in pressure; however, the usage has continued to increase to a point that system storage levels have begun to decline. As a result of these conditions it became necessary on April 17, 1998, to request the County Administrator to exercise his authority under Ordinance No. 97-48 and impose water restrictions. This action was necessary to prevent the need for further reductions in pressure, which would have seriously impacted service levels and fire protection. In addition, this action prevented further declines in the County's water storage facilities which provide reserve storage in the event of fire or temporary treatment facility outages. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners the governing Board of Collier County and Ex-Officio, the Governing Board of the County Water- Sewer District, approve the action taken by the County Administrator to protect the County's water facilities and authorize the CO.n.~uatio~.~r restrictions. ! ~ Reviewed By.'~~'~---~_ ~ - '~ E~-llschner, Public Works Administrator Regular Agenda DECLARATION Date: April 17. 1998 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Implementation of Water Restrictions During the last several weeks, the County's water system has experienced unusually high demands for this time of the year. The Water Department has attributed a significant portion of this demand to irrigation usage. As a result of these demands, the Water Department has attempted to curtail usage by reducing system pressure. As of this date no significant reduction has occurred. Additionally, any continuation of the current usage pattern could seriously impact the water system reserve storage for emergencies and fire protection as well as requiring further pressure reduction, seriously impacting the service level provided to our customers. As a result of the conditions mentioned above, I am authorizing effective this date, the implementation of water restrictions under the authority and in accordance with Ordinance No. 97-48, to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens served by the Count2,' Water-Sewer District. Michael A. McNees, Assistant County btanager (as designee of) Robert F. Fernandez, County Manager CC: Division Administrators Sheriff Don Hunter Michelle Arnold, Code Enforcement Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CREATION OF AN IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE FOR THE ISLES OF CAPRI ,AND THE OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICTS ~ To obtain Board of County Commissioner's approval to implement an Impact Fee Ordinance for the Isles of Capri and the Ochopee Fire Control Districts. CONSIDERATION: Impact fees are a method ofassuring that development and growth bears a proportionate share of the cost of capital facilities as a result ofgrowlh and development necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. The Ordinance would allow for funds collected from fire impact fees to be used for the purpose of land acquisition, capital improvements and expansion of fire protection services within their jurisdictions. .FISCAL I.MPACT. A Fire Impact Fee and methodology study for the Isles of Capri and Ochopee Fire Districts has been completed by Fishkind & Associates. Inc. The consultant has recommended the following impact fee schedule for the Isles of Capri Fire District and the Ochopee Fire District: Residential $288.97 per dwelling unit. Commercial $.60 per square foot. additional impact fee for high rise development $ I $7 27 per dwelling unit. Actual revenue received by each fire district would depend on the number of residential and commercial units added within the fire district boundaries _(;,ROWTtl MANAGEMENT i.MPACT: None RECO.~IMENI)ATION: That the Board orCot, ntv Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Impact Fee Orc~inance tbr the Isles of Capri and Ochopee Fire Control Districts PREPARED B~~..~_~! ~ J eff,.,fl'a_~'./~'om ma ncl~r Eme~ency Medical Ser~'~ces Department Diane B Flagg."Chi~=~t Emergency Sec'ices Department Date Le° Ochs. Jr. Administrator.' Suppor~ Services DN~iO/ A, GEI~DA ITeM APR I I 98 ISLE OF CAPRI FIRE DISTRICT and I I OCHOPEE FIRE DISTRICT FIRE IMPACT FEE STUDY Prepared for: I Diane B. Flagg, Chief Department of Fire & Emergency Services 3301 East Tamlami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 I I I Prepared by: Flshklnd & Associates, Inc. 11869 High Tach Avenue Orlando, Florida 32817 July 30, 1997 APR ~ I 1998 Isle of Capri Fire Distr]st and Ochopee Fire District Flra Impact Fee Study 1.0 Introduction I I I 1.1 Purpose of Impact Fees A primary rationale for implementing impact fees is to cause new growth to pay for its own capital needs without burdening existing taxpayers. State and federal subsidies for capital infrastructure are declining, increasing the costs to local government and the local population. Impact fees help replace these subsidies so that new growth pays for the infrastructure it needs. I ! Another rationale for implementing impact fees is to synchronize the construction of new or expanded capital capacity with the construction of new development. The collection of impact fees provides an alternative to debt financing by providing a funding source for the new capital infrastructure. I I 1.2 Properly designed impact fees will also provide greater cost recovery from development that is more expensive to serve, Standard flat fees or taxes may result in lower cost development subsidizing higher cost development. Impact fees can be designed to reduce or eliminate lhls clispafity by requiring development to pay for its full share of the cost of capital infrastructure. Assignment Fishkind & Associates, Inc. has been contracted by Collier County to develop a fire impact fee and methodology for the Isle of Capri and Ochopee Fire Districts. 2.0 Capital Improvements 2.1 Determining Quantity and Cost of Capital improvements Over time, new growth has, and will continue to demand, a proportionate share of the services provided by the fire department. The development i of high-rise buildings in Isle of Capri will increase the concentration of residents in the area and generate demand for a new fire station and equipment. The specific type of development will also generate demand i.. for a specialized apparatus, an aerial truck. ~ 1 1 [ I I I I I d I I I ! I I II 3.0 The increased residential development, outside of Evergh~:les City in the Ochopee Fire District,, has and will continue, to generate demand for another fire station. Although there are no fire facility standards in the two fire districts, the need for the additional fire stations and equipment are well documented by department staff. The value of the existing capital tacilities and equipment were provided by County Staff; the new fire facilities and equipment has, when possible, been g~thered from current sources. Most of the current costs were provided by the Chiefs of the two fire districts. Proportionate Share of Capital Costs 3.1 Purpose The purpose in calculating the proportionate share of capttaJ costs is based upon the idea that: 1) new development should not Impose a financial burden on the community and 2) that new development should not have to pay for existing deficiencies in the community. 3.2 Factors There are several factors which must be considered in calculating the proportionate share of capital costs. According to James Nicholas, et al in the book 'A Practitioner's Guide to Development Impact Fees; these factors include: The cost of existing facilities The methods by which the existing capital improvements were financed The extent to which new developments have already contributed to the cost of the existing capital improvements through taxes and fees already paid The extent to which new developments will pay for existing capital improvements in tl~e future through user fees, debt service payments, or other payments toward the cost of existing capital improvements The extent to which new developments are required to construct and/or dedicate capital improvemems as conditions of development or construction approval Extraordinary costs, if any, in serving the new developr~~ 4.0 The time-price of differential inherent in fair comparisons of amount paid at different times. The current value of the existing fire department capital Improvements are provided in Table 1. Ochopee Fire District's capital facilities and equipment are valued at $663,235. Isles of Capri Fire District's capital facilities and equipment are valued at $525,000. The majority of capital equipment was acquired through lease/purchase agreements. The lease payments have been paid through annual property tax assessments. Due to the relatively Iow taxable value of raw land in Collier County, only a small amount of the capital cost has been paid by undeveloped land through past ad valorem collections. Due to the high Incidence of brush fires on vacant land in the County, any capital costs paid by vacant land would have already been used for brush fire protection. Therefore, no credit is deemed necessary for taxes already paid by vacant land owners in years prior to development. It is anticipated that property taxes funding the lease/purchase contract will continue to be the primary financing source for capital equipment. Therefore, new development should receive a credit for those future ad valorem taxes. The extraordinary costs of providing a new fire station and aerial truck in the Isle of Capri Fire District and two new fire stations in the Ochopee Fire District are primary reasons for the implementation of this fire impact fee. Calculation of Fire Impact Fee ! ! 4.1 Projecled Capital Costs The projected capital requirements for Ochopee and Isle of Capri fire districts are provided in Table 2, The Ochopee fire district has a projected additional capital cost of $772,800 to cover the capital facilities end equipment necessary for new growth. The Isle of Capd Fire Distdct has a projected additional capital cost of $779,600 to cover the capital facilities and equipment necess&ry for new grow'th. The total future capital cost is $1,552,400. 4.2 Residential ' Commercial Ratio The second step in the impact fee calculation is to allocate the projected capital costs between residential and commercial users. A review of calls for service data showed that cal~s for service by the fire department were allocated approximately 60 percent to residential and 40 percent to commercial. Therefore, it is reasonable to allocate 60 percent of the costs to residential development and 40 percent of the costs ~ development. ! I ! ! ! Il Il II III ......... I ....... I~ ..... IIIII ........ ~ ....... -~ll ....................... ' ......... r' ......I 4.3 4.4 4.4 Current Level of Service Calculation The calculation of the current level of service is provided in Table 3. After depreciation, the value of the current captt~l facir~ties and equipment is $831,765. Using the 60:40 ratio, $499,059 of the current value is allocated to existing residential development, and $332,706 is allocated to existing commercial development. With 1,727 residential units end 551,646 square feet of commercial development, the current level of service is: $288.97 per resident[al unit and $ 0.60 per square foot of commercial space. Residential Development Population projections for both fire districts were provided by the Collier County Comprehensive Planning Section These figures were divided by the number of years (10) to obtain the average population increase per year. This average annual increase was used to calculate a population increase of 3,853 by the year 2020. The number of households was calculated by dividing the 2020 population projection by the average household size. Since the two fire districts have large seasonal population fluctuations, and the average household size has been declining, 2 people per household was used as the divisor. The total increase in households was calculated to be 1,926 units (Table 4). These 1,926 units were divided into the residential capital cost of $835,560 to get a gross impact fee of $433.78. Commercial Development No commercial development projections were available from the comprehensive planning department. Therefore, a ratio between the current number of commercial square feet and the current number of households was created. This ratio was used to project an Increase in commercial square feet of 615,291 by 2020 (Table 4), By dividing the commercial capital cost of $557,040 by the projected number of square feet provides a gross impact fee of $0.91 per square foot of commercial development. I APR 2/ 1998 I I ! I ! ! I! ! ! ! Table 3: Isle of Capfl & Ochopee Fire Districts .Current Cost per Unit Calculation Calls for Service Percent Total Gross Capital Value Depreciation Total Net Capital Value Total Residential Units Total Commercial Sq Ft $1,188,235 $831,765 Gross Cost per Unit $499,059 1,727 $288.97 Current Level of Service Cost/Unlt $288.97 No current excess capacity Vehicle calls, brush fires and marine activities not included Costs based upon existing capita] inventory less depreciation Commercial Square Feet includes capmgrounds, hotels and motels 4~/o $332,706 551,646 $0.60 $0.60 4.5 4.6 4.7 Credits for Future Payments It is anticipated that all property owners will continue to pay an ad valorem tax to cover the existing and replacement lease/purchase equipment. Therefore, a credit for these future payments must be deducted lmm the gross impact fee calculation. The present vaJue of the current annual lease payment of $28,000 is calculated and then allocated to residential and commercial development by the calls for service ratio (Section 4.2 and Table 4). The credit for residential development is $116.21 p~r unit and the credit for commercial development is $0.24 per square toot. Net Impact Fee After the credit for future payments, the calculated net impact fee for residential development is $317.56 per unit. The net impact fee for commercial development is $0.66 per square foot. Since much of the demand for additional fire department facilities and equipment is created by the location of development rather than the amount of additional development, it is recommended that impact fees be established at the current level of service value of $288.97 per residential unit and $0.60 per square foot of commercial development. Extraordinary Capital Costs - High-Rise Development Add-On Fee High-rise development, three stories and higher, creates a unique demand on the fire departments. An aerial truck is required to properly fight fires in high-rise buildings. The cost of an aerial truck (approximately $309,000) is significantly higher than the standard pumper by about $159,000. This impact fee model assumes that: 1) the base cost (the cost of a pumper truck) would be covered by all development, but the additional cost of the aerial truck ($159,000) would be covered only by high-rise development; and 2) that the aerial truck could be used to respond to calls at Iow-rise and high-rise development. The isle of Capri fire district currently has apprcxima~ely 386 high-rise units. Assuming that there are 5 lots available for 20-story high-rise buildings of 125 units each, there will be an additional 625 hlgh-dse units constructed. It would be inappropriate to charge the 625 units for the total incremental price of the aerial truck. Therefore, the $159,000 incremental cost is divided by all 1,011 high-rise units. The additional aerial truck tee will be $157.27 per high-rise unit. No. lAC I APR ~/ 1998 I~le of C~prl & Ochopee Fire Di~tzict~ Im Calculation Calls fei Service Percent Total Capital Cost for New Growlh Less Aedal extra cost Total Net Capital Cost Gross Cost per Unit Credits for Future Payments Celculeted Net Impact Fee Existing Level of Service Value Proposed Net Impact Fee $1,552,400 $1,392,6OO Estimated High-Rise Units Current High-Rise Units Future High-Rise Units Cost of Aerial Cost of Pumper Excess cost of Aedal 1,011 386 625 $309,000 $159,000 Additional Fee for High Rise Rsslclontlah $835,560 $433.78/unit ~/unit $317.56 lunlt $288.97/unit $288.97 lunlt $157.27/unit $557,040 $o.91/sq. ft. $o.6o/~q. ft. $o.6o/.q. ft. Populefien Growth thru 202~ Isle of CKorl Population Growth Ochopee Population Growth Total Population Growlh 2.017 (8ued on Co~lier County Comprehensive Plm"~lng 2007 ~ (Ba~d on CoPilot Cou~f Comprohor~vo Plm~nlng 2007 3,853 New Residentinl Units lhru 202~ isle of Capri Residential Units Ochopee Residential Units Total New Units 1,009 1,926 units No curtain excess capacity Vehicle calls, brush fires and marine activities not included Existing level of service requirements equal existing capllal cosls less depreciation Commercial square feet irx~udes caprngrounds, hotels and motels Population ~ Includes seasonal population People per Household: 2.0 Projected Commercial Sq FI/HH (551,6461 1,747 319 Projecled capital lmprovernents/aoquisitions are p;~rt of county Comprehensive Plan 615,291 sq. ft. 4.8 Assumptions and Disclosures 1. This impact fee methodology assumes that thera Is a nexus between the County's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Capital Improvement Program and the proposed impact fees. These plans typically provide the basis for establishing the need for new capital Infrastructure. 2. This impact fee methodology assumes that there is not any existing excess capacity that can adequately respond to new development. 3. This impact fee methodology does not make use of any existing facility or level of service standards. The lack of standards prevents the determination of existing shortfalls or excess capacity. 4. New capital requirements were tied to the current level of service and may be deficient or may exceed future demand generated from new growth. 5. This impact fee methodology assumes that all residential development has the same impact on the fire department. No calls for service data was available to distinguish between single family, multifamily, and mobile homes. 6. This impact fee methodology ~assumes that ali commercial development has the same impact on the fire department. No calls for service data was available to distinguish between the different types of commercial property. 7. No data was available for number of hotel units so they are included as commercial square feet. 8. This impact fee methodology assumes that the rescue boat operated by the Isle of Capd Fire District benefits the entire county and should not be part of this district's impact fee schedule. ! $ 6 ? 9 I0 12 16 17 19 20 2! 22 23 2~ 26 2~ 28 29 3O 31 32 33 35 36 39 40 ~2 46 AN O]I,DINARC:Z TO IZ iOIOIM AS TEZ ZILZS O/' C. APP. Z AND OCHOPZZ FZRZ IX:PACT FZZ ORD i'N:XICC:~; I)P. OVZD Z'N'(3 DEFINITIONS, i~,~LZ S OF CONSTR~CTZOII AND FINDINGS; ~I3'OSZTZ~ or :I3~ACT r'Kzs OM ALL FlJq~ $1'STZM CONSTRUCTION OCCU~RrNG FIT[IN T~E ARIAS DZSC~/B~D AS THE ZSLZS OF CAFRI AND OCHOPEE I~CLUDING T~ CITY OF EVERGLADES AND A PORTION OF CNOKOLOSKE~ PROVIDING FOR PATMENT AND COLLECTION OF ZM~A~T DEFINING T~E TERM FIRE SZSTEM IMPACT CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR PAIqCZ2CT AND USE OF MONIES; FROVIDING FOR ALTERNATIVE FEE CALCULATION; FROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS ARD VESTED ~IGETS IN CONNECTION FITE IMPACT FEES PROVIDING FOR COT-T-~-CTION OF iI~PACT FEES SIZE AND USE; PROVIDING FOR AFFORDABLE ROUSING AND DEFERRALS; PROVIDING INTER, ST TO BE PAID ON CERTAIN REFUNDS; PROVIDING FOR DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION CREDIT; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW ~INGS; REQUIR_vNG I~EVIEW EVER~ THREE YEAR~; DECLARING F. XCLUSION FRC~4 PROCEDLrRES ACT; PROVIDING FOR INDMDUAL CALCULATION OF lq~PACT FEES: PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITT; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE OF LA]dS AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFOFE, BE iT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSiONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: ARTICLE Z Sectxon 1.01. Definitions Whet. use~ in %bls O:dlnan:e, :he f¢llcw:n~ %erms shall have Eke fciicwlng reanlngs, unless %he contex% clearly Indicates $t~erwlse: "Accessory EuilcEing or Structure" shall mean a detached, subcrdlna:e buil~ng, the use cf wh:ch Is clearly lndxca~e~ and rela:ed tc use cf the prlnclDal Buli~ing or use cf the land and which is loca~ed on :he same ich as ~he print/pal "A,ffordable Sousing" shall mean a Dwelling Uni~ which offered for ~ale cr ren~ fcr an amount which is within the standard set forth an~ es%abi£shed in Appendlx A of Ordinance. "Al tern&txve Fire Impact Fee Study" shall mean a study prepareO by ar. Applicant or Owner and submitted to the County Manager pursuant to Section 2.04. "Alternative I~q~act Fee" shall mean any alternative fee calculated by an Applicant and aFproved by the Board pursuant Section 2.04 o: $ectlon 3.08. - 1 - APR 2 1998 ! "A~pll~nt" shall mean the person who applies for a Building ] Permit. 3 .Bo&r4" shall mean the Board of County Commissioners of 4 Collier County, Florida. $ "Bulling" shall mean any structure, either temporary or 6 permanent, built for the support, shelter or enclosure of 7 Persons, chattels or property of any kind, or any other ! improvement, use, or structure which creates or increases the 9 potential demand on the Fire Services System. This ter~ shall 10 include tents, trailers, mobile homes or any vehicles serving in I! any way the function of a Building. This term shall not include 12 temporary construction sheds or trailers erected to assist in 13 construction and maintained during the term of a Building Permit. 14 "Buil~ing Permit" shall mean an official document or J5 certificate issued by the authority having jurisdiction, 16 authorizing %he construction or siting of any Building. For 17 purposes of :tis Ordinance, the term "Building Permit" shall also 18 include :ie-dcwn permits for those structures or buildings, such 19 as a Mobile Home, that do not o%herwlse require a Building Permit 20 in order to be occupied. 21 -Comprehensive Plan" shall mean the Comprehensive Plan of 22 the County adopted and amended pursuant to the Local Government 23 Comprehensive ?lannlng and Land Development Regulation Act. 24 "County" shall mean Collier County, a poixtical subdivision 25 of the State cf Florida. 26 "County Attorney" shall mean the Person appoin:eO by the 27 Board t= serve as its counsel, or tke desiqnee of such Person. 28 "County Manager" shall mean the chief admin:s:ra:ive officer 29 cf the County, appointed by the Board or the designee of such ~ Person. 31 "Dwmlling Unit" shall mean a Building or portion of 32 Building designed for or whose primary purpose is for residential 33 occupancy, and which consists of one or more rooms which are ~ arranged, designed or used as living gust%ers for one or more 35 persons. ~6 ,Encus~be~e4" shall mean moneys committed by contract or 37 purchase order in a manner that obligates the County to expend ]8 the encumbered amount upon the delivery of goods, the rendering 39 of services or the conveyance of real property interests by ~ vendor, supplier, contractor or Owner. - 2 - "Fi~e Dl=eoto~" shall mean the Person appointed by the Board or the County Manager to supervise the administration, operation and requisition of the Fire Services System or the designee of such person. "Fire Dia~xict Area" shall mean collectively the Isles of Capri Fire Dlstrict and the Ochopee Fire District. "Fire i~act Fee Trust Acer" shall mean, as appropriate, the Isles of Capri Impact Fee Trus= Accoun: or :he Ochopee Impact Fee Trust Account which are established in Section 2.03 of Ordinance. "Fire ~mc% F~ ~tu~" shall mean the study adopted pursuan% to Section 1.04, as amended and supplemented pursuan[ Section 3.09. "Fire So,ices Syat~" shall mean the Buildings, land, apparatus and equipment provided by the County %ha= are used primarily for the providing of medlcal care and :he emergency transportation of [he sick, injured or incapaci%a=ed upon streets, highways, waterways or airways of Collier Coun=y. "Fire Sys~ Impac~ Const~c~ion" shall mean land develc~men% cons=ruction designe3 or in~ende3 %o permit a use of %he !and which will contain mcre Dwelling Units, Buildings flccr space than the existing use of land, or =o otherwise change the use of the !and ~n a manner =ha= increases the impac% upon %he Fire Services System. "Flori~ Local ~ver~ln~ Dmvllo~en~ ~re~lnt Ac~" shall mean the prDvisions of Sec:lon~ 163.3220 ~hrough 163.3243, Florida S%atu=es, as amended or supplemen%ed, or its successor function. "Impact Fem" shall meaz =he fee imposeo Dy ~he Coun:y pursuant to Section 2.01 of =h~ Ordinance. "I~ac~ Fee ~te" shall mean the Impact Fee imposed for a particular Fire System Impact Construction under ~he ap~licable Impact Fee land u~e category established in ~he schedules incorporated ~n Sec%ion 2.01 of %his Ordinance. "Islea of Capri FiFe Dis~rict" shall mean ~he area identified as %he Isles of Capri Fire District and described on Appendix "C". Dmvelo~nt R.~la~ion ~" shall mean %he provisions of Par: - 3 - I Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, as amended or supplemented, or its 2 sucoessor in function. 4 Fire STs=em Impac= Cons=ruc=io~ in wh~ch moFe =hen one Impac= Fee S land use category is contemplated with each category consisting 6 of a separate and identifiable enterprise which is ? subordinate to or dependent on other enterprises within the Fi~e 8 System Impact Construction. 9 "~ilo H~" shall mean manufactured homes, ~raileTs, 10 c~pers or recreational vehicles. For the purpose of imposing Il impact fees relative ~o travel trailers, which are otherwise 12 herein encompassed by the te~ "mobile home", ~ravel trailer 13 or spaces shall be classified in conference with the definition 14 of use provided for in the County's zoning regulations and ~ Comprehensive Plan. 16 "~h~o FAre District" shall mean the area identified as 17 the Ochopee Fire District and described on Appendix IS "~er" shall mean the Person holding legal title =o the 19 real property upcn which Fire System Impact Construc[lcn is 20 occur. ~t "Person" shall mean an individual, a corpora=ion, a 22 partnership, an inccrpora%ed association, %rus%, or any other 13 en~ity. 24 ',~siden/ial" shall mean apartments, condomini'=~s, MoD:la ~ Hcmes, Single Family De=ached Houses or adul= congrega%e living 16 facili%ies, as [hose %erms are defined by Section 400.402, 27 Florida ~ "Single F~ly Detached ~ouse" shall mean a home on an ~9 individual ~ ,S~a=e Foo~age" shall mean %he gross area measured ~n fee% ~1 from the ex~ericr faces of ex%erior walls or other 32 boundaries of the Building. 33 Sect/on 1.02, Rules Of Conot~c~lon ~ ~o~ c~e pugposes of a~inlscra~ion and enforcemen~ of 35 Ordinance, unless otherwise stated in this Ordinance, the ~ following rules of construction shall apply: ~7 A. In case of any difference of meanin9 or implica~ion ~ between the text of this Ordinance and any caption, illustration, ~9 appendix, s~ary table, or illustrative table, the text shall ~ control. - 4 - ! B. The word "shall' is always mandatory and not 2 discretionazy and the word "may" is permissive. ) C. Wcrds used in the present tense shall include the 4 future; and words used in the singular shall include the plural 5 and the plural the singular, unless the context clearly indicates 6 the contrary; use of the masculine gender shall include the 7 feminine gender. ! D. The phrase 'used for' includes 'arranged for', 9 "designed for", 'maintained for', or 'occupied for'. 10 E. Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, ]! where a requlation involves two or more items, conditions, !: provisions, or events connected by the conjunction "and', "or" or 13 'either...or", the conjunction shall be interpreted as follows: s4 1. "And" indicates that all the connected terms, ~5 conditions, provisions or events shall apply. ]6 2. "Or" indicates that the connected terms, I? conditions, provisions or events may apply singly or in any lB combination. 19 3. "Either...cr" indicates that the connected items, 20 conditicns, prov:s~ons or events shall apply singly but not 2& in combinatlon. 22 F. The wcrd "includes" shall not limit a term to the 23 specific example but is intended to extend its meaning to all 24 other instances or circumstances of like-kind or character. 15 Section 1.03. FLnc%ings 26 It is hereby ascertained, determined and declared that: 27 A. Future growth represented by Fire System Impact 28 Construction should contribute its fair share to the cost of 29 improvements and additions to the Fire Services System that are 30 required to ac:ommodate the use of such facilities by such 31 grcwth. 32 B. Implementation of the Impact Fee structure to require 33 future Fire System impact Construction to contribute its fair 34 share of the cost of improvements and additions to the Fire 35 Services System is an integral and vital element of the 36 regulatory plan of growth management incorporated in the 37 Comprehensive Plan. 38 C. The standard of service for the Fire Services System, 39 as determined in the Fire Impact Fee Study, is hereby approved - $ - I and adopted by the County and found to be in conformity wi[h [he 2 Comprehensive Plan. 3 D. Fire Services System planning is an evolving process 4 and the standards of service in the Fire District Area for the 5 Fire Services System constitutes a balancing of anticipated need 6 for facilities, based upon present knowledge and Judgment. 7 Therefore, in recognition of changing growth patterns, the needs I of the community and the dynamic nature of population growth, il 9 is the intent of the Board ~hat [he standard of service for the 10 Fire Services System ~nd the Impact Fee imposed be reviewed and Il adjusted periodically, pursuant =o Sec[ion 3.09, [o insure [ha[ 12 the Impact Fees are imposed equitably and lawfully, based upon 13 actual and anticipated growth at the time of their imposition. 14 E. The imposition of the Impact Fee is designed and 15 intended to provide a source of revenue to fund the construction 16 or improvement of the Fire Services System necessitated by growth 17 as delineated ~n the capital improvement element of the IS Comprehensive 19 F. The Eoard specifically fonds :ha: fire services benefit ~ the residents of the areas known as Isles of Ca,ri and Ochopee 21 inrluding the ii:y of Everglades and a portion of Chokoloskee ]2 island and, therefore, the impact Fees shall be imposed in areas 23 known as Isles of Capri and Ochopee including the City of ]a Evergla3es an~ a portion cf .... ~.~skee Island. 25 G. Th~s Ordinance shall not be construed to permit the 26 collect:on of Impact Fees from F:re System impact Ccns:ructlon in 27 excess cf =he ar. cunt reasonably anticlpa=ed ~o off,et the demand 28 on the Fire Services System generated by the Fire System impact 29 Construction occurrin~ subsequent ~o %he effective date of this ~ Ordinance. 3l ~. All Improvements and additions to the Fire Se~vzces ~2 System needed %o eliminate any deficiency between the existing ~3 Fire Services System and the standard of service as adopted in ~ the Comprehensive Plan, shall be funded by revenues other than 35 Impact Fees. Therefore, the revenue derived from the Impact Fee 36 shall be utilized only for the acquisition of improvements and 37 additions to the Fire Services System which are necessi%ated by 3S Fire System Inpact Construction occurring subsequen% to the 39 effective date of this Ordinance. - 6 - J APR 2 1 1998 L,,. -I ! 2 3 6 9 2! 32 Z. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Board that the improvements and additions to the Fire Services System, required to acco,~odate future growth, shall be funded by the revenue derived from the Impact given for tax revenue sources which have been utilized in prior years for the funding of Fire Services System improvements or additions. In the event that this policy is altered by the subsequent action of the Board, or if additional revenue is received and co,~itted for growth-necessitated improvementl and additions of the Fire' Services System, the Impact Fee shall be adjusted at the periodic review required pursuant to Section 3.09 and credit shall be given for any revenue which has been utilized for growth-required improvements and additions to the Fire Services System. J. The provisions in th~s Ordinance relative to developer contribution credit represent an innovative land development regulation which the Local Goverr,~ent Comprehensive Planning and Land Develop~,ent Regulation Act encourages local government to employ v:a its !and development regulations. ~¢tion 1.04. ~o~tion of X=~p&ct The Board hereby a~opts and incorporates study entmtled "Isle of Capr: Fire D~strmct and Ochopee ~1re ~istr~ct F~re Im~a:t Fee S~udy dated July 30, 1997.", particularly the ass'~.ptions, conclusions and findings in such study as to the determinatlon of anticipated costs of additions to the Fire Services Systen required to acco~odate growth. The Board further incorporates by reference the Comprehensive Plan it relates to the lmDrovements and add%t&on$ tc the Fire Services System. IiM~ACT Smction 2.01. Zmposition A. All F~re System Impact Construction occurring within the Fire District Area shall pay an Impact Fee in accordance with the schedule shown on Appendix B of this Ordinance. ~. The Board hereby adopts the Impact Fees incorporated within Appendix B which shall be imposed upon all Fire System Impact Construction occurring within the County. - 7 - APR 2 1 1998T Impact Fee; and ! ¢. The Impact Fee shall be paid in addition to all other 2 fees, charges and assessments due for the issuance of any 3 Building Per. it and is intended to provide funds only for growth- 4 necessitated improvements and additions to the Fire Services 5 System. 6 I~l~Lo- 2.02. ~ 9 A. Excep~ as o~herwise provided in ~his Ordinance, prior ~ ~o the issuance of a Building Pe~it, an Applicant shall pay the 9 appropriate Impact ~ee as set forth in Section 2.01. 10 1. If the 'Fire System Impact ~onstruction is located ti within the unincorporated area of the County, the Impact Fee ~2 shall be paid directly ~o the County. 13 2. If ~he Fire System Impac~ Construction is located 14 within a municipality and the governing body o~ the ]~ municipality by interlocal agreement or otherwise has agreed 16 to require pa~ent of the Impact Fee as a condition o~ the I? issuance ~y the municipality of a Building Permit, then such IS Impact Fee shall be paid to :he City. ~9 3. 1~ the Fire System impact Construction is located ~ within a municipality an~ the g~vern[ng body of the ~1 municipal~ty has ncr agreed =o require the pa~ent o~ the ~ ~mpact Fee as a con~tion o~ the issuance o~ a ~uzld[~g ~ Permit by the ~ur. icipal~ty, then the ~mpact Fees shall be 2~ ~. The ~bl~gation fsr pa~,ent of the impact Fee shall run 26 with the land. 27 C. In the event that a B.J:lding Permit that was ~ssued for 28 Fire System Impact Construction expires prior tc completxon of 29 the Fire System impact Construct:on for ~hich it was issued, the ~ Applicant may wi:bin ninety (90) days of the expxration of the 3l Building Permit apply for a refund of the Impact Fee. 32 1. The application for refund shall be filed with the 33 County Manager and contain the following: ~ a. The name and address of the Applicant; 35 b. The location of the proper%y which was the ~6 subject of the Building Permit; 37 c. The date the Impact Fee was paid; 38 d. A copy of the receipt of pa~ent for the - 8 - ! e. The date the Building Permit was issued and 2 the date of expiration. ) 2. After verifying that the Building Permit has 4 : expired and that the Fire System Impact Construction has not ~ been completed, the County Manager shall refund the Impact 6 Fee paid for such Fire System Impact Construction. ? 3. A Building Permit which is subsequently issued for I Fire System Impact Construction on the same property which 10 required by Secti'on 2.01. 12 A. The Board hereby establishes two separate trust 13 accounts for the Impact Fees within the Isles of Capri Fire 14 District and the Ochopee Fire District, ~o be designated as the 1~ "~sles of Capri Fire Impact Fee Trust Account" and the "Ochopee 16 Fire ~mpact Fee ?rus~ Account" which sha~l be maintained separate 17 &~d apar~ fro~ all o~her accounts of the County. All such Impac~ ]~ Fees shall be deposited ~o t~e a~riate trust a~ccun~ 19 =~T. ed~ately ugo~ receipt. 20 B. The mo~es de~os~:e~ ~n:c ~he F~re impact Fee Trust 2! Account shall be used solely for the purpose of 22 r. ecess~%a%ed construcz~cn ~mprovements an~ a~=~t~ons to ~he F~re 23 Services System includln~, but nc= i~mlte~ 24 I. Cesi.~n =r ccnstruct~cn ~ian ~re~arat~cn: 25 2. Perm,%ting an~ fees: 27 acquisition or c&zdemna%l:n: 28 4. Cons:rue%ion an~ des:~n ~' F:re Services Sys:em ~ 5. Deslgn and constru¢%~on cf Jl require~ by the constructzcn of F~re 32 Buildings, facilities or improvements and ad~Itions there:o; 33 6. Relocating u~il~ties re~u~red ~ of Fire Services System Buildings, facilities or 35 improvements and additions %hereto; 36 7. Landscaping, inciden% to or necessita%ed by 37 expansion of the Fire Services System Buildings, 3~ or improvemen%s and additions thereto; 39 B. Construction management or ' 9 i 9. Surveying, soils and material testing; 2 10. Acquisition of apparatus or equipment necessary to ) expand the Fire Services System; 4 11. Repayment of monies transferred or borrowed from $ any budgetary fund of the County, including monies borrowed 6 subsequent to the adoption of this Ordinance which were used 7 to fund construction, acquisition of improvements and 8 additions to the Fire Services System as herein provided; 9 12. Payment of principal and interest, necessary l0 reserves and co'ts of issuance under any bonds or other I! indebtedness issued by the County to fund growth-impacted 12 improvements and additions to the Fire Services System; and 1] 13. Wa:vet or Deferral of Impac% Fees due an Applicant 14 pursuant t~ Sect:on 3.05. 1~ 14. ?o :he extent provided by law, reimbursement of 16 costs incurred :n the preparat:on of the Impact Fee Study 18 s~plement~ a~:~:e: ~ursuant to Sect:on 3.09 and any ::her 20 C. Funds or. ~epc$lt in the Fire impact Fee Trust Account 21 shall not be used for any expendlture that would be c!assifie~ as 22 a maintenance o: re~alr expense. 23 D. The ~on:es deposited into the Fire Impact Fee Trust 24 Account shall be used solely to provide improvements and 2~ additions to :he Fire Services System required by grcwth- 26 generated by Fire System Impact Construction as identified in the 27 Fire Impact Fee Study. 28 E. Any funds on deposit which are not i~mediately 29 necessary for expenditure shall be invested by the County. All 30 income derived from such investments shall be deposited in the 3! Fire Impact Fee Trust Account and used as provided herein. To 32 the extent permitted by law, any interest accrued on Impact Fees 33 which is not needed for improvements and additions to the Fire ~ Services System may, at the discretion of the Board, be used to 3~ fund waivers or deferrals of Impact Fees pursuant to Section 3.05 36 of this Ordinance. 37 F. The Impact Fee collected pursuant to this Ordinance 35 shall be returned to the then current Owner of the property on 39 behalf of which such fee was paid if such fees have not been ~ expended or encumbered prior to the end of the fiscal year - 10 - I~.~~ 2 4 7 8 ~0 12 ~6 18 2O 21 22 2~ 2~ 26 27 28 29 3O .11 32 3~ 36 38 immediately following the sixth anniversary of the date upon which such fee was paid. Refunds due under these circumstances shall be made only in accordance with the following procedure: : 1. The then current Owner shall petition the Board for the refund prior to the end of the fiscal year immediately following the sixth anniversary of the date of the payment of the Impact Fee. 2. The petition for refund shall be submitted to the County Manager, on a form approved by the County Manager, and shall contain: a. A sworn statement that the petitioner is the then current Owner of the property on behalf of which the Impact Fee was paid; b. A copy of the dated receipt issued for payment of such fee or such other record as would indicate payment of such fee; c. A certified copy of the latest recorded deed or other instruments evidencing title; a representation that :he most recent recorded deed or other instruments reflect the exact names of all current legal owners; a that the petitioner will notify the representation County of any change in the status of legal ownership which occurs prior to the issuance of any refund from the County; A copy of the most recent ad valorem tax bill. 3. Within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of a petition for refund, the County Manager will advise the petitioner and the Board of the status of the Impact Fee requested for refund, and if such Impact Fee has not been expended or encund~ered within the applicable time period, then it shall be returned to the petitioner. For the purposes of this Section, fees collected shall be deemed to be spent or encumbered on the basis of the first fee in shall be the first fee out. G. Any Owner entitled to a refund who fails to file a timely petition for a refund upon becoming eligible to do so shall be deemed to have waived any claim for a refund, and the County shall be entitled to retain and apply the Impact Fees for - I grcw:h-necess:tated capital improvements and additions =o the 2 Fire Services System. 3 Sect£on 2.04. Altern&t£ve Fee C&lcul&t£on 4 A. In the event an Applicant or Owner believes that the 5 impact to the Fire Services System necessitated by his Fire 6 System Impact Construction is less than the fee established In ? Section 2.01, such Applicant or Owner may, prior to issuance of a $ Building ?erm~t for such Fire System Impact Construction, submit 9 a calculation of an Alternative Impact Fee to the office of the 10 County Manager pursuan't to the provisions of this Section. ~1 B. Upon timely submission of an Alternative Impact Fee 12 calculation, the basis therefor and receipt of the Alternative 1) impact Fee, the County Manager shall schedule a hearing before 14 ~he Board at a regularly scheduled meeting or a special meeting 15 called for ~te Surpose of reviewing the Alternative Impact Fee 16 and shall prcTiCe the petitioner written notice of the time and ]7 ~iace of the nearing. Such hearing shall be held within thirty 18 i3~ ~ays of the :ate the Alternative impact Fee was submitted. 19 C. The Alternative impact Fee calculation shall be rased ~ cn ~ata0 :nfcrmatlcn cr assumptions contained in this erdinance 21 and the Fire Impact Fee Study or an independent source, provided 22 that the Independent source is a local study supported by a 23 professionally prepared data base determined to be adequate for 24 :he conclusions csntained in such study, performed according to a 25 generally-accepted methodology and based upon generally-accepte~ 26 standard sources of information relating to facilities planning, 27 cost analysis and demographics. 2~ D. If during a prior Alternative Impact Fee calculation 29 process, an acceptable Alternative Impact Fee study substantially ~ consistent with the criteria required by this Section has been 3[ accepted by the Board, and if such study is determined by the 32 Board to be nDw current and appl:cable, the Fire Services System 33 impact of such previously approved Fire System Impact ~ Construction shall be presumed to be as described in the prior 35 study. In such circumstances, an Alternative Impact Fee shall be 36 established reflecting the impact described in the prior study. ~7 There shall be a rebuttable presumption that such an impact study 35 based upon an independent source conducted and accepted by the 39 Board more than two years earlier is invalid. APR 2 i 1998 ! E. If the Board determines that the data, information and 2 assumptions utilized by the Applicant to calculate the ] Alternative Impact Fee complies with the requirements of tho! 4 Section and that the Alternative impact Fee was calculated by the 5 use of a generally-accepted methodology, then the Alternative 6 Impact Fee shall be paid in lieu of the fee set forth in Section 7 2.01. 8 F. If the Board determines that the data, information and 9 assumptions utilized by the Applicant to calculate :he !0 Alternative Impact Fee does not comply with the requirements of !$ this Section or is otherwise not equitable or that the 1: Alternative Impact Fee was not calculated by the use of a 1] general!y-accepted methodology, then the County shall provide to 14 the Applicant by certified mail, return-receipt requested, 15 written notlfication of the rejection of the Alternative ir. pact !6 Fee and the reason therefor. 17 G. At the $~le discretion of t~e Board, the alternat:ve ]$ :mpact fee review hearin~ may be adjourned cr cc ...... ,e, r ~p t: 19 th:try :3'~ days tc =ause fur:her study or ~crut:ny cf any 20 prcpcsed Alternative :mpact Fee or Alternative Impact Fee stue7 2] by either County staff or outside consultants. The f~nal 22 decision of the Board shall be in wr~tlng and issued w~thln 13 twenty 120} calendar days of the clo~e of the review hearing. ~4 B. Any Applican~ or Owner who has submitted a proposed 25 Alternative imp-Ici Fee pursuant to :his Sec%~¢n and desires the 26 ~r~.ediate issuance of a Building Permit shall pay prior to, o: at 2~ the time the proposed Alternative Impact Fee is submitted, the Z8 applicable Impact ~ee pursuant to Section 2.0~. Said pa~ent :9 shall be deemed paid under 'Protest" and shall not be construed ~ as a waiver of any right of review. Any difference between the ~] amount paid and the amount due, as determined by the Board, shall 3~ be refunded to the Applicant or Owner. 34 ]5 36 3,8 Fees: 4O A~TZC~Z ~S~OUS Section 3.O1. Exemptions A. The following shall be exempted from payment of Impact Building with a new Dwelling Unit Alterations or replacement of a Dwelling Unit ot ,~r Building O~ APR 2 1 1998 I size or use and which will not increase the square foctage 2 assoc~ate~ therewith. 3 2. The construction of publicly-owned governmental 4 buildings. 5 3. The issuance of a tie-down permit on a Mobile Home 6 on which applicable Impact Fees have previously been paid. ? Section 3.02. Changes o£ Size and Uae m Impact Fees shall be imposed and calculated for the g alteration, expansion or replacement of a Building or Dwelking l0 Unit or the constru'ction of an Accessory Building if the II alteration, expansion or replacement of the Building or D~elling 12 Unit or the construction of an Accessory Building results in a 13 land use determined to: (1) increase the number of D~elling 14 Units; (2) increase the square footage; or (3) change the land l) use so as to constitute a different Impact Fee land use category. 16 The Impact Fee imposed under the applicable Impact Fee Rate shall 17 be calculated as follows: 18 A. if the impact Fees are calculated on land use and not 19 square footage, the impact Fees imposed shall be the Impact Fees :0 due under the applicable impact Fee Rate for the Impact Fee !and 21 use category resulting from the alteration, expansion or 22 replacement less the Impact Fee that would be imposed under the 23 applicable impact Fee Rate for the Impact Fee land use category 24 prior to the alteration, expansion or replacement. ~ B. in the event the square footage of a Building iS 26 increased, the impact Fee shall be calculated only for that 27 increased square footage. 2! C. The Impact Fee imposed for any Accessory Buildings ~ shall be that aFplicable under the Impact Fee Rate for the land ~ use for the primary building. 31 Section 3.03. Vesto~ Rights 32 A. Any Owner of land which was the subject of a 33 development order prior to the effective date of this Ordinance ~ may petition the Board for a vested rights determination which 35 would exempt the Owner from the provisions of this Ordinance. ~ Such petition shall be evaluated by the County Attorney and a ~7 decision made based on the following criteria: 35 1. The existence of a valid, unexpired governmental 39 act of the County authorizing the specific development for ~ which a determination is sought; - 14 - APR 2 1.1998 ,,.Pg.. ~ ! 2. Expenditures or obligations made or incurred in 2 reliance upon the authorizing governmental act that are 3 reasonably equivalent to the fees required by this 4 Ordinance. 5 3. Other factors that demonstrate it is inequitable 6 to deny the petitioner the opportunity to complete the ? previously approved development under the conditions of $ approval by requiring the petitioners to comply with the 9 requirements of this Ordinance. For the purposes of this 10 paragraph, the ~ollowing factors shall be considered in 11 determining whether it is inequitable to deny the petitioner 12 the opportunity to complete the previously approved 13 development: N a. Whether the injury suffered by the petitioner 15 outweighs the public cost of allowing the development 16 to ~o forward without payment of the Impact Fee 17 required by this ordinance; and I~ b. Whether the expenses or obligations for 19 development were made or incurred subsequent to :he 20 effe:t:ve date of this Ordinance. 21 B. The Ccunty Attorney shall make a written determination 22 as to whether the Owner has a vested right and, if so, whether 23 the vested right would exempt the Owner from the provisions of 24 this Ordinance. ~ C. Any Owner aggrieved by a decision of the County 26 Attorney may appeal said decision pursuant to Seotion 3.08 to the 27 Board within thirty (30) days of the date of the written 2~ decision, by filing said appeals with the Clerk to the Board and 29 with a copy to the County Attorney. ~ D. Any written agreement entered into prior to the 31 effective date of this Ordinance between the Owner of any 32 property and the County, which establishes, restricts or 33 prohibits the imposition of Impact Fees by the County shall be ~ binding upon the County and not subject to the provisions of this 35 Ordinance. Prcvided, however, that if such written agreement is 36 amended to increase the amount of Fire System Impact Construction 37 permitted on the property, that such additional Fire System 38 impact Construction shall be required to pay the Impact Fee as 39 provided by the Ordinance. - 15 - APR 2 !,.,1998 / I Section 3.04. Interest to be Paid on Certain Refunds 2 A. Monies refunded in accordance with Subsection F ] Section 2.03 shall be paid with interest. Interest paid pursuant 4 to ~his Subsection shall be paid at the rate of five percent $ simple interest. 6 B. Except as provided for in Subsection "A" of this ? Section, no interest shall be paid upon the return of Impact 8 Fees. 9 Section 3.05. Affordable Housing 10 A. pursuant to 'the guidelines established in this Section, 11 the County shall (1) waive or (2) defer, as applicable, the [2 payment of the Impact Fee for any new owner-occupied or ~ental !] Fire System Impact Construction which qualifies as Affordable 14 Housing under Appendix A of this Ordinance. 1~ 1. Any person seeking an Affordable Housing waiver or 16 deferral for proposed Fire System Impact Construction shall 17 file with %he County Manager an application for waiver or 18 deferral, prior to receiving a Building Permit for the 19 proposed Fire System Impact Construction. The applicat:on 20 for waiver or deferral shall contain the following: 21 a. The name and address of the Owner; 22 b. The legal description of the Residen:ial ~ property upon which the Fire System Impact Constructi:n 24 shall be constructed; ~ c. The income ~evel of the Owner or if the Cwner 26 is a builder, the income level of the household to 27 which the Dwelling Unit will be sold or rented; 28 d. The number of bedrooms in each Dwelling Unit 29 of the F:re System Impact Construction. ~ 2. If the proposed Fire System Impact Construction 31 meets the requirements for an Affordable Housing waiver or 32 deferral as set forth in this Section, then the County 33 Manager shall issue an Impact Fee waiver or deferral, as ~ applicable, to the Owner or Applicant. The lmpact Fee )5 waiver or deferral shall be presented in lieu of payment of 36 the Impact Fee pursuant ~o Section 2.02. ~7 B. To qualify for an Impact Fee waiver or deferral, an 38 owner-occupied Dwelling Unit must meet all of the following : i "- criteria ~o.~ - - APR 2 1 1998 '7 $ 9 I0 11 12 14 16 17 19 22 2~ 24 2~ 26 2'7 ~0 32 ~4 39 1. The Owner(s) or anticipated Owner(s) of the Dwelling Unit must have a very low, low, or moderate income level, at the time of issuance of the Impact Fee waiver or deferral, as those terms are defined in Appendix A and the monthly payment to purchase the unit must be within the Affordable Housing guidelines established in Appendix A. A D~elling Unit shall qualify as owner-occupied if a lease-purchase agreement is in effect at the date of issuance of the Impact Fee waiver or deferral or within thirty (30) days 'thereof, and within twenty-four (24) months from the date of issuance of the certificate of occupancy or the execution of the lease-purchase agreement, whichever is later, the option to purchase is exercised and the purchaser takes ownership of the Dwelling Unit. If the purchaser fails to purchase the Dwelling Unit within the twenty-four (24) month period, then the waived or deferred Impact Fee must be immediately repaid unless the Dwelling Unit is sold %o another quaiif¥1nq Owner. 2. Tie Owner, or tf there is mote than one Dwne:, one of the Owners, must be a first-time hcme buyer. To qualify as a first-time home buyer, the Owner must not have had an ownership interest in his/her primary residence in the past three (3) years. 3. The Dwelling Unit must be the homestead of the Owner(s). 4. The Dwelling Unit must remain Affordable Housing for fifteen (15) years from the date a certificate of occupancy is issued for the Dwelling Unit, unless the Impact Fee is repai~ to the County. C. To qualify for an impact Wee deferral, a Dwelling Unit offered for rent must meet all of the following criteria: 1. The household renting the Dwelling Unit must have a very low or low income level, at the commencement of the leasehold and during the duration thereof, as those terms are defined in Appendix A and the amount of rent must be within the Affordable Housing guidelines established in Appendix A. 2. The Dwelling Unit must be the household's permanent residence. - 27 - ! D. All impact Fees deferred for owner-occupied D~elling : Units at the time the Building Permit was issued shall become due ) and payable an~ shall ~e :r~.ediately repaid to the County 4 the' sale of the Dwelling Unit to a non-qualified purchaser; S provided, however, if the Impact Fee deferral was paid with State 6 Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Program funds, repayment 7 will be made tc the Collier County affordable housing trust fund. 8 For purposes of this Section 3.05, a non-qualified purchaser is a 9 Person who does not satisfy the Affordable Housing criteria set I0 forth in subsection B ~bove or a Person who does not agree to the 11 terms of the waiver or deferral of impact fees agreement. 12 Z. The Impact Fees deferred for rental P~elling Units at 13 the time the Building Permit was issued shall become due and 14 shall be i~mediately repaid to the County upon the discontinuance I~ of use of the Dwelling Unit as Affordable Housing or fifteen (15) 16 years from the date Of issuance of the certificate of occupancy, 17 whichever occurs first. 18 F. Any impact Fees waived for an owner-occupied Dwelling 19 Unit at the time a ~uilding Fermit was issued shall become due 20 and payable and shall be lr~,ediately repaid to the County if the 21 Dwelling Unit i$ sold or transferred to a non-qualified purchaser :2 during the fifteen (15) year period after the certificate of 23 occupancy is issued for the Dwelling Unit. If the Impact Fee ~4 waiver was paid with State Housing Initiatives Partnership :5 Program funds, repayment will be made to the Collier County :6 affordable housing trust fund. if the Pwelling Unit is used as :7 Affordable Housing in compliance with Section 3.05 of this 2~ Ordinance for fifteen (15) years after the date the certificate 29 of occupancy is issued for the Dwelling Unit, the Impact Fees are ~ no longer due and the lien on the D~elling Unit shall be ]! released. 32 G. The percentage of the total Impact Fee which shall be )3 waived or deferred pursuant to this Section for an owner-occupied ~ or rental Affordable Housing Dwelling Unit shall be the 35 percentage set forth in Appendix A. The Impact Fees waived or ~6 deferred shall be a lien on the property until all requirements ]7 under this Section have been satisfied. 38 ~. (1) Annually, the Owner of a rental Dwelling Unit shall 39 provide to the County Manager an affidavit of compliance with the ~ criteria set forth in this Section. - 18 - An affidavit mit ~._~ - m APR 2'1 1998 . ! within thirty (30) days of the anniversary date of the issuance 2 of a certificate of occupancy, if the in:ome of any unit renter 3 which originally qualified as very low cr low income level as 4 defined in Appendix A exceeds the Affordable Housing benefit S standards set forth in Appendix A by more than forty percent 6 (40%), then the deferred Impact Fee shall become immediately due ? and payable b7 the Owner or, in the alternative, the Owner shall 8 have ninety (90) days to comply with the Affordable Housing 9 standards set forth in Appendix A. 10 (2) If the h'ousehold income of the qualified I! owner-occupied Dwelling Unit rises above the benefit standards 12 for waivers and deferrals set forth in Appendix A, the Owner I] shall maintain the waiver and/or deferral. Notwithstanding the 14 foregoing, all outstanding Impact Fees waived or deferred shall IS be repaid in full upon sale or transfer of the Dwelling Unit to a 16 non-qualified purchaser, except for waived Impact Fees where the 17 Owner has complied with the Affordable Housing criteria set forth 18 in this Section ~.05 for fiftee~ (i$) }.ears after the issuance of 19 the cert;ficate cf occupancy. ~ I. The Owner recelv;ng an impact Fee waiver or deferral ~1 shall enter into an impact fee agreement with the County which ~ agreement shall provide for, at a minimum, the following and 23 shall further include such provisions deemed necessary by the 24 Board to effectuate the provisions of this Section: 25 1. The legal description of the Dwelling Unit. 26 2. Where an Impact Fee waiver or deferral is give~ to 27 an Owner who will be selling or renting the Dwelling Unit tO 25 a subsequent purchaser or renter, the Fire System Impact ~ Constructlon must be sold or rented to households meeting ~ ~he criteri~ set forth in this Section in order to maintain ]I the waiver or deferral. Impact Fee waivers or deferrals ]2 paid for with State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] 3] Program funds will only be granted directly to buyers ~ meeting Appendix A qualifications and approval prior to ]~ Building Permit issuance. A Dwelling Unit shall qualify as 36 owner-occupied if a lease-purchase agreement is in effect at 37 the date of issuance of the Impact Fee waiver Or deferral or 38 within thirty (30) days thereof, and within twenty-four [24) 39 months from the date of issuance of the certificate of ~ occupancy or the execution of the lease-purchase agreement, -19- APR 2 1 1998 6 '7 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 26 2'7 29 31 32 33 ~6 37 39 whichever is later, the option to purchase is exercise~ and the purchaser takes ownership of the Dwelling Unit. ~f the purchaser fails to purchase the ~welling Unit within the twenty-four (24) month period, then the waived or deferred Impact Fee must be repaid immediately unless the Dwelling Unit is sold to another qualifying Owner. 3. For owner-occupied Dwelling Units, the amount of Impact Fees deferred shall be repaid to the County upon the sale or transfer to a non-qualified purchaser. If Impact Fees were paid Gith State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Program funds, repayment will be made to the Collier County affordable housing trust fund. For rental units, the Impact Fees deferred shall be repaid upon the discontinuance of use of the Dwelling Unit as Affordable Housing or fifteen (15) years from the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs first. 4. For owner-occupied Dwelling Units where Impact Fees have seen waived, the Dwelling Unit must be utilized by the original qualifying Owner, or subsequent gualifyLng purchaser, as Affordable Housing in compliance with Sect:on 3.05 of this Ordinance for a fifteen [15) year period after the certificate of occupancy is issued and if the Dwelling Unit is sold to a non-qualifying purchaser, the Impact Fees shall be repaid to the County. If impact Fees were paid with State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] ~rcgram funds, repayment will be made to the Collier County affordable housing trust fund. 5. The deferred and/or waived Impact Fees shall be a lien on the property which lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the requirements of the agreement. The agreement described herein shall operate as a lien against the Dwelling Unit. The lien shall terminate upon the recording of a release or satisfaction of lien in the public records of Collier County. In the case of a waiver, such release or satisfaction shall be filed fifteen years after the issuance of the certificate of occupancy provided Owner acted in compliance with the agreement or upon repayment in full. In the case of a deferral, such release shall be recorded upon repayment in full. - 20 - ? $ 9 10 12 ~9 2O 21 22 6. An=ually, the Cwner of a rental ~elling shall prcvide to the County Manager an compliance with the criteria set forth in Sec:ion An af!idavit must be filed within thirty (30) days of annzversary date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. If the income of any unit renter which originally qualified as very low or low income level as defined in Appendix A exceeds the Affordable Housing benefit standards set forth in Appendix A by more than forty percent (40%1, then the d'eferred Impact Fee shall become immediately due and payable by the Owner or, in the alternative, the Owner shall have ninety ~90) days to comply with the Affordable Housing standards set forth in Appendix A. 7. Upon satisfactory completion of the agreement requirements, the County shall record any necessary documentation evidencing same, including, but not limited to, a release of lien. ~. :n the event the Cwner is in default under this agree~.ent, and the default is not cured within thirty days after written notice is provided to the Owner, the Board may bring a civil action to enforce the agreement. The Board shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, ~ including attorney's fees and costs, incurred by the Board 24 in enforcing this agreement, plus interest at the statutory 25 rate for judgments calculated cna calendar day basis until 26 paid. 27 9. The agreement shall be binding upon the Owner's 28 successors and assigns. 29 i0. The agreement shall be recorded in the Official ~ Records cf Collier County. 31 j. The amount of Impact Fee waivers and deferrals granted 32 pursuant to this Section shall be limited, in total, to the 3] amount appropriated by the Board at its final public hearing M regarding the adoption of the annual County budget and the amount 35 allocated to Impact Fee waivers or deferrals in the Collier ~ County Housing Assistance Plan, as established by County 37 Ordinance No. 93-19. All Impact Fees waived or deferred shall be ~ paid by the Board into the Fire Impact Fee Trust Account within six (6) years from the date of the award of a waiver deferral as provided herein, but in no event, lat~ - ~l - time when that amount is needed for a pro~ect funded by those Impact Fees waived or deferred. The Board shall pay into the Fire Impact Fee Trust Account such amounts equal to any Zmpact Fees previously waived or deferred by the Board, within six [6) years from the date of such waiver or deferral, but in no event, later than the time such amounts are needed for a pro~ect funded by those Impact Fees waived or deferred. Waivers and deferrals shall be issued in the order that completed qualifying applications are received by the County Manager. At least forty percent (40%) of the' amount budgeted for Impact Fee waivers and/or deferrals must be utilized to fund Impact Fee waivers and/or deferrals for single family owner-occupied D~elling Units serving the very low and low income levels. K. Any changes or amendments to Appendix A or the minimum funding requirements adopted in this Section must occur as an ordinance amendment at a public hearing of the ~oard of County Ccr~iss~oners cccurr~ng after 5:00 p.m. IS L. No Affordable Housin~ waiver or deferral shal~ be 19 granted for a ~ire System lmpac~ Construction proJec% consists of a Mob~ie Home. 21 M. Notwithstanding any provisions elsewhere in this Ordlnanse to the contrary, any Owner that develops an Affordable Housing rental apartment complex consisting in whole or part of Dwelling Units serving very !ow and/or low income levels and meeting all requirements, and subject to all conditions, of Section 3.05 shall be entitled to defer one hundred percent 27 (100%) of the Impact Fees applicable only to such rental P~elllng 25 Units serving ';ery low and/or low income levels if: (i) all such deferred Impact Fees are paid on or before the end of six years from the date such Impact Fees are deferred; and (ii) %he rental apartment development shall remain Affordable Housing 32 qualified (under Section 3.05 of this ordinance) for & minimum of 15 years. N. The Board, in its discretion, may agree by Resolution to subordinate its lien for Impact Fees to a primary lender and/or government funded affordable housing loan such as SAIL or HOME loan if Owner can demonstrate that a subordination is necessary to obtain financing and, in the case of rental Dwelling Units, if the Owner provides additional security satisfactory to the County such as additional or substitute - 22 - 11998 / form cf cash or cash equivalent financial instruments which will yield the full arcunt of the deferred impact fees at the expiration of the period of the deferral. However, the ~oard in its discre%ion may waive the requirement of additional or substitute collateral for rental Dwelling Units if the Owner or the general partner of Owner is a not-for-profit corporation or ? organization and the Dwelling Units to be constructed are 8 detached single family houses. The Board in exercising its 9 discretion shall consider the debt to equity ratio and the equity 10 on the Dwelling Units 'auailable to cover the County's subordinate lien interest. 12 Section 3.06. Alternative Collection ~l~hod In the event the Impact Fee is not paid prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or otherwise within ninety (90) days of the subject lands becoming characterized as Fire System [6 impact Construction, the County shall proceed to collect the !? Impact Fee as follows: A. The Cc-~nty shall serve, by certified mail, return 19 :eseipt requested, a nct~ce of impact fee statement upon %he 20 Owner at the ad~res$ appearing on the most recent records 21 maintained by the Property Appraiser of the County. If the 22 Building is under construction, the County shall also serve, by 23 certified mail, re%urn receip: requested, a notice of impact fee 24 statement upon the Applicant at the address set forth in the application for Building Permit and make a diligent effort to 26 also attach a copy of the notice of impact fee statement to the 27 Building Permit posted at the affected construction site. 28 Service shall be deemed effective on the date the return receipt indicates the notice was received by either the Applicant or the Owner, or, if %he Building is under cons%ruction, the daze said 3! notice was attached to the Building Permit, whichever occurs 32 first. The notice of impact fee statement shall contain a reasonable legal description of the property and shall advise the Applicant and the Owner that: 1. The amount due and the general purpose for which 36 37 39 the Impact Fee was imposed; 2. A hearing pursuant to Section 3.08 may be requested within thirty (30) calendar days from the effective dace of service of the notice - 23- impact fee 9 ~0 ~2 16 1'7 statement, by making application to the office of the County Manager. 3. The Impact Fee shall be delinquent if not pard and received by the County within thirty (30) calendar days of :he effec:ive date of service of the notice of impact fee statement if a hearing is no: toques:ed pursuant to Sections 2.04 or 3.07. 4. Upon becoming delinquent, the Impact Fee shall be subject to the imposition of interest on the unpaid amount until paid. 5. In the event the Impact Fee becomes delinquent, a notice of claim o~ lien against the property will be recorded in the Official ~ecords of the County. B. The Impact Fee shall be delinquent if, within thirty {30) calendar days from the effective date of service of the notice of impact fee statement, neither the Impact Fees have been paid and received by the County, nor has the C~'ne: properly complied with the pro.;:s:¢ns of Section 2.04, nor has a hearing been r.~gues:ed pursuant to Section 3.08. In the event a hearing is requested pursuant to Sections 2.04 or 3.08, the unpaid impact Fees shall become delinquent if not paid within 22 th~r~y :~0) da'!s from the da:e the Board determines the amount of 23 impac: Fees due upon the conclusion of such a hearing. Ail time ~ericd~ csn:aine: within this Ordinance shall be calculated on a calendar day oasis, :ncluding Sundays and legal holidays, but 26 excluding the date of the earliest receipt of said notice of 27 impact fee statement or the date of the Board's decision in the event of an a~peal. In the event the due date falls on a Sunday 29 or legal holiday, the last due date prior to becoming delinquent shall be the ne:{t business day. Upon becoming delinquent, the Impact Fees shall bear interest at the statutory rate for final judgments calculated on a calendar day basis, until paid. C. Should the Impact Fee become delinquent as set forth in Subsection 'B", the County shall serve, by certified mail return- receipt requested, a notice of lien upon the Applicant, if the building is under construction at the address indicated in the ]7 application for the Building Permit, and upon the delinquent 35 Owner at the address appearing on the most recent records maintained by the property Appraiser of the County. The notice of lien shall serve to notify the delinquent Applic~ - 24 - I 2 3 4 6 9 ~2 13 ~6 as the case may be, that failure to pay the impact Fee has caused the County to file a notice of claim of lien with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. D. Upon mailing a notice of lien, the County Manager shall file a notice of claim of lien with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording in the Official Records of the County. The notice of claim of lien shall contain the Owner's name, the legal description of the property, the amount of the delinquent impact Fees and the date of their imposition. Thereafter, without further direction of the Board, staff shall proceed to expeditiously collect, foreclose or otherwise enforce said llen pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance. Z. The County Manager shall file a notice of satisfaction of claim of lien with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording in the Official Records upon receipt of full pay:r, ent for a delinquent Impact Fee, interest due, and any recording expenses. Sai~ notice of satisfaction of claim of lien shall reflect the appropriate recording information shown on the 19 previously recerdeJ notice of claim of lien. 20 F. After the expiration of one year from the date of 21 recording cf the notice of claim of lien as provided here:n, a 22 suit may be filed to foreclose said lien. Such foreclosure 23 proceedings shall be instituted, conducted and enforced in 24 conformity with the procedures for the foreclosure of municipal 25 special assessment liens, as set forth in Chapter 1~3, Florida 26 Statutes, which provisions are hereby incorporated herein in 27 their entirety to the same extent as if such provisions were set 28 forth herein verbatim. G. The liens for delinquent Impact Fees imposed hereunder shall remain liens, coequal with the lien of all state, county, district and municipal taxes, superior to the interest on such 32 parcel or property of any Owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee or other Person except the lien of County taxes and shall be on a parity with the lien of any such County taxes until paid as provided herein. 36 H. The collection and enforcement procedures set forth in 37 this Section shall be cumulative with, supplemental to and in 38 addition to, any applicable procedures provided in any other ordinances or administrative regulations of the County or any ~ applicable law or administrative regulation of the State of - 25 - APR 2 1,3/998 ! Florida. railure of the county to follow the procedure set forth 2 in this Section shall not constitute a waiver of its rights tc 3 proceed under any ordinance or a~.inistrative regulation of the 4 County or any applicable law or a~inlstrative regulation of the ~ State of Florida. 6 Smction 3.07. Dmvalop~r Cont~lbu~ion Czed~ 7 ~. The County may enter into a contribution agreement with $ a developer which grants a credit against Impact Fees imposed by 9 Section 2.01 in exchange for certain donations of land, apparatus 10 or equipment, or for {he construction or installation of certain 1! Fire Services System Buildings, facilities or improvements and %2 additions thereto. Such land donation, construction, and I] improvement shall be subject to the approval of the Board and 14 shall be an integral part of and a necessary accommodation to an 12 existing or contemplated Fire Services System expansion. 16 B. The amount of developer contribution credit to be [7 applied shall be determined according to the following standards 18 of valuation: 19 1. The value of donated land shall be based u~on a ~0 written appraisal of fair market value by a qualified and 21 professional appraiser acceptable to the County based upon 22 comparable sales of similar property between unrelated 23 parties in a bargaining transaction. 24 2. The cost of anticipated construction to the Fire Services System shall be based upon professional opinions of 26 probable cost certified by a professional architect or 27 engineer. 28 3. In the case of contributions of construction, the value of the developer's proposed contribution shall be adjusted UFon completion of the construction to reflect the 3t actual costs of construction or installation of improvements 32 contributed by the developer. However, in no event shall any upward adjustment exceed twenty percent (20%) of the initial estimate of costs for contributions to the Fire Services System identified in a contribution agreement between the Owner and the Board. Upon adjustment of the value of the developer's contribution, the contribution 38 credit shall be likewise adjusted accordingly. Until the contribution credit is finally adjusted upon completion of construction, no more than seventy five percent~ ! 2 4 9 II 19 2~ 2'7 32 37 39 initial estimate of costs for contributions to the Fire Services System identified in the contribution a~reement shall be actually applied or used in the calculation of available credit against Impact Fees. 4. The value of apparatus and equipment shall be based on the actual cost. 5. No ccedit whatsoever for lands, easements, construction or infrastructure otherwise required to be built or %ransferred to the County by law, ordinance or any other rule or regulation shall be considered or included in the value of any developer's contribution. C. All construction cost estimates shall be based upon, and all construction plans, specifications and conveyances shall be in conformity with the construction standards and procedures of the County. AIl plans and specifications shall be approved by the County Manager prior to commencement of construction. D. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit the Applicant skaLl submit to :he Ccunty Manager a proposed plan and es::ma:e of costs for :cn:ributicns to the Fire Services System. The proposed plan and estimates shall include: 1. A designation and description of the Fire System impact Construction for which the proposed plan is being submitted; 2. A legal description of any land proposed to be donated and a written appraisal prepared in conformity with Subsection "B (1)" of this Section; 3. Initial professional opinions of probable construction costs for the proposed construction provided by a professional architect or engineer; 4. A proposed time schedule for completion of the proposed plan prepared by a professional architect or engineer; and 5. A list of the contemplated rite Services System improvements, apparatus, or equipment sought to be donated. 6. A written statement of the actual cost for any equipment or apparatus sought to be donated. 7. A Twenty-Five Hundred Dollar ($2,~00) processing, review and audit fee payable to the County. E. Upon favorable review of the proposed plan, the County Manager shall schedule a presentation before I regularly scheduled mee:ing or a special meeting called for the 2 purpose of reviewing the proposed plan and shall provide :he 3 Applicant or Cwner written notice of the time and place of the 4 presentation. 5 F. The Board shall authorize the County Attorney to 6 prepare a contribution agreement with the Owner only if: 7 1. Such proposed plan is in conformity with $ contemplated improvements and additions to the Fire Services 9 System; I0 2. Such proposed plan, viewed in conjunction with il other existing or proposed plans, will not adversely impact 12 the cash flow or liquidity of the Fire Impact Fee Trust 13 Account in such a way as to frustrate or interfere with 14 other planned or ongoing growth necessitated capital 15 improvements and additions to the Fire Services System; and 16 3. The proposed plan is consistent with the public 17 interest; and 18 4. The proposed time schedule for completion of :he 19 plan is consistent with the most recently adopted five year ~0 capital improvement program for the Fire Services System. 21 G. The processing, review and audit fee shall be returned 22 to the Applicant if either the County Manager or the Board 23 determines that the proposed plan is not acceptable. The 24 processing, re';lew and audit fee shall become non-refundable once 25 the Board authorizes the County Attorney to prepare a 26 contribution agreement. 27 H. Any contribution agreement shall at a minimum include 28 and provide for: 29 1. Identification of the parties including a ~ representation from the Owner(s) that he (they) is (are] the 31 sole record owner(s) of the real property described in the ~2 contribution agreement. If requested by the County 33 Attorney, the Applicant or Owner shall provide tO the County ~ Attorney, at no cost to the County, an attorney's opinion ~5 identifying the record owner(s), his (their) authority to 36 enter into the contribution agreement and identify any 37 lienholders having a lien or encumbrance on the real ~8 property which is the subject of the agreement. Said 39 opinion shall specifically describe each of the recorded - 28 - APR 2 t 6 ? 9 12 13 ~6 2O 2~ 22 2~ 2~ 26 27 29 3O ~2 35 39 4O lien or encumbrance, and cite appropriate recording information and incorporate by reference a copy of all such referenced instruments. 2. A finding that the contributions contemplated by the agreement are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. A legal description of the Fire System Impact Construction lands subject to the agreement. 4. The duration of the agreement, which shall not be for a period in excess of five years from %he date of substantial completion of the approved plan of construction or from the date of donation, but in no event shall the dura%ion exceed seven years, exclusive of any moratoria, from the date of recording in the Official Records. 5. A description of the contributions to the Fire Services System to be made pursuant to the agreement. 6. An acknowledgment that the contributions contemplated under the agreement shall be construed and characterized as work done an~ property rights acquired by the County. 7. An acknowledgment that the contribution agreement shmll not be construed or characterized as a development agreement under the Florida Local Government ~evelopment Agreemen~ Act. 8. Adoption of an approved time schedule for completion of the proposed improvements. 9. Determination of the amount of credit based upon the standard of valuation identified in Subsection "B" of this Sec:ion. i0. A requirement that the Owner keep or provide for retention cf adequate records and supporting documentation which concern or reflect total project cost of construction or installation of the improvements to be contributed. This information shall be available to the County, or its duly authorized agent or representative, for audit, inspection or copying, for a minimum of five years from the termination of the contribution agreement. 11. A requirement that the credit for Impact Fees identified in the contribution agreement shall run with the subject Fire System Impact Construction lands and shall be reduced by the entire amount of the Impact - 29- Fee due on the__ 2 3 6 9 lO 2O 22 23 24 2~ 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 36 37 35 first Building Permit issued thereon and each Building Perm=t until the project i$ either co~.pleted or .:redi%s are e×hausted or no longer available. 12. Tha% the burdens of the contribution agreement shall be ~inding upon, and the benefits of the agreement shall inure to, all successors in interest to the parties to the contribution agreement. 13. An acknowledgment that the failure of contribution agreement to address any permit, condition, term, or restriction shall not relieve either the Applicant or Owner, or their successors, of the necessity of complying w~th any law, ordinance, rule or regulation governing said permitting requirements, conditions, terms or restrictions. 14. Compliance with the risk management guidelines which may be established by the County's Risk Management Department from time to time, including but not limited :o insurance and ~nder, nification language acceptable to the county. under the 15. ,~nnua~ review and audi cf perforr, ance contr~buti~n agreement to determine whether er no~ %here has been demonstrated G°od faith compliance with the terms of the contribution agreement and to report the credit a~plied toward pa~.ent cf :r. pact Fees and the balance of available and unuseC credit. If the Board finds, on the basis of substantial competent evidence, that there has been a failure tD comply with the terms of the contribution agreement, the agreement may be revoked or modified by the County. 16. Modification or revocation of the contribu%%on agreement as is necessary to comply with relevant State or Federal laws, if State or Federal laws are enacted after the execution of the contribution agreement which are applicable to and preclude the parties' compliance with the terms of the contribution agreement. ll. Amendment or cancellation by mutual consent of the parties, or by their successors in interest, to the contribution agreement. 18. Recording of the contribution agreement in the Official Records within fourteen (14) days after the County - - { APR 2 l' 1998 I 19. ?be ability to file an action for ~n]unctive 2 relief i~ ~he Circuit Court af Collier County to enforce the ] terms of :he contribution agreement, said remedy ~e:ng 4 cumulative with any and all other remedies available to the ~ parties for enforcement of the agreement. 6 Z. In the event the amount of developer contribution ? pursuant to an approved plan of construction exceeds the total 8 amount of Impact Fees possibly due from the Applicant based upon 9 the contemplated improvements to the Fire Services System 10 proposed by the Appiicant, the contribution agreement shall II provide for future reimbursement to the Applicant or Owner of the 12 excess of such contribution credit from future receipts by the 13 County of Impact Fees. Such agreement or reimbursement shall not 14 De for a period in excess of five years from the date of 15 recording the contribution agreement in tke Official Records and 16 skall provide for a forfeiture of any remaining reimbursement I? balance at :he end cf such five-year period. 18 J. In the even: :he ~moun: cf developer contribution 19 pursuant to an approved plan cf construction or donation of land ~ exceeds the total amount of impact Fee credits used on the 21 benefiting Fire System Impact Construction lands identified in a 22 contribution agreement, the contribution agreement may provide 23 for the reirlursement of up ~o one-half {1/23 the excess or 24 remaining balance of such contribution credit, provided funds are ~ available and collected from future receipts by the County from 26 Impact Fees collected during the fiscal year immediately 27 following the fifth anniversary of the date of substantial 28 completion of the plan of construction or the date of donation, 29 from the date er recording the contribution agreement in the ~ Official Records, whichever shall first occur. Should the source 31 of funds for rei~Tbursement as described in this paragraph not be 32 available within the time frames described herein, the remaining )3 balance of any Impact Fee credits shall be forfeited. ~ K. Any Applicant or Owner who submits a proposed plan 35 pursuant to this Section and desires the immediate issuance of a ~ Building ?ermi: shall pay prior to or at the time the proposed ~7 plan is submitted the applicable Impact Fee pursuant to Section 38 2.01. Said payment shall be deemed paid under "Protest' and 39 shall not be construed as a waiver of ~ difference between the amount paid - 31 - any review ~ [ determined by the Board, shall be refunded to the Applicant or 2 Owner. 3 Smction 3.08. 4 A. An AFPlicant or Owner who is required to pay an Impact ~ Fee pursuant to Section 2.01, shall have the right to request a 6 review hearing. 7 B. Such hearing shall be limited to the review of the $ followihg: 9 1. The application of the Impact Fee pursuant to 10 Section 2.01. II 2. A denial of an Affordable Housing waiver or 12 deferral pursuant to Section 3.05. 13 3. The failure to grant or the granting of an ]4 insufficient Alternative Impact Fee pursuant to Section 1~ 2.04. 16 4. The granting of insufficient credits for the ]7 donation of land apparatus or equipment or construction I$ improvements and/or addlticns pursuant to Section 3.07. ]9 C. Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, such 20 hearing shall be requeste'~ by :he Applicant or Owner within 21 thirty (30) days, including Sundays and legal holidays, of the 22 date of first receipt of whichever of the following is 23 applicable: 24 1. Receipt of a notice of impact fee statement; ~ 2. The denial of an Impact Fee waiver or deferral; 26 3. Receipt of a vested rights determination pursuant 27 to Section 3.03; and ~ 4. The notification of the determination of any ~ Alternative Impact Fee. ~ Failure to request a hearing within the time provided $1 shall be deemed a waiver of such right. )2 D. The request for hearing shall be filed with the office 31 of the County Manager and shall contain the following: ~ 1. The name and address of the Applicant and Owner; 3~ 2. The legal description of the property in question: 16 3. If issued, the date the Building Permit was 37 issued; 35 4. A brief description of the nature of the 39 improvements on the property or the construction being I I L /' "1 6 $ 9 ~0 14 ~6 5. If paid, the date the impact Fee was pa£d; and, 6. A statement of the reasons why the Applicant or Cw~e: is ~eq.jesting the hearing. Z. Upon receipt of such request, the County Manage: shall schedule a hearing before the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose of conduct£ng the hearing and shall provide the Applicant or Owner written notice of the time and place of the hearing. The hearing shall be held within thirty [30) days of the date the request fo: hearing was filed. F. Such hearing shall be before the Board and shall be conducted in a manner designed to obtain all £nformatton and evidence relevant to the request for the hear£ng. Formal rules of civil proceJure and evidence shall not be appl£cable; hcwever, the hearing shall be conducted in a fair and impartLal manner with each party having an opportunity to be heard and to present I1 info:~.ation ami evidence. t8 G. ~ny Applicant or Cwme: who requests a hearing pu:suant ~9 to this Secticn and desk:es the L~ediate issuance of a BuLldimg 20 Permit s~all FaY p:ior to o: at the time the :equest for hea:£ng 21 is f~led the applicable 2mpact Fee pursuant to Section 2.01. 22 Said payment shall be deemed paid under "~rotest" and shall not 2) be construed as a waiver of any review rights. 24 B. ~n Applicant or O~ner may request a hearing under this Section wLtho:t paying the applicable Impact Fee but no Building Permit shall oe issued until such Impact Fees are paid in the 27 amoumt approved upon completion of the review provided in thts 25 Section. 29 Sect£on 3.09. ~ev£ewl~qu£~ent ~. This crdinance and the rife I~pact Fee Study shall be reviewed by the Board initially in connection with its approval 32 of the Capital ~mprovement Element of its Comprehensive Plan as requ£red by Section 163.3111, Florida Statutes. Thereafter, this Ordinance shal~ be reviewed at least every three (3) years. The initial and each review shall consider new estimates of 36 population and other socioeconomic data and changes in construction, land acquisition and related costs and adjustments 38 to the assumptions, conclusions and findings set forth in the this review is to 39 study adopted by Section 1.04. The purpose of ~ ~ ensure that the Impact Fees do not exceed t - 33 - anticipated costs associated with the improvements necessary to 2 offset the demand generated by Fire Services System Impact Construction. In the event the :eview of the Ordinance required by 'this Sect:on alters or changes the assumptions, conclusicns and findings of the master plans adopted by reference in Section 1.04, revises or changes the Fire Services System or alters or ? changes the amount of Impact Fees, the study adopted by reference in Section 1.04 shall be amended and updated to reflect new and 9 demonstrable assumptions, conclusions and findings of such 10 reviews and Section 1[04 shall be amended to adopt by reference II such updated studies. a. Simultaneous with the review of the Fire Impact Fee Study required in Subsection A of this Section, the Board shall review the capital improvements elements for the availability and adequacy of revenue sources to construct improvements and t6 additions to the Fire Services System determined in the Fire impact Fee Study to be required to accommodate existing development. 19 Section 3.10. Declaration of Zxc~usion from Adm£niatz&t£ve 2] Nothing con~ained in this Ordinance shall be construed or 22 interpreted to include the County or any municipality in the 23 County in the definition of Agency con%mined in Section !20.52, 24 Florida Statutes, or to otherwise subject the County to the ~ application of the A~ministrative Frocedure Act, Chapter 120, 25 Florida Statutes. This declaration of intent and exclusion shall 27 apply to all proceedings taken as a result of or pursuant to this 25 Ordinance including, but not limited to, consideration of an 29 Alternative Impact Fee calculation under Section 2.04° a ~ determination of entitlement to an Impact Fee waiver or deferral )! pursuant to Sec%ion 3.05, the proposed plan for a developer ~2 contribution under Section 3.07, or a review hearing under ]3 Section 3.08. ~ Section 3.~X. Znciividuml CaXcul&~lo~ of I~a¢~ F~s. 3S A. In the event a Fire System Impact Construction involves ~ a land use not contemplated under the Impact Fee land use 37 categories set forth in Appendix "B", or a use of land which is 38 so unique that it should be considered separate from the other 39 Fire System Impact Construction contained within the land use ~ category, the County Manaqer shall calculate appr~l~NO~,,Pj=r[~ - - / APR 2[ 1998 I 2 4 6 8 9 I0 16 17 15 19 2O 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32 36 39 41 42 4:] Fees based upon the impact of such Fire System Impact Construction on the Fire Services System. B. In the event Fire System impact Construction involves a Mixed Use Fire System Impact Construction, the County Manager shall calculate the Impact Fees based upon the nu~er of Dwelling Units and/or square footage to be generated by each separate Impact Fee land use category included in the proposed Mixed Use Fire System Impact Construction. The provisions *of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purposes in the interest of public health, safety, welfare and convenience. If any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent ~urisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 3.13 Inclusion in Code of Laws and Ordinances The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections cf the Ordinances may be renu~bered or relettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or any other appropriate word. Section 3.14. Effective Date This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULl ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of ,~998. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney - 35- By: BARBARA B. BERRY Chairman APPENDIX A AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFINITIONS, BENEFIT STANDARDS, AND LIMITATIONS 6 ? The following set for[h the applicable definitions and benefit standards for Affordable 8 Housing Dwelling units for the purpose of determining eligibility for Impact Fee waivers 9 and deferTals (herein referred to as 'benefits'). I0 It I. DEFINITIONS OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCOME GROUPS t2 t3 a) Very Iow income families means those fam~ies whose incomes do not 14 exceed fifty percent (50%) of the median income for the area as determined by the t5 Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (area median 16 income). t8 b) Low income families means those families whose incomes are more than 19 fifty percent (50%) and do not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the area median income 20 as determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 21 Development (area median income). 22 23 c) Moderate income families means those families whose incomes are more :24 than sixty percent (60%) and do not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the area median 2.5 income as determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban :26 Development (area median income). 28 For a Dwelqng Unit to be determined to be affordable, the monthly rent or 29 monthly reD,gage payment, including property taxes and insurance shall not be in 3o excess of thirty percent (30%) of the families household income. In no instance will 3~. rental limits exceed the rental limits established by the Florida Housing Finance Agency 32 for rents adjusted to bedroom size in projects assisted under the SAIL Loan Program or 33 the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program based on unit size. 3.5 II. BENEFIT STANDARDS 37 a) Affordable Housing owner-occupied Dwelling Units which exclusively 35 serve very Iow income f3milies and which are the owner's homestead shall have one 39 hundred percent (100%) of the applicable Impact Fee waived pursuant to the terms of 40 the Impact Fee Ordinance. 41 42 b) Affordable Housing rental Dwelling Units which exclusively se~e very Iow 43 income families shall have one hundred percent (100%) of the applicable Impact Fee ~4 deferred pursuant Io the terms of the Impact Fee Ordinance. 46 c) Affordab'e Housing owner-occupied Dwelling Units which exclusively 47 serve iow-income families and which are the owner's homestead shall have fifty percent 48 (50%) of the applicable Impact Fees wai~KI and have fifty percent (50%) of the 49 applicable Impact Fee deferred pursuant to the terms of the Impact Fee Ordinance. 5! d) Affordable Housing rental Dwelling Units which exclusively serve Iow .52 income families shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the applicable Impact Fee, and shall 53 have fifty percent (50%) of the applicable Impact Fee deferred, pursuant to the terms of 54 the Impact Fee Ordinance. 56 e) Affordable Housing owner-occupied Dwelling Units which exclusively 57 serve moderate income families and which are the owner's homestead shall be .58 required to pay twenty-trrve percent (25%) of the applicable Impact Fee, and shall have .59 seventy-five percent (75%) of the applicable Impact Fee deferred pursuant to the terms 60 of the Impact Fee Ordinance. J. ,Pg'-~/"O ,, 2 $ 9 I! ~2 ~4 ~8 20 f) Fire Services System Impact Construction that meets the criteria set forth in Subsections B and C of Section 3.05 constructed by an Agency of Collier County or by an independent governmental agency pursuant to an inter.cai agreement with Collier County and which construction is one hundred percent (100%) government funded shall have one hundred percent (100%) of the Impact Fees for that construction wai~ed, pursuant to the terms of the Impact Fee Ordinance. NOTE: An amendment to the Appendix shall require a public hearing of the Board of County Commissioners occurring after 5:00 p.m. 21 22 2~ 24 26 27 28 29 ~2 ~6 41 42 4~ 4~ 47 49 :52 - 3'7 - I 2 4 $ ! 9 II 14 17 !$ 19 22 2~ 26 Residential Comer¢ial Additional Imf&ct Fee 7IXl IMPACT FglS $288.97 per Dwelling Unit $ .~0 per square FooC $157.27 per DweX1ing Unit 31 32 33 35 3~ 37 3~ 49 ~3 59 61 62 63 67 - 38 - APR 2 1 '1998 ! 6 '7 It 9 I0 II 12 1.1 16 lIt 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 .17 .12 47 49 $2 APPEA'DIX C FIRE DISTRICT AREAS ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE DISTRICT: Sectiom 19, 20. 21, 22, 27. 28. 29. 30. 31, 32. 33 and 34 of Towaship :51 South, Range 26 East, and those portions of Sections 4, 5 and 6 of Township 52 South, Range 26 East, which lie north of the Marco Rivet. OCHOPEE FIRE DISTRICT: All of Township 50S of Panic 34E; Township :ilS of Range 34E; Township 52S of Range 34E; Township 53S of Ranie 34E: Township :iOS of Ranle 33E; Town.ship SIS of la. ante 33E; Township 52S of Ranle 33E; Township 53S of Range 33E; Township 50S of Range 32E; Township 51S of Range 32E: Township 52S of R.tege 32E; Township 53S of Range 32E: Township 50S of la..~nge 31E: Township :ils of Range 31E; Township 52S of Range 31E; Township $3S of Ranie 31E; To~vnship ~ of P..~nge 30E: Township 5!S. Range 30E: Township 52S. Range 30E; Sections aod Out portion of Chokoloskee Islaa~d conlained in Sec~io~ 30 and 31. Township :i3S. Range 30E; Sections a~d 36. Township 50S. Range 29E; Sections 1.2. !,~.?$.26.3:i and 36. Township $1 S. Range 29E; Section~ and 36. Township 52S. R.~nge 29E; .%ctions; and 36. Township 53S. Range 29E; including the incorporated area of the City of Everglade~ being more particularly described as the Town of Everglades as described in Plat Book I. paites 87-95 of the Public Records of Collier County. Florida; and including Sections and 24. To~'nship 52S. Range 28E; Sections 35 and 36 aod all that area south and east of State Road 92 within Section 34. Tow~hip 51S. Range 27E; Section I. Township .x2S. Range 2'~E. 39- EXECS. IVE SXIM~Y REQUEST TO GRANT FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND Ig~ IMPROVEMEITTS FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF "EMBASSY WOODS ~OLF AND COgh~TR~ CLUB AT BRETONNE PARK, PHASE ONE" To grant final acceptance of .Embassy Woods Golf and Country Club at Bretonne Park, Phase One" ~'QNSIDERATIONz 1. On November 13, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners granted preliminary acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Embassy Woods Golf and Country Club at Bretonne Park, Phase One" 2. The roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements not required by the plat to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County. 3. The required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code. The County Development Services has inspected the improvements and is recommending final acceptance of the improvements. 4. A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by the County Attorney's Office. A copy of the document is attached. FISCAL IMPACT: The roadway, drainage water and sewer improvements not required to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County Transportation Department and the County Utility Divisions. Funds for the routine maintenance and upkeep will come from the Operations and Maintenance budgets of the Transportation Services and Utility Divisions. ~KOWTH MA/~AGEM~ IMPACt_ ~ None APR 1 1998 Executive Summary Embassy Woods Golf and Country Cl%lb at Bretonne Park, Phase One Page 2 That the Board of County Commissioners grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Embassy Woods Golf and Country Club at Bretonne Park, Phase One" and release the maintenance security. 1. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached resolution authorizing final acceptance. 2. Authorize the release of the maintenance security. PREPARED BY: John R. }{ouldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review Date REVIEWED BY: Thomas~E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager Date Robert Mulhere Plannin~ Services Director Co,,.;~-~nity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Date Date APR 2 1 1998 ~ O~AS ~ C6.,NT NAP $OLDEN GATE CITY C;2 gAT6 CAS,& I~,. ~ SI, I AOOV- APR 2 1 1998 I 2 3 $ 6 ? 9 I0 Il 12 13 14 !$ l? 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 2S 29 30 3~ 32 ~3 36 37 3~ 39 .tO .12 43 47 50 56 58 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHOI:Uff. iNG FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEW'ER LM'PROVEMEN'i'S IN EMBASSY WOODS GOLF A~\'D COUN'i'RY CLUB AT BRETON~"E PA.KK, PHASE RELEASE OF THE MAINTENANCE SECURITY, AND ACCEPTING ~ MALN'I'ENANCE I:LESPONSI'BILITY FOR 'FIFE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AN'D SEWER Dd'PROV~M'EN'FS THAT AR~ NOT REQUIRED TO BE MAI:NTAhN~D BY ~ HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. V;HEREAS, the Boa. rd of County Commissioners o1' Collier CountT, Florida, on July 31, 1990 approved the plat of Embassy Woods Golf md Count~' Club :,t Bretonn¢ P~k, Phase for recording; and W'HEKEAS, thc developer has constructed md maintained the road~ aY, dr'4inage, water and sewer improvements in accordmce with the approved plms md specifications ~d as required by thc Land Development Code (Collier Count70rdinmce No. 91-102, as ~,mended); and the Utilities Stan.:ia~ds and Procedures Ordin,..:~cc (Collier County Ordinance No. 97-I ?), ~nd ~,VFIEREAS. thc developer has now requested final acco.pr,nco of the roadway, d~aina$:, water md scv.'er improvements ~nd release off'ds m:,intcn~cc sccuri~; 'sS,'HEREAS, the Coml~lia~ncc Se,~.'ices Section of thc Development Services Depar'n'ne.-.t has inspect,'d the roadway, altair, age. water and sewer improvements and is recon'u'aending acceptance of said facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Tile BOARD OF COUN'TY COMMI$SION'ERS OF COLLAR COU,"F,'TY. FLORIDA, that final ~cccpta~ce be ~'m~¢d for those road,¥ay, ~raina~e, water and sev.'er h-nprovements in Embassy Woods Golf and Coun~,'~.' Club at Breto~e P~r~<, Pha.se C)~e. and authorize the Clerk to release the maintcn~ce securi~'. BE IT I:'~'RTHER RESOL%~ED A.\'D ORDERED that the County acce~t the rum.re ma,menance and other attendant costs for the roadw:~y, dr:,inage, water md sewer improvemen~ that ~e not required ~o be mainuined by the homeowners associ,fion. This Resolution ~dopted after motion, s~:ond and majority vote favoring same. DATE: ATTEST: DV~qGHT E. BROCK., CLERK Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Heidi F. Ashton Assistant Collier County AUomey BOARD OF COU'N'fY COSL'vlISS1ON~RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN 59 60 61 62 APR 2 1 1998 REQUEST TO GRANT FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWE~ IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF "EMBASSY WOODS GOLF AND COU1TTRY CLUB AT BRETONNE PARK, PHASE TWO" To grant final acceptance of "Embassy woods Golf and Country Club at Bretonne Park, Phase Two" CONSID~RATIO~ 1. On June 25, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners granted preliminary acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in ',Embassy woods Golf and Country Club at Bretonne Park, Phase Two". 2. The roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements not required by the plat to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County. 3. The required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code. The County Development Services has inspected the improvements and is recommending final acceptance of the improvements. 4. A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by the County Attorney's Office. A copy of the document is attached. FISCAL The roadway, drainage water and sewer improvements not required to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County Transportation Department and the County Utility Divisions. Funds for the routine maintenance and upkeep will come from the Operations and Maintenance budgets of the Transportation Services and Utility Divisions. ~O~TH MANAg~ IMPACT ' None Executive Summary Embassy Woods Golf and Country Club at Bretonne Park, Phase Two Page 2 RE~QMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Embassy Woods Golf and Country Club at Bretonne Park, Phase Two" and release the maintenance security. 1. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached resolution authorizing final acceptance. 2. Authorize the release of the maintenance security. PREPARED BY: John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review Date Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager Date ob~rt Mulhere Plann~ Services/Director Vincent--A% Cautero, Administrator Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Date Date GM:Y OM.S ~ C6NTI~AL., NAPLES --,,.~,, C-2 -.( ~.-, ~, GOLDEH GAT[ CITY :? ; ..... ..:c ~OLDEN O&v~1 l~I.[ ': t ~(ST I ,: Ci3uNm¥ t :? C~2 U~T Jl ',~S GC~Jr ! ^G ,:)~.,~,~r,,,\ NO. APR 2 1'.1998 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 RESOLUTION NO. 98' _ RESOLU'I'ION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTA~NCE OF THOSE RO.M:)WAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER LMPROVEMEN'I'S IN E~fl3ASSY WOODS GOLF AN']:) COUNTRY CLUB AT BRETONNE PARK, PHASE TWO, RELEASE OF THE MAIN'TENA2qCE SECUR.ITY, A>,T) ACCEPTING THE MA.IN'I'ENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER ANT) SEWER IMPROVEIviEN'rS THAT ARE NOT REQLtIRED TO BE MAINTA~,TED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. 35 36 37 39 41 43 WHEREAS, thc Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on August 30, 1990 approved the plat of Embassy Woods Golt'and Country Club at Bretorme Park. Phase Two for recording; and WHEREAS, the developer has constructed ~.nd maintained the roadway, (~minage, water and sewer improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and as required by the Land Development Code (Collier County Ordinance 'No. 91-102, as ame,~ded); and tee Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Collier County Ordinance No. 97.17), and WHEREAS, the developer has now requesled final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and releme of his maintenance security.; and WHEREAS, the Compliance Ser,'ices Section of the Development Services Depa,'Iment has inspected the roadway, drainage, water and se~vet improvements and is recommendi~.g acceptance of said facili:ics. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO3LMISSION'ERS OF COLLIER COIo~'TY, FLORIDA, that final acceptance be granted for those roadway, drainage, water and sewer h. nprovements in Embassy Woo~s Golf and Count~ Club a~ Brctonne Park, Phase Two, and authorize the Clerk to release the mainlenance securib'. BE IT FU'RTHER I~SOLVED ANT) ORDERED that the County accept the lucre maintenance and other aHendan! costs for the roadway, drainage, water and sev,'er improvement~ that are not required to be maintained by the homeo~'ners association. This Resolu! ion adopted after motion, second and mai ority vote favoring same. ~6 47 a9 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 DATE: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: H'eidi F. Ash"on Assistant Collier County A~omcy BOARD OF COUNTY COSLMISSION'ERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN APR 2 1 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST TO GRANT FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF ~HI(~HLANDS HABITAT" To grant final acceptance of "Highlands Habitat" CONSIDERATION~ 1. On April 26, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners granted preliminary acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Highlands Habitat". 2. The roadway and drainage improvements not required by the plat to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County. The water and sewer systems will be maintained by the Immokalee Water - Sewer District. 3. The required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code. The County Development Services has inspected the improvements and is recommending final acceptance of the improvements. 4. A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by the County Attorney's Office. A copy of the document is attached. ~ISCAL IMPACT: The roadway and drainage improvements not required to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County Transportation Department. Funds for the routine maintenance and upkeep will come from the Operations and Maintenance budgets of the Transportation Services Division. MANAGEMENT IMPACT,~ None Executive Summary Highlands Habitat Page 3 RECOMMENDATIO~ That the Board of County Commissioners grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in ,Highlands Habitat" and release the maintenance security. 1. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached resolution authorizing final acceptance. 2. Authorize the release of the maintenance security. PREPARED BY: John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review Date Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager t Muihere ng Services Director jaut~~istrator Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Date Date bate APR 2 1 1998 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCAL~ 4 $ 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 I$ 17 19 2O 21 -'2 23 24 26 27 30 31 32 37 39 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 59 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN HIGHLANDS HABITAT, RELEASE OF THE MAINTENANCE SECURITY, AND ACCEPTING THE MAINTENANCE RES?ONSIBILITY~ FOR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, thc Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on September 5, 1995, approved the plat of Highlands Habitat for recording; and WHEREAS, the dcveloper has constructed and mainlained the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and as required by the Land Development Code (Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102, as amended); and the Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Collier County Ordinance No. 97-17), and WHEREAS, the developer has now requested flnal acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and release of his maintenance security; and WHEREAS, the Compliance Services Section oftbe Development Services Department has inspected the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and is recommending acceptance of said facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that final acceptance be granted for those roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in Highlands Habitat, and authorize the Clcrk to release the maintenance s~curity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the County accept the fumr~ maintenance and other attendant costs for the roadway and drainage., improvements that ~ro not required to bc maintained by the homeow'ner~ tssociation. The water md s~wer facilities will be maintained by the Immokalo: Water-Sewer District. This Resolution adopted after motion, second ~xt majority vote favoring t,~me. DATE: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COU]qTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN Approv~! I~ to form aml legal ~u~_~ tiugY: Heidi F. Ashton EXECUTIVE SUMMARY HYRE EXPERT WITNESSES IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FIELDS TO SUPPORT COUNTY STAFF'S DEFENSE IN AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS QBJECTIVE,~ To hire expert xvitnesses in the environmental science and engineering fields and the local permitting process to support County staff's defense in an upcoming Administartive Hearing with the Florida Department of Community Affairs. CONSIDERATION: The Planning Services and Natural Resources staffs are preparing a defense for an administrative hearing. The hearing is a result of a finding of non-compliance by the Department of Community affairs on the County's Comprehensive Plan Amendments in 1997 stemming from the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. One of the most contentious areas is DCA's finding that our wetland protection standards are not in compliance with criteria outlined in the Florida Administartive Code. To present proper defense, staff recommends hiring experts who can testify to the adequacy of our permitting process, i.e. those who are users of the system. The administrative hearing is scheduled the week of May 4, 1998. ~.SCAL IMPACT: The expense of hiring expert witnesses is not expected to exceed $15,000. Funds are available in 113 Reserves. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPAq: N/A RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Collier County Commissioners authorize hiring expert witnesses to support County staff's defense in an Administrative Hearing with the Florida Department of Community Affairs and approve a budget amendment to fund the hiring. · ~- Date: Z7/-//~' "' V~ncent A. Cautero, AICP Community Dev & Environmental Svcs. APR 2 1 1998 P~l...,...L,~..._._. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST lB^# ............................... A.P.ll. Date ....................... ~ND IITLE ~ng R~ e Pla~in FUN~ NO, 111 [~ate pr~ared: ~" ~' .......... Att~e~ive Su~a~ ~BCC Agenda date ~ Item No. / if previously approved. EXPENSE BudGET DETAIn IOther Contractual Services ~Cost Center Title Expenditure Object Code 634999 II138317 Cost Center No. I IProject Title Expenditure Title Other Contractual Services Increase [Decrease) 15,000 Current Budget 90,035 I fProject No. Revised Budget 105,035 TOTAL Reserves for Contingency Cost Center Title Expenditure Object Code 991000 II919010 Cost Center No. [ [Project Title Project No. Rxpenditure 'itle Increase (Decrease) (15,ooo) Cu g ~'ent _Budget Revised Budget TOTAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT CORRECTIVE LEGAL DOCUMENT FOR EAST NAPLES LELY HIDEAWAY SELF STORAGE, LTD. That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District of Collier County, Florida, accept the corrective Bill of Sale to reflect proper legal description and authorize the recordation of said document. _CONSIDERATIONS.: Original legal documents for the East Naples Lely Self Storage, LTD. w~re accepted by the BCC in October, 1986. Recently, a new survey was conducted and corrected legal descriptions were provided in order to correct the original legal description error. Legal document (Bill of Sale) was prepared with the corrective legal description This legal document has been reviewed by the County Attorney and is legally sufficient for acceptance by the Board. FISCAL IMPACT: The recordation fee is budgeted in the County Water/Sewer District Fund, Utilities Finance Administration (408-210110), in the amount of $15.00. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPA. C_.T.T: None. _I~ECOMMENDATION; That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District of Collier County, Florida, accept the corrective legal document and authorize recordation of said document. REVIEWED ~~ve Assistant II Edward N. f:[nn, Operations Director REVIEWED BY: ~ Ed Ilschner, Administrator Public Works Division Attachments/Consent Agenda Date: Date.~/~~Y ACC..ND A ri'EM/. APR 2 1 THIS I.~STRU~IENT pREPARED G. JOSEl'tl llAPJ)-ISO,'~, ESQL;IPJ~ HAJLRJSON. HEN'DRJCKSON. DOUGLASS & KIPJCL,AuN'D, P.A. Post O~ce Box 400 Br~denton, Florida 34206 Telephone: (941) '/46-I THIS BII,L OF SALE e~4dtncing the sale and conveyance of the water utilily lacilities which lie within the real property as described on the attached Exhibit · 1997 by the ACQUIPORT/AMSDELL Il LIhIITED made this ,, day of _ PART~.~.RSHIP. a Delaware limited paztnership. (hereinafter ret'err~ 1o as "Seller"). and the BOARD OF coL~'rY COMMISSION'ERS OF COLLI£R COUNTY. FLORIDA. AS THE GOVER~T~G BODY OF THE COLLIER COLr~Y ,aulD AS EX.OFFICIO GOVER.%'1.~G BOARD OF THE COLLIER COLrN~'TY ~'ATER.SEV,'1~R DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter tel'erred to as "Buyer"). ~A'iT,~ ESSETH: That saicl Seller, l'or and in consideration or' the sum o1' Ten Doll·ts (SIO.00) and other good and ~'aluable consideration to said Seller in luncl pai~ by Ih= said Buyer. thc receipt whereof is hereby aclcnowledged, has granted, b~tsained, sold. ti·nsf'erred, set o~'er and c~el~'et~d, and b)' these pte~ents &ocs ~'ant, b~rgain, se|l, tt,l,n~'er, ~ o's'er ~ deli~'er uttto the Buyer, and the Buyer's he~rs, successors arid &ssi~,ns forever, all those certain wa~er utilit? facili:ies lying w~thin the following de~ribed land. together with appurtenant easement ri.~hrs for ~he operation, inslallation an6 maintenance of said facilities, situate, lyln$ and being in Co!liero County, Florida. to wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" INCORPORATED HER~ BY R£FERI:NCE The Seller. for itself and i~s successors, t~.'reby covenants to ~ w~th the Buyer and its successors and assigns that it is the lawful cr~n~r ol.~e said goods as water mility facilities; that s~d goods and ch~els ~re Free 6~om all liens and encumbrances; th·! it has good rig, hL litle and authority !o scl1 same. and th·! it will warrant and del'a~ the same against the lawful cl~rns and demands ol.all persons whomsoe~'et. Seller and Buyer ate used lot sin~ula,r or plural, as ~he context requires. Note: This is a Corrective Bill of Sale given ~o ¢orr~ the leg,~l description in · Bill of Sale executed by Seller's predecessor in title, East Naples Lely Hideway Sell' Storage. Ltd., recorded in O~clal Records Book 1223, page 1690/91 ot' the l>ublic Records in Collier County. Florida. ~-nis instrument is execut~ ar.a te. recoraeo to teuec! the correclea Lely Hideaway Sell'Slot·ge. Ltd. has also execuled a Corrective instrurn~t ~icb is tecotded in Of~ciaI Records Book 2:~40, page 3100 of the Public Records in Collier County. Florida. &~d'..Oa ITLJI APR 2 1 1S 8 IN WiTN£SS V,'iI£RF. OF, SELLER has caused these prescms to be executed thc datc and year firs! ab<we ~Titten. Si~ned. s¢~led a~d deh~ ered in our presence: (~nt n~me~,ddress below) ACQUIPORT'AYISDELL !1 LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP. a Delay, are limited partnership. By: AMSDELL PARTNERS. INC., Its General Parlncr (print'address ~low) . (Co~tc Seal) STALE OF COL.~TY OF The foregoing instrument was sworn Io and ac 'knov. ledged before me this~C~dav~ . of .,'a~ ~,L...~ _. 199~, by Robert J. Amsdcll. as President of Amsdcll Panners. Inc.. on be~alf of the Corporation in its capacily as General Par'mcr of AcquiportlAmsdcll I1 Limited Pa:'tncrship. a Dclav.'are limited aartncrship on bchalforthe Parlnership. ~OT~kRY PL,JBLIC ,{]~EALL) N~y Commission [xp~rcs (Print name below} Schal ~ (if any) Apprm.'cd as to form and legal sufficiency: By: ~ H~idi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney H 'l.4a,'~s BILL OF SALE C'ell~r' Cmm~ ~ EXHIBIT A A 10 00 Foo! ease,'ne~t over and across a~l ~at pad qf Lots 30 and 3t ct' Block 'A' of Myrtle Cove Acres Unit No. 1. es recorded ~ Plat Book 3. Page 3a. Con,et County Put~,c Records, Co~er County. l:lorida, being described as follows: Cor~nmencng al the southeasl corner of said Lo{ 31; ~e~e IIO~ the northeasterly hne c,f sa~d Lol 31 and the sou~weslerly right-of.way li~e of U S 41 <Tamian~i Trail). Nortr~ '~9'04'00' West 30.01 feet to t~a Poinl ot' Beg,r',n~ng of the easement here~n described: T~ence South 50°56'00- Wast 10.00 feet; T~e~ce Nor~ 39'04'00' Wes! 275.24 feet; T~.ence Sou~h 50'~6~0' West 95.00 feet; Tt-.ence Ncx~ 39'04'00' West 10.00 feet: T~ence Norm 50'~6'00' Eas1105.00 feet to the nor',heaslerty tine of said Lot 30 and t~e $out~'wveslef'ly right-of.way Une of U.S. 41 (Taertiltnl Trail): '1~-,e~ce a~o~g the sa~ Southwe'~tedy right-of-way li~e Soufh 39'04'00' 2E524 feet to the Point of Oeginr~i~g of tr~ easement herein desc~ib~'~; Sub, ecl lo Easements and Restrict~s of Reco~d; a'id eearin<a~ are based or~ We nort'~easterty line of said Lots 31 and 30 being Non.~ 39'04'00' West. H:~ru~wfl son'~ast~ape,s~ut~ity exh.a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL TO AWARD AGREEMENTS FOR UNDERGROUND CONTRACTING SERVICES ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS (RFP 98-278:3), UTILITY OB~IECTIVE: To obtain Board approval of staff's selection of firms and award agreements for underground utility contracting services on an as needed basis. CONSIDERATIONS: The Wastewater Department has a continuing need for underground utility contracting services for minor and medium scale projects. For projects with an estimated cost of twenty-five thousand dollars or less, staff would obtain a proposal from chqe or more of the selected firms, negotiate the most favorable project terms and conditions and issue a work order to initiate the project concurrent with procedural approval from the Purchasing Department. For projects more than twenty-five thousand and up to fifty thousand dollars, competitive quotes would be solicited from all three of the selected firms. Above fifty thousand dollars, but less than two hundred thousand dollars, competitive quotes would be solicited from all three of the selected firms and a staff recommendation will be submitted to the Board for approval. In accordance with Section VIii B-3 of the County Purchasing Policy, a Selection Committee was formed to evaluate the proposals received. Six firms responded with proposals to RFP No. 98-2783. The firms were judged on project understanding; expertise of designated staff; previous pedormance on similar jobs; references; current workload; office/yard location, availability of equipment and responsiveness and other relevant criteria. Three firms are being recommended for selection: Mitchell & Stark Construction Co., Inc. Kamphuis Pipeline Co. Douglas N. Higgins, lr~c. Staff recommends authorizing the Wastewater Department to approve work orders as addressed within this summary. The contract period is for one year with a one-year renewal period at the County's option. The scope of this agreement could also include projects managed by other County Departments. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for these projects are provided in each of the user division or department budgets or the appropriate operating budgets. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. APR 2 11998 Executive Summary RFP No. 98-2783 Page Two RECOMMENDATIONS_: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the selection of the three firms listed above for annual underground utility contracting services pursuant to RFP No. 98-2783, and authorize the Chairman to executive the agreements after review by the County Attorney's Office. PREPARED uY:~ ,,~-,.---..~. Dave Chronister, Supervisor Wastewater Department DATE:_ ~'-' ,P ,- F'd~ 'rim ciem°~.s.~irector Wastewater Department Stephen Y:Camell, Director Purchasing/General Services REVIEWED BY:~ Public Works Division DATE: DATE: Consent Asenda: 4121/98 EVALUATION RECAP-FINAL RANKING STANDARDS RFP #98-2783 "Annual Contract for Underground Utility Contracting Services" NAME OF FIRMS Cabana -'~L State Under~round NUMBER OF 1-37-' PLACE RANKINGS 9 3 PLACE RANKINGS 2 4 PLACE RANKINGS 2 2 TOTAL SCORING SELECTION COMMITTEE FINAL RANKINGS Mitchell & Stark Construction Selection Committee Chairman's Signature Date:_ Y'- ?- ? ~ - NOTE: Ranking scoring is determined by multiplying each 1" Place Ranking by 3 points, each 2'" Place Ranking by 2 points, and each 3'~ Place Ranking by 1 point. The Final Ranking order is determined by the highest to lowest Rs~king Scoring totals. P'ECE ¥ED APR 0 7 1998 A,G,C I~OA APR 2 11998 P~., ..~ EVALUATION MATRIX RFP #98-2783 "Annual Contract for Underground Utility Contracting Services" Evaluation Criteria ~eferences (10 !0tints;_____.____ Current Workload '"~f~ce~'Yarct Lccat:c.% A~a,[--ctl~ty of E~u~o. & ReSl:Cr, siv~.'.ess (25 coint$3 I COMMITTEE MEMSER'S FIRM RANKINGS Selection Committee Member's Signature EVALUATION MATRIX RFP #98-2783 "Annual Contr=ct fcr Underground Utility Contracting Services" References (10 cc=nfs1 Evaluation Criteria Current Workload ~ 15 cole. ts1 [ ': of Equip. &Resr. c.-,s;veness ' ':' ~ ~-' ° -" '~ ' L~.5 ooint$1 COMMITTEE MEMBER'S FIRM RANKINGS .,/ ', %'" _.x.,;. '," -Selection Committee Member's Signature Dated:_ i APR 2..11998 EVALUATIC RFP #gt,-~, "Annual Contract for Underground Utility Contracting t~ervicee" Selection Commi~ee Member~ Sig~afure EVALUATION MATRIX RFP #98-2783 "Annual Contract for Underground Utility Contracting Services" Evaluation Criteria '; b Office/Yar~ Location. Avas!Gt:tht~ of Equip. & Responsiveness (25 i~ointsl COMMITTEE MEMBER'S FIRM RANKINGS APR 2 11998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ACCEPTANCE OF TWO (2) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND ONE (1) UTILITY EASEMENT FROM PROPERTY OWNERS TO PROVIDE FOR INTERCONNECTING THE CITY AND COUNTY WATER SYSTEMS IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. OBJECTIV]~: Acceptance of two (2) Temporary Construction Easements and one (1) Utility Easement from property owners to provide for interconnecting the City and County water systems in the event of an emergency. .CONSIDERATION: A Temporary Construction Easement is required from FoxFire Community Association of Collier County, Inc., a Florida Non-Profit Corporation, which will enable Collier County to install an interconnect device in the Davis Boulevard right, of-way between ~e City of Naples and Collier County Water-Sewer District water mains. Staffhas obtained the Temporary Construction Easement by donation. In addition, a Temporary Construction Easement and a Utility Easement are required from G-4 Partnership, a Florida General Pannership. The Utility Easement is adjacent to the Pine Ridge Road right-of-way for the relocation of a sewer force main which must be relocated in order to install an interconnect device joining the City of Naples and Collier County Water-Sewer District water mains. The Temporary Construction Easement is required to allow for use of the property during the installation of the interconnect. G-4 Partnership, a Florida General Partnership, has requested compensation for the easement areas in the amount of Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars ($850.00). The County's Review Appraiser has determined that the value of compensation being requested is justified. The legal documents have been reviewed by the County Attorney and are legally snfficient for acceptance by the Board. In order to ensure that Collier County's interest are protected, the Temporary Construction Easements and the Utility Easement have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, the Office of Capital Projects Management and the Public Works Division. FISCAL IMPACT: Total acquisition with documentary stamps and recording costs are $928.20 and funds are available in: Fund: 412 - County Water Capital Projects Cost Center: 273511 - Combined Water Capital Projects Project: 70040 - City/County Water Interconnect GROWTH MANAG,EMENT: None APR 2 11998 Executive Summary Interconnect Page 2 RECOMMENDAT!QN: That the Board of County Commissioners: I. Approve and accept the Temporary Construction Easement granted by FoxFire Community Association of Collier County, Inc., a Florida Non-Profit Corporation, which has been donated to Collier County; 2. Approve and accept the Temporary Construction Easement and Utility Easement granted by G-4 Partnership, a Florida General Parmership; 3. Approve compensation to G-4 Partnership, a Florida General Partnership, in thc amount of $843.70 ($850.00 less cost of documentary stamps and recording fees), and hereby waive the requirement for a fore, al, independent appraisal report in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 125.355, Florida Statutes; 4. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Easement Agreement; 5. Authorize staff to prepare related vouchers and Warrants for payment; and 6. Authorize staff to procecd with the related real estate closing transaction and to record with the Clerk of Court the easements and appropriate documents to clear title in the Public Records of Collier County. -A~ M~'i~ Saylor,/(~.~tive Assistant APPROVED BY: ~_ . .. ~-~ ~dmmmtrator Ed llschner, Public Works Division APR 2 1 1998 PROJECT: PARCEL: FOLIO~ UTILITY EASEMENT G-4 PARTNERSHIP, a Florid· General Partnership, B~R~ON COLLIER III, INDIVIDUALLY, HAROLD S. LYNTON, JULIET C. SPROUL. AND KATHERINE G. SPROUL AS TRUSTEES FOR JULIET C. SPROUL UNDER THE WILL OF BARRON COLLIER, JR., DECEASED, AS CONFIRMED BY CHANGE OF TRUSTEES DATED JUNE 15, 1993 AND FILED JUNE 23, 1993 IN PROBATE NO. 76-93 OF THE PROBATE RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter singularly o~' collectively referred to as the Grantor, whose oost office address is 2600 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples, Florid· 34105 and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX.OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT. whose post office address is 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples. Flodda 34112, its successors and assigns, as Grantee. (Wherever used herein the ten'ns 'Grantor' anti 'Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors or assigns.) WITNESSETH: Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($1000) and other valuable consideration pa~d by the Grantee. the receipt and suffioency of whicJ~ is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells unto the Grantee. its successors and assigns, a perpetual. non-excluswe easement, license, and privilege for utility purposes, on the follOW~ng desc~bed lands located in Ccllier County. Flonda. to wit: See attached Exh,bit 'A* w~ich is incorporated herein by reference SubJect to easements, restrictions, and reservabofls of recocd THIS IS NOT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TO HAVE Al'JO TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee together with the right to enter upon said land. excavate, and place or remove materials [including, but not limited to. sewer lines and pipes, service and pump stations, and other equipment or improvements appu~enant thereto or thereunder] for the purpose of construing, operating, end m~inl~inir~ utJlit7 facilities thereon Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as the context requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above wr, tlen, FIRST (Pdnt Name) SECO, V re) (Pnnt Name) C-~ PARTNERSHIP, · Flonda General Partnership Lamer Gabl&, as I Partner APR 2 11998 FIRST WITNESS (S,gnature) DORIS J. tFWt.~ (Pnnt Name) (Pnnt Name) FIRST WITNESS [S~g~) 13('~17, j I ~'~ (Print Name) f · (Pnn! Name) FIRST WITNESS (Signature) DORIS J. LEWIS (Pnnt Name) SECO_ND Y'~ITI~E.S_ _S. ($i_g.n.ature) MARCIA J. (Pdn! Name) FIRST WITNESS (Signature) -r"OP! $ J. (Pnnt Name) SECOND WITh~SS (Signature) MARCIA J. WILHELM (Print Name) Donna G. Keller, as a Partner Ban'on Collier III, In(hv,:luallY (Print Name of Notary) Commission # APR 2 11998 T~ foregoing Easemem w,s acknowledged befot'e me ~J.~ day o! _/ ~ r ~../ , 19<J~ by Frances G. Viflere. as · Partner. She is pe~o~alty ~ Io me or ',w~). hal produced J ""- es iden~cation. (Affix ~otartel seel) (Pdnt Name of Nota~/) Commissio~ # T~e foregoing Easement was acknowledged before me Ihis day of ~; ~' ~. 199'0 by Donna G. Keller, es a Partner. She is per~onally kno.~n ~.o me ~ who has produced (Affix notanal sear) (Pnnt Name Of Notary) Commission # (Affix notarial sear) (Print Name of Notre'y) Commisslc~ # APR 2 11998 FIRST WITNESS (Signature) (Print Name) I' (Print Name) (Print Name) SECOND WITNF-~S (Signature) MARCIA J. WlU4Et~ (Pdnt Name) FIRST WITNESS (6ignatute) DORIS J. LEWI~ (Pdnt Name) · (Pnnt Name) HAROLD S LYNTON. KATHERINE G. SPROUL and JUUET C. SPROUt.. as T~ustee$ f~' JUUET C. SPROUL deceased, and as conf~ by ~tange of tn~stee$ dated June 15, 1993 end filed June 22. 1993. in Probate No 76.g3. of the Probate Records of Coa,e~' Couaty, F~da Harold S. Lynton, as.3'rustee Io~ Jul~t c. sp.~ C. Spmul £ Katherine G. Sperml. as T~tee fa* Juliet C. Spmul (AEix noted,al seal) (Affix notarial COUNTY OF · ' The foregoing Easement was acknowledged before me this r~ of .~ r-.~ . 1997, by Juliet C/Spmul. Is Trustee fcx Julmt C. St3mu/ She ~s pers~X~ally kn~ to me has l$ ~ent~ficat~on, (Print Name of NomT) ,,,y c~ E,~r,,:.k..4 q .~ .( APR 2 11998 K., '7 EXHZBZT OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS .350 ! EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA .34 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO.. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEy_') CONL~,IE-NCING AT TH~ SOg'FI.~AST COJJNEJ[ OF SECTION 10 TOWI'¢SII~ 4~ SOUTI. I RANGE 2~ EAST COLLLER EO[~,'N'TY, FLOR. IDA; THENCE ~ If DEGI~EF.,S ~IlNUTES 19 SECONDS WEST ALONG ~ ~3GtTH LINE OF SECTION I0, A DISTAaNCI[ OF 2]42 0~J FEET, TI~NCE NORTH I DEGREE 10 MINLriT~ ~1 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 92 60 FEET TO TH~ POINT OF BEGINNING. I'H~NCE NORTH 0 DEGI~ES ~3 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WES'r, A DISTAHC£ OF 1000 FEET; THI[NCE SO~JTH 19 DEGREES 06 MINUTI~ 19 SECONDS wEs-r ALONG A LINI~ LYING lOi.60 FEET NORTH. AS MEASUI~D FER~ENDICULAR TO.SAID SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 10 · A DISTANCE OF ?~.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 53 MINU'r'r.S 41 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10 O0 FEET; THF. NCE NORTH 19 DEGREES 06 I~flNUTES I9 SECONDS EAST ALONG A LINE LYING 92.60 FEET NORTH. AS I~I~ASLI1LIED PERPENDI~ TO, THI[ soLrl~ LINE OF SECTION I0, A DISTANCE OF 15 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING'. SAID DESCRIED TRACT CONT~JNING 0.017 ACRE (?~0 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS BASIS OF BEARINGS IS TH~ SOLrTH LINE OF A~ORESAID SECTION I0 BEING SOUTH S9 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WF. ST. PARCEL 901 R. RICI-~IOND DATE; 3501 £ TAMtA~ TRAIL NN:q__r~_. FI. ORIOA 34112 ~1 APR 2 11998 EXHIBIT "A" PaIe 2 of 2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~ ~ PARCEL 70~1. ~ 8 ~ ~ [~_ PARCEL 90' ~ ~V z N.sg'06'lg'E. 75.00' -k-- .... ~ ~ ~ .... EXISTING 15' EASEMENT --~~~~-~;-- L_ -- ~ EXISTING tO' [AS[U[NT o .g.~. ~o~ PARCEL PRU 901 PINE RIDGE ROAD (CR-896) S~'t~ -- ~ '~ 2,42' S~ UHK ~ SCC. 10 P.~.C.~ S.E. S~. 10, Twp, 49 Rge. 25 GENERAL NOTES I) P,O.C. In.coteS Point oF CommenCement ~) P.D.~. Indicates Point or ~eglnnlng 3) SeC, indlc~teS Section 4) T~p, lndlcate~ Town~hlp 6) R/W In~c~es Right-oF-way 7) Alt dls~onces ore In Feet end dec~ats B) 9osls o~ beo?l~gs Is *he Sou*h I~e o~ Section lO berg S.89'06'19'V. 9) No~ vot~ unless slg~ed ond seoled elth &he THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH 07-24-97 PR-901 m ~ APR 2 1 1998 ~. ~ ,, PROJECT: City/County Interconnect PARCEL: 701/FoxFire FOLIO: 6 IB44640005 TEMPORARY CONST RUCTION EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT granted th~ //7'1. ~ of .,~~, 1g~'7, by FOXFIRE COMMUNITY AS..~:)CIATION OF COLLIER COUNTY. INC,, a Florida ~ ~ as C.~·ntor, Io Ihe BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY. FLORIDA. A~ THE GOVERNING BOOY OF COLUER COUNTY ANO AS EX.4~FIClO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, itl suCcot$,'~l nad &lNgnl. as Grantee. instrument ·nd U~eir respective heirs, legal reixe~aUve$, euccesso~ or assigns.) W1TNESSETH That the Grantor. for and in con·id·ratio· Of the lam Of Ten Ooftam (~10,00) and other valuable con~l·r·tion paid by ~ C-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~tee, receipt of which ti hereby ic:tux~vledged. hereby conveys, gents, bargains end 14lis to the Grantee, · Tempora~/Constn. ction Easement to enter upon the I&nds al·sC·bed as follow~ (the 'Easement Area'): SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT 'A' whid~ il incoq3orated herein by reference, The Easement Are· shall bi used by Grantee for the purpose Of constructing ut~ty facilities. This Temporary Construction Easement shall expire upo~ completi~ of tt~ c~stmcti~ of the ~ facilities in the Easement Area or on o~ before May 30, 1999. whichever' occurl f'fit. Upon It~ completion of construction. ~ Grantee shall restore the suffice of the Easement Arla to i~ original condition. THIS IS NOT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY e IN W1TNESS WHEREOF. the GRANTOR has caused thef~ presents to be executed the day and year first above wrrtten. FIRST WITNESS (Signature) (P~int Name) /) ~E~ONO W1TNESS (Pfinl Name) FOXFIRE COMMUNITY A,%.~OClATION OF COLLIER COUNTY, INC,, · Flora BT.//.' ~L. /~..-- ~Pr'e s iden VVM4VM~Ient (Print Name and T'~e Of Officer) STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing Easemen! was o~ ~ ~ ~s I I, da~ ~. 1~7, (Print T~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FOXF~E C~~ A~~ ~ C~LIER COUNt. INC.. = ~m N~flt C~m~,~ Page I GE 2 330~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO._ PROJECT PARC.-----------------[~ NO. TAX PARCEL NO. I_FGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) C~NCTNG AT THE POINT OF fN'I'ERSECTION OF ~ CENTERI.IN~ OF DAVIS BOULEVARD (S R [4) AND LAKEWO00 BOI.A.EVARD, ~CE NORTH MT?,qJTES 37 SECO.~I:)S EAST ALONG TH~ CENTERLI~; OF SAID DAVIS BOULEVARD, A DISTANCE OF 360 00 FEET. THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREF.~ 11 MIN1,rIT-S SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 75.00 FEET TO ~ NORTH RIGltT OF WAY Lr~E OF DAVIS BOL~.EVARD AND THE POrNT OF BEGII~,'NT~G. DEGREES 41 MTNq.rTES 31 SECON~DS EAST ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LrNT.. A DISTANCE OF 35.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES II WEST, A DISTANCE OF 30 00 FEET. THENCE SoLrrH $~ DEGREES 41 ~ 3./ SECONq~S WEST ALONG A LrN~E LYTNG :)0 FEET NORTtLAS MEASURED PERPE%'DI~ TO.SAID NORTH RIGHT Of WAY Lrb~ OF DAVIS BOULEVARD.A DISTANCE OF 3S 00 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES il Mrb/LrrTr. S 23 SECOh~S EAST, A DISTA.~CE OF 34} 00 FEET TO TH~ POfNT OF BEGrNNTNO; SAID DESCRI13ED TRACT CONTAFNI~G 002~. ACRE (I,050 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARfNGS IS TH~ CE,~'~ERLI'~E OF DAVIS BOULEVARD BEING NORTH 89 DEGREES 41 MINLiTES 3'/SECONDS EAST. PARCEL PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 112406 OFFICE OF C..APff~. PROJECTS COLLIER COUNTY C.O'V"KRNMENT :OMPLKX APR 2 11998 Page 2 of 2 3301 OFF/CE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMiAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLOR;DA 3z-~ ~2 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~)lr~ zI l I ~-'~~.8~'~1'37'E. ~-P.O.C. Point at Intersection PARCEL DBU , I,. DAVIS BOULFVARD~ _ ~ ~,~o..oo'.L__ --'V--' -O-sb'--~?~-' ~'---~',) OENERAL NOTES 1) P.O.C. md,cites Po~t o? Connencenent 2) P.O.~. mn~:c~te$ Point o~ Beginning 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rgb. ~dice~es R~nge 6) R/W lndic~teS Eight-oF-w~y 8) Basis o~ hegel. S is the Cente~ tine O~ Davis Bouteva~d being N.Bg'41'37'E. 9) Not v~tld untes5 signed Gnd seated with the enbossed se~t o~ the p~o~ession~t tGnd s~veyo~ THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH NOT TO 07-~4-97 PR-70! SHEET 2 SCALE APR 2 1 1998 PROJECT: C~//Counbf Interconnect PARCEL: 702/901 G-4 Par'tnersh~p FOLIO 240280101 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PARTNERSHIP, · Florid· General Partnership, BARRONi COLLIER 'ill, INDIVIDUALLY, HAROLD S. LYNTON, JULIET C. SPROUL, AND KATHERINE G. SPROUL AS TRUSTEES FOR JULIET C, SPROUL UNDER THE WILL OF BARRON COLLIER, JR,, DECEASED. AS CONFIRMED 8Y CHANGE OF TRUSTEES DATED JUNE 15, 1993 AND FILED JUNE 23. 1993 IN PROBATE NO. 76-93 OF THE PROBATE RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, hereinafter singularly or collectively referred to ·s the Grantor, whose post office address is 2600 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples, Florid· 34105 aL'~ the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX.OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER- SEWER DISTRICT, whose post office address is 3301 Tam·ami Trail East. Naples, Flodda 34112. its successors and assigns, as Grantee; (V~erever used herein the terms 'Grantor" and 'Grantee' include all the parties to th~s instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors or assigns.) WITNESSETH That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Tan Doff·rs ($10 00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells to the Grantee, a Temporary Constructio~ Easement to enter upon the lands described as follows (the 'Easement Area"): SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT 'A' which is incorporated herein by reference. The Easement Are· shall be used by Grantee for the purpos· of constructing ulility facihties. This Tempora~ Construction Easement shall expire upon completion of the construction of th· pubb¢ facjlities in the Easement Area or o~ or bef~e May 30. 1999. whichever occu~ first, Upon the completion of constr'.Jction, the Grantee shall restore the surface of th~ Easement Are· lo its ongtnal condition. THIS IS NOT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has caused thcs· presents to be executed the day and year first above written (Pdnt Name) G-4 PARTNERSHIP, I Flora General P·rtrmrship Laf~·r Gable. ·s · Part. er F,RST (Print Name) (Pnnt Name) Frances G. Ville~, Is · Par~e~-- APR 2 1 1998 L". -. FIRST WITNESS (~S, ignatul'e) (Print ~ECOND ~E~ (S~natu~) ~CIA J. ~ Name) (Prat Name) ,. t . (Print Name) (Print Name) · ~ . SECOND WITleSS (Signature) MARCIA J. W1LHEI.M (Print Name) bof,,ml G. Keller, as I Patlt~' ~arron Collier Ill. Ir)dh~clu·lly (~ OI 0~1'/) J,.'Y'N~ D. STIRP (Prk'~ Nam~ ol Comm~sk~ ~ COUNTY OF -- /~.( cleyof · Frances G. VilMm, as · Parlner. She iS persomllly know~ to m~ m' .who has ~ _ '"' ...~, ~,*'*'-~'""- V, ' _ cae (print Name oe' Notary) The foregoing E~sernent was acknow~edgeCl befo~l me l~is day of ~[,"t' ._. Part. er. She is personally kno~ to rrm or w~o has I~Od? -' ~,,,~, o. K,,,,, ,s , _1 as iOentif'~.ation. ¢ou~'n' c~ C',' ,:,," ,, The tore oi Easement was a~nowledged .tore me gag , . s Phy~is G. Doane, es a Par~,~er. She it, persof~l~y known to me or (Affix not,:~rial seal) ($ign~ture. j~f Nota~t) ' - LYI~ D, ST:~P (Print Name of Notae/) Commission COUN~ OF (~ ~ ] I ~ */ Ba~ Collie III. I~iv~ually. He is ~o~ally ~ to ~ (Affix notarial seal) ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~"~ (Sig~f Noah) LY~ D. S~ L~ ~s~ tx.' ,cc ~.~ ] (Pnnt Na~ of NO~) Com~s~ (Pd4~l Name). SEC~~~ (print Name) HAROLD S. LYNTON. KATHERINE G. SPROUL ar~ JULIET C. SPROUt.. as Tn.rstees for JUUET C. SPROUL uflde~ Ire Wd of Ba~on Coee~. J~.. deceased, and as confetti by c~ange of lmstees ¢J~ed .June 15. 1~93 and filed June 22. 1993. in Probate No. 76-g3. of the Probate Records of Collie~ County. APR 2 1 1998 I,e.= 15' ~ FIRST V'vNT N ES,~/(Sig~at~s ) (Pnnt Name) / , (pnnt Name) FIRST WITNESS (S, gmltum) (Prat Name'}'v' (Print Name) ] :~ 4 {',~ u,~' . ~i~ef~'~ O. SlXOUl, as Yrustee f~ 'k~et C. Semi COUNTY OF '"' .' Ir'!. Harold $ Lynton es Trustee for Juliet C. Sproul. He is persoM~ly know~ lo me ~' w~o his 1~'o~3uced ~'Y (P~t Name of COUNTY OF L' ,' I h The fomgo2~ Easement was ~ ............ ~;'~" has "~'~'~ juliet C, Spm~, as Trustee f~ Juliet C. ,SP~"*i, ~Sl'te is Pem°~a~Y 1~7~. ~u "m ~ ~ '~ APR 2 11998 £XIIXB1T Pale I of 2 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34.112 (941) 774-8192 PROJ£CT NO._ PRO, J[CT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVL-Y~ COMMENCING AT TIE SOUTHEAST ~GE 2~ EA~, UI~S 19 SECO~S ~ ~ONG ~ ~ L~ ~ SE~ 10, A DI~ OF 2342,~ ~; ~N~ ~1 t DEG~ OI ~fl~ ~f SE~ ~. A S~ J9 DEGREES ~ ~ I~ SE~S ~ ~ A ~ ~N~ 122.~ SECONDS ~, A DIST~ OF ~.~ DISTANCE BASIS OF BEA~NGS E~HZBIT "A" Pale 2 of 2 0 Z rY I OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 3301 EAST TAkllAMI TRAI~ NAPLES. FLORIDA 24! 12 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ,._ :::/::i: ..:ii'~:.'~.'.;!?~:!,F:"~!:.:..;'::::..:;-:::':.".:"~ :~..'..!~!::!:'!:!!i:!:)!:~!:.~ · e O ',. :. :' ,.:-:.:: {:':.:.::PARCEL 70~,, · :~ :..:.: :.::..::~,.:.~ ;,;. · .,.~:,:.. ~ff.:?: _:,.: :.......:.,.:~.:.:,.:...:.?...:.... . , ,,,, . ·., ~1~ PARCEL 905 ~J ~___~_ ~j.- ,.,,~,.,,-~.,,;oo_.___:~ ____..f-- ....... ;×--;; '---~--- i;~;,.~ ,0' EASEMENT PARCEL PRU PINE RIDGE ROAD (CR-896) SOUTH LINE O? SEC. p.0.C.--~ $.E. Corner Sec. 10, Twp. 49 S. Rge. 25 E. GENERAL NOTES l) P.O.C. md;cotes Point DP Commencenent 2) P.D,B, indicates Point of' Beginning 3) Sec. ~ndlcoteS Sect, IOn 4) Twp. lndlc~tes Township 5) Rge. md;c~tes R~nge B) Bosts or be~m~5 Sec~m~ ~0 bem~ scot or the THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH lift / 07-24-97 PR-701 APR 2 11998 PROJECT: City/County Interconnect PARCEL: 702/901 G.-4 Partnership FOLIO: 240280101 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (hereineftar referred to es the "Agreement') is made and entered by and between G4 PARTNERSHIP. a Florida General Partneelhlp. BARRON COLLIER II1. INDIVIDUALLY. HAROLD S. LYNTON. JULIET C. SPROUL. AND KATHERINE G. SPROUL AS TRUSTEES FOR JULIET C. SPROUL UNDER THE WILL OF BARRON COLLIER. JR.. DECEASED. AS CONFIRMED BY CHANGE OF TRUSTEES DATED JUNE 15. 1993 AND FILED JUNE 23. 1993 IN PROBATE NO. 76-93 OF THE PROBATE RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. (hereinafter singularly or collectively refened to as the 'Owner") and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER.SEWER DISTRICT. itl luccess4~s and ass,~n$. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Purchaser'); WHEREAS. the Purchaser requires a Temporary Construction Easement over, under. upon and across the lands described in Exhibit 'A'. which is attached hereto and made I part of this Agreement. for utility construction and maintenance purposes: and WHEREAS. the Purchaser requires an Easement over. under, upon and across the lands described in Exhibit 'B". which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. for installing and maintaining an underground sewage force main; and WHEREAS. the property described in Exhibits "A" and 'B" shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Property.' WHEREAS. the Owner desires to convey the Easements to the Purchaser for the stated purposes, on the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS. the Purchaser has agreed to compensate the Owner for the granting of the Easements over. under, upon. and across the Property. NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of these premises, the ~Jm of Ten Dollars (S10.00). and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt end sufficiency of which ere hereby mutually acknowledged, it is agreed by end between the partial al follows: 1. Owner shall grant Purchaser an Easement over. under, upon. and across the Property in exchange fo*' the sum of $850.00 as full payment for the Property Interests taken and for any damages rf~sulting to the remainder, if less than the entire property was taken. and for all other damages in connection with said Property. 2. Purchaser shall pay Owner for the Easements by County Wan'anL 3. Both Owner and Purchaser agree that closing shall occur within lixty (60) days of the execution of the Agreement by Purchaser. However. Owner agrees that closing may be extended until such time as any and afl liens, e~cumbrances, exceptions, or qualifioations in and to the Property are propedy executed and delivered to the Purchaser. At closing. Purchaser shaft deliver the County Wan'ant to Owner and Owner shaft deriver an easement to Purchaser in a form acceptable to Purchaser. 4. Prior to the cJceing. Owner shall obtain from the holders of any end eft liens. encumbrances, exceptions, or qualif~.ations in and to the Property. the execution of such instruments that wilt. upon their recording in the Public Records of Collier County. Florida. dear any and afl encumbrances from the Property. Such instruments shaft be provided to Purchaser on or before the date of closing. APR 2 11998 5. Conveyance of the Easements, or any interest in the Property. by the Owner is contingent upon no other provisions, conditions, or premises other than those so stated above; and the writ:eh agreement, includ~ all exhibRs attached hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the partes, and there are no other prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, undertakings, promises, warranties, or covenants not contained herein. 6. Owner is aware and understands that the 'offer' to purchase represented by this Agreement is subject 1o acceptance and approval by the Board of County CommissiOners of Collier County, Florida 7, Owner represents that the Property and ell uses of the Property have been and presently are in compliance with all Federal, State and Local environmental laws: that no hazardous substances have been generated, stored, treated or transfened on the Property except as specif'm, ally discJosed to the County; that the Owner has no knowledge of any spill or environmental law violation on any properly contiguous to or in the vicinity of the Property to be sold to the County, that the seller has not received notice and otherwise has no knov,4edge of a) any spgl on the Property. b) any existing or threatened environmental lien against the Property or c) any lawsuit, proceeding or investigation regarding the generation, storage, treatment, spill or transfer of hazardous substances on the Property. This provision shall survive closing and is not deemed satisfied by conveyance of title. 8. Owner hereby agrees that it shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the County against and from. and to reimburse the County with respect to. any and all damages. claims, liabilities, laws. costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable paralegal and attorney fees and expenses whether in court, out of court, in bankruptcy or administrative proceedings or on appeal), penalties or fines incurred by or asserted against the County by reason or adsing out of the breach of owner's representation under Section 7, This provision shall survive closing and is not deemed satisfied by conveyance of title. 9. The Purchaser shall pay for all costs of recording the easements. All other costs associated with this transaction including but not limited to transfer, documentary and intangible taxes, and recording costs for any curative instruments shall be Ix)me and paid by Owner. 10. If the Owner holds the Property in the form of a partnership, limited partnership. corporation, trust or any form of representative capacity whatsoever for others. Owner shall make a written public disclosure, according to Chapter 286. Florida Statutes, under oath, of the name and address of every person having a benetrmial interest in the Property before the Property held in such capacity is conveyed to Purchaser, its successora and assigns (If the corporation is registered with the Federal Securities Exchange commission or registered pursuant to Chapter 517. Florida Statutes, whose stock is for sale to the general public, it is hereby exempt from the provisions of Chapter 286. Florida Statutes.) 11. This Agreement is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Easement Agreement on this__~ day of .l~,~t' ;t ,19 . Dated Project/Acquisition Approved by BCC: AS TO PURCHASER: DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk , Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FL-DRIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY. Chairman AS TO OWNER: WITNESSES: .... FIRST WITNESS (Pnnt Name) (Pnnt Name) (PnntName) / ' . SECOHO_WFI'I~'ESS [Srgnature) MARCIA J. ~ . (Pnnt Name) (Pnnt Nan's) / · ,.~ I SECOND VVITNI~SS (S~naturl) MARCIA J. w~t ~g~u_ (Pnnt Name) FIRST WqTNESS (S~natuf~) DO~J~ J. LEW~ (Pnnt Name) · (Pnnt Name) FIRST WITNESS (Signaturl) DORIS J. LEWIS G-4PARTNERSHiP, I FIot~II ~ G. Killer, al a Partner (Pnnt Name) SECOND VV1TI'~F. SS (Signature) (Pnnt-~'l-n~i~ ......... B~rron Colher I~ APR 2 1 tss.3 / J FIRST WITNE~ (Sigt~tum) CPr~t N~r4) (Pnnt Name) FIRST WITNESS (Signature) -rto~. -!e- J. (Pnnl Name} (Pnnt Name) HAROLD S LYNTON. KATHERINE SPROUL an4 JUUET C. SI~OUL as Trustees fro' JUUET C, SPROUL of fus~,s ckltecl June 15. lgg3 Ind fl~ed F~ Ham4d S. Lyntor~. m T~ for JuSt G, I~'atheflr~ O. Sproul, aS T~ustee for Juhet C. Semul Approvecl as to form and legal a4jff~ciency: Heidi F. Assistant County Attorney OFFICE OF CJPITAL PI OJECT$ EAST TAMIAMt TRAI'~- NAPLES. FLORIDA 34'1'12 (941) 774-8192 P~Od£CT NO, PRCLI£CT PARC[L NO. TAX PARCEL NO._ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SU~3 C~NCI1,,IG AT TI~ SOb'T'I~AST COR.N~R OF SECTION 10 TOWl~ISI.~ 49 ~ ~GE 2S EAST. ~ ~. ~A, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M~S 19 SE~S ~ ~ONG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IQ, A DI~ ~ 2)42 ~ ~. ~[ ~R~ I DE~ ~ ~ J9 ~ ~, A DISTAN~ ~ 102 ~ ~ ~ ~I~ BEG~G, ~CE ~ 0 DEG~ES ~3 K~S 41 SE~S ~, A DI~AN~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ I0. A DISTAN~ ~ t5 ~ ~; ~N~ ~ O DE~ ~3 ~S 41 SECO~S EAST. A DI~ OF 20 ~ ~. ~ ~ It DE~ ~ ~S 19 SECOndS EA~ ~ONG A L~ L~G 102 ~ ~ ~. ~ ~AS~D PE~I~ TO, ~ ~ L~ ~ $A~ SE~ON 10. A D1STANC~ ~ t~ ~ ~ TO ~ ~ OF BEG~G. S~ DE~ ~ CO~G 0 034 A~ (!.~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ BASIS OF BERGS IS ~ ~ L~ ~ AF~SAID ~ON I0 BErG ~H ~9 DEG~ES ~ ~S 19 SECO~S ~ P~L ~1 33,01 [ 1AMIAUI l."~dL £XHZBIT PaSe 2 of 2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL":" NAPLFS. FLORIDA 34,1 12 (941) 774-8192 0 0 0 PARCEL PRU 901 PINE RIDGE ROAD (CR-896) P.O.C.~ $.£. Com~' See. 10o Twp. 49 S. Rgo. 25 £. GENEraL NOTES :) PaC. snd.cG~es Po,hr o~' Co~,~e,~ce,,e~t 2~ P~B m~;ce~es Po:~t o~ Beg;nn;~g 3~ Sec ~nd,C~teS Sect~o~ 5) Rge. ~,c~tes Renge ~) R/~ ~cmtes RJght-o~-~my Sect,on 10 ~e~g S, B9'O6'Ig'V. THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH NaT Ta L07_~4_97 SCALE 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRA'I'~- NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO,_ PROJECT PARCEL NO._ TAX PARCEL NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~NOT A SUEVLrY~ COIVI~NCIT4G AT ~ SOLrtJ~AST CORNieR OF SE~ON I0 ~S~ 49 ~ ~S 19 SECO~S ~ST ~ONG ~ ~ L~ ~ $E~ON 10. A DI~ OF 2342 ~ ~. ~ ~ I DEG~ 10 ~S 31 5E~S ~. A DIST~ OF 92 ~ ~ET TO ~ ~INT ~ B~G~NG. ~NCE ~ 0 DEG~ES S3 ~S ~ I SECO~S ~. A DI~ ~ 10 ~ ~. ~E SOb~ ~9 DEG~ES ~ ~S 19 ~S ~ ~ONG A L~ L~ 10~ ~ ~ ~ ~ON I0 ~ET ~, AS ~As~D ~IC~ TO.S~ ~ 41 SECONDS EA~. A DIST~ OF 10 ~ ~ ~g~ ~ 19 DEG~ ~ ~S 19 SECO~S E~T ~ONG A L~ L~G ~2 ~ ~ NOR~. AS ~AS~D ~EN~IC~ TO. ~ ~ LI~ ~ SE~ONIO. A DIST~CE OF TS ~ ~ET TO ~ ~ ~ BEG~%~NG. S~ DE~ED ~ CONT~G 0 0It AC~ (t~ ~U~ ~. MO~ OR LESS BASIS OF BEINGS 15 ~ ~L~ L~ ~ ~O~S~ SE~ON I0 BErG ~ 89 DEG~[S ~ ~S 19 SECONDS EXHIBIT "~" Pale 2 o[ 2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 5301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAI-~- NAPLES, FLORIDA .94112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ? , , ~ ~ ~ PARCEL 901 ........ - ~ ~ EXISTING 10' [AS[MEN~ < ~P.O.9. PARCEL ~ , O PARCEL PRU 901 P~NE RIDGE sou~ u~[ or sec. ~o P,D.C,~ S.E. Sec. ~0, Tw~. 49 S, Rge. 25 E. GENEP~L NOTES 2) P.O.B i~,cotes Poln~ o? Beginning 4) T.p. ]~dicctes 6) R/W indicoteS Right-o?-woy 7) Alt diStonces o~e in ?eft ond ~eci~ots the~eo? B) ~s,s o? beo?~gs is the South llne o? Sec.,om 10 being S.Bg'06'Ig'V. se~t o? ~P.e ~?o?essionol [ond THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH NOT TO SCALE 07-24-97 PR-901 APR ~ I m EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOGNIZE, APPROVE AND APPROPRIATE A PORTION OF THE GOLDEN GATE BEAUTIFICATION M.S.T.U. FUND 136 CARRY FORWARD AND RESERVES FOR LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT EXPENSES AND TRANSFER EX~STING FUNDS FROM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TO IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL. D. ll~k(2~-,: ~fo obtain Board approval for redistribution of a portion of Fund 136 C~rry Forward and Reserves for Contingency so that the Golden Gate Beautification M.S.T.U. can fund landscape construction management costs and to obtain approval to transfer existing funds from Other Contractual Services to Improvements General. CONSIDERATIONS: The landscape management, administration, snd design costs for the improvements on CR 951 from Golden Gate Parkway to the Golden Gate Canal are to be funded by the M.S.T.U. as per the adopted Golden Gate Community Roadway Beautification Master Plan. On February 10, 1998, the Golden Gate Beautification M.S.T.U. Advisory Committee requested that OCPM and McGee and Associates, Landscape Consultant to the M.S.T.U., prepare proposals to illustrate the necessary project management, construction bid, and contract administration costs related to CR 951 Part "A", Phase 1 as well as landscape and irrigation final design service costs for CR 951 Part "B", Phase 1. On March 10, 1997, the Golden Gate Beautification M.S.T.U. Advisory Committee met and discussed the proposals received. OCPM estimated Project Management Fees for CR 951 Part "A", Phase 1 would be approximately $13,000.00. In conjunction with OCPM's proposal, McGee & Associates, under the existing RFP Contract, also prepared an estimate for "Construction Bid Services" and "Construction Contract Administration" in the amount of $4,250.00 for CR 951 Part "A", Phase 1. This fee amount is based upon working in conjunction, and coordina!ing with, OCPM in performing selected services during construction as listed by OCPM. The estimate for CR 951 Part "B', Phase 1 also included Final Design Services in the amount of $8,975.00. The Beautification Advisory Committee moved unanimously to accept the proposals submitted and requested that staff present their recommendation to the Board. Staff is, therefore, requesting that the Board allocate Audited Carry Forward and Reserves for Contingency from Fund 136 to provide funding to perform the required landscape management services and is further requesting to transfer existing funds from Other Contractual Seveices to Improvements General. ~: The current balance in Other Contractual Services is $7,300.00. The total funds needed for CR 951's Project Management will be appropriated by combining those funds available in Golden Gate Beautification Fund Carry Forward and Reserves. APR 2 1 1598 I~. I i GOLDEN GATE BEAUTIFICATION M.S.T.U. ,.~... PAGE 2 ~':" ":' Fund 136.162590-634999 Other Contractual Services Audited FY 98 Carry Forward (I 36-919010-489200) (As of 2/18/97) Transfer From Carry Forward to Operating $ 579.00 i .,. Carry Forwazd Fund Balance Reserves for Contingency (I 36-991000-919010) i~i. :~ Transfer fi.om Reserves for Contingency $ 100.00 ')'i~il.': Reserves for Contingency Fund Balance Available Funds $26,22:S.00 Approval is also being requested to transfer the existing landscape improvement funds totaling $213,000.00 fi.om Other Contractual Services (136-162590-634999) to Improvements General under Fund 136-162590-763100-69116. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. I~ECOMMENDATION: Tha~ the Board of County Commi~ioners recognize, approve, and appropriate the requested $13,000.00 from Fund 136 Carry Forward and $8,000.00 from Fund 136 Reserves for Contingency; approve the request to transfer $213,000.00 from Other Contractual · Services to Improvements General; and approve the required budget amendment(s) necessary to continue funding the landscape operational expenses. PREPARED BY: I/~"/~'/.~' ct/ DATE: val Prince, Engineer II, ~'" ~~~ DATE: 4'/' REVIEWED BY: :, Edward Z, ut, ? --a tion S ,,,im infector // _/=~r~ - ' DATE: REVIEWED B _ _ 2,_ Ed Ilschner, Public Works Administrator APR 2 1 1998 --- I Executive Summary RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A BUDGET AMEND~ FOR CROSS CONNECTION PARTS Ql~d~_t~]~: That the Board of County Commissio~r~ Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the County Watcr/Sew~ Dimicl ~pprove a budget ~mdm~nt in ibe ~moun~ of $84,630 to provide funds for il~ purchase of cross conz~'fion control devices for new CONSIDERATIONS: 1. On July 29, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 97-33, the Cross-Connection Ordinance, that specified that all new connections to the Cotmty's water system to be evaluated for potential hazards to the system. The Ordinance requires the Water Deparunent to install a cross-connection prevention device if a hazard is found to exist. t,,. budget had been adopted for this fiscal As the Ordinance was not adopted until after ~-.' year, funds were not allocated to purchase the pans necessary to complete the required installations. Additionally, Ordinance No. 97-33 requires that all existing connections be evaluated for potential hazards and retrofiUed with a cross connection prevention device, if any hazards are evident. Again, the funds were not budgeted to complete this activity. A Staff report on the results of the Survey and providing updated pro,ram cost schedules is b~ing completed. Funding required for the retrofit aspect of the cross connection program will be reviewed during the ut'r. oming budget cycle. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are not presently budgeted for this effort Funds needed, $84,630, may be made available from Utilities Funds (408) Reserves for Contingency. A budget amendment will be processed reducing reserves and placing the necessary funds into the Water Distribution Cost Center (408-253212). New connection fees will offset the parL~ costs. APR 2 ! 1998 pA~COMMENDATION: Staff r~comm~n~ls that the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water/Sewer and Ooodland Water District approve the budget amendment described herein. Prepared By: ~~ '~_ff'~. Pamela Libby, Ficlc[ ~u~is~ / / ~pprov~d By: ~ Ed II~chner, Public Work~ Administrator APR 2 11998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PNEUMATIC PIERCING TOOL OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Csoveming Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer Distri~ appwve a budget amendment taking funds from Reserves for the purchase of a pneumatic piercing tool as a replacement for Asset lqo. $5-201, which is un~pairable. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. The Water Department operates water facilities to serve the customers of the County Water/Sewer District. 2. The Water Distribution Section is responsible for the installation of service lines and water meters within the County Water/Sewer District. These tasks frequently require the installation of water lines under existing roadways. This is accomplished through the use of equipment that bores under the roadway. The equipment used by Water Distribution, a hydraulic mole or hydraulic piercing tool, has become non-repairable, which is severely impacting the Distribution Section's ability to install service lines and meters in a timely real,filer. 3. The hydraulic piercing tool to be re~laced was originally purchased in 1985. 4. The existing hydraulic piercing tool will be replaced with a pneumatic piercing tool. This requires the purchase of the tool as well as an air compressor. Staff has received three quotes for the pneumatic tool from the following vendors: The Plank Company $6,889 Ditch Witch Trencher Inc. of Florida: $7,225 TT Technologies, Inc. $4,911 Staff has received three written quotes for the compressor from the following vendors: Naples Rent-All $11,799 Neff Rental $ ! 1,995 U.S. Rentals $10,200 FISCAL IMPACT: The replacement of this piece of equipment was not anticipated when the FY 98 Budget was prepared and this expenditure was not budgeted. Staff recommends that funds for this purchase be appropriated from Utilities Contingency Reserves and placed in the Water Distribution Cost Center 408-253212. The total amount to be moved from Reserves and expended on this equipment described above is $15,111. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None APR 2 11998 RECOMMENDATION: That the Bomxl of Couaty Commissio~ Ex-Or, cio, the Amendmen~ in the amount of $15,111 moving funds from Utilities Re~erv~ to tl~ Water Distribution Cost Center. Al~rOVed B~: ~ Ed II~chn¢~, Public Work~ Admi_ni~trator Consent Agenda April 14, 1998 EXECUTWE SUMMARY ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY GIFT, PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF FEE SIMPLE TITLE INTERESTS AND/OR PERPETUAL, NON- . , OAD RIGHT-OF-WAYs SIDEWALK, UTILITY, DRAINAGE, EXCLUSIVE, R .......... ,,~,~ INTERESTS BY EASEMENT FOR ANCE AND TEMPORAR~ ~utn~lttv~..xiv,- _ ...... ~ ~ ~san~ OAD MAINTEN OVEMI~ la r~ ~-~-~ R ,.. so czv (C.[L 856) PROJECT FROM SANTA BARBARA B~v.~V~ (S.R. 84) CIE NO. 16. ~ To adopt a Resolution to acquire by gift, purchase or cond,.nnnafion of fee simple title imerests and/or non-exclusive, perpetual road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage, maintenance and temporary construction interests by casement required to complete the four-laning roadway improvements for Radio Road (C.R. 856) from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Davis Boulevard (S.R. 84), (hereinafter referred to as "the Project"). CONSIDERATION: On October 28, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance Number 97-55 therein establishing the 1997 (Seventh Annual) Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan. The Transportation Element of the County's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in Ordinance No. 97-62 for CIE Number 16. On November 1, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution Number 94-760 authorizing the County Staff to acquire by gift, certain easements, and fee simple title to the property and property interests required and necessary for the four-laning roadway improvement of Radio Road from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Davis Boulevard (S.R. 84). Staff has reviewed alternative locations, environmental factors, cost variables, safety and welfare considerations as they relate to the construction of the Project and the Board finds that the most feasible location for the additional road right-of-way for the construction of the Project is being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" of the attached Resolution. FISCAL IMPACT_: Total acquisition costs are estimated at $886,807, and includes ali land, ~mprovements, and severance damage pa)'-o~lts as well as all overhead costs and expenses which may be incurred through condemnation, and final judgment expenses for the non-exclusive, perpetual easements and/or fee simple title referenced in Exhibit "A", required to complete the four-laning roadway improvements for the Project. . Funds are available FY 98 in the amount of $528,450 in: ". Fund 333 - Road Impact Fees (District #2)  Cost Center: 163650 - Road Impact Construction ~ Project: 65031 - Radio Road Project APR 2 ! 1998 Page 2 Executive Summary - Radio Road A Budget Amendment is needed to u'amfer $35g,357 f~m Re~rves: From: To: Fund Cost Center Object Code Fund Cost Center Object Code 333 - Road Impact Fces Distric~ #2 919010 - Reserves 993000 - Reserve for Capital Outlay 333 - Road Impact Fees District $$2 163650 - Road Impact Construction 65031 - Radio Road Project ~_ROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT_.' As a Capital Improvement Element project, the recommendation is consistent with the County's Growth Management Plan for CIE $$16. IRECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: (1) Adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation the fee simple title interests and/or non-exclusive, perpetual road right-of-way, sidewalk, utility, drainage, maintenance and temporary construction interests by easement required to complete the four-laning roadway improvements for Radio Road (C.R. 856) from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Davis Boulevard (S.1L 84); and (2) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Resolution. (3) Approve the necessary Budget Amendment Wilma Iverson, Senior Specialist E Real Property Mana. gement Department Micah K. Mass~inol,'"Project Manager fftal Pro]ects Management Offi~fof Caf REVIEWED BY: ~ A. mere Office of Capital Projects Manage~ APPROVED BY Ed Ilschner, Administrator Public Works Division DATE: DATE:_ DATE: I 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 98- 4 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY GIFT, ' 5 PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF FEE SIMPLE TITLE INTERESTS 6 AND/OR PERPETUAL, I~ON-EXCLUSIVE, ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, 7 SIDEWALK, SLOPE. UTILITY, DRAINAGE, MAINTENANC~ AND 8 TEMPOIC~RY CONSTRUCTION INTERESTS BY EASEMENT FOR THE 9 CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOLq~,-LANING ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS FOR l0 RADIO ROAD (C.R. 8561 PROJECT FROM SANTA BARBARA BOULEVARD 11 TO DAVIS BOULEVARD (S.R. 84). 12 W1-IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, on October 28, 1997, adopted Ordinance 13 No. 9%55 therein establishing thc 1997 (Seventh Annual) Capital Improvement Element of the 14 Growth Management Plan in order to establish priorities for the design, acquisilion and 15 construction of the various capilal improvemen! prOJecls. The Transpona6on Element of Ibc 16 County's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in Ordinance No. 9'/-62; and 17 ~VHEREAS, lhe four-laning improvements to Radio Road (C.R. 856) from Santa Barbara I $ Boulevard to Davis Boulevard (S.R. Sa) is one of the capital improvement projects requited I0 ~nder the Transporlalion Elcmen! office County's Comprehensive Plan; and 20 WHEREAS. the Board of Counly Commissioners, on November I, 1994, adopled 21 Resolution No. 94-760 aulhorizing the County Staff.to acquire by gift certain easements, and/or 22 tee simple rifle Io the property and property interests required and necessa~j for Ihe tout-laninl roadway improvements of Radio Road from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Davis Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the location for construction of the proposed improvements has been fixed by survey and is coU¢ctively represenled by lhe legal descriptions comprising Exhibil "A" afached hereto and incorporated herein. WHEREAS, after consideration of the availabilily of allernate routes and locations, the comparative costs of project alternatives, various impacts upon the environmer~, long tan~e planning op6ons, and public safety considerations, the Board desires to exercise its tigh! to ~ge 1 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30' condemn proper~y for public purposes. APR 2 11998 I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE BOAILD OF COUNTY 2 CO~',~MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that it has been determined by the 3 Board that the construction of the four. laning roadway improvements for Radio Road from 4 Santa Barbara Boulevard to Davis Boulevard, (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") is ' $ necessary and in the public's best interest in order to protect thc health, safety it,d welfare of the 6 citizens of Collier County. '7 AND IT IS FI..fRTI-TER RESOLVED that construction of the Project is part olive County'a 8 long tinge planning effort, and is includ~ in the Transportation Element of the County's 9 Comprehensive Plan for Growlh Management, as approved by the Florida D~artment of I0 Community Affairs. t I AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Staff has reviewed alternative 12 locations for the project, various impacts to the environment, public safety and welfare 13 considerations associated with the design and construction of Ibc Project, and the costs 14 associated ~'ith the design, property rights acquisition, and construction of the Project; and the 15 Board finds that after consideration of these issues, the most feasible location for construction 16 or'the proposed improx'ements is collectively represented by the legal descriptions comprising 1 ? Exhibit "^" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 1 $ A.~'D IT 1S FL.rRTHER RESOLVED that in order to construct the Project as designed, it is 1'~ necessary for the Board to acquire the various real property interests described in Exhibit "A= lo 2ti x~'it: fee simple title; perpetual, non-exclusix'e road right-ot'-way, side~'alk, slope, utility, 21 drainage, maintenance and temporary constructien interests by easement. 22 AND IT IS FL~THER RESOLVED that all property, whether encumbered by easement or 23 acquired in lee simple, shall be put to pub!lc purposes. 24 AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the County staffis hereby authorized lo 25 immediately acquire by gift, purchase or condemnation in accordance with the provisions of 26 Chapters 73, 74 and 127. Florida Statutes, the above-referenced real property interests more 27 particularly described in Exhibit "A' attached hereto and incorporated herein. 28 AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that no mobile homes are located on the property 20 sought to be acquired and therefore it ~'ill not be necessary to remove any mobile homes fTom 30 thc property to be acquired. P,ge 2 ! 2 This Resolution adopted on this .=...=_.. day of .... 1998, after moron, second and majority vote. BOAR/) OF COLTNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: DW~GI-IT E. BROCI~ CLERK 9 ^ppmved as to form and 10 legal s~ffi¢ienc"y) 12 Heidi F. 13 Assistant County Attorney 14 15 By: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIP.~IAN Page ~ SECTION 4, EXHIBIT 'A " TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LAND DESCRIPTION PA/IC~-' fAI Fo],to:O03~ 26 EAST F~O~ N~AST ~AR~R (N~/4) F~ A ~ST~CE ~ ~,07 FEET TO ~E /~S~NG S~E~Y R~T-~-WaY ~E ~ R~O RO~ (C.R, 8~ ~EH~ N~ ~'3]'3~' EAST ~OHG ~ID S~E~Y RI~T-~-WAY ~E F~ A ~ST~ ~ 0,47 ~EN~ S~ J9'~'23' EAST C~G AL~G ~O S~E~Y UNE F~ A ~ST~ ~ 26M, 77 ~ET TO AN ~R~CT~ m~ FEE T; ~EN~ LEA~G S~D EASilY L~ N~ 8~'~'23' ~ST F~ A 2644.44 FEET; ~ENCE S~ ~'31'3~' ~$T F~ a ~ST~CE ~ 0,70 FEET ~ ~ ~E ~D ~S~RLY UNE ~ ~g N~T~EAST ~AR~R ~ H~ ~'lJ' ~ST ALONG SAID ~S~RLY LINE F~ A D~STANCE FEET TO ~E P~NT ~ C~TAINING 1.51B AC~ES ~ ~ND, U~E ~ ~B~CT TO EA~MEN~ ~D RES~ICTI~S O~ REC~D. SCALE: ' RADIO ROAD (C.R. 856) ~S ~*3t'~ ~ - N 89'48-2J-W 2644.~ SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION NOT A SURVEY '""' --'----'--'3 IAPR 2 1199 SECTION 3, Folio: 00399&0000 EXHIBIT "A TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LAND DESCRIPTION F~O~ ~G AT N~ST ~N~ ~C; ~ B~'48'23' FAST ~G SX~ S~;RLY Rj~T-~-WAY ~CE N~ 19~'12' EAST C~TWUWG ~G S~ ~Y ~E F~ a ~ST~ ~ 440.70 ~N~ ~a~C ~D S~ERL~ ~H~ S~ 89~12' ~ST F~ ~E~CE N~ 89*48'23' ~ST r~ X D;ST~NCE ~ 0,09 FEET; ~ENCE N~TH ~6'17' EAST F~ C~TA;N~NG 0.253 AC~ES ~ LAirD. ~E ~ LESS. ~B~CT TO Ex~ENTS AND RES~;CTI~S ~ REC~D. SCALE: RADIO ROAD CC.R. 856,) EXISTING SOUTNERL Y RIGHT-Or-WAYu<7 Bg'48'23'E N Bg'sJ'!2'E ~.77 BEGINNING SKETCH AND DESCRIP~ON NOT A SURLY ;~. I _ SECTION 3, P AI~L: !43 EXHIBIT "A '" TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LAND DESCRIPTION F~O~ EAST ~G ~ ~ R~O R~ (eR. ~). TO ~E ~7 ~ BE~NN~NG ~ ~[ H~RE~ ~BED ~ N~ ~ LEA ~NG 42.62 ~ET TO A P~HT ~EN~ N~S~Y ~G ~ID ~, C~CA~ S~S~RL% HA~G A R~US ~ET TO ~ENCE ~ENCE BE ~NNING; C~TAININ~ 0,242 A~ES ~ LAND, W~E ~ LESS. ~B~CT TO EA~MEN~ AND RES~JC~5 ~ RECTO. SCALE: IR ' el4.E4 IA - 17~.~2 BEA~RIN~ HEREOH MtE BASED O~ 1'~ .~./~E~Y L/NE OF I~E S0~ST ?.?tTE~ SEClIOH 3~. TOI~ISH~P 49 SOUTH, RAh~Z 25 EAST BEAP~G SOUTH 8.~"56'21 EAST SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION NOT A SURVEY N PREPAR£D BY: EXHIBIT "A" SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LAND DESCRIPTION 3 F~ A ~ST~ ~ ~1.22 FEET; ~'4a' E~T t~ A ~ST~CE ~ ~ ~ET TO A P~NT ~ tN~R~C~ ~ A N~-TAN~NT UNE: ~ENCE N~ ~'~'I1' EAST FOk ~ ~ST~NCE ~NNING; BEARINGS HEREO~ ARE BASED OH THE SOUTHERLY ~C~ ~, TO~IP 49 S~. R~ 25 EAST SKETCH AND DESCRIP~ON NOT A SURLY /qK~CT: NG 43031 EXHIBIT "A" RANGE 26 ~AST SECTION 3, TO.SHIP 50 SOUTH, COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA LAND DESCRIPTION a P~ ~ ~ND LWNG IN ~C~ 3. ~S~P ~ S~. r~O~ ~MENOHG AT ~E N~ST C~NER ~ S~ ~C~ 3, 3 r~ A ~STAN~ ~ 1322.02 FEET; ~NEN~ LEA~G ~ H~RE~N ~S~)~O P~CEL ~ L~NO, SAID P~NT BEING x P~NT ~ ~R~C~ ~E~ ~AS~Y ~O SAID ~R~, C~CA~ ~ 10~.~4 ~ A ~N~ ~ ~ 7518'24' F~ ~Ef ~ A ~T ~ ~EN~ S~ 35~2'~' EAST r~ A ~S7~NCE ~ ~0~.13 ~T ~43' EAST, ~ IN~R~g~ B;ING ~ ~E N~s~RLY ~ENCE S~S~RLY ~G S~ H~TH~S~RLY R~T-~-WAY ~, C~CA~ S~EAS~Y, HA~NG A RADIUS ~ 2939.79 ~ 0312'~' F~ ~ ARC ~STANCE ~ ~65.02 FEET TO M~ A N~-TAN~NT ~ ~EN~ LEA ~NG ~D N~S~RLY RI~ T-~- WA Y RAD~S~S T~N~ ~EHCE N~ ~9'S6' E~ST F~ · D~ST~aCE ~ 223.77 FEET TO BE~NNING; C~TAINING 1.131 A~ES ~ ~ND, U~E ~ LESS. ~B~CT TO EA~MEN~ AND RES~tCW~S ~ R/C~D. / ~. ~ ~y~.~_ ~B - N 3910'2~W ~T-~-WAY eASED CW T~ SOUn~ERLY U~E OF T~£ SOUT~KST SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION NOT A SURVEY &Gl:NO& EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MITCHELL & STARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. FOR THE MANATEE SCHOOL DITCH RELOCATION PROJECT, BID NO. 98-2787. OBJECTIVE: . To receive Board approval and award of a construction con,fac! for thc Manatee School Ditch Relocation Project to Mitchell & Stark Construction Company, Inc. of Naples, Florida for $92,136.00 in accordance ~th Bid No. 98-27827. (~ONSIDERATIONS: This project involves the construction of two new relocated ditches and the abandonment and filling in of two existing ditches and is designed to provide flood relief for the area North of U.S. 41 near the Manatee School and surrounding area by collating and conveying storrnwater runoff south to the Fiddlers Creek stormwater runoff disposal system. Bids were solicited from 78 excavation contractors. On March 5, 1998, a Pre-bid Conference was conducted for several contractors. On March 18, 1998 bids were received from 6 firms. Mitchell & Stark submitted a bid of $92,136.00. The Engineers estimate of probable cost for the work was approximately $80,600.00. Mitchell & Stark is a reputable local company with an excellent performance record on past County projects. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $58,400.00 are available in Fund 325-172975- 763120-31407. Additional funds required of $38,300.00 including 5% built in for contingencies are available in Fund 325, Reserves for Capital Outlay (Total = $99700). Fund No. 325 (Water Management CIP) Cost Center No. 172975 (Henderson Creek) Project No. 31407 (Manatee School) GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None APR 2 11998 RECOMMENDATION: That ~e Board of Count)' Commissioners: (1) Award Bid No. 98-2787 to Mitchell & Stark Construction Company, Inc. of Naples, Florida for $92,136.00 (2) authorize the Board Chairman to execute the construction contrac! and (3) approve the necessary. budget amendment. PREPARED BY~c~ REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: Bru~'e W. McNall Stormwater Management Coordinator Job0 H. Boldt, P.E., P.S.M. Stonn~ water Management Director Stephen Y. Camell Purchasing Department Director Ed Ilschner Public Works Administrator Date Date Date Date TAJ3U~TION FOR. BID School Ditch Relocation P~ojec~ INVITATIONS SENT TO: 78 Vendors ................................ i , I I I ~RN~ [U'~~'~ I I ~~r I s s T~I ~ 2. Cle~ri~$ & GrubbLng (Approx. 4 acres for ~formstional purposes) To~l Cost 3. 24" BCM~ Culvert (Furnish & Instal1) Unit Cos~ To~l Cost 40 LF 4. 36" BCM~ Culvert (l:umish & Install) Unit Cost Toul Cost 360 LF 5. 48" BCMP Culvert (Furnish & lns~ll) Unit Cost To~l Cost ! 20 LF Construc~ new ditch including gradhng & shaping Unit Cost To~! Cost 3,460 LF 9. Fill existing ditches Unit Cost Total Cost 3,460 LF 8. Bahia sod for pipe end slopes ~ 2:1 slope Unit Cost Total Cost 2,400 SF s s /n,//~ irt s ~-_tn s s t'V/.6' ~s '7~'- z~ s /n s_~,.~o s- - s- 't, ~'~ s- - s 'L&qz' s I~:- _~a s I¢.~'z~_~n s ,.tn S ,i~f ,.Isqfl 9. Seeding & Mulching (Approx. 9 acres for informational purposes) To~l Cost Total Base Bid Alternate Bid No. 1 10. 24" HDPE or PVC Pipe (Furnish Install) Unit Cost Tot~! Cost 40 LF ..... s~,Sc~- ,. s /fl I I. 36" I-[DPE or PVC Pipe (Furnish Install) Total Cost 360 LF 12. 45" I-[DP£ or PVC Pipe (Furnish & Install) Un~C~ S /'%//~ Total Cost ! 20 LF S Total Bid w/Alternate No. I Alternate Bid No. 2 13. 24" RCP Culvert (Furnish & Install) Unit Co~t Total Cost 40 LF s Cq,~o t, s 3q,zz/~ 14. 36" RCP Culvert (Furnish & Install) Unit Cost Total Cost 360 LF 15. 48" RCP Culvert (Furnish & Install) Unit Cost Total Cost 120 LF Total Bid wi Alternate No. 2 Prompt Payment Terms: Addenda Aci~owledged: Bid Bond A.".~ched: s /L//~ /fts ~" /ft s /~ s ~f~,.~'z s s- z~,'~- s s ~ ~_./~.,.~_z~_ % .... days .% ,, days Net ~) ,,, days Net 30 days ,rEs _.yo ...~o ..~S NO .NO Wll'NESS: % .... days _% ~days Ne'---~' ~0 ,, days Net ~t0 ,, days ~YES NO ~YES ,,.NO YEs ~"L~~p, Jr.~,j~chasin8 Te~:hnician "No Bach" re:aired from: Pioneer Machinery, Commercial Propane, FRS, lac 6WARD pRQ~'£DL'RE: Copies of ell prc,-,osals and Tabulations for this bid have been for~-arded to the ~tiating department. After proposals are c~aluatcd, the recommcndatior, of award will be posted (~ypicall) on Wednesday or Thursda) ) outside the offices of the Purcha~inl Dcpa."tment. r~or to thc presentation of a~,'a.~ to the Board of Counl)' Commissioners. Patties intettsled in lhe slams of the award process conta~ the P.'-:hasing Department at 94 ! ~74-8425 lo veriiS' the official status of each contrac~ Subsequem to award, the aw~dee ~411 be n~tified b.v release of a purchase order or receipt of a conu"ac~ for signature. TABULATION FOR BID ~8-2787 "Manatee School Ditch Rel~ Project" INVITATIONS SENT TO: 78 Vendors POSTING DATE: 2-17-98 OPENTNG DATE: 3-18-98 I 1 2. Clearing, & Grubbin~ (Ai~rox. 4 acres for informational pmlx~s) Total Cost 3. 24" BCIq,~ Culvert ('Tumish & Inst~ll) Unit Cost Tot~ Cost 40 LF S ~1.. ?fO- S x~c:,o - S S 4. 36" BCMP Culvert {Furnish & Install) Unit Cost Total Cost 360 LF 48" BCIv[P Culvert (Furnish & Install) Unit Cost Total Cost 120 LF s '?'~.'~'/~t s I/.~'-/. s~ /~ s /~ s 4.~o- s Iq,¥~- s s ) 6. Constru~ new ditch includ~ni grading & shapLng Unit Cos~ Total Co~ 3,460 LF s ~./~ /~ s IC,ZO /n s /n s /n 7. Fill existing ditches Unit Cost Total Cost 3,460 LF 8. Bahia sod for pipe end slopes ~ 2:! slope Unit Cost Total Cost 2,400 SF s .'Z.L /~ft s , J~' /sqn S /xln S /sqn s s-z~--, s ,, ~z- s s 9. Seeding & Mulching (Approx. 9 acres for informational purposes) Total Cost Total Base Bid s e~.T~t~-- s ~,,C:o- s s s JOt~l~il.oo s I~.q, iz~,c~ s s Alternate Bid No. I !0. 24" HDPE or PVC Pipe (Furnish & Install) Unit Cost Total Cost 40 LF s H,~.~- SS 6Z,'"' iff/' ~. Iff $ in ~.,~t'~- s I APR 2 11998 I &~ ~,,, ! 1. 36 ' HDPE or PVC Pipe (Furnish & Unit cos, $ Total Cos~ 360 LF $ '2. s s s 12. 45" HDPE cw PVC Pipe (Furnish & Uni~ Cost Total Cost 120 LF Total Bid w/Alternate No. 1 Alternate Bid No. 2 13. 24" RCP C'ulvert (Furnish & Install) Unit Cost Total Cos~ 40 LF s ,~..2~ /ft s 17-.C- /f~ s Itt S S $ 14. 36" RCP Culvert (Furnish & Install) Unit Cos~ Total Cos~ 360 LF S lit S Itt S S 15. 48" RCP Culvert (Furnish dc Install) Unit Cos~ ToLal Cost 120 LF Total Bid wi Alternate No. 2 Prompt Paym~t Terms: Addenda Acknowledged: Bid Bond Attached: s !%- S' 1o, IO,4 .~ Z'~, ,..(Oc~ -' s ,,% ....... days % days ]Vet"'~ days -Net"_~.9__ days ,,,v~s ___~o YEs ,,,~To S /fl S S S ~% __.day~ ~% .... days 'Net ~ da.,,$ Net 30 da.%s _YES NO YES NO _~'E S _NO ~~,~NO ..YES __NO ~vqTNESS: /]~ecup, ~r., Purchasing Tec~]clan "No Bids" received from: Pioneer Machinery, Commercial Propzne, FRS, lnc AWARD pROCEDL'R~: Copies of,Il Proposals and Tabulations for this bid have been for~'arded to the initiatinl deF~'tmem. After all proposals are r,-aXuated, thc recommendation of award will be posted (typically on Wedn. esday or Thuflday) oumside {be ofl"lats of I~c Pur~hasin{ Dcpinment. prior to the presentation of award to the Board of Count' Commissionm. PaJ~CS interested k t~ ~ of die r, wd ptoeess may contac:, thc Purchasing Dcpa~'ncnt at 941/774-8425 to verify thc offici~l status of each contract. Subsequent to awmL the awitdee wm be notified by release ora purchase ordct or receipt ora contrncl foe signature. ".. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL OF A FIRST AMENDMENT TO GROUND LEAGE BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE ~TATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE ~: Approval of a First Amendment to Ground Lease between Collier County and [he State of Florida, Department of Juvenile Justice. _CONSIDERATION: The Board of County Commissioners on May 23, 1995 (Resolution No. 95-339), entered into a Ground Lease with the State of Florida, Department of Juvenile Justice, a State Agency, {"'State'). for purposes of allowing the State to utilize a portion of County-owned property for a Juvenile justice facility, also known as the Collier County Drill Academy. The facility is located off Stockade Road in Immokalee. The County operates a tower facility to the south of the juvenile justice facility and requires use of mn existing roadway through the property leased to the State to access the County's tower facility. Since the original Ground Lease is for a term of fifty (50) years and includes a renewal provision for an additional fifteen (15) years, staff requested that the State execute an Amendment to the Ground Lease approving Collier County's use of the roadway seven (7) days and week, twenty four (24) hours a day. The State has approved the County's request for an amendment. FISCAL IMPACT: None GROWTH MANAGEMENT: None ~ECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Fist Amendment Io Ground Lease (three (3) copies) with the State of Florida. Department of Juvenile Justice, and authorize its Chairman to execute same. PREPARED BY: ~andraYaylor, Real ProPerty Man~nt Director R~IEWED BY: ~bhn Daly, Radi~Communi~fions Manager William Coakley, Info~ation T~,nol~y ~or Leo O~s, Suppo~ S~s A0ministrat~ DATE: DATE: DATE: ~ DATE: ''/J~/~'~ FIRST AM£h~DMENT TO GROUND LEASE IS I;IRST AMENDMENT TO GROUND LEASE entered inlo ~h~s ~ d~y of FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT '~F JUVENq. E JLSTICE. I S~te ~en,~, ~se ~n~ eddmll · 2737 'LESSEE', a~ COLLIER COUNTY, a pO,,l,~-al ~u~v~ of the 5t,3~t Ot Flgf~a. wngse ~ll~g ~dflll WlTNESSETH WHEREAS, the LESSEE ar~ LESSOR h~.'e previously entered into · Ground Le.~;~ :l~ted May 23, 1995; NOW THEREFORE, in ~nsideral~on o~ th. ~venants a~ agreements Dried ~hin ~ Lease is hereby amended as fOllOws t, Afl~e I of ~ Gr~nd Lease is hereby Oe~teO in i~ en~a~ and ~e I~g prov~i~ ~ ARTICLE 1. DEMISE OF LEASED ~ kept, ~or~d a~ ~se~d ~y LESSEE. a~t ~ale I~ de--se to LESSEE. 4~ LESSEE ~l rant end lCMpl ff~ LESSOR. t~ real pro~y, mfe~ Io Is ~elled Li~ del~bed ~ ExhibR 'A'. IHached ~relo and in~rlleO here~n by referent. 1.2 LESSOR ~reby reDresen~s and warran[s thai LESSOR is i~ ~ner in fee I~ of t~ Leesed Land luOjecl to covenanls, cona~t~ons, restr,chons, easements an0 other ~lletl A copy Of the ~eea p~ovi~ng tee s~mp~e bttle ~ Ihe LESSOR ~ atta~eG a~g wi~ I M~Emd cu~ent su~ey, 1.3 LESSOR ~venams an~ a~rees that LESSEE. on keeping the covenants. ~it~l and terms 0f this Lease ~ LESSEE'S ~a~ s~ ~e kepi and ~dormea. snail lawfully ant qu~eily haM. en~oy the Leased La~ ~urmg the lerm ~f [~e Lease w*thDul h~no(a,~ or molestal~on Dy LESSOR ~rson ~aimi~ under LESSOR. 1.4 LESSEE ~n~ and Igree~ ~ a~ LESSOR ~n ~) day, ~fl~.four (24) ~ur ic~s$ to LESSORS pr~ ~ted a~jaMnl lO ~ LIII~ LI~ ~ in exilflflg ml~ly, dewibed in Exhibit 'B'. I~d he~O I~ ~o~ll~ ~ ~ ~fl~. ~ ~dwly ~11 pur~es of I=ll I~ ine ml~lt~ of a~ ul~l ~lll~ ~ le~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LESSOR. 2. Except aa expressly provided herein, the Ground Lease between The State of Flonda. D~partment of Juve~la Justice Ind Calher County fo( the iJ§liZll~n of the Leased I.and de$c~)ed in said Grc)~nd Lease dated May 23. 1995 remains in full force Ihd lfflCt lCCOn:ling ~o the llm'~ and condit.ons contained therein, and il,d terms a conditions ira applicable I'~rllO except il expressly o[h~rw~$e h~rein. AS TO THE LESSOR: DA'lED:, AT'TEST: BY: · Depdy Clerk BY: :' :T'¢ COMMic~ $1ONEJ~S. FL©RIgA. Approved as LO fosm and legal sufr~ien~y: A~sls~n! Countt Attorney STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing F~rst Amendment lo Ground Lease was acknowledged Deloro me U'til clay of who has pr°~Uce~ , 19~ by E, ARBARA B. BERRY. as Chairmen. who is per$onolly knOWt', Io me or (affix notarial seal) NOTARY P',.. BLt,: Senab'Comm~$$ion #: My Comn',,issicn Exp~r~s: AS TO T]~: LES. SEE: DATED~.E~,.Z~_ STATE OF FLOR;DA DEPART~tENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE IIx U~EP~.~, D£PU'i~ S£CR£TA~Y =[PT. OF JUV£N[L£ J~ST[C£ Witnes~ C~ig~at~?~) Witness (S,g~e)- ~ (P~t STATE OF ~Jo~,D~ COU~ OF ~. f~¢ng ~, ~m&nt Io Ground Lense w...~k~dged ~S p~u~ [type of ident~fi~J~] is ~nalure of Nota~ Pu~c)  (Prim Name gl No~ -- ~.~t..s NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Ex~re~: 3301 EXHIBIT OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO, PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO. _LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) COMM~NCTNG AT TI~ NC)RT~W~ST CC)RNI~ OF S~CTION IS. ~ 4~ ~. ~GE 29 EA~, ~R CO~. ~A, ~N~ ~R~ ~ DEG~ES S1 ~S 46 SECO~S EAST ~ONO ~ N~ ~ ~ ~ON I~, A DTSTAN~ OF 13S3.69 ~, ~ ~ 4 DEGAS I 1 ~ Il S[~S E~T, A D~STANCE OF ~.T3 ~ET, ~N~ NOR~ IS DEGAS 23 ~ 3~ S~CO~S ~, A DIe. CE OF I g a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IEG~NO ~ ~ ~~ ~ A e~-I mmN (1 Y) F~T ~E AC~ E~. ~ 3~ 5~CO~$ EAST. A DISTA~ OF ~ ~ ~. ~N~ ~ 3 DEGAS ~1 ~ aS SECO~S EA~. A DI~ OF 102~1 ~ET. ~CE ~ ~ 0 DE~ES ~9 M~S 24 SECO~S EA~, A D[~AN~ ~ ~6 ~4 DIST~ ~ 1~.6~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DAMON BASIS ~ BERGS IS ~ NOR~ L~ OF ~ I S BErG ~ ~ DE~ES SI ~S ~ SECONDS EA~ P~ ~ PROFESSIONAL LANO SURVL:'YOR 12406 OFFK:£ OF CAPITAL PROJECTS COLLIER COUNTY G~NT COMfat, L"X .1301 C T.~a~4~ 1TLNt. NAI~.£S, FLORIOA 34112 (Pacle 2 of 2) 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAUl TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 I,C, N.V, CORNER SEC. 1.5, TWP. 47 S., REG. 29 [. $.04't1' B0.73' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION sTOCKAB[ ROAB :.t0'40'0B'E. 27.69' WEST LINE Or THE N.E. 1/4 nF THE 1/4 ar SEC. 15, TWP. 47 S., ROE. P9 E. GENERAL NOTES 1) 4) 5) 6) 7) 9) S.06'40'20'E, 5B.49' 15' EASEMENT S.02'31'37'E. 9B.84' ',.03'21'45'E. 102.2B' ,06'20'13'E. 76J9' ,o0'59'24'E. 46.74' 59.71' S.O4'IIgB'E. 89.67' 99.50' 30.15' ,'49'11'E. 9.50' :,03'46'59'E. 28.00' 30.15' ,.G6'13'01'~, 15.00' p.n.T, P.0.c. Inctlcotes Point oF CommenCem~n~ P.O,B. Indicates PoIn~ O? ~eglnnlng ' Sec. Indlco~es Section Twp. lndico~es Township Roe, Indic~%e~ R~n~e R/~ Indlco~es Right-oF--oy B~sIs o? beorln~s Is the North t~e of Section 25 being N.BS'SB'46'E. No~ v~{ld un[eSS signed end sealed ~l~h the se~[ o? the proFesslono[ [on~ S~veyo? S.86'24 THIS lS ONLY A SKETCH PR-IMT~/R JSHEET 20~ L.N.R. 03-16-98 APPROVAL OF BU~DGET AMENDM:ENTS BCC Agenda of 4/'21D8 County Water/Sec'er Operations (Fund Budget Amendment No. 98-195 aU~__ast _e~'atet Ope. Tations (Cost Ccnler 210120~ Per.:mai Se'rvices $27,577 pelican Bay WWTP (Cost Center 233313] Personal Services (27,577) Funds are needed to pay the cost of budgeting a Recycling Coord~ator position in the Wastcwater Administration Colt Center. Ti~ individual will overaee the department's reuse water system. A Plant Operator position is beiag moved fi.om the Pelican Bay WWTP and is being reclassified. System Development Impact Sewer Fee (Fund 413) Budge~ Amendment 98-187 Combined S~wer Capital Projects (Cost Center NQ. 263611] Eng~eering Fees (Sewer Master Plan Update - Project #73036) Improvements General (Misc. Effluent Improvements - Project #74015) $25.400 (25.4OO) Funding is needed for Contract Amendment No. 3 to Camp Dresser and McKee. Inc. for the Cotmtywide Wastewater Master Plan. The additional fees are related to final revisiora to the County's Wastewater Master Plan and an application for State Revolving Funds (SRF) needed for the expansion to the North Count)' Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility {NCRWWTF). AGENDA H'EM APR 2 1 '1998 pg. I _ BO,~dO,.D OF CO,-' :,,T'¥ COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEC 4.: S CORRESPONDENCE APKiI, 21, 1998 A. Key Marco Commnunity De, ..-- :-~pment District- minutes for June 9, 1997. B. Heritage Greens Commur~ - :)evelopment District, Key Marco Community Development District, Lei: '..,mamunity D::ve!opment Dislrict & Pclictm Marsh Community Developmem ! :' ~strict - memo updating information al read>' submitted. C. Immokalee Fire Control District - 1995-96 & 1996-97 Audited Financial Statement & Management Letter; Budget for 1998; Schedule of Regular Meetings for 1998; Registered Office and Agent and Diswict Map for 1998. D. East Naples Fire Control & Rescue District - Annual & Audited Financial Report for 1996: M~agement Lener and Rebuttal to Management for 1996; Budget for 1998; Registered Office & Agent; District Map for 1998 & Schedule of Regular Meetings for 1998. E. Collier Mosquito Control - Minutes for June 9, 1997; resolution adopting tax leto' of. 1821 mills for fiscal year 1997-98; resolution adopting the Annual Certified Budge~ for 1997-98; ,~'mual Audit Report for year ended 9/30/97 and Annual Financial Report for year ended 9/30/97. F. Fiddler's Creek Conununitv Development District - minutes for July 30, 1997, September 24, 1997, Octol~er 22, 1997, November 12, 1997, January 28, 1998, resolution adopting the Annu'..,,1 Certified Budget for 1997-98, Annual Audit Report for year ended 9/30/9~ and Annual Financial Report for year ended 9/30/97. G. Heritage Greens Community De'velopment District - minmes for April 3, 4, 10, 21, June 9, 18, 23, August 18, 19 & October 23, 1997. Other A. Letter dated March 31, 1998 from Michael A. Welsh, Controller, Collier County Tax Collector's Office, referencing Current Ad Valorem Tax & Non-Ad Valorem Assessment to the BCC after Tax Collector's commissions and distribution recap " o~ APR 2 1 gcj8 showing year to date totals oft,axes collected net of discount for 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997. Referred to BCC. APR 2 1 ~g98 R~CO~4~1DATION T!LAT T~E BOARD OF COUI~ C~MISSIONER$ A~PPROVE A BUDGET AMYAYD~7~UNT FOR T~ USE OF CONFISCATED TRUST ~S TO SD-PPORT T~C~ICAL EQUIP~D~qT. _ _ - ~T~[ To seek Board approval of a $10,000.00 Confiscated Trust Fund budget amendment to support technical equipment. ~Q~%~~ The Sheriff's Office by virtue of Section 932.705 F.S.S. 4 (c)3), is seeking Board authorization for the appropriation of funds to support technical equipment. The Sheriff's Office Bureau of Technical Science (BTS) needs a centralized evidence collection, testing and evaluation 1~ unit vehicle to use at crime scenes. In 1993 the Sheriff's Office replaced a 1955 mobile DUI c~eckpoint Batmobile unit with a new state-of-the art grant funded DUI Project. vehicle. The 1985 unit was utilized as a backup DUI Project vehicle until its deteriorated condition made it unusable. The 1985 unit is salvageable and can serve as the BTS crime scene lab unit. A generator, lightbars, repainting, lettering, and miscellaneous other repairs will cost $10,000. Approval is being requested for a budget amendment for technical equipment which will have an estimated life of five years. FISCAL IMPACT~ $I0,000 for these expenditures is available from Confiscated T~dst Fund Reserves. The amendment increases auto repair and maintenance (60~-611010-646410-0) by $5,900 and auto refits (602-611010-764120) by $4,100 and decreases the contingency reserve balance by $10,000 ~602-919010-991000) · ~RQWT~ IMPACT~ No recurring costs for subsequent years. RECQMM~ND..ATIQ~i That the Board of County Commissioners approve the budget amendment for the use of funds to support technical equipment. CERTIFICATION~F__qp~FI$CATED TR~$T FUND REQUES~ This request is a legitimate e×penditure of Confiscated T-~ust Funds under Section 932.705 (4) (a) Florida Statutes to be used for technical equipment. ~t. ScOtt Barnett APPROVED BY: DATE: ~~ ~herif f April ADDITIONAL VOT1NG MACHINES Objective: To purc,"~ase additional voting ~-achines for use in future 1998 elections. reconditioned 228 position Model V-A vobng machines were Considerations: One hundred ' ' purchased in 4992. We went out for bid: new units were .$340 each while the reconditioned units were $279 each. Earlier this year, we located 60 reconditioned units at $200 each for acquisition. However, the 60 will not meet the complete needs for a primary election in which all election districts have contested e!ections. January !, 19§5 saw tl~e implementation of the new National Voter Registration Act in Florida. Prior to opening for business that day. there were 90,968 total voters or whom 83,768 were active voters, tn 1995, we registered 13,086 new voters: in 19~6, we re?stered 17,463 new voters: in 1997, there were 12,925 new vo~,ersl ard thru March 3,, 4998, we have registered 3,618 new voters On January 1, 1998 there were 109,927 active registered voters and a total registration of 120,8.53. Under the National Voter Registration Act, applications are arriving at the ~ r~L~...EAg.~iI-.Lv- [ate ofFz0 n~?,' voter~per d~..v irl~Lg_9..~ Section 101.72, Florida Statutes, provides the ratio of voters to voting units to be "I:125. As you can see from the daily average, we need one new voting unit for every two days of new reg:strations -- or 130 for 1998 at the current daily registra- tion rate. When preparing the 1998 budget. $40,000 was included for acquisition of an additional voting units for 1998. We were not fortunate e'~ough this year to locate a sufficient number of recondi- tioned v~ting umts from a single source. Earlier you were asked to approve the acquisition of 67 units from ES&S (formerty Business, Records Corp.). We have located an additional source of 50 reconditioned Model II1-A units from Intab. another election supply and support vet~der. Unfortunately, these will cost the county $275 each. The sul:e,-visor of elect~ons requests normal bidding requirements be waived in this instance so the cou'~ty may take advantage of this arice for the additional reconditioned voting units. Th~s should almost complete the quantity of vo:mg units needed by the county this year. Fiscal Impact: The cost of the refurbished units is $13,750 plus shipping. The funds are currently available in the Supervisor's budget fund 080 account 522010-764550. There will be no addition'al fiscal impact to the county at th~s time. Growth Management: While the necessity of additional voting units has been caused by the county's growth over the past two years (which was authorized by previous boards or your- selves), the impact of the county's future .qrowth is not reflected in this request. Recommendation: That the Board motion to waive normal bidding requirements and approve the purchase of the additional 50 reconditioned Model III-A voting units while the units are still avai!abte F '~V'T GUNIT'''/T GtJ t'''~ ~ EXECUTFVE SUMMARY THE FINANCE AJ~D ACCOUN"J"ING DEPARTMENT SEEKS AUTHORIZATION FROM THE BO.a. JLD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO FILE THE STATE OF FLORIDA ~NNUtkL LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE HSCAL YEAR 1996-I997 AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTE 218.32. OBJECTIVE: To receive approval, including the execution of the Certification by the Chairman of the Board of County Comrnissioners, to file the State of Florida Annual Local Government Financial Report for the fiscal year 1996-1997 as required by Florida Statute 218.32. CONSIDERATIONS: As paFt of the annual audit, tile Finance and Accounting Department is responsible for completing and filing all statutohly mandated reports. Included in these reports is the Department of Banking and Finance State of Florida Annual Local Government Financial Report. This report documents the revenues and expenditures for a given fiscal cycle in accordance with the State of Florida Uniform Accounting System. The report has been reviewed by the external auditors and found to be substantially in agreement with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report presented to the Board of County Commissioners on March 24, 1998. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Finance and Accounting Department to file thc aforementioned report, in executed form, with the Department of Bar. king and Finance. Prepared By:/I~'M. Johnssen, CPA Date: .~General Accounting Manager Reviewed By:/~~, ~.~ Date: .~j6es L. Mi(cheil, CIA, CFE, CBA Director of Finance and Accounting .DEPENDENT DISTRICT REPORTING - Part 1 ~ttt A,-x/,~nt~iag SL, md~rd~ B~tr~ Statrm~at 14, ~ ~b~' ~]d ir~dc ~y ~dmt ~ ~t p~ ~~t 193 Collier Catnt~ Wa~r~ Di~ric~ Goodland Water District Considered a Discretely Presented Component Unit. The Authority has no assets, liabilities or equity and has not generated any revenues or incurred any expenditures. Therefore, no financial positions or results of operations are reported in the accompanying financial statements. Page: 2 ~ .~.t~ .~ ~. ~'a I ,DEPENDENT DISTRICT REPORTING - Part 2 UI~ ll~i~ past to rt'l~orl t~ l~al r'~:~ue~ a~d ~di~ ~ ~c~ I~ ~ra~ ~' ~ ~ a c~ponent ~t ~ ~ ~ ~u~ fm~ci~ ~rt ~ ~e ~g~I cn~, ~er bl~d~d or ditc~ly 11/07/97 IDCO: 11 * 190 Collier Cotta~.Faealth F~cilitics Authority~ --- 1068 C~llicr County Abix~ Audaod_~L Goodland Water District :.' 23 917 8~400 ~ 632~468~_ 236,663 Total gxpenditur~ N/A 24,975 33~292,423 970 623,808 507 ~306 320,178 I * Considered a Discretely Presented Component Unit. The Authority has no assets, liabilities or equity and has not generated any revenues or incurred any expenditures. Therefore, no financial positions or results of operations are reported in the accompanying financial statemen%s. Page: 2 DEPENDENT DISTRI - AUDIT COMPLIANCE 192 ColLk:t Ccam~ Iod,,,~lrial L~,~_,-~x Auth 193 ~ Wat~r-Scw~r Dim'ia - 940 Marco W~t:m' amd Eewer PAtriot 1065 C~liex Goodland Water District X ~reby c~nif'7 that tho~.e deponent di~icix wMch arc b~lgc~ s~paraIely, bav~ comphed with thc mandated audit requircmcnu p~.rsuant to Scot, on 11.45 (3) (a) 4. Florida Starutea for the fiscal y~r reded 3/16/98 n~irector of' F~~x~c4~.q~.~ng Title Considered a Discretely Presented Component Unit. The Authority has no assets, liabilities or equity and has not generated any revenues or incurred any expenditures. Therefore, no financial positions or results of operations are reported in the accompanying financial statements. FUT'~ D GROUP tLEYENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTI~;G ENTITY: COLLAR COU~q'Y~_FLORIDA REPORTING FUND GROUP: GENEIL, kL FUND D NLrMBER: REVENUES AND OTHER (311.000 THROUGH 3.00. 000) Account No. De__scri.~fion AD VALOREM T:.~.S OTHER LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS FED GP-ANTS-?Uq3LIC SAFETY FED GRANI'S-}~LAN SVCS-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FED G~a~q-rS-OTItER FED ?AYMEN~FS IN LIEU OF '[A)CES ST GRANTS-GENT~P, AL GOVERNMENT ST G RANT S-CULTURE/~£CREATION ST SHAPED I~_F.V-GEN GOV'T-s~G PROCEEDS ST SHARED REV-GEN GOV~F-INS AGT CO LICENSES ST SHAR-ED REV-GEN GOVq'-ALCOHOLIC BEV LICS S I SHARED REV-GEN GOV'T-RACING TAX ST SHASLED REV-GEN GOV~F-LOC GOVq' 1/2 CT TAX ST SHAKED REV.TRANS?ORTATION-OTHER LOCAL GRANT$-?FFfSICAL ENVIRONMENT SERVICES-GEN GOV'F-RECORDING FEES SERVICES-GEN GOV~i''FNTRNL SVCS FEES & CHRGS SERVICES-GEN GOVq'-SUPERV1SOR OF ELECTIONS SERVICES-GEN GOV~F'COUNTY COURT FEES SERVICES-GEN GOV'T-CIRCLITT COURT FEES SERV1CES-GEN GOVq'-COUNTY OFF COMM & FEES SERVICES-GEN GOV'T-OTHER CHARGES & FEES SERVICES-?UBLIC SAFETY-HOUSING FOR PRISONERS SERX, qCES.HL~L&N SVCS-ANIMAL CNT & SHLTR FEES SERVICES-HUMAN SVCS-OTHER CHARGES & FEES 311000 3290O0 331200 331620 331900 333000 334100 334700 335120 33513O 33515O 33516O 33518O 335490 337300 341100 341200 34155O 341700 341750 341800 341900 342300 346400 346900 11 Whole Dollar~ Olxly Amount 65,282,321 . 96,918 48,708 ~ 23,075 52,662 ~ 316,200.. 5,149 297,989 5,413,485 47,167 99,322 114,500 ~ 14,957,187_~.._ 23'8,990 39,391 ~ ! ,725,401 .. 145,831.. 8,593 .. 793,741.,. 921,258 2,122 284,030~ 5,979 ~ 47,806~ 102 CONTINUED FORM DBF-AA..403 (Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AaND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUN'I'¥~FLO~DA REPORTING FUND GROUP: GENERAL FUND I]2) NLrMTIER: REVENUF~ AND OTtlER CREDI77i (311.000 TII~OUGH Account No. S ERViC E S.CULTUR.E./i~C-L~RARIES SERV1CES..CULTURE/REC-?ARKS & RECREATION SERVICES-C UL'IXYRE~EC-SPECIAL EVENq'S SERVICES-CULTURE/KEC-O~R CHARGES & FEES SERVICES-OTHER CHARGES FINES-JUDGEMENTS AND FINES FINES-LIBRARY FINES-OTHER FFNES AND/OR FORFEITURES INTEREST EARNLNGS DISPOSITION OF FIXED ASSETS SALES OF SUPd~LUS MATERIALS AND SCRAP CONWRIBUTIONS & DONA1 IONS FROM pRIVATE SRCS OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES iNTEPaU'UND TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS-SHERIFF TRANSFERS-PROPERTY APPRAISER TRANSFERS-TAX COLLECTOR 347100 347200 347400 347900 349000 351O00 352000 359OOO 361000 3640OO 365000 366OOO 369O00 381000 386400 386600 386700 Ii WholeDoHarsOntY Amomat 35,339 488,479 8,917 _ 1,222,167 4,257,315 _ 2,426,056 _ 133,019 762,602 93,822'l~ 290 85,578 3,569,817 !,286,955 6,683,900 207,553 621,089 114,932,848 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER CREDITS FORM DBF-AA403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 2 FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR.DA ID NUMBER: REPORTING FUND GROUP: GENERAL F_.~PEND~ A~tD OTH£R DEIHTS ($11 THROUGH 769) Account No. ~ Description 511 10 511 30 511 60 512 10 512 30 513 10 513 30 513 60 514 I0 514 30 514 60 515 I0 515 30 515 60 516 10 516 3O 516 60 519 10 519 30 519 60 519 80 521 10 521 30 521 60 GEN GOV'T-LEGISLATIVE GEN GOV'T-LEGISLATIVE GEN GOV'T-LEGISLATIWE GEN GOV'T-EXECUTI'VE GEN GO V'T-EXTCUTIVE GEN GOV'T-FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GEN GOWT-FINANCLAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GEN GOV'T-FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GEN GOV'T-LEGAL COUNSEL GEN GOV'T-LEGAL COUNSEL GEN GOV'T-LEGAL COUNSEL GEN GOV'T-COMPREHENSIVE PL&NNING GEN GOVT-COMPREHENSI'VE PLANNING GEN GOV'T-COMPREI-HENSIVE PLANNING GEN GOV'T-JUDICIAL GEN GOV'T-YUDICIAL GEN GOV'T-J'UDICIAL GEN GOV'T-OTHER GEN GOV'T-OTHER GEN GOV~F-OTHER GEN GOV'T-OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMZENT PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT I1 Whole Dollar~ Only Amount 476~185 .. 58,743 799 504~516 ,. 43~580 .... 7,465~322 . 1,905,497 603r247 .. 967,590 135,144 1,973 366~657 . 202323 ,,. 1,043 952t061 777~985.' 50,469 4,193,569 3,046,687 188,226 152,059 30,153,459 5,029,535 1,755362 CONTINUED FORM DBF-AA-403 O(Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA D NUMBER: REPORTING FUND GROUP: EX1'£~~ ,4ND oTH£P, o ~.~,trs ($11 ~ouc~H 7~9) Account No. 523 I0 523 3O 523 6O 525 10 525 3O 526 10 526 30 526 60 527 30 537 10 537 30 537 60 539 3O 553 10 553 30 554 10 554 30 554 60 561 30 562 10 562 3O 562 60 562 80 563 30 PUBLIC SAFETY-DETENTION/CORRECTION PUBLIC S AFETY-DETENTION/CORREcHON PUBLIC SAFETY.DEI~NTI ON/CORKECHON PUBLIC SAFETY-EMZRGENCY & DISASTER RELIEF PUBLIC S3WETY-EMERGENCY & DISASTER RELIEF PUBLIC SAFETY-AMBLrLANCE & RESCUE SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY-AMBULANCE & RESCUE SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY-AMBULANCE & RESCUE SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY-MEDICAL EXAMLNERS PHA'SICAL ENViRONMENT-CONSERVATION/R.ESRCE MGT PHYSICAL ENViRONMEN-F-C'ONSERVATION/RESRCE MOT PHYSICAL ENViRONMENT-CONSERVATION/RESRCE MGT PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-OTHER ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT-VETERAN'S SERVICES ECONOM/C ENVIrONMENT-VETERAN'S SERVICES ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT-HOUSING/URBAN DVLPMNT ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT-HOUSING/URBAN DVI.,P1VIN'I ECONOMIC ENVIRO?Oe'diiNT-HOUSING/URBAN DVLPMNI' HUM~ SERVICES-HOSPITALS HUMAN SERVICES-HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES-HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES-HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES-HEALTH HI.LAN SERVICES-MENTAL HEALTH I1 Whole D~llara Only Amount 1o,oo4,354~ 2,761,305 198,548_ 66,083 254,838 228,740 14o,13~.~' 435~!~ 921,63'I~,, 784,297 13,301 10,992 143,459 3o~.o6 187,101 74,414 6,264 14~363 , 328,613 391,536 4~316 378,300 710,400 CONTINUED FORM DBF-AA..403 (Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 PORTING IilqTITY: COLLAR COUNTYt FLORIDA REPORTING FUND GROUP: GENT'RAJ. FUND EXPE~~ AND OTHER DEBITS (511 THROUGH 76~} Account No. Object Description 564 60 564 80 569 30 569 10 571 10 571 30 571 60 572 10 572 30 572 60 572 80 573 30 573 60 581 9O 586 90 604 10 604 30 604 60 614 10 614 30 614 60 634 10 634 30 634 60 HUMAN SERVICES-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE HUMAN SERVICES-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE HUMAN SERVICES-OTHER HUNLa, N SERVICES-OTHER CULTURY_/RECREATI ON-LIB RARIES CULTURE/RECREATION-LIBRARIES CUL'IURE/RECREATI ON-LIB RAR.[ES CUL'I 1JRE/REC REATI ON-P ARKS/RECREATI ON CU-L'IMRE/R.ECREATI ON-PARKS/RECREATION CULTURE/RECREATION-PARKS,SLECREATION CULTURE/RECREATION-PARKS/RECREATION CULTLFRE/RE C REATI ON-CUL77-rRAL SERVICES CULTURE/RECt~ATI ON-CUL'ITJRAL SERVICES IN-I'E RFUND TRANSFERS T1LadNSFERS OUT FROM CONSTITIJ~ONAL FEE OFFICERS COURT REL EXP-GEN ADM-CLERK OF COURT ADMIN COURT REL EXP-GEN ADM-CLERK OF COURT ADMIN COURT REL EXP-GEN ADM-CLERK OF COURT ADMh-N COURT REL EXP-CIR Cf CRIMINAL-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CIR C"T CRIMINAL-CLERK OF COURT COURT la, EL EXP-CIR CT CRIMINAL-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CIR CT CIVIL-CLERK OF COURT COURT RE[, EXP-CIR CT CIVIL-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CIR CT CIVIL-CLERK OF COURT I1 W'hole Dolla~ Only Amount 254,435_ 2,353,014 139r224 17,153 2,054,079 609,434 77~553 .. 3,076,153 2279r248 328,256 178,105 13~614 ,, 3,105 18,641~617 160~919 784~935 295r793 ... 30,775 272,004 36,816 14~400 306~215.. 42~674 .. 8,265 CONTINIYED FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 3 ;.:,: · · FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLOI~J. DA REPORTING FUND GROUP: ~ GENEP. AL FUND F_.XP END ITURES AND O Ttt E R DEBITS D NUMBER: (511 TtlROUGH 769} Account No. Object 654 10 654 30 654 60 674 10 674 30 674 60 694 10 694 3O 694 6O 724 10 _ 724 30 724 60 744 10 744 30 744 60 764 10 764 30 764 60 _Desc~ption COURT REL EXP-CIR CT FAMILY-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CIR CT FAMILY-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CIR CT FAMILY-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CIR CT JUV-CLERK OF COURT COURT KEL EX~P-CLR CT JUV-CLERK OF COURT COURT KEL EXP-CIR CT JU'V-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CIR CT PROB-CLERK OF COU'RT COURT REL EXP.42IR CT PROB-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXT-CIR Cf' PROB-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-COUNTY CT CRIM-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-COUNTY CT CRIM-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-COUNTY CT CRIM.-CLERK OF COURT COURT rO~L EXP-CO CT CWIL-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CO CT CIVIL-CLERK OF COURT COURT KEL EXP-CO CT CWIL-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CO CT TILa&'TIC-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EXP-CO CT TRAFFIC-CLERK OF COURT COURT REL EX~-CO CT TRAFFICg2LERK OF COURT 11 Whole Doilan Ouly Amount 289,590 .. 17~999_ 10r559_ 88,733 12,962~ 2,025 _ 144,912.. 516,929 _ 57,551 _ 24,876 _ 212~062~ 20t700 ... 6,415_ 390,146_ 31~960 _ 8,479 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTI{ER DEBITS FORM DBF-AA.-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 4 FUND GROUP ILEVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COIP.¢1-Y, FLOKIDA ID NUMBER: 11 REPORTING FUND GROUP: SPECIfl~L RE'v~ENUE FUqqDS ,~VENU, F. S AND OILIER CtLED ITS 011.000 TItROUGH 390. 000) Whole Dollar~ Ouly Account No. Description Amount 13,425,157 589,035 483,923 1,357,013 747,865 7,245,869 872,927 6,147,454 294,755 1,231,419 200,105 64,509 157,447 172,517 2,133,889 25,000 311000 312300 312400 313500 314200 314300 321000 322000 329000 331200 331420 331500 331620 331700 334200 334330 334390 334500 334620 335140 335200 335410 335420 341100 341200 AD VALOREM TAXES SALES TAX-COUNTY 9-CENT VOTED FUEL TAX SALES TAX-LOCAL OPTION l:lJEL TAX/ALT FUEL FRANCHISE FEES-CABLE TELEVISION UTILITY SERViCE TAXES - TELECOMMUNICATIONS UTILITY SERVICE TAXES - WA'I'ER OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES BUILDING PEKMITS OTHER LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS FED GRANTS-PUBLIC SAFETY FED GRANTS-TRANSPORTAT~N-MASS TRANSIT FED GRANTS-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT FED GKANTS-~ SVCS-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FED G RANTS-CULTURFdRECREATI ON ST GRANTS-PUBLIC SAFETY ST GKANTS-PHYS ENVIRONMENT-GAS SUPPLY ST GRANTS-P}P/'S ENVIRONMENT-OTHER ST GRANTS-ECONOMIC ENV~7RON-N~ENT ST GRANTS-HUMAN SVCS-PL;BLIC WELFARE ST SHARED REV-GEN GOV'T-MOBILE HOME LICS ST SHARED REV-PUBLIC SAFETY ST SHARED REV-TRANSPORTATION-AIRPORT DVLPMNT ST SHARED REV-TRANSPORTATION-MASS TRANSIT SERVICES-GEN GOVq'-RECOKDING FEES SERVICES-GEN GOV'T-INTKNL SVCS FEES & CHRGS 127~466 1,101,806 628,362 107,017 450 211,229 1,099~099 203,502 442,381 CONTINUED FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPOR~G EN'ITFY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA ID ]~UMBER: REPORTRqG FUND GROUP: SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS REVENUES AND OTHER CREDITS 011.000 THROUGH 390. 000) Account No. Description SERVICES-GEN GOV'T-COUNTY COURT FEES SERVICES-GEN GOV'T-COUNTY OFF COMM & FEES SERVICES-GEN GOV'F-OTH~R CHARGES & FEES SERVICES-PUBLIC SAFETY-PROTEUIfVE INSPEUflON SERVICES-PHYS ENVLRONMENT-CNSRVTN & RSRC MGT SERVICES-PtCYS ENVIRONMTENT-OTHER CHRGS & FEES SERVICES-TRANSPORTATION-OTHER CHARGES & FEES SERVICES-CULTLPRFJREC-PARKS & RECREATION SERVICES-CUL~C- SPECIAL EVEI~I'S SERVICES-CUL~C-OTHER CHARGES & FEES SERVICES-OTHER CHARGES FINES-VIOLATIONS OF LOCAL ORDINANCES FINES-OTHER FI'NES AND/OR FORFEITURES INTEREST EARNINGS SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS DISPOSITION OF FIXED ASSETS CONTRiB~ONS & DONATIONS FROM PRIVATE SRCS OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES INSTALLMENT PURCHASES/CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS TRANSFERS-SHERIFF 341700 341800 341900 342500 343700 343900 344900 347200 347400 347900 354000 359OOO 361000 363100 364000 366000 369O00 381000 383000 386400 11 Whole Dollars A.molxnt 239~740 86,950 102,978 3,577 52,828 321,350 6,580 75,644 3,39: 148,43~ 361,986 106,480 8,564 2,106,648 1,451,536 221,796 187,204 155,940 7,64 1,951 1,550,945 636,012 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER CREDITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 54,5A0~739 t;,. "* t ., ,~ FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXJ'ENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ID NUMBER: 11 REPORTING FUND GROUP: SPECIAL REVENLYE?XYNDS ,K31~F. ND ~ AND OILIER DEBITS ($I1 IIIROUGH 769) W'hole Dollars Only Account No. Object Descriptl, on GEN GOV~F-FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GEN GOV'T-FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GEN GOV'T-COt,~PREHENSI'VE PLANNING GEN GOV~F-COM~REHENSIVE PLANNING GEN GOV'T-COMPREHENS[VE PLANNING GEN GOV~T-J'UDICIAL GEN GOV'T-OTHER GEN GOV'T-OTHER GEN GOV~F-OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC S~FETY-FIKE CONTROL PUBLIC SAFETY-FIRE CONTROL PUBLIC SAFETY-FIRE CONTROL PUBLIC SAFETY-FIRE CONTROL PI.fBLIC SAFETY-PROTECITVE INSPECTIONS PUBLIC SAFETY-PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS PUBLIC SAFETY-PROTI.:.' CTIVE INSPECTIONS PUBLIC SAFETY-EMERGENCY & DISASTER RELIEF PUBLIC SAFETY-EMERGENCY & DISASTER RELIEF PUBLIC SAFETY-EMERGENCY & DISASTER RELIEF PHYS ENVIRO~NT-WA~R UTILITY SERVICES PHYS ENVIRONMENT-WATER UTILITY SERVICES 513 I0 513 30 515 10 515 30 515 60 516 30 519 10 519 30 519 60 521 10 521 30 521 60 522 10 522 30 522 60 522 80 524 10 524 30 524 60 525 I0 525 30 525 60 533 10 533 30 32~019., , 31t315 2,194,090 433,323 10,892 79,868 183,762 250,481 72,130 2,969.359 819,509 637~740 691,589 192,621 21,071 184~00 3,342~079 1,538,458 300,481 23,791 120r275 17,271 56,943 167~148 CONTINI~D FORM DBF-AA403 (Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES &.ND EXPENDITURESFEXPENSES 1996--97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA ID NUMBER: REPORTING FUND GROUP: SPECIAL REVE-TNUE FLrNDS EX~£ND~ AND OTHER DEBITS ($11 l'l~OUGlt 769) Account No. 533 60 537 10 537 30 537 6O 538 3O 538 60 539 10 539 30 539 60 539 80 541 10 541 30 541 60 544 30 554 10 554 30 554 80 564 10 564 30 564 60 571 30 571 60 572 I0 572 30 _Description PHYSICAL ENWIRONMENT-WATER UTILrI-Y SERVICES PHYSICAL ENViRONMENT-CONSERVATION/P~ESRCE MGT PH'YSICAL ENViRONMENT-CONSERVATION/RESRCE MGT PItYSICAL ENViRONMENT-CONSERVATION/RESRCE MGT PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-FLOOD CON 1 KOL/STM-WSTE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-FLOOD CON iROL/STM-WSTE PHYSICAL ENWTRONMENT-OTHER PHYSICAL ENV~O~NT-O~R PIt'YSICAL ENVIRONMENT-OTHER PtIYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-OTHER TRANSPORTATION-ROAD/STREET FACILIllES TRANSPORTATION-ROAD/STREET FACILI'I'IES TILMN S PORTATION-ROAD/STREET FACILITIES TRANSPORTATION-MASS TRANSIT ECONOMIC ENVIRON,'MENT-HOUSING/UR-BAN DVLPMNT ECONON[IC ENVIRONMENT-HOUSING/URBAN DVLPMNT ECONOMIC ENVIROI,~viE~-HOUSINGRJRBAN DVLPM2NT HUMAN SERVICES-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE HUMAN SERVICES-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE HUMAN SERVICES-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE CULTURE/RECREATI ON -LIBRARIE-S CULTURE/RECREATION-LIBRARIES CULTUREXRECREATI ON- PARKS/RECREATI ON CULTURE/RECREATION-PARKS/KECREATION I1 Whole Dogar~ Only Amount 8,300 201,086 _ 248,498 263,511 5,934 999 1,132,443 3,08 S,9~l~. 1,s3s,~ 28,883 4,332,066 _ 4,1M3~910 2,865,948 53,812 74,683 31,487 940,810 314,153 476,907 1~99 5,023 24,680 1,107,696 ,, 809,298 CONTINUED FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) FU2ND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA ID NUMBER: REPORTING FUND GROUP: SPECIAL REVENUE FL~q'DS EXPEND~ ~ OTHER DEBITS (511 THROUGH Account No. Object Description CULTURE/REC~A~ON-P~~A~ON CULTURE/RECREATION-PARICS/RECREATION CUrLTUR.E/KECREATI ON _CULTURAL SERVICES CULTURE/RECREATION-CULTURAL SERVICES CUL'HJR.F_fRECREA TI ON- CULTURAL SERVICES INTERFUND TR. AN SFERS 572 6O 572 80 573 10 573 30 573 60 581 90 11 V~noi¢ Dotlar~ Only Amount 250~454 _ 3,345,812__ 175~445 105r472 4,970 11,135~305 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DEBITS FORM DBF-AA-403 ('Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COU]qTY, FLOP,IDA REPORTI2qG FUND GROUP: DEBT SERVICE FUNDS R~F~NUES AND OTHER CREDITS Oll. OOO I'HROUGH 390. 000) Account No. De~crlp~to~ AD VALOI~M TAXES SALES TAX-COUNTY 9-CENT VOTED GAS TAX ST GRANTS-PUBLIC SAFETY ST SHARED REV-GEN GOWT-SHARING PROCEEDS ST SHARED REV-GEN GOV'T-RACING TAX ST SHARED REV-GEN GOV'T-LOC GOV'T 1/2 CT TAX INTEREST EARNINGS SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS INTERFUND 'I-R.~SFERS DEBT PROCEEDS PROCEEDS OF REFUNDING BONDS 311000 312300 334200 335120 335160 335180 361000 363100 381000 3840O0 385000 ID NUM]3E~ 11 Whole I~lla~ 0~' Amour 1,536,361 4541700 38~806 327~300 332,000 3,129,500 740,272 1,227,335 3,100,0(~l~ 14,870,000 30,097,047 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER CREDITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING I~ITITY: REPORTING FUND GROUP: F..X~£~ ITURE$ AND OTHER DEBITS (511 77tROUGH 769) Account No. Object Description 517 70 581 70 586 7O 590 7O COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA DEBT SERVICE FUNDS ID NU),~ ER: DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS INTE~ TRANSFERS TRANSFERS OUT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS OTHER NONOPERAT1NG 11 Whole DolLars Only Amount 10~007,288 3,100~000 59~228 .. 14~617,000 .. TOTAL EXI~ENDITURES AND OTHER DEBITS FORM DBF-AA403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 27,783,516 FUN GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA iD NUMBER: REPORTING FLrND GROUP: C3ff'ITAL PROJECTS FUNDS REVENUES AND OTHER CREDITS (311.000 THROUGH 390. 000) Account No. 312400 334390 335420 335490 335700 34120O 3418O0 3429OO 3449OO 361000 363100 363290 3690OO 381000 384OOO Description SALES TAX-LOCAL OPTION FUEL TAX/ALT FLrEL ST GRANTS-PHYS ENVIRONMENT-OTHER ST SHARED-R~V-TRANSPORTATION-MASS TRANSIT ST SHARED REV-TRANSPORTATION-OTHER ST SHARED REV-CULTURE/RECREATION SERVICES-GEN GOVq'-INTRNL SVCS FEES & CHRGS SERVICES-GEN GOVT-COUNTY OFF COMM & FEES SERVICES-PUBLIC SAFETY-OTHER CHARGES & FEES SERVICES-TRANSPORTATION-OTHER CHARGES & FEES INTEREST EARNINGS SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Ilv[PA~ FEES-OTHER OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS IN DEBT PROCEEDS 11 V~nole Dollar~ Only Amount 7~652~243 83,562 2,265,474 12,682 411,129 40,825 178,798 7,937 45,1: 2,827,' 538,712 7,754,688 954,397 7,533,634 1,700,000 32,006,987 TOTAL REVENUF.3 AND OTHER CREDITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: REPORTING FUND GROUP: F..XPENDITURF. S AND OTHER DEBITS (511 THROUGH 7 9) COLLIER COUqVr~ FLORIDA CAPITAL PROJECTS }RJNDS Account No. Ob_.q_b.L~ 513 10 513 30 _ 519 30 _ 519 60 521 30 521 60 523 30 523 60 30 525 60 _ 526 30 _ 526 60 _ 535 30 537 30 537 60 538 3O 538 60 539 3O 539 6O 541 30 541 60 541 80 571 30 571 60 ID GEN GOV'T-FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GEN GOV'T-FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GEN GOVq'-OTHER GEN OOVq'-OTHER PUBLIC SAF'ETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY.DETENTION/CORRECTION PUBLIC S AFETY.DETENTION/CO RRECTION PLq3LIC SAFETY-EMERGENCY & DISASTER RELIEF PUBLIC SAFETY-EMERGENCY & DISASTER RELIEF PUBLIC SAFETY-AMB~CE & RESCUE SERVICES PUBLIC SAFE'I-Y-AMBULANCE & RESCUE SERVICES PHYSICAL EN,~ONMENT-SEWER/WSTE-W-iR SERVICES PHYSICAL ENViRONMENT-CONSERVATIONfRESRCE MGT PHYSICAL ENVIRO~~ONSERVA~ON~RCE MGT PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-FLOOD CONi'KOL/STM-WASI PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-FLOOD CONTROL/STM-WASTE PHYSICAL ENVIRONM[~-O~R PHYSICAL ENVIRON,~.NT-OlttER TRAN S po RTATION-ROAX)S/STREET FACILI'ILF-.S TRAN Sp ORTATION-ROADS/STREET FACILITIES TRANSPORTATION-ROADS/STREET FAC[LrFIES CUL. iXiREfRECREATION-LIBRARIES CULTURFJREC REATI ON-LIBRARIES CONTINUED FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) Vghole DoB~rs Only Amount 27~488 _ 201,424 _ 192,271 _ 625,645 22,499 _ 45,947 _ 8,523 83,364 33,419 _ 906,700 265,950 _ 1,072,445 _ 106 593,385 409,981 305,050 2,797,803 17,880 27,438 _ 4,537,548 9,236,060 .... 329,719 1,007,303 FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTIlqG ENTITY: REPORTING FUND GROUP: COLLIER COUI~I-f, FLOR.IDA CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS EX~£NDITIlRF~ AfirD OTHER DEBITS' ($I1 TItItOUGIt ?69) Account No. Object. ~on 572 30 _ 572 60 573 30 573 60 _ 581 30 CULTURE/RECREATION-PARKS/R-ECREATION CULTUREdRECREATI ON- PARKS/RECRE ATI ON CUL~C~A~ON-~~ SERVICES CULTLrRE/RECREATI ON -CULTURAL SERVICES [NTE~~SFERS ID NUMBER: !1 'Whole Doilar~ Om~ Amount 561,752__ 2,277~987__ 29,500 _ 94,498_ 1,933290_ TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DEBITS FORM DBF-AA-403 Oz,,,. 1o/o9/9'0 FUND GROUP .REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 It, EPORTIJqG ENTITY: COLL1T'.R COUNrYX~ FLORIDA REPORTING FUND GROUP: ENTERPRISE FUNDS ID NUN[BER: I~UF~ ~ OlItEl;t CREDITS ($I1.000 II~OUGH $90.000) Account No. 3426O0 34340O 34360O 344100 361000 369000 381000 389300 Description SERVICES-PUBLIC SAFETY-AMBULANCE FEES SERVICES-PHYS ENVIRONMENT-GARBAGFJSOLID WST SERVICES-PHYS ENVIRONMENT-WATER/SEWER COMlllN SERVICES-TRANSPORTATION-AIRPORT INTEREST EARNINGS OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS IN NONOPERATING-GRANTS AND DONATIONS-STATE 11 Wl~ole Dollar~ Only Amount 4,583,327 11,544~655 38,236,531 869,419 6,378,106 51,126 4,370,896 453,741 66,487,801 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER CREDITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COU'NT~a. FLORIDA REPORTING FUND GROUP: ENTERPRISE FUNDS ID NR.IMB EPc ~IPEND~ AND OTHER DEBITS ($11 ~ItROUGH 769) Account No. Oblect ~tion 517 70 526 10 526 30 534 10 534 30 536 10 536 3O 542 10 542 30 581 90 590 9O DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS PUBLIC SAFETY-AMB~CE & RESCUE SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY-AMBULANCE & RESCUE SERVICES PtfYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-GARBAGE/SOLID WASTE PHYSICAL ENVIRO~NT-G~AG~SOL~ WASTE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-WATER/SEWER SERVICES PHYSICAL ENVIRONM2ENT-WATER/SEWER SERVICES TRANSPORTATION-AIRPORTS TRAdq SPORTATION-AIRPO RTS INTE~ TRAN SFEIL$ OTHER NONOPERATING I1 Whole Dollarz Only A~nount 6,797~896 5,650,115 ._ 2,702~921 _ 390,223 m 12,195~157 6,956,039 20,448~233 _ 430 873 221 291,101 _ TOTAL EXPENDITUI~S AND OTHER DEBITS FORM DBF.AA-403 56,957~17 FUND GROUP REV'ENI. rES 324D EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ID NUM]BER: REPORTING FUND GROUP: I/'~ERNAL SERVICE FUNDS RF, VENUF~ AND OTHER CREDITS (311.000 THROUGH 390. 000) Account No. 341200 361000 3640~ 369000 381000 Description SERV1CES-GEN GOV'T-~ SVCS FEES & CHRGS INTEREST EARNINGS DISPOSITION OF FIXED ASSETS OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS IN 11 Whole Dollars Only Amount 20~033,890 815~767 127~405 1,648,050 26,600 22,651,712 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER CIO.EDITS FORM DBF-AA-403 O(Rev. I0/09/97) FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA__ I~PORTING FUND GROUP: DTI'ER]qAL SERVICE FLP~S 13D NUMBER: ~XPE31D ~ AND OTHER DEBITS (511 FItROUGH 769) Account No. Ob} ~ct _Description GEN GOV~F-OTHER GEN GOV'T-OTHER INTE RFUND TRANSFERS 519 10 519 30 581 90 11 Whole Dollars Only Amount 5,201 ~369 17,131,136 _ 388400 TOTAL L~I~S A_h30TILER DEBITS FORM DBF-AA403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 22,720~705 FUND GROUP REVENIfES AN~ EXPENDITURES/EXI~ENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNT~. ~ FLORIDA ID NUMBER: REPORTING FUND GROUP: FIDUCIARY FLrN'DS-EXPEN~DABLE TRUST Rff~F_.S AND OTHER CR. EDITS 011.000 I'HROUGH 390. 000) Account No. _Description 31390O 329000 341750 3464OO 3510OO 359OOO 361000 364OOO 365000 366OOO 3690OO 381000 FRANCHISE FEES - OTHER OTHER LICENSES, FEES AND PERlVlITS SERVICES-GEN GOV'T-ClRCUIT COURT FEES SERVICES-HUMAN SVCS-ANIMAL CNT & SHLTR FEES FINES-JUDGMENTS AND FINES FINES-OTHER FINES AND/OR FORFE~S INTEREST EARNINGS DISPOSITION OF FIXED ASSETS SALES OF SURPLUS MATERIALS AND SCRAP CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS FROM PRIVATE SRCS OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES INTERFUND TRANSFERS IN 11 Whole Dollars Only Amount 791r670 21~055 75,438 19r197 471,473 3,173 147,207 7,740 10,816 2,292 254,941 3,020,500 TOTAL RE~ AY~ OTtIER CREDITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (~.~v. 4~825,502 FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLOKIDA ID NU~ER: REPORTING FUND GROUP: FIDUCIARY FUNDS-EXPE2q'DABLE TRUST ,KX~FdV'D~ AND OTHER DEBITS ($I1 THROUGH 769) Account No. Object Description 516 10 516 30 516 60 521 30 521 60 541 30 541 60 562 30 571 30 571 60 581 90 601 10 601 3O 601 60 611 10 611 3O 631 30 671 30 691 30 721 30 741 30 761 30 GEN GOV'T-YUDICIAL GEN GOVq'-IUDICIAL GEN GOV~f-JUDICIAL PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC SAFETY-LAW ENFORCEMENT TRANSPORTATION-ROAD/STREET FACILITIES TRANSPORTATION-ROAD/STREET FACILITIES HUMAN SERVICES-HEALTH CULTURE/RECREATI ON-LIBRARIES CUL2X.IRE./RE CREATI ON - LIB RARIE S INTE~ TRANSFERS COURT REL EXP-GEN ADM-COURT ADMINISTRATION COURT REL EXP-GEN ADM-COURT ADMINISTRATION COURT REL EXP-GEN ADM-COURT ADMINISTRATION COURT REL EXP-CIR CT CRIMINAL-COURT ADMIN COURT KEL EXP-CIR CT CRIMINAL-COURT ADMIN COURT REL EXP-CIR CT CIVIL-COURT ADMINIS COURT KEL EXP-CIR CT JUV-COURT ADMINISTRATION COURT REL EXP-CI~ Cr PROB-COURT ADMINIS COURT REL EXP-COUNTY CT CRIM-COURT ADMTNIS COURT REL EXP-CO CT CIVIL.COURT ADMINIS COURT KEL EXP-CO CT TRAFFIC-COURT ADMINIS I1 Whole Dollars Only Amount 190~037 121,598 66,681 41,636 157,314 4,651 76~014 . 31 14 48~9 .... 729~451 628r433 577,224 41,145 698,527 459,844 93,430 130r594 . 21,191 149,282 49,790 6~500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTIIER DEBITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 4,338,619 : .: ?-. .... FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPOR~G ENTITY: COLLI. ER COUN'I~, FLORIDA ID NUMBE~ REPORTING FUND GROUP: HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY-COMPONENT UNIT REVENUF~ AND OTHER CREDITS ($II. 000 TtfROUGH $90.000) Accomat No. Description 349000 SERVIC£$-OTHER CHARGES 366000 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS FROM PRIVATE SRCS 1! Wl~ole Dollars Only Amount 6~971 1,429. TOTAL REVgNUF~ AND OTHER CREDITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (R~v. t0/09/~7) 8,400 FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURJ~S/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA ID NUMBER: REPOR'IING FUND GROUP: HOUSING FINANCE ALFfHORITY-COMPONENT UNIT ~XPEND~ AND OTHER DEBITS ($II I'I{ltOUGH 769) Account No. Object 554 30 D.__~cription ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT.HOUSING/URBAN DVLPMNT 11 V~nole Dollar~ Only Amount 970 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DEBITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 970 FU~D GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTT[~: COLLrER COUNTY~ FLORIDA ID NUMBER: REPORTING FUND GROUP: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY-COMPONENT UNIT 11 OTI~R CREDITS 390. 000) Account No. De~criptiou SERVICES-OTHER CHARGES CONTRiB~ION & DONATIONS FROM PRIVATE SRCS 349000 366O0O Whole Dollars Only Amount 2.3,804 113 TOTAL REVENUF~ AND OTHER CREDITS FORM DBF-AA-403 (Rev. 10/09/97) 23,917 FUND GROUP REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1996-97 REPORTING ENTITY: COLLIER COUNTY~ FLOKff)A ID NUMBER: REPORTI1qG FUND GROUP: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY-COMPONENT UNIT I1 AND OTHER DEBITS ($II ~IROUGH 769) Account No. Object 552 3O Descrtl~t,~ou ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT-INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT V~nole Dollars Only Amount 24~975 _ TOTAL EX~F..NDITURES AND OTHER DEBITS FORM DBF-AA-403 {'Rev. 10/09/97) 24,975 _