Agenda 07/11/2017 Item #16C 607/11/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Right-of-Way Consent Agreement and associated Memorandum with Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), providing for construction of a 24” Irrigation Quality Water main within the existing FPL easement within the Remington Reserve and Creekside Commerce Center Subdivisions. OBJECTIVE: To permit the construction of Irrigation Quality (IQ) Water transmission mains, electrical, instrumentation, and control lines from the existing IQ main within the Remington Reserve and Creekside Commerce Center subdivisions (Project) within the limits of FPL’s power line right -of-way. CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed scope of work under Project 70116.2, “Goodlette Road 24-inch Irrigation Quality Water Main,” is consistent with the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) contained in the Water, Wastewater, Irrigation Quality Water, and Bulk Potable Water User Rate Study approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 10, 2014, as Agenda Item 11C. Funding for Project 70116.2 is available in, and is consistent with, the FY2017 CIP Budget. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of recording the Memorandum of Right-of-Way Consent Agreement will not exceed $200. Funding is available in the Wastewater User Fee Fund (414). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The project meets current Growth Management Plan stands to ensure the adequacy and availability of viable public facilities. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for Board approval. - JAB RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Memorandum of Right-of-Way Consent Agreement, and Right-of-Way Consent Agreement; and, authorize the recording of the Memorandum of Right -of-Way Consent Agreement in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. PREPARED BY: Cindy M. Erb, Senior Property Acquisition Specialist, Division of Facilities Management ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Signed Memo of Consent Agreement 6-21-2017 (PDF) 2. Signed ROW Consent Agreement 6-21-2017 (PDF) 07/11/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.6 Doc ID: 3382 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Right-of-Way Consent Agreement and associated Memorandum with Florida Power & Light Company, providing for construction of a 24” irrigation quality water main, within the existing Florida Power & Light Company’s easement within the Remington Reserve and Creekside Commerce Center Subdivisions. Meeting Date: 07/11/2017 Prepared by: Title: Property Acquisition Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Cindy Erb 06/16/2017 9:58 AM Submitted by: Title: Division Director - Facilities Mgmt – Facilities Management Name: Dennis Linguidi 06/16/2017 9:58 AM Approved By: Review: Public Utilities Planning and Project Management Craig Pajer Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 10:01 AM Wastewater Steve Messner Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 10:16 AM Public Utilities Planning and Project Management Peter Schalt Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 1:26 PM Public Utilities Department Margie Hapke Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 4:27 PM Public Utilities Operations Support Joseph Bellone Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 1:29 PM Facilities Management Dennis Linguidi Additional Reviewer Completed 06/16/2017 1:40 PM Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 06/19/2017 8:54 AM Solid and Hazardous Waste Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 06/19/2017 9:22 AM Public Utilities Department Heather Bustos Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 06/19/2017 1:23 PM Public Utilities Planning and Project Management Tom Chmelik Additional Reviewer Completed 06/19/2017 2:05 PM Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 06/20/2017 8:13 PM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 06/21/2017 4:07 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 06/21/2017 4:32 PM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 06/22/2017 2:30 PM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 06/29/2017 11:28 AM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 07/02/2017 12:41 PM 07/11/2017 Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 07/11/2017 9:00 AM This Instrument Prepared By: Mark L. Byers Florida Power & Light Company P.O. BOX l119 Sarasota, FL 34230 MEMORANDUM OF RIGHT…OF…WAY CONSENT AGREEMENT THIS MEMORANDUM OF RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSENT AGREEMENT dated this -dayof-,20l7,byandbetweenBoARDoFCoUNTYCoMMISSIoNERSoF COLLIER COI.INTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COLINTY AND AS THE EX-OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER- SEWER DISTRICT, whose mailing address is 3335 Tamiami Trail East, Suite l0l, Naples, Florida 34112-5356, (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee"), and FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Florida corporation, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 14000, Juno Beach, Florida 33408-0420, Attn: Corporate Real Estate Department (hereinafter referred to as "Company"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on the _ day of , 2017, Company and Licensee entered into a written Right-of-Way Consent Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") related to certain property situated in the County of Collier, State of Florida as more particularly set forth in said Agreement and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made aparthereof and hereinafter referred to as the "Lands", and WHEREAS, the parties are desirous of placing their interest therein as a matter of public record. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and the parties intending to be legally bound thereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The property described in Exhibit "A" is subject to a right-of-way in favor of Company recorded in Book 30, at Page 27 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 2. The Agreement provides, among other things, Licensee's right to construct certain improvements upon the Lands including, but not limited to, installation, operation and maintenance of a 24 inch force main, subject to certain conditions and restrictions. 3. Licensee may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a solvent party upon written consent of the Company, provided that said party assumes the obligations under the Agreement and specifically acknowledges and agrees that the use of the property and improvements to be placed on the property are strictly limited to those depicted on a certain plan of improvement and are otherwise subject to the terms of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Memorandum of Agreement on the date hereinabove written. Witnesses:Company: FLttRIDA POWER&LIGHT COⅣIPANY By: Its: Print Name: Mark L-Byqq Statc ofFlorida County of Sarasota ) On this k 'L day of {- p€ , zll7,before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Mark L. Byers, Corporate Real Estate Manager of Florida Power & Light Company, a Florida corporation, personally known to me to be the person who subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said corporation and that he was duly authorized to do so. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my official seal. βθα〃狗(Y PUBLIC,STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: 滋縫M縄 諦隠1駅 1靴 風9 ЁttP)R饉 8 0ctober 7,2017 (407) Print Name: Commission No.: My Commission Expires: ○ Name (Print): (Execution continued on next page.) DWIGHT E.BROCK,Clerk BY: Deputy Clerk Memorandum of Righrof Way Consent Agreement Form Rev. 03.09.2012 BOARD OF COUNTY CONIIMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA,AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS THE EX-OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER―SEWER DISTRICT Peruruy' TAvLoR, Cha.irmn APPROVED AS TO FORM&LEGALITY趾 BY: EXIIIBIT“A" Page l of5 POiNT OF COMMENCEMENT ″りRttrra3M″OF`Or′`Oρ εεκSκ ど 翻 ヒ6naξ π “ Qκ ″=,「 ― け コ湖0a″″αュ,″″4J α “ jlr-------l … ,り 〔οav“。臀T′ヵ “ ″お「 `“ F科0 鮨r"α ょ,ス ″r3を `` 0 1●●DιO′′`Δ=53・ 07r36・ CB=S57・ 52`16'W C=22.節 L=2318' =25001: 鏑詢‰露塀Ъ甥響説「ザκ馳NCREEKSiDESIRξξア 「悪 crR″εR P4パ ワ NOTES: 1. 86NttNCS S■OWN HEREON ARE BtSE0 0N THE NORTH しNE OF LOT 15。 ,LAT CF CRECκ SIDE COMMERCE PARKWE釘 ―UN「TWO, PLAT 800K 35, PACに 43 & 44=PU3uC RECORD OF COMIER COUNIY` FLOR10A,WHERttN SAO NORTH UNE OF LOT 15 8EARS S89`48.16・ C. 2. THiS Sκ ETCH 00ES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENrAnON ASTO ZONING OR DEVELOPMENT RESTRICI10NS ON ttESu8JECT PARC=L. 3. PARCEL CONFAINS 5,019 SOuARε FECr く0.128 ACRESD MORこ OR LESS ―――――■――一―1THIS IS NOT A SURVEY КEⅥN M.RISCASSI COR THE ttR“L8-64ゆPROFESS10NAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLOR10A CER■日CATE NO. 6433 0At S10NE●:NOT VAuD ⅧTH00T ttE SICNATURE ANO IHE ORICINAL RttSED SEAL OF A FLOR10人 L:CCNSEDSuRVEYOR AND MAPPER. DESCRIPT10N A PARCEL OF LAND BEINC P厨 OF LOT 15 0F CREEKSIDE COMMERCE PARK WEST ― UN:T IWO RECORDEO IN PLAT 800K 55, PACES 43 AN0 44 1N THE PU8uC RECORDS OF COLuERCOUNrY, FLORIDA. LYINC W「HiN SECT10N 27, TOWNSH:P 48 SOuTH. RANCE 25 EAST. 8日 NC MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEO AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCiNC AT THE NORTHWESr CORNER OF SAID LOT 15 ALSO 日EINC ON THE SOUTH 貸:CHT-OF―WAY ttNE OF IMMOKALEE ROAD くSR 846) THENCE RUN S89・ 48'16“E ALONC SND ttNE FOR 173.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BECINNINC. FROM SAID PO:NT OF BEC:NN!NC CONTINUE AtONC SAD uNE S89・ 48=16''E FOR 駕・ Rヽ TttL寵 ギ喘謂E早 燿Iw島 瀾鵬どll浄 Yゝ .尉 6:発♀9為 FFttR3【%昴 ]瑶 書|メ 筵甲聯:]騨 熙郵ド講≒瑶置鷲》馘 可営 躙 藩 Tl語 磯 kttE鷺 鸞羅¶R提 譜 紺 TI‰∫¶僻蹟 ALONC SAID CURVE TC THE RtCHL RAOIUS OF 25.00 FEE。(DELTA 5す 07'36“)響¶13籠 熟這窪cR3(5、高W、(〕鵬 黒:韻 FE日 (色 3%活鍵=湯 鳥途襦 NORIHERLY LjNE OF SA10 TRACT R RUN N05'34'16¬″ FOR 172.16 FEE「: THENCE RUN N16・ 47'59■″ FOR l12.69 FEET TO THE POINr OF 8ECtNNINC.PARCEL CONrA NS 15,195 SOUARE FECr OR O.502 ACRES MORE OR LESS. BEARlNCS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 15, PLAT OFCREEKSiDE COMM[RCE PARK WEST―UNrr llVo, PLAT B00K 55, PACE 43 & 44, PU8uCRECOR0 0F COLUER COUNri FLORIDA, WHEREIN SAID EA● UNE OF LOT 15 3EARS S89°48'16"E. ―――――十一 POiNT OFBEGlNNlN9 N16・ 47'59ヽ ハ′11?.891 “'簾 哩、1'解劇11 N05°34116'W172. ヽ :ヨミ ! やミ |__上 ヒ _■___ UT:LtTY EASEMENT#3SKETCH&DESCRIPTiON・・・響暫霧ぶ諭1… ENCINEERING E畑 BIT“A" Page 2 of5 ε翻 げ 20.07・l ヽ~ヽ i~~~~][ニ ニ二百三 干ヾ 張POINT OF BEGINNING ヽ ¨7"2rJ‐た '2'リ POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 吻 麒sr α所綺[′OF π′ar J O躍 ■黎寓θ[ω ″″a%F解 殷 "r¨ o″″711● 錫rmク κ鋭′И “ ●″イ`ζ Pa4v"ば ―産 に πるrθ `aκ ′oz“s lr_ぉ NOTES: 1.BEARINCS SHOWN HEREON ARE ttE0 0N THE EAST UNE OF TRACT 3, PLAT O'CREEKStOE COMMERCC PARκ WEST-ON〕T WO,PLAT 800K 35,PACE 46&4■PUB口0 RECORD OF COtuCR couN「4 FLORItt WHERE:N SAD EA¶じNE OF TRAC7 3 8EARS NOゴ 33'55ヽ 「 THIS SК ETCH 00ES NOT MAXE ANY REPRこ S=NTAnON ASTO ZONINC OR D…PMENT RESTR10■ONS ON THE SUB」ECT PARCEL. PARCEt CONTAINS :8,234 SOUARE FEET く0.418 ACRESp MORE OR LESS. NOT VA●0簡 OUT DESCRIP■ON ON SHCCr 2 0F 2. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY К日喘NM.RISCASS (FOR THE RRM L8-642) PR●FESS10NAL SURVEYOR ANO MAPPER FLOR,DA CER■日CATE NO.6433 DAt SICNED: NOT VAtuD ttTH00T ttE SICNATURE AND THE ORICINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLCR10A uCCNSE0 てi~~●~~~ [NGINEERING FORT響 暫ぶ滅請1650 3. 4. ノ/ 〈FrFll縮 ,り 1…κa卿 ぶ聯囲_晰 “りヽ 閣r鍬 乾熟館行″ ``` ノ EXIIBIT“A" Page 3 of5 DESCRIPT10N A PARC[L CF LAND BttNC PART OF TRACT 5 0F CREEKSIDE COMMERCE PARK IVEST ― UNlTTWO RECORDED IN PLAT 800K 35, PACES 43 AN0 44 :N THE PUBLIC RECOROS OF COLuERCOuNTY, FLORIDA LYINO WrrHIN SECnON 27, TOWNSH:P 48 SOUTH. RANGE 25 EAST. 8EINCMORE PARTiCULARLY DESCR:8ED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENClNC AT THE SCUTHEAST CORNER OF SA10 TRACT 3 ALSO BEINC THE ON WEST RICHF-OF―WAY L〕NE OF C000L日 日=―FttNK RO颯 D (COuHTY ROAD 851) THENCE RUN NOS33'55■″ ALONO THE EAST ttNE OF SA:D TRACT 3 AND THEWESI LINE OF SAID RICHT-OF―WAY FOR 196.7 FEET TO THE POINT OF BECINNINGALSO BEINC THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EASEMENT. FROM SA10 POINT OF BECiNNINC DEPART:NO THE EAST L:NE OF SAID T面 5 ANDTHE WES, 日NE OF SAID RICHT-OF―WAY RUN N80・ 49'47■″ FOR 530.26 FEELTHENCE RUN NOr38'05■W FOR 400.65 FEET TO AN INr[RSECl10N WITH THENORTH uNE OF SAID TRA∝ 5 ALSO BE;NC IHE SOurH LINE OF TRACT R (CREEKSiDE 80ULEVARD)AS SHOWN lN SA D CREEKSiDE COMMERCE PARK WEST ― じ村lT TWO: THENCE RUN S89・ 49'08口 E ALONC THE SAID ttNE FOR 20.07 FEEr: THENCE DEPARTINC SAID L:NE RUN S04・ 38'05■ FOR 383.27 FEE■ THENCE RUN S80・ 49'47“E FOR 509.32 FEET TO THE EAST LlNE OF SAID TRACT 3 AND THEWEST uNE OF SAID GOODLEITE―FRANK ROAD RICH「-OF―WAL THENCE RUN S05・ 35'55覧 AtONC SAID UNE FOR 20.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF BECINNINC.PARCEL CONTAINS 18.234 SQUARE FEET OR O.418 ACRES h10RE OR LESS. BEARINOS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE EAST LINE OF TRACT 3, PLAT OF CREEKSIDECOMMERCE PARK WEST UN「 TWO, PLAT BOOK 35, PACE 43 & 44, Pじ BLIC RECORD OF COLuER COuNrY, FLOR;鴫 WHEREIN SAID EAST ttNE OF TRACT 3 日●ARS N05・ 33'55知.NOT VALO WrHOuT sHcCr 1 0F 2. ENGINEERING 籠督鼈 '… UT:L:TY EASEMENT#1DESCRIPTtON 樹ュ"l猟 蕩」為,「じァ為-251ン ■絲・n澤 。,2 EXIIBIT“A" Page 4 of5 aREEKSTDESTREET' NSO"OO.OO"ErRACrR`Rε R P臥 ヮ ““ お ar ″′昭 ↓″ “ ″^“|△=47・ 33'00・ CB,S66・ 13℃0・EC=2016'Nil lt―l-10 菫 谷E ιOr fJ αη繁勲なα凛軽な箔功9`"Sr―IA7r", な ァタ●aκ J, P.4aF`J′イ`琲 ~CB=S57・ 62・1 C=2236.L=2318' 6Ⅲ~つ フ/―I/ x諄j x饉 NOTES: 1.日EAR(NeS SHOwN HEREOヽ ARE ttED ON THE NORTHUNE OF TRACT 2, PLAT OF CREEKSiOE COMMERCE PARКWEST―UNIT TWO. PLAT B00К 35, PACE 43 & 44, PUBLICRECOR0 0F COLuER COuヽ 「 Y. Fい OR10A. WHERE:N SA10NORrH 口NE OF TttT 2 BEARS NOσ 00'00・E T0 20NINC OR OEVELOPMENT RESTR10■ONS ON THESOBJCCT PARCeL. PARCCt CONrAINS 13.195 SQVARE FEET く0.302 ACRCSy MORE OR CSS. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY κCMN M. RISCASSl (FOR THE F:RM L3-642)PROFESSiONAL SuRV●YOR ANO MAPPERFLOR10A CER■nCATE NO. 0433 NOr VA口 0欄 TH00T THE SlCNATURE ANO ■HE OR10:Nハ L RAIS●O SEAL OF A FLOR,DA uCこ NSEDANO MA'PER ――一――ャーー弓 |…鶴 幽 瞥 ″秘,衡潔黎砂ε゛″ “““ 認席府 -477・7r刀降 ″ア″ “ 】,″ “ ‐″ “ FORT」露盛響喜警[:・ 6° ENGINEERING BEG:NN〔NG111 E…BIT“A" Page 5 of5 DESCRIP丁 :ON A PARCEL OF LAN0 8EINC PAR1 0F TRACT 2 0F CREEKSIDE COMMERCE PARK WEST 一 UNI「IWO RECORDED IN PLAT 800K 35, PACES 45 AND 44 :N THE PU8LiC RECORDS OF COLL:ERCOUNTY, FLORI〔yt LⅥNO WITH:N SECTON 27, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANCE 25 EAST BEINCMORE PARnCULARLY DESCR:8ED AS FOLLOWS: 00MMENCINC AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 2 ALSO BEINC ON THESOuTH LINE OF TRACT R (CREEKSiDE PARKWAY)AS SHOWN IN SAID CREEKSiDECOMMERCE PARK WEST ― UNrT TWO THENCE RUN N9σ 00'00"E ALONC SA10 日NEFOR 195.93 FEEF TO THE PO:NT OF BEGINN:NC. FROM SAID POINr OF BECINN:NC CONr:NUE ALONC SAID ttNE THE FOLLOW:NC TWO 総∬お よ9警 Pl°為F密 毛41H『電G辞 ,`L∬窟騨 番,鷲 嶽 :詳 :℃&暑 (%°鴨 需翼路1韻 r婦 計η (8P鴨 態翻能 賀盤 黒 需量 出轟R計 :PL静 に記%[盤 馬ξ断。√ミ ),謬 毘3鶴 皆ば』:島 剛 甜繋:Ec蠍 ざξ滞ヂ慌長_憮 ざ晶1■3R選 踊tyttE鴫 8R口 縮lⅣ jttToF°s冷 ざ 干駆孫 鰹語〔犠 踪8嗜 がPЪ 躍 %AttCIIttN鍵 褥%FE狙 £F響 紀腎ちf智 71誉IP,t,喋 Rfff貰 瞥ecIII【 5111♀↑″ Iく :iS(13伊 f13舌 斜早Cll(憎 i3,H[罐 P霊 や1肥 ヾ ♀ir5(ぷ FTЪ 塾 網NR′F SAID TRACT R RUN NOS34'16nW FOR 665.92 PARCEL CONTAINS 13,195 SOUARE FEET OR O.502 ACRES MORE OR LESS. BEAR!NCS SHOtVN HEREON ARE BASEOCREEKSiDE COMMERCE PARK WEST―UN:TRECORD OF COLttER COUNTY, FLORl)ヽ N90'00'00't. ON THE NORTH ttNE OF TRACT 2, PLAT OFTWO, PLAT 800K 35, PACE 43 & 44, PUBuCWHEREIN SAID EAST ttNE OF TRACT 2 BEARS NOF VAL:D WImOUT sH==r 1 0F2. ENGINEERING F●RT憐 亀嚢踏蒔諸1650 UTIL:TY EASEMENT,2DESCRIPTtON 11'●0 201pla1497∞‐“フr27-“-261曹 …●Ol…」・2 Structure No.: 85M7, 85M6, 85M5 Section, Township, Range: 22, 27 -48-25 Easement No.: 2J-l RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSENT AGREEMENT (Governmental EntitY) FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Florida corporation, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 14000, Juno Beach, Florida 33408-0420, Attn: Corporate Real Estate Department, hereinafter referred to as ,,Company", hereby consents to BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COLINTY' FLORIDA, AS TT{E-GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS THE EX-OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COL]NTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, WhOSC MAiIiNg address is 3335 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL34ll2, hereinafter referred to as "Licensee", using an area within Company's right-of-way granted by that certain agreement recorded in Book 30, at Page 2l,Public Records of Collier County, Florida. The said area within Company's right-of-way, hereinafter referred to as "Lands", is more parlicularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The use of the Lands by Licensee shall be solely for ih. purpor" of installation, operation and maintenance of a 24 inch Force Main within the FPL easement as shown on the plans and specifications submitted by Licensee, attached hereto as Exhibit rrBil. In consideration for Company's consent and for the other mutual covenants set forth below, and for Ten Dollars and No Cents ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Licensee agrees to obtain all necessary rights from the owners of the Lands in the event Licensee does not own said Lands; to obtain any and all applicable federal, state, and local permits required in connection with Licensee's use of the Lands; and at all times, to comply with all requirements of all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable or pertaining to the use of the Lands by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement. Z. Licensee understands and agrees that the use of the Lands pursuant to this Agreement is subordinate to the rights and interest of Company in and to the Lands and agrees to notifu its employees, agents, and contractors accordingly. Company specifically reserves the right to maintain its facilities located on the Lands; to make improvements; add additional facilities; maintain, construct or alter roads; maintain any facilities, devices, or improvements on the Lands which aid in or are necessary to Company's business or operations; and the right to enter upon the Lands at all times for such purposes. Licensee understands that in the exercise of such rights and interest, Company from time-to-time may require Licensee, to relocate, alter, or remove its facilities and equipment, including parking spaces and areas, and other improvements made by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement which interfere with or prevent Company, in its opinion, from properly and safely constructing, improving, and maintaining its facilities. Licensee agrees to relocate, alter, or remove said facilities, equipment, parking spaces and areas, and other improvements within ninety (90) days of receiving notice from Company to do so. Such relocation, alteration, or removal will be made at the sole cost and expense ofLicensee and at no cost and expense to Company; provided however, should Licensee, for any reason, fail to make such relocation, alteration, or removal , Company retains the right to enter upon the Lands and make said relocation, alteration, or removal of Licensee's facilities, equipment, parking spaces and areas, and other improvements and Licensee hereby agrees to reimburse Company for all of its costs and expense incurred in connection therewith upon demand. 3. Licensee agrees that it will not use the Lands in any manner which, in the opinion of Company, may tend to interfere with Company's use of the Lands or may tend to cause a hazardous condition to exist. Licensee agrees that no hazardous substance, as the term is defined in Section 101 (14) of the Paqe l of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA") (42 USC Section 9601 [14]), petroleum products, liquids or flammables shall be placed on, under, transported across or stored on the Lands, which restricts, impairs, interferes with, or hinders the use of the Lands by Company or the exercise by Company of any of its rights thereto. Licensee agrees further that in the event it should create a hazardous condition, then upon notification by Company, Licensee shall, within seventy-two (72) hours, at its sole cost and expense, correct such condition or situation; provided however that the Company retains the right to enter upon the Lands and correct any such condition or situation at any time and, by its execution hereof, Licensee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company from all loss, damage or injury resulting from Licensee's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement. 4. Licensee hereby agrees and covenants to prohibit its agents, employees, and contractors from using any tools, equipment, or machinery on the Lands capable of extending greater than fourteen (la) feet above existing grade and further agrees that no dynamite or other explosives shall be used within the Lands and that no alteration of the existing terrain, including the use of the Lands by Licensee as provided herein, shall be made which will result in preventing Company access to its facilities located within said Lands. Unless otherwise provided herein, Licensee agrees to maintain a one hundred and fifty (150) foot wide area, clear of any activities, with a lineal measurement of seventy five (75) feet on each side of the centerline of Company's existing and planned facilities. 5. Licensee understands and agtees that the planting oftrees, shrubs, and other foliage capable of exceeding fourteen (14) feet in height at full maturity is not permitted within Company's Lands. 6. Outdoor lighting installed or to be installed upon the Lands by Licensee are not to exceed a height offourteen (14) feet above existing grade and all poles or standards supporting light fixtures are to be of a non-metallic material. 7. Sprinkler systems installed or to be installed by Licensee upon the Lands are to be constructed of a non-metallic material and sprinkler heads are to be set so the spray height does not exceed fourteen (14) feet above existing grade and does not make contact with any Company's facilities. Abovegtound systems shall not be installed within or across Company patrol or finger roads and underground systems crossing said patrol and finger roads are to be buried at a minimum depth of one (l) foot below existing road grade. 8. Licensee agrees to warn its employees, agents, contractors and invitees of the fact that the electrical facilities and appurtenances installed or to be installed by Company within the Lands are of high voltage electricity and agrees to use all safety and precautionary measures when working under or near Company's facilities. Licensee hereby acknowledges the receipt and required execution of Form 360 "Exhibit C" prior to the commencement of construction within the Lands. 9. Licensee agrees, at all times, to maintain and keep the Lands clean and free of debris. Except as provided herein, Licensee further understands and agrees that certain uses of the Lands are specifically prohibited; such uses include but are not limited to recreational purposes, hunting and camping, and Licensee agrees to notify its employees, agents, contractors, and invitees accordingly. 10. The use of the Lands by Licensee shall be at the sole risk and expense of Licensee, and Company is specifically relieved of any responsibility for damage or loss to Licensee or other persons resulting from Company's use of the Lands for its purposes. 1 l. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein, Licensee agrees to reimburse Company for all cost and expense for any damage to Company's facilities resulting from Licensee's use of the Lands and agrees that if, in the opinion of Company, it becomes necessary as a result of Licensee's use of the Lands for Paqe 2 of 74 Eorm 374oGROW Rev. 01/31/72 Company to relocate, rearange or change any of its facilities, to promptly reimburse Company for all cost and expense involved with such relocation, realrangement or change. 12. Licensee agrees it will exercise its privileges hereunder at its own sole risk and agrees subject to the limitations contained in Section768.28, Florida Statutes, if applicable, to indemnifu and save harmless Company, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, agents and employees (hereinafter referred to as the "FPL Entities"), from all liability, loss, cost, and expense, including attorneys'fees, which may be sustained by FPL Entities to any person, naturalor artificial, by reason of the death of or injury to any person or damage to any property, arising out of or in connection with the herein described purposes by Licensee, its contractors, agents, or employees; and Licensee agrees subject to the limitations contained in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, if applicable, to defend at its sole cost and expense and at no cost and expense to FPL Entities any and all suits or action instituted against FPL Entities, for the imposition of such liability, loss, cost and expense. 13. Licensee shall, and shall cause each of Licensee's contractors and subcontractors performing work in connection with the Project during the period of this Agreement, to procure and maintain at Licensee's and such contractors' and subcontractors' sole expense, the following minimum insurance, with insurers with a rated "A-, VII" or higher by A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide that are licensed to do business in the State of Florida, or as may be approved in writing by COMPANY's Risk Management Department from time to time: (i) Workers' Compensation Insurance for statutory obligations imposed by applicable Florida law, including, where applicable, the United States Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Act, the Maritime Coverage and the Jones Act; (ii) Employers' Liability lnsurance, including Occupational Disease, shall be provided with a limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury by accident, with a limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury by disease/policy and with a limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury by disease/employee; (iii) Automobile Liability Insurance which shall apply to all owned, non-owned, leased and hired automobiles in an amount with minimum limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit per occuffence for bodily injury and properly damage per accident; and (iv) General Liability Insurance, written on lnsurances Services Office form GC 00 01 l2O4 (or equivalent) covering liability arising out of premises, operations, bodily injury, property damage, products completed and liability insured under and insured contract (sometimes referred to broad form contractual liability), with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit i::J.""?ffi;:i,,,TI$"i*:X,. tn'u'" the indemnitv obrisations assumed bv Except for the Workers' Compensation Insurance, the FPL Entities shall be designated as an additional insured on Licensee and/or Licensee's contractors insurance policies required to be maintained under this Agreement. All policies of insurance required to be maintained by Licensee and Licensee's contractors and subcontractors hereunder shall provide and each of Licensee, and Licensee's contractors and subcontractors, shall cause the insurers oftheir respective insurance to include, either in its printed text or by endorsement: (i) a severability of interests clause; (ii) an endorsement that Licensee's and Licensee's contractors'and subcontractors' insurance policies are to be primary and non-contributory to any insurance Paqe 3 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 that may be maintained by or on behalf of FPL Entities; and (iii) a waiver of subrogation against FPL Entities. In the event that any policy furnished by Licensee and/or Licensee's contractors and subcontractors provides for coverage on a "claims made" basis, the retroactive date of the policy shall be the same as the effective date of this Agreement, or such other date, as to protect the interest of FPL Entities. Furthermore, for all policies furnished on a o'claims made" basis, Licensee's and Licensee's contractors' and subcontractors' providing of such coverage shall survive the termination of this Agreement, until the expiration of the maximum statutory period of limitations in the State of Florida for actions based in contract or in tort. If coverage is on "occurrence" basis, Licensee and Licensee's contractors and subcontractors shall maintain such insurance during the entire term of this Agreement. Licensee and Licensee's contractors and subcontractors shall promptly provide evidence of the minimum insurance coverage required under this Agreement in the form of an ACORD certificate or other certificate of insurance acceptable to FPL. Upon FPL's request, Licensee and Licensee's contractors and subcontractors shall provide FPL with complete copies of all required insurance policies under this Agreement. If any of the required insurance is cancelled or non-renewed, Licensee and Licensee's contractors and subcontractors shall file a new Certificate of Insurance or binder with FPL demonstrating to FPL's satisfaction that the required insurance coverages to be maintained hereunder have been extended or replaced. Neither Licensee's nor Licensee's contractors and subcontractors failure to provide evidence of minimum coverage of insurance following FPL's request, nor FPL's decision to not make such request, shall release Licensee and Licensee's contractors and subcontractors from their respective obligations to maintain the minimum coverage provided for in this Section. Licensee shall be responsible for managing and administering all insurance policies required hereunder, including the payment of all deductibles and self-insured retention amounts, the filing of all claims and the taking of all necessary and proper steps to collect any proceeds on behalf of the relevant insured person or entity. Licensee shall at alltimes keep FPL informed of the filing and progress of any claim. If Licensee shall fail to perform these responsibilities, FPL may take such action as it determines appropriate under the circumstances. In the event Licensee collects proceeds on behalf of other persons or entities, it shall ensure that these are paid directly from the insurers to the relevant person or entity and, in the event that it receives any such proceeds, it shall, unless otherwise directed by FPL, pay such proceed to such parff forthwith and prior thereto, hold the same in trust for the recipient. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to limit Licensee's liability under this Agreement regardless of the insurance coverages required hereunder. No limitation of liability provided to Licensee under this Agreement is intended nor shall run to the benefit of any insurance company or in any way prejudice, alter, diminish, abridge or reduce, in any respect, the amount of proceeds of insurance otherwise payable to FPL Entities under coverage required to be carried by Licensee under this Agreement, it being the intent of the parties that the full amount of insurance coverage bargained for be actually available notwithstanding any limitation of liability contained in the Agreement, if any. FPL assumes no responsibility for the solvency of any insurer or the failure of any insurer to settle any claim. In the event that the Licensee self insures, Licensee shall provide Company with a letter of self-insurance in form and substance satisfactory to Company's Risk Management Department. Licensee's contractors and sub- contractors may not self- insure. This Section shall survive the expiration of this Agreement 14. This Agreement will become effective upon execution by Company and Licensee and will remain in full force and effect until completion of Licensee's use of the Lands pursuant to this Agreement, unless earlier terminated upon ninety ( 90 ) days written notice by Company to Licensee, or at the option of Company, immediately upon Licensee failing to comply with or to abide by any or all of the provisions contained herein. Page 4 of 74 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 15. The use granted herein as shown on Exhibit "8" shall be under construction by Licensee within two (2) years of the effective date of this Agreement and the construction shall be diligently pursued to completion. Licensee shall give Company ten (10) days prior written notice of its commencement of construction. "Under construction" is the continuous physical activity of placing the foundation or continuation of construction above the foundation of any structure or improvement permitted hereunder. Under construction does not include application for or obtaining a building permit, a site plan approval or zoning approval from the appropriate local government agency having jurisdiction over the activity, purchasing construction materials, placing such construction materials on the site, clearing or grading the site (if permitted) in anticipation of construction, site surveying, landscaping work or reactivating construction after substantially all construction activity has remained stopped for a period of two (2) months or more. Licensee acknowledges that failure to have the use under construction within the two (2) year time period will result in immediate termination of this Agreement in accordance with Paragraph l4 herein for failing to comply with the provisions contained herein unless Licensor grants a written extension for a mutually agreed upon time. Any request for an extension of time shall be submitted in writing by Licensee no later than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the two (2) year period for the project to be under construction. 16. The term "Licensee" shall be construed as embracing such number and gender as the character of the parry or parties require(s) and the obligations contained herein shall be absolute and primary and shall be complete and binding as to each, including its successors and assigns, upon this Agreement being executed by Licensee and subject to no conditions precedent or otherwise. 17 . Should any provision of this Agreement be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in conflict with any applicable law, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be impaired. In the event of any litigation arising out of enforcement of this Consent Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recovery of all costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 18. Licensee may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a solvent party upon prior written consent of the company, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 19. Licensee agrees that any review or approval by Company of the plans and/or specifications submitted by Licensee attached hereto as Exhibit "B", the approval of the identity of any contractors, subcontractors and materialmen, or the delivery by Company of any construction specifications to Licensee, is solely for the purpose of processing this Consent, and without any representation or warranty whatsoever to Licensee with respect to the adequacy, correctness or efficiency thereof or otherwise and it is understood that such Company's approval does not absolve Licensee of any liability hereunder. Further, Licensee, in connection with the construction, maintenance and/or removal of improvements depicted on Exhibit 668" to the Agreement, agrees to observe and fully comply with all construction, operation and maintenance standards, as well as all applicable laws, rules and regulations of the United States, the State of Florida, and all agencies and political subdivisions thereof, including without limitation, the National Electric Safety Code and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration regulations, standards, rules, registers, directives or interpretations. 20. This Agreement includes and is subject to the provisions described on the attached Addendum. Executions on following page Paqe 5 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 Approved and accepted for and behalf of Collier County, Florida, this (Official Seal) Agreement this day of Print Name: Mark L. By.erq day Of 20__. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLER COIINTY,FLORIDA,AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COllNTY AND AS TIIE EX―OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER―SEWER DISTRICT BY: PcNN/74vム οκ′こ ^α j″″14月 APPROVED AS TO FONNl&LEGALITY parties have executed 20-. this ATTEST: DⅥЧGHT E.BROCK,Clerk BY: Deputy Clerk Paqe 6 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 By: Its: ADDENDUM o Prior to installation, Licensee must schedule a Safety Six meeting for all construction personnel working on the project. Please contact FPL Transmission Operations at (239) 690-2735 to schedule the meeting. . Licensee will install above ground markers at all pole locations to identify the water main for Company personnel. . Any areas where the water main will not maintain a minimum distance of 25 feet offexisting Company transmission poles, Company, at Company's sole discretion, can require that said pole be held by Company personnel at Licensee's expense. Page 1 of 74 Form 3740GROW ReV. 07/31/12 EXIIIBIT“A" Page l of5 PO!NT OF COMMENCEMENT lMMOttEε ttOβ R84り Aじ 嬌嘱″"FSr m"θ ″ムOr′` tlヽ錨鰍衝γ εαんヒ縦 P/elr Fsr―ι搬7昴"出rm%鶏 P/″ “ α ``夕応おar資 ん ““ り 「 S89°4316カ E20.91' 嬬 α 繁 翻 ″ “ ξ “ 解 "おr町 “′t4r“γ 五 ′H″イJ“イ`・鵡 1∞〕 ιO′′イ CREEKSiDESFREE「 7R40ア R rPFRPL4リ l c―耐 聯暦―""錫「m%晟 ″″4J′ “~~~~~十 ~~…―1△=53'07`叡 3“ CB=S67・52.16'W C=2236'L=2311 ・DESCRIPT10N A PARCCL OF LAND DEINC PART OF LOT 15 0F CREEKSiDE COMMERCE PARK WEST ― UN!T TWO RECORDED iN PLAT B00K 35, PAC[S 43 AN0 44 :N THE PUBuC RECORDS OF COLuER COじ NIY, FLORIDA LⅥNC WrrHIN SECT10N 27. TOWNSHlP 48 SO剛 , RANCE 25 EAST. 3日 NC MORE PARTiCじ LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CORIMENClNC AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 15 ALS0 8[ING ON THE SOurH RlGHT-0「―WAY ttNE OF IMMOKALEE ROAD (SR 846) THENCE RUN S89°48¬6・ E ALONC SAID 」NE FOR 175.90 FEET■O THE POINr OF BEC:NNINC. FROM SAID POINT OF BECiNNINC CONTINじ E ALONO SAID IJNE S89・ 48'161'E FOR 20.91 FEET: THENCE DEPARTINC SAID LlNE RUN S16・ 47'59・ E FOR 103.75 FEEr TO AN !NFERSECnCN W「H THE WEST UNE OF A 5.00 F00T WIDE FLORIDA POWER & 駅」£:主 Ⅷ眼:R羅 1:r言 】NFな'溜 鶴ぽ鏃l∫ 6ぽ 忌ご習営 164.15 FEE「 TO AN INTERSECT:ON WITH A NON―TANCENF CURVE AND THE 躙 群 TLぶ 蒻 ミ鯉賢8焉 瓢[¶繹 紺管‰∫¶辮年 響Ⅷ慧認騒R讀 5孵 ゝ(〕鵬 黒淵語Eu(色 3,_=轟論l鷺 灘 NORTHERLY UNE OF SAID TRACT R RUN N05・ 54'16¬″ FOR 172.16 FEEr; THENCE RUN N16・ 47'59¬″ FOR l12.39 FEET TO THE POINr OF BECINNINC.PARCEL CONTA NS 13,195 SOuARE FEET OR O.302 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3EARINOS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASE0 0N THE NORTH ttNE OF LOT 15, PLAT OF CREEKStDE COMMERCE PARK WEST―UN「 T170, PLAT B00K 55, PAGE 45 & 44` PU8日CRECOR0 0F COLuER COUNTY, FLORIDA` WHEREIN SAID EAST LINE OF LOT 15 BEARS S89'48'16・ E. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY BEARINCS SHOWN HEREON ARE 瑯 [0 0N THE NORTH じNE OF LOT 15` PLAT OF CREEKSIDE COMMERCE PARK WE釘 ―UNIT RO,PtAT 800K 35,PACE 45&4■,OBLtC RECORD OF COuは ER COUNIY, FLORIゝ ヽ、WHERttN SA10 NORTH UNE OF LOT 15 8田 S S89.48・ 16・ E. THiS SKETCH 00ES NOT ∥いKE ANγ REPRCSEMAnON AS TO ZON:NC OR DEVELOPHENr RESTR10■ONS ON THE Su8JECT PARCEt. PARCEL CONTAINS 5,619 SOuARE FECT く0.128 ACRESD “ ORE OR IESS NOTES: KEMN M.RISCASS (FOR THE RRM L8-642p PROFESS10Nハ L SURVEYOR AND ttAPPER FLOR10A CERTFICATE NO.6435 0ATE S10NE●:NOT VAUD ttTHOul■E SCNATURE AND THE ORICiNAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA uC[NSE0 SURVE■OR ANO MAPPER. -----t- POiNT OF BEGlNNIN9 N16・ 47169■′11 だ凩嘔、1′ "麟 劇 ―t11N∞°ど'Wlη ・ やミ 1__■ヒ _二 ___ 鑢」騨幾常闊 ENGINEERING じTIL:TY EASEMENT#3 SKETCH&DESCRIPT10N Paqe 8 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 TOHNSOト EXIIIBIT“A" Page 2 of5 蓼 i~~~~卜 II \ 五】三走≡三ヾ`` で ` 2007'1―蹴 =‐κ″′″ 薩 もPOINT OF BEGINNINO POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 釧溺 “ ra%階 ″刀嗽″」 α%つ “ ンιE鍬 ″″コ%『21lκ ttr―ι″7鴻 ο なれωκ冤″″4J″ “ こ … 鰤醐″鋼 “ ξ潜′"に出 rθ りοκぉ,″σES ′イー′δ NOTES: BEARINCS SHOWN HEREON ARE ttE0 0N THE EAST UNEOF TRACT 3, PIAT CF CREEXSIDE COMMERCC PARKWEST-ONIT TWO. PtAT B00K 35, PACC 43 & 44. PUB口0RECORD OF COLuER COし ヽT4 FLORl働 ヽ WHEREIN SA DEAST UNE OF TRACT 3 8EARS N05・ 53'55¬″.TH:S SК ETCH DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENrAnON AST0 20N:NC OR DEVELOPMENr RESTR10¬ONS ON THESu8JECT PARCa. Pハ К EL CONTAINS f8,234 SOVARE FEET (a4,3 ACRES》MORE OR LESS. NOT VA00 ⅦTHOur DESCRIPTON ON SHECr 2 0F 2. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY I日 製品調正電ItttFl認 亀皿 ∫-6崚)FLOR:OA C[R■日CA■ヽ0.6435 0AIE SICNED`NOT VAuD∥THOUT IHE SCNATURE AND THEOR:CINAL RAISED SEAL OF A Fに ORIDA L:CENSEDSURVEYOR ANO "APPER. 1. てl // 。ltrEll縮 ,∞)t…″a螺 翻幕囲_晰 渤り ヽ a4「鍬%苑 P/r″´ “ ~~ド ~~~ ENCINEERING F°RT響 暫蠣護難1抑 Paqe 9 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev 07/31/12N EXIIIBIT“A" Page 3 of5 DESCRIPT10N A PARCEL OF ttD 8EINC PART OF TRACT 5 0F CREEKSiDE COMMERCE PARK IlrEST 一 UN!T■lJO RECORDED :N PLAT 800K 35, PACES 43 AN0 44 1N THE PU8LiC RECORDS OF COLL:ER COUNTY, FLORIDA. LYINC WrrHIN SECT:ON 27, TOWNSHlP 48 SOurH, RANCE 25 EAST. BE!NCMORE PART:CULARLY DESCR18ED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCINC AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 3 ALS0 8EINC THE ON 掘c♂鵠鴬麟もと呼疋:N∫珊鶴F雛 ∬亀:ざ C糊 Ⅳξ‰罐WEST LINE OF SAID RICHT-OF―WAY FOR 1967 FEET TO THE POINT OF BECINNINCALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EASEMEN「.FROM SAID PO:NT OF BEC:NNINC DEPARTNG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 3 AN0 THE WEST ttNE OF SAID RIGHT-OF―WAY RUN N80・ 49'47nW FOR 530.26 FEETFTHENCE RUN NOギ 38'05■W FOR 400.63 FEET TO AN :N「ERSECT10N WiTH THENORTH uNE OF SAID TRACT 5 ALSO BE:NG THE SO明 H L:NE OF TRACT R (CREEKS10E BOULPARD)AS SHOWN IN SAID CREEKS:DE COMMERCE PARK Y7EST ―UNIT TWO: THENCE RUN S89・ 49'03・ E ALONG THE SAID 口NE FOR 20.07 FEET:THENCE DEPARTINC SAID LINE RUN S04・ 38'05"E FCR 385.27 FEEri THENCE RUNS80'49'47"E FOR 509.32 FEET TO THE EAST L:NE OF SAID TRACT 3 ANO THEWEST ttNE OF SAID C000LErrTC―FRANK ROAD RIGH「-OF―Y7AY: THENCE RUN S05・ 33'55'E ALONC SAID ttNE FOR 20.68 FEET TO THE P01NT OF BECINN!NC`PARCEL CCNTAINS 18,254 SQUARE FEET OR O.418 ACRES MORE OR LESS. BEARINOS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE EAST LlNE OF TRACT 3, PLAT OF CREEKSiDECOMMERCE PARK WEST―UN「 TWO, PLAT B00K 35, PACE 43 & 44, PUBLIC RECORD OF COLじ ER COuNr4 FLOR10ヽ WHERE:N SA D EAST ttNE OF TRACT 3 8EARS N05・ 35'55知.NOT VAuD WITHOur SHECr 1 0F 2. F●‐響彊ぶ霧詐'…ENGINEERING UTIL:TY EASEMENT,1 DESCRIPT:oN 11」●●201ア |か o97∞―●87『27-“-25 1STttn Paqe 10 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 CREEK,IDESTREET, NgO"OP,OO"ErR4crR β tt Pttη の ar―R=25訂 銘蒟‰%脇 鴇 鰐膿電ケツ″脚 △=47°33.00・ C8‐S66・ 13'30・EC=2016' L=20f・ 」 ″F′J…““ 1協 ど冽イ"お r―切π “ り ′■47 aα tt J,′κ″4J´イ`ぴ蒸璃霧蒻戸謬 1ゆ 25_00' ~CB=S57・ 52'16'~へr C=22.36' L=23.18。 一一~¬フ// ■― / x_ l xxlB NOTES: 1. BEARINOS SHOWN HEREON ARE ttED ON THE NORTHL`NE OF TttT 2, Pい T OF CREEKSIDE CO)お VERC= PARKWEST―UNrr tWO, PLAT B00X 35, PACE 43 と 44, PU3LICRECORD OF COtuER COun, F■ORIDA・ WHERttN SA10NORTH じNE OF TRACT 2 BEARS N00・ 00'CO・ E. =HiS Sκ rrCH ooES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTAnON ASTO ZONING OR OEVELCPMEM RESTRICnONs oN THESU8JECT PARCEL PARCCt CONTAINS 13.195 SQUARE FECr く0.302 ACRCSD MORE OR ESS. NOT VAuO wITHour oESCR:PnON CN SHE= 20F 2. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY κCMN M. RISCASSl (FOR THE F:RM LB-642DPROFESS10NAL StlRVEYOR AND MAPPERFLOR10A CER■日CATE NO. 6433 DAIE SICNEO: NO了 VABD WTHOUT THE SICNATURE ANO IHEOR:GlNAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLOR:DA口 CENSEDSURVEYOR AND MAPPER ―一一――十一~弓 PO:NT OFBEG:NNING111 "°"弘 、1'解 勝 ____上 ___ 1鑢 鶴 巫 瞥 ″"l11l1l ιοr′′ l…%圏 縄%″"FORT贈 1鰤 ENGINEERING EXIIIBIT“A" Page 4 of5 Paqe ll of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 EXIIIBIT“A" Page 5 of5 DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF IANO BEING PART OF TRACT 2 OF CREEKSIOE COMMERCE PARK WEST _ UNII TWO RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGES ,{-} AND 44 IN THE PUBLIC RECOROS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA" LYING WITHIN SECIION 27, TOWNSHIP 4A SOUTH, MNGE 25 FAST, AEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOY/S: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF S,{O TRACT 2 ALSO BEING ON THE SOUTH LINE OT TRACT R (CREEKSIDE PARKV/AY) AS SHOWN IN SAID CREEKSIDE COMMERCE PARK WEST _ UNTT TWO THENCE RUN NgO'OO,OO"E ',LONG SAID UNEFOR 195.95 FETT TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING CONT'NUE ALONG SAID UNE fiE FOLLOWNG T\YO(2) COURSES: NgO'OO'OO"E FOR 2,44 rEET TO A pOtNT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, RADIUS OF 25.OO FEET, (DELTA,17'33'OO) (CHORD BEARTNG S66'13'3O"E) (CHORD OISTAITCE 20.16 FEET) FOR20.75 FEEr TO AN INTERSECNON U/[IH A NON-TANGENT LINE ALSO SEING THE WEST LINE OF A 5.OO FOOT WIDE TLORIOA POWER & UGHT (FPL) EASEMENT RECOROEO IN OFFICIAL RECOROS BOOK 668. PAGE JA5 IN SAID PUBLIC RECORDS; THENCE RUN SO5'34.16"E ALONG SAID WEST LINE FOR 645.A1 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WTTH A NON_TANGENT CURVE AND THE NORTHERLY UNE OF SAID TRACT R (CREEKSIDE BoULEVARD): THENCE ALoNc THE NoRTHERLY UNE oF sAJo TRACT R ALONG THE ARC OF A CUFII/E TO THE RICHT, RADIUS OF 25.OO FEET, (oELTA 53',O7'36') (CHORD BEARTNG S57'52'161t/) (CHORO DTSTANCE 22.36 FEEAFOR 2J.1a FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A NON-TANGENT LINE; THE|ICE DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT R RUN NO5'34'16'\Y FOR 665.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS 13,195 SQI.,IARE FEEI OR O.JO2 ACRES MORE OR LESS, BEARINGS SHOWN H€REON '.RE BASED ON ftE NORTH UNE OF TRACT 2, PLAT OF CREEKSIDE COMMERCE PARK VYEST-UNIT TWO, PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE +3 & 44, PUBUC RECORD OF COLUER COUNTY. FLORIDA WHEREIN SAID EAST UNE OF TRACT 2 BEARS N90'OO'OO"E. NOT VAL:D WImOUT sHEET 1 0F 2. FORT響 厨逓響喜零顧165● ENGINEERING UT:LlTγ EASEMENT F2DESCR:PT10N 彎ェ綱ァ|::11:り:::。.フ r場 為 25 191tfsぃ ぃ。 Paqe 12 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 EXIIIBIT“B" Plans as provided(lo be attached) Paqe 13 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12 EXHIBri p・ "―Of=×L CONSTRUCTION PLANS 24∥IQ WATER MAIN NCWRF TOIMMOKALEE ROAD 戸OP COLLIER COUNTY UTILITIES と00ハ「ED′″ sど θr/OⅣ 2/ス Ⅳθ 53, 万077VS〃/P イθ SOυ 石ほ Rス ″θど 25 MS「 COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA 」υⅣど θ, 2θ アア LOCATION MAP 7N7「SFor lnformotion Regording This Project, Contoct: DESIGN CONSULTANT DAVID BRTCE TROUTEAUD, PE (tO Uoin) WAYNE WILDEY WRIGHT, PE (Elec. Plons)01ENGINEERING PttNヽ `:ざ )3翼 1■計。OHNS 皇 罵震撃留響驚H黒 鵠瑶喘鵠 脳 淵鶴譜 ==需 冒躍 認 1器 譜出鷺議lH壽1 COLLIER COUNTY UTILITIES STANDARD DETAIL NOTES: 鍵鼈 鋏 謝琳燃鶴偶鐸“ SYNIBOLS 鉦躙【 υ 鵬醐覇饉(ma● … ↑……r-0 畷… U ……lna. 口 mIR… …み鶴T~田 ν ―… □―RID DO…■ 回 t翻 酬"亀…ν―R 國…… 図 躙唾 図 ―Om… ENGINEERING 甜思置洩 言 :“ WE7- mド 臨置 ●-OB●FFER 厖ヨPROP●■O ⅨE¨D… EIl ur10m…極 団 … 鳳 囲 融 trlom 帥 … 臥 匿 コ 貯"/CRtVEL ntu…H ttM BttК PAVERS os¨噸 冊 鳥 …應譜躙 躍 計 皇 豊 `__ヾ ″″如 1__■だrm 皇 L I 一 イにT二=一…―T…4-J い ~・ 眩 ―・――…"―“と __.讐 ===‐i、臨 1111■fiJ√L~一―一 ィ ー~…Ⅲ~……―二'…_∵…Ⅲ…|:|―Ⅲ…―――。'ず ら~~~~~Ⅲ…――――。・I― ~~¬ ●.■ EXHIBri p・ "_Cef J | . : ア ~・ … ~~・ 市 ~~―・ …――・ rⅢ■__.rⅢ_―。‐Ⅲ―一 。オ "一 ―。‐ニ ー To,一 ― ~・ …~~・ r___∵ⅢⅢ一 ― 鳳 慧 塩 罵 :]鏑 ・ ――・ …Ⅲ――_.`___ , 、 ● L 1, ―一一一 -1-聾 =十 年‐-1-‐―‐― ヽ 0●●●L―FR41VK R●4' ・ ☆青 ヽL 一 +―z-(1ヽ TENDED DSPい Y SCAL[1・ ‐20) ``0_ら 、ヽ ~国ドミピーヽ¬:二……融τ~11 ら 、 ――――。,.′・――-1-… ――“´―主――・“T__.r~~~Ⅲ… ・・・|――・…÷―Ⅲ…―――一・"――L――・r…__む ィⅢ―1ド し +ギ ニ写 ―義:E lあ 室 ¨ENGINEERING 言 :ピ 三凱垂 ヽゞ ―十一‐―'一 ‐ニ トニ 禦 %_.___「 _ 一 ―一 ――一 ―一 t― ~¬~~~橘 「 ~~~~γ || |>ξ』E:::0ヽ ■ ■ サ iプ 詩恥和~1 13 酬 ヨロヨ堅彗彗冒里:屋 蛋蛋 14 鉾 =【「冒躍寵島電同・~‐ ・ 躍 翻 躊 密 鶏 ・ ~ C-2 …:計 高恕躍需‐―薔輩“―・・ 2… … ……■m●●●_●…副 躍 鵠 躊 摯 V凛 … … 15 ¨ …C-1-工 ・耐謝 … 絆n…腱.・惚話調鶏馴HF―t・t C-2A 柵淵幅剛 睡 1蝋 C-7 鍮 識 =。‐口廟――ttr.ttll"輌 _"。いい EXttr」生 P●●●_翠 L__●f 却 ABBREV AT10NS GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES C/B OPCN/CtOsE EN. 12 Arc {N. stu. t6 arc uN. RU/SU, t8 Arc. UtN,. BELOEN tIaA. OR EO,T'(+´): 1,MNttUM CONOuT,2E SHAtL DE 3/4・ 3 PH^SE AC(A/B/C):BLK/RED/BRN(92E AS NOIE0 0N OWCS) E‐01 ―L(rt●ITl swrrCH mOrOR oP[RATEll VALVE(M" SOtttO D VALVE(SV) SOLENO10 VALVE(Sり ¨留 rCH 5Q・ 5P Q―lllJト+τT τT 下T 下T 不T 下OOO ○ ③ 〇 〇 〇 巫 回 ―日 σ PRO」ECT ELECTRICAL NOTES 釜 i VALVE ACruATOR TO BC ROIORК MuL¬一TURN M00EL Pか 0320S-29RPM―CC―VER HAR■ (l) t3 ^rc xHHw-2. (1) '8 Awc CND. tN 2'C. (l) ,J are IHHW-2, (t) 'a AWC GNO. tN 2"C. NIPPLE― “ IO.SCHNttDER SOSAl1757(n,) 1."嘔 跳 ふer闘 晶蹄 犠占慇1謄 よR (2),12A".(1)●2 AWC TH樹 (2) ,r0 ^rc, 0) (2)●O AWC.0)Ⅲ2ハ WG THWN (2)か O AК ヽ(1)“2 AI●TH爛CNO N 3/r niC 12)口 OA鴫 0)●2 AWC TH躙 121Ⅲ2:鵠 絆″争aWG■WN 寧 NPPLE MD.,20/240ヽ lPH●WE¨04 釜 ]乙 袢 6' [Ur. SNNEL Ufr ]655 HmW RE (m.) 72' r 6' sO. scHEo. 40 ^LUM. PoSI (m.) ru[ PAEnAION BUr ED (m.) l2' *. t t/2' MtN. {Ur. IAE W,/J]6SS' c0GErE FASINERS (m.) E-05 1 2¬ 錬諄 E-06 DEAD FRONT (DOOR NOT SHOWN FOR CLAR TY) r lr I u/tar.Y I w-l.a' 薮諄 輔相静I珊 )J駆 鮮 鱚 Ⅷ皿鶴臨:整 ぼい E¨07 O① ◎ |||||| 100 '01102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 125 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 135 134 135 136 157 138 159 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 '48149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 ,20/AC′翻Zノ l PHASE - - -f.o- - - - -ao- - E-08uU関 日 ・C OK: ROD TEST VVELL DETA L(TYP) FENCE POST/GAttE BONDING DETAlL PUMP SttA丁 10N LIGHTNINC PROttEC丁 10N_DEttAILS SHEET N0WW-9C COMPACTLOGIX SPECTRUM PLC ANALOGINTPUTS WTH HART NTS(,P) 6'ALUM, CHANNE- LENGN ANO NUMAM AS REQUIREO (4) 1/2'ora 3r6ss CONCREI FASENERS 12'SO. x 1,/2'MlN. &UUPL^[ (m. OF 2) MOV ACTUATOR INSTALLAT10N―ELECTRICAL RACK‐PLAN VIEVV NTS(TYP) MOV ACTUATOR JB MOV ACTUATOR WiRING DIAGRAM NTS(π P) 1ド ?Y幡 5台 りψNUM POST(r、P oF 2) 1/2・ 316 SS rHRU BOLT(■P) LQL MOVACTUATORINSTALLAT10N―ELECTRICAL RACK―FRONT VIEVV ED¨02 | | :]言:SCHEDU匡 80P℃ _、14 SAND BACKttLL ■三二41L三 二 :」 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT:NSTALLAT10N (COLLIER COUNTY STD NP-03,REV APR 2008) NTS ITYP) 薮卜 CONDUIT SHALL BE CROUNDED ⅧTHlNSuLATED CROUNDING BuSHlNCS SIZE AND Nυ MBER AS REQUIRED CROUNDINC CONDuCTOR METALLIC CONDUIT SERVICE ENTRANCE PANEL CONDUIT GROUNDiNG NTS(WP) ヽ夕1(1詢 ¬'J。囲 饉 fl●●|`"∞0"艤 i島 鴫知,-24¨ GROUND CABLE CONNECT:ON NTS(lγ P) TYPE ''TA'. EXOTHERMiC CADWELDCONNECT10N OR OTHER CONNECTORS L STED AS CROUNDINC AND BONDINC ED¨03 1∩Hヽ R∩NENGlNEERING EXIIIBIT“C" NOTIFICAT10N OF FPL FACiLITIES of Meeung/COnlact NumberName: FPL Repruentalive Phone: Developer/Conlract0r Represenlalive FPL Work RequestttWork Order#; FPL calls your altenlion to the fact that thete may be eoe8ized, high voltage elecldc lines, bolh overhead and undaground, located ln the area of this proJect. lt is imperalive that you visually survey the area and that you slso lak6 the neessary steps to identify all ovorhoad and undergound facilitios prior to commencing conslrucllon to detemine vhelhsr lhe conslruclioo of aoy proposed lmproyements \vill bring any porson, tool, machinery, equlpment or obiect doser to FpLi poffer,ines lhan the OsHA-ptesuibed limits. lf it \fi|l, you must either re{eslg0 your project to alloir it to be built safely given tho pre,existing po,ver lln6 localion, olmake arangsmenls with FPLto eilher deenergiz€ and ground ourfacilities, or relocat€ th6m, possibly at yourexpense. You must do thls bsfore allowlng any conslroctlon near lhe power lines. lt is impossible tor FPL to knc? or predict wielher or not tho contraclors or subconlractors, and thek employees, will operate or use ffanes, dlgglng apparatus or olher mobile equipment, or handle maledals or loois, in dangerous proximity to sudl por/6r lln6s dr,dng the course of construction, and, lf so, when and vrhele, Thereforc, if lt becomes necessary for any conlraclor or sub@nlractor, or their emdoyees, to operale or handle cranes, digging appatatus, draglines, mobilo equipmert, or any olher equlpment, toob or malerials in such a manner that th€y mighl com6 cl06et to underground or oyerhead powsr lines lhan ls permitted by loc€l, state or ,ederal regulations, you and any such conlraclor or subconlraclor must notify FPL ln witing o, sudl planned operation pior to tho commencement lhereol and mako all necessary anangements wilh FPL in order to carry oul tha work lo a sale manner. Any r.rork h lhe vlclnlty ofthe eleclrlc lines should be susponded until lhs6e arrangemerts are flnallzed and lmplementod. The Naliotal Elecltical Safety Code ('NESC') prescdbes minimum dearances hat must bo mainleifled, lf you build your slructure so thal those dearances cannot b€ malntalned, yox may be requhed to compensale FPL for the relocalion o, our facilities to comply vith lhose clearances. As sud, you should contact FPL prior lo commendng @nslructlon near pre€xisting underground or overhoad po,yer lines to make sure lhat your proposed improvement does nol implnge upon the NESC dearances. tt ls your responslbiiity and the responsibility of your conkactom and suboontractors on lhis prcject to diligenUy fulfill the follo+ring obligalions: 1. Make absobtely cerlain that ail persons responsible for operating or haidling cra0es, digging apparatus, draglin€s, motilo equipment or any equipme0l, tml, or matedal capablo of contacling a polver lin€, are in complianco with all appiicabls state and lederal regulatlons, including but not llmited to U.S. Department of Labor OSI-IA Regulations, *trile performing lholr soft. 2. Make suIs that all cranes, digging apparalus, draglines, mobile equipment, and 8ll olher equlpment ormaterials capable ofcontacting a power line havs atladred to them any vraming sig0s ,equired by U.S. Department of Labor OSI-IA Regulalions. 3. Post and maiolaln proper warning signs and advise all employees, new and old alike, of lheir ouigauon to keep themselves, their tools, materials and Eulpment av/ay from po'ver lines per lhe folloring OSIIA minimum approadl dlstances (refer to OSHA regulatlons for reslrictions): 'Ps{ier Une Voltaoes "PefsguglaldlgipCIgd Cranes and Derdd<s Travel under or nsar Por,rer Lines (on construclion sit€s. no load} (29CFR1910.333ard1926.600) (29CFR1926.1407,1408) (29CFR1926.600-Equlpmsnt) (1926.1111-CranosandDsrlck) 0 - 750 volts 10 Fest 10 Fe€t 4 Fe6t 4 Feet 751‐50,OID volis 69,CKXl volts l15,u10 vOlls 138,000 volも 230,000 volts XQ000 VOlお 10 Feet l'Feet 13 Feet13 Feet 15 Fぬ 16 Feet 2KI Feet 25 Feol 25 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet 15 Feet 15 Feet 4 Feel 10 Feet 10 Feet 6 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet 16 Feet 16 Feel Ii新 欄艦聞鵬翻盟瀾棚淵吼蹴瀧潔機譜樹響棚響F鞘 恩調TMT焼 紫蹴胤 線。 4 All excavalors are required to conlact he Sunshine Slale One Ca∥of Florda,phone number l.8m432 4770 or 811 3 minlmum ol tЮ workin9 days leXCludhgweekends)h adVanOeoloommencementofexcava∥on to ensure fad∥ues are iocated a∝uralely 5、 Condud d∥ocaJons and excava∥ons h acco7danCe tvltt lhe Flonda Slatule 556 of tte Under9了 Ound Fad∥ues Damage Preven,"&Saleり Act and dl local dty and county ordhances lhat may app y 6. When an excava∥on t lo take,aCe輌 hh a lobrance zone,an excavalor shJl use hcreased cau∥on lo prolect under9Ю und laoⅢes. The prolecton咽 jres hand d99ing,pOt hdi電 ,sofl dg9in9,vacuum methodsl ordm∥ar,mcedures lo denl,underground lad∥ues. A copy Ofthゝ nottncao00 must be卿翻ded by you Ю each∞nlracbr and subconlracloron thも prolect,lo be shared輛 h ttdrsupe面 sbn and em口 oyeeS"OrtO commendng work ont∥spttd` ireans by whidr lhb mlifrcalion was provHed to atstoaner and/orcortrador Addi、 FPL RepNnlati€ Sbnatur€ CuslomerDevebperrConmctOrRepresenlarve slnamfe F∝n360(Rev lκV121 Paqe 14 of 14 Form 3740GROW Rev. 07/31/12