Agenda 05/06/2003 W %~Collier Co~ Joint Board of County Commissioners and The District School Board of Collier County Workshop Agenda May 6, 2003 9:00 a.m. Collier County Board of County Commissioners Boardroom 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples FL 34112 Introduction and Opening Remarks - Joe Schmitt, Jim Simms a. Overview of requirement for coordinated and comprehensive joint planning for school facilities planning b. Brief overview of current 90-day agreement and timeline to finalize final interlocal agreement Existing and Future Schools Report - Collier County Public Schools Staff (CCPS) a. Locations of Existing Schools/Plans for Expansions b. Schools under Construction and Opening Dates c. Future Schools - Locations and Estimated Year Open Local Coordination and Public Involvement - Collier County Public Schools Staff (CCPS) & Collier County Staff (CCS) a. Overview of Coordination Agreement- CCPS b. Role of School Board Representative to Planning Commission - CCPS c. Land Acquisition Process- CCPS d. Shared Data and Coordinated Planning for Future Schools - CCPS & CCS e. Advanced Capital Improvement Coordination - CCPS & CCS Proposed School Board Review Process a. History and Background/Overview of the 1996 IA - CCPS & CCS b. State Statutes and School Board Authority- CCPS c. State Statutes Giving Local Authority to Review - CCS d. Comprehensive Plan Consistency Review- CCS e. Public School Future Land Use Map Series - CCS f. Site Plan Review- CCPS & CCS · Changes from the 1996 Interlocal Agreement · Time Frame School Speed Zones a. County Issues b. CCPS Issues c. Coordinated Resolution EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WORKSHOP ON THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD FOR COORDINATED LAND USE AND SCHOOL PLANNING AS REQUIRED BY CHAPTER 2002-296 LAWS OF FLORIDA. OBJECTIVES: To apprise the Board of County Commissioners and the Collier County School Board of the proposed changes to the interim interlocal agreement and to receive direction from the Boards in order to finalize the interlocal agreement for adoption by both Boards in May 2003. BACKGROUND: The 2002 Florida State Legislature enacted Chapter 2002-296 L.O.F which became effective on May 31, 2002. The legislature requires that school boards and local governments enter into an interlocal agreement which addresses school siting, enrollment forecasting, school capacity, infrastructure and safety needs of schools through a continuous joint planning and information sharing process. The minimum requirements for the interlocal agreement are: 1) Process by which local governments and school boards agree on projections of population and student enrollment. 2) Process to coordinate and share information relating to existing and planned schools, renovations, closures and local government plans for development and redevelopment. 3) Process for participation of local governments in district decisions evaluating closures, renovations, and new sites for acquisition. 4) Process for determining need for on-site and off-site improvements to support district projects. 5) Process for reporting capacity based on facilities work plan. 6) Process for participation of local government in the annual update to the 5 year district facilities work plan and the educational plant survey. 7) Process for determining when and how joint use of school or local government facilities can be shared for mutual benefit and efficiency. 8) Process for resolution of disputes. 9) Identification of an oversight process including an opportunity for public participation for implementation of the interlocal agreement An optional component of the interlocal agreement is a section to address the site plan review process. A local government may not deny a site plan application if a school site is consistent with the future land use policies and land use categories that allow public schools. However, the local government may impose reasonable development standards and conditions in accordance with section 1013.33, F.S. The local government may consider the adequacy of the site plan as it relates to environmental concerns, health, safety and welfare, and effects on adjacent property. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) schedule for adoption by the BCC and Collier County School Board of the mandated interlocal agreement to implement Chapter 2002-296 L.O.F. was March 1, 2003. County staff met with Collier County School Board staff and the staff representatives of the Cities of Naples, Marco Island and Everglades City to develop an interlocal agreement for adoption by the respective boards and councils. County staff felt strongly that a section dealing with the site plan review process must be included in the interlocal agreement in order to insure that health, safety, and welfare as well as compatibility issues are addressed. Since County staff and School Board staff were still negotiating a site plan review process appropriate for public school facilities, we were not able to meet the March 1, 2003 deadline. For this reason, the DCA permitted Collier County and the School Board to submit an interim interlocal agreement to meet the requirement to implement Chapter 2003-296. The revised interlocal agreement is due to DCA on May 26, 2003 which is ninety (90) days from the date that the last party executed the agreement. During this ninety (90) day period, the County and the School Board continued negotiations on the site plan review process and now must submit evidence of such agreement in order to remain in compliance with Chapter 2003.296 L.O.F. The Collier County School Board is scheduled to approve the final interlocal agreement on May 15, 2003 and the Board of County Commissioners will review the final agreement at their May 27, 2003 meeting. CONSIDERATIONS: The interim interlocal agreement provided compliance with the mandate of Chapter 2003-296 L.O.F. for an additional ninety (90) day period while County staff and School Board staff negotiated and developed a site plan review process for school facilities. It was important to both the County and the School District to clearly identify and define the issues and development standards that the County will consider when evaluating the adequacy of site plans, site location, compatibility, on-site and off-site infrastructure improvements, environmental requirements and roadway access standards. Numerous meetings were held to identify and discuss issues. All issues have been resolved. FISCAL IMPACT: Chapter 2002-296 L.O.F. provides for financial sanctions against local governments and school boards in the event that an interlocal agreement is not adopted on schedule. The interim interlocal agreement provided the County a ninety (90) day extension to address the site plan review issues and avoid any sanctions that could be imposed by the State. The new deadline for adoption of the final interlocal agreement for coordinated land use and school planning is May 26, 2003. As long as the County is in compliance with Chapter 2003-296 L.O.F. there are no direct fiscal impacts. GROVVTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The adoption of an interlocal agreement with the Collier County School Board, as provided in Chapter 2002-296 L.O.F., will facilitate the coordination of the implementation of the Collier County Growth Management Plan with the planning and siting of school facilities and supporting infrastructure. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners and the Collier County School Board provide direction to staff to insure the adoption of the final interlocal agreement when presented at the May 2003 Board meetings. '""~'// DATE: DAVID LESANSKY / EXECUTIVE DIRE(~TOR, FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DIVISION J(~S~PH K. SC/~I~/IlYT, ADMI~IISTRATOR ~o~.~,~. ~.v. ^~ ..v,.o.~..~A. s..v,c.s /! JAMES H. SIMMS ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT/OPERATIONAL SERVICES DATE: DATE: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITY PLANNING February 13, 2003 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITY PLANNING This Agreement is entered into by and between the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the District School Board of Collier County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "School Board"), together the Parties. WHEREAS, the Parties recognize their mutual obligation and responsibility for the education, nurturing and general well-being of the children of Collier County; and WHEREAS, the Parties recognize the benefits to the citizens and students of their community by more closely coordinating their comprehensive land use' and school facilities planning programs to ensure: (1) better coordination of new schools in time and place with land development; (2) greater efficiency for the School Board and the County by the placement of schools to take advantage of existing and planned roads, water, sewer, parks, and drainage systems; (3) improved student access and safety by coordinating the construction of new and expanded schools with the road and sidewalk construction programs of the County; (4) the location and design of schools so that they serve as community focal points; (5) the location and design of schools with parks, ballfields, libraries, and other community facilities to take advantage of joint use opportunities; and (6) the location of new schools and expansion and rehabilitation of existing schools so as to reduce pressures contributing to urban sprawl and support existing neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, Section1013.33 (10), Florida Statutes, requires that the location of public educational facilities must be consistent with the comprehensive plan and implementing land .development regulations of the appropriate local governing body; and WHEREAS, Sections 163.3177(6)(h) I and 2, Florida Statutes, require each local government to adopt an intergovernmental coordination element as part of its comprehensive plan that states principles and guidelines to be used in the accomplishment of Coordination of the adopted comprehensive plan with the plans of the School Board, and describe the processes for collaborative planning and decision, making on population projections and public school siting; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3177(6)(h)2, Florida Statutes, further requires each county, all the municipalities within that county, and the district school board to establish by interlocal or other formal agreement executed by all affected entities, the joint processes described above consistent with their adopted intergovernmental coordination element; and WHEREAS, the Parties enter into this Agreement in fulfillment of the above referenced statutory requirements and in recognition of the benefits accruing to their citizens and students described above; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto are authorized to enter into this Interlocal Agreement pursuant to Section 163.01, Section 163.3177(6)(h)2., and Section 1013.33(2)(a), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, upon the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) acceptance of this Agreement, and upon the commitment of the Parties hereto to abide by and seek fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, that DCA shall recognize the Agreement as fully satisfying Florida Statutes Sections 1013.33 and 163.3177 requirements for cooperative planning for all Parties involved, both individually and collectively. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the public benefits to be realized from the coordinated planning and review of public educational facilities, the Parties hereby agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals The foregoing recitals are adopted and incorporated by reference as if set forth fully herein. The following procedures will be used to coordinate public facilites planning and land use planning: Section 2. Joint Workshop Meetings 2.1 A staff working group from the County and School Board will meet on an as needed basis, but no less frequently than twice per year, to formulate recommendations and discuss issues regarding coordination of land use and school facility planning, including such issues as population and student enrollment projections, development trends, school needs, co-location and joint use opportunities, and ancillary infrastructure improvements needed to support the schools and ensure safe student access. Representatives from the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council will also be invited to attend. The School Board staff, in coordination with the County Manager, will be responsible for making meeting arrangements and providing the necessary notification for the first meeting in 2003. Thereafter, the process for meeting notification will be as established by a majority of the members of the working group then present. 2.2 One or more of the elected members of the County Commission and the School Board will meet every other year in joint workshop session. Additional workshops may be held upon request by either the County Commission or the School Board. The joint workshop sessions will be opportunities for the County Commission and the School Board to build consensus, and set direction regarding coordination of land use and school facilities planning, including, but not limited to the following: population and student estimates and projections, development trends, school needs, off-site improvements, and joint use opportunities. The County Manager and School Board Superintendent will be jointly responsible for making meeting arrangements and providing notification for the joint workshop. Section 3, Student Enrollment and Population Projections 3.1 In fulfillment of their respective planning duties, the County and the School Board agree to coordinate their respective plans based upon agreed upon projections of the amount, type and distribution of population growth and student enrollment. 3.2 The School Board shall utilize the Department of Education (DOE) five-year county-wide student enrollment projections. The School Board may request that the DOE projections be adjusted to reflect actual enrollment and development trends not anticipated by the DOE projections. In formulating such a request the School Board will coordinate with the County regarding future population projections and growth. Five- year population and student enrollment projections shall be revised annually to ensure that new residential development and redevelopment information provided by the County are reflected in the updated projections. 3.3 The County staff, in coordination with the School Board, will use information on County growth and development trends for unincorporated areas, such as census information on population and housing characteristics, persons-per- household figures, historic and projected growth rates, and the information described in Subsection 4.2 of this Agreement, to project residential units by type for five years (single family, multi-family and mobile home) and allocate these units into sub-county planning sectors, such as student attendance zones consistent with county-wide projections. The planning sectors will be established by mutual consent of the School Board and the County. The allocation of residential units by type and planning sector will be provided to the School Board by September 1st of each year. 3 3.4 The School Board will evaluate the planning sector projections prepared by the County. The School Board working with the County will develop and apply student generation multipliers for residential units by type for schools of each type, including, but not limited to, traditional public elementary, middle and high schools, as well as, charter, alternative and vocational schools, considering past trends in student enrollment within specific planning sectors in order to project school enrollment. The school enrollment projections will be included in the Educational Facilities Report provided to the County each year as specified in Subsection 4.1 of this Agreement. 3.5 Population Projections: Coordination regarding the update of the County population projections, their allocation into planning sectors, and conversion into projected student enrollment will occur on an annual basis at the staff working group meeting described in Subsection 2.1 of this Agreement. The revised projections and the variables utilized in making the projections will be reviewed and established by agreement of the staff working group. Section 4. Coordinating and Sharing of Information 4.1 Educational Facilities Report: By November 1st of each year, the School Board shall submit to the County an Educational Facilities Report. The Report will contain information in tabular, graphic, and textual formats detailing existing and projected school enrollment, existing educational facilities, their locations, the number of portable units (hereinafter "portables") in use at each school, and projected facility needs. The Report will also contain the School Board's capital improvement plan, including planned facilities with funding over the next 5 years, and a description of any unmet needs. The Report will provide data for each individual school concerning school capacity based on DOE criteria and enrollment of each individual school based on actual student counts. The Report will show the generalized locations in which new schools will be needed, along with planned renovations, expansions and closures of existing schools. The Report will indicate properties the School Board has already acquired through developer donation, or properties for which there is a developer obligation to provide property to the School Board, at the School Board's discretion, or properties acquired through other means that are potential school sites. 4 4.2 Growth and Development Trends: On September Ist of each year, the County will provide the School Board with a report on annual growth and development trends. The report will contain information in tabular, graphic and textual formats and will include information regarding development approvals for the preceding year as follows: (a) the type, number, and location of residential dwelling units which have received zoning approval, final subdivision plat approval, or site plan approval; (b) a summary of all comprehensive plan amendments to include a description of any land use changes and the location of the affected area; (c) the number of building permits issued for new residential dwelling units and the location of such residential dwelling units; (d) (e) information regarding the conversion or redevelopment of housing or other structures into residential dwelling units which are likely to generate new students; and identification of any development orders issued which contain a requirement for the provision of a school site as a condition of development approval. The estimated number of students generated from the development approvals from new residential dwelling units will be used in the data and analysis to support the annual update of the School Board's Five-year Capital Facilities Plan. Section 5. School Site Selection 5.1 The School Board will establish an informal site evaluation committee for the purpose of reviewing potential sites for new schools and proposals for renovation, expansion and closure of existing schools, and making suggested recommendations to the District Site Selection Committee, the Superintendent and the School Board. The site evaluation committee will be a standing committee and will meet on an as needed basis. In addition to appropriate members of the school district staff, the informal site evaluation committee will include at least one County staff member appointed by the County Manager. The committee 5.2 membership will be expanded as needed to include additional County staff. When the need for a new school site is identified in the district facilities work program, the site evaluation committee will develop a list of potential sites in the area of need identified in the educational plant survey. The list of potential sites and list of schools proposed for renovation, expansion or closure will be submitted to the County for an informal assessment regarding consistency with the County comprehensive plan including: environmental suitability, transportation and pedestrian access, availability of infrastructure and services, safety concerns, and land use compatibility. In addition, consistency with community vision and other issues such as student assignment that have a bearing on site suitability will be commented upon. The issues identified in Subsection 5.2 of this Agreement will also be considered by both the' County and site evaluation committee as each potential site and each school proposed for renovation, expansion or closure is evaluated. Based on the information gathered during this review, the site evaluation committee will make a recommendation to the District Site Selection Committee concerning the selection of potential school sites in order of preference, and, if applicable, schools proposed for renovation, expansion or closure in order of preference. The following matters will be considered by the informal site evaluation committee, the County and the School Board when evaluating potential school sites or the expansion or rebuilding of existing schools, including charter schools: a. The location of school sites that will provide logical focal points for community activities such as the community facilities itemized in Subsection 9.1 and serve as the cornerstone for innovative urban design standards, including opportunities for shared use and co- location of community facilities. b. The location of new elementary and middle schools proximate to residential neighborhoods. c. The location of new schools within reasonable walking distance of the residential dwelling units served by the schools, as practicable, under the student assignment program. 6 de fe ge ko ne The location of new high schools on the periphery of residential neighborhoods, with access to major roads. Compatibility of the school site with present and projected uses of adjacent property. Encouragement of community redevelopment and revitalization and efficient use of existing infrastructure and discouraging urban sprawl. Land availability, site acquisition and development costs, and degree of urbanization. Safe access to and from the school site by pedestrians and vehicles. Availability of public facilities and services necessary to serve the proposed school, concurrent with the impacts of the school. Environmental constraints that could preclude development of a public school on the site if mitigation is not available or practicable. Impact on archaeological or historic sites listed in the National Register of Historic Places or designated by the County as a locally significant histodc or archaeological resource. Soil characteristics that indicate the proposed site is suitable for development or is adaptable -for development and outdoor educational purposes with the provision of drainage improvements. The proposed location in relation to County stormwater management plans or watershed management plans. The proposed location in relation to the velocity flood zone, a floodway, or the Coastal High Hazard Area, as delineated in the County Growth Management Plan. The ability of the site to accommodate the required parking, circulation and queuing of vehicles. 5.3 The proposed location in relation to any airports considering the requirements of Section 333.03, Florida Statutes, which regulates the construction of public educational facilities in the vicinity of an airport. As early as practicable, but no less than 60 days prior to acquiring or leasing property that may be used for a new public educational facility, or initiating the renovation or expansion of an existing school, the School Board shall provide written notice of same to the County. The County, upon receipt of this notice, shall notify the School Board within 45 days if the proposed new school site or the proposed renovation or expansion of an existing school is consistent with the land use categories and policies of the County's Growth Management Plan. This preliminary notice does not constitute the County's determination of consistency pursuant to Section 1013.33(11 ), Florida Statutes. Section 6. Supporting Infrastructure In conjunction with the preliminary consistency determination described at Subsection 5.3 of this Agreement, the School Board and the County will jointly determine the need for, and timing of, on-site and off-site infrastructure improvements necessary to serve each new school or the proposed renovation, or expansion of an existing school, and will enter into a written agreement as to the timing and location, and the entity or entities responsible for constructing, operating and maintaining the required improvements. Section 7. Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Rezonings, and Development Approvals 7.1 The County will include a nonvoting representative appointed by the School Board on the local planning agency, or equivalent agencies, to attend those meetings at which the agency considers comprehensive plan amendments and rezonings that would, if approved, increase residential density on the property that is the subject of the application. The County may, at its discretion, grant voting status to the School Board representative. The School Board will receive local planning agency's agendas and appropriate backup materials from the County and will review and comment as appropriate. 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 The County will provide the School Board notification of all land use applications and development proposals pending before it that may affect student enrollment, enrollment projections, or school facilities. Such notice will be provided at least 14 days prior to approval of the application. This notice requirement applies to amendments to the Growth Management Plan, Future Land Use Element and Map rezonings, developments of regional impact, and other major residential or mixed-use development projects. After notification by the County, the School Board will advise the County of the school enrollment impacts anticipated to result from the proposed land use application or development proposal, and whether sufficient capacity exists or is planned in order to accommodate the impacts. School capacity will be reported consistent with DOE criteria. Based on the DOE definition of adequate capacity, if sufficient capacity is not available or planned to serve the development at the time of impact, the School Board shall specify how it proposes to meet the anticipated student enrollment demand; alternatively, the School Board, County, and developer may collaborate to find a means to ensure that sufficient school capacity will be available to accommodate the residential development, such as, developer contributions, project phasing, required facility improvements and school impact fees. In reviewing and approving land use applications, rezoning requests and development proposals, the County will consider, if applicable, the following issues when requested by the School Board: a. Providing school sites and facilities within planned neighborhoods. ~ b. Insuring the compatibility of land uses adjacent to existing schools and reserved school sites. c. The co-location of parks, recreation and community facilities with school sites. The linkage of schools, parks, libraries and other public facilities with bikeways, trails, and sidewalks. Insuring the development of traffic circulation plans to serve schools and the surrounding neighborhood. 9 7.6 Providing off-site signalization, signage, access improvements and sidewalks to serve all schools. The inclusion of school bus stops and tumarounds in new developments. ho Encouraging the private sector to identify and implement creative solutions to developing adequate school facilities in residential developments. School Board comments on Growth Management Plan amendments and other land-use decisions. Available school capacity or planned improvements to increase school capacity. In formulating community development plans and programs, the County will consider the following issues: a= Target community development improvements in older and distressed neighborhoods near schools. Coordinate County programs and capital improvements that are consistent with and meet the capital needs identified in the School Board's school facilities plan. Co Encourage developments and property owners to donate school sites at predevelopment pdces, assist with the construction of new facilities or renovation to existing facilities, and provide transportation alternatives. Address and resolve multi-jurisdictional public school issues. Section 8. Educational Plant Survey and Five-Year District Facilities Work Program 8.1 At least one year pdor to preparation of the educational plant survey update, the staff working group established in Subsection 2.1 of this Agreement will assist the School Board in an advisory capacity in the preparation of this update. The staff working group will evaluate and make recommendations regarding the location and need for new l0 8.2 educational facilities, or improvements to existing educational facilities in terms of consistency with the County Growth Management Plan, and relevant issues listed at Subsections 5.2, 7.5 and 9.1 of this Agreement. The School Board will provide the proposed annual update of the five-year district facilities work program to the County for review and comment for consistency with the County Growth Management Plan prior to adoption. The County may provide wdtten comments to the School Board within 30 days following receipt of the proposed work program. Section 9. Co-location and Shared Use 9.1 Co-location and shared use of facilities are important to both the School Board and the County. The School Board will look for opportunities to co-locate and share use of school facilities and civic facilities when preparing the Educational Plant Survey. Likewise, co-location and shared use opportunities will be considered by the County when preparing the updates to its Growth Management Plan, Schedule of Capital Improvements and when planning and designing new, or renovating existing, community facilities. For example, opportunities for co-location and shared use will be considered for libraries, parks, recreation facilities, community centers, auditoriums, learning centers, museums, performing arts centers, and stadiums. In addition, where applicable, co-location and shared use of school and governmental facilities for health care and social services will be considered. 9.2 A separate agreement between the School Board and the County or appropriate entity, will be developed for each instance of co-location and shared use which addresses legal liability, operating and maintenance costs, scheduling of use, and facility supervision. Section 10. Oversight Process The School Board and the County Commission shall each appoint a citizen member to serve on an oversight committee to monitor implementation of this Interlocal Agreement. Oversight Committee members shall be invited to attend all meetings referenced in Sections 2 and 5 hereof and shall receive copies of all reports and documents produced pursuant to this Agreement. The committee shall appoint a chairperson, meet at least annually, and report to the County Commission and the School Board and the general public on the implementation of this Agreement together with its effectiveness. l! Section 11. Site Plan Review Projects initiated by the School Board shall comply with applicable site development plan review requirements as set forth in a separate intedocal agreement, which further refines and delineates the provisions and scope of site development plan review requirements for future School Board projects. Section 12. Resolution of Disputes If the Parties to this Agreement are unable to resolve any issue relative to this Agreement and with in which they may be in disagreement, such dispute will be resolved in accordance with governmental conflict resolution procedures specified in Chapters 164 and 186, Florida Statutes. Section 13. Amendment and Termination of Agreement Either party may elect to withdraw from participation in this Agreement upon official action of its governing body and after 30 days wdtten notice to the other party to this Agreement. Section 14. Execution This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument and be the Agreement between the parties. Section 15. Expiration The term of this Agreement shall expire ninety (90) days from the date the last party executes this Agreement unless the separate interiocal agreement referenced in Section 11 is executed by the Parties prior to that ninety (90) day period. The DCA will be notified if this Agreement expires pursuant to this Section. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Inted0cal Agreement has been executed by the Parties by their duly authorized officials on the date set forth below. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY By: TO--M~'I"~N N I N~ Date: 12 Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: David C~eigel, Count{j-Attomey ATTEST: By: Dr. Dan White, Superintendent COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - LTn'd,~A~b?o~, Chair Approved as to form by: 396360_1 t3 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PLANNING AND SITE REVIEW Working Draft As of May 2, 2003 5/2/03 Ti~e: 12,16 PM TO: @ 2544390 R&A NAPLES PAX Page: ,02-020 ~E~OC~ AG~E~NT FOR PLUG ~ SITE PL~ ~W THIS AGREEMENT made this __ day of May, 2003, ("Effective Date") by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and thc Collier County School Board, a public agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "School Board." WHEREAS, thc County and the School Board have established and maintained a cooperative and productive relationship with regard to the exchange of information on matters of mutual interest including, but not limited to, the coordination of planning efforts to ensure that support services are available for public educational facilities in the unincorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, Section 1013.33(1), Florida Statutes (2002), sets forth the policy of the State with regard to the coordination of planning between school boards and local governing bodies to ensure that plans for the construction and opening of p~blic educational facilities are facilitated and coordinated in time and place with plans for residential development, concurrently with other services; and WHEREAS, Section 1033.33(9), Florida Statutes, in order to encourage and facilitate such planning, provides that the School Board and the County must share and coordinate information related to existing and planned public sch(~)l facilities, proposals for development, redevelopment or additional development, and infrastructure required to support the public school facilities concurrent with the proposed development; and WHEREAS, the County and School Board have'shared such information for numerous years including under the 1996 lnterlocal Agreement between the parties, and continue to share such information so that each entity can assist the other in reaching its goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, Section 1013.33(12), Florida Statutes, sets forth thc policy of thc State with regard to an expedited process to determine consistency with the local government's comprehensive plan and land development regulations, which review by the County shall not exceed 90 days, and Sections 5 of this Agreement detail.,, a formal consistency review; and WHEREAS, Section 1013.33(13), Florida Statutes, provides that a local goveming body may not deny the site application on the adequacy of the site plan as it relates solely to the needs of the school and Section 1013.33(14), Florida Statutes, authorizes the School Board and the County to establish, by agreement, a process for reviewing a proposed educational facility site plan, including the identification of off-site impacts of a proposed educational facility, and Section 6 of this Agreement details a School Board Review process to delineate a formal procedure consistent with State Statute; and WHEREAS, through this Agreement the Count~' and the School Board wish to maintain and enhance their cooperative and productive relationship regarding the exchange of information relating to planning efforts and public facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are ir~c0rporated herein. 5/2/03 Time: 12~16 PM To: ~ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ~03-020 This Agreement is made pursuant to Section 1013.33, Florida Statutes, the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969, and Chapter 1013, Florida Statutes, and terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in such legislation. Specifically, the following terms as used in this Agreement shall be defined as follows: a. "Adjacent" means lying near or adjoining. "Ancillary Plant" is comprised of the building, site and site improvements necessary to provide such facilities as vehicle maintenance, warehouses, maintenance, or administrative buildings necessary to provide support services to an educational program. c. "Auxiliary Facility" means the spaces located at educational plants which are not designed for student occupant stations. "Educational Facilities" means the buildings and equipment, structures, and special educational use areas that are built, installed, or established to serve primarily the educational purposes and secondarily the social and recreational purposes of the community and which may lawfully be used as authorized by the Florida Statutes and approved by the Collier County School Board. "Educational Plant" comprises the educational facilities, site and site improvements necessary to accommodate students, facility, administrators, staff, and the activities of the educational prog'am of each plant. "County's implementing land development regulations" means the Collier County Land Development Code ("LDC'), including the zoning regulations and development regulations contained and p,~ferenced therein. "1996 lnterlocal Agreement" means lhe Interlocal Agreement between the Collier County School Board and Collier County as recorded in Official Records Book 2207, Pages 1729 et seq., which bears an effective date of June 25, 1996. h. "School Board Review" ("SBR"), means a process for site plan review for schools as set forth in this Agreement. "State Requirements for Educational Facilities" ("SREF") means the Florida Department of EduC~llion State Requirements for Educational Facilities, effective 1999, as amended. Pursuant to Section 1013.35(2), Florida Statute:~ (2002), School Board shall submit to County annually, a tentative district educational facilities plan. The tentative educational facilities plan must contain information detailing existing educational facilities and their locations and projected needs. The report must also contain a financially feasible district facilities work program, including planned facilities with funding over the next three years, and the educational facilities representing the school district's unmet needs. It is the intent of the School Board and the County fi:at such reports provide a basis to allow the parties to adequately coordinate on future public educational facility siting and construction and to foster timely cooperation on such mailers. 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: ~ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page~ ,04-020 4. The Growth Management Plan (Future Land Use Element (FLUE) and Golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGAMP) and Immokalee Area Master Plan (IAMP)) in effect at the time that development orders are requested will determine the land use categories and districts that pemfit or prohibit schools (educational plants) and school thcilities (~ancillar¥ vlants) within Collier County. The Cotmty will initiate amendments to the Growth Management Plan (Future land Use Element (FLUE), golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGAMP) and Immokalee Area Master Plan (IAMP)k so as to allow these uses in zoning districls as follows, except to tl3e extent that such would be in conflict ,adth the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District adopted on Jtme 19, 2002: Ancillary plants permitted by right: C-4, General Commercial; C-5, Heavy Commercial; and, I, Industrial, Ancillary plants prohibite~l: RSF-I through RSF-6, Residential Single Family~ Mtt, Mobile Home; TTRVC. Travel Trailer-Recreational Vehicle Campgr_oun~d' GC, Golf Course~ and, CON. Conservation. AncillaD' plants permitted by conditional use: all other zoning districts. Educational plants prohibited: RT. Residential Tourist; GC, Golf Course; CON.. Conservation: TTRVC, Travel Trailer-Recreational Vehicle Campground; BP, Business Park; and, 1, Industrial. Educational pla.nts permitted by right: all other zoning districts. Provided t~rther. however, that for em¥ high school to be located in a residential zoning distric! (RSF. RMF. MH, VR, Vil'!age Residential, ttad residential components of PUDs), a cotnpatibility review will be required. 5. Further, the parties reco,~$fize that PUD zoning is prevalent in Collier County, an_4d as such, schools and school facilities are permissible uses in PUD designations if specifically set lbrth in the PUD document ,and approved by the Board of County Commissioners ms a permitted principal use. The County a411 consider an amendment to the Growth Management Plan which allows Educational Facilities as permissible uses in all PUDs. The County will further consider an amendment to the Growth Managemen! Plan that will allow a PUD to be amended to provide for a school, without fitrther righ! .by the County to review the PUD, except fbr those impacts that are related solely to the school. The County will further contact the School Board, at the time that a PUD application is presented to the County for review, a:; to whether a school is necessary in the PUD. Further, if the County reviews the PUD at any .time after its creation under the PUDs "stmset" provision, the Cotmty will contact the School Board, and the County will consider, with the School Board's input, whether a school should be included in the PUD at that review. Schools within a PUD will be subject to the School Board Review process .as provided lbr herein. 3 ~: 3/z/u~ 'rime= 12:1~ PM To: @ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ,05-020 6. Existin~ Educational Plants and A,millm3, Plants. A. Those Educational Plants and Ancillary Plants as of the date of this Agreement shall be deemed consistent with the FLUE, GGAMP or lAMP, as applicable. All existine, developed educational plant and ancillar~ plant sites - inclusive of the fbur educational plants under construction at time of this Agreement (Site E: Sabal Palm. Intermediate Site 600, Intermediate Sit,e 400, mid Golden Gate High School} - will be identified on the Future Land Usc Map or Map Series to be adopted into the Future Land Use Element, at the initiation of Collier County at its expense. The additional of these sites on the FLUM in no way impedes the School Board's ability to proceed with any ..Coun_ty_ review that may be necessary under this agreement, or in!pedes the commencement of construction, if necessary. B. On-site expansions shall be subject to the School Board Review process delineates herein. C. EXPansions beyond the legal description of the existinK sites shall be subject to the Consistency review and SChool Board Review pr.o...cess established herein. In order to meet future needs and maximize the use of the public's tax dollars and to comply with the legislative _mandate to plan for future schools, the School Board has purchased a number of sites for future educational, auxiliary and ancillary facilities. The sites were purchased pursuant to the 1996 Interlocal Agreement. The location of these sites are consistent with the comprehensive plan and land development regulations for future educational, auxiliary and ancillary facilities, by adoption of this agreement, as follows: 1. Intermediate Center South- 44th Terrace S.W,.. Proposed elementary school 2. Intermediate Center'North- 50th Terrace S.W.~ Prot~osed elementary school 3. Intermediate Center on Hunter Blvd.- Propo~,.ed F~lementar¥ School SchocJl Site G- Golden Gate Commercial Pm'lc PUl), Proposed Elementary School 5. School Site I -Futurc E/W Livingston Road, Proposed Elememarv/ Middk, School 6. School Site M- Lely Resort PUD, Proposed F.lementarv/Middle School 7. Livingston Road School Site, East Side of Livingston Road, Proposed Elementary/Middle Schools - 8. Rattlesnake Hammock Road Sitc- Adiacem to South County Bus Compound ..Proposed Transportation Facilit3~' .... 4 5/2/03 Tlme~ 12:16 PM To: ~ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ~06-020 9. School Site BB- West Side of Livingston Road, Proposed Middle School 10. School Site E- 18th Ave. N.E., Proposed Ele~nentary/Middle School 11. School Site F- SW comer of Everglades Blvd. and 60"' Ave. N.E.. Proposed iElementarv/Middle School 12. School Site J- N.W. Comer of Everglades Blvd. and 12th Ave. S.E_ Proposed Elementary/Middle Schools 13. School Site EE- 18th Ave. N.E., Proposed Elementary/Middle School 14. School Site BBB- Oil Well Road. Orange Tree PUD. Proposed Elementary. Middle/High School or Transportation facilit7 15. School Site H mad CC- BIue Sage Dr., Proposed Elementary/Middle School 16. School Site L and iEEE- North of 13m Street N.W., Elementary/ Middle/ High School/Transportation Facility 17. School Site DD and DDD- South of 20t~ St. S.E., Proposed .Elementary/Middle/ High SChool, as to those areas within the neutral rural fringe area. 18. Immokalee School Site- North Side of Lake Vrafford Road, Proposed Elementary/ Middle Schools 19. hnmokalee Maintenance and Transportation Satellite. State Rd. 29, Proposed Transportation Facility' Some of the existing owned but undeveloped sites for educational plants and ancillary plants~ listed above, m'e within the Rtwal Fringe area. an area subject to the Final Order No. AC-.99-002 issued June 22, 1999, by the Governor and Cabinet of the State of Florida sitting a~' the Administration Commission. Purstmnt to the Final Order, amendments to the GMP were adopted on June 19, 2002, including-the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District~ these amendments were subsequently found to i:.e 7in compliance" by the Florida Department of Community Affairs but two Challenges were filed to that compliance finding, Accordingly, those amendments are not yet in effect: this affects the consistency determination fbr all sites in the Rttral Fringe area. Also, some of the educational plm~t sites are in an area that is subject to a .specific req.firement for pertbrmance of a Red- cockaded Woodpecker study; the results of that study could lead to an amendment to change the land usc designation, thereby affecting the consistency determination for those sites. And, some of the cducational plant sites, and an ancilla~' plant site, are in an area that is eligible for submittal of environmental data to demonstrate appropriateness of a land use designation chm~ge; this could potentially result in a land use designation change, thereby affecting the consistency determination for those sites. 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: @ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: *07-020 "' ..... ~'""~ '":' ...... ~':"" .... ' ............ '""'";~';'~ .... 4l ......: ...... irk ',h h .... .... , J¢'""t"' ,¢:I,,~,,,~,,,c""'; .... ,,'4 (,,d-r ,,~C ,,:~'"~l .................. ...... "'~,r-, ............ ................. ' .,o,.'1"'; ......... l.,° 1... ...... ~.[¥;;.G~;.j~fr,~, ...... ~,,~ /~*~ ,~ ,~,0,,~3 ........ · ...... ~,,,* w,0~, HI./"0 ..... ,Z,, ,~,~,,0~,~,o. ~ ~,~O. ~ The parties acknowledge that due to the change in the population figures and legislation, certain sites may be designated for other purposes upon party agreement. 7. Existing. Ow,ned But Undeveloped Sites A. For those existing owned but undeveloped shes listed above, the uses listed above shall be allowed as a matter of right. All such sites will be identified on the Future Lm~d Use Map or Map Series to be adopted into the Future Land Use Ele~nent, at the initiation of Collier Cotmtv at its expense. For sites within the Rural Fringe area desi[,mated as Neutxal Lands: the site area and school size shall be subject to the General Education Facilities Report submitted annually by the Collier County School Board to the Board of County Commissioners; and, the site must comply with the State Requirements 'for Educational Facilities adopted by the State Board of Education. The mapping of these sites by the County in no way impedeg the School Board's abiliv/to proceed with any County review that may be 'necessm3' under this agreement~ or impedes the commencement of consu-uction, if necessary. B. For those existing owned sites not listed above, that are not consistent with Iocational criteria in the FLUE, GGAMP or IAMp, a.s applicable~ the Collier Com~ty School Board ma.v, at its expense, initiate an amendment to the appropriate Element so as to make such a site consistent with Iocational criteria. Additionally. however, any such site must also be located within a zoning district ti-tat allows the fhcility as a permitted p. dncipal use. or a rezone petition, or conditional use petition, as applicable, nmst be filed and approved m~d remain valid in order for the use to be allowed as a matter of right. The filing and expense of any neceyary rezone or conditional use petition shall be the responsibility of the Collier County School Board. Subsequent to the amendment to the appropriate Element becoming effective, and, if necessa~', any rezone or conditional use approval, Collier County will. at its expense, initiate an amendment to the Future Land Use Map or Map Series to add the site. The mapping of these sites bv the County in no way impedes the School Board's ability to proceed w/th any County review that may be necessary under this agreement, or impedes the commencement of construction, if necessary. C. Any future expansions beyond ihe legal description of the existing educational plant sites shall be subject to the Consistency review procedure aa~d the School Board Review process established herein. 68..The County shall consider the adoption of ma.'-.' ,--,,,v, a text amendment to County's Comprehensive Plan to the extent that the County wishes to place future School Board sites on its Future Land Use Map (FLUM), and to provide the process for consistency review with its comprehensive plan and LDC consistenc_Tt with this Agreement. Such designation of future School Board sites on ~he FLUM is not a prerequisite to a 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX consistency determination or review of its site plan or commencing construction on such property. 9. The parties agree to the following treatment of thture site acquisition Educmional Plants and Ancillary Plants with the Growth Management Plan. If consistent with Iocational criteria in the FLUE, GGAMP or lAMP. ,as applicable, then the Plant shall be allowed as a matter of right. Once acquired. the site will be identified on the Future Land Use Map or Map Series to be adopted into the Future Land Use Element, at the initiation of Collier Comity at its expense. The mapping of these sites by the County in no way impedes the School Board's ability to proceed with any County review that may be necessary trader this agreement, or impedes the cormnencement of Construction, if necessary. (2) If consistent with loeational criteria in the FLUE. GGAMP or lAMP, as applicable, but is within a PUD that does not allow Educational or Ancillat:¥ Plants as a permitted principal use, then the plants shall not be allowed unless and until the Growth Management Plan is amended as set forth in Section 5 to this Agreement or. if the GMP is not vet amended, m~ amendment to the PUD, at the initiation of Collier County School Board at its expense, is approved thereby allowing such Plants as a permitted l~.rincipal use. Subse~,uent to any such PUD amendment approval, and acquisition by the Collier County School Board, Collier County will, at its expense, initiate an amendment to the Future Land Use Map or Map Series to add the site. The mapping of these sites by the County in no way. impedes the School Board's ability to proceed w/th any County review that .may be necessary under this agreement, or imvedes the commencement of construction, if necessary. (3) - If either not consistent with locational criteria in the FLUE, GGAMP o: IAMP, as applicable, or is not within a PUD and is within a zoning district that does not allow the Plaa~t ms a Permitted print, irma! use, then the Plant shall not be allowed unless and m~til an amenchnent is filed, at the initiation of lhe Collier County School Board at its expense, to add the site to the Future Land Use Man or Map Series, and that amendrhem is approved and becomes eftEctivc, and thee site is acquired by the Collier County School Board. Thereafter, the educational plant shall be allowed on the site as a matter ofrieht. (4) Any thture expansions beyond the le;~al description of the Educational or Ancillary Plant sites slmll be subject to the Consistency review and the School Board Review process as defined herein. 10. The following process will be followed with respect to future educational, auxiliary and ancillary facilities for determination of consistency with Collier County's Comprehensive Plan prior to acquisition: 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: ~ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ,09-020 Prior to acquiring or leasing property fox public educational facilities or auxiliary facilities, the School Board and Count~' will follow the procedures set forth at Section 5 of the Interiocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning. Once the County has determined that the site i:; consistent with the comprehensive plan and relevant land development regulations, the School Board shall have up to one year to acquire the site. Once the site is acquired, the site shall be deemed to remain consistent regardless of later chaages to either the comprehensive plan or land development regulations. For projects within the jurisdiction of Collier County, prior to acquisition, the School Board will request a preapplicafion meeting with the County regarding site development and information to determine the appropriateness of the site. The pro-application meeting will discuss the location of schools including proximity to residential areas, strategies to ascertain availability of infrastrucmro necessary to support proposed schools and school facilities including, but not limited to, potable water, wastewater, ~rainage, solid waste, transportation and means to assure safe access to schools, b.>th vehicular and pedestrian. The School Board shall submit a request for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan as contemplated in Section 1013.33(12) utilizing information gathered in the pre-application meeting and fi.om other agencies. County agrees to complete such consistency review within 45 days cf submittal. The information to be submitted for determination of consistency are as follows: Land Use. A general location map showing surrounding development with the subject prOPerty outlined, provide a recent aerial of the site showing boundaries, source and date and provide a map and summary table of existing land use and zoning within a radius of 300 feet from the boundaries of the subject property. Future Land Use Designation. A map of the subject property, designate ehch use, such as .elementary, middle or high school and whether such use includes a stadium, with acreage tables for each land use designation. Environmental. A recent aerial and summary table of native habitats and soils occurring on the site, provide a summary table of Federal and State listed plant and animal species known to occur on the site and/or known to inhabit biological communities similar to the site and identify historic and archaeological sites on the subject property. Growth Management. Identification, if applicable, of any Area of Critical State Concern, Development of Regional Impact, and whether the subject property is intended 1br immediate development is and which intended for inclusion in the School Board's capital plan projection. Public Facilities. The School Board will indicate the proposed existing Level of Service Standards {LOS) and the School Board's provider and method of treatment for potable water and sanitary sewer services, Arterial and Collector roads, drainage and solid waste. Where applicable, service availability letters will also be provided. The School 8 5/2/03 Time, 12:16 PM To, @ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ,10-020 Board will provide a map detailing the location of existing services and public facilities that will serve the subject property. The School Board will identify, if applicable, any flood zone, wcllfield, Traffic Congestion~ Boundary, Coastal Management Boundary, and High Noise Contours, which relate to ~:he subject property. Letter of Consistency Al~er the County review the Planning Services Director or his designee shall issue a Letter of Consistency which shall evidence the County's determination of consistency as required by Section 1013.33(12). The following Will be followed with respect to ~11 school sites prior to construction, and establishes the process ora School Board Review: At least 90 days prior to commencing construction, the School Board shall submit the site plan for the proposed school and auxiliary facilities, if any, to the County for School Board Review (SBR) approval. The County shall have 14 days to determine whether the submittal :.s complete. If not complete, the County will request additional information from the School Board. Once the application package is complete, the County shall have 90 days to complete the review and make a determination of approval. The specific submittals which are required are~ A project na?rative shall be provided that describes the character and intended use of the proposed project. It shall also describe the various planning and design concepts used in developing the project, the provisign of on-site amenities, such as, recreational facilities, open space or special ltmdscape treatments. A copy of the deed, contract for ~'mle or agreement for sale or a notarized statement of ownership clearly demonstrating ownership · and contrOl of the subject lot or parcel of land. A site plan prepared on a maxim,m size sheet measuring 24" x 36" drawn to scale and setting forth the following information: The project title and the name, ac.dress and phone number of the firm or agent preparing the plans and the name, address and telephone number of the property/owner. ii. Cover sheet including: Project Title Name, Address & Phone number of finn or agent preparing plans Name, Address & Phone number of property owner Zoning designation (if zoned PUD, name of PUD and Ordinance #) Vicinity map identifying location of development Legal description and Property I12) #'s iii. Reference to the appropriate zoning district or PUD, as well as, any previous approvals relating to the subject lot or parcel. 9 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ,11-020 iv. vii. i. ii. Reference to the zoning and existing land use of all properties adjacent to the project. North arrow, scale and date. Vicinity map clearly identifying the location of the project and its relationship to the surrounding community. A narrative statement identifying provisions of ownership and maintenance of all common areas, open space, private streets and easements. A site summary in chart form which shall include the following: a) Total site acreage. b) Total squar, e footage of building footprint and its percentage of the total site area. c) Total square footage of impervious area (including all parking areas, driveways, loading areas, drive-aisles, and internal streets) and its percentage of the total site area. 1) Total square footage of landscape area/open space and its percentage of the total site are~. A project summary in chart form, v~hich shall include the total building square footage, and a square footage breakdown by use and its percentage of the total building. A parking summary in matrix form, which shall include: Type of use. Total square footage per use. Total number of provided spaces including regular, handicapped and reserved sPaces. Illustrative information consisting of the following shall be drawn to scale and accurately depicted on the site plan: A boundary survey, prepared by a Licensed Land Surveyor or Engineer in the State of Florida, :showing the location and dimensions of all property lines, existing streets or roads, easements, rights-of- way, and areas dedicated to the public. Accompanied either by an attorn,:y's opinion of title, or by a sworn statement from the property owner(s) stating that he or she has provided sufficient information to the surveyor to allow the accurate depiction of the information on the survey. 10 5/2/03 Tlme~ 12:16 PM To: ~ 2544390 . R&A NAPLES FAX ii. in. vi. vii. VIII. ix. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. XV. xvi. Name, alignment and existing/proposed right-of-way of all streets which border the project (including raised islands, striping, right/ief~ turn lanes, median cuts and near~y intersections), and the location of all existing driveways or access points on the opposite side of all streets which border the project. Location and configuration of all project ingress and egress points. Location and arrangement of all proposed buildings (including existing buildings that are to rerr.ain). Location and configuration of all parking and loading areas and their relationship to the proposeCl building arrangement. Name, alignment and existing/proposed right-of-way of all internal streets and/or alleys within the p;oject and their relationship to the proposed building and parking area arrangement. Directional movement of internal vehicular traffic and its separation from pedestrian traffic. Location and configuration of recreational facilities and their relationship to the proposed building and parking area arrangement. Location and general configuration of all water and/or drainage retention/detention areas, as well as, all existing and proposed easements, water and sewer lines intended to serve the project. Location and general configuration of such natural features as preservation/conservation areas, significant vegetation, water bodies, and wetlands. Location of emergency access lanes within the project which includes th6"iocation of fire hydrants and fire lanes and their relationship to the proposed building arrangement. Location of all handicapped parking spaces in relationship to the proposed building and parking area arrangement. Location of trash enclosures and their relationship to the proposed building arrangement as well as ~tccessibility for collection vehicles. Location of all proposed ground or monument signs. Location and heights of all proposed walls or fences. Accurate dimensions which include the following: (I) AIl building setbacks, (2) Distance between buildings and accessory structures. 11 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: ~ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ,13-020 (3) Widt~ of all internal stn:ets. (4) Alt pta-king areas and drive aisles. (5) Ground or monument sign setback. (6) Landscape areas adjacent to property lines Landscape plan which shall conlain the following: Landscape summary in matrix form which :;hall include: a. Landscape Requirements adjacent to property lines b. Native species requirement A recent aerial photo shall be provided that clearly depicts the project limits. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), unless waived at the consistency review. Whether o,- not an ElS is required, two copies of a recent aerial photograph with minimum scale of one inch equals 400 feet, shall be submitted. Said aerial shall identify plant and/or wildlife habitats and their boundaries. Such idenlification shall be consistent with Florida Department of Transpomation Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System. 10. Traffic Impact Statement (TIS), unless not required or waived at the consistency review. I1. 12. Historical and archeological survey or waiver application if property is located within an area of historical or archaeological probability (unless not required at the consistency review). A waiver may be requested and lhe County may issue such waiver where such particular submittal infonm~tion is not applicable. The 90 days may be extended upon agreement of the County and School Board. Once an affirmative determination has been rendered, school construction may commence and further County approvals are not required. Failure by the County to make a determination in writing within 90 days after determining the application package complete shall be considered an approval. However, if within 90 days, the County denies the application based on non- compliance with relevant standards of the LDC, the SBR shall be considered denied and the School Board shall be authorized to pursue an appeal. 8. The County shall conduct an expedited review of the SBR site plan for consistency with the following requirements: County's Utility Ordinance No. 2001-57 and the County's Standard Utility Details in effect at the time development orders are requested. 12 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: @ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Pa~e: ,14-020 LDC Division 2.4, Landscaping and Buffering, in effect as of the date of this agreement. The County will recommend to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) an amendment to the LDC allowing that administrative deviations may be granted provided the School Board can demonstrate that the intent of this Division can be effectively accomplished without meeting the specific development standards. Specifically, the County will recommend flexibility in the regulations for projects where there will be joint use by the County Department of Parks and Recreation and the School District. The administrative deviations shall be requested in the format set forth in Section of the LDC. A perimeter landscape buffer shall be required equivalent to the Collier County Land Development Code requirements for the Public Use District/Community Facility District as set forth in Table 2,4 entitled "Table of Buffer Requirements by Land Use Classification" and as further described in Section of the Land Development Code. The plant material standards and installation standards required shall be those set forth in Sections through, together with the Tree Preservation Credits set forth in Sections 2.4.4. l 1 and, of the Land Development Code. Existing native vegetation shall be retained' in accordance with the provisions of Section of the Land Development Code. A copy of the relevant provisions of the Collier County Land Development' Code referenced in this paragraph are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and the referenced sections only are made part of this Agreement. Environmental: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Final SFWMD Environmental Resource Permits and all other agency permits for wetlands must be su~)mitted prior to final SBR approval, and such permits are not required for submittal sufficiency. To the extent those permits are not issued, School Board agrees to abatement of the 90 time frame required in Section 6 of this Agreement. Submission of Protected Spo:ies Surveys and if needed wildlife management plans in accordance with Collier County's LDC and Comprehensive Plan in effect at the time of SBR order approval along with United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) agency permits. A site clearing plan must be submitted that shows the native vegetation are, as to be preserved and identifies the upland/ wetlands preserve or protected species preserves. The-Comprehensive Plan requin:s schools to provide a set percentage of native vegetation preservation itt the Rural Fringe and the Rural Lands. The School Board must comply with the set percentages of native vegetation preservation. An Exotic Vegetation Removal ~tnd Maintenance Plan must be submitted and approved prior to final SBR approval. All exotic vegetation shall be removed from the site of a schc~)l or school facility prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 13 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: ~ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ,15-020 (vi) All environmental documentation must be submitted prior to a determination on ~/SBR application. All State Fire Code regulations related to the site. Stormwater Management as follows: (i) A Drainage Plan, signed and scaled by a Florida Professional Engineer must be submitted along with calculations in order to determine the proposed development's effect on County maintained drainage facilities. (ii) SFWMD permits must be submitted prior to SBR approval. (iii) if any dedications of easements for drainage, maintenance, and/or access are required, all recorded easeraent(s) shall be provided to the County prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. When necessary, the School Board will supply additional easement area for increased capacity to accommodate the proposed development. 4.Eaviranmenta! regulations as fo!!,qws: v-, .................... ~ an}' prov:s:ons '^ tF, e ;:o::trr, r'.,' in provb~ons of cu,:c ...:~ ........ ,~ ......... of ,If. Building setbacks: The minimum setbacks shall be twenty-five feet (25') from l the property line for accessory buildings, including portable classrooms, and shall be fifty feet (50') from the property line for principal buildings. At all times, however, the School Board shall adhere to the SREF regulations minimum 14 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: @ 2544390 ~&A NAPLES FAX Page: ,16-020 setback requirement for principal buildings of at least twenty-five feet (25') from the property line. Off-Site Impacts: In accordance with Section 6 of the lnterlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning, the School Board and County will jointly determine the need for, and timing of, off-site infrastructure improvements on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with the determination of the consistency of the site location with the comprehensive plan and land development regulations, and will enter into a written agreement as to the timing and location, anti the entity or entities responsible for construction, operating and maintaining the ~equired improvements. In reaching a determination regarding responsibility for improvements, the parties will be guided as follows: Transportation/Utilities All reasonable off-site improvements that are determined necessary and required by tke County to mitigate the off-site impacts of the school or school facility shall be constructed by the School Board at the School Board's expense; provided, however, that the School Board shall not be required to pay more than 'its proportionate share of the cost of onsite and offsite improvements necessitated by the educational facility; and provided further, that on a case-by-case basis, the County can agree to assist in the funding of these improvements. Mitigation of off-site improvements will include: the widening of adjacent roadways and infrastmctures when necessitated to accommodate buses (if needed); construction of required deceleration turn lane(s) at the ingress(es) and egress(es) to and ftom the school rite; and at any intersections within the immediate vicinity of the school site v, hich are adversely impacted as a direct result of the same; other median improvements determined as necessary by Collier County Transportation staff; and/or the School Board's cost of extending water and sewer lines required by the school, or school facility. Sidewalks - .A__s_part of the School Board Review process,_The School Board ~d County will develop a Sidewalk Plan, which delineates thc sidewalks that are necessary in and around the Property. The School Board shall consider collecting, through impact fees, monies to provide tbr the development of these sidewalks as delineated in the Sidewalk Plan. The School 'Board will provide the impact tees monies to the County who willw4,q be responsible for ~ ...:.,.:.,...,,.. .... ~,.~': ~-~..~"~: ..... .~' .... ~ .~,hc.~'.,, ~,~ a~ .... ,I fazili~· v.-,r~'~-.', including ~he t~ing, cost, ~ons~etion, ~d maintenance of such sidewalks. .-~.,.~ ~...~ ........... ...,.:n ~.k~ Traffic Signals - The cost of traffic signals shall be the responsibility of the School Board. All traffic control devices used must be in accordance with the Standards as adopted by the Florida Department Of Transportation (FDOT), as amended, as stipulated/required by Florida Statutes - Chapter 316 Uniform Traffic Control Law. When warranted, upon completion of the installation, inspection, bum-in period and final approval/acceptance of any and all traffic signal(s), the traffic signal(s) will be turned over to Collier County, and will then 15 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: @ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ~17-020 be maintained and operated by Collier County Transportation Operations. Any negotiations relevant to 'Tair share" pa}~ments or reimbursements, from any and all other neighboring developer/property owner(s), that directly benefit from the installation of the traffic signals, will be determined based upon percentage usage and impact. The County shall enforce the cost sharing by other property owners and reimburse School Board for monies collected pursuant to this Section. Any off-site improvement to be constn~cted by the School Board, even though not required by Collier County, shall .,:till be subject to review by the Collier County staff prior to construction to assure compliance with Collier County regulations. Ail traffic speed limit po.stings shall I~: in accordance with the Speed Zoning Manual as adopted by the Florida Department Of Transportation (FDOT), as amended, as stipulated/required by Florida Statutes -Chapter 316 -Uniform Traffic Control Law. All other tranSportation related work by design, shall comply with Florida Department Of Transportation (FI)OT) Standards, as amended, as stipulated/required by State Statutes - Chapter 316 Uniform Traffic Control Law. In the event the School Board proposes to expand or renovate an existing school site, the County shall make its recommendations and requirements as to the improvements to account for off-site impacts only as they relate to such expansion. 10. The SBR application shall be submitted and reviewed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Division 3.3 (site development plan review process) of the Land Development Code is not applicable to the SBR review procedure. I I. The parties agree that the School Board shall not request reviews and that County review is not requested or required for: The placement of temporary or portabh,, classroom facilities; except that these facilities will be reviewed .by the Fire Cc,de Office pursuant to Fla. Admin. Code Section 4A58. Public Utilities or will ~.'view solely for proper sizing of water meters and grease traps. Proposed renovation or construction on ,-~xisting school sites, with the exception of construction that (1) changes the primary Use of a facility, (2) includes a stadium, or (3) results in a greater that five percent (5%) increase in K-12 student capacity or encroaches upon. the established setbacks as set forth in this Agreement. 12. Fees: The standard fees shall be charged for the processing of any application submitted by the School Boazd. Nothing in this Section sh~Lll prevent the Parties from entering into a separate Agreement for a different fee structure. 13. Letter of Compliance: After SBR review and review of compliance with the terms of this [nterlocal Agreement, the Planning Services Dire:tor, or his designee, shall issue a Letter of Compliance, which shall evidence the County's approval of the site plan or a letter of 16 5/2/03 Time: 12~16 PM To: % 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page= ,18-020 14. 15. non-approval citing specific sections of the Comprehensive Plan and LDC and any pertinent information, exhibits and other back-up information in support of denial. In the event there is disagreement as to the School Board's compliance with any SBR requirements set forth in this section, the Planning Services Director, at the request of the Superintendent's designee, shall provide the County's determination and the basis in writing within five (5) days of the r~quest to the Superintendent's designee. Absent further successful negotiation on the issues, the School Board may appeal the decision of the Planning Services Director as described below. Appeal: In the event that a letter of non-approval is issued by the Planning Services Director or the Superintendent's designee and the Planning services Director disagree regarding the interpretation of this section, School Board may request an appeal to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). How.~ver, appeals regarding issues pertaining to the Fire Code will be made to the Board of .akppeals and Adjustments. A request for appeal shall be filed in writing. Such request shall state the basis for the appeal and shall include any pertinent information, exhibits and other backup information in support of the appeal. The BCC shall hold an advertised public hearing on the appeal and shall consider the decision of the Planning Services Director, the position of the School Board and public testimony, in the event that the BCC upholds the decision of the Planning Services Director, the School Board shall then be authorized to pursue any legally available action or remedy to resolve the matter. In the event the BCC upholds the School Board, the minutes of the meeting will se.'ve as a letter of compliance. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreeraent to the contrary, nothing shall be required of or .imposed upon the School Bom'd which is in conflict with, or can reasonably be construed to be in conflict with, Chapter 1013 or the State Uniform Building Code. Further, this Agreement does not provide for and does not contemplate any review of site plans or other school plans regarding matters regulated by SREF that relate solely to the needs of a school or school facility or for development solely within the boundaries of a school or school facility parcel, and the parties specifically agree that such development shall not be subject to review, conditions, requirements, exactions or regulation by the County except as specifically agreed herein. 16. in addition to providing an orderly and coopera~:ive methOd by which the School Board and the County can exchange information on matters relating to planning and construction of public educational facilities, thk,. Agreement is intended to and shall be deemed to meet the intent and requirements of Section 1013.33, Florida Statutes (2002), and specifically the requirements of Section 1013.33 (14) authorizing the County and the School Board to enter into an agreement to establish a process for reviewing a proposed educational facility site plan and off-site impacts. 17. As set forth in the preamble to this Agreement, lhe purpose of this Interlocal Agreement is to meet the intent and requirements of Section 1013.33, Florida Statutes (2002). In the event that Section 1013.33, Florida Statutes, is amended or repealed to delete or exempt the coordination of public educational facilities construction with local government comprehensive plans and implementing land development regulations, then notwithstanding the term of this Agreement set forth below, this Agreement shall become null and void. 18. The provisions in this Agreement supercede and,'eplace in their entirety the requirements of Division 3.3 of the Land Development Code. The provisions of this agreement shall 17 5/2/03 Time~ 12:16 PM To: @ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ~19-020 19. also supercede the previous 1996 interlocal agreement between the parties. Provided however, that should the Conntw fail to adopt the amendments to the Growth Management Plan and the Land Development Code. which this Agreement requires the Count), to consider, within one year from the effective date of this Agreement, the School Board may elect lo terminate this A~eement, in which case the 1996 Agreement would become effective and control. The County will amend its Land Development Code to eliminate inconsistencies with this Agreement, including the elimination of the requirement that Educational Facilities are reviewed and approved as part of the conditional use process. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of si.xt~, years; provided, however, either party shall have the right to request review of this Agreement at the biannual meeting provided for in the lnterlocat for Join! Planning of Facilities between the parties executed under Florida Statutes 1013.33. Either party may notify the other, in writing, at least 120 days prior to the expiration of the si_._~te~-year term of such party's intent to formally review, renegOtiate or terminate this Agreement. In the absence of such notice by one party to the other, this Agreement shall continue under the same terms and conditions for an additional term often years. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Interlocal Agreement has been executed by the Parties by their duly authorized officials on the date set forth below. ATTEST: Dwight Brock, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY By: Deputy Clerk (SEA[) By:. Date: Tom Henning, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: David C. Weigel, County Attorney ATTEST: COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD By:. Dr. Dan White, Superintendent By:. Linda Abbott, Chairman 18 re: 5/2/03 Time: 12:16 PM To: ~ 2544390 R&A NAPLES FAX Page: ,20-020 Date: 403487 1 19 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT June 25, 1996 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 25 day of_June , _1996 , ("Effective Date") by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the Collier County School Board, a public agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "School Board". WHEREAS, the County and the School Board have established and maintained a cooperative and productive relationship with regard to the exchange of information on matters of mutual interest including, but not limited to, the coordination of planning efforts to ensure that support services are available for public educational facilities in the unincorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, Section 235.193(1), Florida Statutes (1995), sets forth the policy of the State with regard to the coordination of planning between school boards and local governing bodies to ensure that plans for the construction and opening of public educational facilities are facilitated and coordinated in time and place with plans for residential development, concurrently with other services; and WHEREAS, Section 235.193(2), Florida Statutes, in order to encourage and facilitate such planni.ng, provides that the School Board and the County must share and coordinate information i'elated to existing and planned public school facilities, proposals for development, redevelopment or additional development, and infrastructure required to support the public school facilities concurrent with the proposed development; and WHEREAS, the County and School Board have shared such information for numerous years and continue to share such information so that each entity can assist the other in reaching its goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, Section 235.193(7), Florida Statutes, authorizes the School Board and the County to establish, by agreement, a process for reviewing a proposed educational facility site plan, including the identification of off-site impacts of a proposed educational facility; and WHEREAS, through this Agreement the County and .the School Board wish to maintain and enhance their cooperative and productive relationship regarding the exchange of information relating to planning efforts and public facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows: This Agreement is made pursuant to Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969, and Chapter 235, Florida Statutes, and terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in such legislation. Specifically, the following terms as used in this Agreement shall be defined as follows: "Ancillary Plant" is comprised of the building, site and site improvements necessary to provide such facilities as vehicle maintenance, warehouses, maintenance, or administrative buildings necessary to provide support services to an educational program. b. "Auxiliary Facility" means the spaces located at educational plants which are not designed for student occupant stations. Co "Educational Facilities" means the buildings and equipment, structures, and special educational use areas that are built, installed, or established to serve primarily the educational purposes and secondarily the social and recreational purposes of the community and which may lawfully be used as authorized by the Florida Statutes and approved by the Collier County School Board. "Educational Plant" comprises the educational facilities, site and site improvements necessary to accommodate students, facility, administrators, staff, and the activities of the educational program of each plant. "County's implementing land development regulations" means the Collier County Land Development Code, including the zoning regulations and development regulations contained and referenced therein. "Phase I Documents" means schematic drawings that detail approved specifications and program requirements and illustrate the general scope, scale and relationship of project components. Such documents shall include, but are not limited to, a site plan, identification of FEMA flood plain and velocity zone, evidence showing that required environmental studies have been completed and sensitive site areas identified, floor plans with over-ali dimensions, indication of public shelter requirements and a life safety plan showing exits, fire walls, protected corridors, fire alarm systems or any other life-safety features relevant to the facility. Pursuant to Section 235.194(2), Florida Statutes (1995), School Board shall submit to County annually on October 1, a General Educational Facilities Report. The General Educational Facilities Report must contain information detailing existing educational facilities and their locations and projected needs. The report must also contain the School Board's Capital Improvement Plan, including plat, ned facilities with funding over the next three years, and the educational facilities representing the school district's unmet needs. The School Board shall also provide a copy of its Educational Plant Survey to the County at least once every five years. It is the intent of the School Board and the County that such reports provide a basis to allow the parties to adequately coordinate on future public educational facility siting and construction and to foster timely cooperation on such matters. The County and the School Board hereby agree that an Educational Plant, including Educational Facilities and any Auxiliary Facility, and an Ancillary Plant are permitted and consistent uses in all land use categories of the County's Growth Management Plan, as well as a permitted and consistent uses in all land use categories in the County's implementing land development regulations. Provided, however, the purchase or lease of property for a new Ancillary Plant shall b~-subject to an advertised public hearing to be held by the S~hool Board in a~cordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Agreement. To improve coordination relative to potential Educational Plants or Ancillary Plants, the School Board shall, whenever feasible, provide written notice to the County at least 60 2 days prior to purchasing nr leasing property that is intended for use as a new public Educational Plant or Anc. ill~, P!xnt. - The School Board agrees that prior to purchasing or leasing property for a new Ancillary Plant, the School Board shall hold an advertised public hearing in accordance with this section. ao The School Board shall give notice of its intent to purchase or lease property for the sitting and/or construction of an Ancillary Plant by publishing, at least one time, a notice of its intent to consider such purchase or lease in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least fifteen (15) days prior to the School Board meeting at which such purchase or lease will be considered by the School Board. The notice shall state the date, time, and place of the School Board meeting together with a description sufficient to reasonably identify the location of the property and a description of the intended use of the property. The notice shall be advertised in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices appear and shall state that interested parties may appear at the School Board meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed purchase or lease of the property and its intended use. Once advertised, the School Board may continue an agenda item relating to such proposed purchase or lease for up to five weeks without readvertisement. During the public hearing advertised in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5(a), the School Board shall consider information and recommendations of its staff, comments and information provided by such members of the public wishing to address the proposed purchase or the intended use of the property, and such other information as deemed appropriate or necessary by the School Board. ,B~ed on such information, the School Board shall make generaL fin_dings of fact to SUl2p_ort its action in either acquiring or dec_~lining to acquire the propertV for a new AncillaryPlant. This provision requiring a fifteen (15) day advertised notice of hearing to be held by the School Board for an Ancillary Plant shall be waived by the County with regard to any property which is being acquired by the School Board for a new Ancillary Plant provided (1) the subject property was under contract by the School Board or for the benefit of the School Board and will become the exclusive property of the School Board within sixty (60) days from the effective date of this Agreement and (2) a public hearing was advertised and held by the School Board, even if such hearing was not advertised fifteen days in advance, and the School Board approved the purchase of the subject property. At least prior to the School Board's approval of Phase I Documents for a new public Educational Facility or Ancillary Plant, the School Board's Superintendent's designee(s), shall coordinate with the County Development Services Director, or his designee(s), to conduct an expedited site plan review as herein described in order to provide the County Development Services Director, or his designees(s), the opportunity to review the site plan for compliance with the terms of this Agreement. On-site improvements - The County and the School Board agree that site planning and school construction are regulated by Chapter 235, Florida Statutes, and the State ReqUirements For Educational Facilities (SREF) regulations, but the parties further agree that the following requirements shall be applicable to the site planning and construction of an Educational Plant and Ancillary Plant by the School Board. It is agreed that the following items shall be reviewed by County Staff as part of the expedited site plan review. .~(1) All exotic vegetation shall be removed from the site of an Educational ' Plant or Ancillary Plant during the site clearing phase. .~(2) Building setbacks: The School Board shall adhere to the minimum yard (setback) requirements established in the Collier County Land Development Code for the Public Use District provided, however, the minimum setbacks shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25') from the property line for accessory buildings, including portable classrooms, and shall not exceed fifty feet (50') from the property line for principal buildings. At all times, however, the School Board shall adhere to the SREF regulations minimum setback requirement for principal buildings of at least twenty-five feet (25') from the property line. (3) A perimeter landscape buffer shall be required e.quivalent to the Collier County Land Development Code requirements for the Public Use District/Community_..Facility District as set forth in Table 2,4 entitled "Table of Buffer Requirements by Land Use Classification" and as further described in Section of the Land Development-Code. The plant material standards and installation standards required shall be those set forth in Sections through, together with the Tree Preservation Credits set forth in Sections and, of the Land Development Code. //E_xisting native vegetation shall be yetained in accordance with the 'ProVisions of Section 2.4.4.i 0 .of L_and Development Co__de.~_ iA copy of.the relevant 'provisions of the Collier County Land Deve)~pment Code referenced in this paragraph are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and the referenced sections only are made part of this Agreement. (i) In the event that the Collier County. Land Development Code Sections referenced herein and made part of this Agreement are amended to generally apply in a consistent and equal manner to all developers similarly situated, the School Board shall be subject to such amendments to the same extent and in the same manner as such similar!y situated developers. The intent of this provision is to__ provide equal application of any such amendments of the Land Dev~eelopment Code and to preclude any modificatiOn to the above sections of this Agreement which would be singularly restrictive as to the School Board. In the event that the cited Land Development Code sections are renumbered, the relevant renumbered sections shall be deemed applicable. bo (ii) This section is solely intended to establish the width of the perimeter landscape buffer and the plant materials to be installed within such landscape buffer in the same manner and to the same extent that would be applicable to a similarly situated developer within the Public Use District/Community Facility District. T.h.e purpose of this section is not to subject the School Board to any Land 'D'~-dlopment Code provisions other than those cited above which areneomeet the intent of this ' section. Off-site improvements - All reasonable off-site improvements which are necessary and required by the County to mitigate the off-site impacts of the Educational Facility or Ancillary Plant shall be constructed by the School Board at the School Board's expense; provided, however, the past practice between the parties of evenly dividing the costs of traffic signals shall be maintained. Mitigation of off-site impacts may include construction of required deceleration lanes, turn lanes, other median improvements, and/or the School Board's cost of extending water and sewer lines required by the Educational Facility or Ancillary Plant. This provision is not intended to require School Board dedication of property or payment for improvements or construction of facilities of a general, district-wide or regional nature or which would constitute facilities otherwise funded by County impact fees. However, any off-site improvements to be constructed by the School Board, even though not required by the County, shall still be subject to review by the County prior to construction to assure compliance with County regulations. F~e.qignee(s) of the_ Development Serviee.q Director and Superintendon? ehall coordinate and~ endeavor to comprehensively address the issue of sidewalks within and adjacent to an Educational Facility property, including the timing, cost and responsibility-- for construction and maintenance of such sidewalk improvements. The results of - such comprehensive review and any recommendations arising therefrom shall be forwarded to the County Manager and Superintendent for submittal to their respective Boards. Letter of Compliance - After the expedited site plan review as herein described and the Coun..ty's determination of compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the Development Services Director, or his designee, shall issue a Letter of Compliance which shall evidence the County's approval of the site plan. In the event that there is.disagreement as to the School Board's compliance with any site plan reqUirement set forth in this section, the Development Services Director~ shall, at the request of the Superintendent's designee, provide the County's determination and the basis therefore in writing to the Superintendent's designee. Absent further successful negotiation on the issue, the School Board shall be authorized to appeal the decision of the Development Services Director as set forth in subsection d. below. Appeal - In the event that the Superintendent's designee and County Development Services Director disagree regarding the interpretation of this section or the ability of the County to impose a condition or requirement pursuant to the terms of this section, the issue shall be presented directly to the County Manager and the School Board Superintendent who shall meet and attempt to resolve the issue. In the event that the County Manager and the Superintendent are unable to resolve the issue, they shall jointly submit, in writing, the respective positions of the parties to the Bureau of Educational Facilities and Management, State Department of Education, Tallahassee, Florida with a request that the Bureau provide an opinion on the issue in order to resolve the matter. In the event that the parties are still unable to resolve the issue, the parties shall then be authorized to pursue any legally available action or remedy to resolve the issue. Site Plan Review Timeframe - The expedited site plan review as described herein shall occur within thirty (30) calendar days after submittal of the site plan and any relevant supporting documentation and the Development Services Director's designee(s) shall use their best efforts to issue the County's determination within such thirty (30) day period. In the event the County is unable to issue its determination within such thirty (30) day period due to workload, emergencies, or for any other reason, the School Board shall be authorized to continue with the planning and design of the facility, including the approval of all necessary documents and designs, up to the point immediately prior to approval by the School Board of the Phase III design documents. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, however, the County shall be required to issue its determination on the School Board site plan no later than forty-five (45) calendar days after the site plan. and all relevant supporting documents are submitted to the County, otherwise the Development Services Director, or his designee(s), shall be deemed to have issued a non-approval and the School Board shall be authorized to pursue an appeal pursuant to Section 6(d) above. No permit fee or any other fee, expense or cost of any type shall be required of the School Board by the County for any review or processing contemplated by this Agreement. The County and the School Board acknowledge and agree that although each party may incur costs as a result of compliance with this Agreement, each party shall absorb its own such costs in furtherance of the past practices and cooperation between the parties including, but not limited, joint recreational use agreements and the exchange or dedication of easements or other real property interests at no cost to the other party. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, nothing shall be required of or imposed upon the School Board which is in conflict with, or can reasonably be construed to be in conflict with, Chapter 235 or the State Uniform Building Code. Further, this Agreement does not provide for and does not contemplate any review of site plans or other school plans regarding matters regulated by SREF that relate solely to the needs of an Educational Plant or Ancillary Plant or for development solely within the boundaries of an Educational Plant or Ancillary Plant parcel, and the parties specifically agree that such development shall not be subject to review, conditions, requirements, exactions or regulation by the County except as specifically agreed herein. Existing Educational Plants and Ancillary Plants are agreed to be permitted and consistent wit.h the Collier County_Growth Manag~'ment Plan and the County's _~'"~plementi~g land development regulations. In the event that the School Board proposes to expand an existing school site, the County shall make its recommendations and requirements as to improvements to account for off-site impacts only as they relate to such expansion. I 1. The parties agree that the School Board shall not request reviews and that County review is not requested or required for: a. The placement of temporary or portable classroom facilities; or Proposed renovation or construction of existing school sites, with the exception of construction that (1) changes the primary use of a facility, (2) includes a stadium, or (3) results in a great~rty percent (30%) increase in K-12 student capacity or encroaches upon the established setbacks set forth in this Agreement, in all of which cases the County and the School Board shall coordinate on a review as set forth in Paragraph 6 of this Agreement. 12. In addition to providing an orderly and cooperative method by which the School Board and the County can exchange information on matters relating to planning and construction of public educational facilities, this Agreement is intended to and shall be deemed to meet the intent and requirements of Section 235.193, Florida Statutes (1995), and specifically the requirements of Section 235.193(7) authorizing the County and the School Board to enter into an agreement to establish a process for reviewing a proposed educational facility site plan and off-site impacts. 13. As set forth in the preamble to this Agreement, the purpose of this Interlocal Agreement is to meet the intent and requirements of Section 235.193, Florida Statutes (1995). In the event that Section 235.193, Florida Statutes, is amended or repealed to delete or exempt the coordination of public educational facilities construction with local government comprehensive plans and implementing land development regulations, then notwithstanding the term of this Agreement set forth below, this Agreement shall become null and void. 14, The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of ten years; provided, however, either party shall have the right to notify the other, in writing, at least 120 days prior to the expiration of the ten-year term of such party's intent to formally revie~v, renegotiate or terminate this Agreement. In the absence of such notice by one party to the other, this Agreement shall continue under the same terms and conditions for an additional term of ten years. Location Maps COUNTY ELIMINATION OF SCHOOL SPEED ZONES MEMORANDUM IIR®]=II I=IIICOAN D RE S S I] To: FROM: LEGAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMORANDUM Collier County School Board John Clapper, III, Esq. Ashley D. Lupo, Esq. DATE: April 29, 2003 RE: County Elimination of School Speed Zones 850 PARK SHORE DRIVE TRIANON CENTRE - THIRD FLOC[ NAPLES, FL 34103 239.649.2704 DIRECT 239.649.6200 MAIN 239.261.3659 FAX The purpose of this Memo is to provide you with a brief summary of background information in order to prepare you for an issue that will arise at your May 6, 2003 Workshop Meeting with regard to the County's proposed elimination of school speed zones. This Memo will also provide a brief discussion of related legal issues. Background: County Transportation staff recently conducted a review of all Collier County school zones. As a result of the review, County staff found that out of the twenty-five (25) school speed zones in Collier County, six (6) are not necessary, based upon staff's review of the characteristics of traffic volume, speed limits, sidewalks, curbs, traffic signals, school crossings guards, and the absence of hazardous walking conditions. The County has prepared an executive summary and will ask the Collier County Commissioners to authorize the elimination of those six (6) school zones. Relevant Law: Florida Statutes Section 316.1895, requires that the Department of Transportation adopt a uniform system of traffic control devices and pedestrian control devices for use on the streets and highways in the state surrounding all public and private schools. The County has the responsibility to maintain school zones located outside of any municipality and on a County road. For purposes of CLEVELAND TOLEDO AKRON COLUMBUS CINCINNATI FORT MYERS www.ralaw.com NAPLES MEMORANDUM ( PAGE 2 OF 4 ) maintenance, the County must maintain the school zone signs, markers, traffic control devices and pedestrian control devices. This statute also makes it incumbent upon the County Sheriff's office to determine whether or not the school zone is being properly maintained. It is mandatory for the DOT to both implement the guidelines for installing school speed zones and to install the necessary control devices; the County has the maintenance responsibility. Thus, if the statute and its requirements are not complied with, and if the failure to install or maintain a school zone contributes to an injury, the County could be liable for those injuries. The School Board is often brought in as an additional defendant. Due to the potential liability that elimination of these speed zones could involve, County and School Board staff met to discuss the County's rationale for its position to recommend elimination. The County stated that it looked at all speed zones in Collier County and took an inventory and engineering analysis of each of the school zone areas. The County then looked at the Department of Transportation Guidelines and Florida Statutes and determined that the school zones are inappropriate in six areas. It is the County's position that in these areas there is no nexus between the speed limit in the school zone of 20 MPH and the safety of the intersection. The County Transportation staff made the determination that there is no justification in these six areas to slow down traffic. By eliminating the school zones the County believes it will (1) recover capacity of the roadway, which is lost by the decreased speed zones, (2) increase the safety on the roadways, due to the elimination of the speed differential, and (3) eliminate the inconsistency of the application criteria used to establish school zones, including location and format. Specifically, at the six (6) speed zone locations proposed for elimination, there is either a traffic signal and a crossing guard, or no crossing by the children. In short, the County believes that they have more liability with these six speed zones in place than without. The Attorney General, at the request of Representative Mike Davis, issued an opinion on April 16, 2003, which relates to this issue. The question posed to the AG's office was whether the existence of MEMORANDUM ( PAGE 3 OF 4 ) a traffic light on a road adjacent to where an Elementary School or Middle School are located precludes the establishment of a school zone. The Attorney General answered the question in the negative, as the Department of Transportation's criteria which are used in establishing school zones and school zone crossings provides: "School Zones and signalized intersections should be independently justified control techniques, and the use of one neither requires nor precludes the other. When a school crossing is warranted, it should be located at a signalized intersection whenever possible." DOT publication 750-010-027-g, Establishing School Zones and School Crossings, Section 4.4. In addition, the DOT's manual further states, "upon request from local government, a reduced speed zone may be used at school crossings at signalized intersections at locations adjacent or near school property." DOT publication 750-010-027-g, Establishing School Zones and School Crossings, Section 2.4. From a legal standpoint, the County at one point had sufficient rationale for the establishment of these particular school speed zones when they were initially implemented. In this re-evaluation, the County has not stated that there is a change in circumstances at these six (6) locations between now and when the zones were originally established. The elimination of a school zone, which was initially approved by the County and shown to be necessary, with no such change in circumstance, would increase the likelihood of a positive liability finding against the School Board and the County should an injury occur. This is distinguished from the factual circumstance where an injury occurs and no speed zone has ever been established or found to be necessary. The County provided other rationale for the elimination of the speed zones. First, the County stated there is no accommodation for sheriff's deputies to pull errant motorists over to issue a citation in a school zone. Of note, Florida Statutes Section 316.1895(10), states that a violation of the speed limits established pursuant to this section must be cited as a moving violation punishable under Chapter 318. MEMORANDUM ( PAGE 4 OF 4 ) There is a statutory duty upon the Sheriff's Office to enforce these school zones. The County's failure to do so is not a justification for eliminating a school zone. Second, the County notes that none of the six locations requested for removal of the school speed zone qualifies as a hazardous walking condition. A positive hazardous walking condition finding is not a criteria for implementing a school speed zone under the DOT regulations. Hazardous walking conditions are defined in a separate statute, which governs whether students within two miles of a school need to be bused, and also details what conditions need to exist for the School Board to request remedial action by the County. While not issued as a rationale, it is noted that the fiscal impact is $30,000.00 of savings over a 25 year period. .Conclusion: Due to the minimal monetary savings, and lack of change in circumstance from the time of installation of these school zones to the present date, it is our Firm's opinion that elimination of the school zones by the County will subject to the County and the School Board to increased liability should an injury occur to a student. 402997 1 EXISTING SCHOOLS LOCATION COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MAP NAPLE~ .: /JqlTERST,4 T~ RT:, ?,~ (ALl-~GA LEGEND: EXISTING ELEMI~TARY SCHOOLS OSCEOL~ MARSH VIN~¥,~DS PO1C~A OLAKE PARK ~ GOLDEN TERI~,CE AVALON O BIG CYPKESS ~ MANATEE ~ LAUREL OAK ~°~ ~c°~1 LEGEND: EXISTING MIDDLE SCHOOLS OAKRIDGE ~ EAST NAPLES MANATEE LEGEND: EXISTING HIGH SCHOOLS BARI{ON COLLIER 1 Ili GULF COAST LELY NAPLES Aprii 29, 2003 I SCHOOLS UNDER CONSTRUCTION MAP COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS [ IIIGI I SCI IOOL I ....... MIDDLE SCHOOL] SITE Bill] SITE BB [ 2003/04 I t.~ cot~ j ~ cout,ma cotucrY {... ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE E 2003/04 ~' ( 41 CENTER NORTI l CENI'I~R SOUT [ (;()[.I)I':N GA'FE Itl(HI SCHOOL 2004/05 IIqT~R$?'AFI~ Rr.?$ (A~TOR ALL£1~ Al~i129, 2003 FUTURE SCHOOLS/FACILITIES LOCATION MAP COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS LEGES: l ESTATES/RURAL SETTLEMENT RURAL FRINGE i IMMOKALEE i ROAD SITE SIFI, I. & 1.114 CENTER NORTH CENTER ON ItUNTER BLVD. -- DD & DDD[ NTERMEDIATE ] cnt, rr~R I SOILrFtl RA'I'I'LESNAKF. IIAMMOCK ROAD SITE IMMOKALEE