Agenda 08/04/1998 R COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Tuesday, August 4, 1998 NOTICE: ALL PERriNS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPLA]CERS MUST REaR WITH THE COUNTY AD~TOR PR/OR TO THE ~ATION OF THE AGENDA FI'EM TO BE ADDRF.~ED. P, EQ~ TO ADDKESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRFFING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF ~ MYETING AND Wi3~. BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETrrlONS". ANY PI3ISON WHO DEC3DKS TO APPEAL A DEC-~SION OF THIS BOARD WrLI. NEED A RECORD OF THE PR~EqGS PERTADfflqG THI:RETO, AND TKEREFORE MAY NEED TO EHSURE THAT A VI31BATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHI~ RECORD INCLUDES TflZ TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UI'ON WI~CH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL ~ PUBLIC SPEAKERS Wn.~- BE LIMITED TO FIVE (S') MXNUIT. S UNLESS Pi31MISSION FOR ADDITIONAl, TIME IS GRANTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. ASSISTED usrl2qING DEVIC~ FOR THE IIEAREqG IMPAIRED ARE AvAn.ABLE Eq ~ COUNTY COMMI~IO~' OFFICE. L 2. 3. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 P.M. INVOCATION - Pastor Sautes', North Naples United Methodist Church APPROVAL OF AGENDAS ,4. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA. B. APPROVAL OF SUMMARY AGENDA. C. .~PPROVAL OF REGULAR AGENDA. APPROVAL Or MINUTES PR~TIONS AND SERVICE AWARDS A. PR~TIONS B. SERVICE AWARDS 1) Dou Jeffer~, Parks and g~_*'eattoo - 10 Yem's 1 August 4, 1998 7. 8. 2) DoyJeme Marroe, Planning ~ - 10 Years 3) John Coati, OCPM - I0 Years 4) Chris Carbou, Wastewster- S Yem's Tammy Smith, Informatioa Technology - S YesrJ Jiditb ~ Real Proper~ * S Yesrs 7) Robert Neoe, Pelican Bty ~ - S Years 8) Terry LooL Water Department - S Years James Wyatt, Water Department - S Years 10) J. qqpi~; Jr., Water Department - S Years 11) Parley Egbert, Parks and Recrufion - S Years 12) Bryln Timrstoa, F~cflttJes Mausgemeut - S Years 13) Bfrl*y ErJck]on, Wirer Departme~ * 14) Wll/Ltm HeckstbFou, Water Departmem - $ Yexrs Job Hoffm~, Watcr Department - S Yesrs C. PRESENTATIONS 1) Bepresentat~ Bart L. Sfamders pruenting cbecks from the Florida Departmest or Environmental Protection and the Florida Community Trust to be used for Col]~er Coenty park improvements. APPROVAL OF CLERK'S REPORT A. ANALYSIS OF CHANGF.~ TO RESERVES FOR CONTINGENCIES. PUBLIC PETITIONS COUNTY AD~TOR'S REPORT .4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVI~ONM]:lqTAL SERVICES 1) Appeal or Code Enforcement Case No. 30910012, 4070S-024, S0727-024, 6es30-033 * Record Owner:. James J. nd Rose Marie Brodertck 2) ~re lakes lVLtmr Anochflon Incorpomed requesting a wafver or the opplicmJon fees requiFed for mbminioa or petMon for zoaing related 3) A~optiee or a ruohtJou to nontnate the tmmokJlet ~i~ rot a federal grnt known u the Rnrsl F, mpowerment Zone Designation. 2 10. 11. f. atb~ of psrmettrs for thc Interch~mge Master l~an for Activity Centcr W9 at the Jntersec~on of l-?S/CR-gSl/Davis Bouk'vtnL The Board of County Corn_ m~siooers approve a budget amendment to ~ Special Events Tourimn Development Agreement between Collier County and acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements for the final plat of "Park Place West'*. IL PUBLIC WORKS 1) Appruve Tourist Development Category "A" Funding Applications for Bench Maintenance and Inlet Management Projects. Appruval of second ~nendment to agreement between Orange Tree Utility Company and Collier County. Consideration of an interiocal agreement aflowtng for the investigation of the creation of t multi-county utility authority for the imrpo~, of acqui~g the utility facilities owned by Avatar Holdings, Inc. C. PUBLIC SERVICES 1) Review a staff report regarding the administrat~m of the County-owned parks wttMn the City of Marco for FY 1998-99. E. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 1) Quarterly Revenue and Expenditure Report - glscal Year 1998 AIRPORT AUTHORITY COUNTY ATTORNEY'S R~PORT A. Discmsion and dl~ to staff regarding the Tourist Development Plan. Board authorization for legal services retention agreement with Lawrence S. Pivacek. BOARD Og COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Fora' year review of the Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board (El*TAB) with staff recommendation to create a single environmental advisory committee by cnmoildating the functions of EPTAB with tho~e of the Environmental Advisory Board OTm~ ITEMS A. OTHER CON~'fi'fu'I=iONAL OFFICERS PUB~-~C COMMENT ON GENERAL TOPICS 3 August 4, 1998 PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING STAFF ITEMS ADVIatTIStD I~BLIC ~ARINGS - BCC 1) 1) THIS ITEM HAS BEEN CONTINUED I]~E~~,y. Sc~ W. Whipple of AgnoK, Barber & Brundage, ~ representinz Gregory A. Collins and the Medical Office Center Investmmt Groap, requesting an amendment to the Piper BoMtw~ Medical Office Center PUD for the purpose of adding .19 seres of land to expand the t~___qing paridng lot by 11 parkinlt spaces and adding related landscaping and buffers for propert7 located eu~ of Cypre~ Way FJst and north of Piper Boulevard, in Section 23, Township 48 South. Range 25 East, Collier Count~. Florid& C. OTHER 1) THIS ITgM HA.$ BEEN MOVED TO 17C. 2) THIS ITEM IIAS BEEN MOVED TO lTD. Req~eat for the Board to adopt ~he accompanying reaolutiou approving the ~ d ~ w~r ~a ~m ~d w~aar ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ for t~ ~fl~ p~ ~ w~~ ~ ~ ~ ~p~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ by ~ ~ ~ W~ ud W~r ~fi~. 4) Appreve the l'urch~e Agreement between Roo~ Bay Servicea, Inc. ami Ce~er Couaty Water-Sewer DMrict; adopt a ]tm~k~ou apprvving the fhdinp and fseta relating to the Rookery Bay granchl~ Service Area Sales Tranuctl~; and approve a ph~e in approach to user rates. ITEM HAS BEEN MOVED TO 17E. An Ordinance of Collier County, Florida, mending the def'mltiom of 'T. onmerclg Pruperty' and ~.~sidemlg Units" in Ordinance Number 90-30, as amended, being the Collection and Disposal Municipal Serv~es Benefits Rtsidene~ lhq~__~ and all other nnlt~ tl~ d~re in comm~ a dumpster, lm~ loader or mbstantiafly dmilar solid waste co. etlon comahaer, also defining guest homes and noncommercial maim providing for conflict and .evorabfli~, prm~ling for inclnsio~ into the Code of Laws and ordinancer, pro~ -~ effec~lve ~ ~ the Impact Fee Study and adopt the Comolidsted and Amended Collier Coufay Water*Sewer Distr4ct hapset Foe Ordinance. 4 Aufust 4, 1993 14~ l& 16. A, AD~ In~LIC ~G$ Petitiou A-98-2, Anthony P. INres, Jr., of Woodward, Ptres & Lombardo, and lq. Paul San Flltppo, of Seldens~icker & San Flllppo, representing Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowners A~oclatton, Huntington Homeowners Association, Barrtngton Homeowners Association and Alan Small, requesting an appeal ot' a de~,~,aination of lnmbstantia] change to the Princeu Park PUD Master l~tn, AKA axing Ricbard's", adopted by Ordinance 84-34, &j amended, rendered by the 1Nanntng Services Director purmant to the provisions set forth in Sectioa 2.7.3~.2. of the Collier County Land Developme~ Code. Petition No. CU-98-13, Mireya Louviere representing North Wade Bethel, ~g Conditional Use "2" of the Agriculture zoning to allow for a hortk~lmrll mlchlng facility for property located on the southelst corner of Immokalee Ro~d (CR-846) and Woodcrest Drive, in Section 25, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. B. OTHER STAi~F'S CO--CATIONS BOARD OF C01~TY COMMISSIONERS' COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT AGENDA - All matters listed under this item are considered to be routine and action will he taken by one motion without separate di~*ussion Of each item. If discussion is desired by a memher of the Board, that item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and CO~ DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRO~NT~ SERVICES 1) ~datlon that the Board of County Commlssione~ approve a retention agreement with Robinson & Cole, LLP for professional services ~g Deferral of 100% of impact fees for a :340 unit affordable rental hooting pr~p~t Imown as Whistler's Cove Apartments to be built by Affordable/Whistler's Cove, LTD., and subordination of Hen. Antt~rtz~ the County Administrator to enter into an agreement with the l~orlda Division Of Forestry to receive a grant to reprodnce and distribute copies of the County's Exotic Plant Brochure. The Board of County Commissioners approve an extension to the Tourtma Advertising and Prmnotion Agreement between Collier County and Marco Idaml Chamber of Commerce, Inc. TILLS ITEM HAS BEElq MOVED TO 8(A) S. The Board of Cmmty Commissio~rs approve a budget mendmeut and an e~lauiou to the Tourim Advertising and Promotion Agreement between C(dHer County and V'~t Naples, Inc. $ Ausust 4, 1998 The Board of County Comminfoners approval of a restated mortgage and promlnory r~oto for a sixty thousand (S60,000) loan frmn Collier County to the ~ Housing Partnership of Collier County, Inc. IAea Resohflom - Code Enforcement Case No~ 70~02-082, 70507-043, 70J21- 001, 70~21-006, 70~12-027 Lien Resohttiom - Code Enforcement Case Nos. 70724-030, 70729-071, 70805- 028, ?090f~0S lO) Lien Resolutfons - Code Enforcement Case Nos. 71117017, 71210016, 71210- 0SI, 8010~-066 11) Recouunendation to approve Excavation Permit No. S9.6~6 Odin Landreth located in Section 12, Township ~8 South, Range 27 East; Bomuled sa the noflh b~ va~mt Jo~, ou the Muth b~ canal R/W and oa the west by 18'i S4ree~ N.L R/W 12) Request to approve for recording the final plat of Peflcan Marsh Unit Twenty and approval of the performasr, e security. 133 itequtst to approve for recording the final plat of"Briarwood Unit Six" 14) Request to approve for reco;ding the final plat of'PX'ne Cove', and approval of the performanct ~ecurlty. P, eqm~ to approve for recording the final p;at of Carlton Lakes Unit No. 2 and apprm~l of the performance security. I6') Request to approve the final pitt of"Twin Esgle~ PhoJe One" 17) ~ AV 98014 to disclaim, renounce and vacate the public's interest in a 30' wide parcel of land conveyed to Collier County as a dralnage easement, recorded h Official Record Book 1193, Page 1126 and belng located in Sectfou l, Township 49 South, Range 2~ East, Coll~F County, FJoFidl. ~ to approve for recording the final plat of Avfla Unit Two and approval of the performance ~ecurity. 19) Tbh item hts been deleted. Request to approve for recording the final plat of ~fhe Cottages at Gulf Harbor", and approval of the performance security. IL PUBLIC WORKS 1) Acceptance of access road fight-of-way from the State of Florida Department of Transportatlot Reeommend~ to approve Amendmeut No. 3 to Profesdoul Servk:es Agreesnent for Master Pump Station 1.02, Contract #89-1f~6, Project No. 3) This Item has b4~n delete& 6 August 4, 1998 jo) 12) 13) 14) 16) 17} Enter into an Easement Agreement for the ~cquisttion of easements known as Parceh 147 and 847 for the Llvingstoa Road Four Lanlng Improvement Approve Amendment No. 4 to the ProfeuJonal Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Conmltana, Inc. to provide Profe~ional Engineering and Surveyiug Services necem~ In performance of annual monitoring. , Requlremm~ for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project. Approve Change Order No. 1 to Kyle Construction, Inc. for the City/County Water Interconnect, Project No. 74008. Approve an Agreement to extend Temporary Const~n Easement with South Florida Water Management District. Approve Amendment to Appraisal Agreement with Real Property Analym, Inc., for valuation of right-of-way for the Radio Road Four Lane Improvement Approve Renewal of Annual Contract 9S-238~ for Fixed Term Professional Material Testing Services. Award a Construction Coutract for the Golden Gate Park Fitness Center (Bid No. 99-2~14). Approve Change Order No. I with Better Roads, Inc. for Patlnva7 Cou~txJctioa work for County-wide Pathways Il (Bid No. 97-2744) (Project No. 69o81~ To apprmre the transfer of property from Collier County to the State of Florida to satisfy the requirements of Permit #I1-00368-S. Approve t Supplemental Agreement with Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. for final design and permitting services for Livingston Road Improvements North of Immokalee Road, CIE Project No. 021. Award a Construction Contract to Milmir Constrnction, INC., for the North County Regions] Wastewater Treatment FaciHty Reclaimed Water Pumping Sta~ Upgrades, Bid t~8=2812, ProJect 74024. Apprm~al to provide assistance to Senior Craftsman Thomas Stiers core,ming an fmue with the Department of Busit~ess and Professional Regulation. Approve Change Order No. 7 to NCRWTP 8-MGD Expansion, Bid No. 97- itecommendatiou that the Board of County C. mmn~ approv~ and ncccpt the terms and conditions of the US. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No. 199602789 OF-CC) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit, Sovereign Submerged Lands Amboriza~m and Variance No. 0128463-001~C, a Comprehensive Management Plan for the restoration and ongoing management of the Clam 7 Bay System and to authorize Pelican Bay ~ to sign the permltJ om behalf 1) Approve budget amendment recognizing Insurance claims. Authorize stsff to p~ throttgh the request for propotals CRIT) pr~.en to 9ele~ sm arthlttt~ral firm to provide destp strvie~ for a North Comer Regtom&l library to be located at the corner of Orauge Blossom Drive and Airport Pulling Road. Approval of a First Amendment to Land Lease Agreement between Collier Coon~ and GTE Mobilnet of Tampa, Incorporated. .. A~wrtzatio~ to enter into a contract for services with '~urce Computing, lac." for computer programming to make the existing ntffity bflllng system Year 2000 compliant. Reject ali proposals received by the Department of Revenue regarding solid w~e and [pe~al ~emn~t progrnm! under RFP #98-2785; and further, to rm~m open for continued dlscmsloms with vendors for all the propouds ~ for utility billing program under the same RFP. * COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 1) Abolish Taxing Districts No Longer Us~L Retmmnendatiou to nuthorize ~be is~ante of a rtq~st for proposah for selettiom of underwriters and to establP~h a nat prtstut value savin~ target of 7'/~ in ant~paflom of refunding the Collier C_~ Water/Sewer District BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS G. ]V~ISC'KLI ~.kN'~OUS COB]tESPONDENCE CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS 1) Recommendation to approve the use ~ co--ed trust funds to support a Crime Prevention Program and approve the related Imdge~ amendment by the Co[Her County Sheriff's Office. Beeoama~datkm to approve ~ use of confiscated trust funds to purcha~ specialized equipment nd approve the related budget amendment by the Collier County Sheriff's Off'~e. Remmend that the Baard d Comn~ Conn~~ ~ the C~ of Acceptance of the Subarant Award fur the Anti-Drug Abuse Grant ~ 9]~-09-21-01~ ]hbim~ Offender Comprtbcodve Action Plan ~)'HOCAP) Pr~grlm of S147,421. 8 17. L Recommend that the Board ~ County Commissioners ~lg~ the ~ of Areeptance of the Subgrant Award for the Anti-Drug Abuse Grant ~ 9M-09-21-01-002/Street Gan~ Preve~lon and App~ Progrmn of COUNTY ATTORNEY SUMMARY AGENDA - ALL ITE~ APP~G UNDER ~ SECTION MUST MEET Ti~ FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1) A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL FROM STAFF; 2) UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION FOR AFPROVAL BY TKE COLLrFR COUNTY PLANI~G COMMISSION OR OTHER AUTHO]H~G AGENCIF~ OF ~,LL ~ ~ AND VOTING; 3) NO WRITTEN OR ORAL OI~ECTIONS TO TIKE ~ REC~IV~D BY STAFF, TIIE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, OTi~.R AUTHORIZING AGENCIES OR T~E BOARD, PRIOR TO TKE COMMg~~ OF THY. BCC MEETING ON WHICH THE ITEMSARE SCHEDULgD TO B~- HEAR~, AND 4) NO ~NDIVI~UA~-5 ARE REGISTERED TO SPEAK 1~ Olq~OSmON TO THE rr~M. co o zs, ~ ~ B~dy ~p~flng the W~d~e~ P~ ~e~ ~iafl~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ W~d~ ~d UMt ~pm~t Di~ for ~ ~ ~ ~~g a ~~t ~ ~fldtng for ~ W~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~d m ~d ~e M~r PI~ m ~dica~ ~e ~ for ~d ~ ~ ~ W~~ P~ ~d on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e pl~n~ ~~ ~ ~t~ay ~ h~f ~ ~h ~ ~ ~!~ Ga~ P~ay, in ~ 19, T~ip B. PeOflo~ No. PUD~g-10(2), Robert Duane of Hole, Mout~ & ,A~mc~tea, Inc. rep~ Gulf Corn National Ban~ reque~iug a rezoue from "PUD" Planned U~it De~dopmmt and "RSF-~' Residential SlngJe Fmily to "PUD" Planned Unit Development for l~rpo~ea of updating the current Sarrey lqace PUD and expanding the are~ by an addMo~fl 0.46~ acre~ for property located on the muth ~de of Im~.alee Road lying east of Veteram PUrk Drive ami we~t of the west Ihn~t of the Stoueb~ PUD, ill Section 26, Towndlip 48 South, Range 25 East. l~tJtJoa AV 98027 t~ vzcate two dndn~e e~n~ and a County utility memmt in ~ Parcw acc6rdLug to the plat tbereor recorded in Pht Book 22, Page 61, Public __lteco__ rd~ o~ ~ C~mty, F~orid~. PetJfku AV 98-007 to di~Aai~ reuounce and vac]de the Public's interest in the ~'t~..dning portion of a ~0' ~idc and 30~ wide road right-of-way, utility and drainage eannu~ locked in Section ~, Tomashfp 4~ ~o~th, Rangt ~ ~ Collier County, ~ AV 9~01~ to di~laim, remmn~ and vacate the public's interest ia a 15' wide palatal of~ c~mveyed to Collier County a~ a road eaaemeat, lyhg adjacent to U.S. 4Y., tt recorded in Official Record Book 1518, Pages 980 and 981 and being located in Seetim 21,'Fore,hip ~ ~ Range 25 ~ Collier County, Florfd& ~ NU,~98-1, Raybum C. Cramer, requesting the alteratkm ~g' a noB- t~uforad~ lmm~g c~bh in abe comervatioa zoning ~ by ml~-~I~ the ezi~ag atrm:mre, adding acce~ory ~tructore~ ~md fe~cing~ m prt~wty located within the Big C)prem Nat'3ml ~ Tract Number 670-83, further dek:rtbed az N 3/S ofW ~t 9 erNg ~dSt % ofNW l/4, b Sec~a 12, Township S2 Somb, Rsnge 32 East, Collier 19. ADJOURN ]~T~~ CON~G _(~[ANGES TO ~ ]~OARD'S AGENDA SHOULD BE MADE TO THE ~'~I~UJiFFY ADM~NI:STRATOR'S OFFICE AT 774*8383. dGENDA CHANGES ~OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING dFGFST 4. 199S aov: trot sw)a~ . A~J'~OVAL OF AG~Ur~ FOn AtrOtr~G SE~rcES I~VC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW AIRPORT-PULIdNG 8TIRIETURE AT JUNCTION IMMOKALEE ROAD. (STAFF'S ~ ROADN~AY, DRAINAG~ IVATER AND SEWER IMPROFF.34ENT~ l.-t~l~ '~t. FIIgAL PL4T OF "PARK PLACE WF.S~. (STAFF'S REQUES'O. CONTINUE: ITEM 16tN9112~ TO 9/1/98 MEETING- TO APPROVE THE TRANS~ OF PROPERTY FROM COLLIER COUI~IY TO THru- STATE OF FLORIDA TO SATISFY ~ REQUIREMENTS OF PERMIT #11-00368~ (COMMISSIONER NORRIS). Florida House of Representatives Butt L. 8aunders Committees M~ Ba~oara Pedo~ Exe~five Secretm'y Collier Co,nv/Admiais~x's Office 3~01 E~ Tamiami Trail Ns~es, FL 3~112 July 2, 1998 I~: ~ ~o be placed on August 4,1998 BCC a~.-r, da D~ar Barbara: like t<~ mlumt Ihai Representative Bun L Sannck~. ' be placed on the ageada or,he August 4 megl~g of the tkn~d of Comay ~ ~ve Sannde~ will be prese~ting two checks to Jolm ~ OlP~limS ~ for Collier Cowry ~ and Recreatioll the Florida Dr.p~tme~ of Environmental Proox:tion (in tit,: amount of $100,000) znd Florida Community Trust ('m the ameont of:~90,O00). ~ checks will be used for park i?rovemmts. Please lei mc know fflna ~"'xl any zdditiotud infornuttio~. My gbone number is: 417-6220. EXEC SUMMARY Date ' ' I Descr~n"of Aeiion rr'J~m Case it 30910-012 '-i Jf S~l~l~mber - 1993! Site hlspo~on of the subject prop~ found the following violation: accumulation of v,,,*ds, sra~, or ovb~ similar non-pmtec~ ov~row~ in excess ofei~ (! S) 'l~,~mber- 1093 h"~,~ e of Violation maikxl, cea'tiffed, re~um r~c~iptrequir~to the owner ofre~ord to 24 .~ptzmbet- !993 Notice of Violation r~arnod to Code Enforcement unserved and stamped -moved, left 11 Ocli- ;~ Propmy wa r~inspoc~ by Code ~forcemmt p~mu'el end documented that above 9 July - 1994 $i~ inspection of the s~bjo~t prop~y" fcmnd the following violation: ar. xumzflafion of ' ['i July o 1994 HotJc~ of ¥iol~tion mail~l, ccrttfle~ return receipt required to the owner of record '19 July - 1994 Notice of Violation re, turned to Cod~ Enf~ent ~ and stamped "moved, left no Broderick, as · under Section 14 of Ordimnce 91.47. CONSIDERATIQIN. The ~,cu~nulation of wecdi, grass, o~ other similar non-protected ~ in ~ of ~ighl~'n (IS) inches in height is proh,~oited and d~clared to b~ a public nuisance as lx~bed by f'Jrdinance 91-47. The subject ~ iocat~ within Section 16, Township 52, Range 26, Marco Beach Unit 8, Block 290, Lot 13 wrrc cited fora separate times by lhe Code Enforcement I~-panment for non-compliance with Ordinan~ 9147. The following is a smnma~ of the snbj~ cas~s. JAMES .L & ROSE MARIE BRODERICK REQUESTING AN APPEAL OF DECLARATION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE WEED ABATEMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT CA~E # 30910-012; # 40705-024; # 50727-024 & # 60530-033 28 May. 1996 Sit~ inspec6uu of the subject property foumt the following violation: accumulation of w~l.x, gross, or otbem' similar non-pr~_~ overgrowth in excess of(IS) eighte~ ' 30 M,~y - 1996 Not~ of"Viola~ mail~ certified, reo~m receipt required to the owner of record to 12 J~ne - 1996 Not/ce of V'mla~/on rz0arn~ unserved to Code Enforcement and stamPed "moved, left =28 June - 1996 - ' ~'~opr.,'-Ty re-~ by Code Enforcement Personnel and documented that above t~,~l violation remained. As noted above, all four cases w re proces accordingly. All mailings were sent to the address of record as noted the Collier Coumy Property Appraiser's Official Records. According to the attached facsimile sent to the Code Enforcement Department, the mailing address for the subject property had no~ been modified until March 21, 1998. Ali correspondence regarding the violations that ezists on the Broderick ~ were sent prior to the ~ change. contract costs. As of.tuue 1997, the following fines have been assessed against the ~ in ~£ ~e~t_~ ~ Accrued Inter,~ ~ 30910-12 812~00 $245.00 $12;2.18 $367.18 40705-24 815347 $'245.00 $95.27 $340.27 50727-24 816906 $'245.00 $53.66 $'298.66 60530-33 818412 $245.00. $43.86 $288.86 Total :g980.00 314.97 $1,294.97 On Oc~ber 11., 19'~'7, M~. Broderick contacted the County Attorney's Of 6ce for assistance on the l/ens that _~tve been assessed against his property. In May 1997 the County Attorney's Ofl~ce comac~xi Code Enforcem.--nt to discuss the options available to the Broderick's. It was at that time that ,~,~aff advised ~ eay modifications to the lien must be authorized by the Board of County C.~.r,m~.'sione:s. 2 be held rcsponsib~e for only cost for mow~ the ~ot fS4$/ca~ -- SIS0.00). The County · A~-,~O"s Office recomm~ aI minimum forgivin~ the interest that accrued during the time RF, COMMENDATION: Because the owner was given due and proper notice in accordance with Ordinate 91-47, staff proposes fl~e declaration of public nuisance be supported by the Board and that the protm~ owne~ be requ/red to pay the liens and imerests up to October 1997. Edwards Arnold APPROVED BY~~ Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Comm~ Development & Environmental Scpaces 3 A~a 0 ~ ~998 ,,~/;~:., _FI,.qCAL IMI'A .~..: ~ on the action taken by the Board, there may be a reduction in ~;~ .. ~'evem~ co~ m fired 111-138911-343908 of up to 1,114.97. ~¢a'.~-:- GROWTH MANA~ IMPACt: N/A 2900 N. I't~oe Drix~ Naples, Florida 3410-~ De. ar Mic~tlc .~a'nold. 1164 Sh,m.'mdaah Coon Marco Island. Florida 34145 May 14. 199g inf, xm,:d of fl'~ sinngon ~' Mrs. Johnson. Thc Counn.' ' __.' ' n posl olTsce, s,,'~s scndi~ noliccs back v. ith no forwm'ding addr~ knmvn. Islmd. l.lorida. ....... ~ and also tilled otn a ch.mgc of ~ tbmt Th~ poss o1~- ,,~holds/h~: c.h.~.c of address forms for a 30 day Ix-nod. TI'.¢ code enI'~nt~: being rent 6 monttts to a }'car iat:r. 'll~t'sy.'hy'th~.' ~ . I notified th~ .Marco Island post office and filled out a change of address Ibrm. ~ii¢ this was going on. _ _ .~,x.~ a few do~. I I~d my -l',,x Otlic~ on Mar~° Island. Es~$.' yea~ I would explain to thcm that I rcc~vxl my lax notice iht mi,.' present a~ but not for out lot on tlaz~lcrcsl Ct. M.B. unit g. Bile 290 Lot 15 or 1412 F~. 1044.Th~' would inlbrm mc lha~ thc notica:s w~r~ b~ing sent to my g~ess md n:qu~:sl I fill o~ a change of address form,. 'sVhcn we moxzd to Horida in Suty of I ~3. I ~d so x~c ~d I ~o ~~~d ~o Ju~ du~' I f~l ~c~e shoed have choked to ~ ~ho w~ pa)~ ~e mx~ on ~ ~d ~ ~d to s~ w'~ I ]~d ~ I ~d ~v~ ~ nofifi~ of ~d ,io~fiom and ~ on ~ ~~..~ ~e f~ notice w~ s~t back to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~fi~ would n~ ~ ~ed. Fm ~ p~ ~ mon~ I ~e ~ ~ C~b's A~m~s ~ee ~g to get cl~ and ~e Idn should no~ hax~ m p~' interes! or p~altics because thc compliance office failed I t~ope d-ds situation can be r~oh,'cd in a.just and fair manner. Thank you. Sincere .ly yours. Jam~ and Ro~ Marie TRAN $ H ITTAL 1998 ~.r :.- OF TH~ APPLICATION ~ RF~UIR]~ FOR SUBMISSION OF PL~ITHON FOR ZONING ~TED D~/']~]~,f]~T ORDerS. ;;~.~= ....... ,.. to tl~ Comrmm~ I)twelopn'~t fumi (113) to d~ay the review and ~ costs of the permi~ GRO~ MANA~ IMPACT: RF-.CO~AIION: 1~. AICP ~G MANAGER DAT~ DA~ DATE 2 AUG 0 4 1998 ,, Po.,.,, ~ - , Sune 26, 199~ 2800 N. H~ Drive Naple~, Florida 34104 JUN 2 9 1998 IR.N,I~I~3 SERVICEs Pleme f:md enclosed 17 copies ofthe Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendmem Application and Notice of Pwposed Change (NOPC) for the Berkshixe Lake~ DRI. The change involve~ willhave only a 179 hunica~ shelter space impact (1.9% of county's l~HC hm'~ ~ slice ~). Th/s impact level is less than the 200 and is also less tflzan ~ percent of the county's p~blic on Regional Hunicam Pte~.~mss as defined in the Hurricane Pr~:t~'e&~s PoUcy Rule 9.1- 2.0'256(4)(a) Florida Adminisrativ: Code (FAC). 7nerdore, uader ~ay's DRI rules, Berksh~ mcessatY lo rdmt the ~on of a ~ deviation, in accordame with the provisions of F'mally, we are retreating a PUD r~v/ew fee wa/vet _bec~__~]~ the Berksh/re Lakes ~ A.vociagon, Imorlxa~d is a private nonprofit homeowner assodati~ As evidence of our ~ bdhg nontax~ our Tax Exempt ID'# is 65-030-9469. If you need any further /nfotmafion, plea~ let me imow or Dan Trescott of the Southwest Flodda Regional Planning EXECU2T~ SUMMARY ADOFIK)N OF A P, ESOLLrrlON TO NOMINATE THE IMMOKALEE CO~ FOR A FEDERAL GRANT KNOWN A~ THE RURAL EMPOWERMENT ZONE DI~[GNATION. for a federal grant known a~ the Rm-al Fanpowerment Zone. ~ACKGROUND:. In 1994, the Federal Government developed the Empowe~amt Zone/~ Community Initiative. The intent of this initiative is to give conmmn~_'~ tim ~ to design and implement programs that would create economic opporttm~, encore-age self-suffidency and promot~ sttstainable commm~ty development. Desi~~ are available for both rural and urban co~mmnities. The rural designations are a~ by the United States Dep~ of Agriculture (USDA) and fire Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administm~ the urban designees. En'qx~t, ent Zones are awarded $40 mflllon dollars and Enterprise application in 1994 but did not receive any monetary award. It was designated as a Rural CXmmpion Community wkic. h provided technical support and opened avenues for fulxttng opportunities w~h USDA. Vario~ conmumity groupa including the Immo~ee Main Street Board, the Immokalee Enterprise Zone Board and tb.e Greater Immokalee Chamber of Commerce are participa~g in the Community's efforts to submit an application for the second round of Empowe, uamt Zone designations due to the Department of Community Affairs on The Coaammi~ Foundation of Comer County will be the lead entity, and flsad agent for I~,is appB_~__tion, partnering ~-_'~ c~er community organizations. The Comprehensive Plm'm~g Section has been facilitating comm~ meeting~ and assisting in the development of a Strategic Plan that ia an applicaticn: requirement. The Plan is intended to enhance coordination between co,.~anity members wodcing in the areas of job CONb"IDERATION$: Wi(h the adoption of the Resolution, the Commtmit~ Fdundation of C. oilier County will be able to submit the application to USDA. The resolution will also identify C. oilier County as a partner in Fanpowerment Zone process. FISCAL IMPAq: None res un. er Policy H2Z?. that aitemative funding sources will be -1- PLANNING SERVICES DEP~ DmECq'OR DEV. AND EN'vrIRONMENTAL -2- DATE DATE -3- ]Z)<I-ITB~ I -4- Co~ Foom~o~ O~ COLLI~I~ COg?(TY Cdcn Walden P.O. B,~ 14',q)10 -5- -6- ~~ Populardon Dam. Worksheet: 3 II 41 I 1 -7- ""'~m N II:mml A { { iMo~r. ~ ~. m P~Pm'~mTY' m dmfB m i:J~mt lB lqmm~ L,V*. Pmmmm pmr fmPmmm mmmmlK md k imm Jmmdm M m mdmmbd im a Inm,kmmdy ~ b' tt "YM,.' ht In mlill[~ M'eB mi[jelt . B, Pmjmi/im & ~ M M gm .... - memdfld Im hmm In.? e' ~'Tm** k em mammmll,,,m m e,~ e~ m,m b' D° "n ammm m °r M°dt mmmdmbl urns er X dm mabmmmmd mm kma IwNm~mm d m Immmm em 20%? o ~- D~ i Jam~ 90~ e~di lb ~mmm m~n im em Z mommmlmmmd mum&mmm a ptqquy fan d m kmms .. l- l:b m bi 2D~ d h fmmmlm k el ~mmu (v4mmm d~ mmdmmd mm wmlmu el ~o er emmm l. l:hns mm pemd -.- 2' D°el mY I~mUd qUlMy umM M ti pemmy rme am IPm:Mbd k l.?,~, m4 B.3.4. amt d~ eUl~ nmi splddid in 1,37 e) -8- · .. ..... · · ~.-, ~-~ ,,tn · H~ t~T~:StNECTION O~.I-?5/CR-9~Jl/DAVI5 OB/EC'I~'E: Establishment ofpm*ameters for the Intetclumge Mastcr Plan for Activity Center #9 at the inttn'section ofX-75/CR-951/Davis Boulev~d. OONSIDERATIONS: On ~ 28, 1997, the Board of Cotmv/Commissi~ adopted the Evaluation mi Apprainl Report-based smetsdments to the Growth l~gement Plan. One of the amendments es~b~ tl~ lmen:~ Activity Center Subdistrict. Within this Subdistri~ is a requirement to prepare ~n latemlmnge Maa~ Plan (IMP) for Activity Cen~r #9. Below is the FLUE teT. t ~g to the IMP; "Interc~ Activity Center # 9 sh~l !~ subject to the requirement of the development of an Imnr. lm~ Muter l'hn (Ibl~. The IMP is imended to cr~te ~n ~ "gateway" to Naples. Ti~ IMP ~ ~ I~ initi~t~l by tl~ ~ owners ~nd/or ~ representatives by me. Gag wi~ fl~ County plmming ~ff within 60 ~ys of ~ adoption of this Grow~ Management Plan ammdmmt and a finding of comp~ fi'om the Departtrm~t of Community Affairs. Th~ purpose of ~ meeting will be ~o est~bli~ n mutmlly ~co,pt~ble vision sta~-merrt for Activity Center # 9. The ~ ~ Plan shall be adopted by Resolu~on by the Board of County Commi~im~e~. AH r~ones therea~ shall meet the intern of the visi.,m statement. Sul~equ~ to ~he devel~ of the vision statement, new projecm within Activity Center # 9 are encouraged to have · unified plan of devclopmcm in the form of a Planned Unit Development. The mbrU=e of usc~ allowed in hmrchange Activi~ Center # 9 shall include the full array of mmm~rcial uses; re~lentinl nnd non-res/dent/al uses; ins~tut~onal uses; Business Park; hotel/motel ut, es at a density consisient with the Land Development Code; industrial uses in the northeast, southwest and sm,'flam~ qtmtrants. The mix and mtemit~, of land uses shall meet the intent of the vision statement and be defined dm-rog the rezoning proce~. The entire Interchange Activity Center is eligfl~l¢ for up to 100°,4 of the emire acreage to be developed tbr any of the use~ referenced above, except the mnxinmm amount of commercial acreage shall not exceed 55% of the total acreage (632,5 a~.) of Irae~lmnge Activny Center # 9. ~ tacton to consider during review of a Stsffhas met with ~me of~ owne~.~or~ntativcs of property in Activity Center ~ at wkic'h time a dra~ vision sta~nent ww~ Oresentecl to staff. From discussion~ with owners/rep~sentatives, it is evident tim fnrtl~ Boa,-d direction i~ needed as to: 1) what items to include in the LMP; 2) how specific the ~muld be;, 3) wbelher the IMP slxmld ~ply to already approved PUDs or only those properties that have yet Activity Ccntcr #9 coataim appro~tely 63~ ac-rca. Existing, developed land uses include commercial uaea~ serving the traveling public, and comprise,Wl~rz,~tely Airily 190 acres of conunerdal zon~ (30% of Activity Center) and 218 acr~ of~l zoning · (~[~4 of Activity Center) ar~ approved but undeveloped. ~tely 106 acres of new coc~u~rcial zoning may be approved within this Activity Center. Additionally, the balance of the land is eligible for As this Activity C. eater is an entryway into the Naples Urban area, appropriate, unified design elements and stamlards are warramed ~o present ma attractive, positive image. This is true of road rights-of-ways as well Golden Cr~ Heal~ l~k PUD, located ~ ~ ~~ ~t of L75 ~ ~-951, h ~v~ f~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ offi~s ~d f~ifi~, ~ ~ ~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~; ~d ~g ~ ~ ~ ~ (6.8 DU/A). ~ ~ is ~d~el~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]~g~ ~ m~t m ~M a ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ BCC ~o~ly ~ed ~s P~ ~ ~ ~g ~~ of~e ~M ~l~ ~e ~ ~ ~c ~ ~ m ~it c~g~ m ~ ~ ~ m ~to~ 8, 1~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ifi~t ~ of~ ~ ~ (12%), ~ o~ % of~ l~d ~ ~1~ ~& ~ ~ ~ a ~g of ~l~e ~ ~ ~. IrL*~.AL IMPACT: Cost of stafftime to prqmrc the Interchange Master Plan Resolution and zoning ow~day dis~cc ~tio~ of this Interchange Master Plan is mandated by the Growth M~agern~t Plan, and ia included ia the Planning S~vi~ Department work program. GROWTt[ MANA~ IMtPACT: This item will implement a provision in the Futura Land Use RECO~ATION Staffrecomm~d~ and. is ~king BCC authorization, for the following items to be included in the · ameadmcm for Golden C-~ Health Park PUD, as required by the Lind De~lopmcnt Cod~ PUD stmsetemg provision, be extended mltil ~0 days aicpa· the Illterchangc Master Plan has been adopted. · USES - amou~ and type of land uses; mixture and pcrccat of land uses; location of uses. · TRANSPORTATION and ACCF~S - traffic gener,,tion volume and characteristics of uses; shared access;, frontage roads; r~stricted or proh?bited acorns. im~. · SlO'NAGE - development of unified signage plan for the Interchange. · BUR.DING DESK~N- spozific architectural stamlards for buildings. - APPLICABILITY TO EXISTING ZONING and DEVELO~. should the above provisions apply ~ [}ropexties that are zoned but undeveloped, and ~es that are partially developed. t4,1 .~ ~.,, ~- ~ ~ i},~'LI~,~E~'A'I'tON, a ~-neral statement in thc P,e~o~ requiring compliance with ~'~ ~ ~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ~g ~) ~t ~ to all 4 EXEC~ S~ IIm (~,~ollrrl. i IBN/~EIIENT IIPACT: None .l"lou~md Urban Improvement Vkment A. Cautero, AlCP, Administ~or AUG 0 ,~ 1998 p;. / FIRST AMENDMENT TO TOURISM AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE C1TY OF EVERGLADES REGARDING EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK REDEDICATION THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of , 1998, by ~nd between The City of Everglades, h~ referred to as "GRANTEE" and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY." WHI~EAS, lhe GRANTEE and the COUNTY entered into a 1997 Tourism Agreement a~t__~l November 4, 1997 (the "Tourism Agreement") in the amount of $148,800.00; and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE desires to amend the line item budget attached as Exhibit "A" to the Tourinn ~ent; and ~, the GRANTEE and the COUNTY desire to amend the Tourism Agreement. WITNESS~: NOW, ~ORE, BASED ON TI~ MI.rrUAL COVENANTS HEREIN AND OTHER VALUAPv ~ CONSIDERATION, 1T IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. F. xtn'bit "A" to the Tourism Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and r~placed with th~ ~ Exhibit "A" attached to this amendment 2. Except ns set forth her~m, all of the t~ms and provisions of the Tourism Agreement ~ renu~ in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTEE and COUNTY have each respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date and year first above DATED: DWIGHT E. BROC'~ Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: BARBARA B. BERRY, Chaixman City of E~-rs~ BR~ $72,600 $93,100 o $12,000 $35,700 $35,700 $I,000 $24,~00 $I~,000 s1~8oo s~48,8oo ~:',.;~..=. ~ IMPP~EM~TB FOR THE ~ PLAT OF 'PAP~ PLACE WEST" ~~~an~ final accept:ance o~ "Pa~ Place :::':';:"~' . preli~~ accept~ce of the roadway, ~ainage, water ~d s~r i~r~nts in "Park Place West". 23, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners granted The roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements not required by the plat to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County. g The required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code. The County Development Services has inspected the improvements and is recoHa,~nding final accepta-ce of the improvements. A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by ~he County Attorney's Office. A copy of the document is attached. The roadway, dra/nage water and sewer improvements not requi~ed to be mintained by ~he project's homeowners associa=ion will be · maintained by the County Transportation Department and the County Utility Divisione. Funds for the routine maintenance and upkeep w~ll come from t~e Operations and Maintenance budgets of the Transportation Services add Utility Divisions. None AUG 0 a. 1998 .;. ,,,/ _ Park Place West ;i~i~u..:~.;~U ~ Board of County Co~/ssioners grant fi~l accep~ce of West, ~ release the ~inte~ce ??1. Au~r~ze the ~~ to exe~te the attached resolution security. Date Date Co~m~t¥ Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION J~H 1 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLUTION AUTHORrTrNG FINAL ACCEFTANCE DF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPRO~S IN PARK PLACE WEST, RELEASE OF THE MAINI'ENANCE SECURITY, AND ACCEFflNG THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPRO~$ THAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, the Board of Comw/Co-~!~oners of Colli= County, Florida, on ~ 20, 1990, approved the p~t of Park Plw. e Wes~ formco~ing; and 19 md sew~ tmprovements in accordance with ~he ~ phns and Sl~Cificagons and as 20 required bY the Lind Developmem Code (CoRier C~w~iy Ordinance No. 91.102, as amended); 21 and the Utilities Standards and Procedur~ Ordinance (Colller County Ordinance No. 97.17), and 24 25 er tmlm~emen~s and release of his maintenance sec~ty;, and 27 28 29 30 _2 34 ~9 4O 41 42 43 44 45 26 WItEREAS. the Con. Ii.ce Services Sect/on of the Development Serv/ces acer'prance of said facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that final ~ be ~nted for those footway, dra~ war= and sewer improv~m~ in Park Place West, snd authorize the Clerk to r~leaae ~he maintenance sec~iry. 46 47 49 5O 53 57 58 36 ,,--m,~ce aha omer attendant costs for the roadway, dr~e, ~ and sewer impro~ 37 that m'e not r~quir~t to be mainta~ed by the homeowners associatio~ This Resol~ adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COl/mR COUNTY, FLORR)A DATE: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By:. BARBAP, A B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN He/d/F. Ashton - AUG 0 4 1998 Lq98 EXECUTIVE SUMMARy APPROVE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT CATEGORY 'A" FUNDING APPLICATIONS FOR BEACH MAINTENANCE AND INLET MANAGEMENT PROJECTS. ~.a]~.,~.~: To obtain approval of funding applications for the following projects: Annual monitoring services for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project -$110.935.00 · Establisltment of a Reserve Funding Account for Emergency Dredging at Wiggins Pass- $50.000.00 Addition of a 10% contingency allowance to the Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. for Implementation of the Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan- · Replenishment of the existing Upland Sand Stockpile and renewal of thc Agrecmcnt with Bonita Grande Sand Company- ~ Production ann stockpiling of 400,000 cubic yards of Upland Sand for maintenance of Collier County beaches- ~ (To be distributed over three fiscal years; proposed approprir+.ion for FY 98/99-~.~.,~ Professional Services to perform monitoring requirements associated with thc Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging Project- $17.600.00 CONSIDERATIONS: On July 27, 1998, the Tourist Development Council considered the above noted applications for Category WA" funding. All applications were reviewed by the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee on July 9, 1998 and were forwarded to the Tourist Development Council with recommendations for approval. The Board will be advised of the results of the TDC recommendations relative to these funding applications during thc presentation of this item on the agenda. FISCAL IMFACT: Cost: Fund: Cost Center: $1,335,$$3.20; to be obligated in the budgets for FY 97/98 and FY 98/99. (195) Tourist Development - 60%. (110406) Beach Renourishz~ent, Category A and (110420) Wiggins Pass Dredging. Hxecutlvo Summary Tourist Develo ant Funding Page Two ProJO~ Numbers: (80218) Marco Beach Maintcnan (80222) Clam Pass Inlet Management --. (8022~) County Beach Re~ourishment (802260 Wiggins Pass Inlet Management for this obligation. Budget amendments are necessary whereby fnnds will be transferred from the reserves of Fund 195 t~ the appropriate expenditure categories under the applicable project numbers. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOM~ENDATIO[~: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approve the ax~,ched grant applications for Tourist Development funding in the amount of $1,335,$53.20. 2. Approve the necessary budget amendments. PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: Harold E. Huber, Project Manager III Office of Capital Projects Management ......... DATE. ~ 2~==~~_~ Richard Hellriegel, P.E., lnte~'m Director ' ~~ Office of Capital Projects Management 'REVIEWED BY DATE, ~s~___.~ Public Works Administrator attachment ~: Beach ~oufi~e~aintenan~ Committee Ore~ Mih~tc, E~no~c Devclopm~t Dircctor N,4 TURAL RF~OURCES M,4NA(~EMENT 735 STH STREET SOUTH, N,4PLES, FL 34102 941-434-4655 Suncom 974-4655 F,4X NO. 941..434-3059 TO: Board of County Commissioners, Collier County FROM: Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee THROUGH: Collier County Tourist Development Council SUBJECT: Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Funding Request Recommendation Thelattached request for TDC Category A funding, submitted by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners : to be used for Annual monitoring services for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project during FY 1998/99: is recommended to be: X Approved as submitted. Approved with the following changes: Deferred to: Disapproved. Comments: Date 09 July 1998 Collier County Tourist Development Council GRANT APPLICATION' Beach Renourlshment and Pass Maintenance (Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including pass and inlet maintenance) Completed applications shall be submitted to the following address: Administrator Collier County Tourist Development Council County Administrator's Off, ce 3301 £~st TamiamJ Trail Naples, FL 34112 1. Name and Address of Applicant Organization: Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Harry Huber Project Manager III 774-8192 3. Organization's Chief O~cial and Title: Commissioner Barbara B. Berry Chairman Board of County Commissioners Brief Project Description: Annual Monitoring Services for the Marco Xsland Beach Renourishment Project during FY 98/99 Grant Application Page 2 Estimated project start date: September. 1~1~ Estimated project duration:. One (1~ ~'~nr Total amount requested: $110.935.0Q If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?. Yes No X Identify the goals and objectives for the project: Tho project consists of those professional services necessary to: a) Perform post-construction mopitoring as required by special conditions contained in the construction permits. Provide design and permit coordination related to various maintenance activities within the project limits. 10. ]1. Describe what benefits will be received from the project: The information and data provided by these services will be used to evaluate the performance of the Beach ttestoration Project and enable proper planning for maintenance a~ivities. Describe how the effectiveness of the project will be evaluated: Results of' the monitoring services will be presented in report form to the permitting agencies and the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee for review and recommendations as to future activities necessary to maintain the integrity of'the Beach Restoration Project. 12. Describe how the project enhances existing County Tourist Development programs: '0 Proper maintenance of the Beach Restoration Project will help to ensure the viability of the area's major tourist attraction. Grant Application Page 3 · Describe how financial resonrces will be monitored: The project budget will be managed through the existing financial and management structure of' Collier County and will be administered by a project manager in the Office of' Capital Projects Management. Tho basis of tho project budget consists of the estimate of' additional services to be performed under the Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants. Inc. The total amount of the proposed budget is $110.93~.00. Please complete the following questions and provide additional ir, formation, sf necessary: Does the proposed expenditure further the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement? Yes(X ) No( ) Does the proposed expenditure fairly distribute monies to different geographic areas of' the County? Yes(X) No( ) Does the proposed expenditure promote environmental awareness and understanding and does the proposed project address environmental considerations? Yes(X) No( ) Is the proposed project part of the ongoing Collier County beach restoration project and/or pass maintenance/dredging/ management projects? Yes(X) No( ) Is the proposed Project required by a regulatorY agency as a condition for approval/fi2nding the Collier County beach restoration projects? Yes(X) No( ) j'~i".~~' Collier County Tourist Development Council ..~ Grant Application Page 4 Will tho proposed project contribute significantly to the pro~ress of the beach restoration projects? Yes(x) No( ) Will the project decrease the local cost share of an overall beach restoration project, either by decreasing the total project cost or by increasin$ the local/non-local ratio? Yes ( ) No(X) Will the project improve understanding of alternative technologies that may contribute to a cost-effective beach restoration project? Yes ( X ) No ( ) Is there a potential for an alternative/matchin~ funding source? Yes( ) No(X) If"Yes", please identify Is the project consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and/or standing Board of' County Commission action? Yes(X) No( ) Has the project been reviewed and recommended by the Beach Renourishment/~aintenance Advisory Committee? Yes. This application will be considered by the B~ach Renourishment/Maintenance Cor,~mittee at their regularly scheduled meeting. Their recommendation will be forwarded under separate cover. Collier County Tourist Development Council Grant Application ".Page 5 ~2 i~.'. ':' X h~, re?d th, Beach Renourishment and Pass Guidelines and criteria and agree that ~:[:5 ~:." my organ~ation ~1 ~omply with all guidelines and criteria *Director of Office of Capital Projects Management authorized to sign Category "A' applications on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Approved by Board of County Commissiot?er~, on August 24, 1993, Agenda Item 16 (2). HEH/Ibll 1478 Collier County Tourist Dzvelopment Council · 'Grant Application Page 6 1PROSE,~T BUDGET MARCO ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT ANNUAL MONITORING (FY 98/99) Assist Owner Relative to Agency Required Permit Stipulations a. Aerial Photographs b. Beach and OfFshore Profiles c. Shoal Maps d. Monitoring Assessment e. Report Preparation, Compilation and Printing · f. Administration Provide Owner Authorized Additional Services a. Design and Coordination of Maintenance Activities Contingency (10%) TOTAL '~,MQ~NT $10,200.00 $48,950.00 $ 3,000.00 $16,300.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,700.00 $19,200.00 $10,085.00 $110,935.00 L Tltla et;130 ' R~31 MARCO ISLAND 1'123 1:131 GULF OF NrPXICO R~ : RI40 0 2000 4000 SCALE: 1" = 4000' ~',..ACI~ BY 2/91 SCK,I'H B[...~ rllJ. ~ IU4'3 ~ BY I/~1 = 1114S !146 8000 FIGURE THROUGH: SUBJECT: 755 $TH STREET $Og. PI7t, N~41~LF-.$, FI. $4102 941-434-4655 Suncom 974-4655 FAX NO. 941-454-$~$9 Board of County Commissioners, Collier County Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee Collier County Tourist Development Council Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Funding Request Recommendation The attached r~quest for TDC Category A funding, submitted by the Collier County Board of County Conurissicners : to be used for, Establishing a reserve funding account for emerg- g~ncy dredging at Wiggins Pass : is recommended to be: X__Approved as submitted. Approved with the following changes: Deferred to: · Disapproved. Comments: Date 09 July 1998 Collier County Tourist Development Council GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourlshment and Pass Maintenance (Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including pass and inlet maintenance) Completed applications shall be submitted to the following address: Administrator Collier County Tourist Development Council County Administrator's Office :t301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Name and Address of' Applicant Orga:~ization: Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 TamJami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Harry Huber Project Manager III 774-8192 Organization's Chief' Official and Title: Commissioacr Barbara B. Berry Chairman Board of' County Commissioners Brief' Project Description: Establishment of a Reserve Funding Account for Emergency Dredging at Wiggins Pass ~,omer ~..ounty l ourist Development Council Grant Application Pago 2 · Estimated project start date: September. 1PPll Estimated project duration: One (1) _veal' Total amount requested: _ 5;50.000.00 If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?.' Yes _ No X Identify the goals and objectives for the project: The project consists of establishment of a reserve funding account to enable emergency dredging at Wiggins Pass to be performed in a timely manner. 10. Describe what benefits will be received from the project: The proposed dredging activity, when deemed necessary, will provide the ability to maintain the minimum operating depth in the channel as recommended in the Wiggins P~ss Inlet Management Plan. I1. 12. Describe how the effectiveness of the project will be evaluated: Performance of the monitoring element of the Inlet Management Plan will provide the vehicle for evaluation of the impacts from this activity. Describe how the project enhances existing County Tourist Development prggrams: This activity will enhance compliance with the navigation and public safety element of the Inlet Management Plan and thereby help to ensure the viability of a major tourist attraction in the area. 13. Describe how financial resources will be monitored: The project budget will be managed through the existing financial and management structure of Collier County and will be administered by a project manager in the Office of Capital Projects Management. Collier County Tourist Development Council Grant Application Page 3 14. The basis of the project budget consists of the estimate of contractual services necessary to perform the proposed dredging activity on an annual basis. The total amount of the proposed budget is $50.000.00 Please complete the following questions and provide additional information, if necessary: Does the proposed expenditure further the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement? Yes(X ) No( ) Does the proposed expenditure fairly distribute monies to different geographic areas of the County? Yes(X) No( ) Does the proposed expenditure promote environmental awareness and understanding and does the proposed project address environmental considerations? Yes(X) No( ) Is the proposed project part of the ongoing Collier County beach restoration project and/or pass maintenance/dr, edging/ management projects? Yes(x) No( ) Is the proposed Project required by a regulatory agency as a condition for approval/funding the Collier County beach restoration projects? Yes ( ) No (X) Will the proposed project contribute significantly to the progress of the beach restoration projects? Yes( ) No(X) Collier County Tourist Development Council Grant Application Page 4 Will the project decrease the local cost share of an o',;erall beach restoration project, either by decreasing the total project cost or by increasing the local/non-local ratio? Yes ( ) No(X) Will the project improve understanding of alternative technologies that may contribute to a cost-effective beach restoration project? Yes(X) No( ) Is there a potential for an alternative/matching funding source? Yes ( ) If "Yes", please identify No(X) Is the project consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and/or standing Board of County Commission action? Yes(X) No( ) Has the project been reviewed and recommended by the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Adviiory Committee? Yes. This application will be considered by the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee at their regularly scheduled meeting. Their recommendation will be forwarded under separate cover. Collier County Tourist Development Council Grant Application have read the Beach Renourishment and Pass Guidelines and criteria and agree that my organization will ~o~~with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Organiz~tionFs ~l~ief OffiCi]ti or~ignee* Date: *Director of Office of Capital Projects Management authorized to sign Category "A" applications on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Approved by Board of County Commissioners on August 24, 1993, Agenda Item 16 (H) (2). Collier County Toutlst Development Council Grant Application Page 6 PROJECT BUDGET RESERVE FUNDING ACCOUNT EMERGENCY DREDGING AT WIGGINS PASS ACTIVITY 1. Mobilization/Demobilization - (4 each (~ 51,500.00) :2. Barge and Crane - (176 hrs. (~ $250.00) TOTAL ~.MOUNT $ 6,000.00 $44.000.00 $50,000.00 i .,._ /7 NA TUR,4L RF-~OURCF_.S MAN/IGEMENT 735 8TH $~'REET $OUY'H, NAPLES, FL 34102 941,.454-4655 $#ncom 974-4655 FAX NO. 941.434-.1059 TO: Board of County Commissioners, Collier County FROM: Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee THROUGH: Collier County Tourist Development Council SUBJECT: Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Funding Request Recommendation The attached request for TDC Category A funding, submitted by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners : to be used for Addition of a 10% contingency allowance to the professional services agreement for implementation of the Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan: is recommended to be: __X__Approved as submitted. ___.___Approved with the following changes: ., Deferred to: Disapproved ' Comments: Date 09 Collier County Tourist Development Council GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourlshment and Pass Maintenance (Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including pass and inlet maintenance) ' Completed applications shall be submitted to the following address: Administrator Collier County Tourist Development Council County Administrator's Office 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 1. Name and Address of Applicant Organization: Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Harry Huber Project Manager III 774-8192 Organizatior,'s Chief Official and Title: Commissioner Barbara B. Berry Chairman Board of County Commissioners Brief Project Description: Addition of a 10% Contingency Allowance to the Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. for Implementation of the Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan. ~rant Application Page 2 . Collier County Tourist Development Council Grant Application Page 2 6. 7. 8. Estimated project start date: Estimated project duration: Total amount requested: lanunry. 191)7 Seven f7) Year~ If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accom~nodate a smalle~ award? Yes .... No X 10. 11. 12. Identify the goals and objectives for the project: The project consists of providing a 10% contingency allowance to the original amount of the Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. for implementation of the Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan. Describe what benefits will be received from the project: This allowance will provide consistency with the budgets currently established for other Category "A" projects whereby legitimate and necessary additional services can be provided in a timely and cost effective manner. Describe how the effectiveness of the project will be evaluated: The Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee will be informed upon each proposed use of this allowance to confirm the need and appropriateness of same. Describe how the project enhances exiting County Tourist Development Programs: This project will expedite the provision of additional services, if necessary, for an existing and essential Tourist Development program. Grant Application Page 3 · Collier County Tourist Development Council Grant Applicatio~ Page 3 13. Describe how financial resources will be monitored: Tho project budget will be managed through the existing financial and management structure of Collier County and will be administered by a project manager in the Office of Capital Projects Management. The basis of the project budget consists allowance for additional services to be Professional Services agreement with Consultants, Inc. of a 10% contingency performed .under the Coastal Engineering The total amount of the proposed budget is 14. Please complete the following questions and provide additional Information, if necessary: Does the proposed expenditure further the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement? Yes (X) No ( ) Does the proposed expenditure fairly distribute monies to different geographic areas of the County? Yes (X) No ( ) Does the proposed expenditure promote environmental awareness and understanding and does the proposed project address environmental considerations? Yes (X) No ( ) Is the proposed project part of the ongoing Collier County beach restoration project and/or pass maintenance/ dredging/management projects? Yes ( X ) No ( ) Page 4 Collier County Tourist Development Council Grant Application Page 4 I I Is the proposed project required by a regulatory agency as a condition for approval/funding the Collier County beach restoration projects? Yes ( ) No (X) Will the proposed project contribut~ significantly to the progress of the beach restoration projects? Yes (x) No ( ) Will the project decrease the local cost share of an overall beach restoration project, either by decreasing the total project cost or by increasing the local/non-local ratio? Yes ( ) No ( X ) Will the project improve understanding of alternative technologies that may contribute to a cost-effective beach restoration project? Yes ( X ) No ( ) Is there a potential for an alternative/matching funding source? Yes ( ) No (X) If "Yes", please identify Is the project consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and/or standing Board of' County Commission action? Yes (X) No ( ) / Grant Application Page 5 · Collier County Tourist Development Grant Application Page 5 * Has the project been reviewed and recommended, by the ~each Kenourishmen~aintenance Adviso~ Committee? Yes. This application will bo considered by tho Beach Renoufishment~aintenance Committee at their regularly scheduled meeting. Their recommendation will be fo~arded u~der ~eparate cover. . I have read the Beach Renourishment and. Pass Guidelines and criteria and agree__that my orgamzation will comply w~th all guidelines and criteria. Date: ~( Cate8o~ 'A' applications on *Director of Offico of Capital Projects Management authorized to sign behalf of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Approved by Board of County Commissioners on August 24, 1993, Agenda Item I6(H) (2). HIH.Ib.11490 ?.? .? ',, .~olller County t'ourist t~evc~opment ~ounc~l G~'ant Application PROJECT BUDGET Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan ITEM 1. 2. pESCRIPTION Original Agreement 10% Contingency Allowance REVISED BUDGET .~MOUNT $51.8,243.00 $1.$24.00 $$70,067.00 NA1WR~£ RF. SOURCF. S M.4N.4G£M£AT 735 SFli STREET SOUTH, NAPLES, FL $4102 941-434.4655 Suncom 974-4655 FAX A'O. 941-454-$059 TO: FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners, Collier County Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee Collier County Tourist Development Council Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Funding Request Recommendation ~'.. The ~ttached request fo~ TDC Category A funding, submitted by the ~i~:~,,~: :, Collier County Board of County Commissioners ~i'~ ':~ ' to be used for Replenishment of the exis=ing upland sand stock- ~ '~' p~le and renewal of the agreement with Bonita Grand Sand Co.: is recommended to be: _ Approved as submitted. X Approved with the following changes: deletion of item 2, $36,500.00 annual stockpile charge as per committment by Mr. Robert Cadenhead. Deferred to: Disapproved. Comments: Date 09 July 1998~J/~~/ Collier County Tourist Development Council GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance (Beach Renourlshment and Pass Maintenance renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including pass and inlet maintenance) Completed applications shall be submitted to the following address: Administrator Collier County Tourist Development Council County Administrator's Office 3301 East Tamiami trail Naples, FL 34112 1. Name and Address of Applicant Organization: Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Harry Huber Project Manager III 774-8192 Organization's Chief Official and Title: Commissioner Barbara B. Berry Chairman Board of County Commissioners Brief Project Description: Replenishment of the existing Upland Sand Stockpile and Ren~val of the Agreement with Bonita Grande Sand Company. $' ~ Estimated project start date:' Estimated Project duration: August. 19~ One (1) Year $170.964,~0 Total amount requested: If the ~ull amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes No X Identify the goals and objectives for the project: The project consists of replenishing the existing stockpile of beach sand and renewal of the Agreement with Bonita Grande Sand Company approved by the Board of County Commissioners on August 26, 1997. 10. Describe what benefits will be received from the project: 11. Availability of this sand source for use on an as needed basis will enable maintenance of the restored beaches in a manner that will enhance longevity of the design life and effect potential long-term cost savings. Describe how the effectiveness of the project will be evaluated: Effective maintenance and performance of the beach fill as designed ,will be determined through the results of the annual project monitoring program. 12. Describe how the project enhances existing County Tourist Development programs: Proper maintenance of the beach restoration projects will help to ensure the viability of the area's major tourist attraction. 13. 14. Describe how financial resources will be monitored: The project budget will be managed through the existing financial and management structure of Collier County and will be administered by a project manager in the Office of Capital Projects Management. The total amount of the proposed budget is S170.694.20. Please complete the following questions and provide additional information, if necesso~?: Does the proposed expenditure further the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement? Yes(X) No( ) Does the proposed expenditure fairly distribute monies to different geographic areas of the County? Yes(X) No( ) Does the proposed expenditur,., promote environmental awareness and understanding and does the proposed project address environmental considerations? Yes ( ) No (X) Is the proposed project part of the ongoing Collier County beach restoration project and/or pass maintenance/dredging/ management projects? Yes(X ) No( ) Is the proposed Project required by a regulatory agency as a condition for approval/funding the Collier County beach restoration projects? Yes( ) No(X) Will the proposed project contribute significantly to the progress of' the beach restoration projects? Yes(X) No( ) Will the project decrease the local cost share of an overall beach restoration project, either by decreasing the total project cost or by increasing the local/non-local ratio? Yes (x) No( ) Will the project intprove understanding of alternative technologies that may contribute to a cost-effective beach restoration project? Yes (X) No~ ) Is there a potential for an alternative/matching funding source? Yes( ) No(X) If "Yes", please identify Is the project consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and/or standing Board of County Con, mission action? Yes(X) No( ) Has the project been reviewed and recommended by the Beach Renourishment/lVlaintenance Advisory Committee? Yes. This application will be considered by the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee at their regularly schr~duled meeting. Their recommendation will be forwarded under .~¢parate cover. I have read the Beach Renourishment and Pass Guidelines and criteria and agree that my_ organization w{ll Comply with, all guidelines and criteria. Signature of 0~ganxzatlon's Chief ~ffic~al or Designee* Date: ~Director of Off,.ce of Capital Projects Management authorized to sign Category "A" apphcations on behalf of the Cha'irman of the Bo. ard of County Commissioners. Approved by Board of County Commissioners on August 24, 1993, Agenda Xtem 16 (H) (2). HEH/IlO! l.~g2 Collier County Tourist Development Council Grant Application Pag~ 6 ITEM 1. PRQJE(~T BUDGET PRODUCTION & STOCKPILING OF BEACH SAND BONITA GRANDE SAND COMPANY DESCRIPTION REPLENISHMENT 21,540 Cubic Yards (~ $6.23 Annual Stockpiling Charge 50,000 Cubic Yards (~ $0.73 TOTAL AMOUNT $134,194.20 a6,5oo,oo s17o,694.2o HEN/Ih/! 14g2 735 8TH ,STREET SOUTH, N/IPLF~, FL $4102 TO: FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners, Collier County Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Co-~mittee Collier County Tourist Development Council Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Funding Request Recommendation The attached request for TDC Category A funding, submitted by the Collier County Board of County Commissicners : to be used for The production and stockpiling of 400,000 cubic yards of upland sand for maintenance of Collier County Beaches: is recommended to be: __X__ Approved as submitted. _ Approved with th9 following changes: . Deferred to: Disapproved ' Comments: Date 09 July 1998~/~/~ Collier County Tourist Development Council GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance (Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance. renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including pass and inlet maintenance) Completed applications shall be submitted to the following address: Administrator Collier County Tourist Development Council County Administrator's Office 3301 East Tamiami trail Naples, FL 34112 Name and Address of Applicant Organization: Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Harry Huber Project Manager III 774-g 192 Organization's Chief Official and Title: Commissioner Barbara B. Berry Chairman Board of County Commissioners Bricf Project Description: Agreement for the Production and Stockpiling of 400,000 Cubic Yards of Upland Sand for Maintenance of Collier County 'leaches. Grant Application Page 2 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. Estimated project start date: September. Estimated proje~ duration: Three (3] Years Total amount requested: $2.492.000,00 If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes__ No... X Identify the goals and objectives for the project: The project consist~ of the production and stockpiling of 400,000 cubic yards of beach quality sand for use in the incremental beach maintenance plan for Collier County beaches. The production and stockpiling will be completed within a three (3) year period, with placement on the beach scheduled at 50,000 cubic yards over an eight ($) year period. Describe what benefits will be received from the project: Pro.~er maintenance of the restored beached will enhance longevity of the design life and effect potential long-term cost savings. Describe how the effectiveness of the project will be evaluated: Effective maintenance and performance of the beach fill as designed will be determined through the results of the annual project moniloring program. Describe how the project enhances existing County Tourist Development programs: Proper maintenance of the beach restoration projects will help to ensure the viability of the area's major tourist attraction. Grant Applic on Page 3 1:3. 14. Describe how financial resources will be'monitored: The project budget will be managed through the existing financial and management structure of Collier County and will be adminir~tered by a project manager in the Office of Capital Projects Management. The total amount of the proposed budget is ..~ Please complete the following questions, and provide additional information, if necessary: Does the proposed expenditure further the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement? Yes(x) No( ) Does the proposed expenditure fairly distribute monies to different geographic areas of the Count).? Yes(X) No( ) Does the proposed expenditure promote environmental awareness and understanding and does the proposed project address environmental considerations? Yes(X) No( ) Is the proposed project part of the ongoing Collier County beach restoration project and/or pass maintenance/dredging/ management projects? Yes(X) No( ) Is the proposed Project required by a regulatory agency as a condition for approval/funding the Collier County beach restoration projects? Yes( ) No(X) Will the proposed project contribute significantly to the progress of the beach restoration projects? Yes(X) No( ) Page 4 Will the project decrease the local cost share of an overall beach restoration project, either by decreasing the total project cost or by increasing the local/non-local ratio? Yes (x) ~o( ) Will the project improve understanding of alternative technologies that may contribute to a cost-effective beach restoration project? Yes(X) No( ) Is there a potential for an alternative/matching funding source? Yes( ) No(X) If "Yes", please identify Is the project consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and/or standing Board of County Commission action? Yes(X) No( ) Has the project been reviewed and recommended by the Beach Renourishment/]Vfaintenance Advisory Committee? Yes. This application will be considered by the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee at their regularly scheduled meeting. Their recommendation will be forwarded under ztparate cover. Page ~:.~, ~ I have,read the Be.ach Renourishment and Pass Guidelines and criteria and ~ .... .~". ,. aaree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. "~'~,,,": :? ~'i.' ,:., Signature of Organlzatson's CJ~ef Officz~tl' or Designee* Date: *Director of O~ce of Capital Projects Management authorized to sign Catego. ry. "A" applications on behalf of the Chairman .of .the Board of County Commtssloners. Approved by Board of County CommlSSloners on August 24, 1993, Agenda Xtem 16 (H) (2). HSH/Ib/114S3 PROJECT PRODUCTION & STOCKPILING O1~ BEACH SAND DESCRIPTION Produ~ion & Stockpiling, F.O.B. Bonita Grande Sand Company - 400.000 cubic yai'ds @ $6.23. AMOUNT $2,492,000.00 .TO: Board of County Commissioners, Collier County FROM: Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 735 STil STREET SOUTH, N.4P£ES, FL 34102 941-434-4655 $~n~m 974-4655 FAX NO. 941-434-3059 THROUGH: SUBJECT: Collier County Tourist Development Council Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Funding Request Recommendation The attached request for TDC Category A funding, submitted, by the Collier County Board of County Co:mmissioners : to be used for Professional services associated with monitoring__ the Clam Pass maintenance dredging project : : is recommended to be: X Approved as submitted. Approved with the following changes: Deferred to: Disapproved. Comments: Date 09 Collier County Tourist Development Council GRANT APPLICATION Beach Reuourishment and Pass Maintenance (Beach R, enoufishment and Pass Maintcnance renourishment, restoration and erosion "~ '. control, including pass and inlet maintenance) · ~''C°mpleted. .ppliC?t~°ns shall be submitted to the follo~ng address: Colher'County Tourist Development Council CoUnty Administrator's Office 3~01 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Colher County Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Ha~ Huber ProJect Manager III , 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Commissioner Barbara B. Ber~ Cbaiman Bo~rd of CoUnty Commissioners Brief Project Description: Professional Services to perform Monitoring Requirements associated with the Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging Project. Grant Application Page 2 · $. Estimated project start .date: ~ptember. 1998 Estimated project duration: .. One (1) Year 7. Total amount requested: %17.~00.00 8. If the full ~ount requested cannot be awarded, can the progra~project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? 9. Identify the goals and objectives for th~ project: The project consists of tho~e professional se~ices necessa~ to: special conditions contained in the ~DEP pe~t ~or the Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging project. The informauon and data provided by ?ese se.ices will be used to evaluate the performance of the dredging project and enable proper planning for future activities. 11. 12. Describe how the effectiveness of the project will be evaluated: Results of the monitoring services will be presented in report form to the permitting agency for review and recommendations as to future activities necessary to maintain the integrity of the dredging project. Describe how the project enhances exiting County Tourist Development Programs: Proper maintenance of the flushing channel at Clam Pass will help. to ensure the viability of a major tourist attraction in the area. Collier County 1 Grant Application Page 3 13. Describe bow financial resources will be monitored: The project budget will be managed through the existing financial and management structure of Collier County and will be administered by a project manager in the Office of Capital Projects Management. 14. The basis of the project budget consists of the estimate of services to be performed under a Work Order with Agnoli, Barber Brundage, Inc. The total amount of the proposed budget is $17.600.00. Please complete the following questions and provide additional information, if necessary: Does the proposed expenditure further the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement? Yes ( X ) No ( ) Does the proposed expenditure fairly distribute monies to different geographic areas of the Ccunty7 Yes (X) No ( ) Does the proposed expenditure promote environmental awareness and understanding and does the proposed projec~ address environmental considerations? Yes (X) No ( ) Is the proposed project part of the ongoing Collier County beach re,aeration project and/or pass maintenance/ dredging/management projects? Yes (X) No ( ) Is the proposed project required by a regulatory agency as a condition for approval/funding the Collier County beach restoration projects? Yes ( X ) No ( ) Grant Application .Page. 4 W~II the proposed project contribute significantly to the progress of the beach restoration projects? Yes (x) No ( ) Will 'the project decrease the local cost share of an overall beach restoration project, either by decreasing the total project cost or by increasing the local/non-local ratio? Yes ( ) No ( X ) Will the project improve understanding of alternative technologies that may contribute to a cost-effective beach restoration project? Yes (×) No ( ) Is there a potential for an alternative/matching funding source7 Yes ( ) No (X) If "Yes*, please identify Is the project consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and/or standing Board of Count)' Commission action? Yes (×) No ( ) Has the project been reviewed and recommended by the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Advisory Committee? Yes.' This application will be considered by the Beach Renou~ishment/Maintenance Committee at their regularly scheduled meeting. Their recommendation will be forwarded nnder separate cover. Grant Application Page 5 I have read the Beach Renourishment and Pass Guidelines and criteria and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of~)[ganization~' Chef Official or Designee* Date: *Dir.~tor of Office of Capital Projects Management authorized to sign Category "A" applications on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Approved by Board of County Commissioners on August 24, 1993, Agenda Item 16(H) (2). HIgH.Ih. 11491 Grant Application Page 6 PROJECT BUDG~:T CLAM PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING MONITORING SERVICES 1. 2. 3. DESCRIPTION Perform Post-Construction Surveys Prepare Report of Monitoring Results (10%) Contingency TOTAL AMOUN~ $4,000.00 I2,000.00 1.600.00 $17,600.00 Orsm Appi.! 1491 EXECUTIVE S~Y APPROVAL OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN ORANGETREE UTILITY CO~LPANY A~ND COLLIER COUNTY OBJECTIVE: To present to the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-O~cio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water- Sewer District, a proposed second amendment to the Agreement between the County and Orangetree Utility Company (Orang~) and obtain its approval thereby extending the termination date of that Agreement out one (1) year (fi'om 2011 to 2012) and authorizing Orangetree to serve the TwinEagles development, ~hich L,~ located to the west outside of Orangetree's certifk:ated area. CONSIDERATIONS: The Orangettee Utility and Collier County Water-Sewer District are parties to an Agreement, dated May 28, 1991, and amended on May 14, 1996. Both parties are subject to Collier County Ordinance Nos. 87-13 and 91-43. Und~ the terms of the foregoing Agreement and L~e now existing amendment to the Agreement, Orangetree has the authority to continue operation oftheit water and sewer utilities until 201 I. Orang~ Utility Company desires to provide water and wastewater service to TwinEagles f~rom Orangetree. To authorize extension of the requested utility service outside of Orangetree's Amendmem to the May 28, 1991 utility service agreemmc This Second Amendment to the Agreement audx~zes Oransetree to provide service to property being developtd as TwinEagles Goffand Country Club, and extends the term oflhe Agteemmt out one (1) year (f~om 2011 to 2012). Orangeeee's ontiii~ ~rea and T~' [k-ve.tol~e~ are located outside and to tie east of the Collier CoumY Water-Sewn' District boundary. The proposed TwinEagl~ development is on the periphery of the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) aquifer recharge area. To afford ~um protection to that groundv,~ter resource area, it is recommended that the TwinEagies development be connected to the Orangetree Utility Company wastev,~ter system rather than milize individual septic tanks and potable water weils. In f~-;t, during original discussions pertaining to the Twin Eagles PUD, the Board of Count7 Commissioners requested staffto work with Orangetree Utility and TwinEagles to effect a means of providing central water and sewer services. Under directives hsaed by the Fl~da ~ of Envitomnental Protection {DE~ Orangem~ Utility mus~ expand its wastewat~ m~ment capacity from 45,000 gallons per day (gix0 to 99,000 gpd to serve properties within its certificated ~ The Utility has commitments to serve 109,300 gpd within its certificated area. To comply with its DEP permit, Orangem~e must complete its wastewater treatment capacity expansion to 99,000 gpd not later than December !, 1998. Orangetree is under a time press~ deadline to decide whether or not to immediately expand its wastewater treatment facilities in excess of 99,000 ged and there,' ¢ 'my da:um~nu'exeoa- i dec ' provide additional capacity to sen'e the entire TwinEagles' development. Twin Eagles requires ~3.300 glxl of u,~'tewatet capacity. It' Orangetree is authorized by the County to serve TwinEagles, Orangetree shall expand iu wastcwater t.,'eatment catx~ity from 45.000 ~ to 200,000 glad not later than December 1, 1998. Such expansion will ~rve the entire needs of' TwinEagles and provide additional capacity within Orangetree's certificated area. Ordinance No. 96-6 established the Collier County Water and Wa.ste,,ater Authority (Authority). Regulation of On~etr~ Utilities is under the general subject matter jurisdiction of the Collier County Water/Wastewater Authority. Section !-18.1 of Ordinance No. 96-6 specifically grants to the Board of County Commissioners power and authority to asstune subject matter jurisdiction over any Authority matter ifthe Board first determines that an emergency situation exists. Exigencies of time can constitute an "emergency" within the intent of subsection 1-1 g. ! of Ordinance No. 96-6. Considering the DEP imposed time line for Orangetree's completion of construction, the Board can fund as a matter of fact that such an emergency now exists and can thereby summarily assume jurisdiction over this proposed Agreement without first having the matter decided by t]~ Utility Authority. Under Section 1-18.7 of Ordinance No. 96-6, the Board has speci~ authority to enter into agreements with privat~ utilities, including Orangetr~, for all legal purposes including reservation of specific quantities of water and/or wastewater capacity and to authorize a private County certificates private water and/or wastewater utility to provide service outside of its certificated area. The existing Orangetree A~z~-ment with thi_~ ~ second amendment thereto, is cleady an a~mm:nt witttin the scope of s~asection I-II.7 of Ordinance No. 96-6. Section 1-18.7 of that Ordinance also specifies that no public bearing is r~qukM ~te to execution of the proposed amendment to the Agreement This proposed Second Amendment to tiffs Agr~em~t has not been add~sa~! by the County's Water and Wastewater Aut~. The County is a party to this proposed Second Amendment for two ptuposes: (I) To extend the Agreement out one year (~n 2011 to 2012) and (2) to autho~ Orangettee Utility to serve water and wastewatet utility servic~ within the geographic boundaries of the TwinEagles development. Authorization of the proposed amendment authorizes execution of the Second Amendment and authoriz~ execution (and delivery to Orangeuee) of utility facilities easements in specific public road rights-of, way as specified in Exhibits "B" and "C"' to the Amendment GROWTtlMANAG~NTIMPACy: The Potable W~ and Smitary ~ Sub- elements of the Public Facilities Element of the Growth Management Plan limit the areas whe~ the County can provide water and ~ewer services to the .~ce areas shown in the Plan and to areas where the County bas legal commitments to provide facilities and services as of the date of the adoption of the Plan; Both sub-elements require connection lo a County r%,ional $ystgan when it becomes available. Existing private sector water and sewer utilities are permitted to add 2 clmy ~:n¢cut~l.d~c AUG 0 4 customer3 provided that fill Level of S~vi~ stafldm'ds are met and the operations are in conformance with all Department of En,,'ironmental Protection pcrmits. The DEP has cortt'umed to Staff that Orangetme is currendy in compliance with those requirements, but that Orangem:e must expand its v,'astewat~ treatment capacity up to not less than 99,000 gallons per da.v not Reviewed by.. . Ed llschner, Public Works Administrator c my do~uments~-~ecm- I.do~ YomI. vm A~mderp & Vamadoe. P.A. 101Laulzl Oik I:Mw. ~lfile }00 SECOND AMENDMENT TO ~ AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 1998, by and between ROBERTO BOLLT as successor trustee by virtue of the land trust agreement recorded at O.R. Book 1347, Page 2331 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, for Orangetree Associates ('Assochte~') and ORANGETREE UTILITY COMPANY ('Utili,T'). INVLN'EAGLF.,S DWVEIA)~ COMPANY LTD. ('TwinEailes'), a Florida limited paxtnership and the BOARD OF COUNTY CORONERS OF CX)~ COUNTY TH~ OO~ BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS KX-OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF TH~ COiA, W.,R COUNTY WATER~R DIST~CT WHERF.,A~, for tl~ Intrpose of this Agr~, th~ term 'Associntes" "Utility' is a Florida corporn~ that is licensed to provide water tod sewer service to the prope~, owned by 'Associa~'; the term "TwinEagles' is a Florida limited partnership t~at is ~ owner of property to be developed ~s a residential community, as Exl~'bit 'A'; and t~ ~ 'County' is the ~ of County Commissioners of ~, utility and C. mmty are subje~ to that certain ~ dated May 28, 1991 and record~ in O.R. Book 1623, Page 1539 and that amendment to the agreement dated May 14, 1996 and recorded in O.R. Book 2183, F'a~,e 1517, all ofthe AUG 0 q 1~.: ~ d. Public Records of Collier County, as well as Collier County Ordimme$ Nos. 87-13 and 91-43: and WHEREAS, TwinEagles has requested that Utility provide water and ~ewer service to T~nEagles' property, and Utility is capable and willing to expand its treatment facilities to provide such service upon the written consent of the County; and l;~:il~g.A$,~rwinEagles will comlzuct THOSE wa. re' and sewer facilities necessary ~thin its developtmnt and to connect its development to the Utility's treatment plants or existin~ facilities and dedicate those facilitie~ to Utility; and %~, TwinEagles will provide the Utility all neceasary easements and permits for maintemme and operation of the water and sewer facilities; and WHEREAS. Twinl:agles will pay to the Utility all deposits, charges and fees as requited by th~ Utility'$ tariffs on file ~dth the Collier Courity Oflrw. e of Utility Regulation; and W]{~_.A~. ~ is willing to content to Utility providing the subject water and ~ma, am' service to TwinEagles' property, which is outsk~ of ~ Utility's NOW, ~RE, the parties a~,ree as follows: 'l'm ~ ~ a~ trne and ~ among Associates, Utility, and County are hereby reaffirmed in ali respects except as follows: Section 14 is amended to read as follows to grant a one year extemion to that Agreement: FOP, EARANCE BY COUNTY. At the reque of the Deve m C. oun hereby a~rees and covenants to forbear making any formal naluest to serce the Proje~ and T~,in~Eagles property with water or sewer r~aml utilities, either through assm~ing the operation of the on-site facilities or by causin~ the cormection to aa: C. oumy's off-site facilitiea until at least 2012 (being a one year extension to the prior Agreement) and Amendment. Thereafter, the County AUG 0 1S?S shall giv~ om year~' advance notice to the Utility of ia formal request to provide or af~mm utilitie~ ~-rvice~ to the Project and TwiaEagles property. The County shall provide said utilities services to Project at the same time that County utiliti~ ~-rvice~ are provided to TwinF. aglen property. The Utility agree~ to complete, by December I, 1998. construction of an expansion of ia wa~'wat~ treatment capacity to not le~ than 200,000 gallon~ per day. and ia hereby authofizod to provide water and ~-wer ~ervice to the TwinEagle~ property a~ the boutxlari~ thereof are descn~ in Exl~'bit 'A' hereto, utilizing the public fights of way that ar~ described in the attached Exlzibit 'B'. Thia Agreement authoriz~ execution of tho~ ea.nettm~ and delivery of those document~ to tbe Utility. County hereby grants to the Utility terminable water and sewer utility easements along the public road right-of-way rcnr, e deacrihed in Exhibit 'B'. Said water and ~wer (waztewater) utility ea.~-menu shall he ~ble by the County when the County provklea water and ~,wer service___ to the TwinEagles develolnnext and tho ~ ~ be substantially in the form attached aa Exhibit 'C'. Provision of all such sexvic~ amended by ~ Second ~ to ,~nt and ~ubjoct to Twinl:ag~e~ enterin~ m'nu of the Agrennmat, aa now atmnded. TwinF. agle~ acknow~g~ that upon di.nconnection of its development from the Ufility's interim facilitie~ ami conmction to the off-sit~ treatment aa., transmission facilitie~ operated and maintained by the County that all owners of existing propertie~ or properd~ otherwise c.l~'ac~-rlz~ aa Water or Sewer Imlnct Development shall be subject to the imposition of Collier County Water-Sewer District ('CCWSD') ¢itlm' watrr and/or ~ impact fee(a) a~ may be applkablo. T~gi~ shall noti~ all ownevt of property within ~ devel~ of this potential obligation by placing specifk: written notice of same in th~ restrictive covenant~ to be recorded for the development. TwinEagle$ is a signatory to this Second Amendment to Agreement for the role purpose of evidencing its request for ~rvice from Utility and to bind itself and its successon and assigm to its obligations undcr th.is Second Amendment to Agreemem. The Agreement between Associates, Utility and County dated May 28, 1991 and th~ Anmxln~nt to that Agreement dated May 15, I~'~6, ar~ hereby Agreement. This Secood Amendmem to Agreement shall be recorded_l~ in the Public Records of Colli~ Coumy. IN WITNE~ WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement this dayof ,1998. ~ Nm COMPANY, a Florida Corporation (L.S.) By: Silnsna'e IMniM Nsms Tim Prl=~ Nm STATE OF FLORID,~, COUNTY OF COLLIER Th~ foregoi~ imtntment was acknowledged before me this day of , I~911, by ,as of Orangetree Utility Company, a Florida corporation on behalf of the corporation who is ~ personally known to me, or who has produced as idmi~tion. Signature of Notary Public Printed Name of Notary Notary Public - State of Florida Comtniss~a No.: ROBERTO BOLLT. as Trust~ for Orangetree Associates $igmm~ By:_. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER Printed Nazr~e of Notary Noutry ~ - ~ o~ Florida ~AGLF, S DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD., a Fi' ridi Pri.~ Name By:. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ~ Th~ foregoing immmm~ w~ acknowledged before me thi~ .. day of . of Twin~gles Development Company, Ltd., a Florida ilm' _~,~_ psra~.~hlD w~o iS_ pertly known to me, or who has produced , , as i4en~ification. Signature of Notary Public ~!:... Dwight E. Brock, Clerk Al~m~ed ~s ~o form md Prime6 Name of Nomy Nora7 Public - State of Florida Commission No.: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CO~.!.I~-R COUNTY, FLOi~mA, AS GOVERNING BODY OF TI~ COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF ~ COMJI~ COUNTY WATER-SEWER DI$T~CT By: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN EXHIBIT PAGE I of I :-. ~ ~ PAG1 2 of 2 .~/, AIl ~$21KD A~ ~Xodhwmt in Uek :J6 (d'Oddm Oste Fjm~ u ruecxded h Plst Boak ?o lSqo ' ;'i~'F~" AIl of 25 RD Ay4, ~ in U~ 37 ofOoMen C,~ F.~stes u ~ tn Pla Gook'7, l'qo 'nd pocf~ ec01 Wd am,t ~ st tho £ut BJstf (a'Wq~ cfC,,s=q to,d M6 md edaMb~46K.00 fbet hfmb,, d Jjijhsd ai)=t ef~ 14,.IS, 16 ssd 23 erTowud, fp 48 South, l~np :~ But, C~,Eer Cc, a,~ ~,o~L I'AGE I of 2 Ii I! KI:HIBIT nB" PAGE 2 of 2 COLLIF..R C~. FLORIDA E2~qZI%? C R~.~O~WI~O~ NO. ~ 1 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUAIVr TO SECTION 1- 4 ILl AND 1-11.7 OF COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 96.4, AS AMENDED, $ EXERCISING TR~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS POWER TO INTERVENE AND 6 ASSUME JURISDICTION OVER ANY MATTER PERTAINING TO PRIVATE 7 NONID~ WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITIES UNDER THE 8 REGIR~TORY JURISDIC/1ON OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND 9 WASTEWATER AUTHORITY, EXERCISING THE BOARD'S AUTHORITY TO I0 ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH PRIVATE UTILITIES FOR ANY LEGAL il PURPOSF.4 AIR~RO~G ORANGETREE UTILITY COMPANY AS WATER AND 12 WASTEWATER SERV1CE PURVEYOR FOR TWIN EAGLES DEVELOPMENT, 13 UNDER THE TERMS OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN 14 ORAN~ UTILITY COMPANY AND COLLIER COUN'IT BOARD OF 15 COMMISSIONERS AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS 16 EX-OlqqCIO TIIE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER- 17 SEWER DISTRICT. 19 WHKREA~, Collier County Resolution No. 96-104, e~cluded Collier County ~ the :20 provi~io~ of Chapter 367. Florida Statutes. thereby assuming specified subject matter :21 jurisdiction over all non-exempt water ~ wastcwnter utilities operating in unincorporated arcas 22 ofCollier Qxm~. md 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WIIEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 96-6, as amended, established the Collier County Water and Wastewater Authority (AUTHORITY) with specific powers and duties; and WHEREAS, Section 1-18.1 and Section 1-18.7 of Collier County Ordinan~ No. 96-6, as amended, authorizes this Board of Commissioners (BOARD) to intervene and assume jm isdiction over any action before that AUTHORITY; and WHEREAS, the BOARD as the governing body of Collier County, Florida, and Ex- Officio the Governing Board of tho Collier County Water. Sewer Dim'ict is a party to First Amemfme~ to Agreemem between Oran~etrce Utility Company fU'I'ILITY) ~ Collier County;, WHEREAS, UTILITY is the holder of Water C. mificate No. 02W and Wastewater Certificate No. OaS, issued by the BOARD on CL--tober 15, 1996; and WIIEREA~ TwinEagles Development Company, LTD ('DEVELOPER) is developing an area that is outside of the UTILITY'S certificated area; and WHEREAS, DEVELOPER has requested water and wastewater service from UTILITY to the ~ to he developed; and WHEREAS, UTILITY desires to provide the requested water and wastew~e DEVELOPER; and AU6 0 1998 2 co~sidarinl a drayton whe~' a l~ivat, utility ma7 ex~end servica outsida ot its certifi~ ~ 4 6 7 8 9 10 I! 12 13 14 I$ 16 2. 3. Wl~tha the Utility sys~'m hu su~cient utility cap~city to serve the proposed ar~ u 4. Whether such service will protect the public health, safety and welfare. S. 3;q/J~qb~ the application conflicts with the County's Joc~l compr~ensive plan, including capitsd imlwovement ¢lcme~ and WH'~'RLf~% the proposed Second Amendment to ^grccm~t llctwam LFTILITY tnd 17 COUNTY, incoqxwa~ her~n u Attachment 'A", extends the termi~tion data of said 18 ,gtoemout on~ (I y~r), fn~m 2011 to 2012, and authorizes UTILITY to provide specified 19 quantities of wate~ and w~stawater service to the DEVELOPER in an area that is outside ofthe 20 UTILITY'S omiflc~d area. 21 NOW, THEREFORK, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 22 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 23 1. This applica~on fro' service has been made in good faith. 24 2~ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 That ~x)n payment to the UTILITY of Service Availability Clm~es as authorized by the t,rFiIJTY'S filed tariffs, tl~ UTILITY will have su~cient monc'taz7 resoumes to provide the · equested service to se~e the DEVELOPER'S requested nceds. 3. The UTTLITY'S sy~em will as of December I, 1998, have ~flicient mility capacity to serve the DEVELOPER'S proposed area as r~quested. 4. Th~ reque~ed service will protect the lmblic health, snfcty sad welfare. 5. T]~ application does no~ conflict with the County's local comprehensive plan. including capital improvement elements. 6. The ~ Amendment to A~ement between UTILITY and COUNTY attached hereto as Att~'.hment 'A" is approved. This Rest)lt.'t/on adopted after motion..~'___-cmd and majority vote favoring same this day of 39 ,1998. 40 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~ONE]IS 41 A~: OF COLLIER COUNTY', FLORIDA 42 DWlGHT E. BROCK.. 43 44 By:. ~ By:. 4645 ~ty Clerk BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman 47 Approved ~s to form and 4/ 4 k_ t C°unty Att°rneY Attachment "A" EXECUTIVE SUMMARY C,4~t~der~m of an Intedocal Agreement Allowing for the Investigation of the C~ of · Multi-County Utility Authority for the Purpoc. e of Acquiring the Uffitty FactiMe~ Owned by Avatar Holdlngs, Inc. ~: Adoption of an intedocal agreement involving two or more of the following local governmm~s: Bravarcl County, Collier County, Hillsborough County, Lee County, Osceola County, Polk County and Sarasota County. Such an interlocal agreement would be an initial step in considering the transition of certain water and wastewater utility facilities throughout Florida into public ~ip. The attached inteflocal agreement would direct and a~ze the Avatar Holdings, Inc. ("Avatar') are located to draft a second interlocal agreement for the governance and the operation of a governmental utility authority, ac, d to collectively develop a financially feasible acquisition structure for Avatar's Florida facilities. The second interlocal agreement and structure of any acqu~ would be subject to subsequent approvals of any participating ConMderatiorm: ~h an interlocal agreement local governments now possess an ability to consider bringing privately held water and/or sewer systems under public control, while at the same time preserving the advantages of continued private sector operations. Such a scenario has advantages for the users and constituents affected as well es the current owner operator and local govemmerlL This possibility has been broached with the chief executive officer of the parent company of Golden Gate Division of Florida Cities Water Although the parent company has previously not exh~ited any interest in individual ~ sales, the resporme from the parent companyhas indicated a willingnes~ to consider an acquisition proposal from an independent governmental authority created by local governments. Such a proposal would involve a continuing operations agreement with the current owner's service company. The atta-.hed intedocal agreement is the first step towards creating such an entity. The attached interlocal agreement is not bil~ing and only facilitates ~ development of another substantially more detailed intedocal agreement for the governance and operation of a governmental water and sewer utility authority, while authorizing a good faith attempt to structure a tmnsac~on that is fair and mutually beneficial to users, the owner and local govemnmnL J~,L][]]~l~. No~e at this time. However, if an acceptable tmnsactiorml stmcaxe matadar~es the next step would involve financial and engineering due diligence. At that point the designated working group would 'ident'~ associated with such activity and seek local government approval before proceeding further. Regardless, the working group will not collect any compensation for preliminary due diligence, legal services, negotiation services, or any other acqui~ execution ~ervices until the acquisitions are completed. .Growth ManaaemM~ All counties must meet the comprehensive planning requiremer~ of Cha~er 163, Florida Statutes, which mandate the Florida local government, Including counties, coordinate their plans for future growth with available sources of funding and the availability of infraslnmture. The provision of utilities is a major factor in such infraslnmkJre coordination. Public ownership of the water and wastewater utility facilities will advance and coordinate both short and long term planning and better facilitate service and development of water and sewer infrastructure in each county. The governmer~l utility authority concept advances focused infrastructure delivery guideline~ Ihat meet concurrency requirements and allows local government and Ihe development community to better meet comprehensive plan goals and objectives. Each local govemment will be able to integrate the individual utility system owned and managed by the governmental utility authority into their individual growth management goals, enabling the governmental utility authority to tailor service, utility acquisitions, expansions and ext~ in a manner consistent with each local government's unique R~on: That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the attached, non-binding, Interlocal Agreement relating to ecq~isition of certain water and wastewater utility facilities as an initial indication to Avatar Holdings, Inc. of the willingness of Collier County to cooperate in investigating the creation of a govemmer~l utility authority end slnmturing an acquisition.transaction that is fair and mutually beneficial to users, the owner, and local government. Michael A. McNees, Assistant County Administrator fRobert/F. Fernand~)County Administrator ,A.G A INTE~~ AGREEMENT RELATING TO ACQUISrrION OF CERTAIN WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILrrY FACHATIE$ THIS IN'I'ERIXK~ AGREEMENT, dated as of June 1, 1998 (the "Interlocal Agreement"), entered into among a limited number of local governmental units executing this lntedocal Agreement each one ~ga county located in the Sine of Florida, and ~ga "public agency" under Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, which shall be Brevard Cmmty, Florida, Collier County, Florida. Hillsborough County, Florida, Lee County, Florida, O~eola County, Florida, Polk County, Florida and Sarasota County, Florida (collectively, the "Counties"), a~ evidenced by the signatures of their authorized WI~'.RE~ each of the Counties have the power to acqui~ own, operate, maintain, ~mprove, expand and dispose of water and wastewater utility facilities pursuant to section 125.01, Florida Statutes; and WHEREA~, Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (the "lnterlocal Act"), permits the Counties, as public ~cies under the Interlocal Act, to enter into interlocal agreement s with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege or authority which such Counties sha~ in common and which each ~ight exercise separately, permittingthe Counties to make the most efficient u~ oftbeir powera by enabling them to cooperate on a basis ofmutual benefit and thereby provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of other factors influencing the needs and development ofsuch Counties; and Wi~~ aection 163.01 (7)(g),Florida Statutes, authorizes the Counties, pu:zamn t to an interlocal agreement, to create a separate legal entity to exercise the common power of the Cotmtiea to acquire, own, improve, operate and maintain water and wastewater utility facilities; and WItEREAS, the Counties have determined that it is in their best interests to explor · the poss~ility of~g such a legal entity to acquire, own, improve, operate and maintai n water and wastewater tMlifies, consisting of utility facilities owned by Avatar Utilities, Inc. ("AvatarS), for the following reasons: (1) Avatar has heretofore d~tmaained that it will not en~ any offer to purchase its ass~ on a piecemeal basis. It will sell all of its assets or none of them. The most cost effective manner of acquiring such assets is through a legal entity created pursuant to the Imerlocal Act. The acquisition ofthe assets by s aid legal entity will be at a purchase price which will ansure that the rates, fees and charges paid by the customers of Avatar will l~. ?/c~y$ 2 not be ~ ~ a comequenc~ of the ~cquisition and that ~,rvices provided ~ such custome~ c~n be maintained or improved. (2) All Countie~ must meet the comprehensive planning requirements of ~te r 163, Florida St~ut~which ~,~ethat Fioddalocal governments, includingthe Counties, coordinate their plan~ for future gwwth with available sources of funding and the availability of ~. Thc provision of utilities is a major factor in such infrastructu~ cooniimfion. Withou~ the public ownership of the water and wastewmer utility facilities located within the jurisdi~on of the Counties, it may be difficult for the Counties to meet the/r statutory mandate with respec~ to the utilities element of their r~pective ~en~e plan~. NOW, THEREFORE, in considerafionofthe covenantsherdn, it is mutually agreed and undemood a nong the Counties, as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Interlocai Agreement is to crea~e a working group of designated representatives of the Counties to (1) collectively neg~_'~!o- a financially feasible acquhifion from Avatar of its water and ~ facilities 1~ in the S~te of Florida (the "Avatar Facilities"); and (2) draf~ an interlocal agreement R~. 7/6/98 3 for the governance end the operation of a utility authority which would acquire, own, improve, operate, and maintain the Avatar Facilities acquired by such authority. SECTION 2. INTERF.,.Vr IN ACQUISITION. The Counties hereby express their interest in exploring the poss~ility of acquiring the Avatar Facilities under the following acquisifionprinciples: (1) no rate in~ for any ofth¢ ratepayers ofany system will occur as a consequence of the acquisition; (2) the ratepayers of one system will not subsidize improvernentsrequired at acquisition or future improvements of any other system; and (3) the oor?ni?ntlonal and financial structure of the utility authority to be crrated will grant to each County the right to acquire the Avatar Facilities located within the jurisdictio n of the County at such time, ifany, it deems appropriate. It is the tmderstandingofthe parties herr-to that expression of such interest is a condition precedent to negotiating the purchase price for the Avatar Facilities. SEC'rION 3. COUNTY WORKING GROUP. Thc Cotmt¥ Manager or Administrator, as the case may be, of each County, or his or her designated repres~fiv~, shall con.stiv.~ a working group to represent the Counties in directin~ nh6 eot~ulting with thc NegotiationTeam in the negotiation of an advantageous purchase price, the development of an implementable financing plan, and the drafting of the interlocal agreement prescribin g the smlclxn~ and powers of the utility authority. t'=--;-~,; ..... ~__ 4 ., ....L_ Si~CTION 4. APPROVAL OF NEC, OTIATION TEAM. The parties hereto agr~ that the Negotistion Team consists of the following fa'ms: (A) as special utility counsel - Nabom, Cn'blin & Nickerson, P.A.; (15) as rate consultant- Public Resources Management Group, Inc.; and (C) as investment banker- Prager, McCarthy & Sealy. It is recognized by the Counties that they shall have no 5nancial liability to any of the members of the Negotiation Team prior to negotiation of an acquisition agreemmt with Avatar acceptable tothe governingboard of the utility authority. Fees and expenses payable to each member of the Negotiation Team shall arise only upon successful negotiation of an agreement with Avatar and transfer of the Avatar Facilities to the utility authority. SlgCTION 5. FUTURE APPROVAL. The Counties in no way obligate themselves to ~blishing the utility authority regardless of the outcome of the negotiation s with Avatar. Establishment of the utility authority and the participation of each County therein will be subject to subsequent action by the governi_ng body of each County that elect s to participate. SECTION 6. NO LIABILITY. Actions taken pursuant to this Interlocal Agr~em~ shall not cause an~t pecuniary Iiability to arise to either the parties hereto or the ~tatives of such parties. This undertaking is solely for the purpose of establishing a collec~c mecha~m to ncgoti~.te with Avatar for the acquisition of the Avatar Facilities, R~'v. 7/~ ~5 '"-'~- :"'.' '"'"-'- '-' as well ns es~ab~ofan interlocal a/reement which would create the utility authority to acquire, own, operate, maimah and 'tmprove the Avam- Fac/l/ties. SECTION 7. FILING. A copy of this InterlocalAgreement shall be filed fo r record with the Clerk of the C/rcuit Court in each County. SECTION 8. CONTROLLING LAW. This Interlocal Agreement is to be ~ m~d ~vemed by fl~e laws of the State of Flodda. SECTION 9. effective from its date. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Interlocal Agreement shall be 6 BREVARD COLrNTY, I~IX)RIDA By:. 7' COLLIER COUlV~, FLORIDA By: Chairman ItlLLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA By: LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ' ~0 OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLoI~mA By~ POLK COU/~TY, FLORID~ By: A RE,.qOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~ O.t-~' COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE INTERIX)CAL AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE POSSIBLE ACQUIS~ON OF CERTAIN WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITY FACIIJTIES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFFAL"I'iVE DATE. WHEII~_,~,~, Collier County, Florida (the "County") has the power to acquire, own, improve, operate and maintain water and wastewater utility facilities pursuant to Section 125.01, Florida Statutes; and. WHEREAS, Part I of Cha.pter 163, Florida Statutes (the "Interlocal Act"), permits the County, as a public agency under the Interlocal Act, to enter into interlocal agreements with other public agencies to jointly exercise any power, privilege or authority which such public agency shar~ in common and which each might exercise separately, permitting the public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate on a basis of mutual benefit and thereby provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organi?otion that will accord best with geographic, economic, popul~on and other factors influencing the needs and development of such public agencies; and WHEREAS, Section 163.01(7)(g),Florida Statutes, authorizes the County and other public agencies, pursuant to an interlocal agreement, to create a separate legal entity to exercise thc common power of the public agencies to acquire, own, improve, operate and maintain water and wastewater utility facilities; and WHEREAS, the County has determined that it is in its best interests to explore the poss~ility of creating ~ a legal entity to acquire, own, improve, operate and maintain water and was~..*wa~erutilities, consisting of utility facilities owned by Avatar Utilities, Inc. ("Avatar"), for the following reasons: (1) Avatar h~s heretofore determined that it will not entertain any offer to purchaze its a~-ts on a piecemeal basis. It will sell ali of its assets or none of them. The most cost effect~vemanner of acquiring such asse~ is through a legal entity created pursuant to the Interlocal Act. The acquisition of the assets by s aid legal entity will be at a purchase price which will ensure that the rates, fees and charges paid by the customers of Avatar will not be increas~ as a consequence of the acquisition and that services provided to such (2) All public agencies must meet the comprehensive planning requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Sumites, which mandate that Florida local governments, including the County, coordir~m~their plans for future growth with available sources of funding and the availability of infrastructure. Thc provision of utilities is a major factor in such infrastructure coordination. Without the public ownership of the water and wastewater utility facilities located within the jurisdiction of the public agencies, it may be difficult for such public agencies to meet their statutory rnandat¢ with respect to the utilities element of their respective comprehensive plans; and ~~'.,i S, the County deems it necessary, desirable and in the best interest of the County to enter into the Iuterlocal Agreement; BE IT RESOLVED B Y THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR ~ RESOLUTION. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. SECTION 2. APPROVAL OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. The form, terms and provisions of the Interlocal Agreement, submitted at this meeting and attached hereto as Ey&ibit A (the "Interlocal Agreement"), be and the same hereby are approved. Th e Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") of the County and Clerk o f the Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said Interlocal Agreement in the name and on behalf of the County, with such changes, amendments, modifications, ~i~ions and additions as approved by the Chairman. Execution by said Chairman sh~ll be deemed to be conclusive evidence of approval of such changes, amendments, modifications, omissions and additions. SECTION 3. GENERAL AUTHORITY. The members of the Board and the officers, attorneys and other agents or employees of the County are hereby author/ze d to do all acts and things reqv~ of them by this Resolution and the Interlocal Agreement, or desirable or consistent with the requirements hereof or thereof for the full, punctual and con~le~ performance of all the terms, covenants and agreements contained herein or in th · Interlocal Agreement, and each member, employee, attorney and officer of the County is hereby auth~and direc~edto execute and deliver any and all papers and im,'truments an d to be and cause to be done any and all acts and things neceosary or proper for carrying out the transactions contemp~ hereunder and under the Interlocal Agreement. I pz. 17 ~S~..CrlON 4. SEVERABILIT~. AND INVALID PROVISIONS. Ifanyoneor more o!me cove, s~.greements or provisi ons .herein contained shall be held contrary to ~__y,_.~.~e~_ ~ _ prove., .on o.~ ..mw ~.conlrary to the policy of express law, though not ~ly _l~__.m~_r,~ or against ptmuc poucy, or.shall for any reason whal~,:ve r be held invalid, then such covenan~ agreemenm or provisions shall be null .an.d void and shall be deemed sepmmble from the remaining covenants, agreements or provmons and shall in no way affect the validity ofany of the other provisions hereof or of the Interlocal Agreement ~ON $. EFFECFIVE DATE. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this (SEAL) This Resolution shall become effective day of ,1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FIX)RIDA By: Chairman ATYEST: Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~iTA Form of Interlocal Agreement REVIEW A S'I'AFF REPORT REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE COUNTY OWNED PARKS WITHIN THE CITY OF MARCO FOR FY 1998-99 OBJECrI~ To m~ke dec~iom reg;mting th~ ot~afiom o£ Cou~-o~md p~ that ~ ~ ~ ~ of th~ ~.~ City of'M~:o Island. GONSlD~,A'rlON$: Over the course of the summer the City of Marco md the County been ~king out the dem~ of the transition to Gty Govm-anm~ On Tuesday, July 28, a lett~ ~t from the Gty Manager that reflected the Marco Gty ~'s position on the fe~ ~ i~me~ ~ discu~ed (copy attached) at the regular ~ Commission met. tin~ fs a ggxxl ~ t~ m~ve that decision for the upcoming fiscal year. ~er, it is ml!gested that t~aer th~n a long ~ ~ a shorter term lease should be executed, at least initially. This is ~ ~ of the imbiity at this point to foresee all of the operational issues that will year lea~e does t~nove mo~t, if not all of the incentive for the City to make decisions t~-ga~ding owne~hip of the ~ pmpe~. As a result a lease of five one-year tea'ns is suggestecL The leale wc~ld automatically rene~ each year unless either of the parties send x~itten notice by In regards to the impact fees, an inter-local ~;reement would be needecL As a result, decisions ~ thSs issue nm separate and not associated ~rith the operations of the ezistir~ pa~ks and do nc~ ~ need to be made today. ~, the rate of the impact fees collected by wa7 of the ~s ocdlmt~ result from nexus studies based on the County's established Levels of Set, vice md overall Gttm~ Mm'~,ement Plm. It is likely, that the City ~ need to establish its ~ t~k ~ of service ~xt ordinances that would support an impact fee collected and spent ~ the Gt/'s limits. The County does collect regioml pa~k impact fees within the Gty of Naples based on the premise that the C. oumT.wide system ofparks does benefit City residents. Bec. m~ p~k imp~ fees m-e only collected on ne~ residential development, and because of the nea~ budt out nature of the Gty of N~ples, the collectiom of park impact fees is sr0all. On ~ there is still ~ mb~tsmtial amount of residential development that ~ occur before build The City h~s s~gSgsted ~ 'q~he City ~ allo~ County residents to use the f~cilifies and ~, mad ~t the same co, t as that dinged to Man:o Island residents". To clarify, it is mggm~ ~t the ~ re~d, Whe Gty sh~ hOC discz~nLn~te or trot ~ith my distinction m~ individu~ bemuse of ttm individual's zace, colog religion, ~ez, nation~! origin, age, pmpe~. This LmBglge Ls pm'mined after the lease the County signed ~th the State of Florida for the use of the Barefoot Preserve property. As indicated a lease agreement is suggested and mucll of this type of detail c.~nbe resolved in the lease document. Hcr~z'ver, direction regar~ AU$ I) FJg8 the basic premises of the lease by the respective 6~verning bodies helps to resolve the few issues that ~ ~4,e in advmce. lastly, and wh~e not included in the lett~, the discussion ~ the South Beach parking lot wmants that it be included in ~ summary. The otigiml County position regarding the parks was based on the popOafion that the pa~k is designed to serve. The staR' confim~e~ to t~ammd thnt using the distinctions between neighbodaood, community and regional parks is the most ~ method. Using this method, the regional parks designed to serve a County-wide populalioe ~e t~ that ~l continue tn be ope~ted by the Caxmty's Pa~k~ Depaxtmenc The G:sJnty Cxxx'malsdon has also suggested that a beach paxking level of service st~mda~d daould be comidemt foe inclusion into the ~ ~ent Plan. Retention of all of the curmmty o~med beach paridng spaces ~ only help L-'. meeting any level of service that is ultimatdy e~tabli~hed, should the Board decide to include this in ira comprehensive plan. There i~ oJrmn~ n ~ rerie~dng the park impact fees, and recognition of the need for beach Fatldng md acc~s ~ql b~ included a~ part of the discussion when completed. GROWl*II MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Only one agency can dalm the value of the paxk inventory ~ilff~in its comprehensive plan. However, the County's phn is being amended to account for the t'tduced .uninc~~ population. Comm~ty P~ks level of service ~ ~ l:vaae~ on tt~ urfincotpo~ted polmlatiofl ~'file regional pm:ks are based on a coumy-wide population. W'm~ an unincorporated population that ha~ removed the Gty of Marco's population, the County should not need to include the Marco community p=i~ or hwem~ ot land in ozdex to meet the ~ level of ~ervice smndan:L In addition, there i~ currm~ a mtplu$ in both the community park amenkie~ and land inventm'y. FISCAl. IMPACT: The budget for FY 99 1~ anticipated that the openfi~ of all community and ~ paxks would no longer be the responsibility of the County. The proposal as ~ smscnared reflects the budget ex~ctty as it has been drafted and tentatively approved by the C. xnmnission. Nme posifiom were diminsted and opera~ expenses of $580,430 and $177,500 in tevenu~ ~-~ not included within the Pazks Depamxaent Budget. In addition, it is m~ipamd that the County ~d pay the Gty for the pro-rata abate of annual tennis tnembexd~ fees ctdlect~ for the Racquet Center. This figure has yet m be calculat=d. RECOMlVlBNDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COI. rNTY COMMISSIONERS, ~ staff to 1.) ~ negofafing a lease agreement with five one-yea~ automatically t-~ to, tins and non-dis~t~ 7 langu~ similar to that included above for the neighborhood and community parks owned by the County that lie within the new Gty of Marco, 2.) prepare the ckxxammts necessaxy to tr~qsfe~ the deed fox the Jme I-Iittler and Leigh Plummet Paxks to the City md 2t.) to meet with the Gty's staff and discuss impact fees and if asked to provide infi:amafio~ that mis~; a~t the City in the devclopment of any park impact fee~ they may ~i~h to comide~ -~d 4.) that no park ~luipmem, vehicles or rolling stock ~11 be ttamferred to dae Administrator AU6 0 ½ Pg. ~ Honorable Iota Norris Colli~- Coua~ Commissiomr, Dis~t 1 3~01 Tamiami Tmq Bast Naples, lqodda M112 VIA FA~~ T7~-3602 ~ Tramition of f~vi~ !e lsbad Oly ~ ~ag ~ tr'~sition ~smes. C,m. mctlman Day ~ed Ca)' ~ :": Comlct] thai: you intend m bring this manet before the Board of Counly Commlssloners :,,,, ,. ;. parks to th~ City for a period of ninety-hi-c ye~ st one dollar (S1.00) per 2. Jime l~dgr m:d Ld~ P~ P~'ks will t~ ~ to tbg C'gy. I_d~,,d faffaties will lm trm~-~l m tl~ C'~. Park I~ F~ ~ll~l ~ tl~ City will Th, C~ will allow Com~ r~id~u to ~ tt~ c-,d~itim mci pmsrams. mt ~t t1~ anm oost u tlat d~ to Marco ~ ~~. 950 North 8uit~ 308, Ma.,-oo bl~d, FL 34145 Colll~r Boulev~ FiX (941) ~9-43S9 (94x) 3sg-soo0 Sinccr~y, A~ cc: ~~ APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR AUDITING SERVICES (RFP 98-2794). ~ To obta/n Board approval to enter into contract with the finn of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP for provision of auditing services. CONSIDERATIONS; On July 28, 1998, The Board of County Commissioners formally term~,,~__,:,4 negotiations with the finn of Arthur Andersen, LLP for an agreement to conduct the Cotmty's annual external audit and related serv/ces. The Board subsequently directed staffto negotiate an agreement for said serv/ces for the second rnnked firm, KPMG Peat Marwick LLP and to bring the negotiated agreement back to the Pumm~ to tho Board direction, staff'has met w/th representatives from KPMG and the two parties have reached agreement on all terms and conctit/ons. The proposed agreement /ncludes an in/rial term ofthree years w/th options to renew on an annual basis for up to two add/tional years. The agreement was negotiated by the Purchasing and Finance Departments with ass/stanc*, from the Risk Management Department and the County Attorney', Office. Due to the limited time available for negotiations, the contract documents have not yet been fully executed. Accord/ngly, staffrecommends that the Board approve the agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign it on behalf of the Board, subject to final r~'view and approval from the County Attorney's Of'flee. FISCAL IMPACT: The total fees for the annual audit is $215,500 which is $1,200 less than the fee offered by Andersen. Funds for the agreement are appropriated under 001-0130. GRO~ MANAG~MgNT IMPACt: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the ref~ agreeme~ with KPMG Peat Marwick LLP for auditing services and that the Chairman ~ authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the Board subject to final QUARTERLY ~ AND EXPENDITURE REl~RT - ~AL ~ I~8 CON~tv~TIONS: ln~ as an atta~ent to th_is ~ Summary is a report on mjor revennes and expendittm from October 1, 1997 through March 31, 199S which is the end at'the second quart~ cd'Fiscal Year 1998. Any significant variances from the quarterly budget ~ are described within the t~ of the report. -This report was developed in accordance with Board direction to expand the scope of quarterly ~ reponin~ in order to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the County's financial W'Ot~in the intergovernmental revenues ~, there are positive variances projected in s~es tzx,.the 6 cent local ~ ~ tax, and in tourist development tax revenues. The current forecast i~for Sales tax exceeds the previous forecast used during the development of the FY 99 budget by $500,000. A final recommended sales tax for~t will be presented during the third quarterly report, prior to the final adol~on of the FY 99 mHl~e rates in Septcmb~. In addition, the~e may be additional state revenue shining funds available. June is the close of the state f~scal year )une revenue Sharins allocation will also be known prior to l~e adoption of the millase ,~ates. .'./ and in the voted (~ cent) gas utx. Due to ~he incorpo~tion of Marco Island, it was reco~i~d · ~' ,~:~::' dtst there would be a reduction in locaJ ol~on sas tax revenues distributed to Collier Cmmty. As ::':=:,.' .:, .... (tach. a separate reserve was established in the gas tax supported Roads CIP Fund 013). . .:'" '" Thet~ore, the~ will b~.no impact to bud~ road construction projects due to the projected ...,~ 7:: ~'-.',. slmrtfall in the five cent local option lpts tax. In the mteqn/se funds, there are projected shortfall in amlmlance fee revenue and in Airport Medicaid reimbm'semenls based on the results of a State of'Florida audit (presented to the Board during thl-,*. ~scal year via sepm'a~ Exect~ve Sttmmary) and based on the actual collection rate' , AU6 0q The shortfafl in ahpo~ revenne is due ~o le~s than i~~ Avlps sales at both the lmmohlee ,dtte Jo the limited data un, er ~he new rn~ gtmctm'e. That the Bonrd of C, otmty Commissionen review and ~ t~e R.~ F~mandez, 02,,,',,ty Admini~s~or DATE: Iuly 28, 199~ · AU6 0 ~ ~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA QUARTERI,Y REVENUE & EXPENDITURE REPORT SECOND QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 1998 Table of Conmnts TABLE OF CO,'VTENTS Oene~ ~ (0ol) ;... 'Tom, btDevelesnnmtFm2ds(193 . ~') 4 6 7 10 12 14 16 I8 20 22 24 26 AGEI~ ~ AU$ 0 ~ 1998 INTRODUCTION A,qSUMF~ON~ ~ In this report, the second quarter budgets for Personal Services expendRures reflect the first thirteen oftwenty-liz pay periods for the fiscal year, or 50 pereent of the annual budget. Negative variances The 9eetmd quartet' bndgets for Opeva~ expenm reflected heft. in are normally ~4} percent of th. ammal tmdtm, tzeeptlom will be shown when pt~c~ttr deptnn~na or functio~ sren (cost ce=~) have ~h ~ il~ti~ c~ allocat~ m ~ Gene~ Fund (OOl), that m'e expended ~ 75 percent or more of GENERAL FUND (001) Fund Summary' GENERAL FUND (001) 2ND QTR FY 98 EXPENDITURES Amended [~dg~t ' 2nd Qtr Budget 2nd Qtr Y-T-D - 18,000f~O - 16,000,000 · 14,000,000 - 12,000,000 - 10,000,000 · 8,000,000 - ~,000,000 -0 FUND TOTALS Adopted Amended 2nd Qtr 2nd Qtr % of % Budget Bridget Budget Y-T-D Budget Variance 593,500 739300 1,361,500 611,500 160,300 406,900 6,411300 15,888,800 1,123,200 1,276,500 3,723,700 20,300 1 l,]47,100 7,437,900 62,093,000 593,500 296,750 296,2.26 49.9% -0. 1% 809,894 404,947 291,831 36.0% . ] 4.0% 1,367,541 683,771 601,013 43.9% -6. 1% 611,500 305,750 272,635 44.6% -5.4% 160300 79,650 71,649 44.7% -5.0% 467,29 ! 229,747 162,552 34.8% -14.4% 6,481381 3,240,741 3,077,556 47.5% -2.5% 16,063,995 7,779,721 7,047,968 43.9% -4.6% 1,141,200 565,850 479,565 42.0% -7.6% ] ,2r./6, ~ 85 641,343 625,828 48.3% - 1.2% 658356 329,228 287,688 43.7% -6.3% 20300 I 0,150 7 0.0% -50.0% 14,200,~30 6,896,2.55 6,896,255 48.6% 0.0% 7337,900 4,438,946 4,438,946 59.7% 0.0% 62,093,000 37,214,31M 37,214,384 59.9% 0.0% ! 13,403,646 5,256,111 I 18,659,757 63,117,232 0 63,117,232 61,764,103 0 61,764,103 Ap0roprlations Co. Co~nissioncrs Other General & Adrr~ Co. Attorney Co. Administration Ofc. of Public Info. Oft. ofMgr & Budget Support Se~ccs Public Services Co,ununity l~vd'Env. Public Works Cotana/Rel. Agen¢ie~ Refunds Tfrs. Opera~ng Funds Tfr~ C~ital Funds Tfi's./Const Officers Subtotal: I 12,994,800 Reserv~ 5,496,700 Total Kxpendttur~: 118,491,500 54.5% - ! .2% 0.0% N/A AGENDA No. ? AUG 0 q 1998 GENERAL FUND (001) Fund Sumn~r~ (Continued) ~ TOTALS Adopted Amended 2ad Qtr 2nd Qtr % of % .... ~ Budget Budget ¥-T-D Bud~e¢ Vartaace Cost Allocatiou Plan 3,182,200 3,182,200 3,I82,200 3,178,~)0 99.9*/, -0.1% Court Fines and Fees 2,125,000 2,125,000 1,062,500 ! ,031,357 48_~% -! .5% Ad VaJorun Taxes 71,~.,S00 71 ,~)2,500 64,164,056 64,256,119 89.4% 0.I % StaU Saks Ts~ 14,,642,400 14,,2,400 6,129,472 6,824,220 ,~S.6% 4.7% Sts~ Revenue Shflnf S, S8~,60~ S, S82,600 2,267,~93 2,450,131 43.9*/, 3.3% Fedc~ PItT 300,000 300,000 0 0 0.0*,4 ~ Fund PILT 1,447,300 !,447,300 1,447J00 1,452,975 100.4*/, 0.4% ~ lt~ycn~e 4,850,700 4,S68,420 2,4~,2] 0 2,2~,615 45.7*,4 -4..3% Into. est !,010,000 1,010,000 505,000 576,562 57.1% 7.1% Th fin Elec~ Off~ 3,785,100 3,785,100 0 0 0.0*,4 Th fin Otber.%nds 924,400 924,40O 671,249 671,249 72.6% O.0% lVfisceHaneom 56 8,200 568 ,200 284,1 00 240, ! 97 42.3% -7.7% SubMtal: 110,310,600 110,328,320 82,158,182 82,905,225 75.1% 0.7°`4 Cm~ Fro'ward 13,30~,400 13,455,937 16,S60,350 16,860,350 I25.3% 0.0% Revenu~ Rmerve (5,124,300) (5,124,500) 0 0 0.0*4 N/A Torn{ Rev,,,,ue: 118,491,500 118,659,757 99,018,532 99,765,375 84.1% 0.6% 0 0 EXPLANATION OF VARIANCES ~')ther Oeneml ^dmini~ativ~. Postage ~es, applications for tax deeds, ~nd unemployment compensation expenses to date have been less than budgeted. ~ Opera. s expenses are less than second quan~ projections due to less e~ for outside counsel Also, telephone ~ support .,~ ordinance codification costs will occur hter in the fiscal year. Cam~_ A~i_~.,tm-: Actual payments for priming of the weekly Board agenda and for legal ads have been less Rum budgetcd throug~ the second quaxter. Funds have been encumbered, but expenses incm'r~ do not reflect a full _Olde of Public Iht'orinOco: Prix,~.~ and binding costa to date wer~ less ~ the amotmt b~dgeted. In addilion, tt~ Persona] Scrvice~ t~:lget ~ sav~ngs in he~t~ insurance. Off,ce of Mn~m?emem nmi Bn,4~et: Personal Services expendilures wcre less than ~pected due to the transt'er ora position to flze ~ and Urban Impmveme~ Depmm~c ~ sddition, funds for the law enforcement and ~ facilities impact fee studies ax~ encmnbexed but not fully expended. · ~ ]~alig,.~i:Xi~: Year ro da~ expenses rcflcct normal attrilion compounded by healRt insm-r, nce premium s~ings. In addition, there is · bm:klog tn chims for Medicaid payments at the State level resulting in lower cxpcnses in Rte ~. F'mally, tt~xe will be savings in remittances to t~ David Lawrence Center, as the lLJ I "IL J ~ Fund Summ~rT (Continued) ~ Devel~ ,~ ~'tm~'fl~ Se~ce~: Witl~n d~e Natm-al ~es Dep'm'tmcnt, no funds ~ been ~ yet for d~e develqnnent ora boater's int'~ ~ui~. In Rte Housing and Ux~an tmprovcme~ X)epartzne~ advertising e:Xl~"Xts~ for ~ Xtu~okalce Free Trade Zone and En~ Zone were not yet ecq~led. addition, c. onm'buSo~ to lt~ Economic 13cvclopxnent Council onJy reflects actual h~voice~ proc~ to date. Coum ,nd Rehted ^_~encies:. Yea~ to date expense~ for Com~ and Circuit Com't judscs m'e less d~n the amomm 1~d~eted. In a~lit~on, data processes cEm~es for the Pt~hc Defender's O~fice have not been expended to date. t)e~m~,nt Revenn~ ~ on monthly dr~ to t~e Sheriff's Ope~_ Fm~d (040), b~d~eted at t~O0,O00, is l~d to a revenne account ~ ~ ~ Fnntl (00I) m th~ e~d of the fit. c~l Ye~- ~ Fish and Wildli~e Refuge Revenue Sl~fin~ an~ Rnci~ Tax ~ will occt~ in the ttRrd qmt~' A J6 0 1998 MSTD GENERAL FUND (I11) Fund Summ~ry ~ GI2~ERAL FUND (111) IND QTR FY ~ EXPENDITURES .0 Other General Admin. Franchise Corem. Dev. A&i-.;.. Plan,~_'_ $ Services Hominl & Urlnn Imp. Code Eafotcemeat ~on of Foremy Pari~ & Recreation Transfers Adopted Amended 1nd Qtr 2nd Q~' Budget Budget Y-T-D 217,100 217,100 217,100 441,983 220,991 108,777 146,200 73,100 71,223 834,394 412,697 349,492 23,600 0 0 !,296,900 63 !,950 539,769 19,563 14,672 14,919 ! ~69,458 726,6~2 657,830 8,009,000 5,036,532 5,036,532 i ,800 0 0 12,649,998 7,333,684 6,995,632 2,400,328 0 0 15,050,326 7,333,694 6,995,632 217,100 146,200 12S6,900 15,000 1,635,200 8,009,000 I ,$00 14,791,700 % of % .... Budget Variance 100.0% 0.0% 24.6% -25.4% 48.7% -13% 41.9% -7.6% 0.0% N/A 41.9% -7.2% 76.3% 1.3% 39.4% -4.1% 62.9% 0.0% 0.0% N/A 55.3% -2.7% 0.(PA N/A 46.5% .2.2% AGEI~A ITEM AU6 0 EL98 MSTD GENERAL FUND (111) l~d Summ~ (C~tt~ued) FUND TOT,~!-_g Adopted Amended 2nd Qtr 2ud Qtr % of % __ Budget Budget Budget Y-T-D Budget Variance Re,mm ' Ad Valorem Taxes 8,394,400 8,394,400 7,471,0! 6 7,453,897 88.8% -0.2% Occul~Omd I.icemes 470,000 470,000 458,250 460,270 97.9% 0.4% CATV Frmctfise Fees 1,500,000 1,500,000 750,000 772,975 51.5% 1.5% Other ~ Fegs 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 0.0% N/A [ntereg~iscellmeous 662,700 711,900 355,950 353,901 49.7% -03% Transfers 757,900 757,900 142,500 142,500 18.8% 0.(P/~ Sulxoml: 12,795,000 12,834,200 9,177,716 9,183,543 71.6% 0.0% C. m7 Forw~xl 2,605,000 2,817,426 2,g 17,426 2,g 17,426 100.(P,~ Revem~ ~__~,~.er~. , (601,300) .... (60],300) 0 0 0.O% Total Revenue:. 14,791,700 15,050,326 11,995,142 12,000,969 79.7% 0.0% EXI'LA.NATION OF VARIANCES Franchise A~on: Pcrsoml services exceeds the sccond quartet budget due to tcrmination pay for a former employee being pakl from this department. (This was incorrectly charged to this department and a correcting journal enlry has subsequently been processed). Capital i~*ms ~mticipated to be purchased were delayed pending complelion of Board room r,movation. These expenditures were incurred in the third quarter. ~: Funds were e~'am~l but not ~ for exp,m wimess f~-s, legal $erricea associated with fl~e ~ govemm~ ~ f~, t~! co~usult~g fe~-'s for a noise impact Otlm. Franehi~ F~ The Bo~xi did not implement the t¢leeoc, imanications ordinance. As a re.tit, no rev~ue will be collected fi'om this sour~.e in FY' 98. AGENDA ITEM AU6 0 1998 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND (113) Fund Summsry COMMUNITY DEVE~~ FUND (113) 2ND QTR FY 98 EXPENDITUR~ AmmdM Bud~.t 2nd Q~r Bud~-t 2nd Q~' Y-T-D Fuad TotMs Adoptal Amended 2ud Qtr Dev. ~-vices Admin. 1,018,900 1,027,.~9 446,602 Planning Services 2,250,400 2,250,400 1,140,500 Bldg. Rvw. & Perm. 2,739,900 2,778,910 1,404,455 Work Recptn. & Ctrl. 317,500 317~00 142,550 Trnnffers 1,014,300 1,014,300 405,720 Subto~: 7,341,000 7,388,619 3,539,827 R~servce 5,278,100 5,278,100 0 TotM Expenditure: 12,619,100 12,666,719 3,539,827 Licenses & Trsmfers In I~. Subtotal: Carry For~.d To~! Revenne: .519,900 519,900 259,950 4,162,000 4,162(100 1,856,252 1,606,300 1,606,300 803,150 27,700 27,700 13,850 106,000 106,000 77,100 315,700 315,700 78,925 6,737,600 6,737,600 3,089,227 6,195,900 6,245,519 7,678,410 , ,(~14,400) (314,400) 0 12,619,100 12,666,719 10,767,637 2nd (~r % of % Y-T-D Budget Variance 492, ! 87 47.~`4 4.4% 1,113,016 49.5% -1.2% 1 ,.322,536 47.6% -2.9% 122,730 38.7% -6.2% 420,1 O0 41.4% 1.4% 3,470,569 47.00`4 -0.9% 0 0.0% N/A 3,470,569 27.4% -0.5% 376,395 72.4% 22.4% 2,373,841 57.0% 12.4% 868,437 54.1% 4.1% 9,881 35.7% -14.3% 77,100 72.7% 0.0*`4 224,704 71.2% 46.2% 3,930,358 583% 12.5% 7,678,410 123.0% 0.0,4 0 0.0`4 N/A l 1,60g,768 J COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND (11~) ~und Sunnmry (Comtnued) EXPLANATION OF VARIANCES =~d ~0.. ~ zdka I00% of the indir~ sen, ice charge (C,~er'al lrund n~'enue) b~g ~ Wor~ p. ece!~ion-' ~nd Coniml: Nesrly one half of budgeted operaIing expenses (S30,000) sre for cellular telephone ~dr timo ~ L~ tim $3~00 w~ sp~ by mid-ymr. Also, ~he ~mjoriV/of office supply, office ~toma~ for ~ These ~, such ~s PUD p~itioas and PUD m~,ndrne~ fees, D~vel~ Plan App~nl F_~__~ Tr~ Pem~ F~, etc., ~r~ ~ rehted to the healthy trends ia the buildins indum'y. Relmbm,sements: Receipts were less than expected due to s backlog ofbillin~ to the for proc~ing of ro~d impact fees with buildins pertain. A~A ITE~. No...~ AU6 0 al ~ ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND (101) Fund Summsry ROAD & BRIDGE FUND (101) 2ND QTR FY 98 EXPENDITURES 2nd ~r Y-T-D Fund Tou~ Subunal: Tou~ lte~m~. Adop~ Amended 2nd Qtr 2ud Qtr % of Budget Budget hat:et ¥oToD Budget 4,S'/1,500 4,871,500 2,435,750 8,200 15,264 6,7~ 7,470,600 7,472,032 3,914,698 218,300 212,611 0 7,688,900 7,684,643 3,914,698 2,261,791 46.4% -3.6% 1,447,514 56.0% -1.0% 8,605 56.4% 12.1% 3,717,910 49.8% -2.6% 0 0.0% N/A 3,717,910 48.4% -2.6% 6,02.%100 S,989,400 3,026,095 3,036,095 I05,100 108,100 41,078 5,493 0 0 0 124,910 41,300 69,800 52,350 58,308 93,7....~.~==~ ~6,100 48,050 61,421 6,268,200 6,263,400 3,177,573 3,286,7.27 (io, loo) (lo, loo) 0 0 7,688,g00 7,654,643 5,265,29:5 5,373,949 S0.7% 0.0% 5.1% *32.9% N/A N/A 83.5% 85% 63.9% 13.9% 52.5% 1.7% 145.9% 0.0% 0.O% N/A 69.9% 1.4% AUG 0 {t 1998 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND (101) Fund Sunnnm'y (Confined) EXPLANATION OF VARIANCES A~A ~ AUG 0 f~ J998 Pg., /-~ COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT FUND (408) Fnnd Summ~ry COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT FUND (408) 2ND QTR FY 98 EXPENDITURES 2~i Q~r Y-T-D .20,¢00,000 - 18,0OO,OOO · z e,ooo,ooo - ~2,ooo,ooo - 10,oo0,000 .~,o00.0oo -6.0OO,00o .2.000,0OO .0 P'mul Tmzb Aa~t~d Am~ded 2.d Qtr 2.d Qtr % of % 3,g27,800 19296,000 (1 ~o,~o) 659,.544 9,456,~27 7,984.435 19,896,D00 41,J39,606 9,618,658 1~,~o 525,000 183,100 ( 1.9~0.1~0) $1,45E,264 335,885 3,060,700 4,72..q,414 4,039,229 16,039,212 0 1 ~,0~ 9,2 ! 2 ~,132..S96 417,|00 0 1 & 0 40.c~3.389 291,285 3,06.S,.,~0 3,945,49O 3,.~62,659 4.0~9,229 14,704,163 0 14,70~,i 6.3 9,77~S2~ &TT3,332 297,632 81,550 19.727,95I 0 42,1~8,2~ ,~.2% 79.8% 0.1% 41.7% -8.3% 42.1% -6.4% 20.3% 0.0% 35.1% 0.0% 51.g% ~.4% 26.4% -23.6% 52.3% 3.4% 56.7% 6.7% 61.8% 63.5% O.O% 44.~% N/A 51~% 3.~ 147.2% 0.0% 0.O% 82.O% AU6 0,fl 1998 COUNTY WATER & 5EWER DISTRICT FUND (408) Fund Summ~ry (Continue,.') EXPLANATION OF VARIANCE~ ~ Mo~ capital outlay expendin~es will occur later in the fiscal yeaz. Personal Services were less 5~sn expe~a~ dne Io position vncaacie~ lzrgely in the W~ter Dism'lmfion and Maintenance Sections. Most late~.est/Mi~ee~: ~ inelndes unlx~getexl items such ~s radio towcr lease sad penalties on pact.due AGENDA rfEM AU6 0 '1998 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FUND (470) Fund Smnmat7 SOUD WASTE DISPOSAL ~ (470) 2ND QTR FY 98 KXTElq~~ .9,000,000 .$,000,000 .?,000,000 .6,0OO,0OO -3,0OO.O0O . l,oo0,00o .0 Fuml TotM~ c~t~ O,~y Tra~fe~ T~~: Laml~ Fee~ Th' Mandatary Cell lnmrest Miscellaneo~ Sul~lotal: Revenue R___,,~rrve_ Tmal Rtwenue: Adopted Ana'aded 2sd Qtr 2nd Qtr % of % Budget Bed~ Bad~,t Y-T-f- Bud~et Ya~nnee 7,613,600 39,000 0 49,300 652,6OO 152,800 3,764,900 J 1,930,700 212,342,300 8,571,012 43,272 0 49,30~ 12,295.900 2 i ~3,~ 652,6O0 152,800 12,892,384 (353,3OO) 21,303,984 ! 72,250 172,785 50.2~ 0.2% 4,285,875 3,390,OO3 39.6% -10.5% 5,886 6,772 ! 5.6% 2.0% 0 0 N/A N/A 49,300 49,.'300 100.095 0.0% 4,513,311 .!,618,860 40~/~ -9.9% 0 0 0.0~ N/A 4,5!3,311 3,618,860 17.0~ 4.2% 3,t1'~,08,6 3,$27,691 543% 73% 849,054} 849,0S0 50,0% 0.0% 326300 287,156 44.0~ -6.0% 105,050 I ! 0,587 72.4% 3-6% 4,348,486 4,774,44M. 54.5% 4.9% 12, 3~4,090 12,854,090 99.7% 0.0% 0 0 0.0~ N/A 17,202,576 17,628,574 82.7/6 2.0~ i AU6 0 1998 80LID WASTE; DI$1~OSAL ~ (470) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FUND (490) Fund Summary EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FUND (490) 2ND QTR FY 98 EXTENDITURES 2nd Q~ Y.T-D ~g Fm~l ToOk Ambuhs~'~ Fm Prior Y~r Rev~nu~ Tlr from (00!) Reimb. Fire Dis,c'ic~ ln~:n~'t/Misc. St~t~ot~l: C_.,my ~ R.~erve To~I Adopeed Amended 2~d Qtr 2~d Qtr % of I~d~et I~dget Bedlx't Y-T-D Bmdget Variance 6.253,900 1.362,400 0 2,000 7,618,300 383,3OO 8,001,6OO 34.100 38,700 7,477,300 703,200 (178,900) 8,001,600 6.253.9OO 1366.030 23,000 2.000 7,644.930 357.000 8,001.930 3.126,950 3,344,911 53.5% 3.5% 853,1369 941,996 69.0% 6.5% 0 20,400 88.7% N/A 2,000 2,000 100.0% 0.0% 3.982,019 4,309,307 56.4% 4.3% 0 0 0.0% N/A 3,982,019 4,309,307 53.9% 4.1% 3,468,000 !,670,880 1,.t39,042 75,000 75,000 76,455 101.9% 19% 3.864.500 2,898.375 2,898,375 75.0/0 0.0% 34,1 O0 14,670 14,670 43.0% 0.0% 38.700 9,675 9,539 24.6% -0.4% 7,477,300 4,668,600 4,338,081 58.0% -4.4% 703.530 1.481,632 1,481,632 210.6% 0.0% (I 78,900) 0 0 0.0% N/A 8,001,930 6,150,232 5,819,713 72.7% -4.1% AUG 0 1998 PS. ,~ EMERGENCY MEDIC~ SERVICES ~ (490) AGENDA AUG 0 ~ E98 AIRPORT AUTHORITY FUND (495) ~ Sanuzuu'y 2ND QTR FY 98 EXPEND~ 229,056 110,948 59,717 306,230 705,951 0 69,7f,0 11,7C0 31,310 33,300 161,300 I 0,000 715,280 ! 07,750 0 ~3,030 230,904 58..3% 0.5% gi,553 35.9% -12.9% 5~,667 36.8% .2.0% 314,473 59.8% 1.6',4 6[3,597 52.4% -1.~ 0 0.0~ N/A 683,59'/ 504% -1~% 727,514 58.2% !.0% I07,750 72.7% 0.0% 0 0.0% WA 835,264 61.7% 0.9~ AU6 0 1998 AmPORT AUTHORITY FU~D (49S) F~ ~ (c~t~3 A06 04 ~98 ~ 2_.3 2~d Q~z Y-T-D TOURIST DEVELOPMENT FUNDS (193-196) Fund Summ~ry TOURIST DEVELOPM~E,~T FUNDS (193-196) 2ND QTR FY 98 EX~ND~ Tem'l~ Taz ?.312,,040 7,3Z2,000 ~ , ~2,~00 432~00 Sub.iai: 7.744,500 7,744,500 ca~ Fonnrd 7A26,3oo 11,89a,2.~5 ~ Rmerve (?.87,900) (397,900) To~l l~mu~. 14. v82,900 19,2~0,855 2ad Qtr 2~d Qtr % of % Badger Y-T-D Budget 1,242,672 130,302 5.2% -44.8% 966,17 ! $ 80,539 30.0% -20.0% 1,032,165 628,313 30.4% -19.6% 659,9a4 579,077 43.9% -6.1% 4~00 4,~CX) 0.8% 0.0% ! ,805,~ 1 ~ 1,80~,~ 15 90.0% 0.0% 1,376,122 i,376,122 94.0% 0.0% 219,108 219,108 47.5% 0.0% 7,306,196 5,323,476 43.3% -16.1% 0 0 0.0% N/A 7,306,196 5,323,476 27.7% - 10.3% 3,926.,.n44 2I~.~0 4,142,79a 10,975J10 0 15,11 ~,?,0~ 4,331,336 213,371 49.3% -0.7% 4,544,707 58.7% 5.2% I 0,975J I 0 9Z3% 0.0% 15,520,217 AU6 0 1998 TOURI:~I' DEVELOPMENT FUN~S (193-196) Fund ~ummaxy A smpim i~ 1om~ ~x ~-vcnue is projected based oD year-v~la~ receil~ i~ c°mpaxis°n t° Irri°r ~ ACIENDA rTEI~ AU6 0 a~ '1998 Ps. ,"?-'~ - CAPITAL L'HI'ROV'EM~NT PROGRAM (CIP) R~on~ P~rlu Imp=ct Fees (345) % l.')% 4~.S% N/A 93.~% N/A 0.O% N/A 44.9% N/A 1.606.100 % 12J% JOG. O/, 0.0% ~A ~A Comma~i~ Parks Impact Fm (36S, 368) % VlrtMmi N/A N/A N~A % VffkM:ll 19.']% -2.0% 0.~% N~A 4.3~ A~A ITEM AUG 0 I) CAPITAL IMPRO~NT PROGRAM (CIP) (Contiuu~) I2briry Impact Fees (355) 2,055,.20~ Ro~ds - Gu Tax (313) % Vadsoc~ I~A I~A Vm~m 9.?'% 2.2% 4.3% !.1% N/A 0.0% o.o% AGENDA AUG 0 ~t ~ CAFrr~ IM]'ROV~MXNT PROGRAM (C~ (Continued) Roads - Impact Fe.~ (331 - 340) 21,226~ 26,11~,1~ 2:),113,624 0 24,7')4,493 92.0% {.2% EMS Impact Fees (350) CAPITAL LM:PROVEMENT PROGRAM (CI:F) (Continued) Water System Development Fee~ (411) Y-T-D Y-T-D % ef 9,1S? 19~)79 2.9% N/A 13.943.609 391.049 2.2*/, 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% N/A 13.9~2.766 410,128 :2.0% 0 12J'Yl.163 61~% % Vm'bnce 16~% 2.7% 0.0% Wutewater System Development Fees (41::3) Wm ~ Fem. fmaurh, bc. Lorn l~xlmds Toed ~ Y*T-D 110,411 7.9% .qo2JI ! IJ~ 41.110 0 0.0% % Vm4aa~ N/A N/A ~A 2.0% ¥-T-O % d 10.101..100 I~.~J~ M )umeudd ZId q~' Y-T-D .153,600 2.13.6~0 176J~0 .~A 20~00.000 20.0~).0~0 0 7.2~,500 1,363J14 IOJOt.3~O .31.761.4~X) 32J79.414 0 14.1}t6.436 42.9% % Varboet 17,0~ O.0% AU6 0 4 lgg8 pg. ~ ,,, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY P, ECO~ATION TO APPROVE A LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LAWRENCE S. PIVACEK AS LEGAL CONSULTANT AND LEGAL COUNSEL TO REPRESENT THE COUIqTY ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE CASES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. OIM~r-..CTIV~: That the Board of County Commi ~ioners approve the attached Legal Services Agreem~ with Lawrence S. Pivacek as legal cor~valtant and legal counsel to represent the Board on matters rdating to the following cases: ,4) Laverne Blanford v. Collier County, et aL, Case No. 97-209-CIV-FTM-26D B) Robert Richman v. Collier County, et aL, Case No. 97-419-CIV-FTM-23 C) Steven Newton, et al. v. Collier County, et aL, Case No. 96-2470-CA-O1-TB D) Bambi Henderson, et al. v. National Fairways, Ltd., & Collier County, Case No. 97-3387-CA-01-DRM E) State Farm Mutual lnsurance Company v. Collier County, Case No. 97-2219-CA-01-TB F) Paul LaThbrook, ~ Administrator And Personal Representative Of The F, ztate Of ,4ncieto Mateo Gaspar Franctsco, et al., v. Collier County, et al., Case No. 98-1903-CA G) Penny Rodriquez v. Collier County, Case No. 97-0060-CA-OI-TB CONSIDERATIONS: Lawrence S. Pivacek during his employment aa an Assistant County AI/omey to th~ County Attorney to the Board was principally involved and r~poxm'blc to represent the Board's interests inclu~.' g trial and appellate case presentat/ons, negotiations, etc., in ca'tain "covered" and "non-covert" cases. It has been determined by the County Attorney and the Collier County Risk Management Director in consultation with thc County's insurance administrator that the County's interests are better served if Lawrenc ~ $. Pivacek is approved as the attorney of record on behalf of Collier County on the covered eases listed above and provides professional legal services in that regard. The attached Legal Sexa4ces Agreement has been p~epanxt and approved by Lawrence S. Pivaeek and the County Attome'y. The Agreement has also been reviewed and approved by the Collier Bx~,cutiv8 Smr, m.m'y Page 2 t FISCAL IMPAC'r: Legal ~"rvices will be at the rate orS100.00 per hour for legal services rendered. Actual costs inctm'ed by Lawrence S. Pivacek including costs ofout-of-county travel, mailing, copiea, fac$imile~ telephone and document transmi~ expenses such that are supported by appropriate documeimttion shall be reimburr~ by the Board. Gum and fees for cove-red cases will be ~ to fund no. 516.-121650. Other costs and fees for consultation services will be {mid fimxm 516..121650 or 001-010510. GROWTII MANAGEMI~NT IMPACr: None. RF. CO~NDATION: That the Board approve the attached Legal Services Agreement with Lawrmce S. Pivacek as legal consultant and to represent and assist the Board in all matters t~lating to the identified cases in the Agreement. David C. Weigel 0 Approved by:.~~ ~' Y'etfWalker, ARIVi LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Cnercinaf~ referred to as the "Agreement') mad~ and ~ into this __ day of ,1998, by and between thc Board Of County Commi~om~, (hemna~ r~fcrr~ to as the "Board" and/or "County"), and Lawr~c¢ S. WHEREAS, ~ S. Pivacck, during hiz employment as an Aasiatant County Attorney to th~ County ARorn~ to thc Board was principally involved and re~aonaibl¢ to represent thc Bomffs interests in certain "cov~xl" and "non-covered" cases; and WHEREAS, the Coumy Attorney and the Collier County Risk Management Director in consultation with thc Counts inzta'anc~ administrator, have determined that the County's in~ at~ b~tter acrved for Lawr~,c¢ S. Pivacck to be approved as thc attorney of rcc. ord on behaff of Col!i~r County on egrtain covc~:! casea and provide profeazional legal scrvi¢ca; and NOW, THEREI~OP, F~ thc partita hereto, in consideration of the ~ and thc covenanta eontaimai ~ mutually agree aa followa: A) Coun~lis hcre~ r~tained by thc Board to rcprcaent thc Board in all mattrra reis~ing to any court proe_~gs, ncgot~afiona and settlement of thc following caara that ar~ curr~itly poL~cl_ ing thai have be~ filod againzt Collier Co,mty: I) Lm,erne Blanford v. Collier County, et aL, Case No. 97-209-CIV-FTM-26D 2) Rob.ert Ricfiman v. Collier County, et al., C~sc No. 97-419-CIV-FTM-23 3) Steven Newton, et aL v. Collier County, et al.. Case No. 96-2470-CA-01-TB 4) Bambi Henderson, et aL v. National Fairways, Ltd., & Collier Coup, Caso No. 97-3387-CA-01-DRM Page I of 6 State Farm Mutual Insurance Company v. Collie~ County, Case No. 97-2219-CA-01-TB Paul l.~hbrook, As Administrator And Personal Rc, presentative Of The Estate Of Ancieto Mateo Gaspar Francisco, et al.. v. Collier County, et al., Case No. 98-1903-CA 7) Penny Rodrkluez v. Collier County, Case No, 97-0060-CA-O1-TB Counsel shall prepare all legal documents, correspondence, communications, etc. and attend all negotiation meetings, settlement conferences, court hearings and trials necessary to bring the above-listed cases to closure. Apart from Cotmr, el's responsibilities pertaining to the cases listed hereabove, Counsel is retained for potential legal consultation s~vices and on an as-needed basis as determined by the County Attorney, over a period ofnot more than six (6) months fi.om the date of this ^gr~ement. The Board hereby agree~ to pay Lawr~,~c¢ S. Pivacek as coition for legal services renders! at the rate of $100.00 per hour. The Board hereby agrees to reimburse Lawrence S. Pivacek for actual costs incurred including costs of out-of-county travel, mailing.;, copies, facsimiles, telephone and docum~t traasruittal expenaes (e.g., "Federal Express,* etc.) incurred pursuant to this Agreement, provided that such costs are suppoaed by appropriate documentation submit'~ed to the .~k Management Department and reviewed and approved for legal sufficL'~cy by tho County Attorney. The use of a multiplier for these expenses/production costs is not allowed. Per di~-m and travel expenses will be reimbursed in accordanc~ with Section ~ 12.061, Florida Statutes, entitled Per Di~n and Travel Expenses of Public Officers, Employees and Authorized Persons, as ameaded. Thia requi.,x~ent c,,nxeatly Page 2 of 6 includes, but i~ not limited to, expenses such as ~ummobile travel expenses reimbursement at $0.29 per mile ,nd meal expenses r~imbursements at the following rales: Br~dr/ast $ 3.00 Lunch $ 6.O0 Dixmer $12.00 A sta~ment or invoice for legal services and direct costs incurrecl by Lawrence S. Piww, ek shall be billed to the Risk Management Department on a monthly basis. All invoices shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: l) The proper name ofth¢ payee as it ~pears in the Agreement; 2) .'D,e date ofth¢ invoice; and 3) The description of services and the time period in which billable services were rendered. All payments and the resolution of any disputes regarding such are subject to and shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 218, Part VII, otherwise known as "The Florida Prompt Payment Counsel shall be r, ol¢ly responsible to parties with whom he shall deal in carrying out the trams of this Agreement and shall not subcontract his responsibilities to the Board under this Agreement. Counsel shall carry Lawyer's Professional Liability insuran~ in an amount not les~ than $500,000 per occurrence. An insurance certificate evidencing this Lawyer's Professional Liability insurance requirement shall be tendered to the Collier County Risk Mamgement Department within fourteen (14) days of the date of this Current, valid insurance policy(les) meeting the requirement herein identified shall be maintained by Counsel during the duration of this Agreement. Renewal certific~e(s) shall be sent to the County thirty (30) days prior to thc expiration date(s) on any such P~ge 3 of 6 polic'y(ics). Tbere shall be a thirty (30) day notification to the Board in the cvcnt of canccllation or modification of any stipulated insurancc coverage. H) Counsel shall protect, defend, indemnify, and hold the Board and its officers, cmployee~, and agents hannles-__* from and against any .~d all losses, penalfi~ damages, professional fees, including s. ttomcy fees and all costs ~ f litigation and judgments arising out of any willful or intcntional misconduct, negligent acts or error or omission of Counsel, his subconsultants, subcontractors, agents or employees, arising out of or incidental to the performance of this Agreement or work performed thereunder, including any claim(s) brought against the Count'/, its officers, employees, or agents by any employee of Counsel, any subconsui~ subcontxactor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of thera. Counscl'a obligation under this provision shall not be limited in any way by the agn:.'d-upon total contract fcc specified in this Agreement or the Counsel's limit of, or lack of, mdticient insurance protection. The parties agr~ that one percent (1%) of thc total compeosation to Counsel for performance of services authorized by this Agreement is specific consideration for Counsel's indemnification of thc County. I) This Agreement shall be administered on behalf of thc County by the Risk Management Department in coordination .with thc County Attomcy. J) Counsel agrees to obtain and pay for all pennit~, and licenses ncccs.sary for thc conduct of his busin_es~__ and agrees to comply with all laws governing the responsibility of an employer with respect to persons cmploy~ by Counsel. Counsel shall also be solely responsa'ble for payment of any and all taxes levied on Counsel. In addition, Counsel shall comp. ly with all rules, regulations and laws of Collier County, the State of Florida, or the U. S. Govcmme~ now in forcc or hercafler adopted. Page 4 of 6 K) Either pm~y may terminate this Agreement for convenience with a minimum of forty-five (45) d~ys written notice to the other party. The parties shall deal with each other in good faith during the forty-five (45) day period after any notice of intent to terminate for convenience has been given. The County reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately, for cause, upon written notice to Counsel. L) In addition to paragraph I, above, the parties hereto expressly recognize and delegate to the County Attorney the au~ofity to remove any and all of thc aforelisted cases from Counsel to become the reqmnsibility of the County Attorney on behalf of the County. The removal of ~y ~g:h ease droll be noticed to Counsel in writing by the County Attorney, and Counsel ~ timely assist in the transfer of said eases to the County Attorney. M) Notwithstanding Counsel's obligation under this Agreement to provide professional legal ~ahce~ to tl~ County for thc specific ease~ identified in Paragraph A of this Agreement, the County ~knowledg~ and agrees that Counsel may take positions adverse to the County on any mailers or in any cases that are unrelated to thc eases identified in Par~raph A ofthi~ Agreement and hereby expressly waives any claim of conflict of inten~ in any taxi all such cixcumstan~. Hcwever, under no circumstances flmll Counsel ~t any pert, on or entity in any personal injury or human resource (employment) ehim, cause of action or litigation against the County for the duration of this AtTeemen~. IT IS i,"jRIHEII. UNDERSTOOD .M~rD AGI~.EED, by and between the parties herein, thai the Al~eement is rubject to annual appropriation by the Board of County Cowmlssioners. Page 5 of 6 IN ~ WttEREOF, C2ounsel and the Board, have each, respectively, by an ~thofiz.~l person or silent, hereunder set their hancla and seals on the date and year first above WI'FIx~S~: LAWRENCE S. PIVACEK (Primed witntm sign,~t~) Lawrence S. Pivacel~ Esquire ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, Iq.ORIDA By: BARBARA B. BERRY, .,~l~ov~ ss to fora md Legul st~fici~ c. P~ge 6 of 6 Risk Maz~ment ~r FOUR YEAR REVieW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY IIOli~D (EFfAB) WITH STAFF RECOMld]gNDATION TO CREATE A SINGLE ENVIRO~~ AD%rISORY COMMITTEE BY CONSOLIDATING TgF~ FUN~ONS OF ~P3['AB WIT]I{ THOSE OF ~ ENVIRON?,tEi~I'AL ADVISORY BOARD (EAB) To coodact ~ schednled 4-yc~- review of the Env~ental Policy Technical Advisory Board .(~..AB) md have the Board comidcr c,:nuolida~g the function of EPTAB and the Environmental CONSIDERATION: ~ every four,years. EPTAB is schcdulcd to bc renewed in 1998. wri~n ~mfitt~l .o th~ Administmm. The shall addre~ the followini: 1. ~ tim Bom-d i~ ~rving the purpo~ for which it wa~ .'zr~ted; 2. Whether the Board i~ ~tequ~ly ~wing currem comm~ty needs; '~ there i~ any ~ Board or ~gency, either public or l:yrivat¢, which is t~-rving or would better ~rve the ~ for which the Board was Whether ~ oi'~ creating the Board fl~ould be amended to allow the Board to more ~ly ~'ve the purtx~ for which it was create, d; Th~ co~ both direct m~d indiroct, of~g the Board. ~q/nmce 86-41 a~ smeaded ~ allows for the County Admtuistrator U) provide the BCC with recommendafion~ md cc~ts ~ong with thc Adv/~or~' Board's written report At the conclusion of ~ oral presenm/on by the Ad~ Boa,,d's chairp~r~ the BCC may roque~ the formation of a ~ eon.~fing of 3 membe~ of the BCC to determine whether the board fl~all eontim~e in its prescnt form. Al the conckmon of the review process, the BCC shall determine whether to abolish, continue, consoliO~te or =xxtify the ^~ Boan4 for ~. next 4 ye~s. EFI'AB's written report is In 1997, stafl'eva'.~mtcd the. current process of formu~tating environmental policy ming the County's t~ro~ ~ bo;a~ ~lopment Services Advisory Committee, DSAC; EAB; mci EPTAB). Staff ~ wa~ ~ ~o the~ thr~ advisory boar0~ in the q~ring ,~f 1997 and again within tho last ~ mont~ DSAC and ~ concut~ wi',h the con~.'.olidafion recom~endatioa; EPTAB voted to oppo~ my c omolkltaion. AUG 0 4 18S8 '. C~ology, Marine Affairs m~d Zoology. gumettin$ the EAB will require an am~cnt to the LDC. Implementing the creation of a new t,~/mmmcatal advisory board will be part of the next LDC amendment cycle. Upon receiving C[l~ction from Ibc BCC in ~rly AugasL statT ca~ target the cr~a~on ofthc new advisory board in the h.~mling of 1999. The ~rlie~t time table to accomplish this has thc following target dates: !. BCC Direction to proceed 2. Platmmg ~ttission ]~zl:)lic He~nng 3. BCC ~-,,Blic H~aring a. Memb~mip Appointments 5. First Meeting of the N~v Board August, 1998 October, 1998 November, 1998 December, 1998 January 6, 1999 (sstsri~s a~l bem¢~) c, opying end mailing costs. Funds ~,~ budgeted in 001-178980 to support the functions of EFFAB. P~tucan¢.l ex, ts of ~proximately $1.000 will be roaltocated to other proj~ if AU6 1998 Natm~ Reso~ccs Dq~:ment ~Datc: /"~miW Derelict & Enviwnmcnial Services AUG 0 4 1998 ENVIRON~AL POLICY TECI~'ICAL ADVISORY BOARD Second Qua~ Rc~icw - Sln~ 199~ In _cor~p_.lt~c~ with Collier County r~ulations r~iing a quadmmial Board of Coun.ty ~,'mcrs (BCC) r~i~w of thc F. avironmcnltl Policy T~hnlcal Advisory Board (EPTAB) in 199% th~ followin~ ~ is subni~d by EPTAB ch~, Bradley CornclL ' ..SERVING h"qTEI~ED PUI~OSE AND COMMUNITY NE'~S EPTAB ~ crc~tcd under thc authority of thc BCC tn "...advi~ on the rer, owc~. of thc cotmty in r~ard to'the s,d'ciy, h~ih ~nd g~neral w¢II-b~g of'thc public..." and to '...adv~ ~xl assist thc county staff and board tow=d dc-v~loplng thc pm'pose, in~'nt znd ~ of all county ordinanc:~,, policies, protran~ md other ~ dculi~ v,,ich rcsowccs." Please refer to thc full taxi of thc c'nablin~ ordin.m¢: (9146') for more .spccific haw m~ ~ t~hnicaI advisory commkI:c (Conservation and Coastal EI~ Policy 1.1.I). . By all sun~ of ev~Iu~tio~, this board is serving its ~cry viral roles both in thc x~hnic~ ~d policy rnaUers on which it advises thc BCC, ~nd al~o ~s a public forum for any. indi~idu.~ or one ofihe most unique ~r¢-.~. =rMronmcnully, in ~ world. It is a ~,~ry. large portion of the ~,~t~'n E,~-r~d~, v, ith th~ aw¢-impirins ~ of flor~ ~d faur~ and wond~rh~.' uni .au~ habitats th~ ~re Lssoc~ed. It also is characterized and dominated by its broad s'nd dia'rr~ wcd.md systems ~d floww~y~ over pr~c~iczl~, lhc cnlirc county. Thcsc r./,~m ~r~ in r~b.t~'~ fuaclion=l order now, by comp=ison wi~h tho~c fwthcr c-,i:, Inn thc way. ~ro~'th is rnar~cd in u~ counu is crigcal ~o thcir ~ ~ int¢t='i .ry. This ~row~ nu~cmcnt ov~.'Sht function is th: broad mission ofEPTAB znd is r=fl=.tcd in thc specific ~ccomplishm~t~ and =from i~ has trodden. ~I~I'~ ACCOMPLISI~NTS 'Ibc bo~t goes most ofi~ work throut~h subcornmit~s which arc presently comprh:d off S~rin~ Grow~ Mzn~cmc-,,t Plan; Re. source Pro~ectlon; and Spcci~ Projects (curr:n~.', Dcpartmcnul Budget Re,,icws) - please see the amchrncnt on EPTAB %r~niz=~ion B~ Lorenz, Direc~ of~hc Natural Rc~ourc~ D~anrn~nt s~r',~ ~s the ~tt~'~n, and o~ s,~.- also con~ed. Major effor~ rec=n~' ha,,,= included {he follov, ir~: · · · · · · Pro~ion: Exotics Report ~d Ongoing hnpl~rncntaion - r~.m'chcd, wrote ~md IV~:~- ~on and Consw,~on Ordinanc~ - r~comm~L~ions and comae-hts. W'~tgns Pass Inl~ .M.~=6~ncnt Phn - r~commcnchtions ~nd comm~nu. Big M=co P~;: Critical W~dlifc Arc= - r~conu'n~da~ior~ ~d cornm~tts. ~ Protection Pl=n - rccommcndagons and commcnis. 0 4 1998 pg.. /'/' , __ · I2t~, W~ and F. xofic~ Or&r~mc¢ - recomm~d~onz and comment~. ~row~ Mam~wm~nt: .' · ~ ~ - mon~ored process ~nd .l~O~ded recvmmend~onz and comments. · Army Corp~ 8W Florida ~.~ - recomm~o~ ~nd commen~. · ~d U~ Pl~C~ering in R~ ~d ~ ~ - m~~ * Work Phn~ m~d ~e~ - de, loped ~, u~l,~d a~ n~-~.'. * S~ ~d ~~on - docum~ r.~y and h¢¥ cl.~fy. However, i~ hss been s~es~ed on occ.~ion that com~ FAB and EPTAB would serve ~e coemy mo~ et~. ~¥'h~e other pzpem could ~nd h~ been vni~ on ~s subje:r, k is ~ ~ u~a~r ~u sognmcang C-rm~ Maaag:ment Plan r~:lmred er~ironm~ No ~ to ~ cum~ men~x-r~hip ~c-nts ~ r~g~ed for ~ r~vi~w. EPTAB COSTS about S4500 h for liahon Oq~ Resourc. cs D~~t ) sta/f time and S1500/s for This conclude, thc 1998 EPTAB Quadrctmizl Rcview Rcport. Plcasc foci frec to contact the chair ofE:PT~, mxy of the past ~ or thc sta~liaison for more infom~on or wkh .c~.stlcms.- ' Chair, EPTAB atlachmen~: Elrl'AB cnabVmg ordinance, organizational flow chart and work plan Oo AUG 0 4, 1998 (~TT~) Ca~aTam O~ZCTIVSS' water ~=': es~.bl/shing goals and objectives : developing and revising rules, ord/nances, regu~tions, programs : impl~entation and develo~nent Of growth : i~f~g and recc~=eu~g solutions to existing and future euviroumental issues * Te~l~{c~l a~-isory cC=~ttee to County envir=enrm_! resources manacjeneut program * Provide for ~ub!fc OTZIR ~ is reviewed every 4 years for major accomp!ts;~.~,~nts. The last audit was filed ~rch,1998. An ~m~l re~ri~w of all acco~Dlishmen~s .should.be c~i!ed and ~iled w~th BCC. COLLi'E~ COUNT~/ D~A~T~r~7~TS COV~rn BY ~ - Pl~g.S~ces D~t: R~e~ ~~e, Dtre~or - C~e ~forc~t D~t: ~~le ~old, ~=~g Dir. - Pollutf~ Control D~t: Geo~e Yi~z, Dire~or - Nat~ Res~ces D~t: Willi~ ~r~, Director ~ D~~~=s: - Solid Waste M~ D~t: DaSd Russell, D~recmor - Sto=.ater ~ D~t: Jo~ Boldt, Direc=or AUG 0 4 [998 Pg. ~ GEI~RAL CEA]:~: :Ecact Cornell 'g3:CE~R: ~i]ce S:L~o,n:Lk STEERING Bill Mc Kinney, Allen ~ratx B~ad Co=nell ~ROWTH Mike DeLate, Cmair ~ad Cornell 3an Stevens Steven Bi~aio~ osto RESOURCE PROTECTION 1Like S_~-onik, Chair Brad Cornel! ~au~een McCarthy Brenda Fogel M~nty 'Robinson Bill Mc K~nney SPECIAL PROJECTS BUDGET: Bill McKinney, Chair Bra~ Cornell Hike Simonik EPTAB Review: Brad Cornell, Chair Bill McKinne¥ ~lenK~atz Nike Si~onik liaison) Natural Resources Dept (assigned Staff Liason: Bill Lorenz, Director Secret. aA'y: GeorgS. P~ Mausen AUG 0 4 Env~onmental Policy Technical Advisory Board (EPTAB) ~teering - Meeting Structure - O~ganiza- ,- $oheduling - EPO -CWA - Xxotics ~.- Pzotoool - ~&Ce= 0~] - A~ Ou&lity - (:ozstal Zone - ~'at e_-'sh eot · - Sto~ter Hgmt Dep~.Liaison - Demographics No.nitoring - Co~e Enforcement Dept Liaison - Pollution Control Dep~ L/aison - Natural Resources Dep~ Liaison Growth Hanagement - EIS Special Project - BUDGET -Work- shops - E~R - OpenlGzeen Space - Land Use ~ G~P - LDC - Habitat ~ncentives - Clustering ~mencbnents - Solid Waste Dept Liaison - Plamning Se=vices Dept"Liaison '-:'"~II i i I~' ~i ~! I I I! i ! I l Ii~ ~!~ i I I I ! · I/ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ t~-~i ,~l!l I~ !111 I.,11111~ i!ll '~ J ~'~ ' ' ' '~ '~ I ~ ' I~ ~ I. ~ ~. t I I ~, ~ , .- , i I , ! - I~i ISlS II. i liiiil!li~ , I~ ~ ~ltl.l' .~ ~,.. ..,. I · ., : : , =~: j · , · . Ie I '~ i' . ~-, J t,, · · , ,.o,~: - ,~ ....... i · ' '" .,~ ,.~. ~ .... i .... ,,,~ ~'~'~'~ ~ ,, ' .......... Se~ ~4-26. Theft is ~ est~li~ed ~e ~ (Or~ H~ Sl.~6, J 1) Sec. ~i-27., ~rity;, ikm~o~ ~ ~ sory board obtains its ~~o~ ~ ~ u~ ~ ~l~on of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ of or ~n ~e {1} ~ on ~e p~~on, ~ns~on, cf ~e ph~ ~ biol~ ~ re ~d hyd~c~ of ~e ~un~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~v~ d~g ~ ~11 Id~~. s~dy. ~~, ~ad p~d~ ~- 2-81S ~ seq. CD54:5 agement and pr~tec5o~ or air, land, .and water ~ ~d en~en~ qu~ in ~e ~t ~e ~ ~ ~h ~ ~d o~ program.s.' (~) A.ssLst the boarcl i.n idea~g tnd recom- mending ~lu~o~ ~ ~g ~d fut~ efl~onme:~ hsues. {6) ~e~'e u ~e ~d~ z~r/ ~t~ in Po]i~ ~.1.1 o[ t~t conservation and chaplet gO, ~c]e I~ c~ :his C~e. ' (8} P~de on en~-on~en~ (~t No. 91.26, J 21 ~ec. (~ ~e en~nment~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =mpo/~ of 11 =~ who ~ ~ ap~Ln~ ~ ~d ser:e at ~e pl~ of ~;e ~. Ap~~t ~ ~e ~r~ ~ s~ b~ by resolugon or the ~e~ ~d sh~ ~t fo~h the da~ ~1 37e~n~ an C~e z~r/bc~ s~ be pubU~ in a ~ubE~:!on c~ ~n~ d~don ~4~in the ~un~, ho~e. (3) .a.s~ th~ ~ ia ~i~g s~l rr~g. es a~te, ~ rules, ordinancei, rtg- ulations, programs eztci other initiatives ad- drtssing th, tsp., ~mdr'~tion s. ucl pruer- ration of tl~ cu~ty's ~ttural rts~zc~ ~" (4) Assist in the imple~en~Lion a.'~d develop- me~t et the' ~o~t~ ~ent pl~ re .ga~_.i_v~f environmentJ.1 a.nd nattt.-al' re- hydraulics, l&nd use hw, Is,od uJ.e p!,--t-g, ~!. m~ ~ ~, ~ ~~e~, or . ~ ~ ~ ~, ~t not ~ m, · r~r~n- ~ o~ ~e d~ent ~'~/- (~) ~e ini~ ~ ofo~ of~e ~e=~rs of the ~~ ~d ~ ~ u foU~ 30, 1992; 30, 1~3; 30, 1994; (4} T~ memb~ ~I se~e u=~ 30, 1995. ~enr or ru~ent s~ ~ ~ · ~ o~ ~ 30. T~ cfo~ ~.~H b ~ ~ two a un~m~ ~ A m~ ~Y ~ ~p~in~ ~ ~e ~ for ~y ~e ~-e ~ ~ s~ a~ly ~ o~ ~m T~ s~l ~ s~g- m~' ~~en~ ~l ~ ~n ~y one (fl For the full t~rm of the tn~fial aH~oLutm~nU, the ~ n~ ~g ~ ~~ ~0, 1~4 ~d ~e ~o ~~ ~g ~t~ ~ · ~ 20, 1095 ~ ~ ~~ ~' ~ ~ biolo~ ~~ ~ of ~ ~~ ~ut a ~f~ ~ or ~ ~ ~ ~nt {0~. No. 91.26, J 2; ~.N~ 91~, J 1) Sec. 5-i-29. Of~ce~ &nd ~uppo~ s~a.'?. ~ ~e off~ of~t en~en~ ~ ~' ~c~h~ Off~' ~ sh~ ~ for one ~ O~r of el~ y~. fo~ ~he du~i~ of~t ~~ in ~e ~e~ or in~pKRy of the ~ In ~e of t~e r~ m~, r~i~on or d~ of ~e ~%~L%, ~e ~ o~ ~e ~~ ~ s~ ~=e ~ the c~r from i~ mem~p at the ~e~ reT~l~ meeting. Such el~on s~ ~ for t~e (c} ~f~ ~ ~ for ~e ~' CD54:6 AUG 0 4 1.q98 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RII~Q~ FOR ~ BOARD TO ADOPT THE ACCOMPANYING I~E,.qOLUTION AI~ROVING THE TRANSFER OF THE WASTEWATER COg~Li~CrlON gYBTEM AND WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA FROM ROOKERY BAY 8rRVICES, INC. TO COLLIER COUNTY I~'OR THE eO~D PROVISION OF WASTEWATER SERVICE TO THE APPROVED SERVICE .~,.RF,~ .4~ RECOMbtl~NDED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND WAS~ATER AUTHORITY. ' "" OB,/E~: To approve t~ transfer of Rookery Bay Service, Inc. (PBS) wnztewater CONfflI)KRATION$: Rookery B~y Services, Inc. (R.BS) is the hold~ of Wastewater Certificate 06S, which was trnnsferred by the Boa~'d ~ Rookery Bay Utilities, Inc. on !::" " US 41 and east of SR 951. T~e Cotmty provides potable water service in this ~ Prior to the recem tr~mfer of thi~ utility to RBS, it's predecessor, Rookery Bay Utility, ~ the utUiW system without the required Department of ~e~ud Protection ope~ti~ po'mits for wine five years. For RBS to tongue opo~on of the system and obt~ the mluixed opera~g permi~ significant c~ital investmem would be required for tl~ rep~ ~ ~ of the existing was~-water treatment plants. As aa alternative to tho ~ outl~, RI~ h~ been negoti~ng with ~blic Works staff for the ~'s ~c~suisition of the s',,/slcm. On Sun~ 16, 199~, tlz Bon~ provided ~on to Public Works staff to pmsue the · cquisifion of the service territor~ and related collection sy~em, proceed with the public heating requh'emeots r~arding the mmsfer/sale, and proceed with contract nego~ons fix ~g service~ and system improvements to effect connection of the RB~ sewer system to ~e Collie~ County Water/Se'w~ District's cent~ sew~ syst~. O~ July 7, 1.998, RBS filed an application for transfer of its collection system and service ~ Io C'kfflier Cc. vary. Utility Regulstion s'ta~ determined that the at~lication met the ~u.~ t~li~_ Itqni~n~ents pursuan: to ~ No. 96-6 (Utility Regulation Ordinance) :zld w. hedl:led a public hea~ing before thc Collier Cotmty Wa~r and W~wate~ Aufl~ori~ (Authority). AUG 0 4 1998 Oa July 27, 1998. l~ Authority held a duly advertised public hearing to consider the ~licafion, the record, staffrcport, testimony of the partie~, and public comment. Although the Authority acted in its capaci~ as the fact finder in this ~'tion, fuml apprm~ of a a-target re~ with the Board. TI~ ~'~ rt~fl6ng ord., Preliminary Order No. 98-2 and ~orting ~ i~ on fil~ with the Dq>amnent c f Utility a~l Franchi~ Regulation (Bleu W~ace - exten~io~ 7146). The Authority ez~~ itz fu~g~ of fact and coucluzionz of law in formulaZing its r~com~h6on to fl~e Board. The Auth~ty ~x~idercd itemz required by OrdJnan~ No. 96-6, a~ ~m~:nded, ~xi Section 125.3401, Florida Statute, in ~cnding appro~ of the tmmfcr. I~sSCAL IMPACT: Upon tr'a~f~r to the Couaty, th~ De. lo. mt of Utility sad F./~clfi~ Regui~oo would no longer receive Regulatory ~eat Fees (3% of gross revemies) from ~ utility. The dcpaxtment's ~mnual rcvc~ue~ would decrease by ~mrd--,,,~y $s,700. GRO~ MakNA~h~ IMPACT: None. ~~ATION: That the Bom'd spprove th~ Authority's ~:ommm~lation by ndopting the ncomnl~/~n~ r~ol-ation wi~ the Authodty's Preliminary Order No. 98-2 D. E. Wallace, Director, ~ o fUtility smd Fnmchise Regulati~ ~,~~ P ~a~lmer, Assimamt County Attorney V~,cem A. Came,o, Adminislrawr, Connnunity Development and Em~tal Servic~ Dividon AUG 0 4 1998 1 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2~ 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 RESOLUTION NO. 98-_ A RESOLUTION OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO S/.gflON 1-19, COLLIER COUNI~ ORDINANCE NO. 96-6, AS AMENDED, AI~ROVING THX TRANSFER OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND WASTKWATER SKRVICK AREA FROM ROOKERY BAY SERVICES, INC. TO COLLIER COUNTY, SUB,~CT TO SUBSEQUENT APPROVAL OF TI~ AG"R~EMENT OF PUR~E AND SALE OF WASTEWATER ASSETS !~ AND IIETWK~N ROOKERY BAY SERVICES, INC. AND ~ COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF CO~SSIONERS AS ~ GOVERNING BODY OF COI.I.IKR COUNTY AND EX-OFFICIO TI~ GOVERNING BOARD FOR TIlE CO~ COUNT WATER-SEWER DISTRICT. WITKREAS, Re~lution No. 96-104 excluded Collier County from the provisions of Chaptn' 367, Florida Statues, thru-by asstaning c. ert,,in subject matter jurisdiction over non-exempt water and wastewater utilities operating in unin~rated re'cas of Collier WIlICREAS, ~ No. 96-6, aa amended, established the Collier county Wato' and Wagtewater Auth~ty (AUTHORITY) and specific powers and duties; and WI~AS, on Ma~h I0, 1998, the Board of County Commi~ioner~ (BOARD) at, in'oval the transfer of Certificate No. 06S and sale of wastewater assets from Rookcry Bay Utility ~y, Inc. to Rookery Bay Services, Inc. for thc continued provision of wastc~ater treatmem service in specific nnlnc~ areas of Collier Count~, and WHEREA~, Ordinance No. 96-6, as ammded, provides a process for utilities ur'der local jufiadic6on to file an ~plication for transfer ofwater and/or wastewater ~AS, on July 7, 1998, an application for tramfer ofwastewater collection system and wastewnm' service ar~ was filed by Rookery Bay Service~, Inc. CrRANSFEROR) to effect the transfer of the was~cwater collection ~ystem and wastew~ service area to Collier County (TRANS~~; and WI~iiF. AS, on July 27, 1998, the AUTHORITY held a duly advertised public hearing to co~der said application, the record, staffrcport, testimony of the TRANSFEROR and 'IRANSFEi~i=:F. ~tativcs, and public comment; and ~rFdgRKAS, the AlYrHO~ issued its Preliminmy Order No. 98-2, inco~ hert~ as attachment "A', nxxmunending that subject to evidence and argttmcnt, if any, admitt~l at a public hearing conducted by the BOARD, adopt findings of fael and oonclttsim~ of law, es.~ally aa were found by the AlYrHORITY, that Collkr Coumy's trarafer and purchase of the Rookery Bay Services, Inc. cerfificat~ wastewam' ~rv/ce mm, facilities, and contwl of said facilities is in the public intm AUG 0 4 1998 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 15 19 2O 21 22 23 ~4 25 26 27 29 30 3! 32 33 ~4 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, the AUTHORITY'S Prel~ Order No. 98-2 fim~er ~nmgnds BOARD appp~al ofColUer Cotmty's wansfer axxl ptu-cha~ ofthe Rookery Bay Services, Inc. wastew~ service area and wastewater collection system, more psrticular~ ~ by the application for ~nsfer and the record. NOW, TI~REFORF.~ BE IT RESOLVED BY ~ Board of County Commlssion~rs The AUTHORITY'S Preliminary Order No. 98-2, including the findinp of fact and conclusions of law, is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of Pumumt to Section 1-19, Ordinan~ No. 966, as amended, and Section 125.3401, F/or/da Statute. r, the tra~f~ of the Rookery Bay Services, Inc. 3. This action shall be effective on the date ofclosing~ This Resolution adopted this day of second and majority vote favoring same. ,1998, after motion, ATTESF: DWIGHT F.. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI._~SlONER5 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Thomas C. Palmer Assistant Com~ AUomey by: BARBARA IL BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 4 1998 P~._. '~ ~ ATTACHMENT "A' AUG 0 4 '1998 1 2 4 6 ? 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 :23 24 2~ 26 27 28 29 30 :il 32 33 36 37 39 41 42 43 PRELIbilNARY ORDER NO. 98-2 COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND WASTEWATER AUTHORITY A PRELIMINARY ORDER OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND WASTEWATER AUTHORITY, PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-19 OF ORDINANCE NO. 96-6, AS AMENDED, AND CHAPTER 125.3401, FLORIDA $/'A H./TES, RECOMlVlENDING THAT TIS'E BOARD OF COUNTY COMbflSSIONERS APPROVE THE. AUTHORITY'S FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, FINDING THE COUNTY'S TRANSFER OF ROOKERY BAY SERVICES, INC. WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA AND PUR~E OF ROOKERY BAY SERVICES, INC. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM TO BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, RECOMMENDING BOARD APPROVAL OF ~ TRANSFER AND PURCHASE OF SAME, PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUED PROVISION OF WASTEWATER SERVICE IN SAID SERVICE AREA BY COLLIER COUNTY. WHEREAS, Collier County Resolution No. 96-I04 excluded Collier Cotmty fi'om the provisions of Chapter 367, F/or/da Statutes, whereby Collier County a.%am~ed certahl subject mater jurisdiction over non-excmpt water and wastewater utilities lxoviding service in un--ed areas of Collier County; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 96-6, as amended, established thc Collier County W~a' .nd Wastewater Authority (AU'I~O~ with its specific powers and duties; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 1998, the Collier County Board of Commissioners (BOARD) adopted Resolution No. 98-~, approving the Umsfer of Wastewater Certificam No. 06S from Rookery Bay Utility Company, Inc. to Rookery Bay Service~, Ira., for the continued provision ofwastewater service in specific tmin~ted areas of the County, more particularly described a~ Attaclunent "A', incorporated herein; and WRT~REAS, Ordinance No. 966, as amended, provides a process for vtilitiea under the County's jurisdiction to file an application with the AUTHORITY for the transfer ofwalet ~ad/or waztewatcr certifi~te, facilities, or control; and WHlaIREAS, on Suly 7, 1998, Rookery B,-y Services, Inc. filed an application with the AUTHORITY'S Executive Director for transfer ofthe waztewatcr service area ami purchase of its collection facilities, and conlrol of said facilities to COUNTY, more particularly descrl~[ al: Attachment "A"; and WIIgREAS, on July 9, 1998, the ALrl'HO~'S Executive Director ~ed that the application met the minimum filing reqRirements purmant to Ordinance No. 966, as amended, and eztablished .luly 9, 1998, as the Official Daie of AUG 0 4 1998 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 29 ~0 32 35 36 37 ~9 41 42 43 45 WHEREAS, on Suly 27, 1998, AlYrttORITY conducted a discretionary, duly ~lva'fised public hear~g to consider the application, the record, Staff'Report, tes6mony of the partie~ md commexas from the public; and ~REAS, on July 27, 1998, after hearing all te~mony, AUTHORITY closed the public hearing and opened its deliberative session to consider whether:. 1. The application meets the minimum filing requirements as ~:ncified by Rule~ oftheBoa 2. The application ia made ia good faith; 3. Transferee has sufficient resources to serve the area for with the transfer is 4. The Transfewr utility is in regulatory compliance; 5. The~ is an economic impact on the utility's customer base in terms of future ~ f~ and charge~; 6. The application conflicts with the County's Master Land Use Plan, including capital improvm ats ¢lem ts; 7. The ~ should establish a new rate base for the utilit,f, $. The utility is current in the payment of regulatory assessment fees; and ~. The utility is cummt in the filing ofAnnual Finandal Reports; and WHEREAS, during its deliberative session, the AlYrI-IO~ also sought to ~ine whether a purchase oft. he utility by Collier County is in the public interest purmant to Chapter 125.3401, F/or/da Sm,ute. v, by considering the following: 1. The most recent available income and cxpense statement for the utility, 2. ~ most recent available bal,,race sheet for the utility, 3. A statement of the existing rate base of utility for regulatory purlx)ses; 4. The phy~i~l condition ofthe utility facilities being purc~ 5. The reasonableness of the purchase aacl the purchase ~,uis; 6. The impact of thc purchasc on utility customc~, both positivc and negative; 7. Any additional invcstment required and the ability and willingness of thc 8. The alternatives to the contemplated purchase and the potential impact on utility customers if the purchase is not made; 9. l'he abiliV of the County to provide and maintain high-quality and cost- Vi~tF-RRAS, pursuant to Section 1-19 (A), Ordinance No. 96-6, as amended, the BOARD has final authority to approve, approvc with conditions, or disapprove thc i,,,,sfer of certificated service area, facilities or control. AUG 0 1998 1 2 3 4 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 THIS PRELIMINARY ORDER IS THEREFORE ISSUED by the AUTHORITY, in public m~ti~a asmnbl~ that: Pursu~ to Ordinance No. 96-6, as amended, Rules of the Board, and Chapu~ 12~3401, F/or/da Statutes, the AUTHORITY hereby reconnne~Is thai · ~jc~ to ~vkhmce ~ m-D~mcm, if any, admitted at a public ~ ~ by the BOARD, that the BOARD adopt findings of fact and conclusions of law es,scntiaUy as have bom found by the AUTHORITY', as k~'xted herein, that Collier Coun~/s tramfer and purchase of the Rookn'y Bay Services, Inc. certitic~ w~ service area, facilities, and control of said facilities is in the public inta'cst; and 2. Based on ~he public hearing held by the AUTHORfI'Y, the AUTHORITY recommem~ that the BOARD authorize Collier County to purc~ the ~ystem, more particularly described a~ AI~ac~ "A'. This PreHzrfln~ Order adopted this day of motion, second and majority vote favoring same. ,1998, after ~ as to form COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND WASTEWATER AUTHORITY Robert C. Bennett, Jr. Chairman AUG 0 1 1998 EXE~ S~Y AFPROVE THE FURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROOKERY BAY ~RVlCF.,S, INC. AND COLLIER COUNTY WATER.SEWER D~CT; ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINDINGS AND FACTS RELATING TO THE ROOKERY BAY FRANCHISE SERVICE AREA SALES TRAN~AC'rlON; AND APPROVE A PHASE I~ APPROACH TO USER RATES ~,~.~" ·:" ~]~]~: The Boerd. of County Commissioners, ex-officio the governing board of thc Collier (CCWSD) CCWSD . oo ~,:i~'~;'.' ~o~'r~,ol~.S: On Amc IS, 199s the Board approved a request to consid~ acquisition of the , . oooneciion of thc RBS sys~m to CCWSD have been r, csolvcd. ': ' ' On .luly 27, 1998, thc Utility Regulations staff conducted a public hearing before thc Water and 'Wasl,~valer ~ to adoS. a preliminary order approving transfer of rd~ was',ewa~ c. enificatc from RII~ lo CCWSD. Final appwvc of the certificate trar~fer will be brought before thc BCC on August 4, 1995. ~ is $1.2 million. System improvements (force main and pump smiion) ~o alt'ca connection of the R.BS ~ to CCWSD will cos~ approxhuatcly $300,000. lmprov~ co~ by RBS Inc. with ~.hn~t from CCWSD fimds makes the total cost of the transaction to the CCWSD apl~,xims~ly $1,.'~)0.000. T~ sas~.-wnm plant and as.~i~d ~ ~ will remain the proper~ of R]~ ~ PBS will ~ re'Tonsibility for decommi~ionin~ the treatm~t facilities. The Alp'cement is ~flactled m F.x~b~t A to th/s e~ean/ve smnnm~'. lq~ curro~ rate sc, he, dale of PBS Inc. is lower than that of the CCWSD. Where the typical RBS ~ now pays S13.18 1~'~ month for wa.,rtewalcr service, under the CCWSD be would pay $23.86. ~ the po~-,alial h~'i~p this might cause, staff has developed a two year phase-in approach to ~ the CCWSD nc~s. Under the proposed ap~..roach, properties with the largest ira-roasts would hsv~ CCWgD rams phased-in over two years. Prc~i>.'nies with moderate increases would have CCWgD rams phased-in over ~ year. Properties wi~h small increases or decrease would have the · Slmlma~ nm:s implemenl~ knmcdi~cly. Thc rate s~he~iulcs ami the proposed phasing ~pproach thc ::,' ~ ss Exln~it B. l'hls ,~axgd be ~ v, ifl~ the approach used in 1996 to connect thc Royal Cove ar~a to the CCWSD. TI~ Six L's Fsrm labor camp lies ou~i& of ~ Collier County Watcr-Sewer District. The point of cmm~lion ~ ;s loca~t within the Collier County Wa~r-Sewer District. Th~ internal system is ~ ~ operaleg by Six L's Farm; the Collier County Waler-Sew~ Dis'txict will own only ~ lift · Sll~0a ~ ~c~ ~ locmtd on US41 within o,.n' district ~ IlVffACT: Ftm(h ~.~e not specifically budgeted lbr the proposed acquisition. The negotiated ~ ptic~ is $1.2 ~n~,~ In addition., there ar~ approximately $300,000 in im,ra'ovemenls ~ ~ !~ ~ in or, ct~ ia conuect the PBS, Inc. customers to the CCWSD. The terms of the agreement c~l for I!~ CCWSD w rdmb~e KBS, !nc. for comtmctJon e ~those improvements. 2 AU$ O ' 996 to ws~-wat~ capital fund 414 and placed h a project number to allow the expenditu~ to be 'tracked. Bored elects to pbnse-in Cour~ rat~ over a two.year period, t~ following revenue would result: i~C~ATION: 51~ffrecom~ the Board npprove the purchase atp'cement approvin~ the ~ ~ ~ RBS, Inc. and CCWSD; adopl a resolution thai ~ forth the ~ and .ti~s ~ m fl:~ s~s ~ approve r~:~'~kd raIe phasix~ a~d apprcwe ~ ~ecessary PREI:ARED BY: I AUS 0' ]998 I Exhibi~ A AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE OF WASTEWATER ASSETS By and Between ROOKERY BAY SERVICES, INC. Seller, and THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLUER COUNTY AND EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE COLUER COUNTY WATER-S~ DISTRICT oO Purchaser. Covering the sale of the wastewater system of the Seller to the Purchaser July, t998 AUG 0 I, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKI3R(XIND 1. Fumisl~ o~ Documents 2. Covefm~ to 8ell Ind Purch,tse and Descrlptto~ ot' Pu~ Assets 3. Pt.'cltmm ~ Payment 4. ~ Agreements, Reuse Agreemenl3, Rillhts Thereunder S. Purcluts~s W~n'~ntles 8. Sele's WsrrunlJes 8. O. Closing i:Me find Closin~ 10. 11. 12.. 81GI~TURE PAGE 16. ExNM 4 - Prat Au Pr~nce Lots 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 '9 11 12 13 14 16 AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE THIS AGREEMENT .('Agreement"') L~ made this . day of ,1998, by and between ROOKERY BAY SERVICES, INC., · Florida coq>oration (hereinafter referred to as the 'Seller). whose pdndpal address Is 801 Laurel Oak Ddve, Suite 710, Naples, Flodda, and THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF CO!_I_IER COUNTY AND EX-OFFiCIO THE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER.SEWER DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as the 'Purchase~, whose address is 3301 East Tamlaml Trd, Pul:~icWof~ Divisk~, Building H, Thtrd Floor, Nal:~es, Flodda. BACKGROUND The 8clef owns and operates · sanitary waste'~ter c. oilec~o~, treatment and disposal system which IXOVtdes r.a~ce to certain terrltof7 in unincorporated Co~er Coure/, Florida, and which olxrates put. ant to permits issued by the Flora Department of ~ Regulation and terrltorf~l luthodzallon issued by the Board of County Commissars of Collier County, Florida (hereinafter the The Pum~aser has determined that acquisition of the ~ customer base, transm!~ mains, supl31y pipes a~d Additional Fncirflies as defined heroin (heminatter colleclfvely referred to as the 'UtBty Syslem') is In ~ best Interest of the Purchaser and pubr~ The Purchaser is de~T..,us of purchasing the UtBty System, and the Seller is ,villing to sell il to the Purchaser upon the terms nnd conditions se{ fMth ~ this Agmement. NOW, THEREFORE, in coflsideral~ of the promises taxi covenants of this Agreement, and othe~ good and valuable conside~on, the racetl~ and suffidency of which is hereby ac~owledged, the paffle~, intending to be kJga~( bound hereby, agree as follows: 1. FURNI~HINO OF DOCUMENTS. Thi~ days IXkX' to the execution of this Agreemer~ the Seller will make the following documer~ received by ~ from Rookery Bay Utltty Company CRBU") ay·it·hie te the Purchaser for Inspection. to the extetlt such documertts are ill ~ Se~ie~'s possession of' contJ~: ~ Plans and spedflca~ons sho.Mng the wast~er tremmem plants of the Utility System. together with · map showing the wastewater collection lines, lift stations, and ,131:)urtenances. and all Exhi~ B: ·elks'· Wastewater Certificae No.06· (p~evtously RE~ CeflJflcate No. 06S) issued by the Commission (hereinafter referred to as the 'Fra~..hise Certificate'). F.x~bit '~: A schedt~le and copies of all active agreements between RBU and owners, developers o~ bulk customers of property to be Ixovided wastewater service (hemir~a/ter coil~ely referred to as ~ A copy of all books, records and repo~ of the Utility System, Including those provided Exhibit ~ Copies of all permits, a~ons or other documents Oncka3qng those provided to ~~ govemmenf~l au'Jxxtt~, Including, ~ no{ limited to, the Florid= Depmlme~ of ~ RegMa6on taxi t~e CoEer County Water taxi W;etew~ter Authority. E~bi]~[~: A Isl of' customers by nm'ne, address, and a_~__unt number. Exhil:R G: Form of bi~ of sate to be executed .nd de~vered by Seller to the Purchaser at t~ 0me of Closing. ~ Li~ of'Exct~ed Asesets" as referenced in ,A. rfJcle 2('0) hereof. Extd~ I: Ust of Items or expenses to be prorated at Closing, If any, as caged foe pursuant to fi'ds ~l:d];J~: A legal description of ail easements and rights-of-way to be provided to Purchaser for flit stations, pumping stations, transmission mains, supply pipes, Irrigation quaBy water and disposal fadglies, vanes, and all other physical facies and property ]nstaaations related to ta<:git~ to be used by Purchaser. The ~ shall have twenty (20) working days foGowing reoelp( ot' the aforementioned E3ddl:dts for review CRevlew Period') and within which to notify Seek.' of any requests for infon'n~on or IddPdo~ to Ute Extdb~. Should Pt~-chaser fd to not~ Seller of a request for kdommtlon or m:ldltions wflh respect fo an F_x~bit within the Review Pedod, Purchaser shall be deerned to have completed its review and to have approved that E:xhit~ Nevertheless, Purchaser may make requests for additional ariel' the Review Period, or response thereto from the Seller, shall be a basis either roi' delaying or refusing to a~omlt this Agreement lo the Board o~ County ~oners for approval m' Ex' delaying the Closing. ~ TO 8ELL AND PURCHASE AND DE.~CRIPT]ON OF PURCHASED of the Seller to the ~r for the Purchase Price and ~ the terms, and sut~ to the cofxY~ons herein) which Seller owns or in which it has an interest regarding the Utility S3t'~em as described in the Exhit~ set forth above ~ shall not include the 'F_xduded Assets' desatbed in paragraph 2(b) hereof), and which Include the following: (1) All easerrmnts, Icenses and rfgha,-of-way and consents owned by Seller fm the .' cpe~lion ~.r:d maintenance of the LP, Jlty Sydem. amd opm'ale Itm Ully System fo~ the collection and cr~s~sal of wastewater and every right of every .. character whatevm In comm~ therewith, and the obt~alJons thereof, together with al dghts granted to Seller under g~e ~ described in F. xhib# B. Upon C.-k)sing, this Agreement ~ operate as a AU6 0 ,q 1S 8 trml~er o( al luch flgh~ to Purchaser. The pa/ties shall c~e In applying for and ol:dalning transfer of el such rights requktng regulatory approval or nolice. (3) A1 past and current customer recorJs, Ixints, plans, engineering ralx)rts, surveys, speciflcdiom, shop drav4ng$, equipment manuals, and other ~ommtion reasonably required by the ~ which are I~ possession of Belier and its agents o~ the Closing Date pertaining to the (4) One (1) set of drawings slx, wing the sanitary wastewater collection, trealment and disposal ~ oi' t~e utility. Such drawings sr. all also include any original tradngs, sepias (x' olher reproducible rnate~al where same is In possession o~ Se~r. (5) A1 ~hts of Seller tz.xler It~ Devalope~' Agreements described In ExlTol C and as Ixovlded for here~ (1:)) The tefra 'Excluded Assets" shaft irx:lude: (1) Cash or bank accounts of SMer which are Seaer's sole property and am not subject to refund to customers, including developers, ~ customers or others. (2) Escrow and other Seller provisions for paymer~ o~ federal Income taxes, state Income taxes and other ~oces .which remain SaaeCs resixma'biaty. (4) · A1 notes and accounts receivat~ 0nduding connection charge notes receivable) 3, PI.IRCHA3E PEICE: PAYMENT. (a) The Purchaser agrees to pay a total cash consideration in the amount of One MiTmn Two Irimmbsion By)es, ~ pipes, collection pipes, valves, sen'ice con~, If any, taxi olher leas as. 4. D~i3.0P~R~ AGREEM~HT~. (s) Ptrdlas~ ~.ali not be bou~ by any 8greements to which the Purchaser is not a dOn. pe . Pun:bas~ ~ and warnmts as follows: (a) The ~r v~]l. subsequent to C.~. and consistent with prudent bUSiness 13~acUces. indus,/~tmxlm'ds applicaMe therelo. F ~rct~sef's Ordinm'mes. rules and regulations, and the mquirmm~ al' I~e ~3rop~me governmental agencies l~rdng Jur~flc:Uon over the ~,sets and ~ ~ ~ Mien t~ vna~e,m~r servk:e erea del're, ed ~ Franchise Cer~icale No. OeS .s ~ In Ex~31'3" ~:hed hero. (b) Pum~.~ acknowledges that Seller shall not own na~ shall Seller have ,n~ maintenance ~ m' rm~pom.~bi~k~ for any gravity colleclion sTslams -,nc~cx' pump of' lift stations conslrucl~l oe has no{ deal~ with el~e~ a broker, salesman, o~ ~ in connec~ion with contemp~ed by th~ Agreement. and. in ~ far ,~ it knows, no broker. enUl~ed to an,/cx3mmtssi~ ~ fee with mspec~ lo such transaction. (d) ~ ~nli malnlatn, repak' m'~d/~ replaca oely tho~a spectfic uflllly facli~es to which 11~ b I~j~ to t~e Counly pu~uam to thb AgmemenL This provision shill n~ affecl any (e) In m event ~t~l Se~er ~ ~ted or required to i~/any Colier Courtly ~ Fees m. warrants as (~) T~ ~4~r tm=, full corporate power and authority to execute, del]va' and perform under this Agmemr~ md th-.~ Coaaterd Doc~nen~ which, when executed and delivered !~ ~ Seaer. ¢on~llule l~e legal, vak~ and bindi~ ob~gation of the Se~er in acco~ance wfth their tmrns and 807.t202. FIr,.g.l~ 8tal~s. . · (b) The ~ ~ permCt full examination by the Purchaser's authodzed 8eler k. Ihe orrfam'F ceu~ge of business by the Seller. e (C) Th~ mgr~entaUo~ end w'arranUos contained hernia o~ m~e hereunder, end the ~ colla/eml doc~nen~, cerUflc~es, schedules end ot~er documents furnished in connection with I~ tmnMcflon c~ hereby ~e those doa~nents ~ectt.,.ed by Seller from RBU. No further (d) Prior to Closl~. ~e Seller shall operate and rnainla~n the Ut~ity System in a normal and usval msnne~'. (~) Se~ef Ires made a lump sum pr/rnenl to Purd'4~,~ in ~ ~nount of Fifty-five Thousand 00/100 I:)oPa~ (~5,000.00], and thereby each of the 122 lots in ~e Pod au Prince service area (see E3ohi~ 4 ,tt~hed hereto) ~1 be credited wt~ an Impact fee p~/ment of $450.82. inclucg, ng Instances ~ ~ than I ~ ~ lot is ow~ by Ihe same owner(s). To ~ exler~ I~at the cred'A does I~Y the total impa~ fee ~tributable to em:~ ~, the unpaid knpac~ fee bala~ shall be due and owing Purctmser in m:con~m~e wire npplicable provisions of Puroh~se~s Ordinances. In no event, however, slmll 841m' be ob~gM~ or required to pay ~ny addi~onal Impact Fee~, or outer costs, w~ regard to ~e (0 Th~ Sear tins nc, dealt wfth either a broker, salesman, ~ finder kt connecUon with any ~ ~f ~e trm~sKIlon cadeo',~:~d by this Agmemem, and, in so fro' as they know, no broker, salesman m'oll~r Ix~<m Is enlll~ t~ any ~ or fee ~ respecl to such tnmsact~n. (g) ~ ~ not'lrdthodzed the placing or depositing (34' haza,-do~ substances on the real M~lte portion of the Pu.~%aMd ~s excepL If at alt, in a___cx~:,nJance with the appricable Envkonnmntal 7. I)E~ F.N(3JMB]~U~C~. (a) Permil~ed Encumbra~. 'Palmated Encumbrances' mean and include the following: (1) EemTm~, restdctiom, reserv~or~, rights-of-way, conditions and rimitattons of reco~, If any, which am not incmudstent with ~efler's other warran(ies end obtigatiom contained in this Agreement, which are not coupled with any reverter or forfeiture provisions, Including (without limttatJoft) (;2) Such other' matters as are perm~ed under the terms of this Agreement. Also not less than ten (10) working days prior to Closing. Seller shall deriver to Purctmser any survey in ~Mler's possession, which surv~(s) shall set forth all exL~ng easements, alleys, streets and roeds, and s~tow MI Additional FecilitJes on the property and distances to boundary lines. I. COI~[TIOI~ PR~ TO CLO~INn, The ~ of e~ch pmly Io dose the IJ'ansac~on co~ed by th~s Agmemerd: ~ ~J~eC~ Nei~er plrrly stroll be pmht'Dlted by lav4ul decree or law from con~unm'~ the Plge7dtS (b) ~ to Section 125~401, Fk~ Statutes. the Boa~ of County ~shall lmve ratified mci ~:~xoved. the execut~ of this Agreement and euthortzed the purchase of the (¢) The Department ~ ~ Protection has agreed, in wrtting, not to tran~er Impose any lines taXI penalties currently f. ueLMd agains~ RBU to the 8eler or to the Purchaser. (cf) A1 w'afmnUes end r~~ heroin of the parties hereto shall be true ~s of tim CLO~IN~ DATE AND CLO$1Nq~ (a) TII~ ~ shal close between the 25u~ day and the 3ltl day of the month in vdt:h fhe AddlJofl81 Facillles Is completed, urde~ changed by mutual ogreemefll of the parties CCIosl~ (1) Al ~oounts receivable duo Seger for wa~ewater service es of tho date of I:dl Idl cuslomo~ 8eSot sba1 furnish to Purchaser, et closing. 8 EstJflg o~ all cun'ent ctts~ome~ ~ Al cust~ne~ who ptid annually fo~ was~ewateF services end a poftk~ o~ tl~ose ~ tJ~ hove not yet been mndef~ as of lr~e Closing Date, the Seller w~ 81ocate a pm'aled C~slng, a I~t o~ al amualy breed custonm, s and u~e doaar amount o1' the prorated sham Coy ~ b. 8pecfl'x:aly with m,gard to Six L's Fam'k the pad:les acknowl~ ~ ~ (2] Each of the parties hefl~o shall pay the lees of Its'own attorne)-s, benkm3, engineer, accountants, as~cl obher prof~l adv'.-_.er3 or cof~u~ in connection with the ne~ and pun:lmse t~a~ cc, memplated ttemin, un~ess omerwLr, e provided for in this AgmemenL (3) /.iT b']s for services rende;~:f tn cormec~Jon with the operation of the Utly ~/s~em prior to Clo~tng shflll be paid by 8eler. (4) As an addition to the Purchase Pnce. Pu~ shaft reimburse 8eler fo~ Id pre- Ippmvod expenses and cosLs Incurred by 8eler for ~e plar~r~, design, and constmc~ofl'o~ the Add~omd Facfllles. The authodty to pre-approve said expenses and costs I~ hereby detegaled to Pufchasm's Ptd:~c Wodcs Administrator. who shall base ~ such approvals on 8 reasonable applicalloe of standards gene~ peewdtno In the engineering and c<'~:tJon IrxJustrles in confleclion f~lglllflS (5) All prorations required pursuant to the IXOV'cstons of this Agreement shall be mede and egreed upon by the parties hereto. 10. ~ The provlstom of Article 2Co) and Articles 5, 6, 7, and 1 l(d) shall survive the Closing hereof and 11. ~ ~ -aJ~:OLe8 (a) Pd°r 1° ~ Ilmulaneota~Y wff, h the Closing here~, each pady wtg deliver to the olhet is opinion of coumd that I has ful legal authority to enter Into this AOreemenL that the Agreement taxi d colataral doc:mae~ hwe been duly authorized and are binc~g m the party, and to the best of such coume~ belief, l~e ex~:~ion, delivery and perfo~ of I~e Agmemem and the colt~etal d~ (lees riel ~ a bmacfl or ~ by such Party of any agreement to which Itba party. (13) This ml0ng embodies the entire agreement and mdersta~ between the parties hemlo and lbam am no other agreements or understandings, oral or -dtten, with refemnoe to the subject lite terms of ~ Agreement shall be valid unles.~ mede in writing and Si~lned by the parties hereto. This Agme~ regard3ess of where executed, shall be governed and ~ according Io the laws of the Igmeftm.,ll of I~e pmtlel ~. Good faith Is a ~ of this Agreement. In no event, however. this pro, sion be c~ed to ~ow a~ by the PurrJ~._se~_. or third parties to the books and (d) Neith~ Purchaser nor Sefler may transfer or assign th~S Agreement or the mspeclive dulJes or obr~Oons I~'.,.:flder without oblatning the p~or wrft~en consent of the other except that Pta'ches~ hemL~ come,ts to the assignment of this Agreement by the Seller to its stockholders or to a (e) Any NOrK:O or other doctm'ent to be gh~en hereunder by either party to the other shall be If to the Purchase. ATTN: Mr. Ed Ibchner Public Wod~ ~~ Co~le.r Oounty Pubic Wod~ Divbdon 3301 ~ Tarnim'ni Trai ATTN: Mark J. Woodward, as AuUx)ftzed Agent Rookery Bay 6endces, Inc. 801 Laurel O~ Drive, ~ 710 copy to: 4001 Tarniaml Ti'all North. ~<Jlte 350 Naples, Flodda 34103 (I) A1 rep~Mn~tJorm and wamueJ~ hefe~fom made by any pady Io the other am minded irm I~s Anreemem. em failure crete (Xher to dose this Agreernenl or to satisfy the ob~tkms contained hemln which exis~ (i) The ~ (3( this .,"~wwe~ ~ed a ~m effo(t of the parties hereto, and in Inle~ml~ion here~. I{ stroll be ~-,umed that no party had any more Input or influence heroin ~ he~ ma7 be cons~ered to be equalb, appSc, able urger andY, her heading in the inte~ of ~ (k) This Agreement is solely for the benefit of lhe pariie~ hereto and no other ~ of Idion shall accrue upon, or by reason hereof' to or for ~he benef'A of' any third party, who of which is not a · fomml pady (The Remainder of thts Page ts Inlentionally Left B~anl0. IN vvrrNES8 V~IEREOF, the p~r~es hsve hereunlo caused this Ag~nt to be axocuted ~e and year ~fo~said in counting, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR COU.JER COUN'~, FLORIDA A8 THE GOVERNING BOOY OF COLLE~ COUNTY AND EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE COLM~ COUNTY WATER-8~VER DI6~'EICT. EXHIBIT 1 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~__~ ~tmd ~b" po~,. o~ S~ ~4. Township s~ Scab, R~go 20 E.t. co~r coup, EXHIBIT 2 - SCHEDULE OF EXCLUDED ASSETS 2. blowers and associated motors ~ ,m~ter Pump and motor wa~r pressure tank ~ flowmeter, associated cha~ recorder, manuals, suppaes, parts, records, etc. surge pmT~p and motor ~ syslem, parts, manual~, etc. elc. mdb ~ to DEP standards and in operation, quartedy reports, and records, related to groundwater mo~ndng welts. Port m INnce .006 WWTP · 1 ~ Ind motor · 1 IR stal]o~, pump, motor and misted equipment · Kroltm aowmeter, force main, releted equipment Installed to County specifications. (The Remainder of UtEs Page is Intentionally Left Blank). Palgt 13 of t5 EXHIBIT 3 - ROOKERY BAY FRANCHISE SERVICE TERRITORY Of 8.R. 951. The NW~ ofthe NE ~ and the NE ~ ofthe NW~ The NW ~ of the NE % and the NW % lying South of U.S. Highway 41 and the SW ~12- The West ~ of E~ ~ ~/ng Nc~ o~ U.S. ~r;hway 41. AND LES8 THE FOLLOW, NG DESCRIBED PARCEL ~ -.The NE ~ of the NE ~G.I.~- The South ~ c~ the South ~ h/~ng East c~ S.P,. 951. Township 51 8outh. Rame 27 Easl. ~ Couf~,~: Al of Sections lS and 17~ ~- East ~ and the East (The Remainder of this Page is Ir~tentionalty Left Blank). EXHIBIT 4- PORT AU PRINCE LOTS The fallowing Port Au Prince lots will benefit from lump sum Impact fee payment of $55,000.00. lots along Isle of St. Thomas ~reet, Including: Port Au F'dnce Lot 61 Port Au Prince Lo( 72 Port Au Prince Lot 62 Port Au Prince Lot 73 Port Au Pdnce Lot 6:3 Port Au Pdnce Lot 74 Port AU Pdnce Lot 64 Port Au Pdnce Lot 75 Pod Au Prince Lot 65 Port Au Pdnce Lot 78 Pod Au Prince Lot 66 Port Au Pdnce Lot 77 Port Au Pdnce Lot 67 Port Au Pdnce Lot 78 Pod Au Prince LOt 68 Port Au Pdnce Lot 7g Port Au I:hlnce Lot 69 Port Au Pdnce Lot 79A Port AU Prince Lot 70 Pod Au Pdnce Lot 80 POd Au Pdnce Lot 71 Port Au Prince Lot 80A Port Au Prince LOt 81 Port Au Prince Lot 82 Port Au Pdnce Lot 83 POd Au Prince Lot 64 Pod Au Prince Lot 85 Port Au Pdnce LOt 86 Pod Au P~nce Lot 87 Port Au Prince Lot 88 Port Au Prince Lot 89 Port Au Prince Lot 90 Port Au Pflnce Lot gl Port Au Prince Lot 92 Port Au Prince Lot 93 Port Au Pdnce Lot 94 Port Au Prince Lot g5 Port Au Pdnce Lot 96 Port Au Pdnce Lot 97 Port Au Prince Lot g8 Port Au Pdnce Lot 99 Port Au Pdnce Lot 100 Port Au Pflnce Lot 41 POd Au Pflnce Let 42 POd Au Plince Lot 43 Pod Au r-,flnce LOt44 Pod Au Pr~nce Lot 45 Pod Au Prince Lot 46 Pod AU Pr~tce LO~ 47 Port AU Pr~:e Lot 48 Pod Au P~ce Lot 49 POd AU Pdnce LOt 50 Port Au Pdnce LOt 51 Port Au Prince Lot 52 Port Au Pdnce Lo{ 53 Port Au Prince Lo~ 54 Port Au Prince Lot 55 Port Au Pflnce LOt 56 Pod Au Prince Lot 57 Port Au Pdnce Lot 58 Port Au Pdnce Lo( 59 Port Au Prince Lot 60 Lots alo~ (::)clx) Rios Street, Including: Port Au Prince Lot 21A POd Atl P~lce LOt 21B POd Au Pdnce LOt 22A POd Au Pdnce Lot 22B POd Au Prince Lot 23 POd Au Pflnce LOt 24 Pod AU Prince Lot 2~ Port Au Pdnce Lot 29 Port Au Pdnce LOt 30 Pod Au Pdnce Lot 31 Port Au Pdnce Lot 32 Port Au Pdnce Lot 33 Port Au Pdnce LOt 34 Port Au Pflnce Lot ~5 Port Au Prince Lot :38 Port Au Prince LOt 37 Port Au Prince Lot 38 (The Remainder of this Page is Port Au Pflnce Lot 101 POd AU Prince Lot 102 POd Au Prince Lot 103 Port Au Prince LOt 104 POd Au Prince Lot 105 Pod Au Prince Lot 106 Pod Au Prince Lot 107 Port Au Prince Lot 108 Port Au Prince Lot 109 Port Au Prince Lot 110 Port Au Prince LOt 121 POd Au Prince Lot 122 Port Au Prince LOt 123 Port AU Prince Lot 124 Port Au Pdnce Lot 125 POd Au Prince Lot 126 POd Au Prince Lot 127 Port Au Prince Lot 12.8 Port Au Prince Lot 129 Port Au Prince Lot 130 In,'.entionally Left Blank). Port Au Prince LOt 111 Port Au Prince Lot 112 Port Au I:htnce Lot 113 Port Au Prince Lot 114 Port Au Prince LOt 115 Port Au Prince Lot 116 Port Au Pdnce Lot 117 Pod Au Prince Lot 118 Port Au Prince Lot 119 Port Au Prince Lot 120 Port Au Pdnce Lot 131 Port Au Prince Lot 132 Pod Au Prince LOt 133 PM Au Prince Lei 134 Port Au Pdnce let 135 Port Au Prince LOt 138 Port Au Prince Lot 137 Port Au Prince Lot 138 Port Au Prince Lot 139 Port Au Pdnce Lot 140 Exhibit B - Page 1 of 3 Based on the severity of the rate change to the Customers, the customer will be charged from the following nm, s (table): Customer Name RBU CCWSD First Year Second Year Third Year"" Classification Classification 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Imperial W!idernes~ C~n Serv-RVP Commercial Table A Table A Table A # 16.3 6 inch meter Florida Ocean Unknown Commercial Table A Table A Table A Petroleum I inch meter Ward Services Unknown Commercial Table A Table A Table A 5/8" meter Riverwood Estates Residential Residential Table A Table A Table A Serv #17.1 meter size Henderson Creek Multi-Res. M~'lti-Family Table A Table A Table A Village Condo # 18.0 Six L's Farm Agricultural Mul'ti-Family Table A Table A Table A Labor #16.2 Coral Isle Shops Unknown Commercial Table A Table A Table A meter size Boyae South (non- Unknown ~mercial Table A Table A Table A residential) meter size Boyne Sotrth Unknown Residential Table 13 Table A Table A (residential) ,., ........ meter size Erin's Isle Unknown Commercial' Table A Table A Table A I' meter size "'West Wind R_~z.r-,aifion Unknown Commercial Table A Table A Table A C~'. 1.5'm,~x-r size West Wind Residential. Multi-Res. Residential Table C Table B Table A #18.0 meter size Webb Enterprise Unknown Commercial Table A Table A Table A .75"meter size Port Au Prince Residential Residential Table B Table A Table A Serv # 17.0 meter size -B&I and B&B and Unknown ~4Ulti-Family Table B Table A Table A Fritche~ Parks Marco Shores Es:ares MuM-Res. ' Multi-Family Table B Table A Table A #18.0 ~ Park Multi-Res. Multi-Family Table B Table A Table A #18.0 N~ples Tomato Agricultttral Multi-Family Table B Table A Table A Cn'owers/DUDA Labor # 16.2 "Quails Roost MuM-Res. Multi-Family Table C Table B Table A #I$.0 Cmlf Wiml$ Fast Multi-Res. Multi-Family Table C Table B Table A #18.0 Southbay .°iantazioa Multi-Res. Multi-Family Table C Table B Table A Holiday Manor Multi-Res. Multi-Family Table C Table B Table A #18.0 Enchanted Shores Multi-Res~ 'Multi-F~tmily Table C Table B ' - "' ,# s.o Table A: Sewer rsto Der Ordinsnce ~7-48. ado_Dt~! by the BeC on ~/23/~?: Service Availat-ility chase: Individually Metered Residemial & Non-Residential Property: 5/8 & 3/4 itsch meter $ 17.00 per month I inch metex $ 35.00 per month 1 SA inch meter $ 53.00 per month I ½ inch meter $ 65.00 per momh 2 inch meter $ 101.00 per month 3 indameter $ 197.00 per month 4 inch meter $ 305.00 per month 6 inch me~ $ 606.00 per month $ inch meter $1,087.00 per month Multi-Family (mater metered): First dwelling tmlt $17.00 per month Ea~ additional dwelling unit $12.00 per month Volum ObarS : Rmidenfial Maximum: The maximum volumetric charge for residential prol~rty shall be 10,000 gallons per dwelling unit Tabk B: 5ervle~ Availability charge j~ i'q~l~etnl by 25% (Note 2): Service Availabili~ c3arge: Individually Metered Residential & Non-Residential Property: 5/8 & 3/4 inch meter $ 13.00 Der month I inch meter $ 26.00 per month I ¼ inch meter $ 40.00 per month I ½ inch meter $ 49.00 per month 2 iach meter $ 76.00 ~ month 3 ixw. h ~ $ 148.00 per month 4 inch meter $ 229.00 Her month 6 inch meter $ 455.00 Her month 8 its:hmeter $ 815.00 per month Multi-Family (mat~er metered): Fi~t dwell_lng unit $13.00 ~r moglth Each additional dwelling unit $ 9.00 Der molqth Volume Cluuge: Pcr 1,000 gallon~ $ 1.96 Residettfial Maximum: The maximum volumetric charge for residential pml~tY shall be I0,000 gallons Her dwelling unit. 5/8 & 3/4 inch meter 1 inch meter 1 ~A inch meter I ½ inch meter 2 inch meter 3 inch meter 4 inch mctcr 6 inch m~er 8 inch meter Multi-Family (mater metered): First dwelling unit 9.00 ~r mont~ 1S.O0 per month 27.00 per month 33.00 per month $1.00 per month 99.00 per month 153.00 per month 303.00 per month 544.00 per month 6.00 ~r m0ntb Volume Charge: Per 1,000 gallons $ 1.96 Rcsidential Maximum: The maximum volumetric charge for residential property shall be 10,000 gallons per dwelling unit. Note 2: Table B and Table C are proposed phase in rales developed solely for RBS, Inc. acquisition. Upon acquisition by the C. oumy, former KBS customers shall become CCWSD customers and be mbject to rales aod otha' regulations under which the CCWSD operate~. 4 S ? 1 2.3 ~.4 1S ~4 3S ,,I/ RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COb,n~l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. AS THE GOVER~G BODY OF COLLIER Cob~rTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERN~O BOARD OF TI-IE COLLIER COUNTY WATER/SEWER DISTRICT; PROVIDING FINDINGS PURSUANT TO SECTION 125.3401, FLORIDA STATUTES; DE=TERMI~NING THE ACQUISITION OF T]~ PURCHASE OF TIlE ROOKERY BAY WASTEWATER SERVICE TERRITORY IS IN TI-[E PUBLIC IN'rEREST. CONSIDERING CERTAIN MI]VIMUM CRITERIA AND STA'rUTORY POINTS OF CONSIDERATION AND MAKING AN]) ADOPT[NO A STA~ THAT THE PURCHASE A(.}~ IS IN THE PUBLIC ~, [NCLU]3iNO A SUMMARY OF 'rile COUNTY'S EXPERIE~CE IN WASTEWA'IT.R LrI'[LI]'Y OPERATION AND OF FINANCIAL ABILITY TO PROVIDE SUCH SERVICES AND PROVIDE FOR PHASED-IN USEI~ BE IT RESOLVED BY 'I'HE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORJDA, as the Governing 13<~y of Collier County and as Ex. ~ the Oove~b~ Board of tl~ Coil~er County Wst~./Sewer District, ~ !. ~ B<~d of County Comn~s~x~ of CoH~ Coumy, FIo6da, as ~he gove~i~ bo~ of Collier County md as ex~ the Governing Board of t~ Collier W~ Dimict (hereina/~ ~.oun~y"), arst ~ff from tl~ Collie~ Coun~ Public stat~n~m for t~e utility, the mo~ ~ available l~ance sheet for the utility, listi~ assets, liabilities, con~i~ in ~id of constmc6~ and t~e acc~nu~ed ~ thereof, and a s~amn~m of ~e ex~.ing me b~e of ~e ~lhy for ~ ~ This information was o~xained from the Rookn~ I~x Serv~c~ Inc. md the Ix~liminsry r~poru filed with ~e Coumy Utility ^mJx~ B<~d f~: ~e year ended December, 1997. 2. TI~ County, b) and ~ hs Public Works Administra~ and staff, has facilhics ner~aary for ~ion of the exi~in{ collection syslem presently owned b)' the Count/ ~ th~ ~/~tern ~ Oy Rookery Bay S~wice~ Inc. (RBS). The Coun~ has negotiated wit~ RBS ~nd the i'~'~es have a written ag~e~-nt which reasonably assu~s that RBS shall co~inuously and properly opera~ the utility sy~-m un~il closing, on tee sale. and ~/s trm~ Pml~lly ;~ Ihe inter~ of prov/ding for & mxx~ service Iramit/oo in an 4. Tlx Cou:~ hu conskk':~ the impacts of th~ ~ of lhe ~ purctm~ Wastewater Facility is at i13 ~t7 and has a long history of poor sz~la~ory oomp/ianc~ it i~ ao accelermd service tmuition from RBS to the CountT'S reg/onal ~. a:~ 6. RBS Im aiwa! m constnm the nec4a, m.y fadlMes for ctmmaaion to the County.s aa r~'g/<mal ~~ ~ ~ ~li~ ln'.pact fees for the Cotsnty ~,~ional ~ aa from ~ amomer~, in conformam, e with the County's applicable impact fee ordinances. 7. I~ is in the l~blic intcresl that long range planning, olx. m~onal and financial facilities ~ithin the Collier Coumy Waler/Sewer Distri~ be re~ uniform, effgient and AU8 0 4 "'" ~. With I~ ~xc~on ofthe Six L'~ F~ ~ ~ ~ ~, To~p $1S. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ce ~ a ~fi~. 9. M~ ~ ~ ~~l~of~Coll~C~ W~ 2o 1~ ~~~a~~~~~~.~ ~j Bay ~ ~ ~ Colli~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~g~ f~ ~ of ~ TI-~$ RESOLUTION ADOPTED A~TE~ MOTION, SECOND AN~ MAJORITY VOTE FAVORIIqO ADOPTION. Io 11 14 Is 3o DATE: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROClC ~ BY: · m? Thomas C. Palmer ,'. ~, Assi.,aa'~ CoumT 3! ~4 4! 4~ 47 22 Ai~x'oved as m fo~m ~nd ~, ,,, I Ft~ ~- OF TH:E COLLIER COUNTY WAIER/SEWER DISTRICT BY: BAR~ARAB. B~Y, CHAIRMAN ORDURE HO. 98- COLLECTtON ANO ~ MUNICIPAL ~ERVICF~ BENEFIT8 ~CE, AND HEREBY D~INE A~ "COMME/RC~U. PROPERTY" ~I~I.E FAMILY RESIDENCF.~, DU~, AND AU. OTHER UNITS THAT SHARE IN COMMON A DUMPSTER, BULK LOADER OR SUBSTAHTIALLY SIM~LAR ~OUD WASTE COU. ECTIO~ CONTAJNER; ALSO DEFIH]HG GUEST HOUSF..~ AS HOHCOMMERCIAL UNITS; PROVIDI~ FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABle; PRO'V1DIHG FOR INCLUSION INTO THE CODE OF LAW~ AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ Adoption of an ordinance to amend Ordinance 90-30, as amended. This amendment is to clarify billing resp<~sibilities between Board staff and the ~' (Haulers'). In addition, this amendment provides that guest homes, regardless of size, are assessable.. CONSIDERATIONS; The original Ordinance (90-30), contemplated that County staff would be responsible for billing rowhouses, 4-plexes and down to and inclusive of single family residences. The Haulers would bill 5-plexes and up. As development has (x:curred, collection practices (dumpster vs. curbside) and property managc, rnent association activity has tended to blur the original distinctions regarding billing responsibilities. This blurring has resulted in the Haulers billing units that should be billed by the County under the existing Ordinance. Approximately ten percent (10%) of the total units billed by the Haulers should be billed by the County as a special assessment in accordance with the criteria defined in the current ordinance. To correct this issue, staff is proposing that the County bill only curbside service and the Haulers bill only dumpster service for residential customers. This will help the County's staff, the builder or developer and the customer. County staff will know at the time of the C.O. whether a customer will be serviced curbside or dumpster. The appropriate fees will be charged or a copy .of the contract for dumpster service will be needed. Staff will know whether the customer will be on the mil in .future years by asking one question, 'What type of service?" The customer would never be charged twice because staff doesn't need to know size of buiidinu, only type of service. Staff has identified (with help from the Heulers) dumpster service accounts cun'ently b~lled by ~he County and curbside service accounts currently billed by the Haulers. The attached spreadsheet shows those who have dumpster service accounts which am billed by ~ County. The spreadsheet also shows that with current sewice frequency ~nd container size, many customers will realize an increase in rates. However, e~,ch association should review service levels to assure receiving adequate sewice and not more than needed. Staff is also recommending a change to the Ordinance on guest houses. Curmn~ Ihe County does not bill guest houses and guest houses am defined as home~ which are ~ than 40% of the main house. Staff ha~ been to many guest houses and found that most have residents living year round. Staff has also including guest ~. Staff believes there are approximately 1000 guest houses in District 1. Some are already on the roil. FISCN. IMPACT: The increase to 473-173411-343415 (Mandatory Trash Collection Fund)would be approximately ~,539,800 composed of:. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NA RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the amendment to Ordinance 90-30 as arnended. Authorization and direction for the Chairman to execute the REVIEWED BY:.~ Le> Oct~, Jr.. JAY:aw DATE DATE 7//~y~c~ DATE 7'/~'~/~:::" I AU60 19981 I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 ~0 12 16 17 18 ORDINANCE NO. 9~.. AN Oi~Di]qANC~ OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORZDA, AMEND~G T~E DEI~TFION$ OF "COM~fl~RCL4~L PROPERTY" AND ~~ ~' ~ 0~~ ~ER ~3~ ~ ~~ BErG ~E COLLE~ON ~ D~S~ ~~ SER~ BENE~ 0~I~ ~ H~ D~ ~ ~O~R~ ~RO~E~ S~GLE F~Y ~~ D~~ ~ ~L O~R ~ ~T S~ ~ ~ON A D~~ B~K ~ER OR S~~y ~ ~ W~ COLLE~ON ~~E~ ~O D~G ~ HOUS~ ~ NONCO~R~ ~; ~~G ~R CO~I~ ~ SE~~; ~RO~G ~R ~~ON ~O ~ CODE OF ~WS ~D O~~ ~~ ~ E~ DA~ WI~~, Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, Cc~ing Article IV, Division I of ~ 118, of the Collier County Code) excludes from the de6ni~ion 19 ~ Property" single farrdly residences, duplexes, triple,es, and 20 fourplexes tha~ ~'e not under one commonly shared roof; and 21 WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, del'roes ~ll "guest houses" ~ to achieve mor~ equity in the application of"similar ram for 24 ~:~,~:lnr services", single family residences, triplcxes, fourplcxes, and any other 2S units that share a dumpster, bulk loader, or substantially similar container for 26 collection of solid waste by or on behalf of Collier County ar~ he.by classified to 27 commercixl property;, these spccific guest houses are hereby classified as 2~ WIIZREA~ Notice of thc public hearing ~t which the Board of County ~0 Commi~i~ ~h.'~ll consider whether to enact this Ordinance has been achieved 31 pumm~t to th~ r~l~'em~ts of ~bsection 197.3632(4)(b), ~7or/da Statutes, by 32 m~iling the r~quired written notice by first class mail to the owners of up. its tha~ Ordinance fi.this Or~in~nce should be enacted into law, which notice concurren~ I 2 3 4 6 ? 9 10 II 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 24 2~ 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 4O me~ta fla~ 'Adoption of Ordinance" notice requirements for one public hearing ~ to ~l:~:fion 125.66(2Xa), Florida Stamtea; and WHE~ th~ Board of County C~mmamionera has received written objections and baa heard te~mony from all interested peraons who presented to th~ Board such objections and/or t~timony, and after having considered such information in accordance with subsection 197.3632(4Xc), Florida Statutes. NOW, ~REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TH~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE~ OF COLLIER COUNTY, IrLORIDA~ that: 8F. CTION ONE. Section One of Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, emitled "Defmitiora" a~ amended by Ordinance No. 91-36 and by Ordinance No. 95-75, ia h~eb':, further amended to amend the defmifiom of "Comm~zlal propen~ and 'W,~idential re'fits" as follows: Commo-efa/Pro/:~rty means hotels, motels, multi-family and sin_~l~ family reaidences axM ~ueat housea which receive bulk collection service (dumpater. bulk londerl or any other ~ receivin~ such service; ~: ...... ~ recreational vehicle parks, mobile home parks contaiaing mobile homea, earagtmting thom mobile hon~ not located in mobile home parka that eo~der~ real property under the state eonatitution and state law;, all commerdal mlmuf~~ ~ricultural, induatrial and ir~titufional enterpriaea; also, any building or Itru6~oar~ con~ing a dwelling unit or units that ia fumiahed, with or without rent, aa an irmtant of employment, regardless of the number of dwelling unita trade' one corm'non roof, which ia located u~xm real property flint ia th~ site of ~aid employtm~ and upon which m'e located buildinga or stn~axr~ otlm'wiae treated ~ eommer~;ial ~ under the terrr~ of this sectiom /~~ ProperO, meana dwelling units, including aingle-family reaidem~ ~ or individual dwelling units within multifamily reaid~x~ but excluding ~ any building or ~zuctu~ which eomti~ca eommxdal prolm'ty az defined in thi~ section. A residential unit shall not b~ eoozidered to include a recreational vehicle in a recreational vehicle park or a mobile hom~ in a mobile home park. P,e~'r~tional vehiclea not located in reereatioml vehi~lea parka ar<! mobile home~ not located in a mobile home park and which ar~ otherwise considered real property under the sram eotmitution and state law shah be considered residential units for pt~rposea of this article. AUG ~ 8~-'rlON TWO. CONFLICT AND SlgVERAB~LITY. 2 In tl~ evem fi,at ,hi~ Ordinance confii~ with any other ordinance of Collier 3 County or other ~lic~bi¢ law, the more r~strictive shall ~ply. If any phrase or 4 portioo of it~is ~ is held to b~ invalid or ~tutional by m~y corm of __ $ competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a s~rm'at¢, distinct and 76 rumiaiagiadepmdempor~on.--pr°vi~i°n and such holding ~1~1! not .affect t~e validity of the : 10 ! ! Th~ ~ of thi~ Ordinanc~ ~hall b~an~ ard I~ mad~ 11 ~ of ~ ~d ~ of Colli~r County, Florida. The ~tion~ of 1~ Ordinan~ m~ I~ r~urnl~.~ or r~l~t~'~l to accomplish ~h, ~:1 tl~ word I~ SECTION FOUR. EFFECTIVE DATE. 16 ~ ~ce shall take effect upon filing with the Dcpa~am~ of Sta~e. 17 The v,,me collectio~ rate changes c~used by applic.~on of this Ordimmce shall be 19 ~t~mquirumm~ofChaptcr 197, Florida Statute~. 20 I~A,q~ED AND DULY ADOFrED by the Board of'County Commissi~ .. ~ 21 of Collier County, Florida, ~ _ Oy of_ ,1998. 22 ATTF. h~: ~ DWIGI-iT F_.. BRC, CK, Cle~'k BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ By:. OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~6 'Depu~ Clerk ' - By: REVIEW TI~ IMPA~ FEE STUDY AND ADOPT THE CONSOLIDATED AND AMENDED COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT IMPACT That the Board of County Com~.~ion~'a tl~ Governing Bom'd of Collier Couaty, CONSIDERATIONS: The Ikaml ~aproved OMinan~ Nos. 92-9I ami 92-92 in November, 1992 which was based on the Bt, own ~ad C~ah~il impm't f~ ~z~ly. TI~ Cou~t7 has adopted re~iaod Mast~ Plana for wat~ and ~ utihT~. To be ~ with the upd,xted ~ plans and to fulfill the requirement to i:~fiodicldly ~ ~ utxiate metl',odology and rates, an impact fee r~,-iew was recently conducted by Ag~oli B~rber ~md Brtmdage. W~ter-Scw~ ~ct's water fee originally adopted in 1988 CoRer Ires bc~m ~ for~xrd without change. Water impa~ fe~ have been in effect without change TIm ~ ~ fee for tl~ Collier Coumy Water-,.%.wer District was adopted bytlae Board ia~ 1992. WasZwat~ impact fees have been in effect without change for six ye~s. hie of C,wri arm is proposed to be ~x¢luded from the ~ent of sewer impact fees because wastewater nmsm, plan does ~t address ~ion of sewer service for this area. Exclusion of ORD~j'IANCE CONSOLIDATION RF, CO~ATIONS (see F~ 3.) Similar to the rtta~tly cx~nsolidmd utilities adminis~ive oMinazr~, the current utilities impact fee ordinaoc~ are cumbc~me, and difficult for Staffand the public to use. Presently, there are over 22 w~__.~ m~! ~ms~ewat~r impa~t fee ordinances governing county utility .syst~n ~ fees. The two primary impact fee ordinances date back to 1990, avprox/mately 20 amendments have been np~ to date. R~<,om~:~led action includes the follow/nE: · !~ user friendliness with a single compr~hemiv¢ document; · Comb/ne waler and wastew~er impact fee o~ into one consolidated ordinance with ~:ommendad rate and methodology changes; · Update sa/d ordinance as appropriale to ensure ]elptl compliance and fair and equitable · Add Isle of Capd to areas excluded from the collcction of sewer impact fces; · Adopt consolidated and ~rncnded Impact Fcc Ordinance. i:M:PACr FEE STUDY imposes identifmble sdded capital cos'ts to govcrnmcntal services, equity and ge, od finan~ practioes ~ tl~ assiEnmem of such costs to the residents or system users r~txmsible for the added costs rather than the existing population base. Generally, this practice has been labeled as CCWSD wa~ and s~nver iagn~ fees are a means to deft-ay the capi~ expenditur~ of co~g new facilities necessi_~_~ by growth; shift the financial lxtrdext of consmlcting new facilities to the new residents for whose benefit the facilitie~ will be built; maintain or reduce utility rates for monthly service while providing a means of fi~anc/n~ the cap/tal costs as.sodzt~ with growth. l'~ i .mpact fees developed for the Collicr County Watcr-S~wcr District: Includ~ only asthnaIad incrcm~ ca~tal cost ofall uaused or new facilitics ~ to serve only anfi~ ~ customer ~ will not include any costs of operation and maintemnce of the plant fadlities which may be allocable to new users of the system. The scope of services to bo performed as pan of the ABB study included reviewing impact fee application and methodology adopted by other public jurisdictions in Florida, identifying conm~on and acceptable ~ of fee determination, evaluating current methodol~ and performing the tm:n~.saty annly~ to der:lop a fair and r~asonable imly,.~ fee methodology. 2 AUG 0 ,Il Igg8 b'71JgY RECOMb~NDATION$ Exhibit I, the nlmmlzy recomm~ from the ABB study.) Change the level of service standards to be consism~t with average capacity needs, permitting t~luinm~'nts, and average level of service standards adopted in the water and sewer master plans taxi the Owwth Management Plan. The factors are consistent with anrcnt average level of service ~quirements of our single family custom~ base which serves as the basis for development of an ERC. The ~ level of service standard for determinati~"m of an equivalent residential connection (ERC) will be reduced from 410 gallons per day to 350 gallons per day. The sewer level of service standard for determination of an equivalent residential connection (ERC) will be defined as 280 gallons pa day. The Study recommends tlmt the curr~t water impac: fee for an averagc single family home or Equivalent Resi~ Co--on (ERC) increase from $900 to $1,275. This is a change of $375 or 42%. The Study me, omm~mds that the current sewer iml~a fee for an average single family home or Equiv~ent Residenfi~ Connection (ERC) increase from $1,340 to $1,575. This is a change of $235 or 17.5%. 'ibc Inimm'y reason for the disproportionate we~ system fee increase is due to not adopting higher water system fees in Novc-mber 1992 while approving an increase in wastewater fees. Thc 1992 proposed wirer impact fee was S 1,290 per ERC which is essentially equal to the water impact fee A debt service credit for the water and ~cr fees has been factored into the impact fee. The w~cr debt ms, ice credit is ?.~.$. The westewa~ debt service credit is $365. The credit is based on: 1) the mnount of debt sa, vice recovered from current rates; fi) indebtedness allocable to existing The proposed County impact fees arc reasonable and ~re comparable to impact fees charged by other public militics wJflgn the state of Horida. The proposed impact fees should be m~d~- effective end implemem~ by thc County on October 1, 1998 in c, rder to fully recover costs associated with consm~on of new wazer and wastcwater facilities necessitated by growth. Fees per ERC Wat~ ~,,ver Combined Coumy Curr~t $ 900 $ 1,340 $ 2,240 County ~ $ 1~75 $ 1,575 $ 2,850 Utility Average $ l,a30 $ 1,866 $ 3,296 AU0 0 ti 1998 IMPACT FEE APPLICATION Single Family: The Study ~ that the curomt water/sewer impact fee for an average single family home or Equivalent l~sidential Connection (ERC) increase from $2,240 to $2,850. This is a change of $610 or 27%. For a single family home in excess of 4,999 sq. fi. the combined impact fee will increase from $3,565 to $4,763. This is a change of $1,198 or 34%. (See Exhibit 2, Page 1.) Malfl-Family, Mobile Home: The study recommcnch a square footage based fee for multi-family and mobile home uait~. Thiz change will reduce fees by $330 or 15% for an average multi-family mit ami $1300 or 58% for an ~ver~e mobile home and small multi-family unit. Multi-family units above 1,500 glmre feet will increase from $2,240 to $2,850. This is a change of $610 or 27% per milt. (.gee Exhl~t 2, Page 2.) Non-Resldentiah Non-r~~ impact fees are based on meter size. Each meter siz~ is equivalent to a certain nmnber of residential connections or E'RCs. Accordingly, the current waterIsewer impact fee for non-residential connections will increase in the same proportion as a dngl~ family ERC or 27*4. (See Exhibit 2, Page 3.) Overan: Based on s typical mix of new construction, combined impact fee revenue will increase by liPA with ws~ revenue ~ by 27°,4 and sewer r~venue incre~ing by le~s than 0.5%. The tesutt of~e ~ impact fee nv, e and methodology change is a more equitable approach to funding gww~ driven warn' and wastewater system improvements. (See Exhibit 2, Page 4.) FISCAL IMPACt: TI~ tentative FY 99 combined water/sewer impact fee budget is presently $7,950,000. The tentative w~ter i~ fee budg~ is $3,000,000. The tentative sewer impact fee budget is Baaed on the same amm~ l~vcl of activity used to develop the tentative budget and atypical mix of coa.qrt~on ~ the m-vised impact fee ratrs and methodology will generate $8,776300 or a I0.4% overall increaze to combined wa~r and sewer impact fee revenue. Thc r~venue generated by 'water i ,mpact fe~ will ~ by 27.21P/~ to $3,818,400 while sewer impact fees will increase by 0.16% (virtually (PA) to $4,957,900. The overall change, is $8'26,000. Actual impact fcc revenue will b~ ~ned by the mix of consm,~on types, overall levels of construction activity, location of new conzm~oo ~zl ~npact fee rotes. GROWTH MANAG~ IMI'ACI~; The proposed CCWSD impact fees are designed to provide adeq~ fmxling for water and ~er capital improvements required to remain commrreat with the adopted Cn'owth Mmmgemcnt Plan ~xl ~ & sew~ master plans. RFA2OMM~NDA'~ON:_ Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners, the Board of Collier County, and, as Ex-Offido, the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sew~ District: ~e tl~ Impact Fee Study and recommendations as prepared by Agnoli, Bm-bet & Brundage, Inc., Public Resowces Management Cn'oup, Inc., mad Henderson, Franldin, Statues & Holt, P.A.; Auihodz~ ~ 1, 1998 as the implemenIalion date for the new waIer and wastewaer impact fee F..,d ILschner, Public Works Administrator Ailnchme~ Exl~'bit I - ABB Impact Fee Study Summary Exlulit 2 - hnpac~ Fee Ai~licsfio~ Tables Eg,,tbit 3 - ~lidal~ Impact Fe~ Ordinance AU$ 0 q I998 Exhibit 1 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE RATE KI~JDY EXE~0~'~E SUMMARY (~) was subsequ~fly au~led by ~ No. 92-91 (a methodology chz~e, not a rate chan~) on N~ 10, 1992. The currg~ w~__~_ ~ f~ ~ve ~ ~ eff~ f~ o~ ~ y~ ~ ~~~~ ~ onNo~ 10, 1~ ~~~m~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ o~ ~ y~ S~ ~ ~I~~ of ~~h~~ ~a~of~~~~~f~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ 1~1 of~ f~ c~ ~ ~~ ~ dudng our ~ ~ and ~co of the Repo~ Th~ existing ~ fe~ we~ made effective by the County several yeats ago. The following h a s~mun~ of the mm'eaffiy effective walta' mad ~ ~wic~ ~ ~ Wsmr Sen~ Impart Fee W~ Service tmpaa Fee Combbed Th~ ~xizting ~ fees for tl~ ~ ami ~~ systrm do not adequately recover the cost of fig ~ ca~zci'ty AUocable m inc~eJ:lt4J customers. ~ ~r~ ~ c~sider adopting the proposed impact fees as preseaned in this relxm luld shown betow:. Warn' Sys~m $1,2~.00 Wassgw~ Sysm'n Combin~ e e 5 e The ~ommended ~ system impact fee ~ts an ina'ease of $375 or appix~dmately 42% above the existing rate while the recommended wastewa~o' impact fee represents an ~ ~f$235 er approxirr,-!ely 18% above the current fee. The County should r~duce the existing basis (level of service) in the determination of tl~ Equivaknt ~ Connecti~ the v,'~_ t~ sys~m from 410 gallons per day to 350 gallons of service ~ in tlz C~v¢ Plan. Such factor is consistent with the average k.w.! ofmvice m~/tem=~ of~ Cou~'s ~e fam~ ('redly/dually ~tere/) residential customer Ixtse which serves as the basis for the development ofan Equivalent Residential For a ~ system, the County should utilize a lcvcl of service mmdard eqml to 2g0 ~allons per day ofaverage capacity per equivalent r~ideatial ~on. This is equal ~ ~ shoed ~ the potable water and sanitary sewer elements of the Comlxelznsi~ Plan to the above-~f~ level of service factors to provide consi.~nxy in the planning, hnpnci fee application, and r~!~ expansion nctiv~s of the ~ and F.:t~in~ S~0.00 S I,.~,0.00 S2,240.00 Pn. qxa~ S1,275.00 SI,575.00:ti,ilO.ilO Utility Avera~ [0] Sl,430.15 S!,~66.43$3,296.15 [*] l~n'Table 10 ~tend ofr~po~. The proposed impact fees should be made effective and implemented by the County as early as posn'l:ge sad as practical recognizing current development projects underway in order to gr~:h.~ the co~t of cen.wuctl-.~ new wate~ and ~ facilities which serve PG. 7 Exhibit 2, Page I Collier County Water-Sewer District Water & Sewer Impact fee Study Applic~,tion Examples Single Family: Meter Current W/S 'Proposed WIS Increase Description Size Units Impact Fee Impact Fee (~) % Chan9~ Detached up to 4,999 sqft and no more than 4 baths 0.75 1 $ 2.240 $ 2,850 $ 610 27% [baths ! 1 1 S 3.565 $ 4.763 $ 1,198 34% Exhibit 2, Page 2 Collier County Water-Sewer District Water & Sewer Impact fee Study Application Examples Multi. Family: Rvrr'r i~ ~ 750 ~lt ~ curm~ w/$ w/s Impac~ Incr~ee ~ ~ ~ unit~ ~mp~ Fee Fee (1:)ecma~) % C~ ,,0.75 ,,1 $,, 2~ S ~ $ ~1,~} -~% ~ 8 $ ~3.~ s ~.~ $ ~.~), -~% 2 ,,, ~ s ~2.~ $ 47.~ S (~.~) -~% 3 ~ $ 6~.~ S ~,~ S (~.~) -~% ' I Belween 751 Proposed and I~KX) sqfl Me~r Current W~S W/S Impact 0.75 1 S 2~ S ~,elO S ~ 45% 3 ~ S ~,~ S 573,~ S ~,~ 45% Mol~ Home Propo~d 1~ ~ and V4~ Curtain W/S W/S impac, Incm~e up pe~ ur* Si~ Un~s ,Impect Fee Fee (Decrea~) % Change 0.75 1 S 2,240 3; 2.850 S 610 27% I 6 $ 13,440 S 17.100 $ 3.660 27% 2 50 $ 112,000 $" 142.500 $ 30,500 27% 3 300 $ 672.000 $ 855.000 $ 183,000 27% 4 750 ~ .... 1.880.000$ 2,137,500 $ 457,500 27*4, "~._. ? , Exhibft B, Page Collier County Water-Sewer District Water & Sewer Impact fee Study Application Examples Non-Residential: waw Proposed Meter Minimum Current Combined Increase Size ERC Combined Fee Fee (l:)ecre.~) % Change 10.75 1.00 $ 2~40 $ 2,850 $ 810 27% 1 2.50 $ 5,~'~5 $ 7,126 $ 1,551 28% 1.5! '5.00 $ 11,200 $ 14,250 $ 3,050 27% 2 8.00 $ 17,920 $ 22,800 $ 4,880 27~ 3 16.00 $ 35,840 $ 45,6(X) $ 9,760 27% '4 '25.00 $ 56,000 $ 71.250 $ 15~50 27% 6 "50.00 $ 112,000 $ 142,500 $ 30,500 27% 8 90.00 $' 201,600 $ 256,500 $ 54,900 27% 10 145.00 $ 324,800 $ 413,250 $ 88,450 Z~% 12 215.00 $ 481600 $ 612,750 $ 131,150 77% 6 '7 I 10 I$ 19 ~) ,1'3 dl 4~ 12, 4.5 l~xh~.bic 3 COLLIER COUNTY REGIONAL WATER AND/OR SEWER SYSTEMS IMPACT FEE ORDINANC~ COLLff. R COUIYTY FLTI~IC WORKS I)nClSlON .~3~1 TAX(IAMI TRAIL, FAST NAI)LF.S, FLORIDA 34112 COLLAR COt .~TY P. KG~ONAL WATER AN1}VOR SEWER SYSTF_MS LM~ACT rE[ ORDNANCE TAI~LE OF CO.%'TL~TS SECtiON I. ADOPTION OF ORDI~A.~CL ? I ARTICLE I. DEFLr%TTIONS. ~XCLL'DED AR,ERS. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION t l:L'h'DflqGS. AND KEADOPTION ,4.,~D R, ATI~CATION OF .MASTER PLANS. ~ 1.0! De~iticms ............................... 4 ~l !.02 .,Lrc~yF~cludedfroea~ot' W~etmd/a~ u Sewer tmpac~ Fees ........................... 9 I~ Foc~ C)~y ................................ u 1.03 Ralc~ of~ .......................... 12 I~ 1.04 lrmdin~s ................................ 13 I? I.O~ JS ARTICLE n. WATER AND'OR SEWER SYSTEMS IMPACT FFI:.~ It 2-01 ~ ................................ 16 20 2.02 Payment ................................. 17 21 2.03 Use of),4oneys ............................. 19 22 2.04 ~ve Fee C.~culatioo ...................... 23 ~ 2.~ AR'nCt~ m ~nSC~-LA.qF_OUS ~owslo~ M 3.Ol ~s 3.02 Chmges of Si~ and Use ........................ 25 2~ 3.03 inm'~ ~o be Paid oo ~ Kefua~ ................. 26 ~ 3.04 Affordable Hoasi~ .......................... .26 28 3.041 A.f'~-,~,bte Housiz~ Dcf~ Beoetrn~ Sm~dznh ao:l L~. 3 ! ~ 3.~ ~ CoSect~ ~ ..................... .13 ~o 3.06 JI 3.O7 Parv~ew Hen'in~ ............................ 39 Y~ 3.(~ Review ~ ........................... 40 ~) SECTION 2. :~ ar, d/o~ ~ Systems Impec~ Fee~ ........................ 40/41 3~ SECT[ON 3. Declaz'ntion of Exclusion from Administra~' e M Ptoccclurcs A~ ........................... 4 I 3t SECTION 4. Cont~ and ~.~-r~bili? .................. 41 ~ SEC'TTON ~ Inclu~on~l~eCodeofLaw~az~d~ ....... 41 3~ SECTION 6. Effective Dar ......................... 41 al ! 2 $ IO II 14 31 41 6! ORDL'qANCE NO. ~S- AN ORDINANCE TO BE lO/OWN AS TI~ COLLIER coL?crY REGIONAL WATER AN~R SEWT. R SYSTEMS LVI~ACT FEE ORDLNANC'~ FROVIDfNG D£FL'NTFIONS, RULES OF CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING F~'DINGS; PROVTDLNG FOR EMINYSI~ON OF REGIONAL WATER AND/OR SLrWF. R SYS'~M~ IMPACT FF.F.S AS FOLLOWS: WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM ~MYACT ~ SCF~DL'LF.S L/V~G BASlS Og ~ ~ ERC WATI:B SI:WIX SI'ACt ALLOCATIOIq S122: IMPACT IM~ACT SEKC;LZ FAJ~2,Y 0 K) 4,999 C~ mO~l dm Scl. Fi- MI,~TI-FAMZL,Y 0 to 750 ~ HOMX M'ULTLFAM~Y ?~ 1 to DUYLEX Sci. MOIZLZ HOMZ MIJL~irAM~Y Pa t~it %' 1.0 S1,275.00 Me~ SL~ Pa ~a Based Pr~ Lhfit Onlimm~ Hcscr Sim Pe~ t. hk Per Per Unit CXqlmce SI..S?S.QO St,575.00 · 33 S 420.00 S · 67 S IS:~.00 SI,0~$.00 1.0 SI,2'75.00 SI,.S75.00 WATEI ~ IM~ACT DOACT ~, S 1~'75.00 S 1~75.00 I S 3,11::1.4)0 S I-I/2 S 6~I?S.GQ S ?,r75.00 2 S 10.200.00 S t2.~.O0 3 S ~0,400~0 S 2~200.00 4 S 31,~7:LQ0 S 39J7S.00 6 ·S ~$,7~.00 S 7L175.00 I SI J 4,7~().00 SI41.7~0.00 10 Sil4JTS.00 . $2:2L17S.00 ! 2 S274.1 ~.00 S3]L62S.04) PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT AND US£ Og MO,N'EY~ ALLOWING ALTERNATIV~ FEE CALCUlaTIONS; PROVIDLNG FOR EX~rM]r~ONS; PROV~DLNG FOR COI2~.ECTTON OF ZMI~ACT ~ ~ CHANGES IN SIZE AND USY4 PROVIDING FOil: AFYORDABLE HC .'.~"TNG EXLM]~ON A,~D AFFORDABLE IIOUSING RI2b~UIC~IKENT; PROVIDING L~TEREST TO BE PAID ON CLrRTA~ RE~'NDS; i'ROVlD~G FOR DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION CREDIT; PROVI.DCqG FOR PAYM~N'T AND COLLECTION OF WATER ANDgJR SLWER SYSTL-MS IMPACT FEES; IrROVIDLNG FOR REVIEW HEARJ'~GS; REQUIRING P£RIODIC REVIEW; i'ROVIDING FOR .............. l .... L ................. J ...... I 6 I0 l! i? 2O ~0 THE REAl)OPTION OF THE COL'NT~ WATER A%l) SEWER .MASTER fLANS: REPEALrNG COLLIER COL.'~'Y ORDL~ANCTr. S NOS, ~-9'~ AS A.M£NDED, ~ AS AM£NDED, ~ AS AMENDED. AND 924% ALL RELATING TO THE REGIONAL WATER A.%'D~0R SE~,'ER SYSTEMS IMPACT FEES; SPECII~fl~G EXCLUSION FROM TI~ ADMI~NIb-flL~TIVE PROCEDURES ACT: PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION LN ~ CODE OF LAWS AND ORDLNANCES4 PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVF, RABi~; AN'D PROVIDL*'~G FOR AN ~ DATE. ~'HEREAS, ~g Board of Coup/Commissioo~ h~s ap~r~d mas~ plato ~ dm~b~ prov~ regio~ w-a~ and ~a~ ~y~-,.ms ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ °f C~ Com~, which ~omprise the Collk~ Com~ Wa~r. Se~r Diga~c~ md lands ~o~de cgrma di.~ facili~s, md ia ~ d~mfd~ Be~d of Cmm~ Com~ ~ ~ iDclu~ d~e co~ of ~%ose dign'bufioo faciliti~ ia i~s c~-'uiatioo of w~er ~d/or WH'ERF. AS, k is ag~csm~ to morg ck~y ~.~ thg Io~~ poU~ ofd~ Bo~d rgL~tive NOW, TREREFORF~ BE rr ORD~ BY TI~ BOARD OF COUlVrY COM~[ISSIOIVl:RS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLOR/DA, ~ When u~l in this Ordin~e, the follo~ roms shall ~ ~~ ~ 'Affo~ Ho~ing' ~1 ~ a dwclliflf ~t ~fikh b off~ for ~ ~ ~ f~ m ~ w~ w~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~bli~ in ~s ~i~e ~ ~ H~. 'Affo~b~ Ho~ ~fe~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ of~ ~ ~ ~ off~ a ~ '~o~ab~ Ho~ Wab'er' ~.~ll ~ ~ vol~ fi~ m ~ly ~li~ or a~ II 12 ~4 Ii L Golden Ga~e ~ Unit No. 28. Plat Book 7. Page 19, Public Records of Collier County.. Florida. J. Golcicn Gatt Est~..s~ un't No. ~. PL~ Book 7, Page 57. Public Reconts of Collier County. Florida. K. Golden Crate Estat~ Unit No. 30. Plat Book 7. Page 51. Public Records of Collier 6 $ I0 16 2! 2~ Cem~.'. Florida. This mlxlivisioo isnow pm.~ of Florkh tiles Wa~r Compmy's cerftmued ama. L ~ ~e ~. Unit ~o. 3I. P~ ~k 7. Page 59. ~blic ~ of Colli~ M. ~1~ ~ E~. U~ No. 32. P~ ~k 7. P~ 21. ~lic R~o~ of CoHi~ N. ~ ~ E~. U~t No. 33. P~ ~k 7, P~e ~. ~blic ~ of Colli~ O. ~ ~ ~ U~ No. ~. P~ ~ T, ~e 23. ~ic ~ of Colli~ C~. F~ P. ~1~ ~ ~, U~t No. 3~. P~ ~ 7, P~e 85, ~lic R~ of~lli~ C~. ~ Q. ~ ~ ~ U~ No. ~. ~ ~ 9, ~ 45, ~lic ~ of Colli~ ~ ~~~ U~lNo.~.~7,~,~bl~of~ll~ C~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Um~ No. ~, ~ ~ 7, ~ ~, ~ R~ of~li~ ~!~ of~ ~e-mf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of~ ~ a d~ of 5~.~ ~ ~e ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e of 137.19 f~ ~ ~ SS ~ 41 ~ 53 ~ ~ a ~e of 3959.~ f~ M ~ ~ l~ of ~ ~ 6: ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~ ~d ~ !~ a ~ of ~38.~ f~ zo ~ ~ of ~g. S~d ~ ~ c~ 371.~ ~, ~ ~ I~ M~ !0 V. Az'cas Norti~ or' R~o Road - Ioc3~ v.'itJ~ Scctioa ~ C~r S~ R~ ~ L~. ~ F~I~' C~le ~. W. ~1 o~ ~ 1, To~p ~0 ~ ~c 26 ~ (cxcl~g F~I~ ~'~): P~ of ~ 9. To-~p ~0 ~ ~ 26 ~ P~ of ~ 16. T~p ~ ~ ~c 26 ~: P~of~ 17, To~p 50~ ~26 ~ Pm ~ge 26 ~ ~1 ofColli~ C~'. Flo~ ~ ~)' ~ ~ H~e Trak Ud~ W~. C~ ~ C~ ~i~ R~ S~ Blvd. ~ ~..~ A~ ~ ~ ~ C~ Way. ~ ~ ~-~ !~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t ~ ~cl~ion of ~ K~ M~ ~~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~s ~-~ ~ ~& ~ Colli~ Co~ ~ S~ Ufli~ ~.), ~ ~r R~ ~ ~i~ i~ ~ Colfi~ C~, Flofi~ ~ ~l~~~C~ofN~im~~u~M~~' 1977 Ci~/Co~ A~ent ~ ~m ~m. ~ ~ofCR951~U~l: ~~~~of~~W~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fo~o~: ~ of ~ 36, To~p 49 ~1 of~ 1, 11, 14, 23, 26 ~ 35, To~p ~ ~ ~ 26 ~: MI of~ L To~P 51~~e26~P~of~o~l, ll,~12, To~pSl ~~26~P~of ~ 7, 8, 16, 17, i~, 20, 21, ~ ~ 27, T~ip 51 ~ ~ 27 ~ ~of~U~ C~, ~ ei~ ~ m ~ m ~ ~ ~m ~ ~ ~o~ W~ ~ ~ ~~ &~ ~ ~ R~ W~ S~ ~! ~ ~ m ~ ~ifion of ~ f~ ~ ~on 2.01 of~ Colli~ C~7 ~o~ W~ S~ ~ ~c ~ ~ if s-'d I~ g Iogi~ly c~~ ~ Wat~ Sy~ ~ ~'el~ent. ~ds ~n Colli~ Co~' g~ly excl~ from ~ deflation of Se~ Sy~em lm~t F~s m'e d~fi~ ~: ~ ~ ~ I~g ~n ~ Pi~ ~ge S~i~ion ~ ~ m Plm ~ 3. Page 24. ~blic R~r~ of Colli~ Co~, B. Pi~ ~dge ~iom Plat B~k 3. P~e S1. ~blic R~or~ ofColli~ Co~'. Florida. C. Pi~ ~gc Su~ix~sion. Plat B~k 4. Page 29. ~blic R~or~ ofColli~ Co~'. 11 D. Pine Ridge Secomt £xtetlsion. pla! Book 10. Page 86. Public R~o~ of Collier Co~'. ~ P~ ~dge ~o~ E~i~ PI~ ~ 12. P~e FIo~ Sy~ ~ ~y ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~liw. V. ~ C~ U~t 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ L P~ ~08. P~c ~r~ of Colli~ Co~, ~o~ ~ C~ U~ 2, P~ ~ 3, P~ 4, ~biic ~o~ of Colli~ Co~. Flo6~ C~ C~ U~ 3, P~ ~ 3, P~e 48, ~1~ ~ of ~ ~k 13, ~ ~0, ~blic R~ of~ll~ ~, ~ ~j~t ~ ~ ~ng ~ ~ ~y S~ G. F~ ~ ~g ~ Pm ~ I0, P~ ~, ~c ~ of ~lli~ C~. H. ~1 ~ ~o~ly ~ ~ ~!~ ~ to P~ ~ 13. P~e ~. ~bl~ L T~I~~~P~I~O, J. I~l, of~ No. 1, ~ m ~ ~k ~, ~o~ hl~of~o. ~ ~~ ~~, C~, FI~ ~c~oa !.03. Ru~ of Coa~t~ For ~ ~ of~tion ~ ~~ co.faction: use oldie masculine Ic~' shall include the feminine Icud~r. 6 D. ~e ohrJ~ -used fc~' imludes -~mm~,d fc~,' 'desired fo~,' 'n'~imi-:~ t'o~.' o~ ? -oc:~ed for.' F.. U~l~s the oomexx cle~y i~dic~s the c~wjr, ~r~ a mgulzsioa i~volv~s mo o~ mo~ to ~ ~j~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ fol~: ~~~l~~~~of~~~. 6 *7 i0 II ~4 IJ I? I1 19 ]4 I I0 !.2 14 I& f7 41 43 47 U'VI]qG BASIS OF ~ ~ FJLC WATi~ SEW'ER SPACE AL.LOCAT'iON SIZE [M?ACT Ill, PACT (Sq. Ft.) FEE FEE SZNGi.~ I:AMI1.Y 0 to 4,999 Pa' Unit ¥; 1.0 SI,275.00 SI,.S75.0O SINGLE FAlvOI. Y Ov~ 5,0O0 Mnsr Sizig Per n/a IEhued c~ {)4n~ tim Sq. Ft. Per U~it Ordinance Mem' Sim 4 bsdvocsm) kOJ~.TI-FA.M2LY 01o 7SO ~ L/~ i~ TRAVEL TR, AI~ l~r Unit or Spac~ ~tV (t T~V~ hfULTI-FA,t4~Y 751 m 1,54)0 Pst UId IDVr ~ Sq. FL I~r Unit Ordinmme MO~IT.E HOI~ Ptt U~ m Spree MULTI-FAIrLY I ~1 m ~ I~ Unit D~q. ZX Sq. FL I~ Unit MO~IL~ 1401~ Pm. Unit ar Spm~ SI,.S75.0O .33 S 420.00 S $2O.00 · 67 S 1~$.0O SI,OS:S.0O 1.0 S1,275.0O SI,575.0O WAT'-r.R 1KETEX StZE WATER SEWER fMT'ACT IMPACT FEE FEE i I-I.~ 3 4 6 $ I0 S 1~275.0O S I.S?.'L0O S ].IM.OO S 3)31.00 S A,3?S.O0 S ?JgS.0o S !0_"0o.0o S 12,60o.0o S 20,40o.0o S 25.20o.0o S 31J75.0o S ~9,373.0O S 63.75OO0 S SI I4.TSO.CO S141,750.0O S i ~ .r/:s .0o s'J.?.l.1 ~.0o s33L6~.~.S.0O 16 6 ? I0 I! r/ 21 B. The Wasa' and/or Sewa' Sys~'ms lmpect Fees r.~all ~ c~ ~ ~ d~ m ~ ~ ~ S)~ ~ F~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ 2.01. I. S~ f~y ~ '~ ~ f~ ~1 ~.17. ~ l~ S~ ~y ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (!) ~C. ~~-17,~~ ~s~~F~~~~of~~~ ~ ~ s~ I 2 4 :S ? 9 I0 ii 12 i? 21 OrdLnance No. 96..I 7 ,~1 .~. 96-I l) ~1 ~ be bog o~ I1~ Count's ~s~ o1' funds f/ the immedi:Btely ps'ocee~in8 £~1 .ve~. 3. With th~ ~ception oftl~ aplxov~ ~d execufionof~greemem~ ~ ~~of r~lsted agreements. ~ith a face ~o,.~a i~ ~ of ~.~. ~ ~ ~-~b~ ~ m ~ of ~ ~i~ W~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~. ~ F~~~~~~~~)~of ~~~~~~a~of~~ ~ of~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ F~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C. ~i~f~~of~ Wa~~S~~F~~~ D. ~~tavg~in~f~a W~~S~~ F~ ~ ~ ~ ex~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~ of~ co~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II 19 [ ! S 6 ? tO Il t2 I$ 14 16 t? 19 2O 21 22 23 24 27 2~ ~0 ! 6 '7 $ I0 13 F/ Il 19 21 24 2~ 2'7 X) ~4 21 6 7 I I0 Il 12 1:3 t~ 16 18 2O 21 22 2'7 28 .tl 3'7 31 ~9 (d) A c~ of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bill. C~' Ad.myer ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d of F~ ~ for ~ ~ if~h c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lic~ic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ m ~~of~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~~ a f~ (a) · ) A~of~~~ ~~of~ fm~~ ~~~of~ ~y c~ge ~ ~ ~ of~ ~p ~ch ~ ~ m ~ of~' ~M ~m ~ C~; (~ A co~ of~ ~~~~. 3. %~ ~' (~) ~s ~ ~ ~of~ ~a~ f~ ~ ~ if~ im~ f~ ~ ~1[ ~)t Mv'~ ~ ~ ~ ~w ~ li~iw of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ct f~ ~t ~co~ ~ it s~l ~ ~ m ~ ~fi~o~. For ~ F... The Al~'rnazive V,'a~tt ar, d/or S~wet S.',~'~.~ Impact Fee~ csJctdat~ shsdl be based o~ -~ inf~'natk~ ~ usu~ptiort~ co~,~d in t~ ("~t~-,ce. ~ ma.~et plans referenced in Section 1.0f of J t~s O~nar~e. u ~ amen<~, o~ an Altern~vc Water anct.'or Sewer Sy~'m~ tmpac~ FeesStud~.' 4 ~ upe~ an indel:~n~n: souse pmv~ck.d the ~ ~u~c.e is · ~ study ~ ~. a :~ base adequale f(x the conclusiee, s contai,ied ia ~c~ study., perfom~.d accordir~ to & gener~ly accepted 6 mcttp:xSolo~v and hued upon geocr~l~ accepted standard sou~ orr in,"ormation relating to facilities ? plaan~g, cos~ anii.v~s and (Semogriphics. The b3depe~dem source mu.~ provide comlx"tcnt substanti~ I evideoce tha~ the Ahcrnadve ~iter and/(x Sewer S.~'ms Impact Fees tt. Txestnu an equitable ixo rata 9 dm'e or' the cost o~r czpitaJ Lmpr~'en-,~ts and add~otts to t~e Reg~onzl Wa~er md/~ ~ Sy~ ~o necessim~ ~ the subjec~ W~,.te~ ancot Sew~ S)~.~ns Lmpac~ Development. t2 ~ Systems Lmps~ Fees S,-~d~' ~Jbstant~y ccmsis~-nt w~th the c'ritc~ ~ by ~s Section 14 Ipplica)o~ t~e ~ Wirer Ind/or ~ S~ Systems i~Fic't of such ~wrviou~y apl)roved ~o ~__t,~s..~,. ~be Ahetna~ive Wa~et and/or Sewer Sysaems impact Fees o0mplies with the tequimnents of 23 use ora generally accepted methodology, u~ea th~ ~ Warn, md/or Sewn' Systems Impecl 24 sha]l be l~id in I~u of the [mpac~ fee se~ forth in ~ 2.01. adjourned ~ continued £m. up to O'tirry (30) day~ ~o cause fm. Ra=r ~y ~ ~ of ~ ~ Alm.rariv~ Water md/o~ Sewer S~rtems Impact l:ees o~ Ahemafive Wa~r ancl/m' Sewer Systems Impact Fees Su.,d¥ ~' either C.o~nt~' ~,aff'or o~uide con~ulmm~. The firml decision of the Bom, d shall be in writing and s,~ou,~d be issued ',v~.in they (30) ca~ndar days oft~e rrview boring. J. An~ Apl~icant ov (3~'ner who submits & proposed Aherna~ve Water and/or Sewer Impact Fe~s Imrsuam to this Secuion a.,-,d desires immediate issuance of'a Building Perrn~ ~ prior to or ~ the time. the applicable '~'ater and/or Se~-ev S)~rns 1~ Fees pursum~ to Section 2.01. Said payment~ sb.~l be deer~ed ~o be paid under -Pro~e~' arid sI~l] not be const~oed as a ~'ai'.'er of ~n.~ n~ of ro~',w, Any diff,~.,~,~¢ be'~,~u thc amoum paid and th~ amoum due. as d~,crmined by the B,cm~d. d~ll be r~fimcled to the Al~licam o~ Owr~t witJ'Jn 90 d~.'s of th~ Board's fi~ ~ision ~. ARTICLE HI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sectto~ 3.~1. Ezcmptkm~. A.. T~e followin~ shall be ex,rapt, ed from paymeu~ of Impact Fees: iddit~r~l cicu~xi on the Re,loud Ws~-t and/o~ R~ Sewer S)~ iso~ will be ~ an __-,~__i~Mnai ~Jcmand oo ddx:r ~ ~ Wata md/or Regiona{ Sewa S),~'ns ~dditic, nal ~ is or ,,,'ill be c:,,,~sed by ~h~t t~ o~ either the IL"glonal ~ issued · Buikii~ Pc,mit fc~ whic~ ~ is proceedi~ in Sc)od fa~ Couaty former resolves to acquire ~ utility, the Board ~ declsres its inten6on m opt'me said mgity as a ceaqxe~ of,~' Reg~eml Wa~t snd/m ~ Sewa' Srm:ms. 9ectiea 3.02. Chan~s ef Size and U,~. Water and/or Se~ $~ lrnlx,~ Devel~ which will ~ in · land use determined by County ~-plnce a building, su'uctu~ ot applicable improvement of W~er ariel/or Sev.~' S.,,'smetns D~-¢lopmcn~ in,nd, c~'m though t~c subj~ lands rna.,,' rc~dvc imcrirn ~ter and/or s~wcr scr-.'ices from · source other than the Collier County '~,'a~-r-Sev,~r Disu'ict. the lml:~C~ Fees imposed shall be cak'u~ed on the entirety, of the hnds subje~ to the B,dldfmg Pa'mi~ W'he~ the alt~.razion, expansion or r~t occurs on lands for which a Water and/or Se~r S.vsu'ms Impact Fees ha~'c then been paid. the lmpncl Fees irnpos~l ~hall be ordy upon the acklifional demand created I~.' such alteration. (c} The inoou~ {ev~{ of the Owun' ol'. if the Owne~ is a buildem'. ,s,,. ino~ne of the household to ~ich the dwellin~ unit will be sold o~ m~ted: (d) The numbex of bedrooms in each ds~lling trait of the Watgx md/or Sewer L I f the ps~pos~l Wa~er and/or Sos~ Sys~ms [mpaci ~lolmseut _~,,~o~_ _ the n~ fo~ an ^fford~ Housing waiver (o~ defexrai) as set forth in this Section. pt~.sentgd in lieu of payment of the lmpacl Fees pursuant to Section ~.01. IL To quaMy f~ an lmpacl Fee~ v.~ive~ or d~ferr~ an own~ o~-upied ds~llh~ unit must meel all of~e following criteria: I. T~ o~ncr(s) or anticipated o~'rs ofll~ d~'ellin{ uni~ must ha~e a se~.- Iow. Io~. or moderate income level, az the time of L~uance of the Impact Fees wai~ e~ deferral as those serms a~e defined in Se~on 3.041, and the monthly p~'ment ~o ~ the uni~ must be within ~ Afford~l¢ Housing guideline~ established in S~-fion 3.041. A D~tlling Urth shall qu~li~.' ~ beir~ o~-r occupied ifa lease-pta-chase ~tn'eeme~ is in eft'ecg at ~¢ date of issu~-.c.- of t~e Regional Water and/or Regional Se~ Impact Fees 26 I 6 ? 9 lO 12 14 16 I? ~0 21 24 ~7 21 ~2 ~iver o~ dcfctr-Lt, or within ~ ~30) days thcrcafler. ~ within twemT-fo~ months from the date of issuance ofd~e ¢cr~ fa:a~ of occupeo~, or the cx~cutiofl of the purchaser tO:es o.*rership of the l~¢lling Ur, it If the purchaser fails to putc~ the l:l~llir~ Unh w~thifl thc r~ntT-four [24) mootb petio~ then the waived or deferred l~ Fees mu~ bc immediately repaid unless the D~lling Unix is sold to m~otbcT q~if'~iflg Owx~er ~tlxin dfir~ (30) diys 2. The O~r,~. or if ther~ is mo~ ~ one (1) Owner. m2c (I) of the O~,~n. must be a had an owr, er~p imerest in his/b:t primaz7 res~nce in the pas~ three (3) years. .t. The Dwelling Urn! must be tbe homestead or'ese Own~s). 4. The 13~elling Unit must remain Affordable Housing for fifteen (IS)years date · ~ of occupancy is issued t'or ee Drilling Unit; otbe~ the Regional ~ ax the rate of six petcem (~%) per aaa~un calculated from the date the Permit was issu~ C. To qualify for sn Impact Fees Der'eh'aL a Dvelling U~ ofl'e~l fo~ rent must me~ all otr~be foUow~ cr~an'~ D. Ali Impact Fees det'ened for owner-occupied D~glling Units at the time the Building Perm/t lade of the Owell;n.e U~I W I ~ I:XWduuer;, la,~ided, ~, it' d:~e lml:m~ Fee~ v~il be macle ~o the Collier County affordable bous~g trust fund. £ot purposes of this Secfon 3.04, a non..qtmlified pun:ha,set is a pea, on v/no does no~ sat"f7 the AJt'og~ble Housiog set forth in subsection B. ahoy, or a persce who does not agzee to the terms of the deferral of impac~ fees sg~'eemem. E. The Impact Fees defentd tot rental Du,'elling U~ts at the ,:ime tbe'Btfilding Permil was issued sl'~Jl become due and sl~tll be immediately rt'l~d to t~e County upon ttse discontinuance of use of the Dv,~Uing Urtit as Affordable Heusing. or fiReen (15) years horn the date of issuance of the certificate ofoccupancy, whi4:bevet occm's fust. F. An.~' Regicrn~ ~'a~r and'or Regional Se~'er Impac~ Fees waived for an owner-occupied Dwelling U~it at the time a 8uilding Permh issues shaft become due and pa.vable and shall be immediatel), repaid ~o the Cotmty il'the D~tlling Unit is sold or ~'anst'erred to a non-qualified pta'chaser during the fifteen (! 51 ~'¢ar period a.qet the certificate of occui:mn~.' is issued tot the ! $ 10 11 14 16 17 21 23 26 31 35 Dv,~llin$ Ur. iL If ~e lmpac~ Fees waiver ~ ped ~. ff ~ ~ll~g L'mt is ~ ~ ~ble ~ ~d~ for fiR~ ~'elling U~L ~l~. G. ~ ~e of H~ ~!1~ U~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~v~ ~ ~f~ ~l ~ a I~ on ~h ~ ~! ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~~a~l~ ~ ~~ of~ ~ ~ fi~Y~~ ~of~~of~~~~ 1. ~y,~ofa~ ~1~ U~~~ A~~~of~~~ f~ ~~ ~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ~(~) ~~~ ~ ~ ~le H~ ~ (~), ~ m f~ ~ ~ 3.~1. ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.~!, ~ ~ ~1 I~ F~ ~ ~ ~f~ ~! ~ ~ ~11~ U~ ~ ~on 3 c~ifi~ of ~. eff~ ~ ~sio~ of ~s ~m: I. ~ legal ~i~s of~ ~lling Unit. I 2 9 ~2 14 16 I? 2! 24 i 2 3 $ i0 I1 12 13 14 I? 31 3~ q~ified as ve~. Io-, or Iow income level as defined in Section 3.041 exceeds the AJTorda~ Ho~i~ benefit sxav~dards ~et fo~ in S~ion 3.04 ! by more than fo~.' percent (40%). then the deferred Impact Fee~ ~gzll become imtm~diately by the Own~ or. in ~e mJtctn~ve. ~c O~er sl~ll ~e ~ (~) ~s m comply ~ ~k ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ 3.~1. 7. L'~ ~isf~ ~1~ of~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ 1~. ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of~l~ C~ ~ ~~C~~~~.9~!9,~~~~~ ~ ~ Sy~ lm~ F~ T~ A~ ~ ~ ~ fo~ ~ (~) of~ ~ ~ f~ !~ F~ ~ ~ ~li~ ~o ~ lm~ F~s ~v~ ~ ~f~ f~ ~le f~ily o~~ ~ll~g Un~ ~ng v~ low ~:or Iow inc~ ~ls. .,--0 31 II 12 J~ 2o 21 23 26 2~ 26 d) Afl'orda~ Hom~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ty m.~ jew incane famfl~ slwU PaY fifl'Y peseta (50%) oftbe ai~kaMe Impact Fm md shaU im~ tiff7 rerccm (~0%) or'the aq:~k:ab~ Imp,~ Fe~ deferred pumam to e) Affordable Ix,using owns-occupied Dwelling units which exclush,~ tM~y.~ (25%) Of e~e ~a~ficab~ tmp~ Fm ~ ~ fi~ ~ (75%) ~ ~ I~ F~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. 32 33 ! 3 4 $ & 9 ~0 14 I! ~ penoo exceln the lien of'County taxe~ md superioe f~ ~' *~ ~ I~ ofmy ~h C~ ~ ~il ~d m ~ 4 ~~ to ~ in ~ic~ to ~' ~i~le ~ ~ ~~ ~l~s of~ C~ ~ ~y ~ 6 of~ S~ of ~ F~I~ of~ C~' ~ fol~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ U~ S~. it ~ ~~~~a~~~~a~~'~a 13 ~ of~ ~ f~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ of~ ~ W~ ~ s6 · ~ ~ of ~el~ ~~ C~ M ~ ~ ~S 1. ~of~ ~1~ ~a~~~~~ 3. ~ ~ ~ of~~ of~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ (2~) of~ ~ ~ of~ f~ ~~ U~ ~j~ of~ ~ of~ ~'s~ ~ h f~ly ~j~ ~ ~pl~ of~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ofc~ f~~ ~ ~ R~ ~ ~o ~ ~ilt ~ ~f~ ~ ~ Co~W by law. 3~ & ? 9 JO II 12 13 14 16 I? 19 2t 22 23 25 ~3 mci mdi~ fee sl~ll become no~re~ (~') is (~) ~ ~ ~ ~sl of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~~ A~ If ~ ~ ~ Co~ A~. n ~ ~ m ~ C~'. ~ ~'s ~ ~ ~ ~ o~s), ~s (~) ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~- ~ Ik~ ~ng al~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ of ~g ~o~ ~~a~~~~Fl~~~ ~. A~ o~ ~v~ in Su~on B o~is ~on. ~ Coun~ m i~ duly ~ f~ a m~im~ o~ ~ve (5) ye~ ~ ~ ~on ~ of~ C~~ A~t. I I. ^ reqWrerr~ ~ the credi~ fo~ impact fee~ klentified in the Coambutkm ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tof~ W~ ~Sy'~ 4 l~t F~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B~ P~ ~ ~ ~ ~h ~i~*e B~ lo 13. ~ ~~t ~ ~ ~1~ of~ C~~ 12 ~ ~of~ ~ of~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ 14 1~ ~~~~~~h~~~ 21 lf~~~~~~~~~a 17. ~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~of~~C~~ It R~of~M C~~~ ~~~~~ f~ (14)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~C~~ 19. ~ ~li~ ~ file ~ ~ f~ ~j~ ~licf ~ t~ C~t C~ ofCol~ C~ m ~ ~ ~ o[~ Co~ A~ ~d ~ ~y a~ ~1 ~ ~ics ~ av~e m ~ ~ for ~~ L ~n ~ ~'~t ~ ~o~t of ~'el~ C~ ~ to ~ ~ ~ of ~ Sy~ ~d ~' ~ A~I~c ~ Con~i~ A~ ~i ~ f~ ~ ~im~t ~ m ~e A~li~ ~ ~ of ~ exc~ of ~h con~b~ ~dit eom ~ ~ ~. ~ County of Sewer Systems tmpec~ F~s. Such ~ of ~~ ~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~1 ~~~a~of~~ 2.01. ~ m~ 3.~~3.~!. ~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~ S~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ of~ I. ~i~ ora N~e of~ F~ S~ ~ ~ ~i~ of~ lm~ F~ ~ ~ A~~ f~ Rdm~ Fail~ ~ ~q~ a ~ ~cSin ~ ti~ ~d~ ~1 ~ ~ a ~x~ .gf~h ~oHo~: ~ ~ ~{{ ~ ~nplete I~ ~ption of~ ~y in q~tio~ 39 9 !1 14 1'7 ZZ ZS :'7 31 33 ~6 37 SECTION 2. REPEAL OF PRIOR ORDINANCES RELATING TO THE REGIONAL WATER AND/OR SlrWER SYS'I'KMS IMPACT FEES. t 6 ? $ !0 I! 12 16 19 2O 2'7 Co~l~ Co~.' Ord~,ruflces Nos. S~-97 as anx, ndect. 9046 u amended. 904'/as amended. ~ 92-87. di re~i.'~ to the RegioflaJ Wa~-r md/or S~'~ $.v~ns Impact Fees mT bt"A~, repealed in their SECTION 3. DECI.,ARATION OF EXCLUSION FROM ADMINISTRATIYE i~ROCEDI.'P,F-.S ACT. .~.hins con,mined in th~s Ordinance styli be consm~ or L~teq~-ted to includ~ the Count?' in Count, to the spplication ot*t~ ^dmini.gru~ ~ AcC C'bapm' 120, F3odda Smxnes. T~s decbrmon of in~-nt sod ~.clus~on shall apply to afl ~,~.~ takm as a rcsutt ofor pursmm to d~s Imp~ Fecs calcula~ unc~ ~ 2.04, a ~ of cnti~m~ to m bnpact Fe~s ~ECTION 4. CO,%'FUCT A,~D SL'V'ERABII.ETY. If my chine, secdo~ or prm-lsion of this Ordinance slsdl be d~.Ja~d ~ or inva/id for any n~ason or ,:.~t~.. the remaining ~ of ~ ~ ~ be in full force and effec~ and be vaUd as tf such invaUd portion f~ereof bM nc~ begn ~ bec'in. In fl)e e~m it is hem or to imix~ d~ Wasgr and/or Sew~ S~ ~ For~ widen axty Cotlier ~ Wat~ md Was~ws~ Aud~ority certiScs~d ,,.a.~ oftt~ ~ or such imposid<m ofthe ~ Fees Wat~ md/or Sew~ $ys~ms lm~ Foes in any od~r areas of tb~ DL~ or for od~' team~ or purposes, and i~ is the iment of t~ Comty, ~- such eveut, d~at such imposition of ~ F~ ~ CoiUcr County or ~ applicable htw, the ~ ~ shaU apply. SECTION 5. DICLUSION ~i TIrE CODE OF LAWS A.ND ORDI'NAN'CES. The Ixovidom offs Ordinance d~l become ~'d be made a p~ of the Code of La~ md Otd~ of CoUiet County. Florida. The ~-fions ofthh Ord~mnce nmy b~ ~-nmnbeml or t~-uer~d to accomplish such. and the ..void =oed~mce' may be cha~ged to "section', "aflicle'. or any other ~ word. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. T~s Ordinance shall become effec',Jve upon filing wit~ the Depa~ne~ of Str~. 41 ATTEST: Dg/1GHT E. BROCK.. CLERK BY: Appmv~ ~ m form and PASSED A.~fD Db'LY ADOP'IT.D BY ~ BOARD OF COL,~TY COMMISSIO.~'ERS OF COLLIER COL,~'TY. FLORIDA. tim, .4~' of . 199I, I~.~ OF COL,.'~I"Y CO.~,LMZSSIO~'~rI~RS COLLIER COL.'~TY, BY: BARBARA B, BERRY, CHAliL~4AN 42 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION A-98-~, ANT~.ONY P. PIRES, ~ OF WOODWARD, PIRES & LOMBARDO, P.A., AND N. PAUL SAN FILIPPO, OF SEIDENSTICKER & SAN FILIPPO, REPRESENTING WALDEN OAKS OF NAPLES HOMEOWI~'ERS ASSOCIATION, HUNTINGTON HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, BARRINGTON HOMEO~~ ASSOCIATION AND ALAN SMALL, REQUESTING AN APPEAL OF A DETERMINATION OF INSUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO ~ PRINCESS PARK PUD MASTER PLAN, A/K/A "KING RICHARD'S", ADOFrED BY ORDINANCE 84-34, AS AMENDED, RENDERED BY THE ~G SERVICF..~ DIRECTOR PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this appeal is to d~ine whether staff's det~on th~ the ~sed chang~ to thc Princ~ Park PUD Master Pl~n are insubstantial in rmm'e pursuant to the criteria set forth in Section of the Collier County l.~nd Development Code. CONSIDERATIONS: On May 1, 1998, staff received an application for Insubstantial Change Determination to the PUD Master Plan for Princess Park PUD A/K/A King Richard's. This insubstantial change process was requested after initial discussions between the property owner and staffwith respect to a number of proposed uses intended to be added to the existing facility. The PUD, in section 5.2, provides a list of permitted r~reafion~ uses including: buildings for an office, maintenance facilities, storage, ticket booths, snack bar, recreation room, and similar uses; miniature golf course; mini-car track; bumper boa pond; batting cages; aero-ball court; kiddie-car track; remote control boats and pond; swinm~g pool; outdoor roller skaIing track; boat rental facilities; game mom; and, any other similar and comparable recreational use approved by the zoning director. The property owner proposed the addition of a lazy river type swimming pool, with a water-slide. Staff rendered an opinion that such a use was similar and comparable to other permitted recreation! uses. A swimming pool is currently a permitted use in the PUD. The slide is nothing mor~ than an accessory amenity to the pool. As an example, the aquatic facility at the County's Golden Gate Park also has a water-slide. Several additional relatively small-scale "kiddie" rides were also proposed. Ultimately, the Plmming Commission, as part of its motion to approve PDI-98-2, limited the property owner to only on~ ~ kiddie ride at any given time (with the choice of which kiddie- ride being u to the ~plicant). Color exhibits depicting each of the proposed rides are attached hereto and will provide some sense of sca~e. These clearly are not amusement park type thrill rides; these are very specifically "kiddie" fides. While staff determ~ that the proposed lazy fiver and water-slide, and the kiddies rides were shnilar and compile rccreafional uses, based on the level of detail conl ~ned, .~~ the existing PUD Master Plan, staff determined that an amendment to the Mastc: Plan to- AUG 0 4 I 93 depict the location of these additional facilities was wgranted. It was then neces~ for staff to determine whether or not the proposed changes to the PUD Master Plan were substantial or insubstantial in nature. The appeal before you today does not challenge the staff's determi~,~on that these uses are similar and comparable recreational uses, nor is it directed at the requirement that the property owner amend the existing Master Plan to illustra~ these additional uses. Rather, this alypeal is directed at the Planning Director's determination that th~ revisions to the PUD Master Plan necessitated by the addition of these uses is an ixmfl~i~atial change pursuant to the provisions set forth in LDC Section 2.7.3.$.2. The Board is thus faced with the task of determining, through this appeal process, whether the Plmaning Services staff (in particular the Plmaning Director) based its insubstanfi~ change determination on competent substantial evidence. Ii' the Board reaches this finding, then the appeal should bc denied. If the Board, after reviewing the applicable evidence and testimony, finds thai staff did not base its determination on competent substantial evidence, then the appeal should be granted, the decision of the Plamaing C. xmmaission to approve PDI-98-2 should be overturned, and the property owner should be directed to remibmit for a full blown PUD amendment. In reviewing the issues raised by the appellants, staff is of the opinion that many 0f these issues are not germane to this appeal process. In the following paragraphs, each of the issues raised by thc appellants and the staff response thereto is summarized. Particular focus has been paid to those issues directly ~lated to the criteria set for.h in Section for insubstanti-l change determination. Items raised in tie letter of appeal: The following items are raised in the appellant's letter of appeal. Items which are repetitive in nature or which do not warrant a specific rebuttal are grouped together. Items # 1. # 2. and #3. - These items are not a basis for appeal but simply provide limited historical ~ve on the zoning and land use. Item # 3 lists the ehangee,/additions being requested from those that currently exist on the site. /tern # 4 and # 5 - The appellant acknowledges the property owner's request to amend the Master Plan to remove the reference to the swimming pool and the amphitheater and to add the loeational reference for the lazy fiver md the slide. The applicant states that a swimmin. L; pool, although a pein'fitted use does not exist on the site and further quotes a letter from the previous Plarming Director, Mr. Wayne Arnold, AICP, dated December 18, 1997, bi which, Mr. Arnold stales that "swimmb~g pools, wave pools and waterslides are not necesaarily functionally, structurally or mechanically similar in natm'e." What the appellant's ~;ail to reve,al here is that in the pre,,4ou.~ paragraph of that letter, Mr. Arnold states that "wave poc. l': and "waterslides" are similar in nature to the permitted use of a swirrrmi~g pool and therefore, "they are permitted uses within the Princess Park PUD." Had Mr. Amc, Id stopl~xi here, all that the property o~vner would have been required to do would be to submit an administratively approved Site Development Plan. No heating would have been necessary. Mr. Arnold went on to say that it was due to the fact that such uses differ primly in that swlmmirlg pOOlS are more static in llat~re, wh~-l'eas wsterslide and w~ve pools require mechanical or structural means of alterin~ a~l/or users of th~ stm6'mre. Therefore, Mr. Arnold concludes that mechanism to provide for this use is a Master Plan amendment. The letter PDI (i~subst~l change to the PUD Master Plan) might be the al~ropria:e process ~ly depending upon staff's eval,stlon) for such a change. As the current Plmming Servic.~ ~, I reviewed the staff report prepared by Ms. Susan Murray, including ~11 baeic~ information (such ~ Wayne Arnold's letter) and concur with staff's finding Ired r~a~a~l~ion. Staff's position is further substantiated by ~.he CCPC at~owl ofthe PDI on June 18, 199i. Items # 6: # 7. # 8. # I0. and # 15 - The appellant stat~s that various us~s, both existing lind proposed, ~'~ not listed ~s permitted uses within the PUD. As previously stated, Section 5.2 of the PUD document lists as a permitted use any other similar and comparable re~eatt~ use approved by the zoning director. At the time of al~lication, the property owner, in addition to the lazy fiver, requested that two additional mechanical kiddie rides be permi~ Staff's review of ~es¢ fides (including the attached photos and illustrations) indicated that these proposed rides were for younger children and were relatively small in seaile. Additionally, the ~:~plicant indicated that they w~re willing to inmll additional noise redu~on buffers ~cl lsndsc~ing, and the rides contain rubber or non-metallic whe~ls tl~ would mlnimi?e any nois~ generated by the ride. As previously ststed, sT, itff determined thai the proposed additional uses (the lazy river, the wiaerslid~ and tl~ two iciddi¢ rides) while permitted, would require a PUD Master Plan r~risio~ Included in the staff analysis was a review of the proposed additional uses aocl other modific~ons to the Master Plan in comparison to the original Master Plan approved in 1984 ~md the Site Development Plan (SDP-88-97) approved in 1988 and subeequ~ ~e~tment at,proved in 1993. Additionally, staff required the al~licant to submit a Master Plan tha~ ~:m'ately depicted the existing conditions on the site. Based on this lm~l~, statff determined that the proposed Master Pisn changes were consistent with the criteria s~t forth in the LDC for Inzubslantial PUD Master Plan Cha~ge. At issme here, is ~ether or not staff reached this conclusion by virtu of competent substantial evidence, not whether or not the proposed additional uses ar~ l~-rmitted. Items # 9 and #16 - The ~ppe~ contends ttuU reconfi~g the existing goo, art track frtm~ a single l,~rge trick to two smaller tracks, one for junior go-carts repres~ts an intensity of use ~ further, tl~ the PUD document limits the number, of such track to two. The PUD doaument, in Section 5.2 Permitted Uses, lists both a mini-cart track and a kiddie..e, ar tr~lc as rermitted uses, The PUD does not expressly limit the numb~ to a m~ximum of two su~ uses. The revision will not inc~ase the size or area set aside for the go-cart traits, but will allow for a reconfiguration to allow for a junior go-cart tragic by reducing the ~ of the existing go-c~ track. TbSs will allow younger children to ride s'm~er ~d less powerfi~ motorized carts. This will not ~ noise or traffic beyond that which is eurr,~tly generated by the existing go-cart track- While it is & ret~gu~ion, it is not, in the opinion of staff, inrmsification. ltea~ # 11. # 12. and # 18 - The ~i~pellant ~ that these proposed addition~ uses will r~xlt in ~ lraflic g~neration to the site. Additionally, the appellant indi~es that a Tr~]c ~ Sl~I~nt (I'IS) was not r~quired. In fact, a TIS is not required. An evaluation of the traffic snd transportation impacts attendant to lhis PDI was The appeRant suhnitted a professional opL~ion prepared by William L. Hoover, MC'P, which indicated that the staff failed to propecly evaluate the traffic impacts as required by Section Mr. Hoover further indicates that in his professional opinion, the propoaed additional usea ~t an in~rease in traffic and intensity. In response, attached hereto ia a rc~pon~ from Susan Murray, Principal Plamaer, as well as from Ray Bellowa, ~ Planner and Edward Kant, P.E., Transportation Director. Both Mr. Kant ami Mr. Bellowa, aa a primary function of their respective posifion~, are responsible for reviewing such petitions and specifically for anal~g such petitions from a lxaffic and transportation impact perspe..'~tive. A w~'itten finding from each of these expert witaeaa~ is attached hert~ for your consideration. Each of these experts played an active role in reviewing tbe PDI and all concurred that the additional uses and the proposed revisions to the Maat~ Plan would not constitute a ino-ease in the number and/or intensity of traffic beyond that which might reasonably be anticipated by the list of lacrmi~ uae~ act forth in the PUD document More specifically, Mr. Kant and Mr. Bellowa both co~gz~ that the revisions to the Master Plan proposed, including the proposed additional uses will not result in a higher level of vehicular traffic baaed upon the Trip Gen~on Manual published by the Institute of Transportation En~neers. This me waa diacuased at some length at the CCPC aa well. Since thia issue was not germane to the PD! consideration, staff did not specifically address Rcm as there waa no new permitted uses being introduc.~ to the PUD, no additional land being added, and therefore there can be no additional traffic generation ar. xording to the ITE Trip Generation Manual. Nevertheless, the issue of traffic generation was addressed aa part of the staff review, specifically in item "e' in the staff r~ ~ The prop(m~ owner indicated to staff th,~ the pwposed additions, aa a business strate/y of moving l~om the sales of individual tickets sold for individ Itera~ # I0. #II. #13 and # 14 - The appellant indicates that the changes to the Master Plan will result in a higher level of intensity and will bring about an incompatible r~lationmip with adjoining properties. Were the property ownen requesting to develop any other permitted usc on the site in addition to those that currently ex~st, compatibility would ge~-Tally no! be an isaue. Most Master Plans do not have the specificity that was provided on the Princess Park PUD Master Plan. One cannot argue intensification based on fig placement of additional recreational uses permitted in the PUD. These uses were anticipated by the original PUD approval. In fact, the PUD reco~zes future expansion both in tl~ PUD document. It is due to this specificity that staff required a Master Plan amctu4ment ratb~ than an atlministrafive Site Development Plan. This actually works in favor of the adj~ property owners in that it requires a public hearing allowing ~g, xutmding property owners to exprcss their concerns. In fact, such a proccss allows staff and thc Planning Co~mission to place re~h iciaons and stipulations on the appwvaL Staffreque~t~l that specific locations for the additional use lac depicted on the proposed Maater Plan and tha', such uses be located and additional buffers be installed so as to minimize ~ and lighting impacts on adjacent properties. The CCPC added timber stipulations that limited the property owner to one a,:lditional kiddie fide at any given time a=d enhaneod latxlseaping along the property lin~ adjacent to residential properties. These impact mitigating meastn~ would not have been achieved if it were not for the fact that the lvlmma- Plan was so specific that, in the opinion of staff, revisions and updating of th= Mag~ PLan was necessary through the PDI public hearing proecss. lal fides AUG 0 1998 and amu~nents, to the concept of selling a daily pass which would allow the holder to participate in ~ny or all of the fides for the specified period. The proposed additions are /ntended to provide a more appealing market to customers of a variety of predominantly youthful ag~/md to provide greater incentive for patrons to purchase a park-w/de daffy pa~ rather than hxi/vidual ride tickets. The additional kiddie fide, reconfigurafion of the lake, addition of viraal and sound buffers in the form of landscaping and berms, installation of the lazy river and water slide, and reconfiguration of the go-cart track is ~ w/th the approved Pr/nce~ Park PUD. The~e changes to the Master Plan w/Il not result in an hxa'eased intensity beyond tha~ which currently exists or can be expected in consideration of the list of permitted uses. Additionally, the Master Plan w/il acon'ately reflect the uses and locations of use~ currently/ri existence on the ~ite. The change~ proposed are clearly consistent with the LDC provisions for a finding of ~al change. The staff determination was based on competent substantial evidence ~xl profe~ional evaluation. The a~pellant's appeal of the Planning Services Director's flnd~g that the proposed Master Plan changes are insubstantial in natu~ is without merit. As previously stated approval of PDI-98-2 by the Collier County Planning Commi~ion further suppom the staff's position. Legal representatives of the adjacent property owner% as well as the property owners themselves, were in attendance at the CCPC meeting ~1 were thus pro,,ided a public forum in which to expr~s their concerns and to present evidence in support or in oFposition to the petition. In a related m-~,r, the legal repre~mtatives of the appellant's have indicated that they also reserve the fight to appeal the CCPC det~xrfination as set forth in Section 5.2.11. Section 5.2.11. states that the petitioner or applicant may appeal a final decision of the CC'PC. This section does not provide a fight of appeal for adversely affected property owners./n any case, the issues g~imane to such an appeal are no different than those currently before you and thus such an action would be redu~dant. FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable. RECOMbiENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners deny this ~ and uphold the determh~ion of the Planning Service Director that the revisions to the Princess Pzrk PUD Master Plan are, in fact, insubstantial/n natu~, as approved by the Collier County Planning Commission on June 18, 1998. PREPARED BY: Z~. ~'~ Robtc~ J. Mulhere, AICP 0 4 J98 Community Development and Environmental Services Division L TO: FROM: DATE: Building Review and Permitting Housing and Urban Improvement Planning ~ Memorandum Code Enforcement Natural Resources Pollution Control Bob Mulher~, ?dC'P, Planning Scrvices Dcpartment Director Susan Mun'ay, Principal Plazmer ~ J~dy 7, 1998 SUBJECT: PDI-98-2 King Ric]E~xd's PUD Prior to it~ accept~r~ aad u part of the rcview proce~ for ~e ~ve ~f~ ~fi~ I ~ ~ m~ ~ ~ P~g S~c~ ~~t ~ at ~e ~e, ~. Wa~e ~oi~ ~~ ~e ~~ ~ ~e ~6on~'s ~~ive. I ~~ n~~ si~ ~si~ ~d ~'s ~~ ~v~ Si~ ~cl~t P~ fil~, ~c P~ d~~ ~d ~ d~el~ b~ of~ P~ F~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~y~s, ~ ~ ~b~ of~e ~ ~~ it ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~t's p~ w ~d ~o ~fi~ ~e fid~ a ~~ ~ ~~n of ~ ~g g~ ~ is ~ly ~~t ~ ~e ~~ ~e ~ ~ d~ ~ ~e ~d D~el~mmt ~e. ~ p~ of ~e PDI ~h~o~ ~~~ ~e ~li~t ~e ~e ~s~g ~ P~ Wim ~t ~el~ ~o ~ ~~8 ~ ae oEy ~o~s~ si~~ c~ ~ ~e rite w~ ~ ~fi~ of~ ~ic~fion~ ~e fid~. It w~ my im~t W f~o ~y ~ of ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~e ~~y ~v~ P~ ~ P~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~ p~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I ~fom ~y ~b~ ~~ing ~d~ ~e~ ~ ~ p~ ~ ~ ~ ~, of~e M~ PI~ w ~e ~t ~el~ ~o &d ~ ~ ~ s c~e W ~e ~ w~ch mi~t ~ a ~~ c~ge prcscmcd to me as pert of the requixemcnts for subrni~ ofaa iasub~atial change dctamin~on applicefiou m~d my rcscm'ch. AUG 0 4 1998 MEMORANDUM TO~ Robert J. Mulhere, Plannin9 Services Director FROM~ Ray Bellows,~Principal Planner DAT~ July 6, 1998 PDI-98-2, Princes Park/King Richards According to your request, I have prepared the following response to the allegation that the changes made as part of the above referenced petition represent a significant increase in tSe site generated vehicular trips over the amount that was previously approved. The application indicates that a portion of the existing miniature golf course was eliminated to acco~l~odate other per,bitted uses within the PUD. The trip estin%ates for these permitted land uses were derived from the Institute of Traz~sportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual (5~ Edition). Various la~d use categories were studied to determine if the method of calculation of these land uses could result in an increase in the site gel%crated trips. The categories studied are as follows: ~uement Park (Land Use 480) - An amusement park contains rides, entertainment, refreshment stands, and picnic areas. Such rides may include roller coasters, go-carts, river rides and swing rides. The trip geDeration rate for this land use is based on the n~.~er of acres or on the number of employees. Since this amendment doesn't increase the number of acres or the number of employees, there are no additional site g~]erated trips attributable to this petition. Ffdeo Arc&de (L~md Use 895) - A video arcade is a building in which video gamm u~its are played for a fee. Arcade~ generally contain 20 to 100 individual game units. It should be noted that the video arcade is an approved use within the Princess Park PUD. The trip generatio~ rate for this land use is calculated using the number of video games or on the sq%Lmre footage of the floor area. Since this amendment doesn't increase the number of games or the square footage of the arcade area, there are no additional ~ite generated trips attributable to this petition. Water Slide Park (La~d Use 414) - A water slide park contains water slides, wading pools, refreshment stands, and picnic areas. Based on my conversation with Susan Murray, the water slide/pool is an approved use within the Princess Park PUD. The trip generation rate for this land use is based on the number of parking spaces. Since this amendment doesn't i~crease =he n~.ber of parking spaces, there are no additi(~_ generated trips attributable to this petition. AUG 0 1998 In addition, the ~ of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Genera=ion Manual has added a new land use category (Multipurpose Recreational Facility) that more closely conforms to the uses allowed w~thin the subject PUD. The trip generation methodology for this new category is as follows: Multipurpose R~reational Facility (Land Use 435) - Multipurpose recreational facilities contain two or more 'of the following land uses combined at one site: miniature golf, batting cages, video arcade, bumper boats, go-carts, and golf driving ranges. Other ancillary facilities and refreshment areas may also be provided. The trip generation rate for this land use is calculated based on the number of acres of the site. (It should be not~ t.b~t this category does not provide trip rates based on Re ~-her of uses or for each t_vpe of recreational activity withi~ the facility.) Since this amendment doesn't increase the number of acres of the subject PUD, there are no additional site generated trips attributable to this petition. Based on the trip rates from the ITE Trip Generation Manual, staff is of the opinion that the subject petition will not substantially increase traffic generation or significantly change the traffic circulation compared to the previously approved PUD. Furthermore, a Traffic Impact Statement was not required since the petitioner was not proposing to incTease the acreage of the existing facility or add uses that were not ~rreviously approved within the PUD. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to ask. cc ~ Ed Kant Ron Nino Susan Murray AUG 0 A 1998 Coliler County Transportation Services Department .~.~. :~.' Memorandum ;r~:~" JUL 6 1998 .~; ~" From: ~ J. ~ r ~"~:": Trm~i~n~ion Servic~ ]:>kector ~LANNtNG SE-I~/IC-..~S ~ ~ add/tim of two uses (wave pool and water d/de) by themselves could c~gender add/fional traffic; however,/n the context of thc existing PUD mad the other permitted uses, it/s our opin~m ~ ~ ~idition ~ these two uses will not promo~ a significant added traffic ~ We hzw. revievn~ ~ ITE Trip Generation publicatio~ and Ray Bellows memo. Oar findings arc comistmt with his stol w~ offer no exception or ~ktitioml co,,--~nt st this time. In our original ~ew of July 18, 1~97, we h~d r~ a limited TIS to see what the effect of the two ~ld~d u~ woold be; ~, ~ aaalyfis of ti-z: foregoing documents, we now bela, ye fl~t o~r recgs~ Endings m,c su~ 'l'Se ~cct site is 11.3 aczcs. Tl~-rc arc 141 prating m f~ me by cusiom~rs of all avm'~ble ~ If anything, ther~ could actually for Iooger oo.s/te ~ fo~ cusmmalmd ~. We would alw point out that a site offffiz size very atoll far ~ type of~m ~ park. Typic~Tly, one would expect to ~ee a much lim/t~ me of m.~h ammll ~ite. The lknitation in use would be off~-t ~/ncmased parking. In mmlmary, we believ~ the/ni6al determ/nat/on tlmt hhcre would be no significant ~ to the ~lj~mt ~ netwe~ fi-om this PDI and that there would be no significant impact to traffic flo~ ~o m~t flora ~ ~e is *~Ud. Iflherc arc a~y questio:~ or ffyou seek add/flop, al/nforrrafion, please contact me at 774-8494. lt~y ~ ~g Scr~ Rcm N~no, AICP, ~g Scrviccs Susan Mm'ay, Planning Scr~ ~ PD198-2, long 1Uckm*d's ~ Pazk AUG 0 4 1998 Po. '~ ATTOlaNEYg-AT-LAW JO~N A. June 16, 1998 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Robert Mulhere, Director Planning Services Department 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Mr. Vincent Cautero, Administrator Community Development and Environmental Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Board of Collier County Commissioners Attention: Barbara Berry, Chairman 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F Naples, Florida 34112 RECE /ED A 98- 2 , ~11ierCounty Board of Count7 conmissioners, iIppeal of Written Determination ren~ere~ ~une 4, 1998 determining that ohanges outlined in PDI $98-2, proposed changes to P~inoess Park PUD Naster Plan, are ins~bstantial cha~ges Dear Commissioner Berry, Mr. Mulhere and Mr. Cautero: On June ~, 1998 a Memorandum (dated June 1, 1998 on the first page) regarding Petition No. PDI-98-2, King Richard's PUD Master Plan, was issued/rendered by the Director, Planning Services Department (joined in by the Manager, Current Planning Section; and a Principal Planner), hereinafter referred to as "Administrator" or "Director". Said Memorandum is a written determination that the proposed Amendments or changes to the King Richard's PUD Master Plan are "ins~bstantial". [Note the PDI refers to the "King Richard's PUD" although the name of the PUD is apparently still "Princess Park", and has not been officially changed.] PLEASE RESPOND TO: NAPLES PEIJCAN BAY ~01 LAUREL OA~ DR., $[.rr~ 710, NAPLES, FLOR/DA 34108 (941) ~-3131 FA~ 606 BALD EAGLE DR., SUITE ~0, P.O. BOX 1, MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA 34146 (941) 394-S161 !~ 1998 X 041) June 16, 1998 Page 2 The Appellants herein are adversely affected, aggrieved parties and/or property owners, and/or received written notice from Collier County of the pendency of a hearing before the Collier County Planning Commission ("CCPC") scheduled for June 18, 1998 to consider PDI ~98-2. (see A-50) The Appellants herein either qualify as adversely affected property owners; aggrieved parties, and/or parties who have a right to appeal said written determination to the Board of County Commissioners by virtue of DiviSion 1.6 and Sections and of the Collier County Land Development Code ("LDC"); and Sections 250-55 tP~ough 250-60, inclusive, of the Codes of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida (Ch. 67-1246, Laws of Florida, Sections 13 through 18, inclusive). [References to the attached Appendix will bedestgnatedbythe letter "A" followed by the page number (i.e. A- ).] Appellant Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowners Association, Inc. (hereinafter "Walden Oaks") is a Florida not-for-profit corporation formed and existing for the purpose of being a master association for approximately 330 residential dwelling units within the overall community known as Walden Oaks. Appellant Huntington Homeowners Association, Inc. (hereinafter "Huntington") is a Florida not-for- profit corporation formed and existing for the purpose of administering and operating community property and enforcing recorded deed restrictions for that neighborhood known as ~untington. Appellant Barrington Condominium Association, Inc. (hereinafte~ #Barrington") is a Florida not-for-profit corporation formed and existing for the purpose of administering and operating that certain condominium project known as Barring+-on, a ~ondominit~. Barrington represents ~11 of the unit owners of all of the condominium units that comprise that certain condominium project known as Barrington. Alan Small is a property owner residing at 6606, Unit D, Tannin Lane, Naples, Florida 34109 (in Huntington, hereinafter referred to as "Small"). Appellants ~alden Oaks, Huntington, Barrington, and Small are members of the class of parties who are entitled to receive written notice and who were indicated as being mailed a copy of a notice of hearing for Petition No. PDI-98-2 (see A-50 through A-80). This letter (and its Attacb-ments and the Appendix), and acco~panyinq Notice of Appeal are notice of and is and constitutes of said the appeal to t~e Board of County Commissioners ("BCC") AUG 0 1998 June 16, 1998 Page 3 written determination. a~eal said written Co~issioners. The Appellants herein have a right to determination to the Board of County The bases for this appeal, although not exhaustive, are listed · below. The Appellants specifically reserve the right to supplement these materials and to amend this l~tter and Notice of Appeal as: 1) Severe time constraints have been imposed on Appellants by the scheduling of this Petition PDI $98-2 before the CCPC on Ju/le 18, 1998. 2) T~e written determination was rendered June 4, 1998. Pursuant to the aforementioned appellate procedures, the Appellants have 30 days, i.e. July 4, 1998, to file the Notice of Appeal. 3) However, as the petition is scheduled for the June 18, 1998 CCPC meeting, out of an abundance of caution, Appellants in good faith, believe they should file the Notice of Appeal and appeal prior to the scheduled CCPC hearing date. 4) There are ~hus severe time constraints imposed on the Appellants. These time constraints are not caused by the Appellants or the actions or inaction of the Appellants. As a result, Appellants specifically reserve the right to ~upplement this Appeal and/or amend/modify same prior to the expiration of the 30 day time frame. The bases for this appeal, although not exhaustive are as follows: l) A. On April 24, 1984, the BCC approved Petition R-83- 29C, a~opting Ordinance No. 84-34, the Princess Park PUD [A-81]. B. On June 12, 1990, the BCC amended Ordinance No. 84- 34 [A-99]. Although the mUD's name has not been changed and although it is at times referred to as King Richard's Park, Ordinance No. 84-34, as amended, will hereinafter be referred to as "Princess Park PUD". The permitted principal uses in Princess Park are outlined within Section 5.2 of the Princess Park PUD [A- 100]. AUG 0 1998 ,.Tune 16, 1998 Page 4 2) On or about March'19, 1998, BIC's Investment Corporation filed its "Application For Insubstantial Change Determination to PUD Master Plan and Public Hearing Before Collier County Planning Commission [A-9], hereinafter "Application". It's agent for the Application is Butler Engineering. This Application was apparently filed pursuant to Section of the LDC [A-24]. 3) The A~pltcation indicates that the applicant would: &) eliminate a portion of the existing miniature golf course in its western most portion, to acc~odate two new (2) uses, a "lazy river ride" and a w~ter slide; and b) create a new "Junior go-kart track" from an existing go-kart track, resulting in three (3) go-kart tracks; and c) add a new ride and use, a "Kiddie roller coaster" ride; and d) add an undefined "pirate swing" ride; and e) install what are described as various "noise buffers"; and f) colored concept drawings/illustrations of the "pirate swing" ride and "kiddie roller coaster" ride are attached IA-10 through A-12]. 4) The Memorandum conflicts with the Application as the A~plication states that one change is to "show removal of sw~ing pool and amphitheater", while the Memorandum articulates that the Applicant wishes to "expand the swimming pool use to include a lazy river and water slide.' Although listed as a principal permitted use, no swimming pool exists at Princess Park. $) A water slide is not functionally, structurally or mechan~.cally similar in nature to a swimming pool. (see A-l) 6) A "pirate swing" is not on the list of permitted principal uses in the Princess Park PUD. AUG 0 1998 June 16, 1998 Page 5 7) A roller coaster, whether of a "kiddie roller coaster" type or otherwise, is not on the list of permitted principal uses in the Princess Park PUD. 8) A merry-go-round is not listed as a principal permitted use in the Princess Park PUD. 9) Only two (2) "car tracks" are allowed in Princess Park PUD, i.e. a "mini-car track" and a "kiddie track". IA- 100] 10) The additional uses and change of uses outlined and proposed in PDI #98-2 will result in an increase in the intensity of land use within the development, thereby constituting a substantial change (see Section, LDC). The new additional rides/activities/structures result in a 100% increase in the n~nmber of rides/activities. 11) The additional uses and change of uses outlined in PDI $98-2 will result in substantial increase in the impacts of the development which includes, but is not limited to, increases in traffic generation (see Section, LD¢). 12) The additional uses and change of uses outlined in PDI $98-2 will result in land use activities that generate a higher level of vehicular traffic (see Section, LDC). 13) The additional uses and change of uses outlined in PDI $98-2 will bring about a relationship to abutting land use that is/are incompatible with an adjacent land use (see Section, LDC). There are land uses adjacent to the north that are residential in nature. All of the uses adjacent to the subject property's eastern property line are residential in nature. 14) The additional uses and change of uses outlined in PDI $98-2 will increase the intensity of the permitted land uses (see Section, LDC). 15) The proposed "kiddie roller coaster" and "pirate swing" are two (2) distinct, separate, additional uses of a mechanical, not static nature. Each of these utilize mechanical devices and each can be 30 feet high. These two active uses will utilize part of an area currently  utilized for quiet miniature golf activities. rsee AUG 0 1998 Pg. /~' _ J%~a 16, 1998 Page 6 16) through A-12, renderings/concepts of "swing ride" and "kiddie roller coaster", and A-11B and 11C] The proposed revised:Site Plan will result in the creation of an additional race track, thereby resulting in three (3) race tracks, with each one creating its own demands, thereby increasing the amount of motorized race car activity. 17) The determination is not supported by substantial cow, tent evidence. For all of the foregoing, the changes to the Princess Park PUD as o~tlined in PDI ~98-2 should be determined to be substantial. Also enclosed is check number 2300 from Seidensticker & San Filippo, Attorneys at Law Operating Account representing the appeal filing fee of $200.00, an amount confirmed by Ray Bellows of your office, made paFable to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowners Association, Inc. ¢/o N. Paul San Filippo Huntington Homeowners Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Barrington Condominium Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Burr L. Saunders AUG 0 4 1998 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW July 2, 1998 Mr. Rober~ Mulhere, Director Planning Services Department 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Mr. Vincent Cautero, Administrator Community Development and Environmental Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 VIA ~AND DELIVERY CKAIG it. WOODWARD* MABX J. WOODWARD J. CHILSTOFflKR LOMIARDO STEVI2q V. BLO;~qT JOHN ~ GARNER BUfF ~ SA~Dm Board of ZoningAppeals; collier count~ Board of County Con~tssioners; Appeal of written Determination rendered J1.1~e 4, 1998 determining that changes outlined in PDI ~98-2; proposed changes to Princess Par~ PUD Master Plan, are insubstantial changes 'Dear Mr. Mulhere and Mr. Cautero: As referenced in the Amended Appeal and Amended Notice of Appeal, enclosed please find the following additional supplemental materials to be utilized as part of the Appendix to the Board of Zoning Appeals and Board of County Commissioners. The numbering of same begins where the initial Appendix left off, i.e. the Supplemental Appendixbegins with page 102. As with the ~aterials in the initial Appendix, all references to the Appendix will be referred to by the letter "A" followed by the page number of the Appendix. Additional materials may he filed the early part of the week of July 6, 1.998. Please incorporate these materials with the previously sub~itted materials for submission to the Board of Zoning Appeals/ Board of County Commissioners. I~UCA~ BAY 8el LAUREL OAK DR. ~ 71o, BALD EAGL~ DR~ ~ ~ ~. BOX 1, MASCO July 2, 1998 Page 2 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sincerely, APP .- WOO~MBARDO, P.A. Antq~WH~"P .~res, Jr. Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowners Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Ftlippo Huntington Homeowners Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Barrington Condominium Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Burr L. Saunders JUN 19 1998 A 98'2 ',,, DATE: June 16, 1998 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA COLLIER COUNTY CON[MUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ADM[NISTRATOR TO: DIRECTOR, COLLIER COUNTY DEPARTMENT PLANNING SERVICES NOTICE OF API'F. A1. OF wRrI'I'EN D~'FERMINATION OF ~ DIREC'rOR. PI~.NNING ~_gr,:RVI .~._.g Dt~AR~ (D~OR) THAT ~ AFPLICATION BY BIC'S INVESTMEI~ (~OR~RATION TO Ci:IANGE TFIg. PUD MASTigR PLAN FOR ~ INcR-qs PARK PUD (ORD. t&4-~ IN PETITION PDI g98-2 IS AN IN~ANTIAL CHANGE AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A SUBST~ CHANGE Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowner's Association, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, Huntington Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, Barrington Condominium Association, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, and Alan Small, an individual, by and through their undersigned counsel, hereby file .this appeal and Notice of Appeal of the written d~lter~ination of the Director of the Collier County Planning AUG 0 4 1998 Services Department (Director) that the application by BIC's Investment Corporation to change the PUD Master Plan for the Princess Park PUD (Ord. $84-34) is an insubstantial change and does not constitute a substantial change to the Princess Park PUD approved PUD Master Plan. This appeal is pursuant to Division 1.6 and Sections, and of the Collier County Land Development Code and Sections 250-55 through 250-60, inclusive, of the Codes of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida (Ch. 67-1246, Laws of Florida, Sections 13 through 18, inclusive) to review the written determination of the Development Services Director (a/k/a Director, Planning Services Department) that the proposed amendments to the approved PUD Master Plan for Princess Park PUD (Ord. $84-34) are insubstantial, said written determination being dated June 1, 1998 and rendered on June 4, 1998. A copy of said written determination is attached hereto as Attachment "A". This Appeal is being taken for the purposes of requesting that the Board of County Commissioners reverse the aforesaid written determination rendered by the Development Services Director (n/k/a Director, Planning Services Department). The Jurisdictional bases for thc. Appeal are Division 1.6 and Sections and of the Collier Co6nty Land Development Code and Sections 250-55 through 250-60, inclusive, of the Codes of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida (Ch. 67-1246, Laws of Florida, Sections 13 through 18, inclusive), and other applicable provisions of Collier County Codes and the Land D~velopment Code. This Notice of Appeal and accompanying AUG 0- correspondence, attachments and Appendix articulate and form the bases for said appeal. ~'~o~y P. /P~rE Burt L. Saunde~ _~/~LOMBARDO, P.A. ~, Jr. and 's, Esq. Florida Bar No. 203671 Florida Bar No. 274313 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 710 Naples, Florida 34108 (941) 566-3131 SEIDENSTICKER & SAN FILIPPO Florida Bar~o:/~602 Parkway Finn~3~/~/Center 2150 Goodlette R~ad, Suite Naples, Florida 34102 (941) 403-0611 3O5 C~RTIFICATE OF SERVIC~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Notice of Appeal of Written Determination of the Director, Planning Services Department (Director) that the Application by BIC's Investment Corporation to Change the PUD Master Plan for the Princess Park PUD (ORD. $84-34) in Petition PDI $98-2 is an Insubstantial Change and Does Not Constitute a Substantial Change to the Princess Park PUD Approved PUD Master Plan has also been furnished by facsimile to Richard Yovanovich, Esq., attorney for BIC's Investment Corporation, Roetzel & Andress, Trianon. Cent~.~ Third Floor, SSO Park Shore Drive, Naples, Florida 34103 this/~/~ day of June, 1998. ~ ~./ '~ ~6ny '~i~9~, Jr. AUG 0 1998 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW June 30, 1998 Mr. Robert Mulhere, Director Planning Services Department 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Mr. Vincent Cautero, Administrator Community Development and Environmen~l Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Board of Zoning Appeals Board of Collier County Commissioners Attention: Barbara Berry, Chairman 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F Naples, Florida 34112 ICIAIG R. WOODWAID* MA~E ;. WOODWAKD AA'THONY !'. J. ~tRLt'R~I~ LOMBARDS STEVKN V, BLOUNT .mmOard of Zoning Appeals; Collier County Board of County ~ssioners; Appeal of Written Determinat~on rendered Jt%~e 4, 1998 determining that changes outlined in PDI #08-2, proposed changes to Princess Park PUD Master Plan, are i~ntbstanttal changes Dear Chai~mmn Berry, Mr. Mulhere and Mr. Cautero: On Ju~e 4, 1998 a Memorandum (dated June 1, 1998 on the first ~age} regarding Petition No. PDI-98-2, King Richard's PUD Master Plan, was issued/rendered by the Director, Planning Services Department (Joined in by the Manager, Current Planning Section; and a Principal Planner), hereinafter referred to as "Adminis~ ' Dlreu~cor# . I'LF. ASE RESPOND TO: NAFLES PELICAN BAY M! LAUREL OAK DB., SUITE 710, NAFLF_~ n~ORID& 341~8 (~Jl) S66-313~----J June 30, 1998 Page 2 Said Memorandum is a written determination that the proposed amendments or changes to the King Richard's PUD Master Plan are "insubstantial". [Note the PDI refers to the "King Richard's PUD" although the name of the PUD is apparently still "Princess Park", and has not been officially changed.] The Appellants herein are adversely affected, aggrieved parties, and/or property owners, and/or received written notice from Collier County of the pendency of a hearing before the Collier County Planning Commission ("CCPC") scheduled for June 18, 1998 to consider PDI ~98-2. (see A-50) The Appellants herein either qualify as adversely affected property owners; persons aggrieved; aggrieved parties, and/or parties who have a right to appeal said written determination to the Board of County Commissioners and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals by virtue of Division 1.6 and Sections and of the Collier County Land Development Code ("LDC"); and Sections 250-55 through 250-60, inclusive, of the Codes of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida (Ch. 67-1246, Laws of Florida, Sections 13 through 18, inclusive). [References to the attached Appendix will be designated by the letter "A" followed by the page number (i.e. A- ).] Appellant Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowners Association, Inc. (hereinafter "Walden Oaks") is a Florida not-for-profit corporation formed and existing for the purpose of being a master association for approximately 330 residential dwelling units within the overall co~unity known as Walden Oaks. Appellant Huntington Homeowners Association, Inc. (hereinafter "Huntington") is a Florida not-for- profit corporation formed and existing for the purpose of administering and operating community property and enforcing recorded d~ed restrictions for that neighborhood known as Huntington. Appellant Barrington Condominium Association, Inc. (hereinafter "Barrington") is a Florida not-for-profit corporation formed and existing for the purpose of administering and operating that certain condominium project known as Barrington, a condomini~m. ~rrington represents all of the unit owners of all of the condominium units that comprise that certain condominium ~,roject known as Barrington. w~ RUG 0 & 1998 _ June 30, 1998 Page 3 Alan Small is a property owner residing at 6606, Unit D, Tannin Lane, Naples, Florida 34109 (in Huntington, hereinafter referred to as "Small"). Appellants Walden Oaks, Huntington, Barrington, and Small are members of the class of parties who are entitled to receive written notice and who were indicated as being mailed a copy of a notice of hearing for Petition No. PPI-98-2 (see A-50 through A-80). This letter (and its Att~cknents and the Appendix), and accompanying Notice of Appeal are notice of and is and constitutes the appeal to the Board of County Commissioners ("BCC") of said written determination. The Appellants herein have a right to appeal said written determination to the Board of County Commissioners and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals. The bases for this appeal, although not exhaustive, are listed below. The Appellants specifically reserve the right to supplement these materials and to amend this letter and Notice of Appeal as: 1) Severe time constraints have been imposed on Appellants by the scheduling of this Petition PDI $98-2 before the CCPC on June 18, 1998. The written determination was rendered June 4, 1998. Pursuant to the aforementioned appellate procedures, the Appellants have 30 days, i.e. July 4, 1998, to file the Notice of Appeal. 3) However, as the petition is scheduled for the June 18, 1998 CCPC meeting, out of an abundance of caution, Appellants in good faith, believe they should file the Notice of Appeal and appeal prior to the scheduled CCPC hearing date. 4) There are thus severe time constraints imposed on the Appellants. These time constraints are not caused by the Appellants or the actions or inaction of the Appellants. As a result, Appellants specifically reserve the right to supplement this Appeal and/or amend/modify same prior to the expiration of t~:e 30 day time frame and thereafter. AUG 0 4:1998 Ju/~e 30, 1998 Page 4 The bases for this appeal, although not exhaustive are as follows: l) A. On April 24, 1984, the BCC approved Petition R-83- 29C, adopting Ordinance No. 84-34, the Princess Park PUD IA-S1]. B. On June 12, 1990, the BCC amended Ordinance No. 84- 34 [A-99]. Although the PUD's name has not been changed and although it is at times referred to as King Richard's Park, Ordinance No. 84-34, as amended, will hereinafter be referred to as "Princess Park PUD~'. The permitted principal uses in Princess Park are outlined within Section 5.2 of the Princess Park PUD [A- l00]. 2) On or about March 19, 1998, BIC's Investment Corporation filed its "Application For Insubstantial Change Determination to PUD Master Plan and Public Hearing Before Collier County Planning Commission [A-9], hereinafter "Application". It's agent for the Application is Butler Engineering. This Application was apparently filed pursuant to Section of the LDC [A-24]. 3) The Application indicates that the applicant would: a) eliminate a portion of the existing miniature golf course in its western most portion, to accommodate two new (2) uses, a "lazy river ride" and a water slide; and b) create a new "junior go-kart track" from an existing go-kart track, resulting in three (3) go-kart tracks; and c} add a new ride and use, a "Kiddie roller coaster" ride; and d) add an undefined "pirate swing" ride; and e) install what are described as various "noise buffers"; and w~ AUG 0 1998 _ June 30, 1998 Page 5 4) S) 6) 7) 9) zo) f) colored concept drawings/illustrations of the "pirate swing" ride and "kiddie roller coaster" ride are attached IA-10 throl~gh A-12]. The Memorandum conflicts with the Application as the Application states that one change is to "show removal of sw~ing pool and amphitheater", while the Memorandum articulates that the Applicant wishes to "expand the swimming pool use to include a lazy river and water slide." Although listed as a principal permitted use, no swimming pool exists at Princess Park. A water slide is not functionally, structurally or mechanically similar in nature to a swimming pool. (see A-l) A "pirate swing" is not on the list of permitted principal uses in the Princess Park PUD. A roller coaster, whether of a "kiddie roller coaster" type or otherwise, is not on the list of permitted principal uses in the Princess Park PUD. A merry-go-round is not listed as a principal permitted use in the Princess Park PUD. Only two (2) "car tracks" are allowed in Princess Park PUD, i.e. a "mini-car track" and a "kiddie track". IA- zoo] The additional uses and change of uses outlined and proposed in PDI $98-2 will result in an increase in the intensity of land use within the development, thereby constituting a substantial change (see Section, LDC). The new additional rides/activities/structures result in a 100% increase in the number of rides/activities. The additional uses and change of uses outlined in PDI $98-2 will result in substantial increase in the impacts of the development which includes, but is not limited to, increases in traffic generation (see Section, LDC). AUG 0 & 19cj8 Jtme 30, 1998 ~age 6 The additional uses and change of uses outlined in PDI ~98-2 will result in land use activities that generate a higher level of vehicular traffic (see Section, LDC). :].3) 14) The additional uses and change of uses outlined in PDI #98-2 will bring about a relationship to abutting land use that is/are incompatible with an adjacent land use (see Section, LDC). There are land uses adjacent to the north that are residential in nature. All of the uses adjacent to the subject property's eastern property line are residential in nature. The additional uses and change of uses outlined in PDI #98-2 will increase the intensity of the permitted land uses (see Section, LDC). "]5) The proposed "kiddie roller coaster" and "pirate swing" are two (2) distinct, separate, additional uses of a mechanical, not static nature. Each of these utilize mechanical devices and each can be 30 feet high. These two active uses will utilize part of an area currently utilized for quiet miniature golf activities. [see A-10 through A-12, renderings/concepts of "swing ride" and "kiddie roller coaster", and A-11B and 11C] The proposed revised Site Plan will result in the creation of an additional race track, thereby resulting in three (3) race tracks, with each one creating its own demands, thereby increasing the amount of motorized race car activity. The determination is not supported by substantial competent evidence. :XB) A Traffic Impact Statement or analysis was not submitted or required to be submitted. There is no Traffic Impact Statement or traffic impact analysis in the County's records from the original 1984 rezoning. For 911 of the foregoing, the changes tot_he Princess Park PUD outlin~ in :?DI $98-2 should be determined to be substantial. Che¢~: nu~beu- 2300 from Seidensticker & San Filippo, Attorneys at Law Operating Account representing the appeal filing fee of $200.00, an a~mottnt confirmed by P~ay Bellows of your office, made payable to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida was paid t the time of the Appeal on June 16, l~&.~~ ¢ AUG 0 41998 J~e 30, 1998 Page 7 If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, WOOD~ LOMBARDO, P.A. SEIDENSTICKER & SAN FILIPPO N. Paul San Filippo Walden Oaks of Naples Ho~eowzlers Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo HuntingS:on Homeowners Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Baz'rington Condominium Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Bul-t L. Saunders w~ AUG 0 p~. ~ DATE: June 30, 1998 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORrDA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLOII~A COIJ.II~ COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPME~ AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR .TO: DIRECTOR, COLLIER DEPARTMENT COUNTY PLANNING SERVICES NOTICE OF ~AL OF WRITI'EN DETERMINATION ~ DIRF. LI~R,_ PLANNING SERVICES DEPAR~ (D~R) ~ ~CATION BY BIC'S INVESrMENT CORPORATION TO C~ANGE ~ PUD ~R PLAN FOR ~ PRI~CF-qs PARK' PUD fORD. F84-34~ IN PErITION PDI//98-2 IS AN INSUBSTANTIAL .CHANGE AND DOES NOT CONSTITI. YrE A SUBSI'ANTIAL CHANGE TO Trig FRINC~_ ~ PARg PUD AH~OVED PUD ~ In.AN Walden oaks of Naples Homeowner's Association, Inc., a Florida no,-for-profit corporation, Huntington Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida not--for-profit corporation, Barrington Condominium A~sociation, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, and Alan Small, an individual, by and through their undersigned counsel, hereby file this appeal and Notice of Appeal of the written w~~ 1 "~~ AUG 0 determination of the Director of the Collier County Planning Services Department (Director) that the application by Bic's Investment Corporation to change the PUD Master Plan for the Princess Park PUD (Ord. $S4-34) is an insubstantial change and does not constitute a substantial change to the Princess Park PUD approved PUD Master Plan. This appeal is pursuant to Division 1.6 and Sections, 2.?. and of the Collier County Land Development Code and Sections 250-55 through 250-60, inclusive, of the Codes of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida (Ch. 67-1246, Laws of Florida, Sections 13 through 18, inclusive) to review the written determination of the Development Services Director (a/k/a Director, Planning Services Department) that the propose~ amendments to the approved PUD Master Plan for ~rincess Park PUD (Ord. $84-34) are insubstantial, said written determination being dated June 1, 1998 and rendered on June 4, Z998. A copy of said written determination is attached hereto as Attachment "A". This Appeal is being taken for the purposes of r~questing that the Board of Zoning Appeals and/or .the Board of Co~ty Commissioners reverse the aforesaid written determination rendered by the Development Services D/rector (n/k/a Director, ~l.~:.~ning Services Department) . The Jurisdictional bases for the Appeal are Division 1.6 and Sections 2.'7.3.5. z. 2 and of the Collier County Land Development Code and Sections 250-55 through 250-60, inclusive, of the Codes of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida (Ch. 67-1246, Laws of Florida, Sections 13 through 18, inclu~ive), and AUG 0 1,998 other applicable provisions of Collier County Codes and the Land Development Code. For clarification purposes, this Notice of Appeal and previously filed correspondence, attachments and Appendix which articulate and form the bases for said appeal are also to the Board of Zoning Appeals. The necessary filing fee has previously been paid and all of the previously filed correspondence, attachments and Appendix are incorporated fully herein by reference. This Notice of Appeal and accompanying correspondence, attachments and Appendix articulate and form the bases for said appeal. WOODWARDw~~LOMBARDO, P.A- A~t~6~'~ ~/. ~i%~s, Jr. and Burr L. Saunders, Esq. Florida Bar No. 203671 Florida Bar No. 274313 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 710 Naples, Florida 34108 (941) 566-3131 SEIDENSTICKER & SAN FILIPPO N. Paul San Filippo Florida Bar No. 909602 Parkway Financial Center 2150 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 Naples, Florida 34102 (941) 403-0611 CERTIFICATE OF $~RVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Amended Notice of Appeal of Written Determination of the Director, Planning Servioes Department (Director) that the Application by Bic's Investment Corporation to Change the PUD Master Plan for the Princess Park PUD (ORD. #84-34) in Petition PDI $98-2 is an Ins%~bstantial Change and Does Not Constitute a Substantial Change to the Princess Park PUD Approved PUD Master Plan has also been f%Lrnished by facsimile to Richard Yovanovich, Esq., attorney for v~ 3 BIC'e Investment Corporation, Roetzel & Andress, Trianon Centr~e~ Third Floor, SS0 Park Shore Drive, Naples, Florida 34103 this~ day of ~, 1998. AGENDA ITEM 7-B FROM: DATE: RE: COLLIER COUN/~ PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEV. & ENVIRO~~ SERVIC~ DIVISION JUNE 1, 1998 PE1THON NO: OWNKR/A rr: PDI-9~-2 KING RICHARD'S PUD MAS'IER PLAN RECEIVED Mr. Michael J. Landy, P.E. Butler Ensin~ring, Inc. 22/3 Trade Cent= Way Naplcs, Florida 34109 jUN 1 9 1998 Bic's Iavcstmeat Corporation 6780 Airport Road Naples, Florida 34109 A 98-2 ACTION: The Imition~ s~flcs ~~ of an inmbstanfial ~ to tlz ~ Park pUD pool use to ~ a lazy river and w~,. suds; to indicate the location of two (2) chil&.~'s rides; to add ~ buff,.n,s; and to sepan~ the juaior go-kan tract from the main go-ksrt tm:k. TI~ appUcznt al~ wishes to update the mast= plan to ab. ow'the r~wised lake config~ as it was originally dcv¢lopcd and g~a'ally update the plan to the catm~ development somatio. Th~ bom~nri_'~s of thc PUD and th~ location of · xisaing ingrms and ~ points will not change. King ~'s PUD is 11.3 acres in area and is a ,~ctangular sl~ parcel of land lying ~ Setnion 1, Township 49 SoUth, Range 25 East. The ~ is located on the east side of Airport-Pnlling Road. It is cummtly bouad~ on ~c somh by an existing golf driving range, and to the north and east by Lone Oak PUD, a mb:ed use dcvelopment. (See sttached loc~ion map). Access to thc site is provided via a driveway entrance' locamd off of Airport-~g Road. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT_._, The applicant wishes to amend the PUD master plan as described above. The site is presently developed with a number of recreational type of uses,/n¢luding a go-kart wu:k, aa indo~ ~ a miniature goLfcoursc, bardng cages and a bumper boat pond. There is aa exizting ~ on the eastern I/3 of the site, l~vveen the existing recreational uses on site and the residential aze~ to the ~ Thc zpplicant pla~ to con~'uct a water slide/lazy river use adjacent to the east side of the northern parking lot, in front of the existing castle The two (2) children's rides to be located along tho northern botmdary of the site, behind the castle building, adjacent to the exi~ng b~ boat pond. The master plan Mows the location of noise buffers between the main go-kart track and thc fitture j~or go-k~ track, and at thc north~ boundazy of the junior go-kart track, adjacent to the lake. The zpplicant indica~ that the proposed noise buffers will consist of a fourteen (14) foot wide berm (space per~tting) at a 3:1 slope, with the top of the berm set two (2) feet above the existing grade. On top ofthe berm will be placed a six (6) foot high woo<leu fence with canopy trees planted at twenty (20) feet on cent~, placed on al~g sides ofthe fence. Should the lack of space limit thc use of a berm, aa eight (8) foot high fence will be substituted for the berm/f~ combination. There is aa estab~ed la~dscapo buffer sm'foundling the ~ubject site. To the not'& the buffer consists of a dense canopy of trees and sl~'ubs located on an unduhting berm a=pproxim:nely ten (10) feet wide. Along the cavern property line, the la,scape buffer ~ of a mature, opaque hedge/tree line along a berm, approxlma~ly fifteen (15) feet wide. The land.scape buffer on the southern bounda~ of the site, primarily consists ora den.se hedge line, zlthough in are~ the buffer is spz~e. There are some trees intermingled within the hedge buffer. The Land Development Code sets forth the criteria by which insubstantial amendments to a PUD Master Plan a~e to be reviewed before they can be approved by the CC'PC. The ctiter~, and a ~ to each criteria is listed as follows: Is there a proposed change in the boundary of the Planned Unit Development No, there is r~ proposed change in the boundary of the PUD. Is there a proposed increase in the total number of dwelling units or intensity of land nsc or height of buildings wtthln the development? No, there/s no proposed change in the type of land uses which might have the affect of increasing the intensity of the use of the land use or height of ' buildings within the development. 2 Is t~ere a proposed decrease in preservation, conservation, recreation, or open space areas within the development in ezce~s of five (5) percent or five (5) acres in the project area of the subject change. The entire site functions as a recreationaYopen space type of use. There is no proposal to diminish the existing open space areas with ~ which would decrease thc area presently used for re~'e~on. Is there a proposed increase in the size of areas used for non-residential uses, to include institutional, commerdal and industrial land uses (excluding preservation, conservation or open space) ? No, there ~ no residential land uses on site. The site is not proposed to increase in ama. Is there a substantial increase in the impacts of the development which may include, bnt are not limited to increases in traffic generation; changes in traffic circulation? There are no ~bstant/al increases in the/mpacts of development due to the ~ changes to the Master Plan. Thc add/t/on of other attractions or the/r replacement may bring mom users to the propa~, however, the traffic analysis conducted at PUD adoption ahould account for the replacement or addition of uses pwvided there is no a&iitional land ama added to the site. The amen~lment to the s/re plan does not purport to add land ama to thc site, thu.~ there should be no substantial or long term increase in traffic generated by the site. Will the change result in a requirement for increased stormwater retention, or otherwise increase stormwater discharge? The reqn___~,.ed change should not result in a recluirem~t for increased stormwater retention. Will the proposed change bring at)out a relationship to an abutting land use that would be incompatible with an adjacent land use? No, the proposed locations of the uses on the subject prope~ are adjacent to thc mn'them botmdary of the subject site. The northern boundary ofthe subject s/te/~ adjaca~ to the neighboring prc~a'ty's point ofingresdegress, and existing professional office land uses and recreafiorml areas which are used primarily to serve the resident~ areas to thc ea~ The property to the south ~y fimaions as a golf course driving range, however, the pw~..~-~' c~'~ ~... has applied for a rezoning from "CF" Commullity Facilities, to Plan~ed ~ I I Development, "PUD" for commercial, specifically, professionaYofl~ type of I AUG 0 t 1990 ' ' 000003 land uses. The property to the ea.vt is developed with multi-family residem:iaL The ~ location(s) of the desired uses fimction on the site dmilar to in~I! type of development to the existing uses on site. Specifically, the proposed additional uses are planned to be located between the exi, gtln.,~ batting cages on the no'~heastem boundary of the site and the existing parking lot on the northwestern boumlary of the site. The applicant also plans to divide the main go-kan track, creating a junior go-kan track, thus reducing the size of the cun'ent go kan-track. As a result of this split, the applicant has indicated that the go-karts used on the junior track will be smaller in size, likely reducing the noise impact from go-karts em neighboring properties. The additional buffers, the division of the go-kart track, and the infill location of the proposed water slide and children's rides should not bring about any negative change in the current relationship of the subject site to surrounding land uses. Is this modification in compliance with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan? Does it propose to in~.sse the density or h~ttmsity of the permitted land nses? L Yes, this modification is in compliance with the Future La~d Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. It proposes to allow additional uses which are permi~ within the scope of the PUD as it was originally adopted. The proposed change is to a PUl) District designated as a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and approved pursuant to Chapter 380.06, Florida &tatntex, where such change requires a determination and public hearing by Collier County pursuant to Sec. 380.06 (19), F~. Any change that meets the criterion of Sec. 3~0.06 (I9)9e)2., F.S., and any changes to a DRI/'PUD Master Plan that clearly do not create a substantial deviation shall be reviewed and approved by Colller County t'.~der Sec. or Sec. 2; of this Code. The King Pdchard's PUD is not a DRI. The above analysis indic-t~ that appruval of the amendm..-~ to the King Richant's PUD would be consigcnI with a finding that the critcria supports a conclusion that thc STAI~' R£COMMENDATIONi Staff~ends that the Collier County Planning Commission (CC'PC) approve Petition PDI-91L2 King Richard's PUD Master Plan, having the effect of expanding the swin~ pool use to include a lazy fiver and water slide; inditer the location of two (..2) cl~l, dren's fides; by adding no/se buffers; and by ~a:mfin. tlmi~xior go-kart trot trom the main o-kan ~k · -7 .'-~ J scenario, g and updating the master plan to its current 4 BY: AGER ON DATE DATB ~croR VIN~ ~ CAUTERO, A/CP, ADS~[NL.~[I~,ATOR CONg, fu'N1TY DEVELOP~ & ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. DATE DATE Tmm~ive. ly S:hed, l~ for me June 1 ~. 199~ CC'PC meefinS. COIJ..I]~ COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: M/~ A. DAVIS, CHAIRPERSON 0~0~)~199 'm PD1-98-2 OO~ PgVgl~Fa ENT AND ~tI~AL ~l~l{V~ OF.,9 DI%rISION Dc, amlber 18, 1997 COLUER GOVERNMENT King P,M~a~', (ak.~ ~ Pa~k P.U/). - PUD-~3-2~2)), P,~ ~ imml~~ lMmmnt to your above ~,t, I offer the following: to gae ~ priaci~ u~e of a ~rurmu~g pool A~ xoch, they ~'e u~e~ perm~u~a "',"au '~ 0 pool sad/or walersIide. This could ~~~~ ~~o~ pl~ don't ~ to ~ ~ ~ (~1) 40~. Waym W. Amo~l, AICP, D ~cto~ (~4D 4O3-240O ()¢1) 403*244O Poilutto~ ContToi ..] , XG ~he applicant the owner X Yes X (a) If applicant is a beneficiaries below. x Bict8 lnvestlen~ 341O9 598-2042 · land trust, so indicate and name (b) If applicant is corporation other than a public corporatkon, so indicate and name officers and ma~or mt~ckholdmrs below. (c) If applicant is a partnarshlP, limited partnership or other business entity, Go indicate and name (d) If applicant is an owner, Indicate exactlY aG "' recorded,- and list all other o~ners, iE any. . (e) If applicant is a l~Geef attach copy of lease, and i~dica~m ac=ual o%~ers ~£ no= indicated on the lease. (f) If applicant is a contract purcha~ar, at~ach copy of con~ract, and indicate actual owner(G) name and address below. Robert Bic~Xu & Deborah A. Bfc~le (If space £G'~admc~atm, attach on separate page. ) 1 a 10. Provide Legal (iE PUD ax~a 0£ A~t~ Amended P~B ~aater Plan) or Graphic Das~ription o~ graphically illustrate~ on Provide W~itte~ De~rlpt£on of Hap Change Fa-caafl~tl~ of par~img area and go-kart tzac~; indicate water si/de & 1.az2 rtv~ us~e; indicate ~!ddte roller coastar; m re~x~rai o~ swim, rig (I( space insufficient use ati:achment) Provide Current PUD Document and Master Plan. Yes x Prov£da Amended PUD Kaster Pl=n. Yes x DOES AKEND~ CO~PLY WITH THE C~H1?REHENSIVE PLAI{: X Yes No Xf no, explain: HAS A 1~ffl~.~ZC HEARING BEEN HELD ON THIS PROPERTY WITHIN THE LAST YEAR? IF SO, IN WHOSE NAKE? N/A , HAS ANY PORTION OF THE P~D BEEN SOLD AND/OR x D~P'~D? ~ ~ C~,W~GE~ PROPOSED FOR THE AREA SOLD AND/6R DEVEX~? x y¢~. No. IF YES. DESCRIBE: (ATTACH ~)DX'TZ. OI~.Z, SHEETS ]:F NECI~SARY). O2rra~ s~te ~8 d~_~ w~th ex/s~in~ parXing area, ~vo (2) 18-bole s~Ln~at~ building with indoor arcade ~, ~ boat~, batting ~ go-.kart~ traz~, maintenance building, and kLddie railroad, ,~r~-9~-i~ and 2 3 ATI~RNgYB-AT-LAW m,~m~mmm~ ~ ~m~m- ~m July 6, 1998 VIA HAND DBLIV~RY Mr. Robert Mulhere, Director Planning Services Department 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Hr. Vincent Cautero, Administrator Camntty Development and Environmental ~ervtces 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 ~eal of Written Determination of Insubstantial Change ru~ered June 4, 1998; Petition PDI ~98-2 Pr~cems Park/King Richard's PUD Dear Mr. Mulhere and Mr. Cautero: As additional bases that the items outlined in Petition PDI ~98-2 constitute a ~ change to the Princess Park PUD Master Plan, we offer the following: As the applicant did not provide any explanation, description or detail as to the "lazy river" ride, the determination that it is "similar and compatible" with the other listed permitted principal uses in the PUD document is not supported by substantial, competent evidence. 2. The property owner is attempting to amend the list of sermittsd principal uses in the PUD without amending the PUD (see p. A-153, 154). 3. The facility is changing the nature of uses by adding more mechanically operated uses, along with activities of a highly visible nature with accompanying structures, without addressing other salient issues such as illumination, sound systems, or operational guidelines. July 6, 1998 Page 2 The Memorandum failed to address the criteria outlined in Section of the Land Development Code. No evidence of any Master Plan revision, prior to this PDI $98-2, was submitted or shown, thereby evidencing that PDI $98-2 is the only Master Plan amendment ever submitted and reviewed for Princess Park. Therefore, all of the items depicted on the revised PUD Master Plan that acco~l~anied PDI $98-2 shculd have been reviewedbystaff, and'not Just the additional rides, attractions and items listed in the application by the petitioner. Further additional material(s) to support this appeal of said written determination include the attached Affidavit from William L. Hoover, A.I.C.P. (marked as pages 211 through 223, inclusive), a~d ITE and SIC materials (pages 224 through 238, inclusive). Ail items introduced at the June 18, 1998 Collier County Planning Commission hearing need to be included and provided to the Board and we hereby incorporate all of the photographs, exhibits, etc., utilized therein and request that they be available at the hearing before the Board to assist them in this review, in a~k~ressing the ~lestion as to whether or not the changes requested i~Petition PDI $98-2 are insubstantial. Additionally, I noticed in reviewing the previously submitted materials, some erroneous references to page numbers in the Appendix. For correction and clarification: The colored concept drawings/illustrations of the "pirate swing" ride and "kiddie roller coaster" ride should be noted as pages A-lZ through A-14 (as opposed to the reference to A-10 through A-12 or A-11B and A-11C). The reference in paragraph 5 of the Appeal that "a water slide is not functionally, structurally or mechanically similar in nature to a swi~ing pool" should refer to ~age A-$ (as opposed to A-I). Also enclos~.d are eight (8) 11" x 17" color copies of pages A- 12 through A-14 depicting the proposed additional rides, for i~clusion, as is, into the packets for the Board members. AUG 0 t: 1998 .,.,,,._ PIto ~ ~Uly 6, 1998 Page 3 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact APP:alw Sincerely, WOO~MBARDO, P.A. ~y' ~es, Jr. Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowners Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Huntingt:on Homeowners Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Barrington Condominium Association, Inc. c/o N. Paul San Filippo Burr L. Saunders Richard Yovanovich, Esq. (w/encl.) AUG 0 A 1998 ?J00 North Horsesl~ Drive Naples, Florida 34104 2~00 North H~ Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Board of Collier County Commission~'s AtIeutiou: Bm'bara tkrr~, Chaimmn 3301 Tm~mi Trail East Building F ~apl~, F~ 34 t ~ 2 AFFIDAVIT OF N. PAUL SAN FILIPPO. ESO, STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: Naples COUNTY OF COLLIER) B~oru me, personally appearcd, N. Paul San Filippo, Esq. who, aft~ being duly I. My mu~ is N. Paul San Filippo and I am over the age of 18 aud make this afrmdavit based upon my personal knowledge. 2. I am counsel to Wald~u Oaks of Naples Homeowucts' Association, Inc. Barfiugtou C. oudomi_ 'nlum Association, Inc. Huntington Homeowners' Associamion, Inc., and 3. I am also n resident of Lexington at Lone Oak Homeowners Association, Inc. nnd member of Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowners Associafic~i, Inc. 4. On June 17, 1998, I t~lephoned Susan Murray at the Collier County Land Planning ~ and r~luested a copy of the 1984 Tra~c Impact Statement for the Princess Pn~k (a/k/a King Richard's) PUD. ¢ her file and get back with me. At that time IV~. Mun'ay informed me that she would check Ms. Mumty telephoned my office later that same day and informed me that the Traffic ~ Slmemem for the original Princess Park PUD could not be localed within the file. Further no=iant sayeth noc Sworn to and subscribed before me on this Pilippo, who is personnlly known to me. day of July, 1998, by N. Paul San Notary Public AFFIDAVIT OF WILLIAM L. HOOVER STATE OF FLORmA COUNTY OF COT Before me the undersigned authority personally appeared William L. Hoover, who being duly deposed, swears and states under oath as follows: 1. That my name is William L. Hoover and I am over the age of 18 years. 2. I am employed by and I am the owner of Hoover Planning, and I am a land planner certifieA by the American Institute of Certified Planners, and therefore utilize the AICP 3. I have been qualified to testify as an expert and I have t~fified numerous times before local government and other agencies and tribunals with regards to zoning, land use, and planning matters in Collier County. 4. I am familLax with the Collier County Land Development Code and with traditional and prudent planning practices. 5. I have had the opportunity and have reviewed thoroughly that certain ~ncmorandum pre{xu~ by the Community Development and Environmental Service. s Division, more specifically prepared by Susan Murray, Principal Planner; Ronald F. Nine, AICP, Current Planning Manager;, Robert 1. Mulhere, AICP, Director of Planning Services; and Vincent A. Caut~ro, AICP, Administrator of Community Deveiopment and Environmental Services Division, with a date of June 4, 1998 being indicated as the date signed by Robert J. Mulhere, a true and correct copy of same being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 6. I have also review~ the application for Petition PDI-98-2 as pwvided to me by Anthony P. Pires, Jr. and the Walden Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc., AUG 0 4 1998 Collar Com~ ~ ~6-53). 7. I I~'¢ ~o l~t the o~~ W r~ a ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ p~ ~~n's (C~ ~mi~n ofP~n PDI-~-2 on ~ 18, 1~8. 8. S~ ~~ ~ ~ d~ 9 ~ or ~~ ~ ~~ ~~P~~am~c~c. ~i~~~c~P~S~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p~ing ~m~bn ~5c H~, ~ ~Bp~ ~e ~ ~' (~ ~e 3 of ~ ~~ ~). How~, ~ ~ ~ebp~m ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ ~ ~g ~ ~ ~n, ~h ~ ~ c~e ~ p~ ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ of J~ 18, 1~, ~ ~c i~ ~ ~h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~g ~ I~'s ~ ~bn of T~ ~bm ~ch ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ofP~ U~ ~ ~ ~ P~ P~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U~: 435 ~~~ R~b~ F~ of ~ ~s 6& ~n of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~n w~ch ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~c ~ ~ ~ the corr~cl land u~ for eo~imaIing the pro~'s ~c. ~ ~ ~~ of ~ ~bn ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ti~s ~ ~o or ~ of~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ o~ ~: ~ go~ ~ ~e~ ~d~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~~.' ~av~c~~h~~of~~P~~'s P~ U~ ~h ~: Min~ ~ff ~, Mini~ T~L B~ ~ Po~ ~e, ~ T~L ~V~ ~ ~hin ~b~~ Ho~, ~ ~ ~ ~ P~ ~ ~ ~ Bm~ E~~ ~. on ~27-98, ~ ~ ~: W~ S~, ~ie Ra~o~ ~ddie ~g ~o~ S~, ~~~ ~ of~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ U~: 435 Muk~~ ~ F~. ~~e of W~ S~, I wo~ ~i~ ~ ~~g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~ ~ ~t ~ve a &finibn ~v~g this ~ of ~, We~s H N~ ~ll~e Diab~, publ~h~ ~ 1~5 ~ ~ Horn ~ ~ p~.' ~ ~'s 6~ ~kbn ofT~ ~bn ~ ~e a ~o~ ~ of~, ~ U~: 480 ~m P~ ~ ~bn of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ie P~ ~ I~ No. 7~ ~ P~ I ~ ~ e~~n ~ ~ ~nbn of ~ ~ P~ P~, ~i~ ~r ~dk ~ ~ U~: 480 ~~t P~ ~ ~p ge~n m~ for ~ U~: ~0 ~ ~ ~ on ~e, ~ ~~ly do~le on ~~ ~~ W ~ ~~ ~~ F~. ~ A~e T~ ~bn ~ ~ ~ fo~ ~ofsM~~b~F~ ~~~T~E~g8~ ~ T~ ~ ~ 81. ~ ~~~ t~ A~e T~ ~bn ~ for AGE~EM 0 0 & 1998 Amusem~l Park are IL,~xi as: Saturday Daily Trip Ends ar~ 180 and Sunday Daily Trip Ends am 171. This is a very substantial increase in weekend traffic. The PUD Master Plan does not meet Section 3.3.d) of the Prince~ Park PUD Docume~ which staIes, 'l~nor variations in locaiom of roads, ~x:tur~ and water bodies, shall be ~ a~ ~r~ design to acco~¢ the geometry of the facilities to be in, Ileal. Minor varisIbm shall be defined as being within 100' of ~be locafio~ shown on the master site plan. For imtance, the previous PUD Master Plan shows the northern l'~If ofthe lake extending from the west while the lates~ PUD Master Plan dated 4-27-98 shows the nonhero half oftt~ lake now only ~ alxmI 200 feet to the west from the ea.stem property boundary. This requh'es a cha~e to the PUD ~ which is a substantial PUD Amendm~I. ~ substantial shiftin~ and modification of the land uses on the lacst PUD Mas~ Plan also re,miLs in the Criteria d. of thc Memora~um to be exceeded, which states 'Is there a proposed ~ in the size of ar~as used for ~n-rcsidential uses, to include institutional, commercial aad hxi~ ~ uses (~xcluding ~es,x,~ion, conservation or open space)? ~taffanswered this ~ by staIin~ "No, tber~ arc no r~idcnfial land uses on site. The site is nm pro~ to increase in ar~a.' I believe staffs respor~ compk-tety misses the objective of t~i~ criteria and did not ev~ list t~ second key part of this crkeria which is Section 2.7.3.~.1.4. of the Land Developmem siating, 'or a proposed relocation of nonresidential laud uses;~. It is readily appar~t that the large lake on the original PUD Master Plan l~s ~ substantially ~ in si~ atld replaced by bartin~ cages and the Junior Go-~ track on the latest PUD Mas~er Plan dazed 4-27-91. For instance, tI~ batting ca~¢s were originally shown as being abouI 470 f~et from the e~stem buffer, where the pro, ct abuts residential land uses, and is now shown as only being abo~ 295 fcct away. Additionally, the original PUD Ma.s~ Plan depicts only the lake (~ for paddle boats) and a }ogging path around such lake as the only non- reskiemial land ti.scs within the eastern 370 feet of the siIe while the latest PUD Master Plan shows ~e Amior Go-Kart ir'ack as being within 235 of the eastern PUD Ix~undary. By relocating the mor~ iateme commercial r~creatb~ uses 175 and 135 feet closer to the easterly abuIling r~sidenti*l land u.s~s on the late~ PUD Master Plan dated 4-27-98, it has made the Princess Park PUD inco~le with th~se abutting r~idcnfial land uses. This would surpass the Memo~ which sta~es, 'W'dl the proposed change bring about a relalionship to an atp. xtting land use that would be incompax~le with an adjacent land use?. This makes the ~ changes again require a substantial change to the PUD. Both Criteria b. and Criteria L of the Memorandum r~quir¢ that the requested changes not have an increase in the iniem~ of the l~mnkted land uses. Section 3.3.a) of the Princess Park PUD Docunx'nt has a paragraph descn'bing the land uses proposed for the site. This paragraph e~-nth~ly descn'bes a ~nai facility of a moderate i~ensity. Except for the paddle boats and swimming pool which are allowed in nearly all land uses as ~ry uses, ail of the Permitted Uses involve a one-on-one r~latiomhip between the recr~_~nal partlcipaxa and the iatera~ion between the pm'ticipant~. The rninimu~ number of seats available with the Pirate Swing is 33, the Flying Dragon appears to seat approximately 14 children and lhe Kiddie Railroad and Kiddie Merry-Go-Round likely seat be~ 12 to 25 children each. Additionally, the Water Slide, Kiddie Flying Dragon and Pirate Swing are all elevated rides where the noise generat~ that reaches off-site residents will be sub~antially increased. As previously discussed the petitioner is changing a moderate intensity Muhipurpose Recreational Facility into a more ~ensive Kiddie Park, which the $~a~azd Ind~ Code classifies as an amusement park. aamxted. Based on all of the foregoing, the requested chan~es constitute a substantial change to the FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. as ~ion. My Commission Expir~: ' · Trip Generation, 6th Edition An infomtiora] Pzport of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Volume 1 of 3 Th~ Institute of T~ Engineers (ITE) i~ ,n international educatior~l and fa:~enti~c association of ~ portation and traffic engh~rs and other professionals who are responsible for meeting mobility and ~fery m~cls. The Instate f~cilil~te~ d~e ~pplication of technolo~ and sdem//ic pfindple~ to rese~h, phnning, funaioml design, impkn~ntation, operation, policy development and rmnage .'nent for any' mode of tramportation by pro- tooling professional development of members, supporting j ~d encour-aging education, stimulating research, devel- oping public awarer~ss, and excl~nging profess'ior~l information; and by maintaining of a central point of nffer- Founded in 1930, the lns~ifme ~rves as a gateway to knowledge and advancemem through ~. ~. l~ug ~ ~ ~ ~ 70 ~ .nd ~o~ c~pte~ ~d mo~ t~ ~ ~ud~t c~p~ ~t p~de ~d~- tt~ ~nu~ti~ for ~o~tion ~c~nge, ~iO~tion and ~two~ng. Institute of Transportation Engineers 525 School St., S.W., Suite ~10 Washington, D.C. 20024-2797 USA Tdcphone: +1 (202) 5~4-8050 Fax: +1 (202) 863-5486 ITE on the Web: http://wwv~.ite.org 01997 Institute of Transportation Engineers. All rights re. served. Publication No. IR-O16D First Printing 1,000/AGS/1097 ISBN 0-935403-09-4 Printed in the United States of America Land Use: 435 Multipurpose Recreational Facility Multipuq3ose ~ fac. Eries contain two or more of the following ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ sil~. ~ got, b~ling cages, video ~, bumpor boa~, go-carts, and golf driving ranges. Olher Incilmy ~ ~ refreshment areas may also be provided. ~ course (land use 430), ~ golt cour# (ltnd use 431), and golf driving range (land use 432) are related uses. 441 7O9 Ir',gritute of Transpo~ 0 ~ 1998 Land Use: 435 Multipurpose Recreational Facility Independent Varlablea with One Observation 'rl.m following trip generadJon data are for independent variables with only one observation. This shown ~ th~ table only;, them are no related pk~ for these data. ~ Vat"'-mble Tdp ~:z~ Numb~ weel~, g0.38 4.1 I 50% entering, 50% ir, dtJng Weekday A.M. Peak 1.92 4.1 I Not Avaitabie Hour o~ Adiacent Stm~ Traffic Weekday P.M. Peak 5.77 4.1 1 Not Available Hour o~ Acrlacent Street Traffic Weekday Ada. Peak 2.88 4.1 1 Not Available Hour ol Generator Weekday P.M. Peak 11.54 4.1 1 Not Available Hour ot Generator ~ "g7.80 4.1 I 5~ entering, 50% exiting ,~lurday Peak H~3~r of" 12-26 4.1 1 Not Available Germrator Sunday Peak Hour of ! 9.38 4.1 I NC Available 710 Institute of Transpo~ Land Use: 431 Miniature Golf Course TI~ ~ m ~ in 1991 in ii subutbltn ar~ of B,~lto~, N~w ~. ~ Numl~r Land Use: 431 Miniature Golf Course Independent Varlable~ w#,h One Obaa~'vation The fonowing tr~ I~ data am for independent variables ~ ~ ~ ~. information is shown in th~ table orgy;, there are no related plots for these data. Users am cautioned t~ use lt~se data with care be~&use of ~ small sample size. Trip 84ze of Number 704 Instftute of Transportatkx~ AUG 0 ,~ 1998 Land U,~e: 414 Water Slide Park .. Ackfftlonal Data Ttm ~ m ~urv~md in 1962 in Idaho. The hours of cq.~er~tk~n of the site ~urveyed were 1~.~ 619 ~UG 0 ~ 1~98 Land Use: 414 Water Slide Park Independent Variables with One Ob~rvation The following tr~ generation data are fo~ independent variables with only one observation. This information b ~ in ~ table only; them am no related plots for these data. U~er~ are cautioned to u~e Itmse data with cam because of ~ small sample size. Trip Size of Numbe~ O~.~'ation~ of Dir~alional Dl~.lbuflon Institute of Tran~oo~'t~ E~; 0 4.. 1998 Land Use: 480 Amusement Park The ~tmm ~vem mm~wyed In 1970 and 1987 In San Diego taxi Oklahoma City. The San Diego site, the lime of d~m collmclion (1970), had 6(X) employ~es and 3,0(X) parking ~oaces. The two site~ Number% 18,269 743 Institute of Trlml~o~ ~G 0 ~ 1~:J8 (480) Average Vehlole Trip -F. nda w: Aorel On a: Saturday Number of Studies: Average Number of Acres: 2 25 50% entering, 50% exiting 180.20 150.33 - 189.63 ' x 1,ooo 10.00 ~3.00 3O.OO 4O.00 X - Nun'dxw' C~ Acmt 74g ! 000232~U.~T~J~ 0 ~. 1998 ! ! . Amusement Park (480) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vi: On a: Acrel Saturday, Peak Hour o? Generator Number of Studies: Average Number of Acres: Directional Distribution: 2 25 58% entering, 42% exiting Trip Generation per Acre A~ Rltll ' 18.86 Range of Rates Slar~l 17.58 - 22.92 · I 400 I-., 10.00 X = Nur~ o(Ac~es Amusement Park (4 o) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: On a: Acres Sunday Number of Studies: Average Number of Acres: Directional Distribution: 2 25 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Genm*~on per Acre I Awrage Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 171.(~_ 82.50 198.97 Cau~on - U~e Careful/y - Sma/I Samp/e 8/ze 7,ooo 0 10.00 X ......................... : ..................... ;;,.,' ............................ X = Nun~ of Acms 40.00 Amusement Park (480) Aven~e Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Acres 'On a: Number of Studies: Average Number of Acres: Directional Distribution: Sunday, Peak Hour of Generator 2 25 44% entering, 56% exiting Trip Generation per Acm Average Rate Range of Retes Standard Deviation 17.76 12.08 19.55 Data, Plot and Equation II lO0 IO.O0 X ~3.tNEOU8 AMUSEME~ AND RECREATION SERVICE8 ~ Fitness Facilities Est~l~ments p~imarily e~aOd in operatiz~ reducing and other health fltaess condi~i~g, whether or not on a me~p basis. Also included in Sports and recreation clubs are cl. aaaifi~ in Industry 7997 ff operated on a membsm__h¥ basi~ and in Ind~ 7992 or 7999 ff open to the general publ~ Health rean~ and spas provi~ lodgi~ are clamifiod in ~ Group 70. F_~t~lislunenta that promote physical fitneea through diet control are classi- 7992 799~ 7996 PubUc Golf EstabUzhments primarily engaged in the operation of golf courses open to the general public on a contract or fee bash. Membership. golf and country clubs are clamified in Industry 7997. Mi~isture golf courses and goH' driving ranges are ~ in Induztry 7999. Coin-Operated Amusement Device~ EatabUahments pri-~_~___,-ily engaged in operating coin-operated -,~usement devices, either in their own or in other places of budnes~ Such amusement devices include juke boxes, pinball mnchi-~, mechanical g~mes, slot ma- chines, and simUar types of amusement equipment. Amusement (incl~ video game) arcades and parlors are alzo included ~n this industry. Amusement Parks Establ~hments of the type known as amusement parks and kiddie parks which group together and operate in whole or ~u part a number of attractio~ such as mechanical rides, amusement devices, refreshment stand~ and picnic grounds. Amusement concessionaires operating w/thin the park are generally classified in Industry 7999. 7997 Mem_hership Sports ~d ~flon Clubs ]AUG 0 4 19~ S~~d~fion~u~w~h~~~~~~ ~ ]~ ~I~IA~OU8 AMUS~ AIqD ~TI01~ SERVIC/~--~ 8port~ and ~n Clnb--Con. Recreation Service., Not Elsewha~ Classified . ~ t~vices, Industry Group 0~5. ~ M~US AMUSEMENT AND RECREATION SERYICES--Coa Amm~em~nt and Recreation S~vi~ Not Elsewhere Clan. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION June 18, 1998, 9:01 a.m. Building "F" - Government Complex Naples, Florida CHAI): Mike Davis Russell A. Priddy Michael J. Bruet Michael Pedone Gary Wrage Edward J. Oates, Jr. Russell A. Budd ABSENT: Donald J. York Karen Urbanik ALSO PRESENT: Bob Mulhere, Current Planning Director Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney Susan Murray, Principal Planner Ron Nino, Current Planning Manager For the Petitioner: RICHARD D. YOVANOVICH, ESQ. Roetzel & Andress 850 Park Shore Drive Naples, FL 34103 For the Respondent: N. PAUL SAN FILIPPO, ESQ. Seidensticker & San Filippo Parkway Financial Center Suite 305, 2150 Goodlette Road Naples, FL 34102 BURT L. SAUNDERS, ESQ. Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A. 801 Laurel Oak Drive Naples, FL 34108 Donovan Court Reporting (941) 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, 793-0021 ~ FL 3 4112~ ~U8 0 ~ ! 9 10 14 15 15 1'/ 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 2 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Petition PDI 98-2. This is the King Richard's PUD, which I imagine is why we have so many extra visitors and friends today. MT~. SAUNDERS: Mr. -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Before -- before we swear everyone in, Mr. Mulhere, maybe you can give us some guidance here, because I know -- and I think we probably need to do some disclosures -- that there are -- there may be some legal issues here. Would it -- would it make sense that we first deal -- MR. MULHERE: Yeah. CHAIRF~N DAVIS: move to the petition? MR. MULHERE: we need to discuss -- with that before we actually Yes. I think, Mr. Chairman, that -- Mr. Saunders will be, I'm requesting or providing you with some information for you to deliberate on that -- that will cause you to make a decision as to whether or not, in fact, you wish to hear this petition today. And I think that decision needs to be made, because I think once you've made that decision, then it's a standard process of hearing the PDi petition which, of course, at any time any decision of the planning commission, any final decision of the planning commission, can be appealed to the Board of County Commissioners. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793'0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 · ~3 U J. UD 1 2 3 4 5 '7 10 ],2 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Uh-huh. MR. MULHERE: And I just'Wanted to give you a little background information, and then I'll yield to Representative Saunders. And, by the way, I think that the -- the property owner also has legal counsel in attendance who may wish to speak, Mr. -- Mr. Yovanovich. And at the outset, let me say that I want to express some gratitude to Tony Pires who brought to our attention some of the problems with this section in the code. And I do feel -- I do agree with the fact that the code is not written, in some ways, clearly in this section. We do intend to revise that during the next set of land code amendments. However, notwithstanding that information, t~e issue here is -- and I'll -- I'll let you know that in -- in Section, which is procedure for substantial-insubstantial change determination of a PUD, it sets forth several procedures. The first is that the applicant provide us with documentation that describc~ the proposed changes and that we as staff analyze those proposed changes against the criteria that's set forth in the code for whether or not it's substantial or insubstantial. There are 11 criteria. That information you will be familiar with ~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 2 A ~ t_?g._ fl 1 11 '1~ 17 19 ~0 21 2~ it's addressed in your staff report and in past PDIs and as well as in this one. The -- the second paragraph in that section says that upon completion of the review, the development services director, which is a name that currently is referred to as the planning director, shall provide a written determination to the applicant or legal representative confirming that the proposed changes do or do not constitute a substantial change to the approved PUD master plan based on the evaluation of the criteria in Section That is our staff report. And staff repot= makes a finding, and obviously if we -- we either -- we either contend that it is not a substantial change, in'which case the process is -- it is not an insubstantial change i~. which case the process is different. It's a full-blown PUD amendment, and it's reviewed by you and then brought forward to the Board of County Commissioners. Or we make d finding that it is insubstantial, and we prepare a staff report that justifies that, and -- and we bring that forward to you as a PPI. The -- at issue is the last sentence in that paragraph which says, "Any such determination made by the development services director," any such Donovan C°Qr~ RepOrting (9141) 793-002~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 AUG 0 4 1998 O00107 1 2 3 4 $ 6 8 10 '12 ~3 ~5 2O 21 23 24 determination, whether it's insubstantial or substantial, "may be appealed to the Board of County Commissioners." First of all, I believe that the intent of that paragraph, which must be viewed in -- in concert with the first paragraph, is to allow the individual who is requesting the determination as to whether or not it is substantial or insubstantial to appeal that decision to the Board of County Commissioners. For example, were we to determine that a change is substantial in nature, the process is different, and the applicant then requesting that could appeal that determination to the Board of County Commissioners, and they would make a finding that' either staff is correct or that it is insubstantial in nature and- remand it back to the planning commission for consideration. But I do agree that that is not what the sentence says. It does not clearly say that. Therefore, based on the language in here, I do agree that -- well, to tell you the truth, anywhere -- anyone anywhere in the world, based on the way this language is written, may appeal that decision of the planning services director. And we have received such an appeal from Woodward, Pires, and Lombardo, and on behal Donovan Court Reporting (941) 7~ 2668 Airport Road South, ~{aples, FL 34 3 5 6 '7 8 9 10 12 ].5 several property owner -- property owners and property owners associations in the area. And we do not intend to deny them that right, obviously, to appeal that to the board. But the next question or the next request. was that the planning commission continue its consideration of the isuu, until the board -- until the issue had been appealed to the board. respectfully decline to do that, although I -- I also respectfully understand that you have the ability to consider whether or not you choose to continue this item until such action has taken place. My position and opinion as a planning services director is that this item should be heard today, that the appeal will be carried forward* in a timely fashion, and that included that in appeal will not 16 only be our determination, our staff report, and 17 backup data and presentation, but also all of the actions that take place here today, if you choose to 19 hear that, including your findings. 2O So that's the decision that you need to make. I hope I explained that clearly for you prior to hearing 22 23 24 the petition as to whether or not you will hear it, and I'm sure that there's additional information that legal counsel on both sides would wish to -- to address you. Thank you. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 ~.2AUG 0 4 199~ CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Mr. Saunders, before you begin -- Ms. Ashton, the -- and it's my understanding thst the -- our county attorney's office, and -- is in agreement with what Mr. Mulhere Just said to us? . MS. ASHTON: Yes. The coung~ aggorneY~s office believes that they can go forward today, if you desire 10 12 14 17 19 they're proceeding at their own risk, because should the board determine that it's not an i~substantial change, then there is a separate procedure to be followed. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Similar -- Just probably a warning at the end of that hearing similar to like we do with boat docks and those sorts'of things. With that, we'll recognize Mr. Saunders. ~ MR. SAUNDERS: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I apologize to the applicant for Jumping up to the podium, but this is a procedural issue that I thought needed to be resolved prior to getting into the 20, substantive issues. My name is Burt Saunders with the law firm, 22 Wcodward, Pires, and Lombardo. Mr. Pires has filed 23 24 25 the-appeal. He is on vacation. He left yesterday. Just got back from vacation. Matter of fact, I got off a plane last night at 10:30. So there Donovan Court Reporting (941) 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, I 7 9 3 - 0304211l AUG 0 1998 " 0 0 011 2 4 9 '12 18 19 20 " 22 23 24 0 here. little bit of lack of consistency Or preparation It may -- may come out a little bit. ! want to introduce Paul San Filippo with the firm Seidensticker and San Filippo. He is also counsel to various parties, and there are other members of his firm here that he may want to introduce during his remarks. Mr. Chairman, there really are two reasons why we are requesting a continuance, and I'll -- I'll deal with the -- the first one that Mr. Mulhere discussed. I personally don't like asking for continuances, and -- but there -- there are two reasons why I think this -- this case should be continued. First of all, it's kind of an interesting statement made by staff that ~he statute would specifically seem to say that people or parties or entities other than the applicant can -- can appeal a decision based on -- under that section. But staff is of the opinion this -- that the wording in the statute really isn't what was intended. Well, I -- I have a little bit of a hard time understanding that if the -- I think if the statute by its specific wording indicates that aggrieved parties or other parties can appeal, then I think that that's the AUG 0 4 19~8 '2 0 0 0 l.,fl PO:._ ..... interpretation. That's -- that's not an interpretation. That's just reading the Eng Donovan Court Reporting (9.41) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 12 ~3 14 15 ~6 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 language, and I -- I would urge that -- that this matter be continued based on that. I have a letter from Mr. Pires that explains the basis for that portion of our request for a continuance. It was delivered to Mr. Cautero and to Mr. Mul -- Mulhere on June 15th. I don't know if you've seen that letter. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: I believe it's in a package that we all received by courier. MR. SAUND£RS: Okay. I would like to first indicate that we are representing Huntington Homeowners Association, Walden Oaks of Naples Homeowners Association, the Barrington Condominium Association, and then various individuals within the Walden Oaks community which is adjacent to the ._ Princess Park PUD. The letter indicates that pursuant to the provisions of Division 1.6 and Sections and 5.3.22 of the LDC and Sections 250 through 55 through 250-60, this written determination can be appealed to the Board of County Commissioners within 30 days of its rendition. As a result, we believe that it is appropriate that the Collier Planning Commission, the consideration of the Petition PDI 98-2 not be h~ard at that time. The consideration Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11, '12 13 !.4 15 PDI 98-2 should be continued indefSnttely until such time as the Board of County Commissioners has made a determination as to whether the proposed change is insubstantial or substantial. And as was pointed out by staff, there is a difference in procedure, if it's determined to be a substantial deviation. And, again, I would base the appeal on the -- on the strict reading of the language of the section that provides that any such determination made by the development services director may be appealed to the Board of County Commissioners. It doesn't limit who can appeal. And typically the courts have limited appeals of these types of decisions to aggrieved parties, and we certainly are in the class of potentially aggrieved parties because of the proximity 16 to the development. 17 The second basis for continuance is one of 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 fairness. And I was interested in listening to the debate early in the -- in the meeting concerning the county commission report. Mr. Bruet was concerned about receiving last-minute information and the inabil~.ty to review that information while presentations are being made. And Chairman Davis talked about the opportunity for people to be heard at this level, and I think both -- both of those Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34112 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 9 10 11 i2 13 14 '15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 important considerations. And I think in this case we're not being given a sufficient opportunity for our side of the case to be heard because of the quickness of this. And let me point out a couple thi~gs to you. On May 29th of this year, there was a notice of this hearing that was sent out by staff. The notice of the hearing really doesn't sound particularly damaging or significant. It talks in terms of PDI 98-2, and it lists the name -- representing Bic's Investment Corporation requesting an insubstantial change determination to the King Richard's PUD master plan by expanding the swimming pool use to include a water slide and a lazy river, by indicating the location of two children's rides, by adding noise buffers and ~y separating the Junior go-cart track from the main go-cart track, etc. It doesn't sound like it's a particularly significant issue. What is significant is that this letter was issued on May 29th. The insubstantial determination by staff wasntt even signed by the original staff person, Susan Murray, until June 1st, some three days -- three or four days later. And it wasn't signed by the administrator of the community development division, Vince Cautero, until J~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34112 AUG 0 1998 c. ,,0114 1 2 8 10 15 18 19 2O 12 Now, at least theoretically no one would have even have had access to this thing until after June 8th. If it was mailed out, if it was -- if somebody came across it -- maybe it was June 10th or 12th before anybody ever knew that this was out on the street. That explains why Tony ?ires was contacted a~ such a late date on thi~ issue. There really was no notice. It looks like notice was issued on May 29th but, in fact, there was nothing for anybody to look at until after June 8th. And that's less than ten days. And I don~t think it's particularly fair that the aggrieved parties would only be given that short a period of time. I~m not criticizing staff in any way at all on thi~. I -- this is -- this may be a -- a -- a ~ procedure that's followed to expedite the -- the hearing process. But when you expedite the hearing process even by a few days like that and give the potentially aggrieved parties less than a week to prepare their -- their case to hire counsel, to even find out what the issues are, I don~t think that that's fair. And -- and based on that I would ask that this matter be continued: Number one, that it be continued indefinitely because of the wording of the ordinance that permits the appeal of this, a Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002] 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ].4 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13' appeal has been filed; and then, secondly, if -- if you're not of the disposition to agree with that, that this thing be continued at least for 30 days to give the aggrieved parties an opportunity to present some facts and documentation to this board. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Questions of Mr. Saunders? MR. MULHERE: I Just would respond, but with all due respect, not only -- and I need to put on the record, not only were all the legal constraints of advertising met, but as Mr. Saunders indicated, that, you know, the -- the notice was sent out within the legal parameters, minimum 15 days prior to the public hearing. I think obviously adequate notice was served (indicating). And perhaps that wasn't the exact point that ~. Mr. Saunders, I think, is referring to, time or ability to prepare for the case. But, obviously, with the newspaper advertisement, the mailing of all property owners within 300 feet on the most .current tax rolls, and the property owner notification or posting. Additionally, I can only say this is the exact same manner in which every single petition, including thousand-unit PUDs are advertised, in the same manner. And so I think that we've met all the legal Donovan Court Reporting (941) ~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3,112 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14 constraints, as far as that goes, and it seems obvious to me that there's been notice because there's certainly large representation here. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Prtddy. MR. PRIDDY: Just a comment here, Mr. Chairman. How were these delivered to us? How did you-all get your -- your packet from the attorneys yesterday? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: I found mine in my mailbox, and it had been hand delivered, according to a phone message on my recorder. MR. PRIDDY: Okay. Mine, in spite of the fact that it says 7000 Highway 29 South, was delivered to 1400 North 15th Street, which is a bank in Inu~okalee, for which I do not -- do not work.' My -- my point is, ny wife gave this to me at eight o'clock last night because it was delivered to her and -- What is that? This is a -- a packet from -- I think we need to make MR. MULHERE: MR. PRIDDY: MR. MULHERE: Oh, okay. it clear what that is. MR. PRIDDY: Yeah. MR. MULHERE: MR. PRIDDY: That is not our -- thank you. That's -- that's -- was my question. Is this something that was given to staff to get delivered to us, or was this Donovan Court Reporting 2668 Airport Road South, delivered f. rom -~ '(941) 793-0021 ! Naples, FL 3411~ AUG 0 ~ ,,* *,~'~* 1 2 3 4 5 6 *7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15 MR. MULHERE: No. Well, we also received copies of it. And probably we received them prior to your -- your receiving them, because I think we've had the -- the appeal in for about a week. MR. SAUNDERS: June 16th. MR. MULHERE: The notice of the appeal is dated I'm sorry. Yeah, the appeal is June 16th, but the letter requesting a continuance preceded that by several days. MR. SAUNDERS: MR. MULHERE: MR. SAUNDERS: Okay. That's -- that's correct. The letter requesting a continuance is dated June 15th. And, again, we got this material to you as quickly as we possibly could, keeping in mind that the letter that was the basil of the appeal is not even dated until June 8th. MR. PRIDDY: My -- my point was, though, is, you didn't get this to me. MR. SAUNDERS: Well, we tried. MR. SAN FILIPPO: And perhaps that's my fault. My office attempted, in conjunction with Mr. Ptres, to put that package together as quickly as -- as we could and to get it to each member of the planning commission as quickly as -- as wa could. I -- I apologize if it did not go to the -- to the Donovan Court Reporting (941) 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, 1 2 3 4 $ 6 *7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 2'1 22 23 16 address. We were under some time constraints, and we did actually have them delivered after -- after business hours on, I believe it was, Tuesday evening. So we -- we were under some time constraints. If we delivered it to the wrong address, I apologize. -- and that is -- that's certainly my fault and the fault of my office. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: And could you identify yourself for the record, please? MR. SAN FILIPPO: I'm sorry. I'm -- I'm Paul San Filtppo with the firm of Seidensticker and San Filippo. ;tnd I also represent also Walden Oaks Homeowners Association, Barrington Homeowners Association, Huntington Homeowners Association, Lexington Homeowners Association, and all six subassociations of the master association at Walden Oaks. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Thank you. MR. MULHERE: Mr. Chairman, I Just want to -- one more quick -- quick conment, because I know Mr. Yovanovich is anxious to get up here. Again, just want to reiterate that I haven't been asked -- I was not asked to make a legal or -- or binding interpretation as to what the language in that second paragraph means. I can only base my dectsi¢ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 AUG 0 ~ 1998 Pg..~ 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'.; 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 £1 point in time and interpretation on my experience. ! believe the intent of that section was to allow the person requesting the determination to appeal it. I say that only because there is a process to appeal your finding, and there are two issues there: N~mher one, you may not agree with the staff, in which case the issue is moot because the process then changes to a full-blown PUD amendment should the property owner wish to proceed; or you may agree with the staff,, in which case there is a process set up for appeal. And, as I -- as I indicated, I think that the -- the appellant, if you decide to hear this petition, they will have to make a determination as to whether or not they wish to appeal both the staff determination as %;eil as the planning commission's finding, and -- ~nd whether or not -- and we'll have to make a determination whether or not those are independent appeals or simultaneous. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Uh-huh. Okay. Mr. Yovanovich. MR. YOVANOVICH: Excuse me. Yovanovich with the law firm of Roetzel and Andress. I represent Bic's Investment Corporation, which is applying for this P -- this amendment to the master For the record, Rich plan. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 A couple of points. I need to point out that I have yet to see the full-blown appeal. I have seen the cover letter, but none of the attachments. So I think it's unfair to my client at this point to continue a matter when I haven't been given a copy of all the -- the references that are in the appeal. I understand the short time frame, but I -- I certainly should have received a full copy of the appeal. And it should not -- you know, my client is prejudiced by that by not allowing this proceeding to go forward. Also I think it's important when you -- when you read the statute and you listen to what Bob is telling you about how that statute has worked in the past and read it, it's clear that the intent of that language -- and you've got to give a reasonable constructic~n to the language -- is that my client, if it disagreed with the interpretation, would have the ability to appeal that determination. It doesn't say anywhere here it says any aggrieved party can appeal it. Had the board wanted to say any aggrieved party can appeal it, the)' would have said that. They certainly have done that in other parts of the Land Development Code. And we agree with staff's interpretation of what should happen. 25 [ It doesn't mean that,,,~hey will not have~ · " 941 793 002 - Donovan Court Reporting ( ) - 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34112 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I5 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 to challenge whether this is a substantial or an insubstantial change. You may decide it is substantial. I don't know. But if you determine it is insubstantial, they still have an opportunity to go to the Board of County Commissioners and persuade the Board of County Commissioners that your determination was incorrect. So they do have their day in court, so to speak, to address the issue. I believe my client has a right and a legal right to go forward today and have his petition heard. And the petitioners, I guess Mr. Saunders' client, can challenge that decision at the Board of County Commissioner level, if they so decide after today's hearing. But I believe we must go forward today, and my client has a right to go forward today. And I .. agree with what Bob said about the interpretation of the staff, if that was the intent, that my appellant -- my client has the right to appeal, not Mr. Saunders' clients at this -- at this stage of the proceeding. I'm not saying they don't have a right to appeal. They just don't have the right to appeal staff's report at this time. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. of Mr. Yovanovich? MI~. BRUET: I guess Thank you. Thank you. Any questions I might have one of Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002~ ~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, / ~.'~U.I..~ I 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1"2 19 20 21 22 23 24 that I need to ask. Mr. Saunders makes the point that public notice was served around May 29th and yet he had nothing to look at or review until June 8th. Yeah. But that's not true. Okay. Well, that -- I -- I need to MR. MULRERE: MI~. BRUET: know that. MR. MULHERE: The staff report -- first of all, if we're advertising a PDI, then it's obvious that we'=e made a decision to carry forward a staff report. The staff report is available. That's why we do the public advertising. People can contact -- who signed that letter? Who signed the letter of notification? -- Susan Murray with a phone number. If you wish to review or discuss the petition, you contact Susan Murray. You go over where our position is or what. our position is, and you make your appropriate challenges. When -- when the staff report was signed, I don't see it as being a relevant issue. MR. BRUET: Okay. I -- I agree. I didn't -- I didn't take it that way. I took it that the information was not available, but if you say that's not the case, I -- I would suggest we move forward, Mr. Chairman. MR. MULHERE: I think the information in the file 25 is always available to look at. It's avatla'ie ~~' Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021~ 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 went out, the fact that going through the signature process, available. We still have copies to time during the process. But at that point when the staff report is completed and finished and the mailing it hadn't been signed, it's it's still review, you know. MR. BRUET: I think the signature is irrelevant. I would suggest we move forward and hear the petition. MR. OATES: Mr. Chairman, I disagree with that. I don't think we should continue it. MR. SAUNDERS: Mr. Chairman, could I ask a question? 12 13 14 15 16 .~7 18 19 2O 21 22 CHAIRM3tN DAVIS: Please. MR. SAUNDERS: Because I -- I'm a little confused. I -- I would presume that when the director of the planning services department reviews and stz/ns off and when the administrator of the community development and environmental services department reads and signs off, that when that occurs, that's really the final product. Now, we can argue all day long that there was a draft available a few days earlier than June 8th, but I think that the final product occurs when the final person signs off the ~. · 23 letter. I think otherwise you're saying that ~ , 24 ~ Mr. Cautero's review of the product was a use~ . , ~ 25 meaningless act, and I don't think that we'v~~~. !i~'~,;~7 Donovan Court Reporting (941) v93-00211 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '12 13 15 16 17 gotten to that Point. continue this. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: So, again, I would urge that we Thank you. Well, I think probably our thing -- the thing to do is, is deal with this in the form of a motion, which we certainly can discuss -- HR. PRIDDY: Yeah. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: -- and vote on. MR. PRIDDY: Mr. Chairman, I'm -- I'm kind of torn between, you know, if -- if this is -- needs to be decided by the county commission, and -- and I believe that -- that that has to take place, I -- I'm not sure that -- that we need to -- you know, that we need to be hearing this at -- at this time. And yet I understand from the -- the landowner, the petitioner's standpoint, the -- you know, the time involved in -- in getting back before us if -- if we do have to hear it, so -- MR. BRUET: But we -- we -- I think we need to keep in mind that there are other avenues that opposition can use to challenge our decision. recommend anyhow. I mean, if we were -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: No, no. MR. BRUET: Well, I'm sorry. I beg your pardon. We only ~]~" D(~n0van-court Rep;rting (941) 793-002[ ~,~:* .; "~'~,.~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 1 2 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Correct. to the Board of County -- Which can be appealed 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 MR. BRUET: That -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: -- Commissioners. MR. BRUET: That's correct. So I don't know what we're accomplishing by not going through with the process. MR. SAUNDERS: That -- that gets us back to the original comment that I made, that we Just haven't had time to prepare our full battery of experts that would be involved in this. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. YOVANOVICH: Uh-huh. Just the last word, he -- what bring his experts for her opinion. they had more -- he's asking for is more opportunity to apply for a PDI than you give for rezones for other -- I mean, he'~ asking -- he wants a continuance of time so he can here. They didn't call Susan Murray I'm assuming; I don't know. I mean, they had plenty of time to get ready, Just as much time as I would have to get ready if I were on the other side. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Ail right. done hearing from the attorneys. Ail right. We're I know attorneys. Unless I make you go sit down, you'll keep talking. Well, is -- does someone want to make a moti. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793.-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 1 2 3 4 6 '7 8 9 10 11 1.2 13 1.4 15 1'7 19 2O 2:!. 22 23 this? MR. BRUET: 24 I'll -- I'll start, Mr. Chairman. make a motion we -- based on my past comments, that we move forward and hear Petition PDI 98-2, King Richard's PUD master plan. MR. WRAGE: I'll second that. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. There's -- there's a motion by Mr. Bruet to move forward seconded by Mr. #rage. Now, discussion on that motion. MR. OATES: Mr. Chairman, I just don't think it's the right thing to do. ! mean, it seems to me that the LDC is pretty clear. Maybe it isn't clear as it should be, but it's pretty clear that -- what it says, and we got a group of people that have appealed, ~nd I think that decision should be -- come first. I really ~'~*' 24 ~ trying to understand. I still recommend we move I ~;/ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411, 5: : :::3 ......... I ,- ........ ~ ....- MR. BUDD: Mr. Chairman, I'm in agreement with Mr. Prtddy and Mr. Oates. I think it's -- we shouldn't hear it at this time. MR. BRUET: I just sort of hold my position that there are other avenues for them to use. Should there be a problem, they can appeal our decision. I Just -- do. 1 2 3 '4 $ 6 '7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 {Ayes.) Opposed? MR. OATES: No. MR. PRIDDY: Aye. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. PRIDDY: Three. Three? Three no's. first time? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: I voted yes. So it Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 Did you vote yes the CHAIR~.AN DAVIS: Okay. MR. WRAGE: I have to agree with Ed. They're obviously begging for more time. The process is there. If the process is wrong, we need to change that, but I think the time was there, and the opportunity was there. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: So you're advocating that we do move forward? MR. WRAGE: Yes. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Any comments, Mr. Pedone? I guess you and I are kind of at the end here. MR. PEDONE: Yes. I -- I think that the avenue for appeal is there. I think we ought to move forward. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. With that, we'll cal~ the question. All~ those in favor of the motion, please indicate by saying aye. 1 2 3 4 6 '7 $ 9 10 1]. 12 ~.3 14 1.5 1{} 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. PRIDDY: of the hearing. HR. BRUET: CHAIRMAN DAVIS: 26 We're hearing it.'s 4 -- 4-3 in favor Of moving forward. Okay. All right. With that, now I'll call the item. Petition PDI 98-2, King Richard's PUD. I'd ask all those present here today that.may want to speak on this petition to please stand, raise your right hand so the court reporter may swear you in. (All potential witnesses were administered the oath.) MR. PRIDDY: CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. PRIDDY: No. two people that have to leave here. leave us a quorum? Mr. Chairman. Yes. Disclosure? But I think we've got at least Is that going, to MR. OATES: MR. BUDD: the latest. CHAIRMAR DAVIS: Anybody with disclosures? MR. BUDD: And I -- this. Okay? I have to leave at eleven o'clock. I got to leave at 10. 10:30, 11 at Ail right. Well -- okay. and I voted -- I voted for CHAIRMA/9 DAVIS: Yeah. -- anybody with disclosures? Donovan Court Reporting 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, I know. Okay. (941) 793-0021 FL 341 Disclose 1 2 3 4 *7 9 10 ],1 12 14 ].5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 Mr. Chairman, I have discussed the opposing this PUD? R/chard's? MR. MULHERE: Rtchard's.. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Prin=ess ?ark? MR. M~LHERE: Is it Princess Park, or is it King -- King I'm a little unclear. The -- the official name.is King Even though the original PUD is Yeah. I think that was changed in a subsequent PUD amendment, but I -- I'm not -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. We're -- okay. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 AUG 0 4= 1998 000. 301 MR. BRUET: Yes. the issue with counsel for the -- position, Mr. Paul San Filippo. CHAIRMAR DAVIS: I had discussions with Mr. Pires and also, of course, received the mailing, as we all did; a brief discussion with Mr. Joel Miller, a resident of Walden Oaks; and Mike Landy with the engineering firm presenting the petition, the agent for the petition as it -- anybody else? MR. OATES: All -- I got the packet, of course, we got. That's all. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Yeah. Okay. Well, then, we can -- we can move forward. One question that maybe staff'can clear up for me iD reading what the -- the -- the appeal package, ~f you will, that was sent to us. What is the name of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 1]. 12 i3 14 1.5 16 1"/ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 -- it was changed. MR. MULH£RE: important to use numbers. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Yes. All right. Thank you. That's why you got -- it's more I -- I have to MR. MULHERE: Names change. leave, and Ron and Susan will handle the actual presentation. But I did want to Just let you know, because I think it may come up, so before I leave I wanted to let you know that -- that in part the issue here is -- is -- is based on a language within the PUD that's common to many PUDs that -- that allows the planning director to make a determination regarding certain uses as to whether or not they're comparable with other uses in the PUD and, therefore, should be permissible. And, in fact, in -- in -- in many ca~es that determination can be made, and a property owner could come forward and submit a site development plan, and we would never achieve this level of public hearing allowing the public the opportunity to voice their opinions and to appeal that decision. It is -- it is a ~ower that is vested in the planning director for determination and interpretation as to certain uses that may be comparable that under usual circumstances is simply a determination that is made and -- and the -- and the development would ~Ov~.~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002] 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 2 AUG 0 A 1998 O001'"'" 0,1 29 forward through a site development plan process. 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 However, I do want to say that in this case when we look at the specificity of the master plan, while I feel comfortable with my determination, and you will' hear testimony from the staff at -- with regards to that determination as far as we're talking about, due to the specific unes that the specificity of the master plan, it was our opinion, staff's opinion, that the master plan amendment was necessary. And that is why we're here today at a public hearing with the PDI allowing an opportunity and providing the opportunity for the public and the property owner to voice their 13 14 opinions. So, you know, which, of course, can be appealed to the Board of County commissioners. So it 15 r~ally hinged upon the specificity of the master plan 16 as to why, you know, we determined that a PDI 'was required. 18 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Thank you, Mr. Mulhere. 19 Ms. Murray. 2O MS. MURRAY: Good morning, Susan Murray, current 21 planning. The applicant wishes to revise the PUD 22 master plan amend -- PUD master plan in order to add 23 some features and attractions and reconfigure some 24 existing attractions within the scope of the 25 originally approved PUD. Specifically, thol Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 AUG 0 ,i 1998 00013 1 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 *].2 14 15 '!"/ ].9 20 2]. 22 23 24 30 expand the swimming pool use to include a lazy river and a water slide, to indicate the location of two children's rides, to add noise buffers, and to separate the go-cart track in order to create a -- a Junior go-cart track and a main go-cart track. I'm sure you're familiar with. the site of this located on the east side of*Airporr-Pulling Road. Surrounding the properties to the north is the Lone Oak PUD. That is a mixed-use planned-unit development existing of some commercial uses, single-family, and multifamily residential. And I'd stopped here for Just a second to point out that along the entire northern boundary of the subject site within the Lone Oak PUD are the commercial uses, the main point of ingress and egress to the PUD, and the recreation~l facilities that serve the residential land uses are all loclted along that northern border of this planned -- of the subject property. To the south we have an existing golf course/driving range, and that is zoned CF or community facilities. To the east, again, it's the Lone Oak PUD, and the specific land use is multifamily residential, and that is concentrated all along the eastern boundary of the subject site. And to the west we have Airport-Pulling Road. The site is p Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002] 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 2 AUG 0 1998 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 '12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 developed. And I'll just walk you through a little bit trying to use this video visualizer here, if you'll kind of bear with me. Traveling east to west, the site is accesse~ from Airport-Pulling Road, and then you come into the parking area. Traveling further to the west, the -- there's an existing castle building. And right now I'm just focusing on the northern side of the park. We have the miniature goIf beyond the castle building; and then there is an existing bumper boat pond further to the west -- or I'm sorry, to the east; an existing maintenance building; and then the batting cages. And the batting cages pretty much serve the eastern boundary of where all the attractions are located on the northern side. Further tO the south we have a concentration of kiddie rides, a kiddie merry-go-round and a kiddie railroad. And then if we head back, again, from the west, traveling west to east, along the southern boundary you have the existing go-cart track. And that, actually, follows the southern boundary heading, again, towards the east and then veers up towards the north. And then along the eastern boundary from north to south you'have an existing lake. Surrounding the site on the north and las Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 there is a very significant landscape buffer~ consists -- it's opaque. It consists of trees and shrubs, undulating berms. And, again, the lake also serves as a buffer between the subject site and the properties to the east. Basically, what they're proposing to do -- and I'll go back to this picture -- where there is an existing water feature (indicating), which would be right here between the front of the castle building and the parking lot, they are proposing to add a water slide and lazy river. Then as you go beyond -- behind the castle building, between the castle building and the batting cages, they're proposing to add two children's rides, the kiddie flying dragon and the pirate's swing. And you did receive pictures of those in your packet. And that would be, again, between the batting cages and the existing castle building on the northern boundary of the property. The existing go-cart track is proposed to be split. The eastern section of that would be split out to create a -- what's -- the applicant told me is a Junior g~.-cart track, which would essentially involve using -- a ride for smaller children using smaller cars and smaller engines, I guess. Between the main go-cart track and t~e Jc D°novan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34112 AUG,.O 4:1998 uu oo 2 3 4 6 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 go-cart track they are propcsing to locate a noise landscape buffer, which you did receive details of in your packet. And then on the eastern boundary of the Junior go-cart track, they would also add an additional landscape buffer. Land Development Code sets forth the nine criteria by which an insubstantial amendment to the PUD master plan is to be reviewed. I'm not going to go over each one of those one by one. I Just wanted to focus on the main one that I thought would be at issue, and that is, will the proposed change bring about a relationship to an abutting land use that would, be incompatible with adjacent land uses. And staff's analysis revealed no for ~he following reasons: Basically, what they're asking to do is~. is two additions. First is the water slide, which, again, would be located adjacent to the parking lot on site and in front of the castle building on the northern boundary of the site. The adjacent land use to the north is also commercial in nature. It's the Walden Oaks Professional Center there. And -- and, again, the commercial recreational land uses for the Lone Oak PUD is -- is also along that northern boundary. So staff felt that, basically, what you're doing i~ creating, along with the kiddie Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 AUG 0 & 1998 OOOl'""' oU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 1.3 ].6 1'7 18 ].9 20 21 22 23 24 25 34 the northern boundary, kind of an.in-fill type of development between existing attractions and features on the site and that given the nature -- the commercial nature of the land use to the north, that that would not be considered incompatible. The remaining changes really aren't -- aren't any additional. They're merely modifying the existing approved uses which would only serve to reduce the impacts of these uses and that is mainly splitting out that portion of the go-cart track closest to the eastern boundary of tk.e site and reducing the size of the cars and adding noise buffers. So we deemed that to be not incompatible. The remaining analysis indicates that approval of the amendment to the King Richard's PUD master plan would be consistent with a finding that the criteria support a conclusion that the amendment is insubstantial, and we're recommending approval. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Questions of Ms. Murray? MR. WRAGE: Just one. The original PUD was in 1984; is that correct? MS. MURRAY: The original Princess Park PUD was adopted on April 24th, 1984. MR. WRAGE: Thank you. MR. BRUET: Susan, back in '84 did the ' Donovan Court RePorting (941) 793i0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 AUG 0 4:1998 000137 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1"/ 18 19 20 21 22 23 35 PUD require buffers similar to what the LDC has today? MS. MURRAY: That's a good question, Mr. Bruet. Probably not, but I -- I really couldn't answer that for you. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: In -- in reading through the '84 PUD, it doesn't appear that it did. MR. BRUET: There was no requirement for them to do anything near what we do today in the line of buffer? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: That's true. MR. BRUET: Okay. Thank you. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Ms. Murray, I had marked three of the criteria that I wanted you to help me with. MS. MURRAY: SUre. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: three. MS. MURRAY: And you did choose one of the All right. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: I'd also -- B, B as in boy -- MS. MURRAY: Okay. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: -- and D as in David, if you could go through your rationale -- MS. MURRAY: Okay. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: -- on those two. 24~ NS. MURRAY: B states, is there a propo~__~~__~L_ 25 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 11 ].2 13 14 15 16 ].7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 36 institutional, commercial, and industrial 1 Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34] intensity of land use or height of buildings within the development. Dwelling units, obviously, wouldn't be applicable. Intensity of land use, basically what wetre looking at -- what I was looking at there was that the -- we weren't really changing the use per se. Re were merely adding attractions or substituting out or making some changes to the existing uses. I think basically that type of land use, it's almost a given that things are going to change. They're going to add, subtract, as timas go on, as features become popular, not popular -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Uh-huh. MS. MURRAY: -- that sort of thing. It's almost just the nature of the -- of the business. So, no, we didn't feel like we were doing -- they were doing any significant change to the actual approved land use itself that would increase the intensity. That was the rationale there. . CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. MS. MURRAY: You said D? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: D as in David, yes. MS. MURRAY: Is there a proposed increase in the size of areas used for nonresidential uses to include 1 4 6 7 9 11 i,. "- 14 15 16 18 2O ~ 21 22 ' 23 24 ,,' : 25 37 Obviously, no residential land uses on site. My interpretation of that was that the size of areas used would include adding additional land area. CHAIRMAN DAVIS= Uh-huh. MS. ]~URRAY.: And that was, obviously, no because they're not changing the boundaries of the PUD. CHAIRMAR DAVIS: Well, yeah. I only -- MS. MURRAY: I mean -- CHAIRM~ DAVIS: I also read that to mean that they might be using the land they have in a different way or in a new way that may be -- you know, there's -- Just -- and I don't know if this applies here. There's lots of open space and more space that's actually being used for something, like a ride or something. ~ MS. MURRAY: Well, I think you kind of have to look at the fact that the entire planned unit development is basically com~ercial-recreational type of land use. CHAIRM~ DAVIS: Uh-huh. MS. HURRAY: And I think that's the perspective that staff took, that you basically aren't adding additional commercial uses to a use that's already pretty much approved -- CHAIRMA/~ DAVIS: Uh-huh. Donovan Court Reporting 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL (941) 793-002: 3411L2 AUG 0 4 1998 c 00140 1 2 3 4 6 '7 6 9 10 11 12 13 1,4 15 16 1"/ 16 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 38 MS. MURRAY: -- as that type .of use. But the entire site functions as a recreational open space type of use, so staff felt there was no diminution of those -- those areas. CRAIRM~ DAVIS: Yeah. Maybe -- maybe what I'm talking about relates rote to intensity than it does Item. D. Mr. Priddy. M~. PRIDDY: That brings up a question then. If -- if this were being brought in as a brand new project today, what would the criteria for -- I mean, could they bring this same scenario in today and -- and get it approved, or -- MS. MURRAY: I'm trying to follow your logic, I think the point is, is, yes, because I -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Not -- not at location, no. probably someplace in the county. MR. PRIDDY: Yeah. But -- CHAIF, Fu%N DAVIS: Yeah. M:~. MURRAY: MR. PRIDDY: boundaries -- what they can put in the box -- Oh. Oh, no doubt. No. This is -- What they can put with -- inside the AUG 0 1998 MS. MURRAY: Exactly. MR. PRIDDY: -- would be approved somet Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 rh e ~1 20 the county. MS. MURRAY: MR. PRIDDY: MS. MURRAY: Yes. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Bruet. MR. BRUET: Exactly. Okay. Uh-huh. Okay. Just a couple more, very basic. Did you discuss with the petitioner the heights of any of these rides? I -- I think the PUD talks about 30 feet. Are we, like, at 28 feet, 29 feet or -- MS. MURRAY: I would actually probably reserve 39 Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 AUG 0 A 1998 0014 big help to us. delivered to us. that for the petitioner's representative -- MR. BRUET: Okay. MS. MURRAY: -- to answer. But we did discus~ a little about the kiddie flying dragon, and I was told that that was at its maximum, 12 to 15 feet, but petitioner may want to clarify that. MR. BRUET: Okay. Well -- . MS. MURRAY: The PUD document does restrict the maximum height of all structures to 30 feet. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: And Just a comment. On one like this, a copy of the PUD, I think, would have been a It was in the package that the -- was I MS. MURRAY: Okay. 2 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: And that helped me last night to ~'~"':"~' kind of go through and familiarize myself,__ [~*.~'~ 4 particularly one this old, because we all we all /~'~'~' '~ ~ 5 know that one of the old ones has some pretty funny ~?~i,.. 6 things in them sometimes. 8 9 ~0 12 ].4 believe -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Yeah. MS. MURRAY: -- of the document, if that's -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: I think we all -- MS. MURRAY: -- if you want one to pass around right now. I just have one copy. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Yeah. MS. MURRAY: But I'd be happy to -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: me how this works. the PUD from 1984 or whenever it was -- And -- and to that point, tell There's permitted uses shown in 19 20 MS. MURRAY: Right. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: -- that are pretty specific. 21 22 23 24 25 M~. MURRAY: Correct. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: And I guess the Item 12 on page 10, it says, any -- any other similar or compatible recreational use approved by the zoning director. So if the first 11 uses kind of s~It up =ne Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 ~O~ ~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 2 ~.~_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 1]. 12 13 14 15 16 ]7 flavor of what's goinq on gives the zoninq director the -- decide what is, in fact, similar might not be? MS. MURRAY: That's correct. at this .facility, Item the latitude to and okay and what 41 12 And that's what Mr. Mulhere alluded to when he was.-- before I got up and spoke, was that he does have that authority. That is very common. And you are correct; it does kind of set up the flavor as to the type of uses that are -- C}L%IRMAN DAVIS: Uh-huh. MS. MURRAY: -- permissible. These -- pardon me. The additional uses were told by me -- or told to me by the applicant that they were more directed towards children, kiddie rides. And being that there was quite a few kiddie rides.on the site already and being that the site is generally directed towards children, I -- I believe that was one of the rationales he used for finding this compatible. (Mr. Budd exited the room.) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Ail right. Any additional · ' 21 question,s of staff? 9.2 Ail right. We provida the opportunity for the ~ 23 petitioner's representative to make a presentation. 24 MR. YOVANOVICH. If I may, Mike Landy is going to i.%" f the proje.ct. He,s'i ---~ ~ ~-'% .' -: ' .ecifics .o · ,:; ~. 25 get into ,,the ~[,, - Do&oran court Reportin'g (941) 793-002]! AUG 0 , ..-. 2668 Air orr Road South, Naples, FL 341~2~,~ ,~: . ~ .... Pa.._.~..~r_-._._ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 9 10 12 13 14 16 ].8 ].9 20 21 22 23 24 25 42 engineer. I would Just like to reserve my time to the end and Just kind of summarize at the -- at the end, if that's all right. CHAI~tAN DAVIS: That's fine. Sure. We invite Hr. Landy up, then. MR. LANDY: For the record, Hike Landy with Butler Engineering repre~enting the petitioner, Bic's Investment Corporation, represented by Debbie and Bob Bickle. They're the property owners. If you can believe it, they live within the limits of that castle you see on the property. They renovated it. Prior to buying the property about 15 months ago, they had leased it, and they were -- they've been running it for the last couple of years. .- I'd like to thank staff for working with us to develop a petition that they felt they could support .here. It's been a tough little job, considering the scope of what we're proposing. We had some discussions as -- as much as 18 months ago about how we would be able to amend this PUD to -- to add some additional attractions. And we had some grand ideas about what we thought we could do. You know, we're talking about expanding the go-cart track, the hours of operation, adding signage out here. But we ~a~~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34) AUG 0 '!998 2 C0Q145 1 2 3 4 6 '7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 1"/ 18 19 2O 2,1. 22 23 24 25 43 -- a meeting, and we invited some.of the Walden Oaks folks, you know, to the meeting. And it became obvious that we were not the most popular game in town and we needed to scale the thing back to what you see before you as far as scope. And I would Just like to reiterate what Susan said about what the scope of this iS. Is this -- HR. OATES: There's one on the wall. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: You probably have to turn it on. MR. LANDY: Hello. Does that work? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Fine. MR. LANDY: There are -- we're -- we're basically AUG 0 4,. 1998 proposing three additional things that some people consider more intensive uses. The kiddie flying dragon here and the pirate swing. -. For the most part, I think there's only One of those uses that's going to be able to fit within that space. It's only 140 feet by 70 feet. That's less than 10,000. So there's probably going to be one ride in that location. But we do not want to try to come back to you every time we want to add a new ride within the limits of this PUD. So we're -- we're naming that as -- as a possible use. The lazy river, I guess there is, as -- as Susan alluded to in her -- in her staff report, ~u~/~ Donovan .Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 1. 2 3 4 7 10 11 ].2 13 14 16 1"/ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 swimming pool is an allowable use .within the PUD. 44 And -- the water slide, I -- I know we had a question on the height. The top of this thing is probably going to be, you know, 25, 20 -- to 28 feet. Thatts with, you know, a platform where kids can stand up and slide down. If you go out there and look at it right now, therets -- there's a foature~ it's part of the miniature golf course that's probably that height right now. when you're standing over on this side (indicating) in the Walden Oaks looking this way (indicating), you can hardly see the top of this feature. Ail right. And it's going to be the same height as -- as that water slide. The rest of what we're proposing here, hopefully, is going to be a benefit to the adjacent property-. owners. You know, this -- this area here is 700 feet from the nearest unit, right. That's -- I mean, all -- all the uses that we're proposing are this way (indicating). I know they have problems with, you know, some of the thtn~s that are going on o~er here (indicating). We're trying to alleviate those to the best we can. I mean, we're adding noise buffers here (indicating), noise buffers here (indicating). When we -- staff, when we -- they review'our SDP, I mean, if %ey~, Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002_t AUG 04~98 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL341~2 1 2 3 4 6 *7 8 10 ].1 '12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 we have Co intensify it, we'=e going to be adding buffers adjacent to any new use here or here (indicating). I would -- I don't want to get into 45 compatibility issues. Iem an engineer by trade, not a -- not a planner, but I -- I reserve that to -- to staff's Judgment. Itd like to go over some of the things that qualify this for -- as being a PDI as opposed to an amendment. You touched on some of those or had some questions on it. The boundaryts not changing. The intensity, really, isn't changing. I think if -- if the original PUD had allotted, you know, 50 percent of the site as being for rec facilities and -- or recreation uues and we were coming in here with a ~. proposal for -- to make it 80 percent, we're intensifying the use. I -- I don't think.that~s the case. We're not dec~easing the preservation of any type of -- of any type of native vegetation. The existing area where we're proposing the use is -- is vacant right now. There's -- there's no trees on it at all. The -- I mean, that area has always been earmarked for some type of recreational use, and it was -- it was Just impossible to guess 15 years ago when .he ~.~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL AUG 0 4 1998 2 0..,9014 / .0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 '12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 46 around, you know, what those uses .would be. Traffic's not going to intensity. I mean, we'll be honest. Hopefully, more people will come to the park, but the original PUD assumed that there would be a certain amount of trip generation on the site. And, you know, traffic is not a real issue at -- at this park. It's, for the most part people going in and out of there are goihg in at off-peak hours. And I make a U-turn at that entrance every day trying to get into Trade Center Way. I thank God there's not a hundred homeowners trying to get across Airport Road doing the same thing. I would just -- I'd just like to close up and say I hope you support the petition and -- Oh, I'm sorry. My -- I was just trying to -- excuse me. One of t~e things I'd like to point out -- and Susan mentioned it. I -- I -- I was -- went over it a little bit too quickly here. There is an existing buffer all the way across here (indicating) and all the way across here (indicating). The buffer in -- in this location consists of trees that are mature and have to be 60 feet high, and there is an existing hedge that's probably 8 to 10 feet high. It's -- the trees are on both sides of the.fence, and the hedge is on Donovan Court Reporting (9.41) 793-0021. 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341J the~'~ AUG 0 4= 1998 1 2 3 4 $ 6 ,./ 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 1'7 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 47 the Walden Oaks side. Over here (.indicating) this area is bermed. The road's kind of low and, you know, there's -- there is -- there's a good-sized berm. When you're standing on this road looking this way (indicating), .it is difficult to see. You know, you can't see the bumper boats. You can't see the maintenance building. You can see the tops of the batting cages. All right? This -- this proposed ride right here (indicating), the kiddie flying dragon, the -- the cart on it, Susan was correct. The track is 12 feet high. You won't be able to see it from the other side. We just ask your support on -- on the petition, and -- well, I'll be happy to answer any questions you have. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Priddy. MR. PRIDDY: I have one question for you. You mentioned you met with some of the residents in the area. Was, in your opinion, their objection to what was being added, or was their objection to you being there to begin with? MR. LANDY: No. We got the impression that they were just unhappy with us being there at all, and short of, you know, leaving the site and asking -- you know, and changing this into a multifamily Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002] AUG 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, 1 2 3 4 5 6 lo '12 13 15 16 18 2O 22 23 24 25 ~o project.., make them happy. tried to appease. don't think there was any way to really But we scaled back the project and We don't want to be bad neighbors. MR. PRIDDY: Thank you. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Bruet. MR. BRUET: Michael, are any of these rides going to -- what -- what type of noise are they going to generate? I can hear some, you know, vehicles going around a track, clickety clack, clickety clack, music I got height issues in here. The buffers to playing.. the north side seem to be a bit lacking. I've got a lot of concerns about the proposal. You also had mentioned the intensity of use of the land. Well, I would assume the -- the rides are .being added to increase business, which to me is intensity. I'm.n°t sure it's accurate saying it isn't a more intensive use. MR. LANDY: I -- I think when -- when we talked about intensity of use, if -- you know, if .a new project comes in at, .you know, Pelican Marsh, I mean, the intensity of the overall development increases. But I think the -- the areas that are vacant on -- within the limits of the PUD right now, especially where"we're proposing these new children's rides, were ear,arked for some type of recreational use A~~/ I t D~'novan court Repo~ting (941) 93-oo2 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34~ 2~U~0~19~ 000 51 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 1! 13 14 15 16 1"/ 18 1.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 49 know, I -- staff has determined and I -- I agree with them, that it is comparable and compatible with types of uses that are out there. If you really want to get into specifications on the track, I -- I could drag Bob up here. I know he doesn't want to come, but the -- the wheels on the -- it's -- I -- I -- I envision the same thing, clickety clack,, click -- clickety clack. We're not trying to create Disney World or Six Flags Atlantis (sic) out here. This is -- this is for really small children. The wheels on the track are -- are neoprene. They're rubber. I mean, it's going to be -- it's going to be like a dull roar similar to what you would hear from Airport Road. It -- it's not going to be a traditional roller coaster like you might envisio~. MR. BRUET: Noise -- is there music played, or are you adding to whatever that feeling or ambiance is? MR. LANDY: No. There -- I mean, in the -- in the center of -- and I guess -- this is another photo of something that -- that I received this morning, if you want to pass this around. I'm sorry. have given it to you earlier. That's one -- one of the types of rides. you can see. It -- it's for -- it's for Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 I should mean, AUG 0 ,A 1998 2000152 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 '12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 5O And the height restriction of 30 feet is -- is in the PUD. I mean, we -- we can't -- we're not going to -- I.mean, we can't intensify that height restriction. There is a little castle that sits in the middle. Z think you can see that on -- on one of the exhibits; right? The top of that castle is probably 20 feet in the air. But, you know, that's a -- that's a passive use. I mean, there's not going to be any noise or anything emanating from the castle. MR. BRUET: I'm a little confused. Where is the swinging Noah's ark -- MR. L~DY: Like I was saying before, the -- the area that's really intensely highlighted there that shows where those two rides are, one of those -- one of the rides is going to go there, but there's -. room to fit both of them, to be honest probably not with you. MR. BRUET: MR. LANDY: So you're saying one -- It's added as a use. If -- if they -- if they install the use and determine that it's not successflil and they want to change it out to the pirate swing or some other type of use, that's what -- that's what they'd be able to -- like to do without having to come back and talk to you guys. MR. BRUET: Oh, I see. Yhey don't plat Donovan Court Reporting {941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 to~,i AUG 0 1996 2000153 1 2 3 4 $ 6 *7 9 10 1], 12 13 1¢ ],5 1'7 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 51 perhaps, one of MR. LANDY: MR. BRUET: MR. LANDY: MR. BRUET: whenever they elect. MR. LANDY: That's correct. these three at this time? One of the three -- You're just looking for -- One of the three -- -- it to be a permitted use and They want to add it to the list of permitted uses within the PUD. MR. BRUET: But yet you -- you're not anxious to tell them exactly where it goes. I know that's maybe more of a site plan issue, but I think in this case it's important that we do know where the various rides are going to be located within that site. MR. LANDY: I would say that 'that -- that -- that's the area right there (indicating). only area they -- MR. YOVANOVICH: (Indicating.) MR. BRUET: go there. MR. LANDY: That's-the If they purchase this ride, it will That's correct. MR. YOVANOVICH: Either/or. the swing or the kiddie ride. MR. BRUET: Or the roller coaster. MR. YOVANOVICH: have both. It will either be It wouldn't go there. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, You won't "/93-002 .2AUG 0 4= 1998 ~ 34 Ol ! 3 4 $ 6 8 9 ]0 ],1 '12 :].3 ].4 15 16 18 19 20 2]. 22 23 24 MR. BRUET: Okay. Okay. MR. LANDY: Most of the uses within the park, I mean, it's not like we can move things around. They're -- they're fixed. MR. BRUET: Uh-huh. MR. LANDY: This -- this ride that you're at there, it's -- it's not really fixed. It's something that can be moved on to the site and moved off the site. MR. BRUET: 52 looking remember it Thank you. I don't know if she's still involved with the homeowners. Alice McKnight was there, and she brought a bunch of her people with her. CHAIRMA~N DAVIS: Mr. Pedone. MR. PEDONE: Yeah. Princess Park was built? when did it actually -- Do you know exactly when I know the PUD was '84. But MR. LANDY: I looked at some old aerials, and it seems like construction was starting in -- i Donovan Court Reporting (941} 793-002: 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 AUG ~ ~ ~ 2 MR. LANDY: It was 18 months 'ago. vividly. It was January '97. MR. WRAGE: MR. LANDY: I see. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. Wrage. MR. WP~AGE: Just quickly, approximately when did you have the meeting with the Walden Oaks folks? 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 15 16 18 '20 21 22 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. PRIDDY: MR. PEDONE: MS. MURRAY: MR. OATES: CHAIRMAN 53 Sounds about right. When, then, was Walden Oaks built? That's the question. Walden Oaks was approved 5/23/89. In '89. DAVIS: It was subs -- subs -- . MR. PEDONE: In actuality, Princess Park was there before Walden Oaks was built. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: That is correct. Mr. Landy, you know some of the history on this, so mayke you can help me here. You mentioned about liv -- living quarters on site? MR. LANDY: Yes. CHAIRM~ DAVIS: Has the PUD 'been -- has it been amended to allow that, because the PUD I have prohibits it? MR. LANDY: I'm not aware whether that's -- CHAIRMA/~ DAVIS: Or maybe Ms. Murray can answer that. MS. MURRAY: Typically on commercial uses you are permitted to have a caretaker's residence, and believe this is what that residential use is. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. As is allowed industrial -- industrial zoning category. MS. MURRAY: And in commercial. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34] AUG 0 1998 00.156 1.3 Uh-huh. And are there video -- AUG 0 4 lg98 1).2 000157 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: there's a video game arcade there now. MR. LANDY: Yes, there is. I -- it's -- it's within the limits of the castle. MS. MURRAY: Within the castle building. MR. LANDY: And I don't know if you -- you may not have the latest and greatest PUD. CHAI~J~N DAVIS: Okay. MR. LANDY: That was specifically amended in 1990 -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. MR. LANDY: -- to allow video games. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Great. That -- that helps me. Thank you. Any other questions of the petitioner's representative? (No response.) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: All right. Thank you. I think Mr. Yovanovich wanted to addzess us at the end as a -- as a w£apup, so we'll move on now. Pl~ase come on up, Mr. Saunders. We're -- what we're here about today -- and I'll say this to everyone that's here -- is about the petition before us and particularly what it's about. I can appreciate that there may be some feelings that Princ( Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793400 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 1 2 4 $ 6 7 -- or whatever it's -- it's called today shouldn't be there and all those sorts of things, and that's not what we're here to hear about today. And part of -- part of the new methods of operation we talked about this morning is that a group of residents be represented by the -- one of their board members or their president or whatever the case may be, so we'll certainly ask you to do it in that manner. And with 9 10 '~ 1! 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 that, we'll recognize Mr. Saunders. M~. SAUNDERS: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We're going to try to do this as quickly as possible, so I'm going to ask Mr. San Filippo to come on up. He's going to be -- he is sworn as a witness because -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Uh-huh. MR. SAUNDERS: -- he lives in that area, and~ think we can make things move a little more qukckly that way. Also, I think we have some questions for -- for Susan Murray. So with -- with that, I'll ask -- MR. SAN FILIPPO: Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, my name's Paul San Filippo, and I'm an attorney in town. I also iive in the Walden Oaks subdivision at 22 23 24 25 Le:.:ington at Lone Oak, which is a single-family subdivision located a little further to the north of the Princess Park subdivision. I'd like, if I could, Just to take a little time, because I have .me Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3 AUG 0 aerials, and we have some -- some.exhibits that we'd like the board to see. Princess Park was initially platted in 1984. ordinance you-all should have a copy of; it was included in the packet. Very specific as to the that were provided for this particular property. Those uses included miniature golf course; mini car track; bumper boat pond; batting cage; arrow ball 1 2 3 4 The uses 13 .14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 56 aerials, and we have some -- some.exhibits that wetd like the board to see. Princess Park was initially platted in 1984. The ordinance you-all should have a copy of~ it was ' included in the packet. Very specific as to the uses that were Provided for this particular property. Those uses included miniature golf course~ mini car track~ bumper boat pond~ batting cagel arrow ball court~ kiddie car track; remote control boats on pond~ swimming 9ool; outdoor roller skating track~ boat rental facilities, which i understand in the ordinance was a paddle-boat-type rental facilities~ and any other similarly and compatible recreational use approved by the zoning director. That was the initial '84 ordinance, and that~was based upon the site plan that appears right here {indicating). This plan also provided for a larger lake to go in (indicating) with the roller skating track around the outside, and the lake would presumably be used for renting paddle boats and using remote boats. These -- these activities are very static in nature, and they were specifically provided for in i984. The racecar track, interestingly enough, was provided to the furthest westernmost -- most Donovan court Reporting 941) 793-002: 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 ].1 :1.3 14 15 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 closest to Airport Road with adjacent parking on the northern side of the racetrack and on the eastern side. The batting cages were located further towards Airport Road and away from the proposed Walden Oaks subdivision. There was also -- I'm not quite sure what this is, but I wou~.d imagine it's the bumper boat pond. Now, this project was not built until sometime in And AUG 0 1998 OOOlGO 1990. We have aerial photographs that .show this. when it was built -- and I'll -- I'll get to the aerials in just a minute. When it was built, -it was not built like it was initial -- like the initial site plan provided. The site plan was altered. And this track, the parking was moved towards Airport Road. 'The lake was altered in its size and -- and dimension. And these attractions, in61uding the batting cages and bumper boat pond, were moved south. And that was significant. And that was significant because the people of Walden Oaks have a pool which is on a -- a beautiful lake, and it's landscaped. And it's right here (indicating). And when this subdivision, Prlnces~ Park, was built, it pushed, contrary to the initial site plan, these activities (indicating) further towards the residents who resided here and it interfered with the recreational activities. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 266B Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 .!3 }.4 15 16 1'! 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 And this is not a complete picture either. is also a walking path that goes around the lake, 58 There clubhouse. These are tennis courts here (tndicattnq), and this is parking (indicating). This is all green space in here (indicating). Walden Oaks has a berl~ here (indicating). So in 1993 Princess Park was not built as it was spec'd out in 1984. And, in fact, it wasn't even built until 1990. This is a 1989 aerial photograph of the area. You can see Princess Park. It's undeveloped. no castle. lake is dug. castle. It aerial. approval. development along the easternmost -- most portion of the property. You can see the pool has already been built out, the lake with the track, the -- the Jogging path, the recreation center, tennis courts, and parking, also homes in what is now known as the Barrington Homeowners Association. Lexing -- or the Walden Oaks association was built prior to Princess Park. There's There -- there's nothing on the -- the It looks like it's filled. There's no has not been built. This is a 1989 This is after Walden Oaks had received its And here is the Huntington Condominium.. an amendment to the PUD that provided not on] }- ~~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34112 AUG 0 41998 0 01Sl Park applied for In 1990 the owners of Princess 1 2 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 video games to be enclosed inside, but also interestingly, in reviewing the 1990 amendment, it contemplated sewer hooked up with Lone Oak, which is further support that Princess Park was built after the Walden Oaks subdivision. That's in your 1990 ordinance, which is included within your packet, which as an alternative when they built the Princess Park, they were given an opportunity to hook up to the Walden Oaks sewer system, which at that time was not on the county system. They had -- there were discussions that went on between Walden Oaks and -- and -- and Princess Park. That brings us up past 1990 to 1993. A/Id this exhibit is -- shows a change that 'occurred in 1993, and no public hearing was held on that change. Presumably the change was determined to be minor, but what it had the effect of doing was extending the racec~r track, which was the initial -- initial plan from -- from here (indicating) further to the east towards the members of the Huntington association and towards the pool. That was permitted after it was built, and the residents at Huntington woke up one day and -*- and heard loud noises and said, what is that? That's not the way it was supposed to be built. And we had--- the permit document was--was ~o-~ov~ Court Reporting (941) 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, 9 3-oo21/ 341:LJ2 AUG 9 4, /ooo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 ].3 14 15 16 1.'7 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 60 the fact in 1993. Let's go to the present day and what is proposed. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Mr. San Filippo, excuse me, but are we going to get tied into the criteria? You can* appreciate as an attorney better than anyone that we are bound by the criteria. MR. SAN FILIPP0: I -- absolutely. And I'm going to address.the criteria right now. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. MR. SAN FILIPPO: But I wanted to get some history because there were some questions asked about who came first -- CHAIRMA~T DAVIS: Uh-huh. MR. SAN FILIPPO: -- who was'built first, and I wanted to address that and also get a little bit cufa historical perspective as to what was originally intended for Princess Park and where we have come today. And today what they are proposing is ~ot two attractions, but there's a water slide inside the lazy river. Now, Ms. Murray has indicated that there's a swimming pool that will be -- there will be an expanded swimming pool use, but there is no swimming pool on the property of Princess Park existing today. There is no -- there is no plats that show a ~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 o° . 1 2 3 use in this area at all. There is a bumper boat pond here (indicating). So the notice and the application talk about an -- expanding a swimming pool use to 4 5 6 7 include a water slide. Well, that's an intensification of the use. And what they're doing is they are taking a static use, such as a miniature golf course, and they're turning it into a mechanical use, such as a water slide, which will also be 28 feet 9 high. The lazy river does not exist today. I really 10 don't understand what the function of the lazy river 11 is, and it hasn't truly been ~xplained. 12 With regard to thu kiddie flying dragon and the 13 pirate swing, the kiddie flying dragon is a roller 14 coaster. Now, in the notice it ' it said that it was 15 16 a kiddie flying dragon. it's a roller coaster. In the application it sa~s The photos show it's a roller 17 coaster, and it's approximately between 100 and 150 18 feet long 12 to 15 feet high, will create noise, and 19 20 21 it's also the change of a static use, which is right now barren land, to -- it's a -- it's a grassy area to another mechanical use, which is directly an 22 unobstru¢~ted view from the pool and recreation area of 23 24 Walden Oaks to this .attraction (indicating). It also creates a lot of noise. And I can {ell 25 you; I live there at present. There is a lot of nois Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'*/ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 62 that is generated from the batting cages and bumper boats. If an additional mechahical ride, even one is put in there, it's going to, again, impact the people who want to enjoy the pool and recreation and one of. the reasons why they purchased their properties in Walden Oaks. There's a kiddie merry-go-round in here. We -- we have some photos that we'd like to submit. I don't notice any approval for a kiddie merry-go-round. It's not one of the listed uses. It just appeared on -- on this -- on this map. There's also a rodeo ride that is next to the kiddie merry-go-rouDd, which I don't know where that came from, and -- and it's not a use that -- that's permitted either. Staff has indicated that these uses are similar and comparable uses. But on behalf of walden Oaks and on behalf of myself as a homeowner, We submit to -- to the -- to the planning commission that these are not similar uses. A swimming pool is not the same as a water slide. A swimming pool is a -- a permitted use under the -- under the plan, but it's not a water slide. A water slide, we have heard no numbers on what type of people will be attracted, what the capacity will be, what the height will be, what the c¢io~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 20~~998 ]. 2 3 4 $ 6 '7 9 10 11 '12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 63 be. We've seen' no specifications.whether there wtll be lighting, whether there will be audio. None of that has been provided. That -- that needs to be addressed to determine whether or not this is an intensification of the use. It's also mechanical as opposed to static uses. And if you look at the specific uses, not only 1984, but in 1990, a lot of those uses are -- are very innocuous, if you will; remote control boats, roller skating, a lot of static uses, miniature golf, things of that nature. The kiddie flying dragon and -- and the roller coaster and the pirate swing just aren't permitted uses under the -- under the ordinance, and they're not They're no ~.. is going similar to the other uses on this 'property. larger. They're noisier. We've heard no -- testimony regarding what kind of noise this to generate, not only for the residents who want to enjoy the pool, but also for the residents of -- of the Huntington association and nearby Barrington associations. Last item is the installation of a third racetrack. The original plan allows for two racetracks. This is a third racetrack. It is dizected at an age group that is different than the other two tracks. You'll have a kiddie tra(:k, ~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 AUG 0 4= 1998 0,50185 1 2 3 4 5 '7 9 10 11 '12 13 14 15 16 ;].*7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 64 Junior track, and a senior track. And it -- it wouldn't make sense that these attractions would be placed on this property not to intensify the use. I mean, the design is, get more people to come to the park. Make more revenue. That -- that is the -- the design. Wetve heard no testimony regarding any alleged parking alterations, although they were listed as a reconfiguration in the application for the permit. And the -- but no alterations have been made. You can see from 1993 the only alteration is change in handicapped. So the impact on the parking and traffic has not seriously been addressed. In the staff r~port it indicates that the 1984 traffic impact statement should have accounted for these changes in the -- in the use of the -- of the -- of the property. .And if the nineteen -- and on behalf of the association, if the 1984 ordinance and impact statement upon which it was based was accounting for the changes in traffic, they should have also accounted for the changes in use. $~3~d if they were -- there were going to be permitted uses outside the very specific and narrow list, they should have been included back in 1984 as well, and they should not be before the planning co~ission in 1998. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002: 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 2 AUG 0 1998 u.,87 -._. Pa. ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O 2]. 22 23 24 25 65 We attempted to obtain a copy of the traffic impact statement from 1984 which was -- was not available. And there has been no statement as to what the impact will be on parking. I'd like to make some clarifications as well. The northern parking spaces on the Princess Park do not exist, and these parking spaces in the gravel -- if they're listed in the '93 plat as extra gravel parking, those do not exist. That's a grassy area. With regard to berms, there are no berms at Princess Park. I've been to the property. I've photographed. There are no berms along the northern wall of the property. Those berms are located on Walden Oaks' side of the property.* And this property (indicating) is actually raised so that it'S -- l~s -- it's basically at eye level. In other words, the properties aren't -- aren't level, and then there's a berm, and you look over and back down. The Princess Park is actually a bit higher than the Walden Oaks property; then it's bermed down like that (indicating} for water retention at the Walden Oaks pond. There are no berms across the back. There is a hedge; that's a Walden Oaks hedge in the back. There is no berm inside the fence, even though there's room. A/Id there's absolutely no berms or buffers along~ Dono~a~%ourt Reporting (941) 793_0024~ ~---~'lall~. ~ ,ooo 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341t2~"~o J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1.'7 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 66 driving range. The reason why I brought up parking was, if these attractions; the water slide, the swing, the'new go-cart track, are going to draw more people and -- and these people park, where are they going to park once the lot fills up? Are they going to park in the Walden Oaks Professional Center which is adjacent or the proposed adjacent professional center? These issues haven't been addressed, as well 'as what the noise levels are ~oing to be, what the lighting and the other things have -- and we think that they should be addressed. A~nd what we're asking for here is a determination that this is -- this is a substantial -- this is a ~ubstantial change. You're adding to -- well, fo=. the sake of what -- what Mr. Landy said, one attraction. That's three. There's a merry-go-round that hasn't been accounted for in the -- in the planning in four of about ten attractions. You're increasing the number of attractions by 40 percent. I think that -- and common sense dictates that I think you're going to intensify the use, and that's substantial. Just by the -- by the number of people you're going to have increased noise, by the number of new. ..--.....new people coming into .the park.. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 67 So I'd like to ask that this.board determine that they're in substantial -- determine that they are substantial. If they are insubs -- determine to be insubstantial, deny the petition. turn it over to Mr. Saunders. MR. SAUNDERS: we'd like to call. Miss Ellison would come forward. Miss Ellison. MR. SAN FILIPPO: And I'd like to Mr. Chairman, we have one expert That's Patty Ellison. If Come on up, The respondents have called Patty Ellison, who is a real estate agent who worked for the original developer. And we've asked her to testify here as -- as an expert on the issue of land values in the Walden Oaks area. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: criteria; correct? MR. SAUNDERS: As it relates directly to the Yes, Mr. Chairman. First of all, we need to have her accepted as an expert in the Walden Oaks area, the property values of that area. I'd like to ask her Just a couple really -- really quick questions. If you would state for the record your name and your occupation. MS. ELLISON: My name is Pat Ellison. licensed realtor in the State of Florida. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34 I'm a 19 associated with Walden Oaks since.the developer the land, and I have currently a real estate office located in the professional office center called Love Naples Rentals and Sales. MR. SAUNDERS: Is it true that you have specialized in the residential real estate market in that area? MS. ELLISON: MR. SAUNDERS: how many years? MS. ELLISON: MR. SAUNDERS: Yes, sir. And that's 68 bought the valuation of properties values -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. SAUNDERS: developments. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: and the impact on -- based on surrounding The first part -- and I'm speaking for myself here -- I can buy into, Oo~'~an court Reporting '(941) 79a-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341', those Twelve years. And you're familiar with the market values as well as the potential impacts of surrounding development on those values? MS. ELLISON: MR. '$AUNDERS: recognized as an expert in the real estate market, especially as it relates to that area, as well as to Yes, sir. From day one. .. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to have her been for app~oximately 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 69 valuation of properties, I think we -- we really need a certified appraiser as -- as has been our tradition at these hearings to be an expert witness in that case. MR. SAUNDERS: Perhaps I -- I overstated that. I~m trying to have her qualified as a person who can relate to the impacts on value, not necessarily the specific values of properties, but the impact of values based on surrounding development. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. MR. SAUND£RS: Whether a surrounding development will have a negative impact or positive impact on values. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Is there an *objection to this person being accepted as such? ~. MR. PRIDDY: Well, I~m not sure of the need for it because we're not going to change what's there. ~nd -- and it would seem to me that -- I mean, we can't wipe off what's already there. ~nd it would seem to me that whatever impact to values in the surrounding areas is -- is affected by what's there at present. So -- but -- MR. YOVANOVICH: And, Mr. Chairman, Just to voice an objection for the property owner, at this point I don't see any relevance to her testimony to Donovan Court Reporting 2668 Airport Road South, 793-002~ AU Naples, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '12 13 14 15 ].6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 criteria -- MR. PRIDDY: MR. YOVANOVICH: MR. SAUNDERS: to. 7O MR. YOVANOVICH: Just let me finish what don't either. -- before you today. We're saying that's what -- And that's what you're limited I'm saying. Just for purposes of the record, you have those criteria., you consider those criteria, this woman will not add anything to the evaluation of those criteria, so I would object to her testimony at this time or her being qualified as an expert to give any testimony on those criteria. MR. OATES: I would concur with Mr. -- Rich. It's easier that way. MR. BADAMTCHIAN: That's almost as bad as .. Chahram. CHAIRMA~ DAVIS: Mike, you know, there are some issues in the criteria that impacts -- you know, they're proposing that, in fact, it is an intensification, which is an -- obviously, in opposition to the staff finding. So it would strike me that -- to hear some brief testimony is -- is not going to be a problem. I -- but if the rest of you feel strongly that this person as an expert witness, as Mr. Donovan Cour~ RepOrting 2668 Airport Road South, sh°uldn't be accepted I Saunders descrtbe~ (9.41) 793-0021 I Naples, FL 34112109~~19~'' ! P.. ~ 71 CFAIRMAN DAVIS: Uh-huh. MR. SAUNDERS: And based on her experience and based, on the fact that she was an agent going back to the very first sales and development of that project, it's important that we have a resolution as to whether she's going to be accepted as an expert, at least to that limited scope. And the relevance of her testimony will become apparent as she testifies. But she is a real estate professional, and we would proffer her as an expert in the real estate market. I'm going to try to limit this a little bit so that -- proffer -- proffer her as an expert in the real estate market as it relates to that area of the the county and the impacts of development on -- on the real estate market. ~] Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341: i~ know, the majority rules certainly. Okay. So apparently we're going to accept this witness as -- as characterized? MR. BRUET: Yeah. I'm not s~re I'll accept her' as an expert witness, but I'll listen to her testimony. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Her credentials have been presented, and we'll now listen to her testimony. MR. SAUNDERS: We are proffering her as an expert in the real estate market in that area. 2 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: cestune of credentials to present with other expert witness? MR. SAUNDER$: We don't have a Do you have a -- do you have a to us as is practiced written resume, but she can certainly go through her experience as a real estate agent in that area, if the -- if the board deems that appropriate. }IR. PRIDDY: Mr. Chairman, I'm going to move that we not accept her as an expert witness -- MR. BRUET: I second that. MR. PRIDDY: -- with the lack of written documentation, and I myself am not familiar with -- with her and testimony in the past before, so I'm going to move that we not accept her as an expert witness. CHAIR~iAN DAVIS: that motion? All those (Ayes responded.) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Okay. Is there discussion on in favor signify by saying aye. still invite you to talk to us. point that we dealt with. MS. ELLISON: Oh, okay. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: We don't -- anyChinq. Don't misunderstand that. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 That carries unanimously. We That was Just a legal we don't hate you or AUG 0 t 1998 1 2 3 4 6 *7 8 9 10 '12 -13 14 1'7 20 22 23 24 HR. SAUND£RS: I do want to -- Just for the record, I do want to object. We've been put tn the position where we have not been able to, because of the short time period, bring in experts on property valuation, and we did bring in an expert on the real estate market, and you refused to hear her testify even as an. expert in real estate -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. SAUNDERS: Right. -- which and I would object to that. questions for her. I think is inappropriate, But we do have a few MR. SAN FILIPPO: Patty, can you Just tell the board who you are and where you've been working for the last 15 years. MS. ELLISON: My name is Patty Ell~son. I was hired by Mr. Buck, the developer of Walden Oaks. A/ad I was with him from the time of the zoning going through until presently right now my office is located at Walden Oaks. So that is my whole little h~b; that's my whole little world, in and out of Walden Oaks. I would like to say when we first developed Walden Oaks, Princess Park was not there, and we had built three Barrington condominium buildings. Shall I point them, or should I Just tell the story? Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-002! 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34111 AUG 0 1998 00017G .,,. 19 ~"- , 20 23 24 25 MR. SAN FILIPPO: You can point them out. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Very briefly because -- MS. ELLISON: I want to tell you about how Princess Park affected us. We had built three Barrington condo buildings, and in one day I had lost seven sales in one day. And that was frightening to the developer and to my~elf. And upon doing the research, we had found that Princess Park was a threat and being used by other developers that were coming into the area about what was going to be there. And as rumors go, it got to be where it was going to be a Coney Island. The developer came to the county and asked for a -- the site plan to -- for us to present to the prospective buyers that were coming in. This was.in the sales office and explained to them. When these people saw that there was really nothing there of value of noise and so forth, then we started. .And when the go-carts went in, it was a problem. A/Id we had to rercute Walden Oaks, that we went away from Walden Oaks and to the backside of the property in order ~o make the sales and to make it profitable. HR. SAN FILIPPO: Let me -- let me help you move on a little bit. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: I'm real concerned tha~ Donovan Court Reporting (9.41) 793-0021I 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3417~I~8 1 2 3 5 6 ? B 9 10 12 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -- the testimony that we're hearing to the criteria. MR. SAN FILIPPO: CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. SAN FILIPPO: specific questions. sales at Walden Oaks, 75 is right straight Okay. Okay? I'm going to ask you a few more Based on your experience and do you have an opinion as to whether the construction of a flying -- the flying dragon swing or roller coaster and water slide will affect the property values in the Walden Oaks association and the six subassociations? MS. ELLISON: Yes, sir, it will, definitely. Right now we just have the -- the go-carts and the loudspeaker and the lights, and that alone has been a major problem with that area. If anything else is added, the property values at that -- the mark -- things that are on the market for two years, and they've dropped $20,000. MR. YOVANOVICH: Mr. Davis, with all due respect, she's testifying. She's giving her professional opiniop as regard to valuation, which have said she is not qualified to do. note that for the record. she wants, but don't CNAIRMAN DAVIS: Donovan Court Reporting 2668 Airport Road South, you specifically I Just want to She can talk about whatever give it any weight as an expert. And, Mr. Yovanovich, (941) 793-002:/ . Naples, FL 341~2AUGO~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 76 you that those of us sitting up here know the difference between expert testimony and nonexpert. MR. SAN FILIPPO: I'd Just like -- I have not placed it on the record, but as the attorney for the. #alden Oaks, I'd like to place on the record that we did he not have sufficient time as well, and ! would like to just reconfirm what Mr. Saunders said. Azld that's why the issue about notice that we addressed in the beginning of the hearing when it was mailed as opposed to when the actual report went out is very significant in the fact that we did not know exactly what type of experts would be needed until the report was received. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: We -- we appreciate that. We know everyone's doing the best they can, and trus~ us to'-- to understand the differences between t~stimony and what's germane to the criteria that, once again, I'll say we are completely bound by and we need to focus in on. Mr. Priddy. MR. PRIDDY: Yes. I just have a question for the lady. You were there from the -- from the beginning. Were you aware that some five years before those buildings were built that there was a -- a planned unit development next door for an amusement Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples F' ~... AUG 0 4 1998 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 77 MS. ELLISON: MR. PRIDDY: MR. PEDONE: No, sir. Okay. I have a question. If that's the case, how did you lose sales on Barrington or Huntington, whatever the condominiums were called at the time, because of the proposed Princess Park? MS. ELLISON: They started building Princess Park after we were -- had the buildings built. But I was not aware that it was going to be a -- what the land was used for. It was -- MR. PRIDDY: But -- but it was in 1984 that the land was designated to be an amusement park. MS. ELLISON: Yes, sir. MR. PEDONE: Did you not info'tm people who were buying, or didn't the developer of Walden Oaks at,hat time know that there was going to be an amusement park already approved for that location? MR. SAN FILIPPO: answer -- MR. PEDONE: Ms. Ellison, I think we can Pedone. MR. SAN FILIPPO: -- Mr. Pedone's question. Were you aware that this was the original plan for Princess Park? MS. ELLISON: MR. SAN FILIPPO: Okay. And did you Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 Once it was brought to us, yes. AUG 0 1998 u. 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 1.6 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the county and go over nineteen -- that were -- that were Princess Park back in 19847 MS. ELLISON: I didn't meet with them. the specific uses back in planned for The developer and the -- the developer did and brought this to us as a salesperson to present to the people. MR. SAN FILIPPO: Did the county provide a colorized version of this particular plan for you to use in selling the Walden Oaks development? MS. ELLISON: Yes. We did have that, yes, sir. MR. SAN FILIPPO: And did they also provide you with a list of the permitted uses back in 1984 so that you could tell people who were going to purchase at Walden Oaks what the scope of the development at ?rincess Park would be? MS. ELLISON: Yes. But I'm not quite sure about the year that -- you know, of the year that -- MR. PEDONE: Yes. MS. ELLISON: Yes. MR. PEDONE: Okay. But was it written in stone? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Excuse me. We won't take any comments until such time as you can come up to the podium and speak to us. MR.. SAN FILIPPO: At this time I'd like Donovan Court Reporting (9.41) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341: ,2 AUG 0 4 ~ 000181 (Unintelligible voice from the audience spoke.) 79 2 3 4 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 .... 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ,7 25 that Hiss Ellison be excused unless there are any further questions. MR. YOVANOVICH: Can I just ask a couple questions? I don't want to belabor the point. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Well, you certainly have the right to do so. MR. YOVANOVICH: .Are you familiar with the county zoning process and what PUD master plans mean? MS. ELLISON: A little, yes, sir. MR. YOVANOVICH: Are you familiar that master plans are usually conceptual in nature? I'm just asking if she has any knowledge of the process. HR. SAN FILIPPO: Let me Just object that this witness has not been proffered as an expert in matters of'zoning and planning. MR. PRIDDY: Mr. Chairman, I would suggest that since we didn't accept her as an expert witness, that it's not even appropriate for her to be cross-examined, if you will, because she's basically comment from the public and -- MR. SAN FILIPPO: I have no objection to factual cross-examination based on her testimony, but he's outside the scope. testimony at all. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 It hasn't been raised in her 00018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 8O Thank you. At this time we'd like to -- to MR. YOVANOVICH: I'll take it back. My point was, she has told people what she has been told about the PUD. She doesn't know much about the PUD process, so whatever she told them bears little weight. CHAIRMA~ DAVIS: MR. SAN FILIPPO: call -- to excuse Ms. Ellison and call a few of the homeowners of Walden Oaks who would like to speak. The first person I'd like to call is Mr. William Ellerhorst who is a retired general contractor and a resident of, I believe, the Barrington Homeowners Association. He is the president of Walden Oaks, which is the master association for the six subassociations. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. ELLERHORST: CHAIRMAN DAVIS: which criteria are being addressed now. MR. ELLERHORST: I'm addressing you today, Mr. Chairman and Commissioners, as the president of Walden Oaks Homeowners Association. I represent some 206 families. At the present time and in the past, the noise level has aggravated most all of the six associations within the Wa].den Oaks. I would hope that you would give this great consideration D°novan Court RePorting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 And if -- ~ Yes. And if you could provide us with AUG 0 4 1998 000183 1 19 2O they plan on doing. ~e. Cf~IRMAN DAVIS: MR. SAN FILIPPO: 81 And I thank you for listening to Thank you, sir. I'd like Mr. Ellerhorst also to speak on the issue of compatibility and intensity and how it's affected the homeowners of the Walden Oaks homeowners association and the subassociations of which he represents. MR. ELLERHORST: as -- CHAIRM~N DAVIS: MR. ELLERHORST: CHAIRMAN DAVIS: compatibility. MR. ELLERHORST: Well, compatibility, as far How the new things -- New things -- -- being talked about affect -- are going to affect us is.. obviously where they're intent on putting that. you can see, the swimming pool and clubhouse are As ~djacent to what their intentions are as far as some of these rides. The noise level that we are now getting without these ri. des from the batt. ing cages are quite prevalent at the swimming pool area and at the clubhouse. The area that has the most impact on anything coming out of King Richard's is here at the rear. And I know that several of our people in those areas are very aggravated to the amount of t] Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 82 level. There has been several occasions whereby the city has come in and gone so far as to run decibel rate -- ratings. They have proven -- I can't really get into' it because I'm not a professional on decibel ratings. All I can say is the decibel ratings, the way they did it here in the county, allowed them to say it was within the allowable decibels. That's here nor there. But I know that I -- I received several calls from time to time from different people in this area complaining about the noise level, complaining about speaker level, this kind of thing. Okay? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. ELLERHORST: MR. SAN FILIPPO: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Bill. I'd like to call also Mr. Alan Small, who's a homeowner at the Huntington association, which is located right at the easteznmost portion of the King Richard's development. MR. SMALL: Mr. Chairman, my name is Alan Small. I don't know what I can add because I'm not expert enough to know how to remain specific in what I very clearly understood the chairman to say that what I can say and not say as far as the specifics go. Our concern at Huntington,,which is that gr~ Oono an 2668 Airport Road South, Naples,FL 3411 AUG 0 000185 1 2 3 4 6 '7 9 10 12 13 ],4 ],5 1'7 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 83 buildings immediately to the west of -- is noise. We would be the first to ad, it that the visual -- there's no visual impact. We have a good screen of shrubbery. We don't see King Richard's once we are inside our homes. Noise is the problem. We have owners that prefer not to sit on their lanai, the ones that face the King Richard's park, in the evening, in the winter, because the noise level is Just too high. I think all of the owners in our -- my subdivision would enjoy spending a Florida evening out in the quiet. There is no night when we can do that. We have to listen to the go-carts. Now, that's a fact, we have told -- we're talking about the present and the future. The past is what it is; so be it. But if these things are added, I cannot Judge how much additional noise a roller coaster, be it so small. And if there wasn't going to be some drop, it would be on a -- it would just be a railroad. So there's going to be drops. There's going to be children screaming with pleasure. The water slide, I don't know how much yelling and screaming -- Justifiable yelling and screaming it will generate. We can't appreciate this. All that we have seen in the past is once it's in, we live with the Donovan Court Reporting (941) 7F%3-03042111~ ~~~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 i2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and then people tell us, hey, thatts the past. can't go back. It's a done deal. behind the loop on this problem. thing I would like to contribute. answer any questions if I could. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: (No response.) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. SAN FILIPPO: You So we are always That is the only I'll be happy to Ouestions of Mr. Small? Thank you very much, Mr. Small. I'd like to call next Sylvia Blum who's a homeowner at Huntington, I believe -- MS. BLUM: Yes. MR. SAN FILIPPO: did you first MS. BLUM: -- und ask -- Ms. Blum, when move into Huntington? Two -- two years ago. MR. SAN FILIPPO: And had you known Richard's park was planning to add a roller coaster and water slide and a third go-cart track, would you have purchased your property? MS. BLUM: There is no way -- MR. SAN FILIPPO: Can you -- M$~ BLUM: -- that I would have considered it. MR. SAN FILIPPO: Can you tell us how the King Richard's park impacts your property at present? MS. BLUM: At present I can't use the lanai. 84 that the King Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 J AUG 0~].( 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34112 i 000187 25 85 so bad that it goes right into the .house with the air conditioning on. I know that this is existing right now. When they came around to take the decibel levels -- I'm not an expert, but they always manage to come a~ound on an evening that was misty, raining, where King Richard was not really doing its full thing. I have invested a lot of money as a single widow in this piece of property, and I am scared stiff. It is Just tolerable now. It's going to be impossible if they are permitted to continue on and expand this, and then my investment is going to be worth nothing. HR. SAN FILIPPO: CHAIRMAR DAVIS: MR. SAN FILIPPO: Thank you very much. Thank you. Next I'd like to call Mr. Pierre Grau (phonetic). HR. GRAU: Gentlemen. HR. SAN FILIPPO: Hr. Grau, could you tell the board how the King Richard's park has impacted you and what you believe the impact of the new attractions will be on your property? MR. GRAU: We moved in approximately a year ago, and'at that time we moved in we were under the ~ .~ 24 [ impression that that property was bankrupt and that 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 ~3 14 15 17 18 ~9 20 21 22 23 our buying the unit that we bought.. Had we known that they were going to increase it, put more traffic through there, we wouldn't have bought. There's other reasons why we moved into the area. We probably moved -- would have moved to Naples, but we wouldn't have moved into Walden Oaks. MR. SAN FILIPPO: ~d had you known that there was going to be a roller coaster, water slide, and third go-cart track, would you have purchased approximately a year ago? MR. GRAU: No, we wouldn't have. Like the other lady said, some nights the loudspeakers, as they are now, it sounds like Stalag 13. It goes on until 10:30, eleven o'clock at night. I 'have a seven-year-old son. His room faces the area that you see that's going to be developed. Some nights he sleeps downstairs because it's just too noisy with the air conditioner on with the windows closed. As it stands now, it's too noisy. If you increas~ it, it's going to get worse, and probably we would move out. MR. SAN FILI??O: .Thank you very much. MR. PEDONE: I -- I have a question. You said you moved in a -- a year ago. MR. GRAU: Yes, sir. MR. PEDONE: Did you hear any noise prio Don~van Court RePOrting (941) 793-00211 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 2 !5 20 21 22 moving in? Did you do any investigating whatsoever? MR. GRAU: Yes, sir, we did. At the time we were under the impression that the business was going out of business. MR. PEDONE: But was there noise at the time, even though it was not going out of bus -- that it had not gone out of business yet or whatever the circumstances would have been? MR. GRAU: When we purchased the unit, it was in November. And during the winter months, therets less traffic, there's less noise. We had a renter that was renting from November to June. We moved in at the height of the noise. MR. PEDONE: Did you -- MR. GRAU: Again, had we known that there wa~ going to be that much noise, we wouldn't have moved in. MR. PEDONE': When moving next door to an amusement park, did you think that there would not be noise or if they were going bankrupt that maybe someone else would buy the amusement park and keep it going? ! mean, ! can't understand how anyone can buy next to an amusement park and then complain about any noise. It Just doesn't make any sense. MR. GRAU: If I was under the impression Dog'van Court Reporting (941} 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411~ AUG 0 & 1998 0~ ''~*~ O' 2 13 21 :' -':'.' 24 was going to go bankrupt because of the noise, because they were in violation of whate%er ordinance, that's my decision. MR. PEDONE.' MR. GRAU: MR. PEDONE: MR. GRAU: Yes. It maybe was a poor decision. Okay. But if you're going to allow this to go on and perpetuate and get worse, then'you're part of the problem. MR. PEDONE: That's fine. {Applause from audience.) MR. PEDONE: But I don't see it as a problem. MR. SAN FILIPPO: respect the decorum. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: never hurts. MR. SAN FILIPPO: final witness -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: MR. SAN FILIPP0: Ladies and gentlemen, please, Thank you. I"d like to call -- Once in awhile some applause~ I'd like to cail one -- one Mr. Kenvin? I guess we're -- oh. MR. KENVlN: Yes. MR. SAN FILIPP0: words for us, please? Okay. -- and that is Fred Kenvin. Are you Mr. Kenvin? Could you come up and say a few Could you introduce yourself to the board and tell them who you are and where Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 AUG 0 & 1990 u S1 · 22 live? HR. KENVIN: I'm Fred Kenvin. I live at Huntington directly behind the amusement park area. MR. SAN FILIPPO: Mr. Kenvin? MR. KEb~rIN: And when did you move in, moved in in 1990. 89 AUG 0 4, 1998 OOOl (Mr. Bruet exited the room.) MR. SAN FILIPPO: And how has the King Richard's amusement park impacted your life at Huntington? MR. KENVIN: Well, I have the same problem as the others that have notified that the noise is discerning at night. The loudspeaker is discerning at night. No need to try to, of course, to sit out in tranquility on your patio because you can't do'it. When I first moved -- just before I got -- bought there, they were shut down, and'it wasn't operating. A/Id, of course -- and so they re -- I thought they were going to go bankrupt. People all said that at that time. And it did bear fruit on my -- m3 reasoning to go ahead.and -- and buy the townhouse that I hl.ve. MR. SAN FILIPPO: Have you attempted to sell your place? MR. KENVIN: I -- I have attempted to sell it, but I've been unable to do so. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 2O : ' 21 22 9O MR..SAN FILIPPO: Why have You been unable to sell your property? MR. KENVIN: Well, people don't come back to -- don't come back to -- to look at it, mostly. And those that do look at it, they don't come back. And I am presuming, of course, that they're -- they're looking at the noise level and the park being there. (Mr. Bruet entered the room.) MR. SAN FILIPPO: Thank you very much, Mr. Kenvin. At this time I'd like to just wrap things up with a few brief words and turn it over to Mr. Sander -- Mr. Saunders. Walden Oaks and King Richard's -- on behalf of the people of Walden Oaks, we're not trying to shut down King Rtchard's. We have no complaint~. here today about the current noise levels, the' current product that they have next door. The complaints we have are with proposed changes. And by looking back to 1984, you can see that this park isn't as initially planned, and it's been a slippery slope for the people of Walden Oaks. It starts with a brief modification of the parking and the track, and it goes to an extension of the track, then insertion of a merry-go-round without any apparent zoning, without hearing~ without a public hearing on this malter~~, Dono?an Court Reporting (941) 793-0C:'X 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3.11 AU~ 0 4[998 Oo 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 91 I think the reason why you see this turnout today, this is the first hearing that the people have -- where the people have had an opportunity to voice their opinions and to represent themselves before the- -- the planning commission. The new uses are mechanical. They will be noisy. We don't know much about them. That's a fact. There's no buffers around there. photographs that attest to that. We'll submit That's un -- uncontested. The late modification. These people have come here today to ask you to just maintain the status quo. This was a specific use. It was a PUD. It wasn't zoned commercial. It was a PUD with very narrow and specific uses. A~d if the com~ission will look at those uses, for the mo~.t part they are quiet uses. There is a large -- Walden Oaks is a large development today. It spans from the -- the southernmost point -- point of the driving range all the way around to the orange groves and all the way up Orange Blossom Drive then back south. There are several -- I believe, 330 families living there. This affects the recreation center that affects all these people. Sd we're asking that the board just consider to not allow this to happen and at the very eas~~ Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0302Zllt AUG04:1.9 98 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL .Pq' , 1 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 92 AUG 0 & 19°J) this a substantial alteration, to look at the photographs, look at the evidence that's presented. These are substantial changes to the park, changes to the -- the specifics in 1984. Thank you. And I'm going to turn it over to Mr. Saunders. MR. SAUNDERS: Mr. Chairman, we have several documents that we want to just put into the record Just for purposes of the record. One is the -- the appeal that has been filed which contains many of the records of this, as well as the photographs of the rides. In addition, the photographs that Paul has referred to. And I believe that the -- our request for a continuance is already a part of the record, so we won't introduce a new -- MR. SAN FILIPPO: We have some additional ~. photographs as well of the King Richard's park and some -- also some population figures that we'd like to introduce. MR. YOVANOVICH: I don't know the relevance of the population figures. MR. ~A/~ FILIPPO: Well, with regard to traffic patterns, North Naples, where this is located, is the fastest growing section of Collier County. I think it's relevant to the impact on traffic, the specifications that Mr. Chairman was referri] Donovan court Reporting {941) 793-00~ 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341~ ! 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 93 previously. MR. SAUNDERS: Mr. Chairman, Just real quickly -- and I certainly appreciate the patience of the entire board -- there are -- I misplaced the list of criteria. I guess in some ways whether this is a substantial deviation or not is sort of like define what pornography is. There is some definite criteria here, but there are also some subjective analysis I think each one of you has to do as you look at those criteria. And what we're specifically asking you today is to determine that this is not a minor change, but that this is a substantial deviation which would recfuire a more thorough review of the proposed changes to the PUD. And as was pointed out, the 1984 ordinance had' certain specific types of uses that have been described by Mr. San Filippo as -- as quiet uses. And now we're moving into the realm of more noisy uses. We're -- we've got a roller coaster which was never contemplated originally. And I think we all recognize how intrusive that can be. We have the swing that is a very large swing. You'll see photographs of that; that will certainly be noisy. And then, of course, you've got the increase in the number of -- of golf cart -- of go-cart tracks on there. Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793S0'6'21 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 94 A/%d I wanted to take a look at some of the specific criteria. Criteria No. B talks in terms of, is there a proposed increase in the total intensity of land use or height of buildings within the development? Well, clearly there is an increase in intensity, even though the staff report says there is not. And clearly there is an increase in the height. You have a roller coaster. We have the swimming facility that's going to be 28 feet high. ! don't see how you can add things to this development and not say there's an increase in intensity. That to me doesn't make any sense. In Criteria No. D it -- or, yeah, D, it says, is there a proposed increase in the size of areas used for nonresidential uses, etc.? The staff report o.ays that -- says no, the site is not proposed to increase an area. Well, that almost sounds like staff saying as long as they don't add any square footage to the area, they can cram anything on to that site that they want because it's not an increase in the -- in the uses. I don't think that that makes any sense. I think that staff is incorrect. There's more to it than determining whether there's additional square footage added to the site. We have increased uses added to the site that were not contemplated Ln ~1 Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 AUG 0 4 1998 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34112 .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 95 original site plan. And No. E, is there a substantial increase in the impacts of the development which may include but are not limited to increases in traffic generation, changes in traffic circulation? Well, I tell you, I don't think anybody on this board would conclude that there's not going to be an increase in traffic. You're going to have more facilities. You're going to have a swimming feature that will certainly attract a lot of people. You're going to have the roller coaster and the other ride that will attract people, as well as the increase in the number of go-cart tracks that will attract people. I think everyone recognizes that there will be an increase in traffic. They wouldn't be doing this if there wasn't going ~.o be an increase in traffic. And I think that in and of itself makes this a substantial deviation, one that needs to be evaluated more thoroughly than simply what was reviewed on this one. With that, Mr. Chairman, and members of the board, I would respectfully request this petition be denied, that there be a determination that if there are going to be changes to this of this intensity and of this nature that it be considered a substantial change. Mr. Chairman, we also -- we'll leav~ t~~~ ' Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793~6~t 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34112 ~?~~ 96 two aerials as part of the record -- CHAI .RMAN DAVIS: MR. SAUNDERS: Okay. Thank you. -- in these proceedings. Thsnk you, Mr. Chairman. 5 CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Are there additional speakers 6 from the audience to speak on this petition before we 7 get back to the petitioner's representative? 8 (No response.) 9 CHAIR~'J~N DAVIS: Seeing none, we'll finish up 10 with -- with you. 1I MR. YOVANOVICH: I think it would be helpful if I 12 just call a property owner to have them -- they bare · ~w~ 12: concerns about what the rides are going to look like. .~. 14 I'll Just introduce the pictures into the record 15 as to what the rides are going to look like. I cat do 16 it quicker if you-all will stipulate these are the 17 rides and not pulling the client up. This is what is 18 intended, and this is just a depiction of what a lazy 19 river is. 20 MR. SAN FILI?PO: Yeah. I haven't seen -- I ' 21 don't kno:~ -- how -- how it's -- how it's platted out. 22 But, yeah, that is what it is, that's what proposed, 23 then -- 24 MR. YOVANOVICH: Just for the record, I've '~ ~DA ITE~.~ 25 starred ~he kind of slide that we're talki~.g ~'"'- Do'°van Court Reporting (941) 793-00 ~U~O ~ 1~8 " 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3 ,_Jill ...... I , , ....... ~ ' . ' ' --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 97 Of course, you're not what a This is what a lazy river is. going to build it to that magnitude, but that's lazy river is. With -- with that said, I just have a -- a few closing points. You may ~ant to confirm some of this with Susan Murray. But at least it's my understanding of the master planning process and the PUD is that that document is a conceptual plan and there will be changes to that plan, and that's what we're here to do today, is to address those conceptual changes, i believe we're still required to do an SDP for the different attractions that will be coming in and meet county code. We're certainly not avoiding the county code. This is a -- this is simply a petition to -- ~o change the map attached to the PUD. It's not a hearing to reconsider whether or not the PUD should be there in the first place. We've already focused on that. We've tried to limit their testimony to that. That decision was made a long time ago. The types of use~ that are permitted under the PUD document were determined, and the person responsible for interpreting the PUD, Mr. Mulhere, has told you that in his professional planner experience, that what we are asking to depict on that master plan is a Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411~ AUG 0 4 1998 0 0 2 ,'7.. 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 98 I was contemplated in the original PUD. There is no 2 testimony to the different -- there is not a 3 professional planner who testified on their side 4 contrary to anything that the county staff has 5 testified to and the conclusions of county staff or 6 any of the conclusions of Mr. Landy. The only 7 professional testimony in the record is of Mr. Muller 8 -- I mean, Mulhere, Ms. Murray, and Mr. Landy. That's 9 the only competent substantial evidence in the record. 10 The changes that we're contemplating is there's 11 an existing go-cart track. It's going to be reduced. 12 You're going to have kid go-carts, smaller go-carts, less noise. We're reducing noise in that we're also putting sound barriers up to reduce noise. And let's not forget the county does have a noise ordinance ~.hat we have to live with just like everybody else has to live with. And there have been no violations of that noise ordinance. The -- I've handed out a picture of the slide that's going to be -- you'll slide into the swimming pool. It's a fairly innocuous use. You can see the slide is not that grand sale. This is not Sun Splash or Disney World. It's a half-an-acre site. It's not a big intensive use. And it's already contemplated -- slides like that into a Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-00~1 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 2 99 1 are not unusual. 2 The, quote, roller coaster is 12 feet in height. 3 It's got rubber-type wheels. It's not -- this roller 4 coaster you're experienced with at Coney Island where. 5 you hear clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, that is 6 not what is being contemplated and is not what will be ~ built. So again, we're not talking about an 8 intensification of uses. 9 This project has always been permitted as a 10 recreational area. We are not trying to change the 11 character of that. All the uses are already permitted i2 under the PUD. They're authorized uses. We're just 13 trying to tell you and show you where they're going to "- 14 be on the map. We're trying to do.what staff has 15 already determined to do are minor, insubstantial 16 changes to the PUD map. 17 There again, I just want to highlight, there has 18 been no testimony from the other side. There has 19 been, you know, a lawyer like me up there arguing. 20 But I will tell you that my testimony is not expert } 21 testimony ¢)n planning issues, and I don't believe that · 22 their attorneys' representations regarding 23 compatibility and the like are expert testimony. It's 24 Just argument, and it needs to be taken for that, as 25 what mine is. And I'm trying to tell you Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 2 '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 100 facts show, and that's -- that's what they are. And I have witnesses to back up what'I'm saying the facts show. They do not have any witnesses. Therefore, we think at this time, this -- this planning commission should conclude that the changes we are requesting are in~:ubstantial and grant our petition. Thank you. CHAIRFJtN DAVIS: Thank you. MR. BRUET: Thank you. With that i'll close the public CHAIRM~I DAVIS: hearing. MR. PRIDDY: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to -- to move that we approve Petition PDI-98-2 finding that it is, in my opinion, an insubstantial change. Granted, we heard a lot of testimony today that what's there i~. not what was on the map in -- in '84. And a lot of things around town look different today than they did in -- years ago. Publix has, you know, large delis and bakeries in them. We have movie theatres that have not one screen but six or eight. Things change. And with -- with that, I move for approval. MR. OATES: Second. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: There's a motion of approval by Mr. Priddy seconded by Mr. Oates. Discussion? MR. BRUET: Mr. Chairman, I got one sug DonoVan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 2 AUG 0 ,1 1998 00,0;203 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 101 here to hopefully reach maybe aocompromise, and I'd like to bring it up for a moment. Russell, could the -- could the motion include, perhaps -- it seems that noise has been our concern, even though we haven't had any noise violation. Would there be -- would you be agreeable to asking the petitioner or make it part of the motion that this kiddie flying dragon, slash, pirate swing be relocated more towards the commercial portion or move it to the west, which would put it maybe north of the big castle? It looks to me like this lazy river water slide takes up an awful lot of room where we could take this figure eight and incorporate it into the same area. Now, that would pull it away from the club where the residents certainly we need to honor their -- the peace and ~ quiet and tranquility that they want to receive. And I think that's adding 600, 800 feet of distance by pulling that ride down into more of an activity center, so to speak, north of the castle an~ west out to the parking lot. MR. PRIDDY: I'm not -- I'm not sure that they hav,~ -- have the room to -- you know, to do both of those. What I -- what I would be amenable to doing is, perhaps, requiring, if we could, some additional AGE~ landscape buffer along the -- the northern Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 ! AU~ 0 41995 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411~0~0204 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll '12 13 14 ~5 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BRUET: That was also -- was going to be a suggestion, that they bring the buffer into conformance with the current LDC -- I would -- I would certainly -- -- between residential and MR. PRIDDY: MR. BRUET: commercial. MR. PRIDDY: 102 today's -- MR. BRUET: MR. PRIDDY: I'l'l buy that. MR. PEDONE: Current LDC. -- current LDC standards. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Northern and eastern? MR. PRIDDY: Yeah. Although to tke east there's already a pretty substantial buffer there, but, yeah, Yeah. I -- CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Discussion? MR. PEDONE: Yeah. I think noise carries better across a lake than across trees. MR. PRIDDY: But it would almost seem to me that if they could put some landscape in on the western side of the lake so that it blocks some of the noise before it hits that water, that that would, perhaps, too, be a good-neighbor-type feature. Donovan COurt RePorting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 I would add that as part of my motion that a landscape -- the landscape buffer to the northern boundary of the property be brought up to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 103 MR. W.RAGE: Just a point that.I would like -- I'm going to support that motion. And a lot -- a lot of things we've heard here this morning have to do with code enforcement. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Yeah. MR. WRAGE: And I think the folks that have the complaints need to address it to that. MR. SAUNDERS: Mr. Chairman, could I ask a question on the motion Just for some clarification? CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Yes. Very briefly, yes. MR. SAUNDERS: During the -- the discussion, there was an indication that there would not be two rides here, that they would be either/or. MR. BRUET: Only one. One or'the other. That's the way I understand it. MR. SAUNDERS: I'm not askinG that you support the motion, but I would ask that you include that stipulat ~.on. MR. PRIDDY: To one ride on that oval-eight or fi(~ure-e ?..~ht location. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Yeah. And I think that was the testimony we heard, that it's going to be one or the other, not both, at that figure-eight location. MR. YOVA2NOVICH: That -- that's fine. I do need -- one or the other is fine. I do need to poi~~ "'--~or~-~v~n Co[~*t Report~'~[~g' (941) 793-00~21 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3~112 "0 1 3 4 5 5 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 1~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 104 don't think there's physically enough room to -- on that 15-foot buffer. I mean, there's already substantial plantings there. I don't know if we can quite get to the current berming standards. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: We might -- MR. YOVANOVICH: We:ll see.. I mean, we can do --- you know, get as much as we can in there. But you've got to remember at the time this all was done, such rules didn't exist. CHAIRMAH DAVIS: Right. It may not be in width, but it may be in intensity. MR. YOVANOVICH: We'll do the best we can there. And also -- I mean, this may also help on your point. if you see the sound barrier by the -- by the track (indicating), we can add a similar feature to the cast part of that track there which would act as a sound barrier because I don't th~.nk at the end, the far east corner cf the property, we can do what you're trying to get to. MR. PRIDDY: Yeah. I think if you'll try to catch as much of the noise before it hits the water, it would certainly help ~he residents to the rear or to the east of the property. MR. YOVANOVICH: Right. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Ail right. I'm not go Do~o-~an Court Reporting (941) 793-002 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 1 2 3 4 5 6 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 support the motion. ~%d it looks like I'm going to the odd man out on this one, but -- and I'm going to tell you why. The -- the traffic concern that was raised earlier, I -- I don't see that this place was designed with traffic calculations and whatnot. And from my observations driving by, the parking doesn't even get fully utilized. But there was -- there was an intensity envisioned in the intensity of use, if you will, envisioned in the original PUD that has been amended'a couple times, as we've heard. Arid in my opinion, and with all due respect to staff, I disagree that -- that that threshold of intensity is not passed. And I -- it is in this case. The -- the point has been reached, and it's gone beyond. So I'll just throw that out. Any more discussion on the motion? MR. PEDONE: No -- ye::. Contrary to your belief that you're the only one, I happen to agree with you. I think that the intensity has changed, even though my apFearance may have been dJfferentiy. I do believe that it -.- that the slide alone will cause a lot more traffic to go in and out of Princess Park. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Yeah. The traffic -- MR. PEDONE: I tend to agree with you, CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Well -- and I'm citing Davis. ,~G~N, Donovan Court Reportinq (941) 793-0021 2668 ..~irport Road South, Naples, FL 341~2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 ].2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 specifically Criteria B. And, you.know, and -- you know, it's -- it's up to us to, you know, decide whether this is substantial or insubstantial. And in -- in doing that, as ever?one heard me say so many times, that we're bound by the criteria. It's all we have to consider. So I think it meets all the other criteria, but I do not think it meets Item B as in boy. Any other discussicn on it? (No response.) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: I'll call the question then. All those in favor of the motion, signify'by saying aye. (Ayes.) CHAIRMAN DAVIS: Opposed? ._ Aye. MR. PEDONE: Nay. CHAIRMAN DAVIS: So it passes 4 to 2. And with that -- MB. PRIDDY: Take a break? (Proceedings concluded at 11:11 a.m.) 106 D°n°van court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 341 ~EI'~OA ITEId REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 107 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER I, Barbara A. Donovan, Registered Merit and Certified Real-?ime Reporter, certify that I was authorized to and did stenographically report the foregoing proceedings and that the transcript is a true and complete record of my stenographic notes. 1998. Dated this ~-~ day of ~ __ Barbara A. Donovan Donovan Court Reporting (941) 793-0021 2'668 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 3411 AGE~DA 00021..0 E~ CI. YrlArE SUMMARY PETITION NO. CU-98.-i3, MIREYA I.,OUVIE~ REPRESENTING NORRIS WADE BETHEL, REQUESTING CONDrrlONAL USE "2" OF 'FifE AGPdCT.rLTURE ZONING D!STPdCT TO ALLOW FOR A HORTICULTURAL MUL~G FACILITY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOIYD~T CORNER OF IMMOKALF, E ROAD (CR-846) AND WOODCP, Y_ST DRIVE, iN SECTION 25, TOWNS~II, P 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. The applicant is seetdn8 to obt,,'rin ~nditiznal u~e a~rcval to con.'3uct a honJcult~a-',d mulching faciliD' on an 18.75 acre site. CONSIDERATIO}'{S: The ~abjec! site has 660 feet of front.age on the south side of Irranokalec Roan and 1,270 feet of frcmtzf;e along ~e east si& of Wcx~l, erest Drive. The petitioner indicates that the p~oposed f~ility l~'c',nde~ for two types of portable power equipment for mulching wood and other horticultural bypm, lu~. The equipment is comprised of a tub--grin,'ler to grind trees and bmnc:hes to make mulch ar, d a tree debark~ that is u~ed on larger trees to make them suitable for making lurnber at a lumber yard. "fhe facility will al.~ be u3e. d to recycle mulch and other agricultural products. The pefifion~ also ~',~l~':s that a medium me. rdl~ would be on-site to empty and load trucks. Fm'thermore, ~e site eonS,ff~a a 304 r, quam foot office, storage and bathroom facility to serve the two employees. L~stly, a d/esel fuel ~ noi exc. eod~th~ 500 gallora will be stored on site. The trMtic impact revi~v indicates tl~a ~, proposed u,.e will generate ~ rrmximum of approximately 15 weekday trips. It is anticipated that 3 trips per day will be, from tJae larger s~-~mi-truck type vehicles while the remzd~-,g trips w/It be from maalter V, ton trucks. The~e trips will not exce~ the significance t~st standard (5 percent of the level ..ff serri~ "C" flmign volmne) on Immokalee Road frtmting the project. T'nerefore, this petition is cotm,~x-nt with Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Traffic Circulation Element O'CE). Lastly, the project's prol:.:~ed ~8jess ard egver, s from Woodcrest Drive is considered to be an optimal l~alion in terms of traffic flow and safety. The lizt below contains a ~m~mary of the evaluation of the criteria which are specifically noted in Section of th, Iamd .r~..velopmem Code ~quiring ~.aff evaluation wat commm:tt, and used .as the b~.sis for :~ recom ax.m -d~., ,~, for approval or denial by the Collier CormD- Plmmhag Commi~ion and tt~ Board of County Commirai There are no exist/ag resk'~-nfial ~ructures on the adjaceut properties and the will be over 150 fe~ frcrm the ~ boundaries. The sm'rounding land nse~.~, to the south, east and west are currently vacant wooded agricultural land~. In atlditiorb the file ia'o',rides a 100 foot natural buffer from Immokalee Road and a 30 foot ~ buffer around the Ix:.4me~er of the pmjec;, that will buffer and r, cre,m the :,ower equipment AUG 0 1998 Thc petitioner has limited the hours of operation from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to ensm'e that the operation of the mulching facility will not significantly impact an),' residential areas. The facility will also be closed on Saturdays and Sundays. The adjacent land use to the north (~ross Irnmok'2.1~ Road) is an f, arllL.wailli~ operation which fax ex~ any noise., dust, glare or oder !hat will l:e gmerated by the proposed mulching facil/ty. The proj~cfs ingress and egress from Woodcrest Drive should not adversely impact traffic flow. Furthermore, the petitioner has agreed to pave V/c~ Drive from ImmokMee Road to the CONS: The west side of the subject site abuts the Urban Residential area as designated on the FLUE. Th/s sa'ca permits a base density of 4 dwelling un/ts per acre. It is anticipated that the propmtdes to the west of the site may be developed w/th urban residemtial uses in the range of 2 to 3 refits per acre which would thm~ be in~.'ompatible with the mficip;,ted furore residential conditions. .A.ccess to thc site is provided via Woodcres't Drive which is currently a private dirfflkuerock road. Dump trucks hauling material onto and off site typically will generate excessive dust and may ,.-xacerbatc maintenance problems on made with this type of surface. However, the paving of ~'oodcrest Drive from Immokalee Road to thc project entrance should allcv/ate those concerns. T%snporary noim and odor may result to neighboring properties from the movement of trucks and heavy equipment into and out of the site, which will be exacerbated in the future when the ~..rth mining operafim ceases operation and more residential opportunities are created. '£b¢ development trends along this corridor of lmmokalee Road indicate that this Rural Agriculture d,'~ignated area will conic to develop with single family commua/ties such as the Twin Eagles . development to the east. Furth~cmore, maff is of the opinion that the proposed mulcl-dng facility is not compatible with the hcrc;ksLng mbanized character ;.hat is projected for the area once the earth mining operation to the no;'th h~ c. omple:ed ice excavation. Therefore, !he petitioner ago'eed .,,/th aaff's recormnendation to place a five (5) year limit on the conditional use from the time of its approval. At the end of th,at time frame the u~se must ~d or the petitioner may apply for another conditional use in order t,: continue the rnutctfing operation. The Collier Co~mty Plaxm/ng Commission reviewed tiffs pe. fition on July 16, 1998 during their public hearing and voted 4 to 3 to; recommend at:lzw_zal of tiffs petition with the requirement that the conditional use be lhaited to 5 years from the time of approval. At that time the use must end or the petitioner will have to at~ly for another conditional use in order to continue the mulcl'fing operation. The Planning CommOtion al.so stipulated that the petitioner pave Woodcrest Drive with asphalt from Immokalee Re, ad to the pmjo:! entrance. The lbur (4) votes recommending approval was based on their findings that the cond/fional ~.e is consi~ent with the Growth Management Plan, tl: safe arm the project is compatible with the adjacent land us,~. The three votes rec; was b~d on the finding tkat thi~ p:tifim~ isn't compatible with the residential dwell Drive or with the projectiom for increased residential development in the area. ,Inm~al on wooacrest AUG 0 1998 FISCAL IMPACT: Thks petition by and of itself will have no firw~ impact on the County. Howev~, if this petition achieve~ im objective, the land will be developed. The mere f~t that new development has beton approved ,~411 result in a future fiscal Lmpact on County public facilities. The County collects impact fees prior to the issuance of building permits to help off-set the impact of each new' dcveloprnent on public facilifiea. These impact fees arc used to fund projects in thc Capital Improvement El,~rnent needed to maintain adopted levels of service for public facilities. In the event that impact fee coll'-:efions are inadequate to maintain adopted levels of ser,'ice, the County must provide supplemental funds from other revenue sources in order to build needc, d facilities. GROWTIt MANAGEMENT IMPACt: The subject property is designawxl Agricultural/Rural - Mixed Use Agfieultm'al Residential Sub-district on the Ful~re Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). Tkis designation is for those ;~reas that are remote front the existing development pattern, lack public facilities and s~'~'vices or are in agriculnn'e prochxetion. The maximum d~ity ~n this area is 1 dwelling trait per 5 acres. The district also permits non- residential uses such as agricultural uses, churches, schools, essen~al services, utility facilities, earth mining, oil/grs production and related procesxing such a.s mulching fic/lifies. Therefore, this proposed use is consistent with the GMP. Lastly, this conditional use petition does nothing to impact any consistency relationship wi~ the GMP. PLaklq~G CaM)fISSION RECOM. ME. NDATION: The Collier Couvty Planning Commi:,sion recommends approval of Petition CU-98-13 for Conditional Us~ "2"of the "A" zoning district subject Io the stipulations that are descri'ued in the attached Resolution of Adoption and Exhibits thereto which includes the conceptual plan. DATE DATE MEMORANDUM AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: PETITION NO: OWNER/AGENT: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPM~-NT Ai'~ ENViRONME-Y4TAL SERVICES .HJNE 16. 1998 CU-98-13, ttORTICULTURAL MULCS{ENG FACILITY. Ag~t: MJxcya Lo uvicre 1363 14'~ Avenue North Naples, Florida 34102 Dan/el Harper/Quinton McNe-,v 14860 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Fort Myers, Florida Contract Purchase: Norris & Lance Bethel 4318 SW Eldorado Park-way Cape Coral, Florida 33904 REO_IJESTED ACTION; To obtain conditional use "2" of the "A" Agricultural zoning district to allow for a sawmill/mulching and horticultural recycling facility. GEOGRAPlq'IC LOCATION: The site is locate, d on the eouthcast comer of lmmokalee Road (CR-846) and Woodcrcst Drive Road in Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 26 East. (See illustration on the following page) PJ.~I LP_ D.~F2 ~5 ~ O N~O F PROJ~IZIx The objective of this conditional use petition is to allow for a mulching and recycling facility of agricultmal and wood malerials for horticultural uses Gn the subject 18.73 acre site. The conceptual site plan indicates that the proposed facility provides for two types of portable power equipment for mulching wood and other horticultural byproducts. The equipment is comprised of a tub-grinder to grind trc~ and branches to make mulch and a tree debarker that is used on larger trees to make them suitable for making lumbt-r at a lumber yard. The facility will also be u..~xl to recycle mulch and other agricultmal products. Lastly, a m~'.dium size endloader would be on-site to crop trucks. A 304 square foot office storage and bathroom facility will be placed c, diesel fuel tank, not excetxting 500 gallons. A maximum of two employees will and load dump ~-site~?~ 't,~_h a be on- AUG 0 1998 ,! 111 The mulching operation generally operates in the following manner: Horticultural debris is dumped fi'om tracks into rows which are designated on the conceptual site plan. Operating in conjunction with the endloader (the endloader maintains the piles of mulch) the horticultural material is placed in the mb-grinder. The machine then grinds the material into mulch. The mulch end-product is discharged into piles by the endloader. The mulch is stockpiled and/or loaded onto trucks for disposal off site. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONINGi Existing Conditions: The site is currently vacant and i'm.s h/stofically been used for cattle ~ing. The property, is also zoned for Agricultural uses. Surrounding: North - Immokal~ Road and Mule Pen Quarry; Zoned: Agriculture. East - Vacant wooded land; Zoned: Agriculture. South - Vacant wooded land; Zoned: Agriculture. West - Woodcrest Drive and vacant land; Zoned: Agriculture. Ea.~ern view from site Northern view from site. .C, zl[~ w"rH MANAGEMENT Sou~ view down Woodcrest Dr. This petition has been reviewed by the appropriate staff for compliance with the applicable elemmts of the Growth Management Plan, as noted below: Future Land Use Elelllrdlll The subject property is designated Agricultural/Rural - Mixed Use Agricultural Residential Sub-district on the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). TMs designation is for those areas that are remote from the existing development pattern, lack public facilities and r, erv/ees or are in agriculture production. The maximum density in this area is 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres. The d/strict also permits non-resid,_-ntial uses such as agricultural uses, churches, schools, essential sm'ices, utility facilities, earth mining, o/I/gas production and related processing. Therefore, this proposed use is consistent with the G.X, LP. In addition, the sawmilL/horticultural mulching and recycling facility is a conditional use in the Agriculture district. It should be noted that during the June 2, 1998 Board of County Commi,~ioners meet/~.g, the Boa. rd provided direction to reduce density in the Urban and Agricultural/Rural Designated areas. However, in the Agriculture/Rural designated area that includes this petition, the BCC directed that the density of 1 unit per 5 acres be retained while requiring that these units be clustered. F~more, these units will be required to provide central water and sewer service. The ability to cluster the dwelling units will allow for larger buffer areas around this conditional use. Traffic Circulation Elcillr, llli The traffic impact review indicates that the proposed use w 20 weekday trips. These trips will not exceed the significance test standard (5 percent of th~ "C" design volume) on Immokalee Road fronting the project. In addition, the site general lever%f ~-~-f~- (~) ~ trips will not AUG 0 ,~ 1998 lower the level of service below the adopted LOS "D" standard on any roadway segment withha the project's radius of development influence. Therefore, this petition is consistent with Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Traffic CircuLation Elernerit (TCE). The TCE als6 clasiifies this segrrfieni of CR-8,~6 as a 2-i'ahe arteriki mad ~ronting the project. The current traffic count for this segment is 10,456 AA. DT which results in LOS "C' operation. It should be noted that this segment is not projected to be deficient within the next five years. As a result, no road improvement is required. Based on this data, tNs petition is consistent w/th the Policy 1.3 of the TCE. Other Applicable Element~;. Staff review indicates that this petition has been designed to account for the necessary relationships dictated by the GM?. Mitigation measures a~d sfipulafio~ have been developed (where appropriate) to ensure consistency with the GNff' during the permitting process. Development perrrfined by the approval of th/s petition will be subject to a concurrency review u. nder the provisions of Section 3.15 of the Collier County. Land Development Code, Adequate Public Facilities, at the earliest or the next to occur of either final SDP approval, final plat approval, or building permit applic~,~ble to this development. Therefore, this petition is copaistent with the goals and policfes of the GMP. Staff has concluded that no level of service st~.ndards will be adversely affect, ed by this amendment Appropriate mitigation measures and ;tipttlations will assure, that the Counv.~'s interests are maintained. C. onsisteaacy with the goals, objectives and policies of other applicable elements of the GM? and level of service relationships are to be achieved by stipulations and/or development commitments made a part of the approval of this development order. ttJa~C/ARCI:tAE OLO GI CAL Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioner's prop~'crty is located outside an area of l-dstorical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. EVALUATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL. TRANSPOR.T..A~ON AND INI,~ASTRU~ Thc subject petit/on has been reviewed by the appropriate staff reooponsible for oversight related to the above referenced areas of critical concern. Tkis primarily includes a review by the Community Development environmental and engineering staff, and the Tram~rtation Services Division staff. The Transpomfion Division staff has recommended approval of the facility as submitted. The Community Development Services environmental staff stipulated that an appropriate portion of native vegetation be retained on-site and sho~m as a preservation area or_ the site plan. At the time of SDP submittal, the pet/tirrner shall also provide a wetland jurisdictional determination. The Current Pla:ming St:,ff has coordinated a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition based on the criteria contained in Section 2.7.4 of the Collier County Land Development Code ('LDC). This evaluation is intended to provide an objective, comprehensive overview of the impacts of the proposed land use c~'age, be they positive or negative, culminating in a staff recommendation base~ on that comprehensive overview. The below listed criteria are eecifically noted in Section 2.7.4 of the Land Development Code thus requiring staff evaluation and comment. Commission to the Board of County Commissioners. Each of the potential identified during the staff review are listed under each of the criterion note~ categorized as either "pro" or "con" as the case may be, in the profe,~ional opin This criteria shall be used as the basis for recommendation of approval or denial by the Planning or considerations on of staff. 'StMT AUG 0 ,~ 1998 review of each of' the cr/tefion is followed by a summary conclusion culminating in a d.ctcrminafion of compliance, non..comPl/anc¢, or complian, ce with m_itiga, t_ion._ ......... Consistency with this code and Growth Management Plan. The subject site is designated Agficultmal/Rural - Mixed Use Agricultural Residential Sub- district on the Future Land Use Element (FLUE') of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The district l~mdts non-residential uses such as agricultural uses, churches, schools, essential servic.,:.s, utility facilities, earth mining and related processing. In addition, the proposed sawraill and mulching facility is lX'nnitted in the LDC as a condit/onal use in the Agriculture Zor~ng Dis~'ict. ~ The west side of the subject site abuts the Urban Residential area as designated on the FLUE. This area permits a base density of 4 dwelling units per acre. It is anticip 'sled that the properties to the west of the site may be developed wi. th ttrban reaidenfia! comm__un/ties such as the Vanderbilt Pines PUD. ~ion (Fiufliag~ This petition is consistent with the FLUE on the Collier County GMP. The proposed mulching facility is authorized in the ~.gricultural,5'.ural - Mixed Use Agricultural Residential Sub-di.~trict areas in the FLUE and is also permitted as a conditional use in the Agriculture Zoning District. Ingress and ego-ess to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. (i) The project's ingress and egress will be from Woodcrest Drive. This access will not advevfi, ely impact traffic flow and is considered to be an optimal location in terms of traffic flow and safety.. (ii) Due to the Iow traffic volumes and cl-,ar site distance from the intersection with Immokalee Road, the proposed access mad should operate adequately. (iii) The projem's ingress/egress is designed to accommodate dump trucks along with emergency and fire service vehicles. Con: Acce~;s to the site is provided via Woodcrest Drive which is currently a dirt/limetock road. Dmr~p tmck.~ hauling material onto and off site typically will generate excessive dust and may exacerbate maintenance problems on roads with this type of surface. However, due to the small size ofthe project and the resulting low waffle volumes (15 to 20 weekday trips), the project traffic will not significantly impact Woodcrest Drive or Immokalce Road. ~nclusion (Findin~)i Staff has reviewed the conceptual master plan submitted with this conditional use request, and is of the opinion that due to the relatively Iow traffic volumes generated by the sawmill, the project's entrance should operate adequately and with an acceptable level of safety. AUG 0 4 1998 The effect the conditional use would have on neighboriag properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor elf,_ts; Pro: (i) It is unlikely that glare or odor vail be produced by the proposed tLse due to the 100 foot wide natural perimeter buffer along the northern propcm'y line and a 30 foot wide hahn'al buffer for the remainder of the site. (ii) The petitioner has limited the hours of operation from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to ensure that the operation of the mulching facility will not sigrdficantly impact residential ar ~,vas. (iii) There are no existing residential structures on the adjacent properties. In addition, the power equipment will be over 150 feet fi.om the property boundaries. ~ TemporazT' noise and odor may re~lt to neighboring propertie~ fi'om the movement of trucks and heavy equipment into and out of the site. Summary Conc!~~ The orientation of the proposed equipment and storage areas are such ti:at they are buffered fi.om adjacent property by a large buffer area. In staWs opinion, the proposed petition wi!l have t;mited negative effects on neighboring pro.r~'fies in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district. Thc adjacent land usc to :.be north (across Immokalec Road) is an earth mining operation which far exceeds any noise, dust, glare or odor that will be generated by this mulching facility. Therefore, tkis proposed use is considered a compatible land use with earth mining. (ii) The surrounding land uses to the south, east and west are vacant wooded agricultural lands that will provide more than adequate buffering and screening from the few residential dwellings in the area. (iii) If the adjacent lands are developed with agricultural uses in the future, these uses typically employ similzr heavy equipment and trucks in fertilizing, cultivating, harvesth'~g, and storing of agricultural p,-oducts. Based on the existing and potential land uses, the proposed sawrnill/mulchiv.~g facility is deemed a compatible land use. .C, flm (i) Thc prop,ased driveway access onto Woo&rest Drive will contribute additional vehicular trips on the local street. (ii) oper~ion to the north has completed it's excavation. Therefore, s that the conditional use (if approved) be subject to renewal in 5 yea~ 5 The development trends indicate d~at the area will continue to develop with single family communities such as the Twin Eagles development to the east. Furthermore, st~ff is of the opinion ukat the proposed mulching facility is not compatible with the increa~-ing ~baniz, cd character that is projected for the area once the eazth mining AUG 0 4 1998 Summary. Conclusion (_Findings); The proposed use is compatible with the existing earth mining operation to the north across Immokalee Road. The surrounding land uses.to the south,.cast and west are vacant wooded agricultural lands that if developed with agricultural uses, they typically employ heavy equipment in the processing of agricultural products. Lastly, the large 30 foot perimeter bufferO will ~creen the ~awmill from the adjacent properties. However, the proposed mulcking facility is not compatible with the increasing urbanized character th,at is projected for the area once the earth mining operation to the north has completed it's excavation permit. STAFF RECQ~ Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission (CC'PC) recommend approval of Petiaon CU-98-13 for conditional use (2) of the Agriculture zoning district subject to renewal of the conditional use in 5 year~ to envare con-~istency with the projected residential development in the PREPARED BY: CURRENT PLANNING SECTION CURKENT PLANNING SECTION 'RO~T]~j~I-mR~, A~CP, DIR~C~O~ PL.~G SERVICES DEPA, gTMENT COm ,r Ty D V. svcs. 7.6.?~ DATE DATE StaffRepon for July 16, 1998 CCPC meeting. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNIN~~ISSION: STAFF KEPORT/F/RVB/go AG E N D.k ITE M"~II AU~ 0 4 199J COMJVILrN'ITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISIONS CURRENT PLANNING SECTION PE~qYION NUMBER: DATE OF A2PLICATION: COM]V~SSION DISYRICT: PLA>aN-ER ASSIGNED: APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC I{EARING FOR: CONDITIONAL USE G,c, ner~l Infor~mtion: Name of Applic~mt(.~): Norr~ Wade Befiael and .Lance Be~¢l Applicant's Marling Address: Norris Wade Beth.el - 4:318 SW l_~v~pe., Cave_ Coral. Flqrida 33914. La, ce B~.~I - 1207 SE El~0~d~ p~kway, Cave Coral Flori~ 33994 Applicaat's Telephone #: Name of Agent: _Mk¢¥a Louvi .ere Agents ,x,~afiJing !',6flre~: !363 14~.Avenue blo~ Navies, Florida 34102 Agent's l~elephone, #: (94 !) 64%7644 F~x #: (941) 649-7644 (941) 540-1840 AUS 0 1998 DJ~lo,ure ~'l~ter~. t bo If thc prolx'n7 is owned fee simI~l¢ by an INDIVIDUAL, tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list ail pm'ties with aa ownemhlp interest as wcll as the percentage of such interest. Not A~Uc. abl¢. If th~ pmpewy is owned by a CORPORATION, list stoclcholdcts and the percentage of stock owned by each. ]hi_ ot Al!plicabl¢. the officers and Co If the ptopew/is in the name of a TRUSTEE, list the beneficiari~ of the trust with the perryzn~¢ of interest. lqo t._q!_A_l;~eabl e. If the property is in the name of a GENERAL or LIMITED PA.RThrERSHIP, list the name of the general aod/or limited partners. Not At?lic~b!e,. If there is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an individual or L"-dividt~,~ls, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purc~.~ers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners. Hame a~;. Address Sellers: Percentage of Ownmship D~el R. Har~r 50% 50% Six Mile Cvor~ Parkway, Fort l~3~_e~_, Florida AUG 0 i 1998 _Wade Bet! e! 1207 $,E. Eldorado P.ar~a¥- Cape Co .mi, F!orida 33904 Date of ContractiOn- 2, 19 97 ,5O% 50% If ~y contingency clau.m or Contract terms involve additional parties, list e. ll irdividuals or officc~s, if a corporation, partnership, or trust. g. Date subject propcrty acquired ( ) leased( ): Te~m of lc. se If, Petitioner, ba~ option to buy, indic'am date of option: ~9t applicable _ And date option terminates: Or anticil:.ated closing date: l~t a_voli~e. not ~plicable ho Slmuld any changes of ownership or changes in contracts for purchase ~t to the date of application, bm prior to the date of the -tm,al public hearing, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on l'tis behalf, to saabmit a supplemental disclc~am: of interest form. .D~ ~,~od_l~g~_qripfi.o!~ o.f th, ~rgp.e_~ covered ~. th.e 8oplication: (if space is inadequexe, attach on separate page). If request ~volves change to more than o,.-',e zoning di.,xrict, include separate leg.':l description for property involved in each district. Applicant shall submit (4) copies of a recent survey (completed witl~, thc last :,i. ~ months, maximum I" to 400' scale) if required to do so at the pre-a~plication meeting. NOTE: The applicant is responsible for supplying the correct legal description. If quesfiom arise concerning the legal description, an engineer's certification or sealed survey may be required: Section: __2,5 Township: 48 So~th Range: 26 Lot: N/A Block: N_/~__._~ Subdivision: N/A AUG 0 1998 Plat Book: ~ Page it :~ Property iD it: 00191080007 Metes & Bouad~ Description: ~ of the northwest %, 0f Ne .northwest V,_d~[_e~tl'm north 100 f~,t. of S~on 2,5, 'rowaskip 48 South. ~.~_m_ge_.26. East. ~!!ier Coumv. Florida. Total ~ feet: L2J_7.85 +/..rt. ~_! . _60 7, 7! +/- x ,:5_59.27 +/- fi. Acres: .! 8.73 +/- Addre~,/gtmentl ]oc*fl~o.n._of_snbiec~_ _ t~rope~,_': ~ sul:.j_~! site is located one W cre 'v wa . - _y__kn~as Acre._mak_er Roa_d_. and lu~d use: S - ~_zri~ E - Agriculm~ W Land Use LrranokaLee~_ad and Naples Quarry Florida Rock !ndtz~j_e~ inc. Vacant w~.d land Vacant wooded l~nd. ~dcrest Drive and V~cant W0t;ded la~d. Does property o'i ~er own contiguous property 'to the subject property? If so, ~ve eompl¢te legal description of entire contiguous property. (If space is inadequate, anaeh {',o se'pmarx: page). ~e vro=errv owner doe, no..t ow~ confi~.~_~~o_ the subject pmperty~ Tv~e of _co.. nditiousl use: This application is requesting conditional use # 2 of the ~:u! .re. ca. ! district for the operations of a horticultural m~.~.~_r4~ facility. EvlloaB_'en_~ri[~tTi'~_~: Provide a mfive ~ement descdb~g ~s request for ~fion~ ~. NO~: ~t m ~on 2.7.4 of the Colli~ Co~ ~d ~,to~ ~e, s~s ~mm~on to P~hg ~sion'~ m~cn~fion to ba~ u~n a fi~g ~t ~e ~Iing of the conditio~l m~ Mll not adver~ly eff~ ~e p~lic ~ ~d ~at ~e s~cific req~rem~u, govem~g the ~dml ~ifio~ m~, if ~y, ~ve ~n meh ~d tMt ~, satisfictow ~sion ~ ~gm~t have ~m rome conm~g ~e follo~ng manem ~ ~li~l~ Pl~e pr~-ide d~ta~.~ r~e to ~ch of the criterion ~ bel~. Sperry h~ and why the requ~t is cons~tent with each. (A~ ~ddiflonal pag~ as may be Dc,scri~ ,how the project ii consistent with the Collier County Land Develolm~rrt Code and Growth Management Plan (including information ou bow the request is consistx-.nt with the applicable section of pcn/ons of th~ future land use element): ~vm Management Plan desi~ates the .[u~.,..,ty as ._ur~an,/r~l allgwin~ for four dwellin~ units~r ~ and mix, ed u,se~.. The ~.t. develomcnt pan. cms; to the north a r?L.~K~ck .woul.d no__qg_Ll~.g¢~s pgr~l vcry com~atib!e if der.eloped with __________________~_~g___un[_'ts. '.~_fl.e.~r~_d Dev¢lo_tm~!~_.C..gd. e ~its mulching/recyqlin..g ~~s._(.~J~'ia C_._on__difioned_U_~_.c~tions_~ the A_~'iculmml 7.9_rdg_gJ, li~ict_. b. Describe the existing or planed means of ingress and egress to the property and pror, e,-,ecl structure thru'eon with particular reference to automotive and pedes~; a~ safety and convenience, u'a~c flow and control, and access in ca~ of fire or catastrophe: .The ~.rg. posed access m the ~ubie~jite is via ~Jloodcm! Drive (a_ !ira _cr~ck ro~ad)J.hrough a double gated entry_ way r~ximat_e_l_v. 650 +/- feet off [mmokalee Road. In addition, on- ~ite vehj~u_~- ,'md ?,,dc~tri,-m accessibility MI! ~_~,.mte via the 30' .~~ .r~ad_~.~d~~ the. 0u-~it,.- accc.ssibiliw to enjployees. 0nly, ~c al~_ .v~ refc_.r~ in_gr~s _.md ¢_~,.~s acces4 _tx)Juts i..ndicate that the ~9_[m~-n'g~_c.'y ar.,cc~ to thc... ~sitc should ~ adequate. Please Au a 0 4 1998 the exi.~ing effect the conditional use will have on neighboring propertie~ in relation to noise, glo.m, economic and odor effect: u~e ~hould not ..1¢. ve a_~v_e effect rev, ardin._g nqise, g~"e, eoo~c and odor due _tp_fa'3~e li~..i~_u~ o_9.~pemfig__m; in ad.dit, iqn, D~eter tufter ~o~ lf~_~_e h!~_._L~,~t, eaxt noise, ~mciate4 with De~"ribe the site's and the propo~,xt uses' compatibility with adjacent [,'voperfic~ ~1 other prope~es in the district: ~9.,"¢.' of_t!.~e_~b.b.j~ hte is ,t reek _oit. wl~~~xLA_an_a~inu we .axe _m'o~_sin_u o'n this. site _~oi~e. ~gr~or odor..Therefgl'e, the m.ulch~v, facj!~w should pro~ ~'a very com~l~.l~.~Lo the ~_%ng rock rn~e, The ~dhag !k.~.3~~ ea~ and, we~ .are a,m'i~l .tura~wooded lands that if__m_d ~a__~¢ dev~with am'/c.ultural rela_.t~t~.,~2_Z_ht~ ~tt!/.EI~,~ ;m ferrit~. ,c¢ltivafing, hm'vcsti_ng, storin_~ and a~cu.ltural Please provide any additional inforrrmtion, which you may feel, is relevant to this request: .'l~l~-~_~ additional in_formatiorl relevant to this request 1§. 11. ~ _Rertrief~._: The County is legally precluded from enforcing deed re~ctionx, however, nmmy communities have adopted such mstr/ctions. You may wish to cont,~ the civic or property owners association in the area for wkich this use is being r~lues~ed in order to ascertain whether or not the request is affected by ~ deed restriction. Previom.~~-q~ ona on__the suni_eot m'ooerty: _There are no previou; ~5~~_-ve ~-the subject m'7o. perry. -~ A~ddition..~!_Sub_m~~n_~.~: ____~Enclosed with the conditional, awolieation. - ' AUG 0 4 1998 AFFIDAVIT We/I, ~£~. Md~L ~ ~.~,,~ ~./n~w~. being first duly sworn, depose and say that we/I am/are the owners of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest information, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We/I understand that the information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content: of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not ke altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and all required inform, ation has been submitted. We/l further permit the undersigned to act as my/our representative in any matters regarding this Petition. NAME OF OWNER (Print or type) NAME OF OWNER (Print or type) NAME OF AGENT {Print or type) NAME OF AGEN~ (Print or type) State of Florida Count}, of SIGNATURE OF OWNER SIGNATURE OF OWNER ~iGNATURE OF AGENT SEAL The foregoing Application was acknowledged before me this who is personally known to me ~~ take an oauh. ~~ (Print IIame of Notary Public) HOTARY PUBLIC Serial/Commission f~ (.L ~/&7~ ~ Hy Commission Expires: AUG 0 998 t {i F~. >~yers, FL C~pe Coral, (~) ~ $ , : 9 . _ AGENDJ. IT.i:,J~ ~ AUG 0 4 1998 Indian Hill Partners, Inc. Ju~ 2, 1998 SERVICES Mr. Ray Bcllov,,~ Planner Collier Cotmty Gov~'nmmt Complex 2800 N. Hop-.,e,shoe Drive Naph:~, FL 34104 P~: P~don CU-9813 Mulching operation on Harper property ia Sec. 25, Twp. 41~ P~g. 26 ~ M~. B~llows: We own property in the immediate area of this proposed zoning change and oppose this p~ition. We believe that this area v~ll be developed to a higher urban level including Iow den.sity, high quality Go~f developments and believ-~ that this proposed use would negatively affect our property values and the fu~are quality growth of this corridor. Please do not allow this project to be zoned for this use. GVC/sbs Three Rrst Natio~a~ t'~za Suite 3{t00 Chicago, IIIInoi~ ~2 (312) 977-4485 Fax: (312) 1998 WILLIAM J. WILLIAMS SUIT~ 300 21Z r.A~T THIRD STREET CINCINNATI. OHIO 4S20;~ July 14, 1998 Ray Bellows Planner Collier County Government Complex 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Subject: Petition CU-9813 Mulching Operation on Harper Property in Sec. 25, Tw~p. 48 Range 26 Mr. Bellows: I have received notice of the above petition as I am an owner of property in the immediate area. I oppose this petition on the basis that this area should be developed into better housing and/or developments such as golf courses. I believe the proposed development in this petition would reduce the values of the current properties, in t~s area. am J. Williams WJW:mc. AUG 0 4 1998 ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 Il 12 t3 · RESOLUTION 98- A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SAWMILL MULCHING AND HORTICULTURAL FACILITY CONDITIONAL USE "2" IN THE "A" ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 14 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has 1~ conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and 16 enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the 17 protection of the public: and WHE~.EAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopteQ a Land ~9 gevelopment Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a ~0 Co~orehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the 2! zonin; of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which ~2 i3 the granting cf Condi'.i~nal Uses; and 23 WHEREAS, the Coil/er County Plannin~ Co..-~nission, being the duly 2~ appointed and constituteC piannlng board for the area hereby · 3 affected, has held a public hearing after notice as in :;aid 26 regulations made and provided, and has considered the advisability of 27 Conditional Use ~2" cf Section in an 'A" Zone for a sawmill 2~ mulching and horticultural facility on the property hereinafter 29 described, and has fc ~nd as a m~atter of fact (Exhibit "A") that 30 satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all 31 applicable ~'atters required by said regulations and in accordance 32 with Subsection cf the Land Development Code for the Collier 33 County Planning Commission; and 34 WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to 35 be heard by %his Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board 36 having considered all matters presented. 37 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of 38 Collier County, FioriCa ~hat: 39 The petition filed by Mireya Louviere, representing Norris Wade 40 Be'-hel anO Lance Bethel with respect to the property 41 described as: 42 -1= AUG 0 1998 9 10 1! 12 14 15 I6 18 19 20 21 2~ 24 25 26 27 29' 3O 31 32 34 39 41 42 4~ 45 -.Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein be and the same is hereby approved for Conditional Use "2" of Secti!O of the ~A" Zoning District for a sawmill mulching and horticultural facility in accordance with the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit "C") and subject to the following conditions: 1. A.n appropriate portion of native vegetation shall be retained on-site per CCLDC, as amended. This area is shown cn the site plan as natural vegetation to remain. The size ¢~velop~,ent plan shall rename this area ~preservation area" and prior to SDP approval a conservation easement shall be placed over the preserve area by separate instrmu-nent with appropriate restrictive covenants. At the time of SDP submittal, the oetitioner shall provide a wetland jurisdictional d~termination showing the SF~D line and the ACOE line. Prior to final SDP approval, all approved agency permits shall be submitted. Prior to fina~ SDP approval, an exotic vegetation removal and maintenance note shall be placed on the pl%n, in~icating that all exotic vegetation as defined by Collier County Land Development Code Section shall be removed from tke entire site and that the property owner shall be resoonsib!e for subsequent annual exotic removal pursuant to Subsection of the LDC. 47 The hours of operation of the sawmill/mulching facility are limited from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday). The operation cf the sawmill is prohibited on Saturdays and Sundays. This petition for conditional use ~2" of the Agriculture Zoning District is limited to five years from the time of approval. At the end of that time frame, the Petitioner must apply for another conditional use in order to continue the mulching operation. 6. The Petitioner shall pave Woodcres: Dri-ze from I.~Tnokalee Road to the project entrance as depicted on the attached conceptual plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the 48 minutes of this Board. 49 51 53 -2- AUG 0 1998 Pg-~/ This Resolution adopted after motion, Done this day of second and majerity vote. , 1998. BOARD OF ZONING A?PEALS COLLIER COUNTY, }%ORIDA ATTEST: D~iGHT E. BROCK, Clerk 1! 13 A~proved as to Form and 14 Legal Sufficiency: 16 Merg~kie~- 17 Assistant County Attorney BY: BARBA.~A B. BERRY, Chairman -3- FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR ~J-98-13 4 The following facts are found: Section of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use. Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes C/No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingress~& egress Yes C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare~-economic or odor effects: _ t'" No affect or _ Affect mitigated by _ Affect canno~ be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within district Yes No Based on the above findings, stipulations, (copy attached) approval t~ use should, with ~~ ~..~__~ recom~nended~ fl C~-9~-1] ~rSDI~ Or FACT ~&U6IBIT "A" FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PIniONING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE P~IITION FOR CU-98-13 The following facts are found: Section of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional tl~e' 2. Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A.Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes , ~ No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed strictures thereon with particular reference to auto.~otive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingress &y~gress Yes ~ No C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects: _~ii_ No affect or _ Affect mitigated by Affect canno~ be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within district Yes //~ No Based on the a~cve findings, this conditional use should, with stipulat±on~, ~col~ attached) '~ be recommended for No. ~ LEGAL DESC~,IPTION LEGAL DESCRI1~/ON: Township: 48 So~rth Block: .Range: 26 Ea.~ Subdivision: N/A Pl~t Book: ~ Page #:/.~Z~_ Property ID #: ~0007 - - M~es & ~ ~~on: -~e ~ ~ of~e ~~/~ no~~ ~. l~ ~ n~~ f~ ofS~on ~5, Tp~'~4g So~ ~~ F~ AUG 0 4 1998 II:'" EXEcu'rzvE SUMMARY RECOI'tMENDATXON Ti~A'r THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSZONEP, S APPROVE A RETENTION AGR~EMEh'T ~ ROBZNSON AND COLEt LIP FOR PROFES~'IONAL SERVICES REGARDI~4G AME~ND~4FNTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ~ To approve a retention agreement v,'ith Robinson and Cole, LLP and Dr. 3ames NichoLas from the University of Florida to assist in the development of amendments to the Comprehensive Plan regarding density reduction, c!ustedng standards and a transfer of development rights program attached to this Execctive Summary. ~"~t~,,j~O.'~.~ On 3une 23, 1998 U~e Board of County Commissioners directed ~aff to prepare a con~ for services with the law firm of Robinson & Cole. LLP to assist in the development of amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. The a~sistance of consultants is necessary in order to p."ep~re amendments that are legally defensible in light of possible challenges that the County may encounter. The law fin~ of Robinson and Cole will include as part of their team, Dr..lames Nicholas to prepare the economic analysis. The cox of the~.,e services ~ identified in the attached contraS. .~t~O'A'TH MANAG~MEI~rI' ]IMPACT; Th-'. proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to reduce density will need to be prepared in order to withstand a challenge and to put the County in the best possible position for future litigation. This is extremely important given tt~; untested ramifications of the Pdvab_, Property Rights Act. ~l~j~ The cos?~s for services shall not exceed $60,000 in fees, plus approved costs per the agreement. The Board authorized a waiver of formal competition at the ~une 23~ Board of County Commissioners meeting and the budget amendment from Fund ! 13 reserves is att~ched. Fund.~ will be transferred from the development review fee Fund 113 Reserves, ~13-9:[9010-900000, to Comprehensive Planning 111-138317-634999. J~i'~~ON: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the contract to retain the legal services of Robinson and Cole and Dr. ]ames Nicholas to assist in the pr'.-.paration of amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and to approve the necessary budget arnendm ant. Prepa red BY: //~/~'~' ~"~"~'~'~~£~ Date Bar' ba~ A. Ca-~:~ir,ne, ~Icp, Mana---~e"~ .... Compr~hen.sive Planning Section Ro~:rt .1.~Mulhere, AICP, Dtrectof PI,a~~ervi ces Oep~~ V/I~C,.;~.~I:'~[. Ce. utero, A.[CP, Administrator Comm~.,nity D.~velopment & Er~vironmental '.~ervices Division AUG 0 4 1998 / Pg. ~ - m~de ~1 ~ im~ ~ __ day of A ~ugu~ 1998, by md betwee~ the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI~IONERS OF COLL~ CO~, ~~ ~~ ~ TM ~ ~ ~- ~ '~, ~ ROBESON & COLE ~, ~ o~ ~ O~ ~n P~, ~~, on I~ 2, 199g ~ ~ of ~ ~~ ~ ~ of ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ a T~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~R) P~ ~ iu ~ ~ ~ ~o~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c ~ of ~c ~ ~ · aasessi~ the ~ defensibility of th= I)~ity Redm~tio'a Amen~em$ mad rec, o-m~endi~g such the Firm of l~binson & Cole is a n~ionally reco~ law finn with ~m in tt~ ~ ~ m~t h~ l~tt~il:~ in th~ d~vel~ of :~x;c.e~fd TI)R. pg. ~ Dr. ~e~ ~ F~ ~ ~ ~~ of~ of~ NOW, ~~OP~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~n~~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~Y ~ ~ fo~: B. ~ Fi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~m~~ ~., ~ ~on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ of ~ D~ ~~ '~~ ~ ~ onam~y~ ~F~'s~~~~~~m~wo~°n~c ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~10 ~ ~2~0, f~ ~i~ ~ $130 ~ $180, ~~I~~~,~$~$110. D. T~ ~ ~ ~ to ~~ ~ F~ for ~ ~ ~ ~1~ '0 Anmuc~. T~ u~ of a mu~licr fo~ th~ ~,m~,~on cc~ i~ not ~ ?~r ~ ~ ~ravel ~ ~ be ~ in accord~cc w/th Section I12.0~1, Fladda St~aI~, ~ Pe~ Di~'~nd Trsvcl Bxpen~ of Publ/c O/~cera, Employcc~ and Authodzed Pcr~o~, $3.00 ~.00 112.00 invoice for. l~al ~ic~ and ~ cos~s ~ by th~ Firm ~~ ~1~ a~ ~~ ~ ~i~ on a ~~ ~a~{~.~~~o~: 1)~e ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ 2) ~ ~ of ~ ~voi~; ~ 3) ~ ~~ 218, E~ S~, o~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~ 4 ACk,iDA_ iTEM. Ilq ~FITlqEss gq~IEREOF, th~ F'rrm mx1 th~ Board. haw (mc, h, ~Y, by ma ~ t)~m~ or ,g~a, l~r~nd~ ~t th~ hznd~ m~l ~mls ~ th~ dm~ and y~r Erst above _lqdJs~ ~--- R~~. a CO.~E-rr~ , Ira: P~ Al'rEST DWIGItT BROCK. BOARD OF COUbrI'Y COM2MISSIONERS COLI..IE~ COUlqTY, FLORIDA By: B~rbara B. Bm'y, CEMrman Approved V/nce~,4-. Ca~ero Community D~,clopmcnt & Envimnmm~ S~zvic~s 5 AUG 4 i~=33 SUMMARY RECOMMENDATZON THAT THE ~OARD OF COUNTY COMMT~SSZONERS AUTHOR32E STAFF TO RETAZN LEGAL SERVZCF-.S TO ASST. ST ZN THE PREPAP. AT~ZON OF COMPREHENSZVE PLAN AMENDMENTS REGARDZNG DENSTrY REDUCTZON. .~.~,c~[~..To retain the legal services from the law firm of Robinson & Cole, LLP and Dr. 3arnes Nicholas from the University of Florida to asstst in the development of amendments to the Com~ Plan regarding denstty m-Juc~on, . i'~;,~-.... ,' X;i>~, , ' Program' f~:~5.t~,ed In'mind around the Immokatee Urban Am~a, and'an economic ana~,m~;-.~, proposed changes 'n density. The economic anaysts should contain an account of effects the propes4~ denslW reduction may have on housing mvaIiablllty and costs, as .well as the ~e lmp~ o~ decreased housing units on other infrastructure needs. If the.: costs were to exceed $15,000 staff was to return to the Board for ~urther discussion. ~:oNSZD'ERATZO,'~S:'.· The assistance of consultants Is necessary in order to p ~:., amendments that are legally defenslble I'.~.light of posslble challenges that the County may encounter. The Private Property PJghts Act In Florida Is ~eg~slaUon wlth very li~e history in terms of c~ses that have been fuIiy lRigated through the Judlcia) system. Therefore, It is important that the County him )nd)vlduaIs that have slgniflc~nt exper'rise in thls ~" ':': C nW reta , the of the nrta of m m ~~ ~~~ ~ S~tn takJn~s isgue andpartidpants Inthe:,~~;"'" development of ~uc:ces~ul transfer of development fights programs in New York, N~i.'" Jersey, Monrc~e/and Miami-Dade County, Florida. The resumes of the attorneys wl~!~J~ firm of Robin,~on and Cole are attached for your review. Two of the attorneys t~at Will.,. consult with the County are Dwight Merrtam, AtCP, and Brtan Blaesser. Both are pla~e, rs as .eJ, as~t~.~ w~h extensive experterme ranging from i:~'~pari.ng briefs Stat~s SuPra. CouP. on land.uses on..be, hal.i"of the...Am~rtcan Plannl.n,g Discretional,Land Us~: Conb'o~;. ' ' ' . .. · .], Dr. James Nicholas from the Llniver~tW of Florida ha~ aLso sp~alized in economtc studies and the deve~pment of tr~r of develoi~nent rights pr~rams, tie.has with Rc~~nd.... Cole.in. U~e duwe~o~ of many'of these programs. ·;;~ :::~'"' .. ;. :~,...'.. ', .. Both Rob ..h'~]?.~nd O~ and Dr. ;..Jmes ,ichola~, 'have agreed to.aSsist ~e Coun, ty{:~ ~2~_:::.:;.; .· ~he Board o~iCoun~ .~nmis~oners. The cost of both consul:ants wi, range rmm~....~ to $~o,0O0 '~a~ ~. ' .... -~-' · .~. . i' · . '. ; .'~,~V~.,~ .... · ~Row~it ~A~kr~z~rr ~4p~clr:, T~e. propose' amendments to ~he Compre~.~_ ,,~ ~.n given ~ .t~..__~-_. _~ ~,OEk:aUo~ of the Prfvat~ PrOp4r~ PJght$ ~ "~-~t" '.' .-: ':' .~.,~,.-,,,,':~'...~ ..... ' ; ..'-:: ..':,~.'~..-..,':.~z-~".,~:.:.~...'..'..:;:,t,:' '-" --- :'1 "-'L"~ .~,~.~.'~c. ..' '.'.'-' '-;-.d~';;..;,'?~"~';E.:~.'- ~.. ,:~>:-.'~4%,-;.:;.-"~.i,:~ ::"~'2:]:-i-' · -. : . /, ~:~..~.""' ,. ~ -' ,,:.~.,:;..-'...-.-~-~'*~,...X.~¥':- -,:. ~. ,.~-....:,~,~:.,,-. -,-:.:.:.'~ ,'~ ...'.~-:'.- . Y/ - , .' '1 <-~;.;~.-.'~.-'\. .... : -':;; .;:- ,-~.~.-.~: -. · '."-"',' '.'" ' · '-.". ..~.' - ,: ' ~ ,,.- · ;'.',.~.,~"r,~.:x;-. ' · . .\..;:...,:~./~.~y~, ..... ~:~...~...:;..,...~-., '..':,,.t,.-. r,-_- v ............. . ......~: .....:.?.:.~ .., ... . .,.-.~~ ~ ZMPACr: To prcx~ with retaining ~e I~al ~1~ of ~bl~n a~ ~ a~ Dr. 3a~ N~, ~e ~rd would ~ a ~N~ ~ ~1 ~m~Ufl~ a~ a~~ ~ pm~m a ~ a~ndment ~m Fund Z[3 ~e~ no~ ~ ~ $60,~0 plus ~~. ~ ~e ~nds ~a~ am s~dfl~ily ~e~ed for ~ am ~m developmen~ m~i~ f~, ~r ~n building pe~t~. ~e issu~ ~at will ~, snd have ~n, ana~ed ~ ~ff am dl~ m~t~ ~ developmen~ mv~w. ~, a ~o~1 n~s ~ ~~ ~ of ~ ~ a~ ~e pm~ ~dy. I~ECOMHENDAI'XON.' That the Board of County Commisslon~rs approve a waiver of formal com~ in order to retain the legal servtce~ of Roblnson and Cote and Dr..]ames-- Nicholas to assist In the pmparatJon of amendment~ to the Comprehenstve Ptan and-,~or .~aff.~ to prc4~re the necessary bu.dget amendments. . f' ..' :-..-. Compmhen~ve Planning $~tion Rob/~:.~. Mulhere, AiCP, Director .... Pla_nDl~g .Services/~,,~Department.. . · EXECUTIVE SUM~LARY DEFERRAL OF ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF THE IMPACT FEES FOR A 240 UNIT AFFO~ABLE HOUSING PROJECT TO BE BUILT BY A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, KNOWN AS WHISTLER'S COVE APART1M"ENTS AFFORDABLE RENTAL UNITS, AND SUBORDINATION OF I,IEN. 'I'o have the Board of County Commissioners at, prove deferral of the Library System Impact Fees, Parks and Re,,,"reational Impact Fees, Road Impact Fees, Emergency Medical Services Fees, Water Impact Fees, Sewer Impact Fees, and Educational Faciliti~ Impact Fees for 240 units of a 240 unit rental affordable housing project to be constructed by Affordable/Whistler's Cure, Ltd. CONSIDERATIO~,~: O~ December 18, 1997 AffordableFW'histler's Cove, Ltd. filed an impact fee deferral application to provide for 240 dwelling milts to be rented by tenants with incomes not exceeding 60% of merlian household income for Collier County. llader the Terms of the impact fcc waiver and deferral ordinances Affordable/Whistler's Cove, 1.trL is eligible for the following impact fcc deferrals: a) Library System Impact Fee~ $ 185.52 $ 43,324.80 b) Road Impact Fe~ (192 - 1 & 2 Story Units) 952.00 ( 48 - 3 Story Units) 935.00 227,66400 c) Parks & R~on Impact F~es Community Parks 399.00 Regional }'~rks 179.C0 d) Emergency Serv~ce~ Impact Fees 2.t30 e) Sew~ Impact Fees 1,340.00 0 Ware-: Impact F~ 900.00 g) Scht~)l Impac; Fees 827.00 95,760.00 42,960.00 480.00 321,600.00 216,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT IMI~ACT FEES DEFERF~ED $1,141,236.80 Impact fees totaling $1,141,236.80 would be deferred until February 15, 2005. These impact fees would be repaid and available in the appropriate impact fee funds for the fisca! year 2005 budget. The propo?,ed fiw..al impact fee deferral is not budgeted. On March 30 1994 impact fee ordimances were ~"ncm't~ to not require rcimburscmen! 1o the. impact fcc funds f¢;r - " Ho~sing Impact F~ Deferrals granted for a six year period. AUG 0 4 1998 Execmivc ~unmu~ Whistler's Covc Aps~m~ts Pag~ Two .GROWT~ MANAg~:~ELIZ~._ACIT: Defaxal of impact fees wiLl providc relief to a developer of housing for very low and Iow income fami/ies in comph~ with Policy 1.5.2 of the Housing Element of the Growth Management Plan. The Board of County Commissionem approve the deferral of impact fe~s for 240 of 240 units of Whistler's Cove Apartmeats t~ b~ built in Collier County by Affordable/Whistl~.'s Cove, Ltd. The Board of County Commi.~ioners can delay the contribution for impact fee deferrals for up to seven years from the date of deferral. This impact fe~ deferral is due and payable on February t 5, 20O5. 07/21/98 ~,t,~ t~ PREPARED BY: ,-, He ,Jsin~'and Urban Improvement Date APPROVED BY: Date $ 7 9 I0 I! 12 RESOLUI]ON NO. 98. ----- A ILr, SOLLrr/oN O1~ ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COI~IMI~IONF~RS, COLLIXR COUNTY, ~O~A A~O~G ~ DE~ OF ~S~ ~A~ ~ES, ~ ~ ~C~A~ON~ FA~.~ ~A~ ~, ROAD ~PA~ ~ES, WA~R ~ACr ~E~ SE~R ~A~ ~ES, E~RGEN~ ~DIC~ SER~$ ~AC~ ~ ~ EDUCA~ON~ FA~S SYS~M ~A~ ~ FOR ~S~ER'S CO~ A ~ ~ A~~ ~ HOUSING PRO~, ~ S~~A~ON OF L~N. 14 WHER.EA~, Collier County Ires r~ogMzed and attempted to ~ the lack of adequal¢ and 15 affordable houxiag for moderat~, Iow, and very low income household~ in Collier County and the 16 _need__ for crm~ve and innovative prograau to azzi~ in the pro'da'ion of such houzMg by including I'~ several provi$iona in the Collier Cotmty Growth Management Plan, including: objective 1.4, Ig policy 1.4.1, objective I.:5, policy 1.5.2, policy 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4, policy 1.5.5, policy 1.5.6; 19 object 1.6, policy 1.6.3; objectiv~ 2.1, policy 2.1.I, policy 2.1.2, policy 2.1.3, policy 2.1.5, and 20 policy 2.1.6 of the Housing Element; and 21 'f~2'iZ'REAS, Affordablea'WlxLgtler'$ Cove, Ltd. will undertake the development of Whilaka-'$ Cove Apartmentx, · two hundred and forty (240) unit affordable rental houshag 23 commlmity ou a $it~ located in Collier Counq- Florida, of which Affordable/Wh~tler'a Cove, 24 Lld. i$owr~r;, and 25 WH'EREA~, on December Iii, 1997, an application waz flied with the County 26 Administcltor for the deferral of Collier County impact fees for the Whistler's Cove Apartment 27 eori~tte~ with the requirements ofth~ Cotmty impact fee ordinances; and 28 WHEREAS, in accordance with $~-'fion 3.4 ofthe Librm'y System Impact Fee Ordirmace., 29 ~ No. 85-97, as mended; Socl~on 4.0:5 of the Parks and Recreational Fa¢ilifie~ Impact 30 Fee Ordhmlme, Ordinance bio. $g-96, aa ~maended; Section 3.04 of the Road Impact Fee 31 Ordin,tr~ Ordinance No. 92-22, aa amez~cled; Collier County Ordinance No. 90-86, as 32 ~rn?aded, the ColLier County Water Sy,m:ra Impact Fee Ordinance; Collier County Ordingnce 33 No. 90-S7, as amended, the Collier County Sewer System Impact Fee Ordinance; Section 3.05 34 of the Emergency Medical Servicea Sya~.'m Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance No. 91-71, as 35 mended; a.m~[ Section 3.05 of th~ F.~lueational Facilities Sy:tem Impact Fee Ordinance, AUG 0 4 1998 I Ordimrt,~ No. 92-33, aa am~ aa applicant may obaxin a deferral of one hundred 2 (l~fi) of ~ f~ ~ a ~ of~ (~ y~ ~ quali~ng for said delhi; and 3 ~~, ~'~ ~ve ~~ h~ q~ifi~ for ~ impact' fee def~l 4 ~ ~ foll~g ~ ~ ~ ~bI~l~'s Cove, $ ~ ~ ~el~g U~t ~ ~ ~ ~t r~id~ of~e ~c~t~t. 6 B. ~ ~Id ~g ~ ~cl~g Unit m~t ~ve a v~ Iow or low income l~el, 7 at ~ ~~ of~ l~ld ~ d~fion ~f, ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ 9 ~n ~c ~lc ~g ~del~ ~b~sh~ in ~c A~ic~ to ~e I 0 ~fivc ~ F~ ~~. II C. ~ ~el~g UMt ~ ~ ~le f~ at l~ fi~e~ (15) y~ ~om ~e 12 ~fi~of~~~. 13 1. ~ ~ of ~ C~ ~cby ~o~ ~ defe~l by Colli~ Co~ of ~e 14 fo~g ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~low for ~c ~o h~ ~d fo~ (240) 15 ~:~le ~Mg ~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~ ~o~l~stl~'s Cove, Ltd. ~ id~fifi~ 16 ~3it 17 F. mrJLI2all Each_I/ail 240 unt~ 18 19 a) LibrarySy'a~nlmpactF~ $ 185.52 $43,324.80 20 21 b) RoM ~F~ ~ (1~ - 1 & 2 S~ ~) 952.~ 23 ( ~ - 3 S~ ~u) 935.~ 227,~.~ 24 c) P~ & ~~ 1~ F~ 25 26 ~~ P~ 3~.~ 95,7~.~ 27 Re~ P~ 179.~ 42,~.~ 28 29 d) Em~g~ ~ ~ F~ 2.~ 4g0.~ 30 31 e) ~ ~Fe.a ID40.~ 321,~.~ 32 33 ~ W~~F~ ~.~ 216,~.~ 34 35 ~ ~I ~F~ 827.~ 19~.480.~ 36 ' 37 T~ ~O~ ~A~ ~ DE~D $I,141~3630 38 :39 2. A)h wmplL~r~ w/~h fl~ la. OVi.~ion of th~ Collier County iml:aCt f~ ordinance, 40 Affo~lable/Whisfler's Cove., Ltd. has d~mmslzaled to the Cotmry that a ~ubordination o f the AUB 0 4 1998 · I0 II ~ 12 14 18 21 26 27 . :29 Coum3r's fights, int.-tm md li~ i~ ~ to obtain financing for ~ ~'s ~ve ~~ m ~ ~g ~j~ ~il~g of ~'o h~ ~ fo~ multi- ~ly dwe~g ~ ~ B) In ~1~ ~ ~ ~ of~c ~p~t f~ o~n~c~, ~ Co~ ~ ~ ~ ~e fo~ of c~h ~d a c~h cquiv~=t fin~ci~ ~t pay~le ~ ~ ~ which wg~ 'Mll ~eld to ~e Coun~ fi~e ~ll ~ount of U~ def~ ~ f~ Lc., ~e ~ of One Million ~ Two H~ ~-S~ ~ ~d 80~ (S1,141236.80) ~ of~e ~ of~ def~, F~ 15, 2~5, i.e., a Unit~ S~ T~ 2~, ~ ~ ~, w~ ~eld m ~o=t ~i to the amo~t of ~e def~ f~. ~ ~v~ ~ ~ ~at it ~I1 ~t negotiate ~e def~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ parle p~t to ~e ~s of~e A~t for I~/, ~f~ of ~ ~ ~a~ F~ and ~t all monws r<eiv~ by ~gofi~ of ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ m ~e pa~t of ~d def~ imp<t f~ ~ ~e Co~ b~y ~ ~d ~a ~ ~s ~t i~ fi~u, int~ ~nd li~ ~t m ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ to ~ li~ of~e Mortgage ~d S<~ty A~t ~age~ ~ ~ d~u ex~l~ by ~ in co~id~tion ~ ~ ~o~~~'~ C~e, L~. to Colli~ Coun~ Ho~ing Fi~e A~fiW ~ ~ ~ i~ M ~ ~ip~ ~o~t of up to Two Milton ~ll~ ($2,~,~), ~d Fl~ ~g F~ ~o~ ~ ~e p~ip~ ~o~t of ~ to ~ ~ T~ H~ ~ ~I~ ($13,2~,~) plus ~ ~ ~~ ~m~ ~ my ~ ~bly ~ by ~d ~g~. of~'A~mt f~ ~ of~llm ~vy ~ F~ which ~all ~ ~ ~to AUG 0 1998 P~L ~ 4 6 DATED: 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 I5 I6 I? I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 39 41 ~12 43 47 48 49 $0 $1 52 53 55 56 57 58 AUG 0 4 BOARD OF COUN'TY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNq%', FLORIDA By: Barbara B. Berry. County Anomey 14 1G 17 20 27 2~ 3! LE GAJ_, DESCIUPTION TI~ subje~ propaiy b~ing 24.00 acr~, ~ located in Section 32, Township 50 SouOg and R,~g~ 26 Fast, is ~gc'n'b~ as: Ail lhat p~"I of Section 32, Tow~hip 50 South, R~ge 26 East, lying North and F~, of the T~mi,~mi Trail ('U.S. Highway ,~1), Colli~ County, Florida., LESS AND EXCEPT a p~r. el described as follo-~s: Beginn~g ~t thc in--on ofth~ North ~ of said $cciion 32 w/th thc North~.aslcrly rigt:~-of- way line cf the Tam/ami Trdl (U.S. Highway 41), nm North 89'$7'30" East I~g.80 fce~ along thc said North lire ofS~ct/on 32; th, mc~ ,%uth 5g°!1/'30' West 147.09 fcct to thc uid right-of. way Erg thence North 30'31'30" W~t 100.,)0 feet gong uid right-of-way l/nc to ~ po/m of AUG 0 4: AGREEMENT IrOR 100% DEFERRAL OF COLLIER COUNTY IMPACT FEES This Agreement for the Deferral of Impact Fees entered into Otis of 1998, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Collie;: County, Florida, hereinafter refrcred to ~s "COUNTh" and M£ordable/Wt:fistler's Cove, Ltd. hereinafter referred to as "OWNER". WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 88-97, as mended, the Collier County Library System Impact Fee Ordinance; Collier County Ordinance No. 88-96, as amended, the Collier County Parks and Recreational Facihties Impact Fee Ordinance; Collier County Ordinance No. 91-71, as mended, the Collier County Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Ordin,xnce; C. oilier County Ordinance No. 92-22, as mended, the Collier County Road Impact Fee Ordinance; Collier County Ordinance No. 90-86, as mended, the Collier County Water Syatera Impact Fee Ordinance; Collier county Ordinance No. 9¢87, as mended, the Collier county Sewer System Impact Fee Ordinance; a~d Collie? County Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended, the Collier County Educational Facilities System Impact Fee Ordinance, as they may be further amended from time to time hereinafter collectively referred to as "Impact Fee Ordinance", provide for deferrals of impact fees for new owner-occupied dwelling units qualif)'ing as affordable housing; and WHEREAS, Affordable/Whistler's Cove, Ltd. is the duly authorized with Todd L. Borck as President; and WHERF~, Aff.>rdable/~qfistler's Cove, Ltd. has applied for a deferral of imp.act fees as required by the Impact Fee Ordinance, a copy of said application is on file in the Housing and Urban Improvement Department; and WI-[E~, the County Administrator or his designee has reviewed the OWNER's application and has fotmd that it complies with the requirements for an affordable housing deferral; ofimpact fees as established in the Impact Fee Ordinance; and AUG 0 4 1998 WHEREAS, thc impact fee, dcfezral shall be presented in lieu of payment of the r,-,,quisite impact fees subject to satisfaction of all criteria in the Impact Fee Ordinance qualifying the project as eligible for an impact fee defex~al; and '~ WHEREAS, the COUNTY approved a dcfeixal of impact fees in the amount of One Million One Hundred Forty-One Thousand Two Hundred Tt~ry-Six Dollars and 80~00 ($1,141,236.80) for six years from date of certificate of occupancy for ~,'histler's Cove Apartments embodied in Resolution No. 98- , at its regular meeting of WHEREAS, the Impac~ Fee Ordinance requ/res that the OWNER enter hat:: an Agreement w4th the COUNTY. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the parties covenant and agree as follows: I. RECITALS INCORPORATED. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and shall be incorporated by reference herein. 2. LEGAL DESC'R/FrION. The legal description of the dwelling units (the "Dwelling Unit") is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. 3. TERM. OWNER agrees that the Dwelling Unit shall remain affordable and' shall be offered for rent in ac.c. ordance with the standards set forth in the appendix to the Impact Fee Ordinance for a minimum of fifteen (15) years commencing fi.om the date a certificate o£occupar, my is issued for the Dwelling Unit. 4. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. OWNER represents and warrants the following: a) The Dwelling Unit shall be the permanent residence of the occupant/tenant. b) The household renting the Dwelling Unit must have a very Iow or Iow income level, at tl~e comraencemeut of the leasehold and duration thereof, as that term is defined in the Appendices to the r~pective Impact Fee Ordinances and the monthly rent must be 2 AUG 0 ~: 1998 within the affordable housing guidelines established in the Appendices to the ~v¢ Impact Fcc OrdinallCCS. c) The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordable for at least fifteen (15) }eats from ,he date the ca'tificatc of occupancy was issued. SUBSEQUENT RENTAL OR TRANSFER. If OW'N'ER rents the Dwelling Unit subject to the impact fcc deferral to a subsequent renter, the Dwelling Unit shall be refuted only to households meeting the criteria set forth in the Impact Fee Ordinance. The impact fees deferred shall be immediately repaid to the COUNTY upon the discontinuance of use of the Dwelling Unit as affordable housing, or six years from the date such impact fees a~e deferred, w'kichevcr occurs first. OWNER agree~ that evcn though thc imp~t fees have been repaid to the coLrl'rrY, the OWNEP, will utilize the Dwelling Unit for affordable housing for at least fifteen (15) years from the date the certificate of occupancy was issued for the Dwclling Unit. LIEN. The deferred impact fees shall be a lien upon the property which lien may be foreclosed upon in thc event of non-compliance ~vith the requirements of this Agreement. The COUNTY acknowledges and agrees that: (a) In compliance with thc provision of the Collier County Impact Fee Ordinances, OWNE~ has demonstrated to the COUNTY that a subordination of the County's fights, intcicsts ~nd lien is necessary to obtain financing for Whistler's Cove Apartments, an affordable housing project consisting of two hundred forty (240) units; and Co) In comp]mnce with the provisions of the Impact Fee Ordinances, thc OWN'ER. will deliver to duc COUNTY substitute collateral in the form of cash and a cash eq~.Livaient financial ~cnt payable to the County wkich together will yield to the COUNTY the full amount of the deferred impact fees, i.e., the sum of One Million One Hundred Forty-One Thor,sand Two Hundred Thirty-Six Dollars and 80/100 ($1,141,236.80) at thc exph"ation of the period of the deferral, Febr,aary 15 200~~.) AUG 0 4 1998 a United States Treasury Z~o Coupon Bond which will mature at thc end of the deferral period, February 15, 2005 and, upon maturity, would yield an amount equal % to the amount of the deferred fees. COUNTY covenants and agrees that ft will not negotiate the bond unler~s and until the defc-'rred impact fees become due and payable pursuant to this al,recruit and that all moneys received by negotiation of the bond shall be at~li~ to the payment of md deferred impact fee obligation owing by A. fford~le/Whi~ler's Cove, Ltd. (c) The County h~eby covenants and consents and agrees that its tights, interests and lien pursuant to this agrecu-a~t shall be subordinated to the lien of the Mortgage and Security Agre. eracnt ("Mortgage") and other documernts executed by OWNER in comsiderafion th~vzwith from Afford%lc/Whistler's Cove, Ltd. to Collier County Hotming Finance Authority, or other prinuary Imders in the principal amount of up to Two Million Dolla~ ($2,000,000), and Florida Housing Finance Corporation in the principal amount of up to Thirteen Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($13200,000), plus accrued interest and all advances authorized under the provisions of such mortgages. The COUNTY will execute such subordination agreements as may be rca.,onably required by ~aid mortgages. 7. ANNUAL REPORT. Annually, the OWNER of the Dwelling Unit shall provide to ',.he County Manager an affidavit of compliance w/th the affordable housing quahfication criteria and standards set forth in the Impact Fee Ordinance. Said affidavit must be filed within thirty (30) days of the anniversary date of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. If the income of any unit renter which originally qualified as low income l~vel a~ d.'..fined in the respective Appendix to the Impact Fee Ordinance increases by more than forty ~t (40%) above the low income level d~cfibed in the appendix, then the per unit deferred impact fee on the non-compliance unit shall become immediately duc and payable by OWNER or, in the alternative, the OWNER shall have 4 AUG 0 4 1998 n/n~ty (90) days to comply with thc Affordable Housing guidelines set forth in thc respective Appendic~. 8. RELEASE OF LIEN. Upon satisfactor~ completion of thc Agreern~'rcquirements, and upon payment of thc deferred impact fees, the COUNTY shall, at the expert..;2 of the COUNTY, record any nec~sary documentation evidencing such payment, including but not lknited to, a releat~ of lien. 9. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement sl,~all be binding upon the parties to this Agreement, their heirs, successors and assigns. In the case of sale or ta'ansfer by gift of the Dwelling Unit, the original OWNER shall remain liable for the impact fees deferred until said impact fees are paid in full. 10. RECORDING. Thiz Agreement shall be recorded by OWNER at the expense of OWNER in the Otticial Records of Collier County, Florida within sixty (60) days after execution ofthi~ Agreement by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. ll. DEFAULT. OWNER shall be in default of this Agreement (I) where OWNER fails to mt the property in accordance with the affordable housing standards and qualification criteria established in the Impact Fee Ordinance and thereafter fails to pay the impact fees due within thirty (30) days of notice of said non-compliance, or (2) where OWNER violates one of the affordable housing qualification criteria in the Impact Fee Ordhnance for a period of fiftoen (15) days after notice of violation. However, with respect to the Annual Re-port, OWNER shall not be in default of this Agreement until a fiP~een (15) da)' grace period from the due date of the report has lapsed in the event the OWNER is in default. 12. REMEDIES. Should the OWNER of the property fail to comply with the said qualification criteria at any time during the fifteen (15) year period or should OV~'ER violate any provisions ofthis Agreement, the impact fees deferred shall be paid in full by OWNER within thii~y (30) days of said non-compliance. OWNER agrees that the impact fees deferr~ shall constitute a lien on the property commencing on the effec~ this agreement and continuing until paid. Except as set forth in Section 6, such lien shall be superior and paramount to the interest irt the Dwelling Unit of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgages, or other person except the hen for County taxes an~I shall be on parity with the hen of any such County taxes. Should the OW'NER be in default of this Agreement and the default is not cured within thirty (30) days after wrinen notice to the OWNER, the Board may bring a civil action to enforce the Agreement. In addition, the lien may be foreclosed or otherwise enforced by the COUNTY by action or suit in equity as for the foreclosure ora mortgage on real property. This remedy is cumulative with any other fight or remedy available to the COUNTY. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the COUNTY shall realize upon the collateral given to it by OWNER as described in Section 0c prior to exerciskig any fights to recover against property. The Board shall be entitled to recover all fees and costs, including attorney's fees, plus interest at the statutory rate for judgments calculated on a calendar day basis until paid. h"q WITNESS Wtt2EREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement for deferral of Impact Fees on the date and year first above written. (2) Witnesses: Print Name. OWNER: AFFORDABLF_JWHISTLER'S COVE, LTD. By: WHISTLER'S COVE, INC. Its General Partner Todd L. Borck, President DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROC~ Clerk COLrNTY: BOARD OF COUNTY COM~ilSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Barbara B. Berry, Chairman 6 AUG 0 4 1998 Approved ~ to form mci Heidi F. Ashton Assistmt County Atmm~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ,~ ~"~ .,3ot_T~e foregoing im'mm~ent was acknowledged before me this J;~,Cday of ,1998 by Todd L. Borck, President of Whistler's Cove, Inc., General-"--Partner of Affordabte2Whi~er's Cove, Ltd. on behalf of the Partnemhip. ~?_ispersonally known to me or has produced qj¢- (type of identification) as identification. Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped 7 -- APPENDIX "A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Thc ~ubject property being 24.00 acre~, and lock, ted in Section 32, Towr~hip 50 South, and Range 26 East, is describ~ as: All that part of Section 32, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, lying North and East, of the Tamiami Trail (U.S. Highway 41), Collier County, Florida, LESS AND EXCEPT a parcel described a~ follows: Be~nnlng at the intemetztion ofthe North line of said Section 32 with the Northeasterly fight- of-way line of the Tamiami Trail (U.S. Highway 41), nm Nor'& 89~57'30'' East 188.80 feet along the ~aid North 1/ne of Section 32; thence South 58°18'30'' West 147.09 feet to the said right-of-way line; thence North 30°31'30'' We~t 100.00 feet along said right-of-way line to the point ofbe~'rmlng. AUG 0 1998. EXHIBIT AUG 1998 EXECIXFIVE SUMMARY AUTHORIZE TKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGIZF~k'iMENT WITH THE FLORIDA DMSION OF FO~Y TO RECEI~q~-~ A GRANT TO REPRODUCE AND DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF THE COUN3~"S EXOTIC ~ BROCHURE Authorize tl~ County Administrator to enter into an agreement with the Florida Division of Forestry to receive a grant to reproduce and distribtne copies of the County's Exotic Plant Brochure. coNsrDm , The Florida State Division of Fore,str)' is receivivg lm'oposals to fund local projects through the Urban and Community Forestry grant funds provided by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The attachexl proposal requests $1,080 of grant funds to modify, reproduce and distribute Collier C.o,mty's exotic plant brochure to homeowners associations. The County is proposing $1,130 of staff time as in-kind sm'vices for the required grant match. The clements of tkis proposal include: 1. Minor revifions to the existing brochure, including advertisement of a Collier Website ;hat will contain more information. 2. Reproduction of 1500 lxochtnr, s. Mail out a copy of the brochure to homeowner associations and offering of presentations by (k~mty staff to inform homeowner assc~'iafions of their responsibilities. Creation of an Inva.~ive Exotic Plant Website ideatifying: a. What a~ inva~w: exotic plants, b. Why a,'e invasive exotic plants a problem, c. What tz.~meowmrs can do to control invasive exotic plants, cl. A list of frequently asked questions and answer& and e. Related Website Links, including links to Florida Division of Forestry and U. S. D. A, Forest Service. The grant requires that the local governing body adopt a resolution authorizing an executive officer to apply for the grant and enter into a Memorandum of Agreement ('MOAllobe~n. the project A fuUy executed Memorandum of Agreement and authorization to b~g4n project is not e~"te, d ~atil lmlial~./O!r Febn~ry 1999. ']' fiUa 0 41998 FISCAL IIViPA C]': The total co~t of the project is $2,210 of which $1,050 axe requested in grant funding. In- kind servicer of $1,I30 will come from existing personnel budgeted in the Natural Resources Department (001-178980). The proposal has been prepared so that no new County funds are needeck If the county receives the grant funding, a budget amen&.~ent will be needed for the FY 98/99 budget to recognize revenues md increase oF, crating expends by $1,080. Implementation is not expected until January or, February of 1999 when the MOA is executed. GROWTH lk ~L4~A(~E, ,5~. HT EV[PA~.._ This proposal suplx:,rts Goal G of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element which states that "the County shall identify, protect, conserve and appropriately use its native vegetative communities and wildlife habitat." That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution authorizing the County administrator to enter into an agreement with the State Division of Forestry for an Urban and Community Forestry Grant and approve the necessary budget amendment~ as outlined above. Nam~l Resources Department Vincew A. Cautero, AICP, Adminis~aor Community Development & Environmental Services Division Dam: 7-El- !),g AUG 0 4 1998 9 11 12 13 15 17 20 21 22 ~4 ~6 27 32 ~7 42 45 47 4.0 $1 $2 $$ 57 A RESOLUTION BY THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMLSSIONZRS TO ENTER INTO AN URBAN AND COMMVI~TY FORES'IRY GRANT MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WlTIt THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL~ AND CONSUMER SERVICES~ DIVISION OF FORESTRY. WHEREAS, inv-~'ive exotic wga,~on such ~ Melale..w.a, Braz/lian P ?,'~cn' and Aus"sa~ pine po~ z ~n'iou~ thr~tt to the unique ~ of Colli~ County;, and WEEREAS, Collkr County d~ims to make the public awar~ of the ckr~t fi-om im, asive ~otic vegetation; and WltEREAS, Colli:r County d~ms to apply for :m Urban ~nd Communhy For~'y Grant which would provide monies to modify, r~:~duce aad d~,%u~ iu btx)chur~, "Exotic Plant R~novaI"; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COI.;-NTY COM~IISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that I. Collier County svpporu the d~velopm~mt of aa ~uc~fional program to make people awa~ of the Ia'obl,m and contzol of invasive exotic vegetation; and 2. The Board ofCounW Commizsioner~ authofi2x the County Admin;m'a.mr to enter into an Urban ~ud Community Fore~'try Grant Memorazdum of Am'~emmat be:ween Collier County, Florida and the Florida Department ofAgficultur~and C~er This Resolution adopt~ al'm- motion, s~:ond a~l majority vote this · 1998. day of ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COlIN'IT COhE~rlSSION'ERS COLLIER COUI~'rY, FLORIDA By:. By:. Deputy Ck'rk BAKBAP. A B. BERRY, CI-LM.-q,.x, LMN AGENDA,,ISE Id , 0 998 EXECUTIVE THE BOARD OF COUNTY C~ER8 APP~tOVE AN EXTENSION TO THE TOURISM ADVER'IlSlNG AND PROMOTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COLJNTY AND _IStJ~D_ _ CH~Iffi~R OF C~E,, !1~ . OBJEC'I1VE: To have the Board of Coumy Cornmissionem approve an amendment to the Tourt'm~ Devek~ Adv~ and Pro~= agreement between Co~er County and Marco laland Chambm' Of Commerce, inc., by extet~ lhe agm~ernent from August 5, 1998 to Seplember 30, 1998. C(~ISIDERATIOIIS: On August 5, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners entered imo an agreement with the Grantee to advertise and promote C~ier County tourism. The current agreerrm~t is slated to expire 8/5/98. The grantee desires to extend the agreement to September 30,19~.i8. The Tourism De'vek~ Counci wi~ be con~dng this amendment at ~ mee~ng on Ju~j' 27, 1998. IMPACT: The amount of the Grantee's budget will remain the same. GROI,~.'q'H MANAGEMENT iMPACT: None R~DA'~: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the extens',on to the agreement and authorize the Cl'mirmen to sign an amendment to the agreement after it is PREPARED BY: ~ Heleae Case~ne Economic Development Mgr. md Urban Impmvemem Commur'~'y Dsv. & Envfronmental Services Date AUG 0 ,t 998 FIRST AMENDMENT TO 1998 AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND MARCO ISLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC. REGARDING ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION TI4IS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of ,1998, by and between Marco I.~Iand Chamber of Commerce, Inc., a Flor/da corporation, on beJulf of the Marco Island and Everglades Conveation and Visitors Bureau, hereinafter refm'e.d to as 'GRANTEE" and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hercinafler rff~Tred to as "COUNTY." REC1TALS WHEREAS, the COUN'I~ and thc Marco Island Chamber of Commerce, Inc. entered into a 1997 Tourism Agreement dated August 5, 1997 (thc "Agreement") in the mount of ~36,8000; and WHEREAS, the Marco Island Chamber of Cornmerce, Inc. has requested an extension to thc tzrm of thc Agreement; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY agrees to the requested extension. WITNESSETH: ,, NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE MIYI'UAL COVENANTS HERBEq AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 14 to ~h.c Agrccment shall bc dclctcd in its cnth~ty and re~sl;~.d with thc followin§ language: 2~7.I~: This Agreement shall become cff~cfiv¢ on August 5, 1997 an~ shall remain cffectiv¢ until Scpt~'rnber 30, 1998. Any funds not ~I by GRANTEE during the term of this Agr.~',maent and any extension thereto ~hall be available for future appHcants. Except as set forth herein, all of the terms and provisions of the Agreement shall r.mnain in full force and effect. AUG 0 4 ]998 IN WITNESS WItEKEOF, the GRANTEE and COUNTY have each respectively, by an ~uthoriz~ pon'son or agmt, hereunder r~ thch- hands and se. alz on the date and year first above DATED: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman WITNESSES: GRANTEE Marco Island Charnbgr of Commerce, Inc. By:. Approv~ as to form and legal sufficimcy . Itcidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attom~ (corporate ~d) 2 1998 _EXEC _U~ SUMMARY THE BOARD OF COUNTY C~$tONERS APPROVE' A BUDGET AMEhlD'/aENT AND AN EXTENSION TO THE TOURISM ADVERTISING AND PROI~OTtON AGREEMENT ,"4ETWEEN O{~JECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners approve an amendment to tl~e Tourism Devetop~ Advedising and Promotions agreement beh',,een Coil{er County and V'~s~t Naples, Inc., by approving a rme item budge~ amendment and extending the agreement from August 5, 1998 to Sel:~w~ber 30, 1998. CONSIDERATIONS: On August 5, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners entered into an agreement ~ the Grantee to adve~ and promote Collier County tourism. The current agreement is slated to expire 8/5/98. The grantee desires to extend the agreement to September 30, 1998. 'The Tourism Development Council will be considering this amendment at its meeting on July 27, 1998. I=E~AL I~PACT: The amount of the Grantee's budget will remain the same. GROWTH MANAGEMENT INIPACT: None RE~NDA~: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the line item budget amendment and the extension to the agreement and aufl'x:,'ize the Chairman to sign an an:endment to the ag~ after it is a~, roved by the County Attorney's Off'~,e. EconomLc Development Mgr.  ,.~~ Urban Improvement Community Dev. & Environmental Sen,ices Date AUG 0 1998 lIP, ST AMENDMENT TO ! 997 TOURISM AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND VISIT NAPLBS, INC. REGARDING ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of .1998, by and betw~ Visit N;~I~, Inc., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as "GRANTEE" and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Flor/da, herdnaRer referred to as "COUNTY." RECITALS WHEREAS, the COLrNTY and the Visit Naples, Inc. entered into a 1997 Tourism Agreement dated Augu.,"t 5, 1997 (the "Agreement') in the mount of $580,200.00; and WHEREAS, Visit Naples, Inc. has requested an extension of the term of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, Visit Naples, Inc. has also requested line item changes be made in the budget; and WHEREAS, the requeCted line item changes are within the original total budget; and WHEREAS, thc COUN% Y agrees to the requested changes. ~ WlTNESSETH: NOW, THEREFOr, BASED ON THE MUTUAL COVENANTS HEREIN AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 14 to the Agreemcmt shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following language: I]~:-J~[: This Agreement shall becom, e effective on August 5, 1997 and shall remain effective tmtil September 30, 1998. Any funds not used by GRANTEE during the term of this Agr~.~ment and any extemion thereto shall be available for future applicants. Exhibit "A" to the Agreernent shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with Exhibit "A" attached to this First Amlmdment ,o Agreement. -- n~o.o~> AUG 0 4 10~8 o Except ~ set forth herein, all of thc terms and provisions of the Agreement shall rcnudn in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WltEREOF, the GRANTEE and COUNTY have each respectix qy, by an authorized person or agent, heretmder set their hands and seals on thc date and year first above DATED: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR.IDA By: BARBARA B. BERRY, Ch~nnan WITNESSES: GRANTEE Visit Naples, Inc. Approved as to f.,m'n and legal su qSeien~ ' l ai Fi A hton Ar~imt County Attorney f:'.,t~.wf1998 TDC A~r~mt~tl~' Ame.'d ~o Vigil Na:plc~ lr~. (corporate seal) 2 AUG 0 4 1998 PROGRAM BUDGET 1998 BED TAX ALLOCATION $580,200 PROMOTION Advertising media phexanent 230,000 F'rofes~ional Public Relations Services includes strategic planning, facilitating marketing plans, designing l:nxnmotional materials and programs, and mcdia liaisen sctwices 83,000 Production includes graphic design and layout services, slide reproductions, text translation and photog-aphy 24,200 Collateral Materials includes the l:n'inting of des~dnation guides, newsletters and other pieces 120,000 Media Relations i~cludes photocopies, mileage, news release production and distribution and press excursion expenses Travel Agent R elations Expenses includes communications, mileage, post~ge and on-site familiarization ~penses 35,000 10,000 Tr'ade Show Expenses includes booth registration, supplies and travel expenses 30,000 Collaborative Efforts w/M~rco Bland & The Everglades CWB includes familiarization trips, trade shows and joint advertising PROGRAM EVALUATION Market Research includes collecting ~d assembting occupancy and visitor data Clipping Service 9,000 2,500 ADMINISTRATION Iasum~e Administrative Costs includes pogtage, telephone expemse~, mileage, subscriptions and other office cos~ TOTAL 8,000 9,500 16,000 AUG 0 4 1998 NAPk , FLOPdDA...IT'S SIMPLY CHA YNO. . ~ \~?.,~ ; ,',:, .... -~.. ~ '..'.' ... , ... July 15, 1998 Mr. Greg bfihalic TDC Coordinator/Housing and Urban Improvement 2~00 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 As our am'em County corm'a~ PO #80C101, wilt be extended through September 30, 1998, I would like to request reprogramming of funds. The reprogramming will allow us to cover our expenditures for the rest of the fiscal year and will provide the fimding, under the category of collateral, to ulxlme our current brochure. Line Item Current Contract Increase/ Revised Budgeted Amount Decrease Budget Amount A~ver~ng 2so,ooo.oo (20,00o.oo) 230,000.00 Public Relations 123,000.00 (40,000.00) 83,000.00 Prrxluction 14,200.00 10,000.00 24,200.00 Collateral 10,000.00 110,000.00 120,000.00 Media Kelations 50,000.00 (12,000.00) 38,000.00 Clipping Service 2,500.00 N/A 2,500.00 Travel Agent Relations 20,000.00 (10,000.00) 10,000.00 Trade Shows 35,000.00 (5,000.00) 30,000.00 Collaborative with Marco 25,000.00 (25,000.00) 0.00 Market Research 15,000.00 (6,fX)0.00) 9,000.00 Accounting ~2,000.00 (4,000.00) 8,00O.00 In,,an'ance 7,500.00 .. 2,000.00 9,500.00 Administrative Costs 16,000.00 N/A 16,000.00 TOTAL 580,200.00 0.00 580,200.00 Thank you for your comide, ration of this request. ~ Director ; ,-,;b-i ..... i..,..,'% AUB 0 4 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL OF A RESTATED MORTGAGE AND PROMISSORY NOTE FOR 'HIE SIXTY THOUSAND ($60,000) DOLt. AR LOAN FROM COLLIER COUNTY TO THE CDMMUNITY IIOUSING PARTNERSHIP OF COLLIER COUNTY, INC. ~ To have the Board of County Commissioners approve .the restated Mortgage and Pr~ Note for a $60,000 loan from Collier County to the Community Housing Partnership of Coilier County, Inc. CON$11)EI~ATION: The Collier County Department of Housing & Urban Improvement Ima set uide $60,000 from the State Housing h.itiative Partnership (SI-rfP) funds for a low imerest loan to renovate apaxtment units at 4948 Biscayne Drive in Tropical Manor Condcaminiums in East Naples. The twelve-unit complex provides affordable housing to very-low income houaeholds. Under the Rental Rehabilitation strategy of the SHIP Local !-Icm.~g Assistance Plan, the two &,liar match by the Community Housing Partnership of Collier County, Inc. tbr every one dollar provided by the count)' has been achieved through acqaxk,'ifion funding in conjunction with the rehabilitation loan. This low interest rental reha0ilitafion loan is a strategy previously approved by the Board of County Commissioners in the SHIP I.x~al Housing Assistanc. e Plan. The loan to the Comuamity Housing Partnerr~p of Collier County, Inc. was previ,,usly approved by the Board of'County Commisaioners on April 14, 1998. The resubrnission of ~s loan pac&age is necea~ry for the reconciliation c,f the legal documents to reflect the actual intended Ixansa~oa between Collier County and the Community Housing Parmership of Collier Coumy, Inc. The mortgage and promissory note will allow the Caaunty to ere~re the im~rity and acao~Ui~ of the transaction as recommended by the F'mance Departr~;.m of the Collier County C[:.-rk of the Circuit Court. ]*he Department of Housing & Urban Improvement concurs with the recomraendatiova of the F'mance Depat ahem as ' ) the restated language of 1,oth the mortgage and promissory ~!SCAL IMPACt: ~t~'oval of this updated mortgage and note will faciiitate the .$60,000 loan to the Conmmnity Housing PartnerShip cf Collier County, Inc. Payments will be wade from Fund 19I ar~ Coot Center 138785. Interest on the note shall be five (5%) pet amaraz Prind~nl paymenta shall be deferred '?or two years and interest shall be ar. xa'ued and capitalized to the uaxpaid loan balance. Total monthly payments ~, ;all h~ ~462.79. Total payxmm~ ~ be $99,961.62. A escrow account shall be estabLisl ti at~.. ~ J !o~ l~ding inrti~atfion to mak~ the diatribufions on the loan. AUG 0 4 1998 Pl~:_ .... ...-- GROWTH. MANAGEMIiNT IlVIPAC~: The loan to the commUni~ ttousing ParUm's~ of Collie. r CouP, Inc. coincides with thc goals of tt~¢ }lousing Elememt (Ordinance 97-63) oftl~ Collier County Growth Management Plan and follows the Rental ~on progr~t ~ra~gy of the Local Hc, u.sing Assistance Plan. RF~O~I~A_ TIO~: Thax the Board of County Comm~.oners approve the restated ~ortl~e and promissory note for the loan to the Communi~ Housing P',atnership of SUBMI'I-I'I~D BY: et'Housing and Uatra: ~ APPROVEDBY: ~' ~'~Date: ~'-~~'~Tp AUG 0 i 19°o8 .0 edl~la~dm'tmlmm~T~,Onit~d~a~,~f.~r,m'~a'~wtx~e~4~'.,~a 2800 ~oz~ ~o=~e=h~ ~i~, ~les, ~o~ 34014 . r~~~~m~~~. (xX~)~ ~ ~ AUG 0 4~ 1998 AUG 0 4= 1998 STATE ~ FLORIDA AUG 0 A 1998 : ~($) ~ ~ ~: l~e pr~s~ ~o pay }lxty ~sa ~s (~40,000.00) (~S ~ ~1 ~ till6 'p~ai~l') ~o ~e orbit o~ Collier C~}~ o~ ~o ~ny ~, no~ 34104. I~e ~rs~ ~ ~e ~nder ~y ~rans~er ~a No~. ~ '~ o~ any~ ~ ~s ~s No~ by ~ransfer and ~o is en~i~l~ ~o receive ~n=s ~ez ~his Note ~11 ~ celled the '~o~e f~i ~o ~y ~s No~ as r~, ~ ~e~es~ rl:~ shall ~ :'~lve ~:cen~ (ll%} per a~ fr~ the ~ ~n paint of =his NOte i~ due un:il I/We pay t= in full. ~ ~r ~ ~te ~ s~e of pr~:~t ~eli~e or sallsf~c~lon of ~he firs~ ~r~ }99,9~1. ~2. ' ~*l ~ ~ ~: I~e ~w ~ ri~t to ~ke pa~n~s of p~ci~l i~ any ~fore ~y are ~. A ~ of P~I o~y is ~ as a 'p=epa~n=". ~en I~e ~ a pre~n~, I/~ ~11 ~i1 ~ Mote ~older in writing =ha= I/we ~ doing ~o. ~ a ~z~al pr~t, ~re ~ ~ no c~qes in =he due dA=e or in =he ~= of my ~n~y ~n~ ~ess ~e ~ ~ol~r agrees in ~t=ln~ =o =hose changes. If I~e ~ke a ~r~al pr~n~, ~re ~11 ~ ~ proven: ~nal:y ~dher~ng :o or associated with such pr~a~en=. ~ ~: If a law, ~ ~es ~o ~As loan a~ ~xch se~= ~x~ loan charges, As f~y in~re~ so ~t ~ ~reft or o~he: loan char?es collected ~: :o be co~ec~ in co~tt~ ~ ~s lo~ exce~ ~he pe~:te~ 1;~s~ then {1) any such loin c~r~es s~ll ~ r~ ~ ~ ~t necessary to re~uce :he charges ~o the ~t; ~ (21 any s~ al~e~ collect~ ~r~ me ~xch exceede~ per,ted l~s ~11 re~ to ~/~. ~ ~ote Rol~r ~y choose ~o make ~hxs refund by reducin9 the pr~t~t ~t l~e ~ ~r ~s Mote or by ~kln9 a ~lrec~ pa~en~ ~o ~/us. · ef~ ~educes princt~l, ~e ~uctlon will ~ treated as a par:~al prepa~ent. ~~: ~ ~ ~r~ ac~l~9e and agree ~ha~ :i is ~ecuri~y Instr~en~ s~ect a~ s~r~te ~ a~ ~e~ts ~ ~e liens, ~e~, c~ zen~nts a~ co~txons ~ ~st ~ o~ T~t a~ ~ all adva~es heretofore ~de or ~xch ~y hereafter ~e ~nt ~ ~e Plrst ~ o~ T~t, ~st ~o~ ~ o{ rlo~i~--$200,O00, a~ s~ advanc~ for t~ ~se of I~) protectx~ o~ ~ur~he~ securing ~he lien og rl~st ~ of T~t, ~ de~a~ts ~ ~ ~rr~r ~er the First ~ed of T~ust or any o~ ~se e~ressly ~t~ by ~ first ~ed o~ Tr~ or {b) constructtn9, · ~m), r~lz~, f~ or ~ ~e Prc~rty. The te~ a~ provisions ~ ~st ~ed ol T~t a~e ~Z~t a~ controlltn9, a~ they s~rsede any other a~ pr~ions ~r~ ~ c~l~ct ~r~. In ~he even~ o~ a ~oreclosure or deed 11~ of {o~eclos~e of ~ ~l~st ~ o~ T~st, any provlsions herein o~ any provisions any o~r colla~ral s9~e~t rest~tct~ the use o~ the Proper~y to 1~ or m~erate ~c~ hc'mehol~ or o~he~se res~rictx~ ~e 8orr~r's abilxty ~o sell the P:operty s~ll ~.~ ~ ~er io~e or eff~t on s~se~en~ o~ers or purchasers o~ ~he ' ~y ~rson, l~l~n~ ~s s~cessors or assx~s {o~her than ~he ~o~r or a ralAted entity ol ~e ~rr~r), zecelv~ ~e to the Proper:~ ~hrough a ~oreclosure or de~ 1t~ of lo~eclos~e o~ ~ First ~ o~ T~ust s~ll recexve title :o the Pro~rty free a~ clea~ from suc~ restriction. ~r~er, 1~ ~e ~e~or ~en ~older aC~res title ~o the Pro~r~y p~s~nt to a deed lieu o~ foreclosure, ~ H~ o~ ~s realty I~r~nt a~all Auto~:xcally ~n ~ ~e~or ~en ~o~'s a~sX~on o~ ~e, provid~ ~at {1} th~ ~e~ ~s been 91~ ~lt~n ~tice o~ a defa~t ~er ~ First ~ed ol Trust and {2) the ~er s~ll ~ s~h no~ice sent to ~ ~e~. (A) ~fa~t. If I ~ in defa~t, ~ Xo=e ~older ~y br:ng a~uu any d:UaOnS not prohlbXted ~ a~c~le law ~ re.re ~/~ to pay =~e Note Holder's cos: ~ ex.rises descr~ in {$) {BI Pa~en~ of Note ~olde~'s Cost a~ Expenses. If ~ No~ Rol~f ~kes ~ ac~ as descri~o above, the No~e ~olCl~ will have righ~ 2o ~ ~id ~ck for a~ of i~ cos=s a~ ex~nses, xnclu~ng, Mu= no= l~xted reaso~le a~o~eys' fees. AGE -- AUG 0 4 1998 10. 12. ~C ~ f~rsC C~JI ~X1 ~ ~ ~Ce ~l~r ac ~e ad~efs J~ac,d ~n ~ec~lon 3(A] o~ ~t a ~:~ ~ f~ly ~ ~r~y ~4C~ to ~eep 411 o~ t~e pr~ses ~e xn ~, ~l a~So OD~gl~ ~ ~ ~ Of ~ P=~Jes ~de in ch~s Note. The No~e ~y ~or~ X~ righ~ ~r ~ ~o~ agli~ each ~rson i~dually or agai~c all of ~ ~e~r. ~ ~ ~= ~Y ~ of ~ ~y ~ r~Xred to pay ali of the ~ts o.~d preJ~nt ~ ~t~ce of ~r. 'Presen~=- ~ns ~e right co re.re Mo/Mr ~o ~ ~C of ~ d~. "No~ce of Dlsho~r" ~ea~s the right to re~lre ~ ~ ~: ~J ~e Xs a ~fo~ ~ns~r~en: wigh l~=.tUed variatXo~ ~~. In ~Cion ~ ~ protection given to the Note Holder under thls Note, a ~a~, ~ of ~ or S~Xty ~ (~a 'Sec~lcy ~=s~r,~en:'), dated the ~ame date lJ ~ ~o~, pro~ ~ ~oCe ~g ~r~ ~ssi~le losses ~Xch ~gh~ result 1~ Z/~ do ~ ~ ~ pries ~ X/~ ~ Xn ~ Note. ~aC Securzty InSOlent descr/~s ~'~ ~r ~t c~ X/~ ~y ~ r~r~ to ~ke ~e~aCe paten= 1n f~l of ill ~ X/~ ~ ~er ~j No~. S~ of those cond~u~ons are described as follows: Tr~fir of ~ ~rty or a ~fic/al In.rest in ~rr~r. If all or any part of the pretty or ~7 ~resC ~ it XJ ~ld or tra~erred (or t~ a ~nefictal interest ~rr~ ~ Jo~ or ~ferr~ ~ ~rrMg 1S ~= a ~cural ~=son} ~uC prior ~itC~ ~c, ~r ~y, a~ t~ ~on, r~re ~ace pa~enC ~ f~l or all ~ se~ ~ ~j S~/Cy ~t~t. H~er, ~s option s~ll not ~ exercl3~ by ~r if ~rctse Xs pro~1~ ~ f~ril law is of the ~te of ~s Z~t~nc. Zf ~ ~r=~s ~ ~, ~r s~ll g~ve ~rr~r no=ice of acceleration. ~e ~ ~ pr~ a ~ri~ of ~t less ~n t~rty (30~ days fr~ the date the notice is ~lt~r~ or ~, ~ ~ch ~rro~r ~t pey al~ s~s secured by thl~ Set,icy ~t~=. If ~rr~r f~l ~ ~e ~e proart7 as 1~ inc~e, or if fa~ ~ ~y ~ ~ prior ~ ~ e~iration of this ~rl~, Lender ~y invoke any r~es l~ally ~t~ ~ ~ Se~ity X~tr~ent ~,out further notice or d~ on ~rrMz. ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~'J rl~ Co collect a~ apply CAe i~ur~ce pr~ee~ ~r~r j~ ~ ~t ~ ~r~te ~ ~e rights of the Se~or ~en Holder to coll~t ~d a~ly ~ pmcc~ ~ accor~nce ~Ch the riser ~ed of Trust. ~rrMr: C 't~ty ~g ~ar~ezJhip of CollZes Count , v~Jsa ~Cm, Pres~ent 7 Inc., ~orrOl~£ Jaeon :. Swat, ~ger 2800 North aorsas~e Ort~ Naples. rlo=t~ 34104 ~: (941) 403-2338 Fax: (941) 403-2331 AUt 0 i998 LrgN RESOLUTIONS - CODE ENFORCEMENT CAS£ NO'S. ?0~2-0$2/Dowe $ Morlen & Betty Morlen, 70507-043/Sven Bode, & Cathleen Moo~ker, 70521- 006/Jesus Gomez, & 70612-027/Ursula l~Laertet, 80127-011/Raymond & Debo:ah Qtanlan. Board to accept report ~ adopt separaIe Resolutio~ asse~iag a l~en against ',he parcels idemifi~ in the Resolutions in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatement ora public nuisances at these locations, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION As required by Ordinance 91-47, a legal notice of assessment and copy of the Resolution will lx~ mailed to th~ rcspeedve property owners, and the Clerk to the Board rill record thc resolution thirty ~v.s ~ mailing of the resolution. C~ No. O""er ~t Rz~%d Caae Summary Lien Amount 70502-0~2 Dowe S Morien & a. Violation det~:'~ufiaation 04/25/97 $ 245.00 Betty Morlen b. Notice of Violalion served Undeliverable  c. Verification of unabated nuisance 08/20/97 d. Nuisance abated with public funds 09/02/97 ..___..__ e. Owner invoiced for costs 09/18/97 · 705074)43 SV~r~'Bode & a. ~ iola-"--~on determination 05/06/97 300.00 Cathleen Moosker b. Notice of Violation served 05/20/97 .c. Verification oftmabated nuisance 07/23/97 d. Nuisance abated withpublic funds 08/13/97 e. Owner invoiced for costs 08/22/97 70521~' Jesus Gomez' a. Vioi'~tion determi:mtion 05/20/97 245.00 t>. Notice of Violation served 05/29/97 c. Verification of unabated nuisance 07/31/97 d. Nuisance abated ~vith punic funds 08/18/97 e. Owner invoiced for costs 08/29/97 70612~27 Ursuia ltaertel' a. Violation determkmtion I}7/08/97 245.00 b. Notice of Violation served 07/11/97 c. Verification of unabated nuisance 08/I 1/97 d. Nuisance abated w/th public funds 08/15/97 e. Owner invoiced for costs 08/29/97 80217-0'il RaymOnd & Del:;orah a. Vi0'lation determination 01/26/98 245.0-0- Quinlan b. Notice of Violation served 02/02d98 c. Verification oftmabated nuisance 02/23/98 ck Nuisance abated with public funds 03/02/9R ~ ....... 03/n/,.!L AU~ 0 4 1998 for, closure. The only cost to be incurred by ~e County i~ the cost of r~.ordilag the Lien, which is estima~ to b~ approximately $ 35.00, and can be paid from Cc. de cn/orcemen, account# 111-138911. GROWTH _MANAGEMENT IMPAI2~. Not applicable. RECOI~EMENDATION That the Board of County Commissiongrs adopt the attached Resolutions. PREPARED BY: Code Enforcement REVIEWED BY: ent REVIEWED BY: Michelle Edwarch Arnold, Director Code Enforcement DATE: Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. CSce 8 - 6/91 AUG 0 4 1998 COL.LZ~R COUNT:I', fLORIDA LEGAl. NOTZC~ OF ASSESSH:EI~ OF LIF.~ Do~e S. & Bet~y Ho=Zen ~ Box 33~ ;e££ersonYi~e, Ztl :I~~CE 70502-082 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE: 47130 ~6~092320008 LIEN NUMBER: Lots 14, Block 4, HAPLES MANOR ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, on file and recorded in the l~blic Records of Collier County, Flori~, PB 3, pages 67 ~nd 68, subject to three-fourths oil, gas an~ mineral rights reservation and subject to reservations, restrictions ~nd limi~ations of record. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Co~pliance Services Manager, did on 5/2/97, 'order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited &ccu~ulation of non-protocted mow&ble vegetation in excess of 18" in ~leight in a subdivision other than Golden Gate Eatatoe. Weeds over 18" (3 + ft.). YOU failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $245.0Q~ Such costs, by Resolution of the ~oard of County Commissioners of Collier Coun=y, Florida, have been assessed agaiast the above proper~y on and shalk become a ~ien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing before the ~oard of County Commissioners to show cause, ~f any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 4 6 ? ! 9 I0 1! 12 14 ~6 2O 24 2~ 3O ;6 ~9 ~0 41 42 43 4~ 46 47 4~ 49 ~2 ~6 ~? ~9 61 62 A RESOLUTION OF T~E BOARD OF COUNTY COmmISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASS£SSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC ~;ISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance '91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and W~EREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following coshs of such abatement, to wit: NA~E{ Dowe S. Morlen & Betty Morlen RR1 Box 331 Jeffersonville, iN 47130 REFERENCE~ 70502-082 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~QFT $245.00 Lots 14, ~lock 4, NAPLES MANOR ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, on file and recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, PB 3, pages 67 and 68, subject to three-fourths oil, gas and mineral rights reservation and subject to reservations, restrictions and lim~tattons of record. 162092320008 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 65 APPROVED AS TO FORM 66 AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 6~/~DAviU ~E~G£~ - 70 v-- COUNTY A~~ ~ ~ce 11 - 1/98 BOARD OF COUNTY COM~4ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 4= '!998 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF TliE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF T}{E ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC N~3ISANCE, IN ACCORDA~CE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. ~"6EREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and W]~EREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~4ISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~{TY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAM~ 7. Dowe S. Morlen & Betty Horlen RR1 Box 331 Jeffersor. ville,' IN 47130 LEGAL DESCRIPTION~ COS~ $245.00 Lots 14, Block 4, NAPLES ML.~R ADDITION, according to the plat thereof, on file and recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, PB 3, pages 67 and 68, subject to three-fourths oil, gas and mineral rights reservation and subject to reservations, restrictions and limitations of record. 70502-082 #62092320008 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, u~lless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COLD,fY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~ DAVID Wsfo~E ' '~' COUNI'Y ATTORNEY CSce 11 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN 1998 Sven Bode & Cathleen Moosker 14193 Berlin R~FERENCE 70507-043 158106840006 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE: LIEN NUMBER: Lot 5, Block 404, Marco Beach Unit T~IRTEEN, a ~ivision according to the plat thereof, reoorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 92-99, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 5/08/97, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited &ccu~ulation o~ non-protected mowable vegetation in excess of 18" in height in a subdivision o~er than Golden Gate Est&tls. Prohibited dumping, accumulation, storage or burial of litter, waste or s'~andoned property. Weeds over 18" (2 ft.), , Debris at front of lot. You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $ 100.00 and administrative coat of ~200.00 for a total of $ 300.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You ~ay request a hearing before the BoaJd of County Commissioners show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County CoMmissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 0 '/998 6 10 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 2'2 24 26 2'/ 3O 3! 32 ~3 34 3: 36 37 ]9 40 41 42 43 45 4~ 4~ 4~ 52 54 65 &7 A RF. SOLUTION OF TME BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LI~N, FOR THE COST OF T~4E ABATI~MENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDA~4CE WIT}{ ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREA=~, as provided in Ordinance '91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and W~EREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and W~EREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CO~FY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the o~ner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, co wit: FAMI~ ~EGAL DK$CRIPTION; CO~T Iht 5, Block 404, Marco Beach $ 300.00 Unit THIRTKKN, a subdivision according to tho plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 92-99, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Bode, Sven & Cathleen Meosksr Hoehnann Strasse 5 14193 Berlin Germany 58106840006 70507-043 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty {30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall b~ recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGMT E. ~ROCK, CLERK COLLIER CO~, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, C"rlAIRMA~t DAVID ~IGEL COGNTYA'I'I'ORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 AUG 0 4:1998 P~;o _~. :_.._. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDIN(~ FOR ASSESSM~i~T OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABAT~D41~qT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of Cc,~nty Co~nissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assess~nt after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVI~D BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUIT~Y, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME: LEGAL DESCRIPT~QN~ C0$X Bode, Svsn & Cathleen Moosk~r Hoeh~ann Strasae S 14193 Berlin Germany REFERENCE: 58106840006 70507-043 Lot S, Block 404, Marco Beach $ 300.00 Unit THIRTEEN, a subdivision according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pagss 92-99, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED A~ TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: DKV~D- ~EiGE,., COUN~"f ATTORNEY CSce 11 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 4 1998 LEGAL NOTICE OF $-~$ESS~KNT OF LIE~ 6034 SW 27~ St. Miami, FL 33155 DATE: 70521-006 162102840009 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LIEN NUMBER: LOT 3, IN BLOCOK 14, OF NAPLES I~ANOR ~DDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, A~ RECORDED IN HLAT BOOK 969, AT PAG~ 621, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNT~, FLOR/DA. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 5/21/97, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited ac~umul&tio* of non-pro~tedmowable veget&t£on in ~ss of 18" in ~ight in a I~vilion o~er ~ ~lden You failed to aba=e such nuisance; whereupon, It was abated by the ~xpenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $ 45.00 and a~i~lstrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by ~esolution of the Board of County Co~issioners of Colliur County, Florida, have been l~sessed against the abov~ property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) day~ afcer such assess~nt. You ~y request a h~aring before the Board of County Co~is~ioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not ccnstltute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be ~de to the Clerk of the Board of County Co~issioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty [30) days fr~ the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY C~ISSIONERS CSce 9- ~/93 AUG 0 '1998 6 '7 I0 I! 1'7 19 ~6 3O ~? 40 4? RESOLUTION r~O. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PPOVIDINO FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC rUJISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be_ calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and W/4EREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COU~ COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO[~NTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: ~AM1~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION~ COST 6034 SW 27'~ St. Miami, FL 33155 LOT 3, IN BLOCK 14, OF NAPLES $ 245.00 MANOR ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT T~EREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 969, AT PAGE 621, OF TH~ PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 621028%0009 70521-006 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official reco]'ds of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appea~ of the assessment of the owner. 7'his Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E ~ROCK, ~ERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 61 APPROVED ~ T~ FORM 62 AND .LEGAL SU, FFICIENCY: 66'" COUNTY ATTORNEY 67 CSce 11 - 1/98 7O BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, C~L~IP~ AUG041998 ) A RESOLUTION OF ~{E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDIN~ FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisa'ces, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Co,~missioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.04) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T~E BOARD OF COLS~I"f COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the o~mer of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME; ~GAL DESCRIPTIONt ~ 6034 ~W 27t~ St. Miami, FL 33155 REFERENCE: 62102840009 70521-006 LOT 3, IN BLOCK 14, OF NAPLES $ 245.00 KANOR ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 969, AT PAGE 621, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIG}{T E. BROCK, CLgRK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~./~,,, D)%V I D i4E fGEL COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN COLLIF. R COU~T~, LEC~L NOTICE OF ASSESS2~E~ OF LIEJl Bo~aha~s t~ 3 82031 Gruen~ald 1~.~ F~4CE 70612-027 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE: 159026000006 [,IE~ NUMBER: Lot 15, Block 7B9 of A REPLAT OF A POROTION OF MARCO BEACR UNIT TWENTT FIVE, A Sub~Ltviaion Accorct/ng to the Plat thereof, recordod in Plat Book 12, F&ges 86-89, of the Public RecorcL8 of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised ~hat the Compliance Services Manager, did on 7/09/97, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited sc~lAtion of non-protected mow&bls vegetation in excess of 18" in h. ight in · subdivision other th&~ Golden GAte Zs~,tes. W~oc~s over 2 f~. You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was aba=ed by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cos= of $ 45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a ~otal of $ 245.00. Such cos=s, by Resolu~ion of ~he Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thi=ty (30) days after such assessment. You n%ay request a hearing before the ~oard of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under ~his Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing munt be ma~e to =he Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Goverflmen~ Center, ~aples, Florida* 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of ~his assessment ~o be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY CO~MISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 _AUG 0 1998 6 ? 9 I0 !'2 I] 17 11 19 20 23 30 33 36 40 41 43 4~ 47 4~ 49 51 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR 774E COST OF THE A~ATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and '~HEREAS0 the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated ~nd re~orted to the Board of County Commissioners. together with % description of said parcel; and W~..=REAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS,' the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: ~ LEGA~ DESCRIPTION~ COST Haertal, Ursula B~nnharstr 3 82031 Gruanwald Germany 59026000006 70612-027 Lot 15, Block 789 of A REPLAT $ 245.00 OF A PORT~ON OF~RCO BEACH UNIT ~ FIVE, a Subdivision according to the Plat thereof, recorded fn Plat Book 12, Pages 86-89, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 52 56 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 6~ 61 62 APPROVED AS TO FORM 63 AND, LEGAL. S~JFFICI ENCY: 6~ ' '~, -. ~--.--" 66 ~D~VID WEIGEL 67' COUNTY ATTORNEY 6~ CSce 11 1/98 70 ?1 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. ~HEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abate=.ent of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost ii,cuffed by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS. such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COST Haertel, Ursula ~omharstr 3 82031 Gruenwald Oez"many 59026000006 70612-027 Lot 15, Block 789 of A REPLAT $ 245.00 OF A PORTION OF MARCO BEACH UNIT TWENTY FIVE, · Subdivision according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 12, Pages 86-89, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. The Clerk of the Board shall mail · notice of assessment of lien zo the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: ~WIGHT E. BRCX2K, CLERK BOARD OF C~ COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO~, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL .SUFFICIENCY: ~I~AVI~J' -~EIGEL' - COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIR.MAN COLLIER COUNT~, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTZCE OF ASSE$SMEl4T OF LIEN Raymond & Deborah Quinlan 428 S Country ~d. East Patc~oque, NY REFERENCE 8,9127-011 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE: 11772 157681240009 LIEN NUMBER: hot 13, Block 219, of MARCO BEACH UNIT NO. SEVEN, a Subdivfsfon, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6,Pages 5S through 62 of the Public Rocord~ of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 1/27/98, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existi~,g on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited aocumulation of non-protected mowable vegetation in excess of 18" in he£ght in a subW~ivision other than Golden Gate Weed~ in excess of 18". You failed to abate such nuisance~ whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $ 45.00 and administratfve cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a he.~ring before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Co~missioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30} days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 AUG 0 4 1998 ? 9 I$ ~? 2! 2~ 2~ 24 2~ 4O 4~ 47 61 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS$IO,~ERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR ~E ~ST OF ~E ~AT~ OF P~LIC ~IS~{CE, IN AC~RD~ WI~ ORDIN~CE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNI"f COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owmer of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAMEr LEGAL DESCRIFTION: COST Raymond & Deborah Quinlan $ 245.00 ~2S $ Country Rd. Lot 13, Block 219, of MARCO BEACH East Patchoque, };Y UNIT NO. SEVE~;, a Subdivision, according 11772 to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 55 through 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 157681240009 80127-011 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction i~ stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 62 63 64 APPROVED AS TO FORM 6~ AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: COUNTY ATTORNEY 70 7{ CSce 11 - 1/98 BOARD OF COUN~'Y COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNq'f, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAI~4AN AUG 0 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 98- ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR 97{E COST OF TT{E ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDARCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. W~,EREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: ~A/WE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION~ COS~ Raymond & Deborah Quinlan $ 245.00 428 S Country Rd. Lot 13, Block 219, of MARCO BEACH East Patchoque, NY UNIT NO. SEVEN, a Subdivision, according 11772 to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book Pages 55 through 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 157681240009 ~0127-011 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owner~ of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified.copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction iu stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF CO~TY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO~TY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 ' 998 LIEN RF~L~ONS - CODE ENFORCEMEI~f CASE NO'S. 70724-030/Sidney & Libby Barber, 70729-071/Dalanda McAuley, 70805-028~ E & Ann A Larason, 70905-005/Immokalee Habitat for HumaaRy, Inc., A Florida Non-Profit Corporation Board to accept report and adopt separate Resolutions azsessiag a lien against the parcels identified ia the Resolutions in order to recover public funds expended to effect the abatem~ of a gn~blic nuismces at these locatiom, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Conu'ol Ordinance. CONSIDERATION As required by Ordinance 91-47, a legal notice of assessment and copy of the Resolution will be mailed to the .respective property owners, and the Clerk to the Board will record the resolution thixty days after mailing of the resolution. Case No. Owner of Record Case Summary [ Lieu Amount -7072~630 Sidney & Libby Barber a. Violation determination 07/23/97 $ 245.00 b. Notice of Violation served Undeliverable c. Verification of unabated nui~2ace 08/19/97 d. Nuisance abated with public funds 08/22/9'/ e. Owner invoiced for costs 09/04/97 70729-071 Dalanda McAuley a. Violation determinmion "' 07/28/97 245.00 b. Notice of Violation served Undeliverable c. Verification of unabated nuisance 08/26/97 d. Nuisance abat~ with public fimds 09/06/97 e. Owner invoiced fro' costs 09/18/97 L70805428 Laxa E &'Ann'A a. Violation determination ' ' 0g/04/97' 400.00 Larsson b. Notice of Violation served 08/09/97 c. Verification of unabated nuisance 08/28/97 d. Nuisance abated v,,ith public funds 09/23/97 e. Owner invoiced for costa 09/'25/97 70905"005 Immokalee Hal,itat for a. Violation det~axiaafion 10/09/97 245.00 Huma~,,~rty, In~., A b. Notice of Violation served 10/21/97 Florida Non-Profit c. Verification of unabated nuisance 12/01/97 Corporation d. Nuisance abaxed vAth public f~ads 12/11/97 e. Ov,~aer invoiced for costs 12/16/97 AUG 0,1 1998 Pi):..... ]. .... - A total r,.-imbursem~ of $ 1,135.00 may be anticipa~d by voluntary action or foreclosure. Th~ only cost to b~ incurr~ by the County is the cost of recording the Lien, which is eslimmed to be appro~ely $ 28.00, m~d can be paid from Code Enforcement account ii 111-I3991 I. _GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applic2ble. RECOMb~NDATIObI That the Board of County Commissionem adopt tl~ altached Resolutions. PREPARED BY: re~ntative DATE:_ Code Enforcement REVIEWED BY: ent PEVIE~D BY: DATE: Mlchdle Edwards Arnold, ~r Code Enfor~ment DATE: ~(~, ~ Community Dev. & Environmentsl Svc~. DATE: CSce 8 - (x,91 COL~'I'F~ COU'RT~', FLORIDA Sidney B~rbet & Libby Barber 1001 City Ave Wynnewood, PA 19096 REFERENCE 70724-030 LEGAL D£SCRIPTION: DATE: ~58104080004 LIEN NUMBER: Lot 3, Block 400 of Harco Beach Unit TRIRTEEN & Subc~ivision &ccord/ng to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, P&ge 92-99 of The Public Records of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 7/24/97, order the abatement of a ceztain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibit~d ac~umulation of non-protected mow~ble vegetation in excess of 18" in height in I subdivision other than Golden Gate Weed~ over 19" (5 ft.). You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $245.00, Such costs, by Resolution of the 6card of County Commissioners of Colli~ 'County, Florida, have been assessed against ~he above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You m~y request a hearing before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the proRer~y. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the ~oard of County Con~issioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 0 1998 ! 2 6 '7 9 I0 12 14 16 I? 19 2O 2~ 2,5 2~ 2'7 37 4~ 42 4~ 44 46 4'7 49 50 52 57 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A R~$OLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~LMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91=47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHERE~, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the pr:perry against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent {12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME: LE~A,b DESCRIPTION: COST Sidney Barber & Libby B~&rbet 1001 City Ave Wynnewood, PA 19096 70724-030 Lot 3, Block 400 of Marco Bsach Unit THIRTEEN · Subdivision according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 92-99 of The Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 158104080004 $245.00 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or ow~lers of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such p~operty according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 4 1998 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF CODT~7'Y COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC }~ISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and ~:[ERF~, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and W~4EREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WltEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent {12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CO~TY CO~9~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAKE.. LZ~AL DgSCRIPT~9~: COST Sidney Barber & 1001 City Ave Wy~~, PA 1909~ 70724-030 Lot 3, Block 400 of Marco Beach Unit THIRTEEN a Subdivision according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 92-99 of The Public Records of Collier County, Florida. ~58104080004 $245.00 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified cop), of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARDOF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS T~ FORM AND. LEC4~L SUEFICIENCY: ~n~.~D~ViD~W~.idEU , - COUNTY ATTORREY CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARB~J~A B. BERRY, CHAIRMA~ AUG 0 4 1998 LE~T., NOT'FCE OF ASSES~I:~' OF LTEN DA'~: 1740 ~1 36t~ C~ rt Lauc~=ctale, 1~ 33309 ~~~ 70729-071 ~56937000004 LIEN NUHB~R: LEGAL DESCR~ION: ~ 1, Bl~k 121, ~co ~ch Uni~ Fou~, & s~vi~ion &ccor~ng to ~e pl&~ ~ereof, re~r~ in Pllt B~k 6, P~gel 32 ~rough 37, ~clusi~, ~1i~ re=o=~ of Colli.r Co~t~, Flori~. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 7/29/97, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited accu~ul&~ion of non-protected mowable vegetation in excess of 18" An height An & subdivision other th~n Golden G&te Weeds over 18" (3 ft.). You failed Co abate such nuisance; ~hereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $ 45.00 and acL'ntntstrattve cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by ~esolution of the Board of County Comm£ssloners of Coll£er County, r/or/da, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property th£rty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing before the Board of County Cor=aissioners to show cause, if any, way the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance age unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request fo: hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Commtss£oners, Govegrm~ent Center, Nap/es, Florida 34112 in wr£ting ~tthin thirty (30) days from the date o: this assessment to be val£d. --'-~~~ C~ER~, BOARD OF COUNTY CO~4~SS20~ERS CSce 9- 1/93 AUG 0 1998 P~. ~ :~0 32 34 3~ 37 ,al 44 49 $1 ~2 $3 $7 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR T~E COST OF THE A~ATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. W/4EP. gAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and W~EREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WH~, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after whieh interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.04) per annum on any unpaid portion :hereof. NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION; COST Daland~ McAuley 1740 NW 36 F~ Lauder~ale, FL 33309 56937000004 70729-071 Lot 1, Block 121, Marco Beach $ 245.00 Unit Four, a subdivision according to the plat theroof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 32 through 37, inclusive, Public Records of Collier County, Florida The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK ~9 60 61 A/~PROVED AS TO FO~ 6~ ~AV fD "WE I G'EL 66 COUNTY ATTORNEY 67 61 CSce 11 - 1/98 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COLR~rY, FLORIDA BY. BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRF~%N RUG 0 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC ~{UISANCE, IN ACCORDA~CE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.04) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: LEOAL DESCRIPTION; Dalanda McAuley 1740 NI~ 36~ CT Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 56937000004 70729-071 hot 1, Block 121, ~arco Beach $ 245.00 Unit Four, a subd/vision according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 32 through 37, in¢luoive, Public Rscorda of Collier County, Florida The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. q'nis Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER C~, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LF. GAL SUFFICX~NCY: ·' COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRRAN AUG 0 1998 COLLTER COUNT~, FLOR/DA LEGAL NOTI~ OF ASSES~q4T OF LI~N DATE: Lmrs E & Ann A Larsaon 1001 l~urphy Dr. Joliet, IL 60435 ~FER~NCE 70805-028 136447040008 LIEN NUMBER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 20 Block 250 Unit 7 Part - GOLDEN GATE according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, Pag~ 143, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 8/05/97, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: ~cu~ulatio~ of pr~h/bited exotics on ~roved land located within 200' of i~roved, sub~iv~ property. AUStraLIAN PL'~ TREE: You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $ 200.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 400.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty {30) days after such assessment. You may request a nearing before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) Odaysfrom the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 AUG 0 1998 I 2 3 6 7 I0 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 2~ 26 2~ ~0 33 3~ 36 ~0 47 ~7 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF ~E BOA.RD OF COU~ CO~ISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHERF. AS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREA~g, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and ~ERY.2%S, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and kq{EP~, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T~E BOARD OF COUNI~f CO~MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: DESCRIPTION; COST Ann A 1001 Murphy Dr. Joliet, IL 60435 364%7040008 70805-028 Lots 20 Block 250 Unit 7 $ 400.00 Part - GOLDEN GATE according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 143, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction i, stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIG"~T E. BROCK, CLERK ~9 60 61 APPROVED AS TO FORM 62 AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: COUNTY ATTORNEY 67 6~ CSce 11 1/98 69 BOA.RD OF COUNT"f CC~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BA/~BAR3% B. BERRY, C~{AIRM~ AUG 0 4 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF T~E BOARD OF CO~ COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC ~JIS~CE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREA.g, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%] per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NA/~LEI LEGAL DESCRIPTION: g0$~ Larsso~, L&rs E & 1001 Murphy Dr. Joliet, IL 60435 REFERENCE: 36447040008 70805-028 Lots 20 Block 250 Unit 7 $ 400.00 Part - GOLDEN GATE according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 143, of the Public RecordD of Collier County, Florida. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolu:ion adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOAJ{D OF COUNI"f COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND, LEGAJ~ ~SUFFICIENCY: DAVID WEIGEL COUN/"f ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBAP. A B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 4 1998 LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN Iron, kales Babitat for Humanity, Znc., A Florida Non-~ro££t Corporation 640 N 9~ St. ~k~e~, ~ 34142 ~~ 70905-005 ~62156080006 LEGAL DESCRI~ION: DATE: LIEN NUMBER: Lot 20 Block 9 of NAPLES F~%NOR AhTfEX, sccording to the Plat thereof, es recorded in Plat Book 1, on page 110, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office o~ the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 10/17/97, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohib£t~d &c~ul&tion of non-protected~w~le vegetation in ~sl of 18" ~ height in a s~ivision o~er ~ ~lden Gate Wo~ in excess of 18" (4 ft.). You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $ 45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a to,al of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Board of County Co~lssioner5 of Collier County, Florida, have ~eem assessed against the above property on and shall beco~ a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You ~y request a hearing before the Board of County Co~issioners to show cause, if any, ,.thy the expenses and charges i~curred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be ~de to the Clerk of the Board of County Co~issio~ers, GovernmeDt Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30} days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 2 3 4 6 '7 9 10 I! ~2 13 14 16 i'7 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 31 32 3:5 36 37 3:~ 39 ,40 42 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF T~E ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, iN ACCORDANCE WIT}{ ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and W~4~-~2%S, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED DY T~E BOARD OF COUNTY CO~MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME.- ~EGAL DESCRIPTION; ~OST 44 46 47 49 50 52 56 57 59 I---okalee Habitat for H,3m~nity, Inc., A Florida Non-Profit Cozporation 640 N 9TM St. I---~kalee, FL 34142 REFERENCE ~ 62156080006 70905-005 245.00 Lot 20 Block 9 of NAPLES KANOR A/qlTEX, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, on page 110, of ~he Public Records of Collier County, Florida. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30} days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according ~o law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 61 62 APPROVED AS TO FOP~M 63 AND LEGAL SUFFZCIF~4CY: 66 ~f,~DAVID WEIGEL 69 CSce 11 - 1/98 BOARD OF COU~;TY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRM3UN AUG 0 4 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A ~,SOLUTION OF T~E BOARD OF COUNT'f COMMISSIONERS pROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF 71{E ARATEMENT OF PUBLIC NIJISARCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREA-g, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and W~, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and re~orted to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation u~on the property against which made until paid; and W}{ERF~, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED PY THE BOARD OF COUNT~ COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNT'Y, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: ~A~ ~EGAL DESCRIPTION~ COS! Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc., $ 2%5.00 A Florida Non-Profit Corl~oration 640 N 9~ St. I~kalee, FL 34142 Lot 20 Block 9 of NAPLES MA/~OR ANIN-EX, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, on psge 110, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 62156080006 ?0g05-005 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND. LEGAL .SUFFICIENCY: COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 EXECUTIVE SU/Vl~tARY LIEN RESOLUTIONS - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO'S. 71117-017/Martha I & LiIltan E Beajam~on, 71210-016frhomaa Combs, 71210-051/Andi Pearson & Carol Irving & 80105-0(.~Eileen Curran Spector Board to aCeCl~ retxa-t ~d adopt ~'parate Resolutions assessing a lien against the parcels identified in the Re~I~ in order to recover public fun~ expended to effect the abatement of a public nuisances at these locations, all as provided for in Ordin~ce 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION As required by Ordinance 91-47, a legal notice of assessment and copy of thc Resolution will be mailed to the ~ve property owners, and the Clerk to the Board will record the resolution thirty da3,s a_tier mailing of the resolution. Ca~ No. '" Owner of Reeord Cue Summary Lien ,Amonnt 71117-0!7 Martin I & Lillian E a Violation determination 12/04/97 $ 245.00 Benjamson b. Notice of Violation served Undeliverable c. Verification ofunabated nuisance, 01/21/98 d. Nuisance abated with public funds 02/03/98 e. Owuer invoiced for costs 02/20/98 71210-016 Tlmma~ Combs m Violation determination 12/09/97 245.~0 b. Notice of Violation served Undeliverable c. Verification of unabated nuisance 01/03/98 d. Nuisance abated with public fund:, 01/15/98 e. Owner invoiced ['or costs 02/06/98 712104/53 ' Andi Pear~n & a. Viola/ion determination 12/12/97 265.00 Carol Irving b. Notice of Violation served Undeliverable c. Verification of unabated nuisance 03/04/98 d. Nuisance abated with public funds 03/10/98 e. Owner invoiced for cx)sts 03/13/9~ 801054)66 ' Eileen C~ran Spector a. Viol&ion d'etermination 12/31/97 245.00 b. Notice of Violation sen, ed 01/21/98 c. Verification of unabated nuisance 02/09/98 d. Nuisance abated with public funds 02/I 8/98 e. Owner invoiced for costs 03/06/98 AUG 0 4 1998 / 7,¸ lqg.;AL IYtI'ACI' A total rcimlmm'mcnt of $ 1,000.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreelozure. The only eo~ to be incurred by the County is the cost of recording the Lien, which ia estimated to be approximately $ 28.00, and can l~. paid from Code Enforcement accoum # 111-138911. GROWTH MANAGE~ IMPACt Not applicable RECOMMENDATION That the Board of Coumy Commissioners adopt the attached Resolutions. PREPARED BY: ce Representative Code Enforcement DATE: REVIEWED BY: elanger~,-Senior C~stomer Service Agent nforcement REVIEWED BY: DATE: MicheHe Edwarda Arnold, Director Code Enforcement ~ ~.~CP, Administrator Community Dev. & Environmental Svc~. DATE: DATE: V-aP--- ?? CSce 8 - 6/91 AUG 0 4 1998 COLLIER COUNT~', FLORTDA DATE: Hart~n I & Lillian E Ben~amson 5448 -45~ Ave. $ Hinneapolis, MN 55417 REFERENCE 71117-017 ~36385240009 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 13 Block 224 Unit 6 Part 1 plat thereof recorded in Pl&t Book 9 Records of Collier County, Florida. LIEN NUMBER: AUG 0 1998 GOLDEN GATE according to Page 4 of the Public You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 10/17/97, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thezeof upun you, such nuisance being: Prohibited accumulltion of non-protected mow~ble vegetation in excess of 18" in height in & subdivision other than Golden Gate Weeds in excess of 18" (2 ~ ft.). You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public [unds at a direct cost of $ 45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total o[ $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolution o[ the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and chalges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be nde to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days front the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 4 6 ? 9 I0 I! 12 14 16 19 19 2O 2! 2~ 24 26 2'/ 2~ 29 39 4O 4! 42 44 A RESOLUTION OF TME BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORD~2~CE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. W"HEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY ' COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTer, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: ~GAL DESCRIPTIQN~ COST Martin I & Llllian E BenJamson $ 245.00 5448 -45" Ave. S Lot 13 Block 224 Unit 6 ~inneapolis, MN 55417 Part I GOLDEN GATE according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 9 Page 4 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 46 4'/ 49 .50 52 ~4 56 .~9 60 36385240009 71117-071 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien %0 the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records.of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 61 62 63 APPROVED AS TO FORM 64 AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 6~-~AgID WE~IG~.L- 6~ CO~ A~OR~Y 69 70 CSce 11 1/98 BOARD OF COUNTY CO~4ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 4 1998 RESOLUTION biO. ~- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS pROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and W}{EREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.04) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner ot said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: ~ ~EGAL DESCRIPTION1 COST Martin I & L1111an E BenJammon $ 245.00 5448 -45" Ava. S Lot 13 Block 224 Unit 6 Minneapolis, MN 55417 Part I GOLDEN GATE according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 9 Page 4 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 36385240009 71117-071 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIR/~ CSce 11 - ]/98 AUG 0 4. 1998 L~GAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF L'~EI~I DATE: Thomas Combo 1946 San Marco Harco Island, FL 34145 REFERENCE 71210-016 ~57210160000 LIEN NUMBER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Bleak 22l, ~arco Beach Unit Five, &subdivisicn accord/ng to the Pl&t thereof, recorded in Plat ]~ook 6, Pages 39 to 46, ~ublic Rocord~ of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 12/10/97, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibi~d mccu~lmtion of non-protec~d mowable vegetation in excess of 18" An height in & subdivision other th~ Golden Gate Est,utes. Weed,, over 18". You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost nE $ 45.00 and administrative cost of ~200.00 Eo~ a :o:a~ o~ $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolu:ton nE :he Board o~ County Co~ss~onezs nE Co11~e~ County, ~lo~da, have been assessed aga~ns: :he above p~ope~:y on and shai~ become a 1~en on :he p~ope~:y :hi~:y (30) days a~te~ such You ~y ~eques: a hea~ng be~o~e :he Board nE County Co~ms~one~ mhow cause, ~E any, why :he expenses and cha~ge5 incurred by ~he County unde~ ~h~s O~d~nanc.~ a~e unwarranted o~ exces~ve o~ why much expenses · hou~d no: cofl~:i~u:e a l~en aga~ns: :he p~ope~y. Such :eques~ hea~ng mu~: be made ~o :he Clerk o~ :he Board o~ County Gove~en: Cen:e~, Naples, ~1o~t~a 34112 ~n w~ng within th~y (30) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, 8OAR0 OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 AUG 0 4 1998 6 ? $ 9 I0 II 12 13 14 16 I? ~9 20 21 22 23 2'7 3O 32 33 34 36 37 3S ,43 4! 42 4~ 46 47 49 5O 56 A RESOLUTION OF TME BOARD OF CO~i'Y COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF T~4E ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUXSARCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the coat thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and I~'EREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME; LEGAL DESCRIPT~QN~ COST Thomas Combe 1946 San Marco Rd. Marco Island, FL 34145 REFERENCE: 57210160000 71210-016 $245.00 Lot 2, Block 221, Marco Beach Unit Five a subdivision according to Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 39 to 46, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 59 61 APPROVED AS TO FORM 62 AND. LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 6S ~'IDAVI D WEIGEL ~- COUNTY ~TTOR~Y 6S CSce 11 1/98 BOARD OF COUN'rY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO~, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAJ~ AUG 0 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF TWE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDS{CE WITH ORDINANC~ 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T}{E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNT"f, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the o~er of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: Thomas Combe 1946 San Marco Rd. Marco Island, FL 34145 57210160000 71210-016 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: $245.00 Lot 2, Block 221, Marco Beach Unit Five & subdivision according to Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 39 to 46, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of =his Reso].ution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: AT'PEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIG}{T E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM ~JJAVI P ~EIGEL- COUNTY A~R~Y CSce 11 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN 1998 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIE~' DATE: ~ Pearson & Carol Irving PO Box 571242 Tarzana, CA 91357 REFERENCE 71210-051 157648760001 LIEN NUMBER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 6, Block lS4, of NARCO BEACH U}~T SEVEN, a Subdivi~ion, &ccordl~ to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6,Pages 55 ~o 62 Of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 12/17/97, order the abatement of a cextain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Proh~b£~ &c~umula/ion of non-protected mowable vegetation in excels of 18" in height in a sub~Livision other th~n Golden Gate Pro~it~ ~ing, accumulation, storage or burial of litter, waste or ab~n~o~property. We~ in excess of lq" (12-16). On 3 lots of c~ercial l~nd, and beer c~u~e ~t~. wa~ et the back of the property You failed to abate such nuisance~ whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of ~ublic funds at a direct cost of $ 6~.00 and a~inistrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 265.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Board of County Co~issiopers of Collier County,' Florida, have been assessed against the above property on shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You ~y request a hearing before the Board of County Co~issioners to show c;use, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are un,arranged or exce~sive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Con~nission Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS and {30) AUG 0 4 1998 4 '7 $ 9 !0 II 14 I$ 1'7 19 2O 2! 34 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WNEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and W/4EREAS, the coat thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and W~EREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and W~4EREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUN~TY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: ~ LEGA~ DESCRIPTION~ CQST ~7 39 ,40 41 42 43 44 45 47 49 50 .~!. 53 57 $9 Andi Pearson & Carol Irving PO Box 571242 Tarzana, CA 57648760001 $ 265.00 ~ot 6, Block 184, of MARCO BEACH 91357 UNIT SEVEN, a Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 55 to 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 71210-0S1 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 62 APPROVED AS TO FORM 63 AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 66~I.DAV I D WEIGEL 67 COUNTY ATTORNEY 6S 69 CSce 11 1/98 BOARD OF COUITrY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRM~ AUG 0 4:1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROVIDZNG FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF ~{E ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISanCE, IN ACCORDANCE, WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-4'1, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS,. the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER CCA3NTY, FLORIDA, that the property described ss follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the o,~er of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME-. L~AL DE$CRIPTION~ CO~ Andi Pearson & Carol Irving PO Box 571242 Tartans, CA REFERENCE: 57648760001 $ 265.00 ~ot 6, Block 184, of MARCO BEACH 913S? UNIT SEVEN, · Subdivision. according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 55 to 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. ?1210-0S1 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, .and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is ~tayed by chis Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM LEGAL. SUFFICIENCY: .,] ,/D~AVI'~ 0EIGEL COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 4 1998 il _ Z4~.,,A~ NOTZCE OF A~SESS"R]~T OF LZEN E£1oen Cur=an Spot,az: 1232 Woodx£d~e Ave. Naples, FL 34103 80105-066 162101400000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Naples Manor ADD BLK 12, LOT 36. DATE: LIEN NUMBER: You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 01/6/98, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited Dy Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited accu~ulation of non-pro~ecta4~ow~ble vege~tion in ~oos of 18" in height in a s~vision o~or ~ Galen Gate ~me~ we~ ~er 18" in height. You failed =o aba~e such nuisance; whereupon, ~= was abo~eU by ~e a~tn~s~ga~tve cost of $200.00 ~oc a CoCa1 of ~ 245.00. Suc~ cc~Cs, by Resolu~to~ o~ Ch. Boacd of County C~lsstonecs of Co111eg County, Flogtda, have been assessed aqaifls~ ~he above pgopeg~y on and shall bec~e a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You ~y request a hearing before the Board of County Co~issioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must ~ ~de to the Clerk of the Board of County Co~issioners, Gover~ent Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days f~om the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARO OF COUNTY C~MISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 AUG 0 4 1998 6 '7 9 I0 12 16 17 t9 21 31 32 33 35 ~7 38 ~9 41 42 43 46 49 52 53 A RESOLUTION OF ~'HE BOARD OF CObT~rY COMMISSIONERS PROYXDZNG FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR T~4E COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~rERS OF COLLIER C~DUNT"f, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the o~ner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAM'gl ~EGAL DESCRIPTION: COST Elleen Curran Speetor 1232 Woodridge Ave. Naples, FL 34103 62101400000 Naples Manor ADD Blk 12, Lot 36. $24S.00 80105-066 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the o~ne.r or owners of the above described property, and if such. owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK 59 60 APPROVED AS TO FORM 61 AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 62 65'- COUNTY ATTORNEY 67 CSce 11 1/98 BOARD OF COUN/'f COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COL~TY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMA~ AUG 0 1998 P;. /3_=__ A RES4DLUTXON OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS,. the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue st a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, T}{EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNt"l, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~OST Eileen Curran Spector 1232 Woodridgs Ave. Naples, FL 34103 Naplos Manor ADD Blk 12, Lot 36. $245.00 62101400000 80105-065 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to Pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: I~VI~D- ~EI~EL CO~ A~ORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMAN AUG 0 4 1998 /4_ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.656 ODUS LANDRETH EXCAVATION LOCATED IN SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 48 SOLrI'H, RANGE 27 EAST: BOUNDED ON TH~ NORTH' BY VAC.a~NT LOTS, ON THE EAST BY VACANT LOTS, ON ~ SOUTH BY CANAL R/W AND ON 'IqlE WEST BY 18TM STREET NE RfW. . ( ~. ~. :,!. :. TO iuu~ Excavation Permit No. 59.656 for the Odus Landreth Excavation in accordance with County .' . -- 'Ontinance No. 91-102 ~ amended, Division 3.5. CONSIDERATIONS: The petitioner proposea to obtain 20,000.00 C.Y. to be hauled off-dm. FISCAL IMPACt: a commercial excavation permit to allow fill material totaling The fiscal impact to the County is none. The County will reahze revenues as follows: Fund: 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center 138900 - Development Services Revcm~ generated by this project Total $ 980.0O Tbe h~-,akdown is as follow~: a) Excavation Rcv/ew Fee- $ 850.00 b) Excavation Permit Fee - $ 130.00 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACt: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Boaxd of Cx~uuty Commi~ioners approve the i~sua.nce of Excavation Permit No. 59.656 for the Odus Lamtreth EXCaVation ,,Sth the following stipulations: e 2 The excavation shall be limited to a maximum deplh of twelve (12) feet below wet season wale,.' table and a minimum depth of six (6) feet below Iow water table. Off-site removal ofmaterk 1 ,,hall be subject to "Standard Conditions" imp( T~on Servicea Division in document dated 5/24/88 (copy a'ttach~ AUG 0 4 1998 ,, P~. ~ B. The lake littoral zone shall be cr~,atcd amd planted as indicated on the Plan of Record. 4. All provisions of Collim' County Ordinance No. 913102, Division 3.5 shall be adhered to. 5. Groundwater shall not be pumped during the excavating operation. 6. No blasting will be permitted unless issued a sc-parale permit by Collier County Engineering Review Services. Stockpile side slope ~hall be at a maximum of 4:1 unless fencing is installed around the entire perimeter of the stockpile area. Any stockt~¢ in place for a period exceeding 60 days shall be seeded and mulched and erosion control device installed. ¸'0 9. No excavation permit shall be issued until the road impact fees bas been paid. 10. If trees are to be removed as a result of the excavating operation, a Vegetation Removal Permit, required by Land Development Code, Division 3.9 shall be obtained from Collier County Planning & Technical Services before work shall commence. ~~OR ENGINEER ENGINEERING REVIEW VINCENT A. CAUTERO, A,~MINISTRATOR COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. P~'mi: No..59.656 EX SUMMARY/SS~Bea 2 DATE 1998 LOCATION MAP AUG 0 4 1998 COLLIER COUNTY TRANSPORTA~ON SERVICES "STANDARD CONDITIONS" EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATIONS INVOLVING OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF MATERIAL The intent ofthes~ "Standard Conditions" are to provide excavation pcmaait applicants a summary of conditions which may affect their projects and which should be taken into consideration during all stages of project development: Haul mutes between an excavation site and an arterial road shall be private with property owner(s) approval or be a public collector mad built to standards applicable to handle the resulting mack traffic. Where residential areas front collector roads, appropriate turn lanes, buffer and bikepath shall be required as m/nimal site improvements and ifrecommended for approval, shall be ao with the condition that the Transportation Services Admin/strafion reserves the right to suspend or prohibit off-site removal of excavated material should such removal create a hazardous road conditicn or sub~xafially deteriorate a mad condition; such action by the Traaspomfion Services Administration shall be subject to appeal before the Board of County Commissioners. Haul routea utilizing public roads shall bc subject to road maintenance and road repair or an appropriate fair shaa-e by thc permittee in acc. oM=cc with Excavation Ordinance No. 91-I02 as mended Div. 3.5 and Right-of-Way Ordinance No. 93-64. Off-sit~ removal of excava!_,~d material shall be subject to Ordinance No. 92-22 (Road Impact Ordinance). A traffic and road impact analysis shall be made by the County to determine the effects that off-site removal of excavated material will have on the mad system within the excavation project's zone of influence. If appropriate, road impact fees it~ accordance with Ordinance No. 92-22 shall be paid prior to the issuance of an excavation permit. The Tram~rtation Servicea Administration reda'yes the right to establish emergency weight limits on public roadways affected by the off-rte removal of excavated material; the pmcedm-e for establiahment of weight limita shall be the presentation of an applicable reaolution before the Board of County Commissioners. Should weight limits be instituted, the permittee sh~ll be responsible to implement measures to assure that all heavy truck loadings leaving the permit's property conform to the applicable weight restriction. The Excavation Performance Guarantee shall apply to excavation operations and also the ~repair of public roads in accordance with curren! ordinances and applicable permit stipulations. EXIqlB~ "B" Page One of Two AUG 0 4 1998 Pg.~ o Based on soil boring information per Ordinance No. 91-102 as amended, a blasting permit may be appropriate. Should a blasting p~mit appli~tion be submitted and should r~idential ar~as exist within one mile of the excavation site, the County reserves the fight to deny a blasting permit based on concerns for off-site impacts from blasting at an excavation site. Should a blasting pc'milt be considered and approved, the llainiranm conditions of approval in addition to conditions per Ordinance No. 91-102 as amended are as follows: ho Structure inventory/monitoring and applicable propen3r owner release as required by the Development Services Director. B. Security bond applicable to private property damage acceptable to the County. Control of size/depth/number of charges per blast by the Development Services Director. The right of the County to suspend and/or revoke blasting permit authority should it be determined that blasting activities are creating unacceptable off-site conditions either in terms of private property damage and/or related physical effects of blasting Operations. No excavation permit shall be issued until receipt of a release from the Tram-port~on Services Administration applicable to proper mitigation of off-site impacts, meeting of applicable provisions of Ordinance No. 93-64, Ordinance No. 92-22, and Ordinance No. 91-102 as amended. Reference to letter of 5124/88 Revised 1/13/98 Page Two of Two AUG 0 1998 REQUEST TO A~PROVE FOR RECORDIN~ THE FINAL PLAT OF PELICAN KAR~H UNIT TWENTX AND APPROVAL THE PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE= To approve for recording the final plat of Pelican Marsh Unit Twenty. CONS IDERATION~ ~ The Board of County Commissioners on May 26, 1998 approved the final plat of Pelican Marsh Unit Twenty with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provided to ensure completion of the required subdivision improvements. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact to the County is listed below. project cost is $894,197.25, to be borne by the developer. The The security amount, equal to 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total cost of the project, is $1,034,566.50. The developer has provided a Performance Bond as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 136900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $16,765.43 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $894,197.25 and were paid in April and May of 1998, and are reflected in the Executive Sunmmary of May 26, 1998. hUG 0 4, 1998 Executive Su**.'~ary Pelican Marsh Unit Twenty Page 2 G~OWTH ~ IMPACT, None R~COMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Pelican Marsh Unit Twenty", with the following stipulations: 1) Accept the Performance Bond as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision improvements. 2) Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Pelican Marsh Unit Twenty". 3) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 4) That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. PREPAR~ BY: John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review Date REVIEWED BY: T~oma~ E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager Date Kober~ )tulhere, AICP · Services De~tment Director Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services Date Date Con~m/nity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Jrh AUG 0 4 1998 GOLF VICTORIA PARK SIX UNIT EIGHT UNIT TEN ELE.WEN'.'-TA R Y SITE ~INE ~IDGE AUG 0 4. 1998 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT OF SUBDIV'[.$ION IMPRO~MENTS THIS AGREEMENT entered into this ~ day of ,1998, between WCI COM3/IUNITIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware Limited Pa,'-tnersl-,/p> hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board of County Commissioners $f Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "The Board". RECITALS Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as Pelican Marsh Unit 20. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Unified Land Development Code requira.: Developer to post approl:wiate gumantees for construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreemer:': for the construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and covenants hereinaP~er set for,h, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and ag-er; follows: Developer will cause to be constructed: The paving, drainage, potable water, irrigation water, sanitary .sewer, and street lighting improvements for ~e[':.:.._. Marsh Unit 20, within twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, and said improvements hereinafter referred to as t~'._:: "required improvements". Developer herewith tenders its Subdivision Performance Bond (ar, acheZ hereto as Exhibit "A' and by reference made a part hereof')' hereinafter tl:-._~: "Bond", in the :mount of $1,034,566.50 which amount represents 10% of t~;,. total contract .'.crt to complete construction, plus 100% of the estimated co~t t.:, complete th.: required improvements at the date of this Agreement. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer ~o complete such improvements within the time required by the Lan~ Development Code, Collier County, after written notice to Developer, may call upon the Bond to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's en~neer along with the final xoject ~ '"'~O E A AUG 0 4 1998 records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, submit his recommendations concerning the required improvements to the Board. o Upon receipt by the Board of recommendations from the Develo?msnt Sec'ices Director concerning required improvements, the Board shall vAthin thirty (30) days either: (a) notify the Developer in writing of its preiimin,~? acceptance of the improvements; or (b) notify the developer in writing of its refusal to accept the improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Board's acceptance of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Board refuse preliminary acceptance of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. The D~eloper shall maintain all required improvements for minimum p~Hod of one year after preliminary acceptance by the Board; after the one maintenance period by the Developer has terminated the Development Services Director shall inspect the improvements and, if £ound to be still in compliance with Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by acceptance by the Board, the Developer's responsibility for maintenan:z the required improvements shall terminate and the Board shall re!e~s~ remaining ~0% of the Bond, otherwise the Developer's responsibi':?!;y for maintenance shall continue until final acceptance by the Board. ° In accordance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land r~,,o~ ......... Code, the Developer may request the Development Services Director t.~ reduce annually the dollar mount of the Bond on the basis ~" ...... '- completed. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the Bond shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by :Ze Developer's enginee: together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the Bond for '27, improvements completed as of the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agree. racnt, upon certification of such failure by the Development Services Director and upon notice as provided by the Land Development Code, the Boaxd shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvement required herein. The Developer, az, principal under the Bond tendered herev,-ith, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such comtmction, the final oral cost to the Board thereof, including but not limited to, engineering, leg~ I and AUa 0 1 1998 contingent coztz, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to carry out all of the provisions of this Agreement. All of the terms, covenant~ and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns oft.he Developer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representative this day of ,1998. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence off ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Owner & Applicant WCI Communities Limited Partnership, a Delaware Limited Partnership By: Su.~a~ Hebel'Wa~ Sen/or Vice President BOARD OF COU~'TY COMMISSIONER OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: avad C We~gel County Attorc~y Chairman AUG 0 4 1998 COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PERFORMANCE BOND · Bond Number: 154)07-51 I KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: that Communities Limited Partnership 24]01 Walden Center Drive Boni~ Springs, FL 34134 (hereinafter referred to as 'Owner') and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Boston, Massachusetts (l~ereinafter referred to ms" ~uret3/') are hdd and firmly bound unto Collier County, Florids, refen'ed to as 'County') in the total aggregate sum of One Million Thirty-four Thousand .':iv-. Sixty-six Ddlars and Fifty Cents ($1,0134,566.50), in lawful money of the United States, for the psyr,':~.'.t o,' which sum wall and truly to be made, we bind ourselves our heirs, ~ecutors, administrators, suc¢~:c,;': aldCns, ioirttfy and severalfy firmly by these presents. Owner and Surety are used for singular or plural. context r~quires. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Owner has submitted far approva! b'/ Board a certain subdi¥ision plat named P,~li?n Marsh Unit 20 and that certain subdivision shall indu-,J-u improvements whkh are required by Collier County Ordinances and Resolutiuns (hereinaft,": Development Regulations'). This obligation of Surety shall commence on the date this Bond is execu.'.ed and shall continue until the date of the final acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of the improvements described in the Land devdopment regulations (hereinalrter the guaranty period). NOW, THEREFORE, if the Owner shall well, truly and faithfully perform its obligations and dut:,~:: aczo,-dance with the Land Development Regulations during the guaranty period established by the County. the Owner shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the County from the against ali costs and damages which it may suffer by reason of Owner's failure to do so, and rdmbtn'se and repay the County all outlay and expense which the County may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to reraain in fuel force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value ret. rived hereby, stipulates and agrees that no ch~nFs::, extension of time, alteration, addition or deletion to the proposed spedfic improvements shall in any way aff. e':.c ~ obligation on this Bond, a~,d it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, addition or dek,,tion to the proposed specific improvements. PROVIDED. FURTHER, that it is exprmdy agreed that the Bond shall be deemed amended automatically and knmediately, without formal and separate amendments hereto, so as to bind the Owner and the Surety to the full and faithful performance in accordance with the Land Development Regulations. The term "Amendment," wherever used in this Bond, and whether referring to this Bond, or other documents shall include any alteration, addition or modification of any character whatsoever. AUG 0 1 1998 (doHz~ in thous3nds) Premium Ln Course o; Collection' ,, Relnsuranct Recoverables ore Loss and Loss Adjush'nent Expense P&yrnen~ ..... Interest. Divklends and Real Esttte Im re, ne Due and Accrued TOTAL ADMITTED A~S'E'I'S II,609,662 242,970 ~7L2~,8 16,698,7~4 1,52!,916 Ig3.f30 168,557 779.394 19,352,181 Liabilities and Surplus Unassip-~ Surpl.s. , Cuar~n ~ Fund! ........... Surplus Notes TOTAL SI.IR.P LU$ TOTAL LIABILITI ES AHD SUILPLU$, ('E~lud~s l~n~uuu more than 90 days du~) 36,194 91,77.4 !32B5,£,'.3 4,~"24,567 6,~,.,~ COMMGNWEALTH OF MA~ACHU$~ COUNTf OF SUFI~LK S~ Dermis LJngweli, being duly r~tom, ~: That Iw b Vice P~td~t ~d ~ptm~r of ~ Mural ~urm~ Company; ~t m~ ~p~ ~ a mu~l ~u~ ~ny duly ~, ~g ~ ~gag~ ~ ~i~ ~ a ~ty by H~e of ~ ~ws of ~ ~we~ ~ ~ duly ~pB~ wi~ a~ ~e ~ui~ ~ ~ h~ of ~id ~w~l~ a~ of ~ h~of ~ S~teof ................ a~ble to ~ ~p~y a~ ~ duly q~h~ to a~ ~ sure~ ur~ ~ h~ ~t ~M ~ ~ ~ ~p~ ~ ~ b duly ~ ~ a~ u ~ ~ f~enl ~s und~ ~on 9~ of ~ 31 ~ ~ U~ S~ ~ Th3t the fot~ its a/ulL frae and cc n%,c't statement or' the rmanchl conditio~ o: said Coml:~ny an the 31st city De:tmber, 1997. Sw~r3 to b~foc~ n~ this 31s~ ~ay of March, 1998 RBQ~IEST TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF "BRIARWOOD UNIT SIX~ To approve the final plat of "Briarwood Unit Six", a subdivision of lands located in Section 21, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Briarwood Unit Six". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to construct the i~provements for this project prior uo recording of the plat or to fuz77ish the required amount of approved security for recording purposes at a later date. This procedure would be in conformance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of ~'"Briarwood Unit Six" be approved with the stipulation that the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until the approved security is received to guarantee completion of the required imp. rovements. 'The fiscal impact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $361,223.53, to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) b) Water & Sewer Drainage, Paving & Grading - $138,400.00 - $222,823.53 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Co~m~unity Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $7061.00 Fees are based on a construction estimate of -- $361,223.53 and were paid in June, 1998. AUG 0 4 J98 Briarwood Unit Six Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $ 4./ac) - $ 5!0.00 b) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) - $ 692.00 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const, est.)- $ 947.00 c) Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $2074.00 Drainage, Paving & Grading (1.275% const, est- $2838.00 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. ~ECf~ATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Briarwood Unit Six" with the following stipulations: 1) That the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until .approved security is received for the uncompleted improvements and that construction shall be completed within 36 months of the date of this approval. 2) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 3) That no building permits be issued until the final plat is recorded. 4) That any outstanding issues with the construction plans and plat are resolved prior to the pre-construction meeting. AUG 0 1998 Page 3 PREPARED BY: John R. Houldsw°rth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: Engineering Review Manager Plannin~F Services Department Director Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Cc~mmu~ity Development & Environmental Services Co:mnm~nity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION j rh Date Date Date bate AUG 0 ~: 1998 PROJECT SITE ~ 25 3O RADIO ROAD 32 c.R. sss) 1 FOXFIRE DAVIS BOULEVARD (S.R. 84) CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AN MAINTENANCE AGREE~ for SUBDIVTSION IMPROVEMEZNTS, entered into this day of ., 1998, ' ..... REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF OHIO, INC, AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, hereinagter jointly referred to as "Developer" and the .... ' of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "The Board". KECITALS Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board ora certain plat of subdivision to be known as: BRIARWOOD UNITS[X. 2 Division 3.2 of the Collier County Unified Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in ay. agreement, with security, for the construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEKEFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafl, er .set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: Developer will cause to be constructed: Water, sewer, drainage, access, buffer and lighdng infrastructure se,wing BRIARWOOD UNIT SIX within 3._{6 months from the date c.f approval of said subdivision plat, said improvements herein after referred to as the required improvements. Developer herewith tenders its Letter of Credit/Surety Bond (attached hereto as Exhibit A" and by reference made a part hereo0 hereinafter the "Letter of Credit"/"Surety Bond", ir.. the amount of $396,674.00, which amount represents 10% of the estimated cost to .complete construction plus 100% of the estimate cost to complete the required improvements at the date of this Agreement. o o In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier County, may call upon the [.etter of Credit/Surety Bond to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collie.' County Land Development Code. AUG 0 ~ 1998 o The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of mbstantial completion, either:, a) notify Ibc Developer irt willing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notiSy the Dev'eloper in writing of l-ds refusal to approve improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However, in no even~ shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvemen~.s ~7 o they are in fict construmed and submitted for approval in accordance with the ~ ~, ........ '~ of this Agreement. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a rdnimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one yea: maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if' found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approva! by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivisions performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements sha!i continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. Six (6) months after the execution of this Agreement and once within every si:(. (6) mon~.},s thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount ofthe subdivision performance security on the basis of work completed. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. 7 In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. 2 AG A I ' ' · AUa 0 4 1998 IN WITNF~S WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be ~xa:cuted by their duly authorized repres~tatives this_ _ day of ,1998. $igme~ Sealed and Delivered in thc pre~-'ncx of ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BKIAKWOOD DEVELOPk~T COPORAT]'0iq William Spir~elli, President REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT CORPOIL~/:'10N OF OHIO, INC., a Florida Corporation William C. Mitchell, President BOA_RD OF COUNTY COM2vflSS!Olx~KS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Barbara B. Ben'y, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: r~l cl w~gea Collier Cou~[y Attorney AUG 0 4 1998 BRIARWOOD UNIT SlX POTASL~ WATER r PVC 12' F%'C FIRE HYD WI VALVE 3' CONDUIT 8' GV 12' GV PERM. SAMPLE POINT TEMP. BLOWOFF TOTAL WATER DRAtNAGE 15' RCP 42' RCP GRATE INLET CONCRETE HEADWALL THROAT,INLET TOTAL DRAINAGE · PAVING 1 1/2' ASPHALT {2 UFT$} 6' BASE 12' STABILIZED SUBGRADE $1D~NALK TYPE A CURB TYPE E CURB VALLEY CURB TEMPOI~Ar~ ,' T',,;.'..': ;.." '. SIGNAG E/STRIPING STREET UGHTING TOTAL PAVING QTY. UNFr 1180 LF 991 LF 7 EA 8OO LF 4 EA 3 EA 1 EA 1 EA 675 LF 450 LF 2 EA 4 EA 8 EA 6581 SY 6581 SY 8003 SY 3815 LF 224 LF 181 LF 3861 LF I EA 1 LS 6 LS COST $9,80 $12.80 $1 °500.00 $1.30 $725.00 $1,085.00 $725.OO $ 6OO.OO $16.20 S56.G0 $980.00 $1.050.00 $1,250.00 $3.20 $3.60 $2.20 $6.50 $6.21 $6.20 $5.20 $3O0.0O 1,750.OO $800.00 5.26.98 PR:C': $11,5~4.00 $12,684.80 $1 O, 500.00 $1,040.00 $2,900.OO $ 3.255.00 $725.CKI $ 60C.00 $43.268.80 $14,175.OO $25.200.00 $1,960.00 S4,200.00 $10,0OO.00 $55,535.C~ $21,059.20 $23.691.60 S17,606.60 S24,797.50 Sl,391.04 $1,122.20 $20,077.20 $ 300.00 S 1,750.00 $4,800.00 $116,595.34 AUG 0 1998 KeyBank A KeyCorp Bank KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SWIFT: KEYBUS33LCC INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS TELEX: 212525 SNB UR 127 PUBLIC SQUARE FAX: (215) 689-4066 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114-1306 PHONE: i216~ 689-703z^ DATE: JULY 15, 1998 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. ~98~95514 ISSUER: KeyBank National Association International Operations (0H-01-27-0706) 127 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1306 PLACE A,ID DATE O, ISS~.: July 15. 1998. Cle/eland. Ohio PLACE OF EXPIRY: At Issuing Bank's counter in Cleveland, Ohio . DATE OF EXPIRY: This Credit shall be valid until JUL¢ 15. 1999. and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive o~e year periods on the anniversary of its issue unless at least sixty (60~ days prior to any such anniversary date, the Issuer notifies the Beneficiary in writing by registered mail or courier that the Issuer elects not to ~o r_n_w th s C._dl.. 2epublic Development Corporation Ohio, APPLICANT: of Inc. 5,50" Republic Blvd., N. No. 3 Toledo, Ohio 43015 By order ot Briarwood DeveloDment Corporation 3927 Arnold Avenue Naples, Florida 24104 BENEFICIARY: The Board of County Con~nissloners Collier County, Florida Collier County Courthouse Complex Naples, Florida 33962 Attn: Office of the County Attorney AMOUNT: USD 396,674.09 (United States Dollars Three Hundred Ninety Six Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Four and OO/100). CREDIT AVAILABLE WITH: Issuer BY: Payment against documents detailed herein and Beneficiary's draf sight drawn on the Issuer. **CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO*m Authori zeUS'1 AUG 0 1998 Authorized SI gn~ature/EvtNo. O 1 A KeyOorp. Bank KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS 127 PUBLIC SQUARE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114-1306 SWIFT: KEYEUS33LCC TELEX: 212525 SNB UR FAX: (216) 689-4066 PHONE: (216) 68~-7032 PAGE TWO - CONTINUATION OF LETTER OF CREDIT NO. S98/95514 DATED 07/15/98 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Available by Beneficiary's draft(s) at sight erawn on the Issuer and accompanied by Beneficiary's statement purportedly signed by the County Manager, certifying that: "Republic Development Corporation of Ohio, (nc. and Briarwood Develo.cment Corporation has failed to construct and/or maintain the improvements associated with that certain plat of a subdivision known as BRIARWOOD UNIT SIX or a final inspection satisfactory to Collier County has not been performed prior to the date of expiry, and satisfactory alternative performance security has not been provided to and formally accepted by the Beneficiary." Drafts drawl' under this Letter of Credit must be marked: "Drawn under KeyBank National Association Credit No. S98/95514 dated July 15, 1998'. The original Letter of Credit and all amendments, if any, must be pre- sented for prc~er endorsement. This Letter of Credit sets fJ, L;, in full the terms of the Issuer's under- taking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement referenced to herein or in which this Letter of Credit relates, any any slJch reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument or agreement. ~ssuer hereby agrees with Beneficiary that draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the Credit shall be duly honored by Issuer if presented within the validity of this Credit. This Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision.), International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500. Authorized Authori zed ~gnatu re/EvtNo. 01 AUG 0 1998 R~QUEBT TO APPROVE FOR RECORDINg THE FINAL PLAT OF "THE COVE", AND APPROVAL OF THE PERFORMANCE SECURITX To approve for recording the final plat of "The Cove", a subdivision of lands located in Section 33, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. C0N D ATZON: Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "The Cove" These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of ~he developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The security in the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required improvements is being covered by construction ~nd maintenance agreement and an Irrevocable Letter of Credit. Th~s would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. Engineering Review Section reco~nds that the final plat of "The Cove" be approvea for recording. FISCAL 17 , ACT.' The fiscal i,~pact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $609,858.82 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) b) Water & Sewer Drainage, Paving, Grading - $206,800.00 - $403,058.82 The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $670,684.00 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Co~L~u~nity Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $11,508.20 Fees are based on a construction estim $609,858.82 and were paid in June, 1998. AUG 0 Executive Summary The Cove Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $4./ac)- $ 522.00 b) c) Paving, Grading (1.275% const, est.) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) - $1034.00 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const, est.- $1713.00 Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $3102.00 Drainage, - $5138.00 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "T~e Cove" with the following stipulations: 1. Accept t~.a Irrevocable Letter of Credit as security to ~uarantee uc.-?letion ~¢ ~h- subdivision improvements. 2. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "The Cove". Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. PREPARED BY: John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review Date REVIEWED BY: Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager Planning Service? Department Director Vincent ~. Cautero, AI¢~, Admini~t:rat:or ¢o~,.an±t:¥ l~velo~nt: & Environmental Ser.,±ces Date a~~~?~ AUG 0 4 1998 · 18 17 16 1,5 14 1.3 L · ' I 'pROjFCT · (C.R.i ~s) LOCATION · NAPLES-,-]IMMOKALEEROAD ,, __. __ ! 50 29 28 25' I ,36 3I 32 4 35 36 "'" '" ~ (C.R. 862), T 48 S VANOERBIL'tBEACH RCkD .,,.,,.,. T49 5; 1~ 6 '~ ""'""' "4. ..3 2 1 ': '.'~,,L, "- : jX. · ' ·5 ° ': ....... ' '" ":";?=2'"' -' · - . · : "?...,~...~2, .I ...... '"~'" ~,~ ' :'"' :;;'-'" '" - '.-,';, ':': ~.;.-::_~ :-"-,~--'i ..,.~.._.~..;... ::~._- .,..-,=..-., ..-,: ..-..=: ......... . .......... ... ....... ';,' ;.18, ~¢:':.-.~: , .-_--,-.:,.~..,,.. ,..- _ ....~. NOT TO SCALE 'I'h7iS CONSTRUCTION AaND MAINTENANCE SUBDMS!ON L~ff~RO~'TS entered into this day of CONSTRUCTION Alh~ MALNTENANCE AGREEMENT OF SIJ'BDI"v"ISION D, IPROVE.MENTS AGREEMENT FOP,. between Island Walk Development Company herehmfter referred to as "Developeff and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter re£erred to as Board'. ,Rg, crrALs 1. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, the approval by the Bom-d of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: Isl~g Tract "O", ~,e Cove at Island Walk. 2. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Unified Land Development Code :--- -'".'-,=': the Developer xo post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the required by said .-,~bdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated gq agreement for fine cons~'uction of the requu'ed improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing pre'mise_~ ,r_nd "v::::'~". covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: a potable water system, sanita_,y system, drainage, grading, paving and miscellaneous as outlined in Engineer's Co~t (attached hereto as Exhibit "A' and by referenCe made a part homo0 within I2 month.r, the date of spproval of said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as ,'..he required improvements. 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit "B' and by reference made a part hereof) in the amount of $670,684.00. which amount represents 10% of thc total contract cost to complete construction plus 100% of the estimate cost to complete the required improvements at the date of this Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer complete such improvements w4thin the time requkcd by the Land Development. CeSe, Collier County, a_erer written notice to Developer, may call upon thc subdivision peffom'2_nc~ security to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a s.~, ..... .- of substantial completion by Developer's en~neer along with the final project records' been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director ;'%r compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 5. .the Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of rece[p'c the statement o~' substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of Ms preliminary app~'wal of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing or · *,,,,-o,~.:h ~,~-i~¢in~ ~ose conditions vA'Ach ;,he ~' ":' refuse! to ap7 rove kmp:~., ........ , .... must fulfzll in or,er to obtain the D2rector's apFoval of the Lmprovements. However, :2 ==2 event shall the Development Services Director refuse prelJ, min~ approval of the improvements if .they arc in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accord~ce thc requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a m/nimum period of one year m°rcr preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Developrment Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Sm'vices Director or _his d~signee shall inspect the improvements, and, if found to be still in compliance with Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by AuG 0 ~ 1998 the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's i-esponm'bility for ~alnte~;mce of.the required improvements shall continue unless or -.,mtil the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 7. Six (6') months atk'r thc execution of this Agreement and once wk,~'£'; cvco: si;: (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of completed. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision sh~ll be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's together with he project records necessary for review by the Development Ser~4ces The Devekrpn'ent Services Director may grant the request for reduction in the arnou,"~': subdivision pe~."7ormance security for the improvements completed as of the date o~' request. 8. In the evt, a: ~._~ D,,velo~)er shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obliga~Jo~ t2':is Agreemenk upon certification of such failure, the County, Administrator may ~:'"'f" '. the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, rep',2-'~ :-:-. maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to co,--,s~.5.e: ~:-:.'.'.'. maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertistm::e:c: '-'"" receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required hereN.. The Devel,~pzr, principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemni~ the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering legal and contingent costs, together wSff, damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on accotmt of failure of the Dc-o,,eloper to carry out all oft. he provisions of this Agreement. 9. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer respective successors and assib"n~ of the Developer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bosrd and the Dcvdopcr havc caused this Agr¢cm,nt ~ be ~ by th~ duly ~ho6~ n~mafiv~ fl~ day of_ ,,, Signed, Scaled and Delivcred , in the presence of: . __ ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BP, OCY~ Clerk ISLAND WALK DEVELOPMEN7 COMPANY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSICY~.?~S OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~-m,~ agr Barbara l~,-'zy, Chum 1998 OPLNION OF PROBABLE COST .AUG 0 4:~998 Summ~-~ 07T2-0e214)0-E I Sanitary Collection S~m $117,277.90 Potable Water $89,479.01 Drainage :$82,163.08 Eartbwo~ $105,21(~ 13 Pa~dag $19S,TSL8I .*.ight~g* $~,soo. oo Total Oa:ltraet $609,711.93 AUG 0 4 1998_ 421 422 410 4II J~lm'~d W~lk T~lct '0' 2~37Z00 LF 1;;12.75 $30,24i00 672.00 LF 1;19.00 $12,75&00 · 944.00 LF $'21.00 1;19, g24.00 191.00 LF $26.00 $4,966.00 8.00 EA $998.00 1;7,984.00 3.00 EA 1;1,200.00 $3,60a Ca9 4.00 F.A $1,389.00 $5,556.00 2.00 EA $1,727.00 1.00 FA $322_90 68.00 EA $420.00 Total Sani~-y CollecIion S~-tem: $3,454.00 I;322.905 $28,56O. OO . $I17~77.90 AUG 0 i 1998 ~'otnble ~at~ 07'72-021-00-£I 9001 553 4T/ 484 Ouant{t¥ Unit Unit-Pr~ ^rn, unt 4,077.00 LF $9.13 $37,223.0I 200.00 I2: $10.15 $2,030.00 68.00 EA. $400.0C $27,200.00 1.00 LS $235.¢0 $235.00 9.00 EA $1,745.00 $15,70100 6.00 EA $591.00 $3,546.00 2.00 ]~A $1,670.~C~ $3,340.00 1.00 LS $200.00 $200.00 Total Po~ble $89,479.01 ~uG 0 ~ ~998- 077247214X~EI 1045 ~uantity 61,507.00 Unit U.nit-Price CY ,~1.59 7,414.00 CY $97,796.13 ~7,41400 / AUG 0 4 1998- Dr'ain,~ge 0W2-021-00-EI 9002 I$' RCP flzred e~d 9003 24' flzred cad :27I I$' R~ ~ Y~ 272 Ig' R~ ~3 24' R~ ~5 36' R~ 375 G~ ~ tit it nit- ' rn unt 9.00 EA $400.00 $3,600.00 1.00 EA $568.C0 $568.00 2,159.00 LF $18.00 $38,86Z00 1.00 EA $225.00 $225.00 1.00 LS $800.00 $800.00 142.00 LF $20.00 $2,840.00 188.00 LF $24.41 $4,589.08 142.00 LF $42.00 $5,964.00 3.00 EA $858.00 $2,574.00 15.00 EA $1,223.00 $18,345.00 4.00 EA $949.00 $3,79&00 Total Dr~n,~¢: $82,163.08 / UG 0 i 1998 O?72-021-(X)-EI ~dl (fum/sh~ by owner) J. sl~nd~'~Jk Tr~c~ ~0' ~tit~ Uni,t 61,507.00 CY 7,414.00 CY $1.5.~ SI.GO Total Earthwo~.4c: $7,4i4.00 AUG 0 4 1998 _:;._/"/-_ 0T724121-00-E! $$9 19-' StabiliZed subgr~¢ $94 6' Lhnero~ base 598 I0' r~ ~ 1145 1 1~' ~,= ~ ~ s-~ ~ ~) ~ & ~ (~ ~y) 24" ~ ~ S~ U~t ~ S~ ~ Esti-~ted - Q~, rl.~i.~ Unit Unit-Pric~ Amount 17,448.00 ST $i .20 $20,937.60 9,347.00 SY $2.95 $27,573.65 4,920.00 SY $6.00 $2~,52~100 14,267.00 SY $3.53 ~' ~' ,50,~oZ5! 1,870.00 SY $I.00 $1,870.00 79.00 LF $5.95 $470.05 15.00 EA $157.50 $2,362.50 8,400.00 LF $3.84 $32,256.00 2,271.00 SY $13.50 $30,658.50 1,400.00 LF $0.30 $420.00 50.00 LF $3.12 $156.00 3.00 EA $50.00 $150.00 9.00 EA, $5.00 $45.00 ~.00 EA $200.00 $1,200.00 2.00 -F~ $200.00 $400.00 Total ?a~ng: $138,78Lgl 1998 4,200.00 LF ~4.¢~,9 $I6,800.00 Tota/Lighting: $16,800.00 AUG 0 ~ 1998_ .......Z".:_ / ~ , ADVISING BANK: LETTER OF CREDIT NIR4BER: P030!64 ISSUANCE DATE: JUNE 08, 1998 APPLICANT: DIVOSTA AND COMPANY, INC. AND ISLAND WALK DEVELOPM~F COMPA/VY 4500 PGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 400 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33418 BENEFICIARY: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMPLEX NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 ATTN: PROJECT PI~%N R~'~;IEW FOR USD 670,684.00 (SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND SIX HI/NDRED EIGHTY FOUR 00/!00 U.S. DOLLARS) DATE OF EXPIRATION: J~ 08, 1999 PLACE OF EXPIRATION: OUP. COUNTERS WE h~REBY ESTABLISH OUR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. P030164 IN YOUR FAVOR FOR ACCOUNT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED APPLICANT AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFTS DRAWN ON SUNTRUST BANK, SOBTH_. FLORIDA, N.A. PAYABLE AT SIGHT FOR ANY SUM OF MONEY NOT TO EXCEED A TOTAL OF THE AMOUNT REFERENCED ABOVE WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AND THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT: BENEFICIARY'S DATED CERTIFICATE PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY ON-E OF ITS OFFICIALS STATING: "DIVOSTA AND COMPANY, INC., ISLAND WALK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY HAS FAILED TO CONSTRUCT.. AND/OR MAIN~.~A~.N THE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WIT{ ISLAND WALK TRACT "0 , THE COVE AT ISLA~ WALK OR A FINAL INSPECTION SATISFACTORY TO COLLIER COUNTY HAS NOT BEEN PERFO~ PRIOR TO THE DATE OF EXPIRY, AND SATISFACTORY ALTERNATIVE PERFORMANCE SECURITY }{AS NOT BEEN PROVIDED TO AND FORMALLY ACCEPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER CO~VFY, FLORIDA." THIS CREDIT SHALL BE VALID UNTIL JT/NE 08. 1599 A~ SHALL THEREAFTER BE AUTOMATICALLY RENEWED FOR SUCCESSIVE ONE-YEAR PERIODS ON THE ANNIVERSAY OF ITS ISSUE UNLESS AT LEAST SIXTY (60) DAYS PRIOR ?O ANY SUCH ANNIVERSARY DATE, SUNTRUST BANK, FLORIDA. OT FIES OF COMMISSIONERS _ ~OUTH- FLORIDA, N.A. ELECTS NOT TO RENEW THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SUCH ADDITIONAL PERIOD. AUG 0 4 ~98 ALL DRAFTS DRAWN MUST STATE ON THEIR FACE: "DRAWN U5 DER SUlqTRUST BANK, SOUTH FLORIDA, N.A. LETTER OF CREDIT NO. ~930164 DATED JUNE 08. 1998." THE ORIGINAL LETTER OF CREDIT AND kLL A~S, IF m~, MUST BE PRESENTED FOR PROPER ENDORSE~_?g THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SETS FORTH IN FULL THE TERMS OF SUNTRUST BANK, SOUTH FLORIDA, N.A.'S UNDERTAKING AND SUCH ,, SUNTRUST / t · · R~FERENCED TO HEREIN OR BY REFERENCE ANY DOCUMENT, INSTR~ OR AGREEMENT. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO THE UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS (1993 REVISION), INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION 500. WE HEREBY AGREE WITH YOU THAT ALL DRAFTS DRAWN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION AND DELIVERY OF THE DOCUMENTS 25 PAR/{ PM ~,r~'=,~[~°u~~u~'l' I~'I'~-'RINATIONAL SERVi~E ","~,"- ATLANT CE ..... -'~.,~,~, ,.w.'~'£ER OF CREDIT DEPT S ..... A GEOR6IA 30303 ON OR -, MC-3766, EXTENDE~ DATE. BEFORE JUNE 08, 1999, OR ANY NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FLORIDA P~EQUEST TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF CARLTON LAKES NO. 2 AND APPROVAL THE PERFORMANCE SECURITY To approve for recording the final plat of Carlton Lakes Unit No. 2. The Board of Co%/nty Commissioners on December 2, 1997 approved the final plat of Carlton Lakes Unit No. 2 with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provided to ensure completion of the required subdivision improvements. Th~ fiscal impact to the County is listed below. project cost is $1,132,566.50, to be borne by the developer. The The security amount, equal to 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total cost of the project, is $$281,390.60. The developer has provided a Letter of Credit as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Co,~aunityDevelopment Fund 113 Agemcy: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $21,338.61 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $1,132,566.50 and were paid in July, 1997, and are reflected in the Executive Summary of December 2, 1997. AUG 0 4 lt J8 Executive Summary Carlton Lakes Unit No. 2 Page 2 ~'~.OWI'H M~-~t'~--G'EMENT IMP&CT~ None the ~ard of C~ty Co~issioners approve the final plat of "~rlton ~es ~t No 2" with the following stipulations: 1) 2) Accept the Letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision i~provements. Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Carlton Lakes Unit No. 2". Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. Co,,,~iunity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION ~-.'~ ~n R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer ~' ~E~eering Review ~o:~s E.-~Ck, P.E. ~gineering Review ~ger ,~ .... ~~g t~ice~~rt~nt Director "~/,~ ' ~ty ~elo~nt & Enviro~ntal Se~ices Date Date 1998 :¸0 COLUER COUNTY I. PROJ£CT LOCATION MORTG,~GEE'$ C01'~$£~T 1998 MAP '\ COLLIER_ COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CON~I'RUC~ON AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION IMPRO~ ~ into th~ day of 19., between NTC I)evelolm~nt Limlt~ · ~ Llmtttd Parmers~lp here~af~ mferr~d t~ as "Developer," and the Board of County C. omm~i~ of Collier ~, Florida. here~ referred to as the "Board". of · cea'lain plat of a ~ to b~ known as Carlton L~kes Unit 2: B. ~ ~..2 of the Co[licr Coun~ Lend Dcve~ Code requires ~be Dcvclop~ to po~ ~tc mctnlx:n'at~ in a bonded ~ for the conm'm:tion of the rtxluit~ improve-tm:am NOW ~RE, in comidemJon of the foregoing pr~fisea and mutual covenants hereinaf~ s~t forth, 13~eloper ami th~ Boazd do ~ covenant and agr~ as follow~: D~veloper will cause to be consuuc~ the R~ir~ Improvement~ within 12 months fi'om the d~ of Ipprovll ~ lubdivi~io~ plat, said iafrasuucture (wa/~r, s~w~r, drainage ami roadway) Ik'velolx'r hero.th tmxlers its s~bdivision performance security (attached hereto as F. xh~it "A"and bymfet~nc~ made a part ofherr.,of) intl~ amount of $ 118,915.60 which rtl:n-~s~nta 10% ofth~ ~ couuact co~ of complettd ~on plus $162,475. which r~preseata 100% of Ihe es~imaa~! costs to compict~ the Requit~d improv~ at the dam of this A$:zzgmg for a total of S 281,39~,,~. In ~be event of def~uk by ~ D~vclop~ or failure of the Developer to completc s~ch improvengats wi~in the time requinxl by the I.aml D~v¢lopment Code, Collier County, may call npoa the sutxtivisioo performance secm'ity to insu~ safisf~ completion of the 4. 'l'ne nxlnit~ improvements shall no~ be cot~idet~ complete until a s~atemem of substantial con~.~ by IX"vdoper's engineer along with the ~ project ~ have been ftm-,i~ to be mview~ tad approved by the Dcvelopment Servic~ Director for compliance wi'th the Co,er C~nty L~d Development Code. 5. The Dev¢lopmu~ Servic~ Director ahaI1, within sixty (60) days of rtc~ipt of the gammeat of ~ completion, either:, a) notify tt~ Developer in writing of his pr~liminaxy approval of AUG 0 4 1998I the imlx'ovcments; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvctncn~ therewith spcciFfing th~,e conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to otxain the Di~cc~'s approval of the improvements. However in no event shall the Dcvelol:enem Services ~ refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact cotmrucl~ end submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreenm~ The Dcvclol~ shall maintain all rcclui~ed improvements for a minimum period of one year ~ prclimirm~ approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year tnaintcnag~ period by the Developer h~s terminated, the Developer shall petidon the Dcvelopnx~ Se~Jces ~ to inslx:ct the required improvements. The Development etxnt:~lim~ with the Collier County Iamd Dcvclolmaeaat Code a.s reflected by final approval by T~ Deveiopcffs rcsponm~ty for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. Six (6) mouths ~ the execution of this Agreement ~ once within every six (6) months ~ the Dcvc~ may rcquee~ the Develo1:macnt Services ~ to reduce the dollar maxxmt of the subdivision Peff~ security on the basis of work complete, Each request for a rc~bxaiou ia tbe dollar mx~otmt of thc subdivision performance security shall be acx:oml:v~.icd by a stmement of s~fl:~ntial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the ix~ject records ~ for review by the Development Services Director. Tbe Developmem Services Director may grent the request for a reduction in the amount of the subclivisio~ pcfforraa~ security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. Ia I~ ~at tb~ Dcvclopel- shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agn~ment, ~ ce:rtifi~icm of s~:h ~ the County Adrn~ may call upon thc subdivision perform~a~ ~ to sec'we sadsfa~ory completion, repair and maintenance of thc requimcl imptx~ 'I'nc Bo~d shall hr~¢ the fight to con.stn~ and rrmintain, or cause to be eoasuncml or ,,~-~_ _. purment to public edvcniscrmnt end receipt and acceptance of perfornmm~ security, sh~l be li~le to pay ~ to indemnify the Bom'd. upon completion of such ~ tbe final total cost to the Bom-d ~, inching, but not limited to, et~ legal a~l eomiagem coa~ together with any damagea, either direct or ~, ~ the Bomt ttmy ~main on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill ali ff the provi~om of thi~ Agreement. 9. Ali oftb~ i~ms, covenants and conditions herein conufined arc end shzll be binding upon the Develolx~ ~nd thc respective successors and as.signs oftbe Developer. IN ~ WI'IERF~F, th~ Boi/d and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly ~,,thodzed n~:nvaem~v~ this _ day of ,19 ,, 2 aUG 0 4 1998 SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRFJENCI~ OF: ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk By:. NTC Development Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership SW Florida Pacmera, Lac. a Florida Corporation % BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFCOLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Assist~t County B~ B. BaTy, Chairman AUG 0 4 1998 Pi). ~,o ¢OL~ZL~R COUI~FT COUJFT~O~S£ ~APL~S. ~LO~X~ L£~T~R OF CREDIT ~0. SSS38~3 FAVOR. Fc)~ THE ACCOUNT OF ~TC D~ELOPK~. L~. Z4OS ~lP~ ro~ CAt~N ~X~, ~XT IX, OR & ~3~L INSP~TION ~TXST~ORY TO cO~ICl ~, P~SUA~ TO COLLIER CO~ OWDIN~CE NO. HA~ NOT BE~ PROVID~ ~0 &~ FOi~LLY ACCEPY~ BT ~E ACCOUNT. ~ZJIEO &UTONA~XCALLT ICXT[ITD~D WITNOUT ~D~ roi C6O) UAT~ PRZQR TO ~CH ~X~TI~ DATE, ~ ~I~ Y~ COUllKl TR&T u~ [L~ JOT TO R~ THiS LETT~ or CR~IT FOrt ORA~CS) O~ ~ ~KI~ CI~XT ~V3T ~ATB ON T~IR F&C~ '~RA~ v~ HZR~ &GR~W vZ~ ~OV ~T DR~(S) ORA~ ~O~ ~ TN A.n ~t OIXGXNAL OF TKIS CR~XT, &T OUR OFF~C~ LOCAT~ 6042 A~z t~E~ATZONAL SUPPORT SKRVICE~. nN ~ BEFOR~ JU~ 23, O~ ~y A~O~ATXCALLY ~T~ED DA~ AS P~VTD~ FOR CO*~?II~rL~D Ok NEXT PAGE VI4ICH FORi~:S AN LIqTEGRAL I~ART 0~' TH;.S 6900 ~g/. S0C !RYL~.:01. ee-J,~-/. !.L,d'l~ u~O~O 'I,LN': :AS ,l.~i3S ZlrR:L'VOC&BLg S'J'AIq'DIT LET?E:]~ OF' CR~UZ~ ~$5:3823 P&~3~ ~0, 2 AUG 0 ~ 1998 REQUE~ TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF "TWIN EAGLES, PHASE ONE" To approve the final plat of "Twin Eagles, Phase One", a subdivision Township 48 South, Range 27 East, . :.' of lands located in Section 20, has Collier County, Florida Engineering Review Section completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Twin :'~' Eagles, Phase One'. These documents are in compliance with the '. County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. Ail fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to construct ~'.:. the improvements for this project prior to recording of the plat or .. . .~to furnish the required amount of approved security for recording pL~rposes at a later date. This procedure would be in conformance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code. O Engi~eering Review Section reco~m~ends that the final plat of "Twin .! Eagles, Phase One' be approved with the stipulation that the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until the approved security is received to guarantee completion of the required improvements. FISCAL IMPACt_: 'The fiscal impact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $647,746.20, to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer b) Drainage, Paving & Grading - N.A. Orangetree Utilities - $647,746.20 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Ser%,ices Revenue generated by this project: Total: $13,247.44 Fees are based on a const~ction estimate o $647,746.20 and were paid in May, 1998. 0 1998 Executive Sunmnary Twin Eagles, Phase One Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $ 4./ac) - $2235.76 b) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) - $-0- Paving, Grading (.425% const, est.)- $2752.92 c) Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $-0- Drainage, Paving & Grading (1.275% const, est- $8258.76 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. RELATION= That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Twin Eagles, Phase One" with the following stipulations: 1) That the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received for the uncompleted improvements and that construction shall be completed within 36 months of the date of this approval. 2) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 3) That no building permits be issued until the final plat is recorded. 4) That any outstanding issues with the construction plans and plat are resolved prior to the pre-construction meeting. D Executive Su~u,~ary Twin Eagles, Phase One Page 3 PREPARED BY: jOhn R. Houldsw0rth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: Thoma~ E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager PI~ Services Depart~ Director Vi~c~ent A .~~C a ~t~e~o, AIC~rator Conmr~%nity Development & Environmental Services Co,%~%unity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION j rh Date Date Date Date VICINI'I'Y MAP 01 AUG 0 4 1998 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO RECORDING OF PLAT THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO RECORDING OF PLAT AGREEMENT entered into this _ day of _, 1998 between TwinEagles Development Company, Ltd, hereinafter referred to as 'Developer', and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the 'Board". 1. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: TwinEagles, Phase One 2. Division 3.2. of the Collier County Land Development Code allows the Developer to comet the improvements required by said suMivision regulations prior to recording the final plat. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premised and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: Paving, Drainage, Street Lighting and Landscaping within 36 months from the dam of approval of said subdivision plat, said improvement hereinafter referred to as ~e required improvements. Page I of 4 .ll.I I AUG 0 J. 1998 2. Developer herewith agrees to construct said improvements prior to recording said subdivision plat and the Board of County Commissioners ~11 no.t approve the plat £or recording until said improvements have been completed. 3. Upon completion of said improvements, the Developer shall tender its subdivision performance security in the mount of $66,565.60 which represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction. Upon receipt of said subdivision performance security by the Development Services Director, the Developer may request the Board of County Commissioners to approve the subdivision plat for recording and grant preliminary approval of said plat. 4.' The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty days of receipt of the statement of su?,.m.nfial completion, eider: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary appro;'~ o~' improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve the improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's .2pproval of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Development Services Director refu~ ?reliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approvfl in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, The Board shall release the 10% subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required AUG 0 4 1998 improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for the County. 7. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon ,..he subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed and maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt of acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, ne fi.-< tom! cast to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together wit.~ any damages, either direct or consequential, which tl'.e Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. 8. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and re .spective successors and assigns of the Developer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer' have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives this .. day of ,1998. Signed, sealed and delivered DEVELOPER in the presence of: TwinEagles Development Company, Ltd., A Florida Limited Partnership ';limess Printed Name Printed Name / By: TwinEagles Management, Ltd., A Florida Limited Partnership, Its General Partner By: TwinF. agles Development, Inc.,' Its General Partner Page 3 of 4 AUG 0 4 1998 ~P~' 7 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and leg~ sufficiency: t....~d C. Weigel Collier County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Barbara Berry Chairperson Page 4 of 4 AUG 0 4 1998 EXEC2JTIYE SUMMARY PETrrlON AV 9'b,014 TO DIS~ RENOUNCE AND VACATE THE PUBLIC'S IN'rE~ IN A :30' WIDE PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO COLLIER COUNTY AS A DRAINAGE EASEMENT, RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1193, PAGE 1126 AND BEING LOCATED IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 49 SOOTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, OBJ'E~: To ~ Petition AV 9'~014 s, ud t~ ~ a Quk Claim ~ to ~cat~ the nbev~- CONSIDERATIONS: Petition AV 98-014 has be~n received by the Planning Services I)epattm~t from Sd~'Nu~, P.E., a~ ag~rrt for the l~itioncr, Vanair Partners, Ltd., requesting the vat,.afion of the ab<:nm.-d__~_ 'b~ 30' wide Dra~e Easement to accommodate propes~xi ~ction a~ tl~ ~ite. Lett~ of no obj~ion have be~m received from'all pertinent agencies. zoa P.U.D. (CO, rc rr ). _FISCAL IMt~, A~: Col~r County h~ coH~c-~i a $1,000 "Pdtion to Vacate" fee from the pefifon~-, which will be deposit~ in Ro~ and Bridge Fund (101-163610). This fee coves GROWm tvt a c ivmt ,-r tMPA : No e -RECO~ATION: 'r~ me no~d of ~ ~: 1. Appre~ P~ifi~m AV 91t-0]-4 for tl~ ~ of t~ ~,.'n'be.d 30' wi& Drainage 2. ~ tl~ ~mmulicn of th~ QuR Claim Deed by ~ Chairman taxi dir~ th~ Clerk to the Bc~.d to 'l'hon~.~ E.- - -'--~ ~ -" Kuck, P.E., DATE:~ DATE:fF"ff. DATE:?.. hU(~ 0 4 PETITION FORH FOR THE EXTINGUISh~MENT OF PUBLIC DEDICATED EASEMET~TS RECORDED 8Y SEPARATE INSTR~ENT IN TH~ PUBLIC RECORDS ~ THAN 0N A S~OIVISlON PLAT% 0N LAND OR PLA~ED LANDS. EXCE~ FOR P~LIC ROADS Petitioner (Owner): Vanatr ~s.. Address: 19~Q~ ~ ~]~,~1=~ Av~__. 4714 Telephone: ~q~l City/State:-~i ~-~ .... Zip Code: Agent: J~f ~~ P.E.~ f~ ~ V ~ of Fl~i~ ~c. A~dress: 5150 ~. ~ ~il, ~303 Telephone: (941) 263-3700 City/State: ~_ ~. zip Code: ~cation of Su%Je6t Property: ~ ~ ~~ly ri~t-ot-~y of ~atton~ Section 1 _ T~ki~ 4gS - . ~fficial Record Book .,, 1193 Page(s) .... 1126 Reason for Re.est: ~~ fl~ ~11 ~ ~t~ ~ ~~ ~d ~rrent Zoning:~ - ~ci~ ~ Does this affect density? I }{ereby Authorize Agent Above Petiti~A X NO__ Print Name to Represent Me for this (Title) Please see "Policy and Procedure of Vacation and Annulment" for the list of supportive materials which must accompany this petition, and deliver or mail to: (2) Transportation Services Collier County Government Complex Naples, FL 339~2 Telephone: (941) 774-8494 If applicant is a'land trust, indicate the name of beneficiaries. If applicant is a corporation other than a public corporation, indicate the name of officers and major stockholders. If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, indicate the name of principals. List all other owners. (3) Page 4 of 4 AUG 0 4 1998 COI,I.mR COUN TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT .Tun~ :30, 1998 Sou Nageon de Lestang Th~ ¥ aro~ ofl~mida, in~ .4150 T~miemi TmtlNorth, 8uitc 303 Naples, FL ~4103 Vacation 0£30' Dmin~go en~n~nt Southea~ Cora~ ofVand~rbilt B~a~h Road and Airport Road 3301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPI.,E~, FL. 34112 /941) 774-8494 FAX (941) 774-5a75 A CERTIF~D BLUg CHIP This off~ hu no objection to tl~ vacation of tho suN~-t cas:mint subject to following limitins conditions: Rtorm watnr runoff from Vnnd~ilt Beach Road shall bo accommodated within g~ ~ naans~m~ plan for yom: Client's project. An a~e~a~ ~we. en yom' Client aad the Board of Couaiy Cornmissionn-s · providing for such nmoffmust be in place prior to tho istuance of any Certificat~ of~ or C~n*l:ifi~ of Compliance for tho project. If there n~ arty questions or ifyou seek additional information, pleat, e contact me at 774- John H. Boldt, P.E., Water Manager D~r Rick Grill& P.a.M., Conaty Surveyor File:. Naples Walk (Vineyards) COIZIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION October 27, 1997 3301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 732-2575 FAX (941) 732-2526 Jeffr~ A. Nurmer, P.E., Vice President The V Group of Florida, Inc. 5150 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 303 Naples, FL 34103 ' A CERTII~IED BLUE CHIP Thirty Foot Easement Vacation at Southeast Comer of Vanderbilt Beach Road and Airport Road Dear Jeff: I have no objection to the proposed vacation of the 30 fl. drainage easement along the south side of Vanderbilt Beach Road as described in your letter of October 24, 1997. This approval is lmxlieated upon your directing runoff from Vanderbilt Beach Road to flow to the Airport Road Canal either via the Vanderbilt Beach Road right-of-way or through your site. Very truly yours, Stormwater Management Director Doc: JI-IB-0~ AUG 0 4 1998 COUNT ¥ 98 H~Y 26 ~H lO: ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ENG~G ~ SECTION 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 Joss Na~eon de Lestang The v Group of Florict~ Inc. 5150 Tzmizmi Trail No Suite 303 Naples, Florida 34103 V~ion of 30' Drainage Easement ~ttthe, a~ Comer Vanderbilt Beach Road and Airport Road D~a~ Mr. Nageon de Lemm~: Engineering Review Services ha~ reviewed your petition to vacate the 30-foot easement along the ~outh side of Van&trbilt Beach Road adjacent to the proposal Naples Walk development. Engineering Review Services has no objection to the vacation of the easement with the stipulation thai no Certifi~ of~ey shall be issued for the Naples Walk development l~Or to th~ vacation of the subject ~sem~t. If you have any que~otm rehtingw this m8~, please call this office at (941) 403-2471. SS/den/fi/ss Pick C, rigg, Tmm3mrt~on ~ent P,~ding File Code Enforcement ~ & Urban lmprovem~t (941) 403-2400 (941) 403-2440 (941) 408-~0 7998 Natural Resources Flatming Servic~ Pollution Control (941) 732-2505 (941) 40'3-2300 (941) 732-2502 COLLE'R COUNTY RECORDED cbt. o/ da7 o.' , ;.986, becvcen ~eralT[Te,g.e corpoca,'J.o,',, I',JCCelSOr I lr~,'~.~ corporictou, Ioruerl! knovn as Xes. ,aa4 e~cepc th r~r~t-of~my fo~ l-7~. pCUl~f ofiicerI tb4rgemCo duly ~mtborized the day and ye,r first ab~v~ CBcrrAZL~ ST.&L) ,;. .;-.;...(.: Fre~a, eJ C'f;~e .-',f. the Cour:y Attorney C~,:r County. · BEING A T~ACT OF LARD ~T TS LOOJ~T~D IN TR~ NOaTHWF-ST 1/4) OP SE~ 1, ~IP 49 ~, ~ 2~ ~T, ~I~ 11 ~ ~ ~9e44'21~ ~ A DI~ O~ 100.12 ~I~ OF ~ ~ ~-O~'~Y hI~ OF A ~ ~ (A 150 ~ ~-0Y-~) ~ ~gI~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ S ~9'44'21~ E ~ ~ S~ RI~-OF'~Y L~, A DI~ 0P 1~90.00 ~ ~ ~ ~~I~ OF ~ ~ST LI~ OP ~PI~S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~T ~K 23, P~S 71-73; ~ S 00~15'39~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L~, A DIST~ OF {1) N ~9'44'21~ W, A DIST~ OP 4~0.00 ~1 (2) ~ S 5~00'00~ W, A DIST~ OF %61.18 ~ (3} ~ B ~7e25'251 Wt A DIST~ OF 497.~ DIST~ ~ 1072.11 ~ ~ ~ ~D~ O~ ~E~I ~D DEE~IB~ ~ ~I~ 29.26 ~, ~ 0R ~S. B~S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~R~ L~ OF ~ ~R~ST 1/4 STAT~ 0~ Fr-&)RiIDA JA~LJS 'lC (T'J~ J4,0~ 1998 GOV'T LOT 4 /2 ¢ NO. SUBDIVISION 2. THE OLO SROvES ROAD 2. PZPER'S GnOVE PHASE ONE ~3;: THE GROVES PDAD ,'.,~:~.5..P[PER'S GROVE PHASE T~0 2;' 2." 7: AG' ~. ~- -/ AUG 0 4 1998 AG ND .... ^U~ 0 ,~ 1998 COLLIER CO~JNTYTAX COLLECTOR CO~ITTHOUSE - BLDG. C.1 ~ Ft.ORIDA 3¢112-4997 TO.* I~igh~ Eo Broc~ C~erk of the Circul~ Court and The V Group 5150 Tamiami Tc N t303 Naples, Fl. 34103 ATTNt Joss de Lestang C. F.C. RE~ Procacc~ Bros Sales Corp IDt 00235440008 Desc: 1-49-25 Nly 30ft of Sec I Tvn 49 Rng 25, less and except the westerly 10Oft THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 197.192, Florida Statutes, all ad valorem taxes due and payable on the above described real property have been paid in full, as required by law as a. prereql~isite to filing or recording any drawing or plat Df the division or subdivision of any land, or declaration of condominium of such land, in the public records of Collier County. The issuance of this Certificate, however, shall not preclude the assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes subsequently determined to be due this county and state. GIYEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL THIS llth DAY OF MAY, 1998. GUY L. CARLTON COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR AUG 0 1998 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLUER COUNTY NAPLES, FLORIDA33962 RECEIVED FROM Van~fr Partners, LTD ADDRESS 12995 g Cleveland A','~,ITY. Fort Myers,. DATE 6/5/ ,1998 CHECK NO. 1043 DESCRIPTION Pettttou AV 98-014 INVOICE NO. RJNO COSTCE~ER O6J;8S PROJECT CA CK AMO~JNT 101 163610 329100 00000 XX lO00-C 1000.0C S* Terri Meyer CUSTOMER COPY g_...AUG 0 4 1998 O75 qUITClAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAIM DEED made this day of ,1998, by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, GRANTOR, and Vanair Partners, Ltd., a Florida Umited Partnership, their successors and assigns, GRANTEE. WITNESSETH: That the GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Petition AV 98-014 and the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration to it in hand paid by the GRANTEE, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby remises, releases and quitclaims unto GRANTEE forever, all right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said GRANTOR has in that certain portion of a 30' wide Drainage Easement interest in, of, and about the following described lands being located in Collier County, Florida, to-wit: (See Exhibit 'A" attached hereto and incorporated heroin by reference) IN VViTNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has caused these presents to be executed in its name by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS acting by the Chai~nan and Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. DATED: ATTEST: DVVIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By:. BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman p~eoared by: '.~; '. ft't T~;~i Trail .... :~s, Florida 34112 ~..41) 774-~400 AUG 0 4. 1998 Q. CRADY MINOR. P.E. MARK tV. MINOR, P.E. C. DEAN SM1'I'I-L P.E. DAVID IN. SCHMnT, P.E. Q. GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Civil Engineers · Land Surveyors · Planners LEC~AL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF A 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SECTION 1-49-25 (SKETCH 1411) ALAN V. ROSEMAN ROBERT W. THINNES, A.I.C.P. ERIC V. SANDOVAL, P$.M. ~E~_...'T' I 07=: A PARCEL OF LAND IXDCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF A 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1193 AT PAGE 1126, THAT LIES 1,390 FEET EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY 100' WIDE COLLIER COUNTY CANAL RIGHT-OF- WAY (0.R. BOOK 148, PAGE 89), MEASURY_/) ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 1, %~DWNSHIP 49 SOU~, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND MEASURED AT A RIGHT ANGLE THEREFROM CONTAINING 0.957 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. RESERVATIONS AND OR Q. GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. S IG}FED ~ TOM CHEP3~$~ , P.S.M. #5426 STATE OF FLORIDA (941) 947-1144 · FAX (941) 947-0375 · E-Mail: QGMA~;aol,com 3800 Via D~! Rey · Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 RUG 0 4 1998 Pg. -.~----.__. 1998 REQ1TE~"~ TO APPROVE FO~ RECORDINO THE FINAL PLAT OF AVILA UNIT TWO AND APPROVAL THE PERFORMANCE SECURITX To approve for recording the final plat of Avila Unit Two. CONSIDERATIgN~, The Board of County Co~.~issioners on July 29, 1997 approved the final plat of Avila Unit Two with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provided to ensure completion of the required subdivision improveme_nts. FISCAL The fiscal impact to the County is listed below. project cost is $227,299.20, to be borne by the developer. The The security amount, which exceeds 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total cost of the project, is $22,729.92. The developer has provided a Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Co,,m/nity Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $1617.12 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $227,299.20 and were paid in January, 1997, and are reflected in the Executive Summary of July 29, 1997. Executive Summary Avila Unit Two Page 2 G~OWTHMANA~ IMPACTc None That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Avila Unit Two., with the following stipulations: Accept the Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision improvements. 2) Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Avila Unit Two". 3) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction, Maintenance, and Escrow Agreement. 4) That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required i~provements have received preliminary acceptance. 5) Release the previously posted Escrow Agreement. PREPARED BY: ~ R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Date Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: Thowms E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager Date Plann~/ervices Department Director Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Co~.unity Development & Environmental Services Comamanity Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION Date bate~ AUG 0 ~. 1998 £OCA~ CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION ISfPROVENfENTS THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 1st day of July, 1998 by BDG-Avila at Grey Oaks, Inc. (hereln,t~r 'Developer"), THE BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, (hereinafter 'The Board") and COLONIAL BANK (hereinafter ~Lender'). RECITALS: A. Developer ha~, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat ora subdivision to be known as AVILA UNIT TWO. B. The ~ubdivi~m will include certain improvements which are required by Collier County ordinancez, as ~t forth in a site constructibn cost estimate ("Estimate") prepared by James M. Ink, PE, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as E~hlbit 1. For purposes of this Agreement, the '~equlred Improvements" are limited to those described in the Estimate. C. Sections and S.2.9.1 of the Collier County Subdivision Code Division of the Unlt%d Land Development Code requires the Developer to provide appropriate guarantees for the construction and maintenance of the Required Improvements. D. Lender has entered into a construction loan agreement with Developer dated May 13, 1998 (the 'Construction Loan') to fund the cost of the Required Improvements. E. Developer and the Board have acknowledged that the amount Developer is required to guarantee pursuant to this Agreement is $22,729.92 and this amount represents 110% of the Developer's engineer's estimate of the construction costs for the Required Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants here. ln-t~er set forth, Developer, the Board and the Lender do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause the water, sewer, roads, drainage and like facilities, the F~quirod Improvements, to be constructed pursuant to specifications that have been approved by the Development ~w/c~ Director withl, ~ix months from the date of approval of za/d subdJvizion plat. 2. Developer hereby authorizes Lender to hold $22,729.92 from the Construction Loan, in e~x~w, pursuit to th~ term~ of this Agreement. 3. Lender agress to hold in escrow $22,729.92 from the Construction Loan, to be disbursed only pursuant to this Agreement. Lender acknowledges that this Agreement sh.ll not constitute a draw against the Conztruction Loan fund, but that only such funds as axe actually disbur~.d, whether pursuant to this Agreement or a provision of the Construction Loan, shall accrue interest. 4. The escrowed funds shall be released to the Developer only upon written approval of the ~ent Services IArecWr who shall approve the release of the funds on deposit not more than once a month to the Developer, in amount~ due for work done to date based on the percentage completion of the work multiplied by the respective work costs less ten percent (10%); and further, that upon completion of tho work, the Development Services Director shall approve the release of any _re~li--~4,r of ca.owed funds except to the extent of $ 3,930.99 which shall remain in escrow as a Developer gtmranty of maintenance of the Required Improvements for a minimum period of one (1) year pursuant to Paragraph 10 of the Agreement. 0 4 1998 However, in the event that Developer shall f~l to comply with the requirements of this Agreement, then the lender agrees to pay to the County immediately upon demand the balance of the funds held in escrow by the lender, ss o/the date ofth~ dam~nd, provided that upon payment of such balance to the County, the County will have executed ami del/v~r~ to the Lender in exchange for such funds a gatement to be ~g~ed by the Development ~rvice, Director to the effect thac a) Developer for more than sixty (60) days afar written notification of such failure has failed to comply with the requirements of this agreement; b) The County, or its authorized agent, will complete the work called for ,under the terms of the above-mentioned contract or will complete such portion of such Work as the County, in its sole di~cretio~ shall deem nece~4u3, in the public interest to the extent of the funds then held in escrow, c) The escrow funds drawn down by the County shall be used for construction of the Required Improvements. engineering, legal and contingent costs and expenses, and to offset any damages, either direct or consequential, which the County may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to carry out and execute the above- mentioned development work; and, d) The County will promptly repay to the Lender any portion of the funds drawn down and not expended in completion of the said development work. 5. Written notice to the Lender by the County specLCTing what amounts are to be paid to the Developer shall constitute authorization by the County to the Lender for release of the specified funds to the Developer. Payment by the Lender to the Developer of the amounts specked in a letter of authorization by the County to the Lender shall constitute a release by the County and Developer of the Lender for the funds disbursed in accordance with the letter of authorization from the County. 6. The Required Improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the ColLier County Subdivision Regulations. 7. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in ,',firing of his preliminary approval of the L'aprovements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve the improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director of the Requixed Improvements. However, in no event shall the Development Services DLrector refuse prehminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requLrements of this Agreement. 8. Shculd the funds held in escrow be insufficient to complete the Required Improvements, the Board. after duly considering the public interest, may at its option complete the Required Improvements and resort to any and all legal remedies against the Developer. 9. Nothing in th/s Agreement shall make the Lender Liable for any funds other than those placed in deposit by the Developer in accordance with the foregoing provision; provided that the Lender does not release any monies to the Developer or to any other person except as stated in this Escrow Agreement. - 10. The Developer shall maintain all Required Improvement for one year after prel~m~.~ry approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer and upon ~ubmission of a written request for inspect/on, the Development Services Director shall inspect the Required Improvements and, ff found to be still in compl/ance with the Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Lender's respons/b/lity to the Board under this A~reement is ter~in~ The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the Required Improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 11. All of the term,, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the req~.~ztive ~ucce~ore and asri~ns of the Developer and Lender. IN WITNES~ ~OF, the Board and the Developer have mused thi~_ Agreement to be executed by their duly authnrized representatives this ~ day of ,1998. SIGNED, b'~AI.I~.D AND DELIVEP~D IN BDG-Avila at Grey O, ks. Inc Y: Ar~'-'~ S~a~s . e~ e nt ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Depu~r Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: David C. Weigel County Attorney By:. Chairman AUG 0 4 1998 pg_ G . ..---- Avda Site Construction Phase Two Bond Cost Schedule upee,.eo .~oadwork 12' Stabilized Subgraoe 5' Umerock wf Lean Mix. Type 'A' Curb Inlet Top Asphalt Grading 10" BOC S[orm Drainage ~5"RCP Grate Inlet Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 8' PVC Gravi~ Main 0-6' 6' PVC Laterals Manholes 0-0' cut Cleanout$ Connect to Existing Main PotaDIe Water 2' PVC Connect to Existing Waler St..trice Box. Single t' Services Technologies $:reeUight Installa~on Sub-total Sub-total Unit Pnce 1638 SY $2.65 1505 SY $5.25 100 LF S7.00 1. EA $525.00 13547 SF $0.34 660 LF $1.10 146 LF S20.00 1 EA $900.00 I EA S500.00 Sub4otal 125 LF $22.00 389 LF $10.00 1 EA Sl,250.00 9 EA S60.00 I EA S1.000.00 Sub-total 225 LF S5.00 I EA $500.00 8 EA $292.00 325 LF 84.00 Sub-total I aJI Sl.500.00 Grand Total Maintenance Bond 10% Total Consttuctlon 8ond 100% Remaining Total BOnd Requirement 0.1 , Total Complete Reran,rang $4,340.70 S0.00 $4.34G. 7C 57,901.25 SG.00 S7.gC 1.2E $700.00 SO.C,,O 5709.0S $525.00 $0.00 $525.CO S4,605.S8 SO.O0 S4.605.$8 $726.00 SO.O0 5726 CC SI~.798.93 SO.OO S18.79&5', S2.920.00 S2.,920.00 SO.C~n SgOO.00 $900.00 .~0.00 SSO0.O0 S500.00 SO Og $4.320.00 S4.320 O0 SC OC. S2,750.00 52,750.00 SO.O0 $3,890.00- $3,890.00 $0.00 . S1.250.00 S1,250.00 50.0t) S540.00 S540.00 SO.O0 S 1.000.00 Sl.000.O0 SO.O0 S9,430.00 $9,430.00 SO.O0 S1.125.00 S1.125.00 SO 0¢ S500.00 $500.00 S0 O0 S2.336.00 $2,33~5.00 S0. CK) S1,300.00 $1,300.00 SO.CC S5.261.00 55,261.00 SO.CO Sl,500.00 $ 1,500.00 SO.C~ S 1.500.00 Sl.500.00 $0.G3 S39,309.93 S20,511 00 S18.7~8.93 S3.930.99 $18,798.93 S22.729.92 AUG 0 1998 ~,~ :, ~ REQUEST TO A~PROVE FO~ RECORDIN~ THE FINAL PLAT OF "THE COTTAGES AT ' Gq]LF H~BO)~", AND APFROVAL OF THE PERFORMA)ICE SECURI~/ :.~ To approve for recording the final plat of "The Cottages at Gulf '~'~' Harbor' a subdivision of la~ds located in Section 16 Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of -The Cottages at Gulf Harbor". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The security in the amou/~t of 110% of the total cost of the required improvements is being covered by construction and maintenance agreement and an Irrevocable Letter of Credit. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "The Cottages at Gulf Harbor" be approved for recording. The fiscal impact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $5,312.50 (estimated) to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer - $1650.00 b) Drainage, Paving, Grading - $3662.50 The Security amount, equal to 110% of the project cost, is $5843.75 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Co~w~ln/nity Development Fund 113 A&3ency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $523.60 Fees are based on a construction estim~ $5312.50and were paid in July, 1998. AUG 0 4 1998 ....... II '- I ................................................................................... Executive Su~ The Cottages at Gulf Harbor Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $4./ac) - $429.00 b) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const, est.) - $ 8.25 Drainage, Paving, Grading ~.425% const, est.)- $ 15.56 c) Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const, est.) - $ 24.75 Drainage, Paving, Grading (1.275% const, est.) - $ 46.04 The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. REC~ATION~ That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "The Cottages at Gulf Harbor" with the following stipulations: Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "The Cottages at Gulf Harbor". Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted untfl the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. _PARED BY: . ~ jo}in R. Houldsworth, senior Engineer Engineering Review Date REVIEWED BY: Thomas E] Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager :ment Director Cautero, AICP, Administrator Cona~unity Development E Environmental Services Date 'Date Date AUG 0 4:1998 ~T PROJECT L. OCATION MAP COLLIER C0b,'NTY LAND DE'v'ELOPMENT CODE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION IM. PROVEMENTS entered into this day Of' . 19 q~__~ between ~.?_~%~i=~hereinafter referred to as "Developer." 'and the Bokrd of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board." RECITALS: A. Developer has, simultaneously wit~ the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by th~ Board of a~cer~izt plat of a subdivision to be known az: B. Division 3.2 of the Collier Cou=iy La.nd Development Code requires the Developer to pes~ appropriate ~mrantees for the con.ruction of the improvements required by sa. id suIxli- vision regulations, said guarantees ~o be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construc- tion of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereimdter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: ~,.~e.~, t~J ~ :i 'P~-~ z- 5-qf5 within [~.. months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, said improve- ments hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (at- tached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof) in the amount of $ ~',~}"~ which amount represents 10% of the total con- tract cost to complete construction plus 100% of the estimate cost of to complete the required improvements at the date of this Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements wi;hin the time required by the Land De- velopment Code, Collier County, may call upon the subdivision perfor. mance security to insure 3atisfactory completion of the required improve- ments. Supp. No. 1 The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a state- ment of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvements, there- with specifying those conditions which the Developer must ~ to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. H APPENDIX A-STANDARD LEGAL DOCUMENTS event shah the Development Services Director refuse preliminars.' ap- proval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Ser- vices Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer ha~ terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Direc~r to i~ the required improvements. The Development Ser. vice~ I~ir~xor or hi~ designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance ~ith the Collier County Land Development Code a~ reflexed by final approval by the Board, the Board shall rel~ze the remaining 10~ of the ~ulxlivizion performance security. The Devel- oper's respor~ibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for ~md by the County. 7. Six (6) raonth~ afar the execution of this Agreement and once within every six (6} months th~r~/~r the Developer may request the Develop- ment S~rvice~ Direc~r to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work complete, Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for re- view by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision l~fonrn,,nce s~.-urity for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Ad- ministrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improve- merits. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. 9. Ail of the termz, covenantz and conditions herein contained are an shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. IN WTrNESS VgHEREOF. the Board and the Develouer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives this__ da>' of ~~ Supp. No. I LDCA: 11 IAUG 0 41998 COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SIGNED, SEALED A~ND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Printed o~Typed Name / Printed or Typed Name ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCE, CLERK Deputy Clerk d w i i td o,-ru £ ' I_L,,,.' C [Developer Na~nei Printed or Typed Name BOARD OF COUNTY COM1M%SSIONERS OF COLLAR COUNTY, FLORIDA Supg. No. I LDCA:12 AUG 0 4 1998 130. ~ Northern Trust Bank Of Florida 700 Brick. cH Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131-2881 Tel.: (305) 789-1300 Telex: I.T.T. 441180 * S.W.I.F.T. CNOR US3M June 10, 1998 To: (Beneficiary) The Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida c./o Office of the County Attorney Collier County Government Center 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Gentlemen, We hereby issue om' Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. S987057 in your, the benefieim'y's, favor for the account of Idyll Homes, Inc., 1290 Rainbow Court, Naples, FL 34110, in the aggregate amount of United States Dollars Five Thousand Eight Hunch'ed Forty Three and 75/100 ($5,843.75) and is available by your dra~(s) drawn at sight on us. Your dra~s) must be marked: "Drawn under Northern Trust Bank of Florida N.A., Miami, Florida, Letter of Credit No. S987057, dated June 10, 1998, and must be accompanied by the following documents: The original of this Letter of Credit and all amendments, if any, for proper endorsement. A Statement purportedly signed by the County Manager of Collier County, Naples, Florida, certifiying that "Idyll Homes, Inc. has failed to construct and/or maintain the improvements associated with that certain plat of a sutxtivision known as The Cottages at Gulf Harbor or a final inspection satisfactory to Collic~ County has not been performed prior to the date of expiry, and satisfactory alternative performance security has not been provided to and formally accepted by the Beneficiary". Page I/2 l~torlltm~T~ ~lmmridaC~~Nor~hernT~Bank~l:'kn'idaN-A' AUG 0 4~ 1998 Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. S987057 Page 222 This Letter of Credit shall be valid until June I0, 1999, and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for ~ve one year periods on the anniversary of its issue unless at least sixty (60) days prior to any expiration date, we notify you by Federal Expre~ courier service or certified mail with return receipt requested that we elect not to consider this Letter of Credit renewed for any such additional This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of our undertaking, and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement referred to herein or in which this Letter of Credit is referred to or this Letter of Credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrtmae~ or agreement. We hereby agree with you that draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this'Letter of Credit will be duly honored if presented at our office located at 700 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131, attention Letter of Credit Department on or before June 10, 1999, the expiration date, or any automatically extended date, as hereinbefore set forth. This Letter of Credit is ~ubject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision), I.C.C Publication No. 500. Second Vice President AUG 0 4 1998 :¢mxw~ Inquiry ?/27/~ 1~7000042457 ST:FL ACTTV~/FL PROFZT 65-0758015 : ZD~ H~, ~. ~XP~: 1290 ~ ~. ~D~S ~L~S, ~ 34110 ~DR : 4501 ~l ~L~ NOR~ SUZ~ 300 ~ ~ 34103 US CORPORATE DETAIL P,F~CORD SCP~EH FLD: 05/13/1997 10:44 A CH~J~F.D: 07/10/98 ~ CHG: 07/10/98 (1998) A 07/10/98 OFFICIAL P,E~ORD; SEE DOC0HENTS IF QUESTIO~ OR CONFLICT -- 7/27/98 AUG 0 4 1998 EXE SUMMARY ACCEPTANCE OF ACCF~S ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM THE STATE OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. FLORIDA .O.~?~: To accept for the record the eonveyaxtm of a 60 foot wide strip of right-of-way 2,531 feet in kng~ extending we~t from County Road CR-951 approxim~ly one quarter mile north of the Imem~ 1-75 inte~ which was origimlly acquired by the State of Florida Department of Tvamportafion (FIXI0 to regxne access obstructed by the construction ofi-75. CONS~D~IATION: Th~ mxbject right-of-way is offidally known as "Access Road No. 2, Section / Iob 03175-2409." On April 6, 1993, the Collier Coutrty Board of County Commi~ioners adopted Remlution No. 93-143, officially requ~ the trvmfer of Ae, e,e~ Road No 2 to Collier County. At that ~ however, FD(Yr ~ that the 1-75 Master Plan was being re,~aluated; and that they believed no transfer shoukl be nmde until they were certain that the access road would not be required as · part ofthe ' ~,,m?~me~ to the imcm~ sy~-tm Evidmfly, the FDOT r~e~lu~on of the 1-75 Master Plan has been completed, as they have executed delivered t~ us the ~ Quitclaim Deed for recording in the public records of Collier County, l~i~42AL IMPACT: Recording fees in the amount of $15.00 must be paid to the Clerk of Court Fund 313 Road Construction / Gas Tax Co~ Camter 163673 Tranzportati~ Projects Projoc~ No. 69071 Multi-Project Env. Services G"RO~ MANA~E~ IMPACt: Acceptance of' the atw. ess road right-of-way will have no upon Collier Coumy's Growth Managem~ Plan. AUG 0 4 Fi! '~ ~~ATION: of County of Collier County, Florida, acc~t Tha~ the Board ~-~;~, ~., ~ ~ of that segmem of right-of-way known as Access Road No. 2, Section / Job 03175-  ,~ ~3,?~:. 1409, iegslly deacn~ in lt~ Quitclaim Deed attached hereto, and authorize staff to r~x~rd same in ihe :,, APPROVED BY: DATE: ,~,~,~ FM # :200721 I SectiorffJob :03175-2409 FAP # :I-754(22)307 Co~' :COLLIER State Road # :93(I-75) Parcel # :i04(Aco~s Rd..# 2, QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENIURE, MADE THIS ~t/ ~da)' of ~'~"~' ., 1998, by and l:~w~ the STATE OF FLORIDA, by and through fl~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEP.-LRTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, P. O. Box 1249, Ra'lo~, Fiofda 33831-1249, as the pa~.- of the First Part, and th~ Board of Collier CounLy ~, ~ose I~t offic~ address is 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Building G, Naples, Florida 34112, the WHEREAS, said land lm'einafier described was heretofore acquired for state highway purposes: and WHEREAS, said land is no longer required for such purposes, and the Par'o.' of the First Part, ~' action ofth~ District ~, Dislrict One, Florida Depmt of Transportation on 0's,*,e. 29,, }~f_ff, pursuant to th~ ixovisions of ~:tion 337.25 Florida Statutes, has agreed to quitclaim the land hereinafter described to the P~n>.' of the Second Part: NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That the Party of the First Part, fw and in comider~,fion ofl~ ~ and the sum of One Dollar and other valuable considerations to it paid by the Party of the SecoM Part, fl~ receipt of sshich is F,a-d~.-acla~owledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto th~ Party of'tho SecoM Part, and assigns, forever, all the fight, title and interest of thc State of Florida and/or the State of Florida Department of Trmspomtion to the property, described on Exhibit "A" anachod hereto and made a part hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .said premises and the appu.nenances thereof unto the Party. of the $eco~ Part. This CONVEYANCE IS made subject to any unpaid taxes, assessments, liens, or er, mmtnaa:~. Page I of 2 FM# :200721 I Seefflob# :03175-2409 Co~n~. :COLLIFR FAP # :I-75-4(22)307 $~te Road # :93(I-75) Parcel # : 104(Access Rd.# 2) IN WITN~S WHEREOF, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has caused these presents to be signed in the name of the State of Florida and in the name of the State of Florida Deparmaem of Tramportation by its District Secretary, District One, and its seal to be hereumo affixed, :mested by its Executive Secretary. on the date first at. ye written. Signed. sealed and delivered .,...~TATE OF ~](..ORII~A Primed Nan,' of Witness Approved as to form and legalky of Transportation / S~te of Florida Com~ of Polk The foregoin~ instrumem was acknowledged before me this by David A. Twiddy, Jr., P.E.~ the _Disu~ct I ~ ',:g'';F;:2*'~ --'~'~ ~ I NOTARY SEAt, OR ST~IP My commission expires ~ O] DEPARTMENT SEAL .t~_ day of ~. J~ K) ~. ,199~, Secretary for D/stria One. Florida Department of Transportation, Primed Name of Notary Notary Public in and for the County and State last aforesaid 2of2 AUG G iSgSI _.1 3.487 &C~, ~o~'l'aF lu.. ~4t~r~y ILtVxt-ef-vuT 1~ "1- N FLORID~DEPARTMENT OF TRAI~SPORTATION AI~ 1~, 1993 RECEIVED APR 1 6 1993 I:~AL PROPER'~ MGM~. ~ ~~'l~: 03175-_.~24~9_~]~: BI[ 441417 ~ 1-75-4~32)3~ ~: 93 (I-75) ~Co[Uer .-n-re?e,-- ~ ~} nsst al ih'. Ornart's emm, m mstlnnl ina Fdmn~ 9, 1993 ATIMTS. FLOKIDA Febz~_~y 16, 1993 Post Office ~cx 1249 Barrow, Florida 33830 (813) 533-8161 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Re: WPI-BI : 44147 Section/Jo~: ' 03175-2409 FAP~ : 1-75-4 (32) 307 County : Coll t._r State Road : 93 (1-75) Parcel' ~104 (Part) soar of county s , rs ~13gineering Del3a~b,~nt, Builaing "D" 3301 East TanianiTrail Naples, Florida 33962 Attn: Mr. Ed Kant Dear Mr. Kant: Th/s letter is in rusponse to Coil ier County ' s request for C-.e Florida D~nt of Tr~tion to transfer th~ above ref=~%ced access r~ to the Oounty. Prior to tx--~sfer, our se~_ral depa~'b,=nt h~ads w~re asked -_o provide direction input,. Om~nts ~ r~c~iv~d from both th~ District Piann/ng :.~nager and the Access Mmna~ section with direction. Copies of their response are provided for your benefit. The c,~,,~J, ts frum Mr. C. W. Ockert, the District Planning Manager ~ t~e most 1/mitlng and call for withholding transfer until the co,~letion cf the Department's i~tez~3tate master plan ~date scheduled for mid 1994. Mr. OckerT also calls for a fozma/ agreement be executed relating to other items. We expect his o~fice will be in As this section does not fozmally function as po~'t cf the transfer system, we_ expect your irmol%~r~nt with Mr. Ocksrt will result in his direct_i_on to the proper section at the suitable Please call if ~ ~m~ offer further assistance. Wayne Sangster District ~m~n/strator Property Mana~=,=nt m S/rc cc: C.W. Ockert, C. K. McCroan · Fete 2~1-10 DATE TO FROM COPIE~ TO SUBJECT February 9, 1993 MEMO'RAND UM Southwest Area Office CWO-MT-93 S/C 748-2341 John F. Pack, Jr.', Real Property Management (MS 1-37) C. W. Ocker ,~District Planning Manager Norman Feder, Mike Tako, Robert Register, Dick Shine, John DeWinkler ACCESS RO~D TRANSFER SECTION/JOB% 03:75-2409 WPI NO.: (Bi) 44147 FAP: 1-75 - 4 (32) 307 ST'RD: 93 (I-75) COLLIER COUNTY PltRCELS: 104 (PART) ACCESS ROAD OFF STRD 951 This memorandum responds to your January 25, 1993 request regarding the Department's proposed transfer to Collier County of the access road located immediately north of the 1-75/SR 951 interchange. This access road should not be transferred to the County until the following two conditions are met: 1) The Department's Master Plan Update for 1-75 is complete (expected Mid-1994). The Plan may define improvements that could cause modifications to the access road. 2) A formal agreement is exe~lted with Collier County specifying that: a) ,b) The median opening on CR 951 at the point of the access road will be closed and The County will require that any new median opening on CR 951 will be entirely consistent with the Department,s Access Management Standards pursuant to R~/le 14-97. CWO\Rms\mm AUG 0 iSS DATE TO FROM COPIF. S TO SUBJECT MEMORANDUM SIJtc of FIo~dm Dep,,nn~m of Tran~"n~lkm Febn ary 4, 1993 John Pack Real Property Management - Right Of Way Specialist -.,,i ~"f~ Assistant Di~Irict Access Mana:.'ement Engineer ~' Bob Register, Ed Kant STATE PROJECT NO. 03175-2-.109 1-75 in Collier County Parcel #104 Access Road From S.R. 95I .North of 1-75 FEB 5 !~ We offer no objection to transferring this right of way to the jurisdiction of Collier County. However, we do request certain stipulations be part of this transfer. The existing median opening immediately north of the limited access fence and opposite this access road will be closed. This median opening will be relocated approximately 700' north at the main entrance to the Golden Gate Health Park. This had been discussed with Mr. Ed Kant of Collier County -Engineering Staff and it agrees with their plans for this area. Mr, Mike Tako also discussed the closing of this median opening with Mr. Bob Duane of Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. of Naples, Florida coaceming a proposed development near this interchange. CKM/rcb AUG 0 4 F~SO~TIO~ ~0. 93-143 ~OLUTION OF TH~ BOAKD OF COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS OF COLLI~ C0~, ~IDA, ~TIN~ ~S~ ~ ~ STATE OF F~RIDA D~~T OF ~S~ATION OF ~T C~TAIN SIl~ (60) ~ WIDE RIG~-OF-WAY ~ ~ ACCESS ~0~ NO. 2, ~D ~ST 0F CR-951 ~ NOR~ OF T~ X~TATE 1-75 / ~-951 I~~GE. W1~REAS, ~ha Florida Depar~ent of Transportation is desirous of transferring ownership to Collier CountF of a sixt! foot wide right-of-wa! creat~ during the acquisition of right-of-way for the 1-75 / CR-951 interchange; and WHIPSAW, the Board of Count! Co~e~issioners of Collier Count~, Florida, have concluded that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Collier CountF for the Count! to take possession and control of that certain road right-of-wa! ~nown as Access Road No. 2 on ~heet 1 of 10 of ~he State of Florida, Department of Transpor'cation ~ight-of-Wa! ~ap, Section 03175-2409. NON, THEreFORE, BE IT P~F~OLVED that the Board of Count~ Coe~lssioners of Collier CountT, Florida, does hereb~ request the Florida DaUnt of Transportation to Quitclaim unto Collier Count! sll right, title a~d interest in and to that certain road right-of-way, ~ore ~ic~larl! described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made · part hereof; and BE IT ~ BE~OLVED that neither this request, nor the acceptance of anF such conveyances or transfers, shall in any way act to compel ~he clearing, construction or maintenance of any trail, walkway, sidewalk, roadway or other transportation system on or to the lands so conveyed and accepted. ..:.-..'- This Resolution adopted after motion, .:' .' ;:.-'...vote. ' ATTEST: · -~ Approved as to form and lega~ suffic~ency: Heid/ F. 'As~ton Assistant County Attorney second and ~aJoritF ~RT L. SAUNDERS, Chairman AUG 0 PROJECT HO. PRO,~CT PARC~. NO. "TAX PARCk"t. NO. That par~ of the NE 1/4 oE Section 34, Township 49 South,* Range 26 East, Collier CoUnt-f, Florida, being more par~icularly COHHENCE at the Southeast corner of the NE 1/4 of said Section 34, Township 49 South, Rartge' 26 East; thence, run south 88'48'27" West,'& distance of 100.01 feet to ~he Westerly Right-of-way line of S.R. S-951; thence North 0' 29 ' 15" West, along laid · R/~ht-of-~ay line,, a distance of 1,353.73 feet for the POINT OF ~EGI~NG; thence south 87'42,52- weet, a distance of 2,53.1.44 feet; thel~¢e North 0'20'07~ West, a dist&nce of 60.03 feet; ther~=e North 87'42'52~ East, a distance of 2,531.28 feet; thence South 0'29'15~ East, a distance of 60.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ' Conta£nLnq 3.487 acres, ~ore or less. SlKETOI4 ~ ~AI. I:Yl~SI::t:I~:'llOI, I (NOT A SUI~Vk'Y~ N 2,531.28' 2,S21.44' Secr~.~ 34, "2'ov~hJ.p 49 ScnJ~:h, P.a~® 26 T.-is'r. =~' 'Ti." AUG 0 % I. SS I_ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO i~ROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR MASTER PUMP STATION 1.02, CONTRACT #89-1506, PROJECT NO. 73924. ~ J_~: That the Board of County Commissioners, as the Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Hole, Montes, and Associates, Inc. for Master Pump Station 1.02. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. On May 15, 1990 as Agenda Item 9(D)(4), the Board entered into an agreement with Hole, Montes, and Associates, Inc. (HMA) for design and construction services for Master Pump Station 1.02 to be located at the intersection of Wiggins Pass Road and U.S. 41. 2. Preliminary design of the pump station ensued at one of the three potential sites at the direction of Collier County Utilities Department (CCUD). In April 1991, the preliminary design phase was completed and submitted to CCUD. At that time, the design was put on hold pending site acquisition. 3. On September 19, 1992 as Agenda Item 16(D)(7), the Board approved Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with HMA. The amendment 'increased the original project budget to accommodate design modifications requested by CCUD. 4. On February 7, 1995 as Agenda Item 16(H)(3), the Board authorized the acquisition of an easement lying within Lawmetka Plaza PUD on the northwest corner of Wiggins Pass Read and U.S. 41 for the purpose of constructing and maintaining Master Pump Station 1.02. 5. On August 15, 1995 as Agenda Item 16(H)(6), the Board approved Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with HMA. The amendment increased the original project budget for design modifications required to accommodate the new site and to adjust the fee schedule commensurate with cost-of-living increases. 6. The project was then put on hold pending the recommendations in the Collier County Wastewater Master Plan which was in the process of being updated. AUG 0 4 Executive Sunmaaxy Approve Amendment No. 3 for Master Ptm~ Station 1.02 Page 2 o o On July 22, 1997, as Agenda Items 12(C)(4) and 12(C)(5), the Board adopted the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan Update. The update recommended designing Master Pump Station 1.02 as an in-line booster pump station instead of the original wet well design concept as originally envisioned under the original contract with HMA. Design modifications will be required to accommodate the new in-line booster pump design concept. Additionally since the project has been on hold for 3 years since !995, adjustments to the fee schedule commensurate with cost-of- living increases have also been requested by HMA. The negotiated fee increase is $44,000 as documented in the attached July 13, 1998 revised letter proposal from HMA. The following 'summarizes the breakdown of costs: Original Contract #89-1506 Amendment No. 1 Amendment No. 2 Amendment No. 3 (Proposed) $ 95,500 $ 44,500 $ 29,600 $ 44,000 TOTAL (Proposed) $2! 3,600 ex, K F.I$CAL IMPACT: Funds from the Wastewater Department are available from \k'~--Fuad 413 (Sewer System Development Impact Fee) as follows' .\¥ Amount: $44,000 Fund: 413 Sewer System Development Impact Fee. Coat Center: 263611 Combined Sewer Capital Projects. Project No.: 73924 Master Pump Station 1.02 GROWTH M_ANAGT~;~HENT ,IMPACT: This project is CIE #924. This amendment will assist in completing the design and construction of this project. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners, as the Ex-Officio governing board of the Collier County Water- Sewer District, approve Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Hole, Montes, 1.02. and Associates, Inc. for Master Pump Station AU$ 0 1598 Executive Stm~nary Approve Amendment No. 3 for ~c-r Pump Station 1.02 Page 3 PREPARED BY: Mohan V. Thampi, P.E., l~roject Manager Office of Capital Projects Management Richard Hellriegel, P.E., Interim Director Off~ce of Capital Project~ Management Tim Cletfl~u~, Wastewater Director Public Works Division DATE: :r, Administrator Public Works Division DATE: Attachments: .&mendm.:nt No. 3 ( 7 original copies for Chairman's signature ). MVT:mvt July 07, 1998 (REVISED July 13, 1998) "gB ,Il.IL 1H PR 3 59 Mohan Thampi, P.E. Collier County Office of Capital Project Management 3301 Tamiarni Trail E, Bldg D Naples FL 34112 Master Pump Station 1.02 HMA File No. 19990051 Dear Mohan: Following our meeting with Tim Clemons on June 26th. I have reviewed the current status of our contract with Collier Count3.'. The following amounts remain in our contract with Collier County (as revised June 1995). A2. Design Report A3. Preliminary Desi~ A4. Final Design A5. Bid Services A6. Construction Contract Administration A7. Detailed Observation of Construction Permits/Approvals Survey/Easement O&M Manual Subsurface Investigation TOTAL $ 0 $ 15,500 $ 7,000 $ 5,0O0 $ 29,500 $ 31,000 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $101,000 The above contract amounts were negotiated in 1995 to zmend a contract originally si~ed in 1990. The basis for the amounts negotiated in 1995 was that the design for Master Pump Station 1.02 would be the same as Master Pump Station 1.04' with only minor modifications other than the new site and landscape plans. Based on our meeting, the following revised scope for this Master Pump Station has been identified: 1. The proposed pump station will consist of the use of Flygt pumps used in the "in-line booster pumping" mode of operation. Therefore, there will be no need for a w;t well structure. 2. Collier County will select the Flygt pumps (model number, impeller size, etc.) for use on this project. Flygt will provide a complete package system consisting of pump/VFD combination units. Flygt will also supply a p'reprogrammed pump control system with the pumps and VFD's. AUG 0 4 1S 8 715 TENTH STI~ET SC~rT~ Mohan Thampi, P.E. Collier County OCPM HMA File No. 19909051 July 13, 1998 Page 2 Collier County will provide all coordination and negotiation with Flygt regarding selection and specification of these pumping units and controls. ENGINEER will be responsible for the design of the piping and valves to connect to the package pump systems, but will not be responsible for startup of the pumping systems. The pumps will be operated based on a control system which will sense force main pressure at the pump station and will adjust the speed of the VFD driven pumps to provide the pressure necessary to handle the flow requiring pumping. ENGINEER will specify the pressure sensors and flow meter and will design only the control wiring and terminal block inside the building to where these instruments will send their 4-20 mA signal. Collier County is responsible for coordination with Dataflow and Flygt in connection of these signals to the pre-purchased equipment. Emergency standby power will be provided by a "se[f-contained" generator unit. Therefore, the generator will not be housed in the control building. The generator housing will be specified at the maximum sound proof rating available by the manufacturer. Fuel for the generator will be stored in a double wal}ed tank to be supplied as an Jnte~al part of the generator. The fuel storage tank will be no larger than 500 gallons. The pumps, VFD's. and controls will be housed in a building. The building will be designed with roof hatches above each pump to allow pulling of the pumps for maintenance using a truck- mounted boom crane. Collier County wishes to contain the pump station in a single room building with the entire building air conditioned. The pumps, VFD's, controls, and other ~lectrical equipment will be contained in the building. The following equipment will be pre-purchased by. Collier County: Flygt pumps, Flygt supplied control system (including pump VFD controllers), VFD's, and Dataflow telemetry system. Collier County will prepare ali bidding documents including technical specifications for the Flygt pumps and the Flygt control system. Collier County will review and approve shop drawings for this equipment and will coordinate delivery to the selected general contractor. Collier County will provide the ENGINEER with copies of the comprehensive engineering description and ,:.pecificatioa for ali pre-purchased equipment for inclusion in the specifications to be bid to general contractors. Contract documents will state that the attached list of equipment and parts will be provided by the OWNER m?d that the general contractor will be responsible for a complete installation meeting performance standards using these pieces of equipment and parts and that the general contractor is responsible for all other components required to provide a complete, functioning sy~em. Any questions during bidding or construction relating to pre- purchased equipment will be answered by Collier County directly and Collier County will prepare any Addenda and clarification relating to clarification of pre-purchased equipment. Collier County will provide specifications for the Flygt pumps, pump and VFD control system (to be provided by Flygt), and the Dataflow telemetry system. Collier County will i~e~. -r; me _ O IAU o q .... Mohan Thampi, P.E. Collier Count), (3CPM HMA File No. 19909051 July ! 3, ! 998 Page 3 bid documents for the pre-purchased equipment and will secure this equipment. Assistance reques~ of the ENGINEER for assistance with pre-purchase of equipment, review of shop drawings, or startup of pre-purchased equipment will be billed as an Additional Service, in excess of the contract budget, on a time and materials basis. 8. The flow meter ,.viii be installed in an above ground configuration without a meter pit. 9. The outside lighting will be limited to a singli light with switch located inside of the building near thc doorway. 10. Water service will be extended to the pump station site to provide for a standard fire hydrant, a single hose bib on the exterior of the building, and a single hose bib on the interior of the building. 11. Site plan development will be to the minimum Count' Development Standards and is to include an asphalt driveway, landscape plan per the LDC. and surface water management per SFWMD permit. ENGINEER will complete application for SDP and submit it on behalf of Collier County. Collier Coun~ will provide the check to pay the pertinent permit fees or arrange for transfer of funds from one County fund to another to cover all permit and approval fees. 12. ENGINEER will prepare and submit a construction permit application to FDEP for the project. Collier County will provide the check to pa)' the pertinent permit fees. 13. ENGINEER will prepare and submit County right-of-way permit applications for utilities to be constructed in Count' right-of-ways. ENGINEER will prepare and submit a driveway permit application, as necessary,. Collier County will arrange for direct payment of these fees. 14. Master Pump Station 1.02 will be located on the site along Wiggins Pass Road per the easement acquired on January. 31, 1995 from James R. Colosimo, Trustee. No further easement acquisition work is included in this contract. 15. The pump station bui, lding will be rectangular in shape with a flat roof and will have no architectural features other than the doors. The building will be constructed using concrete block with a painted stucco exterior surface and a painted block interior surface. Roof will be constructed using a prefabricated concrete roofing system. In the event that conditions were to change, requiring the addition of architectural features to the building to improve aesthetics, etc., a Contract Amendment will be negotiated for these Additional Services. 16. Thc perimeter of the site will be enclosed using chain link fencing per Collier County Utilities' standards (6 feet in height with 3-stran'd barbed wire) and a manual fence gate. ~I~OdA_NAPLES~WIR I ~: ~;g051 ~ltEl~ 191~071 ~-MT-LTR. fK)C Mohan Thampi, P.E. C, ollier County (3CPM HlVIA File No. 19909051 July 13, 1998 Page 4 17. Collier County do~s not want an O&M Manual prepared other than that to be provided by Flygt, Dataflow, and oth~ manufacturers of major equipment items. Collier County will acquire and compile the manufacturer O&M submittals for pre-purchased equipment. ENGINEER will forward to Collier County all manufacturer O&M submittals which they receive from the general contractor. ENGINEER will not compile an O&M Manual. This proposal is based.on an estimated time of construction of 26 weeks, during which ENGINEER would provide part-time inspection of construction. Our proposed fee increase reflects two major changes since the 1995 contract amendment. The 1995 contract amendment was based on the use of the design for Master Pump Station 1.04 with only preparation of new site plans along with construction occurring simultaneously with ano,her .Master Pump Station. The increase in design fee is for preparation of the detailed drawings and specifications for the pump station, which were not included in the 1995 contract amendment. The fee increase for construction phase services is for having to perform these services for a single project and not as part of a larger construction contract with additional fees provided under the other project's contract budget. Contract Administration and Detailed Observation of Construction will be provided on a time and materials basis. The budgets for thes~ items have been kept to a minimum and it is understood that requests for extra meetings, inspections, or evaluations of alternatives will be billed as an Additional Service, in excess of the contract budget amount, in the event that construction is not completed within the 26 week schedule, it is understood that the services to be provided by the ENGINEER will probably be in excess of the established time and materials budget for Contract Administration and Detailed Observation of Construction. ENGINEER will provide extra services during construction beyond 26 wee. ks on a time and materials basis. It is Collier Counb"s responsibility to collect any amounts due to them by the contractor which may be used to reimburse the ENGINEER, although it is Collier County's responsibility to pay the ENGINEER regardless of collection of any liquidated damages. The following is a Summary of Services to be prodded under this Contract Amendment to the original contract with Collier County. A2. Conceptual Design: ENGINEER will mee'~ with Collier County and CDM to receive pump station capacity. ENGINEER will prepare conceptual design sketches of the site plan, plan vi~*, of thc pump station bu;iding and off-site utilities extensions. ENGINEER will meet with Collier County to confirm design concept. No written report will be prepared. Deliverables: i 1" x 17' (half-size) conceptual design drawings consisting of (a) site pla,n, (b) plan view of pump building, and (c) off-site utilities extensions. 5 copies. A3. Preliminar~ Design: ENGINEER will prepare preliminary plans and specifications for this proje~ based on Collier County's wriRen approval of conceptual design drawings. ENGINEER_ ,, will Mohan Thampi, P.E. Collier County OCPM HMA File No. 19909051 July 13, 1998 Page 5 prepare a preliminary opinion of probable construction cost and will meet with Collier County Utilities and OCPM to go over Preliminary Plans and Specifications. Refer to previous paragraphs 6 and 7 in this proposal. Deliverables: I 1' x 17" (half-size) preliminary design drawings consisting of(a) cover sheet with sheet list and location map, (b) site plan, (c) plan view of pump building showing pumps and associated piping, (d) sections and details for pumps and piping, (e) off-site utilities extensions, (f) structural plan view showing foundation and roof plan, (g) structural sections and details, (h) electrical single line diagrams. (I) electrical plan and details, (j) mechanical plan and details for connection of fuel lines from the fuel storage tank to the generator, (k) HVAC plan and details, and (1) miscellaneous details. 5 copies. Preliminary Specifications consisting of (a) completion of OCPM front-end check list, (b) technical specifications for piping, valves, etc., (c) technical specifications for structural components, (d) technical specifications for general civil components, (e) technical specifications for electrical systems, and (0 Technical specifications for mechanical systems (HVAC). 5 copies Preliminary opinion of probable construction cost. ..A. 4. Final Design: Based upon County review of the preliminary design, the final design will be completed. ENGINEER will incorporate any requeged changes identified to the preliminary plans. A~y changes in project scope which require changes to the project design will be performed only following negotiation of a Contract Amendment for redesign. ENGINEER will meet with Collier County to review final plans prior to bidding and will make minor corrections if any are identified. Deliverables! Final full-size plans and specifications ready for bidding. 5 copies. ENGINEER will stamp and seal the bidable construction documents. However, this professional seal is limited to the work prepared under the ENGINEER's control and excludes any and ail responsibility for the performance, costs, maintenance, reliability and efficiency of the pumps, pump control system and VFD's. AS. Bid Services: ENGINEER will assist Collier County during bidding of the construction contract ,'rely. This does not include assistance with ',he pre-purchase of equipment which is to be performed independently by Collier County. Refer to previous Paragraphs 6 and 7 in this proposal. ~IMA_NA ~WI~ 19~;0~ 199"J0~ I ~,F.i~ 19910713- MT. LTR [X)C AUG 0 4 Mohan Thampi, P.E. Collier County OCPM HMA File No. 1990.051 July i 3, 1998 Page 6 A6. Construction Contract Administration: The revised fee is ba.sed upon a construction period of 150 days for Substantial Completion and 180 d~ys for final completion. The revised fee is calculated based on an average weekly allowance for professional time as stipuh~:i by the County during fee negotiations. The revised fee is to be invoiced on an actual Time and Materials basis instead of on a Lump Sum basis. The ENGINEER will be compensated by the County for all costs beyond the revised fee and for more than one Substantial Completion Inspection, more than I Final Completion Inspection, and for any services provided past the 180 day final completion time. Refer to previous paragraphs 6 and 7 in this letter. A7. Detailed Observation of Construction: The revised fee is based upon a cormtruction period of ! 50 days for Substantial Completion and 180 days for final completion. The revised fee is for pats-time inspections to be peffo.,'med as necessary by both field inspectors and engineers. The revised fee is to be invoiced on an actual Time and Materials basis. The ENGINEER will not complete daily inspection reports, but instead will only complete weekly inspection reports. The ENGINEER will be compensated by the County for inspection services that are beyond the 180 day final completion time. Deliverables: Weekly Inspection Reports Progress Photos Additional Services - Permits/Approvals: ENGINEER will prepare and submit permit applications and will assist Collier County in obtaining permits and approvals to construct the pump station on the identified site. Anticipated permits include: Collier County, SDP Approval, Collier County Right--of-Way Permit, SFWMD Surface Water Management Permit, and FDEP General Construction Permit. This fee includes reimbursement for the cost of the appropriate number of copies of plans and specifications as required to be submitted with permit applicat:'ons. The tee remains as billed on actual Time and Materials basis. Additional Services - SurveytEasements: It is anticipated that the remaining surveying budget will be used to verify existing site conditions and confirm location of utilities along Wiggins Pass Road. Mohan Thampi, P.E. Collier County OCPM HMA File No. 1990905 I July 13, 1998 Page 7 Additional Services - O&M Manual: This budget has been re. duc~d to zero to reflect that no work is requested of the ENGINEER in regard to preparing an O&M Manual. Additional Services - Subsurface Investigation: The remaining budget is anticipated to be used to perform on-site soil boring to develop foundation recommendations for the proposed building. Compensation: The following table identifies the changes in compensation from that which remains under the current purchase order. Current Balance Proposed Increase Revised Balance A2. Design Repo~ $0 52,000 52,000 A3. Preliminary Design 15.500 27,500 43,000 A4. Final Design 7,000 13.000 20,000 AS. Bid Services 5,000 0 5,000 A6. Construction Contract Administration 29.500 4.000 33,500 A7. Detailed Observation of Consu'uction 31,000 0 31,000 Permits/Approvals 5.000 0 5,000 Survey/Easement 3.000 0 3,000 O&M Manual 2,500 (2,500) 0 Subsurface Investigation 2.500 0 2,500 TOTAL S 101,000 $44.000 $145,000 Project Schedule: Based on discussions during our meeting of July l 0th? the anached project schedule is suggested. 1 believe that this ~hedule incorporates the work effor:z to be performed by Collier County and others which will impact the design of this project. The proposed schedule allows HM&A to begin detailed design following completion of the hydraulic analysis and pump selection activities by Collier County which are currently scheduled for completion near the end of August. We will attend up to two meetings with Collier County prior to beginning detailed design in order to receive information regarding the pump selection and design concept for this project. The proposed schedule should allow design and bidding of the project to fit into the anticipated schedule for pre-purchase of pumps, VFD's, controls, and telemetry system. Mohan Thampi, P.E. Golli~ County OCPM HMA File No. 1990905 I July 13, 199g Page g Thank you for this oppo~unity to serve Collier County. V~-y ~uly yours, Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. Ronald E. Benson, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. Vice President, Director of Environmental Engineering REB:nsl Tim Clemons COLLIER COUNTY MASTER PUMP STATION 1.02 SCHEDULE DA'I E ACTION 08/14/98 Draft Hydraulic Analysis Report submitted by others 08/21/98 HM&A reviews draft report and attends meeting with County 08/28/98 Final Hydraulic Analysis Report submitted by others including pump selection and control logic 08/31/98 Begin procurement of pre-purchased equipment by others 08/31/98 HM&A receives final report and begins Design 09/28/98 Submit Conceptual (30%) Plans 10/05/98 Obtain County Review Comments 10/09/98 Submit SFW'MD Permit Application 11/09/98 Submit Preliminary (90%) Plans and Specifications 11/09/98 Submit FDEP Permit Application 11/16/98 Obtain Count)- Review Comments 11/17/98 Collier Count), awards contracts for pre-purchased equipment 11/30/98 Submit Final Plans and Specifications 11/30/98 Submit Collier Count)' Right of Way Permit Application 11/30/98 Submit Site Development Plan Application 11/30/98 County advertises Bidding of Construction Contract 01/04/98 Open Bids for Construction Contract 01/15/99 Obtain necessary permits 02/08/99 Award Construction Contract - Issue NTP 02/23/99 Delivery of pre-purchased equipment 06/21/99 Substantial Completion 07/21/99 Final Completion A.2 A3 A.4 A.5 A.6 REVISED SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT A SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR BASIC SERVICES Current Budget Design Report $5,000 Preliminary Design 30,500 Final Design 7,000 Bid Service. 5,000 Construction Contract Admini,rlxation 29.500 TOTAL: S77,000 Revised Budget $7,000 58,000 20,000 5,000 33,500 $123,500 AU$ 0 ti ~... /3 REVISED SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT B Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. Professional Fee Schedule Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer V (Principal) .......................................................................................... $ III ........................................................................................................... $ Tech IV .................................................................................................. $ Tech III .................................................................................................. Engineer Tech II .................................................................................................... Engineer Tech I ..................................................................................................... $ Contract Administrator (Principal) ....................................................................... Contract Administrator (P.E.) ................................................. Contract ^dministmtor ......................................................................................... Construction Field Representative III ..................................... Construction Field Representative II .................................................................... 5; Construction Field Representative I ...................................................................... Senior Planner ......................................................................... ~ ............................. $ Planner IV Planner III ............................................................................................................. Planner I ................................................................................................................ $ Surveyor V ............................................................................................................ Surceyor IV ........................................................................................................... 5; Surveyor III ........................................................................................................... Ii; Survey Tech IV ..................................................................................................... $ Survey Tech III Survey Tech II ....................................................................................................... 5; Survey Tech I ........................................................................................................ $ 2 Man Survey Crew .............................................................................................. $ 3 Man Survey Crew .............................................................................................. Technician III ........................................................................................................ $ Technician II ........................................................ : ................................................ Technician I 125.00 per hour I 10.00 per hour 99.00 per hour 80.00 per hour 69.00 per hour 58.00 per hour 60.00 per hour 55.00 per hour 50.00 per hour 40.00 per hour 95.00 per hour 75.00 per hour 55.00 per hour 55.00 per hour 45.00 per hour 35.00 per hour 95.00 per hour 90.00 per hour 70.00 per hour 45.00 per hour 80.00 per hour 65.00 per hour 55.00 per hour 55.00 per hour 50.00 per hour 45.00 per hour 40.00 per hour 85.00 per hour 98.00 per hour 38.00 per hour 30.00 per hour 25.00 per hour Subcontractors ....................................................................................................... Cost Out-Of-Pocket Expenses ....................................................................................... Cost Mileage ................................................................................. :. .............................. 5; .30 Concrete Monuments ............................................................................................ $ 10.00 Permanent Reference Monuments ........................................................................ $ 10.00 This Fee ~ehedule is effective for one year from date of issuance. per mile each each REVISED SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT C CONSULTANT)S ESTIMATE OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES (INCLUDING DETAILED OBSERVATION OF CONSTRUCTION) A.7 Detailed Observation ADDITIONAL SERVICES PermittdApprovals Surveying/Easements 1.02 O&M Manuals Subsurface Investigation $~xucawaI Redesign Mech~ieal Revision Roof Redesign Current Revised Budget Budget $31,000 $31,000 $21,100 $21,I00 16,500 16,500 2,500 0 2,500 2,500 10,000 I0,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4.000 TOTAL: $92,600 $90,100 MASTER PUMP STATION 1.02 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This AMENDMENT to the Agreement dated May 15, 1990 (hereinafter 'AGREEMENT") is made and entered into this ~ day of ,1998. by and between the Board of County Commissioners for Collier County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Flodda and ex-officio the governing board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District (hereinafter referred to as the 'County" or "OWNER") and Hole, Montes, & Associates, Inc. a Florida corporation, authorized to do business in the State of Florida, whose business address is 715 Tenth Street South, Naples, FL 34102. (hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the OWNER and CONSULTANT have a valid professional engineering service agreement for the provision of professional engineering services for the Master Pump Station 1.02 project (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT"), said services being more fully described in the said AGREEMENT; and WHEREAS, OWNER and the CONSULTANT agree some modifications to the basic services and additional services being contemplated under said AGREEMENT are necessary in light of change in the design concept of the pump station; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that he has expertise in the type of professional services that will be required for the completion of the PROJECT. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and provisions contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE ONE 1.1. CONSULTANT shall provide to OWNER professional engineering services in all phases of the PROJECT to which this AMENDMENT applies. 1.2. As a result in the change in pump station design concept affecting the original design of the project, CONSULTANT shall provide professional services in addition to those professional services outlined in the said AGREEMENT as noted in the revised Schedule B, Attachments A, B, and C, as attached hereto. Additionally, CONSULTANT'S compensation for basic services under the AGREEMENT shall be adjusted as provided in Article Two of this AMENDMENT. ARTICLE TWO 2.1 OWNER agrees to compensate CONSULTANT for services rendered hereunder as prescribed in Schedule B, entitled "Basis of Compensation", as outlined in said AGREEMENT with the modifications to Attachments A, B, and C to said AGREEMENT which are attached hereto and made part hereof. ARTICLE THREE 3.1 All articles in said AGREEMENT, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and shall not be modified by this AMENDMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AMENDMENT to the Professional Services Agreement for Master Pump Station 1.02 the day and year first written above. ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER- SEWER DISTRICT Date: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: By: Barbara B. Berry, Chairman HOLE, MONTES, AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By: Rfonald E. Benson, Jr., Ph.D, P. ~' Vice President (CORPORATE SEAL) A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 REVISED SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT A. SCHEDULE OF FEF~ FOR BASIC SERVICES Current Revised Budget Budget Design Report $5,000 $7,000 Preliminary Design 30,500 58,000 Final Design 7,000 20,000 Bid Sen'ice 5,000 5,000 Construction Contract Administration 29.530 33.500 : TOTAL: S77,000 $123,500 REVISED SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT B Hole, Montes & Associate.s, Inc. Professional Fee Schedule Engineer V (Principal) .......................................................................................... $125.00 per hour Engineer V ............................................................................................................ $110.00 per hour Engineer IV ........................................................................................................... $ 99.00 per hour Engineer III ........................................................................................................... $ 80.00 per hour Engineer II ............................................................................................................ $ 69.00 per hour Engineer I .............................................................................................................. $ 58.00 per hour Engineer Tech IV .................................................................................................. $ 60.00 per hour EngineerTech III .................................................................................................. $ 55.00 per hour Engineer Tech II .................................................................................................... $ 50.00 per hour Engineer Tech I ..................................................................................................... $ 40.00 per hour Contract Administrator (Principal) ...................................................................... $ 95.00 per hour Contract Administrator (P.E.) ............................................................................... $ 75.00 per hour Contract Administrator ......................................................................................... $ 55.00 per hour Conswuction Field Representative III ................................................................... $ 55.00 per hour Construction Field Represenuative II .................................................................... S 45.00 per hour Construction Field Representative I ...................................................................... S 35.00 per hour Senior Planner ....................................................................................................... $ 95.00 per hour Planner IV ............................................................................................................. $ 90.00 per hour Planner III ............................................................................................................. $ 70.00 per hour Planner I ................................................................................................................ $ 45.00 per hour Sur~'eyor V ............................................................................................................ S 80.00 per hour Sur?eyor IV ............. i ............................................................................................. $ 65.00 pc? hour Surveyor III ........................................................................................................... $ 55.00 per hour Survey Tech IV ..................................................................................................... $ 55.00 per hour Survey Tech III ..................................................................................................... $ 50.00 per hour Survey Tech II ....................................................................................................... $ 45.00 per hour Survey Tech I ........................................................................................................ $ 40.00 per hour 2 Man Survey Crew .............................................................................................. $ 85.00 per hour 3 Man Survey Crew .............................................................................................. $ 98.00 per hour Technician III ........................................................................................................ $ 38.00 per hour Technician II ......................................................................................................... $ 30.00 per hour Technician I .......................................................................................................... $ 25.00 per hour Subcontractors ....................................................................................................... Cost Out-Of-Pocket Expenses ............................................................................... ~ ....... Cost Mileage ................................................................................................................. $ .30 per mile Concrete Monuments ............................................................................................ $ 10.00 each Permanent Reference Monuments ........................................................................ $ 10.00 This Fee Schedule is effecthre for one year from date of issuance. REVISED SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT C CONSULTANT'S ESTIMATE OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES (INCLUDING DETAILED OBSERVATION OF CONSTRUCTION) A.7 Detailed Observation ADDITIONAL SERVICES Current Revised Budget Budget $31,000 $31,000 Permits/Approvals S2 I, 100 Surveying/Easements 1.02 16,500 O&M Manuals 2,500 Subsurface Investigation 2,500 Structm'al Redesign 10,000 Mechanical Revision 5,000 Roof Redesign 4.000 $21,100 16,500 0 2,500 I0,000 5,000. 4,000 TOTAL: S92,600 $90,100 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FAqTER l~WfO AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR. THE ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS KNOWN AS PARCELS 147 AND 847 FOR. THE LIVINGSTON ROAD FOUR LANING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. OBJECTIVE: To ae, quh-e easements necessa.qt for the construction of the proposed Livingston Road from Radio Road to just north of Golden Gate Parkway. CONSIDERATION: On February 3, 1998, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 98-29 axRhori~ing the ~tuisition of by gift, purchase or condemnation of those easements and fee pareel~ required for Livingston Road Project ~50061 from Radio Road to just north of Golden Gate Parkway. Mr. A..L Viggimai owns property at the northeast comer of Golden Gate Parkway and existing Livingston Road. In order to construct the proposed improvements, easements must be acquir~ along the southern md western boundaries of Mr. Viggiani's property. Located within the easements, on the southwest corner ofthe property, is the entrance signage, landscaping and lighting for the community of Wyndemere. The County's real estate appraiser valued the easements (land) using the comparable sales approach. The improvements, however, were valued through the use ora national construction cost publication, "Marga~ Valuation Service." The County's total compensation estimate was $71,750. TI~ Property Owner then hired an appraiser from the Board approved list of eminent domain real e~tate ~m'aisers. The Owner's appraiser used much the same comparable sales information (as the County's appraiser) in arriving at his estimate of land (easement) value. The owner's appraiser, however, hired a local general contractor to provide him with an estimate of the replacement cost of the hcqxovements. The primary difference between the two compensation estix~tes is the depreciated replw, z~ent cost of the rather unique improvements located on Mr. Viggiani's property. While Mr. Viggiani's appmis~ estimated full compensation at $111,000, Mr. Viggiani has made a eotmter-offer to the County, through the execution of an Easement Agreement in the amount of $105,000 (which ineh~des reimbursement for the professional service fees he has incun-ed). The Cotmty's Review Aprnaiser has reviewed Mr. Viggiani's appraisal report, consulted with his appraiser, ~ eonot~ that a local c. on~,.clor's estimate provides a more reliable estimate of compensation for the inxpmvements. Int~gly, there would have been an even wider divergence between the appraisals, l:md the local contrac~r ~ the same percentage of depreciation as the County's appraiser. The contta~or depreciated the improvements by a factor of 50% vs. only 25% by the County's appraiser. Executive Summary - ~ianl Page 2 All appraisals are reviewed by ~tff for compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appramal Practice (USPAP), and to ensure that there ~'e no glaring omissions or mis,statements of fact. Both the County's appraisal and Mr. Viggiani's appraisal were found to be in compliance with USPAP. The only basic difference between the values rel~rted in the appraisals was the improvement valuation. Custom development signage, mounted on combination concrete block wall / steel rail ~mem~ may not be as acetmmely valued through the use of a catalogue costing publication as it is by a F,~ contractor's ~ inspection, but it is less expensive than paying for the contractor's time to l)mvide the cost estimate. Since Mr. Viggiani's appraiser is on the pr~qualified list of eminent domain appraisers approved by the Board of County ~i,~,ioners; and since his at:q~rai~'s methodology is the same as that used whe~ employed on Collier County projects (e.g., Airport Road, Golden Gate Paxkway); and since by ~ into aa Easement ;~greemem with the CouraT, and avoiding condemnation, thc County is ~ the expenses assoei~ with attorneys ~ expert witnesses (for both County and owner), which em often ~maount to far more than the difference between our appraisal and Mr. Viggiani's appraisal, it is ~fff'~ opinion that the Board should favorably considex the following recommendation. The Off,ce of the County Attorney and staff of the office of Capital Projects Management have re'viewed a~l at,proved the attached Easement Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: The total ~ttlement cost in the amount of $105,000 is available from: Fund 333 Cost Center 163650 - Road Impact Fees (District #2) Road Impact Construction Livingston Road ?¥oject GROWTH MANAGEMEN'I' IMPACT: As a Capital Improvement Element project, the recommendation is e, onaistem with the County's Growth Management Plan for CIE #53. RECO~AT/ON: Tha~ the Board of County Commissioners: 1) apFov¢ the recea~nended adminiftrafive settlement in the amount of $105,000; 2) authorize the 'Chairman to execute the attached Easement Agreement; 4) autlmrize staffto prepare related vouchers and Warrants for. payment; and 5) amtlmfize staff'to proceed with related real estat~ closflag transport mad to record with the Clerk of Court all appropt~e documents in the Public Records of Collier County. Summary - Livin~ Rd/Viggiani W'flma Ivtwson, Senior Property Specialist Real Prope~ Management Department Rolxxt W'flqt, l~6j~ct Manag~ Richard Hdlriegel, Interim Director Office of Capital Projec~ Management PubUc Wcdcs Division DATE DATE IrROJ'ECT: Livingston Road PARCEL: 147, 8a7 EASEMENT, AGREEMENT TH'IS EASEMENT AGREEMENT {ht'~na~...~ referred to as the "Agreement") is made and emered by ~d bexween A. J. Viggimi, (hereinafter referred to as the ~O~er"), ~ COLLIER COUNTY, a ~litical subdivision of the State of Florida, its successors and assigns (herein~er tderted to as the WKEI~AS, the Pm'c~ requi~ an Easement over, under, upon znd across the lands &e~:n'bed in Ex~u'bit "A", wlfich is attached hero and made a pa~ of tl~s Ag~ement, for road right-of- w~y, ~ draLnage, utility ~ rna~e purpose~: azxl WH~R.EA& the Ptu-cb~ser rrx:luLT~ an ,~,emem over, under, upon an~ across the Lands dm:~'n'b~ in ~.l'u'bit "B", which is attached hereto and made a part of ~ds Agreement, for slope, dr~nage, tnility, a~d maintenance purpose; WH~, the prope~y described in £x.h~bit "A", and £x. bibit "B" shall hereL:~a~er collectively be referr~ m as t~e 'Tropen'y"; and WH~R.F. AS, the Owner desires to conv~ the Easements to the Pu~chase~ for the stated purposes, on the terms and condifion~ set forth herein; and ~S, the Purcb,~ser will allow both e~isting driveways to remain on t~s property; WI-~, the Purcl~aser will construct the Livingston Road Project according to the revised ~ 30 of 87 of the constr~.~on pla~t$ for Livings'ton Road (C.R. 881), which allows a U-turn at medim opening unc~ cun'ent trmspor~on traffic operation guidelines; WHEIa,£A.S, ~e Ownc~ will be allc~ved to connect to the potable w~ter utility facilities, when they become available; ~ ~AS, the Pu~ha.~'~ b.~ agreed to compensate the Owner for the grmting of the NOW THT_R~FOR~, in consider~ion of these premises, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and ~ 8ood ~ valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which ~ heTeby mutually ackm~wledged, it is agreed by and between the par~ies as follow~: 1. Own~ shall ~rmt to Purchase~ Easements over, under, ~ and across the Property in exchange for ~ sum of~ as full payment for the Property interest taken md for removal destm~on of landscapinB, ~ slu'ubs, improvements and fixmre~, ~ for any cL~mages resulting to t~e n.-~mtinder, if less ~mn the entire property was taken, ~ for all ot~' damage~ in connection with 2. Putcha.r,~ shall pay Owner for above referenced co~ by County Wau'ranL 3. Both Owner ~ Purchas. er agn:e fi~ time is o£the ~ in ~gazd to the closing and that, ~fore, said closing t,~ll oc. cm' within sixty (60) days of the execution of the Agreement by Perehaser. At closing, !~:,,:b. aser sl'~l! delive~ the County Warraa! to Owner and Owner sh~ll deliver ~a ~;'~sernent to Purchaser in a form acceptable to Purchzser. 4. Prior to the closing, Owner s,hall coopesa~ and assist in obtaining 5om the holders of any and all liens, encumbrance, exceptions, or qualifications in and to the Propen'y, the executio~ of such im;tnm~ent~ that will, upon their recording in the PubLic Reccnds of Collier County, Florida, clear any ~d ~I1 encumbranc~ from the Property. Such instruments ~all be provided to Pm'chaser on or before the ~e of closing. 5. Convey~.e of the Easements, or any intex~s~ in the ~, by ~e Owne~ is contingent upoa no other provisions, conditions, or premises other than those so s~a~ed above; a~l the written mg~.eement, including all exhibits attached hereto, shall com'titme the entire agreement and O q i §S u~derstanding of fl~¢ pa~ies, and there are no other prior or contemporaneous writ~c.n or oral ag~*ment~, undertaldng~, promise~, warranties, or coveranu not contzined hert~ 6. Ch,~er is aware and undetstar~ that the "offer' to pu~cha~ represented by this Agreement is ~bject to acceptance and ~:~pmval by the Board of County Commi~iouers of Collier County, Florida. 7. Owner repre~nt~ ~ ~e ~ ~ all ~ of ~e ~ ~ve ~ ~ ~flY ~ in e. or~liance wi~ all Federal, 5t~e md Local environmental law~; ~ no I~.z~do,,~ ~bst~c~ I~ve '~l been generaled, ~ored, lre~t~l or tr-~fetred on the Property excep! a~ ~pecifically did:lo,ed lo the Co~, fha! ~e ~ ha~ no knowledge of lay ~pill or environmentzJ l~w viola[on on ~y property contiguo~ lo or in tJ~e vicinity of~e Prc~x~ Io be ~old Io l~e Co~mty, tl~ t~e ~elJer ~ no~ received ~x~ce md otherwise !~ no knowledge of a) ~ny ~ill on ~e Prvp~ .'7, b) any exi~ing or thre~ened ellvil~mme~t~! lien agJ~'l t~e Property or c) my ge~r~ion, ~ora~e, trealmenl, ~[ll or m~-~£et of ~-~rdo~ ~bs~anc~ on the Propemy. TI~ pmv~;ion ~ ~rvive clo~i~ and i~ no! deemed ~afi~fied by com, eymce 8. Owner heretxy agre~ ~ it r~all indem~f¥, defend, ~av¢ and hold l~mm~le~ t~e County ag~hm ~nd Bom, ~! Io reimburse lhe Comty wit~ reg~c~ Io, my and ~J1 damage~, cl~m~, li~bilkie~ ~ ~ ~,d expenm~ (including w~t.hou~ l~-~italion re~onable p~ale~l and am)racy fee~ and ~ whe~er in c~urk ou~ of coup, in bmlcr'~t~'y or ~lmL~i~ve pet~kie~ or fine~ incm'red by or a.~-~ed agains~ l~e County by re,on or ~-ising ou~ of ~ lm~ch of o~rm'~ representation under Semion 7. Thi~ p~vi~on ~hall ~rvive clos~g and i~ not deemed ~ti~fi~l by conveyance of title. 9. ~ Pu~¢h,x.~r ~ha]l pay for ~11 coz~ of recording t~¢ ea.~'menl~. All off, er co~ a.~ocia~ed wit~ ~ trm.~actio~ including but no~ limi~xi to ~--~n.~fe~, doc~memary ~xl intangible ~xe~ and recording co~t~ ['or my curative instrument~ ~l~ll be borne arxl p~id by Ow~e~. 10. Thi~ Agreemen! i~ governed a~d com'~rued in ~ccordance wi~ t.he hw~ of ~e $~e of IN WITNESS ~OF, the pa~tie~ hertto h~ve executed this Easement Agreement on this ~day of ,19 . Dst~d Project/Acquisition Approved by BCC: 10/g/~6; Res. 96~57 AS TO PURCHASER: DATED: ATIT_,ST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOIVEI~S COLLIER COUNTY, FLOP~DA , l)eputy Clerk BY: B~t~a B. Berry, AS TO OWNER: ~ N~e) Apptoyed as to fm'm ~nd legal sufficiency: He~' 1~. .T*~l~o~ Assislant County Atlomey LEGAL 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAUl TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 P~o~c~ .o, ~'~/ PROJECT PARCEL NO. I~ 7 TAX PARCEL NO. '~n~nn'~Annn? DESCRIPTION ('NOT A SURVEY) road rilht-of-way, etdewalk, u~ilitl0 drainage & maintenance easement ~MENC3NG AT ~ POINT C~ INTERSECTION O~ THE CENTERLINE Oe' G~LDEN GATE PARKWAY AND ThE ~ RlOl-rr OF WAY LINE CRc LIVINGSTON ROAD,SAID POINT OF ~MENC~MENT ALSO BEING ThE SCRJ'f'r[W'EST CORNER OF TRACT 7, OF THE PLAT THEREC~ GOL. DLrN GATE ESTATES uNrr NO. 29 AS RECORDED fN Pl.,AT ~ 7 PAGE 57 OF THE PtJEUC RECO~,DS OF COLLIER COUNTY, Iq.,ORJDA THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF /'Ir~ i TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ~,'¢I~NG NORTH ALONG SAID LINE AND THE ~ RJGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 391.1! FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 01 SECOND WEST, A DISTANCE OF 231.$9 FEET'- THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST RIGET OF WAY LINE NO~CTN 19 DEGREES 30 MINUTES II SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTN 0 DEGREES 16 MINIJTES 01 SECOND EAST, A DISTANCE OF 238.86 fe~ i; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECOWDS EAST, A DISTANCE Of' 321.14 FEET; THE3qCE SOUTH 45 DEGREE~ 25 MINUTES 58 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 63.5'/FEET; TI-~ENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 30 MINLrTES I$ SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 29~.31 FEET; THENCE SOLrT14 0 DEGREES 29 MINLrTE. S 42 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 25.00 fP. Jr.l TO THE NORTt! RIGI. fT OF WAY LINE O~' ~ GATE PARKWAY; THENCE SCR.rT~ 89 DEGREES 30 MINtJTES Il ~ ALONG SAID NORTH RIG'14T OF WAY' LINE, A DISTANCE OF 360.43 FEET TO TI'rE POINT Oe' BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 0.~)8 ACRE (22,123 SQUARE fEET), MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF nEARr~GS IS'n~ NORTH mgm' OF WAY UNE OF GOLDL~ GATE · PARKWAY BEIN~ SOUTH 19 DE~ 30 MINUTES I 8 SECONDS WEST. PAR~ 147 · ~X.'m.... GE~;~T~ E"' R. RICHMOND ~OFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ~2405''.~ " ' '." OFFICE OF' CN:~AL PROJECTS COLUER COUN'~Y GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 3301 147 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAIvll TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA .34112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION N.89'30'18'1~. 6~ 359.06' O Z O I--- P PARCEL 147 TRACT 7 ,'58"E. 65.57' N.89',,~O'18'E. s.8g'50'18"W. 295.38' GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY GENERAL NOTES 1) P.O.C. indicates Point o? Commencement ;~) P.O.B. tndlc~tes Point oF Beginning 3) Sec. indicates Section 4) Twp. Indicates Township 5) Rge. indicotes Ronge 6) R/W indlcCte.~ Right-oF-way G) Bosls oF bearings is the No~th R/V line oF Golden Gate P~tkw~y being S.89'30'i8'W. 9) Not v~tid unless signed and seated with ~he embossed seal oF the pcoFessiona[ [and su~veyo~ THIS IS ONLY A SK~CH SHEET 2 OF 2~, AUG O 4 1S9 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 54112 (941) 774-8192 PROJECT NO, PROJECT PARCEL NO. T~< P,,CEt. ,0. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A~ mlopa, draJ. nale, utlltty& maintenance'eaSement ~ENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF 'I'HE CENTERLINE OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AND THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LIVINGSTON ROAD; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE .EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID LIVINGSTON ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 120.04 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE NO~TH $9 DEGREES 37 MIt~FI'ES 47 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NO~TH O DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WE. ST. A DISTANCE OF 321.14 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEOREEX 16 MINUTE. SOl SEO3N1:} WEST, A DISTANCE OF 231.~6 rr,~l; 'TIIENCE NORTH 19 DEGREES 30 MINLfTES I1 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 16 MINI. rTES 0 I SECOND ~. A DISTANCE OF 231.81 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 36 I. 19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGREES 25 MI~ 51 SECOIqDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF ~6.51 FEET TO THE POII~T OF BEGINNING; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 0.533 ACRE (23.200 BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE EAST RIGHT WAY LIN~ OF LIVINGSTON ROAD BF-ING NORTH O DEGREES 22 MINU'TE~ 13 SECONDS WEST. PARCEL 847 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 84?. O O F.= -d N.8g'37'47'W.-N 20.00' x P.I SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION N.89'30'18'1~. ~ 359.06' 847 TRACT 7 56.51' 360.54' GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY I GENERAL NOTES 1) P.O.C. Indicates Point oF Comnencenent 2) P.D.B. Indicates Point oF Beginning 3) Sec. Indite, res Section 4) Twp. lndlcntes Township 5) Rge. indicates Range 6) R/W ~oqcotes Right-oF-way 7> All oqstonces are In Feet and decimals thereof B) Basis oF beorlngs Is the East R/V line oF Livingston Road being N.OO'22']3'W. 9) Not v~lld unless signed and sealed with the embossed seal oF the professional rand surveyor THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH NDT Trl .I ]0-31-96 SCALE PR-847 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING SERVICES NECESSARY IN PERFORMANCE OF ANNUAL MONITORING. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MARCO ISLAND BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT. .~..~T~,[.~: To obtain approval of Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., relative to the estimated annual cost for performance of services during the 1998/99 monitoring period for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project. CONSIDERATIONS: On September 6, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners approved a Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., to provide professional engineering and surveying services necessary for the performance of annual monitoring requirements for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project. Article Four and Schedule 'C" of this Agreement provides that this contract is intended to be a "continuing contract" as defined in Florida Statutes 287.055 (2) (g) with estimated annual costs being subject to review and approval by the Board of County Commissioners prior to services being rendered. The attached Amendment to this Agreement has been prepared for the purpose of obtaining approval of the estimated annual cost for services to be rendered during the 1998/99 monitoring period. Such has been reviewed and approved by the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee and Tourist Development Council. Cost: $100,850.00 to be obligated in the budget for FY 97/98 Fund: (195) Tourist Development (60%) Cost Center: (110406) Beach Renourishment, Category A Project Number: (80218) Marco Beach Maintenance. Pursuant to approval of a TDC grant application and associated budget amendment by the Board of County Commissioners on August 4, 1998, funds in the amount of $110,935.00 have been appropriated for this purpose. RECOMMENDATIQNS: That the Board of County Commissioners approve A~nendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., to provide professional engineering and surveying services necessary to perform required monitoring services for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project and authorize the Chairman to execute the Amendment. Executive Summary Annual Monitoring Survey Page 2 Harold E. Huber, Project Manager III Office of Capital Projects Management __.D ATE: REVIEWED BY: ~DATE: ~ ~_~__~ Richard Hellriegcl, P.E., Interim Director Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED Public Works Administrator ~Ic4,c~.Sum. AnnualMonitori~s attachment CC' Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee ADMENDM£NT NO. 4 MARCO ISLAND BEACll RENOURISIIMENT PROFESSIONAl. SERVICI'L.~; ^GREEM ENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of . 1998, by ~nd between the Board of County Commissioners for Collicr County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") and Coas~ Engineering Consultants, Inc., a Florida corporation, authod~d to do business in the State of Florida. whose business is 3106 South Horseshoe Drive. Naples, Florida 34104 (hereinafter roferred lo as the "CONSULTANT"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the OWNER desires to obtain the prof'essionai engineering and surveying services'of the CONSULTANT concerning certain monitoring se~ces for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project (hereinafter referred to as the ~'Projeef'), said services being more fully dcscribed in Schcduie A of the original Professional Services Agreement; and WEEREAS, On September 6, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners approvext · Professional Services Agreement with the CONSULTANT to perform annual monitoring services for the Project: and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT has submitted a proposal for provision of those services during the 1998/1999 monitoring period; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANT represents that it has expertise in the type of professional services that will be required for Ihe Project. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration or the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration; thc M~rco Island Beach Renourishment Professional Services Agreement entered into on September 6, 1994 (hereinafter also referred to as tt,e "Agreement") is hereby amended as follows: 1. S~edule B, Attachments B and C, is hereby amended and revised as set forth in Exh~t "A" attached hereto. Said Exhibit "A" is the June 3, 1998, letter from Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. to Project Manager llarry Hubcr re: "Proposal for Professional Servicos, 1998 Marco Island Monitoring". 2. Article Five of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: Compensation by the OWNER for senaces rendered hereunder by CONSULTANT shall not exceed an AUG 0 ~ ~ of $100,~50.00 ~ Fr.&led in ~ 'A' ~ed he~eto without an q~xi~e ~e o~d~r or amoxl~ ~o ~ A~'~. 3. Other ~ the changes/additions indicated in ~s Amendment, all provisions of the orillJrssl cona~ ~re in full force ~nd eft'ea. ]:N ~ W]-I:F..R.EOF, the pa,'ties h~eto have executed this Jmcndment to the A~reema~ tl~ d~' m~d ~ fu'st written ~)ove. ATTEST By.. Cl~'k BOARD OF COUNTY CONfNflSSlONERS FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA By: Barbara B. Berry, Chairman APl~ov~d ss to form ~d lessl ~ Air,neY'- t~) -- Co~=~ ,Engineering Co, nsukams, Inc. ~&~esS J~\~,l~..~. ~ David E. Weston .. . "X Vice President of Finance & Adrmmstrat~on i~ '~~' (COI~ORAT~ SF. AL) J ,% ..?... COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC Coostol Engineering Civil Engineering Survey Enviromrnentot Real Estote A!Dproisol June 3, 1998 EXHIBIT "A" Mr. Harry Huber, Project Manager Collier County Oftic~ of Capital Projects ~t 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICF_~ 1998 MARCO ISLAND MONITORING CEC F'~ No. 98.286 Pm-suant to our Professional Services Agreement to provide annual monitoring services for the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project, CECI is pleased to present this revised Schedule B, Attachment C for the 1998 Monitoring Report. Please note this proposal includes monitoring eighty-nine (89) beach and offshore profile lines. The extent of the monitoring includes the t990-1991 Beach Fill Restoration Areas, 1990-1991 Borrow Areas, Breakwaters, Emergent Shoals in Big Marco, Capri, and Caxambas Pass, Sand Dollar Island, Kice Island, and the 1997 Caxambas Pass Dredge Cut/Borrow Area. Also note this proposal does not include Hideaway Beach monitoring: Schedule B - Attachment C Consultant's Estimate of Additional Services A.8 Post Construction Services A.8. I Assist Owner Relative to Agency Required Permit Stipulations A.8.1. I Aerial Photographs $10,200.00 A.8.1.2 Beach and Offshore Profiles $48,950.00 A.8.1.3 Shoal Maps $ 3,000.00 A.8.1.4 Monitoring Assessment $16,300.00 A.8.1.5 Report Preparation, Compilation and Printing $ 1,500.00 A.8.1.6 Administration $ 1,700.00 A.8.2 Provide Owner Authorized Additional Services A.8.2.1 Design and Coordination of Maintenance Activities 3106 S. HORSESHOE DRIVE. NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 · (941)643-2324 · FAX (941) $19.200.00 AUG 0 Mr. Harry Huber June :3,1998 Page 2 Our estimated annual cost for providing these services will be $100,850.00. Charges for these services will be billed on a time and reimbursable cost basis, based on the approved Schedule B - Attachment B, attached hereto, which is made a part of this agreement as if fully contained herein. Services beyond the ~ presented herein can be provided as Additional Services and shall be authorized in writing by you. We trust this proposal is restxmsive to your needs. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, COASTAL ]~NGII~IEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Michel T. Poff, P.E. Coastal Division Manager Cc: Frank Blanchard Attachment: Fee Schedule SCHEDULE B - ATTACHMENT B ~ONSULTAN'I~ EMPLOYEE HOURLY RATE SCBEDULB Effective April 1, 1998 POSITION / TITLE Appraiser, Engineer, Environmental Specialist, Scientist, Surveyor & Mapper Appraiser, Engineer, Environmental Specialist, Scienti~ Surve~j'or & Mapper AppraL~'r, Engineer, Environmental Specialist, Scientist, Surveyor & Mapper Apl~aiser, Engimer, Environmental Slx~cialist, Scientist, Surveyor & Mapper Civil Engine~g, Coastal Engineering Appraisal, Engineering, Environmental, Scientific, Survey & Mapping Construc6on Observer Administrative Assistant Research Assistant S~ Three Man Survey & Mapping Crew Two Man Sur~ey & ~g Cr~w 120.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 55.OO 45.00 4O.OO 40.00 4O.OO 4O.OO 25.00 25.OO 100.00 90.00 I~IMBURSABL~ EXPENSES & EOUIPMENT RENTAL EXPENSE & EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Hydrographic IXJPS Survey Sysu:m I Week Minimum Lease $ Single Frequency Depth Sounder $ Thermal Papex E.D.M. Microtide Recorder (I Month Minimum) Manifold Recording Current Meter Wizard Processing Software Sm'vey Boat Off-Road Vehicle (ATV) $ Photocopies Blueprints Mylar Mileage Rate/F~e 2,300 /week $ 7,500/month 150 /day $ 3,000/month $ 20/roll $ 120/day $ 500/day $ 2,000/month $ I20/month $ 250/day 50 /half day *min. $ 120/day $ 0.10/sheet $ 1.50/sheet $ 8.00/sheet $ 0.29/mile ~ will be provided on a monthly basis. Payments are due utx~n receipt of invoices. If written notice of a question is not received within thirty days of invoice, such action will be construed as zc.~*ptance of charge~ and ~,rvice as accurate and aCCeptable. ** l~imbm-s~ble Ex-smm~ will be billed at cost. Typical out of pocket expenses include: travel made on beh~tlr of the client rel~ing to permitting, aerial reconnaissance and photographic expenses, and prints. ** ~ or Subcim~ffianl~ will be administered at cost plus 10%. ** Rat~ on this schedule at~ gnaran~ for one year from the date shown above. ** ~ fe~ will be negotiated on a case by case basis separately. AUG 0 6 ... Department of Environmental Protection Harjory S~onefnan Douglas Buildin~ 3900 Commonwealth Bouleard Ta~lahasset. Florida 3239%3000 July I:5, 1998 Virginia B. Wetherell Secretary Mr. Michael Poff, P.E. nsineering Consultant , thc. ~ 106 S. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 33942 File Nurn~r: DBS 88-208 CO, Marco Island Beach Restoration (Sth Annual Survey) This is to r~mind you that hy~phic monitoring survey required as a Special Fermit Condition of the ~bov~-r~'~nc~d permit will be due. Spe~-'ifically, be. ach and offshor~ profile surveys dong the approved profile lines ar~ to be condu-.'ted in September 1998. The survey dat~ should be submitted immediately following the data collection on floppy, disk in an ASCII fornmt and stored according to the standards of DE1;' file sLcucture (format). The floppy disk should dearly indicate the permit file number, the date, time and location of the survey on the disk label as well as in the data file. Specific survey control information including monument )ocation ~nates in Horida State Flane Cxxrrdirmtes, profile azimuth/bearings ~nd vertical datum must be provided for all monitoring data. Aerial photography should be obtained at the same ~ as the survey data, clearly labeled as to date and time and submitted together with the survey data. Any other requirements associated with the monitorin$ conditions will a!~o be:requit:ed at this time. If you have any questions, please contact me at (850) 487-4469, extension 172. Sincerely, Lethie Lanham, Engineer I Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems /LL Harry Huber, Collier County Bob Brantly Nlmn Nguyen Permit Information Center "Protect. Conserve and Manage Florida's £nwronment and Not, tral Resources" ,~r, med o~ ~ ~per. gxE~ SUMMARY APPROVE CRANGE ORDER NO. 1 TO KYLE CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE CITY / COUNTY WATER INTERCONNECT, PROSEC'r NO. 74008. QB/E~: That the Board of County Commi~ioners, as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of tho Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve Change Order No. 1 to add thrust blocks to a relocated force main mad to reconcile quantities for the City / County Water Interconnect. CONSIDERATION; At its meeting of May 5, 1998, the Board accepted a proposal from Kyle Commaction, Inc. to construct the City / County Water Interconnect project. Change Order No. 1 includes the addition of two thrust blocks on a force main that was relocated in order to construct the City / County Water Interconnect. In addition, change Order No. 1 reconciles estimated bid quantities with the actual final quantities for the project. Original Contract Amount: This Change Order No.1 Amount: Proposed Contract Amount: 53,434.91 !0.948.9! 64,383.82 Funds for this Change Order in the amount of $ 10,383.91 are available Fund 412; County Water Capital Projects Coat Center 273511; Combined Water Capital Projects Project No. 70040; City / County Water Interconnect. OROWTH bnj~NAGEM~NT IMPACT: None. I~ECOMMENDATIONS; Staff recommends that the Board of County Commiv~ioners, as Ex-O~cio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve, and axahofize the OCPM Interim Director to execute, Change Order No. 1 to Kyle Construction, Inc. f~n the City / Coumy Water Interconnect PREPARED BY: REVIE~D BY: Ronald F. Dillard, P.E., Project Manager Office of Capital Projects Management DATE: Riehm'd J, Hellriegei, P.E., Interim IY. zector Office of Capital Projects Manageraent Executive Summery Approve Chrome Order No. 1 Page 2 Paul E. ~tausch, Wa~ D~tor DATE: 7//~/ REVIEWED DATE: Ed ~, Public Works Administrator RFD:rfd Attachment: Change Order No. 1 CHA~NGE ORDER TO: Kyle Consm~on, Inc. 4227-A Arnold Avenue Naples, Florida 34104 Project Name: City / County Water Interconnect Purchase Order No.: 803644 Change Order No.: I FROM: Collier County Government 3301 East Tamiami Trail, OCPM Bldg. Naples, Florida 34112 Project No. 70040 Dated: May 19, 1998 Date: July 8, 1998 Change Order De~'ipfion: Add inline thrust blocks for force main relocation and reconcile the e~'fimated bid quantities with the actual final quantifies for the project. These changes will result in the following changes to the Pay Items: Item Ouantitv (Than~e 1. 2. 6 10. 84 11. 20 12. 5.5 13. 0.9 16. 2 · .. Add Subtract ~ Descript. ign 17 LF 16"Dia. Class 51 D.I. Pipe ~nit. Total Chan~es Price Plus Minus $ 397.33 $ 6,754.61 LF 16" Dia. Class 50 D.I. FM 5; 388.30 $ 2,329.80 SF Sidewalk Replacement S 8.50 5; 714.00 LF Curb Replacement S 21.00 S SY Pavement Replacement S 29.00 S CY Concrete Slab S 300.00 S EA Inline Thrust Blocks Sl,000.00 $ 2.000.00 420.00 159.50 270.00 SUBTOTALS: +5; 11,798.41 -5; 849.50 For a net increase of S 10,948.91 in the Contract Price. Original agreement amount ............................................................... $ Sum of previous change orders amount ............................................ $ This Change Order Amount [add] ..................................................... $ Revised Agreement Arnount ............................................................... $ 53,434.91 0 10,948.91 64,383.82 Substantial Original contract time in calendar days .................................................. Adjusted number of calendar days due to previous change orders ......... This change order adjusted time is .......................................................... Revised Contract Time in calendar days ................................................. Final N/A Original Notice to Prozeed date .................................................. Completion date based on original contract time ........................ Revised completion date .............................................................. N/A Your acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as c6ntained in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to this Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor arising out of, or related to, the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. AUG O 1 B8 _ ?._.,: ..a Change Order Page 2 Prepared by: ~ Accepted by: ~PM Abraham, President Kyle Construction, Inc., Contractor Date: Project Manager Date: Approved by: Authorized by: Date: /~rd J. Hellriegel, P.E, OCPM Interim Director Paul ~ Mattau~h, Water Director (For Use by Owner:. Fund: 412 Cost Center: 273511 Object Code: 763100 Project No.: 70040 ) G:kFonm\Change Order Master.doc Revised 02/03/98 KYLE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4227-A ARNOLD AVE. NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 PROPOSAL p.O. I}OX 41301& ~tI'~F.S, ~. 34101-3Ot6 PROJECT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY ~ UNIT PATE TOTAL ~I~JEC"I'. I}~Ft,~. '~IRHST/ll.OCK 2 fi~il.Zt~ T~D~US~ 131.OCKS ~~ ON 16' ~ ~ R~.~A~ON 2 F~ 1,~.~ 2,~.~ To~I ~.~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE AN AGREEMENT TO EXTEND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT WITH ~OUTH FLORIDA WATE~ MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. ~ To approve Collier County granting an ~xtenston to a Temporary Constru~ Easement to South Florida Water Managernent District from May 1, 1999 to July 1, 2000. CONSJDERATION: On Jammry 13, 1998, the Board approved a Temporary Construction Easement to South Florida Water Manageme~ ~ for the Cocohatchee Canal Improvement. Project. The Easement will expire on May 1, 1999. Unforseen events have cat.w~ed the construction to be delayed. In order for South Florida Water ~nt District to meet the construct~n contracting needs, an extension is requested. Staff has reviewed the subject project and has no objections to granting the extension for the Temporary Cortstruction EasemenL Staff from the County Attorney's Office, the Office of Capital Prc, jects and Public Works Division have reviewed and approved the attached Agreement to Extend Temporary Constructk~ ~nL FISCAL IMPACT: Staff estimates that the total cost of recording the Easement will not exceed $~3.00. Funds am avattable in the General Fund (001), Stormwater Management Administraaon (172.910) budgeL All recording costs will be reimbursed by South Florida Water Management .{~L'OWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That lyre Board c~f Courrty Commissioners approve the attached Agreement to Extend Temporary C.~13'uclJon Ea<.~ement v,~ South Florida Water Management District; 2. ~e the Chairman to execute the atta~ Agreement to Extend Temporary Constn,,ctJon 3. Authorize Staff to record the Agreement to Extend Temporary Construction Easement in the Public Records o~ Collier County, Florida. % AUG O q 1S98 Ed Ilschner, Administrator Pubr~c Works Division AU~ 0 ~ LAN 06 Return to: SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT P.O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 This instrument prepared by: South Flork~ Water Management District 330t Gun Club Road, P. O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 R-ojec~ Big Cypress Basin Cocohatchee Canal Tract No.: 100.143 AGREEMENT TO EXTEND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this day of , 19 , between COl ~_ ~=R COUNTY, a porll~.al subdivision of the State of Florida, whose mailing address is 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, ~ ~, Florida 34112, hereinafter referred to a~ Grantor, and SOUTH FLORIDA WATEE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, a public corporation of · e State of Florida, wt~ its principal office at 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406, and whose mailing address is Post Office Box 24680, West Palm Beach, Flof~la 33416-4880, Palm Beach County, hereinafter referred to as Grantee. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantor granted and conveyed to Grantee that certain Temporary Censtruclio~ Easement (Ihe 'Eas~, dated January 13, 1998, recorded in ~ Records Book 2380 at page 1301 in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, er~xnbe~g Ihat certain real property legally described in Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and made a pa~ MmV, and WHEREAS, Grantee and Grantor desire to extend the termination date of ~ Easement from May 1, 1999 to July 1, 2000. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in cm~sideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the undersigned hereby agree as follows: 1. The term of'a3e Easement shall expire at 11:59 p.m., July 1, 20(X). 2. The Easement, as herein modified, shall continue in full force and effect through and until the expiration date set forth in Paragraph 1 above. Page 1 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pm'ties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in their tmme~ on the day and year f~t above written. DEWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk By: BOARD OF COUNTY COMM/SSIONERS OF COLLIER. COUNTY, FLORIDA Barbara B. Berry, Chairman A~m~l ~ to legal form at~d ~n~eieney AUG O 4 '~' ° SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, BY ITS GOVERNING BOARD (Corporate Seal) By: Frank Williamson, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1998 by Frank Wilrmmson, Jr. and ,, Chairman and Assis~nt Secretary, respectively, cf the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management Dlst~,.-t, a public corporation of the State of Florida, on behalf thereof, who am personally Imown to me. Notary Public Print My Commission Expires:, Form Approved ~:. Page 3 of 4 Exhibit "A" Tract No. 01-100-143 A parcel of land in Section 24, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collicr County, Florida, being a part of land reo:nded in Official Records Book 1141, Pagc 1032, Book 1520, Page 6I and Book 1563, Page I971 of the Public Records of Collicr County, Florida, and being mort: ~larly described ~ follows: Tl~ West 375 fc~ of tl~ East 510 fc~ of th~ Ea~ one-half of the Southeast one-quarter of thc Southeast one-quarte~ ('E '/~, SE ¼, SE 'A) of said Section 24, LESS the South 160 feet. Coring 9.98 acr~, mom or le~s. Acreage c~c~t~ without bcm~fit ~f survey. R~vised: AuL, vst 12, 1997 EXE SUMMARY APPROVE AMENDMENT TO APPRAISAL AGREEMENT wrrH REAL PROPEKTY ANALYSTS, INC., FOP, VALUATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE RADIO ROAD FOUR LAN~ IMPROVEMENT PROIE. L-'r. D,]k]~(~: To obtain the Board of County Commissioners approval of an amendment to the Radio Road Phase II Appraisal Agr, em. CONgIDI~RATION: On April 21, 1998, the Board adopted Resolution 98-105 authorizan' g acquisition of the subject right-of-way by girl, purchase or condemnation. On Junc 9, 1998 the Board approved thc Radio Road Phase Il Aplmfisal AgreemeaL S/ncc that time it has been determined that an appraisal will be reqnked for ?nrcel 142 (Malimnore Corp.) Mo~t of the right-of-way neceaaaty to construct thia four-lane segment of wadway has already been acquired through PUD developer commitmeat~. Om'em roadway design calls for relocating th~ connection between Davis Boulevard and Radio Road further to the wes',. To accomplish this, it is n~a~ary to acquire add~'onal right-of-way. IrlSCAL IMPACT: Ia addition to the $7,500 prvviously autho~ thc initial appraisal f~ for Parcel 142 will be $1,950. Sho. M ~ondemn~on b¢ ncc,:aSary to ~ th~ requh'ed easements, an update of each appraia~ and th~ ~a'vic~ of the appraiaer ~$ an eaqaert witness at an OMer of Taking hearing, will be required. In addition, file appraiser's servie.~ may be reqMred for review of claims a.nsea'ted by the Excluding a:ry aplzaraz~ at trial, it is estim~_nt that the total ea~aenditurea under the terms of the Ammded Agreement will not exceed $11,000 ($7,500 plus a total of $3,500 att-ib~_~oble to Parcel 142.) Fund No. 333 Co~t Center No. 163650 Proj~x~ No. 65031 (Road t ..npa~t Fees - District 3) (Road Lmpact Fee Construction) G~ROV,~II~ MANAG~._/~RNT IMPAq: As a Capital Improvement Element project, the m~m~ae~ion is ~ with the Cotmty's Growth Management Plan for C~//16. RKC~~ATION: TI~ t~e Board of County Commi~'oners aulhorize its chaimmn to execute t~e ~lzehecl Ameadment to Pu~dio Road Phase II Appraisal Agreement on behalf of the Board. PREPARED BY: DATE: /"Real Property i¢~anagcmc~t Dc~rancnt .~ of C. zpit~Projects Mmxagement ~ of~ Projects ~ent Public Wodes Division DATE: AU6 0 1 98 AMENDMENT TO RADIO ROAD PHASE II APPRAISAL AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO RADIO ROAD PHASE II APPRAISAL AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the 'Amendment") entered into this ~ day of ,1998, is by and between COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "County"), whose mailing address is 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples. Florida 34112, and REAL PROPERTY ANALYSTS, INC., Inc., a Florida corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Appraiser"), whose mailing address is 1000 South Federal Highway, Suite 202, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33310. WHEREAS, since the date of the original Radio Road Phase II Appraisal Agreement between Collier County and Real Property Analysts, Inc., dated May 1, 1998 (hereinafter referred to as the 'Agreement"), it has been determined that additional parcels should be appraised; and VVHEREAS, under the provisions of Paragraphs 1, 5 and 6, of the Agreement, said Agreement may be amended to add parcels to the Appraiser's assignment; the County may change the scope of work of the appraisal assignment; and the fees and due dates for delivery of appraisal reports to the county may be amended. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals, and the mutual promises contained in the Agreement, County and Appraiser hereby amend said Agreement as follows: Due to the addition of appraisal assignment(s) by County, Exhibit 'A" to the odginal Appraisal Agreement (setting forth the parcels to be appraised, the fees for delivery of the appraisal reports, and the due dates therefor) is replaced in its entirety by Exhibit 'A2" attached to this Amendment, and made a part hereof by reference. Page 2 2. NI other provisions of said Agreement are ~11 in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, authorized representatives. the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures by their duly AS TO COUNTY: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk By:. Deputy Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political .~ubdivision of the State of Florida By:. Barbara B. Berry, Chairman AS TO APPRAISER: Real Property Analysts, Inc., a Florida corporation Donald T. Sutte, President Approved as to form and Ii.iai suflicie.ncy: Heidi F. Ashton - AUG 0 61 gS EXHIBIT "A2' APPRAISAL FEES AND REPORT DUE DATES PARCEL NOS. APPRAISAL FEE DELIVERY DAYS * 142 $1,950 30 144 $1,950 30 145 $1,950 30 Delivery Days = n days from Notice to Proceed Fees include Appraiser's subcontractors and sub-consultants. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY_ APPROVE RENEWAL OF ANNUAL CONTRACT 95-2388 TERM PROFESSIONAL MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES. FOR FIXED .':,~ ',f' ~: To approve renewal of annual Contract 95-2398 for Fixed : .. Tm-m Agreement to three Professional Material Testing Firms. CONSIDERATIONS_: Professional Material Testing services using Annual Contract 95-2388 were approved on Seplember 19, I995, Agenda Item I6(B) (5), for termination on September 19, 1998 for the following firms: project budgets. Ardaman and Associates Law Engineering, Inc. Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. The performance of these three firgas during the last three years has been satisfactory. They have agreed in writing to the rcnewal of the contract under the same or/ginal terms and conditions of thc existing contract. ~'~"~: Funding for work orders for Material Testing services under RFP 95-21388 shall be provided by the user Division's or Department's ~ROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: These Agreements m,~y be used in compliance with the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION_: That the Board of County 'Commissioners approve 'the renewal ct' Annual Contract 95-2388 for Fixed Term Agreements for Material Testing Services, with Ardaman and Associates, Law Engineering, Inc., and Universal ]iagineering Sciences, Inc. with the same terms and conditions as the original Contract, for one additional year, until September 18, 1999. Executive Summary Pixed Term Material Testing Services Page 2 Sa~.v _. Adarmes Minor, P.E., Senior Project Manager Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED BY: Rich Hellriegel, P.E., Interim Director Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED BY: -~'~zl.~c~/~,'_i~t~L.~ ~o4 Steve Carnell, Direct{~'r Purchasing Department REVIEWED BY~ Ed Ilscli: ncr, Administrator Public Works Division Attachment: Letters to Firms Accepting Renewal of Contract COLT,TER COUNTY GOYER NT SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION Purch~ing Depa~t.~nt 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 774-8425 A CERTI1;IED BLUE CHIP COM~IUNITY Received PUrot~a~tn~ ,June 24, lg98 JUL 0 9 1995 Law Englneedng, Inc. 3C27 Progress Avenue Naples, Rorida 34104 Attention: Ms. Jo C. Tucker, P.E., Chief EngineedOperations Manager RE: Contract #95-2388 - "Material Testing Services" Dear Ms. Tucker:. Collier County has been under Contract with your company for the referenced service for the past year. The County would like to renew this contract for one additional year in accordance with the renewal clause in the agreemenL The renewal is desired under the same terms and conditions of the present contract. If any services require change in scope or cost, the contract will not be renewed and will be placed out for bid for the coming fiscal year. This COntract has multiple vendors, if all vendors agree to renew, the contract will be renewed wfth no further notice. If one or more vendors fail to indicate renewal intentions, the service may be place out for bid at the end of this term. If you am agreeable to renewing the referenced contract, please indicate intentions by providing the appropriate information as requested below: v"'"/ I am agreeable to renewing the present contract for Material Testing Services under the same terms and conditions as the existing ccatmct. your I am not agreeable to renewal of this contract. If you are agreeable to renewing the contract, saki renewal will be consummated upon -receipt of a County Purchase Order for this renewal period, commencing September 19, 1998 and ending September 18, 1999. Continued... AUG 0 1 u$ Law Engineering, Inc. June 24, 1998 Page 2 of 2 - "Material Testing Services" Your prompt attent~n is urgently requested. Please return this letter to the Purchasing Department, with your response, no later than Fdday, July 10, 1998. if you have any questions you may contact me at 941/774-8425. Very truly yours, Purchasing Director Law Enair~eerJnq. Inc. Contractor/Vendor JO C.L,~CIO~, C~IEI~ ]~IGII~'EI{ Typed Name and Title (Corporate Officer) Date: 7/8/98 /gb COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNM~NT SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION Purchasing Dep~ment 3301 TAM~ TRAIL EAST NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 774--8425 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY June 24,1998 Received Purahaslng JUL 1 0 1998 Ardaman and Associates 9970 Bavaria Road Fort Myers, Florida 33913 Attention: Mr. Gary Drew, P.E., Branch Manager/Assistant Vice President RE: Contract ~95-2388 - "Material Testing Services" Dear Mr. Drew:. Collier County has been under Contract with your company for the referenced service for the past year. The County would like to renew this contract for one additional year in accordance with the renewal clause in the agreement. The renewal is desired under the same terms and conditions of the present contract. If any services require change in scope or cost, the contract will not be renewed and will be placed out for bid for the coming fiscal year. This contract has multiple vendors, if all vendors agree to renew, the contract will be renewed with no further notice. 'lf one or more vendors fail to indicate renewal intentions, the service may be place out for bid at the end of this term. If you am agreeable to renewing the referenced contract, please indicate your Intentions by prcr,'iding the appropriate information as requested below:. I am agreeable to renewing the present contract for Material Testing Services under the same terms and conditions as the existing contract. I am not agreeable to renewal of this contract. ff ~J am agreeable to renewing the contract, said renewal well be consummated upon receipt of a County Purchase Order for this renewal period, commencing September 19, 1998 and ending September 18, 1999. Cor~nued... Ardaman snd Associates June 24, 1998 Page 2 of 2 RE: Contract ~95-2388 - "Material Testing Services" Your prompt attention is urgently requested. Please retum this letter to the Purchasing Department, with your response, no later than Friday, July 10, 1998. If you have any questions you may contact me at 941/774-8425. Very truly yours, ~am~e;,. C~/~ Purchasing Director Ardaman and Assoclate~ Cor~torNendor Slgnaturd Gary Drew. P.E.: Brnach Manazerffice President Typed Name and Title (Corporate Officer) /gb COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT SUPPORT SERVICES DMSION Department 3301 TAM1AMI TRAIL EABT NAPLES, FL 84112 (941) ?74-8425 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COM~IUNITY June 24,1998 Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. 26901 Old 41 Road Bonita Springs. Florida 34110 Received Pura,~s/ng Attention: Mr. Undsay N. Weaver, P.E., Regional Manager RE: Contract ~t"35-2388 - "Material Testing Services" Dear Mr. Weaver. Collier County has been under Contract with your company for the referenced service for the past year. The County would like to renew this contract for one additional year in accordance with the renewal clause in the agreemenL The renewal is desired under the same terms and conditior~ of the present contract. If any services require change in scope or cost, the contract will not be renewed and will be placed out for bid for the coming fiscal year. This contract has multiple vendors, if all vendors agree to renew, the contract will be renewed with no further notice. If one or more vendors fail to indicate renewal intentions, the service may be place out for bid at the end of this term. If you are agreeable to renewing the referenced contract, please indicate Intentions by providing the appropriate information, as requested below: _~ I am agreeable to renewing present the contract for Matedal Testing Services under the Same terms and conditions as the existing contract. your I am not agreeable to renewal of this contract. If you are agreeable to renewing the contract, said renewal will be consummated upon recelpt of a County Purchase Order for this renewal period, commencing September 19, 1998 and ending September 18, 1999. Continued... ~o.~ AUG O q 1~,~ Universal Englneerlng Sciences, Inc. June 24, lg~8 Page 2 of 2 RE: Contract ~t95-2388 . "Material Testing Services" Your prompt attention is urgently requested. Please return this letter to the Purchasing Department, with your response, no later than Friday, July 10, 1998. If you have any questions you may contact the at 941/774-8425. Very truly yours, amell, CSM Purchasing Director Acceptance: ' .~ineerina Sclen;es. In¢, Typed Name and T~e (Corporate Omc, er) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #95-2388-o~MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES" INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED LIMITS X 1. Worker's Compensation Statutory Limits of Florida Statutes, Chapter 440 and all Federal Government Statutory Limits and Requirements. X 2. Commercial General ' Bodily In4ury & Property Damage Liability (Occurrence Form) patterned after the 1985 I.S.'O form with no limiting $ !,000,00¢ Single Limit endorsements. Per Occurrence X 3. Indemnification: The Consultant shall protect, defend, indemnify, and hold Collier County and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, professional fees, including attorney fees and all costs of litigation and judgments arising out of any willful misconduct or negligent act, error or omission of the Consultant, its Subconsultants, Subcontractors, agents or employees, arising out of or incidental to the performance of this Agreement or work performed thereunder, including any claim(s) brought against the County, its officers, employees, or agents by any employee of the named Consultant, any Subconsultants, Subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The Consultant's obligation under this provision shall not be limited in any way by the agreed-upon total contract fee specified in this Agreement or the Consultant's limit of, or lack of, sufficient insurance protection. The parties agree that one percent (1%) of the total compensation to the Consultant for performance of services authorized by this Agreement is specific consideration for the Consultant's indemnification of County. (Reference: Section 725.06 F.S.) X 4. Other Insurance as indicated below: a) Professional Liability $ ~0~,00O X 5. Automobile Liability Owned/Non-owned/Hired Automobile Included ~@0,000 Each Occurrence COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) X 6. Contractor shall insure that all subcontractors comply wit~ the same insurance requirements that he is required t oV meet. The same Contractor shall provide County with certificates of insurance meeting the required insurance provisions. X 7. Collier County must be named as "ADDITIONAL INSURED" on the Insurance Certificate for Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage where required. X 8. Collier County Board of County Commissioners shall be named as the Certificate Holder. NOTE--The "Certificate Holder" should read as follows: Collier County Board of County Commissioners Naples, Florida No County Division, Department, or individual name should appear on the Certificate. NO other format will b__e acceptable. X 9. Thirty (30) Days Cancellation Notice required. X 10. The Certificate must state the Bid Number and Title. BIDDERS AND INSURANCE AGENT STATEMENT: We understand the insurance Requirements of these specifications and that the evidence of insurability may be required within five (5) days of the award of bid. Bidder Insurance Agency Signature of Bidder Signature of Bidder's Agent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR PARK FITNESS CENTER (BID NO. 98-2814) THE GOLDEN GATE OBJECTIVE: To obtain Board approval and formal award for the construction of the Golden Gate Park Fitness Center. CONSIDERATIONS;; The design plans for the Golden Gate Park Fitness Center have been completed for a 5,000 square foot building. Substantial completion of the project is scheduled for one hundred and sixty four (164) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed with construction, as specified on the contract documents, and one hundred seventy eight (178) calendar days are scheduled for the completion of all work and final acceptance. The staff activities and bid results are ~ummarized below: 1. Advertised for bids on the 8t~ of June, 1998. 2. Pre-bid conference held on the 19a of June, 1998. 3. Bid opening conducted on the 8t~ of July, 1998. Ten (10) bid proposals were received. Below are the bidders in ascending order: TOTAL BASE BID AMQUNT High Point General Contractors I. L. Wallace, Inc. Casey Construction Gary Wilkes Surety Construction Vanderbilt Bay Quality Control Haupt & Collins Professional Building Systems, Inc. $373,777.00 $419,400.00 $428,422.00 $436,600.00 $441,968.96 $476,800.00 $497,116.00 $507,801.00 $515,701.00 Copy of the Tabulation Sheet for Bid No. 98-2814 is attached. The Architect/Engineer's estimate of probable construction cost was $425,000.00. Staff reviewed and evaluated the proposals submitted . The results of this bid evaluation for the two lowest bidders are as follows: 1. HIGH POINT GENERAL CONTRACTORS - Bid for cost of building is about 20% below the cost of building a similar structure today, as verified by the AUG 0 lgg8 Executive Summar~ Golden Gate Park Fitness Center Page 2 Design Architect. Staff questions whether the building can be built to the plans and specifications at the quoted price. With regards to the contractor's past performance, five (5) references were contacted, three (3) of which were not satisfied with the contractor's performance.. Some of the problems included not finishing on time, generating several change orders and making changes to the project without owner's approval. At present, this contractor is performing work at the Sugden Park and there have been several problems with his performance. Some of these problems have been lack of timeliness, difficulty in follow up and problem solving. Based on the non-compliant nature of this bid, thc track record of the bidder and the poor references, staff recommends disqualification of this bid. 2. J.L. WALLACE, INC. - This bid met all the requirements of the bid invitation. Ail references contacted highi:/recommended this company. They are very responsive and reliable. No negative comments were provided for this bidder. Based on the completeness and quality of the bid; excellent references; and good track record, staff concluded that this is the lowest qualified bidder. Staff recommends award of the contract to J. L. Wallace, Inc. for $419,400.00, which is below the budgeted amount of $425,000.00. '~-4~15 CAL IMPACT: COST: FUND: COST CENTER: PROJECT: Funding for this contract is available in; $419,400.00 368 (Community Park Impact Fees) 1 I6360 (Parks Capital Projects) $01 I4 (Golden Gate Park Fitness Center) GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Golden Gate Park Fitness Center project ia in accordance with the County's Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chairman to execute a construction contract, after review by the County Attorney, with J. L. Wallace, lac. for $419,400.00 for construction of thc Golden Gate Park Fitness Center. Bxccutive Summary Golden Gate Park Fitness Center Page 3 Ju~~darmes Minor, P.E., Senior Project Manager Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED BY: ~~4 ~fiA" '~~ DATE;_'~/(~/~ Stev~Carnell, l~irector Purchasing Department lffarla Ramsey, D¥cctor / Parks and Recreation Department REVIEWED BY:_ DATE: Rich Hellriegel, P.E., Interim Director Office of Capital Projects Management REVIEWED B~ATE~: Ed Ilschner, Administrator Public Works Division Attachment: Bid Tabulation Sheet F:%Oo/den Gate Park Fttuest Center%Executive Summary I AUG 04 I-~-~B I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. I WITH BETTER ROADS, INC. FOR PATHWAY CONSTRUCTION WORK FOR COUNTY-WIDE PATHWAYS II (BID NO. 97-2744)(PROJECT NO. 69051). OBJECTIVE: Approve construction Change Order No. 1 with Better Roads, inc. for pathway construction work for County-wide Pathways II in the amount of $11,012.00. CONSIDERATION:_ On November 25, 1997 (Agenda Item No. 16 (B)(3), the Board of County Commissioners awarded Bid No. 97-2744 for $90,981.00 to Better Roads, Inc. for Pathway construction work. Since that time, staff has authorized further infrastructure work including retaining walls, pipe extensions, sodding, etc.., that constitutes Change Order No. 1. These tasks are instrumental in completing the project and providing for a first class pathway facility. Change Order Summary: _Original Contract Amount Change Order No. 1 $90.981.00 $11,012.00 New Contract Total $101,993.00 FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the amount of $11,012 in: Fund: Cost Center: Project: (313) - Road Construction - Gas Tax CIP (163673) - Surplus Gas Tax - Road Construction (69081) - Countywide Bikepath GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. ]gECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $11,012.00 with Better Roads, Inc. and, 2. Direct and authorize Office of Capital Projects Management staff to process and execute Change Order No. 1. Executive Summary Change Order No. 1, Better Roads, Inc. Page Two Delate, ASLA, Project Manager Oft'ice of' Capital Projects Man~emenl REVIEWED BY:~ P.E., Director Transpo~ff6 Services Department DATE:~-' ZZ ~'~ REVIEWED BY:~ DATE:~ Richard :I. Heliriegel, P.E., I ,~ Director Office of Capital Projects Management Public Works Division TO: Berm' Ro~ts, Inc. ~90 Shh4ey Street Naples, FL 34109 CHANGE ORDER l, ttOM: Collier County 3301 East Tamiami Trail, OCPM Bldg. Naples, Florida 34112 Constru~on A~ent Dated: November 25, 1997 Project No. 69081 Bid No.: 9%2744 C~_!r,g~. Ord,' No.: I Date: July 22, 1998 C'nan~ Order ~fion: ~ ~ of ~ ~i~ a~ Bid No. 97-27~, for $~,~1.~ ~ ~. ~ N~ ~, 1~7, I~ No. 16 ~)(3). S~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ si~ ~~ W ~ ~ ~Y ~~on proj~ ~cby ~~~~No.l. ~ha~ofa~~ ~~J~,1998 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ f~ P~ ~ p~ 90,981.00 Sum ot pr~ious change ordm's amount ................................................... S 'n6s Chans~ O~ ~ [ad~] ........................................................... $ IL. vf. sed Agreement Amount ..................................................................... $ AdJusted numb~ of calendar days due to pr~aous changc orders ......................... Rtvtsed Contract Ttme la aalendar day~ ............................................................... ~ Nogce to P _roc,tea___ date ......................................................... Completion dat~ based on original contract time ................................. ~,v~sed completion date .................................................................... 0.00 11,012,00 101,993.00 60 days . 0 days 0 days 60 days , 1/17d98 3/13.98 3/30/98 Your acceptance of this change order shall ~ a modification to our Agr~n~n: and will p~tonned subject to ail the same m-ms and conditions as contain~ in our Agr~mc'ra indicat~ above, as fi~y a.s if the same ~ rqgagd in this acceptance. The adj~ if any, to this A~ec-ment shall cansfmte a full and final settlemem ofany and aH claims of the Conwa~r arising out of, or relat~ to, tl~ change set forth tm'd~ includinl~ c....la~_ for impact and delay costs. /o~h/F. I~ta~, ASLA, ?roj~ Manaser Collier County Office of Capital Proj~.s Manag~n,mt ~/James A. McI~ghlin, Vice-Presider Rbacr Roa&, Inc. Approv~ by:. , / Date: O.~of Capital Transportafi (For Use by Owner: Fund: 313 Cost ~ 163673 Object Code: 763100 Project No.: I ~' "Y', EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO APPROVE THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY FROM COLLIER COUNTY TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO SATISFY THE REQUII~ME~fS OF PERMIT # 11-00368-S. OBJECTIVE: R~ommendafion to approve the transfer ofpropexty known as the Meli Property owned by Collier County to th~ Board of Truste~ of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida to ~isfy the t~luim~s of Permit #11-000368-S (Naples Sanitary Landfill). CONSIDERATION: On Atnil 1, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners approved a Real Estate Putr. lm~ Option Agreement COption Agreement") to purchase the Meli Property in order to satisfy South Florida Water ~ District's permit m:luirement for the Naples Landfill. On ~Iun~ 24, 1997, the Board of Couaty Commi~oners approved the purchase of the 66.3 acre lXO~ known as the Meli Property for $200,000.00. A Warranty Deed was recorded on September 5, 1997 in Official Records Book 2344, Page 542 et ~q granting the subject property to Collier To fulfill the remaining permit requirements, Collier County is required to transfer the property to the Board of Truste~ of the Imemal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida. TI~ State of Florida has approved the transfer of property fi'om Collier County and has provided the ~ documents. A co~ of the County Deed and Closing Statement is attached hereto and made apmi of this Executive Summary. The County Again'ney's Office has reviewed and approved the documents for the transfer of the subject FISCAL IMPACT: Cost for the transfer of property will include: Recet~cation of survey ra~ $1,000.00 Title Policy $1,066.50 - mandated by the State Recording fees $ 15.00 - mandated by the State Total Cost 52,081.50 Ftmd~ ~ cun'eatly available in Solid Waste Fund (470), Solid Waste Adrnini~ation (173410) GROWTH MANAGE)SENT IMPACT: None. 1) ~pl~VV¢ the tmmfer of~ to the Board of Tnt~ of thc Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the Sine of Floridg 2) m~rize ~,aft'to obtain the Chaixman's execution on the original County Deed and Closing 4) m~aorize the Chairmm to execute any document n~ to record and transfer proper~ to the St, re of Florida; and FI mxtbodze mil'to pweeed with pwper closing md reeor/ing Froeed~ for the subject Property. PRI~ARI~ BY: ~ DATE.. BY: W'flma Iverson, Senior PropmW Specialist Real Pwpe~ Management Deparlment Solid Waste Management Dep~rtment V^T Foil M)~n. lrlorkia 339~! C07¥ COUNTY DEED (STATUTORY FORM. SECT/ON 125. 411, F.S.) A'i'TA(~tt/VLISN'I' ! J, THIS INDENTURE, made this , A.D. 1991, befweea CeilJ~' Comity, I ~ of ~e Sm~ of ~ ~e a~ h 3~I ~smbmi ~ ~b ~ ~ ~ b BO~ OF ~ OF ~t ~AL I~RO~M~%~ ~L~ ~ND OF TH E ~3~~ ~ ~1 S~ 115, Tall~, ~ ~2~99-~0~, p~y o~ thc ~co~ (*Wlteyever uef herein flJ~ lerms "Fatty of ~ tim ~' and ~ of the ~cond p=~' include 111 ~e ps~ to thb ~t o~ ~ ~ ~l ~U~ ~ a~ ~ "Pa~ of ~e fl~t p2~" and "pa~ of the ~) ~ ~: The the said IMrty of'the f'n~ p~fl. for end in c~n~idgrat/on ot't~ sum ofTen Dell~-a, m i~ in h~nd paid by ~ ks sncc~sscr~ and assi~s forever, fl~e fotiowin~ described la~ s;n.~e. Jy~ and belnI/n Collier. County, Flor/da, Exhibit "A" an:ac~ed ~ a~! by referen~ made a ~ hereof, u~ether wkh all Hp·~.·:~ a'.~- Ec.~I Hghts appertaining ~ ~ all ~ in s~,,face re'l, p~ ~nd minerah lr, n3uaat to 270.11 (3), F.S. ACCelXaflce ofTrnn~r of Thle to Deflau~ L~s ~1 hereto a~ E.xh~it "B" and by refe..-.~.c= m*.~e · pa'~ hereof'. Propen'y Appraiser's Parcel Identification Number:. 00736440002 IN WI"T]ql;S~ WHEREOF IIM saki pez~ of[he f'lrlt p~rt has c~u~cf [h=~ pre3~u to be c"x.-':'..'.~ i... ~ name by its Board or County C--,~ acttn~ by ~e d~ ~ ~ Chab of'saki bot~ ~ dr/and y~ zfcr'..u!~ Coltier County a polkic~ s~xli~io~ of[he Stye of ;;c.~.~ BY: D~lght E. Brock, Depu~ Clerk. (Official Sear) AU$ 0 I, 98 ~ i:x~on oftl~ NOrl~h,tlf (1'4'I/2), lyin$ North o~U.S. 41 O"~i,~! T,?.b.'), Sc. ction I 1, To,,~mhip Jl ~ R~gt 25 Erst, Collier Cm.m~, Flori~ COPY ACCEPTANCE OF TRANSFER OF TITLE TO DONATED LA.~'DS Bom'd or'i'rus~s of the Internal Isp~.,.,.-~ Trut fund ~'iGlqA'rtfl~ OF mtS'F WmqF, SS) (PJLIN3'I~, TY~F.D OR STAMI~£D NAbI£ OF (PRIN'IT~, TYI~F.D OR STAMPF. D NA.%I~: OF ~ Si%ned (NOTARY I~JBL2C SEAL) AUG 0 ~ lBg8 ~., ...K' DONATION $~ STATEMENT COP.Y HAJ,~ AND ADDIt, E.~ OF DC.',,'O~, COS_t _mn. C:OttNTY DATE: f LOCA'I'~N I I-S1-26 NOKTH OF US 41 FOLIA ~ GUAKDIAN ~ ! ~2 BROADWAY FIKT M't"~t$. fLOR.IDA 2~9:1 ~dMMARY OF DO~OR'~ ~ GRO~ A.q~f..q~.D VALUE ~ PAID rf OK I~l B~4ALP OF DOh'J~ I 191,300.00 GROSS ASSESSED YALL~ DONATED l.~t~ ,Tk-FII.~4~ C0~13 ,'~.OM ATT. AC:.-:~D PAGE 19g,300.00 198,~00.00 TOTAL. ;.OO~A Gm:~ AMOUI~' TOTAL, (D(~qATED AS3F.$3~I} VALL"~ ?LU~ GR~ A~Obgq'l' ASS~.T.D CaS~l ITO I IF~OMDOh~E C~H I J TO [ · I F~OM DO.~OR ~ TO Bi PAID ~q ADVANC~ C)wm~'j ~ S19&,300.00 kmmml bmm~mJm mmmd m mm~dlm my km~mm mm mmrmd m W~ m --.4 m m4dJ~mmml '~'~"''~'~d~ ~ iu sm:r''l~ k '''~ ~ ..... m mm7 m ira}, m imm ~,m { I Jafdmr omJ~ Im 1 lm~ mm'tv~l m oogrY · COLUF.~ COUNTY, A POL.r~O.L SU'~D~IO~ OF TII~: ~I'AT~ OF FLOR]DA BY Collier Co~ Bo~l ot'Cc~..~ Commissioners AUG 0 4 i.$95 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH HOLE, MONTES AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR FINAL DESIGN AND PERMITTING SERVICES FOR LIVINGSTON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS NORTH OF IMMOKALEE ROAD, CIE PROJECT NO. 021. OBSECTIVE: Board approval for staff to prepare and execute a Supplemental Agreement with Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. for Livingston Road final design and permitting services. CONSIDERATIONS: The Livingston Road CIE Project No. 021 consists of approximately 5.9 miles of a new arterial roadway network as depicted by Attachment "A'. Several recent Board actions on the Livingston Road project have prompted staff to negotiate consulting fees with Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. for final design and operational/environmental permitting of initial two lane improvements. Recent Board Actions and approvals for Livingston Road include: (l) The February 17, 1998 Developer Contribution Agreement with Long Bay Partners wherein the developer shall directly finance and manage construction activities for the 3 mile north/south segment of Livingston Road uo to the Lee/Collier line; (2) The May 19, 1998 right-of-way acquisition Resolution to restart and complete purchase transactions for approximately 30 remaining land parcels; and ('i) The June 23, 1998 Joint Supplemental Interlocal Agreement with Lee County which formalizes project responsibilities and cost commitments for Livingston Road between the Lee/Collier li~e and Bonita Beach Road. A scope of services document has been prepared to amend the original partially completed design plans (60% - 70% status, 1991) to conform to current engineering standards by Collier County and the Slate of Florida Department of Transportation. The plan revisions shall then be suppl~mented with final engineering activitie.~ to include right-of-way mapping, surveying, and operationaUen ~,ironmental permitting services. Since thc Developer Contribution Agreement with Long Bay Partners provides for two (2) design and construction phases for the 3 mile north/south alignment, the cost and scope of services document with Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. apportions final engineering efforts into three (3) distinct roadway Segments ("A", "B", and "C") as shown on Attachment "A". Executive Summar7 Livingston Road Improvements Page 2 Staff recommends that the Board approve a consulting engineering fee of $428,840 with Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. for the scope of services enumerated below. NefotJated Consultine Fee Structure 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 Task Description. Roadway Plans $153,400 Utility Relocation Plans $ 7,900 County Utilities $ Future R/W Mapping and Legals $ 32,040(*) Signals and Lighting $ 48,700 Signing and Markings $ 14,820 Property Buffer Concepts $ 6,500 Operational Permits $ Future Railroad Crossing Agreement $ 16,520(*) Environmental Permitting $ 45,600(*) Land Surveying $ 37,760 Coordination Meetings $ 28,640(*) Contract Bidding Documents $ 30,000 Phase I Contamination Audit $ 6,960(*) TOTAL MAXIMUM CONTRACT FEE" $421~.840 (*) Indicates cost-plus a fee not to exceed amounts; remaining service tasks aze based on a lump sum fixed price amount. The negotiated consulting fee structure does not include design and permitting of County water and sewer facilities (tasks 3.0, 8.0). Stemming from recent discussions with Long Bay Partners, it is expected that County utility designs will be subject to a follow up Agreement with the Collier County Water-Sewer District to ac=ount for land development utility service needs. The proposed Supplemental Agreement with Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. is based on amending and finalizing the originM preliminary rural highway plans and designs. Long Bay ?artners has recently indicated a desire to petition the County to convert the rural highway Typical Section to urban and suburban features, although staff has not yet received a formal proposal for such redesigns. Moreover, it is noted that the negotiated maximum fee amount of $428,840 does not account for final design of noise and landscape buffer systems (task 7.0), nor consulting support services for long term environmental reporting and monitoring to comply with permit conditions. For the reasons I'~i.. ' Ezecutive Summnry Livinsston Improvements Rotd l~tge 3 omlined above, future contract amendments with Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. will be necessary. ~l~~.i~: The Supplemental Agreement for Livingston Road design/permitting services shall be supported by current year available funds. Cost: S428,$40 Fund: 331 - Road Construction Impact Fees Cost Center: 163650 - Engineering/Consulting Fees Project No.: 65041 - Livingston Road Improvements ~RQWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Livingston Road CIE Project No. 021 is consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Livingston Road design fee of $428,840 with Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., and authorize staff to prepare and execute the necessary Supplemental Agreement instrument. Project Manager Office of Cat ~jects Management REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: Er4~.Sum. Livinfston Rd ~ I ~ ~ III ~ I ~L~ ~ ~CT No. 6~1 ~ ~ .... , LI~NGSTON ROAD PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD A CONffrRUCTION. CONTRACT TO MIL,MIR CONSTRUCTION, INC., FOR THE NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY RECLAIMED WATER PUMPING STATION UPGRADES, BID #98-2812, PROJECT 74024 O]lJlgCTIVlg: That the Board of County Commissioners, as Ex-Officio thc Governing Board of Collier County Water-Sewer District, award a contract to construct upgrades to the Nor, h County Reg/onal Wa~'w~ Treatment Facility (NCRWWTF) Reclaimed Water Pumping Station to increase capacity to meet existing demmd~ for reclaimed water reuse. COIgSIBERATIO~$: On July 9, 1998, bids were opened for the above project. Six bidders responded. Brae ~ include upgrading existing pumps to increase capacity. Six alternates were also included in the bidding doeumen~ each of which specified a different acceptable manufacturer for supplying new larger pmnl~ to replace the ~g ptmaps, which have now become undersized. After review and evaluation, om' eomafltant~ Hole Monte~ & Associates (HMA), Inc., recommends electing alternate no. three, for a dedt~t amount of $17,000.00 to supply Fairbanks Morse pumps. Therefore, results for the base bids plus alternate three are as follows: M~mir C. omtruc~on, Inc. Project Imegation, Inc. Mitchell & Stark Conm-ucfion Company, Inc. $795,000.00 $826,000.00 $856,277.00 $886,500.00 $891.000.00 No Bid - Only bid base bid Snb~qnent to the bid opening, Milmir Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsibl~ bidder, made the Pm'e~ Director aware of a minor eh'or that Milmir made during composition of their bid. They imdvertemly mi~tea'prgted a quotation from an electrical subcontractor, Gulfcoast Commercial Electric, Inc., and wrote them into their bid to the County. The Purchasing Director has reviewed the information provided by Milmlr and has concurred that the correct electrical subcontractor should have been Gulf State~, Inc. The resultant corrective change comtimtes no monetary adjustment to Milmir's bid. Therefore, the Board is ,asked to deem this a minor irregularity and waive the change ia the electrical ~ubeonsultam to Gulf States, Inc. I-IMA lam evaluated the bida and has verified references on the low bidder (bid tabulation and t~::ommendalioa letter atlaehed). Ail refereneea are positive. In addition, Milmir successfully ~ two North County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility expansions and is currently txmstme~g the North Coumy Regional Water Treatment Facility 8-mgd Expansion project. Staff and liMA teconnneml award of the base bid plus alterrmte no. three to Milmir Construction, Inc., in the amount of $795,000.00. IqSCAL IMPACI?: Funds in lh~ amount of $407,000.00 are available in FY 98 as follows: * ' lhax~ (413), Coum~Se~er Capi~l Projects ~ (7~), N~~ ~~ W~ ~g Station Up~ A~ ~~ f~ ~ ~~ of~e ~ in ~e ~o~t of $388,~.~ ~ll ~ n~ .- ~ fo~: From Fund: Cost~ S388,000.00 (413), Sewer System Development Fees (919010), Rescrvea To Fund: Co~ Cmt~. S388,000.00 (413), Coumy $..~wer Capital Projects (263611), Combined Sewer C,~pital Projects (74024), NCRWWTF Reclaimed W~er Pumping Station Upgrades ~RO'~TH MANAGEMEI'~r IMPACt: None ]gECOMIWKNDATION$: That ~hc Board of County Commissioners, as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, award a constructi~ contract to Milmir Construction, In~., ~'~ the amou~ of $795,000.00, for th~ NCR~ Reclaimed Wat~ Pumping Station Upgrades l~eC~, Bid tff)8-2812,'waive the minor bid irregularity and appwve the necessary budget amendment. Ridmxi HeIlri~k 1L~., hmim ~ AU~ 0 q i£~ lul,~ 17, Mr. P~ Scbu~ OEi= of Cat, iai Projccis Managcmen~ Corllcr County Oovemm~ Center, Bldg. D. 3301 Fast Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Collier County North Cotmty Regiofial Wamewater Treatment Facility Rec~ Warn Pump Station Upgrades Bid No. 98-2812 HMA File No. 1997042 (C01) Hole, Montes and Associates;-Jmc,-harr~ewed the bids received on thc above bids wt~ received on July 9, 1998. The bas~ bids are as follows: 1VIilmir Construction, Inc., Ja~~e, Florida Beach Construction Company, Inc., Crainesville, Florida Cardinal C. onuaem~ I~, Ssrasota, Florida Project Integration, Inc., West p,Im Beach, Florida Mitchell 8: Stark Construction Co., Inc, Naples, Florida refer~nced'-project. Six $ 812,000.00 $ 845,000.00 $ 856,277.00 $ 905,000.00 $ 90%OOO.OO $ 937,000.00 The Engineex's opinion of probable cost for this proj,'xt is as follows: SubtoM for Commicfion Cost Contius~m'y (IS%) Total $ 876,000 $_131~000 $1,007,000 All of the bids we~ I__-~_ than the Engineer's opinion of probable cost including a 15 percent contingency. Thr~ of the six bids we~ le~s than the Engineer's opinion of l:rrobable cost excluding the 15 lX'Xcc~ contingeacy. LTR to Pete Sckdt of Cavital Projects ement North CouaIy Regional Wzstewater Treatment Facility Rec Water Pump Smion Upgrades Bid No. 9g-2512 ;uly 17, l )s Page 2 The thxee lowest base bids were within six pement of one another. The second lowest bid was within five percent of the lowest bid. The base bid included modifying four existing reclaimed water pumps and providing one new teel~m~:l water pump. The Bid Schedule included provision.'; for six alternative bids for five new reclaimed water ~:nmaps supplied by various manufacturers. The bid with the lowest base bid amount included alternative bids for all six alternative bids. The bid with the second lowest base bid amount included bids for five of the six alternative bids. The bid with the third lowest base bid amount included bids for five of the six alternative bids. 'lb-. alternative bids did not change the order of the The base bid amount and the aRemative bid amoums presented in the bids with the three lowest base bid~ are as follows: Milrnir Hausinger & D~'cription Construction, Inc. Associates Base Bid (modify four ~g Aurora Pump~ and provide one new Aurora Five new Aurora Pumps Add Five new Byron Jackson Add Five new Fairbanka.Morse Five new Ingersoll Dresser Add Five new Johm'ton Pum~ Deduct Five new Peerle~ Pum~ Add Beach Const. Company, Inc. $812,000 $845,000 $856,277 $13,000 Add $12,000 Add $ 28,150 $17,000 Add $17,000 Add $ 32,030 Deduct $17,000 Deduct $I9,000 $ 0.00 $3,000 Add $1 Add $ 24,150 $I0,000 No Bid Add $ 8,450 $13,000 Add $12,000 No Bid A tabulation oft. he bids and a co~son of contract amounts with the alternatives are attached. W.'~l~! LTR to Pete Schnlt Off, ce of ~ Projects l~m~ement North County P,~-~gional W~ Treatment Facility Rec!~,,,ed Wa~r Pump Stolon Upgrades Bid No. 98-2512 Page 3 The lowest bid amount is $ 795,000.00, which is the bid from Milmir Construction, Inc. with Alternative Bid A3 for Fairbanks Morse Pumps, Model 17H-5. The existing Ree!almed Water Pump Station at the North County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility was built by Milmir Construction, Inc. as part of the most recent expansion of the treatment facility. We take no exception to the quality of the Work performed by Milmir Construction, Inc. at the North Count, Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility. Hole, Montea and A.~aciatea, Inc. recommends that an award be made to Milmir Construction, Inc. for the North County Regional WaC,.ewam' Treatment Facility Reclaimed Water Pump Station Upgrades, Bid No. 98-2812, based onthe Base Bid plus Alternative A3 for the mount ors 795,000.00. Very u, uly yours, HO~ONTES ~A~$OCIATES, Robe~ O. B~brink, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer ROB/~nmw ce: T'~ Clemons Kurt Pfeifer Buddy Pepper Don W'flliams AUG 0 4 ~;F~ ~ · :14';':~" ':':'; ':':':' ':':': :;::, ~ .......... :..:. :.:.;.-.~_ :.;.:.~-;.;.:..~!:~ ':;:: .... ~;..; .... ~ .::. ,:.:.;.: ';~;;;:~;; ;;; ;;::;;::;; .;-;-; ~ ' -X' ;':-:-:' -;' ': ';';'; ';::; ::::: ::;; :.;.;. .;.... ..'-:'; -:':': '~ : :.:.:.: :.:.:. :.:.:. :::: ::: :.. .... :..: :8, :.? :.:.:: :.: · ~..~. ,.......,..,.........,.............. ............ ~: ::: ~ ~: ..... ..~ ...... : ..'::~; :;;: ::::;::';:: ;:; ;~ ::::;::::;;:;;::;"; :;:: .::::~;::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::,:; .................. ;. :.;.;. 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AFI~ THO~ CONCERNING AN ISSUE V, TI'*H THE DEPARTM~.NT OF BUSINESS AND ~,. I*i/OFESSIONAL ~TION. That the Bom'd of Cotmty Comm!mioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of 1. Tn 199'2, Mr. Stiers was told by thc Collier County Dcpamnem of Building Review and Pm'~$ that his Mast~ Eie~rician's license had to be activaxcd in order for him to perform S~umu ~ aha womm~s eompamtiou. Mr. Stiers also ad&d to the file on October 15, ~ was rai$~ as to whether thi.~ additiotml policy was necessary given Mr. Stiers status a~ a Couaty ~pl~ Statf~ thi~ aituation with Human Re~om'ces which resulted in a !__,?~'_ dasd ~ 12, 1994, atatin8 tha~ Mr. Stiera would be afforded Workers of his duties as a S~ior Crathnum for Colli~' Cotm~. After receiving this letter, the additional insnrar~ policy was canceh~ Mr. Stier~ roc~ved an ,Admh~tr~ve Complaint from The ~ of Busings axl Prof,~ional Rcgulafiou (DBPR) o~ Ju~ 25, 1998, stating that he · did not m~finufin adequa~ kumran~ coverage between Septemb~ 01, 1994 and August 31, 1996. Tho DBPR comoxh fl'm th~ violation involved the license being in the name of Mr. ~ alon~ and not C_.,oOi~r Count~. ~ore, Mr. Sticrs was, under the law, obligated to carry Stiers to maintain an active ~ Hia licen~ haa since been placed in an inactive status. Staff furth~ ~ thi., matter with th~ C, mmty's D/l'Cctor of Building Review and Permitting and ~ that ti~ requireme~ for Mr. Stiera to maimain an active license is no longer 3. {dr. Sti~ ham th~ ri~I lu diaptae the m-~__,~al facta alleged and requ~ a hearing before an mtmi~aUaii~ jud~ with lira Diviaiou of Aami~ia~tivo Hearin~ ~g a hearing would alao ~ legal ~ for Mr. Stio~ The closet and next available hearing is August 14, 1998 in ~, Florida. Staff ~ that th~ cost of this action could approach a level 4. The~e wuuld be to pay th~ finea iuthe amount of$1301.90 aud alle~dame the expeuse St~ff l~~d~ fl~ l~ym~ of the fu~ in th~ amount of $1,301.90 ra~her th~ pursuing through m ~,&~ ~g- ]~SC. AL IMPAC'r: The fiscal impact nMociated w~th l~rYing the fine is $1,301.90. Funds available in 408-233352-649035. 4~ROW'I~ MANAGI3kII2g~ IMPACt: None. i{/,C'~OMMI2gDATION: That th~ Board of Couuly Couuuimai~ Ex- Officio the Governing · ~ ~ of lira Colli~ Coumy Wa{~r-S~v~ Dimuic~ authorize and approve the paymc-nt of the fine in ~ mmmnt of $1301.90. PRI~ARED BY: I~vid ~, CoHectiom S~ APPROVED BY: COLLIER COUNTY GOVERN 3 i)IVI~ION OF AI)M I N I~'I'II~TIV I.'. BEKVIC 'E~ RI~K ~AGEM ENT DEI'AR'rM ENT .,.,,L,.~E~ OOkJ:'' ''r'f 13) 774.~.16 ! A I,Eh'TII.'iEI} BIblE C. I III' C()MMUNrI'Y September 12, 1994 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to advise you that employee Thomas Stiers is afforded Workers' Compensation under Collier County's self-insured fund while performing the services of Senior Electrician (Master Electrician). In addition, Thomas Stiers will be considered an insured under the County's General Liability policy while acting within the scope of his duties as Senior Electrician (Master Electrician). If you should have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 774-8091. S'~ erely,. . J~rre W. Salmon Senior Risk Management Analyst cc: ~ke Lyon, Supervisor, NCR~F Tim Clemons, Director, Wastewater Department ,EPARTMENT OF ~USIN~ & ~ROFESSIONAL [~EGULATION Subjea: SERVICE OF ADMINISTRA~ COMPLAINT , ~he formal charges filed agair~ yo~. tL~eipt of these documems comdaaes leg21 service upon you. Three op6om are available ~v you under Florida law: you way (a) Choose not ~o dispum Ibc main'iai facts alleged, and r~clUeS~ a hearing before ~he Board which will o~ly hear evidence regardi%~ ~he conclusions of law and ~he l~mlry for violatiom; or Co) Dispu~ the material fac~ alleged and reque~ a hearing before an admln~rative law judge wi~h fl~e Division of Admini.,~afive H~; or (¢) Waive your ri~ ~o eiflm' type of hearing and allow ~he Board ~o exercise its In ~ldiflon to tl~ above, you may choose to settle this rrmtter by executing the enclosed proposed Seffielmmt Stipulation within 21 day~ tn lieu of further disciplinary action, and enclosing it with your be advised fl~ purnm~ Iv Sec~n 120,573, F/or/da ,~maes, mediation is no~ available for this action. You mu~ re.md by selecfl~ om of ~be fl~ree csxkms on the enclosed Elcction of Righ~ form, and forwarding ~be execu~! Elec6on of ~ form ~ this office w~hin 21 days of your r~eipt of this iett~. Failure to respond within the 21 day lx-rkM may be deemed a waiver of the rig~ ~ztlined above, and thc ~ may ~ against you by default. A.TI'CHS: ~-~ive Complaim; Election of Rights Form; Proposed Serdem~ SLipulation * 1~0 NORTH MONROE STREET T,~ · AIqASSEE, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ~CAL CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD DEP~RTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSION~ REGULATION, Petitioner, Case No. 9'7-19777 VS. THOMAS J. STIERS, ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAE~ Petitioner, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ("Petitioner"), files fi'tis Administrative Complaint before the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board, against THOMAS J. STIERS ("Respondent'), and says: 1. petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of contracting purnaam to Section 20.165, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 455 and 489, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, a Registered Electrical Comraemr in the State of Florida, having been issued license numbered ER 0010179. 3. Respondent's addre~ of record is 602'/Shirley St. , Naples, FL 33942. 4. At all times material hereto, Respondent was the licensed as an individual. 5. Section 489.515, Florida Statutes, requires that as a prerequisite to the issuance or renewal of a certifica~ or registration, the at:rplicant submit an affidavit attesting to the fact that the applicant has obtained public liability and damage insurance in mounts determined by board role, and workers' compensation insurance or an acceptable exemption. 6. By Rule 61C-6-5.008, Florida Administrative Code (1992), the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board established insure requirements including, but not limited to, the following: a. Liability Insurance, in the name of the licensee or licensee's business, in the minimum anxamt of $100,000 per persorl/$300,000 per occurrence; b. Property Damage Insuraw~, in the name of the licensee or licensee's business, in the minimum amount of $500,000; c. The certificate holder must be the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board. 7. Section 489.515, Florida Statutes, provides further that the board shall by rule establish a procedure to verify the accuracy of such affidavits based upon a random audit method. 8. insurance audits by requiring selected li~s on active status to submit proof of having maintained public liability and property damage insurance in the required amounts during the 9. In accordance with the above-stated rule, the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board requested by letter dated lanuary 27, 1997 that Respondent provide within thirty days proof of the foregoing coverage continually maintained between September 1, 1994 and August 31, 1996. I0. Respor~ent failed to provide proof in response to the audit that he had 2 Rule 61G6-5.008(2), Florida Administrative Code, provides for random sample maintained the insurance as required. 11. Section 489.517(3), Florida Statutes, provides in part that as a condition to renewal of licensure, each cer~ficateholder o.r registrant shall provide proof of completing at leas~ 14 classroom hours of continuing education courses during each biennium following the ~e or renewal of the certificate or registration. 12. Rule 61G6-9.003(2), Florida Administrative Code, provides that "(c)oursc" means any course, seminar, or other program of instruction which has been approved by the Board for purp0ze~ of complying with the continuing education requirements for electrical and alarm contractors. 13. Rule 61G6-9.01 I(1), Florida Administrative Code, provides in part that the IX'p~ ~all perform random audits of licensees and instructors to verify compliance with continuing education or po~t-licen~ education requirements. 14. In accordance with the above-stated provisions, the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board reques~ by letter daxed January 27, 1997 that Respondent provide within thirty days proof of having completed the required hours of continuing education courses 15. Respondent failed to submit proof in response to the audit of having complied with the continuing education requirements of Sec. 489.517(3), Florida Statutes, and thc rules prornulgat~ thereto. 16. COUNT I Petitioner realleges ~md incorporates the allegations set forth in Paragraphs One ,'.. ."'s ~. ~. .. ' ,.. ',: ; (1) ~hrough Fifteen (15) as though fully sta~ herein. 17. By failing to provide proof of adequate insurance as required by the audit, the Respondent violated Section 489.533(1)(o), Florida Statutes (1996 SUPP.), by failing in any ~ respect m comply with the provisions of this part. COUNT II 18. Petitioner realleges and incorpora~s the allegations set forth in Paragraphs One (1) ~gh Fifteen (15) as though fully stated herein. 19. By failing to provide proof of adequate continuing education credits ~s required by the audit, the Respondent violated Section 489.533(1)(o), Florida Statutes (1996 SUPP.), by failing in any mmefial respect to comply with the provisions of this part. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board enter an Order imposing one or more of the following penalties: place on probation. reprimand the licensee, revoke, suspend, deny the issuance or renewal of the certificate or registration, impose an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 per violation, require corre~ive action, require continuing education, restrict the authorized scope of the licensee's practice, impose any or all penalges delineated within Section 455.227(2), Florida Statutes, axl/or any other relief ti'mt the Board is authorized to impose pursuant to Chapters 489, 455, F/or/da Statutes. and/or the rules promulgated thereun~. Signedthis IlTC'~ dayof ~ .... , 1998. Richard T. Fan'ell Secretary Gm"t'~. ~oge, Senior',~ttomey By delegation of the Secretary. COUNSEL FOR Gail S. Hoge Smior Attorney ~ B~' No. 0909289 ~ of Business ar~l Norfllwood Cenu'e 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0~92 FILED DEPUTY CLERK 5 I,~Vtml Chik I, Oov~*m~ FUch ~rd T. Fart,Il, Dear Licensee: - Enclosed is the Departments' proposed Settlement Stipulation offered as a resolution of the Administrative Complaint. As you know, all licensees in an active status are required by Chapter 489, ~orida Statutes, to maintain insurance in specified amounts, workers' compensation insurance (or the appropriate exemption), and to obtain approved continuing education hours as long as the licensee is in an active status. Please note that inactive status is available to licensees who do not wish to meet these requirements; a licensee's decision not to use an active license does not eliminate insurance or continuing education requirements. The Department conducts a biennial audit of licensees' insurance and continuing education based n~ she aetlve ,ttatus of the licensee and the licensee's attestation at the time of renewat that these requirements have been met. The audit requires that licensees submit the appropriate Certificates of Insurance, exemptions, and certificates from approved continuing education providers within thirty days of the audit notification. Delegation of this requirement to an insurance agent, e.g., does not alleviate the responsibility of the licensee to insure that the appropriate documents are received by the Department within the allotted time. The Stipulation terms are based on a tine of $500.00 for failing to respond with the appropriate documentation to the audit notice. Additional fines, in amounts at the lower end of the guidelines set forth by the Board, may be added where case file documentation indicates that the licensee also failed to: (a) maintain the required insurance for the entire time period audited; (b) maintain insurance in the minimum amountt required by statute; (c) list the DBPR/Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board as the certificate holder, (d) maintain Workers' Compensation or the appropriate exemption for the entire time period audited; (e) provide certificates for 14 hours of approved continuing education credits completed during the audit period. The current administrative and investigative, but not legal, costs associ2ted with prosecution of this complaint are a1.~o separately included in the Stipulation. Please review the proposed Stipulation. If you choose to accept the terms, execute the Stipul~ition before a notary .public and return it to the Department with your Election of Rights within 21 days of service of the Administrative Complaint. It will be presented to the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board ~CLB) for approval. The ECLB generally requires proof of current statutory compliance before accepting, a settlement stipulation as a resolution of an Administrative Complaint. The attached Audit Stipulation Worksheet delineates the documents required for compliance. Once current compliance is determined and the Board approves the settlement .*tipulafion, they will incorporate the stipulation into a final order. You will be responsible for sending the fine to the ECLB within 30 days of)'our receipt of the final order. If you choose not to accept the Stipulation and wish to dispute the factual allegations of the administrative complaint, the Department will proceed with litigation and seek additional fines as well as any additional costs incurred. ~ncerely, .;ail Hoge ;enior Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, LICENSING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, Petitioner, CASE NO. 97-19777 THOMAS J. STIERS, Respondent. THOMAS J. STIERS, ("Respondent.), and the DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ("Department,,), agree to the following joint Stipulation and to the entry of a Final Order of the Florida Electrical Contractors, Licensing Board ("Board") incorporating this Stipulation as Final Agency Action in this matter. STIPULATED FACT,~ 1. At all times material hereto, Respondent was a Registered Electrical Contractor in the State of Florida, having been issued license numbered ER 0010179. 2. Respondent was charged by an Administrative filed by the Department and properly served upon RespondeDt with violations of Chapter 489 Part II, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereto. A correct copy of the Administrative Complaint is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit 'A." 3. Respondent neither admits nor denies the allegations of fact contained in the Administrative Complaint attached as Exhibit STIPULATED CONCLUS~_Qy__~ 1. As a licensed contractor, Respondent is subject to the pr~;isions of Chapters 455 and 489 Part II, Florida Statutes, the rules promulgated thereto, and to the jurisdiction of the Department and the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board. 2. The allegations contained in the attached Administrativ~ Co~plaint, if proven, constitute violations of Chapters 455 or 489, Florida Statutes, and/or the rules promulgated thereto. STIPULATED DISPOSITION 1. Respondent agrees to pay to the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board a fine of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250.00) within thirty (30) days of the filing of the Final Order. 2. Respondent agrees to pay to the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board costs in the amount of fifty one dollars and ninety one cents ($51.91) within thirty (30) days of the filing of the Final Order. 3. Payment of fines and costs shall be by cashier's or certified check made payable to the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board. It is expressly understood that Respondent's failure to pay the fines and costs as required by a final order incorporating this Stipulation will constitute a violation of a final order of the Board; in that regard, Respondent understands that said violation will result in immediate suspension of Respondent's licensure to practice contracting. Upon payment in full of the fines and costs, any suspension imposed by Respondent's failure to abide by the terms of the stipulation shall be lifted. 4. It is expressly understood that this Stipulation is subject to the approval of the Board and the Department. In this regard, the Stipulated Facts, Stipulated Conclusions of Law, and Stipulated. Disposition shall have no force and effect unless a 'Final Order incorporating the terms of this Stipulation is entered by the Board. It is also understood that. adoption of this Stipulation by the Board and the filing of a Final Order 3 ~.~ incorporating the Stipulation constitutes disciplinary action, pursuant to Sec. 455.221 (1) (f), Florida Statutes. 5. Should this Stipulation be rejected, no statement made in furtherance of this Stipulation by the Respondent may be used as direct evidence against the Respondent in any proceeding. 6. The terms of this Stipulation are made for purposes of settlement only, and neither the Department nor the Board are bound by those terms should Respondent reject or fail to execute this Stipulation. 7. The Department extends the terms of this Stipulation for twenty-one (21) days only; Respondent's failure to execute this Stipulation within twenty-one (21) days from date of service will be construed as Respondent's rejection of its terms, and the Department will consider the Stipulation withdrawn. 8. Respondent and the Department fully understand that execution of this joint Stipulation and its incorporation in a Final Order does not preclude additional proceedings by the Board and/or the Department against the Respondent for acts or omissions not specifically set forth in the Administrative Complaint attached as Exhibit "A" herein. 9. Upon the Board's adoption of this Stipulation, Respondent waives all further administrative procedures in this matter and 4 waives all rights to seek Judicial review of or Otherwise Challenge or contest this Stipulation or the Final Order of the Board incorporating said Stipulation, or any part thereof. 10. Upon the Board,s Respondent agrees to bear his or her own which may have resulted from defense Respondent Waives the right from the Department in Proceeding. adoption of this Stipulation, ~he attorney,s fees and costs of this proceeding and to seek any attorney,s fees or costs COnnection With this disciplinary 11. This StiPUlation is executed by the . PUZl°Ose of Final Agency Act' - Respondent for the zon in this matt : . · that DUrpose, Res~--~ er. in furtherance ~nuent authorizes the Board members to review a~ all investigative file materials c 'Prior oncerning Res o to or in conjunct/on w/th their P ndent S~i · COnsider · PUlatzon. Should th{, .~. . atzon of the ..... °=lPUlation be reject ResPondent agrees that the - ed by the Board, Stip~lation and - · -Oard,s Consideration of associated documents and matter~ ~.~ ~s - ""=a~ not Unfairly or illegally prejudice the Board or any Board members from further participation in or resolution of this matter. SIGNED this , day of , 1998. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF THOMAS J. STIERS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1998, by THOMAS J. STIERS, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification, and who did take an oath. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: APPROVED this day of Richard To Farrell Secretary ., 1998. Gail S. Hoge Senior Atto.-ney By Delegation of the Secretary GSH/waf 6 CM22 - Vet 01.03 Florida BPR Automa=ed Systems 03/18/98 COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 15:12:27 ........................ , COMPLAINT. COST SUMMARY ¢ ....................... CO~PLAINTNBR: 97197?7 COMPLAINANT'S NAME: DBPR/BOARD ELECTRICAL CONTRACT SUBJECT'S NAME: STIER$, THOMAS J PRIOR ACCUMULAT~D COSTS: COMP~AINT: INVESTIGATION: L~JL: ...... COST TO DATE HOURS COSTS 1.0 36.49 .5 15.42 .9 ' 34.20 2.4 $86.11 TOTAL COSTS TO DATE: $86.11 NEXT KEY: FASTPATH: F1-H~L~ F3-CMS MENU F4-EXIT · I B~T F12-MAIN ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AI~ROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 TO NCRWTP 8--MGD EXPANSION, BID NO. 97- ~90R, PR~ NO. 70~159/70828 OB3ECHVE: ~ the Board of County Commissioners, as the Ex- Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water Sewer District, approve Change Order No. 7 to improve reliability of' the existing North County Regional Water Treatment Plant (NCRWTP) by removing and replacing m~dergrou~! concentrate piping which is critical to the production of potable water. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners awarded Bid No. 97-2690R to Miimlr ~on, Inc., in the amount of $13,684,984.90, on December 16, I997, agenda item 1605)(2). Change Ord~ 1 through 6 were approved administratively. Change Order No. 7 is proposed to replace existing concentrate disposal yard piping which was found to be defective after the on-going plant expansion project was bid and awarded. The nature azd type of work is similar to, and in addition to, the work contained in the on-going plant ~on contract. Milmir ~oI1, Inc., provided a proposal to complete the work. Our engilmerlng com~tmT~, Met~alf & Eddy OVI&E), reviewed the proposal. Staff, along with lYrE, reeomme~ ~ of Change Order No. 7. It is requested ~ the conm~ be revised as follows: Original Contract Sara of previou~ change~ (deduct) Tlxis Change Order (add) Revised Contract Amount Days to Days to Substantial Final Completion Completion $13,684,984.90 410 502 $(104,427.00) 17 17 $112,456.00 0 0 $13,693,013.90 427 519 (03/18/99) (06/18/99) FISCAL IMPAq: Funds are currently budgeted for this project in: Fum]: Cost Ccm~. Project No.: 411, System Development Fees 273511, Combined Water Capital Projects 70859, NCRWTP 8-mgd Expansion GROWTH MANA~ IMPACT: None. RECO~NDATIONS: That the Board of County Commissions, as Ex-officio the Csovernlng Board of the Collier County Water Sewer District, approve Change Order No.7 to Bid No. 97-2690R in the amotmt of $112,456.00 and authorize, the Public Works Administrator to execute the Change Order. Executive Smmmay NCRWTP 8-mgd Expansion, Change Order No. 7 l~ag~ 2 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: DATE: Pet~' Schall~ PMP, Project Manager Office of Cat, mi Proj~'ts Management Rich Hellriegcl. P.E., hteHm D/rector~ Off, ce of C~hal Projects Mm~agement Public Wofl:s Division HI~KWB/kwb ~ent: Bid No. 97-2690R Change Order No. 7 CFL~NGE OKDER TO: Milmir Con~mcfion, lnc FROM: P.O. Box o~00-A 1617 Row~ Avenue Jacksonville, Florid~ 32208 Project Name: NCRWTP - SMGD Expansie. n Construction Agreement Dated: 12/16/97 Change Order No.: 7 Collier County Government 3301 Eas~ Tamiami Trail, Building D Naples, Florida 34112 Bid No.: 97-2690R Date: Change Order Description: (AU~ch jus~i.ficatio~ ~..xl s'upp<x'fi~g documentation for this ch~ge.) ~ ~"A" - Description of changes md justification .~ Anachm~mt"B" - Summa~ of Supportive Doc-~mion $e~ copies of Supix~v~ Docum~tatio~ auacl'~l Original agreement amount .................................. $13,684,984.90 Sum of'previous change orders amount ......................... $ (104,427.00) This Change Order Amount [add] .............................. ~ Rev~d,4grcementAmount .................................. $13,693,013.90 ~ Final Original conu'aci time in calendar days ...................... 410 502 Adjusted number ofcalendar days due to presi3us change orders 427 519 This change order adjusted time is ........................ 0 0 Revised Contract Nme in calendar days .................... 4 2 7 519 Original Notice to Proceed date ........................... 01/16/98 Completion date based on original contract time .............. 03/01/99 Revi~d completion date ................................ 03/18/99 06101199 06118199 Yonr ~ oflhis chan~c ordcr s~all consticut~ a modification to our Agrccmcnt and will bc pcrfc)rm~ subject to all lhc same tams and coadi6oas as contained in out Affrcemcat indicat(:d alx)v¢, as fully as if thc same ss-crc r~',x~___~ in ~ acceptmx:~. Th~ sdjusument, if a~.', to this A~reeroe~t shall consfimu: a full and final se~ement o£ .any and all ddms of th~ Contractor arising out of. or rdat~d to. fl~e change set forth he, in. including claims for P~e Schalt. PMP Collier Coun~ OCPM Rich Hellriegel, P.E., L~.t~.'rri OCP~ ~ir'cctor - ,~,~ OCPM ,/./.' ...,.z /~ ~;-:_... ;:.:,,LL~ff.,. '&'a~-r Director Public Works Divisioc Ap~ I~.': Dale: ~ i'll, ~biic Werks Adminisu'ator Pubik: Woda Di,,ision (F~' Uss b~ Owns. F,,,xI: Cc~ C~t~ G. Fffms C'h~ ~ Masc,.doc itts4w101~ Object Co~: Pro~t Nc.. COLLIER COUNTY NCRWTP 8-MGD EXPANSION County Bid No. 97-2690R CDM Project No. 6295-21728 CHANGE ORi~ER NO. 7 ATTACHMENT "A" DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES AND JUSTIFICATION Item No. Description of Change Cost (Credit) 1 Replace with HDPE pipe and fittings, existing underground $113,13 6.00 FRP concentrate piping from the north face of the Process Building to injection wells nos. I and 2. 2 Substitute Schedule 80 PVC conduit for galva~'fized rigid ($680.00) conduit on the new RO trains Item No. Justification for Change I Due to the recent history of pipe cracks and breaks involving existing underground YRP Water Treatment Plant process mains, the County desired to replace existing underground FRP piping, described in the Request for Proposal, with HDPE pipe and fittings. I--IDPE pipe and fittings are being used extensively in the 8 mgd expansion project at the WTP and the County desired to remain consistent with the HDPE pipe material being utilized in other areas of the project. The cost proposal was discussed and agreed on by County, M&E and CDM staffat Progress Meeting No. 5 on May 12, 1998 and further discussed and agreed on by CDM and the County Public Works Administrator via phone call on May 13, 1998. On May 13, 1998, the County Public Works Administrator decided and directed CDM to direct the Contractor (Milmir) to proceed with the manufacture ofthe 16-inch dia. HDPE pipe for this proposal. Use of HDPE pipe and fittings will enhance the structural integrity of underground concentrate disposal piping which is critical to the W-iT operation. It will reduce the potential for pipe failures and future maintenance/repair costs. 2 The credit proposal for $680.00 was reviewed, discussed and agreed to by County, M&E and CDM staff'at Progress Meeting #5 on May 12, 1998. Installing Schedule 80 PVC in lieu of galvanized rigid conduit on the new RO trains will be consistent with the Schedule. 80 PVC conduit utilized on the existing R.O. trains in service. COLLIER COUNTY NCRWTP 8-NGD EXPANSION County Bid No. 97-2690R CDM Project No. 6295-2:1728 CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 ATTACHMENT "B" SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTATION Change Order Document Description Document Date Item No. I CDM letter to Milmlr Construction requesting a cost 04/24/9g proposal to replace the existing FPP concentrate piping with HDPE. I Milmir Construction cost proposal to CDM 05111/98 I Page 1 and 2 of 5 ofthe Minutes of Progress Meeting 05/12/98 No. 5 showing discussion by attendees on the cost proposal I M&..E Memorandum to CDM concurring with the 05/27/98 additional costs and recommending the additional work. 2 Credit proposal fi'om Milmir Construction to CDM 05/04/9g suggesting use of'Schedule 80 PVC conduit in lieu of galvanized rigid conduit on new 1LO. trains. 2 Page I of 5 ofthe Minutes of Progress Meeting No. $ 5/12/98 stating agreement by attendees on the substitution and credit. Camp Dres,zr & Md e Inc. ~ Tat941 574-7100 Fex:~41 5'74-747 April 24, 1995 Mr. Donald Klo~e Vice Pr~dem ~ Conmuction, Inc. P.O. Box 9400-A 1617 Rowe Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32208 ~rIA FACSIM]]-E Re: Collier County, Florida NCKWTP 8-MGD Expansion County Bid No. 97-2690R CDM PN: 6295-21728 CDM Doc. No. 261 Request for Cost Proposal As ~. ested by the County, please provide your cost proposal to furnish and replace, with I-IDPE pipe and fittings, the existing underground FRP concentrate header force main descn'bed below and as shown on as built drawings provided by the County, in accordance with applicable requirements, conditions and technical details of the NCKWTP Expznsion project. Contract Doeum~ts. · Existing 16" FRP underground concentrate header fi'Em the north side ofthe Proc_~s Building to each injection well. · Existing portions of 14" FRP underground concentrate header that is currently capped, from the north side of the Process Building to the 16" x 14" tee in the concentrate header line to IW#2. · Existing 8" cleaning solution drain (if it is FPP) from the Concentrate Pump Station to the connection to the existing 16" concentrate header. The ~ quantities ofpipe and fittings to be replaced will be based on verification of as built conditions and limits ofexisting underground FRP. It is noted here that the removal of the two 14' caps and installation of new 14" pipe between the capped ends (as sho~'n on drawing C-I) are part ofyour original Contract Work and the new 14" pipe should also be I.{DPE. It is our understanding the County would appreciate a "ballpark" estimate of cost for budget purposes as soon as porn'hie with a detailed cost proposal to follow. The detailed cost proposal should include suffident breakdown oflabor, equipment and materials to allow Donald KIo~e April 24, 1998 Page 2 proper evaltmion. The County anticipates the replacement work and required plant shutdcram to be scheduled as soon as the peak demand season ends. We have enclo~ copies ofvafious as-buik drawings for the WIT, drawings for injection well//2 rec~ved from 0CPM and part of Drawing C-1 for the NCRWTP Expansion project for your u~e. Should you have any questions related to this request for proposal, please do not hesitate to contact this off]ce. c ,a, AMS/mb xc: Pete Sd~IL OCTM J'm~my Ba~k, l~ilmir Feld O~ce P,,O. Box 1617 Rows Ave. PRO.W, cr: N. Regional WTP 8MOD Expansion Camp, Dresser & Mckee, Inc. g011 Vanderbilt ~ Road Ext. Naples, FL 34108 [!. · ATTN: Adam Sobolewski, P.E. ~ ~. =;~ ,~ 1~: PCO To: CDM Phone: (904) 765-2300 Fax: (904) 765-6494 DATE: 5/I 1/98 JOB: 9g01 CONTRACT NO: l~u. UUU~A From: NflLNfIRCO Number:. 000gA '-.'.~il~lll[~.,~,a ~' i:~.-' ~ nmi denn~ soft, on dr~n p~pmg ~ HDPE pq~e and f~J.ngs. not yet available in 14" st~ we tl~rt~ore hav~ based our proposal on using ! 6' HDPE to rrp~ace the existing 14" i~ be~ed on the outage ~ m outlined m qgcification __~c~__ioa 01015. ~ III.F.. Ifthis wont can ye oc~e aunng one of yOU may de~h~ct $11,013.00 from tl~ p~. add~enal i6' HDPE before tt~.y complete d~s tun it co~ld be as long as 8 weeks unul ~ey retoo~ again to run ]o tt~r~ we wm need your v~o~ approval m order this mainig no later O~n May 12, 1998, to make thc current run. Unit Cost: $0.~ Unit Tax: S0.00 Lump Sum: $113,136.00 Lamp Tax: $0.00 Total: Sl13,136.00 UA¥ 18 ~ CAMP DRESSER & McY, E£ C{XLIER CO. fIELD OFFICE l COLt~R COUNTY NCRW'I'P S-MGD EXPANSION' Count), Bid No. 97.2690R CDM Project No. 6295-21728 PROGRESS MEETING NO. ~ Tuesday, May I2, 199~ 9:30 a.m. o Minutes of the previous meeting: · No comments or exceptions were taken to the minutes ofthe previous meeting and they were accep~ as written. Contractor's report on progress since the prtwious meeting: · Contractor provided typed outline of work completed and dism'buted. A copy is alxached to these minutes. Contract's foremst ofwork to be performed (30-day look ~head) in the period prior to the next meeting: · Refer to the 30-day"look aheaff' schedule provided by brdanir at the meeting. Copy attached to these minutes. · Also refer to typed outline of work proposed for the nex-t 30 days. · Milmir also noted installation of 18" HDPE water main would begin where the new 16' HDPE transitions to 18". · Pete Sch~ asked who would be reviewing the soRwaxe. Nick Cooper .said he, Frank O'Ia~-z and Ted Sfilwell from M&E would be reviewing. Pete also asked that CDM eonsid~ having Rich W'dkins (WM&^) reyi. 'ew soRwa~e also. · pete adcecl that the rrembrane procurement be added to the 30 day "look ahead" and said he would provide l~imir with the membrane procurement schedule.. Observations, Issues and Conflicts: · #10 - Chlorine Room Double Doors: Milmir submitting shop rift. wings on aluminum doo~ ~ l:n'evious discussion between M&E and Milmir. Nick Cooper (M&E) said he would look at alternative materials for the~e doors based on corrosion concerns by Randy Cral'ay. · ~24- Spacing between raw water mains: 12" minimum spacing between pipes established and agreed to by all attendees. · ~5 - Membrane dement clarification - Response from M&E rec~.ived 5/I 1/98 and distributed. Milmir asked when the membrane procurement package was being bid and Pete Schalt indicated within the next sev~al weeks. Outstancfmg PCO's · ~ - Reduced bedding depth under HDPE pipe: M&E did not want to reduce tile beckfmg depth specified (12") for a ca'edit It was agreed to stay with the 12" bedding depth specified. · #7 - RO train electrical raceway substitution - M&E did not object to substituting $dedule 80 PVC for raceways on the RO train skids for the er~it of $680.00. All 1 ors propo~ in order to have the pipe manufacturer make the additional 16"HDPE pipe while be w~s still ~oled u~ to n~k8 16". Don Klose noted without approval today, ]6' pipe would not I~.m~~'~l ~ for ~other 6 to 8 w~.~s. P~e $c~t directed CDM to call Ed Ilw.,hner (Public Work~ Administrator) and review the ~ proposal with him to expedit~ m tm'wet, lvfilmk to pothole the exi~Sag $" ~concemr~ drain to determine pipe material underground. Milmir mggested using C-900 PVC with D.I. fitting as an alternate to HDPE. Pete ~id he would d'~o_ ~,_~_~ with Karl Boyer on using PVC and asked Adam to hold off talking to Ed Ilschner until Pete go~ back to Adam. Peae indicated Karl Boyer i~fially preferred HDPE. · Outstanding propos~ subsfluigons or changes · Revised ~e ~er No. 4 (~t of $1321.~) - in si~e ~de. · Change Orger No. $ (credit of $$$,026.00) - in ggnature cycde. · ~ Ord~ No. 6 (17 d~ time exter~ion ) - in signature cycle. · Other ism~s · Youngqu~ Brothers working bo~s - ~ said Youngquist had rna with ~ I)~'v~~ ~fl'm~d gotten approval to work 24 hours per day, 5 days per ~ Milmir ~,o ~ Youngquist was prepared to pay ['or additional iaspe~on by Misaimer, but needed to know the me. CDM reque.~ed a copy of written approval from 1W. flmir who explained there was no written approval, only the Youngquist reques~ letter. Pete. noted ifYoungquis~ is working 24 hr,/day, lVfilmk must ~lso have a staff representative on site. Pete ~Iso noted he saw no reason to work beyond the current schedule hours since there is no negative floaI in the ~lule. Pete decided the issue by denying the request to work 24 hfs per day unless the work ~ falling behind. It was also noted the job was bid on the milestone schedule ~ ~nd Milmir was currently on schedule. Pete further noted using · sec, oM fig w~s ~ ~ltemative which Don Klose said he was con~ideriag. Bond & itmu'an~ application to change proposals - A bond ~nd insurance line item ~ with proposals was discussed. Pete Schalt explained and pointed out the Contract Condition that no separate bond/insurance amount is to be mown on pt'opo~ (~ or extna). It:in included in the Contractor's mark-up for.OHX'P. New in.~um~nta~fl factory test.- Meeting scheduled for 1'.30 p.m. on 5/12/98 ia CDM fidd oflie~ with l~tlmir, Philips Automation, M&E to discuss teeing 2o[$ " "'" i;"" CO. BID NO:. 97.2690R C~M PN: 6295-21728 05/27/98 10:42 TX/RX NO.1923 P.O. Box 94OO-.*, 161'7 Ro~ Aw,. ~FI, 3220~ 'lTrt.~'-: ~O. T~ EI~ ~ys ~~:N. ~~ ~ SMGD ~on 8011 Vamlerbilt ~ Road Ext. Naples, FL 34108 Phone: (904) 768-2300 Faz: (904) 768-6494 DATE: 5/4/98 JOB: 9801 CONTRACT NO: No. 0007A Adam ~obolewski, P.E. RE: To: From: Number: 01~ I~OPO~AL '~'~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~If~ ~c. we ~ ~ mil~ ~h~ule 80 ~C ~flduit ~ lieu ofgalv~ rigid ~.~ ~ ~~ ~ a ~k ~ ~ ~ p~ ~u~ will no ~ ~bj~ ~ ~osi~ ~ ~e f~ili~ ~. Unit Cost: Lump Sum: Lump Tax: Total: $0.00 $0.00 (S6SO.O0) $0.00 ($680.0O) APPROVAL: Date: Adam Sobolewski~ P.E.. r..'..' ' .: ! .! GULF STATES, INC. Phone 941-26~'715"/ F~ 941-263-932l 161'7 Rowe V'b~ Fa3; 4.sS.s P,'o,jr~ Aw: Napics, 1~. 3~104 ~ 04, 19~S 1-904-768"6494 NORTH REGIONAL WI'P 8MGD EXPANSION 4'c~ 7.4 '/4 I2.S A'J'O0 402, BrA Il ~9 ~'10 ~ EZl)e~sion 11/20/~7 400.S1- * 0.00 * 0.00 · ~ L2LT, ES TAX ~ 3504 460.51- · I ~TO~X3, T, JbBC)~IKPU]~ ~499 7.88- · 3,3 4~0.51- % ?.88- * 21 ~ COST 2520 22 /T_JLT ~GmCU~ · 3.520 2.t24 1526 2S27 2S28 2.929 1529 32 B3~) TO22LL G79.19- · 0,00 · 0.00 * t,,,,,o~M~ 04 15:56:19 1995 ~JU~. : I 1.00 460.51- 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 22 460.51- 27.63- 27.63- 7.88--C 178.5~- 178.5g- :1,00 1,00 4.61- 7.88- 1.00 67~.19- 679.19-,c 1. O0 1.00 1.00 6q~.19- 679.19- : 2.Z_.*'.:..-I& ..... ~mnt. tt! I~tt IlO.It ~ 1.2lt 41%.10- ~ I #.~ Ill31 ~l JOi 2~4.SI* .1.~ 1.20 ,2~0 ) .2.2- .O43 20 .G4- I .:l.C- ',AS.21 0.1~ I 2.SS.~O 1.0l 21JS O.130 4 2,1 ..53 0.2°0 3~.2'/ t.20o 1.~ SS,2S 1.3~1 L1..20 58.#- t.3.%1 2.1~- tN,.~- 0.401 ~ .G0- 4.11- I.O3Q 2.40- :~.13- 0.0';I 0.2t- 2.72.00- 0.2.10 2.4.41- t .JG0 ] .14- 344.TJ- '/-~' 4~0.SZ- '/.ti* COLI2ER COUNTY NCRWTP g. MGD EXPANSION ~ Bid No. 97o2690R CDM Projo~t No. 6295-21725 ~..~. PROGRESS M'E~G NO. Tuesday, May' 12, 1998 9:30 &m. ~ oft~e previous meeting:. · No comnm~' or exceptions were taken to the minute~ oftl~ previous meeting and they were s, zepted as writt~ Co~s report ~n prog~_.__~ since the previous meeting: · Contractor prodded typed o~'u-.me of work completed and d~~ A copy is smched to tbe~ mlnUte~. Contractor's forecast of'work to be performed (30-day look a~e~') in the l:~C~d prior to the next meeting:. · Re~ to the 30=day"look ~ sc~edul¢ provided by ~ a~ the meeting. Copy · Also ret'er to typed outline ofwork proposed for the ne~'t 30 clays. · ~ also noted installation of 18' I-H3PE water m~ would beg~ where the new 16" HDPE tran~ons to I$'. · Pete Schalt.~ who would be reviewing .t,Se so~w'~e. Nick Cooper ~d he, Frank o'Fla~ andl~'~l S~weil fi'om tv~E would be reviewing. P~ also tsked ~ CDM ~d he would provide ~ w~th the membnne procurment ~dy ~y. ~ - ~~ ~d~g d~ und~ ~PE pi~: EXECU'nV~ SUMMARY RECO~ATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE AND ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE US ARMY CORPS OF E'"N'~RS SECTION 404 PERMIT NO. 199602789(IP-CC) AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CONSOLIDATED JOINT COASTAL PERMIT, SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS AUTHOIZrzATION AND VARIANCE NO. 0128463-001-JC, A COMlq~EHEIg~ MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RESTORATION AND ONGOING MANAGEMENT OF THE CLAM BAY SYSTEM AND TO AUTHORIZE PELXCAN BAY SERVICES DMSION TO SIGN THE PERMITS ON BEHALF OF COLLIER COUNTY OILIECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners approve and accept the terms and conditions of the US Army Corps of Engineers section 404 Permit No. 199602789(IP-CC) and the Florida Department of'Environmental Protection Consolidated $oint Coastal Permit, Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization and Variance No. 0128463-001JC, a comprehensive management plan for the restoration and ongoing management of the Clam Bay system and to authorize Pelican Bay Services to sign the Permits on behalf of Collier County. CONSIDERATIONS: In 1996, Pelican Bay Services ietained a number of consultants who had been charged to find the potential causes of the Clam Bay mangrove die-oS develop a series of remediation recommendations that potentially would redu~ further die-off and propose management protocols for h,ebitat restoration. The team was additionally charged with assessing the feasibility of incorporating those findings into a comprehensive management plan for the ongoing management of Clam Bay. The first report recommended a management plan that would allow operational flexibility for long term adminimation of the system. Initially, it was characterized as a Special Area Management Plan or SAMP, but in further consultation with the Corps reviexv team, it was suggested that Pelican Bay Services pursue a Section 404 individual Permit that would be overlaid with the Plan. Since the State of Florida had no companion procedure to a SAMP, this adjustment in the process was not seen as material and did. facilitate administmlive review. In this format, an FDEP En,~ironmental Resource Permit (ER.P) with ancillary rights related to the issues of'sovereign submerged lands was the companion state vehicle to nahiev¢ this end. The targeted goals went forward and were articulated to the Pelican Bay Services Division Advisory Board as follows: 1. Restore the hydrology and efficient tidal flushing to Clam Pass and the interior tidal 2. Restore the habitat values of the Clam Bay ecosystem and diversify the same; AU6 - AUGUST 3. $~ti~ the ~tonnw~er diselm'ge, including irrigation and water quality requirements n~ for the continued developmem of Pelican Biy, exploring how those might be adjusted to ~wx. ommodate the needs of the Clam Bay ecosystem; 4. Consider the development of a Florida Yard and Neighbors Program to assist in modulating irrigation requirements for the developed areas of Pelican Bay; 5. Devdop a contingency plan for the continued maintenance of Clam Pass and the interior tidal meeks; 6. ~ the flood ~'tenuation values of the mangrove forest; 7. Continue limited hunmn intrusion imo the mangrove forest and under controlled eireummnc ; 8. Devdop opev~ionfl protocols that allow the permit holder the flexibility to respond to ~ging dra.tmst~ees under defined parameters; and 9. Aeeeler~e the reveget~ion of the barren area by planting those species most appropriate to the specific site conditions. Throughout the process various versions of the Plan were reviewed and commented upon by the Advisory Co~ until its' filing with the agencies in April, 1997. Several areas of the Plan remained open to question during the permitting process and all of them have been resolved. First, there w~ the concern expressed by all in the regulatory community and others, that the Plan was inadequate in its treatment of freshwater inputs into the system. In particular, two Federal commenting agencies (US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service) urged forcefully that the application should be denied absent a ~ignificant up front reduction in freshwater inputs into the estuary. Additionally, the City of Naples conditioned its willingness to allow access to the Seagate culverts on the issuance of a permit comaining a mandatory requirement for both an analysis and action plan based on the outcome of that analysis, relative to freshwater inputs into the system. These matter~ were re~olved by providing for a series of studies, one or more action plans, as called for by the study data would be implemented. Additionally, Pelican Bay will use its best efforts to provide a broad .base of cor,~rnunity Second, the~ wes concern over the methodology to be employed for both the dredging m~d the disposition of spoils resulting from the dredging. The initial plan provided for the ~ of ~ is~ essentially uplands within the system. This was vigorously resisted by the gendes various conservation groups and the Public. As a result, other altem~ive~ were exlgored. Those included aerial spraying and off shore disposition utilizing a eye. Jane ~u'~tor locmed on the beach. The first approach was not permittable ~nd the second would l~ve proved considerably more expensive than that which is ~pproved in the Permits. The Permits, as issued, allow for the disposition of "fines" behind the dram line in an area located close to the mouth of the pass with beach quality ~ being deposited be~ the mean high and iow water lines dkectly into the Gulf. Third, there w~ cormern about the scope of the dredging for the main channel. ~glfl~tor~ were concerned over both the depth and the width as well as potential AU6 - AUGUST 4, 199~ seeond~3r impacts on seagr~ses and navigational components. Ail issues were ~y resolved mad the Permit allows for the dredging of the main and ancillary elmmxds as ~ in the Plan. A contingent mitigation plan exists to accommodate the concerto over seagrass~ and navi~ion is administered by preserving the status quo. Fourth, there w~ aiway~ a need to provide a mechanism for ongoing maintenance of the system without the necessity for protracted and expensive review (i.e., permit review). The Permits allow that to occur through a mechanism of notice and action that, while affording the regulatory agendes management oversight, reduce considerably the level of review thst would otherwise be required for full permit review. This should prove workable with a normal level of adm~stralive and support documentation. F'u~dx, there wa~ and remaina a concern over the level of required monitoring of restoration outcomes. Tbe Phm inelude~ a ~rie~ of monitoring protocols that have been incorporated into the Permits. However, one of the tasks of Pelican Bay Services will be to detail the maure and extent of the monitoring and ~bmit it for review and approval. This task is intended to suit its t~xls so long ~s the scientific outcomes are not compromised. During the negotiation of these Permits, an additional permit has been required from the City of Naple~ in order to alter the Seagate culverts. This has been accomplished with both the City ~ tim lq~le~ Cay Homeownet~ Association allowing the commencement ~d completion of the m~tivitie$ n~ to perform that part of the Permits. The lzDEP certified the project complete on February 22, 1998, after confirmation of the tidal m~eh~e~. Publication of this Notice took place on June 12, 1998 and absent any prote~ tbe Permit was rdeased on July 3, 1998. As an adjunct to this undertaking, m~ negoti~,ions with both the Corps and FDEP for permit modifications to their re~netiw Sp~eifl Conditions to more aramrately reflect the undertaking of the community is included in this pmnit Additi~, during tl~ proee~ The Remington, a condominium in Pelican Bay, filed a Clmpter 120 F.S. dmllmge to the issuance of the FDEP Permits and which has been mb~quently withdrawn. To accomplish that and included in the Board's authorization tod~y, is a Consent Order elarif3ting certain matters affecting the operation of the of the Portable Pump and Pil~ Permits previously issued by both the Corps and FDEP. The imlr~'t of this effort by The Remington, while initially disheartening had nonetheless afforded ~n oppommity to improve the operational flexibility of the Plan. For example, tbe ~ Order ~e~ the FDEP Pump and Pipe Permit which expired in January, 1998 and allow~ tl~ Ioe~tion of the pumps and pipes as needed based upon the event in question. Finally, on July 21, 1998 through a ten (10) to one (1) vote, the Pelican Bay Services Division Adviso~ Committee ~ecepted the FDEP and US Army Corps of Engineers Permit and aufimdzed its' transmittal to the Board of County Commissioners for approval,t,~ ..... .o iB AU6 - 1998 3 Pa ~ _ ~ SUlvlMARY AUGUST 4, aceeptan~ and ~on to permit the Pelican Bay Services Division to sign the Permit on behalf of Collier County and to effectuate the purposes and intern of the above Permits and to implement and abide by the terms and conditions of the Consent Order. lzI$CAL IMPAq: Pelican Bay Services and WCI have funded the permitting actions necessary to obtain this permit and Pelican Bay Services has budgeted in Fund 320, Cost Center's 183800 - 183806 the remaining funds necessary to implement the construction protocols in the Permit. The anticipated expenditures for the remainder of Fiscal Year 1998 are $460,400 and the Budget Appropriation for Fiscal Year 1999 is $1,374,200. However, this Permit is for a period of ten years and additional funding levels will be required each year in order to implement the management protocols outlined in the Permit. Pelican Bay Services does not have estimates available at this time relative to the fiscal impact oftbe future tnara~ protocols outlined in the Permit and which will need to be addressed in future years. GROW'X~ ]VJANAG~MENT IMPACT: None I~ECO~ATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve and accept the Terms and Conditi~ of the US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No. 1996027890P-CC) and the Florida Depamnem of Environmental Protection Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit, Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization and Variance No. 0128463-4)01-1C, a eomprehemive management plan for the restoration and ongoing adlxJ,-fi~h-ation of'the Clam Bay and to authorize Pelican Bay Services to sign the Permits PREPARED BY: .la~. Ward, Department Director Pelican Bay Se~ces DATE: F.d ll.sctmer, Public Works Administrator DA!'E: AU6 - DKPART/V~'5~'T OF TI~ ARMY PKRM/T Pmnttt~ Coll~ Coumy, Pelican Bay Services Division 601 Laurd Oak Drive, Suite 605 Naples, FL 34108 Pemtt No. U..q. Army_ E-L~neer District. NOTE: Toe train"you" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P~ ~ ~ future wamferee. The tem~ "this office" refers to the aplrwpria~ dis~ct or divis/on office of the Corps ofEnsineen havingjmis~ction over ~ penn/u~ activit3, of the ~ o/nciaJ of ~tt offu:e s:~ins under the mhod~ of the conm~nd/~ officer. permit as Auac. hmmt "A~. Specifically, and not by way of limi~on, the Permittee is authorized to proceed with ~e following (I) Replaemm~ of~ Drive Culverts (pages 44 thwuih 49 of the CBRMP). (2) Clan ~~~ ~ f~C~ 1, ~ 3, ~ 4 ~ 49 ~ 65 of~ C~. Thislmmitsultmdzes~imps~to 031 acre ofseagra~ habitat proposed by Cut 4. 0) Excavation and n~ntn~n~e of Int~or Tidal Creeks (pages 65 flxrough 71 ofthe and de,ri'bed on atlnchM plnns numbexed 1996027879 (IP-CC) in 3g sheets, dated April .I. 199g, which a~ ~ to, nad made a part of, this permit as Attachment "B". Project Lotion: In Clam Bay and the Gulf of Me~ico. Sections 4. 5, 8, 9, 32. 33. Township 49 PERMITT~: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services D/vision PAGE 2 1. The time limit for _completing the work auth~ ends on . If you fred that you need more ~ to ~lete the mxthodzed activity, submit your request for a time 2. You must ~ g~ aclivity ~ by this permit in good condition and in coafommmm with th~ t~ms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this ~ ityou abandon the ~ aclivi~,, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in comp~ with ~ Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to msiniain the amtmrized ~ or should you desir~ to abandon it without a good faith tramfer, you must obtain a ~~on oftMs permit from this office, which may, require rr~to~on of 3. If you discov~ say ~ously unknown historic or archeological r~uains while acoompligfir~ the activily auflmfized by this permit, you must !mrr,~_i_~ly notify this office of wh~ you trove found. We will inig'"'""~e ibc Federal and state coordination r~lui-,~ to determine ii' the nmmim warrmi a ~ effort or if~he site is eligible for listing in the National Register of 4. If you ~ th~ lwolm'ty asmciat~ with thh permit, you must obtain the signann~ and mmlh~ ~rlress of the new owner inthe space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this 5. Ifa eondifion~ ~ quality certification has been is.sued for your project, you must comply with the eomii~ spedfied in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the c~rtilic~cn is aizached to, and made a party of, this permit as 6. You mus~ anow ~~ves from &i_, office to inspect the aulhorized activity at any FERMrr NI.nV~EIU 199602789 tiP-CC) PERMITF'a'~-: CoRter Com~, Pelican Bay Services Division PA(YE 3 1. The pennittee agrees to submit semi-atmual ~ (these and all other rcl:~ shall be stxnitted to U.S. Army Corps of~ Regulatory Division, Enforcement Branch, P.O. Box 4970 Sactcsonvtl~ Florida 32232-0019 and shall rcfcxcnce the permit al~lication number) ~ six mon~ aftn' pmnit issuance indicating the stares of the project and shall ~lnde ~ following infomuttion: Da~ ~ activity was begun; if work has not begun on-site, please so eomp~ sm~ the pt~.v~ous r~x~rt or since permit was issued. Indicate on copies of c. Bdefdesnipfion and ~ of work anticipad in the next six months. Indicate on oopies of the permit drawings those areas where it is anticipated that work shall be done. (2) The Petmit~ agrees to cor?ly with the components and time frames as specified within the Clam Bay Restorsti~ Mana~nne~ Plan (CBRMP), which is auached to this permit as Atmchm~ "A"o (3) Th~ P~ a~ that all studies and repons conducted as a part of the agrees that if Corps detmnims ~_,.,~~on of the studies objectives ~ necessary to obtain the suaty's goals ~ appmpr!_~e changes will be made u) the dc-tails of ~he studies. (4) 'I'ne Pemiu~ agre~ to submit to the Corps deufil~ drai~ of the study plans indi~ on sheet II of 35 of the CBRMP for t~-wiew on or befor~ 120 days from the date of this'permit. The Pennittee as~es that furtt~ augmentation of Study No. 1 (Stormwatcr Detention Volume ct Warm' Budget Analysis) may be ~ _pe~_ ~-... review by the Corps. A~ItOA, II:Dl,, . AU8 - PERMIT NUMBER: 199602789 (IP-CC) PERMITrE~: Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division PAGE 4 (5) The Penn/u~ agrees to begin implementation oftbe studies will commence on or before 180 days from the date of this permit, and preliminary data compiled on or before three (3) years from the date of this permit. The Petmiv. ee will provide ~ report of the studies to the Corps for leview and appwval within 30 days of the completion of the studies. (6) To the extent ~agge~xl by the data the Permittee agrees to develop a plan to reduce uphad water discharges ~ the system. This plan or pl~ns are referred to as "Upland Water Discharge Reduction Plans" (UWDRP) and must be submitted for approval by the DEP and the Coz~ within 120 days following completion of the studio. (7) Once the UWDRP is approved by the DEP and the Corps, the Permittee shall implement tbe UWDRP in accotdam~ with its terms, but in no event later than five (5) years following permit issuance unless a modifi~on to that time frame is agre~ to by the P~mitt~, the DEP (g) Th~ Permitt~ ~ to ~ the monitoring report for the UWDRP and any noted modifi~on~ or ~e ~ions neexied ~s required by the UWDRP. It is anticipated that all ~"tiviti~ de~n~ he~ ~ in Section 4.5.4 of the CBRMP will be completed within the ten (10) year permit term. (9) The Pemfiqtee agrees to provide ~ mitigation for the 0.31 acre of proposed seagrass i?act ifree~ablishmem of those seagrasses lost as a result of the CBRM~ implementation has nat occurred in five years from'the date of the permit. This mitigation will be accessed ~ in ~ with the Habitat Equivalency Analysis as proposed by the Nmiomfl Oceanic and Ammsphefi¢ Administration Damage Assessment and Restoration (I0) The Permittee agre~ that for any works associated to r~nourishment of the beach area the follow~ng conditions will be follo~l: AUG - PI/RMn"TEE: Colli~ County, Pelican Bay Sa'vices Division PAGE 5 a. All woz~ will occur ou~ide of the sca turtle nesdn~ season. b. The standard numatee ~on condifio~ ~ ~ included ia any contract lamed for ~he woga These comtitions are a~a~ched to, and made a part of, this permit as c. Ail beach impact areas will be tilled to a depth of 36 inches after thc placement of d. N~ive vegetation will not be dizturbed by the placement of fill. 1. Congrc~onal Authorities: You have been authorized to u~ler the activity described above gmr, mn to: ( ) Section 10 of the River~ and Hatbor~ Act of I B~g (33 U.S.C. 403). ( ) Section 404 of the Clem Warn- Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). () Scion 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Lim~ of this authoH~on. a This ~ dom x~ot obvia~ the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local b. This permit does not gram any property fights or exclusive privileges. c. This pczmi~ dz~s not ~ any injury to the propa~ or fights o£other~. 3; Lhnks of Federal L'mbil/ty. In issuing ~Js Perm/t, the FeAeral Oovernmem does not ss~une my.liability for the following: AUG - ! PERMIT ~EP~ l~l'rl~.. PAGE 6 199602789 CIP-CC) Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division ~. ~ to t~ ~ proj~'t or u~ ther~f as a result of other l:m-mittcd or .~mitted activities or from ~ ~. b. Damages to the permit~ project or use~ thereof ns a r~sult of ~t or future a~vities undemln~ by or on behalf of the United States in.thc public interest. c. Dmm~es ~o ~ propetW, or to other permitted or u~lm'mitted activities or e. Dama~ clnkns associated ~ any f'unn-e modifi~o~ suspensio~ or revocation of this perm 4. Re~ on Applicam's Da~ The ~on of this office tha~ issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in rdiance on the informztion you 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time '.he ¢hcmnstan¢~ warrant. Ch'cumstances that could rcquire a rceval*~tion include, l~t m'e not ~mlted to, the following: You f. afl to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in sugport of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inacctcate (see 4 above). c. Significant new infonn~on mtrfaces which tM~ of~ce did not consider in readtins the original pubtic interest decisi:m. Such a reevaluation may xesult in a determln~on that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modif~:afion, and mvoe~on proeedm'cs cxnmfim~ in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those ecarmined in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement proced~s provide for the issumace of an admizfisu~ve order requiring you comply with the terms and eonditiom of your peffnit and for the initiation of legal actions where appropriate. You will be requited to pay for any corrective ~ ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this off3c~ may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the ~ measures by contract or othesvise and bill you for the cos~ AUG - PERMI'rI'EE: CoHJn' County, Pelican Bay Services Division PA(~E 7 6. ~ Gennll conditi~ 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity ~ by this permit. Unless ~ a~ ~ ~ either a prompt completion of ibc amtxniz~ ~ or · reeval__,~_ 'on ofthe public ~ decision, the Corps will tmnall,/give favo~le eomidn~on to a ~ for an extension of this time limit. Yom ~ below, as penniIt~ indicates that you accept and a~ree to comply with the terms (Please type or print name and title) This permit becomes effective when the Federal of~cial, designed to act for the S~ of the O:)tsuict JOER. MILLER Colonel U.~. Army ATTAr, TOTAl, lNG (Dat~) PAGES Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Boildin[ 2600 Blair Stone Road Taltahassee. Florida 32399-2400 Virginia B. Wetherell Secretary CONSOLIDATED JOINT COASTAL PERi, FIT AND SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS AUTHORIZATION FERMITTEFJA~HORI~D ENTITY: Collier Cotmty- Pelican Bay Services Div. do Ted Brown, Esquire Aketman, Senterfitt, & Edison, P.A. 255 South Orange Avenue Orlzndo, Florida 32801 PermiffAuthorization No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Date of Issue: July 06, 1998 Expiration Date: July 06, 2008 County: Collier Project: Clam Bay Restoration and Long-Term Management This permit is issued under the authority of Chapter 161 and Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The activity is not exempt from the recrairement to obtain a Joint Coastal Permit. Pursuant to Operating Agreen..:nts executed between the Del:artment and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, FA.C, the Deparlment is respons~le for reviewing and taking final agency action on this This permit also constitutes a finding of consistency with Florida's Coastal Zone Management Program, as required by Section 307 of the Coastal Management Act; and, certification compliance with water quality standards under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344. Manage Florida's E'nironmenr and Naa:rat Resources" ~,g /o~I This activity also requires a proprietary authorization, as the activity is located on sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, pursuant to Article X, Section 11 of the Florida Constitution, and Sections 253.002 and .253.77, F.S. The activity is not exempt from the need to obmn a proprietary authorization. The Department has the responsibility to review and take final action on this request for proprietary amhorizafion in accordance with Section 18-21.0051, and the Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F.A.C. In addition to the above, this proprietary authorization has been reviewed in accordance with Chapter 253 and Chapter 258, ES., Chapter 18-20, Chapter 18-21, and Section 62-343.075, F.A.C., and the policies of the Board of Trustees. As staff to the Boanl of Trustees, the Department has reviewed the activity described s~n~zIt~ below, and has detexmined lhat the activity requires a Consent of Use for the use of those lan~, AUG - tim FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Pr~vtonsly I1304991~) Page 2 of 21 pm'suant to Chapter ~3.77, Florida Statutes. The Department hereby grants its Consent to the permittee to use the sovereign submerged lands for the activities authorized in this permit, provided all general and specific conditions, and monitoring requirements stipulated in the permit are met by the permittee. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to construct the work shown on the application and approved drawings, pIans, and other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and made a part hereof. This permit is subject to the limits, conditions, and locations of work shown in the attached drawings, and is also subject to the attached General Conditions, Specific Conditions, and Monitoring requirements which are a binding part of this permit. You are advised to read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities, and to ensure the work is conducted in conformance with all the lerms, conditions, and drawings. If you are utilizing a contractor, the contractor also should read and understand the,se drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities. Failure to comply with all drawings and conditions shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit and appropriate enforcement action. The applicant ha~ reque,sted a variance (VE-11-726) from Rule 62-4.244(5), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), which requires that a dredge and fLll mixing zone be no more than 150 meters in radius from the point of discharge or source of pollution. The applicant has requested a mixing zone of up to 1,000 meters for the nearshore disposal of the beach quality material. The Department intends to grant this variance requ~t per Chapters 403.201 and 403.938, Florida Statutes, and, Ch. 62-103.100, F.A.C. The requirements and conditions of Variance No. VF.,-I 1,7~ m ~g with this permit and shall become requirements and conditions of the permit. Activities authorized by this permit shall not commence until the Final Order granting V~rlanee No. VE-I1-726 has been issued by the Department. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project is to.conduct activities to improve the hydrodynamics of, and thus restore and manage, the Clam Bay ecosystem by conducting the activities in association with 'and specified by the Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan (CBRMP), which is attached to and made 15an of this permit as ARachment "A'. The Permittee is authorized to implement the CBRMP as se, t forth therein. Specifuz. ally, but not by way of limitation, the Permitter is authorized to: dredge appwximately 22,000 cubic yards of material from Clam Pass and resMcted channels within the system; conduct periodic dredging of Clam Pass and the interior channels to maintain the design depths; conduct minor, small charge blasting of the restricted interior channels; replace three 24 inch diameter culverts along Seagate Drive with similar sized one-way flow to the north culverts; deposit the beach quality material on the beaches adjacent to Clam Pass and dispose of the fines on the uplands, kill and remove the nuisance exotic vegetation within the the developed uplands; formulate an Upland Water Discharge'Reduction Plan with . . FI)ET' Permit No.: 017.846~1-JC (Protously 113049919) Page 3 of 21 recommendations bared on the re,~lts of the studies; and, implement the Upland Water Disch~e Reduction Plan in accordance with its terms. PROJECT LOCATION: The project is located in the Clam Bay Natural Resource Protection Area and surrounding developments in Collier County, Sections 4, 5, g, 9, 32, & 33 of Township 49 South, Range 25 Eazt, Clara II water~, not approved for shellf~h harvesting. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. AH activities authorized by this permit shall be implemented as set forth in the plans, specifications, and attached drawings approved as a part of this permit, and ail conditions and requirements of this permit. The permittee shall notify the Department in writing of any anticipated deviation fwm the permit prior to implementation so that the Department can determine whether a modification of the permit is required. 2. If, for any reason, the permittee does not comply with any condition or limitation specified in this permit, the permittee shall immediately provide the Bureau of Beaches and Cos.emi Systems (Bureau) and the appropriate District office of the Department with a written report containing the following information: a description of and cause of noncompliance; and the period of noncompliance, including dates and times; or, if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. 3. This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any other applicable licenses or permits which may be required by federal, state, local or special district laws and regulations. This permit is not a waiver or approval of any other Department permit or authorization that may be reqttiied for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit. 4. This permit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute State recognition or acknowledgment of rifle, and does not constitute authority for the use of sovereignty land of Florida seaward of the mean high-water line, or, if established, the erosion control line, unless h/rein provided and the necessary rifle, lease, easement, or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use has been obtained from the State. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Truste~ of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund prior to commencing activity on sovereign lands or other state-owned lands. 5. Any delineation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the considered permit application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be specifically approved unless a specific condition of this permit Or a formal determination unde~o.~ · section 373.421(2), F.$., provides otherwise. FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 4 of 21 6. This permit doe~ not convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any property right, or any interest in real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the permittee. The issuance of this permit does not convey any vested fights or any exch.qive privileges. 7. This permit or a copy thereof, complete with all conditions, attachments, plans and q~ec'ifications, modifications, and time extensions shall be .kept at the work site of the permitted activity. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this permit. 8. The permittee, by accepting this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel with proper identification and at reasonable times, access to the premises where the permi~ activity is located or conducted for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the terms of the permit and with the rules of the Department and to have access to and copy any records that must be kept under conditions of the permit; to inspect the facility, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and to sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules. Reasonable time may depend on the nature of the concern being investigated. 9. At least forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of activity authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Bureau and the appropriate District office of the Department a written notice of commencement of construction indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date. 10. If historical or archaeological artifacts are discoveTed at any time on the project site, the permittee shall immediately notify the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Bureau. 11. Within 30 days after completion of construction or completion of a subsequent maintenance event authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems and the a~propriate District office of the Department a written statement of completion and certification by a ncensea professional engineer registered in the state of Horidx This certification shall state that: ail locations and elevations specified by the permit have been verified; the activities authofa, ed by the permit have been performed in compliance with the plans and specifications approved as a pan of the permit, and all conditions of the permit; or shall de,scribe any deviations from the plans and specifications, and all conditions of the permit. When the complete:! activity differs substantiany from the permitted plans, any substantial deviations daall be noted and explained on two copies of as-built drawings submitted to the Department. ::i. J8 - 1998 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) P~ge 5 of 21 SI'gCIFIC CONDFFIONS: 1. Prior to commencement of the activities authorized by this permit, the permittee shall ensure the following activities are conducted and information provided: At least 30 days prior to each construction event, the permittee shall identify a qualified biologist/wetland scientist(s) familiar with ecosystems of Florida and submit their qualificatio~ Io the Department for approval. This individual will serve as the supervising scientist tl~t oversees the biological components of this restoration project and will halt construction if he/she suspects that violations of the permit have occurred. b) At least 30 days prior to commencement of construction, the "Proposed Scope of Work" described in the Biological Monitoring section of this permit shall be submitted to the Department for approval. c) Prior to commencement of construction, the construction plans and bid documents showing the work area contemplated to be constructed shall be submitted to the Department to be verified/approved by Department staff. Excavation work authorized by this permit shall be administered in accordance with Specific Condition 1.(g) below. To the fullest extent possible, fl~e smallest, lightest mechanized equipment and smallest work areas ad~uate to conduct the activities authorized by this permit shall be used to minimize adverse impacts to natural resources and the substrate where mangrove regeneration is encouraged. d) Prior to commencement of each dredging event authorized by this permit, a pre- consl~ction conference shall be held among the contractor, the owner or authorized agent, the wetland scientist(s), the marine turtle permit holder, the USFW$, and a staff representative of the Department to establish an understanding among the parties as to the items specif'~d in the General and Specific conditions of the permit and the Monitoring requirements. At least 10 days advance notice shall be provided prior to conducting this meeting. e) The Permiuee shall submit the project specifications as required under Specific Condition 1.(g) below to BPSM for review and approval relative to the project specifications' probable impacts on marine turtles, ff the type of dredge proposed has the potential to adversely impact marine turtles as determined by BPSM staff, additional conditions to protect marine turtles may be required by the Department as pan of this permit. If blasting is pwposed, a blasting plan shall be submitted to the Bureau of Beaches and ~ ,~B~o~'~~ Coastal Systems and tl~ Bureau of Protected Species Management in Tallahas~ for ~, approval at least 30 days before u~e proposed blasting event. Additional conditions relatin~ ~o the proposed blas~g activities may be needed and added to this permit by the RU{~ - ~1 ~ FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 6 of 21 At least forty-five (45) days prior to the initial dredging event and any subsequent maintenance dredging event authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee detailed project specifications, including but not limited to plan view and cross section drawings, which detail the dredge and fill limits at the dredging and disposal sites, the method of construction,and construction schedule, and a processing fee as specified by Rule 62B-49, F.A.C. Additionally, the work area of the authorized excavation shall be clearly marked in the field by the wetland scientist(s) to allow the Department staff to verify and approve the location of the excavation. The Department may request additional information as necessary in order to review each proposed dredging event. Written approval from the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal System in Tallahassee shall be obtained before proceeding with each dredging event. Department approval for individual dredging events may be contingent upon the permittee's acceptance of additional conditions, such as turbidity and/or water quality monitoring, which may be determined to be appropriate based on data submitted to the Department in support of a dredging request or upon the results of previous d_mdging. 2. The following conditions are reqtfired to minimize impacts to marine turtles: No construction, operation, transportation or storage of equipment or materials are authorized .seaward of the dune crest during the marine turtle nesting season (May 1'~ through October 31'~ ). This includes dredging of the main pass and disposal of dredged material seaward of the dune ~ including the intertidal zone. The other activities landward of the dune cz,',..st may be conducted during the marine turtle ne.sting season p~:~vided the necessary meastnv~ are taken to protect marine turtles. ~11 material placed on the beach shall be sand that is similar to that already existing at the beach site in both coloration and grain size. All such fill material shall be free of construction debris, rocks, other foreign matter and shall not contain, on average, greater than 10 percent fmcs (i.e. silt and clay) passing a No. 200 sieve and shall not contain coarse gravel or cobbles (exclusive of shell material) retained by a No. 4 sieve. F'fll material shall not exceed a 10:.1 horizontal to vertical slope and shall be placed below MHW. If fill disposal results ia a barrier or depression in the beach profile that interferes with marine turtle nesting, the permitt~ shall be required to remove that feature upon m:luest by the Department Repoas on all nesting activity is currently provided to the Department by Collier County Department of Natural Re~tu'ce Prote~on. The Permittce shall ensure that the reports prepared by the Collier County Department of Natural Resource Protection shall in[lurerS} collection of data specific to the project area for the initial nesting season following the IrDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Pnge 7 of 21 completion of construction, and for a minimum of two additional nesting seasons, unless waived as herein provided. Monitoring during the additional seasons may be waived if the lm'mittee can demonstra~ that the fill material is no longer present in the project area, or that turtle nesting the f'trat season post-construction was not adversely affected compared to an appropriate control area. Monitoring shall include daily surveys and any additional measures for tm'fie protection authorized by the Department. Reports shall be submitted to the Departm~t in accordance with current protocols with the Collier County Department of Natural Re~ur~ Protection, but as soon as practicable after the completion of all monitoring activities, and shall include daily report sheets noting all activity, nesting success rates, hatching success of all relocated and in situ nests, and names of all personnel involved in nest surveys and relocation activities. Ail nesting surveys and nest relocations shall be conducted only by persons with prior experience and training in these activities and duly authorized to conduct such activities through a valid permit issued by the Department, Division of Marine Resources, pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 62R- 1. If heavy equipment is required to transport equipment or materials on the dry beach (above MHW), the path of the equipment will be tilled to 36' to avoid compaction impacts prior to the following nesting season. Visual surveys for escarpments or barriers along the project area shall be made immediately after completion of the project and prior to May 1 in any year that disposal of beach quality material is placed on the beaches adjacent to Clam Pass unless inspection of the disposal area indicates that the dredged material has been removed by natural processes, in which ease this permit condition shall not apply. Resttlts of the surveys shall be faxed to the Bureau of Protected Species Management, (850) 921-4369, prior to any action being taken. Escarpments that interfere with sea turtle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a distance of 100 feet shall be leveled to the natural beach contour by May 1't. The Department shall be contacted immediately if $ubsequemt reformation of escarpments that can interfere with sea turtle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in Might for a distanco of 100 feet occurs during the nesting and hatching season to de. tt~rnir~ th~ appropriate action to be taken. In each year where the escarpment survey is conducted, a summary of the survey and actions taken shall be Submitted to tim Department g) During the marine ttmle nesting and hatching season, all lighting associated with project a~ivi~ landward of the dune crest and visible from the beach shall be limited to the/mmediate area of aetiv~ construction only. Such lighting shall be shielded Iow pressare sodinm vapor lighl$ to minimi=e illllmination of the nesting beach and ne~rshore waers. Intbe evmt an unmazked marin~ agile neat or a dead, injured, or sick marlin turtle is discovered ~ ~n ~~ ~ m~ ~e ~t holder and the Bureau of Protec~ Species Managem~t shall be notified immediately such ~at appropriate FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113O49919) Page 8 of 21 conservation measures can be taken. 3. 'l'ne following conditions ar~ required to minimize impacts to manatees: The pennittee shall instruct all personnel associated with the project of the potential presew, e of manatees and the need to avoid collisions with manatees. All construction personnel are responsible for observing water-related activities for the presence of manatee(s). The perrnittee sh~l advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, The Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. c) Siltation barriers, if used, shall be made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled, ax~ prolm'ly secured, and are regularly monitored to avoid manatee entrapment. Barriers must not block manatee entry to or exit from essential habitat. d) Ail vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at "no wake/Xdle" speeds at all times while in the construction area and while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four-foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whene~ possible. If manatee/s) are seen within 100 yards of the active daily construction/dredging operation or vessel movement, all appropriate precautions st~II be implemented to ensure prote~on of the manatee. These precautions shall include the operation of all moving equipment no closer than 50 feet of a manatee. Operation of any equipment closer than 50 feet to a manatee shall necessitate immedhte shutdown of that equipment. Activities will not resume until the manatee(s) has departed the project area of its own vtlition. Any collision with md/or injury to a manatee shall be reported immediately to the Florida Marine Patrol at I-S00-DIAL FMP (1-800-342-5367). CollL-ion and/or injury should also be reported to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jacksonville (1-904-232- 2580) for noah Florida or Vero Beach (1-407-562-3909) in south Florida. Teml;orary signs concerning manatees shall be posted prior to and during all construction/dredging activities. All signs are to be removed by the permittee upon completion of the project. A sign measuring at least 3 ft. by 4 ft. which reads Caution: Manatee Area will be posted in a location prominently visible to water No. related constmcxion crews. A second sign should be posted if vessels are assoc}~ _ with the constm~on, and should be phced visible to the vessel operator. The second FDEP Permit No.: 012846.3=001-JC ~t~ 11~049919) Page 9 of 21 sign should be at least 8 1/2" by I I" which reads Caution: Manatee Habitat. Idle speed is required if operating a vessel in the construction area. All equiprntnt must be shutdown ifa manatee comes within 50feet of operation. Any collision with and/or injury to a manatee shall be reported invnediately to the Florida Marine Patrol at 1-800-DIAL FMP (I.800-342-5367). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service should also be contacted in Jacksonville (1-904- 232-2580)for north Florida or in Veto Beach (l-407-562-$909) for south Florida. h) Permanent manatee istformational signs, such as those shown in the enclosed example sheets, shall be installed and maintained at the canoe boat ramp at the southern end of Outer Clam Bay following completion of the initial dredging event. 4. Pursuant to the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (DOS-DHR) regulations, no heavy equipment, land clearing, or ground disturbing activities shall be allowed at sites $CR476, gCR547, and gCR576, unless subjected to prior testing by a qualified archaeologist and approved by the DOS-DHR. See the attached permit drawings for the locations of these historically significant areas to be avoided. 5. The Clam Bay ecosystem contains waterways that are difficult to navigate due to shallow water depths and meandering channels lined with protruding mangrove branches and roots. To protect the significant natm'al resources and water quality of the Clam Bay ecosystem, and to provide protection to the public safct~ (boaters utilizing these waters), there shall be an idle speed/no wak~ restriction on motorized vesseh used in thc system (as stipulated in County Ordinance No. 96-16). The existing restrictions placed upon boating activities within the Clam Bay system by County Ordinance No. 96-16 shall remain active and enforceable for the life of this permit. Additionally, two Florida Marine Patrol approved signs that state, "Idle Speed- No Wake" and "Caution- Shallow Water and Natural Resources Present- T'flt Motor Up To Prevent Prop Dredge- Damage to Natural Resources Subject to Fines, Pursuant to Ch. 370, F.S.' shall be placed at the following locations following completion of the initial dredging event: l) ~ within fig glltrallce of Clam Pass facing boaters entering the bays; 2) One at the entrance to Outer Clam. Bay facing north and easi/y legible to boaters entering Outer Clam Bay;, 3) One at the entrance to Inner Clam Bay facing south and easily legible to boaters entering Inner Clam Bay; 4) One at the entrance to Upper Clam Bay facing south and easily legible to boaters entering Upper Clam Bay; and, to 5)boatersOne withinleavingthe upperseagate.reaches of Outer Clam Bay facing southeast and easily legibl~o.~sa~nt~ I~ 6. To pwtect the submerged natural resources (seagrasses and oyster beds) adjacent to th~ ~[JO - t~ ~58 channels to be dredged, weighted tm'bidity screens that extend to the bottom of the waterbodyp~_~. FI)El' Permit No.: 0128463-001.JC 0'reviously 113049919) Page 10 of 21 sl~ll be installed between the natural resource and the dredge to effectively isolate the natural resource from the active d~dge and prevent adverse impacts to the natural resource via suspended panicle settlement. The turbidity screens will only need to be phced on the down ctm~nt side between tl~ natural resource and the dredge to assist the contractor in identifying the si~ificant natural resource areas and to protect the natural resources from thc dredge and temporarily elevated turbidity levels. ?. A minimal am0unt of trimming and removal of mangroves will be needed to conduct the auth~ activities in the mmller interior channels. These activities are to be supervised by the Deparlment approved wetl~ds $cienth! described in Specific Condition 1 above. To ensure that the biological health and productivity of the mangroves are not adversely impacted to a siL~mificant extent, the following mangrove trimming procedures must be followed, pursuant to Sections 403.9321-403.9333, Florida Statutes. Only once-per-year trimming of the mangroves needed to conduct the activities authorized by tl~ permit, and to maintain the canoe trails is allowed; no trimming of mangroves to create or enhance views within this ecosystem is allowed. Prior to trimming or removing any mangroves, the species of the trees must be identified and tagged by a qualified biolo/ht, wetland scientist(s), or botanist and verified by staff from the Departm~l's South District Office in Ft. Myers, or the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallaha,~ee. All trimmed mangrove parts greater than one inch in diameter shall be removed and composted on the uplands to prevent further restriction of tidal flow within the interior channels: hive M~nzr. ove Trimmin~ Procedu~ a. Maxinmm Dlan~ter. No white mangrove tree with a single trunk diameter greater than twelve inches dbh (diameter at breast height= the diameter of the tree at 4.5 feet above the $ubstrate) may be top trimmed. No black mangrove tree with a single trunk diameter greater than eight inches dbh may be top trimmed. No red mangrove tree with a single tnmk diameter greater than one inch may be top trimmed. b. Top Trtmm/ng. White and black mangrove trees within the specified trunk diameters may be trimmed to a height of four feet above substrate. The limit of top trimming for red man/roves within the specified trunk diameters is 6 linear feet above the substrate. Top trimming shall not occur from May 1 through September 30. No more than half of the canopy of the tree shall be trimmed. 1'4o white and black mangrove trees le-_~ than 4 linear feet in height shall be trimmed. No red mangroves less than 6 linear feet in height shall be trimmed. c. Removal of Lateral Branches- For white and black mangrove tree~, lateral branches originating between four and fifteen feet above the substrata may be removed from a trunk of any dbh. For red mangrove.,;, up to f'dty percent of the lateral branches originating between six and fifteen feet above the substrate may be removed. .~t.~/~ multiple trunk trees, the trunk having the greatest dbh is designated as the pfi~llar{~d trunk; om are designated aa lateral branches. ,-,,,-, ' ii FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Pr~vkmsly 113049919) Pag~ 11 of 21 do General Prohibitions- 1) No herbicides or chemicals may be used to alter mangroves. 2) No burning may be u.~d to alter mangroves. 3) No deliberate damage to pwp roots, pneumatophores, and regular root~. 4) No cutting of any mangrove that serves as breed/ng, nesting, or roosting area for colonial water birch; or is used by endangered species, threatened species, an~i species of special concern for breeding, or which is routinely used, by endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern, as listed in Rule 19-2'], F.A.C., and 50 CFR 1'].11-12; or conta/ns a nest or nests of protected solitary nesting birds as del'reed in Rule 39-12.002 or 39-27.002, F.A.C., except where a permit has been iksued by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, or, where appropriate, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to remove the nest or nests. Dead Man~'0v~ Trtmmin~ 9r Remgval Procedures a. Due to the large numbers of dead mangroves within certain areas of this ecosystem, up to 50% of the dead trees may be removed within the areas of massive die-offs to facilitate recolonizafion by mangroves. b. For public safety, all dead mangroves within 20 feet of the existing paved roads may be removed. c. Prior to removing any dead mangwves, the u'ees shall be inspected and tagged for removal by the approved wetland scientist(s). Prior to their removal, the.se tagged u'ees shall be approved for removal by staff from the Department's South District Office in Ft. Myers, or from the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee. The larger, sturdier dead trees suitable fcr roosting and nesting shall remain. d. Dead mangroves approved for removal shall be removed at the substrate level with care not to damage or disturb surrounding, living vegetation. e. The removed dead trees s-hall be eomposted or disposed on the uplands to prevent funhe~ reslfictions of tidal flow x~v~thin the interior channels. 8. As part of the restoration and long-term management of this ecosystem, activities shall be conducted to remove the nuisance exotic vegetation (including Australian pine and Brazilian pepper) within the ~am Bay Natural Resource Protection Area. These activities shall be conducted with the goal in mind to remove all nuisance exotic vegetation from the area with the actual percentage of nuisance exotic vegetation not exceeding 1% of the total vegetated area. When removing the nuisance exotic vegetation, care shall be taken to not harm the surrounding native vegetation. Mechanical removal should remove as much of the roots of the exotic as possible followed by hand removal, or chemical treatment of any suckers. If chemical treatm, is used, only environmentally safe chemicals, such as garlon and roundup, shall be used with special care taken to not spill/spray any in or on the water or native vegetation. FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 12 of 21 9. Within seven days of completion of the authorized activities (including the mangrove alterations, interior channel excavations, and removal of nuisance exotic vegetation) throughout the Clam Bay ecosystem, the contracted crews shall retum to each work area and remove the lrimmed branches and uees (dead uees approved for removal) greater than 1 inch in diameter to' appro~a~e upland locations. The crews shall also regrade any spoil pile or berm that may have been crea~ as pan o,f the excavation work, such that there is no impediment to sheet flow and no crea~l uphnds as a result of the project 10. Small dm-ge explosives may be used to restore tidal flow in the interior channels where the use of mechanized and hand-held equipment is not feasible. The areas designated for the use of explosives shall be marked by the wetland scientist(s) and these marked areas shall be approved by Depar~nent staff prior to the use of the explosives. The explosives shall be carefully placed ~md detonamt only in areas where their use will have minimal adverse impacts to significant nalural resomx:es. A Florida licensed explosives expert shall install and detonate all explosives associa~ with the project. 11. To develop a data set to understand the impact of freshwater discharge into the Clam Bay ecosystem from the developed uplands, the permittee shall submit detailed plans for the following prhnary studies within 120 days following permit issuance to the Department for approval. These studies are designed to identify existing water sources and water needs, and l:~'opese feasible methods to meet these water needs while concurrently reducing water discharges into the Clam Bay ecosystem (see the Clam Bay Restoration and Manageme. nt Plan for ~ deiai~ and specifics of each study): Studv 1- · Smdv 2- Smdv 3- Studv 4- Studv 5- Ve_~etation Analysis/Irrilation Reouirements; Retarding Uvland Water Flows i~to Clam Bay; Reducing Flow from Perimeter Berm Area to Clam Bay; Orotultlwi~ter Howl;; Utilization of Stormwater M~agement Lakes a~ $gurqe. for Irrigation; and, any additional studies that may be needed io generate the information required to fully unders~d the impact of freshwater discharge into the Clam Bay ecosystem from the developed uplands. The s~udy plans shall include detailed descrip~ons and maps, activities to be conducted, methods, and qualified personnel involved for each study. The permittee shall begin implementation of the Department approved studies within 150 days following permit issuance. 12. The permittee shall conduct the studies required by Specific Condition No. 11 for up to three years following permit issuance. However, if the data generated from the studies suggest that additional data gathering will not materially aid the permittee and the Department in understanding the impact of freshwater discharge into the Clam Bay ecosystem, the permittea..;Eso~,t~A may request the Department for authorization to terminate one or more of the studies and prc~~t, to the analysis and recommendation phase as described in the CBRMP and this condition. A~jG FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 13 of 21 Following this study period, the permittee shall analyze the data gathered, formulate recommendations based on the data, and to the extent suggested by the data: desi~tm a plan to reduce water discharges into the Clam Bay ecosystem from the developed uplands ("Upland Water Discharge Reduction Plan" or U'WDRP). If a UWDRP is required as a result of an analysis of the data by the permittee and the Department, then the permittee will submit to the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems in Tallahassee and the Department's South District Office, in Ft. Myers the I..rWDRP for approval. Once the UWDRP is approved by the Department, the permittee shall implement the UWDRP as provided for therein, but in no event later than five years following permit issuance unless a modification or waiver of that time frame is agreed to by the permittee and the Department. The implemented activities to reduce upland discharge of water shall be monitored in accordance with the terms of the LrvVDRP following completion of their implementation. It is anticipated that all activities described here and in Section 4.5.4 of the CBRMP will be completed within the ten (10) year permit term, but nothing will preclude the Department with the consent of the permittee, from extending the time for implementation of any portion of the UWDRP if the interest of the ecology of the system would be improved by doing so. The permittee will, as suggested in the CBRMP, implement in connection with this permit a program of community involvement to help ensure the maximum amount of community participation possible should the studies described in the CBRMP, and required here, suggest the need for one or more LFNDRPs. In this context, the Department recognizes that the decision to require one or more LFWDRPs will be dependent on the outcome of the studies described in the CBRMP and required here. The following time-table summarizes the anticipated schedule for the activities associated with the studies required above: ACTIVI~ Submit detailed plans of each primary study to the Department for approval. Begin implementation of the approved primary studies. Conduct the primary studies and gather data. Develop as required by the data one or more "Upland Water Discharge Reduction Plan" based upon resulLs/ recommendations of primary studies and submit to Department for approval. SCI-~.D~E within 120 days from permit issuance (anticipated to be October 22, 1998). within 180 days from permit issuance (anticipated to be December 22, 1998). For up to 3 years following permit issuance (anticipated to be July 22, 2001). UWDRPs shall be submitted by April 22, j 2003, to the FDEP and will be implemented ll0o - FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Pr~vlomly 113049919) Page 14 of 21 Implementation and monitoring of the "Upland Water Discharge Reduction Pla/l". Submission of monitoring report for the "Upland Water Discharge Reduction Plan" that includes any noted modifications or corrective actions To be completed within the permit term. To be submitted in accordance with the term of the UWDRPs. 13. 'rbe penni~ shall condua the studies, gather the information, and submit the reports ~/pulated ia ~he "Moniwring Required" section of this permit. If the monitoring reveals adverse impac~ ~ve ocamed ~ a result of conducting the authorized activities, the permittee shall cooperate with the Department to develop and implement such remedhYcontigency plans as may be desirable to effectuate the purposes of this permit. The Permittee shah not be liable for damages or costs resulting from adverse impacts to the ecosystem unless those ~.dverse impacts are a direct and proximate result of the intentional or negligent act(s) of the Permittee in the implementation of the activities authorized by the permit. MONITORING REQUIRED: 1. Water (bmlity Monitoring Thrbidity monitoring during dredging and discharge, and as nece.~ary prior to the removal of turbidity control devices. A. Dredge Site ~: Twice daily, at least four hours apart, beginning at least two hours after dredging begins and continuing during the dredging activities. Location: i~: At least 200 meters upstream of the project site outside of any visible tufoidity plume, at mid-depth. .C.,.~llll~Ji~g~: Downstream of the turbidity curtains which separate the dredge from the t~,n_~al re~m~e~ on the re~o~ side of the curtains. When the natural re. sotuce~ m'e more than 150 meters downcurrent of the dredge, the complia~ zone ~ be no more than 150 meters downcurrent of the dredge within densest portion of any visible turbidity plume, at mid-depth. FI)ET Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 1t304~) Page 1~ of 21 B. Disposal Sites R~lnenc~ Twice daily, at least four hours apart, beginning at least two hours after dredging begins and continuing during the dredging activities. ~.~illl~: At least 200 meters upstr~u~ of the project site (in the nearshore zone of the Gulf of Mexico) outside of any visible turbidity plume, at mid-depth. ~: At no more than 1,000 meters downstream of the discharge point in the interfia__.l_ zone (between the mean high and mean low water lines) and 61 meters (200 feet) offshore (from the mean low water line), within the densest portion of any visible turbidity plume, at mid-depth. Ail monitoring data shall be submitted within one week of analysis with documents containing the following information: (1) permit number, (2) dates of sampling and analysis; (3) a statement describing the methods used in collection, handling, storage and analysis of the samples; (4) a map ~dicating the sampling locations; and (5) a statement by the individual responsible for implementation of the sampling program concerning the authenticity, precision, limits of detection and ar. curacy of the data. Monitoring reports shall also include the following information for each sample that is taken: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) time of day samples taken; tidal stage and direction of flow depth of water body; depth of sample; and antecedent weather conditions. 'I'tg compliance locations given above shall be considered the limits of the temporary mixing zone for turbidity allowed during consu'ucfion. If monitoring reveals turbidity levels at the ~omplianc~ sites greater ~han 29 NTUs above background turbidity levels at the corresponding badground sites, construct/on activities shall cease Immediately and not rtsunm until corrective measures have been taken and turbidity has returned to acceptable levds. Any such occurrence shall also be immediately reported to the Department's office in Ft. Myers. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the Department's office in Tallaha~,ee and to the South manner constitutes District Offsce in Ft. Myers. Failure to submit reports in a timely grounds revocation of the permit. When submitting this information to the Department, please clearly~. include, at the top of each page or as a cover page to the submittal: "This information FDEPPermit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) Page 16 of 21 provided in partial fulfillment of the monitoring requirements in Permit No. 012846~-001- JC (Previously 113049919)." Hydrographic Monitoring To generate the data needed to adequately assess the potential impacts of opening up the restricted channels o[ th, int~connect,d waterways as auth6rized by this permit, the hydrographic monitoring program shall include the following: Topographic surveys of Clam Pass and surrounding 500 feet zone. The surveys shall be conducted immediately prior to and following completion of the authorized excavation. Additional surveys of Clam Pass shall be required as often as the permittee seeks to conduct maintenance excavation within Clam Pass or the main channel excavated pursuant to this permit and identified in the CBRMP as Cuts 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D. In such circumstances, the survey produced shall meet the standards set forth in paragraph "B" below. b. Within seven (7) days of completion of the authorized excavation of the interior channels, and thereafter as frequently as may be required for the duration of the permit, the enhanced interior channels shall be surveyed at a minimum of 100 feet cross-sections to ensure that the desired elevations have been attained. It is anticipated that these surveys will be ini0~r__,Nl as and ~ it appears to the Permittee and its wetland scientist(s) that maintenance excavation of these channels may be required to maintain the integrity of the system. A copy of the survey, certified by a registered land surveyor, shall be submitted to the Department as a part of a request for authority to conduct maintenance excavation pursuant to Specific Condition 1.(g) above, or if the survey reveals no present need for additional excavation, it will nonetheless be submitted to the Department as additional data within thirty (30) days of completion of the excavation. Any survey submitted pursuant to this section shall contain a note, based upon the surveyor's examination of the excavated area which indicates whether the surveyed cross-sections reasonably reflect the site conditions for the entire area excavated. The pcxminee shall submit an engineering report and survey maps summarizing the monitoring data and project performance to the Bureau within 90 days of completion of each survey. The Rt>ort shall include an analysis of the sediment characteristics of Clam Pass and any changes observed in the pass, identify erosion and accretion patterns along the pass and adjacent beaches, and identify any adverse impacts which would be attributable to the activities authorized by this permit. If survey data of the pass is submitted it should be submitted on 3.5-inch high density floppy disk in an ASCII format and the data shall be arranged according to the FDEP/DBS specifications so as to in~~ all of the information required by the FDEP/DBS specifications. AUO - FDEPPermit No.: OI284&I-OO1.JC (i~evlously 113O49919) Page 17 of 21 d. Monitoring stations shall be established at representative sites (as shown on the permit drawings as reflected in the CBRMP) throughout Upper, Inner, and Outer Clam Bay.to record the following hydrological parameters: 1) time of day samples taken; 2) water temperature ('C and 'F); 3) depth of ~vater body;, 4) depth of sample; 5) antecedent weather conditions; 6) water quality, including salinity, silicates, nitrites, total organic carbon, chlorophyll, phaeophyfin, pH, conductivity, dis.solved oxygen, total phosphorus, nitrate, nitrate ammonia, Wtal kjeldahl nitrogen, and total dissolved solids; 7) sedimentation levels; 8) rsinfall; 9) tidal stage ami direction of flow; 10) other influential flows, such as groundwater and stormwater flows; I I) wind direction and velocity; and, 12) identification of the sample location which corresponds to the number shown on sampling location maps. These analyses shall be made immediately prior to and following construction, and monthly thereafter, with the exception of the water quality analysis (number 6 above), which may be conducted on a quarterly basis. Staff gages shall be installed at these stations in orde~ to measure the relative tide range at each station, in order to measure the effect of the dredging on the tidal range, one station should be located adjacent to or within the degraded mangrove area. This station should be equipped with a ti.,:'.e gage capable of eontinnous readings of tide stage. The monitoring required by this section (e.) will provide valuable data concerning the effects the restoration project is expected to have on the hydrology of the Clam Bay ecosystem. This information is crucial for future management decisions for this important natural resource, therefore, this monitoring shall continue for the life of the permit. The data collected from this monitoring shall be listed, analyzed, and submitted to the Department in annual Hydrographic Monitoring Reports. 3. Biological MoniMrlng As required in Specific Condition l.b), at least 30 days prior to commencement of construction, the permittee shall provide a"Proposed Scope of Work (PSOW)' from the Department approved w,~dand scientist(s), or from another qualified environmental organization with experience conducting resesrch on Florida's ecosystems. The PSOW will include a list of scientifically,.._. ~ accepted methods that ~ be conducted, and when, and by whom, to adequately assess the Bay ecosystem (with a primax~ focus on the mangrove and seagrass communities) before ~.d_ . _ after the activities authorized by this permit are conducted. The PSOW shall include the AU~ _~ FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Previously 113049919) PaLe 18 of 21 following information plus any additional information or scientific methods deemed appropriate by the contracted scientists: a. Flight-dated aerial photography of the Clam Bay ecosystem before and after the activities authorized by this permit are conducted. The aerials shall be taken during July of each year and submitted to the Department annually for the duration of the permit The aerials must be colol', vertical aerial photographs, controlled and rectified at a scale appropriate for post-production digitilization and a scale sufficient to delineate differing habitat zones and dominant ~ within each zone. The flight line shall include all of the Clam Bay Natural Re.~urce Protection Area and the nearshore zone to at least 400 feet offshore (from the mean high water line). b. As concurrently as possible with taking the aerial photographs, ground-truthing activities shall be conducted in areas of special concern within the Clam Bay ecosystem, including areas of widespread dead and dying mangroves, Inner, Upper, and Outer Clam Bays, the areas receiving water discharges from the uplands, and areas contiguous with the main pass. The ground-truthing activities shall include the use of the latest accepted scientific methods to rarvey the types of habitats of concern within the Clam Baj ecosystem, including mangrove and seagrass dominated habitats. These surveys shall include a listing of species present, percent coverages by species, size ranges and averages, and overall health/biological trends for each fixed quadrat, transect, or plot studied.. These surveys and any ~ated drawings/mapping shall be conducted prior to conducting the dredging activities and once each year (in July) thereafter for the life of the permit. c. Annual biological monitoring reports (BMRs) shall be submitted beginning one year following permit i~uance. The fu-st annual BMR shall contain the time-zero conditions of the Clam Bay ecosystem existing prior to commencement of the ~rmitted activities and a progreu report of the activities conducted since permit issuance. Thereafter, each BMR shall contain a progress report of the activities completed since the previous BMR and all the data collected pursuant to a. and b. above. Each BMR. shall include graphical representation and overlays of the collected data on computer generated drawings of the aerials, and ground-level color panoramic photos of each study area at fixed stations. The annual BMRs shall also contain an analysis of the collected data and make conclusions and recommendations concerning the impacts the permitted activities have had on the Clam Bay ecosystem based on the analysis of the data collected, including the biological moaitoring data, the hyclroga'aphic monitoring data, and the water quality monitoring data. MONITORING SUMMARY: Turbidity monitoring during construction; hydrographic/water quality monitoring of Clam Pass, the interior waterbod~ the adjacent beaches, and the Seagate culverts; biological monito..s!~oL mocimd with marine tame and manatee protection; and, long-term biological monitoringS/ the Clam Bay ecosystt~ via fixed vegetative and benthic surveys. ~Ul) - ~, FDEP Permit No.: 0128463.001.JC (Previously 113049919) Page 19 of 21 COMPLIANCE TRACKING SUMMARY: .. - Commencement of Activity Notice- Due at least 48 hours prior to commencement of activity, per General Condition 9. - Project Completion and Certification - Due within 30 days following subsequent dredging events from a Florida registered engineer, per General Condition 11. , - Preconstructlon Conference.. At least 10 days prior to commencement of activity, per Specific Condition l.d). - Msrine Turtle Monitoring Reports- Reports due annually that include compaction measurements, escarpment survey results, and daily survey results, per Specific Condition 2. ..- Written Dredging Requests- At least 45 days prior to each event per Specifi; Condition l.g). - Mangrove Tagging Verification by Department Staff- Must be done prior to trimming or removing any mangroves, per Specific Condition 7. - Study Plans- Due within 120 days following permit issuance, per Specific Condition 11. - Upland Water Discharge Reduction Plan- Due within 3 years following permit issuance, per Specific Condition 12. - Turbidity Monitoring Reports- To be conducted twice daily during construction and submitted weekly, per Monitoring Required section. - Water Qusllty Monitoring Reports- Due annually, per Monitoring Required section. . - llydrographle Monitoring Reports- Due annually, per Monitoring Required section. . - Biological Monitoring Reports- Due annually, per Monitoring Required section. AGENCY COM1VIENTS: Florida De_vartment of Community Affai ~rs- May 23, 1997- No objections. Florida De_vartment of S~t_e- Division of Historical Resources- June 23, 1997- Provided specific conditions to protect po~entially historic sites 8CR476, 8CR547, and gCR576. City of N~le4- July 8, 1997- Supports the project. PARTIF~ REQ~G NOTICE: Mant, mve Action Grotto_. Inc. Save the Ba,~s Association. The Conservancy of Southwest Florid~ FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001.JC (Previously 113049919) Page 20 of 21 Executed in Tallahassee, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEL~ON Deputy Secretary furnished to: Bob Brantly, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Ion Iglehart, DEP- South District Office- Ft. Myers Kalani Cairns, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service George Percy, Fl. DepL of State Keri Akers, FI. Dept. of Community Affairs Andre. as Mager, U.S. Dept. of Commerce Susan Gray, SFWMD Stacey Cowley, DEP, Office of General Counsel Estus Whitfleld, Governor's Office of Environmental Affairs C~ip Clough, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mac Hatcher, Collier County Government Collier County- Pelican Bay Services Division David C. mggenheim, The Conservancy of SW Florida Dan Spina, Save the Bays, Association Kay Potter, Mangrove Action Group, Inc. Hilburn Hillestad, Environmental Consultant- Arvida Dorothea Zysko, Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. Katen Moody, DEP- Bateau of Protected Species Management $ohn lliff, National Marine Fisheries Service Eric Staau, Naples Daily News John Mac'kie, Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. Pertnit Information Center AUO - 6 FDEP Permit No.: 0128463-001-JC (Prevlom~y tL~49919) Page 21 of 21 FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to Section 120.52, Horida Statutes, with the  artment Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. · Clerk Date Rec~m__mended and written ~' pages alzacbed. Department of' Environmental' Protection 3900 Com~ Boulev-~l T~ Florida 32399.3000 V~rgini~ IL Wetherell Secreta~ $ui¥ 6, 1998 ~'olm O. Mac'Kie, ~I Becket & 3003 T,,,,~ TraiINorth Ste. 210 Napte~ P. odda ~41o3 Re: OGC Case No. 98-1923 and Permit NOs. 0128463-001-3C & VE-II-?26 EacJosed please ~ three originals ofthe stipulation with attached consent order for your review and slgnaixu-e. Please sign the orlghud stipulations and forward to Mi'. Ted Brown for his ~i8;natm~ By copy oftl~ lett~ l'm requesting that Mr. Brown'retum to me az soon az pom'bl¢ one :funy execaled odgiml stip,_,!_~_'_on and attached consent order. The other originals are for your files. It is my und~ fi'om Mr. Rich Bray that the permits ~ be signed and issued todd. ~ feel fi'ce to contact me ~ any questions at (850) 921-9639. Tha~ you for your atte~on to this matter; , Sincerely, Senior ~ C~eneral Coun~ Fl~:c~ co:. Rich Bray, DEP : Conserve ond Manage Florida's Err~ronment and N .azural Resources" AU8 - ~ BS8 ~,,~.. STATE OF 17LO~A O1~ ENVIRONMENTAL REMINGTON ATBAY COLONY COI~OMmXUM,~SSOC, INC., COXJ2ER COUIqI~ (l'elican Bsy Services Division), aud In_,OliZDA DEt'AR~ OF ~,t~ vltcONM~2qT. AL lrRO~ON, ltespondmts. OC, C CASE NO. 9~-~925 ST]I'XH~T~ON. Petitioner ~~0~ AT BAY COLO~ CO]qDO~ ASSOC., INC., and Eespo~ ~ COUNTY - Pelican Bay Services Div~on ~ FLORA DEPARTMENT OF ]~VIROHMt~TAL FROTECTION (Department) styulate as follows: 1. The part~ have n~reed to settle the above captioned matter based on ~ consent &d~' attached ~ as P. zdu'bk A and Permit Nos. 0128463-001-JC and VE-11-726 issued to 2. Petition. w hereby voluntarily ~l~lraws its petition for adm~tivc hearing filed with ttm Deparmm~ ~m Rme 22, I~S. 3. F..ach party shall b~ tesponsa~le for its own costs and attorney*s fees and waives any right tl~ it may have agahist any other party for costs and attcrmey's tees associated wkh tl~ 9.190 of th~ l:lorida Rules ~' Appetl~ ~ By exea~S th~ ~pulafion, each wa~'= ~ ~8ht to ~uch ~ spp~ ~md to ~ny further notice oft~ risht~ ~ohn CD. Mac'Kie, IE At~omey for Pefilioner BECKER & P~, PA. ~oo~ T,m~n~i Tm~orth, St~ 2~0 Sen~or ~ General Counsel STATE OF FLOR]DA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 3900 Commonwealth Bouleva~'d T_~U~_~?,ee, FL 32399-3000 lVlail Station 35 (SS0) 4SS-~7~0 DaI~: 2 AU8 - ~1 lg~ ,, BEFORE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOUTH DISTRICT In I~e Matter of an Application for Joim Coastal Permit/Water Quality Certification, Request for V~iance ~ A~on to Use Collier County - DW DEP File No. 0128463-001-JC Sub lands by:. Colher County-Pelican Bay Services Divisi do Ted Brown, Escluim Akennan, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A. .255 South ,C~.. ge Avenue Odando, Florida 32801 CONSENT ORDER WH~t Petitioner, The Remington at Bay Colony Condominium Association, Inc., a Florj'da not-for-profit corporation has flied a Petition for Administrative Hearing pursuant to 120.57 F.S. seekin8 a review of the Consolidated Notice of Intent to Issue Joint Coastal Permit, Consent to Use Sovereign Submerged Lands, and Variance; and WHERE. AS, Applicant/Permit Holder, the Collier County Pelican Bay Services Division and Petitioner have reached a settlement with regard to the matters raised in the referenced Petition; and WHEREAS, Respondent, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has reviewed the terms and conditions of the proposed settlement and finds the same to be in the public interest and consistent with the intent of the Permit No. 0128~63-001-JC (piteously 11304gglSI) & VE-11-726. A~EROA ~ AU6 - lgg8 NOW THEREFORF, wilbur admission of the allegatic~ of the Petition, and before the talcing of any testimony and without adjudication of any issues of fact or law, and upon the consent of the parties hereto, it is hereby ORDERED AND DECREED as follows: 1. That portion of the Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan (Attachment tothe referenced Permit) designated as Section shall be stricken in its entirety a~d in its place shall beo~ed the following: 'The' Permit Holder shall assume the benefit and burden o'f the permits previously Issued by both the US Army Corps of Engineers under Permit No. 199602789(LP-CC) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) under Permit No. CO-578. Both Permits allowed the installation and operation of two portable hydraulic dewatering pumps and associated piping to facilitate the draining of the Clam Bay mangrove estuary in the event that excess stormwater did not drain sufficiently by natural measures and the prolonged presence of excess water within the estuary might contribute to additional stress or dieoff of mangroves within the same. The Corps Permit is active on this date. The FDEP Permit has expired, but upon issuance of this Permit will be deemed reinstated consistent with the terms and conditions of the Management Plan. It is the intent of the Management Plan to authorize the Permit Holder to utilize both permits as a contingency response in those circumstances where the agencies, in concurrence with the Permit Holder, conclude that existing water elevations within the mangrove estuary are sufficiently high, and the natural systems for timely discharge and tidal exchange sufficiently impaired, that extraordinary measures are required to assist in draining the estuary, While it is anticipated that the need for this contingency will be minimal, it is necessary to have this,protocol available as one of the tools to use to help insure the system can be drained in appropriate circumstances is important to the integrity of th~ Plan. Pursuant to the previously approved Permits referenced above, the Permit Holder has installed two pipes and located two pads for placement of the required pumps. In order to improve the operational flexibility of the contingency system provide for here, the Permit Holder will, within ten days following turtle nesting season (i.e. by November 10, 1998), remove 'the existing pipes. In the event that circumstances require the Permit Holc~er to use the contingency provided for here, the Permit Holder will utilize flexible discharge pipe that can be rolled up, relocated and removed from the beach area upon completion of the drainage effort. The Permit Holder will be entitled to pump, consistent with the requirements and limitations, as provided for in the referenced Permits, the terms and conditions of which are incorporated here by t99 reference. Further, the pumps required to conduct the dewatering operation contemplated here shall be located with the advice and consent of the agencies for each dewatering event giving appropriate consideration to (1) the ecological needs of the system, (2) the costs of temporary installation and maintenance during operation (3) the probable duration of the pumping and (4) the impact on the humao environment by way of noise and proximity to housing. Every effort will be made to minimize adverse Impacts on both the ecology of Clam Bay ~r~d the human environment adjacent to the estuary, consistent with accomplishing the fundamental purpose of draining excess water from the 2. Each of the undersigned representative of a party to this Consent Order certifies that he or she is fully authorized to enter into the terms and conditions of this Consent Order and to execute and legally bind such party to this document. i BECKER & POLIAKOFF, P.A. Attorneys for Petitioner 3003 Tamiami Trail North, Ste. 210 Naples, Florida 34103 (941)261-9555 FlOrida Bar No. 0.549568 AKERMAN, SENTERFITT & EIDSON, P.A. Attomeys for Collier County, Pelican Bay Services Division; Permit Holder 255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1700 Odando, Florida 32801 (407)843-78 F~) Florida Bar No. 0110484 oo DONE AND OilJ:)EI~D this STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION day of July, 1998. Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Buildins 230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 323993060 Rled with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this day of July, 1998. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE TERMS ,4.ND CONDITIONS OF TKE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SECTION 404 PERMIT NO. 199602789(IP-CC) AND THE FLOR/DA DEPARTME.WT OF EN'VIRON~'MENTAL PROTECTION CONSOLIDATED JOINT COASTAL PERMIT, SOV~REIGN SUBMERGED LANDS AUTHORIZATION AND VARIANC~ NO. 012gg~001~IC, A COMPREHENSIVE MANAG£MI:NT PLAN FOR THE RESTORATION AND ONGOING MA.NAGEMEN'I' OF THE CLAM BAY SYSTEM AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTOR OF PELICAN BAY S~RVIC~ TO SIGN TIlE PERMITS ON BEHALF OF COLLIER COUNTY BE IT RF..~LVED, the Bosrd of County Cornmi~sioners of Collier County, Flodd~ oo August 4. 1998. has upon motion m~de, seconded ~d passed determined to appK~ and acr. ept the terrm and conditions of the following Perm~ and ~-raen~ and to ratify and afl'rrm the entry of the Cortse~ Order (DEP File No. 0125463-001-JC) dated · e 6* day ofluly. 199~. to.wit: I. U.S. ACOE Section 404 Permit No. 199602789(IP-CC). FDEP Con~lidated Joir~t Coas~ Permit. .~r~ereign Submerged Laad~ Authot"~ and Variance No. 012~463-001..IC, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the instraments ref~e,~ed above are to be attw. hed and made a pm of this Rexolution and Om the Director of the Pelican Bay Services Division is I~eby authorized and directed to s~ek such further authorization as may be required to effectuate the purpo~ tnd intent of the above Perrnit~ and Easements and to implemeta and abide by the t~nu and conditio~ oftbe Con~t Or~. ~ R~olution will become effective immediately upon its passage. day of August, 1998. after motion. ~'cond DATEI~. ATTEST: D~qOHT F_ BROCK., CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE. RS COLLIER CO~, FLORIDA Approved as to form and ~e~i vaff'~iency: BY: BARBARA B. BEP,.RY, CHAIRMAN AUG O , EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD COUNTY BID NO. 9g-2830 TO ZEP CONSTRUCTION, CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD STRUCTURE AT JUNCTION IMMOKALEE ROAD. INC. FOR BRIDGE ~.~: To award a construction contract to Zap Construction, Inc. as thc lowest and most responsive bidder for ali work scope under Bid No. 98-2830 for the Airport-Pulling Road bridge project. An approval is required from the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of Collier County, and Ex-Officio as the governing body of the Collier County Water-Sewer District. CONSIDERATIONS: In accord with the Board directive of Iune 24, 1997[Agenda Item No. 16(B)I], contract design services for the new Airport-Pulling Road br;dge strncture were recently completed by Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc.. Environmental and operational permitting activities for the bridge structure and utility relocation work are being finalized without major technical issues. The project entered bid stage activities on Sune 14, 1998, and thc procurement processes were fully administered in accordance with Collier County purchasing policies. On the bid closing date of July 15, 1998, staff' received three (3) sealed bids as tabulated below by work scope categories. WORK SCOPE CATEGORY ( i )Highway (2)Bridge (3)Signing/Markings (4}Signalization (5}Highway Lighting (6)County Water Main (7}County Sewer Main TOTAL BID AMTS. LOW BID Zeu Const.lnc. SECOND LOW Better Roads. Inc, THIRD LOW Saltsman Const.lq~t 425,129.47 $ 420,110.85 $ 400,200.70 557,230.90 $ 617,508.75 $ 683,698.g0 15,108.51 $ 11,632.55 $ 14,611.55 48,523.50 $ 53,950.75 $ 48,129.25 14,980.55 $ 16,780.20 $ 14,730.80 171,797.50 $ 178,655.30 $ 147,490.00 28,261.00 $ 29,442.00 $ 24,190.00 S! .328~080.40 Sl.291,031,43 $1,333~051:I0 (Probable construction cost estimate by consultant with a 10% co:~tingency is 21,256,025.32) Each of the three (3) bid proposals contained minor arithmetic errors which have been corrected, and are reflected in the above tabulation of bids. The corrected bid amounts do not change the standing/ranking of contractor bid proposals. Executive Summary Airport-Pulling Rd. Bridle Pale Two An evaluation of bids was performed by the consultant and also by staff. The results under Bid No. 95-2[30 reflect a reasonably competitive pricinl structure for all work scope categories. The Iow bid by :Zap Construction, Inc. is approximately $35,000 or 2.79% above the enlineer's estimate, and approximately S42,000 or 3.25% lower than the hilhest bid submitted by Saltsman Construction, Inc.. Several factors are attributable to each bid proposal amount being higher than thc engineer's estimate, including: (a) peak construction market conditions; (b) higher roadway unit prices due to reconstruction of pavements at a major arterial intersection; (c) higher mobilization and maintenanc~ of traffic costs due to site constraints and trna'fie conditions; and (d} overtime inspection cost of $26,$80 added by Addendum which is not part of the consultant's cost estimate. Zap Construction, Inc. is the lowest and most responsive bidder. This contractor specializes in bridle and box culvert construction work, and has successfully accomplished numerous prior contracts for Collier County and thc State of Florida Department of Transportation. Staff recommenus that ali work scope under Bid No. 98-2830 be awarded to Zap Construction, Inc.. Thc contract time for completion and final acceptance of the work is 180 calendar days. FISCAL IMPACT: Contract costs under Bid No. 98-2830 include three (3) agency fund sources: Roads Impact Fees Water System Development Charges: Scw~r System Development Charges: $1,090,972.93 S 171,797.50 $ 28,261.00 TOTAL BID AMOUNT: The project budlet for fiscal year 1998 for transportation improvements ($790,000) will need to be increased for contract award and construction purposes in the amount of $410,070.2:2 which includes a 10% change order contingency. A Budget Amendment is required to appropriate this additional amount. The project budget for fiscal year 1998 for water main improvements ($110,000) will need to be increased for contract award and construction purposes in thc amount of $78,977.25 which includes a 10% change order contingency. A Budget Amendment is also required for these additional funds. The gross increase to the project, across all funding sources, would bc $489,047.47. In addition, projected rilbt-of-way acquisition costs for this project in thc FY 9~) Tentative Budlet will be $150,000 less than thc original estimate. Thus, thc net increase to the project budget would be reduced to S339,047.47. The FY 99 Tentative Budsct will need to bc amended in thc applicable funds to reflect these chanses in the project budget as well as in fund carry forward and reserves. AUG n Executive Summary Airport-PullinS P.d. Bridse PaSo Three FISCAL IMPACT (Cont.~: ~For the sewer main work, there are sufficient available funds ($110,000) in thc current year budget. (I) Trans0ortati°u Im0r°vements~ - Cost: S660,000.00 Fund: 313 - Road Construction Gas Tax 1636'/3 - Surplus Gas Tax - Road Construction Cost Center: Project No: 6606'; - Airport-Pulling Road Bridge Improvements Cost: Fund: Cost Center: Project No.: SI30,000.00 331 - Road Construction Impact Fccs (North Naples) 163650 - Road Construction 6606'/- Airport-Pullins Road Bridge Improvements Cost: S410,070.22 FROM FUND 331 RESERVES TO: Fund: 331 * Road Construction Impact Fees (North Naples) Cost Center: 163650 - Road Construction Project No.: 6606'/- Airport-Pulling Road Bridge Improvements (2) Water-l~gin Irn_orovements~- Cost: SI 10,000.00 Fund: 412 - County Capital Projects Cost Cantor: 2'/3S ! 1 - Water Capital Projects Project No.: 70850 - Relocato Water Main Cost: S78,977 FROM ~rUND 412 RESERVES TO: Fund 412: County Capital Projects Cost Center: 273511 - Water Capital Projects Project: 70S$0 - Relocate Water Main (3) Sewer Main Im0rovements~ Cost: $28,261.00 Fund: 413 - County Capital Projects Cost Contor: 263611 - Wastewater Capital Projects Project No.: '/3941 - Relocate Sewer Main W : The Airport-Pulling Road bridge project is consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. AUG 0 N Airport-Pulling Rd. Bridge page Four RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners as thc govcrnin$ body of Collier County, and Ex-Officio as the governing body of the Collier County Water-Sewer District: (I) Approve tho award of Bid No. 91-2t30 for thc Airport-Pulling Road bridge project to Lei) Construction, Inc.; :ii';i ~2) Direct the Board Chairman to execute the construction contract; and (3) Approve two (2) Budget Amendments for transportation and water main components of.,/~~..the bid~./~ ~a~ A'. Ryzi~, P~E~.~__ MP, Project Manager O~~s~tal ~ects Management 'REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED ,,..,,o..fo.//.,...:, _~, .... /~,. ~-/, w Steve Ca~ell, Purchasing Director ~ llschner, Administrator Public Works Division gse4.Swm. AJrl~rt-PuJ!iZl Ob]~ That ~ Board of County Commissioners approve a budget amendment rmognizing insm-ame claims from the parks and recre~on depamnem. C,e~sJd~: Two e. Jutnge machines wer~ recently vandalized at Bayview Park, and a lan'f wheel eJlair, a wheel chair designed specifically for the beach, was vandalized at Barefoot Bea~ Staffimmediately contacted risk management who filed two claims. As a result, tim claims were settled quickly end checks were received. Staff requests that these claims be rmo?b,,~l a~ reve~ae ~o that these i~ns may be replac~ immediately Fiscal Impact: Tbz imsur:mc~ company submitted two claim checks totaling $6,015.42. This rev~nnm will b~ recognized by budget amendment in general fund, parks & other property(001-156332) so tl~ damaged items may be replaced. R~eommendafion: That time Board of County Commissioners approve the budget amendment recognizing r~venue from these insurance claims ~ent of Psdts and Recreation Reviewed m~4 ,,/I / , Depm'tment of'Parks and Recreation Division oflMbli~ Services Agend.~. pg._ AUTHOI~r'MR STAFF TO PRO~ THROUGH THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) PROCESS TO S~.I.~.CT AN ARcHrrECTURAL FIRM TO PROVIDE DESIGN SERVICES FOR A NORTH COI.T.~R. REGIONAL LIBRARY TO BE LOCATI~ AT THE CORNER OF ORANGE BLOSSOM DRIVE AND AIRPORT. PI.~ ]-rNG ROAD. OB~ To provide fttll library ~vices in the most eflldent means possible to the ~ sro~ing popuhtiou iu the County. CON$1DF_RATIONS: 1, 1996 the Board of Cotmty Commi~ioners approved a plan to d~elop larger, mor~ efficiently designed regional libraries to meet the comm,nlty's futm~ library l~el of service standards. The Northern Regional is the £rst of two such proposed facilities to b~ built over the next 10 years. The 30,000 square foot facility is ~ to s~rve the 100,000 citizens who now and/or soon will occupy northern Colli~ Comuy. The site was selected after exhaustive property research by both the Real Property and Library Delm'Unem staff. Properties were investigated along every main arterial roadway in a target area of nearly 25 miles. The recommended location which cmrrently serves as home to the Domestic Animal Services Department, provides frontage exposure onto one of the County's main north-south road links. For a regional library, visibflit7 and easy vehicle acce~ are aidcal for success. In addition, the property is sufficiently l~;e to be able to ~ccommod~e not only the propo~ libr~ but a one ~toty building of equ~ ~ foouge 00,030) ~s well; lhould the County ever dealre to comstn~ a satellite government facility. The e~, p~ir;,~ water nmmgement aad other support service designs of the library ~-eady phn for ~d ~'ommod~ a second building which would be envisioned to ~,chitectu~y mmh the Libmy. FISCAL II~ACT: Outside of the cost ~socim~l with surf time which is estimated to be roughly $I,000, there is no cost associated with the development md race of aa RFP. The cost of the contract will b~ developed after a firm h~ been selected b~l on its qtmlific~tiom ~ad aa agreement negotiated in keeping with the consuItant's co iti e (CCNA). GRO~I'H MANAG~ IMP~: The public library through the Growth M~mgement Plaa is required to maint,~n .33 square feet of library spa~ per citizen, Ir~.sed on weighted ~o~1 popul~tion~. Currently the county provides 84,052 square feet of librm'y space ~rhich is sufficient to meet the projected population through the year 2003. The construction of the proposed regional library is planned for that same RECO~A~ON THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~ authorize staff to develop ~l issue an RFP for archir~.crur~ services assochug with a Regional Library to be locaed ~ the corner of Orange Blossom Drive and Airpon-~ Road, select the most qu~ied firm, ~d fm~lly negoff~ a cnntr~ which will be brought back for County Comm;~ion review and AI~V~Lrl 'IVNOI~)i~I I-LI~ON II i"ILHilIii~ LJIIIill OllllllitlFIlllIlillrt lllllllliUliiJliiilU EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF A FIR:S'T AMENDMENT TO LAND LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY MOBIl. NET OF TAMPA, INCORPORATED. Approval of a Fimt Amend~ to Land Lease Agreement between Collier County Board of C,¢mlmts~3nem arid GTE Mobilnet of Tampa, I~, whose successor in interest by merger is The Board of County Commis,.Nonem on October 24, 1995 entered into a Land Lease Agreement wllh GTE Mobilnet, Inc. ('GTE"), for purposes of allowing GTE to install, construct, and operate an ~'antenna support stnmflJm, ~ radio and ~ combh~ations equipment at a County-owned site located Off ~ Rc~ ~n Immokalee. "~'~ the ~ the Land Lease ,~ was ~ to the Board of County Commissioners, the appropriate :;;:exhibits were tnadvertent~ excluded from the executive summary package. The exclusion of the exhibits were ~ upon such time a~ GTE requested the Board's consent to a Sublease Agreement with the South Fiodda Water Marmgeme~ Dislrkt In order to provide all parties a filly executed Land Lease Agreement with appropda~ exhibits, a First Amefldment to Land Lease Agreement has been prepared and executed by GTE. County AEorney's Ofrme has reviewed and approved the attached First Amendment to Land Lease :!RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the First Amendment to Land ;., ,~. ~_ ~8~ ~rl~m~ ~h OTE Mob~ln~ of Taml~l, I~, who~ suec~.q~ in int~r~-'l by me.er i~ · . .Wireless of the Sou~ Incorporated and autlx3dze its Chairman to execute same. PREPARED BY: Sandm~ DATE: DATE: ' ,. REVIEWED BY:. ~ ~dormation Technology Director DATE: FIRST AMENDMENT TO LAND LEA~E AGREEMENT THtS FIRSt AMENDMENT TO LAND LEASE AGREEMENI: entered into this . .. day of . 1998 at N~ Coflbr County, FlorJd~ by and between GTE MOBILNET OF TAMPA INCORPORATED, wtxM successor In interest by merger Is GTE WIRELESS OF .THE SOUTH ~TED, wi~ office/at ~00 North VVastshom Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33609, hereinafter referred to as "TENANT', and COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUl'~rY COMMI~ION~S, whose maling address is 3301 Ea~ Tambami Tml, Naples, Flo~a 34112, hereinafter refen'ed to as WITNESSETH IM-IEREAS, I~ TENANT and LANOL~ have ~ entered in~ · Land Lease Agreement dated Oclob~ 24,1995; WHEREAS, the TENANT taxi LANDLORD are Casimus of amending the Land Lease Agreement; and NOW~E, in ¢oa~d~ of the covenants and agreements 1:~3vlded wlhin the said Land Lease Agreement dated ~24, 1995 aM Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the Said Land Lease Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 1. E~iblt'A', E~bit 'B', E,~hl~ 'C' and Memorandum of Lease previously attached to the Land Lease Agreement m~ lmmby deleted in their entirety and the attached Exhi~ 'A', F..~ "B', E. xh~it 2. E~e~ as ~ pm~ed herein, the Land Lease Agreement between GTE Mob~net of Tampa Incorporated and collier Count~ Board of County Commissioners for the utJization of the Prembes described in ~aid Land Lease Agreement dated October 24, 1995 remains in full force and effect according to ~he terms and cond't, kx~ c~ontatned therein, and Mid terms and condiOons are applicable hereto e:~.ept m e~pfas~ ~ Mhenvise heroin. IN WITNF.8~ WHEREOF, the TENANT and LANDLORD ha~ hereto e.~K:uted thb F'rst Amer~lment to Land lease Agreement the da,/and year first al3o~e wrtten A~ TO THE LANDLOI~3 ATTEST: DV~.,HT F... BROCK. Clef BOARD OF COUNTY C~IONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By:. By:., , Deputy Cl~ Barbara B. Ban,j, Chairman · "J~J~ael 6. I-larlman ~ Preside- Flodd~ &Gulf Coast Re~on _ The forego~ Firli~mef~ to Lsnd Lease Agreement was 8cknow~edged before me this ~{~;P~m_.~[~~m~--, 199~, by &~::h~el G. ~man as President - Florida & Gulf Coast. Re~bn, who I~_~~__.~~_.~~ wl~ produced [type of ide~tion] .s k~entifica~n. I:~ Name of Notary Serial/Commission ~ £ ~ L,' L~ I ~ 0 lay CofluTtiSsion EXHIBIT A- IMMO~EE TOWER SITE PLAN STOCKADE ROAD ROAD BCX)T CAMP OBSTACLE COURSE 2 4 ! - 274 FOOT TOWER COLL[EN. COUNTY' EQUIP~ SHELTER (HOUSE) LEE COOP EQUIPMENT SHELTEK fi-lOUSE) O'rE MOBILNET SHELTER (HOUSE) 2~0 GALLON PROPAN]~ TANK LEGAL · 3301 {PaVe I o~' 2) OI~I~IC~, 01~ CAPITAL EAST T~I ~L ~L~, ~ORIDA 3~112 (941~ 774-8192 DESCRIPTION (_NOT A SURVEY). PROJECT NO, PROJECT PARC['L NO, TAX PARCEL NO. ~O AT TIIB i'4OR"TI~ CORNER OF SF..CTION I S, TOWI, GHIP 4'7 SOUTI I. RANGE 29 ~, COLDER COUNTY, FLOgJDA; THENCE NORTH ~4 DEGREES 2! ~ 46 SECONDS ~ ALONG TIlE HORTH LINE OF SECTION IS, A DISTANCE OF I3S3.6~ ~ ~ SOUTI! 4 DEGREES I I MfNU~.S Il SECONDS EAST, A DI~'TANC~ OF lO.73 lrER'T; TIlBNCE NORTI{ 15 DEGREE~ 23 MINUTES 27 SECONDS EjI~'1", A DIL'TANC~ OF 19.~$ FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OFTHE CENTE3U. IN[ Glt A ;*l~'l ct. ri ( I ~') FOOT W~DE ACt'S_ -_q-_· F.A~IgvlBNT; TIlBNCE ALONO THE C~3q'I'E3U,JN~ OF SAID FIFTEEN (IS*) lrooT WIDE ~THE lq~LLOWIN(} ~OHT (I) ~ ~XJTH 10 DEOlaP?-_q 40 MINUTES OI SECONDS BA~T, A DI$'TANC~ OF ~7.69 FERT; THENCE SOUTH ~ DEGlt _;?$ 40 MINUTES 20 ~ BAST, A DISTANC~ O~ .~.et FEET; THENCE ~d~OTH 2 DEGREES 3 ! D~ 21 MINUTE~ 4S ~..,CONDS EAST, A DLSTANC~ OF 102.28 FEET; THENCE ~OUTII 6 DEORI~ 2~ MINLrTES 13 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF ?6,19 FEET; TIII~NC~ IOUTII e DEORrm-e S9 MINU'TE~ 24 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 46,'/4 r uu~r, TllBNC~ ~:X/TII 9 DEOREF.~ OS MINUTE~ 40 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF ~9.?! re. ui;'Tl'lBt~ ~OUTll 4 DEGREF~ I i MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANC~ OF 19.E'/FEL~T TO TIlE POt'NT OF TERMINATION. BA~$ OF ~ I$ TIm NORTH ~ OF SECTION I S OE1NO NORTH IH DEGRr:. -ES PARCEL I)d'1"~VR" PIIOFESSK)I, IAL LAND OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJ£CT. COLU~R COUNTY GOV~NM£N (Page 2 of 2) OPPICff OP CAPIT'AL PRO$'~CT$ 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLOr'dDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 ~v. CBRNCR SEC. 15, TVP. 47 S., R~G. 29 E. $.04'11'18' 80,73' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION sTDCKAIII~ ?_." :.06'40'20'F.., 58.49' 15' EAS£NENT 98,84' LO3*21'45'E. 1oa.28, 76.19' 46.74' '. %$( 59.71' S.04*II'I8'E. 89.67' VEST LIN~ OF TH~---~.. ' N.~ 1/4 ~ THE N.V. 1/4 DF' SEC, 47 S., RGE, 29 G[NE:RN. NOTES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 99.50' -7.50' 30,15' 15.00' P~C Irxacates Point or Co~encenent P.O.B. IndlcGtes Point oF Beglr~ln9 Sec. indicates ~ectlon T~p. Indicates Township Rge, Indicates Range 30.15' R/V InclIc:G'tes Right-oF-way Mt distances are In ~eee.t end decInais thereof BosIS of' bearqngs Is the Noe'~h tine o,e Section 15 being N.85'SB'46'F~ Not voUd un(ess sl~ned and seated with the embossed seat oF the pr'oFesslormt land surweyo. THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH NOT TO SCALE 03-16-98 PR-IMT~/R Lg'II'E. 9.50' 28.00' 40~. S.86'P..4' AUU 0~ 1556 Site: lmmok~lee EXHIBIT "C' (utility easement) DEEME*D NOT NECESSAP. Y Site: ImmokaJce STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY O~ COLLIER, MEMORANDUM OF LEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PKESENTS, THAT: THIS MI/MORANDUM OF LEASE is made sad entered into this day' of ~. 1995, by and. ~ Collier County Board of County Commissioners, ("Landlord") whose address is 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Administration Building, Naples, FL 33962 and GTE Mobiln~ of Tampa Incorporated ("Tenam") whose address is 600 N. West.shore Boulevard, Tampa, Florida. 33609. WITNESSETE ~, Laadlorg has le~d m T~nt, and Tenant has leased from Landlord, upon a~d subject to the terms, cx~,~, conditions, limitations and resthctions contained in that can, ain lease dated/o- ...~'. ,",~'/' ("Lease') between the parties hereto, that certain real property s/tuated in the Coual7 of Collier, State of Florida, more particularly described on "EXI-rmIT A" amched hereto and made a pan hereof(Leased Premises"). The term of the Le,~ is for five (5) years, commeacing on/o-~,/, yr' and endiz~ on /o-.~.1o .a. oao. . ..... , subjectto Teaam's opfionto ~md ~e t~ for ~ (~ additional p~iods -- oftv~ (5) years each upon the terms and conditions set forth tn the above referenced Lease. The consideration and other obligations of Landlord and Tenant are set forth in the Lease, to which rd'~r~c~ is made for further particulars. Ia the event of any conflict between the terms a~d provisions of tbe Lease and those contained in this Memorandum, those contained in the Lease shall govern and be controlling. BHI A:~mmok~Ldoo 14 IN WITNESS WTGEEEO£, L~'"dlord ~d Tenant have Memorandum ss ofthe data ~'st &bore written. executed and LANDLORD:Collier Cou~.ty BY'Berry. J . , Matthews/~/~ .~/~y'-' · ~Cha~~ollier County Board of County Commissioners ackno~vledged this o TAX I.D 001-0208400 GTE Mobilnet of Tampa Inco_.m~'~ted ~N w. S)~I't+-~ - - Area President-Florida BHI A:~mnohls. goc 15 Size: Immo~calee STATE OF FLORIDA " COUNTY OF ~OKOUGH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The~ foregoing Memorandum of' Lease was acknowledged before me this c:~__~ of'  1995, by Byron W. Smith, Area President-Florida of GTE Mobilnet of' Incor~rated, a Delaware corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is person~lly My Cor~,'~i~ion Expires: My Commission Number: BH1 A:~Immokals.doo 16 AU$ 0 ~. 1998 _ ~., /o 8/22/95 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WITH "SOURCE COMPIJTING, INC." FOR COMPUTER PROGRAMMING TO MAKE ~ EXISTING UTILITY BILLING SYSTEM YEAR 2000 COMPLIANT ~ To recommend to the Board of County Commissioners approval of a contract with "Source Computing, Inc."; of 104 River Wood Drive; Fort Mil1, SC for pmgnumning to make the existing Utility Bill~g System 'Year 2000' compliant. CONSIDERATIONS~ The current Utility Billing System software application used by the County's ~ of Revenue is not able to process dates with a centu~ number greater than "1900". Consequently, on January 1, 2000, the Utility Billing System will not be able to proce~ invoice~ unless certain software modifications are made to the application. "Source Computing, Inc." is the vendor performing ongoing maintenance support of the sysmn mxt is the most qualified to make the 'Year 2000' (Y2K) modifications. Internal staffresoure~ are not available to perform the software clmnges. 'FISCAL IMPAq:r: Funds for the ~ improvements are not presently budgeted. Fun& can be nm& available via budget mnendment from fired 408 reserves for conting~. A budget ~m~..endment will be processed reducing reserves in the utilities operating fund (40g), contingency reserves, 919010-991000 by $75,000. and moving the fun& into the Utility General ~nd Administn~'ve cost center (408) 210110, other contractual service~, 634999. The contract work is to commence August 15, 1998, and complete on or before October 3 I, 1999. GROWTH MANAGEMEI~: N/A RECOMbl~NDATION: That the Board of County Commi-_~ioners approve the propo~ contract; ~ a budget amendment in the amount of $74,g00.00., and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the Contract on behalf of the Board. th S ger: Mazgar~ B. l~es, Manager- Clie~ Systems, lntonnafion Technology I)epar~ent Date Reviewed By: Dat~ P,=view~d By: AU6 0 ~ ]998 Pg. ,~'~" , · ~ · I,IBWORK~i 10 hours ~2 ,:'~ ' 197Told E~L Dalalx~ ~ Hc~n NOC sEouRrr.~ tU~T~ GI'IANGE~ AU6 0 ,~ 1998 .SEF~¢E ORI~R$ Te~, ~ ~ ~ 2'14 r Ncc SOURCE Trot, 4.bu~ md m.l.~ 122 ~G'O '~ t998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ~ ,~,LL PROPOSALS RECEIVED BY THE DEPAR~ OF REV~Cc~E REGARDING SOLID WASTE AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PROGRAMS, UNDER RFP ~)8-2785; AND FURTHER, TO REMAIN OPEN FOR CONTINUED DISCUSSIONS WITH VENDORS FOR ALL THE PROPOSALS RY_,CEIVED FOR ~,rrY BILLrNG PROGRAMS UNDER THE SAME RFP. ~.' To olXain Board approval to reject vendor proposals received in response to RFP ~95-2755 for the portion pertaining to a new software application solution for the Solid Waste and Special Assessments revenue billing programs, and to request Board approval to cxmtisme discussions with those vendors which bare submitted qualified proposals under the stone RFP for procurement of a new Utility Billing software CONSIDERATIONS; In May 1998, an RFP was published for the pm-tx)se of soliciting pwposals from software vendors interested in providing Utility Billing, Special ~ and ~ Solid Waste revenue collection programs to be managed by the County's ~ of Revenue. While ar. integrated soflwax~ solution was highly desirable, the RFP al]ow~ for individual systems to be considered at the County's sole On June 12,1998, proposals were opened and dis~buted to the Selection Corrmfitt~ f~r review. No proposals were received for the Mandatory Solid Waste revenue collection program. One proposal was rcc~ved for the Special Assessment revenue col/ectiou progr~n but it did not meet the business requirc'ments outlined in the RFP. Three qualified proposals were received for the Utility Billing and its associated Following review of each proposal, members of the Selection Comm|tt~ made th~ recommendation to management to coatin~ to examine the three qualified proposals for Creative Co~ Solutions, Inc., (CCS), Pleasanton, California Sensus SoftTech, Inc., Tyler, Texas Teldata/SCT, located in Illinois/Pennsylvania FISCAL IMPACT: N/A GROWTH MANAGe: N/A RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners reject the proposals received for Solid W~ taxi Special Assessment revenue software programs portions of RFP//98-2785; and further, ~ the members of the Selection Committee to continue their review of qualified vendor proposals received for Utility BilllnE softwa~ programs AU6 O 1998 P~'~ / Rev~c,w~ By:. By: 1998 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ABOLISH TAXING DISTRIC'I~ NO LONGER USED ~..~: To ~ CounV] Attorney to prepare n~ documents to abolish t~xing district~ which zr~ no longer needed. CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County has a number of taxing districts which are no longer needed. ~hese districts were created by ordinance, referendum, court order or Bosrd policy. The sttsched r~port identifies the purpose of each district, thc current ~t~ md ~ff'~ recomm~on for abolition. The follow/rig di~tricU w~ created by ordinance: Port-an-Prin~ MSTD W~ ~a ~ ~ N~l~ F~ Hy~ ~ T~S~~ B~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ P~I B S~ Li~g ~1~ ~ ~ MS~ ~ 'I~ following districts were created by Court Order:. Wa~r~ I &7 The following district wa~ ~ by referendum: Old Marco Vi!l,ge Wa~r & Sewer MSTD The following disttim were created by Board policy: ~ and Si~king Fund (Genenl) W~ Manag~mmt Fund In_SCAL 1MI'A~ ~ costs for the ordinance amendments to repeal the disUicts crea~ by ordinmce will be sl~ro~ly $200. Funds are ;w~: ~I¢ in the Gmeral Fund (001-101520). AU6 0 t998 RRCO~ATION: ~-- Cotmty Attorney to prepar~ necessary documents for Board action ~o sbolish taxing districts no longer needed. A A AU6 0 l! 1998 PORT-AU-PRINCE MSTD (Ordinance 76-64) Purpose - To facilitate the dedication ofwadways in Pon-au-Prince subdivision to the Board of County Commi~on~ so that defective conditions of said roadways may be eliminated, thereby eliminating a threat to the health and safety of the residents of Collier County and to permit public control over the sewage treatment facility serving Pon-au- Current Status - Fund was closed in FY 92 as improvements were completed. In the late '70s there was discussion of the County taking over the sewage treatment facility which is currently under the authority of Rookery Bay Utilities. There is again discussion of the County taking over the sewage treatment facility. Reeommendatiou - I believe the County could eliminate this taxing district because the roadway improvement~ have been completed. If the County took over the sewage treatment facility it would be purchased through assessments and operated with user fees. OLD MARCO VILLAGE WATER & SEWER MSTD (Referendum 2/5/74) Purpose - District is authorized to construct or acquire a water and sewer system for said district. Constitute a special taxing district the levy ofad valorem taxes without limitation of rate or amount of.~'ure payment of any of its general obligations for the maintenance of such district. Current Status - There was a special election held with an affirmative vote (24 - 13). There is no record of there ever being any taxes or assessments collected. Recommendation - Abolish taxing district. WATER DISTRICT g6 (Ordinance 71 -8) Purpose - The extensive growth of population and attendant industry and commerce throughout Collier County has given rise to public health and water conservation and control problems in ~aid Coumy causing flooding and lack of drainage or inadequate drainage of hinds in raid County, wastage of sources of water supply, and soil erosion in said County, and that is the intent and purpose of the ordinance to provide means to alleviate such condition in said County. Current Status - $ohn Boldt h~ been working to abolish this district for a number of ye~s and had concluded that some of the proposed capital improvements have been compl~ by either ColUer County or Big Cypress Basin Board initiative, however, the majority of proposed improvement have never been implemented. To the best of staffs knowledge, all the projects completed to date have been financed by methods other than special assessments. The Budget staffcan not find any evidence of ad valorem taxes being levied. l:?,,e~,'ommendatiou - Abolish taxing districL WATER DISTRICTS 1 & 7 Purpose - Created by Court Order Current Status - There is no evidence of any taxes or assessments ever being collected. Recommendntion - Abolish taxing district. However, these districts were established by court order and may require subsequent court action to abolish. AU$ 0 1998 SEWER AREA UB" MSTD (Ordinances ']9-103 & 83-49) Purpo~ - The construction of a sewage collection system for the purpose of providing for the continued pre~ation ofhealfl~, welfare, convenience and safety of the cit/zcns of ~ County and more particularly the residents in the area of Collier County known a Carrot S~tus - Finance has closed out this fund and transferred residual equity to the Collier County Water and Sewer Fund. Recomme~dsflon - Abolish taxing district EAST NAPLES FIRE HYDRANT MSTD (Ordinsnce 80-20) P~rpos~ - To provide fu-e hydrants to East Naples Current Stsms - Finance has closed out this fund and transferred residual equity to the Collier County Wa~r and Sewer Fund. Recolmme~dltioa - Abolish taxing district. UNINCORPORATED ROAD MSTD (Ordinance 80 - 86) P~rpose - To permit the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, r~pair of road determined by the BCC to be of no real and substantial benefit to the residents or property of the incorporated areas. Curr~nt Ststus - This district was created to avoid dual taxation. The County has since created four separa~ road MSTD's to properly assess residents in each district for County ~commendsflon - Abolish taxing district. VANDERBILT BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT (Ordinsnce 90 - 109) Parpose - To do all things reasonable necessary in connection with landscape beautification to public areas ss dele~ined by the advisory committee. Current Stst~s - The ordinance creating this district stipulaled that a ~ferendum be held to levy ad valorem i~xes. The referendum failed. Recmnmendstfon - Abolish taxing district. WESTLAKE BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT (Ordinances 76 - 58 & 87 - 39) l~rpo~ - To beautify and maintain the street right-of-way along the perimeter wall and ceriain other msin~nance and repairs r~la~ed thereto. Current Status - An executive summary was prepared in December, 1995 ~ for ~mdway swale ' .,mlvovcments. In addition, the At~xncy's Of~ was to prepare, advcrfis~ and ~e an ordinance to repeal crealing ordimace- To the best of my knowledge tbe ~ ontinan~ was not prcpar~ AU6 0 t998 TURNBURY STREET LIGHTING (Ordinance 90 - 104) Purpme - To provide ~a'eet lighting to the Tumbury Subdivision Current Stares - Thc BCC created this street lighting MS'lO at the request of the developer in Decemb~ 1990. During budget hearings for FY 92 thc homeowners petitioned the Board not to have lights installed in thdr subdivision. Thc BCC reversed their decision and did not approve the budget. There has been no further contact from the Recommen~Lttlon - Abolish taxing district. BERKSHIRE VILLAGE AT BERKSHIRE LAKES PARCEL B STREET LIGHTING (Ordha~ce 87 - 12) Parpo~ - To provide meet lighting to Berkshire Village. Current Status - The BCC created the street lighting MSTU at the request of the developer in March 1957. A budget was prepared and adopted for the street lighting. However, prior to the ~art of the fiscal year the Transportation Department discovered that the developer had installed lights and are the responsibility of the Homeowners' Recommendation - Abolish taxing district. MARCO ISLAND COMMUNITY PARK (Ordin~ce 85 - 12) P~rim~ - To provide park and recreation facility improvements to the Marco Island Community Park Site, az deemed needed by the BCC and to do all things reasonably C~rr~t Stems - No record of a fund ever being established. Recommendation - Abolish taxing district. MARCO ISLAND COMMLrNITY CENTER (Ordinance 79 - 101) P~rpme - To provide a community center on Marco Island. Current S~tus - No record ofcomm~ty center. Recommendation - Abolish taxing district. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND (GENERAL) P~rpose - To pay debt service for 1961 General Obligation Bond for constructing the courthouse and jail. Final maturity July 1, 1991. Cnrrent Status - No longer needed. Recommendation - Abolish taxing district. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - GENERAL l~rpo~ - The Board, by policy, had established a separate countywide millage which wa~ used exclusively f~ capital improvements. Cnrrent Status - Ther~ wa~ no ordinance creating a special taxing district for capital improvements and the millage for this purpose was subsequently incorpc ~ted in;':'_ *.he General Fund. Recommendation - Abolish taxing district AU$ 0 1998 Pg. COLLIER COUNTY CIIILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL (Ordinance 90 - 64) Pnrpose - To e~abllsh an nnmm! millage to be used for children's services. Current Status - A countywide referendum was held to establish millage. The Recommendation - Abolish taxing district. WATER MANAGE~NT - GENERAL Pnrpose - The Bo'ard, by policy, had established a separate countywide millage which was used exclusively for storm water operations. Current Statns- There was no ordinance creating a special taxing district for storm waler operations and the millage for this purpose was subsequently incorporated into the General Fund. Recommendation - Aboli~ taxing district. GOLDEN GATE FIRE MSTU (Ordinance 73 - 31) l~nrpose - To supersede aml repeal aH previous special acts relating to the Golden Gate Fire Control and Rescue District and to set forth those matters, as applicable, which are covered by such previous special acts. Current Status - It seems this taxing district should have been eliminated when it bemm independent. Recommendation - Abolish tmdng district. VANDERBILT BEACH STREET LIGHTING Pnrpose - To provide street lighting to the Vanderbilt Beach area. Current Slams - Unable to fred any record of this taxing district being used. Tia~~ion has no recollection ofth¢ request and there is no ordinance. Recommendation - Aboli~ taxing districL APl'ROYAL oir B~ AMENDMENTS BCC ~ ofAug~t 4,199~ & Urb~ Com~ conn~ (Fm~l No. Budget Ameml~ No. 98338 :$4,396 ?otll oO- SolM Waste (Fund No. 472) Budget Amendment No. 98-354 (s3,ooo) -0o funds will pay for an archit~mzl modcl of a "profotype re~clixtg station'. A A AUG e ~ ~98 P~.__~ EXECIFITVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR SEI.F. CTION OF UNDERWRITERS AND TO ESTABLISH A NET PRESENT VALUE SAVINGS TARGET OF 7% IN ANTICIPATION OF REFUNDI~IG ~ COLLIER COUNTY . WATER/SEWER DISTRICT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1991. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners authorize staff and the County's Financial Advisor to proceed with the issuance of a Request for Proposalz for selection of underwrite~ and to establhh a net present value savings target of 7% in anticipation of a forward refunding of the Collier County Water/Sewer District Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1991. CONSIDERATIONS: The County received unsolicited proposals regarding the refunding of the County Water-Sewer District Series 1991 Bonds that were evaluated by the County Finance Committee, in con.valtation with the County's Financial Advisor. Refunding options included the following: · Forward Refunding; · Forward Swap; · Current Refunding (only available 90 days prior to the lb'st ~ date of July 1, 1999). Based on aa evaluation of risk elements in comparison to potential savings of each option, the Fin_once Committe~ recommended the i~uance of a Request for Proposals to select underwriters in anticipation of ~ proceeding with a forward refunding of the~e bonds, while also receiving additional data regarding the forward rwap option. Historically, prior to recommending any proposed refinancing/refunding of an existing County bond issue, the net present value savings generated has been a minimum of 5% Based on current market conditions, the Finance Committee is recommending that the net present value savings target for the forward refunding ofthe Series 1991 County Water-Sewer District be set at 7%. FISCAL IMPACT: The Request for Proposals will be prepared by the Financial Advisor. Based on the $175 hourly rate for principa,L~ in the fu'm, the estimated cost for the RFP and associated review of responzes received is $1,750. Funds are available in the County Water-Sewer District Cre~erai Adminislration Cost Center (408-210110). Completing a forward refunding that meetz the 7% target will provide net present value saving~ of appr~ximate, ly $ ~.7 million. GROWTH MANAGEMENT [MI'ACT: None. RECOMME~NDATION~ That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the issuance of a Request for Pmpozah for selection of underwriters and establish a net present value savings target of 7% in anticipation of a forward refunding of the Collier County Water-Sewer District Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1991. Michael Smykow~ki, OMB Director Robert F. Fernandez, County luly 27, 1998 DATE: luly 27, 1998 AU6 0 JI '1998 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE AUGUST 4, 1995 ~ ~'. FOR BOARD ACTION: S*~ ___~i_ 'on ofI, i~ T~x Szle ~ MI _SC~.LANF, OUS 1TEMS TO FF_.~. FOR RECORD WITH ACTION AS DIREr: ~,U6 O~ 199S pdic~ lh2rMS'Fl3U ~ O~r~ - April 1, 1~ ~ ~ ~ 6, AGEI~ %T,~ sc) AUG 0½ 1998 Pg. *~ ~ To seek Confiscated Trust Fund appropriation of $5,000 to support a crime prevention against seniors program and approve the related budget ~-t. C~SIDEH~TI(~= The Sheriff's Office by virtue of Section 932.7055 (4) (a), is seekia~ Board authorization for the appropriation of funds to ~rt the "BURT CAPLAN' S THIRD AGE" television show on the PBS station in ~W Florida, I~CU, Chazzael 3. As an underwriter of the show, crime prevention against seniors will be combatted with televised 30 second and one minute crime prevention alerts _~,d educational bulletins for seniors. Phone numbers for the Seniors Program File of Life, Senior Hotline and to report crimes against seniors will be aired. The Sheriff's Office senior crime prevention programs will be highlighted nr,4~ CCS0 staff members will be periodically interviewed to discuss the crime related issues that concer~ seniors in Collier County. Board approval is requested to support a crime prev~ntion program and approve the related budget amendment. FZB~?- ~w~__m~T, $5,000 for this expenditure is available from Co~fiscated Trust Fund Reserves (602-919010-991000). The amendment increases the Other Contractual Services budget 602-611010-634990 by $5,000. ~ ~W~ACT~ NO recurring costs for subsequent years. TZ~= That the Board of County Co~{ssioners approve the bit, get ~t for the use of funds to support a crime prevention pro,ram. ~m~,FZFZ~ATI~ OF C(~IFI~TED THUST ~ ~EOU~ST Thisrequest is a legitimate expenditure of Confiscated TrustFundsunder ~ecti~n 932.7055 (4)(a) Florida Statutes to be used for technical equipment and a crime prevention program. m%er, Sheriff ,Tt~.l.y. 22. 1998 ,A.. GEI~iDA iTI~M OFF~CE ~'~ COUNTY ,AFT,,, ,,,. n, u .': v, type or print.) ~JUl..23 ~,910: 2~ Date.* ,~v 22. 1998 . TO.* RO .* O~i~e of t~- Cc~mtV Attorney Attention: Sherigf' s Thomas Palmer. Esq. F{n,nce Director (T~tle) _ Finance Division P~z~t to Sectio~ 932.7055 (4) (a), ~---reguesting approval by the Board .to fund ~ ~rove a relat~~et ~nt P.S., the Sheriff's Office is a crime prevention program and ~ ~ d~m~mmZ~ or ~ i~f~z~a~A~m zmmee%m~ ~:~ w~view t.b.'Le mm~.tm~ If 1~1, a=~ae--h and reference file number.) ~ al~roval of attached~nts. C: ~ ~hmter. _~h.~iff ~ To seek Confiscated Trust Fund appropriation of $20,000 for the ~rocurement of specialized equipment and approve the related budget amendment. ~SIDEHATI0$T~, The Sheriff's Office by virtue of Section 932.7055 (4)(a), is seekingBoardauthorization for the appropriation of f~ds to p~rchase a f~llyeq~i~)edvehicle to beusedfor investigative purposes. Board a~3roval is requested to approve the p~chase of technical ecluipm~t and to approve the related budget amendment. FX~m~ ~T~ $20,000.00 for these expenditure is a~ilable from Confiscated Trust Fund Reserves (602-919010-991000). The amendment in~ses the budget in Auto R&M/~tside vendor (602-611010-646410) by $250; Auto R&M/parts (602-611010-6464&0} by $250; Radio R&M (602-611010- 646610) by $300; Automobiles (602-611010-764110) by $15,000; Auto Refits (602-611010-764120) by$1,000; and Co~m3~icationsEquipment (602-611010- 764210) by $3,200. · HOI~ ~IPACT, h~all ongoing maintenance expenses already budgeted in operating budget. --~mtT'~m~mIT~ That the Board of County Coe~issioners approve the k~d~jet ~~ent for the use of funds for the procurement of specialized (~HTZFZ~TZCI~ OF C01~IS~TED _TRU__ST ~ This request is a legitimate expenditure of Confiscated Trust Funds under ~ec~ion 932.7055 (4) (&) Florida Statutes to be used for technical CZT.9 K. Kiazel, FL%mace Dir~toF Dos H~nter, Sheriff 22. 1998 COU.~ Y ~' ~' ~ ~ ~ '"'= 98/iL 23 r-,.H 9:5 B "~ 'Date= ~l_v 22. 1998 Office of the County Attorllev Attention: Thomas Palmer, Esq. Sheriff' s Office C~nfisaated Trust Finance Director Finance Division Pursuant to Section 932.7055 (4) (a), F.S., the Sheriff's Office is  esting approval by the Board to fund technical equipment for investigative purposes and approve a related budget amendment, (Jl~e ~ ~ ~ of.b~ ~ml~C~o ~ to rg~ew ~ mtte~f If yes, ~ttac~ ~ Fefe:L-enc~ tb/m Luff!. Legal approval of attached documents.. C: :Jb/a,lecar GEN. DA ii'EM\ AU6 ,% B~8 2Z-0~'003/~~ ~~ O~ C~S~ A~Z~ ~ (~~) ~ ~ ~147,421. ~ To ~ ~a~ of C~ty C~ssioners a~r~l of the Ce~ifi~tt~ of Acc~t~ce for the Seri~s H~igual 0finder C~rehensive Acti~ PI~_~ (~~) pr~. ~ZDEHATZOII'z On April 7, 1998, the Board of County Commissioners agTeed to act as the coordinating unit of government for the State of Florida, De~ar~0e~t of Co~mmity Affairs Anti-Drug Abuse Act Formula Grant Program. On May 12, 1998 the Board endorsed the Sheriff's Office application for funding. 0n July 20, 1998 the Sheriff's Office received the Department of Coummn~ity Affairs grant award in the amount of $147,421 to fund the Sheriff's Office Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Action Plan (SHOCAP) program. FI~ 'rm'P~_C'Tz The Grant award of $147,421 is to be matched by $49,140. FLuids are included in the FY99budget (115-641011). Prior to budget adoption f~{ng will be allocated to project 33295. G~IT~~z Funding potential for 2 year grant. This grant period is for October 1, 1998 through S~t~r 30, 1999. Continued funding will be sought for.subsequent ~,ears. · ~D~..TZO~'z That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Certification of Accept-~ce for the subgrant award for the Anti-Drug Abuse Gra~t ~ 99-cJ-gM-09-21-01-003/SeriousHabitual Offender Comprehe~siveAction Plan (~0CAP) program. CERTIFZOLTI~I OF C0~ISCAT~D T~TST FOND REOUNST T~Ls reguest is a le~itimate ex/0endtture of Confiscated Trust Funds under Sec=io~ 932.7055(4)(a) Florida Statutes to provide matchin~ funds to obtain federal gr.-ts. ~ctor Don ~unter, Sheriff DAT~ R~C~IVED: OFFICE OF TFE COUh'TY ATTOP..REY o: JuL 22 PH 2: ~l P~/~EST FOa LEGAL SEaVICEB (~1~ ~m ~ Fr~) , Date: July 21. 1998 ,: To:. O~£ice of the Count? Attorney Attention: ~m~) " ~J__~_r~ff' s O£fice Thomas Palmer. Esq. Fi__n~nce Director F{--nee Division A~ti-DruoAbuse Gr~nt #99-CJ-9M-09-21-01-003 Award The ~heriff's Office has been awarded third year funding fro= the Florida Departmsnt of Co~JnityAffairs for the SHOCAP Pro~r-am. The Board agreed to the coordinating 'unit of government on April 7, 1998. The Board endorsed ~he Sheriff's Office application on May 12, 1998. The Sheriff's Office received the DCA grant award on July 20, 1998 and needs the Board to accept (Are there documents or other information needed to review this matter? yes, attach an~ reference this information). Certification of Par~icigation TKZS ZTEK ns/~ Brim PREV2OTTST, Y smmzT'rE). (Xf ~w~u~ly lUJ~B:Lt:t:OCl, p.Vc:nd.&O CcKn~y' At:ten*ney's Offl~ file :~m~er. ) (Jo ~ eSm~Lfi~. Zdm2t. S~ eamct/¥ vha~ ~mu Mod ~n tim wwf of 1~ ~.) Legal appr~ of grant award documents. If Don ~mter. ShAriff STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 'Helping Floridlans create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities' July 15, 1998 The Honorable Barbara B. Berry Chairperson, Collier County Board of Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112 Re= 99-CJ-gM-09-21-01-003/Serious Habitual Offender Co~prehensive Action Plan (SHOCAP) Program III Dear Ms. Berry: The Department of CommunityAffairs is pleased to award an ~nti-Druq Abuse errant in the amount of $147,421 to your unit of government. These funds shall be utilized to implement a Drug Control and System ImDrovement Formula Gran~ Program under Purpose Area 16A, S.H.O.C.A.P.. A coD~ of the aDDroved subgr, ant aDDlication with the above referenced project number and title is enclosed for your file. All correspondence with the DeparCment should always refer to the project number and title. Your attention is directed to Section H of the subgrant wh/ch is the 'Ac¢~p=ance and Agreement'. These conditions should be reviewed carefully b~ those Dersons responsible for DrOjeCt administration to avoid delays in project completion and cost reimbursements. The enclosed Certificate of Acceptance should be completed and returned to the Department within 30 calendar days from the date of award. This certificate consti~utes official acceDtance of the award and must be received by the Departmenl ~rior to the reimbursement of any project expenditures 25S5 SHUMA~.D OAK BOULEVARD * TALLAHASSEE, FLOI~IDA Phone: 850.48B.84&&/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncom Interne! address: http://www.state.fl.uslcomaff/dca.html Z91.0781 The Honorable Barbara B. Berry Page Two We look forward to working with you. on this Droiect. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Colleen Matthews at 350/488o8016. Sincerely, Clay=on H. Wilder Community Pr.ogram Administrator Bureau of Co.~,unity Assistance ~nclosu~es SC&Ce of Plorida De_l~men9 of CommuniCyAffairs · ureau of CommuniCyAssisCance 2555 Shumar~ Oak~oulevard Tallahassee, Florida F C~TONOF A AN OF AWARD The s~frantee, khrou~h i=s aur/lorized~presen~ative, acknowledges ~eipt ~acc~ce of ~r~ a~n~er 99-~-9H-09-21-01.00~ ~ the ~~'of $1%7,421, for a P~ecC entitled: f~ =he~ri~of 10/01/9s 2~gh 09/30/~9, ~ accor~e wi~h ~ sca=~= {$igna=ure of Au=horized Officia~) [T~Name and Ti~le of O£fi¢ial~) (DaCe o~ Acceptance) State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Housing and Community Development Bureau of CommunityAssistance The Sadowski Building 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 SUBGTJUNT AWARD CERTIFICATE Sulx3r tee: Collie= County Board of Commissioners Date of Award: Grant Period: From: 10/01/98 To:09/30/99 Project Title: Ser£ous Hab£tual Offender Comprehensive Ac~z~onPlan (SHOCAP) Program III Grant Number: 99-CJ- 9M-09-21- 01- 003 Federal FUnds: $147,421.00 B~fIT Funds: State Agency Match: Local Agency Match: $49,140.00 Total Project Cost: $196,561.00 Program Area: 16A A_ward is hereby_made_in the amount and for the period shown above oX a grant under Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, P.L. 90-351, as amended, and the Aflti-Drug A~use Act of 1988, P.L. 100-690, to the above mentioned subgrantee and subject to any attached standard or special conditions. This award is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and cond/tions as contained in the Financial and Administrative Guide for ~rants, G~ideline Manual 7100.1D, Office of Justice Programs, Co,~,cnlRule for State and Local Governments and A-87, or OMB Circulars A-110 and A-21, in their entirety. It is also subject to SUch further rules, regulations and policies as may be reasonably prescribed by the State or Federal Government consistent with the purposes and authorization of P.L. 90-351, as am, ~dc~, ~nd _ P.L. 100-690. ~ AWARD C~T, IF1CATE lCONT~NUED): This gra~t shall become effective on the beginning date of the gra~t perio~provfded that within 30 days from the date of award, properly executed Certificate of Acceptance of Subgrant Award is returned to the department. Clayton H. Wilder Co-~nity Progra~ Administrator B~rea~ o~ Co ...... ,,~¶tyA~sistance Date [X]Thfs award is subject to special and/or standard conditions (attached). BC~Revised 7-1-79 .... ~ C 'roi and ~y~t~m Improvement lan'nut rant Program 2. C~y. 5~. ~p C~ Naples, C~r~ N~ 1 )~4 ' 8393 Florida 34112 5UNCOM No: 774-8493 Chief Financial Namg of Chi¢,f Fin~n¢~l 09fi¢~ J_am.e_._s Mitchell J Ar~a Co4~/F~x ?hon~ No: (941)774 - 3602 r~J~. Finance Director, De.:~:y Clerk Address: 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Cou~ Plaza ~II/2 icky, ~, ~p C~. Naples, Florida 34112 i / ~L)774 ' 6179 ISUNCOU No- Iare~ Co~Fax ~on= N~. T~ ~in, Y~ & ~evention ~ices '~3dr~-=~: 3301 Tamiami Trail ~m~t, BuilaL~ "A" 'C~, 5~r~. ~ C~ Naples, Flori~ J~e N~, ~ts C~rdi~or ~r~: 3~1 T~ ~1 ~t, Bui!di~ "J" Florida 34112 793-9346 ~ 2. (~l,,,~rtl ~ Mm'hOtel ~ and I.t~l A~r. at'~ ProgrJrn) Fro)e. Cr. TiT~ (NOT, gO ~'xC, er.d ~ c~JrJCCtrt, inc_k_~;nd ~ace~ ). ., ~ Fo~ ~.~nin~ 10 ! 1998 Endlr~, 9 30 1999 !~ °~e ~upgrarrr~g o~ r. hg Impl~m~trr. ing Agency a M~mb~r of a Local Criminal J~-'.ice Advisory Counca ge ~ul~tanc~ ~ IPglL.md ~ g~aed, Caalkcign, ~ Council? (~eg ~h~ ?r~gram AJ1noun~nl~tt for a glt~c, ri~)n of boartl t~l~n~itnTtcie~.) ~ ¥~ C3 No 'If tr~tr ~.~tn Re Chit{ Fina,cial Of~.__~,. ) ~-m~; Colller, County ~rfff's Office Buil~ir~ ,,,"~' - Pinanc~ Division · th~ sub. grant, ge is p~rr~p,~,ir~ in r, hg ~r.a;e ~ Floriaa OffiCa Comptroller'~ · lc~'t..romc transfer F~r~ram. mimbu~ cannot I~ rgmitt,~ to any other ~,.ity. 5. _Ymdor ,~ (En'r,~ Federal Em~:~h,~n.' Id~.tfica,~, Numl~r of 5ul~rarrr.~}: I 59-6(X10-558 ~l No ~. ~ d=scrtb¢ how l~.O. jCCr, Jcr, ivfr,~ ~11 ,s~r~.~ ~h= ~rgc",,cd i~oblcrn. who mil do ~ wl~,~, wf~cm zrgl ho~. .~=.E FA¢~{~ 20i= IN~T~UCTI0f~ ON ITEM5 TO INCLUD~ .~,a~ l,dotv and u~e con~Jnua~ictn pag~ as r~cssary. Problem Identification The specific problem to be addressed with ongoing subgrant funds is the chronic juvenile offender situation in Collier County. This Agency's "Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Act/on Progr~n" will tongue to deal with a small percentage of the juvenile criminal popul~on (approxim~ly 5-8 %) who =e responsible for the majority of crimes (over 50%). These habitual juvenile offenders, or "SHO's', present a greater ~ normal ducat to the community. It is the position of law enforcement nation.wide ,th?. they be the focus of an enhanced and organiC., effort Io identify the serious habitual offenders and deal with them on a more reformed basis. m. oc._.,? of i o= io, · · . . . provided to autaonties m the juvem~e and crtminal justice systems to enable them to make mo,re int'ormegt decisions on how best to deal with the very small percentage of serious habitual offenders. 't National research projects and informal surveys have shown that for every 1,000 young people who come in contact with Iaw enforcement, 10% (or 100), are ~ Police commonly drop charges or reprimand about 50% of these, leaving $0 cases. Of the 50 cases formally presented to the court intake, only about 50% (or 25), are sent forward. Unless a young offender has been arrested before, or the immediate offense is serious, less that 60%, (or 12), will be _ .c~. t.o the comff. ?s.s than 50% of the cases presented result in the ~cation or determination of delinquent sinus. Only six (6~ or the (s) tenc , ave probaUy · · · · ' ams leaves only one I eh/lc out of the mn ~,, · _ ( )juv on al 1 000wn~, .. . --- mcamer~ed and that incarceration is usually minimal. Since the implementation of the SHOCAP initiative in Collier County daring gmat years 96-97 / 9%98, the percentages of serioas habitual juvenile offenfler~ th~ have been identified have remained consistent with those preffacted. Of the 1596 juven~e arrests screened to date, one hundred sixteen (116) or 7.2% have met Collier County's criteria to be designated as SHO's. The SHOCAP initiative in Collier County bas created a community partnership through an inter-agency agreement. By sharing of information the SHOCAP team has been able to compile detailed information on SHO-subje. c~ that has enabled the juvenile justice system to impose informed, constructive controls and sanctions on these repeat offenders that are in the best interest of the child and the commun~y. Due to the constant exchange 6f information between the various partners, the offender is no longer able to hide in that cloak of invisibility that has historically protect~l him/her. In its first year of implementation in Collier County, the SHOCAP Initiative has enabled the community to identify repeat offenders and those first time offenders who have committed serious violent crimes. We have been able to place chronic habitual offenders under a microscope and analyze their histories in ~'der ~o place sanctions upon them that are informed and beneficial to both the community and the SHO-subject. We have identified fu'st time violent offenders and are controlling them through intense monitoring and sanctions to prevent them from continuing their criminal careers. The net remit of this is that the Serious Habitual Offender is no longer invisible to the community and the juvemle justice system and his/her peers are receiving a message that o-linen,1 activities will not be tolerated. Additionally, our fa'st time violent felony offenders are learning that Collier County will not allow them to c, on~ue in their erlm[nal careers by ~n_g the system's mistakes of the past. During our second grant year we have focused upon an intense monitoring system that ensan'es accountability and resporm'bility on the part of the Serious I-Iabitt~ Juvenile Offender. Juveniles that were previously placed in programs during our first year of operation are now being released and placed back in the eommm,;ty on Post Comrmmi~ Control. These are the juveniles at the highest level of risk. Once introduced back into the community, the SHOCAP team must ensure, that they do not gravitate back into their former lifestyles and associafi~. . with. their old crimln~lly-oriented. . _ peers.. The. m . i~oa-o[~,/.i....... . .... -.,-'~' whle they make these adjustments.. [ AU3 t} 153.7, I I ..... ] ..... I J ............. ,m_ ..... imm_l._)m iii ................................................................................ We are midway through our second grant year and are now seeing the results of those efforts. ~ltweniles who have ecrmmitted their first violent crime are not re-offending. This is largely due to the extensive monitoring and personal intem~oa that is taking place between those juveniles and the SttOCAP Initiative. The Collier Coma~ Sheriff's Office wishes to ec~ue implementing ~e SHOCAP initiative goals by providing the staff and equipment necessary to maintain the exisliag program basfituted in gr~t fiscal years 1996-1997 and 1997-1998. The comiaua~ee of this pro~ is necessary in orcier to identify, track, monitor and bring judicial attention to both the worst of the worst juvenile offenders as well as those new violent crime offenders who are 'on the path of becoming serious b~bimal offenders. j~/a:shocap" 1 .doc PROGRAM DESCRIPTION On November 15, 1995 Collier County was selected for inclusion into the Florida Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Action Program (SHOCAP) Initiative. On October 1, 1996, the first grant funded fiscal year of the SHOCAP Initiative began in Collier County, Florida. Collier County SheriWs Office Captain Paul Canady is the Collier County SHOCAP Coordinator. On October 1, 1997, the second grant funded fiscal year of the SHOCAP Initialive began ia Collier County, Florida. Additionally, during the second grant quarter of our 1997-1998 grant year the Collier County SHOCAP initiative applied for and received federal fiscal year 1996 excess grmt funding to supplement the additional costs of a second SHOCAP Investigator. These monies acted as seed money for a new Investi~?or's position and equipment that will augment our monitoring aMlities on identified SHO-sabjeets. SHOCAP is an information and case management program on the part of law enforcement, probation, prosecutors, social services, corrections and other community service organizafion~. SHOCAP enables the juvem'le justice system to give additional focused attention toward juvem'les who repeatedly commit infatuation for more informed dispositions. In order to continue focusing on the intense and time consuming efforts needed to increase the number of identifications, prosecutions, convictions, and monitoring of SHO-subjeets eon~ued grant fimding is required to support the existing positions. Continue~ funding is necessary for the SHOCAP Section Supervisor, One (1) Investigator, One (I) Senior Analyst, and One (1) Data Often The existing staff will eon~ue to. augment the om'eat Serious Habitual der.$uvenn_~ programs, by ..p~..or~.' g Mdifional, specialized tas~ geared to increase ~e number of Serious Habitual Offenders that are arrested, ~denfified, ~ an.d monitored. The basic strategy will continu _ ' ' .aha .s~.~~g enforcement and proseeutorial activities ~ habitual juvenile offenders and elevating their cases to a high priority will continue to be the cornerstone of this strategy. The program also includes early identification of pre-SilO habitual juvenile offenders for intervention and prevent/on of their ~ing serious habitual offenders. The SHOCAP Section Supervisor is responsible for supervising all member~ assigned to the SHOCAP Initiative. The Supervisor also conducts in_spections to easm'e that each file eon~ the required proper documentation. The Supervisor publisbe~, monthly, a complete list of all juveniles that have been identified as serious habitual offenders. The lists are distn'buted to all law enforcement ageneie~ and other comm~m{ly parmers on an as needed basis. The SHOCAP Secefion Supervi~rr and Investigator use the powerful imp3~ of' ~ aids ill thc trBil~g of the comm,mlty and all of the community parmer~. An intense effort is made to educate government, the business comm~ty and the private sector about SHOCAP so that they can participate in the ~ and enhmee its abilities. The primary responsibilities of the SHOCAP Investigator are to create comprehensive files coring an aecanate profile or ease history, perform post arrest ease enhancement, appear at court proceedings, assist in formulating informed sanctions and perform intense monitoring on the identified serious habitual juvenile offenders. The Investigator compiles information from community partners and other som'ee~ pertaining to identified SHO-~bjeets. This information is placed in the subj~'s file and the Go-Trak database to do~ent his / her history for later use by the Coup. Ia addition, the Investigator creates documents that identify ~'ions habitual juvenile offenders and distributes them as part of an ongoing sharing of information between the community partners. The Investigator. acts as a liaison between the SHOCAP office, the comm~mlty partners and the juvenile justice system in order to maintain a consmt exchange of information. The Investigator, Department of Juvenile Justice Case Maaagers and the pros~uting attorneys examine each SI-I~ in dem'l. They consider ~e quality and legality of the evidence, stren~ and weaknesses of law enforccmcnt's cases, credibility of the civilian victims and witnesses, technical ? problem~, gaps ia documentation and possible defense .... ~' v'A~T._--? ! ,, luvemgator assa~ wifla any post case prosecution needs as ~ell as b"ao-subjeet court aptmaranees. The Investi~or also provides comprehenfive history on all Sho-subjects and assists in formulating informed sanctions upon conviction that are in the best interest of the juvenile and the community. The Investigator also assists the Sheriff's Office Victim Assistance Bureau and Court Liaison Section. The Investigator ensures that all victims and wimesses on Sho eases are confident, well infoIlll~l, comfortable and available when needed. The investigator assists with questions, courtroom and procedure orientation and trmspon~on to and from court appearances. The SHOCAP Analyst conducts daily screenings of juvenile arrests to identify, Serious Habitual Juvenile Offenders. The Analyst then obtains the juvem'les criminal history and evaluates it by entering it into one'of the SHOCAP databases. When the analyst identifies a new or previously identified SHO-subjeet she creates a file or retrieves the existing one on the subject. The Analyst then makes the basic information entries into the Go-Trak database system and the file before passing it on to the SHOCAP Investigator. Additionally, the Analyst ob~ subject photographs and creates the notification forms distributed to the State Attorney's Office and the Department Of' Juvenile Justice notifying them of a subject's classification as a SHO. Further, the Analyst eolla~ all of the collected information on SH(3- subjects and eomplete~ axmlysis on their trends of efimix~ activities. The Investigator and the ex~mm~mi~ parlllet~ utilize thiS information to assist in pro- actively monitoring the SHO-subjeet's activities. Both the Analyst and the Investigator ~alnta~n a strong woflcing relationship with the community partners in order to encourage a eonfimml and. efficient exchange of information on Sho- subjects. The SHOCAP Data Entry Clerk / Secretary is reslXms~le for all necessary data entry tasks on SHO-subjeets. These areas include, bUt are not limited to past arrests, field interview reports, school attendee, grade and discipline repotxs, contacts with the Department of Juvenile Sustice, Children and Family Servi~ and any other da~ n~ to create a complete habitual juvenile offender. The Data Entry Clerk also assists the Analyst in the subject profiles. Her wjmary responsibility in this area is h the computerized and hard copy file~ kept by the SHOCAP the maintenance of ~ on~ing mbjea monholing by SHOCAP staff. The CCSO will continue to si~canlt,y hnpa~ lhe success raIe of our serious habiu~l juvenile offender iden~~ and prosecutions. With this fun~g commflment Sheriff Don · ~ of the Collier Cotmty ShedfFs Office is also w~lin~, as in the past, to expenditure, and any other operational costs necessary to ensure the success of this program. ~m~ ~ ~r~m 0~ a~ ~o~ance m~urc~ (fou~ in ~nd~ ~ for d~ ~ ~ ~ ~nn~ ~ ~ o~~ ~ ~e ~d. con~ Tom ~i~hop PROGRAM OBJECqTVE$ AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES Objective 16A. 1 To review 4lA. juvenile criminal cases and, using SHOCAP criteria, identify offenders who meet these criteria. Progam Objective 16.A.2 Program Objective 16.A.3 Program Obj~'tiv~ 16.A.4 Progra~ Objective 16A.5 To investigate, track, and monitor 60 juvenile SHOCAP offeader~, especially those who are on eornm~ty control. To charge and prosecute 30 juvenile as SHOCAP Offenders. To meet quarterly with COmmunity parmers to exchange inform~ oll ~-IOCA1~ offenders including c'14mln~l a~ivity, school attendance, discipline problcms, etc. To publish a listiag of SHOCAP offenders, updated monthly, and disseminate it among comm~mity p~Z'l~. You mu~ a~.~.~-.,a ltn~ l~.eme for g~¢h apFflc, a~le Dud~r Cgr, egory for which you arc $125,538.00 11,275.00 3,120.00 10,693.00 23,658.00 8,629.00 9,000.00 478.00 --196.561.00 $196,561.00 e~e,?e_,~_r_o~ect.coscs .are .necess. ary and reasonable ~or pre,per a~d ~z_ezzc p~o:iecc aamlalst~atloa ~nd imnlemen~,~ mae ..... - ....... ~d NOT E g ~ ~e to ~ ~C ~ral ~~~iltCies. ~r~C Co gecCi~ 932.905 (4)(A) Elort~ State Statute, ~cchin9 i~s ol 25~ ol ~e project's cost ~11 ~ Pr~ed by the I_ a]//A: S]GT3a Purchasing meChods conform to exzLsCing policies, recjulations and .p.r.o_ced~r..es. .Net of all applicable cred/cs does hoc a ply ~Ao~a~l_e p~o~ect costs will ~e ~"~-ded or ob'= ...... P --' approved ~C per/od. --'~-' ~ceu curln~ the yea= o= the grant program. os rinc./pl e_s .pursuant to OMB Circ~tlar A-87; Uni form VAlev~%eqUl~r.e~-n.~.sa_pu__r__su~a~_~__ =o OMB. Ci_r_cula.r A-102; and are followe~. -- -~=ua=ucs pursuanc to OMB C~rcular A-133 , .The SHOCAP Section Supervisor will be responsible · _ for: supervising all members a. ssxgne~ to the SaIXIkP initiative, con- mm complete and dis- ribu=e monthly lists of serious habitual .u._v~_.l.e .of.fenders, prepare aids for and u~nU =rxals to project State's case. Th_e- SHOCAP InvestiFator (Cer~ifie~ Deputy) will be responsible for: J =u~._u=~, =_rac~%ng the desiqnated ........ g 'mc~es, ~er~orm post arrest ~ .... .__ . co ~ out of Jm,en/le ·gate the quality and le~tl~ty of e~dence, of police and _ caclon and possible de- z._e?.e~, p. rov/d_e c?~r.ehensive ~ne :luven_~e :Justice s~seen, align _w.~.~. p~osecuc~on to l~o:ject a respon- sible and un/lied posture Co the Court, ~ C~r~ ~s~st~ce wh~ a~r~ri-- , ~rk ~ V~cc~m ~stsc~ce ~eau The S]~ Data :Tu~ut Clerk wtll be responsible for: a/! necessary dar& entry tasks relate~ ~uuuo~ accentuate aud discipline, con- facts with DJJ, HRS and other data nec- essary to create a complete profile of the serious habitual Juvenile offenders, assist ~he Analyst in ~he preparation of background jtrvenile profiles, main- teen.ce of computerized and hard copy files of ~he SH~ Section. $39,731.0~ The SHOCAPAnalyst will be responsible for: conductingdailyscree.~g of juvenile offenders to identify the serious habit- ual offenders, prepare case referral packages, notify the Investigator of new or previouslydocumentedser/ous habitual offenders, search all available databases to identify ~hemos= dangerous and active serious habitual offenders for pro-active investigations, maintainworking relation- sh/pswi~hc~,-?,-~typar~ners. '! $196.561,00 JIt/a: spn3a salary, over~fme and benegtt~. The l~sitions continues the net personnel increase establLshe8 ~u~tr=j the ~n~tta~ yeer og the gra~t prcgrntfl. ~ ~ "~ r~i~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~y ~ a ~y ~ a ~y ~ an Indian T~bc wh~h The rec¥iertC ehafJ have a cho~ of ~bm~ ~ MonO~ or ~a~ F~I ~ ~ [~ Fo~-~A-~)] ~ ~& M~ ~m~m~: ~ime (1-11) arc au~ ~i~on~ (~1) da~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. O~ ~m~em~ ~tma (1-~) ara duc Allowance fo~ ~ ~ u~l~- ~ ~ul~j~am. ~hall be d~.cr~it~.d acco~di~j ~o 'Gm, n-al PHnciFlc~ of AJlowahTP. y and ~r~mla~d~ fo~ ~..ctc~ ~ ~r~m~' ~ foer. h i~ ~ 0ff~ of Ju~T. ic~ Program~ Financial Gui~c. U-G. Dcpa etm~t~ of JL~t4e.~ Common J~uJ~ f~ 5'.at~ du~ Local Gov~mn~-nte a n~ fe.4/cral OM D Circular No. A-&?. 'Co~I~ P~e fo~ ~ and log, al Govc~ncrr~', o~' OMD Ci'cubr No. A-21. 'Co~t PHnci~s fo~ Tmv~ I q ~nce s~E ~.a~ aFF~val fro~ tl~ d~Ta~r, for ma~or d~ang~. T~e~ ~c~, ~t ar~ not li~ite~l a. Chan~ce in i:,mjac~ acUve~, dc~ig~ o~ rg~Jrch Flans e~ fo~h in th~ aFl~OV~ agr~n=: I 10. the ha'tau..~pifl ecplai~ rta~on~ for dday and ~cs: sr~o:J~r rc~i~ 11. God ~ of Ch~ ~ memy. scr~ of rd~ ~ov~mmg~n; in ~hcr ~e eovcr~jn or 12_ roi tnd ~2/K~m imt~rt~m~r~ Forrnuio rtn= Program ~~ ~ ~ ~a ~'~ ~j~ a~ ~l~c for Aud~ J i~,~. .! · ! 40 or do nog mgg~, EEO Fr'oejr.am ~ e~ ~ fortJn in ,Secston ~ of The F~I Omnii~u~ Crime Corrr. r~ ghie . · -='- ~ m ~ ~~ ~ a i~ ~ · · in ~ Ju~ ~ I~ ~ ~ 19 ~, FuA L ~ I57. 42 U~ ~ 26. CFR F~ 23 - The ~ of i~c~G:lj'l, iN~m and cH:41g, lCion ~ Fay undgr :h~ agrr, cm~rrr, ~ ~~ ~on Jn Jnn~l F~I ~~ ~ Lo~ ~ ~ ~1 ~,' ~ ~ ~ F~ 2~, 1~, F~I ~. ~~ ~~ ~ ~I~ ~ m~ ~ f~l ban ~ ~1~,~ ~ m~. ~-,,_ /1~ ) -a'-"--,, ,1,~,, ~al'r, KW'~ml~ ~ r"llkl~"'~ 'iL ... ' ' --------~.--,~. viola'Ck:m by ck~ ~ recipimtg, of the m'nploymw~.. J:~Mei~.j conCaingd/n 5~.,cCio~ 274A(c) mt t,~ INA ~ril 20, ~998 Collier County Go~ Complex Bldg. - J 3301 Tamlami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112 Telephone (AC 941) 774-4434 State of Florida Department of C~.-,~ityAffairs Bureau of Public Safety Management 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Attn: Mr. Clayton H. Wilder By=ne Grant Signatory Authority Dear Mr. Wilder: Pursuant to the referenced Grant, Captain Paul Canady has my permission to have signatory authority on any aI791icable grant documents. If you need further information, please feel free tO contact me. JH/A:ssa2 (941) Mr. Clayton R. Wilder Coumamity Proc~_~ A~ministrator Bureau of Coummity Assistance D~t Of Cou~u/nity Affairs 2SS5 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399o2100 Re: Compliance with Equal Em~l~nt Opportunity (EEO) Program Requirements -- Subgrant Recipient Dear Mr. Wilder: X, ~he ,_,~dersigned authorized official, certify that according to SectAon 501 of ~.he Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ~ Su~rec~ent X Do~me~Aac~ Do~ not me~ Act criteria. .{ '-' I affirm that I have read the Act criteria set forth in ~ iInstructions. I understand' that if ~he subgrant reciP.ient meets these criteria, it must formulate, imslement and mS. intain a written EEO Program relating to e;~l~t' practices affecting m~nority persons and women. I also affirm that the subgrant recipient .... ~ a curreut EEO Pms~m Plato , Does not have a curraut EEO P~Dmm Plan. ~. I further affirm that if the recipient meets the Act criteria and does ~' not have a current written EEO Program, federal law requires it to formulate, ~ implement, an~ maintain such a program within 120 days after a subgrant - application for federal assist_~ce is app~ or face loss of federal funds. i Name and Title: P~mrbara B. Berry. Chairwoumn Board of Countv Cou~Lissioners · ~..:j.~,,-:~..~. : · . . ·: ' ' '-~' :'-'.';'. · X ~ - ~u:i~'~--- · "~ ~ ,~ ~ . ~ .. · ..~ ..... · ~'o - "=-~~.'2.~t.'-. · · d~/~- m~4~'~ .. .... :.' ~...?~/.,'.,~,'_.. ~' "-' "-"""',,'"' -. ' · .~-- -'s;;Z./<.l. ',[,,.'f~--,,m,~.,,~.,.~.-z../'~."-'~ .1'.~.,{~,~,,.~ · · ".~. '~ .--..':....~ ?,._........o .... · ' , . '---. .......... :.m__i_.LC .... °~.-,.',-,.._.-~ml%'. /-"~:"~"'d";:'"','; '~ -." Collier County Govt. Complex Bldg. - J 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112 Telephone (AC 941) 774.4434 Mr. Clayton H. Wilder Community Program .A~min/strator Bureau of Commmity Assistance De~~t of Cou~unity Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Flor/da 32399-2100 Compliance with Equal En~loyment Opgortunity (EEO) Program Requirements -- Subgr~c Recipient Dear Mr. Wilder: the undersigned authorized official, certify Chat accordin9 to 501 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as Subgraat recip~em X Does meet Act cntma. Does not meet Act criteria. ~ I affirm that I have read the Act criteria set .forth in ~ *~' In?tructions. I ~_,~derstand that if the subgrant recipient meets these crXteria, it must formulate, implement and maintain a written EEO Program ~ relating to employment practices affecting minority Persons and women. I 0 also affim that the subgrant recipient .... ' ~ a current EEO Program Plan. Does not have a ct=rent f:~O Program Plan. I further affirm ~hat if the recipient meets the Act criteria and does funds. and Title: Don H~nter. Sherif* Collier County. Florida u"~/a:see2a Date: Anril 20. 1998 ~ru~ ~ '~oi an~ =y~;~m lmFrov#m~nt t:ormuL rant Program (F..~w~ ~ t,4~mor~al ~ and Loc. al A~i~anr. e P~ogmm) Come.one including s~'k~ov~, ~o~, ~. on thi~ page ar~ not acce~ble. ~ ~ Flora DeFa~ ~ ~mmun~y ~ureau ~ ~mmun~y ' T~~it7 ~ro~am ~inistrator ~ G~cmm~l Unit (~mmi~i~ ~ai~an. M~or, or Desi~ T~ Name ~ , ~llier ~mt7 C~ission ~ D~ ~/~ ~/98 FEID Num~n ~ ~,..%::::,.~ .... . F - -~; .' '". ' - .. .,;. ~ T~]KT T~B BOARD 0P COUNTY C(~MISSIC~r~H~ BI~ ~ ~TIFI~TI~ 224. ~~i~ ~~ s~~C a~d. ~~~l ~ ~il 7, 1998, ~e B~d of ~Cy ~ssi~ers a~eed ~o a~ ~ ~ ~~=~ ~= of g~~n= for ~ S~a~e of ~~, ~~ of ~~y ~fairs ~=~-~g ~se ~ Fo~la May 12, 1998, the Board endorsed the Sheriff's Office application for O~ Jtlly 20, 1998 the Sheriff's Office received the Department of Cxmmum/ty Affairs grant award in the amount of $S9,224 tO fund the Sheriff's Office Street Oang Prevention and Apprehension Program. F~TSCAL I~PACTI The Grant award of $59,224 iS to be matched by $19,742. Funds arm included in the FY99 budget (115-641011). Prior to budget adoption lundin9 will be allocated to project 33267. potential for 3 year grant. This grant period ~u~equenc years iz cont~u~ued fund/ · ng is not received, ce muaget request based upon available budget _~%~use. ~x~. t _ ~ 99-cJ-gM-09-21-01-002/Street Gan~ Preventf~t~ni -~ Tb/s request is a legitimate ex~end/ture of Confiscated Trust Funds under ~eC~ion 932.7055(4)(a) Florida Statutes to provide match/ng funds to ob~a/n federal grants. ~ BY: C~.~al X. K/nzel,' Yinance(~irector Doa ~unt%m, Sheriff ,Zu3.Y 21. 19~ Date: ~lv 21. 1998 Office o~ the C~mtv &ttorne? Attention: Thomas Palmer. Esq. F{nan_ce Director J?%tle) Sheriff,s Office ,., F~_~_nce Division (m:v'J.l:L~o) (Z),B~) ~.~= ~;~ ;~n~ ~99-~-9~-09-22-02-0~2 ~ard (~) . ~ehension Program. · government on April The ~heriff's Office has been awarded second year funding from the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the Street Gang Prevention and The Board agreed to be the coordinating unit of 7, 1998. The Board endorsed the Sheriff's Office a~lication on May 12, 1998. The Sheriff's Office received the DCA grant award on July 20, 1998 ~n~ needs the Board to accept the subgrant. (Are there documents or Other info~tion needed to review this matter? yes, attach and reference this information). If Certification of Participation Legal a~roval of gr~_nt award documents. C: Doll Hunter. Sheriff I AH~ a STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 'Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities' LAIa'1'ON CHI1J5 JAMES F. MURLEY Secretary July 15, 1998 oo The ~onorable Barbara B. Berry ChairDerson, Collier County Board of Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112 Re: 99-cJ-gM-09-21-01-002/Street Gang Prevention and Apprehension Program II Dear Ms. Berry: The Department of Community Affairs is pleased to award an Anti-Druq Abuse grant in the amount of $59,224 to your unit of government. These funds shall be utilized to implement a Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program under Purpose Area 024, Gang Abatement. A cody of the approved sub~T, rant aDDlication with the above referenced project number and title is enclosed for your file. All correspondence with the Department should always refer to the project number and title. Your attention is directed to Section H of the subqrant which is the "Acceptance and Agreement.. These conditions should be reviewed carefully by those Dersons resDonsible for Droject administration to avoid delays in project completion and cost reimbursements. The enclosed Certificate of Acceptance should be completed and returned to the Departmen~ within 30 calendar days f~om the date of award. This certificate constitutes official acceDtance of t.he award and must be received by the Depart~~ reimbursement of any project expenditures. 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD · TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncorn 278.8466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Sun,:om 291.0781 ~.~"~ Interne! address: http://www.state.fl.us/comaff/dca.htn~l .~._ The Honorable Barbara B. Berry Page Two _We look forward to workinq with you on this Dro~ect. If we can be.of further assistance, ~lease contact Colleen Matthews at 9S0/488-8016. Sincerely, Clayton H. Wilder CommuniCyPr.ogramAdministrator Bureau of Community Assistance CHWICMlam Enclosures State of Florida Department of CommunityAffairs Division of Housing and Co...unity Development Bureau of Community Assistance 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 CERTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF SUBGRANTAWARD The subgrantee, through its authorized representative, acknowledges receipt and acceptance of subc3Tant award number 99-CJ-PM-09-21-01-002 in the amount of $59,224, for a Project entitled: Street Ga~ Prevention and APpreh~sionPro~ram II for the period of 10/01/98 through 09/30/99, in accordance with =he statement of work contained in the subgrant application, and subject to the Department.of CommunityAffairs, conditions of agreement and special conditions governing =his subgrant. (Signature of Authorized Official) (Date of Acceptance) (Typed Name and Title of Official) DCA-CJ Form I (June, 1985) State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Divisio~ of Housing,and Community Development ~ureau o£ Co~munityAssistance The Sadowski Building 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 SUBGRANTAWARD C~RTIFICATE Subgrantee: Collier County Board of C~es£oners Date of Award: ~rant Period: From: 20/01/9S To:09/30/99 Project Title: Street Qang Prevention and APprehension Pro~ramXX Grant Number: 99-cJ-gN-09-21-01-O02 Federal Funds: $59,224.00 BGMTF Funds: State AgencyMatch: Local Agency Match: Total Project Cost: Program Area: 024 $19,742.00 $78,966.00 Award is hereby made in the a~ount and for.the period shown above of a grant under Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, P.L. 90-351, as amended, and the A~ti-Drug Ab~se Act of 1988, P.L. 100-690, to the above mentioned subgrantee and subject to any attached standard or special conditions. This award is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and conditions as contained in the Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants, ~uideline Manual 7100.1D, Office of Justice Programs, Common Rule for State and Local Governments and A-87, or OMB Circulars A-110 and A-21, in their en~ire~y.. It is also subject to such further rules, regulations ana pOllcles as maybe reasonably prescribed by the State or Federal ~overnment consistent with the Purposes and authorization of P.L. 90-351 as amended, and P.L. 100-690. ' Tb/s grant shall become effective on the beginning date of the grant peric~provided that within 30 days from the date of award, properly executed Certificate of Acceptance of Subgrant Award is returned to the department. Cla~con H. Wilder Co~,=,unity _Program Administrator Bureau o5 C~um/tyAssistance Date [X)Th/s award £s subject (attached). BC~Revised 7-1-79 to special and/or standard conditions Drug ¢ '~'ol and ~y~tem Improvement FormuL 'rant. Program 1999 DCA Co~ra~ Number A. Namm& A~re~ee 2. Chi~ FimancLal Offic. cr. Name of Chi~ Financial Offica-: James ~tchell T~. Fi,nance Direct,or? Deputy Clerk Addreee: 3~01 Tamiami Trail East, Court Plaza I~/~ C~v. ~ce, ~]p Cod~. Naples, Eloric~a 34112 ~.~_.C~..W~_.~...N~ ISUNCOM No.' I)~J Coa~F~x ~o.e .o- , I(~Z )774- . ~)!~41 ' ~A~ I 774-6179 ~Name of Chef Ex, curve Off~iaE Don Hu~ter ?~. Sheriff Addree~: 3301 Tamtam/ Trail East, Building "J" C~y. ~ 2~p Cod~. Naples, Floci~a 34112 Ar~a94Co4.~r _e~hone No: ]SUNCOM Noz I~'~ C~J=~x ~one No: 4434 I 774-4434 { (941)774 -5735 J.~UNCOM No: larva Code/Fax) ?hone. No.: Jo~ce Eouran, Grants Oru~ "' 'r&ral Jntl ~,.~m Im~,tm#rt~ Farrnz grtrr~ Pragr.~m ¢~ ~ M~m~t~l ~ff, a'fle tntl Lt~ratl Aeei~r,~n~ Program) 1. ~ro~'T, Ti"~ (Nog r,o exceed 8u~. ch~racr~r~. Includintl ~r2acc,~). LSd. reel: C, at~ ..l~even~ton and ~oi:~-eherm:[on i:~'ogram ]~ For P~kxl. _ P~ Month D~y Y~r ~jm,{mj 10 1 1998 ~i~ 9 ~ 1999 [ l~ or4~r ~han r.~ Chef Fi,ancial Office) F.~m~ Warrarrr, ~ Collier.. County Sheriff,s Office 3301%~ntami ~ratl ~___n~ I , [ Buil~in~ ,'J' - Finance Division Nap!es~ Flori_~n_ 34112 gl~o-;~ ~~--~-~--2r?Y'~ "-"'~ ~ ~ r~ ~m~.~r~ ~c~ 59-6(X)0-558 provide a ehorT, eummar~ of your' Out'renT. Fro~rarn and d~c:n'b~ ar~ tjaF,~ b~.,wecn curr~rrr, ar~ who ~ do whaT.. ,,,h~.. ,d~re aM how. 51~ P'AC~ 2 Of: INS~ON5 ON II'F. M5 TO INC:LUD~. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION The specific problem to be addressed with grant funds is the street gang problem in Collier County. Collier County is located in Southwest Florida on the Gulf of Mexico. Collier County encompasses 2,025 square miles, making it the largest county east of the MississippiRiver. The demographics of the County are diverse. The bulk of the County's population is concentrated within 5 miles of the coast. This part of unincorporated Collier County is home to many of the area's middle class citizens. During the past 25 years the County has undergone tremendous growth, increasing from 38,040 persons in 1970 to an estimated 194,036 persons in 1996. In addition to the increase in the permanent population, each winter brings an influx of seasonal residents. Population in the City of Naples and the coastal sections of Collier County increases by agproximately 33% during the winter months. The agricultural community of Immokalee is located about 25 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Permanent population of Immokalee is about 18,622. During the winter harvest months an additional 12,000 migrant farm workers reside in Immokalee. The remainder of Collier County is comprised mainly of Federal and State Parks. During 1995 Collier County had the highest median family income in the State of Florida. This high median income, however, hides the contrast between retirees with large investment incomes and seasonal workers earning the minimum wage. Despite all of the demographic d/fferences, public safety is=ne issue that impacts all elements of the population. Since 1992, when street gangs were first ident ie~ degrading the quality of life in Collier County. ~nnoc~n~ c~t[,z6ns h~ve been shot, raped, assaulted, and intimidat~d as a result of gang related crimes. Experts in the field hags Collier County is at the threshold of a street could become impossible to control if it' is not soon thwarted. There are approximately $44 identified gang members that can be placed into 35 street gangs. The number of street gang members has nearly doubled during the first year of this grant. We expect the number of street gang members to continue to increase along with the population. The average street gang member in Collier County has been arrested at least four times. Therefore, street gang members are responsible for at least 2100 documented crimes. This does not account for the number of crimes that street gang members are not identified as committing. The average age of a Collier County street gang member is estimated to be 16 to 18 years old. Actual ages range from early teens to the early 30's. About 50% to 60% of the known gang members in Collier County are Hispanic males. More time is needed by current Street Gang Unit Investigators to address the continuing increase in street gang members. The Investigators currently enter all data on gangs in the tracking system as soon as feasible during their very busy days. This data entry task takes valuable InvEstigator time away from identifying, tracking, apprehending, and suppressing street gangs. Data entry by the Investigators has sometimes taken prioritycver Investigator availability for other important issues such as street gang awareness/prevention presentations to the c~ity. Investigators need to devote less time to data entry and more time to street operations. More time is also needed to allow the immediate input and analysis of information of the Street Gang Unit to use to address Collier County's street gang problems. Data entry is a priority issue that needs to be addressed in order to help make this a more effective program. With'the addition of a data entryperson, street gang Investigators will bsa bls to devote the majority o£ their time to street operations. The current tracking system for street gangs and their members is very comprehensiveand it requires completeand accurate information. A full-timedataentryperson will fill current needs and will enhance and expand the program to benefit residents of and surrounding Collier County. a: gapi2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Collier County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) Criminal Intelligence Bureau was established in 1992. The initial task of the Investigator assigned to this unit was to assess the extent and nature of the gang situation in Collier County. During this planning and analysis phase, which lasted approximately 3 years, the Investigator documented the existence of organized street gangs within Collier County and identified approximately 100 members. Many of the gangs identified had their origin or received their inspiration from street gangs found in larger metropolitan areas. Concurrent with this fact finding, the Gang Unit Investigator was called upon to present his discoveries, first to law enforcement, and later to the public. The Street Gang Unit is currently comprised of the senior Investigator, two street gang Investigators (one of which is funded by this grant), and a crime analyst. The Investigators are currently responsible for all gang-related intelligence gathering, graffiti investigations, presentation to law enforcement and non-law enforcement audiences, maintaining a liaison program with Uniform Patrol, media interaction, gang suppression efforts, pre-gang intervention, and counseling. Gang Unit Investigators also work with Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Investigators on ~any cases in which are thought to have been committed by gang members. In addition to their other duties, members of the Gang Unit are currently engaged in the time consuming task of entering street gang information into a computer database. Since the unit received this grant and appointed an Investigator, we bare documented almost twice as many street gang members than were previously reported. The unit continuously updates the street gang intelligence database by receiving raw data and analyzing it. This grant will continue to fund one street gang Investigator. In addition, CCSO is requesting funds for one full-time data entry person. The data entry person will greatly enhance the current Street Gang Unit by allowing the Investigators ~ore street operational time. Also, the ~ta entry person will work hand and hand with the crime intelligence analyst. That partnership will ,nh~nce the free flow of intelligence information from the street g~g unit to line units. The agency and grant funded Investigators allow the Gang Unit to utilize better tactics to identify street gang leaders and members. For example, data is collected, collated and d/stributed; and surveillance and confidential informant interv~s-~v~ ~on~.,c~ The data entry position being requested wou/d g~ve t the time to implement other methods of suppressing ~angsf,aud .p~. osecuti~g gang members. Tactics such as street sweeps, ] road~c~'~,'"~d invoking of RICO or federal firearms statues s~and a better chan~e o£ being success£ul if members of the Gang Unit have the time needed to perfom the preliminary work and follow-up. Finally, and of paramount importance, the requested Investigator position increaees officer safety durin~ all operations and while uakin~ a~'rests. ~n conclusion, the funded Investigator and data entry person will Freatl¥ enhance the.. st?eeC gang unit's ability to identify, ~.investigate, and era~tca=e street gang members for the community. ! a .' gapi2 ~.~ra lmprov~m~nf, Formula ~r~ you ~ imp~ Your a~i~on i~ n~ com~ ~ho~ ~'~r~ t~ow and u~e con~ua~n F~g~ a~ nace~ary. ~SE AREA 24 - OMgO KBA~-aaa~x ~IGH ~ZSK/GANG PP. EVENTZ~ FROGP. AMS PErFOrMaNCE )~I~E S Law Enforcement Objective 24.11 Objective 24.12 Objective 24.13 Objective 24.14 Objective 24.15 To identify, collect, document, track, maintain, and distribute gang intelligence information to law enforcement units on known 500 gang members using automated data processing equipment during the grant period. To arrest 1~0 gang members and gang wannabes on various law v~olations including responding and assisting law enforcement units in gang- related arrests during the grant period. To transport 75 gang members and gang wann~es who were truants or suspended students during the grant period. To educate and train 1000 members of the community on gangs. To publish ~ issues of enhanced gang intelligence (including pictures) to be distributed to all local Law Enforcement Officers. j h/a: gaobJ roi and ~yg~m im~ov~men: FormuL rant ?rogram Regular Salaries Overtime Incentive Social Security Retirement - H/gh £etiremen= - Low Health lnmLrance Life Xnsurance Workers Compensation Total Salar/es $50,341.00 200.00 1,560.00 3,985.00 8,838.00 3,066.00 9,200.00 177.00 78.966.00 Total Expenses Torn/ OCO .00 ~IAI~ ~ $ 78,966.00 These project costs are necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient project administration and implementation and NOT s general ex~nse to carry out overall responsibilities. Pursuant to Section 932.705 (4)(A) ~unds of 25% of the project's Confiscated Trust Fund. Florida State Statute, matching cost will be provided by the · Purchasing methods conform to existing policies, regulations and procedures. Net of all applicable credits does not apply. Allowable project costs will be expended or obligated during the approved subgrant period. Overtime in the Salartes andBeneftts Category line item in Section G includes bo~h salary, overtime and benefits. The proposed data entry clerk Dosi=ion is new and will result in net personnel increase to the agency. · Cost principles pursuant to OMB Circular A- 87; Uniform Administrative Requirements pursuant to OMB Circular A-102; and Audit of Federal Orants requirements pursuant to OMB Circular A-133 are followed. Jh/a:pbn2 .: '* *~ '"* s~-~,, #. ~e ~m. PROJECT B17DGET NT~RATIVE BENEFITS= $78,966.0O INF~STI~ATO~ ~ The Street Gang Prevention and Apprehension Program Investigator (Certifie~ Deputy) will be responsible for: identifying gang members and wannabe gang members, tracking the street gang members, aid in preparation of trail ~ediums, monitor and support other bureaus or agencies, perform post arrest case enhancement, a~ear at court proceedings, follow the records of con- victed street gang members into and out of the Juvenile justice system, examine cases in detail,1 investigate the quality and civili~ witnesses, technical prob- lems, gaps in documentation and possible defenses, provide State Attorney's Office with case enhancements, CIB enhancements, technical assist~-ce for CID, provide co~prehensive profiles for active street gang members, align with prosecution to project a responsible and unified posture to the Court, the defense, the Jury and the co~mmity, appear at hearings, arraign- ments, trials and sentencings, seek bonds, c~.~'c.{tments, and courtroom assistance when appro~riate, work with Victim Services Bureau and Court Liaisons. DATA~CLE~ The Gang Unit data entry clerk will be respon- sible for: all necessary data entry tasks related to past arrests, field inte~ew reports, school attendance and discipline, contacts with DJJ, H~S ~ ocher data necessary to create a com- plete profile of the juvenile offenders, assist the Gang Unit Investigators in the preparation of background Juvenile profiles, maintenance of co~uterizedandhard copy files of the Gang Umit section. ~ Jh/a:bng2 and ~m Im~er~, Formul,~ .rr~ I~rogrJm .ew ano will resu~ In ne~ personnel increase t.o the agency. .? H ~eug C. roi and ~ye~m Impravem#nt Farmul,~ 'ant Frogram Ali p~ ~ed 'm or In~nntj adminiet, raf. ive r~n:nn~T~,y f~r thg eubgran~ mu~ read 1;here 'AcceFr. an~e amd Agrtgm~ e~i~e. ~hi~ '~e..q~ne~ ~ntl A~,re~mgnt' (Se~q~ H~ mu~l; be r~l;urne, d a~ par1; of Note Conditian No. 12: Only project ~ incurred on ~af'.~'tha effeo't,i~a data of thit agreement and on ar prior r.a t, ha t,~-mination date ~*~ ra~ipiarff,'~ F~'Oj~l~ ara al'~jF~la far r~imbur~rner~. Th~ ~ 'd~Tarr, m~r~', unl~ ~tJ~eewita ~t~,ad. r~fer~ to the O~-Tar~m~n~ ~f C, ammunity Affair. The t~rm Jo Fe~ 1. Idty 1. ~ 1. and wi'..hifl ~ C4~} day~ af~ ~ ~d~,gr~r~ t~n. ninal;ion da~. The ~ ~hall eu~rni~ an Armu~t/~m~cl~ Pm-/~rmane~ P,~/~, fo~ the "~ri~/~a/" F~'Oje.~t period. Thi~ rq~t ~hall l:,e ~,ubmil:~.e.d 'r.,o the bureau within f~yd~ (45} ~ia~ z~. ~r ~e ~ af the original projec~ pe~a. TI~ ',~/nar l~j~'~ I~ i~ g~tra~ ~r ~e 02) morr~s. ~. Pinar~ial ~a~y a~ ~rd~ for ~ ~ ~' ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j~ P~mme F~i ~Me. U~. O~a~ ~ J~ ~m~n ~u~ ~r ~ A~ ~1 ~~ a~ f~l OMO Ci~r No. A-&7. "~= P~e f~ ~ j~ L~I G~~", ~ OMD ~r No. A-21."~e= Fd~i~ce for aGcordinej Go U.~. D~J~r~n~'~ of Ju~t,i~ Common I~uks ~or 5C.J'M an~l Local C-ov~m~,,e. or A~.achmerr~ '0' of OMD C'~ulJr No. A-tlO and Florida law Co be ~i~le for r~nbureem~Tr~ Trl~nd A~ T. ravel ~mbur~-Tner~ for OuT,-Cff-~Caco Or ouC-of-gmr~.eFecifle, d work area ehall b~ baer, d upon wrtC~n 1'~ c,o~ cfi jl CrJYd ~1 be retm~ jr.c. ord/ng Co local rr. t3jb'r, iofle,Intr. noT. in ~.xc~e~ c~ Frovieione in ~ 112.0~ Flor~M All kll, fOr any r. rJvd ~ee eha~l be ~ubmiCT, ed aGGOr$~j CO l~-~,iorm in 5~"r. ion 112.0~I. FJorf~J Drug C rot and .~,gcgm ImFr'~,,#merr~ Formul~ -arr., Program THg o1~ cf f. he .~r.~ o~ FIo~la ~o e~iml~r'~e r~ for in~un-g~l c,o~,e i~ ~Jl~ ~o available federal ehal ~ J~:~- ~ e~O t,h~ lPur~u, adJain ~q:~ini~j r~eon~ for d~Lny and rex[ucc1; anor. h~r 10. Ex',,c~io~ gE a Cowr, r,~,~, fo~ Corr'~-acr. ual ~ervi~e and ~ eec forth in she ir~J~l ~.on~¢C. Only ona e~T~neion of TJ'm corrc~r, ehall b~ ~,rug G roi and 5yar,~m imFrav#m~n: ForrnuL~ rtrrr, f'ro~ram (Ett..,~ t, ym~ Memorial ~ t~l ~1 A~i~r~nct Fn~r~m) Prt~jr~m inc.~A meJn~ 1~ tjrt~t income e~rrunl I~'fhA ~ dur~j ~ ~ubgran~ F~'iad. Al a dire.~ rt~lr, af~u~ ~ui~grzn~ ~ward. Frogrjm inc. on~ ~1~11 I~ handle, d ac.c~'di~j ~ ~ ~ ~f Ju~,.ic~ l'rogrzm~ Fin~n~l C,u/de. U-~. Oq~a~n~ af Ju~r. ict Ctn~m~n ~l~ f~r ~r.,~.t and/.twit Cnn,m'nn~n~ I~-~nc~:. ~ TJ~ oubj~'T, jud~ in TM ~'hddub~ff'FwGm'M F~Jn~blA~b'r. fn~.~ TIM CCmCr'd~ eh~l IM M~fl~.h~J a* fr. dm'Jl funde I~W.d. Chrm~ T. hd Fior~ ~ c~ C.~,mmYr~y Aff ajm jrKI ~ ~ conc~ number. CFOA number. ~nvard amourS. ~ perk~. ~f r~ ~nd d'~mr~d. ~ tpFr~a~. 1:~ r~piern; ~1 ~ jn tnnu~f fln~nc~l ~mdlG ~ m~'~e 'd~ req~ of ~ 11A~ zed and ~yec~m Imi:~-m~m#rri: FormuL rJnf: I~rosram p~. and 0":"" r.~ bm'¢au, of the U..~. i:)~,arsm=n= of Ju~t~ca ~ur=au ch' Ju~t.~c~ A~r. Jnc= ~ bor. h hay= r~= Fr~'l~= ~ a. ~qore ~ ~r Fn-~.ir~. a final draft, tn%my ~ re.q~-e.d under ~' F~,T~inin~ t;a ghee a~r~n~rff. · haff be eer~ go The d~lMrt, mm, rr, f=~./~ r~vitw anti c. omme~ ' and ~.ar r~a r~n~ wa~/nd~l~had. Affaln. ~ d Fkwlda, and I~0~ ~r~au ~~ AH~ranc~ (~J^}, Of~ ~ Juat~t Fnujrm-~ (OJl~. U-~. Oq,artmm~ ~f $u~t~e. Tnt eJ^ ~ a c~mpenm~ ~ ojr whk~ al~o and Oerequancy Pnn,'mt. ion, and the ~ f~r V'~,~ ~ C,'im~.' Improvement. Formula 'ant F'rogram Local A~,i~canc~ f'eogeam) ........ rJ,-,~m ~ or OF~.'at. ir~j a ~1 Pub. L ~, Pub. ~ ~15, Pub. ~ ~, ~ub. Oru~ C, 'al and ~y~r, gm Improv~mgn~ Forrnul~ " (~ ~ Me~I ~ ~ ~l A~,~ e~=m) ~ f~l ~. ~ra~ loan, c. ~e ~~ ~ r=~u~ ~ ~e ~e ~ ~ ~~n b~ i~ ~ awar~ doc~ for Jrt c:lc~.o~ · · Collier County Govt. Complex Bldg. - J 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112 Telephone (AC 941) 774-4434 April 24, 1998 State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Public Safety Management 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Attn: Mr. Clayton H. Wilder Re: 1999 Byrne Grant Signatory Authority Dear Mr. Wilder: Pursuant to the referenced Grant, Lieutenant Will Sargent has my perm/ssiou to have signatory authority on any applicable grant documents. SIGNATURE If you need further information, Lieu~ W~Sar~e~t please feel free to contact me. JH/A: ssa2 Mr. Clayton H. Wilder 3301 EMI TanllmiTrM- ~ Flodda 34112-4F/7 ~) ~74-~- Fax (~) ;74-3~02 C~ .... ~-4ty Program Administrator Bureau of Co~unityAssistance De~ment of Co,~u~ityAffairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program Requirements -- Subgrant Recipient Dear Mr. Wilder: .1 .%~ I, ~he undersigned authorized official, certify that according to ~ec~£on 501 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as ~mc~p{~ X Do~m~A~c~4t~'i& Do~m~A~t~a. .. I affirm that I have read the Act criteria set forth in Subgrant ADDlication Instructions. I understand that if the subgrant recipient meets ~h~s.e criteria, it must fo~.a~late, implement and maintain a written EEO Program relating to employment practices affecting minority persons and wo~en. I also affirm that the subgrant recipient .... X Has a current EEO Program Plan. Does not have a current EEO Progrmn Plan. I further affirm thaC if the recipient meets the Act criteria and does noc havea curre~twritteng~OProgram, federal law requires it to formulate, im~lement, and maintain such a progr~_m within 120 days after a subgrant al~plication for federal assistance is approved or face loss of federal funds. Name and Title: eBy ':" '"" ":' "'::":'"'"'"'~"; ' ' · - -'... *~ F' '.~':" '. ~. ~. : ~ 12 : . . · - ..., ua,..=:- u-la seez'-'-:---- .. ,--'..;.:--':.'c...r . Board of County Co~nissioners ~ - ~: Collier County. -;...'%_ .-' '..:..---__ · , ~ .--. ...... . · ~ ,,.. ~, '.~ ~,', ~. C, ollie~ County ~ Complex Bldg. - J Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112 Telephone (AG 941) 77'4-4434 :,~ lV~. Clayton R. Wilder ' Co~mmity Program Administrator ,. Bureau of Co~mmnityAssistance .:. De~rt~3~ent of Co~manityAffairs :~" 2555 ShtmardOakBoulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2~00 Compliance with Equal ~mploymenC Opportunity (E~O) Progr_~m Requirements -- Subgrant Recipient Dear Mr. Wilder: I, the undersigned authorized official, certify that according to 8eccion 501 of ~he C~s Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as ' Su~ reci~em X _Doas ma~ Ac~ crita~ ,Do~ ~t m~ Act crite~ I affirm ~hat I have read the Act criteria set forth ~n. ~ ADDl~--tion I,,tructions. I zu~derstand~hat if the subgra~t reczpzent meets ~[z~se--~teria, iC must formu/ate, implement and maintain a written EEO Program relating to employment practices affecting minority persons and wo~en. ! also affirm ~hat the subgr~t recipient .... X Has a ~ EEO ~ Plan. Doe~ not have a current EEO Program Plan. I further affirm ~hat if the recipient meets the Act criteria and does not have a current written EgO Program, federal law requires it to formulate, im~lement, and -~intain such a program within 120 days after a subgrant ap~lication for federal assistance is approved or face loss of federal funds. Name and Title: D~n Hunter. Sheriff Collier Count_v. Florida ' ' ...................... 4~.~'.~, ~ ;.2 .: JH/a: see2a .; o ! :1 DY'u~j C roi and 57~1;~m lmF~'Ov~nerrr, Forrnui~ .an'c F'r=gram (E~I.~I ~ ~no~l ~ ~nd I.o~1A~i~n~ ~e~on~ incl~ing ~'k~r~, ~i~o~, ~ on thi~ page are not acc~bl~. 5~_ I~gr~nl; I~.~ipierr~ Aut, horJzing ~1 of Govm'nman~l Unit, (Commieeion Chairm~n. M~b'or. or O~nat, e,a R~'i~ee~rrr, ar, ive) Collier County Cc~z~ission DJt~. .5/1 FEID Numbgr': 59-6(:X3O-c;=iR ci~i. ,4~lmini~r.,rator or De~nat, e,d l~Fre~errr, aT, ive T~~]~unter, Sheriff 412O198 EXE~ SUMMARY PETITION NO. PUD-S1-4(5), QUARLES AND BRADY KEPKESENTING THE WYND~ PROPEKTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, KEQ~TING AN AMENDMENT TO THE WYNDEMEKE PLANNED UNIT DEVELO~ DISTRICT FOR THE PUP. POSE OF AUTHOKIZING A PEP. MANEN~ OFFIC~ BUILDING FOR THE WYNDEMEKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASS~TION AND TO AMEND THE MASTER PLAN TO INDICATE THE LOCATION FOP. SAID OFFICES IN THE WYNDEMEKE PUD LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE PLANNED LIVINGSTON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ONE HALF MILE NORTH OF ~ GOLDEN GATE PAKKWAY, IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIEK COUNTY, FLORIDA. petition seeks to ~mend the Wyadezne~e PUD for the purposez of permitting the Homeowners Aswciation to operate permanent adminim'~ve office~ temporarily at the current location and evmmally at a relocated site, and to amend the ~ Plan to illustrate the location for said offices. CONSIDERATIONS: The Wyndemere PUD i~ located east of Livingston Road and one-half (1/2) mile north of the Golden The purpose of thc ~mendment is to specifically provide that administr~v¢ offices in support of the ~ivities of the W~ Homeowners Association becomes ~n allowable use of land undcr the tenn~ of the PUD ~.guhtory document governing how land is used in the Wynderaere PUD and to Th~ ~mbject of this emeudmmt has W do with tho impact that m~y m zn~y not be created with the dcvclopmcnt of a proposed edministr~vdoffice building of 7,000 square feet within thc gated wmmunity ~t a poiat cleee~t to the entry. One must appreciate the fact that the administrative offices will ~rve the function of ammd/ng to thc need~ of the Homeowner~ ~on which includc thc ca~e and ~ of ~I1 of the common stea~ and related requizemeats of persons, residing in Wymlemem develolxaem. The absence of a provision for allowing a use of land for this purpose was no doubt sm oversighL M,my similar developments in Collier County require administrative office space to execute the re~o~ibilitie~ now charged to the Homeowner or Pmpert3r Owners Association. The major imeraction betwem the facility will be with the property owners themselves, and tha'cfore there will be minimal external i .mpact from the use of land in this fashion. A location nearest to the catty/exit ~ will mmlt in the least amount of impact to a mddeatial property owner which cannot One ~hould ~ ~ ~ i~ _common land near the ~nto'/a~dt ~a which belongs to the therefore have a s/milar ' .nnpact on nearby houzez. The fact thai the Homeowners As~ x:iati'oni: ~r.!~~° 1 AUG 0 4 1998 In summary this amendment will have no effect on the public interest, welfare or safety and no external effect on properties external to thc Wyndemcre development. The Collier County Platting Commission heard this p~tition on June 1~, 199~ and tmanimously vot~i to r~co~nm~d approval to the Board of County Commissioners. No l~rson spoke oth~4s~ 'communication any lc'vel of objection. A number of Ic, tters wcr~ r~ceived in support of thc amcndm~nt to the Wyndc'm~r~ PUD. FISCAL IMPACTf: NOlle. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The type of amendment reflected by th/s petition has no effect on pwvisions of the Growth Mansgem~nt Plan. HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioner's pwperty is located outside an area of Hiswfical and Archaeological Probability as r,~fet~ced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That the Collier County Planning Commission recommend approval of Petition PUD-81-4(5) to the Collier County Board of Coumy Commissionc-ra as descn~ by the proposed am~nrlh~g Ordinanc~ ~nd Exhibit th~r~n. DB CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DATE REVIEWED BY: TMENT DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. PUD~I-¢(~ EX SUMMARY/md 2 DATE T~ FROM: DATE: RE: --. ,..~,oNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CObl2dUNiTY DEVELOPMEKr & ENVIRO~AL SERVICES FONE 1, 1998 PEI~ON NO: PU~81.-4(5), ~~ TO THE WYND~ PUD OWNER/AGENT: Agent: John D. Httn~ile Queries & Brady Bnmett Center, Suite 300 4501 Tamiami Trail N. Naples, Florida 34103 Wyndeme~ Homeowners Association, Inc. 385 Edgcmere Way North Naples, Florida 34105 REOUTA'TED ACTION~ GEOGBAPI~C LOCATION. The Wyndcmere PUD is located east of Livingston Road and one.-half (1/2) mile north of thc Golden Gate P=kway (see ~ocation map fot~owin~ page). Pt,'R.'N)~F2D~-~ON OF PRO_-JF..C~: The Purlx~ of the smendment i~ to specifically provide that adm/nisu,afive offices in suPlX,n of the activities of the Wyndemere Homeowners A~aoc/afion becomes an allowable use of hmd under the terms of the PUD regulatory doc~ gover~g how land is used in the Wyndemcre PUD and to AUG 0 4 1998 ! ,I .1 ,... ,,,l SI IS IlS ...... 'LI_I ............................................... SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING' Existing: The Wy~demere PUD is extensively developed. The location of the admin/strative office~ w/Il internally impact the nearest re~/dences Surrounding: The amendment has no effect on properties adjacent and external to thc Wyndemere PUD. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSISTENCYi The type of amendment reflected by ~ petition ha~ no effect on provisions of the Growth HISTORIC/ARCIIAEOLOGICAL IMPACT Staff~ aaaly~ indi~ that the petitioner'~ pmpetw is located outside an area of hL~rical and EVALUATION FOR ENVIRONMENT.~L_ TRANSPORTATION AND INI,'RAS'j-RI~-,i-URE ~ · --r-.-,,~ ~ ~ wmca proce~ me ml~t~! LDC ~q~i~mm~ will be ~l:,lied. ANALYSLWEVALUATION. AUG 0 4 1998 The thrust of the decision that has to be made relative to a PUD amendment should focus on whe~lp' or not the am _e_r~tment would ~ive rise u) any inconsistency with clements of the Gwvah Management Plan. inlroduce new uses thai while consisr~n! with the FLUE, nevertheless, bring about relationships ~ were not eval~ as pan of the original action, or cause development s'~ndards to be changed tha~ may adve~cly affea existing development, and/or if there isn't any ex/sling development, cause smn~ to be enacted thai will lead to ill-conceived development pallems with attendant health and The subjecl of this amendment has to do with the hnpact that may or may not be ~ with thc development of a proposed $,tmlni-~rative2office building of ?,000 square feet within the gated wnmnmi~ si a point closest to the em:ry. One must appred~ the fact that the administrative offices will serve the ~on of at~ndin~ to the need~ of the Homeowners A~,ociat/on which include the c~re md n~me~nce of all of the common ~reas and relami requirements of persons resi,~i,~g in the Wyndemere develol~nent The absence ora provision for allowing a use of land for this purpose was no doubt an oversight. ;Many similar developments in Collier County require administrative office space to execute the responsibilities now char~ed to the Homeowner or Pwpen), Owners Association. The major ~on between the facility will be with the propmy owners themselves, and therefore there will be minimal external impac~ from the use of land in this fashion. A location nearest to the emry/exit .o~__~ will remit in the least amount of impact to a residential property owner which cannot be avoided if there is to be such a facility established in the Wyndemere PUD. One should appreciate that there is common land near the entry/exit area which belongs to ~ Homeowne~ Assodsfion ~nd which arm could be developed as a recreation amenity and could the~ore have a s/milar impact on nearby houses. The fi~ gm the Homeowncr~ Association is the pedfioner is also ' .m~onan~ because presumably they represen~ all of the pwpcrty owners, and th~efore some deErcc ofconscm'us that ~fi~ usc should be allowed. In summm'y this mnendment will have no effect on the public imerest, welfare or safety and no external effect on properties external to the Wyndemere development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION{ Th~ ~ Coil/er Cot~ty Pla~B/ng Comm!_~_'on ~e~ld approval ofPetition PUD-81-4($) to thc Collier County Board of Commissionem ~s described by the proposed amcr~l!~g Ordinance and AUG 0 4 1998 DATE CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER REVIEWED BY: VINCENT A. CA~JTERO, AICP, ADM~NI_STRATOR COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. Pet~ion Numb~ PUD-81 StaffReport for the Sune 18, 1998 CCTC meeting. COLLI]~ COUNTY PL~~G COMI~_~SION: DATE DATE PUD-SI.~(~ s'rAFl~ RI~ORT~ 4 AGEN . AUG 0 PETITION NUMBER DATE APPLICATION FOR PUBUC HEARING FOR PUD AMENDMENT/DO AMEN DMENT COMMUNrrY DEVELOPMENT DMSION PLANNING SERVICES Name af Appl~), , Al3plic:mt's Mailinl Address Naole~ Apples Telephone Number:. Wvndemem Homem~m~ Assodation. lrtc. 38S Ede~,~e Wav Nofl~1 State Florida Zip Res. _ >.~/& Bus. ~s em ac~licant the owner of the subject X Yes No 34105 941/263-0761 (a) If applicant is a land trust, so indicate and name beneficiaries below. CO) If applicant is a coq:tara:ion othe~ than a public corporation, so indicate and name office~ and major below. (c3 If al3tflicant is a pa~nership, limited ~ip or other business entity, so indicate and (d) If applicant is an owner, indicate exactly as recorded, and list all other owners, if any. (e) If al~31icant b a lemme, alzach cagy of lea~e, and indicate actual owners if not indicated on (fl If al~icant is a contract pun3~, attach copy of (~-,~,~L and indicate actual owrmds) name and addm~ below. Iohn W. S~I~._ Pr~ideflt o~ Wvnd~-r~,~-.-a H~T,,C-,~WT~ ~i~. Inc.. a Florida n~4or~rofil c~-~;~ ~,%~ of all ~ ~ ~ ~ ~T~,~ PUD and o~ni~ for ~¢ 941/252-5959 AUG 0 1998 PUD ORDINANCE NAME AND NUMBER: Ordinance No. 76.34: a~ amended ~ 7g~81.81-29. 84-66 87.86. and DETAILED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE APPLICATION (If space is inadequale, alach on seflar~ ~ If tequesl involves chanBe to more It~an one zonin8 district, induc~ separ~ le~l description for prol:mrty involved in each district. If prope~ is odd-shaped, submit five (5') copies of survey (1" to 400' scale). THE APPUCANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING THE CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. IF QUESTIONS ARISE CONCERNING THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, AN ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION SHALL BE REQUIRED. SECT1ON 19 TOWNSHIP 49 S RANGE__.Z6.L_ Parcel 'C'. Collier Coumv. Iqorida m~re detailed legal dee~riotion will be suoola,~:F,;ed by the ~iation's enein~ ~ w~ ~ ~ Plan ~ib~ .¸ 10. Addre~ or location of subject ~ 98 ~ Way. Naoles. Florida 34105 Does Ixoge~ owner own conti~qxms I~'operty to ~ subject propertyi' If so, give complete legal descrii~ion of entire contiBuous property. (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page). Na~ a~li~hle. ,~-r¢ is ~-~on area wfthln Wvndef~iere Homeowne, TYPE OF AMENDMENT: X A. PUD Document LanBuage Amendment .Z.B. PUD Master Plan Amendment (to be supplernenl~l by engineers) ._.C De~l~ Order Lan~ua~ Amendment DOES AMENDMENT COMPLY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: , No If no, ~in: ,, Yes HAS A PUBUC HEARING BEEN HEIJ::) ON THIS SAME PROPERTY WITHIN THE LAST YEARi~ IF SO, IN WHOSE NAME~ ._. HO PETmON ih HAS ANY PORT1ON OF THE PUD BEEN .. SOLD AND/OR ;~ DEVELOPED1 ARE ANY CHANGES PROPOSED FOR THE AREA SOLD AND/OR DEVELOPEDi~ Yes No IFYES, DESCRIBE: f,~ITACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY). SL~ A'n'ACI-IF~) ADDENDUM AUG 0 4:1998 We, r~ ' ' /~'~- .bein8 first duly sworn, depose and say that we are the owners of the pfoflefty described heroin and whid~ is the subject mat~ of the proposed hearins; that all the am'we~ to I~ que~ in thi~ application, and all skc~:hes, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of thi~ al:q31ication, are honest and true to the best of our knowledse and belief. We ~ this a~li~6on must be completed and accurate before a hearin8 can be ~ We further permit the unde~i~ to act as our repre~tative in any matters resardin8 this Petttton. NOTE: SIGNATURES OF ALL OWNERS ARE MANDATORY. OWNER: WYNDEMERE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not-for-profit corporation AGENT: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLUER ' - - ,..--..,~..T. an~uw?~q~ ,'q.~.cxaa~on, I~:., who is mllv knowrl take an oath. " as ldenttra:~on, and who did (did not) Silnature of N&~/Pa:dic ~' MARY JO FAUSNIGHT COe~M~S~ION, CC 3~12g0 EXPIRE~ APR 3,1mia I AUG0&lgcJ8 { ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR PUBUC HEARING ' FOR, PUD AMENDMENT TO WYNDEMERE PUD This application is submitted to the Collier County Board of Commissioners by the Wyndemem Homeowners Assodation, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation ('Wyndernere Homeowners Association') seekin$ an amendment to the Wyndernere PUD in order to allow for 'administrative facilities' as a 'Permitted Use' and to revise the PUD ,Master Plan to identify the location of the area so designated as administrative facilities within the Wyndemere subdivision. The Wyndemere Homeowners Association is also seeking permission for temporary use of an existing sales center until such time as Collier County has finalized its plans and commenced construction on the Livingston Road expansion project. The Wyndemere Homeowners Association is the sole representative entity of the Wyndemere property owners and is actin$ on their behalf in this matter. The Wy~demere Homeowners Association's Board of Directors is comprised of sixteen (16) members, who are the Governor Representatives of each of the respective community associations within the Wyndemere subdivision. This Board has, on two separate occasions, voted unanimously in support of this proposal. The Wyndemere Homeowners Association is desirous of constructing a permanent facility to be utilized for administrative purposes by the Association and property owners. The facility is to be located just inside the main entrance of the Wyndemere subdivision, off Livins;ston Road, the subdivision's access road. The property is legally described as Parcel C, Section 19, Township 49 South, Ranse 26 East, Collier County, Florida.* The property is owned in fee simple by the Association and is desi,.gn?.ed as common area for the benefit of ali property owners within the Wyndemere subdivision. The Wyndemem Homeowners Association is currently utilizing partitioned space within the maintenance shed located some distance from the entry area of the subdivision for their administrative facilities, but the facility !s __r~_,~s,..u~fio.'er~. for most administrative fiJnO:ions. The Wyndemem Ho~ers Association wau~a ?ce to have the aclmini.stml~, facilities located within the immediate perimeter of the ?ubdiwsion because an additional purpose of the facility will be to nr~,;,~.~ ~,, --~, ~,..~ location f/om which to ~reet 8uests, service ,.,...--~ --.~-'- ~. ,-..--,. .... ,~,~.. ~ -~.~a the subdivision. ~,,~,,,~-,~ ,u,u prosgec~/e pun:nasers as trey enter The Co!lief .C0.U. nty Development Services Depamnent has advised th W Homeowne~ ,-,ssoclatlon that the Wyndemere PUD does not eermit adminic~e~.;~-Y~Cl;:,,-~m as a Permitted Use. In order to use Parcel C fOr ad_:_:_~--~__-:.'_"_~ ..... '.""'..."'"': ..... --mll~U-dUV~ l-dCIIItles, the IJevelopment Services ~t has advised the Homeowners Association to amend the PUD and PUD Master Plan. Devel~~bel~,,,t,e~ _(] 0) yea~_, the developer of Wym:le~e~e, Wyndernem Farms . ,,~,~,,, _. ~ .vv~ere rarrrts') has operated a sales center on Parcel C oursu.~nt man easemem which ~s set forth in the Dedar~on of Covenants Conditions and R '-.-.'-.7-'- .. . ~ ?es ~ coflsists ,o.f three c:cxlnected mobile trailer units. man remove ~T nas ot~ecI ~t to the W~ Homeown~s Associ, tion ~~ temporary facility for administraive functions until such time as plans am nalized for the 0 4 1998 4 expansion of Livingston Road. TheWyndemere Homeowners ASsociation'is requesting the right to temporarily-~ilize the existing sales cemer until such time as Collier County has finalized plans and commenced construction on the Livingston Road expansion projeCt.a~ such time, the Wyndemem Homeowners Assodation will remove the existing sales center apply for permits for construction of permanent administrative facilities. In accepting the offer of Wyndemere Farms to contribute the temporary sales center to the Wyndemere Homeowners Assodation, the Directors of the Association met with the ar~deedent~ ~w~jlcel te~a~ff_._ec~_ ,e? _l~/~_~e .conti.nued ,existen .ce of the temporary struc~re and . ~'-s ~anascapm$ alon8 me soumeast comer of the sales center. In f_act, .the~Assodation h~ b..u.d, gered $15,000.00 for such landscaping and renovating ,l~J~ ~._ l_.n~~t, facih.ty, wh.en compl .eted will likewise be appropriately buffered ~, ,,a ,..~ u~ ~m~rem w~m ne qmet enjoyment of any residence at Wyndemere. Foe Ifmse reasons, and because the Wyndemere Homeowners Association desperately needs suitable facilities in order to carry out their functions as mandated by the Declaration, we would request that the Board of County Commissioners approve this application. proposal. Thank you. WYNDEMERE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Floe'ida not4or, f:~.ofit corl:x)ration *A more detailed legal de~cription will Le s=pplemented by the Association's engineers together with the Master Plan exhibj AUG 0 1998 HAND DELIVERED June 12, 1998 Planning Advisory Board Board of Collier County Commissioners c/o Ronald F. Nino Community Development Division 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Re: PUD-81-4(5) - Wyndemere PUD Dear Members of the Planning Advisory Board and Board of Collier County Commissioners: Being delivered herewith are thirty-nine (39) letters in support of the temporary use of the sales trailers at Wyndemere located inside the community entrance and, upon determination of the final plans for the expansion of Livingston' Road, approval for permanent use of the site by the Wyndemere residents. You will find that many of the letters are from residents who live near the site and overwhelmingly support the proposed PUD amendment for the betl~zmr~ of their community. The proposed PUD amendment has, on two separate occasions, been unanimously endorsed by the Board of Governors of Wyndemere, which is comprised of the Presidents of each of the respective associations in the community. We would respectfully request that you take into consideration the voice of the Wyndemere community, which is overwhelmingly in favor of the proposed PUD amendment. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, QUARLES & BRADY, Attorneys for the Wyndemere Homeowners Association, Inc. ' ; (S~:~ D. Humphr[,ville . LI~ ~ h~ abeeze to avo~ c~ta~) JDH:bdr End. cc: Wyndemere Homeowners Associa~on, Inc. AUGOA1998 '~ ..._ /¥ _ **¸4 AUG 0 4 1998 Colli~ Omaty ~ of Commi~ Naples, Florida Tim Homeownm~ Association office at th~ 8~te is situated so that it is extremely ~ to do business with the Homeownn~ Asscc:~iou ~ ~ is a ~ ~ I am awar~ that a elmn~ to tl~ Wyndemege FUD is pending and am in support of the The Homeowners ~ office ~t tf~e gate is situet~ so that it is extremely conve~e~ t~ do business with the ~ Associ~on szat~f and is a necessa.,~ part I ~, zwIr~ tt~t · cl~:~ m ~ Wyad~m~ pUD i~ pe~ii~ aacl -,,, in support of the I AUG 0 ~: 1~ ~ / Collier Coum~ ~ of Commissioners N~pl~ Florida No. _~'~ · ~ua 0 ~ 19~ 1998 Collier Coun~ Boant of Commhsioners The Homeosme~ ~ ~ zt tl~ ~e is simaud so tl~ it is ~ly I am ~ware that a ctmn~ to tl~ W~ PUD is pendin~ and am in support of tl~ e~in~ facility and also support a pmnanent building when it becomes ~. Sincerely, Wyndmere Addr~ ~U~ 0 ~ '~998 I undwmnd th~ ~n Am~lm~t to th~ W~lem~ PUD ~ ~ and a Cou~ he~rin~ will b~ i~ld mmetime this summer. ~li~- Co~O~ Bo~ oF ~o~'~ N~pl~ Flori~ All ~ SO ibc Wy~demere PUD is pmxiin~ ~d will b~ heard by Commi~oner~ som~ in July. AUG 0 i 1998 couve~etx to do bushx~ with t~ Homeowue~ ~n staffand is a necessary part or'our coummity. I am awm'e tim a chase to the Wyndemere ~ is pendin8 and am in support of the AUG 0 4 1998 The Homeowne~ Association office at the $at~ is situated so that it is extremely conveniem to do business with tl~ Homeowners Association staff enci is a necessary part The an~fien~ of this area is far superior to the previous Iocalion in ~ back of the I am s~tam that · cl~n~ to th~ Wyndemem PUD is pending and am in support of the hUG 0 ,~ 1998 Collier Com~ l~mrd of'Comnti~one~ Naples, Florida An Amendn~nt to tl~ Wyndemere PUD is pending and will be heard by Commi~oners sommizne in Suly. As a resident of the Wyndemere Community and member of the Wyndemer~ Homeow~m's ~on, Inc., I support the ~ use of the o~ce buildin~ situated May 26, AUG 0 4 1998 JOHN W. SALZER 406 ROSEMEADE LANE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34f05 June 5, Collier County Board of Commissioners Naples, Flodda A change in the Wyndemere PUD is pending regarding the approval for a permanent site for a homeowners' office near the front gate. frvery c°nven!ent for all the residents of Wvndemere ~n, .~,,- and garbage area- ~" -" '" "'0 ~''"'''uua .~mon in the back of the maintenance As a res~lem of V~e, i and the temp~, use of support ._.t~,~._ ~u~e ~ an offi. ce building in this area ·. ary the present buildi until SUCl~ ' Livingston road is finalized, ng time as the future of AUG 0 ~ 1998 May 26, 199~ Naple~, Florida May 26, i~ Collie. Coumy aomt of Comm~oner~ conv~m · . ~,~ ~ $o that it is extremely ox our commtm~. -- -- ...... a necessary part TI~ m~bi~:~ of ~ ~ h f~r mp~ior to the previom location in the back of tl~ AUG 0 ~ 19,98 the Wynclemere W~~ ~ for ~ AUG 0 4 1998 TI~ ~ Association offlc~ a~ fl~ ~u~ is simar~ so tNrt it is extremely comr~u~ to do business wi~ tl~ ~ Association s~ff' and is a necessary part AUG 0 4 1998 ~ollie, ~ Board of Commi~/on~ lq~le~, Flodd~ The Homeo~me~ Rlaodafio~ office ~t the 8ate i~ ~uated so that it is extremely {xmve~ie~ to do bu~ne~ ~th the Homeowaetl A~-iafion ~ and is a necessary part I1~ ~flfi~o~ of this ama h far ml~ior to flae ptevi~ location in the back of the ~ l,m ~m~ th~ a ~ to tl~ W~ PUD h peadi~ ~l am in ~uppon o£the ~d~ting fac:li~ and ~ rapport a pma~ hdlding wl~ it become~ necessary. AUG 0 ,~*. 1998 Collier Cou~ Board of~!~one~ Naples, Florida An Amemdmeal ~o the Wymt~mere PUD ~s pendimg a~l will I~ heard by Commissioners sometime in Iuly. As a residesa of the Wyndemere Comanmi~ and member of the Wyndemere Hcmeowae~ A~~ luc,, I sut~x,n fl~e ~mpora~ use of the office building situated AUG 0 ~ 1998 M~y 26, 199~ Collier County Bomi of Commi~sioner~ N~lel, Fiorid~ Th~ Ho~ovm~ Association office at the g~_~ is simaIed so that it is extremely conv~ to do busioess with the Homeowner~ Associalion staff and is a necessary pan The ambience of figs area is far superior to the ~ location in the back of the ~ Inn awee that a change to the Wyndemere PUD is pending and am in support ofthe existing facility and also support a permanent building when it becomes necessary. May 26, 1998 Collier Coumy ~ of Commi~iorm~ Naples, Florida TI~ I-Iom~swn~ Associ~ offic~ at tl~ gain is situated so that i~ is ez~'emely conveniem to do business wi~ the ~ Associ~on staff and is a necessary part The ,mhieace of this area is far superior to the previous location in the back of the lam aware ~ a ~ m ~ W~ ~ is p~tng and am in support of the misting ~ and also support a Immanmt building when it becomes necessary. AGENDA ITEM No../~P~/T' ) AUG 0 4 1998 Nay 29, 1998 Collter County Board of Commissioners: Naples, Flortda Dear Board of Commissioners: Me are members of the Wyndemere Homeowners Association at Wyndeme~e Country Club. The Homeowners Association office at the qate is situated so that it is very convenient for everyone who~s part our community. We ask that we be allowed untt1 Livingston Road has been butlt and permanent building. to keep the existing facility where it is there will be a need for a Gordon a~rff 387 Edgemere Way North Naples, Florida 34105 AUG 0 4 1998 26, 1998 Collier County Board of Commi~'io~ ~aples, Florka Dear Board of Co~ Tim I-Iomeowne~ ~ of~ce at the gate is ~ so that it is extremely I am aware that a ctmng~ to tl~ Wyndmem PUD is pending and am in support ofth~ AUG 0 4 1998 Collier Couaty Board of Commissioners Naples, Florida I undemaad tim an Amendment to the Wyndem~ PUD is pending and a County hearin8 will b~ held sometime ~is summer. As a regde~ of thz Wyndemer~ Community and member of the Wyndemere ~ As~x:iau'on, Inc., I feel strongly ~ this approval must be granted as the building in qoes6on is situated perfectly for me by all Wymiemer~ residents for AUG 0 A 1998 lvhy 2~, 199~ An ~ ~o ~b~ Wyndemere PUD is pending and will be hm'd by Commissioners somethne in July. AUG 0 4 '{998 lVh7 ~, lg'~S AUG 0 i 1998 Collie' Coum~ ~ of Conmi.uioner~ N~tpl~, F]orkia I understand that an Amendment to the Wyndemere PUD is pending and a Com~ heari~ wi~ be held sometime ~ summer. AUG 0 4 1998 Collier Cmu~ Board of ~issioners Naples, Florida I underm~ that an Amendm~ to th~ Wymiemer~ PUD ia pmding and a County hearing will bz held ~om~nz ~ rammer. As · residem of the Wyud~na~ Commmity and umnba' of tl~ W~ AUG 0 4 1998 26, 1998 I undemmd ~ ~', Amm:lm~ to the W~ lq~ is peadi~ and a Coun~ he~rin$ w/Il be held sometime tM_~ summer. As a .skk~ of' ~ Wyn~m~ ~ and mml:~ of tt~ Wynd~na'~ AUG 0 t= 1998 May 26, 199S ...... IJ!_l, ] .... I,_, 11 AUG 0 ~ 1998 lV~ 2~, 199s Col~' Cou~ Board of Commissioners N~ples. Fior~ An Ammdme~ to the Wyndemere PUD is pmdin~ xnd will be heard by Commissioners someg~ in Suly. AU~ 0 4 ~98 May 26, 1998 Collier Com~ Bo,rd of Comm/~oners Naples, Florida I umiersm~ tim aa Am~admem ~o th~ Wyndemere PUD is pending and a Coumy hearin8 win be held som~i_'me this summer. As a rmidmt of the Wyndema'e Comnamity and mmaber of the Wyndem~'e AUG 0 4 1998 May 26, 1998 AUG 0 & 1998 1w~y 26, l~ 'i AUG 0 4 1998 Collier Couaty Board of Commissioners Naples, Florida I understsnd ~ m ~ m ~ W~ ~ is pending and a ~ hearing will be held sometime this suntara-. Sincerely, AUG 0 4= 1998 May 26, 199S Collier County Board of'Commissioners Neple~ Floride Dear Board of Commissioners: I undemsnd tim an Amendment to the Wyndemere PUD is pending and a County heating will be held sometime this summer. As a resident of the Wyndemere CommuaiW sad member of the Wyndemere Homeowners Association, Inc., I feel ~ tim this approval must be granted as the building in question is situated perfectly for use by aH Wyndemere residents for Homeowaer Association business. I also support the flmn-e use of a permanent facility at Sinc , AUG 0 ~ 1998 Pi],_ ~ __ May 26, 199~ Col~er County Botrd of Commissioners Naples, FIodda An Ammdm~t to tl~ Wyst~ lru'D ~ Im~llaS ~d ~411 I~ h~mt by Commi~o~s ~ometime in Suly. AUG 0 ~ 1998 r. 4 26, 1998 ~ollier Oou~ ~ of Commissioners Dem' Board of~ssioners: ~e~H.~__ .Ass o cia ti.on _office at the gate is situated so that it is extremely ot ottr conmmnity. -~- .....a necessary part AUG 0 4 1998 1 .~3 Ed~e~ner~ Way Naple~, ~ 24999- Ma}, 4, 1998 The Board of Governors Wyndemere Homeowners Association Gentlemen: I understand that a County hearing is to be held this summer to approve the temporary use of our Homeowners Office'buildingjust inside our front gate. As a Wyndemere resident, I feel strongly that this approval must be granted'as the building is situated perf~ for use by all Wyndemere residents. Also, it looks nice and is attractively landscaped. I look forward to the day when, after Livingston Road has been widened, we have a permanent strucu~re located there. Sincerely, I AUG 0 4 1998 J"LANNING SE Sun~ 12, 1998 Collier County Currem Planning Se.,~ion 21R~0 North Horseshoe Drive Ea~ Naples, FL 34104 Dear CCCPS: Ibm, e received n~ce in reSard to Petition No. PUD-81-4(5) which requests an ame~bneut to tt~ WynScmcre PUDD to allow permanent offices off'Livingston Road As a msidemt ofW~, I support this application and~ its gpproval. AUG 0 4 1998 May 26, 199S .:qECE VED Cogier Cmmty Bomrd ot'Comm~ionet~ comm~eat to do busim~ w~ the Homeowners Associsdon staff and is a necesam'y part I am avate tim a clm~ to the Wyudeuem PUD is pmlh~ and am in rapport of the ~ f~ciray aad aim rapport a ~ bu~din8 whea k becomes necessary. AUG 0 4~ 1998 i Pg. ~'"" -- mm -- RECEt D JUN - 5 rJ98 Collier Couaty Board ofC. on~issioaers N~les, Florida AUG 0 a' 199~ ! ,~'~. .___ . ECEtVED JUN ~ § ~9,g8 CoUier Cou~ ~ of Commissio~rs The ~ Assodation office at the ~te is shmted so that it is extremely coav~ m ~ business wkh the ~ Associaxio~ sudT' and is a necessary pan TI~ ambiea~ of tl~ are~ is far azperior to the previous location in the back of rtz I am a-wa~ t~t a ~ to t~ W~ I'UD is pemting ami am in support oftJ~ ~istin8 ~ and also support a ~ ~ when k becomes necessary. AUG 0 A 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 98- e AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 79-81, T~E WYNDEHERE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AS A~ENDED, BY ORDINANCE NUMBERS ~9-81~ 81-29~ 84-66; 87-66; AND 96-8, BY PROVIDING FOR= SECTION ONE, PERMITTED USES, TO PERMIT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES FOR USE BY THE WYNDEHERE HO~.Ctg~RS ASSOCIATION, INC.; TO SET FORTH DEVELOPmeNT STANDARDS WITH ~F~PEcr TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SAXD 0SE OF LAND AND, TO PROVIDE FOR TEMPORARY AI~INXSTRATIVE FACILITIES AT THE CURRENT SALF~ CENTER LOCATED ON PARCEL C OF THE ~NDEMERE SUBDIVISION; SECTION TWO, TO AMEND THE .MASTER ~LAN TO IDENTIFY THE LOCATION OF P£PJ~ANENT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, AND SECTION THREE ~£FECTI~E DATE. WHEREAS, on Dc=abet 13, i979, =he Board of Coun=y Cc~issione=s approved Ordinance N~m~er 79-81, which es=ablished =he #yndemere Planned 0hi= Developmen= (PUD); and ~EREAS, =he #yndeme£e Homeowners Associa=ion, peri=toned =he Board of Cotl~=y Co~iiSlioners =o amend Ordinance N,,m~e= 79-81, amended, ms se= forth below; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by =ha Board of Co~miissioners of Collier =Dun=y, £1orida: SECTION ONE: AMENDHENT TO SECTIION ENTITLED PERMITTED USES The Section enci=led Permi==ed 0sea, of =he Wyndemere Planned Uni= Develop~en= (Ordin~nce 79-81, as amended) ks hereby fui~her amended read as follows: PERMITTED USES: Single family dwellings~ mul~i-famil¥ dwellings~ golf course; au=door s - ? country Club complex, including indoor oCLaA, re=rea=lanai, dining, and service facill=ies~ =esiden=ial area re=rea=iDa fa=ill=les; golf course main=enance faciliciea~ A~?XNXSTRTATXVE Pe~en~ ..a.~AAl~le~ ~Or use b~ =~e N~:~ ~:~ ~s~ia~ion s~ll scanaaras: -- ] ~~" v I '4 ~u~iding snell be 25 feet from the back of the curb· B. ~ buildin setback from the Liv~oad righ~- C. The minim~ enclosed and al= con~i='oned floor shall be ~ fee=. area ~ ~~~.~}oSed ',d air co,di:io,ed fl~= area ,hail be ~xim~ of 7,000 s~a=e fee:. ~~ ~ xn accor~~h the on on Su~o~~ =he W ............... d ~~ueowners, ;~e~en=itled to ~~hi 49 South .~an · 26 East Collier Count F $~ION T~: ~~ TO PUD ~STER 0rdXmance N~er 79-81, PUD Mas:e= Plan as s~se~en=ly ~nded shall be further ~nOed ~o reflect :he ~as:e= ~lan as sho~ on :he revis~ PUD Masse= Plan inco~ra:ed by reference herein. SE~I~ THEE: E~~ DATE This Ordinance shell ~c~ effe~ive u~n filing wi:h :he ~a~n: of PASSED A/qD ~JLY ADOPTED by =he ~oa=d of County Cogm/ssioners of Collier County, Florida, this_ day of , 1998. AI~TEST: DMXGHT K. BROCK, CL~RK BOARD OF CO,AWrY CO~XSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FI~RIEM~ APPROVED AS 70 FORM AND L ~,IL SUFFICIENCy: ASSISTANT COU~ ATTORNEy BY: ~ seeue~ -_..h~_..,~_ ~ dale=call words -2- BARBARA B. BERRY, CHAIRMA~ PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND "RSF-3" RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAlVm~Y TO "PUD .i~ UN1T DEVELOPM]~T FOR PURPOSF_S OF UPDATING THE CURRENT S~ I~AC~ FUD AND EXP~G THE AREA BY AN ADDITIONAL 0.4~_ ACRES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOU'IH SIDE OF IMMOI~I.I~F- ROAD LYING EAST OF VETERANS PARK DRIVE AND WEST OF THE WEST LIMIT OF THE STON~rBRIDGE PUD, IN SECHON 26, TOWNSHIP 48 $~ RANGE 25 EAST, This petition seeks to ammd the Storey Place PUD by adding 0.46 acres more or less to Tract "t3" by ~ a contiguous parcel of land now zoned RSF-3, and by r~ng the list of permitted uses from a specific use list to one l~-fgtgncln~ all of the usgs pcrmiU~ in the C-I and C-1/l' zoning district of the carrem Land Developmmt Code, snd by consoUdating these ammdmcnts with a recent amendment CONSIDERATIONS: ~ Sunny Place PUD is located on the south side of Inmlokalee Road contiguous the west side of the d~ known ~ and is ftWd~r knmediately east of Veteram Park Drive. The ..'!"ne ~ of this petition will be to recognize a tm~ler range of uses than is cun'enfly allowed that may be estabUslmi on Tract "Ir', and to revise development ~'gtflntions as descn'bed in the following msnn~. i) Professional Offices but not limited to: Chiropractic Clinic Convalescent Aids CUrrent Authorized Uses Proposed Uses Pharmacy Florists Medical Supplies Medical Offices Health Education including /gnbulator~ Surgical Data Processing Diagnostic Radiology Physical Pif~y (SO') feet Iu~nokalee Road And Rear Lot Line - 50 feet East andWest - 40 feet a) c) Deyelopuent Inte~i'ty - N/A All of the Permitted and Conditiorml uses in the C-1 and Cl/T Zoning Districts are permitteduses, excluding ho~eless shelters and soup kitche~s, subject to a limitation of ten thousand-five hundred (10,500) S.F. of Health Services (S.I.C. 8011 - 8049) uses. Pa~king only is permitted on the north half of Lot 7 with screening and buffering as shown on the PUD Master Plan. Revised to 40 feet not to exceed 3 stories I~okalee Road -70 feet Revised Rear Property Line - 300 feet East and West - 25 feet Max/mum- 35,000 sq. ft. no more than 10,S00 sq. be medically related. of which ft. may Inmmrr. h as one facet of this petition propoze~ to rezone lazxi, findin~ were m,4~ for both PUD and mmlard nmmc~ The fmdiog~ mqqx~t a recom_ ~mdation to approve the petition. Relative to Ihs mmmdaumt the change in permitted tmea is intended to allow a development emphasis mo~ coeliztent with a general office envimmnent as opposed to a development of only medical and medically related office use . Medical offices, clinic , and the provision of medical services now ~ are as imensive, or more intensive as the uses listed in the C-I district. W'rth respect to the added property, comprising some 0.46 acres, the impact of the development of Tract ~B" shifts i~ hnpaci fur~er south upon an existing residence, and ' .nnpac~ that residence to a greater exter~ than would be the case prior to the rczo-Jng ~cdon in the event such an action is approv~ S~d ~ is however, largely ameliorated by virtue of the plan of development for Traci ~B" which place~ the building footprint some ttu-ee hundred (300) feet from the adjacent residence to fl~e south of Tract "B". Additionally, a thirty (30) foot opaque landscape buffer will separate a parking ~ot from the residential lot. Thc driveway to Tract 'B" is in the same location ss it ~ nlsrmed fqr under the original development scenerio, end is sufficiently removed from the resid~ iai AUG 0 4 1998 2 The Collier Cotmty Phnnin~ Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval at their Public Hearing held on July 16, 199S. No person spoke or ~ ~cated any level of objection to e~e sppm~ of this petition. This ~amdment by and of itself will have no fiscal impact on the County. However, if this ~ achieves its objective, the land will be developed. The mere fact that new development hnp~ fees prior to the issuance of buila~ns permits ~o help off-set the impact of each new .~wvem~n Elcmeni aeeded to maintain adopted levels of service for public facilities. In the event fl~ hnp~ fee collectiom ~re inadequ~ to maimain adopted levels of service, the County must GROWTH MANAGEMENt IMPACI': Petitions deemed to be consistent with aH provisi~ of the Growih Management Plan can not have an knpnct on the Coi]icr County Growth Man~ement Plan. This petition was reviewed for consistency andwu found to be consiste~ wi~ all ~ of the C, towlh Management Plan. Development permitted by fl~ spproval of figs petition will be subject to a conctmency review under · file provisions of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance No. 90-24 at the earliest or next. to occur of ~ final SDP approval, final plat sppwvsl, or bui!alng permit ismance epplicabl¢ to this RI/IORIC/IRCHAEOLOGICi IMPACt: Slaffs anslysh ixatica~ tim tl~ petitioner's prepal'y is located outside an area of historical and PLANNING CO~SSlON RECOMMENDATION: The Collier Connty Planning Cxamnission recommend approval of Petition PUD-S8-10(2) being a pegfion to both amend the Sur, wy Place PUD and add 0.47 acres more or less to the FUD by way of a 3 ~UG 0 4 1998 4 AUG 0 4 1998 AGENDA ITEM 7-I TO: FROM: DATE: RE: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMM/SSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL /UNE 25, 1998 PETITION NO: SERVICF~ PUD-88-10(2), SURREY PLACE AMEND~ OWNER/AGENT: Agar: R. Bruce Anderson Young, v,mAssenderp & Varnadoe, P.A.. 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34108 Gulf Coast Natior~! Bank 3838 North Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34103 (Officers indicated on application) REOUESTED ACTION: This petition seeks to amend the Surrey Place PUD by adding 0.46 acres more or less to tract "13" by rezoning a contiguous parcel of land now zoned RSF-3, and by revising the list of permitted uses from a specific use list by referencing all of the uses permitted in the C-1 and CI/T ZOlain_.~ dib'trict of the current Land Develolmaent Code, and by consolidating these amendments with thc most recent amendment establishing a new updated PUD document and master plan. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The Surrey Place PUD is located on the south side-of Immokalee Road contiguous the west side of the development known A Stone, bridge and lying east of Vetera~ Park Drive. The property for which a rezoning is requested specifically lies to the east of Pamu Street irrrmediately contiguous the south side of Tract "B' in thc Surrey Place PUD (see location map following page). PURPOSE/DRSCRIPTION OF PROIRCT: The effect of this petition will be to reco~i?e a broader range of uses that may be Tract "B" in the following manner. 1 AOENDA ITEM /7-,5 AUG 0 & 1998 i) current Authorized Uses Professional Offices including but not limited to: Chiropractic Clinic Convale~ent Aids Florists Medical S~plies Medical Offices Health Education Diagnostic Radiology All of.the Permitted and Conditional use~ in the C-1 and Clfr Zoning Districts are permitted uses, excluding homele~ shelta~ and soup kitchens, ~lbject to a lim~t_~ion of ten thousand-five hundred (10,500) S.F. of Health Servic.~ (S.I.C. 8011 - 8049) uses. P~ng only is permitted on the north lmlf of Lot 7 with screening and buffering as shown on the PUD Master Plan. ii) Dev¢lo.mnent Standard~ a) B~ilding Ht. - 45 feet Revised to 40 feet not to exceed 3 stories lmmokalee Road -70 feet Revised Rear l:~x~perty Line - 300 feet East and West - 25 feet b) Fifty (50) feet Immokalee Road And Reax Lot Line - 50 feet E~t and West - 4O feet c) Development Intensity - N/A Maximum - 35,000 sq. ft. of which no more than 10,500 sq. ft. may be medically related. SIIRRO~G LAND USE AND ZONING: Existing Tra~t "B" Currently developed as the site of a temporaxy bank (Lc. Modular struen~) zoned PUD Added Parcel: Undeveloped, zoned RSF-3 Surrounding: Surrounding land use relationship rdative to the existing Tract "B' will not change. The added parcel lies contiguous to a residence on the south property line and on the opposite side of Pamu Street. To the east of the expanded area of Tract "B' lies a multiple family housing project located in the Stonebridge PUD. This ho~ing is two storiea in heighL GROWTH MANAGRMRNT PLAN CONSISTRNCY: The rezoning component of this petition qualifies for a determination of consistency 1 provision in the FLUE allowing Commercial Under criteria rezoning actions. The Sm 2 Place PUD AUG 0 4 1998 is deemed to be-a comm'e~ial devel°pm~t order which lies contiguous to the property that is~l~ propo~ to be added to the Surrey Place PUD. Commercial under critc-a'ia provisions as they apply~ in this case would limit the rezoned property to uses permitted in the C-1 and Clfr zoning ~ct. Other consistency evaluations for elements of the GMP are as follows: Traffic - The ITE Trip Generation manual indicates that this existing zoning will generate approximately 771 average weekday trips at build-out while the proposed amendment will generate 736 trips. Since the current zomg generates slightly more traffic than the proposed amendment, the site generated traffic will not exceed the significance test standard (5 percent of the LOS "C' design volume) on Irnmokalee Road. The TCE lists Immokalee Road as a 4 lanc arterial mad. The current traffic count for this segment is 30,040 AADT and is operating at LOS "B". It should be noted that this segment is projected to be deficient by 2000. Therefore, road improvements for this segment will be required for concurrency purposes within the window required by the concurr~cy management system. Review of this petition by transportation staff gave rise to no objections except that at the time of SDP consideration the northernmost driveway may need to be revised. No other clement of the GMP is abridged by approval of this petition. I=[ISTORIC/ARCItAEOLOG ICAL I'MPA~Tr: Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioneffs property is located outside an area of historical and m'chaeological piobability as referenced on the official Collier County Pwbability Map. An application for waiver of an historical and archaeological and .approved. EVALUATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAl- TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE: The subject petition has been reviewed by the appropriate staffrespoum'ble for oversight related to the above referenced areas of critical concern. This includes a review by the Community Development Environmental and Engineering staff, and the Transportation Depaxtment. These rrviews help shape the content of the PUD document and cause development c. off~mitment~ to be formuJated to achieve GMP and LDC requirements. Where the petitioner detained to challenge recommended r~isions these are identified for final resolution by the Collier County Plarming Commlssioll, and the Board of County Commissioners. The petition was adminis~tively reviewed on behalf of the EAB and those matters jurisdictionally within their purview were addressed by staff and to thc extent necessary provisions were made pm of the PUD amendment. The r~_r, ning aspect of this petition together with the amendment effectively ~ inorea~ the square footage of development on Tract "B' while the nmendment ~llows for ~"-~0-re vi diw*rse u~e oftbe property. 3 . [ AU{~ 0 4:{998 { Rclalive to the amendment the cha~ge in permitted uses is intended to allow a development emphasis more com'istent with a general office environment as opposed to a development of only medical and medically related office uses. The question that is raised insofar as consistency with the FLUE is concerned has to do with an assessment of whether or not the broadened land uses constitute an increase in intensity. Do the uses currently allowed on Tract "B" impose a greater demand upon level of service relationships (i.e. traffic, utilities and other ~cture) for which LOS thresholds have been developed as part of the Comprehensive Plan? In the opinion of staff, medical offices, clinics and the provision of medical services now permitted are as intensive, or more intensive as the uses listed in the C-I district. Medically related land uses typically generate more traffic, and greater sewer and water usage than conventional professional and business offices, banks and similar C-1 land uses. Therefore, by allowing all of the C-1 uses in our opinion would not constitute an intensification of the use of this property, purely as a result of the amendment to the PUD, notwithstanding the effect of increasing the size of Tract "B" by 0.46 acres. In view of this finding the amendment to the Surrey Place PUD as it relates to Tract "B" will have no different an impact on adjacent property by the expansion of uses to include all the C-1 district uses. With respect to the added property, comprising some 0.46 acres, the impact of the development of Tract "B" shifts its impact further south upon an existing residence, and impacts that residence to a greater extent than would be the case prior to the rezoning action in the event such an action is approved. Said impact, is however, largely ameliorated by virtue of the plan of development for Tract "B" which places the building footprint some three hundred (300) feet from the adjacent residence to the south of Tract "B". Additionally, a thirty (30) foot opaque landscape buffer will separate a parking lot from the residential lot. The driveway to Tract "B" is in the same location as it was planned for under the original development scenario, and is sufficiently removed from the residential subdivision to the south of the Surrey Place "PUD" as to impose the minlmttrn impact upon those residences in their vehicular travels to and from thdr homes. T~,e use of the added property for vehicular parking could have been accomplished without necessarily rezoning the property. Division 2.4 of the Land Development Code e~tablishes a procedure for utilizing property as an off-site parking lot when located within 300 feet of a commercial use with approval of the Board of County Commissioners following an advertised public hearing, and notification to adjacent property owners. Criven the incremental nature of this rezoning, the added impact upon intensity of use does not trigger any inconsistency with elements of the GMP. Tract "B" provisions relative to authorized land us~ contained no regulation as to maximum building area other than what could be achieved by application ofrequfl-ed associated development standards, notwithstanding the fact that the petitioners nan'ative description of their application stated that the petition would allow Tract "B' development intensity to increase from 21,775 square feet to 35,000 square feet. The PUD document as amended would specifically authorize thirty-five thousand (35,000) square feet of floor area of which ten thousand five h~dred (10,.500) square feet could be various health service use~. PUD Document and Master Pla~ - The PUD document was recently updaled development stipulations were updated and current code reference~ utilized administration of the regulation and thdr relationship to provisions of the Land De ~ facilitate the el°l~°~C~98 This amendment' does nothing to change the previous updating except for the specific chang~ brought about as a result of the adoption of this'm'nendment and'~)ning a~ion to incr~xe thc of Tract "B'. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Collier County Platming Commission recommend approval of Petition PUD-88-10(2) being a petition to both amend the Storey Place PUD and add 0.47 acres more or less to the PUD by way of a re'zoning action as descri~ by the Ordinance of Adoption and Exh/bits thereto (i.e. PUD Document and Mast~ Plan). PREPARED BY: CURRENT PLANNINGMANAGER DATE REVIEWED BY: DIRECTOR VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AICP, ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. DATE DATE P~tition Number PUD-$8-11X2) Staff Report for the July 16, 1998 CCPC meeting. MICHAEL A~ DAVIS, PUD~g-10(2) STAFF ~gTImd AUG 0 1998 ..... . II Ilml II .... I ..... IT----- mmi s Fbi ;tm- - PUD-88-10(2) Section of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Planning Commission to make a finding as to the PUD Master Plans' compliance with the following criteria: e The suitability of the area for the type and pattern of development proposed in relation to physical characteristics of the land, surrounding areas, traffic and access, drainage, sewer, water, and other utilities. ~ Jurisdictional r~vicws by County staff support the manner and pattern of d~velopment proposed for the subject property. Development conditions contained in the PUD document give assurance that all infras~cture will be developed and be consistent with County regulations. Any inade~luacies which require supplementing the PUD' document will bc recommended to the Doard of County Commissioners as conditions of approval by staff. Recommended mitigation m~,sur~ will assure complianc~ with I.,~vel of Service relationships as prescribed by the Growth Management Plan. Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contract, or other instruments, or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing opex atton and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense. ~ Documents submitted with the application provide evidence of unified control. The PUD document makes appropriate provisions for continuing operation and maintenance of common are~. Conformity of the proposed Planned Unit Development with the goals, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan. Eiadia~ The subject petition has been found consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan. A more detailed description of this conformity is addressed in the Staff Report. The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses, which condi~ons may include restrictions on location of improvements, restrictions on design, and buffering and greening requirements. ]~aldlagl Thc PUD Master Plan has been designed to optimize internal land use relationships. Specific projects are required to provide buffering between projects. This will enhance internal compatibility. External relationships ar~ the Land Developmen! Code to a.ssur~ harmonious relations AUG 0 4 1998 !1 __ e o Nevertl{el~ss the' P-UD conta~ r~gulation establi;hing ~'3'00 foot separation requir,~ent between a building footprint and the residential area to the south. O The adequacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development. ~ The amount of open space set aside by this project will be made consistent with provisions of the Land Development Code at the time of subsequent permitting approvals.. The timing or sequence of development for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available Improvements and facilities, both public and private.. ~ Timing or sequence of development in light of concurrency requirements is not a significant problem. Its urban location in an area of intense, development gives us assurance that a highly developed system of urban infrasmmture is in place. The ability of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. ~ The property now lies in the middle of intense urban development which is an indication that its timing for development is now ripe. This is further enhanced by its excellent acce~ to thc County's arterial highway system. These two conditions mxpport the abihty of this l:n'operty to accommodate development. Conformity with PUD regulations, or as to desirnble modJflcnflons of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are justified as meeting public purposes to a degFee at least equivalent to literal application of such rekmlations. ~ Thc PUD has been designed in a manner consistent with em'rent development staadm~ as they apply to commercial and residential zoning districts. These together with requirement to comply with applicable provisions of the LDC all serve to achieve the public purpose of these regulations. PUD FfNDllqGS PUD~g-10(2)/md 2 AUG 0 . 1998 ] REZOI~ FINDINGS PETITION PUD-88-10(2) Section of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the report and recommendations of thc Planning Commission to the Board of County Commi-~doners shall show that the Planning Commission has studied and considered the proposed change in relation to the following, where ~vplicablc: Whethcr the proposed change will be consistent with the goal~, objectives, and policies and Fntnre Land Use map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan; Evaluation not applicable. Summary_ Findings: The proposed development is in compliance with the Future land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan for Collier County and all other elements, their objectives and policies. This consistency analysis is addressed at length in the staff Companion PUD Findings evaluation as well as the adopted CC'PC staff report addr~s~ this same finding. The existing land use pattern; Evaluation not applicable. Existing Tract "B" Currently developed as the site of a mnporary bank (i.e. Modular structure) zoned PUD Added Parcel: Undeveloped, zonal RSF-3 Surrounding: Stmotmding land use relationship relative to the existing Tract "B' will not change. The added parcel lies contiguous to a residence on the south property line and on the opposite side of Pamu Street. To the east of the expanded area of Tract "B' lies a multiple family hou,qmg project located in the Stonebridge PUD. ~ hous~ ~ i.~ twn ~e~.~ _~_ height. - ~.~ AUG 0 4 1998 The possible creation of an isolnted district-unrelated to adjncent and nearby districts; Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findings; The pm'cel is to be added to an existing commercial PUD and therefore will not result in an isolated district tm. related to adjacent and hca'by districts because d~'v'elopment of the land simply impl~'aents a part of the GIVI~ FLUE Urban Designation, an action which is expected given that timing is appropriate. Availability of adequate infi'a~cture, nearby urban development, support the timing rdationahip and justify the rezon~g action.. Whether extsfing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change; Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findin_~; The district boundaries are logically drawn and is the result of rezoning actions made permissible under the FLUE to the GMP. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed nmei~dment neees__~ary; Evaluation not applicable. Summsry l~md_in_~ The proposed zoning change is appropriate based on the existing conditions of the property and because its relationship to the FLUE (Futm'e Land Use Element of the GMP) is a positive one and therefore supports the action to rezone for the land strategy contained within the PUD. Whether the proposed change will adversely influence llving conditions in the neighborhood; Pro-. (i) A separation requirement of 300 feet provides a greater separation than is now requLred between the existing residence to the south and any proposed building. (ii) Access to the tract is located n~ar Immolenlee Road on Pamu Street a di~.ance from revidenfial development adequate ' ' re~denfial traffic movements and is in any event not now authorized. 2 (0 The property will more intensively developed by virtue of the increase in land area and will therefore generate more automobile vehicular traffic which may inconvenience homeowners in the area to the south. Snmmsry FindtnEs: The proposed change will not adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood because the recommended development standards and other conditions for approval have been promulgated and designed to ensure the least amount of adverse impact on adjacent and nearby developments (i.e. 300 foot separation requirement and landscape buffer). Additionally, the degree to which this project differs from currently authorized uses should not measurably change potential impacts. Whether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create t~pes of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak volumes or projected types of vehicular trn~c, including activity during construction phases of the development, or otherwise affect public safety; Pro: (i) The property will be directly accessed fi'om Pamu Street as near as regulations permit from Immokalee Road, a four lane median divided highway now operating at a LOS which is convenient to the motoring public. (ii) Analysis finds approval to be consistent with the Traffic Circulation Element. ~ (i) The property will be more intensively developed by virtue of the increase in land area, and will therefore generate more automobile vehicular traffic which may be inconvenient to property owners residing to the south of Surrey Place PUD. Summary_ Findings: Evaluation of this project took into accotmt the requirement for consistency with Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Traffic Element of the GMP and was found consistent, which is a statement advising that this project when developed will not excessively increase traffic congestion. Additionally certain traffic management system improvements are required as a condition of approval (i.e. turn lanes, traffic signals, dedications, etc.). In the final analysis all projects are subject to the Concurrency Managerr~ent system. Whether the proposed change will create a drainage problem; ro** (i) The project design for storm water management control is required by Code to attain the normal rainfall event or annua represented by its lake storm water retention facility and d ainag~'~ AUG 0 4 1998 3 e 10. Cam (i) Urban intensification has potential to create short term drainage problems under unusual rainfall conditions. Summary_ Findings: Every project approved in Collier County involving the utilization of land for some land use activity is scrutinized and required to mitigate all sub-surface drainage generated by developmental activities as a condition of approval. This project was reviewed for drainage relationships and design and construction plans are required to meet County s~ndards as a condition of approval. In the event area wide deficiencies develop, which deficiencies would be ftrrther exacerbated by developing vacant land, the County is required to react through its Concurrency Management system. Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce Hght and air to adjacent areas; Evaluation not applicable. Summary_ Finding; All projects in Collier County are subject to the development standards that are unique to the zoning district in which it is located. These development standards and others apply generally and equally to all zoning districts (i.e. open space requi.,'~nenl, corridor management provisions, etc.) were designed to ensure that light penchation and circulation of air does not adversely affect adjacent areas. In this particular project heights are similar or less than those allowed for contiguous properties. Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent area; Pro'. Adjacent properties are already zoned for optimum usage on the north, east and west sides while the land use proposed for this development is similar to existing potential uses and should have no different an effect on abutting property values than is now apparent by currently authorized land Con.' (i) None. Summary_ Finding: This is a subjective determination based upon anticipated results which may be internal or external to the subject property that can affect property values. Property valuation is affected by a host of factors including zoning, however zoning by itself may or may not affect values, since value determination by law is driven by market value. The mere fact that a property is given a new zoning designation may or may not affect value. It should be noted however that the development strategy proposed in part for the subject property is similar to adjoining land. 4 11. Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations; EI.92C.o~ Evaluation not applicable. Summary_ Findings: The basic premise underlying all of the development standards in the zoning division of the Land Development Code is that their sound application when combined with the administrative site development plan approval process, gives reasonable assurance that a change in zoning will not result in a deterrence to improvement or development of adjacent property. 12. Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasting with the public welfare; Evaluation not applicable. Summary_ Finding: The proposed development complies with the Growth management Plan, a public policy statement supporting Zoning actions when they are consistent with said Comprehensive Plan. In light of this fact the proposed change does not constitute a grant of special privilege. Consistency with the FLUE is further determined to be a public welfare relationship because actions consistent with plans are in the public interest. 13. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning; Evaluation not applicable. Summary_ Finding: The subject property is zoned RSF-3 and may be used for single family purposes, l~owever, the opportunity to rezone the property is provided by law which would enhance the value of the subject property. 14. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the County; P..r. iiLC..i~ Evaluation not applicable. Summary_ Findings: The proposed development complies with the Growth Management Plan, a policy stat~'ment which has evaluated the scale, density and intensity of land uses deemed to be acceptable for this site. 5 AUG 0 4 1998 15. Whether is it impossible to find other adequate sites in the County for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use; ~ Evaluation not ~rplica~le. Summnry Findings: V~lether or not there are other similarly zoned residential areas is irrelevant. 16. The physica~ charncteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration which would be required to make the property usnble for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification; Evaluation not applicable. Summary_ FinOinEs; The site will be altered to the extent necessary to execute the development strategy. 17. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Comer County Growth Management PLtn and as defined and implemented throngh the Comer County Adeqaate Public FaciHtles Ordinance, as amended; Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findings; Staffrevicws for adequacy of public services and levels of service determined that required infl-astl~ure meets with GMP established relationships. NOTE: GMP as used herein means the Collier County Growth Management Plan. means the Future Land Use Element of the GMP. REZONE FtNDINGS PUD=gg-10(2)/md AUG 0 1998[ ! PETITION NT3MBE~ P ~ J3 ]' U D~ FOR ~ZO~ ~ CO~ITION~ USE REO~STS APR lB 1998 Name of ~plicant(s) ~ulf Co~st National Bap~ ~plicant's Mailing Address 3838 North Tamiami Trail City Naples State Fb Zip 34103 Applicant's Telephone Number: Res.: Is the applicant the owner of the subject property? (a) If applicant is a land trust, beneficiaries below. $o Bus.: (941) 261-4262 No indicate and name X (b) If applicant is corporation ocher than a public corporation, so indicate and name officers and major stockholders below. (c) If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, so indicate and name principals below. If applicant is an owner, indicate exactly as recorded, and list all other owners, if any. (e) If applicant is a lessee, attach copy of lease, and indicate actual owners if not indicated on the lease. (f) If applicant is a contract purchaser, attach copy of contract, and indicate actual owner(s) name and address below. Gulf Coast National ~ank. Officers: Jerry J. Williams. President and CEO: William E. Meyers. Executive Vice President: Patrick K. Miller. Senior Vice President: Patricia S. Lucas. Vice President. Lori K. Arnold. Vice President: Mark M. McCabe. Vice President: Lindy D'Amico. Vice President: Amy Sir~anv. Vice President: Anita ?vnski. Asst. Vice President: Linda Newman. Vice President: Janet KemDton. Marketin~ Officer: Sole Shareholder: First Bancoro.. Inc. 2. Name of Agent ~_. Bruc~ Anderson. Firm Youna. van Assend~rp Agent's Mailing Address 801 Laurel Oak Drive. Suite 300 City NaDleS State FL Zip 54108 Agent's Telephone Number: Res.: N/A -1- Bus.: (~41) 597-2814 AUG 0 & 1998 3. DETAILED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TME PROPERTY COVERED BY THE APPLICATION (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page. If request involves change to more than one zoning district, include separate legal description for property involved in each district. If property is odd-shaped, submit four (4) copies of survey (1" to 400' scale). THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING T~E CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. IF QUESTIONS ARISE CONCERNING T~E LEGAL DESCRIPTION, AN ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATION SH~?.?. BE REQUIRED. SECTION · ~6 TOWNSHIP 495 RANGE ~5~ See attached description of parcel "B" which includes ~he north haig of Lot 7. Size of property ~O0 ft. X ~ ft. Acres 2.23 Address or location of subject property Tract "B" - ~as~ ~de O~ ~arnu Street 6. Existing land elevation: County Flood Criteria Elevation: N/A (X) ao Date subject property acquired (X) or leased ( ): 31st day of JanuaFy , 19 ~7 and ~ day of March, 1998. Term of lease yrs./mos. If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate date of option: ; and date option terminates: Does property owner own contiguous property to the subject property? If so, give complete legal description of entire contiguous property. (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page). No THIS APPLICATION IS INTENDED TO COVER: you are requesting): (Check which type of petition A. REZONING: PRESENT ZONING ~ REQUESTED ZONING pUD FOR p~fice buildinq containinq commercia~ ~ra~itional Cl and C1-T uses. B. CONDITIONAL USE __ OF ZONING FOR -2- kUG 0 4= 1998 10. REASON WHY APPLICATION SHOULD BE APPROVED (Attach additional sheets if necessary): Please refer to a=~ached transmittal letter to Ronald F. ~ino. County PlaDnina Services. IS PROPOSED USE PROHIBITED BY DEED RESTRICTIONS? IF YES, PROVIDE COPY OF T~E DEED RESTRICTIONS. 12. IS THIS REQUEST A RESULT OF A VIOLATION? NOTICE SERVED? 13. YES XX NO IF SO, TO WHOM WAS THE HAS A PUBLIC HEARING BEEN HELD ON THIS PROPERTY WITHIN THE LAST YEAR? IF SO, IN WHOSE NAME? ~ 14. ARE THERE EXISTING STRUCTURES ON THE PROPERTY? Yes TYPE: CBS , FRAME , MOBILE HOME Temporary Use modular bank office. OTHER STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER AFFIDAVIT h~iI, Jerry J. Williams, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am dent of Gulf Coast National Bank the owner of the property described n and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, and all sketches, data and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand this application must be completed and accurate before a hearing can be advertised. I further permit R. Bruce Anderson to act as my representative in any matters regarding this Petition. SIGNATURES OF ALL OWNERS ARE MANDATORY. GULF COA~/~ATIONAL BANK .P~sident ' R. Bruce Anderson SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 31st DAY OF March, 1998. (C~O. ~ 3/~5) -3- Not~Y-PUblic Elizabeth M. Dillin-gham MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: AUG 0 1998 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of SOUTHWINDS ESTATES, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 11 at Pages 16 and 17 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida A parcel of land located in northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, being described as follows: Commencing at the north quarter comer of Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier Cotmty, Florida, the same being a point on the northerly Hght-of-way line of Immokalee Road, (S.R. 846), a 150.00 foot right-of-way; thence run South 00"36'49" East along the east line of the northwest 'A of the said Section 26 for a distance of 149.98 feet to a point on the sotrtherly right-of-way line of lmmokalee Road (S.R. 846); thence run South 89055'29" West along the southerly fight-of-way line of Immokalee Road (S.I~ 846) for a distance of 207.05 feet to an intersection with the westerly right-of-way line of Pamu Street, a 60.00 foot right-of-way and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land herein described; thence South 00005'49" East along the westerly fight-of-way line of Pamu Street for a distance of 159.88 feet to a point of cm'vatnre; thence 40.20 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the west, having a radius of 450.00 feet, a central angle of 5007'0T' and a chord of 40.19 feet, beating South 02"28'04" West to the northeast comer of Lot 5 of Southwinds Estates accord~g to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 11 at Pages 16 and 17 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence South 89~55'35'' West along the north line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Southwinds Estates for a distance of 1115.00 feet to the north,vest corner of the said Lot 1; thence run North 00~32'41' West along the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of said Lot 1 for a distance of 200.01 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of said Imrnokalee Road (S.R. 846); thence along said right-of-way line North 89~55'29' East for a distance of 1118.3(5 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The above describes an area of approximately 10.57 acres of land. Subject to easements, restrictions and reservations of record. L~GAI~, DESCRIPTION OF TRACT "B" Parcel "A": A parcel of land located in the Northeast ¼ of the Northwest ~ of Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: 15 AUG 0 4 1998 COMMENCE at the Northeast comer of the Northwest ¼ of Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, the same being a point of the Northerly right-of-way line of Immokalee Road, S.tL S-g46, a 100 foot right-of-way; Thence nm S00°36'49"E along the Fast line of the Northwest % of the said Section 26 for a distance of 100.00 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of Immokalee Road ~nd the point of beginning of the parcel of land herein described, thence continue S0(Y'36'49"E along the East line ofthe Northwest ~,4 of the said Section 26 for a distance of 250.01 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Southwinds ~ ~.cording to the plat thereof recorded in Plat book 11 at Pages 16 and 17 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence nm S89°56'15"W, along the North line of the said Lot 6 for a distance of 150.49 feet to the Northwest comer of said Lot 6 and a point on the ~ly right-of- way line of Pamu Street, a 60.00 foot right-of-way, the same being a point on a circular curve concave to the West, whose radius point bears N$5~33'05"W, a distance of 510.00 feet therefrom; thence run Northerly along the arc of said curve to the left, the same being the Easterly right-of-way llne of Parnu Street, having a radius of 510.00 feet, through a central angle of 04~30'39", subtended by a chord of 40.14 feet at a bearing of N02°l 1'35"E, for a distance of 40.15 feet to the end of said curve; thence nm N00°03'45"W, along the Easterly fight-of-way line of Pamu Street for a distance of 209.$9 feet to a point on the Southerly fight-of-way line of Immokalee Rd; thence nm N$9~56'15'"E along the Southerly right-of-way line of Immokalee Road for a distance of 146.51 feet to the point of begi'ming. LESS AND EXCEPT approximately the North 50 feet thereof which was conveyed to Collier Coun~ for road fight-of-way by im'trument recorded in OR Book 1500, page 294, Public Records of Collier County, Florida subject to restrictions and reservations of record. Description from OR Book 1577, pages 564 and 565, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Lot 6 and the north ~A of LOt 7, SOUTHWINDS ESTATES, recorded in Plat Book 11, Pages 16 and 17, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. t6 AUG 0 4 1998 This Warranty De~d is Pr~nt~ Without ~ ~t of Ill]lIlT it I2:lt~l WZ~rr I. IIICI, ~ I0~-.11 IIII.II lin W~ DE~) Tills WA~ANI'I DF~D, mit ~1 at~t~t t~e $ !sf tt~ oil--. 199'/A~., t~ t~O~Ttl COtllEK MEDFC~ SUILDING, INC., a corpon~tm zztn~n$ undtr t~e ~ af Florida. and I~rvinlt itt prlnclpal place aflnatne~ ~ lrnmota~lee Road and Parnu ,~trea. btapto. Ftorlda $4110, hertinafltr called the Grantor. to GULF COAST NATIOI~AL BANK, a nadonal ban~n$ ~. org~v~zed and b~-orgonrt~l under the ta~ of ~he United .~tattr. whox¢ po, t a~ce addrett It P.O. Box ~t15040. tlal~. S~e ,Exhibit 'A' attached h~eto and made a part hereof by refinance. ~ TO ~, tnildint code an~ o~ a~e re~tnc~om imtnued by to~nnu~t authority, oumandint oil ta~. and mtn~l inten~u o/record, if any. and re~iaiont and eta~t~ common to the ~at~livition. TOGgrI~R ~t~ au n t,,~.,,~, n~rei~n~ ~ appurtenance~ thereto belonting or in anyway appertaining. TO HAVE ~ TO HOLD Dectmber $1, 1990. NORTH COLLIER MEDICAL BUILDING, INC., (CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OP FLOP, IDA COUNTY OF (~t. LtER I H£P.F.~Y CERTIFY that on ~ day b~fm'~ m~, an off~r duly quaflfi~ to ~ ac~, pea'sonally agpeaml m Pt o tlo. ~ AUG 0 & 1998 (SE.kC) EXIiZUIT LEGAL Parcel A: & parcel og land lo:aced in the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 og Secblcm 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, beit~g mo£e particularly described as £ollows: C0~ENCE at ~he Northeast cocner o£ =he Northwest 1/4 Section 26, Town0hip 48 Sou=h, Range 25 East, Collier Cour~ty. Florida, =he same bnit~ a.poiH~ cE the Northerly lt~e cE Immokalee Road. $.R. S-~46, a 100 look rlght-o~-way~ T~ence =ut~ $00-36,49.E along-~he East line of the No£~Hwe~t 1/4 o£ the said SactAo~ 26 for a distance o~ 100.00 Eeet to a point on che Southerly r£ght-of-way line of 1mmokalee Road and :he poin~ of be~ltm£ng o[ Uhe parcel of laztd herein described, thetxc~ conbinue 800'36'49"£ alon~ ~lte East line of =he Norbhwes~ 1/4 of kl,e said Sec=ion 26 for a distance of 250.01 fee= Ko uhe Nor~heas~ co,er o~ ~u 6, Sou~hwinds Es=aCes accordin9 to th~ plat thereof recorded i~ Pla~ book County, Florida; thence run S89"56'15"w, aloI~ ~he Noruh lln~ of th~ said Lou 6 for a distance o~ 150.49 fee= =o Northwest corner of said Lot 6 an~ a point on ~he Easterly righu-o~-way line of Pa~u S~ree%, a 60.00 fcc= right-of-way. =be sa~ beln~ a poi~ on a circular cu~e concave to the We~=, whose radius point bears N85'3~'O~'W, a distance of S10.00 feet thsra[r~; ~ence ~n Northerly along said~e =o =he le~t, the same being =~e Easterly rtsht-of- way line o~ parnu Street, having a radius o~ 510.U0 C~ou~h a csntral angle'of 04~30,39-, sub=ended Dy a chord of ~0.14 '~et at a ~earin~ of N02~11,35-~, ~or a disUance 40.15 ~eet =o the end of said ~e; :hence run N00'03'45"W, alon~ =he Easterly right-of-way l~e o~ Parnu Street die--ce o~ 209.89 fee= to a point on =he Southerly right-of- way l~ne o= I~okalee Rd; t~ence ~n N89e~6'~"E ~ong the · outherly tight-cE.waF line o~ I~o~loe Road for a O~ 14~.~1 fee~ to ~h~ ~in= of be~i~in~. hgS~ ~ ~CE~ approximately ~he Rorth 50 ~eeb =hereo~ whiclt was conveyed ~o Collier County ~or road right-of-way by ins=~n~ recorded in OR Book 1500, pa~e 294, P~lic Records o~ ~llier C~y, Plorida s~jec= to easements, rescrlcblons ~d rese~a=ions Description ~rom OR Uook 1577, paSes 564 ~d S65, Public Records of Collier Co~y, Florida. AND LoC 6, SOUTHWIND ESTATES, recorded in Pla~ Book ti, Pages 16 and 17, of t:he Public Records of Collier Count:y, Florida. AUG 0 4 1998 IIA~LI$ ~I, 34101 II¢ORDBD in the O~ICI~ R~CO~$ o! CO,SI!! COUITT, I~RIC 111 10.50 CO~IIS l. OO KISC 1.00 WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made on this ~ day of March, 1998 between ROBERT R. Zl~LERMAYER m~d JACQUELINE I. ZELLERMAYER, husband and wife ('Grantors'), and GULF COAST NATIONAL BANK, a rational banking association organized and existing under thc laws of the United States ("Grantee*) whose post office address is: P.O. Box 413040, Naples, FL 33941-3040. The Orators, in consider'adon of the sum of TE~ AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said Grantors in hand paid by the Grantee, the receip~ of which is hereby acknowledged, have grained, bargained and sold to thc said Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever, the following described property, situated, lying and being in Collier County, Florida, to wit: The North one-half of Lo~ 7, SotYrHWIND ESTATES, according to the plat thereof recorded in Flat Book 11, at Pages 16 and 17, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Tax Folio Number: 7451028(XX)3 SUBJF.,CT TO: real estate taxes for r,'-~, year 1998 and subsequent years; zoning, building code and other use restrictions imposed by governmental authority; restrictions and easements common to the subdivision provided however no one of them shall prohibit use of the properly for comn~rcial purposes. And said Grantors do hereby fully warrant the tide to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Gm_n. tors have duly executed and delivered this instrument on the day and year first above written. S.igned, Sealed and delivered h the Presence of: GOOdrd~B, Coleman & lolm~m, P.A. 4001 Taodmat Trsil North, $ufm ~ AUG 0 4 1998 OR: 2402 PG: 0719 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER THE FOREGOING INgI'RUMENT was acknowledged bcforc me on (his ..2AIIL da), of March, 1998, by ROBERT R. ZEIJ.,F.,RMA~ sod JACQUEI,INE I. Zt!ILLERMAYER, husband and wife (__) wix) sr~ pcrsoraay lox)wn to me or ~ who produced their rcslx~tive driver's license as idelxit'x:~ion. ~ Commission F~pircs: (Notary Seal) (Page 2 of 2) AUG 0 4 199(I:~: YOUNG, VAN ASSENDERP & VARNADOE, P.A. 801 LAUREL OAK DRIVE, SUITE 300 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34108 Phone: (941)59%2814 HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 715 TENTH STREET SOUTH NAPLES, FLORIDA 34102 Phone: (941)262-4617 April 2, I998 Mr. Ronald F. Nino, A.I.C.P. Om,znt Planning Manager Collier County Planning Services 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 SUBffEC'T: Gulf Coast Natioml Bank, Amendment to Surrey Place PUD Dear Mr. Nino: Emlosed please find seventeen (17) copies of an amendment to the Surrey Place PUD for Tract "B" and a tezoning application to incorporate into Tract 'B' the north half of Lot Seven of Southwind Estates and zoned RSF-3 and comprising approximately 22,000 S.F. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $3,937.50 lo process tie petition. The Surrey Place PUD is located on the south side of Immokalee Road in Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, and comprises 12.80 acres of which Tract 'B' is located on the east side of Parnu Street and comprises 2.23 acres which includes lands to be added presently zoned RSF-3. (See attached Southwind Estates Subdivision plat and location map.) Existine Conditions The subject property, Tract "B', is generally devoid of mtive vegetation with the exception of the north half of Lot Seven which is heavily forested with a sixty percent (60%) canopy of Slash Pines. No endangered species are located on the north half of Lot Seven for which more than fifty (50%) of the lot area is proposed to be planted or retained with native vegetation to enha~ relationships with adjacent proim'fi~. (See attached Environmental Assessment Report.) Tract "B' is presently occupied by a temporary structure, that serves as the Gulf Coast National Bank, that will be removed upon the completion of the proposed development, as depicted on the PUD Master Plan. Presently, Tract "A', located on the west side of Parnu Street, is currently partially developed with an Adult Congregate Living Facility. At the time of this application, a PUD Amendment is currently being reviewed by Collier County Staff to increase the square footage of ALI:: uses and also to permit a AUG 0 4 1998 PAGE: Mr. Ronald F. Nino, A.I.C.P. Gulf Coast National Bank, Amendment to Surrey Place PUD April 2, 1998 2 maximum of 10,000 S.F. of office and medically related uses. To the east of the Surrey Place PUD is multi-family development (two gory) in the South Hampton (Stonebridge) PUD. Access to Tract "B' is to be provided from two access points on Parnu Street, one which is presently existing. Pamu Street forms a signalized intersection with lmmokalee Road. The Petition The proposed request is to facilitate the development of office and medical uses which have always been contemplated for the subject property's Tract "B", since the PUD zoning was placed on the property in 1988. Uses permitted by the PUD today in a forty-five (45) feet tall office building include: banks, medical facilities, pharmacy, florists and similar uses. The Petition is to accomplish the following: Reduce the maximum Might from four stories or forty-five (45) feet to three stories or forty (40) feet on Tract 'B", to minimize the impact on adjacent properties. Retail uses such as pharmacies and florists are proposed to be deleted from the PUD for Tract 'B.' A new limitation of a maximum of 10,500 S.F. is imposed for medic, ally related uses on Tract 'B." The request includes an increase in the maximum squar~ footage permitted for these lower intensity commercial uses from 21,775 S.F. to 35,000 S.F. and provide as Permitted Uses, all Permitted and Conditional Uses in the C-1 and C-I/T District with the exception of soup Idtcher$ and homeless sheltera. The.. north half of Lot Seven is being added to the PUD and limited to landscape buffer and parking uses only. The north half of Lot Seven will retain a thirty (30) foot naturally vegetated area along the south property line, with fifteen (15) feet along the east and west property lines being planted or retained in native vegetation for screening and buffering. These buffer areas result in more than 50% of the lot area being planted and preserved with native vegetation. Under the existing zoning on the north half of Lot Seven, the~ is no requirement to preserve any native vegetation. Buffer areas will be supplemented by additional plantings as may be needed to achieve a B type buffer ~long the east and west property lines of the north half of Lot Seven and a C type buffer along the south propea't'y line. (See cross section of buffer along south property line as Exhibit C to the PUD ordinance.) To imaease the minimum front yard setback along lmmokalee Road for Parcel "B" from fifty (50) feet to seventy (70) feet and to increase the minimum rear yard setback from fifty (50) feet to three hundred (300) feet. The office building will be moved farther north from the residentially zoned property than the PUD presently allows. AUG 0 1998 S~: DATE: PAGE: Mr. Ronaid F. Nino, A.I.C.P. Gulf Coast National Bank, Amendment to Surrey Place PUD April 2, 1998 3 To reduce the side yard setback from forty (40) feet to twenty-five (25) feet for principal structures on Parcel "B" and to fifteen (15) feet to accommodate the drive-thru canopy, balconies or terraces extending from the principal structure and single story covered parking. Growth Mana~,ement Plan The Infdl provisions of the Future Land Use Element or Commercial Under Criteria presently permit new office and low intensity commercial uses when property such as Tract "B" is adjacent to commercial property or commercial zoning consistent with the Future l~nd Use Element and abuts an arterial road, such as hnmokalee Road. This provision currently limits such new commercial uses to a maximum of 25,000 S.F. and to uses that will not generate more than five percent (5%) of Service Level C of the design capacity of abutting streets. For the puq-,ose of demonstrating compliance with the Service Level C design criteria, Immokalee Road has a capacity of 34,900 vehicles under a four lane road condition. The following table compares traffic under existing zoning with the proposed zoning amendment to demonstrate compliance that proposed uses will not generate more than 1,745 trips or 5 % of Service Level C of Immokalee Road. F.,XIS'I'ING ZONq'NG PROPOSED ZONING Medical 20,250 S.F. = 636 ADT~ Office 24,500 S.F. = 406 AD'Ia Pharmacy 1,500 S.F. = ~~ Medical 10,500 S.F. = 330 ADT 771 736 ~31.45 AD'r per 1,000 S.F., :90 ADT per 1,000 S.F., ~16.58 ADT per 1,000 S.F. Therefore, based on the above comparative analysis, there is actually a small reduction in development intensity with the proposed amendment request, and project traffic is not deemed significant based on measures set forth in the Collier county Growth Management Plan, which is 5%, based on Policy 5.2 of the Traffic and Circulation Element. Pending amendments to the Commercial Under Criteria of the Future Land Use Element which will likely be in effect by the time tl-,is petition is scheduled for public hearings, propose to delete the 25,000 S.F. limitation of new commercial square footage and the requirement that trips be limited to 5 % of Service Level C. In any event, the 13,250 $.F. to be added to Tract "B" may be found to be consistent with the current and proposed Future Land Use Element Criteria pertaining to Commercial Under Criteria. This is based on exiting conditions, the fact that commercial uses are presently permitted on Tracts 'A' and "B", and the restrictions on the lot being added to landscape buffer and parking uses. Fifty percent AUG 0 1 1998 PAGE: Mr. Ronald F, Nino, A.I.C.P. Gulf Coast National Bank, Amendment to Surrey Place PUD April 2, 1998 4 (:.$0%) of thc added lot area will be native vegetation landscape buffers. Addition of the lot allows the office building to be moved even farther from the added lot than presently authorized in the PUD. Proiect Iustification Tim justification for the request is based on a number of considerations including the fact the existing PUD zoning and incorporation of the north half of Lot Seven into the PUD with uses limited to landscape buffets and parking can be found to be in compliance with thc Collier County Growth Management Plan. In consideration for increasing 13,250 S.F. of non-residential development into the project, height is reduced from four (4) to three (3) stories within forty (40) feet to enhance relationships with adjacent properties and the allowable square footage devoted to more intense medical uses is reduced from 21,750 $.F, to 10,:~H:)0 S.F. Setbacks arc also increased from fifty ($0) to seventy ('/0) feet in the front yard (Immokalee Road) and from fifty (50) to three hundred (300) feet in the rear yard or southern portion of thc pmrgrty, which will now include the northern half of Lot Seven. Without the inclusion of the north l'mlf of Lot Seven, which is 125 feet in depth, 175 feet of setback: will remain from the former p~l~th p~al:grty linc of Lot 'B' or 125 feet more than the fifty (50) foot setback: required from the rear of thc present PUD. In summary, the building envelope, with reduced height and increased setbacks is more sensitive to adjacent properties in comparison to what could be built on thc property today, based on the current zoning for the reasons noted above. (sec attached existing PUD Master Plan with structure close to the south property line.) Therefore with the proposed development standards, the planned development can b~ found to be compatible with nearby and adjacent land uses. In addition, the project meets or exceeds all applicable land use and zoning requ~ents of the Collier County Land Development Code pertaining to open space, setbacks, building height, native vegetation preservation, screening and buffering, and architectural and site design. Alt,hough this Amendment Petition seeks to increase the allowable building ~ footage, with the reduction in building height and increase in setbacks along the northern and r, outlz'm propen7 lines, with the eI~ination of retail commercial uses and limitation on medical uses reslllti~ in a reduction in traffic impacts, and with thc new and more restrictive landscape buffering requirements, the increase, in buil,:ling square footage is equalized such that tiffs Petition does not represem an overall increase in the intensity of use allowed under the existing PUD. S~: DATE: PAGE: Mr. Ronald F. Nino, A.I.C.P. Gulf Coast National Bank, Amendment to Surrey Place PUD April 2, 1998 :5 Thank you for your consideration in this matter, and if we can provide you any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, YOUNG, VAN ASSENDERP & VARNADOE, P.A. R. Brace Anderson HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. Robert L. Duane, A.I.C.P. Attachments as stated :I~CI~NOArPoLTR AUG 0 4:1998 I i t AUG 0 4~ 1998 Pg- I ! I ! ORDINANCE 98- AN ORDINANCE ~4ENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBERED 8526N BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "RSF-3" AND 'PUD" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS SURREY PLACE, HAVING THE EFFECT OF REZONING 0.45 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND AMENDING THE CURRENT SUP/~EY PLACE PUD FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF IMMOKALEE ROAD (C.R. 846) LYING FAST OF VETERANS PARK DRIVE AND WEST OF THE WEST LIMIT OF THE STONEBRIDGE PUD, IN SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 12.80 ACRES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 98-60, AS AMENDED, THE FORMER SURREY PLACE PUD; ~D BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Robert Duane of Hole, Montes & Associates, inc., representing Gulf Coast National Bank, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; SECTION ONE: The Zoning Classification of the herein described real property located in Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "RSF-3" ano "PUD" ~o "PUD" Planned Unit Develoument in accordance with the PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", which is incorporated herein and by reference made part hereof. The Official Zoning Atlas Map nun~ered 8526N, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. SECTION TWO: Ordinance Nu~er 98-60, as amended, known as the Surrey Place PUD, adopted on June 23, 1998 by the Board of County Commissioners of ~911~-r County, is hereby repealed in its entirety. N~-~ AUG O 1998 SF~/TION THREE: This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of , 1998. ATTEST: D~IGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency Marjo~e M. Student Assistant County Attorney BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman -2- AUG 0 A 1998! / ,,,. 3e, _ I THE SURREY PLACE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP~ Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. 715 Tcnth Street South Naples, Florida 34102 roi. (941) 262-4617 J~e,l~8 HMA File No. 98.35 AUG 0 4:1998 -TAI~LE OF CONT~T~' ' ' SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 S~ON 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 SECTION 7 SECTION $ Exhibit A ExMbit B ExhiMt C ExMbit D Exhibit E Statement of Compliance Project Description, Legal Description and Short Title Stamment of Intent ~ad General Development Regulations Permitted Uses and Site Development Regulations Traf~c Standards Utilities Standards Legal ~ption of Tract "A" and "B" Conceptual Landscape Plan Tract "A' Lands~ Buffer along the South Property Lin~ of Tract "B" (North I-/affof ~t Seven) Conceptual Landscape Plan, Tract "B", with Traffic Control AUG 0 4 1998 SECTION AT M NT OF COMPL CE The development of 12.S0 acres of property in Section 26, Range 25 East, Township 48 .South, Collier Cour~ry, Florida as a Planned Unit Dev¢lopmem to be known as the Surr~ Place PUD will be in compliance ~th the plartuing goals ~d objectives of Collier County for the following 1.1 The project i~ cons~t with all applicable elements of the Collier County Growth Management Plan including Policy 5.8 of the Futttre Land Use Elemem thst permits Adult Living Facilities subject to regulations contained in Section 2.6.26 of the Collier County Land Developmem Code. 1.2 The project incorporates natural systems into either preserve areas or as imegral componems of the water management system to ~c.e their natural f-unction. 1.3 The project is compatible with adjacent land uses through the internal arrangements of stmcttm~, the placement of land use buff'ers, and the propo~ development stnndnxds, as required by Policy 5.4 of the Futttre La~d Use Elemem. 1.4 Ail impruvemems shall be in compliance with all applicable County regulations l~mixdng to co~on and design. 1.5 Ali Final Development Orders for this Plau~ed Un/t Development are subject to the Collier County Con~ Management System, as implemem~ by Division 3.15 of the Collier Count3r Land Development Code. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. L~GAL DESCRIPTION, SHORT 2.1 PROPERTY DESCRIFHON 'rh¢ subj~-.t l~oper~ is loca~t on tl~ sou~ sid~ of lmmokalee Road, one haffmi!e west of Airpo~ Road and locazed in Secfi~ 25, Range 25 East, TownsMp 4~ South and com~ apl~oxima~ly 12.80 ~ of land. The subjea property/s div/ded inw two ~tr~, _.. Tract "A" is fl~e location of an Adult Liv/n~ Facil/ty (ALl:) on 10.57 acre~. Tract "Bm planned for office uses and coml:~/ses 2.23 acr~. LEOAL DES~ON See attached legal description, Exhibit A for Tracts A & B. 2.3 lttgiLT_II23~ T'nis ordinance shall be known and cited as the Surr~ Place Planned Unit Developmem 2 ___Ii __ .I ............ m ............... J __ _ mm ................ ,L_ _ l.._ AUG 0 4, 1998 3.1 3.2 SECTION 3 STATE~ OF INTENT AND GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PURPOSE The project purpose is to provide for the development of an Adult Living Facility on 10.57 acres on Tract "A", located on the west side of Pamu Street. Also, ~ m~ office uses on Tra~ "B', on 2.23 acres. Both Tract "A' and ~B" are depict~i on the PUD Mast~ Plan, Exhibit B. GEbtERAL The following a~e general provisions applicable to the PUD Master Plan: Regulations for development of the Surrey Place Planned Unit Development shall be in accordance with the contents of this document, the PUD - Plumed Unit Development Disu'ict and other applicable sec'dons and parts of the Colliex County Land Development Code (LDC) in efffeet at the time of building permit application Should these r~xflafions fail to provide speci6¢ dev~l~t~ standa~ls, then the provisions of the most similar zoning district in thc Collier County LI)C shah apply. Unless otherwise noted, the defnltions of all terms shall be the same as the de~inltions ret forth in the Collier Coumy LDC in effect m the 6me of building Ce All conditions imposed end all graphic material prescnted depicting nn~ri~ for the development of the Surrey Place Plann~ Unit Development shall become part of the regulations which govern the manner in which this site may be developed. ' Devclolnuent, permitted by the approval of ~his petition, will be subject to a concurr~ review under the provisions of the Adequa~ Public Fecilities Division 3.15 of the LDC et the e~rliest or next to occur of either final SDP approval, Final PI,et approval, or building permit issuance applicable t~ this development. AUG 0 4 1998 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 SITE CLEARINO AND DRAINAOE Clearing, grading, earthwor~ and site drainage work shall be performed in accordance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County LDC and the standards and commitments of this document ~t the time of construction plan approval. EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES Easements, where required, shall be provided for water management areas, utilities and other purposes as may be required by Article 3 of the Collier County LDC. All necessary easements, dedications or other instruments shall be granted to ensure the continued operation and main~mnce of all services and utilities to insure compliance with applicable regulations in effect at the time construction plans, site plans or plat approv~ are requested, in accordance with Article 3 of ~he Collier County LDC. AMENDMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE The PUD Master Plan is intended as an illustrative preliminary development plan and shall be understood to be flexible so that the final design may best satisfy the project, the neighborhood and the general local environment. Amendments to this Ordinance and Conceptual PUD Master Plan sl~ll be pursuan~ to Section of the Collier County LDC in effect at the time the amendment is request. Parking shall be provided as required by Section 2.6.26 or Division 2.3 of the Collier County LDC, whichever is applicable. A seon'ity gate for nighttime use shall be installed on the parking lot on Tract "B' south of the southern-most access to Parnu Street, as depicted on Exhibit "E". SUNSET AND MONITORING PROVISIONS The Sturey Place PUD shall be subject to Section, Time Limits, for Approved PUD Master Plato and Section, Monitoring Requirements. C01Vl]VlON AREA MAINTENANCE Common area maintenance, including the maintenance of common facilities, oI~n Irpao~ and the water management facilities, shall be the responsibility of the owners' association, together with any applicable permits and conditions from applicable local, State, or Federal permitting agen¢i;~. 3.9 LANDSCAP1NO REOUIKEMENTS All landscaping requirements, buffers, walls 'and berms shall be developed in conformance with requirements of Division 2.4 of the Collier County LDC pertaining to landscaping and buffering, however, a portion of the front yard buffer, along Visland Avenue for Tract "A", which includes a portion of the internal drive serving ~g development, may average 10 feet in width for a distance of approximately 165 feet Any plantings required to be provided in this area that may be displaced as a rest~ of the size or configuration of the buffer area shall be provided in other portions of the buffer area. The buffer along Visland Avenue shall be installed within 90 days after zoning approval. Th~ height of this buffer anm is required to be eight (S) feet in height by the time the Cenificam of Occupancy is issued for tim building addition depicted on the PUD Master Plan as Concepu~ Future Building footprint A conceptual laudsca~ plan is a~tached as Exhibit C to this Ordinance depicting this buffer area. A thirty foot naturally vegetmed area will remain along the south thirty (30) fe~t of tim north half of Lot 7 Tract "B' and a fifteen (15) foot buffer of native vege~tion will be placed along the east and west property lines of the north half of Lot 7. Bufl'er~ will be supplemented with additional plantings to the ~ pwvided by Section 2.4 of the LDC to provide for a Type B buffer along the east and west ~ lines and a Typ~ C btfffer along the south property line of Tract "B', which will also include a meandering hedge along one hundred and thirty-five (135) feet of the north ½ half of Lot Seven (7), similar in composition and material to the buffer provided for Tract "B' along Pamu Stre~ (Se~ also Conceptual Landscape Plan for Tract "B", Exhibit E.) 3.10 SIG~_~ As provided for wi',hln Section 2.5, Si~s, of the Collier County LDC. 3.11 POLLING PLACE 3.12 A polling place will be provided in accordan~ with Section 2.6.30 of the Collier County LDC, as may be determined to be necessary by the Collier County Supervi.~ of Electiom. NATIVE VEGETATIQ~ Native vegetatiou shall be preserved in accordance with the applicable r~!uhemems of Division 3.9 Vegetation Removal, Protection, and Preservation, of the Collier County LDC. The soulh thirty (30) feet and fifteen (15) feet along the east and w~t property lines of the north half of Lot Seven (7) Tract "B' shall be retained or planted in native vegetation, which represen~ about fifty (50) percent of the lot to be covered with native vegetation. 5 AUG 0 4 1998 3.~3 ~CmT~Ttn~L ~ SrI'S D,SSX~ S~rAh'DA~DS Commercial development of the subject property shall comply with Division 2.8 of the LDC. 6 AUG 0 ~ 1998 SECTXON 4 PE~MZ'I~ED USES AND DEVELOP~ REGULATIONS 4.1 4.2 4.3 It iz the purpose of this ~:ction to outline the developme~ regulzfio~ for ~e projec~ ~o that the developmen~ will proceed in a rammer which iz ~ with the PUD Document and according to the general goah a~d objectiv~ of th~ Collier County Growth Mmagement Plan. PRINCIPAL USES AND STRUCTt~S A. Tract "A": 1) 2) 3) 4) ~) ~) Skilled Nu~s-ing Adult Living Facility (ALF) Adult Day Care Child Day Care Home Health Care Tbm'apy OfficedClinic B. Trac~ "B": t) All of the Permitted and Conditional use~ in the C-I at~d Clff Zor~E Diz~c~ at~ ~ ~ as of the eff~ date of the' adopti0~ of tM_, Ordinamce, excluding homele~ ~elte~ and soup ~ ~ubjec~ to a fin'~fion of ten ~f~ hundred (1o.~oo) ~ f~ (~) of~ s~vic~ (S.LC. SOil - 8049) uses. 2) Paztci~ only is permitted on the north half of Lot 7 with screen_ ;a~ and buffering as ~own on the PUD Master Plan. PEKMYITED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCIIJRE~ ~ t~lence, one per n-act of ~ ~ ~ (3,000) s.f. of general office on Tract "A". 7 AUG"O '4 1998 D. - Tw~nty'ffiYe hundm:i (2,500) s.f. of medical use for geriatdc car~ only on Tra~ "A'. 4.4 4.5 4.6 PROHIB~ USES AND STKU~S Ao DEVELO~ STANDARDS A. Minimum lot ar~c Ten ~ (10,000) SClUm'e feet B. Minimum lot width: One Htmdred (100) feel C. M'mi mm yard r luir ems: 1) Unless otherw~ provided, fifty (50) feet from all pwlx~ lines. Tract "B" ahall ~ a sevellty (70) foot setback from the north ~ ~ a thr~ hund~ (300) foo~ so, back from the south ~ line for ~ ~; and a tw~my-five (25) foot s~i~ack tom ltz ~ and ~ maintain a sefl:~ck of fifteen (I 5) feet from any ~ line. A. Maximum height of ~: i) Thirty-five (35) feet for Tract "A'. Forty (40) feet, not to exceed three (3) stories, for Tract "B'. B. Minimum floor arca of stru~:.. 1) 1000 square feet for each principal ~ucu~. DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY The Adult Congregate Living and Skilled Nursing Facility on Tract "A" shall be in conform~ce with the requirem~ of Section 2.6.26 of the Collier Couaty Lind Development Code that permits a maximum floor area ratio of.45. Bo Uses m'e limitexl to a maximum of thirty-five thousand (35,000) s£ on Tract"B", of which no more than ten thousand-five hundred (10,500) s.f. of Health Service Uses (S.I.C. 8011 - 8049) are 1~,~ I_._AUG 0 4 1998 SECTION ~ ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 An exodc vegetation ~-moval, m~ a~l maintenance (exotic-fi~e) plan for the site, ~ emphasis on the conservation/preservation areas, shall be submitted ~o Curm~ Planning Environmcn~ Su~ff for revi~v and approval prior to final site plan/construction plan approval. ~ location shall be immediately ~ and the Current Plmmi~ Envln:nm~ Staff notifiecL Develovmem will be suspended for a su~deat length of lime to enable the Currcm Plarming ~en~ Staff or a desi~_~d cormdtam to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Current Phnning Environmental Staff shall respond to any such notification in a timely and efficient ~ so as to provide only a minimal intem~on to a~y con.s'm~onal activities. At the time of SDP su~ the scrub oak/gopher tort&se tmese~e area shall be field surveyed and more accurately shown on the Site Plan to reflect the actual boundary. The xeric osk habita~ along the western boundary of the parcel, as depicted on the PUD Master PLa~ shall be maintained as a conservation m'ea and fenced off prior to development activity ocaming adjacent to it. The petitioner _O~T! maintain xeric oak habitat ou~ide of the ~ building footprint or/nfr~w.~u~. If development prohibits ~n~ individual oak trees in place, the petitioner .~hall transplan~ these trees to lmldscape ~ within the development, or to the comerv~on area. The pexitioner shall work closely with detel-m/ne which tre~ may be ~y ~lanted. A habitat ~cm plan for gopher tom~ises shall be submilzed to Curre~ ~ Enviwnmen~ Stuff for r~view and approval prior to final site devel~ plan approval. This plan shatl address maimenance of the preserve area and exotic vegel~on removal, which must be done by hand in the preserve area. The PUD shall b~ consistent with the Environmen'ml Sections of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Cons~vafion and Coastal Management Element and the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of final development order approve. 9 AUG 0 4 1998 ,,, Pg._. 'ff"~_ .~_ ~ SECTION 6 6.1 All access shall be by way of Pamu Strut There shall be no direct access to hnmokalee Road. 10 AUG 0 ~. 1998 SECTION 7 7.1. 7.2 7.3 7.4 Water distribution, sewage collection and transmission and interim water and/or sewage treatment facililies to serve the project are to be designed, conmucied, No. 88-76, as amended, and other applicable County rules and regulations. C~unty in ~ce with the CounW's established rates. Should the County not be in a position to provide watcr md/or sewer, customers shall be customers of the inmim utility established to serve the project until the County's off-site waIer and/o~ sewer facilities a~e available to serve the projec~ Appropriate easemem~ for a~y project imemal water improvements shall be documented on the com'~uction plans and shall be dedi~ to the Collier County Wa~er-Sewer District. 9%17 or ~e~eam made there, and shall be approved prior to the issuance of development con.stmction approval. ~ No, ~ ' .~'3041998 : 11 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 SECTION ENGINEERING STANDARDS Detail~ paving, grading, sit~ drainage and utility plan~ b~ submittal to Devdopment S~rvic~ for revi~,. No co--on l~'rmits shall be issued unl~s and until approval of proposed construction, in accerdan¢¢ with the submittal plans, is gran*axl by Plarming S~-~ic~s D~artment. Design and construction of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with the appropriate provisions of Division 3 of the Collier County Land Development Code. Work within Collier County right-of-way shall mee~, the requirements of Collier Coumy Right-of-Way Ordinan~ No. 82-9 I. An Excavation Permit will be required for the proposed lake(s) in accordance with Division 3.5 of the Collier County Development Code and South Florida Water Management District regulations. The project water management requhx~ents are governed by an existing South Florida Water Management District permit. The responsibility for project approval of the water management will be delegated to Collier County. 12 AUG 0 A 1998 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of SOUTHWINDS ESTATES, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 11 at Pages 16 and 17 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida A wact of land located in northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, being described as follows: Commencing at the north quarter corner of Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 Ea.% Collier County, Florida, the same being a point on the northerly right-of-way line of lmmokale~ Road, (S.R. 846), a 150.00 foot fight-of-way; thence nm South 0(F36'49' East along the east line of the northwest ¼ of the said Section 26 for a distance of 149.98 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Immokalee Road (S.IL 846); thence nm South 89~55'29' West along the soulherly fight-of-way line of Immokalee Road (S.R. 846) for a distance of 207.05 feet to an intersection with the westerly right-of-way line of Parnu Street, a 60.00 foot fight-of-way and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land herein described; thence South 00O05'49' East along the westerly right-of-way line of Pamu Street for a distance of 159.88 feet to a point of ~; thence 40.20 feet along the axe of a curve concave to the west, having a radius of 450.00 feet, a central angle of 5o07'07" and a chord of 40.19 feet, bearing South 02~28'04'' West to the northeast comer of Lot 5 of Southwinds Estates accor~g to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 11 at Pages 16 and 17 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence South 89~55'35' West along the north line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Soulhwinds Estates for a of 1115.00 feet to the northwest comer of the said Lot 1; thence nm North 00~2'41' West along the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of said Lot I for a distance of 200.01 feet to the souUerly fight-of-way line of said Immokalee Road (S.1L 846); thence along said right-of-way line North ggn55'29' East for a distance of 1118.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The above describes an area of approximately 10.57 acres of land. Subject to easements, restrictions and reservations of record. LEGAL DESCRnq ON oF TR cr -B- Tract "B": A parcel of land located in the Northeast ¼ of the Northw~,t ~A of Section 26, Township 48 Sow, h, Range 2~ ~ CoUier County, Florida, beint mor~ p:~icularly describe~ as follow~: AUG 0 & 1998 CO--CE at the Northeast comer of the Northwes~ ¼ of Section ~6, Tow~hip 4g South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, the same being a point of the Northerly right-of-way line of Immokalee Road, S.R- S-g46, a I00 foot fight-of-way; Thence nm S00~6'49'~E along the East line of the Northwest I/, of the said Section 26 for a dis~a.uce of 100.00 fee~ to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of Immokalee Road and the point of beginuing of the parcel of land herein descri~ thence continue S00~36'49~ along the East line of the Northwest ~ of the said Section 26 for a distance of 250.01 fee~ to the Northeast comer of Lot 6, Southwinds Estates accord~g to the plat thereof recorded in Plat book 11 at Pages 16 and 17 of the Public Recoils of Collier County, Florida; thence run S89~56' 15'~,V, along the North line of the said Lot 6 for a distance of 150.49 feet to the Northwest comer of said Lot 6 and a point on the Easily fight-of- way line of Pamu Street, a 60.00 foot right-of-way, the .same being a point on a circular curve concave to the West, whose radius point bears N85°33'05"W, a distance of 510.00 feet therei-om; thence run Northerly along the arc of said curve to the left, the same being the Easterly right-of-way line of Parnu Street, having a radius of 510.00 feet, through a central angle of 04030'39'', subtended by a chord of 40.14 feet at a bearing of N02°l 1'35"E, for a distance of 40.15 feet to the end of said curve; thence nm N00°03'45"W, along the Easterly right-of-way line of Pamu Street for a distance of 209.89 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of lmmokalee Rd; thence nm N89°56' 15"E along the Southerly right-of-way line of Immokalee Road for a distance of 146.51 feet to the point of begh~,~ing. LESS AND EXCEPT ~ximately the North 50 feet thereof which was conveyed to Collier County for road right-of-way by in~omunent recorded in OR Book 1500, page 294, Public Records of Collier County, Florida subject to restrictious and reservations of record. Description from OR Book 1577, pages 564 and 565, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Lot 6 and the north ~ of LOt 7, SOUTHWINDS ESTATES, recorded in Plat Book 11, Pages 16 and 17, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. AUG 0 4= 1998 ./ F 1. AUG I ( 9t,~--&,-D ) c~o~ ~ AU~ 0 4 PETITION AV 97-027 TO VACATE TWO DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND A COUNTY UTILITY EASEMENT IN "DOVER PARC' AccoRDING TO THE PLAT ~OF RECORD~ IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 61, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLI'aR COUNTY, 0~: To ado~ the resolution to vacate the above mentioned easements. .CONSID~TION$: Petition AV 974)27 has been r~x~ived by the Transpo~__s~_'_on Depatmm~ from Gary Buffer, P.E. of Buffer Fagineerln~ Inc. as agent for the petitioner, "Dover Pare" be vacated to accommodate proposed building Iocatiot~. There ar~ no exi.~ing hav~ been given to Brianvood Property Owners' Assodation, Inc. with ~ n~:ms/~tifie~ and to Collier County without main~ re~msibilifie~ and recorded in Official Record Book 2398 at Page 1837 and Official Record Book 2398 al Page 1841. A rep~ e.~ement for the Couney Utility Easemet~ will be given to Collier County at a later date. Lett~ of no objection have been received from all perfine~ utility provide~ lind 'user agencies. P.U.D. FISCAL [M~PAC'r: Collier County has colleaed a $1,000 "Petition to Vacate" fee from the petitiooer which will b~ deposited into the Road and Bridge Fund (101-163610). This fee covers GROW'IH MA~AGEMEb~ IMPA%~'T: Not applicable RECOMbI~I~TDATION: That the Board of Counly ~i_~ionm's: 1) Approve the Resolution for Petition AV 97-027 for the vacation of the abov~- 2) Amhorize th~ execution of the Re~olufion by its Clminmm and direct the Clerk to record a certi~ed co~ of ~e Re~lution in the Public ~. 3) Requ~ the Clerk efCoth"ts to make ,.vpropriate ~ note~ on th~ recorded plat. DAT~:~ DATE:~o ~- AUG 0 4 1998 ClCy/Sta~:~ 2ip ¢ode..~ Address: ' ' U_-.- Te XephoM; ~-LGa~t.Z.~e~ neason for Request:. 4~ffO~-~--~L/0'~'' " ~rrent ~oninq,_ .~_ a~fecc density? ~0 _ [ ~ ~araby ~u~horize ~gent X~ve ~~.~ ~~ - Oa~ ~iqnatur~ o~ PeA~ianpr,(~r) Print ~ame (Title) Please aaa ePolic7 and Procedure the list of auppo~ive ~atertals ~hich ~usC accompany this ~tition, and deliver or sail rrans~rta~ion Collier County ~ver~en: Complex Naples, FL 33gG2 T~Iep~o~d: (~41) 774-84~4 *(l) Zt applican~ ts a la~ t~sc, lfldica~e the nane o~ ~nailc/arl~s. (2) I~ appli~n~ Is a ~ra~lon ~a~ ~han a public co~ration, i~lcate the ~zna o~ o~lcera a~ ma~or etockhoZders. (1) lg appl~.~n~ Is i.partnerahlp, o~ar b-dainesa entity, i~loate the name aC prt~l~la. (4) ~at all other o~era. .= AUG 0 i 1998 pLATS OF SU~OZ~TD~ ~HQ ~CE~F FOR VA~TIOH OF Bate Receivea:_~'. 2Z .(q~ .... .. petition ~ - TelephO~e:~l Address of Sub~e~ ~opert~:_ -- zip C~e:~ ~cat[on. Se~n _ ~ I T~nahip ~q ~ ~nga ~lock __ Unit Subdivision: ~~ Plat Book __ ~' Page(s) _~1 ~ /~- (3) If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or ~ - other business entity, indicate the naue of principle. ~ ~ (4) List all Reason for Re.est: Doss tBis current a£fect densitT?-- ~ ,- I Hereby Authorize Agent Above to Represent Ha for this Petition: lit - - (Owner) Date Print ~ame (Title~ Please ama "Policy and Procedure of Wacation and Annulment" for the list of supportive matsrialm which mum: accompany this ~etition, and deliver or mail to: Transportation Services Collier County ~overnment Complex Maples, FL 339~2 Telephone: (941) 774-8494 *(1) Zf applicant is a land t~st, indicate the name of ~neficiarie$.  If appli~nt is a co~oration other than a public co__ration, in~icat= the name of officers and ma~or -'AUG 0 A 1998 OCT.-09' 97fTHU) 14:37 ANNIS MITCHELL NAPLES ~L:941 597 6984 !'.003 l I11 tl.H IOC-,ll Se~ ~ Schedu~ A for lcBA~ delc~ ~ TO HA3r~ ,L~TZ) TO HOLT) J 0 4 1998 ~CT.-09' 97(THU} 14:.38 ANNIS MITCHELL NAPLES TEL:941 597 6984 P. 004 "" U~t; t;t;T! t'V; &aV;t '"' DI~8 CR,I:PT.I:ON oF ?~E ~IHAINI~G PORTION Or TRACT 'n' RND A tORTZOX Or ~RACT 'C~ DOVER PARC, FLAT ~OO~ 22~ P~G~SH~ A~ 62, PUBLIC R~CORDS COLLI~R COUntY, ~LORZDX, BBZ~G ~AR~ICU~ARLY D~SORZB~D AB ~OLLO~8~ BBOINNING A~ ~H~ NORTHBAST CORN~R O~ ~RAC~ 'B', DOVER PARC, ACCORDIHG TO THE ~LAT R~CORDED ~N PLAT BOOK 22, PAGES 61 AND 62, OF THE PUBLIC R~CO~DS OF COLLIER COUNTY, fLORIDA, 8AID POINT ALSO BgIIG ON THE WBBT~R~Y RIGHT-OF-WAY LIN~ O~ BRIARWOOD BOUbBVARD~ ~Mg~CE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINGS 0¥ TRACT 'S' AND SAID R:GET-O~-~RY LINE THE FOUR EOL~OWINO COURSES, SOUT~ 00'0B'22' WEST FOR 310.56 ~EET, TO A POIHT OF CURVATURE~ TH~Nc~ &7.0% gERT ALONG T~E ARC O~ A CURVE TO T~g RIGHT, IN A ~OUT~gRLY DIRECTION, HAVING A RADIUS DISTANCE OF 170.ee F~T, THROUGH A CENTRAL RNGL~ OF 15051'18', THE CHORD OF WHICH B~ARS SOUTH 9S'04'13" WEST FOR A CHORD DISTANCE OF %6.S9 ~T, TO A ~OZNT OF T&NG:NCYI THENCE SOUTH 1Se59'40" WEST 1%9.42 FK~T, TO A POINT OF CURVATURe= T~NC~ 69.18 FEET ALONG ARC OF A CURVE TO T~ ~FT, IN A 80UTHERLY DIRECTION, ~AVING RADIUS D~ST~HCE OF 250.~0 ~T THROUGH A CENTRAL RNGhE O~ 15'51'18", THE CHORD OF W~IOH BEARS SOUTH 08*0~'e1' WEST FOR A C~ORD DISTANCE O~ 66.96 ~E~T~ THENCH LEAVIng 8AID W~STERLY OF-WAY LINg AND ALONG THE 80UTHERLY LINE~ O~ TRACT 'B' THE THREE FOLLOWING COURSES, NORTH 45.ee'ee' W~ST FOR 9e.00 £BET; THENCE ~OUTH 77,ce'ce* WEST FOR 13e.ee FEETj THENCE NORTH 46'99'06" WEST' ~OR 235.ee FIST; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINEs OF DOVER PARC COnDOMINIUm, PHASE FIVE, T~B FOUR FOLLOWING COURSES, NORTH 44DeB'es' EAST FOR 114.00 FEETI TBENCE NORTH %G.ee'eo" WEST FOR NORTH 54'00'00' WEST FOR ~2.69 FEET; THgNC~ ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINES OF TRACT 'B' THE TWO FOLLOWING COURSES, SOUTH ?s.00,0o' ~ABT FOR ~e~.75 FEET~ THENCE NORTH 36'00'00" EAST FOR 120.88 FEET~ FBET~ THBRC~ SOUTH 89.~1'38' ~AST FOR aG.tS ~TO INTERSECT ~HE WESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LIN~ O? BRIARWOOD BOUL~VARD~ TH~RC~ SOUTH ~e'ea'22" WEST, ALONG 8A/D RZOH?-O~-WRY LIN~, 22.eS FEET TO THE EOZNT OF BEGiNNiNG. CO~TAIHING 3.81 ACRES, ~ORB OR G~SS. SUBJECT TO EASEHBHTS, R~STRI~TIONS AND RBflBRVATION8 IAUG041998 ) ?;. _~ BUTLER engineering, 16, 1997 COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC OCT 20 P;~ 12:23 ! i' Mr. John H. Boklt, P.E., P.S.M., ~r :~301 Tmiami Trail East, Building 'TI" R~. DOVER PLACE Section 31, Township 4~S, Ittnle 16E RECEIVED iCJ ! ! m7 Botlw Ert~ifl~,4fing, Inc. This ini'm'mafion .should allow ]tom' office to ~Gerit. e tho mcluir~ '"L~_~ of No 0bjec6oW' for rue w~t~ff~ eum~ v~o~ Please rmiew the attached materids and sisn the bottom of this letter ir'this meets your Ii'you hav~ any questions, or need any flirth~' information, please do not B~ ENGINEEIUNG, INC. I hav~ no objeclioo to the ~ v~agon(s) u described abow. 1~0-07.30 · 2223 TRADE CENTER WAY - NAPt.ES, FLORIDA 34109 - 941-M)6-36361 FAX M1-~327 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT PUBUC WORKS October 20, 1997 Ms. Debbie Beecrofl 2223 Trade Center Way 3301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FI. ~34112 (941) 732-2575 FAX (941) 732-2526 Re: VscaIion of Collie/'Coun~ Utility ~a~t (CUE) wi.=hirt Dover Placo This office has reviewed yo~ request to vacate the above referenced Collier County Utility Easement (cts. The Collier Connty Water-Sewer District has no facilities in the area and we, therefore, have no objection to the vacation of the Collicr County Utility Easement (CUE). Should you have say further questions, please feel ~ee to contact me. Sino~ly, Cindy M. 1~o Public Works Senior Engineering Technician Edward N. Finn, Public Works Openttiom Director Michael Newman, Wtter Director Russ MuUer, Trampormion Scrvkes RECEIVED AUG 0 4 1998 .i ~ COLU~ COUNTY C,O~ ~vqY-~z7 ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOI:MENT AND ENVIEONMENTAL SERVICES DI%'ISION PLANNING SlmVlC~ $ DEPARTMENT EN~f~NG RENEW SECTION NORTH HOP.~ESH0~ DRIVE NAI~-~-q. FLORIDA 34104 Cfm7 Bud=, P.~. 2223 Tmie Ce~= Way N~I~ Flor~ ~ ~.'m V~:afion Reques~ ~Dovn- R~vls~on ofL~r dat~ ~ 6, I~ you lu~ any qt ~iom, please comact me st ~,03-1471. L,~ o.£.! I~ III ~ L-2 L~ 0.£.! PHV T/L~T T1~1' 0-2 .,,. R~)IO ROAD ~ o.£.! ( too' R/~) AUG 0 & 1998 I,--4 COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING OF PUBLIC H~AkRINGS To:. Clerk to the Boned: Please place the following am a: (Displ~' Adv.. location, e~¢.) Originating Dept/Div: Comm. DevSa-v./Phnn_/ng Person: Rick Gfigg D~te: 6-30-95 Petition No. (I/none, g/ye brief description): AV 97-027 Petitioner:. (Nax~ & Addx~s): Dovtu' Place Inc. P.O. Box 8725 N~ples, Florida 33941 Name 8. Add.rems of any pexson(s) to be notified by Clerk's Office: (If tno'~ space is needed, attach sqxu'a~ dee0 The~ n.re no abutting owners within 250'. I-l~tring before XXX BCC BZA Other ~Heaxtngda~: Augus~ 4. 1998 Basedon~aplx:afiagl'5~befotebeath~ Newspap~s) to be used: (Complete only ffimporr~m): ~ Text: (Indudc legal descrilxion & common location & size: PETITION AY 97-027 TO VACATE TWO DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND A COUNTY UTILITY EAS~ IN "DOVER PARC" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 61, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA.. Companiou petition(s), if auy & proposed he~'ing dat~: Does Petition Fee inc,hc, de___ ndvemsing cost? XXX Yes [] No l. fYes, what~stmuldbe~for ad,mt~sing costs: 101-163610-649100 Antonio Trigs, PIS President A. TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Land Surve¥or~ 2223 Trade Center Way Naples, Florida 33942 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (941) 594-8448 FAX (941) 594-0554 Description of a per=ion of a 15 foe= wide Collier County Utility ~aselenC and being a parc of Trace 'B' and Tract 'C' of DOVER PARC, as recorded in Pla= Seek 22, pages 6! and 62 of =he Public Records of Collier County, Florida and being lore Particularly described by se=es and bounds as follows~ Collencing ac =he southeast corner of Tract 'C' as shown on said pla= of DOVER PARC; =hence run SOe'O8'22'N along the easterly boundary of Trace "B" a distance of 6.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING~ thence continue seo*os'22-w a dis=anco of 15.88 feet; thence run N89'51'38'W a distance of 14e.34 feet; thence run seo*es'22-w a distance of 308.e7 feet; thence run 845oO8,22-W a distance of 47.69 feet; thence run N89o51'38-W a distance of 22.96 fee=; thence run seeees'22-N a distance of 16.94 feet; thence run N89*51'38'W a distance of 15.OO feec~ thence run Fee*o8'22-E a dis=anco of 16 94 feet; ~hence run N89o51'38-W a distance of 49123 feet; thence run N22*O4'11'E a distance of 16.17 feet; thence run S89e51'38-E a distance of 74.e3 feet; thence run N45008'22'E a distance of 35.26 feet; thence run Nee*e8,22=g a distance of 542.18 fee~; thence run N35*55'49"N a distance of 14.52 fee~, thence run N72*oe'oo-w a distance of 132.23 feet~ thence run mle-ee'ee-g a distance of 15.ee feet; thence run s72*ee'ee-g a distance of 137.12 feet; ~hence run S35.55:49=E a distance of 24.28 feet; thence run see-os 22'# a distance of 238.28 feet =hence run S89*51'38'g a d/stance of 14e.34 fee~ to the POINT OF BEGINNING. No. LS 2982 See page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Description N~ iTC.. ,AUG 0 & 1998 SKETCH N.55'55'49'W. 14.52' Troct Une / OF D SCRIPTION S.89'51 '.38'F.. 140.54' N.89'51 '58'W. 140.54° P.O.C. Southeast comer Tract "C', DOVER PARC P.B. 22, Pge 61-62 S.00'08'22"W. 6.48' ~-'~S.00'08'2 'W N.22'04'll'F_ S'89-51~.0-~'> ' S.45'08'22'W. , ---'-' 4.7.69' · -. --~ ~ N89'51 N 89 ' '" ' · '5~ ~ /i t--... 2.2.06 49.23 ' / I S.00'08'2~'w N.00'08'~2'E -- I 16.~'~' 16.94 N. 89'51',$8'W. NOT A ~ 15.00' ASSOCIATES, INC. o~z. O~o~.-e. ss ~ ~ ~ TAT ~ ~: AT Antonio Trigo, PLS Pr~ident A. TRIGO &. ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Land Surveyors 2223 Trade Center Way Naples, Florida 33942 (94 I) 594-84~ FAX (941) 594-0554 LEGAL DESCRZPTZOR Description of a portion of a 15 foot wide Collier County Drainage gaselent and being a part of Tract "B" of DOVBR PARC, as recorded in Plat Book 22, pages 61 and 62 of the Public Records oE Collier County, Florida and being more par~icularly described by metes and bounds aa iollows~ Commencing at the northeast corner of Tract "B'. as shorn on said plat of DOVER PARC~ thence run 80e'08'22"# along the easterly boundary of Tract 'B' a distance of 8e.44 feet to the POINT OF BBG~ZNG~ thence continue S00.O8O22-# a distance of 19.27 feets thence run ~5~'58'32'W a distance of 106.86 feets thence run trEST a distance of 146.64 feets t~ence run NOR?H a distance of 15.O~ ieetl · hencs run ~ABT a distance of 151.42 Eeet~ ~hence run 550'58'32'E a distance of 1~O.~8 feet to the POINT OF BB~XNRZ~G. Prepared by -A~icate No. L8 2982 See page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Description AUGO4'FJ98 J SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION TRACT "C" Tract Line P.O.C. Northeast comer /Tra~ 'B', DOVER PARC P.B. 22. Pgs 61-62 0 0 TRACT "B" NOTA SUEVNY I s~mr~ ~ ~ ~ / \~. ._ /~ , Antonio Trigo, PIS President A. TRICO & ASSOCIATES, INC. Profe~ional Land Surveyor~ 2223 Trade Center Way Naples, Florida 33942 LECAL DESCRIPTION (941) 594-8448 FAX (941} 594-0554 DescriptZon of a POrClon of a 15 foot wide Collier County Drainage gaseaent and being a park o£ Tract 'C' of DOVER PARC, as recorded in Plat Book 22, pages 61 and 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida and being Bore particular~y described by Betes and bounds as CoBBencing at the northeast corner of Tract 'L-2' as shown on said plat of DOVER PARC~ thence run 812'11'43'N along the easterly boundary of Tract 'L-2' a distance of 10.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence run #70'11'51"E a distance of 128.26 feet; thence run N88'O7'O3"E a distance of 34.15 feet; thence run S80'O0'41'E a distance of 116.46 feet~ thence run N41°lS'37'E a distance of 6.42 feet to a point on the arc of a curve; thence southeasterly 15.63 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 210.0o feet, a central angle of e4-15'55- and being subtended by a chord which bears S65o~e'29-E and a chord distance of 15.63 fee~ thence run 841°18'37"# a distance of 1~.24 faet~ thence run #80'00'41"# a distance of 123.33 Eeet~ thence run S88°07'03"~ a distance of ~0.23 feet~ thence run S70°11'51"# a distance of 127.27 feet~ thence run N12*ll'43"E a distance of 17.6~ feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Prepared by /Ti~W~/d~ C§rtiflcate No. LS 2982 See page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Descript&on AUG 0 4 1998 SIG TCH OF DESCRIPTION P.O.C. Northeast corner Tract "L-2", Briarwood Unit One as shown on P.B. 22. Pgs 61-62 BRIARWOOD + BOULEVARD S.12-11'43'W. 10.66' N.12'11 17.69' $.88%)7'03"W. N. 41 '18'37E. 6.4.2' S.41'i 8'57'W. 19.24' TRACT "C" Curve number 1 Radius-- 210.00 Delta- 04'15'55' Arc-, 15.6;5 Tangent,- 7,82 Chord= 15.6;3 Chord Brg. S.65'OO°29'F_ TRACT "L-2" Briarwood IJnJt One P.B. 18, Pgs 40-42 0 4~ 1998 I~T.S. Ii.SI I)RAINAG~ AN'D MA[NTKNANC£ i[ASE~V[EN'E Tl~SE~~isgr~t~this~3~dayof ~~N~ ~ 1991tbyDover p~, inc., a ~o~s ~mio~ "~toff', ~ B~ood Prop~y O~' Ass~o~ ~c., s ~o~ not-for-profi~ ~or~o~ and ~llier ~n~, a po~fic~ ~b~i~slon o~ Sm~ thor su~sors and assi~, ~ ~REAS, ~tor is the o~er of ~n~n r~ prop~ lo~t~ in ~llier Count. Florida, ~ch is the subj~t offs ~em~nt; ~d ~~AS, Grmtor wishes ~o ~mt to ~tees a p~, non-exclusive ~ment for the pu¢ose of dminege ~d mtenmce of dr~ge fsdlities. NOW, ~~O~, in mn~d=sdon often Do~s ($10.~) ~d o~er good md v~uable ~d~fion p~d ~ ~tees, ~ r~ and ~ffi~ of vt~ is here~ nc~wl~g~, ~ ~or hereby ~ sells ~d ~nv~s to ~s ~ e~t for ~n~go ~ ~m~ i~ o~ ~ ~ und~ the pro~ descfib~ ~ ~bit ~A" a~a~ hcr~o ~d ~orat~ h~. 1. ~e ~~t. rights ~d pfi~cges her~n ~ sh~i ~ p~em~. ~e ~em~. rights snd pfix~eges herein grated ~e non.~usiv~ ~d ~tor rue~e~ ~d ret~n~ ~he fight to convey ri~ts and easements to such other per.ns ss ~ntor may deem proper 3. ~tor r~n~ r~e~es ~d s~l co~t~ue to enjoy u~ of~ prop~y t~r any ali pu~oses ~ch do not ink.ere ~, or pr~ent ~e u~ of, ~~' use of ~ core,ned h~ein. 4. Briarwood Pro~' O~s' ~socistio~ ~c. s~l have ~1 respo~biliti~ for ~int~nce of~e easemem ~ea. ~nd ~1 d~nag~ ffacilities io~ --'CORD & RETURN TO:. NNIS. I.:ITCHELL, COCKEY, -1- Iff AUG 0 & 1998 0R: 2398 PG: 1838 S. Collier Coumy sh~ll have r~o mainten~ce respons~ility for the easement ~-ea, nor for the drainage t'acilitie~ Ioc, at~ thtr=in. 6. The easeag~ ~hall run with th~ lam[ ~d ~ insmm~ent shall be binding on, ~md shall imu¢ to the benefit of, the sur. ce. ssori and assigns of the pretties lgzuto. IN WIT~T. SS V~EOF, the Orautor has caused this ~e. rm to be =ugut~! the day ami year rust above wrigen. DOVER PLACE, INC., a Florida corporation By. ' William :~pincili, Presi~ S'FATE OF FLORIDA COb~TY OF COLL,.P, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ',~- _d~Y of_ff~ ~ 199g, ~ Willia~n Spinelli as Prudent ofDov~ PI~, Inc., a Honda ~ora~on. He is personally ~ identification, ~o~ to me or h~s produ~ -- My Coz~ssion Expires: Commission Numbez THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: C. Perry Peoples. E~uire Am,is, Mitchell, Cockey, Edwards & Roel'm, P.A. 8889 Pelican Bay Blvd, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34 -2- AUG 0 4 1998 Antonio Trigo, PLS President A. TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Land Surve¥ot~ 2223 Trade Center Way Naples, Florida 33942 (941) 594-8448 FAX (941} 594-0554 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Description of a 15 foot wide Collier County Utility Easement and being a part of Tract "B" of DOVER PARC, as recorded in Plat Book 22, pages 61 and 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows= Commencing at the northeast corner of Tract "B' as shown on said plat of DOVER PARC~ thence run $Oe°O8'22'W along the easterly boundary of Tract 'B' a distance of 95.47 feet~to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue S e0'08'22" N a distance of 15.OO feets thence run N 89°51'38" W a distance of 20.5e feets thence run 8 eooe8'22" w a distance of 179.21 feet~ thence run N 75°24'36" W a distance of 173.56 feetto a point On a curve~ thence northeas=erly along a curve to the Left with a radius of 55.ee feet, & delta of 21°25'44', and a chord bearing N 57'24'41' E 20.45 fee=, a distance of 2e.57 feets thence run S 75'24'36' B a distance of 140.31 feet~ thence run N eeoes'22' E a distance of 174.85 feet~ =hence run S 89'51'38'E a distance of 35.50 fee~ to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 5416.35:square feet See page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Description AUG 0 4,,1998 /'// SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION TRACT "C" P.O.C. Northeast comer ,T_ract 'B', DOVER PARC P.B. 22, Pgs 61-62 Woc~ urge--'"'/TRACT B" / / ~ o ~ O S. 89~1 X ! I~1 ~N. 89~1'~'~ ~ ~ I i~1 I 20.50' X .~1 I~1 I 20.4,5 NOTA ~ DATE : February 16, 1998 DRAWN BY: AT SCN.E: SHEET 2 OF _2 FILE NO. g6 04 DI~TNAGE &ND M. AJ~TENANCE t~pub~c Development ColOration of Ohio~-hc.~-a Florida ~~o% "~o~, to Bda~ood ~o~ ~' ~ation, Inc., ~ ~odda ~t-for-pro~t colorflo% ~lifi~l ~sion of ~e S~e of Flofid~ their ~¢ssors ~d ~si~ ~ ~tees. ~~, ~tor is ~e o~r of~n~n r~l pro~ locat~ in Co~ Coup, Flodd~ w~ch ~ ~e ~bject offs ~e~nt and ~~. ~tor ~shes to ~t to ~~ ~ p~, nen~:clusive e~mm~ for ~he NOW, ~O~, in co~derafion ofT~ Dol~s ($10.00) ~ o~er good ~d vflusble ~d~fi~ p~d ~ ~~ the re~ ~d mfficien~ of whi~ is her~ a~owI~ged, o~ over ~ und~ ~e pmp~ d~bed ~ ~it ~A" a~ached h~o ~d ~co~omt~ h~n 1. ~e e~m, rights ~d pfi~ieges h~ ~ ~ b~ ~usl. 2, ~e eas~en~, fights ~ pd~leges herein ~ted rescues and re~ns the fight m ~nv~ rights and e~cments to ~h o~ persons as ~tor d~ prop~. 3. ~mr r~gm., re~es ~d ~gl continue to ~oy all p~ses w~ch do nm ~teff~e ~, or preyer ~ use oR ~m~n~ h~ein. 4, Bd~o~ Prope~ ~s' ~cia~o~ ~. s~ have ~1 responsib~fies for m~en~ or,he ~semmt ~ and all dr~ag~ fac~ifies locat~ ~rein. ECORD ~, RETURN TO: IkOn. [."TCHELL, COCKEY, EDWARC~ & ROEHN -1- AUG 0 4 1998 OR: 2398 PG: 18 2 Collier County shall have no rraintenanc~ responsBility for the easement ar~ nor for the drainage ~itics lo~t~ Lhcrcin. 6. The e~sernent shall run with the Ir. nd and this instrument shall be binding on, and shall inure to the benefit of, the successors And usigns of the panics hereto. TN WITNESS WH~REO:F, the Orantor h~ c~used thLs Euemem to be executed the day and year :'u-st above written. REPUBLIC DEVELOPM:ENI' CORPORAl:iON OF OHIO, ]:NC., a Flori~ corporation COb..'NTY OF ._~ .... My Commission Exp~es: Printed Name of Notary Public Commission Number TI[IS INSTRUMENT PREPARED C Perry. Peoples, Esquire .Annis, Mitchell, Cockey, Edwards & P,.oehn, P.A. it889 pelican Bay Blvd., Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34108 -2- AUG 0 ~ 1998 Antonio Trigo, PLS President A. TRICO & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Land Surveyors 2223 Trade Center Way Naples, Florida 33941l OR: 2398 PO: 1843 (941) 594-8448 FAX (941)594-0554 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Description of a 15 foot wide Collier County Utility Easement and being a part of Tract 'C" of DOVER PARC, as recorded in Plat Book 22, pages 61 and 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows= Commencing at the southeast corner of Tract 'C' as shown on' said plak of DOVER PARC~ thence run N 00*08'22' W along the easterly boundary of Tract 'C' a distance of 254.68 feet~ thence along a curve to the Lift with a radius of 210.OO fee=, a delta of 61'26'44', and a chord bearing N 30'35'00' # 214.57 feet, a distance of 225.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING~ thence run S 77'22'19" W a distance of 103.14 feet~ thence run S O0'08'22" W a distance of 90.03 fee=~ thence run S 15'38'24" W a distance of 126.27 feet to a point on the arc of a curve; thence westerly along a curve to the Left with a radius of lee.es feet, a delta of 68'36'O9", and a chord bearing N 74'21'54" # 15.OO fee=, a distance of 15.01 fee=~ thence run N 15'38'24' E a distance of 118.23 fee=~ thence run N 00'08'22" B a distance of 99.97 fee=~ thence run N 77'22'19' R a distance of 95.92 fee= =o a point on the arc of a curve and the northeasterly boundary of said Tract 'C'~ =hence southeas~gr~y along a curve to the Right with a radius of 210.00 fee=~ delta of 06'39'O6', and a chord bearing S 64'37'56' E 24.37 feet, a distance of 24.38 fee= to the POINT..OF ,BEGINNING. See page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Description SKETCH OF 'DESCRIPTION Truant., Z52 Choc~ 15~ 00 Ct, mt ~ N. 74~F54~. ~lq:~CT "C' TrQct Uqe TRACT 'B" C~r~ numb4m $ R odiu~,, 210~ 00 Delta., 06~39'06° Arc-- 24.38 Tongent,. I2.20 Chord.. 24.37 Rodlu~,, 210.00 Detto-- 61~6'44° Arc- 225~21 Tongen t- 12 4.~0 Chord- 214.57 Chord Br~ N.30'35'OO'W. P.O.C. Southeast comer Tract "C", DOVER PARC P.B. 22, Pgs 61-62 NOTA ~ DATE : February 16, 1998 DRAWN BY: AT ~ r': N.T/~G 0 4 SHEEr 2 OF 2,, fiLE NO. 96 ' IICOIDEi) in OI*t*IC~AL IICOID$ o! COLL~n C01Jrff, FL BII. Ai~X~) ?IOI'IFFT GrilLS ISSO 2921 AIlOLD COt*ilS IS.SO .71 AUG 0 4 1998 OR: 2432 1'~: 1718 AUG 0 4 1998 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION Loke Drainage Eo~ement Curve number 1 Rocllus., 210.00 04 ~29'45 16.48 Tong~n t~ &24 Chord= 16.47 Br~ P.O.C. Southeast comer Tract "C'. DOVER PARC P.B. 22, P~s 61-62 To, gent- 13~ 40 Ct~rd Br~ N.31'4I'57~, 1) P.O.C. ~ Point of P.,m'amml~xment 2) P.O.8. indlootam Point of 8eaklning Antonio Trigo, PSM ~t A. TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. Profe~to~ ~ Surveyors 2223 Tr',ute Center Way Naple,, Florida 34109 OR: 2432 PG: 1720 (941) s94-8448 FAX (941) 594.O554 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 15' Wide Temporary Drainage Easement Deacriptlgn of a 15 foot wide Temporary Drainage Easement, being a part of Trac~ Plat Book 22, pages 61 and 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, ~lorida and being more particularly described by letes and bounds as Commencing at the southeast corner of Tract 'C' as shown on said plat of DOVER PARC~ thence run N oeo08,22- W along the ematerly boundary of Tract 'C' a distance of 254.68 feet~ thence along a curve to the Left with a radius of 210.00 feet, a delta of 63'40'38', and a chord bearing N 31o41'57' N 221.56 feet, a distance of 233.39 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence run S 48'37'54' W along a non-radial line a distance of 105.54 feet; thence run # 84°51'14- W adistance of 206.37 feet to a point on the easterly line of Tract 'L-2', Briarwood Unit One~ thence run N 12'11'43' W a distanCe of 15.11 feet~ thence run S 84'51'14' E a distance of 198.67 feetl thence run N 48°37'54' E along a non-r~dial line a distance of 92.28 fe~t to a point on the arc of a curve and the northeasterly boundary of laid Tract "C"~ thence southeasterly along a curve to the Right with a radius of 210.OO feet, a delta of 0¢'29'45', and a chord bearing S 65'47'O9' ~ 16.47 feet, a distance of 16.48 feet to the "POINT OE BEGINNING. Containing 4518.33 square feet 2982 See page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Description NO. ~ AUG 0 4 1998 pg. 0 0 0 c r- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 RECEIVED FROMEOTal pa]as at. B~:ia~'~oodt Zac. ,. ADDRESS P.O. Box 872.5 DATE 11/3 ,19 97 CHECKNO. 1167 DESCRIPTION ?acattoa A~r 97-027 101 INVOICE NO. COST CENTER 163610 329100 CUSTOMER COPY LE'ITER OF AUTHORIZATION Section $1, Tow~ip 4~9, Range To Whom It May Coaca~ Pleue be advised that BGtier En{ineerin{, vet. bas {x~cn ofGcll~ cU~Ged to serve as Engioeer ~Aeco~ in the pcmd~ process for the subject project. ]. C.m~Butler of Butler ~n8, inc. is ha~ ~J~)dzed to ec~ u ~,u f~r thc ov,'n~s). AUG 0 &l ~..~.....'19 J.l~4 u/. ~N nA~ )OVER OR 4 REPUBLIC DEV..CORI~!:O~:'OHIO 3150 N RE-PUBLIC 'BL:V:D 'STE'2 15 ..'~wS T OL£ D.O O~ '436 ,'J. 4.. '. ;~,.. .,: 0000030000001008 0000571~q7 0.'300,~00C._'0C 003C.'0 ~lSZ S~oE FOIl P, JImB NFOIIMATION TH~ A~.A FO~ TAX COLLECTOR'S OF~C~ L~E ONLY AUG 0 4 1998 Pa. ~"'~ -.__. o] Ap. .m s~m~l., rrA~ 932.40 m:HO~X.LOC.. 202 WA~ m'~. 5., ~.7~A.~7 PORTIONS OF I DESC IN OR C0ORTIKXJ~ ~- ~ C'1 ~, FI.0mDA 34112-4617 :1 ?l 00000~0000000850 0000571~97 0000000000 O000O j mmsm~mFO, Rmms~ Tm A~ F~ TA~ Cmucttrt OmCE m ONLY · :'::. ~,':, .'-:T'. "': ; ' ·; ~" "" ' 1 7~ DOVER PLAC~ INC. Date: 11-21-1997 Check No.: 001016 Paid To: COLLIER COUNTY l~X CULLEC'TUR Amount: S54c20.21 1016 REAL ESIA1E fAXES I RE.~L~ON NO. 98- 2 RESOLUTION FOP, PETITION AV 97-027 PETITION TO VACATE TWO DRAINAGE EASEM~'NTS AND A COUNTY UTILITY EASEMENT IN "DOVER PARC" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 61, PUBLIC RF~O~ OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 7 $ 9 I0 I! 12 13 14 If 16 17 II 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WHEREAS, pursuant to section 177.101, Florida Sum_._~, Gary Butler, P.E. of Bmier I:_-~needng, Inc. as agent for the petitioner, Dover Place, Inc., does hereby request the vacation of two draiz~e easements and a county utility easement in 'Dover Parc", and WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public l~ntring to consider _ _v~'~n~_ said easemen~ as more fully d~scribed below, and notice of said public hearing to ~ was gh, en rec~re~ by ia'v; and WHEREAS, the granting of the vacation will tort adversely affect fl~e ownership or tight of convert/cra access of other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'fEE BOARD OF COUNTY COM)~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following be and is hereby vaea~: See Exhibit "A' ~,~hed her~-to aud incotporat~t ~ BE IT FURTI~ER RESOLVED, that the Cleft: is hereby directed to recxaxl a certified copy of this Re~olmion in the Pt.blic Records of Collier County, Florida, and to mnl~ proper nora:ion of _tL--tse__ v'.?~ons on the ru:orded pbtt as ref~i~uced above. 27 DATED: ATTEST: This resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring 29 DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk 3O BOARDOFCOUNTYCOMMIS~ONERS 31 COLLIERCOUNTY, FLORIDA 32 Approved ~ to form legal sufficiency: H¢idi F. Ashton By:. AUG 0 4 1998 Antonio Trite, PLS Preddent A. TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. _. Professional Land Surveyors.. 2223 Trade Center Way Naple,, Florida 33942 LEOAL DESCRIPTION ~v '~'7-OZ"/ (941) 594-8448 FAX (941) 5940554 Description of a portion of a 15 foot vide Collier County Utility Easenent and being a part of Tract 'B' and Tract of DOVER PARC, as recorded in Plat Book 22, pages 61 and 62 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida and be1 . _ mo~e~ t~ular , · -. .... ' ' . . [, , r'~:,' .- along the easterly boundary of Tract "B" a distance of 6.48 feet ~o ~he POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue see*es'22-# a distance of 15.es thence run 189'51'38'# a distance cE 140.34 feet; thence, run.-SOe*O8'22*N a distance of 308.07 feet; thence run 846,e8'22-# a distance o~ 47.69 feet~ thence run N89'5~'38'W a distance of ~2.06 feet; thence run see*e8'22-# a distance of 16.94 feet; thence run N89051'38'W a distance of ts.es feet; thence run NOOe08'22'E a distance of 16.94 feet; thence run H89'Sl'38'W a distance of 49.23 feet; thence curt N45*eB'22"g a distance of 35.26 ~eet~ thence ~ lee-e~'22-1 a distance of 542.18 thence run N35*55'4~"# a distance of 14.52 thence run 172oeo'oo-# a distance o~ 132.23 thence.run 118*Oe'OO"l a distance of 1s.eo feet; thence run 872'O0'O0"B a distance of 137.12 feet; thence rua 835055'49"E a distance o~ 24.28 feet; thence run 8OOo08'22-# a distance of 230.20 ~eet thence run f189*§l'38'E a d~stance of 14e 34 feet to the OF BEGINNIlG. ' ~ ~r/F~o ~.L.s. /rx~)T~d~CerClflcate ~o. LS 2982 5ce page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Description /'7C. AUG 0 ~: 1998 SI~TCH OF DESCRIPTION ~,,.,,e,~- ~ ' N.55~5'49'W. 14.52' Tract Une Z S.89'51 '38"E. P.O.C. Southeast comer Tract 'C', DOVER PARC P.B. 22, Pgs 61-62 -' 6.48' N.89'51'58'W. 140.54' ._~ts. oo'os'2.~"w. 15.00 .< N.22'O4'll"E. . 74.05 /J-----~' 47.69 16.17' '"--/ ~. , ~ N.e9"51'_3~"W. ' 16.~' N.Sg~1'~W. A ~ ~5.~ L ~~,A. TRIGO &: ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ~ TB~ cB3rl~ WAY DATE: Octc,t~ 8, I DRAWN BY: 'AT ~'T~4 ~ Antonio Trigs, President A. TRIGS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Land 5urveTors 2223 Trade Center Way Naples, Florida 33942 (941) 594-8448 FAX (941) 594-0554 L~BGJLT., DBSCRIPTIOB g esc. tipt~on of a portion of a 2.5 foo~: vide Co11Ler Count. q~ ra3J~ge laseaent and be:L~ · bLt:l; O~-~r--,~t -.n- ~ ~~~_ is r~e~ded la flat Book 22; ~aeei:g~'?'ud ~6'~.."~_~2~'~'. aescrg~a Dy Betas and bounds es follows, ..... ~~- Commencing at the northeast corner of Tract °B" ·s shown :61~ s·ld pla~ of DOVER PARC; thence run S~008'220N ·long the. easterly boundary of Tract 'B' a distance of 80.44 feet ~- · OZIT 0l Olgll~llG; i thence continu3soe*es'22-v· dfstance of 19.27 £eatj ~-'~°* thence run 150'S8'32'# a dis~·nce of ZO6.86 feet; thence run UEST a distance of 146.64 feet; thence run BORTH a distance of 15.OO feet; thence run BAST a distance of 1S1.42 feet; thence run 850'58'32'B · distance of 1SO.e8 feet to the ~OIlT ~Jq~J~a~ CertL~lcate Ilo. L8 2982 See page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Description ":'AUG 0 4'1998 4 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION TRACT "C" Tract Line TRACT "B" P.O.C. Northeast comer Tract 'B', DOVER PARC P.B. 22, Pgs 61-62 0 0 01 NOTA ~ ~. TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ TRAlYf ~EHTER WAY Ag.~.~ 4 1998 Antonio Trigo, PLS President A. TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. Profeuioaal Land S~ry.eyors.. 2223 Trade Center Way Naplc~, Florida 33942 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (941) 594.8448 FAX (941) 5940554 Description of a portion of a 15 foot wide Collier County Drainage Basement and being a part of Tract as recorded in Plat Book 22, pages 61 end 62 of the Publt descL"lhd'~b¥ heres and bounds CoBuencing at the northeast corner of Tract "L-2' as sho~ on said pla~ o~ DOVER PARC~ thence run S~2'~'43"~ along the . eas=erly bounda~ of Trac= "L-2" a dis=ante of 10.66 lee~ =he ~OIIT OF =hence.run 17%°11'51"B a dish.ce of 120.26 ~ee=~ " · henco.~n 188'O7 O3"B a dish.ce of 34.15 fee=; thence run 88e*eo'41'E a distance of 116.46 feet; thence run H41*lS'37'E a distance of 6.42 feet to a point on the arc of a curve~ thence southiasterly 15.63 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 210.O0 feet, &.. centr,?l angle of e4015'$5' and being subtended by a thehc~"~'g~iti-f141°la'3?'W l'"dtstance of 19.24 feet~ .-T-,.~.-.~,.~.. thence gun B80*oo'41'# a distance of 123,33 feet; thence run 588oO7'O3'W a distance of 30.23 feet~ thence run 87e*11'51'# a distance of 127.27 feet~ thence ~un B12°11'43'B a distance of 17.69 feet to the POZIT.. OF BBGZ~ZIG. Prepared by ~~o ~.~.8. /TI~ Cqrtificate No. LS 2982 see page 2 of 2 for Sketch of Description AUG 0 4 JO8 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION P.O.C. Northeast comer Tract "L-2', 8Harwood Unit One as shown on P.B. 22, Pgs 61-62 BRIARWOOD BOULEVARD S.12'11'43'w. 10.66' N.12'11 '45'F_ 17.69' $.88'07'03't'/. N.41'18'57E. S.41'18'37'W. 6.42' 19.24' TRACT . C" Curve number 1 Radius= 210.00 Delta= 04'15'55' Arc= 15.63 Tangent= 7.82 Chord= 15.63 Chord Brg. S.65'00'29'E. TRACT "L-2" Briarwood Unit One P.B. 18, Pgs 40-42 1) P.O.C. ~ Point 2) P.O~ ~ Pealt XECUTrVE SVtVmt Y PEITI1ON AV 98-007 TO DISCLAIM, RENO~CE AND VACATE THE PUBLIC'S INTEREST IN THE REMAINING PORTION OF A 60' WIDE AND 30' WIDE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY, UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED IN SECTION 25, TOWNS~ 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 ~, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~a~,~J~: To approve Pet/t/on AV 98-007 and to ~xcc~rto a Quit Claim D~ to vacat~ th~ alxn~ d~cribod easement. CONSIDERATIONS: Petition AV 98-007 has been received by the Ttansporlmion ~ from Frederick T. Barber 1~ P.E. of Ag~oli, Barber and Brundage, Inc., as agent for the p~titioner, J.D. easeme~ that was dedicau~ to Collier County by Offic~ ~ Book 454, Pa~ 219, Public Record~ of ~ Coumy, Florida. A portkm of this easemeat was previously vacated by P. esolufiom 92-443. Th~ Petitioner owns all of thc proper~ on thc north a~d so~th sid~ oftl~ easemem rcque~:d to be vatat~ This vacation will ~ the public bccat~ the eazean~ is mrrcmly inaccessible. ~ of no objection hav~ objection. Zoning is P.U.D. will be depozited in Road and Bridge Fund (I01-163610). This fee covers advertising, mcordl,~ and other GROWTH MANA~EMEblT ~d~PA~: None ~RECOM2M~NDATION: Tlmt the Boazd of County ~io~r~: 1. ,lq~ro~ Petition AV 984)07 for tl~ vacation of thc ~bcd caz~mm~ PREPARED BY: l:Z,._~,_ Rick ~ Land Surveyor REVIEWED BY:__ Thomas E. Kuck, P.E., REVIEWED BY:~~.~,~~.___.__..__ P~lz~ ?rvic~s Dep~ D~r 'Vinci{ i. ~, AICP, Adrni.i~r DATE: _'~///.~ DATE AUG 0 4 '1998 ATTACHMENT A PETITION FORM FOR VACATION OF ROAD RIGHT$-OF-i{A¥$ Date Received: ~-~.~:~ Petition #:~ Petitioner: 3.D. NJce,,onder, Carol~,n~ Nice,,onder ' Address: 7~-R R~,,,; F~.~ ~d ~elephone:..~9~79 City/State: Br~_q~;. VA Zip C~8:24201 Agent:. Fr.Harf~ T. ~rhmr [rt. P.f./Aonn1~. Rather ~ B~ndage, ~nc. Address: ~xnn r..~..~ Tr_ a . ~,,~r~ ?~ - Telephone: City/State: ~.p~.=. r~. Zip Code: 3ai08 Road Name: ~catton: Section ~ Township aa Range Legal Description: ,,Offlctal Record ~ok asa, PaRe 229 Plat Book Page(s) Reason for Re.est: n~ver fm~rnved. ~rrent Zoning:. ~m Does this affect denote? I Hereby ~ut~orize agent above to Represent Me for th~s ~a~ure of Petitioner Date J.D. N~cewonder ''addJtJona] s~naturea O~ner Print Name belo~ (Title) Please see "Policy and Procedure of Vacation and Annulment" for the list of supportive materials which must accompany this petition, and deliver or mail to: *(1) ¢4) Transportation Services Collier County Government Complex Naples, FL 33962 Telephone: (941) 774-8494 If applicant is a land trust, indicate the name of beneficiaries. If applicant is a corporation other than a public corporation, indicate the name of officers and ma~or stockholders. If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, indicate the name of principals. Li:~;t all other owners. · Sherry MJce',,x)nder, Mark D. fftcewonder, and Jay D. M:Zcc~,onder, Jr. Sherry ~J~ond~, ~r- Da~e Hark D. NJ cm,onder, CArnet ... 0135756~, ~ FE0 -e mSS.'3 C.%L?'fl ~ ' ' '" ,,..C;J.~, ¥ RECG~tOED J.D. RICZI~i~ER. Trustee. and ~..Oaniel £ Conle7 5~00 Trail Blvd Florida 33963 w gO. ~rlu~r= R*:C~ Pe~ Exhtbtt "k" LK~..x~a~<~~'~M~'~'.C)<b ' aCt.ched hereto and made d part hereoE I~, IND ,. _ ~ ~ eaee~ncs, reocr~cCLone and other cese~actons o~ teco~d, and :ea~ eicdtea Cn~3 ~or ~990 ae~ i~sequenc 1yuts. Fu:cher sub~ecc co that certain ~rtgage tn ~avor og ~th J. T~e dated ~cobec X~. ~9~, and recorded ~n ~XXtet ~cy, FXo::~n, ~tch Note and ~ccgage grantee ~eb7 siam and a&rees co pay tn ~ccordance vtth the rem chereo~. AUG 0 T~o parcels v~c~in t~e ~o~hoesc ~/~ o~ the !:orchvesc Z/~ n~ Section 2~, ~c~ne~ip &8 $.uch, P~n~e 2~ £zsc. Co~,tc~ ~ounc~, F~or£dd, end bein~ ~ocaced and described as The Point of Beginning is located at: From the Northveet corner of the ~orcbvesc l/& of the Northwest Iii of said Section 25, South 01'30' Mst, for i distance of 100 feet; thence North 89'15' Mst, fo~ · distance of 663 feet co the Point of Sell.hind. That ares vichin the boundary described by be~innins f~o~ the said Point of Beg£nning, thence ~orth 89'15' E~sC, for a distance of 663 feets thence South 0lo30' ~msc, for a d£scance of 58&.82 feet; thence South 89°15, Vest, for a distance of 665 feets thence North 01'30' Vest, lot a distance of 58&.82 feet co the Point of Be[innin~. PARC~ NI~B£R T$~O The ?sine o~ ee6£nnin~ is located aC: From tho ~orchvost corner o~ the Northwest 1/& of' .he Northwest fl& of said Section 2~, South 0t*30' ~st, for & dist~nc~ of 7&1.82 fea~ thenc~ ~orth $9'15' East, for a ~istance of 904 ~eet to the Point of Be&inn£n[. T~t irma vtthin ~he bmmd~ry described by from the said Fo/n~ o~ Belinnin&, thence ~orch ~SC, for · dilc~nce of ill feet: c~ce ~ch 01030' hsd, [or a distance o~ 5S~.82 ~ee~ ch~ce ~h 89'15' Ves~, for a distance of 211 ~eec~ thence ~emc, for i dimcence o~ 53~.82 feeC Co the Point of EXHIBIT 'A" TO ',,,I'ARRANT~ DEED DATED AUG 0 i 1998 OLLIER COUItT¥ ~E.':.O~CEO O~ E~OO~ ~ARRANT~ DEED THIS DEED. made this ~ day of Mov~m~r 0 19 90 C~R~8 R. ~~, also known If CHARL~ R. ~'~S, ~:., a single ~rson, and u~e address is: 10801 8ryarc ~oad, Napl~,. Florida 33942 g~antor, ~ dAY D. NICLldOtr~Ei~. dR.. social security m~rity n~r ~-GO-?~, 8H~XY NIC~9, m~ia% u~rity n~r ~, and ~tal s~rtty n~r~, grantee, whose address is: P.O. ~ox 430, Clintwood, Virginia 2422a brITltT~SETH. That said grantor, for aha in consideration of $10.00 end other good and valuable consideration to said grantor in hand I~td by the grantee, the r~eipt whereof is hereb~ and the grantee's heirs and ~saiVns, forever, the foll~ing des~i~ pro~rty l~ated in Collier County, Florida, a~ s~id 9r~ntor d~s h~r,by fully warrant th, title to s~id 1,nd PASE in %Tssence of: (2 witnesses aa CI~RbgS R. STEVl~S, SE. ~rATH OF Florid~ I ~BY CKRTI~ that on thie day, ~fore ~e, an officer ~ly ~alified to take acknowledgaents, ~rmon~lly to ~ the ~rmon In and who exe~t~ the [or~oin~ instrument and hey ac~l~ged ~fore me that he executed the same. ~l~S ~ hand and o!iicial s~al in th~ C~ty and State lut atorematd on thtm the 16~h day o 1990 THXf XN~-[-k~ PREPARED BY: PIFILZ2 ~,. HAP. Iv.TON, &T'I','JRNL"Y AT 4099 Ta~tami Trail North, Suite 307 Naplew, Florida 33940 (eh. 833-434-6650} -~~ON ~LY VZ~O,~ B~EFIT or ~ZNAT%O~ OR OPINION - PAGE · OR BO0~ COUN~ O~ ~hl 1 Z ~tsv C~TZ~ ZhiZ on ~h~. da~, ~ore ~, ~n otti~r ~~, ~o ~ ~ to ~ ~he ~rion tn i~d ~ ~t~ tor~o~ ~Z~Z i~ .he 4e~n~l~g~ ~tore N ~1~ I~' ~ C~ liN. PHXLX~L. H~XL~ -2- AUG 0 ~ 1998 · Pla.,, TmmehlD 48 South, R·nja 35 ~ast, Collier County, Floridm, mhd belaq described ·m fo~l~e: T~ ~OI~fOF B~I~I~ is locmted o~ ~e ~ 1/4 o~ the ~ 1/4 of e~id ~t~ f~ m distance of 744.~2 g~t~ dlltan~ of 693 fem~, to the ~OF That area vithin the boundary deacribed by b~i~i~g from t~e said ~OINT OF BEOI~NING, thenc~ N 19 1S E, for a diet·nfl of 211.0 feet {thil I/ne ts ~ ~te~in o~ the 693 feet distance a~e deecri~)~ t~ I O1 30' E, for a o~ 211.9 fee~: ~hence H 01 30' ~, for a distal· o~ 614.~2 ZY~'I~X~J th·re,rcm the #cr°.l. 30 feet of amid describld pro~rty to be reserved ·a · ~ight-of-#my or access f~BJZCT to eeee~nt·, raetr~ct~ono, end rasaryationo of record and reel estate taxes for 1990. 0011~86 00~300 ~1:" O~ BOOK P~GE unr~o:d~ ~ast ~re~n~ ~ted J~ne 1, I~B~, v%tn ~UAA p tN~ ~o rty herein desc~/~, purs~at to the p~ovisLons o~ r.S. ~ ~to en~r or to othe~lse ~nage and disuse of the real ~ ~ and whole ca lle4 bere/~fte~ ......,..,,at gra.tor, fo, and l.n of ~he s~- of ~ DOLLA~ and othe~ ~.oo~ . and_ :~fi~ uu~ the grantee, a~A t~t ceruLn ~.n~ -----*- - ,/er ~nty, rlorL~, k pa~l st land locat~ in the ~rth~st Xo~st ~ ol Se~loa 25, T~sh/p 40 South~ hngo 25 hot, ~ll/e~ County, Flor/~, descried aw · r~ ~e Wort~st cor~e~ of the ~rt~st [ ol the kr~st t of said Section 2S, run S~th O1 d~=eeo 30 dinutes hit ~or 744,82 feet~ thence Sou~h 89 d~rees minutes hot ~or ~04 feet to the ~int of ~inning of ~innl~ go ~th 19 d~r~s IS ~es hot for XOS.S t~t trail 1Las lo an ~t~5~ of ~e 904 ~ee~ a~ve dewcri~)l th~ ~ O0 d~re~ 45 west asr Sl4.12 feet to the ~int of ~g/nning. ~ with a11 the tenants, her~/t~ents sod )urteflaocel thereto ~loflging or iff an~Lse a~er~LflLng- ~ n~ ~ ~ ~ the erie ia gte sidle for~er. the grantor haw g~d righ~ and la~ul alacrity to sell and c~y laid laad~ ~hat the gran~r h~o~ fully varrants the t/tie to said land a~ v~ll defend t~e sa~ against ~e la~ul cXai~ ex.pt taxes acc=ling subs~uefl~ to ~c~= 31, ~es~rAc~s, ~ese~va~ofls afl~ easmn~o o~ ~eco~d. ~ ~ ~, ~be ,a~d g~aa~o~ has signed and ,~ ~e ~esen~o ~he ~y and yea~ ~L~o~ a~e Signe~, sealed and delivered 001~86 902301 "'" OR BOOK PAGE duly author~z~ la the 3~ate a~orJ~ald and ~fl the ~flty a~oresaid to ~ke acknovl~ente, pers~aLly app~r~ Ro~ft ~. ~'!ckery, ~o ~ kn~ to ~ the perso~ ~lcr~ ~n lad wh~ exe~ the for~ol~ lnntr~nt a~ ac~ledg~ ~oro me t~t ho exe~&~ the I~. _ WITlt~S ny hand and o£glcial seal in the County and State la.;L a£oresa/d this ~1~ day of _-.Jewnber , 1989. Tr. 12 ,JZ~tltT R. EJ)DEW an4 VATWtr ~ J.D. MICD*I)ID~It, as Truste~ ender an unrecorded Land Trust lltre~lment ~.,~,,, m.., ,4~ ,4~,,, ~,P.O. ~oz &30. CXint~ood. VirRinta 24228 ]H~{~. ~ ~. ~ ~-c~~ ~ ~a Ten and no/l~ (S10.~) · ~emmme~ e, ~ ~parceX ol land 17~, tn th. ~, aZ the ~, of ~tion 25. To.ship 48 ~. flit 25 ~t, ~iX/er ~UntT, Florida, ~re particularly de~rX~d as follow: ~ ~ t~ ~3rth~t corner of the ~ of the ~t o~ ~td ~tton 25, Sou~ 01* ~' ~ ~ .) z~t to t~ ~X~ OF B~ING; t~Ke Worth ~'15' ~C for a d~nce ~ ~ af 105.5 iNt (~tJ li~ is in ezt~ion of t~ 1~.5 i.C dis~nce d~ri~d ~ ~e); ~e ~ 0''~' ~t for I d~MKe of ~.82 f.t; theKe ~th ~'15' ~ ~ V~c f~ a diane of 105.5 f~t; t~e Wor~ 01'~' ~c. ~or a d~ of 0 ~ ~ ~ wM s~ rutr~M~ of r~ord, mM TuX pro~rcy ~m for l~ ~ ~d ~ne ~ brmb7 ~flfmrred on t~ ~ntff~ c~ ~r and auChortC7 etth~ to ~o~c, ~e ~ to ~XX, er co 1~, or co eflcm~, or och~ to ~le and db~ of ~ r~X pro~rty d~ bretn, ~ g~ a~ VATWE (mX)a* .·o· A~dOJ rJ~M AUG 0 4 1998 Po. ~lcrkm J~. 2 (Print rem bul~) Schedule - (ConUnu~ Parcel B: _.._ Aa area 2F~og La ~be Im 1/4 of the I~ X/4 of ~ ..... ~ ~ ~4 of ~ ~ ~4 o~ sold ,__~.33, I 01 30 E, for · dlsto~ o AUG 0 A 1998 AUG 4 1998 Attachment F LLst of abutting and other property owners within 250 feet of thc proposed vacation. Tract B, Four Seasons Marvin Melt 6300 Ta~ami Trail N. Naples, FL 34 I08 Lot 1, Four Seasons Andrew Sfluan 7300 Glenmoor Ln Apt. 304 Naples, FL 34104 Lot 2, Four Seasons Frank & Mary De Nardis 108 Viking Way Naples, FL 34110 Lot 3, Four Seasons George & Luch Rotunda 10757 Wrmterview Dr. Naples, FL 34109 Parcel 2.1 & 23 Walmart Store, Inc. 6374 702 S.W. 8~ St. Bentonville, AK 72716 (33430120006) (33430160008) (33430200007) (33430240009) (166a40407) (I 65664(X)04) AUG 0 A 1998 COIJJF. R COUNTY GOVERNMENT PU{3rI¢ wo~d<s DIV510N. February 2, 1998 Mr. Guy P. Adams, P.S.M. Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc, 7400 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34108 3301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 732-2575 FAX (941) 732-2526 A C[~l'llqlE) BI.U~ ~ COMMUNe' a ,,/ q 6- evo T' Re Vacation of Right. of-Way for Road. Utilities and Drainage as Recorded in OR Book 454, Page 219 Dear Mr. Adams: This office has reviewed your request to vacate the above-referenced right-of-way. The Collier County Water-Sewer District has no facilities within this right-of-way, and we, therefore, have no objection to the vacation of the fight-of-way as recorded in OR Book 454, Page 219. Should you have any further questions, please feel flee to contact me. Sincerely, Cindy M. Erb Public Works Senior Engineering Technician Edward N. Firm, Public Works Ouerations Director/Interim W~ter ~ Tim Clemons, Wastewater Director Russ Muller, Transportation Services ' AUG 0 4 1998 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DMSION PLANNING SERVICES F~oruary 3, 1998 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES. FLORIDA 34104 Mr. Guy P. Adams, P.S.M. Agnoli, B~rber & Bruadage, Inc. 7400 Trail Blvd. North. Suit~ 200 N~pl~s, Florida 3410g Right-of-Way Vacation Your File DN 6847/TN X003 (O.R. Book 1749, p. 465) Ple~ae be advised ~ vacation of the right-of-way immediately east of Sam's Warehouse in 0.1~ Book 1749, p. 465 is not reqxfired to satisfy any requirement of the Traffic Circulation Element of ~e Collier County GMP. This office is also of the opinion that the ROW has nc value for facilitating local subdivision a~t7 obile or pedestrian movements and the~fore we have no objection to its vacation. fly, .d F. Nino, AICP !Planner RFN/md/FR.E DN 6947frN XO0] Donald W. Arnold, AICP, Planning Services Department Director Robert J. Mulhere, AICP, Current Plaxming Manager Building Review & Permitting Code Enforcement Housing & Urban Improvement (941) 403-2400 (941) 403-2440 (941) 403-2330 Natural Resources Planning Serviee~ Pollution Control 17/ (941) 403-23OO COJ,!,mR COLTNTY CO~LMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTM]gNT ENGINEERING REVIEW SECTION 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES. FLORIDA 34104 February 3, 1998 Mr. Guy P. Adams, P.S.M. Agnoli, Barber & Brundag¢, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail N. Suit~ 200 Naples, Florida 34108 Re: ROW Vacation - PUD 92-9 - Immokalee Road, Center Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 25 East Dear Mr. Adams: The Project Plan Review Department of the Community Development and Environmental Services Division has no objection to the vacation of the R/W on the above referenced project as re~ord~ ir O.R. 454, Page 2.19. Respec~ly~/3 Sm Omano~lki, P.E. SC~dc~/f/SC PUD File Russ Muller, Tr, msportation Building Review & Permitting Code Enforcement Housing & Urban Improvement (941) 403-2400 ¢941) 403-2440 (941) 403-2330 Natural Reso~ Planning Service~ Pollution Control t941) 40~-2~00 COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 98 JAH 28 HI 2: ! 27, 1998 n ,,/ ~~Mr. John Boldt, P.E. Collier County Stormwam' Maaagement ~~t 3301 Tamiami Trail Ea~ Building H Naple~, FL 34112 Re: Right-of-way Vacation, Letter of No Objection, Fbi 6847/TN X003 In accordance with Collier County r~ents, we ar~ ~kiag for a letto' of no objection relatiw to the vacation of an fight-of-way which is shown ia the attached exhibit in yellow. Also inclosed is a copy of tl~ r~eorded document which dedicated the right-of-way. Om' firm ~ the property owner who ~ to coasolidatc thc pa~b which ar~ highlighted in The southerly portion of the fight-of-way has already bccn~ by Sam's Whole:ale Club (O.R. Book 1749, page 465). No i .m~"~,o'~:m~ have boca ~ within the right-of-way. right-of-way ia cuxxemly inacee~ble, ~ a canal borders it on the east, and a fen~ has been consmmed adjacem to it on the west. If there are aa)' qu~tion~ ~ga'ding ~ ~ ~r if va: can offe~ .~arther inf ~orr.~on, plea~ call our otSce. We ~ your conddm~oa of this t~quest and w~ await your,timely ~ North N,~x,l~ Fi~'e Co~x,ol & Rescue RRE PR~ON BUR~U 1~1 PINE RI~E ~AD. ~ES, ~RIDA ~1~ (~1) 597-~7 F~ (~1) 597-70~ February 2, 1998 Guy P. Adams Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail No. Naples, FL 34108 Right of Way Vacation PN 6847/TN X003 Dear Guy, The North Naples Fire Control and Rescue District has no problem with your request for vacation of the right of way, PN 6847/TN X003, next to the Sam's Warehouse. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, NORTH NAPLES FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Marshal Fire Prevention Bureau KKR:sc AUG 0 ,d,. 1991 Sprint Box 24~ ,~, ~ ~106-2477 January 30, 1998 Guy P. Adams, P.S.M. Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200 Naples, FL 24108 Petition to Vacate - Landlocked Right-of-Way SEC 25, TWP 48S, RNG 25E, Collier County Dear Mr. Adam_q: Sprint-Florida, Inc. has no objection to your petition to vacate the right-of-way as described in your letter dated January 27, 1998, on the above project. If we can be of further assistance, please contact me at 941-263-6211. Sincerely, Dennis N. Corliss Network Engineer II - E&C DNC:tu cc: Chron File AUG 0 4 ]998 FPL 4105 15th Avenue S.W., Naples, FL 34116 Fax [941) 35~6082 January 2g. 1998 Guy P. Adams, P.S.M CIO Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail N., Suite 200 Naples, FL. 34108 RE: Right-of-Way Vacation, PN 6847/TN X003 Dear Mr. Adams: Florida Power & Light Company has no objection to the vacation of the right-of-way as described in OR 454. Page 219 of the public records of Collier, County. If you have any questions, please contact me at (941)353-6001. E.T. Howard Co--on Services AUG 0 4 1998 MediaOne' This is Brosdband. This is the way. 301 Tower Road Nlpl~, FL 34113 Telephone: 941-732-3801 FAX: 941-992-1289 February 2, 1998 Guy P. Adams, P.S.M. Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail N, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34108 Re: Right.of-way Vacation for PN 6847/TN X003 Dear Mr. Adams: MediaOne~) has no objection to the vacation of right-of-way for the above referenced location. Please call me if you should have any questions. Sincerely, Stephen W. Hill Construction Manager SVVH/jdr AUG 0 1 1998 BOARD OF COUNTY COMBERS COLUER COUNTY NAPLES, FLORIDA S3962 RECEIVED FROM She~n~adoah Apa~l:nents ADDRESS xxx3¢~=x3¢3¢3~.O. BOX ~~ DA~ ~/1/ .19 98 CHECKNO. 3~ DESCRI~ AY 98~Q7 INVOICE NO. 101 163610 ~v Tex~t Meye~ 129100 March 2, 1998 T~on Service~ Collier County Government Complex Naple~, FL 34112 To Whom It May Concern: R~: Right-of-way Vacation, Immokalee Road Center, PN 6947/TN X003 In ~cordance with Collier County Resolution 96-25 requirements, we ar~ providing a statement explaining the gene~ public benefit received from the propo~ vacation. Plea.~ no~ thet: The southerly portion of the right-of-way has already been vacated by Sam's Whole.lc Club (O.1L Book 1749, page 465). · No improvements have been constructed within the right-of-way. The right-of-way i~ cunvatly inacc, e~ible, as a p~ canal border~ it on the ~ and Sam's Whole.tie Club fence ha~ been congaucted adjacent to it on tl~ wes~ Sincerely, AG"lq c-m, ,& BRUNDAGE, INC. .m. GPd/~ ~-O.t.202K~.L 77~ AUG041998 Lee Couuty: 1625 Hcndry Sc, Sulrc 101, Fort Myer3, Florid~ 33901 · (941) 334-1173 · FAX: (941) 3~4-1175 U :~ fo!l~4 aes=~%ed lan~s ~o Co112er C~n:y fo= ~h~ use nn~ ~ene- f~: o~ the .Genial publ~c~ fo~ r~ ~l~hts-o~-waYs ut~lltleo an~ ~.a~Ke, to th'~' ~r~tua~ use of Collier ~o~:~, to wit: An area l?~n~ ~n the ~'~ of the ;r~ or' Section 2~, T~nsh~p ~8 ~er~n at the :r~ corner of ~he 'F~ o~ the :F~ of su~.Sect~on 2~, ~lstAnce of 663 ~eet to.a P.O.~.; t..e..ce ;~ 89 1~ - ~o. · ~ . . c~ ~63 fee;; (this l~nc ~s an e~enf~on o~ the ~3 abo~e :hence S 01°30'~ for a distance of ~0 feet; thence S 89°1~' W ~cr a ~;stance of 833 feet; ;hence ~01°3O' E for a ~lstance of Fee;; thencc S 89°%~"~ fo~ a ~stcn:e cf 30 ~e;; ;her2cc ~; O1°~O f~ a ~t~ce of 8~.~2 feet to the P~ O. B.. T~'~ A:~ TO EO~ the s~e unto ~ollle~ County fo~ ~hc ~hta ~e~catlon and the ~co~a~on of the s~e shall no~ ~he ~ove~ b~7, to accept ~he p~o~ he~ and .he~ ~c~ ...... c., no~ obl~ca~e Collier C~n~T to ~pr~e the afo~sai~ probity ~ane~, no: s~ll acceptance o~ ~h~s ~ed~catloa by focal act of ~TT M Qt,~r OPINION sal~ to ta~e ac~led~ntl, ~o~lly ~p~a~ ~o~o~ ~t~enC and t~7 ac~le,'~e~ ~ero~ ~:~e ~55 ny ~ end official aeal ~n the afo~sald ~hil 1st d~y of P~h, ' .~ I~72 A. D~/~ ~ , · AUG 0 ,l 1998 im -I- L,J,~ ~. o ~ 181 ~ J JJ J _ ___ ~ ........ ~0¥.1.~0 iON OO ~"= HOV. L~O J. ON .,., _,. ..., .... ...j + ...; ., + ~ J ,.J, I J+,J, r. + r' _". .... DO O- DETACH I ,,,,,,,, . . DO NOT DETACH ,-,,.,,:, ,,,.,=; ,., "~ ~,,~ I11° / - ~ ~ '-"~ /,=,- ~ o ~1 I~1 ~,::~ / - z ~ I .I ~'-"'"' ~'1.,J ~ -- .-'.-, ,,~ ....... I~ --"'~ ,--, = ,~ ~ ~ ~, HOV~O --- DO NOT DETACH __ . DO NOT DETACH i / I i r"- o ~ n.~t I I r'- I ~ I ~- / ~ . ~--~' /I ,-, h,,! I ~ ~ ~ I ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I--~ ~ I .,. / / o o I '".' M ' I I I'1 o o I / fl ~ / '~ ~ ~ ~ I I~l ~m~ I / fl ~'~ I ~ ~ o ~ I I~l ~'~ / ~' : / fl ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ltl ~ I ~ / / I ~ ~ ~ I I I I - [-i I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -I I II i /~ m ~ ~ I i I [I ~ ~mI. ~ ~ [ ] ~ ~mI~ ~ · ....... I · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ....... I~ [I I ~ ~ ~ · ~ ~1 I~ ~ I I I~~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I I~_l + DO NOT DETACH mm HOV130 1ON O0 + .J .~ NOT DETACH ....... DO NOT DETACH __ _ I ~ ~ ~ -~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ '.~,. ~m I ~ . ~ I ~ ~ z~/ I~1 ~ I ~ I ~' ~ O~l I~l ~,~ I ~0 ~ · ~ ~1 -"~- -- -' ~ · .I i ~ ,:1 I i/ -~ ~ .~.. ~j J · ........ · ~~!~ t~z · ~ ~ ml~I ~m~ ~~IE m~ . ~ o . = AUGOA~98 ~.. u-_ _._"~ .... ~~ ....... ~m, HOV&30 ION ooJ ~ +~ ~+ ~ ~ $ ~ ~1~.~ I I I~ ~'1 ~ .......... J! .............. II i · .~ ~, III I · .i ,,,, j j ~ ,. ' ,I,I, ~ l' : ' ~' "J ~ !i I~ljf , I J ~l ~ '" ~. J ~ ,,, ~ ~ I~ll ~ I~ I ~',,, ~. ,,,,, ~ llll ~ II, ~ ~:~,~ ........ ~_ AUG 0 ~ 19~ 8 DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION AN Ad~A LYING IN THE NW 1/4 OF TIlE NW I/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSttlP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 F~ST OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NW CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 25, S 01o30. E FOR A DIS'lANCE OF 684.82 FEET, THENCE N $9°15' E FOR A DISTANCE OF 663 FEET TO A P.O.B. THENCE N g9~15' E F()R A DISTANCE OF 663 FEET; (TI'tIS LINE IS AN EXTENSION OF THE 663 ABOVE DES,.-'RIBED), THENCE S 01°30, E FOR A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; THENCE S 89"15' W FOR A DISTANCE OF 633 FEET; THENCE S 01030. E FOR A DISTANCE OF 135.1 fEET; 'I'HENGE S 89015' W FOR A DISTANCE OF 30 FEET; THEnCE N 01030. W FOR A DISTANCE OF 195.1 FEET TO THE P.O.B. PROFES~~/0N, AGNOLI, BARBi~ & BRUNDAG~ INC. iGtNEERS, PLANNERS AND LAND SURVEYORS AMS, F.S.M. NO. 4390 RE'F: ABB DRAWING FIZE NO. 65g0 PAGE 1 OF 2 ~oo$/oo$ ~~ ~ iii. ~la:~a ~; ..... ~ .... ~ - ' ~ ~ I~ 1~ ' , i ,. I /11 ~ il~il~lll/ ,,'~ ~ ,' ~ /11 41---~ ~ ~ ~ ~g ) I IlL _ I ; I~ ! ~ ~ /, . /Ill ~ ! - ~ ,/ ~ ~ /ll~j~' ..~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~' ill / ~ / ~ LI k~ ..... / ~ , I ~I I,II I ,~ / ~ I~ I /11 M~ . / ,,' , , / ,' ; It~ I : /11 / ,,' ~ ~ / ,,' 1 i ; ..-, ,.-,,l_l_ _ / ~ ' ~ ~- ____--_ _~_ ~ / _ .... =. _--- -~~.-- .... 12 b I ~u I ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ILK.SOLUTION NO. :2 3 I~=SOL~ON FOR PETITION AV 98-007 TO DISCLAIM, RENOUNCE AND VACATE 4 THE PUBLIC'S INTEREST IN TH~ REMAINING PORTION OF A 60' WIDE AND 30' 5 WIDE ROAD R~GHT OF WAY, UTILITY AND DRA/NA~ EASEMENT LOCATED IN 6 SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 7 8 WHEREAS, F~u~ant to Scion 336.09 and 336.10, Florida Statute, Fr~kxick T. Baz'oer IH, P.E. of Agnoli, 9 Baz'oer and Bnmdag~, Inc., as agent for th~ pe~tioner, J.D. Niccwond~, does h~reby r~lnest the vacation of the 10 remaining ~on of a 60' wi6e and 30' wide Road Right of Way, Utgity ~ Draina~ !~_ ___n~m~_ located in ~ 25' 11 Townsl~ 48 South, Range 2~ Fast, Comer Couazy, Horida; ~-~ 12 13 WHEREAS, the Boazd has th~s day held a public hearing m considcn' vacating said Road P, Jght of Way, Utility 15 requa~ t~ t~-, and 16 WHEREAS, t3e gran~ng of the vac~on will not advczscly affect th~ ownership or fight of convenient acc~s 17 ofother ~ owners. 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T EESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 19 COLL _n~ COUNTY, FLORIDA, that t~e followiag RoM Right of Way, Utility and Drni~ge ~ is hea'eby 20 vaatted: 21 Sec Ex]u'bil "A" attached homo aad inoorporat~d herein. 23 P, tsolmion once in a paper of g~aeral ~on in the G,~ty within 30 d~ys foHawing its adoption. 24 BE IT FURTEER RESOLVED, thn~ the Clexk to the Board is bexeby diz~ct~ to m:ord a cxn~aed copy of this 26 27 28 29 3O 31 34 36 37 40 ofthl, Resolntion in the Pablic P.~cord~ of Collier C. xxmty, Florida. ~ and majority vot~ favoring ~tme. DATED: A~: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Cl~-k BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, ~rmnn planners &: Land sur~-v~rs DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION AN AREA LYING IN THE NW 1/4 OF ~ NW I/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT TH~ N'W COR.NER OF ~ NW 1/4 OF TH~ ~ 1/4 OF SAID b'~CTION 25, S 01°30. E FOR A DISTANCE OF 684.82 FEET, THENCE N 89°15' E FOR A DISTANCE OF 663 FEET TO A P.O.B.; 'H-IENCE N 89°I5' E FOR A DISTANCE OF 663 FELT; (THIS LINE IS AN EXTENSION OF THE 663 ABOVE DESCRIBED), THENCE S 01°30. E FOR A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET; TH]~CE S 89°I$' W FOR A DISTANCE OF 633 FEE-T; ~CE S 01°30' E FOR A DISTANCE OF 135.1 FEET; THENCE S 8~15' W FOR A DISTANCE OF 30 FEET; THENCE N 01"30' W FOR A DISTANCE OF 195.1 FEE-r TO ~ P.O.B. AGNOLI, BARBER. & BRUNDAGE, INC. PLANNERS AND LAND SURVEYORS NO. 4390 PROFES AL Gmm__ RS, REF: ABB DRAWING FILE NO. 6580 PAGE 1 OF 2 '. · . I' .. · ~::~$~.. · ._EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PE'ITIION AV 98-015 TO DISCLAIM, RENOUNCE AND VACATE THE PUBLIC'S INTEREST IN A 15' WIDE PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO COLLIER COUNTY AS A ROAD EASEMENT ADIACEWr TO HIGHWAY U.S. 41, AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1518, PAGES 980 AND 9gl AND BEING LOCATED IN SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 48 SOLrrH, RANGE 2.5 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. OILIECrlVE: To adopt a Resolutiou 'to vaca:t~ the abo-,~~ easemeut. CONSIDERATIONS: Petition AV 98-015 has been ~ by th~ Transportation De.haunt from $clm Paulich IR F~., as agent for the petitioner, Design Studio Plaza P~, r~luest~, th~ vacation of the above-de~zibed 15' wide p~cel of l~ud. The Florida ~ of T~on does not need fi, i., parcel ~ this parcel of land. Zen[nS is C-4. FISCAL IM~PAC'~: Collier Cour~ h~s collected a $1,000 "Petition to Vacate" tm from the petitionm', which will be d~pmited in Road ~ Bridg~ Fund (101-I63610). This f~e cov~ ~ ~ and ~ ~]~OWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RF~OMMENDATION: Thai the Board ofCotmty Commissioner~: 1. Adopt the Resolulion for Petition AV 98-015 for the vacation ofthe above-described easement; 2. Autho~ the execution of the Resolution by it's Chairman; and 3. Direct the Clerk to the Board to record a certified copy of the Resoh~on in the Public Records. PREPARED BY: /Z,,.~_ Rick Grig& La~ Surv~or Engime~g P,~ew So'vices REVIEWED BY:_~ Thomas E. Knck, P.E., ~Multm'e, AICP DATE: 7".~/-~'~, AUG 0 4 1998 PETITION FORM ];'OR VACATZON OF Petition. er. Desi~ S=u~io Plaza rar=nership, a Florida ~eneral partnershf~ Address. 11935 N. 'T~mI~i Trail. NaPles, ~ll0Telephone= ~4~-56~8119 city/s~te: ~aples. ~ Zip Code: ~4110 Agent: Paulich, Slack & Wolff, P.A., John Paulich III, Esq. Address: 80i AnChor Rode Dr., Suite 203 Telephones 941-261-0544 Ci~y/S~ata: ~aules. FL Zip C~de: ~a103 Road Name: Tnmt.m{ Trait (U.~. &1% Location: Section 21 Township ~'S Range 2~ E , Legal Description:iS' vide strip of land in accordance with Deed at=ached hereto as Exhibi: "A". Plat Book Page (S) Reason for Request: Proper:~ being used for drainage reran:ion area only for adjacent ,i:e owned by pe:itioner; proper:~ beini maintai:ed_s~y by petitio Current Zoning: ~-4 Does ~h£s affecl: densit-y~ _ I H~r~b¥ ~uthorize Agent Above to Represent Me for ~his Petition~ Yes X No __ Todd Geller General Partner Print Name (T~tle) Please see 'Polio! and Procedure of Vacation and Annulment' for the list of suppor'~ive materials vhichnust acco=pony this petition, and deliver or mail to: Transpor'.ation Services Collier County ~oVeZTment Complex Naples, FL ]~962 Telephone: (941) 774-8494 *(1) If a~plicant is a land ~rust, indicate the name of b~nefi¢iaries. (2) If applicant is a ¢orgora~ton o~her than a public corporation, lndlca=e ~he name of officers and major stockholders. (1) If appZicant is a part:nership, limited partne.-ship or o~he= business entity, indicate the name of principals. (4) Lis= all other o~mers. Page 4 of 4 AUG 0 4:1998 To: Collier County Transportation Services Department Memorandum Rick Griglg P.S.M. County Surv~or From: Edward I. Kant, P.E. Transportation Services Director Date: June 30, 1998 Re: Design Gallery, North Tarniami Trail, Naples, FL Please accept this memo as our letter of no objection to the vacation of the 15' drainage easement lying parallel to and west of US 41 North. If there are any questions or if you seek additional information, plea,~ contact me at 774- 8494. cc: File: Design Studio (Drainage) AUG 0 4 1998 FLOI DA' DEPARTMENT OF T SPORTATIOI muslin "~ q~ i,,0. hx ll~ * Fort Mze"s, FL J30~,.1~30 ~  Pmme: I~ll) ,]3~.2341*Fsx: (~41) 338-2..~S3 ColIier County Trznspon~on Department 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Plori~a 34112 US 41 AT WALK~I~ILT ROAD (03010) This is in resards to our recer~ conversa~on relagr~ to the W~t P. oad. MGK-L 16..91~ and You had inquired if the Depanrr~nt had ~ objections m vacaiing a 15' F~e simple l~rcg tha~ pm-alleled the US 41 d~-of'-w~y north of Walkerbik P, osd. I have spoken with our dcsi~ ~ T~p~ B~y F. niineerin~, ~d c~nfrmed ~t g~e subjec~ property is outside ~ limits of o,u' US 41 project from Immokalee P. nad to CK SS7. Therefore, we have no objection to th= We ~ ~ ~ ~o rrvi~w 0is ~ The Depam~e~ recosnizes and appr~ your support ofthe S~e l::,[iSfl~,'ay System in Colfier County. ~chael G. Kippe Project Manager Dave C. nToen, TBE 17E.. AUG 0 4 1998 COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING REVIEW SECrION June 03, 1998 John Paulich III Paulich, Slack 8: Wolff, P.A. $01 Anchor Rode Drive, Suite 203 Naples, Florida 34103 Vacation of 15' Drainage Easement Southeast Comer Vanderbilt Beach Road mad Airport Road De~r Mr. Paulich: Engineering Review Services has reviewed your petition to vacate the 15 foot easement along the west side of U.S. 41 North of Walker-Bilt Road. Engineering Review Services has no objection to the vacation of the easement as indicated in the enclosed legal description with the ~ipulafion that a letter of"no objection" from FDOT be submitted and that no changes to the SDP will be required due 1o the vacation. If you have any questions relating to this matter, please call this office at (941) 403-2471. Senior Engineer SS/mk/f:X~c~ gi~ eerin g/~zv · Cc: Rick Grigg, Transportation Department Reading File B~ilai,,.~ R~iew & P~xitti~g Code Emt~e~t Housing & Urban Imprmrem~at (941) 403-2400 (941) 403-2440 (941) 403-2330 Natural Re~ourc~ Pollution ~n~l (941) 732-2502 AUG 0 4 1998 COLL PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION May 20, 1995 Mr. John Paulich IYI Paulich, Slack & Wolff, P.A. $01 Anchor Rode Drive, Suite 203 Naples, FL 34103 3301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 732-2575 FAX: (941) 732-2526 CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP CO~,LMU~ITY Re: Design Studio Plaza - Vacation of Fifteen Feet (15') Wide Road Widening Easement Dear Mr. Paulich: Th/s office has reviewed your request to vacate the above-referenced fifteen feet (15') road widening easemenL The Collier County Water-Sewer Di.;u'ict has no facilities within th~ area and we, thet'efom, have no objection to the vacation ofthe fi: u.:gn feet (15') road widening easement. Should you have any further quest' . '~lease feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Cindy M. Erb Public Works Senior Engineering Te cc: Edward N. Finn, Public Works ~. ?c:~.': 'ms/Interim Water Director Tim Clemons, Wastewater Dir. ~aRi6k Grig, g, Transportation Set . AUG 0 4 1998 COI,I, R COUNTY GOVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION Planning Services Suly 8, 1998 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34104 Mr. John Paulich,/II Paulich, Slack & Wolff, P.A. $01 Anchor Rode Drive, Suite 203 Naples, Florida 34103 Dear Mr. Paulich: I am advised by your client that it is intended to retain the current use of the referenced 15 foot right-of-way easement for water management and landscaping purposes. Under this condition we do not object to the vacation of the 15 foot right-of-way provided the conveyance document contains provisions declaring this land area to be a landscape buffer ~eas, ement. Under the provisions of the lind development code upwards of fifty (50) percent of a required landscape buffer may be used for water management purposes. I mm this arrangement will facilitate your clients goals. since y, , \ Ronald'~. Nino, AICP Cm'r~t Plarming Manager cc: Ed Kant, Transportation Director Rick Grigg, P.E. Butld/n~ R~view & Permittin~ Code Enforcement Houmn~ & Urban Impalement (941) 403-2400 (941) 403-2440 (941) 403-2330 Natural Resources Planning .~rvie~ Pollution Control AUG 0 4 1998 ~IrEm'm REq. TY C~. IIEglG~ STUDIO ~ I~,~J~Th'EV, SRn= June 29, I~$ AUG 0 4 1998 leay 3,3 ~ 1.998 A x~ q8 -o ~ -~ J~q~].ef, FL 3413-2 THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY: JOHN PAULICH III, ESQ. PAULICH, SLACK & WOLFF, P.A. 801 Anchor Rode Drive, Suite 203 Naples, FL. 34103 PARTNERSHIP AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER BEFORE MEpersona!ly appeared TODDGALLER, who upon being duly sworn, states as follows: 1. Affiant is the ma_naging partner of DESIGN STUDIO PLAZA PARTNERSHIP, a Florida general partnership. 2. DESIGNSTUDIO PLAZA PARTNERSHIP is currently in existence under a valid Partnership Agreement dated December 19, 1990, and uhe partnership has not been dissolved. 3. The names of all of the partners now existing in DESIGN STUDIO PLAZA PAR~"~ERSHIP, are as follows: TODD GALLE~ GARY G~ L?.RR GREG GALLER JACQUELINE GALLER RICHARD BRYANT ROBERT MURRAY 4. TODD GALLER, as managing partner, is authorized to execute a deed of conveyance under the terms and conditions of the Partnership Agreement and all of the partners have consented for the conveyance of the following described real property to CONTINENTAL REALTY ACQUISITIONS CORP: See attached Exhibit "A" 5. None of the partners have been debtors in a bankruptcy proceeding during the existence of the partnership. AUG 0 1998 Po._ 6. The partnership existed prior to acquiring title =o said property through and including the date of closing. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. TODD GALLER Sworn to and subscribed before , 1998 by Todd GaOler a.~a~ag~~e~ ~ Studio~Plaza Partnership, who is ( ;6~persona~y ~n _ ~ provided ___~~~~n~ification. Notary My Co,~ssion Expires: AUG 0 ,~ 1998 .J AUG 0 & 1998 ~I152l r'A ~.50 17E AUG 0 & 1998 · . 001580 ' 002069 OR BOOK ' PAGE L rT~-. AUG 0 A 1998 q.__.~. /// .:_. oo~sso o'o zb'.'r b '"':' OR BOO~ PAGE ,~ mo ~**': . . 'j~ ,s' ... '.'." .%--: -. -: :~.:...- 00098l P, GE ~oZXoYXng desL-,~,~btd ~ I~ ~ n~thv~st =lqht-of~y ~z~e~ion o~ County, ~oz~da; then~ along the v~IC =i~-o~y line oE ~ ~~ ~ai~ (u.~. 4X) eOloOO,S?-~ 170.og ~eeC ~o ~Z~ ~ ~B~IN; o~ t~ [oZlovSn~ des~i~ line; then~ Prepared b~: / TRACT t / ! / TRACT AREA BAY KERBILT ROAO TOWNSHIP FOIl RANGE 85 COMPILED & DRAWN. REVISION DATES, ~ TRACING & PRINT FLORIDA ~IBIT D ~TA-i-~.'£- OF G~2TEPJ~ PUBLIC BENEFIT The fifteen foot (15') wide strip of land for which this Petition seeks vacation and reconveyance of is currently being used for drainage retention area only for Petitioner's adjacent site. The property is currently being maintained by the Petitioner. In that the parcel is neither being used as road right-of-way, nor are there future plans for such use, there is no benefit to the public for maintaining same as such. AUG 0 A 1998 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 RECEIVED FROM Desi_~n Studio Plaza Partnershi_o ADORESS11935 N T~mismi Trl. CrTY Ra_oles.- YL DATE {/8/98 . 19 CHECK NO.1987 DESCRIPlqON Petition X? 98-O15 INVOICE NO. 101 BY COST CENTER 163610 329100 Tecgi Me~e~ CUSTOMER COPY LO00oO0 1000.00 AUG 0 i 1998 E~HIBIT Z __~_TIFICATE S~OWING PAYMENT OF STATE AND COUFE~ TAXES Regarding Certificate showing all State and County taxes as being paid, the parcel is currently owned by Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and is not on the tax roll as being the obligation of the Petitioner. AUG 0 4 1998 ! DO NOT DETACH ,'"' ,-.I I I ' I ,.,,-- ~ i ~-~ , '~//,..,-~ ~ "~'/ ~r~ · <.-q ~,,.~. . ·,. I o-~"i/I!1 ,-,-..,.~ / .-.. · I < ~1/ I~1 to<--~< / ~,~ ~ ~ J. .! .iiif,,i, ~i,l. r oz. ~ p~::a, -. · I~_ ' _l i 1~' .i-- ,-,,~ ~1 I /...,.-,.:,.o =~ ~ ~ < I,~ {J j jj~:uj ,AUG 0 ,~ 1998 J I - '"" ~, ~ ,ov-3a~.o, oa ..~..'- Pg. ~..~---.__..J I .......... I_J_L ..... IL ............ '~ ................................................................................... PETITIONER: DESIGN STUDIO PLAZA PARTNERSHIP, A FLORIDA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP p~ITION FOR VACATION OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY L~st Of zimtt and o~h~r property ownars within 250 feet of propose~ vacation, C.C. Development Company 868 99th Avenue North Naples, FL 34108 Parcel No. 00157481006 Gerald A. Fineis, Trustee c/o Fineis, Boyette and Holiday Construction Co. 2319 J & C Boulevard, Suite 5 Naples, FL 34109 Parcel No. 00157160000 Walter Bush, Jr., Trustee 5200 MalibuDrive Edina, MN 55436 Parcel No. 00157481200 1 RESOLUTION NO. 98- 2 3 RESOLUTION FOR PE'ITHON AV 9~-015 TO DISCIAdT~ RE~OUNCE AND 4 VACATE THE PUBLIC'S INTEREST IN A 15' WIDE PARCEL OF LAND 5 CONVEYED TO COLLIER COUNTY AS A ROAD EASEMENT AD]ACENT TO 6 I~GHWAY U.S. 41, AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1518, 7 PAGES 980 AND 981 AND BEING LOCATED IN SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 48 $ SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 9 10 WHEREAS, pumuant to Section 336.09 and 336.10, Florida Statutes, John Paulich m, Esq., as agent 11 for th~ lx~doner, I)~sign Studio P~ Parm~-2aip, do~ her~ r~quest the va~tion of th~ above-described 12 road easement; and 13 WHEREAS, th~ Board has this day h~ld ~ public hearing to consider ~g said road ~ as 14 mor~ fully d~cribed b~low, and notice of said public hca.ring to vacat~ was giwn as ~ ~ h~ ~ 16 access of other prop~y owners. 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 18 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that th~ following road eas~xn~-nt is hereby vacatexl: 19 Se~ Exhibit "A" ~ hereto and ineorporaX~ ~ 20 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that th~ Clerk to tl~ Board is ~ directed to ~ th~ adopfo~ 21 of this P,~sol~on once in a paper of general circulation in th~ County ~ 30 days following .its adoption. 22 BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, that th~ Cl~k to th~ Board is ~ directed to r~:wd a c~rtifi~ 23 copy of this Pa~solution, the proof of publication of th~ notic~ of public ~ and tl~ proof of publication of 24 th~ notic~ of adoption ofthis Resolution in the Public Records of Collier Com~, Florida. 25 This Resolution adop~,~d after motion~ second and majority vot~ favori~ sam~. DATED: ATI'F~T: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~ DWIGHT E. BROCK, CI~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Approved as to form and 1¢~1 BY: BARBARA B. BERRY, Clmimmn EXHIBIT A SHEEI' I OF 1 AV LEGAL DESCRIPTION · I~ FOOT (15.0') ROAD WIDENING EASEMENT A fifteen foot (15.0') wide road widening easement lyin9 fifteen feet (15.0') West, as measured perpendicular to the following described line: COMMENCE a~ the Northwest right-of-way intersection of the Tamiami Trail, (U.S. 41) a~d Walkerbtlt Road, Collier County, Florida; thence along the West right-of-way line of the TamiamiTrail (U.S. 41) N 01o00'57" W 170.00 feet to the POINT OF BE~IN~ of the following described line; thence continue N 01°00'57n W 280.13 feet to the POINT OF TERMINATION. 17~ [ AUG 0 ~ IggO ! I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION NUA 98-1, RAYBURN C. CRAMER, REQUESTING THE ALTERATION OF A NON-CONFORMING HUNTING CABIN IN THE CONSERVATION ZONING DISTPJCT, BY ENLARGING THE EX]STING STR~JRE, ADDING ACCESSORY STRUCTURES AND FENCING, ON PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE BIG CYPRESS NATIONAL PRESERVE, TRACT NUMBER 670.83, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS N 3/5 OF W % OF NE % OF SE % OF NW % , IN SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 52 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FL OBJEC33VE: The applicant requec~s approval of a ~forming use alteration to an existing l~Jnting ~:-~__hin and accessory structures located within the boundaries of lite Big Cypress National Preserve in the CON-AC, SC/ST zoning d~ CONSIDERATIONS; The applicant requests approval to expand an existing non-conforming use and accessory structures. The Conservation zoning district allows single family dweangs as a permiffe~ use, but not hunting cabins, l~erefore the exls~ structures are non-- conforming. The petitioner proposes adding a porch to the cabin, as well as a pole barn, water trover, shed, and fence. The petition requires the Issuance of a Special Treatment (ST) C)e~fl~Omalt Permit. However, the s~ meets the crtteria for administrative approval, and therefore a public hearing is not required for ST Permit approval. The proposed elteraticr~ has been reviewed by the Big Cypress National Preserve, and no objection was made. Approvnl of th:s pet. it~ would hnve no fiscal iml~ on ~ Oounty. GROWTH MAN.A_..OEMENT IMPACT; The proposed variance is consistent with Management Plan. applicable HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT.; Staff's analysis indicates thru the petitiow~s property is no~ located within an area of historical and arch~o3ical probability as referenced on the official CoSier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey & Assessment or waiver is required. pLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIO_I~ The Co;lief County Planning Commissk~ review~:d t~is petition on July 16, 1998~ and by a vote of 6-0, forwarded Petition NUA-98-1 t~ the Board of Zoning Appeals with a recommendation of approval. PREPARED BY: F~'R-L, SENIOR I;~D~NER C~'Ir4T PLANING SECTION ~EWED B~': ~ CURREI~T' P~NING SECTION DATE VINCENT/L CAUTERO, AICP, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELCPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DMSlON 2 MEMORANDUM TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: FRED REISCHL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DATE: JUNE 22, 1998 PETITION NUA-98-1 (CRAMER HUNTING CABIN) OWNER/AGENT; OWNER: Raybum C. Cramer PO Box 890 Key Largo, FL 33037 REQUESTEO ACTION: The applicant reque:~ts approval of a non-conforming use alteration to an existing hunting cabin and accessory structures located within the boundaries of the Big Cypress National Preserve in the CON-ACSC/ST zoning district. GI~OG .RAPHIC I. OCATION: The subject property is located within the boundaries of the Big Cypress National Preserve, in Section 12, Township 52 South., Range 32 East, consisting of 3 acres. AUG 0 4/ 98I 1998 PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicant requests approval to expand an existing non-conforming use and accessory structures. The Conservation zoning district allows single family dwellings as a permitted use, but not hunting cabins, therefore the existing structures am non- conforming. The petitioner proposes adding a porch to the cabin, as well as a pole barn, water tower, shed, and fence. SURROUNDING I.AND USE AND ZONING, Subject Site: Site is generally cleared with mowed grasses; zoned CON-ACSC/ST Surrounding: Property within the boundaries of the Big Cypress National Preserve; zoned CON- ACSC/ST HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT- StafFs analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Waiver of Historic and Archaeological Survey & Assessment is required. TRANSPORTATION. INF_RASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT' The Petition is not near any County roads and will have minimal, if any, impact on County infrastructure. The petition requires the issuance of a Special Treatment (ST) Development Permit. However, the site rne~;l~ the criteria for administrative approval, and therefore a public hearing is not required for ST Permit approval. STAFF ANALYSIS; ~ 1.8.10 of the Land Development Code grants authority to the Board of Zoning Appeals to approve Ncn-C, onforrning U~.,e Alterations (NUA). The Planning is advisory to the BZA, and utilizes the guidelines below to assist in reo3mmenda~. 3 The alteration, expansion or replacement will not Increase the density of the parcel or lot on which the non-conforming single family dwelllng, duplex or mobile home is located, The subject site is a hunting cabin, not used as a full time residence. Therefore there will be no increase in density. The alteration, expansion or replacement will not exceed the building height requirements of the district most closely associated with the subject non- conforming use. The expansion will not increase the height above the maximum permitted height of 35 feet. The alteration, expansion or replacement will not further encroach upon any non-conforming setback. The Conservation zoning district setbacks am 50 feet for front, side, and rear yards. The structures will not encroach into these setbacks. d. The alteration, expansion or replacement will not decrease or further decrease the exit,ting parking areas for the structure. The site is accessed by off-road vehicles. Parking is not a consideration. The alteration, expansion or replacement will not damage the character or the quality of the neighborhood in which tt is located or hinder the proper future development of the surrounding properties. The proposed alteration has been reviewed by the Big Cypress' National Preserve, and no objection was made. The alteration, expansion or replacement will not present a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the community or its residents. It is staff's opinion that the proposed expansion of the non-conforming use, will not be detrimental to the area. Track 670-83 Big Cypress National Preserve Raybum C. Cramer, Owner 4' TNi Fence of Hog Wlm Fence Posts are 8' on center Fence Posts of 6' Lighter Pine 3 Gate~- 1~ 4', 2 @ 10, 160' , tEast z Pole Barn Existing Scale: ~ =10' Hous8 ~West [] Outhouse AUG 0 4 1998 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission forward Petition NUA- 98-1 to the Board of Zoning Appeals with a recommendation of approval. PREPARED BY: ' DATE ACTING CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR MISSION: 6 AUG 0 RECEIVE NON-CONFO~.~XNG USE ALTERATION (NUA) ~PLZC~TION HAY 2 0 ~8 AG~--NT'S NA/~E (If Applicable) AG~--NT ' S ADDRESS TELEPHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (See last 3 pages of this handout) FILING FE~ NB/2999 ($425.00) -1- REVIEW ae The alteration, expansion or replacement will not increase the density of the parcel or lot on which the non-conforming single family dwelling, duplex or mobile home is located; be The alteration, expansion or replacement will not exceed the building height requirements of the district most closely associated with the subject non-conforming use; The alteration, expansion or replacement will not further encroach upon any non-conforming set-back; The alteration, expansion or replacement will not decrease or further decrease the existing parking.~areas for the structure; The alteration, expansion or replacement will not damage the character or quality of the neighborhood in which it is located or hinder the proper future development of the surrounding properties; and Such alteration, expansion or replacement' will not present a threat to tt~e health, safety or welfare of the commu/li~-or its residents· AUG 0 998 AF'~.DAWJ:T : OF~CL~I. NOTARY ~ ~ gOT,~,Y ~Lr~LT-C CEOL~ K MA~n~ ! .NC71'ARY ~l.,'~[JC STATE O!~ FI.ORIDAi · C09,,(~ZSSION NO. CC4Sl&12 I ' AUG 0 & 1998 2 3 4 $ RESOLUTION NO. 98-__ RELAT!~:G 70 PETiTiON NUMBER NUA-98-1, FOR A NON-CONFOrMING USE ALTERATION ON PROPERTY HEREI~ZA='-fER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHER'SAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to es=ablisn, coordina:e and enforce zonlng and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public, and WHEREAS, %he County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code {Ordinance No. 9!-102) which establishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of requests f:r non-conforming use alterations, and WHEREAS, %he Boar= ~' Zoning Aooeais, being the duly elected cons:itu%ed board of the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after no%ice as '.. said regulations made and provided, and has 19 considered =he advisaD11i:y ~' a hunt:ng cabin, by enlarging the =0 exlsting structure, acding accessory structures and fencing, as shown or 21 the at%ached plo% plan, ~xhi~it "A" in a CON-ACSC/ST Zone for the 22 property hereinafter Cescrlbed, and has found as a ~tter of fact ;~ satisfactory provlsion an~ arrangement have been made concerning all :4 apDiicabie mat:ers required by said regulations and in accordance with 25 Subsec%ion of the Land Deve!o~ent Code for the unincorporated ~ area of Collier County, and WHEREAS, all interes:ed parties have been given opportunity to be :8 heard by this Board in public meeting assembled and the Board having 2~ con$~ere~ all nat~ers presented, ~:OW THEREFORE BE '' RESOLVED 5Y THE BOARD OF ZONING APPE3%LS of ~I Ccll.~er County, Florlda, The Petition NUA-9~-i filed by Rayburn C. Crier, pro~r:y owner, sD wi%~. respect to the ~roperty hereinaf:er described as: EXHIBIT ~? be and the same hereby is approved for non-conform%lng hunting cabin by ss enlarging the ex~sting s=ructure, adding accessory structures and fencing as shown on the a=tacheO plot plan, Sxhibit "~,.of..the CON- ACSC/ST Zoning District wherein said property is located. BE iT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number NUA-98-1 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopte¢ after motion, second and majority vote. Done this s ATTEST: ~ DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk 10 14 1~ Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: 1~ Mar)o%ie M. StuOent 20 Assistant County Attorney 24 day of , 1998. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, E"~ORIDA BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman -2-