Agenda 04/25/2017 Item #16A 204/25/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize the Clerk of Courts to release a Performance Bond in the amount of $489,300 which was posted as a guaranty for Excavation Permit Number 59.886-1, PL20130002538 for work associated with Artesia Naples, Phase 3. OBJECTIVE: To release a security that was posted as a development guaranty. CONSIDERATIONS: The Development Review Division routinely accepts securities administratively as guaranties for developer commitments in accordance with Section 22-115 of the Collier County Code of Ordinances. The work associated with this security has been inspected and the developer has fulfilled his commitments with respect to this security. The Performance Bond was posted as security for an Excavation Permit associated with Artesia Naples, Phase 3, PL20130002538. The As-Built lake cross sections have been received and the lakes have been inspected by the Development Review Division. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality, and requires a majority vote for Board approval. - SAS RECOMMENDATION: To authorize the Clerk of Courts to release the Performance Bond in the amount of $489,300. Staff will issue a Memorandum to the Clerk of Courts upon approval of this item by the Board of County Commissioners, advising the Clerk of this action. Prepared by: John Houldsworth, Senior Site Plans Reviewer, Development Review Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Location Map (PDF) 2. Performance Bond (Prior to Agreements) (PDF) 04/25/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.2 Doc ID: 2869 Item Summary: Recommendation to authorize the Clerk of Courts to release a Performance Bond in the amount of $489,300 which was posted as a guaranty for Excavation Permit Number 59.886 -1, PL20130002538 for work associated with Artesia Naples, Phase 3. Meeting Date: 04/25/2017 Prepared by: Title: Site Plans Reviewer, Senior – Growth Management Development Review Name: John Houldsworth 03/08/2017 12:58 PM Submitted by: Title: Project Manager, Principal – Growth Management Department Name: Matthew McLean 03/08/2017 12:58 PM Approved By: Review: Growth Management Department Judy Puig Additional Reviewer Completed 03/27/2017 8:50 AM Growth Management Development Review Chris Scott Additional Reviewer Completed 03/27/2017 9:53 AM Growth Management Development Review Brett Rosenblum Additional Reviewer Completed 03/27/2017 10:41 AM Growth Management Department Matthew McLean Additional Reviewer Completed 03/27/2017 10:44 AM County Attorney's Office Scott Stone Additional Reviewer Completed 03/29/2017 11:24 AM Growth Management Department James French Additional Reviewer Completed 03/31/2017 10:30 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 03/31/2017 10:31 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 04/10/2017 8:13 AM Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 04/13/2017 9:24 AM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 04/17/2017 8:35 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 04/25/2017 9:00 AM T A M I A M I T R A I L ( U . S . 4 1 ) TA M I A M I T R A I L ( U . S . 4 1 )(S.R. 951)COLLIER BOULEVARDCOLLIER BOULEVARD(C.R. 951) PERFORMANCE BOND FOF EXCAVATION WOHK KNOiV ALL PERSoNS BY THESE PRESENTS: IhaI WCI Comlnunt{rs, LLC,24:nt Watdcn C$nter Drtva, Bonns Sprtngr, FL 34IOjt (hsroinaftgr relered to gs .Ownar,) and Eorklcy lnruranc$ compmy,475 stcamboat Road, GEanrvlch, cr osggo (2oe54r.38oo) (hereinafior rgtcrred to as 'Su.reff') are held and firmly bound unto collier county, Florida, (h6r6inatler J:tB1€d to as'countf) in-the iolal aggregate .ur'oi Fou, Hundr€d eiltriy iiiine'rnousand rhreeHundred Dollars ($489,300.00) rn lawfuliioniy ol the unired staras, roirn.l"irr""iof whrch sum wel8nd truly to be mad8, we bind our$elyes, our'heirs, ex6culors, administrators, iuccessors and as.rgns,,ointlv snd severafiv, rimry by rhese presents. ownbr ano sui"ty ari ,iei-i; ;il;; or plural, as ihecontoxt reqrlres. THE CONDITION oF THls 0BLIGATION is such thal wh€reas. the own€r has subrnitted for approval bylhe Board e cenain Qxcavation parmit no. ss.s8&r ror *iasia Naptos phare ipl;.ioiidooasgar and rharcertain excayation permit sh.all inclu.de .specific improvements which are ,e[ui&-6y Collier Countyordinanc€t and Resolutions llfrlnafte.r't-ano Devrfupment Regulatroni ;. rnl-oorigution of the Suretyshall commenca on the dale lhis Bond is ex?cuted ani shatt con-linue rnrii ue dare iicomptetion o, t}1ework and approval by |he county ol the spociric improv6msnts dsscribod in the Land oevelopment n"8ffx,o$s,J:"reinafter the 'Guarintv Parioi') or untit'ieotaced by a new bond rn ri-relvent or a chanoe Now, THEREFoRE, il the owner shatl w€ll, truly and ,aithrully perlorm its obtig€tions and dutr.s inaccordance whh the Land Deveropment Ragurarioni auang tne'g;Jarariv prrJ*"rr.brishod by theCounty, and the owner ihall satisty att ctaimfano ourroo. incr"t-"ro i:niiirrrv iiiemniry and sayeharmless tha county trom and agarnst a,l costs and o"r"guu which ir may swei 6y ieason of owner,slallure ro do so, and sheil reimbuise and repay the C;;nri;ll iltlay and "ip"r." *fii.n the County mayinarr rn making good any ddautt, then rtrrs'o6l,gati;inait Ue voiO, otherwise to ,emarn tn luil ,orce andettect. FRovloED, FuRTllEfi. lhat lhe sah surety, lor value received hereby, slipubres and agreas rhalno chang€, extension of tlma, altaration, acldition or dalelion to the proposad'ep"iiti" impror"*an6 shalt':jll1ay.:tlcct ns obrigatio.n.on lhis Bond, uno ii i'*" horeby $.aivo norice of any such change,oxr'onsion of tima, attersion, addrtioft 0r dalarion to the propored qxicitic rmprovements. ' PBOVTDED FURTHER, thal. h i: exproosry agreed rhat ths Bond shalr be de'med amendedaulomatically and immedisloly'I$nt formal anosefurate amendmonts hereto, "o ar ro bind rho ownerand fi6 $urety ro the full andlaithful performance iniccoioance with rhe Land Dev€lopmenl Regutations.The lettn "Amendmsnt,' wherever use{, in lhis Bond, and wtroitrer r*errir[-; ffi Bond, or otherdocuments shall inctudo any aherarion, addition or modificailon ol any chsracterLt irio"r"r. lN wllNEss WHERE0F, the partiss hersto have caussd rhis PERFoRMANCE BoND ro bsexecuted this tgn day of May, ZA14. WITNESSES: {Owner Name and lirle if C6rporaUon) WCI Communtties, LLC Bond Number: 016529O lttr bod rw&d6 !6d Ot lea n6lLs tswd or o!i/l!,rmla SWr**vtc€ fr€s/.s€*fi- v -7-<LAS</7R€& ft,nz"e,{ ilon< t'|if/e_ -/,,,L.Ziu, 4 tSrl^ls Printed Name 4d I Bond Number: 0165290 ttdt !€nd U*r6 b6ial t r@ rurnlE. r${r, q, O!,/f ylorf STATE OF F/OE.,&,couNrYol:EaE:-.* ,\CKNOwLEOGEMENT ';ffi RUTX J, MANIAilETTI Lrlily t{!lia, Slrh ol tlorld. I, ct6F. rrpirr J!i|15. l0t, Cofrnirron lunD.r ,t 10ll0l Norary Pubric_. State ot fl91g4!s_P-rtrfi >Ud,-;A--W FOREGOING WITNESSIS: Gast Jennifer L. Casson O, 'r i. g,-_ (Surety Name and Tith if Corporation) Eerkley lnsurance Company Evondia H. Woessner, Attorney,in-fact (Provide Proper tvidence of Authority) {sEAL) .: ACKNOWLEDGMENT SIATE OFAISBAMA OOUNTY OF JEFFERSON THE FOBEGQING PENFORMAN9E B9ND WAS ACKNOWLEOGED BEFOBE ME THI$ ,I9T" DAY OFMAy, 201s, By EvoNDrA H. woEssNER As ;r-rbFiNLi;i:ri6i'di #ExG" TNSuRANcECoMPANY wHo ts ps8sOrfl.r-y$ugryNli_ldi,'on'xas pRoDUcED NIA As toENlFlcAloN. Notary Pubtic - Steto ot Alakm8 @ Anna Katt Chltdress, My oommasion sxpirss t0B&01S 14.8tS"0365&' - "rlME THtSd-{ DAy oF 3 ! r !E E c F ,= E c tr & = :/ T ! a E Z. 7. PowER or ArroRNEy No' BI-337 BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY *or,.r, rhe wrming rcund eixwhcrc ,n.n- r::::H:::]]:,r,o,,hsreoi prcase rcviery c&retury. KNOW ALL MEN BY TI{ESE PR"ESENTS, thsl BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY (rhe ..company"), a corporntl$o duly organized and axisliog undlr thc laws ofthe Statc of Delawarc, having its principal otfice in Greenwlch, CT, has ma4e, constirutedand.appoiued, and does by therc prcscnts makc, constitulc and appoinr: Nor* ll, Edvtrds, tt, J&tty N, lfikon, ,ntfiam N, Smtth, Evondla H. llocssn*, froaatd B" Gladrostch, nobclt R- Fied ot Allsa 8. fwndrt of NcGrt!1,.f*tlats & Wlyoms, Iaco! Strmtaghan,,{l ils tru. and lawful Afiom.y-in-Fac! m sign its nsme ai sur"ay only at dilineated bclow and lo cxccula, seal,acknowludgc and dclivor nny aad all bonds and undcrtakings,lith thc cxccption offinancirt Guaranty lnsuraoce, providing that no singlc obligarion rhall exccrd Flft} llfillion ,rd 00/100 U.g, D0U.r3 (U.i.S50,0$t1,000.00)t ro thc $sm* cxtcnl ar iftuch bonds had bcco duly exccutcd and acknowledgcd by thc regulaiy clected offrccrr ofthc eompany ar irs principal officc in their own ptoF r pq$ons, Thir Powcr of Anrrmay shrll be ronstrucd and cnforc*d ix accordancc wirh. and gowmcd by, &c lar+s olrhe State sf Dcl*virr, withant glving effect to thc principlx of con{Iicts of laws thercof. This Powcr if atomcy-is grsnred pursuant ro the followingrrsolttionr whi;h wcrc duly and validly adoptcd ar & mcoring ofthc Bosrd sfDirrctom ofthi Connpany hold on J*nuary 2j, ?010; llsqtvBq, that,,with raspccl lo lhe $ur"ty bu$ircss lYriBrxl by Snklcy $urery Croup, LLC, l}c Chairman of rirc Board, Chicf Executive Oflicer, trrcsident or any Vic* Prcsidcnr oftrc Conpany, in conjwrction with the S€crctary or any Assisuni Scc'relsry ars hereby surhortzed to sx*u10 powcrs of amrnoy authorizing and qualifing thc anomcy-in-frcl nEmed thersin to cxccula bonds, undcnalings, recognizances, or othcr surctyship obligarions on bchalf of the Company, and ro affix thc cor?onlr scal of thc Compuy ts powtrs of anomcy rxc{utcd pursuanl hcrctoi &nd said oflicerr m$y rcmovc any such atlorncy-in-faa and revoke any pouer ofanom.y prcviously granted; and further RgSOLvtrD, that such power of afiorncy limits the sct of rhosc namcd thercin to thc bonds. undcnakings, rccognizanccs, or othcr surcryship obligations speclfically namcd thcrcin, and they hayc no tuthority* lo bind the Company cxccpt in rhc manncr and lo thc cxtent thcrein ststcdi snd further L STATE OI' CONIIECT|CUT ) couNTY 0r rAtRrmLD ) ) ss: WITNESS WHIiREOT, AncsI: Scnior Vice Presidcnt & Sccrctary EILE€N XILLEEN be signed and 8ttcsted by irs appropriate offieen and ils {JdfLtI, Ml Haftcr u \trY& ilt" Prcsident ln S Ledcmm and A t-- -- *t- , , .'* Notary Public, Statc of Connecticut Cg,TTITICATE Por.ver of sct forth t*rrin, who exccutcd the bond or undcnaking to which this Powcr of (Scal) ITEM NO FILE NO. ROUTED r Y-6,,-f- o e7 Xl DATE RECEIVED: (orig. 9189) REQUEST FOR LEGAL SERVICES Date: June g, ZA14 To: Office of the County Attorney Attention: Scott Stone, Assistant County Attorney From: Matthew Mclean, Engineering Services {ZSZ_SZ7I) Re: Artesia Naples ph 3 pL2013000253g REVISED Excavation performance Bond #0i 632g0 Arr**) br\l14 (* I \"i) -1, $, iJlLll ( BACKGROUND OF REQUEST/PROBLEM: Approval of Excavation performance Bond for above project. This item has been previously submitted. Engineering Review is requesting review of the attached doeument for legal sufficiencybefore accepting the Excavation performance Bond #0165290 ACTION REQUESTED: Please review the enclosed docurnent and advise this office if it is legally sufficient.Revisions have been made per your comments dated s/30/14. OTHER COMMENTS: N/A Attachments ,('L PERFORMANCE BOND FOR EXCAVATION WOFIK KNOW ALL PEFSON$ BY THES€ PRESENTS: IhaI $lcl Communltlr', LLC, 24IlOt ly€tdGn ggntar Drtys, Bon[r Sprtngr, FL i413{ {hereinaftor ro{ar.od to as'Ownsr,i and Bo.klay tn$uranco Company,4TE Stcamboal Road, Grocnwlch, CT O6a3O (20gs42.38oo) {hereinafler tarorrsd to as 'Suretf') are held and lirrfi}y bound unto Collier Oounty, Floflda, (horairrafter refBrrod to 1 'C9ulttfl in the total aggreg8te sum ol Four Hundr€d Eignfy fline Thoussnd Three Hundrod Dollars ($a89,300.00) in lawful money of the Unitsd Statos, for me-payment ot wh,ch sum wel and truly to bs mad€, we bind ourselveg, out hairc, ex€culors, administratori, succassors and sisrgns, ioinily aod $ev€t8lly, tirmly by thaso presents. Ovlner and Surety aro u$Bd lor singular or plural, ajtho contExt rcquires. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION i5 such that whoreas, tha Owner has submittod tor approvat bythe Board a conain axcavation psrmit no. ss.Bg6-1 ,or Art€sia Naptes pha$€ 3 pLagJgq{p2sqgl'and thatcertain €xeavalion pormit shall include spscitic improvemcnts whrch are requtreo UyT6iiiir founty Ordanances and Rasohrt-ons (hereinafter'Land Oevelopm€nt Begulstions'), Thii obtigaion ol lhe Suretyshall commenca on the dat6 this Bonc, is executed and shail conlinue uniil the date 6{ completion ot the!!.ork.and approval by lho County of the.specific improvements dsscrib€d in the Land bevolopmenr Eegulations (hsreinarter th8 "Guaronty Psriod,) oruoliLJealace*by,E nlrw bond in the event ol a E-iranoeol Ownersh]0. NOW, THEBEFOHE, it th€ Ownet shall well. truty and lailhfully perlorm its obtigations and dulies in accordancB with ths Land Development Begulations during ths guaranry period establistrerl hy tha County, and the Owner 6hall satisty all claim$ and demands incurred and sndlt tutty indemnity afi{ save harmles$ tho County rrom and against all costs 8nd damageg yyhich it may sufler by reason of Ovyner,s tailuro to do so, and shail reimbu|se and repay ths Counfy ail cutlay and expense *t,icn tne Colnty mayincur in maklno good any detault, lien lhi$ obligalion shall ba void, othe.wi$e to remain in lul tor& ani Bt ec't. PROVIDED, FUBTHEFI, lh€t th€ said Surely, lor value received hereby, stipuhres and ag.e€s tharno change, exension of sme, attBtation, addilion or deletion to th8 proposd specitic improvemenls shailin_any.wsy-atfsct its obligetion on this Bond, and il doos heraby waive notice ot any such 0hengo,ert€nsion gf time, attera$on, addition of del€tion to lh€ p,oposod sp€cltic improvomenls. PROVIDED FURTHER, lhat it is exp.Bssly agreed that the Bond shatt bs doemod amondsdaulomslcally and immcdiatsly, wilhoJt tormal and separate amandmsnts hersto, so as to bind rh6 Ownarand lhs Sur6ty to th6 full and tailhful pertormancs in accordaneo \ryith th6 land Devalopment Regutat ons.The term "Amsndm€nl,' wharever ussd in lhis Bond. and rvlrether rsremng to thi3 Bond, or othor documanls shall include 8ny alteration, addition or modification of any characterirhatsoever. lN wlrNEss WHEBEOF, tho partiss herelo havs causad rhis PEHF9RMAN6E BoNp to be executBd lhis tgri day ol May, 2gl 4. WITNESSIS: (Owner Name and Title if Corporation) WCI C0nrmunltie!, LLC Bond Number:016529O rt!eb*.d rut edxiord o,re r&.iss.doiot/lt,ato!.r Srtsu+* t€vtc€. &asraeurr v *€{S(J.g€( ftrtrc.( ilr^<- r'|ifle- Jt l/,18tu, tSfidt Ptinted Nam€ J<tL 4aa_ Sond Number:016S2q) Itir !6d ..aa*dat lor|d ot re dlabcr ise.d @ OVlMBtt Notary Pubric^- $tata ot F/eAid,.8-ar0 7q"*,>A- ?ri,rrr)ae ,.rztty'A PrinlBd Narne I stereo, froo,rla-couNwoF A4e. FOREGOING r 4.Et$.01610r, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ,ffi RUTH J. l,tARlAl{ETTI Itrlrr, lullla. Slrh ol tlorldr l, c9no. lrrrrr.,ert tr, r0!l Cosnlrrlo, Xrr0!., tt 1Ctt07 {$eaq WITNESSES:{Surety Namc and Tith if Corporation} Eerklcy lnsuranci Company Jennifer L. Casson Evondia H. Woessner, Attorney-in-Fact (Provide Proper Evidence of Authority) ACKNOWLEOGMENT srArE oFALAEAUA couNTY OF JEFFERSON THE FOREGOING PERFORMANCT qOND WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFOBE ME THIS 1gTH DAY OFMAY, 2013, BY EVONO'A H, WOESSNEN AS ATTOBNEY.IN-FACT OF BERKLEY 'NSURANCECOMPANY WHO IS PEfrSOfiAILXJTIICIilN. TO,SE, ON r*S PBODUCEO N/A AS IDENTIFICATION, Notary Public - State of Alabama Anna K€itn Childr€$, My commtssion expir6$ to&g0ts t:t,.{s6ALt..: . ' r;'..'n, afr;M ,#. e"rt BEFORE ME C}AY OF No. 8I-337 POWER OT ATTORNEY BERKLEY INST'RANCE COM?ANY WILMINOTON, DELAWARE NOTICE: T}c waming found elscwhcrc in this Powcr of Anorncy affccts the vaiidity rhcrcof Plcasc rcview carefully. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ftat BERKLEY NSURANCE COMPANY (thc "Compmy"), a cortrration duly organizcd and exkting undar thc laws ofthc Sutc ofDclawcre. hrying its principal o{Iice in Grecnwich, CT, has madc, constiturad and appointcd, ffid doca by thcse prcscnts makc, constitutc and appoint: tltar* W, Edwtrds, tl, Jcffrcy M. Wllson, Willtarn il{, Srr,ilh, Evoadla Il. Wacssncr, *oaald B. Gtadrcslch, Robcrt R" fred or Altst E, ?omde'! ol NcGrllI, Sctbcls & Wtlltemt, Iae af Eltmlnghdlar,,{a iB ru. and lawful Anomcy-in-Facr, to sign its osms a$ stlrcty only as dclincatediclow and to .xccutc. scsl, acknowlcdgc_ and dclitc.r.oy lnd all bonds ond undsrkkingJ, wirh the *xccprioa ofFinancial Ournnty lnsurarxq pnrviding that no ringlc obligalion shall excccd Fltly Mlllion and 00/100 U.S, Delkr; {U.S.S50,0$0,0{X).00} ro rhc rsmc cxlcnt si lf such bonds * had be*o duly exccrxed and acknowledgcd by thc regularty rlpc*d officqc of thr Compsny rr its principat of$cc in dreir or,m ! propcr pcrsoar" This Porver of .{8omsy shall bc consln$d and cnforced in accordsme with, and govrrned by, thc laws of thc Statf of Oclawarr, wilhoul SiYing cllcct lo &c principlcs of conflicts of lews thcreof. ?his Pover of Auorncy is granred pursutna ro rhe folloying resslutions t+hieh wcre duly nnd validly adoptcd ar r mceting ofthe Board ofDirccton ofthe Company hcld on January ?5,20i0: RESOLYED, that, *i*t rcspecl to thc Surcty burinsss \rritlcn by Btrklcy Surcry Croup, LLC, thc Chairman of the Board, Chief Exccutivc Officer, President or any Vicc Pr$idcot of lhc Company, in conjunction wil,h lhe Sccretar-v or any Assi*ant Sccretary arc hercby authorized to exccule powcrs ofanomcy authorizing and qualifying thc anomcy-in-fact namcd tl}ereio to txccule bonds, undcrtalings, recognizanccs, or o&er surctyship obligations on bchalf of rhc Company, and to afFx the corpontc scal of tbc Comprny lo poweni of a$orncy cxecutcd pursuanr hereloi nnd said ofliccn may rcmolt any such anorncy.in-faa rnd revotc my powcr ofanomey prcviously granted: and furthcr RESOLYED, that such powcr of attorncy limits the acB of those nam.d thercin to thc bonds, undcrtakings, recognrzan eit or otha surctyship obligations spccifically nrmcd thcrcin, and thcy havc no authoriqv lo bind thc Company excep in rhc manncr and to the lxtcnt tlercin stated; and funher g sTATf, Or CONNf,CTICUT ) couNTY 0r FArRrtf,LD ) ) sr: q I c & 'c scl fonh *larcin, rvho exsculed the bond or undenaking to which this Powcr of (Seal)