Agenda 09/09/1998 BNOTICE: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY C0MMI$SIONER-q AGENDA Wednesday, September 9, 1998 5:05 p.m. ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING, ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE Tt-DtT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MfNUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRANTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING - BCC - Fiscal Year 1999 Tentative Budget. A. Discussion of Tentative Millage Rates and Increase Over Rollback B. Review and Discussion of Changes to the Tentative Budget C. Wrap-up Items D. Public Comments and Questions E. Resolution to Adopt the Tentative Millage Rates F. Resolution to Adopt the Amended Tentative Budget G. Announcement of Tentative Millage Rates and Percentage Changes in Propem' Tax Rates ' H. Announcement of Final Public Hearing as Follows: Final Public Hearing on the FY 199~-99 Collier Count)' Budget Wednesday, September 23, 1998 5:05 p.m. Collier County Government Center Administration Building (F) Third Floor, Boardroom Naples, Florida 3. ADJOURN. Property T; X Rates FY 99 Proposed Water Pollution Control ........ 114 0 0452 0 0430 0 0413 -4 0~, County Wide Millage Rate 3.7265 3.5480 3.6015 1.5~' Road District 1 .. :" : ' .. · 102 '. .... 0.1950:/ n/a 0.0000 .- .ill #N/.~ Road District 2 ...... 103 0.1028 0.0978 0. I 163 18.9% R°ad DistriCt 3.:.:-.:... 104 :'. 0.3658 0.2600 03900..::.:.. 50.O~A Road Districl 5 106 0.3016 0.2862 0.2195 -23.3oA ._.U~0rP°rated Area General Fund 111:'.: 0,5721:5, 0.6774 0:5887 .q3.1% Golden Gat Community Center 130 0.3189 0.3005 0.2985 -0.7% Mire6 lslatid:Beautifimtion 13 I' o, 1670 n/a 0.0000 . #N/A. Naples Park. Drainage 139 0.1551 O. 1455 0.0000 -100.0% Phi~'Rtdge:Indu~.Hal Park 140 0.0000 0.0000 ' 0.I097 Victoria Park Drainage 134 0.2421 0.2370 0.1240 -47.7~ G0kten Ga e Pa. nk-way Beautification 136 0,5000 0.4799 0.5000 4 Naples Production Park 141 0.0290 0.0276 0.0372 34.8 ISle0£ Ca.pd Fire 144 0.7921 0.'/344 1.0000 Ochopee Fre Control 146 2.6053 2.5271 4.0000 58.3% cilillier, cotmty Fire 148 2.0000 1.4895 ~ 1.7979 20.7% Radio Road Beautification 150 0.5000 0.4842 0.5000 SabalPalm~oadMSTU -:i:""":'::~:: :-'".'- 15t :-. :-- : 5:4544. i.: '::.'.: · 4.9271:" .i:::~ ::':,.ii 4.5090 Lely Gol. f Estales Beautificauon 152 1.5000 1.4772 1.5000 ~10rmWa~er Pumping MSTU 154: ,: 0.2236 ': "- '. 0.2102 0,1114 -47 Forest La~.'es Roadway & Drainage MSTU 155 0.2457 0.2387 0.0000 -100 ~kate~Beautification MSTU " ' 156 0.9998 1.0015 1.0000 Bayshore Avalon Beautifica don 160 0.0000 0.0000 3.0000 #N/A Park~'GOB:Debt Sm-ice:. ....... .. · 206 Marco Island Coastal Beach Renourish 207 Isles Of C~ri Municipal Rescue 244 CoIlier Count' Lighting 760 Naples Production Park Street Lighting 770 Marco Island Lighting 775 E~li~-i: Bay MSTBU 778 A~gregate Millage Rate 0.0535 0.0510 0.0495 -2.9% 0.0000 n/a 0.0000 0.2074 0.1923 0.1810 -5.9% 0.2353 0.2275 0.1886 -17. I 0.0065 0.0062 0.0060 -3. 0.0564 n/a 0.0000 #NIA 0.2768 0.2670" : !:' !:':::: 0.2484 ~7.0% 4.4144 4.2030 ._.__.~694 2 ~ 1.6% SEP 0 9 1998 Fund Tale ' Collier County, Florida Property Tax Dollars FY 99 Proposed Pr/ar Fund T~ No. Dollm's Rolled Back Proposed Tax T~x Dollars Dollars General Fub. d 00I 71,892.386 74,883,137 76.062.500 1.6% Water Pollution Control 114 882.714 918.680 882.400 -3 Total Cotlnty Wide Taxes Levied 72,775. lO0 75,801.817 76,944,900 1.5',; Road District I 102 0 Road District 2 103 6.12.916 688.396 818.600 I Rcrad Di~eict 3 1131 1,161.839 I2.14,490 1.821.800 Road District 5 106 386,360 -103.362 309.300 -23.3! UnincorpOrated Area General Fund [ I 1 8.396,259 8,888,074 7,724_100 -13. Golden Gate Community Center 130 209.176 215,741 214.300 Marco' Island Beautillcation' :" ' 131 0 v.t- 0 #N/A Pine Ridge Industrial Park 140 0 0 25.500 ~'N/A Victoria Park Draina~ 134 4206 4,206 2,200 -47.7,4 Golden Gate Park-way Beautification 136 184.61 I 187,040 194.900 4 Naple~ park Drainage 139 58.355 59,485 0 Naples Production Park 141 4,878 5,0-19 6,800 3-1.7% 1ste of Cap.,-/Fir· " : : 144 117,921 125,345 170.700 362% Ochopee Fire Control 1.16 297.327 313.053 495.500 58.3% Collier COunty Fire :: i :" : 148 277,586 278,618 ' 336.300 20.7% Radio Road Beautification 150 243,605 256,190 264,500 32% Sabal Palm Ro~l MSTU l Sl 29,811 30,050 27.500 -8.5% Lei?,' Golf Estates Beautification 152 102.286 102,550 104.100 1.5'% Hawk~ridge Stormwate? Pumping MSTU 154 3.412 3,962 2.100 47.0~ Forest Lakes Roadway & Drainage MSTU 155 22.311 22.368 0 -100.0;3 lmmokalee Beautification MSTU 156 226.125 226,634 226.2.00 ,..O.2V~ Bavshore Avalon Beautification 160 O 0 548.100 ~'N/A 'Parks GOB Debt Sen'ice 206 851.621 891,748 865,700 -2.9% Marco Island Coastal Beach Rcnourish 207 0 Wa 0 sics o£Capd Municipal Re.m'ue 244 30,876 32,821 30,900 -5..9'% Collier CountS.' Lighting 760 566.951 579,260 480,200 Naples Prrxt. Park Sr. Lighting 770 1297 1,338 !.300 Marco Island Lighting 775 0 w'a 0 ~/N/A Pelican Bay' MSTBU 778 496,564 531 ~319 494.400 4.9% Total Taxes Levied 87.091.390 90,862,915 92,1 I0.100 Aggregate Taxes 86,208,894 89,938346 91.2 t 3,500 AGENDA ITI-M No. 2 SEP Pg., FUND TITLFff(NUMBER) SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS DOCUMENTING CHANGES TO TIlE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET NET CIIANGE TO FUND TOTAL EXPI.~NATION General Fund (001 ) Tax Collector (070) Road & Bridge Road MSTD2 (103) Community Development ( I 13) Pollution Control and Prevention (114) Pine Ridge Industrial Park (132) Golden Gate Beautilicalion (136) Isle of Capri Fire (144) Collier Count). Fire (148) State }lousing Initiative Partnership ( 191 ) $7,000 $7,485,360 SO $100 SO $700 $1.300 SlO0 $33.700 ($35,900) $0 Pay plan adjustment moved to departmental budgets from r~cn'cs. Rounding of tax levy b~sed on aggregate millage caJculation. Appropriation of $6,600 Nalural Resources grant approved by BCC. Adjustment to Clerk BCC paid expenses as approved by the BEC. Final adjustment to Property. Appraiser payment in FY 99. Increased lifeguard hours at Sudgen Park. (pp. 4-6), Actual budget submitted R/I:gR as per State Statute. (p. 7). Pay plan adjustment moved from reserves to Personal Sen'ices. (p. 8). Rounding upward of ad valorem tax Ic,sT. (p. 9). Pa.',' plan adjuslmen! moved from resen'es to Personal Sen'ices. (p. 10-I 1). Rounding upxvard of ad valorem tax le,,.'y. (p. 12). Increase to carryfonvard and contingency reserves. (p. 13). Rounding upward ofad valorem tax lex')'. (p. 14). Tax lev)' increased to 1.0000 mill to fund 24 hour coverage as of Janua .fy I, 1999. (p. Millage decrease based on actual contract cost of fire service contract for Goodlund and ltorr's Island. (p. 16). Pay plan adjustment moved from reserves to Personal Services. (p. 17). AGENDA I.~EM No. SEP 1 5 1998 SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS DOCUMENTING CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET F-aTe D TITLFd(NUMBER) Countywide Capital Project3 (30I) NET CIIANGE TO FUND TOTAL (5;146,400) EXPLANATION Revised project forec~V'carryfonvatd, (p, 19). Paxks C~i~ (306) Roads ClP (313) Stormwatar Capital (325) Road Impact Fees (331) Road Impact Fccs (333) Road Impact Fees (334) Road Impact Fees (336) Road Impact Fees (338) Road Impact Fees (339) Regional Park Impact Fees (345) EMS Impact Fees (350) Library Impact Fees (355) Community Park Impact Fees (368 S256,300 5;5,733,100 5921,500 5;721,200 5;92,600 5;184,200 g415,800 5;58,800 S210,500 5;130,300 5;;214,700 5;3,218,600 Revised project forecast/cL, D'fom'ttd. (p. 20). Funding for tr~e removal in medilfls sad Oak3 Boulcv&l~l fcasibility stady. (p. 21). Revised project forecast/caflTforw~l. (p. Z2). Revised project and impact fee forecasm. (p. 23). Revised project ~d impact fcc forecasts. (p. 24). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. (p. 25). Revised project sad impact fcc forecasts. (p. 26). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. (p. 27). Revised project sad impact fee forecast& (p, 28). Revised project sad impa~t fcc foremts. (p. 2~). Revised project and imp~,'t fcc forecasts. (p. 30). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. (p. 3~). Revised project and impact fee forecasts. (p. 32). / ~.:l ,~,A ITEM SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS DOCUMZNTLNG CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND TITLE/(NUMBER) NET CIL.~.NGE TO FUND TOTAL EXPLANATION County Water/Sewer District Fund (40~) Count), Water/Sewer District Debt (410) $0 S2,287,900 $500,000 increase in transfer to Water Capilal Fund (412) to fund increases in project funding in accordance with prior BCC action ~ new utill .ty reloca~ons driven by FDOT US 4 IN project design changes. (p. 33). Increase in SRF loan proceeds budgeted for NCRWWTP expansion duc to increa.scd use of impact fee funding for varioua project. (p. 34). Water System Development {'411 ) Water Capital (412) Sewer S.~tem Development (413) $1,g05,600 SI.433,800 $4.157,000 Revised project and impact fee forecasts. (p. Revised project and carryf, orwa~l estimates. $500,000 incrcasc in transfer m Water Capital Fund (412) to fund increases in project funding in accordance with prior BCC action and ncw utility relocations driven by FDOT US 4IN project design changes. Revised project and impact fee projections. Increase in SRF loan proceeds budgeted for NCRWWTP expansion due to increased use of impact fee funding for various projecta. (p. 37). Sewer Capiud (414) Marco Water/Sewer District Fund (431 ) Goodland Water District Fund (441) Collier Coun .ty Lighting (760) Grand ToW S245,000 SO SO SIO0 S29,432.960 Revised project and carryforward eadmates. SI.8 million decrease in reserves to fund revised project cost estimates and new utility, relocations driven by FDOT US 4 IN project deaign changes, (p. 38). Pay plan adjustment moved from reserves to Personal Services. (p. 39). Pay plan adjustment moved from reserves to Personal Services. (p. 40). Rounding upward of ad valorem tax levy. (p. 41). AGENDA II'EM No. SEP 0 9 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET F'UND: GENERAL FUND (001) Appropriation Urfit Operating D i'dsions Tentative ' FY 99 % FY 99 Changes Amended Budget Budget Increase (Decre~e) Budget Change County Commissioners County Attomcy Sub-Total 1,388,100 0 1,305,000 0 2,693,100 0 Management O ~ces 999,100 15,000 Support Service~ 7,251,200 99,300 Emergency Services 798,201) 21,300 Public SeN'ices 17,101,700 146,000 Commtmi~' Dev./Env. 1,150,900 15,600 Public Works 1,520,300 16,700 Sub-Total CounD' Adm. 28,821.400 313,900 Transfers to Other Funds: GGCC (I 30) 220,700 0 Sen'ices for Seniors (123) 110.000 0 Info. Technology (505) 0 0 EMS (490) 5,540,600 0 Motor Pool (522) 0 0 Ochopee Fire (146) 285,500 0 Comm Development (113) 48,200 0 MSTD General (111) 135.600 0 MPO (126) 100,000 0 Road & Bridge (10 I) 4,979,400 0 Guardianship (192) 32,000 0 Sub-Total 11,452,000 0 Courts & Rel Agencies St Atny/Pub Deft Ct Cost Sub-Total Courts Ah'pon Operations (495) Sub-Total DMsions 47,056,100 3,338,200 0 466,200 0 3,804,400 0 285,200 0 313,900 1,388,100 1,305,000 2,693, 100 1.014,100 7.350,500 819.500 17.247.700 1.166.500 1,537,000 29.135.300 220,700 110,000 0 5,540,600 0 285,500 48,200 135,600 100,000 4,979,400 32,000 11,452,000 3,338,200 466,200 3,804,400 285,200 47,370,000 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 1.4% 2.7% 0.9% 1.4% 1.1% 1.1% 0.0% 0.0% N/A 0.0% N/A 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0,0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% AGENDA ITEM SEP, .0 9.1998 Pg._ ~'/ Res¢~esi C~sh Flow M~t Bonuses Cont~.genci~ Pay PI~ Adj~m~ent Retiremm~ml~ Adj~mt Helicopter Capit~ Rep. At~tion Re~ds Sub-Totfl Resen'~ Transfers to Dcbt/Capital Roads (313) 800 M}tz Debt (290) Debt Sen'ice (214) Fac. Nlgmt. (301) P~ks CIP (306) Libran/CIP (307) Museum (314) Water Management (325) Airport Capital (496) Sub-Total Transfers Trans fers/Co nst/mtional Officers Clerk of Circuit Court Clerk - BCC Paid Sheriff Sheriff- BCC Paid Property Appraiser Property App. -BCC Paid Tax Collector Tax Collector - BCC Paid SupenSsor of Elections Elections - BCC Paid S ub-Total/Trans Const Total Fund Appropriations Tentative FY 99 Budget 1,500,000 232,300 5,034,700 359,200 (170,900) 35,000 (619,600) 0 6,370,700 0 1,416,000 0 3,269,900 0 259,700 0 897,300 611,600 6,454,500 4,825,900 346.800 50,108,600 1,609,600 2,554,100 76,100 5,206,700 I 11,000 1,326,900 50,600 66.216,300 126,097,600 Changes Increase (Decrease) 0 0 (77,200) (269,200) 0 0 0 0 (346,400) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,700 0 0 22,800 0 0 0 0 0 39,500 7,000 FY99 Amended Budget 1,500,000 232,300 4,957,500 90,O00 (170,900) 35,000 (619,600) 0 6,024,300 0 1,416,000 0 3,269,900 0 259,700 0 897,300 611,600 6,454,500 4,825,900 363,500 50,,08,600 1,609,600 2,576,900 76,100 5,206,700 111,000 1,326,900 50,600 66,255,800 126,104,600 % Budget Change 0.0% 0.0% -1.5% -74.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% N/A 4.4% N/A 0.0% N/A 0.0% N/A 0.0% N/A 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% AGENDA ITEM No.__2 S EP 0 1998 Revenues Tentative FY 99 Budget Changes Increase (Decrease) FY 99 Amended Budget % Budget Change Ad Valorem Taxes 76,062,100 Delinquent Taxes 50,000 Tax Deed Sales 52,000 Federal PICT 325,000 State Revenue Sharing 5,736,100 Insurance Agent Licenses 47,000 Alcohol Licenses 100,000 Federal Refuge 50,000 Oil/Gas Severance Tax 250,000 Interest Income 1,060,000 Facilities Rental 17,400 Utility Franchise Fees 0 Interim Service Fee 0 Enterprise Fund PLLT 1,518,000 State Sales Tax 16,293,300 Court Fees'Fines 2,300,000 FEMA & TDC Reimb. 0 Race Track Revenues 100,600 Sub-Total General Res' 103,961,500 Deparunent Revenues 5,381,200 Sub-Total General Rev 109,342,700 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40O 6,600 7,000 76,062,500 50,000 52,000 325,00O 5,736,100 47,O00 I00,000 50,000 250,000 1,060,000 17,400 0 0 1,518,000 16,293,300 2.300,000 0 100,600 103,961,900 5,387,800 109,349,700 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% N/A NIA 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% N/A 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% Other Sources Transfers/Other Funds: Cost Allocation Plan 3,799,600 CDBG (121) 0 Info. Technology (505) 0 Criminal Justice 376,900 Development Sere Rent 28,000 Fleet (522) 0 OCPM (589) 0 Ufili .fy Regulation (669) 0 Communiv/De~'elopment 416,200 MSTD (111) 125,300 Transfers Constitutional Officers: Clerk of Circuit Court 1,500,000 T~,: Collector 2.000,000 Sheriff 0 Property Appraiser 50,000 Supervisor of Elections ...... .. 150,000. C,'m-yfo rward 13,777,700 Revenue Resen'e (5,468,800) Total Other Sources .... 16,754,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,799,6O0 0 0 376,900 28,000 0 0 0 416.200 125,300 1,500,000 2,000,000 0 50,000 150,000 13,777,700 (5,468,800) 16,754,900 0.0% N/A N/A 0.0% 0.O% N/A N/A N/A 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% N/A 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Total Fund Revenues 126,097,600 7,000 126,104 AGENDA ITEM- BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY' 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: TAX COLLECTOR (070) Appropriation Unit Personal Services Operating Expenses Capital Omlay Total Appropriation Revenue State County District Other Total Revenue Excess Fees Charges Pd. by BCC Permanent Positions Tentative ' FY 99' FY 99 Changes Amended Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 111,000 79 3,387,409 3,387,409 1,050,872 1,050,872 407,338 407,338 4,845,619 4,845,619 990,360 990,360 5,600,000 5,600,000 805,000 805,000 90,000 90,000 7,485,360 7,485,360 2,639,741 2,639,741 0 111,000 1 80 % Budget Change N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.0% 1.3% AGENDA ITEM No. ~6 SEP 0 9 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND' ROAD & BRIDGE (101) Tentative FY 99 Changes Appropriation Unit Budget Increase (Decrease) Personal Sen'ices 4,842,700 147,600 Operating Expenses 2,582,100 1,000 Capital Outlay 371,100 0 Attrition (231,400) 0 Pay Plan Adjustment 197,700 (! 97,700) Reserves 438,300 49,100 Total Appropriations 8,200,500 0 FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 4.990,300 3.0% 2.583,100 0.0% 371,100 0.0% (231,400) 0.0% 0 -100.0% 487,400 11.2"/~ 8,200,500 0.0% Rcvcnuc; Motor Fuel Tax Rebate Gas Tmxes Mobile Home Licenses Interest/Misc. Ca~.' Fonvard Transfer (001) Trans. MSTD~(STU Reimbursements Revenue Reserve Total Revenues 200 000 1,000 000 108 100 65 000 1,516 300 4,979 400 283 200 120 600 (72,100) 8.200,500 0 200,000 0.0% 0 1.000,000 0.0% 0 108,100 0.0% 0 65,000 0.0% 0 1,516,300 0.0% 0 4,979,400 0.0% 0 283,200 0.0% 0 120,600 0.0% 0 (72,100) 0.0% 0 8,200.500 0.0% AGENDA ITEM S EP 0 9 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET · FUND: ROAD MSTD 2 (103) Appropdadon Unit Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) FY 99 Amended Budget % Budget Change Operating - Road Operating - Landsc. Capital Outlay Reserves Transfers Total Appropriations RCVCI~UC Ad Valorem Tax Other Revenue Carry. Fonvard Revenue Reserve Total Rm'enue 168,200 0 244,000 0 325,000 0 42,000 100 119,100 0 898,300 100 818,500 100 6,500 0 114,400 0 (41,1oo) 0 898300 100 168,200 244,000 325,000 42,100 119,100 898,400 818,600 6,500 114,400 (4 I, 100) 898,400 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% AGENDA ITEM No. ;Z ~ SEp 09 p~. (~ 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: CO~VIUNIW DEVELOPMENT FUND (113) Appropriation Unit Dev. Svc. Bldg. Admin. Tentative FY 99 Budge! 948,8{)0 Changes Increase (Decrease) 0 FY 99 Amended Budget 948,800 % Budget Change 0.0% PIarming Sm-ices Building Revimv and Perm. C.E./Contr Licensing C.E./Work Reception Sub-Total/Departments Transfers: General Fund MSTD Gen'l Fund Pollution Control (114) Sub Total Transfers Total Operating Costs Reserves: Contingency Merit Bonus Capital Pay Plan Adjustment Cash Flow Salary Savings Sub-Total Rc~en'es Total Fund Appropriations 2,505,400 3,148,200 0 0 6,602,400 416,200 723,500 57,600 1,197,300 7,799,700 660,300 66,800 5.035,800 161,500 1.269,100 (178,100) 7.015.400 14.815,1{)O 56,300 103,300 0 0 159,600 0 0 0 0 ! 59,60O 0 0 0 (159,600) 0 0 (159.60O) 0 2,561,700 3,251,500 0 0 6,762,000 2.2% 3.3% x, I/A N/A 2.4% 416.200 723,50O 57.600 !.197,300 7,959.3OO 0.0% 0 0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 660.300 66.800 5.035.8OO 1,9OO 1.269,100 (178.100) 6.855.8OO 14.815,100 0.~, 0.O% 0.O% -98.8% 0.0% 0.0% -2.3% 0.0% AGENDA ITEM No._ ~-.. /'~ SEP 0 9 1998 pg.,, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND REVENUES (113) Revenues BuildLng Permits Building Related Revenue Planning Related Revenue Interest Imemal Reimbursements Miscellaneous Rev. Contractor's Licensing Revenue Reserve Sub-total Dept Re-,'. Tentative FY 99 % FT 99 Changes Amended Budget Budget Increase (Decrease) Budgel Ch,'mge 4,625,000 0 4,625,000 0.0% 200,000 0 200,000 0.0% 1,674,500 0 1,674,500 0.0% 550,000 0 550,000 0.0% 18.800 0 18,800 0.0% 165,000 0 165,000 0.0% 275,100 0 275,100 0.0% (374,500) 0 (374,500) 0.0% 7,133,900 0 7,133,900 0.0% Transfers: Transfer (00 I) Transfer (111) Sub Total Transfers Total Operating Revenues 48.200 0 48,200 0.0% 57,800 0 57,800 0.0% 106,000 0 106,000 0.0% 7,239,900 0 7,239,900 0.0% Carr)' Fonvard Total Fund Revenues 7.575,200 0 7,575,200 0.0% 14,815,100 0 14,815,100 0.0% AGENDAITEM No.~. ~ SEP 0 9 1998 // BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: POLLUTION CONTROL AND PREVENTION (114) Appropriation Unit Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change Personal Services 1,002,700 0 Operating Ex-penses 434,200 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 Transfers 40,100 100 Attrition (40,100) 0 Contract Admin. Res. 70,000 0 Reserves 88.900 600 Total Appropriations 1,595,800 700 l~cwemle$ Ad Valorem Taxes 881,700 700 State Contracts 165,600 0 Reimbursements 184,500 0 Well Pen'nits 35,000 0 Transfer (113) 57,600 0 Misc. Revenues 19,600 0 Transfer (108) 5,000 0 CarD.' Fonvard 301,900 0 Revenue Rescn'e (55,100) 0 Total Revenues 1,595,800 700 1,002,700 0.0% 434,200 0.0% 0 N/A 40,200 0.2% (4O,lOO) 0.0% 70,000 0.0% 89,500 0.7% 1,596,500 0.0% 882,400 0.1% 165,600 O.O% 184,500 0.0% 35,000 O.O% 57,600 0.0% 19,600 O.O% 5,000 0.0% 301,900 0.0% (55,100) 0.0% !,596,500 0.0% AGENDA I~'EM No. ~ f,~ S EP 0 9 1998 pg.. 12. BUDGET KESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: PINE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK (132) Appropriation Unit Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase ('Decrease) Operating Expenses 3,700 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 Transfers 0 0 Debt Sen'ice 0 0 Reserves 678,600 1,300 Total Appropriations 682,300 1,300 Revenue: Ad Valorem Taxes 0 0 Misc. Revenue 27,400 0 Carp/Forward 656,300 1,300 Loan Proceeds 0 0 Revenue Reserve (1,400) 0 Total Rc~'cnu¢ 682,300 1,300 FY' 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 3,?00 0.0% 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 679,900 0.2% 683,600 0.2% 0 N/A 27,400 0.0% 657,600 0.2% 0 N/A (1,400) 0.0% 683,600 0.2% AGENDA ITEM No. a-_L3 _ SEP 09 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: GOLDEN GATE BEAUTIFICATION (136) Tentative FY 99 Changes Appropriation Unit Budget Increase (Decrease) Operating Expenses 138,800 0 Capital Ontlay 0 0 Transfers 9,500 0 Reserves 48,500 100 Total Appropriations 196,800 I00 Revenlle Ad Valorem Taxes Misc. Rex'enue Carry Fonvard Revenue Resev,'e Total Revenue FY 99 % Amended Budge! Budget Change 138,800 0.0% 0 N/A 9,500 0.0% 48,600 0.2% 196,900 0.1% 194,800 100 194,900 0.1% 2,000 0 2,000 0.0% 9,700 0 9,700 0.0% (9,700) 0 (9,700) 0.0% 196,800 100 196,900 0.1% AGENDA I~EM No. ,~..- - ~ SEP I] 9 1998 pg. ]1'1/ BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO TI-IE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: ISLE OF CAPPd FIRE (144) Appropriation Unit Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) Personal Sen'ices 86,300 46,200 Operating Expenses 42,500 0 Capital Outlay 5,200 0 Transfers 5,200 1,200 Resen'es 33,800 (13,700) Total Appropriations 173,000 33,700 FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Ch,'mgc 132,500 53.5% 42,500 0.0% 5,200 0.0% 6,400 23. ! % 20,100 -40.5% 206,700 19.5% Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes 135,200 35,500 Interest/Misc. I, 100 0 Carp,.' Fonvard 12,700 0 Transfers 32,300 0 Surplus asset sale 0 0 Revenue Resen'e (8,300) (1,800) Total Revenue 173,000 33,700 170,700 26.3% 1,I00 0.0% 12,700 0.O% .'t2,300 0.0% 0 N/A (10,100) 21.7% 206,700 ! 9.5% AGENDA I.LT£M SEP 0 9 1998 pg.. /f BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: COLLIER. COUNTY FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT (148) Appropriation Unit Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (D ecru-ase) Remittances 239,100 (35,000) Operating Ex'penses 6,600 0 Transfers 104,300 0 Transfers-PA/TC 12,400 (900) Rese..~'es 0 0 Total Appmpriations 362,400 (35,900) R~'enHes Ad Valorem Taxes 374,100 (37,800) Intere~t/%lisc. I, 100 0 Transfers 0 0 Carry Forward 5,900 0 Revenue Res eryc (18,700) 1.900 Total Revenue 362,400 FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 204,100 °14.6% 6,600 0.0% 104,300 0.0% l 1,500 -7.3% 0 N/A 326,500 -9.9% 336,300 -10.1% !, 100 0.0% 0 N/A 5,900 0.0% (16,800) -10.2% (35,900) 326,500 -9.9% AGENDA ITEM No. 2- _ SEP 0 9 1998 Pg. /~ BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: STATE HOUSING INITIATIVE PARTNERSHIP (191) Tentative FY 99 % FY 99 Changes Amended Budget Appropriation Unit Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget Change Personal Services 92,500 3,900 96,400 4.2% Operating Expenses 19,500 0 19,500 0.0% Capital Outlay 2,500 0 2,500 0.0% SHIP Program 1,133,500 0 1,133,500 0.0% Admin. Reserves 36,300 (3,900) 32,400 -10.7% SHIP Reserves 385,600 0 385,600 0.0% Total Appropriations 1,669,900 0 1,669,900 0.0% Revenues SHIP Funds 1,240,400 0 1,240,400 0.0% Interest/Misc. 23,700 0 23,700 0.0% CarD.' Forward 405,800 0 405,800 0.0% Revenue Reserve 0 0 0 N/A Total Revenues 1,669,900 0 1,669,900 0.0% AGENDA ITEM No. S EP 0 9 1998 pg. 9/9/1998 Item # 2B Page 18 missing from document Appropriation Unit Project Ex-pcnscs Dcbt Service Transfers Rescrves Total Appropriation Rcvcnues Trans/Propcrty Taxes Bond/Loan Proceeds Can9.' Forward Transfcrs/Rcimb. InteresVGants/Misc. Revenue Reserve Total Revenues BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: COUNTY CAPITAL PROJECTS (301) Tentative FY 99 Budget 12,834,800 0 0 406,300 13,241,100 FY99 Changes Amended Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget Change (111,200) 12,723,600 -0.9% 0 N/A 0 N/A (35,200) 371, I00 -8.7% (146,400) 13,094,700 -I.i% 3,269,900 6,667,500 3,064,400 34,400 215,700 (10,800) 13,241,100 (146,400) 3,269,900 0.0% 6,667,500 0.0% 2,918,000 -4.8% 34,400 0.0% 215,700 0.0% (10,800) 0.0% (146,400) 13,094,700 -1.1% AGENDA ITEM No. P- Z3 SEP 0 9 1998 Pg. /q Appropriation Unit Project Expenses Debt Sewice Resen'es Total Appropriations Revenues BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: PARKS CONSTRUCTION CIP (306) Tentative FY 99 % FY 99 Changes Amended Budget Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget Change 540,000 119,600 659,600 22.1% 0 0 0 N/A 89,?00 136,700 226,400 152.4% 629,700 256,300 886,000 40.7% Transfer from (001) 0 0 0 N/A Grants/Contributions 0 0 0 N/A Transfer from (589) 68,700 0 68,700 0.0% FL Boating Impr. Prg. 100,000 0 100,000 0.0% Boat Fees 50,000 0 50,000 0.0% Carry Forward 397,700 243,600 641,300 61.3% lnteresfflvlisc/Fees 21,900 13,400 35,300 61.2% Revenue Reserve (8,600) (700) (9,300) 8.1% Total Revenue 629,700 256,300 886,000 40.7% AGENOAJ,7'EM No. .2. ~ S EP O 9 1998 Pg. ~ BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY' 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: GAS TAX ROAD CONSTRUCTION (313) Appropriation Unit Misc. Expenditures Road Projects/Exps. Trans. Debt Service Reserves Total Appropriations Tentative FY 99 % FY 99 Changes Amended Budget Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget Change 340,000 100,000 440,000 29.4% 24,302,000 55,000 ,24,357,000 0.2% 1,199,000 0 1,199,000 0.0% 333,700 (155,000) 178,700 .46.4% 26,174,700 0 26,174,700 0.0% ReveBue Gas Taxes Interest/Misc. Transfers Can3' Forward Grants/Contributions Revenue Reseave Total Revenues 11,821.400 0 11,821,400 0.0% 763,200 0 763.200 0.0% 343,600 0 343.600 0.0% 13,875,700 0 ! 3.875.700 0.0% 0 0 0 N/A (629,200) 0 (629,200) 0.0% 26,174,700 0 26,174.700 0.0% AGENDA ITEM No. ,2-Z3 SEP 0 9 1998 21 Appropriation Unit Project Expenses Transfers Refunds/Misc. Reserves Total Appropriation RevellUe Transfer from (001) Transfer from (11 I) Transfer from (589) Contributions Grunts Loan Proceeds Interest/Misc. Carry Fonvard Revenue Reserve Total Revenue BUDGE'[' RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CAPITAL (325) Tentative FY 99 % FY 99 Chang~ Amended Budget Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget Change 1,228,200 5,694,600 6,922,800 463.7% 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 61,400 38,500 99,900 62.7% 1,289,600 5,733,100 7,022,700 4a4.6% 897,300 0 897,300 0.0% 98,000 0 98,000 0.0% 55,000 0 55,000 0 993,300 993,300 N/A 100,000 1,157,000 1,257,000 1157.0% 0 2,267,400 2.267.400 N/A 7,300 68,700 76,000 941. I% 132,400 1,250,100 1.382.500 944.2% (400) (3,400) (3.800) 850.0% 1,289,600 5,733,100 7,022,700 444.6% AGENDA I..TEM No. ~,- ~-,~ SEP 0 9 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: ROAD IMPACT FEE (331) Appropriation Unit Road Projems/Exps. Refunds Reserves Total Appropriations RCVCI3Ues Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) 10,038,500 0 117,000 0 690,600 921,500 10,846,100 921,500 Impact Fees 3,250,000 250,000 Conn-ibuUons 0 0 Interest/Misc. 405,500 35,800 Carry Fonvard 7,373,400 650,000 Revenue Reserve (182,800) (I 4,300) Total Revenues 10,846,100 921.500 FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 10,038,500 0.0% 117,000 0.0% 1,612,100 133.4% 11,767,600 8.5% 3,500,000 7.7% 0 N/A 441,300 8.8% 8.023,400 8.8% (197,100) 7.8% 11.767.600 8.5% AGENDA I~EM No. ~ /~ SEP 0 9 1.q98 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: ROAD IMPACT FEES (333) Appropriation Unit Road Proj ec~aixps. Refunds Resen'es Total Appropriations Revenues: Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) 4,324,200 0 75,000 0 2,252,400 721,200 6,651,600 721,200 Impac~ Fees 1,450,000 150,000 Interest/Misc. 275,700 30,200 Cam/Forw.m'd 5.012.200 550,000 R~'enue Resen'e (86,300) (9,000) Total Revenues 6,651,600 721,200 FY99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 4,324,200 0.0% 75,000 0.0% 2,973,600 32.0% 7,372,800 10.8°/o i,600,000 10.3% 305,900 1 !.0% 5,562,200 11.0% (95,300) 10.4% 7,372,800 10.8°/o AGENDA No. SEP 0 9 1998 Pg. Appropriation Unit Road Projects/Ex'ps. Refunds Reserves Total Appropriations Rc'v¢llUeS: Impact Fees Interest/Misc. Cam/Fom'ard Revenue Reserve Total Revenues BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE Ivy 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: ROAD IMPACT FEES (334) Tentative FY' 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) 25,000 0 1,000 0 1,221,700 92,600 1,247,700 92,600 FY99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 25,000 0.0% 1,000 0.0% 1,314,300 7.6% 1,340,300 7.4% 12,000 0 64,600 4,900 1,174,900 88,000 (3,800) (300) 1,247,700 92,600 12,000 0.0% 69,5O0 7.6% 1.262,900 7.5% (4,100) 7.9% 1,340,300 7.4% AGENDA ITEM No. S EP 0 9 1998 Pg. BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: ROAD INIPACT FEES (336) Appropriation Unit Road Proj ects/Exps. Refunds Reserves Total Appropriations RCA'C~CS; Impact Fees Interest.~lisc. Carry Fomvard Revenue Reserve Total Revenues Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Incr~'~se (Decrease) FY 99 % Amended Budget Budgct Change 108,100 0 108,100 0.0% 1,000 0 i ,000 0.0% 4,232,400 184,200 4,416,600 4.4% 4,341,500 184,200 4,525,700 4.2% 825,500 0 185,900 9,700 3,380,700 175,000 (50,600) (500) 4,341,500 184,200 825,500 0.0% 195,600 5.2% 3,555,700 5.2% (51,100) 1.0% 4,525,700 4.2% AGENDA IgM No. ,7.. SEP 0 9 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: ROAD IMPACT FEES (338) Appropriation Unit Road Projects/Ex-ps. Refunds Reserves Total Appropriations Rcvetlu ~,~ ~ Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) 1,088,200 0 1,000 0 721,000 415,800 1',810,200 415,800 Impact Fees 650,000 50,000 Interest/Misc. 62,300 19,300 CarD.' Fonvard I. 133,500 350,000 Revenue Reseax'e (35,600) (3,500) Total Revenues 1.810,200 415,800 FY99 Amcnded Budget Budget Change 1,088,200 0.0% 1,000 0.0% i,136,800 57.7% 2,226,000 23.0% 700,000 7.7% 81.600 31.0% 1,483,500 30.9% (39,100) 9.8% 2,226,000 23.0% AGFNDA I.,~EM No. S EP 0 9 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUNq): ROAD IMPACT FEES (339) Tentative FY 99 Changes Appropriation Unit Budgel Increase (Decrease) Road Projects,Exps. 5,000 0 Refunds 5,000 0 Resen'es 606,500 58,800 Total Appropriations 616,500 58,800 Revenues: Impact Fees 8,000 12,000 Interest/Misc. 31,800 2,500 CarD.' Fonvard 578,700 45,000 Revenue Resev,'e (2.000) (700) Total Revenues 616.500 58,800 FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 5,000 0.0% 5,000 0.0% 665,300 9.7% 675,300 9.5% 20,000 ! 50.0% 34,300 7.9% 623,700 7.8% (2,700) 35.0% 675,300 9.5% AGENDA ~M No. ~, SEP 0 9 1998 pg. Appropriation Unit Project Expenses Impact Fee Refunds Transfer Debt Service Reserves Total Appropriation Revenues Est. Impact Fees Interest,Gl/sc. Bond/Loan Proceeds Contributions C~'ry Fonvard Revenue Resen'e Total Revenue BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: REGIONAL PARK IMPACT FEES (345) Ten.five FY 99 Changes Budget ~crmse (Decrease) 14,447,000 0 0 0 320,800 0 404,200 210,500 15,172,000 210,500 795,000 0 16,600 II,000 14,100,000 0 0 0 301.000 200,000 (40,600) (500) 15,172,000 210,500 FY 99 Amended Budget 14,447,000 0 320,800 614,700 15,382,500 795,000 27,600 14,100,000 0 501,000 (41,100) 15,382.500 % Budget Ch,'mge 0.0% N/A 0.0% 52.1% 1.4% 0.0% 66.3% 0.0% N/A 66.4% 1.2% 1.4% AGENDA I,~M No. ~-. SEP 0 9 1998 Appropriation Unit Project/Cap. Exps Refunds/Misc. Reserves Total Appropriations BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: F_2vIS hMPACT FEES (350) Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) 466,000 0 9,000 0 709,200 130,300 1,184,200 130,300 Impact Fees 375,000 25,000 Interest/Misc. 43,300 5,500 Carry For-,vard 786,800 100,000 Revenue Resev,'c (20,900) (200) Total Revenue l, 184,200 130,300 FY 99 % Amended Budge~ Budget Change 466,000 0.0% 9,000 0.0% 839,500 18.4% 1,314,500 11.0% 400,000 6.7% 48,800 12.7% 886,800 12.7% (21,100) 1.0% 1,314,500 11.0% AGt-' r;E,.~, iTeM No...,~-. t~ BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: LIBRARY IMPACT FEES (355) Appropriation Unit Project Expenses Non-Projecl Expense Refunds/Misc. Transfers for Debt Reserves Total Appropriations Revenue Impact Fees Inter. t/Misc. Carry Fonvard Loan Proceeds Revenue Resen'e Total Revenue Tentative FY 99 Budget 668,700 0 1,000 308,800 764,800 1,743,300 811,200 50,800 924,400 0 (43,100) I~743,300 Chang~ Increase (Decrease) FY 99 Amended Budget Budget Change 0 668,700 0.0% 0 0 N/A 0 1,000 0.0% 0 308,800 0.0% 214,700 979,500 28.1% 214,700 1,958,000 12.3% 0 811,200 0.0% 11,300 62.100 22.2% 204,000 1,128,400 22.1% 0 0 N/A (600) (43,700) 1.4% 214,700 1,958,000 12.3% AGENDA SEP 0 9 1998 ,.."fl Appropriation Unit Project Expenses Impact Fee Refunds Reset/es Residual Equity Tfr Total Appropriation BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: COI%MUNITY PARK IMPACT FEES (368) Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) 1,039,500 2,658,700 0 0 2,876,900 559,900 0 0 3,916,400 3,218,600 Revenues Impact Fees 1,800,000 0 Interest/Misc. 115,300 168,300 Residual Equity Tlr 0 0 Ca.rr)' Forward 2,096,900 3,058,700 Revenue Reserve (95,800) (8,400) Total Revenue '" 3,916,400 - 3,218,600 FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 3,698,20~- "255.8% 0 N/A 3,436,800 19.5% 0 N/A 7,135,000 82.2% 1,800,000 0.0% 283,600 146.0% 0 N/A 5,155,600 145.9% (104,200) 8.8% 7,135,000 82.2% AGENDA ITEM No.. ~ SEP 0 9 1998 Pg., 3L BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: COUNTY WATER/SEWER DISTRICT (408) Appropriation Unit Operating Departments: Administration Utilities. Gen. O/t4 Water Operations Sewer Operations Subtotal-Operations Tentative FY 99 FY 99 Changes Amended Budget Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget Change 581,100 9,900 591,000 1.7% 4,142,100 0 4,142,100 0.0% 8,534,500 42,400 8,576,900 0.5% 9,941,400 51,300 9,992,700 0.5% 23,199,100 103,600 23,302,700 0.4% Refunds/Loss/Misc. Resen'e-Contingency Re. sen'e-Capital Resen'e-Cash Flow Subtotal-Resort'cs 60,000 0 60,000 0.0% !,237,100 (103,600) i,133,500 -8.4% 7,339,100 (500,000) 6.839,100 -6.8% 2,185,000 0 2,185,000 0.0% 10,821,200 (603,600) 10.2 ! 7,600 -5.6% Transfers: To (410) Debt Svc 9,530,700 0 9,530.700 0.0% To (411) Wu' Imp Fee 0 0 0 N/A To (412) Water Cptl 3,000,000 500,000 3,500,000 16.7% To (413) Swr Imp Fee 0 0 0 N/A To (414) Server Cptl 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 0.0% To (510) DOR 0 0 0 N/A Subtotal-Transfers 14,530,700 500,000 15,030,700 3.4% Total Appropriations 48,551,000 0 48.551,000 0.0% Rc~'enues Operating Revenues: Administration 211,200 0 211,200 0.0% Utilities Gen. O/H 8,000 0 8,000 0.0% Water Operations 17,801,000 0 17,801,000 0.0% Sewer Operations 19.880,000 0 ! 9,880,000 0.0% Subtotal-Operations 37,900,200 0 37.900,200 0.0% R ei mb./Trans fers 185,500 ! 85,500 0.0% CarD.' Fonvard 11,680,500 0 11,680.500 0.0% Admin. Reimb. 0 0 0 N/A Interest/Misc. 650,400 0 650,400 0.0% Revenue R es e.n/e (1.865,600) 0 (1,86J,600) 0.0% Total Revenues 48,551,000 0 48,551,000 0,0% ...... ~ AGENDa, IIEM No.__ 2..,fi.---- BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: Water/Sewer Debt Service (410) Tentative FY 99 Changes Appropriation Unit Budget Increase (Decrease) Debt Service I 0,665,100 0 Issuance/Misc. 87,000 0 Tlr to Water Capital 0 0 Tlr to Sewer Capital 10,712,100 2,287,900 Transfer-Con. Officers 70,800 0 Reserve-Debt Service 10,222,400 0 Total Appropriations 3 i,757,400 2,287,900 FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 10,665,100 0.0% 87,000 0.0% 0 N/A 13,000,000 21,4% 70,800 0.0% 10,222,400 0.0% 34.045,300 7.2% Revenues Assessments Int. Assessments Princ. Transfers (408) Transfers (414) [nterest~lisc. Carry Fo~vard Bond Proceeds Loan Proceeds Revenue Reserve Total Revenues 713,300 836,600 9,530,700 0 400,000 9,662,200 0 10,712,100 (97,500) 31,757,400 0 2.287,900 0 2.287,900 0 713300 0.0% 0 836,600 0.0% 0 9,530,700 0.0% 0 0 N/A 0 400,000 0.0% 0 9,662,200 0.0% 0 N/A 13,000,000 21.4% (97,500) 0.0% 34,045,300 7.2% ! AGENDA I'[EM Appropriation Unit Transfer Water Capital P,'oj ect Expenditures Refunds/Misc. Reserves Total Appropriations Transfers (408) Transfers (412) System Development Fees Interest/Misc. Carry Fonvard Revenue Reserve Total Revenues BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (411) Tentative FY 99 Budget 0 4,773,600 95,000 4,553,800 9,422,400 FY 99 % Changes Amended Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget Change 0 0 N/A 901,300 5,674,900 18.9% 0 95,000 O.0% 904,300 5,458,100 19.9% 1,805,600 11,228,000 19.2% 0 0 3,000,000 344,400 6,261,900 (183,900) 9,422,400 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 900,000 3,900,000 30.0% 49,900 394,300 14.5% 908,000 7,169,900 14.5% (52,300) (236,200) 28.4% 1,805,600 11,228,000 19.2% AGEND_.A I~EM Nc).~ SEP 0 9 1998 BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY' 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: WATER CAPITAL (412) Appropriation Unit Project Funding Ine~Srect Cost Rei'unds/Misc. Transfers (411) Rescrvcs Total Appropriations Tentative FY 99 Changes B~udget Increase (Decrease) 7,384,000 2,062,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 _1,067,000 (628,300) 8,451,000 1,433,800- Rm'enues Transfers (408) 3,000,000 500,000 Transfers (41 I) 0 0 Developer Reimb. 0 0 Loan Proceeds 0 0 Grants 0 0 Interest/Misc. 285,000 48,800 CarD' Fonv~d 5,181,700 887,700 Revenue Re~ eryc (I 5,700) (2.700) Total Revenues 8,451,000 1,433,800 FY 99 Amended Budget Budget Ch,'mge 9,446,100 27.9% 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 438,700 -58.9% 9,884,800 17.0% 3,500,000 16.7% 0 N/A 0 NIA 0 N/A 0 N/A 333,800 17.1% 6,069,400 17.1% (18.400) 17.2% 9,884.800 17.0% AGEN~,,~ I~EM No. ~' ~ SEP 0 9 1998 Appropriation Unit Transfer Sewer Capital Project Expenditures Refunds&risc. Reserves Total Appropriations RCv'cnuc$ Loan Proceeds Transfers (408) System Development Fees Interest/Misc. CarD' Fonvard Revenue Reserve Totfl Revenues BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (413) Tentative FY 99 Budget 0 25,050,200 247,800 3,616,800 28,914,800 FY 99 % Changes Amended Budget Increase (Decrease) Budget Change 0 0 N/A 106,100 25,156,300 0.4% 0 247,800 0.0% 4,050,900 7,667,700 112.0% 4,157,000 33,071,800 14.4% 10,712,100 0 4,950,000 705,600 12,829,900 (282,800) 28,914,800 2,287,900 13,000,000 21.4% 0 0 N/A 800,000 5,750,000 16.2% 58.000 763,600 8.2% 1,054,000 13,883,900 8.2% (42.900) (325,700) 15.2% 4,157,000 33,071,800 14.4% AGENDA ITEM No._ ,, BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: WASTEWATER CAPITAL (414) Appropriation Unit Project Ftmding Indirect Cost Plan Refunds/Misc. Transfer Reserves Total Appropriations Revenues Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) 5,511,500 2,073,700 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 3,516,700 (1,828,700) 9,048,200 FY99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 7,585,200 37.6% 0 N/A 20,000 0.0% 0 N/A 1,688,000 -52.0% 245,000 9,293,200 2.7% Transfers (408) 2,000,000 0 Transfers (410) 0 0 Loan Proceeds 0 0 Grants 0 0 Interest/Misc. 368,400 12,800 Carry. Fom'ard 6,698,200 232,900 Revenue Reserve (18,400) (700) Total Revenues 9,048,200 2,000,000 0.0% 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 381,200 3.5% 6,931,100 3.5% (19,100) 3.8% 245,000 9,293,200 2.7% AGENDA ITEM No. ~ SEP 0 9 1998 pg. BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: MARCO WATER/SEgt~R DISTRICT (431) Appropriation Unit Personal Services Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Refunds Reser~'e$ Debt Sen'ice Total Appropriations Revenues. Sewer Revenue Assess ments Bond Proceeds Interest/Misc. CarD.' Fonvard Revenue Resen'e Total Revenues Tentative FY 99 Changes Budget Increase (Decrease) 77,800 2,400 511,000 0 227,000 0 0 0 131,300 (2,400) 0 0 947,100 0 FY 99 % Amended Budget Budget Change 80,200 3.1% 511,000 0.0% 227,000 0.0% 0 N/A 128,900 -1.8% 0 N/A 9.;7,100 0.0% 585,000 0 585,000 0.0% 22,000 0 22,000 0.0% 0 0 0 N/A 8,400 0 8,400 0.0% 362,400 0 362.400 0.0% (30,700) 0 (30,700) 0.0% 947,100 0 947,100 0.0% AGENDA IT.~-- M Appropriation Unit Personal Services Operating Ex'p crises Capital Outlay Reserves Debt Service Total Appropriations Reverllles BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: GOODLAND WATER DISTRICT (441) Tentative FY 99 Changes Budgel Increase (Decrease) 31,100- 1,800 265,300 0 0 0 365,500 (1,800) 10,000 0 6;/1,900 0 Water Rc-,'enue 276,000 0 Assessments I0,300 0 Transfer (412) 0 0 Interest/Misc. 19,900 0 CarD' Fonv,'u'd 381,000 0 Ra'enue Resen'e (I$,300) 0 Total Revenues 671,900 0 F~ 99 Amended Butlgct 32,900- 265,300 0 363,700 10,000 671 276,000 10,300 0 19,900 381,000 (15,300) 671,900 % Budget Change 5.8% 0.0% N/A -0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% N/A 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% AGENDA ITEM Nc). _~_.~;~ S EP 0 9 1998 pg._ Appropriation Unit Operating Ex'penses BUDGET RESOLUTION CHANGES TO THE FY 99 TENTATIVE BUDGET FUND: COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING (760) Tentative FY99 Budget Changes Inore. ase iT)em'ease) 0 $86,000 FY 99 Amended Bud8e! $86,000 % Budgc~ Change 0.0% Transfers Resins'es Total Appropriations Re'venue Ad Valorem Cm-ry Fonvard Interest Revenue Resen'e Total Revenue 17,000 29,200 632,200 480,100 167,400 9,200 (24,500) 632,200 0 100 I00 100 0 0 0 100 17,000 29,300 632,300 480,200 167,400 9,200 (24,500) 632,300 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% O.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% AGENDA ITEM No.~'~ ,~ SEP 0 9 1998 FY 99 Public Hearing Wrap-up List Isle of Capri Fire 24 Hour Coverage - To be phased in on January I, 1999. Goodland and Horr's Island Fire Protection - To be prmidcd via contractual service arrangement with the City of Marco tsland for $56,100. Based on actual cost, millage reduced in Collier Count), Fire from 2.000 milks to 1.7979 mills. 3. Productivity Committee Review of Motor Pool Capital Recovery Charges - Recommendation to maintain current practices. Productivity Committee Report on the Department of Revenue - Draft report completed. Full commince to review draft report on September 14, 1998. Resul~ will be available for the second public hearing on September 23, 1998. PARAB Review of City of Naples and Everglades City Park Capital Budget Requests. Requested BCC Tentative PARAB Variance Project Funding FY 99 Budget Recommendation (Budget & PARAB) Beach Ends $25,000 $25,00-0 $25,000 $0 Naples Landing $60,000 $60,000 $25,000 $35,000 The Edge $50,000 $0 $0 $0 Everglades City Skate $58,000 $0 Rink $50,000 ($50,000) If PARAB recommendations are approved, thc additional $15,000 in funding would be from Parks Capital (306) resen, es. 6. Status of $1,053,100 Contract with the City of Marco Island for Sheriff's Road Patrols No agreement reached to date. ' - 7. City of Naples Participation in the Artificial Reef Program - Too late to incorporate request into the FY 99 City budget. Proposal to be submitted for the FY 2000 budget. AGENDA ITEM No. SEP 0 9 1998 2 4. 5 6 7 9 10 11 17 2O 23 25 ~7 29 3O 34 ~5 .36 37 42 RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING TIlE TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATES FOR FY 1998-99. WtIEREAS, Scction 200.065, Florida Statutes, provides the procedure for fixing thc millage rates; and WI-IEREAS, Section 129.03, Florida Statutes, sets forth the procedure for preparation and adoption o£the budget; and WHEREAS, lhe Board of County Commissioners has received and extort;ned tile tentative budgets for each of the County's funds; and WHEREAS, on July 28, 1998, tile Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 98-260, approving the County's proposed millage rates and setting the public hearings For adoption of the tentative and final millage rates; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, an advertised public hearing wax held on September 9, 1998, to adopt the tentative millage rates. NOW, TttEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that tile FY 1998-99 Tentative Millage Rates as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby adopted as the Tentative Millage Rates for FY 199809, pursuant to Sections 129.03 and 200.065, Florida Statues. This Resolution adopted this second and majority vote. DATED: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk day of , 1998. after motion. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved a~ to form and legal sufficiency David C. We;gel ~1 County Attorney h:c'w/rcsolul~odY'TcnclnYc Mdl3~c/Lilts FY 1998-99 By:. BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman AGENDA I_.t. EM No. ,2. ~- S EP 0 9 1998 pg._ t. omer c. ounty, t'londa Property Tax Rates FY 99 Proposed Pollution Control i 14 0.0452 ~ 0.0430 Total Coun tv Wide Millage Rate 3.7265 3.5480 3.6015 1.5~ Road District 2 103 0.1028 0.0978 0.1163 18.9% Road District 5 106 0.3016 0,2862 0.2195 -23.3%, uninc°~ra/ecl Area General Fund 111 ' ·0.5721. ~., ~:: ,:;.;:.~ · 0 6774:: ....... 0.5887 -13,1% Golden Gate Community Center 130 0.3189 0.3005 0.2985 -0.7% Naples Park Drainage 139 0.1551 0.1455 0.0000 - 100.0% PtneRidge Industrial Park I'40 : : '. :': ' '0.0000 i::i ~: .~./ ~ ::0.0000 :: 0,1097 #NIA Victoria Park Drainage 134 0.2421 0.2370 0.1240 -47.7~ .Naples Production Park l-I 1 0.0290 0.0276 0.0372 34.8% Ochopee Fire Control 146 2.6053 2.5271 4.0000 58.3~ Radio Road Benuthfication 1 $0 0.5000 0.4842 0,5000 3,3% Lely Golf Estates Beautification 152 1.5000 1.4772 1.5000 1.5% Forest Lakes Roadway & Drainage MSTU 155 0.2457 0.2387 0.0000 -I00.0% Bayshore Avalon Beautification 160 0.0000 0.0000 3.0000 ~'NIA Park~ GOB De~t Sm-iCe 206 ., 0.0535 :: ...... ~:' 0,0510 .... 0.0495 -2.9% Marco Island Coastal Bench Renourish 207 0.0000 Wa 0.0000 #N/A Isles 0fCaPd MUtfi~Pal Rescue 244 · 50.2074.::? ! i12i:.' :: 0.1923: .... ii ::i. 0,1810 ?. ,Collier Count).' Lighting 760 0.2353 0.2275 O, 1886 -17. I% Marco Island Lighting 775 0.0564 n/a 0.0000 #N/A _~A~,F, NPoA ;TEM o Aggregate Millage Rate 4.4144 4,2030 ..~_v4 SEP 0 9 1998 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 RESOLUTION .NO. 98-_~ A RESOI,UTION ADOP'I'IiN'G TIlE AiMENDED TEN'FATIVE IIUDGE'I'S FOR FY 1998-99. WtIEREAS, Scctlon 200.065, Florida Statutes, provides thc procedure i'or Iixing thc millngc ralcs; and WI IEREAS, Scctiun 129.03, Flurhhl Sit, lutes, sets Iiorlh thc pruccdmc fi~r adoplion o£ thc budge(; and ",VItEREAS, die Board or' County Commissioners has r~ceived and examined Ibc lenlative budgets for c:,ch oF Ihc County's £unds; and WI tERI.!AS, on July 28, 1998, lhe Board oF County Commissioi~c:rs adopted Resolution No. 98-260, :'pproving the County's proposed millage rates and setting Zinc public hearings for adoption o£ thc final millage rates; and WHER.EAS, pursuant to Section 200.065, Florida Siatutcs, an advertised public hearing was held on September 9, 1998, to adopl Ihe lcntalive budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that ihe FY 1998-99 Tentative Budgcls as amended by the budge~ summaries altachcd hcrclo and incorporated herein, arc hereby adopted as lhe Tentative Budg¢ls for FY 1998.99, pursuani ~o Sections !:29.03 and 200.065, Florida Statues, as amended by Chapter 96-21 I, Laws of'Florida. This Resolution adopted this _ day o£ ..... , 1998, after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved as to form and legal sufficiency David C. Weigel - ff-~ -- County Atlorney h:ew/r~solulmn/~dopt~nll: ~mended t~nl~Ztv,~ b~tll¢ls FY 19911.99 By: BARBARA B. BERRY, Chairman AGENDA ITEM SEP 0 9 1998 P~.~ / Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1998-99 General Fund General Fund (00 I) 118,49 ! ,500 126,104,6011 6.4%i Constitutional Officer Funds Sheriff (040) 53,629,800 57,253,000 6.8% Tax Collector (070) 7,068,498 7,485,360 5.9% Subtotal Constitutional Officers 73,035,298 77,712,116{) 6.450 Special Rm'enue Funds MSTD Road Dist. 1 (102) 849,300 0 -100.0% MSTD Road Dist. 3 (104) I, 186,600 2.175.200 83.3%, :MSTDRoadDist. 5.:i "~ : (106) ' ·:.'.··389,800: :' : 414,600 6.4% Pollution Cleanup (I 08) 514,500 524.000 1.8% Pelican Bay Security (110) 339,100 364.900 ' 7.6% Comm. Development (113) 12~619 100 ' '14.815,100 17.4% Sheriff Grants (115) 194,700 823.300 322.9% Natural Resources Grants (!17) 27,600 27,000" -2.2% Parks & Recreation Grants (119) 215,000 222.500 3.5% SenSccs for Seniors (I 23) 0 91.700 N/A MetroPlanning-Nfl>O :.~" ' (126} 100,000 "100,000 · :.. 0.0% Library Grants (129) 0 68.800 N/,~ G:G. Comm. Center' · (130) 665,000 746,100 12.2% Marco I. Bcautification (131) 665,100 0 -100.0% Pelican Bay Uninsurcd Assets (133) 875,500 926.900 ' 5.9% .Vict0ria Pk.: Drainage. (I 34) 8,000 10,200 27.5% Westlakc Beautification (135) 0 0 ' N /A GiG. Pknv. Beautlflcafion ' (136) 282';700' 196,)00 .30.4% Naples Produetion Park ( ! 38) 8,600 8,500 - 1.2% NaP!es'park Drainage i:" ::: '" (I~9) ' .::56,500 ':' . 55, I00 -2.5% Pine Ridge Ind. Park Maint. (140) 28,300 30,800 8.8% NaPles'pr°d. Park Maint ' (141)' 10,3t}O ': 8,200 SEP 0 9 lgg8 9/9/1998 Item # 2F Page 3 missing from document Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1998-99 Capital Pmjects~xpendiiur~ Fun'ds ....... Wiggins Pass (304) 93,100 93,100 0.0% Libran, Cap. Improve ........ ' :-. .' ~s~um c~p (~ ~4) ...... 79,600 ........ 0 ..... '~m ~ch ' "' ' .............. (als) ......... 47,000 ..... o -do0.o% Clm Bay Rcst0mtion (320) 1,537,000 ............ 1,396,400 ...... . (325) 6,239,200 7 022.700 ..... 12.6% R°ad ImPact Dis~'i (331) ............. 8',8~:~'06 ........... 'J 1,~67.600 Road Impact Dis~ct'3 ...... (334) 1,804,000 ...... 1 340,300" '-25 7~ Road Impact Dis~ct 6 .... (338) ' ' i,443,400 ........ 2 226 000 ...... 542 mcg~unat r~s (345) 1,686,100 ' 15,382.~0 Dist 2. N N~I~ Pks " (362) 0 ' 0 N/A Dist 4, E. N~I~ Pks (364) 0 Dis~ 6. S. Napl~ Pks (366) 0 0 N/A Dist 7, U~EsL'P~ "' (36D :' 0 0 Naples/U~ Comm. Pk (368) 6.305.100 7,135.000 13.2% Subtotal Capital Funds 94.543.700 104.227.700 10.2% AGENDA ITEM No. :2 P $ E? 0 9 1998 Pg._ q Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1998-99 Entcrl~rise Funds W/S Debt S e-~'i ce (410) 22,553,300 34,045,300 Water Capitol Projec~ (412) 13,647,700 9,884,800 -27.6% S~V~ i~a~s ...... '.::~':': ·(4!3)': ::':~...~,~ :- 31,76s,~oo?f~:~; ..... aa,o~:,soo . - 4.:% Sewer Capitol Projec~ (414) 9,59 i, 100 9,293,200 -3.1% S~vcr ~ea "B" So. . (422) 0 0 N/A ~.W~.Dis~'~:: ::: ::.~': :': :': ." '::': .:':'~43i):::}]::~:~: :: :: 81~,800' ':": ' ' :947,100 ' ' ~00~:~ (~)h ~'S~'~ ..... ' ................. ...:.~.: ........ .. .: .. (44~) 65:50o 6~,9oo 3.o:~ S~V~'~a,B-".::.:'.'. :'." ' "" .(443)'::'::: ..::::':'::'$000 :::'" 0 -100.0% Solid Waste Disposal Solid Waste Grants M,"mdalory Collection -5.2% 5 i.0% (470) 20,342,300 24,092,700 ' 18.4~, (~7:)':::::'i: i:':5::1;~3o',~0o:.:.":.::i::'".4:STS,9o0."':"..:"' 5.4~ (472) 250.600 250.600 0.0% (473) 7,662,300 7,904, i 00 3.2% EMS 'ENjS Trust...... f490) . 8.001.600 9,487,400 18.6% ........ (4.91) 181,900 290,200 ..... Airport Author-iD. Operations (495)" 1,327,900 1,358.300 ' 2.3% Ail"pOI't At. lthOri .fy C~li~Ti''::::.............. (4903':ll:l'':l' :':l':':i,917,600:::!........ : ' ' [3,635~000 ":' '5 89,6% Subtotal Enterprise Funds 194.991,300 199,590,300 2.4"/o Internal Sen'ice Funds Inf°rmati0n Techn°!6gy :::' ::: :: :i: (505) iii :.!~: ::;!1~368,500 ~!'::: ··':::' :: ':" 0· ' Department of Revenue ' ' (517) 7,317,100 7,227,300 -1 w0/kbrs Co'earl°ri::'"( "' !'!': ':' ': "::(518)': :'!'7: :' "3,9i8,900 ':', ':" '::1,720,100 .... 20.4~/ Fleet Management OCPM Sublo,al lnlernai Sen'ice Funds (521) 2,273,900 (589) 3,784,300 . 2,319,900 2.0% 13,196'400lll ' 40.0% 3.597.400 -4.9% 26.134.100 26.649.300 2.0% AGENDA ITEM No. Z F SEP 0 9 1998 Collier County, Florida Summary of Budget by Fund Fiscal Year 1998-99 Trust and Agency Funds OAC Trust-Land (605) ........ 3~:.1.'15'6~ .......................... ~'~,i~J6 .................. i.~'7% Laxv Enforcement Trust (608) 68,900 15,000 -78.2% L~mry Trust Fund (612) 29,200 40.900 40. I'% Law Library (641) 0 ............. · . 100,800 N/A Court Administration (681) 0 3,210.600 N/A Subtotal Trust Funds 2.277,200 5.885.400 158.4~, Lighting District Funds c°llier cnty: Lighting :'! NapleS' P'i:0ductior~ MarCo'lslind: :: ::ii :::::::?:::::::::::: :: · ".: (775)751: .:': ':::i 7205,700'~.': :~!' ':!:!':' : "0 ': ' ilO0,O~ Pelican Bay Lighting - (778) 684,200 704,700 3.0W,, Subtotal Lighting Districts 1,545.000 1.369.100 -11.4~ Total Budget by Fund 608,084.298 642,888.160 5.7% Less: Internal Services :. ::ii "5: :::.::: :.:: 21,915,900:,: :::..22,215,100 ' '~: 1.4% Interfund Tran~ers :' '::::' : .... :: ;: ::: 1 I8,554,300 ' 128,617,400 8.5% Net County Budget 467,614,098 492.055.660 5.2~ ] AGENDA ITEM No. .7.. /= S EP 0 9 1998