Agenda 03/14/2017 Item #16A1303/14/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to grant final acceptance of the private roadway and drainage improvements for the final plat of Isla Del Sol at Fiddler’s Creek, Application Number S/D 99-23, with the roadway and drainage improvements being privately maintained; acceptance of the plat dedications, and authorizing the release of the maintenance security. _____________________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (Board) grant final acceptance of the improvements associated with the Isla Del Sol at Fiddler’s Creek plat, accept the plat dedications, and release the maintenance security. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) On February 1, 2001, the Growth Management Department granted preliminary acceptance of the roadway and drainage improvements in Isla Del Sol at Fiddler’s Creek. 2) Roadway and drainage improvements will be maintained by the project’s homeowners association. 3) Required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code (LDC). Staff has inspected the improvements and is recommending final acceptance. 4) A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by the County Attorney's Office. The resolution is a requirement of Section 10.02.05 C.3 of the LDC. (A copy of the document is attached). 5) This project is within the Fiddler’s Creek/Marco Shores DRI, which has been found to be in substantial compliance. FISCAL IMPACT: The roadway and drainage improvements will be maintained by the project's homeowners association. The existing security in the amount of $65,836.75 will be released upon Board approval. The original security in the amount of $512,110.50 has been reduced based on the previous work performed and completed pursuant to the terms of the Construction and Maintenance Agreement dated September 28, 1999. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality, and requires a majority vote for Board approval. - SAS RECOMMENDATION: To grant final acceptance of the roadway and drainage improvements in Isla Del Sol at Fiddler’s Creek, Application Number S/D 99-23, and authorize; 1. The Chairman to execute the attached resolution authorizing final acceptance of the improvements and acceptance of the plat dedications. 2. The Clerk of Courts to release the maintenance security. Prepared By: John Houldsworth, Senior Site Plans Reviewer, Development Review Division 16.A.13 Packet Pg. 442 03/14/2017 ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Location Map (PDF) 2. Resolution (PDF) 3. Construction and Maintenance Agreement (PDF) 16.A.13 Packet Pg. 443 03/14/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.13 Doc ID: 2683 Item Summary: Recommendation to grant final acceptance of the private roadway and drainage improvements for the final plat of Isla Del Sol at Fiddler’s Creek, Application Number S/D 99-23, with the roadway and drainage improvements being privately maintained; acceptance of the plat dedications, and authorizing the release of the maintenance security. Meeting Date: 03/14/2017 Prepared by: Title: Site Plans Reviewer, Senior – Growth Management Development Review Name: John Houldsworth 02/02/2017 6:49 AM Submitted by: Title: Project Manager, Principal – Growth Management Department Name: Matthew McLean 02/02/2017 6:49 AM Approved By: Review: Growth Management Department Judy Puig Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 02/02/2017 11:15 AM Growth Management Development Review Brett Rosenblum Additional Reviewer Completed 02/08/2017 10:07 AM Growth Management Development Review Chris Scott Additional Reviewer Completed 02/10/2017 8:51 AM Growth Management Department Matthew McLean Additional Reviewer Completed 02/13/2017 5:41 PM County Attorney's Office Scott Stone Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 02/14/2017 3:02 PM Growth Management Department Jeanne Marcella Level 2 Division Administrator Completed 02/21/2017 3:30 PM Growth Management Department James French Additional Reviewer Completed 02/22/2017 4:12 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 02/22/2017 8:12 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 02/27/2017 1:55 PM Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 02/28/2017 4:40 PM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 03/05/2017 10:02 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 03/14/2017 9:00 AM 16.A.13 Packet Pg. 444 16.A.13.a Packet Pg. 445 Attachment: Location Map (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) 16.A.13.b Packet Pg. 446 Attachment: Resolution (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) 16.A.13.b Packet Pg. 447 Attachment: Resolution (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) 16 A4 lrf4- Documcnt Prepared By: Mart J. Woodwsrd, Esquire \l/oodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A 801 l,surel Oak Drivc, Suite 710 Naples, FL 34108 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT rOR SUBDIVISION IIt{PROYEM ENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCEAGREEMENTFOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVAt aay rcfcncd to as "Dcveloper", and thc Board ofCounty Commissioners ofCollier County, Florid4 hereinaf,er refcned to as "The Board". RECITALS l. Developer has, simu)taneously with the delivery of this Agrcement, applied for thc approval by thc Board of a certain p)at of subdivision to be known as: "lsla del Sol at iddler's Creek" , of PRIOR TO RECORDING OF PLAT AGREEMENT cnrered inro rhis 1999 between 951 Land Holdings Joint Venture hereinaller Division 1.2 of thc Collier County Land Development Code allorvs thc Developer to post appropriate S,uarantees for tls construction of thc improvemcnts rcquircd by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to bc incorporated in a bondcd agreernent ior thc construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinaficr set forth, Developer and t}e Board do hereby convenient Bnd agree as follows: I. Developer rvill cause to bc constructcd \yater, sewcr, Ltorm server, roads, la.,rdscaping and irrigation improvemcnts wiriin 36 monrhs from rhe dsre ofapproval ofsaid subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafler relerred to as the required improvements. 2. Developcr hcrewirh tenders its subdivision performancc sccurity (attached hercto as Exhibit'A ') and by referencc madc a part ofin thc amount ofS5l2,I 10.50 which amount represcnts l0olo of the tota.l contract cost lo complete construction plus 100% of thc estimate cost ofro complere the required improvements al the date of dris Agreement. 3. ln the event of default by the Developer or failure of thc Developer to completc such improvement within the time required by the Land Developmeot iode, Collier County, may call upon thc subdivision performance security to insurc sarisfactory completion ir- the re4uired improvements. 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 448 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) 16 A4 ffi The required improvements shall not be considercd complete unlil a statcmcnl of substantial complction by Dcveloper's engincer along with lhc final projcct rccords havc been fumishcd to be revicwcd and approved by the Dcvelopmcnl Scrvices f)irector for compliance with the Collicr County Land Devclopmcrl Codc. The Development Scrvices Director shall, wirhin sixty (60) days of receipr of thc statement of substantial completion, either: a) notr$ the Dcvelopcr in wiring of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) nolify the Dcvclopcr in writing ofhis refusal to approve the improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of thc improvcments However, in no event shall the Developer Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submittcd for approval in accordance with lhe requirements of this Agreemcnt. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period ofone yea! aller preliminary approval by the DevcJopmenl Scrviccs Director. Afler the one ycar maintenance period by the Developer has tcrminatcd, rhe De,,.clopcr shall pclition the Devclopment Serrrices Director inspect the improycmcnls. The Development Serviccs Director or his designee shall inspcct the improyements and, if found to bc slill in compliance with Collier County Land Dcvelopment Code as rcl'lectcd by final approval by the Board, tle Boud shall release the l0% subdivisron pcrformance security. The Developer's responsibiliry for maintenance ofthe required improvemcnts shall conlinue urtless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for the Counry. Six (6) months afler thc exccution ofthis Agreement and once witlrin every six (6) monrhs therealler the Developer may request the Developmcnt Services Director to reduce lhe dollar arnount of the subdivision performanc€ security on the basis of work completcd. Each request for the reduction in the dollar arnount of the subdivision performance security shall bc accompanied by a statement ofsubstantial completion by the Developer's cngineer together with the project records nccessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development SeMces Director may grant the reguest for a reduction in tlre an:ount of ihe subdivision performsnce security for the improvements completed as of the dale of the request. In the cvent thc Developer shall fail or neglect lo fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certificatron ofsuch farlure,lhe County Administtalor maycall upon th€ subdivision performance security to securc satisfactory complction, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall haYe the riSht to cotstrucl and maintain, or cause to be construcled and maintained, pursuant lo Public advenisemcnt and receipt ofacceptance ofbids, thc improvements required hcrein. The Devclopcr, as priucipal under the subdivision perlormance securiry, shall be liable to Pay and lo indemniS the Board, upon completion ofconstruction, the final cost to thc Board thereof, including but not limited to, enginccring, lcgal and contingenl costs, together witl aav s 6. 8. 4. 7. 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 449 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) 75A4 # damagcs, either direct or conseguential, which thc Board may sustain on account of the failurc of the Developer to carry out all of the provisions of the Agreement. 9. All of terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are arrd shall be binding upon thc respectivc successors and assigns ofthc Developer. IN WfINESS WHEREOF, thc Board and Developer have caused this Agrecment to be executed by their duly authorized representatives this 47 day of 5a Alannh*r . 1999. Signed. Scaled and Dclivered in the prescncc of:951 Land Holdings Joint Venture BY; Cu By tf IOO, LTD eral BY Aubrey .r 'resident (et A.{fr^"BY: Parcel , lnc. or T19ed Name) BY -A,ltiltl<t J Carthy, @rinted orTlged Name) Board of County Commissioners E.Broch Clerk of Collier Florida BY: P ame la S. Mac'Ki t to Chrlrrln'r Chuirperson,,)! o0l J. form and legal suffrciencyar to k Collier County Attomey l^roltEa'iIl'rrrr^-at!.t (l vt rf, , I Attcst: 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 450 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) fitrF- (1.1. d.r so 1) PERFORMANCE BOND eond | 3500O0S8 KNOW ALL PERSONS aY THESE PRESENTS: rhar 95I LAND HOLDTNOS JOINT VENTURE. a Floridl gcncral panncrsfiip 4001 Tarniami Trlil Nodh. Suir. J50 Naplci, FL 34103 (hcrainaflcr rcfcrrcd to al "Own.r") and GREENWCH TNSURANCE CO[,IPANY 160 t ater st, 15th FI. Nsr.r York,NY IOO]8 (hcrcinancr rcfcncd to aJ "Surcty") NOw' THEREFOR-E, ifthc Owocr rhallwcll.lruly and feirhfulty pcrfom its obliBationr rnd d!tics in accord.ncc rvirh Ihc Land Dcvrlopmcnt Rctulations durinS the Surranry pcriod cstablishcd by the County, and rhc Owncr shall srri!fy .ll cl.imr snd dcmands incuncd and 5hal' fully indrmnify and ravr haihl!3s thc Counry from and aBainst ill costs and dam6Bcs which il mty su flcr by rcrson ofOwncr's failurc ro do ro,.nd shall ,eimbursc and r.pay thc County all oullay and cxpcnsc which thc Colnty m.y incut in makint Sood rny dcliulr, rhcn this obliB.rion sh!ll bc void, othcrwisc lo ..main in full forcc and cflccl, PROVIDED, FT RTHER, thrt thc s!id Surcty, for vsluc.cc.ivcd hcrcby, .lipulatcs snd.grccs thal no chan8c. artcnsion oflimc. altcralion, :dd ilion or dclction to the propo3cd spccific improv.mqntt rhall in rny way aflcct ils obligltion on lhis Bond, and il doas heraby waivc nolice oflny iuah ch.ngc, axt.nsion oftimc, ahcralion, rddition or dclction lo thc p.oposad spcci[c improvcn:cnls. PROVIDED FURTHER, lhat it is cxprcssly ltrccd thsl lhc Bond shrll bc dccm.d rmcod.d lulomrtiasliy and immcdirtcly, without formrl , d scparalc amandmcnlr hcrclo, so is lo hind rhc Owncrlnd thc Surcly lo tlrc fullrnd frilhful pcrformgncc in accordancc rvirh lhc Laod Dcvclopnrcnt Rcgulition!. Thc lcml "Amc.!dmcnt, ' whcncvca uicd in this Bond, lnd whcthcr rcfcrirB to thir Bond, or olhcl documcnts shall inciuda Bny ahcr!tion, addilion or modificrtion olrny chai.crcr whalsocvar. r.c hcld ard firmly bound unro Collicl County, Florida, (h.,c i[!r]cr r. fcrrcd to !s..Counry',) in th. lotal .88r.84t. sum of Five Hundrcd Trrclvc Thousand Onc llundrcd Tco aDd 5O/l0O DolleE (S5:2.1 10,50) in hwful moncy offt. U[ir.d Stalc5, for rhc psym.nr of*hich ,um *,cll srd lruly lobc mnda. wc hind ourscly.!, our h.irs,.lccutor!, adminirtratoB, Successori and aasigns, jointly and scvcrally, nrmly by lhcsc pr6Ents. Owncr ard Sur€ty arc uscd for sinBular or plutal, ,s thc cont!xt rcquircs. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is iuch thal wh.r.as, rh. Owncr har s!bmilcd for .pprov.l by thc Borrd a ccflaio lubdivisioo pllt nanrcd lsl. dcl Sol VillaSc.nd thal crrlain subdivision rh.ll includc sp.cilic improvcnlcnts which arc requircd by Collicr County Ordi[lnccs End Rcs.lulions (hr..inallcr"Lard Dcvclopmcnr Rcglllatio'r5'). Thisoblig.tionoflhrsurctyshall comm.nccon thc datc this Bond ir cxccutcd and rhall continu. until thc datc of fin.l acccplancc by tha Boaad of County Commissioncrs of thc spcrific improvcmcnrs i.lcscribcd in lh. Lrnd Dcv.lopmcnr RcSularions (h€r.itialcr (hc'Curranly P.riod"). 1,6 A4 Et*Y,r A Pagc I off, ) 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 451 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) Jffi- IN WITNESS WHEREOE. th. D8rli.! harElo !.vc c.utcd cxcxlrtd $i. -122!Laai ot TTnt/vl thir PERFORMANCE BOI{D to bc , 1999 15 A4PRINCIPAL: 95I LAND IiOLDINGS JOINT VENTURE, a Flo,ida Bcncral parlnc.'hip WTNESSES: B.yr GUI,F BAY 100, t,TD,. Florid. Linrilcd Panncrship, r P!flncr By OULF BAY 100, Irc., r Floridr Corporalioo, its Crncral P6rtncr, o,l bchelfof tlrc p.(ncrship and its.lf By: F crrao,Ptctid.nt and not i vidually By: PARCEL Z, lNC., a Florida corporalion, a parlncl kl ,\,Lt \,li \ D. SaIt!r.6 Byr J,M hy, .r Prcaid.t and nol indi Ily SURETY: GRIENWICH INSURANCE COMPANY n Y Namc: S.ott Adam! TiLlc: Altomcy-in-Fact l.A fhffi r*.'*' _L:-!lggl-- ^*.--ZJ/Z-- €lk b, h /\ P.gc ! of? gr4 C 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 452 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) 16 A4 lJfiT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ,,,,,,fl",-f".fi 'l:J:],Tff il#:i",iliH'i;l ::i":" ;:#."1,:';fu ".,,, ^,, ",p.rtn.! of CulI lay 100, l.d,, a perrn.r of 95t Lrnd Holdin8. Jolnr v.ntur.. p.nncBhip. Hc rs pcrsonatty known to mc.nd did not talc an oalh. Jffillffi:Notrry Public Commission No My Commisiion Expircs STATE OF NEW YORX COUNTY OF NEW YORK Thc forcgoing inslrumcnl 1vas acknoelcd bcforc rhis J. McCanhy. Prcsidcnt ofPARCEL .lLday of (sEAL) f€(d. sse,,o, oflhc corporstion., !grrtr.! of 951 L.nd ltoldlnaa Jolnt V.ntur., idcntilic.tion and did nol tlkc an olth. , lNC.. on bchrlf nLA llta* NamcJOml l. ttrnlllIrdt{ Puut. sr,a.t xrr Yrt' 116. D2rllaaf:Ll "9*J:f,I.Y;ir:1,1i.1fl, Norary Public Commission No My Commission Expi.cr: Oo this:lL_ day of se?,'Gl.Atrir{L , 1999, bcforc mc personally camc SCOTT A-DAMS, who is known ro ,nc, or who has produccd r drivc/3 liccn.c lh Atl,l I Li v /yo? t;oL )|s id.ntific.lion, who b.ing duly iwom by mc did dcposc .rd s.y tha t nc rrr'fr.;s n nArO,iia,Ar.\ , th.l hc is A(om.y-in-F&l ofGrcrnwich lnsliancc Company. thc corporation d..cribcd in.nd which cxccurrd this inslrumcnt;tharhE lnow! rhcscal o f raid corporerion; that thc.c.l .llixcd to sajd in5ldmcnl is ruch corporalc scal; thal it w.s 50 amxed by ordc, ofthc Boad cfDircclo6 of s3id corpo.stioni and lhal thr liabilirics ofs.id Comp.ny do nol rxc.ad its s5sct, IJld STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK rsca.t.inrd in lhc mrnncrprovidcd in Scctioo l8j oflhc Insurancc Lawt ofthc Coniolidstcd Lawr oflhc Sralc ofNcw York Notart Public E\h.b.r A (SEAL) haplci l-1 *ea f lusERJ1wANDA\f IOD!Ei5\ttLA\,ERrO$r DNO Prgc ! of$I 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 453 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) v GREETIW|CH TNSURANCE COMPANY 1 . POWER OF ATIORUEY ffi ll*ft }#.*Fil*:#ffi 1"fi !ffi ffi .*mffi coo'uro''co"r',r &l+{- rrt olbr r O'r C.ritr h4 c.-*[tt: Ncw Yqrk -16trk.*..,...rr .n(!ra rJx, ,rtad !r i Llrd r dtrrdd lEi*Tt dd:.'d66'" - ofi'a,r rr'r tqr. t,rs&c W on{..r.rr! r,! U !n !irlrd|lrtrlpr ,!rid.q r,.F; ni ,.ld rio,,|Y{r.to.td { !... .. Cd..r lltt'a.l lror rj. c{,Fn'bni rj,ji;;;; d;il; ,,+,.i.#r. i;ii} -t z mJ;Slf***t!'.ro.,ndOhdo..ri.rrr..d..{,..$,d,r&t&lr!..ro.ma,cJ,rrIn..r.txl'.r|.d, c lttorlrr ricdqt ar.gtra !' i. a.&t or oqii.l: !t fi c.rEld., !, ui.rrtl.t,. yrd, c.,.|,r _ l.!r&{ lL llt *r. !G! '!Er.{.h tllttctott t h lorrt ot 0t Eqr., ir 'llr& 4rlt c.t ( &r i.{..lAnn !t,!r d&l to sy 16 -a. o1 or rrt trl]lrt nIlm trdo !ltr. luturi rti l.rD.d io ll, ta,i ,l tl*r-,0.r 'n t'll . .. "rn"n". ll. , ... , a G.rna.i Ce6k,,I iF ra rdl Gitlxrror lrsuruEt coprrY ftsrl(qol.l,*,il,h$,,a",rANdt\finE t cnwlch J i'\Juno 99 Mlry A. Roddy, Vlc6 Prs3idsnr .... It nI {r}.r. ! I Vlcd*tidtrlo rl.'r rr llr avr, .to.lr Ca a.raa t! .., o.t (tli. ,arh h ' i. rao|r 116|rl lt tr (r)L ri{6 & 9r ot trL trn tf r.{ lnrl E !|J! hltllllxln t .l 0&Irmcx &!|ium|tr{ Corrr,nttlcla..F.rt t .t itra! t r.r ro rrn nat?ft!o.. rrlll h.t lr,lx tI| ( i!{i{i.a tudo t Sutsn Gr!cnwich C€RTIfICAIE My Co.nm slon €rzl3ugg 4* m[ ccxcrtsut AIJIII O' 'IISfETD, Frran M, Mrncntr lft arr.rroi lr!. rcqrdo..I !!r.!,..rriif, ASsi5tant Socrotory or cAttXtlcx ,tsrnlxc! Clt lrt l.lL r. rtlul,.r C.!s,rr ohiLi tu to,rot E. iFtar.lBr.0 c-, !t rorrll or rg,r io.i. hrqry 1rr dury .!rc!ut 6 a.rt.t at c!Ft!.n .rd tlt ,Et 'nr. !6r ..nld rErr.d !. Eci.c !\, !t0r ir..1rr. rtl{ r,l.! h. rtttr Ir I b!. w t.r*t c47 or trl. ongru eo, a u"rw ,,t iii ;Eiliii .] irl -ori t !l. lo!'( ot Dfaton 3tlnr coo.nDoi r !iri,! a, afi r{ tx{ oi tfi I t!ar,,ltt r.rdl&at i va .lct rha. t r riclr( 194 ,.rc Lr t r&t{ 5 rt.3art. r.J |oa sir |, ri6tfl d!.r ccFer rry d rEt. u!.enE '.0a08r la.rr::., ,.r lury. ( iln. 'I liort4lr lrli.c rlon a rllnrtld h irdd rrm.ti.h.Id tc tx ,orr.!. c,i*xrl rrl.l i!, t{[q r,{ d*rq x.d, rrtllrrrl' E&d on lit cl !t Ca.,oai.n ' I ., I ff f*rUr.. irrrc ,|l| O. .trit ,ucr@ & tru. rrr| 00116 ..9i.r C r*ii!3 |r r |tta.a r{ !t tir rnol ,r,|lt .-r i' 1. 'I , rl?.... I uc., SEAL BY E!!hrl 'di-rir ,i.,,,., ,Nrw York fmfs;ffC.rr'rr.r,rr.rrrutrr.rid,l.c.eor.,."r,|....?!h...,.,.9"i....99Pgg.{qhg.{... , .x",,(04*#J.Jh,fvwiLu.fu ... -[1r.,u,t AI ol9 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 454 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) 6lEEr{lytcx ,xsullllcE coflP taY ST TUTORY IIAT!,.ETT OI ADMTrIEO ^SS:'!.Lll![IflES, CAPtt^L AXO SURPIUg D.!.h!.. !r, r99t J.* LltDlllll.,76 A4 tr t11,0.t,765 il lcd. slul{.tn ti.aliaitt t32,520.0.S i00,m0 t,&2.023 r.Fl.32 r a,.6 t.t22 toarl liv..l.d lr..ir 32.620.9.5 Ior.t(rrbIttr..25.010 6t3 Cslt 10.2r!,IJa C.rfid ...1 SurDlut Call.l rtocl r.otl.9llt fcl{. bdG.. t udrcad qfitt n 1.55!.r@ fira h-d by d 6.r6ltc,iir naatrallca co.noa.r|r Tor.l C.pit.l.6d Surplur 21.9r5,653 R*.lr.rp raagrraara dr baa r'!, lia .<1. .lrnr. p.rrr.tr !,lr !,3c. r.5tr,llr ,l t.03 r.Ja6,al! t5 r.206 a!2 722.056 Aaq\rad hl-aal and dvU.nda 26.196.019 odr dnll.d ru.lr Teld A&l!.<l A...t! lot.l Ll.blrlrt... Crpltrl ..d gsrrtu.!5r 20a 652 I J.f! A rrydlgt \rba Prt|lhn! ,|d Coarolr .l Gr..l*rat hr{rmc. Cohrrty . (t,!. 'CrDo..Uoo') donr$, c.d, r|.| b !r. !..1 oa my ldrLd!|. .r'd !.lhl. th. lo..!oh! h r tul rd !u. S!.Mdy Sr. r.m.6t ca Lt tlad Lr.E. tbon!.t. Crraal r.{ SrrDlJt ol $. Co.po..llo6. r, ol O.c.6D.r !1. 199{t. g..ov.d h adro.r , iih aaac,neD F.cL.a ,.ar.r5.d o. ,amll.d tI lL l,l.ur.n . O.!r.thr.l ol llr. SI.t. olCfu1 fh k rfEliC aLLfiad ,rEsE ,Et !. hlan a, a so,id.t. rl.t ,r1!,{ ol lharrial co.r,iuon ot [l.Ct (.rno6. SrEt . rLl.ftnl b D.laDb u9o.r sllr trqr.rl rl ,[ Co.pa.allo.! !.laa]9, otlca loaalad .l Or. 6.r.dkn Hr:t- Gr..lr*lch. Coardla,l O6!Jtl. tl llntlllSa lItlEnEOf, I llrl. lrixro a.l rty i.^d rna rnr.<l ul. r.rlol ur. Cdldrlblr.r Gr...{t n C.inaclqrt, 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 455 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) t Prepared for: 951 Land Holdings Joint/Venture Prepared by: Q. Grady Minor & Associates, P.A. Civil Engineers r Land Surreyors r Ptanners 3800 Via Del Rey Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 (941) 947-1t44 (941) 947-037s April, 1999 FIDDLER'S CREEK PARCEL 9 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 456 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) Cubic Yard 8,100 $6. PARCEL 9 BID SCIIEDULE'A" CLEARING AND EARTHWORK The developer will have cleared, grubbed, filled and compacted the site prior to the sitecontractor taking control ofthejob site. The developer will prepare the site with the final roughfinish grade equal to 5.0'+ NGVD. The site contractor shall then be responsible forconstructing the building pads, roads, berms, swales with imported clean sand material. A-1. Imported off-site clean sand fill including placement and compaction of fill to constructthe building sites, roadways, berms, swales and other areas as depicted on the plans and/or designated by the Engineer in the field, including compaction testing in roadway areas, per cubic yard truck measure. Unit Quantity Unit price Total price $48 A-2. Construct silt fence and maintain in place until completion of construction per plan anddetails per lineal foot installed. Unit L,F. Quantity 5,850 Unit Price Total Price F:FIDCREEK\FC9.PLT $_-225_$ 13.163 Total Bid Schedule ,Au $__61J6:l__ 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 457 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) Furnishing and handling of all required materials, dewatering, bedding material (if necessary), rockremoval and disposal off-site (if necessary), installation, backfilling, compaction,'compaction testingin roadway areas, final grading, coordinating with other contractors and utility companies, flushing,clean-up, seeding of all area disturbed by construction, repair of any damage L"ur"i uy constructionand other items necessary to complete the system and provide the owner -with a complete workingdrainage system as shown on the drawings and specified on these contract documents. DESCRIPTION 15'RCP 18'RCP I,INIT OUANTITY L.F. 100 L.F. 970 EA. 8 PARCEL 9 BID SCIIEDULE "B'' DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LTNIT PRICE TUTALMICE $19 $__t 90a__ 23 $2 .310$ Catch Basin FDOT Type "C" Catch Basin FDOT Type "E" B-5 Construct rear lot line swales as shown B-7 B-8 8" x 12" Tee B-9 10" Inline drain w/adaptors B-10 18" Flared End Total Bid Schedule "8" $ 8' SDR-35 PVC L.F. including bends and fitting to coffiect to yard drains 2,190 12' sDR-3s PVC L.F. 470 $960 7.680 $ 2EAB-4 3EA EA EA $10 $ 3.800 $_2L900_ 5. B-6 $12 $ $ $ $ $ r20 360 18 385 6 930 $ FTFIDCREEK\Fc9.PLT 76,920 4 600 ITEM B-1 B-2 B-3 s $-_2-000_ $_4.000 L.S. 1 $__2-480__ 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 458 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) PARCEL 9 BID SCIIEDULE'C'' SANITARY SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM Includes furnishing and handling of all required materials, connection to other pipelines, all excavation (including rock and over-excavation if necessary), de-watering, bedding material (if necessary), pipeline installation, back filling (imported fill if necessary), compaction, compaction tesring in roadway ireas, televised tape, infiltration and exfiltration testing, flushing, grouting, clean-up ineluding resodding areas previously sodded, seeding all areas disturbed by construction, providing complete as-built driwings and other items necessary to complete the system and provide Owner, DEP and Collier County with a complete working sewage collection system as shown on the drawings and specified in these contract documents. ITEM DESCRIPTION IINIT OUANTITY I]NIT PRICE TIIALIRICE c-1 8 " Gravity Sewer 0'- 6'cut c-2 8" Gravity Sewer 6'- 8'Cut C-3 Manhole 0' - 6' Cut C-4 Manhole 6' - 8' Cut c-5 6" Double sewer services C-6 6" Single sewer servlce C-'7 Sanitary sewer Pump station Complete per pump station detail sheet and Collier County requirements c-8 4" C900, CL150 PVC force main C-9 4" MJ bends Total Bid Schedule "C" $ L.F. 850 t4 EA. EA. EA. EA. EA. 5 3 1.35 6 $____378__$2.2 I L.F. 1 $200 $8 9.600 EA F:FIDCREEK\FC'I,PLT 107.170. 10 L.F. 800 $ 16 $12_800._ $____19_ s $--48390- $ 48.4e0 $___l.590_ $____ 385_ $ 16.1s0 $ 6.750 $ 4.770 $__L390__ $ 100 $ 1.000 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 459 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) Includes furnishing and handling of all required materials, joint resffaint, thrust blocks, connection to other pipelines, all excavation (including rock and over-excavation if necessary), de-watering, bedding material (if necessary), pipeline installation, back filling (imponed fill if necessary), compactionl compaction testing in roadway areas, pressure testing, disinfecting pipelines, - flushing, .l.ur-up including resodding areas previously sodded, seeding all areas disturbed -by construction, providing complete as-built drawings and other items necessary to complete the system and provide the Owner, DEP and Collier County with a complete working water distribution system as shown on the drawings and specified in these contract documents. ITEM DESCRJPTION D-l 8" C-900 cL150 PVC Water Main D-2 8', C-900 CL200 PVC Water Main D-3 S" Inline Gate Valve D-4 BSV (Permanent) D-5 Connect to Existing L.S. 8" Water Main (two locatiors) including jumper assembly and temporary meter PARCEL 9 BID SCHEDULE UD'' WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM I.'NIT OUANTITY LINIT PRICE IOTALTRICE L.F. 3,000 $12 $36.000 L.F. 100 EA EA 3 1 1 $007 D-6 D-7 D-8 3" Water Service Conduit Fire Hydrant Assembly Bends & Fittings EA. EA. EA.37 7 Total Bid Schedule "D" g F:FIDCREEK\FC9,PLT 60.24s $-----13-- $ 1.300 $ 730 $_2.190 $___l0o_ $ 1.800 $____L800_ $___lss_ $____!-800_ $ 1.6e0 $lLE30__ $ 12s $_1625_ I t2 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 460 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION Roadway construction complete per Collier County specifications including compacted fill, stabilized subgrade, stabilized shoulder, limerock base, tack coat, asphaltic con"r"ie, required testing by an independent laboratory, roadside grading for full width of righrof-way and easemints, finish graiing, seeding, mulch and I foot strip of Floritam sod at edge of valley gutter. E-1 172 " Asphalt (2 314"-Type S-3 Lifts) E-2 8" Limerock Base E-3 12" Stabilized Subgrade E-4 24" Valley Gutter E-5 Type "A" Curb E-6 1'Sod E-7 Seed & Mulch E-8 12" Stop Bar E-9 Signage, all signs and sign posts as shown on the plans E-10 Reflective pavement markers E-ll Sreet Lights, complete (See Pelican Electric Plans) E-13 Connect to existing E-14 Conduit LINIT PRICE IUTALTRICEUNIT OUANTITY s.Y. 8,125 s.Y. 8,12s s.Y. 9,520 L.F. s,600 L.F. 900 L.F. 6,500 AC 3.6 L.F.2 Lump Sum Lump Sum EA 16 L.S $5.00 $40.62s 2.00 19.040 4.35 $_24J6A_ 7.300 0.20 $l-300__ $ 6.444 $50.00 $3.50 $28.4 38 $ $ $ 1.790. $1 1.200.$00 $ 1s0 $1 I $ $ 2.500.$500 L.S.1 $ Total Bid Schedule'E" $ 159.458 F:FIDCREEK\FC9.PLT 5.000.000 PARCEL 9 BID SCIMDULE iIE' ITEM DESCRJPTION $__!-500-40_ $ 24.000 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 461 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol) BID SCHEDULE SIIMMARY Clearing and Earthwork Drainage Improvements Sanitary Sewage Collection System Water Distribution System Roadway Construction SCHEDULE'A", SCHEDULE'B', SCHEDULE'C', SCHEDULE'D', SCHEDULE'E" 61.7 76. $1o7.77 0 $ 60.24s $ 159.457 $46s.TOTAL BID F:FIDCREEK\FC9,PLT 16.A.13.c Packet Pg. 462 Attachment: Construction and Maintenance Agreement (2683 : Subdivision Final Acceptance Isla Del Sol)