Agenda 03/14/2017 Item #16A 303/14/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve final acceptance and unconditional conveyance of the potable water and sewer utility facilities for Logan Boulevard North Extension, PL20150001518, and to authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to release the Utilities Performance Security (UPS) and Final Obligation Bond in the total amount of $52,276.51 to the Project Engineer or the Developer’s designated agent. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners, as Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve final acceptance and unconditional conveyance of these potable water and sewer facilities and release the Utilities Performance Security and Final Obligation Bond in the amount of $52,276.51, in accordance with the Collier County Utility Standards and Procedures, Ordinance No. 2004-31. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) The Developer of Logan Boulevard North Extension, has constructed the potable water and sewer facilities entirely within the County’s right-of-way. 2) Preliminary acceptance of these utility facilities was approved by the Development Review staff on August 27, 2015. At that time, the value of these potable water and sewer utility facilities (assets) was $226,768.51 and $41,834.65, respectively. 3) Staff recorded all preliminary acceptance documents associated with the facilities being conveyed to the County in the public records of Collier County, which were reviewed and approved by the County Attorney’s office as to form and legality. The County acquired its record interest by Utility Facilities Warranty Deed and Bill of Sale recorded in Official Records Book 5189, at Page 2959, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 4) The potable water and sewer utility facilities have been operated and maintained during the required one (1) year warranty period, following preliminary acceptance. 5) A final inspection to discover defects in materials and workmanship has been conducted b y staff on November 9, 2016, in coordination with Public Utilities and these facilities have been found to be satisfactory and acceptable. 6) Staff recommends final acceptance of the subject utility facilities and release the Utilities Performance Security and Final Obligation Bond in the total amount of $52,276.51. 7) This final acceptance is in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-31, as amended. 8) Staff is unaware of any issues that would serve to negate the recommendation to release the applicable security. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this Executive Summary will have no specific financial impact. However, approval of this Executive Summary will result in the Collier County Water -Sewer District receiving unconditional title to the utility facilities, which at the time of preliminary acceptance, had a total gross value of $268,603.16 (no depreciation applied). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this 16.A.3 Packet Pg. 320 03/14/2017 Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality, and requires a majority vote for Board approval - SAS RECOMMENDATION: To approve final acceptance and unconditional conveyance of the potable water and sewer utility facilities for Logan Boulevard North Extension, PL20150001518, and to authorize the County Manager, or his designee, release the Utilities Performance Security and Final Obligation Bond in the total amount of $52,276.51 to the Project Engineer or the Developer’s designated agent. Prepared by: Melissa Alvarez, Operations Coordinator, Development Review Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Location Map - Logan Boulevard North Extension (PDF) 2. Asset Sheets - Logan Boulevard North Extension (PDF) 3. Exhibit A - Logan Boulevard North Extension (PDF) 4. Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (PDF) 16.A.3 Packet Pg. 321 03/14/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.3 Doc ID: 2645 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve final acceptance and unconditional conveyance of the potable water and sewer utility facilities for Logan Boulevard North Extension, PL20150001518, and to authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to release the Utilities Performance Security (UPS) and Final Obligation Bond in the total amount of $52,276.51 to the Project Engineer or the Developer’s designated agent. Meeting Date: 03/14/2017 Prepared by: Title: Operations Coordinator – Growth Management Development Review Name: Melissa Alvarez 01/30/2017 9:55 AM Submitted by: Title: Project Manager, Principal – Growth Management Department Name: Matthew McLean 01/30/2017 9:55 AM Approved By: Review: Water Pamela Libby Additional Reviewer Completed 01/30/2017 9:56 AM Water Steve Messner Additional Reviewer Completed 01/30/2017 12:34 PM Wastewater Steve Nagy Additional Reviewer Completed 01/30/2017 12:36 PM Growth Management Operations & Regulatory Management Stephanie Amann Additional Reviewer Completed 01/30/2017 3:19 PM Engineering & Natural Resources Jack McKenna Additional Reviewer Completed 01/30/2017 4:11 PM Public Utilities Planning and Project Management Tom Chmelik Additional Reviewer Completed 01/31/2017 8:32 AM Growth Management Department Judy Puig Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 01/31/2017 11:37 AM Wastewater Beth Johnssen Additional Reviewer Completed 02/06/2017 3:12 PM Growth Management Department Matthew McLean Additional Reviewer Completed 02/09/2017 9:14 AM Growth Management Department Jeanne Marcella Level 2 Division Administrator Completed 02/10/2017 9:07 AM County Attorney's Office Scott Stone Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 02/14/2017 2:50 PM Growth Management Department James French Additional Reviewer Completed 02/16/2017 7:56 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 02/17/2017 7:56 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 02/27/2017 11:40 AM Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 02/28/2017 4:21 PM 16.A.3 Packet Pg. 322 03/14/2017 County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 03/05/2017 9:52 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 03/14/2017 9:00 AM 16.A.3 Packet Pg. 323 16.A.3.a Packet Pg. 324 Attachment: Location Map - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Logan Boulevard ParklandsPROJECT NAIi,E LOCATIO : NAME & AODRESS OF OWNER Section 9, Township 1E S, Range 25 E Collier County, Florida Parklands Associates I, LLLP 1600 Sawgftss Corporate Pkwy, Ste. 300 Sunrise, FL 33323 IT,lATERIALS ONLY) Quantity UNIT Unit Price v{A1€tr TOTAL 16' PVC DR 14 100 $84 80 $8,480.00 ,16' PVC DR 18 1,385 LF $38.69 $53,s85.65 2 EA $4,413.34 $8,826.68 Fire Hydrant Assembly 3 EA s3 ,108.98 $9,326.94 Permanenl Bacterial Samplinq Point LF $853.50 $853 50 $a1,o72.77IUE@ I do hereby certify lhat the quantities of matedd described above are a true and accurate representation of lhe system being contributed to Collier County Ulihlies, lnc. CERTIFYING Andrew D. Fitzgerald, P.E. FL License # 56776 OF: DeLisi Fitzgerald, lnc '1605 Hendry St eet Fort i,tyeE, FL 33901 I do hereby certify lhat the quantities of malerial described above are a true and accurate representation of the system being contributed to Collier County Utilities, lnc. Jayson Oreschnick Vice President HALEAKALA CONSTRUCTION 5758 Taylor Road Mdeq Fl. 34109 CERTIFYING Name and Title STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF COLLIER ) The foregoing instrument was signed and acknovvledged betore me this :IL day of AfE , 2o-f$v who is personally known to me and who did not trake an oalh L I'blEn, Dbtary SEAL: CERTIFICATION OF CONTRIBUTORY ASSETS - WATER TYPE OF UTIUTY SYSTEM: POTABLE ITEI/l DESCRIPTION 1 1?0538FTI 2019 16.A.3.b Packet Pg. 325 Attachment: Asset Sheets - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension f CERTTFTCATION OF CONTRIBUTORY ASSETS ' SEWER Logan Boulevard Parklands Section 9, Township 48 S' Range 25 E Collier CountY, Flodda NAME & ADDREsS * . ;ill"Jl"rf::iifi ]*1L, "".,, PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: TYPE OF UTILITY SYSTEM: T Sunrise, FL 33323 SANITARY SEWER (MATERIALS ONLY) TOTAL UNIT tl nit Price 57.90RIPTION$11.66 $7ITEM O ESC 65 LF 261.25DR 14 75 $118" PVC LF $812A7 $1,272.00 8" PVC DR 18 1,2$72.OOEA 8" Plug contributed to Collier County Utilities' lnc' CERTIFYING Andrew D Fitzgera Id, P.E CERTIFYING: FL Ucense # 56776 OF: DeLisi FiEgerald' lnc' 1605 Hendry Street Fort Myers' FL 33901 ldoherebycerlifythatthequantitiesofmaterialdescriHaboveareatueandaccuraterepresentationofthesystembeing Name and Ti0e Jayson Oreschnick Vice President srlre oF FLoRIDAI ]s, couNTY oF COLLIER ) HALEAKALA CONSTRUCTION 5?58 Taylor Road NaPles, Fl. 34109 ally known to me and who did not take an oath The foregoing instrument was signed and acknowledged who is Person before me this 12 day oI Jl.rE 5129113$TScoTOT um urloil MY CCIIMSSION ' FF 17638 EXPIBES: F.bruary 21, ZOl9 Bod.d TIru xouy Pu!5c tlt(h r L IbfrxY L-SEAL 1 rol5 bv Mafrn, 16.A.3.b Packet Pg. 326 Attachment: Asset Sheets - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension PL20150001518) - \-,, \-/\/ \/ CERTIFICATION OF CONTRIBUTORY ASSETS. COUNTY PROJECT NAME: LOGAN BOULEVARD NORTH (PHASE 2) LOCATION: Sections 16, l7&21,Township48 South, Range 26 East. Collier County, Florida NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER:CL HOMES OF NAPLES ASSOCIATES II, LTD 6678 MARBELLA LANE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34I05 TYPE OF UTf LITY SYSTEM: POTA Al E WATER (MATERTALS ONLy) ITEM SIZE QUAN. UNIT COST TOTAL PVC DR l8 Watermain PVC DR l4 Watermain Cate Valve Gate Valve Automatic Flushing Device (RELOCATED) Permanent Bacterial Sample Point Fire Hydrant Assembly including 6" Gate Valve l6' 10" 16" l0' LF886 68 5 I I I 3 2 LF EA EA EA EA EA $38.69 $r4.s6 $4,413.34 $1,295.60 $200.00 $853.50 $3,108.98 $ l 10,962.e2 $990.08 s22,066.70 $ t,295.60 $200.00 $853.50 S9 326.94 $r45,695.74 -TOTAL COST I do hereby certiry that the quantities ofmaterial described above are true and accurate representation ofthe system being contributed to Collier County Utilities, Inc. (]E Rl'I F} ING: Jayson re hnick. \'P OF: Haleakala Construction. lnc 5758 Taylor Road Naples. Florida 34109 STATE OF FLORIDA) ) SS: COLNTY OF COLLIER ) The foregoing instrument was signed and acknowledged before me this l9th day ofJune, 2015 by Jayson Oreschnick who is personally known to me and who did not take an oath 4,^an nblr**SEAL LINoA MAlloN MY ColrMlssloN , FF 170638 EXPIRES: February 21, 2019 B.ndsd Thru Not.ry Puu. Ui&ffrbls x \2o15 ACTTVE PROJECTS\I5-11 LOGAN BLVo EXTENSION\CLOSE OUT Oocsu534_ConconlibutoryAsscls-Waler 16.A.3.b Packet Pg. 327 Attachment: Asset Sheets - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension F 'rvv\, CERTIFICATION OF CONTRIBUTORY ASSETS - COUNTY PROJECT NAME: LOGAN BOULEVARD NORTH (PHASE 2) LOCATION: Sections 16, l7&2l,Township48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER GL HOMES OF NAPLES ASSOCIATES II. LTD 6678 MARBELLA LANE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34I05 TYPE OF UTILITY SYSTEM: S,4Nrf,4fi Y SEWER (MATERIALS ONLY) ITEM SIZf,QUAN. UNIT COST TOTAL PVC DR l8 Forccemain Plug Valve 8.75LF EA s1.272.00 s3,816.00 TOTAL COST I do hereby certifo that the quanlities ofmaterial described above are true and accurate representation ofthe system being contributed to Collier County Utilities, Inc. (.ERTIFYING: Jayson nick, VP OF: Haleakala Construction, lnc. 5758 Taylor Road Naples, Florida 34109 STATE OF FLORIDA) ) SS: COUNTY OF COLLIER ) The foregoing instrument was signed and acknowledged before me this lgth day ofJune, 2015 by JXvson Oreschnick is personally known to me and who did not take an oath SEAI- 8 8 2826 3 4,727.50 $28.543.50 UNDA III}PN MY CCl,$,llSSl0N I FF 170638 EXPIRES: F€bruary 21, 2o19 8od!d Thtu ik rry PuUt U,rddrd.B X \2015 ACTIVE PROJECTS\15-11 LOGAN BLVD EXTENSION\CLOSE OUT Docs\253,1_CenconlribuloryA336ls-Sewer 16.A.3.b Packet Pg. 328 Attachment: Asset Sheets - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension Exhibit A Utilities Performance Security (UPS) and Final Obligation Bond The 70% UPS Bond, if applicable, is based on the total amount of the water and/or sewer utilities being installed for the whole project which includes material and labor. The contributory assets reflect the cost of materials, not labor and are based on the assets of which the county will be owning and maintaining. Final Obligation Bond, if applicable, in accordance with Utility Ordinance 2OO4-31, Attachments: 1. Verification of Final Cost 2. Receipt of Payment Amount Receipt Number 10% UPS Bond 548,276.s7 Bond No. SUR81100001 Fina I Obligation Bond s4,000.00 2015258680 5s2,276.s7Total Amount 16.A.3.c Packet Pg. 329 Attachment: Exhibit A - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension VERIFICATION OF FINAL COST . WATER Logan Boulevard P.rtlands NAME & ADORESS OF OWNER Soctlon 9, Townlhlp ilE S, R.ngo 26 E Collier County. Florlda Parllandr A33oci.t.3 I, LLLP 1600 Sawgras,! Corporato Pkwy, Ste. 300 Sunn3o, FL 33323 TYPE OF UTILITY SYSTEM: POTABLE I ITEM OESCRIPTION (M^TERTALS A LABOR) Qunllty UNIT t nil Prico TOTAL 16'PVC OR 14 100 $1r2.58 t11.258.00 16'PVC OR 18 1,385 s66 47 s92.060.95 1 6' Gate Valve 2 EA t63r.18 s1 .262 77 Ps.man€ol EaclerEl Semplinq Poi.t 3 EA 1.856.30 s1,856 30 s5,283.98 s15 94 EEEEE I do hersby certify lhal lhe quanlilies of materisl cl€scribed above ar6 a lrue and accu.at€ representatrm of lhe asinsl,atted system CERTlFYING: Andrew D. Fi@€rald. P.E FL Licans6 * 56nG OF: O€l-isl FiEgerald, lnc. 1 605 H.ndry Str.ot Fort Mye6. FL i,:]ml HALEAXAI.A CO}.ISTRIrcTON 5758 TaylorRo.d ilad€s, Fl. 34109 STAIE OF FLORIOA ) )ss couNTY oF coLLtER ) 2oI5 Tho forsgolng inst um€nt r.s 3tgnod .nd before me thlrl2 dsy or,J-]l!g-. who 13 perronally tnown to rna and yho dU not take an oatr. SEAL uoA{,*ot{ w @M|sslotl t FF 1m3l EXPIFES: F.buary 21, ,o19 &.d.d lrr! irr, Arla t/"ffiit Iblgl/ Ibtar/ PROJECT NA E: LOCATION: I do hor€by c6n fy thst t€ quanlit es o{ material dosqibed abor€ ar6 a lru€ and accuale r€p.oseotatbo of th6 asjnsta ed syst€m. CERNFTTG: Nam6 end TiUc TOTAL COSI 16.A.3.c Packet Pg. 330 Attachment: Exhibit A - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension VERIFICATION OF FINAL COST PROJECT NAME: LOCAN BOULEvARD NORTH IPHASE l) LOCATION: Scctions 16. l7 & 21. Township,lS South. Rangc 26 Easr CollierCqunt). Florida TYPE OF UI II-I \' SYSTEi'I POTAELE I+'ATER ITE]\I SIZ[QUAN. UNIT COST T'OTAL PVC DR l8 Watermain PVC DR 14 Watermain C8te VElve Cate valve Automatic Flushing Devica (RELOCATED) Permanent Bacterial Samplc Point Fire Hydrant Asscmbly including 6" Oate Valve t6' t0" t6' t0" 286t 68 5 I I I -l LF LF EA EA EA EA EA s66.,17 t24.56 $6.1r2.50 $ t,600.00 $3,500.00 3r.t56.30 $5,2El.eE t90.635.96 $t,670.08 $3 r.562.50 s I,600.00 $1,500.00 $ t.t56.30 $t5.E5 t.94 TOTAL COST I do hcreby ceniry that lhc quantities of material arrrl rcrlices dcscribed above arc truc and accurate represenlation oflhe as-installcd cost of the system. CERTIT}'INC: Ja)son hnick. VP OF: Haleikala Construction. lnc. 5758 Taylor Road Naplcs. Florida 34109 STATE OF FLORIDA) ) SS: COUNTYOFCOLLIER ) Th€ foregoing insrumenl \ras signcd and acknowledgcd before me this lgrh day ofJune, 2015 by Jayson Orcschnick who is p.rsonally lno\r'n lo tnc and Nho did not tale an oath SEAL $246.676.78 uro^urnlt MY C0A{sstoi I FF t763S EXPIRES. Fsbruary 2t. iD19 Eo,rorO rru U..y p,t* t_rrO-rn x P0i 5 ACTIVE PROJECTS\1t11 LOGAN BlvO EXTENSION€LOSE OUT DOCSU63. VrnlscalD.Fndcolr.&ror NAME & ADDRESS OI OWNER:CL HOMES OF NAPLES ASSOCIATES II, LTD. 6678 MARBELLA LANE NAPLES. FLORIDA 34I05 16.A.3.c Packet Pg. 331 Attachment: Exhibit A - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension PROJECT NAME: LOCATION; NAME A ADDRESS OF OWNER: VERIFICATION OF FINAL COST. SEWER Section 9, Township 48 S, Range 26 E Collier County, Florida Pa.klands Associates l, LLLP 1600 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy, Ste.300 Sun se, FL 33323 SANITARY SEWER (MATERIALS & I"ABOR) Ouantity UNIT Unit Price TYPE OF UnLIW SYSTEM: r r ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL 8' PVC DR 14 65 LF $28.31 $1 ,840.15 8" PVC DR 18 1287 LF s25.40 $32.689.80 8' Pluq Valve EA $1 .872.OO s'l.872.00 TOTAL COST reE CERTIFYING: Ardr6,, D. FiEgerald, P.E. FL License # 56776 CERTIFYING: Name and Title MLEAKALA CONSTRUCTION 5758 Taylor Road Naples, Fl. 34109 Jayson Oreschnick Mce President STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS; couNTYoF COLUER ) The ,oregoing anstrument was siOned and acknowle dged beto.e me this 12 Oay of JIre 20 15 by JalEl Cteodnid( who is porsonally known to ms and who did not take an oath. SEAL: LSO lrlIOI{ MY Cotasstcti' FF Im38 EXPIRES: F€t u.ry 2t, Al9 &.lbd llw [dr hr& Uld.nilr Lir& tern Logan Boulevard Parklands 1 OF: Deusi FiEgerald, lnc. '1605 Hendry Street Fort Myers, FL a3901 16.A.3.c Packet Pg. 332 Attachment: Exhibit A - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension VERIFICATION OF FINAL COST PROJECT NAME: l-OGAN BOIJI-EVARD NORTH (PHASE 2) LOCATION: Sections 16, l7 & 21. To*nship 48 South. Range 26 East. Collier County, Florida NAMI: & ADDRI:SS OF O\\,NER GL HOMES OF NAPLES ASSOCIATES II. LTD 6678 MARBEI.LA LANE NAPLES. FLORIDA 3.I I05 TYPE OF UTlLll Y SYSTEM: S,4A777 Ry SEB'ER M SIZE QUAN. UNIT COST TOTAL PVC DR lt Forccem Plug Valve 8 8 2826 3 1_F EA JO s r.872.00 7t.780..10 s5.6 t6.00 TOTAL COST I do herebv ceniff that the quantities ofmalerial a0d seil/i(es describcd above are true and accurate representalion ofthc as-installed cosl oflhe system. CERTIFYING: Jalson ick. VP OF: Haleakala Construction, lnc. 5758 Taylor Roed Naples. Florida l.ll09 STATE OF FLORIDA) ) SS: COUNi'Y OF COI,I,IER ) The foregoing instrunrent was signed and acknowledged before me this lgth day ofJunc. 2015 by Jayson Oreschnick who is personally knou,n to me and who did not take an oath. SEAL Mahon, Notarl s7?.396..10 EXPTFES:F.btu ^ co,rMrsslo t FF l 70638 2 1 201 I uNo tlIKX X \2015 ACTM PROJECTS\15-11 LOGAII BLVo EXTENSIOI,IC|OSE OUI OOCSU63{ VeirrcatjonFharcoslsaNer 16.A.3.c Packet Pg. 333 Attachment: Exhibit A - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension Collier County Growth Management Division 2800 Horseshoe Drive N. Naples, FL 34104 239-252-2400 RECEIPT OF PAYMENT Receipt Number: Transaction Number: Date Paid: Amount Due: Amount Paid: change / Overage: Contact: FEE DETAILS: Fee Description Refu ndable Bonds Cashier Name: Batch Number: Entered By: 2015258680 2015-039148 07/L6/20Ls $4,000.00 Pavment Method Check Reference Number P120150001518 AmandaBayoumi 4601 melissaa lva rez Amount Paid $4,000.00 Check Number 00000195 GL Account 670-000000-220113 $4,000.00 $0.00 GL Homes Parklands Associates I, LLLP 1600 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy Sunrise, FL 33323 orioinal Fee $4,000.00 Amount eeid $4,000.00 Payment Details: 16.A.3.c Packet Pg. 334 Attachment: Exhibit A - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension I'orm 2 - Rer.lOl-l (tltilitic( Perfornrance Bond) u't'tLtl'lES PuRl'o R\lA\( U BOtil) Ilond \o.: St'Rtl I l(XXXIl KNOW ALL PITRSONS BY'IHL-SE PRIISENTS: thut Parklands Associates I, LLLP 16fi) San'grass Corporate Parkwa!'. 4th Floor Sunrise, FL 33-123 (hcrcinatlur reli,rrcd to as "Og ner". and I RONSHORE I .\-l)El\l\ IT\'. lNC. 9850 N\\'{1" Street. Suitc 100 \lianri. t'I, -l.1l7ll (hercinafter referred to as "Surety"), are held and firnrly bound unto Collier County, Florida, (hcreinafter called "County"), in thc total aggregate pcnal sum of Forty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Scventy Six and 5l/100 Dollars ($48,27651) in lau,ful nronel of rhe Unired Srarcs, for the puyment of uhich sum well and tmlv to be rnade, \a'e bind ourselves, our heirs, ex!.cutors. administrators. sr.rcccssors. and assipos, jointly and sevcrally, firnrly by lhese presentr. Owner and Surety arc used for singular or plural. as th.' Context requires. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such th t whcreas. thc Owner cntcred into a ccnuin fcFur't f . 2015, furrhcr described as hgan___-___ ily Turnover a copv of v Utilities System Construcrion Contract, dared Boulevard North Extension (Phase 2) . Util pan hcreofi and which is hereto altached and nradc a WHEREAS the County has a material interest in the pcrformance of said Contract; and \\'HEREAS the County has adopled Ordinances and Resolutions (hereinafrer "Land Dcrelopurent Regulations") conceming the Owner's obligations to the County regarding the construction, conveyance and warranty of potablc watcr, non-potable irrigation watcr and/or wastewater system(s) or ponim(s) thereof construct!.d within the unincorporuted area of Collier County; NOW, THEREFORE, if the Owner shall rvell, truly and faithfully perform its obligations and dutics to the County under said Land Derelopnrnt Regulations and all lhc undenakings, co\enants. (errns. conditions. and agreem€nts of said contract during the original term thereof, and any extensions thcrcof which may be granred by the Owncr, \"'ith or without notice ro the Surety and during the guaranty period esrablished by the County, and lhereafter, and if the Owner shall satisf."- all claims and demands incuned under such contract, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the County from all costs and damages 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 335 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the County all outlay and expcnse which the Cou[ty may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED. FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value rcceived hercby, stipulates and agrces that no change, extension of time, aheration or addition to the terms of the contract or to work to be performed thereundcr. or the specifications accompanying samc shall in any way affsct its obligation on this Bond. and does hercby waile notice of any such change, extension of timc, alteration or addition to thc terms of thc contract or to the work or to the specifications. PROVIDED, FURTIIER, that it is exprcssly agrecd that thc bond shall be decmed amended automatically and immediately, without formal and separatc amendments hcrcto, upon amendmenr to the Contract not incrcasing the contract price more than twcnty perccnt (20%), so as to bind thc Owner and thc Surcty to thc full and faithful performance of thc contract as so amendcd. The lerm "Amendment", \r,herevcr uscd in this bond, and whether referring to this bond, the Contract or other documcnts shatl include any altemtion, addition or modification ofany character whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hercto have caused rhis Instrument to be executed rhis 6th day ofJuly, 2015. Owner Attcsl:Parklands Associates I, LLLP by Parklands Gcnpar CorDoration , its General Panner (Corporate Scal) I] Alan Fant,Assistant Sec Richard M. Norwa , Vice P ident Sta(c of Florida County ofBroward Witness my hand and oflcial seal in the tc last aforesaid this 6th day ofJuly, 2015 lic, State of Florida j$i$&tsslon cxprres Notary 514lat t r Sk. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, beforc me, an officcr duly authorized to take acknowledgcments, personally appeared Richard N. Norwalk, Vice President ofParklands Genrar Comoration, to me known to be described in and who executed thc foregoing instrument and acknowledgcd to and bcfore mc that they crccuted the samc. IFF €76S 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 336 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension Su rr t] Attcst: As Per Attachcd Poucr o[ Attomev Ironshore Indemnity, IncU- WE#:re S ll) Br: Dalc A Agcnt . Bclis, Attomr:y-ln-Fact and Floridt Rrsidr.nr State of Florida County of Miami-Dade Before nre this day personalll,appeared D.A. Belis. Attomey-ln-Fact for lronshore Indemniq- fug., who, being duly s*,om, executed the foregoing instrumenr and acknowledged to and bcfore mc, thc truthfulness and accuracy o[ the sta(crnents in the foregoing in:itrumcnt. Witness my hand and ofllcial scal in the county and srate last aforesaid this 6th day of J uli . 201 5 A-.L-/' otan'blie. My commission expires N. Elif Aslan Caflss o^ , Et l2A3l Ex' i:S:ArJG. 30,2015 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 337 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension POWER OF ATTORNEY t- lronshore lndemnity lnc. KNOw AIL MEN BY THES€ PR€SENIS, that IRONSHORE lNo€MNtTY lNC., a Mrnnesota Corporation, with rt! princrpal offrce rn New york, NY does hereby constitute and appoant: Dale A. EeIs it! true and laMul Attorney(j),an-Fact to make, etecute, 5eal and deliver for, and on itj behalf a5 suretv and and any, and all bonds, undertakings or other writlnts oblitatory in nature of a bond. Thrs authoflty rs made under and by the authority of a re5olutron which was pasred by the Board of Dire(tors of IRONSHORE tNOEMNITY lNC. on the 22'd day of Apnl, 20l3 al follows Resolved, that the 0irector ot the Company ir hereby authorired to appoint and empower any representative of the company or other per50n or persons a5 AttorneY_ln-Fa(t to execute on behalf ol the Company any bonds, undertaking5, policies. contracts ol indemnity or other writrntr obltgatory ro nature of a bond not to exceed 910,000,000 dollar5, whi(h the Company mrght execute throuth its duly elected officer, and afrix the geal of the Company thereto. Any said execulion of iuch documents by an Anorney-ln.Fact ghall be as binding upon the company as rf they had been duly executed and acknowledted by the reEUlerly elected offr(ers of the Company. Any Attorney-ln-Fact, !o appointed, may be removed for good (aure and the .uthority 5o granted may be revoked as specitied in the Power of Attorney. Resolved, that the signature of the Oirector and the 5eal of the Company may be affixed by la.limile on any power of attorney granted, and the iignatur€ of the Secleta.y, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by faasimile to any certifiaate oI any ruch power and any such power or certificate bearint ruch tacgmile 5ignature and leal shall be vald and bindrnt on the Company. Any such power so executed and realed and certifaaate to €xetuted and sealed shall, with retpect to any bond of und€rlahnt to which rt rs attached, continue to b€ valrd and bindrng on the Company. lN WTNESS THEREOF, IRONSHORE INoEMNITY INC. h.s caused this instrument to be signed by its Oirecto., and its Corporate Seal to be affrxed thrs 7ti day of AuSust, 2013 8y: Dractor ACXNOWI.TD6TMTNI On this 7rr Day of Atigust, 2013, belore me, per5onally came oaniel l. 5u55man to me lno\rrn. who beinB duly iworn, did depose and say that he rs the Director of lronshore lndemnaty, lnc-, the aorporation deicnbed in and whrch erecuted the above instrumenu that he erec!ted gaid rnstrument on behal, of the corporation by authoriry of his oftice under the By,larvs of iaid corporation. ....w].i,2igii\#J rn tutl!-ot@ia t. #i>. P:ul5. -WARnt G: Any parron who lnowir8ly.nd with int.nt to d.fr.ud.ny inrur.... comp.ny or olh.. Pcrton, fihr .nd .pplk tbn lor inrur.n.. 6r ri.t!.ncnt ot.Lih (ontaininS.ny matarially t ba Inlorm.tion, or .onaaab fo. th. purpora of nitla.dln! lnfoh.tio. €onc.min3 tnY f.(t m.t.rr.l th...to, committ.lr.uduhnl inrur.ncc .ct, which i3. <rim!.nd tubj.<t! ruch p.rron to Grimi..l .nd . ivil p.n.hi.t." IRONSHORE INDEMNITY INC, CEfiI'ICATI l, the undersiSned, Secretary of IRONSHORE INOEMNIW lNC., a Minnerota Company, 0O HER€BY CERTIFY that the oiginal Power of Anorney ot which the foretoing ir a true and correct copy, i! in fulllorce and effect and has not been revoked and the resolutronr a5 iet fonh are now rn force. i si8ned.nd Sealed.rthaetqL oayol Ju.r - 20 15 i #q. 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 338 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension STANDARO CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT proreot parklEnds A TICIE L 6COt€ OFWORK Hxffi*r:lffg*,g Sigl.*.#.S&s..t*f A6d. v b.r ....oa.i.n t' uE 6.l o !r Lr,, E $r.A. rrnq.E n. rflt oF GolPlEnoll RTICIE ItI. 'TERM tx'H"::J}Ems,H ffi"e *.,iriHy*.,fl lt*xf.ffi uistr:f"ffi :*#l;:*, * liTtcLE rv, co[tnacl sl,llffiffi*ffi ARIICLE V. PROGRESA PAYI'E{TS Ovrlc rd ,rxr. !.tg..r. !.Fd. b.6r.q d0l,r ll L hphtlv. t t .I h.nn [glrdt R p.firx k, wr brffiI, -*- Fu",.,,i.{r.co.,r.do.d,,hdffi,";**,?[iffHlttrmgffi,:".:E Ori.r !o r.${q q o. hy th. 15. ot !r oondue.d, - H4ffi,trjffiffiB3"iffi . .*.,.,inor o,.tur., G. 08,!6 Eq€, ., s,.,(,uo.,4e(lm,r r' rr FE!E. D.yrqr. cdad.. *6r ds r4ary o.- *}, . ..iii,rairii iii. J-jT;;; .."_ ..d,.!5fiC.. r. tura arr't b trr p.!.[al|. p.F6t !cn9 [q..l.n b, c.nlr.cto., A! RlaB ol LL6. P.,rhr..d FIEL &bon d w.sir&Nsrd Co.Fq.x! &pe[&:, ebdddd.E.!d t bqE dsr b.,. th.ffi E'm,r ffi *H.H';*rff r*$?t ffi rffi ffiFJ.r #tr*,m?d{..8 b h..tr.d.d E llL. JO1ol2 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 339 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension STANDARO CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Prorecti parklands lN WITNESS WHEREOF, lrrs tEvo &l 0l€r h.nd! tn. day and y.sr 6d fonh !.,ow, Bta 2')o 'rs' aRncLE vt, coxTiagr oocunENl!ffiffigqqffiffiffi B)'l 7.tz.t{ J.o2o(2 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 340 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension pro.lect: parklands 1. - Oo. Dlll@n... CodEcror 6p.t €nB.nd B!frnt th.l (A) conhclor ts cal|tutv,!s.*!a ,td.p9rov.d.I orrh. co.'rr.cr ooc!n6.b ncxdris *',nou.,tr'.uon. ri. s@p. .i ,,/",r , l;;fi;;;i,cJ,i,iTJ,,,a1'rel c",r""",h.! h.d ongts tabt. .,o.,rco h th @n rrucuon or piqsd! or rrm!b,. rcop. d;d,i,prJti., ii,rru* r,,rr,,,.pn $r lnd E rmr' ro. o.n.. tEr cdir.cror ui ia,rc",ro ur d6a-o;;;;i;;;-. *,."y,,ncctsrbtto.., oht,roru ..rd rb. co.Euan6 *lt. b*,,.o,un .-,, "i* iiJfr,rii i "i!,i[" J,lii''ri"" r,.,",srutdidon ov.. tx prq.d (.cod. Rcqursm.ng.) E d r,o - -i,.urn" o..i,i,fiii "i6i-ciiLa., ",,.r, urlrpmllua b cor.ct !.d p.y for .iy wo*. ,rflch hlw{v.. . llcognEd €r10., ,.acoJdry. r.rco.!||..tcy, omr&n 6 @-co.nprancl *ih cotto oqurrmcrnr lrr 01t CofiUlC Ooqlmc.rr _ 8y .r.rutoi or 0{r &E€m.nt Cotrtr.ctor lgpreronh hal It har ld(.n tbld m.rlurcln nh, yrri!6d ti.ld concitor|! .nde.tturr 6mp.q, :,.n i.k rn e6m^r. .-h r.rd co.drbs Dd ih;-liriiiirii,ri, Xr"Eiu.a. r. u.coi{'!cr Dodm€nr.. h th. .v.rr or.ron, m.cc1rr..i.r, ."o""rto,r_r o, o,,rro,,i d;;;;;;E;-r,."r". - o"...!.r $. colrrc ooojm.ntr.hlv. b6n .r6cur.d. tr $!r tr u,a rospo,isbrrrry- oidonrEili'i."-, ffliroru-.r co"uu'.t m'y rru. .. . ,t urt or lny a,oh o.,!.r. h!dnd.,. ,,""il.6il.;;;;;; A;rial7.oi"l"L -.p,.r. a,ar n.....rry llrd .ror! rry wliw. dv a.m .r en|ullr.nB d UE p.yE..t or.ddltiir,.t xnrt-d 0m. 6quEd b,conh.cror. t.nu,o b .f,hf,nw comosm ino u..c ioninrr od;fi6,;iHr;il;;.fiili.lLo -"0,r"..and oh- hlbrrDton t(rori to Coolr;.rd No pl.. ol lfnonnc! of lh€ Eonduonr tllrr cxre or |nay he..ri.r ,,(tsl or of co.tdtUons or dmqjll6! that nEy 6,.n*"$.t.d h t'e o€cnbn or rh. wo.* u . Eorr or rin,.. ro ,a,. ii,i, ui iiii,-iiid."iiiii"re.*", *irr ur.E pl6rl by ih. osr.r !. .. .rEuo ior e n[uE c, ctrlrron on urc prn u oo 6 t il i,iil,y ,o.p."r, urrU. r.qur|rn n|.| ot Ur. &6cm.nt nor win lh. rroapmra,on. or ror i,i ciei;;;; ;;"j'"d;;Jt:..;""HtH"&g;,.H":T ii[.Ili"il*s*r.c?d to &o!u"rc. cdrdlb''t o. ho !Ectl..r or |l'r.r!,ri!&n "r-y n osei-J;-d;iiil'- - "., 2, o.l.r Co.tlcior h.r.ty !oru.. ro o.nm lho.Wo h ! Drorn* .ara and dl,g€nl m.nmr u rol.{ &|fyhg.hlnd.lllr! or ni.ir.ntE *ii ln. oarimEr dr ore c,qacr ry oqc.. ^ ..rj ",r_c, *,ie .i, ,,ril&r.-ua mr unrob, hb.rr6ca by !.dtetne o. rcn,!.I ro Er .r r ciun oi eu.u.p uy or,.rr i, ,rr.,iiriiliti-,ifil6rinc, rrsd-. Irfftrfi ffdilff friHf ,""m:il^*EJ.#ffi##f M"ffi ,H,rtHeT jHflTrgt.t Il willE tl'.t cont'-iof hsr ! vdd ,E,s ror ructr ddryl n n" it;.r,r or ara, i oelil ion;&2. "or .nooa&gw l.m.dy u/o b. . .,4.nrDn or rm i6r, irudon ro or.oaro,,n,ra.ci.iiiiii,i i;ri,i#i#, r o""e r.mr.no.n or $. p.d.. th.r. uoor ue occumn. ;r .ny dary. contnaor *rr ior uc ariifu- oil-.iii a ""y rno o,n rr0, !Md.o.\,.r. lrdudrrp, bur mr [,nr!tr to, d&n e.. oi orr or pmru, rori ii r . fr.ii-riiilJ L,a *",r,_o.xpdl!.r, .qupm., l!{.t. to.. ot prldudMy. ed hbi..tro. my ruor doro. _ __ Contlcto. wl4 rd.rnnlt, d.r.nd, !aw. and hotd hr.rp6.! *n.n own r ;i r,d;; ilfiffi#Tf,::ytlB:.tT"S|,"gil',m,f* 8:ffi_:fl ,Ht1 ffiffi p€#--_j|,_-F.trlT**xHeffi nEfl.Tffi rffi *.iHruroe..*'r.u!/r. *u'our ..,(Oo..r crrll,r. rr r aci,."aea ty ovne,. c..mcr", ri,iii-oiitifriffi ii n.* ". t"rff.ffiff:Jffi^B?ltdifl:q:I'jx*e3r.s-""a tu.coo.o"rr'rg ii, ;;;rii iii"rii; ,'o- u"ffi ltffi #g;:ffi ,#I',,,:lB?fr .;,Hti# #'I fl.ffi ,f.I""Ut,m[ 5. E.dllt,.! A Cll}.nop,. Caltractor wll deB. al ili oi,n .rpo.!€ ututwar a!rvr.!, .irag. ltxdt, ,.!r{Domr.dlur. wqrtn p+ qti!!.t .nd 0lllo! urrr iE rrffi g"t"#.ruzu#-t^ffi filr,#:tillf , jt: ,rc6 ro !. nre by h. cslr.acro. .nd at co.b .Eoo&d ui.,"t, "r u ui,ri.li-,ifriiffffi.,#i*,",. 6. Lrwr. P.mtr.. F.!. i;d r!l... A lEE Coors.ror vd! dw rlt mtrc.t .or ',ry puEG;uub y b..68 d;,"-.;ffi;#:rflW#T.::,H#Hif.ffif!ffii:H** :l81. sovlhmdrr.r lrri.dlcuon h wflch rh. wvr E ro b._p.rro^r *rip,iiiit- *i ii,i1ffi-<i,Lii'.._. , u,oPlan3 rld Spadncr&rli Cnb.cl6r s.r!i. to cdd.b.d d.l to o,vE. ornplv 'i'lh lh. ,filurdnmt! ol iirch $rhnn..t t ,erdcuon rt m 8, P.rnit! rrd Fe... OdnBr yU !sc!6.rd,p€y toa aI pe.mlt! r d lovsa&rl€ntd ,a€!, trc6n!!s ux, h.poc{m..{'rto ftr FDp.r .&curho .nd co.nor. d or'tt,l wo(- c;ft"d"..;,,",iili;;-tr;frfii"-L" co,t .no.,e.!L!a .q .lqusrd gtw'rtrru.Et 'nd dd{o{mci.d. p.mtr. n dr.. _i ipi.iiJ.i"ii..,y r- o.conh.clor b p..btin wor lnd .nr[ pay .[ c6!i ,tloo.roo ir,al!*ri,. rn r,e .i;r iriiiiiiiil r._r*r"oDr any ruon utr.b.v.r. sI o6iirr. iL.Mt .ad .ppmv!r. ldr olrr th; D.;,ry-;i-ffii. t rn" a:,onrP€r'nalDlt by Lw. GENERAL CONDITIONS J.() 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 341 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension GENERAL CONDITIONS proioct parklands C. Iaxas Chelt.r Etc. Tulr.re lncld.dli-ti!_Codr*r Suh ro b. p.td ContrE lor u,n h. Agrcsn.nr..rdco.rlacto. .'r,m. .nd .cc.Db.rr,% hbury ro. !.d ls*' d;i;ir-u;;JifriiiC ",o.*,r.nd'.!la,rL. u.td.. .ry bd.rtl, d.t , murEbd d coir.ctd *rt' rh. wo,t un., n adtuh.(: .nd,-.r ..6. usr, iir",ii.-,jtilp:G iffir.L no.o.nhr.rrlt lnd p.hd*. rurtr u. ro rh. ,;Nhc!r.o( .nyrhbs dn u b. ii"j oii,- iliiffi,li, o",_ p"y".ry .ucn l,I.t, contibutknl nt lllt or De d.ducl u'..!m. t m em. o[,r*,". ou" c*ffi.c-hcior' oo d6ruM' wlll ,!hbs.'r ourr or oanor hiv 7. W.o. B.n.rr lnd Lrb6r lrhn.G c..t.cror* t. to th!.na,n,.quQd by Ly ln corl.ctm edln th. pEF.t p6yam o.e6. y,rsr. .nd b.n.nts .! dd r.r... 6 .e.! In.rho u'* '"d i; iro,l,t i; ii;;;.:-riJir,IJroi L***tos""ttt.l 3uch tmoonl. .r. a.t bi ule U.a. O€o.dr; of Lloor arn agroer nrar rt u,trr rrcarrui * i iiii.i, "ppy r" rr" ',,oior. uld p.y nd/or p'o',rd..a,8. N€lh.r c.nr.ar!* m. r,y or iir a,rc.*i.ra" o. i,liri#iillii& l"v *,r-, Ffi#i$s#'#.:t?:H,Hffi.fl1*^ffi il;fldffi,trffi ##HH"#*;Crov'ro.l. oI thi. p.r4rlpal to lh. snr. .rrur 6 t. nrJdl ob!e.,,on uro. fi;i;,i; ;b.;,;ffi 'fi ;: fxll#Yr":ff"ffi; ffiHl'T..ifH1ffi"Tffi :gffiEH#trd#r#fl#f:ffi*;lr, E. &SrfE Cont sctor rhll p@i(,. U. O^rEr.ros.s rh.."..!r rocriaa oao,,r.-,v-, " ri"-;;"Jr ftL1"H:ffif "Hffi f .ffi?"f,;: ;l*flH.ned!€, c$Ercto. .hdt e.ovl& u. o,,!er.Id h!.suh.oit.dol! .cli". ro ar o,*i,;i.ii. iil conr,.ao,.ct 'o'r.osss rh6t lh. osEr liirr rh,r rh. cd.rrudrm ol hom.. pig b 111. oomri;d;n ;ffi i"iirr'iti"p,.o *1,o*i.rrodo'i,alchvauc.rco.r,tldron,ooco,.a@;i;;;rr;;;,i;&l;,il;"';illi.rXi1.,"_*.. L A!.'.nm.ni od glbt.llt o. Iht! Aon mnt.F no{ .!'l9 Dt h erEt. or n p.n by UE Cofltr.cto. w|l,nout h€pi.. wnn n conrnr ol h. onns. contr.cfu er .ormr,tffi ffi .*:s.gsft$,ffi,qfuff ffi k jJ#I"ffi ffi:# 10. Elrt or Ld..hd lh.una6. A Bt.k ot r-os. 'Orr". *lr not o" r.u. luxffi -rffi ""rT.r#i#ihT##$,*"ffi.ffi ffiffiffid.ff ffi mHr,eff"lfr ffi ff Edru"r'ffi;.ffi tu#.c.,E . rh.x b. ln. !or. rGlpon{u V or0ro conrr&ior b,..a"," ",,0 .rr;- n-cil,;raJJ.iii,.il*..B. lrrsu.a. A. ;nrtcror! mn 61 6dumffi*ft{ffiiffi"iffi1ffiffitF.fi O - I4dE*lgrq(4!q!9!, wo'l(,r lomD.B.uon rrEuranc. wir b6 6rnr.hrr by cdr.&ro.,n.c.or!$c. ur ! lpptqbL Fbdih St nrh!. sIrod !ny.rarr06 ln...rd.syffi ffi g:rytrffi "":fi r#tm"ffi JTiiT-Tr,fr T:ffif.Prfff'*lllfl,""ogTT-p'nn,o *sr" r'r or sr,mo.md-fr iooiryluy, o""rr,. i,ffi mflqi#s,Hffi ffi i'$Tffi',#$#on€ri!. covr.g. ,. rct ....obu.. rol.c nl .ddlond he'!d 'btJ' t''d; t'. pDd'rd,ceno1"dd ';*,r"- "'i,;;:;-!d;i;iffi;;;"""ffi.,11iH3ff. tsHT.tv thh Pi.al.",t, *ra * pi'nu,v {it) aulo tn.onn... comDrd|g1sv.s.un,ru;ffi riiift ri ffi ;rfi :dBffijH_Xsfi :#,i ffiHii.seHHoIo o6rrEnc.. ndtrrhg .i o,, d, nEd, and no.-own.d i,.htct !. . fiv) Pl!!.nvtnruErc.. pED.,i!, h.s, #ffi ,*r,J.D 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 342 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension GENERAL CONDITIONS : prorecti parklands (fh oiF..fT .snerlr o!.!..._.c, r!I|.lr?k;rf, .b. (vl) _gllErtg]LEgIlrnq.l&lXl!.hruml€.: Ir cort .ctorr wo?k rfloro! arwuo.vmni comrrung orrcm€ol6u , tr [ c.nlndo/. oo.'!rdi! m\o,v. c6ol,!cb. r,"r,U ;. u6r-n i.iiliili,i.oot *r,0" o,on. h6d'!d (r00) odbn. o{ 1E,,r,6u mrb.r.!..r d.rr:o uy e-efceilid, i..J l..lir r.oo.o suroo. Locd t a ehdb, ,!9ubtory todoa Htrft ffi ,'ffi#.ffihtiffi,,#*l"ffiffiffiu, lyL _EFi:-98++!-gGt&!E!. at hr,Erc. ,.qu,.d by h. cor.tc oos,.or. lrr b. plru,.orllm m6 ixr.Eh.d w[,r ,. lne6E qr.t r !.rstci@y ro arE;;^d-d;iE ;t;$;" n o.r" or r,,"H;g,,ffi yffi"#*.t_"o r6ormrn-l. ovi.or ruenC uJ-nii-ii"ni'J, o*."uo". roffi s #?:T,ft,f#ffi fi . fl Hf #H,.#Hilft ,,",fl ffi* * !v]l) iubcfigrdi conr'ldor !r[ no] ru!cont'!.r .ry p6rr or rh. co6rrr, oo.unml, d work $rrlour:##ti1flf#'tr':li'SfJcuttr nr, "c! dvens' tm rii oiiiiu, ili&"..ppr"o. r,,. o..qrD.d h th. qonr.d oo*,*5*ll:nP @,t9! ell h!.1 or dc..d 0E .nd$!. lnd c'fi.n "..mou. ,r r":l!"i,ii? iriiiiliLlT 3Tndo. t',.ll b. llculld to F!rd. os,lEr wi[l on06.r nell)c ne adordmiurnoo-rii.;jii &o.onrr.croo nd .urprd (ehrcr.rrch tlri6..t r or hru,in €-xri .-too"er i tir-"i.;:..-- ..,--rw/,yul,n tns !./rb um. p.rtod .! coorrrctor 6 b pmvts. ofrl.. sih [t (k) _9i!q!tgg!. Th. C..Uic.r!. or-Llul.ic. p.ovtdod by Cortrsdor {s6 $,![ a! ths c.d lcslss ofhauronc. llovidod by Colrtr.ctol. d rf ,#*H**isffi ff #fl sffi ,sri#EH*IHffi E*:ffiffi : e-, *il; tu; il;,i,#;;iHffi g"I*iiH *.f#jHiffi .{HHf .'n"r,t ;; (r) w.'v.. ; subE.rd6. hr!,Hm(,fffi ';, H:ttr". ffi: "f"ffi"tr Sj|,**m*f*rt H;J 3*g I ,c,-.D,, Dhbn E.r,i .. .. .ccoduc. s,, o'. -t',"o.r.rv u-t'i.c oi -ro ,;il;;t -"- on'd' or h' co"lcl Doaneh j*'r[ o*lt.r b r,o^,.,,.r. "irco"r,.iiorl liUiry,.*" "lllnnc. rr c!.tacto.r roL corl -rr.xp.n.!. in niU,c, ceri mf,u,rmp:ru.ffi*c.u3o0 ln pad by t lhdinnlthd prty, NoMib rnd***-ffi:ffi8fiffi.?ffii&"hk,g comd.rE5l llldbndrD b U. Cq{rEt Doorn.nrr nilffi,H;ilf"*,H P.ltelipn d!.r.urvh 12. IV td ol Subroollloi. orn6, r! n r.bv .ts5.d-tr(n,on rrb[ty (by.w.y or $!tD!ol,oI or othrwE6) br .ny b6.ot dm!g. (ltold.E of th. cru!. oI .uch b.i d dirrlg. and rEg!nt|.! ot $r.1116r or rbl ContEcto/. n$..rc. c.mr ##ffi:ffiffi iih "@* ffi rHt',t*,SH.yflfeIi,1i F,U11_:'#HffiT"Titr#'ffi I#H;f Ht;:ilfi'jHgsiffiffi ,:H,ffi;#j to. ar ood. ar'ottri.d *rr! &cr, ropouon, .ooor,e. oi rr,,,. .*-il-riiill.mi il-ffid6.-##L "q,*",*rG.n.r.t Cordlton. ,rur, JD 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 343 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension GENERAL CONDITIONS prorect parklands ma,,t ol mo.'.y ,rom h. Con!-.ct Sum o. p.og""s fuyn.nG a5 odlin.d in Artd.i tV and V c.rnair$d hg6h. tn noc'/r',r e, 6,!y p.rrEnr by qdn.. b co.,rido.-undd lr; &;"Aiab";v;;;;i;;;-"i;;itl p.a"lh_*.aeotlnery, io ,ty nr h.rund- ,, bo .on.ruEd .! .coi6.c. by ow.er or d€r.c&; w oi ifriar o, oa*w" il. EI6rJr.!I. rh. ContEcror !!r!o3 tlrrt !t Wo( $! b6 !uu..t to ttnet appro,sl sod 6c..prrics by tho Enon!3rd.!qn rld !Y th! o$E . : I16. +I{!!&!:gl!E!.rE!-p!!llkr. B.tE a oirs.rn cdlL?clor, h th. 6ytlt ot 6 dlspqr., .rtibruo. u,t not b.. co.idnbn e..6de.rt ro lh. mht or .tr'.r ddv r,o -6r.q/ch l!co!,!. !3 my !{ avs&bt [o r f,niiia-rioo. uuor ,,cr'l*r or rl. sbtc o,Frdrd. ro ..bE c&Dr.r;x llh ur asumnr t; c;htdiffi;;;iEif,"i.a _r.ouon or.ry md'6l o'rtc hrB|,d.,. rr h rh. nr6nod h.,rby 0;r ]orir.in ;u c"ry u-friiiii t lJJi-or,"y o.e,,.t'.!,an ci,i.. ',$ conlEro| whs. !!rd D!r0e bdlr.coit nr ,n *,iL,g rr,,oi ry tori-po,iiiiii.iir t ,..r, ase,rror,'d p.!vrd!d liorr .onrlron E corlducrld iuEuinr ro rh. Fna,;a nrtn efioi.tiie.ffiffi;;i;utmu.dr. *"b. co.'mrE d Bflhrn rhw (30) d.rE.r.. &bd!,nd.p.,dm..6 "r 0,. ^0'€.;; ; ;-..;i1#8", p.yrr."r,ocd,tr.tor. -r.rtty cblrl o. dbplr. ft!.s ,.r.bs ro riit ae,.aidl condd;'r ri;;Jiri#iiTri ii n, uau ""aE@d. .v.D.U. l. Ofir to.JlyEe eid tudl !h;r llrrE 6 O. p.sd. 1 l. w!mnd.!. conr-do, errntt !o om.r .nd En!h.o. th.t .I r l.nats tuhbh.r, elt b. n.r unt.rrour.rwtr .p.ctn.d .nd th.i rI Won 006.r rh. ^qn.m.nr "rrr t. ot gooA qudtt, ,ir. t", r"glG .-"a a"Ca, -otn c.arom.tro wrn !n. conr,.Er Docum.n,r- ar v{.,k _t d"}; ;; i; ;iJ. .oi,ii.1"i",., r"a,a.e.ub.rtuun. not c.!p.riy reD.ovd .nd ,u',6n:.d, wu D. ;,i;;;; ;;i.&; fi iiiliilfii,"* ,r,ar u.comct d punur.r to G.n.r.rcondtuor ri!.!ov... conr...ro., rn.roruon ro aiot;;,;;iil j"" *_,.""..conr.rnd rn u. conEtc oocum.nb .nd rh. Boridr 8r'Lr.r, -o _tin n.n.ri* J 6*iir. iir,l.. "eu na,r.w..ra'r. ..d s!.r.nrur rh* ^. work r. rn .r,r.r,nd t!.",.,t ;";";;;il,,;;c;#ii :"i";" ,, *,r,, ,", "Iil&fl.lqu rff 'r:l:i.r,g (::,*1?il};t*t*[ jEflny;'H mn:#ry.lxl!riur.nc,r, by bond or otr.rwt.., from conr,rcror rrd rr wrrr oror iy ru surrini;. ""j-,i"-ii,itv ." ,p."n.oh.r.rn. rh. w.n nir.. provd.d rtr trr o.,.on6h wu b. " .oorrro" rd ."ai.i iriir.;;; ;;;,il:. *-*, -nmi{y '.qur,!d Dy r.w or .nv !:ttnd.d ,ito,*y normrrry p-,ro.o oy i."L.Ji'i.i,dl,,i.-ii,r..t"". u,., lHi:X &..;#::"J,I. -.rnnu.. lrovrd.d ro, i.n. *ni f. i" iiarr,j" ii iiiiiil i.iil,lii,liv *."*r* 17. ltr p.c{onr. ltWl bo UD ral9onCb[V ot thoCont rctor to coordtnah sll lnspocthns wth |lra Enqhe., srd th6Cl,W.lT#ilH#JSffiff: llX*i Tf -, y+ :.* *" *it,iil;;;;;;nli fi io".q,.o ro U',s*i:i#g#l;:,i;,1ffi ffi""FSff*ffi#:"{,Y;*Jxi"xHIP$:",^#tiff sr*i or!.d m!,nu. tr tcErd€rc! kh lhli Agt omoni .t uls coitrlcrrru corl snd tn ! iflmT#ffi ffiffilffiry-ft m#a;ffiimffi i#tr#eoo****"1*l"ffi.odr6!!, phon. numbar, tu numbar. cont .cr Em;;!conlr!.t. .h.lt rwl!. .nd ,!.uthtt ur. lhno, ll.r k di#i' ffi 11tr*'#"5H"..#* r#x*,mnsffijdfr ##x,f #J#.ffi ffi s$",^m "J#HHtr"rtS,JrlH*,,H ffiipmlgttliptplffi 'tffi,Eur#iml;"mr# ;;*-*{*Hsui;;y ffi ;rffirffi ffi ,m m:x."ffi lHi:m*,1T"F#.*"j:l l:]]Il"ffi ffi m,ffi ffi H"r"Hffi i.sJtgffi"ffi ff H*r_.rco^1,.c1,. ,n .d.tlrlo., shoul, contr..r.r .r Dv ,. l!tur. o, ,.sr".r r, .epry srnd",iry Jini,r-"i#* !r ..r..r.r. orol. Dop.r qu'rv .nd qu. 0v. d ilr rn .nv reio.d rD_ psbrm ui wur .iil iriiifril ;;;,6;;:;;,,o by ""yfS fl ilffiffif:J X?":.T,:,g,3"-yp "nvv,u* ortr ixrxi, or orou,c-di'-tiiiri er trrc erileiffiffi"s*ffiffi -i'pcn-ua' n i,o,ft;..-;;:dil;il,1"".r, b',1 mr rhi.d (o. . 'd€No ro. tuttt ddonr.' !w.!, p,Dc..dry' !,d srndi.r o. n" ;bfi b ";;*fff; :lifffi,H*J f,fll ffi H"T:md. nrc..r.ry tuoby} r..n e.nrnE urr or b.rulL. com,lls o,:c o co,rrn,iiil enimitiiil i*cir*. op,i.q:lflL[Hmff:i*tffii5ffi."Eg,#1n.*,"t,"ireoi,.r,i,iiifri,r]iii'ijf iffimorniati era omr mry rnri,r ihr-ii&;;til;#,ffi ffiffi frflS:#Iii#fffifi:,ffii,,fffi9su,n €sldt h. corE of thtattt$ ul. wo ( fl.ddrr9. h.Jr nol timli.a ro, ,i,oucrq. b,Ji ,rot ;l-6]i;il_ ,. ru_.cldon, ..'vrc.. com,,"*.ron ,or Ensh..it ,..v(i6, ,ratoas a,o eaniG..oii:iiii,oyiZ;.d,o,ifr, ar r,i.r onoapD.tlrb.br.r! d p.66.dtne end whitnj o. nor . r!,$l r. -r..n.io, "-"0 i,ti i#i.ainl"iil,r"o ou oo",ffiffi &,t,n,'r) er D. m!d. !v o;.; caffi;;;"il(fi &c":ilf.L,DffiffiiLHXl1o; l,ll*,#!l#l$:to ar36t n, d.ma!r.. rrnv. or,n.ruE tuEuE'r rt, drovrih r,ur poylnenrro i-inai-"iii#i,iriL1irr," "r*"Vp.'rod Er rorih h or'.oreh r 5 .bo!D r o*.... h id &k ;@.d_. d&t d;; i,;; A;j.jiiJillij.i "-'"_ .n". G.n.El condruoor r,*,, J.o i t,. 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 344 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension GENERAL CONOITIONS prorsct parklands tn. .rdl,nr'Uon.d dn ry (s) dly p€.bd. tn no e€r{ wilt Cqtt .cts D. onljtbrt to 6ny dBrug€. or..y EnO d n.lu!,wrtr.ory.r, tn th. .v.n! orn.r lImrirbr rh. cdrrcl thar.",ua f,"u;a.g, tn ^a t iir;-rilli-ag;t*U. tr^o,,ot'g.ro,',",r.r... ir",i;;-.;*;*ffi'1flSfi:,frfilff.?,f;ffii""..."ffi #,}Hm! ,.oPd, 0r h. crsnrr. cbnrndor .hd 6u. .i.n rlli u t" ,eri.r.a u, our,"pJ-, ai,t iil!fi-rirl*r9 rnr nt,etEior. rrllrp ,ttt. 0r Oiid rEy ,!t ,n r!6 t E .rnoonr !_ t " C*t"ao. o "i. _rlo*t-,i-,irr.i_ ,- o.,,*lnr, rr coer.arL!l!r, tr.!,?om .^d t. eddiuon ths6.d,4 !t. 6'ounr o, 5d, p.r,-'n r-. * c"*-Y3i*' o*rl.r m'v plv 'r'cn r'r o' n'n! 'nd ir;;'bd 6.r. &6 olE n:.y r.Lln oul ot lny .rmunlt .tu. rh. cetracr....lrit rut s.nr to @.r .u Et nns or -bcD,!t!rrdr, dt ..lm6r ud rrbo..r .,!r'!o dJr .{ rrl. !vo!k @*.i,y ln. alramar aosoao rgami rf, ii#ff?iio" c_r.r.o.,md.. r!r.do,y .vtd.nc. hd tll. clam. h6\E b.on p6tO o. afqJlr*y scoril -. - - It'trliffi ffiitrS$:y"'lff"ffi;gT"ffii3"Hfrfi,.H611 *. n rrhe,h!r.r*,Htr#.i,ffiI.#;H3#*ffi trfr ,'ffi ,#fjtffi fl E;r##. :il;. oa pan ot fia co. ncL 21. l|Etgt Conlrldor sh.u bo n!U. tor.N d..r,!.d-ty-F conE!.ro,, rir i,iii,r;iril? fq'.ro 'nv FD!.liy sndor snv r.ciEtx on or un(k rhi c6undrnpm'"nrcn'r.rucrr proi,iy ;,,ilil;,il:,!:g::h#ff ltTgH#"ff ,ffifmJ,ffi ffi ,,*{:o.rr rl9tul condruon lhrn dtit3r, dd .t [r os sD.@. ::" "ffi#ffiffi*,,** " Th' coirncto' aE!6 t! !t ,r rh. wo,r codlmersrld *.,,rn riv. (5) c.r"nrr,r ,n .eo,!.E BrUl lh. D!v.ro;.-, "*"0* "" .., ,ornrrrHili.A! wo covsQd by thrs &rt.mml !h![ b; ;obbd toffi i.?ffi m"**rffi t#ifr f fi-m*rffii,ru 24.- E8trgl,-ctAlEnl,l:WerE rh. conhich.ihe br hstd ,o$omib. rd snymd !u mdr,"r! orwod( to th. tultn'ou,n or p.yrncrts Drd. Ul.rlon, lnd b. ,Eounnffi;f, ffi# **r,.fr .*g:*3!,i$ffi {#"ffsw;y,fl 'r'd,ffi #! tna ar.DDt. . . ,u,on rD plot ct tll Wori troh por.bb (bh4c dls b th3 ircuon o, 25. 8$d.,-+d.r-5-.me"-ae {.!,. ,.--, gjslrrle- ri.a rrlir r. [h. evL. r.yrt.l.d fe..re- ZE, ElDrt. of Cont *16r. Th! Cst cior rr.0 nol b. rdbrr, t 06 h. obtig!t6.. rDr di!.al.tr.d trm ay Eond.h.rtlrx.r u l li6d..mDL0o. ot.! !v..* Dd 6,ir'ron. .p.cin d. "ra p,-tooo i,"i ui.ii,ri ur-fi, "ar,,.... noflfffi' -.,noa, ,o' 6."., ctua.., cr.nn. d;.ad' "' o...iciffi i.i Jiiil,Tiii.H ;r 0,. w",r 27 ."U( orr9olol.!.d Pgrdod. ns Oin.I lhsr h.v. the ngit to tak. pollsrjon o, rnd u.. rry c.nrd.t.d orp.r!.!y comclr.d Fr{d't or rh€ wo.k norvinBEndr.!.h,t r,r mi io, c","iiu"iiii-;;i;;;,-;;li po.t .. ,"ynor hlvr aE r,r h{ tr..n u&,o oora:aoo rm _e iu:r mr rc u_hn ii lJjljiii.,i?"6iv"J,iiii ..e,".0 "Ed&rr Bin h. Conl'tc ib.omntr. 28..gmmm.nttAo6.ortr.TIEi!dls0b.lDi.Uttyxsrmdbyh.Onndund,!l.Agrlr..ntirupr..rqmnE. or lh. Agrl.ftfil lr (bby.d or Ddrbttad tv r.i-. old"v oorreov.'r".r .op@,". r--,*,6*,,otl ffiHtoj##j;#l**' a*r, ". *'. ?--. 949t rn uD ownt hrr (1) ! polilo.l ln b6trlouplcy CEUtd b. fi6d by o. lgrrd ul. C{nrac&r, or (2) u.co.tad!. rbr. ltE cohm.dcar.,{ o, in. w.,r b o'!c;ri .n*,,"*ry *ru, ir,i "oili,ioii fi'-Jioronon or ,r,.gffi m&#s,Hml gl##'tfl ffi hiffi *l*:mel*s"trm# ffi *ito c$cd ltlL Agndr.rt !'d ro gli.rs.r .n oth.r rom.dt.r ii "*y il;i&;;Arli. 6 oag ,,',, J O 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 345 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension GENERAL CONDITIONS proroct p.rkland. 30. U.tlr. P4c{. ConEacror lnd O\r,ner sg6. thd lhrr &,!.lrl.nl r! oorddd.d l_Utt/p SUlr. Coiulcro. .!dr.rry{Lri.. ult.rr hbor d m.t tr& Drovn.d ru un6.r th. Agofi..l xI b6 tur.i!6.d rn ra;;.-,ii_-fr e,o,ut p..'cdrt,rd sun. .!.dr.d h-rra .nd ..rd p,E. du! ^a rc-rriaco ry mv t ii,e #is;-Ii;-&'or rr!o. r,d 31. Plndtno Et.oL t . &rc.m*i !h.[ D! undh! oFn ,x, nu," to th. oar'ft or u,. p.nba hl'to and tht,,!rp.e|va f,,,oc.a&rl rd ..+grE ot llra p.d., h!Eb. 3?.. .qqlrd-Cgdltger, Fo.dtpuD6.r undrhb-.g..ri.n! !i. Co.rtlcbrrhd prto?m.r Ur O..,..d Cdrts cb,id rtd l!v! d tr obthf,ldlr -d rtreooib&b or ilr emi,r corr,rcu ii ir,ei Jili o-rf, rii,r,- a u.wdr rEll(r.! hn mt tlru.d &, rgirrtrrrs d. c.n.r,uctqr ! d orni,,r-Fre;-;d; ii-O$"-in"n-, 33. Ml.€llhoB Pffi.t6!. a - c.o on.. c.,ooo! €.tr',ld h 'n. canrnor Dooxi€ r a! ftert d o,y.r a hrlaf oI conv.nan. lndlffi#, *,* o.*' r'r( o.t.nd o,d.aqr!th....F. Jinii-Cfr.i'r-o i5rl,'illir*.r."v 8. !o!rtul& ghdJd mv rrD6m hlrlot !. rouid to b. n,ttu !y. cqrn o. cou,t o, comprlrlert lcthtr, h...n '{i[ nor tnvctdsr. rh. hErllis loedr- oru. a,*""i[,r,r-iir-eioiiriiiri,._n n trr,o.rr .nd.r.cL Furh.i lhouu !r..o. e!d . f; fl:ffi H#il#,#],ffi fi ilrfl .fr sffiiffih*Hrffi .*?^: stffi*iffil,r IffilHi'. B; *fffi€fr".,'&ffiJI#Hffi [ f;i*S]fSH#,] ffi"ff?fi*i * * F. &lcoodtrtonl Con!".ctor sh.lt turllh ()!vnr,pt"ffiffiHffi#g{#ffiffiffi#*t O. _!V.rvr ol Td.l av Jutu o\rn r lnd Co.tr.d6 r,,,y *rn-EEE-fr Em -or .;;';J#;i"ffi lfi ?ffi pdu'gsgffiH$,,ltH,, ffiffi #*iffi,J;":ir, *,H ffi *,rffi.r;il..*"1r#fi1"f_[: -...--i.- 6 ol0 ",., -l O 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 346 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension Proiect Parklands Tlrb E hrht 'A' B rt@rp6t6d Inb. and ts a ,an oI. lhs St no..d CoErtuclro. Alem.rn by a.d b.tw..n own..,nd l Conl,aclor. shgll cuppl, slt tsbor, m.tonat6, 6qLlrin6nq 3up. !ton, oaNport don and any oh.r I6dE nec€ls!ry ro :yT9P-hj-{-"L]9lJ'€ !,qect tn conroftrsncs wii rio conuaa oro,meirr. Ls suct , h. 6"ipr owi& *u[ r,"ria",srudron orv,ztar. s€ws. and drahEge 6ys!ons, ato.g wIn s[ lBquf.d Lsum, tup.dhr3.ano .pprova.. mn'mnc. o, tr.,ffc end 6tu oifi.- t,.m ndl..ry to. th. gov€fitti, .g..cr.. l; .dot th..Wod .nd anyoth.r.Ebr.d "*ruuon n666ry ro @nipr.r. lro wd( ru i:."n.dd" "i l.i u- m-iiiifo-J ii rn. "r""oa,u,€ltrbll6ed by qI F.d.ral, Star! .nd Locd agancros h.vmg tunsdrcuon o,€r th6 prcFci.' Tha S@. olwork stbtt inctud. bur noi b€ nmrbd to: A G.n.mlwork 1. Cor rador snal pro!'rd€ sdequsb crows and equFm€nr lo cDmpr€lr ule work,Bqulrod h tD dura(on oslabfishod by 2. Contlcto, b.a.d hJa bid Eooosal on hi! om aulnilltr! 6c.odlrEty. 3. Confact r ne! vbltsd h. !il!, .ud rll of d6qrqrtt p@rd.d by Owns. 6s ouulned h E$ibil i- ptsns srxltpodltcruone, .nd u.d€6bad. ttte 6n.rns .lte .ondrro;! ir"t ,-;!o,; g;; # ;;fi;fu;-*" , 4. O\rvnor BhEll d.l€mtna s€qusn hg of Wo,t ihmughout lha du,slon o, g. protBcl b666d oi fia roo\/vhg:r, Log$ alvd. t@ Rtu*lton. .ntranc. ro RidBlon. No.lh p/t- b. rogan 8tvd. rrom Rlvsrdon€ Nodh p/L lo padianG Enusncs 5. Oslo, wil plovtdB Contrsctor ytilh .U nEc€3ssry fietd drkr.g lo comoeG the Wofl lnctudtng the tollou,ing:r. d oft'lorrmorllred staktng to cohairirct3nd/o, compt.t. t o ro.h b. th8 idd ..,rv.yng (Es-DUlt ) f6 tis wat€r. s6{€.. 6nd drshaoe s]!lsms. Tho 3uN.t!r (Fhd@ R.o6t6rrd Prct6oond s,w.yor .nd.M!!p*) wilt prolid. egnsd .nd !r,ar.d Rocoro uEwn€Eror ln. ur6r rn6m., vEtvu, trl! hrdranE. ,r€ue. *d,ce', rori .aln, oranaso prh, inr i.-iilij; e.e.*, orrrccord rn3rr r6vr€w EI 6€$u drawhss end .,ry ds[c]oncrar ;;[i ;;-r,'U;;";;il";?f,ouo u, t "8. or{aerwll p,ovtct6.[ nc6ss.ry m.l.nd d6dv t.3dlq Bqur.lt bra]t.n.t€i.l @n!t@Ld snd ptsc.d oo UI. prllcc!7. Cont etor *Ur b6 ,EpotrStols tbr ti. o.lbclor ot itt o[-dr€ tsnd! (bu[dng!, v6g.Uauon, mad.. pslr thas, dmh60sryEema p.opL, !.nic, propBrv. orc) dudno rha cohpbij- o wo,t o5ii"sli;;;y,i &"j jifr." ,",*a tv ru"con$ruc!6 3h!I b€ h6 aot€ lsspoflditlty ot-tn Conuado( ro con€. ,t no ad;i0on t drsi b-clrrr;;- '. " Hil:HT:.:ffiu,il"ff.',:1.,"c;lfriig:lln;T.'#*;ffi v/.diyand d€doenen m6d,n$ wiu b€ L Corftdd.hdr provkr€ 5Id msrLn a m.ms,- frilfr ;.?fi.:iif"#x"iHtr,""T:.T""[,ffi"jT,li:ffi,"#.ffiilrffill"ffii:i# J]i"; 10. Cont!.br $!U Igl rBmo€ siy filt matutal (G!r soout entlen Epprovtt fom l|16 ospr- lerd o' stuclur'l Flll) geno-tod duin, co'r'lr*tlon t om lhl! slt tl conlracior muat tsxe a[ n€..!usrv o66dti6N .nd ac,oowhdges full B€porslb[rty !o pr6,e6t lh. mlroduclion ottJrudfty hlo any dmnag€ sy6tems ;r iOlaont proFmr. 12 Contr'ctor wu coo,r,isb ln€ ulde,s,ound rn$arbron or p&€ wnn. lho esr0*orx "*s 6.o sbrtr^o .n ohs. ar6as,#trj:*fl #ffi ",#",*ffi r": if "fl,H:.1i,,:.dtr'; ;;;il il ffi #,il,;i _0",s.,d 13. lt.lhall ba.undoEbod- that li. Oen€.Gnonod .h.[,haE lh. nBj dstEmhdron ot ,@pb@ ot @h9r€t.d wE[066€d on the qualty d !ii[k E)d msianat tumllhed Und6r th6ss ,ped[ca0on!. la, Snoutd !.ha Conhaclcr stoct to (leEt r anv mdion ot,lh. Wolt,I 6h.U b. hts lEspoBtb ty io rou.u the doMllnngpdmri .nd obE|n, tf n..o..iry, .ny addiudi €pqw.!r. 15. C<nlh.cbr lhalt adhsF rq Col[6r Counq/s dayltohl hou.! Ior op.Bung equDmonr 16. Hsu hg snd d.io!!r or hny bourdo.! or sxross 8[ g€nerlrad ounng cofllrrrcuon o! rhe conr,.cr [6rn3 $,[ bo riortspomiurrv or th. co,trrucror oxn6r virr idsiritu . ;,c6rio{ *ru,r. tL p.,"a rl, i"i,l iii ii"iill #j,",",* nrr roupon wdch he Co.uaclor wnt hanr,l€ rh6 mltin.t imF thr! poht to.*ard. 17. Cont6clor lnirst i.k.6rl r.cs!.arv ol@u d! and ad.now€dgas tutt G3por3tbilrty b prav l snd to @ntDt.ny and.[ du.r sons*r.d bv lh. !r/od, rr ih; dud h6m.! . nursajr*L n " *,._irg Li,,ii,i,iiiii,T,-" Lir*"_ ,g"*lo $pply s wEtsr t irct sr no addluon.t @sl lo b. O,&Er 18. T'ie NPOES pe.mlt .ftt lhF mcasr€ry rB.od t€Ephg .h6ll bs lh6 respon6ibifity ot rh. Ownsr. 18. shdrd !|. Co.{racior .ncounbr ,[ tisl Ir u ur.ltc tor bac]dr. Cmlracto. sn.I mily he Os,rEr/Ensns€r .nC ltuG!o-t.tnE tEhg.€er lo dBrsmo6 E cdrl6! oracoon lo r.rotv6 irrjnr rr*i.- - --, EXHIBIT "A" "SCOPE WORK" E1hlbit'f 1ol2 a*r, J O 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 347 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension EXHIB]T "A' "SCOPE OF WORK" Proj.cg parklends B Ed&.9snl!d-0Eh.q.i t. CfiE cb..hdl cL.i.n drEnef. rrtbltt.i.r.rrD.a.r{d co.npuo.r.! ![ wt,lo qnlt Ut ry.t m, ar tr oallrd lld o[l-nubi.b pdor-b !D En9h..rrounlr lnd govtrr&I !9!|a . .ct D&E !|a .!,irn , Itrb ct rd,19drd D. colnpr.rtd o um, c6t clr.r.ha! b. ,E.ponath io. h. coonnlc&i .r!6 mehr;c. ot,Myrli.ln ..cfrqrhc ddrC. c.rdr bltn.. z 3qlgI_.!!-Tgqp!rlr d.r!6s.. r.r.' mell 6d rorc. tr.h rb.r,, liln o.rr, cd!, c.!dy t u!.t jld ul.En!rr-r9do. b cor 'l.rE.lrototoo.r.tlctE|. 3. Cofiffi. ${ stmt to Or. EErrx.lor arFovd .lrp d.trror h. a! mahrr.la tld fo corpbi. tra Wort a. Pdo. b obblnh! .p9rov.t ot th. ..Nrr.!arn fom Co{hr County, Conrsclor $.I cL.n !! &16. ot !U ..nd. roct .dd.Dn.. A Tt5-Cdr!.cbr.h.tr oDbn nr. Cou y. crrr..n l!q|l|r!rn.nl| ud daldf rdo.to alrd otcotrrtn cuo6. ^tl cfiairrcl,..mun lllod ina a,'..n rlqunrr.tr a, CdiEbr.d(|wl.og.r ItEl o. orlrl.. nr.y r!.Bjdt y6ti! d pdrd Cdr6..0o.r pli.r.. ot h. pD. ftrt du{Ecdnpt llon ott[ I'Yofi. Ilt Orau, r m orn Cinton. uiacrnr,rr U,c comnrnceinrnt irJ..q,fiir orwo*. 7. Cdt cio. .rr.ll b. o.FodtDb tbr dt Fr.xrn b.thg ot tll. t ab. aE !.car ryrt$t . O.E t r. xr.(.. .dt ..w€r.yd.m. r! ccndo4 h. codr.ct r drl conmmd l..Ille rmmcoauy. rir,oiiu iii-,,uri r.ri oii;. corrrrcu.tdut,iz r[ n..,r. nc!..ry ro carnct !|. d.ns.ncl6 a ib con h .6"dt; ; ----'-' & Cofllador.t lt ata.ld lry ar{ ., Dllo|rrtructon m.!Uli!r.no .cb.d!t .t t,!.pa.ro.t. o, Wdk NOTWIT]IS-TANOINO ANYDJING COMIAINEO IN -THE @NTRACI OOCUMENTS TO THE CONTRANY. IHISAGREIMENr sH^!L aE a.LUMI auu acREEuENr" uoae spEcFrcliiv, mlrfuicrii-loiees ro sE80uNo ro coMpr-ErE THE TMPROVEMENTS OESCRTBEO rN na n-qns iio spibjrircirioui. erracxroHERETO as €XHrBr.B' aND ALr. GENEfi t COND*ONs COnr^'Eq rN iiE ddl[-R;d d6iU-lii-Lirs ron rxecoNrMcr suM oEscRrBED lN aRnd E rv rNv.nevrsroNs 6i-c{.j!'dl116'iit-idni-difi'ijocuueursSHArr AE COMFTETED BY CONT^ACTOR ^FTER I NESO.ATEO P'RrCE_Hi.'JEirii6ii]Eb-iiiO-ri AETWEBITlrE coNTMcroR ANo ov!.NER. rlE coNrR croR si^u Nor'crtAici ifr niis-i i riii oeLerco,ELIMTMTEO OR OTHER!/VISE NOT CONSTRUCIEO, E{rlbll'A'2d2 lnlUal:JD 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 348 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension EXHIBIT "B" "PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS' Prorect Parklands Thls E$i 'A' E hcoQo@teid t.b, .nd r. . pan o( ul. siard6d CorBtuouo AlF.meDt by .nd b€b/ye€. owr€r a.d(.oouEclor. Tnd ha tollowlns [sl ol doqrmontr reofuanrq h. ebis s.d SDcdficsuon by knbh h€ Wolk 6 b b€ c.mpbLd.co^rd.r h!. /!r,r.w€d .l &cum€,r!. €{6los rhrd Mdruol!!, r;;, ;;;i; ,ffi ;; ;;;;,ir[Jr,I ""0 n." *Enmfib or 'lvidmt !o ti. (hcumrdll t. llqtn P*-r:!4 North- Ensn..nng pt6n!, pr!p!..d by B€nk! Eirlnr.nns d6r!d Ajlust 2010, llBr lslrEdsapbmb6r07, m1l. 2. Lo!.n Boutd!ftt Ert€i3ton- Engn€snng ptsn.. pllplrsd by oslllt Ft4sfEld tnc. dat d. s.d€lnb€r 10. 2014, EIttbir.a 1 orl ,r*, J.o 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 349 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension EXHIBIT "C" "OEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE" Prorect: Parklands Thh E$lbh .q b lmlPorat6d hlo, and ia E pa4 ot, th. Sbndsd ConrtucUon Ag€sh3at by,nd b.M..o Olrn r &dCont:clo.. . lnstallaton of Drahage Pipe Starrs:. InstAllauon Of sOlllr stErb:. Inslalletbn of Walsr Start6: F6bruary 10, 2O15 FcbruEry 23, m16 March 2, m15 Marcii 2 . 2015 Elilblt'C' "rn, J' o 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 350 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension EXHIBIT "D" ,,CONTRACT SUIVI' Projoce Parklands rhlr-Ed.iut D' b lncdpor€t 6 ifitD, ,nd tr . prrt of. tle st ndrr! con t uclon &.a.mst by €n! b.tu,!an oss ]E *"ffidfr ffi lprilatlrl#ifi i,{ffi ffi :hHd,fi f Sery;H#fiffi #j B!D,r6.d uy tr. cr .Aro.[,!ow.rrrAor.@pt r, e6FE:1r,"q,"g, u,!l oo,ii ".*c,0,i,Jj"]iii.,o,nn ffi ffi iFSAffi #ffi;ffi ffij*,'r#,ty}iffi IffiHHffiflffitrffij LogEn Boulsvard North (Section ln Collier Coun tY From RlverstohaEntrancg to Rivergtone North Eoulevard No Rlversto . North PrL to Parkla nds Entrance contrriGf loht auantlty s 2,S35 s EA sa 5 EA EA 3 s 1 2 st &-- 8',2.C35 s 10 EA EA 138 281 EA 420 I -lt IIt I coatr*,loi-- 1 EA - I-r ,8. PVC OR 1,1 100 1,3A5 3 2 EA I Tdporarv Al@-of Alsohblv I q!!la"s6 - rnlol!, cu6, TyDe p-6. <to' Bhrbl,cr I ot2 V/alsrl,n. & AccosehB P€mlmntAli, Ssmol. p6hl lTRCP TV Slo.n D€r Col[a. Couhtu W.r.rlh. ! Aeolsdr6qnoc1o E:lsllng 16. Pvc i6' FVC OR 18 In 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 351 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension i ldera sp€cLl (Vsrtev Gud6.l 2 592 5* FLr.d Ed 9ocrhn, CoiaElrt- iV glom p.r catr.r countv 1,2S0 S.nlt!ry S.w6r a 46.!!o.t.! - com.ct to ExEdno o. PVc 2 - E !,PVC OR la 65 t--rq P1/c DR 18 12A7 2 tIIrl III r',.'(I $T Elhbn'O' 2 ol2 .lllll:r Eo{ Lraltaoq P-7. . Frpo uurvaG opuoh.l MEt6.lot, Rou,rd.l5.s/cD rl9r uur.rl epu@r Mdonal, Fo{nd.2:r'S/CO ,r*,,JD 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 352 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension EXHIBIT "E' .'t!EN. REIEASEg" Ptorect Parklands H-W 'e u '"oo'ct."to hlo, and rs s p.n oi ur. sltnd.d conrtucso^ AgrEsrBrt by and b€er!.n o*lior and alrchd h...b .,! tho Lt n R6tsalo Doqrmlrrlr ltd lha cdlt lctor snal srLrnl to t6 0*n9r: ! Wdvs. 6r|d Ftsor.. ot LL. Upon ftogrE!. p!ym.,n (CoDU..tD. r.bs!.ro pgrE ddDr' ry.rrd.r'o rt.l.lrlorugl Upo., Fhat F,syrl.trt (C6E!ct El..!.ro p;ttud Dl -, ' wav* s,ld Ftd..r. or U,so Upoh prEgrs3s payrn rt (Subcdrkldd ritoa:,rlg CoiiacO. !.rO e*ur*rig1. rveturl.nd Rda... or Lter Upon Fhat prymd (suiconr".r".,u..s.s d;;i;rdE;;;ii'p'i-, s('bcr\hJlld Rd€a$ ttrmr wit.not oe aocspt6d by tE o*n6r sflho{d pn6r lM1tton .pp.ovat by th6 oxne. Erd5lt'E ,,,,. J.D 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 353 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension ,,!_v,AtvER ANp RELEASE OF L|EN UPON PROGRESS pAyt!4ENT" ProJBqt P.lkrandE KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENIS. ti!pqmmm; ,##*g.ffi .ffi#ffi {iqgfiffi E!}ffi gjrr#}ff;rffi}n: "ont'acon, .,tconuaa;,i. ;;;d; ;ril;;,.*;,* *' q m:v h'€ats' rEvo srErd omir. rt .i'i',.,t, ralda,r. ton*ngo..crt!€opropc"ni.*mci',;;;tdl"-c6r-iE6;i0=ffiI:I;#ilffil#jlfr_::'nadon *u, nc REFER TO EX}IIBr "H" mf+Hf**l#m*mxffi snft r'{d,f ffi "f#$.nH:,s?#iH*fi l::H##frtr!;:#fti$dl}tri#:i$ o*",d,31i,*i:v,$issl""tl"Ijl*l#ilc,ffi:5Hfi*H#c.offoJ6.ndai,rsM.aidshar hurororh€ EXECUTEOhI8 dly ot STATE OF FLORIOA couNryoF 201_ LIENOR 20!_ by and purpotsr lherDh !6t ,orrh (sl€ 116) NoLry PLtbth, Srsta ol Flo,ija Mycommllrll]n e$"s: E Iblt.E-2d5 ',-, I O 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 354 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension ..\^,AIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON FINAL PAY'/IENT' Prc,.clr &r!!!1!r *"ffi dji{fl !^u_trffiqff4_..t.d:*ffi l?",r.*Fffi *#::#i#l:te a, oaurpm€m .nd,o' &eD,ss (cotr6culsrv. rD.woia) rol..........-............-. i;i u,i p.il,iiJ"s."boo r"r*,,ror sod ln cnlrrlderauon ot ti6 Euir or r ",;; il;i;q;;; .;; ffi'Ji *-;;6ia;iic,fi:l:,Tf"$"#[tJ"'ff,gt;Tflfiad!;li'iH Xf,lE:ddrndB a.d caus€ or 6cdm wtrsboovsi; dr rrenor.vu had. .or tr.r or Fry hcrcaisr hsv€ ;qarnst Oe!l.r, nrp6,tn6r+ l6tu.rE, contldod, rub@r,acto6. ..d8 ... afuar.., ; 0r..;. ;e'";ir. iiil'i -"ifi:'""oe".. ""aoacn of ur.f G!D.cw. Dr.t €r3. bnam. onr" ffiffirffim*ffiffiffi:mffiffir# BEFER TO EXXIBII "H" Ll..or roDEsenb snd w.n€nts to OwM ,nd Ur6 RBr.6s5d plnto, Ult e[ raborsE. lnatsC m.^, supplt€r!,lutcoik do,s. Bub.rlrco6r,.clorr ar|d o0€r uanor rs! d6rj""o r, q,,pr. zrs. rio,iLEl-ti"lf i;.Jo;Jir, "",,sn ",trffi:ffi$sffisffi fisffi,x#,tr{ffi ffi r*"ffi fliffiftk"ntIffi ffi Hlitif&itr1E##iJ:'g:,#innffi #;;fl rllHs:H{xii#,ffi i*I ^,,"H,ffH,1?ff'ltt[H:Xg;1#,]XT*,.'"'!ia'with o,e nsu." o'.n osh a,, {i,h rhs po*r,.. a6ts'aur or rn. pcrron .Eorttm u,rs w"r,e, *a ndr.YIrE lo 3tal€n6nb @d€ !r 5r hstument ol thb n.tut.. rhe oaemsd s oigr;al 6r an larDo 0' lnd m b'nall ol u6not lt !E shlE€d bv 6c..r h slE[ be "".,,"m[Tff ;S#,E?Hll5"T'lH:H*Hx;SHffi.J"il..1"s*.16,r,a, hwo r!,h6 E€CUTEOhb day of 201_ LIENOR: (Srgna ture) Nobry Pulliq St te ot Floddt MY Co.rmlsdon Adm!: E)6tbtt'F 3ot5 STATEOF FLORIOA couNTY OF ---- -iil;iM,,E-- rrr, J.D 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 355 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension .WAIVER ANO RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT; Pro,.4 esg!!!, :g=ffit6#:Ill:.I :Xt, rupdr.r (.ottpr.ry, oE lvodc) ro,.E!d!it!!! r* nro proeorty ocuroi:o riio*. roi-i"j i'co"ou"oua' .dno\dad!.d, hirlby prh/.!. rst !16 lnd rc!.quEh6 .ny.rd..ir.nldeirror,81cra.(r.ordrra.udr,ourE.,.!6n,"r,.rrieniriiyi,o.,oriirii,,i.iiiili*"""r.a'' Bl[n .y!. *rrdr lJ.no. .t.r hd. nol^, hs'G @ h, nr pe,trr, rcnoa,r, "J,o*.r,-;;u;-ffi:Htffi"-.ftHffi**lfutl*Hffi;Hf";xffi#:?trpeqq .,b-,r"du': .6i;;.?, i; ;H;"-. -.e-,oa*oea uciow uorii 0riffi ; -*;;ffi ;i",i:".[H#i?; "Ti,]Ht#"ffffi,ffi%ffi Y,'l;"ffi*(rrdudrns. slhout rirttau.n. rivut ror rana .na "riner.orori,tl ri,o.pr __l_liriii :ilil?. " o.rr ,c..'n crd1 wrrh lh. rono,f}s. d6Erbld p.opcry. e;&h rr robraa iir cr-IiE coGE, EEriii, _;-#i-ild.r"r"d * . REFER IO EXIIIBI, "H- Llno. h@by .d(ered!.i Divm&ll ln th. ,,rEunt ot t-. by Ch.ct ito, -._ tro, O*n6l, ry#4.ffi8r5:y'),ffi 'tr*H;rHJ'{:ffim"*l*ffim-fr #a,t r lh. condoudr D.6. Ltsnor rs!.oi*L! .nd En nb to 0';6r llrd ul. R!r6!.-# i",ir.t-ri l A-do.r., *rrrdH#jtffi*ffiffi?"*S:T1*I-'ft'.oux' rh"x'i' r- o'i'"0-l-" c-r'iijli!. irfia".s,,rur-1 Io,.{iir.a; d'.,i. od;,ih.1,n il ffifi ;:Utr ffigHi,I".q[g,f#&H:*HfrH ffiffifr#f,"trffirumfrl$t'mffiffi"ffi ffiT,ffiffii"ir,lif #:f *I#,ffi H##ffi ,*irir.*ffi #dfi$fi,i: *." "T*[H ;3**Hl# *'tr*WirJg:#Tif;ru["las* .'x,.h.!,Mt ro rh. EGCUTED thb _ dsy or 2,t_ LIENOR: H.l..k.h Con3t !c(66. hc-. Flo.td. CorDo.ato. 201_ ry Nohry Pub[c. Sta!6 ot FLodd. My CoftEEdoi E u: ErhM'r gTATE OF FIORIOA COUNry OF Th6 lbragoh! h.hDfit m. .cino.r.d!6rt t b,! mo tht. i$ffi,.)==.....-.- ,**JD 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 356 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension Pro).cr 2\EklrlCr KNOW ^LL MEN AY THESE PRESEN]B, tirt th. un{,rrdl..t lMd frfrfiirffi;sri**!r c...a.r.roi or ur. rh o,! h.-cEE"ffirr h.Eby.{nr;;6;,-ffi&}",., ,.r."...rd dnqd*Lr.,,y,d .rr !. "id@4i6;Ei-hr! rna,,ir,i. ilili;it"l6"]?iliifrIiHi,#.r. 0"..,.a"if;Str {3j I:gY u}ira u-o..,,", *, n6t n", or ruy ncarncr nar rorie prainar egoarrcr r.srtg. ro. aelor,, lt. o.nE... r.tr(bir. cdh.r6.1 .ubdtl.rrrt. s,ppror!. gtl[.b5. dnCfr=-tr. Gr.....o.!.'1dd Er!.+ md ..ch_o, rh..r ,-pet,v! p.ruloni r..drt, co.t !.bit, ;u,u.a".,, "+foiii, -#E-t;, ","*r.".rr{l!nr. d's.r.lrrrr, oilqr. d&!(,o.!. .nDltu lnd rs.ilt (colbclivdy. u,o n b;#Eitti ;ii;- "c.",q o"p,oFry d.Gib.d !.ro', .^dhr 0'c o.oh.r ;;ed .!oE (-uE iiii;i # iil,idiffiia-rillj.]iil,,gr, * ,,.0..Lr6r'o. (llclu&E. rrhoJl rmlriro.. work ror .rd .nd cr.r!. od.;) !i cd,,€dh. *rrt h; ,iridirE-;;r.d prlccny,ltddr '. locat d h Cofb. Cornty, Fbrts!. ud t6o.lty o.Gtb.d .r blo.rf, 8EFE8 TO O(Nt6tf iHn -*""-1iH:fffir:!"fl:i"8:il:*,mi?ry 9! Rt!*rd psnid hs! .q rstors!. m.r€nd m..\ ',Fr.,..*ou ur"r i"o n..,c ii*i,i -; ilu"d:,i?jfl:f [&w#il4*i,ffitr{*ffi"**#o.d.E) ro. rh. p.oD€.ty d.!..tb€o &ot€. h.E d.ria-o.l'ftodr..r"6. r".;ii w*r,ii"iiltd-d"?,ir..,,0"" "h,&:qgErlqi:ffi trxr;tffi sr":sffi$l.li#1r*: jilf effi fl [ffitr#Itr ffi fldfffi#,#fi 'H#HffiJifi ffi "#ffi rr.,s*rffi**"T,:rx me.r"rrmi:ffi ffimsp"ffir&HEff H?rHH1.H.#trffi;aJiJ dr''t urv hivo ior ruc;ry.; ;;i;;;ri;h';',;:1"d""10'd pDp'rtv !v t'v p'non or 6nnv Edtn'd h...h who Tha P.r.on .scuuns lht! wdw, end R.ror! E t n{h, txi11, th. n tuD o, !n o.,n dd d., th. d.ttr.. r.p'o!ld.(, uy lh. r!w! or h. Std! rtor.lltd rd rdbrv rr€trtng ro rura,,renu ri,aie m Lr *irii,i,iiiiiir, _r,r". n"agr&rr ot lh. p.non d.qlho tt r W.v.r .M Rjodaftd .tr ongr;.r ro..n oinD;r-- _ -' -' 4 i \rrtr'! lor 'nd o' b€nalr or u'or lr l,rh.,nitLd bv rt6tnlt. ,fi.|r b€ *"* ""s#H ifffs"""f; '41i,* :5'iffi H*ffi fi*S*ffi8#i,.!asn!, and,h!r hur6 !o,h6 ..WAIVER AND R€LEASE OF LIEN UPON FINAL PAYN'ENT" EXECUIEO hl._dryor_ 2or_ LIENO& (sbnaul!) trot ry Pubrc. Sbr. ot Fkxida ilycoi rr.lon ErorE E$tb[.E 5 ol5 "*r,J.D 8r'-'-..=---- STAIE OF FLORIOA COIJNTY OF 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 357 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension EXHIBIT "F" "CONTRACTOR'S AFFIOAVTT' prorect: parklands Thl. Exhlbll 'F I. mc.rpot.d tnto, and t! ! prr ot t!6 S!.nd.d ConsLuouon Ao-omont by snd b.tween gwn...ndCorltrcto.. Alh.l'od h.Db € th Cs r! loir Alidavt h!ru6 C{hrr.c!o. lnd slbmt b ho O,r/rler. Ertlbn'E 10tz r,-, J.D 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 358 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension .,CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT'' SIATE OF FLORiOA ) lss couNTY oF _ ) SEFOFE ME lh. uod.nrsh.a aJrhonlv, .s$n.ltv Icoorrucuon. rni *ri;;;t';;L,;;;;i i (iJv1;l;, ili!iifla.a;a;,a;". ;rsrrf*;rr"ara-"* ?j,,"*Fb lLl..l.rr Con.te$.^ tic *6i.n ds b@nE. h rh. Stn. ot aLdrc. 2. coru.cror, Dmu. ro I c6tu ..r.d 4!!.td ea{l!n* nn. .Coirrlcl.l, Dto! rubsqu.,n ch.@. ordrr',r'i-P?rkj.rqi algocr.r.r r. LLrp. rh{.r--frajoiinid to;i-Fa-o*"a'r, u ii,rtuirii iiliuiiii io'o. ru,n,,r,.o,.od. h.,.nn. bd ,.Mc.. ior rh. o.ri.-.-. or c,i!n hp."-...u .;.".. DifiJ;;.e;.ri il !h" c..v..,.d ch6a! ord4. 3. 5, Tllt .ffidrvl t d.cul.o by u. conl'lctor m &ddbccpurpor. oI obtehe . orogrd plym.nl trcm rh. own., ,n 3.OAt3l(<,) ot th. Florid! &nrul.! ior rn All w.lt t b. D.dem.d udlr rh. Conu.cr . d .hrc.nt .ar .,'d chmc. .dB! h"* r-" paa rn ,ua, *ciJfir,l'1"fi#", i:i* Ii#;:*-"d, Dd .rr roor. !^d.i ih. IIIAME OF LIE OA AMOUMI OT'E n"'f:lf;:TJliJl:T,l*"lir r'3r "d r t rum*h'd hbd, !.ruo.!, odtdr or .qu,rm6m r{ rh. pror.cr whr.n NAME OF LIENON ..I3I DAT! L SI DATE 0, I hry. o-rood lnowt.d!. oi !h. to,.cq6g 6d lho to. { tru., FUBTHEn AFflANT SATTH NOT Slon.d, ...1.d ..d odtv.r.d rht3 _ d.y ot _ ZOt_ *f5ifiA6l- itrftG)- CCUNTY OF: 201_ h/ Er{b .r 2ot2 lh. iomgmg hsiMonl eEs {sda-u,ef- "r",,J o 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 359 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension B(HIBIT"G" "PERFORMANCE BOND" projgct parktands .t€s-&6..{6d rL{A€el}€r€L{e Up rer.-"r..se &nC Deem€6l!+sr+e€.FhdeE }.I{ra6l!r.*.Ae. ---F€aeia€eea*C ErA*€.d6oali.+ed..Be.s€€.a - /\fi€nament b E6ylm1t Bed Ad'ibil'G' 10f 1 ,"*",, I O 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 360 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension EXHIBIT "H' "LEGAL DESCRIPTION" prolect parklands rhb. E 'lDlt 'tC ls tncorpoEbd h!o, snd t3 a part of. 6hnd6.d CoGtnElon lo@h&t by lnd b€tEon o'.rs sndCort6clor. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PorUon of hs Wesl Bufle. ot Socton 10. TMshio a Norh Rrehr.of-way R6cord6d r" oa a*r +ue, F.!"!*1},ff8ffi:ff:0,*1#H"igy" otths tos6n Bourevad E Jbtrtf ,*r,J.D 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 361 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension EXHIBIT "I" "CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE" Prorect: parklands HHy, , . ,""(rr".*d hto, .nd B . p.d or. stsrdE rl cstlnlrcdoo A9,..m&t by ,d b.!i6on o$nrr Er Erhlb{'r ,*",,J.O 16.A.3.d Packet Pg. 362 Attachment: Bond No. SUR81100001 - Logan Boulevard North Extension (2645 : Final Utilities Acceptance - Logan Boulevard North Extension