Agenda 02/28/2017 Item #16J 102/28/2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Request that the Board of County Commissioners approve the use of $5,000 from the Confiscated Trust Funds to support the ACT-SO (Academic, Cultural Technical Scientific Olympic) Program for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). OBJECTIVE: To request that the Board approve the use of $5,000 to support the ACT -SO (Academic, Cultural Technical Scientific Olympic) Program for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). CONSIDERATION: NAACP by virtue of Section 932.7055 (5)(c) 1 Florida Statutes is seeking Board authorization for the appropriation of funds for support of their ACT -SO (Academic, Cultural Technical Scientific Olympic) Program for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). NAACP has applied to the ACT-SO (Academic, Cultural Technical Scientific Olympic) Program for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The mission of ACT-SO is to prepare, recognize and reward youth who exemplify scholastic and artistic challenge. ACH-SO includes 32 categories in the sciences, humanities, performing and visual arts, business and culinary classifications. The CCSO requests $5,000 from the Confiscated Trust Funds to be used to support their purposes. This support will benefit the ACT-SO (Academic, Cultural Technical Scientific Olympic) Program for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: Sheriff’s legal counsel has reviewed the application and has no issue with the use of the funds for the ACT-SO event. FISCAL IMPACT: A budget amendment is needed for $5,000 from Reserves to support the ACT -SO (Academic, Cultural Technical Scientific Olympic) Program for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). GROWTH MANAGEMENT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners authorize the budget amendment to appropriating $5,000 from the Confiscated Trust Funds for support of the ACT-SO (Academic, Cultural Technical Scientific Olympic) Program for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). PREPARED BY: Andrea Marsh, Finance Director APPROVED BY: Kevin Rambosk, Sheriff ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (PDF) 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 1344 02/28/2017 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.J.1 Doc ID: 2734 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the use of $5,000 from the Confiscated Trust Funds to support the ACT-SO (Academic, Cultural Technical Scientific Olympic) Program for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Meeting Date: 02/28/2017 Prepared by: Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: MaryJo Brock 02/14/2017 10:15 AM Submitted by: Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: Leo E. Ochs 02/14/2017 10:15 AM Approved By: Review: Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 02/14/2017 1:26 PM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 02/15/2017 8:13 AM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 02/15/2017 8:47 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 02/15/2017 10:10 AM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 02/19/2017 11:50 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 02/28/2017 9:00 AM 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 1345 NatiOnal ASSOCiation for the Advancement Of CO10red Poople,営 111]P#5■17cO∥ler County ―ld c wEL5 籠53dmt 'LcadcrshlP ls not magn.tlc prrsonalltY - that can Just as well be a gllb torEu€. It ls not 'maklng ftlends and lnflucnclng people'- that 13 lattaγ.LeaderShlp is lifung apetts vlsIOn to high slghts, the ra:slng of a person15 performanc eto a h19her standard, the bu∥ding l ofa personality beyOnd itS norma: :lmitatiOn■ SheriffKevin Rambosk 3319 Tamiami Trait E. Bldg. J. Naples Fl. 34112 SheriffRambosk, This is a request for funds to beneftt the continued sffolts of our progrd1n, AcT-So(academic, cultural technical scientific olympics)' NAACP Branch of collier county 5l 17 has recruite4 stimulated -and "n.ouog"d high academics and cultural achievement among high school students for the last five Years'" -Oot f*uf gold Med"file have traveled to Hotston Tx', Orlando Fl" fo, nojehsta., f*Uaetphia Pa, and Cincinlati Oh. to compete-with other students u*r, the united sLtes. The 2017 competirion will be Allie Ross (chair Pemon ofAClSO).--ilrrh y.i tn" budget foTACTSO is approxim"Ely- $15,000. I'm r.quoriog $5,000 frf1n the Sheriffs department to help us to continuo going fonvard. Kindest Regards, catcgories in the sciences, be led by Golden Gl山 higb school SCience teacher 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1346 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept) ヽ . Har●ld Go Wecls,P田 由たnt PO boXう 90727 NaplesFl。34116・ 6054 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1347 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept) Advisory Legal Opinion - Use of contraband forfeiture funds Florida Attorney General Page I of4 Advisory Legal Opinion Number: AGO 92-78 Date: October 26,1992 Subiect Use of contraband forfielture funds Mr. Gregory G. l{anning Chief of Police Longn*ood Police Departaent RE: LONGTVOOD, CITI OF-CONERjABiAIID FOREEITTIRE TRUStr FOIIDS- MTJNICIPAI..ITIES.COT,I{IIIES.IJAXV ENFORCEMEIIT-CRIME PRElTE}IIION-eonTrabANd forfeiture trust funds Day be used to sponsor teen dances primarily heJ.d to provide a safe comunity activity in order to reduce juvenile erine and drug activity. ss. 932.?01-932.701, F.S. QTIESTTON: May the City of Longlrood Po1ice Department use contraband forfeiture funds to start a weekly teen dance, aB a &ug-free, aafe cormunity activity for youth in order to teduce juvenile criue and drug activity in the co,nqunitl'? STJT-IMARY: 3=H:: H " :"il,t:":#:: *#;x::",: :,:i ffi "ii"ff ln,, *" governing body of the city determinee that such a ptogran ig an appropriate l.ar enforcaent purlrose. The City of Longrvood Police Departuent proposea a proltran to have neek1y teen dances for agea twelvs ttrrough eighteen. The drnces would feature live music and rould be etra;rroned by off,icers of the Longvood Pol.ice Departoent. lhe focus of the progr.n is to provide a drug-free atuosphere, whil.e providing a safe eomunity aetiwityr and, hopefully, reducing juvenile crime and &ug activityr. trhe Elorid^a Contraband Forfeiture Act, sa. 932.7OL-932.7O7, F.S., [1]authorizes a lar enforcenent agensy effectiag a forf,eiture of sei-zed property to sell or otbemise salvag'e or trangfer the property to any public or nonprofit organi.zatiou rattrer than retaining it forthe J.atr qaforceuent agency. If seized property is soJ.d, the proceeds are disbursed in the folJ.oring priority: satisfaction of any J.iens preserved by the court in the forfeiturq proceedings.- paynent of http://www.myfloridalegal.conr/ago.nsflprinwiewl3E4ME4Bl638B8l0852562 A10073E4... 113112017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1348 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept) Advisory Legal Opinion - Use of contraband forfeiture funds Page2 of 4 costs incurled by the eej.zing agency in conneetion rith the storage, maintenance, security, rnd forfeituls of the p=operty; and payment of court costs inculred ia th6 folf€iture ploceeding, [2] If, the ssizing agency i-s a county or nunicipality, the r€lIIaiE iEg proceeds are deposited in a apecial 1ar enforcensat truat fund ostablished by the board of countlr cou,iaeioners or the governing body of, the Bunicipality. section 932.7O5 (4) (a), r.s. (1992 Supp.), ia pertiaent part, providos : Isuch pEoc€€ds and intea€st eerned ther€fron sbal.J. be used fot school rellouree officer, crile prevention, saf€ neighborhood, drug abuse educatiou and preveation progralls, oa for other 1aw enforcenent purpos€e, rhicb include d,efraying the cost of protracted oE cmpl€x iuvesti-gationE, providiag additional eguipoent or e:rpertise and ploviding Eatching fua& to obtain fe&ral gEants. rl An ageney or organizatioa, other than the seizing agencl', wiahing to receive contra.band forfeiture funda rnay aPPIy to the gheriff oE th6 chief of polic€ for an appropriation. [3] APplicatioo for such fundr nust be aceoopaniod by a rrj.99-#ation th.t the noneI's ri].l be ussd fo= aa authorized @ by the agency or organizatioa Eay be spent uader the follotring Psocedurea: "1. Such funds Day be ueed only f,or ecbool t€gouace of,fical, crima prevention, safe neigbborhood, drug abuse education, or drug prevention progra,tls or such other lar enforcgncnt pur?oaes 8s ttre board of county comicsioaars or governing body of the municipa1ity deeos appropriate . 2. Such funds shall not be a aourco of rovenue to Ea€t no: 41 operatinE ae6ds of the lar 6nforc€Eent !'gency ' 3. A.fter iluly 1, 1992, and during ev€ry fiscel year thereaftcr, any 1ocal 1aw enforceoent agency tbat acquirea at l€ast 151000 Pursuant to the Flori& contlalrand Forf€ituE€ Act vitbia a fiscal year Dust e:q)end o! donat€ no less than 15 P€lcent of sucb proceeds for the support or operation of any &ug tleatD€nt, drug abuse aducation, drug prevention, crine preventioa, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer pEognn'(a). Th€ ]'oca]. lar enf,orceuent agency baa the discrstion to d€t6r.niD€ rhich prograo (s) *iIl rsceive the desj.gnated proceeds , r' [41 t{hi1e the Elorida Contraband Forfeiture Act haa b€€D recreated under ch. 92-54, Lars of FJ.orida, the li.aitationg on the uge of forfeiture f,unds has relaained strbstantially the sane. [5] The p!€vious oPini'ons of thig office on the use of guch funds, therefore, arc ctill viable . Consisteat in the previoua opiniona of tbis office is the coaclusion l mp//~myn。三ddcgd.codagα “ 7PHntview/3E4A2E4B1638Bm0852562A70073E4._1ん ν2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1349 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept) Advisory Legal Opinion - Use ofcontraband forfeiture funds Page 3 of4 that contraband forfeiture fun& uay be used oaly fo! thoa€ purposea s€t forth in the statuta and appropriate ].av enforceE€nt pur?oses, erccept noma,I operating erpens€!, as d€teraiaed by tbe governing body of the munieipality 08 county. [6] llhere ]ravs been nua€rour instances where thia offics has coDcluded that e:<penditurag $er6 outsj.de th6 scop€ of per:uissi-b]'e uses for contraband fundg. [?] Ulti nately, horever, the governiug body of the municipality or county must DAke the decision rheth€! ttt6 ere€nditure ia foE rn applopriat€ lar enforcenent purlro5e , In AGO 9t-84, the Attorney Geueralts Offlc€ rag asked whether contraband forfeiture trust fuads could b€ uaed to create aad fund a poliee athl,etic leag'ue providiag recreational activities for disadvantag6d youtha. This office ras advised thet the .I.eague ttould be a vehicle to pEovid€ a youtb recreatioaal ptogae[ coacbed by vo]-untBe! police officers. Ihc=e was no evideace that sucb a Proglran constituted a no!!ra]. opelatinE exlrence of tbe uuaicipal Police departnent. :fhe proEra.u's prinary goal raa to P!6vsat or rsdrrce c.rime by establishing a lal4)ott b€treen 1aw enforceneat officerS and dj,aadvantaged youths, rhile directing auch youtbe away frm crisi.nal Eiscbj.ef by othelrise occupying thei! t!r6. while the opinion noted that achieving criD6 PE€velltion through recreation supervised by volunteer Polic€ of,ficers mey not be e traditional rnethod of cEiEB pE€vention, it res r€cogmized tbat preventing o! leducing crin€ ia a v.Iid us€ of coatlebaad forfeiture fuads. !hus, this office concludcd ttrat tEust fuade could b€ us€d to craate such an athletic leagrre, if the chi.f of po].ice requested the 6*petrditure, certif,ying that it coq>lied rith the f,orfeiture ect, arrd the city conDission dete:lnined that the prograu s€rved aa appropriate lar, enforc@ent Pu:rPote. Sj-nilar to the situation in A@ 91-84, e PloglEE provid:taE recreational activitiea sucb es E E-n drace is not a traditioaal method of criE6 or drug prevention. Cri-ue and drug prevention must aeceesarily be tbe prioary puEpose of sponsoring such aotivitias. If you, aa chief of police, sequest the e4)€nditure of forfeiture funds for such a purpose, c€rtifying thet the requost coq:lies rLth the forfeiture act, and the goverrriag body of tbo city nsker the d€terEination ttrat the progran servea aD a[rProPriat6 1aw €nforc@,ent pu{pose, t}ten contra.band f,orfeiturs f,uads Dry be used to supt olt tha neekly teen daaces spoDBored by tbe Longnrood Police DePaltaent. Since!6Iy, Robert A. Butterrortb AttoEn€y General RAB/ t httpノ /Ⅵ5~v.mynoridalegal.coWago・ nsf/prinWiew/3E4A2E4B1638B810852562A70073E4.… 1/31/2017|16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1350 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept) Advisory Legal Opinion - Use of contraband forfeiture funds Page 4 of4 tll Sae s. 932.705(1)-(3), F.S., created by s. 5, Ch. 92-54, Lars of F]"orida (hereafter referred to as 1992 Supp.). 121 Section 932.705(3), F.S. 1L992 Supp.). t31 Section 932.?05(l) (c) , F.S. (1992 Supp.) . t4l zd.. t5l Cf . as. 932 .7OL-932.7O1, F. S. (1991) . t6l See AGO's 91-84, 86-{8 and 83-9. t7l See AGO 83-9 (may aot use contraband forfeiture funds to cotrtponsate a phyeician'e assistant to render u,e.lical aid to county prisonersl; AGO 8{-69 (insta].latioa or nainteuancs of traffic control devices not pernigsible use of contraband forfeiture funds); and AGO 89-?8 (nay not uee contraband f,orfeiture funds to augaentgalaries of police officeaa or pay tuition supplenentg to recruits). http://www.myfloridalegal.com/ago.nsflprinwiewl3E4A2B4Bl638B8l0852562A70073E4... llll/2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1351 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept) (c) An agency or organlzation, other than the seizing agency, that wlshes to receive /uch funds shall apply to the sheriff or chief of police for an appropriatlon and its application shall be accompanied by a written certlfication that the moneys wlll be used for an authorlzed purpose. Such requests for expenditures shall include a staternent describing anticipated recurring costs for the agenry for subsequent fiscal years. An agency or organization that receives money pursuant to thls subsection shall provide an accountlng for such moneys and shall furnish the same reports as an agency of the county or municlpality that receives public funds. Such funds may be expended in accordance wlth the following procedures:1, Such funds may be used only forschool resource offlcer, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education, or drug prevention programs or such other law enforcement purposes as the board of county commissioners or governing body of the mu nici pality deems appropriate.2. Such funds shall not be a source of revenue to meet normal operatlng needs of the law enforcement agency.3. Any local law enforcement agency that acqulres at least $15,0OO pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act wlthin a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than 25 percent of such proceeds for the support or operatlon of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug preventlon, crlme prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program or programs. The local law enforcement agency has the dlscretion to determine whlch program or programs wlll recelve the designated proceeds. Notwithstanding the drug abuse education, drug treatment, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource offlcer minimum expenditures or donations, the sheriff and the board of county commissloners or the chief of potice and the govemlng body of the munlclpatlty may agree to expend or donate such funds over a period of years if the expenditure or donatlon of such mlnimum amount ln any given fiscal year woutd exceed the needs of the county or munlcipatity for such program or programs. The minimum requirement for expendlture or donation of forfeiture proceeds established in this zsubparagraph does not prectude expenditures or donatlons ln excess of that amount. 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1352 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept) ACT‐SO―NAACP ヽAム CP Cdh●●(,o●lity t`村 :,S117 Page I of 2 に,h"…dヽ “。口,●/cm`''23'45,'886 ONAκP ハ1〕(■月 倒 J"BtxslnP MttrRtrxI:N ヽ `ヽ ヽ LVLNTI Ы Anon^r'ra coM^cTUs Lll ACT―SO Sta,(:`I口 nect“ fり0 Vetling Locrtjo, t+.I.1Ab trdd oI tonro Ollr輸 ninR:っ ぃ ●。tl ヽんヽCF CШ に,(blml rD“■511' https ://www, naacpcolliercounty.com/act-so/ I Nolm」ヽ,1/31′2017 ACT‐SO AFFO AoⅢoHc.C● “ 鳳T輸 ∞loglc■l and気 ●●urlc ol,nplcs Tho NAACf'r Afril^c.Jaric, CrJMrl. T.rtnoloSt l rnd Sdarifi. Olt[pi€ (,\(:nSO) ir n. di.]ctsrt p.utqtr doiSn d lo lt.nii. iind*., md !eff48.liC .cdo.nicl .nd orhlrl h(:tic't'D.rn amrxls iiBt &lrcl srdedt,I r ir t NAACP rdioorl F$Bri rhcr. iutr,rr sot ridlloql p $saiorulr ro d.llLo !@Jctls ru.,ry ofdE l! qlegqitt lll. lo.d .o..'hcs ].rr(' rt. ,t'lln hrb oo tt. l..l|okd lnd p..!tttt oo .sp.cl5 ofrl|or p('i..rs. ,i \rcll ., tic orcr.Il devd..Fq of rli; !nl(l@6. Thc ACT-SO plogrrll ir r, tridhei. p.ogrn. EeI yl'r t{d.!t! sqt wlrh ldl vdul|t s osrulori rd r,qurs kl develot ,(oJe.ts .rr, prm.lp.rc r glflcl@d{ opDd.unitj.s\ includiu rio.trlr?r, tulordt 5d frcH lflpr sp.cifE er ibcir do.npairio cst.tdi.r Ihc loc.l ACT-SO 6drr€ido,.rd rsr& erlolor! 3towcri. E rBols of tt rhd.d! nid wut .od dd.ttniDcj stlo .dr.rc.3 l,D dixtdr Colnp4i(l<n vi'Es rtc.n! Dcdrh lld Fiz.t povid.n by 6€ lo.'l .nd r!'siorrl sF io.r.od e.rit{((,i llt€ trll Gold Mld.liar, tho tco.c 95 o,Ircos, ihe dvarc(r to (E r.li$d co,np.ritid sd hatt rlE oPp(inEny to r.c.ive rdCirifid r.(otdiioo,,crrrih, I r.krLntiF,rovid.d t, mli{ul ACT'S0 itrcru&r 12 c.L8or'i.. of(lopaino h 6r $ixn .- hunroitiu, Ffqrdtrt rd litrrl [|r b$iftss md aolio.ry chsifrntqr Mq. Oi! 300,0{0+ y6o,lg tErpl€ i$! FrticiF&d fisr lhrraEr|ID simc ii i.c.Nd lllmvid$3lnor for yo{ai to drfi(ttltre ltaiLric, rrldc rd xjEiiic Foxci! rrd crp.rli!€, WHAT ARE THE QUALIFICATTONS OF PARTTCIPATING tN ACT.SO? .ll8hBhdrruddrr*r!o&r.irizarof&t,{1dSul6.ord.dngrdrr!-lr-a*at*@ti.oiql.t*i6or@FdnaE WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATII!'G IN ACT.SO? . o,* d. lal lddqt 1,1,u{i r {ib r..* oddiddlrn at)P tuid6 i.lodirg rwii&,o., n l6il3. sd idd l'or . Mri,.6ip ,{ 8ri.*. r6rd lli &rdgnrr oafar AaT-SO F,ii|.r(r). Ar@D AFi@ aA dl6rb n ffiil.l to.r4llaE ud.e iiandip! . rr..D n@ ro rrc. rJmrdq 6 *I .. rr, r.k ui,.FEf6iqd il4kr. . Idl r!..A,5d &.nEi...ir@u vi. e,C. od.r' . r1! .tlpoir{n! 6 6r*. rn N.ric.l C..rgnitid rr *did rltr..{t r..dE t!6rni,.rddrl r{df,t6. vtlrt,gr to &n 'c.itrE{a tliir i6.1.,F... -d .(ho B.rih 】頷画ゥ “ 17M T:■ITIF.Si,| でDrc l : Lolorltni l,i0h Slry (brnEd(ll f rg ■「 "′ 「t Jユ=16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1353 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept) ACT‐SO―NAACP , p。■(資 颯:η ' M i w T risisiNコ 、,n′,4ぃ ` 11` 23■4邸 .2386 1 311 ,:|:71,I 9 :1●: :: :2 ::ζ 【,4:iS i 団i囀 闊q,∞晰αい“町ぐ0ぃ 蔵::ケ ilぉ 1っ ":1, 力:ヽ 揃ps A"vimoppl:お κ鶴“りcm 23.21:2::J■2':ち : I ' 30 ,1 : ID●1 1 ‐ | Page? of2 0,,1碑 '01'・ ヽAACP●● ““ rC●",,Hじ “ Ⅲ■い “`q「口耐 ヽ‐ “ ■sド 嚇 frロ https : //www.naacpcoll i ercounty. com/act-so/1/31ノ 2017 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1354 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept Back Up Material (2734 : Confiscated Trust Funds Sheriffs Dept)