Agenda 05/10/2016 Change Sheet Proposed Agenda Changes Board of County Commissioners Meeting May 10, 2016 Continue Item 16D5 to the May 24,2016 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to approve First Amendment to the Subrecipient Agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Collier County,Inc.,to shift remaining project delivery funds between line items in order to fully expend remaining awarded funds for acquisition.There is no net fiscal impact. (Commissioner Fiala's request) Move Item 16J1 to Item 13A: To provide to the Board of County Commissioners the Clerk of the Circuit Court's Internal Audit Report 2016-01,Authorized Use of Motor Fuel Taxes issued on April 6,2016. (Commissioner Hiller's request) Move Item 16J2 to Item 13B: To provide to the Board of County Commissioners the Clerk of the Circuit Court's Internal Audit Report 2016-2,2015 Fiscal Year-End Inventory of EMS Helicopter Operations Parts,issued on May 4,2016. (Commissioner Hiller's request) Continue Item 16J3 Indefinitely until such time as the Clerk certifies that the payables presented in this report have been pre-audited as previously specified by the Board: To record in the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners,the check number(or other payment method),amount, payee,and purpose for which the referenced disbursements were drawn for the periods between April 14 to April 27,2016 pursuant to Florida Statute 136.06. (Commissioner Fiala's request) Move Item 16J5 to Item 13C: Report to the Board of County Commissioners(BCC) regarding the status of payments to Paradise Advertising and Marketing,Inc. pursuant to BCC request of April 26,2016. (Commissioner Hiller's request) Move Item 17D to Item 9A: Recommendation to approve an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2006-57 to add a new section allowing for the use of golf carts upon designated roads in the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District(the "District"). (Commissioner Taylor's request) Note: Item 9A(Previously Item 17D): Exhibit A to the proposed ordinance was inadvertently omitted from the agenda. The Exhibit has been distributed to the Board members and to the Minutes and Records Department. (County Attorney's request) Time Certain Items: Item 11B to be heard at 10:00 a.m.