Agenda 04/12/2016 Item # 9B 4/12/2016 9.B. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve an Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 14-24,the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development, to add single family detached dwellings and two-family, duplex dwellings as permitted uses in the residential component of the PUD, to add a master plan for residential development as an alternative to a mixed use or all commercial development, to add deviations to allow more signage and to allow dead-end streets. The subject property is located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Airport-Pulling Road (CR 31) and Orange Blossom Drive in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, consisting of 21.7+/- acres; and by providing an effective date(PUDA-PL20150001084). OBJECTIVE: To review staffs findings and recommendations along with the recommendations of the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) regarding the above referenced petition and render a decision regarding this Planned Unit Development Amendment petition; and ensure the project is in harmony with all the applicable codes and regulations in order to ensure that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERATIONS: The petitioner is requesting an amendment to the current Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) to add single-family detached dwellings and two-family, duplex dwellings as permitted uses in the residential component of the MPUD, to add a master plan for residential development as an alternative to a mixed use or all commercial development, to add deviations to allow more signage, and to allow dead-end streets. FISCAL IMPACT: The County collects impact fees prior to the issuance of building permits to help offset the impacts of each new development on public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund projects identified in the Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan as needed to maintain adopted Level of Service (LOS) for public facilities. Additionally, in order to meet the requirements of concurrency management, the developer of every local development order approved by Collier County is required to pay a portion of the estimated Transportation Impact Fees associated with the project in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances. Other fees collected prior to issuance of a building permit include building permit review fees. Finally, additional revenue is generated by application of ad valorem tax rates, and that revenue is directly related to the value of the improvements. Please note that impact fees and taxes collected were not included in the criteria used by staff and the Planning Commission to analyze this petition. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT (GMP): The GMP is the prevailing document to support land use decisions such as this proposed PUD Amendment application. Staff is required to make a recommendation regarding a finding of consistency or inconsistency with the overall GMP as part of the recommendation for approval, approval with conditions, or denial of any rezoning petition. A finding of consistency with the FLUE and the FLUM designation is a portion of the overall finding that is required, and staff believes the petition is consistent with the Collier County GMP as discussed in the attached CCPC Staff Reports. Staff believes that the Packet Page -75- 4/12/2016 9.B. proposed Amendment may also be found consistent with the Future Land Use Element, GMP Transportation Element and the Conservation and Coastal Management Element. Therefore, Zoning staff recommends that the petition be found consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the overall GMP. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) reviewed this petition at their March 17, 2016 meeting. At the meeting, the applicant proposed additional last minute changes to the PUD Document, which were not included in each commissioner's packet. The CCPC reviewed all the newly presented changes and made suggestions of their own during the course of the hearing. Commissioner Chrzanowski made a motion to recommend approval of the petition, which was seconded by Commissioner Roman. The motion carried 6 to 1 with Commissioner Assaad dissenting. These changes, including the recommendations by the CCPC, are now reflected in the proposed PUD Document (see Attachment 1 — Proposed Ordinance). These significant changes are outlined as follows: 1. Modified the subsection heading of "C. Accessory Use and Structures" under Residential (R) in Exhibit A. Permitted Uses to clarify that the regulations therewith under would only be applicable for Master Concept Plan for Commercial, Mixed Use, or Multi- Family. 2. In Exhibit A. Permitted Uses under Residential (R), added subsection headings, "Accessory Uses and Structures (For Master Concept Plan for Single-Family and Two Family/Duplex Residential Only)" and associated uses and "Recreational (REC) — (For Master Concept Plan for Single-Family and Two-Family/Duplex Residential Only)" and associated uses. 3. Specified that a six (6)-foot tall wall would be required in the Type B Buffer in the recreation tract, except if the REC tract is developed solely with passive open spaces and structures [see new Note of E.3 in Exhibit A. Permitted Uses under Residential (R)]. 4. Under Commercial (C) in Exhibit A. Permitted Uses, specified that "Ordinance 14-24" is to be used as the benchmark for determining allowable uses in connection with the C-1, C-2, and C-3 Zoning Districts rather than the adoption date of the original MPUD. 5. Updated Table I in Exhibit B. Development Standards by differentiating the applicable development standards associated with recreational facilities when proposed in connection with the Master Concept Plan for Commercial, Mixed Use, or Multi-Family as compared with the same in connection with Single-Family and Two-Family (Duplex) Residential only. This included new development standards in connection with Single-Family and Two-Family (Duplex) Residential only. 6. Modified Note #3 of Table I in Exhibit B. Development Standards by inserting language that would further clarify the applicability of the regulation (i.e., "in the shaded area on the "Master Concept Plan...".) 7. Modified the proposed Note #8 of Table I in Exhibit B. Development Standards to Packet Page -76- 4/12/2016 9.B. eliminate the requirement that each lot provide enough pervious space so as to accommodate a canopy tree with a minimum 20-foot crown spread wholly within the lot boundaries, to instead allow trees to protrude onto adjacent lots such as long as the homeowners association documents submitted at the time of PPL demonstrates common maintenance of all landscaping internal to the development, including trees on privately owned lots. By approving the common maintenance of all landscaping, it eliminated the need for the landscape deviations (i.e., Deviation #7 and Deviation#8). Deviation#7 would how allowed a 15-foot canopy tree in lieu of a 20-foot canopy tree. Deviation #8 would have allowed up to 50% of required trees to be clusters of three (3)palms—code requires no more than 30% of required trees to be palms. 8. Updated Exhibit C - Master Plan Single-Family and Two-Family /Duplex Residential Only by shading in the area east of the lake where lots and the lake maintenance easement may overlap and inserting a category (i.e. "LME/Residential Lot Overlap") into the Legend. An additional category, "REC,"was also included into the Legend. 9. Modified the General Notes of Exhibit C-Master Plan Single-Family and Two-Family/ Duplex Residential Only by eliminating Note 6 and clarifying Note 7. 10. Updated Deviation #6 in Exhibit E. Deviations to specify that the basis for measuring the wall height proposed along Airport-Pulling Road would start from the top of berm. 11. Eliminated the two (2) requested landscape deviations (Deviation #7 and Deviation #8) in Exhibit E. Deviations. 12. Modified the language under the "General" subsection of Exhibit F. Developer Commitments, so that of the two (2) master plans, the unused master plan becomes null and void once development commences on the other. 13. Deleted the last sentence of Note #3 in "Landscape Buffers" in Exhibit F. Developer Commitments. 14. Enhanced the language of Note #1 and Note #3 under "Outdoor Lighting" in Exhibit F. Developer Commitments. 15. Specified the maximum trip generation for the Master Concpet Plan for Single-Family and Two-Family/Duplex Residential Only is limited to 230 PM Peak Hour, two way trips under "Transportation" in Exhibit F. Developer Commitments. It should be noted that the CCPC recommended approval of Deviation #4, which was contrary to staffs recommendation to deny Deviation #4. In addition, as stated above, the CCPC chose to eliminate the landscape deviations (i.e., Deviations #7 and #8) when approving the applicant's language to Note #8 of Table I in Exhibit B. Development Standards that allows trees to overhang onto adjacent lots whereas in the original version [see Attachment 7 — Proposed Ordinance (presented to CCP)], the canopy trees were required to be planted in areas large enough so that they could be wholly accommodated on an individual lot. The proposed PUD Document that each commissioner had in their packet included Deviations #7 and #8, and Packet Page -77- 4/12/2016 9.B. which is provided in Attachment 7—Proposed Ordinance (presented to CCPC). LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This is an amendment to the existing Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD), Ordinance No. 14-24. The burden falls upon the applicant to prove that the proposed rezone is consistent with all the criteria set forth below. The burden then shifts to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), should it consider denying the rezone, to determine that such denial would not be arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable. This would be accomplished by finding that the proposal does not meet one or more of the listed criteria below. Criteria for MPUD Rezones Ask yourself the following questions. The answers assist you in making a determination for approval or not. 1. Consider: The suitability of the area for the type and pattern of development proposed in relation to physical characteristics of the land, surrounding areas, traffic and access, drainage, sewer, water, and other utilities. 2. Is there an adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of agreements, contract, or other instruments or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense? Findings and recommendations of this type shall be made only after consultation with the County Attorney. 3. Consider: Conformity of the proposed MPUD with the goals, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan. 4. Consider: The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses, which conditions may include restrictions on location of improvements, restrictions on design, and buffering and screening requirements. 5. Is there an adequacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development? 6. Consider: The timing or sequence of development (as proposed) for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilities, both public and private. 7. Consider: The ability of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. 8. Consider: Conformity with MPUD regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to Packet Page -78- 4/12/2016 9.B. literal application of such regulations. 9. Will the proposed change be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies and future land use map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan? 10. Will the proposed MPUD Rezone be appropriate considering the existing land use pattern? 11. Would the requested MPUD Rezone result in the possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts? 12. Consider: Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change. 13. Consider: Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed amendment necessary. 14. Will the proposed change adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood? 15. Will the proposed change create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create types of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak volumes or projected types of vehicular traffic, including activity during construction phases of the development, or otherwise affect public safety? 16. Will the proposed change create a drainage problem? 17. Will the proposed change seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas? 18. Will the proposed change adversely affect property values in the adjacent area? 19. Will the proposed change be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations? 20. Consider: Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasted with the public welfare. 21. Are there substantial reasons why the property cannot ("reasonably") be used in accordance with existing zoning? (a"core" question...) 22. Is the change suggested out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the county? 23. Consider: Whether it is impossible to find other adequate sites in the county for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use. Packet Page -79- 4/12/2016 9.B. 24. Consider: The physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification. 25. Consider: The impact of development resulting from the proposed MPUD rezone on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth Management Plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance [Code ch.106, art.II], as amended. 26. Are there other factors, standards, or criteria relating to the MPUD rezone request that the Board of County Commissioners shall deem important in the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare? The BCC must base its decision upon the competent, substantial evidence presented by the written materials supplied to it, including but not limited to the Staff Report, Executive Summary, maps, studies, letters from interested persons and the oral testimony presented at the BCC hearing as these items relate to these criteria. The proposed Ordinance was prepared by the County Attorney's Office. This item has been approved as to form and legality, and requires an affirmative vote of four for Board approval. (HFAC) RECOMMENDATION: Staff concurs with the recommendations of the CCPC and further recommends that the Board approves the Buckley MPUD Amendment consistent with the attached PUD Ordinance. Prepared by: Eric L. Johnson, AICP, CFM, Principal Planner, Zoning Division, Growth Management Department Attachments: 1) Staff Report 2) Attachment 1 -Proposed Ordinance 3) Attachment 2 - GMP Consistency Review 4) Attachment 3 - Density Map 5) Attachment 4 -NIM and Legal Notices 6) Attachment 5 - Application and Support Material—due to the size of the material, you can access it at the following link: (http !%apps3.eollicr_so .nct/a<ge d'a/ftp/2016BCCMeetines/AgendaApril1216/GrowthMamt/Att achtnent 5_ Application & Support lvlaterial.pdi) 7) Attachment 6 - Applicant's Exhibits at CCPC Hearing 8) Attachment 7 —Proposed Ordinance (presented to CCPC) 9) Legal Ad—Agenda ID 174520000 Packet Page -80- 4/12/2016 9.B. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 9.9.B. Item Summary: This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve an Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 14-24, the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development, to add single family detached dwellings and two-family, duplex dwellings as permitted uses in the residential component of the PUD, to add a master plan for residential development as an alternative to a mixed use or all commercial development, to add deviations to allow more signage and to allow dead-end streets. The subject property is located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Airport-Pulling Road (CR 31) and Orange Blossom Drive in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, consisting of 21.7+/- acres; and by providing an effective date (PUDA- PL20150001084). Meeting Date: 4/12/2016 Prepared By Name: JohnsonEric Title: Planner,Principal,Zoning 3/8/2016 10:50:17 AM Submitted by Title: Planner, Principal,Zoning Name: JohnsonEric 3/8/2016 10:50:19 AM Approved By Name: BellowsRay Title:Manager-Planning,Zoning Date: 3/21/2016 4:58:52 PM Name: BosiMichael Title: Division Director-Planning and Zoning,Zoning Date: 3/22/2016 12:51:32 PM Packet Page-81- 4/12/2016 9.B. Name: PuigJudy Title: Operations Analyst, Operations &Regulatory Management Date: 3/22/2016 1:49:32 PM Name: MarcellaJeanne Title: Executive Secretary,Transportation Administration Date: 3/23/2016 2:11:48 PM Name: AshtonHeidi Title: Managing Assistant County Attorney, CAO Land Use/Transportation Date: 3/23/2016 4:58:28 PM Name: IsacksonMark Title: Division Director-Corp Fin&Mgmt Svc, Office of Management&Budget Date: 3/24/2016 10:03:08 AM Name: KlatzkowJeff Title: County Attorney, Date: 3/29/2016 8:04:13 AM Name: CasalanguidaNick Title: Deputy County Manager, County Managers Office Date: 4/4/2016 12:56:59 PM Packet Page -82- 4/12/2016 9.B. Ca e-r County y STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: ZONING DIVISION—ZONING SERVICES SECTION GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING DATE: MARCH 17, 2016 SUBJECT: PUDA-PL20150001084 BUCKLEY MPUD PROPERTY OWNER&APPLICANT/AGENT: Owner: Agents: Airport Pulling Orange Blossom, Alexis Crepso, AICP Richard D. Yovanovich, Esq. LLC Waldrop Engineering, P.A. Coleman, Yovanovich, &Koester, P.A. 560 Delaware Ave., Room 400 28100 Bonita Grande Dr., Northern Trust Bank Bldg Buffalo, NY 14202 Suite 305 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Naples, FL 34103 Applicant/Contract Purchaser: Pulte Home Corporation 24311 Walden Center Dr. Bonita Springs, FL 34134 REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioner is requesting the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) to consider an application to amend Ordinance Number 14-24,the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD), to add single-family detached dwellings and two-family, duplex dwellings as permitted uses in the residential component of the MPUD,to add a master plan for residential development as an alternative to a mixed use or all commercial development, to add deviations to allow more signage, and to allow dead-end streets. PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 1 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -83- 4/12/2016 9.B. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject property is located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Airport-Pulling Road (CR 31) and Orange Blossom Drive in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Generally,the petitioner is requesting to amend the MPUD to allow single-family detached and two- family/duplex dwellings. The significant changes to the PUD Document include new development standards and an alternate Master Plan (applicable to the new residential uses), an amendment to one (1) of the existing deviations that was previously approved, and six (6)new deviations from the Land Development Code (LDC). Other changes can be found in the proposed ordinance (see Attachment#1 —Proposed Ordinance). It should be noted the proposed PUD Document contains a proviso in Exhibit F (Developer Commitment)that once residential or commercial development commences,the Master Plan option which was not pursued would become void. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: This section of the Staff Report identifies the land uses and zoning classifications for properties surrounding the subject site. North: Adult Congregate Living Facility/Adult Living Facility/Skilled Nursing facility (HarborChase of Naples), zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). East: Right-of-way for Airport-Pulling Road; then farther east is a canal; still farther east is developed residential (Lakeside of Naples), zoned PUD and a church (St. Katherine's Greek Orthodox Church), zoned Rural Agricultural (A) with a Conditional Use (CU). South: Collier County Library Headquarters, zoned A with a CU. West: Single-family residential (Emerald Lakes), zoned PUD at a density of 3.54 dwelling units per acre. (See location map on the following page) PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 2 of 19 March 8, 2016 Packet Page -84- ° CI 182 r Y �s8 z= 4/12/2016/2016 9.B n o s R : R . q I- t, s Z = God om ^ 7 . gax ate No 31.101 R < R g Y $ s 1) 'CI Q- E°1 1111.10 o w.04- �- 2 5 a G 1 C2 u sa o 2 4 E e U 1 a ,0011111110 ss m LL ._ lrNVO /� WW2 QyOa oNmnd–la0daly \CL (L£ 'a'�) C a € n a. < a ' \ J' ° d z z . g � � r JO' el .9,00 1.0321.2�, A Ei I 5 i- VAlt■° 111611:' . 5 N 4 ZS d 3 i. '"\_k_. ^ 314'0 IQV��� 6y A� y R A 0.7 0, , X © IL REGAL°GRCIE}, W iii.a,a ,, . a1LL .--„-•OND _ D gg § ; . ® —2a In ,...13,,s,-, '' € s R CC O #0.k < ��.0 GRC® N IL RARR 6 i J d MVOS O1.LON O D 4t Z wq wa i € 62 X62_ a;._ H m.g P4h r sV 9� W R. 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Laurel DR• E Z 2nairDetl S� '' ? � � MARSH ° .Vetntura WAY roi WA E J x....tewnxN.ntasx�. ,,asp. as ^r-m:•°r, V,a4n d e r b a S t P<B e a h?,R D ..'_°":°0 Ir t -'. -. . <>,...:� ^ i �WALGREEN'S Gardner D, VINEYARDS -. G ,t P C .. ataat4th:S r'°''"�C,a4 P LAKEI r.„4 t ar.t tx t ? z. a L ay'2 ` � . �R > E � Subject Property !4 r3 19n° "�• y N 3rµ 2f' , ` tz7�L,� WAY a i Gid 4 . T� ap A , MONTEREY as-ake DR i`Grovcs ' - c ot, "'gym.- F• �._ a .�._l` :.. i .'j. c d _ u s_�.�rv0 `:cH 4' .�. F "<) S 5 Aft Miczen, OAK„ yn �ir.tat , � ,. 2" • r .n AVK. .:.,t o;. WAY. : :G'GROVE ' to ,W ■Ay ∎• E'm G\� i' ap _ f : S ; Y ac�a4EAERALD CITRUS A in cC, at LAKES ,el ,itrus GFRDENS r W Lakt D ti W ,t .tD • �.�L a9 u n� -?� ' -WA:Y o Lake DR .riiiw- a a 7c, SIENA ;. C�mberlrn �� r'r' LAKES ��A °nd. CR C a Q Horiz°r ..0 l " 7❑ll x �r s �t BS � 0 f ` CARLISLE Q r LONE OAK !...---maH ..pa kl�i REGENCY z ' -*�.ra :^ �� '^` IL� .a��*���S�avr,.wi2 ��J�S �c��tlS� 6* Q- r 1 ? 1 i � € IFfRST @APTSSi G 11a_ ♦ r 1�;�, i � �� o v �s ����G t iz � l CHURCH!Of� " , y!SLEEPY , t f5".\\e - NAPLES • r r 4 HOLLOW �wa Aerial(County GIS) GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) CONSISTENCY: Future Land Use Element(FLUE): The subject site is designated Urban,Urban Mixed Use District,Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, on the Future Land Use Map of the Collier County Growth Management Plan (GMP). In the Future Land Use Element(FLUE)of the GMP,this Subdistrict reads, "The intent of this Subdistrict,which comprises 21.7 acres, is to allow for limited retail, office and residential uses while allowing for the development of a mixed-use development. The Activity Centers to the north and south provide for large-scale commercial uses, while this Subdistrict is intended to promote convenience and intermediate commercial development to serve existing and future residential development in the immediate area. This Subdistrict will serve to reduce existing trip lengths for convenience and intermediate commercial services. Commercial uses for the purpose of this section are limited to those permitted and conditional uses allowed in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts except as noted below. The development of this Subdistrict will be governed by the following criteria." (The PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 3 of 19 March 8, 2016 Packet Page -86- 4/12/2016 9.B. complete criteria and analysis has been provided in Attachment #2 — Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review). Consistency Determination: Comprehensive Planning staff finds this petition to be consistent with the Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict and with the FLUE (see Attachment #2 - Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review). Transportation Element: In evaluating this project, staff reviewed the applicant's Traffic Impact Statement for consistency with Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan (GMP) using the 2014 and 2015 Annual Update and Inventory Reports (AUIR). Policy 5.1 "The County Commission shall review all rezone petitions, SRA designation applications, conditional use petitions, and proposed amendments to the FLUE affecting the overall countywide density or intensity of permissible development, with consideration of their impact on the overall County transportation system, and shall not approve any petition or application that would directly access a deficient roadway segment as identified in the current AUIR or if it impacts an adjacent roadway segment that is deficient as identified in the current AUIR, or which significantly impacts a roadway segment or adjacent roadway segment that is currently operating and/or is projected to operate below an adopted Level of Service (LOS) standard within the five year AUIR planning period, unless specific mitigating stipulations are also approved. A petition or application has significant impacts if the traffic impact statement reveals that any of the following occur: a. For links (roadway segments) directly accessed by the project where project traffic is equal to or exceeds 2% of the adopted LOS standard service volume; b. For links adjacent to links directly accessed by the project where project traffic is equal to or exceeds 2% of the adopted LOS standard service volume; and c. For all other links the project traffic is considered to be significant up to the point where it is equal to or exceeds 3% of the adopted LOS standard service volume. Mitigating stipulations shall be based upon a mitigation plan prepared by the applicant and submitted as part of the traffic impact statement that addresses the project's significant impacts on all roadways." The proposed PUD Amendment to allow a single-family development on the subject property will generate approximately 230 PM peak hour, net trips on the adjacent roadway links, as follows: Airport Pulling Road from Vanderbilt Beach Road to Orange Blossom Drive, a six-lane divided facility,with a current service volume of 3,000 and a remaining capacity of approximately 841 trips, and currently operating at LOS "C". This PUD was previously approved to allow commercial and multi-family residential uses that generated approximately 687 PM peak hour net trips on the same adjacent roadway link. Based on the reduced number of trips proposed and the current 2015 AUIR capacity noted, the above roadway network has sufficient capacity to accommodate the project PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 4 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -87- 4/12/2016 9.B. within the 5-year planning period. Therefore, the subject rezoning can be found consistent with Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the GMP. Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME): Environmental Planning staff found this project to be consistent with the Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME). No native vegetation occurs on site. The subject property was historically used for row crops and later on as a plant nursery. GMP Conclusion: The GMP is the prevailing document to support land use decisions such as this proposed rezoning. Staff is required to make a recommendation regarding a finding of consistency or inconsistency with the overall GMP as part of the recommendation for approval, approval with conditions, or denial of any rezoning petition. This petition is consistent with the GMP. ANALYSIS: Applications for amendments to, or rezoning to, PUD shall be in the form of a PUD master plan of development along with a list of permitted and accessory uses and a development standards table. The PUD application shall also include a list of developer commitments and any proposed deviations from the LDC. Staff has completed a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition including the criteria upon which a recommendation must be based, specifically noted in LDC Subsection 10.02.13.B.5, Planning Commission Recommendation (commonly referred to as the "PUD Findings"), and Subsection 10.02.08.F, Nature of Requirements of Planning Commission Report (referred to as "Rezone Findings"), which establish the legal basis to support the CCPC's recommendation. The CCPC uses these same criteria as the basis for their recommendation to the BCC, who in turn use the criteria to support its action on the rezoning or amendment request. An evaluation relative to these subsections is discussed below, under the heading "Zoning Services Analysis." In addition, staff offers the following analyses: Environmental Review: Environmental Planning staff has reviewed the petition and the PUD Document to address environmental concerns. This project does not require review by the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) since the project did not meet the EAC scope of land development project reviews identified in Chapter 2, Article VIII, Division 23, Section 2-1193 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances. Landscape Review: Staff has reviewed the PUD Document and Master Plan and has no issues with the requested changes. Transportation Review: Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the petition request, the PUD Document,and the Master Plan for compliance with Collier County Access Management Resolution Number 13-257; and as noted above, for consistency with the transportation elements of the GMP. Transportation Planning staff is recommending approval of the request. Utilities Review: Approved. No comment. PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 5 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -88- 4/12/2016 9.B. Zoning Services Review: When evaluating this proposed amendment,staff analyzed the 1)proposed uses; and 2) associated development standards. The analysis is as follows: Proposed Uses - In determining whether the proposed uses will be compatible with, and complimentary to, surrounding land uses, Comprehensive Planning staff leaves this determination to Zoning staff (as summarized in the Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review — see Attachment#2). In evaluating compatibility of the proposed uses to the surrounding uses, it should be noted that the abutting development to the west (Emerald Lakes at Bridget Lake Unit PUD) contains existing-single-family homes at a density of 3.54 dwelling units per acre. The Buckley MPUD was previously approved with more dense and intense land uses (at a maximum density of 11 dwelling units per acre); therefore, the introduction of single-family and two-family/duplex residential land uses to the MPUD is perceived to be compatible and complimentary to the surrounding land uses. A preliminary plat application has recently been submitted to the County, proposing 82 home sites (3.78 dwelling units per acre). Development Standards- Staff compared the development standards of the proposed uses with that of the single-family zero lot line homes in Emerald Lakes at Bridget Lake Unit as well as with the cluster housing provisions found in the LDC. Table 1 on the following page shows the development standards for the new single-family and two- family duplex uses associated with this request(82 units shown on the PPL) and how they compare with the standards for the single-family zero lot line homes in Emerald Lakes at Bridget Lake Unit as well as with the cluster housing provisions found in the LDC: (See table on following page) PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 6 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -89- 4/12/2016 9.B. Table 1. Development Standards Comparison Buckley MPUD Buckley MPUD Emerald Lakes Cluster Housing ' Single-family Two- Single-family LDC Detached family/Duplex Zero Lot Line Minimum Lot 5,400 s.f. 3,500 s.f. 5,500 s.f. 3,000 s.f. Area Minimum Lot 45 feet 35 feet 50 feet(except 40 feet Width cul-de-sacs) 20 feet(cul-de- sac) Minimum Floor 1,200 s.f. 750 s.f. 750 feet N/A Area Front Setback 20 feet 1,3,4 20 feet 1,3,4 25 feet 20 feet 10 feet(side entry garage) Side Setback 5 feet 5 feet 0 feet or 10 feet ZLL on 10 feet one side No ZLL 5 feet Rear Setback 10 feet 2'5 10 feet 2'5 25 feet 6 10 feet (Principal) Rear Setback 5 feet 2'5 5 feet 2'5 10 feet 3 feet (Accessory) PUD Perimeter 30 feet 30 feet N/A N/A Setback(east) PUD Perimeter 20 feet 20 feet N/A N/A Setback(north and south) PUD Perimeter 25 feet 25 feet N/A N/A Setback(west) Minimum Distance between Structures (principal 10 feet 0 or 10 feet 0 feet or 10 feet N/A accessory) 10 feet 0 or 10 feet Per LDC N/A Maximum Height 35 feet 35 feet 30 feet N/A (zoned) Maximum Height 40 feet 40 feet PUD predated Per underlying (actual) LDC definition _ zoning district 1. Garages and carports shall be 10 feet from principal structures if detached. There will be a minimum of a 23 foot setback from the back of a sidewalk to front load garages. For corner lots, only one (1) front yard setback shall be required. The yard that does not contain the driveway/vehicular access to the residence shall provide a 10' setback. 2. Where a home site is adjacent to a landscape buffer easement or lake maintenance easement under the Master Concept Plan for Single-family and Two-family/Duplex Residential Only, and it is a separately platted tract, the principal and accessory structure setback on the platted residential PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 7 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -90- 4/12/2016 9.B. lot may be reduced to 0 feet where it abuts the easement/tract. Where the LME is not a separate platted tract and is permitted to overlap into the platted residential lot up to 10 feet, the minimum principal and accessory structure setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet, as measured from the rear lot line. In no case shall principal or accessory structures be permitted in the LME. 3. If the parcel is directly accessed by a public or private road right-of-way, setback is measured from the adjacent right of way line per LDC. Sidewalks shall be located in the right-of- way. 4. If the parcel is directly accessed by a private driveway, setback is measured from the back of curb (if curbed) or edge-of-pavement (if not curbed). This would apply to multi-family development tracts that do not have platted rights-of-way. 5. In order to support a canopy tree with a minimum 20-foot crown spread as required in LDC Section 4.06.05,individual lots must accommodate enough space for the entire 20-foot canopy to be located wholly within the lot boundaries,except where the lot is adjacent to a lake maintenance easement and/or landscape buffer easement, in which case, a portion of the required 20-foot canopy may protrude into such area. This applies to all residential lots within the PUD. 6. Lake bank setback is 20 feet. Staff determined the development standards of the proposed single-family and two-family/duplex residential uses would be compatible and complimentary to the surrounding land uses and cluster housing standards, generally. DEVIATION DISCUSSION: This MPUD was previously approved with two (2) deviations pursuant to Ordinance 14-24. The petitioner is now seeking to amend one (1) the existing deviations and proposes six (6) new deviations. The deviations are itemized in Exhibit E of the PUD Document. The petitioner's justification and staff analysis/recommendation are as follows: Amended Deviation#1 A deviation from LDC Section 6.06.01.N which establishes the minimum right-of-way width of 60 feet to be utilized, to instead establish that all internal roadways, if platted, shall be subject to a 50- foot right-of-way configuration for the Master Concept Plan for Commercial,Mixed Use and Multi- family Only; and a 45-foot right-of-way for the Master Concept Plan for Single-family and Two- family/Duplex Residential Only. Petitioner's Rationale: "The reduced roadway width will provide the necessary infrastructure requirements, including 5' internal sidewalks, standard 10' wide travel lanes and utility easements (see attached cross section). Additionally, the right—of—way will be privately maintained by the future Homeowners Association(HOA). Studies have determined that reduced right—of—way widths act as a traffic calming feature and will assist in maintaining public health, safety[,] and welfare within the community. Please refer to the enclosed right—of—way cross section,which demonstrates PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 8 of 19 March 8, 2016 Packet Page-91- 4/12/2016 9.B. the requisite infrastructure can fit within the proposed width. The Applicant has also secured approval from the Engineering Division via the attached email correspondence from John Houldsworth. Please note the 50-foot right-of-way for the Commercial,Mixed-Use and Multi-Family Only master plan was approved pursuant to Ordinance 14-24." Staff Analysis and Recommendation: This MPUD was previously approved for a 10-foot deviation, which reduced the minimum width of the right-of-way to 50 feet for the Commercial and Mixed version of the Master Plan. No change is being proposed to the Commercial and Mixed use version of the Master Plan. This request would be to reduce the width of the right-of-way to 45 feet for the version of the master plan that proposes single-family and two-family/duplex residential uses. Sidewalks would be incorporated into the design in both versions. Staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that in this instance,reducing the width of the proposed right-of-way to 45 feet would not have a detrimental effect on the health, safety, and welfare of the community; therefore, staff concurs with the applicant's justification. Existing Deviation #2 (no change proposed) A deviation from LDC Section 5.05.04 D.1 which establishes the maximum floor area ratio of 0.45, to instead establish that the maximum floor area ratio be 0.65 for assisted living facilities. Petitioner's Rationale: "Approved pursuant to Ordinance 14-24." Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Approved pursuant to Ordinance 14-24. No change is being requested in connection with this amendment. Proposed Deviation#3 When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed: Deviation from LDC Section Deviation from LDC Section 5.04.06.A.3.e which allows temporary signs on residentially zoned properties up to 4 square feet in area or 3 feet in height, to allow a temporary sign or banner up to a maximum of 32 square feet in area and a maximum of 8 feet in height, subject to approval under temporary sign permit procedures in the LDC. The temporary sign or banner shall be limited to 90 days per calendar year. This deviation will remain valid for a period not to exceed three (3) years, commencing from the date this amendment was approved. Petitioner's Rationale: "The requested deviation will allow for a banner sign announcing the project's grand opening and/or available unit sales, at a scale that has been previously approved for other residential communities within Collier County. The deviation will provide additional signage area to assist in marketing efforts,while protecting viewsheds from Airport—Pulling Road. The sign will be temporary in nature, and will undergo the requisite temporary sign permit process in accordance with Section 5.04.06 of the LDC." Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff evaluated this deviation by noting its two (2) primary components: Sign Area/Height and Length of Time. The analysis of these components are as PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 9 of 19 March 8, 2016 Packet Page -92- 4/12/2016 9.B. follows: Sign Area/Height - A temporary use permit is required for the placement of any temporary ground sign on residentially zoned properties and such sign shall not exceed four(4) square feet or three (3) feet in height in accordance with LDC Section 5.04.06.A.3.e. In evaluating the size/height portion of this request, staff refers to the deviations approved for two (2) different projects: Royal Palm International Academy and the Esplanade Golf and Country Club of Naples RPUD(formerly known as Mirasol). Pursuant to Ordinance 15-56,the Royal Palm International Academy PUD was approved with a sign deviation allowing a temporary banner sign up to 200 square feet with a maximum 4 feet in height and 50 feet in length. For the Esplanade Golf & Country Club of Naples RPUD, a sign deviation was approved allowing a temporary sign or banner up to a maximum of 32 square feet and eight(8) feet in height for a maximum of 28 calendar days per year. Length of Time - According to LDC Section 5.04.05.A.3, a temporary sign may be placed on a property as follows: The County Manager or designee may grant nonrenewable temporary use permits of up to 14 days duration, such that during any calendar year the sum total duration of all permits for such events for that location does not exceed 28 days. While the deviation approved in connection with the Esplanade Golf& Country Club of Naples RPUD did not allow a time span in excess of the LDC,the Royal Palm International Academy was approved for a maximum of 90 calendar days per year during season, which was defined as November 1 through April 30. The deviation further states,"The banner sign must be setback a minimum of 100 feet from the Livingston Road edge of pavement, and it shall be installed on the Camden Lakes masonry wall located on the western side of Livingston Road." Based on the above analysis and the applicant's justification, staff recommends APPROVAL of this requested deviation. Proposed Deviation#4 When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed: Deviation from LDC Section 5.06.02.B.6.b, which permits two (2) ground or wall signs per entrance to the development with a combined sign area of 64 square feet, to allow for two (2) ground or wall signs at the project entrance with a combined sign area of 80 s.f. Petitioner's Rationale: "The proposed deviation will allow for additional design flexibility and ensure visibility of the community from adjacent roadways. This deviation request is typical of similar master planned residential communities throughout Collier County. The proposed signage will undergo the requisite permitting prior to construction." StaffAnalysis and Recommendation: The LDC allows for up to two(2) ground or wall signs at each entrance to a multi-family or single-family development. Such ground or wall signs, when PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 10 of 19 March 8, 2016 Packet Page-93- 4/12/2016 9.B. combined, shall not exceed 64 square feet, and shall not exceed the height or length of the wall or gate upon which it is located. If two (2) identical signs are proposed, each would be 32 square feet. This deviation would essentially allow an increase to the size of each sign by eight(8) square feet. When evaluating this deviation, staff considered the requested size of the sign and compared it to signs constructed on other residential developments located within close proximity to the subject site. Staff research revealed that the signs constructed in the surrounding residential developments (and those within close proximity), such as"Lakeside of Naples"in Citrus Gardens PUD; "Emerald Lakes"in Emerald Lakes PUD; "Walden Oaks" of Lone Oak PUD; and"The Oasis Apartments" in Keystone PUD did not have any sign size deviations approved for them. All the aforementioned signs have been constructed along Airport-Pulling Road, a six (6)-lane divided right-of-way between Vanderbilt Beach Road to the north and Cougar Lane to the south. It should be noted the abutting property to the north of the subject property (e.g., "HarborChase of Naples" in Brighton Gardens PUD) is considered a commercial development, and therefore, it is allowed to have a larger sign than if it were a residential project. Therefore, based on the above analysis and the applicant's lack of compelling justification, staff recommends DENIAL of this requested deviation. Proposed Deviation#5 When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed: Deviation from LDC Section 6.06.01.J, which prohibits dead-end streets, to allow dead-end streets as shown on the Master Concept Plan for Residential Only. Petitioner's Rationale: "The Applicant is requesting dead—end stubs at the terminus of the proposed private, local streets specific to Master Concept Plan Option B, in order to efficiently utilize the property's developable area. The maximum length of the proposed dead—end streets will not exceed 150 feet, and will service a maximum of four (4) dwelling units per street. The proposed design is in compliance with state and local fire safety standards. Therefore, the requested deviation will not negatively impact public health, safety[,] or welfare and will provide for design flexibility within this infill development parcel." Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff sees no detrimental effect if this deviation request is approved. As noted in the petitioners rationale the proposed dead-ends are limited in length and the number of units served and meet fire safety standards. Zoning and Land Development Review staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation, finding that, in compliance with LDC Section 10.02.13.A.3, the petitioner has demonstrated that "the element may be waived without a detrimental effect on the health, safety and welfare of the community," and LDC Section 10.02.13.B.5.h, the petitioner has demonstrated that the deviation is "justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations." Proposed Deviation#6 When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed: Deviation from LDC Section 5.03.02.C.2, which permits a maximum wall height of six (6) feet in residential zoning PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 11 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -94- 4/12/2016 9.B. districts, to allow for a maximum wall height of eight (8) feet along the Airport-Pulling Road frontage. Petitioner's Rationale: "The proposed deviation will allow for additional visual screening and mitigation of noise pollution resulting from traffic along Airport[-Pulling] Road, a 4—lane divided arterial roadway. The Applicant is proposing enhanced plantings to screen the wall and provide for attractive views from the roadway, including 30" shrubs at the time of planting for the rear hedgerow, and enhanced grass/groundcover. Please refer to the enclosed buffer/wall cross section. Approval of this deviation will serve to promote public health, safety[,] and welfare, as well as enhance the MPUD." Staff Analysis and Recommendation: The applicant is requesting a two (2)-foot increase over the maximum allowable wall height of the wall along Airport-Pulling Road, which is a well-traveled roadway in the County. Zoning staff concurs with the applicant's justification that an increase in wall height would help provide additional screening and lessen traffic noise. Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of this deviation. Proposed Deviation#7 When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed: Deviation from LDC Section 4.06.05.D.2., which requires all new individual trees to have an average mature spread or crown of greater than 20 feet,to allow for an average mature spread or crown of 15 feet. The canopy tree species will be limited to holly, satin leaf, and little gem magnolia. Petitioner's Rationale: "The proposed residential community is an infill project with a compact, clustered development footprint. The proposed single-family lots are 45 feet in width, while the two—family attached/duplex lots are 35 feet in width.Due to the smaller lot widths proposed,canopy trees with a 20' spread are not readily accommodated, and may result in potential conflicts with infrastructure, driveway, sidewalks as the trees mature overtime. The Applicant is proposing a selection of canopy trees with a 15' spread that will not conflict with infrastructure at maturity. The proposed trees will meet the intent of the LDC to provide for general trees within new development, while recognizing the spatial constraints associated with this clustered, infill project." Staff Analysis and Recommendation: According to LDC Section 4.06.05.A.1, one (1) canopy tree is required for each 3,000 square feet of pervious open space, which essentially means that each lot must have a canopy tree. Many species of canopy trees require a 20-foot wide planting area, at minimum,to accommodate future canopy and root spread. The problem arises when planting areas and pervious spaces are limited due to physical impervious barriers (e.g., houses, roof overhangs, driveways, sidewalks, accessory structures, etc.) and other competing interests (e.g., property boundaries, easements, etc.). As a means of alleviating the competition, the applicant is proposing that up to 50% of the required trees for the MPUD consists of a grouping of palm tree species. Palm species have a root ball, and their root system does not require as extensive physical area as does for many hardwood species. Based on the above analysis and the applicant's justification, staff recommends APPROVAL of this requested deviation. PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 12 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -95- 4/12/2016 9.B. Proposed Deviation#8 When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed: Deviation from LDC Section 4.06.05.D.2.a,which allows no more than 30%of the required canopy trees to be substituted by palms (where groupings of three (3) palms are the equivalent of one (1) canopy tree); to allow no more than 50% of the required canopy trees to be substituted by palms. Petitioner's Rationale: "The Applicant is requesting a higher percentage of palm trees to substitute for the canopy tree requirements due to the clustered development program. Palm trees are more readily accommodated on the clustered lots due to their reduced spread and root systems. The Applicant will maintain a minimum of 50% of the required trees as canopy trees, with the species types noted in deviation 7 above. The deviation will uphold the intent of the LDC to provide general trees within new development with an appropriate mix of species, while recognizing the spatial constraints associated within this clustered, infill project." Staff Analysis and Recommendation: According to LDC Section 4.06.05.A.1, one (1) canopy tree is required for each 3,000 square feet of pervious open space, which essentially means that each lot must have a canopy tree. Many species of canopy trees require a 20-foot wide planting area, at minimum, to accommodate future canopy and root spread. The problem arises when planting areas and pervious spaces are limited due to physical impervious barriers (e.g., houses, roof overhangs, driveways, sidewalks, accessory structures, etc.) and other competing interests (e.g., property boundaries, easements, etc.). As a means of alleviating the competition,the applicant is proposing that up to 50%of the required trees for the MPUD consists of a grouping of palm tree species. Palm species have a root ball, and their root system does not require as extensive physical area as does for many hardwood species. Based on the above analysis and the applicant's justification, staff recommends APPROVAL of this requested deviation. FINDINGS OF FACT: LDC Subsection 10.02.08.F states, "When pertaining to the rezoning of land, the report and recommendations to the planning commission to the Board of County Commissioners...shall show that the planning commission has studied and considered proposed change in relation to the following when applicable." Additionally, Section 10.02.13 of the Collier County LDC requires the Planning Commission to make findings as to the PUD Master Plans' compliance with the additional criteria as also noted below. PUD FINDINGS: LDC Subsection 10.02.13.B.5 states that, "In support of its recommendation, the CCPC shall make findings as to the PUD Master Plan's compliance with the following criteria in addition to the findings in LDC section 10.02.08": 1. The suitability of the area for the type and pattern of development proposed in relation to physical characteristics of the land, surrounding areas,traffic and access, drainage, sewer,water, and other utilities. The proposed option of allowing single-family and two-family/duplex dwellings would be PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 13 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -96- 4/12/2016 9.B. compatible with the approved uses and existing development in the area. 2. Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contracts, or other instruments, or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense. Documents submitted with the application, which were reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, demonstrate unified control of the property. Additionally, the development will be required to obtain platting and/or site development approval. Both processes will ensure that appropriate stipulations for the provision of and continuing operation and maintenance of infrastructure will be provided by the developer. 3. Conformity of the proposed Planned Unit Development with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). County staff has reviewed this petition and has offered an analysis of the relevant goals, objectives and policies of the GMP within the Growth Management Plan (GMP) Consistency portion of this Staff Report(or within an accompanying memorandum). 4. The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses,which conditions may include restrictions on location of improvements, restrictions on design, and buffering and screening requirements. As described in the Analysis Section of this Staff Report, staff is of the opinion the proposed project will be compatible with the surrounding area. Both Master Plans show a Type "C" Buffer would be created along the west property line. Landscape Buffers (of varying types dependent on which Master Plan is utilized) would be installed along the north, south, and east property lines as well. The MPUD would also contain common themes related to architecture, signage, lighting,and landscaping as identified in the Developer Commitments (Exhibit F) of the PUD Document. 5. The adequacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development. According to a note on the Exhibit C — Master Plan for Single-family and Two- family/Duplex, the project would provide 13.03 acres or 60% of the 21.72-acre site as open space. This open space includes areas such as lakes,buffers,pervious area within the rights- of-way and on individual lots, and other open space. Therefore, the amount of open space set aside for this project meets the minimum requirement of the LDC. Also, the maximum lot coverage for all buildings is capped at 35% for the total project as per General Note #1 in the Developer Commitments (Exhibit F) of the PUD Document. If this amendment is approved, usable open space would be further addressed at the time of Site Development Plan (SDP) or plat(PPL) review, whichever is applicable. PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 14 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -97- 4/12/2016 9.B. 6. The timing or sequence of development for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilities, both public and private. The roadway infrastructure is sufficient to serve the proposed project, as noted in the Transportation Element consistency review. Operational impacts will be addressed at time of first development order (SDP or PPL), at which time a new TIS will be required to demonstrate turning movements for all site access points. The applicant has committed to pay their proportionate share of intersection improvements to the intersection of Airport- Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive which is currently under study by the County. Finally, the project's development must comply with all other applicable concurrency management regulations when development approvals are sought. 7. The ability of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. No changes are proposed to the MPUD boundary. The area has adequate supporting infrastructure such as wastewater disposal systems and potable water supplies to accommodate this project based upon the commitments made by the petitioner and the fact that adequate public facilities requirements will be addressed when development approvals are sought. 8. Conformity with PUD regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations. The petitioner is seeking two amend one (1) existing deviation and requesting six (6) new deviations. Staff supports the proposed amendment to Deviation #1 and most of the new deviations (i.e., #3, #5,#6, #7, and#8),with the exception of Deviation#4. Staff does not support this deviation based on the applicant's lack of compelling justification for it. Please refer to the Deviation Discussion portion of the staff report for a more extensive examination of this and the other deviations. Rezone Findings: LDC Subsection 10.02.08.F states, "When pertaining to the rezoning of land, the report and recommendations to the planning commission to the Board of County Commissioners...shall show that the planning commission has studied and considered proposed change in relation to the following when applicable": 1. Whether the proposed change will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Future Land Use Map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan. Comprehensive Planning staff determined the subject petition is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the FLUM and other elements of the GMP. 2. The existing land use pattern. The existing land use pattern (of the abutting properties) is described in the Surrounding PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 15 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -98- 4/12/2016 9.B. Land Use and Zoning section of this staff report. Staff determined the proposed residential land uses in connection with this amendment are appropriate for this area of the County. 3. The possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. This amendment would not change the MPUD zoning of the subject property. The petitioner is requesting to add single-family and two-family residential land uses to the existing MPUD. Adding these types of dwellings would be akin to creating a PUD (or an RPUD). The abutting land to the west is zoned PUD and developed with single-family homes. The adjacent land to the east is zoned PUD and developed with residential uses. Therefore, approval of this amendment would not create a district unrelated to adjacent or nearby districts. 4. Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change. The boundaries of the MPUD would not be altered by this proposed amendment. 5. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed rezoning necessary. The proposed change is not necessary, per se; but it is being requested in compliance with the LDC provisions to seek such changes. 6. Whether the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood. Staff does not anticipate the new uses would adversely impact living conditions in the neighboring community. 7. Whether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create types of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak volumes or projected types of vehicular traffic, including activity during construction phases of the development, or otherwise affect public safety. The roadway infrastructure has sufficient capacity to serve the proposed project at this time. The project is subject to the Transportation commitments contained in the PUD ordinance, which includes provisions to address public safety. 8. Whether the proposed change will create a drainage problem; The proposed change will not create a drainage problem as the applicant will be required to submit a SFWMD permit and all required stormwater documentation to County staff to be evaluated during the development review process. 9. Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas; It is not anticipated that this amendment would significantly reduce light or air to the adjacent areas. PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 16 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -99- 4/12/2016 9.B. 10. Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent area. This is a subjective determination based upon anticipated results, which may be internal or external to the subject property. Property valuation is affected by a host of factors including zoning; however, zoning by itself may or may not affect values, since value determination is driven by market value. There is no guarantee that the project will be marketed in a manner comparable to the surrounding developments. 11. Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations. The abutting and adjacent lands are already developed. Longview Center,which is currently vacant land located in close proximity to the subject property, was previously approved for mixed-use development(commercial and residential). Staff does not anticipate the proposed amendment at the subject site would be a deterrent to the improvement of the vacant Longview Center to the southeast or any other adjacent property. 12. Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasting with the public welfare. If the proposed development complies with the GMP through the proposed amendment,then that constitutes a public policy statement supporting zoning actions when they are consistent with said Comprehensive Plan. In light of this fact,the proposed change does not constitute a grant of special privilege. Consistency with the FLUE is further determined to be a public welfare relationship because actions consistent with plans are in the public interest. 13. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning. The property may still be developed within the parameters of the current PUD Document; however,there are no substantial reasons to prohibit the inclusion of the requested residential uses. The petition can be evaluated and action taken as deemed appropriate through the public hearing process. 14. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the County. It is staffs opinion the proposed uses and associated development standards and developer commitments will ensure that the project is not out of scale with the needs of the community. 15. Whether is it impossible to find other adequate sites in the County for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use. The petition was reviewed on its own merit for compliance with the GMP and the LDC; and staff does not specifically review other sites in conjunction with a specific petition. PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 17 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -100- 4/12/2016 9.B. 16. The physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration, which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification. Any development anticipated by the PUD Document would require considerable site alteration,and this project will undergo extensive evaluation relative to all federal, state, and local development regulations during the site development plan (SDP) or platting approval process(PPL),whichever is applicable,and again later as part of the building permit process. 17. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth Management Plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, as amended. The project will have to meet all applicable criteria set forth in LDC Section 6.02.00 regarding Adequate Public Facilities and the project will need to be consistent with all applicable goals and objectives of the GMP regarding adequate public facilities, except as may be exempt by federal regulations. This petition has been reviewed by county staff responsible for jurisdictional elements of the GMP as part of the amendment process and those staff persons have concluded that no Level of Service will be adversely impacted with the commitments contained in the PUD document. The concurrency review for adequate public facilities is determined at the time of an SDP or PPL, whichever Master Plan is applicable. 18. Such other factors, standards, or criteria that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) shall deem important in the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. To be determined by the BCC during its advertised public hearing. NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING(NIM): The agents conducted a duly noticed NIM on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at the Collier County Headquarters Library at 2385 Orange Blossom Drive. Please see copies of the summary of this meeting in Attachment#4-Neighborhood Information Meeting Summary and Legal Notices. COUNTY ATTORNEY OFFICE REVIEW: The County Attorney's Office reviewed this staff report on February 25, 2016. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the CCPC forward this petition to the BCC with a recommendation of approval. Attachments: 1) Proposed Ordinance 2) Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review 3) Density Map 4) Neighborhood Information Meeting Summary and Legal Notices 5) Application & Support Material PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD Page 18 of 19 March 8,2016 Packet Page -101- 4/12/2016 9.B. PREPARED BY: --)4/1/14- 2-10-3/i v ' ERIC JOHNS S AICP, CFM,PRINCIPAL PLANNER DA'ZE ZONING DI ' :ION REVIEWED BY: c7.: 0-3. /4 RAYM fai D V. BELL S,ZONING MANAGER DATE ZONIN DIVISION --' ! , 2-24- MIKE BOSI, AICP,DIRECTOR DATE ZONING DIVISION APPROVED BY: / /' oler A ES F CH,DEPUTY DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 4/ - 0 f DAVID S. WILKISON, P.E. DATE DEPARTMENT HEAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT PUDA-PL20150001084: BUCKLEY MPUD Page 19 of 19 Packet Page -102- 4/12/2016 9.B. ORDINANCE NO. 16- AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 14-24, THE BUCKLEY MIXED USE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, TO ADD SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS AND TWO-FAMILY, DUPLEX DWELLINGS AS PERMITTED USES IN THE RESIDENTIAL COMPONENT OF THE PUD, TO ADD A MASTER PLAN FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO A MIXED USE OR ALL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, TO ADD DEVIATIONS TO ALLOW MORE SIGNAGE AND TO ALLOW DEAD-END STREETS. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD (CR 31) AND ORANGE BLOSSOM DRIVE IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 21.7+1- ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (PUDA-PL20150001084) WHEREAS, on June 10, 2014, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance Number 14-24 which established the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) zoning classification; and WHEREAS, Alexis V. Crespo, AICP of Waldrop Engineering, P.A. and Richard Yovanovich, Esquire of Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A. representing Pulte Home Corporation, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to amend the Buckley MPUD. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE: The MPUD Document attached as Exhibits "A" through "F" to Ordinance no. 14-24 is hereby amended and replaced with the MPUD Document attached hereto as Exhibits "A" through"F" and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by super-majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of , 2016. [15-CPS-01466/1240514/1] 101 Buckley MPUD 1PUDA-PL20 1 50001 0 84 3/30/16 1 of 2 Packet Page-103- 4/12/2016 9.B. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk DONNA FIALA, Chairwoman Approved as to form and legality: Heidi Ashton-Cicko 3\ Managing Assistant County Attorney Attachments: Exhibit A—Permitted Uses Exhibit B—Development Standards Exhibit C—Master Concept Plan for Commercial, Mixed Use, and Multifamily Only, and Master Concept Plan for Single Family and Two Family/ Duplex Residential Only Exhibit D—Legal Description Exhibit E—List of Requested Deviations Exhibit F—List of Developer Commitments [15-CPS-0 1 466/1 2405 1 4/1] 101 Buckley MPUD\PUDA-PL20150001084 3/30/16 2 of 2 Packet Page -104- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT A PERMITTED USES: The Buckley MPUD is planned for up to 239 residential dwelling units;or, 162,750 square feet of limited commercial uses or non-residential uses consisting of retail, service and/or office uses; or a combination of the two as provided for below. The gross project density will be a maximum of 11 residential units per acre. The Master Concept Plan shall be designed to ensure the harmonious placement of all of the uses in a manner that achieves a unified and integrated land use plan, and one that incorporates a uniform plan of development enhanced by complimentary landscape improvements. Residential (R) The maximum number of residential units shall not exceed 239 units.For each acre of land utilized for residential purposes, 7,500 square feet of non-residential square footage will be eliminated from the total square footage allowable identified in the Commercial section of this MPUD. Note: See page 3 for reduction of residential units when commercial square footage is built. If a fractional acreage is built, the corresponding units of commercial shall be reduced and rounded up to the nearest whole number i.e. 0.5=1, .4=0. Residential development will be designed to accommodate a full range of residential multi family dwelling types,compatible recreational facilities,essential services and customary accessory uses. Should the site develop fly as a single-family or two-family attached/duple&residential project, no commercial facilities will be constructed. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following primary uses: A. Principal Uses The maximum number of residential units is 239. 1. Townhouse dwellings 2. Multi-family dwellings 3. Single-family detached dwellings 4. Two-family/duplex dwellings Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted principal uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. B. Temporary Uses (per the LDC) Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strikhettgl�� o text is deleted Page 1 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -105- 4/12/2016 9.B. 1. Model Units 2. Project information and Sales centers 3. Construction administrative offices for the developer and authorized contractors and consultants, including temporary access ways and parking areas. 4. Sales and administrative offices for the developer, project management or managing development association, including temporary access ways and parking areas. C. Accesso Uses and Structures s u . • •• - • ' ..• • •se n- 61. '0 - • Multi-Family Only) 1. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with principal uses permitted in this District, including neighborhood community recreational facilities and property management and maintenance structures intended to serve the residents and guests of the proposed development. 2. Garages and carports. 3. Administration facilities intended to serve the residents and guests of the proposed development. 4. Swimming Pools,Tennis courts and other similar recreational facilities and buildings to serve residents and their guests. 5. Guardhouses and Gatehouses. 6. Any other accessory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted accessory uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals(BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. D. Accessory Uses and Structures (For Master Conce.t Plan for Single-Famil and Two- Family/Duplex Residential Only) 1. Garages. 2. Swimming Pools and other similar recreational facilities and buildings to serve residents and their guests. 3. Al • h- _ - • • h • •ii .. ,. - '• ,. . - .i • i •r-••_•• • •_ permitted accessory uses,as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals(BZA)or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. E. Pri ••.1 a d Acce _• - - '.ec -.ti•n.1 1;_ Tr. -For . ter •, -.t P1. or Single amity and Two-Familv/Dupl_ex Resid ntial Onlvl Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 £triketlifough text is deleted Page 2 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -106- 4/12/2016 9.B. I. Recreational uses and facilities including swimming pools,tennis courts,volleyball courts, fishing docks walking paths,picnic areas, recreation buildings, and basketball/shuffle boardcourts. 2. Passive open space uses and structures, including, but not limited to landscaped area gazebos,park benches, and walking trails. 3. Any other principal or accessory use and related use that is determined to be comparable • he for-..in. • ,- B•.r. •. Z•ni ea- -••. , -. i • _. .,•'ner_• . . ..n • ,- process outlined in the Land Developm-nt Code(LDC). Note: A Type "B" buffer with 6-foot tall wall is required where recreational uses abut residential units within the MPUD.If the recreational tract is developed solely with passive open space uses and structures, no buffer is required. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfiketlifexgh text is deleted Page 3 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -107- 4/12/2016 9.B. Commercial (C) The maximum gross square footage of all non-residential uses,except group housing uses, shall not exceed 162,750 square feet. For each acre of non-residential square footage built, 11 residential dwelling units will be eliminated from the maximum allowable number of residential units in this MPUD. Should the site develop fully as a non-residential project, no residential dwelling units will be constructed. Note: See page 1 for reduction of commercial floor space when residential is built. If a fractional acreage is built, the corresponding units of residential shall be reduced and rounded up to the nearest whole number i.e. 0.5 = 1, .4 = 0. For the purpose of this section all uses are those allowed as either permitted or conditional uses in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts of the LDC in effect as the date of adoption of this MPUD Ordinance 14-24 except as limited below.All such conditional uses shall be deemed permitted uses under this MPUD without the necessity of a separate conditional use application. No building or structure,or part thereof, shall be erected,altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following primary uses: A. Principal Uses,permitted by right: Unless otherwise provided for in this Section, all permitted and conditional uses of the following districts: 1. C-1, Commercial Professional and General Office District in effect as of the date of adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: • Homeless Shelter • Soup Kitchens • Residential dwelling units 2. C-2, Commercial Convenience District, in effect as of the date of adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: • Gasoline Service Stations (SIC Group 5541) • Homeless Shelters • Soup Kitchens • Residential dwelling units • SIC Group 5411, Convenience Stores with fuel pumps only 3. C-3 Commercial Intermediate District, in effect as of the adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: • Marinas(SIC Group 4493) • Automotive Services(SIC Group 7549) • Homeless Shelters • Hospitals(SIC Groups 8062-8069) Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfikethpougli text is deleted Page 4 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -108- 4/12/2016 9.B. • Soup Kitchens • Residential dwelling units • SIC Group 5411, Convenience Stores with fuel pumps only • Gasoline Service Stations(SIC Group 5541) 4. Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted principal uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. B. Accessory Uses 1. Kiosks which may be used for retail purposes or provide site related services within the square footage allowance for commercial purposes and otherwise subject to integrated parking requirements for all commercial space. 2. Sales and lease offices to serve this project only. C. Prohibited Uses 1. Residential uses shall not be integrated with commercial uses in the same building. 2. The following C-3 Conditional Uses shall be prohibited: a. Ancillary Plants b. Bowling Centers (7933) c. Coin operated amusement devices (7993) d. Drinking Places (5813). All establishments engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption are subject to the locational requirements of section 5.05.01. e. Homeless Shelters f. Social Services (8322, offender rehabilitation agencies, offender self-help agencies, parole offices, probation offices, public welfare centers, refugee services, and settlements houses, only) g. Soup Kitchens Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 St.Pi.lEethreugh text is deleted Page 5 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -109- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table I below sets forth the development standards for Multi ly Residential land uses within the proposed Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD). Standards not specifically set forth within this application shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LDC in effect as of the date of approval of the SDP or Subdivision Plat. TABLE I RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS RECREATION TOWN- MULTI- SINGLE- TWO- HOUSES FAMILY FACILITIES& FAMILY FAMILYI RECREATION DWELLINGS¢ MAINTENANCE DETACHED DUPLEX FACILITIES STRUCTURES • ; u , • : S ; 61414 FOR MASTER PLAN FOR SINGLE-FAMILY MIXED USE OR MULTI-FAMILY ONLY AND TWO-FAMILY/DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL ONLY MINIMUM 3,000 N/A N/A NLA LOT AREA square feet square feet square feet MINIMUM 30 feet N/A N/A 45 feet 35 feet NLA LOT WIDTH MINIMUM N/A FLOOR AREA 1,200 1,000 N/A 1Q 750 OF UNITS square feet square feet square feet square feet PUD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet (FROM AIRPORT- PULLING ROAD) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet (FROM NORTH 20 feet BOUNDARY& SOUTH BOUNDARY) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKI 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet 25 feet 25 feet 100 feet (FROM WEST BOUNDAR 1) LAKES 0 feet from 0 feet from the 0 feet from the LME 0 feet from 0 feet from 0 feet from the the LME _ LME the LME th.Q_LME I.ME MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS Front: Principal Structure 20 feet 20 feet N/A 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet Accessory Structure 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet Sfa as SFS. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Striketkreugh text is deleted Page 6 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -110- 4/12/2016 9.B. RECREATION TOWN- I MULTI- FACILITIES& SINGLE- TWO- RECREATION HOUSE FAMILY MAINTENANCE FAMILY FAMILY/ FACILITIES DWELLINGS STRUCTURES DETACHED DUPLEX FOR COMMERCIAL,MIXED USE OR FOR SINGLE-FAMILY AND TWO-FAMILY MULTI-FAMILY ONLY /MIN,RX RESIDENTIAL ONLY Side: Principal Structure 20 feet 'h of the SBH N/A .feet Meet 5 Accessory 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet SPS as as Structure Rear: Principal Structure 10 feet '/2 of the BH N/A 10 feet" 10 feet3'8 10 feet Accessory 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 5 feet" 5 feet3.8 5 feet Structure Minimum Distance Between Structures: 10 feet '/2 of the SBH N/A 10 feet 0 or 10 feet 10 feet Principal Structure 10 feet 10 feet 0 feet 10 feet 0 or 10 feet 0 feet Accessory Structure MAXIMUM HEIGHT? Zoned: Principal Structure 3-stories 3-stories not to not to exceed 45 feet N/A 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet exceed 45 Accessory feet 25 feet 25 feet SPa SPS Structure 25 feet Actual: Principal Structure 50 feet 50 feet N/A 40 feet 40 feet 40 feet Accessory 32 feet 32 feet 32 feet SFS. STS. S Structure 1. Dumpsters and dumpster enclosures shall not encroach into the 100 foot setback from the Western MPUD boundary. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfiket#recugh text is deleted Page 7 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -111- 4/12/2016 9.B. 2. Garages and carports shall be 10 feet from principal structures if detached. There will be a minimum of a 23 foot setback from the back of a sidewalk to front load garages.For corner lots. ••1 es 1 •i. ,re - ., , h, .- -. -ir-1 e . is is is •i 1 driveway/vehicular access to the residence shall provide a 10' setback. • 3. . .-- . . - . - - _ - - - - t' - - --- LDC requirements. Where a home site is adjacent to a la dscape buffer easement or lake 11. e.1 . -11 1 so- 1 ►/ . is - • . 4 •. •s -- .11• .Ie •- F, 1 1 -61-x i.- 11.1111 an' • - •. - - .1• i-• 1 . .- • 1 •,l ,n. , c- it structure setback on the platted residential lot m.y be reduced to 0 feet where it abuts the easement/tract. Where the LME is not a separate platted tract, in the shaded area shown on the "Master Concept Plan for Sin•le-Famil and Two-Family/Duplex Residential Only" the platted residential lot may overlap the LME up to 10 fe 1. The minimum principalsand accessory r- -r- - .. k •r 1- a l• .1 .- . tl•l•p, e 11 11-, -r-• •m _•e re.r I. line. In no case shall principal or accessory structures be permitted in the LME. 4. If the parcel is directly accessed by a public or private road right-of-way, setback is measured from the adjacent right of way line per LDC. Sidewalks shall be located in the right-of-way. 5. If the parcel is directly accessed by a private driveway, setback is measured from the back of curb (if curbed) or edge-of-pavement (if not curbed). This would apply to multi-family development tracts that do not have platted rights-of-way. 6. Multi-family or townhouse Residential buildings within 150' of the west property line shall not have west facing balconies. 7. No building shall exceed three stories in height and 45 feet (actual height) and under building parking is prohibited. 8. In order to support a cano free with a minimum 20-foot crown spread as required in LDC Section 4.06.05, . portion of the required 20-foot canopy may protrude into a lake maintenance easement, landscape buffer easement, or the adjacent lot s). .rovided the homeowners association documents submitted at the time of PPL demonstrate common maintenance of all landscapin_ internal to the development, includin' r-- on .riva -1 ow -1 lets. BH=Building Height SBH= Sum of Building Heights LME=Lake Maintenance Easement SPS= Same As Principal Structure Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stizikethfetigh text is deleted Page 8 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -112- 4/12/2016 9.B. TABLE II COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table II below sets forth the development standards for commercial land uses within the proposed Mixed Use PUD (MPUD). Standards not specifically set forth within this application shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LDC in effect as of the date of approval of the SDP or Subdivision plat,consistent with C-3 zoning. PRINCIPAL USE ACCESSORY USE MINIMUM LOT AREA 10,000 square feet N/A MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 100 feet N/A MINIMUM FLOOR AREA 700 square feet(ground floor) N/A MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.65 for Assisted Living Facilities PUD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 25 feet 25 feet (FROM AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 40 feet 40 feet (FROM NORTH BOUNDARY& SOUTH BOUNDARY) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 100 feet 100 feet (FROM WEST BOUNDARY) MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN 20 feet 0 feet(principal to STRUCTURES accessory) LAKES 0 feet from the LME 0 feet from the LME MAXIMUM HEIGHT • Zoned: 3-stories not to exceed 45 feet76 35 feet • Actual: 50 feet 42 feet 1.Dumpsters and dumpster enclosures shall not encroach into the 100 foot setback from the Western MPUD boundary. 2. Setback from a lake for all principal and accessory uses may be zero feet (0') provided architectural bank treatment is incorporated into the design.Architectural bank treatments shall include any structural materials used to retain earth such as concrete stone or wood placed to LDC requirements. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strikethreugh text is deleted Page 9 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -113- 4/12/2016 9.B. 3. Individual commercial users shall be limited to a maximum gross floor area of 100,000 square feet. 4.No building shall exceed three stories in height and under building parking is prohibited. 5. Drive-through establishments shall be limited to a maximum of four. Only one of these drive-through establishments shall be allowed for a fast-food restaurant and it must be located within 300 feet of the Airport Road right-of-way.No drive-through establishment shall have more than three drive-through lanes and all drive-throughs must be architecturally integrated into the main building. 6. Stand-alone retail buildings larger than 50,000 square feet shall be limited to two stories and 35 feet zoned height, 45 feet actual height. SPS =Same as Principal Structure LME=Landscape Lak&Maintenance Easement Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL20I5-1084 &riketl}reuglt text is deleted Page 10 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -114- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT C MASTER CONCEPT PLAN(COMMERCIAL,MIXED USE &MULTIFAMILY ONLY) .. mod id7H133L315M1M . .,., 3lIBH3 w � r;•-•T i i I 11 1.* 1�1N MYYWOL W •••...: T f f 9 I r R r WI�MOIiNq.tMrNll.. 4�NIA A7E71�f1� i F�• �. J ysn..t r a rI W m0 R 2 C b I >i IN i c3 li � 'I i � a Ai W 1 k w III • 11 i I; 1I1 ii iI • 4 F "````�YYYYNIfffff' 1{ 'F ..�a.n......rr 9 b m 1 �-- a 1 4 I1 z 34 tCltl �` a y e ¢ / ,J 2 ,% re' CC g. i t ',I 1 i D D r L1,l t I' ,. n 6g le 0@ II11 I; I''i ___ E, a -- • I I I;� 6 $ I F § Ia u ti $Wta �i 1 ® t ( .•f..«rr..--u-Iww..�ww�+.y..ax..'.r,..t....w,...e..r______+...+r wr—„ Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Striketlhreugh text is deleted Page 11 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -115- I 4/12/2016 9.B. J:\456-01 Buckley MPUD\Drawings-Exhibits\456-01-E05 MPUD Master Plan\Current Plans\45601E0502 dwg m§ n zczig I o .. mT o _c A mH A I I Z �nD n� zm VI Oy ti m8 m� 12 II I J m r II ogz r. 3 I I �sn , 1{ <r.. c_..> ' 11 II 2 `k I =� � =il `m a / L.I1 ci ? L.,1 . P mA 11 v A I• L`ME r P c =1I ,.i m i m Z II -,: /z tir I �I I 2 R 2 / ,m 1 E 1 `c'oc m ! t op e . I F.1,-,." Nin O � a D ' y / A 1� II I II ;; I1 Zoo F ,l LME '"") . a P6`() II ■ I < t9 11 '1I 7 >\ =/ I g I Li, n m 2g. m z y , �� o I I I ---1 I D<K r. `NI I mti '\. tI 11�9 I 1 I A� � I I) f rite; r I II I L �< L J m qyl Z m/ i Ep p 0 A T Oy A›O I ZOO - �+Z N I €A m I _ _ PLAN REVISIONS -mi 6 1 Q 10/05/15 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS BUCKLEY MPUD / 1 WALDROP ENGINEERING . V\ £ ® 12/11/15 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS I �,•,� © 12/27/15 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS EXHIBIT"C'-MASTER PLAN(SINGLE FAMILY AND I jig r xr & �4 T" °••• EX RESIDENTIAL ONLY) i.+.e"400,ra�i;w+gaw r rte.J.aw, 03/17/16 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS "Ri"'"00.06,4.4+e worn p?o... ++ua - Packet Page -116- 4/12/2016 9.B. J:\456-01 Buckley MPUD\Drawings-Exhibits\456-01-E05 MPUD Master Plan\Current Plans\45601E0502 dwg , O) Qt A W N, 'CDC oD 02 C CS rD2 0 2 y L7 m m -{, C- MmMmm0M D m o F m m O� z �g :T-1-0 70 m ov �p,c z z OC n� � o DI 71 cn 7123 .�M p- - 0 -DiZ D Z p mi- m zK m Dz z0 -c { z—mm o C�/�C OTm m_9 Dn > 0 m bD z c>73 0 pm mm m o 7,0 x� D mm 0 Z Z-I m> Ill - z T 0 A n 6o om Z 0 C o O z .1 z? oz fT1 (/) m -` o <m �m Ill ow z AFF�1 r- 1 I— 0) v c vF1 mm r z c _ ., In G)D - O D K m (mn w H m5 0 D Rl N m o is 0) Ut D to Dm co m m V, m m co D v z D m M 27 77 0 > D C --1 z O Ii _I 0 W om z m m o z O _ _ _ >m z -1 D 8 g -1 a) c]) N D -i 'mm m O Z O o o 0 0 6 z GG)) D g m�iI Z Z D H C p p Co o w xi m-n N. - - J N � l 'Ibis I" M m z m m� Ill A m om m Z D m m H 0 0 z m p D z cmn z 0 co O pm m z 13 m z ` l ,f,' PLAN REVISIONS � WAUDROP 71 Q BUCKLEY MPUD 10/05/15 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS , !IV//\ ENGINEERING A ®, 12/11115 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS +seaslWiaw�:= w. Pe�w.+wnc, ® 12/27115 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS EXHIBIT"C"-MASTER PLAN(SINGLE FAMILY AND - , ,„ ,,, 03/17/16 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS T""`r""``� ""T"EX RESIDENTIAL ONLY) qa .a Y°"` ;;,y';;,, Packet Page-117- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT D LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF THE EAST 1/2 OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 2; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE SOUTH 2° 13' 05" EAST 1,589.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 59' 01" WEST 100.08 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 31 (AIRPORT PULLING ROAD)AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 31, SOUTH 2° 13' 05" EAST 1,989.05 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 51' 40" WEST 500.33 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2° 13' 05" WEST 1,990.41 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 59' 01" EAST 500.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AND EXCEPTING THE WEST 10 FEET OF THE EAST 25 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 15 FEET THEREOF AS DESCRIBED IN ORDER OF TAKING RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2445, PAGE 3258, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Neagh text is deleted Page 14 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -118- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT E DEVIATIONS: Nothing in this PUD Document shall approve a deviation to the LDC unless it is listed in this Exhibit E. 1. A deviation from LDC Section 6.06.01.N which establishes the minimum right-of-way width of 60 feet to be utilized, to instead establish that all internal roadways, if platted, shall be subject to a 50-foot right-of-way configuration for the Master Concept Plan for Commercial, Mixed Use and Multi-Family Only; and a 45-foot right-of-way for the Master Concept Plan for Single-Family and Two-Family/Duplex Residential Only, 10.0' 45.0'ROW 10.0' PUE PUE 10.5' 2.0'I 10.0' J 10.0' 2.0' 10.6' TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE 3.0' 5.0' 2.5' 3.0' 5.0' 2.5' 2%MAX 2%MIN 2%MIN 2%MAX T r® I SIDEWALK I SIDEWALK VALLEY GUTTER MR) 1-1/2"ASPHALT(TYPE S-I11)PLACED IN TWO(2)314'LIFTS-'OPTIONAL Er LIMEROCK BASE(LBR 100) 12'STABILIZED SUBGRADE(LBR 40) TYPICAL 45' ROW SECTION NTS 2. A deviation from LDC Section 5.05.04 D.1 which establishes the maximum floor area ratio of 0.45,to instead establish that the maximum floor area ratio be 0.65 for assisted living facilities. • ,-• • '..l-- .8u•1 •r •- . .• • 8 -. • . -1 '1• ,r- . ... -4• D- ', '• ..•• LDC Section Deviation from LDC Section 5.04.06.A.3.e which allows temporary signs• •1 '•-e '.l • •. . ••-ti•- • . 4 . .. - . . _-- 't i-••• • ,_• . a temporary sign or banner up to a maximum of 32 square feet in area and a maximum of 8 feet in height, subject to approval under temporary sign permit procedures in the LDC. The temporary sign or banner shall be Iimited to 90 days per calendar year, This deviation will remain valid for a period not to exceed three(3)years,commencing from the date this amendment was approved. 4. When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed: Deviation from LDC Section 5.06.02.B.6.b, which permits two (2)ground or wall signs per entrance to the development with a combined sign area of 64 square feet,to allow for two(2)ground • ,l '41- - a- a s.- -1 r.1 - i - •1•.in-. is - • :1 f Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfiketlifeugh text is deleted Page 15 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 U do erline text is added Packet Page -119- 4/12/2016 9.B. 5. i s-n• 1 in. --f,toil • •-f,'oil • •.1- • ow- .1• . D o -•• 1-v', is. *II LDC Section 6.06.01.J, which prohibits dead-end streets,to allow dead-end streets as shown on the Master Concept Plan for Residential Only. 6. WI-n • •n• --f.of • s-fatsi • 81- I A in• , e ors so -.• is - •on I I w•• • • . Is. w, ri• six . fi -- residential zoning districts,to allow for a maximum wall height of eight(8) feet along the Airport Pulling Road frontage, as measured from the top of berm. "„/--ENHAN%D,HED3EFLoz3z1;i0.10H SHRUB AT 100*TYP 30•0'O.C. /-HEDGEROW,24'HIGH SHRUB AT / PLANTING&MAJNTAINED AT sir /41111 r/1- fe' 41L-INE g 41■Citre-We.0000.0 (MO ar$O-VOCV--- 1410Infia 0' t.`01110:41FASS.O.:001112141040,111WPOA0,01/1114.40149' 00 N ENHANCED GRASS/GROUND COVER 8 FENCEANALUBERM COMBINATION 3 GAL,200 SF PER 100LF AIRPORT PULLING ROAD WALL/BUFFER Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfikethreagh text is deleted Page 16 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 liaderline text is added Packet Page -120- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT F DEVELOPER COMMITMENTS: GENERAL 1. Maximum lot coverage for all buildings is capped at 35%for the total project. 2. Pedestrian connections at the time of development order shall be provided to adjacent properties immediately north and south of the subject property, subject to permission being provided by adjacent property owners to allow for these connections, subject to safety concerns for the public. If single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are developed in accordance with the Master Concept Plan for Single-Family and Two-Family/Duplex Residential Only, a pedestrian interconnect will be provided to the south only, subject to permission being provided by djacent I TZ y owners. 3. All buildings shall be connected with pedestrian pathways. 4. The PUD shall be developed with a common theme for architecture, signage, lighting and landscaping. 5. Once development commences for either the Single-Family and Two-Family/Duplex Residential Only Master Concept Plan or the Commercial, Mixed Use or Multi-Family Master Concept Plan, as evidenced by the issuance of the first site development plan or subdivision plan approval, the master concept plan for the development option that is not pursued/approved shall be void. ENVIRONMENTAL The development of the land within this PUD shall not be subject to the Native Preservation Standards found in Section 3.05.067 of the LDC due to the absence of native vegetation on the subject property. LANDSCAPE BUFFERS 1. The west landscape buffer adjacent to the Emerald Lakes Development shall be a 20 foot Type `C' buffer and contain a finished masonry wall and berm, or combination thereof, at least 6 feet in height and vegetation that is opaque within one(1)year of installation of any site related buildings. The minimum number of trees within the buffer shall be increased by a 50%, inclusive of palm trees or similar varieties. If single-family detached and/or two- family/duplex dwellings are developed in accordance with the Master Concept Plan for Single-Family and Two-Family/Duplex Residential Only for the entire site, the 50% increase to the minimum number of trees within the Type `C' buffer is not required, 2. Within the Type `C' landscape buffer along the north property line, a six (6) foot finished masonry wall shall be constructed at the northwest corner for a distance of 80 feet along the northern boundary line within the landscape buffer for the Master Concept Plan for Commercial,Mixed Use and Multi-Family Only. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strip text is deleted Page 17 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -121- 4/12/2016 9.B. 3. If single-famil detached and/or two-family/duplex dwellings are developed in accordance ih I' u . - • - . P .I •r •••1-- .Itil .I. • • • /D • -x '•-n '. •i for the entire site,_the north buffer shall be a 15' Type B" buffer in accordance with the requirements of the Land Development Code, OUTDOOR LIGHTING 1. All pole lighting will be flat panel fixtures if the site is developed in accordance with the . - on - .tPl.. f•_ •m '.l • - ,•, u 1i-F.I it •1 2. Lighting within 30 feet of the perimeter of the project will utilize full cut off shields. 3.Any lighting within 50 feet of a residential property line outside of the MPUD will be limited to 15 feet in height. OUTDOOR MUSIC Outdoor Music or amplified outdoor entertainment associated with commercial uses shall be prohibited between the hours of 10 pm and 10 am. TRANSPORTATION The development of the land within this PUD shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions: 1. The maximum trip generation allowed by the proposed uses (both primary and ancillary) may not exceed 687 PM Peak Hour, two way trips if the site is developed in accordance with the Master Concept Plan for Commercial Mixed Use and Multi-Family Only The fit '11 il- I '"I- •. ••I I1. L• • --. _ 1 'V '.,, •• AS A . .•. '. 1- • • •ev-1••-s i . .rd.n - i h . - . -r •i - • ' _ f• in. -- _ .n. Family/Duplex Residential Only. 2. The owner agrees to pay $10,000 to support enhancements to the Collier Area Transit system. The funds will be used towards the purchase and construction of a bus shelter to be located along the frontage of the Collier Count Library. The County a• ees that no bu s •• will be 19 . -• . en. he B MP D fr.' .'e. '. m- It ill •- . e , - time of certificate of occupancy (CO) of the twenty-fifth 25th unit. 3. The owner shall pay fair share costs of the intersection improvements at Airport Pulling Rd. and Orange Blossom Dr. based on the current intersection im•rovement stud . The c rren 'n er - is _s • .r••- t-_ • •e •If 'let-• in al-19.r -.r21 6a wh'c ti - the proportionate share calculations will be determined, If the study is not coin•lete at time of the first development order (Site Development Plan or Plat) the owner shall •rovide a bond not to exceed $ 50,000.00 prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occu•anc for the development which shall be released when the ow er •a s its fair share of the costs of the intersection improvements, Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfikethr-eugli text is deleted Page 18 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -122- 4/12/2016 9.B. MONITORING REPORT AND SUNSET PROVISIONS One entity (hereinafter the Managing Entity)shall be responsible for PUD monitoring until close- out of the PUD, and this entity shall also be responsible for satisfying all PUD commitments until close-out of the PUD. At the time of this PUD approval,the Managing Entity is Airport Pulling Orange Blossom LLC. Should the Managing Entity desire to transfer the monitoring and commitments to a successor entity, then it must provide a copy of a legally binding document that needs to be approved for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney. After such approval, the Managing Entity will be released of its obligations upon written approval of the transfer by County staff, and the successor entity shall become the Managing Entity. As Owner and Developer sell off tracts, the Managing Entity shall provide written notice to County that includes an acknowledgement of the commitments required by the PUD by the new owner and the new owner's agreement to comply with the Commitments through the Managing Entity,but the Managing Entity shall not be relieved of its responsibility under this Section. When the PUD are closed-out,then the Managing Entity is no longer responsible for the monitoring and fulfillment of PUD commitments. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strilcetlh text is deleted Page 19 of 19 Last Revised:March 17,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -123- 4/12/2016 9.B. ATTACHMENT #2 Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review Packet Page -124- 4/12/2016 9.B. Growth Management Department Zoning Division/Comprehensive Planning Section MEMORANDUM To: Eric Johnson,AICP, CFM, Principal Planner Zoning Services Section,Zoning Division From: Sue Faulkner, Principal Planner, and David Weeks,AICP, Growth Management Manager Comprehensive Planning Section,Zoning Division Date: February 23, 2016 Subject: Future Land Use Element(FLUE) Consistency Review PETITION NUMBER: PUDA-PL20150001084 Rev: 5 PETITION NAME: Buckley MPUD REQUEST: Requested changes included in this petition are: • Revise Exhibit A, Permitted Uses,to add single-family detached and two-family/duplex dwellings as permitted uses; • Revise Exhibit B, Development Standards, to add development regulations for single-family detached and two-family/duplex dwellings; • Add a second Exhibit C, PUD Master Plan,for residential single-family development program; • Revise Exhibit E, Deviations, to modify existing, and add new, deviations for residential only development (to allow 45-foot wide road right-of-way; modify project signage allowance; allow dead-end streets; increase wall height along Airport-Pulling Road; and, modify allowance/requirement for tree type and size. • Revise Exhibit F, Developer's Commitments,to provide for a lesser landscape buffer requirement along the northern property line if the site is developed with single-family dwellings; provide that once a development order is issued for a type of development per one of the two approved PUD Master Plans, the other Mater Plan becomes void; provide that a pedestrian interconnection is not required to the north if the site is developed with single-family dwellings;provide for different pole lighting if the site is developed with single-family dwellings; and, provide for fair share contribution towards Airport-Pulling Road/Orange Blossom Drive intersection improvements. LOCATION: The subject site, comprising±21.7 acres, is located on the west side of Airport-Pulling Road (CR 31) and +330 feet north of Orange Blossom Drive, immediately north of the Collier County Regional Library, in Section 2,Township 49 South, Range 25 East. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING COMMENTS: The subject site is designated Urban, Urban Mixed Use District, Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, on the Future Land Use Map of the Collier County Growth Management Plan (GMP). In the Future Land Use Element(FLUE)of the GMP,this Subdistrict reads, "The Packet Page -125- 4/12/2016 9.B. intent of this Subdistrict, which comprises 21.7 acres, is to allow for limited retail, office and residential uses while allowing for the development of a mixed-use development. The Activity Centers to the North and South provide for large-scale commercial uses, while this Subdistrict is intended to promote convenience and intermediate commercial development to serve existing and future residential development in the immediate area. This Subdistrict will serve to reduce existing trip lengths for convenience and intermediate commercial services. Commercial uses for the purpose of this section are limited to those permitted and conditional uses allowed in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts except as noted below. The development of this Subdistrict will be governed by the following criteria." The site is zoned Buckley MPUD (Mixed Use Planned Unit Development) consistent with the Subdistrict. This petition does not seek to increase the number of DUs -currently approved at 239 DUs—nor add or make changes to commercial uses or intensities. A variety of changes are proposed, including: add dwelling unit types and corresponding development standards; add or modify several deviations; add or modify several developer commitments; add a new PUD Master Plan specific to the added DU types. The Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict criteria are listed below, each followed by staff comments in [bold]. 1. Rezoning is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. [The petitioner is requesting an amendment to an existing MPUD. Criterion met.] 2. The Subdistrict shall be developed with a common theme for architecture, signage, lighting and landscaping. [This requirement is included in Exhibit F, Developer Commitments, General, #3. Criterion met.] 3. Commercial uses will be capped at a maximum of 162,750 square feet of gross floor area. [This requirement is included in Exhibit A, beginning paragraph,and in Permitted Uses, Commercial. Criterion met.] 4. Residential uses are allowed at a density of 11 dwelling units per acre, calculated based upon the entire Subdistrict acreage, yielding a maximum of 239 dwelling units. [This allowance and limitation is listed in Exhibit A, beginning paragraph, and in Permitted Uses, Residential. Criterion met.] 5. Maximum lot coverage for buildings is capped at 35% for the total project. [This limitation is included in Exhibit F, Developer Commitments,General,#1. Criterion met.] 6. Residential uses shall not be integrated with commercial uses in the same building. [This limitation is included in Exhibit A, Permitted Uses, Commercial, Prohibited Uses,#1. Criterion met.] 7. For each acre of land utilized for residential purposes, 7,500 square feet of commercial buildable square footage will be eliminated from the total square footage allowable. For each acre of commercial square footage built, 11 residential units will be eliminated from the maximum allowable number of residential units. [These allowances and limitation are included in Exhibit A, Residential,and Commercial. Criterion met.] 8. Pedestrian connections are encouraged to all perimeter properties. [Pedestrian connections to the north and south are generally provided for if the site is developed with commercial, mixed Packet Page -126- 4/12/2016 9.B. use,or multi-family uses,and to the south only if the site is developed with single family and/or two family/duplex uses, all within Exhibit F, Developer Commitments, General, #2. No connections are provided to the west, which is a developed residential community (Emerald Lakes PUD). Criterion met.] 9. Individual commercial users shall be limited to a maximum gross floor area of 100,000 square feet. [This limitation is included in Exhibit B, Development Standards, Table II, Commercial Development Standards,#3. Criterion met.] 10. No building shall exceed three stories in height with no allowance for under building parking. [This limitation is included in Exhibit B, Development Standards,Table II, Commercial Development Standards,#4. Criterion met.] 11. Drive-thru establishments shall be limited to a maximum of four. Only one of these drive-through establishments shall be allowed for a fast-food restaurant, and no drive-through establishment shall have more than three drive-through lanes. All drive-through lanes must be architecturally integrated into the main building. [These limitations and requirement are included in Exhibit B, Development Standards,Table II, Commercial Development Standards,#5). Criterion met.] 12. Gasoline service stations and convenience stores with fuel pumps are prohibited. [These prohibitions are included in Exhibit A, Commercial, A. Principal Uses permitted by right, exceptions, under#2(C-2)and#3 (C-3). Criterion met.] 13. All buildings shall be connected with pedestrian pathways. [This requirement is included in Exhibit F, Developer Commitments,General,#3. Criterion met.] 14. A twenty-foot wide Type C landscape buffer shall be required along all perimeter property lines adjacent to residential use. [Non-residential uses lie to the north (adult living facility in the Brighton Gardens PUD)and south(Collier County Library headquarters)of the subject property; only lands to the west are developed with residential use (Emerald Lakes PUD). This requirement (for the western boundary) is included in Exhibit F, Developer Commitments, Landscape Buffers, #1, and is depicted on Exhibit C - both the existing and proposed second Master Plan. Criterion met.] Below is FLUE Policy 5.4, and FLUE Objective 7 and relevant policies, each followed by staff analysis in [bold text within brackets]. FLUE Policy 5.4 requires new land uses to be compatible with, and complementary to, surrounding land uses. [Comprehensive Planning leaves this determination to the Zoning Services Section's staff as part of their review of the petition in its entirety.] Objective 7: In an effort to support the Dover, Kohl & Partners publication, Toward Better Places: The Community Character Plan for Collier County, Florida, promote smart growth policies, reduce greenhouse gas emissions,and adhere to the existing development character of Collier County,the following policies shall be implemented for new development and redevelopment projects,where applicable. Packet Page -127- 4/12/2016 9.B. Policy 7.1 The County shall encourage developers and property owners to connect their properties to fronting collector and arterial roads, except where no such connection can be made without violating intersection spacing requirements of the Land Development Code. [The one (1) proposed project entrance is provided from Airport-Pulling Road (CR 31),a minor Arterial(Urban and Rural)roadway as identified in the Collier 2025 Functional Classification Map of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan.] Policy 7.2 The County shall encourage internal accesses or loop roads in an effort to help reduce vehicle congestion on nearby collector and arterial roads and minimize the need for traffic signals. [The MPUD,as shown in the Master Plan, has internal access throughout this project. All parcels have internal access via the internal roads.] Policy 7.3 All new and existing developments shall be encouraged to connect their local streets and/or interconnection points with adjoining neighborhoods or other developments regardless of land use type. The interconnection of local streets between developments is also addressed in Policy 9.3 of the Transportation Element. [Exhibit F, Developer Commitments, provides for a pedestrian interconnection to the north and south under the existing PUD Master Plan. Exhibit F provides for a pedestrian interconnection only to the south (to the Collier County Library Headquarters) under the proposed second PUD Master Plan. No vehicular interconnections are shown on the Master Plan. Staff has no objection to the single pedestrian interconnection under the new second Master Plan.] Policy 7.4: The County shall encourage new developments to provide walkable communities with a blend of densities, common open spaces, civic facilities and a range of housing prices and types. [The PUD amendment would allow for townhouse dwellings, multi-family dwellings, single-family detached dwellings, and two-family/duplex dwellings; will provide for open space and preservation area consistent with the Land Development Code (LDC) since no deviation was sought; the PUD allows an accessory use such as a clubhouse,which is sometimes used for civic uses,e.g. polling place;sidewalks will be provided as required by the LDC since no deviation was sought; and, pedestrian interconnection(s) is provided for under both PUD Master Plan options.] CONCLUSION Based on the above analysis,staff finds the subject petition consistent with the FLUE. cc: Michael Bosi,AICP, Director,Zoning Division Raymond V. Bellows, Manager,Zoning Services Section,Zoning Division CD/FLUE file PUDA-PL20150001084 Buckley MPUD REVS 2-23-16 Packet Page -128- 4/12/2016 9.B. ATTACHMENT #3 Density Map Packet Page -129- 4/12/2016 9.B. .._.. 7.-..f7 a � 0 ' - P1. Walg Bens x ;1�:': Marker Lake Villas s+ 1 C11.1 1- I �' -'`� - -- ;>' Ben sity 2:99 h' - ,` r . �- . �. Fountain I?ark� 'a _�viwr. Vineyards�.j ' l 10;.4. y �. I , . Density:3.0 2 m Brighton Gardens // mot,,-- b (- r + off . '+'' 't Z ' �,/JJ/ .1 .,.. . , ` t i .r. /,; ' saho..r_ �-( ue 1" $ e J „.a. t ?f ,(a\ w. .. Y't Y„ � , , , , , p•i / -' , ,� ,\N Buckley MPUD th 7:,• t R3..l.137CJ , f'*:. >t .,y, % /: , 2 ' v.` I"6!G" g 'F' LP D ' Emera d .. j Densit, •3 54 '.",,,,/'.','„N r y• ~�~� P ,,;'', /`;;i ,,' A ',.. . Citrus Gardens p.. " / %: ,Density:4.01 II , :• s t i' bd.'s.,'� / /' • /: r q 1r } dY Emerald Lakest. 1'. - r" 63'' D t ,°3 54 ., :: %� ; ..,„,,,,, _, ,..,,,- .4cirSg,,, '''..,0 ..• V,,'..,, - 01:4.-,..,- -t:itige ,,,•, • . i..111 .1 j •' .r - 4_.- .: ) „ ' j '�', fat. ,.., -...-, 1..7~ F 3 1 it t L :r"t. i s y 'i' • 1, I i. -.;'I- lc, a . A, Orange°Blossom DR ; _ �. w� enter �...� � �rc,.l.�r-,rte �, Dnsrty:4 40'X- is i ',,..„ �. .. '•0 � P ' tl- j{:Gi....,.:i:_�73- ,:i• -1n A' V 1R" �e al q s+�e'. 4 .. 1 y� s. „ W Italian Arnerican Club.. i•. ,`' -' o 100.200 400 600 N GROSS DENSITY UNITS PER ACRE (U.PA) Feet FOR BUCKLEY MPUD AND ; C I- G maPPing:Beth Yang ICP SURROUNDING PROPERTIES C�1fi�rCa+m} Growth Management Department Packet Page-130-- 4/12/2016 9.B. ATTACHMENT #4 Neighborhood Information Meeting Summary and Legal Notices Packet Page -131- 4/12/2016 9.B. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Collier County Planning Commission NIM SYNOPSIS Packet Page -132- 4/12/2016 9.B. - WALDROP ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING& LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS IAI '4`•. o,. 5 'u& le ..z..0 Memorandum To: Eric Johnson From: Alexis Crespo cc: Richard Yovanovich; Michael Hueniken; Patrick Butler Date: October 7,2015 Subject: BuckleyPUDA(PL2015-1084) NEVI Synopsis Pulte Home Corporation; Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A., Waldrop Engineering, P.A., and Collier County Staff conducted a Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) on Wednesday, October 7, 2015. The meeting was held at 6:00 p.m. at the Collier County Headquarters Library at 2385 Orange Blossom Drive. The sign-in sheets are attached as Exhibit "A", and demonstrate approximately 19 residents were in attendance, not including the consultant team. Handouts were distributed outlining the project overview,proposed uses, and development regulations, and are attached as Exhibit`B". Alexis Crespo (project planner) conducted the meeting with introductions of the consultant team, and an overview of the proposed PUD Amendment application. She also outlined the project location and existing PUD approval. Mrs. Crespo explained the project history, noting the current entitlements on the property allow for 239 multi-family dwelling units as well as 162,750 square feet commercial uses. She then explained Pulte's proposal to add single-family detached and two-family attached dwelling types to the allowable uses of the PUD to allow for the option of developing the site as a residential community. They do not intend to develop the site with any of the commercial uses currently approved. She explained the proposed PUD Master Plan and noted the single-point of access and that the developer will be paying their fair share of the Airport and Orange Blossom intersection improvements when required. She also noted the proposed design will maintain the stormwater lake on the west side of the property to provide separation and compatibility with the Emerald Lakes PUD to the west. She also noted the amendment will not impact the 20' Type"C"buffer along the western property line and it includes the six-foot tall wall. She also explained that the single-family development option will result in removal of the 100- foot setback to the west that is on the approved plan. Mike Hueniken noted the 100 foot setback will only be removed if they elect to do the single-family option. Traffic counts were mentioned as being reduced approximately 60% with the single-family uses development option when compared to the mixed-use entitlements. Page 1 of 3 Packet Page -133- 4/12/2016 9.B. Mrs. Crespo also outlined the public input opportunities throughout the process, and noted the PUD Amendment application hearing before the Collier County Planning Commission would be scheduled sometime in the December 2015 or January 2016. Following the Consultant's presentation, the meeting was opened up to attendees to make comments and ask the Agent questions regarding the proposed development. The following is a summarized list of the questions asked and responses given. Question/Comment 1: How big is the lake going to be across the back?How wide? Response: It is 100-feet wide with 40-foot lake maintenance easement. The total size is 3.2 acres. Question/Comment 2: One entrance in and out? Is that enough?? Response: Yes, only one access is proposed. We are proposing to provide a pedestrian connection to the library, which they may want to walk to and not get onto the Airport Road sidewalk. Question/Comment 3: Is there a sidewalk on Airport Road? That sidewalk is going to stay? And you're just going to have an entrance or walkway to the library? Response: Yes, the sidewalk on Airport Pulling Road will remain. Yes,we are intending to provide a pedestrian interconnection to the library. This this will be a gated community, so the pedestrian connection to the library will have some type of key fob to allow residents to get in to the library. Question/Comment 4: So this will eliminate all of the commercial? Response: Yes, this option will allow for a residential-only development program. Pulte does residential home-building. However, the rest of the approved uses will still remain as Pulte has not purchased the property yet. Question/Comment 5: If Pulte gets the approval from the County, it will single-family homes or multi-dwellings for the whole 21.7 acres, correct?If they don't get the approval then the property stays the way it is currently zoned? Response: Yes. Pulte intends to develop a single-family community per the Option B Master Plan. If the zoning amendment does not get approved the project will remain a mixed-use development per the existing approval. Question/Comment 6: Did you say this is a gated community? How far from the Airport Road will that gate be? Response: Yes, it will be gated. There's a minimum stacking distance in the LDC to ensure cars can stack up at the entrance and not go onto the Airport Road, I believe its 100 feet. Question/Comment 7: It backs up the traffic sometimes. Response: We have to design it so they won't back up onto the Airport Roadway. Question/Comment 8: They are also proposing a right turn lane in? Response: Correct, a right turn lane will be required,which will provide additional stacking. Question/Comment 9: Can Pulte describe a little bit as to the style of housing and construction materials that they might be using? Response: That's our sales department directing those decisions. Until we get the zoning done we don't go down that path of finalizing products. We have an idea what we want to do with the property. Proposing single-family homes in there, two-story homes as well. You can get an idea of our stuff around town, we built in Verona Walk and currently building in Winding Cypress. You can also visit our website. Page 2 of 3 Packet Page -134- 4/12/2016 9.B. There were no further questions or comments. The Consultant Team thanked attendees for coming and noted that contact information was provided in the letter should anyone have more questions regarding the project. The meeting concluded at approximately 6:15 p.m. The meeting was recorded per the CD attached as Exhibit"C". Page 3 of 3 Packet Page -135- N 4/12/2016 9.B. '''' ciNNITki c d b.0 0 'a 1 L• 'O �'• L fi - V CI■• 5 E 0.1 U 'a @) 'v q c •_ 0 o Q L v c 45 C5 0..0 0 o (� «' v �' c y o : S' N\ fa fl O • n "ri 1" ." a a,; o '' LI '41- m W co ft = u) .0 Ct. nti � - v N 2 N-- . .— I I— - t ‘',.. k..4 8 y c T t/) 0 Q Q L O 0 0 Q Q = 30 " C— C C L U Q O U {.� 2 (•1 © (.) -• E z ba u u T c +a j D D N L c a .0 .� \ Q G 1.. L * a c c 9, 0 n 1 3 'k o u ._ ., \ ti '\.� n QW � a G d0 N a+ Q - ''- `'' F v O tt �, V f6 U 1-ti3 +. .1 N U" Q V Q m v n ) � ° �` ✓ o c CO D 0 Lu m v u 0 _ CO N L C o .a 7 o v 3 o a U L Q. o O- O u to c 'ice W V3 .0 N u 0 Z mac' 2 \ c V�\ N N U N L ` 1-•1 L 4... `� 4- " 5 l o P. 0 a, E co ,t �' -1 C 13 v 6� °' o f0 � .c Z fl s +• *j to '47. E - § c/ R. L c 0 13 c v cry \ co F• u ~J ' S ,:,4 Z Packet Page -136- 4/12/2016 9.B. F 9 91 %'t.. 1 cii "`C MI doti 7.1 J 4 Iii7r % g C• o 0 0 _ tfi ■ L ' 9 t a1 c +; co I ('J CL o o o W vi co C 4 k ;lj 1 q 01 C • L. cvc g1 't; 4/12/2016 9.B. BUCKLEY MPUD (PUDA-PL2015-1084) Neighborhood Information Meeting Project Information Sheet Project Size: 21.7+/- acres Native Vegetation/Open Space: No native vegetation exists on-site. Open space will be provided in accordance with the Land Development Code. Future Land Use: Buckley Mixed-Use Subdistrict Proposed Future Land Use: Buckley Mixed-Use District (No Change Proposed) Current Zoning: Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) Proposed Zoning: Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (No Change Proposed) Existing Density Uses: Maximum of 239 multi-family dwelling units at 11 du/acre; or 162,750 square feet of retail, office, and services. Proposed Density/Uses: Maximum of 239 multi-family, single-family detached or two-family/duplex dwelling units at 11 du/acre; or 162,750 square feet of retail, office and service uses. Packet Page -138- 4/12/2016 9.B. • DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR BUCKLEY MPUD RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TOWNHOUSE MULTI-FAMILY RECREATION SINGLE- TWO- DWELLINGS FACILITIES& FAMILY FAMILY/ MAINTENANCE DETACHED DUPLEX STRUCTURES MINIMUM 3,000 square feet N/A N/A 4,500 s.f. 3,500 s.f. LOT AREA MINIMUM 30 feet N/A N/A 45 feet 35 feet LOT WIDTH MINIMUM FLOOR AREA 1,200 square feet 1,000 square feet N/A 1,200 s.f. 750 s.f. OF UNITS PUD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS8 MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK (FROM AIRPORT- 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet PULLING ROAD) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK (FROM NORTH 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet BOUNDARY& SOUTH BOUNDARY) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK1 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet 25 feet 25 feet (FROM WEST BOUNDARY) LAKES8 0 feet from the 0 feet from the 0 feet from the 0 feet from the 0 feet from LME LME LME LME the LME MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS Front: Principal Structure 20 feet2 20 feet2 N/A 20 feet2 20 feet2 Accessory Structure 20 feet2 20 feet2 20 feet SPS2 SPS2 Side: Principal Structure 20 feet %2 of the SBH N/A 5 feet 5 feet Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet SPS SPS Rear: Principal Structure 10 feet %2 of the BH N/A 10 feet3 10 feet3 Page 1 of 2 Packet Page -139- 4/12/2016 9.B. SINGLE- TWO- TOWNHOUSE MULTI-FAMILY RECREATION FAMILY FAMILY/ DWELLINGS FACILITIES& DETACHED DUPLEX MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 5 feet3 5 feet3 Minimum Distance Between Structures: Principal Structure 10 feet 1/2 of the SBH N/A 10 feet 0 or 10 feet Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 0 feet 10 feet 0 or 10 feet MAXIMUM HEIGHT Zoned: Principal Structure 3-stories not to 3-stories not to exceed 45 feet exceed 45 feet N/A 35 feet 35 feet Accessory Structure 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet SPS SPS Actual: r Principal Structure 50 feet 50 feet N/A 40 feet 40 feet Accessory Structure 32 feet 32 feet 32 feet SPS SPS 1. Dumpsters and dumpster enclosures shall not encroach into the 100 foot setback from the Western MPUD boundary. 2.Garages and carports shall be 10 feet from principal structures if detached.There will be a minimum of a 23 foot setback from the back of a sidewalk to front load garages. The minimum front yard setback for side-loaded and/or recessed garages is 10 feet. For corner lots, only one (1)front yard setback shall be required.The yard that does not contain the driveway/vehicular access to the residence shall provide a 10' setback. 3. Where a home site is adjacent to a landscape buffer easement or lake maintenance easement and it is a separately platted tract, the principal and accessory structure setback on the platted residential lot may be reduced to 0 feet where it abuts the easement/tract. 4. If the parcel is directly accessed by a public or private road right-of-way,setback is measured from the adjacent right of way line per LDC. Sidewalks shall be located in the right-of-way. 5. If the parcel is directly accessed by a private driveway, setback is measured from the back of curb (if curbed) or edge- of-pavement (if not curbed). This would apply to multi-family development tracts that do not have platted rights-of- way. 6. Multi-family or townhouse buildings within 150' of the west property line shall not have west facing balconies. 7. No building shall exceed three stories in height and 45 feet(actual height)and under building parking is prohibited. 8. No setback is required for fences or walls where the Lake Maintenance Easement (LME) or landscape buffer easement is a separately platted tract, except to provide area of landscaping on the exterior side of the wall, if required. BH= Building Height SBH=Sum of Building Heights LME= Lake Maintenance Easement SPS=Same As Principal Structure Page 2 of 2 Packet Page -140- 4/12/2016 9.B. BUCKLEY MPUD(PUDA-PL2015-1084) RESIDENTIAL PERMITTED USES Residential Uses The maximum number of residential units shall not exceed 239 units. For each acre of land utilized for residential purposes, 7,500 square feet of non-residential square footage will be eliminated from the total square footage allowable identified in the Commercial section of this MPUD. Note: See page 3 for reduction of residential units when commercial square footage is built. If a fractional acreage is built, the corresponding units of commercial shall be reduced and rounded up to the nearest whole number i.e. 0.5=1, .4=0. Residential development will be designed to accommodate a full range of residential dwelling types, compatible recreational facilities, essential services and customary accessory uses. Should the site develop fully as a residential project, no commercial facilities will be constructed. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following primary uses: A. Principal Uses The maximum number of residential units is 239. 1. Townhouse dwellings 2. Multi-family dwellings 3. Single-family detached dwellings 4. Two-family/duplex dwellings 5. Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted principal uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. B. Temporary Uses (per the LDC) 1. Model Units 2. Project information and Sales centers 3. Construction administrative offices for the developer and authorized contractors and consultants, including temporary access ways and parking areas. 4. Sales and administrative offices for the developer, project management or managing development association, including temporary access ways and parking areas. Page 1 of 2 Packet Page -141- 4/12/2016 9.B. Accessory Uses and Structures 1. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with principal uses permitted in this District, including neighborhood community recreational facilities and property management and maintenance structures intended to serve the residents and guests of the proposed development. 2. Garages and carports. 3. Administration facilities intended to serve the residents and guests of the proposed development. 4. Swimming Pools,Tennis courts and other similar recreational facilities and buildings to serve residents and their guests. 5. Guardhouses and Gatehouses. 6. Any other accessory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted accessory uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. Commercial Uses No changes proposed. Page 2 of 2 Packet Page -142- 4/12/2016 9.B. ___AWALDROP ENGINEERING ,» r _C{V'1L ENG1NEEMNG&LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS .., �'°' t I5r S ,..�.. , , 1 C i k t. iaR _'r.�-<.s. (.?T �..J*,, �a e .. r >xe. -t,.Y �.%;" 3.,�t- 3�.� a .s September 21,2015 RE: Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development PUDA-PL2015-1084 Dear Property Owner: Please be advised that Alexis Crespo, AICP of Waldrop Engineering, P.A and Richard Yovanovich, Esq. of Coleman, Yovanovich, & Koester, P.A. on behalf of Pulte Home Corporation has filed a formal application to Collier County seeking amendments to an existing Planned Unit Development (PUDA). The petitioner is asking the County to approve this application to add single-family detached and two- family/duplex dwelling types as permitted uses; add development standards for these dwelling types; add Master Concept Plan Option B; and modify the deviations and developer commitments. The project is currently approved for up to 239 multi-family residential units, and a maximum of 162,750 square feet of retail, office and service uses. The property totals 21.7+/- acres and is located % mile north of the intersection of Airport Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive in unincorporated Collier County, Florida. In compliance with the Land Development Code requirements, a Neighborhood Information Meeting will be held to provide you an opportunity to become fully aware of our development intentions and to give you an opportunity to influence the form of development. The Neighborhood Information Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Collier County Library Headquarters at 2385 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109. The meeting will be held in the Sugden Theatre. At this meeting the petitioner will make every effort to illustrate how the property will be developed and to answer any questions. Should you have questions prior to the meeting, please contact me directly at (239) 405-7777 ext. 207, or aexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com. Sincerely, WALDROP ENGINEERING, P.A. I IPs Alexis V. Crespo,AICP Director of Planning *Please note that the Collier County Public Library does not sponsor or endorse this program. Packet Page -143- 4/12/2016 9.B. NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING The public is invited to attend a neighborhood information meeting for the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (PUDA-PL2015-1084) held by Pulte Home Corporation and presented by Richard Yovanovich of Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A. and Alexis Crespo, AICP of Waldrop Engineering, P.A. at the following time and location: Wednesday, October 7th 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Collier County Library Headquarters, Sugden Theatre 2385 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109 The subject property totals 21.7+/- acres and is located 1/4 mile north of the intersection of Airport Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. The property is immediately east of the Emerald Lakes PUD. The property owner has made an application to Collier County to add single-family detached and two-family/duplex dwelling types as permitted uses; add development standards for these dwelling types; add Master Concept Plan Option B; and modify the deviations and developer commitments. The project is currently approved for up to 239 multi-family residential units, and a maximum of 162,750 square feet of retail, office and service uses. I PROJECT' LOCATION, 7- 3=AVDTIML7 OPAalt ROAD IAA Y . 1 - r-o n PROJECT LOCATION MAP M)SCALE WE VALUE YOUR INPUT Business and property owners and residents are welcome to attend the presentation and discuss the project with the owners' representatives and Collier County staff. If you are unable to attend this meeting, but have questions or comments, they can be directed to: Waldrop Engineering, P.A. c/o Alexis Crespo, AICP 28100 Bonita Grande Dr., Suite 305, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 (239) 405-7777, ext. 207 OR alexis.crespowaldropenqineerinq.com *Please note that the Collier County Public Library does not sponsor or endorse this program. Packet Page -144- J.*N..,',.........1,11.1"%1A NJ,...K....,..-• .,. . ..,,,,.....,, ...... 1 ' NEIGH BOR 11 Ottf:114 FORMAT:1:C 4/1 2/2016 9 B The publicjs invited to attend a neighborhood information meeting for the Buckley A. Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (PuDA-P1_2015-10p4) tield.by Pulte Home Corporation and presented by Richard Yovanovich of Coleman,Yovanovich&Koester, P _ P.A.and Alexis Crespo,AICP of Waldrop Engineering, RA, at the following time and WALDROP ENGINEERING, P.A. location:. WALDROP ENGINEERING, P.A. 2 8 1 0 0 BONITA GRANDE DR STE 305 Wednesday,October 7th 2015 at 6:00 P.m. Collier County Library Headquarters,Sugden Theatre BONITA SPRINGS FL 3 4 1 3 5 - 2385 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples,FL REFERENCE: 5 0 7 1 7 6 2015 bject property totald;21'"74,/2acres and is located lA mile north of the intersection 6 9 8 7 3 9 of Airport Pulling Road and Orange BlossOrT(Drive in Section 2,Township 49 South, Range 25 East;Collier County,Fldrici.a.Thaproperty is immediatelyeast.bftheEmerald Lakes PUD. The property owner tia made an application to Collier County to add State of Florida single-family detached and two-family/duplex dwelling types as,perrnitted uses; add, Counties of Collier and. Lee development standards for these dwelling types; add Master'CondePtplan Option Before the undersigned author: B; . Imo s TeP project is current B. and modify the deviations and'developer commitments.. h roj t „ y approved for up to 239 multi-family residential units, and a maximum of 162,70 appeared Dan McDermott, says th square feet of retail,office and service uses.: the Inside Sales Supervisor, of I '--I Lk.- ,---,*,-.- 0....,... , .. news, a daily newspaper publish .... .! -5"(1 fi ) ---, I / Collier County, Florida: that t . . advertising was published in sa 1 , 2 , -.../ PROJECT listed. '"*", I 1::- -,:;,' J-11\•,,. „LocATioN, „‘.., / Affiant further says that the , , _. / News is a newspaper published a is ', 11,_ .„ "•,, ,,1E1 ,-, T/7/ Col lier County, Florida, and th n, ' , ii ').1;:- .:' ' ,: ,r-ii-! ,>71 :11`,"'. t>,,,i1-7:-:-. , ,.9 t-L, „,. 1 i i'' -: has heretofore been continuousl . ‘,, ‘" l'-' ','r- : i _ ■ '' , ' . 2--"zr:--- c entered as second class mail ma . ...,0,, : .,, ,, , _ , , ,..---; i - ---OrttVI,- office in Collier County. Florid ,g , `i , '1,- -7 . , ---- 1 year next precending the first -1 g' ,e,„ 1 1,. attached copy of advertisement; , , -,i_r „ L: any person, firm or corporation , ,„, ,_ _ 1,, ,,.. commission or refund for the pu this advertisement for publicat \,.. --''' ! .' ”, " 1 ■ 1 li Hi newspaper. - ' - 'PROJECT LOCATION MAP AD SPACE:0 Filiha) 01\i:_i_U/02/15 VVE VALUE YOUR INPUT , PUBLISHED ON: , Business and property owners and residents are welcome to attend the presentation September 21, 2015 and discuss the project with the owners' representatives and Collier County staff. If you are unable to attend this meeting, but have questions or comments,they can be directed to: Waldrop Engineering,PA.do Alexis Crespo,AICP 28100 Bonita Grande Dr., Suite 305,Bonita Springs, FL 34135 (239)405-7777,ext.207 OR alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com *Please note that the Collier County Public Library does not sponsor or endorse this program. No.698739 September 21.2015 Signature of Affiant , ___,>,,c -g....-- Sworn to and Subscribed before me this f.:, ., day of / 2 0 / ) ,, , tamoodegisabdithiltrifisiglawShollirdbotibmilediP ---, , ..„„i., . ) , I Personally known by me - ; t . , `1, 1. i v 1 v114:;,‘, IVONNF nORI 0 v_ ...,"p ,-, Not3 •'iblic State of Florida 4 It' it i --. , :s•4 IH-;" :•••: ('^.r.• 4S101) # EF 9008/0 Expires Jul 16,2019 il ";t8,c,,,P 1,,, - igh National Notary Assn. Packet Page -145- DeRp04;""Rap.,60,..„—doisspogrm,...somp.4, 4/12/2016 9.B. HAME1 NAME2 NAMES NAME4 NAMES NAME6 ABRAHAM,ISAAC MICHAEL A ABRAHAM 2496 ORCHID BAY DR II Y-104 NAPLES,FL 34109-0663 ABREU,JOSE A&NIDIA E 7295 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1772 ACKERMAN,JAY E&VENITA R 13539 NORTHUMBERLAND CIR WELLINGTON,FL 33414-8969 ADAMS,BRYAN EUGENE MICHELE KUPCHELLA ADAMS 2426 ORCHID BAY DRIVE 4F202 NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 ADAMS,JOHN E&REBECCA 7475 JACARANDA PARK RD 11104 NAPLES,FL 34109-0661 AGRESTE,RICHARD A&CHRISTINE 2861 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109---0657 AIRPORT PULLING ORANGE BLOSSOM LLC 560 DELAWARE AVE RM 400- BUFFALO,NY 14202-1204 AIRPORT PULLING ORANGE BLOSSOM LLC 560 DELAWARE AVE RM 400 BUFFALO,NY 14202--1204 ALFONSO D'AMELIO REV TRUST 7535 MILL POND CIRCLE NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 ALLARD,RAYMOND G&ZALITA 7436 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 4N-203 NAPLES,FL 34109-7695 ALLEN,JOANNET 2450 OLD GROVES RD 40-201 NAPLES,FL 34109-7686 ALOI,NICHOLAS 1 7694 MILLSTREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109-1715 ANDERSEN,WILLIAM&MICHELE 42 ASHFORD DR BOHEMIA,NY 11716-3958 ANN OSHAUGHNESSY REV TRUST JOSEPH OSHAUGHNESSY 7455 MILL POND CIE NAPLES,FL 34109-1708 APPLIN,ROBING&DEBORAH H 2450 OLD GROVES ROAD 11203 NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 AUER,WOLFGANG&MADELEINE B TRAUNSTR 25 A 5026 SALZBURG AUSTRIA A-5026 AVIZINIS,ROBERT&CORINNE 16 KATHLEEN CT WEST WARWICK,RI 02893-1949 BAKER,BETTY 1 2470 OLD GROVES RD APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109-7693 BARBAY,JOHN A&ANN MARIE 12259 NE BENTON ST NEWPORT,OR 97365-0000 BARRETT,THOMAS ANDREW 7416 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE ROAD NP-203 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 BARRY&CAROL F BELT REV TRUST 7436 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD49-204 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 BARTEK,CHRISTOPHER! STEVEN C BARTEK 7174 KINGS CROSS ST AVON,IN 46123--0000 BARTLETT,LAWRENCE KAREN M IGNAGNI 3105 CHESAPEAKE ST NW WASHINGTON,DC 20008-2230 BATES,BRYAN ANDREW SARAH JEANNINE BATES 7663 MILL STREAM DRIVE NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 BATTAGLIA,RICHARD C PATRICIA A BATTAGLIA 2506 ORCHID BAY OR APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109-0664 BAUER,CARL W&PATRICIA 7498 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109--1707 BERG TR,CAROLYN H CAROLYN H BERG TR UST UTD 2-14-96 7436 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 01039 NAPLES,FL 34109--7695 BERGER,LEONARD L 2516 ORCHID BAY DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109-0670 BETTY P GALLO IRREV TRUST 292 W 9TH ST DEER PARK,NY 11729--6528 5151010,JANINA 7456 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 203 - NAPLES,FL 34109-0654 BLADICH,DOUGLAS1 2486 ORCHID BAY DR APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109--0662 BLAJIAN TR,JEFFREY K MARY BLAJIAN IRREV TRUST UTD 9/4/02 7436 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 11102N NAPLES,FL 34109-7695 BLOCK,ROBERT L HAROLD E BLOCK 2430 OLD GROVES RD APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109-0659 BOCK,MARGARET 7435 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 4104 NAPLES,FL 34109-7694 BOONE,JERRY E&SALLIE A 1300 HILL RD MILLVILLE,PA 17846-8651 BOREK,ANIELA M GENEVIEVE M HOMILLER 2541 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109-7610 8055HARDT,JAMES P&KAREN N 2507 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109--7618 BRANDER,STEVEN&JUDITH 30 THIMBLEBERRY LANE SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664--0000 BRAY,GERALD L&MARIAN M 7465 JACARANDA PARK RD 0 R204 NAPLES,FL 34109--7697 BRENNAN,DIANE 1 2503 CITRUS LAKE DR U 105 NAPLES,FL 34109-7601 BRIENZA,DOROTHY A DONNELLY 5 SARGEANT STODDARD CT BEDMINSTER,NJ 07921-0000 BROPHY SR,JOHN M&PATRICIA A 2841 CITRUS LAKE DR APT K104 NAPLES,FL 34109-9119 BROSTOFF TR,PEARL K PEARL K BROSTOFF TRUST UTD 11/26/07 2509 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109---0000 BRYANT,LA VERNE H 2861 CITRUS LAKE DR 11201 NAPLES,FL 34109---0657 BRZOVSKI REV TRUST 7436 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE ROAD N-202 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 RUETER,CLAIRE M 5 7466 JACARANDA PARK ROAD UNIT 8 203 NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 BUINICKI,FRANCIS S CATHERINE BUINICKI PO BOX 483 WADING RIVER,NY 11792---0483 BURKE,JOHN F&DENISE) 2496 ORCHID BAY DR APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109--0663 BURNHAM TR,DR WILLIAM I DR WILLIAM J BURNHAM LIV TRUST UTD 11/18/08 PO BOX 7 SHAFTSBURY,VT 05262-0000 BUTLER,PATRICIA A 2560 CITRUS LAKE OR APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109-0656 BZOWSKI,TERESA JAN BZOWSKI 6805 RICHMOND AVE DARIEN,IL 60561---0000 C110NCKHEERE REV TRUST 887 FLOWERING PLUM DRIVE BRIGHTON,MI 48116-0000 CAMPBELL,DALE A&NANCY E 289E 42ND ST DALLAS,PA 18612--8920 CARPANZANO,ANTHONY&IDA 107 EASTCHESTER RD NEW ROCHELLE,NY 10801--1206 CARR.BRIAN&SALLY 2560 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109---0656 CARROLL,TERRANCE 1&SUSAN Q 78 STEPHANIE LANE GLEN ELLYN,IL 60137-0000 CASALETTO SR,EDWARD C CASALETTO,DOLORES A 7439 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109---1708 CASEBOLT,DELORES 0 7435 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 11101 NAPLES,FL 34109---7694 CASTANO,ALBERT F&SHEILALEE 374 SADDLEBROOK LN NAPLES,FL 34110-1368 CASTANO,ELIZABETH ANN 6 JONATHAN CT HIGHLAND,NY 12528-0000 CASTLE,CRAIG&LORALEE 2506 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109-7620 CHAMPION,MICHAEL&KATHLEEN 20 SABLE RD SALEM,MA 01970---1038 CHRISTOPHEL,JOHN D R INGRID D G00 HARBOR BLVD UNIT 1028 WEEHAWKEN,NJ 07086---6750 CHRZANOWSKI,STANLEY PETER NORAH FRANCES CHRZANOWSKI 2504 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109-7620 CIOROGAA,GHEORGHE&RODICA 7506 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1711 CLARK FAMILY IT REV TRUST 7466 JACARANDA PARK RD 0102 NAPLES,FL 34109---7696 CLARK,URSULA K 5670 SHADY OAKS LN NAPLES,FL 34119-1254 COLLETTI,ANITA M 2834 COACH HOUSE WAY NAPLES,FL 34105-0000 COLLIER CNTY C/O REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 3335 TAMIAMI TR E,STE 101 NAPLES,FL 34112---0000 COLLIER CNTY C/O REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 3335 TAMIAMI TR E,STE 101 NAPLES,FL 34112-0000 CONLEY TR,PAULA V PAULA V CONLEY TR UST UTD 9.9.91 2440 OLD GROVES RD APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109---7682 CONNOR,JOHN L BARBARA B ERRICKSON-CONNOR 5716 GLENEAGLES DR PLANO,TX 75093---5975 CORRIGAN,LAURENCE T&ELEANOR 7425 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 4104 NAPLES,FL 34109--7699 COSTANTINOU EST,CHARLES 2456 ORCHID BAY DR 01-202 NAPLES,FL 34109---7685 COX,MICHAEL&LORIE 8173 VALIANT DR NAPLES,FL 34104--6671 CUMMINGS,THOMAS: PATRICIA A CUMMINGS 67 MAYFLOWER DR SEEKONK,MA 02771---3409 CURRY,ERIN K KENT CURRY 10846 CYPRESS GLEN DR CORAL SPRINGS,FL 33071--8164 CUTLER,KAREN B 2519 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109---7618 CZARNECKI,GEORGE 1&HELENA 2446 ORCHID BAY DR APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109-7684 CZYSCZON,CHARLOTTE 2440 OLD GROVES RD 8 0201 NAPLES,FL 34109---7682 DALY,KEVIN E&GULIANA CIARLO 12 LARKSPUR CRESCENT ANCASTER,ON CANADA LOS 1C3 DAR05A,NELSON H&LUCIA R 7582 MILLSTREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109---1719 DAURIA,ANTHONY BARBARA CONNIE DAURIA 33 RING LANE LEVITTOWN,NY 11756-0000 DAVID,JOHN M&JANE E 2780 TIBURON BLVD E 0101 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 DAVIS,]ENE F LINDA I WARNS DAVIS 6245 SUNBURY RD WESTERVILLE,OH 43082--8656 DAVIT,JAMES F&CHRISTINE F 585 WESTERN AVENUE GLEN ELLYN,IL 60137---0000 DE LONG,PHILIP F&SHIRLEY A 7856 NASSAU LOOP DUBLIN,01-1 43017-8581 DEFRANCESCO,NICOLINO CARMELA DEFRANCESCO 26 NADIA CRES RR 1 TINY,ON CANADA LOL 270 DEKKER TR,JAMES C REVOCABLE TRUST 7431 MILL POND OR NAPLES,FL 34109--1708 DEKKER,JACKIE 1&EDWARD 7455 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 104 NAPLES,FL 34109---0630 DILG,DONALD L 7678 MILLSTREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109--1715 DIMAIO,STANISLAO MARIA 5 DIMAIO JOSEPHINE HOWLAND 2526 ORCHID BAY DR UNIT 68202 NAPLES,FL 34109-0671 DINNOCENZO,DARYL 7455 JACARANDA PARK RD 8102 NAPLES,FL 34109---0630 DIRESTA,PETER)&SANDRA 7 CANDLEVIEW DR SHERMAN,CT 06784--0000 DISQUE CO-TR,EDWARDI DISQUECO-TR,CATHERINE.R UTD 5/23/90 375 21ST AVE.S NAPLES,FL 34102---7603 DISQUE TR,EDWARD J DISQUE TR,CATHERINE R EDWARD I DISQUE REV/TR 5/23/90 375 21ST AVE.S NAPLES,FL 34102--7603 DOBRUTSKY TR,ANN E ANN E DOBRUTSKY TR UST UTD 6-28-93 2456 ORCHID BAY DR APT 104 NAPLES,FL 34109---7685 DUBINS,MORTIMER I&BARBARA M 9 LAKEWOOD CT RIDGELEY,WV 2E753---9727 DURKIN SR,JOHN A&PATRICIA PATRICK)&KRISTA R DURKIN LOIS DURKIN Packet Page -146-5T MORRIS,IL 60450---2329 4/12/2016 9.B. DURRENBERGER,DAVID 7435 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD#204 NAPLES,FL 34109--7694 EARLY,LEAH SELBY 7407 MILL POND OR NAPLES,FL 34109-1708 ELIAS,BRUCE&LYNN 2017 PARASOL.DR LEXINGTON,KY 40513-1072 EMERALD LAKES RES ASSOC INC %AMERICAN PROPERTY MNGT 10621 AIRPORT PULLING RD N#8 NAPLES,FL 34109-7300 EMERALD LAKES RES ASSOC INC %AMERICAN PROPERTY MNGT 10621 AIRPORT PULLING RD N#8 NAPLES,FL 34109---7300 'ERALD LAKES RES ASSOC INC %AMERICAN PROPERTY MNGT 10621 AIRPORT PULLING RD N11 8 NAPLES,FL 34109--7305 SJRALD LAKES RES ASSOC INC %AMERICAN PROPERTY MNGT 10621 AIRPORT PULLING RD N#8 NAPLES,FL 34109-7300 ,MONS TR,FRANCIS A UTD 8/20/98 PATRICIA A EMMONS TR UTD 8/20/98 45 DARLINGTON DR HAWTHORN WOODS,IL 60547-9236 ENGERJT REVOCABLE TRUST 2456 ORCHID BAY DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34 10 9-7 685 ENGLER,KENNETH P&VIRGINIA M 2318 MILL STREAM CT NAPLES,FL 34109-1713 ENTEN,ANA MARIA 2506 ORCHID BAY DR APT 104 NAPLES,FL 34109--0664 ERICKSON,KENNETH P VALERIE ERICKSON 261-20 HILLSIDE AVE FLORAL PARK,NY 11004--0000 EWING TR,ANN D ANN 0 EWING REV TRUST UTD 04/13/00 2513 CITRUS LAKE DR NAPLES,FL 34109-7601 FASOUNO,GERARD C&ANGELA 2476 ORCHID BAY DR APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109-0629 FAY,PATRICIA E 4 MAPLE CIRCLE RANDOLPH,MA 02368-0000 FIFTH THIRD BANK CORPORATE FACILITIES 1701 GOLF RD MO GRLMBE ROLUNG MEADOWS,IL 60008-0000 • FISCH,SAMUEL A&ROMANA A 7319 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1734 FITAPELLI,FRANK P&ETHEL A 2430 OLD GROVES RD APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109-0659 FITZPATRICK,MARIA BECKA 7434 LANTANA OR NAPLES,FL 34119-0000 FLEISHOUR,BRUCE A&LINNEA C 2541 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 104 NAPLES,FL 34109--7610 FONG,RUFINO R&LUCIA I 7391 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1734 FOUNTAIN PARK OFFICE BLDG LLC 16I3 CHINABERRY WAY NAPLES,FL 34105-3052 FOUNTAIN PARK RETAIL CENTRE II L L C 1613 CHINABERRY WAY NAPLES,FL 34105-3052 FOUNTAIN PARK RETAIL CTR LLC 1613 CHINABERRY WAY NAPLES,FL 34105--3052 FRINO,MARIE BRENDA F CONNEELY MICHAEL D FRINO 2503 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109-7618 FURLONG,BARBARA MONICA N WURSTLE 2450 OLD GROVES RD APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109--7686 FUSCHILLO,BRIAN 10 WOODED LN HAMPTON BAYS,NY 11946--1123 GAADT,TIMOTHY C CHERYL L PATTON 2571 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109--7608 GAMBOA,JEANETTE I&VICTOR M 2446 ORCHID BAY DR#H-204 NAPLES,FL 34109--7684 GAMBOA,VICTOR MANUAL JEANETTE I GAMBOA 2446 ORCHID BAY DR APT 204 NAPLES,FL 34109--7684 GARFIELD,DAVID 7630 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109--1715 GARRETT,BARBARA T 7465 JACARANDA PARK RD#201 NAPLES,FL 34109-7697 GASKILL,ROY&CAROL 39 RIVIERA PKWY LINDENHURST,NY 11757-6114 GEORGE FULTON REV LIV TRUST 2505 WILDWOOD AVE NE CANTON,OH 44714-1870 GOLDBERG,NOAM 2253 MILL STREAM CT NAPLES,FL 34109--1713 GONZALEZ,PAMELA D 2811 CITRUS LAKE OR APT 204 NAPLES,FL 34109--7649 GORRA,HELEN 7425 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 4203 NAPLES,FL 34109-7699 GRACILLA,LUDIVINA V 2505 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109--7618 GROVES RESIDENTS ASSOC TNT THE 2480 OLD GROVES RD NAPLES,FL 34109-7669 GUARDIAN PROPERTY MGMT 6704 LONE OAK BLVD NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 GUTIC,HAMO&VEZA 7471 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 HAINES,PATRICIA A 2446 ORCHID BAY DR#102 NAPLES,FL 34108-0000 HANSON,MAURICE R&ELIZABETH 105 W SPEARFISH LN JUPITER,FL 33477---0000 HCP PC1 NAPLES FL LLC PO BOX 847 CARLSBAD,CA 92018---0847 HEALY,MICHAEL 0 2501 SAILORS WAY#127 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 HEALY,PHYLLIS B 7465 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109---7697 HEIKKIN EN,KATJA 2420 OLD GROVES RD 8202 NAPLES,FL 34109-5000 HEIRSHBERG,AARON&THERESA 2242 NEWQUIST COURT CAMARILLO,CA 93010-0000 'LER,WAYNE C MARK WIDLOSKI 10534 IRON HORSE LANE CARMEL,IN 46032-0050 INEL,EDGAR K&NANCY E KIVA N STONETELLING 7416 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD#102 NAPLES,FL 34109-0626 .4RRERA,WILLIAM FLOREZ SABRINA DIETER FLOREZ 7383 MILL POND CIR 42-A NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 HIGGINS,PATRICIA 2285 MILL STREAM CT NAPLES,FL 34109-1713 HOFFMAN,ROBERT I&BROOKE 1 7666 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109---1715 HOHZORN,CONSTANZE PO BOX 2282 PONTE VEORA,FL 32004-2282 HOMILLER,GENEVIEVE M 2611 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 205 NAPLES,FL 34109---7609 HORVATH,STEVE&DELPHINE A 7426 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD#104 NAPLES,FL 34109---0627 HUDDLESTUN,MAX R PATRICIA ANN HUDDLESTUN 2366 FOUR SEASONS Cr CROWN POINT,IN 46307---9341 HUOT,JEAN-MARIE 933 COURCHESNE QUEBEC,QC CANADA G1V 3102 HURST,KATHERINE BLACKFORD 2664 5 FORREST GREEN DR DECATUR,IL 62521-6411 HUSSEY,RUTH 8 2114 N OAK LN STATE COLLEGE,PA 16803--1124 HUSSON,BETTY B 7511 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1702 IBARRA,EILEEN C 1451 UTTLE WHALENECK ROAD MERRICK,NY 11566-1637 INGMIRE,TOMMY L 2591 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 106 NAPLES,FL 34109-7610 JAQUESS,TINA M 2781 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109---7634 JAYARAMAN,BRANI R JEYANTHI ETHIRAJAN 7335 MILL POND CIRCLE NAPLES,FL 34109-0550 JETTE,JOSEPH E KATHLEEN A HORAN 7466 JACARANDA PARK RE APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109---7696 JKLM REVOCABLE LIV TRUST 444 WEST ST JAMES PLACE 8810 CHICAGO,IL 50614--0000 JOAN 1 WALSH REV TRUST 7455 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109--0630 JOHN R MOORE REVOCABLE TRUST 3615 DE PAUW PL COLLEGE PARK,MD 20740--4032 JOHNSON TR,JAMES R NIKKI LJOHNSON TR RUBY M JOHNSON TRUST EST 9169 THE LN NAPLES,FL 34109---1562 JOHNSON TR,WILLIAM H TD 6-15-92 3817 PALMER ROW LAKE GENEVA,WI 53147-0000 JOHNSON,CHOYCE&CHERYL S 89 HAMILTON AVE WATERTOWN,CT 06795---2402 JOHNSTON,SAMUEL F CHARLESETTE W JOHNSTON 7475 JACARANDA PARK ED APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109--0661 JONES,BRIAN MEREDITH ELIZABETH A JONES 27 BRACKEN AVENUE TORONTO,ON CANADA M4E 104 JURIS SR,MATTHEW A&DOREEN M 2436 ORCHID RAY DR APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109-0658 KACZMARSKI,ALEXANDER 2426 ORCHID BAY DR APT 204 NAPLES,FL 34109-7683 KAPLAN,MURRAY L&EDITH F 27 W SPOT ROCK DR CHERRY HILL,NJ 08003---1339 KATHERINE CARR WOOD TRUST 2511 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109-7618 KENNETH F DURANT REV LIV TRUST 29 STEPHEN RENNIE DRIVE 5 WEYMOUTH,MA 02190--0000 KILTZ,SHARON L 13815 MILL STREAM CT CARMEL,IN 46032-9141 KIRKPATRICK,KARAN I. 7311 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109--1754 KLUCKA,DIANE M 1690 THISTLE DR CANTON,MI 48188--3086 KLUG,KAREN R 2841 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109--7656 KMENT,LUBICA 2571 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109-7608 KOESTNER,HARALD AHORNWEG 9 RODEN BACH S GERMANY 63517 KOHLRIESER,JOHN D SHELLEY B WEINSTEIN 2420 OLD GROVES RD 4204 NAPLES,FL 34109--7681 KOURANY TR,OSCAR UTD 4-6-94 4824 AUSTIN TRCE ZIONSVILLE,IN 46077---9670 KOWALCZYK,BONNIE 7359 MILLPOND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1734 KRAYCIK,JAMES P LORI M KRAYOK 7646 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109---171S KRUCKMEYER,TRICIA L BIEN,JOEY M 7416 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 0 P204 NAPLES,FL 34109-0626 "UBIAK,WALTER M&PAMELA A 520 MERWYN RD NARBERTH,PA 19072-2317 IARBERA,ALBERT 7425 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD#103 NAPLES,FL 34109---7699 :EY,ROBERT 1630 R ST NW APT 3 WASHINGTON,DC 20009-6472 LAKESIDE OF NAPLES RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC 7600 AIRPORT PULLING RD N NAPLES,FL 34109---1721 LAKESIDE OF NAPLES RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC 7600 AIRPORT PULLING RD N NAPLES,FL 34109--1721 LAKESIDE OF NAPLES RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC 76600 AIRPORT PULLING RD N NAPLES,FL 34109---1721 LAKESIDE OF NAPLES RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC %ADVANCED PROP MGMT 5ER INC 1035 COLLIER CENTER WAY STE 7 NAPLES,FL 34110---8474 LAKESIDE OF NAPLES RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC 7600 AIRPORT PULLING RD N ''77 NAPLES,FL 34109-1721 LAKESIDE OF NAPLES VILLAS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC INC 7600 AIRPORT PUI Packet Page -1'+/' NAPLES,FL 34109-1721 LANGEN,LESLIE&LYNN 11912 DOUGE YNN DR MINNETONKA,MN SS343---4316 . 4/12/2016 9.B. LANGNER,ALIEJA NEGINSKY,EWA SWIATKOWSKA-FREUND,MALGORZATA 7415 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 LARSEN,LAURA A 7415 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 0 101 NAPLES,FL 34109-7698 IATESSA,ANTHONY A&LYNDA J 2550 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109-0655 LAWSON,GARY R 444W ST JAMES PL#810 CHICAGO,IL 60614-0000 LAWSON,GRACED 2496 ORCHID BAY DR APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109--0663 LEITH,UNDA K 2486 ORCHID BAY DR APT 104 NAPLES,FL. 34109-0662 LEMOFF TR,SHARON R LEMOFF FAMILYTRUST 7456 JACARANDA PARK RD 9103 NAPLES,FL 34109---0654 LENNEY,WILLIAM R&NANCY M 2456 ORCHID BAY DR APT 204 NAPLES,FL 34109-76115 LIESER,LEE 2861 CITRUS LAKE DRIVE L-103 NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 LIGHT,SARAH E&GERALDA 2611 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109-7609 LIND,THOMAS P&LAURIE A 7550 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109-1719 LINDA I JACK LIVING TRUST 2456 ORCHID BAY DRIVE NAPLES,FL 34109-7685 LINDENBAUM,SHIRLEY L 2781 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109-7634 LISETFE SYMONDS REV TRUST EST 2456 ORCHID BAY DR APT 1-201 NAPLES,FL 34109-7685 LITTLE,LINCOLN M VIOLETTA I PAWLOWSKA 11741 W GRANDVIEW DR COLUMBUS,IN 47201-0000 LLEWELLYN,MELODY A 7351 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109---1734 LOTTI,EVELYN A 7436 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 0104 NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 LOTZ TR,ELIZABETH M UTD I2-1-99 E M LOTZ REV TRUST 2470 OLD GROVES RD APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109-7693 LOUISE S WARD TRUST 7466 JACARANDA PK RD 9201 NAPLES,FL 34109-7696 LOVALLO,JOSEPH W 12.ADAMS ST - 01.D BRIDGE,NJ 08857--2112 LUX,MARILYN A 7375 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1734 MACDONALD,IAN R&JANET A 132 BOBBY LOCKE LANE STOUFFVILLE,ON CANADA L4A 195 MAHER,MICHAEL P&PAMELA E 2506 ORCHID BAY DR APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109--0664 MAMMARO,ANNUNZIATA 2526 ORCHID BAY DRIVE 11103 NAPLES,FL 3 410 9-0000 MARTIN,ANGEUKA 7566 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109---1719 MARTIN,JOSEPH M&LINDA L 125 HOMERS DOCK RD YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675-1011 MASER,HAROLD&EILEEN 52 MOORLINCH BLVD MEDFORD,NJ 08D55--4014 MASTROGIUSEPPE,JOHN NANCY MASTROGIUSEPPE 4 CROWLING CRT RICHMOND HILL,ON CANADA L4E 3Y6 MATHENY REV TRUST 2470 OLD GROVES RD 93104 NAPLES,FL 34109-7693 MAllA,JANE 2509 CITRUS LAKE DR 0102 NAPLES,FL 34109--7601 MC CARTHY,EDWARD D&WINIFRED 7415 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD It 201 NAPLES,FL 34109-7698 MC MULLEN JR,FRANK H KATHRYN E MC MULLEN 7598 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109-1719 MCBRIDE TRUST 8520 MANSION BLVD MENTOR,OH 44060-4145 MCDONOUGH,CAROL&JAMES 2446 ORCHID BAY DR APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109--7684 MCFEELEY,PATRICIA 7466 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 104 NAPLES,FL.34109-7696 MCGLYNCHEY TR,MICHAEL DENISE A CLARKSON TR M P MCGLYNCHEY TRUST 1/12/05 D A CLARKSON REV LIV TRUST 11293 FELLOWS HILL DR PLYMOUTH,MI 48170--6358 MCGUIRE,MICHAEL I&JENNIFER 56 YOUNG AVE CEDAR GROVE,NI 07009-0432 MCHUGH JR,DAVID M&SHERI L 7647 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109-1700 MCINERNEY TR,JOANNE M JOANNE M MCINERNERY REV TRUST UT003/25/94 2426 ORCHID BAY DR APT 103E NAPLES,FL 34109-7683 MCNARY,JAMES K 8,MARY 8 69360 FAIR OAKS LANE COVINGTONQMA,LA 70434-0000 MCQUISTON,DONNA 1 7465 JACARANDA PARK RD#0202 NAPLES,FL 34109-7697 MEASE,RODNEY F 7679 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109---1700 MENARD,GLORYA 2476 ORCHID BAY DR#104 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 MEZZAPELLA TR,HENRIETTA HENRIETTA ME7ZAPELLA TR UST UTD 5-10-84 7455 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109---0630 MICHELE ANN LUCAS REV TRUST 2611 CITRUS LAKE DR APT C104 NAPLES,FL 34109---9135 MIKLOS,BALAZS UUANA MIKLOS MCDONALD 353 ELLIS PARK ROAD TORONTO,ON CANADA MRS 2V7 MILLER,DOROTHY L 7456 JACARANDA PARK RD 9201 NAPLES,FL 34109--0654 MILLER,RAYMOND W&DIANNE M 325 VAN BUREN ST SOUTH HAVEN,MI 49090--0000 MITCHELL ROBERTA F 2436 ORCHID BAY DR APT 104 NAPLES,FL 34109-0658 MITTL,MARIE E 2476 ORCHID BAY DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34104-0629 MOREW,ANGELA 3367 STRATFORD RD WANTAGH,NY 11793-3012 MOUNTFORD 10,WILLIAM F 7,175 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109---D661 MOUNTFORD,EILEEN L 7466 JACARANDA PARK RD#U-204 NAPLES,FL 34109--7696 MUGGLETON,CHRISTOPHER 14 HAMMOND LODGE ADMIRAL WALK LONDON UNITED KINGDOM W9 3TG MULLIGAN,DOROTHY A 7426 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD I:103 NAPLES,FL 34109-0627 MUNRO,DOUGLAS R&VERA L 147 VERO BEACH BVLVD TORONTO,ON CANADA MOM 1R2 MUSTAFA,PEMBE I KE2BAN GURKAS MINES OCONNOR MEHMET MUSTAFA 6 WESTVALE LN HUNTINGTON,NY 11743--6618 MYERS,MELITTA M 7327 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109---1734 NADOTTI,DIANA M 7415 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 8203 NAPLES,FL 34109—D00D NAPLES ITALIAN.AMERICAN CLUB FOUNDATION INC 7035-7037 AIRPORT RD N NAPLES,FL 34109---1709 N ELLER,JOHN3&CATHY L 73 WINDTREE E TORRINGTON,CT 06790-3034 NETZER,CAROL M 7455 JACARANDA PARK RD 0 5-201 NAPLES,FL 34109---0630 NEVOLA,MIROSLAV EDIT TOTH 12 PARK LANE TORONTO,ON CANADA MAY 156 NUZZOLESE,JOSEPH PO BOX 156 EAST MEADOW,NY 11554-0156 NUZZOLESE,JOSEPH PO BOX 156 EAST MEADOW,NY 11534-0156 NYE,DENNIS B 15 PLATT ST AS NORWALK,CT 06855--0000 OGILVIE,JACLYN 467 GARDEN VALLEY DRIVE YOUNGSTOWN,OH 44512--0000 OLSON,PHILIP G&MAUREEN A 7522 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109---1711 OSULLIVAN,CATHLEEN C 226 COMMONWEALTH AVE CHESTNUT HILL,MA 02467---1142 OZAKI,HITOMI 2440 OLD GROVES RD 9 1104 NAPLES,FL 34109---7682 PACK,KENNETH B BARBARA ELIZABETH PACK 6036 RIVER DR LORTON,VA 22079--4126 PAGANO,LUIGI G JENNIFER L D'ALLESSANDRO 7476JACARANDA PARK RD 6201 NAPLES,FL 34109---0000 PALKA ET AL CATHERINE M 13236 S WESTVIEW DR PALOS HEIGHTS,IL 60463--2759 r'ANNULLO,FREDERICK&ANNA MAE 2486 ORCHID BAY DR APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109---0662 PARADISE/LAND TRUST 10 BENOIT KIRKLAND KIRKLAND,QC CANADA I-19H 5117 PARRIS,JUDITH A 3729 KENT DR NAPLES,FL 34112---3741 PARRISH,GARRY NI 7710 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109-1715 PARSONS FAMILY REV TRUST 2476 ORCHID BAY DR APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109--0629 PASTERNAK,DONALD&RITA 7435 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 11103 NAPLES,FL 34109-7694 PATHWAYS ACCEPTANCE CO LLC 2365 ELM ST MANCHESTER,NH 03104-2207 PATTEN,SUSAN E 2460 OLD GROVES RD APT 104 NAPLES,FL 34109---0660 PAVLICK,GAIL D 1D CHERRY STREET NEWPORT,RI 02840---0000 PEARCE,JOANN 100 FALCONHURST DRN PITTSBURGH,PA 15238---2652 PEREIRA,ERNEST&CINDY 5 2811 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34159-7649 PERHAVEC,JAMES C 3619 PARK EAST DR STE 112 BEACHWOOD,OH 44122-4312 PERILLO,GERALD 1E30 RAVENWOOD AVENUE PETERBOROUGH,ON CANADA K9K 208 PERLEW ITZ,JAMES D&JANICE A 7117 N 91ST ST MILWAUKEE,WI 53224---4716 PETERSEN,DARLENE E 7476 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109--0653 PETERSEN,FLORENCE KATHRYNE G PETERSEN 2506 ORCHID BAY DR APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109--0664 PETITTI,ANTONIO&MARIE 34 WESTFIELD DR TRUMBULL,CT 06611--1532 PHILLIPS,MIKE&GEORGINA 701-1.35 ANTIBES DR • NORTH YORK,ON CANADA M2R 221 , sa. PIDGEON,EARL1&KATHERINE E 2530 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109---7680 PINTO,MARCOS ELAINE BRAGA-PINTO 7614 MILL STREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109-1715 PIROCH,PHYLLIS E JANET MCCANN CAROL NARGI 2811 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 1104 NAPLES,FL 34109--9121 PISCATELLI,LEO J&NORINE C 21 PEBBLE BEACH AVE MASHPEE,MA 02649-2885 PIWKO TR,KENNETH P MARY MARGARET PIWKO TR 7831 W GREENLEAF ST NILES,IL 60714--1914 POGGE,BRENDA 2426 ORCHID BAY DR RF-104 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 POHOUSKY,JOYCE 2516 ORCHID BAY DR APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109--0670 P011105 TR,ANTHONY D COLLEEN C POLSTON 7K POLSTON FAMILY d 2530 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109-7680 PORTA TR,MARY ELLEN MARY ELLEN PORTA TRUST UTD1/23/17 Packet Page-148-SWAY NAPLES,FL 34109-7E18 • 4/12/2016 9.B. POWERS TR,DOLORES M DM POWERS TRUST UTD 7/17/07 649 615T ST DOWNERS GROVE,IL 60516-1938 PRIOLO,SNATI NA 7455 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 204 NAPLES,FL 34109-0630 PRIORY,JOSEPH D NANCY A KRAWCZYK-PRIORY 17 WENDOVER RD YARDLEY,PA 19067--199 3 PROKES,MARK PATRICIA MENZIES TR&PR 6371 RIVERDALE HAMBURG,MI 48139-••0000 PROVANCE,JEANETTE 7530 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1711 'LING JR TR,JOHN A JOHN A PULLING TRUST MARSHA FORD PUWNG TR LUCY G FINCH 6500 AIRPORT PULUNG RD N NAPLES,FL 34109-2020 .6,GARY F 7695 MILLSTREAM DR NAPLES,FL 34109-1700 -,DIKE,JAMES 2560 CITRUS LAKE DR APT V101 NAPLES,FL 34109-9103 RAGONE,PAUL 1&DAWN F 2426 ORCHID BAY DR R F-201 NAPLES,FL 34109-7683 RAGUSA,GAETANO&ROSALIA 115 SARANAC AVE BUFFALO,NY 14216--2444 RAIN,SUSAN A 2506 ORCHID BAY DR APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109-41664 RANKIN,JOHN D&HEATHER A C/O MALCA MCLEAN 81 WINDERMERE BLVD BATH,ON CANADA KOH 100 REDMOND,WILLIAM&BERYL 7456 JACARANDA PARK RD 4104 NAPLES,FL 34109---0000 REFERENCE ONLY FOUNTAIN PARK A COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM REFERENCE ONLY LAKESIDE CARRIAGE HOMES CONDO(PH VIII) REFERENCE ONLY LAKESIDE CARRIAGE HOMES A CONDOMINIUM REFERENCE ONLY PIPER'S GROVE A CONDOMINIUM REID,PHILIP R&JEANNE S 24 LAS BRISAS WAY NAPLES,FL 34108--8292 REINHOFER,JOSEPH&ROSE 1843 TORREY PKWY LIBERTYVILLE,IL 60048-0000 REZIN,BRUCE 2611 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 206 NAPLES,FL 34109-7609 RICHARD,NORMAND 1&ELAINE L 2486 ORCHID BAY OR 4202 NAPLES,FL 34109-0662 RICHARD,SCOTT 0&JUDITH E 2460 OLD GROVES RD APT 204 NAPLES,FL 34109-0660 915010,JUNE1 CHRISTINE T MCGOLDRICK 7435 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 4 K203 NAPLES,FL 34109-7694 RINALDI,DONATO&MARIA 34 CEDAR AVE WATERBURY,CT 06705-2701 RITA C O'BRIEN TRUST 2502 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109--7620 RITTER,RONALD ANN RITTER 201 E 66TH ST 4 176 NEW YORK,NY 10065-0000 ROBERTS,DONNA THOMAS ANDREA SR 7503 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109•-1702 ROESNER,LARRY L&LOIS) 1830 COBBLESTONE LN OXFORD,MI 48371---2702 ROLFE,JAMES K&AUGUSTA M 6517 COLE RD BYRON,NY 14422•-9756 ROONEY,KENNETH W&PATRICIA A 3158 SANDOVAL DR LAKE ORION,MI 48360--1547 ROSE M PECKHAM FAMILY TRUST 311 MOOSE HILL ROAD EAST WALPOLE,MA 02032---0000 ROSEN0AHL,1 FRED 6100 WINTHROP DR RALEIGH,NC 27612--2144 ROY,BRUCE DAVID ROY 2571 CITRUS LAKE DR 5201 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 ROY,BRUCE&MARGARET 3890 MIDSHORE DR NAPLES,FL 34109-0785 ROYCE,DANIEL&OXANA 7465 JACARANDA PARK ED APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109-7097 S M VANVONDEREN REV TRUST 8815 WINDSOR TORE BROOKLYN PARK,MN 55443-0000 SALGAT JR,HERBERT A KAREN I CASTAGNOLI 7476 JACARANDA PARK ROAD 4104 NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 SANTOGATTA,MICHAEL.)&ANN 1 3S1 SPINDLE HILL RD WOLCOTT,CT 06716--1112 SAVELL,HELENE B 2506 ORCHID BAY DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL.34109--0664 SBROCCO,THOMAS A CARMEN A TORRES 2269 MILL STREAM CT NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 SCHUNDER,JOSEPH 2270 MILL STREAM CT NAPLES,FL 34109-1713 SCHWAB TR,ERNEST A ROBERTA L SCHWAB SCHWAB FAMILY TRUST DATED 06/28/01 2086 SPOOKY HOLLOW RD NEW KENSINGTON,PA 15068--8708 SEGUIN,BRIAN D&REBECCA 48 FENGLER RD SCARBOROUGH,ME 04074-8490 SEIFERT,MARY E T 2426 ORCHID BAY DR APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109-7683 SENRA,MANUEL&MARGARET ANTERO=&EDUARDA SIMAO 205-14S CARTIER AVE PONTE-CLAIRE,QC CANADA H9S 0A2 SHAWDEE,EARL H&KAREN A 7447 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1708 SHELDRAKE,JILL JOAN H SHELDRAKE 7416 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 4101 NAPLES,FL 34109-0626 SHOWALTER II,SIDNEY H 7399 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1714 `ERI,JOYA A 2541 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109--7610 RKIEWICZ,LISA A STEVEN A SIENKIEWICZ 955 SAN SEBASTIAN DR FENTON,MO 63026---3018 ,ILVIA,MANUEL BARBARA BARBARA FORTIN•SILVIA 2369 RIVER REACH OR NAPLES,FL 34104---6926 SIPOS,AGNES R 28I1 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109---7649 SMITH,PARKE E 1859 NE CATAW BA RD LOT 144 PORT CLINTON,OH 43452--3697 SMITH,RICHARD D&DEBORAH L 1829 SOUTH BROOKLYN DRIVE STOUGHTON,WI 53589-0000 SMITH,RICHARD 0&MARILYN H 2526 ORCHID BAY DR APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109-0671 SPANGLER,PHYLLIS 2526 ORCHID BAY DR APT 203 NAPLES,FL 34109---0671 SPANIER,CYNTHIA 5 2861 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 204 NAPLES,FL 34109--0657 ST KATHERINE'S GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH,INC, 7100 AIRPORT PULLING RD N NAPLES,FL 34109--•1716 STANEK,THERESA A 7476 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109-0653 STARR,SUSAN M 2841 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 204 NAPLES,FL 34109-7656 STASTNY TR,LEE E MARILYN 1 STASTNY TR UTD 12/14/89 TRUST AGREEMENT 13600 HONEYSUCKLE DR HUNTLEY,IL 60142--7769 STEVENS,MARY E 7655 CALIFORNIA ST HELENA,MT 59601--0OD0 STEVENSON,CHARLES W&MARIE M 2476 ORCHID BAY DR APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109--4)629 STEVENSON,DEBORAH R 2541 CITRUS LAKE DR 0 203 NAPLES,FL 34109-7610 STEVENSON,KAREN C MURIEL R STEVENSON-JOHNSON 2811 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109-7649 ST-ONGE,JEAN-CLAUDE MARCELLE L ST-ONGE 150 AVE ST PIERRE STJEROME,QC CANADA 17Y 353 STREIT,MARK E&KATHLEEN 126 WISNER ST PARK RIDGE,IL 60068---3548 SULLIVAN TR,LINDA.) LINDA J SULLIVAN R/L TRUST UTD 12/23/05 2517 SAILORS WAY NAPLES,FL 34109--7616 SULLIVAN,HARVEY 2907 APPLETON CT OAKVILLE,ON CANADA L6J 655 SUNNY JACARANDA LLC 2834 COACH HOUSE WAY NAPLES,FL 34105--0000 SUSANNA LTFIOMPSON REV TRUST 7425 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 4L102 NAPLES,FL 34109-2566 SUTTON,PATRICIA I 2611 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109--7609 SWOYER,DON E 32719 WEYBRIDGE ST WESTON LAKES,TX 77441---0000 SYMONDS,SONDRA I 2526 ORCHID BAY DR APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109---0671 TAMOR,KENNETH LAWRENCE CAROL ANN TAMOR 10367 NORTHRIDGE COURT WHITE LAKE,MI 48386---0000 TANTILLO,ROBERT1&ROSE M 220 BLACK ROCK TPKE REDDING,CT 06896---2518 TESSIN,PATRICIA SCOTT ECKHART ET AL 2541 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 103 NAPLES,FL 34109-7E10 THOMAS TR,CHARLES W MARY JANE THOMAS TR CHARLES&MARY 1 THOMAS TRUST UTD 12/30/03 2812 W PRESERVE LN MUNCIE,IN 47304--0000 THOMAS,SANDRA P 2550 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109--0655 THOMPSON EST,BARBARA 8 %CHRISTOPHER BTHOMPSON PR 2486 ORCHID BAY DR 4103 NAPLES,FL 34109-•-0662 TILLOTSON,RICHARD&SALLY 1573 WINDSWEPT AVE NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 TIMOTHY A AGREE AND CHRISTINE A ACREE TRUST 3521W DAFFODIL DR BEVERLY HILLS,FL 34465---2227 TIMOTHY M MATHEWS AMD TRUST 2811 NAVARRE AVENUE OREGON,OH 43616-0000 TODD,1ANICE 557 FOREST GATE DR WATERLOO,ON CANADA N2V 2X3 TOWNS,MICHAEL R SUSAN LTOWNS 10 MALCOLM CLOSE LOCKSHEATH HAMPSHIRE ENGLAND 5031602 TRACEY,JOHN J&CAROL L 7455 JACARANDA PARK RD APT 202 NAPLES,FL 34109-0654 TROIANO,OLGA H 2420 OLD GROVES RD 4101 NAPLES,FL 34109--7681 TUFF,RALPH W&KATHRYN E 949 OAKRIDGE AVE SHOREVIEW,MN 55126--5943 TUZZOLO,JAMES A&BARBARA M 16018 83RD ST HOWARD BEACH,NY 11414--2945 UPTON,JEAN L 7463 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109•-•1708 '1Y-FRANKLIN,LIBERTY 7479 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 54109--1708 .INER,SIMON B&LYUOMILA 2436 ORCHID BAY DR APT 201 NAPLES,FL 34109-0658 ,NSICKLE,DOREEN 2446 ORCHID BAY DRIVES/H-103 NAPLES,FL 34109-7684 VENTAS CARLISLE LLC 11.1.5 WACKER DR STE 4800 CHICAGO,IL 60606•--4719 VERTIN TR,PETER G 4453 S COUNTY ROAD 950 W FRENCH LICK,IN 47432-9445 VITOLO,CHARLES FRANCESCA GREGORIADES 140 CAPTAIN THOMAS BLVD 4108 WEST HAVEN,CT 06516---00DO VOGEN EY,EILEEN 7495 MILL POND CI R NAPLES,FL 34109--1708 W J HAUSLER 1R REV TRUST EST C/O ERIC R HAUSLER 7563 BERKSHIRE PINES DR NAPLES,FL 34104---0000 WAINSCOTT II,FOREST H 7527 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL.34109-1702 WARREN TR,JANE E JANE E WARREN REV TRUST UTD S/19/99 Packet Page-149-,LAKE DR4106 NAPLES,FL 34109--7601 4/12/2016 9.B. WASILEWSKI EST,OLGIERD WASILEWSKI,MAGDA 7423 MILL POND OR NAPLES,FL 34109-4708 WEIDNER,LINDA JOHN BUCKEY 7514 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1711 WELLS,ARTHUR A&NORMA E 2446 ORCHID BAY DR AOT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 WILLIAMS,HELEN K 7456 JACARANDA PARK RD 9102 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 WILLSHIRE,FRANK A NELLY B WILLSHIRE 2436 ORCHID BAY DR APT 102 NAPLES,FL 34109-0658 WILLSHIRE,FRANK A 7416 PLUMBAGO BRIDGE RD 4 103 NAPLES,FL 34109---0626 WILMA I STETTLER UV TRUST 7543 MILL POND CIR NAPLES,FL 34109-1702 WILSON,GERALD H&ELIZABETH 1350 OXFORD ST UNIT 310 HALIFAX,NS CANADA 931-13Y8 WIMBISCUS TR,JAMESJ&JUDE T WIMBISCUS FAMILY LIVING TRUST OD 10/15107 1017 31ST ST PERU,IL 61354-3806 WOODMAN 1R,ALBERT LEE&WANDA 2460 OLD GROVES RD APT 101 NAPLES,FL 34109-0660 YOUNG,REGINA A&JIMMY M 6835 PENNS CHAPEL ROAD BOWLING GREEN,KY 42101-0000 YOUNG,ROBERT E 7343 MILL POND CIRCLE NAPLES,FL 34109--0000 YT NAPLES LLC 2486 ORCHID BAY DRIVE X204 NAPLES,FL 34109-0000 YURASEK,HELENMAE 2541 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 206 NAPLES,FL 34109-7610 ZEAITER,MAD ANDREA AWADA ZEAITER 24 W LANE CL DEARBORN,MI 48124-1131 2ENK,RUTH M 2811 CITRUS LAKE DR APT 206 NAPLES,FL 34109---7649 Packet Page -150- 4/12/2016 9.B. 1 -- =1iiu/o (.� p°°^,f \. N tr C refili ct • = Iiillk' _ i Q-/-6---7.›./;. ♦ i /-711110° t!r essay '-_M�rrrr � j7&WIFI . .: = = C ° 1111 '` �1IlIj Um= I111►� - o r. IEill� w !� =I ■ 3-e--l�/lti Ot n!�%all11111 E.c M_ a II as a�e�snaal� ' �nu������;��fllllllllllllll1Ift 1!•1111 , ,t� _ _Ili/1 c•"J',, /..qiiiii - 0. ,= I�(k i 4/12/2016 9.B. 1 5=wL -_ a ildir ix g! A a® 1 O6yi 'Ml6 MVO 3Na'1 Y Qy b C r O a oe°{� o iF I- O = u� 1,101 M gc o rn U L' a �k 2,a. sV S a w� 4 a a5 f. ° 'lVNVa �/� woo avoa or mnd-taodaiv 2 m a ,t § li:::: :::::::::;:::::::::,,.::".".! :'7::?.;.::;i::':.;C3 15:;:::::::::;i:.',!::::':i::.: Pi'::::::.!:.".:;];.:y.:::;:;:;:;:'.:,. G18 0; z D a a u ) a of > c - ° ^reINI _ . . . . . a21R.. AR1� `a � .- 3 N�WV3a© �� R 21 a O 'ate ® Ara R z V r1eVI�� g a s N ------1...' ---""' 1 ir--- 4.1, 14W i Q t eq , Zi - ^it REGA OI ■..)7,1 (7 ,e,,?4, = '17i7-1 I 1#i'#'4,411j --.r.— . 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NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Collier County Planning Commission at 9:00 A.M., on Thursday, March 17, 2016, in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, Third Floor, Collier Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL., to consider: An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County,Florida amending Ordinance Number 14-24, the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development, to add single family detached dwellings and two-family, duplex dwellings as permitted uses in the residential component of the PUD, to add a master plan for residential development as an alternative to a mixed use or all commercial development, to add deviations to allow more signage and to allow dead-end streets.The subject property is located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Airport-Pulling Road (CR 31) and Orange Blossom Drive in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, consisting of 21.7+/-acres; and by providing an effective date. [PU DA-PL20150001084] 111AMILTO S •NDIN GREENS OAKS PELICAN MARSH (7 PELICAN 0 (DRI) Z 7, MARSH R` 35 a- v (36) Z 31 pNa WALGREENS f_ WILSHIRE ym cc PELICAN LAKES MARKER LAKE d BRADFORD MARSH VILLAS VENETIAN SQUARE (DRI) PLAZA - VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD t'■VANDERBILT TRUST VINEYARDS BRIGHTON • FOUNTAI GARDENS (DRI) PROJECT PARK VINEYARDS MONTEREY LOCATION (DRI) EMERALD w� CITRUS LAKES Y NAPLES GARDENS/BLOSS CARLISLE MEW ORANGE OAK 2 REGENCY OM GROVE SAVANNAH CAY / / SIENA 1 PLACE LAGOON LAKES `/ 6 ' SLEEPY / IONGVIEW FIRST HOLLOW _ ITALIAN CENTER BAPTIST AMERICAN I LONE CHURCH /V.F.W. SUNSHINE CLUB Vag OAK CREEK OP HA AUTO KEYSTONE PLACE WILLOW(PARK All interested parties are invited to appear and be heard. Copies of the proposed ORDINANCE will be made available for inspection at the Collier County Clerk's office, fourth floor, Collier County Government Center, 3299 East Tamiami Trail, suite 401, Naples, FL, one week prior to the scheduled hearing. Written comments must be filed with the Zoning Division, Zoning Services Section, prior to Thursday, March 17, 2016. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Collier County Planning Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of that proceeding, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Division, located at 3335 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 101, Naples, FL 34112-5356, (239) 252- 8380, at least two days prior to the meeting. Assisted listening devices for the hearing impaired are available in the Board of County Commissioners Office. Collier County Planning Commission Mark Strain, Chairman Packet Page -153- No.952943 February 26,2016 4/12/2016 9.B. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Collier County Planning Commission SIGN POST AFFIDAVIT Packet Page-154- 4/12/2016 9.B. SIGN POSTING INSTRUCTIONS (CHAPTER 8,COLLIER COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FOR LAND DEVELOPMENT) A zoning sign(s)must be posted by the petitioner or the petitioner's agent on the parcel for a minimum of fifteen(15) calendar days in advance of the first public hearing and said sign(s)must be maintained by the petitioner or the petitioner's agent through the Board of County Commissioners Hearing. Below are general guidelines for signs, however these guidelines should not be construed to supersede any requirement of the LDC. For specific sign requirements, please refer to the Administrative Code,Chapter 8 E. 1. The sign(s) must be erected in full view of the public, not more than five(5) feet from the nearest street right-of-way or easement. 2. The sign(s)must be securely affixed by nails, staples,or other means to a wood frame or to a wood panel and then fastened securely to a post,or other structure. The sign may not be affixed to a tree or other foliage. 3. The petitioner or the petitioner's agent must maintain the sign(s) in place,and readable condition until the requested action has been heard and a final decision rendered. If the sign(s)is destroyed, lost, or rendered unreadable, the petitioner or the petitioner's agent must replace the sign(s NOTE: AFTER THE SIGN HAS BEEN POSTED, THIS AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE SHOULD BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST HEARING DATE TO THE ASSIGNED PLANNER. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY,PERSONALLY APPEARED Alexis Crespo WHO ON OATH SAYS THAT HE/SHE HAS POSTED PROPER NOTICE AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 10.03.00 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ON THE PARCEL COVERED IN PETITION NUMBER P U DA-X62015-1084 . )_—/ - AD 28100 Bonita Grande Dr. #305 SIGNATURE OF "P' ICANT OR AGENT STREET OR P.O.BOX Alexis Crespo Bonita Springs, FL 34135 NAME(TYPED OR PRINTED) CITY,STATE ZIP ii STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me this S day of .6tLtL 4^\- , 20<_, by ,,ersonally known to me or who produced as identification and who did/did not take an oath. ' liS ‘AA)e-P‘,6,Kk =o~F�*<<„ JACQUELYN State of to •ign.tur . Notary Pub 4 i a1` c Notary Public-State of Florida 4 ;,,,,. II • My Comm.Expires Oct 12,2016} ';;'1`e '� Commission#EE 831330 } ` o e� ki , (r La co C��� Printed Mine of Notary Public My Commission Expires: (Stamp with serial number) Rev.3/4/2015 Packet Page -155- 4/12/2016 9.B. P� .° f�.A71M01141Oi:N ifY St119�nM YUA M+�. 41NM.NMiM NIM�Y�5�lay.w'MMtle"t 'pMWMl6# - �ni YSt♦ wuM- .sxltlw. W `i.YMa Il1�M'Iplr,4 Nw�rbAr • • e f I Packet Page -156- 4/12/2016 9.B. +l A UniJ+WwY! YMwY'iMw�1' �pnY'wry j°�,*„' � ' p �YUtHwFlthNwt 4�ARF !. *,Hawn H +�wuuwifxii„wial w� 'W1.+.W Hrriu� wwY1nwAh�n�4.MM�4�' � ww nW w.i M. MxMB±rtMw(h~j�.,i jx., #NC t+M M.k 1 fY T+keC;Wt.2L�Mt - wlG MkaJM,.FM- H4+ IY is 4 RTWlWwYbWfE4■0 • Packet Page -157- 4/12/2016 9.B. ATTACHMENT #6 Applicant's Exhibits at CCPC Hearing (This coversheet is provided by staff) Packet Page -158- 4/12/2016 9.B. } F.....; IiidiHflii E 0 z z 0 . +-C z s �i M o Lo Q N 4 N o >m m w K W g H a a ° i z Z ( 0 m x tSQ O w > a W' go o m a aoo ° W N .2,S0 0m o > m z r o yZ cl m J u§ a i;1, Wz z z. d, ,,` {_ L <I 111 !W 0 C8: on C "w .r ra { ;- .v I ' m 4x fi � i m f L a Sj o >Q L^ 5 '!�r,q ,a S " . L tr i w 4. s., :i r u � ' y. � A i. z »" L' r s ',1 i : ! 57 L smx i `Ku : a - x =w i l_ L L t fi P� � "mw €r t ; 4 L Y f z�. "' ti r r b A r z n 4mf a3 t s � ' g ,p { 3 i` rt a. w 4 e.� E! ( h s P' i � y. a'' 4 4 "`E T k 8'" T d � � " ir a a t", f y t-1 t ^ � — } ,ty `s; S' S �s g rrri 4"4 s�- ti SL ro d2.�, a rU- R L''r +�i I ' o,w f_Vi,,,;' 4 4 14;i4 *a� 7, ',Ii 4 � �� r ;c e-'"�$ y aeon NO1DlM{V a J3° i r® ,r; „�t , 1 t'� '' ."', ,W r d V ind , \ \ 1 \'' '.''',' '-', ' 55;:.,,',5'—';',17':::','5':1:\,:., ',::::',.-;-;.:,-,/,',-,-,i'.;r:;,...„:4-,,:if-i �tl°7aoo , i,�V4aAN8�3t f-Q ;x-,,r� #-r� % .t :,S i o y ^ r' .n ?L ± fi i �,W,)Lb&f C i9G�tL l I YVl N r i y 1 a , Wtl LZ EES<100<01 6mp LIXILaLOCCblsueld ivauLL�LdeW se<<<S uety[1.O<<40'BSY�sA414%3'e6u1 010f1dW F21<<8 LO'99%T Packet Page -159- 4/12/2016 9.B. — i s sW -I 111`' i:,.'qa•I ; :::::i i''''u ''' I , _, _,,,. , 41E d I'll' t. i ' . Al a I " 1 '±F ■ 1 1 1 ti., i'4* r. :'.. 1 ..- <`a ■ I C 11 1 II 4 1 '1 , ie 7 4 II I J 7 I _._ _. _...3AtHaw0SS01039Nyy0 _.. Packet Page 160 °.;.'.- 4/12/2016 9.B. LAKE 20'WATER BODY (LAKE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT) 0'REAR (ACCESSORY) 46. All. A - SETBACK f CORNER LOT SECONDARY FRONT SETBACK(10'MIN) 10'REAR (PRINCIPAL) ...40TWIDTHVARIE SETBACK = (45'MIN) �- a. o F- O SIDE SETBACK I SIDE SETBACK o (5'MIN) ''*-- (5'MIN) o° T \10'PUE — I ik ----—i. ' TREE lik\� ."'. TREE I 3 v --_^ IL (•I N. FRONT(STREET)SETBACK 20'MIN" 0 w 0 FRONT(5'SIDEWALK)SETBACK 23'MIN* m N EDGE OF PAVEMENT a E SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED W .ro TYPICAL LOT DETAIL 0 0 SCALE:1"=40' J f` Q W N /5 P tli w Cr)) c 9 WALDROP ENGINEERING `- BUCKLEY MPUD [PAL ENGINEERING I PUNNING I INIOSCAPE ARCHITECTURE m O SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED LOT DETAIL 2Si00 RONRA GRANDE bRIVE-SUITE 906 IN ONITA SPRINGS,R.34135 CO I '239-406.7777 Fs 239-405-7550 Packet Page -161-1' EMAIL iero@reldropenglneming,com 4/12/2016 9.B. } f i P Q. CC 1 ',,'1. � Ni ts F' �....- �r � t f'r r ' g{' LU �b I �y;a � Q M x• � • N CI ii r . 1{ , + ).. V ts @ � 7tt.�. :1-,.,:i-,1.7"`'F �i y F�41 Y , ' t x 77-- 4 iF�{;:114 "r 0 Q• ^' � � � �i iFt k � k��"S� '"45'�< �Vk' �i� t • W f P. y 7'* s/e, ` 4—:,,, ts 1 . 2C ii {' � i W Ili ut A i qq r_��) 4�ryr6",K r 1,.',1:-,-,,4 ` i Ff} f iii V ` '��(�r* � � ,i,--2,,,,,,r} T I .IMF QJ , ry � �'��? is e ir' . s 5`fa �i c ; 1 �'. Q v 0 riZS } z�sT g , �{`�fl12. _ f F " ! tie. fir .7.x If"` t n J CU ,T t, J 'C T�''t t.,;0„,„;.,.-- � #if$ �Rk t W flQ s ��v ,yak'- 11 t:,1',11.i �1(� .. 0. :=f X411 1„:1,,, t {..,_ 45., J C 9 i P l '>j 4� & a S 8 Y Y . i 4\ {1 7 ,n'* i� t$`'f t F ..,1,4,'''''P k { iga '3 Ya�F,1 . ; ?,a '"t�: F. ^P'Mi'" 62- Packet Page 1 4/12/2016 9.B. 0 Y 0.1 t VZ , Es. a,., 4 t Q 0 CC k VC t9 eri � :j x M x (z.7 N R >" = C sue 1 4, }' "yo- Q �ry • CU 00 ,. O Q. I 3 fg F t' c M Packet Page 463- 2/2016 9.B. 4/1 ',,,,:.:4,. YV Cb f j';1'=-,, kit t0't, y - ... r `� .a ,,,(��ryjj ,I t QJ __ 'lam P•4^ t _ m W � ! i "' f L pt �..P �C *sF L1 ty ----7-"'-'711-4 .-- „ita�:L ti'' W O �,..' 5.h$ `91( x. „'k :x Tir z G t b � �?y. _ t 4.7� N C3 ' '„iii k.743,11';::::7 x i • x g ^a ” A mg z J 1- tdi' 4 Co { ''�'� $ �y''a{ Q[n.�' Pod t '!? t�Q{` S. L. cl. .,:zr +. P {C~�l ; q � t i "i iS�- w {F t`�i X11'4 h. as fEf � i c Packet Page -164- 2/2016 9.B. 4/1 it 1 5 Od I \ sl ,--,.. . ..,. La 6 , 1, , , , t 1 f---.2:,-',--- � W - ,' v ,, , -L. - -. -,, - -, . ct z of s t aw t z IZ �1 E a ,1°- ..F r CZ$& •'K 4. p Re _ u4 'ab CAJ a. cZ i';.j.-°`,.4.:`,111P',-''''', - ' ,,'.6 i'''''' V., ' , 'U».r`C �i J t t 1. 'eg-fit 'k.'11 r t Packet Page -165- 4/12/2016 9.B. ATTACHMENT #7 Proposed Ordinance ( presented to CCPC) Packet Page -166- 4/12/2016 9.B. ORDINANCE NO. 16- AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 14-24, THE BUCKLEY MIXED USE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, TO ADD SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS AND TWO-FAMILY, DUPLEX DWELLINGS AS PERMITTED USES IN THE RESIDENTIAL COMPONENT OF THE PUD, TO ADD A MASTER PLAN FOR SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO A MIXED USE, MULTIFAMILY OR ALL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, TO ADD DEVIATIONS TO ALLOW MORE SIGNAGE AND TO ALLOW DEAD-END STREETS. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD (CR 31) AND ORANGE BLOSSOM DRIVE IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 21.7+/- ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (PUDA- PL20150001804) WHEREAS, on June 10, 2014, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance Number 14-24 which established the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) zoning classification; and WHEREAS, Alexis V. Crespo, AICP of Waldrop Engineering, P.A. and Richard Yovanovich, Esquire of Coleman, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A. representing Pulte Home Corporation,petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to amend the Buckley MPUD. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE: The MPUD Document attached as Exhibits "A" through "F" to Ordinance no. 14-24 is hereby amended and replaced with the MPUD Document attached hereto as Exhibits "A" through"F" and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. [15-CPS-01466/1240514/1] 44 Buckley MPUD\PUDA-PL20150001084 2/23/16 1 of 2 Packet Page -167- 4/12/2016 9.B. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by super-majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of , 2016. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk DONNA FIALA, Chairwoman Approved as to form and legality: .tt- 0 Heidi Ashton-Cicko Managing Assistant County Attorney Attachments: Exhibit A—Permitted Uses Exhibit B —Development Standards Exhibit C— Master Concept Plan for Commercial, Mixed Use, and Multifamily Only, and Master Concept Plan for Single Family and Two Family/ Duplex Residential Only Exhibit D—Legal Description Exhibit E—List of Requested Deviations Exhibit F—List of Developer Commitments [15-CPS-01466/1240514/1] 44 Buckley MPUI)\PUDA-PL20 I 50001084 2/23/16 2 of 2 Packet Page-168- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT A PERMITTED USES: The Buckley MPUD is planned for up to 239 residential dwelling units; or, 162,750 square feet of limited commercial uses or non-residential uses consisting of retail, service and/or office uses; or a combination of the two as provided for below.The gross project density will be a maximum of 11 residential units per acre.The Master Concept Plan shall be designed to ensure the harmonious placement of all of the uses in a manner that achieves a unified and integrated land use plan, and one that incorporates a uniform plan of development enhanced by complimentary landscape improvements. Residential(R) The maximum number of residential units shall not exceed 239 units.For each acre of land utilized for residential purposes, 7,500 square feet of non-residential square footage will be eliminated from the total square footage allowable identified in the Commercial section of this MPUD. Note: See page 3 for reduction of residential units when commercial square footage is built. If a fractional acreage is built, the corresponding units of commercial shall be reduced and rounded up to the nearest whole number i.e. 0.5=1, .4=0. Residential development will be designed to accommodate a full range of residential mtik-i-faiiii4y dwelling types,compatible recreational facilities,essential services and customary accessory uses. Should the site develop fully as a residential project,no commercial facilities will be constructed. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following primary uses: A. Principal Uses The maximum number of residential units is 239. 1. Townhouse dwellings 2. Multi-family dwellings 3. Single-family detached dwellings 4. Two-family/duplex dwellings 5 Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted principal uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. B. Temporary Uses(per the LDC) 1. Model Units Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strlkethreugli text is deleted Page 1 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -169- 4/12/2016 9.B. 2. Project information and Sales centers 3. Construction administrative offices for the developer and authorized contractors and consultants, including temporary access ways and parking areas. 4. Sales and administrative offices for the developer, project management or managing development association, including temporary access ways and parking areas. C. Accessory Uses and Structures 1. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with principal uses permitted in this District, including neighborhood community recreational facilities and property management and maintenance structures intended to serve the residents and guests of the proposed development. 2. Garages and carports. 3. Administration facilities intended to serve the residents and guests of the proposed development. 4. Swimming Pools, Tennis courts and other similar recreational facilities and buildings to serve residents and their guests. 5. Guardhouses and Gatehouses. 6. Any other accessory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted accessory uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strip text is deleted Page 2 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -170- 4/12/2016 9.B. Commercial (C) The maximum gross square footage of all non-residential uses,except group housing uses, shall not exceed 162,750 square feet. For each acre of non-residential square footage built, 11 residential dwelling units will be eliminated from the maximum allowable number of residential units in this MPUD. Should the site develop fully as a non-residential project, no residential dwelling units will be constructed. Note: See page 1 for reduction of commercial floor space when residential is built. If a fractional acreage is built, the corresponding units of residential shall be reduced and rounded up to the nearest whole number i.e. 0.5 = 1, .4 = 0. For the purpose of this section all uses are those allowed as either permitted or conditional uses in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts of the LDC in effect as the date of adoption of this MPUD except as limited below.All such conditional uses shall be deemed permitted uses under this MPUD without the necessity of a separate conditional use application. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following primary uses: A. Principal Uses,permitted by right: Unless otherwise provided for in this Section,all permitted and conditional uses of the following districts: 1. C-1, Commercial Professional and General Office District in effect as of the date of adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: • Homeless Shelter • Soup Kitchens • Residential dwelling units 2. C-2, Commercial Convenience District, in effect as of the date of adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: • Gasoline Service Stations(SIC Group 5541) • Homeless Shelters • Soup Kitchens • Residential dwelling units • SIC Group 5411, Convenience Stores with fuel pumps only 3. C-3 Commercial Intermediate District, in effect as of the adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: • Marinas (SIC Group 4493) • Automotive Services(SIC Group 7549) • Homeless Shelters • Hospitals (SIC Groups 8062-8069) • Soup Kitchens Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strikethteugh text is deleted Page 3 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -171- 4/12/2016 9.B. • Residential dwelling units • SIC Group 5411,Convenience Stores with fuel pumps only • Gasoline Service Stations (SIC Group 5541) 4. Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted principal uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlined in the LDC. B. Accessory Uses 1. Kiosks which may be used for retail purposes or provide site related services within the square footage allowance for commercial purposes and otherwise subject to integrated parking requirements for all commercial space. 2. Sales and lease offices to serve this project only. C.Prohibited Uses 1. Residential uses shall not be integrated with commercial uses in the same building. 2. The following C-3 Conditional Uses shall be prohibited: a.Ancillary Plants b. Bowling Centers (7933) c. Coin operated amusement devices(7993) d. Drinking Places (5813). All establishments engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption are subject to the locational requirements of section 5.05.01. e. Homeless Shelters f. Social Services (8322, offender rehabilitation agencies, offender self-help agencies, parole offices, probation offices, public welfare centers, refugee services, and settlements houses, only) g. Soup Kitchens Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strilcetlhreugk text is deleted Page 4 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -172- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table I below sets forth the development standards for lug Residential land uses within the proposed Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD). Standards not specifically set forth within this application shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LDC in effect as of the date of approval of the SDP or Subdivision Plat. TABLE I RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TOWNHOUSES MULTI-FAMILY RECREATION SINGLE- TWO- DWELLINGSS FACILITIES& FAMILY FAMILY/ MAINTENANCE DETACHED DUPLEX STRUCTURES MINIMUM 3,000 square feet N/A N/A 5,400 s.f. 3,500 s.f. LOT AREA MINIMUM 30 feet N/A N/A 45 feet 35 feet LOT WIDTH MINIMUM FLOOR AREA 1,200 square feet 1,000 square feet N/A 1,200 s.f. 750 s.f. OF UNITS PUD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet (FROM AIRPORT- PULLING ROAD) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet (FROM NORTH BOUNDARY& SOUTH BOUNDARY) MINIMUM BUILDING 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet 25 feet 25_feet SETBACK1 (FROM WEST BOUNDARY) LAKES 0 feet from the 0 feet from the 0 feet from the 0 feet from the 0 feet from LME LME LME LM E the LME MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS Front: Principal Structure 20 feet 20 feet N/A 20 feet 20 feet Accessory Structure 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet S S Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 81,rik gh text is deleted Page 5 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -173- 4/12/2016 9.B. TOWNHOUSE MULTI-FAMILY RECREATION SINGLE- TWO- DWELLINGS FACILITIES& FAMILY FAMILY/ MAINTENANCE J)FTACHFD DUPLEX STRUCTURES Side: Principal Structure 20 feet 'h of the SBH N/A 5 feet $feet Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet SPS, SPS Rear: Principal Structure 10 feet 1/4 of the BH N/A 10 feet" 10 feet3'8 Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 5 feet" 5 feet3.8 Minimum Distance Between Structures: Principal Structure 10 feet V2 of the SBH N/A 10 feet 0 or 10 feet Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 0 feet 10 feet 0 or 10 feet MAXIMUM HEIGHT2 _ Zoned: Principal Structure 3-stories not to 3-stories not to exceed 45 feet exceed 45 feet N/A 35 feet 35 feet Accessory Structure 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet SPS • Actual: Principal Structure 50 feet 50 feet N/A 40 feet 40 feet Accessory Structure 32 feet 32 feet 32 feet SPS SES 1. Dumpsters and dumpster enclosures shall not encroach into the 100 foot setback from the Western MPUD boundary. 2. Garages and carports shall be 10 feet from principal structures if detached. There will be a minimum of a 23 foot setback from the back of a sidewalk to front load garages.For corner lots, only one (1) fron and setback shall be re•wired. The and that does not contain the driveway/vehicular access to the residence shall provide a 10' setback, 3. •- .. _ . - - - - . . .__ - . --. - , . . ... Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strileethrough text is deleted Page 6 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -174- - 4/12/2016 9.B. LDC requirements. Where a home site is adjacent to . . •• ,•- • - i - - ._ - I • , maintenance easement under the Master Conce.t Plan for Single-Famil and Two- 111 JP -• -x 'e i, Si • 1 1 -•, , -1 • .,-. - - • I ,n• - •111 structure setback on the_platted residential lot may be reduced to 0 feet where it abuts the easement/tract. Where the LME is not a separate platted tract and is permitted to overlap into the platted residential lot up to 10 feet,the minimum principal and accessory structure setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet, as measured from the rear lot line. In no case shall •rinci•al or accessory structures be permitted in the LME. 4. If the parcel is directly accessed by a public or private road right-of-way, setback is measured from the adjacent right of way line per LDC. Sidewalks shall be located in the right-of-way. 5..If the parcel is directly accessed by a private driveway, setback is measured from the back of curb (if curbed) or edge-of-pavement (if not curbed). This would apply to multi-family development tracts that do not have platted rights-of-way. 6.Multi-family or townhouse Residential buildings within 150' of the west property line shall not have west facing balconies. 7. No building shall exceed three stories in height and 45 feet (actual height) and under building parking is prohibited. 8. In order to support a cano• tree with a minimum 20-foot crown s•read as re•uired in LDC Section 4.06.05, individual lots must accommodate eno .h snace for the entire 20-foot canon to be located wholly within the lot boundaries, except where the lot is adjacent to a lake -', -n.nce e. -1 -n ,i• • .,• • - - 11-1 in • - is '• •f th- required 20-foot cano• may protrude into such area. This a.plies to all residential lots within the PUD, BH=Building Height SBH= Sum of Building Heights LME=Lake Maintenance Easement SPS= Same As Principal Structure Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 &r-iitethrar text is deleted Page 7 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -175- 4/12/2016 9.B. TABLE II COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table II below sets forth the development standards for commercial land uses within the proposed Mixed Use PUD (MPUD). Standards not specifically set forth within this application shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LDC in effect as of the date of approval of the SDP or Subdivision plat,consistent with C-3 zoning. PRINCIPAL USE ACCESSORY USE MINIMUM LOT AREA 10,000 square feet N/A MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 100 feet N/A MINIMUM FLOOR AREA 700 square feet(ground floor) N/A MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.65 for Assisted Living Facilities PUD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 25 feet 25 feet (FROM AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 40 feet 40 feet (FROM NORTH BOUNDARY& SOUTH BOUNDARY) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 100 feet 100 feet (FROM WEST BOUNDARY) MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN 20 feet 0 feet(principal to STRUCTURES accessory) LAKES 0 feet from the LME 0 feet from the LME MAXIMUM HEIGHT • Zoned: 3-stories not to exceed 45 feet 35 feet • Actual: 50 feet 42 feet 1.Dumpsters and dumpster enclosures shall not encroach into the 100 foot setback from the Western MPUD boundary. 2. Setback from a lake for all principal and accessory uses may be zero feet (0') provided architectural bank treatment is incorporated into the design.Architectural bank treatments shall include any structural materials used to retain earth such as concrete stone or wood placed to LDC requirements. 3. Individual commercial users shall be limited to a maximum gross floor area of 100,000 square feet. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strikethreegh text is deleted Page 8 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -176- 4/12/2016 9.B. 4.No building shall exceed three stories in height and under building parking is prohibited. 5. Drive-through establishments shall be limited to a maximum of four. Only one of these drive-through establishments shall be allowed for a fast-food restaurant and it must be located within 300 feet of the Airport Road right-of-way.No drive-through establishment shall have more than three drive-through lanes and all drive-throughs must be architecturally integrated into the main building. 6. Stand-alone retail buildings larger than 50,000 square feet shall be limited to two stories and 35 feet zoned height, 45 feet actual height. SPS =Same as Principal Structure LME=beffeseape Lake Maintenance Easement Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfiketlir-eugh text is deleted Page 9 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -177- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT C MASTER CONCEPT PLAN (COMMERCIAL,MIXED USE &MULTI-FAMILY ONLY) • YA w ...mew l.RtnlNll, 7118'N%i R.IA.�� r a t, a . rr •• ra.�'iit+.uaw F tw.Y..Y MIN A�'n.sts 1r`'i a 7 i lr •v 0 i 0 5 I E Ri ki; Rig t r '' „ �i I-- I I ® �f W ig I 2e- _ I n w kiIP : I -4— Ir i a f1 i iP. r -'II ' „I i liii � i ii 0 1,.. a a g j lb 00 it i i_ i 41 >-( R $ s R - ^ n tri U.1 LI -i 1 fi W o t0) I ii 1$ ID $ M a fi�f iE Ja d 0 II fi 4 5_i tai '0 Ca s ' t f it i; Oil gi i f} , Ii 0 ill Z li 2 iii um 41 Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfikethrough text is deleted Page 10 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page-178- 4/12/2016 9.B. �`a � ( mo IVIxaalsa x XaIdtla/AIIY�Vd OML ,w._• vM � - a1V A'IIWV3 azorlIS) IV'Id xaiSVw-.3.LfiHXa S1N3WW0D A1Nf0o aid 03SIA321 9LILUZL �a.e. ._ \ /� SIN3WWO0 A.LNf100 213d 03S1n32f 5LI II ' ' m �N�a33���� V Gnaw i�r'fV�1(lCT S1N3WWO0AlNf10oM3d03S1A321 9LM�0/OL Q Ii 1 dO�lalt/M i_ 1111QY 1l L1 111✓l iQ SN�IStn�I NY!d 8 y g J I I " i ta 1 i a/g i Ii II W Egg s Z �m 7:tilji U W N �a ¢ 1 1 ,--,> 1 E- 1 I ik' Ii �—� >,d 'mod `-1 Ii o D>-; I " " Ii I a \Z` I I I I ii < b Ili I, ' AOZ I I l \ S. I' ' WZW " o J w q " l i j `` Q N W0 �j R ? W 1111 " W a ° ?/ J ? a I 1:; � , L. i I e 1 . .z -IE III Z Z ,� wS 37> . m. 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EXHIBIT D LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF THE EAST '/2 OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 2; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE SOUTH 2° 13' 05" EAST 1,589.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 59' 01" WEST 100.08 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 31 (AIRPORT PULLING ROAD)AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 31, SOUTH 2° 13' 05" EAST 1,989.05 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 51' 40" WEST 500.33 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2° 13' 05" WEST 1,990.41 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 59' 01" EAST 500.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AND EXCEPTING THE WEST 10 FEET OF THE EAST 25 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 15 FEET THEREOF AS DESCRIBED IN ORDER OF TAKING RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2445, PAGE 3258, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfikethreegh text is deleted Page 13 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -181- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT E DEVIATIONS: Nothing in this PUD Document shall approve a deviation to the LDC unless it is listed in this Exhibit E. 1. A deviation from LDC Section 6.06.01.N which establishes the minimum right-of-way width of 60 feet to be utilized, to instead establish that all internal roadways, if platted, shall be subject to a 50-foot right-of-way configuration for the Master Concept Plan for Commercial, Mixed Use and Multi-Fami v Only: and a 45-foot right-of-wa for the M. -r •• - • f. _ '•'l -F..•1 .n. . •-F, r„•si•-n '- 1111 10.0' 45.0'ROW 10.0' PUE PUE 10.5 20'L. 10.0' J 10.0' 2.0' 10.6' TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE 3.0' 52 25' 3.D' 5.0' 2%MAX 2%MIN 2%MIN 2%MAX �i► i ■■. I SIDEWALK I SIDEWALK VALLEY GUTTER (Typ.) 1-1P2"ASPHALT(TYPE S-III)PLACED IN TWO(2)314'LIFTS•OPTIONAL 5'LIMEROCK BASE(LBR 100) 12'STABILIZED S U 8 DRADE(LBR 40) TYPICAL 45' ROW SECTION NTS 2. A deviation from LDC Section 5.05.04 D.1 which establishes the maximum floor area ratio of 0.45,to instead establish that the maximum floor area ratio be 0.65 for assisted living facilities. -J_ •1 '1•1--_• 1•1 • Ir. .- . 0 • .._- • . - I4• - • •.• . / •! - • 1 LDC Section Deviation from LDC Section 5.04,06.A.3.e which allows temporary signs •• - i.. • ••-• • ••-t'- .• • • _.r- i_ . sr -- ', • • • t • e, .•r, i' •r •,nn • • , . i • •, •f • .r- e-rn .re. ,4d . m.xi of 8 feet in heig,. .'• • ,•• • • •.- - l•• t t '•1 .-II••i • • -. . . .1 - LDC. The tempora i•n or banner shall be limited to 90 days per calendar ear. This deviation will remain valid for a period not to exceed three 3) ears. commencin• from the date thiumendment was approved. 4. When only sin_le-fa it or two-fami \I/duplex dwellings are oro•osed: Deviation from D '•• 1. 1 i • . i • . 4 . • __fir• .,. •. . ,_I i., • -• ! .n - • 1.- .eve •. -n hac•••.'se. itn .r-. •f64 • .r- f-- • .11. •r • 2_•r. .nd• • . , • . •- • •'- -• •• • •». n • 1 . •_ :1 - Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfiketlreug#t text is deleted Page I4 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -182- 4/12/2016 9.B. 5. When only n single:faiyorIil wo-family/duplex d LDC Section 6.06.01.J, which prohibits dead-end streets,to allow dead-end streets as shown on the Master Concept Plan for Residential Only 6. When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed:Deviation from LDC Section 5.03.02.C.2. which permits a maximum wall height of six (6) feet in residential zoning districts,to allow for a maximum wall height of eight (8)feet alo g the Airport Pulling Road fronta•- rANCE:i1DX•ro3Ac HIGH SHRUB AT 1W TYP 30.0'0.0 H BOGERT/i H GAHNSEHDRIT 3AeT, 4.41111111kft 4111Vrt, /- inairoh MISONNINtt 001010M)1404'41,0 klrifftV:070 :4110WVOWC-i 000041VOIA.0:00A0:00A0:0,0,0014..-004V400 tare7-7 /fgord,orw,w- ,-•- jefy- 541400- ,, — — NN, ENHANCED GRASS/GROUND COVER r FENCE/WALL/BERM COMBINATION 3 GAL,200 SF PER WOLF AIRPORT PULLING ROAD WALL/BUFFER 7. When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed:Deviation from LDC Section 4.06.05.D.2., which requires all new individual trees to have an average mature spread or crown of• eater than 20 feet to allow for an avera e mature spread or crown of 15 f-et - c.,.. tree s.e ies will oe limit-d • ho 1 sa in leaf .n• little gem magnolia. 8. When only single-family or two-family/duplex dwellings are proposed:Deviation from - ion 4.06 . hi h . • is ••• - 1. • VA • h- r-. ir-• .••• trees to be substituted by palms(where groupings of three(3)palms are the equivalent • iv 1 ,n•• -- • • .1 • ni i. e .n if •- r-• I e• r— o •- substituted by palms. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Stfik-ethr-eugh text is deleted Page 15 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -183- 4/12/2016 9.B. EXHIBIT F DEVELOPER COMMITMENTS: GENERAL 1. Maximum lot coverage for all buildings is capped at 35%for the total project. 2. Pedestrian connections at the time of development order shall be provided to adjacent properties immediately north and south of the subject property, subject to permission being provided by adjacent property owners to allow for these connections, subject to safety concerns for the public. If single-fa ii or two-famil /duplex dwellings are develo•ed in • •.n - i - -r •• -. ' . • f•. •.l.- .nil . ,• we- -i it 11 _8 -x ' n '. •n . •-•- i. • -r •••- w'l s- 'rev..-. • .• • h el •' t • permission being provided by adjacent property owners. 3. All buildings shall be connected with pedestrian pathways. 4. The PUD shall be developed with a common theme for architecture, signage, lighting and landscaping. 5. Once residential or commercial development commences, as evidenced by the issuance of the first site development plan or subdivision plan aim-oval.the master concept elan for the development option that is not pursued/approved shall be void. ENVIRONMENTAL The development of the land within this PUD shall not be subject to the Native Preservation Standards found in Section 3.05.0+37 of the LDC due to the absence of native vegetation on the subject property. LANDSCAPE BUFFERS 1. The west landscape buffer adjacent to the Emerald Lakes Development shall be a 20 foot Type `C' buffer and contain a finished masonry wall and berm, or combination thereof, at least 6 feet in height and vegetation that is opaque within one(1)year of installation of any site related buildings. The minimum number of trees within the buffer shall be increased by a 50%, inclusive of palm trees or similar varieties. If single-family detached and/or two- fam. • • - • -11in. - •-v- •s-• i• •r•..• - wi •- Ma - • -. Pl. • or Single-Famil and Two-Famil /Duplex Residential Only for the entire site the 50% increase to the minimum number of trees within the Type `C' buffer is not required. 2. Within the Type `C' landscape buffer along the north property line, a six (6) foot finished masonry wall shall be constructed at the northwest corner for a distance of 80 feet along the northern boundary line within the landscape buffer for the Master Concept Plan for Commercial,Mixed Use and Multi-Family Only. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 t-i'k gh text is deleted Page 16 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -184- 4/12/2016 9.B. 3. If single-family detached and/or two-family/duplex dwellings are developed in accordance ' hthe - . - . P ., . in. - .mi is w.- :fill /_� •_ . R- ': , '.l •l for the entire site, the north buffer shall be a 15' Type `B" buffer in accordance with the ,- ..,s 111- - eon-i a.- h- . _ -r ,. u.i .:', . i . .. finished masonry wall at the northwest corner for a distance of 80 feet along the northern boundary line, as shown on the Master Concept Plan for Single-Family and Two- Family/Duplex Residential Only. OUTDOOR LIGHTING 1. All pole lighting will be flat panel fixtures except where FPL lighting is used for a residential-only project in accordance with the Master Concept Plan for ResidentiaLOnly, 2.Lighting within 30 feet of the perimeter of the project will utilize full cut off shields. 3.Any lighting within 50 feet of a residential property line eurtside-ef the external to the MPUD will be limited to 15 feet in height. OUTDOOR MUSIC Outdoor Music or amplified outdoor entertainment associated with commercial uses shall be prohibited between the hours of 10 pm and 10 am. TRANSPORTATION The development of the land within this PUD shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions: 1. The maximum trip generation allowed by the proposed uses (both primary and ancillary) may not exceed 687 PM Peak Hour,two way trips. 2. The owner agrees to pay $10,000 to support enhancements to the Collier Area Transit system. The funds will be used towards the purchase and construction of a bus shelter to be located along the frontage of the Collier County Library. The County agrees that no b s s .. .e I.c. -. .1. • ,- B • MP I r.n: P. - , ill . , - , time of certificate of occupancy(CO)of the twenty-fifth(25th)unit. 3. The owner shall pay fair share costs of the intersection improvements at Airport Pulling Rd. and Orange Blossom Dr. based on the current intersection improvement study. The current intersection study is projected to be completed in calendar year 2016 at which time the proportionate share calculations will be determined. If the study is not com.lete at time of the first development order (Site Development Plan or Plat) the owner shall provide a bond not to exceed $ 50,000.00 prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the development,which shall be released when the owner pays its fair share of the costs of the intersection improvements. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strilkethreugh text is deleted Page 17 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -185- 4/12/2016 9.B. MONITORING REPORT AND SUNSET PROVISIONS One entity (hereinafter the Managing Entity) shall be responsible for PUD monitoring until close- out of the PUD,and this entity shall also be responsible for satisfying all PUD commitments until close-out of the PUD. At the time of this PUD approval,the Managing Entity is Airport Pulling Orange Blossom LLC. Should the Managing Entity desire to transfer the monitoring and commitments to a successor entity, then it must provide a copy of a legally binding document that needs to be approved for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney. After such approval, the Managing Entity will be released of its obligations upon written approval of the transfer by County staff, and the successor entity shall become the Managing Entity. As Owner and Developer sell off tracts, the Managing Entity shall provide written notice to County that includes an acknowledgement of the commitments required by the PUD by the new owner and the new owner's agreement to comply with the Commitments through the Managing Entity,but the Managing Entity shall not be relieved of its responsibility under this Section. When the PUD are closed-out,then the Managing Entity is no longer responsible for the monitoring and fulfillment of PUD commitments. Buckley MPUD PUDA-PL2015-1084 Strikethreugb text is deleted Page 18 of 18 Last Revised:February 23,2016 Underline text is added Packet Page -186- 4/12/2016 9.B. !Vial,.I,1V tX L..,cvav N4.4 ti°� .; mr k - Notice,� . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, in the Board of County Commissioners Meetin9 Room, Third Floor, Collier Government Center,3299 East Tamiami Trail, Naples FL., the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance. The meeting will commence at 9:00 A.M.The title of the proposed Ordinance is as follows: The purpose of the hearing is to consider: An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County,Florida amending Ordinance Number 14-24,the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development, to add single family detached dwellings and two-family, duplex dwellings as permitted uses in the residential component of the PUD,to add a master plan for residential development as an alternative to a mixed use or all commercial development,.to add deviations to allow more sipnage and to allow dead-end streets. The subject property is located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Airport-Pulling Road(CR 31)and Orange Blossom Drive in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier to County,Florida,consisting of 21.7+1-acres;and by providing an effective date. [PUDA-PL20150001084] • , A copy of the proposed Ordinance is on file with the Clerk to the Board and is available for inspection. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. in NOTE: All persons wishing to speak on any agenda item must register with the County manager prior to presentation of the agenda item to be addressed. Individual speakers will be limited to 3 minutes on any item. The selection of any individual to speak on behalf of an organization or group is encouraged. 1 If recognized by the Chairman, a spokesperson for a group or organization may be allotted 10 minutes to speak on an item. Persons wishing to have written or graphic materials included in the Board agenda packets must submit said material a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the respective public hearing. In any case, written materials intended to be considered by the Board shall rn be submitted to the appropriate County staff a minimum of seven days prior to the public hearing. All materials used in presentations before the Board will become a permanent part of th,e record. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and z evidence upon which the appeal is based. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Division, located at 3335 Tamiami Trail East,Suite#101,Naples,FL 34112- 5356, (239) 252-8380, at least two days prior to the meeting. Assisted listening devices for the hearing impaired are available in the Board of County Commissioners_Office. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA DONNA FIALA,CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E.BROCK,CLERK By: Teresa Cannon Deputy Clerk(SEAL) March 23,2016 No.995056 Packet Page -187- ATTACHMENT #5 Application & Support Material Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   COVER  LETTER     Buckley  MPUD  (PL ‐2015 ‐1084)  Cover  Letter   Page  1  of  3   August  11, 2015    REVISED  February  24, 2016      Mr. Ray  Bellows    Zoning  & Land  Development  Review  Department   Community  Development  & Environmental  Services   2800  North  Horseshoe  Drive   Naples, Florida  34104     RE: Buckley  MPUD  Amendment  (PUDA)  PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084       Dear  Mr. Bellows:     Enclosed  for  your  review  is  an  application  to  amend  the  Buckley  MPUD  (“Property”), a  21.7+/‐ acre  project   located  ¼ mile  north  of  the  intersection  of  Airport  Pulling  Road  and  Orange  Blossom  Drive  in   unincorporated  Collier  County. The  Property  is  zoned  Mixed  Use  Planned  Unit  Development  (MPUD) and  is   designated  within  the  Buckley  Mixed ‐Use  Subdistrict  per  the  Collier  County  Future  Land  Use  Map.    BACKGROUND/PROJECT  HISTORY:    The  Property  was  originally  rezoned  in  2005  from  Rural  Agricultural  (A) to  Mixed  Use  Planned  Unit   Development  (MPUD) pursuant  to  Ordinance  2005 ‐05  to  allow  for  a  maximum  of  251  dwelling  units, 74,230   square  feet  of  retail, and  97,070  square  feet  of  office  space.      In  2014, the  Property  was  rezoned  from  MPUD  to  MPUD  pursuant  to  Ordinance  14 ‐24  to  allow  for  a   maximum  of  239  multi ‐family  residential  units, and  a  maximum  of  162,750  square  feet  of  retail, office  and   service  uses. A  companion  Growth  Management  Plan  Amendment  was  approved  per  Ordinance  14 ‐23,  which  modified  the  underlying  Buckley  Mixed  Use  District  to  remove  the  office  and  retail  caps, provide  for   a  conversion  ratio  for  non ‐residential  and  residential  uses, and  further  limit  commercial  uses  and  vertically   integrated  mixed ‐use  development  within  the  project.        SURROUNDING  DEVELOPMENT:    The  property  is  located  within  an  urbanized  portion  of  Collier  County  adjacent  to  existing  and  approved   residential  development, civic/public  facilities, and  public  right ‐of ‐way. The  Emerald  Lakes  PUD  is   developed  to  the  west  of  the  project  and  contains  both  single ‐family  and  multi ‐family  residential  dwelling   types, in  addition  to  active  recreational  amenities. The  Collier  County  Library  and  Government  Center  is   located  to  the  south  of  the  Property. Airport ‐Pulling  Road, a  six ‐lane  arterial  roadway, abuts  the  property  to   the  east. Further  east  are  multi ‐family  residential  developments  known  as  Lakeside  of  Naples  and  Piper’s   Grove. An  assisted  living  facility  zoned  PUD  is  developed  immediately  north  the  Property.    Buckley  MPUD  (PL ‐2015 ‐1084)  Cover  Letter    Page  2  of  3   REQUEST:    The  Applicant  is  requesting  approval  of  the  following  amendments  to  the  Buckley  MPUD:      Revise  Exhibit  A, Permitted  Uses, to  add  single ‐family  detached  and  two ‐family/duplex  dwelling   types  as  a  permitted  uses.      Revise  Exhibit  B, Development  Standards, to  add  development  regulations  for  single ‐family   detached  and  two ‐family/duplex  dwelling  types;     Revise  Exhibit  C, PUD  Master  Plan, to  add  Master  Concept  Plan  for  Single ‐Family  and  Two ‐Family   Residential  Only  (the  approved  Master  Concept  Plan  for  Commercial, Mixed  Use  & Multi ‐Family   Only  will  remain  in  effect);     Revise  Exhibit  E, Deviations, to  include  new  deviations  to  support  the  single ‐family  development   program; and       Revise  Exhibit  F, Developer’s  Commitments, to  modify  the  landscape  buffer  requirement  along  the   northern  property  line  where  single ‐family  dwelling  types  are  constructed  in  lieu  of  the  approved   multi ‐family  residential  and/or  commercial  uses. No  change  to  the  20 ‐foot  Type  “C” buffer  required   where  the  project  abuts  residential  uses  to  the  west  is  proposed  via  this  amendment  request.      The  addition  of  single ‐family  and  two ‐family  dwelling  types  as  permitted  uses  will  enhance  the   development’s  compatibility  with  the  Emerald  Lakes  residential  community  to  the  west, and  will  address   changes  in  market  demand  since  the  original  MPUD  approval.  The  MPUD  will  remain  consistent  with  all   GMP  provisions  for  the  Buckley  Mixed  Use  Subdistrict, as  detailed  in  the  enclosed  Evaluation  Criteria.     INFRASTRUCTURE:    The  MPUD  will  continue  to  be  adequately  served  by  public  infrastructure. As  outlined  in  the  trip  generation   summary  prepared  by  TR  Transportation, the  addition  of  single ‐family  and  two ‐family  dwelling  types  will   not  negatively  impact  level  of  service  standards  on  the  surrounding  roadways  through  project  build ‐out.  Additionally, the  PUD  document  contains  a  commitment  for  a  maximum  of  687  two ‐way, p.m. peak  hour   trips, which  is  not  proposed  for  modification  via  this  amendment.      Potable  water  and  sanitary  sewer  services  for  this  project  will  be  provided  by  Collier  County  Utilities  (CCU)  via  existing  water  and  force  mains  located  on  Airport  Pulling  Road  and  adjacent  properties.     CONCLUSION:    In  summary, the  Applicant’s  request  is  limited  in  nature  and  will  allow  for  development  of  the  Buckley   MPUD  with  a  lower ‐density  single ‐family  or  two ‐family  development  program. As  outlined  in  the  attached   application, the  MPUD  will  remain  consistent  with  the  LDC  and  Growth  Management  Plan  (GMP), expect   where  deviations  have  been  approved, or  are  requested  to  enhance  the  design  of  the  project.     Buckley  MPUD  (PL ‐2015 ‐1084)  Cover  Letter    Page  3  of  3   Per  the  Pre ‐Application  Meeting  Notes, the  following  items  are  enclosed  for  your  review:    1. Seventeen  (17) copies  of  the  cover  letter  detailing  the  purpose  of  the  PUD  Amendment  request;   2. A  check  in  the  amount  of  $10,592.50  for  the  PUD  Amendment  Application  Fee;  3. Seventeen  (17)  copies  of  the  completed  PUD  Amendment  application  including  Evaluation  Criteria;  4. Seventeen  (17) copies  of  the  pre ‐application  meeting  notes;   5. One  (1) original  and  one  (1) copy  of  the  Affidavit  of  Authorization  executed  by  Pulte  Home  Corp;  6. One  (1) original  and  one  (1) copy  of  the  Affidavit  of  Authorization  executed  by  Airport  Pulling   Orange  Blossom  LLC;  7. One  (1) original  and  one  (1) copy  of  the  Covenant  of  Unified  Control  executed  by  Airport  Pulling   Orange  Blossom  LLC;  8. Two  (2) copies  of  the  completed  addressing  checklist;  9. Three  (3) copies  of  the  warranty  deed;  10. Two  (2) copies  of  the  list  identifying  owner  and  all  parties  of  the  corporation;   11. Four  (4) copies  of  the  boundary  survey;   12. Four  (4) copies  of  the  utility  provisions  statement;  13. Seven  (7) copies  of  the  trip  generation  comparison  prepared  by  TR  Transportation  Consultants, Inc.;  14. Two  (2) copies  of  the  school  impact  analysis  application;  15. Seventeen  (17) copies  of  the  list  of  requested  deviations  and  justifications;   16. Seventeen  (17) copies  of  the  proposed  PUD  Master  Concept  Plan  (24”x36”) and  one  reduced  copy;   17. Seventeen  (17) copies  of  the  proposed  PUD  document  in  strike ‐through/underline  format;   18. Seventeen  (17) copies  of  the  approved  PUD  document  (Ordinance  14 ‐24); and   19. Two  (2) copies  of  all  submittal  documents  on  CD ‐ROM.    Should  you  require  additional  information  or  have  any  questions, please  feel  free  to  contact  me  directly  at   (239) 405 ‐7777, ext. 207, or  alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com .     Sincerely,     WALDROP  ENGINEERING, P.A.    Alexis  V. Crespo, AICP, LEED  AP    Director  of  Planning      Enclosures      cc: Michael  Hueniken, Pulte  Homes  Corp.   Richard  Yovanovich, Esq., Coleman, Yovanovich  & Koester, P.A.    Ted  Treesh, TR  Transportation  Consultants, Inc.       Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   PUD  AMENDMENT   APPLICATION  W/  EVALUATION  CRITERIA                 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252-2400 FAX: (239) 252-6358 Application for a Public Hearing for PUD Rezone, Amendment to PUD or PUD to PUD Rezone PETITION NO PROJECT NAME DATE PROCESSED PUD Rezone (PUDZ): LDC subsection 10.02.13 A.-F., Ch. 3 G. 1 of the Administrative Code Amendment to PUD (PUDA): LDC subsection 10.02.13 E. and Ch. 3 G. 2 of the Administrative Code PUD to PUD Rezone (PUDR): LDC subsection 10.02.13 A.-F. APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION Name of Applicant(s): ___________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________ City: ___________ State: ________ ZIP: _______ Telephone: ___________________ Cell: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________ Name of Agent: ________________________________________________________________ Firm: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________ City: ___________ State: ________ ZIP: _______ Telephone: __________________ Cell: _____________________ Fax: ____________________ E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________ Be aware that Collier County has lobbyist regulations. Guide yourself accordingly and ensure that you are in compliance with these regulations. To be completed by staff 4/15/2015 Page 1 of 16 ✔ PulteHomeCorporation 24311WaldenCenterDr.BonitaSprings FL 34134 (239)495-4894(561)906-7967 michael.hueniken@pultegroup.com AlexisCrespo,AICP&RichardYovanovich,Esq. WaldropEngineering,P.A.&Coleman,Yovanovich&Koester,P.A. 28100BonitaGrandeDr.,Suite305 BonitaSprings FL 34135 (239)405-7777(239)850-8525(239)405-7899 alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252-2400 FAX: (239) 252-6358 DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST INFORMATION Please complete the following information, if space is inadequate use additional sheets and attach to the completed application packet. a.If the property is owned fee simple by an INDIVIDUAL , tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list all parties with an ownership interest as well as the percentage of such interest: Name and Address% of Ownership b. If the property is owned by a CORPORATION , list the officers and stockholders and the percentage of stock owned by each: Name and Address% of Ownership c. If the property is in the name of a TRUSTEE , list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest: Name and Address% of Ownership d. If the property is in the name of a GENERAL or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP , list the name of the general and/or limited partners: Name and Address % of Ownership 4/15/2015 Page 2 of 16 AirportPullingOrangeBlossom,LLC 100% *SeeListIdentifyingOfficersandStockholdersoftheCorporation COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252-2400 FAX: (239) 252-6358 e. If there is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE , with an individual or individuals, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purchasers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners: Name and Address% of Ownership Date of Contract: f. If any contingency clause or contract terms in volve additional parties, list all individuals or officers, if a corporation, partnership, or trust: Name and Address g. Date subject property acquired _______________ Leased: Term of lease ____________ years /months If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate the following: Date of option: _________________________ Date option terminates: __________________, or Anticipated closing date: _________________ h. Should any changes of ownership or changes in contracts for purchase occur subsequent to the date of application, but prior to the date of the final public hearing, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his behalf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. 4/15/2015 Page 3 of 16 PulteHomeCorp.100% 5/2015 8/10/2012 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252-2400 FAX: (239) 252-6358 REZONE REQUEST This application is requesting a rezone from: _________________________ Zoning district(s) to the ________________________________zoning district(s). Present Use of the Property: _________________________________________________________ Proposed Use (or range of uses) of the property: _________________________________________ Original PUD Name: ________________________________________________________________ Ordinance No.: ____________________________________________________________________ PROPERTY INFORMATION On a separate sheet attached to the application, provide a detailed legal description of the property covered by the application: x If the request involves changes to more than on e zoning district, the applicant shall include a separate legal description for property involved in each district; x The applicant shall submit 4 copies of a recent survey (completed within the last six months, maximum 1" to 400' scale), if required to do so at the pre-application meeting; and x The applicant is responsible for supplying the correct legal description. If questions arise concerning the legal description, an engineer's certification or sealed survey may be required. Section/Township/Range: / / Lot: Block: Subdivision: ___________________________________________________ Metes & Bounds Description: _________________________________________________________ Plat Book: Page #: Property I.D. Number: ____________________________________ Size of Property: _______ ft. x _______ ft. = ________ Total Sq. Ft. Acres: _________ Address/ General Location of Subject Property: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ PUD District (refer to LDC subsection 2.03.06 C): Commercial Residential Community Facilities Industrial Mixed Use Other: ________________ 4/15/2015 Page 4 of 16 MPUD MPUD Vacant(ApprovedforMulti-FamilyResidential&Commercial) Single-&Multi-FamilyResidential&Commercial BuckleyMPUD 2014-24 24925 N/AN/AN/A SeeExhibitDofthePUDDocument 00238120008&00238360004 1,990 500 22+/- 7501AirportRoadNorth 1/4northoftheAirportPullingRoad/OrangeBlossomintersection COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT D E P A R T M E N T NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252 -2400 FAX: (239) 252 -6358 ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE Zoning Land Use N S E W If the owner of the subject property owns contiguous property please provide a detailed legal description of the entire contiguous property on a separate sheet attached to the application. Section/Township/Range: / / Lot: Block: Subdivision: ___________________________________________________ Plat Book: Page #: Property I.D. Number: ____________________________________ Metes & Bounds Description: _________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATIONS Complete the following for all registered Association(s) that could be affected by this petition. Provide additional sheets if necessary. Information can be found on the Board of County Commissioner’s website at http://www.colliergov.net/Index.aspx?page=774 . Name of Homeowner Association: _________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________ City: _________ State: ______ ZIP: ______ Name of Homeowner As sociation: _________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________ City: _________ State: ______ ZIP: ______ Name of Homeowner Association: _________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________ City: _________ State: ______ ZIP: ______ Name of Homeowner Association: _________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________ City: _________ State: ______ ZIP: ______ Name of Homeowner Association: _________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________ City: _________ State: ______ ZIP: ______ 4/15/2015 Page 5 of 16 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252-2400 FAX: (239) 252-6358 EVALUATION CRITERIA Pursuant to LDC subsections 10.02.13 B, 10.02.08 F and Chapter 3 G. of the Administrative Code, staff’s analysis and recommendation to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission’s recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners shall be based upon consideration of the applicable criteria. On a separate sheet attached to the application, provide a narrative statement describing the rezone request with specific reference to the criteria below. Include any backup materials and documentation in support of the request. a.The suitability of the area for the type and pattern of development proposed in relation to physical characteristics of the land, surrounding areas, traffic and access, drainage, sewer, water, and other utilities. b.Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contract, or other instruments, or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense. Findings and recommendations of this type shall be made only after consultation with the county attorney. c.Conformity of the proposed PUD with the go als, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan. (This is to include identifying what Sub-district, policy or other provision allows the requested uses/density , and fully explaining/addressing all criteria or conditions of that Sub-district, policy or other provision.) d.The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses, which conditions may include restrictions on location of improvements, restrictions on design, and buffering and screening requirements. e.The adequacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development. f.The timing or sequence of development for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilities, bo th public and private. g. The ability of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. h.Conformity with PUD regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications of justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations. Deed Restrictions: The County is legally precluded from en forcing deed restrictions; however, many communities have adopted such restrictions. You may wish to contact the civic or property owners association in the area for which this use is being requested in order to ascertain whether or not the request is affected by existing deed restrictions. 4/15/2015 Page 6 of 16 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252-2400 FAX: (239) 252-6358 Previous land use petitions on the subject property: To your knowledge, has a public hearing been held on this property within the last year? If so, what was the nature of that hearing? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Official Interpretations or Zoning Verifications: To your knowledge, has there been an official interpretation or zoning verification rendered on this property within the last year? Yes No if so please provide copies. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS This land use petition requires a Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM), pursuant to Chapter 3 E. of the Administrative Code and LDC section 10.03.06.Following the NIM, the applicant will submit a written summary and any commitments that have been made at the meeting. Refer to Chapter 8 B. of the Administrative Code for the NIM procedural requirements. Chapter 8 of the Administrative Code requires that the applicant must remove their public hearing advertising sign(s) after final action is taken by the Board of County Commissioners. Based on the Board's final action on this item, please remove all public hearing advertising sign(s) immediately. RECORDING OF DEVELOPER COMMITMENTS Within 30 days of adoption of the Ordinance, the owner or developer (specify name) at their expense shall record in the Public Records of Collier County a Me morandum of Understanding of Developer Commitments or Notice of Developer Commitments that contains the legal description of the property that is the subject of the land use petition and contains each and every commitment of the owner or developer specified in the Ordinance. The Memorandum or Notice shall be in form acceptable to the County and shall comply with the recording requirements of Chapter 695, FS. A recorded copy of the Memorandum or Notice shall be provided to the Collier County Planned Unit Development Monito ring staff within 15 days of recording of said Memorandum or Notice. LDC subsection 10.02.08 D This application will be considered “open” when the determination of “sufficiency” has been made and the application is assigned a petition processing number. The application will be considered “closed” when the petitioner withdraws the application through written notice or ceases to supply necessary information to continue processing or otherwise actively pursue the rezoning, amendment or change, for a period of 6 months . An application deemed “closed” will not receive further processing and an application “closed” through inactivity shall be deemed withdrawn. An application deemed “closed” may be re-opened by submission of a new application, repayment of all application fees and the grant of a determination of “sufficiency”. Further review of the request will be subject to the then current code. 4/15/2015 Page 7 of 16 NO   Evaluation  Criteria     PUDZA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Page  1  of  5   EVALUATION  CRITERIA   BUCKLEY  MPUD  AMENDMENT     1. The  suitability  of  the  area  for  the  type  and  pattern  of  development  proposed  in   relation  to  physical  characteristics  of  the  land, surrounding  areas, traffic  and  access,  drainage, sewer, water, and  other  utilities.    This  petition  seeks  to  amend  the  existing  MPUD  to  add  single ‐family  detached  and  two ‐ family/duplex  dwelling  types  as  permitted  uses, in  order  to  address  changes  in  market   demand  since  rezoning  approval.     The  subject  property  in  an  infill  development  parcel  in  an  urbanized  area  of  the  County.  Access  to  the  site  is  via  Airport  Pulling  Road, a  six  lane  arterial  roadway, which  abuts  the   property  to  the  east.  The  surrounding  development  pattern  consists  of  single ‐family  and   multi ‐family  residential  uses  in  the  Emerald  Lakes  PUD  to  the  west. The  Collier  County   Library  and  Government  Center  abuts  the  property  to  the  south. An  assisted  living  facility   abuts  the  property  to  the  north, and  is  developed  with  133  beds. Further  east  of  Airport   Pulling  Road  are  several  multi ‐family  residential  communties, a  church, and  a  vacant  PUD   zoned  for  a  dynamic  mix  of  comercial  and  residential  uses.  The  proposed  single ‐family   and  two ‐family  dwelling  types  will  be  complimentary  to  the  surrounding  development   pattern.      Pursuant  to  the  attached  letter  of  availability, Collier  County  Utilities  wil  provide  potable   water  and  sanitary  sewer  services  to  the  future  development.     As  evidenced  through  the  existing  MPUD  and  GMP  approvals, Airport  Pulling  Road  and   the  surrounding  roadway  network  have  adequate  capacity  to  service  the  permitted   residential  and  commercial  uses. No  increase  to  the  maximum  two ‐way, p.m. peak  hour   trips  is  proposed  via  this  amendment.    The  project  is  in  the  North  Naples  Fire  Control  and  Rescue  District, and  is  within  3  miles   of  Stations  40, 44  and  46.      Necessary  educational  facilities  exist  in  the  immediate  area, and  include: Pelican  Marsh   Elementary, Pine  Ridge  Middle  School, and  Barron  Collier  High  School. Bus  transportation   is  proved  by  Collier  Area  Transit  (CAT) via  Route  12, with  a  bus  stop  located  less  than  ¼  mile  south  of  the  property  at  the  intersection  of  Airport  Pulling  Road  and  Orange   Blossom  Drive.     The  PUD  amendment  will  add  single ‐family  detached  and  two ‐family/duplex  as   permitted  dwelling  types, which  would  result  in  a  lower  density  project. Therefore, this     Evaluation  Criteria     PUDZA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Page  2  of  5   petition  will  not  impact  the  project’s  suitability  based  upon  the  surrounding  development   pattern  and  available  public  services  and  infrastructure.     2. Adequacy  of  evidence  of  unified  control  and  suitability  of  any  proposed  agreements,  contract, or  other  instruments, or   for  amendments  in  those  proposed, particularly  as   they  may  relate  to  arrangements  or  provisions  to  be  made  for  the  continuing   operation  and  maintenance  of  such  areas  and  facilities  that  are  not  toe  be  provided  or   maintained  at  public  expense.  Findings  and  recommendations  of  this  type  shall  be   made  only  after  consultation  with  the  County  Attorney.     Evidence  of  Unified  Control  has  been  provided  in  this  application.     3. Conformity  of  the  proposed  PUD  with  the  goals, objectives  and  policies  of  the  growth   management  plan.  (This  is  to  include  identifying  what  subdistrict, policy  or  other   provision  allows  the  requested  uses/density, and  fully  explaining/addressing  all  criteria   or  conditions  of  that  subdistrict, policy  or  other  provision.)    The  proposed  PUD  amendment  will  remain  consistent  with  the  goals, objectives, and   policies  of  the  Growth  Management  Plan  (GMP). The  project  will  continue  to  comply  with   Policy  5.3  by  directing  new  development  to  an  urbanized  area  of  the  county  with   available  public  infrastructure  and  services.     The  project  will  also  continue  to  comply  with  Policies  7.1  and  7.2  via  proposed  pedestrian   interconnections  to  adjacent  properties, and  the  internal  access  roads. Sidewalks  are   proposed  on  both  sides  of  internal  rights ‐of ‐way  as  required  per  Policy  7.4  and  the  Land   Development  Code.     The  subject  property  is  located  within  the  Buckley  Mixed  Use  Subdistrict. The  proposed   PUD  Amendment  will  continue  to  comply  with  all  provisions  of  this  sub  district  as  follows:    a. Rezoning  is  encouraged  to  be  in  the  form  of  a  PUD.    The  property  is  zoned  MPUD.     b. The  Subdistrict  shall  be  developed  with  a  common  theme  for  architecture, signage,  lighting  and  landscaping.    As  set  forth  in  the  PUD  document, the  property  will  maintain  a  common  theme  for   architecture, signage, lighting  and  landscaping.    c. Commercial  uses  will  be  capped  at  a  maximum  of  162,750  square  feet  of  gross  floor   area.     Evaluation  Criteria     PUDZA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Page  3  of  5   The  proposed  amendment  will  add  single ‐family  detached  and  two ‐family/duplex   dwelling  types  as  permitted  residential  uses.  The  amendment  will  not  modify  the   commercial  uses  or  approved  intensities.      d. Residential  uses  are  allowed  at  a  density  of  11  dwelling  units  per  acre, calculated   based  upon  the  entire  Subdistrict  acreage, yielding  a  maximum  of  239  dwelling   units.     The  proposed  amendment  will  add  single ‐family  detached  and  two ‐family/duplex   dwelling  types  as  permitted  residential  uses.  The  amendment  will  not  modify  the   approved  density  of  11  du/acre, or  maximum  unit  count  of  239  dwellings.     e. Maximum  lot  coverage  for  buildings  is  capped  at  35% for  the  total  project .    As  set  forth  in  the  PUD  document, the  maximum  lot  coverage  for  buildings  is  capped   at  35% for  the  total  project, in  accordance  with  the  above  requirement.     f. Residential  uses  shall  not  be  integrated  with  commercial  uses  in  the  same  building.    The  amendment  does  not  propose  to  integrate  dwelling  units  with  commercial  uses  in   the  same  building.      g. For  each  acre  of  land  utilized  for  residential  purposes, 7,500  square  feet  of   commercial  buildable  square  footage  will  be  eliminated  from  the  total  square   footage  allowable. For  each  acre  of  commercial  square  footage  built, 11  residential   units  will  be  eliminated  from  the  maximum  allowable  number  of  residential  units.    No  change  to  the  conversion  ratio  between  residential  and  non ‐residential  uses  is   proposed  via  this  amendment.    h. Pedestrian  connections  are  encouraged  to  all  perimeter  properties.     The  approved  Master  Concept  Plan  for  Commercial, Mixed ‐Use  or  Multi ‐Family  Only   provides  for  pedestrian  interconnections  to  the  north  and  south. The  proposed  single ‐ family  development  program  shown  on  the  Master  Concept  Plan  for  Single ‐Family  and   Two ‐Family  Residential  Only  provides  for  a  pedestrian  interconnection  to  the  Collier   County  Library  to  the  south. Further  interconnection  is  provided  via  existing  sidewalk   on  Airport  Pulling  Road  along  the  project’s  frontage.     i. Individual  commercial  users  shall  be  limited  to  a  maximum  gross  floor  area  of  100,000   square  feet.       Evaluation  Criteria     PUDZA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Page  4  of  5   No  change  to  the  permitted  commercial  floor  area  is  requested  via  this  PUD   amendment.     j. No  building  shall  exceed  three  stories  in  height  with  no  allowance  for  under  building   parking.     No  change  to  the  maximum  building  height  is  requested  via  this  PUD  amendment.     k. Drive ‐through  establishments  shall  be  limited  to  a  maximum  of  four. Only  one  of  these   drive ‐through  establishments  shall  be  allowed  for  a  fast ‐food  restaurant, and  no  drive ‐ through  establishment  shall  have  more  than  three  drive ‐through  lanes. All  drive ‐ through  lanes  must  be  architecturally  integrated  into  the  main  building.     No  change  to  these  commercial  regulations  are  requested  via  this  PUD  amendment.     l. Gasoline  service  stations  and  convenience  stores  with  fuel  pumps  are  prohibited.     No  change  to  these  commercial  regulations  are  requested  via  this  PUD  amendment.    m. All  buildings  shall  be  connected  with  pedestrian  pathways.    The  proposed  45 ‐foot  wide  right ‐of ‐way  cross  section  will  provide  for  sidewalks  on   both  sides  of  internal  streets, with  connections  to  the  existing  sidewalk  system  on   Airport  Pulling  Road.     n. A  twenty ‐foot  wide  Type  C  landscape  buffer  shall  be  required  along  all  perimeter   property  lines  adjacent  to  residential  use.    The  Applicant  will  provide  the  20 ‐foot  wide  Type  C  buffer  with  wall  adjacent  to   Emerald  Lakes  as  shown  on  the  approved  and  proposed  PUD  master  plan.      4. The  internal  and  external  compatibility  of  proposed  uses, which  conditions  may  include   restrictions  on  location  of  improvements, restrictions  on  design, and  buffering  and   screening  requirements.      The  proposed  PUD  addresses  compatability  with  the  surrounding  land  use  pattern  via:  building  height  limitations; landscape  buffers  that  meet  or  exceed  the  requirements  of   the  Land  Development  Code; enhanced  setbacks  between  existing  residential  uses  and   proposed  multi ‐family  and/or  commercial  uses  (if  developed); and  the  sensitive  location   of  proposed  features  (such  as  the  3 ‐acre  lake) to  maximize  separation  between  adjacent   residential  uses. Based  upon  the  proposed  development  regulations  and  site  design     Evaluation  Criteria     PUDZA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Page  5  of  5   standards  set  forth  on  the  Master  Concept  Plan  (Options  A  and  B), the  project  will   continue  to  address  compataibility  with  adjacent  development.     5. The  adequacy  of  usable  open  space  areas  in  existence  and  as  proposed  to  serve  the   development.    If  developed  as  a  single ‐family  project, the  PUD  will  provide  a  minimum  of  60% of  usable   open  space, as  required  by  the  LDC. The  Master  Concept  Plan  for  Single ‐Family  and  Two ‐ Family  Residential  Only  further  delineates  common  space  areas  to  accommodate  future   residents. If  developed  with  a  mix  of  residential  and  non ‐residential  uses  as  permitted  via   the  existing  MPUD  a  minimum  of  30% usable  open  space  will  be  provided.      6. The  timing  or  sequence  of  development  for  the  purpose  of  assuring  the  adequacy  of   available  improvements  and  facilities, both  public  and  private.     The  project  will  comply  with  the  Adequate  Public  Facilities  Ordinance, where  applicable.  The  site  will  be  served  by  Collier  County  Utilities  for  water  and  sewer  services, and  the   surrounding  roadways  have  adequate  capacity  to  service  the  proposed  densities  and   intensities.     7. The  ability  of  the  subject  property  and  of  surrounding  areas  to  accommodate   expansion.    The  subject  property  is  an  infill  development  site  in  an  urbanized  area  of  the  County.  The  existing  public  infrastructure  can  readily  service  the  permitted  and  proposed  uses,  as  evidenced  through  this  application  and  previous  approvals.     8. Conformity  with  PUD  regulations, or  as  to  desirable  modifications  of  such  regulations   in  the  particular  case, based  on  determination  that  such  modifications  are  justified  as   meeting  public  purposes  to  a  degree  at  least  equivalent  to  literal  application  of  such   regulations.    The  proposed  PUD  amendment  complies  with  all  applicable  regulations  set  forth  in  the   Collier  County  LDC, except  where  noted  in  the  deviations  section  of  the  PUD  document.      Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   PRE ‐APPLICATION  MEETING   NOTES    Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission    AFFIDAVIT  SIGNED  &  NOTARIZED           Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission     COVENANT  OF  UNIFIED   CONTROL      Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission     APPROVED  ADDRESSING   CHECKLIST  DATED  7/27/15                   K>>/ZKhEdz'KsZEDEd  'ZKtd,DE'DEd/s/^/KE ǁǁǁ͘ĐŽůůŝĞƌŐŽǀ͘ŶĞƚ ϮϴϬϬEKZd,,KZ^^,KZ/s EW>^͕&>KZ/ϯϰϭϬϰ ;ϮϯϵͿϮϱϮͲϮϰϬϬ&y;ϮϯϵͿϮϱϮͲϱϳϮϰ ADDRESSING CHECKLIST 3OHDVHFRPSOHWHWKHIROORZLQJDQGHPDLOWR*0'B$GGUHVVLQJ#FROOLHUJRYQHW RUID[WRWKH2SHUDWLRQV 'HSDUWPHQWDWRUVXEPLWLQSHUVRQWRWKH $GGUHVVLQJ'HSDUWPHQWDWWKHDERYHDGGUHVV)RUPPXVW EHVLJQHGE\$GGUHVVLQJSHUVRQQHOSULRUWRSUHDSSOLFDWLRQPHHW LQJplease allow 3 days for processing. 1RWDOOLWHPVZLOODSSO\WRHYHU\SURMHFW,WHPVLQbold type DUHUHTXLUHGFOLIONUMBERS MUST BE PROVIDED.)RUPVROGHUWKDQPRQWKVZLOOUHTXLUHDGGLWLRQDOUHYLHZDQGDS SURYDOE\WKH$GGUHVVLQJ 'HSDUWPHQW PETITION TYPE (Indicate type below, complete a separate Addressing Checklist for each Petitiontype) %/ %ODVWLQJ3HUPLW  %' %RDW'RFN([WHQVLRQ  &DUQLYDO&LUFXV3HUPLW  &8 &RQGLWLRQDO8VH  (;3 ([FDYDWLRQ3HUPLW  )3 )LQDO3ODW //$ /RW/LQH$GMXVWPHQW  31& 3URMHFW1DPH&KDQJH  33/ 3ODQV 3ODW5HYLHZ  363 3UHOLPLQDU\6XEGLYLVLRQ3ODW  38'5H]RQH 5= 6WDQGDUG5H]RQH  6'3 6LWH'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ  6'3$ 6'3$PHQGPHQW  6'3, ,QVXEVWDQWLDO&KDQJHWR6'3  6,3 6LWH,PSURYHPHQW3ODQ  6,3, ,QVXEVWDQWLDO&KDQJHWR6,3  615 6WUHHW1DPH&KDQJH  61& 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Buckle y MPUD n/a 2015-1084 2003-AR-5220 K>>/ZKhEdz'KsZEDEd  'ZKtd,DE'DEd/s/^/KE ǁǁǁ͘ĐŽůůŝĞƌŐŽǀ͘ŶĞƚ ϮϴϬϬEKZd,,KZ^^,KZ/s EW>^͕&>KZ/ϯϰϭϬϰ ;ϮϯϵͿϮϱϮͲϮϰϬϬ&y;ϮϯϵͿϮϱϮͲϱϳϮϰ  3OHDVH5HWXUQ$SSURYHG&KHFNOLVW%\(PDLO3HUVRQDOO\SLFNHGXS A SSOLFDQW1DPH 6LJQDWXUHRQ$GGUHVVLQJ&KHFNOLVWGRHVQRWFRQVWLWXWH3URMHFWDQGRU6WUHHW1DPH DSSURYDODQGLVVXEMHFWWRIXUWKHUUHYLHZE\WKH2SHUDWLRQV'HS DUWPHQW FORSTAFFUSEONLY  F ROLR Number FolioNumber FolioNumber FolioNumber )ROLR1XPEHU )ROLR1XPEHU Approved by: Date: Updated by: Date: IF OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS, FORMMUST BE UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMITTED  ʹ  )D[ (PDLO )D[3KRQH 3URMHFWRUGHYHORSPHQWQDPHVSURSRVHGIRURUDOUHDG\DSSHDULQJLQFRQGRPLQLXPGRFXPHQWV LIDSSOLFDWLRQ LQGLFDWHZKHWKHUSURSRVHGRUH[LVWLQJ  00238120008 00238360004 7-27-2015 y: : ■ LindsayRodriguez 2239-405-7777 lindsay.rodriguez@waldropengineering.com Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   WARRANTY  DEED   Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   LIST  IDENTIFYING  OWNER  AND   ALL  PARTIES  OF  THE   CORPORATION    LIST  IDENTIFYING  OWNER  & PARTIES  OF  CORPORATION     Name  Percentage  of  Stock   AIRPORT  PULLING  ORANGE  BLOSSOM, LLC   100%  560  Delaware  Avenue, Suite  400   Buffalo, NY  14202   F. James  McGuire   16.67%  Michael  McGuire  16.67%  Kathleen  McGuire  16.67%  Jeannie  Marie  McGuire  16.67%  Jackie  McGuire  Gurney  16.67%  Kelly  McGuire  16.67%    Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   BOUNDARY  SURVEY    Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   UTILITY  PROVISIONS   STATEMENT   COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT D EPARTMENT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252 -2400 FAX: (239) 252 -6358 STATEMENT OF UTILITY PROVISIONS FOR PUD REZONE REQUEST APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION Name of Applicant(s): _______________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City: ___________ State: ________ ZIP: _______ Telephone: ____________________ Cell: _____________________ Fax: ______________________ E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Address of Subject Property (If available): ______________________________________________ City: _________________ State: ________ ZIP: _________ PROPERTY INFORMATION Section/Township/Range: / / Lot: Block: Subdivision: ___________________________________________________ Metes & Bounds Description: _________________________________________________________ Plat Book: Page #: Property I.D. Number: ____________________________________ TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE PROVIDED Check applicable system: a. County Utility System b. City Utility System c. Franchised Utility System Provide Name: __________________________ d. Package Treatment Plant (GPD Capacity): _________________________ e. Septic System TYPE OF WATER SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED Check appli cable system: a. County Utility System b. City Utility System c. Franchised Utility System Provide Name: __________________________ d. Private System (Well) Total Population to be Serv ed: ________________________________________________________ Peak and Average Daily Demands: A. Water-Peak: _________ Average Daily: __________ B. Sewer -Peak: _________ Avera ge Daily: __________ If proposing to be connected to Collier County Regional Water System, please provide the date service is expected to be required: ____________________________________________________ 4/15/2015 Page 8 of 16 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT D EPARTMENT NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 www.colliergov.net (239) 252 -2400 FAX: (239) 252 -6358 Narrative statement: Provide a brief and concise nar rative statement and schematic drawing of sewage treatment process to be used as well as a specific statement regarding the method of affluent and sludge disposal. If percolation ponds are to be used, then percolation data and soil involved shall be provid ed from tests prepared and certified by a professional engineer. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Collier County Utility Dedication Statement: If the project is located within the service boundaries of Collier County’s utility service system, a notarized statement shall be provided agreeing to dedicate the water distribution and sewage collection facilities within the project area to the Collier County Utilities. This shall occur upon completion of the construction of these facilities in accordance with all applicable County ordina nces in effect at that time. This statement shall also include an agreement that the applicable system development charges and connection fees will be paid to the County Utilities Division prior to the issuance of building permits by the County. If applic able, the statement shall contain an agreement to dedicate the appropriate utility easements for serving the water and sewer systems. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Statement of Availability Capacity from other Providers: Unless waived or otherwise provided for at the pre -application meeting, if the project is to receive sewer or potable water services from any provider other than the County, a statement from that provider indicating adequate capacity to serve the project shall be provided. 4/15/2015 Page 9 of 16   PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Utilities  Calculation  Sheet   Page  1  of  1   BUCKLEY  MPUD    UTILITIES  CALCUATION  SHEET     Potable  Consumption  Demands  Estimate  per  Collier  County  Public  Utilities  Division   Population  = 597.5  (239  single ‐family  dwelling  units  X  2.5  persons  per  unit)   Peak  Factor  = 4.0      Number  of    SF  DU   Persons  Per   Unit   Per  Capita   Consumption   (GPD)  Consumption  Rates  Peak  Consumption   Rates      GPD  GPM  GPD  GPM   239  2.5  132  78,870  54.7  315,480  219.1     Sanitary  Sewer  Demands  Estimate  per  Collier  County  Public  Utilities  Division   Population  = 597.5  (239  single ‐family  dwelling  units  X  2.5  persons  per  unit)   Peak  Factor  = 4.0     Number  of    SF  DU   Persons  Per   Unit   Per  Capita   Consumption   (GPD)  Consumption  Rates  Peak  Consumption   Rates      GPD  GPM  GPD  GPM   239  2.5  120  71,700  49.8  286,800  199.2     SUMMARY:     Estimated  Peak  Potable  Water  Demand  = 219.1  GPM     Estimated  Peak  Sanitary  Sewer  Demand  = 199.2  GPM         Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   TRIP  GENERATION   COMPARISON   2726 OAK RIDGE COURT, SUITE 503 FORT MYERS, FL 33901-9356 OFFICE 239.278.3090 FAX 239.278.1906 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SIGNAL SYSTEMS/DESIGN Table 1 Buckley Farms Land Uses Land Use Approved Uses Proposed Uses Commercial (LUC 710/720/820) 162,750 square feet 0 Multi-Family Dwellings (LUC 230) 239 Units 0 Single Family Dwelling (LUC 210) 0 239 Units Table 2 Buckley Farms Approved Trip Generation Land Use Weekday PM Peak Hour Total Total Trips 687 Table 3 Buckley Farms Proposed Trip Generation Land Use Weekday P.M. Peak Hour In Out Total Single Family Dwelling (239 Units) 145 85 230 Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   SCHOOL  IMPACT  ANALYSIS   APPLICATION   BUCKLEY MPUD LOCATION MAP   Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   JUSTIFICATIONS/  RATIONALE  FOR  DEVIATIONS     Deviation  Narrative   Buckley  MPUD  – PL2015 ‐0000184   Page  1  of  3     JUSTIFICATIONS  FOR  REQUESTED  DEVIATIONS  FROM  LDC     REVISED  FEBRUARY  18, 2016     1. A  deviation  from  LDC  Section  6.06.01.N  which  establishes  the  minimum  right ‐of ‐way  width  of   60  feet  to  be  utilized, to  instead  establish  that  all  internal  roadways, if  platted, shall  be  subject   to  a  50 ‐foot  right ‐of ‐way  configuration  for  the  Master  Concept  Plan  for  Commercial, Mixed  Use   and  Multi ‐Family  Only; and  a  45 ‐foot  right ‐of ‐way  for  the  Master  Concept  Plan  for  Single ‐ Family  and  Two ‐Family/Duplex  Residential  Only.    Justification: The  reduced  roadway  width  will  provide  the  necessary  infrastructure  requirements,  including  5’ internal  sidewalks, standard  10’ wide  travel  lanes  and  utility  easements  (see  attached   cross  section). Additionally, the  right ‐of ‐way  will  be  privately  maintained  by  the  future   Homeowners  Association  (HOA). Studies  have  determined  that  reduced  right ‐of ‐way  widths  act   as  a  traffic  calming  feature  and  will  assist  in  maintaining  public  health, safety  and  welfare  within   the  community . Please  refer  to  the  enclosed  right ‐of ‐way  cross  section, which  demonstrates  the   requisite  infrastructure  can  fit  within  the  proposed  width. The  Applicant  has  also  secured   approval  from  the  Engineering  Division  via  the  attached  email  correspondence  from  John   Houldsworth.     Please  note  the  50 ‐foot  right ‐of ‐way  for  the  Commercial, Mixed ‐Use  and  Multi ‐Family  Only   master  plan  was  approved  pursuant  to  Ordinance  14 ‐24.    2.  A  deviation  from  LDC  Section  5.05.04  D.1  which  establishes  the  maximum  floor  area  ratio   of  0.45, to  instead  establish  that  the  maximum  floor  area  ratio  be  0.65  for  assisted  living   facilities.      Justification: Approved  pursuant  to  Ordinance  14 ‐24.    3.  When  only  single ‐family  or  two ‐family/duplex  dwellings  are  proposed: Deviation  from  LDC   Section  Deviation  from  LDC  Section  5.04.06.A.3.e  which  allows  temporary  signs  on  residentially   zoned  properties  up  to  4  square  feet  in  area  or  3  feet  in  height, to  allow  a  temporary  sign  or   banner  up  to  a  maximum  of  32  square  feet  in  area  and  a  maximum  of  8  feet  in  height, subject   to  approval  under  temporary  sign  permit  procedures  in  the  LDC. The  temporary  sign  or  banner   shall  be  limited  to  90  days  per  calendar  year. This  deviation  will  remain  valid  for  a  period  not   to  exceed  three  (3) years, commencing  from  the  date  this  amendment  was  approved.    Justification: The  requested  deviation  will  allow  for  a  banner  sign  announcing  the  project’s  grand   opening  and/or  available  unit  sales, at  a  scale  that  has  been  previously  approved  for  other   residential  communities  within  Collier  County. The  deviation  will  provide  additional  signage  area   to  assist  in  marketing  efforts, while  protecting  viewsheds  from  Airport ‐Pulling  Road. The  sign  will   Deviation  Narrative   Buckley  MPUD  – PL2015 ‐0000184   Page  2  of  3 be  temporary  in  nature, and  will  undergo  the  requisite  temporary  sign  permit  process  in   accordance  with  Section  5.04.06  of  the  LDC.    4. When  only  single ‐family  or  two ‐family/duplex  dwellings  are  proposed: Deviation  from  LDC   Section  5.06.02.B.6.b, which  permits  two  (2) ground  or  wall  signs  per  entrance  to  the   development  with  a  combined  sign  area  of  64  square  feet, to  allow  for  two  (2) ground  or  wall   signs  at  the  project  entrance  with  a  combined  sign  area  of  80  s.f.    Justification: The  proposed  deviation  will  allow  for  additional  design  flexibility  and  ensure   visibility  of  the  community  from  adjacent  roadways. This  deviation  request  is  typical  of  similar   master  planned  residential  communities  throughout  Collier  County. The  proposed  signage  will   undergo  the  requisite  permitting  prior  to  construction.     5. When  only  single ‐family  or  two ‐family/duplex  dwellings  are  proposed: Deviation  from  LDC   Section  6.06.01.J, which  prohibits  dead ‐end  streets, to  allow  dead ‐end  streets  as  shown  on   the  Master  Concept  Plan  for  Residential  Only.    Justification: The  Applicant  is  requesting  dead ‐end  stubs  at  the  terminus  of  the  proposed  private,  local  streets  specific  to  Master  Concept  Plan  Option  B, in  order  to  efficiently  utilize  the  property’s   developable  area. The  maximum  length  of  the  proposed  dead ‐end  streets  will  not  exceed  150   feet, and  will  service  a  maximum  of  four  (4) dwelling  units  per  street. The  proposed  design  is  in   compliance  with  state  and  local  fire  safety  standards. Therefore, the  requested  deviation  will  not   negatively  impact  public  health, safety  or  welfare  and  will  provide  for  design  flexibility  within  this   infill  development  parcel.     6.  When  only  single ‐family  or  two ‐family/duplex  dwellings  are  proposed: Deviation  from  LDC   Section  5.03.02.C.2, which  permits  a  maximum  wall  height  of  six  (6) feet  in  residential  zoning   districts, to  allow  for  a  maximum  wall  height  of  eight  (8) feet  along  the  Airport  Pulling  Road   frontage.     Justification: The  proposed  deviation  will  allow  for  additional  visual  screening  and  mitigation  of   noise  pollution  resulting  from  traffic  along  Airport  Road, a  4 ‐lane  divided  arterial  roadway. The   Applicant  is  proposing  enhanced  plantings  to  screen  the  wall  and  provide  for  attractive  views   from  the  roadway, including  30” shrubs  at  the  time  of  planting  for  the  rear  hedgerow, and   enhanced  grass/groundcover. Please  refer  to  the  enclosed  buffer/wall  cross  section. Approval  of   this  deviation  will  serve  to  promote  public  health, safety  and  welfare, as  well  as  enhance  the   MPUD.      7. When  only  single ‐family  or  two ‐family/duplex  dwellings  are  proposed: Deviation  from  LDC   Section  4.06.05.D.2., which  requires  all  new  individual  trees  to  have  an  average  mature  spread   or  crown  of  greater  than  20  feet, to  allow  for  an  average  mature  spread  or  crown  of  15  feet.  The  canopy  tree  species  will  be  limited  to  holly, satin  leaf, little  gem  magnolia, Geiger  or  silver   buttonwood.      Deviation  Narrative   Buckley  MPUD  – PL2015 ‐0000184   Page  3  of  3 Justification: The  proposed  residential  community  is  an  infill  project  with  a  compact, clustered   development  footprint. The  proposed  single ‐family  lots  are  45  feet  in  width, while  the  two ‐family   attached/duplex  lots  are  35  feet  in  width. Due  to  the  smaller  lot  widths  proposed, canopy  trees   with  a  20’ spread  are  not  readily  accommodated, and  may  result  in  potential  conflicts  with   infrastructure, driveway, sidewalks  as  the  trees  mature  overtime. The  Applicant  is  proposing  a   selection  of  canopy  trees  with  a  15’ spread  that  will  not  conflict  with  infrastructure  at  maturity.  The  proposed  trees  will  meet  the  intent  of  the  LDC  to  provide  for  general  trees  within  new   development, while  recognizing  the  spatial  constraints  associated  with  this  clustered, infill   project.     8. When  only  single ‐family  or  two ‐family/duplex  dwellings  are  proposed: Deviation  from  LDC   Section  4.06.05.D.2.a, which  allows  no  more  than  30% of  the  required  canopy  trees  to  be   substituted  by  palms  (where  groupings  of  three  (3) palms  are  the  equivalent  of  one  (1) canopy   tree); to  allow  no  more  than  50% of  the  required  canopy  trees  to  be  substituted  by  palms.  Justification: The  Applicant  is  requesting  a  higher  percentage  of  palm  trees  to  substitute  for   the  canopy  tree  requirements  due  to  the  clustered  development  program. Palm  trees  are   more  readily  accommodated  on  the  clustered  lots  due  to  their  reduced  spread  and  root   systems. The  Applicant  will  maintain  a  minimum  of  50% of  the  required  trees  as  canopy  trees,  with  the  species  types  noted  in  deviation  7  above. The  deviation  will  uphold  the  intent  of  the   LDC  to  provide  general  trees  within  new  development  with  an  appropriate  mix  of  species,  while  recognizing  the  spatial  constraints  associated  within  this  clustered, infill  project.    1 Alexis Crespo From:HouldsworthJohn <johnhouldsworth@colliergov.net> Sent:Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:44 AM To:Alexis Crespo; JohnsonEric Cc:BellowsRay; McLeanMatthew; SmithDaniel; Brendan Sloan Subject:RE: Buckley PUDA (ROW width) Agreed. Thank  you     From: Alexis  Crespo  [mailto:Alexis.Crespo@waldropengineering.com]   Sent: Wednesday, December  09, 2015  10:42  AM   To: JohnsonEric    Cc: BellowsRay  ; HouldsworthJohn  ; McLeanMatthew  ; SmithDaniel  ; Brendan  Sloan    Subject: RE: Buckley  PUDA  (ROW  width)    Thanks, Eric.     Brendan  and  I  noticed  the  45 ‐foot  wide  right ‐of ‐way  on  our  PPL  plans  after  the  meeting  as  well. We  will  revise  the  PUD   Document, Master  Plan, Deviation  Narrative, etc. to  reflect  45’ instead  of  40’. It  is  our  understanding  that  staff  will   support  a  45 ‐foot  wide  right ‐of ‐way  per  the  PPL  cross  section.     Thanks,     Alexis  V. Crespo, AICP, LEED  AP   Vice  President  of  Planning        Direct: E: alexisc@waldropengineering.com  | C: (239) 850 ‐8525   Office: P: (239) 405 ‐7777  | F: (239) 405 ‐7899   www.waldropengineering.com     NOTICE: Upon  receipt  of  any  electronic  file/data  from  Waldrop  Engineering, P.A., you  are  agreeing  to  the  following: This  file/data  is  for  informational  purposes   only. It  is  the  responsibility  of  the  recipient  to  reconcile  this  electronic  file/data  with  the  actual  project  site  conditions. Recipient  agrees  to  indemnify  and  hold   harmless  Waldrop  Engineering, P.A. for  any  defects  or  errors  in  this  file/data.      From: JohnsonEric  [mailto:EricJohnson@colliergov.net ]   Sent: Wednesday, December  09, 2015  10:40  AM   To: Alexis  Crespo  <Alexis.Crespo@waldropengineering.com >  Cc: BellowsRay  <RayBellows@colliergov.net >; HouldsworthJohn  <johnhouldsworth@colliergov.net >; McLeanMatthew   <MatthewMcLean@colliergov.net >; SmithDaniel  <DanielSmith@colliergov.net >  Subject: Buckley  PUDA  (ROW  width)    Alexis,    2 I  discussed  the  prospect  of  a  40 ‐foot  wide  ROW  with  John  Houldsworth. He  was  aware  of  the  45 ‐foot  wide  ROW  in  the   PPL  application, but  not  40 ‐foot. You  should  contact  him  to  discuss  the  40 ‐foot  wide  ROW  before  your  resubmit, as  it’s   my  understanding  he  objects  to  the  dimension. Thanks!    Respectfully,    Eric  L. Johnson, AICP, CFM   Principal  Planner   Growth  Management  Department  ‐ Planning  & Regulation   Zoning  Division  ‐ Zoning  Services  Section   2800  North  Horseshoe  Drive   Naples, FL  34104   phone: 239 ‐252 ‐2931   fax: 239 ‐252 ‐6503               Under  Florida  Law, e ‐mail  addresses  are  public  records. If  you  do  not  want  your  e ‐mail  address  released  in  response  to  a   public  records  request, do  not  send  electronic  mail  to  this  entity. Instead, contact  this  office  by  telephone  or  in  writing.  50 . 0 ' R O W 10 . 0 ' P U E 10.0' PUE 5. 0 ' SI D E W A L K 2. 0 ' 10 . 0 ' TR A V E L L A N E 2. 0 ' 10 . 0 ' TR A V E L L A N E 4. 0 ' 4. 0 ' 4. 0 ' 5. 0 ' SI D E W A L K 4. 0 ' VA L L E Y GU T T E R ( T Y P . ) 2% M I N 2% M I N 2% M A X 2% M A X 1- 1 / 2 " A S P H A L T ( T Y P E S - I I I ) PL A C E D I N T W O ( 2 ) 3 / 4 " L I F T S - O P T I O N A L 6" L I M E R O C K B A S E ( L B R 1 0 0 ) 12 " S T A B I L I Z E D S U B G R A D E ( L B R 4 0 ) TY P I C A L 5 0 ' R O W S E C T I O N NT S J:\456-01 Buckley MPUD\Drawings-Exhibits\456-01-E05 MPUD Master Plan\Current Plans\45601E0502.dwg WALDROP CIVIL ENGINEERING & LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS 28100 BONITA GRANDE DRIVE - SUITE 305 BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34135 P: 239-405-7777 F: 239-405-7899 EMAIL: info@waldropengineering.com PLAN REVISIONS BUCKLEY MPUD TYPICAL 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY SECTION FL O R I D A C E R T I F I C A T E O F A U T H O R I Z A T I O N # 8 6 3 6 Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   PUD  MASTER  CONCEPT  PLAN   (OPTION  B)   11” x  17”                          AIRPORT PULLING ROAD 15' TYPE "B" BUFFER (6' FENCE/WALL/HEDGE) 20' TYPE "C" BUFFER W/ 6' MASONRY WALL 15' TYPE "B" BUFFER (6' FENCE/WALL/HEDGE) 20' TYPE "D" BUFFER ( 8' FENCE/WALL) SINGLE FAMILY/ TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY/ TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY/ TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY/ TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY/ TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY/ TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL OTHER OPEN SPACE LAKE PUD LAKESIDE OF NAPLES AT CITRUS GARDENS CU CHURCH PUD LONGVIEW CENTER PUD VINEYARDS DRI PUD BRIGHTON GARDENS 45' RIGHT-OF-WAY 20' TYPE "D" BUFFER ( 8' FENCE/WALL) PUD EMERALD LAKES PEDESTRIAN INTERCONNECT A COLLIER COUNTY LIBRARY VEHICULAR INGRESS / EGRESS EXISTING 16" WATER MAIN EXISTING 20" FORCE MAIN AIRPORT ROAD CANAL 20 . 0 ' LM E 20 . 0 ' LM E 51%11.00 RESIDENTIAL PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL ACREAGE ACREAGE CATEGORY LAND USE SUMMARY TOTAL AREA GENERAL NOTES 1.THE PLAN AND ACREAGES ARE CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND SUBJECT TO MINOR MODIFICATIONS AT THE TIME OF SDP/PPL. 2.THE MPUD IS NOT SUBJECT TO NATIVE VEGETATION PRESERVATION STANDARDS DUE TO THE ABSENCE OF ON-SITE NATIVE VEGETATION 3.CURRENT USE OF LAND IS "VACANT". 4.THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS IS 239 UNITS AT A DENSITY OF 11 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. 5.A MINIMUM OF 60% OPEN SPACE, OR 13.03 ACRES WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE PUD BOUNDARY. 6.A 10 FOOT WIDE TYPE "A" BUFFER WILL BE PROVIDED WHERE SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED AND TWO-FAMILY / DUPLEX UNITS ARE CONSTRUCTED WITH IN THE SAME TRACT. 7.WHERE LOTS ARE ADJACENT TO A LAKE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT AND / OR LANDSCAPE BUFFER EASEMENT, A PORTION OF REQUIRED CANOPY TREES MAY PROTRUDE INTO SUCH AREA. 15%3.17 RIGHT-OF-WAY 15%3.30 BUFFERS 12%2.63 LAKE 100%21.72 7%1.62 OTHER OPEN SPACE LAKE LEGEND REQUIRED WALL LOCATION INGRESS / EGRESS 0 SCALE IN FEET 50 100 200 WA L D R O P CI V I L E N G I N E E R I N G & LA N D D E V E L O P M E N T C O N S U L T A N T S SET NUMBER: SHEET : 456-01-E05 28 1 0 0 B O N I T A G R A N D E D R I V E - S U I T E 3 0 5 B O N I T A S P R I N G S , F L 3 4 1 3 5 P: 2 3 9 - 4 0 5 - 7 7 7 7 F : 2 3 9 - 4 0 5 - 7 8 9 9 E M A I L : i n f o @ w a l d r o p e n g i n e e r i n g . c o m 1 J: \ 4 5 6 - 0 1 B u c k l e y M P U D \ D r a w i n g s - E x h i b i t s \ 4 5 6 - 0 1 - E 0 5 M P U D M a s t e r P l a n \ C u r r e n t P l a n s \ 4 5 6 0 1 E 0 5 0 2 . d w g 2/ 1 8 / 2 0 1 6 6 : 5 7 : 5 3 A M BU C K L E Y M P U D FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION #8636 PL A N R E V I S I O N S 1 10 / 0 5 / 1 5 RE V I S E D P E R C O U N T Y C O M M E N T S 2 12 / 1 1 / 1 5 RE V I S E D P E R C O U N T Y C O M M E N T S EX H I B I T " C " - M A S T E R P L A N ( S I N G L E F A M I L Y A N D TW O F A M I L Y / D U P L E X R E S I D E N T I A L O N L Y ) Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   AIRPORT  PULLING  ROAD   BUFFER/WALL    CROSS  SECTION                   8' FENCE/WALL/BERM COMBINATION 20 . 0 ' W I D E ENHANCED HEDGEROW, 30" HIGH SHRUB AT PLANTING & MAINTAINED AT 48" 30.0' O.C. AIRPORT PULLING ROAD WALL/BUFFER HEDGEROW, 24" HIGH SHRUB AT PLANTING & MAINTAINED AT 36" 100' TYP. ENHANCED GRASS/GROUND COVER 3 GAL, 200 SF PER 100LF WALDROP PREPARED FOR: BUCKLEY MPUD CIVIL ENGINEERING & LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS UPDATED: FILE NAME: J: \ 4 5 6 - 0 1 B u c k l e y M P U D \ D r a w i n g s - E x h i b i t s \ 4 5 6 - 0 1 - E 1 1 W a l l a n d B u f f e r E x h i b i t \ C u r r e n t P l a n s \ 4 5 6 0 1 E 1 1 . d w g 28100 BONITA GRANDE DRIVE - SUITE 305 BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34135 P: 239-405-7777 F: 239-405-7899 EMAIL: info@waldropengineering.com 2016/01/27 45601E11 NOT TO SCALE Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   URBAN  SERVICES  MAP   11”X17”                    Buckley  MPUD    PUDA ‐PL2015 ‐1084   Collier  County  Planning  Commission   ORIGINAL  PUD  DOCUMENT   ORDINANCE  14 ‐24                     ORDINANCE NO. 14- 24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDAAMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2004-41, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH ESTABLISHEDTHE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE APPROPRIATE ZONING ATLAS MAP OR MAPS BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM APROJECT PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS THE BUCKLEY MIXED USE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (MPUD) TO A MIXED USE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (MPUD) WHICH WILL CONTINUE TO BE KNOWN AS THE BUCKLEY PUD, TO ALLOW A MAXIMUM OF 239 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, WITH NO REQUIREMENT FOR WORKFORCE HOUSING UNITS AND UP TOA MAXIMUM OF 162,750 SQUARE FEET OF GROSS FLOOR SPACE OF RETAIL, OFFICE AND SERVICES USES, INCLUDING PERMISSIBLE AND CONDITIONAL USES IN THE C-1, C-2 AND C-3 ZONING DISTRICTS. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT THE NORTHWESTQUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF AIRPORT- PULLING ROAD (CR 31) AND ORANGE BLOSSOM DRIVE IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 21.7+/- ACRES; PROVIDING FOR THEREPEAL OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 05-05, THE FORMER BUCKLEY MPUD; AND BYPROVIDING AN EFFECTIVEDATE. PUDZ-A-PL20120002906) WHEREAS, on January 25, 2005, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance Number 05-05 which established the Buckley Mixed Use Planned Unit Development MPUD) zoning classification; and WHEREAS, Tim Hancock of Davidson Engineering and R. Bruce Anderson, Esquire of Roetzel & Andressrepresenting McGuire Development Company, LLC, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to amend the Buckley MPUD. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE: The zoning classification of the herein describedreal property located in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from a Mixed Use Buckley MPUD\PUDZ-A-PL20120002906 Rev. 6/11/14 1 of 2 CA Planned Unit Development (MPUD) Zoning District to a Mixed Use Planned Unit Development MPUD) for a project to be known as the Buckley MPUD to allow a maximum of 239 residential units, with no requirement for workforce housingunits and up to a maximum of 162,750 square feet of gross floor area of retail, office and services uses, including permissible and conditional uses in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zoning districts, in accordance with the MPUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibits "A" through "F", and incorporated by reference herein. Theappropriate zoning atlas map or maps, as described in Ordinance Number 2004-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is/are hereby amended accordingly. SECTION TWO: Ordinance Number 05-05, known as the Buckley MPUD adoptedonJanuary 5, 2005 by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION THREE: This Ordinanceshall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by super-majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida,this /Ofk j day of (Lau).._ 2014. ATTEST: i c';a p ,,. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIC f E BROCK,,CLERK COLLIER COUNT , FLORIDA i By:y i B ./. / Attest as to t TOM H NNIN/Chairman signatureonly: Ap r Lk as to form and le ality: 4 k- CA Heidi Ashton-Cicko Managing Assistant County attorney Attachments: Exhibit A—Permitted Uses Exhibit B—Development Standards Exhibit C—Commercial Mixed Use Master Plan Exhibit D—Legal Description Exhibit E—List of Requested Deviations Exhibit F List of Developer Commitments This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the day of dr,e. , 2o and acknowledgement of that CP\13-CPS-01247\49 filin9 received this 110" day of 2oi By lip„ Buckley MPUD\PUDZ-A-PL20120002906 Diputy Rev. 6/11/14 2 of 2 I 0 EXHIBIT A PERMITTED USES: The Buckley MPUD is planned for up to 239 residential dwelling units; or, 162,750 square feet of limited commercial uses ornon-residential uses consisting of retail, service and/or office uses; or, a combination of the two as provided for below. The gross project density will be a maximum of 11 residential units per acre. The Master Concept Plan shall be designed to ensure the harmoniousplacement of all of the uses in a manner that achieves a unified and integrated land use plan, andone that incorporates a uniform plan of development enhanced by complimentary landscape improvements. Residential (R) The maximum number of residentialunits shall not exceed 239 units. For each acre of land utilized for residential purposes, 7,500 square feet of non-residential square footage will be eliminated from the total square footage allowable identified in the Commercial section of this MPUD. Note: See page 3 for reduction of residential units when commercial square footage is built. If a fractional acreage is built, the corresponding units of commercial shall be reduced androunded up to the nearest whole number i.e. 0.5 = 1, .4 = 0. Residentialdevelopment will be designed to accommodate a full range of residential multi family dwelling types, compatible recreational facilities, essential services and customary accessory uses. Should the site develop fully as a residential project, no commercial facilities will be constructed. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or inpart, for other than the following primary uses: A. Principal Uses The maximum number of residential dwelling units is 239. 1. Townhouse dwellings 2. Multi-family dwellings 3. Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted principal uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or HearingExaminer by the process outlined in the LDC. B. Temporary Uses (per the LDC) 1. Model units 2. Project information and Sales centers Suckles MPUI)l'U1)Z-A-P1..20120002906: Page 1 of 13 PUI) Document(Revised May 16,2014) 0 3. Construction administrative offices for the developer and authorized contractors and consultants, including temporary access ways and parking areas. 4. Sales and administrative offices for the developer, project management or managing development association, including temporary access ways and parking areas. C. Accessory Usesand Structures 1. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with principal uses permitted in this District, including neighborhood community recreational facilities and property management and maintenance structures intended to serve the residents and guests of the proposed development. 2. Garagesand carports. 3. Administrationfacilities intended to servethe residents and guests of the proposed development. 4. Swimming Pools, Tennis courts and other similar recreational facilities and buildings to serve residents and their guests. 5. Guardhouses and Gatehouses 6. Any other accessory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted accessory uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by the process outlinedin the LDC. Buckley MPUI.)PUD2,-A-PL20120002906. Page 2 of 13 MD Document(RevisedMay 16,2014) Cq Commercial (C) The maximum gross square footage of all non-residential uses, except group housing uses, shall not exceed 162,750 square feet. For each acre of non-residential square footage built, 11 residential dwelling units will be eliminated from the maximum allowable number of residential units in this MPUD. Should the site develop fully as a non-residential project, no residential dwelling units will be constructed. Note: See page 1 for reduction of commercial floor space when residential is built. If a fractional acreage is built, the corresponding units of residential shall be reduced androunded up to the nearest whole number i.e. 0.5 = 1, .4 = 0. For the purpose of this section all usesare those allowed as either permitted or conditional uses inthe C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts of the LDC in effect as the date of adoption of this MPUD except as limited below. All such conditional uses shall be deemed permitted uses under this MPUD without the necessity of a separate conditional use application. No building or structure, orpart thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following primary uses: A. Principal Uses,permitted by right. Unless otherwise provided for in this Section, all permitted and conditional uses of the following districts: 1. C-1, Commercial Professional and General Office District in effect as of the date of adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: Homeless Shelters Soup Kitchens Residential dwelling units 2. C-2, Commercial Convenience District, in effect as of the date of adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: Gasoline Service Stations (SICGroup 5541) Homeless Shelters Soup Kitchens Residential dwelling units SIC Group 5411, Convenience Stores with fuel pumps only 3. C-3, Commercial Intermediate District, in effect as of the adoption of this MPUD Ordinance except: Marinas (SIC Group 4493) Automotive Services (SIC Group 7549) Homeless Shelters Hospitals (SIC Groups 8062-8069) Buckle MPUI)PUDZ,-A-P1.2O120002906: Page 3 of 13 PUD Document(Revised May 16,2014) 0 Soup Kitchens Residential dwelling units SIC Group 5411, Convenience Stores with fuel pumps only Gasoline Service Stations (SIC Group 5541) 4. Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of permitted principal uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or Hearing Examiner by theprocess outlined in the LDC. B. Accessory Uses 1. Kiosks which may be used for retail purposes or provide site related services within the square footage allowance for commercial purposes and otherwise subject to integrated parking requirements for all commercial space. 2. Sales and lease offices to serve this project only. C. Prohibited Uses 1. Residential uses shallnot be integrated with commercial uses in the same building. 2. The following C-3 Conditional Uses shall be prohibited: a. Ancillary Plants b. Bowling Centers (7933) c. Coin operated amusement devices (7993) d. Drinking Places (5813). All establishments engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption are subject to the locational requirements of section 5.05.01. e. Homeless Shelters f. Social Services (8322, offender rehabilitation agencies, offender self-help agencies, parole offices, probation offices, public welfare centers, refugee services, and settlements houses, only) g. Soup Kitchens Buckley MPUD PUDZ-A-P1:.,20120002906: Page 4 of 13 PUD Document(Revised May 16,2014) EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: TableI below sets forth the development standards for Multi-Family Residential land uses within the proposed Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD). Standards not specifically set forth within this application shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LDC in effect as of the date of approval of theSDP or Subdivision plat. TABLE I RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS RECREATION TOWNHOUSE MULTI-FAMILY FACILITIES & DWELLINGS MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES MINIMUM LOT AREA 3,000 square feet N/A N/A MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 30 feet N/A N/A MINIMUM FLOORAREA OF 1,200 square feet 1,000 square feet N/A UNITS PUD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet FROM AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK FROM NORTH BOUNDARY&SOUTH 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet BOUNDARY) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet FROM WEST BOUNDARY) LAKES 0 feet from the LME 0 feet from the LME 0 feet from the LME MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS Front: Principal Structure 20 feet 20 feet N/A Accessory Structure 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet Side: Principal Structure 20 feet V2 of the SBH N/A Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet Rear: Principal Structure 10 feet 2 of the BH N/A Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet Minimum Distance Between Structures: Principal Structure 10 feet 1/2 of the SBH N/A Accessory Structure 10 feet 10 feet 0 feet MAXIMUM HEIGHT Zoned: Principal Structure 3-stories not to 3-stories not to exceed Accessory Structure exceed 45 feet 45 feet N/A 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet Actual: Principal Structure 50 feet 50 feet NA Accessory Structure 32 feet 32 feet 32 feet Buckley MPI!1)PI 1)I-A-P1,20120002906: Page 5 of 13 PIM Document(Revised May 16,2014). 1. Dumpsters and dumpster enclosures shall not encroach into the 100 foot setback from the Western MPUD boundary. 2. Garages and carportsshall be 10 feet from principal structures if detached. There will be a minimum of a 23 foot setback from the back of a sidewalk to front load garages. 3. Setback from a lake for all principal and accessory uses may be zero feet (0') provided architectural bank treatment is incorporated into the design. Architectural bank treatments shall include any structural materials used to retain earth such as concrete stone or wood placed to LDC requirements. 4. If the parcel is directly accessed by a public orprivate road right-of-way, setback is measured from the adjacent right of way lineper the LDC. Sidewalks shall be located in the right-of-way. 5. If the parcel is directly accessed by a private driveway, setback is measured from the back of curb (if curbed) or edge-of-pavement (if not curbed). This would apply to multi- family development tracts that do not have platted rights-of-way. 6. Residential buildings within 150' of the west property line shall not have west facing balconies. 7. Nobuilding shall exceed threestories in height and 45 feet(actual height) and under building parking is prohibited. BH=Building Height SBH= Sum of Building Heights LME=LakeMaintenance Easement Buckle)MPUD PUDZ-A-Pl 20120002906- Page 6 of 13 PUD Document(Revised May 16,2014) TABLE II COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table II below sets forth the development standards for commercial land uses within the proposed Mixed Use PUD (MPUD). Standards not specifically set forth within thisapplication shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LDC in effect as of the date of approval of theSDP or Subdivision plat, consistent with C-3 zoning. PRINCIPAL USE ACCESSORY USE MINIMUM LOT AREA 10,000 square feet NA MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 100 feet NA MINIMUM FLOOR AREA 700 square feet(ground floor) NA MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.65 for Assisted Living Facilities PUD SETBACKREQUIREMENTS MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 25 feet 25 feet FROM AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK FROM NORTH BOUNDARY&SOUTH 40 feet 40feet BOUNDARY) MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 100 feet 100 feet FROM WEST BOUNDARY) MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN 20 feet 0 feet(principal to STRUCTURES accessory) LAKES 0 feet from the LME 0 feet from the LME MAXIMUM HEIGHT Zoned: 3-stories not to exceed 45 feet 35 feet. Actual: 50 feet 42 feet 1. Dumpsters and dumpster enclosures shall not encroach into the 100 foot setback from the Western MPUD boundary. 2. Setback from a lake for all principal and accessory uses may be zero feet (0') provided architectural bank treatment is incorporated into the design. Architectural bank treatments shall include any structural materials used to retain earth such as concrete stone or wood placed to LDC requirements. 3. Individual commercial users shall be limited to a maximum gross floor area of 100,000 square feet. Buckley MPUD Pl Dl,-A-P1.20120002906: Page 7 of 13 PUt) Document(RevisedMay 16,2014) 1) 1 4. No building shall exceedthree stories in height and under building parking is prohibited. 5. Drive-through establishments shall be limited to a maximum of four. Only one of these drive-through establishmentsshall be allowed for a fast-food restaurant and it must be located within 300 feet of the Airport Road right-of-way.No drive-through establishment shall have more than three drive-through lanesand all drive-throughsmust be architecturally integrated into the main building. 6. Stand-alone retail buildings larger than 50,000 square feet shall be limited to two stories and 35 feet zoned height, 45 feet actual height. SPS = Same as Principal Structure LME=Landscape Maintenance Easement Buckley MPUD PUDZ-A-PL20120002906: Page 8 of 13 PUD Document(RevisedMay 16,2014) CA O 1V41430 MJ.. w' fl 12- 0314atV4141MV W C MSWt4_- ih1S- o! t.- MOC?- O..( MOOT tiw N. I( ROW arty I) ma..... Yy t0. PP.- t: t. n r- m° z D I< C I I— CZ mm m I) p m r mmO T I 1 1 cno p mox- 1 c0 1I D70m 4 II me n C Z — goD I . - Dr I nD T 1 mZ x 10. 1 1 II 5 1 - 1I Z y- I. I P- a I 1>0 II Dm II Z I I I I ' II A O -- 1 D O m C 1I O m O Dm = D m Z D 1 I Z ' cnp m 0 Ill cn O 0 1 I I ( III m m D m Z cn H 6I I I Z C) m m m CO II m m m C C I I 4 I I m o - 2- 1 Z r oC m D 1m Z 1I z rC C j µ µ c m O 1- DT. v J I.) w > cn Zo o I W Z p D 1.© 50' RIGHT OF WAY 0 -- I r Z( T' I I V II t I+ - o c. I I II- o o rn - a m 0 o iD Cl) o D a o 0 0 1 1I a m I IIIII M 1I I ' II m I I m II m-Dm il CQH II Z 1 m..... Z II- ° o imp '' 11' m J WD-- i 0 Omm n- 0 z m m II zo< o T0 zmm II c» nz I D3© I A r m— I- r- L. zzsp1 m Z m w O 0 20 s A o= p Dm CD Zoo m n CD CO r PROJECT CLIENT 1 IV\ IlmAD: o•.::..,. a:.: a. F A7EFS:,- V ciTii::^ Pi BUCKLEY MPUD 4 F: L: Amoy,,,,, E, Nputrii.:‘• Ali,', i:.-', P. . 111111. M MCGUIRE DEVELOPMENT I. 1omi0: r.:,.,, a.=: a. SO¢ J14 + STAFF COS ITS SW DELAWARE AVENUE WIL0/ 7iO1 i- a; I• ar{[ a. O 7_ , SHEET TITLE SUITE SOO I JLJ67L - r- raJ n, - a, a - i; i 1365 Rado Road Surte 201 EXHIBIT C BUFFALO, NY 14202 I. 314 .' Z- 7/ 101 i T- 7. 1/ A P. 434 6060 F 239. 6081 MASTER CONCEPT PLAN I.'. -• EXHIBIT D LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF THE EAST Y2 OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 2; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE SOUTH 2° 13' 05" EAST 1,589.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 59' 01" WEST 100.08 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 31 (AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD) AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 31, SOUTH 2° 13' 05" EAST 1,989.05 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 51' 40" WEST 500.33 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2° 13' 05" WEST 1,990.41 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 59' 01" EAST 500.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AND EXCEPTING THE WEST 10 FEET OF THE EAST 25 FEET THEREOF AND THE EAST 15 FEET THEREOF AS DESCRIBED IN ORDER OF TAKING RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2445 PAGE 3258, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIERCOUNTY, FLORIDA. Buckley]MUD PUDZ.-A-11.20120002906: Page 10 of 13 PUD Document(RevisedMay 16,2014) CAO EXHIBIT E DEVIATIONS: Nothing in this PUD Document shallapprove a deviation to the LDC unless it is listed in this Exhibit E. 1. A deviation from LDC Section 6.06.01.N which establishes the minimum right-of-way width of 60 feet be utilized, to instead establish that all internal roadways, if platted, shall be subject to a 50-foot right-of-way configuration. 2. A deviation from LDC Section 5.05.04 D.1 which establishes the maximum floor area ratio of 0.45, to instead establish that the maximum floor area ratio be 0.65 for assisted living facilities. Buckley MPUD PUDZ-A-PL20120002906: Page 11 of 13 PUD Document(Revised May 16,2014) Cq EXHIBIT F DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS: GENERAL 1. Maximum lot coverage for all buildings is capped at 35%for the total project. 2. Pedestrian connections at the time of developmentorder shall be provided to adjacent properties immediately north andsouth of the subject property, subject to permission being provided by adjacent property owners to allow for these connections, subject to safetyconcerns for the public. 3. All buildings shall be connected with pedestrian pathways. 4. The PUD shall be developed with a common theme for architecture, signage, lighting and landscaping. ENVIRONMENTAL The development of the land within this PUD shallnot be subject to the Native Preservation Standards found inSection 3.05.06 of the LDC due to the absence of native vegetation on the subject property. LANDSCAPE BUFFERS 1. The west landscape buffer adjacent to the Emerald Lakes Development shall be a 20 foot Type `C' buffer and contain a finished masonry wall and berm, or combination thereof, at least 6 feet in height and vegetation that is opaque within one (1) year of installation of any site related buildings. The minimum number of trees within the buffer shall be increased by 50%, inclusive of palm trees or similar varieties. 2. Within the Type `C' landscape buffer along the northproperty line, a six (6) foot finished masonry wall shall be constructed at the northwest corner for a distance of 80 feetalong the northernboundary line within the landscape buffer. OUTDOOR LIGHTING 1. All pole lighting will be flat panel fixtures. 2. Lighting within 30 feet of the perimeter of the project will utilize full cut off shields. 3. Any lighting within 50 feet of a residential property line outside the MPUD will be limited to 15 feet in height. Buckley MPUI)lUDM,-A-P1,20120002906. Page12 of 13 PUD Document(Revised May 16,2014). OUTDOOR MUSIC Outdoor Music or amplified outdoor entertainment shall be prohibited between the hours of 10 pm and loam. TRANSPORTATION The development of theland within thisPUD shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions: 1. The maximum trip generation allowed by the proposed uses (both primary and ancillary) may not exceed687 PM Peak Hour,two waytrips. MONITORING REPORT AND SUNSET PROVISION One entity (hereinafter the Managing Entity) shall be responsible for PUD monitoring until close-out of the PUD, and this entity shall also be responsible for satisfying all PUD commitments until close-out of the PUD. At the time of thisPUD approval, the Managing Entity is Airport Pulling Orange Blossom LLC. Should the Managing Entity desire to transfer the monitoring and commitments to a successor entity, then it must provide a copy of a legallybinding documentthat needs to be approved for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney. After such approval, the Managing Entity will be released of its obligations upon written approval of the transfer byCounty staff, andthe successor entity shall becomethe Managing Entity. AsOwner and Developer sell off tracts, the Managing Entity shall provide written notice to County thatincludes an acknowledgement of the commitments required by the PUD by the new owner andthe new owner's agreement to comply with the Commitmentsthrough the Managing Entity, but the Managing Entity shall not be relieved of its responsibility under this Section. When the PUD are closed-out, then the Managing Entity is no longer responsible for the monitoring and fulfillment of PUD commitments. Buckley MPU1)PUDL,-A-PL20120002906: Page 13 of 13 PUD Document(Revised May:16,2014) FLORIDA DEPARTMENT of STATE RICK SCOTT KEN DETZNER Governor Secretary of State June 16, 2014 Honorable Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court Collier County Post Office Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 Attention: Martha Vergara, Deputy Clerk Dear Mr. Brock: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes,this will acknowledge receipt of your electroniccopy of Collier County Ordinance No. 14-24, which was filed in this office on June 16, 2014. Sincerely, Liz Cloud Program Administrator LC/mrh Enclosure R. A. Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6270 • Facsimile: (850) 488-9879 www.dos.state.fl.us