Agenda 03/30/2002 Eliar 38 2B92 1'/:41:24 qia ['ax -> 19417744818 g{]{{[l?¥ {{gl[lPd]l~R Page 881 Of Collier County Government Department of Public Informa~Jon 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 · (941) 774.8999 Contact: Tom Wides, interim Public Utllit/e~ Administrator Public Utilities 732-2540 March 30, 2002 FOR ~IATE RELEASE BB7 Thc Board of County Commissioners called an ertmrgency meeting today to enact mandatory potable water use restrictions. Thc ban on all irrigation at~d other non-essential water uses took effect immediately on Saturday, March 30ta and will be iu place until 6:00 pm Friday April 5~: or until such time as the ban is lifted by the Board of County Commissioners. The water use restrictions apply only to customers of the Collier County. Water/Sewer District. (See attached map). Thc mandatory restrictions were necessary to allow thc County's Water Department to correct a number of mechanical breakdowns that occurred over the last week. While water supplies are sufficient to meet all normal household uses, they have been insufficient to meet household uses and the area's heavy/rrigat/ou use. Collier County's Water Depaxtment Director Paul Mattausch said, "Althougfi we made a number of repairs to the system today, we felt it was the safest route to place mandatory restrictions on non-essential uses unUl reserve supplies can be fully replenished". Two ~dd~tional wells along with final pump repairs are expected to be completed and on-line by week's end and should allow the system to return to normal operating levels. Approximamly 40% of the potable water produced by thc Collier County water Department is use~ for irrigation. By imposing these mandatory restrictions, the County can safely protect essential uses of water for home cooking, drinking and bathing. Collier County Sheriff's Department and Code Enforcement personnel w/l] be called upon to enforce the restrictions. Collier County Commission Chairman, Jim Cole, tm said, 'q'he Board appm, ed a number of £~xes to the utilities system several months ago. Unibrtunately, these improvements take upwards of a year for permitting and construction, which allowed thc system to get stressed during our high season.~ Chairman Colccta added, "Wc recognize'and share thc community's concern over issues as important as water, and believe that we took tn, udeut steps today to ensure, that thc community has a safe and adequate drinking water supply". Collier County regrets any inconvenience that these restrictions may cause and ap0reciates the community's corrrplianc~ with these important m=asures. For further infounatiou please contact Tom Wides, Interim Public Utilities Administrator, Public U~lities ar 732-2540. {{au 38 ZBBZ 17:42:B5 Via Fax -> 15417744818 F. BI{{{?¥ B~JrIP~ER Page 882 Iii' Co{lieF Count~ Water/Sewer District Bounfl~ries ,Xar 38 ZBIIZ 17:42:57 Via Fax -> 19417744~1B ~I]UX?¥ XfllLqGER Page 81~ Df BB7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DECLARE A STATE OF EMERGENCY AND APPROVE MANDATORY IRRIGATION AND OTHER HON-ESSENTIAL WATER USE RESTRICTIONS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONAL ISSUES AT POTABLE WATER PRODUC'rlON FACILITIES IN UNINCORPORA~ COLLIER COUNTY ~ That ~ Bom-d of County Ccazm~issione~ and as E.xOf'ff~o, the Governing Board of tl~ Collier Couaty Wat~r-Sower Distdcr~ decla~ a suUe of emergency pursuant to Colli~ Co[m~ Ot~ip. aaces No. 84-37 a~td No. 74-~0 and apFrov~ :md aathorize the imp!,~m,~r,t~,~ Of m-,-~*tory resmcfions on u~ u~ of pomb~ ~ for in-igation a~d o~er non-essential u~e$ withi~ ,,-;~e.~'lx~-a~d Collier County. No potable wa~r usa~ will be allowed for irrigation purpos~ during r. his ~ period. TI~ duraZion of the restrictions will ru~ ~ Friday, April 5. 2002. Staff expecl~ that th~ time p~riod will be critical as d~e lmpa~s of ~.~_-~;ca~ r~pairs will bc in pla== and ~ high season POlmiati~n witl start to diminish. This action is necessary as the result of the mecha~c~ di~cuiries being =xpetienced at the North Rzgiomil Water Treatnmnt Fac~ty aud some w~ils in the cmmty weRfields. CONSIDERA~ON: The North Regional Waa~r TmaUneut Fscih'ty was pieced in service in 1993 :md cxpaacted in 1999. It has cummt capacity to produce 12.0 mgd of membrane sol,ned potable wa~ and 8.0 mgd of reverse osmosis p~r.~sed potable waler. In ~tion, the South Regional Wate~ Treamm~t'Facil~y has the capacity to produc~ 12.0 m~ of ~ soflcncd potable The facil/tics are fed by 27 weth in the Lower Tamiam/Acquifcr w/th ~ capacity to proa,_;cc 27.0 reed of raw water. Cuneatly, r~vcrai wells ax~ ot:~r~e§ at less than capacity and th~ ~'~sulth~g r~v wa~r pmduc~on is approxima~¥ 24.0 mgd. Thc Low~ ]Eiawrhorne has 10 weth with a designed mw water capacity of t3.0 mgd. This water sourc~ Fnrvides brackish mw w~__~r_ to tim reverse osmosis production facilities. As a r~sult of pooir water quality and otimr opcwational difficultice, four ~fthe wells am no; in sendc¢. Two of the mmairdng six wells am operating at Ie~s than capacity. On F~:bruary 26, 21102, the Board of County Commi-~iouers approved an emergency Design/Build Contract to reptac~ th~ four w~lls; however, tim expected completion of ~ wells is l'lar 3B ZBBZ 17:43:43 Via Fax -~ 194~??44BlB COUH?¥ ff~fl~GEl~ Page BB~ Of BB? line ~ wee~znd~ pe~Ung slsf~mry bac~ologic~l res~tts. The two wells combined wiU ad~ appmxima~y 1.0 mgd of Uea~ po~l~ wat~. The wells in the Lower Tamiami ~fer have opera~~ mtu=b better, however, ~two we, Ils have expmiencr, d operating problems. Well 62 has ~ re, habili~d and a n~w pump and motor installed; bsct~ological testing is ongoing. The well was placr, d in service on Friday afternoon. Well ~e3 had a failed casing and waSre-cin~ed for a new casing. A new casing, pump and motor have bex~ immlled and after expected succc.ss~ hactmiolo~ testing, will be ready for servic~ ~rly gle week of Alml 1, It is noted that ' incrcnsed production from these wells is ~pcn~t on _~!tionai processing capability, ns dr. scri~ in r.h© next pm'agraph. Subsequent to t.he well issp~ ~his past week a motor burned oat on Skid B on the membrane softening (~resh raw water ~g) side of th~ plant. Thc motor was scm out this week for repair and is ~ back for installation on Saturday, March 30. It is e,xpec~ed Rtat this motnr will be installed around 1:30 P.M. and be ready for servia. It will add approximately 1 _3 mgd of capacity tn the sysunn. On Thursday of ~ week, Skid A on the ~ sofummg (fresh mw water tx'ocessing) side of the plant, expericnced fillm: clogging in ~ unit. After couvexaatio~s with the manufacturer, the operations staff is clmming and shifting the processing order o/tJ~e filt~rs in the skid. This will allow the skid W be placed back in se~ice, operating at 70% of capacity or abou£ 1.3 mgd of production. In the meanfimc, an ~cy purchase order has been approved in ~ amount of $46,000 for thc dclivcry of 108 new filters. The manuf:~mrer lure agre~ to a ten day deUvery. In c~sencc, through 29 days, Maw.,h waU= demand has averaged 26..5 mgd, with a maximum day cf28.8 mgd md a minimum of21.9 mgd. On non-ird~ation days, dcnumd has averaged 24.8 mgd and on irrigation days an averagc of 27.9 mgd. As of Santrday retaining, March 30, tnodu~on capacity is 24.6 mglL This CClnmma~ a 0.2 mgd shortfall to thc avcra~ non-in-j?~ion day and a 3.3 mgd ~honfall to the average in'iga~on day. ~ _,~ions to capacity ove~ the next week will add approxhnately 2.3 mgd to ~ou. b,-~ing capacity to 26.9 mgd. This capadty adg/~ou will orRy provide m~wginal impmvemem to the short term wattr supply. In ,ddRion, a year round mandatory walm' r~stficfion ord/nm~ will be ~d to the Board of Cotmty Commissione~ for approval on April 9. Finally, along with the 8.0 mgd South Regional Water Plant expansion under construction, 15 w¢lh ar~ scheduled for completion in early 2003. Staffis also putsttin~ other mid term options to solidify the potable wamr supply. I~CA~ .llb~AC~: The presto'ration of the beat iaUarests crffthe health and safety of thc comm~mity far outweighs the short te~n reduclion in Water revenue. X;,r 31i ZBAZ 17:44.:2G ;/ia Fnx .- . '*->.. .... ", 1941774'1818 Page B85 Of BB? G.R_.OW'ITI _MANAG~ IMPAC?,. There is no growth management impact approving this action, RECQ ~MMENDATION; That d~ Board of Conaty Commissione~ and as Ex-Officio, the Governing Boa~i of ~ Co~r Couaty Water-Sewer District: a)d~..lar~ a~d proc~ a state of emergency, ltl~C~vc a ~m~lulion au~orizing the implementation of' mnn~f_~j' l'g~t~C"~OllS, ~i rli~.~m~~ by staff, concerning thc t~ of potahl~ water for irri~tion and other non-essential uses. The m~ndamry rc~trictior~ will rema~ in effe= thro~ Friday, April 5, 2002; b)declare that d,_~ng this_ emezll~.y it shall be unlawful and an offense against the County for any pemm to use the f~sh water supply by the County for any pth-pos~ mher g~n cooking, drinlcing or bathing. SUBM~CTI~ BY: APPROVED BY: . : _ -.,~, Mar 38 7-882 17:44:58 Via Fax -> 19417?44BIB CflHll?¥ N~IIPlCE{! Page Bi{6 §f 887 PROCLAMATION/RESOLUTION 2002- PROCLAMATION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONF.,KS OF COLLIER COUNTY TO DECLARE A STATE OF LOCAL EMEKOENCY AND THE ENACTMENT OF A MANDATORY BAN ON CERTAIN USES OF THE COUNTY'S POTABLE WATER RESOURCES. " Where,, purs,_,~u~ to Collier County Ordinauc~ No. 84-37 aud Chapter 252, Florida Stav~ which authoriz~ the waiver of procedures and formalities otherwise required of political subdivisions to take wha~-ver l~rUd~ at, on is necessary to ensure the health, safety and welfiu~ of the community in the event ofa ~tate of cmvrguncy; and Whereas, the Board o£Coumy Commissioners and as Ex-Officio, tho Govern~ Board of the Collier County Water and Sewer Distiict, having been duly advised at a public meeting has determined that the int.-rests of public health, safety and weffare of the community r~quire thc determi, slion and declaration of a sta~ of locl.emergency pertaining to the uses of the County's potable wa~cr reso~ and Whereas, there/z a need to impose certa/n, speoific linfitafions and restrictions upon the ~ of potable water of the Collier Coum'y Wau:r and Sewer District system for a limited per/od of time. NOW THEI~FORE, BE IT l.n~.~:l~y PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND A~ EX-OFFICIO ~ GOVERNING BODY OF THE COt.t.II~R COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ttmt: A State of Local Emergency is declared and will remain in effect until 6:00PM~ Friday, April 5, 2002 and shall apply to all areas of Collier County thai are sa-viced by tg¢ Colli~r Count~ Watur and Sewer 13isuia.. During this State of Local Emergency it shfdl be,,-{,,wful and au o~ again~ the County for any person to use the l~cr~h (IX)table) ',rater supplied by the Cotmty for auy purpose oiher flmu cooking, drinking or bathing and toilet uso. 3. Pemalti~s for violation of this ~ate o£Lorml Emergency =h,,{! be as provided/u Ordinance 84-37. 4. This State of Local Em~gen~ does not apply to ~u.~om~'s serviced by Ihe City of Napl=s, the City of ~ Island, Everglades City aud ttmse art.~ r~rvioed by This Proclau~ou/~lufion shall be transmitted to the Collier County Office and the CoLlier Comity Office of Code F=nf'orcement. Oar 38 2882 17:45:28 Via Fax -> 19417744818 COUNTY Hic~flGER Page Bit. IT I~URT~R RE$OLVigD, tlmt tl~ Boarcl of County Coramis~r~ hereby ~¢rcises its authority pursuam to Collier County Chdinanc~ $4-3? and waives the procedures and formalities required by law ora political subdivision, as provided ~ Chapter 252.38 (a)(5) Florida Statute. ~ This Proclamafion/l~solution adopted aflar molion' second and majority vote. ATTEST Dwight E. Brock, Clerk D~u~ Clerk David C. Weigel County Attorney Approved as to fo~rn and legal