Parcels 135,829,832,835/CookM E M O R A N D U M TO: Suc Filson. Administrative ,,\ssistant BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Wilma lvcrson cctv' Senior Property Specialist Real Property Management Department RE: Cotmty Barn Road - Parcel 135,829,832 & 835 DATE: July 30. 1998 With regard to thc above rct~rcnccd Project and Parcel, attached Ibr thc Chairman, Ms. Barbara B. Be~'s review and execution is an Easement Agreement. Kindly sign and date thc Agreement and have Dxvight E. Brock, attest to thc Chaimmn's signature. Thc Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida approved thc conveyance in Resolution 96-356 prcscntcd August 13, 1996Agcndaltcm 16B6. Plcasc return a copy of thc Agreement lo thc Real Propcrty Managclncnt Department For closing. Thank you in advance for your prompl attention to this request. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact mc at #8991. attachmenl PRO.II'X'T: ('otmly B:ml Road PARCF. I.: 135,829,832,&835 EASEMENT AGREEblENT Tills F.:\SF. MF. NT AGRFA:.MF. NT (hereinafter referred to tis thc "Agrccnmnt") is made anti entered by and between David l.. Cook. ;is Successor Trustee under Thc Preserve Land Trust Agrccmcnt dated January 10, 1997, (hereinafter referred to as Iht "Owner"), and COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of Iht SI;itc oJ' Florida, its successors and assigns (hcrcinaficr referred to as the "Pt,rchascr"); WI IER[:.AS, thc Purchascr requires ;ill Easement over, under, upon and across tim lands described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement, for road right-of- way, sidewalk, drainage, utility and maintenance puq~oscs; and W}IEREAS, Iht Pt,rchascr rccluircs ;iii Easement over, under, upon and across the lands described in ['~xhibit "B", which is altachcd hcrclo and made a part of this Agreement, for drainage, utility, and mamtcn;mcc purpose; and \Vft F.P,I'~AS, thc Owner desires to convey thc Easements to thc Purchaser for tile stated purposes, on Ibc terms and conditions set forth herein: and Vv'IIF. RF. AS. thc Purchaser has agreed to compensatc thc Owner for thc granting of tile L:ascmcnls over, under, upon, :md across thc Properly. NOW TItEREFORE, iii consideration of these premises, tile sum of Ten Dollars ($I0.00), and olhcr good and valuablc, considcration, tile receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby mutually acknowlcdgcd, it is agreed by and bctv,'ccn Ibc p;irtics as follows: I. Owner shall granl Io Purchaser Easements over, under, upon, and across the Property in exchange for thc sum of $22.2110.f10 as fifll payment tbr thc Property interest taken and for any damages rcsuhing to thc remainder, if less than thc entire property was taken, a/Id Ibr nil other damages in connection with said Property. 2. Purchascr shall pay Owner for above referenced cost by County Warrant. 3. Bottl Owner and Purchaser agree that time is of the essence in regard to the closing and that, thcrclbre, said closing shall occur within sixty (60) days of the execution of the Agreement by Purchaser. At closing, Purchaser shall deliver the County Warrant to Owner and Owner shall deliver an cascmcnl Io Purchaser in a Ibrm acccphtblc to Purchaser. 4. Prior to thc closing, Owner shall obtain t~om the holders of any and all liens, encumbrances, exceptions, or qualifications in and Io thc Property, thc cxeculion of such instruments that will, upon their recording in thc Public Records of Collier County, Florida, clear any and all encumbrances from thc Properly. Such instruments shall be provided to Purchaser on or bctbre the date of closing. 5. Conveyance of thc Easements, or any inlcrest in tlc Property, by the Owner is contingent upon no other provisions, conditions, or premises other than those so stated above; and tim written agrecmcm, including all exhibits attached hereto, shall conslitutc thc entire agreement and understanding of thc panics, and there arc no other prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, undc~akings, promises, warranties, or covenants not contained herein. 6. Owner is aware and understands that tim "offfcr" lo purchase rcprescnled by this Agreement is subject to acccplancc and approval by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. 7. Owner reprcscnls that he has not received any notice Ihal the Propc~y or any uses of the Property violate any Federal, State or Local environmental laws; that thc Owner has no knowledge of any spill or environmental law violation on any property contiguous to or in the vicinity of the Property to be soht to ~l~c County, that the Owner has not received notice and othc~visc has no knowledge ora) any spill on thc Property, b) any existing or threatened environmental lien against the Prope~y or c) any lawsuit, procecding or investigation regarding Ibc generation, storage, treatment, spill or transfer of hazardous substances on the Propcrty. This provision shall su~ive closing and is not deemed satisfied by convey;race of title. 8. The Purchaser shall pay for all costs of recording the cascmcnts. All other costs associatcd with this transaction inch,ding but not limited to transfer, documentary and intangible taxes, and recording costs for any curative instruments shall bc borne and paid by Owner. 9. If Ibc Owner holds lhc Properly in tile form of a parlnership, limited pammrsbip, corporation, tmsl or any ftmn of representative capacily whatsoever Ibr others, Owner shall make a written public disclosure, according to Chapter 286, Florida .qtatulcs, trader oath, of thc mmm and atldrcss of every person having a beneficial interest in the Propcrty before the Property hcld itl such capacity is convcycd to l'urchascr, its successors :md assigns (If thc corporalion is registered with Iht Federal Securities }ixchangc (7ommission or rcgistcrcd pursaant to Chapter 517, Florida Slatutcs, whose stock is For sul¢ to thc general public, it is hcrchy exempt from the provisions of Chapter 286, Florida StalHlcs. ) 10. This Agreement is govcmcd and construed in accordance with Ihe laws of' the Stale of Florida. IN \VITNF. SS WIIEP, EOF the parties hereto have executed this Easemcnt Agreement on this day , Dated Project/Acquisition DA TED:_Z~ //[r ATTEST: DWIGIIT E. BROCK, Clerk sl~ature )(S TO OWNER: Approved hy BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COIJAER COUNTY, FLORIDA l)avid I.. Cook, Truslee Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: tteidi F~ ~sh~'on Assistant County Atlorney PROJECT NO.' 6010) PROJECT PARCEL NO. . /TJ'~ TAX PARCEL NO. /2,~ _~,=2(~/~¢o~' DAVIS BOULEVARD ' EXTEHSION" 'STATE NORTHEAST CORNER OF' THE Nw I/4 OF NW ~/4 OF s c. ROAD' NO. g4I_. P.O.B.--, 89'57'30' VI N 89'5T30" N 45'18'02' 56.91' DESCRIPTIOH OF RIGHT-OF-WAT A PARCEL OF LAND LYING tN AND BEING PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE HORTH¥~ST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOV,~,~SHIP 50, SOUTlt, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUHTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: >- Z O .~,,_OMMENCIHC AT THE HORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 8; TIiENCE ALONG THE CENIERLINE OF COUNTY BARN ROAD, BEING TlqE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 OF TIlE NORTHWEST I/4 OF SECTION 8, S 00'58'34" E 75.00' TO AN INTERSECTION ~Tlt TIlE EXTEHSION OF ffltE SOUTH RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD HO. 84; THENCE ALONG THE SAID RIGIIT- OF-WAY LINE AND EXTENSION THEREOF, N 89'57'30" W 50.00 FEET TO 1HE ~_g~LLT QF._~[~I. ij~JJ~LQ AND RUNNItlG; 1HENCE S 00'38'34"E 40.00 FEE]; THEHCE ti 45'18'02" W 56.91 FEET TO A POINT ON TI{E'AFOREMENTIONED SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO. 84; THENCE ALONG IlIE SAME S 89'$7'30" E 40.00 FEET TO THE P_Q. IHT OF BEGIHNII~G. COHTAIHS BOO S.F. MORE OR LESS PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT xJ/<MES N. W~LKISON. P.L.S. ~,fLA. CERT. NO. 4876 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY RE~ASED 9-22-97 FILE: 9559.ZIP REV1SED 1-30-96 118- 25.OWO WILKISON &: ASSOCIATES I CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 3506 EXCHANGE AVE. NAPLES, FLA. 33942 (941) 643-2404,FAX NO. (941) 643-5173 DATE J FB P(S J DRAWN BY J PROJ./DW(}. NO~ FOLIO ~. 00403~400~ ?~oJ~cc- W. LAHAR EVERS, PLS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 5111 8TH AVENUE S.W. NAPLES, FLORIDA 5.3999 NOT 10 SCALE · SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION SHEET I OF 1 Northeast comer of the SW 1/t of lbo NW of Ssc. 8, T~p. .50 R~e. 26 f. N,09'41 N ~'4 ~'52'w ~255 00' DESCRIPTION OF 25' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 7~e £ost 25.00 feet of the North 3/4 of the Southwest I/4 of the Norfhwesl ~/4, tess the East 50 /eof Ihereof, of Section 8, Township 50 Eoulh, Ron~o 26 E~si, Collier County, Florida. Sold eosemen( con[oinln9 25,3~2.79 squ~re feet, more or less. ,. GENERAL'. NOTES ,, 1) S~. lndloa,~es Section. 2) Twp. (~di~[~s' Tp~nship. ' ~)1~[I d~etonce~ or~.m feel and dactmale thereof 5~ ,'Beorin~.,ore bo~d~ on'[~he centerline of Couniy Born Rood os bein9 S.0~38'34'E ~oo '~enmcolp No, ..3~65 ~ ~ "' '-, ' .... THIS IS ONLY A D~WN BY: CHECKEO ~: A~D FI~: DATE: PR~ECT: RLE NO.: 5111 W. LAHAR EVERS, PLS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 8TH AVENUE S.W. NAPLES, FLORIDA .35999 NOT TO SCALE .SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION SHEE-E 1 OF 1 Northeast corner of the South 1/2 o! Ihs South I/2 of the Northwest t/4 of 1he Norlhwest I/4 of Sec. 8, Twp. 50 S., Rge. 26 E. N. 89'45'46'W. 1254.69' S. 89'4 t' DESCRIPTION OF 25' DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~le East 25.00 feet of the South t/2 of Ihs South I/2 of the Nodhwesf I/4 of the No~hwest I/4, less the Eo~l 50 fee~ thereof, of Section 8, Township 50 Sou~h, Range 26 East, Cotller County, ~oddo. Said easement con[aining 8,434.65 square fee~, more or toss. GENERA[. NOTES 231 Sec. indicotes Section. Twp. indicates Township. Rge. indicates Range. All distances ore in feet and decimals thereof. Be.a.rfn~s Or?. based on the cenferline of County Barn Rood os being 5.00'58'3,l'£. , ,;~, I , i , ---:~-- "J'loddo Cs'rtlflc~te No., ~465 ,, ,.,. ,,.. ,~ / J EXH: ;IT ,. >,,..... ....,."/. . ~'~i' ' ". ~-~ .~ ' ~ ~ '"'.. THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH RN ROAD '~9 7-5 EXFHBI[ '" SHEET. PROJECT NO. ~ PROJECT PARCEL NO. 835 TAX PARCEL NO. EASEMENT DESCRIPTION SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR SKETCH A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN AND BEING PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECl~ON 8, TOWNSHIP 50, SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PAR'RCULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ~ AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECl~ON 8; THENCE ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY BARN ROAD, BEING THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SEC'RON 8, S 00'38'54" E 75.00' TO AN INTERSEC'RON W1TH THE EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF STATE ROAD NO. 84; THENCE ALONG THE SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND EXTENSION THEREOF, N 89'57'30" W 50.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY lINE OF COUNTY BARN ROAD; THENCE S 00'38'34' E 40,00 FEET, TO THE ~ AND RUNNING; THENCE ALONG THE SAID WEST RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE OF COUNTY BARN ROAD S 00'.38'34" E 897.31 FEET; THENCE N 8g'45'46" W 25.00 FEET; THENCE N 00'58'34" W 922.22 FEET; THENCE S 45'18'02" E 35.57 FEET TO THE ~. CONTAINING: 22,741 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. F~LE: 955g. ARC 118-TEXT.DWG WILKISON &: A'~SOCIATES INC. I CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 3508 EXCHANGE A¥1~. NAPLES, FLA. 33942 (g41) 84,3-2404. FAX NO. (941) 843-517,3 1-24.-g6 N SHEET 2 OF 2 PROJECT PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL NO, NOT TO SCAJ_E DAVIS BOULEVARD EXTENSION STATE ROAD NO. 84- N 8g'57'30' W S 45~ 55.5; NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NV/ 1/~ OF NW 1/,~ OF SEC. 8-50-26 P.O.C.~ N 8g'57'30' W I N 89'45'46' W 25.00 Z O E SEE SHEET 1 OF' 2 FOR DESCRIPTION SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY RI.E: g55g. ARC 9559-1 ! 8.DWG PREPARED BY: WILKISON & ~ASSOCIATES INC. ~m CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 3506 EXCHANGE AVE. NAPLES, FLA. 33g42 (941) 643-2404. FAX NO. (g41) 64-3-5173