Rotary Club of Naples - G. G.MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATI!: RE: Sue Filson. Administrative Assistant Board C'['CotlI'lly C'ommissioncrs Michael Dowling , . Real Property Spccial~st Real Properly Management l)epamncnt .lulv 1¢i. 1998 Execution o1' a l.imitcd List: License Agrccmcn! Thc Rotary Club of Naples - Golden Gate. Inc. For execution by thc ('hairman of thc Board of County Commissioners, plcasc lind attached the rcfcrcnccd Agreement. Thc "P, lankcl" P, csoh~tion it thori×inu thc Chairman of the Board of Coul~tv ('ommissioncrs to execute the attached Agreement was ilp['lro',,'cd ]"ly thc [?,oa/'d of (,_'Otllllv Commissioners on January 13. 1998. item 16 [') (1). as l~.csolufion ;: 98-6. Please forward lhe dog~,,mgn~ t~l';llic lloffman, Recording Secretary, for attestation by th~, Clerk tO the Board. Ms. ttoffman will then call me at gxlcn~;i0n 8991 for documenl Thank you. Atlachmcnt as staled I.I.~II'I'EI) USE I.I('ENSE :~,Gi/i'~I".MENT 1.1311TEI) I;,'.;E I,I('F;NSI.: ,,~.(;IIEE.MI-]NT 111-71'WI-;I-]N TIlE Illl.,\lll) {)I.' ('()I'N'I'Y ('(),~I.~IISNIO.~'I-]IIS. ('¢)I.I.II-;R ('()I',N'I'Y..A I'()I.ITI(',.\I. NI'IIIIIVI.~Ii),X ¢)1" 'FILE STATi,: ()1,' I"1.()1~,11)..'~ AND 'I'IIF: II()'I'..\RY ('lA'Il ()1-' N..\I'I.i-;S - (;¢II,I)EN (;..VI'I.;. I.'~('. AI'I'R()VINI; TIlE I L'.;E ()!,' ('¢)I'NT¥-¢I~VNI-~I) I'Ii()I'I.]IUI'Y I:()1~ .AN ..XNNI 'Al. ('IIIIlS'I',~IA,~ TIII-;E .";Al,F;, I'h~s l.ml,lcd list I,,ccnsc :\t:rccmcnl ollcrcd inl~ I ~ s /"TZ~-~, day o' .~c-,-Z'~,~_ ))× :llld bL'IWL",.'II. ' ' '- ....... :'-:~- .................. tilt I']~mld ~d'~ (ll, lllJ'~ [ IHl~lll %~l )llL'r.'g. ( oilier ('lJHllJy. J;JurJda, ~','Jl~lsL' Itlililln~ address ~s 3301 J'iasl 'Janllanll 'l'ra~I. ,N'aplcs. I"lunda 34112. herein;il'for relgrrcd Io as "lloard". and Iht J,~.lllar)' ('lub of Naples . (iolden (;;~le. Inc.. Florida non-prol~l c~-i~Ol-;tllOl1 who:,;c m;,ling ;.Iddrc:,;?. is J'.(). Il(ix 10067, Naples, I"Iorida 34101. herchlal'tcr rctgrrL, d as "{ 'lub". \VI II!RI!.,\~. lilt ('lub I'Cquc~.t~ tile usc o1'( 'ounty-owncd land fi~r thc purpose of lhc~r annu:ll ('hrislnl:lS 'l'rcc ~:iIL'. ~ hlci~ sic;ill bc hL'ld I'r,~m November 27. 1~)gN lhrou~h I)cccmlwr ~ Iggg. in which thc prl)cccds ~cllk't';llcd ~till ~o o~;H'd~ scholarshH~ I'Lmds I'~r .~IL dents ol'l~al'l'~H] ('oilier Iligh ~ch..I. Naples Iligh ~clmol. I.cly lli~h ~chm~l. S~. John NL'tlJ]];Jl]J] l ligh ~chmd..lamc~ Iorcn~ Walker Vocal~onal.'l'cchnical('cnlcrand Edison ('ommumb,('ollc~c. Thc('lub ~hall bu \VI lliRIL,.\S. Ibc Hoard i~ wlJlm~ t~ approve tile usL, ol'('mmly-mvned land Ibr such p rp ~scs' N()W. TIIERI:/-'()RI~. HA~I~I) ()N '1'111.~ XII:'I'IL.~I. ('()VI~NAN'I'S PR()VII)EI) Ill,REIN. AND ()'I'III.~R V.&I.I:AI~I.I.~ ('()NNI) 'R,V 'I(~N' Till. I'AICFII.]S .,~(H~EI~ A.% I"(H.I.()WS: 1. Thc Board hcrum ;H~provcs thc usc ol'('~tlllly-owncd pr'opcrt? Jdcfltil~cd ;is Ih;ti poi'lion1 ol''J';';~cl 115. (~olclcn (i;L~C ('Oml~l~x. as sh~wn on I'~,xhibil "A". aMachcd JlL'FCh) :llld made a part hcrcol', and hcrcH1;tJ~cr rclbrred h~ as "Jh-ol)Crjv" J~l IhL' pLIFI)O~C oI'Cl)IldLICIiIi~ Ibc (']LII~'s [H~llLI;II ('I~'JSIIll;IS Trcc ~alc. 2. The ;H~prov:d of Ibc usc o1' lilt Ih'upcrl)' b)' Iht ('h~b shall exlend J'rolll Nuvembcr 27. 1')9~ lhroLl~h :Hid including 3. The ('luh shall I11Orlll~)r. cuntrol ;ind assume l'L, sll~)llsll.~illt), I'~H' all [lcl~Vil[us. vcnd~rs, licensees, and invnccs ;ISSOCl;llcd wiiJl hoJdin~ of such ;m cvcnl, such rc'sptmsibilily n,~ bemu hmilcd t~ trash coJJcclJ(ul ;lIld cJciln-tlp ol' thc Propcrb.. J]~;lrd ~JlLIJJ rl~l bc ~J)Ii~;IIL'(I (~r required h~ Illlj~l'iivc, I'Cj~illl', oF IlIHIll[~llll IJlC I~I'IIJlCI'IV i)l' HI1V II;li'l lhcrcof Ill fill)' IlIHllI1Cr 4. 'l'hc ('lub sh:xIl acquTr'c any and ;ill I~ct'rllzts, including hul ilOI ]m~itcd to s~n poi'mils. FCLILIH'Cd I~? ('oilier ('ounly and ;in? OiJlcr glIvcl'lllllcill:tl ClllllV hi COlldtlc[ such ;111 L'VL'r1[ [lIltJ rk'Jalcd ;IClivJllcs Orl tilL' ]'ropcrty. 'J'he ('luh SJlLI]] pOSt a J,imilu'd USe l.~ccnse ,'~rccnlc II. 'l'hc l"in:lncc I)cl~:lrlmcnI sh:dl rL'lllFll such homl m ('lul~ il' said lh'operlv Is cleaned lip ill ii IilllCJy and jlJ'ojlcr II];IlllJL'F TiS I'CqLIII'CLJ ]lCl'U'lII. ' 5. I~rJor Ii) II1:IklI~ ;Ill)' C]I;III~L'S. HI vr tOllS I( (Jl[~111~ (H' IlllJ~I'()~L'IJlL'II~ JO I}IL' ]'ropc/'ly. Ihe (']Lib ~'j]J provide h~ COVL'II~II[S and a~rccs 111 CtHII1L'CII~)I1 WIIJl [111)' Ill~IIIITL'I1HllCL'. I'L'p[IIF work. L'FCCJI~Ir], CIIllSJI'tlL'[Jl)I1. HllJ)FOV~'I11L'Ill. addiTmn i)1' presci1T ;llld J'UltlrL, lax~s, ordlll;lllCCs, rules, rL'~tlJ:ltiOils. ;li~d I'CqtllrL'l~lL'lllS O1' tilL' IJllHcd ~I~IIL's oJ' ,'~lllL'rJc[i. ~l:ltL' i:iurida. ('J)LIill)' i)I'( 'oiJlcr. alld ;inv ~lll(J ~ll] ~ovL'rlllllcl~l~lJ ~I~L'IlClL'S. All ~lJJc~'~lJiOll~. illlp'OVClllL'lllX. LII1LJ addJlJOll~ to tilL' J'ropcrty shall. ;il OllCL'. xx IlL'Il l]l;l(Jc ~r inslallcd, bc deemed as ;tlt;ichL. d lo thc I'r'echold and Io have JlL'CJJlllL' the properly ~t' or upon thc Ih'opcrl). b)' ibc ( ']ub. aild f'L'j)~lil' ~lll)' (l~llll~l~L' C[ILIsL'd [l~ lJl~ J~ropcrly by such rcI11ov:lJ. 6. The ('lub shall provide [llld nmml~in ~eneral JiabiJily ill~tlrLincL, poi cy(ics) approved by lhe Collier ('ounb. R~sk Mml~cr. I~r not ]css tJlan Five J lundrcd Thousand and No,'l)ollars ($500,1)l)(I.(l(]) combined single limils durill~ IJlc Icrm of' this Agreemenl. ~uctl Jll~tlr:ti1L. L, policy(les) shah ]isl ('oilier ('(iLIlllV :l~ ~111 a(JdHJoll;lJ insured Ihu'r~,Oll. Evidence such Insurance shall bc proviLJcd lo ~]lc ('ollicr ('ounb. Ri~k .~lana~er. 3~01 J'~asl 'J'alnianli Trail, Adnlinislralion Building. Nal~h:s. Fh~nda. 34112. I~t' appr~wal prior lo N~v``:mbt.,r ill. IgO,',:: m',.I sh:Hl include a pr~wlslon rt.'qulrm~ tun (II}) d:lvs prior '..'. rltTc'il II~)IICL' [ti ( '{IJiIcl' ('llll[lIV C (i ( 'oLII1TV J~, n,k ~J;lll;l~k'l' 111 lJl~ L",'L'III IlJ'CallCCii:llilJll. 5'. 'l'hJ~; l,nnncd I'sc l~ccnsc .,\,..:'~ccnwnl '.hall I~c ;u. hnini:.lt.,rcd nn behalf of Iht I~loard hv and lhrou.,.:h thc ('oilier ( 'uuntv Real I'r~l~t.'~U ),Jall:.lpClllt.'lll l]t.T~;H']nl``:nl, ,',. 'ihc ('lui~ apace,, h~ h,,kl II:I]'IIlJcss :l]l~,l dcf~.'H,,J ('t~lllct' ('l~lllll.',. Jilt.' i~l)ard ~.)J' ('tllil~D,' ('IHllmlSSltHlC]'S Ol'( 'oilier ('~llllll',', pL'r.',OllS or JIFoJ'~t.'rj.v arl,,lll~ I'rtHll ,.it' :lSSOClap..'d ~.','H h IJlL' ('hill'S ;ICtl',.'llJCs or list.' liT' lilt' Ih'oj'~cl'ly. 'J'hL' ('Itlb I'tlrlllt'r ;iprct.'~. h~ :lrlSJll~ l'rt)111 ol ;IS'-.OClaP,.'d v.'ith Ih,,.' ('llll'/s [ICll".'ll]Cs I)r ll~t.' ill' Ibc Thc ('lllb co%cll;JlllS ;.lild a,EFL'L'S il~J~ Itl [iS',I~I1 l. illS I.II1U|Cd I. t~L. J.J¢CI15.``..' .A,~I'L'ClllL'II! or itl JlCl'11111 atlv utJl.,'r pcl>,oIl>. Io ()CCLI[1)' ~;I[IIL' %\ IJJlOtl[ lilt.' V,. I'ltlL'll COI1SCIll I)]' it}. 'J Jlt.' I;Jt~al'd t'C',t.'F','``.',, J]lt.' t 1',,2'ill h~ L'allt't'J ;JIld ~lF p..",ch...'dlllt' ;tll~.' t~l' ;Ill ~J' Tilt.' :ll~',~vc-~,Jchcl'lIwd aC[l',. IUL'~-.. ~,L'lJt.'LJt~Jo.J J~i itllV I)r ~.lJJ tlf ]JlC ~lJll)vt.'-IlSlCd d;i)'-., llJ'~llll J5 ',Jilt.'5; ~.~,I'I~TCI1 llt~[ICt.', h~ li1'~ ;ltJdI't.':',S St.'[ I'orlil Ii1 lJll~ .'\~ZFCCIllt.'Ill. lo lilt.' ('llJJ'. tJl' I~(KIr(.J's IllJL'II! Ii) I k':qL'llCdLllt.' :lll~.t Iii' C~lllCt.'J. I J. ,'\I1V tlllllCC 111 bC gi'~CI1 J'~v CI]}ICI' J'~;l]'l? IO IJlC olllcr and shall bc placL'd In all ufl'~ctal dcpo~.lh~ry ill' Ibc I:llltcd NI;ITcs J'tlsl ()I'Iicc. i",cglsTcrcd itl' ('uiT]l'lcd Mall. I{clurll Rt'ccipt ]),CtJtlcslt.'d. poslage prepaid, addT'csscd Itl tile pa]'t.V I'~]' addrc~,s ciHlcl p;ll'l)' lll:ly h;lvt' dcslgllillt'd Itl ~% 1 2. 'l }lc F;oard and ( 'lnh spcc~flc;llIy agrcc Ih:ii Ti]ts .\grccmcnI rcprcscnIs a liccnsc fur lilt ( 'luh's u~c tU' Thc J'ropt.'rTy and dOCS ]]lJT C()II~.L'V ;HIV L'$[ilTC II1 lilt' I~l'()llt'l'l!,' (Ir OIL':ilL' :Iii\' il]iL'iL'SI 'O, IIL]IstICVCI'. i3. 't'llc ('luh rcprcscnl~, and ~;n'r;:nTs lo llw J:JlJ:ll'ti ~hal Ilo ha/ardous ill;ltcriaJ,. %','ill b.,.' dp, ch;lrgcd Ill Ibc ;t!r. g]'otmtls. sg%'.or, tlr to a .',cjUiC s.vsJclll o~1 Ih.,.' J)r~pcrly. [4. 'lilt' ('lul~ shall bc r~.'~p,~n>H~h: l;~r pa.~ ing :dl sales la'~t',, ii al~phcablt., and all ~Tilcr' laxc,, and chargcs or rcsuJtlng l']'O]ll IJlc Jloldlllg ol' Till>. C\ IS. 'J'hc saJc and O)llsLIrllpllt)11 ol'alc,~hnl~c I~t:', CT'agC~. ~,Jl;Jli bC pll,hllmcd i)n lilt I'ropt.'i].v dtltlllg ]hi>. t'% till. II5. 'ibis /\grck'nlcnl shail bc~.'lm,c t'lTuc]l,, t' upon t'Xk'Clllnm by bl)l}l I}10 ('otmlv and Tilt.' ('tub J 7. 'this ,,\gr'ccmClll is ?~vt'rllt'd ilIl``J cl)rlslrtlctJ III act'l~rd:lI'lc~.. ,0. illl I11¢ ia',.',, g of lilt.' ."ql:l]C OT' I"]ltrlda. IN \VI'I'NI,i.<,.S \VI ll,il~,li( )1", lilt.' pal lies hereto ha~c nl:ldc and CS.L'CllICd tills I nllllcd I]sk' I ict.'nsc .'\gl'CClllt'lll ils of .a,S '1'( ) 'I'I Il.: ( '1 .I :Il: ( '1 .I I.~t )1 ..\1), Y ('l.lSll ( )1: N..\l'l.li.'q - ( ii )l.l )I.iN ( i..\ I t!. IN(' // /.) //.} /,..' .I,A( 'K SI l:\Mll:\l t( il 1. I'rcsldt.'nl · '\S '1'() Till': lIO,,\Rl ): A'ITILST: I)\VjGIIT E. BRa')( 'K. ( 'lt'r'k Ell ie attest as to Chairman', nnd legal ~ufllc~cnc5.: /~%%1",1i1111 ('l)llllJ¥ /\IIIIIlIC'( Il( )..\R I ) ( )F ('()1JN'IY ( '( )XI,\I I S.S I[ )N liRS ¢ '( )1 I .ltil), ('()l ;NT','. I'1 .( )I,~11 x, ' II'q'll!lfllFl'llllllll"~~ 'd, lii J iliU'J:J:J! %'. !i!1i1-'d'