BCC Minutes 12/12/1990 W'~4 ~o~ the Co~nty o~ Co11~e~, anO a~so acting a~ the Board o~ Zoning Appeals and a9 the governing board(~) r,f .uch ~p~c{,,) ,ll-,rl~io .o ~herein, met on thl,, dato at 9:00 A.M. In WO~SHOP Sl~SSIOH Jn Building ~F~ of.. the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: .ALS0 PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Anne 3oodntght (arrived at 9:%0 A.M.) ABSENT: Burr L. Saunders Annette Guevfn and Wanda Arrighi, Deputy Clerks; ~Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLeraore, Assistant County Manager; Tom O]liff and Jennifer Pike, Assistants to the Couat¥ Manager; Tom Sk2runer, Social Services Director: and ){on .7;)rare), hi~,oum I) l~'~3ctoI-. Ol Page I i~l~x¢ szm~czs STI~T~I]IC PI~ll~]~IlIG WOPJ~SHOP December 12, 199C Commissioner Volpe inquired if the homeless tas'( force went out of ~existence on September 30th? Commissioner Shanahan recalled that is correct, adding that sub- ~sequent to providing their report, the task force indicated it should be reformulated and if not, they would continue to ~eet ~n private. Commissioner Volp~ suggested Jn¢orp0]'~tln0 mom~ of ths lr ~atiOnS into the Goals and objectives of ~he Board ~urinG ~he cominG 'ear. Jennifer Pike, Assistant to the County Manager, updated the Board ~n the near future. She sald they are looking at a nsw prop~rty on 0o~ercial Drive which ts a two-story structure. She stated they have with Frank Brutt, Community Development Service~ Administrator, ~d asked fo~ a cuz'rent determination of zoning tn order to let them '~low what they would have to do to brtn~ that facil ity up to code. County Manager Dorrill added that the facility has considerably ~more s~are footage that could be se~re~a, ted for th~ female and male 'populations, which has been a problem at the current facility. Ms. Pike stated the current facility has 16 bed~ and the new one ~'~'w~ll h~ve room for 40 b~ds on the s~cond floor whlc)~ caf~ eventually be In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, ~artha Skinrer, Social Services Director, replied that Kevln O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator, has been covering many of these programs, which she Will a%fempt to ~amil~arize herself with in the coming days. Commissioner Volpe questioned the status of the Salvation Army? :~s. Skt~er responded that they have acquired property and are .~.~ women, children and families. She stated there wil2. continue to be ~problem because of the numbers of homele~;s men, and the County still 'does not have adequate shelter capabilities. 03' Page 2 · Commissioner Volpe indicated his confusion reg&rding the County's tee of responsibility for the homeless as opposed to HRS or some of ~the other service providers. Ms. Skinner advised that depends on the ~htlo§0ph¥ of the County. She said some counties are very much [ilnvolved In the homeless situation. Commissioner Volpe questioned if the Board of County Commissioners ~s ever contemplated what its role should be? County Manager Dorrill d in the negative, stating that homelessness is only a two to Lree year old issue in the Naples area and has resulted in an advi- ,.Sow committee being created. He said since that commJtte~: 1~ meetjn0 ~'~ ~¢~m~r t0th~ ~hl~ w0~ld b~ ~ 000d ~]me to as~ ~hem to report at m reeler Board m~et~n~ on what pinna they h~v~ Commissioner Volpe commented that whatever is dDne with regard _ homeless, it should be don,~ on a County-w~de ba~. .~aware of the situation In Immokalee, however, does not have ]nfor- ~t~on on ~he Naples area. Gounty Manager Dorr]]] stated tb~t th, ~mmok~]., been treated consistent with that in Nap]em. H~. ga<d ~ouse, which ls also a County contract agency and receives County ~ to help offset their operating costs, is a ~helter whose capa- '/Clty ~s considerably larger than St. Matthews' House. In answer to CommlssJoner Shanahan, Mr. Dorrill replied that the ~ther primary providers are the Salvation Army and St. Vincent de , ~d neither of those ,Tre County contract agencies. Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager, adv%s(~d t~]at originated, a group of volunteers formed who ~ ~heir efforts to solve the problem. He stated th~ County has a role of coordination rathe~ than becomin~ ,lirectly involved, that group was very vocal about doinG this a:~ a private ~OmmtSstoner Shanahan stated he is interested in knowing the !~%~mbmz' of homele~m in Collle~ County. ' -~S. Skinner reported there have been e~ttempts through a special Page December 12, 199C to identify numbers. She mentioned that St. Matthuws' House ts approximately 150 people per day. She said that not only have 'nllmbers increased over the past year, they are seeing a younger of people. y Manager DorrIll communicated that the County is also in conjunction with St. Matthews' House and the Homeless Committee, on a cold shelter policy to allow emergency G in the event the temperature falls below forty degrees. He this would be an overnight shelter policy which would be utilized Oo~i~uton-r Volpe questioned what ]t requires tD open the ichurches for this allowance? Mr. Dorrtll reported that what is being i:~,&~tempted is to determine whether or not: Provisional Uses (PU) a~No- ~mtmd with church facilities can also be places of ~ssembly for over- ht sleeping accommodations as part of their PU's. He said the may need to consider that issue as a zoning am.~ndment in the ~event that th~s becomes a permanent policy. Ms. Plke continued with the next issue, indigent health care She explained that the County is required to pay 35% for the ~Cost of hospitalization for Medicaid patients from the 13th through 45th day of hospttallzat~on. She said the Count7 ~s also re~%~ired pay $55 per month for nursinG home care treatment for Medicaid '~mtients. She reported $525,000 'is currently budgeted to meet these [lrement~, and the State has estimated Collier Co'~nty to need as Ms. Skinner remarked these are people certif ~ed '~y the State as ;Able for Medicaid, which is a State hospitalization, medical needs r~. She said the Legislature mandated in 1977 that counties share in this cost. She stated that a cap of ~55 per month was ~: by the counties in ~977, however, there is a pos~ibility that the islature will remove that cap this year to require counties to be equal partner in sharing the cost. Go~u~issfoner Volpe asked how other counties are ,]ealinG with this Page 4 ion? December 12, 1990 Ms. Skinner replied that some of the smalle]' counties are .in a very difficult situation over th]s issue, adding that several 'are paying $4-5 million per year for their sharo of {'o~t~l. i~ Mm. ~nn,~ e~pla~ned the County ]s also requ~re¢ to pay $4 per ~pltm for any Indigent. treated out 0f County, a{~ w~]l n~ par- small program that covers hospitalization for those not ell~lble for ~i~ld 6r any other program who ar, treated at local hospitals. She ~4 h~ omtlmate of $625,000 ~or tndl~n~ health care for FY 91 does include those costs. g the Children's Discovery Cottage is currently be~n~ renovated, i~r~d ~here are two other satellite sites which need to be discussed. sa~d one is the Everglades City Women's Club and the other is the Ranch in Immokalee. 'Ron Jamro, Museum D~rector, reported the instruments are beln~ ~prepared f~r the transfer of the Evergl;~des City property to the ,Co~ty. He said the Roberts Ranch ~tu~tion has been ChanCing for )roximately eight years, and the family ]s still unsure what they wan~ to do. C(~m~]s$ioner Go~dnlght mentioned that she has recently met with ed the acreage previously discussed is because of the oak trees ~he property. She s~ated the family ]s working w~th County Staff attempting %o divide the entire plot to accomplish that donation. said the family is interested In subdividinG the property in order ~sell, because they are all elderly individuals whc want this before any more family members a~e lost She stated they are ~la~in~ to move several buildinQs, including the old bunkhouse and ,ts~ke house onto the 4. 1 acres to be donated to the County ~nc., Collle~ County can look forward ~o Page Deo(,mh~r 12, 1990 coat of maintenance of those facilities, once they are turned over the County. ~Commtssioner Shanahan disclosed that he has been asked to s~gn&te the entire Goodland area as a historical di~tr]ct. Mr. Jamro indicated that would be very difficult 'to accomplish ~because of intruders, even though there are some geau[ne historic Ms. Pike next referred to capital inprovementm fo~' both th, Par~g and Library systems. She said renovation and construction of the Main >~.tbrar¥ is currently in the planning stages and there are a number of ~oJects ~n Parks & Recreation, She advised that app'ova] Of a contract with Henderson & Young will be on a Board aG,,nda in th- n-~t' few weeks, who will be revlslng the Parks & Recreatlo;i Impact fee ordinance. She also pointed out that $2.3 million of revenue for within Parks & Recreation will be from the sale of the .%%ebtll property, therefore, a decision needs to be made relative to piece of property before some of those projects .:an be funded. County Manager Dorrill added there is also a prog.'am purchase .nvolvtng an amphitheater, and a determination ncc(is to be made whether or not to locate that facility 'because there are portable structures on the market that can be ~assembled very easily. In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Dorrill r~plied there are different types of regional parks. He said one has been con- )lated to be a large, passive wilderness encompassing many hundred acres which can provide for camping, hiking and horse trails. He stated the other is a regional sports complex that, in conjunction ~h professional baseball facilities, would have soccer, and league- · activities. i~<-Co~issioner Shanahan directed the conversation toward boat ramps 'the inadequacy of existing facilities in Collier County. oon 07 December 12, 1990 ~'Cliff Crawford, Parks & Recreation Director, responded that a por- of efforts to meet the boating community needs in Collier County ~.i' be to develop the Conklin Point facility. He said alternatives are being explored to improve the County's S.R. 951 facility as well -taking advantage of State owned properties along the Marco Island Mr. Crawford referred back to Mr. Dorrtll's comments relative to a imphltlt~at~, whlah h~ ~aid w~tuld allow a great dca! of iiflexibtlity and mobility in implementing programs for cultural actlvt- }ties, as well as costing much less than the $100,000 unit planned in ~he CIE. ~;;:.Comalissioner Shanahan updated the Board on the status of Tlgertail lie said the permit received from the Department of Natural (DNR) is for 200,000 square feet of beach which is less than §0~S of what was asked. He stated stronG pressures have been applied ~from Marco Island residents to refuse that compromise as tctally unac- ~table and unconsciousable, and they have insisted the County ask fOr more. Ne advised that as a result of the County pursuing the i:~atter, DNR has now indicated that they may have overreacted and are axlggesting that mitigation can be worked out elsewhere which will ~&llOw DNR to give a permit based on what the Board cf Co~tssloners originally asked for. He concluded that tile problem is il being worked out. ~ N~. Oz"~wford ludtcated that he expects the situation to be in the coming week. ,~. Commissioner Volpe commented that a recent meeting with the City ~f iNaples resulted tn discussion of an interlocal a~reement relative :o~the County taking credit for park facilities within the City. He lashed if that is being pursued? · Mi". Crawford recalled that wh~n the original plan w~ developed :hree years ago, inventories of State reserves, pre.~erves, resource as well as the facilities provided by the City and other delivery providers were taken into account Jn establishing the December 1~, 1990 ~lti&l B~;andard o£ service. He said, ~herefore, CCrIlter County's ~l~ II tied into wlmt th~ ~t~te ~nd th, Clt~ 0f N~i~ d0a~ and ti~ Co~tssloner ~olpe questioned if there ts a surplus o~ impact fees ~ ~e ca~agory of regional parks? Mr. Cr~wford fei,lied that ther~ ~l IpmOlflC facllltlam within the impact fees that were defined 1on~l In nature. He said the confusion ts that the deflnltlons of rmport~d that the consultants, Henderson a Young, are looking into how the impact fees were calculated orl!tlnally and will .investigate ;.bowery changes to broaden the County's ability for collection of ~act fees for community parks. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Nr. Cra~ford stated the purpose Of the Henderson a Young study is to adjust impact Fees, both tn com- and regional parks, to reflect n.~w con~truct;.on c.)~t~. He ~ald the study will also adjust the community park boundaries based upon ~lervice delivery impacts. ' Robert Demarest, Library Director, reported on the status of the ~.n~r~l library prg~.qt, H~ ~dvi~0 theft bJd~ ~r~ 0pen.d during th~ Board's a~enda on December 18th. He said the project ha!~ been compli- by the asbestos contamination of the present ~tructuro, there- , there are some unexpected expenses reflected Ln asbestos Ibmtement engineering costs of approximately $30,000, asbestos aba- ~tement contractor costs of between $170,000 and $~00,000 and rental, moving and site work costs for a temporary location for the · Commissioner Volpe asked if ~he costs for a teml)orary relocation fiscal year, however, an option is available t~ borrow ~mot fee funds that will be available next fiscal yea~. In an~er to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Demar,mt ,tared that Page 8 'r~ December 12, lggo iXl! need to be relocated for no more than one year. Commissioner Ooodnight indicated that due to her late arrival at meeting, she was not present for the dtscussioa on the homeless Golll~r qoqnty, §h~ updated th~ Board on wh~t ,federal level, stating that new directtc~n ¢~r ~,~ d~sctlssed, however, she does not yet kncw the outcoue. She said that it looks llke there will be significant fundinG, the Board wJll to allocate the Collier County HousinG Authority as one of the a~thorAtAes, that would be able to receive funds for the County to :.build housinG for the homeless. She also mentioned that, from the ,~dArectlon received at a recent Florida Association 3f Count]eR there will be a large effort by countJes :t~u~p for affordable housinG. She also reported that with regard to health care, the State share program will be virtually elimJ- by the proposed cuts. She said the new Legislature is ~in~ the possibility of fundinG through tax eKempt services, ,e., barber shops and dry cleaners. She advised that what could be damaging to Collier County la th, fact thnt th~ ~he stated that this may be Good to a certain extent, however, if the does not provide the fundinG, it will be a severe financial bur- ~n ~ountl... she concluded that these situatto:~s will need to be ~d very closely. PROJECTS kLA~A~EMENT Tom Co~o¢odo, Director of ¢)££]c~ Cat~ltal Projects Management, ~.eported that the goal of his Department t~ to capt,lre the needs of .non-ciE projects. He said those needs that are not already included !tn:the CIE element of the Growth Management Plan ne,~.d to be identified developed into a program of implementation. ,~ .. Commissioner Volpe questioned if this will be d()ne on a five-year ]~.8'IS aa ts done in the Growth Management Plan, to ~,,h~.ch Mr. Conrecode tn the affirmative, !. ,.,Tom 0111~, Ass½s~ant to the County Manager, communicated there is December 12, 1990 .entire level of agencies outside of those within Collier County who impact the CIE and non-CIE funding equation. He stated it 11 t~a aUpport on the part o~ the Board for Staff to compile a realistic non-CIE budget. He said in order to have a long range pic- ture of what expected capital expenses are going tc be, it will r~lutre the Board working with ,p a five year capital program for their offices, ~r. Conrecode indicated that if this can be done through a commit- process by scrutinizing and prioritizing based on a level of set- standard, the needs of each of the Constitutional Officers can be Mr. Olliff communicated the need for addltlona] warehouse space, he said ts another major expenditure beln~ r~.quested on the non-CIE list. At this time Deputy Clerk Arright replaced Deputy Clerk Guevin '', Commissioner Volpe commented that at the Immoka/ee Airport there · lot of land which the County awns w)th warebo~l~m fac)])tlea wb(Gb :{commented that if there Is ]fmttarl ~pac, avatla})]~ nl~ th~ County cam- then this land should be considered. Tom Cost,code, Director of of Capital Projects Management, stated that his department wo~ld look at, in the case of warehouse facilities, the cost of rental space versus the building costs and consider where the needs are and ~the possib~ltty of commercially available facilitie:~ rather than :Spendlng capital dollars from the County. Commissioner Shanahan noted that the KDC has decided that the lmmokalee Airport ls a prlortty for them in developing th~ ln£ra§truc- ,that are available to the County to develop the ~ndustr~al park on this lmnd. ~e pointed out that he and Commissioner Goodntght are Commissioner Goodntght noted that the County ls going to have to Page 10 December 12, 1990 ~ ,~repared to lobby and be more innovative regarding the Community ~r~'ectiona! Act which will put the burden of the correctional facilt- !ties on the County. Commissioner Volpe added that at a Joint meetinG ~atl facility, and questloned if anything every came of this dts~sston? Assistant County Manager McLemore informed that a Local ~LFStatuto~Y Corrections Committee is responsible for this planning and :~eco~ended against a regional Jail because there ~) no real evidence that a regional Jail facility would be of any benefit to anyone. Mr. McLemo~e noted that the 20 year plan Jnc]ude~ th. Jail facJlitie~ and that the Committee will provide a report regarding )ail facilities In J~ua~y 1991. Commissioner Goodn]ght suggested reviewing the ]nvest~- ~ation that Orange County has done regarding 3ail f.~cllltfes to aid :'~ol]]er County in handling this issue. She added t]~at the stat~st]c~ r,ve~l ~h~t Or~n~ Gounty will ~vQ bQtw~Qn QIO mlltlon ~n(1 ~l~ on within the next five ~ear~ r~gardtng cnrr~c"ion~l ~' M~. Conrecode stated that the next ~ssue to be discussed Is the P~o~ect Acguisttfon Process. He advised that Sept~nber I994 ]~ when all projects need to be completed or under contract He commented that over the f]r~t few years of the Growth Managem~nt Plan the County .has been carrying projects over to the next year fc)l' one reason or ~othe~ which has resulted in $87 million worth of ]~roJects havlnG to ~'be completed each year until 1994 which includes al". projects tden- tlfted ]n the CIE element of the Growth Management }'lan. He informed that thl~ Veal' theF ll~t ~3 CI~ projects which are l,resentl¥ 'd~d ~nd 14 that mr, under connt ruc't )(~, and Ll)(~r~ 1~ (, total .168 projects. He explained that 25 have been compl(,ted, 72 are ~:r~ently active ~n design or construction, and 71 (~re inactive. He ;~ot~ted out that the carrying oyes of projects to t)~e next yesr must ~. eltmt~ted, ~d In order to achleve th~s they U];m to monitor clo- the Project Acquisition Process. He specifled that the areas 't~t need improvement need to be determined which c~n result :~ttlng tlm~ by day~, wueks, or months; and In part..cular when 1terns OGO 12 r~, Page 1 1 December 12, 1990 tO be presented before the Board. He related that th(:re will be Ot the mechanics of the process to evaluate what (:an be ed without an Impact on the authortt-y and re~ponmtbllfty to the Board as well as what can be legally delegated to Staff. He added {Hat the process includes everything from budget de';elopment to dmmi~jn, bidding, permitting, right-of-way, negot~at Ions scheduling, Assfstant County Manager McLemore stated that r~ads play a big k~fac~or ~n this process, and ]t is crftical that f]nanclng for roads be He remarked that many road projects are ready to go to n, but there is no financing for them. He advised that the Committee which ha~ been working with tho with the recommendation of a Special Assessment District which g0mm~.lon.r Shanahan p01nted out that th~.m~ ]. ~ nedd t0 d~c]d~ What to do very quicklV, He noted that ~t wa~ a d-c ~]on mad, h./ th, ~ard. that If the one cent sales tax failed, then a County-.wlde dlstrict would be implemented which would provide on2y for ~oad f~nancing. Mr. Conrecode d~sclosed that the rcads are the most ~n terms of concurrency with the State. ;:.. Assistant to the County Manager O1]tff informed that the County ,.,C~pUS with the Gargutlo property may turn the campus into a DRI which :ir~ trytn~ to hav. tho Gar~utlo proporty approved n~ ~ sep~,rat~ pro- Ject. ~%~ Ja~ Reardon, Emergency Service~ Administrator, ~:tat~d that th,~ for his discussion ts In reference to fire com~olldatlon. that the IAFC Study Team ha~ conflrm.~.¢l l hat they will be fi00 13 Page 12 December 12, 1990 January 26, 1991 through February 2, 1991 and will report back to the Citizens Study Group and the Board. He advised that their task is evaluate the four organizational options that the Study Group has and offer their recommendations on each as well as short and [0ng term financial implications. · Mr. Reardon noted that it appears that there are significant ges in consolidation. Commissioner Hasse que:~ttoned that If lidation is the final decision then what will be done with the ~!~ndependent districts? Mr. Reardon responded that since each o£ the )endence were created by a vote of the people, then it can be usumed that a vote by referendum of each of the dis:ricts indicating ~stlon can not be made at this time. In response ~o Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Reardon related that the .:! In ~egards to facilities, Mr. Reardon noted seve;~a] issues. The first issue he described as an umbrella issue which is to find a way (o' ~esolve the facility ~ssues within Emergency Services for Collier :ounty. He detailed that that there is an emergency operating center in Building J which is too small; the medical examiner's office ts ~ented from Naples Community Hospital and they haue ~gk,c] th, Cnunty which Is very expensive and non-expandable for the purpose of EMS; EMS 'Division Headquarters' space is rented; the helicopter facility is on ;orr Rcad and is owned by the Airport Authority, and their Growth the County must find a new facility for the helicopter. Cowry Manager Dorrlll pointed out that the lea~{ agreement with ~he Airport Authority ts yea~ to year. Co~tsstone~ Hasse questioned if the the Marco Airport facility WoUld be convenient. M~. Reardon explained that the decision for the of the helicopter facility depends on sever~l things. He Page 13 December 12, 1990 that the medical examiner needs to be somewhat centralized with ~he hospltal, funeral homes and law enforcement agencies. He 't. nformed that the helicopter should be housed somewhere that :.recognized for flight operation, and EMS Headquarters should be lo¢&t~d nm~r the helicopter ~aclllty. lie remarked that Marco Airport lm mn mr~ wh~0h could h~ u§~d~ but h~ qu~§tl0n~d th~ ~]00d 'Be pofnted out that Marco Island could po,e a proble~ with the congestfon on S.R. 951. He indicated that they are trying to be to strategic locations which could save the County a con- ~&~OrId Ilt~ for the helicopter0 Ha exl>laJnod that they have looked &t.four options for a location at the Naples Airport, and the Airport Mr. Reardon pointed out that presently over $]O0,000 per year lent on rent, and they are developing a plan that will be both cost i.~ffecttve as ~ell as operationally effective. He noted that tn this years budget there is $900,OO to address) the start of this issue. He d~s¢losed that a 40,000 square foot facility is being considered which 1 have three stories with the first level above ~rade to avoid space for expansion in the future. He advised that the facility will hcr~se Emergency Management, Division Admlnlstratlon, EMS Headquarters, ijhelicopter air operations, EMS warehouse, supplies and equipment, a {fac~lity would be approximately $5.5 million. In response to Commissioner Vo]pe, Mr. Reardoa ~tated that t. hl~ pro3ect would not include land acquisition, but rathe~ the land would leased from the airport on a long term lease which the'f would t because the County is a governmental entity. Mr. Reardon noted that the most desirable of the Dption sites is the north end where the landfill is; however ther= is a difficult !~r0blem her~ with al! th~ DN~ and ~PA r,~qulrement~ that a~e Involved. O00, .I 1.5 Page 14 December 12, ]990 ~la~ned that the south end presents a ~ood compromt:~e considering ~he issues. Mm. Rea~don mentioned ~hat a proposal was constde~ed with the ~a~ment of Forestry near the airpo~t, but the cost was prohibited. M~. ReaFdon continued w~h the next ~ssue of this discussion and disclosed that an EMS vehic]~ ~}$~0,000. He suggested a Maste~ Capital Replacement P~[an for the ~ng stock wlth a combination of ail th~ financ~ng Ochopee, Isle of Capri, and EMS be presented to the Board for ion · Mr. Reardon commented that the issue of impact fe(~s regarding EMS will be coming up before the Board in the near future. Mr. Reardon stated that he would like to come back before the {3~ard with a s/x-year funding plan for discussion for these apparatus pment items. .~' In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Reardon stated that their ion rate is approximately 70~ which is very conpetittve to the ~rivate sector. He noted that the funding ]eve] curr(~nt]y is 50/50 ' Commissioner Shanahan pointed out that Emergency !;ervices ha~ a )~s need both in facility and equipment and a ;'atJona] p]a~ ]§ )sperately needed. ieideratton that th, pro~ont ho] Icoptor only carrles one vlcttm and a~el¥ is only one v~ctim ~nvolved when ar, accident occur~ on the ~lley. He noted that it Is a very expensive operation. ' Oommlsstoner Volpe pointed out that this is a good area to use {~%~b]ic relations because it is something where public support could be for the kinds of activities and services provt,~ed. He 16 Page ] 5 December 12, 1990 that there should be an emphasis placed on public awareness these services and equipment. MT. Reardon added that they are pursuinG a ~har,,d fundinG with the !'State for the helicopter. Cotlrlty Manager Dorrill stated that one more ses~ion is needed to Ilete the Strategic Plan workshop meetings, howe,,er the date is to ~ c~etermined. g was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11::t5 A.M. 17