BCC Minutes 10/30/1990 R ,~,.~/ ;' Naples, Florida, October 30, 1990 LET IT BE REM~BEI~D, that the Board of County Co~ies.toners in for the Co~t~ of Collier, and also ac/lng as ~he Board of Zoning ~d as the governln~ board(s} of such special districts as have ~en created according to law ~d having conducted business .. met on this date at 9:00 A.M. In ~~ IKSSION ~n Building ~"F" of the Gover~ent Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the lg le~bers present: ~ C~I~: ~.~ .. ~ VICE-C~I~: Max A. Hasse, Jr. Kichae~ J. Yolks Richard S. Sh~nah~n Anne Goo~lght Burr L. Sanders ABSENT: ; .ALSo PRESENT: James C. G/les, Clerk; John Yonkosk¥, Finance r; Annette Guevtn, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrlll, County Manager; McLeaore, Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler County Attorney; ;David W®tgel, AssiSt&hr County Attorney; Tom Whttecotton, Htman Resources Director; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Miles Arnold, Utilities Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental ! Administrator; Kevin O'Donnell, Public Services ~rator~ George Archibald, Transportation Services rater; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services rater; Jay Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator; Steve 'Carnell, ~urchasing Director; Keith Klpp, Recycling Coordinator; Eric ~ Planner; Sue Fi/son, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and To~ Storrar and Byron Toml~nson, Sheriff*s Office. Octobe~ 30, ~"~Cmmtl. mm%~r Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Co~saloner goodnight ~ c~ 4/0, t~t t~ mgm~ ~ count mgmn~ ~ &~rov~d w~th 2. Item I~C - Re~est to present copy of "The T~payer'a ~: Declaration of Independence. and s~ple specimen of local t~payers, concerns - Added. (Requested by County Manager.) 2. Item ~12A - Resolution regarding consldera~ion of Lou Frey by Preslden~ Bush for appointment to serve as Secretary of Departmen~ of T=ansporta~on - Added. Co~lse~oner Saunders.) ~. Item ~SG1 - Reco~endatton that ~he Board of Count~ Commissioners cancel ~he sward for recycling containers as per Bid ~90-~611 awarded ~o Rehrtg Pacific Company and award s~e to MTA E~pment Corporation - Added. (Re~e~ed by '~: Staff.) ~4. Itel ~13A - Reco~end discussion and approval for Building "J" Heating - Continued to 11/~3/90. (Re~ested by Sheriff.) ~iLs. Commissioner Hasoe congratulated the following employee and presented him with ht8 Employee Service Award: [",,tl Jorge A. Agullera, Emergency Medical Service - 5 years ON D~I~MATIM~ T~E ~ OF MO~ 12-17, 1990, ~ O~IMXST Commissioner Hames reading and presenting the proclamation to "Bud" W~lhelm, Chairman of the Sunse~ Optimist Club, ~, ~~ ~ Co~AmmAo~r 6~Aght ~ c~rAed 4/0, to ~ ~l~tAon ~mA~mtA~ the M~k of M~mm~r 12-Z?, 1990, ~tA~mt Y~th A~rmctmt/on ~k. Pago 2 October 30, [990 ~ . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loeber, Co-Chairpersons o~ the T~payer Action Day Rally, presented the Board with a copy of "The T~payer,s :ton off Independence-. They also ~ncluded a symbolic shirt g [?0 signatures off citizens concerned with governaent ~aste, ~ attached etatemen~ from those citizens and a procl~ation and reso- ~.. charging the Board with the responsibility of eliminating waste ge~nt in Collier Cowry government (Not provided to the ~lerk to the Board.) ~ 4/0, to acc~t ~ ~ree t~ resolution. ;. Page 3 October 30, 1990 ~egal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on 10/9/90 and 10/16/90, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed iWlth the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a resolution of [:thl:Board of County Coauntsstonere of Collier County, Florida, as the !' ., [on succeeding to the principal functions of the Pelican Bay X~q~roveaent District pursuant to Chapter 74-462, Laws of Florida, g proposed rates, fees and other charges for the facilities and · ervtcee furnished by the District. - Jim Ward, representing the Pelican Bay Improvement District ~lained this resolution will adopt rates, fees and charges for ,. . waetewater and Irrigation service for the Pelican Bay iI~rovement District for FY 91. He stated the District currently establishes its user rates for customers on a yearly basis. As part of'the budget process the Board has recently undertaken, he said, · ~[avlllon to the utility rates was contemplated. He reported the pro- rates are slightly lower than existing rates, with the average homeowner bill decreasing from approximately $73 to $70 per month. .0o~mteeloner Volpe asked for an explanation of the irrigation ,~clty fee. i:'i'ilM~.' Ward advised that the District imposes a minimum charge per · onth and also has a regressive rate structure. He explained the nor- rate te approximately 97 cents per 1 000 gallons for irrigation , however, if the homeowner uses In excess of what ts determined be normal use, the rate increases to $2.19 per 1,000 gallons. He ~:-.. this ts strictly for the irrigation system. He added the t ha~ a dual distribution system in Pelican Bay, with a , ~, water line and separate meter for Irrigation service to water :he'~lawne. Zn answer to Commissioner Volpe Mr. Ward replied the water used · .. 'irrigation ts a combination of treated wastewater and raw, Page · cart,ted 4/0, that: the Board o~ ¢ount-~ ¢oaa~Lee:tonere, aa the ¢oaa.iae.t.~n q . ~ mz~c~eding to the princtp~! functton~ of the Pelican B~y I~prove~nt ~.D~t~tert ~t to Chapter 74-462, ~ of Florida, approve the pro- ie,,4 ~ to pro. tale ~tlr, ~t~ter a~d ~t~on ~ce to t~ October 30, 1990 water. ;aunty Manager Dorrtll indicated that, with the expansion and : ,of the County's now water treatment p/ant, Pelican Bay will ~rov~ded water by that pl~t in ~992. ~n PBZD 90-4. Page 5 October 30, :1990 HF~&%I~ ~ PHTZTIOI DRZ/ADA-gO-1, COLLZER TRACT 22, TO BE ~ELD Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, the Board set a public hearing date for DRI/ADA-90-1, Tract 22. He recommended this be heard on January 8, 1991. !~Co~ualealoner Volpe asked how large is this tract of la~d? ~!C°Unty Manager Dorrill indicated this pro~ect consists of approxi- 300 homes and includes a golf course. ' i.Commissioner Hasse commented that information he has received sta- ~em this project consists of 506 acres i:;Mr.!'Brutt informed the Board that the Executive Summary contains ~err°r, tn that it refers to the Haletatt Application. He said it read "Collier Tract 22'". ~',i" ~~oner Shanahan ~d, Hcondedb~Co~aeloner Yelps and 4/0, to ~et the public hearln~ data re~ard~n~ l~tltton :D~I/~-90-1, C~llter Tract 22, for Banuar~ 8, 1991 ~iCA~VA~ P~MIT gO-e ~ P~rITIOI C-90-6, ~ ;OSXl, S A. SPIW~LLI, P~t~T~ OF ~T. ELIZAB~T~ SNTON CATHOLIC CHURCH, R~QU~STINQ A PERMIT TO CO~Dq~T THEIR ANNUAL F~BTIVAL FRO~ NOVEMBE~ ? THROUGH NOVEMBER I i, ~990, ON TH~ CHURCH ~lqOUNDS, 5325 28TH AVENUE $ W. GOLDEN OAT~ Eric Young presented Petition C-90-6, requesting a permit for the stlval of St. Elizabeth Beton Catholic Church to be held 7th through November llth. He said the petitioner has ~lll requirements to receive a Carnival Permit and is not ~ttng waiver of any aubnlttal requirements. '~:~m~eeioner Shanahan moved, eecon~ed ~ Comm~aelonar Volpe auld 4/0, to ~r~ Ca~ival Pemit 90-6 re Petition C-90-6, ~r- ~ t~ ml festival of St. ll~za~th Beton C~t~ltc ~ch Pa~e 6 · October 30, 1990 ~ ~U~D AUXILZ~-96 II[CLUD~D ~ PART OF ~a~ COII~L~'B' PO'tilT BOAT lf~vtn O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator, referred to a ren- · of the future boat launch facility planned for the recently Conklin Point property. He explained that the entrance will · gated, and a charge of 82.00 will be levied for each boat launched. Ha said the park site will include two structures, one to be used for . Parka & Recreation Department and the other will be dedicated to ~.the Coast Guard Auxiliary. He stated there will also be a boat dock :area with picnic grounds and pavilions. He reported the entire 6.2 will be developed at an approximate cost of $832,000, and added ~'.that $900,000 has been budgeted for this project. He reported that !i.~oth buildings together will consist of 1,§00 square feet. He advised %hat the Parks & Recreation Department building will include small ]offices, & meeting room, a concession booth for the sale of bait and /tackle and public restroom facilities. He said the Coast Guard &uxlliary building will consist of an office, an assembly room that accommodate 50 people, e radio room, a small kitchen area and ~/atorage facilities. He stated the existing structure will be reno- vated, therefore, requiring the addition of only one building. He tl%dlcated if the Board decides not to include the Coast Guard et this site, one of the buildings will be eliminated from ;.:'Mr. O'Donnell continued, stating the Auxiliary has committed i$20,000 toward the cost of this project and in return, they are ~eq~eeting a long-term lease for a nominal yearly rent of $1 O0 to !~:<~- 00. He added they are wi/ling to assume the utility and main- 'ts~ca costs connected with the operation of their building and [y~heir own security. Commissioner Hesse asked If the 820,000 will cover the cost of ,. lng the existing building? ~;J~'~ O~Donnell Indicated that it will not cover the entire cost, Page 7 ~t~ ~JOommissioner Shanahan inquired what the difference In exp_?ndlture f lfunda w,~uld be with and without including the Coast Guard? Mr. O'Donnell Indicated If the Coast Guard ts not Included the ng structure will be renovated for approximately $21,000. He '; ' If they are Included, an additional structure will be =on~tr~cted at a cost of $~1,000 i;i; Co~mtssioner Volpe asked if both the Parks & Recreation Department arAd the Coamt Guard Auxiliary can share the same building, eliminating :he. need for construction of a second structure? · [? Dan McOahey, representing Oora/McGahey/Lee Associates and Architecture, reported the ex/sting building will scarcely satisfy the needs of the Auxiliary and cannot also sustain the public restroom ~.~!~ ms to support the boat launch or ths concssston stand arsa. . d by adding to the size of this butldtn9, It would Increase i:~~ cost of renovation beyond the point of constructing another ,~:;:,'Commiestonsr Hesse asked how large ts the sxlmttng building? li~, Mr. McOahey replied that structure consists of 800 square feet 1,650 square feet will be the total of the existing and proposed mtruoturs. He stated there will be a sharing of meeting rooms and asSembly area In order to accommodate both entities. He reported the structuro Is referred to as a second building only to ,atlngutsh It from the one already existing. ~ Commissioner Shanahan commented that the Coast Guard Auxiliary s other facilities owned by Collier County which have proven be very successful operations for both the Auxiliary and the Ha stated this is a very worthwhile commitment to make. Oommtsatonar Hesse asked If the road will extend to the con- 0ctob~r 30, 1990 · since the Auxiliary conducts several pub/lc safety and boater ss pro,rams, it makes sense to include them at this mite. He has not been approached as a business transaction ! , but . aa a worthwhile endeavor with their presence enhancing the Page 8 October 30, 1990 on the peninsula, to which Mr. O'Donnell replied In the Live. Fred Crandall, Coriander of Coast Guard Auxiliary 96, listed some )f.~'the accomplishments of his organization, including public educa- the examination of vessels for safety and conducting safety . , He maid this year alone, they have assisted the Co.st Ouard on ~upport missions, aided 16 boats and have saved three lives. He =oncluded b~ stating his appreciation of the Board's consideration to ~:'*['. the Auxtltar~ as part of the Conk/An Point boat launch fac/- · /. Char/es White, Staff Officer of Coast Ouard Auxiliary 96, thanked the Board for their consideration and also thanked Mr. O'bonnell for ~/'fforts on their behalf. .: : ss/oner Hames asked when the Auxiliar~ will be moving from their ~urrent accommodations? i. Mr. White explained they have not had a home since the end of when their lease was terminated by the owner In order to .~ _ :t commercial property. He said since then, the Collier County 1 Board has allowed them to use the North Naples Elementary Bchool to continue their public education classes, and meetings have i.b~en held in the homes of Auxiliary members. .,' Comm/e~Ao~wr S~ ~, ~econded by Coma/seton~r aoodntght · ; 4/0, to tnclud~ tl~e Coast Guard &uxlltar~ 96 aa part of Oeok/tn Point boat l~unch facllit~. . Mr00~Donnell reported the facility should be operational by 1992. ?~!~0hn Yonkosk~, Finance D/rector, mentioned that fundtn~ the project is contingent on the sale of the Blueblll property. Kevtn O'Donnell informed that the Blueblll property is anticipated be ~rksted tn'January, 1991. Mr. Yonkosky confirmed for Commissioner Shanahan that construction /:' not be~tn at Conk/in Point until after the sale of the Bluebill Page 9 Co-missioner Volps asked what the parking accommodations will be ~'~. Point? · ,~ . '; 1 stated there wtll'be I total of 114 parking spaces, for cal-s and 58 for care/trailers which is more than any other of e County's boat launch facilities Commissioner Volpe suggested rather than have a picnic area, that ion be given to adding parking spaces to tncreaso beach · O'Donnell stated this is prtlartly a destination elte and has ,;.~<~ . viewed In the same scope as other park sites, because there nO. direct beach access. ' Co'~'tssioner Volpe stated that beach access is very limited and Is ilct of ~uch discussion. He pointed out that the park grounds 'not far frol the belch a~d this site should be considered for 1 parking. Mr. 0~Donnell indicated he will look Into that possibility and to the Board. C ~ A~D COUNTY .... ~n~ lwwu-1wwl BUDGET III o (IKNCIES - PTKD Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator, presented a recommendation to adopt the Board's pay plan for FY 91 t~.;~ : · He said ,roxt~ately two years ago, the Board adopted a new and on-going stton, compensation and performance management system based '~n the reco~endattons of a personnel management consultant. He as part of this process, Human Resources staff, based on ana- :..?..,survey ~arket data from three sources, has completed a plan for ~trrent fiscal year which covers 930 employees under the Board, ''i~'~d County Attorney agencies. He indicated approximately 58 titles are recommended for pay adjustments, and the funds are I in operating budgets and fund reserves. }~.;Commisstoner Volpe asked if this plan includes Clerk Giles' ,ale? .,. Pagm lO October 30, 1990 U Mr. Oche replied that it does not include Clerk Giles' Department other constitutional agencies. He said the consultant produced ~iv~ different pay plan reco~uaendations suited to each of the agen- He added the Board's Human Resources staff does not interfere with personnel management decisions of the other agencies. Clerk GA/es Indicated that when the budget policy ts adopted each the pay increases and percentages are included. He stated he II~derstood it was to be five percent for FY 91, which is what he budgeted. He reported that with this proposed plan, increases in the ['ffscted agencies will be sevell and one-half percent and this ts de~orallzing for his employees. ~., Coeeisstoner Volpe commented that morale ts a very important con- ~ .... ion' and this proposed plan ~y begin a competition for quality between the different agencies. Clerk Ollee added that this proposal includes only one-half of the [County's employees. ;;;.'-~ Oommlsstonsr Shanahan stated that the County will retain the best and limit turnover, which ts very expensive in terms of .dollars and productivity, b~ being competitive In the marketplace. He the entire County needs to be competitive, and other agencies to share the results of the surveys conducted. He asked if the ~, for these raises in pay will come mainly from the operational of affected departments, to which Mr. 0chs replied tn the Commissioner Hesse mentioned that one of Clerk Olles~ concerns is he has not seen the surveys that this plan ts based upon. :'Mr. Ocha Indicated he has no objections to sharing that Infer- with other agencies. He stated that he takes care of the Board ,ese and is not Involved tn the personnel administration of tnde- penderlt Constitutional Offices. ,"Conmtsetoner Volpe asked if this update ts for a two year period, it was not done last year? Finance Director Yonkosky stated this plan was updated tn Page October 30, 1990 of 1988 ~nd 1989, before the Board finalized the budget for ~o years. ' Nr. Ochm reported a few adjustments were made last year, but this the first wholesale maintenance of the plan, where all ranges have adjusted to the market. Co~atealoner Volpe cemented that there is a need for the various ,.~ to interface in order to have comparable people paid the same the County. iClerk Giles stated if he were provided the survey results and the ?~ending plane of the Board's departments, he could act uniformly than on a separate basis. ~. ,'~Com~iseloner Hasse agreed that there should be unity, including Collector and Tax Assessor departments. Co~issioner Goodnight suggested that the Board, during the budget ,Process, direct the Constitutional Officers to conduct a salary survey ~'and bring the results to the attention of the Board. She indicated standing of Clerk Giles' point, however, the Board's staff in of this increase, has allocated funds within their ~ budgets. She said this plan should be adopted for the current with her suggestion implemented during the next budget process. Clerk Giles indicated that this $304,000 was never mentioned the Adoption of the budget policy or during any of the work this pa~t summer. County Manager Dorrlll commented that there will never be con- st. ency within the various agencies. He said the survey reports that i[C°~mtY's inability to compete in the marketplace is not in the of clerical or secretarial positions, rather, it is for pro- positions which include engineers, planners and paramedics. mtated there are no such positions within the Clerk's department. Clerk GA/es pointed out that 51 of the 58 position titles being ~sted are non-exempt, i.e., clerical and "blue collar" positions. mtated that when the study was done two years ago, he promoted the ,;various agencies working together to have the plan applied throughout Page 12 October 99o County. He said there was a cooperative effort at that point, does not seem to be the case at the present time. loner Volpe asked If as a result of this plan, only 58 will receive a raise in pay? Mr. Ochs responded that 58 positions will be adjusted, which for 289 of the 930 employees.covered under this plan. He laid the average adjustment will be $914. Coltsstoner Volpe stated that since 51 of these positions are .non-exempt, competition will result between different agencies for the paying positions. : :'Finance Director Yonkosky clarified that all the adjustments will : funded from reserves. He said they were not budgeted In the section of the budgets. He stated that In the last two years when this ad3uetment has come before the Board, it was before the .was finally adopted, which has not occurred this year. He 'sported that the Constitutional Officers do not have a reserve for because they are required to turn over to the Board any monies from the previous year's budget. He Indicated the way for the Constitutional Officers to receive equity In this li.tuatton is to how what is being proposed and be able to participate 'the sase tile as the Board's staff. Oms~talm~er S~m.n~h~n ~ovsd, ~con~ed by Collsstonsr Goodnlght ~ c~t~ted 4/0, to ~topt l~molutton 90-518 approving the N 1990/91 i~u~ypl~n ~nd clue spectftc&tton~, with the understanding that ~ info~tton needs to b~ Mde ~v~tl&bls to all ~i~n~l Officers. Page 13 iBz~ *0--~6~ Lm~ ]mXCaAS~ oau~ ~002858 Z'OX R~C'/CT.,~Na CO~A~ _ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A ~ U~ CO~TZOI ~ ~Z~ZO~ Keith Kipp, Recyclin~ Coordinator, explained that on September 11, :~990, the Board awarded a bid for the purchase of approximately O00 re~cl~n~ containers, to Rehrig Pacific Corporation He said prom~sed a del/very t/me of SO calendar days, which would bring , ~ November ~st. He misted tha~ on October 24th, Rehrig ~.= t~t they would not be able to be~tn del/very of the con- ~t~l J~uary, which is unacceptable due to the Countyvs :~l~tat~on ochedule. He reported the next lowest bidder, MTA ,~]~nt Corporation, was subse~ently contacted and they can provide containers at $~,698 over the original bid. S~eve Carnell reported that re-awarding this contract to MTA w~ll the County to proceed with mandatory collection per the schedule approved ~ the Board. He added that MTA w~ll deliver the con- w~thtn ~ acceptable t~mefr~e, although later than originally upon by Rehrig Pacific. ~};.~:'Co~lo~oner Hesse ~estloned ~f a penalty can be imposed upon Pacific for not living up to the terms of the contract? Mr. Clrnell s~ated there is no prov~e~on for penalties w~thin this He la~d other penalties c~ be imposed, such as removing ~- the b~d 1~1~ and dep=~v~ng them of the opportunity to do ~s~ness w~th the County. C~ss~oner Hesse asked why Rehrtg Pacific is not able to live up the contract? "~. Carnell e~lained that Rehrtg ~ac~fic f~ll8 their orders on a come, first served basis He stated they have Indicated that ly pr~or to the order received from Collier County, they a similar size order from elsewhere, necessttatin~ an adjust- tn the delivery schedule. He reported that since there was no October 30, 1990 A.M. - Recorivened= 10:58 A.M. eeo n of this in the commitment made by Rehrtg, Staff ts recom- Page 14 October 30, 1990 the bid be re-awarded to the next lowest bidder. ~'~ Co.--iestoner Volpe commented that MTA was disqualified during the ~,.riginal bid process, because they did not submit a sample container ~ ~ecifted tn the requirements. He asked the County Attorney if ". ts any problem with awarding the bid to this Company? Assistant County Attorney Wetgel stated that the County's ~urchaeing policy provides that irre~ularities may be waived by action of the Board. · Mz'~ Camel! indicated that thio te no longer a bid process and Staff ia getting the best open market price possible. He said MTA has COmmitted to full delivery by implementation of the County,s program, : is January l, 199~. He stated that MTA will commence weekly [dllivlrtel on November 21st with completion by December 2lat. Comzaiseloner Shanahan asked if this contract will include provt- e~on~ for penalties if they do not live up to the agreement? Mr. Ca-nell stated that there ts a formal agreement to commence . tee on November 2let, but, beyond bringing this back to the for action, there are no provisions for penalties. Contestoner Haese suggested that penalties be imposed for this tYl~e of occurrence. Mr. Carnell Indicated that they can re,est that MTA post a 9er- ~ce bond or a letter of credit as surety that will impose damages for late del~ve~. ~e also suggested that an a~reement can be entered .nfo by which the County will discount pa~ent for every late delivery ~ond December 21st. Co~tesloner Shanahan agreed that some type of protection should ..~ilt ~nto the County's purchasing retirements. ~.: ~ Cowry M~ager Dorrtll mentioned that protection ts provided on bids. Co~le~loner Volpe suggested that tf MTA does not a~ree to a .L al ~lty for late delivery, he would prefer to remain w~th oFlglnal bidder and save the County more than 8~,000. October 30, 1990 ~: emptied 4/0, to c~ncel Bid 90-161:1 ~ Purchase Order ~02858 ~ ~ ~ b~d to ~A Co~rati~ with the ett~lat/on t~t ~A ~ ~~ ~ N0. 3 ON ~ N~~, 1990, ~ Co~ss~oner Shanahan Indicated his full support of Amendment S, ~ did Co~ss~oner Volpe. C~rlotte Wes~man, representln~ the Lea~e of Women Voters of ~Collier Cowry, re~orted that the State Lea~e has taken no poeltton ~'regard~n~ ~en~ent No. 3. She provided information from the Lea~e~s Bulletin lppra/e/n~ the pros ~d cons. (Copy not provided to . .~Clerk to the Board.) 'S~ell Corkr~ stated h~e oppos~t~on to Amendment No. 3, indi- clt~ng h~s feelin~ tha~ c~ttzens are not properly informed on the con- l~ences this will have re~ardin~ concurrency. ~. Co~lss~oner Goodnt~ht stated that she is pa=t of the co~ttee Pro~ting ~en~ent No. 3, ~d reported that this ~en~ent has ~h~ng to do with con~rrency. ~ty to support Constitutional A~end~ent )1o. S on the tm/lot. I 65 October 30, 1990 ]~ 0mmmimmioner eoodnloht moved, seconded by Comatseloner Shanahan and e~rt. imd 4/0, that Budget Aaendaentm gl-e ~ 91-9 through 91-12 be *0-520 SVI'POlqTXW9 TI~ APPOZWTMEWT OF LOU ~ TO 8ZlqVl AS Upon Commissioner Hasse reading the resolution, CommAmmionmr ~.~mml~ul ~w~d, ~e~onded b~ Com~immionmr Goodntght ~d c~rt~ 4/0, ~o ~ kluti~ ~520, for tr~ttal to t~ ~ee~t of the ~e~ ~ ~~t of ~r~ation. Page October 30, 1990 IN~T~3t CAL~II)dUt PROQR&H I~R COLLIER COUNTT MIDDLE SCHOOL ~ ~ CO~ZSCA~ ~ST ~ Deputy Tom S~orrar, representing the Sheriff's 0~lce, Indicated ~..~.th~s ~s a re~es~ ~o u~llize ~12,500 from ~he Confisca~ed Trust Fund ~pport ~ ~tt-drug poster calendar program in CoOl,er County N~ddle Schools. He stated this ~ill be a competition ~ongst al1 school children, both public ~d private, w~th the 12 bes~ ;~eters selected to be placed ~n a calendar. He said 10,000 calendars ~w~]l then be d~str~b~ted back ~o a~l ~he children who part~cipated. He added that prizes ~rom the local business co~un~y wil~ be ~n the form o~ U.S. Savings Bonds and [~ke ~tems. ~ Cmtss~oner Volpe asked why this program wil~ be ~iatted to the schools? '~ De~ Storrar stated th~s progr~ has been based on one tha~ was in Lee Co~ty th~a past year which was very successful, and pro~ target'ed grades 6, 7 and 8. He added, however, ~n d~g prevention suggest that antl-dru~ education be started a~ ~ade 4. He indica~ed he will explore with ~he Sheriff the ~ty of exp~d~ng studen~ participation ~o o~her grade ~evels. He ~nt~oned tha~ ~he cost of th~s progra= ~y be ~apacted ~f the grade l~el ~s e~ded because the 812,500 ie based vpon the cost g 10,000 calendars. Na~ Peterson, representing Naples Informed Parents, suggested the $12,500 ~n ~he Confisca~ed Trust ~nd may be utilized more :ly by sending children to such progr~s as ~he Interna~ional Conference which was recently held ~n Orlando. ~he stated ~t~t her organization sponsored 38 children to attend that conference pae~ year and, w~h ~he Board's aasis~ce, that n~ber could be ~etoner Volpe suggested there m~y be the possibility of uti- [Zing the Confiscated Trust Fund for both types of education Page 18 October 30, 1990 ;[::..l~eputy Storrar stated that only a small seiment of the student would be reached by sending a certain nuaber to conferen- ces opposed to this poster calendar which will Involve a great of children In a hands-on, very vital project. He suggested Naples Informed Parents make an official request of the Sheriff ),aetmt In sanding children to that conference, adding that if there ~ny way for his to involve his Office, the Sheriff will do so. ~etoner Yelps ~ov~d, seconded by Cmiaatoner Shanahan ~nd i/O, to ~pprov~ th~ appropriation of $12,500 fro~ the L Oo~fi~c~ted Trust Fund for the anti-drug poster calendar progru for !,C~llie~ ~tF Ntddle School Studentm, with consideration being givwn eeq~md the prog~ within the m dollar as~rant to reach children ~ fourth thrwugh the etghth grade~. Commissioner Vo/pe indicated that Mrs. Peterson's point is well that a unified effort is needed to better address drug education ,,'order, that there is no )la, - ~!~PU'~z Starter suggested Free Lee County to of effort by very well intended ~t he will contact the Coalition for a mechanisms are in place in Lee and report back to In the near future. Y":,. Co~mieetoner Shanahan agreed there needs to be a coordinated Iffort which will result In a more positive approach i' see I~.- ]:t~ #14K9 was r~ from t~ C~oent A~ fo= "ttmt~ ~tor to a~r~l of the C~t i~ .e. DINNER - ADOPTED ". County Manager Dorrlll advised that the County hlstortcally spon- sors a Christmas dinner/dance for all County employees. He stated $6,500 has been allocated for that purpose within the Human Departaent,s special employee benefits account He reported , is shared equally between the County and its employees. ~'iCo~mtastoner Volpe asked for clarification regarding the legality Page 19 October 30, 1990 utilizing County funds for this t~pe of purpose. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the resolution indicates the Board is ~aking a finding that the dinner/dance promotes and engenders i~.good will and as such, it is a legal expenditure. !? Richard Loeber coauaented this is not an appropriate use of tax- ~r funds. He stated that he has been in private bus~ness his life, and it has not been his experience that businesses pro- vide the same practice. He also mentioned that County employees already receive a liberal benefits package as well as competitive .wa~es. He asked if this party also applies to the School Department? .., County Manager Dorrill replied in the negative, stating the party 'for e~ployees of Collier County government and those of its CoD~t~tuttonal Officers. Mr. Loeber concluded by requesting that the Board vote against the · of these funds in view of its support of a resolution pre- earlier in this meeting regarding elim~natton of government ~ mie~anagement. Comissioner Hasse advised that this party does a great deal for ~orals of County employees He disagreed with Mr. Loeber, stating this is also co~aon practice in the private sector, with the cost il~d on to con~,-ers. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorrill reported !']~hat the annual picnic for employees was eliminated three years ago, the Christ~as party is the only remaining employer subsidized ,~Frad Tarrant voiced his opposition to the dinner/dance stating , are other ways to raise the morale of employees. Comattssioner Volpe indicated he is troubled by this expenditure in of the recent budget process where as little as $500 from areas was eliminated in order to save County funds. Co~isetoner Goodnight concurred, but suggested since the Board ~ndicated to Staff that this would be allowed and plane have been established for this year's party, that it may cause Page 20 ',;, , ,: October 30, 1990 proble~ with eaployees if it were cancelled at this late ,ts "' · v~'She advised that she will look vary carefully at this irtng next year's budget process. ;-[ Ooatsstoner Hasse reiterated his ~pport of the party, advtstn~ the ~eftts, tn ter~s of e~ployee ~orait', far out~et~h the cost. ' ~l~ ~ ~, sci ~ C~tsst~r 73' Page 2 ! October 30, 1990 Ce~ats~io~r Ooodnt~t ~v~d, e~conded by ~ e~d t~rrtg 4/0, tat the follo~in~ tt~ under th~ e~e~t ~ b~ apprcre~td ~ud/or adopted: ~ ~ IN BRI~OOD PLi~ff~D UNIT See Pages ~ ~. I,~ CO CT r'IC~IN I~HTI~tTOI~ See Pages See Pages kl~d · ~ BOIID - COmmISSIONER BURT L. SAUBDKRS DISTRICT --',, See Page_~_.~~~_ See Page_ October 30, 1990 See Pages__./__/..~ --~ ~ ~ Ill ~ Me0UIlT OF $60,000, TRANSFERRING FUNDS ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ 120402 ~R a~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~V~ t ~OIX, INC., ~ ~I~ ~'~ -- - - ~ - -C ~_- _ - -. ''- See Pages~ ~0 ~, ~ ~~Z~ C~T~ S~S ~ ~ -- _ -i -. _, -i~ See Pa~es ~ See Pages__ff_~_~~_~ ' ~TXI~ o. __&~~l'_ NO. 2 IN TR~ AMOUNT OF 03,500, TO /._._._____ ~ ARCHI:T'Zrrr Sla'VIC~S Am~ED~]rr WITa ~i~.- I]l~. TH:K LELY GOLF ESTATES BKAUTIYlCATION ".:.T.U. See Pages~ TO T~ I~SI~ OF DUNE NALEOV~K STRU~ FOR TR~ NAI~O ~. IKN~I~X~ P~OJ~L"T, APPLICATION TO ~ FOR A ~ ;~~&~'ABD ~KAII~I~I'IB~M~NT OF BIDS FOR A CONTRACT TO INCLUDE Page 23 October 30. 1990 FOR ~CE~ OF IC DEI~NDEI~ See Pa ge s ~~_~/:.._.~/_ ~___~ . ~The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and/or ed to the various departments as Indicated below: 1. Letter dated 10/18/90 to Collier County from Berttl A. Heimer, Chief, South Permits Branch, Department of the Army, re Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Incorporated, re per- mit application to modify special condition to the original ~ermtt (Pelican Bay). Copies to Nei! Dorrtll, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Copy to BCC of letter dated 10/17/90 to Mr. Kenneth Humiston, Coastal Engineering Consultants, Incorporated, f-om Margaret Langworthy, Project Manager, South Permits Branch, Department of the Arm~, re permit application concerning beach nourish- ment on Marco Island. Copies to Bill Lorenz, Kevin O'Donnell, Harold Huber, and filed. Department of Environmental Regulation Notices of Public Workshop and Notices of Proposed Rulemaktng dated 10/12/90, to appear in the 10/12/90 Florida Administrative Weekly. Copies to Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt, and fi/ed. Department of Natural Resources Permit #02§26C0, Application Date: 10/1/90, Applicant: G. Batchhelder, re approval to construct a pile supported dune/beach wooden walkover struc- ture. Copies to Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Copy to Commissioner Shanahan of letter dated 10/16/90 to Clifford Crawford, Director of Parks and Recreation Department, from Kirby B. Green, Director, Division of Beaches and Shores, Department of Natural Resources, re Notice of Completeness, File Number: C0-277 (Tlgertail Park), Applicant Name: Board of County Commissioners, Collier County. Copies to Neil Dorrlll, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Letter dated 10/16/90 to BCC from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, re Request for Public Comment, File Number: CO-275 ATF, Applicant: Marco Island Partners, Limited Partnership, for permit to construct a wooden deck addition at the Radisson Suite Beach Resort. Copies to Neil Dorrtll, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Copy to BCC of letter dated 10/11/90 to Bracken Pools, Inc., from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal ~ngtneertng and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, re Notice to Proceed, Permit Number: CO-284, Permtttee Name: Vanderbilt Gulfetde Condominium Association, Inc. Copies to Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Division of Administrative Hearings Notice of Appearance re The Citizen's Political Committee, Inc., vs Board of County Co.missioners and Department of Community Affairs. Case No. 90-4830 RGM. Copies to Chairman Basse, Nell Dorrtll, Ken Cuyler, and filed. Copy of letter dated 10/8/90 to Chairman Hasse from Donald R. Peterson, Fire Chief, Golden Gate Fire Control & Rescue 16. October 30, 3990 District, re examination of the Fire District's financial statements. Original to John Yonkosk¥, and copy fi/ed. 10. Memorandum dated 10/12/90 to Parties of Record from Kelly A. Tucker, Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission re Case No. APP-89-06, Name= City Gate Commerce Park DRI. Copies to Nail Dorrtll, Frank Brutt, and filed. Certified letter dated 10/5/90 to BCC from Vincent p. Toliaano, for Lusk, Drasttes & Toltsano, P.A., re "Our Client: Estate of Trudy Chrietenaen, D/Acc/dent: October 6, 1990", notification of claim against Collier County for com- pensation of wrongful death. Copies to Nell Dorrill Ken Cu¥1er, and fi/ed. ' ,:.f~'12. ~. Minutes received and fl/ed for Library Advisory Board of ~:/'J '"' 9/2?/90 and addendLtm to 8/30/90 minutes. ~13. Notice to Owner dated 10/16/90, to BCC and Kraft Construction ,:~ from Graybar EIectrtc Co., Inc., under an order given by " Collier Electric for electrical materials for the Collier County Courthouse. Copies to Steve CarneI1, John Yonkosk¥, and filed. lB. Petition dated 10/15/90 to Chairman Hesse from Sewell Corkran, 313 9th Avenue, South, Naples, Florida, 33940, challenging Collier County's Adequate Public Facility Ordinance 90-24 as Not Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan Adopted May 1, 1990 Copy to Ken Cuyler, and filed. ' Probation Department Audit of Revenue Collection Activity dated 10/17/90 to Clerk Giles, prepared by Carmen Fatica, CPA, Director of Internal Auditing. Copies to John Yonkosky, Management & Budget Department, Nell Dorrtll, and flied. Copy of Second Amended Application dated 10/15/90 for Rate Increase in Collier County by Marco Island Utilities (Deltona} & Marco Shores Utilities (Deltona), Docket No. 900320-WS, Filed: October 15, 1990, Public Service Commission Certificate of Service. Copy to Nell Dorrtll, and flied. Original to Mike Arnold. Letter from Governor Marttnez To All Interested Persons, inviting attendance at the Nature 2000 Symposium: Preserving Florida's Biological Diversity, to be held on December 6-?, 1990, in Tallahassee. Copies to BCC, Nail Dorrtll Bill Lorenz, and fi/ed. ' Third Notice of Voluntary Dismissal dated 10/17/90 from the Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court, re Immokalee Water And Sewer District vs Gabtno Soliz, et al. Case No. 90-2?O3-CAO1-HOB. Copy to Ken Cuyler, and filed. Memo dated 10/16/90 to Chairman Hasse from Douglas M. Midgley, Public Defender, Chairman, Circuit Confllct Co~u~ittee, Twentieth Judicial Circuit, re Mandatory Budget Reduction - El/m/nation of Circuit Conflict Funds for Fiscal Year 1990-91. Copies to Nell Dorrlll, Management and Budget Department, and filed. ~There being no further business for the Good of the County, the ~t~ng was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:15 P.M. Page 25 October 30, 1990 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL approved by the Board on ~ ,r.a.'~.~~ or ae corrected Page 26