Section CC Section C Isle of Capri MSTU Creation of Ordinance oR.DINANCE 78-49 AN ORDINANCE CREATINC THE ISLES OF CAPRI MUNICIPAL FIRE SJiRV].CES TAXING DIST BOUIi''AR I I:S OF THE DISTRIC GOVDRN: Iii: 'JCi]'' OF THE DIS LEVY OT I'I' 'IO ONE MILL; P AND AI Ii;IECTIVE DATE. BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF CO1IN FLORIDA: 6 @ SECTION ONE: PursuanE co Chapter 125 of the Florl&a SEatutes, the Ieles of Caprl Munlclpal Flre Servtces Taxlng DlBtrlct 1o hereby created for the purpose of provldlng flre contEol Bervlce8 to the resldentB of the Lrea herelnafter descrlbed: All that land located In Colller Counry, Florlda, and speclflcally described ao: Sections 19, 20, 21, 22,21 ,28,29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 of Township 51 South, Range 26 Eaet, and tho8e portions of Sectlone 4, 5 and 6 of To}llrBhlp 52 South, Range 26 Eait, Hhlch lle north of Lhe Marco River. SECTION THO r The governlng body of Ehs DtaErlcr shall be ex officlo the Board of County Comnlsaloners of Colller Counry, F'Iorlda. SECTION THREET fhe dl8trlct 18 fo equlpplng, operqtlng, and maln tainl dlsErLcE; to buy, 1eaoe, ae11, exch dlspose of equr.pmenE and other pera an adequate waEer 6upp1y for flre p to employ and dlecharge employees a prlvate and publlc properEy at reasonable tlnes to lnspect, combaE and investlgate poselble and actual flre hazarde and occurrencea; to promulgate rulee and regulations fortthe preventLon and controL of flre and to otherwlse proEecE i"."orr" and property wlthln the dlstrlcc. SECTION FOUR: (") For the purpose of carrylng lnto effect thls Ordlnance, the Board o.i County cosmls8lonera eha11 appolnt a colElltEee of three (3) to ffve (5) electora reeldlng elthln the dletrlct to aerve ataggered terns of two (2) yeara each to hold rneetlngs aE such tlnes and placee ae lt shall deternlne for the purpose of advletng the Board regardlng ths affatrE of the distrlcL, ioox 008 iloEt80 (b) The Advleory Conrnlt,t,ee .shall annually PrePara a dlEtrlcE budget ' and eatlmate Ehe funda, thelr PurPose and Ehe ad valorem caxea neceseary to carry out the provleLons of th18 Ordinance for the followlng flscal year aB preacrlbed by Chaptex 129 of the Florlda Statutes. (c) Upon adoptton of the dlstrict budget by Ehe Board lt ehall cauae the budget co be recorded ln the Board mlnutes and ehall cauee to be levled on all properuy wLthln the dlatrlct a mlIlage auf- ficlenE, to fund the budgeE not exceedlng one (1) ntll ln any one year to be aseegeed ahd collected ae though County laxee. (d) The Treaeurer of tha Board shall: (f) Iesue all warrants for servlces, equlpmenE, materlale and other expensea Lncurred by the dleErlct and approved for payment by the governing board. (2) 0n or before the end of each flecal year prepare an annual report of the recelpEe and expendlturee of the dlstrlct to the governlng board aa requlred by Sectlon 218,20 eE. 8eq. of the Florlda Statutee. SECTION I'IVE: fhe boundarlee of thls dletrlcE or the lande tncluded ln eald diatrlct may be changed by an amendmenE to thls Ordlnance. SECTION SIX: Since the coetg for flre control ln thle dlsErlcE were budgeted in the CollJ.er County Ftre Control Dlstrtcc #1 for FY '78-t79, Ehese costs for the dlst.'lct created by thle Ordtnance w111 be pald by Collter County Flre ConErol DleErlcc #1 through SepEember 30, Lglg. SECTION SEVEN: CONSTRUCTION Thle Ordlnance ehall be llberaliy "orrnt*ed to effectuate LEe publtc purpose. If any portion, or unconstlEuElonel, SECTION EIGHT: Thle law. phraee or vrord of thls OrdLnance te held lnva1ld the remaLnl-ng parte ahall not, be affected. Ordlnance sha1l become effecttve ae provided by !oor( 008 mcr 181 ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF FLORIDA, Thls 10ch Day of October ', 1978. !IIIL COLLIER COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of courts ln and for the Tt'tentleth Judlct;l Clrcuit, Colller'CounLy, Florlda, do hereby certlfy thet the forecolns ls a true orlclnal of'oRDINANCE 78-49 vhtch wae aCopted by tha Eoard of county Confrleelonere durlng Regular sesElon October 10' 1978. IIITNESS my hand and the off1clal seal of the Board of County colrlmisBloners 6f Collier County, Irlorlda, thlo 10th day of october, 1978. WILLIAII J. REAGAN Clerk of CourEs and Clerk Ex-offlclo to Board of CounEy Comnls8 loners ThIs ordln&nce fIled \'{lth l3th Dav of Occober, 1978 recei-vei this I6th daY of .2,/., thE Socr€tary of staterB Offtcs tho rnd acknowledgment of that flllng October, 1978. iry BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Vlrg Depufy ioox 008 pAcE182