BCC Minutes 09/18/1990 R N~pleS, Wlorlda, September 18, 1990 for the County of Collier~ and also scting as the Board of Zoning !~,,Aplkeals and as t~ g~e~l~ ~d(s) of such special d~c~9 ~e ~ c~e~ted ~cco~d~ to ~ ~ ~v~ng conducted ~reln, ~t on this ~te It 9=00 A.N. In ~ 8~81~ In Butldtng following ~enbers present: CHAI R~AN: VI¢[-CIIAI RIqAX: Hal A. Hasme. Jr. Nlchael J. Volpe Rich&rd S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Anne Goodnight AL~O P]~: Ja~es C. Giles, Clerkl John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Annette Ouevln end lille Hoffn~n, Deputy Clerks; Nell Dorrlll, County PLeneger; Ron NcLe~ore, Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorr~yl Nike I,tcNeee, Budget Director; Nl]llam Lorenz, · nvlro~oent&l Services Adalnlstrator; Start Lltslngsr, Growth N~age~mnt Director: ~b Bl~rd~ Or~tb Planning Dlrectorl ~llllls ~rt~, Or~h ~~t Pl~rI l~la 0~11, ~bllc Services ~lalstr~tor: ~rg. Archl~ld~ ~r.~rt~tl~ S~.ic.s ~lnlstrator: Fra~ B~tt, C~lty ~llop~nt Services ~lnlltrltorI ~o~rt ~11~/, [~l~erlng Pro~ect ~ger~ Mlchelle ~ar~ Pla~r~ Sue ~ll~, ~Jnlltratlve Aililtant to the ~ard; ~ ~ty ~ T~lJ~, S~r~ff~l Office. Psge ! September 18, 1990 Come,meister ~ moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpm mad ca3*ried 4/0 (~lmmioner t~odnlght not pre~ent), that the Agenda mad Comment ~ be mp~ with ttm following changes: 1. Item JOAI - Revi/w of official challenge to the United States Dmpmrtment of Comrce, B~trea~3 of tha Census, 1990 postcensum local review counts - Added. (Requested t~/ Staff. ) Item ~14C1 - Recommmfldmtion to extend until April 30, 1991, the construction tiMtable for Clam Pass Park utilities - Deleted. (Requested by Staff.) Item ~14C2 Moved to JSC1 - Request the Commission to enter Into aA Iflterlocal Agreement between the City of Naples and School District for recreatiortmi facility uae. (Requested b~ Staff, Item ~14C4 Moved to ~9C2 - Approval of application for FY 1991 Library Operating Grant (State Aid) administered by the State Library of fJortd~. (Requested by Staff.) Item ~12C - Dlscummion concerning th~ PBID court hearing on legal fees - Added. (Requested by Commissioner Saunders.) Item ~12A - Dlsculelon regarding the creation of a County [nmrg~ Commission - Continued to 10/2/90. (Requested by Commissioner Volp~.) Item ,4 ~ JgI3JUTES OF SPIGXAL ~llTllgl OF 6/8/00 A]FO S/20/00; JtI~OX,AR MKITXMSS OF S/If/gO AID 6/10/gOS AID I~X~ITMZlTXM~I OP 6/X3/gO, Commissioner Ifa~se presented an Employee Service Award on behalf ~Of t~m Bomrd tot Sharon E. Lor~, Community Devmlopment/Cumtotmr Service - S years. Page 2 O~ ~teolo~r Hao~ FeadJ~ and presenting the Proclamation to Oit~p ~ ~ ~ kk of ~~r 17-2~, lg~, . ~titution Page 3 September ~a. ~990 PBOCLI~TX0gI:~SX~al~J~SI:PTIMBIR18-22, 1000, ~~~lC~ U~n readlflg mad presenting the Procla~tlon to gsergenc~ Services 1~22, 10~, ~ ~ ~cll ~ceo~ ~k. ~loolo~v Sau~ero c~ratulated Mr. Richard Hum~rger for ~ roc~ized ~ vote of hie ~ero ao the ~ot ~totandlng parame- dic. He preeeflted ~r. Hu~rger with the ParaMdic of the Year Award. Paoe 4 Upon reading ar~l presenting the Procl&~utlofl to Dr. John M. Martin, Co~isoloner ~ moved; seconded by Commissioner ~M2dnight 8nd carried u2mnimouoly; to proclsls tbs ~onth of October, September 18, 1990 U~ readt~ a~ pr~tl~ the procla~tion to Mr. Ross Obley, ~ 000,,~, 15 PI~I 7 ~ ~ C~J~IT~L ~ KLEN~T UPDAYE OF ~ CO~I~ CO~ ~gal ~tlce ~vlng ~ ~bllohed tn the Naples Da~ly News A~o~ 29, 1990, 80 evidenced ~ Affidavit of ~blica~ion f~led t~ C]erk, ~blic ~ar~ng ~u o~d to c~older afl ordinance amending ~llier C~ty Ordl~flce 89-05~ In ordl~nce enacting and · gF~th ~gwnt plan for Collier C~nty~ Florida, ~rsuaflt to the local ~e~nt C~re~nsive P]m~t~ ~ ~nd Developuefl~ ~ln$~ criteria for r~ of local government co~prehensive plans ~ ~te~l~t~ of c~l~e~ ~ correcting, u~at~ng and ~dtfy~ng ~e~t~ln costs, r~enue ~rce~ ~ ~rting ~licles and the dates of c~t~ctlon of facJlJtiem en~rated Jn the Collier County Growth ~e~nt Plan capit~l i~r~nt ele~nt for capital pro~ects fJ~ll yesrs 1990/91 throb 2994/95. St~ Lltsi~er, Gr~th ~eNnt Director, recomnded that this ~b]tc ~iring ~ contJ~ to 9/25/90, due to the CCPC having con- tined t~ir ~blic ~rJ~ to 9/20/90. He mdvised thmt, t~ ~ard c~n~t t~ke any action until · recom~ndatlon fro~ the CCPC ~1 ~ received. c~el t~t ~v. ~curr~ si~e t~ last u~te. rmflectl ge~ral direction from t~ ~ard to staff on June Sth, when t~ m~ u~te ~ l~ento~ re~rt on ~b]lc facilities was pre- ~t~. Be re~rted projects In this plan, totaling 5302 ~ ~ on f~l~ fr~ exlst~ r~e~e s~rces and are also decn- et ~ f~l~ of 8.5 ~lllion fro~ t~ sales tax referendu~ ~lnlstratlve C~ ~ ~pter 163 of t~ Florl~ Statutes, alter- ,-~tl~ ~~ ~ltcJ~ as dJr~ted ~ the C~sston, Ih~ld the ~1~ t~ ~t ~ ~ccessful. He advised a f~ sinor c~nges have been Septesber 18, 1990 ~ related to tbs regional perk and one reed project° Xn an~r to Coumiseloner Volpe, Hr. Lltstnger responded that last year's Cig wem approximately $178 million. He added that based on a recent decision by the MPO and the Florida Department of Transportation (FIX)T), he will be recommending for the next public beartflg~ inclusion of construction of the southern two-thirds of iR 951 in the CIH. He said pr~loue dlscl~sion concerning the availabi- lity of funds fro~ the four cent gas tax resulted in FDOT planning to lnclud~ tht project in their five year work plan. He stated FDOT has since discovered tbe~ will not be able to fund that project until 1996. He advised that in order to he concurrent, the County needs to lnclm~e tKut ,11.5 million project in tta Cig. Commissioner Sher~hmfl commlnlcated that the southern section of SR 951 lo tbs top priority off FDOT*o list of projects for l~Y 95-96. He stated the County t~uy, therefore, fund construction of this project and be reimtmroed by FDOT. Co, missioner Volpa questioned if thle ,11.54 million ts in addi- tion to the ,301 million In the current work prograe, to which Hr. Lltsl~ger replied in the elf/restive. Also in mr to Commiaelon~r Volpa, Hr. Lltslnger explained the prlm~z'y deficit Is *S6 million in County and Stets roads. He said in · ddltlon, there la · deficlt of ,S.S million in the housing portion of the County Jail project m~d ,2 million for the rsm&lnlng 200 acres for regional parks. Commissioner Volpe recalled the shortfall last year in County and ~State roed, was $135 sllllon0 L~d these figures indicate the deficit h~s decreased significantly. Hr. Lltsinger reported the deficit in County roads lest year was $11 mllllot~ m~d $35 million In State roads, lie said although the pro- Jetta h~ve not chmaoed0 last yssr mab~tsntlal parts of construction ~re deferred into future years and the County is no~ starting to cap- ~ ~ deferred costs. Oeorge iteller ~xpreesed him concern regarding the a~ount of ~oney Page 9 being spent and projected based on th~ probable increase In ~he popu- ]att~ of the C~nty. He ~tcated If th~s Increase In ~rs, ~re ~n~ will ~ avallable~ ~cause the assessed valuation will catinoe to lncre~. Ir~ Ira e~r~s~d his oplnl~ t~t there ts ~ tremendous asount of slslnfo~tl~ ~bro~. He urged t~e C~lsslon ~o explain speclfl- ~lly ~ plainly for t~ ~bllc ~ t~ ~ 91 ~rtlon of the CIE ~ieet~er SauCers re~rted t~t the ~ard has adopted alter- ~tlves, If t~ ~ven cent local optI~ sales t~ does not pass. stated a c~nty-wi~ ro~ t~r~e~t assess~nt district, which effect Is a c~nty-wide ad v~lorea t~, will be iaple~nted. Nr. Evans stat~ t~t, to his k~le~e, ~ consideration has been glv~ to tb~ ~ed express~ In t~ Cig If the gr~th In ~pulatlon In ~lller C~ty la less t~n w~t ~s c~Cenplated three years ago. ~lssloner Sau~rs said the ~c~nle~ Is ~ilt Into the local ~tlon sales t~ refere~ t~t c~t~lates If all the funds are not ~, t~ ~les tax ~ill mt~ or cease to exist. ~e stated that la t~ ~ly way of ~II~ ~ltb t~ ~stlon of ~t the ~lation gr~h ~111 ~ in the next five or ten years. Ne reelnded Hr. Evans t~t t~ vast ~lk of projects la t~ Cig ~as scrutinized ~ a ~ltixm ~lso~ ~ltta, ~ gave the ~ard advice on the wants ~ ~ of t~ In mr to a nltlt~ of ~estlons raised ~ ar. Irene, ~r. ~itel~er stat~ t~ prl~ projects to ~ fun~d froa the 1991 t~ r~ are for ro~. He said ~st ro~ r~enues for 1991 are c~ltt~ for desl~ and preparation for construction. He l~lcated ~lutely ~37 alllion Is ~ tn ~ 91 to go fo~ard with the C~t~ti~ listed In the Cig u~te. He re,fred In order ~o strut t~ ~cessa~ l~r~e~ts la t~ tl~fra~s ~e~d to ~ ~lete t~a, t~ ~l~e C~ltta will ~ reco~i~ t~t the ~ ~ t~ ~1~ t~ r~s for t~ ten year ~rlod. ~e also lnfo~ t~t a~roxl~tely $4-5 nllllon In ~ 91 of t~ one sill Page 10 tn the Cig. Fie maid th~ .~Jor project: le the fifth and sixth floors "Of th~ Courthouse. Ha ~ded the total a~nt of the one ntll fund ~n tM ~ed CIE Is ~r~l~tely $~ elllton. He stated the popula- t~ n~r~ u~ In the CIE re~t are generated ~ the Bureau of ~Jc a~ Bu~l~ ~arch at the University of Florida. He ~ndt- cited If t~re Is a mu~t~tla] re~ctJ~ in ~lation estl~tes as a remit of t~ fill canoe, t~re ~y ~ latitude for re~vlng some ~oJectl ~t year. He ~llJ~d I leCttOn of the CIE attempts ~o ~tlfy the net tu J~ct for o~rat~ng ex.rises of all ~he CIE pro- Ject~ Mt of i~ mr rna=el. ~l Indicated ~er the f~ve year ~rl~, t~t ~lll ~vermge ~t to m~roxi~tely two tenths of · mill. ~ It~t~ ~ ~f~nlt~on, proJectl In t~ pro~sed CIE are those ~hlch Ir~ ~ceeem~ to M~ntmJn t~ ]nil of ~e~ice for · par~i~lar facl- ]lt~ u ~d~ted ~ thl~ ~rd ~n Ire Or.th ~ge~nt Plan based on t~ Citixe~ ~l~ C~lttee recM~t~on~. ~e said there ~re no proJect~ ~n this plln t~t ~ ~t ~up~rt the ]evel of me. ice. He r~rted In m f~ cllel, gut to t~ ~ture of conet~ctlon of the pro- Jecte l~t~f~ed, t~re ~y ~ I nfplus for one or t~o yemrs, ~t ~t~lly, t~ C~ty ~ill ~ in i deficit eJtuation mgain. C~Jll~OMr ~ liked ~t t~ ~~ colt will ~? Nr. LJtil~er ~vleed a n~r of alter~tlves and pro.sale are ~al3able, with the ~t ~ate Med ~]~ e~rt-tere f~nanctng, ~l~ e~t~r t~ sales tu refere~ or llpleMnCatlon of the C~ty~l~ aaeeee~nt district. He said the ~ing colts, depending on ~t~r e~rt-te~ or for t~ te~ of t~ seven cent sales Csx, are ~Jable. ~llelo~r Vol~ ~ggelt~ t~t ~ard ~n~rl look ve~ care- fully ~ t~ pr~ all~atlon of a ~re 9~ of the o~ ~11 ~ax Co CIE proJect~, ~, Lltll~er ~lal~d t~ ~erill averse ~t 11~ ~er a f~ve ~ ~rl~. ~ lnfo~ t~ 9~ only a~llee lC Chi Cowry ~ a gra- il r~ctlm of t~ ~ alii capital fu~ to lesl than ~e ntll aea r~lt of t~ ~lee t~ r~e. Hi Itat~ during ~ 91, 42~ lo 000,¥. 22 Page 11 ~eptsmber :la. 1990 being .llocated to ClZ project.. Thl..~&n., he ~ld In the years, t~ ~rc~tage will decrease. In anMr to Co~leii~r Saunderl, C~nt~ ~nager ~rrlll ll.ted m~lte of ~-CiE pro~ecte for ~ 91: re~ellng and a new roo~ t~ I~lee S~rlff~e Su~tatlon at $100,000; and remodeling the ~gl~e Su~tatt~ at *150,000. Re stated ~th of these ~tldtngs are 30 ~eare old a~ ~ve ~er ~en l~r~ed. He re~rted other ~o~te are: ~nel~ of C~ty g~e~nt parking at $500,000; r~atl~e to ~llding A for t~ n~ ~t Naplel Sheriff's Substation at ~275,000~ Colller/Naple/ ~1~ ~autlflcatJon at ,1~5,000; fire ~dr~te ~ water ~lne will ~ l~talled and a new lift station ~ ~]lt at tM ~ern~t C~ter for ,400,000: equipment and x-ray ~chl~e for t~ ~dlc~l ~l~r at .20,0~: a heating system will l~ta]led In t~ ~all at ~250,000~ ~ a ~ ~ Subotatlon tn North · aplee for ~9OO,000. ~loalo~r Salts replied to a state.mt ~ ~ Hr. Keller regardl~ ~lee t~ r~enuee. He stated ~ ~ard ~a~r has ever said t~ ~lll use tbs local ~tl~ oalel tax r~enue~ to reduce taxes. r~rted It ~a ~en stated ~ny tl~l t~t ~ using the local option ~lee t~, t~ Co. lesion aM al~ t~ Sc~l ~ard ~111 be able to ~ep fr~ lncreael~ ~ valor~ taxes to pr~ide needed Infrastruc- ture. Be ~vleed tM alll~e rate will ~t ~ reduced ~cause of the sales t~, alt~h it ~y ~t need to ~ Increased. ~t II~t ~te of t~ ~11Aer ~ty ~r~h ~ml ~ticm ~vl~ ~n ~bllm~ in the Maples Daily M~m on A~t 22, 1990, u ~l~ ~ Affl~vit of ~blicatlon fAZed with Page 12 September 18. 1990 th4 Clerk, public hearing wee opened to conelder an ordinance tmple- m~l~ting the local Government Developmmnt Agreement Act met forth ZeCtJ~ 163.3220 - 163.3243, Ylorl~ Statutez. ~nt~ Atto~ Cuvier ~ted t~ ~Jorlty of this ordinance tracks t~ State Statutem, alth~gh Section ~ree delineates Use of ~vel~nt Agree~nts ~ch ~re ~t m~clftcally addressed by State 1~. Be s~$d thie ~ectlon ~s received the ~Jority of discussion, ~th ~t t~ C~ a~ fr~ ~$tt~ corre~nce. ~e re~rted the .~ ~ly dlrecti~ hl~ office ~ ~d to ~te from the ~ard ~a~ through ot~r ord$~nce~, t.e., t~ ~]~ Re-~lu~tJ~ Ordinance, the ~te ~blJc Y~cllitie~ Ord$~nce ~d the pro~sed Affordable B~e~ Ordl~nce. Atto~ B~ce ~e~eon preeented c~Je~ of the ~: ~el~nt Agre~nt Ordi~ce. (Co~ ~t pr~ided to the Clerk t~ ~rd.] ~e a~lled t~re lo ~ ~ed for a long or complicated ordJ~e t~t ~lacei reetrJctl~ on t~ ~ard'l etatuto~ authorlty to e. ter Into ~elo~nt ~reeNhti. ~ J~Jcated there are 13 ~rate l/ctJonl of the FJorJ~ Statutel ~hich pr~ide the authority ~ t~ re/trJctl~ for local g~erwntl to enter Into deveJop~nt ~r~tt. ~l ~ld the ~tt~ li~ Il that any development agreeeent ~t ~ co~Jetent ~ith ~th t~ C~rehlnlJve Plan and the ~nd Deve- 3~nt ~e~litionl. He Itlted t~ igreMntl are for a period of f~ve yearl ~ can ~ re~d ~ ~t~l conlent. He comMnted on his t~ City of lapJee, ~et recently In regard~ to the Troy property. He :~::: re~rt~ t~t ~ ~ree~nt e~bles t~ ScSI ~mrd to exp~d Naples ~J~ ~1 onto ~re t~ ~lf of t~ Tr~ pro~rty and permits the ~;~ ~l~r to ~ ~eJ~ for l/mit~, .~ctfied co~rclal use~. He ~?~[~ ~ld ~it~t t~ certainty pr~lded ~ a ~elo~nt agree~nt th~e kl~ of ~t~lly ~flcial ~blic/priva~e part~r~hlp would no~ have ~ ~lJble. ~ re~rt~ t~ City of Naple8 ordJ~nce Je Ieee than ~ ~e 1o~ ~ ~s ~en efficiently and effectively utilized since :~ 19~. Be urg~ t~ ~ard to elt~r ~pt a similar ordi~nce or add 24 Page 13 18Agu&~s to th~ one proposed tha~. authorizes the County to enter into i~; ~e~o~nt ~ree~nte ~or ~ o~ ~he ~e~ etated ~n the ~3 eec- In mr to Cm~e~Jo~r Vo~ ~. ~dereon ex~a~ne~ tha~ ~ue ,~ to t~ metre z~lng re-~al~tlon ~rrently under way, a property ~r c~ ~ lo.er rely ~ r~al~. R~ stated, for example, a pro- ~r~ ~r ~y obtain r~ing fro~ the C~nty and t~ years later, t~ C~r~sive Plan ~ ~ ~d which ~ld then ~ke his pro- ~rty l~letent. He said the pro~rty ~er ~uld then ~ re~tred to ~ thr~gh z~l~ re-~al~ti~. R~ advised If there was a develop- mat ~mt In pl.ce l~te~ of, or In s~itlon to, his rezonin~, ~ ~ld .t least ~ve I five year tl~frm of certaln~y. i~r C~nty ittorn~ Cuyler re.fred ~ection ~lve o~ the ordinance e~ree.e t~t c~c~t. Ne i~ic~ted t~t Is s reason the County aay ~t ~ant to use d~elo~nt a~r~nte, because they will eisply give t~ ~el~r · certain, vested et.tus where the County cannot cha~e ~ltl., uses or Intensities. .... ~lsel~r S~rs .k~ if thoro Is · detailed develop~nt agremnt in place, a~ ~rl~ t~ five ~eare, th~ develo~r does ~tht~ In rell~e ~ t~t ~ree~nt, at w~t stage If any, ~ould ~t ~el~r ~ able to ~y ~ Is entitled to t~t agrees~nt being ~t~ ~c~. ~ m relied ~ It to his ~. ~r~ I~l~t~ t~ ~elo~r ~y ~t ~ able to auto~a~l- r' ¢elly r~ t~ ~ree~nt, ~t t~ Statutes governing d~elop~nt ~remnts eta~e t~ nothin~ ~111 abrogate co~n la~ vee~ed rights. ~lselo~r 5~ comnted t~t Hr. Indereon ~e asked for l~e to ~ ~ to t~ pro~eed ordl~nce, such as: provide for ~ e11~ ~elo~t consistent ~lth t~ Or~th ~nage~n~ Plan, ~.rt~r t~ O~ls of t~ Or.th ~e~nt Plan, on--ce co.patiblll~y ~ith ~Joinl~ pr~rtlee or pr~l~ ot~r ~bllc Bi~ ~ t~ ~ard of ~ty C~lsslo~rs. ~ asked If t~t lan~age ~lll pr~l~ ~e~ t~ flexibility ~eded? Attorney Cuyler replied that the Board m~y want to add such Septeaber 18, 1990 lan~uzge If It envlalons development *grse.~nta aa . const.nt, ongoing t~l. ~e mtmt.~, ~er~ tf t~ ~.lo~t ~gree~nt ordinance rmln. ~re n~rr~ In zco~, It can ml~ays ~ a~ended If sStuatlon~ ar. ~tlf1~ ~lch ~y r~lr~ ~t to ~ broadened. ~e reco~e~ded Cmlssio~r ~o1~ sskg s~t lt~ff~s reco~ndatlon Is ~o the prod ordl~ce? gr~h Pls~ing Director Bl~c~rd res~nded that his office has ~rk~ ve~ cl~ly ~lth t~ Office of the C~nty Attorney In deve- l~l~ this ordi~e. He ~ It w~s prl~rlly at the re, est of his St~ff t~t It ~ limited In sco~ ~cause they see an unlimited ~l~ of t~ ~el~t ~re~t statutes t~ ~i~ pr~ess. ~llll~r f~ II~ If Mr. Bill.rd ~ld agree to adding '1~~ to t~ ordl~nce ~lch ~ld pr~l~ flexibility ~11~ pro- tectt~ t~ Or~h ~ge~nt Act? ~r. Bl~rd repll~ certain l~n~e Is necessary to ~t deve- l~t ~re~nts In t~ proof light, ~t esp~slzed that n~ deve- lo~tl ~ ~ m~ntl ~lt el~ ~ consistent with the Or.th ~ll/lOMr SlU~rl CMnt~ t~ reality of the situation t~t ~onl~ ~s ~t ~r~ In t~ ~st t~ lucre. He slid t~ ~r~t ~i/lve zoning re-evilu~tton process 1~ ~ted ~ t~ Co, red,lye Plln~ lnd cer~ilnly on the ~el~rs ~ ~C · ltro~ e~gh ar~nt for expanding the pro,led ordl~e. Be l~lc~ted ~ prefers to keep this ordl~nce ~ ~ lnltl4lly~ lel~ ~ It ~r~ ~ ~t clr~ut~ces ~e~ Itltl~ It ~111 ~leMnt ~ ~t npplin~ the ~billty of the ~d with r~r~ to utlllzl~ l~ltlve la~ pl~nnl~ ~ec~iq~i. Page 15 ~ . ~eptember ~8, 2990 I~ ~aid the Future Land Oe~ glem~nt of the Orowth I~nageaant Plan ~ragem t~ um~ of J~ative tech~iOem, fie re~emted that the ordl~e ~ r~l~d to lncl~e the pro~ed additional lan~age. ~t~lo~r ~~ ~ked fo~ c]~lftcation t~t the CCPC recom- ~ ~l~ly to bro~d~ the o~dln~nce, ~t not specifically with ~. Plre~ mr~ tn t~ afflmtlve~ atatAng the CCPC felt that t~ c~t ~ld ~ ~lpful to ~dl~ ~lette urged t~ ~ard to r~ta~n the flexibility to ente~ into ~elo~nt ~re~nt~ In l~tnncen other than those con- tmi~d ~lthln the proceed o~di~e. Em ~aid the C~nty ~l]l in turn obtain a hight ~llty of ~el~flt. Ne ~vleed this In supp~e~n- iai to t~ z~lng re~atl~ ~ t~ ~o an op~rtun~ty for the Board to ~ creative In t~ area ~tl~ Is a .~r contrJ~ti~ ~ree~nt ~hich · group of developers ~e ~t ~ny ~rs into reachl~ a~r~al~ with C~nty St~ff and ~tl~ contri~tion ~ree~nt~ for C~nty a~r~al. He said If a ~el~nt ~gre~nt ordl~e ~d ~en In place An ~y of thi~ year, t~ ~r ll~e c~ld ~ire~y ~ In pl~ce. He indicated five ~nth~ ~ ~ ~nt t~i~ to get correct ~a~age approved ~ the County for t~ c~trl~tion ~ree~nt ~ ~ciding the ~nner in ~hich this c~trl~tion c~ld ~ a~r~ ~ ~ld ~ acceptable to all parties. ~ reiter~ted a d~elo~nt ~ree~nt ~u]d have resolved the ~tter ve~ sl~ly ~ e~slly five ~nths ago. ~ty Atto~ ~ler dl~r~, stati~ iht was a veu unum~l ml~tl~ ~lch ~ dad ~t ~lieve a d~elo~nt agree~nt w~ld ~ve ~t it to m c~l~l~ ~y earlier. Em a~ed the d~elop~nt ~~t ordl~e ~ill ~t ~ml ~lth t~t t~ of mlt~tlon, ~caume It Am ~t for t~ ~ml~t of pro~rty, It Am m contrt~tlon that with ~ater/me~er related concerna. Page CoB~lssionar Goodnight Isked the County Attorney if in this case. ":be is slylng it ~ould be better for the Board to be reactive rather thinproactive? County Attorney Cuy2ar explained if a situation can be identified, be would b~ Inclined to include that in the ordinance. He said Staff will be contemilng with various developers requesting many things without knowing ~t t~ ~rd ~111 ~ l~klng for In these sl~tl~. ~e l~lclted t~t ~111 ~ s drain ~ resources the County ~y ~t ~ve ~rl~ t~ ~rr~t zonl~ re-~luatlon process. ~lsml~r ~lght c~t~ ~th sides of this ar~nt ~lgh the ~. She said t~ ~mrd c~t may what the development ~ee~flt ~Jll ~ used for, ~t Staff cm~t say what It ~y be used ~alnst, Sh coKicited It ~ld h better to Mve the lan~age J~l~ In t~ ordl~nce ~ re~e It m~ld there be a problem, rater t~ to ~ to it at i l~ter ~te. ~~e u ~ ~ tltlg hl~ h Ktg ~ entered into OIDZ~ ~O-71 AM ORDXMAMCE XMPLENF. MTIMG I~1 LOCAL OOVERMMEFr DEVELOPIqEMT AGRIIE)ILrirT ACT SET FOR~ IN SE~IONS 163.3220 - 163.3243, FLORIDA ~A~; ~ZDZMG ~l SRO~ TICK AMD APPLICABILI~; PROVIDING ~TA~ OF I~; ~OVIDIRG FOR ~E USE OF DEVELO~ENT ~~S~ ~ZDIMG ~R A~ICATIONS; SK~ING FOR~ RKQUIREMKNTS OF A D~~K~ AGRK~E~; ~OVIDIRG FOR TE~S; PROVIDING FOR ~l~ ~D R~INGS; ~VIDZMG ~R ~N~, CANCELLATION AND R~O~ATIO~ OF ~RK~; PR~IDING FOR PERIODIC REVIEM; ~ZDIMG ~R S~BZLZ~; ~OVXDXMG ~R GOVKRMXMG ~MS AMD ~ICIO; ~IDIM6 ~ ~RC~ ~IDIMG DEFXMITXOMS; ~XDXMG ~R ~DIFXCATIOM OR R~ATXOM; ~IDIMO ~OR ~ATXOM OF TI~ A~ ~IDIMG AM E~X~ DATE. 4kmmimmiommr 8mmdmrm moved, ~r~im~mnm~tAmmmmly, to direct staff to mlute and r~port t~ck on ~ept~aber 1~, lggO and ~to££ to report l~a~k to t~e Board Xtem emi c~Axxow o~ a N~ ~ c~-eoxma t(A~ O~ A ~xwaaz ~ Mr. Bill Barton of #ilion, Miller, Barton and Peek, stated that Hmwtclrldge subdivision Il located on Airport Road and Ia to be dove- ,oiled with a 9tore Water Man. smear pump mymtem. He indicated that the prlatmry objective for design il to do so with gravity, but there Ire mom~ propertiem by location and physics! chmracteristicm when this Il not appropriate to accomplimh ltorm water management, noting that thio Am one of those occaeJonm, fie explained that this project is Ix~ on the west side by Royal Polncl&na Oolf Course which creates m constrictive barrier from the neturml mtorm water runoff, and Pine Moods subdivision it located to the north. Hr. Barton mdvlled that It wam anticipated that a storm water pump would be the appropriate ~y to mccomplllh Itorm water management on this lite. He called attention to the PUD, Paragraph 'D' of the Storm water section ~hich reedl~ 'T11e developer shall bind the Itmekerid~m Home ~mrm Association mm emtablimhed in Paragraph 2.8 or other private entity acceptable to 9outh Plorlda Water M~nagement DlmtrJct through deed remtrlctlonm to provide mmlntenance rempon- lability for the i~tmp and remainder of the water management mymtem** ltl noted that unfortunateJy, private entity nor & Homeownerm Ammoclotion are m¢ceptmble to the Diltrict, and therefore, he requests that thio be accomplished through an M~TU. Hr. Kmrton reported that the H~TU ~ould caume the County to be ~,: reeponeJble for maintenance end the operation, but the funding would be provided through the taxing of the benefiting partial within the explained that the Improvements would be Pa~e 18 b~$1t ~ the develo~er aM dedicated to th~ County. In anmw~r to Coulmmioner Harems0 Hr. Barton Indicated that the dim;~rge ~uld go Into the Air~rt Ro~ Canal. ~nd ~ould not have IJ;lfJcant affect on the PoJn;la~ ,,NJvJ.lon. He noted that of P$~ N~e ~$vJaJon and a]o~ the east line of the Royal Po/ncJa ~lf C~rme. C~ty ~ger ~rrJll ~ted t~t there is the ~sslbillty that ~i~ this water u~er the r~ into the Air~rt Road Canal would ~t c~tr$~te u~trea~ to the drainage condition that presently affectm Poi~c la~. C~$smioner Vo]~ ~eetJon~ ~ther any thought has been given to e~Jng the ~TU to lncJud~ the Or~ Oaks ~velop~ent. Poinciana ~ the rest of the pro~rtJee fronting on Air~rt Road. ~. ~rton e~yee~ that th. pro.tries on the ~t side of Airport Road that faJl within the Or~y Oaks project wi]l ~ able to be hand]ed b~ vJty since they are l~diately ad,scent to the ~eadweters of the ~rdon River a~ t~y are not constricted ~ an already developed pro- ~rty lik~ the Poinciana noir C~rse, Hr. Barton explained t~t the ~r~ee for the Re~olution, is that the ~th Florid. ~eter ~ge~flt District h~q ~dvieed that if the ~rd of County C~$eeJonera d~e adopt a resolution, they ~ould accept ee~ t~t an NS~ ~]d occur and they ~uld proc~s~ the ~ate~ ~e~flt ~rmit. ~ ~J~ ~$~ly, to ~e t~ creation of ~ ~ to t~ ~ for t~ ~W*m ~$nt~e of t~ ~t~ ~tn. C~ty Attor~y CuyJer advised t~t he will prepare and p~ese~t a Ne~lutJon to ~ ~opted next ~eek. He Indicated t~at he wIlI coor- di~te ~lth County ~r~er ~rrill. ~r. ~rlee Salon, ~m~r of the congreg~tton of the Central ~arch ot ChrJmt, exp%alned that the ch. rch$~ not an economic or co~- September 18, 1990 n~rclal enterprise, but It la being treated aa such. He noted that he do~l not object to complying with the traffic, drainage, and develop- Nnt criteria, but it takes a bit longer than It would a commercial endeavor to develop plans. He re~rted that one extension has been g~anted, ~t ~cause of the change ~er in plans and the implemen- tation of the n~ County facilities on Horseshoe Drive, further de]ays ~e e~ounteted. Mt. Salon ~tated that t~ SDP was aubmitted in May, 1990, but Tran~rtation Se~icee t~ired tight and left hand turn lanes into th~ e~l] church alta. ~e noted t~t this requirement ~a= deemed ine~ropriate by Project Revt~ Service~, and the issue ~as resolved, ~t it t~k tl~ in doing ~r. la]~ retried t~t the ~orth ~aplee Fire Department required t~t t~ water ~ln ~ existed fro= the existing 30" main In the V~erbilt ~ach ~ul~ard right-of-way across the canal to the right- of-~ey ~rth of the church's pro~rty line. He indicated that Project R~i~ staff required that an 8' line ~ extended ~pon revi~ from the OtJ]itJe~ Dlvl~ion, and this also t~k a ~ub~tantial amount of He ~ted that It the church was a coe~rcta% enterprise, the services ~n ~t. He t~ueeted e~clal consideration for an additional exten- sion since this lea religious organization. Co~Jeelo~r Hames asked If ~r. Salon ia alleging that the delays ~Jch ~re incurred are due to the length of time It took Staff to co--ct their revl~e. Mr. Salon replied that some of the time i~olved the ~uflt of ti~ It took to procure the property, proceed with t~ Pr~Jelo~l Use c~nge, a~ the process of raising the fund~ fO~ t~ church ~lldin9. Ne misted t~t the site development plane ~e ~ltted in ~y a~ the extension expired in Au~at. ~ty Attor~y Cuyler advimed t~t there ia no authority t~ ~di~flce to extend the tl~ ~yond one extension. ~ity ~elo~nt Se~ice~ ~minJetrator Bruit advlaed that t~ ~r~lelo~l O~ wee granted in July, 1988 and the extenmlon Page 20 September ]8, 1990 approved in July, lq~. He noted that the application for the exten- · Ion wa· submitted the lOth month of the 12 month period of the second axten·ion. He reported that Utilities completed their review with regard to the water line In 15 days ·nd signed off on the plan, noting that the petitioner had a second and third aubsittal relative to l·~uas and the Provl·lonal Uae expired In July. Commmis·ioner Vol pa questioned whether there are ~ufftcient funds to proceed with the building of the church, to which Hr. S·lson replied affirmatively. He noted that it i~ the intent to construct tm lldlng on the prop..ray. C~m~lesioner ~asee requested that Hr. Salson affirm that the intent la to build ~ church on the prol~erty, noting that he has heard things to the contrary. Mr. Salmon replied that no decision ha~ been m&de by the congre~&tlon that a buildin~ not b~. constructed. re~teet ~hlch wee m~de by a church in the Co,~nty, but the Commission ha· no discretion to overcom~ this ispa~ae. Mr. Salmon questioned the length o~ rise ~htch ~ouid be required for Staff's revle~ once the SDP la approved and the building plane are ~ut~aJtted. Mr. Bruit replied that he can re·pored to the length of time It tak~· to reviem~ the plane, but he can not respond to the number ti~ee It m~y take before the plane ·re satisfactory for approval. ComMa lssioner Shenaharl stated that it the Commi,~ion has no ~uthorlty to provide an extension, it seemm that the petitioner ~hould ~bmlt · r~ Provisional application, and that ata~t expedite same to the t>est ot their ability. ce~"~'J~ ~Im~el1, that tbs Wtitiom~er tile a I~tf tm ~it~ ~ to tk k~t of t~lr ~bility. Planner gdwardm ~vised t~t the United States Department C~rce, Bureau of the Census has developed apo. tcensus local r~view ffi om,,,, 32 September 18, 1990 progr~ which gives local govern~nts the opportunity to rev$~ the prelieinary housing unit counts for the 1990 Census. She reported that the Or--th Planning ~part~ent h~s conducted a revle~ of the pre- limlna~ nus~rs and supplied the neces~a~ data to support a cMllenge for th~se prellml~ry hUmOrs. Sh~ ~xplalned that Staff's fl~I~ ~s identified ~ d~flclt of 1,186 unlt~ In th~ County ~hlch ~nts to approxl~tely 3,000. ~. ~rdm stated that she h~s pr~lded a l~tt~r (not submitted to Clerk's Office} to ~ fo~rded ~s the official challenge a~ v~rl~s t~bles identify t~ 1990 Prellsl~ Census counts, and April l, 1990. She re~rted t~t t~ t~ areas which reflect extre- ~ly l~ c~ntm are the ~rco a~ I~kale~ areas. Nm. birds advised that three affidavits have been received fro~ cltiz.nm in lxal ~ies in l~kale, r~u~sting that their affida- vits ~ ~ltt~d ~lth th. c~ll.ng.. C~$smioner 5~nahan affir~ that h. aft.es that th~ count m~ld ~ c~ll~ng~d. ~ ~S~ m$~l~, to ~ tM cMll~ for t~ September lB, 1990 I~WVX~OW~ XW ItO&D ALI~IO~XMT, XMClt~A~ Iff C~T~ ~ ~ ~I~~ ~I~I~ ~~ ~ ~ISI~S TO ~OJE~ ~ ~ ~ ~AY ~ [LXVXMGS~ RO~ ~OJE~[ - AFfOrD Tranm~rtatlon me.ices Administrator Archibald advised that tht~ item ~alm with the Livingston Road Project, for~rly known as the Morth Naples ~ which Involves ~er mix miles of roadways to connect Mr. Archl~ld l~lcated t~t on ~y lSth, the Commission directed Staff to proceed with the envlron~ntal audit, survey~ and an analysis of an alternate route for the north/~outh ~rtion ol Livingston Road. Mr. Archibald dl.pl~yed an exhibit depicting the proposed align- ~nt cMn~es, notln9 that the northern mectlon 1~ the Collier/Lee C~nty line and the mouth end In I~kalee Ro4d. ~e ~lnted out that the nllgn~nt am approved In 19~8. c~ern a ]aroe cypress area with vegetation that lm very lm~rtant from an environmental mtand~lnt. Ne related t~t there are ar~as ~h~r~ the cypr~., i~ con~ld.red ptlntl~, and other ~rean where th~ envlron~ntalimtm would like th~ C~nty to 9o arou~ rather tMn cut through. Ee stated that th~ ~]lty of the different ty~. of cypreqn have b~en analyzed, and five ~lromnt~] In.ct a~l~mes Mv~ ~en conducted with regard to all--atm. He re~rted t~t a t~ day ~stlng wam held with t~ ~lttlng mg~nclem to discuss the original alignn~nt and that ~lch lm ~ ~1~ r~con~d. Mr. Irchlbald mtated that t~ n~ allgn~nt In mimllar to the ori- gl~l allQmnt but Is located a little further to the north, has ~y ~v~tages. a~ ~salbly will ~ ~re acceptable to the environ- ~ntal ~enclem. In an~r to Co~lmmloner Vol~, Mr. Archibald stated that the rlgbt-oI~ay to the ~rth Mm ~t ~en acquired, nor has the final &sl~ ~en completed until tM fi~l ~rmlt condition 1~ k~n. re~rt~d t~t t~ overall comt with ten.ct to th~ right-of-way will ~ greater t~n anticl~ted. Pmgm 23 September 18, 19go Hr. Archibald called attention to Exhibit "D", Page II of the Executive Sumry which lists the costa as approved by the Commission at the asaesmeent hearing. He noted that If the work to be done is not within the realm of those costs, the assessments would be changed. ~e reported that there will be ~ubstantlal right-of-way engineering costa since extensive surveying will be required, right-of-way maps ~ d~elo~d for acquisition ~eee. He advised that the costa aa~clated with those activltle~ are approximately S44,005. Mr. Archibald stated t~t extensive permitting t~ required DER at t~ State level, Cor~, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Re ~ted that concerni have ~n expressed by the Federal t~ concerns can ~ addremmed. ~e exp)aJned that he has received ~etttve written ree~nee from F]orlda DER. ~r. Archibald [~Jcated that the env[ronment~] p~rmttttng aide this Issue will Involve a re-a~ly~le and re-submittal of a detailed a~lication. He reurked that the ~Jor change~ Jn the "5" Curve Involve uJor cha~e~ in the a~ltcation and additional tnfor~tion with a full scale envlron~ntal Impact state~ent for major projects, I.e. air ~llutlon concerns and a plan to relocat, gopher tortoises. Mr. Archl~ld attired that prellalnary design ~ork ia required to all~ t~ consultants to pr-~re plane and epectficatlorm, lie stated t~t Staff has ~en ~ldtng up this process for approxl~tely t~o years ~t ~uld like to proceed with the final plans and spectflca- tlou ~ the eatl~ted coat la 848,066.36. ~. Archl~ld explained t~t the one tree that has not been at~~ tn detail te envlron~ntal mitigation, noting that drafts mitigation plane a~ pro~aala ~ve ~en submitted to the environmen- tal ~enclee. He re~rted that he ~lievee that at the ties of the ~etall~ ~r~lttl~ application, environmental mitigation ~ork ~tll be t~lr~ to ~dtel~ ~a~ure~ on aM off elis. He stated t~t the P~ge 24 September 18, 1990 mitigation package may extend anywhere between $50,000 - $150,000. He co~mred the similar corridor of $R-951, which la approximately the m.a~e ler~gth and tnvolve~ nearly $500,000 in outside work. in &n~er to Co~t~atoner Shanahan, Mr. Archibald suggested that a fibre of 550,000 ~ u~ed for the mitigation package and, If In sub- ~t ~etinga it Is felt that that asount will ~ exceeded, he will co~ Mck to the Co~Je~Jon and ~ advise. C~Jmmloner VO]~ l~icated that he feels that the ~orse case · ce~rJo a~Id ~ presented, to Jet the oeera kn~ exactly ~hat there e~re ~ld ~. ~r. ArchJ~ld ~tated that he recoa~nd~ that either a zero dollar a~nt or ~o~thin~ up to ~50,000 ~ u~ed since these changes can be a~r~d ~lthin the Contingency o{ that District dollar. He stated that if these costa go ~yond ~ certain ~tnt, the assess~en~ will be aJfected and this will initiate a aeries of new public ~arlngs. indicated t~t h~ doem not want to take that ~tep unles~ he lm certain t~t ~ld ~ required. He advJaelJ that the mitigation plan will {tke{y ~ve to ~ presented to the Co. raxton for approval since tt ~ Involve certain environ~ntal controls on that entire area or ~y{~ t~t pro~rty a~ convertl~ it to ~bllc land~. He remarked that t~ra ara ~ doliarm to ~ umed for conmtructlon, noting that to ~te, ~ne of t~ knd dollars have been dra~ do.r{ to epend on t~ project. He ~ted that the anmwera from the Federal permitting to mitigate the envlron~ntal impacts .ill be known. H~ explained t~t que~[Jons ~tth regard to right-of-way co~t~ c~n al~o be addressed at tMt Co~lseloner Vol~ questioned ~hether any consideration has been given ~ith res~ct to voluntary contrib,itlons from th~ land holders tMt area ,~ ~ill ~nettt [roe this extension. NP. Archibald advised tMt c~it~nts for ~lght-of-way have ~en obtained, ~t no other offers ~ve ~en ~de. He explained t~t the large pro~rty ~erm ~111 ~ ~yl~ ~1 stllion - $2.5 million to ~ke this project hap~n. 55 Page 25 Nr. Archibald ~t~ted that in addition to the total dollar amount and the extra dollars involved which s~ount to $253,741 i~ what Staff estimates to be necessary in the form of a supplemental agreement to proceed with the revJRed ~ermitting analysis and the final design and preparation of the construction documents to meet the time table for this project. He advised that E. xhlbit "C" Indicates that the per- sitting and design pha~e will be fairly completed In March, 1991 and th~ bi,ding process will take place in the ~tddl~ of 1991 ~lth the e~ctation of co--ricing construction during the third quarter 1991. Re ~ted that in order to accoeplish this and seat the start dates, ~rmttting need~ to ~gln immediately. He reported that the pro~ect la a~roxi~tely la ~nths in length and sh~ld be completed ~rl~ the ~lrst ~arter of 1993. Mr. Archibald r~ueeted approval of the S253,741 for the supple- ~ntal agree~nt to proceed with the activity step~ a~ identified. He ~ted tM t ex~nditures ~ill co~ fro~ Fund 313 ~ith the condition t~t th~ ~ rels~rsed through the MSTU when the construction co,ts are k~. In an~er to Commissioner Vol~, Mr. Archibald remarked that there reallg~nt of the 'S' cu~e, ~t ~ted when cormlderatlon la given to the hu~rede ot acres which wtl% ~ paying th, ~ment, those chance in mmmemm~ntm ~lll ~ very minor and h~ does not believe that t~y Juetity ~mrd action at thJm tt~. He indicated that Staff ~lll co~ ~ck to quantify t~t a~ part of the process ~y be to reaffirm t~ original mmmem~nt roll a~ district ~undartea. Mr. Archi~ld explained t~t Finance Director Yonkoaky has ~rmm~ concern~ with regard to the time table and the status of the ~m. Re indicated that the ~nda contain a drop date and It S~rmttve to pr~med tn order to complete the project within the ~lJpt~ tJ~ tra~ t~t warn emtablimhed aa part of the ~nd proce- Mr. Paul To~S~ elated t~t tn ~983, he ~aa informed that the Page 26 iepteaber 18, 1990 Livingston Road project wes In the 1995 Plan which ~eemed like a long tJm~. Be noted th4t it was deterained that there was the possibility to form the ~STU and all the property oNr,ers were contacted to obtain their vie~s. He indicated that 90~ of the pro~rty ~ers res~nded in t~ *ffir~tlve of forming the ~. He advised that costs have l~r~z~ ~lnc~ that tl~ from {5 sillion to 513 million. He urged t~ Cmission to pr~ld~ direction to Hr. Archib~ld ~o that the c~tract can ~ let ~fore th~ costs increase ~in. Nr. George Keller, President, Collier County Civic Federation, ~estion~ tM i~nt of ~y that ~ill ~nefit the County and the · ~t t~t will ~neflt the folks t~t ~re l~nd locked and need the 8cce~l. Hr. Archibald replied that the County's share Is $I million of a ~13.3 million project, which lo leos than Its /air share, and is a g(x)d deal for th~ County in terms of g~ttlng an art.rial roadway &llgnMnt established. Hr. Keller stated that he does not t~el th4t the County's share im mufficlent. The~e were no other Ipe&kerl. C(~ll~tlll~r Sh~zkIJ~lzl loved, ~W ~C~llll~r ~lght ~ ~1~ ~1~17, to cl~ t~ ~b/lc ~arl~. ~M ~l~ly, to e~r~ Item 1, 2, 4 ~ 5 lo ref/ect~ tn t~ 1. ttmff to l~imtely ~r~ ~lrmtml ~lttl~ ~ ~ iltm~t. Allot Wo. 3 ~ ~lblt 'l*; ~ officiml ~t to ~r~ fill right-or--my ac~lsltlon ~lll ~ ~vml~ ~ ~ t~ mlte~te alight for nbme~ent ~rd mctl~. ~teff to process & ~pple~entel Agreement with the County's coni~ltut for the pqrpoeim of ~rt~lng the ~ltlo~l ~lr~tml mt~lem, ~l~rl~ activities ~ ~lng Ktivitlo u ntli~ m~m ~ ~ t~ mtt~ ~lbltm tn total ~t of ~153,741.~3. ~e C~i~ ~tM for ~t~rlzmtl~ to exm~te the ~t. ltm£f to rmt~arn to tM ~oard with rm~om~mnd~tionm relative to 4z~m~i~ ~ tM bond fnndm for completion ot right-or-d,ay · epte~l~r 18, 1990 mt~l ~lttl~ ~lth or ~lt~t envlromntal sltlgatlon ~ nfflci~tl~ la kt~ll ~ ~s to -11~ for t~ co~l~- tla of ~lnl~ c~tr~ct e~lnarl~ sctlvtttes, ~ ~lso, ~lti~tsly, to ~ble t~ ~rttslng ~ blddtng of ~ c~stnctt~ ~rk to pr~ ~tt~t th~ pre.st ~i~t~l ~tricttu. ~bllc Se~ices Administrator O'~nn~ll stated that this re~lects the ~ree~nt ~tveen the Count./, City of ~aple. and the ~ District r~lrdt~ recrlltl~l] facility us~ ~Ntch needs to be ~r~ed ~ Resolution. He noted that the City Council and the School District have taknn action ~ the Agree~nt. In ~r to C~isslo~r Vol~, Hr. O'~nnell advised that the ~r~nt s~cifies t~t ~ April, 1995, the County ~ould no longer ~rite Seagate an 4 recr.4tlona] facility, and would then ~ sche- dul~ ~ t~ City of Naples. Page September 18, 1990 ltom ~ Novqod frees 14~4 ~bllc Se~tceo Adsinlotrator O'~nnell stated that this item ~as r~ fros the consent ~e~. Ne re~rted that after conferring ~Ith tM Fi~e N~rt~t ~lth r~ard to u~ted fibres, a revtsed c~r sMet ~as ~ltted to a~ly for an additto~l $400 In State Aid. ~ ~1~ ~1~11, to ~ ~lttal of tM ~ibra~ ~ratt~ ~ {Stat~ lid). SeptembeF 18, ! 990 Ad:~XPT~ O~ ~ ~l~l~ ~ ~ CORS~U~ ~RTIOR ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~ TO ~~ ~LI~ ~~ ~ ~ R~ TO ~ ~ST/~T Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloet~cher explained that this item la a foll~ up to the presentation discussion ~hlch took place ~y 1, 1990, ~en Stair pre~ented an ~tllne of an agreement ~htch ~as ~lng dls~seed ~ith s~eral d~elo~rs with regard to the construc- tion of ~ ~rtlon of the North C~nty ~r ~ster Plan. He indicated t~t this ~s do~ In conJunctl~ ~lth the revisions to the Impact Fee O rd I ~nc~. Nr. Bl~tsch~r stated that the l~ct Ice Ordinance all~s th~ ~nty to provid~ crpdlts to ~ certain limited ~xt~nt, based on the ~]o~r ~rfo~lnq const~ctlon for off-site master plan type facl- Hr. Bl~tsch~r r~rt~d that the t~ ~gree~nts as Included In tho ~cutivs Su~ry ~11~ [or t~ const~ctlon Orate Blossom Drive; ~nd ~ 20' ~nd 16' forcp saln on Airport Road Er~ Or4nOe Blossoa Drive which con~cts to ~ck~e pl~nts or soon to ~ packa9~ pla~ts, i.e. Nynd~m~re, Th~ Norld Tennis Center, Or~y 04ks, Suer Minds, etc., and will allow th~se ~olks to ~co~ County cust~rs ~Eter the [lrst of th~ year. Hr. BI.tether noted that lies a8 In the Executive Sum--fy indica- tes t~t ell the ~cemsa~ eame~ntm have ~en acquired, but it wan recently discovered that a ~rtlo~ of th~s extend~ to the proposed ~$vl~ston ~ad Right-Of-Way that has not been conveyed to the County. ~e l~lcated t~t the adjacent landowner has given verbal okay for t~ saint from ~nde~re to the north pro~rty line of the Grey Oaks pr~r ry. Assistant County Attorney ~son advte.d that the presentation ~Jch ~M ~e to the Co~tieion tn ~y, lncor~tated the draft of the ~ttJ~ o~ t~ rnJ~ impact Fee OrdJ~nce that outlined the ty~e c~tri~tlon ~ree~nt which was su~tantlally roll--ed In the September 18, 1990 agre~nts ao nubmitted tod~y. He noted that the representation th~ ~xscutive Sufsm~y Indicating that ail easements had been acquired w~e ~eed on Staff's dereliction t~t the G~ey Oaks DRI had oblJga- tJ~m to pr~Jde an ease~nt asr that area ~t currentiy, there 1~ no mass.at grant. He recom~nded that approval be subject to conveyance of an appropriate utility ease~nt from '~ndemere north to th, east/west easement. He affirmed that the easemen[ should be on the steward form, and would avoid the necessity of Staff comlng back and ptesentJ~ ~. In an~r to Co~le~Jo~r Vo]~, Assistant County Attorney Lawson retried that the contrJ~tion agree~nt allows the developer's credit which ]s baaed u~n the actual cost of construction once the project ie c~ete. He noted that the agree~nt re~tre~ an adjustment to t~ actual coat of conet~ction ~t does not include the cost of deeJ~ or any other comte. Me related that the revised Impact Fee OrdJ~ncee ~ve abilities for certain t~s of refund, which have been changed from a 10 year tl~ limit to a 7 year limit. He affirmed that the credits do expir.~ within a defined ~rlod of tim. and if credits are ~t used th~ develo~r would ~ ~ntitl-d to 1/2 o~ th~ re~lnlng balanc, on each of the individual pnrceln. a~unt of ~rk into reachj~ thim agre.~nt, He related that the ~elo~re involved h~ existing approvals to expar~d or build treat~nt plante, ~t ~caue~ of c~rdln~tlnU the efforts of all Interested parties, It naa felt that it uould be north the e~fort to deteral~ ~hether It ~ould ~ ~ealble to construct the utility ~ ~rk ~lth the County in providing a Regio~l Se~er System for this area. ~ explained t~t ~bJect to appr~al of this pro.scl, there ~111 ~ a~tMr extension of this line In the n~ar futur~, running ~rth ~lch will tie into the Vineyards parcel. ~~ ~lnly, to ~c~t th hl~r C~trl~tl~ I10gO,,;... 70 Page 31 18, 1990 wit~ t)m ~wrth CmmtT ~mmr ~te~ Plum with the ccmdittcm of con- ~ of the mmnt fr~m ~ fo~ · noml~l co~tdmttou fx~ either the property o~r8 to t~m ~ o~ t~m mt of the P. ECORDED IR OR BOOK 1572 PaKes 8&0 - 937 on November l&~ 1990 September 18, 1990 E~rgency Service~ Administrator Reardon advised that approxima- tely five ~nth~ ago, lntervI~ ~re conducted with mem~rs of the · $re, ~ and other depart~nt~ ~lthin the Division, and it wa~ deter- mined that the~e lndlvidualm ~anted to proGre~. He expl~Ined that ~rm offered ~ny ~u~Ge~tlons, and a~ a result, an action plan ~~ a~ ~tllned in the Executive Summary. Hr. Reardon stated that the ~econd phase ol this ta~k is the ~r~ t~t theme m~i[lcat$on~ ~$ll co~t additional dollars, and t~ s~rce from ~h$ch the~e dollars ~lll come in the pro~sed ~ 91 ~dG~t. H~ ~lnted out t~t the fiscal Impact a~ provided lo the ~tlve Bu~ lists t~ fu~]n~ options. Hr. Reardon re~rted that th~r~ ~ the nord to retain t~o addi- t]o~l para~dlcm to the Staff to ~11 v~cant ~lot~. He remarked that th~ ~ DIrector'm ~mltion ha~ ~n eliminated, and there i~ the vmc~ of a Field Resource Of[lcer. Me noted that that individual ~ld pr~lde day-to-day end extended trslnlng to ~11 the Bruit w~ ir- required ~n ~ licensed mnnuslly sn well s~ obts~nln~ ~ Iccwllahed ~ utlll=l~ 130,000 fro. the overtlae budget ~htch ~ off-duty tl~ for the continuing aducatlon. Hr, Reardon ~t~ted t Mt other lte~ which ~[11 ofI~et co~t~ lm · Hrt-tl~ [~ progra~ ao that there i~ more flexibility in ~Jlll~ v~vcle~ ~hen they occur on the ~treet, at a maving~ o~ Hr, R~rdon indicated that i~. order to i~pl~=ent the t~o po~ltion~ · m ~11 ~m t~e lte~= identified In 1-7 In the Executive iu=~ary, a triter ot ~nie~ will ~ required in the amount ot $113,000 trom the ~rt$~ ~c~nt a~ Re~e~e~, ~nd ~ de~ernent ot $45,000 for ambu- l~ce refurbimh$~ until t~ end of the fiscal year. 18, 1990 C4sm~lo~r ~odnlght mom~d, seconded t~ Cmissl~r S~ ~ ~1~ ~~1~, to ~~ t~ ~ll~t PI~ ~tthln the ~'o ~ ~t~ Dlvlol~ for Final Year 1991. Xt~ ~1 Office of Capital Projects ~flo~emeflt Directo~ Coflrecode that this lten and the ~ol]~lflg Atemm r~]ate to BI~ t90-~601 fo~ ~ufle veqet~tlon for ~rco I~1~ ~efl~rloh~n~ and .41kove~ con~truction, He ]ndicat~d that sealed bids w~r~ o~n~d on A.lgu.t 15. lq90, foll~ln~ invit~tlon~ to 20 contractors. He indicated that provi~ion~ ~re included in th~ bid so that e~ch bidder could submit a proposal for o~ or ~th ~rtions of the ~rk. Hr. Conr~c~ ~dvls~d that ~fter r~vl~lng the unit prices for the total co. ts, Staff Is r~co=~ndlng that ~p. rat~ proposal~ for each Item ~ ~ccepted. Hp ~pl~lnpd t~t the work for the walkover const~ction ~ ~rd~d to Pelican ~rlne Enterprises, Inc., la the ~unt of ~1~5,759, ~nd that t~ ~rk for th~ dun~ v~g~t~tlon b~ ~r~d to Consolation Consultants, Inc., In th~ amount of ~214,794. C~lssloner ~~n ~eetio~d whether ~ny consideration ~en given to th~ firm of Trl~, ~y & ~her Associates Inc., since t~ ~re a ~rco Islam co~y. Mr. Conr~cod~ r~l,orted that Staff · ~i t~ con~ult~nt~ h~v~ r~l~d th~ capabiliti~ of all th~ firm~ ~ fl~ them to ~ r~l~tlv~ly th~ sam~, notlnO that special con- siltation ~s ~t given to the ~rco Island contractor. C~nty ~er ~rrlll ~xpl~ined that the purchasing ~licy does not ~ll~ any s~cial consideration. He re~rked that there have ~c~ions ~en t~ Co--lesion ackn~ledoed that money spent with local f{~ r~ln In Collier County ~d th- ~ard h~ th~ option to ~iz~ unique circumstances and elect to award to ~ bidder oth.r t~ t~ l~st ~ ~st res~nslve bidder, but this needs to ~ clarified for ~ record, noti~ that ther~ tm the ~ssibtlity of c~l le~. Paqe 34 September 1~, ~990 C~iesioner Sh~nahan encoureged the Commission to consider the differential ae described by County Manager Dorrlll and to consider · rl~, ~y i ~her, A~sociate,, Inc., aa the contractor ior this pro- Ject · tnce he ~lievea th~ County ~m]d ~nefit. C~nty Attorney Cuy]er advimed that this mhould be taken into accent early on in the pr~e~a, aa ~rt of the ~ppraleals of the fi~ ~lch ~ld protect the ~o,i**ion iroa any muccesmful c~ll~e. In InMr to Co~llli~r 9lunderl, C~nty Attorney Cuyler stated thit ~11 bidl ~y ~ rejected, ~t If the desir~ o~ the Commission Is to ~ with the next ]~est b{dder, I~citic reasons for doing this ~t ~ i~ntlfied. C~nty ~n~g-r ~rrJl] re]it~ t~t other communities, when given t~ c~lce, do ~linelm It ~ since this supports loc4] lalarles and ]~l{ ~nkl. H~ S~$cmted t~t if the Coullllon would like Staff to vndert4ke mn m~4{y~l~ o~ wh4t In mccept4b]. 1-v~l of differential In bidl might ~ to m~ preference to loci] contractors for that reason, it will ~ ~n~ m~ r~rted ~ck to th~ ~rd with ~ propo~d change to t~ ~rch4~ing Policy. ~N$~ Vol~ ~, ~~ ~ C~lomi~r S~re to m t~ ~t~t rot Bid ~1~1, ~lkmr C~ot~ctl~ for t~ l~., ~ ~ ~t of 8100,780. ~{]Jer County, que~t{oned the fu~lng ~m referenced in the ~xecutlve · ~ for the t~ proJect~, sle r~uemted cl{rlticatlon ~ith regard to ~ 207. ~{~nce D{rector Yonko~k~ ~dvimed that Fund 20~ Is the ~bt ~ice ~ ~e~e the ~d v~louem t~e~ from that taxing district FJ~o DiFector Yoflkooky explmined thit tho Marco Island Beach ~{lMflt U~blig4t~ fu~e In the a~uflt of $697,937 are ~flles In inMr to Hrs. ~t~n, Hr. Conr~codh reported that d~ed~ln~ 74 Paq~ 3 % c~ts will b~ $3,1940000o Tschnlc&l 8~lce~ Su~imo~ Hu~r ~l~t~d that th~ flg~r~ of ~697,937 is the annt re~lning after All the contracts have been mrd~ a~ obligat~ fr~ the 85 slllton ~nd issue. ]t~ ~ ~1~ ~l~]y, to ~ Bid ~0-1601 fo~ ~ V~etatlon for thm X~., In t~ ~t of ~214,794. JU~D~T Jd~gEf~3ST'S 94)-3~O/356; 90--358/368; 90-370/371 AJrD 90-373/374 - Ommml#ioner ~oodnlght W, ~ecoaded b7 Cmlaslonmr ~ c~tmd m~m~imoumly, t.hat Wt ~tm 90-350/356; Conimmlo~r S~u~d~r~ misted t~t he requmqted th4t thlg item p]mced off trim mge~a. Hff ~xplmlflmd that the Commission mdoDted the ~ildren*m ~ervlcel Council Ordln4nce *hich provlde~ 4 p~renthetlcal ~rlM tMt t~ C~lr~n ~uld b~ the individu~l ~4king the of t~ Count¥'t representative. H~ noted th4t th~r~ h4~ never ~$t~tion ~re t~ C~$r~n ha~ had th~ authority to do this since ~ al~y~ ~n 4 ~4rd decision. ~lselo~r SauCers advised that the Stat~ Statutes simply say t~t · .t~r fr. the County Co~i~sion ~ ~elected. H~ noted that In o~r to ~ consistent ~ith the ~n~r In ~hlch all other lp~Jnt- ~tm ~ve ~en ~e, it seems mpproprlate to a~nd the ordinance to Page 36 9eptember 18, 19g0 reflect that the County Commission will m~ke the appointment of the Co, mission representative to the Children's Services Council. In addition to the amendment, Commissioner Sounders ~uggested that tk alsmion select a ~skr of the Coasimsion, pending the amend- ~t tO the ordinance. C~lssloner Basso stated that he [eels that the appointment s~ld W ~st~ned until after th~ election. Co~Issloner Sounders noted that th~ only d~nside to waiting thmt th~ C~ncil M~ ~.n fors~d and th~ organizational m~etlnq will tile place on Octokr 5th, afl ~ klleves the County's representative s~l~ ~ pre.nt. a~l~ i ~, ~ ~ atsslur VoIw to ~t ~ial~ VoI~ s tk ~'s ~tati~ tO ~.s ~ ~ll~'e ~lc~ ~ll. ~tl~ f~ll~ 2/3 ~, ~rs ~ ~l~t ~). ~ ~ig ~1~1{, tkt ~lssi~r S~ k a~lnted to C~nty Attorney Cuyl~r stated th~t thJw ~{ll ~ ~ ~{nt~nt. until t~ ordi~nce Is ~nded ~nd com~ b~ck to ~l~mloner Sounders i~icated that he asked that this Item be p]ac~ on the age~. Re explained that a bill has been received from t~ l~ ~i~ of ~4rlee & Brady for so. Ices relating to the Pelican ~y l~r~eMnt District. He suggested that a letter be fo~arded to Mr. ~ckin ~vJet~ t~t the ~rk t~t he Is doing in this regard ~ ~ on ~lt of the rorer MiCra of the PBID, but certainly ~t ~ ~halt of the Collier County Couission mitring aa the Pelican ~y I~r~wnt District. Page 37 September 18, 1990 Oeoede~loe~r ~em6er~ noved, eecom~d by Cmmteeton~r Shanahan and ~erried eealeoeel?, tl~at a letter be enbaitted to Itt. ~J~ackin R~pt~mb~r la, 1990 ''' Ccmml#lm~er (k~lght left t~ mtlng at this tim ''' ~l#ioaer ~ ~d, secomkd b7 Commissioner ¥o11~ · ~! c~rri~i {/0 (~l#lor~r Goodalght not pr#~t), t~t tb~ following it~ m~l~r th` Consent Agenda b~ approved m~d/or md, opted: ' · · ~ ~ TO ~OAJUi.TTXI Ct3MPLI'TIOW OY EXCAVATION Fi~OIIT RO. See Pages It, mi ~l,Lt2 59.397 ACCIE1PTI~CI aY MATI3t AJrD SI3~]t IACILXTXL~ IP~R KKROM POXMTK AT T1FE The b~cteriologlcal testing has met the County's require- m~nto, 4nd; The Fire District furnishes a letter accepting o~mershtp and maintenance of fire hydrants and the fire flow requiresents Ire satisfied. Zt~ ~14A3 Item ~14~4 RI~OLO'rXOll 90-445. GRAJrFzIIG PI~LIMXMAJqY ACCKPTAMCI O~ THE ROADMAY, IXtAXIAG~, MATER AJrD SIMKR ZMP~O~EI~3rTS /~)R THE FINAL PT. AT O~ 'WKROW I~_AT_THZ .~~vs.. ~__~ .~__~ I~z0 .~. ......................... Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit a~ ~ecurity for main- tenamnce of the Infrastructure until th~ Bo~rd of Courtty Commissioner. grant, final accpptance of ~11 lmprovementm. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Maintenance Agreement for Preliminary Acceptance and Resolution authorizing pre- llmln~ry acceptance. Preliminary acceptance of improvements will not become effec- tive until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed to Collier County Water-Sewer District. SeePage. Xtmm #I4AAA Zt~ lU:~OLOI*XOg OO-,t4? PtOV'ZDXJm J'Ot ASS~SSMsFr se LZt'X rOlq TSS COST O~ ABATmmrr OS' POBLXC WVl:SA.mCZ OW LOT e,, BLOCS: sT, wo~co BEACS OSXT ,e. P.ge. l/O- /// Septesber 18. 1990 Xt~ ~4A~C A~AT~r~ O~ I~UBLIC ll1~l~t~ 011 LOT 1 AJ[D ~ 45' O~ LOT 2, BLOC1( I t~ ~14J~D See Page. II~:~T. QTIOII ~)-449 I~RO~DX~ ~ A~:~:B~:KIIT O~ LIEN ~ TI~ COST O~ ABAI'~I' O~ ff~BLXC II~I~LIIC~ 01~ 01~T 2, B[~)CX 45, ~ 14, GOLDBll ~e. P.~.. //~- 1/~___-__ lt~ ~ 14,A~E II~:~Ot,IITIO~ 90-450 I~ItOTIDI~I9 JOlt /~l:~Slll]lT O!' LI~]I FOR TI~ COST OF A~A11~I~]~ O~ i~U~.XC II~I~MW."~ O~ [.OT 22. BLOC1[ 132 Of ~ BEACH I~i~XT -,--- .-~--- ///--//7 Off ~U~.ZC II'UI~t31C~ OII I~T 14, BT. OCli 343 O~ Ki~CO BEACll 0WIT RI:Bct~rIGI SG-412 J'ROV'ZDZJG ~ JJ~frB:gB~ll]rT Off LXIX I, OR TI~ COST O/' ABA4/IJ~3rr Off It'~SLXC lrO'XSA]lC~ OJlr LOT 19, BLOCK 343 OF MARCO BEACH OWXT It# fl tABI ltI~OLITTXCXl t0-463 FIK~IDZIIG ~ AJ~:Bl, l~rl' oF LID ~ ~ COST 01' A,B&1'III~31T Off POB'LIC IIOIIA,IICZ O1 ~ 27, 28, 29 ~ 30, BLC)CIC: 4, Ztm #IaA~I Xt~ ~14.A~J A,BA~ Off IqTB~ZC ~]'Z~IC'E OII ~ 17, BZ,OCE 64 OF MARCO BBACll 01IT TNQ. ~ ~~&~-~_~ ~z~._~U~~ ............. ~ 0C0,~ 8'7 P~gE, 40 September 18, 1990 PUBLIC JI~ISJdC~ 0il LOT I, BLOCK 1, O~ NARCO BEACH UNIT III~01 00--4S7 I~DXI~ IPOR A.S~ OF LX~II I*OR ~ CO~T I1~~ 90-488 IltOVXOX~ ~ ~ 01 LXIX FOR TI~ CO~r OY AB~1P~TOf IPU~LXC I~/SA]UC~O~ F~YT 1S, BLOCK 193 OYI~LRCO B~ACH OMXT Xtom ,Id::~'I:PTAIC~ ~ ~TI:~ F~ZLZTX~ FOR BRTll ~ AT ~LI:ReOOD - ~ The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed Into marY ice and no Certificate of Occllpancy shall be l~ued until the Florida D. eparts~ent of Environaental Regulation fur- nlsheo a letter apprcrving the ~ater di~trlbut irm ~¥stem for service, and; Bacterlologfc&] temtirrg has ~,~t the County's requirements, ~ Fire Fio~ requirm~ntm of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire Flow District furniohe~ 4 letter accepting the fire hydrant for o~rnerehlp and maintenance. ~ K,IT 01' BOgUt'! lWtJdD - WITM_FrI~T~OJ~ That the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received for the lncompleted improve- m~ntm and that construction shall be. or, opiated within 36 ~nthm Of the date of thio approval. Authorize the L'halrun to execute the Construction and Nm iflter~nce Agreement. Thmt no building permits be issued until the final plat recorded. September 1~, 1900 ~ · rmzrr LZmrrx~a ~ XX TIZ Ju~omr'r off $2,2oo xx~ V'XCTORXA PAJUC Z rrlm:rr ~x~ fa'Tv xx Tlsz JWsx;m' off.,, Xt~ ~14B2 Off D~DXCATXOM AMD COMVETAMC~ Off ~ M~ST TRXRTY lfTET 0ff ~E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0~ ~ ~T ~~ O~ ~XP 4~ ~, ~ 2S ~ (~ Z tom ~'2 4B3 ~Tff'ffT,,~31~A/,, ~ TO &~IO'AL IXGIIA, X, CONTRACT BID ~C). 8g--1426 FOR iC:CI3~AJICl Off ff, JJ~ ffCXt ROAD RXG~I'-OIP-E&? AL,OIlG TI~ ~ Xt~ ~J, 4~Bl ....... Item m~4421 - Deleted Xtmm IXP&.BSX0g Off TWE ~ITY ~ MZ'XTXNO ROOM AT J'RJiJX E. JqJLC1CLK C:OIEEEHI'XTY PJLR:K OIXJIG $100,0OO XM DXSCl~XOWJLR'Y FOLDS; STArY JLN'D MIX,SON M'XX,LII, rr AX, TO I, WI?ARI ~lO~ ~ FOR JPOBLXC BXD; STAI'7 '1~ ~__FI_I'I_ .f~l,~_ I%INPIP!9__O~__ffJ~O. j~"r .................... Ztem ~16C4 Moved to ~ /'1tOM FY 8g-go AJFD ~ gO--gl llrTo 99_0 ............................... AIIIO&L BXDIIBI~IS ~O-IG7~ ~ 00-1~90 FOR rr 0o-91 ~ TO Bid ,90-1075 - 0fliform Rentml - National Uniform Service la the emtlmmtmd Amount of $6S,0OO Bid ,90-1576 - Typewriter Kainten&nce - Corporate Service Centers, Inc., in th~ estimmted mmour, t of 913,000 BI (If.O,,., s.q September 18, 1990 Bid m90-1584 - Gaaoline & Diesel Fuels - Carroll Oil, Onyx Patroleua, I~nafield O1], Co~ba Oil and Evans Oil in the amount of ~1,041,5OO. Bid ~90-1585 - Col~y Paper - N~c Paper and Zellerbach in the amount of $83,000. Bid m90-1586 - Addre~oed at 9/25/90 meeting. Bid ~90-1577 Plumbing Supplies - B & H Sales and iaerlcan Cast Iron Pipe Cow)any, In the estluted a~ount of 9143,000. Bid ~90-1590 - Chemicals - Harcros~ and VanWaters & Rogers for potassium perNngaMte, and Allied Lime for lime in the estimated &~unt of $550,000; Cltl-Chem for emulsion polymer in the esti- uted ~ount of $35,OOO. Bid ~90-1578 - Aaphmlt and Related Items - AP&C-FL and B~tter Ro~ds, Inc. in the eatl~ted a~Kmnt of $740,000; Bonding require- Bents waived. Bid ~90-1583 - Hilling of Existing Asphalt Road. Soutt~ast in the e~tim~ted amovnt of $25,000. Turtle ~ld WgO-157q - Culvert PI~ - Southern C~Jlv~rt, N,.t~! Culverts, So, isDn Pl p~ Co., and L~r~on Drainage System~ for metal concrete and po lyethylen~ pipa~ in th~ emtl~ted a~unt of $30,000. Bid w90-1580 - Ll~rock, Fill & Related ltem~ - AP&C-FL, High.ay Pavers, Harmon Brothera, Ar~on, Inc., Florida Rock and Har~er Brothers in the e~tl~ted &~ount of $250,000. Bid m90-1481 - Dally Cover & Pill H~terial for Landfills - Addrsa~d at 9/11/90 masting. Bid ~90-1589 - A~uatic Plant Control Ch~mlcalm - Helena Chemical Co., A~gro~ of Florida and Van ~ater~ A Roger~ in the estimated a~ount of $355,000: and Durmb~n to ~elena Cbs=Ica] Co. in th~ e~tiNted a~ount of $30,000. Bid ~90-158S - Roadway Paint and Thermoplastic - RosdMay Paint to florida Striping In the marinated amount $50,000; Tl~rmoplaetic pi iht to be addressed In a separate F. xacutlYe Sum&cry. Bid ~g0-158~ Tee Shirto - Tee Shirt Expreae in the esti~mted ·mount of $12,000. Bid ~go-1587 - B~llfielda LlnlrK~ Paint - Sherwln Williams in the ~ount of $11,980. PaQm 4~ September lB, 1990 i.II~ZCA~XO~ ~ ~ TllZRD YtlLR RZCI"I~ZM¢3 AMD ~:DOCATZOll GRAIrr AMD THIRD TEJtR ~ TZIIZ glu~rr 4~dLST&L 1~aFI3IiIXZ]~ CGNSULTAJTB, Xll~., TO l:q~VZl~ FRQl~S$IOJlAL See Pages ~~=~=~~ _~_ Ztmm ~14L1 The folloving mlacslJafleoos correspor, dence waq filed and/or referred to the various department, ms indicated b~lo~: :Sif~ned m~d notarized affidavits by the heirs of l~lldred Viola 8wartz. Flied. lmmokmlee Collier Health Services Audit Report ms of liarch 31, 1990. Filed. Letter to Chairman Hole dated 8/31/90 from Congressun Tea La, wis, re the l mmokalmm Airport Induatri&l Park grant, xc: Hell Dorrlll and flied. r~etter to Commissioner Shanahan from Thomas O. Pelham, Smcretar¥, D~partment of Community Affairs dated 9/4/90, re Areas of Chronic Economic Distress (ACED} D~signatlon. xc- Mall Dorrill, Frank Bruit0 Tea HcDanlel and filed. Piemo dated 9/6/90 to All Sm~ll Cities Community Development Blo~k Grant Eligible Communities, Regional Planning Councils and Other Interested Parties from Lewis O. Burnside, Jr., 10. 12. 13. 14. September 18, 1990 Director, Division of Mousing and Community D~velopment, DCA, re Applicability of Federal ~ Circular A-lO2 and 24 CFR Part 85 to the S~]] Citlem Com~mnity {~.velopment Block Grant (COB(]) Prot{ram. xc: Nell ~rril], Prank Brutt, Russell · hr~e ~nd filed. letter dated 8/31/90 to Chair~lan BCC from Jon Iglehart, [nvlrorzm~ental ${>ecialist, Department of Environmental Regulation° re Collier C~nty ~R File No. 111856065, Ml~star ~v. Corp. xc: Nell ~rrlll, Frank Bruit, Bill ~renz a~ fl]~. Letter dated 9/6/90 to Chairun BCC from Jon Iglehart, [nvironNnta] Sj~ecl&llmt, DER, [~er Collier County - $Vi~R, File eI11859115, ~tur~ Citizens, Inc. xc: Nell ~rrll], Prank B~tt, Bill ~renz and filed. Letter dated S/24/90 to BCC fro~ Tony D. HcXeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coast4l Engineering and Negotiation, Department of Natural Resources, Request for Public Comment, re Pile {CO-244, Applicant: I~rco Island Beach A~sociation, Inc. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Prank B~{tt, Bill Lorenz and filed. Co~! to l~C of letter dated 8/2?/90 to A.P. Dougherty l)~velo~nt Wanag-r, Meetinghouse Communities of Naples, from Kirby B. Green, III, Director, Division of Beache~ and Sboree, D~,partm~nt of Natura] ~ource~, re Approval of Tim~? Extension, Permit File {C0-168, Permltt-- n~me: ~est inghou~e Comsmnttlee. xc. Well krrlll, Bill [,or,hz, Prank Brutt and filed. Cop~/ to I~CC of letter d~ted 8/28/90 to Young, VanAseenderp, Varnadoe & l~nton, P.A. from Tony D. McWeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal ~ngln~.rlng end Regular Ion, l~rpartment of Watursl We~rce~, re Notice to Proceed Mithheld, Permit ~CO-273, Permittee Wa~: Sun Bark of ~ C~unty, R.A./Check~r Oil ~fly. xc: Well ~r~lll, Bill ~renz, Prank Bruit and flied. Co{Ty to BCC of letter dated 8/29/90 to ~s. Tachs O. Burford, you~, Var~,msen~erp, Varr~oe & Benton, P.A. from Tony O. NcWeal, [ngl~r, Bureau of Coastal Englnp~rtng and We~4tion, ~rt~nt ot Mat.fsi Resources. re Notice to Proceed Withheld, Pe~jt lC0-26~, Permittee Na~: Sun Bank o[ Lee C~nty/~.A. Checker Oil Company. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Bill ~renz, ~rank B~tt and filed. {(elin dated 9/?/90 to lnteremted Part ia. [rom D~n Gertei~.n, Chief, Bureau of L~ca] Recreation iervicem, Division of Recreation and Parks, Department of Natural Resources, ~ubJect: Notice of Intended Act ion~/Propom,~d Rulem, aking/Ch~pter 120, F.S./Plorld~ Pecr.~t ion Dev. lopment Assistance Program & L.and and ~ater Conservation Fund Prcsgram. ~c: Well ~rrill, Frank Bruit plu~ attachment to Kevln O'~n~ll aM filed. liarriott's Marco Island Resort Nechanlcal Beach Cleaning Permit ~O2520 CO, from Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of I~&chms and Shores. xc: Nell Dorrill0 Bill lorenz, Frank Bt'uti and filed. letter dated 8/28/90 to John E. Brandenberger, Vice President, Boca Grande Club, Inc.0 from Alfred B. D~vereaux, Jr., Chief, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Dep~rtmarnt of Natural Resources, re Notice of Perllt Violation, Perllt File MCN-I$4, Permlttee Name: {{<)ca Grande CIub, IK., (l)ulidillg {13). xc: Nail ~rrl]], Bill Lorenz, Fr~k B~tt iM filed. $5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, September 18, 1990 Division of Administrative Nearingm Petition Challenging Collier County la, nd t~velopment R~gu]etlnns, DOAH Case egO-4e3ORC~I, Th~ Cltlzen'm Political Committee, Inc., a not- for-profit corporation, and James K. Kessler, Petitioners, vs. BCC and FL D~parts~ent of Community Affairs. Filed. Grant Adjustment Entice0 Department of Community Affairs Division of E~ergency Management, Grant egO-CJ-67-Og-21-O1-OOg, Adjustment al, Title of Project, Treatment Component, Nature of Adjustment, Special Condition Compliance, Sul~grantee0 Ba:C signe~d I~y Gordon L. Guthrie, Director, Division of Ea~ergency Management. ~ to Partiem of Record dated August 8/31/90, from Kelly A. Tucker, r~akC, Office of the Governor, Land and Mater A~Judlcatory Cotillion, re Case IAPP-90-O33, Ralstatt/Grey Oaks, D~velop~ent of R~lo~l Ia~ct. xc: Nell ~rrlll, Bill ~renz. Frank B~tt and filed. Mlnute~ Received and Filed: Florida l.and and Water Adjudicatory Commission agenda for 9/11/90. Bo lnfor~tion and Referral Blue Ribbon Task Force Coeaittee Agenda of 10/4/90 and Minutes of 8/29/90. Big Cyprems B~mln Board minutem of 8/24/90. Do ~rco Island Beachfront Renourtshment Advisory Committee Agenda of 9/12/90. Notice to C~ner dated 9/4/90 to BCC from Acousti Engineering Co. of Florida, advising that they have furnished labor and ~aterlals for the Health & Public Service, ~ulldlng under an order given by N. D. Ru~ledge & Son. xc: Nell Dorrlll, John Yonkosky, Steve Carnal% and filed. Notice to Owner dated 8/31/90 to RCC from Griffin Paving, advltlng that they have furnished building road~ay, limerock bame and emphalt s~mteriale for the South County Regional N.N.T.F,, under ar~ order given by Cull Constructors. xc: Nell Dorrlll, John Yonkomk¥, St~ve Cmrnell and filed. Notice to O~her dated 8/31/90 to BCC from Hertz Equipment Rental Corp., advisin~ that they hay, furnished general equJp~ent rental for the Corkscrew Mater Treatment Plant, under an order given by Elkinm Constructors, Inc. xc: Mail Dorrtll, John Yonkoaky, Steve Carnell end filed. Notice to O~T~er dated 8/30/90 to BCC from James F. Slrosky, aadviaimg that t~ have furnished electrical high voltage terlimation and ap]ices for Collier Health Service Building, u~r ~ order given by Lletner Electric. xc: Nell ~rrtll, Jo~ Yonkosky, Stye Carnell and filed. Notice to Owner dated 9/4/90 to BCC and Mitchell & Stark from Florida Contractor R,ntal & ~el*,~, Inc., advising that they have furni.hed e~ulp~nt rental and supplies for the Eaqt and · outh Maples Namte Nater Collection Pacilltles Project, under an order given by 141~lte Sands Construction. xc: Nell Dorrill, John Yonkoak¥0 Steve Carnell and tiled. Notice to (k~ner to BCC from S & B Site Development, Inc., advising that they have furnished grading services to place axld finish liMrock base for the South Service Area, South Naples, ~tewater Collection Facilities, under an order Pmge 46 given by D. M. RlggIno, Inc. ¥onkoaky, Steve Carne]l and filed. September 18, 1990 Nell Oorrlll, John 25. Notice of Public t~orkohops dated 8/29/90 fros Division of Harlne Resources, re Consideration of a Draft Revision to the Colprehenotve Artificial Fishing Reef Progran Control Code. xc: lell Dorrlll, Bill Lorenz, Prank Bruit and filed. 26. 27. Notice of Hearln~ fro~ Florida Public Service Commission re Docket W891045-EG, Petitlorl for Florida Po~er & Light Co. for approval of a p. er~nent Co~aerclal/lnduntrlal Load Control PrNram Eligible for gner~ Consolation Cost R~covery and Extension of Tr$~l C~rclal/lndustrial [,o~d Control Project. xc: Ken Cuyler, ~tke Arnold and filed. Audit of Revenue Collection Activity prepared by Carmen Fatlca, CPA, Director of Internal Auditing, dated September ?, 1990. Filed 28. ~etter d~ted S/3S/90 to Clair~n Rases from Governor llartir~z, re the 1990 pogtcenovs local review process. lei] ~rrill, Frank Bmtt, Tom HcDaniel and filed. XC: 3"here being no further busin~ea for th~ Good of the County, th~ m~etlr~g ~es ~dJourn~d by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:30 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMJ~ISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONINO APPEALS/EX OJ~lCZO GOVERNINO BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS COFTROL Page 47