BCC Minutes 04/17/1990 R Naples, Florida, April l?, 1990 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting an the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(a) of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business .he=e~n, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REaULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: ALSO PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Anne Goodnight James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkoak¥, Finance Dtrector~ Ellis Hoffman and Carol McClenathen, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; -'" Thomas Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuylsr, County Attorney= Oeorge Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator= Fred Bloetschsr, Assistallt Utilities Administrator; Kenneth Pineau, Emergency Services Management Director~ Thomas Whitecotton, Human Resources Director~ David Davenport, Plan Review Supervisor; Sue Fllson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomltnson, Sheriff's. Office. Page April 170 1990 C~loolonoF ~lght ~vod, oecond~ ~ Conloolo~r S~~ ~ c~rl~ ~t~usly, t~t the agen~ ~d consent agen~ ~ ~r~ with tho roll.lng 1. Item 9(H)l - Florida Association Of Counties request to gain support for the Co,unity Corrections Act. (As requested by the County Manager). Added. 2. Item 9(D)l - Approval of Agreement For Professional ' Engineering Services ~tth Hole, ~ontes and Associates, Inc. for Cartca Tank and Pump Station, RFP ~89-1455 - Deleted requested by Staff). 3e Item 9(D)3 - Request for adoption of standardized contract provisions for consulting contract on utility projects; and authorize Staff to negotiate contracts based on the standard document - Deleted (As requested by Staff). Item 14(E)l - Request for approval to sole source a contract for recruitment advertisement as provided within the Purchasing Policy - Deleted (As requested by Staff). Item 9(B)3 - Recommendation to approve a short term lease agreement between DNR and Collier County for the interim operation of the Marco Island Airport - Added. Item 9(G)1 - Resolution expressing Collier County's objection of off-shore drilling. Added. (As requested by Commissioner Saundero). Item 9(G)2 - Support of HB-89-45 (Representative Tim Ireland) banning off-shore drilling. Added. {As requested by Commissioner Saunders). M~Ji~TI$ 0F REQ~i~R BCC MIETXNQ OF MARCH 13 1990 - APPROVID AS PRISlITID ' Oommiselon~r IheAehen ~oved, ascended by Couuleelon~r Ooodnlght and c&rrl~d ~i~ly, t~t the minutes of the re~l~ ~d of Co~,C~losto~ro btl~ of ~ch 13, lO00, ~ a~r~ ~ pre- PROOLAMATXO~ DESX~IATX~ MAY 1 ~O00 AS OP~X#XST RISPZOT FOR LAM J~KK Upon reading of the proclamation, ~-ommieeloner Vol~e moved, se~on4od by Commissioner Ooodnight and carried tmanlmoGlly, that the proclmtion designating the M~ek o£ hy 1, 19g0, ~o Optimist Respect For L~ J~ok be adopted. Page 2 Upon reading of the proclamation, Coltoeioner Sh~mh~n ~oved, seconded by Commleoloner ~oodnlght and c&rrled unaulmou~l¥, that ~h~ proolmetion deolgu~ting Sunday, May 8, lOOOt as Youth llaven lundey bo adopted. P~ 3 ,¸4 April :1,7, lggO FROCLA~ATXOM DISX~NATZMQ ~ ~ OF APRIL 22-2~, ~990, AB Upon reading of the proclamation, Co~Ammtoner Hmmmm ~vmd, ~o~ ~ Oo~lmmAoner Vol~ ~ carried ~l~umly, t~t the P~cl~ti~ d~t~tlng the ~ek of April 22-21, 1990, ~ ~of~l~ ~ret~tee ~k ~ adopted. ~ Net~o~ V~ct~ R~ghta ~ek ~ edopted. Sheriff Don Hunter accepted the ~roclamat~on, and recognized Deputy Rosa ~ernandez, Collier County,s victim advocate. He sta~ed that without the help of Ms. Hernandez, the vlct~me of Collier County would be a very confused ~roup, and their rights would be Deputy Rosa Hernandez reco~nlzed Collier County,s Victim,s Coalltton, and noted that they provide services to the victims. April 17, 1990 ~- PROC~TION DgSI~NATING TH~ NEEE OF APRIL 22-29,. 1990, Upon reading of the proclamation, Coulaalonar Sau~rs moved, · ec~ hT Co--leoloner Goodntght end c~rrled unanimously, .~l~tl~ ~et~tlng the ~ek of April 22-29, 1990 u I~th ~k Co~tsstoner Saunders explained that the environment of the com- munity is the mos~ im~ortant asset that brln~s people to Collter County. He stated that In the comtn~ years, the Co~lsslon has d~rected Staff to: develop a 10 year environmental preservation s~ra- te~tc plan desi~natln~ the 1990's as the decade of the environment Colller County; establish pro,rams to divert 17,000 tons of recyclable materials from entertn~ the landfills; conduct two annual mobile hazardous waste collections and cons~ruc~ a hazardous waste collection center; adop~ a comprehensive ~round water protec~ion ordinance protec~ the potable water wellflelds; increase inspections of leum storage facilities to spot leaks and prevent ~roundwater con- tamination; develop a stormwater master plan to manage runoff, enhance ~roundwater recharge areas and protect wetlands and estuarine systems; establish a monltortn~ and coastal management plan to pro~ect coastal resources; adopt and develop crlteria to protect tidal, coastal and xeric shrub habitats by Au~st, 1990; marine, fresh water transitional zoned wetlands nnd hardwood hammocks by August, ~991; and pine flatwood and dry prairie habitats by August, 1991. Co~lsston~r Saunders advteed that Coll~er County will be ependln~ $10,550,700 In 1989-90 on environmental pro,rams, and $~00,000 for environmental spectal~sts whose duties are to review development plans. He related that tn 1987, there were 56 individuals worktn~ the Co~ty~s Environmental Department, and ~n 1990, there are ~3 per- sons whose full time duties are devoted to protecttn~ the environment tn Collier County. Ms. Etleen Arsenault accepted the proclamation and thanked the 00 ,C10015 Page 6 ~.",'Co~uataelon for =ecognlzlng ga~th 1990 She noted that one of the ultimate goale for the coming week ia to let tndtvtduale recognIze that the dectetone they make effect the earth, and that ultimately the abtltty of the earth to euetaln human life will depend on thoee dec/- clone. Page April 17, 1990 ,'~{' O~1)~. gO-SI, A~NDZNG TI~ ~D D~G~ ~ZO~ O~XWO~ - Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Dally News on March 29, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. Emergency Management Director Ptneau advised that the recommen- dation to amend the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 86-28, as amended, Is necessitated by the Growth Management Plan and final rules that were enacted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) In September, 1989, Calling attention to Section 5 of the ordinance, Mr. Ptnaau Indi- cated that several definitions have been Included: "Coastal high hazard area" as deftned by the Department of Natural Resources as the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL); flood-proofing; manufactured homes; new construction; new manufactured home parks and subdivisions; professional land surveyor; recreational vehicle; substantial damage and substantial Improvement. With regard to Section 10 - Permit Requirements, Mr. Ptneau explained that the lowest floor e/ovation certification time limit has been changed from 21 days to 10 days. He stated that the "Rutldtng Director" has been changed to Compliance Services Manager. Mr. Ptneau reported that Section 11 - General Standards for Flood Hazard Reduction, Subsection (2) has been reworded to include: "if tn compliance with the Collier County Building Code Ordinance." Mr. Plneau related that Section 12 - Specific Standards for V-Zones has been changed to Specific Standards for Construction within the coastal high hazard area. He noted that anchoring requirements for swimming pools within the Coastal high hazard area has been added with one exception: one or two family dwellings. Mr, Plnsau stated that Section 14 Includes requirements for new construction elevation and anchoring tn new mobile home developments Page 8 April 17, 1990 or those that experience substantial damage; an evacuation plan is to be developed for all future manufactured home parks; recreational vehicles within the A-zone are to be ready for highway use in the event of a hurricane, and be on site for fewer than 180 consecutive days. Mr. Pineau informed that the Collier County Planning Commission reviewed the ordinance on March 26, 1990, and noted that since that time, a few typos have been discovered and will be corrected. He indicated that lines 23 through 25 of Page 14, beginning with "mu/ti-family- and the entire next sentence will be replaced with the word "conformance,,. Mr. Pineau stated that Page ~?, fourth line from the bottom · .."support or buildings .... "should be "support of buildings,,. Mr. Ptneau referred to the first sentence of Page 18, advising that after "if" and between "such", the following language should be inserted: "the proJec~ Review Manager determines that"... In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Plan Review Supervisor Davenport stated that his understanding of the Federal Regulations is that ex/sting trailer parks would have to comply with the ordinance. He indicated that if recreational vehicles are left on a site per- manently, they are considered a home and would also have to comply with the standards. Mr. Pete Meeuwsen, representing the Federation of Mobile Home Owners in Collier County, indicated that he assumes that the ordinance complies with the FEMA rules, to which Mr. Plneau replied affir- matively. He noted that one of his concerns is that people who live in mobile homes will be assured that they are able to purchase flood Mr. Pineau reported that if these requirements are complied with, flood insurance should be available to everyone In the County. Mr. Meeuwsen questioned whether ex/sting mobile homes that are v~llnerable to flooding are grandfathered in? Mr. Davenport replied that they are grandfathered in until the the mobile home or manufac- 00CC10019 Page 9 April 17, 1990 tured home park makes improvements on its streets or infrastructure, in excess of 50~ then the total park would have to be upgraded. Mrs. Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Women Voters of Collier County, stated that she has concerns relative to damages after a storm. She called attention to Page 14 of the Executive Summary, the definition of "substantial damage", and questioned whether there is anything within the ordinance which addresses damages above and beyond Mr. Davenport stated that the terminology is relevant to all .:~..'. the structures in Collier County that are affected by a flood, and if '.' rebuilding was to occur, compliance with the new standards would need to be met. There were no other speakers. 04m~/eeAener Shanahan loved, seconded by Coutaaloner Ooodn~ght · ~d c~rted unanimously, that the ~bltc he~/ng ~ ~~A~r S~ ~d, seconded ~ Co~Aeeloner Vol~ ~d ~1~ ~l~ly, t~t the Ordln~ce ~ n~r~ ~d titled ~~ ~ ~tered into Ordl~ce ~k No. 38: O~IN~CE 90-31 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 86-28, AS AMENDED, THE FLOOD D~GE PREVENTION ORDINANCE; AMENDING SECTION 5, "DEFINITIONS,,, TO ADD THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS: "HISTORIC STRUCTURE',, "NEW MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION,,, "PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR,,, "RECREATIONAL VEHICLE" AND "SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE", AND TO AMEND OR SUBSTANTIALLY A~END THE DEFINITIONS OF "COASTAL HIGH HAZARD AREA", "DEVELOPMENT,,, "FLOOD-PROOFED BUILDINGS,,, "~NUFACTURED HOME", "NEW CONSTRUCTION,,, "START OF CONSTRUCTION,,, AND "SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT,,~ AMENDING SUBSECTION (2) OF SECTION 10, "PER~IT REQUIREMENTS,, BY CHANGING THE TIME LIMITATIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF CERTIFICATES OF ELEVATION AND BY CHANGING "BUILDING DEPARTMENT" REFERENCES TO "COMPLIANCE SERVICES ~NAGER"; ~ENDING SUBSECTION (3) OF SECTION 10, "PERMIT REQUIREMENTS,,, BY CHANGING "BUILDING DIRECTOR" AND "CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL" REFERENCES TO "COMPLIANCE SERVICE MANAGER" AND BY MAKING OTHER MINOR CHANGES: AMENDING SUBSECTION (2) OF SECTION 11, "GENERAL STANDARDS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION" BY REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH THE COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE; AMENDING THE TITLE AND SUBSECTIONS (1) (a), (b),(c),(d) AND (e) OF SECTION 12, "SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR V-ZONES BY CHANGING ALL V-ZONE REFERENCES TO COASTAL HIGH HAZARD AREA AND BY ADDING ANCHORING REQUIREMENTS FOR swr~rNG POOLS; AMENDING THE TITLE AND SUBSECTIONS (2),(3),(4) AND (5) OF SECTION 14, "REGULATIONS FOR MANUFACTURED HOMES" BY ADDING A REFERENCE TO "RECREATIONAL VEHICLES" TO THE SE REFERENCES TO ' ~AUN TITLE. BY DELETING V-ZONES AND BY ADDING FEMA ELEVATION AND EVAC PLAN REQUIREMENTS ION ; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 20 mmz~a~c~ cALLx~0 ~oR ~ oN ~r~ LOCAL o~rxo~ Lega~ no~ce h~v~ng been published ~n ~he ~ap~es Da~ News on Hatch ~2, ~990, ag evidenced by Affidavit of Publication f~ed the C~erk, pab]~c hea~ng ~as opened to cons~de~ an o~d~nance ca~]~ng fo~ a ~efe~endam on t~e Local 0pt~on ~nfrast~ucture Sa~es Tax. Co~ss~one~ Saunde~s stated that the ~anage~ has re~ested a con- ~nu~ce of th~s ~tem, and he questioned the ~eason fo~ same. County Manager Dorr~l~ advised tha~ ~here have been some ques~/ons as ~o whether or no~ ~he Ci~y As In a position ~o suppor~ ~he core projects ~ha~ were identified. He s~a~ed ~ha~ he feels ~he o~ projects ~ha~ have been identified can be easily accepted b~ ~he co~i~y, and o~her ~han ~ha~, ~here As no basis for con~inuAng. Co~AssAoner Volpe no~ed ~ha~ Finance Director Yonkosky has made reco~enda~Aona reAa~Ave ~o a proposed amendmen~ ~o ~he draf~ of ~he ordinance, and questioned whether ~hAs has any Ampac~ on ~he Manager's re~es~ for continuance? Mr. DorrAll said A~ has no impac~ on ~he re~es~ for continuance. Coun~ Manager DorrilA s~a~ed ~ha~ County A~orne~ Cuyler has advised ham that the provisions would need to be handled as part the interlocal a~reement. He noted that An the absence of such an a~reement, the City is entitled to ~. Clerk ~ilee advised that he does not believe that the Legislature contemplated the needs of the School Board in referenctn~ the formula. Oo~t~ Attorney Cuyler state~ that the Statute currently reads that either there is an Anterlocal a~reement or the municipalities taks on a etatutor~ share basis. Count~ Manager Dorr/ll suggested that it maW be best to adopt the ordinance today based on the wa~ it As ~resented with the core pro- Jects, ~d An the event that interlocal a~reemen~ ne~ot/ations with the City are completed, it could be amended. County Attorney Cuyler Indicated that the most that the Legislation wll~ say As that the school's ma~ Participate, but will Page ordinance accordingly. April 17, 1990 not mandate any distribution to the schools. In answer to Clerk Giles, County Attorney Cuyler explained that an intent clause may be needed in another portion of the ordinance, but still have the dietribut~on as set out in the Statute. Commissioner Saunders noted that the section of the ordinance dealing with City projects includes State Roads and beach renourish- ment, and questioned how those projects were determined? County Attorney Cuyler advised that the list in the ordinance was changed on the same basis as the projects that were changed for the County. He noted that his understanding ie that the beach renourishment is the $21 million dollar figure in the executive summary and is to be split between the City and the County. C4maloo~one~ Voll~ moved, oeconded by CommAoo~onor Haooe to con- t~u~ ~eratien of t~ ord~ce for ~ ~ to all~ t~ C~ ~ ~ t~ Staff to conclu~ their w~ ~ Cl~ o~ NapIoo for ~r8. C~ar~o~te ~es~man, representing Collier County, stated that the Lea~e ts still looking for fact8 w~th regard ~o this entire subject. She explalned that she finds reference to tnterlocal agreements within the title of the ordinance. County Attorney Cuyler stated that lnterlocal agreements are not included In the ordinance title, but handled under the heading and title of distribution of the Local Government Infrastructure Surt~. Mrs. Westman questioned whether the dollars for State Roads are =elated to merely ~he construction of ~he facilities, or do they also Include financing? County Manager Dorrlll advised that a ~5~ reserve for financing is included, and a contingency type reserve to give short term cash flow financing only, but there is no long term debt associated with this. County Attorney Cuyler noted tha~ the ~5~ has not been added into each fibre, and requested that the Co, lesion allow h~m to amend the Page April 17, 1990 In answer to Mrs. Westman, Mr. Cuyler explained that with regard to drainage being included in the ballot question those are the pro- Jecte that the voters are approving for the sales tax, and even if it only applies to one small municipality, it does need to be in there. Commissioner Saunders stated that he has heard sufficient issues being raised and if Commissioner Volpe will renew his mot/on to con- ttnue for two weeks, he will support same. Mr. 0serge Keller stated that the ordinance is not in compliance with State /aw. He questioned how the Commission can decide that an ordinance will be enacted because F.S. 212.055 states that there is no provision for giving any of the money to the schools? He Indicated that until the Legislature changes that /aw, the Commission has no right to entertain the proposed ordinance. County Attorney Cu¥1er noted that if certain issues are presently in the Legislature, there is no way of knowing that they may be changed. Ce~i~er Ye/ps ~ov~d, ~econded by Co~leelonar Saundare ~d o~rl~ ~i~2y, t~t consideration of t~ pro~o~ sales t~ o~ ~ c~tl~ for ~ ~ri~ of ~ ~ to a21~ t~ ~r lt~l ~ x~ OF 72 80 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 18, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication f/led with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M., March 14, 1990, to consider Bid ~90-1532 Improving Runways at the Immokalee Airport. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that this item is a recommendation to award a contract for the sealing of the runway at the Immokalee Airport. He explained that in accordance with Page 13 an inspection that was performed at the airport a year ago, Staff pre- pared plane and epees and went through the bidding process to repair the areas that are separating and to seal the runways using a cold tar pitch process. He noted that the specifications were advertised and five firms responded from around the state. Mr. Archibald stated that the /ow bid was submitted by Thomas Construction for the north/south runway and the east/west runway at the Immokalee site in the amount of $72,880 He advised that Staff is recommending that the contract be awarded to Thomas Construction. Commissioner Hasse questioned whether there were any local pavers that could do the Job? Mr. Archibald stated that this is a special asphalt related product, and typically, a construction contractor does not carry or perform this work. He indicated that they can apply a liquid asphalt material, but not this type of material. He advised that both the material and application are unique. Commissioner Wolpe asked whether this is a part of the regularly scheduled maintenance of the runways at the Immokalee Airport? Mr. Archibald rep/ted that this is part of a one time effort by the County to preserve a major portion of the runways that are actively used. He Indicated that the Immokalee Airport is approximately 45 years old and no repairs or maintenance of this type has been performed. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald reported that grant applications are for Capital Improvements, but there are not a lot of grant programs for maintenance level improvements. C~l~e~oner (~odntght ~ov~d, seconded by Commissioner Sh~n~mn Co~q~tte~ J~ tb~ remount of $72,880. Xt~. ~ BXD"~9~-~$$S, UP~PJ~DING 16 NILES OF EXISTING LIM~ltOCK ROADNAY~ IN · OL~AY~ ~TAT~ - ANARDED TO B~"~ROAD~, INC IN THE AMOUNT OF ~4g$,4~O.4Hi · Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February ~8, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M., March 14, 1990, to Page 14 Aprll 17o 1990 consider Bid #90-1533, Upgrading Existing Limerock Base Roadways in aolden Sate Estates. Tranlportatlon Services Administrator Archibald reported that this item is a follow up to the Commission,s directive of December 12, 1989. Re explained that Staff compared plans and specifications and went through the bidding process, and received § bid proposals for improvements to 16 roads in Golden Gate Estates. He informed that this is a program where a road priority is established based upon travel and the number of homes per street, assuming that each street per unit is one mile long. He noted that those road improvements have been prioritized, and the 16 roadways have been identified that can be done within the funding limitations. Mr. Archibald explained that two elements of the base bid are being considered: Base Bid "A" ia for the aubgrade, base construc- tion, and to prime and sand the surface; Base Bid "B" is for the asphalt surface on top of that. He informed that individually, the low bidder for Base Bid "A" was Better Roads, and the low bidder for for Base Bid "B" was Apac-Florida, Inc. He stated that the prices are very competitive. He advised that Staff originally recommended the award of both "A" and "B" to Better Roads, and accordingly, there is some savings as a result of not needing to tack the surface between the base work and the pavement application. He affirmed that it has been brought to his attention that there could be a savings if two different contracts were considered, and noted that this is an option that the Co-mission may wish to consider. Mr. Archibald stated that if the bid is split into two different contracts, a qual~fier should bs included lnd~cating that the contrac- tor that ia doing the pavement work would be responsible to include any tack at his expense. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald explained that there is an advantage to having one contractor because the roads are spread out, but the contract is structured in such a fashion that it could be combined or taken separately. He informed that there is a Page 15 April 17, 1990 savings to be saved by splitting up the work, but from a scheduling ~. ~ standpoint and from a contracting standpoint it will be easier to award to one contractor. Mr. Archibald reported that the priority list that is being used la an inventory that was taken in July, 1989, and since that time there have been a number of streets that have been subject to develop- ment. He noted that Commissioner Goodntght has provided some infor- mation to his office, and he will review those streets to ascertain whether there can be additions at some later point In time. With regard to proposed bridge locations, Mr. Archibald informed that he will be submitting a report within the next two weeks. Mr. Archibald mentioned that ha is also requesting that the Road and Bridge Department be authorized to finalize and pave one or two roads within the units where the number of homes equal or exceed 10 homes on a per mile basis, and based upon the qualifier that is being used for the 16 road list, he suggested that in-house staff per- form the work on sections of those roadways that are less than 1/2 mile in length since it will be more cost effective. Commissioner Goodnight commented that she feels that consideration should be given to dividing the bid since there will be a savings of $9,000. She remarked that she submitted a list of 10 roads to Mr. Archibald for consideration, and noted that she has concerns that only those roads ars paved that can be Justified by the amount of traffic traveled on that road to get to another road, or the number of houses that are on that road. She related that she does not want a road to be paved if it cannot be Justified if there is a road that has 14 houses on it, and another road does not. She suggested that there should be consistency in determining which roads are to be paved. She smaller streets. Mr. George Keller stated that the people of Golden Gate Estates are anxious to have these roads paved, and encouraged Staff to go ahead and do what they can to get this work completed. O0 C10O26 Page April 17, 1990 Mr. Ja~es McLaughltn, Vice President of Better Roads, Inc., related that he feels very strongly that it ts tn the best Interest of the County to award the bid to one contractor. He Indicated that a tack coat was required in the bid, and the other bidder will be asked to donate this to the County and noted that he believes that this ie Illegal Just as it would be to ask his firm to reduce their price. He reurked that there was an addenda which addressed this and only 3 of 5 bidders recognized the addenda, and therefore, only those 3 bidders should be considered. Commissioner Shanahan questioned whether Apac responded to the addenda? Mr. Archibald replied that typically in the past, they have a/ways responded to the addenda, but noted that he does not have the bid documents with him to confirm this. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald stated that Better Roads bid includes $5,300 for the tack coat. Mr. McLaughlin informed that if his firm is chosen, the $5,300 will automatically be given back to the County, noting that the tack will not be required, since they do their own scheduling behind them- selves. Conlss~oner 0oodntght stated thet there ts over 200 miles of roadways in the Estates that need to be paved, and she ts trying to save every penny that can be saved, and It doee not matter who the contractor Is. ~Oat~tWA., am~ to mcc,pt St&f£,~ recommendation to a~mr~ t~e Btd · 90-18SS t~ Bettm~ Ro~d~, Inc. tn the amount of $~9S,~SO.~. STAFF'IO SUBMIT NKMLEASK AOREIMINT BI'TMIKN TH~ BOARD OF TRUBTIIS OF THI ~ ~iOVBJ~]JT TRUST FUND OF THI STATE OF FLORIDA AND rJC~..LXER O0UNTYTO ~ RE IO_~A~XNO OF ~as MARCO ISt~_.WD &XRp~R~ Transportation Services Adminlstra~or Archibald informed that this Item ts a presentation of a report relative to the Marco Airport, and a reco.uaendatton by Staff to consider a short term 90 day lease Page 17 agreement between Collier County and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), who are the owners of the airport at this tile. Mr. Archibald noted DNR has requested that Bar Harbor and Deltona vacate the airport effective April 13th. He informed that Staff met with those officials on the 13th, and inventoried all of the items belonging to DNR, and Bar Harbor and signed off on same. He reported that Bar Harbor made the commitment to continue to operate until April 1§th, and that was the date that the employees of the airport became temporary employees of Collier County. He affirmed that the current status is that 4 of the full time people and 1 part time person have been employed on an hourly part time basis, with no benefits except workmens' compensation. He noted that those employees are ensuring that the airport remains open seven daws a week, 12 hours a day. Mr. Archibald indicated that the airport currently serves over 30 planes that are based there, and suggested that before the Commission considers the lease, consideration should be given to the overview of the operations. He called attention to Page 3 of the Executive Summary which reflects the expenditures and revenues at the airport for the last 3 year period. He noted that even though this is a small operation, there appears to be a net on an annual basis, noting that the airport does pay its way mainly by the sale of fuel. Mr. Archibald related that during the summer months, the expend- itures will exceed the revenues, and the total over the period of months may be a very large figure. He revealed that one element that has been included as an expenditure is the payment of rent in the amount of $5,000 per month, but by taking the monthly rent and putting it back into the revenue stream, the operation will pay for itself for the next three month period which is the time frame that DNR is requesting to gain some time to make e final decision. Mr. Archibald stated that when Bar. Harbor closed its operation they left quite a large Inventory of fuel, and the County will have to buy fuel but it will not be money that is necessarily lost. He explained that the volume of that fuel will continue to accrue some Page 18 Apr11 17, 1990 value and hopefully, it will be more than what the cost was to the Mr. Archibald Indicated that if the 90 day lease ts considered, he believes that the airport can be operated at minima/ cost, and the deficits should not be as large as those that are shown on the finan- cial sheet. He noted that he feels that the County will break even tn Aprll and May, and the worst possible scenarios will occur tn June or July. Commissioner Shanahan remarked that the potential loss ia really minimal, and noted that he has had several companies and Individuals approach him and suggested that they would like to be considered as operators of the airport if the County is given the operational responsibility long term. He disclosed that one company has agreed to spend considerable money to upgrade the facility. He stated that he believes that contract for 90 days should be executed. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald explained that DNR executed and returned the lease to Staff last week, but there were terms included in the lease which may not be in the County's best interest. He informed that what needs to be considered today ts the lease, and a counter offer to implement the lease at $! per month for the next 90 days, and to ask DNR to consider the County's exposure and not expect any return for the next three months. Commissioner Holpe questioned whether DNR will accept the $1 per month rent? Mr. Archibald stated that the lease called for the fees to tie down and store planes to be split between DNR and the County, and it also contained a clause indicating that any operating costs and revenues received that exceeded the operating costs for the net profit be shared between the DNR and Collier County. Commissioner Volpe disclosed that last week, the Commission was advised that the lease had already been sent off, and now the lease has come back and signed by DNR and Staff has determined that the lease is unacceptable, and the Commission has not yet seen the lease. He noted that there is now another lease that Staff believes is accep- 00 C10029 Page 19 table, and DNR will not accept the lease. that this is a useless act. Co~mlssloner Hesse questioned what needs to be done to satisfy DNR? April l?, 1990 He related that he feels ii'. Mr. Archibald replied that the most simple action would be to recognize the lease that has been signed by DNR and forwarded to the County for execution, and the Commission could consider it for the next 90 days, and the Chairman execute same. Commissioner Volpe said that he ts happy to consider the lease, but the Commission has not seen it. · expressed that the potential is that the County can operate on a pro- ,~. fit and share that profit with DNR. Commissioner Shanahan stating that there is nothing to loose, but ,:~..,.,~,' everything to gain by submitting the agreement to DNR, and obtaining ~;.' ' their approval and informing them that Collier County is not accepting their agreement. Commissioner Shanahan noted that another option would be for the Chairman to execute the lease, and ask DNR to sign the agreement based on all of the parameters, but If they do not sign the agreement, the County still has the other agreement. He stated that the only dif- ference tn the two agreements Is the rental fee. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald advised that the maximum loss that occurred in 1989 was $10,000. He explained that if the rent is added to that figure that the County will not be paying, there will be no loss whatsoever, based on the 1989 figures. He County Manager Dorrtll Indicated that the point tn Staff's recom- mendation is why should the County share any of the profits from the airport with DNR since they have done absolutely nothing but get Collier County into this situation. Commissioner Volpe stated that he does not object to not sharing the revenues with DNR, but In the meantime the County ts paying the )staff at the airport. Mr. George Keller mentioned that he ts a former tenant of the air- Page 20 :.,,:.... April 17, 1990 ~ort. He noted that the Naples Airport As getting to the point whets private planes should no longer be there since At As a controlled air- port and Jets are f/yAng in and out. He And/cared that the takeover of the Marco Airport would be a good investment for the County if At can be taken over completely. Hr, Archibald recommended that Staff be directed to submit the lease to DNR and negotiate the terms to the satisfaction of both par- tAPS. Ne stated that a financing operation needs to be established, a~d he has requested assistance from Finance Director Yonkosk¥ in setting up a system that can efficiently allow the collection of rsvp- nues and the payment of manor balls and expenses. He reported that the County needs to proceed with the purchasing of fuel on an as needed basis and he is recommending that Fund 31S be used for both revenues and expenditures until such time as the Finance Department is able to sst up a separate account and operating statement for that activity. He suggested that Staff be authorized to negotiate with Bar Harbor the disposal of the fuel that they left in tack, and also to handle any and all equipment that they left in tack. April 17, 1990 C~~ I~ L~ OF ~UPPORT P.X SPECIAL BXLL XMVOLVXM6 Co~lsstoner Saunders Informed that the reason this Item was brought back was due to last week's 2/2 vote, and the fact that he wanted to vote on this Issue but he had to leave the meetln9 due to a prior co~itment. He indica~ed that subse~ently, the Dele~atAon has submltted leglsla~lon for a Coun~-wlde referenda, and noted that he la uncertain as to whether there Is anythln~ that needs to be debated. Commissioner Ooodntght stated that a Bill has been submitted to ~(,.. place this issue on the November referendum. · County Attorney Cuy/er stated that the question before the Commission today ts whether or not the desire of the Board ts to sup- port what has been proposed by the City of Naples. }:' The following persons spoke In favor of the proposed legislation relative to banning commercial vessels In man-made canals: ~:; 'i Tape ~ Mr. Nick Carslllo Mr. Bill Henley Mr. Arthur Jacob Mr. Ray Reed Those persons in favor of the proposed legislation cited the following: Too many out-of-County fisherman are abusing the canals, !,i. and affecting the livelihood of local fishermen; the Isles of Capri is experiencing too many boats, too much traffic, too many fishermen, and they don't want to interfere with the employment of local fishermen, but support the proposed leglslatlonl the fishermen have abused the privileges they have been given. Mr. Orady Johnson, representing the local chapter of tho Organized Fishermen of Florida spoke against the proposed legislation, and cited the following: these problems are influxed by regulations against the fishing Industry; manmade canals In other counties have been closed ..but those fishermen have the advantage of deep channels, Pine Island Sound, Tampa Bay, and al/ the big waterways; mullet cannot be produced Page 2 2 April 17, 1990 offshore; the local fishermen will be devastated, by this legislation; until the Marine Fishery Commission refines the loopholes, fishing will be a limited lndustr¥~ meetings should be held to see what is going on at the State level and ideas can be reached to slow down the influx; and compromises can be reached. Co-missioner Volpe stated that the Special Act will be introduced, and it appears that this matter will appear on a referendum in the November General Election. Couissioner Goodnight informed that a feasibility study has been performed by the Sheriff's Office, and noted that if the Commission desires to support the referendum, she has no problem with it since it will be the best way to solve those problems. ~httW t~ t~ %t~1 !tll l~lvtq the refer~ to ~ ~ld tn *** COPY OF LETTER NOT PROVIDED FOR THE OFFICIAL RECORDS*** Page 23 April 17, 1990 Assistant Utilities Administration Bloetscher stated that this item ia a request to adopt a bond resolution which would authorize $1§.96 million for the funding of the East and South Naples Sewer Project. ~ ~iM ~~ly, t~t ~luti~ ~-209/~-90-6 ~ ~t~. April 17, 1990 Clerk NcClenathen replaced Deputy Clerk Hell.an at thio tim ese COM~II~ATION [t~T, ATIV~ TO COHBTRUCTIOH A~D PROGRAI~IING OF & CHILD CA.W~ FACILITT el ~ - CONTIMU~D TO ~MABL~ STAFF TO CO~ BACK NITH Human Resources Director k'hitecotton advised that for the last two years, Staff has been studying the feasibility and desirability of providing an on-site child care facility. He stated that a comprehen- sive survey of County employees has been completed: 110 employees indicated they would participate in the program, resulting in 125 children; 43 employees Indicated that they may participate In the program, with an additional 53 children. He noted that It appears that 175 children will participate tn the program Initially. Commissioner Hasse questioned whether 175 children could be accommodated Initially, to which Hr. Whttecotton replied that they could not be, and suggested that possibly a waiting list would need to be Implemented. Mr. Nhttecotton stated that Staff ts proposing to construct a facility on campus, purchase fixed assets, and property coverage. He explained that an RFP will be prepared for licensed child care provi- ders to manage the facility. He noted that the proposed facility would accommodate 50-?0 Infants, toddlers, preschool and after school children up to 10 years old, but meals will not be served. He indicated that it Is also Important to realize that there is no inten- tion of subsidizing the employees' costs other than constructing the facility and providing the coverage as mentioned. Hr. ~hltecotton reported that an estimated fee of 845 per child being considered, but noted that this figure is probably low, and a more accurate figure will not be able to be determined until the faci- lities and programmatic Issues are solved. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Whttecotton related that current day care charges In the Naples area range from 835-$75 per Page 25 ~" Commissioner Volpe stated that he understands that the proposed facility would be located at Building "W", but rioted that before he can aake a decision he needs to know the cost of same. He remarked that there ts limited space on campus, and there is the question of whether or not there should be a child center as opposed to a parking garage. He indicated that one of the primary focuses of the Naples Children's Council is Day Care Centers and they are looking at a funding mechanism to raise money for this purpose. Co~missioner Goodntght stated that she does not believe that the intent of the Children's Council is to provide child care for County employees, but rather for those children who need help. Commissioner Saunders expressed that he feels that the Commission is being asked to consider another incentive for employment with Collier County. He indicated that there may not be any direct cash subsidy in terms of appropriations, but there is a subsidy in pro- riding space that most likely is needed by other departments. He asked Mr. Whitecotton how many other cities or counties tn Florida provide day care facilities? Mr. Whitecotton replied that to his knowledge, he does not know of any local governments that provide thi~ type of service. Commissioner Saunders stated that he thinks it is a great idea to provide incentives to employees, but he does not believe it is appropriate for Collier County to get into the day care business, and noted that he is opposed to proceeding any further. County Manager Dorrill stated that if the Commission decides as part of the expansion warehouse project that the size should be reduced and not provide the facility, that is the type of direction ~hat Staff needs for preparing the budget. Commissioner Hasse reported that he feels that the incentive is excellent and he believes that it makes good sense for County employees to enjoy the peace and contentment while they are performing their duties to know that their children are being well cared for in a facility that ts within calling distance, if the need arises. 000£m0093 Page 26 April 17, 1990 ,/. Commissioner Volpe remarked that in terms of prioritizing other ' projects on campus, it may very well be that some provider from the : ' .... private sector may decide to build a child care center within close '~:~' proximity to the Courthouse, and convenient for County employees to uae that facility. Commissioner Hesse stated that he would like Staff to provide additional information. Commissioner Shanahan questioned whether there is ample need to provide the service, to which Mr. Whltecotton replied affirmatively, and added particularly with the infants and toddlers. Commissioner Shanahan ~oved, ~econded by Co~aleeloner ~oodnlght and carried 4/1 (Co,~issioner Saunder~ opposed) to continue this item to enable Staff to gather additional informmtion relative to coat, space to be utilized, and what sacrifices ~ould need to be ~ade by the Count~ to provid~ the factllt~. Commissioner Volpe suggested that the Growth Management Plan be reviewed to see what has been done to encourage or discourage this type of activity on the private sector. ~ TO LIASE AOR~MI~IT BETIfg~I~ BOB A]ID PAX D~k-gLOPH~JIT, TH~ BOARD OF COUNTY CON~XSSXONEP~ WHICH PROVIDES FOR VETERAN SERVICES CONTI~Y~D USE OF SUITE 103 OF THE A~ILCAR COHPLEX ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH Real Property Management D/rector Taylor expla/ned that this item ts a recommendation to approve and execute an amendment to the lease agreement between Bob and Pek Development, Inc. and the Board of County Commissioners for office space presently utilized by Veteran Services at the Amilcar Complex located on Airport Road. She noted that in lieu of exercising a renewal option as provided for tn the lease agreement approved by the Commission on April 25 1989, Real Property negotiated the proposed amendment to provide the month-to- month tenancy until such time as the new courthouse is completed In the fall of 1990. Ms. Taylor indicated that the amendment to the lease agreement 00f C10094 Page 27 April 17, 1990 )'Provides for no change tn the monthly rental, whereas the monthly rental provided for tn the renewal option would have Increased from .' $42 t~ $84 per month. She advised that the County may terminate the amendment to the lease agreement with or without cause upon 60 days notice, and all other terms and conditions are the same as the lease agreement. ~.ee~t~l~ Bemr~dere ,mved, seconded by Co~Isslone~ Go~l~lg~t Page 28 April 17, 1990 ~l~ ~r~ ~, ~con~ ~ Co~e=~r ~~t ? ~ ~t~ ~l~ly, to ~t ~lutton 90-210, ~stng ..' ~ ~~t~s ~sttl~ to off-ehore drilling tn Collier C~, , ~ ~t t~ C~t~ tn caJ~ctt~ with ~ststut To ~e C~ ~ 011tf~ ~e a letter ~resstn~ the ~d's Inter to .,'. obJ~t to otters ~illtn~ in Collier C~. ****RESOLUTION WAS NOT PROVIDED TO CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1990.**** Page 29 'B:~OOLW~(~J 00-~11 9UPPORTIM8 TIM xIqlLAMDeS HOUSU' BX~ 8~45 ~l~ Mrs. Emily Maggio, Director, Citizens Association of Bonita Beach (CAB) stated that her association has been working for years to stop off-shore drilling. She noted that 10,000 signatures were recently turned over to Representative Porter Goes who presented them on the House Floor on March lath, and directed that they be turned over to the President. Mrs. Maggto displayed an otl sample from Padre Island, off the coast of Texas, noting that it mixes with sand, eventually turns hard, and some pieces never harden when the sun shines on them and they melt again. She advised that some of the boulders are as large as rooms in houses. She thanked the Commission on behalf of her association, and the citizens of the world. 00 [10099 Page 30 AprA1 17~ 1990 COUI~TT~ TO lfOTIFY ~,ORXDA A~SOCXATXON O, COU~TXF~ OF ~CC $1~'~'~1"~ ~I~ CO~I0~ ACT County Hanager Dorrill advised ~ha~ he received a notice from the Florida Association of Counties last week indicating that the Speaker of the House may con~ac~ him relative to an Act tha~ would require Counties to harbor sentenced state prisoners In County Jai~s for up to three years. He questioned whether the Commission was interested in t~ing a position on ~he Community Corrections Act. C~i~r S~dere ~, meconded ~ Co~t~mioner S~ ~ ~~.~~ly, to ~rt t~ action ~ t~ Flort~ ~oociatl~ 00 )C10103 Page 31 ~!:, co~l:ll~z(~ OF mOL~TZO, ll~ml.G lam IIDOllS~dG ~ ~ TO · . ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF NAFL~ AND T~ ~ County Attorney Cuyler called attention to the Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with the modified language, noting that the second llns "nsgotlate" formsrl¥ said "contract", and the sentence ended after "individuals", but additional language has been added: "...provided, however, any contract shall be approved Jointly by the City of Naples and Collier County." Mr. Cuyler indicated that two questions have arisen: the legality of the Bay Management Organization (BMO) being able to contract in its own name. He indicated that he has researched this, and they do have the legal authority to do so. He noted that the second issue ts a policy decision as to whether or not the Commission desires to change the existing Agreement to require that any services that the BMO contracts for ts presented to the County for approval and then for- warded to the City for approval. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler informed that the BMO does have the ability to contract Itself without having them approved by the County. He noted that Finance Director Yonkoeky has raised an auditing question relative to the BMO being required to comply with audit requirements. Commissioner Saunders stated that the City Council and the County Commission w111 set the budget for minor things and he cannot envision any major contracts, and believes that the BMO should have the ability to enter Into contracts in the same manner as the MPO does. CmmlAmmionmr Smundere loved, seconded by CommAealoner S~ mhd C~?AMI ~a~l~ly, that the Interlocal l~;r#~ent not ~ ~ at ~X~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T~ COLLE~R ~R T~ D~ ~LXCATXO~ ON Count~ Attorney Cu~ler advised that Af ~axee are no~ paAd, a tax certificate ~8 Issued, but if ~t la not Issued to an individual tt 00{ Ci0107 Page 32 April 17, 1990 to the County, and after a certain amount of time, the County is .red to make a tax deed application. He requested that Finance Director Yonkosky inform the Commission of lest year's results and what he believes will happen this year regarding funding. He called attention to the fact that the Board does have some discretion if the assessed value is less than $500, application for a tax deed is not neceasary. Finance Director Yonkosky explained that last year when the Co--lesion authorized the application for 121 parcels, funds were paid out of 6eneral Fund Reserves, as directed; all the certificates were ~:~'i. sold and the money was returned to the County. He indicated that in addttlon to the applications for the actual year that they were applied for, and those that were sold in subsequent years, 18~ interest on the return was also received. Re noted that he anticipa- tes that the same thing will happen again this year. ~io~er ~banahan ~ov~d, seconded ~ Co~l~Ao~r S~ ~ ~~ m~ly, t~t a Notice to ~oc~ to the T~ Coll~or ~ foreerlet for Tax Deed Applications for the 1083 Tax Certificates held by the ~t~ f~r 442 parcels. Xtem~#l-l&l & llA2 'J!~!'.:- . IZTnIIIIILI M BI~IRVES fOR coFrxw6sm~xEs xw EXCESS OF $10,000 TO BE ,':4.' umoveeT Udlg'g TO ~ acc BY .AY OF EX~CWF~VE ~ - &p'pwo~ Commissioner Shanahan questioned whether there is a budget amend- ment for reserves? Finance Director Yonkosky advised that the Board's current policy concerning budget amendments to reserves Is that an Executive Summary la to be presented to the Commission for budget ii:!:;: amendments removing more than $25,000 from Reserves. Finance Director Yonkosky stated that his comment addresses OOfl lOlO8 Page 33 April 17, 1990 whether the Coaataston wants to change that policy, reducing the .;';..',.!amount to $10,000. In answer to Commissioner Yelps, he advised that ';:'/ha reco-mends the $10,000. )? :.. Its ,.:'. · ;~<:. , ~] ~212, ~ FI~ ~T OF "QUAIL CROSSI~" ~ ~IlI~ Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit as security for maintenance of the Infrastructure until the Board of County Co~tsstoners grants final acceptance of all improvements. Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Quail Crossing." Authorize the Chairman to execute the Maintenance Agreement for Preliminary Acceptance and Resolution authorizing preliminary acceptance. 4. Preliminary acceptance of the improvements will not become effective until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed to Collier County Water-Sewer District. Xtmm ~I4BI BXD f~00-18S? TO it~RGHAOE 'TWO RI/VLACIMIIIT CC/I'L&TBID ~ TR~'*KB FOR ROJ~AIIDBI~Dgl TO PALaiI'TTO TRVCE CEIrrlR XW THI iMOUrr Of ~4O,SO0 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on ....(- March 5, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the ~,. '~'. Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M. on March 21, 1990, to con- sider Bid 90-1537, Crew Cab Dump Trucks. ~.pea ..s-.cc co~r~AC~ COV~X~O SrAm ~xs~aao~ qp~srr .~A~ra CA~ cos~ ~.X~~rr See Pages Rl:~Oi~l~O~J 00--~1~, ADTHORXZXB~ COIITR&CI~JAL AGRIIMI3FT WZTH :, oocCBOlO9 ,. Page 34 April 17, 1990 FOR VAND~LT LANDX~GS - ~ITH 1. Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. OR Book ~ Pages (~~ ~ ~ltT~ F&CXLXTX~ FOR ~HXI~ ~d~S, ~IT $, ~ ~ - '~ 1. The Florida Department of Environmental Re.lateen furnishes a letter approvfng th4e water distribution system for ser- .:~ vice, and bacteriological ~esttng has met the County's ~. requirements. ~[ 2. The Fire Flow Retirements of the project have been satisfied. That the amendment to the Letter of Credit be approved by the County Attorney's office. 0. Book /.fi& ~ Pag. s ~ FACILITIES FOR L~LY ]LESORT 12' ~ ~~ION Bactertolo~tcal test~n~ to meet the County's retirements. o, ~oo~/_~a ~ ~.~.. ~ The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing to place the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service. 2e The F/re Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrants for ownership and maintenance. 3. Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. The Plat Book and Page Number information for the recorded plat ts incorporated in the legal document. 0. Book .~g~ Pag.s /~ a ;~-/~ag~ ~ OF ~AT~ AND S~ F&CXLXTIES FOR ~J~LD BAY, I~HASE XI - The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter approving the water distribution system for service and authorizing to place the sewer system into service. ()o, OClOllO Page 35 April 17, 1990 2. Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. e ' The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied and the Fire District furnishes a lette~ accepting the fire hydrants for ownership and maintenance. / ~8OTd,,~'ZQgl '~3--214, P,.~4OVXNG ~ &CTXV~ BALES OR INDIGENT BURXJkLS FOUR See Page Xte~#14ES ~ ~ IrfXLXT~ ~AS~lxlrr TO CO~I~ co~rr~ ~ATXa-S~ DISTriCT B{ri~ggEN RXCllARD B. LANSDALK AND BOO PROFXDING FOR DIFXSION'S ~ ~ O~X~ SPA~ AT 3~5 ~ ~X~ AND THE NECESSARY BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVED See Pages ~' Xtem ~14~1 ~ ~ ~XZXIG F"'f 1988/89 CARNY FOISteD Ir TIll ~ OF e20,1T6 FOI FOLLOTXON CONTROL D~P~ CO~'K~T~XY~ ~ FLO~XDA~AT~Z~fT DX~TRXCY FO~ 'PV_~uT ___~'~rl'l~L OF DKAXNAG~ CANALS Ir COLLXL~ CO~ffTY See Pages O00Cm0111 See Page~. ,._~'~, .,' ,~o It ~~l~ ~ ~g T~ ROLL ~ U~ISTID ~ ~ 1989 T~Z~ ~~ ~~ Date~ 04/04/90 - 04/06/90 ~.lglrl~-~lk~l-~- ~)P. XMM&~ JO. 46614 SATIII%~IT01 Of Lxm fOR S[~VlCZS 0~' THI PUBLIC DIrKM'DI~ See Pages Xtmm e14~ W~SC'IX,L&JIBOUS CORREsPOm~cE - rlL, ED Am~/oR RrrERRZD The following correspondence was flied and/or referred as Indi- cated below: Copy of letter dated 04/04/90 to Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., from John F. Adams, Chief, Regulatory Division, Department Of The Army, Corps of the Engineers, re an unsigned permit instrument, xc: Nell Dorrtll and flied. Public Notice dated 04/04/90 from Department Of The Army, Corps of Engineers, re modification of Permit Application No. 87-IPC-21080, Wiggins Pass Dredging. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Harry Huber and filed. Copy of letter dated 04/05/90 to Ken Humtston, Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., from John F. Adams, Chief, Regulatory Division, Department Of The Army, Corps of Engineers, re 88IP0-20290. xc: Nell Dorrtll, and filed. Copy of certified letter to Kenneth Humtston dated 04/05/90 from Bertll A. Helmet, Chief, South Permits Branch, Department Of The Army, Corps of Engineers, re Application #90-IPP-OO193, re beach nourishment, dredging and boardwalk project on Marco Island. xc: Nell Dorrtll, Harry Huber and filed. Memo dated 04/05/90 To All Cities and Counties, from C. L. Ivey, Director, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, Department of Business Regulation, re Distribution of Alcoholic Beverage License Fees. xc: Nell Dorrill, 3ohn Yonkosky and flied. Notice Dated 03/30/90 from Department of Environmental Regulation, advising of Quality Assurance Technical Advisory O00 CIO!I2 Page 37 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. April 17, 1990 Co--ittee Meeting, Notice of Public Meeting, Notice of Workshop and Public Workshop. xc: Net1 Dorrtll, Bill Lorsnz, Frank Brutt, &nd filed. Letter dated 03/30/90 to Commissioner Hasse from Delores G. Dry, District Administrator, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services re the 198~-89 District 8 Annual Report. Flied. Memorandum dated 05/28/90 for Cttt9es and Counties in Florida Eligible to Participate in MUD's Rental Rehabilitation Program, from Jim Chaplin, Manager, 4.65 re Announcement of Fiscal Year 1990 Competition HUD-Administered Non-Formula (Small Cities) Rental Rehabilitation Program (RRP). xc: Nell Oorrlll, Russell Shreeve and filed. Copy of Department of Natural Resources Approved Permit #02194, Lely Barefoot Beach, dated 03/15/90, Applicant: Lely Estates, Inc. xc: Nell Dorrill, Blll Lorenz, Frank Brutt and filed. Letter dated 03/30/90 to BCC from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, re Request for Public Comment, File #C0-225, Applicant: Lely Estates, Inc. xc: Nell Dorrtll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt and ftled. Copy of letter to John F. Barber, Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc., dated 03/28/90, from Kirby B. Green, III, Director, Division of Beaches and Shores, Dupartment of Natural Resources, re approvsl of time extension, Permit File #C0-202, Permlttee Name: Le Parc of Naples, Ltd. xc: Nell Dorrill, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt and fi]ed. Letter to BCC dated 03/30/90, from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, re Request for Public Comment, File Number CO-253, Applicant: John and S. Lynn Neher. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt and flied. Letter to BCC dated 03/30/90, from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, Public Notice, File #C0-238, Permtttee: Auduly Beach and Tennis Club. xc: Neil Dorrtll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt and filed. Copy of letter to Tasha O. Buford of Young, Van Assenderp, Varnadoe & Benton, P.A., dated 03/30/90, from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, re Administrative ApOprovsl of Permit #CO-238, Permtttee Name: Auduly Beach and Tennis Club. xc: Nell Dorrtll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt and filed. Memorandum dated 04/03/90 to Governor's Office of Planning and Budgeting, from Annette D. Phillips, Director, Office of Management and Budget, Florida DOT, re Notification of Proposed Amendment to the FY 89/90-93/94 Adopted Work Program #900395. xc: Nell Dorrill, George Archibald and filed. Memorandum dated 04/03/90 to Governor's Office of Planning and Budgeting, from Annette D. Phillips, Director, Office of Management and Budget, Florida DOT, re Notification of Proposed Amendment to the FY 89/90-93/94 Adopted Work Program #900396. xc: Nell Dorrtll, George Archibald and filed. Memorandum dated 04/03/90 to Governor's Office of Planning and Budgeting, from Annette D. Phillips, Director, Office of O00ClOll3 Page 38 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. April 17, 1990 Management and Budget, Florida DOT, re Notification of Proposed Amendment to the FY 89/90-93/94 Adopted Work Program #900395. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Oeorge A~hibald and filed. Letter Jated 03/27/90 to James Shipman, Executive Director, Florida Association of Counties, from Vtvtan Zartckt resigning as Assistant Executive Director. Filed. State of Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, re: Development Order 90-1, Issued by BCC for Regency Village of Naples Development of Regional Impact. Filed. Minutes Received and Filed: A. Big Cypress Basin Board of the South Florida Water Management District minutes dated 03/23/90. B. Citizens Productivity Committee minutes dated 03/26/90 and 04/02/90. C. Collier County Fire Consolidation Study Oroup Minutes of 3/22/90. D. Golden Gate Parkway Beautification Advisory Committee Agenda of 4/10/90 and Minutes of 03/13/90. E. Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee Agenda of 1/12/90. Notice of Impending Construction County Water-Sewer District, South Service Area, East and South Naples Wastewater Collection Facilities. Flied. Notice of Intent to Consider Ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2, the Comprehensive Zoning Regulation and official zoning atlas map #46-29-?, at Immokalee Airport from Agriculture to Industrial District for recycling. Filed. 23. Mediation Summary, Twentieth Judicial District, Case #88-2173-CA-O1, HDH, Tactmark, Ltd. vs. Terence L. Fitzgerald, Trustee. xc: Ken Cuyler and filed. There ~ing no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Ttme: 1:15 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSlO~RS BOARD OF ZONING APP~LS/KX OFFICIO GOVERNING BO~(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL~ ~ese minutes .approved by the Board on or as corrected ~' 4 Page 39