BCC Minutes 03/27/1990 R-<:. Naples, Florida, March 27, 1990 '~:i '... LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in ,. and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s} of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hasse, Jr. Michael J. Volpe (ABSENT) Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; Carol L. McOlenathen and Ellte Hoffman Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Thomas Olltff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Wetgel, Assistant County Attorney; Ken Baglnskl, Planntn~ Services Manager: Robert Mulhere, Ray Bellows, Ron Nine, Robert Lord, Planners; David Pettrow, Development Services Director; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Adm~nistrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Servlces Administrator; Tom Conrecode, Director, Office of Capital Pro3ects Management; Ju~:n Made~ewski, Pro3ect Review Services Manager; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page 00001 AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANOES Commissioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried 4-0, that the agenda and consent agenda be approved with the following changes: Item 9(F)(3) - A summary informing the Board of the progress in developing the Golden Gate and North Naples Emergency Services complexes and seeking approval of a staff recommendation to proceed - (Added at Staff's request). Item 7(B)(1) - PU 89-25, James L. Harper of A-! Gas Company, representing Naples Fertilizer and Supply Company, r~questing provisional use "3K" in a C-4 zoning district for retail sales of propane. (Continued to 4/10/90 at Petitioner's request). 3. Item 14(E)(3) - Recommendation to cancel current taxes upon land acquired for public use 34.9 acre site located in the Vineyards PUD. (Withdrawn - to be x'escheduled at request of staff). 4. Item 14(A) (2) - Lely Resorts - Lely Elementary School Agreement. - moved to 9(A)(3). Item #4 BCC MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF FEBRUARY 13, FEBRUARY 20, AND FEBRUARY 27~ 1990, - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Couiesioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4-0, that the minutes of February 13, February 20, and February 27, 1990, be approved as presented. Item EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - P3__~:~NTED Commissioner Hasse congratulated the following employees and pre- sented them with Employee Service Awards: George F. Archibald, Transportation Services David C. Davenport, Compliance Services Ann S. Hare, EMS Maria G. Lucero, Agricul~ure David V. Miller, Road and Bridge 15 years :0 years 5 years 5 years 5 years PROCLAMATION DESIONATING THE WEEK OF APRIL I - APRIL 7, 19~0, AS MARGH OF DIMES "WALK AMERICA" - ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamation, Commissioner Sounders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4-0, that the Page 2 Narch 27, 1990 procl~t~on des~n&t~ng the week of April 1 - April ;, ~990, a~ March of Dimee "Walk America" Week, be adopted. Ms. Dawn Brahaney accepted the proclamation. She indicated that the "Walk" will begin at 8 A.M. on April 7, 19g0, beginning at Cambier Park. She noted that the Collier County employee par- ticipation is approximately 150 employees and that over 1,000 walkers are expected. Page 3 March 27, 1990 .~TION DZ$IGNATING 3UN~ 7TH - 3UR~ 10, 1990 AS TH~ RETIRED OFIl'I_~c"f~_ USOCII?ION DAY~ - FT, ORID& COUNCIL OF CHAI:'TZR$ - ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamation, Commissioner Shanah~n Loved, ee¢onde~ by Co~issioner Goodnight and carried 4-0, that the procl~tton daei~nating June 7th - June 10, 1990, as Retired Officers A~ociation Day - Florida Council of Chapters be adopted. Captain Telgus accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Retired Officers Association - Florida Council of Chapters and said that the asscciatton consists of retired personnel from the seven branches of the service. He noted that some of the members of the 41 Florida Chapters will be getting together for the annual convention in June at the Registry Resort. Page 4 0001 Hatch 27, 1990 "," ' 0RDII~t~I #90-25 RE PETITION 20-90-3, COMMUNITY DI~ELOPMENT DIVISION, AI~B~DI~ COLLIER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE 82-2, SECTION 10.5, SITE DKVKLO~ PLAN - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS AS AMENDED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 7, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition Z0-90-3 filed by Community Development Division representing the Board of County Commissioners, req~lesting a proposed Ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2, Section 10.5, Site Developmen% Plan. Development Services Director Pettrow indicated that nearly one year ago the Board adopted major changes and modifications to the SDP Ordinance because of the tremendous inadequacies and duplications that existed in that Ordinance. Combining those modtftcattcns with the new review processes, Mr. Pettrow continued, and working with the Ordinance, a number of concerns have surfaced which are primarily related to the amount of time for the review process, specifically the Site Development Plan. Mr. Pettrow indicated that 60~ of all site related improvements in unincorporated Collier County go through the site development review process, and the dev,.~lopment community is very concerned about the amount of time spent .[:, revluw in the existing process. He Indi- cated that the two step process: 1) The preliminary review and appro- val process, and 2) the f:h~al review process, is currently being used. This is the only choice an applicant has when he submits a plan and the first step alone take~,~ fourteen working days, Mr. Pettrow said. From there, he continued, the developer takes his plans to his archi- tect and engineer for the detailed plans and resubmits those as a Final Site Development Plain. The average is nine working days for the first formal review of the SDP, and after it is approved, the appli- cant can obtain his build.~ng permit. The time from the flr.,~t submittal to the flnal approval varies, Mr. Pettrow noted, lndical]ng that approximately 80% of the final site development plans are rejected on the first submittal, usually due to O0O13 Page March 27. 1990 · the incompleteness of the plan, or lack of attention regarding sti- pulations or regulations a~ spelled out in the County Ordinances. He advised the Board that over the past year, his department has become more and more consi~tent in the application of policies and with the new land development regulations resulting from the recently adopted Growth Management Plan, there is a tremendous burden on both the development community ,and the staff to make sure all plans are in compliance and that review:~ remain consistent. Mr. Pettrow indicated that with the recommended changes being con- siG~red this date, the quality and consistency will be maintained. Some of the key changes in the process are to utilize a one step pro- cess, keeping the existing two step process in place, by which an applicant meets with a review group to determine which criteria must be met, he explained. If the developer, or applicant, meets these specific criteria he can entel' the process with a final site develop- ment plan, side stepping the preliminary review, he explained. This single step process, Mr. Pettrow added, will eliminate a lot of time and can reduce the review time to a total of approximately ten working days. Another change that is being proposed, Mr. Pettrow continued, is the creation of an agricultural district waiver process by which, depending on the nature of the development, a preappllcation meeting is held to determine which development standards such as parking or buffering, if any, can be waived. Mr. Pettrow said that the third change being recommended is the creation of phase development to a Site Development Plan. Currently, Mr. Pettrow continued, in the Subdivision Master Plan, a developer is allowed to phase in tractf, over a period of time, however a Site Development Plan requires the entire property to be done at one time. The change, he e×p]alned, will permit phasing of Site Development Plans which c~llls for a non-detailed but sufficient infrastructure plan on the undeveloped portions, and a completely detailed plan for the are~ which is proposed for development. Page 6 000!4 March 27, 1990 Commissioner Hasse referred to the requested agricultural chan~;es and asked if the buffering adjacent to re~idential land will still be addressed and Mr. Pettrow responded that the distances are designated in the Ordinance, and the only waivers al.lowed is when the property in question is located substantially away from residential areas. Mr. Pettrow Indicated that the primary reference for this requested change will affect pole barns, warehouses and offices. A fourth requested change is to establish a mandatory preapplication meeting for all (~pplicants, Mr. Pettrow said, indi- cating that this will allow the appropriate coaching so that the applicant, whether going through the one or two step process, could speed up approval. He continued saying that the meeting will provide the applicant input from an environmental specialist, an engineer, and a planner using an enhnnced check list and the application will be more complete which will increase the applicant'.~ chances for approval in a one step process. Mr. Pettrow suggested a fifth change which wil:~ establish general vegetation inventory requi]'ements, instead of the blanket tree survey, suggesting that the same type of information can be obtained in a General inventory, with the exception of the existence of endangered or specimen trees or when something has been specifically sited in a The final change Mr. Pettrow suggested is to remove the stgnage requirements from the SDP initial application and ~pplying them at the time the applicant wants a sign permit. The staff, Mr. Pettrow stated, is suggesting that the word "exclusive" be eliminated from the Minor SDP Review Process paragraph d.4c, under Definitions which states: "Approval for' encroachment into any exclusive easement(s) is submitted with SDP application." The staff recommends approval for all easements to fully protect the County agalnst claims of non-exclusive easement holders. Mr. Pe~trow further stated the staff suggests that the lan~ua~;e of pa..-agraph lO.5e (Procedures), which states, "The mandatory pre- (~()0 ~age 7 March 27, 1990 application meeting may be waived for application, being submitted for review under the Major Site Development Plan Review Process," be elimi- nated and make the preappllcatton meeting mandatory for all applicants entering the system. Mr. Marlo Lamendola, 5039 33 Avenue S.W., indicated he ts pleased with the staff's simplification of the Site Development Plan process, but wants to submit revisions which he feels are critical to the Ordinance. Under 10.5d4c, Mr'. Lamendula said he recommends the dele- tion of the requirement of the letters of approval for encroachment into any easements because the reviewer's encroachment has included l__andscaptnG, and ts not in the ortgtnal Ordinance. The easements, he stated, are the property of the property owner and the owner should not have to obtain permission from the utility companies to do private work in the easements. He also suggested that eliminating landscaping may possibly violate other co~lnty ordinances. A requested substitu- tion for that section, as handed out (Copy not provided to the Clerk) by Mr. Lamendola, states tha~ the "Property owner shall submit a notarized statement that he i~; aware of an easement on his property, and if any one having rights on such easement exercls~s that right, the owner shall be responsible to restore the proper~y in accordance with the approved Site Deve]o~,ment Plan." On 10.Sd4d, Mr. Lamendola indicated he feels this should be struck from a preliminary Site Development Plan review, because a major site plan review is required if there is to be a sprinkler system. He continued, saying that the fire suppression system often ts not a requirement of the Building Co~e, and the architect should be allowed to z~ake the recommendation. As an architect, he indicated, he would not like to discourage a developer from installing a sprinkler system if it would delay the review process for that developer. Mr. Don Barber of 76 Caribbean Rd., indicated that the Develop- ment Services Steering Committee is pleased to be submitting this revised SDP Ordinance, noting that it is a good example of government and industry working together. He conttmued saying that the Ordinance Page 8 March 27, 1990 as presented today is approved 100% by the industry and the Develop- ment Services Steering Committee, and addresses Mr. Laraendola's con- cerns. He added that if the word "exclus.tve" is removed from the ordinance, then the industry would like to support lan!~aGe such as Mr. Lamendola suggests. When an "exclusive" easement is Given, Mr. Barber continued, the utility or whomever ts Given exclusive use of that property, and when a plan comes in for approval showing use in that easement other than the r:[Ght that has been Given to the entity, then Development Services will have to ask for an approval or letter from the entity. He added thai: tile reason for a non-exclusive ease- ment is so the property can be used for other purposes. Addressing the mandatory p:~eappltcation meeting proposal, Mr. Barber indicated the committee feels that with 200 - 400 SDP's pro- cessed in the last year, this will mean an additional 200 to 400 meetings with key personnel, a'nd will tie up a lot of time. Many of the applications are rejected for failure to provide complete infor- mation, Mr. Barber agreed, however, he Indicated that the developers would be willing to bend to a suggestion that the preappltcatton meeting be an option. County Attorn~y Cuy]er addr'ess~d the language as proposed by Mr. Lamendola saying that staff's concern is that, if there is to be a non-exclusive easement, the utility company will have the right to come tn and do what is necessary to get to their facility, and, if there are buffers, etc. that are taken out or damaged, it will then become the responsibility of the property owner or the homeowners association to repair or replace them. Mr. George Mellen with Wm. C. McAnly endorsed the proposed changes, stattnG that he feels they will streamline the system and improve the process. He noted that he favors a by-pass of the preapplicatlon step. He continued, saying that the check sheet pro- vided is very complete and the guidelines give the staff sufficient information for a sound preltninary review of the projects. Mr. Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, Page 9 ~arch 2?, 1990 stated that in Investigating the difficulties with the system he determined that the way to speed up the process and to eliminate complications and conflicts is to have a face-to-face meeting with the applicant and the appropriate members of staff. He continued, saying that statistically, 80~ of all projects that are submitted to staff for review do not make it through the process and the reason as the lack of communication between the developer, engineer, archi- tect, and staff. He noted that the tremendous tnvest~.ent in time that the staff has to expend to cure the problem is well worth the initial time spent in a preliminary application meeting. Such a meeting, he continued, will save the developer a tremendous amount of time and he endorses the proposed change. Upon questioning by Commis. sioner Hasse, Mr. Brutt indicated that he agrees with County Attorney Cuyler that there are some complica- tions in Mr. Lamendola's plan and endorses the County ~ttorney's r~commendation. County Attorney Cuyler suflgested language to rep]ace "exclusive" saying, "Where an encroachment identified on the Site Development Plan obviously appears to be consistent with all existing easements affected, the requirement for approval from the easement holders may be waived." County Attorney Cuyler also reserved the right to some discretion in finalizing the sentence. Mr. John Madajewski, Project Review Services Manager, indicated ~hat part of the ]~sue is that the zoning ordinances and other codes ~equire some improvements and plans have been coming in with landscapinG buffers, parkinG lots, or on-site storm water retention facilities within easements. If there Is no confirmation from the easement holder that there will be something placed in the easement, he continued, either the property owner or the easement ho]der will need to replace or repair the facility. He further stated that since there is no provision for either party to repair the easement to its former condition, a landscape buffer, drainage system o~ parking could be lost. 00() Page 10 March ~7, 1990 Regarding the fire sprinkler system and the two step process, Mr. MadaJewski indicated that he agrees with Mr. Lamendola, noting that the County would not want tc detract from buildings having fire suppression systems to aid Jn the reduction of fire damage, and other issues as they relate to the fire codes and districts on the site plan, regarding connections and vehicle access. Co~iesioner Saunders moved, seconded by Co~issioner Goodnight and ca]~rted 4/0, that the p~lblic hearing be closed. Ool~miaaloner Ssundera ~ved, seconded ~ Co~is~ioner Sh~m~ ~d c~ri~ 4/0, that the Ord~n~ce as n~red ~d titled ~1~ ~ mdoptm4 ~d entered into Ordinance Book No. 38 with the ~ ~rd exclusive i~ to be re~ved ~d replaced with the u ~=t~ ~ Cowry A~orney ~yler, ..."~ere and encroac~n~" ..... , t~ 1~ that says the ~dato~ pre-applica~ion m~ting ~ ~l~ for a~lications ~ing ~bmi~ed for revi~ ~der the ~Jor SA~e ~lo~nt Pi~ Revie~ Process should be deleted from Subsection 10.5, ~aph e. O~IN~CE 90-25 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, AS AMENDED BY COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 89-18, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT, SUBSECTION ~0.5, SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW AND APPROVAL, BY MAKING MINOR CHANGES TO SUBSECTION 10.Sb., A~PI,ICABI[,IT~: B~ ADDING A NEW SUHSECTION ~0.5c., WAIVER, T0 PROVIDE FOR THE WAIVER OF CERTAIN SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; BY RENUMBERING FORMER SUBSECTION ~0.5c, DEFINITIONS TO SUBSECTION lO.Sd., BY ADDING CERTAIN DEFINITIONS THERETO AND B~ MAKING MINOR ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS: BY RENUMBERING FORMER SUB:SECTION 10.5d, PROCEDURES, TO SUBSECTION lO.5e., BY ADDING PROVISIONS FOR M,NOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~ND MAJOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PHASED AND NON-PHASED) REVIEWS, BY ADDING AND DELETING CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS FOR PRELIMINAR~ AND FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS, AND BY RENUMBERING SEVERAL PARAGRAPHS CONTAINED WITHIN THIS SUBSECTION; BY RENUMBERING FORMER SUBSECTION ]0.Se., STANDARDS, TO SUBSECTION ~0.5f., BY REQUIRING THAT THE SIGNAGE OF P}~OJECTS S[;B3ECT TO REVIEW UNDER THIS ' SUBSECTION CONFORM TO THE COLLIER COUNTY SIGN ORDINANCE, AND BY MAKING OTHER MINOR CHANGES; BY RENUMBER:lNG FORMER SUBSECTION 10.Sf., AMENDMENTS, TO SUBSECTION 10.5~., BY AMENDING THE DEFINITIONS OF THE TERM SUBSTANT:[AL CHANGE, AND BY MAKING OTHER MINOR CHANGES; BY RENUMBERING FORMER SUBSECTION lO.5g., VIOLATIONS, TO SUBSECTION lO.5h., PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVE~BILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .March 27, 1990 ORDI1LtlK;E NO. 90-26, PETITION R-89-23, AGNOLI, BARBER & BRUNDAGE, INC., REPRESENTING LAWMET~ PARTNERSHIP, REQUESTING A REZON~ FROM A-2 TO PUD FOR A CO~(KRCIAL D~ELOPMENT TO BE KNOWN A~ LAWMETKA PLAZA AT TH~ INTERSECTION OF U.S. 4! AND WIggINS PASS ROAD - ADOPTED WITH STII~ILATIONS Legal notice having been publ.[shed in the Naples Daily News on March 8, 1990, as evidenced by Aff~davtt of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-89-23, filed by Agnolt, Barber & Brundage, Inc., representing Lawmetka Partnership requesting a rezone from A-2 to PUD for r, commercial deve- lopment to be known as Lawmetka Plaza located at the Northwest corner of the intersection SR 45 (U.S. 41) and Wiggins Pass Road (C.R. 888) in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, consJstfng of 34+ acres. Mr. Ron Ntno of Plannlng Services, indicated that Petition R-89-23 is an application to allow development of general commercial uses Including retail, offices, hotel, or health care facilities. The pro- Ject is located in an activity center, Planner Ntno indicated, noting that it is in one quadrant and the adjacent quadrants have residential development, adding that the entire commercial development of the quadrant will be consistent with the future ]and use element of the Growth Management Plan. He further noted that no leve~ of service will be abridged by the approval of the application and the Planning Commission approved the plan on March 15, 1990, by a vote of 7/2. He indicated there is opposition to the project expressed by a nearby resfdent. Staff's opinion, Planne~' Ntno stated, is to recommend approval based on the Planning Commission's recommendations and stipulations, and noted that during the negotiation phase of the application 99% of the requested stipulations and conditions that have been developed have been agreed to by the applicant and are consolidated into the PUD document that has been presented. He added that some issues are outstanding and staff recommends that these also be included in the stipulation agreement which, upon approval, become part of the PUD document. Page ~2 March 27, lg90 Outlining the stipulat~[ons, Planner Nino said staff recommends prohibiting access to any i[ot other that the acces[~ afforded the site by the proposed street system, entering the project on U.S. 41 and exiting on Wiggins Pass Road. Another of the stipulations, he con- tinued, is a typographical error and the omitted language has been added. The third stipulat~[on, he added, is the recommendation that a twenty foot landscape area be maintained along Wiggins Pass Road and U.S. 41, and is stipulated in the Petitioner's agreement. Commissioner Hass~ asked how many accesses are permitted from U.S. 41, to which Mr. Nino responded there is only one. The Master Plan in the packet, Mr. Ntno indicated, shows an addi- tional access point between the acknowledged access and Wiggins Pass Road but that is not in the staff recommendation. Commissioner Hasse then asked what the public's objection to the development is, to which Planner Nino indicated that the public is opposed to any development of thls site although it is in compliance with the Growth Management Plan. Commissioner Saunders asked if there is a possibility of making the second requested acces:s site a right turn An, right turn out only, with the appropriate acceleration and deceleration lanes. Commissioner Hasse asked to have the traffic signal system clarified at Wiggins Pass Road. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald said that the right turn in, right turn out is a possibility, but the FDOT will pro- bably not allow It because of the close proximity to the signalized intersection at Wiggins Pa:ss Road and U.S. 41. He continued, saying the Transportation Services Department would have no objection to allowing the Board to put some flexibility Into the project and FDOT to make the decision. Mr. Archibald continued, saying there Is a signal system at Old U.S. 41 Just to the north of the Wiggins Pass Road intersection and the project's service road will be aligned with the intersection, a turn lane complex will be installed, and the intersection will be Page 13 March 27, 1990 improved. Mr. Steve Ball, Land Use Planner with Agnoll, Barber, and Brundage, Inc., r,~viewed the project saying that the project Is a 34 acre integrated office and commercial development providing for either a hotel or congrefjate living facilities and open space within an activity center. He continued by saying that there are five different land use parcels that are being provided on the land use map which are: 1. 2. Two parcels equaling nine acres of commercial development. Seven acres of specialty commercial in the interior of the project designed for a variety of needs with a potential central theme. 3. Two acres of professional offices on the west part of the development allowing for studios or civic and public uses. 4. On the northern parcel of the development, there is a hotel s]te which could potentially be used for an ACLF or Nursing Home w]th potential residential development. §. Just over eight aclres would be used as a preserve area con- sisting of jurisdictional lands that will not be developed, but will have a su~rroundi~g buffer and accounts for 28% of the total site. The only physical use that is being allowed in this area, Mr. Ball added, is a sidewalk to cro~s North and South for pedestrlan access. Describing the environment~.l characteristics of the project, Mr. Ball indicated there will be improved hydro-periods in the water mana- gement program, that the area will also serve as a wildlife corridor, and the preserve will separate the project into two distinctive parts, eliminating the strip-center appearance. Mr. Ball noted that public facilities and traffic have been miti- gated in the revised PUD document and those conditions are being accommodated by the development, further stating that a traffic study indicates there are impacts on U.S. 41, north of the site, and on Wiggins Pass Road, but it will nat result in a decrease in the level of service standards because o~ the development. Mr. Ball indicated that the developer intends to comply with the concurrency standards and to pay his fare share of the impact fees and signalization improvements, noting that the project will provide addi- Page 14 Hatch 27, 1990 tional potential access for the surrounding residential areas. Planner Nino indicated that Staff has no problem with the road extensions and access to parcel "C" and "B-I". Continuing, Mr. Ball stated, that the remaining transportation issue is access related. The plan shows three access points, he noted, and the developer would like the opportunity to submit a poten- tial Subdivision Master Plan which will show one out parcel access at the corner, and two access points on U.S. 41. Addressing the potential problem with FDOT, Mr. Ball stated, the developer would like to keep t:he flexibility open. Noting the other commercial businesses In the area, Mr. Ball said that the project meets the activity center standards of the area including the interconnectlonm to adjacent land, the mitigation of public impact, the provision for open space preservation, and the com- patibility of land use. The F'lanning Commission, Mr. Ball remarked, voted to recommend approval 7/2, and explained that the "2" vote in opposition supported the design as originally proposed and that the project has overall support. Mr. Ball said the Petitioner is willing to add a twenty foot additional landscaping buffer against Wiggins Pass Road for parcel A-! if part of the Internal buffer against the preserve can be eliminated in the upland areas. Planner Nino indicate(] that the trade off eliminating the twenty- five foot buffer is necessary between Jurisdictional wetlands and active development areas. He also indicated that there is a need for more beautification efforts on major arterial roads in producing an aesthetic quality. Mr. Ball summing up the petitioner's request indicated he feels the project is appropriate for the site and provides a variety of uses with 28% of the site being used for a preserve, and further requested Board approval with the accesses as currently in the plan and with the landscaping modification on parcel A-1. Co~a~ssior~r S&unders moved, seconded by Co~umiesio~er $1~nahan and carried 4/0, that the public h(~artng be closed. Page 15 March 27, 1990 Mr. Ball asked if there will be an opportunity to request an out- parcel at the corner. Commissioner Saunders, restated his position that there is an indication of an access point on U.S. 41 tn the cent:er, and this access should be right turn in, right turn out only. Mr. Ball Indicated that the PUD has language which allows them to come forward with an SMP and propose additional access on parcel A at the corner. He indicated that there are serious design constraints and would he like to reserve the opportunity for a Planner Nine said the second access on U.S. 41 could be requested, but am lndic,,tnd by Mr. A~*r:hlb~,ld with th,, Ff){)'r't~ r:ur't'~.nt [w~]~c¥, ~t will probably not be approved. Commissioner Goodn~ght said she fee~s the Board should not limit the petitioner from making a request to FDOT. Comm~ssioner Shanahan indicated that he shares that view. Commissioner Hasse asked the distance between the access and the corner light and Mr. Ball responded that it ts 580 feet. Mr. Reed Jarvey, Transport~tion Engineer for Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, stated that during the FDOT access workshop the FDOT indi- cated that they are proposing different connection spacings for state roads and without knowing what the final outcome will be, the proposed change that is in the footage requirement will fall between 860 feet and 440 feet. C~ssioner Ssunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan ~nd cmF~ 4/0, tha~ the O~d~n~c~ as n~red and t~tled ~1~ ~op~ ~d entered ~n~o Ordinance Book No. 38 w~th the of t~ o~t~ty fo~ additional accesses ~d to impose ~he mecom- ~n~ additional buffering: ORDIN~CE 90-~6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 48-25-5; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT TO BE KNOWN AS LAWMETKA PLAZA AT THE NORT~EST CORNER OF INTERSECTION SR 45 (NEW US 41) AND WIGGINS PASS ROAD (CR 865) LOCATED IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 34+ ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page March 27, 1990 eec D~t~ Clerk Hoffl~m replaced Deputy Clerk McClenathen at this tille Item #602 ORDINANC~ 90-27, AGENDA PREPAI~TION AND DISTRIBUTION FOR BOARD OF COUNTT C~I$$ION~RS MEETINGS - A~ED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 8, 1990, as evidenced b%~ Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending Collier County Ordinance No. 75-16, as amended, which established the time, place and conduct of meetings of the Board of County Commissioners; by amending Section 1.1.C.2. to allow the agenda for regular meetings to be prepared and dtstrtbut,d not later than four (4) days preceding the meetin!~. County Manager Dorrill stated that +he proposed ordinance amend what has been in practice for a number of years relative to the tlme frame that establishes the numh~r of days in advance and how the agenda will be prepared for the regular County Commission meetings. He advised that agendas are c'arrent]y being printed by a private com- pany at considerable cost savings. Tape #2 Mr. Dorrill indicated ~hat ~he agenda deadline for staff is the week preceding the meeting; the agendas are picked up on Wednesday afternoon, printed overnight and the following day, delivered back to the County on Thursday afternoon, and dlstrJbuted Friday morning. There were no speakers. Co~mAssioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commi~mtoner Shanahan In~ Clr~-l~d 4/0, to close the public hearing. Colltsli,3ner ~oodnight loved, seconded by CommAssioner Shanahan and carri~ 4/0, that the Ordinance a~ numbered and titled below be a~opted and ,~ntered into Ordinance Book No. 38: ORDINANCE 90-27 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 75-16, AS AMENDED, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE TIME, PLACE AND CONDUCT OF MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: BY AMENDING SECTION ].~.C.2. TO ALLOW THE AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETINGS TO BE PREPARED AND DISTRIBUTED NOT LATER THAN FOUR (4) DAYS; PRECEDING THE MEETING: 00O25 Page 17 March 27, 1990 PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILIT¥; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTION 90-173, R~ PETITION AV-90-O05, WILLIAM C. MCANLY AND ASSOCIATK:S HEPR~$ENTING MAU~ICE LARISON, JR., (LARISON ANTIQUE STORE) REqu]~TIN(~ VACATION OF A PORTION OF A DRAIllAGK AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ON A'PORTION OF LOT~ 48 AND 49, BLOCK 74, GOLD~N GATE, UNIT TWO - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 11 and 18, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-90-005, filed by Maurice Larison, Jr., as owner, (Larison Antique Store) represented by William C. McAnly& Assoc., requesting to vacate a portion of the drainage and utility easements for the purpose of constructing a commercial building. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald informed that this item is a request to consider the vacation of a portion of the six foot drainage and utility easements located on a portion of Lots 48 and 49, Block 74 of Golden Gate, Unit Two, to enable the owner to build across the property line. He noted that the subject property is located in an area where the four laning of CR-95! will soon begin. He advised that the appropriate Letters of No Objection have been received, and noted that there will be no change in the intensity of use other than to build ac~oss the property lines. There were no speakers. Com~oe~oner Goodn~ght moved, meconded by Con~ss~oner Smunders and c~rr~ed 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Co~ssioner Shanahan and carried 4/0, to approve Petition AV-90-005, and that Resolution 90-173 be adopted. Page 18 00026 March 27, 1990 Ita ~4 ~$OL~TION 90-I74, R~ PETITION AV-89-028, WILLIAM $CHW~I~HA~DT, AGENT FOR ~ER, VAC REALTY, INC., REQUESTING VACATION OF 15' FOR UTILITY EASemENT ON LOTS 1, 2 3, 30 AND A 7-1/2 FOOT UTILITY F~AS~q~T ON LOT 29, BLOCK "A"~ LOS PINOS - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 11, and 18, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-89-028 filed by William $chwelkhardt, agent for Vac Realty, Inc., as owner, requesting to vacate a 15 foot utility easement and a 7-1/2 foot utility easement for the purpose of more uniform development of the property as to proper retention, pa!king and landscaping. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald advised that the petitioner is requesting the vacation of the utillty easements on Lots 1, 2, 3, 30, and a portion of the 7-1/2 foot easement of Lot 29, Block "A", Los P/nos. He noted that this is an o/der plat that was recorded years ago, and a number of the easements have previously been vacated. He informed that the applicant desires to build across the property line and through the easemen% areas. He informed that the property is cleared and prepared for development, and lndlc~ted that the owner has stated a willingness to donate a portion of the right-of-way for future expansion of U.S. 41. Mr. Archibald reported that the appropriate Letters of No Objection have been received, and Staff is recommending that the requested vacations be approved. There were no speakers. Omlmmioner 6oodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Shan~an and c&rried 4/0, to close the public he&rtnQ;. Commissioner Shm~ah~ aoved, seconded by Commissioner OoodniQht an~ carried 4/0, to approve Petition AV-89-028, and that Resolution 90-174 be a~ted, Page 19 March 27, 1990 Item [T&I R~SOLUTION 90-175, RE PETITI01! V-90-4, ARTHUR KOB~L, SR., REPP~SENTIN~ ROB~I~T P. &lqI) LOUISE L. NELIN~ REQUESTING A .~1 FOOT V~I~CE ~ONG ~ ~ ~OP~ LI~ FOR PROPER~ LOCATED AT 224 JO~C~ ~I~ ~LLOU~ ACRES - Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 11, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-90-4, filed by Arthur Kobel, Jr., representing Robert P. and Louise L. Meltn, requesting a .21 foot variance from the required side yard set- back of 7.5 to 7.29 feet in a RSF-4 zone for Lot 89 of Willoughby Acres, (224 Johnnycake Drive). Planner Hoover stated that the Petitioner is requesting a 2-1/2" variance of the required side yard setback on the east stde for an existing sing/e-family house. Mr. Hoover reported that the Collier County Planning Commtsslon held their public hearing on March 1, 1990, and unanimously recommend approval, and noted that staff also recommends approval of this peti- tion. There were no speakers. ~o~lssloner ~oodnlght ~c~d, seconded by Co~tsstonsr ~ c~r~led 4/0, that the public hea~tng be closed. Commissioner 8oodntght moved, seconded by Coatsstoner Shan~h&n and cvrt~d 4/0. to approve Petition V-90-4, thereby adopting Resolution 90-175. Page 20 Hatch 27, 1990 DEBRA FREDERICK TO BE ISSURD TEMPORARY CERTIFICAT~ OF OCCUPANCY FOR A 12 NOl~l'H PERIOD WITH NO RENEWAL IN ORDER TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC TO A MOBILE HOME LOCATED ON STATE STREETt IMMO}~LEE, FLORIDA Mrs. Debra Frederick stated that she had taken care of matters to obtain a permit to re.locate a mobile home in Immokalee, and noted that she complied with all requests of the Building and Zoning officials during the period of October 1-6, 1989. She explained that at the time of the survey, arid after relocating the mobile home, she was told the mobile home was not allowed on the property. Community Development Services Administrator Brutt related that Mrs. Frederick mentioned an October l, 1989, date but his file notes indicate that he was called out of a meeting on September 20, 1989, relative to a problem with the placement of Debbie Frederick's mobile home in Immokalee. He reported that the current situation is that the Frederick's did not request an inspection in order to obtain electri- cal or the Certificate of Occupancy, and they were Informed that they needed a spot survey to determine if this is a legal lot. He reported that the Zoning Ordinance and the Agricultural District allows one mobile per § acres. He indicated that when the applicant went into the Immokalee office, the Staff having received complaints about the mobile home being placed on the lot, cai]ed the Naples office to ascertain how the situation should be hand/ed. Mr. Brutt informed that there had previously been 3 mobile homes on the site and noted that one had been removed, but this was still a non-conforming use since there were two mobile homes. He advised that the applicant was asked if there were any mobile homes on the site, and Mr. Frederick stated that the mobile home bein~ permitted was the only home on the site, and then took the blaDk applications and left the office. Mr. Brutt stated that when he became involved ~ith this situation, the applicants were asked the same questio~s as to whether there would be any other mobile homes on the site, and they advised that theirs was the only mobile home on the site, and therefore, they were given Page March 27, 1990 their permit to move. He informed that staff takes the basis that people are telling the truth and they acknowledge the fact that if they move the mobile home on a site, before they obtain electrical hook up, a spot survey is required which will verify whether there more than one mobile home on that site. He noted that the Frederick's have not called for a Certificate and Staff believes that the reason for this is due to the fact that there is more than one mobile home on the site. Attorney Robert Grguric, representing Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, explained that his clients applied for a building permit and noted that they do not own the subject parcel. He aLdvised that the site plan that was provided to the County indicated that the lot on which they were proposing to place their trailer was 330' x 220' and does not show any additional structures on that parcel. He reported that in excess of 220' to the west of the subject property, there are two other trailers, but he is uncertain as to whether that property has the same legal description. Mr. Grguric advised that a permit was issued to the Frederlck's and they received a letter from Lee County Elect,.'ical Co-op in September ~ndlcating that there had been a pre-existing use for a mobile home on this property since April 15, 1975, and that it had been a continuous use for that period of t~me. ~,~ explained that on October 26, 1989, his clients moved their mobile home onto the pro- perty and have been attempting ~o obtain the appropr]at~ inspections so they can obtain Attorney Grguric advised that Mr. and Mrs. F~ederick have spent in excess of $3,000 to move their ~oblle home and place it on this pro- petty and tt appears that they have basically complied with all the requests of the County with respect to setting up the mobile home on the parcel. Commissioner Saunders stated it seems that the procedure that the Fr~derlck's need to follow ts to c{~mply with the requir~ment to file a spot survey and if there are 3 trailers on one lot and the ordinance Page 22 March 27, 1990 prohibits the issuance of a Certificate of Occupany because of that, there is nothing that the Board of County Commissioners can do about tt since the ordinance cannot be changed. Assistant County Attorney ~leigel informed that Commissioner Saunders' remarks are correct. He informed that it would be appropriate for the petitioners: to file a variance request. Commissioner' Saunders indicated that the petitioners do have a hardship that creates a serious problem for them and he would like to do something to eliminate that problem. He suggested that staff expe- dite, as quickly as humanly po~:sib]e, the review of the spot survey and then issue the Certificate of Occupany, assuming that all Codes are complied with. Commissioner Hasse noted that staff Jndicates that on many occa- sions Mr. and Mrs. Frederick w~re notified th.at they were not in compliance by p]nc~ng a m{~b~]e home on the p~'operty and they cannot continue to violate the County's ordinances in that regard. Mr. DouG Frederick explained that he was not aware that he was in violation of any ordinances until his trailer had been moved. He indicated that he complied with all requests that were made by Immokalee Customer Services Supervisor Oss, who told him to move his trailer, set it up, and then come hack for a spot survey and noted that this is exactly what he d.[d. He stated that when he went in for the spot survey he was told by Mr. Oss that there was no need for him to request a survey since the 'trailer was not supposed to be out there. He noted that he had obtained his permit two weeks prior to this. Mr.. Brutt informed that there appears to be a difference in opi- nion as to whether or not there were any additional mobile homes on the site, and if there were, that only one cculd occupy same. He affirmed that the Immokalee o£flce had questions relative to non- compliance on that lot and the existence of other mobile homes beinG there. Mrs. Freder.ick stated that the pea'mit was app]i(~d for on October 1, 1989, and she and her husba~nd ~;ent through the proper channels and Page 23 March 27, lggO were not aware of the zoning laws until the project was completed. She explained that she and Mr. Frederick would not have placed their mobile home on the lot if they k~lew they were violating the ordinance. She advised that County Staff has offered to refund the permit fees, but noted that she and her husband do not have enough money to again move their trailer. Mr. Brutt read a sworn statement dated March 15, lggo, from Kathleen Presley, indicating that on October 1, 1989, she complained about a mobile home being set up on State Street, and of used tires being dumped on the site. He related that Ms. Presley complained about the mobile home on October l, 1989, and noted that this situation began earlier than ~he dates stated. Mrs. Frederick Informed that she ]las a receipt showing the date that the mobile home was moved and it could not have been moved without the permit. She indicated that Mr. Clark came out to the pro- perty and took pictures. Mr. Brutt advised that Mr. Clark indicates that there are other units on the site, but he canl%ot Gauge the exact distance. Commissioner Saunders asked if Mr. and Mrs. Frederick are currently living in tile home ~nd Mrs. Frederick replied affir- matively, and noted that they have been doing so for 6 months without any electricity. Gom~as~oner Saunders mowed, that a temporary G.O. be issued for the purpose of connecting the electricity which would allow the Frederick'e to apply for a vel?lance under the existinG ordinances, and The p~ition be brought back for review of the Commission, but if the variance ia not granted, ~:he temporary O.O. would then expire. Commissioner Saunders ind:[cated that in the interim, it would be advisable to see if the Frede]-tck's could make arrang~ments to move, but at least they would have a temporary C.G. pending review of the variance. Assistant County Manager McLemore advised that there may not be a variance route, but if there .~s, that becomes further financial Page 24 March 27, lg90 hardship on Mr. and Mrs. Frederick. He stated that it may be better to allow the Fredertck's a period of time to resolve this ~ssue and find another location for their trailer rather than them spending more money and be facing the same dilemma. Commissioner Shanahan questioned whether Mr. Brutt has a recommen- dation relative to this s~tuatfon? Mr. Brutt replied that he feels that the suggestion of allowing the Frederick's a period of time to connect the electrical and then relocating would be fair. He noted that it must be acknowledged that the mobile home is there, it does not conform to Code, and there have been numerous conversations rela- tive to this site which took place prior to the date that it was moved on the site. Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, stated that he spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, and he questions how they could have been charge(! $262 for a building permit when no investigation was don~ as to where the trailer wculd be placed7 He indicated that the County assumes some responsibility when it issues a building permit. He sugges'ted that the Frederick's be given a 6 month temporary permit, and that 'the $262 be refunded. Co~seloner Saunders withdrew his motion. Commissioner Saunders moved, that Mr. and Mrs. Frederick be given a tem~orar~ permit for one 'Fear, from today's date, with the understanding that at the end of the one year per~od, they ~ill have to vacate the property and that the butld~ng permit application fee be refunded. Motion dled for lack of a second. Commissioner Shanah~n moved, seconded by CommAssioner Saunders and carried 4/0, that Mr. and Mrs. Frederick be extended a temporary per- mit for 12 months, with no renewal, and the fees that have been paid, remain paid. STAFF TO CONSIDER OBSERVANCE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY BEING INCORPOHATED INTO HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR 1991~ AND BRING HACK RECOg~DATION$ OF SAME Mr. Herbert Cambridge, representing the National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People, requested that the Commission con- Page 25 March 27, 1990 sider designating Martin Luther King Day as a holiday for Collier County employees in 1991. He informed that this ts a National Holiday which is observed by the state, city and the school board. He Informed that his group will be pleased to work with Staff tn coor- dinatinG this very special day into the 1991 holiday schedule. He indicated that the 3rd Monday tn January ls now observed as Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Commissioner Hasse called attention to the fact that an additional holiday would be an expensive situation. Mr. Cambridge replied that he realizes this and noted that the NAACP is not asking for an addi- tional day, but merely that the current 11 holidays be evaluated, and that Martin Luther King Day be designated as one of the 11 days. C~tssioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commis~loner Goodntght that Staff consider the obs,~rvance of Martin Luther King Day being Incorporated 1nrc the holiday schedule for 1991, =nd present recommen- ~mt~n~ of s~ to the BCC. Mr. Gerald McKenzie stated that he supports Mr. Cambridge's request and encouraged staff to explore the observance of this holi- day by Collier County emplo'fees. Mr. George Keller stated that there have been many great men who have served the United Stat,es and there cannot be holidays com- memorating each of them. He suggested that the Commission not set a precedent by this request. Mr. Fred Thomas pointed out that the state, federal government, City of Naples, schools, banks, post office, and the Collier County Housing Authority hay,) taken th~? role to observe this holiday. He affirmed that the memory of Du. King makes everyone understand the Individual differences of p,)ople, respect tho~e differences, and allow everyone the freedom of cbc:ice. He stated that this has become a national spirit that is rec()gnized not only t,1 the eastern block but also in South Africa. He indicated that he thinks that the youth need to be reminded of the contr:ibuttons that have been made to this country and this can be acct~mpllshed by recognizing this holiday. Upon c&ll for the quest:Ion, the motion carried 4/0. Page 26 March 27, 1990 Item A~t~NT BETWEEN FOUNDATION FOR A DRUG FR~E G~NERAYION AND BCC TO BE ~~ Mr. Roy Terry stated that he is speaking on behalf of Dr. Patrick Kane, representing the Foundation For A Drug Free Generation. He stated that there have been montes set aside from fines of substance abuse offenders and placed into the Collier County Drug Abuse Trust Fund for education of substance abuse. He informed that he understands that those funds are allocated by the Board of County Commissioners and he is requesting that those funds be used by the Foundation For A Drug Free Generation. Mr. Terry advised that the Foundation provides funds to supply specialized teachers tn all of of Collier County's schools; public and private. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Terry reported that the salaries are for the specialized teachers to provide a community effort to teach in both public and private schools. He stated that a Drug Free Schools Grant also provides education money, funds are also received from the school board, and monies are allocated from City government and private donations. Commissioner Goodnight explained that this is the fund that the Commission passed two years ago when the State Legislature gave the Board's local option to do so, and the judges place monies in the fund through fines from d['ug offenders. She stoat'ed that according to State law, the money is to be allocat.d to an organization to be used for education. She commented that she would ] l~e to see the Foundation For A Drug Free Generation designated as the recipients from this fund. She noted that she feels that there should be an agreement bet- ween the Board of County Commissioners and the Foundation. Commissioner Saunders stated that he concuz, s with Commissioner Goodnight's remarks. Co~miastoner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodn~ght and ¢~ed 4/0, that the Foundation For A Drug Fee Generation be Page 27 March 27, 1990 designated as recipient of these funds: that Staff to prepare an Agreement and bring back to the Commission for approval; and that the County's intent should be made known to the community. ltea~g&l PUBLIC HEARING DATE SET FOR JUNE §f 1990, RE DRI-89-1C,j 'QREY OAKS" Planner Nino informed that this item is a request to set the public heartng date relative to "Grey Oaks" DRI, which was originally tile "Halstatt" proposal involving the development of 1,600+ acres including three quadrants of Golden Gate Parkway and Airport Road. Mr. Nino requested that June 5, 1990, be set az the public hearing date. Co~ieeloner O0odntght moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and c~rried 3/0, (Commisalone~r Saundera out of the room), that June 5, 1990, be set as the public he,&ring date for Petition DRI-89-1C, "Grey Oaks". ~DI0 ~ARIN~ DATE SET FOR ~AY ~, lg90, HE PETITION ~DA-90-1 ~ DCA-90-1, ~~$ TO TOLLGATE O0~ROE CE~ER ~ A~ D~LO~ ORDER TO DETERMINE IF THERE IS A SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATION Planner NJno ~t~t,.,l il~! St.~ff 1~ reque~,tlno that a public hearing be set to consider the proposed amendment to the Tollgate Commerce Center located at CR-951 and Alligator Alley. He indicated that the proposed addition of 9 acres requires a determination as to whether there is a substantial deviation. He remarked that if there is no substantial deviation, the Commission will consider an amendment to the Development Order and the PUD. Mr. Nlno requested that the public henrin0 (lat,~ b~ set for May 22, 1990. Commissioner Oondnight m~ved, seconded b~ Commissioner Shmn&han and carried 4/0, to set the public hearing date for May 22, 1990, regarding the question of a substantial deviation of PDA-90-1 and DOA 90-1. Item i~gi3 ~ ~I~S OY L~LY ~CHO0~ 5ITl ~C~ ~IT~IN ~LY R~SORT8 PUD PRO.CT - ~O~D AS ~ED Page 28 000,13 March 27, 1990 Assistant County Attorney Weigel advised that this item involves an agreement with Lely Development Corporation ~e:lative to the early completion of certain infrastructure facilities for Lely Elementary School which is proceeding faster than the plat development. He noted that it is the intent of Collier County Public Schools to have the school in operation thts fail and to be certain that the infrastructure, utility drainage easement, water and sewer require- ments are expedlte(! prior to th~ normal constr'actton activities with the subdivision approval and plat. He remarked that the agreement reflects the promises of the development with the County in providing for the school system's needs. Attorney Weigel informed that one paragraph needs to be added to Pa~e 2, Section One, of the contract as follow:9: Notwithstandin~ the provisions of this agreement, Owner acknowledges and agrees that it shall take all reasonable action necessary to substantially comply with the Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance 88-76, as amended. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. WeiGel stated that there should be no adverse impact on the County. Commissioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Comm~ssioner Goodn~ght and carried 4/0, to approve the agreement with Lely Development Corporation, &a amended. Pag~ 29 (} O{ ),1.1 March 27, 1990 Ite~D1 BID 189-1512 CONSTRUCTION OF ~AST AND SOUTH NAPLES WASTEWATER OOIJ~ECTION FACILITIES, CONTRACT NO. 5 - AWARDED TO MITCHEL~ AND STARK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $704r8¢3.40 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 11, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:00 P.M. March 7, 1990, to consider Bid #89-1512, South Service Area, East and South Naples ~astewater Collection Facilities. Utilities Engineering Director Temby related that this Item is a recommendation to award Contract No. § of the East and South Naples Sewer project. He informed that this is the last of the contracts to be acted upon. Mr. Temby informed that four firms submitted bids, with Mitchell and Stark Construction Co., Inc. being the low biddel' in the amount of $704,843.40. He advised that Contract No. 5 deals with the ? mobile home parks on the north and south side of Radio Road, immediately east of Fox Fire. Mr. Temb¥ stated that Staff is recommending the award of the contract to Mitchell and Stark in the amount as stated above, con- tingent upon review by the County At~'Grney of the final contract docu- ments after execution by the contractor. Cml=stoner Goodnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan ·nd c~rted 4/0, that Bid 89-1512 be awarded to Mitchell & Stark in the i~ou~t of $704,843.40 contingent upon review by the County Attorney of the final contract doctuaents after execution by th+s Contractor. Item ~GE1 RK$OLUTION 90-176 APPROVING THE KXPENDITUItK OF FUNDS FOR T-SHIRTS, TROPHIKS, PLAQUES, AND REFRESHMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MARCH OF DIMES ~990 ~WALK AMERICAs KVENT - ADOPTED Administrative Services Admini~t['ator Och~ r~mark~d that this Item is a request to adopt a ~e$olutton author:[zing the expenditure of funds for the March of Dimes "Walk America" Event. He affirmed that each year the Commission encourages Count~ employees to become involved with this worthwhile community event, and as an incentive, Page 30 000,19 March 27, 1990 plaques, trophies and t-shlri:s are purchased to encourage par- ticipation. He noted that there are funds available tn this year's Human Resources budget to defer these expenses, and Staff is recom- mending the Commission's con~ideration in this matter. Coutsstoner Goodntght moved, seconded by Comatasioner Shan~h~n ~nd c~rrted 4/0, that Resolution 90-176 authorizIng expenditure of fund~ for M~rch of Dimes "Walk America', be adopted. ("('(,'-gO Page 31 March 27, 1990 RESOLUTIONS 90-177 THROUGH 90-185 (RESPECTIVELY) REVOKING CERTIFICATES OF I~BLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FROM JaR ENTERPRISES OF NAPLES, INC., D/B/A ROYAL ROSE SHUTTLE, BEACH CLUB OF MARCO HOTEL, EXECUNET TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, INC., FEATHERS LIMOUSINE SERVICE, GLOBAL LIMOUSINES'OF NAPLES, SUNSHINE STATE SHUTTLE, TROPICAL TAXI, ROYAL TRANSPORTATION OF S.W. FLORIDA~ INC., AND A-OK TAXI~ INC. - ADOPTED Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that this item is a recommendation to adopt resolutions revoking CeTtiftcates of Public Convenience and Necessity from J&R Enterprises of Naples, Inc., D/B/A Royal Rose Shuttle, Beach Club of Marco Hotel, Execunet Transportation Systems, Inc., Feathers Limous:[ne Service, Global Limousines of Naples, Sunshine State Shuttle, Tropical Taxi, Royal Transportation of S.W. FL., Inc., and A-OK Taxi, Inc. Mr. Ochs informed that the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee met on December 18, 1989, and considered these is:sues and recommended revocation of same due to nonrenewal or the fact that the firms are out of business. Cmieeloner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~mis~toner Goo~n~ght and carried 4/0, that Resolutions 90-~77 thro'u~h 90-~85 requesting the referenced Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity i?:< ':' rtlplctivlly, b~ &dopted. Page 32 00O52 March 27, 3990 ACTIVITY REPORT OFFERED BY THE FIRE CONSOLIDATION CITIZENS STUDY GROUP ACCEPTED; RECESS OF NO MORE THAN 90 DAYS GRANTED; AND STAFF TO DKFINE AND BI~ING BACK TO THE BCC THE PARAMETERS AND COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE VISITATION OF AN IAFC TEAM Emergency Services Administrator Reardon indicated that the Fire Consolidation Citizens Study Group ts requesting a recess of up to 90 days and the authority for Staff to come back to the Commission with the feasibility and costs associated with bringing in a project team to analyze four optlous that the Group has selected, to enable them to formulate a recommendation. Mr. Chuck Mohlke, Citizens Study Group Chairman, stated that after 18 months of work, the Committee feels that it has proceeded in its data gatherings and deliberations as far as it can without the benefit of a thorough analysis of the costs associated with any proposed con- solidation. He remarked that the committee ]s composed of c~vic asso- ciations appointed by the Comm]sslon, and the requested recess will allow an opportunity for them to consult with their groups relative to the deliberations they have gone through thus far, and awaiting the opportunity for fire officials to make the assessment as outlined fn the Executive Summary. Commissioner Hasse noted that he is not enthused about spending a great deal of money for a consultant study. Mr. Mohlke advised that the Committee feels that consolidation versus unification either as a dependent or independent district is another option but they need the objective assessment of fire pro- fessionals that can assess the costs associated with this, and make a determfnation as to whether it is financially feastbl~ to merge, unify or consolidate these departments. He noted that the Committee believes that the assessment needs to be done by qualified persons, not citizen members of the committee, and not County professional staff. Commissioner Hasse asked County Manager Dorrill if he believes that this type of assessment could be handled inhouse? Mr. Dorrill Page 33 March 27, lg90 replied that the assessment could be performed by Staff, but noted that the timing of this request is coming at the wrong time to expect that the Budget staff is going to drop their budget responsibilities, their new responsibilities with the Productivity Committee, and the fact that the full budget process will begin on May 1. Mr. Reardon explained that several months ago, consultant firms identified costs of $45,000-$85,000 for this &ssessment, but noted that the expenses that will be paid to the International Association of Fire Chiefs Board will be for the reimbursement of their transpor- tation, lodging, per diem, etc. He advised that he does not believe these costs will exceed $10,000. Commissioner Shanahan stated that he believes that the Study Committee has provided considerable information and a considerable amount of time and effort, but noted that he is not inclined to spend another $10,000 to tare the study any further. He questioned whether the committee could come up with recommendations that will not require spending, the additional $10,0007 Mr. Mohlke remarked that he had hoped that the Commission would follow through with the basic recommendations as stated in the Executive Summary, so that a recommendation of what is precisely involved could be presented. He indicated that he does not that the County will be receiving response to one of the key issues with the absence of professional fireftghter review, namely, what are the true costs associated with what will be proposed. Mr. Reardon explained that he believes that the action, as requested, will allow a recommendation to be brought back and put the issue to bed properly, but if the action is avoided, it may delay the ~ssue, but it will be back before the Commission in the years to come. Co~iss~ormr ~asse moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and CmXTied 4/0, to accept the report as submitted; that a recess of not more than 90 days be granted; and that Staff define the parameters and cost:m'usoctated with the visitation of an IAFC teu and report their findings to the Co~mission for consideration. 00()G3 Page 34 March 27, 1990 STAFF TO SOLICIT AN ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OPINION OF A STATUTE CLARIFYING YlRE CODE COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITIES IN NEW CONSTRUCTION - APPROVED Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight mild c,~rrted 4/0, that Staff solicit an opinion from the Attorney Gsnerml, regarding clarification of Fire Code compliance respon- aibilltte~ in new construction. STAF~ TO PROCEED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GOLDEN GATE EMERGENCY SERVICE COMPLKX, AND DEFER THE NORTH NAPLES COMPLEX UN~IL THE I~KXT FISCAL YEAR; STAFF TO NEGOTIATE WITH W.G. MILLS, INC. FOR THE GOLDEN GATE COMPLKX A]~D COME BACK TO THE BCC Emergency Services Administrator Reardon stated that over the past two years, Staff has been working on the innovative approach of an Emergency Services Complex. He advised that the Sheriff, EMS, and a special independent fire district will enjoy the concept. He informed that the bids that were submitted were over budget and Staff has since met with an architectural firm and identified 31 areas plus 7 addendum items that appear to have a cost savings value in excess of $100,000. Mr. Reardon indicated that Staff is recommending that the North Naples Complex be postponed until budget review and deliberations of the upcoming year; that they be authorized to negotiate a contract with W. G. Mills, Inc., for the constrtiction of the Golden Gate Complex and present same to the CommissIon. Co~missioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Contsstoner Goodnight and carried 4/0, that the North Naples Complex be deferred until next fiscal year and that Staff negotiate a contract with W. O. Mills, Inc. for th~ constlnlction of the Golden Gate Complex and bring emma back to th~ Boexd. Its ~11&1 and 11A2 BUI)G~T AN~It/~[ENT$ 90-144/145, 147, 149 AND 151 - ADOPTED Comisatoner Saundere moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodntght an~ c&rrted 4/0, that Budget Amendments 90-144/145, 147, 149 and 151 be adopted. O0()G.1 Page 35 March 27, 1990 Item #11A3 BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTIONS 90-13/14 - ADOPTED Colu~isstoner Saunders moved, seconded by Commisslon~r Goodnight and carried 4/0, that Budget Amendment Resolutions 90-13/14 be adopted. Page 36 Narch 27, 1990 ADDITIOI OF TWO ~u~.L TIME PROBATION OFFICERS AND ONE FULL TIME SENIOR OFFIC~ ASSISTANT TO THE COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT - APPROVED Director of County Probation Drobtnski, requested the transfer of funds for three additional positions in the Probation Department. He indicated that there are presently six County Probation Officers ;.. responsible for supervising approximately 3,000 misdemeanor defen- i'~,? ' dante. Ho noted that th.Is Is approximately 150% In excess of the i:, National Average. Mr. Drobinski advised that with tl:e addttion of County Court Judge :,i Ellis, his officers' court time has increased by 40%-45%. He informed that in addition to the court proceedings, these officers oversee fine and restitution payments, the counseling of these individuals, home visitations and Job placement. Mr. Drobtnski stated that the increase of staff will allow more attention to be directed to these individuals, which will result tn more of them being placed in jobs, which will offset the costs as :: requested today. ~>' Coutssioner Hasse noted that $43,000 is being requested for the ~.i balance of this fiscal year. ~'~'~ Commissioner Goodnight stated that she believes that this money ~ · will be well spent and noted that she recently learned that there are not as many reoccurfng arrests of those on probation since the probation officers ar*~ doing a good job. C~tsstoner Goodntght moved, seconded by Commissions:, Saunder8 and carried 4/0, to approve the addItlon of two full tlme probation ..' officers and one full time sen~or office assistant to the mtaff of the '~un~F l~obatton Department. It~ 913B CARNIVAL PERMIT 90-4, RE CP-90-4 COLLIER COUNTY YOUTH GUIDANCE SPONSORED ~ARNIVAL TO BE HELD APRIL 3-8, 1990, ON CO~ OWNED LAND LOCA~KD SOUTH OF TIlE COURTHOUSE ANNEX IN IM~OKALEE - APPROVED; SURETY BOND AND FILING FEES TO BE MAIVED Youth Guidance Director Cennurs advised that she is requesting that the Commission approve ~nd execute all agreement between Larry's Page 37 00068 ~arch 27, 1990 Amu:3ement, Inc. and the Board of County Commissioners for the pur- poses of a carnival to be held in Immokalee. She Informed that this will be the fourth annual carnival and noted that the proceeds help to offset the money for the children. She also requested that the surety bond be waived. In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Ms. Conners indicated that the County receives approximately $3,500 from this carnival each year. Com~smioner Shanahan moved, uconded by Commissioner Goodnight and carried 4/0, to approve and execute the agreement between Larry's A~ul~nt, Inc. and the Board of County Commissioners, and that the · uret~f bond and f~ling fee be waived, thereby approving Carn~vm! PIXI/t 90-4. Page 38 March 27~ 1990 BID '~9-1513, INSTALLATION OF 4" WATER DISTRIBUTION LINES FOR GOLD!~N GATE PARKWAY NEDIA~, PHASES II, III & IV - AWARDED TO BASIC WATER SY~T~3~, INC.~ IN THE AMOUNT OF $43t748.6! Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on January 10, 1990, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M., January 31, 1990, to consider Bid #89-1513, Installation of 4" Water Distribution Line, Golden Gate Parkway Median, Phases II, III & IV. Assistant County Manager McLemore stated that this item was removed from the consent agenda due tc Mr. Rene' Chavez protesting the award of the bid. He advised that Mr. Chavez did not file the proper protest documents, but requested that the Commission hear him. Mr. Rene' Chavez of Fernando,s Landscaping, Inc. informed that he is protesting the award of Bid #89-1513 to someone other than his firm since he ~s the actual ]ow bidder. He indicated that Basic Water Systems' bid is approximately $4,000 more than the price sub- mitted by his firm and he believes that his company should be awarded the bid based on the quantity of the rock removal. County Manager Dorrl]l stated that the reason for the unit price information relative to rock removal is a function of doing construc- tion in Golden Gate. He informed that every water line, road and canal in Golden Gate is bid in this manner, and noted that Fernando,s, Inc. is not the lowest bidder. He affirmed that Fernando,s had the lowest base bid, but the cost pe~ cubic yard to remove the rock indi- cates a difference of $50/cu. yd. versus $12.50/cu. yd. He indicated that in order for Mr. Chavez's company to have an equal total bid, the engineer's estimate for rock would need to be wrong by 30%. County Manager Dorrill reported that the County does have a bid protest procedure, which has not been followed in this case and he advised that the Commission follow the Purchasing Procedure, and recommenda[lon of PurchasirH] Staff, and awa~(] the bid to the lowest and most responsive bidder. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Dorrl]l informed that bids Page 39 00O8.) March 27, 1990 are open in advance at a public meeting and are sealed prior to that. }Is indicated that everyone knows what everyone's bid is and if anyone wants to protest any bid, they merely need to indicate that at the bid opening, or send a letter as a result of the bid opening, and then there is an immediate analysis of the bids that were received. Mr. Chavez stated that he has performed work in the Golden Gate area for years and he is aware of the rock problems. Commissioner Shanahan noted that Fernando's bid for the rock exca- vation ts $8,750 and Basic Water Systems' price is $2,187.50. Mr. Chavez replied that bls company is located in Naples, owns its own equipment, and is more than qualified to do this job. Commissioner Saunders stated that Staff's recommendation recogni- zes the low bidder of Basic Water Systems and unless there is some legitimate reason not to award the bid to the Iow bidder, the Commission will be facing a challenge from them. Co~isstonsr Gooctnight moved, seconded by Commissioner Saundsrs mhd c~%'risd 3/1 (Commissioner Shanahan opposed) to approve Staff's recc~z~latton to &~,ard Bid ~89-1513 to Basic Water Sysce~m~, Inc., in the ~o~xlt of $43,748.61. Commissioner Goodntght moved, seconded by Co~lestoner Saunders, and cml-~ted 4/0, that the following Items on the consent agenda be mppz~m~ and/or adopted: Item #14A1 FINAL PI~T OF =~51 COERCE CENTER~ - ~ITH STIPULATIONS 1. Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit as securlty to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. 2. ^uthorlze the recordtn~ of the Final Plat of 951 Commerce Center. 3. Authorize the Chairman to execute the construction and main- tenance agreement. 4. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required i~proveme~t~ h~ve recelved preliminary acceptance. Xtem ~14A~ I~v~d to 9A3 Item 914A3 ~ELY R~SORT TT~IPORARY GOLF FACILITIES &GREEMKNT BETWEEN BOARD OF COU~I~ CO~I~SION~RS AND ~Ly DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Page 40 000,90 March 27, 1990 See Pages [5 '3_ FINAL FLAT OF #~(BASSY WOODS GOLF ~ CO~y CL~ AT B~TO~ p~ That the final plat not be recorded until the required impro- vements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received for the tncompleted improvements and that construction shall be completed within 36 months of the date of this approval. 2o Authorize the Chairman to execute the Construction and Maintenance Agreement. That no building permits be issued until the final plat is recorded. That the arterial level street lighting will be instal/ed at the project entrance: Item #14A5 Prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy, or Pr]or to such time as the property being in use during non daylight hours; whichever occurs first. See Pages .~--~ ,/.- ~. ~ RESOLUTION 90-186 AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL ~T OF "ROCKY PINES ESTATES, UNIT TWO" - WITH STIPULATION 1. Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit (posted) as security for maintenance of the infrastructure until the Board of County Commissioners grants final acceptance of all improve- ments. See Page ff~/~-- ~'~_, /_ Item ~14~1 "~UBO~DINATION OF UTILITY INTERESTS' AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLI~R COUNTY AND FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT CO. PERTAINING TO RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUIRED ALON~ C.R. 95! BETWEEN U.S. 41 AND RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK ROAD (C R 86___4), C.I.E. PROJECT ~010 ' ' Item #14B2 LIMITED USE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BCC AND THE IMMOKALEE CHAMBER OF COI~WERCE WHICH PROVIDES FOR THE USE OF COUNTY-OWNED PROPERTY TO HOLD THE 1990 HARVEST FESTIVAL Item #14B3 ACC'EFTANCK OF SECTIONS OF DANIELS ROAD FOR CO~ MAINTKNANCE SUBJECT TO CON~'Iq~UCTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH CURRENT COUNTY R~QUIREMENTS - WITH STIPULATIONS Project design shall be tn conformance with Ordinances 83-37 and 82-91, pavement thickness - minimum 1 Inch Type III/S-l, base thickness - 6 inches, subgrade - 12 inches, elevations consistent with water management flood level controls. Page 41 O00DI March 27, 1990 Construct: subgrade to Include shoulders for minimum width of 30 feet, construct base to wtdth of 24 feet, construct pave- ment to minimum width of 18 feet, construct drainage swales to provide positive outfa]l and consistent with design and permits. Construction shall be In accordance with FDOT Road Specifications. Easement or fee stmp]e title tn a form acceptab]~? to the County Attorney for right-of-way width no less than 60 feet. It should be noted that the County previously acquired the right-of-way for that portion of Daniels Road proposed for improvement with the exception of two (2) parcels; the right- of-way for the two (2) parcels shall be subject to prescrip- tive easements ba~ed on public ,~;..~,t'~;,¢:~ ~n e×ce~ of 20 years and planned recordJn~ of a ~*ight-of-way map. Material data, test reports, and ! year warranty to be a condition of final acceptance. I~a~#14B4 I~IMBUR~EMENT PAYMENT IN LIEU OF PROVIDING CULVERT MATERIAL FOR THE CAM1~ KEAIS ROAD PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF ~27,568.?0 Ite~ ~14B5 ACCI~PTA~CE OF AN EASEMENT FOR AIRPORT ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM N~J~/~LITAN ENTE~RISES CO., SUBJECT TO COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REVIEW Ite~ #14C! RHSOLUTION 90-187 AMENDING THE FORMAT FOR SERVICE AGREEMENTS FOR RECRK~TIONAL SERVICES Item APPOINTM~,~TS OF W.J. "BILL" HILL, BENNIE ZIPPERER, JO SELVIA, JAMES C. GILES, HOLLY CHERNOFF. I~ICHARD OLTMAMNS, BONNIE FAULS, AND DR. THUR~J~N ~ TO ~ COLLIER COUN'.~ AGRICULTURAL FAIR AND EXPOSITION, INC BOARD OF DIRECTORS · Item #14C3 BID PROCESS NAlV~D; $11,820 AUTHORIZED FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN "H~IRIT" TELE~{OR~ SYSTEM FOR THE HRS COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC It~#14H1 CONSERVATION KASEM~ GRANTED TO THE STATK OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF · ~I~II~I~NTAL RE~ULATION IN COMPLIANCE NITH A C01~ENT ORDER (LELY Item #14E2 I~E~OLUTION 90-188, APPOINTING AND AUTHORIZING THE REAL PROPERTY i~HA~EM~T DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THE TRANSFER OF COUNTer REAL PROPERTY Page 42 00(JD2 Item #1414 March 27, 1990 -" RESOLUTION 90-189 CANCELING TAXES, DELINQUENT OR CURRENT, UPON LANO · AC(]UIRED FOR PUBLIC USE, 6.83 ACRES OF THE MAINLAND PORTION OF CONKLIN It~m#14F1 RESOLUTION 90-190 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF AN A~t~EMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND COLLIER COUNTY RE CERTAIN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES See Pages Item ,14H1 STAFF TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS ON THE HEALTH BUILDING PROJECT AS A ~ OF REDUCING COSTS ON CAPITAL PROJECTS Item #1411 EtTI~t ~AIN TIME R~ INMATE NO'S. 35896, 60935, 36317, 49869, 39013, 46?82, 43043, 54005, an~,, 39190 :','' Item #1412 SATISFACTION OF LIEN ~'3R SERVICES 0F PUBLIC DEFENDER MISCELLAN~OU~ CORRESPONDENCE FILED AI~D/OR REFERRED The following corr. espondence was filed and/or referred as indi- cated below: ] · Letter of 3/13/90 to Chairman Max Hasse, from Gordon L. Guthrte, Director, Department of Community Affairs, re 90-CJ-67-O9-2~-Ol-OO9/Treatment Component. Original to Sheriff Hunter. xc: Neil Dorrill and filed. Memorandum dated 3/19/90 to All Interested Parties, from Don W. Berryhlll, P.E., Chief, Bureau of Local Government Wastewater Financial Assistance, Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, re 1990 Florida Wastewater Manag~ment Workshop. ×¢:: Nell D,.,rr.t]] BIll l,orenz Frank Brutt and fl/ed. ' ' Notice Of Proposed Ru/emaktng dated 3/9/90, re Technical Working Group Meeting and Public Workshop on 3/20/90. xc: Nell Dorrt]l, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt, and filed. Notice To Owner dated 3/13/90 from Ferguson Underground, Inc., advising that it is furnishing pipe, valves, and/or fittings for the Collier County Health Services Building, under an order given by Carter Contracting. xc: Neil Dorrill, Skip Camp, John ¥onkosky, and filed. M~nutes Received and Fl]ad: A. Big Cypres~ Basic Board of the South Florida Water Management District dated 1/26/90, and minutes of Workshop Field Trip dated 2/16/90. Page 43 00O,93 10. 11. 12. March 27, 1990 Bo Co Collier County Advisory Committee for the Ho~less Agenda of 4/11/90 and Minutes of 3/14/90. Collier County Fire Consolidated Study Group Minutes of 2/22/90, and 3/8/90; Agenda of 3/8/90 and Proposed Agenda and Agenda of 3/22/90. Go]den Gate Citizens Adv]sory Committee Meeting M~nutes of 1/12/90. E. Immokalee Lighting & Beautification Advisory Committee Agenda of 3/2/90 and minutes of 2/20/90. F. Library Advisory Boar'(! Minutes of 2/22/90. G. Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee Minutes of 3/6/90 and corrected copy of 2/6/90 m~nutes. H. Marco Island Beach Renourtshment Minutes of 3/7/90. I. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda of 3/15/90, and Minutes of 2/22/90. Notice To Owner dated 3/2/90 from CES Industries, Inc D/B/A Consolidated Electric Supply, advising that '' nlshed miscellaneous electrical supplies andthey have fur- equipment under an order given by Leltner Electric Co., Inc., for Co/I/er Cousty Health S(~rvlce~ Building. xc: Netl Dorrlll, Skip Camp, John Yonkosk¥, and filed. Notice To Owner dated 3/2/90 from CES Industries, Inc., D/B/A Consolidated Electric Supply, advising that they have fur- nJshed mJscel]aneous electrical supplies and equipment under an order Given by Leitner E]ectrlc Co., Inc., for Collier County Courthouse. ×c: Nell DorrJll Sklp Camp John Yonkosky, and filed. ' ' Notice To Owner dated 3/~6/90 from Auburn Plastics Inc., advising that they I~av~ furnished vaulted skylights, under an order given by Kraft Construction Co., Inc., for Collier County Project #CIE600. xc: Neil Dorrill Skip Camp, John Yonkosky, and fi/ed. ' Preliminary Not/ce To Contractor dated 3/13/90 filed by Thompson Pump G Manufacturing Co., Inc., to Hartford Insurance Co., advising that they have furnished dewatering systems, under an order given by Cabana Construction Co., Inc., for Collier County Transmission Line. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Skip Camp, John Yonkosky, and filed. Memo dated 3/9/9C 'Fo All Interested Persons from Steve Tr~bble, Director., Records & Reporting, Public Servlce Commission, re A~enda Conference, Ma;'ch 20, 1990. xc: Neil Dorrill, Mike Arnold, Frank Brutt, and fi/ed. Memo dated 2/21/90 to BCC from Sheriff Don Hunter, re Sheriff's Confiscation Trust Fund, Fourth Quarterly Report - 1989. ×c: Mike McNees and filed. Letter dated 3/1/90 to DCC from Steve Lamb, Director, Water Use Division, Regulation Department, South Florida Water Management District, re Permit #]1-O0332-W - Declaration of a Phase II Seve[.e Water Shortage for All Uses Within the Coastal Collier County and Caloosahatchee River Watershed South Water Use Basins. xc: Nell Dorrill Mike Arnold and filed. Page 44 00O94 March ~?, 1990 13. Twentieth Judicial Circuit Case #8§-15§?-OI-CA-WCM: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. v. Surrey Wayne Corporation of Florida, et al. xc: Ken Cu¥1er and filed. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:50 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL JA~E$.~. 'GIL'ESo CZERK Page 45 00O95