BCC Minutes 03/20/1990 R LIT XT aZ RENENBZRZD, that the Board of County Co~mieeloners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts am have been created according to la~ and having conducted business herein, ~et on this date at 9:00 A.H. in R~GULAR ~BXO~ /n Building "fi" of the Ooverrment Complex, East laplffe, Flor/da, w/th the following ~embere present: CHAXRMAN: Max A. ~asss, Jr. VICg-CHAXRMAN: Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Anne Goodnight ALSO plt~z~r: Jms c. Giles, Clerk; Ellis Koff~an and Carol NcClenathan, Deputy Clerks; lell Dorrlll, County Nanagsr; Ron KcLe~ore, Assistant County N~nagsrl Thomas Olllff, Aslletant to the County Nanager; [en Cuyler, County Attorney; Xevln O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Comrunlty Development Services Adalnlstrator; Kenneth Baglnski, Planning Services Nanagerl Lorenz, Znviror~ental Services Administrator; Joseph Kagrt, Customer Services Kanager; Keyward Boyce, Cospliance Services Nanager~ Leo Oche, Administrative Services Administrator; Jay Reardon, ~margency ~ervlces Administrator; David Pettrme, Development Services Director; David Russell, Solid ~aste Supervlsor; ~ohn NadaJ~eki, Project Review Services Manager; To~ Conreceais, Office of Capital Projects Director; ~eff Perry, Chief Transportation Planner; Particle Sikow~k/, Planner; Su~ F/leon, Ad~lnietratlve Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron To. lisBon, Sheriff's Office. Page Watch 20, lg90 Oooe~eetoner Sha~mhannoved, seconded byCoa~tselone~ Saundere and c~ied un&nl~ously, that th~ ~ and consent s~m~da b~ Item 5C - Prociasation demtgn~ting the week of April let - April ?th me Hatch of Di~es 'Walk AMrica" Week - Continued to 3/27/90 (Listed in error}. 2m Item 7A1 - A-87-5, Recooendation to hear an appeal of the Planning/Zoning Director's decision to refuse the issuance of an Occupational License for Subway of Narco, Inc. due to non- conformance with Ordinance 82-2 - Continued to 3/27/90. Item 9H1 - Recomndatlon that the Board of County Couteetonere approve the renovation of Building "A' as designed end authorize the ume of the line of credit as m source of finmncing - Continued to 4/3/90 (Requested by Staff). Item 14E3 - Recommendation to cancel current and delinquent taxes upon land acquired for public use - the mlnlend por- tion of Conklin Point consisting of 6.83 acres - Continued to 3/2?/90 (Requested by Staff). Item 12C - Petition R-89-12,(Astron D~velopmnt) Request for reconsideration - Added (Requested by Staff). Item 9B2 - Recouendation to approve m consultant engineering agreeunt with David Plu~er and Associates for highway capa- city analysis in the s~ount of $84,320 - Added (Requested by Staff). Item 3A - Discussion of Meting location for 3/210ro~th Nanage~ent LDR Public Hearing - Added. (Discuss/on tim to be left open}. 10. Item Item 9F! - A emas~ary end race--sedation for a ~edical care on de~nd transportation shuttle services from l~okalee to the greater Naples area - Added (Requested by Staff). Item 14H3 Norad to '~H3 - Request to consider m petition for an lnfor~al hearing with the Florida Department of Nmtural Resources to modify the envlromaent&l window for the Wiggins Pass Dredging Project. (Requested by Staff) Item 14F1 Moved to 9F2 - A[prove the request from North Collier Hospital to provide for ENS ass/stance in ~oving putlente on the North Collier Campus while North Collier develops a long-term private solution - To be heard at the conclusion of the regular agenda. Commissioner Hesse congratulated the following employees and pre- ·ented them with Employee Service Awardm: COC?? Page 2 Nancy L. Repicky, Coepliance Servicea - 5 yeare Richard L. Ru~berger, E~S - 5 yeare ~arch 20, 1990 2990 A~ 01~ZLDABOS~ PI~'VI31TX~~ - ~, Gall Sher~ scc~pt~d th~ procl~tton on ~1~ o~ th~ Allt~ce Yor Children ~d ~r~u~ntlon Co~lttee. ~he statl~ t~t a~se Is a problem tn Collter C~ty, ~ ~oted t~t there are tlon pr~rm In place. She indicated t~t there are ~y proem ac~duled for the ~nth of April: No Hltter~ Day on April 24th, April 28th Is the Celebration Of ~e Y~g Child to ~ held at the Co~tl~d~ll at $~0 P.N. Hatch 20, 1990 EZJd]31EReS OJTZCI ZI'A~'~ZA'~Z~g ~ ~A~ ~ ~TZ~Y~Z~ - ~rgency Services Adalnistrator Reardon advised t~t the Collier Cmty Hedtcal Exaatner's Office reached an achlevenent that ve~ f~ In North ~rlca have. He noted that this office submitted ltsel~ to the accreditation process 18 ~nths ago, ~d as a re~lt of the 35 pages of criteria that needs to ~ ~t, they ~ere reco~lzed ~d ~arded the status as natlo~lly accredited which ~es the~ the third ~dlcal ex~lner'm organization In the ~tate o~ Elorl~ to achieve this, ~d 26 In all of North A~r~ca. He stated that the efforts of Dr. [~str~d and ht~ staff sh~ld be reco~ized by the Co.lesion ~d the comity for an outstaying effort ~ accomplls~nt. Dr. David Engstrand t~nked Mr. Reardon for the race. IriSh. He Indicated t~ his staff ~rked ve~ ~rd In achieving accreditation, ~ ~ted t~t this also represents t~ coo~ratlon provided ~ Mr. ~ar~n, Cowry ~ager ~rrlll, ~d the ~ard of Cowry Co~lssioners. ~ATZ~ ~ ~~ lZ~/~~ ~l~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~ TO ~Zl ~ATI~ ~ ~ ~8 ~ ~ BZ~ FA~ 8Z~ATZ~ IN Chief Tr~s~rtitlon Planner Perry ln~or~d that ~o~ of the least pl~ed ~ of trano~rtatlon In the State of Florida are those of bl~cle ~d pedestrian. He &~vloed that t~e Gr~th ~ge~n~ Act o~ · lor/da ~d ~ny off ~he ~les associated Mlth It re. ire ~t local gove~nts reco~/ze the need for ~deotrl~/blcyclo plying In their Co~rehenoive Pl~lng process. He stated that Collier Co~ty'o adopted Gr~th ~ge~nt Pi~ re~lre8 t~t a 5 Year Co~rehensive B/~cle/Pe~strlan Plan ~ prepared ~d adopted, ~d to help facili- tate t~t Poll~, the County lo in a position to apply for a 82~,000 gr~ from the State of Florida with ~he appropriate local ~tches to hire m bicycle coordinator and to develop a Bl~clo/Pedol~rl~ Compre- 00010 Page 4 Hatch 20, lggO Planner $1kowskl stated that the purpose of this slide presen- tation is to document the need for a bicycle/pedestrian coordinator for Collier County. She affirmed that Collier County Is gro~ing at a rapid rets, ae sho~n on a graph Illustrating a 37~ growth during the next l0 years. She noted that 50~ of all ~loridians o~n a bike and occasionally ride It. Ns. $iko~ski infor~ed that in 1985, Collier County was ranked 16th tn the State for bicycle use occasions, and in 1990, it te estimated that Collier County will have 1.5 alllton bicycle uae occulone. She stated that currently Collier County has 59 miles of bike paths and $1.5 million Invested in bike path pedestrian facilities. She noted that the 5 Year Work Program has allocated $480,000 for bike path cort~truction. Ns. $1ko~ski Indicated that in 1988, Plorida was ranked 2nd tn the United Stab. ss for bl~cle/~deetrl~ fatalities. She referred table 121ustrattn~ t~t with 8 ~latlon of 12,335 mtlll~, Flortda to r~ed second only to Arlzo~ with 106 bl~cle fatalities. She e~lalned t~t the ~part~nt of Comity Affalr~ problem ~trtx r~o Collier Cowry 2nd for bl~cle 8ccl~nto ~ 6th for 8cclde~t8. ~. Slk~skt re,fred t~t In 1989, Collllr Cowry ~ 89 bt~cle ~ 75 ~deotrlan related fatalities ~d injuries. She ~ted children ~ seniors are classified as a I~clal ~lltlon It risk, ~ these ~rsons are ~ndent on ~l~clln~ or ~alkln~ a~ ~ of tr~s~rtatlon. She f~ts:ed t~t 4C~ of all Collier Cowry residents are between the ages of 0-14 ~d 65 and greater. She tnfomd t~ Flort~'s bl~cle fatality ratio for cttize~ over 12 tt~e t~ ~tlonl average. ~. SA~MI called attention to a c~t tll~tratlng t~t tn 1988, t~ro ~re 27,000 peroono ~tMeen the ageo of O-X4, ~ I ~ of ~e~ 1,000 chA2dren ~as An a bAcyc3e re3a~ed accAden~ An Col3Aer She related that ~rrent public school enrollment for gra~o K-S, 14,686, ~d 54~ of these students either walk, ride a bike, or are Page Parch 20, 1990 driven to school. She lnforned that it Ie eetluted that 3,100 etu- ~tm bike or walk to mchool. ~ benefltm free bicycling, Pa. $1k~skl misted, are~ It is a good source of exerctme; offers a viable alternative ~ode for short trJpa~ reduces air and hOlmS pollution, and dependency of fossil fuelm; and bicyclists contribute $6-8 nllllon annually to Florida's General Revenue Fund through sales tu on bicycle sales and mervlcem. Me. $tkowaki reported that the benefits of a bicycle coordinator are: provide · liaison between the police departunt, sheriff's office, schools and other community organizations= pro.ore progr~ to educate cyclists and ~otoriets atx~ut traffic regulations and e&fe driving practices; coordinate the City and County Capital lnprove~nt ~ork Progrm to ecco~date the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians; uelmt in the development and Implementation of bicycle/pedestrian policies relating to developer contributions; end develop and ~lntsln a 5 Year Comprehensive Bikeway/Pedestrian Plan for the City and County as required by both Oro~eth Nan~geunt Plans. ~e. $1ko~mkI advised that currently the Florida Department of Transportation has a Bicycle/Pedestrian Grant available for 821,000. She noted that with a local hatch of $20,O00, the City and County could Initiate a prograe. She lnfor~ed that Collier County's Transportation Services Departaent Indicates that funding is available for the County hatch through the Road and Bridge 101 Contingency ~e. Stko~ski mtated that a coordinator will help to ensure safe and efficient bicycle facilities for the City of Naples and Collier County residents Nr. Greg ~lleon, Lee County Bicycle Coordinator, presented an 8 · lnute video encapsulating the progra~ In Lee County. He noted that the progra~ e~phaelzee four basic ele~ente~ education, enc~rageunt, engineering, and enforcement. Co~miesioner Shanahan questioned hc~e effective Lee County's progra~ has been in decreasing the ntmber of accidents or fatalities? Page S 00012 March 20~ IggO Mr. #llaon explained that fha prograa has been In effect for two years. He noted that the first year wa~ setting policies in place: working with the School Board, police department, etc., and the educa- tion progran started one month ago in the elementar~ schools. He indicated that the results of the progran should be known in the next 6-12 nonth~. In answer to Connisetoner Hesse, Mr. Wilson inforned that Lee Countywe roadways are now being designed with paved shoulders and wide curb lengths to acconnodate a large nun~r of cyclists. He indi- cated that they are still building bike paths In certain corridors where there are no conflicts with cars. Conalseloner Volpe coemented that Collier County's Capital Iuproven~nt Elendnt of the OrowthHanagenent Plan has a surplus of bike paths In Its ~ Year Progral. In answer to Coulsslonsr Shanahan, Hr. Parry advised that 20 additional niles of new facilities will be planned and built within the next 5 years. Hr. Perry stated that the requested position will be a neaber of the Transportation Staff, and the support staff will cone frae exletlr~ sources that are already present. He lnforaed that he feels this Is a worthwhile progran, and noted that there are 16 existing progress tn other urban areas that have seen the benefits and have hired additional coordinators since the program has groom. Cosmlseloner Hesse questioned whether volunteers are utilized tn this progran? Mr. Wilson replied that Lea County Is using volunteers frae the bicycle club co.~untty and bike shop owners. Re stated that police officers and sheriff's deputies ara being pulled out of the schools, and they typically spend about 1/2 hour once a year talking about bike safety. He advised that 40~ of the serious bike accidents In Lea County Involve children under 14, and noted that somebody has to pick up the slack. Coamlealonar Saundere stated that when this program wam presented to the Ketropolltan Planning Organization, one of the concerns that Page 7 0001,3 Narch 20, 1990 wu expreeeed was that there would not be anothar poeltton created that ~ould not have ~ partl~lar benefit to the comity ~rlly re. It ~n ~re bureaucrat. He ~nd~ca~ed t~ ~n ~y of t~ bike pathe ~n Collier C~ are totally ~lafe, ~d are not appropr~atel~ ~rked. He noted t~t he there ~e a treaend~ need for additional education, not only on the part of tho~e riding bl~cles, ~ II~o on the part of people driving veh~cle~. He related that based on the presentatton~ of Staff ~d Nr. ~tls~, he is convinced t~t thl~ ~s a s~ll e~nee t~t ~y re~lt tn a great ~neftt to the comity. ~ ~ ~, ~ Stiff to ~tn with ~ ~tl~ ~ ~o~ Co~ls~ioner Sh~ stated t~t bl~cllng t~ the ~1 recreational icttvlty tn the comity, ~nd he ~lt~es It needs ~re ~ttentlon. Bo noted t~t the Or~h ~ge~nt Act I~clflcelly Itltel t~t pro~ ~ develo~d. He ~dvlsed t~t ~ glntllm ~ho bl~cle/~destrt~ coordinator in Hollind ~s offered hll sluices to Co~tesloner Vo]~ ~eltlon ~hether the coordl~tor ~uld ~ve to ~ ~ e~lneer? Hr. Perry indlc~ted t~t ~n engineer Ii not re~lred for the ~lltton. fie infor~d t~t the ~ pr~ldel trllnlng lo thit ~r~ c~ reco~lze the proof dell~ ~d ~e nre Mnted. Co~lllloner Vol~ cownted that he feell t~t the Co~illlon exercised Io~e self reetratnt regarding the creation in t~ ll~le of the budget year. fie ~oted that the ~nlel will ivllllble tn 1990-91, ~d he feels t~t this 11 ~ excellent ~t ~ w~ld like to see thtl co~ hick during the ~dget hearings. Hr. Per~ ~dvlled t~t the gr~t ~nlel ~co~ lvllllble Septe~r, ~t ~ intent to IppIy for thole f~i ~t ~ ~e to the ~, ~ If they are not given to Collier C~ty, they ~11 be given to ~ther u~b~ area. He lffirled t~t this il the third yeir thit Page Hatch 20, 1990 the funds have heen allocated for Collier County*e urban area, but it Is the first year that the progru could be presented to the Coulmelon In such a fashion to Indicate ~pport by the Transportation Dept., She~lff'm Office, and the School Board. Be noted that becaumm of the grant application deadline, the progra~ had to be put together on short notice to present saree Hr. Perry informed that the state ~onies arm only available tf the local Mtch ts provided. Ha noted that the proposed position will he funded in the coatng year's budget. Nr. Ira Evans stated that a recent ttecueaton ralattva to the 1990-91 b~d~st policy resulted in an &greeMnt that there ~ould he no increase In services provided by any depart~nt without a ¢o~p~nsattnH tacre~sa or specific approval of the specific progr==. Ha noted that a cos~tttee has been appointed to scrutinize all County functions to eliminate waeta, and hopefully, that will lncl~da the ax~tr~tton of radund~nt, overlapping functions within County government. He Indi- cated that he doae not deny that the proposad progru Is very ~orth~htle, but it will avada and bypass the budget ~yetem. He r~rkad that regardless of Its merits, he urges tha Commission not to approva another position in tha ¢ounty*e organization. Na stated that ha faale that there ~uet he one p~raon in the ¢ounty*a amploy tod~y ~ho c~n undertaka tha progru until the budget procaee. Nr. Perry advised that uklng application for the grant doae not co=lt tha ¢oulsaton to hits anyone. Ha stated that Staff ts r~u~etlng the authority to aypl¥ for the gr~nt ant when this position ts presented during the budget c~cle, the Board wtll he aware that It ts authorized In part by State funds. Nr. ~sorge ~eller, Prealdant, Collier County ~tvlc Fed~ration, indicated that he does not b~lleve that Collier ~ount¥~e preeant bike path ~ystem has heen very successful. He noted that the a¢ctdante do not happen on the bike paths, but rathar on tbs etda ro~ds when an approach ts helnH ~ade to the bike paths, ia noted that thera ts no ordln~nca ~hlch states that thera ~uat be a etd~alk, and Indicated Page 9 March 20, 1990 that ~any developments have bike paths which actually becole sidewalks. Re affirmed that there should be certain roadways, ~.e., C.R. 951 which prohibits bicycles because of the danger ~nvolved. He commented that the position could be important If tt ts handled pro- perl¥, but he feels that the She2'lff's Office should take care of traffic, and he questions whether this grant ~oney will be wasted. Mr. George Dondanvllle of SenJaaln Cycles, submitted a petition with over 200 signatures, urging the Co-~eslon and the City Council to approve the request for application of the grant which will create the bicycle coordinator. He indicated that the quality of life tn Collier County can be Improved If there is someone to coordinate all the activities of the groups. *~g~ ~ll for tl~ ~tto~, t~m ~tt~ c~t~ 4/1 ~ ~Vol~' ~). B~D ~1492 ~ JOI~ ~ ~N~ CON~U~ION OF ~ - ~~ TO B~ ~, INC. ~ ~~~ A~- ~gal not,ce hav~ng been published In the Naples Dal~y News on ~ce~r ~7, and 31, ~989, ae evidenced by Affidavit of f~led wl~h the Clerk, bJd~ were received ~tJl 2:30 P.M. on J~uary 3~, ~990. to consider Bid ~89-~492, Road and Utility Const~ct~on. Trans~rtatlon Se~cee Ad. Jn~strator Archibald advised t~t thee ~te~ ~ a reco~ndatJon ~o awar4 a contrac~ for the 6-lanlng Airart Road between Golden Gate Parkway and Radio Road. He that this pro~e=t Is one of the htQher priority road l~prove~entm, based u~n the ~evel of Se~=~ 'F', and noted that 4~,000 ~r ~y are currently utilizing that =oaa Mr. Ar=h~bald ~xplaSnea that the ~-~an~n~ des~ ~nvo~ves =onst~ct~n~ the two n~ Jane~ w~th~n the ~ed~an area. He ~nfor~a th.t thm =ontract, pl~, and ~pe=$float~onm w~r~ a~v.xo~.a by W$~mon, M~ler, Barton, Soll a Peek, Inc. He ~nd~cated that thre~ =ontrao- torm re~nded to the b~d, and the %~ b~a was submitted ~ ~tter Page 10 000IG Hatch 20, lggO Roads. Nr. Archibald remarked that Better Roads bid Is sade up of two saint ttm: the obvious road i~provementm in the a~unt of $1,388,201, and a substantial a~m~mt of utility work to be Installed within the s~edt·n ·re· prior to contraction of the roadway. He noted that thlm ele~nt of the contract le ~llt arid either a 16' or a 20' qmtem that lm being nbmldlzed ~ the City of Naplem. adv~mvd that Staff Is recom~1ng that the l~ b~d ~bmitted ~tter ~a~ ~ reco~ized; t~t Staff proceed with the d~elo~nt of the contract, reco~tze that the City of Naplem will ~e a deterni~t~on am to which of t~ opt~o~ they desire for the C~ty to ~~ee ~d ~nclude In the contract, at their e~e; ~d the ~s~e of approving a conet~ctlon contract, ~b~ect to rev~ ~d a~r~al ~ the Cowry Attorn~ ~d action ~ the C~ty C~c~l to con- f1~ ~tch of the t~ alter~tives th~ w~ll choome In ~dert~ng the ut~1~ 1~rove~nte. Nlth regard to the contract, Hr. Archibald affimd that the co~let$~ tls lm 230 ~ys, ~ t~re will ~ fairly rigid t~ce control: l~ clearco ~t~en the ~rm of ~:00 A.H. 6:00 P.H., Honday through Friday so the contract activities will constrained to · great degree. He Indicated that depending on the outcome of the pre-construction seating with the contractor, Staff will be coning back to the Cosuaission relative to the final contract activities, and possibly for approval for the contractor to work beyond the hours of the 7:00 A.H. - 6~00 P.H. ttsafrm, and ~ekend~. He noted that the constraints of the specifications are such that he for- sees the contractor presenting a proposal to do ~uch of hie activity during the weekend period. Nr. Archibald called attention to Page 3 of the Executive Su~uaary which outlines the costs for the different alternatives sub~itted b~ the bidders. ~n mr to Co--lssloner Volpe, Hr. Archibald advised that Staff la currently negotiating the design contract for the 6-1aning of Page N~rch 20, 1990 ~-: Airport Road from Golden Gate Parkway to Pine Ridge Road. He noted that Staff has recently completed negotiations for the S-]~ntng of '. Golden Gate Parkway and will be preeentlng am to the Co~miaelon '-~ within the next 2-3 weeks. Con~eeloner S~~ noted t~t ~ ap~ar~ that the ~s~ ~sslble selection ~s ~en ~de, b~ed on the n~rs ~ltted. GO01 March 20~ 1000 oaflel'll MAffAdlMBIlT r,,DR I~JBLZC HIAR:LlO OI S/21/00 TO ~ AT C~ty Attorney Cuyler advlaed that his Staff ~s researched the ~tter of relocating the LDR ~bllc hearing on 3/21/90 to Le~y H~gh Sc~l. He informal t~t the ~etlng ~y comnco at the ~ardroom, anno~ce the change In location, give eye.one the o~rt~lty to go to the high school, ~gln the .eating at the n~ location a~ ~.t the C~rth~ facility as ~ch. C~ty ~ger ~rrlll ~ggested that the ~etlng at Lely High Bc~l reconvene at 5:30 Co~JssJo~r H~se repasted that the ~bers of the ~dla re~rt the c~ge of the ~blic hearing location as ~lckl~ as ~ss~ble. ~ ~ at 8:~0 P.H. at t~ ~ly Ht~ ~1 ~ Cl~ ~l~t~ r~l~ ~ Clerk ~f~ In co~ll~ce with Ordl~ce 86-41 pr~ldlng for ~1 re~rto on a gtaggered baste from varlou8 advloo~ ~ard~, Cowry ~ger ~rr111 called for re.rte from each co~tttee c~tr~n. M~. 3~ HtttJer from the ~rco I8l~d bautlflcmtlon Advl~o~ ~ard indicated In her re~rt that the p~t year ~ ~en c~lJengJng tn all are~. She advtsed t~t water, with Its lack of availability, preens fluct~tlons, ~ presets restrictions ~s c~ged t~ deci- olo~ of t~ ~rco Isled ~autlftcat~on ~v~so~ ~ard ~ forced the ~ard to l~k for alter~t~ves. ~ co~]exlofl of the co. Artec hal ch~ged w~th the I~t~on of f~ ~ M~rl ~n recent ~nt~, Ne. H~ttler Fe~rked, giving the /~en ~r ~ard n~ in,erect ~ vitality. She continued l~ng 000, 0 Narch 20, I990 that the J~a~ter Plan is still on track and the current project, which includes conpletton of South Collier and South Barfisld nedlano le proceeding with the consideration of contracts for the remainder of the curb on the aediar~Oo She continued, saying that drought con- dition~ and low water pressure con'~lnced the Board to delay any new land~caping. And, the tnvestnent of available dollsrm in the co~ple- tion of the curbing work, she advised, ts a cost effect neasure. N~. Hlttler indicated that street lighting, irrigation, and soil treatment wll! follow the acceptance of the design concept submitted by Oail Boornan & Associates. She noted that the plan~ will Include increased u~age of the xericecape concept, including utilization of terra serb, a new conpound which increases the soils ablltt~ to retain water ~d requires infrequent watering. ~tm. Hlttler advised the Comumlmmion of that ongoing inquires ere n~de to ke~p abreast of all water tmmuem, alternative methods of irri- gation, including the extension of the effluent line, and new plant materials, using nors mulch and less sod. The addition of the street mweeper and the water truck have pro- vtded a higher level of cleanliness on the tmland, mhe continued, adding that the nest pressing need has been the need for an adequate az~S mtablm water muppl¥. Nm. littler told the Board that the goals ar~ prlorttlem of the Narco Imlmn~ Beautification Advisory Board included in the completion of the five year plan for development arm= improving tha hlmtortcal mater sltee~ completing the ~lans for ?rack ~ on Colllar Boulevard that lm beln~ acquired from Deltona, which tm a mectton of the Island hetween condomlnltma and hotels and the ma~or retail are&s~ r~m~pinQ the ortgtr~l medians from the brtd~e at 9~1 through SR 91~ updating the irrigation myatemm and replanting da~a~ed or aging plants; mu~ ¢ther~lms maintaining the high standards of Narco Imlam$. 14s. Blttlar revl~ed mugQemtlonm from the committee which lncluda advising prospective mambers that once m p~rmon is appolntad to the l~vlsory Board with full kno~ledQe of the responsibility, that thmy 00031 i:~ Hatch 20, 1990 serve their full term and, that sore at large members b~ appointed, which will mean a change in the ordinance. The attendance level of the Board members has i~proved and the enthuslan ts great, she continued, and when the Improvements are couplets the Advisory Board will request a lower millage rate for maintenance. Ns. Hittler said that the Advisory Board ham received inquiries from reeidenta regarding the beautification of the cul-de-aace, noting there are 255 on Narco Island not including the Hideaway Beach area, and water and electric meters, planting, irrigation, and ~lintenanca would make a large dent in the Advisory Boards budget. It ia not feasible at this time but, she Indicated, the Board will continue to work with the cltizena and the County to develop and t~plsment goala and plane. Co~eslaeloner Shanahan thanked Ha. Htttler for the outstanding ~ob she has done and will continue to do. Hr. Robert Roth presented a col~ of a letter previously given to County Nanager Dorrlll (Copy not provided to the Clerk) and reported to the Co~aleslon on the activity of the ~ater ~anagement Advisory Board, addressing the several distinctive qusetiona that require an annual report. The ~ater Nanagement Advisory Board le marring Ira purpose, he adviasd, however, with the implementation of the Development Services Department such of the Board's work lo perfunctory re-exanlnattorm of co-patent staff work. For that reason the Board has adopted a consent ~genda far.at, he continued, and the maturity of the etafff is e~ctng the Board obaolete. He cited an exa~Dle, aaylng that the ~ ham not set tn the last two months because every Item has managed to fit Into the consent a~enda requirement. The ~ ts, ha continued, adquataly serving connunlt¥ needs, but is duplicatln~ work already done by staff. TI~ ~NAB ts involved, at this time, in the Star1 ~ater Nester Plan haarir~s, Nr. Roth advised the Commission, and those hearings 0003 March 20, 1990 The T~tAB has reviewed several ordinances for the Cowmtsston ~nd now working to Join with EAC to form a Board of Counsel rather than Regulation, Nr. Roth remarked. The coabined EMAB, he noted, should provide the Commission with a high level of service which can still serve as I Board of Appeals in regulatory matters and can be beneficial in solving ~ore technics! problems. Mr. Roth ~uggested that staff not review every design calculation that le presented because all of them are generated by registered pro- than design calculations. He indicated the EMAB also has the back-up of the South Florida Water Management District, who are qualified reviewers. He noted that aea frequent petitioner, he Is qualified to attest to their thoroughness° Hr. Roth reported that the ~upport of the EMAB am a replacement, and of Development Services Division competence answers the question of ~endtng the cresting Ordinance, and further indicated he feels the number of members to comprise the new Board should probably re.tn the same. He stated that during his two and on~-helf years of service, the NMAB ha~ delayed only one case by a 2 to 1 non vote. Mr. Roth Indicated the NMAB Is very expensive to the County becsnss of the $100 per ~onth expense for atnutes and transcription, and an Indirect cost of epprorlm~.tely 12 hours per ~onth in prepara- tion of staff reports and assembling the package for the HMAB ae~berso He mentioned that the members of the WMAB are unpaid and usually do not even submit mileage requests. · he ~4~ct Advisory Board to report to the CommiSlJO~l~rl Il the Environmental Advisory Committee, whose Chairman, Dr. ~a~es Snyder, Indicated that the written remponse to the Ordinance 86-41 has been Dr. Snyder co~ented that he feels the FAC serves a valid function through an environmental review process. He continued, saying that as 000.33 Pings 16 an Advisory Board, the FAC has no objections to consolidation and modification to create a new Board, but strongly opposes the tion of project reviews as one of the functions. He agrees, he stated, that ese time In the future the need for review will be reduced, however, he feels there will never be a tie when environmen- tal review for e Jar developente, prior to the presentation to the Planning Commission or to the Board of County Con~tsstonere, will not be appropriate. Dr. Snyder Indicated that It Is very tiaa con~untng and tedious for the Plarmtn~ Comeleslon or the Commission to have to scrutinize deve- lopments, point by point, thus the FAC feels the new entlt~ should continue to review the projects. There e¥ be a higher threshold, Dr. Snyder said, and the FAC suggests t~t the new body review only those projects which require an snvtronnental Impact stateent or ars deeed of sp~ctal concern by the County. He noted that even after adoption of new ordinances, there will continua to be projects Involving special clrcu~tances which are not explicitly addree~d by ordinance. Co~aisstoner Shanahan Indicated when the discussion of a new board was held, Nr. Lorenz was directed to find a way to Include verbiage to determine when a project should be reviewed. He Indicated that the new Board te not balng eliminated from having project review authority. Nr. Dick Lydon, Chairman of the Public Vehicle Advisory Cosmlttee, ~ldresssd the Commissioners saying that he feels the committee hms served its purpose well by holding regular leerings to approve, disapprove or clean up the applicants certificates to operate public vehicles tn Collier Count~. The committee, he continued, h~s been somewhat restrained by an existing a~endment that the County Attorney's office Indicates Is unenforceable. The committee h~s spent ~any hours, he added, drafting & proposed Imendment to this ordinance to upgrade the quality of public service vehicles aa wall aa providing ~dditional revenue to the county. 00(13.1 Page 17 Karch 20, 1990 Mr. Lydon Indicated that the comalttee currently has five and those nenbera agree that Collier Ccunt¥ mmt look toward so~e type of nasa transportation. ~r. Sam Lee, Chairnan of the I~mokalee Airport Advtsor~ Board, reported the comualttee views Im-okalee Airport as Imaokalee~a greatest untapped resource and the~ hope the Cowmteetoners will give con- slder&tlon to the developnent of this airport. He requested the CowmiseJon to take Into special consideration the goals of the Advisor~ Board. The sealing of the runways at Im~okalee Airport about to begin, he continued, and bidding for fixed ba~e operation appears to be gaining aomentun, he stated. Hr. Lee Indicated the comntttee ~upporte the Pol¥cycle pro,act be located at the Iaa~kalee Airport and because he also site on the lnaokalee Water Sewer Board, ttle his understanding that the fund~ have been ~ade available, and hopefully, an attractive package can be put together to forward to Pol¥cycleo He nenttoned that the Hater Sewer Board Ia waiting for m reopened free Polycycle and con- handed the Comateston and staff for there mupport. It will, he advised, provide Jobs and neet a great need In the local agricultural community. Hr. Lee reafftrned that the Imnokalee Airport Advisory Board con- ttnues to discourage the Cypress HOA (Hlli~ary Operation Area) which will take up air space free Everglades to the East Coast. The IAAB nenbere feel this will be a dJvadvantage because It could technically nean that an airplane from the East Coast might have to go ee far north ae Lakeland to co~e back to Ia~okalee he added. Hr. Lee Indicated ha wants to brl,~ to the Coerateston~ attention utter that he feels needs lma~dlate resolution. The bringing to fruition to the ?-Hangers at the airport ts Important, he stated, and indicated he knows there are matching funds available that can be pre- served by the authorization of a loan. Nr. Lee feels the IAAB can sho~ a positive cash flo~ with the leasing back of the facilities and further felt there are sene creative ways to actually con~tr~lct the OOO35 Page Parch 20, 1990 hangers and lease them to interested parties. This would enable the IAAB to ta_k_~ advantage of the $50,000 DOT ~oney to help with the pro- Sect, he concluded. The final tten Hr. Lee discussed was the purposed Nater Nell Protection Ordinance. Ils noted that the l~okalee Nater Sewer District ha~ an existing ~ll on the airport site and that in ~orktng out the agreement with Polyc~cls, they h~ve re~lueated aom~ additional mites on the airport, lie advised the Co--lam/on that this te not a probla with the Comittee or with the community because that le the location of the ver~ beet water ~upply tn quallt~ and quantlt~o He indicated that the orange Grove to the north will prohibit supplying water from that area. lie said the IAAB"e only conca~ te that fueling factlttlea can co-exiat with water faclllttea on atta. Cmtaeloner liaase aaked if Hr. Lee haa dlsc~maed th~ probleu with Mr. Lorenz? #r. Lee responded saying that Nr. Lorenz has been to one of the IAAB"s matings and presented data, adding that there appears to be ~ ways to work around the problem. Hr. Lorenz Indicated to the Commission that the currently proposed Orom~d Nater Protection Ordinance will give the existing and future water sites at the airport tho protection they need by prohibiting any fuel storage areas where the water mites ara presently proposed in the Airport Nastsr Plan. lie continued, saying that there is a conflict hetween the t~eo and they are trying to work through the technical cri- er. Lea advised the ¢o~-tsston that ~,'eryone le ~re o~ the ':~,, problea and although a solution has not been worked out, he ~mta the Co~iaalonera to be tnforBed and understand that Great care ts being taken. Co~aleetoner ihanahan asked Nr. Lee if the County contributes or authorizes their $50,000 and if Iq)mT authorizes $50,000 is there ~ually a problem. Hr. Lee responded saying DOT ~atchlng funds ara available, but he P&ge 19 00036 understands that the County ham not matched them. He further stated ~,~.. that if the County matches FDOT0 hie problem te resolved. Conaisstoner ihanahan read ~ item to Mr. ~e which oa~d, Apr~ 4, ~984, the ~ard of C~W Coo~oe~ere a~ed the e~n- d~e of 850,000 for the conmt~ctlon of the T-~gere', ~d ~uat a~e th~e item ~t statem, ~Flor~ ~part~nt of ~tered ~nto a ~olnt partlc~pation agree~nt for the const~ct~on T-H~erm at the I~kalee Airart, Collier C~ty, ~d the ~t~nt of Tr~rtation ~grsed to e~ 850,000 each for the correction of the T-H~gero.~ Mr. 0merge Archibald rem~ed to the Co~lemlonere ~ ~nd~cat~ng ~::~ ~ t~t ~rti~ar agenda ~t~m was bright ~fore the ~rd there ~re m~ coMtrainte conceding the ~dea of ~ing the O~raI cont~ng~ for the 850,000 ~tch. ~e mtaff, he continued, ~m · .~ ~rr~tly Jn the procesm of ~et~ng those re~re~nto, which ~ve to ~ w~th mo~ of the ~teu a~reo~ed ~ Mr. ~e, ~cJfically to prove to t~ ~lemlon t~t from ~ eco~mJc ot~d~nt, there w~ll ~ a ~mit$~ cash fl~. ~e mtaff, Hr. Arch~ld ~la~ned, ~s ~n the ' , precis of ~reee~ng this r~lrmnt. ~ ~. ~e e~remeed hie gratl~de, e~lng that he ~m g~ad th~ are ~,~ ~ ~ad as rapidly as Mr. Archi~ld ind~cated. Cootss~oner Sh~ahan ~nd~cated t~t ~ th~s t~ T-~gere are " ~ lnt~al part of ~1~ t~ airart a profit pro~clng facility. ~. Co~tssloner H~se c~utloned t~se Involved ~t to ~ lo--rd to ~.~ ~lckly ~ to exercise all caution ~hen ~rklng with t~ envlro~en- tal co~ttee. tlr. Lee indicated that the T-Hmr~ere do not have mn envlronmmntal lmpmct. Hatch 20, 1-990 Commissioner Goodnlght Indicated that aha asked that this ires be placed on the agenda because the organized fishing group csee to her regarding the resolution to be approvod and be pl&ced before the state delegation. She continued, saying that there is a problem with the resolution and nentloned that In conversation with Nary Ellen Hawkins, Hrs. Ha~kins Indicated that the two groups, the fishermen and the pro- i~rty owners, .ust cone together and resolve the problene before the resolution Is taken to the mtate. Co~almmioner S~ Indicated that the Narco Imland remidant's reprementsttvam net with the Offshore Florida Ytshsrnen (01~) to dlmcuem how they could work together toward an a~lc&bla resolution, by which local people would be pernltted to fish but there ~uld be sons prohibition on out-of-County and out-of-State connerclsl fishermen. Co~alsstonsr Shanahan further advised the Board that It was understood and agreed by OFF that they would neet with the Regtonal Ol~ groups, and advise the Narco Island people of the outcone. Co~nissloner Shanahan reviewed the ltsne discussed at the local OFF neettng with the Narco residents ss follows: 1. Fishing will be permitted tn the homa county or the county tmdlatel¥ north or south of the hone county. 2.No boats w111 be allowed in the canals between midnight and 6 3. Large, identifiable letters will be placed on both the port and starboard sides of the boats. The Narco Island residents never got a report on the action taken by tbs Regional OFF, Con. lesions: Shanahan advised. Hs continued, saying that the first tine the legislation was seen was when Co~nlssloner Ooodnlght brought It to him and he presented It to the Narco Island residents. Conelestoner Shanahan further noted that the Narco Island residents feel they have not had enough tine to evaluate the plan and feel It does address the problene at hand. Co-~tssloner ShannOn Indicated he, too, would lika to ~aks this a discussion ¢o--lsstonar Hames Indicated thsrp is a similar complaint from Naplas residents, which was conflrned by County Nanagsr Dorrtll. Dorrlll Indicated the residents of Aqualane Shores have · co~plsint. 00038 Page 21 March 20~ 1990 ~r. Raymond Reed, resident of N~rco Island, spoke to the Board saying that following a Public Hearing on ~anuary 18, 2990, of the Collier County L~glalatlve Delegation, Senator Fred Dudley w~ote to the Narco Island residents on February 14, 1990, requesting that the residents ~eet with the OFF ~esbers. The requested ~eeting took place on Narch 1, 1990, Mr. Reed noted, and Indicated that those present included; Co~mlssionsr Richard ihan~h~n, OFF Representative Gary iaith and Da~os Kirk, Narco Island Resident Ray Parer and Raymond Reed. Nr. Rasd continued, saying that at the meting Gary istth indi- cated he was certain he could get the OFF state delegation to approve a bi-lateral recommendation. Hr. Reed stated that Nr. Saith said sight of the fifteen state delegates would vote with his at a ~eettng that was to be held on Narch 9 & 10. Reed advised that the Joint recommendation ~me as follo~m: 1. ~eo c~ty closure. 2. No canal fishing 12 A.M. to ? A.M. 3. 10 - 12" reflective numbers on the boats In contrasting colors. Mr. Read further advised the Coemlsston that Mr. Smith stated that he ~ould call with a report after the ~eatlng. Nothing further was heard until he called Mr. iaith on Narch 14, at which tt~e Nr. ialth told his the delegates ~ould not approve the t~o county closure, he s~ld. Mr. Reed indicated that on Narch 15, the resolution currently under discussion was filed with Co~mieslonsr Ooodnight without any input fros the Narco Island residents. The Narco residents feel this resolution should be disapproved, hs noted. Dr. Ray Parer stated that the proposed legislation does not speak to the issue, which he feels is the Invasion of Collier Cm~nty ~ters by out-of-tmen Nullet ftshermn to fish the m-~ade canals. They are b~u~d fron dolr~ thim type of fishing In their own counties of resi- dence, he rsmrked. Dr. Parer continued, saying the Osneral Counsel for I~i~tne ltsheriea ~lssion's opinion is that local stere lay be described 0OO39 Page 22. March 20, 1990 · in three ways: natural, man-altered, and man-made. A n~tur&l wurst- tm¥, he continued, is s waterway that has always bean~ ~mn-altarsd a ~ of water t~t hao existed ~ has ~en ch~ed ~n ~o~ wa~ Dr. Parer presented p~ctures and ~po oF ~a~ ~rco lol~d looked 1t~ In 1964 ~d of the Isled as It exllto ~lsstmer ~use lndlcmted he feels, after looktn~ at the t~t there is not r~ for ~htn~ ~ the Isl~ ~ a~sed t~t the pre~tatton left ve~ little d~bt t~t ~rco ~temys ~re m- ~. Parer infold the co~lttee t~t t~ Ylort~ ~tne ~aissla ~s Jurisdiction of the ~tural ~ m-altered watemys. It ~s ~t, he continued, have ~y Jurisdiction of m-~de ~ter- ~s. ~ l~lcat~d t~t he ~s ~ted ~ oplnton free a ~rlne Atto~ a since Contmmlo~r Sanders was a ~rtne ittom~, he ~ld ~ ~clfically addressing his c~nt8 to him. Dr. Parer continued ~ saying the loc81 ftehomn are ~tng shut ~t ~d there is no place for them to go wither ~lng into ~t-of- t~ flmhe~n. He noted that the local flmher~n are ~tn~red 7 to 1 ~ t~t they ~ve no rec~rme ~ca~o it conflicts with the state Rl~t-to-Mork l~. ~erefore, he concl~ed, t~ objective ~ to got a co~lete ~n on flohi~ In In collusion, Dr. Parer said, the ~8 fronting the water.ye are conmldered residential steam, ~nd he feels t~t fisher- ~n m~ld ~ ~lcoM tn the ~tural ~d ~-altered wete~yg ~t not In r~l~nttal ~c~ards tn zon~ restd~ttal co~ttle~. Ho feels ts l~o~ttble to have a 16 ~r ~r ~y comrctal 8ctlviW in t~ ~c~ards of the residential co~tty. Collier C~ty*m present ordt~nceo ~ve rtpart~ rights to ~tld 20 feet Into the canal for ~attng docks or mooring d~lceo, within 30 feet of the end of the canal, he said the ordinances alms indicate t~t t~re are to ~ ~mted mtreet n~rm on the c~al side, ~d Page 23 OOO,lO March 20,, lOO0 · see w~ll· ~mst be ~lntalned b~ the ~er of the properties built thereon, he noted. Xn referring to a b~n on ft·htng Dr. Paret indicated there Is terl called 'first i~pre··lon' which means those other similar situations and their re·slutish stat~Jde, set precedence on an which h~· not been previously ordlnanced b~ a county. Dr. Parer r·ferred the Board to the Cape Cora! City Ordinance which say~, ~lawful by any per.on, to take or attempt to take ·alt w~ter fish except by hook and line, or with no more than five blue crab ir·pm, within any man-- de ·alt water cml located An the City of Cape Coral." He further Indicated that the Naples City Council lends its ~up- port to · proposal from the Aqu~lane Shore· resident· for a state bill that w~uld ban commercial fishing in man-mede canal·. Dr. Parer said he feels that a referendum ~hould be proposed by tho State ~eglelature and that Is the {mrpose of his appearance. Co~mle·loner Hawse Inquired if it i· legal to prohibl~ non- residents from fishing, and Dr. Parer indicated that to the b~st of his knowledge this has been tried, but was unsuccessful due to the Right-to-Mark law. Co--ts·toner Saunder· Indicated that hie recollection of the regu- lation of salt water fishing is that the state has taken Jurisdicttton and tt calls for s special act of legislation. Commissioner Saunders also Indicated he feel· Dr. Parer le requesting the Board,s ~upport on the prc~o·ed legislation at the ·tats level to address this ~tro Mlck Carelllo, a resident of Marco Island, spoke in favor of Dr. Parst'· recom~endatlon~ indicating thet the recommendation of Senator Dudley has been followed through with no ~ucces·. He rmrked that after heving m~n¥ year· of thio ty~ of discussion, it a~ara that nothing h~ been done. This, he noted, I· an issue that has been created b~ the C~t¥ and by the State, adding that the people of Harts lsl~ and of Waple· did not create this problem but c~ume to live in an atmosphere of security and privacy. gO0,11 P~ge 24 March 20, lg90 J~ro Carslllo Indicated the legislation regarding this typo of fishing ts a 'gray' area tn Collier County, and that the Board needs, in his opinion, to respond to the problem buy ellalnatlng the questions and addressing the social situation. The support for this issue on Marco Island ts considerable0 he said, and the residents of the area have tried to work with the commercial fishermen for 5 years ,lth succe,,. #r. Carslllo mede mention of the fact that Senator Dudley has requested documented proof of problems. Most of the people who live on Marco are different because they are not likely to get up at mid- night to validate someone breaking the law, he added. No one should have to Ju~ttfy something like this by having to get that kind of evidence, he said. Mr. CsrsIllo then reed from the preamble of the Pinellas County Code, Section 1.13.18, 'J4hereu by reason of certain practices and methods now used tn fishing and catching salt water fish In the waters of Plnellas County, the fish of said county are rapidly being depleted and destroyed and by reason thereof, It ts the beet Interest of the County, the citizens thereof, and of the entire Stets of Florida, and of vital IBportance and neceesar~ In the protection of the fisheries and the fishing Industry, that certain methods and practices used in fishing and catching fish in the waterways of ~uld count~ be stopped, prohibited, and declared unlawful. Nr° Carstllo stated that he could not think of a better descrip- tion of the problem as it exists ~n Collier County. He continued, that there are no guarantees In any Job, and there are times when thlng~ have to change, and this ts one such time. Nr. Careillo then urged the Board to support the proposed hill given to the Board by Dr. Parer. Cosatssloner Volpe asked Mr. Carelllo tf the ordinances that have been identified are relatively recent, and Mr. Carslllo indicated that they are, and listed the numbers of the ordinances a~ follow8~ L~e County Special Acts, Volume 2, Chapter 88-489. Ptnellas County, 81-465 and 85-492. OOf),l~ Charlotte County, October 1987. Page Cosalsslonsr Volpe noted that the purpose of hie question ts to commercial fishermen Into Collier County. Mr. Carstllo Indicated that some of the fisher.eh from as far away as I~ulsiana follow the migration of the Mullet, and Collier County happens to be the end of line. Flshsr~en are not going to go Into the lational Park or Into Monroe County to do this type of fishing, he adde~. Mhen they get to Plnellae and Lee Count~, they are funnneled to Collier County and the fiahere~n fro~ this County have to eh~re wh~t Is here on a ? to 1 ratio0 he said. Mr. Carslllo noted that of the 16 licensed ftsher~n, and that ft~ure say be incorrect, only 5 - 6 from Goodland actually fish the c~nale. The others go out to Coon Key and catch Mullet the way they were trained by good fishermen and do not need th~ corral th~ ~an-~ade waterways create, he noted. Commissioner Hesse asked Mr. Caretllo if he has m~t with the flsher~en, and Mr. Carelllo Indicated that due to a personal problem he has not had the opportunity. He indicated that he Ia aware of the present legislation, because hs has attended the other ~eetlnge, and that the legislation does not ~eat the requirements of the Marco residents. Nho Is to say that at ll:Sa P.M., Mr. Carstllo continued, when there are noises in our back*yard, we are to assu~e It is a hanlese Intrusion. He concurred that It Is an unu~l set of circumstances, rmrkln~ that many people on i~rco Island uae their back yards a ~reat deal, and feel the legislation ts & b~nd-atde measure. He con- tlnued saying that the water 20 feet rmt fro~ the sea w~ll is the pr~ ~rW ~rs re~.lbtllty ~ privets. ~tsslo~r Vol~ asked Mr. Carstllo a~t t~ n~r of co~r- cially ltceug flatten tn Collier Co~W near ~rco ~ ~oodl~d, ~ ~. C.slllo res~ed t~t to the ~st of his ~ledge this Is the ~t tn the ~rco area. Cmleslour S~ askg Mr. Carslllo If the Octo~ 1987 ordt- 000,I3 Paga 26 IMrch 20, :1990 .~ nance Is in Cape Coral, and Nr. Carslllo responded by reiterating the ordinance dates for all three ordinances, and Indicated that this deeonstrstes the progression of the problea down the coast. Contsstoner Hames asked if Mr. Carstllo has noticed any par- ttcular increase in crine, fron the canal area. When Nr. Careillo responded negatively, Coolesioner Hamme asked the meeting at lsrge if anyone ha~ any idea of the etatlmttcs? Hr. Carmlllo indicated that tn order to have a recorded ~lm- demeanor, the sequence of evsntm must follow a certain order, and unless the Sheriff is present to witness what tm happening and the person who is making the complaint tm there at the sane time the crime tm being co~mitted, it cannot he considered s misdemeanor. Therefore, he remarked, it te virtually tmpommlbls to execute the laws that are on the boo~ ~hlch is Senator Dudley's position. It Is s law that tm totally useless In this tnmtance, Mr. Cars/Ilo said. Commissioner Yelps asked whether the City of Naples has taken any action, to which Hr. CareJllo responded that the Aqualane 8heres reel- dents are the people Who have dratm up the recommended legislation to be put on for a rsferendun. ~r. Csrelllo indicated that the drafted legislation ~s anpported 6/0 I~ the Naples City Council's n~ adnlntstratlon. ConalssJoner Volpe otat~ t~t if t~ City of Naples prohibits legislation, ~ople ~ ~ld oth~ee have fished ~n the ~n-~de c~lo In Naples will ~ f~shlng ~n ~rco Iel~ ntere. S~1~ for the ff~ohe~n, Hro. Pmla G. Jo~on, Treater of t~ Org~lzed F1eher~n of Florl~, s~ld t~t the obJecttveo ~p are to pro~te co~e~atlon ~d to e~ce t~ science ftshl~. ~e ~nbero of the org~tzat~on are ~v~lo ~ttled In t~ Naples area In the early 1800~o, r~olve ar~ the co~rclal f~ehlng ~uot~, Nfo. 3o~on told the ~ard that O~ has ~roued the r~eete ~de 000.I4 Page 27 Narch 20, 1990 by the City of Naples, and she recounted the history of what has hap- pened in the past several ~ontha. The local chapter was for~ed in August of 1989, she began, and in Noveaber of 3989, the chapter repre- sentatives spoke with Hr. Hoolo~a¥ of Aqualane Shores. Hr. Hookway, she advised, told the chapter representatives that If they could arrange to catch the fish run in June or July. problea, and he believed, she noted, that the the industry. ~ere would be no : ~ernen t,~re raping lira. Johnson co~ented that they have explained how the equipsent works and noted that there was a co~plex Huller rule enacted in October 1989, to help insure the protection of this resource. Mrs. Johr~son luther explained that on lannary 10, 1990, bec&~ss of Mr. B~kwayes perseverance, the organization stood before the City of Naplem to object to the closing of the canals fron net fimhez~an. The Naplem City Council, she continued, tabled the notion for one year to give the fishersen an opportunity to met with the waterfront pro- perty owners associations and resolve the situation. On January 18, 1990, Nra. Johnson said, Aqualana Shoram broached the legislative reco~ndatton with the state delegation and, again, the 0F~ mabera presented an argun~nt that the resource wam not the Issue. The delegation declared the issue ta social, and therefore, the organzationa should hake every effort to reach a co,pro, lee within ninety days. Senator Dudley lndlcatet, Nra. Johnson said, two item are needed to proceed. She detailed this by saying one of these is documentable evidence of incidents occurtng on the canals and secondly, support of s proposed resolution by the City and/or County officials. In reslxmas to this, Hrs. Johnson stated, the organization began to ~t in a concentrated effort to resolve the difficulties, and discussed a~ong theseelves ~hat they could do to co~proatae and still mlntetn their livelihoods. They arrived at what they thought was & reasonable solution, she continued, but Nr. ~etgel of Aqualame Shores asked not to be contacted until he had finished hie recant cau~patgn Page 28 i~ Narch 20, 1990 'WOrk. She indicated that when he was contacted, a ~eating w~s set for Febrl~a:ry 9, 1990. On the 7th of February, Mr HooJc~r~y presented a package to the legimlative delegation which in effect said that Aqu~lene Shores wee not wtlltng to compromise even though no meeting had taken place, she =aid. On February 9, 1990, Hr. Hook. ay and Hr. Hetgel ca~ to the mtin~ and began their presentation with, 'He don*t want to threaten you, he,ever, we want you to be aware that we have the afflucency and the political po~er to accomplish ~tmt we feel needs to be accomplished,' Hrs. Johnson told the Comsimetonerm. 'He are,' she indicated Hr. Hookw&y and Hr. Heigel continued saying ' He are the epito~y of the iceberg and represent the ~aJortt¥ of homeowner asso- ciations in the City of ]aplee.' The OFF organization m~ved forward with their presentation of · co~promlse, and Hr. ~eigel Indicated they ~uld present the c~r~tme t~ ~2~e $~res Association the fo21~t~ Satur~y, Hrs. ~o~ ~ld. ~en the O~ organizati~ r~eoted ~tng heard ~ the ~l~ ~rem group, th~ ~re told It was not m go~ Idea, am it ~ld f~t~r ~larlze the l~lvl~lm, she contl~ed. ~t r~resent t~ ~Jority of t~ ~l~ Shores residers, ~t Nra. Johnson made ~entlon of the fact that on Hatch T, tl~ new City Council reneged on the prior Council's ~andate, and voted to support the resolution proposed by Aqu~lane Shores Association with no :~ co-pro, lee and no fair representation, ~nd indicated this Is the reason the organlzaton wishes to he heard nme and to ask that fair repreme~tattou be given to them at the County level. Com~lmmloner Hesse asked whet the Naples City Council voted, mad fire. ~ohnson responded that the City Council In office in ~oted to table the Issue for one year, ~d In ~rch, t~ ~11 vot~ 6/0 to go with the resolution t~t t~ repre~ntattves Pa~ 29 ~< Narch 20, lggO '0f AqualAn~ Shores submitted. Commissioner Volpe asked how ~any Collier County residents hold this type of license. Mrs. Johnson deferred the mlswor to Grady Johr~on, who told Co~miesioner Volpe that in the lccal chapter there ars 90 and thro~ighout the County there ere over 300. Nr. Or·dy Johnson, representing the Organized Ftmher~n of Florida, referred to s ~e~o from Dr. $ohn itetger, Natural Resource I~n~ger for the City of Naples, addressed to the City Council on Narch 1, 1990. Hr. Johnson indicated this me~o ~red ~an¥ of the resource questions, by saying 'the Governor ~nd Cabinet approved the ~l~rlne Fisheries Co--tsston's Ptullst Rule on September 26, 1989.' To &ddress the question of overflshlng, the I~rins Fisheries Co~lsslon agreed to reduce the fishing efforts by 18 to 20~ by closing the fisheries by 36 hour closure, he continued. In the ~ullet fishery, this time, the period from Saturday ~orntng at sunrtes to Sunday ~enlng at l~un~et, from October 1, through J~-m~ry 15, is 36 hour clo- sure on the weekends, Mr. Johnson explained. The effect of this cio- sure is not kno~n nc~, but the DIOR N&rins Resource Staff ii co~plling ~nd ~n~lyztng the d~ta for the past roe Nullet season, ~nd they will report their findings to the Harlne fisheries Conleelon tn April or Hay, h~ continued. Re~ding fron the s~o he said, 'if n~csasary tha NFC will rmcona~nd m rule nodification to the Governor and Cablnat.' To clmrify, Nr. Johnson amid that the HFC has nadm the Nullet fishing industry & restricted Jpecies endormement and thie endorsement an~st be on the license to harvest Nullet. At thlm time, ha added, ~c~u~e tt Is a restricted species en,loree~nt, there Is an influx of people trying to meet the qualifications. Those qu~liflcattons, Johnson outlined, include a $6,000 fee or proof that 2~ of ~nnu~l income is derived from the IndustrY. Ol~ Is now investigating in effort to obtain Information on ~ho h~m met the qu~ltftcattonm nd ~ho ts holding a license Illegally, Mr. Johnson maid. Nost of the other questions are addressed by Dr. iteiger~s report 000. I? Page 30 H~eh 20, XggO &rid Jt indicates the "by c~tch" is totally lncldenta~L ~nd the purging noted. The su~er or early spring ts when the ~aJortty of the Huller ~re in the c~n~le and once the rainy season begins, the yards wmsh off, the pollutants enter the c~nal and the Nullet leave, he informed the Co,missioners. Dr. Frateer, the Chairman of the Nmrtne Fisheries Commission, and Dr. $~elger h~ve established that the Natural Resource 14~n~gement alremiy been addressed In the existing Huller Rule and the N~C will fins tune the rule if necessary by aid-year, Hr. 3ohnson added. Hr. 3ohnson further remarked that OFF hopes the 36-hour clo~ure m~d the other comproataee will ~eet eo~e of the requirements of the residents of Narco Island, m~d reslnded the Board that they have instructed Sheriff Don Runter to substantiate the problems as reported on Narco Island. The Sheriff's report Indicates that over the designated time there were twenty-two calls for service ccmplainte; the Nartne Sactton h~ndled fourteen of the colplalnts, ~nd the Narco Islm~d District Patrol h~ndled the other eight, Hr. Johnson noted. In all the Investigative activities, twenty-one ~ers unfounded and the cause of the other one w~ a fishing boat ~hich was creating a w~ke ~nd causing minor d~m~ge to a ~oored boat. In connection with citations, four boating cltltlor~ were Issued to marine fisher~n on the Narco River and twenty-eight recorded war- hinge ~re Issued to flaher~en ~c.d all Involved lesser n~vlglttonal rule violations. Hr. Johnson ~ddad that no vlol&tlons were ls~d on the time restrictions or ~otortzed net releue, ~nd no vtol&tlons were issued concerning theft, criminal mischief, or crlalnal trespassing. Hr. Johnson ascertained from the reports that there has been no crlsln~l Ilachlef, ~nd lnter~ected that during this period of time, 150 commercial skiffs were operating out of the Narco facilities, ~nd meet fishing ~ctlvltlee carried out by these skiffs were c~rrted out in undeveloped areu. Re continued, saying, very few fishing vessels Ps~e 31 000,1~ I,{Irch 20, 1990 ~;!.;.. hence is already tn effect. "routinely flmh the c.n~l mymtem of Marco %mland proper. Through the Restricted Species Endorsement and the filtering down process a~ outlined by the State, there will be a reduction in the anount of comrctal fishing tn the ares, Mr. Johnson said. Co~nlssloner Volpe Inquired if there is anything the Board can do with rs~pect to the out-of-county ftshslmen. Me have been told, he maid, that we cannot regulate our own comrcial fishernen because of the Rlght-To-Mork law. At this point, ~r. Johnson stated, there ie not anything the Board can u~e to legislate locally that would restrict out-of-county co~e~rctal fishing tn this area tn natural or ~an altered waters. Hr. Johnson then pointed out that the local chapter of OW has decided to honor a full county clo~ure of canals free 11P.H. to ? A.H. in addition to the weekend clo~urs. Me are sincerely trying to give the public their nights rest, but st the sm tine we are trying to hold on to the canals because before the canals were built here, the ~ullet were accessible, he said. We do not have the bodies of water that St. Petersburg, Punts Oorda, and Cape Coral have for the fish to hold up in, and he quoted the proposed ordinance free OIT saying, "It ts unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated for the purpose of taking fish with a ester po~red vessel with a setting of nets in any nan-nade canal be~en the hours of 11 P.M. and 7 A.M. Such areas shall Include the entrance area~ of all canals from seawall to seawall and extend to the deed end of the canal.' Co~teelouer Shanahan asked Mr. Johrmonwhat the difference ts bet~een that section and the section that Is already in the ordinance. Hr. ~ohn~on explained that the proposed ordinance also prohibits 'any cou~rclal yeses! from anchoring overnight in any ~an-~ads car~al except for energenc~ situations.' ~ission~r Shanahan indicated that the 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. ordl- 004 9 Page 32 !iiiltil ! ilii illllllillllll hilt! Hr. ~ohnson clarified that this period Is free Saturday ~orntng at sunrise to Sund~y evening at Sunset throughout the state £rma October 1 through January 15. Comateetoner Volpe inquired about the stipulation regarding being within 100 feet of a aan-~ade seawall. Hr. Johnson Indicated the 100 feet portion would have to be deleted because It also pertains to bodies of water outside the c~leo Hr. ~ohrmon added suggestions ads by the Narco Island residents, ~hich states 'Collier County vessels shell h~ve the vessel's Salt Water Products license or the owner's Salt Water Products license clearly printed on both the port and starboard sides In 6 inch letters'. Commissioner Hesse asked about the verbiage regarding selling the fish ~ was lnfor~ed that the co~ercial ftsher~ul is licensed to sell. Co~mtesloner Sh~ questioned the height of the letters and Nr. Johrmon Indicated that a emJorlty of the tn shore fishing boats that are used are very e~m110 and said he feels the lettering should be the ea~ size as the numbers used by the people who live In the hms on the canal. They ernst post the ntmbere of their addresses on the canal side so that they can be read fro~ 100 feet by a viewer with 10/10 vision, Nr. Johnson said. Nr. Johnson Indicated the boat r~-pe should be off-lisite for transferring and selling any seafood product. Re continued saying that there are seven fish houses tn business in Collier County and the fishing ca,ps should not be perattted to co~e In for 30 to 40 days for the selling of the seafood ha,est. Cosmtselon~r Husa asked County Attorney Cuylsr about the restric- tions on the sale of these seafood products. County &ttorney Cuyler Indicated that he believes there are restrictions on retail sales. 00050 Pag~e 33 ~r. John·on indicated that the ·tats ha· enacted e~eral out-of-county fi·herlen have been cited. Commissioner Ha·Is Indicated that all the·e thing· ·r· correct, but thl· Is not addressing the issues of the Narco Island resident·. Hr. 3ohneon Indicated, he feels 01~ ha· done a fine Job tn naking concessions to the Narco Island resident· considering this ts a 45 day a year operation. Hr. George Keller, repr·~enttng the Narco Island Civic A~soctatton and the Narco Island Taxpay·re· Association, eFoke tn opposition to fishing In the nan-nada can·la and said that both association· ~upatl~etlc to the fl·haman tr~lng to ~ake · living, however, ·· tax- payers on waterfront property they feels they should not be deprived of their right to peaceful enJo~ent of their property. H· continued ~ ·Wing tbJt both uaociation· fell· that tha real problem t· not the loc&l ti·her~men trot those from out of the county. Dr. l'·r·t noted thet Dr. ChrJ· ?·~e an envJro~ntalJst tn the 8tat· of WJorJda has Jndlcatsd tht NulJet Js a Important fJ·h Jn the food chain and they need protection. He added that Dr. hrfJeld, re·~ct~ authority In this Iaea, has ·tared that if the I(ullet are removed frn the local food chetn, the result will be the de·tructton of thil areu fllhlng al tt is knc~ Co~mlssloner Volpe indicated that Hr. Johnson hae done an excellent Job with the presentation, and he added that he hoped a ccmpromiee cou/d have been ~orked out between the property the ftshe~en, and that he 1· In favor of · ban on fishing in mm-~mda Page 34 0OO51 Hatch 20, 1990 Co--lssioner Ooodnight indicated that there are two different proposals for the wording of the legtmlatlon; one presented by Mr. Johnson and the ot~r dr~ up legally fros the ~ty Atto~'s office. Coaateatoner Yelps asked what the alternatives are regarding the pr·posed legislative suggestions. Co~lmatoner Hasee replied that the purposed legislation Is fro· Hr. Johnson and revised by the County Attorney to neet legal require- " Hr. ~eorge Keller rsnlnded the Board that Mr. 3ohnson's proposed legislation does not have the support of the reeident'a of Marco Island. Coealseloner Ooodntght indicated that this Issue Is one that ia addres~ avery year and she objects to taking note rights away fron th~ fish~r~en, considering the State Park ban that to on connerctal fishing. She re·lnded th· Co.sisal·nors that am of th~ae are third and fourth generation working tn an Industry that has been their life, and she does not believe It ts an inconvenience to the people of Narco to have to tolerate the ftsheruen for the restricted time U noted by Mr. Johnson, for a period of 45 days per year. qeeetien ~be e~iom fallg 2/2. (Cooate~loner Shah·hah and Oeemts~Volp~eppoe~; Cc~e~looer~ mt.) **s ]bo~ 11=40 P.M. ~ 1:10 ese .~ll..I.I i~ a~lAnbrou~ht up liter An the leetllk~ MAth regard to the fiahlng issue, Co~misaloner Saundera stated that he indicated to C~JIrzmn Basae that he ~anted to vote on the issue, but because of a apeaktng engagenent, he had to leave the J~etI~g. Ma noted that he understand~ that there m · 2/2 vote, Nhlch basically leans no action. ~e requested that this tten be again 91~Ce~ on tha Oommtelion agenda for next week, and that the Page 35 figirdJng r.con.id.retion that .tiaa. that "a notion to I IOtJofl J. Imde prlor to the IdJournlent of the leering la which the nJorl~ vote on thtl Xtel, C~ Atto~q ~]er indicated tht COH~liJOflir 8l~dlrl ~t ~ a etlon to bring up th ~ttir, Iince he did riot vote at t~ flrgt ti~, ~t any other unber of the ~ard ce el rich a ~JllJar ~J~t ~ltJoflld tM c2~l I~t adjust ~W ~tto~ ~yle~ ~id the ~et~ng ~ ~t ~en ~]~ ~d t~efo~e, t~ ~tte~ c~ld ~ reo~n~. Co~leeloner Volpe wanted additional clarification and aeked if any lelber of the Col~leelon who voted on the Itel could bring the ~ltter up for reconJlderation, baeed on w~lt hae be~ d~e tn the ~t. ~ ~tto~ ~yler t~tcated affl~t/vel~, u 3o~ ~ ~r ~ vot~ w~th the ~Jor~ty, and Ilnce there ~ ~ ~Jor~ vote, ~ ~r prelent for the vote c~d elk fo~ the ~tel to ~ r~. ~ ~d Is going to reco~der the ~s~e, Xr. ~ra~ ~o~on qld Page 36 00053 March 20, 1990 County Attorney Cu¥ler further stated that any·n· who voted could ~ake the notion to reconsider, however, tt would taka · naJorlt~/ vote to carr~ the reconsideration. Commissioner Volpe ·eked if the Board has to allow for &ddttional public input, and County Attorney Cu¥1er indicated that since it was not &~ advertised Public Hearing, the Board will have to ~ake · pollc~ decision. Prior to the ·dJourn~ent of the ne·ting, Connlseloner launders requested further discussion of Item ,1lA regarding legislation on coe~erci·l vessels In ~an-nade canals. Commissioner Has~e indicated t~t eon·one else heard ·Ju~uld thim Item he regned, ~ ··Id he did not feel thet reopening this issue is appropriate since the ~ubltc cannot be heard. ~ro Jom indicated that what the orr group wants this date, tim to research due to the Restricted Species End·rs·none on e· that · Ccmnt¥-wlde prop·eel could he presented. He lo, he con- tinued, a~klng the Con. ts·ion for their ~upport, even if it goes to referendum. Mr. Johnson added that ho wants to be ~ure there ts no confu·lon on what OFF l· asking of the Board. s. r. advl..d c--l..lonar h... that ha ha.rd th. entire public hearing, except for the final words from Dr. Par·t, and relier·ted that · notion is needed to bring the ~tem up for discussion Co. aim·toner Volpe Interjected that there lm State Legislation now ' which ·llovm for this type of ·ctivit! to take place ~n the ~an-mde c~nal·, except within 100 feet of ~eMlls. The Co~tsst~ ~M Iht· ~te, he continued, to ~t ~ ~n~nt to the Ordl~, ~ there ~m no action on t~t r~est. ~ios/o~r S~ Indicated t~ Co~/so/oner Sabre ~gemted a third ·Iterative of ba~1ng flshlng In the ~-~ c~lm totally. P·ge 37 Ma~ch 20, 1990 that he le happ~ to discuss that alte~- ~tlv~, but not at th~a t~e w~thout the draft leg~el&tion~ and not lth~t ~lw fro~ tM County &tto~ fo~' legal emffictenc~. TI~ i ComlLlU~On h~ no l~lelatl~ before the~ that ~ been r~v~m~d, M that there are tt~e constraints ~nd Indicating t~t of utl~ ~ to ~ t~ ~fore tM wk of ~ch that ha feele lctAon lust be taken th~ Count~ ha~ been deall~ with thlm tmmze fo~ the l~ut 10 reiterated I~. Joh~J(~'l filling that due to the Speciea E~doreelent m~e leavening of thio Ictivit7 will take place. Co~mlMloner Volpe noted that the ~ctton taken this date ~ no ~,~ct~o~ at all, ~nd & further Opl~Ortunity to take action ~ not co~e at thle time but other o~q~ort~nltle~ ~121 ~e~ent tbe~eelv~, perh~m the next lmglmlmtAvm h~m~lng. I~o Jobnmon rotated that ~ Am ~1~ for ~rt f~ t~ ~mrd ~ ~ ~ ~ltl~ tM C1~ of W~l~ ~ t~, ~ ~tm tM ~8ml~ to ~rt a ~ wi~ reter~ At ~c~. ~A~A~r Vol~ AMAcat~ t~t ~ Am ~r~r~ to ~1~ ~ck t~ mmttm~ An ardm~ to re~olv~ tbe imm. OomttmmAonmr ~mmderm Anq~irmd ~mn the Board ~mntm to dAmoumm ~thlm Amm~ ~L~'th~", ~gmmting ~ch 27, or &WA1 3, o~ Ap~A1 noting that tha only tatum oonmtratnt, mha~ld tha OommiilAon dmoidm to rmoommm~ chmngil to tbe legimlmtion, cauld bm cantrollmd b~ thru Lmgimlativm DmlmgatAon that tl~m ~oard will harm a pomA- ~o~t~ ~ Dorrlll con£Ax~md t~t a resolutAo~ could be adopted eey tim Wior to tha lmgimlaturm convmntng. I~. 3ob~mon indicmtmd tbe City of Ilaplmm Is propoming that tim Amw~m bm brau~t to a city widm refermndma mt throat maturing March 24, 00O55 )Mrch 20, lgg0 Hr. Johnmm relpondsd affimtivsl¥, lndicsttng that ~t of the ~le ~ ~rJve t~lr Jnc~ fr~ fJshJ~ ire goJ~ to mffKtK. ComJ~s~oner Sanders reiffLrNd · ~te of three weekl, ~Jng &prll 10, 1990. ~Jth t~ ~ hrch 22, ~990 tht t~ ~rd ~tll th/i 1~ pr/or to t~ ~t~rt of the Tr~rtatJ~ ~Jce~ ~/ntetrator Arch/bald ~tated that on 3~ 23, 1990, the Cooleelon authorized ~taff to negotiate an ~mt wtth David Pl~r ~d ~ctatee. He noted ~tr~t m recently ~ltt~ to t~ ~ty AtropOs office for ~. ~chl~ld tnfo~ t~t t~ c~tract ~el~teo 14 co~ldoro (~S) ~ Mte~l~d tn ~se ~. He ~tid t~t t~ total ~11ar for ~ I ~lch ~ld ~ t~ dereliction of the ,3,614 ~r ~nt. Be t~lcated t~t t~ contract itt~t. ~lch lacl~ the ~rk ite~ to ~ ~rfomd ~ t~ c~- t~t It tt is ~te~ln~ t~t ~ ~lysls ts not needed for m~tw ~tch Staff ~ f~l t~ i~r~rAmte ~ Al eltabl/l~d, In ~r to ~LmmJo~r Vo]~, Hr. Archl~ld Jnfo~ t~t t/rmt l~el of ~lymlm is w~t Staff d~i ~ their ~rterly traffic , ~age 39 :.~ I,~z'ch 20, 3990 noted that ~ these ars narrmeed dram to those segments that result In ~ 1~ ~e control, Staff recom~ ~lch Am ~h ~re mite ~cAfic ~ A~I~m ~ch of traffic si~l ~stm, ~d t~se factors ~lch t~t this ~nfomtlon ~lll dete~lne ~ether the ~5 for the deficient this s~ sill 1~1~ a ~st~ ~ge~t p~ ~ch sill deter- t~ r~ ~ts t~t will i~r~e those ~lssl~er Vol~ ~k~ tf the all the ~rk t~1~ In t~ ,3,614 ~r se~t fl~re, or ~ether there ~ltl~l sc~ of se~lce? Nr. Archibald afftmd ~ltl~l sc~ of ~lce, ~ t~t is ~ the tot.l ~t of In mr to Cmtsst~r ~, Nr. irchl~ld call~ .tt~tlon to P~ 1T of t~ c~tract attac~t, ~ noted t~t the list lnclu- ~ ~ C~ Ro~ ~nts, ~d t~ re~lnlng se~nts are State ~. ~ tnfo~ t~t one of t~ ~Jor concerns are those of eR-951 ~ U.S. 41. He ~ffl~ t~t the ~ ~s prioritized t~ se~nts ~ t~ ~lorlties c~ld ~ used In l~le~ntlng the stu~. ~. lrchl~ld comnted t~t t~ c~tr.ct ~11~ up to 90 ~ys for the colplstion of the study, but noted that the con~ultlnt has bten '~;' attending all the Ormeth Nanageunt hearings, and he is ~e21 of the concern, and h~s indicated that he can obtain blelc data which will provide sosm very strong indicators by tim April d~adllne. He stated that the final report will not he in hand, but the critical leg~ente will be knmm which i~y result tn so~e l~nd use control. ~e explained that the four lmdtate leg~entl of the study are.. portions of O.S. 41 Forth, portions of U.S. 41 ~l~t, the southern Img~ent of Slt-g51, and the segment of Davis Boulevard. 000 ? ~ !~ WWT FOIt MAItCM 2?, X~O, XM 11Z OCtliXI~XOM ~, B~ 'Fe TO O~I~XD~R R~ C~IrTX~ZCAT~:~ O~ lqFBLXO 4~ AID 11~ FBON ,~a B3rrElt:FItXm OF NJLFLES, lilt. D/B/& ROYIL ItOS~ BT&T~ SIOTTZ~, TltC~XCAL TAXX, ROYAL T1tAMSFORT&TXOM OF S.M. FZ~RX~, XIl~., ~ TAXX, XIPC., AMD TCX;C~ OF CE~SS LX~K~SXME 8Z/HFIC~, AlICe. - ~~ ~ ~ ~ 27, l~, tn ~ ~~i~ ~, ~1~ ~r~mn~ Sm~i~mm Adslntstrator Rmmrdon mtmtmd thmt this m fo11~ up to last ~mmk*s ~stin~ ~n thm Coalsslon dlrsctmd to shAmAn pro~mmlm ~or m ~n-m~r~mn~ tr~rtatlon ~~ l~l~ ~ tbs Grmatmr Mmplmm Armm. Hm mxpllt~d fl~ ~rm contacttdl 10 fl~ rmm~nd~d to tmlmp~nm l~trlts~ fi~ m~lly ~baltted pro~smls for mm~lcm. H~ rm~rtmd bid proposal was sub?itted by Yellc~ Cab of Naples in.the amount trt daily with three ,top point, Mr. Rmmrdon indtcmta~ that Staff Am rscoBBanding an agreement with Ymllme Cab with an Apz~l 1, logo, start up data. Ha ~uggemtod that the progra~ begin with a 90 day servica propomml to be evaltlatsd, and then tho met-vices and quality are ~et, mn administrative assignment would be propowmd for 6 months. He informed that the 90 day cost is 912,420, 00085 Fags 42 Narch 20, 1990 lad $2~,66e through the end of the fiscal year. I~r. harden stated that he is al~o requesting that Staff be directed to wt with the sd~lnlltratorl of Naples Comaunit¥ Hospital, Collier Health Services, Inc., and any other interested individuals to put together a package for an aid station in the IlmOkalee area. Col~lsetoner Raise questioned ~hethar there has been any Input frei tbs rifling collunity in Zmlokalse relattve to the proposed ser- vice. County Nanager Dorrlll indicated that the hospital ii deve- loping · proposal to work with sobs of the uJor a~ricultural interests in Z~K)kalee to provide support for perlanent ~edlcal faci- lities in that ·rea. In insNer to ~lmmioner Hesse, Xr. Reardon inforled that Tri- Cou~t7 ~lor Servlcem lublittad a proposal ~htch fell into the high ridge of those sub~itted, I~d they ~ere extrelely reluctant that the service de~ind Ncmld over~helm their resources. CcM~lmmlonsr Shanahan questioned ~hether follow-ups ~ere rllattvw to previous dlmcusmionm regarding private lndivi~ls who hive expremmed a demire to donate to this program? Hr. Reardon replied that he has not £ollo~ed up on these dcmers, but noted that Nh~n the particulars are identified with Naples Co~unity loepltal, C~SI, I~d the private sector, he ~ be able to bring hack a p~ck~ge ~hich includes the private donations. Nr. Reardon i~vlsed that Dr. Toher has Indic·ted that I doctor will need to be staffed during the hours of operation rather th~n a nurse/practioner, and this will increase the cost. He.ever, he also lnforled that there is not an adequate number of available doctors that have the expertise in providing e~ergency services. He noted that Dr. Toher ha~ ~uggest,d that after the Co--lesion haJ evaluated all tseu/e and the Aid .cation is ready, that it he Initially opened frou )londay through 1'.day, until he te able to obtain the nfficIent ,i~a~ount of Staff. missioner ~asse asked who will detezmtne ~ho Is permitted to utilize the shuttle service? Nr. Heardon explained that this will he O00 : G March 20~ logo handled through a voucher ay·ten that will be placed Into operation by the paramedic units. He Indicated that thio will be done on · very guarded be~ie os that the shuttle does not become a form of convenient public transportation. Commissioner ~oodnight questioned how the people tn lmm·kales will be convinced to call KMS, if they ara not doing thio now? Mr. Reardon sold that he bell,mm that an educational progru will need to be pro- vid~d to the folks tn Xmmok~lem~ working closely with Rev. Allen; the Bombers of CURE, and other local influential local people to educate in nltl-linguml Mthodo that the service Is there, how it should be u~ed, ~nd that 911 should be celled. Mr. ~eorge Keller qu~etlor~d ~hether the people who will he transported will be paying a fee for the services? Mr. Reardon stated that It is assumed that If these p~oplo do not have transportation, the reason Is that they cannot afford it. Mr. Keller said that there should be a fee, i.e., $3.00, and if the person is unable to pay, the fee could be waived. He noted that there are charitable inmtitutiono and otberm that could get involved In thio service. Mr. Roordon noted that, if directed by the Coeniselon, he will be happy to neet with Mr r~ller and work out a user'· fee. County Iran·get Dorrill indicated that before a nominal fee lo charged, he le suggesting to wait until the go day period lo over until It le determined whether or not this will he an ongoing progru. Commissioner Ooodnlght stated that ohs does not object to charging · nominal fee for the service, I~at noted that she ~ould first like to m M~kUt the need Is afro.~ the 90 trial period. Imm·kales, ~nd yet no one Me done anything ob·ut lt. Ho noted that perhnJ~ the Commission needs to take the first step to show ~.hat it C~mmieeloner Volpe stated that when thio issue m previously addressed, there m a fu*.t house of people who Indicated that they were willing to do wh81 ever it took to seer this unfulfilled need In will do ~hat it had co~mitted the community to do. He reported that Page 44 March 20, :1990 I~e l· willing to nov· forward on a 90 day bell·, with the under·rand- lng that the other people he identified ~ho will h·lp to uet thi· Co.al··ioner ~·e ~ugge·ted that Staff look Into the offer of the $10,000 donation that wa· previously ~ade. In mr to Con. ts·loner Bass·, County Nanag·r Dorrill explained that tha voucher· will be controlled by the paras~dlc·: the number of p~ople who are authorized to ride on the shuttle will be indicated, the driver will keep half of the voucher, and the other half will need to be validated at the hospital to acknowledge that that person was treated, and then the ·ta~ped voucher will be pr··anted for the r·turn ~l··loner Smmder· noted thet if a f·e I· charged for the ·er- vice, it ~ctu~ll¥ will co·t the County ~ore to collect and ad~lnl·t·r those fee·, th~n the ~unt of ~mey that will he received. Re lndt- cited that be doe· not ·es &nyway that the f··· can be ~udited, rec·lpt· given, the paper trail kept in place, sad not spend more money t~un wh~t will be r·alized. .tits 01~, BOA Yells· Cab of ~a~le~ a~ indicated in tbs ~~ Staff to 4er·lop am Aid Station ~ with Oo,~oni~F ~it~l fo~ ~ c~oeidez~tiam, and in--Nmi ~ am ~rgency Service· & mLnlstrator Reardon 1nfozled that this item involve· ~ovtng parle~' · from the North Collier Urgent Care Center to its n4~ly opened facility which is located approxinatsly 600t behind it. He explained that When the ne~ facility was built nobody g~ve thought u to what would happen once it open·d, and a· a result, there 000 Page Hatch 20, lg90 hmo been a eteady lncraaee in call load of Baking non-emergency trane- fare fron the emergency canter to the facility in the rear, Hr. Reardon listed that he hem wt with Nr. Beechen, Ad~lnietrator of the Iorth Collier Hospital, ~nd ha has Indicated that within 90 d~ys be will h~ve the resources in place to ~ka those ~ovee ~ will no longer be burdened with this. He noted that fro~ tie to tiaa p~tiente als charged ~n extra fee after they have been dropped off at the Urgent C~ra Center ~nd then ~ 500m to the ne~ facility. Re r~rked that the resolution relative to faa structure dose not a11o~ ~ to ~d~lnletrattvel¥ ~atve those fees. Hr. R~ardon ~tvlsed that based upon discussions with the County &tierney, Staff Is rec~ndlng that the County secure a Hold Agreement -- ~n agent of the hospital in performing the service tbrou~ the next g0 Co~lealoner Volpe questioned ~hether Mr. Reardon is reco~s~ndlng that the fee of I105 he waived for ~ving these p~tienta? Nr. Haardon responded af flr~stlvel¥. tl~ ~ ~eis~ ~le~ed t~ the County &ttotme~. ~SEE PAGES l~gsl notice h~vlng been published In the N&ples Daily NM on labru~--y 12, 1990, as evidenced by &ffldavlt of Publication flied with the Clark, bids were rec.-lvnd until 2:30 P.M., February 28, 1990, to consider Bid #90-1530 for a Steel Nheelad Landfill Co,q~ctor. · olid #ute N~r~ge~nt Supervisor Russell stated ttmt this item is a request to obtain a. prove1 to ~ard the bid for a steel ~d~eelad l~ndftll cospactor to Kelly ?rector Company in the ~nt of $254,366. He explained that the specifications were put together to look at the total life cycle coat of the vehicle as Collier County u~ee it. Page 46 March Mr. Russell celled attsntion to ~, ~ of t~ ~,~tl~ ~ ~t~ t~t t~ Cate~llla~ ~htcle, ~ ~elly Tractor ~t to t~ C~. Office of Capital Projects ~gemer. t Director Conrec~ etated t~t tb ~e of this Stem lo to bring t~ Coulsolon up to n t~ t~t ~ to ~ regolved M/th the State relative to the MI~S~ Pus drying pro~ect. He Infold t~t the D~ re~l~ In July, 1988, ~ t~ Stats D~ ~lt m 1~ Fo~ 2, 1990. ~. ~~ ~181n~ t~t ~c8~e of the c~o In staffing bm 1988 ~ 1990, t~re wre ~ 1~ th~ did ~t bm tb ~ mppr~mlo, ~ pr~ld~ MAth ~tto tht ~ ge~ t~ C~ ~ 2 ~nth ulnb to do ~11 the ~rk. tht tb 2 ~th ~1~ oc~rr~ ~tng tb Mtntor ~nt~ ~Sch t~e ~rk. Ho r~oted eut~rlzatlon to ~lt · pr~oal to the State to ~lfy t~t wl~, whlch Mill a11~ a loflger ~rl~ of to ~ t~ conot~ctlon ~rk, ~ well 8~ a wlnd~ which Mtll utl/tze tb mr ~nt~. He advised t~t the coat for co~t~ctton ~1~ the mr ~nth8 since the ~ater t~ ~. C~rec~ saL' t~t the cost for t~ r~eot~ ectt~ ~7,0~ ~lch lncl~ t~ c~nlt~teo ~rk ~d trips to to ~rk M/th t~ G~o~r*o staff. In mr to Cmlootoner Vol~, Mr. Conrecode advl~d tht tb ~ to~ t~ ~rmtt there ~re carte Jrt stt~latlo~ ~tch Page 47 00090 March 20, 1990 ~ot tie in with the DER permit which allowed for mr dredging. He noted that the potential savings in construction dollars will be $200,000 If the ~rk can be accomplished during the late mr and ~ ~- ~ ~,'s, iml ummlmoualy, tbat tart Budget imudmuts o0-140/141 mud &ttorney Dudley Goodlette Informed that he appeared before the Commission t~o mb ago relative to the subject Item. He indicated that he Is requesting a reconsideration of the application for rezone which wes denied by a previous vote. He stated that hie clients are prel~r~d to further reduce the intensity of uses and tho number of uoe~ on the tract, and noted that he believes that thio site will be conducive to the residential comtmnity to the south. Commissioner Yelps advised that when thio petition wee previously submitted, it went beck to the Planning Staff and the Collier County Planning CommissiOn, and reheard before the Commission during feather 3 hou~ baring. He Indic,ted that he feels that a Bore orderly fashion ~uld be to start with a different plan, and noted tht he te not prepared to move f~. reconsideration of the same petition when no less than 5 hours hr- already been ~pent debating the plan. &ttorney Ooodlette recalled that at the conclusion of the last baring, discussions were held relative to the height of the fence, etc., ~nd he believed that the Commission was satisfied with the Page 48 00(}91 Jq~"ch 20, lggo ~ to ~t~ ~ce t~ ~ ~de~ the p~ ~ch m ~ltt~. Be mtitK t~t he feele tht It Il ~eceesa~ c~J~ for hie clients to ~ forc~ to go ~ck thr~gh the procem8 ~lsei~r ~ tnfomd t~t ~ im ~t ~n f~ of recon- ~smt~r Sa~rm rmr~d t~t Nr. G~lette ~ truncated t~t ~ lo pr~r~ to cm ~ck with a pl~ t~t ~111 r~. ~ lnt~lU of u., i~ t~t ~ t~ prt~ objective pre- vl~l~. ~ ~t~ t~t If ictla ts t~ to rec~ld.r this Itu, t~ ~tsst~ c~ 1~ It the pl~, ~ If t~re is ~ ~tt~ to ~ t~ pl~, t~ ~tssia Is ~t obligated. ltto~ ~lette sffl~d t~t If the Coutsslon desires ~t~ ~ to ~lch ~s ~ld ~ ~re ruble, ~d dtr.ct tlur to brl~ ~ck · plan ~lth tho~ ~es, a~ If thos~ ~l~lly ~tlsfsctou to t~ ~titlo~r, ~ ~111 ~t ~ ~ck. ~ ~ ~1~, ~t ~ f~ll~ its ~ ~ st 1. ~t the fill pl~t not ~ recorded ~tll the l~rove~nts ~ve been const~cted ~d accepted or Page 49 al~roved security is received for the lnconpleted luprove- and that construction shall be coeq~leted within 36 ~onths of the date of thtl epproval. 2e luthorJze the Chairsan to execute the Construction and ~aintenanceAgreenent. I~cord~d. BQIbI~IPOOUITYC~IIZISZOIII~RIGIJgDZJ~TIIK IOACII~ AT XMNOEALKI Al3gl, lrr Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally lews on February 12, 1990, a~ evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa~ opened to consider Bid #90-1531, Renoval of I#laleuca Trees, until 2:30 P.M. February 28, lggo. ~ IS4BXBA, lilt., D/B/A ARIA ASEICY Og i4IJ8, ~ BY Tll I:LBBEL? FIOaliN ~ 1rill SUSAll ",Il, D/B/A ~ CLKJJZIG, C~ILTIIIG & IB~C~AL ~ Gl ill AS.ItEl..~.4D BASZS AT $18.00/BO01 IOR CLZBI'TS el' COLr, ZKR Zts~ ~1J4~ Page 00 . ,93 I~rch 20, 1000 '. Ztamdt4Bg-Oltmt,tmmd to ~/~?/00 BZD~I4-11~4, IAZARDOO~JaI~rIIIIIIITYDATICOLLIL-rZOiAIAIDEDTOGSX Feb~ 21, 1000, ao ~ldenc~ ~ Affl~vtt of ~bllcatlon flied with tb Clerk, bi~ wre received ~tll 2:30 P.M. ~ ~rch 7, 2990, to c~l~r Bid ~90-1534 - Huard~ Masts ~esty Days Collection. See Pa. fj,I~ ~ See Pages ~ March ~0, lggO Dated 03/12/90 Ztam ~431 The follcnelng correspondence was filed and/or referred as lndi- gated below: Le Letter d~ted 2/28/90 to Chairman Hawse fro~ Park H. ~orton, Adainistrator, lianigmnt N~,vtew Section, Department of Ad~in/strstion, Division of Retirement, re an ~udit. AC: Hike NcNees, John Yonkoeky, and filed. Letter d~ted 3/1/90 to BCC Chalrlan, from Steve I~¥berry, Director, State of Florid~ Dep~rtment of Commerce, Division of Zcono~ic Development re the Econo~tc Development Transportation Fund Cosmittee. AC: NeLl Dorrill, George Archibald, and filed. Letter dated 3/6/90, to Ch~irlm~ Nasee from Paul R. Bradshaw, Director, Division of Resource Planning and l4m~ge~ent, Dep~rtment of Co~untt~ Affairs, re Contract No. 90-C&-20-09-21-~1-509. xc: Nell Dorrt11, iran Lttslnger, Frank Brutt, ano filed. Notice of Public Heetlng, Public Workshop and Proposed Rule~aklng dat~.d 3/2/90, from Department of Environmental Regulation. Tiled. Letter of ~,26/90 to Ch~lll~n Hales from Pasela P. McVet¥, Director, Division of Partne Resources, Department of Natural Resources, re manatee protection. AC: NeLl ~rr/ll, Fr~ Co~y of letter dated 2/28/90 to 3ales B. Kuhllmn, P.E., President, Kuhllan Engineering, Inc., from Tony D. McNeil, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and ~latJ~, ~rt~nt of Na~ral Re~rces, re '~lnlstrattve A~r~al of ~tftcatlon, Pe.tt ~r: C0-185 MI, Ps.itt. ~: 7e J~rch 20, 1090 France~ O. Olaeer. xc~ Nell Dorrt11, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brute, and filed. ~ of letter dated 3/1/90 to Brett Nests, P.E., Coastal Engineering Consultants, Xnc., from Tony D. NcNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and ReguIation, Department of M&tural Resources, re Administrative Approval of Permit Number: CO-248, Permtttem Name: Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Hrutt, and filed. Se Copy of 2steer dated 3/1/90 to Brett Noore, P.E., Coastal W~gimrlng Conwultante, Xnc., fro~ Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, re Administrative Approval of Pernit Jeu~ber: C0-251, Permtttee Name: Westinghouse Cou~ntttee of laplee, Inc. xc: Nail Dorrlll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt, and flied. Copy of letter dated 3/1/90 to Brett Moore, P.E., Coastal Znglmrlng Consultants, Inc., from Tony D. HcNeal, Kngtneer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Department of latural Resources, re Administrative Approval of Permit ~mber: CO-251, Pernittee Nm: Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brute, and filed. 10. Copy of letter dated 3/5/90 to John F. hrbmr, Agnoli, Bmrber · Brundage, Inc., from Kirby B. Green, IIX, Director, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores, re Approval of Time Extension, Permit File Wumtmr CO-186, Permittee Name: The Scottedale Company. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Bill Lorenz, Frank Brute, and flied. 11. Copy of letter dated 3/5/90 to Larry Warner, The #arner Group, Inc., from Tony D. NcNeal, Engineer, Department of Watural Resources, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, re Governor and Cabinet Permit ltumb~r: CO-220, Permlttee'e Name: Patricta A. Thomson. xc: Nail Dorrtll, 5111 Lorenz, Frank Brute, and flied. 12. Copy of Reno dated 3/2/90 to Governor's Office of Planning and Budgeting from Annette D. Phllllp, Director, Office of Nanagemmnt and Budget, Department of Transportation, Subject: Notification of Proposed Amendment to the FY 89/90-93/94 Adopted Work Program - No. 900387. xc: Nell Dorrtll, George Archibald, and filed. 13. Copy of Notion For Continuance Of Hearing, dated 2/27/90, Division of Administrative Hearings, re Department of Community Affair., vs. Collier County Board of County Commissioners, D(&H Case No. 89-1241DRI, IrLWAC Case No. 89-6. xc: Ken Cuyler, and flied. 14. Copy of Felon'. Department Ball Bonds Audit prepared by Carmen Fattca CPA, )Irector of Internal Auditing dated Narch 7, 1990. xc: '.Il Commieelouers end filed. 18. Notice of Staff Workshop from Florida Public Service Co--lesion to All Interested Persons, Docket Mo. 900071-EG, lsmued 3/1/90 from Steve Trlbble, Director, Division of Records and Reporting. Filed 16. Amended Notice of Staff Workshop from Florida Public Service Commission, to All Interested Persons, Docket No. 900071-KG, Issued 3/2/90 from Steve Trtbble, Director, Division of Records and Reporting. Flied Pegs 53 000'0 20, 1990 17. 18. 19. 20. Ilotlce of Agenda Conference, Ketch 20, 1990, To All Interested Persons, fro~ Steve Trtbble, Director, Records and Reporting, Public Service Comilsslon. Filed. Co1~y of Golden Gate Fire Control And Rescue District Financial Stat.lents dated Septelber 30, 1989, prepared by ~lentzel, Kerry, Bartlett & S~ope, P.A. Filed. Cop7 of letter frei Attorne~ Robert H. Orgurlc to Judge Broils.au, dated 2/28/90 re State of Florida vi. Andrea Lop.z, Cal. #89-47-CFA-TB. xc: Ken Cuyler and filed. Hlnutee Received and Filed: A. Advisory ce.mitts. For The Hoe. Ieee Agenda or 3/14/90 and Minutes of 2/4/00. B. Collier County Planning Conlsslon Agenda of 3/12/90 and Minutes of 2/16/90. C. Golden Gate Park~a~ Beautification Advisory Comatttse Agend~ of 3/13/90 and Htnuces of 1/9/90. D. Harco Island Beach Renourtsh~ent Ce.mitts. Minutes of 2/7/90. Narco Island Beautification Advisory Cosatttee Minutes of 2/6/90. 21. Wotlce of Court-Ordered Mediation, 1~entleth Judicial Circuit Court: CaGe #88-2173 CA 01, Judge: Hugh D. Ilayee, Taclmark, Ltd., vs. Terrence L. Fitzgerald. xc: Een Cuyler and filed. Assistant County )tanager McLezore advised that pursuant to Florida Statmtea Chapter 125.01 and a finding by the Board regarding benefltl relative to the health, safety, and welfare to the community, the Commission Mill be asked to adopt a Imndetory collection ordinance providing for unlforl eysteBatlc collection disposal of solid mt. In Collier County. He noted that the ordinance sets out a definition lectton providing for the operating terl~ and distinguishing solid waste from ~pectal and haTtrdou~ mt. categories. He tnforled that the ordinance e~tablts~l the Board as the Governing Bod~ of the Benefit Units, of ~htch there will be two for the purposes of collecting -andatory as~ess.kents; the ordinance provides for the lan- datory collection of comkerclal and residential accounts; for occu- pancy of residential and commercial facilities aa evidenced by the Ooott ,~ Itllrch 20. lggO *'~ acmmulation of solid ~aste and smkea those bill&bls units; the ordl- :!:i~ hence also provides for the financing of residential collection '-: through the assessment process through the Tax Collector's Office; for th~ regulation of commercial rates, and an annual rate resolution for residential assessment of rates. He noted that the Co~mleslon will '~ n~ed to deternln~ each year whet the ratee will be baaed upon a nego- i~ tiered ~gremnt with the vendor. He advised that the ordinance pro- rides for a atni~ue of twice a week pick-up for both commercial and r~sid~ntlal customers; provides for unlielted residential pick-up; provides for commercial pick-up based on bulk container sizes; provi- des for the establieh~ent of two NSTU'o for residential services for the p~rpo~ of collecting through non ad valoree aseee~nte; provt- . dee for the service year to begin on January l, 1992, and for the collection through the tax collector's office to begin in the 1991 tax cycle; providee for disposal of solldwaete only and penttted dl~po- ul aires, ~nd fill smterJal fro~ construction sites; provides for exemptions fro~ commercial collection under certain conditions tn which the peraon applying for those exemptions can demonstrate the ability to transport the mterial to a anltable ette~ provides for prosecution for violation of the ordinance ~nd the use of the Code Enforcement Board to ~d~lnleter the process of violations. Co~isaloner Volpe questioned whether aea result of the County- wide sm~v~y, the sentiments of the reatdente are known with re~pect to ~nd~tory solid waste collection? Hr. HcLesore indicated that an update of this year's survey wlll be cmspleted within a ~ek, but noted that lost of the toE.nfs to date have been very poeittve. Commlalloner Volpe et&~ed that Tax Collector Carlton has provided the Co.mission with an -:.lnlon letter relative to the ability to collect 'mpeclal aims 'Mntl', and asked ho~ this line h4~ been addressed in the draft ordinance? Assistant County Attorney Netgel called attention to the ~echantce of the billing and assessment procedure by utilizing Chapter 39? ~.$. ~hichh~s been alended mince Collier County ~orked on a draft m~n- Page 55 Itarch 20, lg90 dmtor~ collection ordinance In 1986. He noted that O~lntoa latter 8~S5 f~ t~ Atto~ ~er~l~e Office dlsttn~ts~e t~ Collte~ ~ el~tl~ ~ pro~l f~ the f~ct~l ~lt~tt~ of ~ty. ~e ~ted t~t he ~ ~ecelved ~ co~ of a ~e~e t~t the Att~ ~ral~ Office ~ pr~l~ to ~ ~rlv~te l~lvl~l ~ " ~tt~ ~to~ mte collectt~, ~ It I~.r. to dlitl~tsh ?- Yl~ler ~ty fr~ t~ ability of ~ C~ to 1~ ~cial ~!',' ummnts thr~ t~ ~eatlon of ~tcl~l Se~tce ~eflt ~lts. ?~ ~e lnfo~ t~t t~ Atto~ Ge~ral*s Office ~lcms ~ ~lnton r~t t~t uy further dlstln~lsh ~d pr~lde ~ ~r to ~lmml~ Vo]~ ~.t~ t~t the C~ty Atto~ r~est .: rom1 ~lnl~ fr~ t~ State ltto~ O~ral a~ to ~ether ~t ~ 1~ In t~ draft ordure J~ In mr to ~lsslo~r ~, Nr. ~re lnfo~ t~t the fr~h1~ areu ~1~ ~ co.bJ~ Into t~ areaz rather t~ t~ee, ~d this ~er. princ1~lly the urb~ districts. He noted t~t .o. nr.l mu ~e i~l~, ~d t~re are ~ pr~lel~s In t~ ordtmce ~* ~ich ~ire t~t t~ ~ere ~ ~ tht~s, I.e. ~e t~ ~lid '.~, ~ete ~~ ~ to t~ ~r~J~, or pr~lde access to t~Jr ,.~ ~. ~rge ~1]er, Presider, Collier C~ty Ctvtc .tat~ t~t ~ I. plemd to see that sofas, a~liances, etc., are ~rl~ ~ "J~' ~1nce t~re Js no viable collection ~e to ~",. ~for~ right n~. He ~estloned ~ether there will ~ a t~k to pick up ~ch ~te~ as et~es ~d larger ~teu? Hr. Hc~re ~r t~l~t~ t~t t~re are v catutow r~ire~nte ~tch state t~t the ~]/d mte ~.t ~ or,rated. ~:-.~ ' ~. Kin ~ele~r ~f N~te ~gmnt, Inc. ~eetl~ ~ t~ ~t~ collection ~uld ~c~ effective? ~. Nc~re repl/ed t~t t~ effective ~te ~11 ~ J~W 1, 1992, ~t t~ billing start earlier In t~t t~ billing process An 1991. In mr to Cmiesioner Vol~, Assist~t C~ty Atto~ K reh 2o, lggo that tho~e using the ~ervlce are paying for it, but it is not pro- ce~ed a~ · non ad vslore~ billing on the tax collector*e roll m~d the tax deeds cannot be ~old from It in the enforcement process. He indi- cated that the tax collector has been utilized by · contractual o~ng~nt to provide for the billing in his nailing. ~lssioner Volpa commented that he does not want to ese anyone loose his proper~y for the non-payment of his solid waste collection fee. He indicated that he believes that there should be a ~uffictent ~------t of public input es to th~ con~eq.tence~ of going to the dator~ my~te~ for which the remult m~y b~ included on the tax bill and collected through the tax collector's cffice and if this le not paid, a tax certificate will be mold and there is a possibility that a par- · on could loose his property. Commissioner iaunders ~uggeeted that Staff cons b~ck with some other l~mguags which would ~oftsn the impact · bat when the ordin~nce is con. id·red. Hr. Neigel stated that an important part of the overall enfor- mt and to obtain compliance upfront is the idea to have · billing ~ta m~d an enforcement eyste~ which ~eshes with the tax collector ec ha ~ld not have to have 2 or 3 ~ystsna in force for billing. He indicated that it is conceivable that prior to January 1, 1992, the bailing procedure with the tax collector and the property appraiser could be left in place with assessment role utilization, and · weparate aseesmnt procedure prior to that tins, if the Co.~lssion feelm it im appro~_-late t,, have ~andetory collection. ~lmmioner Volpe con, urred with Commissioner iaundsrs that sm other elterr~atlve should se considered. Mr. HcLemore advl~ d that there are ~ other natho~m: the contractor could continue the billing, and if the collection is ~an- datory, the County has to pick up the difference; collection r·tem ~d~en u~ing tax certificate nathodm is 96~; or better, and when this nathod is not being used, collection is ·pproxlnatsl¥ 00100 Hatch 20, lgg0 r~ I~. I~L4~ore atated that the County will ~t ~ i~l~ ~lth tM bJllJ~ for c~rcll] ~cc~ts, ~ ~t~ t~t the preference for y:. ~lnlm Is for t~se to contln~ to ~ ~dled ~ c~rctal r? ?"" ~lld e~te Olrector [~ lnfomd t~t there are a~r~l~tely ? 28,000 - 30,000 hi-rise ~lts t~t will ~ se~ as c~rcial · ~.~ ~c~ts ~ a~r~i~tely 50,000 residential ~lts, i.e., 4 plax or :~'~; 2~e. ~ tnfo~ t~t he ~ll~es t~t there will ~ ~ Increase of ~. ~l~er ~ggeeted t~t the co~nce~nt date ~lth t~ ~gl~l~ of the ~ c~tr~ct. 8e rsc~~ t~t the .lnt- -- of ~lce s ~k .~tce for c~rcl~l ~to. rs ~ c~gH to ?',' ~e · ~k .~lce. He ~tg t~t t~re ~re ~y c~rcl~l c~- t~l~ mt~rs t~t ~ly r~lre ~ ~ once a ~k se~tce, stl~l~tl~ ~lce ~r ~k ~y ~ ~ttlng ~ ~rden on t~se fol~. ~. ~re st~tg t~t t~ st~rds t~t ~ ~en ~t In c~lW ~ ~lce ~ ~k pick up ~ ~ 1~ rec~t~ t~t this c~tl~ since l~ ~tll pr~t litter. ~slst~t C~ty ~ger Mc~re stated t~t this item lnvoZveo t~ ~lo~nt Services or lulz~tlon, ~d an ~derst~lng of its o~ratton ~ processes. He lnfomd t~t the pre~tatlon ~' will ~1~ t~ ~lssJ,, up to ~te n the acco~lis~ts of ~' ~iutla, ~ to a.,~o~ of the critical role t~t t~ site l~t pl~ plays In t~ Site ~el~nt Process. at thM t~eeeeeee 00101 I~rch 20, 1990 A~sl.tant County Hanager McLenore Indicated that the County ham ~ot experienced too nan¥ probleem and ~ost of the perfoz-~ance objectives are being net. Mr. HcLe~ore advised the Board that there are compl&inte from the coe~mn~ty regarding the length of the process, which centers around the SDP Ordinance. Coamissioner Volpe interjected tha~ he ~e concerned about the i~ubltc Input because the sane complaints have been expressed to the Hr. HcLenore said he feels by the en~ of the presentation Co.~aiss~oner Vo~pe'e concerns ~tl~ be ad~ressed. Hr. HcLe~ore coemented that staff has gone through a p~ocess ~nteractJon w~th the coamun~ty and has a progra, that le ready to be presented tn which the Conntssion will be able to ascertain the overall &bllit¥ of the departnent to process projects through the system nors effectively and Cosua~seloner Volpe indicated that he feels since this work. hop, the public should be represented. H=. HcLenore ~nd~cated to Co~lesJoner Vo]pe that the public was Invited. Deve~ol~eent Services Director Pettrow advised the Coeuaission tha~ he nailed tnvl~at~ons to the Developnent Services Steering for thts workshop. Addit~on&l~y, he said, as individuals co.e Staff ~nv~tes them to partic~pate in the workshop or come to the hearing. The obJect~ve today, he indicated ~s to ~nfor~ the Board of the changes that are being &,roposed and how ~he changes over ~he last twelve months have worked. Conn~eeloner GoodnJ',,,t indicated tha~ she would like Nr. to look ~nto abolishin~ the $50.00 fence permit for barbed wire fences on agrJc41tural property. She added that she feels ~t ~s not right for farners or cattlemen to pay a fee when the state law states that a fence must be built. Hr. Pettrow said he wou~d look ~nto this and into a few other Page 59 00.I. March 20, lggO little rules and regulations that need to I~ refined. Custos~r Service Manager Joe Magri discussed the acc~lis~n~s ~ achJ~tm of the ~st year In hi. de~rt.nt. He ~g~ ~ ~l~ t~t the m of the de~rt~nt ~s ~en ch~ged fro~ the ~ildl~ ~rt~t to ~t~r k~Jce, ~ ~rther mt~t~ t~t the c~ ~ ~n drmtic. ~ first acco~%im~nt for the ~sto.r Se~lce ~rt~ent ~s to ~e to facilities ~Jch accosted cumt~rs, h~sed the recor~ ~ ~$ntat~ redouble ~rk space ~ st~sphere, Hr, ~a~i satd. ~e c~tl~ ~ ~ylng t~t pr~i~ly t~ ~llding ~rt~t hs ~r~ tn--W cr~ ~rter., l~lat~ fros other d~rt.nts ~lv~ in the ~ittlN pr~ess, ~lch c~ed ~ch ~1~, ~d tndi- c~t~ t~t t~ frs~ntatl~ of the de.fronts In d~ffer~t ~]dJngs ~lth different directors did not all~ for ~erall aut~rtty or deci- ~i~ ~l~ ~n the processing of ~tts. In addition, he c~t~nued, t~ mt~r ~ to m c~tact with all ~rt~ts ~ if t~re ~ ~Jut~ts~ t~ ~t~r ~ to ~ t~, ~ l~e t~t 19 ~rkl~ days ~d c~rclal ~tt~ t~k ~ ~er~ge of 35 ~rk~ng ~ys, Hr. ~grt said. As this t~ of activity tncr.ased ~er t~ y. ars, he not~, ~rk loads Increased, ~rale dens.ed ~d ~lt1~l staff ~ not available. Recorded keeping, he added, ~terlorat~ ~ca~e of t~ lack of s~ce. Nr. ~ a~ls~ the Co. lesion t~t reorg~iz~t1~ of th. com- ~W ~el~t ~ eag]neertng de.fronts ~s hel~d to c~- ~ll~te all de.fronts ~nvolved In the ~ltting process with a st~le au~r~y. ~e fu-cher noted t~t ~.ple~n~atton of ~ proce- ~ In ~to~r Ser ice ~s ell~i~ted ~cklogs of ~tt a~lica- ti~s t~t ~re once held up ~ ~sto~r Se~lce agents. ~lly or single h~sing ~lts are ~ processed tn t~ s~e ~y ~ ~ t~ of ~i~s are no~lly 4 to 6 Krkl~ ~., ~. ~i etat~. ComrcLal ~lte are a one Knth process, he contJn~, ~ O01O3 Page ItaFch 20, logo ~ ~ro~ect ~wvlm~ Services hms b~wn processing them within l0 dmys. ~l~ce h~e been allocated for the t~x collector in the Development krvioes building, Mr. M~gr! indicated, ~nd those needing this service mrm procm~mmd expidttlouely. Mr. Nmgri noted the other accomplishments of the Customer Service Dep~rtm~nt ~re that the Customer Service Agents h&ve be~u cross- trained in al! types of permitting, ~n electronic numbering system h~e ~ installed to record the number of activities on · d~lly b&sis ~q~dite the customers, orgenlzation&l procedures h~vs been added to ~ th~ p~nittlng syetn work ~ore efficiently, ~nd C~meo Software h~ ~ installed to provide tracking o~ p~rmlts, daily inepectton~ ~u~ mto~r service trensactions. Customer Service M~n~ger M~gri alee noted that the new Mobile Tr~ck Filing Syete~ h~s been consolidated and provides for excellent ~mg~ent of records in minl~u~ space requirements. He added thet there iea street &ddreeslng subsection consisting of two staff bets ~ho provide addressing informmtion for customers, ne~ develop- merits mud the Sheriff's depmrtment, the Poet Office, mud the i 9~rvtmor of Elections. Mr, N~gri indicated thet new offices in I~mok~lee heve been set up providing the mmJ~ services that are ~vailable in Naples with greater work ·rems and ·ddttlon~l room for record keeping. Concluding hie presentation, Nr. Mmgri indicated that the Customer ~ervice Del~rtment has eesu~ed additional duties which Include: 1. Checking of Permit applications for compliance. 2. Revieeing of all new structures in Golden Gate Fire District for c¢llection of Ylre Department Impact Ieee. 3. Reviewing for ct mpliance with new site development ordinances. 4. Collecting the ~arks and Libraries impact fees. 5. Reviewing and processing of ~mll permits. Bm also noted the ~e ~tctenctee In the Customer Service Dmpmrtment 1. Weed for adequate staff to mmintain the filing mud record·. 2. Need for adequate staff for the lmmokalee office. 3. Meed for additional Customer Ssrvice Agent. (Daily everags of customers served Ie 100.) C~stoser Service Manager M~gr! indicated he is pleuedwith the overall eccompliehmente of the department over the past year, and 00104 P~ge 61 )Mrch 20~ 3990 ~: ed~Se(S that he feels the depart~nt is pr~ldl~ I ~tter t~ icce~ tible lml of ~lce tn ~e locltl~. ~ilZi~er VoI~ u~ I~t the ~r of te%ep~e c~tactl t~ ~t~t ~Iem ~r ~y ud Mr. ~ ~e~nded t~t a~rox~- tlly thr~ ~r~ ~ fifty phone cllll co~ ~n ~r ~y of ~ch ~ atlMte of one h~dr~ ~d fifty ~long to ~sto~r Service. ~isllo~r Vol~ u~d if t~ ~ snen ~ople ~ ~le the ~t~r Se~lce ~k ~11o ~le the ph~e c~ll i~lriel7 ~. ~1 i~lcltg t~t t~ tU, ~lr on exc~tlo~lly ~ ~ys ~e~one ~1~ ~t. ~re il ~ ~ltch~rd to r~ord lncoit~ calls, he ~d. ~li~ k~lces ~er ~~ ~ce l~tcated t~t ~ ni~ i~ctiou umocllt~ ~lth c~tnctl~ ~ltm Into o~ ult. ~. ~ce t~icatg t~t this ~t~t ~m t~ z~tng ~d t~ ~r~lp of t~ ~ c~ enforcer ~rd. Be furthe~ mtated t~t ~liuce k~lcem ~m t~ C~tr~ctor Licensing, lmnlng the c~t~ certificates ud ~i~ field investigation to tmre that pr~rly lice~ed ~rsons ~re ~llMd to c~trict for conit~ctlon ~rk ~ithln the C~ty, ~d, ells, n~rtl the case ~ge~nt deve- l~nt for t~ C~ty ~lcenel~ ~lrd. ~. ~ce ldvlled t~ Co~lllton t~t o~ of the proble~ t~t ~ to ~ ~lved Il t~ ~erlo~ of lns~ction r~estl t~t ~ ~1~. He l~lceted the dep~rt~nt h~ ~y phone r~ti ~ ~t ~ ~ti~ted p~ne ~ste~ ~ renlted In f~ll~ ~si~el, ~ mrl, or ~ cilll re~mtd. He ~1~o t~cited t~t t~ ~t~t ~ ~ri~l lnm~ctorl ~ith varies nul~rs thr~gh~t the C~ty ~ ~t~ catlct ~ith th~ tm dtfft~lt. ~tm ~l ~en relolved thr~gh I w tel~ ~ re~urd~ ~lage ~t~ ~d ~ renlt~ In ~ cle~l~ of t~ backlog ~d ~tter rei~e tt~, he laid. ~e Cwo ~t~ t~t ~ ~en iut~lled d~l ~ fine ~ob prtntl~ tic~tm ~ ~ttl~ ~ to t~ proof l~ctor, he c~tin~d. ~ total ~r of ~1 ~lt tu~ctiou t~t are ~r~tl7 Page 62 00! M~rch 20, lg90 '~ handled is 125,000, ~hich is a 15~ increase, Nr. Boycs added, and he continued by ~ylng the goal is for a next d~y re~pon~e which is · 1ready occurring at · rate of ·bout 99~. He further indic·ted the proce~· co~timse~ to be labor tnten~tve0 however, he foresee~ · voice actuated ~y~te~hlch will result in the custozmr interacting with the d~taba~e to find out if he pa~sed his last inspection, to request his mt in~p~ction, or to find out when his CO will be ready. M~. Boyce indic·ted that one of the problezm they have encountered is the lack of cent·ct botwean the tmild~r and the lr~p~ctor. In ~olving that problem, he continued, St·f! is l~ple~enttng · ~ystsn that requires the lr~pectors to be ·t their phones 1/2 hour ·t the beginning of the d~¥ and 1/2 hour at the end of the day. Bringing greater cor~lstsncy to per. it Inspectors by training tissue irmpectors and establishing · lead inspector in each section, Mr. Boyce ~lded, has brought continuity to the dep~rt~ent. If an inspection falls, he continued, it Je referred to the lead insl~ctor for r~view to d~tect ~ny pattsrn~ in the failure. TI~ engineering tnsp~ction~ can no, be done in one d~ywtth one in~l~ector with tbs recent Board approved purchau of · needed piece of ~. Mr. Boyce continued his report saying there hl~ been Uillta~ce with tbs start up of the #afar Drilling Inapection~ for the Or~ ~ater Protection ~rt~nt, ~t It ~l ~en f~d t~t there are lo ~. ~ce t~catm' ~he next ·re· to ~ ~ct~ will ~ ~~ fuel storag~ t~ ~d w~ll re~lt ~n a br~r progr~. In die--sing the Contractor's L~censlng ~ogr~, Hr. ~ce ~ndt- cat~ t~t t~ ~t of licen~d tnd~vtd~ls ~ ~bled ~ring the :.~ ~ar ~ t~re Il tre~~ ~ntereet ~n ~Jng lJce~. He ~tcated [~ t~ mr of co~ten~ l~ce~e~ In Collier C~ty ~ ~cee~d 3,300 P~ 63 O010G I~rch 20, ~990 ~ce c~tin~ ~, in c~ection ~lth t~t pr~r~ the de~l~ of nits of ~t~rd h~sing ~ ~ collated. ~orc~nt of the z~l~ ~ c~e re~latl~ ~ increased to 35,0~ Jn t~ ~st 1-1/4 years, ~ said, ~d this ~e renlted in the clearl~ up of a f~r year ~ckl~. t~. ~ ~ a ~tic increa~ tn t,m profession1 ~~ of the ~~ of tb Plying Se~/cee ~rtant. ~e ~rrent ~lt~ ~ ~l~ ~ ~en itre~ll~d ~ t~t all r~l~ a~- cl~ ue locat~ uithln ~el~t Se~tcfl ~d are c~rd~ted A ~l ~tablil~ W t~ Pl~%~ ~tcel ~rt~t t~t ~ '~ attal~ Is the i~tallatJ~ of a Pla~er at t~ fret desk ~n t~ r~tlon area to facilitate t~late re~e to the ge~ral project ~er to ~ each project thr~gh the ~tldl~ stye, ~. ~gt~kt said, ~ thl~ ~ ~t ~rked a~ ~ ~ p1~ed ~c~ of t~ exceptlo~lly high volta of activity t~t ~ ~ ~rJ~ed In t~ 1.st year. ~l~lng 8e~lces, Hr. ~glnski indicated, ~ ~ i~olved ~ p~s of t~ r~l~ ~rocess ~ch as ~h ~ge~nt, furze 1~ m, ~1romnta2 r~'~, hi~torical pre~e~at~, ~ t~re w~22 ~ Jte~ add~ ~ch ~ Ad~te ~b2~c Facll~tle~ ~ ~ng ~a2~tlon. He also ~'.nted ~t the Plying Se~lces i~olv~t ~n t~ ~ite ~elo~nt proces, r~t~on~, ~d f~2s t~t c~traw to ~ ~2lefs, the proces~ ~s preen to ~ an effective t~2 for ~ro- ~ ml~ tu~r~d ti~, Mr. ~ginski ~ted, ~ ~ re.ced to 15 ~rkl~ ~ye on the average site ~elo~nt PI~i~ Se~ce* ~ger ~gt~ki ~de ~ntion of t~ fact Page ttarch 20, 1990 in tb 1mot calendar year, Plmrming Services hmo procemeed 277 prell- sin&t-; mite development planm Which represent a 168~ increase. There hm~ been a 47~ overall Increase in the mmount of rezoninge, provl- elonml umem amd other public petitions, he continued, and since A~x*il, lgag the d~pmrtMnt hem reviewed 555 plmnJ and petittorum. Outlining moms of the problem steam, Mr. Baglnaki maid, the acti- vity in the d~pmrtmmnt tn the lot 6 to 8 months hem never before been experienced mad the employee turnover hmo ~een great. (3o41e for the depmrtmmnt for leg0 include a further reduction in the review tie for razontng, changes to the zoning ordinances including mndmenta to the PUD ~rKS the I~]D mndment section Including changes in the definition of pmrking and other tteu Which are not covered currently. Commissioner Sl~ln~hmn asked Mr. Bmginmki Mhmt him employee turn- erst rate il ~ he Indicated that for the last 18 months only 5 employees Including the secretarial have remained stable. Ho further indicated to Commissioner Shanahan that none have been let go and the ma~orlt7 of them have gone to ~obl tn private Industry. P~o~ect Review Services Manager John NadeJMkl reviewed the goals of the Project Review Services kpmrtmont, the first being Customer Service mild the mecond bming standardization of procedures mad appli- Cation of ordlmcas. Mr. Nade~ewskl indicated that properly Implementing ordinances &nd rememrchlng documents to It~ proJectl from dropping through the crmclcm or the granting of oW-cAll favors il high on hie sgendmo He maid the staff lo eenaitl~, to the Iewue of treating all who come to the Project Review Ser~t 'el equmlly. He feels, he said, that tt il Important to provide a comprehensive, technical aesiltance team. Mr. MmdmJewmki further indicated that the engineering and environ- mental depmrtmentl have been consolidated into the Project Review SeFvtcem Depmrtment mad tn the future the utilities conveymnce process Handling rewponmee within l0 days, Mr. Mmde~ewmkI continued, Page 001(18 N~rch ~0, ~990 ~ the primary goal for co~rcial building pezlitS. Since the operation h~s beff~ streamlined, gs~ of the first responses are under 10 days with an ~verage of 6-7 days, he added. That one initial goal, Nr. NadeJewski noted, has allowed his to see where he can apply other perfozlanCe standards to the operation m~d to try to be on the ~usto~er assistance side. Xn response to this goal, he coati.ed, Staff has adopted the 10 day turn arom~d ~lme for preliminary mite plane, final mite plans and petttton r~vlews. Staff has encouraged people to saet with hie dspertsant or to call him to discuss what is necessary so ~veryona can get t~dtate feed beck ~nd g~t their approvals earlier, I~. liadeJewski indicated. He continu~d by saying that they are promoting the idea of a ~m~datory preapplicatlon meeting to get plane through sore quickly. The soar tiaa consuming area is the research for review, adding stipulations, m~d moving the petition forward, he said. In the responses, Staff has been mting 60-85~ on the 10 day service basis, Nr. KsateJe~ski remarked. The site plane, plats, and petitions revim~ed total 740 projects ia tl~ last year, Nr. NAdeJe~ski lnfOZled the Board, and the actual per, Its issued in 1989 is over 5,000. Re continued by adding that on the bigger projects with higher use, including short and long for~s, ebo~t 1850 pereits have been revles~ed. In ordar to maintain this high performance level, Nr. NadeJes~ski contirm~d, groups have been consolidated of professional engineers, ax~alyste, and environ~enta! experts, fie said there have been only two ~urnovere in the pest ~- ~ years, one of which w~nt to lee County for 20~ ~ore pay. In s~pport of keeping people, he has cross - tralr~d the staff so they are able to back each other up during overload or vacation periods, thu tns~ring that when one of the staff takes a vacation he can co~ back to a clean desk, Nr. NadsJswskt said. ~r. Nad~Jes~skl indicated he feels the departsant has vt all goals that ~eere established for the year, and has developed so~e standards l~ge 66 001 ,:9 March 20, 1990 to mo~lto~ and track the petltior~ .nd developed a deficiency report .~ ~t i~icat~ ~ t~k ~re t~ ~ r~i~ to get t~h t~ * ~tu. A ~D ~k ~lch b ot~rd/z~ the prOCUreS b alSO ~l~t Se~lces Dir~tor David Pettr~ re~rt~ to the ~leel~ ~ the ~ c~gee In t~ ord~mce ~g~lng with the ~Jor ~lflcatt~ M In ~rch~ 1989, r~ard~ng the z~ng ord1~ce ~ t~ slte~el~nt r~i~ ~ a~r~al process. Re c~tl~ed, ~tl~ t~t this ~tflcatl~ g~e t~ L*~elo~t 8e~Icee De~rt~nt a t~l with ~lcb to t~r~e t~ ~ltty ~ c~lst~ of t~ ~r- Pettrow rmrked that 9riot to t~t tl~, t~ ~p~t~t ~r~, dl~rg~lzed, l~fflclent, error pro~ ~ c~tly to did ~t c~ct ~lth t~ othe~ ~t ~ ~lnt, It ~]d ~ ~tl~llT th~ ~t. Hr. Pett~ l~lc~ted t~t with t~ ~r~l of of t~ pl~ Is all~ prior to the a~lication of the ~ld It ~ ~t ~en ~l~r with t~ ~elo~nt comity ~ t~ ~ld still 11~ co~rr~t ~ltt~ls, h~er, If there re~ectton the ~ole prolect goes d~ ~d It ~co~s ~tly. ~1~ t~ latter ~rt og Au~t 2989, the d~elo~nt comity to ~ty, ~. Pet**~ continued, w/th their conce~s. ~hoee con- t~l~, c~l~ri~ the 81te-devel~nt pl~ As e~/ve. p~n n~lttal, r~i~ ~ e~r~al proceoo. ~ this pl~ 1~ return~ to the deve]o~r, he Meto wtth ~chit~ts, ~l~ers, ~ ot~rs Involved In t~ project ~ 00110 Page 67 Hatch 20, 1990 a hig~ rate of rejection, he maid. 18 ~, Hr. Pettr~ c~ti~, ~ t~ p2~ Is to eltnlnate A ~lt~t m hired, Mr. Petrr~ rmr~d, ~d met w/th ~1~t ~iceo ~d after ~y ~etlngo It was decided the C~ty c~ld l~l~t a ~e-etep proceoe, tn addltl~ to the ~-otep pro- c~e, for t~ el~ler ~el~nte. ~. Pettr~ c~cl~ ~ ~ytng t~t t~ d~rt~t ~ d~elo~d ~th ~ ~ ~ ~ xtep criteria, ~ ~ glv~ the d~el~r the ~fl~e t~t In ~et ca~e ~ c~ ge~ thr~gh the process tn 15 ~, mtl~ envtro~ntal xt~rda ~d engineering problm t~h t~ uxe of an e~nced c~ck list pr~lded to the d~elo~r, t~ eltal~tlN ~n-eeeentlal ~ ~pllcate r~lreaente ~d ~en~- ~rl~ t~ a~ltcatA~ r~A~ ~ a consistent baals. ~. Pmttr~ ~ to this maya~ t~t It l* him feeling ~d that of t~ ~rt~nt t~t ~a~ slt~d~mlo~nt pl~ mh~ld ~ ~b~tct to a mto~ pr~a~llcatl~ ~tt~ to dtta~tn~ ths t~ of rtvl~ p~as It ~ld ~ ~b~mctmd to ~ ~lttg. ~. ~ttr~ l~lcatmd t~t this plan hms 9Ohm ~form the Collier 1. Page 3 of t~ Ordi~ce, ~rmgraph 4 C, ~tch Is ~ of t~ criteria for a d~e~o~r to co~ ~der the one step pr~emm, ~ t~t .ppr~al for encroac~nt into any ~clumtve eame~nt Am n~ttt~ ~lth the 9DP ~e te~ exclusive ~ m~ed, and ~r. Pmttr~ fme~m tht the tm~ mh~ld not be in there a~ reco~endm eliml~tion of t~ ~rd excl~iv~. 2. Page 4, ~ra~ ~ph E, the staff disagrees ~lth the 'the ~tol · prea~llcation Meting ~y ~ ~ived for a~llcations ~tng ~hltt~ for r~lw under the ,Jot ~elopnt r~l~ process, ~ reco~s t~t it ~ delete. Xt Is essential t~t Staff ~et with al1 appl/c~tm at m preappli- ~tI~ Meting ~cam of the derelictions tht re~lt, Mr. Pmttr~ ~ ~ger ~rrtll re~rked tht hm fmmlm the trna 1~1~ tn site plans ~m, thr~gh the re~rts give, ~ Page 68 ('(; ,* ,' 1 All the Commissioners offered theAr congratulations on the pre~en- t&tion ~nd the excellent ~ork being done by Nr. Pettro~ and hl~ ~ana- ge~ent tea~. There being no further tm~lne~l for %h~ ~ of the County, the wtl~ m adjourned by Order of th~ Ch'~lr - TI~: 4:10 P.N. BOARD O~ BOARD OF ZONING AI~tL~/~X OFFICIO GOV'~RliI~IG BOARD(S) OF Psge 69