BCC Minutes 02/20/1990 R N~ples, Florida. £ebr-ary 20, ~990 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, th.t the Board of Cou[~ty Commissioners In and for the County of Colllnr, a~d al~o .c~[ng .. th- Board of Zoning have be.n created accordluu to law .nd hav~ng conducted bu.lne.~ hero,n, met o~% th~ date at 9:00 A.M. In R~U~ S~SSXON In Building following members pr,.,sen~: Cf{AIRMAN: Max A. }lasse, Jr, VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mtch.~l J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Burr r,, Saunderm Anne ~oodnight Al. SO PRESENT: J~m,-.~ C. GIi~, Clerk; Maur~en Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Nell Dorrlll, County Manager: Res McLemore, Aa. tstant County County A~tornoy; David W.i~.I, AN~%stant County Attorney; Brenda Wilson, Assistant County Attorney; Mike McNees, Bud~e~ Dlrec~o~: Leo Ochs. Admln~trativ. Services Administrator: Mike Arnold, Utlll~lem Administrator: William Lorenz. Environmental Servlce~ Admln~strato~; Robert Fahey. Solid Waste Director; 5tan Lltslnuer. Growth ManaGement Director; Wllllam Laverty. Growth Management Planner; Bob ilanchard. Chief Planner; Barbara Cacchione. Project Planner; Kevln O'Donnell. hbllc Services Administrato~; GeorGe Archlbald. Transportation S~rvlces Administrator; Frank Brutt. Community Development S~rvlcss Administrator; Dave Week~. Plau~.vr: Sue ~tlson. Admlnt,tratlv~ Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson. Sheriff's Off les. O00Ol February 20° 1990 County Manager Dorrlll ~t~d that h~ Is requesting that Item 6C2, the ~bllc Facilities Ordin.~t~ce or the Concurrency Ordinance. to be some changes In the advertising of th~ae t~o ordinances and · ventng public hearin9 may need to be held. He Indicated that his ~nderstandln9 Is that these two Items ~[11 be readvertlsed and heard appointments to the Col li.r County Cod{. Enforcem.r~t hearings on the two ~l,ove-rcf,.r~nced i)ropo..d ordinances and 81nee there Is going to bo a continuanc, et th.s. ltl. ms, he would 8u~eot that they be handled the u.,me a~ County-wide =onlnU ordinance tlons and be heard .mt r~lght go. lesion start the night hearings at 5:05 P.M, as thm~ will ~ounty Attorney Cuyler ~t~t~d that h~ ~ 8uUUe~tinU that both items be heard t~U~th~r, noting that there ~lll b~ two nloht that will be r~qutr~d, .~,l~li:~U ~',~,~t it tT~,,r,, is nq~t ,-,~o~tUh time to hoar Aooiutant to thu County ~n~Uer Olliff uta~ed that he th~n H~rch 22nd. >iar~;h 2bth, or Mnt'ch :8th for the l.cond public he~r lifo. Commissioner Voli,e ClU..e~tionud when theu,~ ordinances would be effective, to wllich County Attorney Cuyler lndlcat.d that they would 00009 February 20° 1990 the ordinance could be sent Immediately, which means that they could still be effecttw~ April t, Xn annwer to Commtwmloner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler stated that a conservative approach to these type of land regulations lB that they are In the nature of zoning regulatlon~ because they affect land uae and, therefore, In ord,,r to cover all requirements, they should be pas~ed In compliance with the zoning notice requirements .bach la to have two night he.ring. [f tour. than 5~ of the land area of the County ~e rezoned. Attorney Bruce Anderaon stated that he agrees that these should be acted upon as ~oon a~ possible because people need to know the rules prior to Aprll ~, lqnO. tie not~pd that there are a ~ot property owners that are mid-way through Shelf development p]an~ that are applying f(~r de, ve~t)[~me~r~t p. rmit~ and they do not know which ones are going to exempt them or p-rmlt them to continue their development under th. ord~nanc,:. He noted that this uncertainty Is hurting a lot of people as banks are holding back lending money on projects. stated th,,t Ir th. C.unty in [.Il.wing the zunln~ code provisions on rezones applying to more than 5~ of the land In ~he County, this also requires the CCPC to hold two public hearings after 5 County Atturn~y Cuyler nt~ted that he did not Intend to have the CCPC hold meetings a~ter 5:00 P.M.. notin9 that he la trying to be conservative a~ possible ~it~ ~,)me~hlng that 1~ clearly not act out In the Statutes a. a requirement, ti- ~t~l that h,~ tm t~klng the middle the Statutes, but the CCPC :'.,lulrem,~nta .re Internal ~lthln the ordi- nance. He stated that the process la only being delayed by a week. · trong statement from the C~aunty Attorney that w~uld Indicate that thlm ordlnanc~ cannot be chall,,nGed bec~ue,~ of enactment procedure. County Attorney Cuyler ~tated that he 1~ comfortable with the pro- 00¢)10 Page 3 February 20, lggo cedure that he Is recommending, but cannot say that it cannot be cha I lenged. Commissioner Saundera stated that he does not want to have a challenge In slx month, and at that t~e. the Count~ ~lshlng that they had held two public h,~.~rl~, l)(,for, th. CCI'C. There was discussion re~ardl~g a time limit for speak~r~ with the consensus being that there would be ~ five mimAte time limit placed on each ~peaker. C~l~eloner ~h~ ~ved, seconded by CocA.siGner Vol~ ~rled ~lmoualy, that t~ BCC night public hearlngm ~ held ~rch 7, 1990 ~d March 21, 1990, at 5:05 Co--Assigner ~oo~lght moved, ascended by Co. Assigner ~h~ ~d carried ~lmoualy, ~hat the agenda ~d conaen~ agenda ~ I~r~ with ~he a~ve referenced changel. Item 14 C~/aeloner Goo~lght moved, ascended by Coulssloner Sh~ ~d c~rled ~leously. that the minutes of the re~lar meeting of 3~u~ 23. 1990; the ~rkahop meeting of J~ua~ 29. 1990; the l~ ~tlng of 3anuary 30. 1990; and the re~lar meeting of 6. 1990. ~ approved aa presented. Item ~LO~ 9~V~CE AN~D PRES~T~D TO R~H H. SCH~,.. LX~Y - 15 ~S, Commlmslol~er ){~ pt'e~ ~d Ruth ~, Schulz. with a~ Employee Service Award for fifte,,n y,:~rs of .orvtc~ to Collier County, ~~TXON DESIGNATING r~U~Y 22, 23, AND 24, 1990 ~ "~RGET Commissioner Hawse read ~ proclamation desl~n~tt~ g,ebrumFy 22. Couander of the Disabled Aaerlcan Veteran~ ot Collier C,3~nty. Chapter 117, who thanked the BCC for allowing them to notify the public of the 00011 Page 4 Febru~r¥ 20. 1990 "Forget He NoL Fund Day~". He noted this fund drive lo their major revenue sourc~ fo~' tb~ yo.,r .~n,l ~ mppll~d directly to the aasi~ance Of lOCal dleabled veteran, .m~d their fRmllies In ca,e of emergency. Co. lllioner Sa~derm moved, seconded by CoulllJoner Ooo~Aght ~d carrA~ un~l~ous~y, that the procl~at~on desl~a~lng F~b~a~ 22, 23. ~d 24. 1990 aa "Forge~ He No~ Days" be adopted. 00012 Page 5 February 20. 1990 Xtem #6C! ~SOt. OT[O; 90-99 PROVXDX)~Q )OR ~ ~C~O; O; ;mO;~ ;~SO~ ;0 ~g~l nottc~ hflv~g t,~,.n put)li~h.d tn th~ ~L)l~s D~I1y Ne~ on January 5 ~nd .;~nu~ry lt, t990, as evide[~,d by Affidavit of ~bllcation fii-d with ~h~ cl,,:'k, public he.~rln~ wa~ opened to con- to State Statute 125.]7 r,~j,~rdlmj Imm~kalee Mtddlo School. continued a few we.ks apu p,,nd[r~9 receipt of an ~9reem~nt between the County and the Scho~l District rp,jard[n~2 th. malntenarlce of the property in conjunction with the Immokal~o Community Park Program. noted that the agre[,merlt sl,-ciflea that durln~ the time the School District utilizes the Immok.tI,e Middlo ~chool, they will be respon- hold the Counly harml~ during ~h~ transtt Io~ period while ~hey build the new Immokai~e MI,Idle School. He Indicated that the County Attorney's offlc,~ h.~ pt'el,ar~.d the apr~enzen~ and lC m~ets with everyone's approval, He noted that It ~111 be scheduled shortly for the School Board's ratlflcatlon and noted that he ts requesting appro- val . C~ssionar ~oo~lght moved, seconded by Co~lssloner ~d c~rlmd ~l~usly, that the public hearing ~ closed. Co~tssloner Goodnlght aoved, seconded by Coulssloner ~ carried ~l~usly. that Resolution 90-99 regarding ~ exc~ge o~ pro~rty pursuit to State Statute 125.~1 regarding I~kalee ~1~1~ 8ch~l ~ adopted. Page 6 0(}() 1,1 February 20. 1990 s~&rr TO .ZOO?Z~T~ ~ COFrRAC? ~Oa CR~Z~AL ~US~ZC~ CO~$O~X~ S~V]C~S A~slstant C~un~y ~au.,U~r NcLemor~ ~t~t,.,1 that thin items lnvolve~ the County's Correct ions coamittee, ~ddtn9 that c)u June G, 1989~ the Board of County C()mmi~sion~r.~ .mth~rlz.d th,. Corr.~:t [t)~ Comm[tt~ to prepare an RFP for l~rofes~lon,~l services related to the development of · long range Criminal ~ustice System plan ~nd to deliver a r~nk ordered short ll~t of thr~e conuultants to th~ Board. H~ noted that the Committee has performed th~,t d[t'~.ctlv~ and ham n r~commnnded list o~ thr~e consultants ~lth Co:'r~ctiou.~l ~et'v[c~ Group/Moyer Joln~ Venture as th~ number onP Kite; Rlccl/Corr~Uon Jol:~t Venture an the three firm. He indicated that ho is reque.tlng that Staff be authorized to negotlat, a contract with C,)rr-ctlonal Services Group/Moyer Joint V,.ntur~ ,~ml to bring It b,~ck to the BCC. stated that th. lineal [,np~l t will b. b. twe,.n $75,000 and $100,000 noting that he needs the authority to fund this through General Fund Reserves. that this was a non-budpeted project and they will Identify the appropriate fund wh,.n this c:t~a~.~ back to ~he BCC. Mr. McLemor, s~at~.d th.~t %h~ w[I] be a study that will benefit th. County t~-(-~u~,, th,. ,,~. · '. · t',, 4,,t-;,r,'.n.w.~yn that the dltures of fund~ for c.spltal ~mpruvement~ ca~ b. Or~ssionmr Vol~ ~vsd, m.con4md by Oo~lsmlon~r Shan~ ~rl~4 ~l~umly, that Staff ~ authorlxmd to nm~otlmtm ~ ~ontrm~t for Orlml~l Justice Conmultln9 Servlcmm with Corrmctionml Oro~p/~r Joint Vmntur~. lt~ ~gH1 ~QUX~ TX~ ~R DXSTRIB~ION Or THE ~'S AG~ ~ TO 4 ~ - County M4nager Dorrlll ttt~tt.t~ tJl~t th~ Clerk pointed out thmt the Co~ty IS not In compllanc,, with th,, ~,rdI~,~c,. r,,l~t lv~ to thy O0()~J P~ge ~ February 20. 1990 timeframe for distributing the Board's agenda, adding that he has asked the County Attorney to prepare a proposed amendment to this ordinance that would reduce the timeframe of fly. currently In prac~tce and th. ordinance should read as ~uch. Cmlsslonsr Shmn~mn ~ved, secondsd by Co~lssloner ~d carried ~l~usly, tha~ Staff bm ~u~horlz~d to ~n~nt to Ordln~c~ a~-14 to ch~g~ th~ re~lr~d tl~frm for dlstrl~tlon of the Board's agenda from 5 days to 4 County Manager Durrlll stat.d that at,uut a mt)nth ago ~ number Of Important Is that all curt.at ~.rvlce budg.t~ ~hould 5~ Increase and the Incr,,as. attributable, to exlstln9 properties that are bela9 tax.d ~hould also be limited to 5%, H. ~tated that In addi- tion, to the 5% increase, tie pl'opospt~ that 4-1/2I be attributable to ~rowth In funds, lie stated that In the case of the General Fund, new construction added to the rolls this year will bo approximately 4-1/l~ which would be a total Increase In taxes of 9-I/2%; 5% for Inflation ~d 4-1/~ for 9rowth. He stated that only 5% of that money will attributable to existing properties and money attributable to 9rowth will be as a result of new ~tructures placed on th~ tax roll January I, 1990, by Property Apl)rals,. Coldlng. H~ noted that other funds have bean 01yen the lat ttud,~ to ~xpand beyond that. He Indicated tha~ quality laprov, a~nt program, h~ will h~v,, aero. latitude to reprlorl- tlze ~xlstln9 bu,19t, t~ uad~r ~h¢ County Manauvr to sav~ men.y, which could then be spent for new propram~ or tllfferont n..ds. He Indicated that the Constitutional Officers h.ave all t'.c.lved proposals of this dllcummmd. Page 8 February 20, lggo CoIiissioner Volp-. stat,~d that th,- budget, of Cunntltutional ~r~ hav~ b~n increased b~ 5~ ~nd ~tAt,.l that 1~ the ~onmtitution~l 0ffic~r~ do ~ot f.l}ow thl~ 5% incr~, th~n thrr~ l~ no policy. i~ tho 5~ c~p lm ~dopt~d on curt-~nt ~-t'vic~ and 7~ on ~rmon~l r~te. reviewed. tingency fund and th. g~,n,.r,~l rum{ t)e .limi.~t~.d, nnd questioned what yeari a r~I~rVe for cash flow, noting that one time, it waI budgeted dropped It to one million dollars and th,it reserve has been the same since. He stated that it has n,.v~r be.,m t(-)u(:h,.d, lin indicated that It is there In case revenue~ do not come In on time to ~,~ bills, dollars would still make this ~t clear budget, to which County In ~ccordanc~ with Stdte Stdtutn~ ~Ild al'. 9ufficient with prudent 0OO2? Page 9 Pebruary 20, 1990 going to have to start telling people "no" to their requests for money. 9.5~ ~s derived by lookinU ~t th. b~d~et p~ltcy on ~pendlng and deductl~lg from th.~t ail other .ources of r-v.nue, noting that what Gall Addison, Chief of Adml~ist rat ion of the Sheriff's Office, stated that the Sheriff la statutorlly req~ltred to submit 4 budget that ~aye thdt th~..o nr~ th~ n,,-,{~, noting that by putting on an arbitrary cap will limit hl~ ability [o co~ply with the Sheri~ will be looking .mt mgr. than the 7% c,~p, ~ddlng that there will be at least a 10% Jncrt.~ae In retirement t'ate~ for high rink people. He noted that there Is ~lso going to be approximately a health lnsuranc, lncr.~e. In annwer to c,)mml~sit,n..r Volpe, Ms. Addison stated that there should not b~ ~ny l,rot, l,.n~ .~t,WinU within the 5~ for the oi)eratlng funds. She Stnt,~] t~lnt tt~,'t',, will prot~t, ly b~ n problem with capital because of the problems with leasing vehicles which will be purcha~ad lnatead. Co. AssiGner Volpe questioned 1~ the Sheriff will be using calla ~or service as his methodology fur the budget, to which Ha. Addison replied afflrm~tlv,~ly, ~d.ling theft th.y h~v,. ~1~o b,.en looking at law be dealt with nt th.,t t [~n,.. lit* tl~l,~'~t [~,t~,.~l it t?~rt',- )~IVe b~en February 20, 1990 flctent changes sc. that the County could now consider law enforcement Impact fees and impact fee.,, for administrative facilities, to which County Attora.y Cuyl-r ~tated that h- ~ presently looking a~ law Commissioner Saunde['. ~tated that tile County Attorney should be Fmbruary 17, 1990. Ms. Addison stated that they are looklnu at ~om,, fe,ler~l monies to help build 3ails, She noted that she 1~ relnforc[nG the discussions Indicated that Impact fees will h. lp, but the Sheriff would like to look at the possibility of h,~virlg ,~cc,.~ to -.1,~ t,~x so that the Sheriff Is not taking the full brunt of any lncre~Ne In taxes which Is what Is now happ,,ning. Commissioner Saundera t~t.ted that the Sheriff's budget la not Itated that he tmder~ta~d~ that the ~herift's Office probably cannot 00() 9 raga 11 February 20. 1990 comply with that policy bec,ul~e of .~tatutory requirements to provide SerViCe, He etnt,.<l that ~h,,rl th~ bu,lg~t,~ cum~ 1~, ~h~ Bo~rd ~lll · l~ply review them ~d If they atp ~ot In lin~ with th~ policy, then · ver~one ~111 h.v~ to reduce thetr budget, ~s. Addison stated th,~t ~h~ ~ould ~Iso Ilk~ to t'eque~t that the entire County b~ l)rlorltiz,~,l .~ tu th. ir ne,~d, r~ther than agency to agency and h~vlng a Hr. George K,,ll,.r, Pr,~id.nt of the Collier Cuunty Civic because of new property that In constantly belong .tdded to the tax Co~ls~ton,.r Saund,~rn ~t.~t~,tl th,ti whetl th. Bo~rd talks about the rollback mllleu~, that lnclud.~ the comt, utatlon Involving Increased revenues from new [~rol,ertl.~ uulnu on the t.x rolls. He stated that the Board c~nnut do al~ything .t.J., body assessments that might be 10% or mort~ that IN mandat.d by another but aa far am the effect un an lndividu, l, th. Bo.~rd l~ limited to what they can d~,, Mr. McNee~ ~tat,.d th.~t ~f~ th,, t'ecommendatl()f~ t,f the bu,tg.t policy, Staff la requesting ~ refor~n~ttlng of the budget ~ollcy for come of Impact will b~. 00(){}0 Page 12 February 20, 1990 [ir. Ira Evans stated that the expenditures of Collier County have limply escalated to tho point that It must stop. lit. Indic&ted that the proposed policy i~ a r-play of the p~st ~evernl years. He noted of Increase of itl. populatl~,n In ~v~ry y~r f~r the l~st t~n y~r~. X~ noted that the G~ner~l Fund ha. Increased 6~ from the FY 87-68 budget to the FY 89-90 budget which Is an ~verage of 221 per year and If this trend contlnu.s, th,. lncrea.e ~111 be about 17~ or 18~ by the time people get th,~lr tax blll~, He stated that the only way the expense of Coll[,.r camry ~,vernm,~t will b.. ;'~duc~d [~ tu non-essential ~orvlce,~, and limit ot,~rflt lag turld lncre~o~s to ~ for of utilities. He further noted th.it expanded ~ervlces should be llllted, lie .n~.~t,.(l th(~t Ih,. I mill for (:,~[)ithl [mprov~a~nts should continued, Ill c.~plt.~l ,.xp,,,~ditur,..~ shuuld 1)~ limited to those encom- passed In th. Or',,wth 5{;mflgement Plan. H~. stfltt, d that there comes a time when the growth of ol'9~mlzatlons and exp~n~es must be halted, only temporarily. H. stated that the taxpayers of Chiller County need the support of the Board. e,ese Recess: 11:00 A.M. - Reconvened: ll:lO A.M. addinG that thl~ I~ the am,)~i~t th. Cour~ty will nw,,d to spend In con- fixed Incomes and they cana,]t .u~taln this typ. of an lncr~as~ .ach year. Re lndicat.d that in ord. r to -xamin~ the process of expen- OO()13 l Page 13 February 20, 1990 saym that there wli1 be no lncrea.ne In County expenditures from this year to the next. }la noted that the matter of budg, ts and County ~udgettng process and County expenditures, }I~ Indicated that In the than there ever ha~ been, acldin~ that the Board has approved In con- cept a cost reduction program that will be presented D% the next few programs to improve efficiency .,,d prioritize governmeatal programs. He reported that the policy that should be adopted at this point In tl=e Is a zero b.se budget la9 approach where each County dep~tment told that the rollback millau,, lncr.ase will be zero aa a policy starting point. H~ st.t.d that he wotlltl llk~ Staff to com. back with a list of areas In which the Cotu%ty could levy impact fees. Mr. Joe Christy. rept'eaet~tl~ the Maruo Island Taxpayers Association, stated that h,, ia supportive of Commissioner Saunder~ budget In order to control lt. ~lSi~er Sanders ~ved. seconded by Co~lsslonlr Vol~ c~r~ ~~usly, that the County Attorney ~ dSrected to co~ ~ck ~ ~ mk w~th a listing of the areas tn which la. ct fees cou~d Cm~sstoner Sanders ~v~d. seconded by Co~tsstoner S~. stut off w~th a zero ~rcent increase ~n the rollick ~llage ~ the various County departments Indicate what they need ~nuee of last year. Commissioner Goodt~lght questioned wh~t thin means ~lth reoardn to Board passed last year to give up to 10~ for employees that were meeting the policy, to which Commlallolter S~underm ~tatod that this February 20, 1990 does not Include any lucrea_~e. He noted that when th. Board gets Into the budget process, they will have to evaluate wh&t ad valorem taxes that the mil~ago rat. ~ not boing ..t this d~te. noting that the Boa~d la only giving guidance to the manager at this time. He noted that when the Employ,,,. Pay-~r-P.rformance plan wa~ adopted, the Board knew that every year Jt would have to b. d.termin.d at what level thl~ plan would be funded, tie indicated that tht~ will be determined du~tng the budget County Manager Doff ill ~tate,] that the record ~hould show that this la not a zero ba~ed buduet, as that {. ~om. thing entirely dif- ferent that requires r.,m:..t~,l reams of Information to Justify every single related cost by a~lency. He noted that the budget format will II proposing a :sro lncreage for current ~-rvtce tnxdgeti and then every expanded service wtll h.v. to he itemized, tie stated that by a date certsin, th,. maximum millage rate will have [o be set and in order to set the m.xlmxxm mlllno, r.te thi. year, the B~ard will have current services. }{- noted th.mt all of this will have to be done advance of the July date for the milieus rate. expenditure for ne. xt year or,,:' thi~ pa~t yt.ar. Il,, ~,tate,l that there will give the. Board the opportunity to klli)W exactly where tile money Clerk Giles ntat.d that it w~ .t~t.d that the Conntitution~] Officers have ~ bi9 [,npa,.l ,m th. budget, nt)ti~U that mo~t Of the Constitutional Offic,,r~ hay,. w-rk,~d with th,, Board the last few years. He stated that he has worked with the Board in th. past and the Constitutional Off ic.r. ~.hould not be .et ~l)art an n uroup that oppo- ses Boml'd policy. H. i{oted that th. Bo.rd .hould look ~t all ~ourcem 00O33 Page 15 of revenue, noting that the Water/Sewer District ~hould be looked there la a Solid Waste Fund that has cunuld~rable accumulated amounts for landfill closures In the future, but that ~hould be looked at because that i~ a County-wlde, ,()utc,, ~f lundin that cRn alleviate ad valorem texaN. He noted :h~t Come,miry Development ts propomh%~ for ~nd. but a part of it i~ still in the General Fund and there 18 Con- General Fund could be r-[mbursed from Che Community Develo~mlut Fund. than strictly tax supported funds because thl~ impacts taxes. ~oIlIIiOnir SaundlrI aIendid hli IOtlon ~o elis lncludl the of the one mill for capital Improvements: that the Board direct Staff to refomt the budget document consistent with the Budget ~nclud~ as Attac~ent B~ ~d that the Board a~prove the elimination of the $1 million reserve for cash flow In the General ~d. Co.he. honer Shan~an amended his second. Upon call for the the ~tAon carried CmAmeloner Sanders moved, seconded by Co~i~mloner 8h~ c~rAed ~lmously. that there ~ a zero percent increase over ~rmnt se~lce ~d itemized ex~ded ~ervice will be aho~ ~d the ~8~lat~ re. numa to pay for them will also ~ oh~ am ~rt of the County M.n,~u..r D. rriII ,,t,,t..d ~h.~ th~,, w~ll mu,~n that the budget workmhop pruce~ m~y b-gi:~ ~,~ l~t. May, H,. nut~d that th~ r~tlonale Page 16 February 20, 1990 :Itn 89114, COI~ULT&]FF SELICTION Xh"FERVIENS fOR UTILITY PROJECTS TO BI KILO OK c~ri~ ~l~uoly. that the Consultant Selection Inten~M for Utl~lW projects ~ held on March 6, 1990, after tho re~lar BCC sting. C~ooloner maunders norad, seconded by Conlseloner Sh~ ~d c~rled ~l~uoly, that the ~rkohop for the other t~ projects ~ held on Apr~ 3, 1990. D~~ SKRVICKS ~RKSHOP AND S,D.P. ORDINANCE REVISIONS TO BE ~ OS ~CH 13, 1990, AND THE PUBLIC H~INa TO BE CO~I~KD TO ~ 27. 39e0 Commissioner maunders moved, seconded by Cou,.lsslonsr Ooodnight &nd cmx'rled unanimously, that the Development Services ~orkahop and $.D.P. Ordinance revisions be heard on Match 13, 1990, and the public ho&ring be continued to Match 2?° 1990. Item RESOLUTION 00-300 REAPPOXNTXNG CHARLES ANDRKN~ AND MARK STRAIN TO THE COLlieR cOUNTy CODE KNFOR__C,KMKNT BOARD - ADOPTI~ Commissioner Goodnight moved, seconded by COULmlSeloner Shanehan &nd c&~ried unanimously, that Resolution 99-100 ~eappolntlng Ch&Flee Andre~M end M&=k St=ain ~o thd Collier County Code Enforcement Bo&rd be adopted. February 20, lggo C~lmmlon~r Goo~lght moved, m~cond~d by Co~lmmlon~ ~h~ ~d c~rr~ed unmnlnously, that Budge~ Amendmentm 90-112~ 90-113~ 90-114; ~d 90-115 be adopted. ~IBSIO~ S~~, ~5SK AND SANDERS APPliED TO S~ OR ~1 C~loeloner Sa~der, ~ved. seconded by Couiooloner Shan~ ~d cErl~ ~l~uoly. that Conlooloner Shmnlhmn. Conlsoloner ~ C~tsstoner Smund~ro be 8;~lnted to smrve on the Netropollt~n Pl~g Conloslon. Item ~~ ~ ~RT ~CK TO THE BO~D Hl~ CO~LETK ~TION~I ~R ~ ~ITX~ Or ~ D~XKS AS CO~T ~ILX~S FOR ~ ~lCI~ MS. O.t~l Addison, Sh~r~f'~ D~pa~'tm~t, ~t~t~d that th[~ Is a that will come out of th.. G.n..ral Fund as they are unbudo.~ed In Sheriff's Budget. She s'ated that this Is for all courts, adding there are 7 full time Judgns and 6 bailiffs with on. supervisor. Commissioner Volpe stated that he has a problem with %his a~ has changed signlfic.mtlY, partly t)f. cause (~f tho c-nstructlon and a larger concern .xpre.a.d from the Judges about thatr napery. OOf),l 2 Page February 20° 1990 back with Justification. Mo, Addison stated that in order to have ten bailiffs trained by August of 1990, they ~hould h~ve been in a F-bru~ry Academy. Commissioner Shannon moved, seconded by Commissioner launders end cmrrled m~mnlmovel¥0 that the ~udgeo mad the Sheriff present thio to the Bom~d with complete rationale for the need for three additional covrt bailiffs. Coaaimmioner Ooodnight aoved, ascended by Conissioner Shanahan and c~rrl~l unanimouol¥, that the fol~owing irene on the consent &g~ndm t~ approved and/or adopted: Rr~OLUTIOM 90-101 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT 0F LIEN TO RECOVER ~UMD$ EXPE~DtD BT COU~ TO R~EDY A ~~U$ A~D D~OEROUS CO~ITIOW L~ 6 OF BL~K 2 0F THE ~2N LINE SUBDIVISION OF THE SO~R QO~ OF ~E SOUTH ~ST QUARTER OF SECTION R~3OLUTXON 90-102 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT 0P LIEN TO R~COV~q FUNDS KXPKrDKZ) BT COUWTY TO ABATE PUBLIC I~UISANCE ON LOT 17, BLOCK S0 NORTH Item #1¢&3 RESOLUTION 90-103 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUMDS ~ BT COURTT TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 100 BLOCK 3190 ~ARCO B~tCH,....UN~. 13 - RICHARD ~. FIELD RESOLUTION 90-104 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RICOVIR FUNDS EXPENDED BY CO~ TO A~TE PUBLIC ~ISANCE ON LOTS ~K mO OF NAPLES PARK SUBDIVISION, UNIT NO. 6 - JOSEPH XSim ~l&A5 R~SOLUTION 90-105 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO P~COVLR JqJMDS EXPE~IDtD BY CO~ TO A~TE PUBLIC ~9~CE OW LOT 5, BL~K 273, ~XT Xtmm e14A6 RESOLUTION 90-106 PROVIDING FOR ASSISSMXNT OF LIIN TO RICOVIR ~ BY COUNT~/ TO ABATE FUBLIC NUIRANCE ON LOT 20, BLOCK P-a- 19 RISOLUTION 90-107 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BT COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE 0N LOT 22, BLOCK 14o Itlu #14A8 RESOLUTION 90-108 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMKNT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS KXPI3EDED BT COURT~ TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOTS 32 & 33, BLOCK MAPLK~ MANOR EXTENSION - JOSEPH J. LAUREl, TRUSTEE UNDER JOSEPH J. Item #14A9 ItIJOLUTXON 90-109 PROVIDING FOR ASBE$SMKNT 0P LIEN TO RECOVER FUND8 EXPENDED BT COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 2, BLOCK 362° MARCO Item ,14&10 RKSOLUTXON 90-110 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSHKNT OF LIEN TO RECOVER FUNDS KXPKMDLD BT THE COUFFY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 1, BLOCK 239, ~I]IXT 7, PA~T._~-,_._O_O. LD.E_N_GATE - J_AJq_.E_~__J_t_AR.~_~.L_L~ ltlm llill iq~RCllASE AGREKMENT FOR THE ACqUXSXTION OF RIGHT-Or-MAY FOR FOUR LANE EXPANSION OF STATK ROAD 951 nK~ U.S. 41 ~D ~LKSN~ ~K RO~ (C.R. 864) (PARCEL NO. 7, O~ED BY AYERS PART--SHIP, A ~O~XDA ~O~T~UNI Xtmm #14C1 TA&W~FIJt OF I~WDS IN THE A~OPTCr OF a23,a~¢.x? FROM GENERAL r~WO/CLIEWT ASSXTT&NCK B~ TO ~ISCEL~NEOUS O~S ~DS/SHARED CO~-STATK ~~O~.~~...~A~.~3~X_~_ACT Xt~ ~I4D1 RKSOLUTXON 90-111o AUTHORIZING PERFORMANCE SKCURITY IN THE FORM OIP A CASHXKR*S CHECK TO BE POSTED MXTH FINANCE DEPARTMENT FOR UTZLXTXE~ Item ,14D3 P&~e 20 00O44 1990 ~ l~tt~r ,~pt'ovlt~ th~ wfltnr tllfltrthution ~y~tom for nerv~co &CCIPTAlCl OlP ~UAIL CREEK VILLAGI, PHASILI~B MATER AND SKNIR F&ClLITII:S - W~IH_ ST_~t~F.~TI.0~S ...... 1. BacterLologtcfll te,~t i.~ h.~. m,,t th~ C.ur~ty*s requJrem~t~. Ztea eZ4G1 ST&F~ TO (30 0(TZ' I~R BIDS FOR A TRACK TYPK DOZER FOR THI R&PLKS Zt~lX4O2 AJ~C~I~ OF LAMDrILL NXNING RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSKD BT THE Vi!TV13~ITT,QF 90Trl! I'LORIDA Ztm~14X1 R~OLUTXOll 90-113 APPOINTING EV~LYM SI~,ALY TO THE OCHOPEE gl~l~ ~S9~ C~X~KK Xtmm ~1431 CKIKTIrI.CATE~ o~p..~.~Cl'2OH PRESL~rgD BY PROPSRT~ 1989 TAX ROLL No's. 143 - 148 Dated 02/02/90 & 02/06/90 1989 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY No's. 103 Xtmm~14J2 I04 DAted 02/07/90 & 02/08/90 I:ITRA hill TXMI FOR I]OLATE RO'S, 48462, 52033, 49868, 38686, 64076, Xt~14J NISC~,UW[~ CO]tZt~~Cg FILED UrD/0R ItSI~RREp There bet-9 .o obJectltm, tll~ Chair (llr~(:t~d titat the following Indic&ted b~lo~: 000,15 Page 31 February 20. 1990 i0. 11. 12. 13. Letter dated 02/08/90 from Bruc. L. Schelner0 Personal Injury Lawyers, P.A., to BCC r- 3ohn (Juan) Flora.. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Jef/ Walker, and filed. Letter dat,.d 07/0{1/90 from llruce L. .qch. In.,r, Personal Injury CamD, and filed. ' Letter dated 0%/30/90 to Chairman Max H...e, from Paul R. Braduhaw, Dlrec%or Division of Resourc. Planning a~d Mann~emont, DCA, re Cnntract ~gO-LP-22-09-21-Ol-210. Re: Nell Dorrlll, Frank Bruit, and flied, Memorandum dated O~,'07/90 to Aff,~ct.d or Interested Parties of Peruonn, from S~,n[a R. Crockett, Administrator 02/07/90 Notic. of Put, lie Work.~hop from D-partm,,nt of Knv|ronm,.ntal Regular ;on re Not[ce of Propo..d Rulomak[ng. xc: Nell Ducrtl], Frank Bruit, Oeol'~e Archlb. ld, and filed. Memo of 1,'31/'00 fr,,,n G'~,,,''{a Woo(ts, Hnalth Servl(:e. and filed, Memo dat,.d : '~,::'qO to Max A. Ila.~e, 3,'.. Chilli'man0 BCC, from Jan. Polkow~kI, M.D. , M,P.H., }{R~ Public {[~a~th Unit Director, r,. Bloh,~,',~rdoun W.~Nt. Ru]e, Fil,~d. Not lc,' of Av,milabi i lty - Em,-rgenc¥ H.dl~:.i Servlc.~ Hatching Grant Appl I,.,,t l,,n ,1,,~,',1 l/2q/qO, xc': N,'I 1 D~,rrll l, 3ay Copy of Lott,~r d.~t,,d 02/01/90 to Brett D. Moore, P.E. of Coastal En'jlnet'rlnu Consultants0 Inc., re Administrative Approval of P,~rmlt Number C0-234, Peumittee Name: Barefoot Beach A~{~ociation. Ltd. xc: Nell Dorrlll, Harry Hut)er, Kevln O'D, mn,.ll, ,~,,d flied. Letter date. d O2/06,'90 to BCC from Guy L. Carlton, distribution of C',;rr,,nt Ad Valor,..m Tax ,~.~ of 02/06/90. 02/09/90 O:-dor ,m Pr ,~.cution of Criminal Appeals by the Tenth Judicial Circuit Public Defender: Hillsborough County'~ Bx'l.f - On App-al from Th~ Second District Court of Appeal. Signed Frederick R. Karl, County Attorn,.y, ){lll,d,~,r,,uUh C~mnty. Flied, I.ett.r dat,.d 02/05, 90 ti, IICC from D,~vld £,, Rtd[l,,wmy, McWan. Cast Irm~ Pip,, Co., r. furninhlnU t,~ duct ll. iron pipe and/or aS Airpor~ Road. xc N~,il Dorr[ll, Skip Camp, and ~ilmd. Mlnute. s A0 01/04 90 - Colll,.r County Pl,,'mlnU Commission 02/01 90 - Colli,.r County PlanninU Cummission 02/15 90 - Col lt,.r County Pl~nning Commission, Agenda Au,'~d.~ ut F-t)ruary 15, 1990, 01/25 90 - Collier County Fir~ Consolidation Study GrouI, and 4,j~nd~ of February 8, 1990. Page 22 February 20. 1990 F. 02/13/90 - Aser~da of 6olden Gate Parkway Beautification Adv J~or¥ Committee G. 02;06/c10 - Agar,da of Marco I~l~nd ~.m~tiflc~tlon 14. Rotic,~ t~> Ow~w,r d,~ted OY/OI/00 from Dal-Tll,- Corporation, und.r at~ order 91v-n by Thompkin's TI1., r. furnlshln9 the Collier County Courthouse. xc: Nell Porrlll, 9kip Camp, John Yo~kosky, .~nd filed. 15. Letter dated 02,'06,'q0 t. C,,mmln~loner B. t,. S~und.rs, from Wayne E, 9~ltry Ex.cut lv~ Director, $tmlhwest Florida for Dev,,lopm~ht Approval, DRI mr,-naOq-ql, xc: N. il Dorrlll, BcC, and f I ],'d. 16. Letter dntpd 02,'~t,/qO to BCC ~'rom Ch.~rl..s ~q. P.ml)lp, Assistant to the Dirpctor Surface N~t~r M~nag~met~t Division, South Florlda war,,,- M,magement District, r- Notlc~ of Intent to Cm~utruct Norks Modlflcatlm~ to Permit arid $tormwater for North N~i,I,.~ C.mmu~ity Park. xc: N~il Dorrlll, Ruvln O'Dormell, and tiled, There bwing l{,~ furth,.r I,u.i,~..,,~ for tim,- G,~od of the CouI{t¥, the meeting wao &dJourn,,d by Ord~.r of th. Chair - Tim,:: 12:30 ATTEST: JAHE$ C. GILES. CLERK -/ .......\-/---/ . a~ p~esunted ~ ~,r ~L corrected BOARD Or COUNTY COMMISSIONI~R$ BOARD OF ZONINO &PP~II~$/~X .. CONTROL ~--~. .. OOO4? Page 23