BCC Minutes 02/06/1990 R Nap]es, Florida0 February 6, 1990 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commlss/oners /n and for the County of Collier, and also acting as tbs Board of Zoning Appeals and as the gove~'ning board(s) o~ such spec/a] dlst~/cts ss have been c~eated according to ]aw and having conducted bus~ness here/n, met on th~s date at 9:00 A.M. /n R~G~LAR $~SS~0~ /n Bu~]d/ng "F" of the Government Complex, East Nap]es, Florida, with the fo]lowin~ members present: CHAIRMAN: Max A. Hesse, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN: M]chael J. Vo]pe R~chard S. Shanahen Burr L. Saunders Anne Goodn~ght ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, C]erR; John Yonkosky, F~nance Director; Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Thomas Olllff, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuy]e~, County Attorney; M]chael Arnold, Ut]litles Admintstrato~; Kev]n O'Donnell, Public Services Administrator; George Arch/bald, Transpo~tation Services Administrator: David Pett~ow, Development Servlces Director; Leo Ochs, Admlnistrat~ve Services Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Steve Carnel], Purchasing Director: Gary Stover, Court Administrator; Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant to th~ Board; and Deputy Byron Tom]]nson, Sheriff,s Office. OOO() I Page February 6, 1~90 Tape #1 Item ~3 AeENDA AND CONSENT A~Z__h~.A . APPROVED WITCH CHANGES Comutsstoner Shanahan moved, seconded by C¢,amAeoAoner Volpe and carried unanimously, that the agenda and consent agenda be approved with the following changes: 1. Item 9Al - Request the Board of County Commissioners to approve agreement with Anchor Engineering, authorize Chairman to execute agreem~nt, appoint Compliance Services Section Manager as "Contract Manager" and the Housing And Urban Improvement Director as "Project Coordinator" - Continued to 2/13/90, as requested by the County Attorney. 2. Item 9A2 - Request the Board of County Commissioners approve an agreement between Collier County Concerned Citizens, Inc., whereby Collier County Concerned C~tJzens will reimburse the County for engineering services and infrastructure at Collier Vil]a§e - Continued to 2/13/90, as requested by the County Attorney. Item 14D1 St. Andrew Square Maintenance Bond and Maintenance Bonds, general - Continued to 2/13/90 as requested by Staff. ' 4. Item 9H! - Authorization for Finance Committee to negotiate a contract for a $20,0OO,OO0 line of credit and bond counsel to prepare pi'sleet docum,~nt~ for inter.tm financing through the line of credit - Added, as requested by Staff. 5. Item 14G2 - Recommendation that all so]id waste public re]a- ttons activities be done In-house by County personnel - Continued to 2/13/90, as requested by Staff. Item #SA ..EMPLOYEE SERVICE A~/ARDS - ~_RESENTED Commissioner Hesse congrat,,lated and presented Employee Service Awards to the fo]lowing employee, s: Donald W. Eckert, EMS - 5 y~ars Henry L. Blckford, Equlp,~ent Pool - 15 years Mary Jo Thursto,~, Utilities - 10 y~rs Item #5B HARRY PILARSKI RE gNIZED A ........... ............ o ~mruu~ OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY, 1990 CommisSioner Hasse recognized Harry Pilarskl, of the Antntal Control Department, as "Employee of the Month" for February, 1990. He commended him for his e×ceptional Performance ,~nd dedication, and pre- sented him with a plaque and a $50 cash award. Item #SB PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING FEBRUARY 6, ~990, AS MYRA JANCO DANIELS DAY - ADOPTED Page 2 February 8, 19gO Upon reading of the proclamation, Commissioner Vo]pe moved, seconded by Commissioner Saundars and carried unanimously, that the proclmtAon daaignatlng February 6, 1990, ae M~ra Janco D~lele Day ~ adopted. Commissioner Hasse stated that it is a privilege to have Ms. Myra Daniels as a citizen of Collier County, and thanked her for all her efforts in the Philharmonic Center for the Arts becoming a reality in Ccllier County. He presented her with the proclamation and a plaque, Ms. Daniels expressed her gratitude to the Commission. She stated that the reality of the Philharmonic was made possible through team effort, arid thanked everyone who was Involved. Page 3 O00O9 February 6, 1990 Itew #9B1 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE INCLUSION OF UTILITY FACILITIES INTO FOUR SPECIFIC ROADWAY DESIGN CONTRACTS - SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY COUNTY ATTORNEY, BUT IF HE DETERMINES THAT THIS IS NOT THE APPROPRIATE PROCEDURE, DUE TO COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION ACT, STAFF TO PROCEED PURSUANT TO YHA~__A~__~T TO SELECT FIRM TO DO THE DESIGN WORK Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained that the purpose of this item is to cons]der expanding the original scope of engineering services of several on-going road design contracts to include certain utility design work. He noted that typically, at the Request for Proposal process to obtain consulting services from pri- vate consultants, not only is the road design included, but in many cases, portions of utility design are a/so included. Mr. Archibald stated that there are four specific projects which impact utility systems that are either planned or existing. He explained that there are advantages in time and cost of going ahead and expanding the services to be Performed under those contracts to include some water and sewer force mains that will be part of the Utility Division's long-term infrastructure. He noted that the four projects are as follows: The extension o[ Coodlette-Frank Road from Carica Road to Immokalee Road: Mr. Archibald indicated that the Commission recently approved a process for speeding up that contract, and a location for utility placement has been identified. He noted that he believes that it would be advantageous to take the design contract and add to it, consulting uervices that would provide for the design of utilities which cot]](] Le installed concurrently with the road improvements. Livingston Road' Mr. Archibald advised that there .is al.l'ea3y a major force i.~ n as part of this design contract, and exioansions would be made to same. C.R. 951: Mr. Archibald stated that this corridor has an area that is allocated on the west alignment for Florida Power and Light and Water and Sewer Utilities. Radio Road: Mr. Archibald Indicated that this project involves tie-ins for future force mains that should be coordinated with the construction of that road. Mr. Archibald requested that the Commission review the expansions for these four specific projects, from a policy standpoint, and that Staff be authorized to expand the design services to lnclud~ certain water/sewer facilities. He noted that a supplemental agreement to ~he Page ~ebruary 6, 1990 contract will be required in each case, and brought back to the Board for action. Mr. Archibald affirmed that the RFP for the Livingston Road pro- Ject pointed out that there would be utility design involved; the Goodlette-Frank Road RFP did not indicate that utility design would be Involved; the C.R. 951 project and the Radio Road project Included utility relocation, tie Indicated that there needs to be consistency to ensure that the original RFP provided and made an allowance for this to be done, and for the contracts to be expanded. ColltsStonsr Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodntght, to &pp~ove St:ff's recommendation. In anJwer to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler advised that the competitive selection process must be compiled with, unless the Board certifies that this is an emergency situation. He informed that tf Staff can lndlcate that the original RFP's were broad enough to lnclude the services that are to be negotiated, the request Is per- missible, but if' this cannot be determined, he advised that he will have to review this situation. Commissioner S~,.nde~s suggested that the Commission approve Staff's request, subject to final review by the County Attorney. He explained that he bolleves that a reasonabl~ interpretation of a road- way design project would include utilities slnc9 they are a par, of constructing a road. In answer to Commissione~ H&sse, Mr. Archibald informed (hat the design services would be subject to the hourly rates which have already been established by contract. Commissioner Volpe stated that it would be a good Idea to include this type of design work tn future RFP's. Mr. Archibald stated that ttmlng is a critical Item, noting that typically the road projects are done under a road program, and in many cases utility relocations and new utility work are Incorporated for the County's system, the City's system, and the private utilities. He Indicated that because of the timing and the dollars that could be 0001 ~ Page 5 February 6, 1990 saved, he feels that it is a good idea to incorporate the utility infrastructure needs within those. Utilities Administrator Arnold indicated that the lead time for transportation projects are typically longer than that of utilities projects, and the engineers for transportation projects were solicited three years .~n advance in regard to acquirinG rights-of-way, deter- mining cross sections, etc. He stated that if the work could be done concurrently, there would be a tremendous savings. Commissioner Volpe noted that he is not opposed to savinG money in obtaining the best Job, but called attention to the comments made by County Attorney Cuy]er regarding the legal issue if this is not an emergency. County Attorney Cuy]er stated that it is not always saving money that is the emergency. He indicated that a financial emergency ts an emergency, if the situation i~ such that, i.e., there was a time line lnv)lved and if thJ~, were not dc, n~ right now, the Commission would be foregoinG Its po&,.btlity of doing it, than that could be considered as an emergency. Co~telioner Shanah&n amend,Jd hie m.otton to approve Staff's recom- mendation, subject to review by the County Attorney, and if he finds that this is not an appropriate procedure due to the Competitive Negotiation Act, Staff ia directed to proceed pursuant to tha~ Act to have a firm selected to do the design work. OommiseAoner ~o¢,dnight accepted the amendment. The moilon carried unanimously. Item ~gD! A~EMHNT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH CONSOER, TOWnSeND A~D A~SOOIATES, INC., FOR RAW WATER BOOSTER PUMP STATION IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEKD_~2$6 000 - APPROVED Assistant Utilities Admlnistrato~. Bloetscher stated that this item is a request to approve the contract with Consoer, Townsend and Associates, Inc. (CTA), for the design and construction supervision for the Raw Water Booster Pump Station. Mr. Bloetscher advised that CTA will submit the design contract, and make a presentation of same to the Commission. He noted that 0001~ Page 6 February 6, 1990 there Is a clause In the contract Indicating that if CTA=s recommen- dation should deviate from the original acope as stated In the RFP, this will a/low for re-negotiation of the Agreement. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Bloetscher explained that at the time of the consultant lmterviews, two different scenarios were brought up. He indicated that the Commission selected CTA, and requested that as part of the design report, they evaluate the two scenarios and bring back for approval. Comisetoner Saundsrs moved, seconded by Coutse~onlr Shan~han and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Volpe out of the room), to approve the A~ee~nt with Consoer, To.send and A~soc~ates, Inc., ae reco~ended ~ Staff. OOO] 4 Page 7 February 6, 1990 Item ~g~! RE~OLUTION 90-53 AK~NDING COLLIER COUNTY PURCHASING POLICY, AND REPEALING AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION ~OS. 87-103, 87-201 88-25, AND 89-15 - ADO ED Administrative Services Administrator 0chs informed that this item is a recommendation to adopt revtstona to Collier County's Purchasing Policy. He indicated that tht? changes are primarily administrative in nature, and there is no significant change to the expenditure levels or financial controls which currently exist irt the ~r. Ochs advised that the co~petitlve bidding threshold is recom- mended to increase. $500, i~ o~'der to remai~ consistent with State requirements governing c~pe~ltl,:e bidding and PrOfessional service selection. He noted that it is not recommended to increase the existing field purchase ~trd~r ~,xp~r~d.ttur~ limits or contract change orders. He informed that several ol the proposed revisions are required in order to comply with recent changes in State laws that impact local government procurement practices, including design build contract requirements, invoice prompt paymer~t procedures, as we]] as the State's new public entity crime law. He indicated that the balance of the changes are intended to streamline or clarify proce- dures under which the County purchases goods and ser{~ices, i.e., noti- fication requirements for competitive sol/citation as we~l as clarification of the role of selectio[~ committeos in procurement of Professional services, and the elt~ninatJon of administratively approved bilateral contracts. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Purchasing Director advised that the recommende.l c:~a~ges in Item 5 ~peaks to Cooperative Purchasing, and noted that under current Policy, purchases in excess of $12,000 whether there is a State contract price or not, go to sealed bids. He informed that Staff is recommending that this provi- sion be modified to indicate that the requirement for sealed bidding be eliminated, since whatever State contract prices have been obtained are the product competition, and it is suggested that in price quota- tions be obtained which are more formal in nature, and can be received Page February 6, 1990 in a shorter amount of time. He noted that if more than $25,000 Is to be spent, the Commission will be involved In the approval process. Commissioner Shanahan questioned the elimination of legal adver- tising? Mr. Carne]l advised that last fall, when budget deliberations were taking place, Staff was ~t~ked to do whatever they could to reduce expenditures. He noted that past practice for the County hsd been for the Purchasing Department to budget the entire cost for legal adver- tisements for purchases. He stated that the bidders are notified through a number o' methods, and r.'oted that legal advertising is Just one of these. He e×p]all]ed that tt was his position at the time of the rewriting of the Purchasing PolJ. cy to remove that expenditure from his budget to save money, with the understanding that: in the interim, ~he practice of legal advertisement would be continued, but the user departments would pay the cost for the advertisements. He advised that announcements for bids are posted outside of Building "W", and all vendors are not,fled in writing of same. He stated that another method of announcement, Is that the Co?lnty subscribes to the Florida Bid Repo~ttng Service which collects information from local and state government agencies for possible purchases to bid, and they circulate and sell those lists of sale opportunities to various pri- vate firms. Commissioner Vo]pe questioned whether there is a fee lnvolv-.d, as part of giving a bidder a bid package? Mr. Carnell replied that occasionally there are large construction bids and the btdde!, is charged for the cost of reproduction of the prints and specifications. Commissioner Volpe suggested that possibly there may be a mechanism for passing these costs on to people who are interested in doing busi- ness with the County. Clerk Giles stated that working with trade publications and sending invitations to bid to known vendors Is fine, but the problem ls that if there are new business that arrive ]n the area, the com- puter printout will not yield their name. He indicated that if there is a legal advertisement there is a certain guarantee that all people Page 9 February 6, 1990 that are Interested have been given the opportunity to be advised of the bid. He noted that he cannot believe that the $3,000 coat for advertising Is not recouped by the competitive pricing that comes from more competition. Commissioner Saunders questioned how frequently, on a percentage baals, contracts are awarded to mtrlctly local firms? Mr. Carnell stated that approximately 10~ cf the contracts awarded per year are to local vendors. He ;~xp~alned that the legal advertisements are not read exclusively by local blddere, and noted that there are larger companies that subscribe to a clipping service that advises what being advertised. Commissioner Saunders indicated attempts are being made for the County to save money tn whatever ways are possible. He noted that he realizes that $3,000 ts not a lot of money, but eventually, $3,000 here and there will amount to something. He said that he believes that the advice of the Purchasing Director should be followed, since he has Indicated that he does not feel that the local advertisement particularly effective, and it will not result tn any increased costs to the County for materials. Commissioner Hasse stated that he concurs with the tde& of saving $3,000, but noted that he wants to make sure that local bidders have as much opportunity to bid as those who will be advised through means of announcements. Clerk Giles advised that ~everal years ago the County made a major computer purchase. He noted that one of the main companies that should have been bidding on the equipment did not receive notice to bid since It was sent to the wrong office. He stated that legal advertisIng did not prevent that from happening, but indicated that on that one occasion, $3,000 could have been easily saved. He Indicated that if there is an opportunity for the notice to be read, or that a local representative could pick up on It, the County could easily save $3,000. Mr. Giles stated that the Commission may also wish to cons/der Page ~sbruary 6, 1990 approving subscription services, and advise vendors of the services that the County has subscribed to. Co~mieetoner Saundera moved, lacondld by CO.lll~onlr Shanmhan mnd carried unmnimousl¥, to eliminate the retirement of ad~rt~eing In the local n~r from ~he ~rchaelng Policy; Staff to evaluate thio o~r the next 12 months and come back to the Coolsslon. Commisalon.p Volpe called attention to the p~'oposed revisions, Item 2b, and questioned what the change represents? Mr. Carnell advised that the c~rre, nt Policy states that the Board authorizes Staff to solicit for pru. osal~ from firms and, the Commission also appoints the selection committee to review the proposals; the selection commit- tee reviews the proposals and submltv a recommended short list to tho Board for appropriate action; Staff then negotiates with the firm ranked first on the list, and the in 99~ of the instances, agreement ts reached with the ~1 firm; and contract ts brought back to the Commission for official award and approval. He indicated that the recommended changes a~'e that as opposed to th~ Commission appointing a selection committee, the County Manager will appotnt all selection committees, and the empowerment of the committee to act would be pre- dlcated on the $100,000 amount. He stated that a lts~ of 3 firms In unranked order, will be submitted to the Board for final ~eluctlon and award of the contract. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Carnell explained that rhe proposed Policy revision tn Item ~8 Is predicated upon current prac- tice. He explained that the.'e are a number of small supplem,~ntal agreements that are being administratively approved. He Indicated that It was his feelln9 that these should should be treated as change orders In terms of authority and provisions, He stated that the Manager will need to exercise discretion, Coutssloner Shanahan moved, seconded by Coutssloner ~oodnlgh~ ~d carrt~ ~l~ously, to accept the Revised Cowry ~rchaetng Poll~, thereby adopting Resolution 90-53. Page O0O?4 February 6, 1990 STAFF DIRKCTED TO ENGAGE IN SIMULTANEOUS NEGOTIATIONS NITH C & S BANK, SUN BANK, AND FIRST FLORIDA RK $20,000,000 LINE OF CREDIT, AND COME BACK WITH BEST OVERALL PROPOSAL INCLUDING BOND COUNSEL DOCUMENTS FOR INTERIM FINARCING THROUGH THE LIHE OF CREDIT Assistant County Manager McLemore advised that this item was added to the agenda since It is of an emergency nature ~lhlch would result in a financial hardship to the County. He Indicated that authority Is requested for the Finance Committee to negotiate b~tween C & S Bank and Sun Bank for the best possible contract for the $20,000,0OO line of credit, and th~h bond counsel be instructed to develop the docu- ments relating to l~cerim financing for the South C{~unty Regional Sewer collection system through utilization of the line of credit on February 20, 1990. Finance Director Yonkosky called attention to the tabulation of the three financial Institutions that responded to RFP 90-1517, flor the $20 Million Short-Term Credit Line. He eNplalned that the interest rate proposed by First Florida is considerably above those of C & S and Sun Bank. He noted that C & S and Sun Bank's rates are very close. He informed that there is flexibility in the C & S proposal that should be explored. He noted that Sun Bank's administrative cri- teria is more lenient, and he is requesting permission to either nego- tiate w~th the two firms simultaneously, or negotiate with one firm and cut off negotiations, and then begin negotiations with th~ other f~rm to come up with the best possible deal for the pubic an{} the Commission. Commissioner Hasse noted that First Florida's proposal is so dif.- ferent from the other two banks, and questioned whether they ffully understood what they were being asked for? Mr. Yonkosky replied that First Florida participated in the pre-bid conference, and this matter was discussed in detail. He advised that bond counsel also provided input, and he does not understand why there is such a big difference. Commissioner Hesse suggested that if further review is to take place with the two top firms, it may be a good idea to review First 00095 Page 12 February 6, 1990 Florida's proposal since they may be wrong, Mr. '(onkosky indicated that this could be done, and noted that direction could be given for the Committee to negotiate with the #1 bank first, and then the #2 bank, and then the #3 bank. Co~mise~oner Saunderm ~oved, seconded by Co~l~lltOner Vol~, that Staff be directed to engage in simultaneous negotittt~one with all three bidders, and come back with the beat overall proposal. In answer to C',mmissloner Shanahan, Mr. ¥onkosk¥ explained that the criteria In the $5,000 legal fee Is considerably less restrictive than the criteria in the $1 mi/lion draw down, which is $15,000. He indicated that the reason for the differences in the $100,000 draw down and the $1,000,000 draw down, ts that the optloml provided by the $I,000,000 financial institution was that th,y lntende,~ to use this as a re-offering, and they place that money with a private citizen. He Indicated that in doing this, they felt uncomfortable In working with levels below $1,000,000. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Yonkosky advised that pro- Jects have not been Identified that will require less than $1 mi/lion. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. For purposes of clarifying the motion, Mr. ¥onkosky questioned when the contract is brought back to the Commission If bond couLsel ~s to prepare documents for the release of those contracts? Commiss~u~ Saunders replied affirmatively. Item #13A ONE FULL TIM~ COUFTY COU~T INTERPRETER AT A MINIMUM ARNUAL COST OF ~OVED Court Administrator Stover advised that because of the growth within the County and the Court System, a request Is submitted for a full-t/me interpreter. He noted that there are two part-time Interpreters on Monday through Wednesday, and one Interpreter is required on Thursday and Fi'lday. Mr. Stover requested that one part-time contractual lnterpreter, who works five days per week become a full-time employee. ()()( Page 13 February 6, 1990 Finance Director Yonkosky advised that these positions are budgeted as Other Contractual Expenses. He Indicated that the employee's salary, plus benefits, will be less than the amount which ts currently being paid out. C°mmiesioner Shanahan loved, Beconded by Cou;[Bmtoner Goodntght and carrted unantmouely, to approve one full t~e Court Interpreter. as r~eeted. Co~mieeAoner Shanahan aoved, eeconded by Coamia,eloner Volpe and cerrAed unani~ousl¥ that the following iteu under the Consent A~n~ ~ approved ~d/or adopted: ~F ~N~ P~T ~ ~INGTOR SOUND - WITH STATIONS 1. Accept the I~revocab/e Letter of Credit as s{~curtty to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. 2. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "Harr/ngton Sou~". 2. Authorize the Chairman to execute the construction and maintenance agreement. 4. That no Certificates of Occupany be g~amted until the required improvements have received Preliminary ~cceptance. 5. That the access easement through Windsta~ PUD will recorded and referenced on the plat b%' O.R. Book ar;d Page p~]oF to recording. 6. That the drainage easement through ~]ndstar PUD recorded prior to Project Review Services providing letter of approval to begin construction. See Pages ~ Ite~ ~4A2 ACCK~CE OF SEC~I~ FOR ~CAVATION PE~IT NO ~ 5~ L~ATED-IN SECTION ~ TO,SHIp .... i-~9'3~4 BK~SHIRE 'A' See Pages Ita~ 9~4A3 ACCK~GK OF SEC~I~ FOR EXCAVATION PE~IT NO. SP.S~9 SP~CE~ LOCATED IN SECTION 14 TO~~UTH ~O~ 25 ~ST See Pages ~~ Item ~14A4 ~SO~ION 90-54, PEOVIDINO FOR ASSESSME~ OF LIKN TO EHCO~R COSTS TO ~ ~LIC ~IS~CE ON LOT ~3, BLOCK ~36, ~CO B~C~ ~IT B~, ~ A~ SCHOLLy, PKRSONAL EKPEESENTATI~ OF ~E JO~ B~Y Page 14 000!}? See P. e. I- February 6, 1990 RESOLUTION 90-55 AND RESOLUTION 90-64, PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENTS OF LIEN TO RECOVER COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, LOT 27, BLOCK A, BONIX~RANT SUBDIVISION, ALBERT AND MARGARET LEE AND FOR COSTS OF THE _REMEDY OF HAZARDOUS O_~R_~ANGER_o.us COND!~ION Item RESOLUTION 90-56, PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER COSTS TO REMEDY A HAZARDOU} OR DANGEROUS CONDITION ON LOTS 3! AND 32, BLOCK A ~y~E PARK.~UBDI¥ ~ION, FRANK W~SLE¥ SMITH ' Item #14A? RESOLUTION 90-57, PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RECOVER COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOTS 8, 9, & 10, BLOCK 40, UNIT 2 PART -- GOLDEN GATE, CRAIG L. MEFFERT, TRUSTEE OF WILKIHSON-MEFFERT ~ON~TRUCTION CO., INC. Item 4'14A8 RESOLUTION 90-58, PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN TO RAtCOVER COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, LOT 17, BLOCK 277, GOLDEN ¢tATE UNIT 8 PART I, EMILE AND MI_C.HELE~__ANCHOU~ , Item #14A9 UTILIZATION OF CANT/BIKE PATH fACILitY, IH LIEU Or SIOE~K S~TEN PEDESTRIAN CI~cu~..TION WITHIN qUAIL CREEK VIL~~~ Item ~14AlO ~SOL~ION 90-59, PRELIMINARY ACCEPT~CE OF ROA~AY, D~INAGE, & S~ I~O~S IN KIRT~ PINES, ~D ~I~ENANCE BOND FOR FOR A MINI~ OF O~ Y~ - WITH STIPU~TIONS 1. Accept the Irrevoca')le Letter of Credit as security fo~ main- tenance of the Infrastructure until the Board of County Commissioners grants final acceptance of all Improvements. 2. Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Klrtland Pines." Authorize the Chairman to ex.cute the attached Maintenance Agreement for Preliminary Acceptance and Resolution authortzlng preliminary acceptance. Preliminary acceptance of the Improvements will not become effective until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed to Collier County Water-Sewer District. Item ~14~11 Page 15 IPebr~&ry 6, 1990 RESOLUTION 90-60, PRELIHINARY ACCEPTANCE OF ROAD~IAY, DRAINAGE, HATER AND S~ IMPROVEMENTS FOR FINAL PLAT OF "AUDUBON COUNTRY CLUB, UNIT ONE' - WITH S IPULATIONS Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit as security for main- tenance of the ~nfrastructure until the Board of County Commissioners grants final acceptance of all Improvements. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Maintenance Agreement for Preliminary Acceptance and Resolution authorizing prel.im]nary acceptance. 3. Preltmtn, :y acceptance of the tmprovement,~ will not become effectl~ until water and sewer fac~l~tJe~ have been conveyed to Collier County Water-Sewer District. See Pages Item #14A12 SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF ELIZA COLBERT, LOT 25 BLOCK 5 MAINLINE SUBDIVISION IMMOKALEE FLORIDA ' See Pages Item SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF LOUISE SPENCEB, LOT 33, BLOCK 4, MAINLINE SUBDIVISION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 3, ~O_UT__~H RANGE 29 EAST See Page /--~u~_~', / Item SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF LUIS AND VIRGINIA JORGE, LOT 23 BLOCK 4 MAINLINE SUBDIVISION IMMOKALEE FLO___RI~A See Page _~ .__~. Item #14A15 SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF M~RDIS SAMPSON, LOT 20 4 MAINLINE SUBDIVISION IMMOKALEE FLORIDA ' See Pa§e ~ Item #14A16 BLOCX SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF LUCILLE WILLIAMS, LOT 24, BLOCK 5 MAINLINE SUBD~_~IS~F~_LE~_~_.~RiDA See Page Item #14A17 SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF ROSA LEE HERRON, LOTS 6 AND ? BLOCK 4 MAINLINE SUBDIVISION I OKALEE FLORIDA Itlm ~24A18 SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF JESSIE MAE FULLER, LOT 3 ~NLINE SUBDIVISION IMMOKALEE ORIDA See Page Page 16 February 6, 1990 SATISFACTION Or LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF LOUISE PINCKNKYo LOT 27, See Page __.~/-~, / lte~ ~14A20 SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF DAISY ROBINSON° LOT 34, BLOCK ~, MA_~_~._N]~ SUBDIVISlONI IMMOKALEE, FLORIDA Item ~Z4A21 SATIEF&CTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPRRTY OF B. FLOSSlE ALLEN, BLOCK ~0T lB, I~INLINg StrBDiViSiON I~P~LKI, FLORIDA See Page _~/.~ / Item ,14A22 SATZEF&CTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF LUCZLLK DAVIS, LOT 17, BLOCK SUBDIVISION` iMMOKALEE, FLORIDA See P.ge 2/- / Item ,14&23 SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF SHELLY AND LUCY HALL, LOT 29 pLOC~ ·, M&IRT,_I_..R~ SUB~D~IV~ISiO~NLI~I~4__O_KAL._E_E.,.' F~OaIDA ' SeePage Item ,14&24 SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF CHESTER AND MIRIAM PARTLOW, LOT 31 ~ 321 BLOCK 6, MAINLINE SUBD!VISiON~ Item ,14125 SATISFACTION OF LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY OF MARY LOU MORRIS, LOT 16, BLOC'l[ 5, MAINLINE SUBDIVISION, IMMOKA_L_~EE, FL__ORIDA .............. Item #14&26 FINAL Plat OF 'PLA~TATiON UNIT TWO" - NITH STIPULATIONS 1, That the final plat not be recorded until the required lmpro- vement~ have been conetructed and ~ccepted or until approved security ts received for the tncompleted Improvements and that construction ~hall be completed within 36 months of the date of this approval. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Construction and Maintenance Agreement. That no building permit~i be Issued until the final plat r~.corded. ()01 (~0 Page 17 February 6, ]990 Ztem #14B1 ACCKPT&I~CE AND RECORDING OF DRAINAGE KASKNENT ALONG BURNIN0 TREK DRIVE ~R ~ D~I.~AGK O~F~LL PUR~0S~S RESOLUTION 90-61, RESERVING FUTURE EAST-WEST COLLECTOR ROAD RIGHT-OF-MAy ALOI~ THE NORTH AIRPORT SERVICE ROAD/J~NTERPISK AVENUE COlqRZDOR AWD MAnila3 INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITMENTS TO TNITKD PARCEL S_L~VICK IP~R BUT_LD___~_G RELOCATION Item ~{DZ - Coat~ad to 2/Z3/90 ACCKPTAICE OF KIRTLAND PINKS WATER AND SEWER FACILIT.tES - ~STIPULATIONS WITH The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing to [)lace the sewe~ syst,)m into service and approving the water distribution system ior service. 2. Bacteriological testing has met the County's Fequirements. 3. The Plat Book and page number information for the recorded plat is incorporated in thc, legal documents. Item l14D3 AglPTAII~I OF WATER FACILITIES, GREENTREE PROFESSIONAL CEFI',~I - WITH .,~zPv~Tzo~s The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing to place the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for se~'vlce. The fire flow requirements of the project have been sati:~fled and the Fire District furnishes a lettel, accepting the f]~.~ hydrants for ownership and maintenance. .ecord d in ook LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN GULF GATE SOUTH, A FLORIDA PARTNERSHIP, .THE BOARD OF COUNTY ..CO_MMISSI______~ON__KRS FOR SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION RESOLUTION 90-62, GRANTING A TEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT TO FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT CO. TO ALLOW KLKCTHICAL SERVICE TO THE SOUTH COUNTY .R~GIONAL WASTKWATKR'S N~EW FACI_____LITY Item ~AI~Z-DRUG PRO~RAM FOR COLLTKR C@.UNTY ffEL____~COPTKR 0PKRATIONS 001Ol Page 18 February 6, See Pages ~_~~~ '~ 1990 BID ,89-1493 FOR SALE OF NEWSPRINT FROM THE MARCO ISLAND TRANSFER STATION REJECTED; COUNTY TO CONTINUE OPERATING THII PROGRAM UNTIL Nr#~PAPKR MARKET STABILIZES AND A LARGE SCALE DROP-OFF SYSTEM CAN BK ~~NTED THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY Item ,14G2 - Continued to 2/13/90 Item DRAFT AGR~ WITH THE VINEYARDS DEVELOPMENT COR~RATION FOR COII~I~UCTION OF NATER LEVEL CONTROL STHUCTUR~ ON THE 1-75 CANAL NEAR PII~ RIDGE ROAD, AND THAT COUNTY PARTICIPATE NITH D.~v'ELOpHR IN THE Lt~IP SUM A~OUNT OF _~,000 Item ,14G4 APPRAISAL AGRK~lqKNT~ WITH COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTA]~TS, INC. AND CARROLL A~D CARROLL FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $5,000, RE ADDITION OF 301 ACIt~S TO THE EXISTING NAPLES LANDFILL FOR SOLID WASTE PROCESSING AND DIS_____~SAL Item ,14H1 See Pages DISTRIBUTION OF RFP '90-1522 TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE I]~qOKALK~ LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION MSTU; CONSULTANT SIILECTION ~ITTKI TO BK COMPRISED OF THE IMMOKALKK LIGHTING & BEAUTIFICATION ADV. COg~IITTKK AND A DKSI(3NATED REP FROM OFFICE OF CAPIT&~L PROJECTS Item ,1411 RI~SOLUTION 90-63, APPOINTING GKORGE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL A. LLANO, PH.D. TO THE See Pages _~_/- F~ / Item ,14J1 CE1TTIFICATES OF COHRKCTION PRESKNTKD BY PROPERTY APPRAISER 1987 No's. 393-394 Dated 12/29/89 & 1/29/90 1988 No. 255 No~s. 127-128 No*s. 132-134 No's. 137-142 No. 1989-87 Item ,1432 Dated 01/29/90 1989 Dated 12/28/89 Dated 01/17/90 Dated O1/17/90 - 01/25/90 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPKRTY 1989 Dated 11/30/89 001 O2 Page 19 Febru&r¥ 6, 1990 ~& 15 &CTZ lq OF I~NS R~~~R NI$C OU~ CORRESPONDENCE FILE~. The following correspondence was filed and/or ~'eferred as indi- cated below: I. Annual Financial Report of Units ~f Local '3overnment for 1989, by Gerald Lewis, Comptroller of Flor.fda, Department of Banking and Finance, Bureau of Local Government Finance. Filed. (Cnllier Mosquito Control District/Financial Statmen~s) 2. 0]/25/90 letter from Nancy Hughes, Treasure¥, Board of Fire Commissioners, Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control & Rescue District, to the Board of County Commissioners requesting a referendum for approval of impact fees on new construction. Referred to Nell Do,'rill Jay Reardon, Mary ~organ, BCC and Filed. ' , 01/25/90 Cab]evlslon Industries Franchise Fee Audit, Generated by James C. Giles, Clerk of the Circuit Court, and Prepared by Carmen Fatica, CPA, Director of In%:ernal Auditing. Filed. 4. 01/26/90 Memorandum to Honorable Burr L. Saunders, from Jim Giles, Clerk of Courts, re Performance Audits. Filed. 5. 01/26/90 letter to Col]let County Board ~f County Commissioners and Department of Insurance from Attorney Bruce L. Schetner, re: Rona.ld Colan~e]o, FJ]e No. 6296 a~vistng of claim for personal injuries and damages. R~ferred to Ken Cuyler, Risk Management, and Flied. 6. 01/19/90 Florida Department of Environmental Regulati~.% Notice of Publ.ic Workshop for January 3], 1990, at A.M., and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Rule No. 17-560.420, Docket No. 89-90R. Referred to Nell Dorrll] Bill Lorenz, and Filed. 7. 01/23/90 letter to (:ha~rman, Collier County Board of County Commissioners, from Patrick Kenney, Environmental Special/st, F]ortda Department of Env.ironmenta] ReguJatJoD, re: Collier County WRR, File No. 1117510555, Collier County Water/Sewer, enclosing short form application, Involving dredge and fill activities. Referred to Nell Dot,Ill Bill Lorenz, and Filed. ' 10. 01/16/90 letter to Chairman Max Hasse, from Dale Twachtmann, Secretary, Florida Department of Environmental Reg~lation, re: Hazardous Waste Verification Program. Referred to Nell Dorrlll, Bill Lorenz, and Filed. 01/26/90 Florida Dep~rtment of Environmental Regulation Notice of Public Workshop commencing on Wednesday, January 31, ]990. Referred to Nell Do['rill, Mike Arnold, and F~led. 01/22/90 letter to Max Hass~, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, from Attorn~y Kamen A. Glevers, re Montalvo vs. Nap]es Community Hospital. Enclosing copies of Correspondence directed t[~ al! the health care providers of Ariana MOntalvo. Referz.ed to Ken Cuyler and Filed. Page 20 February 6, 1990 11. 01/16/90 letter to Collier County Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, from Robert L. Johnson, 1)lrector, Child Support $158 representing lncentiv, payments for the last two quarters fol' child support collection. Referred to John Yonkosky and Filed. 12. Mlnute._______~s A. O2/01/90 Collier County P/ann/ng Com~lsslon Agenda. B. 01/2',/90 Agenda for Collier County Fire Consolidation Stud. Group and 02/08/90 Proposed Agenda, 01/11/90 Mlnu.~s, with at[ached agenda item #IV-A. 13. O1/24/90 Not/ce to Owner from Graybar Electric Co., Inc., advising that have furnished or will furnish services or materials for the North Naples Ballfield and Parking Lot, under an crder given by Mid Continent Electric. Referred to Nell Dorrill, Skip Camp, and F/led. 14. 01/18/90 Supr~,me court ~f F]orl¢la On Mr~t lan for Clarlflcatl~m, r~: Am,mdment t~) th,? Florida Rule~ of Judicial Administration. Rule 2.055 (Paper Size) NO. 74,700. Filed. 15. 16. O1/23/90 Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Tactmark, Ltd. va. Terence L. Fitzgerald, et al, Case No. 88-22173, with attached Motion to Amend Complaint, Civil Action. Referred to Ken Cuyler, and Filed. 01/22/90 Twentieth Judtctal Circuit, Tactmark, Ltd. vs. Terence L. Fitzgerald, et al, Case No. 88-2173-CA--01, Non-Jury Trial Order. Referred to Nell Dorrlll Ken Cuyler, and Filed. , There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Ordl~r of the Chair - Time: 10:35 A.[~. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS U~!DER ITS CONTROL · AMES .C.-. GILES, CLER'K the Board on as P~aSa~d;~.'.~' . or as . Page 21 001