2015/2016 Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires 0204 3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's ice only) Suite 401,Bldg. F,4th Floor Naples,Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name MICHAEL R FERNANDEZ, RA AICP Date MARCH 23, 2015 Business Name PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Business Address 145 CENTRAL AVENUE City NAPLES State FLORIDA Zip Code 34102 Business Telephone (239)263-6934 Contact Person MICHAEL FERNANDEZ Lobbyist E-mail MFERNANDEZ @PLANNINGDEVELOPMENTINC.COM Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is 525.00 per Lobbyist, per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, and amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Payments made out to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock,Clerk of Courts (ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH CLIENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: SEE ATTACHED 1.Name 2. Name Address Address City Zip Code City Zip Code 3. Name 4.Name Address Address City Zip Code City Zip Code (ATTACH ADDITIONAL CLIENT SHEETS,IF NECESSARY) State of Florida /`- County of Collier Lol gist Signature This registration was sworn(or affirmed and ubscribed^b,e�fore me this "\" day of, MARCH , 20 15 , by(`(�1�`l�. \ '&. 1 l• , Personally Known BY: 6.1 eika 1 ✓ Produced ID Deput Cler ot.�, ' • Type of ID Produced t-1--�� ""!", KELLY HATCHER � F'ubKc-Sts"411 Flo o ds • .FOOS6sp1g- �ar2o� Commission•FF 130764 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM QUARTERLY UPDATE (DATED: October 9, 2015 3th QUARTER 2015 PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED MICHAEL R. FERNANDEZ,ARCHITECT, RA AICP PRESIDENT 145 Central Avenue, Naples, Florida, 34102 NAMES AND BUSINESS OF PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED CONTACT NAME ENTITY Allen,Arthur L. Arthur L.Allen Brine,William H.,Trustee Brine,William H.,Trustee Carr,John and Petra Sandbanks,LLC CK Su The Docks on Fifth Marina Association CK Su Pinnacle Pool Construction Inc. Corder,Michael Corder,Michael Crum,Alan and Susan Crum,Alan and Susan Dewane,Frank(Bishop) Diocese of Venice Fernandez,Michael&Theresa Planning Development Inc. Fernandez,Michael&Theresa 1080 Central Ali R.Ghahramani MD Investment Limited Ghahramani,Andrew Partnership Hernandez,Rufino Golden Gate Nursery Hettema,Roger L. Hettema,Saba&Walch Hiler,Richard Hiler Chiropractic Kessous,Michael Grand Inn of Naples, Inc. Lawhon,Anthony and Megan Anthony M. Lawhon,P.A. Lynch,Dennis J. Miller,Steve Dorset Associates,LLC LB Cortile,LLC Nachef,John 1st Integrity Mortgage,Inc. Perrine,Raymond C. Perrine Enterprises Sanerre HOS Sancerre Condominium Schlossberg,Scott St.John the Evangelist Church Scott,Larry Larry and Susan Scott Shaheen,Peter Sea House Condominium Spejenkowski,Joseph A. FL-Office of the Attorney General Landron,Roberto A;Operations Manager St.Agnes Catholic Church Tester,Walt Physicians Regional Healthcare System Wanklyn,John Radio Road Joint Venture 1-Wt.C1 Flit V V/JYJVJ 1 4/8/2015 9:05:53 AM Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court 0 9 Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location MICHAEL R. FERNANDEZ BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center PLANNING DEVELOPMENT MinutesandRecords @CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor INCORPORATED m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 145 CENTRAL AVE 239-252-2646 401 NAPLES, FL 34102-5923 P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $25.00 Check# 6173 ($25.00) BALANCE DUE $0.00 Note: Disclaimer: All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to assess or refund charges as needed. @a0rl®T@U® ggiM Page 1 of 1 , U . ,......:,-ircto . .......H.::'...-- -. .:s Martha S. Vergara From: michael fernandez <mfernandez @planningdevelopmentinc.com> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 1:56 PM To: Martha S. Vergara Subject: RE: Client & Lobbyist - Feb 1st Update Attachments: 02-1-16 Ex A-lst Qtr Reg.pdf Good afternoon Martha, Thank you for the reminder! Attached list for your records. Regards, Michael Michael R. Fernandez, AICP RA Architect / President ig PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Architects, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects 145 Central Avenue, Naples, Florida 34102 (239) 263.6934; (877) 263-0535 fax mfernandez©planningdevelopmentinc.com State of Florida Corporate Certification of Authorization No's: Architecture AA26002158 Engineering CA No.8450 Landscape Architecture License No. LC0000378 From: Martha S. Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara @collierclerk.com] Sent: Monday, February 1, 2016 11:39 AM To: 'anderson @abbinc.com' <anderson @abbinc.com>; 'kmoeller @mcguiregroup.com' <kmoeller @mcguiregroup.com>; 'cpanczykowski @mcguiregroup.com' <cpanczykowski @mcguiregroup.com>; 'bcornell @audubonwe.org' <bcornell @audubonwe.org>; 'sspector @bplegal.com' <sspector @bplegal.com>; 'biagio.bernardo @creconsultants.com' <biagio.bernardo @creconsultants.com>; 'jeanne @boldsolutionsonline.com' <jeanne @boldsolutionsonline.com>; 'chertz @broadandcassel.com' <chertz @broadandcassel.com>; 'dquintanilla @cyklawfirm.com' <dquintanilla @cyklawfirm.com>; 'mjohnson @cyklasfirm.com' <mjohnson @cyklasfirm.com>; 'marcoe @prodigy.net' <marcoe @prodigy.net>; 'susans @conservancy.org' <susans @conservancy.org>; 'stephanie.wright@dplummer.com' <stephanie.wright @dplummer.com>; 'jeff @davidsonengineering.com' <jeff @davidsonengineering.com>; 'picklaw @earthlink.net' <picklaw @earthlink.net>; 'ekconsultinginc @att.net' <ekconsultinginc @ att.net>; 'nancypayton @fwfonline.org' <nancypayton @fwfonline.org>; 'lorraine @gsma.por' <lorraine @gsma.por>; john.farquhar @gmlaw.com' <john.farquhar @gmlaw.com>; 'chris @haganeng.com' <chris @haganeng.com>; 'debrahogue @hmeng.com' <debrahogue @hmeng.com>; 'frankm @hgslaw.com' <frankm @hgslaw.com>; 'timothyr @hgslaw.com' <timothyr @hgslaw.com>; 'Idejohn @johnsoneng.com' <Idejohn @johnsoneng.com>; 'pam @jrevansengineering.com' <pam @jrevansengineering.com>; 'drankin @sprintmail.com' 1 <drankin @sprintmail.com>; 'Iwestine @westinelaw.com' <lwestine@westinelaw.com>; 'gfxbeyrent @aol.com' <gfxbeyrent @aol.com>; 'Idonaldson @mansonbolves.com' <Idonaldson @mansonbolves.com>; 'mcgeeassoc @aol.com' <mcgeeassoc @aol.com>; 'jack @napleszoo.org' <jack @napleszoo.org>; 'musserjr @aol.com' <musserjr @aol.com>; 'jwestendorf @comcast.net' <jwestendorf @comcast.net>; 'pneale @patrickneale.com' <pneale @patrickneale.com>; 'mfernandez @planningdevelopmentinc.com' <mfernandez @planningdevelopmentinc.com>; 'karenbishop @pmsnaples.com' <karenbishop @pmsnaples.com>; 'pwhite @porterwright.com' <pwhite @porterwright.com>; 'holly @prioritymarkiting.com' <holly @prioritymarkiting.com>; 'cdwyer @gradyminor.com' <cdwyer @gradyminor.com>; 'ejr @robau-designs.com' <ejr @robau-designs.com>; 'dkomoroski @ralaw.com' <dkomoroski @ralaw.com>; 'ggrant @consult-rwa.com' <ggrant @consult-rwa.com>; 'karla.scott @stantec.com' <karla.scott @stantec.com>; 'sabina.hardy @stantec.com' <sabina.hardy @stantec.com>; 'lee @turrell-associates.com' <lee @turrell-associates.com>; 'alexisc @waldropengineering.com' <alexisc @waldropengineering.com>; 'apires @wpl- legal.com' <apires @wpl-legal.com>; 'mwoodward @wpl-legal.com' <mwoodward @wpl-legal.com>; 'mflores @wpl- legal.com' <mflores @wpl-legal.com>; 'marycook @wcicommunities.com' <marycook @wcicommunities.com> Subject: Client& Lobbyist updates are due Hello everyone, This is a friendly reminder that your client list updates are due for all of your company/firms Lobbyists. All we need is an e-mail with the following: ➢ List of any new client(s) contact information ➢ List of your Lobbyists ➢ Or if you've had no changes to either the client list or your lobbyists just a simple "No changes" to either list will do. Please keep in mind that is your updates aren't received by this week; per Ordinance 2007-24, you will have to re- register and pay the lobbying fees again. If you have any questions feel free to call our office anytime. Martha Vergara, BMR Senior Clerk Minutes and Records Dept. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Value Adjustment Board Office: (239) 252-7240 Fax: (239) 252-8408 E-mail: martha.vergara ar collierclerk.com Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient,you must not copy, distribute or take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message. Unless expressly stated, opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@icollierclerk.com quoting the sender and delete the message and any attached documents.The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and attachments having left the CollierClerk.com domain. Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead,contact this office by telephone or in writing. 2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM QUARTERLY UPDATE DATED: February 1, 2016 1st QUARTER 2016 PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED MICHAEL R. FERNANDEZ, ARCHITECT, RA AICP PRESIDENT 145 Central Avenue, Naples, Florida, 34102 NAMES AND BUSINESS OF PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED CONTACT NAME ENTITY Allen,Arthur L. Arthur L.Allen Brine,William H.,Trustee Brine,William H.,Trustee Carr,John and Petra Sandbanks,LLC CK Su The Docks on Fifth Marina Association CK Su Pinnacle Pool Construction Inc. Corder,Michael Corder,Michael Crum,Alan and Susan Crum,Alan and Susan Dewane,Frank(Bishop) Diocese of Venice Fernandez,Michael&Theresa Planning Development Inc. Fernandez, Michael&Theresa 1080 Central Ali R.Ghahramani MD Investment Limited Ghahramani,Andrew Partnership Hernandez,Rufino Golden Gate Nursery Hettema,Roger L. Hettema,Saba&Walch Hiler,Richard Hiler Chiropractic Kessous,Michael Grand Inn of Naples, Inc. Lawhon,Anthony and Megan Anthony M.Lawhon,P.A. Lynch,Dennis J. Dorset Associates,LLC Miller,Steve LB Cortile,LLC Nachef,John 1st Integrity Mortgage,Inc. Perrine,Raymond C. Perrine Enterprises Sanerre HOS Sancerre Condominium Schlossberg,Scott St.John the Evangelist Church Scott,Larry Larry and Susan Scott Shaheen,Peter Sea House Condominium Spejenkowski,Joseph A. FL-Office of the Attorney General Landron,Roberto A;Operations Manager St.Agnes Catholic Church Tester,Walt Physicians Regional Healthcare System Wanklyn,John Radio Road Joint Venture Martha S. Vergara From: michael fernandez <mfernandez @planningdevelopmentinc.com> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:13 PM To: Martha S. Vergara Subject: Lobbyist Registration Good afternoon Martha, We have no changes for our representation list for this quarter. Please accept this notification as our update. Thank you and regards, Michael Michael R. Fernandez, AICP RA Architect / President PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Architects, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects 145 Central Avenue, Naples, Florida 34102 (239) 263.6934; (877) 263-0535 fax mfernandez©planningdevelopmentinc.com State of Florida Corporate Certification of Authorization No's: Architecture AA26002158 Engineering CA No.8450 Landscape Architecture License No. LC0000378 1 U .,.. i,,' ,, , t ,,, ".1111' 1 k Martha S. Vergara From: michael fernandez <mfernandez @planningdevelopmentinc.com> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:13 PM To: Martha S. Vergara Subject: Lobbyist Registration Good afternoon Martha, We have no changes for our representation list for this quarter. Please accept this notification as our update. Thank you and regards, Michael Michael R. Fernandez, AICP RA Architect / President PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Architects, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects 145 Central Avenue, Naples, Florida 34102 (239) 263.6934; (877) 263-0535 fax mfernandez(c�planningdevelopmentinc.com State of Florida Corporate Certification of Authorization No's: Architecture AA26002158 Engineering CA No.8450 Landscape Architecture License No. LC0000378 1 a Martha S. Vergara From: michael fernandez <mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 11:12 AM To: Martha S. Vergara Cc: 'Terri Fernandez' Subject: RE:4th Quarter update Attachments: 06-28-16 Ex A-Lobbyist -4th Qtr Update.pdf Martha, Always thankful for your reminders.... Attached is our current update for your records. Thank you and regards, 'Michael Michael R. Fernandez, AICP RA Architect / President PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED Development Consultants, Architects, Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects 145 Central Avenue, Naples, Florida 34102 (239) 263.6934; (877) 263-0535 fax mfernandez@iplanningdevelopmentinc.com State of Florida Corporate Certification of Authorization No's: Architecture AA26002158 Engineering CA No.8450 Landscape Architecture License No. LC0000378 From: Martha S.Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com] Subject:4th Quarter update Good Morning All, It's time for that friendly reminder again.. The 4th quarter updates are due on July 2 (which is a Sunday). Due to the 4th of July holiday, our office is extending the due date to Friday,July 8th I will be sending out reminders in the beginning August for Lobbyist Renewals. If you would like to send them in early we will start taking Lobbyist Registration Renewals as early as mid-August. If you have any questions feel free to call or e-mail our office any time. Thanks, 1 Martha Vergara, BMR Senior Clerk Minutes and Records Dept. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Value Adjustment Board Office: (239) 252-7240 Fax: (239) 252-8408 E-mail: martha.vergara@collierclerk.com Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient,you must not copy,distribute or take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message. Unless expressly stated,opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@collierclerk.com quoting the sender and delete the message and any attached documents.The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and attachments having left the CollierClerk.com domain. Under Florida Law,e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead,contact this office by telephone or in writing. 2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM QUARTERLY UPDATE DATED: June 28, 2016 4th QUARTER 2016 PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED MICHAEL R. FERNANDEZ,ARCHITECT, RA AICP PRESIDENT 145 Central Avenue, Naples, Florida, 34102 NAMES AND BUSINESS OF PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED CONTACT NAME ENTITY Allen,Arthur L. Arthur L.Allen Brine,William H.,Trustee Brine,William H.,Trustee Carr,John and Petra Sandbanks, LLC CK Su Pinnacle Pool Construction Inc. Corder,Michael Corder, Michael Crum,Alan and Susan Crum,Alan and Susan Dewane, Frank(Bishop) Diocese of Venice Fernandez,Theresa Planning Development Inc. Fernandez, Michael&Theresa 1080 Central Ali R.Ghahramani MD Investment Limited Ghahramani,Andrew Partnership Gillispie, Donna Stiles Property Management Green,Richard First Presbyterian Church of Naples Hernandez,Rufino Golden Gate Nursery Hettema,Roger L. Hettema,Saba&Walch Hiler,Richard Hiler Chiropractic Kragh.Matthew Kragh.Matthew Landron,Roberto A;Operations Manager St.Agnes Catholic Church Lawhon,Anthony and Megan Anthony M. Lawhon,P.A. Lois,Susan Sunrise III Miller,Steve LB Cortile,LLC Nachef,John 1st Integrity Mortgage, Inc. Perrine,Raymond C. Perrine Enterprises Robinson,Richard C&G Properties of Naples Sanerre HOS Sancerre Condominium Schlossberg,Scott St.John the Evangelist Church Shaheen,Peter Sea House Condominium Sjostedt, Dana Sjostedt,Dana Spejenkowski,Joseph A. FL-Office of the Attorney General