Bonnes, Inc. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MAUREEN KENYON CLERK TO THE BOARD FROM: JEAN JOURDAN, REAL PROPERTY SPECIALIST II~/ REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTal SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM: 16 (A) (4) JUNE 8, 1998 DATE: JUNE 25, 1999 Attached is the following original doculnent for your safe-keeping: One (1) Ingress, Egress and Utility Ease~nent Official Record Book: 2559 Attached: ONE (I) EASEMENT Pages: 847-849 2492116 OR: 2559 PG: 0 4, 15.00 2.00 INGRESS. EC, RE$S AND UTtI. flI.~::I'L\.";F,.II KNT .:~ ? Tills I:ASI[MI{NI. granted this ls~ day of ~larch. 199'~. by lt;ulic. K.. Presnk: Bonncss. Inc. as Grantor. to COLLIER COUNTY. A POLITICAl_ SL;BI)IVISION I,) TIlE STATE OF FLORIDA. and to TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY ('()MMISSIONI!F: OF COLI.If{R COUNTY. FLORIDA. AS TIlE GOVERNING BOI)Y OF COLI.II .' COL'NTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO TIlE GOVERNING BOARD OF DIlL COL'.N',',' ','A'IER-SE,,'ER DISTRI~. ils successors and assigns, as, ;r;,ntcc. ?i WITNESSETII: That lhe Grantor for and in consideralion of thc sum of {$10.c~)) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee. receipt of x~ hich ~~&'hc~ c' acknowledged, hereby conveys, granls, bargains and sdls unt,~ (;ramco. ils succor-. and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement, license, and privclcgc t~ enter upon Io install and maintain road. drainage, sidewalk and utility fiicilhics, in. on. over .: under the follox~ mg described lands being located in Collier County. Florida. to See Atlached Exhibit "A" Milch ~s lnco~rated herein by reference. ~ TO IlAVE AND TO IIOI.D thc same unto Grantee and its assigns, h,gc:hcr right to enter upon said land. excavate, and take materials for thc operaling. :md maintaining road. drainage, sidewalk anti utility l*acilit cs thereon. anti Gran'.cc arc used fi~r singular or plural, as the context rcqt,,rcs IN WI-I'NESS 'A'I IERF. OF. the Grantor h;ts cat,sod Ihcsc present? 1o b: tv.',, utcd ibc ,.!.. and .','ear first above, written. WITNESS S'I ..VII: O1' I' I.ORIDA COUN'IY OF COI.I.IEP, IIONXI:S5. (?ommission I'rcp;,cd by: Sb:,nc Parker. El McAnly Engineering" and Design., Inc. 5105 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 202 Naplcs. Florida 34113 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I st day of M,irch. I';'~9. Kathlcen Bailie. as President. Bonncss. Inc. She is personally knoxvn to mc and did an oath. I - ' C'OHIHIiSSIi)n [ Nplrc~: March 30. Y,()I /~ame: Joseph M. Rcstino ~ Notary Public. ~latc of Fl.,rid,i Exhibit "A" II~4GRE$S. EGRESS AND UTILII'Y t".A§I:.M H~ A PARCEl. OF LAND LYING IN ] lie SO~IIWEST QUARTER OF SECHON [1, 'IO',VNSfIII' 48 SOUI'Ii, ~NGE 25 EASI, COLLIER CO~Y, FLORIDA, AND MORE PAR~CULA[~ LY DESCRIBE[) AS FOI.I.OWS COMMENCE AT Ti IE SOUDIWEST CORNER OF TIlE NORTI IWES~ QUAR~R OF SO~IIEAST QUARTER OF TI IE SO~I IWEST QUARTER OF SAID SE(~ION RUN NEg~3~'I 5"H FOR 49G.47FEET. IlIENCl{RUNNOOO23'45'~VFOR37E.E2FEETTOTltEPOiNTOF TIIENCE CON I'IN[JE N~23'45'~ FOR 379.~ FEE'[ TO Tile SOl, I-It RIGiITOF W..~ y I.INH OF SEWARD AVI{NUE, TIIENCE RUN NRg~34'59"E FOR 30.00 FEET~ TIIENCE RU~I 5'}O°23'aS"E FOR 37907 FI{ET. ll;t(~;('E RUN Sggo32'30"E FOR 30.00 FEETTO THE POINT SAID PARCEl. C()N['AINING 0 26 ACRES MORE OR I.ESS. SUfJJE~ 'l O EAr, MIlL RESIRICI'IONS A~I) RI(SERVATI(]NS OF RECORD MCANI.Y I{N(;INI{hRIN(i AND I)I{SI(;N. INC 5101 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIl.. SUITF. 202 NAPLES, FI.ORII)A 3,1113 STATE O F FI.Oil I COUNTY OF COI.I.iER lhe foregoing i,,slru,,,¢,,! was acknmsledged before mc ihis./_~_t~_~ day of~J~ff..S,:~_, 1998 by William C. MeAnly, PSM. lie ,s personally known lo me, and did not lake any oath. A~ ~OND~,Im~3 00,, I't~,, Commission Number: My Commission *** OR: 2559 ?G: 0849. ** XYlt ~[O LtlO1H .O9 HaI~AY