Parcel 366PROJECT: G.G. Bl.`'d. PARCEL: 366 FOLIO: 3722124f)007 2465847 OR: 2537 PG: 3076 04/21t II:UAll l~lI~F~ I. BIlOCl, CLlll letn: UAL PIO~II~ IF~ ~JJl 710,00 . '. 11¢ nj IS.Il DOC-.~O ¢oflll EASEMENT T}IIS EASEMENT. made and cnlcrcd into this 3 day of ~, 19_~ by ARBELIO RIVES. a single man, whose mailing address is 231 8'~ Street NE. Naples. Florida 34120 as Grantor to COI.IAER COUNTY. a political subdivision of' the Slalc of Florida. ,,,,'hose mailing address is 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples. Florida 34112, its successors and assigns, as Grantee. (Whcrcvcr used herein the tcnus "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all thc parties to lhis instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.) %%'I TN [:. S S ETII: Grantor. for and in consideration ofTEN DOLI.ARS (S10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee. thc reccipl and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, grants. bargains and sells unto thc Grantee. a perpetual, non-exclusive, license, and privilege for drainage. sidewalk, utility. & maintenance on thc following described lands located in Collier County, Florida, to wit: Sec attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference. Subject to casements, restrictions, and reservations of record. Fills IS NOT I1OMESTEAD PROPERTY TO IIAVE AND TO ItOI.D thc same unto the Grantee, togcthcr with thc right to enter upon said land. place, excavate, and take materials for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining drainage, sidewalk, utility, & maintenance facilities thereon. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as thc context requires. Thc easement granted herein shall constitute easements running with the land and shall burden thc lands described above. IN \\'TI'NESS \VI IF. REOF, thc Granlor has caused these presents to bc executed thc date and year first above wi'itlen. F'~ness (Sign,4ture)' (PriurNfi-the) 1/ Secdfid Whncss {Signaturc) (Print Name) Arbclio Rives OR: 2537 PG: 3077 STATE OF '! ~ ~ [ ;;"' COUNTY OF l'; , ! ,c;'. Thc foregoing Easement was acknowlcdged bcforc me lhis ~-/ Arbclio Rives, who is p~rsonally known Io mc or who has produced idcntification. (Affix notarial seal) __dayor /)/.¢,,'/, , 1999, by as ISignmur¢'of Notary) (Prin! Name of Nolary) ' I >' ' 't'? Commission # ('c' ', . . My Commission Expires: '7/:' {,, , , {941) THIS CO~lVEYAtICE ACCEPTED BY THE'~ ~O;F3 C'F COU:ITY COY, MtSSIOJtERS, COLL'.EK CgUIITY, FLORIDA, PURSU;I~T TO THE PRO¥ISIONS OF [,£SSLUTIO:I IlO. ~ i OF I~CE OF CAPITAL 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL (941) 774-8192 *** OR: 2537 PG:' 3078 PROJECTS NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 SI(ETCH OF DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) PROJECT NO. 6304:1 PROJECT PARCEL NO. 366 GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD 100' RQW. 'T' 25 FOOT DRAItlAGE. SIDEWALK. UTILIfY. .. & MAINTENANCE EASEMEPIT WEST OtlE IIALF TRACT 18 165' TRACT __.~-- EXISTING RIGttT OF~ rr~$f PROPERTY LINE ~65' TRACT19 1 BO' E--'"so~sou ~ t i pltop[fl 1Y LINE DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 25 FEET OF TIlE NORTtl 75 FEET OF TIlE WEST ONE HALF OF TRACT 18, GOLOEH G^TE ESTATES UHIT NO. 13, AS ~ECORDED IPI PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 72, OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUHTY. FLORIDA. LINE