2002/2003 BY: PATRICIA M DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 3860993 NAME: PAYOR: REFNC: TIMOTHY P. DURHAM TIMOTHY P. DURHAM PLM County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated V#: 2884509 CHECh: ~1C ANT PAID: LOBBYIST DESCRIPTION ============================= DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS Page 01 of 01 TOTAL. DUE: b- CWl?OO 0'1/ t 7./ 2003 25.1]1] 25.00 AMOUNT ---------- ---------- 25.00 25.00 b-qo1?'OO COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34]]2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRA nON FORM NAME Timothv P. Durham DATE January 10. 2003 BUSINESS ADDRESS WilsonMiller. Inc. 3200 Bailev Lane. Suite #200 NaDles. FL 34105 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: I) Barron Collier ComDanies and Eastern Collier ProDertv Owners 2600 Golden Gate Parkwav. 2nd NaDles. FL 34105 2) Bonita Bav GrouD. Inc. 9990 coconut Road. Suite #200 Bonita SDrin"s. FL 34135 A TT ACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE NECESSARY ~L~L LOb~gnature . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER _~The foregoing registratio!l- ,,:as sworn to and subscribed before me on this the I.J day of ..JtJIIUAR-1 .;?oo;3 , by/l/7~l1l, P. DUf'hRrn. who is personally known to me or who has produced N ONe as identi lcation and who did take an oath. BY7n()-tYvrr.L -4? 1,~ D~}?"t~r C'lerk'Notary Public Please note: 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a "Lobbyist Withdrawal" form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. ..,.,~ MARLENE R. SALE ."V.I MY COMMISSION # DD12e8eO "'1'01 f\.~ EXPIRES: August e. 200fS 1.a:JJ.3.NOTARY PLNc:ltIrys.Mce&ElondIng,Inc. 111012003.117198 Ver:Oll-BBLACK CA~4J 00011-00N_ENV__0 BUSINESSES REPRESENTED Centex Homes 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. Suite #600 Naples, FL 34108 Collier County Board of County Commissioners Collier County Government Center 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Collier Enterprises 3003 Tamiami Trail North Suite #400 Naples, FL 34103 DiVosta Building Corporation 6005 Vanderbilt Beach Road Extention Naples, FL 34119 G.L. Homes of Naples Associates, Ltd. 1401 University Drive Suite 200 Coral Springs, FI 33071 The Ginn Company 5401 Kirkman Road,#500 Orlando, FL 32819 Lely Development Corp. 8825 Tamiami Trail East Suite #25 Naples, FL 34113 Panther Island Mitigation Bank 3200 Bailey Lane Suite #1 12 Naples, FL 34105 U.S. Home Corporation 10491 Six Mile Cypress Suite #101 Fort Myers, FL 33912 WCI Communities, L.P. 24301 Walden Center Drive Suite #300 Bonita Springs, FL 34134 ITJ.;,.",I.CC"""'7<J 4/20/9')-568JH Vel Oll-RBLAC'K (lOOII-()()"-'_ENV__1J