2009/2010 [D) ~ @ ~ n ill u; \~~ ~~ OCT 1 2009 ~~ Expires ~ h-ol 0 Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 By BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM k) Name Michael R. Fernandez, AICP Date October 1, 2009 Business Address c/o Planning Development Incorporated / ~ 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 \ Business Telephone 239-263-6934 E-Mail mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: I). Please see attached Exhibit A 2). PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY '/ ./""---;? -:-- ". /' / /~/<-A /-- ~ / Lobbyist Signature State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this 1st day of October, 2009 , by Michael R. Fernandez , who is personally known to me or het! fhuduced &6 idsRtifiellti8t1 and who di t e 0 G -~ ~ f>\ NcQty PublIc . St.e of FIorIdI i' .: My ComIIlIIIlon EllliltlMIr 21, 201 ~4' COIMliIIlon . OD 790122 ,,9r.r.r~" BondIdl1nugllNlliollllNallry Deputy Clerk/Not The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist. according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). BY' COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM QUARTERLY SUBMITTAL DATED: October 1, 2009 EXHIBIT A PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED 5133 CASTELLO DR., SUITE 2, NAPLES, FL, 34103 MICHAEL R. FERNANDEZ, PRESIDENT NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF PERSON or ENTITY REPRESENTED I CONTACT NAME ENTITY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP Allen, Arthur L. Arthur L. Allen 2500 Gordon Drive Naples, FL 34102 Bouchard, Craig Tennis Realty, LLC 4995 Airport Road N. Naples, FL 34105 Brine, William H., Trustee Brine, William H., Trustee 37 Bluberry Lane Hopkinton, MA 01748 Carr, John and Petra Sandbanks,LLC 700 Old Trail Drive Naples, Florida 34103 Corder, Michael Corder, Michael 3821 3rd Avenue S.E. Naples, FL 34117 Crown, Robert and Barbara Kenneth R. Johnson, Trustee 207 Cherry Hill Drive Presto, PA 15142 Crum, Alan and Susan Crum, Alan and Susan 2648 Weeks Avenue Naples, FL 34112 Dvorak, Peter Arboretum Development, LLC 400 West 7th Street, Suite 200 Bloomington, IN 47404 Emma, Anthony Lakewood Plaza, LLC 70 Gansett Avenue Cranson, RI 02910 The Club Estates Homeowners Fagan, Peter Association, Inc. 9929 Clear Lake Circle Naples, FL 34109 Ali R. Ghahramani MD Investment Ghahramani, Andrew Limited Partnership 7223 Ayrshire Lane Boca Raton, FL 33946 Giantomaso, Joe Marco Beach Hilton, Inc. 654 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10021 Griffin, Wayne Florida Dept. Environmental Prot. 3900 Commonwealth Blvd, MS 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Hernandez, Rufino Golden Gate Nursery 14765 Collier Boulevard Naples, FL 34116 Hettema, Roger L. Hettema, Saba & Walch 2050 Proctor Road, Suite A Sarasota, Florida 34231 Covenant Presbyterian Church of Hunter, John Naples, Inc. 6926 Trail Boulevard Naples, FL 34108 Kessous, Michael Grand Inn of Naples, Inc. 1100 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34108 Lawhon, Anthony and Megan Parrish, Lawhon & Yarnell, PA 3431 Pine Ridge Road, Suite 101 Naples, FL 34108 Lewis, Wallace L. and Gerace, Lewis, Wallace L. and Gerace, Marian H. Marian H. 6120 S.W. 74th Avenue Miami, FL 33143 Lynch, Dennis J. Dorset Associates, LLC 4081 N. Tamiami Trail, Suite C-105 Naples, FL 34103 Miller, Jeff RBC Bank 5150 N. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34103 Mola, David Sabal Palm Development, LLC 2025 Laguna Way Naples, FL 34109 Nachef, John 1st Integrity Mortgage, Inc. 555 E. Elkcam Circle Marco Island, FL 34145 Nagar, Jacob Registry Development Corp. 5047 Coral Wood Drive Naples, FL 34119 O'Brien, Kurt SS Naples, LLC 7932 West Sand Lake Rd, Ste 108 Orlando, FL 32819 Ozbay, Ibrahim lbo, LLC 313 Nixon Drive Immokalee, Florida 34142 Ozbay, Ibrahim SAFA, LLC 5361 Cherry Wood Drive Naples, Florida 34119 Perrine, Raymond C. Perrine Enterprises 3078 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Richards, Jon Collier HMA, Inc. 8300 Collier Boulevard Naples, Florida 34112 Richards, Stanley V. The Club Estates II, LLC 2033 Trade Center Way Naples, FL 34109 Rowell, Shaun RBC Bank 420 S. Orange Ave., Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 Singer, Robert Naples Syndications, LLC 777 Old Country Road, Ste 204 Plainview, NY 11803 Spejenkowski, Joseph A. FL-Qffice of the Attorney General PL-01 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Stetler, Ron and Joan Stetler, Ron and Joan 7342 Stonegate Drive Naples, FL 34109 Terry, Steve Automotive Mgmt Services, Inc 515 N. Flagler Dr., Suite P-400 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Vannucci, Rich Diocese of Venice 1000 Pinebrook Road Venice, FL 34284 Wallace, Rebecca 227 Cypress Way West Naples, FL 34110 Wanklyn, John Radio Road Joint Venture 1100 5th Avenue South, Suite 201 Naples, FL 34102 Wilson, Stephen LB Cortile, LLC 9130 Galleria Court, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34109 Winfield, Clay Arboretum Development, LLC 10001 N. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34108 Wood, Phil John R. Wood Realtors 3255 N. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34102 Zehner, Nevin Zehner, Nevin 306 West Market Street Orwigsburg, PA 17961 Receipt# 007023365 10/1/2009 11 :06:54 AM Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court (Q)G€flD@~([}O ~~c@@c~t[?)U Customer MICHAEL FERNANDEZ PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INC 5133 CASTELLO DR STE 2 NAPLES, FL 34103-1929 Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER M inutesand Records@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Govt. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION BMR Lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Check# 4781 BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $25.00 $25.00 ($25.00) $0.00 ~@O 0 O@fl~O@flfko @@[J[Jf) Page 1 of 1 Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 ",p;~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name Michael R. Fernandez, AICP Date January 1, 2010 Business Address c/o Planning Development Incorporated 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 Business Telephone 239-263-6934 E-Mail mfernandez@planningdevelopmenlinc.com NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). Please see attached Exhibit A 2). PLEASE A TT ACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY LZ.~~ State of Florida Cou nty of Collier The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this 5th day of January, 2010 t;>;. Michael R. Fernandez , who is personaIly known to me or has produced r:" L \ Vti "'So \ J r tv, ,,<, ~ as identification and who did take an oath. ? !"'iJ'- ~o,..;I Notary Public State of Florida Nancy l DeJohn My Commission 00819061 Expires 10/31/2012 ily:j\\rx IYj;;l "ty \ol~ Deputy Cler otary Public Tbe annual registration fee Is $25.00 per Lobbyis . according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwigbt E. Brock, Clerk of Courts <at tbe address listed at tbe top of tbe form). COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM QUARTERLY SUBMITTAL DATED: January 1, 2010 EXHIBIT A PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED 5133 CASTELLO DR., SUITE 2, NAPLES, FL, 34103 MICHAEL R. FERNANDEZ, PRESIDENT NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF PERSON or ENTITY REPRESENTED I CONTACT NAME ENTITY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP Allen, Arthur L. Arthur L. Allen 2500 Gordon Drive Naples, FL 34102 Bouchard, Craio Tennis Realty, LLC 4995 Airport Road N. Naples, FL 34105 Brine, William H., Trustee Brine, William H., Trustee 37 Bluberry Lane Hopkinton, MA 01748 Carr, John and Petra Sandbanks,LLC 700 Old Trail Drive Naples, Florida 34103 Corder, Michael Corder, Michael 3821 3rd Avenue S.E. Naples, FL 34117 Crown, Robert and Bamara Kenneth R. Johnson, Trustee 207 Cherry Hill Drive Presto, PA 15142 Crum, Alan and Susan Crum, Alan and Susan 2648 Weeks Avenue Naples, FL 34112 Dvorak, Peter Arboretum Development, LLC 400 West 7th Street, Suite 200 Bloomin9ton, IN 47404 Emma, Anthony Lakewood Plaza, LLC 70 Gansett Avenue Cranson, RI 02910 The Club Estates Homeowners Faaan, Peter Association, Inc. 9929 Clear Lake Circle Naples, FL 34109 AIi R. Ghahramani MD Investment Ghahramani, Andrew Limited Partnership 7223 Ayrshire Lane Boca Raton, FL 33948 Giantomaso, Joe Marco Beach Hilton, Inc. 654 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10021 Griffin, Wavne Florida Dept. Environmental Prot. 3900 Commonwealth Blvd, MS110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Hemandez, Rufino Golden Gate Nursery 14765 Collier Boulevard Naples, FL 34116 Hellema, Roeer L. Hellema, Saba & Walch 2050 Proctor Road, Suite A Sarasota, Florida 34231 Covenant Presbyterian Church of Hunter, John Naples, Inc. 6926 Trail Boulevard Naples, FL 34 1 08 Kessous. Michael Grand Inn of Naples, Inc. 1 100 Pine Ridoe Road Naples, FL 34108 Lawhon, Anthony and Megan Parrish, Lawhon & Yamell, PA 3431 Pine Ridee Road. Suite 101 Naples, FL 34108 Lewis, Wallace L. and Gerace, Lewis. Wallace L. and Gerace, Marian H. Marian H. 6120 S.W. 74th Avenue Miami, FL 33143 Lynch, Dennis J. Dorset Associates, LLC 4081 N. Tamiami Trail, Suite C-105 Naples. FL 34103 Miller. Jeff RBC Bank 5150 N. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34103 Mola. David Sabal Palm Development, LLC 2025 Lao una Wav Naples, FL 34109 Nachef, John 1st inteority Mortaaae. Inc. 555 E. Elkcam Circle Marco Island, FL 34 1 45 Naoar, Jacob Reaistry Development Corp. 5047 Coral Wood Drive Naples, FL 34119 O'Brien, Kurt SS Naples, LLC 7932 West Sand Lake Rd, Sle 108 Orlando. FL 32819 Ozbay, Ibrahim lbo, LLC 313 Nixon Drive Immokalee. Florida 34142 Ozbav. Ibrahim SAFA, LLC 5361 Cherrv Wood Drive Naples. Florida 34119 Perrine, Ravmond C. Perrine Enterprises 3078 E. Tamiami Trail Naples. Florida 34112 Richards, Jon Collier HMA, Inc. 8300 Collier Boulevard Naples. Florida 34112 Richards, Stanlev V. The Club Estates II, LLC 2033 Trade Center Wav Naples, FL 34109 Rowell, Shaun RBC Bank 420 S. Oranoe Ave., Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 Sincer, Robert Naples Syndications, LLC 777 Old Countrv Road, Ste 204 Plalnview, NY 11803 Speienkowski, Joseph A. FL-otfice of the Attomey General PL-01 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Stetler, Ron and Joan Stetler, Ron and Joan 7342 Stoneaate Drive Naples, FL 34109 Terry, Steve Automotive Mnmt Services, Inc 515 N. Flaoler Dr.. Suite P-400 West Palm Beach. FL 33401 Vannucci, Rich Diocese of Venice 1000 Pinebrook Road Venice. FL 34284 Wallace, Rebecca 227 Cvaress Wav West Naples, FL 34 1 10 Wanklvn, John Radio Road Joint Venture 1100 5th Avenue South, Suite 201 Naples, FL 34102 Wilson, Stephen LB Cortile, LLC 9130 Galleria Court, Suite 200 Naples. FL 34109 Winfield. Clay Arboretum Development, LLC 10001 N. Tamiami Trail Naples. FL 34108 Wood, Phil John R. Wood Realtors 3255 N. Tamiami Trail Naples. FL 34102 Zehner, Nevin Zehner, Nevin 306 West Market Street Orwiosburo~ PA 17961 ~ l'i ..J U. ~ UJ >- Z \- "J t a.. ~ 2 .... z ... ~ o .. ,...J, '&,] ~ ~~ ~ ;,.~ ."<: ~ ~~~ Q ......1i~ ,,~~~ ~~~'i ;z.~"''' zoh .( u- '" ..J Z t~ ... -~ @ -: - -:: - ::::: - 0'""";, -:: - -:: - - -:: o r\ o N Z ~ t.. e ~ ~ ~ ~ OIl C "" 'tn (/.I ';:;:\ "'''''.... '~~ ~ ~ N U""_ "- - CpO: 'e ~ U~.....'" i r.~ ] U.~ ~ ~ "O~..... ~ ~~sl cC"'z >ll>ll'" .-:. - .-::: - ':: - - t'..1 I::) rl'l :;:i' .+. ....1 .~..I .,.of 1::1' (,) ~ o ;;: ~~ .~ - 000 0:$ ri''';'' o.~ "- ;z.", .~ NN ~ .~ . . "'~ -~ ~'" 8~ ,2N '0- ~ '" ~~ UN ~ ~ ~ Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 Expires BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name Michael R. Fernandez, AICP Date April.!i2010 Business Address c/o Planning Development Incorporated 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, Florida, 34103 Business Telephone 239-263-6934 E-Mail mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1 }. Please see attached Exhibit A 2). PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY ?~-,.~ Lobbyist Signature State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this "I'!to ~ day of April,2010 , by Michael R. Fernandez . who is personally known to me or ~as produced awL- FlQ5~ 6-t;~ 51 11.:).-,% -0 as identification and w . _Mil. ....,..... . ... II..... . · .., CoM. ........ 1', "'. Call.IlI. _110 _ ..... ............ ....,..... Deputy Cl erkINotary Pub lie The annual registration fee is 525.00 per Lobbyist~ according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). By:~Qhu) ~ . .. --.....,~.... . ... ...-.--.--. COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM QUARTERLY SUBMITTAL DATED: April 1, 2010 EXHIBIT A PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED 5133 CASTELLO DR., SUITE 2, NAPLES, FL, 34103 MICHAEL R. FERNANDEZ, PRESIDENT NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF PERSON or ENTITY REPRESENTED CONTACT NAME ENTITY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP Allen, Arthur l. Arthur l. Allen 2500 Gordon Drive Naples, FL 34102 Bouchard, Craig Tennis Realty, LLC 4995 Airport Road N. Naples, FL 34105 Brine, William H., Trustee Brine, William H., Trustee 37 Bluberry Lane Hopkinton, MA 01748 Carr, John and Petra Sandbanks, LLC 700 Old Trail Drive Naples, Florida 34103 Corder, Michael Corder, Michael 3821 3rd Avenue S.E. Naples, FL 34117 Crown, Robert and Barbara Kenneth R. Johnson, Trustee 207 Cherry Hill Drive Presto, PA 15142 Crum, Alan and Susan Crum, Alan and Susan 2648 Weeks Avenue Naples, FL 34112 Emma, Anthony Lakewood Plaza, LLC 70 Gansett Avenue Cranson, RI 02910 The Club Estates Homeowners Fagan, Peter Association, Inc. 9929 Clear Lake Circle Naples, FL 34109 AU R. Ghahramani MD Investment Ghahramani, Andrew Limited Partnership 7223 Ayrshire Lane Boca Raton, FL 33946 Giantomaso, Joe Marco Beach Hilton, Inc. 654 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10021 Griffin, Wayne Florida Dept. Environmental Prot. 3900 Commonwealth Blvd, MS110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Hemandez, Rufino Golden Gate Nursery 14765 Collier Boulevard Naples, FL 34116 Hettema, Roger L. Hettema, Saba & Walch 2050 Proctor Road, Suite A Sarasota, Florida 34231 Kessous, Michael Grand Inn of Naples, Inc. 1100 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34108 Lawhon, Anthony and Megan Parrish, Lawhon & Yamell, PA 3431 Pine Ridge Road, Suite 101 Naples, FL 34108 Lewis, Wallace L. and Gerace, Lewis, Wallace L. and Gerace, Marian H. Marian H. 6120 S.W. 74th Avenue Miami, FL 33143 Lynch, Dennis J. Dorset Associates, LLC 4081 N. Tamiami Trail, Suite C-105 Naples, FL 34103 Miller, Jeff RBC Bank 5150 N. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34103 Nachef, John 1st Integrity Mortgage, Inc. 555 E. Elkcam Circle Marco Island, FL 34145 Nagar, Jacob Registry Development Corp. 5047 Coral Wood Drive Naples, FL 34119 O'Brien, Kurt SS Naples, LLC 7932 West Sand Lake Rd, Ste 108 Orlando, FL 32819 Ozbay, Ibrahim lbo, LLC 313 Nixon Drive Immokalee, Florida 34142 Ozbay, Ibrahim SAFA, LLC 5361 Cherry Wood Drive Naples, Florida 34119 Perrine, Raymond C. Perrine Enterprises 3078 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Richards, Jon Collier HMA, Inc. 8300 Collier Boulevard Naples, Florida 34112 Rowell, Shaun RBC Bank 420 S. Orange Ave., Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 Singer, Robert Naples Syndications, LLC 777 Old Country Road, Ste 204 Plainview, NY 11803 Spejenkowski, Joseph A. FL-Dffice of the Attorney General PL-01 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Wallace, Rebecca 227 Cypress Way West Naples, FL 34110 Wanklyn, John Radio Road Joint Venture 1100 5th Avenue South, Suite 201 Naples, FL 34102 Wilson, Stephen LB Corti Ie, LLC 9130 Galleria Court, Suite 200 Naples, FL 34109 Winfield, Clay Arboretum Development, LLC 10001 N. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34108 Wood, Phil John R. Wood Realtors 3255 N. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34102 Zehner, Nevin Zehner, Nevin 306 West Market Street Orwigsburg, PA 17961