2006/2007 Dwight E. Brock Clerk BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 4971613 NAME : JOHN R MUSSER PAYOR: JOHN MUSSER REFNC: APJ rn g 5[)(; ~~ elp , (~rIDl County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated ......" ;.r",., ...., DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- LOBBYIST 25.00 DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 H~~ 03 20 09:49n Bo~rd Minute~ ~ Record~ 774-8408 rn ~65CD p. 1 COLLIER COIUNTY 3301 Tarniami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME '-..})I-/,'<1 A. /'YlU-.5.)E.!\ DATE 9~ Jg . CJ4> BUSINESS ADDRESS Va. (\o.,"~ Q -f ::JJ~yLoP,. L'-P Jd 136 J~E l-LJ {jAt1-1A"'Y (iU/JJ .~1~ IO()('J (-1- fYt Y 6 A ~ I fL --.3-3'101 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) '- 'Sf..E- A'11Ar J..JCU LJ01 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE NECESSARY ~i::;:;:::ture STATE OF FLORIDA. D _ . COUNTY OF GO~DIER~ TBRRI A. MBUIA MY~'1lIIPIlIi'D EXHIlIlBl.....CII"m ~ IlL QIl - Please NotoJ J.) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of Ootober 1-t will re3ult in the placem~nt of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a -Lobbyist Withdrawal- form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration Pee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22 The foregoin~ registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the . da of lo I bY~1IN A. rn(1~~ s ersonally known t m r who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. BY 0Q Sljl: ~. fV\., 1't(11.......-- Deputy Cl~Notary Public Company .. ... _ ____ Address .RalphA~e~(;i~ u_ _________ --- 11999 Katy Freeway-Suite 590_~ Houston .] TX _- 77079 ADP 149 Coconut Ave.u__~ Sarasota i Florida 34236 Agnoli, Barber, Brundage, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 200 Naples Florida 34108 Antaramian 365 5th Avenue South, #201 _ 1 Naples Florida 34102 Architectural Network u_ 837 5th Ave South - Suite 202 Naples _ _ Florida 34102 Barron Collier Company . ?600 Golden Gate Par~~_ Naples __ 'Florida ..._ 34102 Basik Development, LLC._ 720 Goodlette Road, Suite 3Q.~~___ Naples Floridacii ..... . 34102 Beazer Homes 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive Fort Myers Florida 33913 _u_ _____.___ ___ . ._. Bonita Bay Group 9990 Coconut Road - ~LJj~ 200_ Bonita Springs Florida 34135 Teryl Brzeski ____ _ _ _ _ 5147 Seahorse Ave-'--____ ._ _ u__1Naples Florida. 34103 Caden-head Construction ____,3994 Mercantile Ave. ____ 'Naples Florida 34014 Centex Homes---~=~-~==-_ ~Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 Naples Florida.~-!.!Ql3. Clyde C. Quinby Realty __ _ _ ___ 3775 Airport Pulling Rd. N. __~____. __ __ l-__~ Coastal Engineering Consultants_ 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive_________ Naples __ Florida 34104 Collier Enterprises_ 3003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 400 _ ,Naples Florida 34103 Continental Realty ___ 604 Fifth Avenue South __ . Naples , Florida 34102 ~icha~C-o-rra.cJi_-=~=-___ _ ,380 10th St. South #10~___ Naples _==_J=lorida .... 1 34102 ~::s~~~ome==-:- _ ~_ ~!~~:~~:~l;:~Ulev:rd _ su,:- ~:::: _.. ~:::: _ ~~ Engle Homes (TOUSA)____ __ ~_. .____ ___. _ Fort Myers 1-- ~erguson Law GroLJP_L.!-g_____~Bonita Beach Road ___ ._ Bonita Springs m Florida... 34134 Forbes Company __ ,3101 PGA Blvd._______.Palm Beach Garden Florida~~ Gulf Coast Development Group 515 Terracina Way 1 Naples Florida 34119 Babitat forHuJ'T!~nity-~=-----=-_~_ [11145 Tamiami Trail Easf-=--=_ -=fNaPles == ,Florida _ 34113 H~over Planning Shoppe ~___l~775 Airport_Road~_rth, Suite ~_u_ ,Naples ,Florida 34105 d.E.D..:.()! Southwest FI()~~d~-,-l.Q(;.__~_O_Corsea del Fontana Way _____T NaPles~~a~==-- 3~@ Kite Developmel'l.~__ ______ 30 South Meriden Street - Suite..!10~ Indianap_()~_.~m__ 46204 Knight Industrial 3701 Airfield Drive W. Lakeland Florida 33811 1-. .-.--.---- ___ . ___. ___. Krehling Industries_____ 1425 _Wiggins Pass RoCl~____ Naples ___Florida 34110 Lodge Abbott & Associat~s~_LLC__ 3400 E. Lafayette St._ ____ _ Detroit__ Michigan 48207 ~eritage Homes _ ___ ____ 12220 Towne Lake Driv~# 75 _._____ Fort Myers___~j~,-33913 i....~~~~~:~.o.~~VeeT~pm.. enf.--..-...-... -=-- ..1.;.1.i. E~~:~!:~~.j2~;t:1o~ -. ..... =-.I....~~~:~:;~~in.g..s-........, ~:~~~: . _.1-- .~. ! Prime Hom:e-Suilde.r-s- ___~~=-- ==J?1218 St. Andrew~ Blvd. #510-_n~=_~Boca Raton -= IFlori~_~=33433 fulte Homes. . . ... . 19148 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 102 . Bonita Springs . 'Florida , 34135 Q. Grady ~inor cSt i\S:~iCiate~__=_ .__~Via Del '3ey _~_-== u ~ Bonita Springs -. Florida'~ 3~~ BWA _m__________ u . 1542 Carson St.__ ____~yers ___ _~ida_t==~ San Marino Joint Venture .. 15122 Summit Place Circle Naples Florida I 34119 Saundry Associates, Inc- .--- 9220 Bonita Beach Road - Suite 215- Bonita Springs Florida~ 34135 .--.---.----. m_ ____._ u_. __.. .c~ Sembler .5858 Central Avenue I St. Petersburg I Florida 33707 ..------.-.-..--.--... ---~_.,- -.._-- ---+--- . ,---- _.Signatu.r.e Coml!l_u.-.n.ites,J.fl...G.-.----. ...._j'_.5?_51 Rid.g_ewoo. d'prive,.-suite.?_~.-. ._IN... aPles_. ..-. __. ,Florida ..-..-1--- 341Q!! ~_outherl'l._Center~..[)rev~opme."l!.. .__ ! 500 Cordova l3~ad _ __ ___, Ft. Lauderdal~__l Flor~ _1--_ 33316 Iaylor ~_(:)odrow _____ ___ .._2950 Immokalee_~oad- Suite 2___J'J_aples ___ _~ Florid~ 34110 _,Josep_h_ Townsen.c!___ --------I~ 6~~ 1N B:~~~~:a~;~ikiX MiTe cypress~Nap!~--- _--.L.I Florida _ ---- 34:~ US Home .. __un I Parkway ..... I Fort Myers . Florida '.. 33912 ~_~n~~~~~:fn~~:t____~---=__.. -~=-=-n~:7:o~:~j~:i~:ive~~__ -l~~~~~:~~e-_-*L --- -I ~- ~= ~CI_________ ____12701_ CommonwealthQ~ve #5_ __F=:ort Mters___~~ I 33913 Y'Jaterwat. Hom~~____ ___ ___15122_Summit PI.<!c;.e Circ;.l~ _ __ Naples_ ------tlorida_ __ ~~ ~elsh CompaI'lY__ ____ _ 2400 9th St. N Naples.j Florida 34103 Woolbriaht 9130 GalleriaCourt~ u_ -INaoles - -- I Florida 34109 Conflict of Intarest Spread-09-iJ6.xls '. c~ w--e)~ Collier Calmly Expires ~\C.Ji). &) i-6-1- 3301 Tamiami Trail East r ~ ~ }' 1 Naples, FL 34112 f:\(X)..> . ;~"-kj lJ Ii. 01- .J ~C:-~'~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name ')OUN It (YJLM,!,€A Dat&j01 Business Address VANA,-~~E ... -:!JAY lnA. up .Qj~() ,..JEt..) {!;A,.11tlNi 8u/T::J ~1E (LOI) I (-1. mYF:Il.':-., fL ~q{)1 Business Telephone -J ~ -</,-,1. 4l,D I E-Mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). ~~11A(lJJE:]) 2). PLEASE AITACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY ~ ' ()t1~ lObbyist Signature State of Florida ,(J County of.eottlU O\U The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this \j () ii- day orjJtc l\Cl......... d Of) 1 , b)lJoHN A. frtl~~~ who is personally known to ~r has produced as identificatIon an who did take an oath. :.I!" TERRI A. MBLNA I ~ MY~'~ · ....,1 EXPIiIllt.....- · ....Qpflll"'... a. BY0m~ ~ Deputy Clerk/Notary Public The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 I , . Company .._~___ I _~_~~~~~________ Addre.!>>~_____ .__ Ralph Abercia~_= __- --. -~. =_ _.__ _=p 1999 Katy Freew~y Suite 59~__ u_ _~. j Houston__ ..____. I TX ____ -1--. 77079 ADP .. . .. .... _~CoconutAve.__~____~_~.'Sarasota __ IFloridaJ.._ 34236 Agno~, 'Sc:lrbe'':, -Brundage.-16c~:= .'n : 7400 Tamiami Trail N()rth - ~!lite200___1 Napl~___ __ ~_._ _ i Florlcl~__.L_. 34108 Allen Concrete & Maso~-'Y~_______ i 6301 Shirley St... ..._ _ ____ .. : NaPles~__~_~ FIOr!d<!'_~1____ 34109 Anta,amian ~ 365 5th Avenue South, #201 i Naples ! Flonda , 34102 Architectural f\Je~ork=~_~-_=~n-=--=-=- 837 5th Ave South - Suite 20?==n-===INaples--~=-_~JEor~d~===~-' 34102 Barro_n Collier Company__.____ _l2600 Golden Gate Parkway___ _ n_~_j~apleS _...____~___~ Florld~_; 34102 Basik DevelopmEl.r:!~~~~f.____~_.~ Goodlette Road, Suite 30!5....___ . I Naples .___ ]Florida -+- 34102 :~~~:r B~~m~~~~~__- __=--~=_=~-.~~~~~~:~{~~~~~ ~~~: 20cC=--T~~~i~y;~~ir:!~~_...J~:~~:~: ~+ ~~~~; ~:~~~~~:~k~onst':u-ctf6n- . -- _ _~n_ \ ;~~~ ~:~:~~~i~e A::~.n-1 ~:~t:~--~--m_--n*:~~:~: ! ~:~~~ ..-.~-- n._.._.__n_.._.__~___..___ ... -.-~..---_........~.-. I CEMEX__~_~=-~_ _nL!__~?~Y'Jiggin~~ss Ro~.cl_~_~___ __.__ i Naples_ ______~orida--T----~!'!10 Ce~~ex HO_rT"les _._.__ . n _~~80!f~lica.!'- Ba}'.l?oulevar~_-~~ilEl.~O(Llf\Japle~_______ ~_ I Florid~______ 34108 CIP .Naples!.. LL~.___ . ._~_ .~9~~outh'pix!El_ Highway__ _~n____.:..~iClf!'lJ_... _~___ 'Flori<!~_~-t__ 33~~ Clyde C. Quinby Realty .___~_13775 Airport Pulling Rd. N._______~____~__~______._____l Coastal Engineering Consultants i 31 06 S. Horseshoe Drive I Naples~!:lorid~a I 34104 Collier BIA=-====- ----.-~-~---~___+~479 Enterprise Ave~.-===n____=-.~__J Napl~__ .fEl()~<!.a_ ..__.n_~~104 Col~~..!: Ente~pr!se~ ______n _ _n_~003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 40Q.._ _l~~pIEl~___ _~_~____~id<3...~__ __1.1103 Collier's Reserve Country Club. 111711 Collier's Reserve Drive I Naples. __ ___ i Florida . . . 34110 Michael Corradi n -~------ n___~ i380-1Q!I1_SC~~th piQ~~=_=__ _Nap!~~-~-----Florida-.-- -'-34102 Elias-.sros_._=-=-=._=-~ . ~ 275~~ Riv~~~ew Q~nter E!1yc!.!~Q~~n .~~.()I'"I.~~~priI19s~_ ..flol'i.ci~n__+. _ .3~.~~~ 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite Engle Homes (TOUS!-l_ 101 i Fort Myers ._~__.__I Florida . 33907 Erica E_r:!terpris~~___ .-~- --~--:1 0463 Harrier Street ------! Plantation I Florida T --33324 Ferguson Law Groue!!:.~-.=~-==~-_~14265 Bonita Bea'ChRoacT' -~-TBonita Springs ..--rRc)rTdam -- 34134 Forbes Company n___ !3101 PGA Blvd.___~___. __ --~-. Tpalm Beach GardenlFlorida 33410 Gregg Development. i 1345 Fifth Avenue South___ ____un. Naples I Florida 34102 Gulf Coast Development Gro.!:lP__ .~~1~ T~rr~ina ""-~__ _ '. Naples ____n__~_~r~da.-.-l-.---34119 Habitat for Humanity.. _.__L~!1_~~.TaIT1!~.r:nJ.,!r~il_~~~t l Naples____ .____ Ilorl~~__L _34113 Henderlong & .Associates, Inc. 1542 Cypress Way East i Naples i Florida . 34110 Hoover Planning Shoppe_~5 Airport Road North, Suite !3__. ~ lNaph3s' . . . -1 Florida -'---34105 J. E. D. of Southwest Florida, Inc. _~_ -.L~j 30 gor~.ea de.'ion~Ci.rl~~_Ci~.___ ! Naples - -- '____1 Florida 34109 Jenkins & Charland/TRC Worldwide Eng.~ 1238!South,glev~Clnd Avenue,!t20~__=J.!:t. MJ'~l".s~n_ m-'Fjorid~~ -~3907 Kite Development _ . _~_~Q. South.. Meridel1..~tr~~_t..-~uit~11 QQ.__ .. _11'"I..~...I1_<!P()lis_ ~1~__.____~6204 KnigJ1.l.lr1d~striCl!.... .____. 3701 Airfield Drive W. ._. _____..J-akeland.____ i Florida 33811 ~1.CJ.l!sel'"l._gorTlP~_r:!Y.._~ 67o.~!-one Oak~lv<:!_u _LNaples.um__~ - -;Florlcfa------ 34109 Lodge Abbott & Associates, LLC ,3400 E. Lafayette St.m~m-'!:)et~Qitu__ -!MTchTgan- 48207 MCKK -PropertyAcquisWon,TCC: r 975 6thAve:-South~-Ste 200 . .. .. __Lt-laples_u____. . -;Florida--- 34102 Meritage Homes--~__=-=~==_=_==-=-=---..+1~~201()~e '=c:l~~-Qrive it 75---- . _~ _I For! MY~El!:s.___ . -i Floriaa~ 33913 My~!~-'~nterp~!ses____ __ ___~_+ 6381 Airport Rd '._ . _._ .~_~~e!es .. --1 FI()~~. .--==14109 Myrtle Woo~~-,- LL.~_n._ '__' _____.. _. 1,.1,9?!_! SW 72 S1:.. Ste_~~.. ~__ _~Mial!!!..___~ _~_,Floridan__~~173 Freeland & Schuh dba Naples Nissan l1229 Airport Pulling Road North .__~J'!ClJ>.~?___._ Florida 34104 NRG CieveTopmenL_=_~'=-~-.'~.~===J13621. Park CrestBI'Jd.._='~-= . Fort Myer~__.___ I Florida --..---33912 Pelican Bay Development 126381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 'Bonita Springs 'Florida i 34134 PMS~lr;c~----- --.-.~- . ---- -12335Tamiami Tra-il North, #468- n_~__ -;- Naples lFlorida ~~-i __~~ 103 F'-ower.~orP~-=-____n---._=_==-'3050 ~!sesh~e.[)I"_f\J_--"- -n~~ples-~-~-n-- -lFlorida ~ 34104 -.-. . ~~-'1.. .u._. Prime Home Builders 121218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510 Boca Raton I Florida 33433 Pulte Homes..-.--- ----~9240 Estero Park Commons Blvd._~ !Estero .'.' -. [Florida 33928 Q. d-rady-Minor& Ass-6dat8s. ..-_. --- 13800 Via Del Rey ---- - ~ -'-Bonita -Springs :Florida~~;-- 34134 R&P Property Management -~-- -'265 Airport Road South -~ ~ ~ Naples ----- - -; Florlaa- -I ~ 34104 RWA~~~__=_~~-====~__-n . .6610 Willow Park Dr, Suite 2Q'c.[_==' 'Naples. . - ~.... ==n=lorida _=r 34109 Sar:!l-!arino Jo~!..Ventul".em__ .__ _+ !..~!22 SUl!1mit Plac~ Circl~ .._~ .... _ .__J.Naples ~---.----l Florida__~__~~~ 119 Saundry Associates, I nc . . . .... j 9220 Bonita BeachRoad - Suite 215 1 Bonita Springs. i Florida ... 34135 ~~~:~~e--~~~~~~~;~~~jn~.--~-. --- ~~t~~~8L~~r:r~~v~~~~i~~uit~~OO ~=-~~~~~:iers~urg-~-~l~~~~:~:_~~'--_ - ;;~g~ Conflict of Interest Spread.lstOlr07 .xls Sou~tjern_ Cente~~Q~~velop_I!l~~ __ _ TayrorWoo~r9.Vi_ Toll Brothers ----~..~---._.__._--- J~!'lphl()~n~~I1~__ '1500 Cordova Road _ __LE!. Lauderdal~__ IFlorida _!__~3316 -- i 2950 Immokalee Road=-Suite -2-- , Naples i Florida · 34110 _______J~3956-Sanctuary La-kes Cour(-- --- i Bonita Springs - --i Florida --t- ----34134 i ~ 6~~1N B:~m~~~~:~~i~iX - Mile ~ypress-- ~E~p'es____ _~-~l~ida=+_~ 34103 I US!:lQ.Ill~_____ __ _ I Parkway______________ i Fort Myers ! Florida i 33912 V15.[)ev~~pm~t _ __ _________ 119275 Capitol_ Drive _______ [Brookfield- - - --- ~wl----T- -.--- 53045 Van-Dev., Inc. i 144 Tower Drive _ ___nt-Burr Ridge--~~_~_-nL~____=_---- --60521 WCI----=~=_=_~ _____.-:=~_===-T12jQt Commonwealth_prive-~~=-__ JFort Myers Florida 33913 Waterway Hom!'l~u____ __________+-15122 ~lJmmit PIl:lE!'l__gi!_~~_n__n N~pl~~____n____.;.florida _____L 34119 Wel~ CompaI1I_u__ 12400 9th S1. N_____ ~Naple~______ ___JFlorida _ 34103 Windstar Club, Inc. -- -- --------:840 S. Collier Blvd. ------- -- ! Marco Island i Florida I 34145 Woolbri ht --- -----T9130 Galleria court-nun n un --- ;-Nales---------~ Florida---'-- 34109 Con"ict 01 Interest Sproad-lstOtr07 _xis Collier County Expires /. '11...'2.32425<6<.> 3301 Tamiami Trail East ~f\,' 4 ~c9~ Naples, FL 34112 1# ~ ~... '6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER$~ ~ ~ 1 i LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM ~o ~ ~~/ Name~' A. fYlU.5-.'le~ Date It .~>)(1)~/' Business Address VANA~E ~ :JJAjLD8. uP ~LJ3Prf1A'\lY ~L.~:D ...../;lfc: ~Ob. r'i'.j1'1ye{J..s. ~L .jjt:jt>7 Business Telephone ~.3q- 4:31.41 oCJ E-Mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). ----..5e E A1-1A \' tJE-!) 2). PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NEC SSARY State of Florida {J County of Cellierd)....tA Tbe foregoing registration was sworn to 711 subscribed before me i,":~' ~/' Ii.-- ~of~,~JO()1 ,byJd,I\.R. 11~ruA ~hoi~ nallknowntO') c:1IWor has produced as identification and who did take an oath. .'';'', .,'4';;.....~ D-A ~~ TERfu A MELNA ~ MY COMMISSION #00297623 B~ n.:. . '- ~ \';o.=' EKPIRES: Mardl ~ 2008 I~ARY FLNolaoya.c..mAooot.Q,. Deputy Clerk/Notary Public Tbe annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 . Company --------1-- ____~__________________ Address__ _ ____________ ABC Fine ~~~es & ?pirits.~_Ii1~'___________19001 S. Orange Av~_______ __ _ __ ~ Orlando__ __ --1 Flori~_~ _ _ __ 32824 Ralph Abercia ___ ________ _____ 111999 Katy Freeway Suite~~~__u_ ----.L Houston _ _____~---- 1 77079 ADP---- ---- ___ 1149 Coconut Ave. _~____m _ Sarasota 1 Florida i 34236 Agnoli~Barber~Brundag-e,-lnc. - 7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 200 _--lNaples Florida r--- 34108 Allen_Concrete ~_MasonrY-------16301 Shirley St._________________1Naples Florida 34109 Antaramian i 365 5th Avenue South, #201 1 Naples 1 Florida 34102 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~ny - ~=-=-~=--I ~~~05~:;:n S~~:: ~~~~~a~Oi----- --1 ~:~::: --------- i ~:~~:~: ;: ~ ~~ BasikDevelopment, LLC . '720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305. I Naples 1 Florida 34102 Beazer Homes-------- -- ! 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive ------- 1 Fort Myers - I Florida 33913 Bonita Bal. Groue._==--==--___~~=_-=--19990 Coconut Road --Suite 20_0- __._.ISonita Springs lFlorida 34135 Teryl Brzesk~__________ 15147 Seahorse Ave.________ [Naples lFlorida__ 34103 Cadenhead-Construction ________ 13994 Mercantile Ave. . .______ __lNaple~__m__S~orida l 34014 CEMEX ___un_un_mum . _.._n__ :1425 Wiggins Pass Road_____INaples ...___iFlorida_.l 34110 Centex Homes 15801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 i Naples Florida' 34108 CWN-a-ples:TIC-----==------== !8603 South Dixie t-\ighwaYn=__:-'Miami n--~-TFlorida-- 33143 Clyde C. Quinby Realty . .; 3775 Airport Pulling Rd. N.I Naples . .... Florida 34103 Coastal Engineering Cor'-s~jta.!!~s___=J 3 fOE'- s. _ Horses~hoe [~!iV~- -n-~H'Japle~__--==_-~ I1=iC>:ridi=-1 _=_~~ 104 Collier BIA --- u_____ - -- 14479 Enterprise Ave. I Naples ! Florida I 34104 _______ ________.________,___.___._.__.___m_ _____~_... ___ _. _,----___--+-. _..___u_ Collier Cou-nty-SGho~l_ Board ___ .___157~ Osceola Trii!'--____ ___ Naples____florida ' 34109 Collier Enterprises ..._. - ,lQQ~!C)rnimC)ilrailt'-J~rt~~lJl!~_~OO __ __.Naple~u__ _____ _ _fL()rida_______l.~Q~ g_~mer's R~~_~rV~_C(~~intry-C!l.l~~ -111?~ 1 Co!I~~~ Res~~~_Q~i~e ____~iiples_m_ n____W~oridC)__~_}411Q Micha_el Corradi _ _______ ____ __ u~1 Oth St. South #103. --.l Napl~~___ ___.+f!orida __L 34102 Elias Bros. : 27599 Riverview Center Blvd, #205 . Bonita Springs ' Florida 1 34134 ---.----~12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite 1 1 Engle Homes (TOUSA)__ U~_~__________ _ __ Fort Myers : Florida 33907 Erica Enterprises _ __. ________...11 0463 Harrier Street l Plantation i Florida 33324 Ferguson Law Group LLC i 4265 Bonita Beach Road Bonita Springs I Florida 34134 Forbes Compan~=-~----~01 PGA Blvd. . Palm Beach Garden! Florida i 33410 Ginn Qevelop~~I'1L__ u____ - ~__~==-l~~?fb Bu!nt Pin~..Q6\1~=~=_--__ _n_; Bonita Springs . ! Florida--r- 34134 Graef Anhalt Schloemer & Associates, Inc. ,27200 Riverview Center Blvd, Suite 1011 Bonita Springs ! Florida ! 34134 Gregg Development-------- 11345 Fifth Avenue South---- . .----1 Naples------_ . I Flori~a ---=:.- 34102 ~~~:~~::~ g:~::~~~:~:'i~:p------ -~;~~~~r~:~~~:~~~e.- _____n_ _ -i~:~f:s --- ..--- I;~rida L- ~~~~: Habitat for Humanity__~=-___~=~=__~_-~ -n 1.45 _I~~a~LTrall. Ea~t . ~_u _____~~ap~ _ n==r FJorida-=--=-34113 Henderlong & Associates, Inc. 542 Cypress Way East ! Naples i Florida 34110 Hoover Planning S.boppe __ ___n___-=~?l5 Airport Ro~_sLNorth,_Suite E!~-==- 1 Naples ____JE!()rida__, 34105 ~~~t~~o SouthwestFlOrida, fnc~------I~~;~ ~~~S:~V~~I Fontana Way--- -~:~::: u_ -----*}b~:~---+---%: ~ ~~ _______~ . _____.,_____ _-;--_n----j-n______ Jenkins & CharlandlTRC Worldwide Eng.: 12381 South Cleveland Avenue, #204 ._ Ft. Myers 1 Florida -+-- 33907 Kite Development ..... .. i 30 South Meriden Street - Suite 1100 . i Indianapolis ! IN .. 46204 Knight Industrial ~-- -[3701 Airfield Drive W.----~- ;Cakeland I Florida . 33811 _n.__.___n_____~_+___ .... _.._____n _n ------ -. ------r=c-n--.----r-- ~I~-':lsen Com~~Y.n______~. I ~~~:1L~~~ ~~~:~~ Six Mile Cypress I Naples__ --I Flori<!a----r__}41 O.Q t:;:' Abbott& AsSoci~teS; ~u5~ ~-i::t:y L8tayette 51 - ==_::-I6~~~rs -~-1 ~~~~;an I ~~6~ Abouzarjomehr Mazd~~_____ _ ! 1880 N. County Rd - E150_n_____ .n connervill~__~___~___ 47331 MCKK Property Acquisition, LLC____~75 6th Ave. South, Ste 200 ~___iNaPles iFlorida 1 34102 Meritage Homes _______.. ! 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 n un__ 1 Fort Mye_r:.s__ II Florida i 33913 Myers Enterprises . ._16381 Airport Rd. .. ..... !Naples. .. . . Florida I 34109 Myrtie-Wood~LLC ------------- -110271 SW 72 St., Ste 102 ---- - --rvrrami---- -----tFiorrda-i- 33173 Freeland & Schuh dba Naples Nissan --rr229 Airport Pulling Road NorthU Naples -1 i=i~~id~ --j 34104 NRG Development .___23621 Park Crest Blvd. --=-=~ Fort Myers . _. 1 Florida 1 33912 Pelican Bay Development. ______ _ '26381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 !Bonita Springs : Florida . 34134 PMS,lnc.-=___-=-=__. 2335 Tamiami Trail North, #408 _ P-- ,Naples -~@orid~ _n__:_ 34103 Power Cor. 3050 Horseshoe Dr N Na les Florida 34104 Conffict of tntemst Spmad.2ND0tr07 . xis Prime Home j3uilders 121218 SI. Andrews Blvd. #510 _ --1Boca Hat"-n Florida. 33433 Pulfe ~ Homes C . ---- - . --,-" --- - - 1"9240 ESfeioPaik Commons Blvd. - , i Estero - '- ! Fioiida - -, 3392B Q:Grady Minai' 8:ASsocial~s - -_--:. :_::r3800 via Del Rey --- ~-=-:: _ Bonita Springs - = I ~Iorida =_ ~= _ 3<1134 H&P Property Management r 265 Airport Hoad South I Naples , Fiorida , 34104 HWA -- - - --- - - -- - - - '-- i 6610 Willow Park Dr, Suile 206- - - /Napies - -, --- - i Florida T - 34109 Sabel Palm Investment Group -, ,_ __-15329 Granada Blvd.. '_ _ i~oralGables _ _ [Florida - r- - 34146 San Marino Joint Vent.ure_ - , _ ___ _ ! 15122 Summit Place Circle____,_ __, _ I Naples_" _____ ~Florida_ _ ; 34119 Saundry Associates, Inc_ -- - . - - - _ _ i 407 West Street, Bldg. B __ _ ,i Napies '_ _ __ _ i i'lorida ,J _ 3410B Sembler . i 5858 Central Avenue ! SI. Petersburg : Florida i 33707 Signature Communites, 1"<: lano Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 - --- - ri'iaples ! Florida i 34108 ---------1- _ ______________ _ __-+-------!.___~_____~_ __+ Southem Centers Drevelopment, __ '_ j1500 COrd~va Hoed _ , _ _ __ _ ,____1 Ft.Jauderd~, _ _ ! Florida "~ 33316 T al"or .woodrow -- - - - - '__ _ i 2950 Immokalee Hoad - Suite 2 ,_ ! Naples _ _ _ __ ! Florida , 34110 Toll Brothers '-- -- _ _ _ __/23956 Sanctuary Lakes Court _ TBonila Springs iFlorida i 34134 Joseph Townsend ,4130 N T amiaml Trail ____ _ _ 1 Napies , _ __, _ __" F/()rid" ,L 34103 vI< DeVelopment- -- --- - - - - -, 119275 Capitol Drive- r Brookfield 1 WI i 53045 Va n:Oev. , In,,: ----- ------ - 11 44T ower Dr!v. - - - --- - Burr Ridge - -- -- Ii e- - -, 60521 wcr - -------- - - '- ---- - i 1270n;orllmooWealth Drive #5 -, - -- !f~ Myers' -'- - 'Florida'- -33913 ------------------ ------ -- ------------ ----~---- +---- Waterway Homes . ... ! 15122 Summit Place Circle I Naples . , ..,. Florida I . 34119 WeTshCompany -- === --__=J24.llQ.9lh SI. N -= ,- =__ _=_ , I Naples === _== =-Eiorida _ =:: =:34103 vVindsta, C:lub, 1Il,,'- .. , _ . l 840 Sc CoIiier_ Blvd, _ ___ u,Marcolslat1d " _ ;Elorida. _ _ _ _ }4145 WoOlbri -hl- - - - - ,. -- --, -, -, '9130- Galleria Court 'Naples Florida' 34109 Conflict of Interest Sproad-2NDQ/rOl _xis