2005/2006 Dwight E. Brock Clerk BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECE I PT : 4 6 57 3 6 6 NAME : JOHN R MUSSER JOHN MUSSER PAYOR: REFNC: APJ County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated DESCRIPTION {YJ ~\p I/-U. "1' COM"" 5'~ vit. '..Ib.J1... ... Oql?7l'mnc;: ........--.... 1;1'" il\... "I 'Ei'll"" Ln lr\ I '~~T PAiD' Mn 1 _ 'I 25.00 25.00 AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- 25.00 LOBBYIST DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 M8~ 03 20 09:49a Board Minute~ L Records 774-8408 p. 1 rY\ -' <? c:blJ 0 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMM~SSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME '\.. )(HIN UI.Ir,-'6E.~ DATE 1--dl.r&.S BUSINESS ADDRESS ~f. -+ QA1LDA. lLP ~El.t) ~RI'11'ArlY 8LIfn ~'JLU1E. II/(n f"1 MiE~. ~ L ~.:3'i{)1 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) "-.SEE ~Q} us1 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE NECESSARY ~Ob~ure STATE OF FLORIDA. tfi COUNTY OF .eObla:i-Effi ~ The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on ~~tl=J.: ~ daY~~')lL-~Dl~ I bY~N A.{'(UfJ.seJ... (wh 's ersonally kn~ ~r who has produced ' as identification and who did take an oath. ~ BY4~~~A/ , .......,1 BXPII1EllUldUl.DIl Deputy Clerk/Notary Pub11c ~- " ...~ P1eale 0 01 Fa lure' to renew this registration by the renewal date of ootober 1.t wi11 result in the p~acem~nt of this registrant on a "status unknownft list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a -Lobbyist withdrawal- form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to ordinance 99-22 Company . . ~ .' Address ~~ Aberc;a:~_~~=-~ ~=-t~:9~o~~u~::aY Suite 590_. ~~:~~~ Agnoli, Barber_,]run-d~ge,lnc,--====- 7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 20~INaples Antaramian 365 5th Avenue South, #201 \ Naples __~.______._.______ __.______ . I ~~itecturall'oJetwor~---------~-~? 5th Ave South - SUite 202___--i Naples, Baldridge Developmer1!.-_____ 11825 Manchester Roadi St. LoUIS Barron Collier Company . 1320 N, 15th St. \Immokalee Basik Develo~)ment,LLC --- --:.-- 720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 __!Naples ~~___.______._.______ _ T Beazer Homes 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive I Fort Myers -=----------~---------_. , " Bonita Bay <3-'"ouE___________ ________ 9990 Coconut Road - Sutle 200 I Bonita Spnngs CB & Associates 6400 Davis Blvd, . Naples Centex Homes-----~~~_=-===____=____ 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 - I Naples Coastal Engineering Consultants 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive Naples --------- .----.------------------------ -~ TX Florida Florida Florida Florida MO Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida ____ Florida Naples Naples Cleveland Naples . Naples Collier County 2765 South Horseshoe Drive - Suite 401 ~.~-------~------ - Collier Enterprises .' 3003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 400 Columbo Enterprises----- ----- 11018 Edgewater Drive ------------.--- . . Continental Realty _________ 604 Fifth Avenue South Elias Bros, 15100 Collier Blvd -----_..-._-~,._---~..._-----_..- 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite Engle Homes (TOUSAL___ ___---1101 . --------- Ferguson Law Gro~ LLC______~4265 Bonita Beach Road _~--- - Forbes Company [3101 PGA Blvd, . \.Gonzalez ---------------1811-4th St. SE - .- Gulf Coast Develo2rl"'~nt (;roup ___~ Terracina Way---~--- Habitat for Humanity ! !1.!..4.~ Tamiami!rail Ea~_______ Intercontinental Merchandising Sourcing I Group Inc, 1172 Hickory Boulevard Naples J,E.D, of Southwelilflorid_8., In~,-___~=19130 Corsea del Fontana Way -- INaPles deppesen Enginee~lll.9_________ .__ 5672 Strand Court - Suite 2______ Naples Kenco Devel'OPmerl.!_________ 28733 Megan Drive Bonita Springs Kite Development ____- 30 South Meriden Street - Suite 1100_ Indianapolis Krehling Industries_______ 1425 Wiggins Pass Road Naples - Kuhlman Engineering, Inc, 2647 Davis Boulevard _ Naples Lodge Abbott & Associates, LL~___ 3400 E. Lafayette St.____ ,Detroit Meritage Homes 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 -lFort Myers Pelican Bay D_~velop.r!ler1!_______ 26381 S, Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 -ll' Bonita Springs PMS,lnc, i2335 Tamiami Trail North, #408 ,Naples ~'nix Assgciates,Jnc,_______~~12960A Immokalee Road----- I Naples Pulte Homes.. ,9148 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 102. Bonita Springs San Marino Joint Venture ----- J 15122 Summit Place Circle Naples Saundry Associates, Inc- ------ 19220 Bonita Beach Road - Suite~ J Bonita Springs Sembler 5858 Central Avenue I St. Petersburg Signature Communites, Inc, 5551 Ridgewood Drive, Suite 203 Naples Southern Centers Drevelopment ,1500 Cordova Road _ Ft. Lauderdale Talon Management,J~ _ P,O, Box 9229 Naples Taylor Woodrow_______ 2950 Immokalee Road - Suite 2 Naples ~osep_~ T()IJV_n_send---------- jJ30 N Tamiami Trail Naples 110481 Ben C, Pratt - Six Mile Cypress US Homes______________ Parkway Fort Myers Van-Dev" Inc. _ _____ : 144 Tower Drive---___------ Burr Ridge Welsh Company ____ 2400 9th St. N Naples Woolbrioht 9130 Galleria Court Naples Florida Florida Ohio Florida Florida Fort Myers Florida Bonita Springs Florida Palm Beach Garden Florida Naples Florida Naples _ Florida Naples Florida 77079 34236 34108 34102 34102 63131 34142 34102 33913 34135 34112 34108 34104 34104 34103 44102 34102 34119 i 33907 I 34134 33410 34117 34119 34113 : Florida 34108 --I Florida 34109 I Florida 34110 Florida 34135 - IN 46204 Florida 34110 Florida 34104 Michigan 48207 Florida -~ 33913 Florida 34134 Florida 34103 Florida 34110 Florida 34135 Florida 34119 Florida 34135 Florida 33707 Florida 34108 Florida 33316 Florida 34101 Florida 34110 Florida 34103 Conflict of Interest Spread-Q9-12-Q5.xls Florida IL Florida Florida 33912 60521 34103 34109