2004/2006 (Y) - ~55oo q/D5 County of Collier CLERK OF 'THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P . 0 . BOX 413 044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated VI: 3356044 CHECK: MC AMT PAID: 09/28/2004 BY: LINDA HO DEPUTY CLERK 25.00 25.00 RECEIPT: 4346972 NAME : JOHN MUSSER JOHN MUSSER LOBBYIST ============================= DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAYOR: REFNC: ---------- ---------- 25.00 LAH DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL. DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 Mll~ 03 20 09:"l9l! EOl!rd Hinut~~ ~ Record~ 77"1-8408 p. 1 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tarniami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 fYl-95SoD Qlo5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAMB-0c.Kd..JnU~E.A DATE q -cJ J-OY BUSINESS ADDRESS YBrlASSE'T ;:nAY L()A j LLfJ Ijl~() ,Nt I~ {3A/"11'A-rJY ALII::]) I ,-~1E IJJ(')O f-1. rnyf.A,s. fL .....':3161 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) ~€E. A1'1A~ J.I E::n LJ...~'1 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE NECESSARY Qd;o~ure STATE OF FLORIDA .p._ COUNTY OF COLLIER~ The foregoing :registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the day o~ ~j;l~~ I bY.......It)nf\ fY1u....C)c;.~r who is ersonal1y known to e r who hil.~ prod'ciced -s~".-fication and who did take an oath. TERRI A. MBLNA BY :~ ~ ~; n. '" I(\(/}../ 1iIY~'DIIn2J ~ ~~.ma Deputy Clerk/Notary Public "... .... Plea.. Not., J a ure 0 renew this registration by the renewal date of Octoher 1-t will re5ule in the placem~nt of this registrant on a ftstatus unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a -Lobbyist Withdrawal- form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration Fee is $25.00 per Lohbyist according to Ordinance 99-22 Compao)' - - ~ - - - j Address _ _ Agnoli, Barber, I3ryndage, Inc~ -_ _ 17400 Tamiami Trail North. Suite 200 Naples _ _1F'orida 34108 Antaramian 1365 5th Avenue South, #201 Naples Florida 1 34102 Architeclural Network' ~- .- - _/837_5thAve South . suite-202'~ ~~ =-'Napl~s Flo~d"- _ -C~ 34102 ~~~evelopme..nt___ - - - - - ::~11825 Manchester Road_ _ ~~_ __ +St.LOUiS__ _ _ ,MO_ _ -.1_ _ .63131 Barron Collier Company . _--11320 N. 15th St. Immokalee '-rFlorida i 34142 8.rron Really '. -. -'- - - . : ~ - 12g00 University Drive . SUil,,-26_ ::. _: 1~~~r: sp~ngj ~:- -1Horlda r ~ :33Q~5 Basik Development, LLC ~::::::Ht2~0 Goodlelle Road, Suite 305. Nal'i"s__ Florida I 34102 Bayswater Development, LLC ~ 100 South BedfOrd Road iMr. Kisco NY i 10549 Beazer Homes 11 934 FailWay Lakes Drive Fort Myers Florida 33913 Bonita Bay Group -~. - - - - 9990 Coconut Road._ SUli,,-200_ _.. _ _.! Bonita Springs _. i Florida L _. ;j4135 CB & Associates -.-- - . 6400 Davis BlVd - - _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ . IN,,ple,, _ _ _ . _ _ jFiorida _ :: L 34112 Centex Homes 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard. Suite 600 !Naples 1 Florida I 34108 Coastal Engineering ConsUltants . 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive' --. - '- --1 Naples -- - - - . -1 Florida - - t . -341 04 '. '-. -. --~-. -.~ - -- ~-"- -. ,- --. -.---.- - ---. . ----.--r--. --- - - - - - r..-- - ~ r-- --. Collier County - -. - .. _ _ _ b765 South Horseshoe Drive : Suit~ 4Q 1, Napl". _ _ _ _. I Flor~d" _ _I 34104 Collier Enterprises -------____~'3003 Tamimai Trail North, SUit.e. 409~ Naples ----=1 Florida _-I. 34103 Colonial Homes 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 Fort Myers iFlorida 33913 Columbo Enterprises - --:::.-- -_ -_ :- -- 11018 Edgewater Drive - -. - -, Cleveland _ _ _ _ _ [Oh~ _ _ _, _ '_ 44! 02 .Continental Realty '.. . '.. 1604 Fifth Avenue South _ j Nae'es _ _ _ __ _ _ 1 Flori~~ _ _ _ _ _ 34! 02 ---r12550 New Brittany Boulevard _ Suite I ~I Engle Homes . i 1 01 _ _ . _ _. _ __ _ _. _ J Fort Myers Florida _ _ _ 3~g22 Ferguson Law Group LLC - - -_ 14265 Bonita Beach ROi'd _'. _. _ _.. 1 Bonita Springs _ _ florida 34134 Habitat for Humanity - . -111145 Tam iam i Trail East 1 Naples I Fiorida 34113 Interconlinental Merchandising Sourcing - -'. - - - - - - ~ - -. - . - _ t - -. - _ I e _ _.._ _ . Group Inc. 172 Hickory Boulevard Napies Florida 34108 J.D. Allen & Associates, Inc. 267 Airport Road South '- Naples - -- Florida 34104 J. E. D. of Southwest Florida, Inc. -. - 9130 Corsea del Fontana Way Naples Florida 34109 Jeppesen Engineerin~:=-==-::: ~lf6721 Strand Court. Suite 2 r Naples Florida 34110 Kenco Development 28733 Megan Drive 1 Bonita Springs Florida 34135 kite Development -- - - -..- : --: :: ~ : , 30 South Merlden StreeT. Suite 11 Q(j _ _ Indianapolis IN L :: ~ 46204 Krehling Induslries /1425 Wiggins Pass Road Naples Fiorida _1_ _ _ 34110 Kuhlman Engineering, Inc. 1264 i Davis Boulevard _ _ _ .__ .:::: ='.: - 'Naeles _ _ _ _ _ _ tFlorid" _ _I 34104 Mr. John A Pulling, Pulling FamilyTrust 6500 AirportPuilinii ,,~ad i'Jorth _. _ _- ~:el~,,___ _ __I, Florida ___1____34..:!QQ Pebbtebrooke Lakes, LId -INa, j .----- ----. I --1.___ Phoenix Ass"-c",,es, Inc.. - --.. 2960A Immokatee Road Naples i Fiorida _ L 34110 Pulte Homes .19148 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 102 Bonita Springs i Florida I 34135 Saundry Associates, Inc' '- - . - - - - f9220 Bonita Beach Road. Suite 215 Bonita Springs 1 Florida T - 34135 Signature commun. ites, In~ =.:: ~~ _15551 RidgewOOdOiive;-Sulte _203 . - ~- Naples _ _ _ _ ~~ - cFlorida [__ 34108 faton Management, Inc. Ip.O. Box 9229 Naples Florida _ 1 34101 fay/or \IV DoC/row - - - - - -- -. - -. j2950 Immokalee Road. Suite 2 1 Naples - - - - - ,Florid-a - f 34110 . . - -'- - '-. -- Tf0481 Ben C. Prall. Six MiI';CypreSS - r -- - - - -. -. -[ - -- - - r _ _ __._ I~ I1001"s_... - - - - ..-. -. - ___lParkway_ - _ _ __ _ _ .(Fort Myers_ __ _. I' Florida ---L_339E 'a,,~e~bilt Beacil ~otel~lnc, - -- - _ _ _ _ ~9225 Gulf "hore_Dri~e N c _ _ _ _.._ _ _ _ jN"iJI"s _ _ _ _ _ ,Florida 1 34W8 I esl Florida Agro, LId. i 315 East New Market Road ilmmokalee 1 Florida 1 34142 Conflict o'/nl."'5/ Spread-09,17-04