Parcel 141INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: 5/7/99 TO: FROM: MAUREEN KENYON CLERK TO THE BOARD JEAN JOURDAN, REAL PROPERTY SPECIALIST II REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ¢~" -) SUBJECT: RADIO ROAD PROJECT RESOLUTION 98-105 AGENDA ITEM 16.B.7 Attached are the following original documents for your safekeeping DEEDS OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK PAGES Quitclaim Deed Fee Simple Deed 2507 2485 3361-3363 1504-15O0 attachments as stated PROJECT: Radio Road PARCEL: 141 FOLIO: 00399680005 2428J. OR: 2507 PG: 3361 ~C ~ 15.00 D02-.7~ .?0 OUITCLAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAIM DEED executed this.~/_~'dayof.=_5_ _ ...... ' I9~;.,yy b NAPLES FA RWAYS DEVELOPMEHT, LTD., a F or da Li _ , hip (herein~f!er singularly or collectively called the Grantor), to Collier County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida, its successors and assigns, whose post-office address is 3.301 Tamiami Train East, Naples, Florida 34112 (hereinafter called the Grantee): (Wherever used herein lhe terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and their respective heirs, successors and assigns.) WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ton Dollars (S10.00) in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof is here:by acknowledged, does hereby remiso, release, and quitclaim unto the said Grantee forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said Grantor has in to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying ~md b3ing in County, Florida, to wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, THIS IS NOT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all apl)ur!chances theraur,to belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all th(; estate, right, title, inte'rest, lien, e{;u~ty and claim whatsoever of the said Grantor. r'~S CONVEYANCE ACCEPTED BY THE { ~m OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ~J-~R COUNTY, F~ORIDA, PV. KS'JANT TO THE P~VISIONS C~ ~[SOL~IOfl NO.~- , Page 2 OR: 2507 PG: 3362 IN WITNESS W'HEREOF, the said Grantor has signed and sealec these presents the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: (Printed Name) f / .'/ , :,, , , (Signature) (Printed Name) Naples Fairways Development, LTD a Florida limited partr, ership. By: Freeway.,; Dr;v~;Io;mu;nt el N~pl,.;:. Inc., a FlorMa corporation, as ~ts sole Gener~fl Partner By:_ (Corporate St;al t STATE OF~~~-~ COUNTY OF ~ egoingc~Jt:cl. aim Deed was acknowledged befor,e, me this ._-c2¢z~'_.~-~-da',' of , 199~ by Robert S. Hardy, as President of Fa rv/ays Develor)i~orii of Na Inc.,q~ Florida corporation, as General Partner of Naples Fa r,'/ays Deve opment, LTD, Florida limited partnership, who is personally known to (affix notarial seal) (S'gnature of Not~y PuJSlic) (Print Name of Notary Public) NOTARY PUBLIC Serial/Commission 1¢: ¢ ~ ~¢/¢¢~' My Commission Expir.s: _.~/:~__ _ *~OR: 2507 PG' ~6~ *** EXHIBIT "A " SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26.~,S ~'' -, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LAND "-'" - ~: ~ CKIP T/OH Folio f~ L O~, S: THENCE SO~T~, ~"~"" FEE T; 2f44.44 FEET; - ....... S~7- r~f,','Of t,'fqT~ FEET TO T~E mj,.,r OF BE5.,',~,,',S. ' '' ' CON T~INtt;O ', I ~CRES Cr L~,',~, q3=E S~ LESS SUBJECT TO E~SD~E~TS ~,',3 RESTR,~2S.',3 CF RECSR3. SCALE '' ~ $UR'vT E A,',3 S£CT/~,'i L,',E S bg'4ff'2J'E 25a4 77 , u. AR,,,,~ 5$UTH 8~'55'23 E4ST (ASSZ,~CZ, SKETCH A,','D DESCR/PT~Oti t,'OT A RETURN TO: STEWART & KEYES P. O. DRAWER 790 FORT MYERS, FL 33902 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: WILLIAM L. STEWART, ESQUIRE STEWART & KEYES P. O. DRAWER 790 FORT MYERS, FL 33902 PROJECT: RADIO RD PHASE II PARCEL: 141 PROPERTY APPRAISER'S PARCEL I.D. (FOLIO) NUMBER(S): 2401313 OR: 2485 PG: !504 THIS INDEN~I'URE, Made tki~ ....... "'" ~- day o! JANUARY A.D. , 1995 RICHARD F. bI':NNETT, as Successo: T~u~tce el Lhal certain l.and Trust [lumber 5222, ~ate~ on Lhe 30th (lay (,1~ ;;eptembe~ 19~3, ,~nd known ar; [ru~t Hur~bc,~ 5222, o[ the County eL Collie[, in the ~;tate cl Florida, l,alty of the Iilst pa[t, and COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision el thc State of Florida, its successors and assigns, whose correct mailing address is 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 33962, of the County of Collier, in the State of Florida, [)arty of the second part, WITNESSETH that the said party of the first part, for ant [n consideration of the surd oi Ten Dollars and othe~ valuaL!e considerations to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgea, has grantee, bargained, sold, and transferred, and by these [,resents cues grant, bargain, sell and transfer unto the .%ai~ party {~f [r:e second part all that certain parcel of land lkinc~ and bezn5 ~n the County of Collier, and State of Florida, more [.articuia[ly described as follows: See Attached Exhibit "A" which i.~ inco[[.orateu herein bv r~fe~ence. SU[iJECT to easements, restrict ionl,, and te:;crvations c~ record. THIS VACANT AND UNINPP. OVLD LANb AND IS NO9' '."lie !iONEST~Ab OF i'}{E GRANTOR. OR' 2485 PG: !505 TOGETHER with all the tenements, herecitaments aha appurtenances, with every p£ivilege, right, title, interest a~,u estate, dower and right of dower, reversion, remainde[ and easement thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining: TO HAVE ;diD TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. IN WITNESS ;;HEREOF, the said party of the first [,art_ has hereunto set his hand and seal the (lay and year iirst above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of: ..... ~ ...... .: '~..:-: ~':... ::: .- .... Name: Deanna F. Dohme STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER Trustee of that certain Land T~ust Number 5222, dated on 30th day of Se~,tember, 1983, known as Trust Humber 5222 865 Fifth Avenue South ~a[,Jes, FL 33940 The foregoing instrument was acknowledge(J before me . .19.th day of JANUARY, 1995, by RICHARD K. BENNETT, as Successo[ Trustee, [ x] who is personally known to me or [ ] who has produced his .................... as identification. Nota [y Public SECTION 4, EXHIBIT "A " t TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RA,VGr_ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LAHD DESCR/P TtOH PROJECT: NO. 65G Jr PARCEL: 26 E,AS- L~ 'JO DE$CR;P ~0,"~ CE' RI5~i T.- OF- i',z, y I.C~,EAST G~J~TFP (,','Et/4) FC;' ~ Z ~T~','~E Or ~? 'S~ rr-T ?C ~', ,','Lr,':~'Ot '', /,--., ~,t ~R&f ~,~t~T-OF-~A f ~,','.E DtSTAt,CE OF 047 ~EET; OF S~iD SECTION 4; THENCE SOg~ 0G'06'17" ~EST ALO';~ S~,'D EASTERLY .... FOR A D~STAt, CE C~ 25.22 FEE T; ~EtlCE LE~',~NG S~tO EASTERLY Ut~E t, CR~ 89'48'23" mEST FOR A ~ISTAN~E OF 2~44.44 FEET; ~ENCE SOU~ g8'~'~9" '/,~ST FC~ ~ D'ST~'ICE OF C29 FEET TS ~', ~tT~ ~E S~ID hES~RLY L'.'iE GE T~E ,','SPTF~E~ST CU~,~rER THENCE NO~TN 0G~6'18' ~,EST ~LC',5 S~,D ~ESTER~Y L,",E FCR ~ ~' ,~- FEET TO T~E PO~t,T OF B.~,, , CO'~T~ININC I.~1~ ACRES OF L~ND, ~5~E GP LESS $UB;ECT TO E~SEUENTS AND RESTP~CT,'~,"i~ ~F RECORD. SEARINGS HEREON ~RE t?/,SED Oil ~,E SOUTHEPLY LiNE Or 7?wE SO'JP~'~CL;T OUAR;'ER ($W~', ~' SECT, ON .]6. TOi~fiS~wiP 49 SCKJTH, R.~tl~£ 25 £AST BEARI,','C SOUD~ 99'55'28' EA~cF (ASSU~JE.~. SKETCH AND DE$CRIFT;CN HOT A  . SCALE: ~" ~ SO' ~ RADIO ROAD (C,R. 855) ~. / C'OU~ENCE~ENT SUR~cy ~,n cc~r,,, ~ / tlO~ST CGRhER OF D~E ................. ~ BEGINN~ , EIS~NG ~OU~ERLY~ ~ ~N 88'~1 ~g'E 0,47 R~GHT~OF-wA~ LINE ' ~ RIGH F~ OF- WA Y ~88'Jl'J2'w C. 72