2009/2010 Receipt# 007023277 10/1/20097:39:01 AM Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court (Q)\]'ifD C~) ~ c~J [J U~lCgjCI;;(~~ 0 CF)~ Customer ROBERT PRITT ROETZEL & ANDRESS 850 PARK SHORE DR NAPLES, FL 34103-3587 Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER M inutesand Records@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Govt. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION BMR Lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Check# 489318 BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $25.00 $25.00 ($25.00) $0.00 ~ @UUD@[f((;l;U@[f[%,:J @@[ftJ[J Page 1 of 1 Oil /c:J.o10 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Robert D. Pritt DATE September 28, 2009 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress, LP A 850 Park Shore Drive, Third Floor Naples, Florida 34103 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: SEE ATTACHED ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE NECESSARY Jl~ 9'/ (; I, ,\)" i\\() ",obbyist SignatuW STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the ,/,)tll day of September, 2009, by Robert D. Pritt who ( X ) is personally known to me or ( ) who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. (S EAL) :\\\\\\111111I111', ~\'" +: ra ~/I.I. ~"'c...~ ......... V6'o~ i:f.".J.. c.& .. 'Y~ i:f.N::J .<>,~'" ~..<v" ~ s ~- ~4.S" f') . \X: :ilJI": ~O"<()~\" .~..o~ :::Ei~","' ,~t ~~i :0:00 Q) . ~ :~= =~.~~ . ~ J.".(J):: ~J~~ ~ 8 ~i':u-~ ~ .,\ ."'0 '10.. ... .>..--;:: .....~.. .., '. .i~.~"" ~,~..v1Jy Vt'~...;:;';::: ~ 7,..,.,,-.. ..._\~ ~ ~ V ........ 'f.~ ~ ""'1. +: \'{Q\ 10.\\,,,, ~"IIIIIIII"\\\\~ ~. l,i . / / By: _ _.l)Cl,tc '1 l':';'nl0L?::'/, < l epuly Clerk/Notlry Publ;c 41(,]65 I 1. Collier Davis, LLC 250 Catalonia Avenue, Suite 606 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 2. City of Naples 735 - 8th Street South Naples, Florida 34102 3. CVS Caremark 3300 N. 28th Terrace Hollywood, Florida 83020 4101(,5 0590 0590 I_QANDRESS II A LEGAL PROFl,SIONAL ASSOCIATION Collier County Board of County ("0Il11ll1SSI0ncrs Minutes and Records Department 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, 4th Floor Naples, Florida 34112 January 4,20 I 0 Re: Collier County Lobbyist Registration Dear SirlMadam: ;-;){) 1'\ 1\1, "i I: 1 i' I ]) ~ U \ I 11\1\'((1',_(':, 11111(111'1(,,1]( '\\1'11", [:[ ~41():-; 2_W,64l)2;T~ I lll,]( I 2396-1,L)_h2Ili1.\\ 11"_ 239261.:111.';') r I\. rrritLiI LlLi\\,LOJll Attached is the updated Lobbyist Registration Form for Robert D. Pritt, Esq. which is due January 1,2010. Thank you. lea Enclosure 567806 v_02 \0590.0590 CI,EVI-:LAN[) TOIJDO AKRON C()J UMRl!-'-; C1?\1C1N\lAll Very truly yours, ~}.~ Secretary to Robert D. Pritt \VASIIINCTO'\', D.C. TALL\HASSEF www.ralaw.com FOln MY1R."; NAPlES COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Robert D. Pritt DATE December 3 L 2009 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress. LPA 850 Park Shore Drive, Third Floor Naples, Florida 34103 NAMES AND BlISINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: SEE ATTACHED ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MA Y BE NECESSARY r;<)<Y IJ ~J~fJ Lobbyist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER , . . . . -\ l,'t'\- Oes_er.J,e,( The foregomg reg1stral1on was sworn to and subSCribed before me on this the ~ day of S,plculll'er, 2009, by Robert D. Pritt who ( X ) is personally known to me or ( ) who has produced ______ as identification and who did take an oath. (SEAL) 'u:." CHERYL Kl/TAY :~ MY ~OMMISSION # DO 536015 ; , EXPIRES: April 13. 2010 . Bonded'thNNI!Illilj~u"rw!l\ers By: 416165_1 1. Collier Davis, LLC 250 Catalonia A venue, Suite 606 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 2. City ofNaplcs 735 - 8th Street South Naples, Florida 34102 3. CVS Care111ark 3300 N. 28th Terrace Hollywood, Florida 83020 416165_0590_0590 COLLIER COUNTY 330! Tamiami Trail EJSt Naples~Florida 34112 NAME Robert D. Pritt BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Due DATE July 1, 2010 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress, LP A 850 Park Shore Drive, Third Floor Naples, Florida 34103 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: SEE ATTACHED A TT ACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE NECESSARY 9~r.J) p~ Lobbyist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER AI) JI4 ~ The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the Z!J _ jilY of ~ 2010, by Robert D. Pritt wbo (X) is personally known to me or ('1' who has produced_ as identification and who did take an oath. (SEAL) ....... CAFIOL J. AGAN ~ MY COMMISSION' DO 794768 : · EXPIRES: August 24, 2012 l.:J. Booded Thru NoIaJy NllIc Underwril8nl It'''' By: 416165_1 1. Collier DaYis, LLC 250 Catalonia Ayenue, Suite 606 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 2. City of Naples 735 - 8th Street South Naples, Florida 34102 3. CVS Caremark 3300 N. 28th Terrace Hollywood, Florida 83020 4. Community Congregational Church 15300 North Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34110 416165_0590_0590