Recap 03/25/2014 R COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Community Redevelopment Agency Board (CRAB) Airport Authority r Or AGENDA Board of County Commission Chambers Collier County Government Center 3299 Tamiami Trail East, 3rd Floor Naples FL 34112 March 25, 2014 9:00 AM Commissioner Tom Henning, District 3 - BCC Chair Commissioner Tim Nance, District 5 - BCC Vice-Chair; TDC Chair Commissioner Donna Fiala, District 1 - CRAB Chair Commissioner Georgia Hiller, District 2 Commissioner Fred W. Coyle, District 4 - CRAB Vice-Chair NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE EXECUTIVE MANAGER TO THE BCC PRIOR TO PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. ALL REGISTERED SPEAKERS WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE (3) MINUTES UNLESS THE TIME IS ADJUSTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2003-53 AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 2004-05 AND 2007-24, REQUIRES THAT ALL LOBBYISTS SHALL, BEFORE ENGAGING IN ANY LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS), REGISTER WITH THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AT THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. Page 1 March 25,2014 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS." PUBLIC PETITIONS ARE LIMITED TO THE PRESENTER, WITH A MAXIMUM TIME OF TEN MINUTES. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY WHO NEEDS ANY ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING, YOU ARE ENTITLED, AT NO COST TO YOU, THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE COLLIER COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 3335 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, SUITE 1, NAPLES, FLORIDA, 34112-5356, (239) 252-8380; ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 P.M. 1. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. Pastor Bob Scudieri - Faith Lutheran Church Invocation given 2. AGENDA AND MINUTES A. Approval of today's regular, consent and summary agenda as amended (Ex Parte Disclosure provided by Commission members for consent and summary agenda.) Approved and/or Adopted w/changes — 5/0 B. February 25, 2014 - BCC/Regular Meeting Approved as presented — 5/0 3. SERVICE AWARDS Page 2 March 25,2014 4. PROCLAMATIONS (One Motion Taken to Adopt All Proclamations) A. Proclamation recognizing April 2014 as Aviation Appreciation Month in Collier County. To be accepted by Gene Shue, Director-Operations Support, Transportation Administration; Thomas Vergo, Airport Manager, Immokalee Airport; and Debbie Brueggeman, Executive Assistant/Operations Coordinator, Airport Authority. Sponsored by Commissioner Coyle. Adopted — 5/0 B. Proclamation recognizing April 2014 as Fair Housing Month in Collier County. To be accepted by Angela Edison, Collier County Housing Authority and Kristi Sonntag, Housing, Human and Veterans Services Manager. Sponsored by the Board of County Commissioners. Adopted — 5/0 C. Proclamation designating the second week in April 2014 as Everglades Week in Collier County. To be accepted by Franklin Adams and Brad Cornell, Collier County Audubon Society; Nancy Payton, Florida Fish and Wildlife; Melissa Corrozzo, Conservancy of Southwest Florida; Lyle McCandless, Big Cypress Sportsmen's Alliance, Inc.; and Wayne Jenkins, Collier Sportsman & Conservation Club. Sponsored by Commissioner Nance. Adopted — 5/0 D. Proclamation recognizing Ananta Nath for his contributions to Collier County and his retirement from South Florida Water Management District/Big Cypress Basin. To be accepted by Ananta Nath. Sponsored by Commissioner Nance. Adopted — 5/0 E. Proclamation designating April 2-9, 2014 as the 10th Annual Honor the Free Press Week and recognizing Peter Thomas as the 2014 honoree. To be accepted by Peter Thomas, Lois Bolin, Carol Green, Christine Sutherland, Mike Trephan and Bob Young, members of the Honor the Free Press Committee. Sponsored by Commissioner Fiala. Adopted — 5/0 5. PRESENTATIONS Page 3 March 25,2014 A. Recommendation to recognize Jolene Apicella, Paramedic II, Emergency Services Division, as the Employee of the Month for February 2014. Presented 6. PUBLIC PETITIONS Item 7 to be heard no sooner than 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON GENERAL TOPICS NOT ON THE CURRENT OR FUTURE AGENDA A. Bill Pittman — Cocohatchee Bay PUD/Lodge Abbott Settlement B. Peter Franck— Cocohatchee Bay PUD C. Alan Ritchie — Cocohatchee Bay PUD D. Joe Moreland — Cocohatchee Bay PUD/Lodge Abbott Settlement E. Jack Kindsvater— Cocohatchee Bay PUD/Lodge Abbott Settlement Item 8 to be heard no sooner than 1:30 pm unless otherwise noted. 8. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Item 9 to be heard no sooner than 1:30 pm unless otherwise noted. 9. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, amending Ordinance Numbers 92-41 and 05-52, Quail II Planned Unit Development (PUD), to allow 87 single-family detached, attached and zero lot line units or 152 multi-family dwelling units as permitted uses in the Residential (R-1) District by providing for: Section One, Amendments to Cover Page; Section Two, Amendments to the Table of Contents/Exhibits page; Section Three, Amendment to Statement of Compliance section; Section Four, Amendments to Project Description section; Section Five, Amendments to Permitted Uses and Development Standards section including a revised legal description and removal of requirement to contribute to affordable housing trust fund for units developed in R-1 District; providing for addition of Deviations; Section Six, Amendments to Exhibit A, the PUD Master Plan and Addition of Exhibit B, R-1 District Master Plan, Exhibit C, Sidewalk Page 4 March 25,2014 Exhibit, Exhibit D, Turn Lane Detail; and Section Seven, Effective Date. The subject property is north of Immokalee Road and east of Valewood Drive in Section 20, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. (PUDZ-A-PL20090001891) Ordinance 2014-14 —Adopted 5/0 10. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A. Recommendation the Board of County Commissioners approve two separate Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with both East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District (ENFD) and the Golden Gate Fire Control and Rescue District (GGFD) that will authorize Collier County to assume fire plans review duties on behalf of these two Independent Fire Districts. (Commissioner Henning) Approved — 5/0 B. Recommendation to direct the County Manager to work the East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District (ENFD), the Ochopee Fire District Advisory Board, and the City of Everglades to develop a plan to merge the Ochopee Fire District with the ENFD, and to return to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation. (Commissioner Henning) Motion to approve with direction the County Manager's Office and Mayor Hamilton work together to enhance service, retain firefighters from Ochopee, equipment and bring back to the BCC — Approved 5/0 11. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT A. Recommendation to authorize staff to upgrade the current Harris Corporation Public Safety Radio System to P25 technology using the State of Florida Contract. (Len Price, Administrative Services Administrator) Motion directing staff to competitively solicit for a communications engineer to evaluate what is needed and costs involved and bring back a detailed analysis and coordinate with all end users —Approved 5/0 B. Recommendation to award ITB #14-6224, Facility Improvements at 8300 Radio Road for construction improvements at Collier Area Transit Administration & Operations Facility to Compass Construction, Inc., in the amount of$3,721,994 and authorize the Chairman to sign the attached contract. (Steve Carnell, Public Services Administrator) Approved — 5/0 Page 5 March 25,2014 C. Recommendation to accept a status report describing the RESTORE Evaluation Committee's rankings of proposed projects submitted for possible RESTORE funds. (Bill Lorenz, Natural Resources Director) Motion to accept report (which is subject to change) —Approved 5/0 D. Recommendation to approve County grant application submittals for the Big Cypress Basin Local Partnership Grant FY15 Request totaling $5,011,900 $4,511,900, (Executive Summary referenced correct amount) South Florida Water Management District Grant process, and approve the ranking of the proposed County submittals. (Bill Lorenz, Natural Resources Director) Approved — 5/0 E. Recommendation to approve the purchase of property insurance effective April 1, 2014 in the estimated amount of$3,309,048, a decrease of $243,614. (Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director) Approved — 5/0 Moved from Item #16A15 (Per Agenda Change Sheet) F. Recommendation to direct staff to bring back an expedited amendment to Land Development Code (LDC), Section 2.03.07.G.6.b, adjusting the date for program participation regarding Immokalee Nonconforming Mobile Home Parks to January 9, 2020. Approved —3/2 (Commissioner Fiala and Commissioner Coyle opposed) 12. COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 13. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS 14. AIRPORT AUTHORITY AND/OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A. AIRPORT B. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 15. STAFF AND COMMISSION GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Current BCC Workshop Schedule —April 1st Workshop reminder B. County Manager— County Attorney's Office will temporarily take over Advisory Board member applications and associated duties Page 6 March 25,2014 C. Commissioner Fiala — Concerns regarding staff coverage in BCC Office D. Commissioner Hiller— Would like to commend the East Naples Band that played at the RSVP Luncheon she attended E. Commissioner Hiller—Will be going to the FAC Conference in Tallahassee with Commissioner Fiala F. Commissioner Nance— Immokalee IFIS Center's new director and funding concerns G. Commissioner Henning— Received correspondence from Marco Island City Council requesting a workshop H. Commissioner Henning— Motion to adjourn — Consensus 16. CONSENT AGENDA - ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THIS ITEM ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ONE MOTION WITHOUT SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF EACH ITEM. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, THAT ITEM(S) WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. Approved and/or Adopted w/Changes — 5/0 A. GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION 1) Recommendation to approve final acceptance of the Water Utility Facility for Naples Elk Lodge 2010, PL20120002153, and to authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to release the Utility Performance Security Bond (UPS) and Final Obligation Bond in the total amount of$8,079.15 to the Project Engineer or the Developer's designated agent. Located at 11250 Tamiami Trail East, Naples 2) Recommendation to approve final acceptance of the Water and Sewer Utility Facilities for The Quarry Phase 3 and Phase 3 Replat, PL20120000731, and to authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to release the Final Obligation Bond in the amount of $4,000 to the Project Engineer or the Developer's designated agent. In Section 13-14 & 23-24, Township 48 South, Range 26 East 3) Recommendation to authorize the Clerk of Courts to release a Performance Bond No. 105870788 in the amount of$30,000 which Page 7 March 25, 2014 was posted as a Development Guaranty for work associated with Creekside Commerce Park East, Early Work Authorization, PL20130002180. The final plat and construction plans were approved by the Board December 10, 2013 therefore the bond is no longer required 4) Recommendation to authorize the Clerk of Courts to release Performance Bond No. 6177469 amount of$500,000 which was posted as a Development Guaranty for work associated with Veronawalk, Excavation Permit No. 59.834, Application Request No. AR-2963. Lakes were inspected for compliance using County excavation regulations 5) Recommendation to authorize the Clerk of Courts to release Performance Bond No. 929563702 in the amount of$66,000 which was posted as a Development Guaranty for work associated with Riverstone Plat 4 - Lake 12, Excavation Permit No. 59.912-1, Application Request No. 20120002198. Lakes were inspected for compliance using County excavation regulations 6) This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve for recording the final plat of Hacienda Lakes of Naples (Application Number PPL-PL20130001050) approval of the standard form Construction and Maintenance Agreement and approval of the amount of the Performance Security. W/stipulations 7) This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve for recording the final plat of Hacienda Lakes of Naples Phase II, (Application Number PPL-PL20130000589) approval of the standard form Construction and Maintenance Agreement and approval of the amount of the Performance Security. W/stipulations Page 8 March 25, 2014 8) This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve for recording the final plat of Winding Cypress Phase One, (Application Number PPL-PL20130001373) approval of the standard form Construction and Maintenance Agreement and approval of the amount of the Performance Security. W/stipulations 9) Recommendation to authorize the Clerk of Courts to release a Performance Security in the amount of$13,820 which was posted as a development guaranty for work associated with Sierra Meadows Lot 8 (PL20130001422). The bond is no longer required as the final site development plans were approved by Engineering Services on September 30, 2013 10) Recommendation to approve final acceptance of the private roadway and drainage improvements for the final plat of Veronawalk Phase 4D, (Application Number PL20110000202) with the roadway and drainage improvements being privately maintained and to authorize the County Manager, or his designee, acceptance of the plat dedications and to release the maintenance security in the amount of $57,774. Resolution 2014-54 11) Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Collier County Landscape Maintenance Agreement (Agreement) between Collier County and Camden Lakes Property Owners Association, Inc. (Association) for landscape and irrigation improvements at the intersection of Learning Lane and Livingston Road. Insuring the developer and community maintain improvements 12) Recommendation to approve a release of lien in the accrued amount of$14,932.34 for payment of$1,882.34, in the Code Enforcement action entitled Board of County Commissioners v. John P. Waara, Special Magistrate Case No. CEPM20130001261, relating to property located at 223 Kirtland Drive, Collier County, Florida. For a total of 54 days of non-compliance for an unmaintained pool, which was brought into compliance on August 7, 2013 Page 9 March 25, 2014 13) Recommendation to approve the partial release of a lien in the accrued amount of$56,555.06 for payment of$2,005.06, in the Code Enforcement action entitled Board of County Commissioners vs. Taylor Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corporation, Special Magistrate Case No. CEPM20120012329, relating to property known as 8010 Kilkenny Court, Collier County, Florida. For a total of 220 days of non-compliance that have been abated 14) Recommendation to approve the payment of$4,600 to the Marco Island Civic Association, Inc. for repairs and restoration to their property caused by damages that occurred during the South Marco Beach Renourishment and Erosion Control Rebuild Project (#195- 80211), and the Maintenance Grading of the North Marco Island Beach Project (#195-90533) this past year and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. To install and grade washed shell on the access road, replace damaged curb near the fire entrance, replace asphalt and includes all necessary city permits Moved to Item #11F (Per Agenda Change Sheet) 15) Recommendation to direct staff to bring back an expedited amendment to Land Development Code (LDC), Section 2.03.07.G.6.b, adjusting the date for program participation regarding Immokalee Nonconforming Mobile Home Parks to January 9, 2020. 16) Recommendation to approve the short list of design professionals pursuant to RFP No. 14-6190, "Golden Gate City Stormwater Drainage Improvement Project Engineering Design," Project Number 50129 and authorize staff to negotiate contracts with the top ranked firms for subsequent Board approval. Firms of Agnoli Barber and Brundage, Johnson Engineering, CH2M Hill, RWA Consulting, Q. Grady Minor and Hole Montes 17) Recommendation to grant final approval and acceptance of the private roadway improvements and the associated maintenance responsibilities for Tract "B" of the plat of Treasure Point. Resolution 2014-55 18) Recommendation to authorize the necessary budget amendment to purchase an International, 20 cubic yard Model 7500, dump truck with Page 10 March 25,2014 funding from fuel cost savings in fiscal year 2014. Replacing a 2003 Model 19) Recommendation to adopt a Resolution granting a design variance that authorizes a speed limit increase from forty-five miles per hour (45 mph) to fifty miles per hour (50 mph) on Collier Boulevard from Davis Boulevard to US41. Resolution 2014-56 20) Recommendation to enter into a Cooperative Public-Private Agreement with Wallace Homes of Southwest Florida, Inc., and the Palm River Homeowners and Civic Association to share in the cost of improvements that enhance the character of the neighborhood and concurrently rehabilitates the pedestrian transportation infrastructure on Piper Boulevard (Project Number 60184). For a concrete sidewalk and park within the neighborhood that includes landscape and decorative features Continued to the April 8, 2014 BCC Meeting (Per Agenda Change Sheet) 21) Recommendation to approve an amended and restated Developer Contribution Agreement (DCA) between DR Horton, Inc. (Developer) and Collier County (County) to provide water management and financial contributions for the construction of Tree Farm Road. 22) This item has been continued from the March 11, 2014 BCC meeting. Recommendation to approve the prioritization of five limerock roads for the purpose of limerock road conversion, from the Road Maintenance Limerock Road Conversion Program (LRCP), Project #60128, in FY2014. Converting the roads: 30th Avenue SE, West of Everglades Blvd.; 30th Avenue SE, East of Everglades Blvd.; 8th Avenue NE, East of Desoto Blvd.; 2nd Street NW, South of 25th Avenue NW and 58th Avenue NE, West of Desoto Blvd. Added (Per Agenda Change Sheet) 23) Recommendation to approve an Easement Use Agreement as it relates to Lot 4, L'Ermitage at Grey Oaks. Allowing a pool deck and planters that encroach 4.7 feet onto the County's easement Page 11 March 25,2014 Added and then withdrawn (Per County Manager's Office) 24) Recommendation to approve the developer removing up to 20,000 cubic yards of unanticipated excess excavated material from the site of the Canopy subdivision pursuant to Chapter 22-1210(b)(2) of the Codes of Laws and Ordinances. B. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1) Recommendation the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) acting in its capacity as Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approve an extension to the previously approved exit strategy document further extending the dissolution date of the Immokalee Business Development Center (IBDC) from March 31, 2014 to July 31, 2014 so the IBDC can carry out its grant funded obligations. An extension is required due to administrative issues during the procurement process for the professional services solicitation related to the feasibility study 2) Recommendation that the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency accept the Bayshore Gateway Triangle and Immokalee CRA's 2013 Annual Reports, forward the reports to the Board of County Commissioners and Clerk of Courts and publish public notice of the filing. C. PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION 1) Recommendation to approve the Satisfaction for a certain Notice of Promise to Pay and Agreement to Extend Payment of Water and/or Sewer System Impact Fees. Fiscal impact is $18.50 to record the Satisfaction of Lien. Folio #81620520002 2) Recommendation to approve the rankings of firms under Request for Proposal #14-6221, "CEI and Related Services - U.S. 41 from C.R. 951 to Greenway Road," and to direct staff to negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm, Atkins North America, Inc. For water and wastewater infrastructure relocation 3) Recommendation to approve Amendment Four closing out the State Revolving Fund Loan Agreement through the Florida Department of Page 12 March 25,2014 Environmental Protection for the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant 12 Million Gallons per Day Reverse Osmosis Plant Expansion (Project Number 700971). As detailed in the Executive Summary 4) Recommendation to approve Amendment Four closing out the State Revolving Fund Loan Agreement through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant 20-Million Gallons per Day Wellfield Expansion, (Project #708921). As detailed in the Executive Summary D. PUBLIC SERVICES DIVISION 1) Recommendation to authorize execution of the 2012/2013 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Flexible Funds grant award in the amount of$1,186,055 and appropriate necessary budget amendments to allow capital improvement construction of the Collier Area Transit facility at 8300 Radio Road prior to execution of said grant award. FM #433753-1-94-01; FTA FL-95-X069 2) Recommendation to authorize execution of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 49 U.S.C. § 5339 Federal FY13 Grant Award in the amount of$353,562 and authorize the necessary budget amendments to support capital improvement construction at the Collier Area Transit Facility located at 8300 Radio Road, prior to the execution of said grant award. FM #434030-1-91; FTA FL-34-004 3) Recommendation to approve a Resolution adopting the Collier Area Transit Title VI Program. Resolution 2014-57 4) Recommendation to approve proposed route modifications within the fixed route transit system. The changes and new route to take effect on June 1, 2014 5) Recommendation to approve a mortgage satisfaction for a State Housing Initiatives Partnership loan in the amount of$3,000. Located at 13585 Koinonia Drive, Naples Page 13 March 25,2014 6) Recommendation to approve a budget amendment recognizing $220,627 in State Aid to Libraries grant revenue and appropriating expenditures on library materials, services, and equipment. The library received notice from the State on February 7, 2014 of the awarded grant funds 7) Recommendation to approve a Resolution authorizing the County Manager or his designee to submit a grant application in the amount of$72,500 to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Florida Boating Improvement Program for improvements to Ann Olesky Park with an in-kind financial match of$7,500. Resolution 2014-58 8) Recommendation to approve Amendments and Attestation Statements with Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc. d/b/a Senior Choices of Southwest Florida for the Community Care for the Elderly and Alzheimer's Disease Initiative programs to ensure continuous funding for FY 2013/2014. Providing uninterrupted services for Collier County Services for Seniors frail and elderly clients 9) Recommendation to Award Invitation to Bid No. 14-6199, Older Americans Act Title IIIE Facility Respite and Adult Daycare, to Arden Courts-Lely Palms of Naples Florida, LLC. For Collier County Services for Seniors clients E. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION 1) Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment #1 to Agreement #11-5689, "Brokerage and Insurance Coverage" to reflect Federal Emergency Management Administration directives on the payment of commissions for flood insurance. As detailed in the Executive Summary 2) Recommendation to accept the donation of four and one half(4.5) acres of land by Avatar Properties, Inc. (formally known as GAC Properties, Inc.) to Collier County for the Sheriff's Office use as a gun range, pursuant to the 1983 Agreement with Collier County for Government Facilities within Golden Gate Estates. Located along Oil Well Grade Road and 70th Avenue NE, Naples Page 14 March 25,2014 3) Recommendation to award Invitation to Bid #13-6133 Court Reporting Services to two vendors: Gregory Court Reporting Service, Inc. and Digital Depo Services, Inc. Both contracts are for one year, with 3-one year renewal options 4) Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an Assumption Agreement assigning Contract #11-5754 "Tourism Development Council Fulfillment Services" from Phase V Southwest Florida, Inc. to Answer Pro, LLC. Assuming the current contract extended to December 12, 2014 5) Recommendation to approve the transfer of funds from the "GAC Trust Fund" and associated Budget Amendment to reimburse the Collier County Parks and Recreation Department for the purchase of exercise equipment for the Louise Hasse Community Center in an amount not to exceed $62,000. Replacing worn equipment and purchasing newer updated and dependable equipment 6) Recommendation to approve a process to hire temporary employees not identified in the award of Invitation to Bid (ITB) #14-6214 for Temporary Clerical Services to Premier Staffing Source, Inc., JuriStaff, Inc. and Balance Professional, Inc. For seven office positions with specific hourly rates that include the negotiated administrative mark-up fee 7) Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an Interlocal Agreement for an Advanced Life Support Partnership between Collier County and the Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control and Rescue District. As detailed in the Executive Summary 8) Recommendation to award Invitation to Bid #14-6231 —Mass Casualty Ambulance to Sartin Services, Inc. in the amount $479,982. For the purchase of a mass medical multi-patient ambulance F. COUNTY MANAGER OPERATIONS 1) Recommendation to adopt a resolution approving amendments (appropriating grants, donations, contributions or insurance proceeds) Page 15 March 25,2014 to the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Adopted Budget. Resolution 2014-59 2) Recommendation to approve a revised agreement with AVIAREPS Airline Management Inc., for tourism representation services in Brazil and authorize the Chairman to sign a County Attorney approved contract and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. Changes include an effective date, correct legal name and address of contractor, signature block, clarification on monitoring services delivered, travel expenses and the exchange rate G. AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1) Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners, in its capacity as the Collier County Airport Authority, authorize staff to accept a payment plan that was proposed during discussions with Gulf Coast Design Products, Inc. The tenant has been given the opportunity to get current while negotiating a sublease that will take effect January 1, 2015, as the tenant has been on a month to month tenancy for the past 7 years 2) Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners, in its capacity as the Collier County Airport Authority, authorize staff to accept a payment plan that was proposed during discussions with Salazar Machine & Steel, Inc. The tenant has paid all back rent due as of February 28, 2014 and only the late fee balance of$6,810.21 remains w/staff requesting a waiver of interest charges if payment plan is approved 3) Recommendation to approve the attached Commercial Aviation Operations License Agreement (Licensee) with Van Wagner Aerial Media for banner towing operations at the Immokalee Regional Airport. On a month-to-month basis until written notice of termination is given by one party or the other 4) Recommendation to approve a Resolution authorizing execution of Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement Number One, to Contract No. AR519 with the Florida Department of Transportation to provide additional funds in the amount of$688,436 for Runway #9-27 Page 16 March 25,2014 Rehabilitation Construction at the Immokalee Regional Airport (Project #33300), and authorize the necessary budget amendments. Resolution 2014-60 5) Recommendation to approve a Resolution authorizing execution of Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement, Number One, (JPA) to Contract No. AQR22 with the Florida Department of Transportation to provide additional funds in the amount of$44,623 for the design, permitting, and bidding of Runway #9-27 Rehabilitation at the Immokalee Regional Airport (Project#33227), and authorize the necessary budget amendments. Resolution 2014-61 6) Recommendation to authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Resolution authorizing execution of Supplemental Agreement One to Joint Participation Agreement No. AR513 with the Florida Department of Transportation to provide additional funds in the amount of$135,134 for Runway #17-35 and associated Aircraft Apron Rehabilitation Construction at the Marco Island Executive Airport (Project #33301), and authorize the necessary budget amendments. Resolution 2014-62 7) Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners acting as the Airport Authority approve a Site License Agreement with the Immokalee Chamber of Commerce for vehicle parking at the Immokalee Regional Airport for a Harvest Festival March 29, 2014. Utilizing non-aviation area at the Southwest portion of the airport H. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1) Appointment of member to the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee. Resolution 2014-63: Reappointing William H. Poteet Jr., to the term expiring February 11, 2017 2) Appointment of member to the Golden Gate Community Center. Advisory Board. Resolution 2014-64: Reappointing William Arthur, to the term expiring December 31, 2016 Page 17 March 25,2014 3) Commissioner Fiala requests Board approval for reimbursement regarding attendance at a function serving a Valid Public Purpose. Will attend the annual Honor the Free Press Lunch on April 9, 2014. The sum of$30 to be paid from Commissioner Fiala's travel budget. To be held at the Naples Hilton, 5111 Tamiami Trail N, Naples I. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE J. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS 1) To obtain Board approval for disbursements for the period of March 6, 2014 through March 12, 2014 and for submission into the official records of the Board. 2) To obtain Board approval for disbursements for the period of March 13, 2014 through March 19, 2014 and for submission into the official records of the Board. K. COUNTY ATTORNEY 1) Recommendation to authorize application for tax deeds for thirty- seven (37) County-held tax certificates and the forwarding of a written notice to proceed with tax deed applications to the Tax Collector. 2) Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve increasing a Purchase Order in the amount of$25,000 to cover attorney fees anticipated in support of eminent domain litigation for the US-41/Collier Boulevard Intersection Improvement project (Project No. 60116). Fiscal Impact $25,000. To continue finalizing the remaining 13 parcels 3) Recommendation to approve Amendment #1 to Contract #12-5890- NS "Aderant North America, Inc., End User License Agreement" for software utilized by the County Attorney's office; and authorize the Chairman to sign the Amendment. For upgrades to the case management system used by the CAO 4) Recommendation that the Board approves an expenditure of$5,000 for mediation services for Jim Helinger, Jr. (Project Number 51101), Page 18 March 25,2014 and authorizes the County Attorney to retain Mr. Helinger for future mediations under the terms of the attached letter. Terms include hourly rate, review and summaries of the case, conferring with attorneys and travel 17. SUMMARY AGENDA - THIS SECTION IS FOR ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS AND MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1) A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL FROM STAFF; 2) UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL BY THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OR OTHER AUTHORIZING AGENCIES OF ALL MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING; 3) NO WRITTEN OR ORAL OBJECTIONS TO THE ITEM RECEIVED BY STAFF, THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, OTHER AUTHORIZING AGENCIES OR THE BOARD, PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE BCC MEETING ON WHICH THE ITEMS ARE SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD; AND 4) NO INDIVIDUALS ARE REGISTERED TO SPEAK IN OPPOSITION TO THE ITEM. FOR THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE QUASI- JUDICIAL IN NATURE, ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE SWORN IN. Adopted w/Changes— 5/0 A. This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to approve an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida amending Resolution Number R-73-22-C which established the Naples Bath and Tennis Club Planned Unit Development, as amended by Ordinance Numbers 74-47, 75-48, 81-61 and 10-05, to allow construction of a single family dwelling unit within Tract B, Recreational Club Development and to allow sports instructional schools and camps as a principal use and a private school accessory to a sports instructional school as an accessory use within Tract B, Recreational Club Development; and further providing for Development Standards and adoption of Exhibit E-1, Location Map for Single Family Home within Tract B. The subject property is located on Airport Road, south of Pine Ridge Road in Section 14, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; and by providing an effective date. [PUDA- PL20130000175] Ordinance 2014-13 Page 19 March 25,2014 Continued to the April 8, 2014 BCC Meeting (Per Agenda Change Sheet) B. This item requires that ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Should a hearing be held on this item, all participants are required to be sworn in. Recommendation to consider an ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida amending Ordinance Number 08-13 which established the Brandon Residential Planned Unit Development, to retain the density of 204 residential units; to revise the Master Plan to change the location of the entrance road on Veterans Memorial Boulevard, to reconfigure the on-site preserve areas and reconfigure the development area; to revise development standards; to add deviations; and to modify development commitments including removal of the affordable housing commitment. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of Livingston Road and Veterans Memorial Boulevard in Section 13, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, consisting of 51± acres; and by providing an effective date. [PUDA- PL20130001056] C. Recommendation to adopt a resolution approving amendments (appropriating carry forward, transfers and supplemental revenue) to the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Adopted Budget. Resolution 2014-65 18. ADJOURN— Motion to adjourn — Consensus INQUIRIES CONCERNING CHANGES TO THE BOARD'S AGENDA SHOULD BE MADE TO THE COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE AT 252-8383. Page 20 March 25,2014