CAC Agenda 05/09/2013 2013 Coastal Advisory Committee Agenda May 9 , 2013 Meeting Agenda and Notice COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, May 9, 2013 - 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES *Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions •2013 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. April 11, 2013 VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report 2. Marco South Project - Update 3. Wiggins Pass Project - Update 4. Major Beach Renourishment Bid - Discussion 5. May 7, 2013 - Beach Funding Workshop - Discussion and Update 6. Doctors Pass - Discussion 7. Major Beach Renourishment Permit - Discussion VIII. New Business 1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman 2. Summer Schedule 3. Tourist Tax Ordinance 4. FY 13 -14 Grant Submittals IX. Old Business X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date /Location June 13, 2013 Government Center, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252 -2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252 -8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99 -22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony P. Pires, Jr., Esq., Chairman Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee FROM: Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorne � DATE: March 18, 2010 RE: Sunshine Law and Agenda question The issue presented is whether the Sunshine Law requires that an agenda be made available prior to board meetings. In summary, the answer is no. The Sunshine Law Manual (2009 Ed. Vol. 31) provides the following: The Attorney General's Office recommends publication of an agenda, if available, in the notice of the meeting;. if an agenda is not available, subject matter summations might be used. However, the courts have held that the Sunshine Law does not mandate that an agency provide notice of each item to be discussed via a published agenda. Such a specific requirement has been rejected because it could effectively preclude access to meetings by members of the general public who wish to bring specific issues before a governmental body. See Hough v. Stembridge, 278 So. 2d 288 (Fla. 3d DCA 1973). And see Yarbrough v. Young, 462 So. 2d 515 (Fla. 1 st DCA 1985) (posted agenda unnecessary; public body not required to postpone meeting due to inaccurate press report which was not part of the public body's official notice efforts). Thus, the Sunshine Law has been interpreted to require notice of meetings, not of the individual items which may be considered at that meeting. However, other statutes, codes or ordinances may impose such a requirement and agencies subject to those provisions must follow them. Accordingly, the Sunshine Law does not require boards to consider only those matters on a published agenda. "[W]hether to impose a requirement that restricts every relevant commission or board from considering matters not on an agenda is a policy decision to be made by the legislature." Law and Information Services, Inc. v. City of Riviera Beach, 670 So. 2d 1014, 1016 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996). Today's Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee was properly noticed in compliance with the Sunshine Law on or about February 1, 2010. Further, the agenda for today's meeting was also publically noticed on the County's website on Monday, March 15, 2010. The related back -up materials for the agenda were supplemented and available on the County's website on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. In addition, a number of these materials also appeared on the agenda for the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2010. In my opinion, there is no violation of the Sunshine Law and no legal issue regarding the date the agenda was published. cc: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management TO: CAC Board Members FROM: Gail Hambright, Accountant DATE: December 1, 2012 SUBJECT: 2013 CAC Scheduled Meetings Please mark your calendar for the following 2013 CAC scheduled meeting dates: January 10, 2013 February 14, 2013 March 14, 2013 April 11, 2013 May 9, 2013 June 13, 2013 July 11, 2013 August 8, 2013 September 12, 2013 October 10, 2013 November 14, 2013 December 12, 2013 All meetings will be held in the Board of County Commissioner's chambers, third floor, Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, unless otherwise noted. A public notice will be sent out before each meeting. Wilier Ccxxty Coastal Zom Managenwnt • 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 103 . Naples, Florida 34112 - 5746.239- 252 -2966 • FAX 239 - 252 -2950 www. coltiergov .netfcoastatxonemanagement CAC May 9, 2013 VI -1 Approval of Minutes 1 of 6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, April 11, 2013 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F ", 3 r Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III Jim Burke Anthony Pires Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Larry Hong (Excused) Debbie Roddy (Vacancy) ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples CAC May 9, 2013 VI -1 Approval of Minutes 2 of 6 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1:OOPM II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following additions: VII.2 Wiggins Pass Update VII.3 Marco South Update VIIA Marco Beaches Laser Grading update Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 7 — 0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. March 14, 2013 Mr. Moreland moved to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2013 meeting subject to the following change: Page 3, paragraph 4, bullet point from "...to commence on May 18." to "...to commence on March 18. " Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 7 — 0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report — Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Collier County Tourist Tax Revenue FY 12 TDC Revenue Report" dated through March 31, 2013. The Committee recommended consideration be given to amending the report to remove the forecasted numbers and replace them with actual collections when a months collections has be identified. 2. Wiggins Pass Update Gary McAlpin reported: • The dredging is expected to be completed by 4/20/13. • During the dredging operation, 2 — 4Kcy of rock has been identified in sporadic locations in the outer channel area. CAC May 9, 2013 VI -1 Approval of Minutes 3 of 6 • A new survey will be undertaken to determine the exact locations and elevation of the rock. • Upon completion of the survey, a determination will be made on how much of the rock, if any needs to be removed to meet the goals of the project. • The project will continue to be scope managed so costs remain within the approved amounts including a $50K addition of funds approved by the BCC for the project. • Staff intends to request a 30 day extension for completion for the project from any applicable agencies. 3. Marco South Update Gary McAlpin reported: • It is anticipated the renourishment will be completed by 4/19/13. • The rock work associated with project is underway and the schedule may be impacted by inclement weather. • The rock work is anticipated to be completed by 5/1/13 but, as a precautionary measure, Staff will be requesting a 14 day extension to complete the work from the City of Marco Island and any other necessary agencies. 4. Marco Beaches Laser Grading Update Gary McAlpin reported there was a delay in issuance of the Purchase Order, however the work is anticipated to be completed by 5/1/13. VIII. New Business LCO N o. 3 to WO 45- 141808 Peer Review ES * Atkins Proposal — Backup Material Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary `Recommendation to approve Change Order No. 3 to WO 45- 141808 and authorize the expenditure of Tourist Development Category "A " tax funds for a Peer Review of the Collier County Beaches volume design by Atkins North American, Inc. under Contract No. 09- 5262 -CZ for a lump sum amount of $12,472 dated April 11, 2013 for consideration. The request is for compensation of additional time incurred on the work above and beyond a typical Peer Review analysis including attendance at public meetings for explanations of the work completed. Speaker Bob Krasowski posed questions to Mr. McAlpin on detailed requirements of the Peer Review which were answered by Mr. McAlpin Mr. Pires stated the written documentation provided does not support the additional payment request in the area of meeting attendance and the information should be clarified. Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order No. 3 to WO 45- 141808 and authorize the expenditure of Tourist Development Category "A" tax funds for a Peer Review of the Collier County Beaches volume design by Atkins North American, Inc. under Contract No. 09- 5262 -CZ for a lump sum CAC May 9, 2013 VI -1 Approval of Minutes 4 of 6 amount of $12,472. Second by Mr. Burke. Motion carried 6 "yes" — I "no." Mr. Pires voted "no." The Committee requested Staff to revise the Executive Summary before presentation of the item to the Tourist Development Council and Board of County Commissioners to address Mr. Pires concern on the backup documentation related to the request. 2. BCC Workshop — Update Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve the Atkins North American peer review of the Coastal Planning and Engineering design for the 2013114 beach renourishment project and conduct a workshop to determine exact sand volumes to be placed for the 2013114 project" dated April 11, 2013 for information purposes. He noted a BCC workshop was held on April 5, 2013 where the major beach renourishment project was discussed including the parameters of the Board of County Commissioners approval and the quantities of sand to be placed in specific location. He reported the bids for work necessary to complete the major beach renourishment are due back to the County on April 16, 2013. Chairman Sorey reported it is important to endorse the methodology and models developed to complete the design as proposed. This requires final survey data before the sand is placed to ensure the methodology utilized is successful in achieving the plans goals. It is not prudent to solely focus on determining the exact quantity of sand to be placed in specific areas. Speaker Bob Krasowski questioned the requirements for payment by the Pelican Bay for their renourishment, when the jetty at Doctors Pass will be repaired and an explanation on why the sand dredged from Doctors Pass can't be placed just south of the Pass. Chairman Sorey reported the charges to Pelican Bay will be a lump sum per cubic yard price including mobilization costs. The Doctors Pass jetty repair will be undertaken when funds become available. The existing permit for the dredging at Doctors Pass requires the sand to be placed at Lowdermilk Park (near shore placement) and the County is seeking an amendment to place the sand south of Doctors Pass. On a related note, there may be approximately $1M proposed for beach renourishment engineering from a State funding source via Senator Richter's proposal. Doctor's Pass Dredging survey and Discussion • Humiston & Moore Proposal - Backup Material • Survey of Doctors Pass - Backup Material • Engineering Monitoring Report - Backup Material Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Work Order with Humiston & Moore Engineering for Doctors Pass Maintenance Dredging for a not to exceed time and material amount of $36,910, make a finding that this item CAC May 9, 2013 VI -1 Approval of Minutes 5 of 6 promotes tourism and approve necessary budget amendment from 195 reserves " dated April 11, 2013 for consideration. He noted: • The bathometric survey and engineering report has been completed including recommended volumes (approximately 36K cy) of sand to be removed from the Pass. • The request is for the preparation of bidding specifications and construction phases services required from the vendor for the work associated with the dredging. • The existing permit requires the sand to be placed at Lowdermilk Park. • Staff proposes to amend the existing permit so the sand may be placed south of Doctors Pass, thereby possibly reducing the overall sand volume required to complete the major beach renourishment project. • Staff anticipates the following schedule: • Item heard by the Tourist Development Council on 4/22/13. • Item heard by the Board of County Commissioners on 5/14/13. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) approval in June. • FDEP Notice to Proceed issued on 8/15/13. • If a permit is not granted or delayed, Staff would rely on the existing permit and place the sand at Lowdermilk Park. • Rock removal is not proposed, as the funds are not available and the current practice has been successful for a 3 -5 year time frame. Speaker Bob Krasowski expressed concern the work would be undertaken during turtle nesting season and consideration should be given to initiate the work on 11/1/13. If TDC funds are intended to be utilized to complete the work, it may be prudent going forward to consider development of an MSTU to fund maintenance of the Pass. Chairman Sorey reported there is an Inter -local Agreement between the County and City of Naples which restricts where any activity may occur given TDC funds are utilized to complete the work. Mr. McAlpin stated the request is for approval of the engineering plans and specifications, construction phase support, observation and final certifications associated with the dredging project. Mr. Moreland moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve Work Order with Humiston & Moore Engineering for Doctors Pass Maintenance Dredging for a not to exceed time and material amount of $36,910.00. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 7 — 0. Mr. Rios moved to make a finding that the item promotes tourism and recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve necessary budget amendment from 195 reserves. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 7 — 0. IX. Old Business CAC May 9, 2013 VI -1 Approval of Minutes 6of6 None X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion None XII. Next Meeting Date/Location May 9, 2013 — Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 2:38 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board /Committee on as presented or as amended CAC May 9, 2013 VII Staff Reports 1 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REVENUE FY 13 TDC Revenue Report 30 -ADr -2013 Bud et FFY 3 Adopted FY 13 (5 %) I FY 13 Net I Variance to FY 13 Descri tion Fund ud et Reserved by La Budget FY 13 Forecast Budget Beach Facilities 183 2,368,600 (121,600) 2,247,000 2,182,200 - 186,400 TDC Promotion 184 3,588,800 (180,800) 3,408,000 4,147,300 558,500 Non - County Muse 193 342,000 (17,100) 324,900 365,500 23,500 TDC Admin 194 1,667,700 (83,400) 1,584,300 1,782,700 115,000 Beach Renourishr 195 4,809,000 (297,900) 4,511,100 5,222,300 413,300 Promotion Disast 196 0 0 0 0 County Museums 198 1,579,100 (79,100) 1,500,000 1,645,200 66,100 Gross Budget $14,355,200 (779,900) $13,575,300 $15,345,200 $990,000 Less 5% Rev Res (779,900) Net Budget 13,575,300 Collections Budget Collected to % over FY 12 % over FY 11 % over FY 10 Month Actual FY 13 Cum YTD Date collections collections collections Oct 627,861 627,861 4.374% 19.52% 31.12% 41.11% Nov 734,419 1,362,280 9.490% 6.18% 17.48% 34.27% Dec 959,221 2,321,501 16.172% 3.73% 27.88% 28.74% Jan 1,276,477 3,597,978 25.064% 5.62% 26.42% 20.69% Feb 2,057,493 5,655,471 39.397% 7.89% 28.49% 22.57% Mar 2,396,642 8,052,113 56.092% 3.05% 18.29% 17.89% Apr 3,303,059 11,355,172 79.101% 18.49% 28.68% 37.28% May 0 11,355,172 79.101% n/a n/a n/a June 0 11,355,172 79.101% n/a n/a n/a July 0 11,355,172 79.101% n/a n/a n/a Aug 0 11,355,172 79.101% n/a n/a n/a Sept 0 11,355,172 79.101% n/a n/a n/a Total 11,355,172 11,355,172 9.49% 25.36% 27.41% t, (a 3.00000% Bal to Collect 3,990,028 Budget Comparison 5 Yr Collect 5 Yr Collect Budgeted Actual Budget to Actual Forecast Month History-Cum History-Monthly Collections Collections $ Variance Collections Oct 3.5% 3.5% 498,837 627,861 129,024 827,861 Nov 8.1% 4.7% 667,994 734,419 66,425 734,419 Dec 14.0% 5.9% 847,404 959,221 111,817 959,221 Jan 22.3% 8.3% 1,189,853 1,276,477 86,624 1,276,477 Feb 35.1% 12.8% 1,840,940 2,057,493 216,553 2,057,493 Mar 50.8% 15.7% 2,246,668 2,396,642 149,974 2,396,642 Apr 69.1% 18.3% 2,624,759 3,303,059 678,300 2,710,071 May 79.2% 10.2% 1,457,116 0 n/a 1,504,476 June 85.4% 6.1% 882,042 0 n/a 910,711 July 90.3% 4.9% 708,949 0 n/a 731,992 Aug 95.6% 5.2% 752,626 0 n/a 777,088 Set 100.0% 4.4% 638,012 0 2/a 658,749 Total 100.0% 100.0% 14,355,200 11,355,172 1,438,716 15,345,200 106.90 103.00 Tourist Tax Revenue Collection Curve N $3.5 .............'.. c '..$3.0 0 _._.. _._..._ _.___. ._ .. ........... c $2 ....._._.._ -Budgeted o$1.5 ' ..................... ............................... ............ ............................... ............................................ ...... ......._ '.. u -Actual '. $1.0 t... ___ ..... f ___... ................ . _ ... _ -_ -_- Forecast $0.5 � ............... ........................................................................................................................ ............................... $0.0 E .__._...._._..�......_._ .._....._ -. 51120134:15 PM H \Revenue ReportWonthly Gas, Sales, and TDC Receipts r N O C N O O) d T m C) U) Q = O (�iN 00 r W � tb h H N O H W C14 � w a m H H a U � h m F a O W h a Q H r � F # O z r >+ # OD co # co o U � W r a w u, a w 00 OD O N U w M h V' d' M N U r M W N 1- Q o O �D N N r-I O V \ > l0 in O d o z h a, H A a' M O F U) N U O\ M O d' A Ln W H CQ O CD H Lo M E. 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O � n o O vOi n m V1 Q N N N N N h n• Vf Vf N V� 1n VT N N CI 00 O Vt M l0 01 Q V M n N m � N m m o 0 N N N N i/T 'N to VI Vf VT V1 l l M O N O N O N CC Q 0 a 1 N ul 7 m M N I n O O m n oo m m Ic m ti Q N n m r U1 n ul Op lC O n n N m 2 O O N y O O N WI M 4-4 •Spp M m m m n H n M S 1D r1 M lD V v�1 N N N O O M N M (n Q &A N Gy1 0 M N 11 M 00 M 00 CL K N N N N N N N cr N uai T w ! VT U} V} V} V) VT VT cc W N N N Ol n IN Im c W h Q I Z N N rc U O N H Of N lD n M V >_ y�� r d N � N N V) 1A h VT lmO H n N oO V l0 V) H V1 �l � F V h h O � � Z DI ` F O u - u W C J J o L r m N V V o a m n N 01 M n N Vf V1 to N N N JI N O N O �m'1 n M h Vl Vf N V N N r vl O V O O CO 00 O Z N M N N N lD 7 N N Vl Vf N do vi n I^ N N voi ion r`�v m e N O� h N V1 N 1A V1 H 01 .Ni on uri m o m � 0 0 yy a 0. O � n o O vOi n m V1 Q N N N N N h n• Vf Vf N V� 1n VT N N CI 00 O Vt M l0 01 Q V M n N m � N m m o 0 N N N N i/T 'N to VI Vf VT V1 l l M O N O N O N CC Q 0 a 1 N ul 7 m M N I n O O m n oo m m Ic m ti Q N n m r U1 n ul Op lC O n n N m 2 O O N y O O N WI ti N m O m m m n O b O O n m a o w M o 0 H h H N Q h h to 0: m IR m a m N O N N N N N Ol n IN Im h Q I Z N N M N H 0•' m N o0 Of N r m Ict m m m m O o vi ai o ao Q N N 1A N N N W0 r W 01 O rl N m > O N ON N ON N N Q O O O O D 'i -0 0 ON 0 0 O 0 0 N O I" -.r rviay a, cv 1 o VII_R Ctaff Rannrtc 1 71� 10 4 ' ^ � [ , ' � ° ' ^^—~ 4' '�� ��/' | >�£1`Y' ||}C � _ .'—.'_ — .---^^ 11", ' ~"�~~p"'^"'^ vo'a Staff Reports - nof8 � to - � ^ ' . . l-` — ~ — , ^ y � '. � � ^^—~ 4' '�� ��/' | >�£1`Y' ||}C � _ .'—.'_ — .---^^ 11", ' ~"�~~p"'^"'^ vo'a Staff Reports - nof8 � - wl Ay 5, cv 1 0 VII-8 Staff Reports 4 of 6 RIM ez to 4 MIW IV7 -1- 9r meEr imp, kit,* Ov",k" bv. f: l+- IVIOY J, IV..! I. VII -8 Staff Reports 6 of 6 w CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -1 New Business 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Election of Chairman and Vice - Chairman OBJECTIVE: Election of Chairman and Vice - Chairman. CONSIDERATIONS: Councilman Sorey has completed the one -year term as chairman. In accordance with ordinance no. 2001 -03 at its earliest opportunity, the membership of the Committee shall elect a chairman and vice - chairman from among the members. Officers' terms shall be for a period of one (1) year, with eligibility for reelection. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: N/A PREPARED BY: Gail Hambright, CZM CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -2 New Business 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Determine summer schedule for CAC meetings OBJECTIVE: To determine summer schedule for CAC Meetings. CONSIDERATIONS: In the past the CAC took into account the summer schedule of County and City boards. The following schedules are listed to provide information to help determine scheduling for the CAC: 1. The Board of County Commissioners will have only one meeting in July scheduled for July 9, 2013 and will not reconvene until September 10, 2013. 2. The City of Naples will meet in June scheduled for June 12, 2013 and will not reconvene until August 19, 2013. 3. The City of Marco will only have one meeting in July scheduled for July 15, 2013 and will reconvene to their regular scheduled meeting on August 5, 2013. 4. The TDC are currently meeting every month. They have not finalized their summer meeting schedule at this time. Per previous year's scheduling of the above mentioned boards, the CAC did not meet in July of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and make summer schedule. Prepared by: Gail Hambright, CZM CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -3 New Business 1 of 7 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 92 -60, AS AMENDED, ALSO CITED AS SECTION 126 -83 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES, RELATING TO THE LEVY OF A 2% TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX, AN ADDITIONAL 1% TAX (3RD PERCENT), AND AN ADDITIONAL 1% TAX (4TH PERCENT) THROUGHOUT COLLIER COUNTY PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL OPTION TOURIST DEVELOPMENT ACT, SECTION 125.0104, FLORIDA STATUTES, AS AMENDED; BY AMENDING SECTION THREE, "USES OF TAX REVENUES," IN ORDER TO REALLOCATE CERTAIN TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX FUNDS AND ELIMINATE THOSE PROVISIONS THAT HAVE EXPIRED AND ARE OF NO FURTHER FORCE AND EFFECT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 125.0104, Florida Statutes, provides for the levy of a local option tourist development tax by any county; and WHEREAS, on August 18, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) adopted Ordinance No. 92 -60, which levied and imposed a 2% tourist and development tax throughout Collier County for the purposes permitted in Section 125.0104, Florida Statutes, as amended; and WHEREAS, through its adoption of Ordinance No. 95 -56 and Ordinance No. 2005 -43, the Board levied an additional 3`d and 4" percent tourist development tax; and WHEREAS, subsequent amendments to Ordinance No. 92 -60, as amended, included Ordinance No. 2009 -58, Ordinance No. 2010 -44, and Ordinance No. 2012 -08 which temporarily reallocated certain Tourist Development Tax funds; and WHEREAS, the time periods established for these temporary reallocations of Tourist Development Tax funds have expired; and WHEREAS, the Board, by an extraordinary vote, desires to amend the uses of tax revenue and the tourist development plan in order to redistribute certain Tourist Development Tax funds and eliminate expired provisions that are of no further force and effect; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments were presented to and approved by the Collier County Tourist Development Council. Words Underlined are added; Words e'^.,ough are deleted. Page 1 of 7 CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -3 New Business 2of7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE: AMENDMENT TO SECTION THREE OF ORDINANCE NO. 92 -60, AS AMENDED. Section Three is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION THREE - USES OF TAX REVENUES. (a) The tax revenues received pursuant to this division shall be used to fund the County Tourist Development Plan, which is hereby amended as follows: Tourist Development Plan The two percent tourist development tax was levied throughout Collier County beginning the first day of the second month following approval of this Ordinance by referendum. The tax district includes the entire geographic area of Collier County, Florida. The anticipated revenue for a two percent tourist development tax for all of Collier County over a 24 -month period was $7,000,000.00, less costs of administration. The additional one percent tourist development tax (3rd percent) was levied throughout the county beginning the first day of January, 1996. A majority of the electors of Collier County voting in a straw referendum election approved the continuation of the additional one percent tourist development tax prior to June 30, 2000, therefore the additional one percent tourist development tax shall continue until terminated by an amendment to this Ordinance. The tax district shall include the entire geographic area of Collier County, Florida. The additional tourist development tax (4th percent) shall be used to finance tourism promotion as provided herein. The tax district shall include the entire geographic area of Collier County, Florida. (1) The categories of use of the two percent, one percent (3rd percent) and additional one percent (4th percent) tax revenues by specific project or special use are hereby listed in the order of priority: CATEGORYA To finance beach park facilities or beach improvement, maintenance, renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including pass and inlet maintenance shoreline protection, enhancement, cleanup or restoration of inland lakes and rivers to which there is public access as these uses relate to the physical preservation of the beach, shoreline or inland lake or river. Words Underlined are added; Words Stmek Thfoogh are deleted. Page 2 of 7 CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -3 New Business 3of7 Percentage of Net Revenue M 32.584 percent of the two percent tax and 100 percent of the one percent tax (3rd percent), reduced by the amount required for Category D. CATEGORYB To promote and advertise county tourism within the State of Florida, nationally and internationally, which encourages tourism to Collier County and to fund convention bureaus, tourist bureaus, tourist information centers and news bureaus as county agencies. If tax revenues are expended for an activity, service, venue or event, the activity, service, venue or event shall have as one of its main purposes the attraction of tourists as evidenced by the promotion of the activity, service, venue or event to tourists. Percentage of Net Revenue 23.236 43.438 percent of the two percent tax and 100 percent of the additional one percent tax (4th percent) CATEGORY C To acquire, construct, extend, enlarge, remodel, repair, improve, maintain, operate or promote one or more County owned or operated museums or municipal owned museums that are owned and operated by not for profit organizations and open to the public. Percentage of Net Revenue 26.764 23.978 percent of the two percent tax. T# fiem 4he date of the budget amendment appfeval Sub - categories: C(1): County owned or operated museums: 22-9 19.214 percent C(2): Municipal owned museums and museums owned and operated by not for profit organizations open to the public: 4.764 percent CATEGORY D To acquire, construct, extend, enlarge, remodel, repair, improve, maintain, operate or promote one or more fishing piers which are publicly owned and operated. Words Underlined are added; Words Stfuelc -Thfeegk are deleted. Page 3 of 7 CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -3 New Business 4 of 7 Percentage of Net Revenue Amount budgeted for this category by the Board of County Commissioners each fiscal year, but not to exceed $200,000.00. This amount may be amended upwardly or downwardly prospectively from the date of the budget amendment approval, provided that the amount of the aggregate allocation per fiscal year does not exceed $200,000.00. It is the intent of this division that the above uses shall be funded separately, but simultaneously in the above percentages regardless of the actual amount of net revenues collected. (2) The additional one percent tax revenues (3rd percent) collected pursuant to Section TWO (F) shall be used to finance beach park facilities, beach improvement, maintenance, renourishment, restoration and erosion control including pass and inlet maintenance shoreline protection, enhancement, cleanup or restoration of inland lakes and rivers to which there is public access as these uses relate to the physical preservation of the beach, shoreline or inland lake or river. (3) The additional one percent tax (4th percent) collected pursuant to Section TWO (G) shall be used entirely to finance tourism promotion including advertising, public relations, promotion, research and fulfillment. It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners to maintain this new level of tourism promotion dollars in the future. (4) The Disaster Recover Advertising Fund will eeMiffue to be finafteed the 23.2360,4 e € —the 294 tax to maintain a maximum level of $1 millie $500,000.00. Should the fund fall below $500,000.00, the fund_ shall be replenished up to a maximum of $500,000.00 per fiscal Year from the General Fund. At the end of each fiscal a le,.,.,aini ftmds ., 4 e 23 23694 f•tl, M 1 11 11 a41 ,�Vi41, M11J� Vllliillllllg l{1.lIR 204 tax- after-- f;,1 -fil-k ,.ent e f the abe..e „ the 23 236% of the 204e ♦., uses .:11 bee "B" it is the intent of the dellafs in the ftitwe, Words Underlined are added; Words Stmt are deleted. Page 4 of 7 CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -3 New Business 5of7 (4) (5) Administrative costs. a. Tourism promotion administrative costs (Fund 194) shall not exceed 32% of the total amount collected each fiscal year for Category "B" revenue. This amount may be amended upwardly or downwardly each budget year provided that the amount of the budget does not exceed 32% of the total Category `B" revenue. b. Project Management Fund 185), Indirect Overhead, and Program Administration in support of Fund 195 (Beaches) and Fund 183 (Beach Park Facilities) shall not exceed 15% of Category "A" revenues. These charges to be split 75% to Fund 195 (Beaches) and 25% to Fund 183 (Beach Park Facilities). This amount may be amended upwardly or downwardly each budget year provided that the amount of the budget does not exceed 15% of Category `A" revenues. (A) (6) The revenues to be derived from the tourist development tax may be pledged to secure and liquidate revenue bonds in accordance with the provisions of Section 125.0104, Florida Statutes. Such revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds may be authorized and issued in such principal amounts, with such interest rates and maturity dates, and subject to such other terms, conditions and covenants as the governing board of Collier County shall provide. This paragraph shall be full and complete authority for accomplishing such purposes, but such authority shall be supplemental and additional to, and not in derogation of, any powers now existing or later conferred under law. (6) (7) The event bonds are issued by Collier County for any of the purposes enumerated by the Tourist Development Plan, the amount of tourist development tax receipts used to pay debt service on such bonds may exceed the percentages provided for the purpose for which such bonds were issued; provided, however, the maximum annual debt service on such bonds, together with any other obligations of Collier County which were issued to finance improvements for the same purpose and which are secured by the tourist development tax, must not exceed the stated percentage of tourist development tax receipts provided in the Tourist Development Plan for such purposes, as calculated as of the date of sale of such bonds. For purposes of performing the calculations described in this paragraph, the amount of tourist development tax receipts shall be assumed to be the amount provided as such in Collier County's immediately preceding annual audit, plus, if the levy of such tax was imposed or increased subsequent to the beginning of the period which was audited, an amount equal to the estimate by the County Manager of the moneys the County would have received if the tax imposition or increase had been in effect during the entire audit period. At or prior to the issuance of bonds the County Manager shall provide a certificate as to the findings required in this paragraph, which certificate shall be conclusive as to all matters provided herein. Words Underlined are added; Words StFaek ThFough are deleted. Page 5 of 7 CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -3 New Business 6of7 "A" Beael Park Farailifies Fund 183 shall be malleea4ed to Fund 184 to be used fer.- at which time this provision %ill expire and be ef ne ftwthef fer-ee er- effeet uMess Geunt-y Fund 195 shall be malleeated te Fund 184 te be used fer- desfinatien marketing f f period f o e e year ffe vet .. «.et „f tMs a e ...7ment ' at ..,1.:A time this .. ;11 expir-e and be of ne fuMeF f Fee a eff et unless ftH4he.. w0eftded by the Beafd. s Reserves ftem County Ftmd 195 shall be Fealleeated te Ftmd 184 te be used for- AH4her- ex4ended by the Bear-d. er-ganiza4ions open W the e 44-) (8) The above and foregoing tourist development plan may not be substantially amended except by ordinance enacted by an affirmative vote of a majority plus one additional member of the Board of County Commissioners. SECTION TWO: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. Words Underlined are added; Words Stmt are deleted. Page 6 of 7 CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -3 New Business 7 of 7 SECTION THREE: INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinances may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such, and the word 'ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or any other appropriate word. SECTION FOUR: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by a vote of a majority plus one of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of , 2013. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: eo�ll�eenM. Greene Assistant County Attorney By: GEORGIA A. HILLER, ESQ., CHAIRWOMAN Words Underline are added; Words Stmak 44wet+gl3 are deleted. Page 7 of 7 -.ham rviay V, cu 1 j VIII -4 New Business 1 of 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve Category "A" Tourist Development Council Grant applications from the City of Naples, the city of Marco Island and Collier County for FY- 2013/2014 in the amount of 17,024,593 authorize the Chairman to sign grant agreements following County Attorney's approval, and make a finding that these expenditures will promote tourism. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of Category "A" Tourist Development Fund 195 Grant Application requests for 2013/2014 in the amount of $17,024,593. CONSIDERATIONS: Received TDC Category "A" Grant Applications as follows: FY 2013/2014 FY 2012/2013 PROJECT/DESCRIPTION! DL 111TUQr1rV71 nT Ili TT CTTT 1. Regulatory and Permit Compliance VL'V11'�L 1%L' uL'a1rL Sea Turtle Protection Program - Collier County $160,000 $160,000 Beach Tilling — Collier County — 80171 $40,000 $ 15,000 Physical Beach & Pass Monitoring - 90536 $206,000 $200,000 SUB -TOTAL $406,000 $375,000 2. Pro'ects Collier County Beach Renourishment $15,000,000 SUB -TOTAL $15,000,000 3. Beach Maintenance Beach Maintenance — Collier County/Marco Island — 90533 $167,000 $109,570 Naples Pier Annualized Repair & Maintenance — City of Naples — 90096 $ 475,000 $ 80,000 Beach Maintenance — City of Naples- 90527 $132,945 $ 76,850 Vegetation Repairs/Exotic Removal — County Wide — 90044 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 SUB -TOTAL $849,945 $341,420 4. Administration Project Management and Administration $517,548 $487,500 Indirect Administration Costs $ 46,100 $149,700 Department Rent $ 10,000 Division Fiscal Support $ 70,000 Tax Collector Fee's (2.5 %) $ 125,000 $120,200 SUB -TOTAL $ 768,648S 757,400 TOTAL GRANTS $17,024,593 Reeulatory and Permit Compliance: All these items are required by FDEP permit, required by law or required to maintain critical programs between required permit activities. Approval is recommended. Planned Proiects: may a, IV IJ VIII -4 New Business 2 of 2 Collier County Beach Renourishment - $15,000,000: The next major beach renourishment project (Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples Beach) Beach Maintenance - $849,945: Exceptional beach experience for our residents and visitors has been at the heart of our success in the past. These items are required to maintain that experience. Approval is recommended. Administration - $768,648: This item funds County staff to manage the projects, maintain the beaches, administer the program. It includes the Manager; an Office Manager /Accountant; a Field Supervisor/Project Manager; and two equipment operators to clean and maintain the County and Marco Beaches ($517,548). It also includes Administrative Indirect Fees required for administrative functions like purchasing, information technology, motor pool and human resources ($126,100). Current rent ($10,000). Division Fiscal Support ($70,000). Charges for the Tax Collector are also included ($125,000). Approval is recommended. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 2013/2014 proposed Beach Renourishment Fund 195 budget appropriates funding for these grant applications. The source of funds is Category "A" Tourist Development Tax dollars. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be presented to the TDC at their May 2013 meeting. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: RECOMMENDATION: To recommend approval of the attached Tourist Development Category "A" Grant Applications for FY- 2013/2014 in the amount of $17,024,593 and authorize Chairman to sign grant agreements after County Attorney's approval. PREPARED BY: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Manager, Coastal Zone Management Department CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -4* New Business 1 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Collier County Sea Turtle Protection Program/Environmental Compliance 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Collier County Parks and Recreation Department North Collier Regional Park 15000 Livingston Road Naples, FL 34109 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Barry Williams, Director Address: 15000 Livingston Road City: Naples, FL, 34109 Phone: 239 - 252 -4035 FAX: 239 -514 -8657 Other: 239 - 280 -7035 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Barry Williams, Director Collier County Parks and Recreation Department 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: The following activities require coastal construction permits from the State of Florida and thus a sea turtle monitoring program. 1. Beach nourishment; 2. Construction, excavation or maintenance of coastal inlet and related shoals; 3. Beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high -water line. 4. Beach cleaning following a red tide or storm event. The following excerpts from current regulations (Chapter 16B -41 Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits, Florida Administrative Code), provides for the scope of the permitting process and protection of marine turtles as it relates to the aforementioned activities. 16B- 41.001 Scope This chapter provides the requirements and procedures for the issuance, denial, transfer, renewal, modification, suspension and revocation of coastal construction permits. In this Chapter Coastal Construction is defined as "any work or activity on or encroaching upon CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -4" New Business 2of23 sovereignty lands of Florida, below the mean high -water line of any tidal water of the state, which is likely to have a material physical effect on existing coastal conditions or natural shore and inlet processes." 1613- 41.0055 Protection of Marine Turtles (Florida Administrative Code) (1) In keeping with the Departments Authority to protect marine turtles pursuant to Section 370.12, Florida Statutes, any application for a permit under this Chapter for coastal construction that affects marine turtles shall be subject to the conditions and requirements for marine turtle protection as part of the permitting process. (2) The Department shall require appropriate measures to protect marine turtles and their habitat, such as: nest surveys, nest relocation, nest marking, modification of coastal construction, measures to reduce sand compaction, and short and long term monitoring to assess the impacts of the permitted coastal construction on marine turtles and their habitat. The Parks and Recreation Department, marine turtle permit holders for Collier County, monitor the following beaches for sea turtle activities as State and federal permit requirements for beach renourishment, beach raking, allowance for the use of vehicles on the beach for surveys, beach cleanup following a red tide or storm event and special events . Barefoot Beach: construction, excavation or maintenance of Wiggins Pass (only that area included within the area of influence of Wiggins Pass; 1 mile north of Pass south to Wiggins Pass); pass material disposal location ( renourishment); beach cleaning following a storm event and red tide Vanderbilt Beach: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Wiggins Pass and Clam Pass); beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high -water line. Park Shore: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Clam Pass and Doctors Pass). Upland sand temperature studies as required by the State. City of Naples: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Doctors Pass and Gordon Pass) City of Marco Island: construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Big Marco Pass and Caxambas Pass); Beach nourishment; Hideaway Beach T- Groin; beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high -water line. The duties and associated costs of the program are as follows: 1. Administrative /permitting 2. Reconnaissance and beach zoning including installation and maintenance of DNR location reference monuments for CZM and Sheriff department 500 feet increments along 26 miles of beach 3. Daily monitoring (7 days /wk./beach -April 01 -May 01 depending on renourishment schedules through Oct.31) 4. Evaluation, mapping and data entry CAC May 9, 2013 VIII -4* New Business 3 of 23 5. Responding to sea turtle disorientations (associated with renourishment and beach profile, as required by the State) 8. Reports (Sea Turtle Protection Plan- Annual Report; special reports per each beach nourishment and T -groin units, Index Nesting Beach Reports (Vanderbilt); State Productivity Reports, Beach Compaction Reports) 9. Mobilization/demobilization - 10. Vehicle maintenance- ATV's , penetrometers, data loggers 11. Supplies- acquisition, maintenance, inventory 12. Sand studies including beach compaction, sand temperature and ground/surface water studies and associated reporting requirements 13. Dune vegetation monitoring and exotic removal 14. Nest relocation in construction areas 15. Monitoring and reporting of escarpments 16. Additional studies required as required State/Federal permits (Florida Statute Chapter. 161-053 F.A.C. Chapter 62b -33) 17. Stranding reports and removal. of injured, sick and dead sea turtles from all County beaches (average 50- 100 /yr). 18 Public awareness- news media and public speaking upon request. 19. State mandated beach lighting compliance inspections and follow -up 21. Assist with maintaining rope and posting along the dunes 22. Other duties as requested by CZM Department 23. Provide technical assistance and respond to data requests from coastal engineering consultants upon request. The purpose of this application is to obtain funds to perform the requirements of a sea turtle protection program in the specified locations. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2013 6. Estimated project duration: One (1) year 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $160,000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No ( X) may a, cv 1 v VIII -4" New Business 5 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Tilling 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252 -2966 FAX: 252 -2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Georgia Hiller, Esq., Chairwoman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Beach tilling is required by FDEP permit and is performed directly prior to turtle nesting Season. Tilling is paid on an acre basis for re- nourished beaches. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2013 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $40,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program /project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X ) No ( ) Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Beach Tillint? PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share TOTAL AMOUNT 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services TOTAL $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 rvIay ZY, cv 1 a VIII -4* New Business 6 of 23 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date lA1lJ Ividy a, LU 10 VIII -4' New Business 7 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Physical Beach and Pass Monitorine — Entire County 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manazement Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252 -2966 FAX: 252 -2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Georf?ia Hiller, Esq., Coyle, Chairwoman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item is required by FDEP permit, required by law or required to maintain critical programs between required permit activities Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2013 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $206,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program /project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X ) No ( ) Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Physical Beach and Pass Monitoring — Entire County PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 206,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 206,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees TOTAL $ 206,000.00 $ 206,000.00 %,^L, rviay a, cu i a VII14" New Business 8 of 23 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date \.rK. IVIGy V, Z 10 VIII -4* New Business 9 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Collier County Beach Renourishment 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252 -2966 FAX: 252 -2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Georgia Hiller, Esa., Chairwoman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project - Description and Location: The next major beach renourishment project at Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples Beach. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2013 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $15,000,000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program /project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X ) No ( ) rviny a, cu lo VIII -4" New Business 10 of 23 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Collier County Beach Renourishment PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 15,000,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 15,000,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services $ 15,000,000.00 TOTAL $ 15,000,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date rviay V, cv 10 VIII -4* New Business 11 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Cleaning — Collier County/Marco Island 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manazement Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambriaht, Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252 -2966 FAX: 252 -2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Georgia Hiller, Esq., Chairwoman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item is required to maintain the beaches and is recommended for approval 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2013 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $167,000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program /project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X ) No ( ) Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Beach Cleaning — Collier County/Marco Island PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share TOTAL AMOUNT $ 167,000 $ 167 000 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Labor and Materials $ 167,000 TOTAL $ 167,000 �,m, rviay V, cu i" VII14* New Business 12 of 23 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date rviay a, e I VIII -4" New Business 13 of 23 yea FINANCE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE (239) 213 -1820 . FACSIMILE (239) 213 -1805 735 EIGHTH STREET SOUTH o NAPLES, FLORIDA 34102 -6796 March 27, 2013 Gail Hambright, Accountant Coastal Zone Management Office 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples FL 34104 RE: City of Naples - Submission of TWO Grant Proposals; FY 2013 -2014 TDC Category "A" Applications Dear Ms. Hambright: Enclosed please find an original signature copy for each of two applications. The two applications are respectively submitted under the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee's Category "A" grant program. The applications are formatted to capture all the information suggested by the program guidelines. The applications were approved by resolution for submission by the City Council at their March 20, 2013 meeting. The approval resolution is available Capon request. The two applications are for funding to support, 1) Naples Beach Maintenance project, and 2) Naples Pier Annualized Repair and Maintenance project. Our project leader, Joe Buscaglia, would be more that pleased to discuss any aspect of these applications. The City of Naples is concerned with sustainable economic growth for the region. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, r Greg Givens, Grants Coordinator City of Naples - Finance D p rtment 735 8th Street - South Naples- Ff., 34102 O lice: (23 7) 213 -1816 g&'4v'n' u (q',crxn 3 mlas <aary t l ant s' - l�iii fi %.i ��� %- :T''.Jr ... ,/. �� - ✓✓ r ✓/ %.� Jar r %� .v /.v'�... r —. till /!� iii rr //'J % /�r�� iii.:. r/. %,M-- rviay a, cv 10 VIII -4* New Business 14 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION 2014 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Naples Pier Annualized Repair and Maintenance (Project Title) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: City Of Naples 735 Eighth Street South Naples, Florida 34102 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: David Lykins, CSD Director Address: 280 Riverside Circle City: Naples State: FL ZIP: 34102 Phone: 239/213 -7110 FAX: 239/213 -7130 Other: dlykinsrmnapleseov.com 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Hon. John F. Sorey III City Mayor 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: • Description: The activity description for this project includes labor and material for the upkeep and safety of the pier. Also included are costs for substantial re- decking of the entire pier and new boardwalk lighting. The pier is a public access beach facility as a tourist attractor and destination. The pier provides shoreline erosion control and beach preservation effect. Additionally, the public safety through the continued maintenance of the pier is of paramount importance. Repair and maintenance issues include responsibility and public safety of pier structure, deck, restrooms and storage facilities as well as water and electrical systems related to the pier's use as a fishing, tourist and beach preservation structure. • Location: The project location is at the 12 Avenue - -. South terminus beach end. Please refer to Project I,ocation Map found in :Exhibit A. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2413 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: S 475,000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program /project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) %,M%, away a, cv 10 VIII -4' New Business 15 of 23 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Naples Pier Annualized Repair and Maintenance (Project Title) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ _475,000 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL 475,000 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) _Pier Maintenance & Materials $ 80,000 New Pier Decking - Labor S110,000 New Pier Decking - Materials $_275,000 _New Pier Boardwalk Lighting - Labor $_4,000 _New Pier Boardwalk Lighting — Materials $6,000 TOTAL S 475,000 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. A. William Moss, City :Manager Date rvway a, cu 10 VIII -4* New Business 16 of 23 EXHIBIT A ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ELIGIBILITY: The pier structure is no more than one -half mile from a public beach facility, public access point, and hotel or motel facilities and is on a beach area classified as eligible. ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY: The City of Naples will be the primary recipient and lead agency for controlling and completing all aspects and activities proposed in this grant application. The City will remain the lead agency for the duration of funding and will be the sole point of contact for all matters related to this proposal. The City has the managerial and financial capability to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project described in this application. BUDGET ASSURANCES: Dual Compensation: If City project staff member or consultant is involved simultaneously in two or more projects, the staff will not be compensated for more than 100% of their time for any such dual involvement. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: rviay a, cv 1 o VIII -4* New Business 17 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION 2014 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Naples Beach Maintenance (Project Title) L Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: City Of Naples 8th Street South 735 Naples, Florida 34102 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: David Lykins, CSD Director Address: 280 Riverside Circle City: Naples State: FL ZIP: 34102 Phone: 239/213 -7110 FAX: 239/213 -7130 Other: dl kinsLa; °na )lcs ov.com 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Hon. John F. Sorey III City Mayor 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: • Description: This is an on -going TDC funded project for support of maintain on local beaches. The City in recent years has taken over the upkeep and grooming of TDC eligible beaches from the County. Under this project, the City removes litter, accumulation of algae, and rocks along public access beach portions of the Gulf within the City's jurisdictional limits. This is a benefit to both residents and tourist populations, and is beneficial to the preservation of the sand beach and shoreline. This year's request includes 1) maintenance, custodian, and trade workers salary and benefits for beach and. ancillary facilities, 2) equipment fuel & maintenance, and 3) beach cart. J • Location: Signification coordination of effort continues between the City and Collier County concerning beach maintenance. The project boundary location is from southernmost State- permitted beach cleaning area within the City's jurisdictional boundary to Clam Pass in Collier County. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2013 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $ 132,945 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program /project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (x) No ( ) Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Nantes Beach Maintenance (Project Title) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share TOTAL $ _132,945 $ _132,945, PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) _Maintenance / Custodian / Trade Worker Salaries _Equipment Fuel & Maintenance —Beach Cart TOTAL S _132,945 S113,945 $,7,000_ S_12,000- S $ rviay a, cu 1 a VIII -4* New Business 18 of 23 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. _ ti A. William Moss, City Manager Date %am%, IVRIy U, LU 10 VIII -4* New Business 19 of 23 EXHIBIT A ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ELIGIBILITY: Beach Maintenance activities will take place on beach area that are least 80% classified as eligible under the TDC guidelines. The project boundary location is from southernmost State - permitted beach cleaning area within the City's jurisdictional boundary to Clam Pass in Collier County. ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY: The City of Naples will be the primary recipient and lead agency for controlling and completing all aspects and activities proposed in this grant application. The City will remain the lead agency for the duration of funding; and will be the sole point of contact for all matters related to this proposal. The City has the managerial and financial capability to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project described in this application. BUDGET ASSURANCES: Dual Compensation: If a City project staff member or consultant is involved simultaneously in two or more projects, the staff will not be compensated for more than 100% of their time for any such dual involvement. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: %,M', rveny a, cv 1 VIII -4* New Business 20 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Vegetation Revair/Exotic Removal County Wide 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252 -2966 FAX: 252 -2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Georgia Hiller, Esp., Chairwoman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Dune planting and exotic removal greatly contribute to a healthy beach environment. Each year the county sets aside $75,000 to repair dune vegetation and remove exotics on all our county beaches. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2013 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $75,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program /project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X ) No ( ) Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Vegetation Revair/Exotic Removal County Wide PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share TOTAL AMOUNT $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Planting/Removal TOTAL $ 75,00.00 $ _75,000.00 iway V, cv 10 VIII -4* New Business 21 of 23 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date LIM, rviay a, Z i o VIII -4' New Business 22 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Fund 185 Administration 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manaaement _Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252 -2966 FAX: 252 -2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Georgia Hiller, Esq., Chairwoman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item funds County staff to manage the proiects, maintain the beaches, administer the programs It includes the CZM Manager; an Office Manager /Accountant; a field supervisorv/Proiect Manager; and two Equipment Operators to clean and maintain the County and Marco Beaches. Included is rent and fiscal services from department fiscal staff. It also includes Administrative Indirect Fees required for administrative functions like purchasing, information technology, motor pool and human resources Tax collectors fees are also include in this item. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2013 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $768,648 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program /project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X ) No ( ) Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Fund 185 Administration PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share TOTAL 768,648 $ _768,648 _ PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Funding 185 Administration $_ 517,548 Indirect Administration Cost $ 46,0100 De artment Rent $ 10,000 Division Fiscal Support $ 70,000 Tax Collector Fee $ 125,000 TOTAL $ r 768,648 rvway Z2, cV 10 VIII -4* New Business 23 of 23 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date l�/11.r IvRly .7, f IJ VIII -5 New Business 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to reject all bids received for Invitation to Bid (ITB) 13 -6076 Collier County Beach Renourishment Project; re- solicit the project with target volumes per beach segment; reduce bid acceptance /validity timeframe; approve the project price submittal form and bidding approach; approve a sand placement renourishment approach and make a finding that this project promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: Provide for a competitively solicited and effectively executed beach renourishment project. CONSIDERATIONS: l.Bid Solicitation 13 -6076 for the 2013/14 Beach Renourishment Proiect — Bid solicitation 13 -6076 Collier County Beach Renourishment Project was publicly posted in the Purchasing Department on 3/5/2013; 1,568 vendors were notified electronically; 97 vendors electronically downloaded plans. On 4/22/2013, three (3) bids were received by the required posted deadline; one (1) no bid was received accompanied by an explanation. All three (3) bids received were from truck haul contractors; two (2) of the truck haul bids were deemed non - responsive by not providing all the required bid pricing or information; and, the third bidder was deemed not qualified having no prior experience or background with beach renourishment. No dredge contractors bid on this project. The County received correspondence from one dredger that explained the lack of bids was due to confusion with the bid quantities, the bid form and the exact sand quantities required for each beach segment. A number of contractors also expressed concern that the bid acceptance timeframe was too long at one hundred eighty (180) days. A clarifying "no -bid" letter dated 4/22/2013 was submitted by Great Lakes Dredge and Dock (Great Lakes) and is included as Attachment A. This letter articulates the dredging community's requirement to have definitive target volume quantities by beach segment in order to supply responsive and competitive pricing. It also suggests that County retain the ability to add or deduct up to 25% of the volume quantity of any beach segment without adjusting the unit price. Great Lakes also suggested that the bid acceptance timeframe be reduced to the industry standard of no more than 60 days. These changes would provide the quantity flexibility that the County desires and also provides the dredgers a timely work commitment period during this critical workload bidding/booking period. No bids by the dredging community severely limit the Board of County Commissioners options in evaluation, award and execution of this project. County staff recommends that all bids be rejected and that this project be re- solicited with specific target volumes by beach segment and a reduced time acceptance timeframe of no more than 60 days. 2.Tareet Volume Quantities and Recommendations — Atkins Peer Review analysis of Coastal Planning and Engineering's volume design confirmed that 387,000 CY's of material rviay V, cV 10 VIII -5 New Business 2 of 3 was required to be placed on the Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples beaches to achieve a six (6) year design life project. Additionally, Staff has always stressed that the final renourishment quantities would be adjusted just before actual renourishment with a comprehensive pre - renourishment survey. Staff has estimated these project adjustments in order to project the most accurate target volumes. These adjustments are summarized in the Target Volume Summary Table included as Attachment B. After adjustments are made for the future sand bypassing of Doctors Pass, the difference between the six year design life design and the 2006 unmodified template design for the Naples beach segment is less that 15 %. The final renourishment volumes will be confirmed prior to renourishment when the beach survey is completed. Additionally, these adjustments will also reflect any final decision regarding sand placement for Pelican Bay along with any additional dredge quantities and renourishment adjustments south of Doctors Pass. With these adjustments applied to the Atkins Peer Review quantities, staff is recommending that Vanderbilt Beach be bid with a target range of 53,000 CY's; Park Shore with a target range of 120,000 CY's and Naples beach with a target range of 164,000 CY's. These segments total 337,000 CY's without the addition of the Pelican Bay beach segment. Pelican Bay was not included in the original scope and if renourished, will reimburse the County for the prorated costs associated with this work. If Pelican Bay elects to renourish its beach, the overall Target Volume will increase by 25,000 CY's to an entire project total of 362,000 CY's. 3.Bid Form and Format — The Collier County beach renourishment project is partially funded through FEMA grant PW 1146- Tropical Storm Fay, and has a number of procurement requirements, which must be included in the competitive solicitation process and is therefore incorporated into the proposed bid format. To maximize the potential FEMA reimbursement, this project is being bid and invoiced as two separate components. Both components will total the overall renourishment Target Volumes Summary table identified as Attachment B. The Tropical Storm Fay bid form is included as Attachment C and identifies reimbursement quantities approved by beach segment. This section will include all the costs associated with the contractor mobilization and demobilization, beach tilling, environmental monitoring and pipeline moves. This segment also includes approximately 89% (155,228 CY's) of the 174,576 CY approved by FEMA for TS Fay beach renourishment. The balance quantities are in areas that have experienced accretion since TS Fay. The remainders are the prorated portions for sea turtle trawling, turbidity monitoring and construction surveys. The second component is the remainder volume of the 2013/14 renourishment project that is to be completed with TS Fay's component and listed as Attachment D. Staff is also recommending that this project be bid with the stipulation that the unit prices per beach segment be held firm with a volume variation of +/- 15 %. Staff is also recommending rviay W. cu I') VIII -5 New Business 3of3 that the Truck Haul bidding option not be incorporated into this solicitation but rather be available as a secondary option to offset any price variance above the +/- 15% price threshold or to assure reasonable pricing. FISCAL IMPACT: Regardless of the final design volumes or bid format, this project will be scope managed to meet the available project funds in Tourist Development Council Fund 195 to complete this work. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: No impact to the growth management plan would result from this Board action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Both the Coastal Advisory Committee and the Tourist Development Council have approved Target Volumes by beach segment in the past. Additionally, both these Advisory Committees have recommended approval of the Atkins Peer review which has identified target volumes for renourishment by beach segment. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, is legally sufficient for Board action, and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1.Reject s all bids received for bid solicitation 13 -6076 (2013/14 Beach Renourishment Project); 2.Re - solicits the project with target volumes per beach segment as follows: • Vanderbilt Beach — 53,000 CY's • Park Shore Beach — 120,000 CY's • Naples Beach — 164,000 CY's • Pelican Bay Beach — 25,000 CY's 3.Solicitation will d irect a +/- 15% volume variation without price change; 4.Adjust Tar get Volume as needed with a pre - renourishment survey approved by the BCC; 5.Reduces the bid acceptance /validity timeframe from 180 days to not to exceed 60 days; 6.Approve the proj ect bid forms and bidding approach; 7.Defe r truck haul as a secondary bidding option; 8.Recognize that the p referred renourishment timing is outside of turtle nesting season; 9.Make a finding that this projects promotes tourism. Prepared by: Gary McAlpin P.E., Manager, Growth Management Division Attachments: A) Great Lakes Dredge and Dock letter dated 4/22/2013; B) Target Volumes Summary table; C) Tropical Storm Fay bid form; D) Remainder Volume of the 2013/14 renourishment project; E) Power Point Presentation Attachment "A" Great Lakes 2122 York Road Dredge & Dock Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 $g N Company, LLC 630 574 3000 630 574 2909 (fax) April 22, 2013 Ms. Joanne Maddewicz Interim Purchasing Director Collier County 3327 Tamiami Trail E Naples, FL 34112 Re: Collier County Beach Re- nourishment Project County Bid No. 13 -6076 S,twtegent of No Bid Dear Ms. Markiewicz: Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, LLC ( "GLDD') has elected not to bid on the above referenced project. We note that GLDD bid on, was awarded, and successfully completed the last major beach re- nourishment project performed for Collier County in 200512006— which was of similar scope to the current project. Although we have the equipment capable and available to perform the project within the required contract period, we have determined we are unable to accurately cost and/or price the project based on the current bid schedule. We also have major concerns about the 120 day bid validity period, which is far beyond industry standard and beyond that which we can commercially maintain our price. GLDD is the leader in the U.S. dredging industry and we look at every project as an opportunity to serve our clients and employ our equipment. It is an extremely rare occurrence that we do not bid a project that our equipment is capable and available to perform. We unquestionably want to bid your project and have on numerous occasions engaged both your Attachment "A" Collier County Beach Re- nowisbment Bid # 13 -6076 Page 2 of 4 office and the Engineer to make suggested changes to the bid form and/or specifications that would allow both the prospective dredging and the trucking companies to competitively bid the project, as well as provide Collier County the flexibility to award a project that is the most beneficial to your beachfront communities. To date we have been unsuccessful in facilitating the changes required to properly cost and price the project. Bid Schedule In order for dredging contractors to accurately and. competitively estimate and bid a beach nourishment project, the Owner/Engineer must identify the beach fill placement location , and the estimated quantities over that location. Most contracts, as does this contract, allow the owner to vary the quantity a nominal percentage in order to account for the dynamic beach system or to adjust the desired amount of beach fill based on available fiords or other needs. Please see the attached bid schedule from Collier County's Bid No. 05 -3854 in 2005, which definitely provided the estimated quantities for each beach segment. The contract in 2005 similarly allowed the County to add or deduct up to 25% of the quantity for any segment without adjusting the unit price. This bid format used in 2005 provided a definitive basis for GLDD to estimate both the cost of placement the material over the specified location and also the risk associated with the potential variation in the bid quantities. At issue with the current bid schedule is that, while it provides a Base Bid quantity of 174,576 cubic yards to be placed on Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples Beaches, the drawings and specification do not provide definitive quantities for each of the .beach locations, nor a template design for the Base Bid quantity. The amount of material to be placed over each beach location along with a definitive design template are both key factors in estimating the cost of the work. Please note that our estimated unit costs for each of the three beach segments are vastly different, and thus the quantity placed at each beach segment is necessary to calculate the Attachment "A" Collier County Beach Re- nourishment Bid # 13 -6076 Page 3 of 4 composite unit cost for the total Base Bid quantity of 174,576 cubic yards. Except for Alternate Bid Item 5, which basically forms the full scope of the project, each of the Bid Alternates provide the same uncertainty for which the cost cannot be definitively estimated. Bid Alternates 2, 3 and 4 are all reduced scopes of work, again without definitive breakouts of quantities and locations for the material to be placed, and therefore cannot be accurately estimated or priced. Further, we note the requirements of paragraph 10.2 of the bid documents which states: "Alternate Bid Pricing: In the event that alternate pricing is requested, it is an expressed requirement of the bid invitation to provide pricing for all alternates as listed. The omission of a response or a no-bid or, lack of a submitted price may be the basis for the rejection of the submitted bid response. An bids responses received without pricing for all alternates as listed will be considered technically non - responsive and will not be considered for award " Therefore, GLDD would be non - responsive if we priced only Alternate Bid 5, for which the specifications do provide a definitive-scope of work. Because we cannot definitively cost nor price the Base Bid, nor Alternate Bids 2 through 4 as discussed above, we must decline to bid the project as presented. Bid Validity Period The contract requires all bids to remain valid for 120 days after the bid opening. This is an excessive duration for a contractor to maintain what is essentially an uncertain commitment, especially when the final scope and duration of work to be awarded is unknown. Due to this uncertain commitment, an apparent low bidder (or bidders) may ultimately not be awarded the contract or be awarded a vastly reduced contract months after bid, potentially having to pass on other opportunities. Conclusion Although GLDD has successfully completed an almost identical project in 2006, the current bid schedule does not form a definitive basis for us to cost or price the project. This Attachment °A" Collier County Beach Re- nourishment Bid # 1.3 -6076 Page 4 of 4 along with the excessive bid validity period compels us to decline to bid on your project. We would be pleased to work with the County to develop a solution that will allow GLDD and other contractors to competitively bid your project. We provided a simple suggestion for amending the bid form, similar to the 2005 solicitation, in an email to Mr. Scott Johnson on April 17, 2013. We believe that if such a bid form were provided, and if the bid validity were reduced to no, more than 60 days, then GLDD and others would be able to submit competitive bids for your project. We appreciate the invitation to bid on your project and please keep us in mind for this or any future projects. Sincerely, GREAT LAKES DREDGE & DOCK COMPANY, LLC Samuel R. Morrison Vice President / Area Manager — South Atlantic f Attachment "A" Collier County Beach Renourishment Bid No. 05 -3854 SChaduln ref Rid MsraQ Bid Item No. Units Unit r Subtotal BASE Blb — Construct Beach Fill Hydraulically 1. Mobilization/Demobgizadon 1 L.S. 3. Payment and Performance Bond 1 L.S. Beach Fig 4. Dredge Sand from Borrow Area, Place and Grade at Vanderbilt Beach R22.5 -R31 109,119 C.Y. 5. Dredge Sand from Borrow Area, Place and Grade at Pelican 1131 -113 63.209 C.Y. 6. Dredge Sand from Borrow Area, Place and Grade at North Park Shore 43.5 -R48 45,714 C.Y. 7. Dredge Sand from Borrow Area, Place and Grade at Park Shore R48 -854.5 140,021 C.Y. 8. Dredge Sand from Borrow Area. Place and Grade at Naples Beach R58A R79 315,188 C.Y. 9. - Beach Tilling 45,670 L.F. Beach Fill Subtotal $ Environmental Montiorin 10. Set Buoys for Pipeline Corridor P1, Pumpout S Booster Locations L.S 11. Set Buoys for Pipeline Corridor P2, Pumpout & Booster Locations 1 L.S 12. Set Buoys for Pipeline Corridor P3, Pumpout $ Booster Locations 1 L.S 13. Set Buoys for Pipeline Corridor P4, Pumpout & Booster Locations 1 LS 14. Turbidity Monitori ng L.S. Environmental Monitoring Subtotal Offshore Sea Turtle Moniiori Ho r D on 15. Mobigzation/Demobibstion Turtle Trawler 1 Event 16. Relocation Trawling 5 Da 17. Endangered Species Observer 1 L.S Sea Turtle Trawling Subtotal $ BASE BID — TOTAL $ GO-P -2 1. =3 E .. t 1 1, ) E 0 0 1 1: 1 b 1! ro t7 F' M e�-I O Ln L N I � ,. 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