December 11, 1996
3:00 P.M.
3301 East Tamiami Trail
Council Sharon Hanlon Excused Members: Ronda Saunders
Members: Sheldon Reed Mike Davis
Bob Laird Paul Gunther Mohr
Tim Smith
Roger Evans
Bob Schank
Palma Fuson
Fay Biles
Gary Young
Others: Jorge Aguilera
Barb Brown
Juan Ortega
Jeff Page
Leo Ochs
Diane Flagg
The regular monthly meeting of the Collier County EMSAC committee was called
to order at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 11 , 1996 by Bob Laird, Chairman.
Sharon Hanlon mentioned her name was omitted from the excused members on
the November minutes. This change will be corrected.
Leo Ochs, Support Services Administrator discussed the ambulance billing report
sent by John Yonkosky, Director of DOR. For the last fiscal year the days out
(lag time) had been running 30 to 45 days. Our target is for a 15 day difference,
we are at 21 days now, which is a difference of 6 days. Through November 30,
the report shows $153, 000 short of the pro-rated revenue budget for this fiscal
year. November billings were in excess of $625,000. Which was an extremely
good month. December should get this back on schedule. FY 96/97 budget of
$3,450,000. Is extremely ambitious but DOR will work to complete this figure.
Bob Laird wanted it noted that John was doing a great job.
Station #1 & #15 are both up and operating in the City of Naples. Sheldon stated
a little challenge as they are running off two dispatch systems. Target is to have
someone on scene within 4 minutes, and this is being done. Everyone has heard
positive feedback.
Station #23 (951) is being used for 12 hours a day. Bob Schank stated they are
still looking at the lease and it probably will not be completed until after first of the
year, he also feels the living quarters for the medics are to small. Diane's concern
is they are only in station #23 12 hours a day, then they go back to a delayed
response at Medic 9 in the evening hours.
On Marco with the 3 member team they are responding enroute mode on fire
Jorge Aguilera is putting together a Pre-hospital trauma course, this will be two
day course and will be held though out January. When completed it will be a two
year certificate. Flyers will be sent out on this course. The Captains program is
going well. Different issues are addressed every month.
Channel 54 has done a segment on the Department of Emergency Services which
included Ochopee, Isle of Capri, and Helicopter Operations and EMS, and should
be coming up in the next 30 days.
Meeting with East Naples Fire Department tomorrow to explore response
Diane read some thank you letters from Montana, Executive Director of Manor
Care reference recent fire evacuation, and Naples Registry.
Fay Biles stated at the last Fire District meeting they are reporting on how many
times the 3 man team goes out, it was 69%. There was a problem with staffing,
but that should be corrected now and the 3 man team should be going 100% of
the time.
Bob Laird inquired to the status of the updated by laws that were unanimously
approved by the committee. Diane informed the group they have gone to the
attorney for final corrections.
Meeting adjourned.