November 13, 1996
3:00 P.M.
3301 East Tamiami Trail
Council Palma Fuson Excused Members:
Members: Roger Evans
Fay Biles
Mike Davis
J.P. Gunther-Mohr
Rhona Saunders
Gary Young
Bob Schank
Bob Laird
Frank Davis for Sheldon Reed
Others: Theresa Reisen Unexcused members: Tim Smith
Jeff Page
John Yonkosky
Diane B. Flagg
Leo Ochs
Jorge Aguilera
Juan Ortega
Barbara Brown
The regular monthly meeting of the Collier County EMSAC committee was called
to order at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13, 1996 by Bob Laird, Chairman.
Chairman Laird would like for the October minutes to reflect the following change
under the topic of Complaint Process. The second sentence says Bob Laird and
Gary are not interested in reviewing the departments complaints. It should read
Bob Laird and Gary are not interested in reviewing the departments fees, not
complaints as written. The minutes of the November 13 meeting were then
Chairman Laird commented on the attendance policy. If it is impossible for
someone to attend a meeting they should call the EMS Secretary and let her
John Yonkosky, Director of the Department of Revenue, handed out a brochure
on the comparison criteria for the ambulance billing.
Bob Laird would also like to let everyone know the attendance guidelines will be
• enforced. If you cannot make a meeting it is your responsibility to call the EMS
Secretary and let her know you cannot be in attendance.
Meeting adjourned.
The report encompassed the following three areas - Collection Percentage and
how it is being calculated, Service Dynamics and what services are being
provided, and Cost - start up and capital.
Collier County has historically used a percentage of cash collections to gross
billings. The Department of Revenue percentage for 96 was 83%, for 97 the
budget is for 85%. FY 1996 as a % of net billing was 87%. Lee EMS for FY96
was 89%. 89% is a net billing. Net billing % calculations reduces gross billing by
contractual adjustment. Accrual comparisons and accounting methods are not
used in either Lee or Collier Counties.
Collier County has been using gross figures for collection statistics where
Ambulance Billing of Ft. Myers uses net after adjustments in Lee County . In the
past Collier County only billed individuals and not insurance companies.
September 27, 1994 the billing system went to third party billing. 1995 was not a
good year, going through a learning period. In 1996 Revenue Services did the
billing and they received 83% of moneys billed. For 1997 the Commissioners
have set the budget at $4,050,000. To make an accurate comparison accrual
bases should be used. John would like to be able to provide a date of service
bases for referral to the board.
Ambulance Billing of Ft. Myers average for percentage of collections from October
to September, 1996 was 89% but this was based on net billings to cash
collections. Collier Counties was 87%. The difference is identified in hardships
being written off in Lee County and not being written off in Collier, EMScan
transmission, patient signatures, patient demographics, ALS/BLS billing and
mileage billing, cost of collection and 31d party insurance.
Lee County receives $5.00 for report request, & Collier County receives $2.00 for
each report request, John is looking into increasing the fee for Collier County.
John went over the startup and monitoring cost between the two companies.
1996 revenue was $2,647,393 and cost were $193,815 for a 7.3%, projected for
1997 is $3,450,000. with cost $175,000 for a 5.1%. If they take the capital outlay
out of $23,900 for software then the percentage for 96 would be 6.4%.
Rhona Saunders stated she felt John has done a terrific job in turning the
Revenue Services around and felt they no longer needed to look at an outside
agency. Roger Evans stated privatization is not always the answer and he felt
John was doing a good job. Mike Davis felt the DOR was doing a good job and
would like to receive updates. He questioned the special events, but John stated
they will all be received it was a matter of billing in one month and the receivables
coming in at a later date.
Roger Evans made a motion that a statement be sent to the Board of
Commissioners that the EMSAC committee is recommending, after careful study
analysis, to retain the Department of Revenue for the ambulance billing.
On the 18th of November the three man concept will begin in the City of Naples.
This will be in addition to Station 15 which will be housed at City Fire Station #2.
Our Medic #1 Station by Naples Community Hospital will be relocating to City Fire
Station #1 on Eighth Street. The MOU is done with the City of Naples and
Fay Biles stated they are still receiving complaints on Marco in reference to three
engines going to a call with the police and ambulance. Jeff said they are working
on a revision of the original agreement do to the staffing levels this had to be
Frank Davis, a representative of the City of Naples, said on a fire alarm they are
sending the first engine and the first rescue truck that accompanies that engine
with lights and siren, the rest of the equipment goes without lights and siren just in
case the fire alarm turns out to be something bigger.
EMS has also moved into fire station #23 on 951 and for now we are there from
9:00 AM to 6:00 PM then they go back to station #9. A lease agreement is being
worked on so EMS can build an actual station in one of the bays.
Mike Davis commented on an exchange team from England that visited helicopter
operations and one of the stations. It was very informative and would recommend
any of the members to do this. Bob Laird suggested they also call and make
arrangements to ride with a supervisor.
Bob Laird has a fax from Sharon Hanlon asking about the task force that was to
go to Jacksonville to meet with Medicare reference increasing the base rate of the
billing process. Rhona said they never went to Jacksonville however; there were
several conference call meetings with Medicare from John Yonkosky office. It
was concluded that a lot of questions would be raise if we asked for a special
exception. Diane felt initially that asking for this special exception would work. but
the committee's conclusion, and Diane agreed, that they did not want to raise any
questions or pull an audit and they would leave things alone and catch up next
Jeff let everyone know that Medicare will be coming down, not to do an audit, but
to go over the requirements they need. Now routine transports and response
generate a Medical Necessity Form to be filled out. They want to explain to the
paramedics why this form is needed and what information they want.
Bob Laird also brought up the By-laws and stated they needed to be approved.
The committee would like the CHSI spelled out to say Collier Health Services, Inc.
They would like for Diane to follow up with the attorneys on these corrections and
the approval.
cusg_orERAT1OHS MANUAL CHATTER P-8, SEe✓;I;Ott_;z,,:PAGE 7
3. All CIR forme shall hp reviewed by ea supervienr•, Agent, or
administrator, within the ENS deiartment, signed And dated
by all parties revipvins..
4. ENS piermnnn e 1 hand 1. i nu CUR complaints Abell be given
specific direct.I nn on hnw to prode*s comp)c 1 nt.,4 to r►r more
S. fn >a quarterly basis, the EMS department 4vt 1 1. report
orally or in writing to the EMSAC on tho number of e;1 R forme;
filed during that time period, the nature of the complaint,
and the resolution if applicable. The CIR forme shell be
made available to EMSAC should a need arise or A request be.
made. Patient names will be deleted to assure
confidentiality, or consent will be given by the patient
authorizing releemse of the information.
6. All complainants will be notified of their right to an
appeal before the EMSAC, should they be dissatisfied with
the outcome suggested by EMS.
7. Al]. appeals to EMSAC must be in writing with a copy of
the CIR attached, and a consent form signed by the patient,
or authorized agent, to release ase information to EMSAC.
S. The appeal deadline to EMSAC is not to exceed 60 daye
from the date of the EMS decision.
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