Minutes 10/09/1996 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE ADVISORY COUNCIL (EMSAC)] INFORMAL MINUTES October 9, 1996 3:00 P.M. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES HEALTH BUILDING 3301 East Tamiami Trail Council Rhona Saunders Excused Members: Mike Davis Members: J.P. Gunther-Mohr Palma Fuson Sharon Hanlon Bob Laird Unexcused Members: Bob Schank Gary Young Sheldon Reed Roger Evans Tim Smith Fay Biles Others: Diane B. Flagg Jeff Page Leo Ochs John Yonkosky Barbara Brown The regular monthly meeting of the Collier County EMSAC committee was called to order at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9, 1996 by Rhona Saunders, Chairman. The minutes of the August 14, meeting were approved. Rhona Saunders, Chairman welcomed new members Fay Biles, District 1, Tim Smith, District 5, and Gary Young Representative of the Sheriffs Department. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Bob Laird was nominated by Paul Gunther Mohr for Chairman. Rhona Saunders was nominated by Sharon Hanlon. The vote was 6 to 2 for Bob Laird. Mike Davis was nominated by Paul Gunther Mohr for Vice Chairman, seconded by Rhona. The vote was unanimous. Chairman Laird gave his thanks to the committee and stated in his opinion the EMSAC Board is an Advisory Board to give support to the EMS Department and that Director Flagg is doing an excellent job and the committee is here to help her in any way possible. Department of Revenue John Yonkosky, Director Department of Revenue, handed out a report on the ambulance billing through September 30. A discussion followed on the report. John stated the Department of Revenue collected $147,393 over the amount budgeted. He also stated the DOR budgeted amount to collect for F/Y 96/97 will be $3,250,000 and $200,000 from prior years revenue. As of 9/30/96 $1,318,895 has been turned over to collection agencies. Accounts are turned over to collection agencies after 180 days. The total Gross billings for FN 95/96 were in excess of $3,000,000. Special Events charges were $16,012.50 and collected amount was $5972.15. Roger Evans asked if there was a prepayment connected with the Special Events. Bob Laird requested John look into the possibility of prepayment. EMS DEPARTMENT REVIEW Diane B. Flagg, EMS Director, presented to the committee EMS brochures, documents on three member team with the City of Naples, and Marco Island, a newspaper article on the City of Naples EMS-firefighter plan, a copy of the proposed by-laws, and the updated list of the EMSAC Advisory Council Members. Diane reviewed the EMS - City of Naples firefighter plan. The city expressed concern with the $302 charge. One councilman would rather not bill the city residents. The cost per assessed $100,000 property value is $20 a year. If no billing was incurred the cost would be $50.00 per $100,000 property value or a millage rate of 0.5 mills. The three member team response; one 911 call, one Paramedic vehicle with 2 Paramedics and one firefighter, is in place and doing well on Marco Island & Everglades City. Medic #14 moved into East Naples Fire Department Station #23 on 951 on October 7, 1996. They will be at the station during the day and at night the unit moves back to Medic 9. The City of Naples will implement this procedure in November. EMS will be moving into the two City of Naples fire stations at that time. A magnetic sign will go onto the ambulance stating and "Naples Police and Emergency Services Department Medic #14". EMS has just received 4 new replacement and 2 additional growth vehicles. They are the mid size units with a larger chassis that handles much better. The life expectancy of these units is 7 to 10 years rather that 3 to 4 years with the older models. They are much more cost effective. EMS is participating in the Protective Services Week at Coastland Mall from October 9 through October 13 from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Perry Medic is there to entertain the children and scenarios will be starting at 7:00 p.m. 75% of the paramedics have been trained and received certification as basic firefighters to help the local fire departments if needed during fire responses. DISCUSSION OF BILLING OPTIONS: Paul Gunther-Mohr brought up the presentation of Ambulance Billing of Ft. Myers and the Department of Revenue in August. He thought the committee was to make a determination on the presentation. He felt this should be looked into to in more detail, as he felt there was not enough of the same information on each group was obtained to make a recommendation. Rhona Saunders proposed to defer any action until the DOR has more time and keeps a closer look on things. Sharon Hanlon disagreed and would like to keep a closer look on things. Gary Young reminded the committee it was not a decision for them to make, that a decision to replacement the billing with another service would have to come from the Board. Paul Gunther-Mohr stated the committee would make a suggestion to the Board and that he remembered hearing Ambulance Billing cost to do the billing would be 6% while the DOR was 10%. Also their collection rate was a lot higher than the DOR. Roger Evans stated the DOR is supported by other cost being injected into the department, if money would go to a private vendor, that would be lost money. John Yonkosky stated the Lee County staff gathers all the insurance information for the Ambulance Billing of Ft. Myers. This is not a service that is required of current staff so this information is not available for the DOR and he doesn't mind if a comparison is made, however; he would like for the comparison made to be accurate for both parties. COMPLAINT PROCESS Rhona Saunders said according to the EMS By-laws it is the committee's responsibility to review the complaints received each month by the EMS Department. Bob Laird & Gary are not interested in reviewing the departments complaints. Sharon Hanlon and Rhona felt differently. Roger Evans stated this could be an attempt to identify a trend. Diane noted that almost all of the complaints she receives are by way of the Naples Daily News, Letters to the Editor. She investigates the call and then usually follows up with a letter and a EMS brochure. Diane said she would provide the committee with a summary of complaints each month. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Chairman Laird ask the committee to review the proposed by-laws and the committee will take action on these by-laws at the November meeting. Rhona Saunders would like a brief review each month on what is happening at EMS. Meeting adjourned.